The Sevan Podcast - James Townsend | Training the Future

Episode Date: March 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Hey, man. That's good. I'm not sick and it never went down to my lungs. It was happy to just hang out in this big old nose of mine.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And I woke up this morning and coughed up some great shit. So I'm like, oh, it's over. It's over. I win. I win. You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning you're like yeah i won absolutely yeah how are you good man good doing good you already worked out nah not yet nah i'm not a morning person yeah good me neither hey is that age related or or did that when as a kid were you a morning person nope no never never man um you
Starting point is 00:01:07 perform uh uh worse in the morning or you just don't like it or what's the because they're always like successful people get up early and they get their first workout done by five i'm like not my body i drink i'm i'm successful i get my shit done by first cup of coffee. Yeah, I guess to each his own, man. It's weird because even in college, those 545 workouts, it's hard to be able to do 1855-meter runs or 18110 runs at 545 in the morning at your best. But, I mean, somehow you get it done. But, no, not me. I'm like late morning.
Starting point is 00:01:46 No, not about, how about say that again, Caleb, like a nine, 10 o'clock kind of guy. Hey, James, what about, um, uh, 10 PM? Like last night I put on the 30 pound vest and I did 300 lunges, uh, with the 30 pound vest at 10 o'clock at night yeah yeah i'm i'm i'm like dracula man i i go to sleep at like one two in the morning for some reason yeah and so you don't mind getting it at night either nope no um hey i want to just jump into the deep end the most controversial thing i could find on your instagram account you ready okay they teach us that you keep the arms straight so that you could transfer energy right and they give that example in the l1 they're like hey um if you have a bungee cord and you pull it and you throw in a car like you're gonna lose all that energy before it gets taught yeah and so it's
Starting point is 00:02:43 got to be a steel pull but i really like this post and you know and everything's supposed to be core to extremity and all that um what what is the truth tell like let's pretend like this is going to be like flat earth or shit people are going to get so angry but fuck them uh what is the truth is there a place for the armband and and who's to tell you and rich froney not to do it um if you're a new beginner i wouldn't as a coach i wouldn't teach that to a new beginner as they as they go on to develop um then as um looking at their form looking how they move depending on what type of athlete they are, if they're CrossFit or Olympic weightlifting, then I would suggest, hey, try a little bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:32 a little bit of the arm bend. Not as excessive as me, but, hey, it might feel better. It might work for you. You know, conventional ways doesn't always work for everyone. Is there an explanation for why it works like is there um it actually makes it more rigid a better transfer of energy or is there do you have an explanation why just comfortable it's comfortable for me long arms keeping my arms long i feel as if i lose power but they if you went to someone and you
Starting point is 00:04:07 were like hey i want to go to the olympics they would try to break you of that habit right or do any olympians do this do any of the guys at the very top do this oh man if you watch a lot of the the the guys at the top especially china uh-huh some of them have an early arm bend, but not as excessive as mine. There's not, they're not pulling early from the floor. They'll pull early once you get past the knee in a second pull. Okay. Okay. And so you're saying your arm bend is before you get to the knee?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Before. Is your arm bend the first thing you do? Is it what pulls it off the ground? Is your arm bend the first thing you do? Is it what pulls it off the ground? I call what I like to manipulate the weight. If it's heavy, I'm like, all right, I'm going to grip this thing off the ground. It's just going to move fast. But whenever I go heavy, I just like to throw all the mechanics out the, you know, out the door, out the window. Um, interesting. Uh, did you ever, um, not have an arm bend? Was there ever a time when you were, or their time when you were like, fuck, I got to get rid of this thing. And you spent a year just trying to change your motor recruitment pattern? No. Yeah. Interesting. And that's what it comes down to.
Starting point is 00:05:25 No, because for me, if I have long femurs, like I said, keeping a long arms, it just wasn't feeling right. And I didn't feel as powerful. Even when I was power cleaning in college, it just didn't feel natural. Because most football players, we have tight hips. you know, because, you know, most football players, we have tight hips. So we can't get in that, that, you know, butt down, chest up, start a position that, that, um, the L1 in Olympic weightlifting teaches. It's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And the femur is the one between the knee and the hip, the thigh bone. Right. Right. And what do you mean yours is long? Just like relative to like, just like just like what a like a if you look up in an encyclopedia dude yours is yours is relative ratios that's you know i'm six feet relative to somebody that's five five right you know five four five three you know do taller people and oh okay okay so it's not it's not even not that it's necessarily longer than just other people's who's six foot. It's just taller people just have longer femurs. Longer femurs, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Has anyone ever tried to take your arm bend from you? Like a coach ever? Like do people will be like, no. No. My one coach. You think that's because like people see you clean and jerking over 300 pounds and they're like, I'm not saying nothing to him. Well, that and who I am as an athlete, just as a natural athlete. My one coach, Max Aida, he said, you don't need to change.
Starting point is 00:06:56 This is who you are as an athlete. You're powerful. You're the 1% of the 1%. powerful you're you're the one percent of the one percent um you're just you're just a ball of of of um a rubber band you know ball of rubber man like like you're so fast twist dominant that you don't really need to go the conventional way because you're moving away that most people are trying to get are trying to get to you know it's not the norm right right you know and okay so you're an anomaly just as an athlete so there's going to be some things that are different than conventional wisdom correct so why so so why change that for an anomaly athlete yeah that's cool that you that's cool that you found that early or that
Starting point is 00:07:44 you were confident enough to to do that early or that you were confident enough to to do that early because probably some people spend their whole life trying to fix their shit right when they do hey um uh good luck finding this caleb sorry i didn't put this in the notes there's a video in there of you doing burpees um to a uh 10 inch jump and you do and and you do for that other league For that other league? Oh, no. Oh, is that what it was for the grid league? But it's in your gym.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Maybe it was a 17-inch jump. You're doing burpees, and you're jumping, and you're touching a ring, and you do 10 burpees. I can't remember. But what do you think? That would be an amazing element for the Open or for quarterfinals or semifinals or the games and to just hey let's just make it so you got to jump way higher right like like way way higher it's it's it's it's probably in the first like uh 30 or 40 posts uh do you like that or is that is that
Starting point is 00:08:42 too specialty do you know which one i mean you're like just like you hit the burpee, and then you launch up, and like you kind of float up there, and you touch the ring for a second, and then you come down. Yeah, that was for the grid lead. Like for your tryouts? Yeah. Yeah, that shit's insane. I don't think that's gimmicky at all.
Starting point is 00:09:00 That's athleticism. That's full expression of something CrossFitters should be able to do. What are your thoughts on that yeah they they should you know they they should uh do you have a whole are you laughing because you got a whole list of shoulds right right i mean you know it that that type of movement it is kind of it comes down to a specialty especially on how fast you're getting out of the burpee and able to just go right into a jump like that. So if there's somebody that's, you know, that have a natural, let's say 38 inch, it's relatively good for an athlete. But if somebody has like a 38 inch vertical they should be able to
Starting point is 00:09:47 get up there that easily yeah however are they fast twitch enough to be able to get into the burpee out of the burpee into that jump all in one right instead of having to take a time get up from the jump take a step jump and then take a step back into the burpee take a step up yeah yours wasn't segmented all 10 of your burpees are basically one movement like the hand on a clock it doesn't stop right right it's not like you can't be like oh he stopped to reset his feet or nothing correct yeah okay and you're saying okay and it's just crazy how high you jump so many times yeah i when i saw that i'm like oh man i'd love to see that in the games that would be awesome and you could measure that out separately for every for every athlete correct yeah that's
Starting point is 00:10:36 cool do you still practice uh stuff like that yeah i'm doing that now since i i signed up for the usatf masters um indoor championship yeah what what are you what are you doing isn't it enough since I signed up for the USATF Masters Indoor Championship. Yeah, what are you doing? Isn't it enough? Can't you just be like me and sit in an old chair somewhere where your kids are competing and just watch? You're still pushing yourself? Go back for people who don't know what you're embarking on. I think you made the announcement on your Instagram in August of last year, right, that you're going to do some track event.
Starting point is 00:11:07 What is that? Right. So it's the USATF Masters 60 meters, indoor 60 meters. How come I've never heard of 60 meters? I thought it was – is that normal, 60 meters? Yeah, indoor is 60 meters. Instead of 100, it's 60 indoors instead of 100 is 60 okay but then they have the 200 so the 200 is the whole track okay and then and then they have the four the 400 which
Starting point is 00:11:33 is you know two times don't make fun of me james don't make fun of me don't make fun of you know no no most people don't know about that but but but but, but yeah, I'm looking, you know, because I did the masters and the elite side of Olympic weightlifting. Right. And so I got the records on a masters 35 to 39. So now that I'm turning 40 in June, I want to go after the American record and then hopefully the world record for the 40, 44 age range. So in the, in, so you have the record for the 60 meters in the United States? No, no, no, the, um, I don't, I have the record for, um, Olympic weightlifting. Wait. Okay. Okay. But. Oh, so switch to a different discipline. You're like, Hey, look at, I'm not just a meathead look at i can i can run faster than you too right you know because um coming into college i was the seventh
Starting point is 00:12:32 fastest guy in the nation um and you know track track is one of those that's like that's like olympic weightlifting you don't have to really teach me as much because i'm naturally explosive you know maybe maybe you need to correct you know my form just a little bit or or just teach me how to get out of the blocks in those first three steps because your first three steps need to be at least seven yards or 10 yards. Oh, okay. To be able to hit a sub 4-4 or a sub 4-3. When you say seven or 10, you mean between seven and 10?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. Okay. Hey, when you see yourself, I don't know shit about running. When you see yourself setting up here, do you like what you see? Yes. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. Go ahead. see yourself setting up here do you like what you see yes yeah that's it's good yeah because are you go ahead for for for this race is all about the start and it's all about that first 10 to 20 meters and um and you listen for a gun to go off and soon as you hear it, you pop out of there. Correct. So we set up in the blocks.
Starting point is 00:13:47 We put our hands down, right? We line our hands up and then the official would say, set, and then our butts go up and then the gun go off. Damn. Is that nerve wracking as all get out right there um when you're lining up against others like that yeah because you just you it's like i said it's all about that start and so you can't move or you can't flinch unless it's the gun because oh you can't flinch even you can't know flinch because they they're
Starting point is 00:14:25 um they'll let out the gun two times and then they'll let whoever know who false started what do you mean they'll shoot they'll shoot the gun twice if someone false starts or right right someone false starts oh wow that's cool hey have you ever false started in your track career no never no are those guys do those guys talk to each other when you when you line up like do you fuck with dudes in the in the lineup well what what a lot of people do is when they're warming up they like to look cool so it's always that guy that you're looking at it's like man he looks he looks pretty fast like look at his warm-up he looks cool that is just an intimidating factor
Starting point is 00:15:06 okay you know when you're warming up and you're going 80 you look like you're moving fast you're like man you look he looks pretty fast but it all comes down to when you get in those blocks as soon as that gun go off and then it's all right you know you you look good and you look fast warming up but the real race comes when the gun goes off will there be dudes there that you know from uh nationals or the olympics or from college track and field are you gonna look over and be like oh shit that dude's still in the game could be i mean you know it's it's it's open so you know tyreek Hill could be there. The Cheetah. And he's the same age as you are? A little bit younger.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So it's open. I thought you said it's 40 to 45? Right, right. So whatever I place in that, you know, the record for the 40 to 44 is 6'9". Right? The record for the 40 to 44 is 6'9". Right? So during this race, he jumped into an open race. Even though it's a Masters, he still jumped into an open race.
Starting point is 00:16:12 So they'll let anybody in. But if you were to win, they'll put that time to your age. Okay, so you could take fifth but still set the world record. Correct. Okay. Holy shit. So that guy's on? Correct. Okay. Holy shit. So that guy's on another level. He just destroyed everybody.
Starting point is 00:16:29 That's Tyreek? Oh, Tyreek Hill turned on the Jets. Wow. Yikes. Hey, I went to, in 2000, I don't remember the year, 10 or 11, I went over to the IMG Academy with a bunch of CrossFitters and they were running sprints. And I remember Dave was running, was, you know, fooling around with the games athletes and he ran a sprint and like three steps in, he pulled a hamstring.
Starting point is 00:16:55 What does that mean when someone pulls a hamstring? And are you more predisposed for that to happen to you since your hamstrings are used to just being loaded with so much weight? Yes. Yes. for that to happen to you since your hamstrings are used to just being loaded with so much weight yes yes so that's why now my my main thing in this training is to make sure my quads and my hamstrings don't pop because of my age so the hamstrings that one that's basically from your like your butt cheek and then it connects to the bottom behind your knee yep and what does that mean when someone says they pulled it what does that mean um does it actually break huh does it actually break it like it snaps off you could pull
Starting point is 00:17:33 or so it's bad if it happens you need surgery it depends so you see they all stand up and they start like doing this weird like one-legged hop, you know, when you see that. Right, right. So it's like, it's just like a tight rubber band. You snap a rubber band. Yeah. That's what happened. But if you have discolored figuration, that's bad. Oh, like if it's big old bruises on the back.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah, that's a tear. So you may or may not need surgery. Have you ever pulled your hamstring? Never. All right. Sorry, I don't mean to jinx you uh what about what about cramping oh yeah man that's the name of the game that is for especially for fast twist dominant athletes like me like it's it's just that's that's all the time so so you'll get there and you'll warm up what what do you do for a warm up for a 60 meter just you know fastest you're ever going to run in your life uh um static stretch dynamic foam roll um will you be sweating when you get to the in the blocks i don't like to
Starting point is 00:18:40 do that no i never did no wow no it's for i don't need for for me i don't need to do too much well well let me let me when i saw you it's interesting you say that because when i saw you bench press i saw you in a video last night you started light i mean for you you started like you started at 135 and worked your way up when i noticed you didn't do that for other lifts right so for some stuff you warm up right no my warm-up is in is within my lift so okay okay always go i always go 135 225 and this is bench 135 225 315 okay 365 you know and and that and that'll be the same for power cleans and that'll be the same for power snatch for me it's you know even when i was on a platform even my coach knew you know it
Starting point is 00:19:28 doesn't take much for james housing to get warm that's just my body type and i'll even at 40 huh even at 40 it's not changing no wild no because because i'll watch other guys and they'll do 20, 25 reps and I'm on it at three. And I'm like, no. Hey, you didn't notice something happened like after 35? No. No. Yeah, that's amazing. As I started approaching 40, I really remember like around 37, it was like, oh, I can't even, I i have to be just fully drenched i feel like to even get to 75 even like one pull-up sometimes is like i'm like whoa this
Starting point is 00:20:10 is fucking hard i could do 20 i could do 20 unbroken but if i don't warm up just one is like feels like i'm carrying cinder blocks really yeah it's bizarre yeah Yeah Yep But no one's ever accused me of being An athlete Hey James Do you think you'll set the record? You think you'll set the record? Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:39 Have you gone out to a track and had the stopwatch out? Not yet No Not yet 6'9 is there Is there for me have you have you gone out to a track and had the stopwatch out and you're like no not yet six nine six nine is is is there is there for me you know um under six nine did you know the dude's name who got that you know the dude who holds the record his name ah man um i forgot because he also has the 100 meter record at a 10-7 so So now that is one I would really have to train for. For the which one? For the 100 meters.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, that extra 40 meters? Yeah, yeah. Now that, you know, I got that. That just takes more running. So that's like endurance for you, 100 meters? You're like, ooh, I got gotta make sure i can push that last 40 200 meters is is um aaron aaron thigpen yes yes oh shit that record's been around forever dude yeah yeah ran six nine and then put 100 he ran a 10 75 oh he holds both yeah yeah um you'll run both um the same day no no this this one is just
Starting point is 00:21:49 indoor then they have a uh indoor championship in june and then worlds is in uh august in sweden uh can't no listen can i do i never kip i'm uh I can do 20. I'll make you a video. I'm a strict guy. I believe you. I'm a strict guy. I always strict. I don't like kipping. I don't enjoy the movement.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Really? No, I don't enjoy it. Do you still hold some of the global gym movements? Probably. Probably because I still like all that stuff. I like skull crushers and lap pull down like if i go to a hotel i'm so i see lap pull down bar and i get chub up a little bit yep same way come on boys let me show you i put the pin at the bottom show off for the boys
Starting point is 00:22:37 yeah yeah james um is why why are you still doing this? Is it for fun, for inspiration? Could part of it be like a pathology, like you just can't let go? Is it it's who you are? Have you thought about why you do it? I think it's all of that. Because you're not just going out for a run. You're going to set the world record. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:23:01 The American record. Yeah, the American record. But yeah, I think it's all of that. I just don't feel like it's time to just set back. You know, I thought, you know, two months ago, I was like, you know what? I'm killing back with lifting heavy weights because getting up in the morning, getting my kids ready and stuff was getting hard. Like, oh man man like all i did was just do 20 pull-ups and i feel sore you know but the other day i was like let me work up to a heavy single and it only took me four lifts to get up to four or five power is that the most you had
Starting point is 00:23:41 done in months and months because you're you you're prepping for track. Right. Right. So that just lets me know. And I like to push myself psychologically like that. Like, okay, I could take two months off and still come in at any time and power clean four or five. Like it's nothing.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Hey, RB seven. There's an Aaron thick pin that coaches in Dublin near you. I think it's the same guy, dude. You know, it's crazy. If I was even remotely prepared, I'd have brought that dude on and surprised James with him.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Got a little shit-talking going. On Sunday, from kindergarten to my senior year in high school, actually all through college, I hated Sundays. And the reason why I hated Sundays is because I could never get settled. From the second I woke up, I couldn't enjoy the day because I knew tomorrow was school. Oh, I got you. 1250 mark or something. She basically says something like, I can – basically, I couldn't keep doing this because I didn't know how to turn it off. That's my interpretation of what she's saying. Do you ever turn it off? Like, are you ever, um, are you ever just at
Starting point is 00:25:07 peace or is it always like, I got, I have one more thing I have to do? Um, for me, man, becoming a dad is like, I think, I think that's why I still go because I always want my kids to know that you are in control of what you want to do. And if you have a passion for something, still go for it. You know, don't allow the sport or someone tell you when it's time to stop. And that's for anybody. You know, and I think that's why i connect with being a coach of crossfit athletes and and understand the methodology of crossfit is because you could be 60 70 years old and still compete in crossfit well i plan on being 60 70 70 years old
Starting point is 00:25:59 power cleaning 405 right so for you it's the opposite for you it's like hey you could sit you have the discipline that even if you don't want to you're going to do it you're not going to let um so it's the opposite it's not that you can't turn it off it's that you could see yourself complacent you won't tolerate it right right yeah that's wild is your diet crazy james is it is it crazy strict no no how are you so lean oreos just oreos yeah i've been trying that oreo i mean i'm trying to i'm trying to clean it up because i'm getting older but the frustrating thing is man is that when i that you that body right is that what your body looks like now that body's gonna set the world re is the american record yeah if i showed you some other guy look like that and
Starting point is 00:26:56 i go hey that guy's gonna win the 60 meter american would you be like no he's not i mean that's not a track and field that's not that's not a track and field body is it no no okay i know we're not supposed to talk about bodies but jesus criminy okay sorry what were you gonna say you you are trying to clean it up as you get older yeah yeah i'm trying but it's it's tough man because when i eat healthy i'm hungry like 10 minutes later. Right. And I get these headaches. And so whenever I fast or anything or whenever I try to stay away from sugar, it's like I
Starting point is 00:27:37 get these headaches and I get hungry faster. And it's like healthy food doesn't fill me up but i know if i go in there and get a sleeve of oreos it'll take the headache away and then i'm good so i don't know if that's the that that's just the years of consuming so much sugar yeah you're medicating yourself it's like it's like my body is trying to detox and i get fevers like no no shit i'll get fevers i get headaches it's wild hey will you try um what do you what do you weigh just on a normal good day 206 and when you try to break the american record how much do you want to go in under 200 or anything do you have any weight you do trying to get down to 195. wow okay and and that will be um that'll help you that's that'll be critical in
Starting point is 00:28:31 setting the record right absolutely because i for uh olympic weightlifting i compete at 89. at 89 kg so that's that's around 196 198 yeah 196 and is that is that i'm thinking um that that weight loss is most important for the start because once you get going you're going but right but um so you'll you keep your strength off the blocks at 189 but um you're lighter so more thrust for a smaller body correct damn look at me i'm like i'm like correct fucking college coach crazy um when you when you uh you were on the show before and i know you had a lot of wild circumstances around uh your stint with um fucking with the chicago bears when you see the let me say a couple things a couple things around that um some there was a question asked yesterday on a crossfit show it was on um it was on uh pedro's uh around the whiteboard and he
Starting point is 00:29:40 asked people a bunch of questions and he said hey should there be any concern about all these young athletes taking time off from crossfit and one of the answers the guy gave was no shitloads of young athletes take time off we've just never had young athletes in this sport basically it's matured to a point to where we we're grabbing people at their peak potential so it's it's not that it's unheard of it's just that we're now having so many young athletes from the outside you see these people you know you see these people like mal who have so much potential or hayley who has so much potential and then they take time off it's so easy for me to be like because i don't have i'm not in their spot i haven't put in the work i mean and they all clearly put in hard work i'm like dude you're gonna hate yourself when you're older you know
Starting point is 00:30:24 what i mean you're gonna be like fuck oh you're older. You know what I mean? You're going to be like, fuck. Oh man. I should have done that. Do you have any thoughts on that? Being, being that you're, uh, 40 and any like looking back and been like, man, I wish someone would have said this to me or like the difference between suck it up buttercup and, um, and, and Hey, you know, do what you're supposed to do. You know, take care of yourself. How I was with when I was coaching Mal, how I was with her, I wish I had that person when I was coming up.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Okay. Someone who could understand what I was going through, because what I was going through, it was a cry out for help. Instead, I had the people, no, you need to suck it up. No, this money is going to take care of this. This money is going to get your mom this. This money is going, this and that just got to go go go go go and when you're saying that to 16 17 18 year old kid yeah they're going to soak that in and say oh okay knowing that they are screaming on the inside so when i see a lot of these athletes saying you know that are they're saying they want to take time off, me being in that position now, I'm like, all right, who are their coach? What are they saying to them?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Are they willing to sit down with them to understand? What do you wish someone would have said to you? Hey, I hear you. I see you. Hey, I hear you. I see you. This is, hey, let's go to this person. Let's talk to them. I'll come with you. Hey, it's okay. So just like a coach, like if you needed someone to teach one of your athletes running, you might take them to a running coach, or if you need nutrition, you might take them to a nutrition coach.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You would take them to fix this problem, this short shortcoming a parent a parent a parent if i'm coaching a young athlete i'm not just a coach but in a way i'm a parent because you would be there for your kids yeah yeah and you and you weren't there for and your parents weren't there for you my mom was but my mom was working 7 to 11 right so so so so I had my two older brothers but then my two older brothers wanted to do their their own thing right so my two older brothers just made sure that I stayed in football right while they were out running the streets right right so so so it's like i look back on it it's like dang you know not saying that i wanted to run the streets but how come i needed to be on this straight narrow path and go towards this goal while y'all guys were out there having fun in this net right so while mom is working 7 to 11
Starting point is 00:33:26 brothers are making sure that i'm staying straight and i got a football in my hand but they're doing whatever they want and it's like well when do i get to take a breath yeah like hey i'm over here i'm struggling yeah but you just want me to keep this ball in my hand. Yeah. Right? So who can I cry out to and let them know that, yo, I love football or I love CrossFit, but this is what I'm struggling with. Oh, you'll get, you know, it comes with the territory. You'll get past it. No. Listen to what this child is saying. If this child is saying they can't turn it off, understand why they can't turn it off.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Don't just say, oh, you know, it comes with the territory. You're good. You know, her greatest, her greatest strength became her Achilles heel. The fact that she's so determined and focused and can't turn it off. Right. Is that, is that, and that way it sounds like, you know, and maybe it was also with you. You let me, let me propose this for you, James. You had so many people around you who believed in you.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Maybe they overbelieved in you because your brothers always believed in you. Right. Like you were the one you were the golden child. And so then they overbelieve in you. And it turns into just too much pressure. It turns into too much pressure. You feel trapped. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:47 You have to make someone understand why they are the one. Why they shouldn't, why they shouldn't do this. It shouldn't just be about the end goal. The end goal is to, you know, win the CrossFit Games or get to the NFL. It shouldn't just,
Starting point is 00:35:01 it shouldn't be that. Because getting, getting to that goal, there are, you know, bumps in the roads and all this and that. And, you know, you gotta help, you gotta help that person navigate that in life. You gotta help your child that you see every day navigating life. That's no different because even though, even though they have a mom and dad, but they're spending their most critical hours with you because they're doing something that they love right so in a sense
Starting point is 00:35:33 in a sense you're taking the place of mom and dad for you know six to eight hours in that day of training so even though you know i was coaching mal building her up most of those hours was hey what are you feeling how are you feeling hey we could talk hey we ain't got to work out you did do that all the time um it's funny because i never expressed this as a child but on sunday nights when I would go to bed, I would sleep horribly. And if school started at eight, I would get up at five and then I would get all dressed and shit.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And then I get all anxious. And then I'd go to school an hour early and it'd be freezing cold on Monday, you know, Monday morning when I get there. And I, but I would sit there an hour early. I wasn't even like a good student or anything, but I,
Starting point is 00:36:22 but, but I just couldn't turn it off. And when you you when you were saying that when i was listening to her talk on the lauren khalil interview in this segment so good she it basically sounds like she wasn't going to be able to turn it off until she won the crossfit games like i couldn't turn it off just until monday until school started but it was like she was never going to be able to settle down until the games and then if she won it was going to probably that that issue was going to come back the next day right because the year
Starting point is 00:36:49 starts all over again like she never found a spot to turn it off right and that's a beautiful beast that's right right that's the beast about her and and but as a coach you have to, you have to want to understand that beast. You have to know how to feed that beast and how to take the food bowl away from that beast and let that beast know it's okay. You're going to eat again. You have it. You're natural. This is you. You know, that's why it's like even like –
Starting point is 00:37:23 Oh, you're not going to lose it. Don't worry. Right. Yeah. Right. But you have to genuinely wholeheartedly in your heart. You have to be that person to make them understand why. Because then at the end of the day for you, you have to be OK with it. Right. Because you have this type of athlete yes you know that this athlete can go far and by that athlete going far it may you know open up a door for you but it's not about you you have to be okay to be like you know what i need to pull this athlete back a bit and allow it to be okay. Because I know training this athlete is fun because all they want to do is grind. All you have to do is just tell them what to do and they're going to do it. But their well-being comes first. Because we've seen throughout history, the best performers can perform,
Starting point is 00:38:30 but then some of them can check out. And sometimes them checking out is because nobody was willing to understand what they were feeling. Nobody was willing to be able to take the time out to listen to them. to take the time out to listen to them. You know, being able to put on a front for people, that's the worst feeling in the world, when you just got to smile and act like everything is okay, especially in this time.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But when you got to smile and put on a front and put on a fake and act like everything is okay. But then once you leave, it's like you go – it's like everything just turns black, dark. And then you're right back in that hole. And then it's sunshine again. And then you're like, hey, how you doing? I'm doing good. But you're hurting inside. But nobody wants to understand that another interesting thing when you mentioned earlier you were a dad when and i'm putting words in your mouth but i'm
Starting point is 00:39:33 guessing your happiest moments in your life are when james townsend just completely disappears and you're looking at your kids facts and you're like just at a hundred percent give mode facts facts and you're like just at a hundred percent give mode facts those people so those people at that age you know these those people being those 19 and 20 year old athletes and i don't i say this with no negative uh connotation or intonation all they're doing is thinking about themselves and that's where that's a that's a really tough place to be that's like where misery is because as you know that's the most delicate age yeah right right right right not only are you always thinking about yourself but you have no shield you're so vulnerable and so if you have if you can like you and i we can just like everything can be going horrible
Starting point is 00:40:18 and we could be like okay we're taking our kids to whatever practice and all of a sudden we're happy as fucking clams we're driving the car looking at them in the rearview mirror seeing their smile and like we just die we're dead we're just like pure and give mode right let me get your bag for you let me wipe your face i mean you're just like pure service because what you just said it's not about what people say or think about us when we come home and we see those three little bodies looking at us happy yeah that's our world yeah it's like it's like why am i letting what other people say and everything bother me or why am i letting this job stress me out when i come home i come home to my wife and my kids and i see them i'm like yo did i really just let this bother me when when when this right here is my
Starting point is 00:41:03 world and they bring me joy right someone cutting you off doesn't matter when you have three kids anymore you're like it's cool go on in you're just like chill all of a sudden when before when you were a kid you'd follow them home right right and when i say 18 19 20 is the delicate age we always had we all had this feeling when we turned 18, you can't tell me shit. Yeah. Yeah. I'm an adult now. No, I'm an adult now. I can do this. I can do that. I don't need to listen to you anymore. You know, but it's like, if you, if you are not still guiding that 18, 19, 20 year old, they're going to go off the deep end at some point. And then they're going to come back home and say, mom, dad, I should have listened. Hey, do you think that's why so many athletes give their, give their, I don't know what the word is.
Starting point is 00:41:57 You're going to have to help me with it. Give their glory to God or their, their, their moment to God. Like they, they're always thanking God because that, that way it's not about them. It's in, in, in, so the pressure's relieved. It's all about what God wants. I'm not doing it for myself. I'm doing it for God. Do you think that that's the, that that's the powerful mechanism in that?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Um, this may be controversial, but to me, that's a cop-out uh-huh okay i i see that too i see that too sorry uh by the way real quick i saw that um someone gave five dollars and i can't find their comment i'm so sorry hold on hold that thought oh um if mal asked you to take her back for a comeback would you oh hold on let's we'll come back to that in a second thank you great question marco uh calderon uh butter season is over, California James. Butters, I don't even know what that means. He's talking about Timberlands. Oh, shit. He's making fun of your shoes. Jesus, cry me.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Be nice to the guests for crying out loud. This isn't the fashion show. Because he knows New Yorkers. That's all we wear is Timberlands. All right. So James is stuck in the 90s whatever so you think it might be a cop out and I say that because and you say that as a man of God you are a man of crazy
Starting point is 00:43:18 faith and my faith changed to superficial to humility and obedience. Okay. I want to talk about that too. Do you think it has to take that path, like fake it till you make it? No.
Starting point is 00:43:36 No, okay. It doesn't have to, but we are fed that because we all are getting the word wrong. Because we all are getting the word wrong. We all are getting, we are being taught to be hearers of the word and not doers of the word. Oh, oh, oh. You get what I'm saying? Anybody can say, yo, I want to thank God and this and that. But what are you really thanking him for? what are you really thanking him for?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Because you should thank him for him telling you what to do and you obeying it. Right. That's your action speak louder than words. Are you just thanking God or are you walking? Are you being a role model of the way God wants human beings to behave? There it is. It's not, it's no, nobody is perfect.
Starting point is 00:44:24 We all want to fall short. However, it's making the effort to do his will, to operate in righteousness and justice, to be obedient. Faith is an action. You say you love me, but I need to see it. You say you have faith, but I need to see it. How can I teach my kids about God if they're not seeing it through me? These are all my children out here, and I see the way you treat them. You say you love me, but you treat my other children like ass. Exactly. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I struggle with that one sometimes because it's so fun picking on people. I'm just joking. I'm just joking. I wasn't really picking on like okay a little bit um uh would you um um would you take this uh if mal wanted to come back would you would you do you have first before i go there do you have any um athletes right now that you're coaching for crossfit three three of them you do and these are aspiring uh games athletes 19 years old one is 17 female and then two of them are 19 years old and that is at your gym in uh your gym's in los angeles des moines des moines sorry sorry um and
Starting point is 00:45:35 the name of your gym is what brave brave the brave one gym the brave one gym um for some reason i thought you were like pulling back from that you you can't you just you can't stop coaching like a athlete crossfit athletes like they just keep coming yeah i i love um well i didn't think you were pulling back from coaching i just thought you were pulling back from like aspiring games athletes i i just from rumors i've heard no no I thought about that I I really did I thought about that because of how the whole mouth situation went down like um it was like in in 2021 and I'm being honest yeah it's like in 2021 holy shit this chick is 17 17 yeah and and she came into the gym because she's a huge fan of mine and she wants to follow in her footsteps oh my god look at her face she looks like she's 12
Starting point is 00:46:33 so um 2021 yeah 2021 it was like everybody had no problem saying hi speaking with me talking with me high-fiving wanting to have interviews and that 2022 comes around everybody act like i'm a ghost so and i'm an observant person so when i saw that i was like my observing person so when i saw that i was like i got it i was like i got it so from there on my faith in the community and my faith in crossfit left but james isn't that okay isn't it okay to um i'm not saying you'd be a dick to someone but i'm like isn't it okay like if michael jordan didn't dunk balls like i wouldn't care i wouldn I'm like, isn't it okay? Like if Michael Jordan didn't dunk balls, like I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care about him. Isn't it like these athletes, they'll say stuff like I'm, they'll say,
Starting point is 00:47:29 people will say stuff like this, right? You hear this. I'm more than just a CrossFit games athlete. And it's like, yeah, good. Roll with that for yourself. Find some shit in yourself. But to me, I like you because you're fucking the world's fastest at doing thrusters. Isn't that okay?
Starting point is 00:47:44 Isn't that what we, and then there's some athletes you know who aren't the best in the world who we have like still an attraction to but isn't that okay if when i'm not saying people be rude to you but if you're not coaching the best athlete or if you're not the best athlete or if you don't have the like if you have the nicest car maybe people are going to be nicer to you is there is there is that bad that's very bad because that's superficial. That's superficial because you were Savant before you became Savant, the person now on the podcast. Right, right. You were a person before you came onto a scene.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Right. Before you got into the limelight. Right, but let's say someone – let's say some guy – like let's say my sponsors, for instance. They have something to sell, and they're looking for a platform to sell it on, right? If I didn't have this platform, as superficial as it is, we wouldn't have a relationship. That's different. But don't I have to be – it is different? Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, that's different from being the athlete and then coming over into the media side. Yeah. That's different from being being the athlete and then and then coming over into the media side. OK. You know, different, different, different tier of fans. OK. Right. Right. I can listen to you all day. And then then if I see this athlete out there, but this athlete is clearly not having fun it looks forced and and they're just screaming that that that they want to be heard or or or they just need time off hey let's let them let's let that person have had that time off because we have to remember they are human before but before they came into this limelight they they were regular people. They were going to school, hanging out with friends, doing all this and that.
Starting point is 00:49:29 They just happened to be good at the sport that they came into participating, and now they're in the limelight. Right. Let me throw one more thing out there. I'm going to take it back a couple steps. Sports are a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately phenomenon. All the time. Short term. Yeah, short term.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah. And so like we can use Mal and Rich Froney's example. I don't think she ever – I think she was too young to ever see Rich compete. She didn't even know who Rich is. I mean outside of just what the community tells her, right? Right. Do you have a problem with that? No.
Starting point is 00:50:05 No, okay. So what you're saying is there's a fine line there. You're saying you understand that maybe someone might not want to do an interview with you, but then to snub you or not say hi to you or not come over and still treat you like who you are. You know what I mean? Like if you have the number one athlete, everyone's going to want to interview the coach and the athlete. And then if you're not coaching anyone, they might not want you to come over. You don't have you have the number one athlete everyone's going to want to interview the coach and the athlete and then if you're not coaching anyone they might not want you to come over you don't have an issue with that no no i don't have an issue with that but but it's like you know we it's not it's not about the interview it's not about getting a
Starting point is 00:50:37 sponsor this net it's it's the principle of it like oh hey savannah i come up to you and we we were always talking in 2021 nice and everything you know we were killing 2022 i see you we lock eyes but i just turn the other way and i don't say nothing to you the whole weekend i don't say nothing right you're gonna feel some type of way like yo yeah that was fake right when i was fake you have no connection when When I have a certain status or have someone that's doing good in the sport. Maybe that's me. Maybe I'm built different. fine it's an interesting fine line for me because on one hand i i don't like i want people to get the most out of our my relationship with them and i want people to use me in a way that's like valuable for them um but you're right like i don't if you're a good person be a good person yeah you know i mean i'm not i'm not yeah i never pressure anyone to bring me on their podcast none of that that's not what i'm saying but right no no no and i no no and i wasn't
Starting point is 00:51:49 taking it that way at all i know we're talking just abstractly i know we're talking i don't take any of it personal no um uh if and that's a tough thing and that's probably a tough thing for um athletes to also understand that fine line you know famous people will be like um um uh i don't even know who my real friends are anymore because people will just like you for being famous but also it's like you know if you're the first kid at high school who gets a car everyone's gonna want to be your friend and you can't and i i just find it hard as i get older correct yeah yeah right right well then then you'll see the next guy who gets a car if he's cool he'll be like yo don't worry i'll come over to your house and pick you up and i'll drive you to school now but if they're just a piece of shit and they were just using
Starting point is 00:52:35 you for your car you're out right yeah yeah yeah it's interesting um so so you have three athletes now how old are they how old are they did you say again uh the female is 17 she's out of my gym and the the two they are remote they're 19 and um and what about if mal wanted to come back in a heartbeat yeah in a heartbeat like let's get some i'm i'm i'm being honest i. I don't, I think I'm still recovering from it. The feeling of it, of how it all went down, you know, and us not having communication and me always thinking about, you know, the good days, the good talks, the laughs, the mannerisms that we had, the handshakes, just all of that. For it to turn into, I feel as if I don't want to promote this athlete because if I do, and they do well, the same thing is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I'm just going to get dumped to the side. No shit. You got scarred like that a little bit scarred hey did you when when mal in this last year what she's gone through has that been emotional for you like a like a father like you you ever feel like uh 100 like you want like you were gonna cry like it was your own daughter and like you were gonna did you cry at all about it? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. 100% because- You seen her hurting and you cried a little. Because 100%, because I know how much she loves it. I know how much she loves it.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And I know, I feel as if, and I could be wrong, but I feel as if 100% of my heart, I know the love outside of CrossFit wasn't being pushed to her explain that i don't i'm not following to understand what is she is feeling to try right right try to get to to really allow it to come from your heart instead of make her just some athlete and and and just say hey you know she just she just here she just athlete or whatever you know just just just be that athlete that's who you are you you're not that person in in all in um not like biblically speaking you're what you're saying is truth like like it is just another human being but on a um on a more practical level
Starting point is 00:55:07 we didn't get to know her the community didn't get to know her right right she shoots up to 700,000 instagram followers and you just there was no and she was so young right there's there's athletes out and there's young athletes coming up now that we just don't know. Fuck, they don't know themselves. But there's other people, say like someone like you or Froning or who we've seen for so long and they're multifaceted. You can't just be like, oh, I love James Townsend or I
Starting point is 00:55:35 hate James Townsend. It's like, wow, they're multifaceted. We connect with you on all these different levels. With her, and more and more with these girls and mal's not one of them i'm not accusing mal being one of them at all but there's these girls who are just presenting themselves as one dimension i have one now well no no you know what you know what i mean by one dimension i mean just mean just to be if like all you present to yourself is to the world
Starting point is 00:56:00 we never hear you talk with nothing it's just shots of you looking over at your butt then that's the world's good the world's going to engage with you like that now i'm not defending the world doing that we have to all be have the god conscious and treat them but like dude motherfucker every shot i see of you you're looking over your ass like this and it's like everybody ain't a believer in god so everybody's not going to have that same yeah so it's hard it's hard to be there's a symbiotic relationship that needs to occur if you want you have to be able to manage the media too and in a certain level of intimacy and vulnerability and giving yourself right yeah but i i also like like with my athletes now Athletes now, it sucks that I have to really, really stress to them, hey, if you do well in this sport, promise me you're not going to say yes to everything.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Promise me you're not going to let this change you. Promise me you're still going to do everything through faith. You're still going to do everything through belief. You're still going to do everything through belief you still going to do everything through through uh hard work and you still going to be you don't let it change you because this is a sport they do have money in the sport don't let money change you you know and so you guide them spiritually and intellectually too, is what you're saying. Yeah. And I feel as if I'm emphasizing that more early on because one, I know I can get them there. We can work good together. And I told you this last time.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And all I ask for them is to just be 100% honest, stay in contact with me at all times. And come in here and work. You do those three things, you're going to hit your goals. But one goal at a time. One stage at a time. Now we got the open. The open starts today. That's what we're focusing on.
Starting point is 00:57:59 We're not worrying about making it to the games. One thing at a time. The goal is the games. But we have a journey to the games. One thing at a time. The goal is the games. But we have a journey to get there. Let's focus on that. Because when you can do that, everything else in your life will follow, fall in line. Because then when you're not in the gym and you're going for something, you can focus on one thing at a time. It doesn't have to be about, oh, you know, I want to win this workout
Starting point is 00:58:26 because I need money. Or this person is, this company wants to sign me. I'm going to get this money. When you start focusing on that, you're changing a little bit. Your goals are changing. Now you're allowing the business to come in.
Starting point is 00:58:46 You're drifting from your faith. You're, you're drifting from you. Right. Because we, because if that's why, that's why I find it okay for an athlete not to really put themselves out there like that.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Oh, to, to not to. Okay. Well then, but okay. And I respect that, but then there will,
Starting point is 00:59:04 there will be a consequence. It's not – okay. Well, then – okay, and I respect that, but then there will be a consequence. There will be time. Not in a bad way, but then people will make their own impression of you. Let me give you an example. Hiller just made a video of Hayley Adams. He hung out with – yeah, he hung out with her for two days. It's a crazy intimate video, crazy intimate. Oh, that –
Starting point is 00:59:20 And everyone's talking about it. She was driving in her Porsche or something. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay, okay. I got to check that out. And it changed everyone's perception. It tilted it a little bit, right? It showed a whole, maybe not changed.
Starting point is 00:59:34 It showed us a whole nother facet. It's like someone took a cube and turned it of not only Hiller, but of Hayley Adams. Like all of a sudden we're like oh shit we're thinking of these guys differently in the video i don't know the last time i look 110 000 views in two days almost 700 comments and every everyone's like holy shit and and it's not your typical crossfit video there's no drone shots there's no like you know slow motion shit it's just like like them having heart to hearts her and hillar having heart to hearts one after another and um good for her good yeah yeah i'm yeah i'm stoked is that uh uh that's
Starting point is 01:00:13 hayley and josh yeah wow okay yeah so she's over there with them in uh and and i think in la yeah yeah you know them yeah yeah i i know know her from her being at regionals. Yeah, they seem like really cool down-to-earth people. They seem very familial, like mom and dad material. Wow, that's good for her, man. I'm glad she's coming back. I'm glad she's starting to break down those walls that were keeping her from her being her. So that's dope.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And shout out to Hillary. That's, that's, that's, that's so good, man. And so on one hand, I see what you're saying to like, maybe stay protected,
Starting point is 01:00:51 but then you're going to have to cope with the fact that people are going to just come up with their own shit. Yeah, no, you're right. Right. But, but,
Starting point is 01:01:00 but you can, you can, you can prepare your kids for that. Hey, this is what they're going to say. This is what they're going to do. Hey, people are going to make up stuff about you regardless, whether if you're out there or not. Tia hurt her wrist from repetitive baby picking up.
Starting point is 01:01:17 You can look it up on the internet. Mommy thumb. Yeah, mommy thumb. But every third comment, someone's like, oh, she's already making excuses. It's like motherfucker. Like can no one say like. That's the way that's the way it is. But but you got to be able to to not answer, not ask why.
Starting point is 01:01:36 It comes with the territory. Right, right. Accept it. You you're not. Yeah. If you argue with that, you're arguing with reality and you're going to be miserable. Right. It's a never ending argument that you're not going to win.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Basically, what James is saying is HWPO didn't give a fuck about Mal outside of how fast she could exercise. I don't think he's saying that. Let's pivot to Tia for a second. Where do you put her i put hers come back win the games the greatest ever she's on her own tier like absolutely yeah there's like no they're not even uh there's not like oh her and matt are the greatest or her and rich it's just like she's now left the room you know you know when Mal rightfully so made her decision to go with the guy, right? Shane reached out to me that day. He didn't have to.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Tia's husband. Yeah, he reached out. And he didn't have to. And say, hey, buddy, we're in your corner. I know how you feel. Let me know if you need anything. Anytime you're in Nashville, please come by. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Forever, forever grateful to him for that. Yeah. Yeah. It is interesting when I I've heard Mal now in two interviews say that her agent reached out. No, no. I think Matt's agent, someone from HWPO reached out no no i think matt's agent someone from hwpo reached out to mal's agent i had never heard that before i mean yeah to have yeah and now i've heard it twice this week that basically someone reached out to mal from that camp is that it felt a little uh
Starting point is 01:03:18 inappropriate like would you would you ever reach out to someone else's athlete or ask your wife or your agent or someone hey would you call their agent and invite them over to my camp no yes it's a little no it's a little unsettling but but i i don't know what the i don't know what the etiquette is but it seems a little i mean maybe maybe i'm naive maybe i'm just i mean i mean it's the name of the game yeah it's the name of the game. Yeah, it's the name of the game But you know, there's there's morals and values that go with it So if you're gonna do business that way then you got it. You got to take what's gonna come with it, right? right You know, yeah, I
Starting point is 01:04:00 Do know um Huge pivot here. Huge pivot. Now, I don't know shit about straps. I've never used straps in my life. I see you using straps in a snatch lift. It's number three down in the links, Caleb. Is there danger here of you not being able to get the straps off in time or the lift going bad and that thing being attached to you?
Starting point is 01:04:26 No. How is that possible? I see how quickly you get the strap off, but when I saw this, I'm like, oh, this looks dangerous as fuck. You're tying yourself to 300 pounds and throwing it over your head. What if it goes behind your head? Then what happens? Just let it go. You open up your hands and you let it fall out.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Unravel. And it will every time? There's no chance of it being cinched up so tight it doesn't come off and just yank your arm back? Nope. Because when you're using straps, you don't hook grip with it. Okay. The straps takes the place of hook grip. Right? the straps takes the place of hook grip right so okay so you you go natural grip now now now i do both because for me it's for it's i used to i used to always do my lift no grip yeah you know because i like the feeling of the knurling
Starting point is 01:05:28 right until max showed me how to work with the um with the straps and i was like oh okay because we because sometimes you know when when i'm doing snatch sometimes on my on my left hand My left thumb Because I jammed it so much It doesn't stay around fully Oh interesting Like it's damaged Yeah So if you see in the video On the left side I have the hook gripping
Starting point is 01:05:58 But on my right side I'm natural And look So my pool boy saying straps with the clean, however, is a big no-no. That's because you have to go like this in this position? Huge no-no. And why is that? Just you need flexibility and it takes away the range of motion? Yeah, it could break.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Yeah, okay. Yeah, I don't know straps, so it's hard for me to picture it. This guy gets pinned under the clean and it lands on top of his wrist. Right. You see that? Yeah, right. right oh and he oh and he had straps done yeah yeah oh good fine thanks ctp yeah oh he found it for you he commented about it so i went and searched for it yeah yeah that's that's a huge no-no. And they need to stop using that in college.
Starting point is 01:06:48 They teach that in college. Oh, straps on the clean. On the clean, from the hang. Because at Iowa, we did it at Iowa. We don't know no better. And we're catching it like this, elbows down. Iowa strength coaches need some help. Like that.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Hey, they had a, they had a guy, uh, uh, he went, um, top five.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I'm going to say like almost like three or four years ago, Jason, Jason work. He was hanging power cleaning. Well, I think four 55 for five. Oh, easy.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Alignment. Easy. But he has straps on. five. Easy. Alignment. Easy. But he had straps on. Wow. Hey, so when you, since you do compete in elliptic weightlifting meets, I'm assuming you can't
Starting point is 01:07:40 use the strap when you go, though, when you compete. So does that mess with you at all? Nope not at all i'm i'm i'm all about being comfortable and and feeling for some i'm i'm weird with it i'm weird with it if there's a good bar out there and that narrow lane is it's stacked and heavy all right man man, it's all go all day. Wow, look at this compliment. Holy shit. Graciano Rubio.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Ten years ago, I used to watch James and dream about being able to perform Olympic lifts like him. Crazy. Graciano, he cool, man. So strong, man. Sean Sullivan, USA Olympic weightlifting does not recommend using grips while doing the full lift with only ollie pulls. Do each his own, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I think that's a coaching method to, like, beginners. I won't put a beginner on. I won't tell a beginner to put straps on and use it no you you at least got to have a year under your belt how old are your kids james ten seven and three and the three-year-old's a boy and the ten and seven are girl yes and then i have a 21 year old oh that's right i know that too know that too. Okay. Four kids. How is that? How, how are the, how, how are the little kids? How, how, how is everything going? What are you doing with them these days? Let's start with the three year old. What are you doing with the three year old?
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah. My, my three year old, he's, he's in there now watching Blippi. Uh huh. So he's, he's, I think, Hey, I think Blippi is a CrossFitter. I see him like doing double unders and shit. You see that? Really? Yeah, he's for sure a CrossFitter. For sure, yeah. Sometimes I walk by the TV and I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah, you definitely are in the CrossFit. You were doing CrossFit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:34 You take him to work with you? Does he get to hang at work like the girls did? No, no, no. We got a full-time nanny. He stays at home. When I bring him into the gym, you know, he goes right to the barbell.
Starting point is 01:09:46 He remembers, you know, he grabs his toy barbell, you know, and grabs the weights and he'll put the one and a half KGs on and do a deadlift.
Starting point is 01:09:57 He'll drop them off. He'll bring the bar around his back and he'll go walk to the squat rack, put it on, stand up, step back and do a squat and so he he's remembering yeah you know that's all i need to see is like good yeah you you remember are you are you are you harder on him than the girls or saw he could go both ways he's he's the youngest so sometimes they have it the easiest but also he's the boy how's your parenting with him uh i think i'm the softest with him
Starting point is 01:10:26 because he's the boy uh he could play a little bit more sports and so and i'm taking my time with that so and the reason why i'm taking my time with that is because of how how i was you know taking my time with that is because of how how i was you know what what i was programmed to do i'm not trying to program them you know and so it's like uh when i want to get him in organized sports the first organized sports that he's going to get in is gymnastics best best thing to get him in when he turns 10 then i can introduce him to basketball football baseball you know because because i don't think he needs to be specialized that early have you had any of your kids had any any injuries so far you had any broken bones um no broken bones just um it's it's always the wrist growth plate from gymnastics.
Starting point is 01:11:26 So my 10-year-old, she's been having a problem with that. And so one day I went to gymnastics just to watch her form to see how she's doing because of that wrist. Her injury came down the form. And the injury started on hitting the pommel horse on doing her vault. So she's pushing instead of using, instead of engaging her lats and then pushing through her lats. She's just pushing through here. So I explained to her, I said, this is why, you know, you have a sprained wrist or hurting your wrist is because you're not engaging your lats you know and and that just takes of course the right
Starting point is 01:12:12 coaching and you know and now she's getting to that point where it's like well dad I I know I I know you know what you're talking about and it's like I gotta explain to her like look your dad was a and still is a great athlete I know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Hey, what do the coaches say when you give her advice like that? They love it. They don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:33 No, I'm cool with the owner. And then I make sure I introduce myself to the coaches. But I don't overstep their boundaries. Does your boy have your, like already already do you see that your boy has your um attributes like like when you look at his body or the way he moves his feet the way he engages with the world his motor recruitment pattern or is it too soon too too soon it's like my my 10 year old she she was the one that was like damn she got everything with me you know she was walking at seven months and jumping up on a 45 pound plate at 10 months.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Like, yeah. And then my other two is just like, they're just normal kids. Well, boys are kind of, boys are kind of stupid in the beginning. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:17 They don't talk so good. Like I would take my set, my seven year old still like, or my, not my nine year old, like a five year old girl talk circles around him. He's like, what? He's like, he just stares at him my three-year-old he's uh what do they call it uh
Starting point is 01:13:31 we we have him in speech therapy uh-huh so i guess his sisters and all of them speak for him oh right right so right so it's it's not that he smart as hell if i tell him to go ahead and go grab something get this get that he knows he as hell. If I tell him to go ahead and go grab something, get this, get that, he knows. He knows his colors. He knows how to count. But forming the words, speaking it clearly is a little bit delayed. Let me give the whole world a little piece of advice here. You fuckers listen up.
Starting point is 01:14:00 If you're out with your kids and someone asks your kid a question like, where did you get your bike or what's your name or how old are you? Shut the fuck up. They're not asking you. Let your fucking kid engage with the world. If your kid gets stuck and you get embarrassed, that's your fault. Shut the fuck up and let your kid work through it. I fucking hate that shit.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I see some kid. I'm like, dude, that's a dope bike. When did you get it? How long have you been riding? The mom's like, fucking hate that shit i see some kid i'm like dude that's a dope bike when'd you get it how long you been riding the mom's like two years his name's johnny i'm like dude like i like i don't give a i'm not i'm talking to this kid because i want to engage with this little go to me i want to talk good good listen up james i want to talk to this fucking three-year-old who rides a bmx bike i never met a three-year-old who rides like shut the fuck i can't um in the in the beginning uh i told my wife that like i'll be like hey how was school today and she'll start telling me stories about the kids i'm like listen like i don't need i just want to hear him talk right like like i like let your bite your hand
Starting point is 01:15:01 and let your homie let your kid engage with your your jobs to make sure the dude doesn't grab them and run off with your kid. That's it. Right. Right. Let your kid engage. But if you had two sisters, you,
Starting point is 01:15:12 I mean, that's the thing, right? They're doing everything for you. They're wiping your ass. They're bringing you food. They carrying you downstairs. You're like,
Starting point is 01:15:19 you're a, so he's a Prince. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's just being catered to by two queens and he's the little prince i see it oh man yeah okay to the t everything to the t everything get them up in the morning they they make his breakfast they get him dressed if you go hard on them will they yell
Starting point is 01:15:37 at you do they get mad at you because my my oh i get yeah my my 10 year old she always wants to kiss him like she just she'd be like was like, stop kissing him so much. Well, I just love him. She'd get all emotional. But what if you're mean to him? What's his name? Azariah. Azariah.
Starting point is 01:15:53 So if you're like, Azariah, I swear if you knock that cup over one more time off the table, it's going to be bad news. And will they be like, Dad, don't talk to him like that? No. No. Okay. They'll be quiet. Him, he't talk to him like that? No. Okay. They'll be quiet. Him, he'll drop it and go run to mommy. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:16:10 Watch this. Yeah. Yeah. God, that throwing phase is crazy, right? When they're like at the dinner table and they just are like, I'm going to test this shit out and throw something. You're like, the first couple of times, all my kids went through that phase for about a week. I was like, that is not good. That's it it you ever have any biters no not yet on your kids bit yeah yeah yeah he's if he hasn't bit yet he's out of that phase i had a kid who bit for like a one of my kids bit for
Starting point is 01:16:35 like maybe a week or two i was like oh my god i do not want to have the kid that bites that's a tough you know there's always one in the group right there's like that kid at the preschool and like he's bit every kid there and they always call you uh yeah yeah it's like i have my i have my seven-year-old come home and you know she she'll tell me all the juicy secrets of what goes on with her friends she's like yeah johnny the other day he he got in trouble. He hit the student, the teacher counselor. He hit her. And this is a true story. He hit her, bit the principal.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Oh, shit. I'm like, Johnny got in trouble, huh? She's like, oh, yeah, he's in real trouble. I'm like, oh, all right. Is James Cardio at a level that he could compete at a games level with CrossFitters in his division? Absolutely not. To be honest, I don't think my body can.
Starting point is 01:17:34 You don't think your body can take it? I don't think my body can get there. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. It would literally have to be, it would literally have to be, it would have to be like a study done on me as well, but it would literally have to be a two-year process of changing, of going from type two to type one. So you're a Formula One car. If we take you off-road, that shit ain't going to work. Right. It's just who you are.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Right. Right. It could be done. When's the last time you did murph james what three years ago and does that are you just hate life after that are you like fuck yeah you're just yeah i'm i'm sore for a whole week and a half yeah you know but it's like but but what is the last time you went over 20 minutes long time yeah that's interesting yeah but it's like it's uh i don't know i don't know if it has been done but it can be done you can go from type two you know fast twitch to type one i think i think it's easier to go to type one than it is type one to go to type two. So fast twitch to slow twitch is easier than slow twitch to fast twitch. How do you even train slow twitch to fast twitch?
Starting point is 01:18:55 What? Power position movements, deadlifts, hang powers from both the snatch and the clean. Hang pulls, dumbbell box jumps, box jumps, broad jumps, short sprints. With the intention of just trying to make that first explosion. That's it. That's it. And it's all metric. So you got to measure it out. You have to see if you're getting faster but you will get
Starting point is 01:19:26 faster but there's a measurement stick for having a type two are you getting four seven fast or are you getting four three fast that's the difference and that all takes place off that first like we started the show with that first movement off the block that twitch it's it's off the blocks but what is your 20 to 60 what is your 60 to 100 okay you know anybody can get out but can you sustain it you know what i mean anybody can have a good start right you you can have the best start in the world which which which they do at the combine they they they measure your 10 so so so my best 10 was a 127 that's that then that's going to project me to to. So 10 meters in 1.27 seconds. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, that's wild. Right. So that's going to project me to run 4.35 or 4.3 flat. My best ever is a 4.3 flat. Electronic. Yeah, that's crazy. But you could run that 1.27, but in those next 30 yards, your 10 yards could be 1 seven one eight you know what i mean that's like yeah yeah are you a v6 or v8 you can get
Starting point is 01:20:56 out fast but can you sustain it right right right you know when when are the um indoor uh uh is it called nationals indoor masters nationals and um indoors uh yeah yeah and what's the date on that uh march 21st in chicago oh so soon holy shit yeah and um have you gone do where are you practicing your 60s? In my gym on the turf. It's too cold out here now. Anywhere else? No. So that's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:33 So you have 60 meters wide open in your gym? 50 yards. Okay. 50 yards, yeah. Because for the 60, all you need to do is just focus on that, the start in the um the 10 meters that's it the rest is going to take care of itself god you you really are an uh an athlete uh and um what's the training going to look like is it ramped up
Starting point is 01:22:01 is it going to ramp up soon is it peaked is there any like are you going to have long days i'm going about uh 75 percent now just out of the blocks i'll get out and then coast so so my burst out of the blocks would be a hundred hundred percent effort but into the into the 10 to the 20 it'll be 70. It's just all about me being able to have reaction time, fast reaction time, fast explosiveness out of the blocks and making sure my steps, every time when I hit the ground, I'm reacting fast. Do you have anyone coaching you? No.
Starting point is 01:22:42 What were you going to say, sorry, next week? So next week it'll be 80. The week after it'll be 90%. I'll try to, I'll maybe go 95. And then the week of it, it's go time. So you won't ever go 100% until the 21st? Right. Don't want to risk pulling a hamstring, groin, you know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And is there anything you do before you go out there like will you drink like three cups of coffee or sniffing salts or is there anything you do like that day no no you'll go out there and will your general adrenaline skyrocket when you put your feet in the water yeah that's what i'm going off of adrenaline yep and will you feel it? Do you start vibrating? Yeah. In the block? It gets nerve-wracking when you get down there and you get in the blocks. From what I remember, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:35 That's like any race. You're just ready. That's like a greyhound. When you watch them run, they're ready until you take that leash off and then it's boom. When's the last time you've been in a track meet? 03. Holy shit, dude. God, you have some balls.
Starting point is 01:24:00 And who will go with you? My wife. She's going to live stream it. So just with on your Instagram. yeah oh that's awesome and um uh anyone um your kids aren't going no because there'll be a distraction no yeah yeah you know because when you get in a hotel room with kids they want to jump around play and i just need to and you you'll have Game Face on? You'll be serious? Yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Damn, damn, damn. All right. Hey, thanks for coming on. Great talking to you. Of course, man. Thank you. Yeah, we covered some great ground. I really appreciate your insights on everything. Appreciate you having me, Siobhan.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Thanks, dude. Hey, keep doing, Sivan. You know, you don't hate me. Thanks, dude. Hey, keep doing the right thing. Thanks for making beautiful kids for the world. Will do. You too, man. Yep. Alright, brother. Take care. James Townsend. Dang. I really enjoyed that.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That was cool. I was like, what the fuck am I doing? Having a guest on, cause I'm so wound up for today. Are you? Yeah. I'm pretty wound up for today. And then Susan's like,
Starting point is 01:25:14 do you want me to move them? I'm like, no. And then last night I was like, I was prepping for him and I was telling my wife how excited I was to see him. Soon as he smiled, I felt like all my stress go away.
Starting point is 01:25:23 That's good. Yeah. It was a good guest to have. He was cool. Yeah. He's easy. Soon as he smiled, I was like, my stress go away. That's good. Yeah. That was a good guest to have. He was cool. Yeah, he's easy. As soon as he smiled, I was like, oh, okay, this is going to be easy. This dude's cool as shit. I felt totally disarmed.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Brandon asks, one of the best guests you've ever had, Seve. Yeah, thanks. It's fun, right? He's fun. Hey, he seems the chillest he's ever been, too. Yeah. He was chilling. He was chilling. He was chilling.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Oh, my goodness. All right. I'm better. I swear I'm better. Even though I sound like ass, I'm better. I swear I'm better. Even though I sound like ass, I'm like, I'm a hundred percent. I did. He's got the silent killer vibe right now. Who said that?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah, that's funny. He's cool looking. He's funny. He, I really, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that. That's good.
Starting point is 01:26:24 I'm going to probably like call. I enjoyed it so much much i'll probably call my mom and tell her to watch that one um yeah i loved it i loved it i like looking at him too there's some guests i like looking at and i enjoyed looking at him augustus link um uh seven how are the nerves leading to open today thought i'm posting your workout for members only no No, if I, if I, I was thinking about calling, um, like one of the gym owners in town that, that I'm friends with to see if I could go down there and do it in the next couple of days. I'll, and I'll probably just record it and just post it to my Instagram if I do it or in my garage or whatever. I, who knows? I don't have any plan, but I'm not nervous about the workouts at all i give two fucks about that what i'm nervous about is um i want to represent born primitive well uh because of the support they've given to the show and um and and so anytime i go live and i have um people who've monetarily invested you know so they born primitive help pay for all the travel and the hotel and all that shit for the athletes. And so I want every show, I want them to be like, you know, I want them to be like, fuck, we were,
Starting point is 01:27:35 we got one over on the seven podcast. Hey, I wanted to show you guys, um, Steve jobs talking on my Instagram. I want to show you guys Steve Jobs talking on my Instagram. I want to show you guys this. Yeah, the Savage 1 is insane, right? Such a good shoe. Now, listen to – not only is it – I don't want to say it's better than the Nano 2, but it really is. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:28:10 It's different because the sole – Sean, do you agree that you feel more under your foot when you walk i really love the toe box of both shoes like my feet when i take those shoes off i don't even know i'm taking shoes off that's what's so cool about them i'm not like i'm never like oh i got home i gotta take these off ever ever ever um you feel a little more than the nano2 underground it's a thinner sole it's like a this gum sole it's probably like a different material so you have like a little more like awareness of what's under your feet but the amazing thing is the tongue on this thing fucking stays perfectly put and my foot's not only wide it's like it's it's like it's girthy yeah it's it's girthy too. Like here. This big old fat pad? Yeah, it's not like weird.
Starting point is 01:28:50 You wouldn't have seen it and be like, Jesus Christ, he walks on rectangles. Did you see those pads on the bottom of my foot from walking barefoot? God, I'm a beast. That's all. Yeah. That's just smooth like like glass i could probably you probably could stab that thing with a fucking sword um
Starting point is 01:29:13 so so at 10 so sometime this morning 24.1, we'll go live. And I pulled out all the stops. I got JR and Hiller and John Young. So we have the A team. And we'll talk, I don't know for how long, at least 20 minutes, and then we'll watch their shit go live for a second. And then we're going to come down, obviously, at some point. And then we're going to pop live again.
Starting point is 01:29:50 And this time we'll be in CrossFit Charlotte when we pop up live, and we'll be doing camera tests and running tests from the gym for Friday night show. But we'll also watch that dude Bryson uh Taylor Self's training partner do the workout so we'll get a kind of a look and a feel of what it's going to be like so we'll and we're going to run that test live so we can all hang out and talk and shoot the shit there too and then and I think I'm not sure who's coming on that show I think it's me and Taylor and John Young and maybe someone else. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:30:28 And then, and then at 5 p.m. Pacific standard time, that's when the big show is. So then on, so then tonight, late night, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:37 5 p.m. Pacific standard time, then myself, John Young, uh, I believe Jr. Someone else Grunler oh maybe Grunler's coming on
Starting point is 01:30:51 oh Grunler's coming on at 10.50 this morning too shit I don't know anyway you get the thing we have so many shows and then Friday night it's on like Donkey Kong's that's gonna be fucking wild i can't wait to see dylan and taylor go and taylor's looking savage man
Starting point is 01:31:15 oh my goodness do not count this boy out he is something else he's gonna have to get a natty or not what is this everyone go sign up for the heat's going to have to get a natty or not. What is this? Everyone go sign up for the Heat 1 and be entered to win $1,000 cash. Is that really true? Let me see that. I think so. I think I just got a notification on my phone about it. It says
Starting point is 01:31:39 $1,000 prize. 2024 Open begins today. Join event. Event picks for a chance to win $1,000. I don't see it on their Instagram. Oh, here we go. Hold on. $1,000 cash prize.
Starting point is 01:31:58 I got to just call this dude. Hey, Tyler, can you call in so I know how to win? I would love it if I won. Everyone would think it was home cooking. Why does it have to be Seve versus Caleb? Why? He's 30 years younger than me. 40 years.
Starting point is 01:32:17 50 years younger than me. 30. And three times as strong. Four times as tall. I don't think you want to see me going up against anybody. Yeah, that's how I feel. See me going up against my wife.
Starting point is 01:32:33 You know what I mean? I lose every time. Hold on. Something's wrong with the Bluetooth, of course. Let me see the color. Hold on. One second wrong with the Bluetooth, of course. Let me ask you to call in. Hold on. One second here. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Nice. I'm going to hire someone here in a minute to redo my whole studio. I wonder if they're going to be able to fix the phone. Hey, dude. How do I win the $1,000? Go in. Hey, dude. How do I win the $1,000? Go in. Make your picks. If you have the highest points at the end of the weekend,
Starting point is 01:33:13 you'll win the $1,000 from Go On. Wait. It's just one week? No, it's all three weeks. So you'll accrue points across the three weeks. If you have the highest amount of points, you'll win $ win a thousand dollars and then there'll be random winners every week so just for playing um you'll win uh you'll win a go wide uh yoga mat the winner also gets a year free of go on listen guys just do it just go to the Heat One app and download it. It's so
Starting point is 01:33:45 easy. And then you just pick it. You just have to push buttons. I picked Brent Fikowski and Guzz Zan for week one. And then for week two, I picked Jay Crouch and Roman Krennikoff and Ricky Garrard and
Starting point is 01:34:01 Janikowski and Emma Carey and Emma Lawson. I just push buttons. Ariel, Loen, Tia Toomey and then I'm going to win the grand. What if there's a tie, dude? That is one thing I haven't considered yet. Hey, you just split the money. Hey, so I'll get
Starting point is 01:34:22 $1,000 cash. I could buy blow with it i don't get like a thousand dollars you can buy anything it's not like you're giving me a thousand dollars worth of like go wad stuff i get money cash money dang oh here's another question is there a seven group in the heat one app not for this generally we allow people to create their own leagues with this we just made this game uh about a month ago and so we just wanted everybody in the world to compete with each other all be tied into the same thing of course you can keep track of your friends
Starting point is 01:34:57 points um you can look there oh i can go to the leaderboard where they're yeah you can go to the leaderboard and track your friends okay guys so any phone you're on just go to the leaderboard. Yeah, you can go to the leaderboard and track your friends. Okay. Guys, so any phone you're on, just go to the app store, type in Heat1. H-E-A-T-1. All right. All right. Cool, dude. Dang, that's baller, $1,000.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yeah. Tebow's cool, man. $1,000. We just did that on the fly yesterday. Or the other day. You just called someone at GoWad and you're like, hey, pony up a K? And they're like, no problem. I didn't even have to ask him. He was like, you want okay and i was like i mean duh isn't it great when you have good sponsors like that who want to like
Starting point is 01:35:32 that's the that's the rising tides float all ships yeah yeah i'm just happy we have a product that makes him want to do that um yeah we just went over a thousand users so appreciate everybody have fun all right if i win i'll take you i'll take you to the strip club awesome okay cool thanks bye see y'all all right tyler watkins he won a grand okay um i want to show you uh Grand. Okay. I want to show you this Steve Jobs saying this shit. And I've said this. What's awesome is I've said this a million times. Whoever sent it to me yesterday in my Instagram, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:36:20 This is the deal. This is why everyone in the locker room is just so savage there there's just no stopping us there's there's we have too many doers we're it doesn't even matter nothing matter we just have too many doers we have like we have 12 cook we have 13 cooks and the other team has zero cooks it just has uh we don't even have to be a separate team either that's not by that's not by our choice should i pull it up caleb i'll just keep talking oh uh no i'm more than happy to race you. Here we go, Seve. What's my Instagram? Seve on.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Got it. Damn it. This one? Yeah, yeah. Check this out. Listen to this. Here we go. Stage in Apple where we went out and we thought, oh, we're going to be a big company.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Let's hire professional management. We went out and hired a bunch of professional management. It didn't work at all. Most of them were bozos. They knew how to manage, but they didn't know how to do anything. And so if you're a great person, why do you want to work for somebody you can't learn anything from? And you know what's interesting? You know who the best managers are? They're the great individual contributors who never, ever want to be a manager, but decide they have to be a manager because all every no one else is going to be able
Starting point is 01:37:45 to do as good a job as them we went we went through that stage in apple where we i never wanted to be the director of media at crossfit and and when i became the the the head guy there the chief marketing officer the director of media whatever you want to call it i still refused to put my camera down and i still did shit. And I still made the behind the scenes. I made killing the fat man. And it was not popular with the rest of the, not with the rest of it, many,
Starting point is 01:38:11 but the other executives that I would keep working because I'm a fucking doer. And that's the thing. When you have just fucking doers, you can, you can take over the fucking world. And yeah, it's pretty awesome. Doers that are singularly focused on the same sort of task at hand, same project. Harvard, MBA, Stanford, as soon as you see that shit, you should just be like, sack it, shit.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Not that they are, but it's a safe default. It's a really safe default. So, yeah, it's one of the reasons why CrossFit grew so quickly, yeah. Greg just hired doers. We didn't have like managers, department heads, directors. Shut the fuck up. ROI.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Go fuck yourself. I've been saying it for years. You see, there's going to be like, there's going to be, there's going to be a tipping point. So, all right. I don't know if I have anything else for today. What do I have? You have anything else for today? Any parting words, Caleb? I have anything else for today? Anything, any parting words,
Starting point is 01:39:45 Caleb? Um, I guess the schedule for today, we have, just want to run through what we have going on today. Okay. Uh, I'm writing it down.
Starting point is 01:39:57 10 55. Uh, AM. Pacific standard time. Got the pre-show. And that's a Grundler, me and, um, John Young. Yep the pre-show. And that's Grunler, me, and John Young. Yep.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Hopefully. Okay. And then we're doing another show at 1 p.m.? Yeah, that one has to be flexible. But yeah, so no Shut Up and Scribble today. But that one will be me, Taylor, and John, and someone else watching Bryson do it. Okay, so that's 1 p.m. And then we're doing an update show tonight at 5 p.m yeah awesome yeah cool who knows maybe we'll have a surprise guest or
Starting point is 01:40:31 someone you never know i need to do i wonder if fukowski would do an interview with me i'd love to have brent on i bet he would i really want to have brent on oh here more news listen hey hello hey are you live we are oh perfect long time listener first time caller thank you for calling hey we're about to yeah love your work thank Thank you. Big fan. Thank you. I have a million dollars I'd like to just give you. I've been waiting for you to call. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:41:17 What I was actually calling to say is that we are about to, as soon as you go off, behind the scenes, the finale is going to go live because it seems like that's the best time to fit in today. How would you know that? That's so so weird you're the million dollar guy the anonymous donor also knows when the um i juggle a lot of hats that's cool i talk to your people they talk to me we've sorted it out upper management someone said you might be this Savon's oldest child. Yeah. I mean, from a different mom. All right. It's confusing.
Starting point is 01:41:49 I know. Hey, so that's it. So we did it. Yes, we did it. Congratulations. This is crazy. Congrats to you. Couldn't have done it without you.
Starting point is 01:42:01 To everyone listening, I know that you may think I'm just the rich guy with money, but I've done a lot in my life to earn the millions and millions of dollars I have, but Seven has done more. And you still talk to the little people. It's crazy. I know. What can I say? I'm humble. I'm a humble beast. I know you are. Hey, what's the deal with, do you know anything about the 1 p.m. show? Do you think that can be a good show, watching bryson when you look into your crystal ball i've i've gazed into my uh i've looked at the uh what's it called the astrology for today yes yes and i'm feeling like a pisces so i think it's going to be a great day. I'm identifying as a Pisces and Pisces perform well
Starting point is 01:42:46 on a weekend day. I'm a Pisces. You know my birthday's coming. Really? Yeah, my birthday's coming. I do know that. I've ordered another million dollar check for your birthday as well. Thank you. It can only be a big one though. It's got to be like one of those oversized
Starting point is 01:43:02 ones. Don't worry. The check has a wide toe box, too. Good. That'd be great. Hey, did you get a pair of Savage ones? I do have a pair of Savage ones. All right, good. Yeah. Excited. I'll be wearing them today.
Starting point is 01:43:17 Awesome. All right. Hey, thank you for everything. I'm pumped. So the final behind-the the scenes live in three seconds yeah i'm gonna put it live and then before you go off i'm gonna set the show to redirect to that okay on that show so if you want to watch it just stay on this video and it should take you after someone goes off okay i'm gonna go off in 30 seconds i'll give you 30 seconds to set it up all right i'm racing okay bye all right bye god hey doer that dude is a fucking doer do you guys want me to show you something crazy i'm trying to think where i would find it where the fuck are you looking for that thing from last night yeah did you like that
Starting point is 01:44:06 that was fucking so good you want the first thing that he sent or the most recent one from oh he sent a new one yeah it's a different video but you want like the montage thing yeah oh not the cow no I know yeah you want
Starting point is 01:44:23 them before that yeah is that on YouTube yet I don't know Oh, not the cow. No, I know. Yeah, you want them before that. Yeah. Is that on YouTube yet? I don't know. I don't think so. Hey, dude, it's always about it. Guys, it's always about over initiative and over delivering.
Starting point is 01:44:40 It is on YouTube. Oh, it is? It's unlisted. Oh, can you play a little bit of it? Yesterday, Patrick Rios just made this. We'll play like 30 seconds of it i can't even fucking believe this this is so crazy and this is like everyone on the team's always over delivering this is so nuts okay we'll play 30 seconds of this this will be live soon you guys can watch the whole thing here we go hello hey you're the director of the crossfit Games now, right? Yeah, what's up? You think I could do the behind the scenes this year?
Starting point is 01:45:06 Sure, why not? Awesome, seriously? This year feels like a lot different than the last few. Just like mindset wise and comfortability wise, like you kind of know how things are going to roll and just like, yeah, like you said, feel more at home. Stay calm. Because like if you get excited and the crowd is going to be excited, you're going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 01:45:14 oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to roll and just like, yeah, like you said, feel more at home. Stay calm.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Because like if you get excited and the crowd's going and you're in a headstand push-up and you lose your balance, you're done. So it's like very – you almost got to like ignore them a little bit for an event like this. Ending the day on a win is amazing, but it's a really long weekend and I'm here to fuck the fight, so. All right, good. Hey, so this is Rios just yesterday drops this to us. It's just a total just recap of behind-the-scenes shit.
Starting point is 01:45:55 It's crazy. I got a little emotional because I forgot about that call I made to Dave. You think it was tear ducts turned on? Yeah, I was like, wow. Yeah, it was fucking cool. Yeah, no one asked rios to do that shit all right uh see you guys 10 55 thanks i had a really fun time hanging with all you guys today uh doses thanks for the money thanks for everyone's contribution thank you mr schweitzer and most of all thanks thanks to Caleb and James Townsend. See you guys in a couple hours.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Bye-bye. Two hours, exactly. Muscle.

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