The Sevan Podcast - James Townsend & Darian Weeks | UFC 300

Episode Date: April 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Good morning. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Hey, what's up, man? How you doing? Good. How about you? Awesome. Good. Awesome. Good to have you back. Yeah, how about you? Awesome. Awesome. Good to have you back. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Thank you for having me. Whew. Did you just get the kids out? Nah, man. I went to a Lil Wayne concert last night. Oh, really? Yeah. Where was that at?
Starting point is 00:01:03 It was out here. It was Des Moines. What was the venue? It was out here. It was Des Moines. What was the venue? Wells Fargo Arena. Is that big? Well, yeah. Like thousands or was it small? Like a small one.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I want to say about 15,000 was there. Oh, so still big. Did you have a good seat or did he look like this tall? Yeah, we're in a suite. My wife owned a suite. Oh, oh, so still big. I mean, did you have a good seat or did he look like this tall? Yeah, we're in a suite. My wife owned a suite. Oh, wow. Wow. How fun. Man, I thought I was 21 all over again. That's awesome. He's so good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He could perform.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And who else? Anyone else I know know like open form or anything like that there we go did it who who opened for him anyone else i know no he he had a lot of up-and-comers uh um he had a a rock band called selfish sons um Devontae Some rapper Some up and coming rapper named Devontae He had a I don't know if you know this guy named Ron Browse He had a couple hits back in the late 2000s
Starting point is 00:02:16 What kind of music? He was rap Rap too Browse? Ron Browse? Yeah, Ron Browse He's called the ether boy um uh he lil wayne is um man talk about a survivor yeah yeah and i'll never forget i saw him be an interview once and he basically i mean he confirmed what we already know about great people but basically
Starting point is 00:02:44 just obsessive. I heard he just walked straight anywhere he goes. He walked straight to his hotel room, sets up his mic on a pole, puts his recorder and is just always just just working it. Working the bars, working the lyrics, just always perfecting. Yeah, just kind of for the Hollywood scene scene just kind of one of the realists just just i mean there's a lot of people that people like but like he's the kind of guy like you probably want to be like the uncle to your kids and shit too just like a good dude with good values right and uh and just keeping it real and he and he survived through all that through keeping it
Starting point is 00:03:22 just keeping it real yeah yeah i mean he he lit like six blunts within 30 minutes. Oh, on stage? On stage. Crazy. I do worry about the—I wonder if he's still doing the cough syrup thing. I did worry about him for a while. I go, God, I hope he doesn't do that. That can't be fucking good for your brain.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, I don't know. I know. He doesn't sound like he's doing it. When I hear him do interviews now, he seems a little more coherent. Right. I know once he kind of came off of that, his face, like, bloomed up. Yeah. Got puffy and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:58 So, yeah, I think he's in the clear now. There's this crazy song he has. think i think he's in a clear now there's this crazy song he has um uh i think it's um with chris brown and nikki minaj and drake and um it's like a back and forth and him and uh chris brown singing the hook and uh him and drake are talking about how they want to get with nikki and it's crazy because drake shit makes total sense and lil wayne you're like wow i mean it's just wild rap it's just all over the place but it's so good but you know you're just like i need to listen to these lyrics like 50 times yeah yeah his his uh he's authentic when he's performing i mean he just he gets the crowd going you know he says what he wants to say
Starting point is 00:04:43 and he man he's good. How old is he? He's not spring chicken either, right? I want to say probably mid-40s. Let's see. He's got to be close to... 41. Younger than I thought.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I thought he was in the mid-40s. He's not that far from me. Did he do any did he talk to the crowd no no he didn't he because he's no diddy no no diddy no diddy are you following the diddy thing at all a little bit um i've been talking about it on the show and someone the other day said hey why are you defending him and it's not that i i'm defending him it's just that he he he settled a civil case with that lady for a million dollars but if she's claiming that he raped her a civil case doesn't stop her from still suing him right for the rape or or or at least for for the for the state to press charges, right?
Starting point is 00:05:45 You can't rape someone and then pay them and then it goes away. And so it's just like I don't want to defend him, but like I watched like – seriously, I wasted like – I watched 20, 25-minute videos on it, and there's no there there. It's like there's no – like Bieber's not like, okay, here's the condom he used on me. You know what I mean? There's just – and I don't care if he's gay or not, but there's no – like no one has the dirt. And then they keep saying his house has all those cameras in it. But I'm like, hey, dude, agents tell all the big sports stars and all the big musicians, film all your sexual interaction that you have with people just in case someone says it was non-consensual and so i just keep i just keep hearing all this stuff and i'm like but dude he had a billion
Starting point is 00:06:31 dollars and a ton of girls like and then if you say that he's been raping you for eight years right there i'm like eight years yeah yeah so i'm just do you have any thoughts on that case uh and then kat williams is talking but I think he's drank too much cough syrup. I'm like, dude, you're like, I you don't seem like a credible witness to me. You know, you know, I think what Cat is like, he's one of those he's one of those that's that's not willing to bend like everybody else is. Yeah. Right. You know, he he's he's willing to to put his his his persona on the line right because he already turned down lump sum of money so they're not going to offer him again so he's willing to go out there and say what he wants to say
Starting point is 00:07:18 right and then plus he's smart because in the age of podcasts now the way he said it look what it did for shannon sharp look what it did for him what did she oh what oh oh when he was on oh that's who that is that big beautiful buff guy that's shannon sharp yeah oh i didn't know that he was uh oh was he a wide receiver oh tight end like back when i was a kid. No. No. Mid-90s. He was drafted in 1990. Was he a Charger? No. Denver Bronco.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Oh, okay. Oh, no wonder. I didn't like him. I was a Raider fan. Then with Diddy, I just say that like all the stuff that's going on with him could be karma from the Biggie Tupac stuff. Oh. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah. could be karma from the biggie tupac stuff oh oh yeah yeah but like they show me a video of him hanging out with bieber and it's supposed to be creepy and i'm like i don't see anything creepy about that at all like so what or they're like he's feeling for a wire and i'm like i don't even like if someone wouldn't have told you he's feeling for a wire you wouldn't have said he's feeling for a wire yeah i just it's just too it's too um i don't trust you know how people are winning mix-up videos and yes yes oh yeah and i don't care if he's him and meek meals are fucking like i don't care so what yeah so um yeah i i do i do worry about his sons a little bit. I don't want to see anyone's kids get fucking...
Starting point is 00:08:49 I mean, when Homeland is raiding your house, that has to be big. Yeah. But they, I mean, look, they sent the FBI over to fucking Mar-a-Lago to fuck with Trump. I mean, the powers that be are just completely out of fucking control.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yeah. You know, there was, we were covering a story here, James, about how you see all these Boeing planes falling apart in the air now. And all these Boeing planes. So Boeing, basically all these planes have been falling apart that boeing makes right and like there's all this weird shit happening at boeing like they had a pile of 400 defective parts and instead of cataloging them they went missing and the workers are like oh shit we think we installed them in the planes and there's all this just like bad shit happening there well the guy who's the whistleblower on it he's fucking he's six days before he's supposed to testify the guys
Starting point is 00:09:43 get uh kills himself and there's just shit like that and you're like there's just so much weird shit going on yeah yeah supposedly supposedly yeah so much weird shit or like i mean i don't know if you followed the epstein thing but he died in jail but and there's the cameras were turned off and the guards were on a break i mean it's just it's just like dude what yeah yeah yeah yeah um uh speaking of um uh uh guys in their mid-40s how old are you i'll be 40 uh next month i mean in two in two months. Two months. And you just ran, was it the U.S. Championships or World Championships? USA Masters, USATF Masters Indoor, 60 meters. And so when you ran that, the winner of that's the fastest master in the United States for the 60 meters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And how'd you do? Got third. Damn. for the 60 meters yeah and how'd you do got third damn third place first my first track meet since yeah since i was 18 uh tell me about it the details so you you go there what time do you get there in the morning uh so so i got there on um thursday thursday afternoon uh. It was in Chicago, so it was about a five-and-a-half-hour drive from here. And got there, checked in, got my bag. You feel good Thursday in the drive? You get out of the car, you feel good? No.
Starting point is 00:11:17 No, my hips were tight. My groins were tight. So I get there, and where I had to check in at is the venue so i decided to go ahead get my stuff and you know warm up a little bit have a little you know walk through whatever you by yourself yeah yeah by myself and then uh friday is that it's supposed to be the uh qualifier race so so we all there we're all warming up and it's weird because everybody has to warm up on the same blocks the same lanes so so you have to wait so that's an adjustment so i'm like oh okay what do you mean as opposed to just going there and they're like mr townsend
Starting point is 00:12:00 this is your lane you have 30 minutes to warm up and and check out the track okay right right your own blocks your own setup you know every time you come back you got to reset it up because somebody set it up to to their liking so so i had to set it up set it back to my liking right and what is and what does that mean you're liking the distance between the front block and the back block or correct okay okay right look at me i've never even seen blocks i'm already smart enough to know that i'm like a professional trainer. Right. So we get there on Friday.
Starting point is 00:12:28 We're about to go race, and they say, hey, we're just going to move you guys all the way to the finals. And we're like, oh, we don't get to run? And they're like, no, it's nine of you guys. We got nine lanes. We're just going to move you to the finals. Oh, okay. And that kind of sucks because you've already made the effort like it's kind of like going to a jujitsu match and your kid only
Starting point is 00:12:49 gets one match and you paid 150 bucks you you've sectioned off the whole day right and and you're planning on getting in three matches yep okay yep so we have to race so this race on friday was supposed to be at 7 04 p.m so we have to race 9 47 on on um on saturday morning saturday morning right then i'm like oh okay you know so so now i have to i have to switch my mental. I got to get real sweaty. I got to get real warmed up. I got to warm up my quads, my groins, my hamstrings. I got to really, really, really, really, really warm up. I got to take as many starts in the blocks as possible.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So I do that. We get out there. That's how you get warm? Is that the only thing you do to get one yeah for 60 because it's uh 60 meters is all about the start okay before yeah it's all about that start and then how'd you build from from the start to 20 20 to 40 40 to 60 right and uh we get out there good race i get third and i'm like oh okay third out of nine all nine you go at the same time yeah yeah third out of nine i'm like okay i'm like all right i could do this 30 minutes later right 30 minutes later i'm like wow my groins, my quads, my hamstrings, you know, my adductors, my hips, everything is sore. And so, and so for me, I just sat there for like a whole hour, just, you know, watching everybody
Starting point is 00:14:35 else, but contemplating, I'm like, why am I sore? Why am I this sore? And I'm like, all right, one, you know, I'm 39, I'm pushing 40. Two, I haven't went this fast just for a race right I haven't ran this fast I haven't tapped into that speed and so long but it let me know that like hey that gear is still it's still there but I have to switch my muscle memory back to running because for so long I went from from from football to boxing to CrossFit to Olympic weightlifting powerlifting so so everything with with weightlifting compacted me to this right to be so tight but now it's like going into that running to where, yes, I'm powerful on a power clean, but the powerfulness on a power clean is not as powerful as it is for a zero to 60. What do you mean not as powerful?
Starting point is 00:15:41 What do you mean not as powerful? So, zero to 60 is your power is going from zero to 60 in, you know, seven seconds. You got to hold that power. Oh. Power clean, I'm just maybe a second. Bam. Right. Hey, what was your time? My time was 7-2.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And when you come out of the blocks, is that the fastest you've done it, you think? No. What's the fastest in your life you've done in 60, do you know? 6-6. Oh, wow. Yeah. And the soreness, do you think any of it could have been just the fact that you had probably the largest adrenaline rush also that you've had in a long time? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. When I was running it, I was like, okay, it's there. It's just that I have to switch up my training and train my body into running shape, into sprinter shape. Like anybody can sprint. But when you're going against people and you need to tap into that gear that's different you know you know i could get out there on the track and run
Starting point is 00:16:53 60s all day right because it's just me but if i got me you you know hillary and everything we going hard that gear is different than it being the gear where it's just by myself yeah did you know did you did you get a crazy adrenaline rush when you got in the blocks and there and you guys are yeah yeah yeah i felt myself shaking and i was like why am i shaking why am i feet shaking wow that adrenaline is yeah it's real like you were in a fight? Yeah. How did the other dudes look visually to you? Like when you saw the eight other guys, were you like, oh, fuck, these are specimens? No.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I mean, it's weird because everybody is older. I probably was the guy out there. They were like, damn, you know, most people was like, yo, you play football? You look like a linebacker like you know that guy like did you play and you know and i had to tell him and he was like oh okay he's like man because wide receiver really did you outweigh all the guys no no there were some big dudes too yeah yeah that you know what masters is like you know you go to the crossfit games you see these guys in the 40 to 44 40 uh 45 i mean 44 to 49 you're like man these guys look good it was the same way the guys in the older division
Starting point is 00:18:18 yeah yeah like like chiseled out and you're're like, damn. Like they didn't age. Like they're not aging. Right. Right. Hey, what about, why didn't you bring any family? Were you the only dude there that was by yourself? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Was that, is that lonely? Extra challenge? No. No, no. it no no no not for me because this is something that that i want to do and by my girls being in gymnastics and knowing that they need to focus and knowing that they have gymnastics practice every day it kind of it kind of like takes that away now when my wife is not there with me that's different you would have loved to have had her there yeah yeah yeah well my wife is not there with me that's different you would have loved to have had her there yeah yeah yeah well my wife she's she's her being a financial advisor she's very busy very busy um so so your dad do you feel sorry for yourself at all when you're there by
Starting point is 00:19:17 yourself like do you no no you're just like i wonder do you know why the other guys do it did you get a chance to talk to the guys? Yeah. Yeah. It's just, it's something to keep them going. You know, it's something to keep them going. It's something that they did while they were younger. You know, and even though they're out of that, you know, elite stage,
Starting point is 00:19:39 Masters is elite for them. You know, it's elite for us now leap for us now to be the master. You see the records. You're like, oh, okay. The record in the 60s is 6'9". It's not as easy to get that record even though I feel as if I could get there with the training, but
Starting point is 00:19:57 this is an American or world record. When it's going into track and it's USATF, it's not just going to take six months or world record. So when it's going into track and it's USATF, it's not just going to take six months or a year. You're Usain Bolt trained for so many years to run nine seconds. You got to train those, those amount of years to run, to get an American or world record.
Starting point is 00:20:23 So it may take me two, three years to get that American to world record. So it may take me two, three years to get that American to world record. And is that the goal? Is the goal you're going to start tailoring your training to get that record? Yeah. Is this a yearly event?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yep. Did this qualify you for another event, like a world event? It qualified me for Outdoors. I could go ahead and move on to do the 100, which is in Sacramento, July 18th. And then you can, once you go ahead and place and you podium them you can go to worlds which is worlds is right after the olympics which is in sweden um this um this event uh what's the difference between indoor and outdoor what's the difference in running 60 and 100 meters but but any difference
Starting point is 00:21:18 like why do they have indoor and outdoor like who cares if there's a roof why does that matter well well indoors you know indoor indoor track has a special track uh-huh so so it's a 200 meter track uh-huh so if you're running a 400 you got to do it two times okay 200 you just have one time around the track and you get different times because of the turns right right and then and then indoor primarily indoor is like winter season okay they have an indoor what's what's what's uh traditionally thought of as faster indoor times or outdoor times is there is that uh i would i mean when you look at the guys that's running um nine seconds in a hundred right and then you have the guys that's running um the fastest time you know world record is like six four in the 60? Damn. Outdoors faster. Usain Bolt 958, right?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Imagine if he ran the 60. So that's 40 more meters. That's 40 more meters to get nine seconds. So with the 6'4 to 40 meters from 60 to 100 that's six four that'll give you like a low 10 seconds in a hundred but then you take usain bolt's record at nine five eight you take that back to the 60 he probably ran like a what six flat yeah. You see what I mean? And then, but,
Starting point is 00:23:06 but, but, but the great thing about what the hundred is, it allows you to open up even more to tap into that extra gear. Okay. Longer. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:17 So, whereas the 60. Zero to 60 minutes. Boom. You get, do you even reach your fastest running speed in 60 meters? No. No.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Do you make it to the turn? Mm-mm. You don't. So you don't even make it to the turn. It's just all straight. All straight. Damn. All straight.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yeah. What was the winning time? It was 7-1-3. 713 oh my god so you were seven one hundredths of a second so you and the other two guys came across together yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's that fast man it's that fast and fast. And it's interesting. It's fun. It's fun. So you're on the starting blocks and it's a gun like in. And when you go, do you know right away whether you got a good start? Like if you're in a good like how soon before, you know, like, oh, shit, I'm doing good or I shit the bed.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You'll see out of your peripherals. Yeah. Right. It's all about feel. And then it's all about see. Right? Even though it's always tunnel vision, but you can still see who's on your left and your right when you're running. Right?
Starting point is 00:24:36 And then you'll also hear the footsteps, too. Oh, yeah. You can hear the footsteps. But, yeah. How did you feel on the go? I felt good. You did? Yeah. I felt really good. Like, like a lot of people hit me up was like, man, I didn't know you still had to start like that. I there like even though i always knew i was explosive because of olympic weightlifting but to know that i could get out there on the track and still put out that
Starting point is 00:25:11 that force yeah like that in the start yeah just let me get more training to take that 20 to that 60 you know i'll be in tip-top shape And what did you see at the start Do you remember what you saw Like from in your periphery Where were the other two guys My right Oh okay and did you know Does everyone know hey that's the slowest guy
Starting point is 00:25:37 That's the fastest guy Um with the times that you put in Yeah Your preliminary times That you put in And did. Your preliminary times that you put in. And did the guy who was supposed to win, win? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he won. Oh, so he had the fastest, like, submission time. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And could you look at his body and be like, oh, fuck, that guy's fast? No, not at all. No. No. no no no no i mean he he he looked like a uh he had the body of like a a guy that that comes to crossfit class every day you know that comes to a 5 p.m class and you know he just just look regular like that's why i like you could never judge a book by its cover, man. You know, here I am out there, you know, all chiseled up, muscled up. But here is a guy that's just like, you know, he's just nice and slim. You know, little tone to him, but he wasn't, you know, muscly.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And those muscle guys you would think are boom. Like they're going to explode out of the blocks. Right. What were you guys wearing? What do you wear? You can wear whatever you want I wore My compression shorts And then I bought a
Starting point is 00:26:55 USA TF Tank top And that was it But it's tight Nothing's flapping around Everything is on your skin. Right. Right. So basically you could be out there running in your drones. Damn.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. And so what was this? Do you remember the slowest time? Slowest time was 7-8. was uh seven eight and um did at any point when you did any point did you think you were gonna win like as you approach the finish line do you know you're like oh shit this i just gotta lean forward i gotta i gotta dive here yeah like like the last uh 10 meters like i said i was trying to kick into that gear but my hamstrings was telling me nah not yet oh really wow there's a feedback loop like that yeah yeah yeah it's there so so that's what i was saying when after the race i was sitting back and and just like assessing everything and i was like i'm right there like i'm right there a little bit more
Starting point is 00:27:58 training more hard training um so you have to rev faster it's like if I'm using a car metaphor You need to get If you have to shift Or if the ideal shift is at 8000 RPMs You need to get to that 8000 RPMs faster Faster Hey and that other gear what's it feel like Is it like a higher step or a higher turnover rate
Starting point is 00:28:20 Like is there a way you can Higher turnover rate Higher turnover rate Higher turnover rate yeah It's a way you can higher turnover rate higher turnover rate higher turnover rate yeah yeah it's like it's like a punch like punch it punch it punch it so like you're saying if you drive in a car punch it yeah punch it but you know that it starts there yeah yeah hey hey hey and i was like okay like okay but being an athlete i know i can get there so now i know all right going into my training more accessory work on the hamstrings more
Starting point is 00:28:53 accessory work more accessory work on the glutes more accessory work on on abductors abductors more accessory work on on uh on the groins. Hip flexors, all that. Quads, hamstrings, more accessory work. And what's that look like? What's accessory work look like? So it will be glute hand raises, mid to low. So full to mid. Leg curls, hamstring curls floor bridges boso ball bridges um bridges is like you're on your back like you're doing that thing that people do like in
Starting point is 00:29:34 that like that humping motion you're on your back and you have your feet on the ground and your knees bent and you're like thrusting forward like this yeah yeah like like hip thrust you know yeah okay weights yeah okay that but but the sport way is if if i'm laying on my back i got one leg up my knee must stay in line with with with the foot that's on the floor okay that's bent right and and the the foot could either be on the floor or on a basketball okay and so but but but that leg that's up the knee stays in line so my hands are down and i'm just driving my hips up while i'm pushing my foot into the basketball do you do that with weight or just no no weight no weight no weight just do it just the range of motion right 10 on that leg and then switch. 10 on that leg. And then you could do your fire hydrants, your scorpions with a band around your knees.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You could do your fire hydrants, your leg swings, all that type of stuff. And are you going to go to Sacramento? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. Will you go there by yourself too no no this time it it'll be like a family trip this time you know god if i'm around i'm gonna bring my boys to that that would be so cool to watch that that'd be dope man that'd be dope hey um uh on a side note, um, I remember six months ago, um, Dave was, uh, Dave has a, uh, Dave Castro has a little girl who's in high school. She's a freshman. She's a freshman. And he had
Starting point is 00:31:13 always told me, Hey man, when, when she was younger, she, Hey, she's a good runner. And then, uh, he went on a run with her and he's like, Hey man, this is like six months ago. He's like, she beat me in the mile run. I go, Oh, what'd she run? She goes, he goes seven minutes. I was like, Oh damn. He's like, yeah, I'm going to work on my running. I don't like her beating me. And then four months ago, she ran her first track meet and she ran like a six 50. Wow. And then three months ago she ran and she ran like a six Oh two. And then last month he told me she ran a track meet and she ran five 45. Wow. Yeah. So in six months she's gone from seven minutes to five 45. So she has, she actually has a track meet and she ran 545 wow yeah so in six months she's gone from seven minutes to 545 so she has she actually has a track meet tomorrow that's right by my house and i'm gonna go watch and i'm like hey dude you're not catching her and he goes uh-uh he's
Starting point is 00:31:54 like that he's like that window closed yeah but it's so cool to hear um uh i mean she's probably his daughter is is god man she's probably five eight a hundred pounds i mean she's probably His daughter God man she's probably 5'8 100 pounds I mean she's just A beanpole But yeah it's cool It's cool to hear running stories And people working on that And it's cool to hear stories about people's kids
Starting point is 00:32:19 But then on your end Here you are Getting back into it I wonder what your daughters are gonna think when you're taking your daughters to sacramento yeah yeah yeah they they uh they are on the caitlin clark high now who's caitlin clark you don't know who caitlin clark is no she a runner? Basketball player from Iowa. Oh, I heard that there's two female basketball players who are – oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I've seen her around. Yeah, I heard there's two female basketball players who are, like, really invigorating the sport. Yeah, she's doing marvelous things for for uh women's basketball why is she so good what is she doing does she is she like the is she a three-pointer what is she yeah she broke all the records for um for for men and women in points she set the record for uh most made um three pointers um in the tournament i think it was like 497 uh she set the most points in both men and women hey you think this is steph curry trickling down you think that like five years yeah it is right so five years ago steph curry explodes on the scene and changes the game, and now all these kids were watching it, and so they're like,
Starting point is 00:33:48 fuck, I'm going to become a great three-point shooter. Yeah, to the T. I mean, you rarely got anybody that want to drive to the hole and get an and one. Now it's all about your dribble, step back, shoot from the free throw line. I mean, from the three-point line. Step back, shoot from the free throw line i mean from the uh from a three-point line you know step back shoot from the from the logo it's it's yeah man it's that has he steph curry has made a huge impact on the game of basketball as far as it how it's played than what michael jordan did and what humans are capable of right right
Starting point is 00:34:27 right right because because you know anybody can go ahead and and you know dribble the ball good and be able to drive to the hole and get a bucket right you could find 50 to 100 of those guys and girls but you could probably find five maybe 10 really good three point shooters that are just good shooters at that yeah yeah she's six feet tall 155 pounds 22 years old and taking over the world man she her they on cnbc uh which my wife watch all the time because her job they had they did like a clarkonomics about like how much money that she's generating for for tv for for uh the university for herself with the whole nil deal and everything and yeah yeah she's she's she's amazing man and in high school she set the uh the single point uh scoring record with 42 points in a triple overtime holy shit yeah yeah high school just out here she's from my area in high school her average game was 32.6 points a game yeah wow yeah yeah wow wow is it what uh is there a
Starting point is 00:35:51 backstory on her that's worth knowing like is it was her dad a professional basketball player or mom oh no no i don't think so i think her dad um they were like like being out here in iowa there's there's really in the midwest period there there's really not that many things you could put your kids into, but like basketball track or gymnastics, right? So with her coming up, she had to play, you know, AAU basketball with boys. Oh. There really was no girl travel team. So we got a little bit of the Serena Venus story going. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You play to the level that you play with. Yeah. Yeah. During the Big Ten tournament, Clark surpassed Steph Curry's record for the most three-pointers in a single season by any Division I player. That's what you were saying. She beat both men and women records. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Damn. And points. Yep. She had 30, I want to say 3,500 points. Or 36. Something like that. I want to say 3,600 points she ended her career with.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I wonder if she's going to be able to affect the... She's not in the WNBA.'s still in college so so the draft for the wmba is monday she's oh okay so there's tons of hype yeah i wonder if she's going to be able to put um seats in the uh butts and seats hey let me ask you a crazy question could she play men's basketball no no i'm i'm i'm pretty sure she could hold her own but i mean ask me that in in in three years okay to where to to where her game develops more faster feet you know she's not she's going against grown women that have experience in in their professional league
Starting point is 00:37:42 you know ask me that in three years the the wnba is is quite the uh kind of fascinating organization because it is not doing well like if you look at the economics of it man it is it is a uh i mean it's it's not it would it would not survive without the nba it's just purely subsidized by men's basketball and i don't have a problem with that but i don't know how long that that can go on it's like now especially for how hard those girls work they work so hard and then right and then you know 10 years and you still got no money when you get out the other side and i'm not saying that they deserve it i'm just saying how does it sustain itself right now in the last two years
Starting point is 00:38:18 because of the rise of this one player uh-huh wmba you know the the the viewership going forward is projected to be higher now because one player yeah awesome and and then probably that their whole game is going to change too right in the next 10 years there'll be five more girls just like her yes yeah and make the game more exciting because there's threats from more places right right because because even though she's leaving from college there's a there's a freshman in college now called uh juju smith from from uh usc who broke yeah that's the name i heard that's the name i heard yeah who broke um caitlyn's clark freshman most points record as a freshman uh juju smith yeah oh i got a guy i didn't get a girl i don't know how you spell it i i got juju smith schuster it's some it's no no no i'm sorry not not not him not not juju smith uh someone will say it in the uh comments too if you don't
Starting point is 00:39:21 it's juju something i forgot her last name i'll just type in juju look juju played for usc2 i said juju smith he played for usc2 wide receiver damn he's popular as all get out oh yeah yeah he's he's big on Juju Watkins, is that what it is? Yes, yes, Watkins. Right, right, Watkins. Oh, yeah, she's 18, 6'2". Okay, so she's four years younger. Holy shit, dude. She's a kid with fucking almost...
Starting point is 00:39:56 She has over 700,000 followers on Instagram. And plays like... Like, her game reminds me of Carmelo Anthony. Wow. She's so polished as an 18-year-old. So polished. So, see, so you got, you know, they're doing good, man. They're doing good.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It's going to be exciting. Like, she's projected to go number one, right? So, Indiana Fever is supposed to take her. So, 36 of their 39 games are going to be televised. Wow. Because of Kaitlyn Clark. Oh, yeah, this is a big girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. See, that move right there reminds me of Carmelo Anthony. Yeah. She got the man bond. I approve of that. I don't know how anyone plays with a ponytail. That's crazy. Good pass.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Oh, yeah. God. I'm going to get in trouble for playing this i just play the whole thing hey when um um james when you're out there uh what shoes did you wear for your race nike and are they cleats are they special shoes uh nike spikes and um are they new or is it something you dusted off from back in the day? No, new, new. Yeah. You always got to run in new spikes because they change every year, right? They always try to make the spikes lighter.
Starting point is 00:41:33 You know, the lighter you are, the faster you're able to move, right? The heavier your shoe, the slower you are. Come January, do you think you'll have made the adjustments for the outdoor event, U.S. Championships in Sacramento? Will you have made the adjustments that you want to make? For sure. For sure. And that adjustment is to get to the final gear faster?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yep. Yeah. And to be able to sustain it. Sustain it. Is there a spot in the race that you want that? Is it like at 30 meters or are you like, okay, it has to be by 30 or 40? It has to be by 40 to 50.
Starting point is 00:42:15 You know, you know, it's that it's those last, it's those last like 10 to 20 meters of, of hitting it because you're, you're dry phase, right? you're dry phase right you're getting out you're 10 you're 20 you're starting to build you're 30 or 40 all right let's kick it in you know that's that's the area to where to where you always see even runners when they are running 100 they always pulling their hamstring around 50 to 60 meters. Oh, when they're going to that other gear? When they're going to the other gear, yeah. What about weight?
Starting point is 00:42:51 Did you try to lose weight before the event? Yes, and I got down to 204. And was that the goal? No, my goal was to get down to like 198. Oh, damn. Yeah. And what's the heaviest you've weighed in the last year? 210. Okay, damn. Yeah. And what's the heaviest you've weighed in the last year? 210.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Okay. Okay. Do you think that that weight loss, those six pounds, it caused you to lose any energy or explosiveness? No. No. No. So you felt good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah. It's just the, I just know the lighter I am, the faster, right? You know, I never ran, never really ran at 200 plus. I always was like, you know, in college I was 175, 185. You know, NFL I was, you know, putting on more muscle mass. So, you know, 190, 195. Could you even get to 195? Yeah, yeah, I could get to 195. yeah i could get really i think i can yeah damn if if if i was doing this for uh olympic weightlifting meet i would compete in 89 so that would be like you know 198 196 but but when you stepped on the platform
Starting point is 00:44:01 you'd be heavier right the day The day of to lift? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Hydrate. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, are you watching UFC tomorrow? Who's fighting tomorrow? It's UFC 300.
Starting point is 00:44:16 It's the craziest fucking part ever, dude. Oh, what's the Colombian guy? It's the Brazilian guy, Alex Pejano. Yeah, yeah, Brazilian guy. Brazilian guy, yeah. colombian guy uh it's um the brazilian guy alex but dude even listen the early prelims the very first fight at three o'clock is davidson figueroa versus cody garbrandt and then it's bobby green and then it's jessica andrage and then it's jaylen turn i mean every single fight could be a main card fight yep it's it's absolutely fucking nuts. Who's Andrade fighting? She's fighting Marina Rodriguez. That's the chick that's like all torso.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. She got like these little short legs. She got a weird body. Crazy striker. And then Holly Holm is fighting that. Kayla Harrison. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah. It's nuts. Yeah. It's nuts. Calvin Cater's fighting Aljamain Sterling. Aljamain Sterling's going up a weight class For the first time I don't like that form
Starting point is 00:45:09 I don't like that form Especially how he lost to Sugar Yeah I'd like to see that I'd like to see that fight again Yeah I don't like that fight Aljamain I don't like that for aljamain i don't like that for him anyway go ahead
Starting point is 00:45:29 because he didn't he didn't really dominate in his weight division anyway i don't know dude he he really didn't like he got a bad rap i think i really well i don't know maybe i'm just emotional he'd been on the show a couple times Maybe I'm just Emotionally attached to him But I really like him I thought That he got I thought the fans Were mean to him after what happened with Yon and then he
Starting point is 00:45:56 Came back and he Represented so I He did he destroyed Yon Yeah Alright hey dude thanks for coming on. Love seeing you again. Great hearing your story, and I'll talk to you soon. Yeah. Thank you for having me, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:11 All right. All right. Ciao. Yep. James Townsend. Crazy. So awesome. Darian! What's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:46:23 What's up, dude? I just caught this bug walking around on my um computer screen you didn't have to cancel the party on my behalf oh no this is good yeah well i i was feeling him out to see if he was if he was getting excited for the fights tomorrow but he he's uh he's his life's so busy he has these two amazing daughters and he's running a gym and so he wasn't up to snuff but i was thinking about keeping him on but um yeah i made the quick assessment well that's all right how you been man oh you got me on here late huh you was 45 minutes in before i jumped on huh yeah let you let you sleep in a little bit where are you what are you
Starting point is 00:47:03 doing are you are you headed to the gym are you headed to the gym? Are you headed to the salon? To the barber shop, yeah. I just posted up. I'm just outside the coffee shop. This is the best signal you've had in a while. Really? You look good. Hey, you won your last fight.
Starting point is 00:47:23 You're a badass, dude. I know. I wonder if I can pull that up. It was good. You got to watch it? Yeah, hell yeah. It was on Vimeo. I got to see it.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Oh, yeah. It was a clinic. I think the dude... Let me see if I can turn this volume off and play this. Where the fuck is the volume on Vimeo? How does this shit end up on Vimeo? Why not YouTube? Dude, the guy who recorded it sent it to me on that,
Starting point is 00:47:55 and he was like, here's the video if you want to have it. And I was like, oh, cool. I'll just keep that. Let me see if I can share screen. But yeah, this dude is, he was, I mean, the dude before I fought him had 12 first round finishes. 12. But when I fought him. This guy, this guy's had 12 first round finishes?
Starting point is 00:48:23 That guy. That guy. That guy. The one underneath me that's dying. Good job keeping his hips far, cross-facing the body. You know, it's just... What round is this? This is the second round? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And you won your fight before this too, right? Yep. Was that a boxing match or was that also MMA? Also MMA. And it was against a guy was that also MMA? Also MMA. And it was against a guy who was 15 and 4 or something. This guy was 12 and 4 and I beat a guy who was 15 and 4 before. I'm going to ask a really dumb question. Is this an easy fight?
Starting point is 00:48:59 It was a super easy fight. It was a super easy fight because all he relied on, because he's a black belt in jiu-jitsu, so all he relied on was the jiu-jitsu. And I was like, what? No way. Yeah, here it comes. It's the end of it.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's the end of it. Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat. Hey, so that body shot, is that what did it? The body shot softened him up. The uppercut right after the body shot was the one that did it. Did you feel good about that body shot? Like when you threw that, do you have even a moment to celebrate? Like you're like, yeah, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Yeah, it was solid. No, I didn't. Well, I was going to. I thought he was going to stay up, but I thought he's got to kind of like cringe on the body shot um so i only threw that uppercut as i was xing it out but the uppercut was hard enough to drop him i guess and so i just said well i'm gonna finish it hey are you wondering at this point why the ref doesn't stop it? Well, I mean, it's a professional fight. You know, he's still moving his hands. You know, he was still moving his hands.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I mean, look when he goes down. I mean, you're not even anywhere near him when he goes down. He surrenders. He did surrender. Right? He did. That's it. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I'm done. I'm good. Dude, he went to his back like right away. I know. Like a baby. Like a baby. And it was crazy because I got – so I finished that fight with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And I'm fighting at 185 right there. And I finished that fight with him, and he goes and wins two more fights in the first round. Oh. After we fought. He's already fought two more times and won two more times in the first round submissions submissions he's a black belt in jujitsu and okay so that's good for you and you want that right yeah because all we freaking did was like okay you're a black belt in jujitsu then we're gonna make sure we stop the takedown we don't let you get your hips under ours and then we're just gonna punch you in your face and then that basically tells everyone like hey dude i'm in the fucking wrong league period i belong i belong in the fucking ufc
Starting point is 00:51:15 period like there's other guys out here just cleaning people up and i just fucking destroyed them destroyed them you know what i mean and that's intentionally. Okay, so I don't know if you know this, but I have another fight set May 10th. Okay. Four weeks. Okay. That fight will be in St. Louis, Missouri. And guess who will be there the day after? The UFC will be fighting May 11th in St. Louis, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:51:44 UFC will be fighting May 11th in St. Louis, Missouri. So hopefully, because we fight at a casino, hopefully as much as Dana White loves casinos, he goes to that fight. And if I can just put on the same clinic, it's an undefeated opponent. The opponent got all finishes. They're trying to cake him up as a prospect because he trains with with uh joaquin buckley oh shit oh shit yeah and so if i can just paste him up the same way dana send me the contract dana come on hey is this is this your um is this your instagram at 19 yep darian okay i'm just putting it down there for people yeah yeah hey um so so this guy's Is this your Instagram? At 19? Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I'm just putting it down there for people to see. Hey, so this guy's going to come in hot. Hot. He's going to come in hot. But I think the difference is he's fought a lot of opponents that have been afraid of him. What's his name? I don't see him. What's his name? Max Chorov.
Starting point is 00:52:41 What's his name? I don't see him. What's his name? Max Chorov. I think it's C-H-O-R-I-V. R-I-E-V. Max Chorov. C-H-O-R-I-E-V. Yeah. Oh, is he an Asian dude? I think he's like Mongolianongolian so yeah asian okay whatever gang as con was that's who he that's
Starting point is 00:53:16 that's so funny that's exactly what i was thinking yeah he quotes a lot of Genghis Khan damn yeah so um oh this is gonna you guys are gonna have a fucking war huh war and but the only the only downside and there's no downside like I'm just saying the only downside there's no downside but this is the first fight since the UFC where I'm gonna be fighting at 170. Oh, shit. Yeah, I've been fighting at 185. I've been walking at 206. So it's a deep cut.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And I mean, I haven't been walking at a fat 206 either. I've been walking at a beefcake. You know what I'm saying? Beefcake. Hey, you didn't have an agent I don't think last time I talked to you No I didn't
Starting point is 00:54:09 But now I'm signed with Jackson Wink Management So it's Jackson Wink and Albuquerque, New Mexico Where Holly Holm trains And where John Go ahead
Starting point is 00:54:23 Like after the fight That's after the fight What what do you weigh there that's over 200 there yeah i'm probably i'm probably two i'm probably 200 right there maybe 199 but probably 200 yeah you look good and in here in here you're 185 i'm 186 on the dot. Oh, this is a big dude you fought. Yeah, he's a big guy. He was a big dude. But I sent a right hand down the middle, and he didn't really want any of it. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:57 It's terrible. Is this 206, Darian? Yeah, that's 202. Yeah, that's 202 right there. Damn, look at your arms. You know? Yeah, that's 202. Yeah, that's 202 right there. Damn, look at your arms. You know? Like, go down right here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Like, the one where I'm beating the bag. Yeah. That's 206, Darian. Oh, shit. Yeah. You know? It wasn't... Not a lot of...
Starting point is 00:55:20 Not a lot of fat content on that 206. No, you're gonna go down 35 pounds from that? Dude, I know. It's been a struggle right now. I've managed to get down. Four weeks out, I've managed to get down. My lowest I've gotten down to right now is 195.7. So I managed to get down that low.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Although I did wake up at 200 pounds this morning, you know i had to rehydrate and feel my body i had a hard had a hard week of training um but i'm gonna start fixing some calories around and we're gonna get there hey does this does um so does your agent somehow contact the ufc and, hey, dude, look, you guys are going to be there the next day. Send someone over to watch this fight. That's what I'm talking to him about right now. I'm talking to him like, hey, they're going to be in town. You might as well just see if, you know, it doesn't have to be Dana White. See if Sean Shelby will pop his head over there real quick, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Yeah, yeah. The matchmaker, you know? And what would be a fairytale story, bro? It's not going to happen, but what would be fairytale for me? As I go in here, and I just knock this dude out, right? Don't get a scratch
Starting point is 00:56:40 on me. Some reason they fucking have somebody May 11th drop out the day right there and i just step in like all right bet i'll do it let's go let's go we'll fight right now hey that's the day so your fight's uh may 10th may 10th yeah hey um uh i want to see who's on that card real quick. Let me see. On the UFC card? Yeah, May 11th. Derek Lewis is headlining it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah, this is all big. Oh, Chase Hooper fights. These are all big boys, too, on this card. Fuck. Yeah, big dogs.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's okay. The day after, I'll probably be able to fight at like 200 pounds, 205. Oh, you know who else is fighting on that card? Alex Caceres. Remember we did a show with him? Yeah. I haven't seen him fight in a while. I think he may have lost his last fight,
Starting point is 00:57:40 but I think he might be the longest-tenured UFC fighter that there is. Really? Yeah, because I was like, I haven't seen him fight in a real minute. Are you planning on watching the fights tomorrow? I am planning on that. I won't be able to watch. I won't be able to watch the prelims, which, you know, kind of a bummer because I would love to watch those. Why can't you watch them?
Starting point is 00:58:07 Because I'll have to be sparring. I'll be sparring tomorrow, so I have to get that out the way. I'm going to show you something crazy in a second. Okay, so he's fighting Shad Woodson. Look, he lost to Chickadees. That dude's a savage. He lost him. Did that go to decision?
Starting point is 00:58:26 How do I know? It says round three at five minutes. Does that mean it went to decision? Yeah, it says unanimous next to the decision. You see that right up there? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Got it. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:34 How is he? Man. Fuck, dude. Hey, that fight against Sean Woodson is going to be fucking live, though. Him fighting Sean Woodson is going to be fucking live though. Like him fighting Sean Woodson is going to be crazy because Sean Woodson's a good fighter, especially at, you know, what is he at?
Starting point is 00:58:52 145, right? Uh, I think so. Let me see what it says. If it says what, uh, yeah, probably. Yeah. I can't tell. Hey, but you know what's crazy dude? Alex has to fight so many fucking good dudes and he just can't tell. Hey, but you know what's crazy, dude? Alex has to fight so many fucking good dudes. I know.
Starting point is 00:59:08 And he just can't fucking get the recognition for it because he just isn't fighting the best dude. The guy. Yeah, the guy. But he has to fight Shawn Woodson, who's 11-1. He had to fight Giga. He had to fight Sadiq. I mean fuck dude he beat up Chase Hooper
Starting point is 00:59:27 look at him and that was a clinic he beat the dog out of Chase Hooper and I think they just gave Chase Hooper that fight too early I think that was actually Chase Hooper's only like second fight in the UFC and he just
Starting point is 00:59:42 railed him dude this guy has so many fucking pro fights. It's out of fucking control. Listen to some of these names. He's fought, um, uh, Pettis, Uriah Faber, dude. He's been around for Yair Rodriguez, Krohn Gracie, Chase Hooper, uh, some boy, Sadiq, what? He beat Krohn Gracie, Chase Hooper, Sungwoo Choi, Sadiq Yusuf. What?
Starting point is 01:00:08 He beat Crone Gracie. No, no, it says he lost here. Really? Yeah, rear naked choke. I know, I thought he beat Crone too. Crone's a weird dude. He is a strange, strange guy. He didn't stay in the UFC that long.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I've probably only seen like two fights by him. He comes across like a dick. I mean, I don't know him, but he just comes across like a dick. To be honest, and even though they said he was a nice guy, so does Roy Gracie. Roy Gracie did that. I felt like that too. The original guy from UFC 1?
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. Yeah, he came across like a dick too, totally. I felt like he was just a jerk. I was like, dang, this is terrible. But I guess when you're back in the 90s and you have to fight each other and you get to step on each other's nuts, I guess you got to come off like an a-hole. Adam Blakesey, Jim Miller's probably the longest tenured guy.
Starting point is 01:01:01 He fights this weekend. Yeah, he's been around forever too. That's true. Yeah, that's probably true. He is the longest. I say he gets knocked out by bobby green that's just me i know that jim miller's a dog and he's a tough fighter i say bobby green just has too much you know skill on him and he's just gonna he's i mean bobby green has a right hand from freaking out of nowhere remember what he did with grant Dawson and just pow pop. Yeah, I mean that was the first round Didn't he end up fighting a khabib?
Starting point is 01:01:33 No, he fought Oh Yeah, Islam Islam Islam. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He fought Islam Makachev and on Short notice six days. Yeah, and it Islam Makachev on six days. Short notice? Six days, yeah. And it was just a clinic. No, but do you remember? Did you see the... You know I invited Bobby Green to come on here, and he said if I paid him $1,500.
Starting point is 01:01:57 He said, I'm about my money. You know, did you see what happened with him when Jalen Turner fought him? Remind me. I'm sure I did. I love Jalen Turner. Jalen Turner knocked him? Remind me. I'm sure I did. I love Jalen Turner. Jalen Turner knocked him out from standing up. The ref didn't call it, and he let Jalen Turner beat the living dog. Like even Bobby Green.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Oh, yes. Yes. Even Bobby Green was like, oh, yeah, I'm a fighter, you know. In this sport, I'll die on my shield. He's like, but that put a different view of my in my mind. Like, oh, my gosh, you can get the rest will just let you get murdered here. And I mean, it was very controversial. Like that dude let him get murdered, murdered.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Every time I see the refs let the sport, the fight go too long. It makes me rethink being a UFC fan. Do you know that that i'm being serious because i don't want to be a part of that really like no i'd rather see it stop early like uh last week there was this there's this there's this ref that's all juiced up i don't know he's short um short white guy he's got the comb over yeah and he's just roided out of his mind right he stopped two fights way early last week Or the week before whenever I was watching
Starting point is 01:03:09 But I was fine with it I just don't like to see I don't like to see a dude Like just Who's the UFC commentator He's the 205 guy He had his tooth knocked out by Glover. I did not like that fight.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Anthony Smith. Yes. He told him too, bro. He was murdering when Glover was doing that. And he knocked his tooth out. And Glover looked up at the ref like, yo, dude, time to stop it. Not only that, he looked back down to Anthony Smith and was like,
Starting point is 01:03:43 I apologize. I'm sorry. Anthony Smith's like, it's part of the sport, bro. You're good. Just still taking punches. Yeah. I mean, I don't want this to come back on me. I'm not a man to see people die. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I like the refs giving every possible chance. And you're right. On the flip side, when you see comebacks, you're like, what? giving every possible chance. And you're right. On the flip side, when you see comebacks, you're like, what? Good job, ref. I'll never know if you've seen that fight with – it was a dude named Chet Congo. Used to fight in the UFC. Real dark black dude. I mean, huge.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I don't remember the guy he was fighting, but the guy was dropping him at – look at – just look up the craziest comeback ever. Bro, I promise you it'll pop up. This guy was dropping him with every punch, but Chet Congo, like, hit the ground, and he jumped back up, and the dude's chasing him down, and then he dropped him again. Boom, chasing him back down. And then out of nowhere, Chet Congo throws a punch and cleans Buddy's clock. I mean, knocks him out.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Oh, I think I did find it. Let me see. I'm trying to find it on YouTube. Oh, it's only on Facebook. Yeah, because it's the craziest, craziest comeback I've ever seen in my life. Go ahead. I'm saying that that's just like shows like, oh, somebody can come back. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:04 And also like Yoramiro, one of my favorite fighters, like shows like oh it's somebody can come back you know what i mean like and i mean and also like yora miro one of one of my favorite fighters he always makes a fight look like he's getting beat up and then out of nowhere he comes back and just goes you know so if ref stop it early they could clearly you know stop that and be like nope johnny walker's another example like johnny walker is someone who his style is real weird. Yeah. And so if he's getting hit, like, it looks like he's in panic mode or something. But he's come back and win fights when he looks like that, you know?
Starting point is 01:05:33 So I just like – And Bisping and Anderson Silva. Bisping got knocked out, and they let it go, and that changed his whole career. That's true, yeah. You know? So, I i mean it's there is i you are right there is a place where it's like yo this is too far i actually seen one on a lower promotion this girl and it was that it wasn't even punches it was a choke this girl had
Starting point is 01:05:58 this other girl on a bulldog choke and i mean she had her bent back and like choking her the girl was completely out you could tell like and the ref like picks up her hand and like just because you know she's out where she's stiff the ref picks up her hand and just because it didn't drop he still lets it bro she choked this girl for like 15 seconds after oh god she was already out i'm like what are you doing now that's killing brain cells like the more now you're cutting off oxygen to my brain. Now I'm going to be retarded. You know what I mean? Like that's not okay.
Starting point is 01:06:32 You know? So there are some that I'm like, oh, too far, too far. I had this guy, Mark McQueen, on the other day. And he just qualified for ADcc through europe and he's he's a former power lifter and he was wrenching on a fucking dude's neck and the dude went to sleep and the ref came late and i'm like oh god you gotta yeah the guy the guy's tapping yeah and and he's and he's looking at the ref and the ref won't stop it and like the guy went to sleep with submissions i'd say that that's more
Starting point is 01:07:05 like i'm fine with that being stopped early more than anything you know i'm saying like with submissions because not only in choke in situations you know i'm saying where you can lose oxygen to the brain but you can end people's career you can tear their kneecaps out of place yes their elbows can be ripped to shreds you know like call like call that quick. You know what I mean? And also people need to, I mean, the fight that was crazy, right, was Oliveira and Tony Ferguson. He fucking armbar Tony Ferguson's arm and fucking broke his elbow. And Tony was like, I'm good. Yeah. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You'll never meet another person like Tony Ferguson I'm good he says That's okay Dref I don't care about my elbow That was the craziest thing I've ever seen Probably in a sport Okay watch this This isn't so bad
Starting point is 01:07:56 So the guy in the bottom is Mark McQueen And so He's tapping right yeah he tapped and hey dude that dude has a fucking 800 pound fucking deadlift the dude who was choking him yeah he's like this he'll be the strongest dude at adcc for sure he said he he's like a four in 2022 he's a world powerlifting champion. Dude, not only that, the way he's cranking that, bro, he could have broke his jaw and his neck.
Starting point is 01:08:31 That's wild, right? Yo. Look at him looking around. He's like, Jesus Christ. That's the ref not doing his job. Why is the ref on that side when the choke was turned? You need to follow where the fighters are going. Hey, Darren, did you see that interview the other day?
Starting point is 01:08:49 I can't remember who said it, but basically saying that the refs in the UFC only make $300 a night. I didn't see that one, but I saw that the ring girls make more than the refs per year salary. I mean, that's crazy. And that's not a dog on the ring girls make more than the refs per year salary i mean uh that's crazy i don't i don't i'm not i'm not and that's not a dog on the ring girls make your money you guys are fucking absolutely insane your bodies but um uh and the ufc has the best ring goals by far boxing has just these fucking weird looking bitches yeah they're tort i don't know why but they look like they got them on meth and shit and they're're made of plastic. They're probably on cocaine. Not judging any green girls who are watching this.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah. Not all of you, just most of you. But how do you only pay... Maybe that's why they're letting them die. Maybe they're letting fighters die in here. They're like, man, we're just getting... What's the black dude's name with the dreads? Wait, hold on one second
Starting point is 01:09:47 how is he not making a million dollars a year how is he not making a million dollars he's like the face of refs yeah and he like everywhere you go every weekend he's somewhere you're like oh shit he's in Japan oh shit he's in Thailand oh shit he's in Vegas like pay this fucking guy some money dude he has to be
Starting point is 01:10:04 he has to be making more just because like like, I've seen some of his posts, and he looks like he's living a dead life. Oh, Dean. Herb Dean. Someone wrote Dean Herb. He looks like he's having a super good life. But not only that, like, and I'm not saying this determines whether you're rich or not but the girl he has oh way out of his league way out of his league i'm like what this is your wife crazy let me see let me see uh yeah oh yeah he he looks like he got a nice uh car you know i mean like he looks like he's at least six figures you know i'm saying oh that's
Starting point is 01:10:48 that wow yeah okay i see her yeah you know what i'm saying yeah hey did he fight look at he got a nice body i didn't know he was in this good of shape i thought he was yeah he used to do fights he used to do amateur fights i don't know if he ever went pro but come on bro look at his wife yeah that dog is stupid though yeah that you hate boxers or what i hate boxers and that fucking outfit on boxers are psycho yeah he did used to fight though he used to uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he's doing life's good life's good bro you know what i mean that's not 300 a night you know what i mean you gotta be fighting you gotta be doing a fight every night for that to be 300 and look at he look i don't know if that's his his bends but um it probably i think he said that's not my car where we're gonna have the
Starting point is 01:11:38 proving grounds also that week i'll be hosting my referee course. We'll be doing. Oh, smart man. My referee course. Yeah. He probably. Okay. So even if he is only making that, at least he's utilizing his fame to be like, hey, if you want to learn how to get to where I'm at. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:57 $1,000 for a two day workshop. Bring it. $1,000 for a two day workshop. Bring your friends. Bring your family. That's great. Well, what, what, what fight are you most excited about for UFC 300? $1,000 for a two-day workshop. Bring your friends. Bring your family. That's great. What fight are you most excited about for UFC 300?
Starting point is 01:12:11 I'm going to try to go through these fast. It is, for anyone who's complaining about the UFC 300 card, I want to say officially you're a moron. Oh, and I want to add this real quick. This is the craziest thing that I ever heard. Yesterday watching the press conference, did you see what Dana White did with the bonuses? No, what did he do? He raised every bonus to $300,000.
Starting point is 01:12:36 From 50 to 300? From 50 to $300,000. Oh, my God. That's insane, dude. And that's, that alone will make the card better because it's going to be a bloodbath that everyone's going to want that $300,000. That is fucking nuts. Yeah. And he just did it off a whim, dude. The, the, there was a guy, a reporter in the crowd and who was like, Hey Dana, Dana, some people think that you should raise the bonuses for this. What are you thinking? He's like, what do you want me to raise it to?
Starting point is 01:13:11 The reporter actually was going to yell $100,000, but Sterling in the back and the press conference, he was like, no, $300,000, $300,000, $300,000, yelled it. Dana White was like, $300,000, fine, every bonus, let's go. He was like, no, $300,000, $300,000, $300,000! Like, yelled it. And Dana White was like, $300,000, fine, every
Starting point is 01:13:27 bonus, let's go. I was like, what? $300,000? I love Dana. I fucking love the UFC. God, I fucking love it. That's right easy, dude. Such hype, dude. Everyone's gonna fight that much harder now. Like...
Starting point is 01:13:42 Okay. Let's... Let let's the opening shit fight the opening shit fight people the one where like you're still you're still getting a budweiser and fucking doing a line of blow in the bathroom at the venue is davidson figueroa and cody garbarant like i mean figueredo's got to be i mean what's his tagline that like the the warrior the killer the assembly something like that yeah yeah i'm like dude that that might be that's an insane fight uh who do you got for that i think figueredo fucking ends his career i think figueredo goes crazy just because his pace that he fights at, like those fights with Brandon Moreno and him, that pace was crazy for five rounds.
Starting point is 01:14:33 For five rounds that pace was there. Not only once, twice, but three times for five rounds. Yeah. Like, that's insane. I don't think Garbrandt has a chin. The only thing is his Figueredo is going up a weight class. And I just don't think that Cody Garbrandt has the cardio. Figueredo just has to keep it busy, and he'll break him.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Yeah, look, someone says Figueredo will smash that glass jaw. Yeah, I hate to say that because I like Cody. But I would love to see. But Cody Garbrandt has power now, too. You know what I'm saying? He can touch him. He can touch him. And I would love to see
Starting point is 01:15:05 cody garbrandt win that fight but me too it's not gonna happen uh bobby green jim miller bobby green i'm just i just don't think i don't think the vet has it in him you know what i mean like the vet is a dog fighter i get that you know if you're going against clay guida i'll pick you you know what i'm saying but you're not you're going against Clay Guida, I'll pick you. You know what I'm saying? But you're not. You're going against a Bobby Green who can put people to sleep. I mean, easily. You know what I mean? And he's a vicious fighter.
Starting point is 01:15:33 These guys have over 100 fights between the two of them, pro fights. And that's insanity. Andrade versus Marina Rodriguez. By the way, people, we're in the early prelim. Darian and I never talk about the early prelim. Never. We only talk about the top four or five. That's it. Former champs in the fucking early
Starting point is 01:15:52 prelim. Okay, Jessica Andrade and Marina Rodriguez. Man, this is a hard choice. It's gonna be. I hate women fighting. This is gonna love this fight. This fight's gonna be insane. Yeah, Marina Rodriguez is an absolute dog. Tough.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Dog. Weird body, right? Weird body. All torso, no legs. Weird body. But she can work, you know? Yeah. And Jessica Andrade, I mean, you know, in her own right, she has power, you know, and she's fought for the title multiple times but i gotta go rodriguez because
Starting point is 01:16:26 i just feel like i feel like jess andrage is on like an upset you know what i mean so she's just gonna pull it all out of there yeah i think her uh i think her uh star is dimming also a jalen turner and a moicano hey this there's a lot on the line here basically whoever wins this fight is probably gonna to fight Patty. I say Jalen Turner. He's the biggest guy in that weight class. By far, the most reach. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:16:54 Super fun to watch the fight. Super fun. Like watching a praying mantis fight. Yeah, super fun. So I'm going to go Jalen Turner, and I say he gets it by knockout second round. The only reason why I kind of want Moicano to win is I just love his show. I love all the podcast clips of his that are shown. Oh, I've never seen it.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah, he's great. He's great on the mic with his foreign accent and using words wrong. It's just because he has a podcast. That's not fair. Okay, prelims. Diego Lopez, fuck. he's talking about tough. Just a fucking human wrecking ball versus Sadiq.
Starting point is 01:17:31 This is going to be gnarly. Yusuf. I say Sadiq Yusuf. He's explosive. He can keep the fight at a high pace. And he's got power for days. The leg kicks are what's going get i think lopez i think someone that's gonna be a bloody fight like lopez is gonna win or lose he's gonna be
Starting point is 01:17:54 fucking hammer his face is gonna be hamburger meat period period you know yeah so and now my favorite one i want holly home to destroy this girl. Not me. What? I had Kayla on the show. She was great. Kayla, if you're watching this show, I don't have nothing against you, okay? But for some reason, when I look at this matchup, I just want Holly Holm to do the exact same kick that she did to freaking old concussion head and send her ass out of here and you know kayla was
Starting point is 01:18:26 training partners uh both kayla and um what's her name uh what's the girl's name who is the great ufc fighter i know why can't we think of her name ronda rousey oh yes uh rousey and kayla um they used to train together and both olympic judo uh both went to the olympics with judo that's why i see this fight going the same way i see this fight like don't get me wrong like kayla harrison she's strong she's a powerful she's a dominant athlete for one she has short arms so she's not going to be able to strike with holly okay she has zero footwork she has zero footwork she's not going to be able to keep up with holly all holly has to do is keep turning the corner and avoid the takedowns. And then one of those are going to be open for a head kick.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I know it is. Have you seen Kayla Harrison's body since she dropped? Did you see the weigh-in? It is massive. She's massive. And the fact that she got down to 135, right? Yeah. The fact that she got down there when she was probably walking at like 158.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Hey, and what I hear, is this true, Darian, that if she lost that much weight, basically it could insinuate less fluid in the fucking cranium, and so you're more susceptible to a knockout from the dehydration? I have dropped 35 pounds. Don't say that. I hope that's not. All right, all right, all right. No, I'm kidding. But I don't know 35 pounds don't say that all right all right all right no i'm kidding but i don't know i don't know like if she did it right if she did it right i'd say no
Starting point is 01:19:50 you know i mean if she dieted down which it looks like she's dieted down because she is completely shredded shredded shredded dude she has like probably a 10 pack you know um i would hope that you know she just did it the healthy way and so she won't be susceptible to knockout let me see if i can find her kayla um kayla harris let me see if she does get holly home down it might be a wrap for holly i don't know if this is oh yeah this is set this is 17 hours ago Look at this photo I mean So guys this is a Her fighting weight is 155 And she's coming in at 135
Starting point is 01:20:33 Gosh She's an animal Her arms are bigger than mine right now I will say Hey do you think if it goes down It's just over like the second you see it go to the ground Are you like bye bye Holly I mean okay so Holly Holm
Starting point is 01:20:49 Had her whole training camp with Chris Cyborg Okay That's a strong girl Also a former training partner of Kayla Harrison's See yeah so I mean hopefully She learned some in and out tricks Um I don't Say it's going to be over immediately,
Starting point is 01:21:07 but I say if she keeps getting taken down, it's going to be a long night for Holly. You can't stay under Kayla Harrison like that. Just because of, one, her brute strength, as we see in her photo. Holly doesn't have that strength. And Holly's old. I guess they're both old. Yeah, how old is Kayla Harrison? Because Holly's 42.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I'm guessing, let me see. Oh, shit. Dude, I'm sorry, dude. I got bad news for you. No, it's not going to happen. But dang, Kayla Harrison, if you're watching this, Savon just called you old and you're only 33. Probably 40 years younger than Savon, and he just called you old. Listen, Holly Holm is going to have a career-ending blow. Okay, Calvin Cater, Aljamain Sterling. Aljo's going up from 135 to 145.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Is that? Yeah. Yeah, 145. Aljo, we love you. I pick Calvin Cater. God, I hope you're wrong. You don't think Aljo's going to get him on the ground? Oh, Aljo's definitely going to get him on the ground.
Starting point is 01:22:09 I would like to think, though, Calvin Cater understands that he's going to be wrestled in all forms of the term. So I would hope to think that all their training camp – because, I mean, you're a striker, Calvin Cater. Don't practice striking. Just practice defense takedowns, and you will win the fight but we'll see what happens um uh the the the thing is here with this one and correct me if i'm wrong darian aljermaine will come out looking really good in the first round he's gonna be all fucking crazy weird angles all sorts of takedowns and if calvin can serve as the fight goes on, it leans more towards Calvin. Yeah, because what Sean O'Malley showed us is that as long as you have long striking range,
Starting point is 01:22:54 it's going to be very hard for Aljo to employ a game. He does good at people at 135 that are his weight and his height because he's in striking range with them. TJ Dillashaw, he's in striking range with them. I can do whatever I want. Jan because he's in striking range with them. TJ Dillashaw, he's in striking range with them. I can do whatever I want. Jan, he's in striking range with them. I can take them down whenever I feel like it. When you have a longer fighter, you have to shoot a further shot, and it's hard.
Starting point is 01:23:16 It's hard to do that. Also, going up a weight class will be fun to see. Huge fan of Aljo. Yuri Projazka and Ray Kick. see a huge fan of aljo um uh yuri uh pro jaska and uh rake it uh guys i have these are fucking animals yeah the this is fucking nuts too another former champ and rake it could be a champ probably in bellator i mean just savages right yeah pro jaska i see um you know, reclaiming his name after that Alex Piero early stoppage you know, like, I feel like
Starting point is 01:23:50 I feel like he's coming to prove it I mean, Prochaska's a good fighter a great fighter great fighter, but Rakic is that dude who basically fought his whole life like, you hear his whole backstory and like, he was a soccer player who they just he wasn't allowed on the field because he's just beating everyone up i mean the guy's just
Starting point is 01:24:07 made to fucking hurt people right yeah yeah okay go ahead go ahead what were you gonna say darryl i was just gonna say we'll see yeah but but but all once again this could be a this could be a main card too yeah period the whole fight yes good definitely I would do they could do a pay-per-view with Holly Holmes and Kayla Harrison and Al any of these. It's fucking crazy. I'd say just because Kayla Harrison's like is their first fight in the UFC. I'd say not a pay-per-view headline, but they could definitely headline a fight night, you know, in Vegas. I mean, I guess you're right, but I would pay for it. If it was pay-per-view, I'd pay for it.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Okay. Okay. Okay. And just so you know, Darian won't be seeing any of these fights because he'll be training for his upcoming fight on May 10th. May 10th or May 9th? That way we've got UFC 305 and we go in. Okay, and then the main card, dude, crazy. Bo Nickel and Cody Brundage. I want to say one thing, and I know that's a lot of controversy over this and people have already said it, but I agree.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I don't think that Bo Nickel should have been on the main card over Yuri Prochovska. Listen to Darian not understanding the economics. Darian's pure fighter, looking out for his fighter friends. I mean, I understand, oh, he has a way more following but come on dude main card bo nickel come on man come on bo i hear you it's a valid argument i'm just excited i don't know hey hey here's the thing you're right if they wouldn't put him as the main of yeah and hey dude you could even say this how is how is this fight how is that fight bigger than
Starting point is 01:25:45 the very first fight i mean figueredo and garbarant could also be a pay-per-view to in my mind i mean it's fucking crazy you're right and i probably would not pay for bo nickel versus cody you would not no yeah if that was the only fight on the card you'd be like nah it's cool i'll just look i'll see you tomorrow i'll watch it on youtube tomorrow yep yeah good point yeah but adam blakesley uh you're right uh you're right darian uh but the hotter ticket is beau bro i don't know though too here's another thing yuri probably would bring more is going to bring more international eyes i would say so i would say so that he would you know what i mean like and that's the big fight that your Pachowskis fight is. Like you said, like what?
Starting point is 01:26:29 This is astounding. And not only that, we got to go back to Dana raised the thing to $300,000. They're going to be slaughtering people out there. People are going to try to get the finish any way they can. Like this is this bone nickel fight. I just don't see it being a hot commodity. And but it's it's a it's a plus and a minus for him. OK, yeah, you have your fan base. So that's why you put him on the card. If he doesn't show out like they like people should, he's going to lose fans.
Starting point is 01:26:55 You know, I mean, if you don't. Oh, but if he wins, they're gambling, right? If he wins on this biggest stage, all of a sudden, Bo Nickel star skyrockets. Yeah, he does. but it's already pretty high we'll see what happens I mean I wish the best for Bo Nickel because I'm a former wrestler you know what I mean so good job wrestlers let's go but just so you guys know Dalton
Starting point is 01:27:15 Rasta who's been on the show a bunch of times fought Cody Brundage as an amateur and beat the fuck out of him oh really yeah so that's not looking good for him. That's not that good of a fighter to me. Dalton said he's a wrestler, but he better have his wrestling in line tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Oh, so we might see a striking match. I would like to see that from Bo Nickel. That would be cool. Hey, I think he's knocked out his last two opponents, right? Yeah, but that one guy was like a gimme guy from, you know. Hey, what weight class is Bo? I think he's 185. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Maybe we'll see Darian and Bo someday. Okay, the most underrated fight, ladies and gentlemen, in the entire fucking card. Only because nobody knows who our man is you know i'm saying he has he does not have three losses people if you watched his fights they are fucking and he he's he fucking put it to islam makachev when they met i mean he put it to him yeah he he's he's a dog of a fighter and he has and he has the spirit to follow. He knows that he wants to be at the top.
Starting point is 01:28:28 So this is a great match for him. And it's also a great match for Oliveira because if Oliveira beats this up and comes right, it shows that he's still in the pool for a title contention. I still need to be in the talks of that. You know what I mean? Yeah. Armin's been on the show too, Darian. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tight. Good, right? A little clout. You're going for Armin then been on the show too, Darian Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah Tight Good, right? Little clout You're going for Armin then, huh? Oh my god, he's Armenian too I'm in the same gene pool Armenians are inbred as fuck, Darian That guy's probably like my brother
Starting point is 01:28:56 He said we're freaking family Well, I think I think there's a good chance of him winning Because you know how you've seen a lot of Olivera fights. That first round's real slow for him. And that's how Islam Makachev got the best of him because his first round's stupid slow. You know, he can't, he doesn't get going immediately. You know, he has to get, it seems like he has to get dropped in every fight in order to be like, all right, I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah, you got to make his jaw go a little sideways. Yeah, and that's bad when you're fighting an R man, you know what I'm saying? Does the winner of that fight for the title? The winner for that is definitely in title contention. I mean, because they talked about Duke Bronx going back to Islam and fighting for the title. So, I mean, that's – and if he had a dog fight with Islam in the first fight, let's go. Why would you not put it back in there?
Starting point is 01:29:48 So. A fight that I do not think should happen. And I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm fucking so bummed that it is. I love that it's happening. I love that.
Starting point is 01:29:58 God, you're breaking my heart. This is the best I would pay. I would pay pay-per-view for this fight, even if it was $200. $200 for the pay-per-view. Bring him in. Let me get him.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Listen, let me tell you how I look at this fight. Imagine taking a guy and you could hit him in the head as hard as you can with a sledgehammer. And he does that for like 10 years. And he never gets knocked out. And that's how he makes his money. That's fucking Max Holloway. And then all of a sudden. Towards the end of his career. You change the weight of the sledgehammer.
Starting point is 01:30:33 From a 10 pound sledgehammer. To a 15 pound sledgehammer. You think. Dude Gaethje. This is a fucking like. We know Max is tough. Why test him any further dude. Like why.
Starting point is 01:30:44 You have to remember. He fought Dustin Poirier. Max Holmich fought Dustin Poirier, the hardest hitter in 155, and eight, every one of them never fell one time. But they didn't fight at 155, did they? Yeah, they fought at 155. They did? Up to 155 and fought. And, I mean, and stood right in front of him the whole entire time
Starting point is 01:31:06 you know god i really don't like this okay all right just i see justin gaethje getting finished oh my god i would be even though i like justin i'd be so if max wins this hey dude it's a shame max never fought khabib yeah it is a shame because it was close to happening you know that right yeah that would have been crazy because max is so hard to take down so hard to take down not only that like he has a better cardio than anybody that could be fought you know i'm saying he wouldn't have got worn down and broken and been like oh now i could have to just lay here he would have been like we're gonna fight until that bell rings and that's it. I only see this just because
Starting point is 01:31:46 I mean, Max Holloway, I feel like he's beaten every up-and-comer that they've given him. You know what I mean? When they fought down here in Kansas City, who's that guy that was an up-and-comer that he beat? Remember? The jiu-jitsu guy from LA?
Starting point is 01:32:04 Yeah, he's like super. No, no, no. No, not Brian Ortega, but I don't know. Oh, oh, oh, Jordan Allen. Yes. That was crazy. I was so scared for Max. I was so scared.
Starting point is 01:32:17 And he beat the brakes off of Jordan Allen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? Jordan Allen looked like he was the future, right? Yeah. Yeah. And so that's the possibility that Max Holloway has. Yeah, you know? Jordan Allen looked like he was the future, right? Yeah, you know? And so that's the possibility that Max Holloway has,
Starting point is 01:32:31 and I would love to see that right here. Great point, Darian. Great point. All right, so that's going to be nuts. Then another cool fight, two great fighters from China, Wei Li and Yan. I always think Wei Li's going to win, but it would be cool if Yan won just because then it would bring the belt Whaley and yawn. I, I always think Whaley is going to win. Um, but,
Starting point is 01:32:46 but it would be cool if you on one, just because then it would bring the belt to Sacramento via, um, uh, alpha male. Ah, this man is your, all your decisions. I'm emotional.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I'm emotional and loyal. We've either had, we were, they were on a podcast. They haven't, they, they've been on the podcast or they freaking live where you live yeah or they're in the same gene pool or they're in the same gene pool they're your brother cousin
Starting point is 01:33:11 sister yeah yeah yeah uh who do you got in this um i got way lee she's just unbeatable i think at this point in her career she's very strong she's she trains like a freaking savage and i've sparred her and even though she's tiny she has a bite to every strike she has all right uh okay i'll choose her too i think she's gonna win but i want y'all to win and then finally i'm gonna go first on this one alex bahia and jamal hill if jamal hill shows up it is be, I think we might, Alex is a bit off more than shoot. This is going to be crazy for me to say is I think Alex has a glass jaw a little bit now.
Starting point is 01:33:51 I think he does too. I think he's very susceptible to getting knocked out. Yeah. And also this is the best body shape I've ever seen Jamal Hill in ever. Normally on any of the weigh-ins at 205 i'm like wow this dude doesn't even this dude looks like he came straight out of the freaking ghetto bro with no freaking muscle tone at all who is this guy like yeah yeah but this weigh-in he his arms looked great his chest looked amazing he even had like a little four or five pack going on i'm like oh five pack and an
Starting point is 01:34:26 odd number i never you never hear that it's either four or six i like that darren's going with a five pack i'm going with one that's still combined down at the bottom um but you know so i feel like he's in the shape to do it and he and jamal hill gets knockouts over people that i don't even know how he does it tiago santos how did you do it, bro? You were split up. How did he beat Glover Teixeira? How did he beat Johnny Walker? In Brazil.
Starting point is 01:34:51 How did he beat Johnny Walker by punching him only in the forehead? Right. He only punched him in the forehead and knocked him clean out. That's a great knockout, isn't it? A great knockout. Oh, my gosh. So he has superpower. But I watched
Starting point is 01:35:07 over and over Alex Pira's highlights and it looks like every fight that he's knocked somebody out, it looks like he barely touched them. He barely, Prochaska on the same card, he hit him with an uppercut and it looked like he barely threw the uppercut and it sent
Starting point is 01:35:23 Prochaska, I mean, crumbled. They say Alex Pira is made is made of mahogany that's why that's why they say it sucks to get kicked by him they said for some reason he's he's just like made of stone you can't be you know what i mean like like you know like you see a horse and you're like damn if that dude bumps me with his head i'm toast yeah that's what i think pahea is like and he looks like a horse look at his fucking jawline like that yeah like he's built like that. Yeah. Like he's built like that. Like his body, even when you see him on pictures, you're like, man, that would be running into any part of him would hurt. Yeah. You know what I mean? So that's going to be – I feel like people were controversial about this being a main card fight or the main event.
Starting point is 01:36:00 They're stupid. I think this is great. Me too. Jamal Hill is the champion. Alex Pierre is the reigning champion. Jamal Hill is the champion. Alex Pierre is the reigning champion. Jamal Hill was a champion. He only got it took him from him because he got injured. So what? Playing basketball. That was lame.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Dang. You know, that's how, that's what we hood dudes do. We still play basketball even when we have a career ahead of us. Uh, daring weeks, you demand. Thank you for having me on. It was on It was a pleasure to get back on here Yeah love you dude And we'll have you on before your fight And talk to you about that weight loss Cheer you on
Starting point is 01:36:33 Yeah hopefully the next time you have me on I'm anorexic looking So that means the weight loss is coming off Alright dude Great to see you talk to you soon Love you brother Peace love you too bye Daring Weeks alright guys Sounds like I'm going to breakfast All right, dude. Great to see you. Talk to you soon. Love you, brother. See you. Peace. Love you too.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Bye. Darren Weeks. All right, guys. Sounds like I'm going to breakfast. I was supposed to have Haley Adams from Australia on tonight, and I think I've asked Sousa to reschedule that because Greg's in town just for a day or two, and I want to party. So love you guys. Great show.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Thank you, James Townsend. Thank you, Darren Weeks. And I will talk to you guys all soon a crazy week up ahead Those of you who aren't into UFC. Thanks for hanging with us anyway See you guys tomorrow morning. Bye

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