The Sevan Podcast - Jason Khalipa & Rich Froning #987

Episode Date: August 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 We're live. Good morning. I thought I was late. Mr. Gleepa. Where are you? Hey, guys. What's up? Jeez Louise. Good morning. There he is. I see him. He's coming in. There he is. Working out? Taking a shower?
Starting point is 00:01:23 You working out? Taking a shower? Dude. You working out? You taking a shower? Are you working out? You taking a shower you're working out taking a shower dude you're working out you're taking a shower are you working out you taking a shower good morning i take a shower you did take a shower then i and then i got all into this casual conversation with my wife and i'm like oh shit i'm gonna talk to jason in two minutes bro you got to be ready for it you know uh i was not i have not taken a shower yet today i was in the garage getting uh getting a little something something and now we're uh we're uh we're right here are we live are we live we are live hey do you do you prefer to i used to have this kind of um uh like almost this need my armor was to be at least work out within 30 minutes of doing a
Starting point is 00:02:04 podcast so i would be sharp like sharper than my guest it was like cheesy you know what i mean like sharper than my guess yeah it's like a cheat code right yeah because it's early it's 7 a.m at your house so you already worked out yeah crazy well i was well no for me i mean to be fair like i um my morning routine especially when the kids are back to school they went back to school recently um yesterday um i don't like get after it in the morning but i go in the garage like this morning at six we were in the garage and i just do some like reverse hyper i do some stretch i do some basic bike um as uh as the kids are are getting after it so i'm coaching them
Starting point is 00:02:41 i'm coaching ava in particular and then i'm I'm just kind of moving, getting, getting my body ready. I train hard later in the day. Your daughter already has been in the gym today. Every day. But at seven, but at seven Oh two, I just kissed my kids. They were in bed. Yeah. I mean, she, she, every day she's, she's just in there in the morning.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah. Jump starts her day. And even worse than that. And it makes me feel like a lazy piece of garbage. Yeah. Even worse than that is that she does a cold plunge every day. She's just in there in the morning. Yeah. Jump starts her day. And even worse than that, and it makes me feel like a lazy piece of garbage. Yeah. Even worse than that is that she does a cold plunge every day, which is just crazy. She's already done a cold plunge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:14 No, I'm serious. It makes me feel like a piece of garbage, man. Hey, do you see her get high from that? Do you see, you do see that? You see like, oh shit, shit my wife my daughter just did a line of blow like you see her go in and come out and she's on fire you know you just see a total mood change you know just like a it's just it just sets the tone for the day yeah it's it's definitely different for sure i just put on comments now i see that we are live i wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:38 don't do it jason oh i'm getting off the comments i'm getting no i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking do it do it uh good morning that's a good day yeah, no, that's that's kind of now that we're back at school. That's kind of a routine before during the summer and stuff. You were traveling out. We were doing different things. So it was just a little bit different. I see school as like this indoctrination camp, and I see it as the bad guy. What do you do with school? How come you don't see it the way I see it? What do I do? Oh, you mean homeschooling?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah, like why do you send your kids to school? Like I see the schools as bad guys. I'm like, oh, my God, they're going to teach my kids some shit that's either not true, that they're going to believe, or they're going to teach them something that I don't think is age appropriate. Why? And by the way, I wasn't born like this. I was like, fuck, if you don't send your kids to school, you're a weirdo. So I kind of made this I've made this journey. What do you what do you like about school?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Oh, man, that is such a deep question. So I would say you've already worked out. It's like gloves are off, dude. I'm fucking coming at you full time. I actually wrote my questions of kind of like niceness to assholeness yeah yeah but this one's not even on the list i'm just going straight off by warming this guy up and then i'm just gonna give it to him um you know that you know what it is so you know matt boudreaux right yeah and his model is a little bit more progressive in the sense of like um i love his schools i love his schools yeah the acting academies uh you know an apogee strong what he's
Starting point is 00:05:11 doing there is pretty remarkable right but to answer your question i think that is that where your kids go no oh okay my kids go to a normal private school and to answer your question i think that there's um varying degrees so I'll give you an example. Maybe this isn't the best example. You only have like a certain amount of discipline bucket. So imagine like you have a bucket of discipline and during the day you only can expend so much before it's just gone. And so for me, I use that discipline on things like training, on things like eating well, on things like whatever. But some days I don't have the discipline and I'll admit it to, you know, do a double day or to go on the cold plunge. I just don't have the discipline.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I just, I don't have it in me because I've just used it up on all this other stuff. And when you think about with school, it's completely different analogy. It's like, there's only so much you could be like progressive and thought process and like where you want to go. And I think we do a lot of things to try and get there, but taking traditional schooling and not going that route, it just, it was just a step too far for us right now. You know, I think the school we go to has a good blend of like, you know, good morals, good character, good religious school. Yeah, it is. So it's incredible, but, but they don't, it's not, it's not, it's not, um, force fed. It's not, it's not aggressive. It just teaches good morals, good ethics, treat people well. And the people there,
Starting point is 00:06:32 what I like about the school is that the parents are trying to lift each other up is the, is what I get is, is not like a com. It's not like a battle between, Oh, you're rich or you're poor. You do this. You're a mechanic, whatever. It's no, no, no. How can we support this community to level us all up? Because it's a small community. So for those kids, how many kids? And yeah, and both your kids go to the same school. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So it's like dress code. Yeah. Oh, OK. I love it. I love it already. So so so it's, you know, I guess the reason why I brought up like the discipline thing is that, you know, when it comes to like, you know, my relation relationship with my wife and my family and my kids, there are certain things that I really strive for, right? Like regularly exercising, going out there, doing different things, like really trying to be progressive in the way that we're trying to raise the kids and think about it in terms of like life is going to be hard and we need to try and expose them to things. But when it comes to school, I feel like we found the right fit for us. But if
Starting point is 00:07:29 other people want to do acting academy or homeschooling like rock and roll, but I think that we're getting a lot out of this school. Yeah. Uh, uh, Mike, uh, poor boy. I went to Valley Christian high school in San Jose and I'd agree they weren't aggressive in terms of shoving the Bible down our throats. I don't even mind that actually. But, um, even, even though I'm not a religious person, um, I wish I had more Bible shoved down my throat. I wish I knew more about the Bible, but, um, is that the school your kids go to the one he just mentioned? No, no. I went to, Oh, Valley Christian. So Valley Christian high school is like, you know, no, that's, that's a high school. There is a feeder school that goes into it,
Starting point is 00:08:04 but no, I mean like my wife and I, we met at a private Catholic school called Archbishop and then we went to a Jesuit university, Santa Clara university. So we've had that background too. It's what's normal for us is what it's, what we've known. So that's one of the reasons I think we've explored that for the kids, but you know, it's the one, it's also like what you make it, man. Like, dude, I'm, I'm heavily active in the men's club. I am. We are fully engaged when it comes to like assistant coaches for the teams. Like we are there all the time. And so we get to meet parents and get to surround ourselves with good parents, with good families to level up, you know? Yeah. Hey, you like spending time with your
Starting point is 00:08:41 parents with my parents. my parents are awesome man like and so are my wife's parents like they're awesome too like we're super blessed dude like you know like some kids some kids don't want to spend time with their parents oh that's right yeah i mean i'd like to think you know and matt matt budro and i actually we just released a podcast today with him about like um factory reset so like if you think about it, like when your kids are born, it's like a factory reset to like a zero. And then they have all these inputs into them and you're, you're a part of those inputs. Now, if you send them to school, obviously there's a bunch of other inputs that come from there. But I think that we have the opportunity to,
Starting point is 00:09:19 to guide and to, um, control those inputs. And, you know, according to Matt and I agree with him, like, dude, his kids are, you know, a 12, 13, you know, according to Matt, and I agree with him, like, dude, his kids are, you know, 12, 13, you know, so are ours a little bit older. And they seem to still like us. I think it's because we're developing that relationship. Like you are with your kids, man. I see it. Like you're engaged.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You're, dude, you show up, you know? And I think that's going to create, I think this idea that like, as your kids get older, you don't have a relationship. I think maybe it's because when they were younger, you didn't, you didn't develop it the right way. Perhaps.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I don't know. I'll find out. My mom told me that my mom said, if you, she said, you're going to have a great relationship with your kids. I said, why do you say that? She said, because if you invest time in them now, when you get older, they'll put that time, you know, back into you. And I see it when I wake up in the morning, like I, my mom lives in the area. When I wake up in the morning, I always
Starting point is 00:10:09 think, Oh, I wonder what she's doing. I wonder what I can include her in today. Like I want to hang out with her. You know what I mean? I want to shoot the shit with her. I want, I call her just like a friend and just shoot the shit with her or just whatever. A hundred percent, man. And I see what you're doing. And I think it's inspiring, you know, and it's, it's inspiring for me and I'm trying to, you know, lead by example and do the same thing because you only get one shot at this. And I want to make sure that, you know, I don't look back on it later on and be like, damn, I could have done something better, especially when it comes to, you know, being a parent. And it's not always easy, man. You know, there's a lot of, it's, it's not easy,
Starting point is 00:10:39 but I think as long as you're showing up and you're trying your best, you're going to get better every day. Hey, the reset button. My mom comes from this school of thought where like you're born who you are. And I'm like on the total opposite end. I'm like we talk about this all the time. I'm on the end of like you're not born who you are. Like I'm more like you're born with a clean slate and your shit gets programmed by all the people around you. Do you have any?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, man, it's, that's a tough question. You know, I've, I've met a lot of families who are like, uh, you know, were adopted and things like that. And I think when you see like adopted families, you start seeing certain personality traits that come out from maybe, you know, the donor, whatever, whatever. But I do think you're a product of your environment, right? Like if you're loved, if you're cared for, if you're taught the right things, if you're, if you're taught empathy, kindness, if you're, you know, all the things that, you know, I think make a good human. I think those things carry over and you could, um, make up for the, maybe what you're genetically disposition to be like. But I think that if you aren't raised in that level of care and whatever, I think those
Starting point is 00:11:43 personality traits just go even bigger like imagine when someone gets rich like if you're an asshole and you get rich you just become a bigger asshole but if you're a good person if you're a good human and you get rich you're still gonna lose all your money you're still gonna be a good person right right so it's really the way that you're surrounded i think and and And, and that's what I've, you know, and like you, man, like that's the most important thing to me right now. What do you think about this along those same lines? This is a pretty big pivot, but there'll be these people who'll be like, I'm rich or I'm famous and I'm good at something. And I don't really know who my friends are because people just like me because they're, because I'm rich famous and i want to be like hey dude people just liked you for something else before that too like there's there's this real negative um uh
Starting point is 00:12:35 thought around people who use you or that being used like using people or being used is like some sort of bad thing right so like the people who the people in your life a ton of them use you they use you for inspiration they use you for your gym they use you for your work ethic they use you because you have kids you know what i mean like like the the and there's like this negativity around it and i'm like no it's okay like drop that like they use i mean well i think when you see people. You don't want to be taken advantage of. Well, you don't want to be hurt. But if you can help people and people can use you, it's like, fuck, to me, that gives me value.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Well, and I think like, you know, for me, if you look at like your relationships, let's just say like the 10 closest people. I think, you know, maybe something I was misguided in is thinking like, let's just say I had a business mentor. So when I was young and I was coming up in the gyms, I had some phenomenal business mentors and those people were, were, I was inspired by their work ethic and their sales process, all this stuff. But I might be able to take certain things that I want to take from them and then have other people in my life where I'm inspired by other areas and take that from them. So let's just say with you, I'm really inspired by your ability to be a dad, your ability, your fatherhood, but I'm not really inspired by, I don't know the way, whatever other part of your life. Right. But go ahead, let it out, Jason. I don't know. Whatever. Right. Like I, but the point is, is like, if you surround
Starting point is 00:13:57 yourself with a group of people, right. You can identify certain traits and characteristics in each one of them and then start pulling from them. And then you want to become like the best of all, right? You want to become like the best of all of those things. And I think that you're not necessarily using people. You're getting inspiration from people. Now where that changes is like, if someone's rich, the only reason why you're doing something with them is because you want to be able to use their private jet and go stay at a nice hotel. Like that's not cool because you don't actually like their company or like them as a human being. Now you might enjoy those other things, but you've got to still enjoy them as a human. Otherwise you're just scum, you know?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Okay. Let me, let me push back on that a little bit. All right, let's do it. Let's do it. You don't necessarily, like there's people that I've not necessarily liked and then they had kids and then I, and then I liked them and I, and I, and I, I learned to not to accept the things maybe I didn't like about them because I like having our families together. Yeah. I like having our families together and that would have never had. So there is a kind of a bit, God, I don't, I don't know what the word is, or if someone had a big van you know let's say it's not even a jet and they could drive my kid places even though i don't let my kids out of my
Starting point is 00:15:08 sight especially not the big van yeah maybe maybe it's not maybe the thing is is it's maybe uh i like maybe the way you started going with it it's not that i like to be used or i think it's okay to use people it's like hey that's really not the right narrative that's not the right like to be used or I think it's okay to use people. It's like, Hey, that's really not the right narrative. That's not the right story to say. Yeah. And I mean, not to use that word. Things do change when you have a family, right? Like, let's just say you, you create great. And the real, so it's almost, okay. So maybe this is the way you could look at it. Savan, you have like, you're dating somebody, but there's certain characteristics of them that like far outweigh the negatives of that individual. It's the same thing. Like when you find a family and you have two kids and they both get along with your two kids, or in your case, three kids, you have three kids and they
Starting point is 00:15:52 happen to have three kids too. And you, they could all be skateboarding. Well, you could kind of like, you'll still hang out with the dad because like overall it just works. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, that's, I think that's the good start piling up more that's right that's right and perspective changes when i had my windows tinted illegally i was selling weed i always drove too loud my i had four 15s in the back of my rabbit um i hated cops now i have two kids i fucking love cops i. Because I'm not doing anything that conflicts with them. And the people who do do things that conflict with them, I don't want them anywhere near me.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Dude. You know what I mean? Like, my whole perspective on them changes. They went from being the enemy to being like, wow, can you just be everywhere I'm at? Dude, 100%. I mean, I never really had, like, a super negative connotation in the police. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Fuck those guys. They take your weed do we we we go uh uh it's funny how things change right now in california it's like oh yeah you want to smoke some weed anyways um but yeah we're doing a monthly classes for law enforcement at the gym just trying to you know help them get fitter so hopefully a lot more show up i watched your your, I was the person, I was the only person who watched your podcast on kettlebells and cocktails. That view I got is me. And on that show, you sound like you're, are you going to become a men's only gym?
Starting point is 00:17:18 No, no, no. What's going on over there? You got some problem with women? Are you anti-woman? No, I'm just trying to help dads level up, man. It's, it's just something that, you know, I feel like for me and where we're going is just leaning into a demographic of like hard charges. I want to train hard. And if you're a woman, great. Um, but I relate, obviously I come to it from a, from more of a dad perspective. We talked a lot about being a dad on that particular podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And it's just something that I'm really, dude, I'm really dude i'm just that's how i've evolved over the years you know i went from wanting to be the fittest on earth and winning the crossfit games to now be able to provide protect my for my family like that's that's really important for me and i'm sure it is for you too um and so no we're not gonna just be for guys but um that's an audience that really you know calls to me is like you know i see guys that at we're talking about school you know i calls to me. It's like, you know, I see guys that we're talking about school. You know, I see guys, I'm like, dude, I want to do a monthly fitness activity for the men's club. Like I want to be able to provide tools to dads so they can show up better and play with their kids. And I think long-term it'll create better young men who will then create, you know, it'll just spawn off. Um, and that goes for women too. It's just not
Starting point is 00:18:23 something that like, you know, I can only control what's in my control. And I could speak to guys, I think, because that's where I'm coming from. Have you, have you gotten, obviously I was joking. I know you weren't going to do a, but a men's only gym, but you really are pushing this, um, embracing sort of this, like you said, Matt, Matt Boudreau or ted kennedy or like um or even this clip let me let me play this clip for you here this thing that jordan peterson saying you you really are embracing this um this mentality right here let me play this here for you here we go you're gonna love this might as well be you saying it i think men should be dangerous by dangerous that implies i should be ready to threaten someone, to hurt someone.
Starting point is 00:19:07 No, you should be capable of it, but that doesn't mean you should use it. There's nothing to you otherwise. Like if you're not a formidable force, there's no morality in your self-control. If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well, right? If you learn a martial art, you learn to be dangerous, but simultaneously you learn to control it. Both of those come together. And the combination of that capacity for danger and the capacity for control is what brings about the virtue. Otherwise you confuse weakness with moral virtue. I'm harmless, therefore I'm good. It's like, no, that isn't how it works. That isn't how it works at all. If you're harmless, you're it works at all if you're harmless
Starting point is 00:19:45 you're just weak and if you're weak you're not going to be good you can't be because it takes strength to be good it's very difficult to be good saying men should be you almost want to be you're almost like making princes like you believe in that like you you you like the idea of a man which which says nothing about women you don't you you women do what you want play football make money stay at home have kids you're not saying anything about women but you want to make men who can ride horses wield a sword bring home food protect their kids um carry their wife out of the carriage if she falls asleep uh to her bed like you're you you want your that's what you're you're into You're, if you fully embrace that now.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah, I do. I mean, I want nothing more. Like I want nothing more than let's just say 10, 20 years from now for someone to come up to me and be like, dude, your son, he's the most compassionate, compassionate, loving individual I've ever met. And he also stood up for me when that bully came and talked to me and he had the capability to do so. Like that would make me so proud, right? What would make me proud is, is, is having a vision of success where I don't think you could be, you don't, you could be both things. You could
Starting point is 00:20:57 be loving, caring, compassionate, emotional, and you could also be a badass. And I think you, I think that's our job to train them. And I think you're doing the same thing, dude. Like you get your kids in a jujitsu and martial arts. Do you think those kids don't have better self-confidence and with more self-confidence, they can carry themselves in a different way and they could, they could approach situations in the same way, different way. And they could, they, they will never, I guarantee, I can't guarantee, but I, it's highly unlikely if someone does jujitsu as a youth and for many, many years that I ever see them going to bully somebody else because they have the self-confidence.
Starting point is 00:21:30 They don't need to go boaster. They, and I don't know that that's where I'm at, man. And I want the same thing, by the way, I want the same thing. I want my daughter to be independent. I want her to be confident. I want her to be aggressive when she needs to be. And those are important skill sets. This world is going to come at people hard. And if we just keep them in a bubble, I think we're doing them disservice.
Starting point is 00:21:50 What do you think about the notion of men and women competing? Has that come up with your daughter? Like, I don't mean in sports. I'm not talking about like the leah thomas thing i'm just talking about like um just like hey you are a woman you you don't need to compete with the man you you don't you you can be an absolutely you can just fully embrace what it means to be a a good woman i don't even want to say strong woman yeah i mean i think that they're right as opposed to like i'm comparing myself to to what men need to do out there yeah i think they're both completely different. Like women have characteristics and strengths that a man can never have. They could carry a, you know, a child that could birth, like they could do things that we can't even fathom. And they're powerful and independent for that. Um, men have other characteristics that make them powerful and
Starting point is 00:22:40 successful. And I think that that's why it just works. And I think when you try and compare the two, it's, it's difficult because they both bring different things to the table. And that's why it's wonderful. I mean, you know, I've seen women do things that I've seen, you know, Ashley and I've seen other women do things that I don't think a man could ever do aside from birthing children. I'm talking about just in general, like being tough, being mentally resilient, being strong. And those are characteristics that I feel like, um, you know, I'm inspired by, I also want that for, for young men as well. Right. So I, yeah, I don't know if that answers your question, but I get inspiration from both. Like, I mean, dude, think about this way. Um, Savant, like in, in the most difficult time of my life it was ashley that that threw on the pants
Starting point is 00:23:28 right and stepped up to the plate and said hey man like get your shit together basically right that wasn't me that was her yeah yeah you know i mean um it's my it's interesting there were some decisions early on uh medical decisions that my wife for our kids that the same very different than yours very different than yours but um not not not uh foist upon us like yours were yours were like fucking immediate and right then and there with the cancer thing but there were some decisions that she took and ran with and i thought and she didn't have my support i acquiesced and now years later i'm like oh my god thank fucking lord right holy shit they just know man they just know holy shit and you need that like if you want to be uh like if my job if my role and as i'm getting older is to protect provide for the family to to be, uh, like if, if my job, if my role, and as I'm getting older is to protect, provide
Starting point is 00:24:26 for the family to, to be, uh, uh, masculine energy that, that also is loving and caring, et cetera. You need the, the, you know, the feminine, uh, uh, powerful, independent, uh, woman also like Ashley just do, she, she runs the shots. Like shots like i i i don't know how it is in your house but i might think you know you might think you're the boss you're not the boss dude i'm the boss until i'm not so like i'm totally just running shit and then she's like no that can't go there i'm like okay sorry okay sorry and then i yeah then i just move it i take it outside or whatever hey so tonight we're gonna go do this no no actually we're doing this okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah totally i'm running the schedule 364 days a year i think i'm the shit we're doing this no we're not doing that oh yeah
Starting point is 00:25:09 of course i'm sorry yeah i didn't mean that um i had this i had this uh um thing happened to me in the airport the other day it's like yeah it's not it's not a big you get recognized for being the CEO or what? Yeah, I did. I did. But I was in line to get on a flight, and a guy was in the wrong line, and he was with his two kids. He was in a line next to me. He was in pre-check, and I wasn't in pre-check. And he comes flying out of pre-check, and he's fucking pissed, and he has his two kids with him, and he's completely irate,
Starting point is 00:25:48 and he's in confrontation with the TSA person saying like, hey, it's bullshit, I have pre-check, and you're saying I can't go through because my son is 13. And he's so fucking angry. So he gets in line behind me, now he's in my line, and I can tell he's pissed, and he's calling people, and I see another tsa agent come up and the guy's name was like gama or something little asian dude i go mr gama and he
Starting point is 00:26:12 looks at me i said hey dude this guy right here he's late for his flight he's got two beautiful kids with him and could you possibly get him through he He stood in the wrong line for 40 minutes, and he looks at him, and the guy looks at me, and he gets him, and he takes him. And for me, like, I don't do jiu-jitsu. I'm not formidable. I, like, that took, like, I saw him, and I'm like, wow, I could be that guy.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I could be totally flustered and want to fight with people to get my way. Like, you know? And for me me that was like one of the most manly and he took him he's like of course and he takes the guy and the guy looks at me and says thank you and he takes him and they go up to the front of the line and he's gone and for me that was like one of the most manly things i'd ever done yeah because you stepped up and you supported right even though it wasn't shit i was like i felt like my balls drop a little bit
Starting point is 00:27:02 you know what i mean? It was crazy. But now look at that lesson though, for the kids. Right. So my kids weren't there. Unfortunately, I couldn't be like, dude, I was by myself. But you know, last time we're having dinner with some friends and, um, my, my wife had been at like sushi earlier or whatever. And there was four people sitting at a table and they basically ended up screaming and yelling at the waiter and just walked out, didn't pay their bill. And it was just, it's just one of those examples. Like, you know, when you have kids around, man, you know, they, they're picking up on all these things. So if you're freaking out, if you're yelling at people, they're going to think that's okay. And that's not okay. Like, I don't care what is going on. It's not okay. Being out of
Starting point is 00:27:39 control is not okay. Yeah. Or being rude or disrespectful for people because you think you're better than them. Like, dude, come on, get the fuck out of here and i think that's that's that's something that kids pick up on i mean i wish they had been there in your particular case like i'm sure there's been many other situations where you've done things like that because you're a good dude you know people not like that for me that took for me that took some courage and i feel like i learned that from my wife actually i feel like that's the role my wife normally plays like if i'm on the phone with someone fighting she's like give me that and she yeah, actually. I feel like that's the role my wife normally plays. Like if I'm on the phone with someone fighting, she's like, give me that. And she calms it down.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yeah. She gets it done. Dude, you know what the thing about it is, man, you get on a flight. I've been traveling a lot and flight attendants are always at a level 10, man. They deal with so much bullshit. They deal with so many people that are so rude to them. But I get on the plane. I try, you know, be kind and generous.
Starting point is 00:28:24 But sometimes these people, they're just not even interested in having it because they've just been dealing with just jerks all day long and they're having long flights. But I'm glad you shared that, man. I mean, it's just one of those things where, you know, as a, as a guy or, you know, and I hate to even call it just like a guy or girl, whatever. It's just, dude, I'm in control of who I am. I'm a man and I want to be able to be the best I possibly can be for my family. That's what I'm in control of who I am. I'm a man and I want to be able to be the best I possibly can be for my family. That's what I'm trying to do. And I want to lead the best example I can be. My wife always tells me, she's like, don't yell.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You don't not yell at your kids because yelling at them is mean and it sucks. You don't yell at your kids because it shows that you're out of control. And if you're out of control, people are never cool. The coolest people in the world. So do you want your kids to be fucking cool? I'm like, yeah. She's like, well, then stay in fucking control. Dude, I was walking with my kids. This is like during COVID, right?
Starting point is 00:29:11 Super crazy times. In California? Yeah, dude. Triple crazy, triple crazy. Dude, it's super crazy. So we're walking between my house and my in-laws house. It was like a, I don't know, mile and a half walk. And we get like halfway.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Is it still like that? You still live that that close to him we're probably like five miles now but yeah okay and so it's like mile and a half in and uh and dude i just hear this girl screaming like just screaming at the top of her lungs i mean just just screaming let go of me blah blah blah blah just screaming i'm just like oh shit and so we're walking down the street. And at that moment, I just hear it down like an alleyway. Just, I mean like this, this is like, like level 10 screaming, not like level two, five. And so I'm with the kids and I just like made this instant decision. I'm like, I'm going to go help this girl out. Like, like there was no other option, man. Like you would do it too. Like you just, it was so blatantly like this woman needs help.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Anyways, I walk down the alley. It's pitch black. I'm like, hey, kids, Ashley, just stay over here. Is it nighttime? Oh, yeah. It's pitch black. I get to the end of this alley and I see a van. I'm like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Holy crap. I'm walking down this alley. There's a house. It's a house. It's one of those long driveways to the house. In the back, there's a van. I'm walking down. I'm walking down this alley. There's a house, right? So it's a house. And it's one of those like long driveways to the house. And in the back, there's a van. So I'm walking down. I'm walking down.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I keep hearing it. Let go of me. Let go of me. You're hurting me, blah, blah. I'm like, oh my gosh. So the family's over here. And so I probably walk for maybe 100 yards, maybe 50 yards, whatever. And I get down.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And I see this guy throwing a girl in a van. And I'm like, oh oh man, I was like, shit. So I walk up to this guy. I'm like maybe 20 feet from him. I was like, Hey man. I was like, what are you doing? Like, and he just looks at me and I'm like, oh boy, one of two things are about to go down. Right. And he goes, this is my daughter. She just took 20 pills. She's going to overdose. I'm taking her to the hospital right now. You can call the police.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You can do whatever you want, but I'm just letting you know, I'm taking her right now to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. And I was reading the situation because here's this girl who doesn't want to be in this van. It's exactly what you would think it would be, but it's because he's a white guy and she's a black girl. And you're like, wait a second. You can't, it was whatever. And then you see the mom trying to get out of the house. But anyways, long story short, right. It was what it was. It was exactly what it was. This guy is just
Starting point is 00:31:32 trying to get his daughter to the, to the, um, to the hospital. But it was, it was, I, I walked back to the family and I'm all kind of like, you know, like, you know, fired up or whatever. And it was just a cool moment where, you know, I had a choice just like you did at that moment, like to, I had a choice, like either have walked down the alleyway or I could have not. And I'm glad I did because I would have always like, you know, I would have always wondered what if, and then also having my children see me do that was, was cool because it just showed like, that's the type of people we need to be. Like you want to be able to help others. Because it just showed like that's the type of people we need to be.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Like you want to be able to help others. Yeah, that's a crazy story. Was your wife at any point like, Jason, do not go down there. Like we need – this family needs you. Don't get fucking killed. No, I think at that point too, man. It was just so aggressive. She was angry at you. She wanted you to get taken away.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah. I just think the screaming was so aggressive that there wasn't really another option. You know what I mean? I don't know. Like sharing the story now, it's like it doesn't it'd be like why would you ever do that but when you heard it it just like it like it's like your baby crying you're like dude i want to go soothe it it's the same thing like hearing this girl like literally just like dying and you want to go help same idea different but you know i mean i hear you jeremy world jason uh wes uh pyatt and i run a very
Starting point is 00:32:47 similar men's dads group let's talk okay do you know who that is jeremy of course yeah okay yeah everyone is oh yeah well i know jeremy and i know wes yeah let's talk most yeah be good is that the first you're hearing of it yeah yeah i mean i think that you know um like i said yesterday i was at a men's club like kind of like a little whatever and i told the guy i'm like look man like i i want to help law enforcement first responders and i want to help dads because that's an audience that i like can't relate to that's an audience that i i could actually make an impact on and like if a dad loses, I mean, imagine if this guy's at work all day carrying 20 pounds, then he comes home
Starting point is 00:33:28 and he has a 10-year-old son that wants to go play baseball. I mean, I know how it is with my son. I don't know how it is with your kids, but it's like, dude, let's go do this. Let's go do that. Let's go do this. It's like, man, it's exhausting. Imagine if you're wearing a 20-pound weight vest all day.
Starting point is 00:33:39 If we could help them get rid of that, all of a sudden now they could show up better. Yeah, my kid's asking you, all of a sudden there's two six-year-olds and eight-year-old there's a massive demand on not only it used to be just be physical now it's intellectual too they have so many fucking questions they've sticking their nose in everything hey try to look at my phone when i'm using my phone i'm like dude what the fuck are you doing hey dad how about this yeah they got ideas yeah you know we did uh by the way just like a um so my son's nine my daughter's 12 we uh we got uh my son a apple watch because he could track him and we could call him we could see where he's at but he doesn't have
Starting point is 00:34:17 all the access to all the apps and stuff like that so i don't know like it he likes it he we need to get him like a cover or something because he feels like he's going to break it. So he doesn't want to wear it. I'm like, well, dude, that defeats the purpose. I need you to wear it. Oh, he's already got a little OCD, some OCD shit. I was like, bro, just we'll put a cover on it. We'll get you a new one.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah. We'll ball. No, we don't ball, but we can make it work. Savant, what is this? Savant would have speed dialed the cops. Yeah. So what? Savant would have walked down there but you know going back to what you're saying about like my my initiative like if 10 years
Starting point is 00:34:52 from now my son was in a similar situation i would hope that he would do the same thing and i i think we need more of that and i think that it's my responsibility to help train him so he could feel confident in those situations to be able to go do it. You know, I started jujitsu seven years ago and, you know, stand up, um, wait, tie for that particular reason. Like, dude, I'd walk to the airport and people would tell me all the time, like, Hey, I don't want to mess with you. You're so, you know, whatever. Right. Like, you know, how it is like all these crossfitters walking to the airport. It, it stands out. It's like, holy shit. What are these people doing? And I'd always have people see tim paulson it looks like he could run through a brick wall 100 yeah and you know and i'd always have people come up to me and say things like oh i don't want to mess with you this
Starting point is 00:35:33 and that and it and it would always i'd always think about it like well i'm really good at a lot of things i could walk down my hands all the way down this airport but i didn't really have an experience in as much in fighting and so that really opened my eyes to like an area of improvement that i could have had and that's why i started jiu-jitsu is there is that let's say you had never done jiu-jitsu yeah and i'm talking to you or whatever yeah no let's say you done muay thai yeah and and but let's say i'm talking to you right now and you've never done jiu-jitsu and you haven't done Muay Thai. And when was the last time you did Muay Thai before you, like when you trained 10 years ago? No, I mean, I sparred, I was doing some basic sparring like a year ago.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I hit the bat. But I mean, even before then, I mean, I mean like 10 years, like before you did jujitsu. Okay. So let's say you haven't done any Muay Thai or, and you never don't, don't know anything about jujitsu. Could, could have like 135 pound female black belt fuck you up right now uh if i hadn't been doing any jiu-jitsu yeah or muay thai in the last 10 years i think you know girls who are like 135 or black belts you're like holy fuck if i didn't do jiu-jitsu this bitch would fucking tie me in a knot i i think so dude because what
Starting point is 00:36:43 they would do is if you try to like let's just say push them or grab them they would just like do some type of basic sweep and i imagine just like funnel around and take your back so yeah i'd say i'd say yes the answer is yes i think they would yeah well you think so too right i mean dude the shit like i can't fucking pass my my six-year-olds and eight-year-olds guard unless i unless i cheat like i have to like basically be like threatened like to break a limb off or something yeah dude i'm telling you crazy i mean and and and you know if you get you know top mount or back mount if you get someone's back i mean i don't care how small you are i mean like if if one of my kids gets my back like even if I'm trying to get them off, if they have their hooks in, dude, I'm screwed.
Starting point is 00:37:27 So if you know how to get there, I mean, yeah, you can dominate. I mentioned your name to some high-level jiu-jitsu practitioners the other day in a jiu-jitsu club, and they were telling me some people that you had recently beat. I don't want to say the names, but they like holy shit yeah they're like this dude's really good and yeah jason beat this dude oh i don't know man i just i just try and get after it you know it's like it's just a nice way you know i think if anybody's listening to this and they're interested in trying to go get privates go try it out hit that hit the gym hit both you know it's just a
Starting point is 00:38:01 beautiful blend and it also keeps it fresh you fresh. If you're just doing CrossFit every single day, you're hitting the gym, sometimes I think you forget about the benefits it's giving you outside the gym. You got to go outside the gym to really feel the benefits of what the gym and CrossFit's really providing you. And in particular, like jujitsu too.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Are you going to Worlds next week? I'm not because I have a wedding. Otherwise, I would be competing in Worlds, yes. How do you put a wedding above the World world i'm the best man in a wedding i mean yeah i'm in the wedding otherwise i would totally go but next week i'm going to the origin camp which is like a week long of jiu-jitsu that should be cool oh yeah what's the guy's name who owns origin pete is well he's like there's pete but bald dude big dude yeah pete oh yeah he's big yeah he's he's big he's strong and then he was at the games i think i met him like 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:38:52 yeah or not 30 minutes he was there for like a day he's big dude he's super big and uh and jaco's big too you know so both those guys will be there um i didn't get to interact with Jocko too much, but I saw him walking around a few times. Yeah. He looks like he's probably like 5'10 with like a 24-inch inseam. He has shorter legs than me. He has a 42-inch waist and a 24-inch inseam. I couldn't believe how short his pants were.
Starting point is 00:39:23 He's just built like – dude, he's just built like dude he just built different bro like hell boy he's built like hell boy his bones look like if he was the head but you your head would explode like yeah he just looks that strong you know i mean like wow yeah i would not want to be on the other side of him uh being angry at all he that man there were so many people around him too i was thinking man that must be he must really enjoy his alone time. Yeah. I think, you know, I think naturally he's actually more, um, introverted than you would think. Not, I mean, he's not an introvert, but I think he does like that, like kind of like solace and quiet. And then, cause we were at dinner and he was relatively reserved. And then once we started talking about things that really interested him,
Starting point is 00:40:02 he started, you know, opening up more and more and more and more but yeah he gets hit up all the time i mean think about it like dude he's got anywhere he goes i mean he's recognized for sure this um this guy to the origin guy that that's a gi company right so what dave introduced me to him he was he was and i said hi and we shook hands and d Dave said to me, hey, this guy's a black belt. And I said to the guy, oh, I'm a black belt too. And he goes, you are? I go, uh-huh. Black belt in what?
Starting point is 00:40:32 You know, podcasting, drinking coffee. But yeah, he's a big, so they started off with geese in the jiu-jitsu space. And now they have a variety of other things, right? They make some hunting gear. They make, they're making some like fitness stuff. They make a variety of things things, right? They make some hunting gear. They make some fitness stuff. They make a variety of things, but they make it in Maine. So it's all U.S. made. So I'm actually going out to their factory next week.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Hey, do you have aspirations to get your black belt? Oh, yeah. I'm getting my black belt. At some point, I'll get my black belt. I'm hopefully getting my brown belt in December, but I'm getting my black belt. I don't care how long it takes me but I'm getting my black belt. I don't care how long it takes me. I'm getting my black belt.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah. And this area that we're in is notoriously a – like you wouldn't want a fake black belt in the Bay Area. No. You wouldn't want a – honestly, dude, you wouldn't really want a fake black belt anywhere. I agree, but this seems like a pretty tough area that we're in. What? I don't't want a fake brown belt like dude i want to i want to show up and be like oh that that guy deserves that belt
Starting point is 00:41:30 and until you do you shouldn't want it and i think that changes like when you're early on in your game you're like dude i want to get belts fast and the more you do jiu-jitsu you realize oh man i don't really want belts fast because it gives um you know it adds a layer of pressure that you want to be, you know, the top dog in the room at that particular belt. And if you're not that good, you should just go down to a different belt. You know, what's funny too, is when you're a kid, they have all the, when you have a kid, there's this like belief that like you have, you have less patients. So they have all these extra belts. But the truth is, is my kids have been doing it four to seven days a week since they've been for four years, Avi. And he's still, he's still just a gray belt. He's only on
Starting point is 00:42:11 his second belt. I mean, they have left, they have three belts within that one belt, but still he's just patient, just cruising, cruising along, putting in the work. The kids in jujitsu, you know, the belt system is a little bit different than in karate. You know, it seems like, and this is probably a stigma, but in karate or Taekwondo, it just seems like they're using the belts as a money grab sometimes and as an incentive program. I've heard that about taekwondo, that if you do, that you can actually check the boxes and get through. And in jujitsu, it's like what the teacher thinks about you, just straight up. Straight up, dude. There's no formal criteria. It's just like, teacher thinks about you, just straight up. Straight up, dude. There's like no formal criteria.
Starting point is 00:42:45 It's just like, hey, do you roll at this particular level? And have you been doing it long enough? Even if you're really good, they're not going to give it to you unless you've been doing it for long enough where you have to earn it. I think just the built system is just a little bit different. And yeah, anyways. Have you been down to AOJ? I haven't been there, but I've talked to those guys a few times the
Starting point is 00:43:06 mendez brothers and and well i've gotten connected and then you have um the rotolo brothers right are they down there too yeah they're down there i think they were i don't think they are now okay i mean they're down there i don't think they're at that gym now but i think they were there okay yeah no i'm i'm uh no but i've, you know, I've gone and I've trained with, uh, I trained with Gordon Ryan once. That was an interesting experience. Wow. Wow. Yeah. And so, uh, yeah. What was that like? Oh, dude. I mean, for those of you who don't know who Gordon Ryan is, he's the greatest no-gi grappler of all time. Like, and he was super cool.
Starting point is 00:43:40 He was a great training partner and it was just obvious that he was different. You know, you actually trained with him? Or you just, you actually went and trained with him? Yeah, but we were doing rounds from he had mount, then I had mount, then he had mount, then I had mount. It was just rolls back and forth. Could you stay on top of him? I mean, dude, like, I think I stayed on top of him
Starting point is 00:44:01 when he wanted me to stay on top of him. Right, okay. It's just like one of those things. Like, it's like we were talking about, he was just playing with me, you know, is he big too?
Starting point is 00:44:08 He looks some photos. He looks massive. Yeah. He's big. He's, he's, he's a big dude. He's,
Starting point is 00:44:13 he's tall. He's big. You know, Tim Kenny's pretty big. All these guys have been Nikki rods, big, like you've had Nikki rock on the show. He's big.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah. Yeah. These guys, dude. Yeah. But yeah, he's done a good job for that sport. You know,
Starting point is 00:44:24 I think with crossfit i think if people if there was athletes who somehow did what he's been doing for jitsu i think it would be good for the sport of crossfit but it takes a certain personality and it takes someone who's really dominant to be able to get away with it hey i see you're um you're drinking out of a two-brain business cup yeah that's a cool cup yeah oh shit you got my cup i got your cup i thought about you and i was like you know what i'm gonna use the ceo cup this morning god your hand makes that cup look tiny so that's uh that's chris cooper's company um what do you think about this they're doing the surveys again this is the status of the
Starting point is 00:45:03 state of the industry thing this thing i'm so blown away by this what do you think about this i got an email this morning about it actually chris cooper text me um this morning so i gotta go take a look at it but is that the one where he's asked go ahead read it on the air right now let's hear it well i'll help you respond to it email no the text oh the text just says check your email yeah the text says the text. Oh, the text just says check your email? Yeah, the text says check your email. Hang on. He says da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. He's editing.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Jason just edited out some secret shit between him and Chris. We published a state of the industry guide with data from 12,000 to 16,000 gyms. Here's last year's guide. We mailed it to a few thousand gyms. Obviously, we weren't cool enough to get the, the, like you, um, we partner with these different,
Starting point is 00:45:48 I begged for it. I begged for it. I begged for it. The hard copy. I get right in the intro or pockets. Oh, so I think, I think he actually wants us to share the link to the survey.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Uh, yeah, that's what he, so they hit me. I got that same email. Okay. And I'm pumped. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I've been sharing it with everyone. Dude, we need more of that because also you need to be able to show what's real and what's the expectation. And, and, and so I, yeah, I'm excited to check to deep dive into the email. I just, I got it this morning. I was training or whatever. I was like, I'll, I'll check it after I'm done talking to Mr. Savant. Yeah. You work with just kids and you got on a podcast and it's 7am. Hey bro, I'm just trying to be a hashtag CEO, you know, trying to be like you. But, you know, using this cup, all jokes aside, I like it because when I think about like a CEO mindset, it's that, you know, you're you're in control of your own destiny. You got to go out there. You got to go put in the work. And the best thing about being a CEO like you are is that,
Starting point is 00:46:40 you know, success or failure really relies on you. So with that, there's obviously pressure, but also excitement, because if you put in the work, if you strategize well, you'll be successful. No one else is in control of it but you. To get more of these sponsors on the bottom, like space your feet or whatever. Yeah, those aren't even sponsors.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Oh, they're just people you like? People who give me money. Oh, well, all right. Well, shout out to Paper Street Coffee. Who else do you shout out right now? Hey, i i'm just really defensive of and proud of it because i have relationships with all these people and we didn't reach out to any of them it was all it was it was all just people like either through the comments or whatnot and like so we have another group of sponsors but these are all like people like who am i like might consider like you know my homies oh dude bro you just got a 19 dollar uh uh oh yeah yeah yeah this guy's great this guy this guy do you ever do anything like do you ever say like hey
Starting point is 00:47:31 if you guys give me 19 bucks i'll take off my shirt or anything like that do you ever do anything like that jason please please no no they're gonna start doing that shit to me cheers to the olsen dudes cheers to two good dads and great leaders. Thanks, man. Hey, you see how high it goes up? You know, like, suppose on the way back from Madison, the flights got all booked up, and it started off with, like, $500 giving people,
Starting point is 00:47:54 you know, on the way back. And then it went $750,000, $1,500 for credit. And after $1,500, you had a bunch of people that took advantage of it. Oh, get off the flight and let this dude on. Or just supposedly, so this is what they said. This is kind of sketch, dude. So they said that because of weather or whatever, they had to go around a certain location. And so they were adding more fuel to the plane, but as a byproduct, the plane got heavier.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And so they needed eight people to get off the plane because otherwise there wasn't enough fuel to get them to where they wanted to go. And I'm thinking to myself, dude, eight people at 200 pounds each, that's like 1600 pounds. How the hell can 1600 pounds make a difference between a plane making it to his destination or not? Like that's, that's kind of scary. It is scary, but, but hopefully they have some crazy, like, um, I should have brought up the shirt thing. going yeah some crazy some crazy patty in there uh mike pool boy uh dollar 99 take it off hey i'll tell you what if someone gives savannah 100 bucks i'll take off my shirt wow yeah 100 bucks mint trading cards uh take your shirt off uh jason oh mint trading cards this is wad zombies uh group and And I have my Alex Kazan.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Hey, has he ever approached you to do a trading card on you, Jason? No, but I have one of these. Hang on. How come he hasn't done that? I have one of these from a while ago, that Reebok. Wow. This is like an old school, like real, and it has like some finishes on the back. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Here, check this out, Siobhan. You'll get a kick out of this. Should I kick Jason off now and bring Rich in? Just like Jason moves off to the side and I'm like, bye. So this is the 2008. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Go ahead, Jason. Show your medals in front of Rich Froning. Go ahead. Show him your medal in front of the champ. What you ahead, Jason. Show your medals in front of Rich Froning. Go ahead. I'm showing the old school one. Go ahead. Show him your medal in front of the champ. Go ahead, Jason. What you got, Jason? Hey, champ, champ.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I was just showing around my office or whatever, and I was showing him this old school 08. Oh, nice. Hey, that at least has some character to it, you know? Hey, it's old school, man. I love it. Hey, you jumped on at the perfect time. Perfect timing.
Starting point is 00:50:10 If someone offers $100 that I'll take off my shirt, if someone gives Siobhan $100, I'm sure someone will offer you at least $200. Dude, we get $10. He already came in without his sleeves. That's right. They fell off on the way here. I was doing a pump sesh.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Jeez Louise. Got to get that muscle back after all that biking. Hey, Rich, remember this one? That shirt right there? Oh, dude. My Team USA, I guess, stuff is probably my most coveted. It's the only stuff that's actually out. I have no idea where any of my metals
Starting point is 00:50:46 are. If that's as bad as that sounds, I think they're in a closet or in my sock drawer. Hey, Rich, you got some funky audio going on. Funky audio? I think you sound good, man, except for a little crinkly against your beard. Is that what it is? It might be here.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Look at that already solution. Just pull shit apart to fix it that's what he does just pull pull it apart hey if i had known rich was going to be on here i would have worn my tank top too the plan was to kick you off before he came on i was that any better the plan was to only do 45 minutes with each of you rich are you okay if i leave jason on here 1000 okay i do relive some old memories hey i was just saying i was saying if I knew Rich was going to be on I would have worn a tank top oh man
Starting point is 00:51:28 I think the girl guests are different they don't want other girls on here oh really they want to have the whole floor to themselves either that or it's part of their competitiveness I don't know if it's so much selfishness we're past that I think we're too old.
Starting point is 00:51:45 We're out to like pasture at this point, you know? Hey, um, Jason, when you see Rich doing, um, the, the bike ride, Rich, you haven't done a podcast on the bike ride yet. Have you? Uh, we, we've recorded it. It'll come out next week. Okay. Why are you waiting to put it out? Cause we put out the games one and we don't like to like back to back stuff. We don't have like a show like you you know and so our media and our media guys are completely just drained so we don't have any media really coming out in the next week
Starting point is 00:52:11 or two so i think they just wanted to kind of bleed that out so we recorded it back to back with our games episode but it was just it was a lot so three hours of recording which for me anybody who knows me three hours of sitting still is not, you're not going to get much out of me. Which one did you do first? Because I watched the game ones and you were already by the end of it fidgeting with your phone. That was it. It was after. Leadville was after. Oh, wow. Yeah. So how was that? How did your butt feel after that one?
Starting point is 00:52:39 Honestly, fine. The hardest part for me was my guts. Honestly, fine. The hardest part for me was my guts. Just trying to take in calories, like making yourself eat. And then anytime you try to chew real food, it just was not sitting well. So I took in a ton of just like of, you know, goos or blocks of carbohydrate. Matt Chan was awesome. Matt was on my crew. Dude, Matt and Cherie are awesome. Bro, I don't need a crew. Well, so the way it goes. How long was the race? It took me eight hours, eight and a half hours.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And so we do a, like, if you don't know the course, it's kind of hard to explain. But basically, you've got aid stations every 10 miles. We have an aid station at what they call Pipeline, which is about 20, 25 miles in. And it's not real, right, dude? Like, it's not like you're just cruising 100 miles i did 100 mile it was a 11 000 feet of climbing in this work in this the whole course and so you've got a an aid station at 25 miles you have an aid station essentially at or i guess about 22, an aid station around 45-ish. And so I hit my aid station at 20, whatever, hit the aid station called Twin Lakes before you make this basically 3,000 foot climb, came back down, hit that same aid station again, and then hit that other aid station. So I hit each of those aid stations twice. And I had like pre-made bottles and ziploc bags full of like uh
Starting point is 00:54:06 nutrition that i needed to take in and matt was basically yelling at me because i wasn't taking in enough nutrition and uh it was awesome so it was a man it was a cool cool experience um definitely i like everybody asks you know where it ranks and i'm like top seven um it's definitely not top five but it was it was for sure top 10 so i came with the number one dude was i part of number one i don't know i don't you know i can't really like pinpoint number one i guess like there's several number ones you know five-way tie for number one yeah like the games every year um it's just they're just it's a different type of grind you know and this was man honestly you know it was top three was the pre-ride we did on wednesday straight off the
Starting point is 00:54:51 plane um our buddy dave curtis who lives out there we hunt with him a lot um he was like all right hey we're gonna go pre-ride the course do about 25 miles of it it's the first two big climbs and right off the plane you're at 10 000 feet i considered kicking the spokes out of my bike and saying my bike was broken or faking or faking an injury because i thought i was gonna die it was that bad the first day was that bad and then about three days in um i was completely fine altitude wise you know everybody's like oh he's gonna die at altitude blah blah blah i would take that altitude over the humidity in tennessee any day you would take the altitude over humidity 100 but it did take you three days to figure it out it took me three days to figure
Starting point is 00:55:36 it out what i would do next year i want to do it again but um i would go out on tuesday jason you in next year i mean dude you know it's so funny? Right before you got on, I said I would give $100 if I took my shirt off or whatever, and then you jumped on, and someone gave Savan $99.99, which isn't $100. So I'm going to decide if I want to take off the shirt. It's up to Savan. You definitely have to
Starting point is 00:55:57 take your shirt off, or else we're going to get fucking destroyed. All right. I'm going to take my shirt off, but... Was this turned into a porn podcast, or what? Always. What do you mean turned into? Oh, but, uh, was this turned into a porn podcast or what? Always. What do you mean? What do you mean turned into? Oh, okay. Sorry. Sorry. It's offensive. Hey, uh, but Rich, in all seriousness, dude, bro, you got to let me know the next time you're doing something cool like that. Like I'm thinking about doing, um, a tactical games. Yep.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And I'm thinking about doing, um, I'm, well, I'm talking to this, uh, I'm talking to Sal about doing a uh marathon ruck which should be interesting let me take this shirt off so people stop giving hey and would you do tactical games rich um i don't know i don't i've seen like it looks fun um it's just not i don't even know what these buttons do i was hoping it would be good cheering i know we've got those same buttons and you can like pre-program apparently um i want to do i think a total archery challenge actually uh oh that sounds fun too yeah how long do i need to keep my shirt off because it's a little it just said take it off you know it's not awkward it's not
Starting point is 00:56:58 awkward just chill just relax just we'll start calling you hiller and Andrew Hiller. Hey, Rick. If you want to do an archery thing or one of those type of things, I'd be super interested. Cool. I'll keep you posted. I think what I want to try to do, because there's three ways to get into Leadville. There's a lottery system. You have to qualify through a race,
Starting point is 00:57:23 and then you can partner with a charity. We want to get Mayhem Mission to be one of the partners on the charity. And so what happens is we get, you'd get a certain amount of spots. That's what we did with this first descents. Yeah. And with that, you get a certain amount of spots. You have to raise X amount of dollars and it goes towards a charity. And so we want to try to get may have mission to get however many spots and people to do it. So what's cool is now that I've done sub nine, if you do 10 years of it, you get a giant belt buckle.
Starting point is 00:57:52 That's all worth it. Hey, are you doing the educational by the way? Yep. Yep. I'll be there. Oh, you didn't sound excited. You're not excited? Me? Yeah. I'm just not in CrossFit shape. I got to get back in some CrossFit shape, you know?
Starting point is 00:58:04 Okay. So it's like a homework assignment for you. I got to get back in some CrossFit shape, you know? Okay. So it's like a homework assignment for you. You got a little bit of a road to tow. Yeah. Can you get in CrossFit shape by the time? I think so. We actually have a competition next weekend in College Station, Texas. Dude, you in not CrossFit shape is scary.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Me and Angelo. I don't even want to know what you look like when you're in CrossFit shape because you look good right now. I was like 187 pounds the other day, which is light. I just look kind of like skinny. Somebody made that comment. Some people at the games were saying, though, you look thicker than they imagined.
Starting point is 00:58:38 They thought you were going to look skinny. All right, good. Good, that's what we want. Are you going to Rogue, Jason? I am going to Rogue. You know what I'm trying to get at Rogue? I'm trying to get an open mat session going, good. Good, that's what we want. Are you going to Rogue, Jason? I am going to Rogue. You know what I'm trying to get at Rogue? I'm trying to get an open mat session going, bro. Trying to.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Trying to, yeah, with like a jiu-jitsu open mat session I think would be super fun. What do you do? You just contact Bill and Katie and be like, hey, can we have a jiu-jitsu room? I contacted Katie. She said she was interested, and Tim Kennedy said he's interested in hosting it.
Starting point is 00:59:04 That'd be cool. Yeah. How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila. I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop loss orders on Kraken.
Starting point is 00:59:23 An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be not investment advice script trading involves risk of loss see slash legal slash ca-pru-disclaimer for info on kraken's undertaking to register in canada rich i don't remember what i was hearing but because of the nature of how you got into that race i heard you were put into a position that would make it so that only seven people who's ever been in that position have been able to do blah blah blah so we were so there's there's waves there's different groups so the faster you are via a qualifier you get moved up into groups and luckily with the charity we were with so so the,
Starting point is 01:00:05 the whites is what it's called. The white group is just, and over the years they've kind of changed the format. So we went off in waves. Um, and so I was the blue group, which is just before white, um, which helped a little bit, but man, there's still so much traffic. The first, especially the first climb. And then some of these climbs you get kind of not single it's pretty single tracky um so you know one lane um or one preferred lane and so you just basically get almost just stuck in a line where you can't really pass and so that's the hard part especially on the beginning now who knows that might have helped me not to go out too hot um but man it was there was a lot of there's a lot of crossovers between that event and CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:00:49 like the community side of it, man, the town of Leadville was awesome. You'd be in random, like the middle of the woods and people would be like, come on, Rich, you know, or like riders would be riding what you'd be riding with and be like, Hey Rich, you know, just whatever. And so it was really cool. By the end of the of the day you kind of there's probably eight or ten people you've ridden with throughout the day once you kind of settle into a pace and get ahead of some of these packs and stuff and so me and a guy would you know i'd he'd pass me usually on the flats i'd pass him on the climbs and we just kind of play this tug of war and one of the times he comes up and he's like hey why does everybody know your name why every every aid
Starting point is 01:01:26 station we drive by there's like 10 people saying go rich whatever or people talking to you and i'm like well you ever heard of crossfit he's like yeah i said i just happened i've competed in crossfit for 13 years and he's like and he's just like oh all right so whatever and then i had another guy that pulls up he's like hey uh are you rich frowning and i'm like it's it's frowning but yeah and he's like oh big fan man i'm like so much that you don't even know my name like i appreciate it you know but it was fun it was cool man there was so many like i said just people out in the middle of the woods in colorado be like hey you need some water here's some water here you need you know like a gel here here's a gel like it was it was cool like one of the worst climbs is called power line coming back in
Starting point is 01:02:12 and uh it's straight straight up and it's just dirt and there's this lady and she's like yeah oh yeah for sure like well part of it you, like almost have to, depending on where you start. Because there's so many people in a line. Like when you get up to what's called Columbine, there's the goat trail. And it's just a single track almost a little bit wider than that. But there's people coming down while you're going up. And so people are walking and you can't ride around them. So what you would do is you push and then you see your like chance and you run around them a little bit and then you walk a little bit. and then you'd see people get on their bike so you'd hop on for a second then everybody would unclip and you'd step off your bike and it's uh the last
Starting point is 01:02:54 two miles um it's a 54 mile out back or 52 mile out back so the last two miles are awful and then there's this climb called power line that was awful was awful. Other than that, it's pretty, it's just a grind, you know, like, I don't even know. It's more mental than anything. If you can, you know, if you've got the physical ability, you can do it. But the mental side of it, you start, I mean, we've never done anything. I've never done anything for eight and a half hours, just sustained. And so it was so far out of my comfort zone, that it was just, you're just playing games with yourself, which was kind of fun. It was cool. You like learn a little bit and people are like, oh, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:03:28 You know, like just take it in. Matt and Cherie's like, you're going to love it. It's beautiful. I can remember one instance where I'm like come off this, the top of this nasty climb and I'm like riding downhill with my hands, kind of like shaking them out. And I look back and I'm like, oh, that's pretty cool. And then you just keep going. Like I just don't don't you know i'm not there to enjoy the sights and
Starting point is 01:03:48 all that type of stuff so um it was uh and then you're playing like mind games with math on your your time and you know i like i said not sub nine was my goal and you're trying to like pass people you're trying like i don't know the etiquette with mountain bike and that type of stuff i ride a lot by myself i've got some friends here that in town that are mountain bikers um but i'm like just don't be a dick you know like i don't want to cut anybody off and man there was a couple these dudes that uh they're from utah and uh i'm climbing he goes rich what's up man and it was like the turtle off finding nemo he's like hey bro's like, you want to go sub nine? Right? I'm like, yeah. He's like, follow my boy right here. It's his teammate or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:29 He's like, he's going to do an eight 30. You stay with him. You'll get eight 30. And so I'm kind of like, and so I'm kind of like stuck in this group. He's like, rich, we got to go, man. Just split them. Just go. You're good. Just stick it in there. And so we get to the top and uh you start this descent on the back side of uh st kevens and the guy's like or no i guess after sugar loaf and you're coming down and uh he's like rich we gotta go bro let's go and i'm like okay so we just start hammering down this hill going about 25 30 miles an hour and it's a jeep trail so you've got two lanes and then you
Starting point is 01:05:03 just have trash rock in the middle and there's people everywhere because people are riding their brakes and uh he goes one way and i try to go to the other way well i get stuck in the rocks and just like you know you're you're trash launch everything like yard sale bottles computer everything i sit down like cars you're in the middle of the interstate it And it's like, boom, boom, boom. And people are like, you're all right. You're all right. I'm like, I'm good. So I've got a couple of scuffs. It didn't hurt at all. But my bike, I'm like- Did you get your shit back? Oh yeah. I got my shit, grabbed it, and then took off. And I catch back up to the guy. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:05:36 dude, I yard sale. He's like, you good, bro? I'm like, yeah, I'm good. So then we get to this, there's a section of like four miles that are like road, four or five miles. And he's like, good so then we get to this there's a section of like four miles that are like road four or five miles and he's like rich let's go get on my wheel bro let's work together and we just start this kind of like peloton where you're just drafting yeah you're like 30 seconds drafting and it like grows to like a group of 20 because everybody he'd ride by he'd be like hey let's go let's share you know and he it was it was really cool like i said like gave me CrossFit vibes of community and all that type of stuff. If it wasn't for that guy, do you think you'd have had a slower time? I'd probably been about five, six minutes slower.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I don't think I would have not made nine, but I think for sure he was a dude. Dude, if people haven't tried drafting, not to – It's huge. Have you done drafting before? Huge, huge. Have you tried to draft? Me? i had i don't i don't remember oh yeah biking biking i have yeah yeah biking the first time i remember this like back in like 2012 or something i was like oh maybe biking will come up at the crossfit games
Starting point is 01:06:35 so a buddy you were ahead of your time what's that you were ahead of your time yes someone's like hey uh you know you gotta learn how to draft i'm like dude tell me about it he's like bro you're gonna save like 10 20 i was like okay so we started drafting on road bikes and you're like right up on that person but man it makes you a little rush huge difference oh yeah and so uh we did a hundred mile with dan bailey not that long ago we did a a hundred mile ride on road bikes and dude when you're drafting it just makes the night and day difference what's also weird is there's a spot where you think you're close enough when you first start learning how to draft and then all of a sudden you just move up just just that one or two inches
Starting point is 01:07:14 oh shit oh shit yeah oh and then it's like pulling you along you're almost like hitting your brakes like i was tapping my brakes when i would get shuffled back to like fifth or sixth. You're almost doing nothing. You look down and you're going 30 miles an hour. Yeah, it's cool. And I'm not the most aerodynamic. Rich, how about – so before you answer this, I want to get some stats about this thing. Okay, so this thing was 105 miles long, 52 miles out, 52 miles back in. How many athletes?
Starting point is 01:07:48 1,800, 1,700, something like that 1800 so it's it's not a beautiful uh ride um where no one unless you're in the very no one ever gets to break away meaning because even the guy who breaks away in the front he's still got to come back through the mess right dude but this guy was on another. Imagine taking an everyday CrossFitter and putting him at the CrossFit Games. This guy, sorry, reverse that. CrossFit Games athlete and putting him in a class. It was this guy, as I'm starting that main client at Columbine, granted he started 12 and a half minutes ahead of me. He was coming down Columbine as I'm about to make an hour descent
Starting point is 01:08:30 or ascent, hour 15 ascent to the top. And then he was – And you saw him? Yeah. How did you know it was him? Because he was the only guy going the opposite way. And then you don't see anybody else coming down for another, I want to say, 10, 15 minutes. This guy crushed everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:55 You look at his – they just posted something on him on Garmin, like his numbers. Is he an electric bike dude? No, dude. But he looked like he – Shit, I can't remember. It was on Garmin's, um, Instagram yesterday. They did a little like a story thing. He averaged for five hours and 42 minutes, 304 Watts. Think about that, Jason, 304 Watts, you know, like on a biker. Yeah. He averaged that for
Starting point is 01:09:21 five and a half hours, five hours and 43 minutes. And I can't even imagine with the train, with all these different other factors. Oh, dude. Oh, man. Like, it was... There's so many fucking Garmin accounts. Which ones do I pick? I'll probably mess it up if I go to my messages. Okay, Garmin Fitness, Garmin Outdoor, Garmin Running.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Oh, is there Garmin Biking? Standby. I'll send it to you. This is going to mess up the whole video. Garmin Golf? Garmin Columbia? Standby. I'll send it to you. This is going to mess up the whole video. Garmin Golf? Garmin Columbia? There goes the video. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I'm still here. Hey, so you took like 279th out of 1900 or something? Something like that, I think. I'm sending you the thing. In text? Yeah. I don't open your text when you send me texts for days on end, just so I can see that you've sent it to you and Sousa.
Starting point is 01:10:08 So maybe Sousa open it and send it to you. Um, dude, it was, I like to save a closed text by bad moment. You just want people to look back at his name and know that he texted you. Oh, he texted.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's here.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Uh, this guy Kegels, uh, i guess maybe kegels that's good name oh if you look at mason just put up 304 is a 144 average bike erg pace for six hours no think about that no yeah i have a problem holding 144 for a minute. For a thousand. This dude, I'm telling you, he came flying by me and I'm like, holy crap. You know, because, I mean, I'm starting a descent and he's flying down this descent. Oh, so he basically laughed you. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:58 He would have laughed me. He did it in half the time, 543. 543. How impressive. It was impressive. Hey, Rich, what's the next event you say you're interested in? The one with the total archery challenge? It'll be fun. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:11:11 This guy's just an ass with a torso on it. This guy's just ass and quads with the torso. Oh, yeah, there's no upper body. Hillary made the comment. She said there was a couple times I'd roll through the aid station, and they'd be like, oh, there's Rich, because everybody's wearing black kits or whatever. And then when I came through, finally, they were like,
Starting point is 01:11:29 oh, yeah, he doesn't look anything like any of these guys out here. So I definitely did not fit the mold. But yeah, that was impressive. He was hauling. I'm going to invite him on the podcast. You should. It was impressive. Keegan Swenson. Keegan. Yeah, he, like I said.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Hey, what's he win? Does he get anything? I think there's some, they call it the Grand Prix. I'm learning all this stuff. Obviously, he gets a belt buckle, which is a pretty damn cool trophy. But, I think he's the leader in the grand prix there's like four or five races and the winner of that gets like 250 000 or something
Starting point is 01:12:12 and to be honest like you know santa cruz is paying him some money because as soon as i saw that bike yeah i mean he's a i want that bike now right he's a he's a pro mountain biker like i think it's one of the only races that's one of the cool things is amateurs and pros in the same race, if that makes sense. How badly would you have beat the archery challenge or the tactical games? You and I, we need to go do it.
Starting point is 01:12:36 We need to go pick one and just go do it. Pick one and do it. Rich, how badly would you have beat the field on the bike event? Be honest. Do you think if you would have started with the front tires? I rode the course for a little bit and first of all those bikes were trash um second oh oh she you think she's talking about the the games event oh okay okay um the good bikes i thought those treks were like uh i thought they were like gravel bikes weren't they no they were low low low level
Starting point is 01:13:06 mountain bikes like trek makes a good mountain bike but that those were not it was a glorified crit off-road crit is what it was and i mean i think it was a great event but i don't there wasn't a mountain bike like no part of that course was a mountain bike so um you know if you can get in the draft and then ride with people then yeah for sure it's just all going to depend on luck and the first part's going to depend on luck and if you don't get taken out by any of our other athletes um since all of our athletes decided to just wreck each other for some reason uh and then just be smart the human wrecking ball i think luke wrecked lazar once at least uh scott has it on video but yeah i mean it was a really cool event was for it. I just don't know how my mountain biking fitness, because there wasn't a ton of, uh, mountain
Starting point is 01:13:49 biking skill to it. It was just pure, just go on that. A lot of turns, right? Like when I was, yeah, but they weren't like, they weren't technical terms. There wasn't really an opportunity to kind of get like you, if you didn't know how to use gears, well, it did seem like that's a disadvantage. For sure. For sure. If you have basic bike knowledge and a lot of fitness, you could do really well in that get like you if you didn't know how to use gears well it did seem like that's a disadvantage for
Starting point is 01:14:05 sure if you had basic bike knowledge and a lot of fitness you could do really well in that event and not be a jackass you know and then also maybe be a little bit of a jackass because you're gonna have to kind of position yourself in a good spot and then you know those front guys it was a it was very similar to me um knowing bikes the crit, but on the grass. Hey, whatever happened, did Roman ever say that Adler touched him? He just, I actually just walked by him in the coffee shop. He just got back from Dubai. Rich, I'm fascinated by this.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Please tell me. I understand why Roman wouldn't want to speak uh english like on national television i get that like if you're being asked a question but if you're like talking to him i think he can understand really well i think he's just um nervous and feels out of place speaking it and feels like he you know there's a like a self a confidence issue with it and so i think he just kind of like he's got his words that he goes to. I think he can – he understands it really well. But like I said, I think he's just nervous about –
Starting point is 01:15:11 you remember how Miko was in the beginning where he just kind of like – he could speak it – he speaks more languages than I do. So it's like, bro, don't feel bad about how you're speaking. I butchered the English language and I've been speaking it for 36 years. Like don't think about that but it's hard hard so um yeah i think he speaks fluent i just think he's more you know nervous about it and i got a question because you're um i was on the espn stream and we were at you like talking to him and uh with his foot yep was there any way dude if you just never even took it out of the shoe just like wrap that sucker up popped a couple advils he could just continue to have done that
Starting point is 01:15:51 that double i don't know i talked to dre after because i kind of had the same thought i'm like man like i for one i wouldn't have got an x-ray i'd have been like don't tell me what's wrong with it yet right and then you know i've got two events and i'm gonna do what i can i talked to dre uh that works here uh and one of the toughest dudes i know he broke his foot in a competition same break and he was like he finished the competition but he said if he had to do double unders he said pretty much everything else he probably could have done but he said double unders would have been the most excruciating thing he's ever done in his life and i trust dray's you know like the hard part is like with roman i i can't we can't have a deep conversation like that we don't have the miles yet that me and dray do like i'm like dray tell me straight up like am i an idiot for thinking this and he was like dude i don't think i could
Starting point is 01:16:38 have done it and so um you know it's uh who knows you know i just i, uh, who knows? You know, I just, I wish, like I said, I could have gotten there before they did the x-ray and all that type of stuff. It's like, don't tell me what's wrong with my foot. You know, like I'll, I'll figure it out when I get done. But, um, cause you know, they're like, well, you know, if you keep going, this could be instead of a six week recovery, it could be a six month recovery. They're so the medical staff and they should be because they're covering their ass with they're so excited to jump into action exactly i'm saying rich is being nice i'm saying
Starting point is 01:17:11 it as a dig but of course they have no choice but to be the way oh yeah absolutely it's like imagine if you have a saw and you just see a piece of wood they just want to run over there and chop it off they're so excited to diagnose someone yeah and they were like you know you could basically you could break that bone off and i, hey, I'm trying to like stop them before. I'm like, hey, you're going to be fine. You know, like playing a little good cop, bad cop. I'm like, you're fine. You're fine.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Let's just tape it up and go, you know, so. Dude, it was a three ring circus back there, Jason. It was. There were probably three or four cameras, five camera crews on Roman. And then Rich walked in and every single fucking camera crew moved in. There were eight of us. I swear to God,
Starting point is 01:17:48 it was nuts. And so Rich is this close to Roman and he's trying to talk to me. And you just see Rich go, God, in the nicest way. Just give me two minutes and then you guys can come back. And it was literally, it was every camera in the underground was there.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah, I kind of helped him think. Hey, and I will say, I bragged was there. I've. Yeah. I kind of help to think like, Hey, and I will say I did, I bragged on stuff. I was like the, and when I said everybody get back for a second, everybody got back for a second. I appreciate that. Like, it's just like I needed a minute to like give him a little pump, pump up speech without everybody being right there. You were funny about it too. You were cool. You weren't, you weren't. Yeah. I was like, get out of here. You know, I was like, just guys,
Starting point is 01:18:24 I realized you guys got to get your content i get it but give me just two minutes so good it was pretty funny now at the time it wasn't i was like gosh dang it dude i honestly i was on friday night and i was like on a podcast with um adrian and i was saying like bro something would have to happen to roman or whatever for him not to win these games. So this is your fault. No, I didn't say it like that. Well, I did say it like that, actually. I'll tell you what had to happen for Roman not to win the games. Ricky Garrard had to show up.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Oh, my gosh. We'll see how that goes. Here we go. Here we go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It sucked.
Starting point is 01:19:01 It was hard to watch for sure. But I was telling the guys up at the booth, and I was like, look, I don't know anything about this particular injury. Right. He was able to kind of walk on it. I was thinking to myself, man, if he was able to walk on it, yeah, tape that sucker up and just let her ride. You'd have had to cut my leg off, I think, to like –
Starting point is 01:19:19 Your woman doesn't seem like a – No, he's a – Dude, the dude is tough. So that's my only thing dude so the dude is tough so that that's my only thing is like the dude is tough so there's no you know i i don't doubt any by any stretch that he he was giving it all he had i do think that was good for his career though uh yeah i mean like it was good for it there was definitely a uh lemonades at a lemon or whatever you want to call it because he showed people determination,
Starting point is 01:19:46 grit. He, you know, he wanted to do it for his son. Don't give up. Yeah. I thought it was super powerful. I mean,
Starting point is 01:19:50 dude, in that arena, it was just electric. It was because of him. Yeah. Heck yeah. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 01:19:56 I'm proud of him for getting out there. And you know, I mean, cause like I said, in the back, the doctor's like, well, I don't know if we're going to allow you to do that.
Starting point is 01:20:02 And I'm, and so that's, I was talking to Don after and, uh, I'm like, and I don't have the answer. And we were both saying, we don't know if we're going to allow you to do that i'm and so that's i was talking to don after and uh i'm like and i don't have the answer and we were both saying we don't have the answer but it's almost like as long as it's not life-threatening and i mean it goes back to 15 and i said this in 15 with miranda as long as it's not life-threatening it should be up to the athlete you know like at life-threatening injury if you have a minimum work requirement then absolutely like they have to meet that but i don't think you should be able to pull people out of competition as long as it's
Starting point is 01:20:30 not life-threatening i i know like we have this kind of well crossfit causes injury every sport at a high level causes injury so it's like that's the risk we take like me and jason are paying for you know however many years that we competed doing dumb stuff. Like, yeah, my knees are not going to be the same. My shoulders are not going to be the same. But I took that risk on myself, and these athletes take it on themselves. Again, we've got to like, all right, you know, we should have crash pads under the ropes. We should, you know, there should be basic like rules on safety.
Starting point is 01:21:01 But past that, it's up to the athlete to incur the risk, you know? So that's my, my two and Don was a hundred percent. We're just like, I don't know how we do that minus putting in minimum work requirements. Like I know people hate it, but it's like, you signed up for this competition. You take that on yourself. You think you'll do Leadville again? Yeah, I think so. For sure. And in what place and will you do better than you did last year i mean i hope if uh i don't know how it works i don't know if i get to move up in a corral um to a to a farther up corral but i think i can do a little bit faster were you in
Starting point is 01:21:37 the last corral not the last i was the fourth to last i think correct tough place to be you're basically in the special olympics corral aren't you i mean you're in think, corral. Tough place to be. You're basically in the Special Olympics corral, aren't you? I mean, you're in the charity corral. I mean, you got into that race because of some charity thing, right? Yeah, for sure. First Descents, they raise money for people to do outdoor activities with cancer or life-altering diseases, which is pretty cool. How many people don't finish? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Scott was talking. Scott's ruthless. Scott was talking about he – I think he might have filmed it, but I don't think he'll was talking Scott's ruthless uh Scott was talking about he he I think he might have filmed it but he I don't think he'll put it in the video but um somebody made it to one of the checkpoints and they didn't make it in the time and so they literally just walk up and they clip your um you have zip ties with your number on the bike they they take your number and they hand it to you and they're like sorry you can't continue yeah like it's a i mean it's pretty heartbreaking you know like sheree was
Starting point is 01:22:30 talking about when she did it you know because if you get sub nine girls can do it oh heck yeah i got beat by a bunch of girls like there was it was impressive uh but sheree she said when she got through the last checkpoint and they didn't pull her off the course, she got emotional and started happy crying that she had made it. She didn't make the sub 12. I think it was like 12.20, so she didn't get the belt buckle, but she finished the damn thing, which is super impressive. I'll do it again for sure.
Starting point is 01:23:01 It was a cool experience. You like the training for it? Yeah, actually I really did. You know, I enjoyed training for something different. I enjoy, I like riding a mountain bike. I don't like, I don't love riding on the road. I had to do a bunch of that to kind of, you know, on the mountain bike, just to get miles in and get some climbs in. But man, I love mountain biking. I'm probably going to keep up probably three times a week in the off season.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Next for him, Siobhan. Well, I got one, I got mountain biking. I'm probably going to keep up probably three times a week in the off season. Who's next for him, Siobhan? What? I got one question for Rich, and then I got to take off. I know I'll let you guys finish the show. When we were doing Camp Pendleton, am I mistaken? This happened to you because I recall this, but I just want to make sure I'm not lying, that on the checkpoints there were Marines stationed,
Starting point is 01:23:42 and we were messed up, right? Yep, messed up. And I'd walk up to the Marine and be like, you know, hello, sir. How much further do we have? It's all downhill from here. It's all downhill from here? You have one mile left, sir. Every time.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Okay. Not even close. Every time they would say all downhill from here, you'd turn a corner and you'd go straight uphill. Every time. So that was a coordinated effort. They just knew to fuck with you guys? I think they just knew.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I'm sure Dave had something to do with it. Man, they got me so good. When the first guy is like, oh, you have about a mile left, sir. I was like, yes, let's go. And then you get to the next one. You did not have a mile left. You had a mile left or just downhill. And then all of a sudden it's like, bro.
Starting point is 01:24:25 At that point, after like three or four months, I just said, thank you for your service. I just kept walking. So you know what was kind of crazy about Leadville is it's billed as a 100-mile race. You get there, and they're like, it's 52 miles out, 52 miles back. So you're like, that's 104. On my Garmin, like my computer, I started as soon as I hit the start line. So you're like – the last part of the race is kind of on a, an incline about like this. And it's just this dirt road. And you know, you end on a paved road. So you're riding and I'm
Starting point is 01:24:52 looking at my garment. I'm like, I'm 103.8 miles in. I'm like, we gotta be close. I look at the guy next to me. He's like, we're getting that big belt buckle. And I'm like, hell yeah, we are. And then I'm like, what does your garment say? And he he's like, 103.9 because it's a little bit farther up. You still can't see the damn finish line. So then you come up on this road, and then it takes a hard left and then a hard right, and it's this nasty hill. It's billed as 100 mile. They tell you it's 104, and I'm 99% certain that I went 105.6 miles.
Starting point is 01:25:27 And so you're just like mentally – Sounds like the CrossFit game. But in the opposite. Right, right. Hey, the only thing I remember from Camp Pendleton is this right here. Uh-oh. Oh, Lucas Parker getting – no, he got butt-ass naked, right? He did.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Someone complained. Like some Marine complained, oh, we had a nude man out there. Completely naked. Yeah. Not with that picture. Yeah. Do you remember? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Uh-oh. Oh, there we go. I'm scared. Had a call. I'm here. Yeah. I'm back. Am I back?
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm back. Am I back? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I got, I remember, uh, Spieler losing his ring, right. His wedding ring as we're getting in the water and we're like trying to help him find it. It was crazy. That was a big deal to him. I mean, it was a big deal to all of us, but yeah, you're just like, what are we doing? You know? And then we're helping him find this ring. Did he find it? No, no, no no he didn't find it but that was that was the one where they're talking like there's a shark out there like oh yeah and and you know cashers like
Starting point is 01:26:33 pump up speech like hey man when you get in the ocean like you just know something down there that's gonna kill you that was his speech he's like just know he when you look down there just know that something out there could kill you and you're like sweet and then there was like pictures of like stay away from ordinance you know like unspent ordinance and stuff you're like oh we're gonna die uh well rich i'm gonna i'm gonna text you later about this this uh archery challenge savan i got a jam but dude i'm uh i'm down to wrap anytime i'm glad we were able to make you 100 bucks on that uh that thank you show you look beautiful with your shirt off thank you all right brother thanks man i'm gonna shave your chest today uh i did not shave my chest today but now i'm inspired by you so maybe i'll go trim it there
Starting point is 01:27:18 you go there you go have that thing ready for rogue you know i trimmed something today yeah you did i'll see you guys later love you bye later dude um josh lehrman 49.99 thank you buddy thank you josh i hope the fruit harvest is fantastic thanks for staring these sharing these stories rich frawning amazing job frowning thank you frowning i can I can remember learning your name. I know, right? Deja Intendu. I'd love to see Rich and everyone here look into the Barkley Marathon. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:54 There's an amazing documentary free on YouTube, inspirational, challenging. I believe it's in Tennessee. Yep, it is. It's kind of crazy. Have you ever heard of that thing? I have heard of it. I remember the documentary. Why is it crazy?
Starting point is 01:28:04 What do they do? Basically, you don't really know what the course is and you have to like basic you have to go the course in one way somebody goes another way and then you do it the other way and then your checkpoint is like he's got a book hidden somewhere and you have to take a page off the book and the way he starts the race is like with a cigarette when he lights a cigarette there's no entry fee it's like one year people had to bring flannels one year they had to bring socks one year it was like a license plate from your your state but it's a serious sporting event i mean apparently people love it you know i just remember watching the documentary. I just don't have enough cartilage left in my knee. Rich hasn't done enough LSD to do that. That's right.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Rich, Ricky has a Swark Mountain e-bike. Oh, yeah. I have a specialized Epic World Cup. That's what I got. That's not electric, though. No, no. I'm sure as I get older, and I'm not hating on e-bikes, but I just don't, I'm, I'm out there to get some fitness. So I know everybody's like, well,
Starting point is 01:29:09 then you can just ride the downhills harder and you can whatever. But I just, I don't know. I just, I'm purist. I'm actually like, you didn't ride an Epic in the, in the Leadville, did you? Yeah. Oh, that's a great bike. Oh, it's an amazing bike. It's a glorified hardtail with a shot. The new one is incredible. Um, But I actually went the opposite way. I'm like almost full bike hippie now. I have a single speed as well. I got a good friend that I've made at the bike shop here. He's done Leadville on a single speed, and he's gotten me into single speed.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Is that a different category? I don't know if it's a different category or not. I would not enjoy doing the entire race on a single speed. Barry McCockiner. Yeah, yeah. Rich needs to replace the Detroit Lions sweatshirt with a Philadelphia Eagles one. Man, I've been on this train for 36 years. I ain't getting off of it.
Starting point is 01:29:59 It's been a rough life. Sports. Do you know what sports are? Me? You ever heard of that one with the brown ball that they throw? It's kind of like a long spear. I know, the pigskin. They call it the pigskin.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't know if you knew those real sports. Hey, one of my friends is going to make it on. Oh, yeah. Yeah, heck yeah, he is. That's crazy, right? That's awesome. Tyson's going to make it.
Starting point is 01:30:18 That's awesome, dude. Impressive. I'm so fucking pumped. He's coming on. So he had a preseason game, did well. He's got another preseason game. When is it, Friday or Saturday? Friday?
Starting point is 01:30:28 Saturday? When do they do their preseason games? It just kind of depends. It's random right now. It's either tomorrow or Saturday. I think it's Saturday. And then Sunday he's coming on the show. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:30:39 He's talking about his first two preseason games. Yeah, I'm pumped. Jeremy Eats World totally deserves spirit of the games a savvy no no roman did not deserve spirit well it depends on how you define it who did here's the thing when you when you were doing um crossfit i thought spirit of the games was like whoever's like like the nicest to the other athletes right did you think that too it was like it was like a rebecca void or a sam briggs or a um you know just a uh or a noah olsen kind of yeah i think it's kind of like a cool story throughout the weekend over you know
Starting point is 01:31:11 overcomes yeah but if it is who's a badass and like and who like embodied and like got the the stadium going yeah i think um fuck i roman i think that's what i think that's what it should be is like hey i think that's what it should be Is like I think that's what it should be too It just hasn't been in years past I gotcha I see what you're saying Like if Then it should have been
Starting point is 01:31:29 Car Saunders one year The year she fucking passed out And came back Touche Yeah I would agree with that So I guess it
Starting point is 01:31:36 It depends I really liked Colton Merton's winning an event Dude that was cool That was really cool Yeah that was fucking awesome Hey what do you think about What happened over at proven uh with tola um paulson what happened and taylor
Starting point is 01:31:53 like do you think like going into it would you thought they were gonna win yeah i i mean knowing those girls 100 like those are the two baddest chicks out there. The fittest. And so, yeah, I knew Invictus would do really well, and I knew from years past, Oslo would do well. I didn't think they would have enough to beat them. So, I mean, I don't know. I don't know what happened, to be honest. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Invictus won. Invictus didn't. I mean, I haven't had anyone from that team on the show yet but it doesn't sound like they had a smooth year like every time you talk to someone about them it's like holy shit they had they went through some shit this year yeah they went through some shit from what I heard I don't know 100 but yeah and then Jorge had a little hamstring deal going on at semis and so uh I mean from what I can tell um you know they just had good good chemistry and then somebody to just kind can tell, you know, they just had good chemistry
Starting point is 01:32:45 and then somebody to just kind of lead them, you know. And I think Jorge, from what I heard from the back, I don't know 100%. I like Jorge a ton. He's been out here a bunch and become good friends with him. But I think, you know, if I was to pinpoint who the leader on that team, Jorge seemed like he was that guy. And so, I mean, that's what it takes on a lot of these teams is somebody you can't have too many people having input and then you got to have somebody that's just kind of I guess steady and luckily for years we've had a bunch of really
Starting point is 01:33:15 good athletes that could didn't really need a ton of leading um or were leaders in their own right and so um I don't know you know I don't know what happened to them without knowing their inner dynamics you mean oh you mean over the proven proven yeah yeah yeah you haven't talked to them and even um i talked to them a little bit before but nothing super um deep just kind of good luck and all that stuff we talked at the games a little bit any chance that they would the two of those ladies would come back and you would um get the band back together um i'm done i'm good i i you know people asked multiple times how i was doing at the games and i was good uh you know i've been i've enjoyed i believe you i believe you you sounded like someone who just like ate too many desserts right there you're like dude i'm good seriously i'm not
Starting point is 01:34:00 having no more don't bring another plate over here i'm not yeah i'm just good man i had a good time i had a good time competing and then I had a good time this year just kind of being the queen, you know, shaking hands, kissing babies. I heard that you said – well, I'll come back to that in one second. So I had the opportunity to film with Invictus throughout the entire week. For some reason, I think Patrick Clark pointed them out to me early, and he's like, hey, you should hang out with these guys. So, like, any time – I probably filmed with them a dozen times throughout the entire week for some reason um i think patrick clark pointed them out to me early and he's like hey you should hang out with these guys so like anytime i probably filmed with them a dozen times throughout the week and their mood was never different i can't ever remember that
Starting point is 01:34:35 being that way no matter which games athlete i've ever filmed them you know they would have different moods emotional roller coasters whole fucking time they were just the same four people yeah yeah i mean i that would come down to leadership and i think cj does a great job roller coasters fucking time. They were just the same for people. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I, that would come down to leadership and I think CJ does a great job with teams and he was great. He was all up in that shit the whole time down the fort. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Yep. CJ is a good dude. Um, Hey, what about CJ getting spirit of the games? Only dude there had been to 17, 17. That's impressive.
Starting point is 01:34:59 That's impressive. That's cool. Would that, would that, would that bum you out if they gave it to a coach? No, I don't think so. I mean, that's the spirit of what we're doing. So, yeah, I think CJ for sure.
Starting point is 01:35:12 17 games, that's impressive. Hell, how many have I been to? 14 now? 13 now? I think he's the only one, dude. That's impressive. So, you know what's kind of crazy? I keep coming back to lead
Starting point is 01:35:25 bill some so it's been 29 years some guys ridden in every single one think about that does he finish every year yeah you know finished with a wheelie this year holy shit yeah how old is the dude i can't remember how old i wanted to say late 60s, early 70s maybe. Same course every year? For the most part. They've had to make minor tweaks just with as many people as they do because it's out and back. And so there's a couple spots that have a little too many people coming in at the same time. So at one point you go out one way, and when you come in, you go out in the other way. So there's minor changes, but for the most part it's been pretty uh pretty similar hey did the guy who won set a world record time this year oh yeah yeah i think last year there's only been a certain amount of people
Starting point is 01:36:14 that have gone sub six and i think last year he was one second short and so this year i think he was he was hyped up ready to go oh yeah he murdered it murdered it 543 543 yeah it's impressive there's a documentary at lance did it in 2010 called race across the sky it's pretty cool but to put that in perspective he was like 6 14 or something like that holy shit this dude was impressive did you get to see him did? Did you talk to him at all? Nope, just in passing. In that one pass. Wow, crazy.
Starting point is 01:36:50 It was cool. Did he say, hey, Rich? No, he did not. He was in the zone, which I don't blame him. He was flying. He was going fast? Yeah. Pool boy, wait, Rich, you have to hate Sevan.
Starting point is 01:37:02 He's a Bears fan. I don't hate anybody. Oh, there you go. No, and it's fine. If you got some connection there, absolutely, Rich, you have to hate Sevan. He's a Bears fan. I don't hate anybody. Oh, there you go. No. And it's fine. If you've got some connection there, absolutely, be a fan. I'm immediately a fan. Heck yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Going to Cookville three weeks to visit Mayhem, camping. Let's go. Is that common for visitors, Mayhem, to camp? There's several outdoors places around here lakes we got lakes we got waterfalls we've got hiking we got climbing so uh no not out of the ordinary where's grub park when he's there doesn't he live in his car uh he i don't remember which campground he went to there was a couple of different ones he went to when he was here but so he doesn't park like on the property or no no no no no he'll go to like a
Starting point is 01:37:45 campground you said um in the podcast good podcast by the way the podcast is really good yeah you guys are really good together um uh you were overstimulated yeah at the games i thought that was a perfect example for what it's like, probably. Just completely... Drained. It's just too much input coming in. You can't process it all the way. Well, you just want to make sure that people have some type of memorable experience and you don't want to be a jerk. And, you know, years past, what I could do is I could go, you know, I could not use the competing part as an excuse, but I could say, hey, I got to go get ready to compete, which was true.
Starting point is 01:38:24 You know, like Angelo talked about, he's like, Hey, I'm going to come on the podcast every night. And I'm like, we'll see how that goes. And, uh, you know, just trying to be on, trying to talk to people, trying to, um, be, I don't want to say outgoing. Um, but yeah, a little bit more outgoing. It just takes it out of me. That's just not in my you know natural nature i guess um is to be be like that so by the time you know all day of being at the campground doing some of these activations trying to you know um help athletes where i could i didn't go backstage a ton but i was either facetiming or talking to him it's just so hard to move around, and I didn't want to burden staff with having somebody to follow me and all that type of stuff.
Starting point is 01:39:09 It's just not what I wanted to do. And then doing the podcast at night, I'd get done and just feel like just mentally empty on the inside. So I'd just go sit and watch TV at the hotel for a little bit. So you didn't stay in the campground? No. No, we stayed at the home too just up the road but you just needed a i just wanted to be clean and wanted to be you know just have
Starting point is 01:39:31 some ac that worked really well and and just a little bit of privacy so uh but i mean i was there every morning at 7 30 and we didn't leave the campground usually till 9 30 or 10 at night so uh philip kelly Rich. It's me again. Hey, what's up? Go Bills. Is that a football team? Yeah, Buffalo. Anthony, TPA.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Rich, can you tell Seve to cut his 70s males entertainer man bun, please? Oh, man bun. I'm afraid he may turn Democratic or start F45. That's valid points, actually. He's not wrong. I want to be careful with that thing. You ever seen that where people top-knot people? Oh, they're like sitting in a cafe or something and people just come up?
Starting point is 01:40:17 I would do that to you. I would be okay with it. Mint trading cards. A trading card would look great in the podcast studio, Rich. Oh, yeah, it would. Like the Alex Gazan A trading card would look great In the podcast studio Rich Oh yeah it would Like the Alex Gazan new trading card Reach out to Rory Don't you love saying that
Starting point is 01:40:34 Reach out to Rory Go talk to Josh Go talk to Jake Email Susan I'll have my people talk to your people. Just Sousa. Just text Sousa. Yep.
Starting point is 01:40:50 Got to see Sousa a little bit. He came to the campground. He came out to the campground a little bit. Yeah. He said everyone was really nice to him. He said he had a good time out there. We had a great, I mean, Josh, you know, Josh Malone, he's incredible at that type of stuff. And he, you know, 37 days is what they had to put that all together.
Starting point is 01:41:05 And they hammered it. It was awesome. Just seeing people work out on the 30 minutes from 7 a.m. till 5, 6 p.m. was incredible. I don't know who Josh Malone is. You don't know Josh? No. What does he look like? Big, pale, blonde.
Starting point is 01:41:23 No. Pale? Blonde? No. Hey, do you know who this guy Bryce is? He has a podcast. It's called... Bryce Harper? The Invictus Mindset or something? Oh, no. No? Big giant dude? No.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I don't think so. Anyway. Hey, that blew by fast. Blew by fast? I planned to kick Jason off and just have you all to myself. No, no, we have fun. Me and Jason go way back. I know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:50 I figured it was safe if I didn't get him off. Yeah, no. I play well with others now. Used to not, but I do now. I appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to hear about the Leadville.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Whole recap. Yeah, it'll come out, I think, Tuesday. I you. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to hear about the Leadville. I'm excited for the Leadville contest. Whole recap. Yeah, it'll come out, I think, Tuesday. I think that's what Scott said. Scott, media guys went on a little break, so they needed it. They worked their ass off. Everyone crashed once at least? Who does the race?
Starting point is 01:42:18 I don't know. 1,800 people, minimum 1,800 crashes? I don't know. I ate it hard. I'm telling you. It was good. It was fun. Anyone see it? Some guy laughed. it was good it was fun anyone see
Starting point is 01:42:25 it uh some guy laughed he was like dude if i had a gopro that would have been amazing i'm like dude it was cool and i didn't hurt until i get home and i'm like oh i got elbow scratches i got some scratches on my shins and knee and so it was good oh uh what uh patrick clark just said Bryce has a show coming out with Hayley Adams. Any word on Hayley coming back? Yeah, Hayley. She's been here every day this week. No shit. She's just trying to have some fun working out and trying to get back into what she feels like she needs to do with good balance.
Starting point is 01:43:00 And so she seems happy, and it's been fun having her back. Good honor. Yeah. And what about, I heard Roman's going to Dubai. Is that true? Roman. To train there.
Starting point is 01:43:12 That'd be news to me. I think he went to Dubai to visit family or bring his wife and son back. And I just, like I said, I just walked through the coffee shop. It's probably bullshit. Just rumors. Just rumors.
Starting point is 01:43:23 All right, brother. Thank you so much for being here Love you bye thank you Say hi to everyone I do want to say thank you for Your constant generosity You're so great with me every time I see you in person
Starting point is 01:43:36 I cannot tell you I feel a love for you always Thanks buddy Love you bye See you soon Behind the screen somewhere Rich Roning Love you, bye See you, Sousa Behind the screen somewhere Rich Froning I didn't even get through any of my notes with Rich
Starting point is 01:43:50 But I'm going to the skate park He was great to me at the games Fuck, every time he sees me he comes up and says hi Puts his arm around me He just fucking He's so fucking crazy He gives so much I don't know how he does it
Starting point is 01:44:03 Thoughts on using a whoop versus a garment for cf uh sorry and here's the thing i want to say this is why it's so crazy because i don't give back to rich like that when i see him because when i see him i'm like i go in my head a little bit i'm like i don't want to be i don't want to bug him because so many people are demanding attention from him. But in reality, that's the kind of fuck that I do that to him because it sends him mixed signals. But he just cuts right through it. Like every time he sees me, he'll literally come and manhandle me. He like physically, he fondles me.
Starting point is 01:44:42 Yeah, I'm going to go with that. He fondles me. So it's cool. He fondles me. Yeah, I'm going to go with that. He fondles me. So it's cool. He fondles me. Yeah, okay. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's weird. He fondles me and then I get all like a cat.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Like I get all fucking crazy and shit. I bite him. Okay. There is an amazing show today at 11 a 11 a.m shut up and scribble it's gonna be an insane show i think they're gonna get castro on that show soon i ain't lying and uh let me see if there's a show tonight shut up and scribble no no show tonight and then uh tomorrow morning oh tomorrow morning uh darian will be on with me. We're going to talk a little bit about Aljo
Starting point is 01:45:28 and Sugar, Sean O'Malley. And then in the evening, it looks like we're going to have Daniel Brandon and Ben Smith. Adam Klink is doing the Leadville, I think, this weekend. He's running it. Crazy, right? 11 a.m.
Starting point is 01:45:44 You know, 11 a.m. is J.R. Howell and Taylor Self. Taylor sent me an amazing photo of himself yesterday. So those of you who watched Shut Up and Scribble today, ask J.R. to share the amazing photo. By the way, I called him the last needle mover, and if you look at the numbers of this show, you will see that it is no fucking joke. Rich Froney, ladies and gentlemen. Love you guys. She is coming. David Weed, wide. Daniel Brandon is coming. She is coming.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Ken Walters, are you going to go hard on Ben? Thank you, Robbie Myers, 1999. Buh-bye.

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