The Sevan Podcast - Hydrox World Record w/ Hunter & Hiller #920

Episode Date: May 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Air Mile. I'm not. Oh, I'm gone. Oh, there I am. Oh, look, there's Caleb Tiny. Oh, just the way I like Caleb. Oh, that's nice. Now I'm in the center. I'm gone. Oh, there I am. Oh, look, there's Caleb tiny. Oh, just the way I like you. Oh, that's nice. Now I'm in the center. I'm gonna have to fix my camera. Bam. We're live. Yo, bam. We are fucking live. Hello. What's up? I can't hear you. Can you guys hear me talking? Hyrex is like talking. Hyrex is like talking
Starting point is 00:01:23 golf. Why can't I hear anyone? You muted him. Oh, good. My favorite kind of. Yes, yes. Oh, you got a haircut. I did. It was needed.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Barry McOchner. Talking Hyrex is like talking disc golf. Yeah, you won't talk that shit when Hunter's in here. Sure. Oh, no. You know what I really want to talk want hunter about is how he feels about the semi-final workouts as a games athlete i don't know if that's going to be the route you want to go with him or not i don't give a fuck i just want this 90 minutes to go by as fast as i can my life is so fucking good that i have like six things like that I could be doing right now
Starting point is 00:02:05 that are all fucking amazing. But then because I'm such a fucking scumbag, I put them in a hierarchy and what normally would have been a good thing is now a shitty thing. Do you know what I'm talking about? This is at the top of the list. Well, I wasn't,
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'm not going to tell you what's at the top and what's at the bottom, but I'm just telling you, it's like, it like it's like um you said you have so many good things and I have six cakes in front of me which one should I eat I am just my life is too good it's crazy did seven already talk about mal no I haven't we haven't we hillary and I haven't that is going to be a fucking interesting conversation you haven't talked about her at all no oh you hate greg on mostly this morning yeah people are like i asked greg about mal oh i can tell i'm a little feisty today are you are you uh i was about to attack the uh viewers i was about to attack the viewers i
Starting point is 00:02:56 shouldn't do that oh i can't even bring him in thunder ham dude you like that name? Dude, Thunder Ham is a solid stage name. It is amazing. I'm going to make just a couple edits to it. I hope you don't mind. Capital T, capital H. Are you okay with that? Thunder Ham. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I got invited to the Pornhub Awards a couple weeks ago, and I decided not to go. Why? It was a huge mistake because I was trying to pretend like i'm a professional athlete which is a is a thin term these days and uh oh i'm so glad you said that mate let's hold on let's make that a topic professional athlete okay go on and i fucked up i fucked up big time i somehow have become friends with uh dj diplo he lives out here in in malibu and he's into fitness and stuff and yeah that's cool anytime we're just talking he will randomly send me some stuff and i'm like
Starting point is 00:03:51 what did you just say he's like yeah i'm hosting the party for the pornhub awards and i was like dude you need an extra six shooter with you because things could get dangerous yes yes and you turned it down because you're a professional athlete. A.K.A. Thunderham. Because I had to come up with an alter ego. Like, how do you show up at a party like that? You're like, what do you do? I'm like, I'm a pro athlete.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I'm like, wait a second, that's lame. I'm Thunderham. The pro athlete. No, I'm Thunderham the porn star that nobody knows about that should break the screen. Hey, I'm Bun Boy the porn star. And that's not a good name for me, Bun Boy. Oh, shit, bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I need something cool now. Dude, when did you get a bun? Bun Boy. Just now, just a few minutes ago. Yeah, baby. Yeah, thank you. I knew you'd appreciate it more than the average. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:04:41 The viewers were just being – they were running out of good nose jokes. I thought I'd give them a bun. Man buns are – it's a line, and you're riding it. That's cool. Have you ever thought about a rat's tail? I think that's – Hey, I probably have that too because I can't get all my shit up. What's the name of that new singer?
Starting point is 00:05:04 His name is something Bunny? Bad Bunny. Bad Bunny. Like Bad Bunny is the kind of guy that will start the trend of a rat's tail and he will make it cool unless Thunderham hits the scene first. Heidi, there were a lot of things you could have said.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Look at that front bead. That would be cool. Dangerous. He's got to get that nose ring too. I know he loves it. Have you ever seen that snake that hides in the rocks and it moves its tail and makes you think that it's like a worm or something and you get close and boom. I thought that was a fish that did that.
Starting point is 00:05:36 A fish hung something in front of its face like this. Look at this dude. He's a genius though. Him and his PR team have developed a hairstyle that basically does the same exact thing. No wonder he's at the top of the charts. Do you think that there is a parallel? Let me ask you this. Someone invited you to go to the Pornhub Awards.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Oh, there it is. Thank you, Caleb. Nice. Good find. Someone invited you to the Pornhub Awards, and you had to go through a thought process to decide whether to go or not to go. Do you think that that was similar to the process that Mal O'Brien went through? Like, here you have Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Should I go to Pornhub or not? And here you have Mal O'Brien. Should I go to semifinals or not? Do you think you guys used the same – what are those charts called where you draw the line? You like this, right, Hiller? It's one of those things where there's two circles and there's a place in the middle that meets. And it's like, how much are we aligned on?
Starting point is 00:06:31 No, not a Sven diagram or a Sven. But one of those, you say yes and it goes down here. You say no and it goes over here. I know it's good for me, but I'm a professional athlete. I know I really want to go to the Ford Awards, but I'm up at Thunderham over here. That's what Mal is doing, right? I don't think we're in the same thought process at all.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I'm on the back end, and she's in the front. Has she won the CrossFit Games yet? No, she was going to win them this year. Which she decided to drop out? Hold on, that's true, right, Hiller? She was going to win them this year? Correct. Why did she drop out? We don't know. Well, well we know but everyone's pretending like they don't know it's a very loose instagram post which can lead you down the rabbit hole of
Starting point is 00:07:15 i love vague posts yeah it's a cry for help i don't know i i don't know the girl well enough i'm not picking on her at all but I don't ever read anybody's captions because that's where the danger happens how do you feel about this? word is it was going to be a test positive on a drug test I don't know dude that's coming from a naked dude on the internet
Starting point is 00:07:38 Ken put your shirt on stop talking about young girls there's no way that's what it is my speculation on that topic is they've got access to things that they don't even know to look for or they're too smart to be in that position only the dumbest people ever get
Starting point is 00:07:57 caught like that there's no way I'm looking at the AVN awards for best anal it's too hard to find I put in best anal porn award It sent me to 2019 I don't think we should be having these conversations
Starting point is 00:08:11 Aligned with an 18 year old's name so closely Did you decide not to go to the Was it the AVN awards Adult video I think they just brought it back I think there was a gap And did you decide not to go because you thought you would like partake in activities like drugs and shit that you
Starting point is 00:08:28 would influence affect your ability to perform at the highest level in your last kind of hurrah to do high rocks i just know that if i showed up that i'd be a star i've been avoiding that world for a long time knowing oh it's too good for me. Wow. I was meant for that. You were actually? Hey, that is a fucking fact. I would love for you to take Hiller there and try to corrupt him. God, that would be great video.
Starting point is 00:08:56 The Pornhub Awards? You and Hiller at the Pornhub Awards would be amazing. Hiller is so inappropriate and he doesn't even know it. Magnus is giving me all these backhanded compliments. Suck it, Magnus. I'm not an adult. You look like an old shit.
Starting point is 00:09:12 An old shit or an old ship? Yeah. He looks like those old boats that have been put up on the docks. They're just up on those stands and they're covered in barnacles and mold. They're gonna fix it. They're gonna get to it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 You, you go into a CrossFit stadium, you know, quite a few CrossFitters, right? Because you either watch it or you've been there. You see Matt Frazier, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:36 Fikowski, you go into the Pornhub awards. How many people do you know? Nobody really. I think you're in a sad place in your life when you start to know porn porn stars by name like i think everybody knows like the male porn star johnny sins that's exactly who that guy is that's magnus i've never i don't know any porn stars except debbie are you kidding me yeah i just think that debbie does dallas debbie does dallas there's a couple
Starting point is 00:10:02 names across the like the board like everyone's heard of Jeremy, whatever, Ron Jeremy, Peter North. And those are just people that are like, that like were, you know, just thrown to, you know, what's crazy based on the metrics. If you look at the most visited sites, porn stars should be really the biggest stars in the world because the amount of views that they're getting is so far trumps these guys doing Marvel movies and chicks doing marvel movies like if you're a porn star you've been seen probably more than any other human on the planet for sure you might not want to admit they've seen you though i would for sure sylvester stallone you'd know them better than almost
Starting point is 00:10:40 anybody because you've seen all of their angles and you've been staring at them for too long in the dark hey some i have friends who will refer to um porn athletes to me by name athletes that's exactly that's exactly the category i've fallen that's under him under him the porn athlete uh i'm sorry i got some wires crossed uh porn porn i don't porn uh thespians by name and i'm always kind of a little insulted like why would you be insulted it's just a conversation no i i don't because i have to be insulted by something or else i'd fucking be jesus so that's what i've decided to be insulted by and it's like how the fuck would i know how the fuck would i know who porn star's name was
Starting point is 00:11:21 which is a good conversation you live in a town full of porn stars. You probably have shared a house, that place that, that camp Malibu you go to, there's probably porn stars in your camp. I'm being drop dead honest with you guys. I have almost seen zero porn stars in the 11, 12 years I've been in LA.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I actually wouldn't even know. I know. Come on, dude. Like, you know, like you've seen one or two of them. Like it's just like the same way. I don't know actors by their names by any means.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Like if I – last night we were at a steakhouse. Pierce Brosnan walked in. Some other movie star walked in. All of these movie stars were walking in. I didn't really know them by name except for Pierce Brosnan. He's 007. And my buddy was like – How old did he look?
Starting point is 00:12:00 How old did he look? Dude, you dropped Trout for him in an instant. Yeah. He's a silvered, handsome man. He's just got a shine on him. Dude, he looked so fucking good. He was wearing kind of a suit jacket like that, and he had one of these attaches.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Is that what they call it? It's not a scarf. It's a little bit different. And he looks so good. It was a showstopper. He looks like the dude from Star, Star Trek or Star Wars or fucking X-Men. The bald dude in the wheelchair. If you shave this guy bald,
Starting point is 00:12:35 he looks just like him. Hey, Hunter, I bet you Hiller doesn't know who this guy is. He's in the Thomas Crown Affair. Yo, wow. You don't know who Pierce Brosnan is?
Starting point is 00:12:44 I just told you I know who he is. He used to be a famous TV star. You know, Hiller really doesn't know. This guy's barely on Hiller's radar. Hiller only does... TRT and Bench Press? Yeah, he's in Black Adam. I know him.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He's in Bench Press. Told you, 1999, Thomas Crowder Fair. And he's in a video game with James Bond. Hiller has a box office threshold. Like, if it doesn't make a certain amount of money he he don't know dude you you're getting dropped a fair amount of dough this is pretty solid how much show how much dough do you make um how much three thousand dollars a show 52 show 52 shows a month for 15156,000 a month. That's what I make. Just give me a straight number here.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Like, what could we be expecting? You and Hiller? No, I'm just saying for this show right now, what are you going to probably pull out? You never know. One of you guys could say something, and it could just start raining money. I don't know how these fuckers work. You got $799. You got $999.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I saw another tip in the beginning. This dude always donates money. This dude's cool as shit olsen dudes even this guy might even have my phone number i think you're gonna break a hundred yeah what do we got what do we have to have you do in order for it to be a hundred dollars drop that's the question whenever i whenever i do lives i say hey guys if i get over 100 viewers i'll take my shirt off if i get over 200 users i'll take my pants off and then i'll t-bag the screen um have you ever t-bagged the screen we're shorts right now t-bagging used to be i was the king of t-bagging in military school you didn't want to be any near anywhere near this thing it
Starting point is 00:14:21 was dangerous how do you think i got through military school? When I was in military school, I waited like a hundred. You set your balls on a dude's face before? Dude, it's like a, it's harder than a, it's harder than a punch. You gotta understand, that is dangerous. And I, dude,
Starting point is 00:14:33 I was the smallest kid in military school, so you had to have this, you had to have a little bit of screws loose so the people didn't fuck with you. God, I would have hated you. Yeah, did you do titty? Did you do titty twisters too? That was the whole point.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, no, dude. Do you want to know what my move was? When people fell asleep, basically, if you wanted to fuck with people, you'd leave your door unlocked and you'd basically let people know, like, tonight's the night. If you want to have your roommate taken out,
Starting point is 00:15:01 my move was I would take a lotion bottle and I'd stuff it up your nose and hold the back of your head and go pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:06 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:07 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:08 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:08 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:08 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:09 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:09 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:09 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop,
Starting point is 00:15:09 pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, like, listen, do you guys want to be a victim or do you want to be an asset? And they joined the team.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Wow. The lotion nose team. Dude, I mean, you had to be a vicious bastard. Military school was tough. I bet. Yeah, I don't regret it at all, though, dude. I learned a lot. I had to grow up really quick.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Dude, look at this. We are going to hit. We're going to hit $100 for sure. Hey, Heidi brought up the fact that we're already at $200, so you've got to take your pants off. Really? Yeah, we're at $241 right now. How is that possible?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Let me ask you this. Oh, no, he means money, not viewers. Hiller, I thought you didn't like compression shorts. These are jean shorts. But underneath, I saw some compression. I said I've worn so many compression shorts that I'm under the impression that it has taken away the recoil of my ball sack. I thought the other day you got some shorts in the games box,
Starting point is 00:16:18 and I thought they looked amazing, and you didn't like them. Built-in underwear is the worst thing ever created. And you've got blue lemon pants i can't stand them i don't know i like to have play with i wear i wear um i wear tights there's a company called pack terror someone just mentioned them they're awesome tights yeah they're tights i mean do my beef gets all cooked up down there i i always have like bloody inner thighs always it's all cooked up yeah dude it's it's terrible i don't have that big of legs either so i don't know where all the heat's being generated from hunter and i collabed on an only fans banana hammock bench press yeah i don't know who that is i don't know
Starting point is 00:16:59 who the fuck that is trying to do it part of my life you know any porn stars it's weird seeing it's we uh lucky cameras oh lucky cameras uh did you see we played your podcast on our podcast the other night we stole some of your content what does that mean camera strap this this guy was live and while he was live we played his live show on on my live show nice have you guys you know what i've been learning about is this red pill movement and how creepy this culture is? The red pill culture? Tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I'm part of the red pill culture. Tell me how creepy we are. Did I just open up a can of worms? Dude, this is so fucking weird. So I'm always studying marketing, and I'm trying to find the people that are beating the internet currently. And one of the groups that is – yeah, Liver King. Like you have to really start to study these people because if you ever want to be able to control the internet, you have to find out who's done it before you. So if you start to study these people with the Red Bull movement, aka the reference to Neo, blue, you stay asleep.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You stay in the life that you're in. Red, you come awake, and you have to be born to the struggle. But if you break through, you'll be aware. Wow, thank you. Nice. That was nice. Concise. So these guys, Cobra.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. So these guys have all these movements. And there's a divide. There's two groups. There's actually probably a couple subsects. But these groups of dudes are basically trying to tell you that the world has these like hypercultures of like you know superior beings running everything and you need to like find a way to fracture off then there's this other culture of like just he-man woman haters these dudes are like all women are the devil they're part of the red pill movement um what wait what there's a what what no no no no
Starting point is 00:18:41 this is what we're talking about who what's is what Zach Tellender was talking about. Who? What's that? Zach Tellender was talking about this with you on the show. Like a different understanding of this red pill, blue pill thing than what you knew. And you fused at that point too, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's bullshit. Hey, that's just a psyop to try to – it's like QAnon. It's like started by the Dems in order to make the Republicans look crazy. It's just – listen. Can I ask you a question real quick, Hunter? Miller Lite is saying that they regret the fact that they used women in bikinis for their ads in the past.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Dude, those were the greatest. A Miller High Life girl used to live above me. Shit was awesome. When they say that, what I hear saying is is that they find the female form disgusting and that they hate fucking women dude they should give back all that money that they made off those titties who wouldn't want to see a woman in a bikini but some people see as hating on a woman in a bikini as part of feminism and as part of standing up and it's part of standing up for women so i'm'm just curious, how do you see it? How do you see it? I mean, dude, listen, I think almost every guy who's probably listening to this
Starting point is 00:19:51 likes to hang out with babes drinking beer, and even other babes want to hang out with babes drinking beer. So what's the hang-up? You don't want to drink beer with babes? He's blue pill. He's blue pill. He hates women's bodies. Are you still dating that girl? Yeah, I'm engaged to her. Oh, jesus he's engaged to her hunter how dare you say he's just dating he's engaged he's engaged it's his fiance that's right that's right did you guys start out by drinking beers together no really you just had that boring of a life
Starting point is 00:20:21 you guys just like slammed each other's hips into barbells and then did it later in the bedroom slam something all right fine you guys are odd that's why we're made for each other i'm sure most people probably are super into the beer drinking you don't even have to be into the beer drinking to appreciate the commercials that's what i'm saying if you think that women in bikinis is disrespectful to women, I go straight to the fact, why do you think women's bodies are so disgusting? What's wrong with you? What's your hatred towards women? That's where I go. Please don't lump them into one another because women in bikinis, I'm on board with. The beer drinking, those aren't one and the same.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's fine. Fine. Forget the beer drinking. We can sell TRT with women in bikinis. That's just like CrossFit and FitAid. They go hand in hand. Hanging out with babes and beers, pretty common. Except for people who are fucking weird, like you.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I don't know. I don't know if what you were just saying is part of the red pill culture, but I will tell you right now, I was really excited about the Amber Heard, Johnny Depp court case. And now I have a new obsession, this culture, the red pill culture.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah. I'm just going to dig deep down in the hole. I'm going to try to like penetrate into some of like the weird groups and find out where they're at and what they're talking about. I'm excited. I'm going to become an investigative journalism. Red pill culture is like true hippie shit it's what the hippies want it to be yeah really i'm telling you i'm the king of i'm the
Starting point is 00:21:50 president of the red pill culture i'm the ceo do you have your own group yes of course i do fuck that's dope thank you let's see you you don't have a manifesto though that's where you're fucking up every single one of these guys at the manifesto. Are you talking about like what's the Andrew Tate? He's one of them. He's probably the one who got to the top, but I think he's refined because he got all the way to the top. He's had to refine his messaging so he could be more of a global interest. Name other people like that.
Starting point is 00:22:22 At the manifesto you're talking about. This guy's a fucking weirdo. He clearly was hurt badly and I am not trying to insult him by any means, but, um, this dude is called the unplugged alpha and it's by Richard Cooper. He's a guy who's grown. He's one of them.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Um, I can't really figure out the name of the, I just kind of like follow on these podcasts and these weird kind of creepy Instagram things. But if you look up that Richard Cooper guy, he's one of those creeps. This is the name of the group, by the way. Sevenistas. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I mean, dude, look at that. That's a fair amount of ratings just to let you know that like, like there's a lot of so this dude hates women this dude hates women he doesn't necessarily hate women but he just lets you know how big of an issue women are and that you should probably just like jerk off in a room do bicep curls and up your bank account and then women will be just like a side he calls like hanging out with chicks spinning plates it's a no bullshit guide to winning with women and life. Have you read this? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I listened to it immediately. It's a quick read, but I mean, when I say read, it's a quick listen. In reality though, you have to pay attention. These things are growing so quickly. And if you want to just have something to nerd out on, this is my new hobby. I'm just like, what the fuck are these people talking about? Don't read red pills for me me i love a good red pill i was obsessed with crossfit a couple years ago now i have to find a new obsession i'm gonna read that book have you read the game by neil strauss oh yeah that was one of the things i got into about six months ago because i was like
Starting point is 00:23:59 if you can sell a girl on sleeping with you can sell anybody to buy your products and like one of the things that they one of the things that they study is, um, and they, they use to pick up girls is basically hypnotism. So like, let's just say I'm like sitting there talking to you and I'm like killer, I want you to think right now. And I clenched my hands and I want you to close your eyes. And I want you to think about the best place you've ever been and who's right there next to you. What does that person look like? All these kinds of things. And now I want you to open your eyes and I start talking to more. And the next thing I'm trying to elevate in you, I clench my fist again. And I keep on capturing that same experience and that same feeling that you went through when you went into
Starting point is 00:24:36 that place. And I keep on trying to incite you to be excited about what I'm doing. And hopefully, I'm going to get you to have sex with me. I'm ready. I'll grab my ankles now. That's a good book, by the way. I picked up the same thing. The game? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You got to get into all this stuff. Yeah, there's two of them, actually. It's a dirty game. If we three went to a bar right now and decided to go pick up chicks, you wouldn't need any of those skill sets. You just need to be somewhat entertaining um you know i would have said that you hadn't read that book i wouldn't have believed you considering the way you dress i was like this a long time ago but the peacocking thing and all of a sudden i was like fuck it's almost not cool because all these nerds are now doing it because they think it's a thing right but like i have a closet full of gold chains and
Starting point is 00:25:23 funny outfits and glasses and stuff and it's like i've always done it for me not for the girl that i'm talking to you teabag guys of course you of course you were weird before you before we've all teabagged guys i understand that it is a weapon and i will use it if i have it the thought i heard about that first in high school that there would be guys on the football team who'd be bench pressing other dudes would come up and pull their pants down and fucking rest their balls on the guy's face while he's benching if someone did that to me i would bite him off something would happen that was yeah i could see myself doing that like that liver king video from the other day there's things that are just disrespectful that liver yeah dude this this svetlana chick she says you're extremely
Starting point is 00:26:04 entertaining and that you'll have all the girls. Do you have a lot of people from Czech Republic that are watching this show? Who's he talking to? Is Hunter still on the show? No, he's on a phone call. Here you go. This is what you do when someone puts your balls on your face when you're bench pressing.
Starting point is 00:26:20 This is crazy. This is what you do. Yep. Just nothing to do with all those things how is that how did he get away with showing that on um i mean it's not real i mean they're animals so those are penises right they look um maybe i see a hell i see a helmet that That's heavy, dude. For the record, this dude is on more crap than he has ever been on. He is not off. Like he is. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I want to see if I could pin down a topic here. I think we're settled in. We're 26 minutes in. You know, before I get here, Alexis is in there with one of our friends like what do you talk about like i don't know nothing oh i i knew it's gonna be off the rails okay here we go um you started the show hunter ass saying something about a professional athlete what are your thoughts on that term who you i mean in reality, if you really think about it,
Starting point is 00:27:26 we're kind of all dancing monkeys. It's just, it depends on the size of the contract that supports it. Um, I don't know. I mean, I've been doing this for such a long time at this point, I'm doing it just to learn more about myself through the process of doing it.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I don't think I'm a professional athlete by any means. Um, I'm not professional athlete by any means. I'm not trying to be like super introspective about it, but it's just been going on for such a long time. I don't know how professional it really is. Like I set the world record a couple of weeks ago and I got a hundred dollar gift certificate and it just reminds me, it's just like, I chose this chapter of life and I'm not going to be the person that quits because it's a hard chapter to live in. So I'm just going to be the fucking biggest beast, and I'm going to create things that elevate my lifestyle because I'm smart enough to live in this chapter if I want to continue to do it. But do I feel like a pro athlete? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Like I'm going to my world championship. I leave tomorrow at 8 o'clock, and I compete next Friday. And there's going to be a lot of people in a room, and I'm going to run world championship. I leave tomorrow at 8 o'clock, and I compete next Friday. And there's going to be a lot of people in a room, and I'm going to run against them in circles and stuff. But then I have to remind myself, I'm like, what's so professional about this? So I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I have to remind myself that all the time. I have to continue to elevate myself to do these insanely hard workouts, to do these insanely hard races. But at the end of the day, I don't know how professional it really is hey so let me let me propose this to you um lebron james is professional or um a guy who runs the um the first checkpoint at like a nuclear reactor in california the guy who sits at the guard tower where cars drive in a nuclear reactor in California. Who's more professional? It's kind of weird, right?
Starting point is 00:29:10 You got to understand, one's a game and one's a job. What's the distinction? One's a game and one's a job. One's a game anyone can play. Not everyone can step into a nuclear reactor and focus on that. That's a true job. Yeah, sure they can. I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:27 technically, you have to work your way up into that place. What do you think LeBron had to do? It's still a game. It's still a game. Don't get me wrong. Technically, the dude is just in the game of nuclear plants. It's a game, too. No. I was going to ask more what's on the line. What's on the line if LeBron
Starting point is 00:29:44 fails? He misses a payment on his mom's Rolls Royce. Nothing. more what's on the line. What's on the line if LeBron fails? He misses a payment on his mom's Rolls Royce. Nothing. There's nothing on the line. I mean, technically, there's jobs that are far more serious. Well, it's a business he's in, the NBA. It is. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:58 We're playing a game on somebody else's court. Would you rather own the court or play on the court? The people who own the court are far more powerful. I think about that all the time is that madison square garden i just i was i was focusing more on the word professional it's just it's interesting um the whole the whole professional i mean i guess in the most traditional senses if you get paid you're a professional you're a pro right that's what would make someone a pro our teacher's professional just like your average everyday third grade teacher are those professionals i think you guys are trying to get me you're trying to get me you're trying to get me to like diminish or label all these other things i'm just saying like the professional athlete the professional athlete experience for me i have to just recognize
Starting point is 00:30:42 it's all a game for me at least. Okay. Well, just so you know, I wasn't trying to diminish it. Okay. Let's move on. I'm going to move on to something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Cause I think what you're doing is fucking crazy. Is this your last hurrah with high rocks? Probably not. By the way. What's that? I saw you win that thing on Tik TOK by the way. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You were getting a lot of compliments on that post you put up recently i don't ever go around everyone tiktok you don't go on there who did it then you're your guy yeah you got a manager who puts up wait tell me tell me fill me in what's going on on tiktok and hunter it's probably just me running a race it is it's like the number one comment is like i'm more impressed by the cameramen because they're probably following you around it's the heaver thing from the games it was it was a funny comment and all the comments i love it on you like this dude's a tank and i was looking i go his legs look a little scrawny yeah yeah but you look good up top for sure do these right here those guys
Starting point is 00:31:39 yeah those are some running legs this will not be my last time doing this. I've just made an agreement with myself that I'm going to finish it out. I have until the calendar year of 35 being done until I have to retire from professional athletics. I wanted to do the paddling thing, but then I missed that qualification opportunity. So I will probably do stuff like this. As soon as I get back from World Championships, we host our own event for Battle Bunker Juneune 10th and then i hike the appalachian trail for three weeks and then i come back and i do two iron mans um in july and why why i battle bunkers the business why are you doing the iron man for training just for fun i just want to do things that scare the shit out of me so this first one's called the
Starting point is 00:32:20 sufferfest iron man uh it's technically on iron man like they can't use that term because they don't own they're not part of iron man but they're like give or take five or ten miles and you you go over top of two ten thousand foot tall passes and i got all my friends to come sign up for it so it's just going to be carnage what's the what are the mileages on those is that just a normal iron man i think it's a 2.5-mile swim, 100-mile bike, and a 26-mile run. So you lose 12 miles on the bike, and it's the same thing. I mean in reality, it's going to be way harder because of the altitude that we're at. We're going between I think 6,000 and 10,000 feet the whole time.
Starting point is 00:32:57 How many high rocks have you done? Probably like 12 to 15. And how many championships have you won? Two. And so this championships have you won? Two. And so this will be your third world title? Yeah. Has anyone else ever won three?
Starting point is 00:33:11 No. There's some good athletes there. Hey, if there wasn't CrossFit, we probably wouldn't know who Matt Fraser is. And if there wasn't High Rock Rock it's kind of interesting these you know we wouldn't know who Rich Froning is and High Rocks has become is that your biggest catapult to name recognition High Rocks no Broken Skull Ranch by far oh shit right
Starting point is 00:33:37 I will literally just be in like airports and men will grown ass men will like throw women out of the way back hey mister you're Hunter I love you I watch you in my trailer park Grown-ass men will throw women out of the way. Hey, mister. You're Hunter McIntyre. I love you. I love you. I watched you in my trailer park.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I stole a TV to watch you. I love you. How come that show's not still on? I think it was too big of a budget. It was too big of a budget. And the way that straight-to-app shows are going, I think it was too hard for them to hold on to budget. It was a massive, massive expense.
Starting point is 00:34:11 God, it looks so cheap and cool. The show is so cool. The show is cool. The show was fucking awesome, dude. I mean, that was one of the most— I think that's the most impressive athletic thing I've ever done because you never know what's going to hit you, and you just have to fight to the death against just a bunch of people that are juiced to the gills and
Starting point is 00:34:28 want to kill you yeah uh Olsen dudes $9.99 a little money to entice Sevan to do high rocks with Hillel as your partner thank you uh Trish $1.99 let's move in a new direction nude erection oh look at that that was clever does Trish ever come over to your show by the way who's chris trish who's trish a lucky camera straps australia 799 wow that's a crazy jump do you make a living from competing then you are professional dude true i i haven't made any money this year doing it so i guess i have to wait until world championships to consider myself to be a professional this year. Wad Zombie 499, I'm still waiting for Hunter to make a run at strongman. I would crush.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I find it hard to believe that Hiller's stronger than you. He says he's stronger than you. For sure he is. He's for sure stronger than me. But he can totally beat my ass in a race. I just think that the um take you up to about 800 meters if you think about it like if we spent our time and i spent like 70 of my time doing cardio and he spent 70 of his time doing strength just over time you
Starting point is 00:35:36 accumulate you know the ability to do that better what's the most've back squat in your life? 375. Oh, okay. What's the most you've ever done, Heather? 495. Oh, okay. And you put in the work for that? I think it's exactly what he just said. It's that I've spent more time dedicated towards building strength than he spent more time towards the running facet, endurance training. And what's your fastest 5 5k hunter 1454 what's your best right around 19 holy shit is that real yeah but that's what i do
Starting point is 00:36:17 wow i didn't realize you you're so fucking big person. You are a fucking mountain of a man. It's crazy. Have you never heard that story I told about him? I knew him as this gob-like runner, and I'm sitting at the Granite Games, and I'm watching him with all these CrossFit athletes. They're doing – it was like pushed a giant thing as a team of four. He was on a team of four, and he ran all the way to the front and was talking shit to everybody up front.
Starting point is 00:36:44 And then he ran back to his team and he goes, come on, guys. And then he ran back up to the front of this 400-meter track, and everyone's just dying. And I'm like, this dude is a runner. This dude is fit. Well, I had a very limited opportunity to have a good time there because everything else I was getting crushed in. So I certainly made use of the time that i had to run a little bit
Starting point is 00:37:05 i also saw you try to snatch 225 and that didn't go too well no i got 225 i got 225 twice i missed 245 uh well maybe come on hunt ken walters come on hunter i'm 60 and i do 350 is that ken walters put your shirt back on you you creep. Ken's a good dude. Jeff Baco, hello from Spokane, Washington. I'm Ben Greenfield's neighbor. I like Ben a lot. Is that the guy that snorts like tobacco and stuff? Ben Greenfield?
Starting point is 00:37:37 He's as close to being an alien as humanly possible. I saw a picture of that dude the other day, and I sent it to Josh Bridges. I said, this is what you would look like if you did meth. Let me see if I can find the – where is that? He's your buddy? Sorry if he's your buddy. Not that it's a bad thing. Ben Greenfield Christmas Fitness.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Where did that picture come from? That's not what your legs look like right now. Is it? Mine? Yeah. Oh, he's probably leaned into me by a point or two. Oh, I thought that was you. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh, Jesus. Here, look at it. It's Josh Bridges on meth. Okay. Right? You see it? I see it. Ben is a kooky-ass dude, but he's legit.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Like, everything he talks about he is about like every single thing he lives it like the liver king shit I think he's doing it when the camera's on you hang out with Ben he's doing weird shit all the time I had testicles of the liver king that's weird
Starting point is 00:38:40 whose testicles is the better question what about this Hunter what about this guy I had on my show That's weird. This is a better question. What about this... Hunter, what about this guy I had on my show? Red Pill? David Weck. Is that who I had on? Google him. Yeah, David Weck.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Thank you, Caleb. Have you ever trained with that dude? Can you show me who he looks like? Yeah. He's fucking gnarly, dude. This dude is. This dude's a bit of a maniac. Play that one in the middle right there. Play that one in the middle. Look at this shit. This guy is a
Starting point is 00:39:11 fucking maniac. What? What? Seems like a hobo workout. Hey, crazy, crazy core guy. Crazy core talk. Everything's intentional that he does. Look at how he even steps with his feet. Crazy core talk. Everything's intentional that he does. Look at how he even steps with his feet.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Everything is intentional. He's the inventor of the Bosu ball, dude. He really is? Yeah, that's the guy. Oh, he's got to be rich as fuck then. And he does some cool shit with ropes. Good for him. And he's into fighting.
Starting point is 00:39:44 He's really into fighting. you don't know who this guy is i you and him should do should collab on something as they say in the hood if you really want to see somebody who's like the most impressive dude that should be on the internet and isn't uh crazy bobby the guy who's my mentor yeah he is literally the most physically dominant person I've ever met at his age and probably throughout all of the past three decades. The dude is the liver king without having to be the liver king. You go over to his house and he makes you eat. That's like a very chamber man. Yeah, he makes you eat adrenal glands and testicles.
Starting point is 00:40:23 You show up for dinner and there's an elk cart just sitting on a plate. You're like, there's no way we're going to eat this. Then he just starts cutting it up and makes you eat adrenal glands and testicles. You show up for dinner, and there's an elk cart just sitting on a plate. You're like, there's no way we're going to eat this. Then he just starts cutting it up and makes you eat it. Is he on Instagram? I don't think so. He's good buddies with the Wodfocast podcast guys. He's a mysterious man. That is the most interesting person in fitness, and nobody knows about him.
Starting point is 00:40:45 That's what's so awesome. But I could probably get him here on the show, and he'll probably talk for hours. Perfect. Yeah. What's up? I watched five or ten seniors in high school run sub-five-minute mile last week. Eatin' beaver.
Starting point is 00:40:59 What's your best mile, Hunter? 4.34. Oh, my God. Now I'm like a 4.42 guy, guy though i'm closer to you on that with my best ever that is nuts but dude it's a difference like the mile even though it's awesome it you have enough time to allow your pistons to do the work like when you get into the 5k it's lungs like you know the analogy that i always use is like take a solo cup and then drill a hole in the bottom of it and you're pouring lactic acid in the top like eventually that thing is going to fill up and pour over the top if you're holding all
Starting point is 00:41:35 out intensity you can get away with it um you can get away with it for sure on a mile but as soon as you get into that 5k you just start to burn out really um damn right i get away with it i had i had a greg glassman on this morning and i was asking him about this high school um that uh had this insanely difficult uh pe program uh pe program it was a la sierra high school and it was during the 50s and 60s and and the guy you've probably seen this footage of the boys working out with their shirts off have you seen this yeah yeah like hopping through all like the you know all the ropes and everything like that and they had different they had different color shorts like for the different levels and i was wondering i was going
Starting point is 00:42:18 to read this to you and see if you could do this if you thought you could pass get the blue shorts the blue shorts were the highest level. Easily. I have a book that basically has like all of the physical. No, I'm saying I have a book of all the physical achievements that they're like the greatest of all time back in like the 1970s up until that point, and the scores are astronomically high. What about this? Can you do 34 pull-ups, do you think?
Starting point is 00:42:44 Right now, probably between 30 and 32 bar dips? Well, what they're saying bar dips, I think it may be the kind of thing where they're actually doing dips that are almost like tricep extensions with the, like behind them and their legs elevated. I started to do research on this stuff, but if it's regular, you don't think it's just bar dips on parallettes like this. And you basically just put your fist in your one. I started to look at these things because I started to see the records and I was like,
Starting point is 00:43:12 there's no way these guys are doing this. And I found out a lot of these guys were like putting their legs up on boxes and doing like triceps behind them kind of thing. But 52, I will not hit. I'll probably hit 35 tops uh handstand push-ups 50 see that's another thing i just don't think that's happening yeah that's pretty big what about this i've never even seen one of these this is a one-arm burpee 26 in 30 seconds yeah it's probably another gimmicky movement 300 yard shuttle run
Starting point is 00:43:48 that is pretty gosh darn quick too you can't do fucking 26 burpees in 30 seconds let alone one arm burpees right what is a one-arm burpee hey go down to the bottom and look at this one dude the five second handstand free handstand is insane no that's the easiest one on the list dude but that's still impressive for kids 45 second handstand compared to man lift and carry what's a man lift and carry five miles that's that's he you pick up hiller and you carry him five miles. Swim underwater 50 yards. I can do that. That is brutal.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Hey, but look at this last one. Stay afloat in deep water in a vertical position. Use arms and legs permitted within an eight-foot circle for two hours. That just sounds like torture. That is terrible. How long does he tread water for? Five minutes. Probably been in tread water for? Five minutes. Probably been in the water for half an hour at least.
Starting point is 00:44:49 The hardest thing that I think, and you should talk to one of the SEAL people you know, but keeping your arms out of the water and just floating with your legs is god awful. I think I did that for five minutes once, and it's the hardest thing. And they do it forever. When I first came to Malibu, I became friends with all these guys that are on the Pepperdine water polo team. And nobody thinks water polo is a sport in the East coast.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And then you get out here and you see these football players that swim in the water all the time and they're doing all this gnarly shit. And you go and do workouts with them in the water. That was awesome. Hiller. That was awesome. It actually is. I don't know what they want out of that, but it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I'm seeing stars a little bit. I kind of hit the ground. Dude, I bet you they don't even go all the way down. I bet you they come down and extend their arm, kick their legs back, and then go up. It's not a full burpee. Hey, so you're the water polo players. Oh, you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Say it again. Watch this. standard. Oh, you're right. Say it again? Watch this. Oh. Yeah, that's it. Oh, shit. Because how are you going to do that in 26 reps in 30 seconds? You're not. And hey, and how much easier would it be if you alternated hands too?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Much. Dude, you've made some fucking paper. I'm looking at your cash in hand. You're a rich man. You got to take your shirt off, dude. That's what happened at $100. I guarantee you there's that much. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Someone needs to donate some money so I can get some beef. Someone wants to. Did you see I changed your name to Sex Tornado? Damn it, dude. What happened to Thunderham? Al Logton. Thank you for the money. Mr. Smiley with the bowling ball. Hunter, this is a serious topic.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Hunter, what do you think about the top young athletes having emotional challenges? I think he's referring to Haley Adams and well, I think he's referring to everyone, but Haley Adams specifically and Mal O'Brien. What do you think about their emotional challenges?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Do you think they should party a little more and not take their training so seriously? Party? I'd say 1.0. You're giving these kids probably – these kids are probably making a quarter million to over a million dollars a year at a really young age, and they're selling selling themselves not in any kind of inappropriate way but completely on social media so their image is broadcasted all over the world so there's an enormous amount of pressure like i can't even imagine if you gave me a cell phone and a ton of cash when i was 16 17 18 i would have fucked the world up so badly so they need to have good figures in their corner first of all and. And second of all – Like parents?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Like parents? Parents. Like I don't even know if I would allow my kid to do that. I'd be like, hey, here's the deal. You can do CrossFit, but any money that you make, you're going to donate to charity. And once you're over 18, you can do whatever the hell you want and see if you still like it. Spoken from a guy who has super wealthy parents who are both physicians. But go on.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I mean I still did sports, not because my parents had money. I mean, I still did sports, not because my parents had money. I'm not suggesting you did. I'm talking about the giving away the money part, but go on, you white privilege motherfucker. Listen, dude, you go hang out in rich people's homes in Newport all the time, dude, just because you live off other people as well
Starting point is 00:47:58 doesn't mean that you ain't on the same piece of shit, dude. I ain't hating. Don't get all crazy. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. Just of shit, dude. I ain't hating. Don't get all crazy. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. I ain't hating. Just pay your reparations, bitch.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I just, I think, I think that's probably, you got to ground these people. And yeah, you're going to probably be driven to have an eating disorder if you're fucking always having to look good on camera and perform really well. Or if you don't like, you know, all of a sudden you, you know, rep something. And then all of a sudden you got like people like Andrew Hill are shittingitting on you on the internet like it's tough it's really tough like i'm a grown-ass man and people shit on me all the time and i'm like okay i have to like breathe for a second i've been doing it for a decade like you know but i'm just saying the first time i ever bumped into this 2014 reebok did a documentary a little piece about me going to Spartan race world championships.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And I remember it. I was so proud. I was a hater. That's when I was a hater. Good for you. But this is part of the reason why it was a challenging thing for me. I got my first ever taste of like, I made it.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I had a contract from a big company and people were making films of me. I was like, I think I'm a pro athlete. Now I, mine came out and dude, just hundreds, if not thousands of comments being like hunter is such a piece of shit he's not a real spartan he doesn't have kids or a job you know the rest of these dads that are competing or working their ass off it was just such
Starting point is 00:49:17 negative stuff you had a heroin habit didn't that count as anything oh my people people i people attacked me and they said that i was using cocaine as a performance enhancing drug i was like if you ever did the amount of cocaine that i did and tried to do anything um you'd know that you're a fucking idiot idiot it it chews you up so you got to be fucking you got to build this leather skin up over time dude you do how old are you 32 34 hey are you let's i'm gonna paint a scenario for you let's say that mal so so uh wad zombie none of those kids would survive broken skull ranch do you think for anyone who do you think that for anyone who doesn't understand let's just assume that mal had some uh um it was it was stress that got to her she was having trouble managing the stress
Starting point is 00:50:03 what does that mean to you in She was having trouble managing the stress. What does that mean to you in the most superficial sense? Like for me, that's like, hey, she couldn't tame the voices in her head. It was just getting so loud. Like she woke up in the morning and she could hear it. She just couldn't get away from some horrible fucking mantra that was going on in her head. Have you ever had that? Like where the noise is just so loud in your head? Is that what mental illness is to you when people say mental illness and no it's not mental illness
Starting point is 00:50:28 but it's just like a level of pressure and it's a level of attachment i bet you if you how does it manifest though tell me before you go into that how does it it's attachment it's 100 attachment but how does it manifest is it is it noise in your head is it you're shaking what's the physical manifestation of no it's noise in your head it always for me starts mental and then all of a sudden becomes so powerful it can become physical like you want like you start shaking or you want to escape the situation physically it's it's spiking off like all of the all of the good all of the chemicals inside your body are going off because you're going through such a psychological trauma in reality you know i never knew what high rocks
Starting point is 00:51:04 was five years ago and now all of a sudden high rocks is the most important thing to me in the world and you know i never knew and this girl probably never really cared about crossfit for a while now all of a sudden she has the chance to win because tia's gone now all of a sudden it completely changed because the lights on her differently before she was in tia's shadow and chasing up behind. Now, everybody's looking at her because she won the Open, so on and so forth. It's a totally different thing. And, like, nine times out of ten, I win because I'm just mentally stronger than other people.
Starting point is 00:51:34 And there's a lot of... Are you freaking out at the starting line? Are you completely freaking out? No. They're freaking out. Yeah. You're not... Really? You're not freaking out at the starting line
Starting point is 00:51:46 not really i'm in reality here's my thing like you think ufc fighters are freaking out when they as they walk to the ring i'm sure they are because they're going to get punched in the face there's some people though they get empowered by getting punched in the face and then there's some people to get empowered by starting to lose. And then they get this comeback emotion. For me, I know the only person that can beat me as me. I'm the number one guy in the world. And I've been that way for a long time. It's not like a, Oh, Hunter is so braggadocious. Like shut the fuck up and read a paper for once. Like I've been doing this for a long time. I beat everybody's ass. The only person that can get in my way is myself. Now there's other people that have to face this problem differently because they're not me. So everybody has to have a different approach. You know, for this Mal girl,
Starting point is 00:52:28 I remember the first time I showed up, I went to world championships in 2013. I showed up as a rookie and I was leading the race through mile 10. I was like, I'm beating everybody in the world. And then I bonked and I screwed up the next year because of now I had a Reebok contract. I Spartan race contract. I had all these contracts coming in and I was starting to next year because now I had a Reebok contract. I had a Spartan Race contract. I had all these contracts coming in, and I was starting to get things about me. I was like, oh, wow, dude, like you're the guy now. And it felt different. And you could tell people were looking at me differently.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And then I got my ass kicked that year. I got my ass kicked that year. I took fifth place. And I went home, and I was like, maybe I'm not so good at this. So if she gets knocked down from where she is right now, then all of a sudden she has to really check her value and check if she really is good enough. And then you have to rebuild yourself from that place, and does she have the guts to do it? I want to know what this means, this pressure thing. I really want it defined.
Starting point is 00:53:21 What – like I want it objectified. I want it so like there it is. Okay, like, I want it objectified. I want it so, like, there it is. Okay, go get a pocket knife. We're going to go cut it out. What is it? Think about somebody like Josh Bridges. Okay. Now, Josh Bridges, I don't know if this is true.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I'm just going to make this story up completely. Josh Bridges, there's a likelihood that he's had bullets shot at him. Right. So the pressure of living that vein of life is now all of a sudden you go into the CrossFit games and you're just doing like power cleans and handstand pushups. The pressure is much lower. You've been through things that are much more intense.
Starting point is 00:53:54 That's why I like going to do things like Ironmans and things like that. It makes high rocks seem so insignificant. So why? Because if you fail at the gunfight, you're dead. If you fail at this, you've just let down your, your coach. But if you fail at high rock, high you're dead. If you fail at this, you've just let down your coach. Remember what I was trying to tell you before?
Starting point is 00:54:07 But if you fail at high rock, you're supposed to win the high rocks. It's a game though. This is what I was saying earlier, the whole professional thing. It's a game. So you have to learn how to psychologically disassociate from the end thing and be a participant still in the game but disassociate. Do people start playing Monopoly because they only want to win or they want to play a game now you could probably do a really good job playing monopoly if the pressure of not winning i'll tell you a story i play monopoly and you know when it starts to get serious and people start to barter with each other and that's when the psychology of someone's really starts to show
Starting point is 00:54:45 up because now all of a sudden they're taking what is theirs and is protected which they all start out with a ton of cash they're all in a really safe place there's only opportunity and now all of a sudden they're starting to make laps and all of a sudden they've spent some of their money they've got higher risks and you start to see it it's the same exact thing in sports the beginning of the season everyone's high as a fucking kite. By the end of the season, I'm looking at fucking shadow, like just shells of human beings because they're just so shook by the level of intensity. A world championship is only a world championship
Starting point is 00:55:14 because someone calls it that. In reality, it's just like everything fucking else that we do. I've won a bunch of high rocks. Have I won two that are called world championships? Sure. What about the fact that she has a chance To beat To begin a dynasty Let's keep
Starting point is 00:55:33 She has the chance to begin a dynasty That's even scarier Look at the word you just used Right And she really is that good Right? Wouldn't you say, Hiller? She's a
Starting point is 00:55:42 She would She'd be the one to do it and again i mean she's the next greatest thing that you know we had froning then fraser and then tia and now it's this this girl like she is she's looks like that um but she how does she gonna is she gonna look back and be so pissed she didn't push through is she gonna push through i think she's not no she pulled out she's out she's out of the season she made a post she's out totally think so just imagine the pressure of this you move into the number one crossfitter in the world's like space and now he's coaching you and he probably has higher level of expectation she's getting paid more money there's just the pressure just builds
Starting point is 00:56:21 up massively right and brain's nuts and you just brought that monopoly example and imagine if if you didn't win monopoly your entire world came crashing down i bet that's kind of what she's looking at it like she's supposed to win monopoly but it's it's a game just like you were talking earlier you're reading that book and you're looking at people like the liver king andrew tate, and they're just playing the game of the internet. And they probably realize that, but there's other people where all that stuff is real. You're in your position at high rocks and everyone's saying,
Starting point is 00:56:52 this guy's not even a real, whatever the hell. And you're like, Oh, this is what people are going to say. It just depends on how you play that game. Dude. The older I get reality,
Starting point is 00:57:02 she's fucking injured. You dumb shits. Yeah. That's great. The older I get. She's fucking injured, you dumb shits. That's great. The older I get, the more I realize that everything we're doing is a game. And as soon as you can look at it with that approach, you can start to win a lot faster. And I think for somebody like that, if I had to guess, and maybe I'm overstepping, but she probably needs to get out of that bubble and probably needs to go find
Starting point is 00:57:28 a little bit of grounding with some different people that are going to structure the idea of what she's doing a little differently and she could do better you know what I heard from someone that she's gay and that she's having trouble coming out of the closet someone called me and told me that today is that a true story that is a true story
Starting point is 00:57:43 you're going to out it on this podcast? I don't want to have any association with this conversation. Hunter's gay bashing teen girls. I'm not bashing at all. I hope it's something that simple. God, I hope it's something that simple. I wish I was gay, dude. Life would be fucking cush.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Please come out on this show. Dude, I would if I could. Thank you. He's the least gay dude I've met fucking kush okay please come out on this show dude i would if i could thank you he's the least i tell everybody look at a 40 year old straight guy and a 40 year old gay guy 40 year old straight guy is on the verge of death 40 year old gay guy is literally a unicorn hey like what whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god ste holy shit. What are you talking about? Oh, hey, is he in the comment section? Who? Mr. Greg? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Greg doesn't. Are you sure? Yeah, positive. Greg plus Greg wouldn't say that. Jeez, what do you mean? Hiller's pretty gay. Would you come out on my show or on your show if you... If I were gay?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah, if you were to come out. Probably and then we talk out of the years after that's how you're supposed to do it that's how you're supposed to do it you're supposed to make the statement and then you try to get on oprah i didn't say she's gay i didn't say she's gay i'm telling you that a friend of mine who's a lesbian said hey she's struggling because she's doing this on the show point of doing this on this show? I mean, dude, Jesus Christ, why do you need to try to talk about a girl's sexual connotation? Dude, I'm not, I'm not, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:59:11 She just, she's a superstar and she dropped out and we're trying to figure out what the struggle is. One guy called this a dumb shit because she's injured. Someone else thinks it's because she tests positive for steroids.
Starting point is 00:59:20 She doesn't want to get caught in the big stage. Someone else says it's mental health. I think gay bridges the gap. She took too many steroids it turned her gay and it gave her a mental health issue maybe she doesn't give a shit that would be maybe the probably the best thing i stopped caring about high rocks and i was like i'm gonna take a break i'd say at the end of the day the reason she's not doing it is because of what this sort of stuff is right here she don't like it dude i'm telling you right now it's here she doesn't like it dude i'm telling you
Starting point is 00:59:45 right now it's tough she doesn't like it she can't look at this and go i've literally never talked to any of these three dudes and how could they possibly know because we don't put my hand up and say that she's a star i don't give a fuck what she does if she drops out comes back she's already beat everybody this year so far and if she just wants to fuck everybody like maybe she's fucking with everybody's heads and taking a little bit of time off to let everyone speculate. She doesn't want to compete in a year where Tia's not here, so she's waiting for Tia to come back to beat Tia.
Starting point is 01:00:14 She's like, why would I want to win if she's not there? But that's an interesting take. If I was in her position, I would say to myself, I'm 18 years old. I'm Oprah rich. I can do whatever I want. And, dude, this is where the game – this is where you start pulling the strings, the board game. You're just like, oh, I'm not showing up at championships. Why?
Starting point is 01:00:33 Don't want to talk about it. And then I just drive away in my Ferrari. And then everybody's just tapped in the head. And she's like, when she comes back, she'll kill us if she wants to. Or she's just going to keep on driving around in her Ferrari. All right, sex tornado. I'm just telling you guys, it could be. If I – obviously, I have no idea what her situation is.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Did you just pick up Tourette's syndrome over like a 30-second window right there? Who, me or Hillary? You did. You went, ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee. Listen. I thought that there was a glitch. Listen, there was a glitch. Yeah, Gatorix, blue pill. Listen. I thought that there was a glitch. There was a glitch.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Blue pill. My take on this comment is that money has no comprehension of money. I could be completely wrong about that, but imagine having that much at that age. I wouldn't know the value of $350. I'd be like, I already got millions. She didn't do Rogue either. Right. I'd be like, I already got millions. She didn't do Rogue
Starting point is 01:01:25 either. I would be such a nasty monster if you gave me that much money. If the cash purses for Spartan Race were as big as they were for High Rocks, dude, you'd be looking at a monster right now. I would own a blimp.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I would only show up to my events in a blimp. Yes. Just to fuck with people. And I'd come down. Have you ever seen the kind of Monte Cristo when he comes in in a hot air balloon? I would come into competitions like that and everyone's just like, what the hell is going on? Fireworks are going off. He just goes
Starting point is 01:01:57 welcome. And then he turns around. Dude, that would be my dream. That would be my dream. James M., hello, Mr. Sevan. I was introduced to your show after watching Mr. Hiller's YouTube channel. This is a nice podcast. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:11 You sound like a foreigner. I like the way you talk. This guy's a Russian bot. Hey, here's that scene. Nice job. Oh, that's it? Dude, come back. Come back.
Starting point is 01:02:19 This is Hunter. Superimpose my face on this. Jim L., Mal wasn't at HWPO facility opening, so that's been going on for a while. She also didn't do Rogue. Go to like a minute 30 into this. I bet that's where it is. Dude, look at this.
Starting point is 01:02:35 This would be all. This would be. If I had the money to show up to the cross, yes, yes. There he is. There's Hunter. Damn, that saucy bitch. Look at the cane. Barry McOchner, John Young is not gay.
Starting point is 01:02:49 How much did you not like that I knew exactly where to go on that clip to see? I hated it. Go to a minute 30 on that. I'm going to have to talk to Caleb later about pulling the clips up. Dude, Count of Monte Cristo is dynamite. It is one of the top five to ten best movies. It hangs out with Gandalf in that cave for a while. Dude, it hangs out with Gandalf.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Did you know that Henry Cavill's in there too? Like there's just like a lot of characters in there. Henry Cavill. No, he's saying his name wrong. The guy who played Superman, he's saying his name wrong. Is it Henry Cavill? Yeah. He plays the son.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Oh, no. He played Jesus. He played Jesus in – That's Paul Gibson, dude. Oh, no. He played Jesus. He played Jesus in. That's Mel Gibson, dude. No, no. No, Mel Gibson directed the movie. Let's go back to Mel. Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:03:36 She honestly didn't need to say anything. Well, obviously. The fact she did speaks to character. I still don't know what you're saying. I have to read into that speculation is simply that same with Haley they owe us absolutely nothing you said absolutely nothing
Starting point is 01:03:51 well I think you put this motherfucker on time out sorry Greg what the fuck I hate reading into just say something that I can glom onto I said that I think it might be someone told me she might be gay. Give us some things.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Did she hear some loud voices in her house and she can't sleep? Just saying that it's too much pressure means nothing to me. You're really upset about this. Greg Glassman got blocked for five minutes. I just want to learn something. Oh no, shit, who blocked?
Starting point is 01:04:21 No, I'm joking. You don't have to block, Greg. That's a joke. No one gets blocked. Jesus Christ, unblock the guy. I'm sorry, Greg. Only five minutes. Oh my shit. Who blocked? No, I'm joking. You don't have to block, Greg. That's a joke. No one gets blocked. Jesus Christ. Unblock the guy. I'm sorry, Greg. You're at fucking timeout, bitch. Greg, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Forgive me. Oh, God. Now he's going to go in the comments and ass fuck me. Someone should clip that and send it to him. This has been great. Greg's going to go in the comments and ass fuck me oh shit Greg I'm sorry how many hours a day are you doing this now how many people
Starting point is 01:04:51 could seriously keep up with the training regime of Matt Frazier in his basement that guy's cycle level dedication fair yeah he's a beast he's he's a and she's a beast too man they're all they're all kind of freaky I love it though. Here you are about to go win high rocks at 39 years old,
Starting point is 01:05:09 and you think that doing a podcast, you want to pat me on the back for my podcast endurance. I appreciate that. I'm just asking how many hours a day are you doing it now? Oh, those are nice bird sounds. This is like two hours, three hours, ten hours a day? An hour and a half this morning, and then a show tonight. That's impressive.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Hey, if I tell you who wanted to come on the show tonight, and I told them a no, I already have it scheduled to you. You guys promise you won't share anything? Yeah, let's go. I'm going to type it to you in the private chat. Let's go, let's go, let's go. I hope it's Mel. I hope it's B.O.
Starting point is 01:05:41 I hope he puts in 800AS. Boobs. I want to make sure I'm in a private chat. Boobs on to come on the show. Yeah. What? That's such bullshit. No, it's true.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Oh, man. He's hiding from me. Come on. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just want to let you guys like just soak in that how important it was for me to come on with you guys. I think we're doing a pretty good time here, right? We're having way more fun. That would be such a dry.
Starting point is 01:06:07 That's like eating saltine crackers. Stop. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Have you ever done that where you try to eat a whole sleeve of saltine crackers and it's impossible. Your mouth immediately dries up. So, but you want to do it right here on the show. I don't have saltine crackers, but I'll drive to the store and I'll whoop your ass. I want to see you teabag yourself. How about the cinnamon challenge?
Starting point is 01:06:30 You ever do that? Beaver, tell us, Hunter. These nuts would do it, dude. You guys want to see something cool that I bought yesterday? It's a lemon, but I'm working on it. You got a new car? Fucking just bought this dune buggy! I hate you. It's so good. My life is so dope.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Tell me you live in California. Oh, dude. Without telling me you live in California. What's up? You trying to mess with my Scooby mobile, dude? Bro, you don't fit in that, dude. Dude, I do, and I rip hard. Look at your boy just smashing life in this bad boy.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Please be safe. Dude, of course I'm not going to be safe. Dude. Please be safe. I'm going to jump the Grand Canyon. You need a full-time cameraman. Come on. Where's your cameraman?
Starting point is 01:07:09 He was on the highway parallel to me. Okay. Next, I'm going to get one of those little helicopters that, like, you know, Willy Wonka had. It's going to be good. I want to show you something. I don't know if you've seen this yet hunter andrew's seen it andrew's lived it uh you are gonna you are gonna trip when you see this i bet
Starting point is 01:07:32 it's gonna be boobs uh because hunter hasn't seen it and you've seen it yeah uh close it's better than boobs ah that's not true that's just that's just a flat out lie. Are we in private chat again? Are we talking about boobs in private chat again? No, I'm going to shoot. Have you seen this? It's not better than boobs. It is. This is so crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I didn't know it was two minutes and 11 seconds. Is this an Ice Barrel commercial? Yeah, man. Yeah. Hiller just. You've become officially one of the fuckboys of the internet. Yeah, Hiller is. Hiller is such a whore.
Starting point is 01:08:05 He took a fat sponsorship for this. Just watch this. I will say, Ice Barrel is nice. They've sent me a lot, and they've always donated a lot, so I always have to be thankful for that company. Yeah. You're now in the FB category. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:19 You're selling your skin. Here we go. It's all right. As a washed-up, semi-final crossfit athlete i know a thing or two about recovery so i said to create the most premium cold therapy resource on the market so if i filled this with water it'd be good to go right i spent hundreds of hours sourcing the highest quality materials making sure my product would be both durable and luxurious. Superior to every other garbage can based cold therapy option on the market. I knew my cold therapy product was going to provide the best cold anyone has ever felt.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I traveled across the globe to some of the most remote locations on planet Earth to find the best ice available. And premium design requires premium branding. Branding that inspires and resonates with customers. Messaging that explains exactly what we are. So I worked with a team of world-renowned
Starting point is 01:09:16 marketing agencies and graphic designers to bring the brand to life. Our eco-friendly, unfiltered hose water tends to be matched. i didn't cut any corners i didn't make any compromises because our company deserves the best the best recovery tools for a competitive advantage on the competition floor
Starting point is 01:09:39 the best recovery tools you can't make by yourself at home on a random Thursday Tested over and over again by me thirsty the experience nothing short what a whore Look at one of his I almost opened up all the way that water so cold so is my product Introducing. He just nutted. Cold barrel. I really liked that, dude. That was very clever.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Oh, shit. I ruined the end. Damn it. Damn it. Well, you got to watch that. You got to watch this. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:22 You crushed that. So literally create a competing company with them called cold can or cold barrel and we could probably have it up and basically just reinforce trash cans we'd be just as good so i've known this guy for a long time his name is alex roca and one day i go i'm gonna he shot me one time he's a nice guy he's awesome and he put that whole thing together and one day i messaged him i go i'm I'm going to make this video. He goes, please let me shoot it. And I was just thinking, yes. So we put it together.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And super ironic, yesterday it pops up that they're the official sponsor of the games. And I go, you can't make this up. The timing is too perfect. You didn't even know that was coming? Nope. Didn't have a clue. So we filmed that last week. Hey, didn't you tag them and then then they pulled down the
Starting point is 01:11:05 tag yep yeah so we did tag them and that it's not there any longer it also won't let me tag them how do they do that if someone tags you you can yeah like if i go to edit it and i try to add them look at this so i go here i go add tag and i type in ice barrel they they pop up, and then I go to save it. How do I save this? Add, oh. Done. And then when I go over here, oh, wait, it's up there now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:34 We got them now, bitch. Hey, I would think they would be cool with it. It's not. That's great marketing for them because now those people are going to actually think about the real thing. You've done them a service. Let's see. Let's see if they're on mine.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Hey, look, this guy just started the show. He's back at Sven. It's Sven. It's Sven diagram. It's gone. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:11:56 it's gone again. Oh, it's gone. Hey, they're making the same mistake. So many people make just lean into it. They're so fucking under, they don't get the mistake so many people make. Just lean into it. Just fucking lean into it. They don't get the game.
Starting point is 01:12:08 That's it, right? They don't get the fucking game. They don't get the game. They don't understand how cat and beef rolls, dude. So what do you do these days now? Are you just shooting content constantly and just throwing down? What's the gig? I don't know what goes on in that garage.
Starting point is 01:12:22 I got about five or six people that I still work with, personal training. And then other than that, it's a lot of YouTube, a lot of moving around. So I was in California last week. The week before that, I was in Florida. I'm going to be in Orlando. I leave tomorrow. And then I'm going to be in California. I'm staying with Stefan a little bit for the next two weeks after that.
Starting point is 01:12:41 More than a little bit. He's staying for a lot of bit. A lot of bit. So would you say that your investment into YouTube paid off? I'm not making more money than I had personal training before yet, but it's more fun. I don't personal training to me. There was always there was never really an end game in that. It's like you only have so many hours in the day and you can only fit so many people and it goes all right how many people
Starting point is 01:13:07 am i really going to try and throw in here and then there's a certain point where you ask yourself do i want to charge more yeah i don't i don't want to charge more it's like how much can you feasibly charge someone for an hours of training and still feel as if it's the right number and to me it's the right number. And to me, it's like the people I'm with right now, I really enjoy seeing the price that we work with is fair. They come here, they train out of the garage. Some people actually go to their places and I've built out their garages for them, but I needed something new.
Starting point is 01:13:40 And YouTube's kind of fit in that hole really well. I mean, I'm proud of you dude the content's dope you're always having a ton of fun you got this nopen thing going on you're fucking crushing it i gotta put that video together i said i had a second uh how we do it my gay friend this is this is uh clearly making fun of me uh my gay friend has just confirmed with bar Barry's gay friend that said Hiller's 100% gay. I use my phone. I use my phone a gay. Oh, you ruined it a bit.
Starting point is 01:14:15 That could have been so good, Howie. Dude, no, he didn't. Okay. How many people are watching us right now? 370, 380. Jesus Christ. What are these people doing? I use my phone a gay gay is phone a friend from who wants to be a millionaire phone a friend so you just call like your mom like is oh oh okay howie sorry sorry howie it's actually good my bad i'm just
Starting point is 01:14:38 i'm just a knucklehead my gay friend just confirmed what barry's gay friend said hillar's 100 gay i use my phone again wow jesus that is good my bad that was clever you just gotta it's gotta practice the speed that you're reading it a little bit of the delivery how do you guys have the stamina to not go pee all the time i i normally don't not these usually these late shows i have to go pee but for some reason i don't go ahead hill, Hiller. It's from wrestling. Oh, here we go. I just farted and it smells like Chinese food.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Bruce Wayne says, Hiller's not gay. My gaydar didn't go off. I'm fine. I have something on that, too, that I got to talk about. Your gaydar went off on yourself? Yeah. Who's the best wrestler from iowa it's uh the the best wrestler ever from iowa what the fuck's his name kyle and dan gable yeah there's a dan gable quote somewhere or maybe it's a little story about how when he would go to the gas station he would stand there and he put
Starting point is 01:15:40 himself into an uncomfortable position on pass on purpose So he'd have the cold ass to handle. It'd be 20 degrees. And he just, he didn't use that mechanism that locks it. And he thought that if he does this, he's getting a competitive advantage over everybody that he's going to wrestle against for that little stupid thing that he did. And when I have to pee sometimes, I'll just sit there and I'll go, I'm going to hold it.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Doesn't that bang up your bladder? I don't it. So doesn't that bang up your bladder? I don't care. What do you mean bang up your bladder? Supposedly, if you hold in your pee, you can create like infections, whatever kind of shit in there. I held my pee for so long and I've never had an infection. You know what the worst painful things I've ever done is I took too much pre-workout and I got really dehydrated.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I was filming this project for a couple of weeks and I started peeing. I want to know that too. What's that? Too much pre-workout? How much is too much pre-workout and I got really dehydrated. I was filming this project for a couple of weeks and I started. I want to know that too. What's that too much pre-workout? How much is too much? I have no clue. We were filming this beach body project and they kept on, we were filming every single day from like eight until four and we were basically doing it and they just kept on handing me pre-workout to keep me
Starting point is 01:16:40 going. And you're just taking this stuff and we were dehydrated in front of the lights and I was only drinking pre-workout to keep me going. And you're just taking this stuff and we were dehydrated in front of the lights and I was only drinking pre-workout to go. And I was peeing out salt crystals and I was cutting the inside of my urethra and it was crushing me. That was brutal. I'm over here. It sounds like a urinary tract infection.
Starting point is 01:16:58 That's what I'm trying to say though. So a similar thing, you hold a new pee, you never know. Uh, Eric Weiss, uh, we are waiting for you guys to take it off. Tarps off.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I held my pee one time. I was in a small airplane, and I held my pee for so – and the door wouldn't close in the plane. And so there was the coldest air blowing on my leg. It was so fucking cold that my fucking whole leg had gone numb. You peed yourself? No. I had to pee so bad, and I held it so fucking tight.
Starting point is 01:17:32 And when we landed, like, I was sick. Like, I poisoned – somehow I poisoned myself. From not peeing? Yeah, from not peeing. I don't know how to explain to you, but I fucking poisoned myself. I'm telling you, dude. You know what's interesting? It was fucked up.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I have not peed myself since I was a child. Oh, shit. Wait, wait. Incoming. Hold on, Hunter. That's gonorrhea, Hunter. Okay, well, thank you, Mr. Hartle. Sorry. Okay, go ahead. That was a clever joke. Since I've been a kid, not peed myself, but I've shit myself at least a dozen times as an adult.
Starting point is 01:18:07 So I've heard this. I think we've actually talked about this on here before. I've never done that. But then when I bring it up, you've never shit yourself. I bring it up around other people and everybody shit themselves, but I'm going to shit myself two days ago. How have you, how, how, how, how, how?
Starting point is 01:18:20 I remember I shit myself. Start to fart and then you're like, Oh, Oh, Oh. Dude. I shit myself a couple of years ago before high rocks world championships. I was sitting on a couch like this. I just shit myself. Start to fart and then you're like, uh-oh, uh-oh. I shit myself a couple years ago before High Rocks World Championships. I was sitting on a couch like this. I just shit myself. I was sick. I shit brown water out of my butt.
Starting point is 01:18:35 It was like somebody took like a Rambo knife and stabbed the bottom of a gallon of chocolate milk all over the couch. During high school, I would just drop waxed dives. I didn't even shit myself then hey dude even this 60 year old guy doesn't know how you shit yourself i'm with hillar how how yeah it's just a fart it's a bad call you're not going you're not going ham enough if you don't shit yourself no these are not little these are not mistakes i'm talking i'm talking about full-blown boobs yeah you just have a whole crap in your pants? Hey, dude, maybe it's like a fantasy of his.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's not a fantasy. I don't fantasize about having to clean myself up as an adult male in these circumstances. How many times has Hunter pooped or peed during a race? You mean like while he's on the fly? Just let one. Do you pee during high rocks like while you're running but i would i would not hold back i will tell you right now um i'll tell you right now we were doing this world's toughest mutters a 24-hour race and we
Starting point is 01:19:37 were literally on the last lap and we were just behind the leading team and my training partner you know we're on a team event. He was like, I need to shit. And I was like, dude, Miguel, if you pull off your wetsuit, I will never forgive you. He's like, you shit your pants, and we're going to finish this thing. And he shit his pants in his wetsuit and had to walk with a turd in his butt for the remainder of like 90 minutes. Wow. And we won the thing.
Starting point is 01:20:04 We wrecked it. And he shit in his pants. Oh, yeah. we were having to like push each other up and everything i know i was touching i was touching his butt all the time so i poo all over me hey um real uh hillar is colton why didn't i see colton's name in the northeast because he's in the west he's in the oh it's called the dude who loves pigs yeah the way hey and now he sells those dogs dude those little dogs i want one dachshunds yeah i like that guy yeah he's cool right is he competing is he competing in the western region or what he must be yeah god why do i always picture him in ge? Because I think pig farmer and I think Georgia. That's a stacked-ass field.
Starting point is 01:20:47 That's going to be a tough competition. Like, my buddy Phil is going to compete. Phil Toon? No, he's not in it anymore. No, no, no. Phil Muskie. I think he qualified like top 20 in the world. Oh, Muscarella.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Muscarella? Philly Muskie is a beast. He is a fucking freak. God, I hope Colton makes it to the games again. It'll make the game so much better for me. It's like showing up to class and there's a hot chick in there. It'll be so much more fun for me if Colton's at the games. I like that, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:16 He's beefy. I've seen him score 500 pounds. All the pre-semi-final guesstimations, not having Colton in the top 10, so I can just lose it. What, say, oh, no one has him in the top 10? Like John and Brian yesterday had the show here where they're like, these are our guys' guesstimated top 10s.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Do you think Muskie's going to make it? No. I like him a lot, though, too, so, but I don't think so. Really? You don't think that Muskie's going to make it? Where's he going to come? He's never had a performance to say otherwise.
Starting point is 01:21:48 And I thought that there'd be coming out. He's only like three years into CrossFit though. Yeah, I know. Colton Mertens responded to you here, Hunter. He says, I don't know if I'd say I love pigs, but I have several thousand. That's a good answer. That's a good answer that's a good answer dude but he's a gangster dude i'm cheering for you i've always been a fan yeah fuck that shit up dude and no one ever wants to how many times he's been to the games once or twice hillary once colton has been
Starting point is 01:22:17 twice really i believe so but they just no one wants to give him the fucking, like, it's like they can't accept it that a guy who's fucking 5'4 makes it to the games. He's a piston. He's been to the games three times, 2018. Really? That's the year he beat my team out by, like, fucking four points. What a beefcake, dude. Well, yeah, I knew he was there twice as an individual
Starting point is 01:22:45 thick rick dude it's all fucking one year to me what did he what did he finish in the open this year i think he got sick well he got really sick this year we never found out what happened i got to have him on the show having him on the show is though kind of crazy because he's hard to get to talk you got to be like i got to be like really fired up, prepared. Really? Yeah. What, he's just a quiet guy? It's the opposite of having you two on.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Yeah, he's a bookworm. He's a bookworm. This time just floats by. I love it. This is for you. Look at that little chunk in the United States. I'm pretty sure that that blue chunk right there, this is where Colton lives.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I don't know, but he's hiding that little wedge. there, this is where Colton lives. I don't know, but he's hiding that little wedge. And you know what sucks about him? Some people you have on the show and they just got nothing to fucking say. And you know it. This guy has something to say. I don't talk well. This guy has something to say and he doesn't talk.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Most people talk and they have nothing to say. This guy doesn't talk, but I know he has something to say. Like he's very well read. He's lived a dynamic life. Yeah yeah he's got some shit in there how does brazil have its own region that's insane they're only sending one or two people okay but that's you want to you want to see that again i can pull it back up for you. Here you go. Pull it back up. Enhance. Enhance. What do you want enhanced? I don't know how the hell Russia or Asia has one. You're going the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:24:11 What the hell is going on here? I don't know. Where's Busan? Oh, that's a good movie, huh? Train to Busan. Oh, Jesus. Here we go. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Is that the one? That's the three-part martial arts movie? No. Sorry. No, no. What the hell are you doing with the screen right now? I'm sorry. It's not letting me Zoom, and I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Take over, Caleb. Take over. Kick him out, Caleb. Kick him out. Enhance, enhance. Hey, did Greg Glassman get off his five-minute timeout? Dude, he probably left. He should be back by now.
Starting point is 01:24:43 He probably left, Greg. He was probably pissed dude Greg you get a free CEO shirt or something for that Jesus Christ when do I get to see you guys next physically because you're both in Southern California you didn't fucking call me you guys are dog shit friends
Starting point is 01:24:55 you're leaving for three months basically tell me about Battle Bunker real quick how hard is it to remember that I live in Southern California? Where's Battle Bunker? It's harder to buy a plane ticket to get to Southern California. Battle Bunker, we do two regional-style events where we do Texas and North Carolina,
Starting point is 01:25:19 and then from there, we do our championships at the Elite Training Center again. And which one are you doing? I developed the workouts. In a couple weeks you're doing it, right? You're going to one. I'm not doing it. I'm just making sure that I go there and direct and do the judging.
Starting point is 01:25:36 And that one's in North Carolina. It's Evolution Athletics, my buddy Chris's gym. And that's where I did the Murph record. And we're doing that November 10th. Sorry, June 10th. Is that the guy who did the murph record and he we're doing that november 10th sorry june 10th is that the guy who couldn't do push-ups what's that is that the guy who couldn't do push-ups no that's my buddy kemson uh yes hey if you want to ruin your friendship with hill or invite him out to judge you mean we make it better no militant i think i'm actually gonna i'm gonna go back for the murph world record again in the fall wow because i just want to get 30 i'm gonna get under 30 and
Starting point is 01:26:13 i'm gonna be fucking done with this thing what's the fastest it's ever been done uh i mean i did it 3158 in training one time how much did you weigh? 205. You're 195 now, right? Yeah, I'm around there. What's the lightest you can get? I could probably kill myself and get down to like 188. Dude, I've got veins just like blowing out of my body right now.
Starting point is 01:26:39 It's crazy. Dude, what do you want to see? Do you want to see the arm veins? You have them in your stomach? Yeah here yeah i got them in my stomach let's go let's get up here on the peen so you see like these ones coming up out of the hips and stuff perfect yeah dude look at this these ones are the weirdest ones the ones that are up here you see them coming out of my stomach over here and stuff how can you have no color i avoid the sun man i just i i'm at the point in my life where i color? I avoid the sun, man.
Starting point is 01:27:05 I'm at the point in my life where I recognize the damage of the sun. It's basically my kryptonite. Put a hat on and take your shirt off. Dude, Alexis would love hearing you say that. Every day she goes, did you put your sunscreen on? And I was like, hmm. Yeah, dude. Look at Captain Beef in this picture right here, dude.
Starting point is 01:27:22 You look great. Dude, you look like you have pork beetles in your chest. I know, dude. Look at those worms just crawling around under the skin. Where's the – let's see the legs now. I don't believe that's him. Where is his – I don't see his head. Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Dude, you know – Holy shit, you look like you're 12. God, you have the jawline of a porn star. You see all the veins coming out of these and the thighs and stuff? porn you see all the veins coming out of these and the thighs and stuff when i when i get like a bike workout going it literally looks like i got shot i got i got shocked by lightning like veins are just like boom how disciplined are you right now what do you how many days before you compete in the world championships you know the biggest thing that i've really cut back on is i just don't drink right now and i don't uh i don't i don't jerk off or any of that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:05 No? No jerking off either? You pull that stuff out. Probably like two weeks ago, like 3 a.m. because I couldn't sleep. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't sleep. Well, you couldn't sleep so you jerked off, but why are you not jerking off? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I was like, let's get into the details of this 3 a.m. session. Yeah, why else would you jerk off? jerking off oh okay i was like let's get into the details of this 3am session yeah yeah why um dude just because like you got to understand like life at this level of like one kind of singular focus like if you do this many things in a day if you can cut out three of them or two of them down to three of them you can just keep on isolating things that are going to potentially pull away from your forward momentum it makes a big difference it really does it's a thing that you allot time for in your life holy shit dude i'm looking good as fuck uh wow no you know look at those shorts those are hot yeah those are dude that's the beef boy right there you know so then that's the other thing is like this level of tension. You know you want to have a release, but then you don't give it to yourself.
Starting point is 01:29:09 So by the time I get there, there's just testosterone just pouring out of my body, and I want to kill everything that walks. And I'm just going to run right off through the finish line and go straight into the bathroom. So you're actually just retaining it. You're not even with any chicks or anything. Nothing, dude. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:29:25 I just think about it like this. Listen, you could go out and you could go sleep around in reality like that. Everybody's doing that, but nobody's getting gold medals. In reality, like, I could do that the rest of my life. I know some pervs here in Malibu. They're, like, in their 50s and 60s. They just crush. So I'm in no rush to do anything.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I'm in no rush to do anything. Is it a control thing? Is it psychological? Or do you think it's physical or both? It's both. It's both. If you have physical control, then you have psychological control. If you have both, you're a champion.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Did you guys just hear my phone right there? Did it come? I just don't want anyone to know I follow the Fox News app. I don't want anyone to think I'm a right-wing nutjob. Dude, you're a big Tucker guy, aren't you? i am i love tucker he's a good tucker tucker is rambunctious tucker is rambunctious that guy that guy is is intense i like it i think everybody should have the opportunity they canned him and who's Ron Paul? What Ron Paul? What about Elon?
Starting point is 01:30:29 Here's the thing now. This is my idea. Elon's platform is now going to become one of the top media companies in the world because now it's a free platform for any kind of voice, and now you're going to be able to livestream whatever. They're going to allow that, and they're going to be able to live stream whatever. They're going to allow that and they're going to start to change the platform itself. Because listen, things inside of 140 characters
Starting point is 01:30:51 have existed up until this point, but now we're all recognizing that digital screen time visibility is the most powerful thing. He's taken over the company. He's cleaned out the cobwebs and he's now going to allow people like Tucker Carlson, all of these people, like he was one of the allow people like tucker carlson all these people
Starting point is 01:31:05 like he was one of the first people to let that andrew tate guy back and have social media he let trump back so now all of a sudden you become this platform that is not monitored it's just available and it is going to become i was kicked off i was kicked off twitter a couple days ago for 12 hours 12 hours but i'm just saying the monitoring is going to be a lot more lax and these people that have things to say and have a lot of power are going to start to establish their network on there like youtube is starting to get in trouble so people are starting to switch over rumble but i think what elon did was he took something he changed the narrative and now he's going to make it the most powerful social media platform in the world uh i i like that take
Starting point is 01:31:43 jeffrey you're not several i know we've been streaming to twitter forever that was a clip that you kicked off twitter for there was there was i can't remember what the product was but there was this product that supposedly was poisoning people i don't remember whether it was tied or a hair product or a lotion and i wrote in the comment poison yourself but i didn't mean it like go out and poison yourself i mean yeah this product poisons yourself and i got a note saying, you're promoting suicide. I'm like, no, that's – I thought that was just shorthand Twitter talk that, yeah, I agree. This product is poisoning yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:13 And I got kicked off for 12 hours because I was promoting. It was crazy. Your ball sack must be so heavy. You're a troublemaker. It is. I throw the fuck down. I was talking to Savan. Caleb, pull up Patrick by David's show.
Starting point is 01:32:31 He hired some woke-ass chick. It's interesting. He did hire a woke chick to be the CEO. I don't know what's going on over there. He claims she's not woke, but you can find all sorts of content about her that shows she is woke. So who knows what's going on? Give me 30 seconds. I'll be right back. I gotta go pee pee.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Great prayer. He's got one of the brats on the commercial. What'd you say? It was awesome, right? Did you see the thing where Alex and I noticed that it had gotten a thousand times the engagement that their post
Starting point is 01:33:03 that they did in collaboration with the games. Yeah. Yours did. So they had like 30 comments and 300 likes. And then the thing that we put up. Yeah. 3,300. And it's like cold barrel,
Starting point is 01:33:18 cold plunge, whatever ice barrel, whatever. Hey, so, so it's good for you guys. You dummies. Hey, that that's so crazy too because
Starting point is 01:33:27 think of this uh he said in that interview that pedro did the coffee wads and pods guy did um don was perseverating and getting stuck on the whole metrics thing again metrics metrics metrics we have to because i guess he someone's obviously not watching the media team, and he's running it like fucking Apple. Like they just have some middle management that's reporting metrics to him. It's like he's not even watching the chaos and the disaster that is the media team. But now they have crazy metrics that show that some fucking dingleberry went to Home Depot with his buddy with the camera, and they fucking made something with better metrics than what you're doing uh-huh and it's like dude i keep on farting it smells like chinese food but what are you guys talking about here's the thing he won't report it won't that won't get back to dawn you want to know why that won't get back to dawn fall because the people
Starting point is 01:34:18 who are reporting the metrics to him are trying to keep their job because they're also the people who are making the content it's like are we talking about red pill stuff it's it's just talking about it's incestuous it's incestuous don paul he needs someone else reporting the metrics to him not the people who are in charge of fucking promoting the content when he said the website's getting double the traction it did the year before i was like oh please you don't believe that? No, fuck no. You know what I like is that the goal is 30 million CrossFitters, and then he also admitted that they have no ability to understand how many people actually do CrossFit at this point in time.
Starting point is 01:34:54 How many? I don't know. Is Don Paul the CEO of CrossFit? Listen, I don't think Don's lying. I think he just has this – I think he's running the place how Facebook was run or like Twitter was run when Jack Kornnaub was there or whatever. Why does this guy look so – Say good luck to Pool Boy.
Starting point is 01:35:12 All right, guys. Competition day tomorrow. Time to sleep. Bye, y'all. Love you, Hunter, Seve, Hillard. Thank you. Don't jack off. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Who is that? He's competing tomorrow. He's semi-final team. Pool Boy. Wait. I thought he's a West Coast dude. team. Pool boy. Wait, I thought he's a West Coast dude. Isn't pool boy in California? I think he's in Florida. But he trains over here with Kelly
Starting point is 01:35:31 Clark, who's in California. Caleb, can you find pool boy? Is that possible? Look at this. We got a feminist who's talking shit. Shut the fuck up, Bernie. I think that's a dude. I know. I said a feminist who's talking shit shut the fuck up bernie i think that's a dude i know i said a feminist okay i forgot that you could be a male feminist yeah you can dude's a
Starting point is 01:35:52 puss wears a skirt um i thought the podcast with don was awesome oh i missed the boss i thought it was awesome too always the ceo of cross it, homie. Oh, I don't know. Is it doing well? Is it doing well or is it sinking ship? Is everybody starting to get into the boats? What boats? Like the boats where you jump on when the ship is sinking? There aren't enough boats.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Just like the Titanic. There you go. No worries. here's the thing here's the thing though he they do have some really good shit going their way is the economy tanks more and more people uh finding uh places to rent will become cheaper and more and more people will start taking their o1 because they'll be like fulfilling their dream jobs of becoming trainers and and when the economy's bad it's good for CrossFit. I don't think that's true. It is true. I think one of the two of you might know that answer. It might not be good for affiliates, but it's a very good CrossFit thing.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I don't think it's true. Go ahead. Yeah, I'm interested. Yeah, go ahead. I think CrossFit's name, like I have not heard of anybody telling me that they're going to get a CrossFit cert in like five years. I used to hear people all the time being like, I'm going to get my CrossFit cert in like five years. I used to hear people all the time be like, I'm going to get my CrossFit cert. People don't talk about
Starting point is 01:37:07 that anymore. You don't talk three years ago, homie. Listen, I'm not retarded. People talk. You're talking about fitness. All we do is work out. I'm literally going to stadiums full of tens of thousands of people all the time, and they all train in CrossFit gyms, so you'd think I'd have somewhat of an inclination
Starting point is 01:37:24 of what I'm talking about, but maybe I'm wrong. Once in this episode, you don't jerk off, you shit yourself, and you do a whole bunch of cocaine, and you tell me you're not retarded? This is what a grown-ass honest man is like. All these other guys are doing it. They're just not telling you about it. Hey, you're right.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Hey, were you like, hey, that might be too harsh, or were you like fuck it i'm unloading we have uh this show could be over anytime i'm unloading both barrels on hunter i mean that was hard things on the top of my head that he said over the past 40 minutes that's an arc of a man's life he's trying to tell me over here crossfit's a sinking ship which is something that i also say on occasion so okay so what. So what is this? We're on the same team here. I'm not saying that they're a bad company. I'm just saying, I can honestly tell you that I'm not hearing anybody talk about going to get certifications. I don't even hear anybody going to get certifications at all anymore. If you want
Starting point is 01:38:19 to make money in fitness, you take your clothes off on the internet and you do like a couple tricep press downs with your ass pressed back. And then you do like a couple tricep press downs with your ass pressed back and then you have like a cash app link to it and then maybe like a link this is so good and then you have a link to your your training thing you know what i mean that that's so it that's everybody they're not showing their ass to make money they're doing it to liberate women empower women empower women yes don't get me wrong. Why would you go through all of the work of paying the affiliation, the certification, all of these things when you could just probably just start your own online training thing? I do have something very serious to say to anyone who knows Mal O'Brien. I will not be letting um hiller and
Starting point is 01:39:05 hunter on the show when you come on and this is a very safe space for you i want if you tell me stuff in the show early on like how you shit your pants or something i won't bring it up later on in the show like killer did and abusing hunter like that making him a contract and put a hunter back in his shell after being so vulnerable i thought this was a safe space. He ain't contracting shit. And Mal, this is a really fun space and now that you're out from underneath the wings of whatever you're under, come on the show.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Let's hang. I promise you I'll be loving and nice and cool and we'll just talk. It's your regular 15 minutes a week. Come on the show. We'll talk shit out. I'm loyal as fuck. I'll go to bat for you if anyone fucked with you. Okay. Thank you. Peace and love.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Peace and love. I would never trust a man with a man bun. Run, Mal. And I really, I, yeah, and others. And anyone, ask your friends. Ask Amanda Barnhart if it's fun being on the show. That was one of your homies. She came on the show.
Starting point is 01:40:03 It was fun. Or Matt. Amanda Barnhart. I don't being on the show that's what was one of your homies she came on the show it was fun or Matt I don't think Matt you should bring back the Josh Matt and Savant it had to be Josh Mel and Savant oh shit that
Starting point is 01:40:17 station's got a bunch of followers on it doesn't it what I really want to do is bring Hunter josh on at the same time that's where it would be really fun we have to duke it out that dude should let me fight him i don't understand why he's got i've wanted to fight um i've wanted to fight josh bridges for the longest time because he was super he was super upset with me when i did the Murph thing. He thought I was basically using Navy's name, Navy SEAL's name. Oh, look at that. Josh just put a hit on Hunter.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Yeah, he's dead. He's gone. His phone died or something. We'll just fit like men should. Hunter, you just froze dude and I'm glad during your Josh tirade be cool you probably just put a pause button on me
Starting point is 01:41:12 because you just didn't want to hear the honest truth you're living in the mountains in the middle of nowhere Greg Glassman I also would like to apologize to you for that was an accidental that was poor judgment on my part of sticking sicking the dogs on you hey yeah what happened here this is now just josh and stuff this is this is 18.9 000 subscribers and only 31 videos come on is that is that more than
Starting point is 01:41:39 that's on this it's damn close homie. But dude, it's just Josh and Seth. Amanda was a great podcast. Yeah, Amanda Barnhart was great. She was awesome. She was good. Does she still do CrossFit? Barnhart? Yeah. She's going to do well this year. She's got an outside shot of the top 10, I'd say.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Who, Amanda? Let's see how the HWPO stuff does. No, she's definitely top 10. At the games, she's top 10 at the games. Definitely? Yeah, definitely. I'm a big Barnhart fan. How is Katrin going to do?
Starting point is 01:42:18 You think that's why Mel's not competing? Because Katrin's coming in and she's intimidating her every day? I mean, that's the first time I've heard that daughter is gonna make it back no oh please really no she's coming on the show tomorrow morning and i just i'm just watching she makes it dude she's the shit then how can you say no if it's 50 50 50 50 she makes it well 49 51 okay and uh once she's there she's not gonna finish inside the top 20. Hunter you like her you like her I like her shit I I've just trained with her and I've trained with a lot of people and when she wants to hit the gas pedal dude she can go girl is a weapon so I want to see her do well i think she'd do phenomenal um
Starting point is 01:43:07 yeah yeah did you ever date her no we were never in the same place but she's fantastic she's she would be the woman no date her no trained with yes in the same place you mean for an extended period of time yeah yeah yeah but she's a queen she's a queen i love that girl honestly i can only say positive things about her because i i've literally trained with so many people when i did that like that little crossfit fit aid documentary thing she was the one person that i met and i was just like holy shit this is a different world this is a different world she fucked me up in every single workout things i was good at things i was bad at she's freak hey um i uh i had a friend who played on a in a softball league with uh leonardo dicaprio and um and she would fuck him at the games in the bathroom seriously that's what she
Starting point is 01:44:00 told me good for her well and I just say that because you said have you trained with her and you said yeah and then you said have you dated with her and you said no I've never been in the same place as her but I mean if you train with her that was enough to like date her is what I'm saying but I'm also not a pervert he's coming after Bridges he's coming after Leonardo DiCaprio yeah that is so
Starting point is 01:44:23 fucked up to say about Leonardo, dude. What are you talking about, dude? Like sometimes you just go play softball because you want to play softball. You don't have to fuck people in dirty-ass bathrooms. Isn't it – listen. Bernie Gannon looking like a rock star running the Rolling Stones. There was so much pressure – not was. There is so much.
Starting point is 01:44:41 I'll edit work on this a little bit with you, Bernie. We'll co-author this. There is so much – I'll work on this a little bit with you, Bernie. We'll co-author this. There is so much pressure on Mal. She is being promoted as if she is the next Tia. Expectations on her were too much. But isn't it what you want? I mean, God, it's a – You got to be – you can't get into sport and then all of a sudden be under the scope and not expect this shit to happen.
Starting point is 01:45:10 You're putting yourself in the light. You're taking the contracts. You're showing up. You're competing. You're top. It's going to come. You just have to develop that aspect of yourself. Thunderham is not a perv?
Starting point is 01:45:22 Question mark? Really? Dude, trade me back to Thunderham. I don't want to be Oh, I'm back. Yes! You put me a baby fucking turtle, dude. I didn't do that. Caleb must have done that. Who made him baby turtle?
Starting point is 01:45:35 How the fuck did I become baby turtle? What the hell does that even mean? Oh, okay. I have to work out and prepare for for sarah sigman's daughter tomorrow morning yeah it's only eight o'clock over there yeah amanda is hot yeah amanda is hot as fuck she's like you work out this late at night i have no fucking choice i've been fucking off with my kids all day god that's brutal whenever i do my night sessions i just sweat all night long oh i'm gonna i don't work out like you i'm gonna do oh shit oh shit who made that that's crazy who made that travis oh my god i'll post that that's dope i'm sending it to you
Starting point is 01:46:22 dear mal god i would love to fucking. She could take me to the next level. Dude, you'd have 100,000 like that. Yeah, totally. 100,000 views? Mal, I will be so nice to you. And I will make sure that if any douchebags with 10-minute fucking hot take YouTube stations come after you, I fuck them in the ass, just so you know.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Who? Who? Shit, I'm saying who? Hiller wasn't even paying attention for that one. I heard fuck me in the ass. What did I miss? I just hooted a bunch. How do you have somebody schedule all of these things?
Starting point is 01:47:00 You clearly are very consistent with this. Are you on your phone all day just contacting these people? Kind of, but Suza. This is a hardcore burn right here. If you had Liver King on and nothing happened, listen, asshole. The station is going at a perfect pace, and I'm very happy with it, with the pace it's going.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Consistent, bro. Get fucked. But listen, guests don't grow shows I'm not talking about having her on once I'm talking about fucking having her on as a regular the Sevan Mal and Josh show it says the Sevan podcast right now it's going to be the Mal and Sevan podcast
Starting point is 01:47:38 will you shoot me straight talking with chicks is nearly as much fun as talking to guys be straight with me most chicks know Sarah Sigmund's daughter is fucking cool as shit. She'll go. There's always outliers where there's people who are cool. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:47:53 Sarah's a cool girl. I don't think – so I'm too scared. I haven't talked to enough chicks because I'm kind of scared of girls. I'll be super anxious for the first – Yeah, I am. I'll be super – for the first yeah i am i'll be super i'm just scared i'm just like i'm nervous i'll be so nervous for the first 10 minutes with sarah oh like with you guys like come in here like with josh or you guys like i was on with josh yesterday and
Starting point is 01:48:17 i just was shot out of a cannon i get that how about daniel brandon she's kind of cool right yeah she's cool she makes me nervous though too she kind of is like a little bit like Colton Mertens too like except she eventually talks but you got to warm Danielle up Danielle can take a hot glass of milk yeah she could take 15 minutes to get going and she has this kind of she does this laugh like a stoner laugh like an uncomfortable laugh and I gotta like try try to break her past that every show. Savon O'Brien show. But I love Danielle Brandon. I fucking love her.
Starting point is 01:48:53 I wish she would come on all the time. Do you think you could hone the craft and pick up the swag of somebody like Howard Stern? Because I used to listen to Howard Stern all the time. That dude is incredible. He's giving you double middle fingers, and I want to listen to Howard Stern all the time. That dude is incredible. He's giving you double middle fingers, and I want to know why. Are you upset by talking about just referencing the king of media? I don't think fucking Howard Stern has a fucking thing on me, except fucking three years of experience.
Starting point is 01:49:23 That guy's the king of media. He's also got the whack pack, dude. except fucking three years of experience. That guy's the king of media. Self-proclaimed. He's also got the Whack Pack, dude. The Whack Pack was one of the most brilliant things ever created. Yes, yes. That is media genius. The fact that he didn't get canceled before Gansel Culture came on. It's the Whack Pack.
Starting point is 01:49:37 I will say this. Howard's been an enormous inspiration to me, an enormous inspiration. But I've been doing interviews for fucking 25 fucking years and I'll put my fucking interviews up against anyone's thank you and with there's been the budget this isn't an excuse it's just
Starting point is 01:49:53 a fact and my budget for all my interviews combined is less than one day of his budget probably true but he's the biggest show in history the Whack Pack is basically a bunch of people who are just misfits. Some of them have mental disorders, deformities, everything, and these people are insane. And he brings them on the show physically, calls in, and he keeps up with these people, and their lives are just in shambles,
Starting point is 01:50:24 and he makes them regulars. It's insane the fact that there's this one girl, Wendy, who all he does is ask her about her pooping her pants and everything. It's insane. Oh shit, that's the Whack Pack? I've never seen that. The Whack Pack is so
Starting point is 01:50:39 insane. Dude. He had this one little... Look at Tan Mom. Holy shit. Tan Mom is disgusting. Insane. Dude. He had this one little tan, I think it was. Look at tan mom. Holy shit. Tan mom is disgusting. And Robin's actually part of the whack pack, too, if you want to be honest. Go down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Oh, my God, dude. Beetlejuice, that little midget right there in the middle left. He died. That guy was a savage. Why? He was just angry about everything dude he was like a snapping turtle now go up a little bit go back up to the top if you go up uh this guy right here beetlejuice probably the greatest character in history of all shows which one middle left the
Starting point is 01:51:19 black guy up at the top of the red beanie on oh Oh, God. I've seen him around. He's making his way around. He's a guy on the left. Dude, they were just freaks. You know all these people. Yeah, dude. And then what's his name? He's the guy from Star Trek. He was this Asian gay guy, and he would come on all the time.
Starting point is 01:51:39 He wasn't considered a whack pack. He was just a regular. And Howard Stern would have dudes come on, and he would just judge their cocks all the time. he was just a regular and howard stern would have like dudes come on and he would just like judge their cocks all the time and it was just insane there was nothing like it at the time and it was just it was the craziest media ever and i used to listen to it because i'd get serious satellite radio and i'd train all the time drive from mountain to mountain and the guy was just world class you mean i was so bummed when there would be reruns too.
Starting point is 01:52:06 I know, dude. The way he would get really, really good interviews on and ask just – he was just seamless with his questions. He was silky. Dude was good. Tavon, I think you're in line. I think you're in line. Sarah Cooper
Starting point is 01:52:25 that was a nice tribute to Howard Stern Mal could have just posted the black I'm out square that would have been nuts dude I would have fucking I would have put her in a queen's throne and carried her around the fucking northeast
Starting point is 01:52:42 that would have been amazing I'm out you don't even have that would have been amazing i'm out or just i'm out you don't even have to do the black square i'm just i'm out look at this one uh someone has his own whack pack hillary taylor jr fake brian real brian john i know well i i i do uh i would talk about i don't want to tell you who my whack pack is because i don't consider them the whack pack but i got my crew there's a crew that i'm like so proud of uh i got my regular um i got the crew i'm so i'm so happy with the glasses on maybe you've worn weird hats and crap in the past you'd fit right into those mug shots whack pack you know i listen whack pack is star material i don't know if i can ever reach
Starting point is 01:53:22 those heights yeah he did say that. Howard Stern said anyone who didn't get a 49er ticket, he didn't care if they died. Yeah, that's correct. I was just talking to a bunch of crazy shit like that. I couldn't see his child ever if I didn't get a ticket. Who said that? Just a buddy of mine.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Yeah, yeah. He would periodically check and he goes, hey, did you get vaccinated yet? Am I allowed to say that? No, 49er ticket. Jesuser ticket jesus christ almighty what the fuck i picked up on that and i'm new to the show in hillers on every third day about the like measles and mumps and stuff i don't know if that makes it any better that helped that helped listen i will not say that the new version I can't talk about it I have no way to hide certain words
Starting point is 01:54:09 Just 49ers Anytime you're not sure if you can say a word or not I was with this girl and I just put it right in her 49er Just throw 49ers It can mean anything That's mega clever Boys I love you all boys But, but I got to bounce.
Starting point is 01:54:25 I got to go to bed. Bye. Guys, it was really good seeing you. I'll be back in a couple weeks. We'll catch up. What's the date for the High Rocks? May 26th. 8.15 British time. Dude.
Starting point is 01:54:41 8.15 what? PM British time? So that's like 12.15 our time. 8.15 what? PM British time? PM, PM. Okay, so that's like 12.15 our time. Yes. Okay, I'm going to try to call. You'll have your phone with you after the event? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:51 I'm going to try to stream with you. Okay. Talk a lot, boys. See ya. Bye, Hunter. Thanks, Hunter. You were great. So one of your friends wouldn't let you see their kids because you weren't a 49er fan?
Starting point is 01:55:03 Right. Ironically enough, they're also from california oh that's weird because i seriously can't talk about things that i can't i can't i very much speak you know so it's dangerous if we talk about it i don't know you don't swear you're so good at not swearing but swearing is something that i've developed a skill for after working with kids for some years. Seve, there's going to be so many good clips from this morning's podcast. So there's this new thing that I'm supposed to be doing before every show, and it's go to the record. I should tell you this right now too, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:55:36 You're supposed to go to settings, go to recording, and then hit record locally for each participant, and I screwed that up. I didn't do it for this show i did it for the greg show and so the people who are now making the guy who's now making all of our this crazy amount of content we're pumping out um has good video to work with can't you just run a separate camera maybe i mean no you don't have i don't have to anymore this thing is now we'll record everything separate now and put them into separate high-resolution files. It's crazy. I'll show you how to do it.
Starting point is 01:56:08 It's just a click of a button. Cornholio Sternlover is the 49ers and never retracted a thing, and he has been – he is now irrelevant. I wonder – I heard his ratings have dropped significantly in the last two years. Bernie Gannon, first Haley. I love the way this guy looks he looks like an old rock star doesn't he like like a fernando alonso the formula one driver oh yeah i could see that either either old rock star or active formula one driver a first hayley now mal someone needs to smart needs to take a look at how to help the
Starting point is 01:56:40 team plus female competitors show how hard the fit part of crossfit extends beyond the physical i wish i just wish i knew what pressure meant it's like when something's about to explode you know there's a pressure cooker you put the rice in there that's how i make my rice i make it in the pressure cooker jesus block everyone then makes them a more avid listener someone told me that today that there's actually haters who are addicted to the show i was told i was telling kaylee we should do a poll are do you watch this show are you a hater do you watch this show yes or no um but what do you but i want to know like there were some years in my life where it was just the voices were too fucking loud in my head like i couldn't tame i didn too fucking loud in my head. Like I couldn't tame. I didn't I didn't have the I needed I couldn't get away from my thoughts.
Starting point is 01:57:33 And in that when I think of mental illness, that's what I think of. It basically the demons, the voices, but also work on letting things go. Meditate. Stay more present. Watch the voices. And then slowly you manage it to a point where you you change your tune you change the the record i think it's exactly how you perceive why were you feeling pressure when you were feeling pressure what was what was the issue who who uh who uh i don't even know it's just something that i it's something that i feel like happens to everyone when they're like 23 or 24 25 years old you have to just go through some crazy soul searching.
Starting point is 01:58:27 It's like your whole life you've been a professional student. You go from kindergarten to junior high to high school to college, and then it's like – and you've kind of closed off your world. You've sealed you into this world. It's like this. to this like this this world and it's like this um this is a little off subject here but some people would get offended by um oh this is going to be so off target this is right yeah you should probably get my therapist on what do you when you think of mental illness what do you think of it as do you think it is the voice is being too? Like you want to get away from a certain thought that you're having in your head and you can't? And you don't have any other way to mitigate it?
Starting point is 01:59:10 You don't have any practices or tools in order to mitigate that volume? I'm trying to paint a picture of the people who I've had the opinion that they are mentally ill or are actually mentally ill. And the only thing that i can see you talk about drug addicts and how that's different correct it's different to be a drug addict then are they one of the same well well doing drugs will lead to mental illness it'll lead to the addiction makes it so that the voice gets louder and louder because it needs to be fed i think that there's no makes a monster in you i think people need purpose and i think that there's no makes a monster in you. I think people need purpose. And I think that the purpose that Mal had is what Hunter was alluring to.
Starting point is 01:59:52 It's just a game. And I think that there needs to be a break and she needs to realize it's a game. Like her purpose can't be the game because what happens when you lose. Okay. So that goes back to what Sarah Sigmund's daughter, when she came on. So maybe your purpose is just to stay true to values. Like, so like, that to what sarah sigman's daughter when she came on so maybe your purpose
Starting point is 02:00:05 is just to stay true to values like so like that's what rich does rich has values no that's why a lot of the people in the space i think are so religious because that is what drives them it's not crossfade cross something that they can do to give glory to the thing that they believe in right right but but but once again we're just describing it i'm curious what like the actual manifestation of it is somebody asked if i could look up into the right all the way oh your eye was doing something weird a second ago was it yeah sorry i have no idea i'm just looking around uh what was the question i was reading the comment and thinking about whether I could look up into the right. Sorry, I got distracted by a text message.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Was it Greg? No. Was it Mal? Was it Matt? No. No, no. It was the hottest girl in the world. Your wife.
Starting point is 02:01:02 No, not my wife. Not my wife. Not my wife. She did. your wife not my wife not my wife the hottest girl in the world texted me the other day too when Josh was on and told me that if she paid $50,000 to go live with Josh she would pay that much to go live with him?
Starting point is 02:01:16 to train not to for a year she wanted to she paid $50 to go stay at his house and train there for a year interesting yeah I wouldn't do that you wouldn't do what? $50 to go stay at his house and train there for a year. Interesting. Yeah. I wouldn't do that. You wouldn't do what?
Starting point is 02:01:31 Pay $50,000 to go train with Josh. Yeah, you're not the hottest girl in the world. I wouldn't do it regardless of what girl I was in the world. Oh, all right. Would you do it if you had $50,000 to give Josh? Yeah, I can imagine a reality where I'd pay him $3 million to go live in his apartment over his garage and train with him every day. Sounds great.
Starting point is 02:01:52 If I had $10 billion, I was 25 years old, I'd peel off Josh a few mil to go live in his garage for a year. How about rich? Yeah, $4 million for rich. How about for Acer, $4 million for Rich. How about for Azar?
Starting point is 02:02:06 $37 million. I want to see the Vermont play so bad. I want to get the Craig Ritchie ticket to Vermont. Sebon, pressure. As a kid, you got into trouble, didn't you? Your mom ever tell you, wait until your dad gets home, remember that feeling? Yeah. But – right, right.
Starting point is 02:02:29 But as you get – right, okay. I like that. That's good. Now we're on to something, right? Now we – It's in your throat. It's like that. Or it's like this.
Starting point is 02:02:38 You get arrested by the cops, and they put handcuffs on you, and they're calling your mom, and you're sitting on the curb. And like – but it could also be – you know that feeling like right before you're sitting on the curb and like and like but but it could also be you know that feeling like right before you're about to speak in front of a large crowd and you feel it and i've had that feeling where i just want to run away like i literally start envisioning myself running away like into the parking lot and jumping in my car and leaving damn you never had that well i've had that a handful of times in my life getting ready to i remember i would tell you everyone in grade school where i went had to talk in front of the class for whatever the hell reason and i remember i just wouldn't breathe that's what i oh i would
Starting point is 02:03:18 just keep on talking i guess it's kind of what i do now right so i've just practiced but i would just remember and then i have to go in front of everybody because i just forgot for so long i i'm paraphrasing but suza suza said the other day when he came suza's like i came on the show right before i started the show without you i was like nervous and then i talked myself into being like not nervous i prepared and i was totally fine and then 10 seconds went but then the show started and he said he was nervous as shit. And like that too, right? I think on the show it gets easier as he kind of gets into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Nervousness is weird. Like there's never a show where I'm just like completely settled and I hit the live button. I'm like, yo, what's up? Never? No. I was in. Oh, dude, I look forward to this. Oh, yeah. Do you?
Starting point is 02:04:10 Down to my chair and I go, all right, let's get on it. Where's he at? Well, how about when you go live on your show? Yeah, if I was going on someone else's show, it's a little bit – Dude, hell no. The only thing I'm nervous about is that my audio doesn't work. So if you ever watch any of my live things, I sit there and go, hey, can someone tell me if this is working?
Starting point is 02:04:27 What makes you nervous, Hiller? What makes you nervous? Doing Grace that one time made me nervous, the 225 Grace Live, because I just didn't know what the result would be. Typically, I don't know how things are going to end up for me, depending on how I go about doing them. How about the dude at the games who there was the steroid? I don't remember what you said about him,
Starting point is 02:04:44 but you said some steroid talk about him and then he confronted you. It was a bike or something. Yeah, was that unsettled? Or how about hip and steel? Were you unsettled and nervous about that? I was unsettled and nervous watching that. But my first thought during that was it's hip and steel. What do I do?
Starting point is 02:04:58 I need to do what needs to be done. Because if I don't do it, then this is entirely pointless. Then why am I i doing any of it i i saw it as a potential missed opportunity and that made me angry at myself that i even had oh oh so i guess i don't know uh stevan did that fight or flight response ever strike you uh when the he's making a shopping cart comment which i think is funny but yeah so it's fighter it's fight or flight so i so would you think that mal was having fight or flight response in times when there weren't a fight or flight what's that mean alexis she's
Starting point is 02:05:32 the only thing that can get to me mentally the only thing oh like if she's in shambles yeah i just want to make it better yeah and and sometimes there's nothing that i can do and that sucks even worse like how can i help i don't know there's nothing i can do crap who do i gotta kill what do you need you need more food money what do you need how can we how can we put water on the fire yeah so that's it other than that there's really not much are you a hater of the seven podcast but still listen i thought this was the other way okay i thought it said 92 yes that's fair eight percent i wonder why caleb why do they listen if they're haters what are they just they're just hoping for a train wreck, I guess. All right.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Do you follow anyone you hate, Hiller? Oh, I think that there's people that I follow just out of the joy of seeing what they're up to. But I don't think I follow anybody I hate. I don't follow anyone if I hate anybody. Do you follow anyone that like you think it's unhealthy like you shouldn't um no i don't be all no no i don't think so i actually did away with that maybe when i was 22 or something i remember there was a point in time where i kept up with instagram stuff don't vote on the man bun. I had like a thousand Instagram followers and I also followed 800 people
Starting point is 02:07:09 and I unfollowed everybody. Oh, yeah. Because I just didn't want to have to keep up with it. And then I also noticed that 300 people unfollowed me when I unfollowed them. I go, wow, you guys are paying attention to this stuff, huh? Does that everything changed? Does this make you nervous nervous i'm close to hip and steel's age if you set it up i will fight hip and steel on your show oh i thought fight hillar on your show
Starting point is 02:07:34 loser has to hold a barbell overhead with arms locked out for fives the loser of the fight has to god what an asshole that God, what an asshole. That was an amazing buildup. This dude's funny, this Howie Do It cat. Howie Do It. Yeah. Okay. People make you nervous? Who makes you nervous?
Starting point is 02:07:53 Girls, you just said? Yeah, anything with the vagina makes me a little unsettled. Just like, I just don't want to screw up. I struggled. The female games athletes, I struggled to – I just bond good with dudes. I bond good with dudes and older dudes. And now I'm starting to learn how to bond good with younger dudes. Like my kids are giving me practice at that.
Starting point is 02:08:18 It's weird when some kids really – some kids are terrified of me and some kids really like me. It's a trip. I would totally be, I could probably totally be friends with Dylan Mulvaney. I can be friends with anyone. Unsporting Beth makes me nervous. What?
Starting point is 02:08:34 Is that the water palooza guy? Who? You know, you know what makes me nervous? Who Dylan Mulvaney? Yeah. Oh, I love it that you don't know who that is.
Starting point is 02:08:42 I'm not even going to tell you. It's better. You don't know. Go on. Um, let's say sporty bathroom goes. All right. I've seen you make it all these videos. I'm going to,
Starting point is 02:08:49 can I come on your show or vice versa? And we're going to talk about it. I get nervous that there's no outlet for them to understand my perspective. Does that make any sense? They're going to come on and you're not gonna be able to convince them they're gonna be screaming at you they're gonna they're gonna be like i can't believe you do this i can't believe this that and whatever i'm just thinking like you can't believe it i'm gonna tell you why but even if i told you why you're never gonna get it so what are we doing
Starting point is 02:09:18 here that i i i'm nervous of conversations that would have really no point like that like they're completely closed-minded or that maybe you're completely closed-minded uh well I I would sit there and I go I understand why you're upset but you need to also understand why I did it do you not because yeah yeah yeah I don't I think that the other reason that I'm like you're upset that's why you're here right that's why you're here, right? That's why we're going to talk it through. And I guess I would like for you to hear it. And at the end of the day, there needs to be some sort of middle ground.
Starting point is 02:09:52 And if there isn't and you just want to be angry, then I guess you could have been angry without having talked to me about anything. But the whole thing we did here, this is pointless. There was an instance in college where I was at milwaukee with that just university of milwaukee i had a buddy who went there and everyone was drinking and i don't really drink and i remember i went to get water at two in the morning and everyone's in the hallways in this dorm and they're all like run around shirts off and of course my shirt was off and some dude goes hey start swearing at me and something like that and And he goes, you think you're so cool? I'm like, no, I'm just getting water.
Starting point is 02:10:27 And he goes, you don't even go here. What are you doing here? And I go, I'm seeing my buddy and I'm going to get water because there's no freaking bathroom. There's no water in the room. And he goes, I'm going to fight you right here, right now. And I'm like, okay, go ahead and do it. And he walks up to me and we're face to face. And I did one of these.
Starting point is 02:10:43 I cracked my neck. And he goes, this guy thinks he's tough shit. He thinks he's going to come up here. And he was just screaming at me. I go, I don't know what I did to you, but I'm just getting water. I kept on repeating. That's how I would feel if something like that happened on the internet. I would basically keep on telling them what it was that I was doing.
Starting point is 02:11:00 And eventually. What happened in that situation? What happened? The dude eventually walked away after just screaming and screaming and screaming. He never fought me. Wow. And then like my buddies even came out of the room and they're looking at
Starting point is 02:11:12 me and they go, what are you doing? I go, this dude just yelling at me and I didn't do anything other than walk out here with my shirt off. And he's all pissed off. He's of course drunk. And yeah,
Starting point is 02:11:19 drugs and alcohol, of course. Yeah. And then the next day in the lunchroom, I remember we're walking around and everyone's like, you're the dude who was just getting screamed at by that guy and i go i didn't do anything i was going to get water uh eat beaver he's he's uh he's so sensitive about the man bun i donated when i commented and it got ignored i i never ignore a donation ever ever ever that's all i felt at the games, by the way.
Starting point is 02:11:46 That guy walked up to me. Oh, yeah. You said I was on steroids. Uh-huh. And? Man. Show me some pictures, and maybe we can have a conversation about why maybe you're not on steroids. Okay, I'll do it.
Starting point is 02:12:04 And you know what? I never got any pictures. Hip and steel up i walk up to him at the games and it's like hey you made videos on me and i don't feel very good about it i'm standing there i go uh-huh and did i say anything that wasn't accurate well you just have no respect you don't know what it's like to be me i'm like what did i say that wasn't accurate? Right, right. You want to actually, right. Are we going to get to the bottom of this or not? How long do I have to wait before we get to the bottom of this? I know you're upset and you're offended.
Starting point is 02:12:35 We've already established that. Let's get to the bottom of it. I just get nervous, I guess, that people will do that. But it's always good. It makes them look insane in my opinion i um i think that about the um i think that about the leader age i think that about the transgender issue it's like okay so it's pretty obviously what the issue is to me um we don't i personally don't want men playing in women's sports, right? Like one of the issues.
Starting point is 02:13:08 And other people, their issue is that, hey, that's not a man. That's a woman. Okay, so now we clearly know where the issue is. You have a definition of a woman that's different than my definition of a woman. Would you like to work on that? Would you like to see where our definitions differ and maybe see if one of us is right? And they think the definition is trapped between your ears. And I think it's trapped between your thighs. And it's like,
Starting point is 02:13:31 and if someone's not willing to bend and be like, Oh shit, you're right. It's the same thing with the Miller light thing. Let me give you that. The bikini thing too. Let's hear it. They,
Starting point is 02:13:39 they think it's disrespect. There's a group of people who thinks it's disrespectful to sell beer showing a woman's beautiful body. I get what they're saying, but what is your issue with a woman's body to sell beer? Like just tell me – because that's – is it that you hate women? What is your – do you not find the curve of a woman's waist to her ass nice? Do you not find the swelling of breasts nice? Like what is your issue? Just don't make me read into it.
Starting point is 02:14:11 I want to know what you hate about using women's bodies to sell beer. Can I use a woman's body to sell a horse? Like if she's horsebacking on a horse. Can Colton Mertens use – hold up a Datsun's? Can his girlfriend hold Datsun's around her waist or around her chest and sell the Dotson's? Like what do you hate about women that's making it so – or maybe it's you don't hate women. Maybe that's just a presupposition, but I want to know. And no one wants to talk about it.
Starting point is 02:14:35 No one wants to drill down one inch to the depth of what would get us to the conclusion. At least then if we don't agree with each other, we'll at least know where the issue is at. Someone's turning me on by describing women. You know what I'm saying? Like, let's just have the conversation. Like, Hey, that guy said he's on steroids. You said, Hey, I thought you were on steroids. He's like, I'm not on steroids. And then you're like, okay, can we pull up some pictures in your phone? And look,
Starting point is 02:15:00 I'm just curious how'd you get like this from this year to not last year, last year to this year. So simple. She showed me something from 30, 35, 40. Yeah, yeah. On the right track. Yeah, yeah. Show me a note from your mom. Tell me.
Starting point is 02:15:13 Yeah, I need a doctor's note from your mom that says you're not on steroids. That's more evidence in your favor. Yeah. With the beer and the, so I don't get it. Because I told you about my buddy. He goes, hey, you can hang out with my baby the second you and the women. So I don't get it because I told you about my buddy. He goes, hey, you can hang out with my baby the second you get the ticket. And I was just, I'm not. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Like, stop even asking me. What's the point? I'm not going to see your perspective here. It's just a waste of your time. I want you. You want me to take drugs to see your kid? I didn't even want to see your kid. What makes you think I want to see your kid?
Starting point is 02:15:44 Oh, shit. No, it's seriously like that, kid? I didn't even want to see your kid. What makes you think I want to see your kid? Oh, shit. No, it's seriously like that, right? I know. Yeah. It's like, out of the blue. Hey, dude, just checking in to see if you've changed your mind yet. No. How many people do you think are going to
Starting point is 02:16:00 tune in tomorrow for Sarah Sigmund's daughter's show? I bet you there's 500. I bet so, too. It's going to be big. Well, because it's semifinal season. It'll be bigger than you think. I think she's going to make it to the semifinals. I watched an interview with her today. I do. I think she's going to make it to the games.
Starting point is 02:16:17 In this talk, she said her aspirations are to win the games. Oh, no. No, no, no. Maybe not this year, but that's her aspiration. You think she's too old even to make a run for it she was one of the best by the way when i say this stuff people are gonna get all messed up and say hillary hates sigmund's daughter like no i love sigmund's daughter she's probably my top three favorite women crossfitters yeah but she's got no chance to win the games
Starting point is 02:16:39 all right in my opinion ever ever no and i don't know if No. And I don't know if it's age. I don't know if it's – and she shouldn't just listen to this because it might get in her head. Maybe she'll listen to this and it'll make her win the game. This is what she needs. But she can't make it out of a competition in one piece. Well, she did okay at – She put up a video and I was talking crap about it
Starting point is 02:17:02 where she can't even squat to parallel with a bunch of weight on her back. She made it through Wadapalooza this year. And where'd she finish? 11th? Team. She was team, wasn't she? Right, right, right. I don't know where she finished, but she made it through.
Starting point is 02:17:15 Whereas the year before, she didn't make it through. She had that little, that scare, ACL scare. Eric Ootley, 550. Jeff Birchfield, 852. I like that. What is this? These are guesses for how many people are going to watch tomorrow. Oh, 550. Jeff Birchfield, 852. I like that. What is this? These are guesses for how many people are going to watch tomorrow. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:17:29 What are these numbers? I like Sarah a lot, but it's a different game than it was when she had the potential to possibly win. That was back when Katrin was winning. And we don't think katrin has any chance of winning the games do we and she's been in the no but i would be really but i would be really happy if katrin proved us wrong that would be crazy i would be too just as i would same for sarah i'd be happy about it i just don't want laura to win i do not want really oh no why because
Starting point is 02:18:03 of the handstand push-up issue? Her attitude? Did she block you? Why? You're not ready to say. Did you catch the bit? You can hold stuff close to your chest. I'm trying to figure out how to present it. You and I did that bit on the Masters competition, 35 to 39,
Starting point is 02:18:23 and it was the hell of a level one seminar guy who got 20 repetitions on that workout. I don't remember his name right now. Tremblay? Paul Tremblay? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. He got 20 repetitions because he didn't show the weight of the kettlebell. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 02:18:40 Laura does the handstand pushups improperly. There's a part of me that doesn't even think that she should be at this stage in the season. Oh, wow. That's not her fault though. Is it? It's CrossFit's fault,
Starting point is 02:18:50 but she still shouldn't be there. All right. It's someone's fault because the tape line wasn't correct. Right. And I don't know. Every other person on the fricking planet has to make sure that the entire setup's correct. If I were doing the quarterfinal semifinals,
Starting point is 02:19:04 I got to make sure the tape line's right. And if the tape line's not right, can you really say that it wasn't her fault that the tape line wasn't right? If it's everyone else's dilemma? I don't know. I don't think so. But also, I just don't like that everyone just says,
Starting point is 02:19:22 oh, she's going to finish second. She's going to finish second. But there's something different about her and Mal. I think it's the whole, I think it's the whole that bothers you. I think it's the whole, the whole, the whole,
Starting point is 02:19:33 uh, gives me a bothers me a little bit too, but that certainty people have with her finishing and where she's going to finish. And for all I know, she's going to finish first. Right. But John Young and Brian... I think that's where
Starting point is 02:19:45 the good money is. Hey, if you had to bet a million dollars, would you bet it on Laura? If I had to bet a million dollars, do we get odds? No, no, no, no. You got... No. Just straight up one-to-one. Million dollars, I'd take Emma
Starting point is 02:20:04 Lawson. I'd take Laura. I'd pick emma lawson i don't believe you uh sarah cox 1999 thank you get your peptides now sarah uh i owe you a call in the morning to finish the discussion we started today um what about this workout oh wait a minute speaking of look at this california oh Oh, 69. I like it. Wow, that's a baseball tee. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:29 They're the official sponsor of my god-awful softball team. Hiller, what do you think about this workout? First of all, let me ask you this. Have you ever seen anyone do 20? God, I have to go. Have you ever seen anyone do 20 135 i have to go have you ever seen anyone do 20 135 pound thrusters unbroken 2135 pound yes who who have you seen do it 20 at 135 pounds yeah unbroken a lot of people you have yeah why have you ever seen yourself do it yeah you've done 20 135 pound thrusters yes okay
Starting point is 02:21:07 because i was thinking someone told me today about the wall street uh uh uh the wall street um men right mad men someone's telling me about the wall street lifter can uh can do cal sue in four rounds that's a different... So hold on a second. Running unbroken is different than doing four or five. I agree. But basically, there was this workout I used to do once a month
Starting point is 02:21:35 and it was 10 thrusters at 135, 10 burpees. Now I don't even know if I can do one thruster at 135. How many rounds? Three rounds. Okay. So every time I did 10 thrusters at one 35 unbroken, and then I did the 10 burpees, I could only do one thruster
Starting point is 02:21:52 the next round, just one, I would go from 10 to fucking one. And then I started thinking, I've never seen anyone do 20 thrusters at one 35. I haven't personally seen it. So then I thought of this workout I'd love to see for time. 20 thrusters at 135, 20 thrusters at 95, 20 thrusters at 65. And three bars. And see if someone could do it unbroken.
Starting point is 02:22:24 I think it's a good workout. I bet that like. You think that's a sub three minute workout? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 60 reps. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Especially that 65 pound bar on the last one for the men. Oh, yeah. And that's just that's just that's just hurt. That's just pain cave time. Right. the men oh yeah yeah um and that's just that's just that's just hurt that's just pain cave time right if you have frazier do that workout he potentially and if he didn't have to change the weights and the bars were right there he's probably about 150 wow and i don't think he hurts too bad wow um he's made to do thrusters pressing and and squat endurance, and he's strong.
Starting point is 02:23:07 But here, he's probably one of the best people to do thrusters ever, and he could probably knock out a set of 20 at 185 if he had to, like life or death situation. Have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen 20 at 185? I haven't seen that, no. Have you seen 20 at 155? Yeah't seen that no have you seen 20 at 155 yeah i can probably i can probably do that too really yeah that one that one wouldn't feel very good oh god
Starting point is 02:23:33 dude that sounds insane put a put a belt on and it dude there's a there's a what's the friend the friend workout there's a there's a friend at I mean, I bet there's a video here. Hey, give me two seconds. Hi, Sarah. Gave my blood today. WAD zombie. California hormones. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:23:52 CA hormones. Use the code SEVONWADZOMBIE. Hope you did it. Two seconds. Share screen. Jeff, nobody knows about Mal. Everyone is too scared to speculate on something. What the fuck? It's a comment section. Let's speculate.
Starting point is 02:24:07 I speculated. Here's Froning doing 15 at 135 from God knows how long ago. Wait, where is this? Don't play more than seven seconds. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 02:24:22 It's from nine years ago. Fuck these guys. Who's that in the back? Question. It looks like Rory or Andy Stumpf, or who is that? But here's what it looks like. God, they've known each other a long time. I'd say looking at that, he could probably do 50 at that weight if he had to.
Starting point is 02:25:01 Oh, that is Rory. Holy shit. Oh, that's young Rory. God, they go way back. He's got way better posture now than he did then. Oh, that is Rory. Holy shit. That's young Rory. God, they go way back. He's got way better posture now than he did then. Look at him. He looks great now. He's hunched over a little there. His hair looks better now too, I think. He done aged good.
Starting point is 02:25:18 A little bit of gray in there. Yeah. I would say Froning probably could have done 50 at 135 right there if he had to. Yeah, it wouldn't feel very good. And then 20 at 185. And then if you had something like a Griffin Raleigh,
Starting point is 02:25:36 maybe an Anthony Davis or a Tony Coutinho, they're probably into the 205, 225 range. For 20? Yeah, yeah. Fuck, that's crazy. okay uh i have to go i i gotta get ready i gotta go to 20 thrusters at 135 sorry guys i'm stressed no i'm stressing myself no i'm gonna get on this i'm gonna do i'm gonna do uh 10 minutes on the assault bike i'm gonna do uh 100 burpees and i'm gonna do 100 deadlift at 135 that's exactly what i I'm going to do. And pass out. I actually worked out twice today.
Starting point is 02:26:06 Good on you. Wow. I did like this super scale version of Linda. Super scale. If you want to know something that kind of makes me nervous and terrifies me, it's that workout in general. Because I know I can do it quick and you just don't want to.
Starting point is 02:26:23 It's sad that we can't watch that workout. I know you had to go. And then I did the four and five, the running snatch event that they're doing this weekend. Mason Mitchell thinks you can do 20 thrusters at 165. Potentially. Maybe I'll try that out.
Starting point is 02:26:42 All right, guys. Tomorrow. Thanks for coming on. That was a great show um caleb thanks dude uh good show um night everyone good night molly uh good night bruce good night hardell even though you said something that pissed me off i forget what 90s are going to destroy the dudes people aren't going to finish i don't know if they know that but people aren't finishing that in 17 minutes yes Bruce you know Halpin came on the show today okay enough okay bye
Starting point is 02:27:10 you saw that

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