The Sevan Podcast - Jake Berman | The King of Burpees?

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show, we can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Let's get it She took a look, missed it with the chill out Now she say she saying 3D I go in the jungle and ain't got a coat I bet I come out with a meme
Starting point is 00:01:28 I bet I do this shit for the fam Cause this shit bigger than me Colors thrown in my infinity lane And in the factory, masterpiece I call him twin cause that be my brother We got the same role and he matching me Nah for real Water on me like the song of some characters, some pointers All these gummers, I want fun from Miko Gunners Damn, he's scary. He's scary. He's scary. Jake Berman, what's up, dude? Good morning.
Starting point is 00:02:10 How are you? Yeah, thank you for having me on. Dude, that's a great highlight reel. Yeah, CTP kills it. Oh my God. Hey, hey, what? Can you hear me okay? Yeah, yeah, I hear you great.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I hear you so good. Oh, now I got an echo ever since your camera dropped. I got an echo. Maybe something happened with the mic. I'm on my phone. I'm trying to, is that good? Yeah. Do you want to adjust it so you don't have to bend over or you can do it? Yeah. We got time. We got time. Everyone's still just piling in. What's up everyone? Good morning. Oh, now we got a bad echo. Bad echo? Yeah. You could even log still just piling in. What's up, everyone? Good morning. Oh, now we got a bad echo. Bad echo?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah. You could even log off and log back in, maybe. Something happened as soon as you dropped your phone. I started getting a fucked up echo. Is this good? When you talk... Oh, yeah. That's better. Okay. Alright. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Are you in that shape that we just saw? No, not quite. Well, dude, are you in that shape that we just saw? No, not quite. My well, that was 2022. So my knee is not doing so well right now. So I know I heard I heard that yesterday on the show and I was like, holy shit, what is he doing? Hey, I have an idea. Why don't when they tomorrow tomorrow at 4.30, when you guys are going to go, do they give you an exact time you're going? 7.30. I mean, give or take. I mean, I don't know exactly how it's going to work. I know they reached out to
Starting point is 00:03:33 CTP and he's going to set up his camera and I assume we'll just go side by side. I don't really know. There was this movie, it was called back when I was a kid, it was called My Bodyguard. And this dude was always getting beat up at school, so he got a bodyguard who would do all the fighting for him. So I was thinking at 4.30, you don't tell anyone,
Starting point is 00:03:53 and you're like, I'm not doing it, but I got a buddy who will. And you point, and it's like fucking Noah. Yeah. We were joking about that yesterday. Take that, Colton. Yeah. No, I mean, my knees, it'll hold up on the burpees i just i really can't squat so but dude you also said you have a fracture do you have a broken leg as i guess they're called stress fractures they're small fractures in my tibia the tibial plateau
Starting point is 00:04:20 yeah and i've had that for a while actually and basically like where the bones kind of chipped off my body tried to regenerate its own bone and instead form like shitty cartilage yeah so they said i gotta surgically put bone cement in there and bring the bone back up since it's compressed and it's kind of a mess but um is your tibia plateau that's basically where that the your shin meets your knee? Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's like the flat part.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So every time you're stepping, all the impact. Yeah. Because I didn't get it from trauma impact. It was probably from overuse the years across. I've been doing this forever. So probably bad mechanics as I grew into the sport. I assume that had something to do with it. Because I had an x-ray back in 2016, which revealed the stress fracture. So I've been dealing with this for years. And I think it just kind of resurfaced this past year.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And then along with the meniscus there. Hey, are you a good eater? Were you eating enough? I always think when I hear stress fractures, I always think it's someone who wasn't eating enough. Yeah, I mean, I just started working with nutritionists here at TTT. But I mean, for the most part, since I've been doing this so long, you know, I know, you know, I did paleo for a while. And while I was in high school, you know, I know healthy diets. I know how to eat right.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I think it's just a matter of eating enough in the day when you're training all day it's hard to get enough calories in and not feel like you're gonna puke when you start a workout so i think the biggest thing for me is getting enough calories and versus eating the right things right um i had the guy on um who uh set the world record for 50 mile run and he and he had he broke his leg just just one day did his leg just snapped and and obviously he's skinny as shit and i go hey dude were you not eating enough and he goes bingo i just was not eating isn't that crazy so you were working out so hard but not taking in the molecules to help heal it right yeah i had like edema in the bone and arthritis which is crazy at you know 27
Starting point is 00:06:26 yeah but um yeah they basically was like they were like you could snap your leg if you land wrong right now it happens i i knew i knew a girl uh who was running track who was a fucking world class fucking or i don't know world class but really good runner and she snapped her leg just running are you gonna be able to enjoy this it's you know that's the thing it's been weird to kind of like play into this more it's just been a weird time one you know i didn't want to bail there's a lot of hype around it yeah i'm not really affected by the burpees but just the whole fact that i'm probably gonna have to sit the season out and like just came to terms with that this past weekend it's been a weird time but i'll enjoy
Starting point is 00:07:04 it it's gonna be fun we're gonna have a good crowd here, put on a good show. I've been testing some burpees out, so they're feeling fast. You won't be in pain? No. Like I said, it's really squatting. That's the only thing that's bothering it the most and why catching a heavy clean or doing high rep thrusters I mean that's where it originally happened was in that last open workout thrusters I was actually warming
Starting point is 00:07:29 up for the workout and just felt my knee collapsing and popping just kind of giving out while I was doing air squats and warm up from 95 and I looked at my coach I'm like can you hear this and he's like yeah we didn't know what it was and it was monday at that point so and it was bone grinding around on bone that you were here yeah just like sliding and popping and i didn't it wasn't painful yet so that's why i was like all right well i'm gonna do this workout because it's monday i gotta finish the open 85 thrusters later things swelled up couldn't squat couldn't squat for like two or three weeks then have the imaging for my needs scheduled for that Thursday, the day after this burpee thing came out. So I didn't really know what was wrong with it up until
Starting point is 00:08:10 after that. I had already agreed to the competition. Has anyone told you, hey, dude, don't do this? Yeah. A lot of people are like, dude, don't do this stupid burpee thing. It doesn't matter. That was kind of before I was like making the decision to not compete. They're like, you got to think about your season. But, you know, I mean, this will be fun. Like I said, it's not bothering my knee to do burpees. Jedediah Snelson, legs are overrated. Sack it up.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Exactly. Yeah, who needs legs? Really, for doing 100 burpees, it's really the press. That's what deteriorates. So I don't need my legs. The press meaning getting up off the ground, exploding off the ground. Yep. Have you been fooling around since this happened with bar over burpees? Did you do any yesterday?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Yeah, I did. Right after we agreed to this, I did an EMOM of 15 on a minute for 15 minutes. But I didn't feel like that translated well because it's a different gear. I'm doing, you know, more reps for longer. So I haven't, how did they feel?
Starting point is 00:09:10 I haven't tested a hundred straight through. How did they feel? They felt fine. They did feel fine. Yeah. Yeah. It's all fine. Before you go,
Starting point is 00:09:21 do you have a talk with yourself? Like, um, uh, uh, dear God dear God, no matter what, don't let me stop. I'd rather die than – I mean, do you prep yourself mentally for this? Or do you – Jake, listen, dipshit. It's only 100, no matter what, don't stop. I mean, do you give yourself like a little story just minutes before you go out there?
Starting point is 00:09:45 Because it's going to hurt, right? It's going to hurt. Yeah, I mean, it's like rowing a 1K. It's like three and a half minutes of just burpeeing. It's a long time to just be doing fast burpees. But it goes by quick. I've done it before. It's just going to be hard because I'm not going to know where he's at.
Starting point is 00:10:01 We're going side by side. We're not in the same place. Even if we're going side by side, I wouldn't know where he's at we're going side by side we're not in the same place even if we're going side by side i wouldn't know where he's at in his rep count because you're kind of just like blinders on in your own lane would you do any will you give yourself a pep talk before you go out do you do that no just three two one to do it yeah it's a burpee i'm stressed for you guys and so i'm guessing they'll set up a camera on you and a camera on Colton. And like you said, you guys won't know where the other one is. And everyone at home, though, will see the picture side by side on the screen.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah, I guess they can see the cadence and they can just tell who's ahead. I don't know if they're going to have like a rep count on the screen. That would be nice, but I don't think they'll do that. So I'm just going to go as hard as I can, and when I finish, I hope it's before him. With 100 burpees, over-the-bar burpees, do you just come out – is there any pacing, or is it just come out as hard as you can and fight, and it's just willpower?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, just going to come out hot and stay hot and finish up. That's the plan. So in a way, it's kind of like going for a world speed record for the mile. Yeah. It's like close to the mile, right, the time domain? A little quicker. Do people pace the mile when they set the world record i'm not sure i mean i assume so i you know i'm sure they have a kick at the end i'm sure they
Starting point is 00:11:32 have a gear they settle into and then kick at the end last you know last lap there was a guy recently um that people were pointing out he back squatted 550 and then ran a mile under five and people were talking about whether he was low enough on the depth of his squat and i didn't see the video but he did break the record for the five minute mile but what i heard was is like the last 100 yards he ran like a 630 mile like he slowed down that much he just yeah like but he still made it but yeah he hit a wall yeah i saw the video of his squat. I think people were giving him more shit than he should be giving him. Oh, I totally agree. Dude, that was a bad angle.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And it's like, dude, you're right in the line. And the strength is there. I think if he just had more flexibility, he could do it. It's still impressive what he did. Totally. But I don't think he gets, like, I think it's really impressive. But I don't think he gets to be in that club yet. Yeah, he's got to redo the squat.
Starting point is 00:12:29 But I think he's capable. I don't know the guy. I just saw the video once. Yeah. And I saw, I think it was maybe Taylor bashing him. All my friends. All my friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Sub five in a mile, regardless if he ran the last 100 yards. Dude. Dude, that's crazy. And he's a big dude. Yeah. Sub five in a mile, regardless if he ran the last 100 yards. Dude. Dude, that's crazy. And he's a big dude. Yeah. How tall are you? Like 5'7", on a good day. And how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:12:58 I actually weigh the most I've ever weighed right now. I think I'm 190. And I usually compete at like 180 to 185. And does that concern you? I think it's part of the reason I've been getting hurt every workout that I do where I bring the heat. Because like, for example, I'm doing toes to bar and bar muscle ups and pull ups, and I'm getting stuff in my lats and my pec and I think it's just because I'm not used to supporting that much weight pulling that much weight especially when you're like torquing so hard when you're kipping and I think it's just ultimately led to a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:34 injuries so that's why I'm working with a nutritionist to kind of lean out and get back to my fight weight but now it's too late carrying an extra 10 pounds over 100 reps ends up being a thousand pounds exactly it's helped for sure with uh with weight lifting which is ultimately what's holding held me back from making the games all these years but i don't know like i need i need to hit the home runs where i can and so i need to be able to you know win or top three, the lightweight guy workouts. And that kind of fell off as a gain five to 10 pounds, just crazy. But maybe I just didn't give myself enough time to adapt to that, that weight gain.
Starting point is 00:14:15 How old are you? I just turned 28 actually. Oh, happy birthday. Feels weird to say I'm 28. You used to live at home with your parents? No. No, I didn't think so think so i would that was just a test um jake did you did you already have you already created a company and sold it no no no oh i do i do have a company but we have uh we're ways away from selling
Starting point is 00:14:40 and what is your company it It's called Spade. And drink Spade on Instagram. It's a healthy soda. Zero sugar, zero calories, all natural. Sweetened stevia. Added electrolytes for a nice hydration benefit. It's similar to a Zevia. Do you know Zevia?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it carbonated? It's carbonated, yep. Oh, thank God. Yeah. I'll send you a case. Shoot me your address. Okay, I just really didn't want to have to hate on you. That shit, I don't know if it's O2 or Celsius or one of those things, is the most depressing drink ever.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, O2. It's flat, right? Yeah, it's like, dude, stop. Yeah. No, you'll love this. We got six flavors we got if you're a classic soda guy we got coca-cola we got um yuzu lime it's kind of like our sprite and then we have a dr spade it's our spin on dr pepper and then we have the fruity flavors strawberry kiwi we got guava and blueberry
Starting point is 00:15:39 acai so flavor for everyone dr pepper such an underrated drink i've never had every time i have one of the i don't have a lot of them but maybe like once a year i'll run into one and i'm like holy shit this is incredible this flavor it's a hard flavor to nail it's i mean the actual formula isn't revealed but it's like a bunch of different spices and and flavors um and we actually we went out to 7-Eleven and pitched to them at their headquarters in Dallas. And we, you know, we had a lot of their execs and largest franchise owners trying it.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And Dr. Pepper is like huge in Texas or Dallas specifically. So they are loving the Dr. Spade because they can compare it to Dr. Pepper. Like do this way better. It's no sugar. Largest franchise in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:26 No, just like the, the largest. No, 7- this is way better. It's no sugar. Largest franchise in the world? No, just like the largest franchise in the world. No, 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven. They're the biggest retailer in the world, yeah. Yeah, crazy, right? I was just looking at... Go ahead. Well, so we sat through, like, a seminar the first day we were there, and they told us they're building a new 7-Eleven every three and a half hours in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I mean, I can't even, like, conceptually that sounds crazy. I just looked it up the other day, I can't even, like, conceptually, that sounds crazy. I just looked it up the other day. I think there were, like, over 70,000 7-Elevens. You know, there was a point where it was like that for CrossFit between, like, 2009 and 2013. There was a gym opening every three hours somewhere in the world. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It was like a five-year run like that. Yeah. Yeah, out in Asia, the 7-Elevens are basically on top of each other. And they're gourmet. Like, they have good food in there. And the ones in Asia, um, there's about, I think there's 13,000 or so in the U S yeah. That's what, so as many as CrossFit gyms. Yeah. Oh no. Twice as many, twice as many, there's probably 6,500 CrossFit gyms in the U S so there's twice as many seven 11s, but that number has fallen off last few years, right? Since COVID. Uh, yeah, but I still think that there's, I think in the U SS., so there's twice as many 7-Elevens. But that number's fallen off the last few years, right? Since COVID?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, but I still think that there's, I think in the U.S., there's about 6,000 or 7,000 gyms, active gyms in the U.S., and I think that there's probably a little bit more, or I think it's fair to say there's equal amount worldwide, elsewhere. They say there's more, but just for the sake of, it's close.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's close. I think, it depends on what, I think at the peak crossfit is approaching 15 000 and then we were hearing 13 000 and then recently they got a new um cmo and what she said i'm excited to be a part of these 12 000 gyms so it's some it's somewhere in there but that like i said that is worldwide that's still half as many as 7-elevens in the united states yeah it's crazy we need to get into all the affiliates then. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Uh, I think, um, it was either kill cliff or what was the other one that used to say, uh, that had the black cans, the black cans. There was killed. I think fit fit.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It has a black hands like the creatine one. Yeah. I think fit it. I think fit aid. I think that was one of their roads to success from what i hear is getting some getting into every affiliate yeah yeah i met with uh me and my co-founder he's actually my cousin blake um the real mvp behind spade we're the same age grew up together um we had a meeting with orion which is the, I guess, one of the co-founders of Fitted.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And he was just telling us their story and kind of how they got into the affiliates. It actually started off as a golf drink. So they're hitting the golf courses in the country clubs. And then they pivoted to affiliates. Not that you're asking my opinion, but I'm a sucker for a can that says creatine on it are you really yeah so like those bang energy drinks because they said creatine i would drink them and since they took it off i'd have never i haven't had drank one since should we make a spade creatine and and and the fide one like i would never drink a fide unless it said creatine in it i I don't know why. I'm looking at a FidAid right now.
Starting point is 00:19:25 There's a case right in front of me. The thing is when you put so many different ingredients in one can, I feel like it devalues each of the ingredients. I mean to make it cost effective, right? Like there's no way the source of creatine that's in Bang Energy is a good source of creatine. Yeah, I've heard it's like nothing. I've heard it's – Just enough to market it. So you buy it.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yes, yes. And it worked yeah it worked on me even though people were like hey dude you'd have to drink four bangs to get five milligrams of like a teaspoon of creek yeah you'll die of a heart attack before you get that serving yeah but i'm just saying it like it for me it justified um look yeah super creed yo yeah i like the word super too and i think they had to take it off because someone said hey there's no such thing as super creatine i don't know i mean i'm just hearing just like yeah i don't i don't know anyone who owns the company or anything but that's what i heard yeah and now i don't even see it in stores anymore to tell you the truth bank yeah do you um yeah i see the gas stations.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You do? I see Rain. Rain's like one of their competitors. I see Rain everywhere. I actually, have you had the Ghost Energy? Do you like energy drinks? Ghosts, dude, they have a really good flavor. It's like a sour Warhead flavor. They collabed with Warhead.
Starting point is 00:20:41 It's the green one. I was addicted to those. Obviously, I try not to drink those but i wouldn't for some reason i'm i'm advert i'd never have had a i don't think i've ever had a monster maybe maybe one or two and i don't like their can and i don't like the rain can and i'm okay with the ghost can i'm not a big fan of the c4 can um i don't know why um um i just think it's a cheesy i just think it's a cheesy can like the cans trying to the monster i think the whole monster thing is just trying too hard yeah like i like red bull because it was ridiculous it gives you wings
Starting point is 00:21:20 just just completely absurd but yeah that's what we're trying to do with spade though in the in the healthy soda space because the major players that are in that space i mean it's pretty untapped if you look at it healthy soda as a whole you have sparkling waters which is very saturated and then you have diet sodas which is saturated you have kombucha sodas prebiotic sodas which is newer to the scene but it's very saturated now but healthy crazy sugar right kombucha is just basically just pure sugar right yeah yeah um like poppy and olipop there's still a little bit of sugar in those but they're prebiotic sodas and most of the people that are drinking those don't even they don't care about prebiotics they don't even know what that is they just want a
Starting point is 00:22:04 healthy soda that tastes like the real thing so that's where we came in we're like alright well we're not we're gonna leave out the prebiotic we're just gonna have the flavor with this and make a healthy soda so people can drink you know drink it whenever they want there's no caffeine in it no sugar anyone can have it no alcohol any age can have it your kids can drink it kids love spade so and we just we kind of want to just appeal to the masses in that sense and some of what red bull did and become like a lifestyle drink you know we want to get into the to the music festival space you want to get into ufc and sports nba pga
Starting point is 00:22:39 get into nightlife you know we don't want to just be a healthy soda that's on a shelf in Whole Foods. That's another reason why I don't like Monster. At the end of every UFC fight, the guy holds the can up and it's like, hey, it's obviously so forced. I mean, I don't know what it is, but obviously they give you a thousand bucks if you hold the can or something. It's not as authentic.
Starting point is 00:23:00 No. I think it's so fucking cheese dick. I already know I'm consciously manipulated by words like creatine i don't need like i i don't need too much more what's the um what's the deal with the can why that can as opposed to like a regular are you talking about the sleek like the slim can yeah like the little it's like a little red bull can i think of it as opposed to like a waterloo can or you know what i mean yeah yeah um no i think uh the 12 ounce sleek can is it feels cleaner it's kind of on trend now a lot of the healthier sodas are doing it it just feels better in your hand um doesn't fit in your cup holder in your car It'll move around a little bit Yeah move around a little bit I don't know it depends on your car
Starting point is 00:23:47 But um Oh you mean like cup holders that have like those flaps That are kind of down in it You know what I'm talking about Yeah Okay you're right good point Depends What's the story behind the drink
Starting point is 00:24:02 How do you start a drink Is that a scary endeavor? Yeah, I mean, especially when you're going up against industry titans like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and you've never started a business before. Yeah, I mean, it all started back in college, actually, me and my cousin. I was competing at CrossFit already, right? And my cousin lived in San Diego. I lived in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Both in college, both in fraternities, and we'd, you know, visit each other and go to parties. But we both adopted healthy lifestyles from growing up drinking soda until we realized soda is literally killing us. And we're like, man, we're at these bars, at these parties, and we're like, there's nothing we can mix with that's not loaded with sugar we mix with the liquor we have you know orange juice cranberry juice Hawaiian punch coca-cola bullshit so like we need to find something out there that can kind of fill this void couldn't find anything you know we sparkling waters there's no
Starting point is 00:25:03 flavors so subtle. Diet sodas still have harsh chemicals in it, aspartame and whatnot. So started researching ingredients on Amazon, or we started researching natural sweeteners, found ingredients on Amazon and shipped them over to us. Blake's dad had a soda streamer, so we actually started making our own soda together just for ourselves so we could bring it to parties or wherever we were going and drink it and you know that one thing led to another friends would try it and like dude this is this is good stuff like you have something good here and we decided to put it into cans and we came up with the name mixer so. So it was M-I-X-R, make it a little trendy.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And we would just take that to parties and not even trying to bring it to market or anything. In cans, you would take it in cans. Yeah, we bought a self canner. Do you get that on Amazon too? Do you get that on Amazon too? We never got that on Amazon, but we actually did get it into some liquor stores.
Starting point is 00:26:05 No, no, no. I mean a self can canner what the hell is a self canner yeah so you just it's how you make your own can seal it up so you use the soda streamer you make the soda and you put in the can and seal it up and you just buy oh god and you would do you know how to do we made stickers i have pictures i can probably send you the early days the mixer cans we've had stickers we just we wrapped it around the can instead of mixer on it is this it a can canner steam yeah yeah exactly so we found a company where we bought the the cans like they look like silver bullets there's nothing on them okay and uh then we had the stickers printed and we put the stickers on the can. God, that is fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah. So, you know, we actually got it on the shelf. And tedious. And tedious. How long does it take to make one can? It would take you like a few minutes to make a can? We have a time lapse video that's like, I think had like a few hundred cans made in school. But yeah, definitely it was it was time-consuming but we we actually did get into some liquor stores just cold-cold walking in there and
Starting point is 00:27:13 talking to the owner and shooting the shit like hey we you know we had these little displays because once we figured out that people actually liked the stuff like alright there might be something there so we dig it into stores however the name scared people away from trying it it was a very niche market the cocktail mixing space and meanwhile poppy olipop and Zevia and all these healthy soda brands are exploding so we decided to pivot from the cocktail mixing space and just do it as a healthy soda because we noticed people loved drinking it on its own, but they were hesitant to do so because they thought they had to mix it with alcohol. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Okay. So yeah, that's when we kind of consulted with professionals, built out this team and professionalized our brand, full pivot, full rebrand, with design firms and um spade was born and are you and blake the owners yep and what are you glad you worked with those people on the outside or did you realize it's just horseshit you guys should have done it all yourself oh no we i mean we wouldn't be where we're at right now if we didn't build that team because you know blake and i had never been in the cpg space or started a cpg company i actually did what's cpg what's cpg consumer packaged goods okay
Starting point is 00:28:32 i actually did an internship with kill cliff back in the day so i got to see a little bit of the ins and outs behind the scenes of a startup beverage they're actually i live in atlanta they're based in atlanta um but yeah so I mean, we didn't really know anything about starting a beverage company. We just had a passion for, you know, I have a passion for the fitness industry, health and wellness. We like to rage as well. We don't want to compromise that. So how can we kind of find that happy medium when we created a healthy soda that can play in all these different spaces? So yeah, I mean, we kind of immersed ourselves in the beverage space
Starting point is 00:29:06 for four or five years because this was we started mixer around the covid time so it was like 2019 2020 fast forward to now we just launched spade in july and already were invited to 7-eleven by october sent them product they loved it pitch to They're going to bring us on for a 200-store trial. No shit. Congratulations. Thank you. Yeah. So we'll be launching with them this summer. Wow. 200 stores.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Potentially in LA. Orange County. What do you think that they liked about it? So we, when I was speaking to the buyer there, he was telling me how, and if you look at 7-Eleven, you can see this, or their Instagram. But they're really trying to kind of bring in new innovative products that appeal to Gen Z and kind of change their whole target audience or their target consumer who's walking on their store. And we kind of fit that mold right we're this new generation soda and gen z is uh people born in the late 1990s in early 2000s
Starting point is 00:30:13 so those people are like 25 to 35 okay do you think it's 7-eleven like just convenience store but they want to bring in like a younger crowd and if you go to their instagram you can see the whole rebrand they've done like it it's got a really cool vibe to it now and so we kind of fit that mold perfectly and i think they like the our name spade and and kind of our approach and you know how we're trying to be this lifestyle soda healthy soda um and they they genuinely like the liquid like they everyone who tried it loved it what's the um what's wow they have a spam sam i don't think that's is that it 7-eleven no i don't think that's go to that's 7-eleven philippines oh oh go to the actual what don't be racist what are you talking about okay they're all
Starting point is 00:31:08 this they're all i think we have distribution in philippines yet isn't that funny i can't find um let's see 7-eleven type in 7-eleven like spell out 11 uh yeah there you go okay here we go Yeah, there you go. Okay, here we go. There we go. Oh, yeah. Now this one's way more hip.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You know what I'm saying? Look, they already have two Porsches in the last five posts. Or is that a Porsche? What is that? That's a nice car. I can see you driving something like that. I can't see what that is. It's too small.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I think it's some sort of like Nissan, do have like McLarens and stuff on their page it's crazy oh yeah they got all sorts when I think of 7-Eleven I think of people running in to get a beer chewing tobacco hot dog
Starting point is 00:32:04 sunflower seeds coffee but now you look at this this new dude look at all these fucking cars at the 7 on the 7-eleven they're a fucking wow yeah it's it's cool it looks like it looks like now it looks sexy yeah it looks like tokyo drift oh yeah there you go. Jeez. And who did you, is that, is that a big turning point? This 200 getting into 200 stores. Is that like, Holy shit. Like this is like, like I would be excited. Like, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Like when I did the open workouts live on the show, that was like a big turning point for the podcast. It's like, Holy shit. I can't believe we're doing this. Was that like that for you? You're like, holy fuck, this is a big step. Yeah, it was definitely a big stamp of approval. At that point in our in our like early stage of launching this because we were only a few months old. And I think we're one of the youngest brands to ever get a deal with 7-Eleven because we had no sales history, no sales story. We had just launched in July, baby company. So it was just a really big validator. And we've been able to kind of leverage that as we, you know, pitch to investors and meet with potential distributors and onboard with different agencies. It's a huge stamp of approval.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah, I get that. That's like me when I have Katie Henniger on the show. Yeah. A stamp of approval. Hey, so how did you get that meeting? Did you know someone? Is that all just like who you know? How did you get that meeting with those people? Yeah, so one of our board of advisors mentioned to us this program. It's called 7-Eleven Brands with Heart. And basically, you apply for it and you get a chance to go pitch to them. And there were over 600 applicants that applied. Only 48 were accepted, and we were one of them. So basically, you fill out a questionnaire and send them product, and they try it,
Starting point is 00:34:03 they talk with their team, they have to like it, and then they approve you. So out of 600 brands, we were one of 48 to get accepted and about half of the 48 brands there walked away with a deal. Wow. And any other drinks? I don't know exactly which brands walked away with a deal, but, but yeah, it's, it's all CPG. I mean, there was like laundry detergent, little wipes, or there's little desserts. Like anything you'd find in a 7-Eleven, basically.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's not just drinks and food. Were those dudes in the room with you? Was it like a game show? Like all the dudes who are pitching are all in the same room, or you're alone in there with the people? It was more so like a trade show. Oh, okay. are pitching are all in the same room or you're alone in there with the people it was more so like a trade show oh okay and you know um all the execs are coming up to the booths and um the our specific buyer for like the guy who brings soda in the 7-eleven like his name's patrick and uh came up to our booth and we shot the shit with him and um he tried our product, loved it, and kind of took the next steps from there. So it was cool. It was a good experience.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And you get to meet a bunch of other brands. A lot of those brands have been in the space for longer than we have, so kind of pick their brains. And it's a good networking event too, just other CPG startups. And when you're there, do you have your drinks cold as shit like i like a i like a drink that's so cold it's like when the can's like really really cold i get i start to get really excited yeah yeah yeah we had a full cooler on ice so i always get so hesitant when um people order our product and it comes in they want to try it immediately without throwing
Starting point is 00:35:44 in the fridge because i want them to have a good first impression of the product. So I'm like, put it on ice, throw it in the fridge before you try it. Allison NYC, so this guy's job is to drink soda. Exactly. No, to make soda and sell it. That's our job is to drink soda. Hey, you know what's crazy too is so few people have a shot collar power. So,
Starting point is 00:36:07 you know, like Apple may employ, I don't, I'm just making this up. I don't know. A hundred thousand people like truly 99,990 of them are absolutely useless. Like they can, they,
Starting point is 00:36:18 they have, they're fucking nothing more than cogs. So to, and I have to assume it's like that. I have to assume it's like that at seven 11, like re like really no, no one, no one. And so you met the right person, like somehow the right person. I mean, the odds of, I mean, there's tons of people with like jobs, like director of marketing director, but at the end of the day, they can't do shit. Right. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. We knew when we met our buyer, we were like, this is the guy.
Starting point is 00:36:47 This is the only guy who's going to have any say in bringing our product into 7-Eleven. And we killed it with him. And he loved it. And we were very fortunate that we got to talk with him and tell him our story and meet with him. And he's been super helpful along the way. So definitely very pumped to be in 7-Eleven. There's not even 7-Elevens around me in Atlanta. But I used to live in Miami.
Starting point is 00:37:07 They're everywhere. They're everywhere in California. You're in California, right? Yeah, yeah. I drive down the street and I see five. They're fucking everywhere. What part of California are you in? I'm in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Okay, so it's more central? Yeah. Is that north? They call it north. It is central, but they call it north. We're called North Cal. Okay. I live by Jason Kalipipa i'm like 40 miles south jason kalipa but like i can think i can think in my head where there's like three just so without i mean i can't even help if you're like don't think of 7-eleven three would pop in my head yeah well hopefully we'll be in in those
Starting point is 00:37:40 stores soon i don't know if you're you walk into-Eleven, but we also just onboard the Amazon optimization team, so we'll be getting on Amazon pretty soon. Oh, damn. Yeah, we're super pumped about that. Thank you. Look, Slinky even tells me, thank you. You're north. Look at Allison's in Costa Rica and she misses 7-Eleven.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Look at that. I've never heard anyone say that. I miss 7-Eleven. That's like something you'd hear someone say who's in jail. Like they start to really appreciate the finer things. The smaller things, yeah. I miss a 7-Eleven. It's a metaphor. And this is full-time for you? You don't have another gig?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, it's full-time. I do spade and I compete as a CrossFit athlete, which doesn't pay me anything. And is, is that the goal, Jeff,
Starting point is 00:38:27 to go to the games? Sorry. Take two. Sorry. Is that the goal, Jake? I called you Jeff. I'm half.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Sorry. I'm half. Sorry for calling you Jeff. Is the goal to go to the games? Yeah. Yeah. I've been trying to go to the games for the last decade. And that's why it's pretty, you know, I was only going to give it another run for maybe another year or two.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You know, I'm only getting older and, you know, I want to shift gears to Spade and get this thing off the ground and blow it up and eventually sell it one day. And thankfully, I have a really good team right now. And, you know, my co-founder, Blake, he's literally the real MVP and he have a really good team right now and you know my co-founder Blake he's he's literally the real MVP and he knows what I'm doing right now training to make the games and does pretty much everything operations which is nice but yeah it it sucks to end on this note like getting hurt like this and have to potentially pull out of the season so I don't want to end on that note I'm gonna i'm gonna give it another run for sure and i'm gonna do it right i took a long off season last year and i tried to cram training in a short amount of time to get back
Starting point is 00:39:33 in shape for the open and i think that's ultimately what led to me getting injured so i'm gonna give it another year or two for sure. Try and get my game spot. Someone in the comments said, hey, can we get a recap of how we came to tomorrow night's show? We can. They did a really good job yesterday on the Training Think Tank podcast with CTP and Max and Jake. They all did an amazing job recapping it but will you recap it for us anyway going back to you know the the video where we where you uh you you won that
Starting point is 00:40:15 event and you won at the last minute and you got the interview start from there maybe yeah absolutely so this is back in 2022 i was was competing at the MAC semifinal. And going into the last day, there's two workouts left. And I was on the outside looking in. I think I was like 10th or 9th or something. This is event five. And it's echo bike, toes to bar, burpee box getover workout. And I ended up winning the workout and they gave me an interview after the workout barely won it right like you came off the toes to bar after far behind
Starting point is 00:40:53 noah and then passed him on the burpee box yeah i think there was noah i think tyler christophel and maybe a couple others that had beat me to the box. And it was a pretty substantial transition. And the workout ended with 30 burpee box getovers. So I had caught all of them and beat Noah at the last second. By substantial, you had to run. It was like a 20-yard run through the box. And it was a huge box. It's not the kind of place where you make up time.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Right. So I had to really burn down the burpees to get that win because there's a clip in that podcast from yesterday. You can see I'm literally coming down off the toes of our to break. Noah's already starting his burpees. So I was really behind. Yeah, I kind of came out of nowhere and won. So, you know, when you win a workout, they get an interview. So, yeah, just they're asking me how it felt it fell with the strategy and just kind of spewed
Starting point is 00:41:45 it out in the moment it was like yeah i have the fastest burpees in the game so i knew if i was close to whoever was in the lead i would have caught them and won and then it's now it's this clip that's kind of kept resurfacing on the on the internet and training think tank would always repeat it whenever there's like a burpee workout or something for example the first open workout this year but it more so became like a joke you know right not like seriously like oh you have the fastest burpees in the game you're like oh fastest burpees in the game your boys just busting your butt your boys busting your balls yeah exactly exactly so um i think Exactly. So I think maybe Colton must have seen a recent podcast where they were talking about my burpees in the first workout where he did dust me. It's a big podcast, man. The views are high on it. They have a consistent. It's probably the most underrated. I don't hear a lot of people
Starting point is 00:42:45 talk about it but if you go over and look at the training think tank YouTube page they're doing good they do good oh yeah so like a lot of people yeah a lot of people are hearing that shit so sorry I think I think Colton thought maybe like I don't think he knew about that I said it in an interview I think
Starting point is 00:43:01 he thought training think tank was just kind of crowning me this fastest burpee in the game yeah didn't really know think tank was just kind of crowning me this fastest burpee in the game yeah didn't really know it was like and kind of just saying it in a joking manner or he had forgotten because i remember seeing that live when you said that and i thought it was really cool and but i had forgotten so when it wasn't until i watched the podcast yesterday that i was oh yeah that's where it came from. So maybe he also forgot. Right. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. Um, yeah, that's, that's kind of the origin of how this all started, but I've, I've, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:33 I've been known to have fast burpees. Like it's, it's a good movement for me. And then, and then you, and then he went on, um, uh, um, he was on the coffee Pods and Wads game show and out of left field nowhere he just goes off on letting the world know that Max doesn't know what he's talking about
Starting point is 00:43:54 the podcast is silly and Jake doesn't have the fastest and it was probably I mean it's pretty fucking funny yeah it was just completely especially because three ago, that guy didn't talk. Yeah, no, I love it. And now he's like, now he's fucking straight, just stand up material.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah. And, you know, he worked, he's had to probably work hard to get to that place, to set himself free to say that shit. You know what I mean? I mean, for us, we're just dying laughing. But like that guy, I think has worked to get to where he's at with his um delivery 100 yeah no it was good like like i said the sport needs it he killed it with that and look what it's turned into yeah it's so fun yeah it's crazy right yeah do you do you know that after you guys go we're gonna have the um fittest man in the world in the dwarf division?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yeah. Try to beat your guys' time. Because I was so bummed because I think Caleb reached out to you and I reached out to Colton right when we heard about it. But fucking Colton's like, oh, dude, Spin beat you by 30 seconds. Because I was like, oh, we're doing this. So, yeah. I didn't know whether to respond or not yet, but then Colton tagged me on a story cause he had already said yes to barbell spin, but I knew you wanted
Starting point is 00:45:12 to stream it and he was just like waiting for you and I didn't want to look like I was bitching out. So I just responded. Yes. Yeah. It's good. It worked out perfect. It just, it made me have to like think, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Um, I had remembered this line. Charlie Chaplin said that a great joke only comes after a good joke. So I'm like, okay, what can I do to fucking capitalize on that? And this, this cat, Tim Murray, the fittest dwarf in the world has been on the show a couple of times. I reached out to him and he's like, fucking I'll, I'll do it. And it was cool too, because, um, we're like, Hey, do we, should we like somehow adjust the workout because you're only four feet tall and he's like nope i saw that clip yeah yeah no i saw a clip of him doing a few burpees and they're fast they're definitely faster than mine so if he can he did maybe like 20 if he can do that for another 80 then he'll definitely win but that's gonna be
Starting point is 00:46:03 tough to sustain and what will break down on these guys what will break down on you guys it for you you're saying it's the explosiveness out of the bottom breaks down i think it's the press for sure it's so weird so it won't be metabolic it'll be muscular fatigue i mean it's it's metabolic if if that's your limiter but i think um you know colton and i are at a level where the capacity um like the breathing won't hold us back like we won't tap into that yet because it's you know three and a half minutes and i think muscular fatigue will set in before that like that's what's going to deteriorate and slow us down i don't i mean i don't know
Starting point is 00:46:43 how fast he's going to go i know how fast i'm going to go and i know that's what's going to deteriorate and slow us down. I mean, I don't know how fast he's going to go. I know how fast I'm going to go, and I know that's where I feel it. Are you going to wear a spade shirt? I only have collared spade shirts that I wear when we meet with investors and stuff. I'm probably not going to wear that. I'm probably not going to wear a shirt at all. Hey, are you a UFC fan? Oh, I love UFC. Hey, are you a UFC fan?
Starting point is 00:47:03 I love UFC. So you remember, I don't want to like, I love Jorge Masvidal. You know, the street Jesus from Miami. I've worked out with him before. You have? Yeah, me and Noah, we've worked out with him. His gym is right, it's like they share a wall at peak. Oh, shit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah. So I love Jorge. oh shit wow yeah yeah so i i love jorge i i don't um but when when nate diaz called him out that i think that catapulted jorge masvidal do you remember that he's like hey um i want to fight for a belt and it's going to be called the bmf belt the baddest motherfucker belt and when nate called him out nate was kind of like at his peak, right? He just had that whatever that those two fights with Conor. And it was like fucking crazy, right? Yeah. I feel like also along that line that Colton doing this, but like it's nothing, but it's great for you.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like, hey, it's not that people don't know who you are, but like you were in the interview you haven't been to the games yet so who are you to talk shit back to him but also it's like like there's the underlying messages is he truly does respect that you probably have the fastest burpees in the game and he wants to test himself like at the end of the day that's what it comes down to he's like well fuck it, fuck it. That guy, he, somewhere inside, he sees you have the title, and he wants it. Yeah. So, somewhere down in his mind, Nate Diaz thought Jorge Masvidal is the baddest dude around, and if I want that, I'm going to get it.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I mean, that's the, because he's not going to do that competition against me. Right. He's got to, like, it's got to be, I mean, if there's a pot, he'd definitely do it against you. Right. But he. It's got to be he'd definitely do it against you. Right. But he – It's got to be worth his time, yeah? Yeah, yeah. He's got to respect you. And there wasn't even money involved at first.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It was just like, hey, you're the best. I want a piece. If I win, I'm going to donate it to a – Spade? Like Wounded Warrior or something. Oh. Yeah. spade like wounded warrior or something no yeah um the the the spade thing um uh i would love to i would love to anything you ever need help um i don't know i mean
Starting point is 00:49:17 shit i don't know what i can do but um i i love uh success stories i love what you're doing i'd love to help you in any way possible. So, yeah, I think you should be wearing a spade shirt tomorrow. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, like I said, I don't have, like, a spade T-shirt. But, I mean, my plan was to bring a bunch of cans up to the gym and have people drinking it while they're spectating. Yeah, or maybe, like, break one on your head at the end. Yeah, a shotgun one. Yeah. Yeah, or maybe like break one on your head at the end. Yeah, a shotgun one.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. No, I appreciate you wanting to help. I'd love to send you a case, get your feedback. Yeah, yeah, sending me a case will really help you. Send me five cases. It doesn't say creatine on it, but I hope you still drink it. Hey, so when I say that to you, have you thought about that before?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Are you like, yeah, dude, I know we've thought about that before. Making a creatine drink? Yeah. No, we specifically didn't want to be a function-forward beverage. We wanted to be more flavor-forward and functional secondary. Just because we wanted a very clean, simple drink. So you look at the ingredients label and you know everything on it. Very simple.
Starting point is 00:50:23 It's not a fucking paragraph. paragraph yeah that's like my wife she looks at the ice cream and she doesn't care anything if it has three ingredients that's the one she wants and that's the simplicity is is key and we have six ingredients including water so good god i do um i think it's noble and i think it's the right thing to do i just i just can't imagine anyone giving a fuck. Just looking around. Like when I walk out in public, I'm like, no one here gives a fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:51 About what? About what they put in their body. Oh yeah. But it's like, it's on trend right now. Everyone's trying to be healthier. Everyone's cold plunging. Everyone's trying to be gluten free.
Starting point is 00:51:01 You know, it's, I think it's on trend right now for sure. Since, since COVID and like people are healthier, they're trying to be gluten free. I think it's on trend right now, for sure. Since COVID, people are healthier. They're trying to be, or they portray that on social media. But regardless, we want to be that drink that people are putting on their story on Instagram. Kind of like a status symbol, if you will.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And I guess, that being said, it's way easier selling something that you 100% believe in. So like my sponsors down there, like I love Paper Street Coffee. I love CA Peptides. I love BirthFit. And same with Born Primitive. Like when they sponsor shows, like I love their shoes. And so it's easy just to be like, yeah, fucking wear the Savage One.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yes, the Savage One is the best shoe. So you don't ever have to lie about your drink. You don't have to be like Coke has to lie lie i think people can see right through that shit and we the reality is we made a drink for ourselves to begin with so we made a product for ourselves and people loved it so we wanted to share our product with the world and that's why we brought it to market. Yeah, that's awesome. That's the same thing how Greg started CrossFit. He wrote journal articles and did a fitness
Starting point is 00:52:12 program that he wished he would have had. Oh yeah, and my tooth powder, Matuthian. I made my tooth powder because I wanted my own tooth powder. I wanted to brush my teeth with my own tooth powder. You have a tooth powder? Yeah, you didn't know that? How do you not know that? Where have you been, Jake? This is my first podcast with my own. You have a tooth powder? Yeah. You didn't know that? How do you know that? Where have you been, Jake? This is my first podcast with you, so.
Starting point is 00:52:28 You send me a tooth powder, I'll send you a spade. I will. I will. Is it like a teeth whitener? What is it? No, it's just a fluoride. It's just incredibly, it's a neurotoxin. It just straight, in all the studies, it lowers kids' IQ.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And there's no neurotoxin. It just straight – in all the studies, it lowers kids' IQ. And there's no recovery from it. If you get too much fluoride in your system, you're fucking – it'll fucking hurt you. And I bet you the vast majority of Americans, including myself, have had way too much fluoride. Yeah. There's been three huge studies, one in China, one in Europe, one in North America. And basically, if you get over a certain amount of fluoride in your system, they say your IQ drops three to six points and you're toast. That's it. You don't recover those. And my mom and my sister have pretty white teeth, like very white teeth. And they're like bone white. They're not like Fox News white, you know, like the ones that look like they're blue. And so they were always
Starting point is 00:53:19 telling me they brushed their teeth with baking soda. And my family eats pretty clean anyway. with baking soda and my family eats pretty clean anyway so then finally my sister sent me some tooth powder one time and it was just um a little bit of charcoal um eggshells uh bentonite clay charcoal and a little bit of salt and i started brushing my teeth with it and the first time i brushed my teeth with it i was like holy shit i cannot believe how good my teeth feel my teeth have never felt like this. Pace does nothing compared to this. I reached out to Doc Spartan, Dale King over there,
Starting point is 00:53:52 and we put together a tooth powder. That's awesome. I love that. I'm stoked. It's selling like crazy. That wasn't my intention. Just online. Just online. Yeah, I would love to try some Just online. No, just online. Yeah, just online. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah, I would love to try some of that. I'll order some. Yeah, it's awesome. Do you have any other companies? No. No. Other products? No, I'm just taking over the world from this podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I love the entrepreneurship. Thank you. Resume. How old did you say you were? 29? 28. Yeah, I'm late to the game. Well, better late than never.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah, totally. Do you think that there's a chance you do beat Colton? I do, actually. Yeah. I do think there's a chance. I'm efficient with my burpees. I don't know how fast he's going to go. Meaning he might game it.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I don't think you can game it. It's 100 for time. Like I said, it's going to be blinders on and go. Right when my feet hit the ground on that last rep, I hope it's before him. I don't know how fast he's going to go. It's not going to change how fast I'm going to go. i know my gear and what i'm able to hold for 100 reps and that's what i'm gonna do so will you warm up first uh yeah and what will that look like probably just do like
Starting point is 00:55:19 a couple sets of 15 burpees maybe some some bike a couple sets of 15 justpees, maybe some bike. A couple sets of 15? Just to kind of, like, feel it for a sec. You know, like, touch the pan for a sec. Yeah, fuck, dude. A couple sets of 15 is a workout for some people. I'll have my coach, Kyle Ruth, write up a little warm-up for me. Is he a training think tank guy? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I've been with him for four years now. And yeah, it's been an amazing move coming up to TTT. I'm from Atlanta. I was born and raised, so it made the most sense, too, since it's local. But yeah, I wish I found
Starting point is 00:56:02 it sooner. Do you think Colton really thinks he's going to win? Or do you think a part of him is like, fuck, I bit off more than I can chew? I think he's pretty confident he's going to win. Yeah. The whole world thinks he's going to win. Yeah, they do. People are friends with me.
Starting point is 00:56:19 So your friends think you're going to win? I think they hope I win. Right. I mean, it's Colton. I'm not going to say anything. I can't really talk shit because he's short because I'm short myself. But he's shorter than me. But I can't use that as the excuse.
Starting point is 00:56:39 David Weed, Colton always cheats. I don't know about that. It's hard. I don't know how you can cheat this. The thing is with him, right, is that there's things that he truly is the best in the world at. Like it's hard to even say that about just any other – even games champions, right? Like even games champions, you're like, okay you're like okay they could be there is someone who can beat them at certain things but like colton has some real outlier weird shit going on where like he might he might not only be like close to the fittest man in the world but he
Starting point is 00:57:16 there's shit that just he's also the best at that no one's ever going to beat him no yeah and even the fittest man in the world even somewhere at some time there was probably someone who could beat fraser or someone who could beat froning in their peak at certain things. But there are certain things that this fucking dude just probably cannot be beat at. And you've just been like, oh, you're stepping like right into that. Into that circle where it's like, oh, yeah, this is this might be one of those things. I think it's going to be closer than people think. Oh, good. Good. God, I hope hope it is i can't wait to see it you never know like i don't know i mean i'm sure he's since he's had a couple weeks i'm sure he's done 100 to see where he's at
Starting point is 00:57:56 but is that a mistake on his part you think to you think it's a mistake to test it like oh that's gonna hurt too bad i think it's uh yeah i mean i guess you can look at it like that like once you feel how i mean i don't think it depends how it's all as hard as you make it right so maybe he tested 100 but didn't go at game game speed and he knows when where he could turn it up where he could turn it down um what's also unique about this jake is that um there's other people who like tried to do like um you know like a competition series right but the the so it's like organized and there's an organizer and there's this and that but this is really just like hey let's go behind the school and fight just Just like, hey, set your iPhone up, set my iPhone up, and we'll all gather around.
Starting point is 00:58:48 There's nothing fancy. It's just like – I think that's what makes it a lot cooler and more authentic because it was organic. It just happened so fast just off of Instagram comments or off of podcasts and then me commenting. And then, bang, all right, let's live stream this. You want the smoke, let's go. It just happens so fast just off of Instagram comments or off of podcasts and then me commenting and then bang. All right, let's live stream this. You know, you want the smoke. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And another interesting thing that I don't think a lot of people fully comprehend is like there's like if let's say Scott Pancheck, we're doing this against Noah Olsen, you know, two fucking huge names in the sport. There wouldn't be. This isn't to dig at them at all it's it's the fact of it that it's you too it's um you could be like i think a lot of people make the mistake hey just pick the two biggest names or just pick this and it's like that's not where it's at it's the same thing with when jorge and nate fought they weren't the two best fighters but fuck everyone wanted to see them fight and so it's just, it's really cool. It's almost like it's two years in the making.
Starting point is 00:59:48 You planted that seed unknowingly, you know, at, at what was it at granite games? You said Mac, Mac. Yeah. And who knows that maybe,
Starting point is 00:59:58 um, that's been grinding at Colton for like two years. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's losing sleep over it. Um, yeah, I don't know. It's, it's cool. Like they're like, you know what i mean yeah it's losing sleep over it um yeah i don't know it's cool like they're like you know a lot of people seeing colton repost everything's going on burman versus colton and they're like who's this burman guy never heard of him you know but i don't think people realize you know i've i've been very close to making the games. Like I said on the podcast yesterday,
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't think you can get closer than I've been. How close were you? How close were you? You took third when they only took two? Yeah, I got sixth at MAAC and they took five. If you looked at MAAC that year, it was probably the hardest region in the world. And how many points put away were you from fifth place?
Starting point is 01:00:44 I think it was like six or something. So basically how it broke down, Spencer beat me by one lunch step. And if I beat him, we would have been tied points wise, but I would have had the tie break because I won an event. I had a higher place. So one step by one step. Yeah. And then that was when you cry. Does that make you cry? Are you pissed? Do you cry? Do you drive home in the car crying? You know, it was also a weird time. I didn't cry because, well, we went to the last chance qualifier, right? So that was 6th, 7th, and 8th from every region.
Starting point is 01:01:19 So it was like just the guys who barely missed out. Everyone's a stud. They did 30, and they only take two out of the 30 and i got third so i missed it by one spot once again oh my god and it was it came down to one thruster rep that they took away from me um got dropped it behind me it was like the last rep of this amrap and yoni koski we tied on that workout he beat me he beat my tie break time but if they gave me that last rep i would have been one rep ahead i would have had his game spot but he took second instead and listen to the company
Starting point is 01:01:49 you're in you're in the in the last chance qualifier with yana koski i mean it dude just legendary yeah yeah no he's he's it was cool being up there with those big names tim paulson um beating a lot of other studs tyler Christoffel is right there. You know, he's been clawing at the games just as long. But yeah, it was, I just got together with a girlfriend and we're kind of in our honeymoon phase still. So I was pretty distracted, I feel like. So I didn't, I didn't really take the time to like process how close I was to this dream that I've been working towards for a decade. Like I was, it was, you know, fucking a hair. And I just, I didn't have, you know, I didn't really process it or cope with it.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And, you know, me and my girlfriend, we took off to Vegas that night after I found out I didn't make it. And we just, you know, traveled around. and we just you know traveled around and I feel like I don't know how different it would have been if I was just by myself in my own thoughts and really like trying to cope with it and figure out you know a plan going forward but I think I was more so sad about it versus like pissed and fired up to like go try and make it because it was so mentally like exhausting and physically to go to try and train and peak for semiifinals and then do it again a month later for last chance qualifier and come so close again. And it was just a mental beatdown. So that was the first time I ever dealt with burnout in the 14 plus years.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Oh, interesting. Yeah. Are you still with that girl? No, we broke up like a little less than a year ago. Are you single? Yeah, I'm single. Do you like being single? At this point in the season, yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I mean, I take a nice off season. I'm traveling around. I'm partying with my boys. But while I'm training, I really lock down. And I'm just living in a fucking box, and I just don't need the distraction. Maybe to some degree it helped me that year because I was distracted, and it took a little of the pressure off, but maybe, I don't know, maybe I would have made the games if I wasn't with, um,
Starting point is 01:04:06 you know, someone and I was more focused. I, I can't really, I can't really tell. Hey, um, the,
Starting point is 01:04:12 the, your, your, your spade team. Um, have they been like, Hey Jake, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:17 there's going to be maybe a couple thousand people who see this. I don't know. Maybe more. Maybe this video will get 30,000 views. Maybe. I mean, I'm sure there'll be some clips broken from it saying the fastest, the fastest burpee a hundred burpees in the world. And it could even,
Starting point is 01:04:29 you know, over the next five years, get a million views. Shouldn't your spade team be like slapping you around? I mean like, Hey, here's a spade shirt. Here's a spade tattoo for your chest. Here's a, shouldn't someone be like milking you? I mean, you mean for the, for the burpee thing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's me and my cousin, and we have a director of retail sales, and we have my cousin's roommate, Timmy. He's technically another co-founder, and it's a small team. We have advisors, but we're the team. And so I'll bring cans up for for the um for the
Starting point is 01:05:07 spectators you know maybe i'll shout it out on the in the interview after i win but yeah i don't want to make it like so i don't want to be selfish and make it this whole like advertisement for my company you know it's like colton's also doing it you know it's making about the burpee and i don't know i don't know. I don't know. I think you need a spade mat to do it on. That's the shape of a can. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I guess I didn't think it through. And a girl in the bikini. And a girl in the bikini. We'll save it for the rematch. All right. All right. Colton will want another stab at it after I beat him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Let's talk about the rematch. It could be said also that you have the fastest handstand push-ups. Yep, that's another one that I'm pretty good at. Are you as good at those as you are at burpees? Are we talking strict, kipping, deficit? There's a lot of handstand push-up variations. Which one's your favorite? Just regular strict.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Just regular strict. Yeah. I mean, he's pretty good at those too. He's going to be really good at everything I'm really good at. Yeah. I would love to race him in something like that. But for handstand push-ups i would like it to be not a single modality but maybe throw in something else like have a workout
Starting point is 01:06:30 like i thrive in a strict handstand push-up workout if it's got like barbell with it or you know something else or burpees or burpees yeah a lot of interference there jr will like that i actually just did a workout this morning before i hopped on that he sent me are you friends with jr howell oh yeah yeah we go way back and why is that how's that i met him through um this guy matt baird that was coaching him back in the day or coaching his team that went to regionals and JR would come up to Atlanta and we just met through them kept in touch over the years and he's invited me to come train at crash and you know I got to train with him and uh Jason Hopper Taylor Self and just had me over for dinner he's JR's man He is the man. Yeah. Damn, he knows everybody.
Starting point is 01:07:26 JR, yeah. Yeah, crazy. I love to see his climb in the sport, like his voice. People really respect him as they should now. And just the competitions he's put on, like his local competitions at his gym are top tier you know i don't think anyone's done a local competition like he has hey if there were ever a replacement for dave it would be him i truly mean that i i i think you're absolutely right i think that his i would love to see his voice grow in the sport too I would you know what I mean his voice
Starting point is 01:08:06 and his influence for sure um yeah he because uh he he knows people he knows how to deal with people he can also be very curt you know like he when when it's game time it's like he's not worried about what other people think he's setting up his event get the fuck out of his way and then at other times he knows when to be personal he's got a little bit of Dave in him. 100%. I couldn't agree more. And you just see the professionalism, the organization for Crash Crucible and Crescendo. I did the first Crash Crucible.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I did the first Crash Crucible that he put on back in 2020. And that's where Jason Hopper won that one. No one knew who he was yet, and he went on to make the games that year. But that was one of the most savage little competitions we've ever done. All the events were fucking insane. And all the winners, I think,
Starting point is 01:08:58 have gone to the games, right? Afterwards? I heard something like that the other day. Oh. Did Colton win? Colton won last year day. Oh. Did Colton win? Colton won last year, didn't he? Colton won. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Yeah, I guess it's true. That year, Jason won. Do you know Josh Miller? Do you know that name? No, but I don't know a lot of names. I just go after the trendy guys. Yeah. He got second.
Starting point is 01:09:22 I got third. Taylor stuff got fourth. And then the next year, think taylor won no i don't know did he well he didn't go to the games oh yeah you think he ever makes it to the games is he competing this year he told me he was doing the open and that was it i was like yeah no one knows he's gonna do quarterfinals for sure i think what i think what taylor's doing is is he's um he's mitigating well he's just mitigating his stress by saying he's not gonna do it okay yeah i can see that side of it and i think he believes he's not gonna do it but then when i mean he's obviously gonna compete in the quarterfinals we're gonna stream them live and he's gonna go against dylan colton and jason so he's obviously going to compete in the quarterfinals. We're going to stream them live, and he's going to go against Dallin, Colton, and Jason.
Starting point is 01:10:06 So he's going to go as hard as he can. Okay. Oh, yeah. He's definitely doing it then. You think he's good enough to make it to the games? I mean, it's his knee, right? If his knee holds up, I think he's got all the other tools. He's got the mindset more than anything. Oh, yeah. The mental discipline, the will to suffer.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And I think that's something you can't teach. And I think it's just something you have in you. And not everyone has it. He's got it. And that will carry him more than anything, for sure. I feel like it's something I'm pretty good at, too. Genetically, I'm probably not the best specimen to be the fittest on earth, but I think I have a good will to suffer in a workout.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I can push through. I wrestled in high school, too. I think I contributed to that. Oh, you did? Yeah. I think you build a lot of resilience and mental toughness. And I think Colton and Medeiros wrestled also. Yeah, you see a lot of wrestlers
Starting point is 01:11:06 come across let me read this to you let me put you on the spot here a second since we're gone here this is from Adrian Conway's Instagram it says facts to be aware of athletes turning coaches struggle to understand
Starting point is 01:11:21 that other athletes aren't them young athletes can lose years of development trying to train exactly how their favorite athletes um train or trained yep i what do you what do you what do you think about that before i weigh in and um yeah i agree i mean it's everyone's different everyone's going to train a little differently you think about that before I weigh in? Yeah, I agree. I mean, everyone's different. Everyone's going to train a little differently just because of how they're biologically made, right?
Starting point is 01:11:56 And I think you have to tailor your training to your own needs. But there is definitely a benefit to group training for sure. I think there's certain there's time and place for it. Here's where I disagree with Adrian a hundred percent. I think that like, if you want to be the best in the world, like 99% of your shit has to be the same as everyone else's. And you just do it better.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Well, no, it's that 1%. It's that 1%. You have to have some way of separating yourself, right? Yeah, and I think, so here's the thing. I think Matt Fraser cracked the code on it. I think he did 99% of what everyone else does.
Starting point is 01:12:37 So I think what Adrian is saying is true, but not in context of the big picture. Like, basically, if you want to go to the games, 99% of the shit that Danielle Brandon does and Rich Froning does and Haley Adams does and Jeff, Jake Berman does, it's all the same shit, but there's a 1%. And it's kind of like what you were saying during games time, you live in a bubble and it's about living in your bubble. And do you have the mental fortitude to fucking live in that bubble? And so in that way, I disagree with him. It's like, Hey dude, if you want to to win the games you can go up there and live with matt and live in the bubble and he'll show you like how not to use a steak knife so you don't accidentally cut yourself don't fucking call anyone to fucking erase instagram from your phone you know what i mean and just agree with that though you do okay tell me i don't think that'll i don't think that works for everyone but okay
Starting point is 01:13:24 i agree no olsen yeah but he never won the games right but he never won the games that's what i'm I don't think that works for everyone. Okay, I agree. Look at Noah Olsen. Yeah. But he never won the games. Right, but he never won the games. That's what I'm saying. He pretty much damn near won it. Right. Against Matt Frazier.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Right. He operates so differently than someone like Matt. Right. Noah used to be around people, and he's having fun with his training crew. And Matt's not using a steak knife. some people need to take it to that level that's a really good matt matt established dominance for many years in a row and i guess he can he kind of proved that that was the way to go but i don't think that's the way to go for everyone that was the way to go for him and and you've also chosen in noah also um in my defense probably the most
Starting point is 01:14:07 the guy who's the most like that i mean i mean it's crazy um how some people are upset at noah just because of how fucking cool and nice he is like i hear people dogging him because they how nice he is i'm like dude are you fucking kidding me he's the nicest guy who ever competed on the fucking crossfit game floor He's cool as shit. Yeah. Fucking love the guy. And he's honest and he's sincere. And like, he's, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Are you, are you very close with him? Yeah. We, we lived together when he was in Atlanta. Yeah. We're boys. Tell him to quit being a pussy. Tell him to come on the show. He won't come on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:39 I bet he'll come on right now if you call. No, he, he, we had a talk. He ain't coming. Really? Yeah. But, but what no no no no fucking you know i love each other i love the show one time he called you guys i was sitting next to him driving i remember i do totally remember i totally remember yeah um uh
Starting point is 01:14:59 uh and i don't blame him for this at all i just say crazy shit that that um it's not even that i say crazy shit i say shit that's out of people's comfort zone or or subjects that people like don't want to get partake in right so like say you're trying to sell an energy drink and i and i'm talking to you about like i'm i might bring up a subject that might alienate some of your customers so you're like hey i don't want to go on that show because i want to sell my drink to everyone. Or I want my drink. I'm not interested in alienating people and stuff on the way you talk alienates people. I think that's more what it was with me and Noah. He just was just like, but, but I mean, if I called him, you're right. He would answer. Or if I text him, he always texts me back or he's great. I, I, um, I think he would jump on
Starting point is 01:15:40 since I'm on here, but I was texting him this morning he was just he was watching the podcast that ttt did from yesterday yeah that's a very safe podcast to watch those are good very safe very safe i mean no they're i mean they're not like they're not like super pc like you know hey listen do you remember that you do you remember that show i don't remember remember during your show they were asking about the origin story for the name of Korn? Yeah. And they said it's not appropriate for this show. Is that something you would just show? I immediately looked it up and I thought about doing a bit on it to take the piss out of those guys over there.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Do you know the origin story? Can you pull it up? Yeah, I'd love to pull it up. Fuck, it's crazy. It is disgusting. It is disgusting. It is disgusting. You like that? Do you listen to that kind of music?
Starting point is 01:16:30 I don't even... I couldn't... I don't even know. Let me know if this echoes. I'm going to move this over here. Okay. I had it sitting on my water. Corn, origin, story of a band name listen this is not this is what we're
Starting point is 01:16:51 about to talk about is uh is uh we talked about the origin of spade we've talked about everything except about how uh jake got into crossfit um you want to talk about that i don't know we're running out of time here i'm just glad i i wanted to have you on because i'm i just love it it's actually a funny story okay i'll hear then i'll hear it um davis told steve-o the whole thinking behind it was like it doesn't matter what you're called it's like a punk rock thing. It's like, fuck, we'll call it Korn. Who cares? I don't need any mysterious weird name. Wait, hold on. I don't even know what that word felching means. It said something about felching and semen.
Starting point is 01:17:36 The Korn logo. Where is it? I read it in this article already. Should I put my earmuffs on? You mean so no one in the room hears it? Oh, David said back in the day, Corn's hometown Bakersfield, which is a complete shithole, Kerns County seat, he attended a party where he overheard two gay guys talking about how they love felching each other and then in parentheses it says sucking or eating semen out of one's anus
Starting point is 01:18:10 wow see noah doesn't want to be part i don't blame noah for not wanting to be a part of this conversation yeah he would have hung up for sure as but he did tell an amazing story about his penis on the show i mean it it's a. Oh, when he had the kidney stones? Yeah, and he had the string hanging out of his penis, and I asked him if one of his dick got hard if he ever lost the string inside of it. He said, no, it's long. As Tone Deaf reported, subsequently the incident became an inside joke for the future corn singer Inner Circle, Davis explained.
Starting point is 01:18:41 The one dude was saying that he was felching his lover and that the guy shat all over his face and he had a corn kernel on his tongue so people that knew the story that's the origin yeah that's the origin story so wow the moment he's like we're naming this corn yeah you didn't know that no but i'm glad i do now so he's sucking semen out of a dude's butt and while he does that the guy shit on him. And there was a corn kernel. And they heard that story. And they're like, let's name our band.
Starting point is 01:19:09 They're like, dude, that's money. Wow. Wow. The stars align on that one. Top that with how you found CrossFit. Fecal corn. Oh, fecal porn. They should have called it fecal corn Would have been a better name
Starting point is 01:19:25 Oh my god Wow Wow Does that make you listen to their music differently? I mean, I wouldn't even know Let me, I'll pull up some of their music I don't even know No, not me, no
Starting point is 01:19:35 And that's real too That's not like Wikipedia Like, that's factual Yeah, that's straight off the internet Let me see What corn song should i play um blind do i know that song probably you probably know like twisted transistor or twisted transistor like tranny maybe you might have to look that one up too
Starting point is 01:19:59 twisted uh oh twisted transistor, here we go. Oh, they got a black guy in the band. They a bunch, is it, are they black dudes? No. Oh. Because I always think of them as a white heavy metal band. Let me see. That was Snoop Dogg.
Starting point is 01:20:21 In Another Life. Oh, is that actual music video? I don't think this is. In another life That's not it this might be the another twisted transistor you've probably heard that song Not for you. Yeah, get that off. Look at that album cover. That's crazy. That's me after the burpees. Hey, dude. You know what I'm going to do?
Starting point is 01:20:56 I'm going to... Which album should... Text me which album I buy... Should buy. Because I'm going to... After the show's over, I'm going to buy the album. And I'm taking my kids to the skate park. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:05 And I'll make them listen to it in the car. I think that's the perfect music they should be listening to before they go to the skate park. That's what I was listening to as a kid. And look at you. I turned out fine. Look at you. You shave with the shaving cream and a razor? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Yeah, I can tell. I just shaved this morning. I know. Your face looks amazing. You look great. Thank you. I shouldn't bring the beard back, right? No, I like all your looks.
Starting point is 01:21:34 To tell you the truth, that dyed blonde hair look does not work for anyone for me, but you actually pulled it off, and I fucking mean that. I was like, wow. Appreciate that. Because I remember seeing you in the car with Noah, and I was immediately like, I liked you Like I was like, wow. Cause I remember seeing you in the car with Noah and I was immediately like, I liked you. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:21:47 I like him. I think you called me like an Armenian arms dealer or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:55 okay. Yeah. You're welcome. It's a lot. Uh, tell me, um, what are you by the way?
Starting point is 01:22:04 What is, what is Jake B jake berman half russian half white my mom's from russia well she's from minsk which is in belarus half russia half white yeah that's like saying half iranian half half middle eastern i mean what what's? Tell me what white is Well I don't know my dad's from here Half Russian half ATLian Alright
Starting point is 01:22:32 Okay tell me the origin The CrossFit origin story Yeah so Back to The listening to corn days Well so You were 13 just after puberty Yeah I was the listening to Korn days. Well, so... You were 13.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Just after puberty. Yeah, it was the summer of 7th grade going into 8th grade. My dad's girlfriend at the time, she was a marathon runner. One of her friends was a coach at a CrossFit gym. Is he still with her? Is he still with her? No.
Starting point is 01:23:02 This was a long time ago. Did you find her attractive? Is he still with her? No, this is, this is a long time ago, but yeah, they, they, uh, did you find her attractive? His girlfriend at the time? Yeah. Yeah. She's attractive. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:23:12 her friend was a coach at this gym and we were actually living at her house. Um, and she had kids that were like my age and we went to the same school. She had a little home gym and I was just going in there just doing whatever I thought or whatever I saw on the Internet. You know, I didn't know what I was doing, but I was trying to get bigger, faster, stronger for high school. While your dad was inside, while your dad was inside the house with her, you were in the garage. Well, this specific room is like upstairs, but. OK.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yeah, but they just started going to this CrossFit stuff. And, you know, no one knew what it was was yet they didn't even know how to explain it they explained it as like military style training but the gym that they were at was military as the owner it was a i think an army ranger green beret and they were like hey like why don't you come try a class with us like they were they were probably like a in, and they were loving it. So I went with them, and I was like, this stuff is awesome. And at the time, I was very into the military as well. At 13, you liked working out.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah, I developed a passion for it pretty quickly. I wanted to be bigger than all my friends. I wanted to be stronger. In PE class, I always wanted to be the fastest so didn't you hate sweating i hated sweating when i was 13 you didn't mind it i didn't mind it no yeah um but yeah so fast forward a few months later i i i'm in eighth grade now and crossfit's kind of taking a back seat because i was playing football in this football season and i ended up getting arrested at school middle school and i
Starting point is 01:24:46 got expelled from the school oh that's fun uh just doing stuff that we all did and you just got caught or literally um i uh so i there's a another kid in school who was going through people's bags and he went through mine and found a knife and stole it he got caught with it later in the day and said he got it from me so they came from class oh my god and i'm a i'm a i'm i'm a naive 13 year old i have no idea that this is even illegal to have at school it was a switchblade stiletto and i just had that in my bag from like walking around the weekends you know i walked everywhere this is before uber you know walking miles to my friend's house we're just fucking around doing middle school things right had a bunch of lighters in my bag too um just typical middle school anarchy stuff
Starting point is 01:25:34 yeah yeah but anyways they were you pretty much were you pretty much a good kid i mean it didn't seem like it after this. Right. I seemed like a juvenile delinquent. But no, I think I meant well. I wasn't trying to be this bad kid, but they showed me a picture of the knife. And they're like, is this yours? And I'm like, yeah. I thought I dropped it or something. I want it back.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Yeah. And they're like, oh, yeah. So this kid stole it from you and he got caught with it. We're taking him to jail right now we're gonna have to arrest you too because you brought to school it's possession of weapons on school property and they had a zero tolerance policy so they handcuffed us both and put us in a cop guard took us to jail i'm in middle school scared shitless and ended up getting expelled from the school two months later the guy was like
Starting point is 01:26:26 out of school for a couple months pending a school hearing and they you know we appealed it it didn't work so ended up having to go to alternative school which is where you go when you get kicked out of regular school that's where all the fuck ups are yeah and it was far from where i lived so were there any hot girls there were there any hot girls there? Were there any hot girls there? Is it all boys? There were some girls there. Um, like,
Starting point is 01:26:50 well, it was cool. So they, they group everyone into like, I was in eighth grade, right. But it was also high school kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:56 So there's like a bunch of older girls and older guys and stuff to teach you more bad shit. Yeah. To teach you all sorts of crazy shit. All the hot girls were in there because they like got into a fight or something you know um or like got caught with weed at school but anyways the the school was far from where i lived so i would have to get dropped off at the nearest bus stop to where i lived which was in a shopping center and um they didn't have like extracurricular classes at the school because it's just core
Starting point is 01:27:26 classes like math and science you know um history so i would get out of school at like noon or one and i would get dropped back off in the shopping center and i didn't have a license yet i was 13 um this pre-uber so there's like a subway like a like a Starbucks, some other restaurants, and then a CrossFit gym. There just happened to be a CrossFit gym in the shopping center. CrossFit perimeter. I still go there. And I would be there. I would be stuck there for hours until my parents picked me up. Whose idea was it that you sign up to go into the – did you ask your dad, hey, since I'm here anyway, can I just go to this CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 01:28:05 Yeah, it made sense because we were already going to the, they were going to the East Cobb one, but this one was a lot closer to where we lived and it was in the shopping center where I was having to take the bus anyway. Yeah. So I signed up at this gym. Did he walk in with you or did you walk in by yourself one day? We walked in together one time. You're like, was it your idea? Were you like, dad, I want to sign up at this gym. I'm fucking here i'm fucking here anyway yeah i think i oh i wanted to keep going to the other one that i was going to he's like let's go to this one it's in the shopping center that your bus stop is okay
Starting point is 01:28:34 so did you feel bad for you when you got expelled did you get in trouble at home too yeah at first he had to like come pick me up from jail and you know at first they were super pissed until they heard my side of the story they were like oh you didn't intentionally bring a knife to intend to use it like you just had it in your bag right you were honest and got in trouble like if i were to go back now i would have been like that's not my knife i've never seen in my life like what are they gonna do i know isn't it crazy you got in trouble for being honest it's fucking so it's so stupid the system is so stupid yeah well i guess i'm kind of glad i i said it was mine because it did change the whole trajectory of my life and i would get out of school at 1 p.m and be in the shopping center till like 6 p.m till i got picked
Starting point is 01:29:20 up so i was in this gym every day and that's where I feel like I really developed a passion for like CrossFit training and and then that's when the open started coming out and CrossFit started growing as a sport and yeah that's when I got really into it you know and I was really I was pretty isolated at that point you know a lot of my friends parents didn't want me hanging out with them because they thought I was this bad kid because I was in, I went to, you know, jail and alternative school. And it was only for the rest of eighth grade. And then I got to go back to regular school and high school and it was all fine. But yeah, it was just a, it was a weird semester that I think alternative school made me a little worse at that point. I got exposed to all this bad stuff that I wasn't exposed to before. When I think of alternative school,
Starting point is 01:30:06 I think all those kids either were probably, or like kids who are abused at home. Like their parents are drunk. Yeah. Like kids are getting caught with guns in school or they beat up their principal, like really bad stuff. Like they're in and out of juvie.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Um, yeah. Like metal detectors when you're going to school and you know I just I was honest and I brought my to school that's why I was there you have any desire to do high rocks no
Starting point is 01:30:33 do you no fuck no zero we talked about it on the show yesterday and someone made a comment and it fucking just annoyed the fuck out of me. I was basically just saying, hey, High Rocks is like – there's CrossFit, and then there's just all this stuff that's blossomed after CrossFit. Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, High Rocks, Olympic lifting, power lifting, like all of those things, even if they were there before crossfit they've all benefited because it's just crossfitters who want to fucking express the they're they're just lazy
Starting point is 01:31:08 crossfitters who want to express their um fitness somewhere else like i get it like it's where we send our fucking our broken crossfitters to your bullshit or our lazy ones or our fat ones or it's like like professional athletes die and they come and do crossfit and dead crossfitters go and do all this ancillary shit. And someone in the comments wrote this. High Rocks is not like Tough Mudder or Spartan Race. Okay, tell me, buddy. Those were American-driven companies.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Now I'm already like, shut the fuck up, dude. I'm not referencing their origin of nationality, you dickhead. Well, High Rocks is European and predominantly done in indoor arenas. Now he's talking about whether they're done indoor outdoor yeah like these fucking distinctions what is this guy autistic the distinctions he's bringing up and then he says and i and i made it in context like hey i'm just talking about just the ecosystem that surround i don't even care if high rocks gets bigger than crossfit it's still lazy crossfitters yeah and I'm not saying it's bad. It's all standardized, right? They know it's the same thing
Starting point is 01:32:08 every time. Yeah. And I'm not saying it's bad. Don't get me wrong. Like, it's cool. Olympic lifting, powerlifting, marathon, like, it's fine. But, like, we're the shit. And, like, don't think that we're not. It's a spinoff. It's a spinoff. Yeah. High Rocks will continue to grow and thrive globally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:23 So does cigarette smoking. Like, what the fuck is your point? I bet it surpasses CrossFit in popularityinoff. Yeah. High rocks will continue to grow and thrive globally. Yeah. So does cigarette smoking. Like, what the fuck is your point? I bet it surpasses CrossFit and popularity. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. Masturbation has surpassed fucking girls in this country. Who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:32:35 That doesn't mean it's the right way. Well, so that the girl who won the Open, she's like a high rocks star, right? Yeah. She has a hard name to say, right? Yeah, it's like Miriam or something. Yeah, like Minotaur or something. Yeah, that's cool. My buddy told me she's done like 350 wall balls unbroken.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Like, that's crazy to me. Yeah, that is crazy. And I'm not dogging those. I'm just painting, like, it's just the scene. Yeah. It will never be like CrossFit. No. It's just the scene.
Starting point is 01:33:13 It's like, no one from any other discipline is going to be like, hey, I'm fitter than who won the games last year, Jeffrey Adler. Because we'd all be like, all right, come. Yeah. Please. Please try it. Come come we want to watch this happen well that one guy um that i got the invite he's the high rocks champ on the men's side oh hunter yeah he's dope yeah yeah he's dope yeah but he's but but but i mean i mean he he
Starting point is 01:33:39 he's gonna excel in certain in certain areas in crossFit, but then there's going to be a huge drop-off in other areas. Yeah. And High Rocks, being the very best at High Rocks as long as he has is impressive. Like, I'm like, yeah, that's cool. I mean, like, but there's just one of you. And there's a hundred dudes in CrossFit who will fucking make you eat your lunch. In CrossFit? Yeah. And you're the very best forever in high rock anyone in crossfit could come close to him in a high rocks race um i don't know he's a genetic freak too i mean he's just built perfectly for it would have to be like maybe like a yellow hosta a yellow host that's exactly who
Starting point is 01:34:22 i was thinking of someone like that like a yeah tallera. That's exactly who I was thinking of. Someone like that. Like a taller, longer, more endurance-based athlete. I'm not looking at like a Jeff Adler or Matt Frazier or someone that has won. Right. Someone more that would specialize in a high rocks type workout. I don't even really know. I just know there's wall balls and running and rowing, right? And there's like a jump, broad jump I think and then there's like a um sled push maybe
Starting point is 01:34:50 yeah some sort of pushing or pulling sled thing yeah I'll never do that I mean when I'm done with when I hang this up competitively I'm still gonna I'm still doing crossfit for the rest of my life I'm still gonna train like a psycho like I like for me like if I don't I'm still gonna train if I don't go kill myself on a skier, like, you know, like I gotta go kill
Starting point is 01:35:09 myself on a skier. And then I like feel good the rest of the day. Like you can't replicate that in bodybuilding. You can't replicate that in anything. You know, like you gotta, I gotta do a hard Metcon. Um, listen, let me tell you, let me tell you how you're going to end up doing High Rocks Just listen to this story There's a rich billionaire And he's very interested in Working out, he's a High Rocks guy
Starting point is 01:35:34 And he wants to purchase Spade And he wants to bond with you And do a High Rocks team with you Oh, I'd love to, Mr. Billionaire Alright Alright And she's Oh, I'd love to, Mr. Billionaire. All right. You caught me. I got another.
Starting point is 01:35:51 And she's 5'10 with the craziest body you've ever seen. And she's so fucking smart. And she loves Spade. And she wants to do high rocks with you. There's a couple. There's a couple random. Where do I sign? Yeah. I don't want to call you a liar.
Starting point is 01:36:02 But I think you didn't look at certain scenarios. Yeah. Yeah. you're right. There's a few out there. Really cool you to do this. Thanks for coming on. I'm pumped for Wednesday. Good luck with you. Thanks for coming into the Lions Den.
Starting point is 01:36:21 This podcast is the home of Colton Mertens. You're very generous to come in here yeah and i'll i'll send you um my address you send me your address and we'll do a swap of uh soda and tooth powder let's do it i appreciate the time thank you for having me on yep anytime dude and and i meant it by the way if there's anything um i can do to help you with spade i just love uh help them i just want to help people grow their shit so anything i can do to help you or let me know sounds great we'll be in touch all right brother all right bye only fucked his name up i think once or twice oh big fan of jake after this i know he's cool shit i knew he's gonna be cool
Starting point is 01:37:00 anyone who hangs with noah's cool yeah look at even David we think he's a good dude Jesus that's always a great weird endorsement oh someone told me who Braylon was I can't remember who told me and who they told me it was.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Fuck, who was it? Fuck, I can't remember. Damn it. Do you think, do you think do you think that what what do you think's closer to each other high rocks and crossfit or anal sex and vaginal sex but just contemplate that for the day it's a clock it's whoever Trish was my guess was always a middle-aged male with roots in NorCal hey but why would
Starting point is 01:38:15 why did they kill off Trish why why why kill Trish you think anal and vaginal are closer than high rocks and crossfit i god i don't but it's fine high rocks and crossfit are closer yeah i think so too yeah so uh if you don't know who Trish is you're asleep I'm definitely asleep yesterday I noticed I was asleep
Starting point is 01:38:53 like I was just asleep I was just like cruising around asleep it's like weird it's like out of body experience I'm like wow you're just fucking unconscious right now just like a shell of yourself I made it I made it so today um i went a uh i told you guys i remember i was fat i fasted one like 36 hours once a week for like three years
Starting point is 01:39:18 and i took like i think nine months off and i did it again yesterday so i haven So I didn't eat all day yesterday. It was good. I haven't eaten yet today. I should be approaching. I think I'm hitting 36 hours right about now. Easy peasy. There were some weird moments yesterday, though. Getting back into it in the morning was a little weird in the beginning. I'm adding Dave's olive oil to my coffee. I was rocking last night. i love you savon i love you too just don't just don't listen to your dentist dude concern for you oh what's the purpose um
Starting point is 01:39:59 i was i i don't know what the purpose was I'll tell you what inspired me to do it again. I'll explain it. I'll explain it better later than I will right now. But basically, I wanted to get into a state. I wanted to reduce inflammation, which I did. I can't believe how much better I feel like in my clothes today. I feel so much better in my clothes today than I did yesterday or that I have in the last few months. And I want to reduce inflammation and I wanted to get myself into a place where when I'm moving, I guess the easiest way to call it for shortness is into ketosis. So I wanted to get into a place where I was burning fat, ketones,
Starting point is 01:40:55 instead of just living off of sugar, living off of glucose. And so, no, I don't really, the thing is, is I don't really feel, I don't feel fat i'm just feel big i just didn't i just haven't been liking the way i've been feeling caller the phone might be fucked up oh i need to call you know who i need to call at some point i need to call uh garrett and talk to her about the podcast she did. I haven't talked to her about that yet.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Sorry, whoever that was. I think I lost you. Oh, no, you're still there. Hello, caller. Caller? Hi. Hi. Am I able to speak with Kevin Pettit?
Starting point is 01:41:43 Oh, who? Am I able to speak with Kevin Pettit? Oh. Who? With Kevin Pettit? No, I think you have the wrong number. I do apologize. You have a little bit of time. Hey, can I ask you a question? Sure. Do you CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:42:00 No, I don't. You don't. Okay. All right. Can you tell me what you do for exercise? I go to the gym and walk my dog. Oh, nice. What kind of dog? A husky.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Oh, alright. Well, thank you. You're welcome. You have a lovely day. Bye-bye. Okay, bye-bye. Alright. All right. What you going to do? That was cool. So I had that high rocks bit all lined up for a live call-in show,
Starting point is 01:42:50 but I kind of wanted to do it with Jeff just to feel him out, to see, like, I wasn't sure. I want to give, like, every guest an opportunity to go somewhere a little, you know, squirrely. But the corn thing was good. I mean, that was, although I find that, I don't find too many things disgusting. I find that utterly disgusting. I don't even, you know, my kids aren't allowed to say that word. I'm more okay with my kids using words like fuck or shit or ass swear words than words like disgusting.
Starting point is 01:43:21 the damn words like disgusting. I just feel like it's a lazy way to I feel like it's so lazy to describe something as disgusting. Oh, great question. How's Gary doing? I don't know. Man, you're hot. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:43:54 We're still live. Horrible. Yo, horrible. You like the word horrible? I don't know. That one doesn't. I agree with you. That one, for some reason, that hasn't made my list.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Don't make my list any bigger, please. But you're probably right. I shampooed my hair today. I never shampoo my hair. Can you tell I shampooed it? I mean, when I say I shampooed it, I used some stuff that my wife has in there. I feel like it looks less greasy i'm due for a haircut i'm due for a haircut um seven on days when you're not fasting are you still doing carnivore
Starting point is 01:44:42 uh no i've just fallen off the fucking hole I mean I don't eat like shit but I just I probably just eat too much I shouldn't say that I don't eat like shit like I I mean like I'll have a tortilla I feel like that
Starting point is 01:44:59 I'll have a tortilla with cheese and just shitloads of steak. That's about as bad as I get. I went to the, I went, I had a diet Coke when I saw Godzilla versus no Godzilla times King Kong. I couldn't even finish it a huge, but got the fucking big one it was probably like $13
Starting point is 01:45:27 um I haven't I was telling my wife I haven't made a drink at home in forever I haven't been drinking it's just nuts I eat a lot of nuts my wife always my wife's carnivore is a mofo
Starting point is 01:45:45 um a poison diet cokes poison um yeah yeah yeah i i'm sure the ones i the tortillas i eat are horrible my if my wife will get like these ones that aren't even like made from flour, but they suck for rolling. So when I go to the store and I don't go to the store very often, I get this just the shit ones. You know what I mean? Like the first ingredient is like probably like palm oil. So that's where you messed up tricking drink tricking that Diet Coke. I think you mean drinking drinking that diet coke diet coke destroys your small intestine bacteria or probiotics
Starting point is 01:46:32 my stomach is like a um shark stomach i could eat like a license plate doesn't even matter yeah yeah yeah tortillas that expire in like three years. Yeah. Trying to think what other shit do I eat? I don't eat any chips or crackers or. No candy. What do I eat that shit? Yeah, I think I not really.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Trying to think what I ate yesterday. Oh, yesterday I didn't eat. I just – you know what I did? I haven't had cream in my coffee in forever, and I asked my wife yesterday to get heavy cream because I'm going to start drinking some heavy cream again. I don't really like artificial sweeteners um i like i like any of that castra's olive oil is probably canola oil oh i should drink some of that right now maybe i'll break my fast with this at this point even i i don't even think i don't even think, I don't even think you have an insulin response when you drink olive oil. Let me look that up. I'll take a sip of this
Starting point is 01:47:49 into my empty stomach and then find out. Ooh, that was a big gulp. Damn, that was a huge gulp. That went down fast. Where should I put this? Let me see. Let me see. Insulin response from olive oil.
Starting point is 01:48:13 And previous clinical trial on the T2D Evo showed a significant decrease in plasma glucose. And then, Jesus Christ. Insulin response from olive oil. Come on. Does olive oil cause insulin release? Virgin olive oil enriched with bioactive compounds from the olive fruit improves post-prandial insulin release and peripheral tissue sensitivity. Fuck, it's a yes or no question. This is like talking to a woman.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Mastuto index of insulin sensitivity improves after the intake of bioactive compounds. Is it yet? Which oil is best for insulin resistance? Does olive oil keep you in ketosis? The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, many believe that extra virgin olive oil, known for a wide range of health benefits, is the single best oil for keto lifestyle um i don't know i can't believe anything you read on the internet though is avocado or olive oil better for keto it's best to stick to refined coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil i don't know if that's true either. Or bananas good for insulin resistance. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:49:34 Green bananas don't raise your blood sugar level. Yellow ripe bananas contain more sugar. Can anyone here eat a green banana? A green banana? I'd rather eat a black banana. I think basic I mean even Basically any food you eat you have insulin Uh Uh insulin response but I Think olive oil um
Starting point is 01:50:11 You don't I mean even if you had a steak Even if you eat something that's pure protein I think you're gonna have an insulin Response That's the cool thing about olive oil Uh Ryan K uh On googling this question is very womanly That's a fact
Starting point is 01:50:26 I agree Ryan K Someone eats black banana ass first Listen buddy you were doing so good with the other comment Then you had to go overboard Too much Oh here we go Melissa All oils are bad just eat fatty
Starting point is 01:50:47 meat and fish probably true too you guys want to see something pretty crazy someone sent me this is this is I see people this is gonna be crazy this is the one that gets me fucking so I can't film the behind the scenes
Starting point is 01:51:17 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I see people volunteering at the games that have no business volunteering at the games. They don't have the physical capacity to do the things that requires to be a volunteer at the games, which endangers other people around them. What could that be, Sevan? I've seen it. I've seen it in the in the in the.
Starting point is 01:51:43 I don't know. 15. I've seen it happen twice at the games for sure like exactly this circumstance it was someone that was so obese that when they were rolling the deadlift bar they couldn't reach it like going down a ramp or something and there was a moment where they had to let it go and it was free rolling and it became a dangerous situation the bar had over 300 pounds on it. Twice I've seen that. One time in Carson, it could have fucking killed someone. And I mean kill someone. They were coming down the fucking ramp and the chick didn't have the range of mobility to grab the bar.
Starting point is 01:52:18 And I'm not saying that all fat people don't have a range. But there's a time when you have to be like hey you're not fucking capable of that job because you're fucking fat hey it's like my kids on the fucking teeter-totter like you you can't have just you just can't have any random two people on the side of a teeter-totter now i don't just just bear with me here. Just think about if you were injured somewhere. The Pancheck brothers have a great story. They fucking fell down the side of a cliff, and the fucking firefighters and ambulance people
Starting point is 01:52:54 weren't fit enough to fucking capable of getting them. I think Scott or one of the dad or someone had to be involved in the rescue. Stefan, if you had to pick one type of meat to eat the rest of your life, what would it be? I don't know if it's for health reasons or not, but dude, when I was doing ribeyes, a ribeye is crazy. Brisket's crazy too.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Okay, watch this. Watch this. Just imagine you had a heart attack on the field and you needed help as quick as possible, right? Okay, look at this. I mean, dude, this is just crazy. Like, don't get me wrong don't get me wrong you'd rather have a fat person than nobody right um but it's like this is where the fucking whole equity DEI thing is just a fucking disaster.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Hey, thousands if not millions of people have already lost their lives because of DEI. I mean I know I'm preaching to the choir, but – and it's going to continue only to get worse. going to continue only to get worse i've i've and and and the in the in the people who suffer the most obviously aren't the people like the kind of people who take personal accountability and responsibility and eat the right thing and um and exercise the the people that get hurt hurt are the people it's supposed to uh save which sucks right so the dei thing like at the end of the day it's hurting obese people it's hurting um uh trannies it's hurting gay people it's hurting black people it's like not the the people it's supposed to be helping at the end of the day it's just hurting them
Starting point is 01:54:58 so aren't aren't you making dei hires now I'm not hiring anyone. What the fuck are you talking about? you think i hired him because he's a dwarf i mean i did i did like the idea that he was a dwarf but i didn't if he wasn't the fittest dwarf he wouldn't be doing it there's there's multiple factors i don't think it would be cooler if he was black or asian i just like the fact or if he was a woman or a man like i don't care about those, but I did like the fact that he was the fittest and that he was a dwarf. I think it's a cool combo. your show did you say something uh uh glinton host garrett glint hosted the show i didn't choose her because she was a woman i chose her because she was black no i just chose her because i was on her show and i fucking loved it and i don't really do podcasts and i want to find someone like a joan river if i'm johnny carson i want to find a joan rivers or it doesn't have to be a female i want to find a that just happens to be it just happens um to be that way oh yeah there are no women in podcasting
Starting point is 01:56:37 i mean i don't know in the ones that there are like i saw this one podcast this one woman podcast host and she's like really fucking uh popular she's got she's fucking hot as fuck and has a huge set of hammers and they're out all the time which is okay and and actually and she's good too but um i don't know. Yeah, I like Garrett. A lot. I mean, I wouldn't ask her to do it if... I wouldn't ask her to do it if I didn't like her. I didn't choose her because she was a woman. I didn't choose her because she was black.
Starting point is 01:57:20 I didn't choose her because she was a lesbian. I didn't choose her because... I mean, those may have played a factor like in who she is today i definitely chose her though because she'd done a podcast before and that she'd been she's been dedicated to her podcast and growing it that would say that was 51 of the reason because if i didn't want to pick someone who sucks seventh choice for glinton is a good guest host. Yeah, I want to find like a regular person who would want to do it. And I like her.
Starting point is 01:57:51 And she's who cares if I like her. I think she's good. When I was on her show, I felt comfortable and the show moved fast. It's like, fuck, that was 90 minutes. So. So. I don't. People have said, hey, when you do CrossFit Games Update show and you got John and Taylor and Tyler and Grunler and Chase and whoever on.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Spin, Brian, a friend, whoever, whoever's been on, people are like, oh, you need a woman's touch. And like, I agree that there might be some value there to have a woman there, but probably not for the same reasons that other people think. I mean, I just think that maybe in our biology, there's a different way of thinking or they might offer a perspective or a culture to it, you know, like that will add value. But I don't I don't I don't want to do just for the sake of like. Having a woman. Does that make sense? Like I'm not doing it like I don't. It's for it's for very practical reasons. it's for very practical reasons.
Starting point is 01:59:05 It's like the difference, like a man has a different perspective on pregnancy because he was born from a vagina, but then he can see it in a way where he can separate himself from the realities of the struggles or the experience of having a baby, whereas a woman actually has those experiences so she knows exactly what it feels like
Starting point is 01:59:24 to be anticipated to be it and to get past it and so there's it's just different perspectives and hey you can't judge someone by their first shot either you guys are saying claire sucked i mean you can't i mean um you can't judge someone by their first shot i let me rephrase that you can judge them by their first shot. Let me rephrase that. You can judge them by their first shot, but I also think you should give them a second shot if you want. So. I don't think that that female black Supreme Court justice is the – I would never give her the crown of being the first black Supreme Court justice because she was chosen. And like they said ahead of time that they were going to pick a black woman or like this lady who's the senator that took Dianne Feinstein's spot. that took diane feinstein's spot like she's a black female lesbian like i like i don't
Starting point is 02:00:32 she didn't they're no jackie robinson they didn't earn it they're and that's what i mean those people are just hurting the entire black community black community whatever the fuck that means by doing that community whatever the fuck that means by doing that no one gave this dude shit oh fuck this guy died the same year i was born yeah you just take it you just take away from the people who actually fucking do the work and earn it work and earn it. Carolyn M. Girls have more pretense naturally, in my opinion, and that doesn't fit on this podcast.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Pretense. Oh, like making presuppositions? Pretense. Definition of pretense. The act of giving a false appearance If Emily came back we might get to see her demonstrate how to use a yoni egg live on YouTube Emily Emily to use a yoni egg live on youtube emily emily what was emily's last name redhead that's the redheaded chick something happened with her she was on a show and her boyfriend was outside the door banging on the door and then we never talked to her again something got squirrely with her not emily rolf not emily caplan
Starting point is 02:02:01 not emily bridgers Emily Rolfe, not Emily Kaplan. Not Emily Bridgers. Emily Abbott, is that who it is? Abbott? Really, is that her name, Emily Abbott? I don't even see her. No, I don't think that was her last name. The red-headed chick who was the games athlete who popped for drugs?
Starting point is 02:02:24 Is that really? How come I can't? Abigail Domet? Oh, two B's. Let me see. Christmas Abbott? Whatever happened to Christmas Abbott? Emily Abbott?
Starting point is 02:02:47 I don't find it. How the fuck can I find it? Oh, you think I'm blocked? Jesus Christ. That hurts my feelings. Okay, Emily Abbott Instagram. Oh, Emily Ann Abbott. Nope, nope. Dude, maybe she's not on instagram anymore uh emily abbott instagram uh crossfit cross
Starting point is 02:03:17 uh emily freaking abbott emily ann abbott oh I found her no dude this chick oh oh this page isn't available anymore she's gone wow show Bart and Kate would be the comeback of all comebacks. I don't know. I disagree. It's fun. Pat on a regular basis would work. Even more regular than he already is. Oh, my wife told me that Emily Abbott's a sex guru on Instagram. Emily Abbott's sex guru. About Emily Abbott.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Oh, wow. About Emily Abbott. Let me see. Oh, no. No. Let your pussy guide you with Emily Abbott. Wow. No, I think she's gone off of, um, the internet.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Yeah, she's gone. Yeah, she's gone. I don't think – here's the thing. I don't think you guys really know who's good on the show and who's not. And here's why. Because you – maybe some of you you do Some of you don't But don't you sense when there's people Who have to stay in a certain lane of conversation
Starting point is 02:05:11 Why would you want I don't want anyone who has to stay in a lane of conversation And so like Garrett Glinton Does not have to stay in any fucking lane Now it's okay to stay in any fucking lane. Now, it's OK to focus in on things like Matt doesn't have to stay in a lane, Sousa, but he stays in a and when he does his show, he stays in a certain lane. Right. And that's OK. That's like we have shows shut up and Scribble stays in a lane. But I'm not I'm not interested like.
Starting point is 02:05:50 I wouldn't want anyone like. I guess like once every two months would be fine. I want to do shows. I would want someone to be. She's awake, not woke. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Clinton, the most profound shit that you can uncover in a conversation.
Starting point is 02:06:14 99.9 people are afraid to even go there. And so, uh, I, I just think the people you're choosing are, are in some, they have bumpers. They're protecting or they don't know or they don't care or whatever.
Starting point is 02:06:29 It's not even bad. The host or pundits need to be the most flexible guests. Guests can be more rigid. The host, yeah, yeah. Or if you want, you could have a host that's like really rigid. But then it's going to be just that show and that's not the show I want. Miss Latimer. rigid but then it's going to be just that show and that's not the show i want no i miss latimer kate seemed pretty open way more than hobart anyway they were great and i appreciate them a lot and pat's great and i appreciate him but i think garrett glinton's like just fucking wide open like she's ready she's like her cup does not runneth over she
Starting point is 02:07:13 keeps her cup kind of empty she's in learning mode and she's not and she's she's she's unscared uh seven uh that one that says let your pussy guide you is her read the link and Google says she's kicked out of CrossFit. I mean, I think she could. Didn't she get a suspension for something? All right. You guys want to finish with something funny? Or do you want to talk about cancer?
Starting point is 02:07:56 Oh, you sent me her profile. Oh. Uh. Oh Uh Oh you know who else I could have do the show The fluffy duck guy That's actually not a bad idea He's fucking good I really like him A lot Uh oh He's fucking good.
Starting point is 02:08:27 I really like him a lot. Oh, um... Oh, Maiden Medicine. Oh, shit. Is she pregnant? Well, son of a bitch i wonder if that's the dude who was banging on her door when we were fucking trying to do the podcast he i think he was like freaking out from the show oh my god god damn she's hot Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:09:07 God damn she's hot. A pregnancy has dropped me into an even greater claim of my birthright of reception. Fuck I hope so. If you're pregnant. I do nothing and life grows in me without effort. Another gift from life, from God. My beingness can never be taken away. And my doing arises from the sacred place of reception.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Inspiring my man and inviting collaborators on a new journey of connection and cooperation and abundance. This is true feminine power in her reception. Instead of continuously hustling for outcomes, attempting to control outcomes, fearful of certain outcomes, keeping me in perpetual motion, or being stuck in rage, projection against the man, patriarchy, the institution, the world, and needing to prove by going against my nature that I can be a part of it or dismantle it. Putting a dress on, patriarchy. Thanks, teacher, for that quote. That it all needs to change for me to be okay.
Starting point is 02:10:10 It needs to burn down. Every woman who returns to radical reception is healing the world from managing outcomes to soul calling. From disassociated depletion to embodied overflow to her community, all the gates lie within. Pregnancy is a real trip. Okay, so in true crossfit form she's still taking personal accountability and responsibility she's acknowledging that maybe there's some fucked up shit in the world but that the change has to start with her and as she changes it she
Starting point is 02:10:35 makes the radical change uh i don't know if she's female raw of earth she you know who she sounded more like um uh that's the kind of stuff Lindsay Cantu was saying. Like, hey. Being a woman is is is is owning your your rights as a woman. Third trimester bone broth. Earth Daughter Festival. What's this dude doing? They look like they're fucking bank robbers. Oh, look.
Starting point is 02:11:15 I can feel the magic. Look, there's Lindsay from BirthFit. Yeah, see? God, those jars stress me the fuck. Oh, that looks like Nicole Carroll. That's a trip. That looks like Nicole Carroll if she was 20 years older. This stresses me out, these jars. Like, dude, just throw everything on a plate and let's eat off it.
Starting point is 02:11:38 And everyone doesn't need their own jar. God, I just see cleaning and work there. Fuck. God I just see cleaning and work there Fuck How fun she's having a blast Alright cool Alright go Emily All right. Oh, I learned that in a relationship therapy session, it's a feedback loop. If you want to change your partner, you have to change yourself. All right. therapy session it's a feedback loop if you want to change your partner you have to change yourself all right uh um sorry seven fluffy duck duck is like a saturday morning cartoon host probably a nice
Starting point is 02:12:36 person but no no come on come on uh seven you should have that melanated guest who spoke to his mom while you were like i'd come on come on uh seven you should have that melanated guest who spoke to his mom while you were like i'm trying to i i it's funny you say that what's his name david lucas the worst guest of all time yeah i i'm trying to he became big time too i can't get
Starting point is 02:12:58 him or um hans christian uh on so um on. So. Okay. Oh, thank you. Did I have that up on the screen? Could you guys see all that?
Starting point is 02:13:17 I forget if I even had that. If I shared that or if I went off into La La Land. Anyway. Where's the. Oh, here we go. Okay. Good shit. I got to go on a skate park today my my wife put in a uh last night i text her she was out with obby playing tennis and i said hey can you start something in the slow cooker tonight so there's a big chunk of meat for me in the morning she said it's already in there
Starting point is 02:13:45 chuck roast i don't know what the fuck it is but i can't wait some big chunk of meat um would danielle brandt host the show are you fucking kidding me host i mean have you ever seen one of her instagram lives Would Danielle Brandt host the show? Are you fucking kidding me? Host? Have you ever seen one of her Instagram lives? What the fuck is wrong with you, Richie Rich? Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:24 Here we go. My boyfriend, he is the same height as me. Yeah, it's not the most important thing to know about him. I just think it helps that you guys know that I'm a good person. For a lot of women, height is a deal breaker, right? They're just like, hey, I want a big strong man who's going to protect me. But for the cases where women are getting murdered, we're something like 14 times more likely to be killed by our husband.
Starting point is 02:14:57 Than by a stranger. So if you think you're choosing a partner, you're actually picking a potential opponent. than by a stranger. So if you think you're choosing a partner, you're actually picking a potential opponent. If you picked a tall man, that's not an underdog story. Anytime I see a 5'2 lady with a 6'4 guy, I'm just like, I would be known as Somersault basically. My boyfriend, he is...
Starting point is 02:15:43 Short men are safer uh Daniel Brandon would do skin care reviews dude I would just want her to string fucking two sentences together without laughing or reading a comment that's it alright as soon as the show is at 11 a.m. Today's Tuesday, right?
Starting point is 02:16:10 Trash day. Take the trash out today. I forgot last week. Tomorrow's a big day, guys. Tomorrow is a big day. Tim Murray. 5.30 p.m. Savant Podcast. That will be... There will be an entrance fee at
Starting point is 02:16:27 the door. So bring your wallet. All proceeds will go to Tim Murray. Judy, will you be here tomorrow? Oh, that's what I need to know. Judy, are you going to be here tomorrow at 5.30 Pacific Standard Time Sear all sides of the meat Then throw it in a crock pot over veggies for the day
Starting point is 02:16:53 Use whatever seasonings you like They have roast seasoning packets Will you be here tomorrow Okay so listen You guys are going to donate money tomorrow While Tim's going during the Tim show And Judy's going to keep track of it and every time oh yeah look at you just look at that shit look at that all right see look at now i did choose judy because she's an asian woman that so that is that's true
Starting point is 02:17:25 all right I'll see you guys tomorrow I am guessing Greg will be on with me in the morning and then we'll have the evening show we'll probably watch the I'll watch spin and gang do Colton versus Jake Berman and then Judy the treasurer yes and then afterwards we'll do and Judy you got to yell at people who are inside
Starting point is 02:17:45 the party who didn't pay a dollar. Like, just in the comments. Like, just, like, you know what I mean? Like, hey, where's your dollar? Maybe we need someone else to do that. Maybe David Weed should do that. What's up, Pat? All right. See you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Love you guys. Good time. Susan will be on here in an hour and 45 minutes. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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