The Sevan Podcast - Jack Della Maddalena | On the Warpath

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:10 Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's the Savan Podcast Show. It's the Saban Podcast Show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's the Saban Podcast Show. Bam. We're live. Good evening. Do I have the right audio pick? No, of course not. There we go. Speaker on. Hey, guys, what's up? Kenneth DeLapp. Asymmetric years. This dude, asymmetric years. This dude got KO'd in his first fight, submitted in his second. Both losses eight years ago. He's now won 17. He has now won 17 in a row. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Crazy, crazy, crazy. He's in Australia. We had a little scheduling conflict I thought we were going on two hours ago And I had to move it at the last minute Move the show This is going to be one of those ones It's a shame that the audience can't appreciate this
Starting point is 00:01:56 Rambler, what's up? Good to see you Omar, what's up? This guy is a beast After losing his first two fights, I mean, his coach got together and said, let's win the next 10. He said, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And they did it. I want to say I had him on right after that. I heard that story. I heard that story about losing his first two and then getting his next 10. And I want to say when he won his 10th fight, that's when i was like oh shit uh jack de la madalena uh mercy fucking the sevan podcast really nice of him he's big time now
Starting point is 00:02:33 dude what's up brother uh-oh good man i haven't chatted for a while. Yeah. Am I stuttery? How's the connection? You seem a little stuttery to me. Really? Unless you've got a speech impediment. Yeah, unless you've got a speech impediment. Then I apologize. I have one of those.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Is that sounding all right? Yeah, it's good. It's good. Is that better? Let me know. I'm outside of the moment. I can? Yeah, it's good. It's good. Is that better? Let me know. I'm outside of the moment. I can move inside if it's starting to make noise. I think you should.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Could we try that? Yep. Although it looks beautiful out there. It's a good day. Let me move you in. Fabian Guerrero, Seve, you look jacked today. You know what I did right before the show? Because I thought we were supposed to go on two hours ago, and I fucked the time up.
Starting point is 00:03:30 So I went in the garage, and I did really slow dumbbell snatches. Because I figured that would get my biceps looking big, get my shoulders all puffed up. So I'd look good. What's that? Crazy. I just watched an interview that Jack did with Brett Akimoto. Look it. Look it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 There's one. There's one. Let's go. JDM. Somebody knows. Yeah. Hey, I saw you with Jay Crouch on his Instagram. That was like a year ago, right?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah, probably a year ago. It was definitely last year at some point. He came down here. How did you do it? We're both sponsored by a similar brand, True Protein. So just the connection through that. I think he was in Perth for – he's over on the East Coast, but he was in Perth for some sort of CrossFit event.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I think he was commentating or judging. I'm not he's dope i'm a huge fan he's been on the show a handful of times he's great we've watched him like blossom on this show he's he's awesome all right he's killing it killing it yeah and and a good dude yeah the first time i've ever met him he's cool dude did some he did some uh trained like some mma training with me which was fun yeah how was how was that does this crossfit fitness uh was he able to parlay that into any any combat skills it's in boxing i mean it's hard with like as it's such that it was it's hard if you're not smooth fluid with the movement obviously anything's gonna to be difficult. But he got it pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know, he's obviously a fit guy, and he's well-rounded. So he'd pick it up pretty quick. I think it was the first time he'd ever done it, and he's looking good. Hey, Jack, when you did that interview with ESPN with Brett Okamoto, were you surprised at his questioning at all? Like it was – that was like the first time I've seen like someone interview an MMA fighter that wasn't like kind of a – it wasn't a cheese dick interview. Like he was like talking to you. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, I think that was the first time I've ever spoke to him. I can't really remember it, but I thought it was pretty cool. I think it was pretty recent and, yeah, he was cool. I like him. It was a pretty – yeah. It was probably i like him it's a pretty yeah it was probably yeah definitely it was probably one of the better interviews i've done some of them can be a bit bit shit yeah well i mean i mean just kind of like redundant right yeah redundant and he was kind of like digging in yeah no he's it was good hey um with your success are you getting soft at
Starting point is 00:06:03 all not really my arm is i broke my arm last fight so i think my bones are getting softer with the success but it could be but not you i don't think so i have got my second kid on the way so that might soften me up a little bit but i still feel relatively relatively strong your kid is your wife is beautiful and your kid is beautiful what a spitting image of you man yeah he looks very much like me he's got the ginger hair and he's very similar to me he's pretty yeah he's he's got energy you know he's running around enjoying life which is good to see you how many kids yeah it's three wow three boys it's so fun so fun i got a second sort of hoping for another boy when will you find out on the day i think four or five weeks, so not long.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then it'll come out and then you'll just look. Yeah, that's it. Don't they know already? Do they know already? Did they look inside already? You can find out. I think you can find out like 10 weeks or something, right? Really early.
Starting point is 00:07:22 But you didn't do that. Yeah, I think the surprise is cool we kept out my first son as a surprise and it was a pretty cool surprise just to see him come out and it's an exciting part i reckon and your dad and your brother and your and your mom must be just stoked yeah they're excited my brother just had his third yeah they're excited my brother just had his third so your younger brother older brother older two years old right yeah he's got three so yeah a lot of grandkids running around which is cool and they're all pretty similar age my wife had a meniscus surgery on her knee
Starting point is 00:08:01 and she and she got a really bad infection and it got so bad that they talked about amputating it and crazy right and i saw your infection and i saw you had the pick in with the machine pumping the antibiotics are you are you freaking out at all or do you still have that in yeah still got that in? Yeah, I still got it in. The nurse comes once a day and changes my antibiotics, which is, yeah, it's pretty, it's not ideal. But yeah, it's just like somehow the infection just got worse.
Starting point is 00:08:41 So the point where it got down to the bone, it's called osteomyelitis, so it's just a bone infection. Just unlucky, you know, I don't know like how how it happens but they seem to not really understand it either but it's happened so just getting the uh i had my last surgery like three weeks ago and hopefully hopefully that's it hopefully the bone starts to heal hopefully the antibiotics are doing their job and get it back pretty strong but yeah it was boring it was just annoying are how are you now around it are you freaked out at all i mean you look fucking great you don't look like you have an infection yeah i feel good that's the weird thing like i never had like fevers or anything like what they say is like the usual uh symptoms like fevers and
Starting point is 00:09:27 what they say is like the usual uh symptoms like fevers and she had crazy fevers she had crazy fevers yeah what is she all right now what happened yeah she's all right it's been years basically they went in they did a surgery they cut out it they said that exactly like what they told you they have no idea what it is she her doctor kind of abandoned her she went to stanford which is like the big fancy hospital in California, and they cut out a chunk of flesh like the size of a roll of dimes, and they removed that, and they said, hey, man, if this doesn't work, shit's weird. And it healed up, and she got kind of like a yellow stain on her skin
Starting point is 00:09:59 like eight years later where it was. But it's good. The knee's good. Wow, yeah. Yeah, it was. But it's good. The knee's good. Wow, yeah. Yeah, it's crazy how it can happen. They say it's always obviously a risk having surgery can get infection, but somehow, yeah, happened to me as well. Pretty annoying. They never really talked about amputating,
Starting point is 00:10:20 but I guess if the bone doesn't kick the infection, that's probably the next step but but no one's on the right track nah nah no one said that to me so and how many doctors have you seen my just sort of the same the same one i've been seeing the orthopedic surgeon that did the original surgery and then he's just been talking to some infectious disease guys but really the same one i never went to get a uh another opinion but hopefully yeah hopefully i mean if it if it flares up again then i probably have to go check someone out but it seems we're on the right track to recovery hopefully and i heard in an interview that you did that prior to a week before the fight you had a staph infection uh you basically were limping when you
Starting point is 00:11:14 got on the plane to fight gilbert burns um you were on antibiotics and and you did the fight anyway yeah it was like two weeks before we were leaving like yeah probably just under two weeks before the fight yeah just my knee had flared up had a staph infection so i was taking antibiotics just to sort of kick it i did a week of antibiotics before uh two pretty much two weeks before the fight and then just cut it out a week before and then it seemed it seemed to get rid of it but i think that could have been the uh the issue of maybe got my arm a bit flared up i think sometimes i say the bacteria becomes resistant to certain uh antibiotics and can
Starting point is 00:11:56 sneak in that way i have i think i have a picture of the uh i think i have a picture of the bone and you and from all the interviews I've seen, you didn't even know your bone was broken during the fight. And to this day, you still don't know when it happened? No, I still don't know. Still really not sure. I have my suspicions of when it happened, just looking back. But no, I didn't really notice it at all.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Until literally as soon as the fight was over then i could really it's really started to sink in and it's pretty sore after that and then you flew home but yeah see how there's a little yeah flew home the following night just with on some painkillers and a couple of glasses of wine got me through. What were you going to say about that? Yeah, that is, see that little triangle bit, like the hanging bit there. Yeah, they reckon that might have been that bit. They removed that part in the final surgery, got rid of that.
Starting point is 00:13:03 They think that part was dead and that part could have been the infected bit okay so they did cut something out of me like they did my like they did my wife yeah that they're just that little triangle fragment bit they that part they reckon was completely dead and sometimes if it's the bone is dead then that could be the source of the infection so they just removed that part. So, yeah, got a plate in the down. Then hopefully it just – Have you ever broken that arm before?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Just a couple of bones. Nah, never. First one. So it was a fresh one. Crazy, dude. Crazy, crazy, crazy. And the fight was against Gilbert Burns, who is the only guy to put it to the boogeyman.
Starting point is 00:13:53 He's the only guy that fucking stood in the ring with Hamzat and brawled with Hamzat, which is crazy, right? That fight was before your fight with him? Yeah. Yeah, that was a few fights before yeah I had a crazy three round fight with Gilbert it was a really entertaining fight
Starting point is 00:14:16 so yeah I remember watching that fight and thinking yeah I reckon I could give both of them a bit of trouble so you did think that? You watched him fight Hamza and you were like, okay, I can fucking – and you thought you could handle that dude too? Yeah, I thought so.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, I think so. They're just swinging, you know. Very intense fight, but just brawling in the pocket. I feel like anyone that's going to brawl in the pocket, I think I can pick shots and take them apart. This is the end of the fight. For those of you who don't know, I'm guessing most of you guys know, Gilbert Burns is a complete savage, top-of-the-food-chain guy, 171 pounds,
Starting point is 00:14:59 fought in everyone, trained with everyone, considered maybe the best guy on the ground in that division, but also crazy hands. And here's the last few seconds of the fight. And I'm glad to see that DC has trouble with your name too because in the beginning I had trouble. Now I've got a code on it. Now look at this.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I was tripping on this. He sees the knee. And he blocks it at first. And then right before it comes through, he kind of... Have you watched this in slow-mo? No, I've never watched it in slow-mo watch what he does with his hands here like he i'm gonna put it this is at one quarter speed jack i don't know if you can see it because our connection is such ass but here we go watch this he puts his hands up and then at the last minute moves them and tried decides to go for a double leg.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah. He just started like – it wasn't my full kneecap that hit him. It was more like my thigh sort of just right at the quad sort of thing. Just a lot of impact right on – but I thought he was going to – I thought if I got back to the feet he i thought i felt like he was tired you know and he was just trying to hold me down so i thought if he if we get get back to the feet he would definitely try and shoot another takedown so i just tried to fly up the middle of the knee and connected pretty well and then i was happy to push him back and then just ground and pound to the rest yeah did you know at that point yeah when i had the knee i thought so i thought the throughout the whole
Starting point is 00:16:52 fight i remember thinking the knee is there because he was like really shooting for takedowns but then yeah when it landed or more even when i threw it and i saw that he was like sort of coming in for a takedown i thought this would land and then yeah when it landed i thought yeah this this is my opportunity to get the finish for sure did you hear what he said about you on tiktok in that video did you see what he said about you he made a little one minute video did you see that pretty cool pretty cool to get props from he's a legend of the sport you know Pretty cool. Pretty cool to get props from.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He's a legend of the sport, you know. And he's a legend, you know, just to give back a younger guy. Yeah, complete legend. Just to give the younger guy the opportunity, you know, to get into the top of the division. He told me, he said, yeah, he would always give the younger guys the opportunity because some of the older guys, when he was coming up, gave him the opportunity because uh some of the older guys when he was coming up gave him the opportunity so he's just going to uh repay it which is pretty cool i think he said damien damien meyer
Starting point is 00:17:53 tyron woodley gave him the opportunity to uh prove that he's up there so yeah he's just repaying the favor and and when you win that is there a change in your perception of yourself at that time or did or did you already know are you like are you like three years ahead of us i mean going into the fight well i always was i was confident i was going to win so obviously you've got a big challenge, you've got to be challenging. You've got to rise to the occasion and things have got to fall in line. But I was confident I was going to win. My team was confident.
Starting point is 00:18:31 So then when I got the finish, I just thought, yeah, this is what I already know. I knew this would happen. I believed in myself. And it's just keep climbing. I want to get to the number one position. Hey, how would you describe your style when i see you fight sometimes it almost looks like animation to me like it looks so different than everyone else almost like your blood like you're uh like your popeye like you're bludgeoning people like you're i think your punches hurt people more than what it looks like that we can tell as fans.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah. I don't know what sort of, I just like to, I like accurate, accurate strikes. You know, I try and throw everything with purpose rather than just throwing a strike and just hoping it will land. I like to throw everything with purpose and set it up. You know, I like to set up shots and I like, I up shots. I like not getting hit. I like the defensive side of it, of fighting. So not getting hit is something I think is very important.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Can you breathe through your nose? Can you breathe through your nose? Pretty good. Probably like 70%. only one nostril no i mean that yeah that's probably 60 there that one might be 80 percent one day I'll get it fixed one day I will I should have done it my own
Starting point is 00:20:09 because I took my thumb off hey and why not now if you got it fixed now as soon as someone punches you it's just fucked up again yeah that was all that was always my sort of thought process I was thinking I'd just get it done, take some time off,
Starting point is 00:20:26 and then I would just get punched right in the face and back to square one. And then Jack. Yeah, some fighters have got it fixed. I was going to say some fighters have got it fixed and they have said that it does make them feel way better. So it's something I'll probably try at some point. Maybe when I get the belt, I'll get my nose fixed. Yeah. Like, uh, like the dude in the weight class.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Yeah. We'll talk about this guy in a second. Like the dude in the way, like the dude in the weight class above you from South Africa, he said he, when he got his nostrils fixed, his shit got way better. I mean, I don't know if he's just making that up, but it sounds valid. Yeah, I think he got it fixed, and then he looked really good, and he went five rounds and looked fresh. And some of his other fights, he was criticized for looking tired, so it looked like it did make a bit of a solid difference for him.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It looked like it did make a bit of a solid difference for him. So this is the... This guy... This guy, everyone's running from this guy except for you. You're calling this guy's name out. Is this the guy I heard you say? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is the guy.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So you're... Shavka Rakhmanov from... Yeah, you have 17 wins in a row and this guy has 18 wins in a row, and you want to fucking – you'd like to go in the ring with this dude. Yeah. I've always sort of – when I think I first saw him in front of the UFC, like dominated the guy, and I just thought he was a good fighter.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I thought he definitely – even then I was like, oh, this guy's probably one of the top guys in the division, and I've always been excited to challenge him at some point. I've always thought our paths would cross. And I think no better time than now. I think if me and him fight, I think it's one of the biggest title, like, eliminator fights you could make. Like, two young guys.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I think we're both 20. I'll be 27 he might be 28 i've won 17 a row he's won 18 in a row i think or he's 18 and all finishes i've probably 90 finishes i think it makes sense dude that's crazy that would be a crazy fight what does the ufc say to you what are you crazy who do they say they're going to give you or do they not even talk about it they're just i mean before yeah uh before the injury before the injury uh kicked on i was planning to fight in august until before my arm was infected i was planning to fight in August. They've got a big UFC coming to Perth, which is where I'm from,
Starting point is 00:23:08 which is where I live, basically. So it would have been perfect, but it's just sort of time got away from me. So I think they were excited for the fight, and I think they're still excited for the fight. And I think if all goes well, hopefully we can make it happen before the end of the year. That's sort of what I'm hoping for. Jack, what are the –
Starting point is 00:23:32 Probably your side of the globe. Sevan, hook up your Starlink. It's not me. It's this dude. It's this dude. He lives in the country or some shit. It's not me. Blame Jack.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Jack, what are this – are there psychological hurdles with this professional athlete on the go in your prime and you're fucking sitting there on the sideline with the arm? How are you doing with that? Yeah, it's pretty hard. I've got like – I don't really have much else to do except train and like push for better things so it's been a bit hard just sitting on the sitting down not doing much and not really having an answer when i'll be able to train again so yeah it's been a bit slow but i've been yeah just the last uh this week basically just got back into training like
Starting point is 00:24:21 twice a day which is definitely helps the mental. I can't really do too much intense stuff. I can't really sweat too much at the moment, but just getting moving, I think it's good for the mind. But, yeah, I've always been able to use exercise and martial arts as like an output, so it's been pretty tough. But it's just a hurdle. All great things take time.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Hey, is the break healed the nah i had surgery three weeks ago and i think they had to re basically the plate the bone hadn't healed still pretty loose at that point so they put it they removed a plate put another plate in but hope yeah hopefully it starts healing yeah three weeks i think tomorrow post-surgery they say normally around six weeks should start to show some pretty good signs of healing and i guess that will be the telltale sign of if there is still infection in there or it's uh that will be the telltale sign of if there is still infection in there or it's, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:26 I've ridded it. Hopefully. Hey, Jack, Kenneth says, uh, you can just spit on the router. Bit of spit helps everything, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah. Just spit on it and it'll, and it'll be, it'll be ready to go. Hey, you got your black belt. Congratulations. Thank you. Yeah, you got your black belt. Congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, that was very cool. Quite surprising, you know, but it was nice. Haven't been able to even do any jiu-jitsu yet with my new black belt, but I'm hanging out for it. Even with all your success, a black belt's still awesome, right? It's not like oh who gives a fuck i'm in the ufc it's still like for jiu-jitsu practitioners it's still like yeah definitely it was something like when i started jiu-jitsu i thought it seemed like such a
Starting point is 00:26:17 long way away and almost like impossible to get a black belt but just slowly i guess got better and better and learned new techniques and was able to apply them in competition and that sort of thing so yeah it's pretty surreal you know it's something i was always planning to get at some point in my life so yeah it's very cool it's a privilege you know i love jujitsu and i'll probably do jujitsu for the rest of my life. So pretty proud of that. Hey, what are you more excited about your black belt or I'm selling a, uh, uh, no,
Starting point is 00:26:51 no, you got your own personal, uh, jock strap, dude. Yeah, this is, this is very good.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah. Hey, so these people sell dick pills? Yeah, this is nice. These pilot people sell pills that make your dick hard and they give you a jockstrap? Yeah. Yeah. Use that. Can that be ordered?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Can people order your cock? Yeah, I'm sure you can. That personal one? I don't know if they want that one. No, no, not the used one. Well, fuck, maybe on eBay they can get the used one. Yeah, I'm not actually sure. I don't know if that was a one-off thing, but it's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Maybe I'll try and sell a few while I'm on the side i think it's a great idea how much is a cup yeah um you probably i think you probably get a cheap one for 20 bucks 20 bucks is holding good storm sure i don't know how much protection that's gonna i've never worn a cup how does it work the only thing holding it on is the is the is the underwear I don't know how much protection that's going to have. I've never worn a cup. How does it work? The only thing holding it on is the underwear? I mean, that one is different.
Starting point is 00:28:15 That's just the cup by itself. The one you normally wear is sort of – however it wears, it almost is like its own pair of underpants, and you slide them on, and the cup's already in there, a there a couple of straps okay so there's straps that hold it on to you it's pretty much a strap out the back and then it sits like that and then there's probably two other straps that go around your leg i want to say i've seen these really i want to say i've seen a fighter take his cup out and throw it into the audience, though. Yeah, that's a pretty common move. It is? I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Yeah, I've seen it happen a few times. Throw it. I don't know who wants a sweaty cup, though. I'm sure there's some crazy fans out there that would love it. Hey, I want to ask you about this right here let me see if i have the right time code for it shit do i have the right time code okay this is a really uh this is a really weird question but listen to what your coach says here and i want to ask you about this right here okay here we go w boys were all just like how good was jack
Starting point is 00:29:26 the other day i don't know it's just cool seeing interest has continued to grow and grow and grow like that's good like that right it's not as tall poppy as the rest of australia i feel it's not as tall poppy as the rest of australia what does that mean because i got my own idea what that means but i want to know i want what does that mean uh tall poppy syndrome i think basically i think it means when uh if like other people are doing good people try and uh pull you down back to their sort of level so like i think when someone says tall poppy syndrome basically means that they don't want to see people doing good. They'd rather like – rather than push them to better things, they try and point out the bad stuff and bring it back down, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah, that's what I thought it meant. I have this buddy who lives in Canada who's fucking filthy rich, and he was explaining to me tall poppy. And then I have this – I know this other guy who was in Finland, and that was the first time i heard the phrase like 10 well i don't know 15 years ago that basically if you stick your head out if there's a tall poppy they cut you down right like you've grown too tall is it like that in australia is like had you ever heard that before he said that or is that like a common term there because i don't think we really have that in the U.S. No, I don't think it's as bad as maybe it's – yeah, no, I don't think so. I think from what I felt anyway, I feel like most of the fans are pretty supportive in that way. Like, it's almost like this fake humility.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think some places though, they do. Sometimes they are. I think like some, I think some New Zealand fighters had some of the New Zealand fighters that are doing really well. I think like some of the media sort of
Starting point is 00:31:25 puts them down a little bit rather than like boosting them up i'm not sure why i don't know if it's something that not into the sport but uh over here never i've never really had any issue with it to be honest like no one resents people for their success or like hate you because you're driving a fucking nice car or something like that that's the way that's kind of what i pictured it like it like if you're rich you can't buy a nice car because another yeah yeah no i've never felt that to be honest i'm pretty i feel like everyone here is sort of pretty supportive but i'm sure there is people out there of course are probably a bit uh envious or jealous but but just you're running the mill yeah you get that everywhere right you don't really have anything to do with those people anyway right so you don't
Starting point is 00:32:17 feel it like you don't feel it it's not like a a part of the australian culture it's not like something you're like hey i gotta i gotta make sure no one sees i better not wear these 400 sunglasses someone's gonna uh think i'm not cool for that nah i don't i don't feel that at all not that i have ever worn 400 pair of sunnies but i don't i think if i did have a nice pair of sun no it wouldn't be a big deal i think i said let's stay pretty low-key anyway but uh most people around here supportive i find um when you if you fight again in las vegas yeah which i'm which i which i guess event eventually is probably gonna happen and you decide you want to and you decide you want to stay out and you decide you want to stay out in the States a little bit,
Starting point is 00:33:07 and you're with your wife and your kids. I know this Australian lady. She got a bunch of nice houses, and she got a really cool place on the beach in a really cool town called Newport Beach. And I'm sure she's a fellow Australian. Yeah, she's a businesswoman up here. Big sponsor of the podcast. She keeps the lights on here,
Starting point is 00:33:29 and I'm sure she would. I want to say, did one of the fights afterwards, I want to say one of the fights afterwards, maybe she said to me, hey, tell Jackie you can stay at the beach house. Was that you? Did that happen once? Like two years ago?
Starting point is 00:33:42 I think so. You've definitely, yeah. Okay. Yeah. You've definitely hit yeah. Okay. Yeah. You've definitely hit me up about that before. Okay. Yeah. Just, yeah. Just a spot, right?
Starting point is 00:33:53 Great spot. Really clean. So it's only, maybe it's the last good spot left on the coast. As California gets washed down the toilet. Hey, yeah, I'm in a great spot too.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I'm in Santa Cruz. It's a great spot. Yep. Yes. Jack, this connection is absolutely ass. I cannot lie to you. I don't know why. I don't think... but but is it why how do i think maybe but but it's great having you on um and i appreciate you coming on and um i'll continue to bug you and um i'm rooting from rooting for you and i have you
Starting point is 00:34:39 in my google alerts i'm going to watch your arm and i'm following you on instagram and thanks for keeping us up to speed on instagram. And, uh, and, and thanks for coming on the show, dude. I really appreciate it. I appreciate it. Thank you. And all right. We'll talk soon. Well, I don't know. I jumped on the band. I ain't going to lie. I jumped on the bandwagon after 10. I was like, Holy fuck. This guy said he was going to win 10 and he did it.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Going for 20 now. Going for 20. It's the next goal. You're going to make it, dude. You're going to make it. Yeah. You're amazing. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for being so flexible with the schedule.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'll keep texting you and bugging you. Thanks for eventually getting back to me. You I'll keep texting you and bugging you. Thanks for always, you know, uh, eventually getting back to me. You're a good dude. Cheers. You too. Sorry about the connection. No worries,
Starting point is 00:35:32 brother. I'll keep bugging you. See you brother. Ciao. Holy fuck. Uh, audio is all that matters. There was a,
Starting point is 00:35:41 a timing. There was a timing. Sebi flirting, always flirting. Huge fan here of Jack. You're the man. There was a timing. Seve flirting. Always flirting. Huge fan here of Jack. You're the man. Yeah, he is the man. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Thanks, Sixto. Yeah, that was just tough. That was tough. I ain't gonna lie. It wasn't that ass, really. I felt like I just couldn't stop talking over him. I felt horrible. He deserves better.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I actually thought he deserves better Alright Fine Ken Walters it wasn't that bad Jeffrey Birchfield it's fine Alright No it wasn't fine It's enough it was okay. Thank you. Okay. It was okay. Yeah, it's okay. That's better. All right
Starting point is 00:36:28 He would the the I thought I thought this was gonna happen at 6 30 It's enough for me just that I saw him I was happy 8.3 out of 10, okay I just worked out. That's why you look so good tonight. Oh, thank you. I just worked out. I did, uh, what'd I do? I did, uh, I'm embarrassed to say it was my second workout of the day. Let's be clear. I did, um, a hundred calories on the assault bike. And then I took a 35 pound dumbbell and I did, uh, five snatches on the right hand and five snatches on the left hand for 20 rounds with 35 pound dumbbell. Really slow. Like like in no rush, like there was no intensity.
Starting point is 00:37:16 So. And I did it because I wanted to like feel fresh and and good for the show. You know what I mean? I actually call I actually tech was texting with Jack and he's like oh hey i gotta do a workout uh can we can we i think you have the time wrong and i looked and i and i did have the time wrong i'm like okay cool i'm like fuck it i'll do a workout too uh so 100 pound snatch is no longer a goal if you're doing 35 pounds now 35 pounds is cool Five yeah, like yeah, yeah, I probably did like five snatches a minute for for probably like 20 minutes. I did 20. Yeah, probably No, I did 100 calories in 10 minutes jesus crime and you guys lay off telling you I just it was a vanity workout I've tried to get Raul Rosa jr. on I've tried I've tried I've tried I saw tomorrow
Starting point is 00:38:16 on WNO WNO is that what it is Who's number one tomorrow? Gordon Ryan's fighting tomorrow night, and I also saw that um The guy who's fighting Jay Jay Rod, no Jacob Rodriguez Not not not Nikki Rod, but Jay Rod J. Jay. Rodriguez. He's been on the show before. He is fighting this guy Tianan. Tianan? And Tianan coached my kids over at AOJ. They probably did probably like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:39:00 two or three weeks of training over there. I think that's the guy. I think it's the guy. Sevan, you need a cup sponsorship you could wear it for some of your interviews behind the scenes some athletes can be feisty That's a good point. It's a great point Like Daniel Garrity with more great ideas Taylor should do a low-level troll Daniel Garrity on the troll rating scale A Taylor should do a kill tailor workout and nothing but a cup Who will be your next UFC guess, you know who's coming on is
Starting point is 00:39:40 Fuck Friday, I think is I think I think alex is coming on friday the guy who just fucking I don't know what happened to him I don't know if he broke his knee or his ankle, but he was fighting the main event last week And I thought he was fucking winning. I know he was winning. Let me look. I know he was winning Uh, who is that who uh, um, yeah alex perez is coming on uh 7 a.m friday So Alex Perez is coming on 7 a.m. Friday so tomorrow morning show is going to be crazy tomorrow morning show we have
Starting point is 00:40:10 Dick Johnson coming on Richard Johnson yeah Alex Perez thank you yeah Alex Perez coming on Friday Dick Johnson's coming on tomorrow morning talk about sugar Greg thinks he should have won the Nobel Prize I thinks he should have won the Nobel Prize. I think he should have won the Nobel Prize too. Great. It's going to be a great show.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm torn because I know he has so much knowledge. He can share so much about mitochondrial function and sucralose and fructose and glucose and high fructose corn syrup. But I also want to know about his background. also want to know about his background and i met i met um i met dick johnson uh recently i read his book 10 years ago the fat switch and then i met him recently through uh one of the guys who works over at rx sugar i met this guy named dan over at rx sugar and he and we were talking and on his board he's like, Dick Johnson's on our board. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 00:41:07 I'm like, fuck yeah, I know who that is. Yeah, maybe I'll start the show like that. Hey, it's Big Dick Johnson. I have to bring up his name. I'm going to have to. Right? My buddy Greg thinks you should have won the Nobel Prize and I want to know about your name.
Starting point is 00:41:24 So. My mom says that I act like a 14 year old. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's a great one. Jeremy, what were his parents thinking at his birth? Totally. One of the greatest living scientists. Why'd you name him?
Starting point is 00:41:38 Dick Johnson. Uh, Daniel Garrity, you think Seve would have more to regurgitate after having lunch with Greg today piece of garlic stuck in my mouth I want to tell you guys something but I don't but I don't want you guys to bring it back up ever again. Okay. So no one bring this up later.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Is that deal? Do you guys have someone who will speak for the group? I don't want to hear about this shit later. I don't want anyone to say anything. Hello. Anyone. I don't want to hear about this shit later. I don't want anyone to say anything. Hello? Anyone? We'll sign the NDA. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:31 NDE. Okay. Here we go. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, look. You look like Katie Hennig. You look like a brown-haired Katie Henniger.
Starting point is 00:42:40 That's crazy. Your AirPod's in? Okay. Here we go. I think I'm getting sick after like i went in to do that workout today when he told me we were going to delay the show i just felt my energy get really low and then my throat was a little sore and everyone around me has been sick for like two months and i was like uh-oh i was kind of tripping i'm like it doesn't hurt now,
Starting point is 00:43:05 but I'm drinking something hot. I'm drinking like hot water with some electrolytes in it. Like, I don't want anyone to be like, oh, are you sick? Are you feeling it? Like, don't bring it up tomorrow. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I don't want any like, I don't want to hear about it again. That's it. I'm just sharing it with you guys just once. I don't want like, I don't need, don't, don't, I don't want to hear about it. I'm just sharing it with you guys just once. I don't want to hear about it.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I should have asked Jack if he needs peptides. I wonder if he's allowed to take peptides. That's what I should have done. I wonder if he's allowed to take peptides. I should have, like, that's what I should have done. I don't know if I'm screwed, but I'll know tomorrow morning. I'll probably know. I'll know soon.
Starting point is 00:43:56 If we forget, are you going to block us? Uh, no. Um. Uh. Nice try, Will. Nice try try you bitch nice try Will I'm 14 too Will I have 14 year old sense of humor too
Starting point is 00:44:13 that sucks you have ligma ligma butt asshole okay Jeffrey I nominated you for the class president i don't know what that means but if you forget will you block us yeah probably i'll block you right now uh i called taylor today and i said hey uh do you know the workout he goes why i'm like because it's like i've never been so excited i haven't been this excited to know workouts for anything since the early days
Starting point is 00:44:47 And now I'm crazy excited about... What is this? What is this that you type out? What is this? You do that every once in a while or someone does. What is that? When I saw Daniel, when I saw Daniel when I saw when I saw Dan Guerrero West Coast Classic I pretended to punch him
Starting point is 00:45:09 and then we hugged instead so I called Taylor and I'm like hey dude do you know do you know the workout? And he's like, why? You know, like a whiny little kid. And I go, because I'm excited. He goes, oh, good. Oh, shit. Will Branstad. They're custom emojis for members only in the YouTube chat.
Starting point is 00:45:39 They show up like that in StreamYard. In YouTube, we see emojis. Son of a bitch. Well, that sucks. That's the Sevan Super sticker. Oh. John Young, Sevan, Triggered, Peace, Love, CB versus Susan, 1990, oh,
Starting point is 00:46:06 those are all the emojis, okay, God damn it, that bums me out, that interview went like that, I really like Jack jack he deserves better smart move beck smart move best money you've ever spent smart move now time to head over you guys want to see something crazy you guys want i i have uh you know about the film contest that we're getting ready to launch?
Starting point is 00:46:46 I don't know if I should show you guys this. I should wait. I should wait. I should wait. I'm going to wait. I missed the interview. Did it suck? Just the connection was bad. So we couldn't get into like you talk, I talk, you talk, I talk, I talk, I talk, you talk, I talk, I talk, I talk, you talk. We couldn't get into like you talk I talk you talk I talk I talk I talk you talk I talk
Starting point is 00:47:07 I talk I talk you talk we couldn't get into it anyway I'm really excited for kill Taylor and he told me he told me what the workout was what he thought the workout was going to be. And I always wonder, I always get excited because I'm even excited about dumb shit. Like, is it going to be for time or is it going to be for reps or how long? I'm just excited about it. I'm so excited for Saturday. Caleb told me he's excited for Saturdays too, that he hasn't been this excited in a long time.
Starting point is 00:47:43 It's cool. Yeah, I worked out twice today. I just told you that. What are you talking about? I worked out twice. So the film contest, it's a campaign contest. I better stop calling it a film contest. So you have to basically submit like five videos and has to be around a campaign. What does your affiliate mean to you? And so this guy over at Salty Hive CrossFit is making the first five videos and then I'm going to have him on. And then we're going to talk about the idea, the concept. And he's going to tell you how he got this great content.
Starting point is 00:48:21 But I've seen three of the commercials he made already or promos. And they're so fucking good. how he got this great content but i've seen three of the commercials he made already or promos and they're so fucking good and basically the reason why i want them is i want to have a whole like i on the side here on my um stream yard i have a list of just videos i can show right like i can just my old mattress was trash it was still just like that or I can click. Is it safe? You know what I mean? Or this one. This whole arsenal of just videos, just whatever, right? This. You know, this.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Just shitloads of them, right? Behind the scenes. I'm here for money. People here for soap. And then we're all friendly. See, I mean, just endless. And there's so many. You know, you remember, you remember this. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. I don't even know what this is.
Starting point is 00:49:27 This says Mitch Wagner. I don't even know what this is. Must be a Swolverine commercial. Anyway, so I got all these. I just said, oh, you remember this. There are places in this world at the edge right right you guys know what i'm talking about and so i want to have a hundred of those i want to have a hundred of those that are just affiliate commercials i want to be like i want to be like, I want to own like, I want, I want just like, just be the un, just be undisputed, just fucking affiliate, just champion in these, and they're so good. But I don't want people to get tired of them.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Um, let me see if I, uh, let me see if I can. Here, I'll just give you a little tiny, tiny taste. Oh, I see that commercial in the yard and it makes me need to pee like Pavlov's dog. Oh, that's cool. Do the creators retain their intellectual property rights? God, I hope not. Write me up a contract where they don't, please. Like I need to whatever I need to do to own it.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Let me know. I mean, I don't care if they use it. I just I just want to own it let me know i mean i don't care if they use it i just i just want to own it too submit me your shit i'm going to promote the fuck out of it and your gym how dare you jeffrey i hope you're looking out for my best interest okay i'm gonna show you tiny tiny this one's not done yet but i'm gonna show you tiny tiny bit bit. Okay. Just a little bit. I'm Krista Pongor. This is Tobias Pongor. I'm 44, age seven. I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Half CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym okay that's it that's it that's all you get that's all you get always yeah you're always looking out for me okay good
Starting point is 00:51:51 oh my god i'm so excited so this video is so good you guys are gonna love it short sweet to the point show just the tip yep so i want to have like a hundred of those and like, you know, anytime I need to pee, just hit one, you know, and some will be like a single mom with the kids. Some will be like just some guys like I just came here to bang bitches. You know what I mean? Just the whole swath. I'm here at Gay CrossFit and I just like all the gay dudes, you know, just everything, just everything on every like all the promos, all the angles. All the inclusivity and what in the exclusive space we call CrossFit. You can get through. Savon, you should get her on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:40 It'd be nice to have a Hungarian athlete who will talk to you. Good point. Good point. Good point. And this guy who made him, Brett, there's some great shots in here that people don't normally use. That's so good. Anyway, so he's got five or six of these. Yeah, Trina, sorry you did miss Jack. Sorry. But I mean it was it was fucked up I mean it was nice to see him, but the interview was a disaster. You didn't miss anything. He's a good dude
Starting point is 00:53:11 He tried it's not his fault connection was horrible Um Oh, it counts the lab it never ends up just being the tip Yeah Oh, it counts the lab. It never ends up just being the tip Yeah Alrighty So Yeah, I'm excited so many cool things going and then we got confirmation with Greg today about a competition at his house. Oh shit It looks like West Coast classic behind the scenes episode 2
Starting point is 00:54:00 um man I fucked it up the boys are making fun of me for my shitty shooting I accidentally hit the I can't see my screen so good and I accidentally hit the... I can't see my screen so good, and I accidentally hit the shutter button, so a lot of the footage looks like it's like you're on acid. Now you guys will get over it. Who cares? Whatever. These young filmmakers, they don't know art when they see it.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Who is this? Text from? Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I was my kids surf instructor he'll be gone tomorrow all right
Starting point is 00:55:02 All right Well, thanks guys six O's that's my oh face Oh Oh Oh Oh Tomorrow morning Dick Johnson 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time Friday Alex Perez Fought the main event last week Thanks guys

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