The Sevan Podcast - I get more press than a keypad | Live Call In #1022

Episode Date: September 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Bam, we're live. How can there be so many firsts? First Rambler.
Starting point is 00:01:07 That's the official first, right? The rest of you guys are just busting on Rambler. Schindledecker, good morning. Good morning. Wow, great conversation with Matt Schindledecker. I don't mean to ruin Matt's life, but if you're an affiliate owner and you haven't called Matt Schindeldecker and find out what he's up to, you are missing out.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I'm not joking. That's just consider that. He's probably going to text me and be like, hey, don't do that. But I'm telling you, if you're an affiliate owner and you have not contacted this guy to find out what he's up to with his gym you are uh missing out cha-ching okay uh yon clark hey what's up dude good morning you're not first though rant this rambler dude's always first he's got like a sideways carrot as his profile pic jeff what's up dude good morning mr sour it step on podcast IT, man Will
Starting point is 00:02:05 Wallraven, hey, what's up? Good morning. I'm looking in my games box. You know what's crazy is I didn't get one of these the week the time that Hiller got the one with the cool shorts in it and then I got another one. This looks so good
Starting point is 00:02:21 Lenny and Larry's cookie You guys want to see everything that's in here. What's in one of these you ever wondered? No, they're not a sponsor by the way gains box. I just thought it would be interesting to a safe catch ahi oh This is interesting I'm definitely eating this I'm gonna attempt to eat this I don't know if I'm gonna eat the whole thing It says 26 grams of protein. That's kind of crazy. Where am I going to start?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Just stacking this stuff on my desk. Hello, Slater. What's up, dude? Good morning. Good morning. Janelle, what's up? Hey, Johnny. I saw Johnny.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Hey, Johnny. What's up, dude? Good morning. You're a little too young for this show. Jake Cook. Good morning. Look like a little too young for this show. Jake Cook, good morning. Look like a foreigner. Yellow shirt, green kettlebell. Definite foreigner.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Devesh Maharaj, good morning. Mr. Cock, enter. Thank you. Elise, Miss Redow. 51st. 20% off um i know uh oh shoelaces oh shit i just bought shoelaces i wish i would have seen this sooner shoelaces in the gains box uh power protein shot oh i feel like eating this right now i'm such a sucker developed by navy seals no caffeine zero carbs zero fat zero sugar gluten-free oh this is just 15 grams of protein is that real has anyone tried this
Starting point is 00:03:58 this is probably going to stay on my desk for a second. 100% digestible in less than 15 minutes. What if I actually like this? 15. This is 15 grams of just pure protein. One slurp, everyone knows the rules. Serious? Just kidding. You bought shoelaces?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah. Was that stupid? I bought them for my kid. uh you bought shoelaces i yeah was that stupid i bought them for my kid because his skating shoes are um are are going down hey jake what's up uh nice shave you know what happened jake is that really your butt for crying out loud dude what is going on with you guys don't make it so it's hard to pick you guys because your profile pic especially if i like you jeez it's too early to stare at that ass um my mom my mom was here at the house yesterday she's here every day and she i saw her oh another there's more fish protein in
Starting point is 00:04:58 here dude this is like this this gains boxes is must be like protein month. Another another fish. More fish. I'll make my kids eat that today at the skate park. Dehydration relief. I love dehydration stuff, but I use the swolverine stuff. i like drinking it on my fasting days more dehydration really dude this gains box is crazy what the fuck is this this is some sort of roller where this does not feel eco-friendly some sort of roller a pair of socks i am a sock i love socks love socks you Love socks.
Starting point is 00:05:45 You don't you think that fish stuff is weird? Weird. Is that what you're doing? The bar sign fish in a bag? I don't know. I'm OK with it. Liquid focus. What the hell is this?
Starting point is 00:06:02 I have to hold shit. About three weeks ago, i started having to hold shit like this far away i just realized i used to be able to just look at stuff like this so my mom was at my house and she's like hey you need to shave and i was like okay and i know it caught her off guard she didn't think i was going to shave so i went inside and she left my house and i went inside and shaved and then five later, she came back to my house. She said, hey, I forgot my cell phone here. So, of course you did.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You're old as dirt. And she's like, oh, you shaved already. I said, yeah, she goes, that was fast. I said, yeah, that's right. OK, this has carbs in it and sugar in it. This whole thing is 38 calories. I have to try something on the air. Maybe I'll try this.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Here's the shoelaces. They're like stretchy shoelaces. There's so much more fish. There's clothes in here too. There's t-shirts. Two t-shirts. Want to see the t-shirts the only t-shirt you need is um ceo shirt oh this is a nice design
Starting point is 00:07:15 this is uh the barbell cartel i I like that word, cartel. And there's one more thing in here that's in a box. It's called powders. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I will use this. Wow, 100% I get behind this. Wow, glass bottle. This is right up my hippie alley. I hope this rubber seal is BPA free. Or else it defeats the purpose of having a glass bottle. This is right up my hippie alley. I hope this rubber seal is BPA free
Starting point is 00:07:45 or else it defeats the purpose of having a glass bottle. Alright, there's my gains box. A first. A Savon podcast exclusive. I can't stop thinking about the cookie. Alright. I can't stop thinking about the cookie. If I don't use that glass bottle, my wife will definitely use it.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I just bounce that off the monitor. Sevan, before Swolverine, did you like LMNT? I think I did. I tried it like three or four times. There's just some woke shit i saw around that company that i cannot stand so i don't even like to fucking acknowledge them like some it was some really dumb bad shit but but raw wolf does post a lot of cool shit i mean 99 of shitty posts i like um he is up there in chico like um yeah i, yeah, I don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I'd have to look into it more, but I, but I take the Wolverine stuff, the rehydration, and I usually will put it into one of these with hot water and sip. It's a great late night drink. I love it. I absolutely love it. The LMNT is like crack. I like the idea of the, um idea of the habanero flavor. I can't remember what I saw. It wasn't around. He's pretty much anti-injection, but I think maybe it was about transitioning kids or something. I can't remember. By the way, did you see what's going on with that? on with that i don't know what's going on with gavin newsom he vetoed that bill so a bill passed in the united states in california where basically if your kid wants to chop off his cock and you
Starting point is 00:09:31 don't facilitate it they'll take your kid away and uh newsom vetoed that bill which makes me and i don't think he did it for like ethical uh i don't think he did it for ethical reasons I don't think he did it for ethical reasons. I do not think he did it for ethical reasons or moral reasons or because he has values or anything like that. Let me see what's going on here. How come I can't share this screen? Newsom vetoes. Here we go. Newsom vetoes progressive bills on transgender children and self-driving trucks. Governor Gavin Newsom issued a trio of vetoes late Friday evening that are sure to anger his progressive allies. On the losing end of Democratic governors' actions are three mainstays of liberal support. I cannot believe if you're gay
Starting point is 00:10:25 and you support LGBTQ will you call into the show and explain to me how you support that I'm so curious why you would support that I'm so fucking curious why a legislation assembly bill 957 was authored by Lori Wilson who is herself
Starting point is 00:10:40 the parent of a transgender child unreal who is herself the parent of a transgender child. Unreal. Newsom's rejection was not a surprise after his top business official opposed the bill, arguing it would stifle innovation. Oh, that has to do with something else. Where is this? Scott Wiener, a gay San Francisco Democrat
Starting point is 00:11:03 and champion of lgbtq priority bills called newsom's veto a tragedy for trans kids dude uh there's there's some something else that newsom did yesterday that was really trippy. What was it? He – what was it? There was one more piece. Oh, Newsom, homeless, San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:11:45 He's trying to make it so you can actually pick homeless people off A group finds Newsom's brief On San Francisco homeless case Profoundly disappointing Okay here it is Newsom calls Ban on San Francisco homeless sweeps Preposterous and inhumane Basically
Starting point is 00:12:00 Isn't it funny how he flipped the script There's a I think there's a law in San Francisco That basically the police in the city can't just go – like there's whole streets. For those of you who don't understand San Francisco, the city has basically been taken over by drug addicts. And Newsom has – Newsom is basically saying, hey – and there's a law in place in San Francisco that basically the police in the city can't just go down the street and just collect everyone and throw them into the back of a truck and move them somewhere else. I think the law basically is if you can't take them to shelter, you can't move them. And he's like, fuck that. And I agree. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I get a big fucking dump truck. And if there's people passed out from drug or from doing drugs on your streets or anything, there's people passed out on your streets that inhibit you or your family from walking on the sidewalks that you pay for with your tax dollars. Just have like one of those garbage trucks, pick them up by like their back and like, just drop and just drop,
Starting point is 00:12:57 you know, just, just throw them in the back of a truck, just start piling them in there and drive them away. Totally. I'm totally for that Uh Rambler said uh, seriously scott wiener. Uh, yeah, the guy's name is scott wiener He's a complete he is a world-class scumbag Of the highest order greg and I met him once. Oh God, he is so gross. He is so creepy.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Scott Weiner. Oh my goodness. Let me see if I can show you a picture of him. He is a six foot two, 98 pounds of man. He is a pathetic, pathetic excuse for a human being. God, I can't believe he's 53. When I saw him, he looks like he's 12. This poor state. What a great state. What did Scott Wiener do? He did nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Look, there's an Anthony Wiener, too. Remember this guy? The news is kind of, I can't believe this is coming out of my mouth, but the news is kind of depressing. I can't believe this is coming out of my mouth, but the news is kind of depressing. Oh, what's his Fran time? Dude, that guy can't even set up the bar. I hate to just judge someone just on the fact that they're so weak, but. It's almost like, do you remember those kids in high school who would purposely try to keep their skin like extra white and they would sleep in coffins?
Starting point is 00:14:55 What were they called? Mods or something? Is that what they called? Mods? And they went out of their way to make themselves weird. It's like that. Like this guy is so pathetic. It's like he's gone out of his way to make themselves weird. It's like that. This guy's so pathetic, it's like he's gone out of his way to make himself pathetic.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I don't want to be around that. I definitely sure as fuck don't want... Goth. Goth, thank you. Goth, yeah, Goth. Goth. Yeah, Maude. I was making fun of my mom for forgetting her cell phone.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I can't even remember I can't even remember what the kids were called oh who's this Jackie Fielder please don't be a democrat damn you're a democrat it's suggesting all these politicians I might want to look up this chick's hot why does she have to're a democrat it's suggesting all these politicians I might want to look up this chick's hot
Starting point is 00:15:47 why does she have to be a democrat oh progressive activist god damn nobody wants a progressive activist nobody as a politician no one wants you oh my goodness oh my goodness As a politician. No one wants you.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Here we go. Jackie Fielder. Let's look at her. Queer, Latina, San Francisco native.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Got some, this is some Indian shit. Oh man. Oh man. it uh a loony land um oh man oh man a starbucks customer sorry to say oh my goodness what is this the honorable Honorable Rep. Zoe Zifer, heartful thinking of all the trans youth who are watching, Zoe stands up to hate in Montana and all over the country in gratitude to the Native American legislators. Oh my goodness. What a waste of your youth to be a progressive activist.
Starting point is 00:17:18 What a waste. It must be brutal to wake up from that from uh i want to show you something that i saw on david harris's instagram account i also looked into this hotel there's a hotel in san francisco in manhattan i wonder how many hotels in manhattan have been completely taken over like this. This is crazy. This was a really fancy hotel. I can't believe this is the United States, let alone New York City. This is in front of a Manhattan hotel that is now officially closed down because they have illegal aliens in there. They have that many. The whole hotel is closed. This is an expensive hotel. I also heard, I don't know if this is true, but I heard the city's paying the hotel.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I was like, man, these poor hotel owners. But I heard the city's paying the hotel $1,000 a night per bedroom. I don't know where that money would come from. This is just crazy. But here we go. This is the Roosevelt. It's no longer. The Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. The hotel. National Guard has taken over. So it's the and then the Roosevelt is blacked out.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You guys, if you Google this hotel, Roosevelt Hotel, this is like a really nice hotel. This hotel is so nice. Like most of the people who listen to the show have never stayed in a place this nice. And it's been completely taken over and filled up with with immigrants. And the thing is, is that these immigrants who are coming illegally into the country, when they even though they're coming illegally into the country, they sign something or sit, tell someone at the border that basically says, hey, we have someone who's supposed to take care of us. We are going somewhere. They're supposed to know where they're going. So I walked to the Roosevelt Hotel. I tried to go in and i was stopped at the door and uh a lot of national guardsmen they stopped me at the door and i said hey isn't this
Starting point is 00:19:15 the roosevelt hotel okay so it's a national guard scenario we don't have the resources to to handle this problem that's thousands of miles away from the border. So the National Guard's been called in. And what many would consider the sort of the biggest and best and most prominent city in the United States of America, a city where this should definitely not be happening. No, it's not the Roosevelt Hotel. This is no longer a hotel. He said, no, it's not the Roosevelt Hotel. This is no longer a hotel. I quote, I'm going to walk down the street and show you that the National Guard, the Fed, has taken over the Roosevelt Hotel and several restaurants next to it. And several restaurants next to it. Do you remember the other day I showed you the governor of New York from two years ago basically saying all of you immigrants come to our state and now her tune is completely changed. She like get the fuck out do not come here we don't have resources for you and migrants are on
Starting point is 00:20:11 the floor on the sidewalk children in the rain it's cold it's raining in new york tonight and these people who americans are told are coming here because they've got family and they have a place to go. They don't. Christine Young, they put homeless in our hotels during covid for a few years and just kicked them out a few months ago. Yeah, it's interesting you say that they're never going to get these people out of this hotel. This is going to go on for years. They are not going to get these people out of this hotel. And what's going to happen is lawyers are going to start swarming into the situation defending these people also making money off the situation just prolonging how long it takes to get them all out of the hotel it's going to this is this is a mess new york's toast they do not have a place to go they're currently in the roosevelt hotel
Starting point is 00:20:58 which is funded by the taxpayer by you and they're only going to be there for so long because there's a line queuing to get in and get resources. And then they're in America. So ask yourself. You have family and friends that work at the hotel. Maybe you're lucky enough to know the guy who owns the hotel. And all of a sudden this happens.
Starting point is 00:21:22 People are losing their jobs. That whole block's ruined, right? Now you're going to have just scumbags coming in and out of that hotel it's going to change that whole area and who do you think supports this is Democrats or Republicans how many Republicans do you think supports this? Is it Democrats or Republicans? How many Republicans do you think it's okay? There's legit fucking immigrants who waited years to come into this country,
Starting point is 00:21:53 who work at this hotel, make money to support their family, and now their shit's all fucked up. And they will be homeless, and they will be destitute, and they will be hungry, and will be destitute and they will be hungry and the children you're about to see will be sold that's how this happens when the children you're about to see will be sold is that what he said people can't eat they sell themselves it's very unfortunate but it's a part of human trafficking you're about to see a mechanism that will result in human trafficking, debt, bondage, slave labor. So when I hear that in my brain, I push back.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I can't even believe that. Like, I can't let that in. I just don't believe that. I don't believe that there's kids in there who are going to be sold for bondage and slave labor and sex and shit. See that restaurant? it is migrants only national guard at the door cannot go in there watch i'm going to try and go in i'm going to try and go in and say hey i just want a meal i'm queuing up to get into this restaurant. So he's saying he wants to go in and just
Starting point is 00:23:06 get a meal. You guys open for public? No. Not open for public? No. No food? No. No food? No. This is the Rose of Elk. That was a weak-ass attempt.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Rambler, I went to UC Berkeley for Cousins graduation. I loved the pier at San Francisco, Pier 53. You're lucky you didn't get your shit fucking pushed in or stolen. Heidi Kroom, why would the people who own it continue to run the hotel? I'm assuming they got some crazy city contract but i'm guessing i'm guessing i would be surprised also if they get paid on it i'd love to fuck we get the own try see if we can find out who the owner of that hotel is maybe that hotel is owned by some massive conglomerate too you know what i mean it's just one of the fucking marriott properties who knows uh sleeky uh you get what you vote for that's for
Starting point is 00:24:10 sure uh jody lynn uh google search for the roosevelt hotel says permanently closed crazy i googled it this morning i didn't see that but i did see that the um the the home page of the hotel is just frozen. Like you can't click around. It's shaking over here. What is that? Oh, these earphones are falling apart. It's a tough few stories this morning we're starting with sorry guys
Starting point is 00:24:46 tough these are some tough stories we're starting with boy uh more uh related to the border being open this one is just absolutely uh nuts uh a daycare in the bronx a baby has died at the daycare because they were hiding fentanyl under the floorboards of the daycare and one of the kids who is napping on that floorboard got exposed and died three of them had to be rushed to the hospital one of them died
Starting point is 00:25:15 a manhunt for the fugitive husband of a Bronx daycare owner charged in the drug exposure death of a toddler has expanded to the Dominican Republic. Federal law enforcement sources say. God. Do you think that this is related to the border being open?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Mendez on the run husband was described by police sources as the main player in the alleged drug selling operation in the basement of the daycare center. Dominican Republic's a trippy country. It's a it's an island and half the island is Haiti and half the island is the Dominican Republic's a trippy country. It's an island, and half the island is Haiti, and half the island is the Dominican Republic. And basically, everyone on the island is black, but they have a... On both islands is black, but they have a...
Starting point is 00:26:19 A class system by how dark you are. I'd never seen anything like that. Uh, I had heard jokes about that, right? Being in the States, you hear jokes like mostly coming from black people about being light skinned or dark skin,
Starting point is 00:26:34 but in that country, it's fucking really like that. Like you can go there and experience it. The more light skinned you are, the more you don't like people who are darker skinned. It was nuts. I couldn't believe it was like that even though every even though everyone's they're all black but they got this ranking based on uh on how dark you are it's a bizarro world a million haitians live in uh dominican republic with no with no legal status on a tiny little fucking island.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's a fuck situation there. They got some. It's a mess. Zach, Colombian immigrants planted a flag in Texas as they crossed the border. Of course they did. Wow, Paulina doing a little investigation. It says the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City is owned by Pakistani International Airlines.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Matt Burns, all those white liberals want a sanctuary city, yet won't take a single illegal in their homes. They don't want it anymore. Oh, wow. Here we go. Allegra R., thank you. They closed down a hotel by my house in Arizona. My dad talked to the owners of the hotel, and they get a ridiculous amount of money from the government.
Starting point is 00:28:03 More money than they would get if they stayed open to the public yeah i was i was hearing that that hotel was getting a thousand dollars a room which is nuts way off subject but interesting to me rambler says, I bought an iPhone 11 and Sony A7 IV instead of an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a 6700. I think that was it. You're not going to like my answer. I think that was an enormous mistake. A6700 is an insane camera,
Starting point is 00:28:40 and the iPhone 15 is light years ahead of the iphone 11 but that's just my two cents yeah thousands of people coming in a day i don't know how that's going to be i don't know what's going to happen there how quickly do you think that goes away if trump selected the border problem tell me how quickly just saying i'm not saying whether you should like him or not i'm just saying how quickly does that problem go away if Trump's elected? The 10,000 illegal aliens coming in every day. How quickly does that go away if we elect Donald Trump? If you're getting repeatedly exposed to the same antigen, then your body starts to produce a different kind of antibody called IgG4 that actually gives you tolerance to that antigen. So it kind of gives up on killing it. It's just like, I just
Starting point is 00:29:45 want to live and let live. I'm just going to let it hang out in the body now and not fight anymore. Exactly. So another discovery a few months ago, there was a discovery that if you've had two COVID vaccines, you start to produce a little bit of this new antibody, this IgG4. But if you've had three vaccines, if you had the booster shot, your IgG4 levels go up 500-fold. Okay. He said if you get three shots, your IgG4 levels go up 500-fold. And I know everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:30:19 I don't know what that means. Well, you know what the third booster shot is. And you know what 500-fold is. But you're like, I don't know what the third booster shot is and you know what 500 fold is but you're like I don't know what IGG4 is and you're scratching your head so you go over to Google oh man oh man you guys are not going to like this well some of you are going to be okay with it
Starting point is 00:30:40 but this is some crazy shit IG44 okay with it but this is some crazy shit ig44 oh my goodness oh my goodness ig44 uh google that what is ig4 autoimmune disease what is the disease igg4 igg4 related diseases just dig into that a little bit oh my goodness hey it's the all-cause mortality thing you know all those numbers that we were talking about it a year or two ago about how basically deaths everywhere are going to increase and so that the effects and and the more and more you scratch the surface and you start learning more and more about the vaccine industry, what you see is,
Starting point is 00:31:30 is that when you get a vaccine, the damage that it does to your immune system affects your entire fucking body. And so they, they struggle to pinpoint why they're bad because it can, it's, it's your entire immune system gets compromised. So when you look at these people who are repeatedly messing with their immune system that the the all the the mortality
Starting point is 00:31:57 in all sorts of areas will go up in small percentages whether it be cancer liver disease just everywhere if you just start scratching the surface, you will completely start freaking out. And those of you who didn't get the injection are going to be very, very, very, very, very happy. It is. Yeah, it's. Yeah. Cave Dastro. Rest in peace, Rambler. What happened? What rest in peace Rambler what happened is Rambler gone Cave Dastro I thought
Starting point is 00:32:36 IGG4 was the kind of plane Greg bought well that too yes good point just look that up and start digging around it all starts to make sense. All the pieces start falling into place. You get an injection. So most medications, you take the medication and if you have an adverse reaction to it, so let's say they give you Vicodin at the hospital and you start to have a stomach ache,
Starting point is 00:33:02 you go back there and they'll give you Oxycontin. They'll switch up your medication based on your immediate response to it. These injections like this, the vaccines, they don't work like that. You have an adverse reaction and you're stuck with it for life. Years. Life. And so instead of saying, hey, the the the vaccine that gave you those problems they blame it on something else oh you have cancer now oh it's weird you have blood clots that must be from that uh um needling you got at the local um uh holistic health center
Starting point is 00:33:38 oh you're you've been eating way too much salt that's why you have the clots man those of you who have kids you can fucking save them now you've been eating way too much salt that's why you have the clots man those of you who have kids you can fucking save them now if you have a mate that you're fighting with on this subject you've got to at least get them to read a couple books
Starting point is 00:34:00 talk some sense into them uh, Sleeky Sevy you you'll love this i went to the doctor yesterday my bmi label has me as overweight my blood pressure was 100 over 60 and the nurse told me it was pretty good yeah that's crazy uh for those of you who don't know. Sleeky. She is by far from overweight. You do have a freakish physique. Did they say anything about like that? Was the doctor like. God damn.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Look at your body. There was this other girl. That I thought had a crazy body. And then one time I saw you standing by her. And it likeed it. I had to recalibrate it fucked everything up I remember that I think I told my wife like look at that I thought she had this amazing body, but now look at sleaky standing next to her and it's fucked that all that other body all up It's weird when you get recalibrated it's weird when you get recalibrated yeah hell yeah Seve if you were in your 20s would you date a vax chick
Starting point is 00:35:11 for sure date any girl date a fucking tranny my 20s can do anything oh Sleeky my doctor has an MDL-1. He knows. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's really cool. IGG4. You do not want 500 times. I got a former client who's taking Ozempic who brags about all the weight he's losing. He's drained a week and is eating 1,200 calories a day. I can't believe this is pushed as okay. Oh, he just needs some human growth hormone, Zach. He'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:36:02 1,200 calories a day. Hey, keep me posted on that I want to see what happens when he gets off Zach I'm so curious what happens Rambler tell me about your experience having sex with a lesbian did she like it probably not
Starting point is 00:36:27 probably not I'm telling you she was just a friend I'm going to have to think back but I think eventually what ended up happening is she kind of like slowly just put more and more boundaries up of what
Starting point is 00:36:50 the intimacy we could have and then next thing I knew she had a girlfriend like I went over there and I was like the third wheel it was pretty obvious. It was pretty obvious. Andrew Hiller, they gain but have a new understanding
Starting point is 00:37:12 how little they actually need to eat. Right. Right. That basically what, that's what like doing meth and ecstasy was like for me in college. I dabbled in both of those for like a month each. And in both times, I had that exact experience that Andrew is saying. I realized, wow, you really don't need to eat a lot to stay functioning.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I think it's way different, though, when you're older. When I fast now, I really slow down, like really, really, really, really slow down. slow down like really really really really slow down Corey Leonard we have a dude that just joined the gym who lost 60 pounds on just cycled off and is determined as fuck to get his life back
Starting point is 00:37:57 basically it makes it just so you're not hungry right or makes it like even like you feel like you're gonna get sick if you eat i don't know that shit scares me that being said where's my california peptides logo There it is. They sell that stuff. CA Peptides. They sell a ton of it. A ton of it.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I think it has like three names. It's called like, it's called Ozempic Wagovi. And then there's another, a third name. Oh, shit. Again. Wow. Hold on, Corey. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Hold on. Give me a second. Of course, I have to reset up my phone again like usual hey good morning hey good morning hey hey morning so yeah um dude just started at a gym uh so we have an on-ramp process. Like I would expect a lot of people to do. Um, not everybody needs all four days of it and whatnot. This dude needed all four days. Mostly because just cycled off Ozyphek and like starting on day one, he could move.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And when I say move, I'm talking about, we're learning how to squat. We're learning how to just do basic movements for about five minutes at a time, if that, before we had to stop and kind of reset because he got nauseous. Oh. Oh. What was the movement that made him nauseous? I think it was just air squat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I really do. Okay. Like, it was day one. It was that. If he actually, God bless him, I'm sure he's not listening, but he threw up was day one so it was that if he's actually god bless him i'm sure he's not listening but he differed he threw up on day one okay from from just and not from intensity just from moving he had just cycled off of that shit and granted he did he lost 60 pounds and god bless him for that but like i just can't see where the benefit of going forward
Starting point is 00:40:07 from there you know i'm saying yeah a friend of mine a friend of mine um also tried it who did not need it by the way this chick is already is skinny and muscular but she said she tried it and she said she did not feel good right away she had to get off but another one of my friends tried it and it was a dude. This guy works out two hours a day, but he lost 70 pounds fast. I think that's where this dude's at right now.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I went in last week. He's going to come into either my class in the afternoon or the one right before. He was in the one right before I was coaching last week. You can tell he got off of it because he didn't like the way he made him feel because just the look on his face like during class like the man is on a fucking mission and i am here for it oh my god he goosebumps talking about it because like he he's trying to get his life back and he wants to be able to move around and still be alive in the next 15 20
Starting point is 00:41:04 years hey was this guy a former athlete of any sort is he like shocked at how hard i haven't had a chance to talk to him as much as much as i want to yet so if i'm being honest because um uh he's just like i said he literally just started and i just had so much shit going on the past two weeks but i would say probably of some sort like he you can tell he's probably strong as shit he's built like a bowling ball, dude. He looks solid. He just had too much meat on him, and he still does.
Starting point is 00:41:30 How old is he? He's probably in between me and you, so I would say early 50s. Early 50s. You know what's weird about getting old is I used to be able to do skin the cats and all that shit. No problem.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Pullovers. I was, I've been doing pullovers forever and all that stuff makes me dizzy now. Even, even, even like, even, um, do you know what candlesticks are? I do. I even have to kind of like work my way into candlesticks, which sucks. Cause I love those. What a great full body workout. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Just watch TV and do like 50 candlesticks, you sucks because I love those. What a great full-body workout. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Just watch TV and do 50 candlesticks, even pistol candlesticks. I would love to know what that's about. Getting dizzy as you get older? Yeah, me too. I'd love to know too. Do you get dizzy when you go upside down now? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:42:21 How old are you? 46. One of my training partners just made 55 dude and we we do handstand walks and push-ups and shit all the time and neither one of us ever it doesn't affect either one of us yeah i should try i'm not good at handstand walking but i could do handstand push-ups i should try that i haven't tried those in a while i should see if if I get dizzy when I do those. I hate getting dizzy. It sucks. It's a miserable experience. No, yes. I will ride roller coasters all day long, but
Starting point is 00:42:51 carnival rides that just spin in a fucking circle, those things can kiss my ass because I just get dizzy and throw up. It's miserable. What's the gym you teach at? CrossFit Virtus in Gonzales, Louisiana. Oh, cool. Do you own the gym? No, no, I do not. CrossFit Virtus in Gonzales, Louisiana oh cool you own the gym?
Starting point is 00:43:08 no, no I do not I just coach there owned by a very very very good owner who like when dudes like that I was just talking about come in see if he's excited because like that's a project like we can help that dude and he wants to help that dude
Starting point is 00:43:24 that's cool hey what do you help that dude, and he wants to help that dude. That's cool. Hey, what do you think about what Joe Neils is doing every day, like going out with a video camera and showing how he gets a new client every day? Dude, that is awesome. That is absolutely phenomenal. I wish we had an urban-ish area. Not urban, but just in the city. Where we saying? Like in the city where we're at, we are fairly rural,
Starting point is 00:43:48 I guess you could say. Um, so there'll be nowhere over there for nowhere around us for us to be like, Hey, I can save your life. Come to my fucking gym. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:43:58 but you know, the closest place to us is Baton Rouge and there's five or six boxes over there as it is. What a cool thing to say to someone too. I can save your life. 100%. I think it's probably intimidating. Most people are like, fuck you. I don't need my life saved.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Whenever we know that, yeah, you absolutely do. Right. You need what I have. Anyway. All right, brother. Good talking to you. Okay, yeah. Thanks for the insights thank you absolutely bye um i just drank some of this this is this is exactly how you would picture it tasted um it's one of those things that you just can't stand the taste of and yet you still like it like
Starting point is 00:44:39 robitussin yeah this just tastes like medicine. Liquid Focus. I took a sip. I'm afraid to drink the whole thing. I don't know what would happen. This was in the gains box. Dietary supplement. 3.4 ounces.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Energy to get more done. If I start freaking out or my skin starts crawling, I'll tell you. I didn't drink the whole thing. I drank like a third of it. All right. I don't even see. I don't even see. What's crazy is I'm on this CA peptides.
Starting point is 00:45:13 They must have it. It must be under some sort of other name because I don't see Ozempic on here. Or Wagavi or there was another name for it. I don't see it. I thought they had it. I know they have it Anyway D read every pound loss decreases mile time by 1.4 seconds on average. Is that true? D. Reid every pound lost decreases mile time by 1.4 seconds on average
Starting point is 00:45:48 is that true semaglitude I don't see semaglitude on here either semaglutide do I I don't see that one either yeah semaglutide ozempic and wagovi yeah yeah thank you maybe there's a second page of no
Starting point is 00:46:11 i think they're gonna add um i was talking to sarah and they're gonna add 40 peptides to this list of already what looks like 20. Rosie Photography, all you need is CrossFit and Jesus. Oh, this is what it is? Someone is saying it's GLP-1. Wow, okay, is this what it is? Someone is saying it's GLP-1. Wow. Okay. Is this what it is? This one. Yeah, they do sell this. Experience the remarkable benefits of GLP-1 peptide,
Starting point is 00:46:58 a groundbreaking compound designed to enhance blood sugar control and support weight management efforts. Oh, that's how it works? It makes it so you don't crave carbs. Increntin hormone-stimulating insulin secretion. Enhance glucose uptake by cells. This helps regulate blood sugar levels. Weight loss support. Peptide has been shown to assist in weight loss efforts by suppressing appetite.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Oh, I guess that is it. All right. A fourth name, GLP-1. Damn, that's no joke. 300 a month. All right. I'm just going gonna do more burpees yeah 40 more she said i spoke to her the other day uh megan going back to uh gavin newsom he vetoed it because he's gunning for president and the country won't go for that.
Starting point is 00:48:09 So basically what you're saying is he's okay with the state coming in and stealing our children if they want to have their penises cut off. But since the people don't want it, he vetoed it. it why can't i just have a guy who doesn't want um to take my kid uh in a leadership position who doesn't want who doesn't accept my kids being taken away from me jeffrey birchfield got a workout for you to try seven text it to me please uh no i don't know i'll send greg let me see what should i send greg a link No, I don't know. I'll send Greg. Should I send Greg a link? He sent me a text late last night saying, dude, I'm so sorry. I can't make it.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Let me see. Here. There, I sent him a link. If he comes on or not. Yeah, Tuesdays is Greg's day. Tuesday morning. You know we're having Guy Malheros on tonight. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:49:21 We haven't spoke to Guy in forever uh this is kind of long but i'm gonna put you guys through this uh so we got a problem going on in armenia right now and uh this guy some of you love him some of you hate him he explains it uh pretty damn well it's pretty bad uh for those of you who don't know armenia is the uh planet's first christian nation meaning the country of armenia accepted christianity as its national religion before any country ever did that and it is surrounded by uh muslim countries and so as you might imagine things are um tense there and have always been tense there. They've been tense there for a long time. And yeah, so here we go. There are concerns that there could be a lot of killing that's about to start happening there, meaning hundreds of thousands of Armenians may be raped and murdered and killed and that there's no one there to protect them. And it's getting crazy. My dad's over there. I spoke to him yesterday. It was the most emotional I've ever,
Starting point is 00:50:33 it was the most emotional conversation I've ever had with my dad. It was really intense. Okay, here we go. I bet you've never heard of the Republic of Artsakh unless you're Armenian. Today, I'm bringing awareness to a lesser known international conflict. It's complex, so I'd love your take on it. Artsakh is a region of the world smack dab in the middle of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, sandwiched between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
Starting point is 00:50:58 and its history goes back thousands of years. Home to countless Christian monasteries and churches, and where many believed are buried the remains of John the Baptist. Artsakh has nearly 100% Armenian Christian population, speaks Armenian, and is one of the founding provinces of Armenia, dating back thousands of years. Except it's not its own country.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It's an independent region within the borders of the oil-rich authoritarian state of Azerbaijan. In 1991, due to Soviet occupation and subsequent fall, Artsakh ended up on the wrong side of the border. Ever since then, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been in constant conflict over this region. So basically, there are these two countries next to each other, Armenia and Azerbaijan. So basically there are these two countries next to each other, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and inside of Azerbaijan there's another country that just has Armenian people in it, right? So it's weird. The borders there are crazy. Azerbaijan has chunks of its country that are part of its country that aren't attached to it, right? So like the way Alaska is not attached to us, they got some weird shit like that going on over there also it's bizarre most recently in 2020 that is until now for the last nine months
Starting point is 00:52:15 there has been an azerbaijanian blockade around the coveted holy region so so basically there's armenia here and there's basically a piece a piece of Armenia that's inside of this other country. And this other country, Azerbaijan, they want that land back, right? It's in the middle of their country. They want it. So what they've done is they've surrounded it, and they're basically trying to starve out the 120,000 people that are in there. And of the 120,000 people that are in there, 30,000 of them are kids. So they're trying to starve that out. Well, that wasn't working, so now they've started killing the people in there.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Blocking of food and supplies, leaving the 120,000 residents of which 30,000 are children, starving and helpless. In the last week, the conflict has escalated with Azerbaijan shutting off all electricity and communications to this area and sending missiles and artillery injuring civilians, including children. There are reports of rape and murder of Armenian children and women, but since the internet is turned off, no one really knows. At this point, what the people of Artsakh are asking for is a humanitarian quarter to safely leave the area before the genocide takes place. The liberal globalist prime minister of Armenia, Nikos Pashinyan, who rose to power in 2018 as the smooth talker promising change and revolution, has settled into his seat of ultimate
Starting point is 00:53:35 power quite comfortably, and has turned a blind eye on his fellow Armenians facing slaughter in Artsakh. The UN has also turned its back, as has the Biden administration, who continue to arm oil-rich countries of Azerbaijan and Turkey. We'll send a blank check to protect the freedom and democracy of the Ukrainians, but barely a free tweet in regards to Artsakh, instead arming the aggressors. Which one is it? are we protecting people or are we protecting our investments i bet you've never heard of the republic of artsak unless you're
Starting point is 00:54:13 armenian today i'm bringing a uh so other interesting points along this um is that you know we have all these embargoes against russia selling oil uh around the world right now and they're not supposed to be selling oil to europe and in the past the russians have protected armenia from azerbaijan and from some of their neighbors but what's happened now is that russia needs azerbaijan because they're basically pushing oil to the rest of the world through azerbaijan so since they're not allowed to sell oil to the rest of the world through Azerbaijan. So since they're not allowed to sell oil to the rest of the world, Azerbaijan is selling it for them. So instead of the Russians now protecting of the Armenians, they're like, fucking, we'll
Starting point is 00:54:54 look the other way because we're doing business with the Azerbaijanis. It's going to get really bad over there. It's going to get really bad. This problem also goes away if uh trump is president which is just fascinating to me here's another thing that that pipeline that um the the the nordstrom pipeline that we uh destroyed the russians wouldn't be so dependent on azerbaijan if we hadn't have destroyed that either we hadn't have destroyed that either it's crazy crazy crazy crazy we talked about it on the show I know this is going to agitate some of the people
Starting point is 00:55:44 who don't live in this country, but maybe some of you are realists, but the more trouble there is in the United States, the more trouble there is around the world. You have to remember we're like the yard duty of the world and we have diarrhea and we're stuck in the bathroom shitting ourselves right now. And so for anyone who's hoping if it gets bad here it gets worse everywhere else you just wait and watch
Starting point is 00:56:07 and when we pull our shit back together and get back on the train you're the last ones to get back on the train your shit stays fucked up so don't be like oh it's just happening in the United States if our shit unravels your shit really unravels. Okay, we'll see, Mr. Chapman. Unfortunately, untrue. We'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Dan Guillermo, not true. Okay, we'll see. Look it. You think that that shit happens in the Ukraine or Armenia if we have our shit together? Okay. No, we have not been told that, buddy. We have not been told that. We're told the exact opposite, buddy. Jake, we're told the exact opposite. We're told it doesn't matter. We are not told that.
Starting point is 00:57:03 That is not what we're told at all at all you see you wait and see look what's happening in the uk dude it's fucking you guys are fucking leaps and bounds ahead of us from being um you guys are about to fucking lose your fucking money in a second if you're not careful you're only going to have digital currency you're going to become an experimento you wait and see you watch what happens um thomas uh sebi what are your thoughts on bisbing not allowing bryce mitchell to pray after his fight over the weekend i i saw that um i thought bryce got away with a lot maybe got away is not the right word.
Starting point is 00:57:45 I should choose better words. I liked it that Bryce came out with his Bible. I liked all that stuff. I thought it was cool. I think that Bisbing was about to give the mic back to him, and someone chirped in Bisbing's ear and said we were out of time. So that's what I I mean I have no proof of that that's the
Starting point is 00:58:07 story I made up in my head right so I don't know I let Bisbing off the hook I think that they were just on a time constraint I think he got I think just he got off as much as you could hope to get off on a TV show where it's live and that there's a time
Starting point is 00:58:23 time limitations that's what I think yeah we stopped buying iPhones in this United States just go compare if you don't think it's true just go compare economies like go pick something pick something.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Pick something that you think is so fucking abstract. Pick how much cereal we buy in this country and compare it to the entire GDP of the United Kingdom. Pick how much copper wire we use in this country and compare it to the entire GDP of Australia. Just pick some weird, obscure shit, and you'll start seeing things to scale that you've never seen before. Pick how many how much money the United States spends on sleeping pills and compare it to the GDP of the
Starting point is 00:59:13 100 poorest countries which is half the world's population combined. Do that. Take all the GDP of the 100 poorest countries in the nation On the globe Let's say there's 200 countries on the globe
Starting point is 00:59:28 Compare it to how much just sleeping pills The United States spends on money on sleeping pills You'll start seeing these things And It will change your fucking perspective You won't be saying it's not true You won't be saying it's not true. You won't be saying it's not true. And if you think they're telling us that here,
Starting point is 00:59:51 you're wrong. They do not tell us that here. No one's like, if we go down, everyone goes down. They don't say that shit here. I don't hear that. We just keep hearing that China's going to take over. That's what our news is saying. we just keep hearing that China's going to take over.
Starting point is 01:00:04 That's what our news is saying. Self-help book. Hopping in here with a random question. I just watched The Religious with Bill Maher. Whoa, Seve, have you seen that film? He reminds me of you, but less friendly to his interviews um that hurts a little bit i did see that movie i think he is um i think he is a man who is stuck defending a position and i don't think I'm stuck defending a position.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And, yeah, I did see it. It's old, right? It's old. And he reeks of someone who, his behavior reeks of someone who is addicted to drugs, marijuana, alcohol, that shit. I don't have any addictions like that. Just nicotine. And I don't use nicotine.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I have tried to get Bryce on the podcast. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, good. Jake Chapman, we'll be fine don't worry okay good don't let them cancel the Isle of Man hey you can say that all day long
Starting point is 01:01:36 I love this Sevan and his numbers I know god I love numbers numbers less than uh dan guerrero seve uh how much how much apple products uh uh are made in china uh less and less every day they're moving that shit over to india and they're bringing it home to the United States. I mean, you are way more friendly than him. Jeez. It's not just that I'm friendlier than him. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. We'll see you next time. p.m. late checkout. Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit
Starting point is 01:02:51 slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I don't get that Bill Maher has created any space in his life. Are you butthurt? I'm confused. You broke me. I'm not butthurt, but she did break me. Because I just I don't want I don't know how to say it and be even not that I'm known for my humility, but I don't know how to say it without just being a complete arrogant douchebag.
Starting point is 01:04:02 He had an honest presence to me. I didn't see it as a dig, but I don't watch a ton of his stuff i i understand and i and i love you to death uh caroline i i don't i don't mean it uh i'm not offended by you or upset at you i'm just thinking to myself like i i saw that movie years ago it's an old movie but the more recent bill and i and i it's so to me it's it's irrelevant to have the debate about god or not because no no you didn't now you did not come in hot no you're fine you can compare me to fucking uh spongebob squarepants i don't care it's fine um i and anyone can sit still and make the um uh uh journey to god that they want and so there's a there's an idiocy to the component of taking the journey looking for god and not taking the first step to look inward and that movie has none of that
Starting point is 01:04:52 and most of the people who debate it don't are incapable of even taking one step they don't even know what that means the journey inward and so i can just fucking tell you i can tell you right now just like that one guy i had on the show could tell you how to find aliens I can tell you right now how to find God More so than any fucking scripture Anyone out there in the entire world can do And it's to go walk straight out Into a field and lie down and die
Starting point is 01:05:21 Just go do it Just go out there and lie down surrender that's it you're done 99.999 to infinity people don't even know what it means to surrender surrender means you don't even get up to take a shit, a piss. You don't eat. You don't drink. You surrender. It's called rock bottom to some people. You walk right out to that field. You lie down and you surrender. And right there, God will present himself to you. So for him to make a movie, and he has no clue what that even means.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I know most people don't even know what that means. What I just said, it's completely beyond them. They'll be like scratching their forehead. What are you talking about?'re not surrendering you're scratching your forehead you're still tending to your fucking humanly body needs you're not you have not surrendered and if you if you have not if you have not made that journey to Victoria's Secrets, then you're fucked. Then you're fucked. Of course I have. That's the only reason why I know. Of course I have.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Robbie Meyer, Sivvy, have you done that? Yeah. That is my... Of course I have. That's why I don't say dumb shit like I believe in God. Fucking idiot world. Winner chicken dinner. I've surrendered and yes, God was there for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:58 There you go. Now you know there's two. But dude. That's why these people who say that there's a another journey i don't think that there's another journey the only people i know who've experienced uh god are people who've surrendered i don't know one other fucking way and you can read eckhart tolle's of Now, and he tells you about his journey, surrendering and meeting God, and, but he, yet he says there's another way.
Starting point is 01:07:32 There is not another way. You are not going. You are not going to experience God unless you surrender. You're not taking one tiny fucking bit of you on that journey. Yeah, I read that book, The Secret. And then I wonder if chicken dinner, then you spend the rest of your life after if you should try to make another trip. Never surrender. Yeah, you could.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Karina Rain, is it possible to surrender involuntarily? Because if there is, I guess I have. Yeah, that's interesting. You know, that voluntary involuntary part, that's really interesting. I don't. I need to wrap my head around that. Yeah, it's interesting. Very interesting.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Judy, I saw that you said you like this guy the mad attack and I just immediately thought oh you like him because he's Asian that's what I thought I owe you that Mike McCaskey the secret is 2006 psychobabble
Starting point is 01:09:27 I see your point yeah it could be called faith that journey I didn't have faith when I did that I was on a mission to to turn it off.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And there's all sorts of other explanations. People tried to explain it to me in all sorts of ways that take God away from me. And that's fine too. I don't care. This chick is on to something that i'm about to play this video this chick is really on to something uh right here here we go i don't know i don't know who this is i don't know if this is like selena gomez or who the fuck this is oh evita duffy oh here we go say this if you want to be happy in life do the opposite of everything that the
Starting point is 01:10:24 left is telling young women to do that that life do the opposite of everything that the left is telling young women to do that that's really the answer to all of our problems and this is really feminism radical feminism it's really under the umbrella of neo-marxism and what they want to do is is not empower women or help women they hurt women right i mean they destroy women's sports they they hurt them uh socially uh internally you see that liberal women are not happy. What they're doing is they're trying to destroy everything that's good and beautiful in the world, starting with femininity. I'll say this. If you want to be happy in life.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah, I almost think that that's right. She's like on it. And I'm not saying to do everything that the right says, because there's a lot of fucking weirdo women on the right. Weirdo motherfuckers. Weird, weird. Weird. Like they dress like clowns and shit. But dude, I will say this.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Do everything that the opposite of the left says and you'll have a good, good, good, good foundation. Good foundation. Good foundation. God, if you're a woman out there, do not be afraid or believe any of the rhetoric about... Don't over-focus on being an independent woman. That whole fucking journey, spending your life trying to be an independent woman, what a fucking joke. No man does that. No man's like, I'm going to spend my whole life trying to be an independent woman. What a fucking joke. No man does that. No man's like him.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I spent my whole life trying to be an independent man. Don't do that as a woman. Embrace your womanhood for what you find you enjoy as being a woman. Man, dude, I'm telling you. I would be curious what other men think too. There's nothing. I never. The most happy I've ever seen my mom is when she's with my sister and I.
Starting point is 01:12:25 And the most happy I've ever seen my wife the most happy I've seen her, not only when she's with us but when she's bonding with us. And the most happy I've ever seen my wife is when she has her kids around her. When she's being mom. Like the whole world goes away.
Starting point is 01:12:40 mom like the whole world goes away it's so great it's so great Heidi Kroom I'm desperately trying to be a dependent woman yeah I hear ya fuck yeah
Starting point is 01:13:00 you should be a dependent woman independently dependent I cannot believe Fuck yeah. You should be a dependent woman. Independently dependent. I cannot believe someone has not scooped you up. You are so fucking cool. I always think is anyone are any of you guys paranoid those are kind of the only people I don't like paranoid people
Starting point is 01:13:48 oh you have a boyfriend I went to your Instagram you have a dude you have a boyfriend well shit fuck yeah damn your hair looks good oh Heidi you haven't posted in on on Instagram in forever the fuck is going on oh is that your boyfriend
Starting point is 01:14:10 from how long ago is that let me see how long ago oh that's three weeks ago is this book pinned I don't understand maybe the book is pinned I want to lift weights like my mom by Heidi Krum. I wrote a children's book, Lincoln Bio, now available on Amazon. Did you guys hear that? That was the roadcaster again.
Starting point is 01:14:42 God, how is this not perfected? You think I have something hooked up wrong? No, because every time I reset it, caster again. God. How is this not perfected? You think I have something hooked up wrong? No, because every time I reset it, it works again. Dave said on the Seals podcast posted yesterday that 95% of the events at the CrossFit Games will be inside. Am I the only one not sure this is a good thing? I actually was talking with a friend yesterday about it, and I was like, hey, I don't give a fuck if it's inside or outside.
Starting point is 01:15:11 What do I give a shit? And he's like, oh, I like going outside. And then I was like, oh, yeah, I like going outside too. You're right. Here's what I think. This is my guess. 13 events. Three of them will be outside.
Starting point is 01:15:24 That's what I think. And then someone in the comments made a brilliant comment too. A few days ago on the CrossFit Games Update show. They said there's a difference between being outside. And being in the sun. That's true right. I mean fuck. If it's 110 degrees and you're outside.
Starting point is 01:15:39 It's all good. But if you're 95 degrees and you're in the sun. You're screwed. Screwed. But if you're 95 degrees and you're in the sun, you're screwed. Skarud. Yeah, the venue is going to be amazing, guys. If you haven't taken a tour of the venue. Philip Kelly, outside is better than inside. Yeah, I hate it that you guys are pointing that out to me, but I still don't care.
Starting point is 01:16:05 It's going to be amazing. I, I was never at the CrossFit games this year. I was never in the Coliseum going, God, I wish this was outside. I never once, I never,
Starting point is 01:16:14 it never crossed my head, but did I enjoy being outside? Fuck. Yeah, that was, it was cool. It's so cool, but it's going to be great.
Starting point is 01:16:21 It's, it is truly going to be great. Unless of course they don't let me come back. Episode 3, by the way, is done. Well, the rough cuts of the first three episodes of the behind the scenes are done. I was talking to the guy who's putting it together. He goes, I need help. I go, you do?
Starting point is 01:16:39 He goes, yeah. So I think Andrew Hiller is going to start helping edit. I shouldn't say that out loud maybe that's going to be like a ding against me I think the games team is terrified of I think some people in media over at CrossFit are terrified of Andrew Hiller terrified I'd be terrified too
Starting point is 01:17:01 mobile hardworking, fucking savage. He has the ability to change everything. Change all the chatter in like two seconds. Our commander in chief speaking to... Speaking. I don't know who the fuck he's speaking to. Our commander in chief, Joe Biden, speaking. I don't know who the fuck he's speaking to. Our Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden speaking. Here we go. I don't want to stay worried about those in Congress
Starting point is 01:17:32 who are willing to shut down the GOP. Just a few months ago, the Speaker of the House and I agreed to spending levels for the government. We were up right to the very edge almost to negate our debt and that we're going to fund essential priorities and still cut the deficit
Starting point is 01:17:51 by $1 trillion over the next decade. So he's saying they're going to cut the deficit by $1 trillion over the next decade. No. Now a small group of extreme House Republicans Now a small group of extreme house Republicans. Now, a small group of extreme house Republicans. I want to go to that deal and everyone in America could be faced with paying the price for that. And everyone in America could be paying the price for these extreme Republicans. Made a deal, shook hands.
Starting point is 01:18:20 So this is what we're going to do. We shook hands and we agreed on it. And now they're reneging on the deal, which is not much of a surprise these days. We shook hands and we agreed on it. The black community in particular. First of all, there's no such thing as a black community. Do not ever accept that. There's no such thing. There's no white community.
Starting point is 01:18:40 There's no black community. There's no black. There's no LGBTQ, ZY's no, there's no black, there's no LGBTQ, TZ, YQ. It doesn't exist. There is, there, those are lies. Those are fucking, that's all just manipulation
Starting point is 01:18:54 to manipulate people who are black or gay or whatever. There's no fucking black community. That's fucking idiocy. Maybe you go to a church that's all black.
Starting point is 01:19:03 That's your fucking church. There's no like like, black community. Suffers if that occurs. For example. The black community in particular is going to suffer if that occurs. For example, a shutdown is going to risk nutrition assistance for nearly 7 million moms and children who are on daddy's tit, meaning the government.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Shutdown's going to risk nutrition assistance. So when the government shuts down, it disproportionately affects black families. Why is that? First of all, it's not even true. David Weiss, like a broken record. Sorry. Sorry. That wasn't nice.
Starting point is 01:19:44 David Weed, like a fucking broken record. Yeah, that's better David weed like a broken record. Oh My god black people the Republicans are they're gonna they're gonna make it so you don't get food assistance On the fucking real He's such a racist Douche Douche Karen Thompson Remember the lady i had on the other day she was the former uh director of the crossfit health program
Starting point is 01:20:30 she had her instagram account pulled down a few days after she was on the show she has like three or four accounts thank god but uh she has this one called sugar free revolution she had her fucking account pulled down can you fucking believe that it's fucking nuts another thing that happened was that
Starting point is 01:20:48 this account that i'm posting on now was suspended yesterday and it was suspended for supposedly me going against community guidelines which i don't know what i did wrong um because i've just been posting as i normally do but i've been posting more educational content related to health and wellness. Whereas before it was just more stuff about how I'm feeling and what I'm, you know, dancing around and surfing and that kind of stuff. So at the moment I started posting content about health, my account gets shut down.
Starting point is 01:21:18 The verification, the blue ticks being removed and taken away, which I don't really care about. And also the other thing that happened is that away, which I don't really care about. And also, the other thing that happened is that they said if I do it again, my account will be permanently disabled. So this account may be permanently disabled soon.
Starting point is 01:21:39 And then the Fittest Doc who we've had on the show comments, Karin, did you see the recent post from FoodLies regarding wellness-related videos on YouTube now being outright censored? Essentially, if you recommend anything beyond what the World Health Organization recommends, they will censor your account. I truly have no idea what is happening with the world anymore. Sebi, have you ever been hit in the face by a duck? Have you ever been hit in the face by a duck?
Starting point is 01:22:16 You mean like a duck walk up to me and slap me? Or someone take a duck and hit me in the face with it. 12 Daily Doses. Mad Marv. People that are black that support each other, huh? So with 12 Daily Doses and stuff, Logic, he also thinks that if someone black robs you, that it's the black community that's always robbing people, too. You can't have it. You can't you can't have it both ways, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:52 You understand? Can't be like, oh, they're really helpful. Oh, that was just an isolated incident over there. You can't have it both ways. You just want to take the good. You just want to take the good. 12 daily doses and stuff. You're willing to chop off all the penises off of boys who want to play in dresses because there's one that said he wants to do it. I mean, you're completely out of your fucking mind. fucking mind you can't you can't have it both ways
Starting point is 01:23:31 and there's a phenomenon there's a phenomenon of black people getting together or Armenian people getting together but there is not this Armenian community it's it's it's you're you're completely taking it out of context. But welcome back to the show. Didn't someone ban your ass?
Starting point is 01:24:01 You can't have my cake and eat it too. You can't have my cake and eat it too I saw a man get hit in the face by a duck taking off It was one of the best moments of my life I did see one time I was getting onto a freeway on ramp with Greg We were on motorcycles And a bird came out of the bushes holding a snake And if it didn't hit him in the helmet, it sure was fucking close.
Starting point is 01:24:28 It was very close. That's being used, that whole black community thing is being used to be manipulative. It's not being used as like, hey, we have this event that the Armenian church is inviting Armenians to. It's not like that. It's being used completely to just fucking manipulate people and galvanize people just based on the color of their skin,
Starting point is 01:24:59 not on their values and morals. What's best for them. It's being just used as a tool and when and and here's the thing and i'm sure we can agree here 12 daily doses that that is being used when it says when he says hey the government shutting down is going to affect black people that's a correlate there's no cause and effect there there's nothing about someone's skin color that makes them more or less dependent on the United States government. Has nothing to do with their skin color. And if you do think it does, then you are by definition
Starting point is 01:25:33 a racist. You are by definition a racist if you think that it is a cause and effect by skin color and not a correlate and so in that regards there is no community that because of their skin color is more dependent on the government for nutrition it's pretty fucking clear dude it's pretty obvious what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:26:02 that was very fucking eloquent the way I just articulated that. I do understand the statistics. I'm not a slave to them as cause and effect like you are. You want to insist that people because of their skin color are lesser. I understand. I understand your position. It's you who doesn't understand my position. I understand both positions very clearly. I understand what you're doing. I appreciate you coming and invigorating the show. sucks about carring crazy crazy crazy crazy there's there's other people too who i i don't think you're allowed to talk about keto anymore either all the guys who are doing keto shit are now pulling it down or trying to hide it because I think the AMA American Medical Association's against using ketosis for believing that ketosis has any value I think they'reA, American Medical Association, is against using ketosis for – believing that ketosis has any value.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I think they're basically pushing it as dangerous. Oh, Canada. What is this? Let's see what's going on in Canada. What is this? Let's see what's going on in Canada. A great country in the north. Here we go. Do you get how Canadians might call this out of touch? Reporting that you had said that you were worried about a far-right authoritarian shift in the United States. And I'm wondering what kind of things you're concerned about. Are you worried they're going to freeze bank accounts?
Starting point is 01:28:41 What kind of things cause you to be concerned about far-right authoritarianism and not far-left authoritarianism, as your government has been accused of. Could you tell me? No, please don't touch me. Thank you. I'm speaking to someone who's paid by the taxpayers to be here while you're enjoying ice cream. I'm sure you can understand why I want answers to this. Could you tell me why you paid the Chinese government $1.6 million
Starting point is 01:29:04 to get a board seat to advise them on climate change. Just as long as you don't touch me, that's fine. Then don't walk in front of me then, please. You paid them $1.6 million to give your friend Stephen Gilbo a board seat. I like how he gets in between them here. I love how he gets in between them here I love how he gets in between he can tell them to not go net zero until 2060 but you're gonna force
Starting point is 01:29:34 Alberta to do that this is a reporter asking Melanie Jolly who is a, uh, some sort of Canadian politician. There's a picture of her here with, uh, Justin Trudeau. So that people freeze to death in the dark. Has it, have any of you guys ever had the government take money out of your account
Starting point is 01:30:01 or had your shit frozen? I had the, I had the, I had, um, I got it back. I the i had um i got it back i can't believe i fucking got it back but one time they took i had ten thousand dollars or something taken out of my account they claimed i hadn't paid my taxes and i did and they don't they don't warn you i just woke up one morning and i looked at my account it was fucking gone it was fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:30:21 can you imagine the the the Canadian government was freezing people's bank accounts? Or the UK government has asked Google and Rumble to demonetize Russell Brand's accounts? Absolutely insane. Do you get how Canadians might call this out of touch
Starting point is 01:30:47 i did no i know i a warrant i don't know who you're if you're talking about to me or someone in the chat but um i uh no i i didn't get it i didn't get fucking any warning at all nothing just i woke up one morning and the money was gone. And it says in there like where the money went. It said like blah, blah, blah, IRS or whatever. And in all fairness, I got it back fast. I got it back within months. I mean, what I thought was fast.
Starting point is 01:31:19 I thought for sure I was never going to get it. Janelle, Janelle Winston if you showed support for a protest as little as $20 donation triggered it no shit were they froze your accounts in Canada wow wow here's the deal
Starting point is 01:31:40 with 12 daily doses he wants to lump everyone up in these big groups when it benefits him. And when it doesn't benefit him, he doesn't want to lump them up in the groups. So he vacillates between these two positions. Just wherever it benefits him, so it's like all black people, but not all black people, but all black people, but not all black people, black people, but not all black people. black people but all black people but not all black people but black people but not all black people and he doesn't want and he doesn't want to do any he doesn't believe in any common sense he doesn't it's just um he's just just bent just bent on um a progressive agenda. He loves government control,
Starting point is 01:32:25 especially when it comes to kids. Especially when it comes to kids. And he doesn't support women's right to be women. He insists that they become men on all levels, mental and physical. And he hates gay people. I mean like like with a passion and he he he refuses to allow gay people to distinguish themselves from uh men who uh have a unquenchable desire to dress as women and um surround themselves with little kids he has that confused he has gay people
Starting point is 01:33:04 you guys know what gay people are? Gay people are people who want to have intimacy with people with the same genitalia as you. He's confusing them. He confuses them and insists that they stay together with mentally ill men who insist on dressing
Starting point is 01:33:20 as women who have an unquenchable desire to hang out with little kids. Hi, Natalie. Taxation is theft. I don't mind paying a little money to cops and roads and shit like that. Dildo 12 daily doses vs. Sevan live on air debate with Susan Moderini No thank you
Starting point is 01:33:59 I worked in a home for mentally disabled adults For 5 years I made a movie on it And the fact that 12 daily doses home for mentally disabled adults for five years. I made a movie on it. And the fact that 12 Daily Doses hates gay people is troubling. It's troubling. And the fact that he insists on subjecting little kids, that he believes and supports that little kids should be subjected to men with mental illnesses, um, and doesn't support children being, uh, having opportunities to be read by Navy seals or professional cooks or musicians should be terrifying to everyone in his life. It's, it's, um, if, if you're friends with him or if like you're related to him,
Starting point is 01:34:40 you should probably, you should be concerned. It is a, um, him you should probably you should be concerned it is a um nobody you uh 12 days the doses uh love the gays always have you're just making sure no you don't know what gays are you you only love gays if they insist on um supporting pedophilia that you've conflated the two you don't love gays we don't love you i'll tell you that we don't love you. I'll tell you that. We don't love you. And it's sad. And I'm concerned for the, I'm concerned for, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:12 maybe the people around you who are subjected to your, to your tyrannical ways. And that is the question. Why does he even want to be here you know why go look at his Instagram you'll know why right away the question is why do I want them to be here?
Starting point is 01:35:49 12 Daily Doses, you know who supports pedos? The church, and you love those people. So here, this is an important distinction. Within the church, there are pedophiles. The church does not support pedophiles. That is your group that supports pedophiles. Not only do you support pedophiles that is your group that that supports pedophiles not only do you support pedophilia you encourage it and you want it openly accepted mr doses you want it openly accepted and and you're willing to threaten people in order to get it done you're open to violence
Starting point is 01:36:22 in order to get it done this is all these are we have facts of this and you're extremely paranoid extremely paranoid Cave Dastro The fact that it takes us months or years to fix roads That could be done in days or weeks All of you need to know about The bureaucrats and unions wreaking havoc on our entire system Cave Dastro I lived in Berkeley for years
Starting point is 01:37:03 And we had the highest, I think, property tax in maybe the country. For sure, the state, I think. And we also had
Starting point is 01:37:11 the worst roads for a city our size in the country. Potholes everywhere, just complete... Berkeley was like a shithole. It was crazy. And yet our taxes
Starting point is 01:37:21 were completely out of control. It was crazy. And yet our taxes were completely out of control. It was nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts. What is this? What is this? Uh, um. Hmm. Gunsafe company hit with backlash for providing fbi with code to customers oh shit wow well that's interesting let's pull this up what's going on here
Starting point is 01:37:54 popular gun safe company liberty safe is facing intense backlash after providing the federal bureau of investigation with the password to a customer safe at the law enforcement agency's request. Conservative influencers are now calling for a boycott of the brand. Outrage against the Utah-based safe manufacturer began Monday after conservative commentators Keith and Kevin Hodge, known as the Hodge twins, posted the revelation on Twitter. Are we calling it X yet? Last week, a friend of ours was raided by the feds over January 6th. His name is Nathan Hughes, and he's
Starting point is 01:38:29 from Fayetteville, Arkansas. The post reads, which notes in the report the feds called the manufacturer of his Liberty gun safe and got the passcode to get into it. Wow. Wow. that sucks. That really sucks. That dude's got his hands up. Are there people with guns pointed at him?
Starting point is 01:39:12 Is that what's going on? I can't even hear. Can you guys hear? I gotta be here. Damn. Hey, back up, back up, back up, back up, back up. Here, watch out, watch out, watch out. Why do you have to? I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:39:41 What are you talking about? No. No. What are you talking about? No. No, I'm Nate. Who is it? He works here? He's one of the owners.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Oh, man. FBI. FBI. You good? I got you. Damn. That'll fuck your day up. Sabir and Kelly, potholes in Trinidad are the worst. Someone used one as a jacuzzi last year.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Daniel Garrity, the single best thing Hiller has ever said was that he'll make 30 more Danny videos just so more people will see Joe Neal's video. Sums up his work perfectly and made me finally understand him I Wonder I wonder what games athletes have leveraged their popularity to support affiliates. To help the ecosystem like that. Tons of them?
Starting point is 01:41:14 None of them? Look it. So glad to be back. See you guys tomorrow where I'll be much more involved And I will call if the moderator grows a set and lets me And the phone number's been on the screen For two and a half years and he's never called What a
Starting point is 01:41:35 Dude it's Mikey Swoosh Logic It's Mikey Swoosh Logic God you're a lying douche You're such a liar Mikey Swoosh logic. God, you're a lying douche. You're such a liar. Hey, you guys. This guy right here, the 12 Daily Doses guy,
Starting point is 01:41:57 sent me, he would DM me and I would DM with him back and forth in the DMs. And one day he sends me a DM and it says, hey, why are you uh you basically i'm paraphrasing but it says basically you piece of shit um uh i'm gonna out you for everything you've ever written to me and i'm like what are you talking about he goes you're erasing our dms i'm like i don't even know how to erase dms and he goes you're erasing our DMs and we still DM? That's a fucking lie too right there. We still DM.
Starting point is 01:42:30 I've not DMed you in fucking forever. You're out of your fucking mind if you think I DM you. Or you're DMing me on an account and I don't know it's you. So he said, you're erasing our DMs. I've never erased a single DM in my life And he goes and I'm going to out you For all the DMs you've erased And I'm like first of all I've never
Starting point is 01:42:51 First of all that was a red flag right And I have screenshots of all the DMs Imagine someone Sending you that saying I have screenshots Of all your DMs like why the fuck are you taking Screenshots of my DMs and now you're threatening Me to out me on all our conversations. So I wrote back to him.
Starting point is 01:43:07 This is all calculated. And I said to him, I said, 12 daily doses. Has Seve ever sent you a dick pic? That's all I send to him. Just straight dick pics. So then I said to him, hey, dude, I've never erased a DM. I don't know how to erase a DM.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I don't erase text messages. I don't even know how to do any of that. But why don't you go ahead and post everything that we've ever written back and forth to each other? I think it would be great for your brand. And my point was, is like, yeah, let's go ahead. Go ahead and post everything I've ever sent you. Let's out me for being the horrible fucking person that I am. And go ahead. Why don't you post them all? Go ahead. I think it would be great for your brand. that pretty much threatening threatening telling someone you take pictures of their dms threatening them is the biggest douchebag you can be that's like you are bottom of the barrel scum and you
Starting point is 01:44:11 know what he even said to me goes i wasn't threatening you i'm like uh dude you just told me you were taking pictures of all of our dms that's not even implicit threatening that's explicit threatening that's explicit threatening you guys know who this guy is, right, too? This guy is a world-class piece of shit. I recommend that nobody engage with him. I do not engage with him on anything in writing anymore. He is a fucking horrible person. he's a racist he's a homophobe he hates kids and he and and he's psychotic in the sense that i don't know anyone who would ever do that threaten threaten someone to release their dms let alone be like i'm taking pictures of let alone accuse me of a race i'm like dude i have thousands of dms like i get hundreds of DMs every day. You're like a speck. You should thank me for even fucking engaging with you. There you go.
Starting point is 01:45:21 And I've waited. I was like, fuck, I'm just going to hopefully this this guy just goes away i seriously think something's wrong with him go ahead buddy i said go ahead you have screenshots of all i think it'd be fantastic for your brand let everyone know what a piece of shit you are that you screenshot my shit and post it i think it'll be great for your brand. Crickets. Can you imagine, like, you DM me and accuse me of erasing our DMs? Like, dude, do you want to suck my dick or what?
Starting point is 01:46:07 You sound like a fucking 12-year-old girl. And you should see the crazy shit he's fighting. He still cannot leave me alone. This guy wants a fucking dollop of my semen in his mouth so bad. Maybe two dollops. I rarely, I rarely just go with one dollop, two, two dollops. um uh um you know it's funny i want to tell you this too i keep he uh he likes keep he likes to keep writing in here uh 12 uh i live rent-free in your head.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Here's the thing, dude. You do live rent-free in my head. You got a five-bedroom mansion, a pool. You live so rent-free in my head. But let me tell you what's going to happen. And everyone knows this in about five minutes i'm gonna get off the show and you're gonna go away in my life but i'm gonna be stuck in your fucking head tomorrow and the next day and the next day and everyone knows that i that this
Starting point is 01:47:40 entire show consumes you day in and day out when i I'll be fucking like in a few minutes here, I'll have a push broom and I'll be pushing water off a skateboard ramp, uh, moving on with my life. Uh, it, and, and this show stays in your head all,
Starting point is 01:47:58 it's going to ruin your day every day. And I know that we all know that. So just relax. You do get, uh, you did get, you are living rent free in my head, uh, for 15 minutes this morning. Um, but you should also know that you've been invited in here and, um, and I haven't been invited into your head and, uh, I won't be leaving. It's okay to transition children to Christianity. won't be leaving. It's okay to transition children? Yeah. To Christianity? No. Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 01:48:37 we got them. You think it's okay to transition children? Yeah. To Christianity? No. Ladies and gentlemen, we got them. you think it's okay to transition children? Yeah. To Christianity? No. It is not possible. God, can someone fucking explain that to me? Let me see what happened here with Greg. I think Greg tried to come on.
Starting point is 01:49:14 I don't think he could. I don't think his cell signal was strong enough. He just sent me a video of where he's at. He's on a boat. God, that looks nice. I FaceTimed with Greg the other day and he sent me a... He sent me a he sent me a we were FaceTiming and he was on his boat. And I go, dude, that boat's fucking huge. And he goes bigger in your house, buddy.
Starting point is 01:49:35 I was like, thanks, Jay Sheets. You're with seven dollar ninety nine. Thank you. Isn't it crazy that you, Jan Clark uh, Yon Clark plans, uh, uh, you, you've not been missed buddy. Oh, come on. It was fun. It's fun. It's totally fun. Um, isn't that amazing that you can, you can, you can have the, uh, perverts reading to kids in school libraries, but not Navy SEALs. You can convert kids to chopping off their genitalia in schools, but you can't talk about Christianity. It is a fucking bizarro world we live in. Some shit needs to be reworked out. I love that, though.
Starting point is 01:50:20 I love that little video clip where they're like, is it okay to transition kids? Yes, to Christianity. No. I love that little video clip where they're like, is it, do you think it's okay to transition kids? Yes. To Christianity. No, it's awesome. A number 66. I need to get this guy on the show. Oh,
Starting point is 01:50:35 we already did that one. That was the bull. All right. Um, I think Caleb will be on tonight And we're going to have Gui Malheros on It's going to be a great show He hasn't been on a long time
Starting point is 01:50:52 Oh This is When they talk about building homes For homeless people Excuse me When they talk about building homes for homeless people They are talking about these people that's like 30 flies on someone's crotch
Starting point is 01:51:16 look at these people that doesn't even look real, right? Nut. Look at the needles on the ground. Needle cap, needles. Jeez Louise. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the white community. These people are from the white community. Cave Dastro, Sebi, the offer is open. You will back end for Morning Show for free you'll start back ending do I know you? I need to know you first only 10% of the people have ever lasted
Starting point is 01:52:16 who helped with the show so but yeah I mean you're here every day you should be doing something to contribute and make money I mean you're already contributing I didn't mean to like you're not contributing but fuck some of you are so dedicated to the show it would be awesome to parlay it
Starting point is 01:52:41 into something I've been here since day one. Dang. Can you DM me? Do I know you? Do I know who you are? All right. Crazy busy day today crazy crazy crazy uh jiu-jitsu in the morning kids are finishing school now with their mom then we're doing uh uh striking and kicking for an hour then uh we're doing skateboarding at the house today on the ramp for a couple hours then it's off to two hours of tennis for the twins although ari still has his cast on from
Starting point is 01:53:32 his broken shin then it's off to jujitsu with uh avi i think my mom's doing that and i think i'm just gonna be at home working out and putzing around in the yard. And I think maybe I'll go over to my neighbor's house. And he has these two massive Asian pear trees. I've been trimming so – I think I've dried 100 pounds of Asian pears. Everyone thinks that they're mushrooms on my Instagram because of the way they look. But they're Asian pears, and I've been drying those. Maybe I'll do that today. But eventually, I've got to pull my shit together for a 6 PM podcast with Gima
Starting point is 01:54:08 Harris. It's going to be great. And, um, I'll talk to you soon. Thank you everyone for joining in. I'm sorry, Greg didn't join us today and I'll talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Bye. Bye.

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