The Sevan Podcast - Jason Khalipa | BJJ Brown Belt | Train Hard Men’s Club - Affiliate Leader

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
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Starting point is 00:00:48 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
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Starting point is 00:00:49 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. you're kind of in your you're in your natural habitat bam we're live you mean uh my natural habitat where like like you're at home or something normally i get you like you're in a podcast studio or you're in a garage or you know i mean you're you're somewhere where you're sweating you you look like a homebody you look like you've been domesticated dude i just not that domesticated hey i just uh i just got done training the garage man so you know had to had to get my pre-pump in before i training the garage, man. So, you know, had to, had to get my pre pump in before I came on here and make sure that I'm ready to go.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I hear you. Hey, is the, is the family asleep? Uh, yeah. Are you going to wake them up? Uh, that's not my plan. No, that is not my plan. My, uh, yeah, actually. Yeah. yeah everybody i normally have to get after early especially today i i know that i'll have stuff going on so i just want to make sure i get after it and then dude i'm there i'm bring my bring my full energy to you guys god i love it you always do you're the you're in the mount rushmore of easy i'll put you up there with josh bridges of the easiest people to have on you're such a a fucking great guest. Oh, well, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Hey, like three seconds. We talked for like three seconds before we went live and when you were like, hey, what's new? And I was thinking your life is probably similar to mine in the fact that you always have new irons. What is it called? New irons in the stove. New muffins.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah. New. You always have things in motion. So every day is exciting for you, right? I mean, you have so many things going on that there's always something that pops up. You're like, fuck, yeah, this is why I'm alive. This is dope. There you go. Hey, by the way, I just wanted to recognize there's other people on this podcast and say, what's up, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Beaver, I don't know if we've been on a podcast together, but nice to see you too. Nice to see you, Jason. Thanks, dude. Please do not spoil them. Look at that recognition. Please do not spoil them. But in regards to like irons in the fire, yeah, man. Like, dude, we got the jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I just signed up for tactical games. I host these train hard men's club all the time. Like there's always stuff going on, man. I'm down to talk about whatever um obviously you have stuff going on the crossfit world that i'm still deeply involved in and um yeah man just always just trying to trying to move forward tell me about your jujitsu gym what's the um um tell me about jujitsu community versus crossfit community not versus like they're in competition with each other, but how are they different and how are they the same? Yeah, dude, actually, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:29 what's crazy man is that my original instructor was in downtown San Jose and, um, it was just too far of a commute for me. So I ended up finding a gym closer to home, but now that instructor is opening up a gym about 800 meters from my house. Like it is the original instructor. Yeah. It's as ideal as possible, but the communities are very similar, man. Like just there's a, there's a barrier to entry in both communities that require people to be hardworking, good people. Like they have similar characteristics because in jujitsu, especially, I mean, you go in there one day
Starting point is 00:04:01 and you have an ego. I mean, it's, it's gone the next day. And in CrossFit, in some ways, it's the exact same thing. You know, it's hard. It's difficult. And so it attracts certain types of people to it. So I'd say there's a lot of similarities between the two communities. Actually, Morrison, I think most people give credit to him. I'm sure you've seen this with your kids doing it. It's almost like if you picked me up and you moved me from a CrossFit gym to a jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:04:21 gym, or if you took me from a CrossFit event to a Jiu-Jitsu event, and the sports were switched out or whatever, you really wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Let me ask you this. I sense from stories that I've heard, I've never heard anyone be like, hey, I brought this dude into my CrossFit gym and hurt him on purpose. be like hey i brought this dude into my crossfit gym and hurt him on purpose but i have heard stories at a cadence that that people do get hurt in jiu-jitsu gyms because there's dickheads in there and i don't ever hear like i've heard i hear about shitty coaching but but it actually in jiu-jitsu and of course you know i'm not trying to poo-poo jiu-jitsu or take anything away from it. Everyone should do it. My kids do it five days a week. But is that true? Do you see that, that there are some guys in every gym that, hey, they hurt people?
Starting point is 00:05:15 That guy fucking hurts people. That guy hurts new people. I wouldn't say there's that guy in every gym, but there is that guy that exists. That is true. That CrossFit really doesn't have like you never have an instructor who's like, OK, I'm going to fucking hurt this dude. I mean, there's bad coaches, but they don't hurt anyone on purpose. No, I don't think that in jujitsu is actually people who say, hey, I want to go out today. Like my intention is to go hurt people.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I don't think there's people like that. I think what happens is twofold. Number one is that you'll have someone come to your school and they'll start beating up on your students in a kind of aggressive way in particular to women or smaller guys. And then you'll have an enforcer on the mats who goes there and like shows this guy like, Hey man, don't come into our school and start hurting our athletes for going all crazy to prove yourself. I'm going to show you how it's done here. So there is that dynamic, right? Where there needs to be some checks and balances where some dude shows up out of nowhere and just starts, you know, ripping on people because he, you know, his ego is in check. But I would say more times than not, man, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:14 the goal is to be a good training partner. You know, I was on the Jocko podcast and this is what I said. I said, dude, your goal is to be a good training partner because the problem with CrossFit is getting into Jiu Jitsu is that they come, they're strong, they're fit, they're athletic. And so all of a sudden these other people start feeling that tension. Oh yeah, there you go. And it starts, it just starts a negative back and forth. You know, my recommendation is for anybody who's trying jujitsu is just like, they got to leave their ego at the door.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And, you know, I think that back to your point, Siobhan, like, I don't think there's actually people who have been in jujitsu a long time who say to themselves, my goal is to hurt people. I don't think that's true. Okay, fair, fair. But I do think that things just get heated very quickly, and there needs to be a hierarchy in place to let people know that that's unacceptable. Meaning the head instructor or whoever needs to come and put people in check and be like, Hey, look like what's happening right now. That's unacceptable because there is that personal dynamic that CrossFit doesn't have. Like in CrossFit, you don't put your hands on each other. It isn't as dynamic. It's very much like there's a barbell. The barbell doesn't hit back.
Starting point is 00:07:16 All of a sudden when you're rolling jujitsu and someone does something to you, your ego gets in check and then you ramp it up. And then before you know it, it's like two, Eagle gets in check and then you ramp it up. And then before you know it, it's like two, two, you know, bears trying to beat each other up. I have not, I have not done any, I have not taken a single jujitsu class, but I like, I took my kids to this past week or two weeks. I took my kids to two separate jujitsu academies. They did two days at a place in actually three.
Starting point is 00:07:43 They did one day at Gracie B in scottsdale they did another one at a small boutique one that was i wish i could remember the name of it in scottsdale and then they did uh five days at um aoj in newport beach california oh yeah how was that it was the most beautiful locations ever dude the aoj it was cool i mean um it's different so the gym that they go to here is a small gym it's the same 15 kids every single day for four or five years gracie baja and a and aoj are more they're almost like factories they're big they're big like they went to gracie baja they didn't spar once they go to aoj it's big it's kind of like a factory but man dude like they get in it's a two-hour class at aoj and like that dude my my kid holding his arm here in five days he did
Starting point is 00:08:33 he had a fucking i don't know 50 sparring matches one day he sparred 15 times and they just throw it it's um you know they just show up to the class and sometimes the first half an hour will just be sparring they'll warm up and they'll just go like they'll do sparring first and then technique second you know what i mean and they'll just get in there and it's pretty um it's pretty intense it's i mean it just goes from zero to a hundred you know what i mean it's uh it's cool though my kids love it they don't they don't they don't they used to fear it and now they're like throw their geese on and run out there dude i'll tell you what man anybody listening right now if you have not at least tried jujitsu you gotta go do it i mean you know now that i i got why do
Starting point is 00:09:14 you say that because it's scary or because it is scary um you know like someone asked me the other day on on my podcast they said hey you know what do you do outside of fitness to like, for yourself, like me? And I thought about it for a while. I'm like, shit, I don't do things that much outside of fitness because that's what I love. I love movement. I love shooting my bow in the backyard. I love training for the tactical games and I love jujitsu. It's an outlet for me, just like, you know, in a way my workouts are, but jujitsu just, bro, if you're not engaged, if you're not focused, like you're going to get, you're going to get choked. And so you can't let your mind race elsewhere. And so I just think for anybody who wants to learn new skills, who fell in love
Starting point is 00:09:53 with CrossFit because of the complexity of snatching and rope climbing, whatever else they're missing out on not exploring those parts of their brain. It unlocks channels that I never thought was possible. And, um, you continue to unlock them every single day. Give me an example of that, a channel. Like, I like to think that like, maybe this is just my, you know, I don't know if this is accurate, but imagine if your brain is a bunch of different freeways and people talk about this when they talk about mushrooms and they talk about what the byproduct of shrooms on your brain, not to go off on a tangent here, but you have these channels
Starting point is 00:10:24 that have been created and through shrooms, it helps to unlock those and recreate new connection points, whatever. But in a completely different realm, you could think about jujitsu or CrossFit. When I first found CrossFit, I remember really being inspired by the coach, the community, all that. But I really felt inspired by chasing these goals of the snatch, of the row climb, of the muscle up, of the name, the thing I was chasing the thing. And I was learning new skills. And when an instructor told me to point my hand out this way, it like blew my mind. Well, in CrossFit, after you do that for a decade, two decades, three decades, whatever it is, you no longer get your mind blown that often, meaning
Starting point is 00:10:59 you don't have new channels created in jujitsu. I'm getting my mind blown every day, meaning every single day I'm connecting my brain with my body in a new way because I'm learning how to use it in a, in a different lens. And that to me is cool. I mean, you think it's changed your thinking just on how you operate, like, um, how you talk to people, um, connections you make, um, yeah, I guess in connections you make. Yeah. Um, I saw this question come up i have not done shrooms but i am interested um i i would tell you jason kaliba have you done mushrooms the answer is no no i haven't but he's grown but he's grown millions of dollars worth he sold them on the black market take him to zion church in oakland we'll get it straight
Starting point is 00:11:43 he sells them out of his trunk he uh heland we'll get it straight um he sells him out of the out of his trunk he uh he has a nissan pathfinder he sells them out of the back if you see him driving around the bay area just walk up do you look out for my honda civic um but uh what were you asking about no you know i think jujitsu has um i don't know if it's necessarily changed the way like i think outside the world necessarily i've had other life experiences that have definitely impacted the way i treat others and the way i see the world. I'd say jujitsu just puts me at a level state of peace. You know, when I leave jujitsu in general, I kind of walk around, I have a little bit of a higher energy, higher testosterone, maybe whatever the hell you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'll leave jujitsu and I'm just like at peace, super calm. I don't feel like I have much like, it's almost like you finish a really hard crossfit workout. The exact same way that I feel right now after training in the garage is what I feel after jiu-jitsu, but even on a little bit of a higher level. It's interesting. My kids have done it their whole life, so I can't tell exactly what the effect of it has had on them. Right. But I do see them and I'm like, man, these fucking kids got swagger, like shoulders back upright upright super confident and super mellow like everywhere they go just kind of assessing shit i'm like wow these don't seem like normal kids to me they should be spinning out yeah i mean obviously we don't need to go off on like
Starting point is 00:12:54 only jujitsu today but i will say that you know for my kids like dude i want to build their confidence i want them to walk around and and and have that confidence because it's that um You know do the the guys who used to bully people all those kind of people in high school It was the least confident kids. So if you could teach confidence if you teach this self-awareness, I think it's critical So that's what I'm doing my kids along with a bunch of other stuff. Obviously. I'm Jason. Do you um, I learned this from Tony Blauer about And I really don't want to fuck this up because Tony is such a brilliant guy. But he was basically saying that fights aren't about winning and losing. Fights are about leaving emotionally intact. And there's been situations where I've been in where shit got hostile, and I didn't handle it the way I wish I would have.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I let something interfere with the right process. I didn't give myself permission to handle it the way it needed to be handled. And I feel like my kids, um, don't give themselves, like when we go to tournaments, they're not giving themselves permission to, uh, let go. And I'm not rushing it, but I proposed the idea to them. And it's, it's kind of a douche move of me since i don't do it right since i don't do jiu-jitsu but have do you know what i'm talking about and do you give yourself permission yeah no i i think like i don't know exactly what the quote that tony says but like yeah i just look i think that the more you expose yourself to hard things through crossfit through jiu-jitsu through
Starting point is 00:14:22 whatever it allows you to show up differently outside the gym. And when you're used to what it feels like to be in combat, you find yourself not pursuing it as much elsewhere. Like you, you handle situations much more calm, cool, and collected. I'm sure your kids do in school because they've, they've already do they've, they've, they've seen that line 400 times because they they're they know what it's like to go up against another kid who wants to try and beat them up right within a class setting and so when when situations come up at school they just handle it a more calm and collected way than trying to show up a certain way so they don't need to boast they're confident in their abilities i think that's huge i think the gift you're giving them do you give yourself permission
Starting point is 00:15:01 at a tournament to go full throttle do you you ever catch yourself like, oh shit, I'm holding back? No, I think when I, when I've competed in jujitsu, even so at my level, like I'm not trying to break somebody's arm. Um, I'm just not like, call me a whatever. I just, dude, I want that dude to fight another day and I want to fight another day too. And so I've had to be careful about, um, entering into tournaments because of what I do for a living. I want to be able to use my body, but like when I'm in training sessions and stuff, like, dude, I get to certain positions now, of course I'm trying to submit people, but I'm trying to submit them in an appropriate fashion.
Starting point is 00:15:34 The better you get, the more you know where that line is. And I never let my, do my, like a couple of years ago, I started to really try and like separate and detach from my ego. Um, and it's gotten better and better every single year. In the beginning, it was really difficult in the beginning. It was very hard to detach from your ego because you're feeling, but over time it gets better. So do you think you, do you, do you think that what you're saying to me is just an excuse because you can't give yourself permission? Do you think that you could go into a tournament and give yourself permission to just unleash jason kalipa no i i don't think i can and i'll tell you why because like it would take someone breaking into your house or something that's right that's right like like for me to be unleashed it would have to be a threat to myself and my family then i'd be these other
Starting point is 00:16:20 guys how about nikki rod can he unleash i think he could unleash because he's a professional athlete and that's what's required of him to to win it's like it's like does he feel bad for breaking on homeboy's foot you know uh no gordon ryan so you think he feels bad for breaking it no it's like going into the octagon at the ufc like you have to be prepared to like your goal is to basically i don't want to say kill because that seems a little extreme but it is kill or be killed there's some crazy someone could punch you in the throat and end your shit in a second yeah so like that's the mentality right and i think that for me at my level of jiu-jitsu it's not that now something else happens elsewhere but dude your academy is known your academy is known
Starting point is 00:16:58 people get fucked up at your academy so i go to i go to two academies one of the academies you go to get shit bro busted up some people leave i bet academies one of the academies you go to get shit bro busted up some people leave i bet you monthly one of the academies you go to someone has to go straight to the orthopedic uh you know it's true uh one of the academies you go to is rough hey i'm bad motherfuckers there i will say this it's it jason hit on the point about the instructor because that really who needs to control the cadence. Cause I went to one jujitsu Academy back when I had time to do these things. I guess that's just an excuse,
Starting point is 00:17:29 but the instructor just kind of threw me into the fire. Like I'd had a little bit of experience and then he's like, okay, you go. And he paired me up with Javier, this fucking pit bull. Fuck Javier cuts my lawn, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:40 He's a bad dude. Javier fucked me up, dude. And it's like, bro, don't talk about Javier. We tried to figure it out. He just throws knee to belly on me so hard that he's like pushing his knee through my freaking gut into the, and then he just does this cross like collar choke on me.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And I don't even know what the fuck is going on. Right. And then it was just like, okay, restart. And the instructor would let that go for a really long time. And then I switched academies. And the next instructor way. Okay. You're over here. You over here. You guys pair together. You guys pair together. He would go, he would see things escalate. He would stop. He would go, nope,
Starting point is 00:18:12 hold that position, get in that position. Okay. Now you guys start again. Like he controlled the fucking floor. And all of a sudden I was like, wow, this is a very different experience than what I got the first time. And in fact, with the white belts, he would go back and he would do stuff like knee and elbow escape, and he would break down each detail with us. Why the upper belts, the blue belts, purple belts, and brown belts got to go into the rolling session a little bit sooner, right? So again, I just want to make the point that this exists across everything. I think CrossFit always gets the better of it, but it's 100% always comes down to the
Starting point is 00:18:44 culture of the gym and the instructor so even if jason comes from a hardcore fucking gym i guarantee you those guys are the gentlest as they're training and learning i heard some stories about one of jason's gyms he knows which one i'm talking about you know but you're right though suza like it's like it's like going to a crossfit gym it's like when crossfit you see a bad rap for like rabdo, right. And you know, you'd show up and someone would have you do like, I don't know, three friends or something like that. It's the same thing in, in jujitsu. Like the instructor has to be responsible for making that first experience great. And in CrossFit space, like, dude, there's a responsibility on the instructors
Starting point is 00:19:22 right now. There's a responsibility to, to break down this stigma of jujitsu and in CrossFit. And it's all based on the first impression. I mean, dude, people can try so long. They hear about CrossFit, hear about CrossFit, finally go try it. And they're one bad experience away from never going back in that gym again. And I think that, you know, that's a, that's something that every CrossFit instructor should take on their chest and say hey this is important to the overall ecosystem i i have the ability to change the way people view this and their one bad experience way from never come back in the same thing happens in jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:19:55 dude like that experience you're saying now you walk around all the time you say bro jiu-jitsu's whack i went in there one time some dude neon belly me cross-collar choked me i walked around with a sore throat for a week you're like i'm never doing that again or you could have gone in and be like man it's the gentle art it's super great we did a phenomenal warm-up i learned technique but it's all based on the instructor in the school yeah three months in i had anxiety going into every class it took three months to get over that anxiety just to go because i knew i would look across it and i'd see javier and he's like and by the way he was a good dude we were like buddies but i just knew he's gonna fuck me up you know hey can't you say something to him
Starting point is 00:20:28 suza or is it you just can't no i ain't no bitch i just took my love all right all right my hey my escapes and my defense and my position hold got a lot faster in that environment but he i came home bruised up bro i'd walk in and Grace would be like, what the hell happened to you? Jason, how old is your son? He's the one who's doing jiu-jitsu? Both of my kids do self-defense. Yeah. My son's nine.
Starting point is 00:20:53 My daughter's 12. And so your son's still going with girls? No, my son and I, both of my children train with me only. It's not ideal. I'd like to get them into more classes again. But both of my children train with me only. It's, it's, it's not ideal. I'd like to get them into more classes again. But both my children train with me because, you know, I have a, you know, at this point, you know, I've been doing jiu jitsu for a while. So I work with them once a week on just like fundamental self defense. And because they're playing a bunch of other sports,
Starting point is 00:21:19 and my son doesn't like love, my son doesn't love jiu jitsu, I do this kind of stuff with Ava. You know, we're working pummeling. That's an example. The other day we were working a bunch of stuff with her. But yeah, so I work self-defense stuff with her all the time. And then I do different stuff with my son. Walter, if Savant trained BJJ, all his trash talk would change so much. Yeah, you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Dude, it's only a matter of time before Savant does jujitsu. No, no, right dude it's only a matter of time before savannah's no no no no listen only matter of time listen jason i have i'm the kind of guy like just throughout the day like i'll bend over like to tie my shoes and my fucking back will go out for a second like i'm dude i've seen videos of you like cold do a muscle-up bro yeah and then i'm down for a month like i went to de la casusa's gym the other day and i did i jumped up onto a two-inch plate my back went out i ain't nah i ain't fucking around bro i'm good hey next thing is uh what do you know about the tactical games have you seen that kind of stuff uh i just know that's where you run and carry a gun and shoot shit with a high heart rate right and cross after just destroying everyone in it right isn't jacob heppner just like yeah
Starting point is 00:22:24 he's like multiple time champ. So I got to come in. I got to come back on the show in early March and tell you how that experience has come competing and one at the end of February. So, you know, it's just a way to test accuracy. You know, you talk about the 10 general physical skills. Here's a way to test accuracy that hasn't been tested much in the CrossFit space, except for remember that time at the Rogue Invitational, they did the guns with the skier and then they've done some stuff, but anyways, I'll have to keep you guys posted on how
Starting point is 00:22:49 that goes. Yeah. Hey, if I did do jujitsu, I think I would have zero. I mean, it's easy for me to say now, I think I would have zero ego and people would be so annoyed rolling with me. Cause I'd just be like tapping, like you'd grab me from behind my head i'd be like i'm good i'm good point point yeah damn you beat me 75 to zero i tried doing that and people would be like you're just uncomfortable i'm like no i'm done here yeah i hear instructors say that to kids no you're uncomfortable you can't tap i'm like damn like no my shoulder is gonna tear out of its socket you can fuck off oh shit you're just uncomfortable that's what i tell my wife it's just uncomfortable you'll be over soon yeah hey i i rear naked choked my i snuck up on my wife and put the hooks in and rear naked choked her and she got out i couldn't stop her oh my gosh i know i'm telling you i'm telling you
Starting point is 00:23:45 you wrestle with your wife at all not like that even a little bit like like you walking by a bit like a bed or some mats you just push her down and like like growl at her like what you want some no no she doesn't play like that bro she's not she's not into that kind of stuff i don't know what you're into my wife's not into that either but every once in a while like i do it like if she's like like in a compromised position like putting sheets on the kid's bed or something i'll come up behind her and push her like so she falls on the bed i'll be like what she's just like yeah single leg and just throw her down on the bed and then and then run out of the room dude i get punched i did kind of stuff my son like we rest all the time but not not with ashley no she she doesn't she doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:28 like that kind of stuff no she's like she's like um uh beavers in me she taps early hey bro when are we going to get you out to a train hard men's club uh when are we going to get you out to one of our one of our workouts i i think i invited you to the one in santa cruz but you didn't show up you did tell me about it. What is this thing? I'm not into the touchy-feely men shit. I ain't into men's groups and where we express our feelings and shit. Yeah, I know you're not. So that's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I don't want anyone asking me anything sensitive. That's how you need to go. That's how you need to go. I'm going to go and I'll film them. Let's do it. Let's do it. I'll tell them. That's something different to have on the screen we can talk about. I'll film them. Let's do it. Let's do it. This is, that's a new, that's something different to have on the screen we can talk about.
Starting point is 00:25:10 But dude, basically every week we, we just get a group of guys here to start off with just like my local school and then just kind of expand it. We've been doing it now for like four or five months and it's, it's not designed to be anything fluffy. It's just designed to get guys together and do something hard. That's it. And you know, what I found is that for a lot of these guys, the only time they train hard is with, with us, with this group. And then throughout the week, they just get more confidence. They feel better. They start doing more exercise on their own. And, um, yeah, man, we just pick some different
Starting point is 00:25:37 details. Walk me through it. So the one you said, what would it have been like? I'd pull up, I'd park, I'd get out. What happens? Like in Santa Cruz, I brought a bunch of kettlebells and bumper plates in the back of my truck. We show up to the beach. I bring a speaker. We got after it for like 40 minute AMRAP. And then we jumped in the ocean. That was it.
Starting point is 00:25:56 No, like. I like it. Like, and the talk before is like, hey guys, we're just here to do something hard together. That's it. Let's just, let's partner up. Let's do whatever. And then, so we've done that. We've done like, for example, we do hill sprints, we've done sled sprints. We've done, um, we just do a lot of like random hard stuff, um,
Starting point is 00:26:17 like stairs, whatever we could find and, um, just do hard things. Like my favorite one so far has just been up this hill near my house. We set up a light at the bottom and a light at the top. And we just did intervals and it was gnarly. We had three guys throw up. It was incredible. I mean, it was magical. We had like 40 dudes. Imagine like 40 dudes running at 6 a.m. when it was pitch black on the street. It was just great. How hard are these men?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Do you have a durometer? What's a durometer? Does that measure the stiffness of penises? Caleb, is that a medical device? What's a durometer? Yep, yep. Is it really?ises? Caleb, is that a medical device? What's a durometer? Yep. Yep. Stiffness. Is it really? No. Hey, is there something, Caleb, you know how like you go to the doctor and they want to check your lung capacity
Starting point is 00:26:51 and you blow into that thing and the ball goes up in the little plastic tube? Do they have anything that would check the rigidity of your penis? Is there a medical? It's a ring. Next man. I want to class it though. That's the hard part. It's crazy that they wouldn't test that. Someone doesn't like large groups because he's not vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:27:10 He's unvaccinated. Yeah, there you go. Very, very, very scared. Christine Young. Is this a shout out? See, this is how the magical vomiting, magical vomiting. She's making fun of you. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Jason, that's called bulimia. Jeez, it's a tough crowd you never know what you're gonna get from the crowd on the savan podcast you know like i hear a lot of athletes don't want to come on this i'm always down to come on the savan podcast i loved i love talking to you you know my thing about you is like i know you could always you never know what's going to come left or right but i'm always down to come on because you and i've always like it's always been good like it's always been good okay i have no idea what's on the screen right now okay so there's it's a it's a difference of things that from uh soft to hard he's found the the on the soft on the soft end is
Starting point is 00:27:56 gummy bear and on the hard end is a hard hat wow i really like that shopping cart wheels yeah those when i was so random yeah but those are hard the thought of one of those hitting your bare foot sounds horrible doesn't it okay hey what's the um what's the premise of this group tell me like what like is is there a uh what's it called when you have a business and you have some sort of statement? Like a mission statement? Yeah. What's the mission statement? What's the, or then tell me what's the catalyst that you started this thing?
Starting point is 00:28:31 There's no mission statement. There's no money. There's no registration. There's no nothing. It's just, I send out a text or I send an email to a group and then in the Bay Area, it's just starting to grow and grow and grow. There's no expectations, no signup process. Just, hey, I'm going to be at this place at this time getting after it. Come if you want. Don't come if you want. It's up to you. No one needs to say
Starting point is 00:28:54 anything to me. How do I get on the email list? It's like Fight Club. Well, you're like a VIP, so I might even put you on the text thread. Oh, shit. All right. And like, for example on thanks thanksgiving day boys you have to have a penis to attend yeah right now it's just men and here's the reason why like dude i got a response i'm okay with that i like men a lot i'm okay with that dude i think that um i think that you know in our gyms, we have great energy. It's phenomenal, right? People are just getting after it. But at 5.
Starting point is 00:29:27 AM when it's pitch black and you're doing burpees on the pavement and with a bunch of dudes, it just has a different energy to it. It's not better. It's not worse. It's just different. And so if you want in the future, we'll do like a family one in the future. We'll do a couple's one. Like, but you're trying to bring specific energy so that people can connect on a different
Starting point is 00:29:44 level. That's just what we're doing right now. But it's not to say we won't change that plan and we've been doing every week for like four or five months um but like the best one i think we did was on thanksgiving um thanksgiving morning we just we did like a 5 a.m sled sprints at a local library in the parking lot and we had like 40 dudes show up and it's just like we don't ask for anything yeah the cops show up but yeah the cops show up but they know they're they're a part of it like they know what's going on like i tell local law enforcement i told the mayor i told the chamber of commerce everybody knows i'm not trying to make
Starting point is 00:30:13 it a secret of what we're doing because i want them to know we're trying to build us oh we're trying to create a fitter community and you know just giving an outlet for people to come and get after it um would you say that what you're doing is uh part experiment are you experimenting um look because i'm trying to ask you what you're doing and you're like hey i'm getting guys together and there's in there it's there's a unique piece to it when you get these guys together and they work hard. And like, it sounds like you're running an experiment. I think what it is for me is like, I've been trying to get better about this. It's like, if something calls me and it seems like someone asked me the other day, are you worried about the liability? I said, yeah, I guess, but my heart's in the right place.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Like I'm just trying to get people together to do hard things. I've never asked anything of anybody ever, nothing for this, for this particular group, right? If they want to go download our app, if they want to go buy a merge, if they want to go do whatever, that's fine. But we never talk about it because it's not a part of what we're trying to do. Like, it's just about getting guys together to create a culture. Like what I'm most invested in specifically with local law enforcement is I'm trying to create a group of like-minded people who get fitter because if I call on local law enforcement or if we need a fitter community, like might as well start now trying to create this culture where people are trying to level up. And if we could start with the dads that then,
Starting point is 00:31:35 you know, transfers into kids, which then transfers into the entire household. And we started doing, you know, family type rucks, like, let's go, you know, that's the vision. type rocks like let's go you know that's the vision hey um i heard um uh this guy who's running for president of vivek ramaswamy talk about the difference between people in different moments in their life and one of the things he talked about was term limits and the reason why he talked about term limits and i never heard a couch like this, was he said men, humans, go through moments in their life where they have – they're doing things for their own self-interest, right? So like you're starting a business. You're selling tomatoes. You're trying to make money. You're trying to raise a family, but it's all self-interest for you. And then there's times in your life where you're doing service, selfless service, and you go through these phases and a man needs to do both. But when you have someone who's running for president or who's been president,
Starting point is 00:32:30 who'd been in politics for like 40 years, like Joe Biden, the two get kind of conflated, right? So there's times where maybe he wants to be completely selfless, but he can't because he's also serving his own interests. And that's what leads to corruption. You kind of follow me on that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That took a hard right but yeah let's go do you think that in your life where are you in your life does that paradigm work for you and like where and or do you oscillate back and forth between your own interest like like i'm getting ready to start selling toothpaste tooth powder complete self-interest i'm going to be like i'm going to become selling toothpaste, tooth powder, complete self-interest. I'm going to be like, I'm going to become a billionaire selling tooth powder. But I'm also in a later part of my life where I'm pretty fucking selfless. Like I just like, I really just want to do shit for other
Starting point is 00:33:14 people. Yeah. And I'd say obviously it's a combination of both is that I want to be able to provide for my family. Of course I want to grow a business, but I also want to like make an impact. Like I legitimately want people to look back and be like, dude, that dude, that dude really helped like make an impact, whether that's in our gyms through the NC fit collective and what we're doing for gym owners, or in this case through the train hard app or in person events, like do the connection that you get with a bunch of guys. And I didn't see it until I saw it was like, I had 24 guys in the garage, like maybe three months ago. And this one guy was going through some like deep depression. He started talking to this other guy just out of
Starting point is 00:33:48 nowhere. And they ended up creating a connection. Now they're like, they're talking through their stuff. And I said to myself, like, that's something deeper than just like making a buck or making five bucks. Like I want to continue to do this because selfishly it makes me feel good. Like, so if I'm being honest, like it's not the money that's making me feel good. It's the fact that you're creating your driving connection. But I mean, is there a business case in the future? Sure, because maybe you're creating this group, but that's not the focus. And I think that's what makes it kind of special.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Are most of these people members at your gym? No, very few of them are. And so's why it's wow very few of them so that's the thing like when you become a member of our gym like we're very structured at the gym by design like you have to register for classes you have to obviously pay your fee like we're we're at a point where it's a very professionalized organization this is like the antithesis of that. This is like, show up if you want, don't show up if you want, like just, we're going to be here at 6am. Um, we might not go, you know, we might go on a Friday this week, might go on a Saturday next week. Like it's just super random. And so by design, which we're, it's not supposed to be like the business. How many of them have you done so far? I mean, weekly or biweekly for five months. So, you know, like probably 20 or 30 of them or whatever it is. Um, like we just,
Starting point is 00:35:16 last week we just got done doing a ruck. Um, like if you pull up my Instagram, I just did a, I just did a video of a ruck like four days ago. You'll see the crew that shows up, man. It's, it's great. How'd the first people get involved? Like class one, did you just shoot out a couple of texts to like some homies? Yeah, that's true. Bro, all I did was just shoot out a little like message and like, boom, there we go. The rucks are cool because it's a good way to connect.
Starting point is 00:35:40 They're not as hard, right? But they're a cool way to connect. Yeah, that's awesome. I want to come and just like bring like a cooler with orange slices for you guys bro you gotta come i'm inviting you so come next week i'll put you on the list uh yeah put me on the email list all right at least i can feel included god i really mornings are so mornings mornings i'm stiff as a fucking board dude man you ever do night ones you ever do midday ones hard hats too we we only do like five or six a.m because it allows for less excuses of why people can't show up yeah well i got plenty of excuses at 5 a.m yeah i got plenty of excuses at 5 a.m hey heidi that's not true that's not true you don't
Starting point is 00:36:26 know that he's not coming that's not true i maybe she's just is that it's like is that a psyop she's saying i'm not coming so that i will come dude that's a great heidi tactic she runs all the time cave dastro sebi wants to show up and do nothing and yet you reap the benefits you know you could be like our mascot bro what if i could come dress as a furry hey look at look at look at sean men are generally super hard at 5am yeah uh your audience is always the best yeah go ahead what's this so i saw this um group that hq has designated as like affiliate i don't know what they're called but there's like they're all over the world and i said those names i recognized on there were you and uh craig howard tell me about that thing
Starting point is 00:37:18 yeah let me i'm trying to see do you even know what that thing is were they like hey will you do this and you're like uh-huh but you don't know what it is no i know what it is let me just i want to make sure i pronounce it um it's new it's brand new right yeah it's the affiliate council there you go okay what is that so the affiliate council so basically um what happened is i got reached out to um by jay um the coons and um don and others and they said hey would you like to be a part of this affiliate council and i say well tell me more about it what is the affiliate council so the affiliate council they you know you meet you know right now we've had a few meetings, but I want to say that the design is like quarterly meetings. And they first ran us by this whole like affiliate fee increase and
Starting point is 00:38:12 they wanted our perspective on it. And, uh, yeah, there's, there's a few owners from like Southern California. There's Craig from up here. There's me. And then there's a bunch of international. And the idea is just to jump on a call and just share our perspective as affiliate owners. Um, uh, look, I think it's a step in the right direction. I think that, you know, um, Craig's idea is to have the community vote in who they think should be on that. I'm all for that. I just got asked. And like, for me, it's like, if I could share my perspective on things, it's what I've wanted for years and years and years in CrossFit. You know that more than anybody I've been trying to share my perspective from a business lens for 10 years plus. So if they're
Starting point is 00:38:54 giving me a door to open, to share my perspective, then I might as well say yes to it. There is no money transacted. I'm not getting paid. Like none of that stuff. It's just You know, I feel like it would almost be foolish of me my goal for years was always to see the business of CrossFit thrive in terms of affiliates and Now here's a door that opens and I say no that seems dumb. So I accepted the role Yeah, and and it's not too taxing on you. It's not it's not crazy high demand on you I know with all the other stuff you have going on And it's not too taxing on you. It's not crazy high demand on you. No. With all the other stuff you have going on. Yeah, that's right. And so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 When I think of these councils that are on the periphery, especially not paid positions, I think of them as almost shields. You know, I get to like this kind of HQ, you mean? Yeah. Or for any organization. I'm not not even just CrossFit in general. Like, OK, we put together this council and I almost feel like it's a shield to defer responsibility or to placate. And I know you don't want to fucking waste any of your time.
Starting point is 00:40:04 So that's that's the thing. Like the first call we got on, um, my big thing was like, dude, I can't help you. Like, I'm not here to like build, like I can only spend so much time trying to build and support CrossFit. Like I'm trying to do our own thing. And like, if we're going to give guidance and direction, like I need to understand the full landscape. I need to understand the financials.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I need to understand the why behind certain decisions, like show me the numbers, right? Because if you could show me the numbers and show me what's going on, Craig, myself and others can provide better guidance, but if they don't show us underneath the hood, how can we possibly provide insider guidance? And so that was something that was really important to me. I'm like, look, if you're not going to show us everything, if you're not going to talk to this, then we can't give good information. So I just rather not even be a part of it. Like, hey, start putting a rule in place where there can't be another affiliate within five miles. You have to draw a circle. That would be pretty fucking – in our space, that would be like some fucking wild shit.
Starting point is 00:41:21 You could say raise affiliate fees to – grandfather everyone in, but raise affiliate fees to $20,000 a year. You know what I mean? And then what you have is – do you have any ideas that are like, okay, I'd really like to experiment with this? Is there anything off the top of your head that you're like, I'd really like to see this happen? Just to try. I think that they should rebrand the CrossFit Games to Fit Us on Earth.
Starting point is 00:41:40 As opposed to what is it now? The CrossFit Games. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, I think if they rebranded from crossfit games to fittest on earth it would help break down the misconceptions of crossfit and say that the program people use to be the fittest on earth is crossfit but it's not crossfit like the program they use to get to win is cross i think that that could be a something right i'm i'm not as bullish on that as i was doing that why not try that what would be that doesn't sound too risky that sound is
Starting point is 00:42:11 actually kind of cool it sounds like it's a win-win for everyone it sounds like it benefits crossfit the affiliates because everyone who's inside the loop will still know it's crossfit but the people outside will see it as like holy shit this is legitimately the competition for the fittest human being on planet earth and it's only for the people inside will see it as like, holy shit, this is legitimately the competition for the fittest human being on planet Earth. And it's only for the people inside once you – yeah, that seems like a – I like that. And imagine it was the fittest on Earth sponsored by the CrossFit affiliates or the CrossFit L1. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, I mean, dude, I think that that idea has legs to it because one of the misconceptions you have with CrossFit is that – and to be honest, I think that the CrossFit Games seem to kind of hone in on where they want to be in the future like what is the test of the crossfit games what's the charter is it to test the fittest on earth and by design it has to be random and unknown and unknowable or is it going to be the crossfit games so is it the fittest on earth or is it the crossfit games because here's here's what i mean by that when you're testing for the fittest on earth that's the unknown the, the unknowable. There's broad, you know, scopes of, of, of training modalities. But when people think about CrossFit and when you call it the CrossFit games, I would say there are some events that people wouldn't typically put underneath the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:43:17 umbrella, or at least what it represents in the affiliate, I'd say. So by doing the fittest on earth, you could test for these broad spectrum, but then still say the CrossFit is a program that's helping them prepare for this particular thing. So anyways, that's one of the things I've been thinking about for a long time. I like that. Then call the open the CrossFit games and then have the open only be between the affiliates. And then that add value brings importance back to the affiliates. So then you could have that one time like Strava, all the bicycle guys get on there yeah so now all of a sudden the crossfit games isn't about building into this season or the open rather isn't about building into this season the open is just its own thing for five weeks that all the affiliates participate in that now is the
Starting point is 00:43:56 crossfit games would you have the people still go to the games from there though susan nope nope i would sell the crossfit games you know this i would i think crossfit games should be detached from crossfit the company i think it means the fittest on earth should be sold the fittest on earth should be sold and i think that the and they should still have some sort of say in it right they're crazy you are crazy this is a crazy idea thank you for keeping your idea not so crazy they have no i think that they should have no revenue share i've already said that the l1 and that the affiliates have subsidized the crossfit games from the start and you can't subsidize that they should be investing more into the l1 they should be investing more into the affiliates not subsidizing the festival and that they should be separated hey uh savon what's up i did a video saying to go do level one
Starting point is 00:44:38 um uh for this audience you'd probably appreciate this. I chose to – Did you see that we fucking – real quick. Did you see that we fucking – we asked like 50 of the biggest people in the sport to do it, and Graciano fucking published his, you fucking ding-dong. The fucking thing we asked you to do that for, Graciano, not so you could publish it on your account. I'm going to come over there and fucking throw you fucking 100 yards. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You don't do jiu-jitsu see that I kicked the shit out of you But uh I re-upped my level 4 Yeah So um You have to re-up your level 4 So my Level 3 had expired
Starting point is 00:45:20 So I re-took my level 3 And then I re-got my level 4 How was the test? Did you pass it? Yeah Good job fired. So I re I retook my level three and then, uh, I re got my level four, but how was, how was the test? Did you pass it? Yeah. Yeah. Good job. Yeah, I did. Um, I it's hard, um, for anybody who's interested. So level one, and I think it's a great, I think, I think the level one is amazing. I think the level two is good. Great for what it is. right? I think the level one is phenomenal baseline. Level two is great for what it is. Level three, I think is, you know, it's a test.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And if you're not prepared for it, especially really understanding level one material, you're not going to pass it. And it's like a three, four hour test. You take a testing center. So we did that. And then that re-upped my level four because I had a legacy level two. So the reason why I bring that up is like, I, and then that re-upped my level four because I had a legacy
Starting point is 00:46:05 level two. So the reason why I bring that up is like, I think if you're a CrossFit instructor, you're not at least thinking about these things, it could be helpful for you. What was that level four? Like you actually go and teach a class, right? You teach like two classes in front of what seminar staff or something. Yeah. So what it was, was I got my level four because I had a legacy level two. So when I was teaching for CrossFit seminar staff, and so for some people are wondering why would I be on the affiliate panel? I taught for CrossFit seminar staff for years. I competed at the CrossFit games for years. I've owned gyms since 2008 and our gyms have made money and impact a lot of people. So because of those wide variety of vantage points, um, it's,
Starting point is 00:46:51 it's a helpful lens that I can look through that. I think some others don't have the same lens. So that's one of the reasons I think that maybe they wanted to choose me. But anyways, um, the legacy level two could argue though, that you could also argue that those are reasons not to have you on it. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm just saying, like, he's just criming you.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Like, he's so out of touch. He's done. He's like, I mean, you're a one percenter of a one percenter of a one percenter. I mean, you're kind of not. You're totally in your own league, your own category. There's actually probably no one like you. Then maybe they shouldn't have me in. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:47:21 No, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. No, no, I get it. Jesus Christ. It's a diamond with a bunch of pieces of. Like, you know, I'm just saying, I get it. Um, but it's a diamond with a bunch of pieces of coal. And you know what? Sleeky just for the, just for the sake, man, I know this audience always gets me. I thought we've talked about this countless times in this podcast. Yes. I was affiliated CrossFit. We unaffiliated for a variety of reasons. A lot of which Savan knows about. And then we reaffiliated because I liked the direction of what
Starting point is 00:47:44 things are going. It is what it is. Like is like dude we've been talking about this for fucking three years like i'm sorry but at this point like this is the direction we're going i want to talk about the future not the past so just just say i know this audience likes to talk about the past i'm not disagreeing with it hey break it up break it, break it up, break it up, break it up, break it up. Hey, but, um, seriously, the, the, the, the legacy, it was a legacy level two, but the level four, I've not taken like the new version. Um, but the, the new version is like, you actually have to like coach a class and stuff like that. I heard it's really great. I have not taken the new version of it yet. Yeah. I heard it. I heard it was really intensive. I had to go reup
Starting point is 00:48:24 my level two a couple of weeks ago. And then I decided i was like okay i'm just gonna keep going to get my level three and i was talking to austin about the level four and he was saying that it was like really intense that was not 7.5 by the way show some respect that was like a four his trigger level was a four we do we do trigger level here i was more triggered by graciano how come i didn't get a trigger rate i give it a four out of 10. Yeah. Wait, wait. Hey, seriously. You've seen somebody get triggered at a level like nine or 10?
Starting point is 00:48:50 I get triggered. I triggered myself all the time. Sometimes I just throw a handful of tacks on my seat when I jump, when I start the show, just as I get triggered. Oh, man. Dude. Triggered level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 But yeah, I think that what Cross is doing with the certification is good. I think the affiliate counsel, I think, is fine. I think I'll have a better perspective on that probably six months from now. I don't really have a good – I can't really describe to you if I think it's extremely valuable or mediocre today. But I think six months from now, I'll have a better perspective on that. Because I'll be honest with you and tell you what we've done and and the impact that i think it's made or not all right yeah i mean shit there's so there's so much uh new there there there's so much there's so much new at hq yeah the affiliate fee is a big deal by the way say it again the affiliate fee is a big deal what do the way. Say it again? The affiliate fee is a big deal.
Starting point is 00:49:46 What do you mean? In what way? I mean, I think it's going to put a lot of pressure on CrossFit to make sure they're providing value. I mean, I think it's, I don't necessarily. You should have just come out and been like, fuck you, we're raising it $1,500. And when people are like, what value are you going to add? They're like, hey, dude, we're just trying to keep our fucking head above water. What are you talking about? We haven't raised it in 11 years. You think instead of like, hey, we plan on doing this, this, this, and when people are like, what value are you going to add? They're like, Hey dude, we're just trying to keep our fucking head above water. What are you talking about? We haven't raised it in 11 years. You think they should, instead of like, Hey, we plan on doing this, this, this, and this. No, I mean, to me, I think it's a really simple business decision.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Like, as far as I'm concerned, I've always felt this way. If you're paying 2000, 3000, 500, a thousand, whatever you've been paying, like the, you know, it's a license, it's a mark. And so if you see more than three thousand dollars a year in value to utilize that mark then it makes sense and if you don't then it doesn't make sense for the gym owner like it's it's pretty cut and dry to me and now that that number has increased to 4500 it's going to be really simple for an affiliate owner to say like the whole level two thing i think is different like that's that's like i don't think there's there's a problem i think that if the affiliate owner sorry of course Of course, Graciano's fucking video is great.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I fucking produced that thing. I fucking reached out to him. I'm like, hey, dude, can you make a video saying take your level one? He did an amazing job. He wasn't supposed to then be like, fuck, this is so good. I'm not giving it to a 7-on. I'm going to use it myself. Wait, so is that sure you're level 10 right there?
Starting point is 00:51:00 Is that what that was? No, that's a 9. It's a 8. Hold on. Will you play this real quick wait what is this and listen i'm who is this i asked this fucking legend to fucking make this and he knew it was so good he fucking stole it from me doesn't even give me credit fucking drive over to your house wait this is the wall street this is the this is the weight lifter wall is the weightlifter Wall Street? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah. Okay. Just because you're going to probably beat me up doesn't mean shit. My wife's crazy fit too. I met them at NorCal, Blair Morrison's event. Yeah, they're good people. Yeah. Rubio here to tell you that you should get your CrossFit level one certification.
Starting point is 00:51:42 The level one is not about CrossFit. It's about providing you with a blueprint of what your body needs to do to function at its best so that you can maximize your life outside the gym. And if that doesn't convince you, think about the first time you benched 225. At CrossFit, we pressed 225 over our heads.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Casually. Casually. While doing promo videos. This is bullshit. Fuck you, Hiller. And you can too, if you sign up for the level one. It's a great video. Yeah, that is a good video i just told hillary fuck
Starting point is 00:52:26 you oh why just wait this is great i just wrote to him fuck you little pressure valve release just to click fuck you to a friend yeah goofy pull-ups your mom some guy wrote you crossed it lost me at the goofy pull-ups your mom mom's goofy. Oh, man. Are you arguing with people on the internet? No. Your mom's goofy. As I refresh it, there's more comments from Stefan. Just keep refreshing it throughout the show, and we'll see what he says. I thought you meant that he stole your video.
Starting point is 00:52:55 He helped you edit it or something, and he took all the videos that you got from people and did one on his own. I reached into my Rolodex deep. I saw Jason Kalipa, Wall Street weightlifter, fucking Joe Biden. And I sent them all fucking text messages. Hey, how many people got back to you, Siobhan? So many. So many.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It's like, it's awesome. I can't believe how many got back to me. I was so thankful. And everyone knew. No one's posted it because you saw the text I said. It was a copy and paste. And I said, hey, I'm going to put these together in a montage in front of the behind the scenes. And this and this guy made the best fucking one.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It's pretty good. And now he busted his nut. Wait, now here, let me ask you a question. When the camera zooms in. So right now it's obviously 225 pounds on that. He's shoulder pressing it. Then it zooms in. Then it zooms in, so right now it's obviously 225 pounds on that. He's shoulder pressing it. Then it zooms in. Then it zooms in again.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Do you think he dropped the weight here? Because you can't tell. Of course he did. No way. Now he's lifting 135. There's no integrity. No way. One take.
Starting point is 00:53:58 One take. It's one take, and he's still struggling. He's shaking in the last one. Yeah, he just punched it and posed at it. That's's the same bar same shot graciano has way more followers than you buddy oh thanks you fucking jackass what were we talking about jason um i don't know you get so you get so mad uh just this thing in particular i'm working so fucking hard on putting this thing together oh we were talking about the affiliation this is like i fucking brought a hot chick to a party and i went to the bathroom and came back and he's banging her in the hammock
Starting point is 00:54:33 which happened to me one time oh my gosh scarred me i could do that too brandon says 225 strict press isn't that impressive well Well, show us a video. This fucking guy, I announced on the show that I want to fucking snatch a 100-pound dumbbell. And this fucking ding-dong, Brandon Waddell sends me a video of him one-armed snatching 125-pound or 135-pound barbell. I'm like, oh, thanks. It reminds me of 155 Turkish kiddo. All these comments. I'm like, oh, thanks. It reminds me of 155 Turkish. You guys need to go to Jiu-Jitsu and get some humility.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Dude, I did that strict press at the CrossFit Tour in New Zealand one time. Do you guys remember those CrossFit Tours? That was a good event. That was a great event, man. That was such a great event. What's her name was there? The chick from Craig Howard's gym. She fucking murdered there.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Alexandra? Alexandra, yeah. Yeah. Michele? Yeah, that was a cool event. Yeah. God, there were a lot of people there. Bro, that was so much fun. But I do think from an affiliate perspective, I mean, I see it both ways, man.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Because if you keep the fee low, the barrier to entry is low. And so anybody can affiliate and that's good and bad. It's good because you can get people who can get started. And I think that's important. It's bad because you can have people who treat their businesses, not like a business really, and are just affiliated because they like to work out, they, whatever, all of a sudden it could, it could, these gyms that maybe aren't representing as well, because it's more of a hobby than it is a business. That's an issue. I think you're going to remove some of the people who are not treating like a business
Starting point is 00:56:16 by charging more, but at the same time, CrossFit is going to have to provide more to earn that 4,500. Cause like, does that make sense? Like otherwise you're just going to end up with a community where it's going to be like, if you're doing really well, we're 4,500 bucks. Isn't much to you. Then CrossFit needs to provide enough value to make it worth that. Cause you're not just going to spend money to spend money, but if you're not doing well, we're 4,500 bucks is a ton of money. I don't know if you're going to affiliate either because you're probably not treating your business like a business for a long time. Did you even think twice about it?
Starting point is 00:56:42 Because you're probably not treating your business like a business for a long time. Did you even think twice about it? Well, it hasn't happened for me yet. Oh. Oh, so you – I mean – But the answer is no, I won't think twice. Well, yes, I will think twice about it. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Jesus is like, I can't even be bothered. Like what? Like – What? Yeah. I just got an extra 12 months because I just paid mine a week ago, so. That's right. But also he did say like, like uh he he had some tax shit
Starting point is 00:57:07 go on his landlord his landlord in his building passed the tax increase they had the they had the building re-evaluated the value so the tax on the building skyrocketed and they made all the tenants fucking pay for it so suza had to buy not only back pay 16 000 a rent but an extra two thousand dollars a month in rent. This happened a couple years ago. And he's like- On your cam charges, right? Your triple net.
Starting point is 00:57:28 So he's already been, it's like he's been punched in the face twice. So this little $1,500 thing ain't nothing to him. He's like, yeah, whatever. Yeah. And when I say I haven't paid yet, I've paid my fees. They have not gone up yet, just like Sousa's. So when your anniversary happens, they have not gone up yet, just like Susan's. So when, when your anniversary happens, they go up if, if, if, or, well, actually depending. So if you are at like a really
Starting point is 00:57:52 legacy rate, they only go up, I think, uh, 50% or something like that next year. And then they go up the full amount the following year. And I had nothing to do with the decision to increase the rate and, uh and encourage level two. The original idea that I pitched across it actually was I said that I think the fee should go up a little bit, but that they should, this is what I told them, is that let's just say the fee went from $3,000 to $4,000, but I thought they should earmark half of it for the gym to use towards education. So let's just say Sousa pays four grand a year for an affiliation. He gets a $2,000 credit towards seminars. So they encourage his affiliate
Starting point is 00:58:34 owners to educate their staff. That was the original idea that I was talking to him about. Didn't they do something like that though? Didn't with the increase, the earmark? I think it's like $500. with the increase they earmark i think it's like five hundred dollars yeah you know what someone else i heard an idea the other day was when you re-up instead of forcing people to re-up the level two basically tell people if you take your level two you don't have to re-up for 10 years as opposed to if you take your level one it's five years so you still leave it in their in their control. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:59:07 You don't like that? I like that. Remember I made the analogy, like how often do you want your cops practicing shooting and getting instruction? Yeah. You're like all the time. How often do you want your CrossFit coaches getting in there and refining their skill and getting around other like-minded coaches to develop themselves?
Starting point is 00:59:21 Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. develop themselves. ways to save on home and auto so you can totally save just not exactly like dave save like only you can at slash ways to save td ready for you what's 2fa security on kraken let's say i'm captaining my soccer team and we're up by a goal against i don't know the burlington bulldogs do we relax no way time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. So he's just really on the HQ dick. He doesn't give a shit about that. He likes the likes the fee increase like just do what you got to do and level two he'd fucking level three level three suza i'll go level five i didn't know there was a level five at the same time it's first like uh happy philip kelly happy birthday happy birthday 41 years old hey savon how many like how many listeners like is this more like a talk show where like um there have you ever heard in
Starting point is 01:00:53 the bay area like the jv show i think it's called like on 94.9 oh oh that what i used to listen to 94.9 as a kid or i don't know this kid is in my 30s what wasn't it that was a rap station what was it called well 94.9 i don't know what like the actual like whatever is but they have the same show on every morning right and people start to um you only start to uh uh listen in every day and then it starts to become more of like a daily occurrence is that what you've seen has happened wild wild 94.9 yeah that's what it is. Wild 94.9. Have you seen that with the podcast? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:28 That guy, JV, is still there. No, I'm pretty sure JV, actually, he passed away. But they called the JV show still. He did? Yeah. Was it drug? So when I stopped listening to the show, he was starting to get really into drugs. MDMA.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Did he die from a drug overdose? I don't think so the only reason why i brought this up is because that's the only show that we because like they have like this um like that's the only like radio show that i can remember of a show that's like every single morning that's the reason but no unfortunately i think he sadly passed away but yeah do we know uh wild 94.9 radio host jeffrey vandergriff wildly known as jv was found dead wednesday after going missing last month according to officials yeah that's right oh for a while he found in the water near pier 39 do they know what happened to him yeah i think he was struggling with some um health issues for a really long time so mental health uh no i think like physical
Starting point is 01:02:23 something he had i don't know. I actually listen to the show a lot. Why are you beating around the bush? AIDS. He had AIDS? No, he didn't have AIDS. I don't think he had AIDS. I feel like you're beating around the bush like you know, but it's too sensitive for you to talk about.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I know he was going through some personal stuff and he ended up being found in the water. The only reason why I brought up his show is because that's the only one I could think of where it's like daily people are fired up to tune in and that's what i'm thinking like this has turned into for you guys i just want to congratulate you i mean it sounds like you got like a solid crew who shows up every morning to listen to you riff about whatever you're riffing about yep and we got the call in line so every now and then they get some balls and they call in wait so people can actually call in and like do they talk shit or do they just like yeah remember last time you were on someone called oh that guy did he did yeah yeah he had lyme disease oh he had lyme disease that's what
Starting point is 01:03:16 it was it often gave him brain fog so much brain fog he fell off the pier 39 hey i i used to listen to that show and they had a group it was him and a group of guys and they started getting into drugs they started getting into mdma and they started getting pretty weird they started getting like i was like oh shit they're going for it like they started really getting like fucking into the ether and i was like shit i wonder how long the radio station is going to tolerate this oh have you messed around that stuff or what yeah not in 20 or 30 years i said i have some ecstasy in a drawer here somewhere i was gonna say i'm just like oh shit like pulled something
Starting point is 01:03:52 way out of a box in the far back one time now that you mention it it's right here one time i did something nice for i may have thrown it away i think after one of the shows maybe i got scared because like oh no here it is i got scared and made it more accessible yeah look at look at this right here so someone i did something nice for someone at hq one time on the air what are you talking about and they um and they gave me this can you guys see it's two little blue pills yeah which we don't actually know what that is we think they're just gummy bears oh i'm gonna take these when i come to your man man thing so i'll be vulnerable oh ashley savon saying that when he comes to one of the train hard men's club meetups he's gonna take some ecstasy so he's extra
Starting point is 01:04:36 extra prepared ashley's actually downstairs oh yeah he's had ramp what's up? I just keep, I keep seeing, I bet you could look these up online, Caleb. Hey, just add a little piece of that off. Just buy a little corner of that off.
Starting point is 01:04:55 So, yeah. And I have, I have all sorts of drugs back here that I don't do. I have bags and bags of weed back here. I need to throw all this away until, because someone's going to come in here and get me in trouble one day trouble one day me well you have bags of weed just like sitting around there yeah oh my god this can you guys see this that's stamped on the pill oh yeah hey you know
Starting point is 01:05:17 that was pre-fentanyl days too so you could probably like resell that pretty high now that people aren't afraid you should probably go to the store and get one of those drug testing things and see what it is before you take it you gave this to me do i know now that i think about it he's probably been on your payroll yeah he's a he's a he's a he gets around this dude gets around i guarantee you i guarantee you the guy who gave this to me has worked for you. He's been on the NC Fit payroll before. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. People who give out.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He was the really nice guy that gave a lot of hugs. And can you see the private chat? Oh. Can you see it? Yeah. It'll pop up and you can toggle between chat. Oh. Here, I'm going to tell you the guy right now, Jay. There's nothing. Can you see it? Yeah. It'll pop up and you can toggle between chat. Oh. Here, I'm going to tell you the guy right now, Jay.
Starting point is 01:06:08 There's nothing in it. Do you see it? Then he'll. Yeah. You know who that is, right? I don't know if I do. Really? I'm pretty sure he's worked for you before.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I don't know if he has. Okay. do really i i'm pretty sure he's worked for you before i don't know if he has okay i i don't know if he has but uh all these bags of weed i have a whole like holy bags and bags of weed hey you know you remind me of remember that that show weeds with that girl who used to sell uh yeah hayley went to school with that girl dude the real girl the real girl yeah um wait so do you do you like uh no you selling it or what are you doing why do you have so much dude that weed is like four years old 10 years old i grew 50 plants in my backyard and and and then i harvested it 80 of it was molded because i'm in the kind i wasn't in the fog belt but then it was still just like i didn't even smoke weed this friend of mine who's a cop
Starting point is 01:07:12 is like hey dude what are you doing you don't even smoke weed i'm like i know it's just for fun because it's legal he's like dude this isn't fucking legal what you're doing you can't have a fucking whole fucking half acre of weed growing in your fucking yard 45 more plants than leo so it is a good prop i ended up just yeah it's kind of fun right people get excited by it oh dude have you seen that rogue fitness um beer um mug that all the athletes got did you get one bro yeah it's dude holding that one you got one got one. You can tell on his face he's hurt. Hey, I text Bill Henninger and I asked for one. That's probably the worst thing you could do to Bill, ask him for something. I'm like, hey, can I have one of those?
Starting point is 01:07:55 Is this trigger level nine right now? The only reason why I brought it up is because of a prop. I mean, do this thing. The only reason why I brought it up is because of a prop. I mean, dude, this thing, I cannot get it to my mouth with one hand, like legitimately without smashing myself in the face. I mean, it's super heavy. But that's going to be a prop I'll bring on the next one. It's the first thing Dave showed me.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, look at – Oh, fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you, Drop the On Out. You're a fucking you you're a thief stole my shit you're gonna hear from my lawyers you're lucky i'm a fucking controlled uh black belt i got 20 more minutes with you guys
Starting point is 01:08:42 and then i gotta go on a we're doing a we're doing a ig live with you guys and then I got to go on a, we're doing a, we're doing a, a IG live with some guys coming up in 20 minutes. What else are we talking about today? And this morning, what else would you like to talk about? Hey, so, so you're committed to getting your black belt. Oh yeah. Yeah, of course. And what do you, so eight years for a brown belt, that's a, that's moving. That's moving. I'd say it's good, not great. I got my blue belt really early. So I had my purple belt for four years. That's a pretty long time to be at purple belt.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And I competed at purple belt a few times. It was great. It was just four years there. I'm hoping to be at brown belt for a couple years and then, yeah, get the black belt. I'm on the journey, man, uh, four years there. I'm hoping to be at, you know, brown belt for a couple of years and then, yeah, get the black belt. I mean, I'm, I'm on the journey, man. And I'm not stopping until I get there. I mean, it's something I want to continue to do for a really long time.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Um, do you think that when you get the black belt, your training will, um, uh, subside? How often are you training? So right now I'm doing like two to three days a week of jujitsu. And then, you know, I hit it in the garage, hit the gym basically every day. And I regulate like my intensity. Um, so like every day, so you do some practice every day. I train every day of something for sure. Yeah. A hundred percent. Um, so like today would be a good day where I got after it early, but my intensity was like, you know, hard, but not crazy. And then later I could go to jujitsu if I want to.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I'm asking, do you train jujitsu every day? No, just two to three days a week. Okay. Okay. Especially like if I'm with the monsters over at Kyle Terrace, I can only handle that so much. It's just, it's just, it's just on a whole nother level. Um, so if I'm like a traditional gym, I could, I could do it
Starting point is 01:10:25 more often. Um, does that frustrate you that you can't go there more that your body can't do more? Like, does that require like, okay, chill. Yeah. It's just kind of like checking the ego a little bit and rec and regulating my intensity. It's not so much how often I'm doing things is the intensity that I'm driving it at. So if I'm going to jujitsu three days a week and I'm really getting after it, I mean, dude, you're just, you're beat up. And then if you're going to the gym and you're really getting after it, you're beat up. But if I could regulate the intensity and also optimize like my technique when I'm at jujitsu and kind of hit my workouts hard, that's the, that's the perfect blend for me. That's what I was kind of, I was, uh, one of
Starting point is 01:11:02 my buddies who we, uh, he also, his kid, – he trains, and his kid also trains at the gym where my kid goes. And he's like, hey, do you ever get frustrated that the kids are fooling around? But my feeling is if every – if they can get – if 60% of their training is good, I'm happy, and the other 40% is them like fucking off or not giving their full attention or being distracted. But that's all, I'd never thought of it for that reason. I just thought like, Hey, that's still good commit commitment and discipline, but you're right. The kids can get hurt too. Yeah. And like for me in particular, my strength condition is not a factor on the mats. It's my technique that's hindering my, my growth. So on days where I'm not like going level 10, it's actually a good thing because I can actually refine and dive deeper into my techniques and flow
Starting point is 01:11:50 role and that kind of stuff where I'm getting my strength conditioning elsewhere. I mean, both are important. All I'm saying is you got to find a balance with the intensity you're bringing every single day. You see these guys with, got matt frazier's got podium and and um people have different products out there and uh seven's coming out with his own toothpaste i want to hear about this go ahead so i'll let you finish your question i want to hear about your do you wish you had a product for sale like do you ever think oh shit i need something to sell like like like an actual product like can we think about that you or do you have a product we're selling we're now selling uh train hard uh merch underneath the train hard brand which is really so nc fits can be focused on gym owners coaches and brick and mortar super focused there and train hard by jason cleep will
Starting point is 01:12:41 be for the end user athlete who also trains jujitsu and does other things but wants to get after it in their garage or elsewhere and so we sell merch through train hard we sell merch uh through nc fit in our gyms but this is our shop for train hard but no as far as like stuff that i want to sell like supplements and stuff like i've just kind of evolved like i don't want to be in any of those businesses. We'll partner with people like Jocko fuel and others, but I'm not interested in being in any other businesses that we're not like uniquely qualified to be in. And I've learned that the hard way. So for us, we're going to own and operate gyms. We're going to support gym owners on the NC fit side. Cause we've been doing that for 20 years and we love it. And we're going to be focused on train hard and trying to provide programs to people who want to get after it.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And we're going to be focused on train hard and trying to provide programs to people who want to get after it. And that's what we're going to be focused on. That's it. Anything outside of that, like even diving deep into like additional merchandise or supplements or any of that kind of stuff. I'll just let the other people who are experts in that do that. Like I love coffee, but I don't want to roast my own coffee. I'd rather just partner with somebody in the future. But like so jujitsu, you become crazy passionate about that, right?
Starting point is 01:13:51 Like crazy passionate about it. It could be something that you become crazy passionate about. Does jujitsu even have anything? Like, what do they have? They don't have shit. I mean, that's it, right? Geese. But like, so they have ge gis they have training plans they have like bj fanatics like tutorials and stuff like that right but like for me like just because i'm
Starting point is 01:14:13 passionate about jiu-jitsu it's like just because you're passionate about crossfit doesn't mean you should open a gym like just because i'm passionate about jiu-jitsu doesn't mean i should be involved in the business side of that right i can still be super passionate. It's nice if you can monetize your passion. It's nice if you can monetize your passion. Yeah, and the way that I can do that in jiu-jitsu is to say, hey, if you want to get better on the mats with your strength conditioning, we have programs for you underneath the train hard umbrella. But they're not specific for jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:14:37 They're just overall strength conditioning programs. Olson dudes. Good morning, gentlemen. Hi, good morning. Yeah, that's my Buddy Matt You know him I know Matt yeah he's A good dude he's doing a lot of stuff like He um he's a you went to
Starting point is 01:14:53 His event I saw you in the video right Yeah he does like the 24 hour event and He's actually came up to Ava's kitchen which by the Way selfish plug for Ava's Kitchen please it is for First weekend in March Savan I should send you the link it's in the Bay Area and it's a selfish plug for Ava's kitchen. It is for first weekend in March. Uh, Siobhan,
Starting point is 01:15:05 I should send you the link. It's in the Bay area and, it's a fundraiser for pediatric cancer. It is March 3rd, March, March 2nd. And it is the best event you'll ever go to as far as food and whatnot. You have famous chefs cooking and we fundraise a lot of money for the never,
Starting point is 01:15:24 ever give up organization called Nigu. So Ava's is the website. Sorry, Caleb. I think I fucked it up. Hey, I will a hundred percent come to this. Really? Yeah. Hey, so Vaughn's making a commitment that he's coming March 2nd. A hundred percent come to this. What's the role? Ashley says, Ashley says, I'll believe it when I see it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah. A hundred percent comes. There's food there. this what's the role ashley says ashley says i'll believe it when i see it yeah 100 comes there's food there's food there oh dude it's the best chefs in the world cook real time for you and kids and you can bring your kids uh no no it's like an adult only event it's a live auction oh oh because like they auction off these things i mean it's it's like a super high-end uh live auction where Chef Michael Mina. How much does it cost to go there? Tickets are $1,000. I'll be coming by myself.
Starting point is 01:16:16 But yeah, it's great. Dude, if you show up, I'm going to be so stoked if you come to this. I mean, you are going to love it. I hope you bring your dancing shoes, you know? No, no, no. By then, I'll be so rich from selling toothpaste, it won't even – it's like $1,000 will be nothing to me. Hey, talk to me about – so now that I had a chance to plug Ava's Kitchen,
Starting point is 01:16:37 which hopefully people can check it out, Come see us in the Bay Area, March 2nd. Get your tickets. They're on – are they on presale on the website? They're on presale on the website. And by coming, you can actually get to meet Savan if he shows up. And you can always get added. $100 worth of food and $100 worth of pleasure in meeting me. Hey, I'm going to, when I, I'm going to go there, but I'm going to be carrying around a bowl asking for money for people to reimburse me for my ticket. So tell me selfishly.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I'm going to give you a plug on your own podcast now. Tell me about this toothpaste and why is it the next best thing since sliced bread? Is it charcoal? Yeah, it's just tooth powder. I started using tooth powder. is it charcoal yeah it's just tooth powder i started using tooth powder basically i started like looking into fluoride and just anyone who uses fluoride's fucking bat shit crazy there's like no you can't find any evident you can't find anyone who's like yeah fluoride's not a neurotoxin like everyone knows it's a neurotoxin and and all there's there were three major studies one in
Starting point is 01:17:40 china one in uh somewhere in europe and one in the united states and all of them showed with just three if you od on fluoride and it doesn't take much just three times as a child your iq is six points lower it's like just conclusive like fluoride is fucking horrible for you it does make your enamel stronger though it does do that but it's a fucking neurotoxin and um i started using um uh i started brushing with tooth powder and there's only like four ingredients in it it's like crushed eggshells it's clay um uh is it like dude it's crazy so here's show me your show me your tea oh like are they are they pearly whites yeah my teeth are white as fuck and i drink a shitload of coffee and i don't do it any more time now you're zoomed in oh those are nice those are nice oh that's the fun hey you know what bro but i noticed my mom and my
Starting point is 01:18:33 sister had just crazy white teeth all the time but they're not like that fox news blue where i'm just like fuck your shit ain't like you don't even look normal to me you know what i mean hey you know what i think we should do though is send me a link and i'm going to be the first one to buy your toothpaste and here's the reason why i saw a post from alex hormosi pop up yeah and it said something along the lines of like i have to read this to you because this one kind of hit home for me um i'm actually going to these little cop for cleavage says. One quick thing, too. But how is your breath? I floss like crazy, too. I'm kind of addicted to flossing. And so when I think flossing keeps my breath good, but gone. OK, if you don't know what to get an entrepreneur for the holidays, buy their product at full place price and leave them review.
Starting point is 01:19:28 My two simple lesson lenses for friendship. Do they, um, so basically that's really cool. What you just said. That's really fucking cool. Yeah. So basically if you don't know what to get an entrepreneur for the holidays, buy their product at full price and leave them a review. I just think that's so cool. Um, there was another part of it that I saw that I thought was really powerful, but long story short, I think like as friends, something I'm, I'm thinking
Starting point is 01:19:51 about is like, bro, why would, why would I reach out to Savan and be like, Hey man, what's cracking with that tooth powder? Like, let me get some of that instead. It's like, Hey, send me a link. I'm going to go buy it. I'm going to leave you a review. It's just something I've been thinking about the last little bit after seeing this post, just kind of got me thinking yeah i like that hey that's probably one of the nicest things you could do for someone is leaving my review yeah yep so and you're flossing right now i thought yeah how long are you guys going to go on this show for like how many hours will you be on for? We don't really know that stuff. Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:26 Susan was already supposed to leave at eight. What happened? Susan? Eight, 15. Yeah. I'm slacking. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Dude. Well, I got like a, another minute or two before I have to jump on. So we're doing a deaf reset with Jocko, um, Willick and the entire echelon front crew. And,
Starting point is 01:20:41 um, you're doing a warning. They call it the discipline equals freedom reset. And it starts tomorrow. And so, I mean, excuse me, it starts on January 1st and essentially it's weekly emails and all kinds of stuff. It's a challenge. It's a, it's a reset where I provided daily workouts. And then like Leif Babin is providing some leadership things and then david burke as well so by signing up for the dev reset you'll get like in your inbox essentially like inspiration and whatnot for the month of january to get after your workouts to get up
Starting point is 01:21:17 early to learn something new all kinds of different stuff it's like a reset to jumpstart your 2024 and we're about to do a ig live about it right now where do people where do people sign up for it i'm pretty sure it's def but let me um i'm just going to it right now it might be the def reset hey how did you feel doing the podcast just like on a regular computer without your setup you okay with that me yeah um yeah i think it's i mean i don't know how do you like it i liked it i thought you killed it i thought it was good oh shit i'm what's that it's like a link in their website you can go to the def reset there
Starting point is 01:21:58 yeah i just put it in the private chat there you go so you have a warning order the breakdown and so yeah, that's what we're going to be doing. So I'm about to go live with those guys here in a little bit. Um, Chris Pratt actually just promoted this, the, the deaf reset. So hopefully it'll get more people to do it. The reason why my kids are so fucking amazing is because I have crazy, crazy boundaries set for them. And then inside of those, they're free as shit. Like I couldn't agree with it more. Like just the, they have so much fucking discipline because of that. They're so free. They can just, they know the rules go.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Yeah. They know the rules go. I love what you're doing with the kids, man. I, um, I loved it. I'm super stoked. If you can make it out to Ava's kitchen, I think you'd love it. I'm, I would love for you to come out to one of the workouts that we do just to kind of see the, the like really grassroots where we're trying to do on a regular basis. It's not, there's no, there's no frills. There's no, there's no hype. It's just show up, do something hard, get sweaty and move on with your day. So, um, I'll, I'll text you when the next one, I think we're doing one tomorrow morning. Oh, what city? Uh, Los Gatos always in Los Gatos.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Well, actually Santa Cruz, we do Santa Cruz too. All right. Hey, I was in Santa Cruz two days ago with my daughter and downtown actually did not look that bad. No, no, it's, it's not you. They move the, you mean like the encampments? Yeah, like the homeless problem didn't seem, yeah, it didn't seem that bad. I mean, I was down there at the Verve Coffee downtown and it was actually pretty nice. Yeah, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Well, gentlemen, I really appreciate all you guys. Thanks for all the listeners who are on here and commenting and being a part of it. And Siobhan, I remember like a year ago or maybe, maybe longer when he first started the podcast, you're like, no plan B, you're going to build this thing up.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And I was like, dude, fuck. Yeah. Like, you know, let's go spawn. And it's cool to watch you guys build something pretty awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:55 So hopefully, hopefully it's paying the bills. And now the toothpaste will, you know, put you in that mansion on the Hill. Thank you. Yeah, buddy.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Thank you. All right, guys. Have a good one. All right. Jason Kaliba. Thank hill. Thank you. Yeah, buddy. Thank you. All right, guys. Have a good one. All right. Jason Gleba. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Sorry for triggering you. Hello, sneaky. All right. Hey, you want to go? You ever want to go to one of those, the train hard ones?
Starting point is 01:24:25 Dude, seriously, I really would go. But morning shit is just horrible for me, dude. Morning is horrible for me. I'd have to get up early as fuck to get out there, too. If they start at 5 a.m., I'd have to leave my house at like 4. Are you fucking kidding me? If they start at 5 hey did CrossFit
Starting point is 01:24:48 repost what Agrasiano posted let's find out standby for trigger level 10 I don't know if to be upset or happy it's just fucking crazy that's the break this is so great I don't know if to be upset or happy. It's just fucking crazy. That's the break. Oh, this is so great.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I don't need any credit. Oh, fuck my idea. Hold on, hold on. I don't see it on their Instagram. Peace and love for everyone. I don't see it on their Instagram. Is it on the training one? Let's see.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Here's the thing, dude. I hope CrossFit did repost it. Let me see this. No, I don't see it on the thing, dude. I hope CrossFit did repost it. Let me see this. No, I don't see it on the training one either. Okay. So. I think that would be good. Good.
Starting point is 01:25:39 As Shaka would say. Good. Someone's trying to piss me off. Me? No. No, I'm not seeing it it i'm getting bad intel oh okay uh uh fuck off that's amazing and all right That's amazing. Oh.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Okay. We have someone crazy on this evening, right? Yeah. Charlie Lawrence. Yeah, that that's gonna be really cool fastest uh fastest um 50 miler 50 miler yeah it's insane hey how do people how do people buy a membership people keep asking me how to do that can can you can you um can you just be real quick? Go to our YouTube channel. Yeah. And then you go to this part right here. Where it says join.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yep. Well, I can't do it, but you click join. And you just follow the prompts after that. But what if someone's listening on their phone? Like, I was listening to Barbell Spin yesterday, and I was like, I pushed every fucking button on there, and I couldn't figure out how to join his group group can you i think you could only do it from the computer they may not have a mobile version of that you can't do that on the phone app oh great let me see youtube's so
Starting point is 01:27:16 fucking crazy hey do we even know how we're going to put have we even tried publishing anything behind the for members only yet no i'll try that today in the afternoon what like you are you going to do something like yesterday i filmed myself lifting for the first time in ever so there's two lifts one of them looked good one of them looks terrible i'll upload both those for people's okay so later on to if you remember exclusive member content today will be a test oh look amy look at look at you just we just got one amy amy shampoo hi amy thank you what is that last name chipotan chipotle i can join through my phone app.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Yeah, Ryan. Fuck yeah. How'd you do that, Ryan? Yeah, Ryan, tell us. Please call in and tell us. Tell us. Tell us. How did you do that? Oh, here we go. Call her. Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Okay, how do you do it hi hey hi am i on the air you are oh no i i just want can i sing a song oh that would be awesome thank you please a happy birthday song to Philip Kelly. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Let's do it. Let's do it. Happy birthday to Mr. Philip Kelly. Happy birthday. I love you. I love you, too. Do you know how to join the membership on your phone, caller? I'm on the phone!
Starting point is 01:29:09 It's a podcast! I'll be right up! I'm human! I think that whoever that is needs my toothpaste. Bye. Thank you for calling. Oh, Ryan's got an Android. So can you not do it From an iPhone
Starting point is 01:29:27 Alright I had to be Lindsay Mercado I had to be a desktop version Of YouTube So that you can use the join button The thing is, is it should just be right here.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Like give me your fucking money. Call her. Hi. Yeah. Uh, Ryan took what I was going to say. I have an Android and it was just a simple join button. Click.
Starting point is 01:29:56 It verifies your, uh, card. Easy days. You remember, why do you have an Android? Is it, is it a cost or is it, you want to be different or like why, Why do you have an Android? Is it a cost or is it you want to be different?
Starting point is 01:30:07 Why does anyone buy an Android? I have a simple answer. It's my work phone. Oh. Makes sense. Do you think people do it for status? Like they want to just be different? You know what?
Starting point is 01:30:21 My brother-in-law, he's a big techie. And he does a big techie and he just like he he does a big dive into like tech stuff so he just feels like as though like android is a better product for what he does anyway yeah okay all right again i'm not gonna argue that android yeah i just looked it up and i hit the uh the arrow down button that opens everything up and it was just a join button. It was like a blue button. I just clicked it and it went right into my Google Play account and I subscribed.
Starting point is 01:30:52 If you go through Chrome on your iPhone instead of the app, you'll be able to join. Oh, great. Was that Michael Jackson that just called in for Phil Kelly's birthday? Yeah, from the dead. Holy shit, that was scary. I'm out. I love you. Bye. was scary i'm out i love you bye bye i'm out too love you guys bye everyone did you know uh matt souza today will be giving premium
Starting point is 01:31:13 content we need to run a test right and so he's going to be sending uh he's going to be sending a video maybe i should maybe i should hey i wonder what would you do you would maybe i should just let me see uh go to what would i do i'd go to um upload is it under uploads create upload video i wonder if i have anything on my desktop now I can upload and just test. Oldest OpenX CrossFit game prep. What is this?
Starting point is 01:31:56 Colton Mertens and Jack Farlow. What is it? Oh, no. These are podcasts. I need just like a little short video. What is this? Quick time. Okay, what is it?
Starting point is 01:32:13 Oh, Magic of CrossFit. Oh, yeah. What if I just upload this really quick? Let's see what happens. And then, so, okay, so I just uploaded something. And then so okay, so I just uploaded something and then playlists Okay, no, it's not for kids go to next select monetization I'll just go to next. I'm not even gonna fuck with that. Oh
Starting point is 01:32:41 Okay, fine on done Next None of the above submit rating next next Oh members only I see it everyone Everyone can find your video, but only members can watch it Everyone can find oh, that's scary That's scary. Oh Oh, no, that's cool. Oh shit all members media director ceo. What's the highest level? Ceo I call her CEO, what's the highest level CEO?
Starting point is 01:33:25 I call her. Hey, I'm going to do this for all of us. Okay. Hey, good. How are you? Hi. Good. I had a quick question. I want to get your take on something. Yeah. I'm going to be a dad for the first time in March
Starting point is 01:33:41 and I wanted to know, is the only acceptable time to work out before or after the kid is awake? Is it bullshit of me to cut out and work out during the day when I could be helping? How old's the kid? It's not born. It's going to be born in March. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:58 You just take the kid with you. You just put it in a stroller or, um, like what I used to do is i used to put i just lay out a bunch of blankets like before the kid can crawl and put it way far away right so there's not in a fucking million years could anything bounce or roll over there i mean like and and just work out with the kid there i just took the kid yeah shit i don't know why i didn't think of that that's so simple listen i have years and years of experience i'm a fucking wise guy i have a wise wise man i'm a sage just sitting on a mountaintop with fucking just wisdom pouring from me can i ask you this as a follow-up because my wife sometimes when i get home from work she'll she'll uh and then i want to go work out when
Starting point is 01:34:43 it's just us she'll be like you just got home now you want to leave and work out yeah is it is that bullshit of me no i mean no no she should support that 100 she should be she should be like uh absolutely go get it and you should do the same to her like fucking go get some she should kiss you and be like honey you better fucking push it's funny because she does say when she's in that mood she does say make sure you throw up or it doesn't count yeah yeah she should be just fully um you always no matter what even if she doesn't mean it she should fake it like no like like okay so i'm gonna get off the show today and the first thing my wife is gonna
Starting point is 01:35:25 say is like um hey what are you doing today i'm like baby anything you're gonna do and i know she wants to make some plans like to do something like get like her fucking something waxed or go to the meat store and get brisket or she wants to do something i go hey listen the rest of the day i'll do whatever the fuck you want. Even if I don't mean it. Every time. You tell me. Because it's who I want to be. Because it's just who I want to be. And hey, you know what? She does it to me. And I think she might even actually mean it.
Starting point is 01:35:57 She's not like me. She's not faking it. Were you always like that? No, no, no. Okay, okay. Nope, just got old. Okay, okay. Nope, just got old. Just got old.
Starting point is 01:36:14 All right, so was that intentional that you became that way, that selfless relationship? I don't know. That's a good question. But life is so much better and easier now that I am like this. Yeah, that makes sense. So much more relaxed. Hey, I have yoga at 4 15 today i want to go to hot yoga and like no matter what i have on my schedule i'm like no problem even if it's a fucking podcast i would move it but i have to tell you also my wife is better at that game than me so it's like a competition to who can fucking you know what i mean who can yeah because my next question was gonna be
Starting point is 01:36:45 we don't do any of this she's walking all over you yeah no no not at all so tons of couples do this thing where it's like i went out with my friends now it's your turn to watch the kids and i'm gonna go with my friends like my wife and i first of all we don't have any friends and we're so we don't go anywhere without our kids and we're so old we never played that game like we don't go anywhere without our kids. And we're so old. We never played that game. Like we don't do any of those games. There's no fucking scorecard. But so many couples I know do that. And that like I just could never do that. We play the opposite game.
Starting point is 01:37:14 It's how much can you get the other person to do shit? Like how much can you do? As opposed to like, yeah, well, you went out Saturday night. So now I get to go out this Saturday night. We don't do any of that shit. That's so impressive, man. That's so hard to do.
Starting point is 01:37:30 I'm 50 though. I'm 50. That's the goal. Yeah. I'm 50. It's funny you say it's hard, but it's actually like the easiest thing to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Once you get in that mindset, dude, it's so easy. Just give, just give, give, give, give,
Starting point is 01:37:41 give. But Hey dude, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'll, I'll come in the fucking room in the middle of the night also and she'll be fucking sound asleep and I'll fucking drag her legs fucking sideways and put them on the floor and have
Starting point is 01:37:54 her, you know, in that position where she's half on the bed, half feet on the ground. What are you talking about? You know what I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah see. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah. At first, I was like, does she have a seizure? Are you talking about the recovery?
Starting point is 01:38:12 No, no. Yeah, thank you, Rambler. Rambler knows. Yeah, Rambler is very sophisticated. All right, right on. Well, hey, I'm going to get off. Let you guys get back to the show. But one thing you said.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Congratulations on the baby. Congratulations on the baby. Oh, thank you I'm going to get off. Let's get back to the show. But one thing you said. Congratulations on the baby. Congratulations on the baby. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You only get upset. Here's the best wisdom I can give you. And then you can tell me about getting out of my head. You'll never get upset if you're calm and patient, like if you're not in a rush. So anytime like you sense yourself getting upset at your kid, just be like, Hey, I'm in no rush. Who cares if I'm late? Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:38:46 If the movie starts, who cares if I'm late to this? And all of a sudden all your problems go away. Never be in a rush and you'll never be angry at your kid. Okay. What were you gonna tell me? Wow. I would have never thought of that.
Starting point is 01:38:57 But what I was going to tell you is one time in this show, and I've never been able to get this out of my head. So I think it's the truest, wisest thing you've ever said is that a external thing can never bring you true happiness. Yes. And, um,
Starting point is 01:39:10 that changed my entire view of being a consumer. And, uh, and I've now I'm 100% convinced that the best thing for me to do with my money is to try to get to a point where I can retire and just have a life that's as peaceful as possible, as quick as possible. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:39:27 That was genius when you said that. Yes. Hey, do you have windshield wipers on? Yeah. That's nice. I'm in Michigan. I'm sorry. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:39:35 It's raining here too in Cali. It's raining all over the free world right now. Not here. Oh. Yeah, yeah. Caleb's looking out at the sun. There's snow on the ground. I don't want to take up everyone's time.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Thanks for the insights. Okay, love you. Bye. All right, bye. Don't want to take up our time. You just took up our time. What the fuck are you talking about? Can you even take up time? Can you even take up time?
Starting point is 01:40:06 This caller has permanently made Seve intolerable. I see. I agree. Hey, at least you don't have to deal with me the rest of the day. I should get off now while I think I'm cool as shit, right? And on a high note. Uh-oh. My wife just texted me. I hope she's not listening to the show. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Oh, I was thinking about being like you know 15 to 35 years old right now in the United States and just all the fucking gnarly shit you've had to go through you can't even do
Starting point is 01:41:04 like 70, 000 of your fucking peers have died from fucking fentanyl overdose your fucking whole generation uh uh was fucking coerced into getting a fucking injection and you don't even fucking know the the byproduct the out you don't you don't even sure what the outcome is going to be of that you fucking your peer group thinks that george floyd is a hero i was just thinking about just how fucking and now while your fucking country's falling apart you think it's okay to fucking worry about what's going on in gaza even though young men are having fucking cardiac arrest at a fucking worry about what's going on in gaza even though young men are having fucking cardiac arrest at a fucking alarming rate it's like you're living your own fucking genocide in
Starting point is 01:41:50 your own country and yet you're in college protesting uh for something going on a gazillion miles away. 15 million Jews. 1.8 billion Muslims. But you're fighting for the marginalized people that are the Muslims. Like what the fuck is wrong with people? Fucking dipshits. Alright, that's it. Hug a Jew. Hug a Jew.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Hug a Jew. Oh, they're finally flooding the tunnels. I'd like to see that. I flooded a tunnel last night. Hug a Jew Thursday. Everyone knows. Trash didn't come yesterday. What do you think is going to happen?
Starting point is 01:42:59 I'll make a post on my Instagram. What do you think is going to happen? My wife, I had a desk in here and I drug it out. And my wife, you know, like three times a year, like the trash will pick up some shit that they're normally wouldn't pick up. So my wife used like my K, let's use some of those. So I drug this crazy 200 pound fucking desk out to the front yard. Into the street. And but I also had a old shelf bookshelf that I drug out there.
Starting point is 01:43:47 So last night she's like, hey, they told me that if you drag more than one thing out into the front of the house, you got to tell them. I'm like, Oh, so what do you think is going to happen? You think they're going to take both? Or do you think that they'll take just one? Or do you think they'll take neither? No, not 20 pounds, dude.? Like, I had to have a talk with myself while I was dragging this thing out. Like, I had to, like, seriously have a talk with myself. Like, hey, don't be a pussy. It hurt. It really, it hurt me to drag this thing out. Caleb, you probably would have manhandled this fucking thing. But for me, like, it was, I had to have a talk with myself. Like a big wood desk? Huge wooden desk.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Fucking ridiculous. You know what's crazy? It was probably an antique desk that my mom spent $3,500 for back in the day. I had it in my office. I didn't want it anymore. I just drug it out and just took a fucking circular. I thought I was going to chop it up with a circular saw. No, wasn't able to do it. Then it rained on it and destroyed it for the last like two weeks and so now it's
Starting point is 01:44:30 just like this yeah i probably could have called an antique store and they would have picked it up and give me a thousand bucks for it yeah absolutely it was one of those big massive lawyer desks where someone can sit on either side of it and had a huge sheet of glass that covered it and the legs are all ornate and shit. Yeah. Facebook marketplace would have made a killing after that. Yeah. Someone's excuses for his lack of physicality hurt my feelings.
Starting point is 01:45:00 I just am what I am. Anyway, what do you think is going to happen? You think they're going to pick up both? I think they're going to pick up both. I live a charmed life. They'll pick up both and they'll leave a note. Oh, saying you used, because you only get three of those pickups a year. You think they'll be like, hey, we charge you for two pickups or are you allotted two of your pickups? If you've never done it before, they'll just leave you a note saying, hey, by the way, this is, you're only allowed to use this.
Starting point is 01:45:23 I think the garbage man is going to leave a note. Dude, the garbage people here call me when my shit's fucked up. Yeah. So I think they'd do the same. I put a TV set – two years ago, I put a 42-inch TV set in my trash can. They came. They pulled the TV set out, leaned it up against my fence, and took the rest of the trash. I was like, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:45:45 The next week, I put the TV set back in the trash can, big flat screen. They took it out again. So I guess you're not allowed to throw TV sets away. I guess there's some law against it. So now for two years, I've had this 42-inch fucking flat screen TV just leaned up against the fence in my yard. Some ghetto-ass shit, huh? Yeah, that's super ghetto. Walter, my garage people leave me poetry.
Starting point is 01:46:09 What? Christine Young, you can't throw away electronics. Oh. Oh, it's not good for the earth. CEO! Yeah good thing it's December Yeah so if you're talking to me yeah because then all my I'll get three new ones in January You get three a year so I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:46:36 Use up all my like big items like you know Where they the garbage company will take three big Items a year yeah Progressives Think that 70,000 people dead from fentanyl in 2021 were conservatives in red states, so they're happy with that.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Dude, I saw this thing. This is, I think this is so funny. This guy calls AOC ABC. This is the I don't know. Oh, Kevin, what's up, dude? Hey, thank you. Hi. What's up, Kevin Budd?
Starting point is 01:47:25 Welcome to the show. Once you become a member, all sorts of good shit will start happening in your life, by the way. Caleb, don't keep a straight face, dude. I agree. Okay, good. Okay, listen to this. I'm going to play this like three times. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Oh, ABC. Oh, hey. You're going to condemn Hamas and the terrorist attacks here or what? You know the three branches of government yet? You are such a loser. You are so stupid. You are the worst. You suck.
Starting point is 01:48:04 You are the absolute worst. Cond are so stupid. You are the worst. You suck. You are the absolute worst. Condemn the Hamas attacks. Go bring some more COVID back from Florida. It's executive, judicial, and legislative branches. You're horrible. Keep laughing. Keep laughing. You and Ilhan Omar, two peas in a pod.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Two peas in a pod. Close the border. You're doing a great job. Enjoy your Christmas shopping while we care. How good is that? I feel like it's more aggressive to call somebody a loser. I feel like you're a loser. He calls her ABC.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Oh my goodness. Oh, ABC. Did he adjust his dick right before that shot? Like he puts the camera down and like slides his penis over? It kind of looks like it. And what are those pants he's wearing?
Starting point is 01:49:01 That is some gangster shit. Just crazy pants. Oh, hey. It's like quilt That is some gangster shit. See? Oh, hey. It's like quilted or some shit. It's not a black guy, is it? Sounds like a mixed dude. You gonna condemn Hamas
Starting point is 01:49:18 and the terrorist attacks here or what? You know the three branches of government yet? You are such a loser. You are so stupid. You are the worst. You suck. You are the three branches of government yet? You are such a loser. You are so stupid. You are the worst. You suck. You are the absolute worst. Condemn the Hamas attacks. Go bring some more COVID back from Florida.
Starting point is 01:49:35 It's executive, judicial, and legislative branches. You're horrible. Keep laughing. Keep laughing. You and Ilhan Omar, two peas in a pod. Two peas in a pod. Close the border. You're doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Enjoy your Christmas shopping while we care. Right there. He does a little nut adjustment. ABC. ABC. God. You're a loser. Sonny Carver that's helpful It takes a brave man to heckle a woman on the street
Starting point is 01:50:10 So much more productive than becoming active And really trying to bring about change Extraordinary effort Man I'm gonna call her ABC ABC was hilarious hey man she she thinks it's okay for the victim class to steal I think that makes her fucking enemy number one against um I think that makes her enemy number one they're just hungry people Seve are you able to give people free memberships on your end dude I don't
Starting point is 01:50:46 I seriously don't I literally just now live on the air did my first thing ever with it I posted I posted something for the members I don't even know what just something was sitting on my desktop I suck I suck as bad as ABC I suck I suck at running YouTube as
Starting point is 01:51:02 bad as ABC sucks at running this country so I don't know I suck at running YouTube as bad as ABC sucks at running this country. So I don't know. Does anyone know? I hope I can't. I really don't want to be able to give away free memberships. That would suck. I think people can buy them for other people.
Starting point is 01:51:25 I think that's what that means. Oh, are you able to give people free memberships on your end? I want to give a couple people a membership, but there's no gift option. Have there been gift options for other people for other? Like I think coffee pods and wands can do it. Look at Eric Weiss. You posted the magic video.
Starting point is 01:51:45 Wow, thanks. It just was a test. It's just something I had on my desktop. Now you know. Hey, this ain't CrossFit. You ain't getting more for your... Like, you're going to get something special from those guys for that extra $1,500.
Starting point is 01:52:05 This is just a test to see, just, just, this is just the whole, this thing's, I don't know what this thing is. You're going to get the behind the scenes a little early, like a couple months early. Like, I don't know what, I don't know what more value I could add to your life. So I'm here at 7am every day. Like, what else can I do? All right. day like what else can i do all right uh tonight i'm speaking of added value tonight for members only that's not true it's not for members only um uh uh oh uh cave dastro pedro has a gift option
Starting point is 01:52:37 but not here i think it's because the lowest tier here is 9.99 whereas it's 4.99 another channel $4.99, whereas it's $4.99 on another channel. I don't know. Okay, I'll look into it. I'll have Sousa look into it. I'll have Caleb. Caleb, will you look into it? Yeah, I'll look into it.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Can you gift? What would you say? Can you gift YouTube memberships? Or just ask maybe how, maybe Pedro has set up. Within the live chat, tap membership gifting. Select the number of viewers you want to give memberships complete the transaction maybe there's a video on how to do it how to gift a membership i don't know how to fucking order a membership. Come on.
Starting point is 01:53:33 To receive a gift, you have to opt in. In this video, we'll cover how to do both. Oh, you have to opt in to be eligible. First, what is membership gifting? During a live stream or premiere, channel members can buy gift memberships or gifts, which are non-recurring one month memberships of that channel youtube will then give these gifts to other viewers of that channel viewers who opt into membership gifting will be eligible to receive one of your gifts and get one month of
Starting point is 01:53:54 access to channel membership perks you have like loyalty badges custom emojis and more this is a way for you an existing member to publicly support your favorite creators and grow their membership base you may even get a shout out from the creator or community in the live chat for your support you may get a shout out to get the membership join the channel's live stream or premiere that you're currently a paying monthly member of no membership gifting is this is definitely gonna get flagged you think yeah you can't share YouTube shit? Is this from YouTube? Oh, I don't know. It says YouTube viewers.
Starting point is 01:54:33 I don't know. I imagine that. Then select membership gifting. From there, select how many gifts you want to buy. Finally, complete your transaction. Once you bought your gift, there will be an announcement in the live chat with your name and how many gifts you bought. You'll also see a countdown ticker that highlights your purchase in the live chat for others to see. Any viewer that receives a notification in the live chat that you sent them a one-month membership gift...
Starting point is 01:54:56 He keeps saying this thing where you have to opt-in. Like, what do you mean opt-in? You have to opt-in that you can take it before you can... I don't even know what the fuck that means. It's, like, so confusing just just make it simple what's your credit card thank you now leave jaco fuel oh i went to the private chat and i saw the jaco fuel thing oh damn i'd like to give five co memberships so five people can watch the behind the scenes yeah i'd like that too jesus
Starting point is 01:55:38 uh go back to uh go back to Go back to no membership Yeah just don't buy one And then you'll be You can stay there forever Can we get the Caleb Tranny emoji What Wasn't
Starting point is 01:56:04 There was an Instagram account I found one time It had Tranny Caleb Oh that guy Sean M he manages to Say the same thing 20 times Without ever telling you how to actually do it Yeah Alright Um Alright
Starting point is 01:56:26 Um I'll see you guys today at 6.30pm Pacific Standard Time I'm off Caleb thank you Sure Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Bye

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