The Sevan Podcast - I'm Qualified, TRUST Me | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 19, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Sabon Pocasso. It's a Sabon Pocasso. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sabon Pocasso. Bam! Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. First words out of my mouth this morning. It's weird how often that uh I haven't said a single word. I get up and no one's awake in my house. And so the first words that come out of my mouth here on the show just us. Rambler what's up? How you doing buddy? You good? Are you strange, Rambler? I never thought of you as strange. Until someone pointed out to me that you might be strange. Because maybe everyone's strange. First, what's YOLO mean?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Heavy Seve, what's up? Dick Margerin. Chris, good morning. Corey, good morning. Jeffrey, Mr. Birchfield, good morning. Dixon. Biden didn't step down, did he? You can't, oh, good morning, sponsors. You can't get COVID, uh, you can't get COVID, COVID, you can't get COVID if you are vaccinated. You can't, if, if you've been been does that mean he hasn't been
Starting point is 00:01:46 vaccinated because you can't get it if you've been vaccinated you can't get it you can't get it you can't get it you can't get it you're vaccinated you have over a 98% chance of never catching the virus at all hey folks guess you heard this morning I tested positive for COVID. President Biden is back in isolation after testing positive for COVID again. You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. First Lady Jill Biden has tested positive for COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:02:16 First Lady Jill Biden has tested positive again for COVID. Do something about the misinformation, outrageous misinformation about the vaccine. If you're a vaccine... Outrageous misinformation, outrageous, outrageous, outrageous misinformation. have over a 98% chance of never catching the virus at all. Outrageous, outrageous information, outrageous information. Outrageous information. Outrageous information.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I was thinking about that too, Judy. Why are people still testing? I often wonder about that too. I wonder what the protocol is if you test positive. Why are people testing for it? Magdalene Eggert, it's only his third positive. Vaccination covers the fourth round of COVID. Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Carlos, I need to remember your name. Damn, that jingle is catchy. Good morning. Carlos, did you hear the one someone made for shut up and scribble? Mr. Chapman, good morning. I'm going to need you to carry the show today, buddy. There's no schedule. There's no show today. This isn't this isn't a show. This is just a hangout. It's funny where watching the tour de France
Starting point is 00:03:41 and watching the euros wear masks still really. What would I type in? Tour de France and watching the Euros wear masks still. Really? What would I type in? Tour de France. Are you serious? It's like Berkeley over there? Uh Tour de France images. I don't see anyone wearing a mask. Well, I'm only looking at bikers. Uh Tour de France Tour de France. Is there a girl in the Tour de France? Do girls do the Tour de France, Tour de France. Is there a girl in the Tour de France? Do girls do the Tour de France? I didn't even know girls did the Tour de France. Tour de France? I don't see any masks. Let me see Tour de France crowd, Tour de France crowd. I don't know man. I'm
Starting point is 00:04:22 looking at the Tour de France crowd. I don't see any masks. I see a bunch of dudes wearing those funny hats. I don't know. What if I put in Tour de France COVID masks? Tour de France COVID, COVID. Oh shit. Oh shit. Three days ago. Wow. Oh Nellie. Oh my goodness. Let's see. Tour de France reinstates COVID-19 measures as more cases emerge in the peloton. The ASO has mandated masks for organizers, media, and guests when interacting with riders and team. The Tour de France has reinstated COVID-19 protective measures requiring race organizers,
Starting point is 00:05:26 media and guests to wear masks when in contact with riders and their team staff. This protocol was announced by the race organizers ASO on Sunday morning after several recent COVID-19 cases amongst the peloton. In order to limit health risks, it's now compulsory to wear a mask in the various areas where you will be in contact with the riders and members of the cycling team. Riders who have abandoned the race due to the virus include Tom Pidock, Pidcock, Pidleycock, Juan Asu and Michael Michael Morcoff. Geraint Thomas remains in the tour testing positive as the rules currently allow. There are so many people at the start and finish COVID doesn't just enter the peloton, it comes from outside said Remco event pull
Starting point is 00:06:32 all right amazing absolutely amazing absolutely amazing Absolutely amazing. I think I have COVID too. Yeah, I still have a sore throat at night when I go to bed for like the last two months. I think I have COVID too. It comes on like at 10 o'clock. I had that when I was a kid too, I remember. My sophomore year in high school, like my entire sophomore year, I felt like I had a sore throat.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It was weird. And I look back there and it's all swollen and shit. I mean a cold. Yeah. We always have COVID. I assume I always have it. Oh, that's mono. I know that's what someone said. I don't even know what mono is either.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That was herpes. You probably have a parasite. Hmm. Says Heidi Krum. Daniel Garrity, that's probably because you're deep throating dudes every day. Geez, that's a little much over the top. Worms. Worm from a sore throat to having worms? I should probably eat more raw meat. Where are the sponsors? They're there. My office smells like Fid-Aid now.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I don't think I can drink two cups of coffee during a show and not have to pee. I can drink two cups of coffee during a show and not have to pee. But yesterday I drank two cans of Fid-Aid in the show with Dallin Pepper and Miss Raptus and I had to pee, right, like quickly. I don't think I can take gummies either during the show. I noticed that when I take a gummy during the show, something happens to my mouth. Like it gets a little funky. Like it doesn't... I lose some flexibility in it or something. It doesn't move. My jaw doesn't move as fast as it did. Maybe I'm making it all up. I'm open to that too. Anyway, Impossi-impossiblit-to. Okay, let's go over the facts on the um... Let's go over the facts.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Let's just talk about the assassination attempt this morning. Let's just like really dig in. This is a fun one. This is gonna take a little, this going to take a little while, but we'll get educated together. Here we go. You ready for this? Matt Walsh. By the way, Matt Walsh was attacking the... You know the black chick with the huge tits and the shaved head who spoke at the Republican convention? Matt Walsh was attacking her. I don't think that was cool. I think people should be allowed to flip I flipped I had to flip I had to flip oh here we go
Starting point is 00:09:50 uh we're live on the air how are you hey good I need you to uh anything for you before you even speak anything for you dude I'm literally just about to ask you to do something that you told me to ask you to do, you fucker. I will do anything for you. Oh my god. Um, I just need, uh, I'm going to create a StreamGuard link for around like 1.30, 2 PM for us to test out, uh, the connection at this pool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Hey, so no one really has an excuse to not try to go against you because you don't even have act like we're doing this illegally, right? We're just showing up at a pool with a phone. Yeah, I haven't asked them. I don't see why I would need to. Just show up at the pool. You're going to do the swim. We were I'm going to guess that there's some other movement, but it doesn't require equipment is what you said last week. Yeah, correct. It's a couplet. some other movement, but it doesn't require equipment, is what you said last week. Yeah, correct. It's a couplet. Okay, freestanding handstand pushups?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Right, what makes James Sprague? Was he on the show? Yeah, I sent him a link. Oh, he came in and said that he thought he was gonna beat me in body weight exercise and swimming? He thinks that, yeah yeah he was he basically said in a nutshell I'm reading into a little bit but it would be easy money to beat you in a swim workout and he's willing to drive 30 minutes to a
Starting point is 00:11:14 pool. James after you saying that if you don't call in after seeing the workout you're a massive pussy and I can say this you're gonna see the workout and you're gonna first thing you're gonna think is oh man I don't have a chance but it's all good bro um I don't think people realize how how uh fit you are oh okay all right fine that's that. I do appreciate James calling and wanting to get pushed to the front of the line for 30 minutes to the pool, but we can't do that. We're too established now. That would, that would, uh, uh, fuck up the integrity of the show. But he can get on for sure. Oh, I thought you hung up on me.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, I did on accident, my bad. Every time I get in my car, I do that. Instead of hitting the off button on the car, I hit the end button on the car. What were you saying? You don't think people will realize what? I don't think people, one, realize how truly fit you are. Like they just, they look at maybe your semi-finals and you didn't make it to the games and they didn't realize that there's no unfitter in the world in the sub 10 minute domain. And the over 15 minute domain. There's just a small window of workouts that maybe you're beatable in. I would say the, I would say the windows, I don't know, the windows, not that small.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I was, I wouldn't, I was not good at squatting at semifinals and I'm a lot healthier and more confident in my squatting now. Um, but the big thing is that I've beaten James in a swim workout. I beat James in a workout with 2500 meters of rowing 300 meters of open water swimming and a 2k run. Come on James. What are you talking about? And he and he's only put on more muscle he I think in those areas he's had to give up some of his
Starting point is 00:13:01 abilities to where he's gotten better at. Right. And in my case, I don't have to do any of that stuff that he's doing. And all I've been doing is running and swimming more. Hey. Um, uh, and, and I think he'll get in for sure. I think it's easy to get in, get a shot at this workout this week. So he shouldn't even need a push to the front of the line. No, there's like, I know, I know of like three or four people that are like, Oh, I'm going to try and try. Somebody said he was going to meet me at the place that I'm doing it and try, which would
Starting point is 00:13:32 be great. But still, I think the key is like, yeah, it's just James, it's incredibly annoying hearing you say that you think it's going to be easy money. So, oh my God god when the workouts announced Please please just call in please. Yeah, okay. I agree Three grand there's only yeah. Yeah, I'm not even gonna give any away anymore That's like that's like four months mortgage in some of the places where these athletes live live? In the middle of the country somewhere. Right. God, I want to say the workout so badly just because it annoys me so much that James thinks he's deceived me. No, don't don't say
Starting point is 00:14:20 it. Don't say it. It's good suspense. When suspense when are we gonna release the workout I you know will can release the workout as early tomorrow as he wants because no one's going to get really an advantage and no one's gonna like if you want to do that workout once that morning before we do it and then do it again good for you it's not a workout that I would want to do twice ever. It's so yeah it's not a it's not a workout you want to do twice and definitely not one you want to do twice in a day. Can you tell me this is the first movement the bodyweight movement or is the first movement the swim? The first movement is the bodyweight move. Okay right all right thanks dude I'm pumped for tomorrow yeah I'm pretty excited so get it pumped pumped um all right I'll send you I'll I'll like try to
Starting point is 00:15:13 set up a link and I'll text you about testing it out okay all right see you bye my my my wife was asleep when I... Oh, my wife's already awake. She woke up. I got up this morning and I showered and she was laying in bed on top of the sheets. And I was just sitting there staring at her thinking, man, I should cancel the show and spend time with my wife. But she was like dead asleep. I gratuitously rubbed her body. My wife has this huge firm ass, like huge firm crazy butt. It's a crazy butt. And so she was
Starting point is 00:16:09 laying on top of the covers and I rubbed her legs and her butt and she didn't even move. I think she was just faking asleep. Like, oh don't touch me. Disgusting. Yeah, no she wasn't asleep. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. But anyway, and then and then now I'm here and 12 minutes later she's texting me that she's awake telling me the boys schedule. I'm taking the boys to skate camp today. I don't they haven't been on a skateboard in at least a week. We're going to the skate park today in Santa Cruz called Derby. Derby.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Some people say it's the oldest skate park in the country. Carlos, I had a lesbian wife who pretended to be asleep all the time. Oh man. Denise, let sleeping wives lay. She's pretty cool. Pat Lang isn't fit aid for after your workout? I don't know. I just look for an excuse to drink it. Seve, you must tell Bruno it's Friday not Saturday.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I know he needs to listen to the show though. I can't, I can't, I hear you Melissa. I can't, I can't be like, I can't be like helping everybody. Listen, it's three grand. Seve, have you talked about Brook Ence in our comments section? Oh, no, but I would like to. I would like to. You want to talk about Brook Ence first before we talk about all the details of the assassination attempt?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Okay, listen, if you... Let's do that before we go over here. I'm so... I can't tell you how proud I am of Brooke Ence. I think so I think there's so many fucking cowards. I think there's so many fucking cowards in the let's see how many followers she has. 1.5 million how many followers she has 1.5 million followers damn she has a nice body
Starting point is 00:18:36 1.5 million followers and she makes this post and she says love him or hate him applause I don't know who all will actually read this caption Especially since I don't really do captions, but maybe just listen to what he has to say climb down off that hill You're willing to die on and think about the America you really want to live in. Oh, Meredith Ruth. This comment section did not disappoint anyways. I disagree with most of this and probably your opinion too, but good on you for sharing it I think.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's nice to know where people stand. I stand with queer folks and even though our current selection of politicians is certainly not awesome, at least there are some that are okay with us Existing and having rights. I'm gonna go with them. I think but you do you no one ever changed an opinion in comment section But visibly is more important. So here for the gays Dude the the politicians hate, the left hates gay people. They've completely turned you guys into fucking complete perverts and fucking, they've made your images complete fucking nut jobs, at least the men.
Starting point is 00:19:38 The women are completely fucking unhinged. The media's painted you guys as completely fucking unhinged, that the media's painted you guys as completely fucking unhinged, and as pedophiles, and as, is that you hate children and you, and they fucking hate you. What are you talking about? Name one politician to me that supports gay people and legitimately supports gay people, accepts gay people, that's on the left. Name one. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Meredith, they're trying, Meredith, they've lumped skin color issues and pedophile issues into your group. The gay pride parade has just turned into a complete fucking sex fest where people get blowjobs and urinate on each other in kiddie pools in front of children. That's how the media has presented you. That's what politicians are fighting for, for those rights. In the state of Oregon, it's legal. In the state of Oregon, it is 100% legal to walk up to a child and disrobe
Starting point is 00:20:56 as long as it doesn't give you sexual gratification. That's the... The gay guy you have in office in the United States, Pete Buttigieg, is a complete fucking loser. He fucking openly hates black people under the guise of liking them. Joseph Medina, gay rights is made up term, there's no separation of rights. Heteros have from homos. Joseph Medina, gay rights is made up term. There's no separation of rights. Heteros have from homos.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah, what what what what has Meredith lost her fucking mind? The loving tolerant accepting people in these comments showing true colors you go brook Wow you fell so hard We can disagree about politics, but honestly thought you were smarter than this. Smarter? Mark Passman? Olympic level dog lover? No offense, but if you're a guy and you like to show friends, something's wrong with you. Amateur entrepreneur. Professional soda.
Starting point is 00:22:38 This guy's a professional soda drinker. Aspirational weight loser. Oh my god. Look at this guy. Look at this guy. In what possible way is this guy the man? Now look at. Justin Gentry. God, how much you wanna bet he has pronouns. He him. This fucking guy, this guy posted in what possible way is he a man speaking about, I'm assuming Donald Trump Jr.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And he has he him. The guy who's fucking completely confused about sex. who's fucking completely confused about sex. Full-time body maintainer, occasional gardener, and compost enthusiast? Wow. I don't trust this. Oh, man. Oh, Nellie. All right, buddy. You keep up with your pronouns. keep up with your pronouns. So your anti-women's health, abortion rights, and LGBTQ rights, good to know. At least if I can't leave, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Starting point is 00:24:33 So you go to concerts, all right? It's amazing to me these people that put women's rights over baby rights. That they don't see that like, hey, you know you're killing a baby. Anyway, so awesome that Brooke did this. Look at this chick's fucking lipstick. What the fuck happened to her face? Oh my goodness. I saw one of the quotes in here was talking about how he's on, uh, Donald Trump Jr. is on steroids and cocaine.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Anyway, good on Brook Ence. Go over to her account. It's just Brook Ence, B-R-O-O-K-E-E-N-C-E, and just fucking slap some of these fucking people around Good on her. What's wrong with the lipstick? She looks like a baboons ass She looks like a fucking baboons ass, let me show you a baboons ass baboons butt you a baboon's ass. Baboon's butt. She looks exactly like this is this is what I see when I see this is what I see when I see that chick's face. Maybe it's a defect in me. I'm open to that. That's what I see when I see dark red
Starting point is 00:26:19 lipstick on women. That's what I see on most women. Very few women can pull off dark red lipstick. Take on women, that's what I see. On most women. Very few women can pull off dark red lipstick. I just see a baboon's ass. I'm not a fan of lipstick. I'm a lip gloss guy. I'm a lip gloss guy. Yeah, can you imagine talking any shit about Donald Trump Jr. when we have Hunter Biden out there?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Like, are you have you lost your fucking mind? It's the no context crowd. It's the non relativity no context crowd. They're complete fucking morons. Dick butter makeup in general kind of sucks. I agree. I agree. I completely agree. 9,000 followers for that post she lost. Oh good. Cole the herd.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Donald Jr. is a fucking savage. Yeah, he's awesome. Okay, here we go. Announce that Trump needed to be, quote, eliminated. Watch. It's just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So that is a sitting member of Congress, one of the more influential ones, with oversight of the Secret Service, saying Trump simply cannot win. He has to be eliminated. And Joe Biden's spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, just sits there and nods. It's psychotic. We often hear a lot about dangerous
Starting point is 00:28:27 rhetoric. Most of the time that term is applied to things that are uncomfortable but true. It's often called dangerous to point out the racial disparities and violent crime statistics, for example. But that can't be dangerous because it's A, true, and it's B, not the sort of thing that once acknowledged will plausibly bring harm to any person or group. But the last decade long campaign to label Trump a Hitlerian dictator who wants to destroy democracy is actually dangerous because it's A, not true,
Starting point is 00:28:59 and it's B, the sort of thing that if believed is all but guaranteed to bring about exactly the result we saw on Saturday. That's the point. It's why they say it. I mean, think of it this way. If Trump really is an evil dictator who wants to destroy America,
Starting point is 00:29:18 announce that Trump needed to be called. That's Dan Goldman who said that that Trump needs to be eliminated But Seve, who's Dan Goldman? Oh, I'm so glad you asked I'm so glad you asked You this is really gonna fucking blow you guys away Daniel Sachs Goldman is an American attorney politician. He's a member of the US House of Representatives from New York's 10th congressional district.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Goldman is among the wealthiest members of Congress with an estimated personal net worth of $253 million. He served as the lead majority counsel and $53 million. He served as the lead majority counsel in the first impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump and lead counsel to the house managers in the Trump's impeachment trial. His paternal grandparents were Rhonda Haas Goldman and Richard Goldman. His grandfather was Walter A. Haas. Do you guys know who walter a haas is? the the berkeley the famed
Starting point is 00:30:30 Berkeley business school He donated money and started the business school at berkeley uc berkeley Uh dan dan goldman is the heir to the Levi Strauss and Company fortune. You know, complete 100% libtards. Those are the people, by the way, Meredith Root, who insisted that schools be closed in San Francisco. All the people on the board at Levi Strauss, all the executives demanded that schools be closed in San Francisco for two years While their kids went to private schools They hate you Meredith they hate you because you're a carpet muncher under the guise of liking you
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's I know it's it's so fucking hard to It's so fucking hard to wake up. Goldman was hired as a senior advisor and director of investigations for the House Intelligence Committee. Oh, but it gets crazier. It gets crazier. It gets crazier. When Matt Walsh said that he sits on Oversight Committee, I wonder which Oversight Committee he sits on. Let's keep scrolling down. Dan Goldman sits on the Oversight Committee of Accountability and the Subcommittee of National Security, Border and Foreign Affairs. He sits on the Oversight Committee on Homeland Security, Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement
Starting point is 00:32:15 and Intelligence. Donald Trump. It's fucking wild. Absolutely wild. Pat Lang, semi-tarded. This is all Seve does. The left hates blacks and trans people and gays. No, they don't hate trans people. They don't hate trans people. They love trans people.
Starting point is 00:33:00 They love trans people so much that they want to attach their mental disorder to gays and blacks and drag gays and blacks down. They want to tap into the insecurities of gays and blacks and they want to attach trans to them and drag them down. Jake Chapman said, do you shower the same way every time? Yes. Like, do you start with your hair and work your way around the body the same way you shower? Yes. And I always wash the pubic hair off the soap after I because I use the bar of soap on my
Starting point is 00:33:44 I just use the bar of soap on my butt and my pubes and my armpits. That's it. I don't wash anything else. Thank you. Good. Do you approve of that? Yeah. Dan Goldman wants to eliminate the president. It's fucking wild. Okay. So there's that guy who sits on the oversight committee. Now we go to the shooter to find out more facts. Let me see if I can pull up this.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Let me see if I can find the video I took from 717. Give me one second. Videos It's not amazing you put in Jesse waters primetime and to Google and it gives you other people not him I've been watching so much fucking YouTube. Where is it? Videos? Jesse Waters prime time. I got a bunch of good time codes for you. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Is this a live show? How come I can't find it? Shit. Give me one second. One second please. Please hold. Wow, I can't search this by the title of the video. No surprise there.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I wonder if they're blocking him, if they're fucking with him All right, I can't find it shit I'll just go through the some of the things that that that he talked about yesterday on the show. The reason why there were no Secret Service on the roof, as we saw already, is because there were Secret Service supposedly using the second floor window and who knows if they were even Secret Service maybe they were just local police. So they got lazy and instead of getting up on the roof they used the second floor window in that building.
Starting point is 00:37:09 So they were in the building that the shooter was on and they were using the second floor window. I know, riot, right? What is a riot? No fire, no mass chaos, no tear gas. It's funny, is the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City a riot? Because there's more damage and death and danger and rape going on at the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City than there is on January 6th.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Oh, it was a quiet riot. That makes sense. It's a quiet, it was a quiet riot. Can you imagine the riots in the street if Biden would have been shot? Responding officers, there's video now showing the officers when they found out that the guy was on the roof with a gun. There's a video going that shows like 10 or 15 police officers who were trapped inside of the security area that they had built the
Starting point is 00:38:26 perimeter and there was a fence around it and they needed a car to knock down their own barrier, their own fence that was supposed to protect Donald Trump. Instead the cops were trapped inside. Well that guy roamed free on the roof and then there's video of a cop ramming the fence down so the cops can actually get out and go get the guy. Tank Reeves, this may be the nicest things you've said to me. Szevan is Neo before Morpheus found him. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So the cops were trapped in. They built a wall around themselves so that they couldn't get out to go get the guy, the bad guy. Absolutely fucking nuts. They're also saying that they saw they knew the guy was there I don't know what they found in his bag, but I guess when he entered the uh venue Uh, he went through security and they found like a spotting scope in his bag Or a rangefinder how do you how do you find a rangefinder or spotting scope or something that's some sort of optics that's used in shooting and not just right away be like,
Starting point is 00:39:52 Hey dude, you can't come in here or hey dude, we're going to hold you. Hey dude, we want to talk to you about this. They also knew that the guy was a credible threat for like nine minutes. Meaning by credible threat or eminent threat, sorry. They knew he was a credible threat for over an hour. They knew he was an eminent threat for more than like something like nine or ten minutes. Some people are saying 27 minutes. It's hard to get a clear, a definitive answer to that question. Some reports are saying that it was the police. One report says that it's the
Starting point is 00:40:41 police, it was the local police who were supposed to watch the roof. Another report says the local police told the Secret Service we don't have enough manpower for that roof and the Secret Service didn't do anything about it. Pat Lang is a compost enthusiast. Thank you, Wadzombie. Oh, Wadzombie, look what I got. Lang is a compost enthusiast. Thank you, Wadzombie. Oh, Wadzombie, look what I got. I think it's mint trading cards. I haven't even taken the paper off yet. I'm going to open it on tomorrow morning's show. Mint trading cards. Fucking nuts, man. That answer, that answer, the fact that, the fact that anyone has any opinion that anyone has any opinion about January 6 or the fact that they had a female Secret Service officer completely become unhinged and have to be fucking grabbed while guarding
Starting point is 00:41:54 Kamala Harris, the lady that was supposed to guard Kamala Harris a few months ago, had to be grabbed and dragged off. The fact that they couldn't find out, Secret Service couldn't tell us whose cocaine it was in the White House. You know, we just had the guy on the show, a little tiny speck of fentanyl can kill someone. And yet they don't know who brought in the white powder to the White House. The fact that she claims that the roof was too steep to have Secret Service on it. I mean, how is anyone defending anything?
Starting point is 00:42:24 And for those of you saying it's stage or it's a story or it's the Matrix or blah blah, completely irrelevant. It's a moot point. What we're looking at is just the world-class fucking incompetence over and over and over. Yesterday, Kimberly Cheadle was walking around the RNC. There's footage of it. And her two guards are a black guy and two women. What are the odds? What are the fucking odds? She's a full DEI fucking goon. You think, Miss Meredith Root, you think that that's a good thing to put women in that position in the guise of like defending women? And you can just extrapolate this and use gays? You think it's a good idea? It's a good look to do DEI stuff and make women look like fucking complete fucking jackasses and put them in jobs they're not fucking capable of
Starting point is 00:43:29 doing that they're not best suited for? These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter. That's Joy Reid. She's saying for some reason, Donald Trump was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op. Well, George Floyd was given nine minutes. Seems a little unfair. Seems a little unfair. George Floyd was given nine minutes. Donald Trump was only given nine seconds. Sounds racist to me. That situation. Weird situation. We'll figure that out one day. But his survival of that and bouncing right back and going right to his convention
Starting point is 00:44:26 is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. This current president of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? That he's strong enough, older than Trump, to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age so if he does find out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies isn't that exactly the same it
Starting point is 00:44:54 it's not exactly the same it's not same incident but it's all it's an elderly man coming through out of an age should here's the question that I have on that. Un-fucking-believable. Un-fucking-believable. COVID used to kill the elderly. But now, but now, Joe Biden, if he survives COVID, if he survives COVID, I can't believe there's anyone for a second that believes her shit. Hey, do you think that there's anyone who believes, uh, Kimberly Cheadle, like anyone, like the dude, do tank and Pat, uh, believe that the roof was too slope? Like, are they like, yep, it was too sloped? Ah, it was definitely too sloped, but totally valid. Or even if it wasn't too sloped,
Starting point is 00:45:52 let's give them a little more. Well, it's a valid consideration. So it's extremely valid consideration. Extremely valid. What a hero. He survived COVID. I believe the whole thing was a sham. I know, but what do you mean by a sham?
Starting point is 00:46:23 Like they used MK Ultra to fucking brainwash the kid and do the shooting. I mean, is that does that what makes it a sham? Like they used MKUltra to fucking brainwash the kid and do the shooting? I mean is that does that what makes it a sham? That the bullets in his gun were pink? Like what do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean it's a sham? Pat thinks that Trump's team planted the shooter to get the black vote. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. I was watching this video here and I was trying to figure out whether Kamala Harris really said this this many times, or if these are just the same debate
Starting point is 00:47:22 from just different angles, different cameras. You guys tell me, did she really say this? Did she think this was a good line? So she kept repeating it every time she got in front of a big crowd. It's very simple. Why does Joe Biden want to buy oil from Iran and from Vladimir Putin instead
Starting point is 00:47:40 of from Pennsylvania energy workers? Why does he want to further weaken the American manufacturing economy that allows us to project power overseas? Why does he constantly pursue the interests of foreign despots over the interests of the American? Do you know why he does that, by the way? What the excuse is?
Starting point is 00:47:55 It's always climate change, by the way. It's always climate change. That's always their answer. That's always the answer now. Climate change. American citizen and the American worker. That is a case that I think works all over the country. I really think it's an argument that works in Pennsylvania and Michigan because they have felt... It doesn't work all over the country, JD Vance.
Starting point is 00:48:17 They say it. Anytime I talk to the Lib Tards, they're like, but what about climate change? But what about climate change? The neglect of the consensus in Washington that leaves American workers behind president Trump's going to change that And what we are also seeing Is that if you look at you know, I like venn diagrams. Okay, so if you look I do so let me tell you um I love venn diagrams Let me tell you, I love Venn diagrams. I love Venn diagrams. You know, the three circles.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I love Venn diagrams. You're just cracking up. Watch what clothes she's wearing. I can't believe she's, I want to see if this is all different locations she says this in. Among the many things that I like, I love Venn diagrams. You know, the three circles. I love Venn diagrams. You know, the three circles. I love Venn diagrams. I just like just throw it into a Venn diagram. I'll tell you everything you need to know about any issues. I love Venn diagrams. I really just love Venn diagrams. I love Venn diagrams. Okay. I really do. I love Venn diagrams. You know, the three circles, sometimes there are more.
Starting point is 00:49:28 It's very simple. Fuck. You know the three circles and sometimes more. Is that stage two? Is that a sham? I'm trying to understand. I need to know what a sham is and what is staged. Is that a sham? Is that staged? I need a bunch of examples. I need context. Thanks everyone. Here is now Dumber for having to listen to her.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Thanks, Sevan. Yeah, you're welcome. I did find this gem of the shooter. Here's the guy that tried to kill Trump and killed the firefighter. Little tidbit for you. Six foot four. I go to Stanford University.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I have a 10 inch penis. Six foot four. I go to Stanford University. I have a 10 inch penis. He's six four, goes to Stanford University and has a 10 inch penis. His buddy tells us the video was shot in February, 2020 at Steel Center Career and Technical Education
Starting point is 00:51:22 in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania, which provides career and technical education to students attending several public school districts in Pennsylvania. We've reached out to the school to confirm Homeboys enrollment, but haven't heard back. The former classmate of this psychopath was quiet at first, but gradually opened up. He was cool, friendly and got along with his classmates. Psychopath was also described to us as a savant when it came to computer tech. He was one of the most talented students in the class being able to take computers apart and reassemble them without a hitch.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Sounds like every Asian kid I went to school with. He was into video games too, especially Fortnite and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. For what it's worth, those are both first person shooter games. Former classmate tells us the psychopath did not bring up politics or guns while in class. Needless to say, he was absolutely floored to find out that the
Starting point is 00:52:10 psychopath tried to kill Trump. He killed one person in the crowd and injured two others. Oh, does that mean it's a riot, Pat? Was that a riot? Pat, was that a riot? Pat, was that a riot? Because there was a car that drove through a fence and someone was killed. Was that a riot, Pat?
Starting point is 00:52:36 Doses, was that a riot? Was that a riot there? Dude, CNN is MK Ultra. For the masses. Jason speaks, he looks exactly what you think he would. I know, isn't that weird? Seve, just stop. You're making a fool of yourself. I don't know. Sounds like it was a riot. I know that's one of the criteria for you. Is that someone was killed. Every time someone's killed, it's a riot. If you think Jan 6 was a riot, it's the weakest riot I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Tank Reef. Seve, it's all just a show. Sevan, it's all just a show. Doesn't matter the side, what's sad is people still have hope for a political solution. Let's say it is all, let's say you're right. Let's say you're right. Let's say you're right. But ground it in reality like this to me. Or ground it in the matrix or in the show or whatever. Because you say it's all a show and that, so then I'm assuming if you say it's all a show that we're all in the show but we just don't know it. That I'm in the show and I just don't know it.
Starting point is 00:54:27 You're in the show and you do know it. So you can do whatever you want, but I'm in the show and I don't know it, so maybe I can't do what I want. Is that what you're saying? And if that's the truth, do I have any control over the show so that kids in the show don't get their penises chopped off without their parents' consent at the age of 10 in California? Like, do I have any control over that? Like, what do I have control over? What part of the show can I influence? Can I influence any part of the show?
Starting point is 00:55:10 of the show. Oh yeah, Pat, don't forget three officers also committed suicide, the January 6th guys. Don't forget the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Women are raped at every Puerto Rican Day Parade. Don't forget that, Pat. And killed. Don't forget about the New York City Marathon. Someone dies there every year. Pat, the only riot that you know of is the riot in your head. The deep confusion you have. You're like, you know what you are? You're like a guy sitting in a boat with two oars and getting tossed around at sea and you're so afraid to put your oars in and row in one direction. You're so scared.
Starting point is 00:55:55 You're so scared. Maybe just any time, maybe any time a window breaks, you think that it's a riot. If you want to say Jan 6 was a riot, let's rate it compared to other riots. Pat Lang, no Tank Reef. No, actually knowing is more difficult than not. However, people who know it's important for us to move forward into a new world, ignorance is the easy route. I'm not saying you're ignorant, Sevan. Seve, you're a cuck for the Republican Party. You can't get over your party affiliation to admit the obvious.
Starting point is 00:56:43 All right. All right. So be it. Someone sent this to me last night. I think this is in, yesterday we were talking about how if you're easy, the more easily you're offended the easier you are to control. The way everyone's being controlled these days from what I can see is if you're offended, then it's used or it's used or not used incidentally or on purpose, depending on what camp you sit in.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's how you're controlled. You're offended by something and then you react to it. But I like this. This says, Bruce Lee, you will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. Now, here's the important part. If words control you, then everyone else can control you.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Spelling. everyone else can control you. Spelling. If words control you, then everyone else can control you. Emotional intelligence is rarer than you think. A lot of us are wounded children stuck in adult bodies. I know not everyone will like that comment, but for me it was true. I was emotionally stunted at an age I started drinking and doing a ton of drugs. I didn't know how to regulate the emotions I was feeling. So I would numb out. I took people's words as literal facts. I had no pause in between. When I reflect on what they were saying, I was reactive.
Starting point is 00:58:14 That's the entire fucking, well, I was gonna say it's the entire left, but I see it on the right too. Getting sober and working on my emotional wellbeing as well as healing was the best thing I ever did. I've learned way more emotional intelligence than I could have ever imagined by the way one good trick to stop and create that space is To ask people to define words or define words for yourself Because most people don't even understand what anyone else is saying and they're just reacting to it thinking that they understand
Starting point is 00:58:42 That's Pat's whole game That doesn't even know what a fucking riot is. He just reacts to it. January 6th was an insurrection. Then right away it's an insurrection and a riot. Being able to pause and take a moment to look at what feelings arise when someone says something and taking a breath instead of reacting is such a blessing. I've become an observer of the program my body is used to running.
Starting point is 00:59:04 By being the observer I'm no longer reactive I can see things from a different perspective and I know why I'm having such emotional response and 99% of the time It's part of my inner child that needs healing and reprogramming allowing yourself the space to heal your inner child deserves to live in peace That's what Meredith's root thing is all she hears is gay rights and she's fucking because she's so attached to that and her identity she doesn't care if it's true or not. She's completely oblivious they could be fucking beheading gay people in the streets and as long as they said it's for gay rights she'd be cool with it. Same with Pat, just tell me it's an insurrection, it's an insurrection.
Starting point is 00:59:42 If they would have captured that building the whole US government would have fallen. That building, that building is insurrection. Daniel Geraghty, aren't you offended by other people getting offended? Does that mean they're controlling you? 100%. you 100% even getting offended by people getting offended is getting offended. Jeremy World, great advice. Victor Frankel, Man Search for Meaning, go read that Pat. Jason Plummer that building doesn't even control the US. Oh no there's there's concrete blocks in that building that
Starting point is 01:00:29 control everything. Definitely concrete blocks. Smart concrete blocks in that building. That building controls everything. smart concrete blocks in that building. That building controls everything. Totally the doses, thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me carry the show this morning. Sebi, pretty sure I've never said insurrection. Okay, you're now making shit up to try to make your point.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Okay, fair, fine, okay. Because you know you're wrong, that part's not true. In reality, every person in the comments knows 1-6 was a riot. Wow. Okay, I'm willing to say that January 6 was a riot. On a one to 10, that compared to the police station burning down in Ferguson, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:25 rank them for me. If one six was a riot, uh, then, then go ahead. Tell me, tell me, please. Uh, police station burning down. Let's meet in the middle somewhere. Uh, uh, the, the, the, uh, openly, uh, the, the, the, uh, Station burning down. Let's meet in the middle somewhere. The people in charge of the police station have openly admitted that they were going to surrender the police station as an offering to the rioters. And they did that with the police still locked inside. They left the gate open in the front for the rioters and locked the police inside.
Starting point is 01:02:09 They had to use the car to open the back and run and escape. The buses that were supposed to be there to help the police escape were not there. There was a SWAT team inside that did not fire on the crowd. And then the police station was burned down and it's the only police station, well it was the first, I don't know if it's the only now, but it was the first police station ever in US history to get taken over like that. What would you rank that compared to what happened at the Capitol? Pat, numbers, quantify please. Pat are you tall or are you short and how do you know if you're tall or if you're short? Do you know how we know Colton Mertens is short?
Starting point is 01:02:56 Because Yelahosta is tall. Tank Reefs, Vancouver losing the Stanley Cup was a riot. Correct. BLM were riots. Correct. January 6th was a collective of mostly good people with CIA ought plan to make it look a certain way. I fucking 100% agree with you.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Mr. Reeves. Listen, dude, I'm just asking you to define riot. That's it. I'm just asking you to define riot. That's it. I'm just asking you to define riot. If you don't like how you make some other guidelines, if you don't want to use a one through 10 ranking, I just want to define riot. Here's the thing, dude. Let's say you're 100% right and it was a riot.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Let's say like we all finally, because I mean, obviously it's subjective, but let's say you convinced us it's all a riot. Okay, fine. I agree with you. It's a riot. Now play with me here. Where is it on the level of rioting? I'm just curious. Because there's a whole chunk of people that actually think it was an insurrection. Let me look up that word insurrection. Insurrection. Let me look up that word insurrection. Insurrection. I need to learn how to spell it. Violent uprising against an authority or government.
Starting point is 01:04:13 What's the legal definition of insurrection? The violent uprising against governmental authority. What's an example of an insurrection? Among the many historical significant insurrections of the 20th and 21st century, the march on Rome of 1922, which brought Benito Mussolini and his national fascist party to power in Italy. Yeah, an insurrection, the example they give here on the internet, not that it's the end all end all, is when Mussolini took over the government. You think we were close to that? On a one to 10, Pat, how close was Jan six to taking over the US government
Starting point is 01:04:50 and putting fascists in power? Fuck, I'm like embarrassed that I'm having to walk you through this, dude. This is bad. I wouldn't characterize January six as violent either. I was not there, but I remember being at many high school fucking basketball games that seemed like they were more violent than what I saw on TV on January 6th. I don't see your definition. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I don't see it. I appreciate you. You said, I just gave you a definition, read it. Read it to your listeners. I don't, I don't see it. I don't see it. Did you, Pat, you keep saying that 140 cops sent to the hospital, not violent. Did you see any cops get injured? I'm just curious. That's a serious question.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Did you see any cops get injured? I'm curious. Or is that just something you read? Dick Marger and Seve, did you get a media pass? I did. I did. But, but, but everyone got a media pass. It's not, it's not like, it's not anything I can use yet.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I need to be able to get to, I need to be able to be where the, I need to be able to be in the warm-up and cool-down area in order to do the behind the scenes. Every college protests were more violent than Jan 6. Correct. Isn't Amber Rose white? I mean she looks, I think she's black like in the DNA genetic sense but like if you look at her in person she's white. A lot of black people are white. Like if you look at their skin color. a lot of black people aren't even black. They're brown or some, or yellow or red. She's black like Sebi.
Starting point is 01:07:39 No, I haven't gotten like the full go ahead, no. But I'm doing everything in my power to, yeah, define black, yeah. I need to know which kind of black you're talking about. Like black in the crayon box? No, she's not black like in the crayon box. Jethro Cardona, Black Like Me, Good book. Yeah, that is a good book. Actually, I don't know if it's a good book. I liked it when I read it.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know the guy died, Jethro, from dying, from the white guy, that white guy died, from dying himself black. I thought January 6th was a high school field trip. And you know what's funny you say that Dan? I bet. I want to Google that. Any high school field trips at Jan 6th? I bet you there were some high schools that took field trips to that. Yeah, there were. There were some high school field trips to that, to Trump's
Starting point is 01:08:51 talk and then to the Capitol. That's awesome. Meredith Root, Meredith Root thinking that the left gives two shits about gay people is like black people thinking that George Floyd's a hero because the television told them. Like when Nancy Pelosi said, thank you for your sacrifice. Replacing, putting George Floyd as something to aspire to. George Floyd, the greatest influencer that ever was in the black community. You think those people give those people hate you? Marilyn Manson's a greater fucking role model for fucking white kids than George Floyd is for Black Pete kids.
Starting point is 01:10:19 How about Kanye is a fucking greater role model, a billion times more? Jay Wade, January 6th was actually a mostly peaceful protest. And there's the context. That's the context. That's the context I wish for two seconds 12 daily doses could fucking pull his head out of his ass and just be like, oh shit Yeah Relative to what the news was telling us when the guy's standing in front of a cvs and it's fucking got flames 60 feet High in the air saying this is a mostly peaceful protest For some reason he's just fucking hellbent on Jan 6.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And he's just got one line. 140 cops were injured. Tank Reefs, I wonder if Castro has a shot with DB. What do you mean? Like to interview or to put it in her dumper? Thank you. Which one? Dump or interview? You know that parents vaccinate their children because they want the best for their child. What it is, is the government has done such a good job at blanketing the issue so that the truth is not known. So I think a good slogan which my husband always says,
Starting point is 01:11:53 investigate before you vaccinate. So if every parent says I will vaccinate my child doctor, if you will write a guarantee that my child will not be hurt by the vaccines and I don't think any child would ever be vaccinated because no doctor will sign that. In the 1970s, one in 10,000 children were autistic. Today, it's about one in 50. They estimate by 2020, it'll be one in two. And there were no, autism was not around until vaccines were introduced. But we'll move on, vitamin supplements, B12, vitamin D,
Starting point is 01:12:28 are these necessary? The best vitamin D is from the sunshine. Make sure you don't wash your whole body with soap and then go in the sun or you won't get any vitamin D. And if you lie in the sun and then go and wash your body with soap, you won't get any vitamin D. It takes about two hours for your body to make the vitamin D from the skin. And you will, we will be low in vitamin D if you're on
Starting point is 01:12:50 cholesterol-lowering medication because the vitamin D, like the ultra-lilac raised from the sun hit the skin and they convert a form of cholesterol to vitamin D. So you see it's a little bit of a complex issue as to why there's so many people with vitamin D deficiency. Do you know that parents vaccinate their children? I was like, damn, I'm glad I don't soap my body. Well, I do soap my pubes. I soap the hairy areas. Listen, for those of you parents who gave your kids government mandated drugs three at a time, it's too late. You did it. But those of you moving forward, you do not have to do it.
Starting point is 01:13:47 You do not have to inject your kids with government mandated drugs. You can spend five minutes. You can spend five fucking minutes doing some work. And I promise you, you won't regret it. You can do five minutes of investigation just to crack the door open and be like wait a second and if you just need one place to start if you just need one place to start just do a little research on the measles vaccine and look at that.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Just start there. And for some of you who are like, for some of you who like, like, for some people, it's not enough. Average age of death of COVID 78 years old average number of comorbidities four and you're in no one died Who's 12, but you still got the injection like I can't help you like The the logic the logic train is left you're fucked No, unfortunately polio is not a legit one. Not even close.
Starting point is 01:15:32 You can you can read the book, Moth and the Iron Lung and be like, oh shit. You can listen to the audiobook. But or you can also look at that. Just go look at rate of polio incidents And then when the vaccine came out Rate of polio incidents and then when the vaccine came out and then also make sure you look and see what happened to the first First vaccine they they introduced the super successful vaccine had to be pooled vaccine they introduced. The super successful vaccine had to be pooled. Because eventually they realized it was giving more people polio than preventing it.
Starting point is 01:16:10 The polio thing is just absolutely fucking crazy. But it's the exact same playbook they used on COVID. You just have to get some audiobooks and just start listening to it. It's nuts. It's absolutely nuts. Tank Reef's polio was legitimately manufactured. I haven't seen that, that it was legitimately manufactured, but there are There are much stronger correlates to what caused the outbreak of polio than the vaccine causing it to go away. Much stronger. You just got to read a little bit.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Just a tiny bit. It doesn't even take long at all. And now, and now, and you can Google anywhere. Here, I'll do it right now leading cause of polio and you type in leading cause of polio that's funny what's the main cause of polio that's funny it says contact with infected feces. Hold on. Hold on. Here we go. In our current day and age, the leading cause of polio is the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:17:39 This is published. Oh, shit. Oh, this is, this is AP Press. More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus. So just get your head wrapped around that for a second. I have no idea if it was manufactured. I have no idea if AIDS was manufactured. I have no idea if COVID was manufactured. Meaning that there were chemists in a lab somewhere
Starting point is 01:18:04 who've like made it. But this, it's not, it's not, have your kid vaginally, let it breastfeed. Don't feed it any fucking sugar as long as fucking humanly possible. Don't buy it a birthday cake when it's one or two Let it suck on the titties feed it meat and vegetables nuts and seeds honey Great books have on I'm reading it now. Yeah, the moth in the iron lung. I know it's fucking it's nuts moth in the iron lung
Starting point is 01:18:46 It will unravel so much shit for everyone you will explain the whole what happened with kovat everything it's the exact same playbook I don't know if it's intentional. I Were just surrounded by such poor thinking I Mean, can you believe Kimberly Cheadle told us, she looked at us and said the roof was too sloped to have counter snipers on when the roof that the snipers were on was the exact same slant or less. I mean, by the way, we don't even know who killed the, uh, also, also the leading theory now or the leading bit of news now is that those
Starting point is 01:19:26 snipers that we saw on the roof that we were claiming killed the guy that those guys didn't kill him that it was someone else uh carolyn m uh sebon's 12 rules for life chapter five let them suck on titties yes uh j wade uh my wife is pregnant and when the baby gets here my post-workout shake will be titty milk and tart cherry juice. That sounds good. This is part of the plan though. Multi-generational Americans, Canadians, and Europeans are now being replaced by illegal immigrants who aren't vaccinated. They will have your lunch, jobs, etc. I don't know about the first part.
Starting point is 01:20:13 This is part of the plan, but everything else I agree with. Canadians Europeans are now being replaced by illegal immigrants who are not vaccinated. All true. And they will have your lunch and jobs. Yeah, all true. They can will have your lunch and jobs. Yeah, all true. They can have my lunch and my jobs. What I'm concerned about is that they're going to put rules in place that take away our freedoms. Pat, you talk like, um, you, you know, I have no, I have no people in my life like you that do this. Asevi just sent you a DM of the riot video.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Thank you. Which I know you won't watch. Like who talks like that? Like who talks like that? Who says stuff like that? Are you fucking four? Like honestly do you talk to your wife like that? You sound like a 16 year old girl who's managing her fucking premenstrual cycle for the first time.
Starting point is 01:21:31 It's like what the fuck dude? Why are you like that? Why the fuck are you like that? Graphic Warning, Select Committee shows never before seen video of January 6th attack. So you think it's an attack, huh? We're going to see some of what our witnesses saw on January 6. Let's see the video please. But please be advised that it contains graphic images and strong language, which many may find disturbing graphic language and strong images. Now you know there's books in our fifth grade classrooms in California that talk about sucking dick,
Starting point is 01:22:26 boys sucking each other's dick. So that's gonna be, that's going to be my, that's gonna be my baseline. Cause I'd love to know what graphic language is. I'm a 52 year old man. I don't know, I just watched the boys on Amazon Prime. There was no warning about graphic language in that. And there was a scene in there where a guy gets covered in a fucking dump truck of cum.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Ooh, graphic! Very graphic! Powerful shit, Patrick. Let me guess, you're offended by the American flag, Patrick. Oh my goodness. Oh my. Wow, everyone is standing still. First things first, Pat. Let's talk about that. In a riot, Mr. Lang, 12 daily doses. In a riot, people are running around throwing bricks and bottles
Starting point is 01:23:28 See those people who are up on those stands there there wouldn't be people up on that in a riot that thing would be pushed over Fucking god you Style oh Peter Navarro releases 36 page report alleging election fraud more than sufficient to swing victory to Trump. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 election big protest in DC on January 6 be there. Hey brother, we're boots on the ground here. We're moving on to capital. Now I'll give you a boots on the ground update here. Oh multiple capital injuries oh like the local podunk marathon that
Starting point is 01:24:12 goes on in every city every day okay Area closed. People pushing over a four foot barrier. Okay, this could be a little rioting. Not riot. Not riot. This is not riot. Pushing over. Why did they cut away from the barrier? That was good. That was going your way, buddy. That was going your way. What does podunk mean? Like small. Let me look up podunk. Podunk is just like small amateur hour podunk. Like that's a small town regardless typical dull or insignificant. Like Pat's arguments. Oh my goodness, I heard a fuck you police. Wow, Pat powerful,
Starting point is 01:25:18 powerful, Pat very powerful. I see some actually some people walking now this is crazy. We're still taking metal, sharpened objects, missiles... Missiles? Patrick, missiles? To include bottles, and rocks, and hand-thrown chemical grade fireworks. Hand... hand-thrown chemical grade fireworks. Woo! Hey, I haven't seen anything yet, Pat.
Starting point is 01:25:45 I saw some shaking of a barrier. I'll give you, I'll give you that is riot-esque. On the riot level though, I'm going to go negative. I'm going to go point one, point one, not even a one. But I like the dramatic audio now and I know you're controlled by words, so you must really like that stuff. Oh my god, those cops look like they're in danger. Listen, listen, listen fucking Pat.
Starting point is 01:26:17 They would fucking kill cops like that at any riot that I'm fucking talking about. Those cops would not be out there like that in a fucking riot. Pat? This is your riot video? I'm 20% through it, buddy. And you look like, basically these look like typical Secret Service guys, frantic and incompetent but I'm still not seeing riot.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Let me guess they're scared of the American flag. Oh, that's interesting. We just saw the cops charge the rioters. We didn't see the rioters charge the cops. Fascinating. Fascinating, Patrick. Fascinating. Oh my God, I think I see water being thrown. I think I just saw water being thrown, Pat.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Oh my goodness. Look at, no one's even attacking the police, dude. They're just pushing through, dude. Dude, seriously, Pat, this is less than a fucking Walmart No one's even attacking the police dude. They're just pushing through dude dude this seriously Pat This is less than a fucking Walmart in the fucking ghetto when the new PlayStation is released on fucking Thanksgiving, dude Hey those those events where the kids drive their cars and do donuts and shit and Fucking you see bodies flying as the cars hit them people falling off of lamp posts.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Hey, this reminds me of MTV where they cut every three seconds like they they want it. Why won't they hold any of these shots Pat? Wait a second. Did someone just, did that show cops punching someone and someone spray some yellow spray paint on them? Where's the bricks, Pat? Where's the fire, Pat? I'm going to go, I'm going to stay at point one, buddy.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Point one. Yeah, mosh pit. This is a, okay, there was, okay, I like this. There was a serious mosh pit on January 6th. You probably think that those fraternities that haze the boys and make them drink water and kids have died doing that. That was probably from fentanyl too, right? Like you got some convoluted thinking, bro. This is now effectively a riot.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Dispatch 1349, we're declaring it a riot. I get it. Holy shit. Holy shit. I get it. I get it. You fucking nut. Or is declaring it a riot.
Starting point is 01:29:23 You still, you still think the bag oh oh no oh no a police shield being used to break a window pat that's weird right Pat that's really weird oh no people climbing in windows. Are you sure this isn't just a burglary? Okay guys, apparently this tip of the spear has entered the Capitol. Apparently? Man dude, you are tarted dude you are so bad You are so bad Caller hi Hello
Starting point is 01:30:24 Caller This is Malke Hey what's up dude Hello Call her This is Malke. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, uh What's the what's the kill Taylor workout this Saturday? I'm so glad you asked Seve this could be your most embarrassing moment. I know i'm so embarrassed in my whole life Oh, you're live right now, aren't you i'm so embarrassed Yeah, i'm so embarrassed because I think that january 6 wasn't fucking a riot Listen, i'm more than willing to concede. It's a riot I just want I don't understand why you won't tell me on the scale of what what do you think?
Starting point is 01:31:04 What do you think caller on a one, on a one to 10? Let's, let's, let's just say that January 6th was a riot. As far as riots go on a one to 10, where would you rank it for ones you've seen on TV? Let's go. Rodney King. I'll give you Rodney. You said a seven? Yeah. Okay. Then what would you say the Rodney King riot was?
Starting point is 01:31:26 Oh Probably an eight Are they burnt down Los Angeles and it's an eight but dudes attacking the Capitol building is a seven Yeah, no, you're right. You're right. I think You think it's the imagery of the Capitol building that really gets you the fact that's like hey, it's okay to do it in the hood Just a bunch of black people, they're not fucking worth anything anyway, burn their shit down But fucking whitey in the Capitol building, that's bad news No, you're right, it's a way worse look on the Capitol building
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah, and that's all it is, it's an emotional response. It's just a really bad look. But dude, burning down a police station with police officers in it, I got to go with that's a 10. Yeah, that's crazy. But I hear you. I'm glad you told me a seven because I think it's a one. But but I understand. I understand that it looks it's it's sad that it's it's our Capitol building. At least they had at least they had american flags you didn't see any american flags at the fucking uh at the ferguson riots
Starting point is 01:32:35 Yeah, that's crazy oh shit lexi nealey just texted me i need to get her on I need to get her on. Confirm we did not ask for quad size. Morning Chalk Up did. Okay so that was, that was, did you see Dave's interview Malachi with Yellow Hosta? No. Yellow said that he asked Dave why are you guys asking for quad size? Dave's like I don't think we are and Yellow's's like, we are. But then I just got confirmation. It was just morning jog up.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Okay. The workout is swimming. And what I have to guess is a body weight movement because you don't need equipment. And it will be 11 AM on Friday. Why are you asking? You have no chance. I think I do.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I think I do. All right. Do you have access to a 25 yard pool? Yeah, I do. What's the what's the mountain time? Um, I don't know. It's 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. So that would be. I think are you guys mountain time might even be on the same time as California right now. I know there's some time.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Oh, California. We're we're an hour ahead. So it'd be 12 noon for you. All right, Savon. I'll be there. I time in the year. Oh, California. We're an hour ahead. So it'll be 12. Okay. Noon for you. All right, Savon. I'll be there. I'm going to call in. Okay. And you know how to do it, right?
Starting point is 01:33:51 You'll have a phone and then you'll text the number and then I'll send you a link and then you try to beat them. And then we just talk shit about how tight your bathing suit is and we can see your junk. All right. I love it. I can't wait. Okay. Love you, dude. All right. Love you, brother. Bye.
Starting point is 01:34:06 No fucking guy who thinks fucking the capital rights of seven is gonna beat Taylor. Are you out of your mind? I think it's a 20, is it, I think it's 25 yard pool. I think it's 25 yards. I think it's 25 yards. I think it's 25 yards. Let me ask you this. Let me, uh, Pat, let me ask you this. Cause I want to find a middle ground with you. I want one piece. Pat, let me ask you this. Ready, Pat? Would you rather have been out on the street, would you feel safer out on the streets during the Ferguson riots or safer at the Capitol? Which one would you feel safer at?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Would you feel safer in the Watts riots or at the Capitol? Jason Plummer, Pat is a TV, he can't hear you. I'm already conceded that it's a fucking riot. Now let's fucking, come on Pat, you got, you won, you won the debate. It's a, it's a riot. I lose. Pat? Hello? Hello Pat? Hello Pat? Hello Pat? It's a riot it's a riot six is a riot six is a riot now Let's rank let's arrive at the riots You already admitted it was a riot I proved my point brother all good, okay fine you win I lose today July 18th 2024 I lose to Pat Lang. He doesn't know he, uh, Mrs. Burns from Sabbath Essentials. Don't deflect that.
Starting point is 01:36:13 He can't even, he can't. He can't. He says stuff like, he uses words like they use on Sesame Street. What about ism. You got to stop with the what aboutism. Oh I got it huh? I got it huh? Just like I probably won't show it. This is Pat. This is Pat asking a girl his senior year to the ball. Hi Sally. I know you're probably not gonna go with me but would you want to go to the senior ball with me? I know you want to say no. I know but would you? Patrick hi, this is Sally. Um, you're a world-class bitch get some balls, dude
Starting point is 01:37:04 You're a world class bitch. Get some balls, dude. Hey, is everyone in your... So I'm guessing everyone in your circle, Pat, is... Everyone in your circle, everyone who's close to you is... Susceptible, that was the word I was looking for, to passive aggressiveness. Like just deep, just really simplistic, low-level manipulation. Am I right? Just tell me, am I right? Did I nail it?
Starting point is 01:37:43 Yeah, of course. I'm, I'm, you probably, dude, I got magic. I'm, I'm not suggesting you didn't get tons of course. I'm you probably dude. I got mad chicks. I'm not suggesting you didn't get tons of pussy. It probably rain pussy on you. But did you but did you make them feel bad for it? Were you like you sound like the kind of guy who's like, I just bought you dinner. Now you have to put out like they're like there's always a you probably won't or there's always some sort of deal. It's not like just like, Hey, just a mutual like, yeah, let's check this out. Let's go out. Hey, I find you attractive. You want to do it? Like did you, you ever just been straight with someone?
Starting point is 01:38:17 Oh, is that true? That's amazing. The ladies on the view use that term. What about ism? Oh my goodness. I'd never even heard that before term what about ism oh my goodness i've never even heard that before what about ism the view is the show called the viewer view oh yeah it's an msnbc uh term wow like anti-racism, anti-vaccine. Damn, I wanna sneeze so bad. I have triggered the fuck out of you today. That happens when somebody gets you.
Starting point is 01:39:04 I don't think that's true. The triggered part. I think that at most I'm willing to concede that you added tremendous value to the show today. Oh Jesus Pat, I'm not talking, my inner struggle consists of a lot of independent voters who use common sense with every decision. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the people like who gives a fuck about that, dude. Pay attention. I'm saying that you have people around you who are probably really, really weak minded. Like I'm talking about the people really close to you.
Starting point is 01:39:37 I actually I'm probably guessing your parents do it to you. That's where you learned it. it to you. That's where you learned it. Like just there's so many fucking guilt trips and shit, uh, probably in your life. Like everything that anyone asks you to do, there's a guilt trip. Anything you ask anyone to do, there's a crazy guilt trip. It's okay. At least you're here with us now. We'll get you. You'll come around, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Oh, my wife just texted me. Thank you for rubbing my leg and butt. I said hi to you but you didn't hear me. Oh shit. She fucked you guys up. My wife ain't a lesbian. Oh shit, that is so weird. What the fuck? Wow, what the fuck? That doesn't even make any sense.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Hey dude! What the fuck that doesn't even make any sense Hey, dude Hey, what do you think we did with your tennis bag? Do you think someone How could we lose how could we lose? How could we lose your entire tennis bag? I don't know. That's so weird, isn't it? Yeah. I remember leaving a car and I thought you were just going to bring,
Starting point is 01:41:21 bring it in and just slip here. Here. Hey, you know why? You know why? Look it, I got a little button here. I can flip with my. You know why it's my fault? Why? Um, because uh, I do too much for you. What do you mean? Like if I wouldn't like, I always carry your shit. I fill your water like the other day when you forgot your tennis racket for tennis that's my fault because like I um you what because like I do all that shit for you like I coddle you yeah already did you leave your tennis bag on the ground and forgot to put it in the car you saw me carrying it right we left tennis and I saw that
Starting point is 01:42:03 you and Joseph had your tennis bags on your back. Which car were we in? Were we in the van? Van. Yeah, we were in the van because I remember taking Drake home in the van. There's a 95% that somebody stole it and he left it there. Like we just said it, like he took it off and put it down in the parking lot And then like the one wheel like the one wheel You know I cried did you know I'd ever tell you I cried when I lost one wheel yeah
Starting point is 01:42:32 I saw you I did I didn't see you cry, but I heard you I heard I heard you say you cry All right, I went into the room and shut the door and laid on the bed and cried a little bit and hiding I did not leave the tennis bag in the parking lot because when I got there, I put it in the car like the back of the van was like stuffed with our tennis bags and I remember two being in there, one blue, Joey's and I. in there one blue Joey's and I. If you after you leave tennis, you should check. You should like ask one of us to check the trunk. Like to look back there. I know I just do too.
Starting point is 01:43:14 I do too much for you guys. I wipe your butt. I tie your shoes. I put your tennis bat. I what? You always like me, but I know. But I'm just saying I'm trying to be like funny, too. I just do too much for you guys It's fine But if I wouldn't have then you would have developed more responsibility last night I was trying to go to sleep
Starting point is 01:43:34 You're like tell me about tennis. Oh When I came into your room, yeah, did you like that? Yeah, I knew you did Yeah, cuz I don't like falling asleep I just like staying up do something or watch something after I put you guys to sleep I went into Robby's room and rubbed his back and we talked about tennis. I did Ate zucchini and rice. Oh, yeah, you got up after that, huh? Hey Heidi what Huh? Jeez. Hey, Heidegg. What? Are you serious? When I finish with Chewbacca,
Starting point is 01:44:09 you're gonna get me the big AT-AT if I beat Joey from the globe? No, he was joking. Are you gonna try to win the gold medal at the Jiu-Jitsu tournament? I'm trying to get double gold. I think I'm gonna get gold, but I'm trying to get double gold. I think I'm gonna get gold, but I'm trying to get double gold.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Winning is everything. It is? No, but it made me really happy yesterday when I asked you, Avi, how tennis was, and you said it was fun. I like that. Yeah. Is anybody on right now?
Starting point is 01:44:44 Yeah. I mean, just some people listening. Oh, I like how many people 159? You wish it was like a hundred thousand, huh? No, no, I was just like three thousand three thousand In time in time. Hey, are you guys done with everything are we going to I'm taking you guys to Derby today to the skate camp that's the one that's the you called toilet oh wait there's a skate camp there we're doing it with Luke yeah toilet pole and then we go to oh and then you go to come on yeah I wanted to go there to just ski for fun Hey is is meds mighty coming today?
Starting point is 01:45:32 Shouldn't you guys be doing piano and oh Joey's doing our mean oh All right Quality over quantity that's fair. I mean there's 200 people watching yeah okay more just kept watching no I just made that up how's the lice going you have any more lice yeah no you do oh that's awesome like Yeah, started growing on my tongue like father like son All right, I think we're done here we are Patrick Lang Thank you for your by the way, just so you guys know It's all a show Pat and I worked this out beforehand. Everything is staged. I Spoke to Pat before the show. I said hey today. I'm going, uh, I'm going to w let's talk about January 6th. You take this stance. I take this stance
Starting point is 01:46:28 Pat, you know, it was like, okay, are you gonna send me the 200 bucks? I said sure and then we just we did it We pulled the wool right over your guys' eyes. When's the next kill taylor? Yeah a friday Tomorrow tomorrow at 11 a.m. Yeah No Friday tomorrow tomorrow at 11 a.m. Yeah No Monty stuff. I know it was inappropriate that I had you there's just too much nasty talk. I mean it gets nasty I didn't hear anything. That's good. Like you mean like bad at the end Love you too, buddy. Thank you. Talk to you later Bye
Starting point is 01:47:00 No, not you. I'm talking about pat Lang No, not you. I'm talking about Pat Lang. Pat, I'll Venmo you the money. Thank you. Like what kind of talk? Like bad talk? Like, you know, like if someone's like if so tomorrow is going to be a swim workout and Taylor's going to work out. Right. Yeah. And then let's say so you're going to pick on him. Is that the whole thing while he's working?
Starting point is 01:47:22 No, he works out and we tell everyone how great he is and he's unbeatable. And then like if someone else work comes, like we make fun of them. Like, like if they're wearing a bathing suit and it's too tight, we're like, Hey, we can see your butt crack. Or if you know, if they're, if they're basically it's going in their butt, we're like, is your butt hungry? Or like, you know what I mean? Yeah. So you just talk shit about them the whole time or if their hair looks funny, you know, we talk about, you know.
Starting point is 01:47:50 You can talk smack. I know. I just think that sometimes it gets so crass. Like, like, like, like, like, I heard you talk about little like. You know what? Oh, like a private part I do what do you guys think about my tooth Ian it's awesome I like it but I don't really see it in my bedroom I only find you only use it when I finished one of the man man's in days, three days. Yeah, he
Starting point is 01:48:26 finished a Matuthian. No, no, no. Jeremy finished a Matuthian in like two weeks. That's not right. That's too much. He's using too much, right? Yeah. Yeah. You just want to, I put a lot on and then dab it and so I can see how much there's on. Yeah. Where do you dab it? You dab it into the sink and waste it? No, I dab it in the... Back in the jar? Yeah. Oh, geez, gross. I don't suck on it yet.
Starting point is 01:48:51 You don't suck on it yet. Oh. We just, I sometimes I get too much and I just dab it back in on my tooth. Yeah, I don't think you're supposed to do that. I think you are. Does our whole family share just one jar of Matuthian? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:03 It's awesome. Disgusting. It's not disgustingutian yeah it's awesome it's disgusting i know it's not i don't care i'm just messing with you what what does joey care uh yeah joey cares isn't that weird there's always one kid like that i was that kid too when i was growing up yeah if if uh hodakwitanya like if i had like a a glass i wouldn't i didn't want her drinking out of it and joey's that kid right even he won't even let you take a bite of his sandwich. He's like, ew, you're gross. Hey, you know who else is that kid? Who?
Starting point is 01:49:31 Riley. She doesn't like to do that either. Huh? Doesn't want to share. Actually, she shares water with us. Yeah. She shares water with us, like, but she wipes it off, but she would not share water with red, like I would share a straw with us. Yeah, she shares water with us, but she wipes it off, but she would not share water with Red.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Like I would share a straw with you. Yeah. If I saw you, like when we drink milk, we all share the same straw. Yeah, yeah. And I'm probably, you guys probably backwash way more than me, I'm a skilled drinker. One time I backwash.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Hey people, listen, one time at tennis, Oh shit. I was drinking water and I heard a giant thick gulp go down my throat. I'm like, I wonder who that is. And the last person to the water bottle was you. You think I left a chunk in there? Yes, always.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Yes, of course. Like food or snot? Snot. Mucus. It was like disgusting. You're out of your fucking mind. You think that I left mucus in your water and you swallow it. You probably you're fucking not.
Starting point is 01:50:31 You probably open the cap and went like this. You're nuts. Hey, I know I'm serious. No. All right. Whenever I let you guys drink anything of mine, especially Ari, Ari. My back washes a lot. She does. especially Ari, Ari plays the- Mom back washes a lot. She does? Ari leaves chunks in my shit.
Starting point is 01:50:49 He'll be like eating a cookie and drinking at the same time I look at my shit and it's like, sorry, he turns it into chocolate milk. There's so many chunks in it. No, Heidi, Heidi. Yeah. Yeah, I don't like all these. You know what's weird?
Starting point is 01:51:00 Riley's like, she'll share with her friend, but she'll not share with Rhett. It's like, she'll share with her friend, but she'll not share with Rhett. It's like, she'll get, she'll get me like. I don't know if you should be talking about this. Why? I don't know. What if Grant is? Well, even if he is listening, you don't want to talk about your friends.
Starting point is 01:51:16 Okay, fine. Is it a funny story? You just got to be careful. Be careful? What do you mean? I don't know exactly This is making me nauseous all right Just somebody oh there's how dock we why oh
Starting point is 01:51:44 She has a kid like that too She said she said no she said Jameson doesn't like is the is like me doesn't like to share stuff Yes, you did miss Alexis wrap this yesterday she was wonderful hey Jackson he doesn't care like He shares his sparkling waters So I asked him for a sip of his snow thing he said sure yeah Jackson doesn't care have you guys done your piano yet and your Armenian no because the skate camp starts at 930 what we got a drive and we got a drive there and it's all the way across town 930
Starting point is 01:52:35 Hey, I'm for ten. I'm not I'm not in the skate camp. I'm just gonna pretend. I'm just cruising around you say hi I'm just I'm just came here for fun. Yeah, that's fine. Is Rowan coming going but I know that's a good question Probably not. He probably the Scotts Valley is he the best skater in Santa Cruz for his age yeah no no cash cash is a little better but cash is older isn't he like significantly older yeah cash is like 12 and Rowan's like I used to like sky brown looked up her all the time, but You're not a fan anymore. No, cuz I once I heard this girl power and we can do a boys do God I've influenced you so much boys. I've influenced you so much boy sports What there's not even a boys sport and a girls sport.
Starting point is 01:53:25 There's sports. Yeah, just sports. Like you just do it. Yeah. Oh, this seems a little girl to me, but it's a sport. Yeah. It's a sport. Yeah, and some more girls do gymnastics and more boys do like skating and stuff.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Right. So it's like, but they're both, both. Right. It's like in between. Right. But like soft in between. Right. But like softballs for girls, right? And baseball's for boys. But you can do both.
Starting point is 01:53:51 Sort of thing, right? Yeah, that one's a little interesting. That one's a little tricky, you're right. But boys play softball too, but I don't see. London plays baseball. Oh, the girl, yeah. It's just sports. And she plays soccer. Oh, the girl, yeah. It's just sports. And she plays soccer.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Right, so London's a girl and she plays super high level baseball. Yeah, and she does jiu-jitsu. And she wears shorts and stuff. Yeah. Like it's just sports. Yeah. Just sports. I agree with you, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:54:21 There's nothing. Why do you think, I have no idea why why I don't know the answer to this question. Why do you think girls play softball and boys play baseball? Mostly it sounds different. Softball sounds like girls cause it's softball sounds like boys, like just the word crap at a ball and softballs like, have you ever seen, but, but girls can throw softballs just as fast as boys can throw baseballs. I think. Have you ever seen that? Like the professional softball ball and softballs like have you ever seen but but girls can throw softballs just
Starting point is 01:54:45 as fast as boys can throw baseballs i think have you ever seen that like the professional softball players and they yeah hi dake and um remember them and that would go ahead of the movie jajaja i don't want to say on the show yeah yeah yeah i remember that um the girls threw the softball right at the private part. Of the boys? Yeah. And it went like 85 miles per hour. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:13 So why do girls play? So why don't they, why doesn't everyone just play baseball then? I don't know. Or why doesn't everyone just play softball? Well, everybody's stupid in the world and they think it's girl and boy sports. But it's just sports. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 01:55:27 But standing up peeing is a boy sport. Yeah. Yeah. That one. Boys. It's not really a sport. It's just peeing. I've seen you guys compete. When you guys pee, you guys line up
Starting point is 01:55:38 and see who can pee the furthest. That's kind of a sport. Yeah. It's fun. Yeah, it's fun. Joey and I can do that. Who pees the furthest out of three of you? Joey. Joey.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Really? I know. There's a secret technique. Uh-huh. And where you use your tip of your penis. Uh-huh. And you just start, and it starts going further. Or you pull back your skin. That's what you taught me. Oh.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Alright guys, thank you very much for tuning in. We'll see you guys next week. Bye-bye. No, we'll see you tomorrow kill there

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