The Sevan Podcast - Is 34 Counts A Lot? | Live Call In

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer.
Starting point is 00:00:43 More details at Bam, we're live. Heidi Kroon, my sister won the European Ironman Championships. Really? Is that true? Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Good morning. I was reading the comments on YouTube this morning. It's always interesting after, you know, the YouTube grows like 10 subscribers a day. Just a slow, steady chugging along. just a slow, steady chugging along. And it's always interesting when we get these.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So this week it's growing. I'm just making this up. But this week it's growing three times as fast, 30 subscribers a day. And so we get new people in here. And it's funny to see their reaction to the show uh good morning adam good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning papa good morning jessica what's up girl always good to see you um two two years in you'll hit 30k you know what's gonna happen i think i think uh i think we're about to have a massive growth i
Starting point is 00:02:05 wonder how it's going to affect you guys like the crew the morning crew because i suspect i suspect with kill taylor we're going to have like a big jump i mean i mean relative you know not like a jake paul fucking jump but i I suspect by is kill Taylor catches traction. At some point, there'll be a tipping point and we'll put on an extra 10 or 20,000 subscribers. And I wonder how that's going to affect you guys. It'll be funny. Well, it'll be fun for it. It'll be funny because.
Starting point is 00:02:43 You guys understand the show so much better than the new people well let me go back to this comment so i saw a comment and someone was like i don't know who said it but someone said something someone they accused will branstetter of saying it i don't know if will said it but there was a someone said the other day on the show that girls can't drive and uh there was a comment in the youtube comments saying how that wasn't cool i'm just like oh man oh man i think girls can drive i think uh i don't, it's weird. I wish that that was something I could draw along the sexes. I wish I could be like, oh, you don't think they can drive? Like Greg's wife's an amazing driver.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Like I would say, it's hard for me to say this. I would say she's as good a driver as me and I'm an amazing driver I drove a motorhome through downtown Manhattan like like a champ 32-foot motorhome I could parallel park anywhere I can do anything but I but I still am shocked when there's like a girl who can like parallel park but they're there they're out there lots of them shitloads there's shit when there's like a girl who can like parallel park. But they're there. They're out there.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Lots of them. Shitloads. There's shitloads of like good girl drivers. I can drive especially a stick. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what to do with that one. I won't forget y'all when I get famous. Maybe I just have to do a special show just for this.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Let me see what Seema says. Males on average have better. Oh, by the way, Seema, I thought you looked. If that was you who popped on the camera, you look beautiful at the semifinals. If you were there, I saw you pop on. Did you dye your hair blonde? You looked awesome. Males on average have better spatial awareness due to surveying the horizon for predators.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Oh, interesting. I drive a mean stick. I wish I still had a stick. I drive a mean stick. I mean, I don't know this, but I would guess, based on my discrimination and prejudice, that probably black people, melanated people are better drivers. I don't know why I think that, but I would guess, especially black women. I would guess are better drivers than white women. I don't know. Oh, that's gray. Wow. Well, you look beautiful when you popped on the screen for a second. Anyway, I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:43 what's going to happen. Those people are going to have a steep learning curve. I just made this up yesterday. I was talking to Sousa. I'm guessing for every 30 subscribers that jump on, we'll lose 15 because something will be said on here that upsets them or you know what i mean which is fine i don't care uh pat lang uh white people are the best drivers black people suck how many black dudes you've seen on the nascar i don't know i disagree i don't look i don't ever what's interesting is i never i'm never like wow that guy's a really good driver and then pull up next to someone and look in the car. But I do do that with shitty drivers. You know what I mean? Unfortunately, I've seen this phenomenon more and more. I don't ever remember seeing it in the first 50 years of my life.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But in the last two years, I feel like I've seen a dozen people getting onto the freeway. And they stop on the freeway entrance because they're unable to merge in that is such that's a that's crazy you should have just your driver's license taken away if you do shit like that that's so fucking dangerous and uh every time i've seen that it's an asian person so like i do think that like asians i for some reason i do think asians are worse drivers i always thought living in berkeley berkeley's a very cerebral town right it's just people trapped you know taking offense to everything and trapped between their ears and i always thought the town i grew up in had the worst drivers of anywhere i'd ever seen and those were all white people and old people berkeley has shit loads of old people so so expensive to live there anywhere it's expensive. You get a lot of old people.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I'm guessing places like Naples, Florida, the drivers must be so bad. Renee, really proud of all your work and I cannot wait for Kill Taylor. Thanks, Renee. I feel pretty proud right now too. I'm in a weird mood this morning. Last night my electric water heater stopped working. It didn't, it's like a couple of days ago, it stopped working.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And I got out a screwdriver. I dug out my Phillips screwdriver and I took it apart. And it said error 45. So I Googled what that means. I have a Norwitz, Norwitz or something, electric heater. I put that into Google, Norwitzitz error 45 i took the electric heater apart it said that there's a error 45 means that there's either condensation or water buildup so i took it apart i took off the cover and then i took off there's a circuit board i took that off and i couldn't see too well in there, but on the bottom, inside the
Starting point is 00:08:25 bottom of the water heater, you know, the electric water heater is like a box. It's like three feet by two feet by two feet and it hangs on the wall. And so I took the cover off and the circuit boards on the bottom. I took the circuit board off. I guess that's like the brain of the unit. And then I was looking, I was kind of trying to like look at the bottom and I saw a little bit of water built up in the bottom. So I took my leaf blower and I blew it in there and I blew all the water out the back and I turned the water heater back on and it worked and I was like honestly I was feeling like so manly because my wife's like the hot water's back thank you I was like oh that's awesome oh motherboard is that what that thing is the motherboard yeah that thing
Starting point is 00:09:06 and then uh two days later last night my wife goes hey there's no hot water again and i went in the garage and i looked at it and i took off the cover and it was just there were shit loads of water everywhere so whatever it wasn't condensation and i knew it wasn't and there the leak had gotten worse and it was just like a steady drip now so i even if i blew it out with the leaf blower i couldn't um i couldn't get it working again i mean i didn't even try so so i called the uh the cross-fitting plumber uh rafael here in town and um he says he's coming over in the morning but i didn't get to shower this morning i was thinking god i've
Starting point is 00:09:53 never not showered before a show and it sucks i need to shower because I need hot water on my back to loosen my back and so I feel all stiff and shit right now oh awesome uh oh who's this shelf yeah let's do it tomorrow. What times do you have available? Oh, Shelby. Oh, awesome. I think Shelby Neal's going to come on tomorrow morning. That's cool. What is this shit? Hold on. uh hold on i have to i have to take a break what is this
Starting point is 00:10:52 i haven't watched this yet i don't know what this is i'll share it with you guys as i watch it uh i would hire i would hire anyone in the trades that began their name with the crossfitting. I know, me too, right? In all fairness, this guy came over to my house, I don't know, five years ago. And he's a plumber in the area, Rafael. And we were talking and I talked him into doing CrossFit. And then he started doing CrossFit and he's been doing it ever since. Kind of cool right I think I'm single-handedly the biggest cheerleader in the world for CrossFit I mean there's probably 10,000 of us that are the biggest cheerleaders but okay what this is from
Starting point is 00:11:39 an account called CrossFit receipts I think receipts is like a term for like someone who keeps – those are like when someone says they have their receipts, that's like someone who takes screenshots of text messages. Is that what that is? oh uh what is this hold on what the fuck there's too much shit going on answer the question coward is that for me oh sebi what's the longest you've gone without showering i really like showering i really i usually will take like if i take three showers in a day it's not unheard of i really like show showering. I don't know. I don't know what the longest. Not very long. I mean, maybe, maybe, maybe, I don't know. I really like showering.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Okay. Here we go. I don't know what this is it says uh crossfit really uh receipts taylor self misses cut and is beat by 33 year old training think tank athlete travis mayor oh this sounds i wonder if this is hating on um taylor let's see what this says let's watch this uh i think he definitely didn't stand a chance even from the start all right uh training think tank training think tank sucks cock i know they're going to be listening to this but they suck dick your guys vlog program is poop so kyle if you want to get fitter and you want to
Starting point is 00:13:16 learn how to do ghc's like a man we're right here sentinel training. Hi. How long have you been there? 10 seconds. Oh, good. Shit, that was weird. For a second, I thought I pulled up an old screenshot and you were there. Good to see you, dude. Good to see you. You're back home.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yep, back in the chat. All right. I haven't heard this clip before But this is Taylor saying Training think tank Sucks cock I don't think Max Elhaj or that Brennan guy Actually have ever touched another man's
Starting point is 00:13:57 Penis I have no Complete stab in the dark I don't know That Brennannan guy kind of there's probably a lot of dudes who want brennan no dude wants max l hodge to touch his cock but that brennan dude i'm sure he's got like gorilla hands doesn't he probably yeah that makes sense um but that brennan dude i'm sure there's tons of dudes who want him to touch their cock, but I'm sure there's tons of girls who want them, him to touch their vagina too.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh, I've seen it. Guys swoon, guys and girls swoon around him. Oh yeah. Big time. Yeah. He's,
Starting point is 00:14:34 he's something special. Okay. Uh, I might even, I might even get more, I might even have more girl fans than Maxel Hodge. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:14:44 You think? I don't know. I didn't really like your response. You think Brennan's touched cock? There's no way. I think it just rains vagina on him. He's pretty masky. He's like if Ken from, if Barbie's boyfriend had testosterone.
Starting point is 00:15:02 He's like Ken, but like like the i don't know like the version that's like straight okay let's see uh here we go mz people good i like being tmz dude uh how would hunter matt what do you think of kyle's uh work there oh it was taylor uh i think he definitely didn't stand a chance, even from the start. All right. Taylor, what did you pick? Training think tank sucks cock. I know they're going to be listening to this, but they suck dick. Your guy's vlog program is poop.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So, Kyle, if you want to get fitter and you want to learn how to do GH, he's like a man, we're right here, Sentinel Training. Careful, dude. I heard Stefan clips things and tries to TMZ people. Good. I like being TMZ, dude. How would Hunter McIntyre... What do you think of Kyle's...
Starting point is 00:15:49 That's a reference to Hunter McIntyre thinking I TMZ'd him or whatever. Okay, and then the next post is... Travis took a 9th, a 13th, an 8th, a 21st, and an 8th at semifinals. Oh, okay. So Travis beat Taylor in the first workout, in the second workout, in the third workout. Taylor beat him in the fourth workout. Travis beat him in the fifth workout and in the fourth workout. Travis beat him in the fifth workout.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And in the sixth workout. Two of the workouts, they were pretty much tied. That was a good matchup. Yeah, that is a good matchup. I think they finished like neck and neck on the sixth workout. They were like right next to each other. Travis got... What was funny is last night when I was doing the debrief With Taylor Taylor said hey I knew Travis was
Starting point is 00:16:48 Going to miss that first lift Which is really Oh look at Andrew holy shit I predicted the future With this getting clipped but did you predict The did you predict it or did you Inspire it Mr. Hiller Mr. Hiller When Mr. Hiller.
Starting point is 00:17:07 When people call him Andrew, it's weird. Yeah, Mr. Hiller is weird too. It should just be Hiller, right? Right. Okay, and then some guy wrote, I mean, Taylor didn't even think he was going to compete this year, so Taylor is daddy. Okay, and then Taylor writes, She mean, Taylor didn't even think he was going to compete this year. So Taylor is daddy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And then Taylor writes, sheesh, three likes and no comments. I'll help boost your engagement for having some balls to come after me. Just remember when it gets uncomfortable, you started it. They're probably too busy searching for Sentinel athletes that qualified for the games this year. The goal of Sentinel is not to send athletes to the games, and I hope it stays that way. Don't be jealous of Taylor's success as a coach. I'm just here so Taylor can help boost my engagement.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Oh, is it Mike Needleman's account? Isn't he a TTT guy? He's the training think tank dude. Oh, he he is we'll go to his account in a second you sound like a little butthurt maybe kenyon labs will send you a red light butt plug to heal your wounds uh he won't get that dude oh uh he won't he won't get that he won't get that dude he won't get that dude no one from the camp does they think competing in the games
Starting point is 00:18:32 is all that matters and the level of success is directly correlated to the athletes you send to the games hey Mike TTT has had more athletes miss the games than I had compete at semifinals also have you ever heard of street parking? You have a brain the size of a fucking sunflower seed.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't know enough about you, about that tool to formulate an educated opinion on it, but from the little I do know, I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze. Oh, the red light butt plug, is he referencing? Probably. I think if any comp blog program thought success was based on games appearance, then I don't think any would do well given the ratio of games to non-games athletes.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I'd also argue that companies that have more athletes overall following their program would have more athletes qualify, not qualify for each stage of competition than a program that has less overall, correct? That's true. He's basically saying if you have 10,000 people on your program, you're obviously going to have a shitload that don't qualify. Right. I would think mayhem and more athletes miss the games than any other company had competed semis. I've heard of street parking, and I think they do a great job. Taylor Self, why is your default response to attack people?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Are you not emotionally mature enough to have a debate with people, or are you doing it to try to get attention? I don't think it's an or. It should be and. I think Taylor's both. Why can't Taylor be both? He's not emotionally mature enough and he wants attention. Why can't he be both? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You asshole. Jay cock. That's a great name. That's a girl. Her last name's ad cock. Oh, that's great. Stop thinking you're not good at it. Taylor, Jaycock, did you read the first comment from Mike?
Starting point is 00:20:41 And you questioning my maturity while also questioning my need to always attack people is incredibly ironic, but your brain is smaller than Mike's, so i'm not surprised that went over your head mark fuentes tell yourself pretty sure you say ttt sucks is the definition of starting it oh that's a brand new comment oh like oh yeah wow um taylor's that oh i wonder if i refresh if there'll be another comment i hope so this is a fun thread i think we just got it so i think taylor's actually in the thread right now oh yeah look yep there he is there it is yeah 40 in real time people we see the fight always on top of the freshest news in the crossfit space uh tell Self, shut up. Mark Point says, go do high rocks and scream into your pillow that Taylor and Colton have fans.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Let's do another refresh. Fuck it. Let's see. No, 14 replies still. Alright. I want to see this. Oh, let me just check the bottom here real quick. Okay. Let me see this Mike Needleman guy CrossFit Games team athlete Three times CrossFit Indy semifinals athlete
Starting point is 00:21:59 born primitive That's that's what's what's this? Let's see. This guy this guy's born primitive shit oh he's a born primitive athlete they're eating their own two born primitive athletes fighting i don't know if taylor's a born primitive athlete but he definitely has a good relationship it's like the pro palestine and the pride parade clashing the other day. Did that happen? Yeah. There's a pro-Palestinian whatever you want to call it standing in the middle of the road
Starting point is 00:22:32 preventing the pride parade from going through. Oh, that's fucking awesome. Did they start hanging the gay people and beheading them? Yeah, they did. That's awesome. This dude looks fit as shit. This dude looks like he could be from a neighboring country of mine.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It looks like he could be like Iranian or something. Oh, yeah, you're right. Well, that's a cool photo. Oh, he's a High Rocks guy. Oh, maybe now. He realized he couldn't make it to the games. All right. Where was I?
Starting point is 00:23:21 I got derailed. Queers for Palestine? Anti-Israel marchers led by queers for Palestine blocked Philadelphia gay pride parade. No pride in genocide. That's amazing. Wait, let me see.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh, and it was gay. God damn, people are fucking weird. Anti-Israeli marchers led by queers for so two so gays that gays for palestine got into it with gays who are supporting pride month it's just just normal gays got into it with gays for pastime. Dude, that's some amazing division. Like, if you believe, like, you know, like, that's the belief, like, the Illuminati, all they want to do is just keep, like, dividing people. A mob of anti-Israeli protesters faced off with participants in a gay pride parade in Philadelphia on Sunday, bringing the march to a complete halt as Pride Month kicked off.
Starting point is 00:24:24 gay pride parade in philadelphia on sunday bringing the march to a complete halt as pride month kicked off by the way no no no like the majority of gay people have no have don't want nothing to do with pride month or the gay flag nothing to do with it that organization has been completely hijacked by pedos completely hijacked i feel sorry for gay people. It's like black people. Their BLM shit just got completely fucking hijacked by fucking Marxists. And when I say hijacked, maybe that's a misnomer. Maybe it was originally started by them
Starting point is 00:24:58 just to fuck with black people. As Pride Month kicked off over the weekend, I mean, think of all the fucking black people that have been hurt by blm yeah it's crazy yeah all of them think of all the black people that have unnecessarily died in this country because of blm so fucking many thousands and thousands as pride month kicked off over the weekend, might as well just call it Pedo Month, hundreds of anti-Israeli demonstrators
Starting point is 00:25:30 belonging to the LGBTQ plus group blocked the Pride Parade's path in Jandabal. It doesn't even make sense. It doesn't make sense. This is crazy, dude. this is crazy like you would think they'd just form together and just be one massive mob but in reality it's just it's just lunacy yeah i guess so that's that's the belief that there's like some you know undercover
Starting point is 00:26:01 organization that just keeps wanting to split and divide, split and divide, split and divide. That's awesome. Fucking awesome. Love it. I like, have you seen Sean Strickland's shirt? No, what is it? He has a pride shirt. It's called American Pride. I kind of want to get one. Not I kind of want to get one. I want of want to get one i want to get one i probably will order one i heard they're selling like fucking crazy i'm seeing uh i live in a really really fucking liberal spot like crazy
Starting point is 00:26:42 liberal okay and uh but i've seen now uh pickup trucks with american flags and let's go brandon flags driving around my town no shit yeah it's a trip when i was in kansas city uh my wife and i started playing a game you know so we're just walking apparently kansas city is very liberal too we didn't notice that We didn't notice until we got there. We went to a farmer's market. You just have a bunch of people obviously selling vegetables and meats and whatever else you sell at a farmer's market. There was also a
Starting point is 00:27:15 few tents that were just selling Goodwill stuff. They went to Goodwill, bought a bunch of old school clothes and marked them up like 300 started selling them to fucking ding dongs that didn't want to go shop at goodwill yeah rich hippies yeah right and there were just slews of colored hair people and just people that didn't look normal and so my wife and i started playing this game where we would
Starting point is 00:27:45 both look at each other and see some we'd see somebody look at each other and say uh it was either where girl gay or straight or um uh yeah it was just those two so we just like look at each other be like dude or chick three two go. And then we'd have to guess what they were. Oh, it was that fucking wild, huh? It was insane. And then we just went through that. We played that game for like an hour. We sat at a restaurant, just started staring at people. And we're like, 3, 2, 1, go.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And then just started fucking... Oh, look. Vindicate is having a Pride Month. Oh, wow. That's awesome. That's cool. Yeah yeah i support that pride month at vindicate how do those people fuck like everyone wants to everyone wants to fuck right everyone wants to like have an orgasm or like feel good or have intimacy or like how do you do that if you're if you
Starting point is 00:28:49 present yourself as like I don't know I saw a couple with a child and it was like a tall skinny dude and then like this short tranny and they had a kid and they were walking around the farmer's market together and we're like so did you have this kid before you decided to be a chick or what like dudes walk around like in their day like all guys like even your grandfather
Starting point is 00:29:26 for people who don't know like all dudes like and they walk around and they see people and then they see girls and then they like see them and with their eyes they they become attracted to them they're like oh just like how you might like see a bird or a cool building or anything right you see something or a fancy car and you see it and on this real superficial level you like what you see and then from there like the other senses want to start getting involved like you may want to start touching it if it's a car you want to drive it um you want to smell it you want to you want you you want to increase your intimacy with the object, your relationship with the object. And I wonder, so if you're like a – I have to – just imagine, let's say like that folio chick's hot, right? The CrossFit Games girl? Sure. She's got a weird little weird nose, but it's okay.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Love a weird little nose. And so if like a – I'm assuming that like trannies are attracted to her too, right? Like everyone's attracted to her. Right. Like beauty is always going to be beauty, right? Yeah, beauty. Yeah, she doesn't wear makeup makeup she has a great body uh she moves well like she she just she's just attractive yeah um oh sebi have you seen the video of paulie shore talking about sleeping with a trans and says he will never go back no wow really i have to assume that paulie shore's got some like real mental health issues
Starting point is 00:31:12 like drug induced like he did too much meth or something paulie shore from like Jersey Shore? What is this? Chris GGG. Alt-right bigot podcast. Look at the comment above that too. This podcast? Yeah. Apparently. What is a bigot?
Starting point is 00:31:40 What the fuck is a bigot? Define bigot. A person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief. Unreasonably attached. A person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. Especially one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred or intolerance. I don't know. God, I don't think this is a bigot podcast i don't think so either i love myself a tranny like when my friends um when my friends send me videos like of a hot chick getting out of a hot tub with big old titties
Starting point is 00:32:20 and then she turns around and she's got a dick i'm not even bothered by it i'm intrigued by it it is interesting i'll tell you that i accept it and then she turns around and she's got a dick, I'm not even bothered by it. I'm intrigued by it. It is interesting. I'll tell you that. I accept it. I don't know. That seems a little harsh. This comment?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. Why is how anyone fucks any of your fucking business? Why or how? Any of my fucking... Why is how anyone fucks any of your business? What's J-H-A... Jesus H. Christ? Why? Or how? I don't know if it is my business
Starting point is 00:33:09 what does that mean if it's my business i don't know that's what i mean i think that like because the show like picked up like 100 subscribers this month we got like retards in here you guys hang out for a second you and you guys need to uh wow we have a compliment from definitely not a bigot podcast misinformed on a lot of stuff but that's not a crime shit i'll take it i'm retarded on a lot of stuff that's fine I'm retarded on a lot of stuff it's fine I don't know the same way it's my business that if my water heater doesn't work
Starting point is 00:33:52 I'm out here I'm not really in the fucking business now but I used to be in the fucking business before I got married and like I want to know why or how people fuck let me ask you this why or how is it not any of your business how people or what people are attracted to don't you want to know like we're all people here aren't you curious how is it not your business i have um i have kids and i'm hoping
Starting point is 00:34:20 that they find good people to fuck i'm hoping like that they can find someone that they have a deeply intimate, uh, awesome relationship with intellectually, emotionally, physically, uh, spiritually by spiritually. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:35 uh, work on yourself to make yourself a better person, a more open person, uh, value driven person, uh, person with a, uh person with an open mind. It seems almost like to call someone a bigot means you are a bigot, right?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Because then that means if you call someone a bigot, that means you're obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief. So you must have some crazy belief about me to call me a bigot that means you're obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief so you must have some crazy belief about me to call me a bigot that's very good point that's one that's a really that's an intense word i guess that's what happened i i guess that's that that word kind of makes sense that's why you would you when you someone has pushed you to a point where you've just drawn a line in the sand and you became a bigot yourself you retaliate with that word uh clock hi bigot is the word lefty started using
Starting point is 00:35:40 in place of racist when they started recognizing that their constant use of racist to describe anything they didn't like was losing its effectiveness we i mean that's a very interesting one too because we all know that the left i mean they're the most racist group ever i mean that's that's one of their values core values is that blacks and mexicans are um retarded and don't know what the debt with the word computer and they like, I mean, that's that's their core value is that black people are retarded. That's not me. That's not me, by the way. That's not my that's not my opinion. That's that's a that's a fact. I mean, you just see that. They say it openly. they say it openly observations and curiosity has become bigotry racism sexist homophobic
Starting point is 00:36:29 apparently I don't watch any like I don't watch any like tranny porn or gay porn or anything like that like I have a hard line in the sand about that i don't open that door it's weird i don't want to like i don't want to open that door i just like just like just missionary porn 15 seconds of it i'm good uh to all the new
Starting point is 00:36:59 subscribers i don't like like anal porn or anything like that i mean i'm not i'm not a bigot about it i'm not like i don't think it should be porn or anything like that. I mean, I'm not a bigot about it. I don't think it should be banned or anything. Sure. But for myself, I just don't want to open the door to that. I think of it as like drugs. I'm curious what fentanyl is like, but I'm just not doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:28 To all new subscribers of the podcast, give it a month. You'll come around. Oh, thank you. Bigot. What's alt-right mean to? I got to see what that means to. Alt-right mean, too? I just need to see what that means, too. Alt-right. The alt-right, abbreviated from alternative right,
Starting point is 00:37:49 is a far-right white nationalist movement, a largely online phenomenon. Oh. Dude, we're going to have Shelby Neal on tomorrow. She's black. Does that get us any... That should get us some street cred, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I love it how people say she someone said yesterday she's half black i don't i don't think that's like a term anymore it's like i'm quarter mexican i'm still mexican right no no only blacks get uh fool if you're a little bit black there's um uh that's racist. Oh, yeah. I was reading when the Nazis were trying to figure out what to do with the Jews, how much was too Jewish before they killed you. Okay. And they – I was reading this book. Early on in the show, I had this author on called Sam Apple, and he wrote a book about Otto Warburg, a guy who was nominated for two Nobel Prizes. He actually won two Nobel Prizes. He was only allowed to collect on one of them, and he was a homosexual Jew living in Germany during World War II. Germany during World War II. And he's the father of photosynthesis. He discovered photosynthesis.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And he also discovered that he won the Nobel Prize also discovering that cancer is a metabolic disease, which is the exact, which is what Greg taught me all about that, which is the exact opposite of the way science has gone. The medicine has gone. Pharma has ignored that cancer is a metabolic disease and they've just gone to i think it's called a nucleic disease meaning they think it it it starts in the uh in the nucleus of a cell whereas otto warburg discovered that it's a metabolic disease it's more closely related to mitochondrial function but they they were trying to figure out whether they should kill Otto Warburg because he's a Jew and he's gay and um Hitler eventually decided not to kill Otto Warburg because Hitler had this paranoia of dying from cancer and he didn't want to die from cancer and Otto
Starting point is 00:40:01 Warburg at the time was the premier cancer researcher in the world so they let him live but they all but but the book also went into or I read somewhere else about how they were trying to figure out how much was too Jew like if you were only 30 percent Jew did they still throw you in the oven and kill you and so they referenced the KKK and for the KKK it was just one per if you had one percent black in you, they didn't like you. And the Nazis thought, and by the way, those are the Democrats, by the way, in case you didn't know the KKK was, uh, we're all Democrats, not one Republican in the group. And, um, same with slave owners. There wasn't one Republican slave owner. For those of you who don't know that the North
Starting point is 00:40:43 one too, by the way, I don't know if you got, how many of you't know that the north won too by the way i don't know if you got how many of you guys know that the north won the republicans won a long time ago actually and the democrats lost that's why there's no slavery in this country fuck nuts so so the the the kkk believed that oh if you had just any black in you that you were toast. Get a rope. And the Nazis thought that was too harsh. And I forget what they chose. I think they chose 30%.
Starting point is 00:41:18 They thought the KKK was out of their fucking mind. They're like, you can't do that. You got to give it a little wiggle room. That's surprising. There's actually, I think I started reading this book. It's called 1% Black or something like that about it. It's kind of boring. Colleen Fritzl, still here trying to keep an open mind and heart.
Starting point is 00:41:38 All right, good. Peace and love. Yeah, peace and love. It's going to probably get weird for you, Colleen. The thing is, Colleen, I'm born and raised full libtard. And in my heart, like, I'm full libtard. But I had kids. I um I had kids and when I was young when I was young in my 20s it was like peace and love love everybody walk the earth and love everyone and kill everyone with kindness and love
Starting point is 00:42:15 and I wanted to be I wanted to be like Jesus I wanted to walk the earth like an ascetic. And then I had kids and my tolerance for like, like, I don't know, like pedophiles went away. Like, like I never, I never thought deeply enough about peace and love. I never thought like, Hey, peace and love for pedophiles too. Um, but when I had kids, I, I started drawing like some lines in the sand. And with that intolerance came other tolerance for other things. So like for my ascetic, I characterized by suggesting or practicing
Starting point is 00:42:54 a severe self-discipline and abstination from all forms of indulgence. Yeah. A prayer fast, a life of prayer, fasting, and manual labor. I didn't, I didn't, I don't know if prayer fasting and manual labor i didn't i didn't i don't know if i did any manual labor but so so basically what ended up happening is like my tolerance for some things grew so when you're a full libtard you don't tolerate any like you expect
Starting point is 00:43:19 cops to be perfect right and when you're not a libtard you you stop having this is just an example it's a pretty superficial example but you stop having tolerance for like um uh pedophiles and and you start having tolerance for cops so you start like okay so they're they're cops aren't perfect and they walk around with guns and they do 365 million pullovers a year and so there's going to be like mishaps and shit right sure and but you're so so my tolerance for something dave cave dastard became a youtube member awesome thank you i'll show you i'll show you a calling there's this great video of a libtard waking up on that i posted um this lady's crazy if you go to the maybe should i play it since you're you have uh ass internet i can try
Starting point is 00:44:14 okay uh this is this is this lady uh um what's her name egman susan egman total fucking complete libtard like myself uh she woke up so basically what happened was so basically what's happening what's happening with democrats is this they they are so they're so racist that they only see people by skin color and so their whole thought is we don't want blacks and Mexicans in jail because they're disproportionately jailed. And so let's let them get away with all crime and that will fix the problem. Right. So that's what's happening in California ever since George Floyd. It's basically like it's just a free for all, especially if you're a minority, you can just do whatever you want. Gay men can walk around naked. Now there's a tolerance for pedophilia. There's a tolerance for general mutilation, child general mutilation, because they've teamed up with they've hijacked the gay community. There's a tolerance for black people running into stores
Starting point is 00:45:20 and stealing. There's just this crazy tolerance for all this stuff. But what's happening now is so many, there's these organizations that have blacks and Mexicans in them, obviously shitloads of white people too, that are involved in child sex trafficking in California, but they're letting the blacks and Mexicans get off because that trumps hurting kids. And check this out. It's a little long,
Starting point is 00:45:42 but listen to this. This is pretty wild. I mean, this lady's as progressive as they get. OK, here we go. Thank you, Senator. Senator Eggman. Thank you, Mr. President and members. I'd like to say as a. As a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I'm done. member of this body for the last 12 years. I'm done. I'm done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I'm done. I don't want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don't want more people in prison, but I don't want people buying girls. I don't want people
Starting point is 00:46:20 buying little girls anymore. And I'm tired of saying it's okay and that we have to protect the men who do it as a mental health professional and as a social so so and we see that happening everywhere right the society has gone to protecting men at all costs if they belong to a minority even if they're hurting and raping kids and so at some, what's going to happen to you if it hasn't calling, it'll either, it'll either come home to you, something bad will happen to you. And God, I hope not. Cause it didn't have to happen to me. Or you'll wake up and you'll be like, wait a second. My desire to be a racist. I'm going to let that go. You'll start thinking more clearly. I'm gonna let that go you'll start thinking more clearly and I will um I'll just start seeing all people as individuals and equal and and and I'll start building some
Starting point is 00:47:12 core values that's another thing too now Democrats don't have values so that's another thing that happened to me when I had kids I started getting values okay go on go on so so basically she's done what she's done with protecting black She thinks she's still okay with being racist Like she accepts the fact that she's racist But she can't But she's gonna She can't accept the fact that
Starting point is 00:47:34 She can't accept the fact that her Being racist is causing kids To be raped and be sold Hey call her hi Oregon last week or portland whatever circuit court uh runs it so they've been out uh you know property values supposedly going up so a public defender can't afford to live in oregon uh and so if you're detained for any crime violent or otherwise you know you're supposed to get a lawyer within seven days. And so what a court
Starting point is 00:48:05 in Oregon just ordered, again, not Portland and the suburbs, is that if you can't get a public defender within seven days, you go free regardless of the crime. And so just over the weekend, they released over 200 people who had been arrested, almost all of them legitimately, just because the policies that the portland city government had instituted meant that public defenders lawyers couldn't afford to live there they created a policy which produced a dearth of lawyers and then the court ordered that because there weren't enough lawyers uh these criminals got to run free. So they become the party of, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:48 supposedly respecting constitutional rights. All the while, criminals literally walk free. That's coming to San Francisco too, by the way. And by the way, just so you know, these are like real criminals, people. These are like people being charged with rape and murder and like some really fucking heinous shit. Home invasion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Two guys who robbed a bike store with guns got in a shootout with the owner released just over the weekend. Not as a technicality of a legal case, but just because they couldn't get a lawyer in time. Yeah, it's amazing. Oregon defendant without lawyer must be released from jail, U.S. appeals courts say. Right. Federal court on Friday upheld a ruling that Oregon defendants must be released from jail after seven days if they don't have a defense attorney. It's the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals called Oregon's public defense system. The Ninth Circuit has jurisdiction over, I think, most of the West Coast and much of the Mountain West, too.
Starting point is 00:49:57 As of Friday, more than 3,200 defendants did not have a public defender. A dashboard from the Oregon Judicial Department showed of those 146 people were in custody, but fewer people were expected to be impacted by Friday's ruling. Man, Oregon needs an additional 500 attorneys. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:50:19 But it's interesting because they rezone certain areas where you could say buy an affordable condo or apartment and they rezone those for public housing. And so only certain kinds of people can live there. But a young lawyer just out of law school wanting to do the right thing certainly can't anymore. And they're not poor. They're not a racial minority, let's say.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I have Trulio, William, I have Trulio, Trulio, like notifications from the Portland area. And it's crazy how expensive the homes are there. It boggles my mind. There must be so much money up there. Wow. Ninth circuit, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii. There you go. And two places that I don't even know Guam and, and something called MP something Marshall plant Marshall. I don't know what MP is. So some row of islands, Hawaii. And something called MP. Damn. Mariana Islands? Is that what it is? That's my guess. Where's that?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Is that out in the Pacific somewhere? Yeah, it's actually probably closer to Japan than it is to us. All right. But my water heater, hopefully my water heater gets fixed today. Japan than it is to us. Alright. But my water heater, hopefully my water heater gets fixed today is what I'm trying to say. We'll hope for that. Take care, guys.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Thank you. Bye. Anyway, so Colleen, that's what you're dealing with. I don't know if bigot's the right word. If it is, I'm sorry. I don't want to be a bigot. I'm not trying to be a bigot. I just live in a, I just, I just live in this. Okay, let's go back to that lady.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Let's go back to that lady who's, she's had it. California Senator. Okay, here we go. Walker, I can tell you I've spent my entire career working with people who have been wounded. I'm not going to say beyond repair, but they have been wounded to their core by the abuse that's been heaped on them. Oh, sorry. Pause. Colleen, I wasn't the one who made the biggest comment. Okay, sorry. My bad.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Another C name, maybe. Oh, okay. Sorry. My bad. Another C name maybe. Okay. Sorry. That's another thing you have to tolerate. My, I'm pretty, I can be pretty sloppy. Okay. Go on. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Someone say extra. Extra sloppy. Yeah, I can be extra sloppy. And if their parents won't do it, then by God, we should. Again, I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to
Starting point is 00:53:11 say enough. Enough. We have given away enough on this area, and we've got to move back into the center or we all look like fools and laughingstocks. And what do we stand for? I ask all of you to watch the documentary that Senator Grove was in
Starting point is 00:53:29 she knows it right we have to move back to the center we've given enough yeah Nordstrom's in downtown San Francisco can't stay in business because the crime is so fucking bad on the streets.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Like you've given enough. Okay, you tried it. You tried it. You passed laws that so black people and brown people. If you give crime statistics, it doesn't make you like a racist or a bigot if you if you confuse correlation with causation it makes you an idiot and and that that's the real problem like if someone wants to take a stand and fight somewhere the the stand is is that hey black skin doesn't make you a criminal and it's a it's a statistic that's a correlate that's um that dumb
Starting point is 00:54:31 people have uh think is a causation that then that's where the talk should be to educate people but to just not put people in jail because of the color of their skin is crazy Tyler Sply thank god she now she sees now and can say it even though it took
Starting point is 00:55:02 20 years I mean yeah it took me 45 years dude I mean, yeah, it took me 45 years, dude. I need a fucking medal. Yeah, exactly. And these are facts here. CrossFit is the inverse of a pawn shop. If you see an area where there's a Nordstrom's, you know it's safe. I walked into this bathroom yesterday with my kid
Starting point is 00:55:27 So we went to the tennis courts in santa cruz and we walked into the bathroom and my kid goes. This is disgusting It's a public restroom And we went over to the urinal and there were cigarette buds in it and the thing stunk like shit and there was just like You know pee all over the floor and it doesn't make me a uh i'm not a bad person because i don't want to live with those people i don't want to live with people who who treat their their public facilities like they throw trash out they empty their ashtrays and parking lots they put cigarette buds in urinals. They like like I have three kids. My kids shit in every public restroom in town. I want it doesn't it does not make me a bad person that I want to live somewhere where the public restrooms are clean.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Doesn't make me a bad person that I don't want to live somewhere where there's drug addicts walking the streets. make me a bad person that I don't want to live somewhere where there's drug addicts walking the streets. Yeah. He, uh, no, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Normally they do walk into those public restrooms, barefoot standing in piss. That is true. But, um, the heat, we were playing tennis. So he had to shoot tennis shoes on.
Starting point is 00:56:41 That's nasty. That's like a fucking tennis hazard. I won't spit gum in a urinal. Yeah, well, thank you. I mean, thank you. Appreciate it. It's okay to want to live... Yeah, literal tennis shoes.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Like, yeah, they got special like my kid my kids can beat everyone in the chat in tennis at seven except for maybe chris beasterfield i think he might be a tennis coach it doesn't make you a bad person if you want to live somewhere without crime and violence and thievery and people who spit their gum out on the sidewalks and throw cigarettes, and people peeing and shitting everywhere. It doesn't make me a bad person that I don't want to sit in my Paper Street Coffee cafe
Starting point is 00:57:34 and pay $12 for my latte and look out the window and there's a guy sleeping under a tree out front with his tent and a little campfire and fucking needles all around. Not even in the slightest. So, anyway, that's where I'm at for you new guys. This one's good, too. You want to see another one.
Starting point is 00:58:02 This one's great, too. This want to see another one. This one's great, too. This is a heart. This man for governor of California. This guy's a hardcore liberal, hardcore fucking liberal. And what's sad is the U.S. government has been fucking with this guy so fucking hard. Michael Schellenberg. OK, here we go. Everybody, it's Mike Schellenberger for Public. Ever since Donald Trump emerged as a presidential contender nine years ago, America's most esteemed scholars and journalists have argued that he is violating the norms of our democracy, which set us apart from other nations. Trump, they said, was ignoring the unwritten rules and values of American political life which provides so much stability i'll tell you another thing that happens to you when you wake up you you start seeing the value of liberty over uh democracy so uh and just just so you know a quick uh a distinction in egypt they had a democracy and they they had an election and in the election they voted out their democracy.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Oh, and they went to like Sharia law or some shit. You can't do that. You can't do that in the United States because our foundation is not our democracy. It's our liberty. And our liberty is built on Christian values. And so someone like me who's not a Christian, it doesn't mean that I'm like, hey, fuck that. And I used to be. That's another strong characteristic of libtards. They get confused between democracy and liberty. And when they realize that liberty is built on Christian doctrine, they somehow turn against it. But you can embrace elements of Christianity and those core tenets.
Starting point is 00:59:52 That's what protects our democracy. It's our liberty that protects our democracy so that you can't vote out. The masses can't get together and be like we don't want democracy anymore our liberty doesn't allow that uh broken uh jacko uh we live in a constant we live in a constitutional republic yeah let me let me explain it my way i like my way yeah let me let me explain it my way i like my way uh clock uh schellenberger assisted matt uh to be to be in covering twitter's material on government censorship that elon musk gave them access to enemy of the state now yeah
Starting point is 01:00:38 hardcore liberal protecting our liberty for freedom of speech uh releases the i think they were called the twitter files and now the u.s government hates him when when like he's amazing yeah that um bianco yeah he's a great dude did you see the riverside sheriff bianco, yeah, he's a great dude. Did you see the Riverside Sheriff Bianco video? Yeah, he's a great dude. Graciano, and to the republic for which it stands. And so when you hear this thing that says that there's a threat to democracy from the left, I mean, that's just complete fucking insanity. They don't even know what they're talking about. That's just all fucking propaganda. Okay, here we go. More from this libtard. Here we go. This guy's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And that this was evident in his vulgar language, vilification of immigrants, criticism of the press, lack of cooperation with the intelligence community, and his refusal to accept the 2020 election results. And by the way, there's no evidence of him vilifying uh immigrants i've gone and looked as much as i fucking can and i've used abc news uh transcripts and cnn transcripts and when you say that mexico is sending over uh its worst people that that is that does not make you uh racist the what what what donald trump is proposing is that these countries are getting rid of their, they're opening their jail cells and their insane asylums and sending the people up here. Trump's disregard for civility and informal customs of the presidency, experts said, was a fundamental threat to our democratic conventions. But the Democrats'
Starting point is 01:02:24 relentless efforts to imprison Trump have undermined the rule of law, faith in the criminal justice system, and democratic norms more than anything Trump has ever done. According to multiple credible sources, President Barack Obama's director of the CIA in the summer of 2016 illegally mobilized foreign spy agencies to target 26 Trump advisors in order to claim falsely that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin controlled Trump. Did you guys hear that?
Starting point is 01:02:57 That's like known. This guy is a preeminent fucking journalist from the left. It's known. Obama mobilized the CIA in 2016 to go after Donald Trump. Then in January 2017, after Trump had been elected, but before he took office, the U.S. intelligence community falsely claimed that Putin had favored the election of Trump, when in reality, the intelligence showed that Putin
Starting point is 01:03:29 had favored Clinton. After taking office, current and former U.S. government intelligence operatives Of course he favored Clinton. Of course Putin favored Clinton. You think he wants Trump in office? Yeah. Seriously? Like his biggest adversary. And Democrats falsely claimed that Russian disinformation on social media had resulted in Trump's election and then went on to work with the Department of Homeland Security to censor social media platforms. None of this is a defense of Trump. He uses extreme and
Starting point is 01:04:05 inflammatory rhetoric, particularly around immigrants that I strongly disagree with. I don't. He was wrong to deny and try to change the results of the 2020 elections. I don't think that was wrong either. I don't think questioning the election is wrong. And I think people are right to fear that if he were reelected, he could weaponize the government to exact revenge on his political enemies. I think that's true. Isn't that what they're doing right now anyway? Yeah. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right. I think his team is already getting ready to – like those 50 senior intelligence officials who all signed saying that the dossier was real or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:57 You remember that, the 50 intelligent officials who signed the – saying that Trump was working with Putin and the Russians to get elected and that elected and that they knew that it wasn't yet they signed it those dudes should be worried those do i i would guess that i would guess i here's the thing i don't know if it's exacting revenge but it's it's definitely rooting out pieces of shit but that latter reality is simply further proof of the danger of Democrats weaponizing the government. Democrats went far beyond anything Trump did when it came to abusing their political power. After the Supreme Court ruled that Biden. Yeah. And that's another it's like it's not even close. Like if you don't like the abuse of power, if you think Trump had the abuse of power, it's like not even close. Could not legally forgive student loans, for example, he did so anyway. By contrast, Trump did not violate any Supreme Court rulings. Now Trump has indeed
Starting point is 01:06:00 criticized judges, journalists, and intelligence agencies, but why exactly is that a bad thing? We have a separation of powers for a reason. The intelligence agencies broke the law multiple times in targeting Trump, and the news media have rightly lost the public's trust after lying to us about everything from the origins of COVID, to the efficacy of the COVID vaccine, to the Russiagate hoax itself. Or consider the prosecution of Trump for supposedly taking and holding on to classified documents. It's not obvious that Trump put national security in any greater danger than Biden. There is evidence that the Biden administration worked with the National Archives and the Department of Justice to demand the confrontation in the first place.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And there is also the possibility that the raid was motivated in order to recover the very same documents related to the Russiagate hoax. And the abuse of the court system by Democrats in an effort... That's an important thing right there. Motivated because they're concerned that the files that Donald Trump had revealed the Russiagate hoax. I don't know if you guys remember the Russiagate hoax, but it was basically saying that Donald Trump was in Moscow and that Putin had video footage of him peeing on a bed at the Ritz-Carlton that supposedly Obama had slept in. peeing on a bed at the Ritz-Carlton that supposedly Obama had slept in. And that because the Russians had video of that,
Starting point is 01:07:28 they somehow had leverage over Donald Trump that they were... That was posted, yeah. And you know who posted that too? The Washington Post posted that story. Oh, no shit. Yeah. Such scumbags.
Starting point is 01:07:43 It's fucking hilarious. It means something to incarcerate trump and so so so they put that they put that file together to try to make it seem like the russians had leverage over trump and then they were concerned that trump had proof that the democrats made that up and And so that's why then the FBI was sent to Mar-a-Lago to get those files back. Checks out. And keep him off the ballot is far more of a violation of norms than anything Trump ever dreamed of. This recent felony conviction of Trump for falsifying business records relies on the idea that he misclassified campaign payments. Democrats say, well, nobody's above the law,
Starting point is 01:08:26 which is true. But such a statement ignores the fact that prosecutors are constantly making choices about whether to pursue certain cases over others. So, for example, Hillary Clinton was found to have also mislabeled payments related to the famous Steele dossier during her 2016 campaign, but she was never prosecuted. A million dollars. She paid a million dollars to have the Steele dossier made with campaign funds. The Federal Election Commission merely fined Clinton and the Democratic National Convention for this misconduct. In fact, everything about New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg's recent conviction of Trump is abnormal. For starters, Bragg campaigned on
Starting point is 01:09:13 the promise to prosecute Trump. He turned the misdemeanor of falsifying business records into a felony by tying it to election interference. Fuck you. So, so it's a misdemeanor to misappropriate campaign funds. But because, by the way, in that law, that law had never been used before, that if you misappropriate campaign funds, it was a new law. Some people say it was put into place purposely ahead of time to get Trump. If you misappropriate campaign funds, it's a misdemeanor. But if you use it for election interference, it becomes a felony. So he this lady accused him. I don't know. I don't even know what the accusation was, but he fucked this chick. What's her name? stormy daniels oh stormy daniels by the way one of my friends said that
Starting point is 01:10:05 he's seen her at strip clubs like a half dozen times in uh west virginia dc really yeah and and uh she makes like 10 or 15 thousand dollars and uh i said does she fuck people in the crowd he said no he said she rolls with like she got like a husband bodyguard that's like this fucking madman. And he said it's – and my friend has a very, let's say, a wide breadth of love for women. Like he accepts all the different bodies and titties. I think my friend's even like banged some trannies. And he said that she's not even, she's gross. Damn.
Starting point is 01:10:49 But she still fucking makes a killing on the strip club circuit. Like a shitty West Virginia stripper? I don't know. Maybe, or just a normal one. Oh, right. Shitty from everywhere else standards. But yeah. So anyway, so I guess trump fucked her and
Starting point is 01:11:06 then didn't want her to talk about it and gave her some money to not talk about it but the case was so weak that both the department of justice and the former district attorney of new york refused to prosecute it the judge in the case donated directly to Biden and his daughter is the president of a Democratic Party fundraising firm whose clients include Representative Adam Schiff, who led the Russiagate hoax. The judge told the jurors that they didn't need to agree on what crime Trump intended to commit by falsifying records. Trump's exact crime was rather confused. The case confused even legal experts. At the start of closing arguments, wrote legal scholar Jonathan Turley, most honest observers
Starting point is 01:11:50 were still wondering what the prosecutors were alleging as to the crime that Trump was supposedly concealing with the falsification of business records. Even CNN's top legal scholar, Ellie Honig, who is also a former colleague of Bragg's, said the trial violated norms. Prosecutors got Trump, but they contorted the law, said Honig in a New York Times Magazine article. The charges against Trump are obscure and nearly entirely unprecedented, he wrote. In fact, no state prosecutor in New York or Wyoming or anywhere has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime against anyone for anything. None ever, he wrote. All of this is a really radical change from the ideals of the Democratic Party just a few years ago. In the 1970s and 1980s, Democrats fought to restrict
Starting point is 01:12:38 and reform the intelligence community so that it would stop spying on American citizens for their political activities. Democrats defended a high standard for free speech, including the right of Nazis to march through neighborhoods of Holocaust survivors. And since the 1990s, Democrats have raised the alarm about the abuse of prosecutorial power and misconduct and elected to office progressive prosecutors, including Alvin Bragg himself, in order to reduce the prosecutions of nonviolent crimes. Today, Democrats are pioneering all new ways to weaponize the government. To a large extent, this is due to... Hey, everybody, it's Mike Schellenberg. Complete liberal, guys. Complete liberal. This guy's like...
Starting point is 01:13:22 This guy's as liberal as they get. Yikes. Of course, they don't want him anymore. He's a powerhouse, Schellenberger. He's also, he's also, it's funny, I saw this thing. He said after studying the homeless situation for 20 years, he finally realizes it's a misnomer to call them homeless. I wish he would have talked to me. Took me a week to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:13:56 They're clearly not homeless. They're drug addicts and criminals who prioritize their drug addiction and their lifestyle of stealing over getting shelter, building them shelters, just idiocy, throw them in jail. Oh, what's his Fran time? time? It's a great question. Pat Lang. The judge told the jurors that there are three different
Starting point is 01:14:14 ways to determine if a law was broken. He said they didn't have to agree on which way, but only that crime was committed. What was I saying about my water heater oh so electric water heater is uh it was it was leaking like fucking crazy last night and so i did an extra workout in the gym last night because i wanted to watch the water heater to see like if it was going to stop dripping when i was in there for like so basically basically I set the, I set the, uh, I have a rogue timer, like a interval timer on the wall.
Starting point is 01:15:08 And I set it for 60 minutes. And then I just grabbed the 40, uh, I grabbed the 40 pound D ball. So I did basically on the minute, like for, uh, I did five front squats with the 40 pound D ball,
Starting point is 01:15:21 uh, six pushups and, four strict chest to bar pull-ups and i just did that on the minute and i did that for 20 minutes i thought i was gonna do it for 60 i was fucking hurt though after 20 i was just a pile of sweat i knew i didn't have hot water i wasn't gonna get to shower before i went to bed and uh so then i went over i stopped the timer i'm like i'm not doing this for 60 minutes i went over and looked electric water heater and it was still fucking dripping like drip drip drip and now i have like six folded
Starting point is 01:15:48 towels stacked under it and like some of our some of our bath towels too like i'm dreading my wife coming in and seeing that right she wouldn't like that you have a tankless one yeah tankless yeah just like a hangs on the wall and as the water goes through it it just nukes it i guess yeah so i um then i i start looking and there's four knobs on it so i turn them all the off okay and i went to bed and i woke up this morning and the dripping had stopped did you open the knobs up again no i'm just gonna wait for the crossfitting plumber to come over today. Makes sense. Yeah. Doses is the saying is going off that Schellenberg is misinforming us.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Mike, this is pure misinformation. No, it's not. It's not even close to pure misinformation. Unanimity isn't required to determine which way the law was broken. It's been that way since the law was written. is BS being peddled no it's not you're not you're not telling the truth or you're misinformed yeah you're right I agree with this every count was unanimous in conviction by the jury
Starting point is 01:17:03 which by law had to be yeah Derek Ch Every count was unanimous in conviction by the jury, which by law had to be. Yeah, Derek Chauvin was unanimous, too. We 100 percent know that George Floyd wasn't killed. By Chauvin, I don't know. I don't know what your point is. Crossfit, someone complained about home issues to the guy with the Shattuck. You're not complaining, you's just explaining what happened anyway so i was concerned when i woke up this morning that my garage would be flooded because like because i it was still dripping yeah because he shut it off and i i wasn't i wasn't sure if the water that was dripping was i had misdiagnosed it at first when i first put the towels down i thought it was the water that was already in the pipes coming back and dripping
Starting point is 01:17:49 sure then after doing that little workout i realized oh shit maybe it's the water pressure coming from the outside the city water that was pushing through that was dripping so that's why i turned everything off and yeah that was the um smart thing to do yeah that makes sense i i'm i have one of those electric water heaters. I'm going to try to set it up here in the next week or so. Oh, you are? Yeah, the one we had, we had a big tank one. And it was like four feet tall and two feet wide.
Starting point is 01:18:16 It just took up way too much space. So it's so bad uh did you witness any issue with the judge his daughter's profession the nature of the charges the court procedure yeah it's it's all just crazy unprecedented shit hillary paid for the steel dossier with campaign money illegally and she was never charged i mean yeah there's just it's it's endless uh bill clinton paid off paula jones with campaign money never charged i mean yeah there's so fucking much. Did he say that?
Starting point is 01:19:14 Please tell me where the judge told the jurors they did not have to be unanimous in determining the guilt of the count. Guess what? You cannot. He never said that. I didn't hear Schellenberg say that. Sorry. I did see. I saw that they're saying that Trump's raised $53 million since then, but I don't know if that's true. I don't know if that's true, but I suspect – I had a libtard friend tell me, hey, I'm going to donate to the Trump campaign now. That blew my mind.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, totally. That's cool. Yeah. cool yeah converting the masses i am do you know who john mulaney is the comedian yes oh you do how do you know who he is um he's he he was on big mouth he's like a character in big mouth which is a cartoon show okay and that show is fucking hilarious uh definitely don't watch it with your kids around though okay um it's but i he's a really good voice actor and then i just kind of like followed along with him he's uh he's actually pretty funny i kind of liked him so uh last night like 10 30 um i sat down in my little my rocking chair my japanese minimalist rocking chair and i turned on the tv and i don't remember what app it was but there was an app on my itunes
Starting point is 01:20:48 or my apple tv it was either netflix or prime and i clicked on it and it just opened up and it was playing a preview to dave letterman interviewing this guy john mulaney okay and and i clicked away from the preview just as letterman goes the greatest and i'm like what's the greatest so i go back and he says just when i thought comedy was slipping this guy comes along and i think he's the greatest living comic alive right now oh and then this guy john mulaney walks out and then the preview is over so then i went to the um i went to the search function on netflix or prime and I typed in John Mulaney, or I said it. I said John Mulaney.
Starting point is 01:21:30 And I started watching a stand-up routine of his. I watched like 15 minutes, and my eyes started getting heavy, so I went to bed. But I'm going to give him a shot. But I thought it was crazy that Letterman called him the greatest living comic. Yeah, that is really surprising. Yeah. living comic. Yeah, that is really surprising. There's a few guys that have been popping up on my feed
Starting point is 01:21:46 lately that I'm like, this is a resurgence of good comedy, I think. I would say, I don't think I've watched many of his specials, but I see bits of it, but I mostly know him from Big Mouth. That shit's pretty
Starting point is 01:22:02 funny. The first couple seasons are pretty good. I think after that it kind of gets weird, but it's like follows these kids, and they have a hormone monster. Oh. It's like every... Isn't there a Disney movie premised on that?
Starting point is 01:22:22 It's like inside a kid, and you see his hormone. that? Like it's like inside the kid, a kid. Yeah, but it's like R-rated version of that. It's so much better. Oh, okay. That's a great premise. Yeah. So like these kids just walk around and they're all kind of like how you imagine, imagine like an elementary or middle school or like probably a middle school
Starting point is 01:22:39 where everybody's just hormones are just raging mad. And you have this hormone monster that looks like a dick and he uh just like tells them to do what you would do as a 15 16 year old kid seeing hot chicks okay i like it it's fucking hilarious hey rage rage fucking rage. Hey, this, um, my wife sent me this. My wife sent me to OnlyFans. Oh. This is so fucking funny, and it's free. If you want to see something so funny,
Starting point is 01:23:15 this chick Whitney Cummings is so fucking funny. You think so? Oh, my. Have you seen it? I haven't seen that, but I've seen Whitney Cummings stuff before. Oh my God, dude. This chick is so funny. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Usually when my wife sends me stuff, I'm not like, I'm not a, we have a different sense of humor. This, this is unbelievable. Torn our country apart. The trans drama, that is like completely tearing our country apart dude she's so good losing team for 30 years let me see if i can just luckily land on a good bit your dating guy who works out a lot you relate to the nightmare of having your whole kitchen covered in a thin film of protein powder.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Just everywhere. God, fucking Dan Bailey lived with me for a fucking month or two months or three months. What a fucking nightmare. Is that what it was like? Protein powder? He's gross. Covering your counters? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Imagine me. I let my kids walk barefoot in public restrooms and I think living with him is gross. That's how bad it is. So gross. Wow. Yeah. That's pretty bad. God, I love Will. At least when me and him see eye to eye. Imagine
Starting point is 01:24:41 you were charged with stealing from three different stores. This would be the equivalent of the judge saying, as long as each of you think there's one store from which you robbed, then guilty. Ha ha ha ha. Shit. Okay. Whitney loves to bash men.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Yeah. I don't think my politics 100% align with hers. That's for sure. Dude. I thought she was this. Just give her OnlyFans. It's called Mouthy. Like, I was laughing. I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I'm on the same page as Cave. I don't find her that funny. I never. Oh, Cave, she's awful. Wow. I never I oh she's cave she's awful Wow Man I I I
Starting point is 01:25:37 Was laughing my ass off I Never laughed. Maybe I was just the mood I was in I Was cleaning my office and I played it on my phone and I was cleaning my office and I played it on my phone. And the 54 minutes went by like so fast. First, I was like, God damn it. I hate my wife. Why'd she send me something that's 54 minutes long? Yeah, people are coming after you.
Starting point is 01:26:02 There you go. Not a fan. She's annoying. let's go back can we go back over to the um crossfit receipts page fuck i lost it you want that taylor page or yeah let's just see if that's that that fight from the beginning of the show has evolved any let's see what we got yeah she has huge she has huge fake tits oh 21
Starting point is 01:26:34 wow when we last left it it was only 14 okay keep going Taylor says shut up then Augustus Link says Mark Fuentes Okay. Keep going. Taylor says, shut up. Then Augustus Link says, Mark Fuentes, go do High Rocks and scream into your pillow that Taylor and Colton have fans. Lift Bro Apparel.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Taylor, I love that Sevan is watching this drama happen live on his podcast. Mike, Taylor, they're probably too busy searching for the Sentinel athletes that qualified for the games this year. Okay. So this is, this is the first time Mike was trying to be cool. And now he's like, fuck it. I'm going to like,
Starting point is 01:27:12 he took off his gloves with that one. Right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So Mike's finally like, all right, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:27:16 You want to fight a little bit. And then this guy says the goal of Sentinel is not to send athletes to the games. And I hope it stays that way. Don't be jealous of Taylor self-success as a coach. And then Mike says, I'm just here. So Taylor can help boost my engagement. Fair taylor mike you sound a little butthurt maybe kenyon labs will send you a red light butt plug okay we talked about that um then mike says oh what about that with that long one oh he's yeah i read that one he's sure uh why is fighting your default mr cock says oh miss cock uh did
Starting point is 01:27:47 you read the first comment from mike then taylor says and you're questioning my maturity while also questioning my need to always attack people is incredibly ironic but your brain is smaller than mike's okay we read that mark friend says taylor so pretty sure you're saying ttt sucks is the definition of starting it taylor tells him to shut up. Oh, we already read all this. Wow. I love that Sevan is... Okay. I thought there were only 14 last time we checked. There were. I think we just... These are the most recent three, I guess. Alright. Fight over.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Everyone go back to class. Start it up again. Yeah. What are you guys doing? We have a whole show to do what what is this thing uh someone wrote um uh thanks to taylor taylor stunning performance on the last event my 11 year old son was able to earn enough points to win our family's fantasy crossfit league he was shouting at the tv with such belief and support for taylor it was a wonderful moment thank you taylor for being an
Starting point is 01:28:47 elite athlete and an individual that my son could follow support and be inspired by it was a blast watching you oh he resonates with the 11 year old audience wow taylor if you're gonna have 11 year old fans i think you're gonna have to remove the word gaping from your vocabulary. Gaping? That's the word? I mean, that's the one always that when he says that one, that's when like you make someone's butthole big, right? I mean, that's one use of it.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Fine. Time to look up words. Word break. Gaping. I just think of all the words that Taylor uses, gaping is. Oh, it just means wide open, like a gaping hole okay yeah I know that word let me read let me go to the urban dictionary this is going to be crazy I bet to have your asshole or vagina gaped open by a giant cock or cock shaped device to have it suspend oh yeah that's what I think okay have it suspended open when something is pulled out oh uh gape is it is a urban dictionary word used to describe an extremely awful situation you unexpectedly wound up in sometimes due to either bad luck or poor judgment gape
Starting point is 01:30:04 oh man there's gaping in royalty free images I don't know if I should click that hmm gape gazing gazing at the lake gaping back at me gape gazing
Starting point is 01:30:23 amazing oh so oh do you think that that's a that's a joke that that comment's a joke uh i don't know which comment you're talking about most 11 year olds have phones probably know all about gaping oh that's disgusting I hope you're wrong do you know who Chip and Joanna Gaines are? Chip and Joanna they run are? Chip and Joanna.
Starting point is 01:31:07 They run, like, the Magnolia Farms. They do, like, home renovations and shit. No, no. Are you fans of them because of the Shattuckin? No, I knew about them before, but I just, I guess I like their home renovation stuff or whatever. They were on a show, and they were talking about how they won't let their kids have social media until they're 18 years old and the kids are just like cool with it they're like okay
Starting point is 01:31:30 that's fine yeah if they don't know any better they don't know any better i keep seeing all this stuff from people saying um uh don't give your don't don't give your kids phones and all this. And it's just crazy that that has to be said to me. Like people are like, I don't know what anyone was thinking. Just think of what you use your phone for. I don't want my kids using their phone the way I use my phone. Okay. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:03 That's enough. That's it. An 11-year-old should not be doing what i do with my phone just it's just you know i agree with that like all like i'll watch just fucking fight videos for 20 minutes while i'm taking a shit i don't want my kids watching any fight videos yeah i see a lot of like war stuff so like like, what's like Ukraine and Syria and shit like that. I don't think 11 year olds need to be watching that. No, not,
Starting point is 01:32:30 not at all. And, and every, yeah. Searching for gaping. And, and the thing is, is,
Starting point is 01:32:36 um, uh, the access you give your kids to so so you give your kids access to a world but then they that whole world also has access to them that's the part that people are always forgetting about it's a fucking two-way fucking device right uh what did someone say um uh someone said uh there was a great there was a great comment on here oh a saver and kelly uh my son is the only 11 year old in class with no phone and i fear he will hate me he will but whatever who cares whose care it's fine just pull your kid out of school
Starting point is 01:33:20 just seriously i just found a page dedicated to shootouts in the streets crazy yeah yeah it's i don't need yeah kids don't need to be seeing that shit the one i've addicted to recently is it's a sports commentator commentating street fights oh yeah yeah yeah that's good it's entertaining fuck so so like this isn't cool right here this isn't cool this doesn't make me this doesn't make me uh i i guess maybe this makes me bigot i don't know fuck i don't know i don't know how you guys use the word but listen to this you won't even believe this this bloke this is mind and i and i researched this I researched this. This is 100% true. Check this out. Listen to this. So now they won't even let you opt out. School district just north of D.C.
Starting point is 01:34:09 They said, hey, we're going to have this LGBTQ plus curriculum for K-5, but even pre-K and Head Start program. That's like three-year-olds. So when they say LGBTQ curriculum, that's gay sex curriculum. I wish they would just call it what it is. It's sex curriculum i wish they would just call it what it is it's sex curriculum it's like so so if i call someone a black person i'm distinguishing them by their um color of their skin if i call someone a tall person i'm distinguishing them by their height
Starting point is 01:34:38 if i call someone a gay person i'm distinguishing them between uh uh them based on their genitalia and their desire to have someone with the same genitalia sit on their face. I mean, you guys see that, right? That's like so obvious. If I say distinguish someone by a man or a woman, I'm distinguishing them by their genitalia. If I say, if I distinguish someone like with a family name, like sister or brother, I'm distinguishing them by not only their genitalia, but who their relationship to like, these are all words for quick distinguishing. Why, why are you distinguishing anything for kids in school at any age based on who they want to sit on their face? I, it makes no fucking sense to me. And if you're like, well, we need kids to accept those people. Hey, man, that's just – the parents are going to have to do that.
Starting point is 01:35:28 And let me tell you something. It doesn't make you a bad person if you're a straight person and you think being gay is weird. It doesn't make you a bad person to see a dwarf and double-take and look at him. It doesn't make you fucking homophobe if you're a man and it makes you uncomfortable to see a dwarf and double take and look at him it doesn't make you fucking homophobe if you're a man and it makes you uncomfortable to see other men kiss that that's not how the world works it doesn't make you a bad person it doesn't make you any less doesn't make you a hater if you're if you're a man and you see other men kiss and you don't think it's odd or or you don't in in in then something's probably wrong with you your biology is is is not set up to to
Starting point is 01:36:19 think that that's uh right or wrong now can you intellectually get your head wrapped around it and and is there any reason to hate it? I don't think so. Not even a little bit. Pat Lang. So if you talk to kids about their mom and dad, you're essentially teaching them that their dad fires it in their mom's vag every night no but you are referencing the couple that made love that procreated the kid that's what mom and dad is your mom is the person whose vagina you came out of and there's other and there's other characteristics that come with mom and dad that aren't related to sex. That's absurd what you're saying. But there aren't other characteristics that come with being gay.
Starting point is 01:37:12 It specifically denotes that one. Like if you say gay person, it doesn't denote whether they're tall or small or happy or nice or clean or dirty or the color of their skin it doesn't denote any of that quit being a jackass gay only denotes sex you don't talk to fucking kids about fucking sex at the school well enough parents said whoa whoa that's crazy we want to opt out of that in school said okay fine you can opt out well so many said whoa whoa that's crazy we want to opt out of that and the school said okay fine you can opt out well so many parents opted out that the school district said we're not going to let anyone out doubt anymore now they could have said wow this is very unpopular we're going to stop this lgbtq plus stuff for for three-year-olds but they didn't they said
Starting point is 01:38:00 we're not going to allow parents to opt out anymore. Well, enough parents sued. They went to the courts and the courts came back and ruled in favor of the school. Books like this, where a little puppy gets lost at a pride parade and you have to find the puppy and that's how you learn your letters. So K is drag king. L is leather. Q is drag queen. Hey, listen, all of these people in this book have been fucking like, there's no happy people. Like if you spend time dyeing your hair blue, it's a strong correlate that you're not fucking happy with yourself.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Sorry, it just is. It just is. You is underwear. Three-year-olds, five-year-olds five-year-olds so the court said that schools do not have to tell you the parent when they're giving your kids this content and you if you do find out about it do not have a right to opt out so just further evidence that these public schools government schools they do not believe that these are your kids. And I believe you should act accordingly. What do you think is more important to teach your kids about? Why wouldn't you just make the book about like, teach them the letters based around the constitution and their rights as an
Starting point is 01:39:18 American? Why would you go down some fucking obscure rabbit hole to teach them about sexuality at three years old? Because they need to find themselves, Savant. Mr. Lang, hi. Okay, so you're teaching them about sex then based on your gay comments. Sex than based on your gay comments. Sorry, I wish I could understand.
Starting point is 01:39:51 I really want to fight with you. I'm ready this morning. No shower. But I don't understand. And it wouldn't matter if it was. By the way, no no one get confused and that's the thing where people get confused i don't want them being taught about any sex has nothing to do with it has nothing to do with being gay sex or straight sex or dog sex or i don't want them being taught about any sex in the eighth grade when they dissect the frog they can talk about the
Starting point is 01:40:28 the organs and what they do you know and in high school or whenever they can they can watch the movie on nova that shows the sperm and the egg meeting uh philip kelly h is for hog i don't i don't mind i don't mind procreation being taught i don't mind uh Oh, look at this. Someone sent it. This is amazing. There's a video of it, I think.
Starting point is 01:41:14 This is... Oh, yeah. Great. Wow, you're going to fucking love this, Caleb. Oh, boy. This is the two gay parades clashing. Oh, yes. This is the two gay parades clashing. Oh, yes. This is the queers for Palestine clashing with the LGBTQZYZ parade. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:41:43 And the two marches have collided imagine wearing all that rainbow shit and like love shit and peace shit and then getting into a fight with a guy in leather isn't aren't they basically supposed to be wearing the same thing like shouldn't they be able to delineate that they're the same? Yeah, it should be just two buckets of water hitting each other, and it's just all water. Yeah, right. Then they mine melt into one stupid mob.
Starting point is 01:42:14 I do find it interesting, though, that this crowd, I wonder what one crowd's clearly all female. I wonder what the other crowd is. Oh, okay. That's the difference. Everybody's wearing shemogs or whatever the fuck those are called. Cultural appropriation. All I see in this picture is that girl's tits. tell me if you see someone in there you'd want your daughter or your son to be uh
Starting point is 01:42:54 have a relationship with tell me if you see anyone in there all right slim pickings let's give a shot God, America's gotten fat. Dude, I can't go anywhere without seeing, like... Maybe that... I love the bear. I love that bear, love that bear too Bear He's got a roll of fat right under his armpit Oh yeah And look at the chick in the back
Starting point is 01:43:38 One love That used to be me I used to be a one love guy One love But I hate these people specifically right now yeah okay i don't know dick butter gay men used to care about their bodies i bet you still as a demographic they probably have the best bodies yeah dude i saw a gay guy yesterday i was he was like this six four slender chiseled black guy and he was hot how do you know he's a cock chugger i don't know just the way he looked because i was attracted to him because i was like holy shit that guy's hot as hell
Starting point is 01:44:21 i saw this dude straight faggot. Why do you say that? Cause I want to suck his dick. Oh, that's right. Got it. A black guy is low key gay. Fair enough. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Maybe. Yeah, I probably, I'm guessing, um, I'm guessing gay dudes are probably as a demographic, the fittest, wealthiest, or maybe not wealthier than Chinese people, but wealthy, and probably a high consumption of drugs. Oh, you think? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I mean, dude, if you like dudes and dudes like you, all you would do is work and come home and do coke and fuck. All right. That makes sense. That's probably why they're so skinny, huh? Maybe, yeah. And spend a lot of time in the gym with other dudes. Oh, LaGraciano, not probably. with other dudes.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Oh, LaGraciano, not probably. Fergie Show, this is true too. If Soros gives your organization money, you have to question its impact on our society. Soros makes his money shortening your country's currency. Boy, that's a really concise thing. If you don't understand what he's saying right there, look that up. That's really really important soros makes his money shortening your country's currency uh sean sullivan how do you know he's gay because he was bald steven caleb
Starting point is 01:45:58 gaping all right not much of a show today Gaping Alright Not much of a show today Um I was told not to talk about the WNBA Oh fuck Why not What's going on with this girl Caitlin
Starting point is 01:46:22 I did see some Dude they're eating her own. It's crazy. Yeah, so... I did see some people being really racist towards her. I saw a couple black girls being really openly racist towards her. For sure. But... That's not a black girl, though.
Starting point is 01:46:44 That's a white girl doing that. Uh-uh. That's a black girl though That's a white girl doing that That's a black girl? Yeah That girl looks white to me Shelby Neal white maybe The question is will they call it It's been a bitch in here The WNBA is a charity
Starting point is 01:47:01 The WNBA is a charity That is funded by the NBA. The reason for that being that there are not enough people interested in watching the WNBA in order for it to be a profitable organization. And it relies heavily on the generosity of the NBA. Well, all of that had an opportunity to change with Caitlin Clark. She made people who never watched women's basketball finally start watching women's basketball. And she would have been the reason and still could be the reason that people actually get excited about women's basketball. But the women in the WNBA have taken it upon themselves to bully her. Honestly, I hope she quits it and goes and plays overseas.
Starting point is 01:47:46 And that way you guys can have a taste of what it's like to bite the hand feeding you. But if you're too stupid to understand when something good has finally come for your sport, then maybe you deserve to be paid 70 grand a year and have nobody show up to watch your games. Dude, is it really that bad? Deserve to be paid 70 grand a year and have nobody show up to watch your games. Dude.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Is it really that bad? Dude, it's so bad. They're just, like, abusing her every game. Call her. Hi. Hey. What are you guys up to? Besides debating the NBA?
Starting point is 01:48:30 Oh, hold on. Hold not or something's not right let's do it with the world's deepest voice hold on something's not right i just i just i just updated my roadcaster too i don't know why um i don't know why it's doing this i wonder if i'm ever gonna have like a show that's like a professional show with like where i don't have to reconnect the phone for every call okay go ahead caller do you have the do you update the drivers on the computer uh i mean the shit oh hey what's up dude what's up man oh is the um yeah the oh actually this computer is not up to date but it's like only like a month behind but i I just updated my Rodecaster. Hey, did the Paper Street Coffee thing, did that close?
Starting point is 01:49:09 Or are you still accepting? Can people still enter the contest? That's why I'm calling. It closes tonight at 11.59. Shit. So you buy Paper Street Coffee and use code word SEVON, and then if it's over $100, the order, you get entered into a contest to win two free tickets to the games that are at the finish line. Yeah, definitely. You don't have to use the code SEVON, but if you want a discount, use your code. Any order over $100 gets entered into the contest
Starting point is 01:49:46 that's awesome so the people that order like 75 worth of coffee i don't know why you just don't order 25 worth more and you get signed up for this competition but it's okay and there can't even be that many it's got to be pretty good odds they're not low odds yeah let me tell you that yeah so well but but i mean there's not there's not like three it's not one in three it's less than one in three thousand there haven't been three thousand orders oh yeah yeah believe me there's three thousand orders i'd be knocking on your door right now it's like a i don't know something for your kids or something for you i don't know so so i mean it's yeah so someone needs to do it like like if you're gonna order coffee if you drink coffee just go do it just order it yeah definitely um especially
Starting point is 01:50:37 dude next month we're coming out with some new stuff um it's gonna be so fun so amazing and the reason why we don't tell you the exact area It's the 12th row I can't tell you the seats Because people are weird And they'll try to make fake tickets And all that stuff David Weed thinks Paper Street Coffee
Starting point is 01:50:56 Is a money laundering organization Oh god I wish man I wish it was a money laundering organization It would make my life so much easier oh dick border dick butter says when to order ship i ordered mine 11 days ago uh if it has cans of coffee that's the only one that's uh delayed just because of production um had a little bit of an issue with uh the manufacturer they're a small manufacturer so i it's totally fine for them
Starting point is 01:51:25 to have little hiccups like this. When I order, I usually get mine fast when I order. Yeah. If you order, let's say, beans, you're going to get it within a week, but within at least a week. And then if it's cans for now, you're going to be getting them next week. You're going to get two orders, orders of your cans and orders of your coffee. And again, that's on me. Oh, yeah. He ordered 17 cans. He ordered 17 cans.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Yeah. The cans will just be shipped out next week. And that's my bad. But again, I'm doing my best to make sure that we don't use some crappy company. I like using the same people, especially since I have an established relationship. Standy Randy, your coffee is actually surprisingly really good. That's because we're coffee people. We like coffee.
Starting point is 01:52:16 We appreciate coffee. Hey, for those of you who don't know, mine and Gabe's relationship started with, uh, just like, uh, through DMS. And he was, he, he, he would show me his green beans and he would go from drive from Jersey to New York to a roaster and roast him himself. And we talked all about beans. Like he's a fucking dork guys. Like he,
Starting point is 01:52:36 he's like, he made coffee from, he, he wanted to drink the best coffee for himself. And so he was getting beans from himself and testing out different they come green right you you get them green and shit i get them green and they also come in very different colors i get them i get them um from the from the farmers and all that stuff and and we roasted ourselves here in brooklyn yeah so it's it's it's cool shit. This isn't like a white label from fucking Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:53:07 It's definitely not white labeled. Dude, there's a lot that goes into it, especially like a recipe. It's almost like every roaster has their own specific recipe. It's really cool. Do you have an OnlyFans page called Show Me Your Beans? I don't, but that's a good idea. I stole it from someone in the chat. Oh, well, that's a really good idea.
Starting point is 01:53:34 You know who's here for a week in New Jersey? Paulina. Oh, is she working the shop? No, no, no. She's learning how to be Gabe 2.0. Oh, shit. Is she going to be a competitor? She's opening a...
Starting point is 01:53:52 No, no. She's heading out to Nashville to make sure that Nashville runs smoothly. Oh, shit. Is she going to live there? Yeah. Wow. Paulina's going to...
Starting point is 01:54:03 What the fuck? She's going to school? She's been done with school. Wow. Paulina's going to... What the fuck? She's done with school? She's been done with school. Wow. Does Paulina have an only chance? David Weed wants one. Please tell me Paulina's 18. I don't think she has an only chance.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Is she 18? She's like 23. Okay. 22. Yeah, yeah. She was here for our baby shower. She was invited to our... shower. She was invited to. That's awesome. So, so Paulina is going to run the shop out of a proven world
Starting point is 01:54:33 headquarters. No, no, no. We have a general manager for that, but because I'm, I'm not traveling to Nashville 24 seven, she's just relocating there and she's gonna be uh basically just kind of like the the man behind the curtain i guess just making sure everything is going good and our relationship with uh proven is is you know strong she's not gonna be doing anything coffee related if that makes any sense yeah yeah cafe related yeah um but yeah dude you guys killed it the last three weeks i just want to say thank you
Starting point is 01:55:05 all the shows were amazing taylor obviously did phenomenal um everything was dope the you know what's interesting uh gabe i'll tell you this thing you'll appreciate this so the show that we had we had record numbers again uh in the last four days and someone uh who a very unexpected person uh in the crossfit space goes someone uh who a very unexpected person in the crossfit space goes holy shit uh one of my parents my mom has never watched anything crossfit related and she watched your show and now she's a huge fan she loved your show and that's pretty funny and cool and um and then and then i also got some feedback that the show is like too harsh you know like all the people were complaining about like show is like too harsh you know like
Starting point is 01:55:45 all the people were complaining about like a taylor just going nuts you know what i mean and like talking about like coming in their mouth and stuff like that gaping and gaping and all that and the interesting thing is is all these p and and all these people want to have advice for us or what to do, and I do appreciate the feedback. I'm not oblivious to like – Taylor's over the top for me too, right? It's like, wow, this is a lot. You know what I mean? But I have no issues.
Starting point is 01:56:18 What do people want to listen to? Well, that too, and I have no issues in accepting him at all, zero. Like over the top for me doesn't mean i don't accept it um but but what's crazy is is that the people who want to give advice like like the show is doing really well we're chugging along we're chugging down the correct path i mean there was a there was a time when people were like hey you're never going to get any sponsors and now we're turning away so many sponsors. And the show just keeps growing.
Starting point is 01:56:50 And I just – there's going to be things that might not be your cup of tea, but there's really cool multidimensional people and a wide breadth of people that come and go on the podcast. And just because you don't like someone doesn't mean like we get rid of them or don't ever have them again. Or because you hear something on here that doesn't sit well with you, you hate on us or tell us we're going the wrong direction. Like we're doing something extremely right. And I'm starting to think that we're like, not these people who listen to the morning show, but people who come and go, like they don't, like they don't realize that we're already like, it's that we're already – it's already a gigantic show. It just doesn't have a gigantic amount of listeners yet. The listeners haven't found it.
Starting point is 01:57:32 That's what I'm trying to say. The listeners haven't – it's like Paper Street Coffee. It's already the best coffee out there. It's already bigger and better than the cheese dick people out there. But just enough people haven't realized it yet. So. Yeah. And I think.
Starting point is 01:57:49 What do people expect? What do people expect? Them to say, hey, Salvan, you should do this. And then they should expect you to do it right away. It's like, that's the main reason. People. They want me to tone down the things that go over the top for them. And I don't tone down the things that go over the top for them. And I don't, I don't tone down the things that go over the top for me.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Like next, they're going to be like, Hey, I don't think Caleb should be in the Shattuck and, and he should be wearing a collar shirt. It's like, they're, they're comparing it to what they're used to. So what do they want? They want you to become an adhere to like their standards, like what they're used to listening to. that's what makes you you so or they like the show until it pushed too far do you know what i mean like
Starting point is 01:58:31 and it's like hey man that's uh you know what i mean but that's what makes the show the show that's right you push too far and then you have to you're you're comfortable enough to kind of figure that out through the process of the show and say, like, OK, it was too far, too far. Or is it just one person out of 100 saying this? And you do that live on air with people. Right. And we do push things too far. But I also see other things like I got a free subscription of xm radio um for three months and i've been listening to xm radio and the three shows that i listened to i listened to 114 116 and
Starting point is 01:59:11 100 that's howard stern cnn and fox and dude cnn and fox and howard stern push it way hard gnarlier than we do i mean the shit that that they say on those radio stations sometimes i'm like even have my mouth wide open i'm like i can't believe they said that and um so it's like hey you're and those are popular shows so yeah and look at espn look at what's crazy look at espn the most liberal progressive kind of one of the grossest fucking corporations out there and they say the craziest shit out there it's it it's too it's too bad you know this is gonna be so self-serving but it's too bad crossfit won't embrace me more like i mean that the hq won't embrace me more although they've been great to me i guess i shouldn't talk shit they they gave me tremendous access to the west
Starting point is 02:00:02 coast classic i'm sure they're going to give me the greatest access ever at the games this year because the behind the scenes was just gushing over them last year. So I'm sure they're going to do that. And Dave comes on the show. But I wish that they would open up a little bit more. We have a wild, hardcore audience. CrossFit's hardcore and how is something that's so um pathetic and scared like espn uh more wild than crossfit you know what i mean crossfit's so sterile compared to espn like they get crazy on there so i mean you're i think right now you're
Starting point is 02:00:40 benefiting from that relationship and whatever whatever they're they're whatever kind of like barriers they have up so i am i mean i almost wish they'd launch why don't they launch a competitor to me though they could have their i mean are they afraid that they're going to get like bad emails or they're going to lose some affiliates like i'm so happy that for every 30 subscribers i get i lose 15 that's fine oh yeah howard Stern still is such a tool. And I just started listening to him again in the last three years, Vindicate. And it's crazy because it sounds like he's having troubles in his relationship with his wife now because of it. I mean, that's what happens.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Like, you can push to a certain extent, right? Like, you can push the boundaries. You can push to a certain extent, right? You can push the boundaries. You can push the limits, whether it's here in this podcast, whether it's on CNN, Fox, wherever you are. It's just a rubber band. It's just going to either break and just slap you right back in the face. And like you said, you had a bunch of cantankerous relationships, even with that 12-billy doses guy.
Starting point is 02:01:42 And now it's more of like okay cool you guys figured it out and now it's like all right cool the relationship there is now uh like a respectful i guess relationship and he's in the comments and that's how relationships are supposed to be like you started off the show saying that like there's dialogue there's discourse that needs to be had yeah not just like um uh yeah i pat lang is awesome and and i'm and i'm glad he i'm so happy that uh he's part of the show i'm so happy that he's part of the show i'm so yeah that's how the show evolved you know who i met uh and do you know who jenna hawka is i do not name sounds familiar but i do not she's the new chief marketing officer over at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 02:02:25 And when I was at the West Coast Classic, the only 30 minutes I took off the entire time I was there was I got to chat with her for 30 minutes. And I really enjoyed that. And I hope I can build a healthy relationship with her because I think everything's about relationships. And she was real as fuck. She said some shit to me that was like, like, like, like she was up front with me. Like, like basically let me know like where we don't. Do you want to build a healthy relationship with her? Do you want to build a healthy professional relationship?
Starting point is 02:03:01 They're two very different things. I want to build a healthy relationship with her. I don't want to do professional relationships. There you go healthy relationship with her i don't want to do professional relationships there you go yeah i don't want to do that's one of the yeah i want to i want to either love someone or not have them in my life you know when people say you don't have to love everyone i really like i get that but i i like i i don't want to do professional relationships i think that's why i'm having problems with some of the onboarding some of the new sponsors they want to do professional relationships. I think that's why I'm having problems with some of the onboarding, some of the new sponsors. They want to have professional relationship and I do not want to have one of
Starting point is 02:03:30 those. I hope that's what I'm saying. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being naive. No, you're being, you're expecting everyone to come at it from the same, same place that like we came at it from. Like we came at it from like a very genuine, open, open heartfelt place and even it seemed like born primitive did the same thing right like really cool honest relationship and then there's other people that just want to treat
Starting point is 02:03:53 it like business um and yes it is business like let's not get it wrong but at the same time if we if you do things right like we do things right for you you did things right for us and like we're growing and we're we're just like helping each other out we're just literally pushing each other to the next like level you push hard for the behind the scenes and when we work hard on our end to make sure that we grow the business to be ready for your next level up. And then you work for us to help us get to our next level. So, so it gets hard when there's businesses that just want to focus on the black and white that just want to focus on a it's,
Starting point is 02:04:37 I don't care about the building, the relationship and longevity. I just care about the, the being in the black after the relationship ends. Yeah. I, I, I really want my sponsors to be successful. Hey, Gabe, do you have a second? Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:04:57 Okay, listen to this. I was thinking about this the other day. um oh at wadapalooza you know um uh tear sponsored it and then um rad made some comments about that i that i thought were uh silly and so like i i i poked at them on the podcast and they're big which is fine totally fine and and i'm fine with what they said too i thought we were just tussling i i know we were just tussling. And then Danielle Brandon, who they sponsor, right? She's basically like, fuck you, eat a dick, right? Think about this. Sorry, sorry for all the burping. Think about this.
Starting point is 02:05:33 Paper Street Coffee makes you burp. So she stood up for the brand that she's affiliated with, right? Yep. Have you ever seen anyone? Did you ever see anyone stand up for noble no i mean not at all not at all and it's like kudos to fucking danielle unless i'm misunderstood unless she thinks i said something about her um uh but um no think think about like that makes me that like i'm happy for her and them that they have that relationship like that makes me think that's awesome she stood up for a man think of the ass pounding that noble took and you never saw fucking any of those fucking
Starting point is 02:06:23 high pro you never saw mal or tia or justin no one ever stood up for them whoever all the noble athletes are never they just let their sponsor get fucking destroyed not one person came on like imagine if tia would have made a video been like fuck you hillar these shoes are great. Dude, that would have fucked Hiller's shit up. Like, he'd have felt that. Like, she got the largest cheer at the stadium. And, like, if someone talks shit about Paper Street Coffee, I'd fuck them up.
Starting point is 02:06:58 I'd fucking bring Taylor on the show and let Taylor gape them. But it's crazy, right? I was thinking about that the other day. I mean, I've said it before, but i've always thought it was cool that danielle has gone to bat for her sponsor and she's like fuck you i'm never coming on your show again and all that shit right but um that's cool stand by your sponsor i mean a lot a lot it gives your you and your relationship some validity but no one stood up for noble that i mean that's that relationship they don't give a fuck t is already pivoted to go ruck or whatever there you go i mean at the same time it's one of those things where i'm pretty sure uh danielle was
Starting point is 02:07:38 with with them from from the jump right she knows the owner she has a relationship with the owner just like you said she probably has equity right if she doesn't she's stupid or or even that or even she she does have equity and and now she's protecting her own brand she's protecting her own money like if someone talks shit to you about you in front of me it's one of those things where it's like yeah yeah like relax like understand who you're talking to i've've even said it to you. If anyone talks shit to you, like you let me know when and where, and I'm there with a baseball bat. Like I, I, I'm, I'm down. I'm down for anything.
Starting point is 02:08:13 Not like a real baseball bat, but like a nerf one, right? Like a plastic one. You said it, not me. I stand by what I said. I don't want people to think you're a money laundering operation. Hey, Gabeabe you probably you probably don't know this because i haven't told a lot of people this i i don't know how cave dastro found out but laura actually left rad because she loves the podcast so much and she and she was standing up she was coming to our site oh dope i i mean i i kind of figured that's what was happening yeah but you know I just didn't want to say it
Starting point is 02:08:46 Out loud that makes total sense It does make sense right 100% I mean she's fucking Rocking those Adidas like the eastern European uniform at this point Adidas Red Bull Yeah I heard hey those
Starting point is 02:09:02 Shoes she rocked at European Semifinals were dope. Bro, dude, that just goes to show all you need is just some, like, flat sole shoes and you can just dominate. Zambas. I thought they were Zambas, too, but they're not Zambas. They're the Gazelles. Yeah, you're right. Zambas are the Eastern European soccer shoe.
Starting point is 02:09:29 I thought Gazambas was code for titties. Gazumbas. Hey, by the way. Gazumbas is definitely code for titties. By the way, so when I watched the, this is totally off fucking the rocker here, but when I watched the um uh danielle brandon documentary like i was just so into her mom and her mom's tits are just gigantic in the interview she had like fucking eight inches of cleavage showing it was crazy and every time she would come on i just
Starting point is 02:09:58 kind of pictured myself like oh gazumba's boobs boobs. Yeah. And her mom has these huge tits. And the biggest boobs you've ever seen and multiply that by four. Oh, gazoombas are the biggest boobs you've ever seen and multiply that times four. Those that's how big gazoombas are. Anyway, so and every time her mom came on, I just kind of pictured like being in college with her mom, like i would have me and her mom would have got along great right we're probably like the same age and um so so i i i and then this weekend um uh this weekend uh danielle's mom was at the event and someone told me that they're like oh i saw danielle brandon's mom i said oh cool did you talk to her and they said no but dude her tits are huge like someone said that to me and then and then i saw this someone sent me this i want to show you this um i want to show you this crossfit games post uh this is a wild i think it's on crossfit games is there an interview of dan
Starting point is 02:11:06 where's that interview of daniel brandon uh there might be one with lauren i thought it was on the crossfit games podcast but there's this interview with um there's this interview with thank you caleb for it searching the scour the entire web to find Danielle's boobs if I would have if I Listen if I would have for look at this foot so now I don't know why it took me fucking three years to figure it out But that's why Daniel Brandon's boobs are so big because genetically your mom is giant rack But dude, you know if I would have framed that shot how much trouble I'd be in can you see your screen? Gabe
Starting point is 02:11:44 No, I can't. But I'll... Yeah, go ahead. Which one is it? I'll figure it out. Will you play that without music? Or without audio? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:52 I mean, dude. What kind... I would have been destroyed if I had to frame that. I'd have been called like a pervert and like... I mean, that's some crazy framing, right? I don't have any issues. Oh, no, I see it. But it's like, there is no problem, Graciano.
Starting point is 02:12:11 I don't, she didn't get a boob job. If you, she didn't, I don't think she got a boob job. If you see her mom, I mean, it's just like, if you saw my dad's cock, you would be like, oh yeah. Yeah. Look, even Seamus says, holy cannons. Yeah. The question is, is if you had the opportunity to make that this particular interview, would you have changed the shot? Would you have altered your shot to make sure you don't get maximum boobage, knowing that people would maybe have complaints about it?
Starting point is 02:12:37 Well, the thing is, by the way, Philip Kelly said Ortega film that the thing is, is like I know as a filmmaker that that, and I don't know this for sure, but I think whoever shot that didn't frame it at all. Basically, when you're doing interviews, you're just trying to get the person in the shot and whoever that is holds their camera in a different position than mine. That person holds their cameras around their own personal breast level. I hold the camera up here by my head. And so I don't think even that person was framed like we get like any any time there's of the thousand times i've been accused of just filming girls boobs i've
Starting point is 02:13:12 never once done it consciously because i'm i just look in the film i just i'm usually just listening to the audio and doing the interview and trying to point the lens at them and all the filmmakers i who are friends with me know because my shit's always out of focus and fucked up and frame wrong and they all make fun of me. I'm like the worst filmmaker alive. But it's just crazy. But anyway. Subconsciously. Subconsciously you just focus on the boobs.
Starting point is 02:13:37 I don't even subconsciously. I'm just like trying to get them in. Well, I don't know. Maybe. I shouldn't confirm or deny that. But either way. Either way, it's just fun talking about how hot Danielle is
Starting point is 02:13:46 1000% I agree with that yeah But but Great framing or take it again Great framing oh yeah yeah thank you so people have Until midnight tonight to enter the contest To win the free games tickets at Paper Street Coffee do not spell out street It's P-A-P-E-R-S-T coffee
Starting point is 02:14:03 Dot com Okay man I'll talk to you I'll be on Jason Paper Street Coffee. Do not spell out street. It's P-A-P-E-R-S-T Okay, man. I'll talk to you. I'll be on Jason CF Media's podcast, I think in like 45 minutes. Oh, live? I think so. I'm pretty sure it's live. Oh, awesome. Okay, good luck with that. That's awesome. I'll give it a watch. Yeah, we'll be there with Kyra.
Starting point is 02:14:20 I don't know. We'll be talking about some stuff. Okay. Oh, Kyra. Thanks again. I'll talk to you guys. Okay, cool. All right. Love you, Gabe. Thank you. Bye, Gabe. Thank you, man. Bye. Bye. See you, Caleb. Bye. Yeah, it's on in 45 minutes. It'll be live.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Play Stack Chat. Oh. Say that again. I'm pulling it up. It's live in 45 minutes. Play Stack Chat. Oh, nice. Kyra pulling it up. Live in 45 minutes. Oh, nice. Kyra made it to the games.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Crazy. Yeah. Dave Pate. Seven, we got to address Matt Fraser's new noble bullshit business. I don't know what that is. I kind of don't. I don't really want to fight with Fraser, though. I think't know what that is i kind of don't i don't really want to fight with uh fraser though i think you know what it is i do know yeah uh caller hi seven what's up dude hey what's up man not too much yeah i just want to say um kind of touching back on everything
Starting point is 02:15:22 you guys are talking about um you know the rawness and kind of the uncut side of your show is definitely uh what keeps me interested and watching and um i think one of the biggest things that hq should probably realize if they haven't yet like me from the average viewer um the reason i got into watching or was i guess pulling for anybody is your original videos behind the scenes like made me a huge bridges fan and then i can't remember um a time where i gave a shit as much about a crossfit event as i did this weekend because taylor being in it oh yeah that was awesome right he gave i mean he gave he's giving us so much he's giving us so much it's literally the only reason i watched um and then also same thing with colton you know as you created that
Starting point is 02:16:12 like two years ago like just the buy-in uh i love sports i watch every sport like a storyline to grab ahold to it's so important for the average viewer and i just feel like um the way you present it is unlike the just standard watered down positive bullshit that they feed on in between the events like i'm tired of seeing the same shit i want to hear people like taylor come on and talk like themselves and be themselves and it makes guys like me love them i mean he's he is the white trash people's champ, for sure. Wow. We're all pulling for him. Hey, what about, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 02:16:52 How do you process it when I say things that you don't agree with or if I go over the top? How do you process it? How do you do that? How do you like? Dude, I don't care. I don't give a shit. I love it. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:17:02 It's what makes me want to watch the show is that you do see that shit. This is Jimmy, by the way, from the Merc guy. Oh, oh, I didn't recognize your voice. Oh, shit. Yeah. Yeah, man. It's been a while, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:17 Hey, you sound so relaxed. For real. Yeah, dude. I'm super chill now. Oh, my God. You sound fucking great. Not that you ever didn't sound great, but there was this, normally when I talk to you, I felt like you were pretty intense.
Starting point is 02:17:29 You sound like, you sound so chill. Oh, for sure, dude. I've definitely chilled out a lot. And then, dude, I haven't been really into CrossFit stuff for a while. I mean, like, as much as I was. But, I mean, it is a testament to your show like watching taylor this weekend because again i love the show love taylor like i'm i'm into my box in like um seven months just been working out at home but i'm gonna go today because that's awesome
Starting point is 02:17:59 yeah that's awesome yeah like a hundred, like a ultra marathon or some shit too. Yeah. So I got into that, dude, that's, that's pretty wild. So I got into that and then I failed my first one. Listen to your show like all the time when I was running and,
Starting point is 02:18:17 uh, Charlie came on there, Charlie Lawrence. And then Caleb, I messaged you, you got me hooked up with him and then he took me on as a client. So he coached me to finish that last 100. It was pretty cool.
Starting point is 02:18:28 Charlie Lawrence, the 50-mile world record holder? Yeah, that guy. Yeah, that's my boy now. Wow. Hey, dude, what a great guest that was, right? Dude, it worked out great for me. I wouldn't even have known who he was until that show. I would love to have that on again.
Starting point is 02:18:42 I need to write his name down. Dude, that's sick. You definitely do because he's about to go after the 100k and like um the 100k record and what i love about him is like going on like again why i love taylor so much is like everybody in the running community is super nice like he posted his videos like basically like he watched the 100k championships he wasn't healthy enough and he's like fuck you i'm coming for everything that's mine like just kind of talking shit like i like that shit man i want to see that yeah um so it's like i would probably never watch anything to do with 100k or running in general but
Starting point is 02:19:14 i'll probably watch it now because i like i like how charlie is i don't know uh i think you do the same thing with with the shows it's sick so don't water it down at all keep doing everything that you're doing talk the way that you are have taylor on talking like the white trash people's champ that he is and that us other white trashers relate to we love it hey the the unfortunate i don't know if this fortunate or unfortunate i don't think i know how to um i i don't think i know how to tailor it down. To tone it down. But here's the other thing too that people need to keep in mind. For Colton
Starting point is 02:19:51 and Taylor, they're really exposing themselves. And so for all the people, there's all these comments out there on YouTube. And of course, there's going to be all sorts of douches who are doing nothing with their life who make those comments. But whether you like them or not, they're really putting themselves out there. And it's a, it's pretty amazing. We should all be thankful that we get to live vicariously through them because they've given so much of themselves
Starting point is 02:20:12 online. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, it's fucking amazing. Um, it really makes you feel connected with that person or like, like I said, like you have like a rooting interest cause you like know who that person is because they are putting themselves out there so much it makes you buy into it even more and then like i've met taylor several times man like he is the exactly how he is on the show is exactly how he is in real life he's a great fucking dude um and i love i just love that it's highlighting that and then also the guy's talking shit like i commented on the thing i was like bro if you're talking all this shit, like come on, kill Taylor motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:20:46 Yeah. Oh yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. If not shut the fuck up, come get that money. $1,500 this week. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:55 No, keep doing everything you're doing. Keep Taylor turned all the way up. Love it, man. I appreciate you guys. All right. Thanks for calling Jim.
Starting point is 02:21:02 Later dude. All right. Bye. Uh, Samantha H. Taylor's over the top for me, uh, for me too. Actually, I try to look past it some days. Uh, it says too much. I try to look past it some days it says too much and I turn off the show, but I always come back and never not watch just because sometimes it's too graphic. You know, it's interesting. You say that, um, but by the way, good, you're a mom of four kids what a great healthy response what a fucking great healthy response
Starting point is 02:21:31 i i approve for me it doesn't get too graphic because i don't visualize um for me it sometimes he touches my insecurities about um what other people who are watching the show will think like he, he'll say something, um, uh, like, uh, me and him talked about this.
Starting point is 02:21:53 Like if he calls someone who's gay, I all of a sudden think, Oh God, I hope he didn't offend the gay listeners. And so, so, but I still just accept them. I mean,
Starting point is 02:22:02 I love them. I don't, I don't project that onto him or think, Hey, I'm not going to have them on. I never even go even remotely there. Caller, hi. Hi.
Starting point is 02:22:10 Hey, what's up? I agree with the last caller. I think that you guys should just keep doing what you're doing. I love Taylor. I was there this weekend cheering for him on every single event. I mean, I own a mean, if people don't, I own a business, if people don't like it, they can go somewhere else. They can watch another podcast. Like,
Starting point is 02:22:32 because if you change what you're doing, um, then you're not going to be authentically you. And then it's just not going to work out. Right. Um, and also the narrator blend of paper street coffee is the best narrator the narrator narrator it's a bean yeah yeah yeah narrator narrator narrator i'm a narrator uh paper street i'm looking at it right now the narrator brand oh look sing a single origin medium roast that's the best one right there why do you say that like for me coffee's kind of like i just i just i just as long as it doesn't taste bad why do you know like some some stuff is fruity some stuff is more nutty yeah you know
Starting point is 02:23:19 yeah so okay do you like fruity or nutty uh i, I don't, I'm not a big fruity person. Yeah. Me neither. I don't like fruity. I want nutty. Yeah. Um, also I put this in the comments. I don't think you saw it, but, um, did you see that bar in Idaho that, um, they're declaring June heterosexual awesomeness month? Wow. Wow. June heterosexual awesomeness month wow wow yeah um the typical liberal on Instagram posted it it's in his stories anyway of course like people were flipping out and if you're like a straight dude you get a free pint of beer on Mondays like they have different specials that they're running throughout the whole month what do you think about that for me it's like you're it's it's this it's the same thing I know it's supposed to be funny I hear you're it's it's this it's the same thing i know it's supposed to be funny i hear you i don't want to take away from the funny part of it
Starting point is 02:24:10 but like i don't want heterosexual month no but i think that they're i think it's their version of just being funny um just being funny and also like well if you can have a you know if you can have one why can't i i think they're just being funny and also like well if you can have you know if you can have one why can't I I think they're just being funny about it but yeah people oh and look they also say we love our LGBTQ plus patrons I wish they wouldn't have said that I wish they would have said we love gay dudes
Starting point is 02:24:35 I so don't I so don't love the trannies being tied up with the gays I feel so sorry for the gays. Yeah. One of my employees is gay. Yeah. And he can't stand it.
Starting point is 02:24:53 Yeah, fuck. Yeah, he hates it. Yeah, it's like, yeah, it's just, it's so, it's bad. Yeah, he's like, I don't need a flag. I don't need, he's like, that's nobody's business, really. And being gay is not a fucking mental health issue. Fucking being a tranny is a fucking mental health issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:14 Abusing kids isn't about being gay. Abusing kids is about abusing kids. And the fact that they tie all that shit together fucking irritates the fuck out of me for those people. Yeah, and that's why they don't want to identify themselves with it whatsoever right they're hiding they're hiding in there right they're bank robbers yeah which sucks because they work so hard yeah they were exactly yeah yeah i'm perfectly okay with the gay games and all that like gay gay it up i'm happy
Starting point is 02:25:39 with i'm with you have no problem with i don't mind gay month in San Francisco or whatever. Gay it up. Fuck all the other mothers. Also, Danielle's mom's boobs are huge. I was really close to her several times this weekend. Thank you for validating that. I feel validated by that. 100%. You did notice them?
Starting point is 02:26:03 100%. You can't not notice that. Yeah. Okay, good. Okay. A hundred percent. And you did notice them? A hundred percent. Uh, you, you can't not notice them. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Isn't it weird that it took me, like, it took me so long to realize that's why Danielle's, I just, when, when, if, I don't know if Ortega actually filmed it, but that video of Danielle the other day, and then someone telling me in the same 24 hour period that that danielle's mom's boobs are huge i just made the connection yeah danielle's awesome by the way like um rad had this you know they parked the van on top of the parking garage and did like selling shoes and stuff out of the van and danielle's like up there just talking to people you know i don't i can't i can't i can't i can't get on the daniel brandon's awesome sorry not until she comes back on the show i have her in purgatory yeah she's like a bad little kid and i and i have her on time out maybe she has you on time out she don't fucking have me on yeah i think
Starting point is 02:26:57 i think she's got you on time out but i mean i don't really know a lot of other people that do that you know because you were talking about brands with the personal relationship oh yeah well that that's awesome that she stands up for i mean she was just hanging out up there yeah that's awesome but listen listen uh who do you think it's who do you think is suffering more me or her by her not coming on the show i think she's like i think a little piece of her is dying inside maybe i don't go ahead say it i think i'm wrong say it go ahead it's okay just be like no seve she's not she's perfectly i think she's i think she i think she's fine but
Starting point is 02:27:42 i think you guys need each other i think she needs to come back I think you guys need each other. I think she needs to come back. I think you guys need to make up. I really wanted to make up with Danny Spiegel at the Carson. I've not said this out loud yet. I really wanted to make up with her. I really, not that, she was standing so close to me. And when Dylan Lohan started chanting, I mean, she was like, I could have reached out and touched her.
Starting point is 02:28:03 And Dylan Lohan, Ariel's husband's husband was there and he starts chanting, hug, hug, hug. And I was like, Oh shit, I'm going to fucking hug her. Why didn't you do that?
Starting point is 02:28:14 She, she wouldn't even look at me. I was like, I might as well have just been like dirt on the floor. I mean, she wasn't rude to me at all. No, I mean,
Starting point is 02:28:21 well, she said you looked like you were homeless, right? So I know, but homeless i've got a haircut since then i don't even look homeless anymore but but i said she was not invited she was not mean to me at all but uh and she didn't even bad and she didn't even bad vibe me you know what i mean there was like just it was just like nothing she was really good at that yeah it was cool. But, whatever.
Starting point is 02:28:47 Make up with Danielle, not Spiegel. No, I want to make up with I want to have some friends that are like, I would love to have Spiegel as a friend. It would be fucking weird. I like weird, uncomfortable shit.
Starting point is 02:29:02 I don't know. I go back and forth on her. She just, I don't know. I have a forth on her she just I don't know I have a daughter and she is not someone that I would ever be like hey why don't you look up to this girl like Danielle is a much better option everyone needs friends
Starting point is 02:29:18 what do you think this is this says it's a call from power athlete I wonder Savon what's happening oh shit oh wow wow but that was anyway i just want to call and let you know that's really weird i haven't heard from him in years yeah he was in the documentary every second counts wow call him back yeah
Starting point is 02:29:47 shit that's exciting i haven't talked to him in 10 years call him back but i just want to let you know that there's a lot of girls out there that listen to you and they love taylor i like and so some of the girls in the comments that are sensitive just need to get over it i don't know what to tell you. Why did you go to the semifinals? I've been in CrossFit involved since 2012, and it's close. It's like a three-and-a-half-hour drive. And one of my employees is a really big fan of CrossFit,
Starting point is 02:30:21 and so I just wanted to take her so she could experience semifinals and something to do. Support the athletes, support the, you know. Who did you go with? Hopefully they don't go in the hole on that event. I don't know if they got the turnout that they wanted. One of my employees. I took her.
Starting point is 02:30:43 Is she a CrossFitter also? She is. Are you single? No, I'm married. Oh, and you have kids? Yeah, I have two kids. Why didn't you bring your kids? Sorry, I didn't mean to ask that with an accusatory tone.
Starting point is 02:31:03 Why didn't you bring your kids? Or did you think about bringing your kids? It's like, God, I don't know how to ask that with an accusatory tone. Why didn't you bring your kids? Or did you think about bringing your kids? It's like, God, I don't know how to ask that without judging you. Sorry. No, my husband stayed home with our kids. We own a gymnastics facility and we travel a lot for competitive gymnastics. So I'm usually home with the kids all the time and he's traveling. So we just kind of switched.
Starting point is 02:31:24 How old are your kids? Eight and six. Oh, okay. Next year, maybe next year, nine and seven. Yeah, I just, my son would not, there's no way he would not make it through that. I don't know how Travis Mayer's kids lasted the whole time. They were running around a lot. There's kids lasted the whole time.
Starting point is 02:31:44 They were running around a lot. My oldest son wants to come so fucking bad and help me film to an event. And he's nine. And I just don't think he can make it the whole day. Like I want to bring him to. Yeah. But like, I can't have any distractions. You know what I mean? Like, like what if like he falls down or he gets lost or he shits his pants?
Starting point is 02:32:04 What if like, what if me and Daniel Brand or what if me and Danny Spiegel are just about to make up or he shits his pants? What if like, what if me and Daniel brand or what if me and Danny Spiegel are just about to make up and he shits his pants and I lose that opportunity. Cause I'm in the bathroom wiping his ass. You still wipe his ass. Occasionally. If he shit his pants, I'd for sure wipe his ass. If he has a running poop,
Starting point is 02:32:20 he'll call me in. You know what I mean? Oh yeah. Yeah. I understand. Yeah. I would wait till he was older i mean at least give him like a morning you don't wipe your six-year-old's ass anymore it's completely done um it's super rare you're a good mom i do all i do all sorts of helicopter and shit i still yeah i don't go in there one of my seven-year-olds isn't even efficient at tying his shoes because i tie his shoes for him that's seven i feel like that's
Starting point is 02:32:52 a skill though that has to be learned i mean i guess i don't know if wiping your ass is a skill you need a lot of reputation a lot of finger dexterity because i always fucking baby him and i always do it he hasn't uh cultivated it yeah you just have to tell him now i'm not doing it anymore but i want to do it but i want to do it just get him crocs then you know just a shitty parent i'm thinking about myself and not don't get him crocs fuck no i just say a little bit fuck no i put my kid in a fucking dress before I put him in Crocs when I see Crocs I just think straight fucking you don't even know dude
Starting point is 02:33:32 they're so good they're the worst what's even better than Crocs is Birkenstocks you just slide your feet on in there and you just walk around in them all day and they're comfortable as fuck and then you can traverse any terrain of any sort they're so good i don't want any shoe where i feel like i have to hold it on it's like fuck you your job's to
Starting point is 02:33:56 stay on my foot well then you put it in sport mode about that sport mode Sport mode. Put it on down. Hey, I'm going to start calling Crocs cucks. Oh, my God. Yeah, they're really bad. I would rather wear a pair of Crocs, though, than a pair of rads. I'll tell you that. I'd totally wear Crocs. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 02:34:19 Oh, my God. They're comfortable, but you had a wide foot. Yeah, you got fucking gorilla feet. Don't tell your husband, but that turned me on when I heard you say that. When I heard a woman say you have a wide foot. I don't know. Well, I'm assuming since you walk around bare feet all the time, your feet are not going to fit in there. You know who has crazy wide feet too is Taylor.
Starting point is 02:34:39 Taylor's toes, like, you could put a roll of quarters between each toe. He could carry like five rolls of quarters. Dude, his feet toes are like, you could put a roll of quarters between each toe. He could carry, like, five rolls of quarters. Dude, his toes are like this. Wow. Jesus. Good for him. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:55 All right. Well, thanks for calling. The rods are comfy. Thanks for calling. Yeah. Yeah, no problem. You're a positive force in the universe. Great voice.
Starting point is 02:35:01 Okay. Hey, are you a Christian? Am I a Christian? great voice okay hey are you christian am i a christian um i am not like a hmm not a practice i don't go to church oh okay i yeah yeah i don't like force it on my kids or anything like that but we you know a lot of our values i would say are christian values right yeah all right i'll leave you alone thank you okay you're welcome okay bye okay bye I would say are Christian values. Right. Yeah. All right. Fair enough. I'll leave you alone.
Starting point is 02:35:26 Thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Bye. Okay. Bye. Bye. So weird when girls call in. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:35:35 it is weird. Just so much better for the show. It changes the whole mood of the show. Big time. God, it's so good for the show. Jesus Christ. Oh,
Starting point is 02:35:47 this might be some more beaver calling. This is crazy. How about the fact that she confirmed that Danielle's mom's tits were huge? Love that. I love that. I love that. Call her. Hi.
Starting point is 02:35:57 Hey, what's going on, Savan? Hey, what's up, girl? Just want to thank you for all the awesome content since quarterfin quarterfinals i've been loving it oh thank you it's been a huge uh yeah it's been an awesome like breath of fresh air because we've kind of been able to see stuff in between uh you know the games every year and it's just been awesome i actually got to meet uh jason hop and Dallin Pepper right after quarterfinals. They came up to Long Island and had a meet and greet at the new tier store. And that was right after quarterfinals. So it was just nice to chat with them. And I told them the same thing. It was just nice for them to put themselves out there and get some extra content out. And Semivitals has been awesome.
Starting point is 02:36:39 There's actually a tier store? Like tier has a location? Yeah. I had no idea. There's actually a tier store. Tier has a location. Yeah. I had no idea. Yeah, it's been there just shy of a year.
Starting point is 02:36:53 And it was one of those awesome, like the heavens opened. I heard angels singing moments when I saw them building the store in the mall because I happen to love tier and they sponsor Alexis and I'm a huge Alexis Raptors fan. Oh, isn't she great? Glad they came out. Isn't she great? Glad they came out. Isn't she great? Yeah, oddly enough, she's amazing. And I'm so happy she's been doing well the last couple of years. And I'm actually best friends with her cousin. And it was a very small world moment because she came up with Jason and Dallin.
Starting point is 02:37:19 And she was super cool. And it was very surreal because I was like, you know, I asked her my question at the Q&A. She goes, wait, you're Leah. And like I was blown away. And like her cousin told her that I was coming up and she just bear hugged me. And it was so cool. And she's awesome. And I brought my 10-year-old daughter with.
Starting point is 02:37:41 And I actually wanted to call to talk about Caitlin Clark, if that's okay. Yeah, let me ask you one question about meeting Jason Hop hopper was he very touchy-feely with you he was very um charismatic because there was like a group of us and we were kind of nervous to be there because here had their cameras out and he was like the last one to show up and he came out with his cameras like this is for my video blog and he kind of broke cameras out and he was like the last one to show up. And he came out with his cameras. Like this is for my video blog. And he kind of broke the ice and he was super cool. And did he, did he put his arm around you or anything? Uh,
Starting point is 02:38:13 no, I just, I would've, he's so touchy feely. That's why I asked. I mean, anytime I'm around him, it's like,
Starting point is 02:38:21 and he's heavy and he's big. He's like, he's big. He's like a panda bear right yeah he can't keep his he can't keep his fucking hands off me and like part of me likes it but another part of me it feels like i could get hurt on accident yeah he's just toying with you yeah like he could just like i mean he's a fuck it's a lot of man he could throw you and yeah he was he was great though he was great yeah great. Yeah, okay. And Dallin was super cool, too. Dallin was shooting the breeze with my daughter,
Starting point is 02:38:49 talking about his younger sister, and they were just chatting it up. It was just great. It was great. They're such good dudes, man. They really are, and I'm super pumped for Alexis. I had her top three for the semifinals, and I'm so impressed. She had to do for the semifinals and she just like,
Starting point is 02:39:06 I'm so impressed. She had to do all the day two in the second to last heat. And that's just super impressive. So props to her. Okay. Tell me about her. Tell me about Caitlin. Oh man.
Starting point is 02:39:21 So my good friend just took her daughter to see a Liberty game here in New York. Is she on the Liberty team? Is that her team? maybe i think so because her daughter's like a i'm not sure but her daughter's like like an uber kaylin clark fan okay um and she's young too and uh i was yeah there you go and it was really sad because my friend who went said that a lot of the African-American spectators around them were really saying some awful racist things like in like throughout the entire game. And she had her daughter with her. And the jealousy is just so bad. It's just so bad. And it's really sad. It's really sad for women's sports. Yeah, it's unfortunate. bad and it's really sad it's really sad for women's sports yeah it's unfortunate it's it's bizarre right yeah i i i really i i'm happy that a lot of the the male athletes out
Starting point is 02:40:15 there are speaking up about it because it i mean it's sad because it makes women look really petty first of all you guys are are. What the heck? I don't have a lot of friends who are girls and I think this is why because I just get along better with guys because I can't handle any of that trash, garbage, jealousy stuff. I really don't have time
Starting point is 02:40:38 for it. So I'm glad a lot of the... Shaq has spoken out about it. Charles Barkley has spoken out about it. I love the clip that you played before at the beginning of the show. It's like, come on guys, let's just, let's just like have our sport.
Starting point is 02:40:52 Hey, listen to this. All of a sudden you're flying around and like private jets all of a sudden. Like, why do you think that is? The thing, listen to this,
Starting point is 02:41:00 a talking head spoke up, including NBA star, Dramon green, who carries his own reputation for physical play that tends to push or cross the boundary. Green commented that the fever better go get an enforcer, meaning that some of I think that means that some of her teammates should start protecting her. There's some respect to comment like that if the interpretation is that Carter believes the idea of Clark's needing an enforcer is invalid. Sorry, go ahead. Listen, her teammates, it needs to come from the top down.
Starting point is 02:41:31 It needs to come from their administrators, their owners. Oh, those woke motherfuckers are afraid of anyone with dark skin. They're fucking terrified. It's really sad. It's really, really sad. I mean, I live in New York and it's just, I have to like, I'm bouncing around on ideas, but like, I happened to be in a healthcare facility the other day. Are you black? Are you black? No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm Mediterranean. I'm Mediterranean. Middle Eastern. You're Middle Eastern basically. Are you Middle Eastern?
Starting point is 02:42:04 I'm Greek. Oh, no, you're not Middle Eastern. Sorry, you actually are Mediterranean. My bad. Yeah. But yeah, I was in a healthcare facility, huge pride flag, and I'm just like, well, did you have your American flag up during Memorial Day? Because I didn't see that last week. Yeah. And they've got crickets, nothing to say. and I'm in the healthcare. I'm in the healthcare. You know, I'm in healthcare myself. Like, I'm like ready to like graduate to become a registered nurse in December.
Starting point is 02:42:36 It's like, you think we're going to turn people away? Like, you need a flag to tell people they need to come here if they're sick? Come on. Just like come and we'll take care of whoever. Come on. What's crazy, too, is that sport will be dominated by black people, basketball. And the fact that they can get someone in there that draws more money to them at the end of the day would just be more money for everyone. Right. And so it's it's it's just short sighted.
Starting point is 02:43:00 I yeah, it's just short sighted. Hey, can you can you drive drive can you are you a good driver yeah you parallel park yep you know you don't can can you are you like come you don't like do you death grip the steering wheel i i mean i i'm not originally from new york city i grew up upstate and i we drive you know i'm I'm driving my mom's minivan right now. We grew up driving trucks, so we're not afraid to do it. Can you drive with your knee while texting? And yelling at your kids in the back?
Starting point is 02:43:34 Heck yeah. Okay, all right, fine, fuck it. All right, you're good. Will Branstetter is saying that women who call this show can drive. And I'm just, yeah, like, all right. You can drive when you are capable. Oh, I'm not driving right now. I'm not driving right now. I'm home, so. But you're capable of, like, driving with your knee and yelling at your, yeah, like, all right. You can't drive. You are. I'm not driving right now. I'm not driving right now.
Starting point is 02:43:45 I'm home. So, but, but you, you're capable of like driving with your knee and yelling at your kids and like shit like that. Oh, moms are, we're, we're multitaskers. We got it. Yeah. All right. Like if your phone, if you're driving and your phone were to drop into the, into the
Starting point is 02:43:59 well of the passenger seat, you'd have no problem leaning over and grabbing it. seat you'd have no problem leaning over and grabbing it um with my kids in the car i think i'd probably be responsible and wait till i'm at a red light oh fair enough okay good wow that was iq i feel you are fair enough yeah all right yeah yeah and keep taylor on the show by the way too he's cool oh he's so great. He's wearing his Trump hat. Listen, I'm up in New York. I see people wearing a Trump hat. Bring it on because New York is suffering right now. Bring it on.
Starting point is 02:44:32 We need as much help as we can get. Hey, and there's highs and lows. The show can only go as high as it can go low. And so we definitely keep it to that. Never even once thought about, about like i've never even considered like not or putting never the only time i asked taylor like hey um uh i said hey when you do the live shows at the west coast classic can you please talk like they're seven year olds in the audience and he goes of course you fucking idiot what do you think i am stupid i was like sorry
Starting point is 02:45:03 that's it yeah and i like and i and i watch when i know i've got my earbuds in or my kids are you know already in bed i'm and i'm i'm just picking shoes and that's it yeah but the content's awesome and it's just a man i thought he was gonna die when he felt that one boxed up in quarterfinals i literally thought he was gonna go into cardiac arrest i was so terrified holy crap hey you and the other caller are the only two callers who ever called the show where the comments aren't filling up with hang up on them this show is so sexist anytime a woman calls yeah this show is sexist it favors people want me to get off or they're cool they're cool no one said hang up on you or oh but usually usually if someone calls in like 20 comments, before they even say hi, the comments pour in hang up.
Starting point is 02:45:49 Oh, wow. Yeah, geez. Louise says it's because she's a woman. Total sexist show. Oh, Stephen Flores, she has a beautiful voice. Yeah. She does. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:58 Oh, man. And I'm getting over a bad cold, too. So I appreciate that. Thank you. Yeah. Oh, dudes like sick women. They can't get away from them we love a sick woman oh cool awesome it's like it's like it's like an injured a prey
Starting point is 02:46:10 you guys are the best i appreciate it thanks for the time all right thank you for calling bye okay bye all right have a good day bye gotta go uh dumbbell snatch later today all right have a good workout. Peace and love. Thank you. Take care. Bye. I don't like, I don't like prolonged goodbyes like that.
Starting point is 02:46:32 That was too long. Oh, shit. We're over the 90-minute mark. Way over. Jesus. Oh shit, we're over the 90 minute mark way over Jesus All right, I've said too much today Oh Bull boy
Starting point is 02:47:05 Now y'all grab your new CEO shirts yet. I saw new colors and they're dope. Oh Shit is the training that is the training think tank battle continuing. Oh No Okay, all right is it Yeah, it's over. Oh no. I was talking about the shirts. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. it? Yeah. It's over? Oh, no. I was talking about the shirts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I couldn't believe how many fucking CEO shirts I saw in Carson.
Starting point is 02:47:32 Holy shit. Someone told me they counted 43 at 43 at Knoxville Syndicate Crown. Y'all grab your new CEO shirts yet? I saw new colors on their dope. Pull boy, you da man. Pull boy, you da man.
Starting point is 02:47:52 I have this purple one, but with that king card on the back or whatever. I like that one too. Yeah, I love the king card one. The relaxed fit is such a better fit for me. I wonder which king card one. The relaxed fit is such a better fit for me. I wonder which one I got. Sevan, I was late, but Alexis Raptus looked great. She is leaned out and looking more fit than ever.
Starting point is 02:48:18 She's a stud. I can't believe she's not married. She's a fucking stud. I don't want to go, but have to sorry guys i gotta piss okay um i'll see you guys later on today i gotta do dave castro week in review i'm not sure when maybe it'll be late night thank you kenneth for the uh heads up uh frodo i'm glad i didn't uh buy a shirt at the syndicate crown. Thank you Kenneth for the heads up Frodo I'm glad I didn't buy a shirt at the syndicate crown now. I have money for the new CEO shirt I'm gonna get off this show and chug a
Starting point is 02:48:57 Fit aid I Have a whole fridge full of fit aids You have the creatine ones or the regular of all of them. I They they sent me like the five cases of fucking FidAid. No shit. Yeah. Okay. And usually I would only buy one can at a time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:16 I can only get the creatine ones at my affiliate. So I have to like get them from my gym every time I want one. I like the white can with the gold writing. I don't know why. I'm just such a sucker for that fucking can. The black one? The black one is the one that has sugar and the white one is the sugar-free version.
Starting point is 02:49:35 Oh. But I've been having like a FitAid every day now. It's like, it's out of control how is fit aid still in business it just seems like they send out free shit it's a good question they're local they're a local town look at i love fit aid they've sponsored me since college they're the best no shit damn that's cool yes they just send out free shit maybe they're like maybe they're the best no shit damn that's cool yes they just send out free shit maybe maybe they're a money laundering operation oh could be on to something hey um uh oh uh john george i order two cases of fit month. Oh my God, that's a gnarly habit.
Starting point is 02:50:26 Twelve? Do you want to go to the bathroom, Caleb? Yeah, I'm going to go pee. Okay, go pee. I'll be here. Hey dude, what's up? Hey, what's up, man? It's Travis Broth again. Travis, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 02:50:40 Thanks for having me on the show this morning. Hey, that's right. Travis. Oh yeah, hi. what's up dude thanks for having me on the show this morning hey that's right this morning thanks so much travis oh yeah hi hey whoa you sound just like me this is crazy how are you doing that hey that was fun that was fun meeting you and doing the um that was awesome meeting you and doing these shows uh where we looked at uh taylor that was fun because i'm all alone here yeah you're pretty great i watch it with my kids but it was fun watching it with you and doing these shows where we looked at Taylor. That was fun. Because I'm all alone here watching. Yeah, you're pretty great. I watch it with my kids, but it was fun watching it with you and John. I enjoyed that.
Starting point is 02:51:09 I felt like, how old are you? I felt like I was just hanging out with the college boys. Oh, I'm 12. Okay, yeah. I felt like I was hanging out with my 12-year-old buddies. Heck yeah, man. Think we did a good job, me and John? You think Spin will have us back?
Starting point is 02:51:23 I only, because when you guys weren't on, when I wasn't on with you, I don't know what I was doing. I was probably watching it with no sound in the living room with my kids. But when you guys were on, I thought you guys were great. I mean, you're on top of your shit. I didn't realize, how do you know so much? Are you like, are you like a geek like John? Are you total CrossFit? You maybe even seem like you know more.
Starting point is 02:51:43 Way more of a geek. I don't do anything else. I just watch coverage. Okay. 24-7. Okay. a geek like john are you total crossfit you maybe even seem like you know more way more of a geek i don't do anything else i just watch coverage okay 24 7 okay so you do you know even more than john you think yeah tell him that please okay get mad at me okay but you do i mean lots of people know more than john he's just he's a good blend of like knowing shit and being able and being good at presenting it and having hot take he He's just he's just good. I don't know. He's just good.
Starting point is 02:52:07 Yeah. I think there's a common agreement to make him seem like he knows more than he actually does. Yeah. Because, you know. Well said. Yeah. I like totally. Totally.
Starting point is 02:52:17 Just like. Hey, I like that with everyone on the show. We try to make Taylor seem better than he is. And we may try to make John seem like he knows more. Exactly. It's like the white trash king and we try to make it and we try to make it look like we have more listeners than we actually do i love it yeah it's a whole yeah beautiful god it's beautiful hey is there a uh ca peptide that'll make my voice deeper a uh ca pet side that'll make my voice deeper uh cjc 1295 i don't know i just made that up i just made i just made that up i don't know oh damn it you don't even really have that high of a voice you don't have that high of a voice it was just when the first time i heard your voice
Starting point is 02:53:00 it was i freak i don't know if you were on with john or hill or someone but whoever's voice you were on with was so fucking deep that it just made me think yours was high yeah i get that a lot oh then maybe you do have a high voice maybe i'm wrong puberty is coming i can feel it did you have fun so much fun man yeah like i said i didn't do anything i don't do anything else so do you have fun? So much fun, man. Like I said, I don't do anything else. Do you have a day job? Or do you live at home with your parents? I'd like to not talk about that. Okay, fine. I understand.
Starting point is 02:53:34 That's okay. No, that's fine. I lived at home until I was 32. Hey, once you reach a certain age, you can say your parents live with you. You don't have to say you live with them. It's like 30. Solid, right? I started using that. Yeah, that's solid, right? God, you don't have to say you live with them. It's like 30. Solid, right? Yeah, that's solid, right?
Starting point is 02:53:48 God, you're so smart. Thank you. Been around the block. Like a Buddha. Look at you. You're just full of the flattery today. God, I'm going to have to have you on the show soon. That's what I was trying to get at. This is amazing.
Starting point is 02:54:03 Thank you. trying to get at. This is amazing. Alright, back to my 24-7 obsession with CrossFit. Thanks for listening. Yeah, good hearing your voice, buddy. Peace out. Bye, peace. Travis Brault, is that his last name?
Starting point is 02:54:23 Yeah. Graciano Rubioio pulling John Ranked as the number one sports documentary of all time. Holy shit. What is going on? No one ever calls. What are you guys doing? Caller, hi. What up, buddy? Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, so
Starting point is 02:54:39 I was looking forward to the Trump hat coming out and I never saw anything on the on the broadcast but i'm curious if anyone reacted like they never addressed it but was there any reaction to the trump hat there was an event where he was on i think it was there there was an event where he was on a bike and they put the camera right behind him sorry i had to sniffle they put the camera right behind him. Sorry, I had to sniffle. They put the camera right behind him and you could see a CEO shirt and Trump hat.
Starting point is 02:55:12 Someone needs to find that and clip that for me. It was dope. Like they didn't avoid. I don't think they avoided it at all. It was on the broadcast. Yeah, I think I don't think I mean, maybe I'm just naive. I don't think they avoided Taylor at all. I just think it was a shitty broadcast, like just shitty camera work. Yeah, I would give uh sean i don't know if sean if i don't know if sean and adrian watched the i think they watched the tv they don't actually watch the live event i think
Starting point is 02:55:34 they watch a screen so that kind of fucks them up i thought they were good for the most part but um man the the filming was atrocious atrocious i mean what's new right but um yeah so and then this is kind of a discussion topic but i'm curious your take on this like i feel like i've been doing cross cross it for like probably a decade and i feel like every gym i go to regardless of the city it's a very high percentage of conservative christians do crossfit and especially at the elite level, too. I'm curious why you think that is. So, take this with a grain of salt, okay? So, to work out, you have to believe in personal accountability and personal responsibility.
Starting point is 02:56:27 And that's the core tenets of working out, right? You know, you somewhere inside of you, you know, like I there's a lot of things I can do for you. I can't do 100 burpees and give you 50. And that's kind of the that's the ideological way of basically liberals and people who don't have values they think that they have values but their values are basically on the premise that they think that they're better than other people they can help other people and and that's why like you know all the and i'm not trying to be mean at all but that's why all the number like liberals take a like a significant amount more of psychiatric drugs.
Starting point is 02:57:07 They're significantly more unhappy than conservatives. It's just fitness goes with personal accountability and personal responsibility. And although I'm not a Christian, those people do believe in that, right? They answer to their God and they want to behave for their God and they want to follow their God's rules. And so they hold themselves in general significantly more accountable than than liberals. Liberals just don't hold themselves accountable for shit. And just like they're willing to take away the difference, the biggest difference between liberals and Republicans or libertarians is the fact that liberals believe in taking away individual rights and giving them to groups.
Starting point is 02:57:46 And Republicans believe in individual rights. So Republicans believe that blacks and whites and yellows and browns and whatever, we all have this God given individual rights. And liberals think it's okay to take away some people's individual rights to help other groups. And it's fucked and so that's it crossfit's about person it's hard man it's fucking hard you have to wake up in the morning every day and like you can't go buy mcdonald's and get hash browns in the in a shake in the in the um you know what i mean in the sausage egg mcmuffin you have to fucking open the bag of fucking turkey slices eat those with a cup of water and then uh eat a bag of broccoli as you fucking go to the gym and uh and so i think that's the difference what do you think do you have a do
Starting point is 02:58:31 you have a theory on it yeah you know i i always wonder i think there's definitely the personal accountability side of it um i think when you take when you take health into your own responsibility, that's you saying like, I'm not relying on pharma, doctors, the government to take care of me and my health. That's my own responsibility. And I think that attracts a certain type of person. I think there's a real blue collar mentality that comes along with just like wanting to work hard every day and kill yourself in the gym versus, you know, go to 24 hour fitness, sit on a treadmill for five minutes and read a book. You know, it's, it's just attracts a different type of person. Hey, and along those lines, this is going to be a wild take, but I think also that there's a narcissistic component to CrossFit, and that community comes from the left. So I would argue this is going to – sorry to all my gay buddies, but I would argue that gay men are significant.
Starting point is 02:59:40 Even though they make more money, they're cleaner, they have better bodies, but i would also argue that they're probably significantly more narcissistic and uh and so there's a group of us that do crossfit i mean obviously everyone wants to have a nice body but it's at the end of the day it's like hey you just want to be able to go on a walk you want to be able to get your groceries you want to be able to enjoy your body i mean it's your fucking car out here and only you can do that and yeah love it appreciate all the coverage alright thank you I also think this I think that liberals
Starting point is 03:00:15 that do crossfit will slowly see that and I think physical movement and taking care of yourself sort of starts pushing you towards the awareness, even if it's not explicitly spoken to you, to becoming more conservative. I really do. So when I hear these, like the New York Post says, working out makes you more conservative and people get all defensive. No, I actually, I think it does. I think you start to understand
Starting point is 03:00:39 the tenets of personal responsibility and accountability. And I don't want to say resent, you start resenting people who don't pull their weight, it's like hey i don't need to hear any fat person talk to me about climate change or the environment because i know you're consuming four times as much plastic as me just in the food you eat so it's like yeah it's interesting i can take care of myself i don't need anyone else to take care of me and that mentality comes up. Yeah, you don't need big daddy government taking care of you. Well, sweet. I appreciate it. Thank you. William T., CrossFit is conservative because there are standards
Starting point is 03:01:13 from external authority, not yourself. Fair enough. John George, speaking of camera work, does Dave spend a lot of time making sure the race is showcased and the presentation is spot on yet the broadcast team shits on him by only showing the same one or two listen uh back in the day he was heavily involved in that i do not think he's involved at all anymore i believe that the company is completely siloed into different factions and groups and that it is completely paralyzed and it is probably i've probably i'm guessing is the worst working team
Starting point is 03:01:51 outside of boeing i have to guess that just from just what i know that goes on there and that's not stuff from the dave tells me dave's very protective and he's always been good at compartmentalizing stuff just like he doesn't tell me about his seal shit. But from what I can see, the company's completely paralyzed. The media is basically completely protected under some weird... I don't want to get into it. But something weird is for sure going on. Like, listen. The fact that there were 250 minutes, I'm just making that up,
Starting point is 03:02:29 of dead air time where they kept the live stream going and didn't run commercials for the affiliates and the seminars is, like, I cannot tell you how, I mean, Dave would have, and I would, Dave would have fucking come unhinged if that happened when i was there caller hi yo what's up dude what's up hey first time caller i was hoping you were a girl we were on a roll oh no this is uh my future step and mom uh future mom-in-law mother-in-law mother-in-law her phone plan oh-law? Mother-in-law. Her phone plan. How are you? Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 03:03:07 It's Steven Flores from the chat. Oh, Steven. What's up, dude? What's going on, man? What's up, Beaver? Hi. Share me your deepest thoughts. Stressed. Oh, about what?
Starting point is 03:03:23 Finals this week. Oh, how old are you 29 the finals and what uh physical therapy assistant oh shit we're in in are you studied up are you ready um i think i am but uh i could be more confident yeah i sucked at taking tests i hope you don't have any of that in you no actually i'm a better test taker than I realize. It's just a positive elimination. You know, two answers are usually pretty wrong. One's right and the one's the most right.
Starting point is 03:03:53 All right. But hands-on stuff. But the reason why I'm calling, man, I think I've been watching the show now for like three years. Oh, good. That's a good use of your time. Yeah, yeah. i should be studying go on what's up jeez go on tell me more just wanted to call and just say what's up man oh
Starting point is 03:04:13 thank you for okay for all you've done for us and uh for the shoes those bps are fucking dope yeah they are dope right dude i don't i don't wear as much as i probably should so i still wear my track movements but uh yeah bps are dope hey i don't wear my I don't wear as much as I probably should. I still wear my track movements, but, uh, yeah, BP's are dope. Hey,
Starting point is 03:04:28 I don't wear my, I don't wear mine probably as much as I should too. Cause I have like some other shoes, but, but, but I, I mean, I,
Starting point is 03:04:33 if like here, I'll tell you this, I put on, when I went to, uh, Carson, I wore my Victos because they had a thicker sole and I thought my foot would be more comfortable. And even though that was like two weeks ago, my feet are still sore.
Starting point is 03:04:47 And now I regret it. I wish I were to warn my born primitive. Right. I think one of the other shoes I wear have a, maybe some corns, not like a little callous at the bottom of your foot. Oh, I don't know. Kayla, what are corns? That sounds bunions.
Starting point is 03:04:59 I think my mom had like had stickers. I think women who wear high heel shoes get those. Yep. Exactly. Yeah. But no, dude, but the, the BP's are dope. My feet feel nice. I think my mom had stickers. I think women who wear high-heeled shoes get those. Yep, exactly. Yeah. Nah, dude, but the BP's are dope. My feet feel nice. I used to wear Adidas a long time ago when I was a kid.
Starting point is 03:05:12 Me too. But Nike's over the last 10 years really fucked my feet up. So no more Nike's. Big time. Nike's fucked up. Yeah, man. They fucked me up, dude. I wore them too long for you know Soccer shoes and baseball cleats and whatnot
Starting point is 03:05:29 Oh someone just sent me a A picture of uh Danny Spiegel Oh From behind or from the front Neither Uh from the front is that her shirt Oh she ate tea by danny spiegel yep hey i want to tell you something ready for this steven this will be in the behind the
Starting point is 03:05:54 scenes that comes out ready can't wait dog so as the girls got the girls got in carson after the girls girls, they announced the winners. They're all lined up there, right? All 10 girls or 11 girls and then plus like three more. So there's like 15 girls there. And each of them – Yeah, all the designers are great. Each of them has like a docent run out to them.
Starting point is 03:06:19 And so – and they pair them up with a volunteer. And the volunteers are given like explicit instruction. Stay by your girl. Don't let them eat anything and don't let anyone touch them. And they're going to march them into the drug test room. And as they were marching into the drug test room, Danny Spiegel looks back at the line of girls and goes, we're going to eat a lot after this. Like, all right. All right.
Starting point is 03:06:47 All right. And I guess that's a common trait with the athletes. Like, they reward themselves with eating after the games. Like, that's their treat. I've done that. Yeah. But definitely not to her extent. This shirt's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 03:07:04 She ate. She ate. Hmm. ate hmm oh yeah damn right she did she ate metaphorically speaking she did not but not before the games or during the games just after the games it should say she ate and there should be an asterisk at the bottom after the semi-finals finals hey do you think uh danny eats ass oh my god no here's here's what i someone someone explained it to me the other day it was fucking brilliant so her cohort of dudes what is the definition of simp i think the guy she has a demographic of dudes who like her. And I think a simp. Let me see urban silly or foolish person. She's she attracts like beta men. I think like men who want to be like a man who's overly submissive to females and gains nothing from it.
Starting point is 03:07:57 Yeah, I think she really attracts. Oh, look, she called them what they are. Oh, simps. Yeah. Thank you, Danny. Which is fine I mean I'm not I don't mean that in a derogatory way but I think she's kind of looked up to probably
Starting point is 03:08:13 by like I suspect her following is like dudes who who want to like service like serve her you know what I mean like yeah like she's like she's like the big strong woman like like their moms Abuse them and now they want it they want Danny To fuck them like they it's crossed over
Starting point is 03:08:30 Into some sexual fantasy Right right But yeah those guys are Definitely um what's the way to Put it I think all athletes I think all across the games athletes have hemorrhoids And I bet you Danny has hemorrhoids the size of Like navel oranges I don't think anyone eats ass Any uh I think all CrossFit Games athletes have hemorrhoids And I bet you Danny has hemorrhoids the size of like Naval oranges
Starting point is 03:08:45 I don't think anyone eats ass Any uh CrossFitters have probably the most disgusting buttholes That'd be my guess And I've been around Yeah But uh Alright well I gotta go back to studying It's uh it's gonna be a long uh
Starting point is 03:09:07 it's gonna be a long week who's there with you are you there with your girlfriend no she's at work right now oh i thought i heard someone in the room with you no it's my dog my dog rogue okay i don't have i don't have hemorrhoids i used to have hemorrhoids when i when i when i i used to have hemorrhoids but i don't anymore they're gone i don't have hemorrhoids. I used to have hemorrhoids when I used to have hemorrhoids, but I don't anymore. They're gone. I don't know what happened to them. Have you ever had a hemorrhoid, Steven? No.
Starting point is 03:09:32 It's just massive diarrhea. Yeah, I've had that every day. It feels like a grape is coming out of your butthole. Or like someone glued a marble to the exit of your butthole like you'll reach back there and you'll feel it and there's like you never had one caleb no so unsettling and i guess it's a blown blood vessel it's so unsettling but i but i stopped squatting over 40 pounds and they all went away that makes sense with the food with the food that i eat no need for me to strain my asshole while
Starting point is 03:10:06 pooping yeah oh that's nice yeah but i don't even strain that's the thing i never even strain when i poop i'm a i'm a poop breather like i just take a deep i never push when i poop i just take a deep breath if i'm not careful poop can just fall out of me i gape on command but but squatting for some reason caused me to i think squatting heavy caused me to get a hemorrhoid. You got to do some pelvic floor exercises. Okay. He's a PTA. He'll know.
Starting point is 03:10:34 He'd know. Oh, I had to look, Ken Walters. I had to have a hemorrhoid surgery a few years back. Best surgery ever. No longer have them. Yeah. I think you can get them like snipped off. Hemorrhoid ectomyomy that sounds awful yeah no it's probably it's probably it's the thing it's just
Starting point is 03:10:52 like like i said i think it's just a piece of skin that explodes yeah you're right said you'd be so proud of meeting some uh five scrambled eggs and turkey sausages a cup of coffee and a couple things apples make sure you brush with matuthean i do oh awesome okay i have two two uh things of it already oh and my girlfriend said uh one you look like bill grundle's brother thank you and two matuthean tastes like ass does she know what ass tastes like no no no we don't even know dude yeah um here do you i i like the taste of it no honestly dude me too fuck i love matuthian's like dope maybe i would like to eat danny's ass who knows matuthian do you like eating ass matuthian tagline clip it yeah no i like it uh it feels um
Starting point is 03:11:50 if it it it reminds me that i'm i have libtard roots i really like it it's so funny because my girlfriend will try it like once every like couple weeks just to like yeah because she sees how white how white my teeth are getting and she's like oh maybe i'll try it without telling me she'll walk out of the bathroom and go dude that shit tastes like ass so you're close to her you don't mind her putting her toothbrush in it no i don't i don't care yeah i don't care either we exchange different fluids yeah what about using the same toothbrush as her would you use the same toothbrush as her god no oh so i left my toothbrush in carson and then i used my wife's for like for five days and then all of a sudden i saw a new toothbrush on the counter which means she know which means she knew she knew about yeah and you know what i did she's
Starting point is 03:12:37 like i'm like hey is this new toothbrush mine and she goes yeah and i go you can have it and she goes are you sure i'm like yeah i've been using yours five days you deserve a new one oh god i mean at least i did that right at least i did that yeah yeah but using the metuthium with uh alongside the electronic toothbrush is a fucking game changer oh yeah i haven't done that my kids do that that. My kids use my tooth. You and with the electronic toothbrush. Yeah. Dude. Dude. I feel freaking squeaky clean out of my teeth, man. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:12 All right. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Absolutely. You're good. Thanks so much. We'll,
Starting point is 03:13:17 uh, we'll see you soon. All right. Later. Bye. Good luck. Thank you. Peace and love.
Starting point is 03:13:22 God, Caleb, you're going to be such a good dad. Good luck on your God, you're such a wholesome wholesome. I'm going to it shows you were listening to that's cool. It's stressed. He seems a little stressed out about it. You know,
Starting point is 03:13:35 there's a tough. All right. Oh my God. We're way past the 90 minute mark how was your piss it was good felt nice all right this is one of those that like you drank so much water you just keeps going oh yeah those are fun i really oh fucking hey are you fucking kidding i really like a long p2 i don't take a lot of long p's really no you probably just go frequently throughout the day yeah i go frequently but occasionally like once a day i'll have one that's like really long uh caller hi hi yes i thought you were ending up so i figured i might as well just call in
Starting point is 03:14:19 to keep the streak going a little yeah that's really cool you thank you appreciate it at least you're a girl you know it's cool where are you calling where are you calling from uh minnesota oh wow you don't have that accent oh yeah no we had what's her name on from minnesota um the lady who made the george floyd movie of Minneapolis. Liz Cunningham? Liz Collins. Do you follow her on Instagram? No, I don't think so. Did you see the movie, Fall of Minneapolis? No.
Starting point is 03:14:54 I recommend both of those. Following Liz Collins and watching that movie, Fall of Minneapolis. Were you rooting for Taylor this weekend? Oh, go ahead. I was so rooting for Taylor this weekend? Oh, go ahead. I was so, I was so rooting for Taylor and I thought it would just be cool to tell you that not only am I a female listener, but I'm also probably what you would describe as a lib chart as well. Oh, wow. Nice. Welcome. Thank you. Nice to see you. No wonder I like you so much. And there's a lot that you say that to be honest, maybe frustrates me and things like that.
Starting point is 03:15:27 But I also think that the content and coverage that you put out towards CrossFit is obviously the most genuine in the space. And the opportunity to listen to Taylor break down his semifinal days is so special that maybe don't count all of us out we can engage critically with you know the things that you do and say and still have a lot of appreciation for the work that you put in hell yeah what what what makes you think did you did you vote for hillary uh yeah me too uh did you vote for obama yeah well actually no i'm not super i'm a little younger oh oh okay mentally you voted for obama i get you hey you think yeah aren't you nervous listening to the show that like you're gonna hear something and you're gonna hey are you are both your parents liberal too yeah that's tough me too um aren't you afraid i mean if you crack like what's gonna happen i mean i'm not afraid to be offended i don't mean that but like like there's
Starting point is 03:16:36 i started seeing like cracks in the dam right like so when i was in college i was like yeah fuck yeah affirmative action it's fucking cool like Like, that's awesome. Like there's people, you know, who, who are struggling in life and who didn't have the resources that I had or just, you know, whatever, you know, you know, that all that talk. And then all of a sudden at some point you're like, wait a second. Uh, that's coming at the cost. Like that's coming at the cost like that's coming at the that's coming at the cost of other people not getting in oh my god harvard's actually not letting white dudes in like like at what point are you like like don't you see like on some hand like being liberal that it's like you see something coming over the horizon like oh maybe we've gone too far like this kindness is actually at the expense of hurting other people.
Starting point is 03:17:28 Yeah. And I think one of the most important things is being able to being able to engage critically within your own in group. Yeah. Which is why I like listening to you. I like listening to people that I disagree with, because as as soon as you otherize the other side and you just create that echo chamber chamber for yourself yeah you're just heading in a really bad direction um but I also think to your point of like seeing cracks in the dam yeah I think when you get older you get less radicalized inherently no matter what side of the coin you start on right um So I've definitely experienced that, but I don't know if that's a product of, you know, cracks in the dam or that liberalism
Starting point is 03:18:10 is really, you know, inherently dangerous ideology. I just think you level out and you start allowing other people's perspectives to color your worldview more and more. And I don't know, I think at the end of the day, most of us are going to end up more in the middle than anything else right right how old are you 26 do you have kids yeah you don't sound like you have kids you sound pretty free yeah do you have a boyfriend I do do. Yep. Do you guys see eye to eye on most things? We do. He's also Canadian, though. Oh, perfect. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 03:18:57 God, I love you. God, I love you. You're amazing. Wow. Hey, does he still live over there? No, he's been in the States for a long time, but he's still a Canadian citizen. Okay, listen, listen. I'm not going to try to convince you of anything other than this.
Starting point is 03:19:13 You want to be filthy rich. Okay, that's it. Just remember that. Do not feel guilty. Like, you can do so much with money. You want to be filthy rich. Yeah. Just get rich, get rich or die trying. It's so fun. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you. All right. Love you. Thanks for calling in. Love you too. Bye. Bye. You're a good dude. All right. Fuck this. Uh,
Starting point is 03:19:41 love you guys. I'll be back with a week in review. We can review. Bye-bye.

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