The Sevan Podcast - I’m On a Boat | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live look at that kenneth what's up dude hey savvy curious oh plus internet no i'm actually not on a boat are my um let me see is my headset working i can't tell if it's working or not. You guys let me know. I'm just in a hotel room. Yesterday, I jumped on a plane, flew down to San Diego. And then with my bags, I walked two miles to the harbor. I wasn't going to spend a dime on Uber. And I walked down to the harbor,
Starting point is 00:01:51 and got on a boat, I hung out there for like four hours, I hung out with, Sleeky was there, I hung out with Sleeky, I hung out with Greg, a couple other friends, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:02:04 and we ate lunch. And then we jumped on this boat. Greg got this boat. Brand new boat. And we went like three miles out to sea. And then just fucking like a rocket ship shot up the coast. It was really cool. And then we pulled into Newport Beach.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Into like Balboa. And there was a big ol slip waiting for us in between like two of the biggest boats I've ever seen private boats and got out and and went and had dinner with Sarah it was cool really really cool there's this there's this restaurant Beverly Hills called called The Ivy. It's kind of weird. It's a swanky place, but it's on this patio. There's nothing swanky about it, but it's swanky. It's really cool. I always like going there. movies. Anytime you go there, there's going to be famous people there. And, uh, we went to this place here in Newport. That's very, very, very, very similar called, uh, the arc or arc ARCK arc owned by a guy named Noah. I've gone there probably like, I don't know, 15, 20 times with Sarah. And I never put the two together that the guy calls it art because his name's Noah, but I figured that out yesterday. Anyway, it was really fun. I had a good time.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I went to bed. What did I drink there? I got saucy there. They had this like wine spritzer drink and I got saucy. I didn't realize I was saucy until I got home and went to bed. So, that's how I ended up here. I'm at some hotel.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Fancy schmancy hotel. We we're gonna hang out here for another hour and then I think we're headed out to uh Catalina oh you're on a train oh good trains are good I did not drink at lunch there were uh there some some people were drinking at lunch I did not drink at lunch. There were – some people were drinking at lunch. I did not drink at lunch before we left. I was like, you know what? I'm going to save my wine spritzer for dinner. uh while we were coming up we while we come to coast i saw i saw those weird airplane we saw you know all the boats all the military boats were there submarines crazy shit it's a crazy military base right tons of stuff aircraft carriers planes and jets flying overhead i saw that weird plane called an osprey for those of you don't know what that
Starting point is 00:04:43 is it's like an airplane that looks like a helicopter. When we were out at sea, we saw some whales. We saw shitloads of dolphins. I was surprised how many boats were actually that far off the coast. At all times, you could see at least one other boat. And even though we were three miles off the coast, to me, it just looked like we were 2.7 miles. At one point, I asked Greg, I said, hey, how far is that coastline? He said 2.7 miles. And I would have guessed it was no farther than a mile, which is pretty amazing. No, I did not eat clams.
Starting point is 00:05:13 The appetizers were clams. I did not have a single clam. No clams. One year at the games, I ate clams the day before the game started. It was Dave's birthday. And we went out, him and I went out to a seafood dinner, just the two of us, and I got so sick, and I never will eat clams again. Okay. So that's that.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And then today we're going out to Catalina. That's an island off the coast. I want to say it's 30 miles, 30 miles off the coast. So we're going to go there. Yeah, I showed some restraint. I was pretty proud of myself not to drink at lunch. A couple people around me ordered, what did they order? I'd never, I hadn't, someone ordered a pina colada. I was like, wow. And I don't know, is he in Sousa? Sousa's in Portsmouth for Dale King. Doc Spartan and Dale King are throwing a big event there. Sousa said they have over 100 teams competing there. this hotel room on this tiny little screen usually i have three or four big screens a couple 32s and a 27 now i just have one uh 16 inch yeah day drinking makes me tired not only does day drinking make me tired but i won't drink at night if i drink during the day once i recover i'm i don't go back so i was like all right i'll just wait who did i see in here did i see oh julia's up, girl? Even though you're saying hi to Jonathan. Hi.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I saw this article I wanted to show you guys. Did you guys see Miss Alabama? Did you guys see Miss Alabama? I wonder if I can share if I know how to do all this on this computer. Did you guys see Miss Alabama? I wonder if I can share if I know how to do all this on this computer. Miss Alabama. Here we go. Oh, Daysex makes you energetic. Energetic. Okay. oh day sex makes you energetic and energetic okay plus size miss alabama hits back at trolls who branded her an unhealthy embarrassment
Starting point is 00:07:35 i was tripping on this article so i i guess you could call her plus size You could call her also morbidly obese or chronically ill or – I don't think it's inappropriate to call her an unhealthy embarrassment. Not for all of mankind. I don't think it's – I don't think that's rude, and I don't think that's trolling. of mankind. I don't think that's rude, and I don't think that's trolling. I don't think that there's any doubt. I would like to see one person come on here and suggest that maybe she's healthy at all. And by healthy, I mean just being able to do some things that we could agree on that are fundamental. I don don't think she i don't think she can walk with me and my boys a mile eat a piece of pizza and walk back i just don't think she's capable of that and i don't think if i think if you can't do that uh because you carry so much
Starting point is 00:08:40 excess weight i i just don't i don't think i don't think that's wrong i i know i don't think tub of shit is too aggressive either to be honest matt burns tub i don't and here's the thing like i wouldn't call her that i mean unless i was angry at her but i but i also think it's um But I also think it's – and I'm going to make some presuppositions that being alive is a miracle and walking on the planet is this tremendous opportunity and that we probably don't get another shot at it. And I think it's a – at that level, if you view the world like that, that life is a miracle and it's profound and it's amazing, then yeah, I don't think that that's too aggressive. I don't think that she could handle the common cold as well as like 99% of the people on the fucking planet. The thing is, I wonder if she's getting closer to the norm than the girls around her than the ladies around her anyway i'm going to read the article to you because they say these people are trolling
Starting point is 00:09:53 and i just don't see it as trolling plus size winner of miss alabama beauty contest has hit back at trolls who called her an unhealthy embarrassment. I don't think that that's trolling. I think it's a totally fair, honest assessment. C. McAnons, always nice to see you. I wonder how long people live on average with a waist circumference of over 50 inches. inches. Sarah Milliken, 23, was overjoyed when she scooped the
Starting point is 00:10:33 top prize in the National American Miss Pageant. American Miss Pageant. National American Miss Pageant. But her delight was short lived as vile trolls quickly began taunting her about her appearance. So listen, if it makes you happy that a bunch of people are sitting around judging you and calling you Miss America, then it's going to make you equally unhappy when people comment on what they don't like. Let's say there was a Miss America. Let's say one of these other girls won right here
Starting point is 00:11:08 someone in the comments is still going to say hey that fucking white bitch is ugly like that's what you're doing you're putting yourself out there to be judged at that point there can't even be trolling
Starting point is 00:11:23 at that point there can't even be trolling at that point there can't even be trolling no i didn't see this uh black dragon but this sounds interesting i saw some previews for it i couldn't tell if it was real or not did you watch eddie hall versus the two brothers no i didn't see that did he fight two guys at once wow i'll have to check that out uh sebi do you like her chin i don't know i don't i don't really have an opinion on her if she's pretty or not pretty to be honest like i like someone in the comments wrote gross i don't find her gross me personally but if you put yourself out there to be judged for Miss America and then someone calls you a fat tub of shit, you's, he's natty. And I was thinking to myself, I hope you should be just as upset as if he calls you natty or not natty. If philosophically you're opposed to him judging people on whether they're
Starting point is 00:12:36 steroids or not on steroids or not just, just on their appearance, you can't have one without the other. If you're upset that he accused Tia of being on steroids, then you should be equally upset that he said Justin is natural. Or at least understand when you're not upset, it's on you. At least understand that. If not, that's how you get controlled. That's how you're controlled, by just living in this world of duality and not being aware of it. But her delight was short-lived as vile trolls quickly began taunting her about her appearance, meaning the people who crowned her as Miss America are just as vile as the people who find her extremely unattractive or calling her a tub of shit.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It's the same person. It's the same thing. It's the same mechanism. Even something that you type over a screen can have a lasting impression on people. A lasting impression on people, she told WKRG. Yeah, it had a lasting impression on you, Miss Milliken, that they crowned you Miss America. What did she think was going to happen? Even though I'm not at the point, it can lead people to do some very dark things to themselves.
Starting point is 00:13:59 What did she think was going to happen? So you see this picture of her and you know she has some sort of addiction issue, right? You just know she has some sort of addiction issue. If we saw her walk, we would see that her locomotion, her movement is nothing like someone who's not morbidly obese. She probably has to waddle to generate forward momentum. Yeah, she's so fat that she has fat on her face that impacts her eyes. Yeah. uh the spike you're right savvy she would never be able to eat just one piece of pizza on that walk a plus-sized winner of the miss alabama beauty contest has hit back at trolls who called her an unhealthy embarrassment i don't know what she has to hit back on why can't she just say i understand i understand that I'm a bad example for people out there and that I am extremely unhealthy?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Sarah Millican, 23, was overjoyed when she scooped the top prize in the National American Miss pageant. Look at her fupa, right? The area in between her belly button and her vagina to the distance to her ass. It's like three feet. Her belly is probably two and a half feet off her midline. If you were to take a line and bisect it down from the top of her head all the way to split her feet in half, right, that drawing, she's so obese that, like, I don't know, 70% of her body is off her midline. Among the harsh comments was one from Blaine Tom Marotz who wrote, I thought it was a beauty pageant. Like, how is that harsh? I don't, I don't, I don't get how that's harsh. I don't, I don't think if you were to to take I agree that maybe there's some components to beauty that are subjective and
Starting point is 00:16:32 I think a lot of people live in that subjective world and miss out on a lot of beautiful people because they misjudge them or because they have some sort of Belief on what's pretty But like Jake Paul's girlfriend has the fucking biggest nose in the world. I think she's hot as fuck. Some people don't find a big nose attractive. Randy Hicks writes, is that actually considered attractive in Alabama? A totally fair question. This is like, how is this trolling?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Now what we're going to find out here is as we go down the article that she wasn't judged on her looks at all i guess i guess i guess these aren't actually beauty pageants which is what we're going to find out here i think in a minute john mason said this hey i think this is more trolling that this article is doing by calling these guys names out and mislabeling them mischaracterizing them as trolling or abusive than what these guys said by far. John Mason said this should have been Miss Jack in the box winner. And then they go on to say a cruel reference to the fast food chain. How is that? I'm mind boggled that that is somehow a cruel reference if i told you that every morning she woke up to maintain her physique
Starting point is 00:17:54 to create the giant shadow that she creates that she wakes up every morning and goes to jack in the box and has three sausage egg m McMuffins. Or is that only McDonald's? Whatever. You guys get the point. You would be like, yeah, probably. That sounds about right. Like if I asked you if you had to bet on it, right? How is it cruel to say she looks more like Miss Jack and the Mugs? She does look like Miss Jack and the Mugs.
Starting point is 00:18:27 She looks like a Miss Fast Food Pageant winner. I do not understand how that's cruel. What did she think was going to happen? Nick at Gilbert's. Shouldn't the winner of the beauty pageant be the most fuckable? Honestly, that's what I would think too. I don't know if uh most procreatable right someone who's beautiful and smart and has a has a good outlook out on the world right that that's that's what i would think someone who's like and who would be a good mom something that's like high quality mating material that's what I would think. Someone who's like – and who would be a good mom. Something that's like high-quality mating material.
Starting point is 00:19:06 That's what I think. And I understand if someone wants to tell me different. If their criteria was just on personality, I get it. I don't know this girl, Miss Milkins. Maybe she's the coolest chick there. I know a lot of really cool fat people. But I also probably think to to be that fat you have to have serious serious psychological hang-ups serious psychological hang-ups like you're
Starting point is 00:19:34 running from something and you're medicating with carbohydrates others were kinder with tracy stefan's book saying to know is to love her to know her is to love her this young lady has a heart of gold and will give anyone in need a helping hand not anyone she's not giving and you just know that's a lie right there because she's not helping herself and she needs a lot of help right and what is her capacity to help someone could she do you think she could help someone who's fallen down this woman i want to show you how big this woman is i was thinking about this there's this coffee shop by my house and you guys all have
Starting point is 00:20:15 coffee shops like this right and you go to the counter and you order your coffee and then you go down to the end and there's a pile of people waiting down at the end right and this one coffee shop that i go to there's a wall and then there's the counter right so the coffees come here and then there's a wall here exterior wall and the people pile in here and that spot can hold like three people comfortably and like 12 people uncomfortably sometimes it gets like that there's like 12 people there 12 people uncomfortably. Sometimes it gets like that. There's like 12 people there. That lady can't fit in that spot. That lady can't fit in that spot with other people waiting for their coffee. That lady cannot fit there. So what is she she going to do she's going to wait outside
Starting point is 00:21:09 jedediah snelson uh the funny thing is there's been girl winners called out for their lack of intellect and yet their account they're not accused of trolling yeah like when they say dumb shit yeah it's it's it's uh among the harsh comments okay uh others were kinder um a beautiful obese diva with style sass and a lot of class so they say she'll help any give anyone a helping hand and we know her her capacity for helping is is very uh limited and we also know that that's not true because she obviously hasn't helped herself uh to anything besides uh jack-in-the-box and she's a beautiful obese diva i would not think i do not think i do not find her a beautiful obese diva i don't even know what
Starting point is 00:22:03 that is and but she might have sauce sass in a lot of class. I don't know. Samantha Thrash Duff said, so proud of her. We watched her all weekend and prayed hard that she would come home with that title. She is amazing, sweet, young woman and is going to do great things. Hey, the greatest thing she could do is go on a weight loss journey and share it with people and get her life back. Her limitations must be crazy. Self-imposed limitations.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And David Jr. said, great to finally not see some hundred pound blonde hair, blue eyes who wants world peace win. Congrats to Alabama and this queen. That, I mean, that sounds more judgmental and off base than saying that Miss Milliken looks like Miss Jack in the Box. Sarah's now determined to not let the harsh criticism hold her back. Dude, the only thing holding her back is 400 pounds of excess body fat. As she prepares for the national final, which will be held in Florida over Thanksgiving. So after this and after saying that harsh criticism can take people to a dark place, she's going somewhere else to be judged again.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Nick, little known fact, she can redeem that trophy at her local Iron Skillet for a steak dinner. at her local iron skillet for a steak dinner. Jen, as someone who is morbidly obese and is working hard to get fit, I hate when people promote or justify this type of unhealthy lifestyle. Sleeky, I feel bad for her. This has to have been a lifelong battle for her. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Totally, totally totally totally totally hey man it's a lifelong battle for you know it's a lifelong battle for so many people um i'll be honest it got to me for about five minutes. She added their words can hurt. No doubt. But to call them trolls or misplaced. I just don't see that. That's a good picture of her. She has nice hair. I've always wanted to spread positivity. And this kind of put me in a position to do exactly that.
Starting point is 00:24:45 What she's spreading. what she's truly spreading, what she's truly spreading is that when you go out in the world like that, you're telling everyone around you it's okay to be like that. That it's okay to just eat every meal at Jack in the Box. How much processed food does she eat? How much packaged food does she eat? Who do you think's diet? I'll put her against me. Who do you think's diet does more damage to the environment, hers or mine? Do we want anyone? What do you think the medical resources she consumes is versus me? Yeah. She has a very pretty face. And also the thing is we don't even know what you don't even know what she looks like.
Starting point is 00:25:41 If she lost 200 pounds, she would be a completely different person. We wouldn't even know what she looks like. If she lost 200 pounds, she would be a completely different person. We wouldn't even know what she looked like. Fake hair, fake makeup, fake laces. I don't know what laces are, but sure, yeah, fake. It's all fake. I agree. I don't know what she wants to do to be a positive force in the world,
Starting point is 00:26:06 but I don't think she's doing it. I think we're all mirrors out here. And when she just goes out, she's sending a horrible message. Milken's victory was her third attempt at the contest, which she says it hopes to foster positive self image by enhancing natural beauty within. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:26:34 She's obviously preoccupied with eating and food. So, yeah, I don't know what that means. Positive self-image. Hey, listen, I don't think you need a positive self-image. I think a positive self-image is the same as a negative self-image. Just don't have a positive or negative self-image. She responded to an open call and competed over Memorial Day weekend by taking part in a series of interviews volunteer work and presentations oh I'd love to see the volunteer work she did did she fold napkins at the homeless shelter which is really the drug addict criminal shelter where drug addicts go to get,
Starting point is 00:27:25 and criminals go to get shelter in between stealing bikes and shooting fentanyl. Scoring in the pageant is based on personality, confidence, and communication according to the organizers. Braces, glasses, skin problems, varying heights, weights, and appearances are all part of creating the special and unique individual that you are and that we want to celebrate, the website states. Wow. Skin problems. So, you go to the CrossFit Games, and you see these people competing, and you see Alex Gazan go out there, and you see her body, and then you see her perform these feats, correct?
Starting point is 00:28:14 And then you're like, okay, I guess those feats got her that body. And then you see her go out there and compete in those feats with women who have similar bodies, meaning because they all train similarly, their bodies are manifesting the same way with slight variations based on their genetic disposition. And then there's a clock put to it, which is an objective measuring tool. They all do the same event as closely as can be done. It's on different lanes. Maybe some people do it in the sun. Some people do it in shadows. And then at the end, you look at Gazan, and if you're in the audience,
Starting point is 00:29:03 you're like, man, I'd like to be like that. Superficially, I'd like to have my body look like that so then you're like okay so then you go follow on Instagram and you're like this is what she does she has a loving husband who she's in a serious committed relationship with she trains at this place with a guy named Justin Kotler underdogs athletics and these movements she does are prescribed in this lifestyle methodology called CrossFit. And you can get on it. That's what Alex is bringing to the fucking world.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And it's for boys and girls. But what the fuck? This beauty pageant wants to celebrate braces, glasses, skin problems, varying heights, weights, and appearances are all part of creating a special unique individual that you are and that we want to celebrate so if you if you want to be miss alabama next year should you just start fucking eating the loaf start every morning with a loaf of bread and four five sticks of butter white processed bread is that is that is that what she's sending to the world?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Let's take a break here. Uh, teal is bad as fuck. Um, uh, you, you, I mean, you, you can't even believe Kelsey Keel in person. You can't even fucking believe it. I've told you guys about Danny Spiegel being like the Grand Canyon. You just look at her and you can't even believe what you're fucking looking at. It's like that with Kelsey too. You just can't even believe it. I mean, you look away and you look back and you can't even believe that's it. It's like when you look at a chihuahua and someone's like, yeah, that's comes from the wolf family. Like you look at all the different dogs out there and you're like, yeah, the parent, the, the animal at the top of that genetic pyramids, a wolf.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's what it's like looking at Kelsey Kiel. You're like, really? You can't even believe like that. That's like it, man. It's just like oozes woman like perfect woman sorry to judge her but it just oozes perfect woman extra sloppy savvy we have to talk about hunter yeah you know i'm gonna send hunter a um link let's see maybe he'll show up let me see how do i do that from here? Invite, copy.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I'll send Hunter a link. I would love to talk to Hunter this morning. I sent him a link. Come on anytime. I am live for the next hour. Let me love on you. Okay's what i said i said come on anytime i am live for the next hour let me love on you man uh you know how people wear, um, remember what,
Starting point is 00:32:06 remember what Taylor was saying, saying about wearing the, the, the Trump hat. He said it was like, he, he kind of like could empathize with what it was like to be trans a little more of what it meant to be trans. Cause like they,
Starting point is 00:32:16 they just feel liberated. They get to go, a man can go out and dress as a woman and just be free and just accept that. And like, and how he said, wearing the Trump hat is like that. There's some people who feel that way about following this account
Starting point is 00:32:29 or Hiller's account because for some reason they're like afraid for anyone to know. It's like a guilty pleasure of theirs to watch our shows. It's so weird. I don't get it really, but I guess it's true. But someone just sent me a text saying that there's a girl out there who has to like sneak away and watch kill taylor because her husband or boyfriend doesn't want her watching it because of all the swearing
Starting point is 00:32:52 uh david weed taylor is a is trans i don't know if that's true. I saw trans for Trump. I saw that. Live in person many years ago at a rally in Berkeley. And I saw Antifa attack the Trump supporters. It was crazy. It was before I even knew what Antifa was.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Milliken admitted she was shocked by the response to her win, but has since received an influx of support from across the world, gaining 2,500 followers across Instagram and Facebook in a single night. Hey, so basically what she's doing now is she's curating a crowd of people who will be her go-dependents, who will love her and support her for her unhealthy lifestyle. I remember a buddy of mine. This is many years ago. He was an arm wrestler, short guy, and he was juiced to the gills on steroids. And I remember interviewing his wife and his wife saying, I love how muscle he is.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I hate scrawny men. The more muscles, the better. And I remember thinking, holy fuck, that kind of sucks to be him because now he's in this environment where someone is supporting his steroid abuse. Oh, Thomas Owens, really? Sebi, my wife says, Matuthian leaves my breath stinky. Can we up the peppermint on the next batch or should I tell her to kick rocks? I can mention that.
Starting point is 00:34:37 You know, I ask my wife like three times a day, does my breath smell? Does my breath smell? And she's like, no, it's fine. It doesn't smell like anything. I haven't heard that before uh kylie i'm all for body positivity but obesity is a real epidemic imagine if processed foods were banned and whole foods were affordable and good quality i don't know work harder make more money so you can buy whatever food you want but her delight
Starting point is 00:35:11 was short-lived as vile trolls quickly began taunting her about her appearance we've already talked about this if you're going to accept the fact that people are going to say you're beautiful online then you have to accept the fact that people are going to call you fat tub of shit. You can't have one or the other. Even the most beautiful girl in the world is going to even the most beautiful girl in the world is going to, if she goes online, people are going to say shit about her.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Seve, your wife is supporting your stanky ass breath. No, I don't think it is. I ask my boys too. I have a few acquaintances that have really bad breath, and their breath almost smells like burning plastic. It's weird. It's not like bad. There was this one guy I used to work with at CrossFit, and his breath actually smelled like rotting flesh. It was so bad. It would stink up an entire entire room like he had something rotting in his mouth and then there's like bad breath like coffee breath or garlic breath right or or like it's kind of like bo's the same way like i don't mind smelling people's body odor i prefer it over deodorants and stuff and perfumes as long as it's like a healthy stank. Jake Chapman, Seve, last day of the IOMTT, I've just sent you a video to call in to the call-in number.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Oh, I don't have that phone. I'm just at a hotel. Damn, sorry. That sucks. Kenneth DeLapp, burning plastics so their breath smells like condoms yeah kind of it's weird their breath smells like chemical shit it's so weird it's so potent it smells like uh it doesn't you know how like when you pee after you eat asparagus how it's just such a distinct smell i have these two acquaintances who their breath has it has the exact distinct smell but it's it's not like rotting flesh or something, but it's like, I don't like,
Starting point is 00:37:07 I don't want to smell it. Whatever it is. It's too, it's too strong for me. Um, I, I had a country cousin who must've snorted some pork chop, I had a country cousin who must have snorted some pork chop his nose and it got stuck kid's face smelled like a rancid possum pussy wow Dave's breath is good I mean you just don't want to smell someone's breath period right at the end of the day that's what it is
Starting point is 00:37:39 you just don't want to smell their breath good or bad I don't want any smell from it I don't want to, you don't want, you don't, I don't want any smell from it. I don't, I don't, I don't like the, I don't want to be breathing in your shit. Yeah. It smells like they aren't taking care of themselves. Yeah, exactly. It's like my wife thinks that she she'll be like, Oh my God, I smell. And I'm like, I don't smell anything. Like she smells great. It just smells like a healthy person. No matter what your body looks like, no matter where you come from, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That's not true either. That's not true either. If your body composition is like hers, there's things you can't do. She can't walk two miles and get a slice of pizza and walk back. And, and clearly the thing is, is if she could really set her mind to something, we would see her start losing weight and get healthy. I want to, I want to argue that being your proper body weight, whatever the fuck that is, that allows you to present on planet Earth as a capable human is fundamental to happiness. I want to argue that no one this size can truly be happy because of the severe burden that you carry at all times.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Hey, dude, we all know those people too. We all know those guys who have like perfect bodies. They're 6'4", and they're juiced to the gills, and they're on steroids, and they fucking hate it because it's just too much weight. and they fucking hate it because it's just too much weight. Ask any man, no matter what his body looks like, what it's like cracking over the 300-pound mark, even if he's ripped. It's insane. They hate it.
Starting point is 00:39:37 It's a shitload of fucking work. Now just imagine that extra 300 or 400 pounds being fat. I've met so many amazing and accomplished women. That was definitely the best part. Hundreds of her supporters have since flooded her inbox with offers of everything from dresses to thousands of dollars worth of beauty products to help her in the next round. I wonder if anyone's offered her a diet plan or an exercise plan. While she has been able to dust herself off, Milliken stressed it's not easy for the victims of cyberbullying here.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Cyberbullying would be... What's that look like? I'll tell you. Someone come up with it. Someone help me. come up with it. Someone help me. The winner of high rocks yesterday had 12, no reps on wall balls says Sean Roddy. Imagine a CrossFitter getting no rep 12 times for anything. Surely you learn after the first, maybe second, considering your fatigue guests, five, a great five months, by the way. Oh, thank you. Thanks for being a member for five months um those dudes do
Starting point is 00:41:06 a shitload of reps i i i wouldn't be surprised if you went back and looked at the games and you looked at when they did murph that a lot of the top guys had between you know the the 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups and 300 air squats i wouldn't be surprised if you saw i wouldn't be surprised if the guy who won that we should ask josh bridges got 12 reps dispersed through those movements yeah like doxing sure sure that's cyber bullying i agree so if someone were to give out her address or if someone would like to uh send a dead cow to your house that's cyber bullying or someone were to give out her address or if someone were to send a dead cow to your house, that's cyberbullying. Or if someone were to – I don't know. I think even calling her grotesque, like if you were to call this chick Sarah Millican grotesque, I would think that's cyberbullying. But at the same point,
Starting point is 00:42:08 she entered a contest where she is to be judged. Oh, dude, you want to see cyberbullying? Go to Reddit and look my name up. There's crazy cyberbullying going on there. Crazy. I would rather... Saying that she looks like Miss jack in the box is not cyberbullying not not even not even a tiny not even the littlest bit it's the middle of school
Starting point is 00:42:36 full of children piling up on a kid and telling them to kill his or herself yeah I wore in the fifth grade at Hidden Valley Elementary School. I don't know what happened. I lost my shoes or I think they got so shitty that the sole fell off. You know when you're a kid and your sole flaps around, you can see your sock? And I just couldn't wear the shoes anymore. I tried taping them shut and all that stuff. And so I started wearing my mom's shoes to school. And she had like just these white shoes, just like generic tennis shoes.
Starting point is 00:43:10 They're probably like Reeboks. And my mom would have like, even in the fifth grade, my mom would have given me her credit card. I could have rode my bike down to the mall and purchased a new pair of shoes. She totally would have let me do that. But for some reason, you know what I mean? Like I would get made fun of all fucking day at school all day, any time, like just nonstop every couple hours I'd get ass pounded by the boys. And there, I had no defense. They'd be like, Oh, you're wearing your mom's shoes. I'm like, fuck, how do they know? And that went on for like two weeks until I think either my mom or dad,
Starting point is 00:43:51 one day we passed a shoe store and I got new shoes. And then you know what I got? I bought a pair of British Knights. And those were like black guy shoes. And I got made fun of for that too. I don't know if that was bullying, but didn't enjoy it that's for sure uh brent major i did high rocks event and had one of the automated counters and got eight no reps because the sensor didn't operate as it should oh what's that I don't even know about that. They have somehow operate. They have. They have a automated counter for what movement is that for? Like we would do that all the time in high school.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Go to someone's house after, you know, like at 11 o'clock at night and everyone just sit around in the living room and eat cookies and fucking make fun of other people. That shit was fun. I enjoyed that. And when I say make fun of people, I mean make fun of people in the room. I don't mean like make fun of like people who weren't there but in the fifth grade wearing your mom's shoes i struggled with that wasn't my favorite wasn't my wasn't my favorite but but it was on me i mean don't get me wrong i'm not i'm not uh i'm not saying it i wish it didn't happen and and the kids weren't like me they i still was a lot i still played with them they were still my friends i still hung out with them uh sleaky funny i was bullied in the seventh grade because
Starting point is 00:45:40 the eighth grade girls thought i was gay. Today, that would be celebrated. God, man. You would be a lesbian's delight, Sleeky. I didn't even know girls... Were you bullied by other girls? I didn't even know girls did bullying. Oh, that's not true. I know some girls that my kids hang out with who are fucking bullies actually uh auden don't forget you're always invited to the cookout thank you
Starting point is 00:46:18 i'll bring my BKs. Bob, in the 90s, all I wanted was a Letterman jacket and a pair of BKs. Yeah, I would have fucking loved a Letterman jacket. I had friends who were sophomores in high school who had three Letterman jackets, three different sports. It was crazy. This Asian kid, he was fucking good at at everything and he was good at school too uh sean uh going back to the high rocks comment fair point but by the way thanks guys for carrying the show today i really appreciate it i didn't know what was going to happen in today's show i
Starting point is 00:47:01 was like fuck i'm tired I'm a little hungover. I'm really tired because I had to wake up at 3.30 in the morning yesterday to make it down to San Diego. Then I stayed up till like midnight. Oh, I reviewed the Will Branstetter and Patrick Rios already finished part one of the behind the scenes for Knoxville. Holy shit. You guys are going to be so stoked. I watched it this morning. Holy shit. It's good. There was a,
Starting point is 00:47:31 there was a title card error. They had labeled Carolyn Prevo as Paige Semenza or something. So they, and just fixing that one thing probably is going to take like a couple hours and then they have to re-export it and re-upload it. But, but I suspect today or tomorrow, for those of you who are members, we'll have a behind the scenes. You're going to love it. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It's so good. I think it's better than the games. I wasn't even there. Him and Rios, Rios, Patrick Rios, Will Branstetter, and Matt Souza. It looks like they got fucking 10 times as many interviews that I got at, um, the water Palooza event, the SoCal semifinal. I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I think they did. And it looks, it's beautifully shot. It's probably shot better than mine too. Of, uh, Sean, Raddy, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:17 Roddy back to, uh, high rocks fair point. But these guys train specifically for these a hundred reps at the end. Nothing changes, not constantly varied. We didn't know about Murph ahead of time I hear you but those are um I hear you I hear you I mean those are I hear you I don't know if I agree with you um but I hear you those are fundamental movements right push-ups air squats and pull-ups I mean and just 12 doesn't know if I agree with you, but I hear you. Those are fundamental movements, right? Push-ups, air squats, and pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I mean, and just 12 doesn't seem like a lot to me. Hey, well, I'll say this. If you're the best in the world, you probably shouldn't be getting no reps. Like, you want to hear a crazy story I heard? I need to verify this. I should probably call Taylor. Taylor didn't get one no rep at the semi-finals like his movement's impeccable not one no rep but i've also argued that taylor's not flirting with disaster so maybe maybe if you don't remember they put lights
Starting point is 00:49:31 on their shoes i don't remember that i had them i had them for sure when they were the black guy shoes i mean i didn't know they were black guy shoes at the time until like the kids at school let me know and they don't say like, hey, you're wearing black guy shoes. They just start making fun of you. They start thinking that I'm trying to be hard by wearing British Knights. I was in the fifth grade. I wasn't trying to be hard.
Starting point is 00:50:00 All right, show's over. Thank you. Bye. I saw this job the other day. I was wondering if... I started wondering how many women in the United States have this job. Look at this job. This is a, I don't know what you call this.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Is it air ratchet? What, what is this thing called? Is this thing called an air ratchet? But this lady is using this torque gun. But this lady is using this torque gun. And she has a baby on her back and she's like changing tires on what looks like heavy construction equipment. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:51:10 This is crazy. I don't know. I don't think a woman with a baby on her back should be doing that job. I'm going to go out on a limb. I'm going to go out on a limb on that one. Call me sexist. That's not a job for a, uh, that's not a job for a woman with a seven month old baby. Uh, isn't that too loud for the baby? Uh, yeah, I, uh, yeah. That, um, I mean, just to Matt, I mean, I, I picture picture that i don't know the details behind that but i picture some road out in the middle of fucking china somewhere i don't even know she's
Starting point is 00:51:51 chinese i just she's asian so i'm gonna just say she's chinese oh was she in sandals too jesus i already lost the link let me see if I can bring it back. Was she in sandals? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You guys got to see this. Good catch. This is nuts. I don't even know if I would call these sandals.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Oh, look at the bolts are coming out. Is that a tattoo on her? Look, she's got tattoos too. She's got tattoos, a sandal, and look at the size of the fucking bolts that are coming off. No, that's not Judy. I don't think that's Judy. Could be Judy in a different lifetime. Yeah, crazy. I'd like to see Daniel Brandon
Starting point is 00:53:02 doing that job in a bathing suit. With earmuffs on of course Yes sandals Damn but I picture this lady just Somewhere out in the fucking middle of some desert and China on some road That's a thousand miles long. And that's her job. Fucking changing the tires on heavy machinery. That's how she makes her living. She gets like 50 cents for every tire she changes.
Starting point is 00:53:32 She changes 10 tires a day. Yeah. Wild. Just imagine the shit that kid's breathing into you you have to assume that that truck's just running right you know how they never turn those trucks off uh chris beesterfield great question uh do you think that they have pride parades there great question kenneth the lap i bet she doesn't complain about it either lap i bet she doesn't complain about it either yeah all that i'm i'm gonna go i'm gonna go out on a limb and um agree with you there too oh this explains a lot audrey uh I grew up in a car mechanic shop
Starting point is 00:54:26 I love the smell of it alright that explains some of your character traits there's a there's a bar in Idaho. I don't know if you guys have seen this. There's a bar in Idaho.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Let me see if I... And it... How do I get rid of that hard thing? Anyway, there's this bar in Idaho. And they're having heterosexual month at the bar, which I think is stupid as fuck. I think it's so stupid. Before I go into this, I was thinking about that piece that CrossFit did. Remember a couple days ago they did that video and it showed the girl being, I think it's a girl, Nick. It was a girl named Nick and she was at a CrossFit gym in Portland, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And she was talking about how happy she is to be accepted at that gym. And then, so I looked into that gym and that gym, uh, de-affiliated when, when Greg did the whole Floyd 19 thing, that gym de-affiliated. And then I scrolled through that gym's Instagram account. And it looks like, it looks like it's a gym that focuses on people with mental health issues, right? Under the guise of it being like some sort of sexual freedom gym. But everyone in the gym looks like they're rolling with some mental health issues, which is fine. You could have a gym where it's like all people with mental health issues have, uh, that seem to be attracted to it. But that gym was also affiliated with a gym called rocket fitness, which was like a completely, uh, uh, one of the most hateful gyms in the country, in my opinion, like it was like,
Starting point is 00:56:33 you weren't allowed to work out there. I don't think unless you had the vaccine and that place just spewed hatred. And I was looking at those two gyms and they appear to be affiliated with each other. So I called three affiliates I know on the East coast owners I know. And I asked them, I said, Hey, do you have any gay people in there in your gym? And they said, yeah, we do. And I was thinking, well, if you wanted to show inclusivity, And I was thinking, if you wanted to show inclusivity, why would you show a gay person working out in a gym where it looks like everyone there is gay and not show a gay person working out in a gym like Craig Howard's gym who not only didn't de-affiliate but kept the doors open and paid fines during COVID and raised money for other gyms. And I guarantee you Craig Howard's gym has tons of gay people.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's in the fucking Bay Area. gay people. It's in the fucking Bay Area. So, the video rewards someone for feeling safe in the mentally unstable gym where they're with all their cronies that
Starting point is 00:57:55 de-affiliated, that spooze hatred as opposed to yeah, it was that rocket. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Oh no, rocket. Yeah Yeah. I mean these are just fucking mean fucking people under the guise of kindness. They're fucking wolves in sheep's clothing. that stayed loyal to CrossFit, stayed open during the pandemic, paid the fines, raised money for other gyms to pay their fines, and then show a gay person there
Starting point is 00:58:32 where they just assimilate, just like with everyone, just like a fucking dwarf would assimilate or anyone who has some issues with accepting themselves and projects it onto the world. I don't get it. I don't fucking get it. Completely missed opportunity.
Starting point is 00:58:56 All people see when they see that gym is yeah, they see everyone. 90% of people are going to see what I see. Yeah. You're going to scroll through their Instagram account and be like, Oh man, this is like, I bet you 80% of the people at this gym were fucking repeatedly molested as kids
Starting point is 00:59:08 and now they're all congregating together and working out, which once again is fine. I'm not opposed to that. But if the premise of the piece is that CrossFit's supposed to be inclusive and it's a place where people who want someone of the same genitalia that they have to sit on their face and then also be assimilated in. Don't choose a gym where everyone's like that. It's like it's a no brainer. It's like taking a black ant and throwing it into a black anthill and being like, look, he gets along with everyone. Throw it into a fucking
Starting point is 00:59:41 red anthill. Holy shit. And see if those red ants accept it uh sarah cox wow it's a hundred k per head so um today uh that's so that's so crazy sarah that you're saying that too because today um i'm in newport and sarah's in newport when we were coming into the newport harbor greg's wife pointed at this fucking awesome house on the water that had this fucking ship parked in front of it. And she goes, oh, that's like my friend's grandfather's house, that boat he took up to Alaska. So she took a picture of it and sent it to her friend. She's like, look, we just passed your grandfather's house. And the grandfather said, or the granddaughter texted her back and said, oh, my grandfather's house. And the grandfather said, or the granddaughter texted her back
Starting point is 01:00:25 and said, oh, my grandfather's having Trump with lunch, Trump with lunch, lunch with Trump tomorrow. Man, I am a mess today. How come no one's picking on me for being a mess today? Am I hiding it that well?
Starting point is 01:00:35 I am a mess. Excuse me. Yeah, so I guess Trump's coming to town. Wow. Hey, Sarah, can we go to that lunch? Can I go there? I'll help and shit. I'll add value. Yeah, so I guess Trump's coming to town. Wow. Hey, Sarah, can we go to that lunch? Can I go there? I'll help and shit.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I'll add value. I don't have 100K, but like Miss America, I'll add value. Or Miss Alabama, I'll do stuff. Like I'll fold napkins and shit. Anyway, kind of a missed opportunity there. I think that that video that CrossFit put out did the exact opposite of what they wanted. It just created more divisiveness instead of adding value. And it showed the affiliates that are loyal that it means nothing to them.
Starting point is 01:01:20 The affiliates that helped other affiliates meant nothing to them. Craig Howard did not care whether you shut your gym down or left your gym open. He left his gym open and supported the gyms that left open. These other fucking gyms weren't letting people in unless they were vaccinated. I don't even think that rocket gym was actually a CrossFit gym. Oh, thank you. Look at me, Sebi. You're doing great. All right. Oh, thank you. Look at me. Sebi, you're doing great. All right. All right. You know, I didn't even have margaritas last night, but I did mix my drinks a little. I don't know. I don't know. And I haven't been drinking, so I'm out of drinking shape. Oh, yeah, that's a great that's a great point, Sleeky. Not only that, but when Craig Howard left his gym open, I don't know if you, how many of you guys remember this, but during the pandemic, when Craig left his gym open CrossFit, he, like he had a job with CrossFit that made him like the liaison between the affiliates and CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:28 That was one of his positions that his gym had. And when Craig kept his gym open during the pandemic, Eric Rosa told him like, hey, dude, if you don't close your gym down and follow the rules of your of your government, then you're going to lose your job at CrossFit. And Craig's like, fuck you. And left his gym open and lost his job there. Wild, right? Absolutely fucking wild. Anyway, it's no surprise that they fucked that up. It's no surprise that they fucked that up.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Okay, so I don't need a bar to have heterosexual month. I think it's fucking stupid. It does nothing for me. The irony is I'm okay with a bar having gay month. I'm totally okay. I think bars should celebrate like gays like non-stop i think bar i think if you're serving alcohol there you can celebrate whatever the fuck you want i'm fine with tranny bar night i'm fine with gay night i'm fine with black guy with huge dick night oh i um even i've even been to bars where they have fat girl night have you guys
Starting point is 01:03:42 ever seen that uh i was at the arnold one, this is like 10 years ago and I was staying at a hotel or 15 years ago, the Arnold fitness, whatever weekend. And I went to a hotel there. I was at the Hilton there and the bar had like fat girl night. And, and, and of course,
Starting point is 01:03:56 you know, like 20 hugely obese girls show up white girls. And then like, you know, five black dudes show up and then it's supposed to be like a safe place for them. I'm fucking so cool with that. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:14 But I call it double standard or whatever. I don't need – I think heterosexual month is just fucking stupid. I think it's just – it's dumb. And it's irrelevant and it's not important. Now, we don't need gay month at the elementary school. Or, like, we have it, like, they have gay month at the elementary school in California. They have it at kids' toy stores. They have it, like, in all these places.
Starting point is 01:04:39 You're like, what the fuck? It's a prank, bro. I understand it's a prank. But I don't even find it funny as a prank yeah oh sleaky so is homosexual month anyway the point of this though has a good ending here's what's crazy this is a fucking bar that's celebrating heterosexual month and the comments are full of support from the gay community, which is hilarious. He should have added,
Starting point is 01:05:09 everyone's welcome, especially our allies in the LGB community. I'm never doing going beyond LGB, by the way. Beers for breeders. I honestly thought I would come to the comments and find so much hate this is freaking amazing I'm a lesbian that identifies as a Lick a lot of push. I'm good with this. Wow. I kind of want to click that link All the while with a gun on his hip, I love it uh love this we should celebrate it all if you get a month for gay pride we should get a month for straight i don't i don't i think you should get rid of both absolutely love how dead serious he is i'm gay i love it i think it's awesome and approve of it
Starting point is 01:06:26 i wouldn't have to exist if the woke propaganda wasn't force-fed to a majority that knows it isn't right like that thank you yeah there's so much proud to be a beer loving heterosexual while gay pride has gotten out of hand this really misses the mark no one has kicked out of their families for being heterosexual. That misses the point, but people are trolled and villainized for being heterosexual and white, like a motherfucker. No religion preaches against heterosexuality. That's not true either. No one demonizes. You're not even allowed to fuck if you're religious. No country criminalizes heterosexuality. This feels like a five-year-old made this idea.
Starting point is 01:07:08 As a gay man, I'm perfectly fine with this. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so to speak. We can't be mad about this. As a community, they have every right to celebrate heterosexuality and their religious convictions. Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you're here because of two heterosexuals. Amen. I commented on another post as a gay man, and they welcomed me with open arms. I mean, I don't drink, and I'm in Utah, but still.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I'm actually a straight ally Ally I don't need any allies Some people don't know this but I'm actually a product of heterosexuality As my father and mother are heterosexual Anyway Heterosexual month is gay as fuck in my opinion it's like overcompensating
Starting point is 01:08:13 no need to overcompensate but I'm a but good on them too go get it have fun remember alcohol is bad for you welcome to portland crazy portland feminist attacks me and quickly finds out you guys ready this is wild i don't know why she has to look like this but here we go oregon yeah no i i that's very sad but what percentage is it of those women what do you what person all of them that's the only way they can get abortions abortions. So every woman that's getting an abortion is due to medical procedures?
Starting point is 01:09:06 No, most abortions are. No, they're not. The only abortion was of a dead embryo. Okay. Sorry to hear that. That's most abortions. That's not most abortions. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Have you looked at statistics? Most abortions are cleanups after miscarriages and women can't even get those. No, it's less than 1.7%. No, you're a fucking moron. Oh, you don't know the statistics. Because miscarriages are extremely common And most women ought to have Miscarriages and abortion are different What is abortion?
Starting point is 01:09:28 No, a miscarriage is a medical abortion No, no it's not Okay, let me educate you, okay? Yes, it fucking is Hey, get back Hey, hey Hey, that's not okay Don't put your hand
Starting point is 01:09:39 Hey Oops, sorry again Oh, that's awesome I didn't see that she gets tossed to the ground uh um that's a dc not an abortion uh it's just coded the same man oh man I'm telling you words matter are those born fuck all I thought is that she lost her drink you drink enough of those drinks with that plastic top with that whipped cream filled in there
Starting point is 01:10:38 you'll be retarded too that'll fucking caramelize your brain don't think it's not. I'd argue that you can't be like that Miss Alabama chicken, even be mentally stable because of all the poison that's in your body. I wonder if there, I wonder, this one's going to be a hot take, but I wonder if there's even one person out there that's 300 pounds, carries an excess of 300 pounds, 200 pounds. Like someone who's supposed to be 150. Let's say just double body weight.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You're supposed to be 150 and you weigh 300. I wonder if there's even one person that's mentally stable like that. That just goes through the day just in peace, chilling. I bet you there's not one. I bet you there's some sort of fucked up thought always like on the minute rushing through there. Fascinating. I don't know why, I don't know why they keep calling abortion a medical right or reproductive rights. I don't understand why they just don't call it what it is. You can still be for it, but call it what it is.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Do you guys remember Tommy G? He's been on the show a few times, a handful of times. Do you guys remember him? Let me see if I can pull up. Let me see if I can find his YouTube station. Tommy G YouTube. Tommy G YouTube. He's been on the show a couple times.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Check this out. He fucking went and filmed with RFK. I've made it halfway through this. This is so good. This is so good. He spent 48 hours with rfk i high rfk jr i highly recommend watching this highly like i did not want to watch it and i hit play on it and and i and i just it sucked me in for 20 minutes it's so good it's so good. It's so good. Yeah, this is so good. And RFK gave
Starting point is 01:13:14 Tommy G such crazy access. It's so good. Marissa Hinojosaosa my package came yesterday vindicate super fast the he's a plant i don't know what that means I don't know what that means. Yeah, it's a great video.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Mike McCaskey, so much to like about RFK, but he's still a liberal. Olivia, he's a flip-flopper. RFK, smart man doing this. Oh, like the CIA wants him in. Oh, shit. Oh, wants RFK in? It's really a good video. Yeah, and if you don't like RFK, be careful.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Because you will... Don't watch it if you don't like him. Because you're going to end up liking him. It's going to fuck you all up. Behind the scenes, Syndicate Crown, Episode 1, Hayley Adams returns. CrossFit Games, North America East Semifinal. Damn, that should be out any minute now. Any day now.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Any hour now. Members only, just for like, I don't know, the first month or something. Aaron Fraser, what's up with Gary Roberts? I know I need to check in with Gary Roberts. He hasn't been on. He probably hasn't been on in a year. So today I'm going to go out to uh today I'm going to go out to Catalina Island
Starting point is 01:15:17 probably have breakfast or lunch out there and then from there I think we boat back across to the mainland and I think I stay somewhere in LA maybe Malibu or something and then on the final day I thought we were going up to San Luis Obispo to
Starting point is 01:15:44 Avila over to build Grundler's Country. But instead, I think we're going to Santa Barbara. And then from Santa Barbara, there's a little airport there in Goleta by the university. And we'll jump on a plane and... and we'll jump on a plane and head home. God, I miss my kids. Fuck. Never miss anything.
Starting point is 01:16:17 It's so weird to miss something. This boat, what size is the boat Greg's on? This boat, he has a bunch of boats, but this boat oh what size is the boat greg's on this boat he has a bunch of boats but this boat it has a 37 on the side of it the number 37 like in the in the in the in the area you sit like it's got this big glass dome on it beautiful glass like rounded glass dome and you you sit, it's got this big glass dome on it, beautiful glass, rounded glass dome. And you sit in there. There's couches and shit in there and a table. And you can use your computer, look out the window or whatever. And then there's a steering wheel in there. It's like a fancy car, but with a big meeting room in the center of it.
Starting point is 01:17:02 a big like meeting room in the center of it. And it says 37, so maybe it's 37 feet. I thought it was big until we pulled up into Newport. Then I was like, holy shit. I cannot I think the boat we
Starting point is 01:17:19 pulled next to is 10 stories and it's someone's private boat. I'm not joking. And it's someone's private boat. I'm not joking. And it's probably, I don't know, 150 feet, 200 feet. I don't know. It was crazy. It was crazy. I'm going to call my, uh, I'm going to call my son right now. FaceTime my boy, See what he's doing. Oh, he's probably asleep. My kids have been sleeping in. On one of the shows, we pulled up Greg's boat on the...
Starting point is 01:18:02 One of the shows Greg was on. Yeah, Newport has insane yachts. Yeah, I can't even believe it. It's nuts. Nope. All right. They were supposed to, my kids were supposed to go to a jujitsu tournament this week.
Starting point is 01:18:25 My kids are, something's wrong with my kids. I got to like, I don't know, take them back and get new ones or something. It's been a tough four weeks. So my wife and I decided not to send them to the tournament, which broke my heart.
Starting point is 01:18:39 But, but you just can't, they, if they're not a hundred percent, they can't go somewhere and fight other kids. Since, since, since I've had my kids, this is the sickest they've ever been. It's the only, it's the only time they've ever been sick to where they, they're, it's affected their training. So my kids are just always training, training, training, training, training. We're always training. And like, like this month, we probably – probably in the last four weeks, they've trained I would say less than three times a week.
Starting point is 01:19:13 It's crazy. Yeah, Heidi, latest virus is messing people up. Dude, everyone around us. Yesterday – so yesterday I took the kids to the skate park before I left or two days ago. And I got there and there was a lady there who has three boys, homeschool boys, beautiful lady. You know, it's crazy too. She's a beautiful lady. And like, and she drives like the nicest car of any of the parents at the, she drives this fucking probably a hundred thousand dollars,
Starting point is 01:19:39 brand new suburban. And I just look at that and it's like, yeah, that's, she's beautiful and she's smart and she has three fucking beautiful kids. And like, yeah, like, yeah, that's, she's beautiful and she's smart and she has three fucking beautiful kids. And like, yeah, like that's, that's why she has that suburban because she was high quality meeting, mating. She was a high quality mating property. Right. And so she was able to attract a man who can provide her resources like this fucking nice suburban. My poor wife fucking has a forerunner that someone gave us. Anyway, I got there and I get out of the car.
Starting point is 01:20:14 She's like, oh my God, I haven't seen you guys in so long. I'm like, yeah, the kids have been fucked up. And she's like, oh my God, my kids had a cough for six weeks. And then all the parents there start talking. Everyone's like yeah and it was nuts is it from the lice i don't know i don't think so i've never i've uh i took the kids to the uh i took one of my kids to the emergency room at three in the morning. Cause he was panting like a dog.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I've never, I've never taken my kids to the hospital once for anything other than a broken bone. Uh, your wife has a Sienna, but that's some, some asshole shit. I know I drive the Sienna.
Starting point is 01:21:00 I'm the Sienna. I, I mean, we don't really have cars, but I would say 80% of the time, 90, 90% of the time, time I drive the Sienna and she drives the 4Runner. Yeah. Mike McCaskey, my wife caught the cough from a trade show in Las Vegas coughing for two weeks. Yeah. It's nuts, dude. It's nuts. I thinkreg's wife's been coughing for six weeks she told me Someone's sending me funny pictures. me funny pictures like McCaskey no joke she said miss Alabama coughed on her Wow Denise Moore I got sick after the age group semis. It lasted a week, no lingering cough. I was a mess after the semis, so my immune system was low. And what a lot of the parents, oh, you can?
Starting point is 01:22:30 Oh, that's funny. Wow. All right, good to know. Oh, shit. oh shit that's good shit um a lot of people were getting sick and then uh and then it would go away for a couple days and come back. That was like a real common, um, statement. Uh, there's a new polio like virus, uh, EVD six, eight spreading in the Bay area in Louisiana
Starting point is 01:23:13 causes asthma, like symptoms and paralysis in rare cases. Yeah, dude, it's crazy. And what's crazy is my kids are coughing and nothing's coming up. And, but the coughing is so violent. It's so violent uh lulu dallas uh sometimes i sometimes pretend to cough when i pass by someone wearing a mask that's fair that's fun that's like real life trolling all right thanks guys great show i had fun good hanging out with you guys uh tomorrow i will try to do the same thing different hotel room have a good one and uh have a great day Have a good one. And, uh, have a great day. Have a good weekend. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Oh, oh, oh, oh man. That was close.
Starting point is 01:24:16 That was close. I wanted to show you one thing, something really cool. Um, so it's it's it I haven't I haven't it's not it's not if it's not official yet well it's official no it's not official it's kind of official semi-official so So this guy – so you guys know Salty Hive CrossFit. Justin Zimbo is in the comments quite a bit, and he has the gym, Salty Hive CrossFit. And so I was – on one of the shows, I was talking about how I won affiliate commercials. Remember that? Remember? I was like, Jesus Christ, they really, sorry, cheese and crackers. They really fucked up. They really fucked up at semifinals by not showing any affiliate commercials. I'm guessing there was 300 minutes in totality, maybe more 500 minutes, too much or more of the screen just saying, we'll be right back. So why would you ever write? We'll be right back. Why not just show something? Why not just show like, uh, James Hobart teaching an air squat or show
Starting point is 01:25:30 it a video from the past where it taught, where it's like an affiliate piece. Yeah. Huge miss crazy. Right. So, uh, the seven podcast and two Brain Business have teamed up together. And what we're doing is we're going to do a contest. $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for second place, $2,000 for third place. And the video contest is going to be you have to put together a campaign. And the campaign will be it'll have some minimum number of videos, but the videos will all be 30 seconds to 90 seconds long, right? Maybe you'll put together four videos and then the fifth video will be all the videos put together, but you can
Starting point is 01:26:17 be as creative as you want. And you're going to build campaigns that promote the affiliates. And so, uh, Brett and I were talking, Brett's a filmmaker over there out in Utah. And the, he's asking people, what does a CrossFit, what does your CrossFit affiliate mean to you? And then he films their response with a beautiful shallow depth of field, gets a bunch of B roll, put some music to it and builds like this five video campaign. And so what Brett is doing right now is we've teamed up with Brett and Salty Hive CrossFit, and we are making the first campaign of five videos, and then we're going to play them. And so other people can be like, oh, this is what you have to do.
Starting point is 01:27:00 This is totally doable. I'm going to do this. And my goal is to build, if only five people around the world enter this contest, then the Sebon podcast will have 30 videos, including the five that Brett makes to show throughout the year promoting affiliates. But if I get 20 people to enter this at five videos a piece, 30 second videos, that's a hundred fucking little affiliate commercials that I'll have to run throughout the show. Oh, wait. So who's under Heidi? Quiet.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Uh, uh, and I can't tell you how excited i am about this i cannot fucking tell you how excited i'm about this just imagine that crossfit hq not a single commercial promoting the affiliates seven podcast 100 commercials beautiful. Just little snippets. You can ask the affiliate owner. I opened this affiliate because I used to work on Wall Street for a way to clear my head and be around people who accept me and have the same values as me. Just whatever, right? CrossFat doing the math for us. Sebon plus two brains equals two brains. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:38 And I pitched it to Cooper over at Two Brain in like five minutes. He's like, yeah, I love it. Do it. It's that easy. He's like, yeah, I love it. Do it. It's that easy. He's like, send the contract over. Just joking. We don't do contracts. So I just, I'm like, I think I'm the,
Starting point is 01:28:58 I think that this is like king shit, king shit, media director shit I'm doing. So I'm pretty excited. Anyway, so if you're, if you want to know more, if you're a filmmaker and you want to know more and you want to get a head start, DM me. I'll jump on a phone call with you. I'll tell you all about it. And the prize money is great. And this is the kind of thing that not a lot of people will enter, I'm telling you. And you could win five grand.
Starting point is 01:29:20 But either way, let's say even you don't win money. You're just participating in the promotion of CrossFit. It's so fucking cool. And, and, and it's great promotion for your gym. So if you're a filmmaker and you go to X, Y, Z CrossFit, or let's see, let's say you go to Diablo CrossFit and you're a filmmaker, just walk up to Craig Howard and be like, Hey, I want to enter this film contest. I'll make five little videos, 30 seconds to 90 seconds long about our gym and why it's
Starting point is 01:29:43 a great affiliate or ask people, why, why do you, what's your affiliate mean to you? All right, that's it. Now we're done. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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