The Sevan Podcast - Jayson Hopper | Hiller | Hunter #1040

Episode Date: October 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Like a normal, really fit, like super fit dude. While I was at Crash, I had a couple of people walk up to me and go, I can't stop looking at people's stomachs now for little marks. Oh, I can't. Man, he, yeah, good job. Can we give him the official natural stamp? Organic? FDA, EDA approved?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. Me? Is that an insult, though? No, I don't think so. You know who else looks natural is Colt Mertens. He's pretty jacked. I agree. He pretty jacked. I agree. He's crazy jacked.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But I saw guys there that I don't think, like, I saw them there. I saw people there that did not look like him. Like, when I saw him next to other bodies, I was like, oh, okay. I think maybe that's what supplementation looks like. Performance enhancing drug supplementation looks like. Is that something that you would have said a year or two ago? No, no. I'm completely educated by Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I know what you mean. Colton's got a look where you can just tell that it's labor. Yeah, he looks like a dude who, yeah, he got like the best beach body in the world but he does but but there were dudes there that had muscles on top of muscles on top of like weird angles to their muscles too like sharp corners and shit and do you care to share no maybe a uh i am no i'm no. I only play one on the seven podcast. Maybe an age group we can point out in particular.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Oh yeah. The masters guys for sure. Look like, I mean, that's, that's no, that's no secret that the masters guys always look way more jacked than the young guys, but even,
Starting point is 00:03:03 and even at the CrossFit games, I told you the story. I think I've said it on here before. One of the Masters athletes who was in the 35 to 39 was in the warm-up corral, and they go age group, age group, age group. And this person goes to everyone around him, told me the story retroactively. God, I can't wait until I get 40 44 years old that's what i'm gonna look
Starting point is 00:03:26 like how come how come you didn't look like that when you were on trt you weren't on it long enough or you didn't do enough or how come you didn't look like that how dare you i thought i looked great you did look great you looked like you looked really buffed you started getting i mean your chest was really rounded but some of those guys are just like i would say it's probably that yeah i mean the longer you spend on it the more time you've got to build that muscle was really rounded but some of those guys are just like i would say it's probably that yeah i mean the longer you spend on it the more time you've got to build that muscle speaking it was a trip what's up hey dude how are you uh look at this dude can y'all hear that i do hear that whose phone is that it's not not mine. It's not me.
Starting point is 00:04:06 That's the computer I'm on. Sorry. Hey, Jason, you look natural as fuck. You don't look sauced up at all, dude. You look just like a fucking... You look natty, brother. Brother. Natty. Natural, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Look at you. How y'all been, man? Dude, living the dream. It's been a minute since I've been on here. When was the last time, Savant? December 3rd, 2021 at 9.52 a.m. You hit end conversation and you were gone forever. No, I made that up.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I don't know. That was good. I mean, that sounds about right. Hey, it was really. Seeing you at the games was the first time I saw you in person. Dude. That was nice. I liked you way more than I thought I did.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I thought you were going to be like an 8 out of 10. You're in a fucking 11, dude. You put the love on me. You put the love on me. I was so thrown off when I saw you, dude. Why is that? I was just not expecting you to be so tiny. Really?
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm that small, right? Dude, you're so tiny, dude. Do you think I've started shrinking? Do you look at me like, oh, he's one of those old guys that's already started getting smaller? I know you didn't know me before. Do you think I was always this small? I think you were always that small. I just kind of never knew because all I've ever known is this right here.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You know, your face up close to the camera. So when I saw you, I was like, what? You wanted to just pick me up and throw me in your duffel? You were just so petite, man. Oh, oh, come on. We were doing so good. Petite is a strong word. He's getting back at you for saying that he didn't look like he was on steroids.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Oh, we were doing so good. We were doing so good. We were doing so good. Where did you go? Why was it so hard to get you back on the show for so long? Where did you go? Tell me about your, your, your,
Starting point is 00:05:55 your disappearance. Is it my fault? No, not my fault. I think, you know, I have a tendency to say some crazy things. And, you know, I think it's easy for people to use what I say against me. And so it was just best for me to, you know, I think go like go dark, if you will, just like staying outside the off the media and, and just doing my own thing. And, you know, I took that dark, if you will, just like staying outside the off the media and just doing my own thing.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And, you know. I took that course and, you know, good course take for that time. And I wanted to give it a try again, not to say anything like our conversations weren't bad. It was just, you know, I probably in that time, I probably shared some things, said some things, you know, whether it was like to the extreme or, you know, silly stuff like my body weight is, you know, 3% or something like that. Everything I say, you know, it could just be used against me so easily. So I didn't even want that stress or, you know, insecurity to be something I had to deal with. And so I just, you know, said no to it altogether. And not even used against you, just repeated, right? So then you had, anytime you talk publicly, someone's going to misunderstand you.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah, for sure. So for you, you might be like, Hey, I'm 4% body fat. And then Andrew makes a video that says you're, you're seven or whatever he ends up saying. And to all, to me, it's no big deal. It's like, yeah, whatever, who cares? But other people then all of a sudden are kind of like trying to weaponize it. And you're like, okay, enough already. Jesus Christ, who cares? But other people then all of a sudden are kind of like trying to weaponize it. And you're like, okay, enough already. Jesus Christ, who cares? And you're like, I'm just not going to say anything publicly. So I don't have to deal with any of the echoes. Yeah. I just kind of just wanted to do my own thing and, you know, let y'all do y'alls. Yeah. Well, we, well, we missed you. Our show depends on you coming on. We need you to come on.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Stop that. You can, you can cut in, you cut into the bottom line. Um, I want to go back a second, um, to your, when you, when you became part of HWPO hard work pays off a Matt Frazier's program. Are you still doing that training program yep go back what year was it that was it at a semi-final you ran into him and then you guys started kindling a relationship yeah i met him at uh i met him in vegas in 2021 and he wasn't he didn't have a necessarily like any sort of like coaching responsibilities going into the games and the games happened.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I came in 19th that year and then I, you know, took it upon myself to ask him over and over and over for him to, you know, have more investment into my, you know, journey. you know, journey. And I think begging him over and over kind of was like, okay, I'll give you, you know, a little bit more than I, you know, have been able to. Um, and then once he's, once Mal kind of came on, you know, he was like, okay, I'm just going to coach full time. And what year was that? and what year was that that was after i was in 2021 still 21 okay and that was after the games in 2021 yeah after the games and then there was that little um two month um window of me just kind of working with hdpo for a little bit um and then after rogue was when mal i think mal came on and he started really you know coaching full-time and then and then when did you decide to move up there and how did that work because the last time i had talked to you you had some good things happening in your life basically
Starting point is 00:09:37 you were working at a church and training for the crossfit games and then you were able to games and then you were able to work out full-time and you got a new place and a long time ago and basically from what you told me and what taylor told me and jr told me that you were real like homebody i mean not that you want to stay at home but you wanted to stay around your family your friends you liked your city and and i think you'd even told me on the show there's no nothing could pull you out of there like no fucking way are you traveling anywhere. You're going to train there. Yeah. But you didn't.
Starting point is 00:10:11 But you kind of – you broke out of that dogmatic mold, and you're like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to go. Well, I also thought that it you know, in 2022, everybody that kind of beat me, most of them, not all of them, most of them all like trained remotely with a coach. And so I saw Mal have, you know, a great result from the games training, you know, with Matt every single day and so i guess the next step for me mentally was like okay i just need to like go somewhere with matt and just like almost put everything else on the altar sacrifice everything else for this little time and and just like give a hundred percent to the sport to get to get what i want out of it and then because i would go up there's an accountability there's a standard
Starting point is 00:11:06 that is held whenever you're with your coach i mean when i'm here training by myself i mean i have no one to hold me accountable i come to the gym whenever i want um you know i leave whenever i want i can you know be a little lazy here and there but whenever you're up there i mean matt's like dude he's to the book um so working out with him and Mal, it was like, all right, we're here at this time. We're going to sleep at this time. We're out of the gym for session one at this time. We're in for session two at this time. It's like, bam, bam, bam.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And the accountability, the standard was just so high being up there. And I would experience this every time I just traveled up there here and there. And so I would experience this. And, and then also the feedback, you know, Matt's like brilliant. And I didn't have that much feedback being, you know, here. And so that everyday feedback was just like, so good. And then, yeah, so I'll go up there every now and then. And then I decided, Hey, like, this is the next step for me in order to get to where I want to be in the sport. Was it a tough decision? Who helped you make it? Was your wife cool with it? What about her job? What about your new place? Like, like you said, like I knew I was a homebody, so it was extremely
Starting point is 00:12:19 hard. And, you know, like I rely a lot on my friends. I rely a lot of on my faith like I rely a lot on my friends I rely a lot of on my faith I rely a lot on you know the community and Greenville in general you know I love Greenville South Carolina and I love all the things about home and you know moving away it was tough because I was basically just like saying you know hell hell to this all you know, for a little bit and just going for it. And because you hear that mantra, like champions don't have balance, and I kind of just took that on. Like I had to, you know, see if that was true or not. And, you know, I came away with a different perspective on that.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I think I, you know, I think champions, I think it's different for everybody. You know, for Matt, it's kind of he was able to, you know, think champions i think it's different for everybody you know for matt it's kind of he was able to you know move to tennessee or you know sacrifice a lot for to get to where he went and for me he's an introvert i'm an extrovert i have a ton of friends here um you know i rely on a ton of people to you know give me joy and you know give me a balanced life and you know there's other priorities in my life and i relied on that kind of sacrificed all that and pay the price um i have to i just have to have balance and i and i i wouldn't have learned that or got to that space of like realizing that unless i had you know spent six months in vermont look i just put your instagram down there for you thanks good dude
Starting point is 00:13:46 um when you went did you just say to your wife hey let's go and uh and it was that easy uh eaton beaver uh good morning mr hopper good morning um no good morning eaton beaver um It was probably a harder decision for her. Would you have gone without her? No. No. It was harder for her because she's not the one actually doing the sport. And so I'm dragging her away from everything she knows here.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And you live with that burden. Every day when things are you're you know four months in we're not hanging out a lot in Vermont because I'm you know six feet deep in games training and whenever I do get a break I don't want to hang out because I'm tired and you know all that emotionally takes a you know it's a huge weight and it's a big burden and then you feel bad that you know you drug her out here uh for your sport and then i mean it was tough it was tough emotionally it was tough all around you know home life and gym life jason isn't that what part of being the best is about um uh
Starting point is 00:15:01 being a little um people say the word selfish i I don't like that word. It's not selfish being focused on yourself. And then if you want to be with someone who's going to do something great, accepting that and just being thankful you have a front row seat, like, doesn't your wife just have to just be like, yeah, this is, this is what I want to do. This is a front row seat. This is what I want to be around greatness. I mean, she is already completely selfless in my life. I mean, she has sacrificed so much for this, for this career of mine. I mean, she is the, without her, I couldn't do any of this to the level that I'm doing it. And so there,
Starting point is 00:15:44 there is a, yes. Um, like in a sense, be willing to, you know, sacrifice a lot for this, but at the same time, like there's, there's a line, like we have values in our life. Like we have friends, this, this sport, isn't the number one priority. Like money, isn't the number one priority in our life. Like there's definitely a cutoff of like how much we could sacrifice and how much we should sacrifice in order to like be as best as we can in this space I mean it's cool it would be really cool to to win the CrossFit games or you know be on the podium but if that means like putting everything else on the altar and like
Starting point is 00:16:24 sacrificing everything to the point where that's going to affect me and my wife's marriage then i don't need that i don't even want that can you give me an example of something that comes before training uh i'm going to judge you no matter what you say i apologize when my marriage comes well give me but what do you mean by that like like your marriage? It means that when Thursday comes around and I'm dead tired and I come home from training and all I want to do is sleep because I put all my energy into training or that training week or all that stuff. And I come home and i'm giving my wife leftovers and i'm like hey i just want to lay here and watch tv that's not serving her you know the best way i could possibly be serving her that's not loving her that's not you know at the same
Starting point is 00:17:17 time like there's energies there's a there's an amount of energy that i have to be able to allocate for each of these priorities in my life if i just go all in on training then i'm not going to want to do anything else you know i'm not going to want to go on a date with my wife i'm not going to want to you know hang out with my friends i'm not going to want to you know put effort into anything else because it's just all in one basket and that's what like that that's like the champions have no no balance mantra is just like hey it's all in on on this basket and for me i just don't roll that way i have values i want to give my effort and energies to you know other things in my life and i mean if you know i don't get the results that i want on the on a competition floor
Starting point is 00:18:00 because of that then i'm okay to live with that. Tyler. Good morning, Jason. Um, when you, how, how long were you up there in Vermont? Five months. And how close was your bed to the, uh, weights? Not far. Not far. Actually, it was probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:25 15 minutes, 15 minute drive. Yeah. I was in a, I was in a sketchy part of Burlington. And do, is there a sketchy part of Burlington? There's one road.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's pretty sketchy. One road. Um, uh, blade Walker, uh, seven. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:44 imagine, uh, um uh blade walker uh seven um imagine uh having a goal that pulled you away from playing with your kids for about six months straight yeah no i ain't doing that you know there's there's no way i'm doing that but that is but that is my goal though that is where my life's out of balance where with my attention to my kids i'm seeing you interact this weekend at the uh crash crucible with the entire gang it seems as if that would be something that would very strongly impact you if you were to not have that being around taylor and jr and just everybody around you just that community of people you know it seemed to be something that gave you a lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:19:26 It did. Like I said, like I've been saying, a big friend guy, big family guy, like a big extrovert, like having fun. And just without that, it kind of just, you know, sucked the life out of me. Like I almost get life. I almost get joy and like energy being around people. And when I'm not saying like, you know, Jake and Matt and the people in Vermont weren't like fun to hang around,
Starting point is 00:19:55 but we're completely different people, you know, at heart, you know, me and Matt are completely different. You know, we just, we're, we're, we're good in the gym together, but we can't just like be best friends, you know? And so there's a, there is a, a joy that I get being here in Greenville with my friends who I've spent my entire life with and that I know personally. And it's just, it gives me life, man. And I need that.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You did say extrovert versus introvert. And I think that's a really good way to put it. I mean, hanging out with Taylor, he's just, he's like over the top of you the entire time. And he's awesome. And I'm just sitting there, I'm like, oh, holy hell. And then I see you two together and you're bouncing off one another really well.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It's cool. I also think that like being up in Vermont was, i mean it was it was an amazing experience for sure um but matt is one of the most serious people i've ever met um and mal is one also one of the most serious people i've ever met and so like i am like almost the opposite I'm like you know this let's have fun like let's let's lock in what we need to lock in but like when we're not locked in I mean we can enjoy life and you know be a little while and it was it was just uh it was tough because you know I was I was always around seriousness all the time. That's what made them great and got the results that they wanted in the space
Starting point is 00:21:35 because they were so locked in all the time on what they wanted. It kind of goes back to everything I've been saying. In order for me to do well in this sport Like I've been saying, it's just like, I, I, in order for me to do well in this sport, like I lock in when I need to lock in, but also have to, you know, step back and be like, Hey, this is CrossFit. It's not that at the end of the day, it's just a sport and it's not even that big of a sport for me to, you know, give my entire life to like, there's bigger and better things to do in this life than, you know, workout. And so just like stepping back and like having fun and enjoying life and, you know, not training on
Starting point is 00:22:12 this day or not getting out of the gym a little early to, you know, go play golf with a friend because he asked, like, that's the stuff I'm willing to do. That, yeah, I might, you know, mess up the results in the end of the day. But that's something I'm going to do that. Yeah. I might, you know, mess up the results in the end of the day, but that's something I'm going to look for, look back on in 50 years and not regret. I wonder what Matt learned from coaching you. Sorry, Hiller. I wonder, I wonder if he changed his style at all from like, it's pretty wild year for him, right? First year coach,
Starting point is 00:22:42 like coaching has you and Mal up there mal ends up taking the year off you end up coming back to uh south carolina it must have been a pretty wild year for him too like like a whole rethinking i mean you're part of his experiment too right i mean he was the greatest ever who did it but he was not the greatest coach ever who did it i mean i'm sure he has a bunch of takeaways um honestly when i got done after the games i came home he has babies so we haven't really had much of a debrief about what he's been he's been feeling about the whole situation what happened we we definitely have talked don't don't get me wrong we definitely have talked they're fighting people they're they're not talking and they're fighting that's the takeaway you guys and they're fighting. That's the takeaway.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You guys aren't fighting, right? We haven't talked since the games. We definitely talked. We had our debrief. It's not like you're not fighting with them. No. No. There were a couple interesting things here.
Starting point is 00:23:41 What did Will T say? Love having Hopper back on the show uh that that wasn't interesting that's just a fact mal was so locked in that she had to take a year off i was i was gonna ask if doing stuff like that made you feel anywhere similar uh burnt out just not being in your environment maybe the pressure of just being so locked in yeah i mean is that does that have anything to do with you think you're placing this year i mean i i kind of look at it as if you had you're building a house and then you go to hwpo and then you're trying to build the house really fast and then you kick over the gas can in year one
Starting point is 00:24:22 it's like holy hell this is a great fire and then you have this the gas can in year one. It's like, holy hell, this is a great fire. And then you have this great finishing at the games, and then the next year comes along, and you're like, well, now I got all these ashes. And would you finish 30-something this year? Yeah, 31st. 31st. So I was wondering if you had to burn the fire too hot, and it kind of caught up to you.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Or another way to ask, what the fuck happened this year? Well, one, I take complete ownership as to what happened. It's no one's fault but mine. I think there are some things, you know, looking back, that I would have changed and I think would absolutely have resulted in a better result. For one, Vermont was extremely tough on me emotionally. And it got to a point where I just wasn't, you know, as happy as I am now. And, you know, that takes a toll on you as a performer i mean if you're not happy
Starting point is 00:25:28 where you are how do you expect me to you know go to a gym every single day and you know go to this crazy headspace that is required in this sport and and prosper you know and so um it was tough being in vermont and i'm like i said like there were so many things that i said no to for in that little you know five month span that it just took a toll on me emotionally and i felt like i was just i was getting super fit like don't get me wrong like i was i was fitter than I had ever been in those five months. Um, but I just wasn't emotionally healthy and it got to a point where there was some injuries. Um, I had some strains and there were know, on my shin that, you know, stopped me from running for like, you know, the last month of games training, I had a, a forearm strain. Like there was,
Starting point is 00:26:32 there was like these things nagging around that didn't stop me from training. It just stopped me from doing certain things to the intensity that I would have liked. And so all that to say is like, when I got to the games, I was super beat up and burnout emotionally, physically. And like, I knew I, it's not like I went into the games thinking like, oh man, this is about to be like a crap show. I'm about to like, you know, burn the, like burn this thing all, all, all up. Like I actually thought I was going to do well.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's just like looking back on it, like hindsight, like looking back after the games at the whole entire situation, the entire six months, it's like, okay, like I wasn't as healthy as I probably would have liked to be like the Ben emotionally, you know, spiritually, physically. I mean, it was just a, it was just like a toll all the way through and then just got worse. And then, yeah. Without coming home, what could you have done different, Jason,
Starting point is 00:27:36 without coming home? Was there something you could have done different there? So you're saying basically your gymnastics, your strength, your conditioning was all on point. There were some injuries, but what does it mean you're emotionally burnt out? What is that? I just gave way too much. I was living at that 80% line every single day. The intensities were never 100 you know i was always walking to the gym
Starting point is 00:28:08 you know beat up from the day before like beat up from i mean did he know did fraser know did your coaches know did marconi know yeah i mean there were days i had to take like three days off at the same like at one point in a row, like leading up to the games, like I think a week before two weeks before the games, I like had to take like three days off. I mean, it was, it was tough. I mean, there were some things that I could not do. I got, I was doing rowing intervals one day and, you know, pulling one 50, I couldn't pull one 50 on a rower. and it was just tough like there was there was days
Starting point is 00:28:45 where i was just i did not want to be in the gym um and i kind of just thought like oh this is like how it's supposed to be you know this is you know games training you you know deload on you know the week before and then you're gonna be prime ready to go um but hindsight man i look i look back and it's just it was i was never really you know thriving there all around like there was i mean it was it was a good time like i enjoyed my time there like don't get me wrong don't don't don't think i went to the gym every day like oh my goodness i don't want to be here like that's not the case um it just wasn't i just wasn't as healthy as i am now all around and every every aspect of my life i heard you say you gave too much by saying no a lot that's is that correct
Starting point is 00:29:40 i connected a couple of different thoughts there. You said that you gave too much and it kind of took away because you had to say no a lot. And it really wasn't like all you had to do was train. So if it wasn't in relation to training, it was a no. Yeah. I mean, yeah. So. I mean, it was tough. I mean, you don't really understand my you can't really understand how i felt unless you were like actually in my shoes you know like i i saw my my wife struggling to be there and you know it was
Starting point is 00:30:12 it was we were taken away from all that we've known here in south carolina and um it was just tough when are you like crazy excited to be back home yeah man i mean we got here i drove here like right after the games and i just like i remember driving into town and i was like just crying just wow like it's crazy like i don't i've never like, I don't appreciate where like home, you know, as much, you know, I don't appreciate home. Um, like to the, to the effect that I do now, like I had to, I had to leave for a second to, um, and yeah, I mean, I remember just, like, being away and just, like, me, like, missing everything about Greenville and South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And, I mean, coming back, it's been awesome. Are you training right now for the games already, for the 2024 games? I'm not. I'm actually, to be honest with you, still trying to get over, like, the burnout of the past six months. But when I saw you this weekend, you seemed like maybe you wish you were competing. That was a mischaracterization? No, you were happy just to be there as a spectator?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah, I was happy to be there as a spectator. I'm excited for Rogue. No, you were happy just to be there as a spectator? Yeah, I was happy to be there as a spectator. Yeah. I'm excited for Rogue. I'm excited for Rogue. What? You'll be at Rogue, so you've got to be in some sort of shape for Rogue, training for Rogue. We hope.
Starting point is 00:31:57 You said you weren't training for the games, but I'm assuming you'll be ready for Rogue. Yeah. I'm not training for the games, but I've been training for Rogue. I don't understand. But hold on, Jason, you had to qualify for Rogue. I did. So you must be in great shape. That's why it's not a cakewalk.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I mean, I'm in shape. I got back from the games and we had like, I don't know, I think the qualifier was like August 20-something. So I had like two weeks. I'm not going to lose fitness in two weeks. It takes like four weeks and then you're going to actually start feeling it. And so when I got back, I took a week off. And then once that week was up, I did some stuff at the gym.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And then did the qualifier and made it. You in peak condition and like ready, like what percentage off do you think you were off for at the games? You think you were like at 95% and you needed to be 100%? I don't know what the game meant. Dude, I mean, I came in last on a run workout. You know, like there was something that was like, it's not like i went into into
Starting point is 00:33:05 any of those workouts thinking um like i'm gonna you know crap the bed on purpose like i actually gave my all in every single every single workout like you know went all out and for some reason like i just didn't have the juice i't, I just didn't feel like I ever had the right intensity to do those workouts. Like I have been before, like the, for the last workout, for example, like Helen, learn muscle ups and run. I mean, that was, most of that workout was most of that workout was depending on how good of a runner you are. And I mean, I came in last in a run workout but at rogue you know last year i
Starting point is 00:33:48 went a trail run so it's kind of just like what what makes sense of it you know and i just at the end of the day like at the games i just did not have that the right intensity i didn't did you know did you know when you were there like before the game, was it like one of those dreams where you're fighting someone and you can't punch them? Were you like, oh, fuck, I'm at the games and I don't want to be here? Was it like that? No, I think it all hit me after the second event when we did the pig flip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I mean, I was out there and, I mean, I couldn't. I mean, I think Roman got off the last set of uh toes the bar or chest the bar one of whatever they were um right before me him and lazar and then me and pat were right next to each other so we got to the pig um and we were like me and pat were like three and four and i was like oh like this would be easy you. It's a pig. I just remember that pig made me look small. I just could not flip that pig. I just, looking back, getting done with that workout,
Starting point is 00:34:58 I just didn't have that capacity for that moment. I didn't have that intensity, the right intensity. It's not like I didn't have that capacity for that, like that, that moment, like, and I have that intensity, the right intensity for, it's not like I didn't pace it right. Like I paced it right. Um, I did everything I needed to do. Um, I just didn't, I didn't have the, I didn't have that, that intensity that I needed to be able to finish that workout and get the result that I know I should have probably. And so like, that was one example should have probably and so like that was one example and then every workout like that is like like why why is my body not you know like doing what it's supposed to be doing why is it not putting on paper what it's you know what it's supposed to be
Starting point is 00:35:38 you know um there's no reason i should be coming in last on a hell and run workout there's no reason I should be coming in last on a Helen run workout. There's no reason I should be, you know, coming in the middle of the pack on a ski and 200 pound sandbag squat. Like there's like, there's no reason like my body is, you know, not putting, not giving me what it ought to be. Every time you put yourself on the line, going back to the first question you, um, from the podcast, like, where were you for the last two years?
Starting point is 00:36:07 Look at, so this person puts, this person writes Jason stupid to talk on seven. It'll all be taken against him and his coaches. Then the Judy Reed wrote, Oh my God, I like, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:19 Jason more than ever. I'm starting to cry. Then vindicate wrote, wow. I'm, uh, this is honestly, uh, making me an even bigger fan of you. There's always going to be all of that every time you put yourself on the line. Yeah, but it's easy to not look at what the good people have to say.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And just look at what the bad people say. It's easy to look at these bad comments and say, Oh wow, they might be right. And not, and just glance over the comments that you might like, you know? And so,
Starting point is 00:36:54 yeah, man, you do know the only person who knows the truth is you though. Oh yeah. Like I don't, I don't have the comments. And that's kind of like what I had to like, you know, learn over like last two years, not being on the what I had to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:09 learn over like last two years, not being on the show is like, I don't have the comments turned on. So I don't really see what anybody's saying. But I see there's almost 400 comments. But I feel like there's, there was a time, you know, two years ago where I relied deeply on what people thought of me. You know, like I always cared about what people had to say. I wanted to be a fan favorite. You know, I didn't want people to think any sort of like ill things about me.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And at the end of the day, like that's life. And I put myself in a position to be at the top of this sport and to be criticized and i mean that's just the the sport i chose and i gotta be okay with that but i rely i like i let those comments like solidify something in my heart that they i mean i'll never meet these people i'll never meet i would never meet the people that have to bad things. You might meet a couple. I might meet a couple. But I'm sure if somebody said something bad, I'll never actually meet that person. Or even if I do, it's like, hey, how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:38:22 And so I give those comments so much weight, and they don't deserve that so much weight. What does deserve weight is the thoughts my friends have about me, what the thoughts my wife has about me, what thoughts like the people that I do life with have about me. If they said something like that, then I'll probably check it. But I'm not going to check some random comment of some, you know, dude who is watching this podcast and has something, you know, something to say about me. I can, I'm not going to give that much weight to it. Well, there's going to be a bucket of people who are interested in you and they're going to, they're going to be, be the whole gamut. The what?
Starting point is 00:38:58 There's going to be this bucket of people who are interested in what you're saying and what your career is. And it's going to be a whole there's red ants in there black ants in there little ants in there big ants in there there's harvester ants in there it's just a bucket full of fucking all the different ants and you kind of just got to accept them all but hopefully there's a few in there that like think you're nice and like learn some scripture from you and think you're funny and like and like and like when they come through greenville they want to work out with you hopefully there's a few but dude clearly you're funny and like and like uh and like when they come through greenville they want
Starting point is 00:39:25 to work out with you hopefully there's a few but dude clearly you're a huge draw you're disperse you're clear i mean there's 500 people watching now so clearly like people people there's something about you that people want to know about now now what you don't want to be is like one of those train wreck people like there's people we know out there who have fucking a million instagram followers but we know 900 000 of them are watching because it's they want to see those train wreck people. Like there's people we know out there who have fucking a million Instagram followers, but we know 900,000 of them are watching because it's, they want to see the train wreck. So at least, at least you haven't,
Starting point is 00:39:50 at least you haven't crossed over into that space, Jason. I don't think anyone views you as a train wreck. So that's good. Miss Radao, uh, was he actually ever told not to do something or was he just advised to not do certain things if he wanted to be the best?
Starting point is 00:40:09 I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you understand the question? No, I don't. Um, how deep does the coaching go? Like, let me try to figure out what you're saying. Is there like a protocol? Hey, you need to be in, but you need to get eight hours of sleep every night. You need to make sure you, is there a a nutrition program like how deep does the coaching go
Starting point is 00:40:28 i mean i mean it's like an unspoken thing that you need to be sleeping that you need to be taking care of your diet i mean you need to show up on time yeah you show up on time don't be late um i mean expectations we're we're grown here like we can handle our own things um they don't need to baby us there uh there was when uh shane and the guy nick johnston were on pedro's podcast there was sort of this they were reflecting on their years past and one of the things they came up with was is that they wanted to be more clear with their athletes what they expected from their athletes was it always pretty clear what you were expected from at hwpo yeah yeah i would say so um it was a winner they didn't where I place is is it doesn't mean that much to them you know like it does but it
Starting point is 00:41:35 doesn't like they really just want to see me go out there and give my best and and walk off and and be happy about you know whatever I just showcased on the floor. And that's all they care about preparing me to be my best to do it at the level that I'm able to. It sucks when we train really hard and we, you know, put all this effort in and we don't necessarily reap the root, like the reward that we probably
Starting point is 00:42:07 thought we were going to get, that's kind of when that's a tough pill to swallow. You don't come across you seemed in good spirits at the games when I saw you. Were you in good spirits or was that just the facade? Well, we saw each other at different times the one i was crying or the one i was smiling oh no i didn't know i didn't see anything
Starting point is 00:42:32 so so you hated it you hated the games you hated your performance you were pissed no no no oh what what part are you talking about the part where we hadn't done an event yet no just didn't i see you didn't i see you after the games? Like, like maybe on the last day in the parking lot. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:42:50 first of all, we saw each other every single day. Okay. Good. Every single event. Um, I think after the last day I had been cut for two days already at that point.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And so there was some, there was some already uh things going like me me me being able to like sit down and process all my thoughts so and not like i mean that was 48 hours later after i got cut like i'm not going to be wallowing in in this pity still at that point so you're not wallowing at all still you're not wallowing now all. Still, you're not wallowing now at all. No, no, no. You're over it. Have you turned it into fuel or motivation? I just have this understanding that, you know, it's sport, you know, like people have bad days. And I mean, all the every champion in the book has had a bad day for us. We don't necessarily get to perform that often.
Starting point is 00:43:46 So it's tough to, you know, have a bad event and then, you know, come back a year later because it's just like, dang, I have a whole year before I can like, you know, bounce back. But for most sports, it's you have a bad game, you come back the next week or you have a bad golf tournament, you get cut. You come back, you win the back the next week or you have a bad golf tournament you get cut you come back you win the next the next weekend you know so it's it doesn't necessarily add fuel because i know i know my worth and i know where i stand in the sport like i have a i have a resume of coming at least in you know top 10 in a lot of these competitions so there isn't necessarily like this this lack of confidence that i'm dealing with now like there it's more just like an understanding of this that weekend just wasn't you know a good weekend for me and i'll get another opportunity and we'll move forward uh wild zombie she's asking did he just put did did he just put everything aside to train
Starting point is 00:44:44 on his own or was he instructed to put the training first? And then she clarifies, for instance, come on this podcast. Like were you told, hey, don't do podcasts, don't do this, don't do that? I was definitely told by outside sources to not come on this podcast. Not to. Who? It was me.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It was me. Matt never told me not to come on this podcast it was more people you know and like your like your pastor like your pastor my pastor um it was probably hey like me coming up to my wife one day after me saying something and being like hey i feel pretty crappy because this person's saying this this thing about a comment that i made on the savon podcast and my wife says hey it's probably not wise that you're you go on there anytime soon right now um well i was feeling crappy that you wouldn't come on here i mean it hasn't so i got my own issue less to do with you and more more of me like i know it had everything to do with you and more of me.
Starting point is 00:45:47 No, it has everything to do with me. Don't change my story. It's not you, it's me. One of them. What? It's one of those, it's not you, it's me. It's like when you're breaking up with somebody. But no, we're good.
Starting point is 00:46:00 We're good. We're good. Hey, can I ask about your Instagram? Yeah, what about it? After the games, there was some changes made. You used to have Nike and HWPO up in your bio. I don't see those things. And it says a tear rain,
Starting point is 00:46:15 go wide compacts. Okay. Well, for one, I no longer work with Nike and two, HWPO was never in my bio. Can you confirm that? Nice try. Nice try, Hilly.
Starting point is 00:46:32 All right. Well, I got to go and destroy my sources then. Never. Never. How is that? Was that seamless tier? Did it just go straight from Nike to tier? And how is that? You like that? Yeah. I mean, I with nike for two years and then my contract was over on the last day of september and you know i've been in the works with tier and got to know those guys over there so it was very seamless um i like this stuff i like i like what they're doing and i'm excited to work with them.
Starting point is 00:47:06 What's T.E.A.R. doing? They've just taken over the sport. They got everyone, right? They're just all in. Just about. I don't know who they don't have and do have, but I'll see a lot of T.E.A.R. everywhere. You think they're going to be the title sponsor?
Starting point is 00:47:21 Maybe. Do you know anything? I know they're investing a lot into the space, for sure. Do anything do you have any insights no i don't are you upset that you're gonna miss out on nike's new line of training equipment dude i think it looks ugly as hell but what i think it looks ugly. Yeah, I'm not a fan. Okay. Not a fan. So you're not sad. Yeah, this stuff right here. Look at that thing. How many people do y'all normally have on these lives?
Starting point is 00:47:54 50. You're lying. Wadzombie, Jason, please don't ever take a break from the community again. There's 500 people watching for a reason. We love to hear from you. Well, just to let y'all know um it's been 45 minutes and savans told me i only had 45 minutes so he's going kicking me off the the thing is the thing is is the last time he's on the show he didn't talk it was like pulling teeth and today he's the chatty kathy i told you i came out of my show we got 10 more
Starting point is 00:48:24 minutes hunter can wait. He did some of that South Carolina meth, the pink stuff or something before he came on the show. That's what that stuff was. What do you, did you, what do you mean you bloom by the way to you? I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:35 clearly you, you are, uh, you seem super settled. You always seem so happy. Go lucky to me. It's crazy to me how well you hid that any of that stuff bothered you you look unbotherable um i picture you just living in a small town that your stoplight's broken
Starting point is 00:48:52 and nothing bothers you and if anything anyone calls you you're like whatever and you just go lift something heavy like that's kind of that's the vibe i get from you that's true because well for one it has, it has to go back to my worldview. I'm obviously a Christian and I believe that Jesus is, you know, Lord and I live by that value alone. And so everything else compared to that is kind of irrelevant, you know know like CrossFit and Jesus are not on the same pedestal you know and so for me when things are you know going bad in one area of my life whether that be you know training or whether that be you know money or whatever it may be like it has, I have everything I need in, in the Lord, like absolutely
Starting point is 00:49:47 everything. I know that kind of sounds cliche to say like, Oh my goodness. Like, what does that even mean? Like, that's kind of like, um, like no one really understands what that means. And it's really simple. Like I don't need CrossFit to be happy. I don't need CrossFit to live. I don't need CrossFit to be successful. I don't need validation from anybody else. I have everything I need in Jesus, and I can live my life, and I can go through every single day, good or bad, things taken away, things given to me. It doesn't matter.. Like life is going to be okay. Um, because Jesus reigns and he's Lord and he satisfies every aspect of my heart. And so there's no, there's no, like, I'm not, I don't have a hole in my heart that I'm trying to fill with anything else. So like
Starting point is 00:50:37 when things go poorly or sport, you know, doesn't end up like how I, how I want it to like, Jesus is, is my rock. Like I find my delight in him, not in, you know, the, the recognition I get on social media or the winning event and the, the, the amazing emotional rollercoaster that that brings, like none of that is worth anything compared to roller coaster that that brings, like none of that is worth anything compared to, um, being loved by the Lord. And I know that sounds like only people who like are walking in that would truly understand that, but that's, that's my life. Like that's my value. And so every Jesus is the umbrella and everything else falls under that. And so I'm not
Starting point is 00:51:25 giving weight to, to all these other things that are minimal. Like at the end of the day, like I'm going to spend eternity with Jesus and I'm gonna look back on my life and I'm going to remember the moments I had with him. And I'm going to remember the moments I had with my friends and my family and my wife and all these things that have way more value one day, my kids and CrossFit is going to be such a tiny piece of that, that I don't want to give. I just don't want to give as much value and worth to the sport that it doesn't deserve. It's not an idol.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I don't want to give it. This is not an idol in my life. Let me ask you this. Sorry. Were you not fitting do you think that maybe you weren't with like-minded people up there since that's so heavily that's that's such a huge part of your life right there no they knew they knew where i stood but do you think that you need to be around other people who also have that same um uh know – is Matt religious? I know he has a serenity prayer tattooed on his arm or something. Is he religious? Did you ever go to church with him? No.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Did you pray with him? No. I don't necessarily – yes, you need people in your life that are walking with Matt. Dude, you worked at a church the first time I interviewed you i interviewed you from a church you were working at yeah um yeah i remember that um what i'm saying is i don't need like i have a strong enough base in the lord to like not necessarily um have to be in a training environment with a bunch of people like that. Like, obviously there's people in my life that I need 100% who are walking in that, in those ways. Like you don't, like I need my best friends to also hold me accountable.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I need to go to church and, you know, spend time with other believers and, and, you know, strengthen each other. you know, spend time with other believers and, and, you know, uh, strengthen each other.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Um, but I don't need to put myself in those situations a hundred percent of the time. Uh, good, goodwill racing. Oh, okay,
Starting point is 00:53:38 man needs to, okay, man needs to end up in Cookville at mayhem. That, that also is in Greenville. That also, yeah, like, That also is in Greenville. He's like Superman. The further away he gets from the sun, the less powerful
Starting point is 00:53:51 he is. He's got to spend time in Greenville to get his superpowers back. Did you feel yourself? You're talking about me? You're like Superman. You get your power from your central location. Was he from Greenville?
Starting point is 00:54:05 Was he from Greenville? Smallville. Smallville. I don't know. That's a TV show. And so I just want to, at the end of the day, I'd be lying if I said the last six months didn't draw me away from the things that I valued most in life.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And I put CrossFit way above anything else on a pedestal that it doesn't belong. And I think, you know, looking back, I would just prioritize a little bit differently. And maybe it would have given me a better result of the games. Maybe it would have, you know, I still would have got cut, but I do know this. I would have been emotionally, physically, and spiritually way more whole, um, going into the games. And I would have been, um, just more vibrant, you know, a better healthy person at the games than I was. How are things with JR now that you're back?
Starting point is 00:55:05 Is that where you train? Do you train at CrossFit Crash? Is that your home gym? Yeah. So like if you entered a comp somewhere and it would say Jason Hopper from CrossFit Crash. Yeah. And how good is it?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Was it awkward at all to walk in there? Or is it like, oh God, I'm home? Like, do you feel home? I didn't say, oh God, I'm home? Do you feel home? I didn't say, oh, God, I'm home. I mean, I walked in with a smile on my face, man. That's home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Is JR the same? JR is... I mean, you know JR. I walked in the gym after... I don't know him the way you know him, though. I walked in the gym after not seeing JR for six months and he gave me a head nod. That sounds like JR. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So when you go to Rogue, Frazier's going to be the guy right next to you telling you what to do. He got a coach. Well, Matt was never that person anyways. I mean, Jake was always that person. So that would be Jake then? Yeah. Gotcha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I mean, Matt would be there, and he would be the person I, like, am still going to talking about these events and talking about the approach for sure. The goal is to go to the games again this year yeah i mean this is this is still my you know full-time job this is something i still want to do don't think i'm like completely like i'm not i i'm not sensing any of it i just want to make sure i just like to hear it anyway you know what i mean like i asked my wife once while you love me yeah exactly how much she's like this i'm like nah it's not you just need some affirmation yes the goal is still to go across the games and i do i do want to be on the podium
Starting point is 00:56:55 is it possible can you beat those dudes i think i think it's possible um there was no shortage of confidence going into you. Everyone knows – I mean, fuck, what you did at that – was it Granite Games or which – The MAAC. The MAAC. Seventh. And then to be seventh at the Games, crazy good. Has any of that 31st place gotten into your head?
Starting point is 00:57:23 No. No. Is it the opposite? Like, is part of you – like you like you think you got a little chip on your shoulder now like you got a little something i wouldn't say i'm like i wouldn't say i'm full of confidence but i'm not you know i'm not like oh my goodness i don't belong you know i i would i would say this i i'm probably – I feel the same exact way going into the games than I did coming out. Are you too big? You were saying that I look tiny.
Starting point is 00:57:55 You're huge. I had no idea how big you are. I probably am, dude. You have some, like, big pieces on you too, like your forearms and your shoulders. You're just – you're big. You're not – it's not like you're just tall. You're big. You're a big pieces on you too, like your forearms and your shoulders. You're big. It's not like you're just tall. You're big.
Starting point is 00:58:08 You're a big dude. 220? 220. Yeah. You ever think that? You think, oh, fuck, this is a fucking Jeffrey. Look at Jeffrey Adler, little mouse over there. I mean, there are definitely some perks to being smaller in this space.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Careful. Sarah Cox, thank you. After you get out of the sport, I'm going to get you some peptides so that you can heal up. Yeah. When you go to the games, do you have a fighting weight? 220. 220. 220. I'm 3% body fat.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I can't lose weight. Yeah, understood. That's amazing. It's quite a way to see in person. 3%? We do need to clarify. Whenever you did check me at the games, you did say I may have been wrong. Via pictures, you look to be 10 to 11 in person you appear to
Starting point is 00:59:06 be under 10 but not three i love kelly's kelly's figured me out you have some big pieces on you um jason what will you do different this year um than last year? What will be different? I think Rogue has given me a good trial and error. I am... I've been training two hours a day. As opposed to four hours a day? You know,
Starting point is 00:59:39 four to six. I mean, all these guys are doing probably, I don't probably no three pieces three to four pieces a day they're doing probably two sessions for me I'm literally going in there doing some some skill doing some strength stuff and doing them you know Metcon maybe some conditioning I mean, I mean, it's very, very low volume. Um, not, not as structured just because at the same time, like I'm, I'm still healing from the burnout of the last, you know, six months. Like I gave everything I possibly could and I didn't get the
Starting point is 01:00:21 result that I wanted. So there's a, there's a part of me that's like scared of like going all in again. And so it was kind of like, why would like, there's, there's that voice in the back of my head that says, why would I put, you know, everything into this sport? And if I know I'm not going to get what I wanted or want out of it, you know? And so I'm, I'm still trying to like heal from that burnout like i'm still trying to want to be want to do like the those small details in the in the sport that makes you go from good to great like i did that's the best explanation i've heard as far as what just like what emotional burnout is because as soon as someone says that i'm like pussy that's what i mean but but but i get what you the way you explained it i didn't you canceled that out like i get it you put in
Starting point is 01:01:09 you put your money in bitcoin and you fucking lost it all and now everyone's telling you to put your money in bitcoin again that's what happened to me i'm fuck fuck you that hurt me i fucking sucked fuck off and so you just you just put all your money in Bitcoin And you didn't get what you wanted back from it But you're still all in But you're going to try something new You're trying this little something different approach Right, that's exactly right I get it
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah, I get it As soon as I hear emotionally hurt I just think pussy But I get it now You don't want to fucking do the same thing again And be a jackass I just think pussy, but not, but I kind of, I get it now. Yeah, of course. You don't want to fucking do the same thing again and make it and be a jackass. I just want to, I feel like I've like the, the work gave me like the work, like the,
Starting point is 01:01:58 the work that goes into being, you know, top tier in this space, almost like it scarred me because I did not reap the benefits of that hard work. And so now I go into the gym thinking, why would I want to put all of my effort into this sport, put everything else on the altar, sacrifice my marriage, sacrifice saying no to my friends on this night, because I want to do this zone two until eight o'clock at night, or like, you know, roll out an hour a night instead of going to hang out with somebody or like going on a date or like all, you know, you fill in the blank, but why would I want to do that when I didn't get the results that I wanted to. Because it makes you feel alive and getting emotionally hurt is fun.
Starting point is 01:02:48 And so now it's like, you got married, you got married. I did. I did. That makes you vulnerable as shit. She could leave you and fucking break your heart. I'm not saying those things were bad. Like I do want to get to a point where I'm like, I'm doing absolutely everything in this, in the space to get to where I want want to be it's just right now i'm taking a step back right now and um you're gonna have kids yeah eventually wait till you see how they fucking emotionally triumphal your shit um yeah so right now i'm you know i'm enjoying I'm enjoying my life.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I'm not like people have been asking me, hey, is Rogue going to be like your redemption? Are you going to really focus on going in there and proving everybody wrong? And it's just like that's not my goal. At the end of the day, I'm not here to please anybody else. I'm not here to please anybody else that's watching me or validate me or change anyone's mind about me. Like that's not the goal. Like I, I've been gifted in this, in this sport. I've been gifted with a talent and I've, I just want to go out there and steward it and, and give my best and whatever, whatever happens, happens um but i'm enjoying my life right now i'm in waking up um going to the gym train um not you know i still go hard like i still
Starting point is 01:04:16 and doing strength cycles i'm still doing conditioning i'm still doing metcons the intensity is at an all-time high right now, simply because I'm not doing as much volume. So I feel good. I feel in tip-top shape. And yeah, whatever happens, that road happens. We'll see if this lifestyle, like obviously I'm going to bed a little later, see if this lifestyle like obviously i'm you know i'm going to bed a little later probably 11 30 probably two hours too late too late too late and so stuff like that there's stuff like you know during the games training during games training i was in bed at like 9 30 lights out at 10 like i was so strict and there's just things about my lifestyle now that i'm i have a little bit more freedom about um and we'll see we'll and we'll see, we'll see the difference, you know, we'll see the difference. Jason, no matter what anyone says,
Starting point is 01:05:13 you absolutely smashed it on the show today. Thank you. I love you. You shared an important word. I do love you. And you shared an important word, regards to your earthly being and your otherworldly godly being. And I appreciate you coming on, dude. You the man. You're always welcome on. Remember when you were going to come on once a month? We did talk about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 All right. I'll see you soon. You the man. Thanks, dude, for your time. Yep, you were great. Thank you. See you, Jason. Later.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Jason Hopper. Hey, looks just like Jason. Dude, you know what's crazy, Hunter? What are you pussies up to? There it is. This guy put in so much fucking work. Right? He put in this much work.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Can you see how much? That's a lot, dude. No, no, your arms are kind of small. That's a big shake. And he got 30th place. He kind of explained to me what it means to be emotionally hurt in the space. I'd never got it before. It's crazy. A Hobbit's man. But you haven't really
Starting point is 01:06:19 had that. You put in a lot of work and you always reap the benefits. Dude, I was listening to him talk like you keep getting first place i wonder if that gets old for you if you need a good fucking ass whooping a loss a big loss big out i was listening to him talk just then and i'll just tell you man like i it's gonna suck for him to hear this but just by talking like that he is never going to get past that spot there's just a totally different language when you hang out with people that are fucking weapons and they don't talk like that
Starting point is 01:06:50 like even if i lose i'm like yeah whatever i fucking lost i'm going what about that but he's justifying it by him putting god first and you've sold your soul to i also i'm also a fan of god but god gave me a gift and I use that to wreck other people. I just, you know, if God gave you this vessel, why would you give anything less? Why would you make it as an excuse that you're spending too much church on Sundays to put in the extra hours? Like if God truly did create, did create these beautiful vessels, like you should shine as brightly as possible because you've been given a gift just even to exist to be anything other than your greatest is a waste is a waste of the potential of this supposed uh you know godly creator which i do believe in god but there's just so many i mean just by measurement dude it's almost impossible for us to exist and to be
Starting point is 01:07:41 anything less than a shining star is a mistake. And Mike McCaskey quote of the day, God, Hunter McIntyre, God made me a wrecking machine. It's the damn truth, dude. And I don't, I don't, I don't think. You think you could help him with that? You think you could help Jace? You think if he came out to the, to the cabin and hung out with you with you you think he could i hear what you're saying and i really like it because you're not discrediting anything he's saying no but you're just taking it it's like when i said i wish i had something to die for like jesus had something to
Starting point is 01:08:15 die for my dad said hey why don't you get something to live for why don't you find something that's so important that you want to live for and that's what you're saying you kind of flipped you were flipping the script on jason a little bit yeah yeah Yeah. Like do, do this for God, win for God. I've been doing a fair amount of public speaking lately. And like, I talked to actually entrepreneurs more than I do athletes, but they're talking from the mindset of an athlete. And like, I just sit down there with these people and like, I, I, you guys are starting a business right now. I don't want you to think about starting a business. I want you to go immediately, close your eyes and think of the person who's the number one person
Starting point is 01:08:48 in the world at what you're doing. And then try to find out how to match or beat that person. Start from that place right then and there. Think from no other point of view whatsoever. And your opportunity for success is massively elevated because that person right now is living a lifestyle that is totally different from yours. You need to shave off all of the questions, all of the wastes of time, anything that is getting in the way of performing at the rate
Starting point is 01:09:13 that you really want to is all with inside of yourself. Well, he said that he said his lifestyle is totally different than Matt's. And listen, rightfully so. If that guy wants to live like that, then he should just walk around with a jersey with the number 30 on him at all times. But if he's going to try to be number one, you have to start to walk around with the number one on you. Otherwise, it's never going to happen. Like, I don't know if I'm going to fucking set the world record this weekend, but I told everybody I was going to do it because I'm not going to show up for anything else but that. And you're okay with being emotionally hurt if you fail? I've been emotionally
Starting point is 01:09:45 hurt so many times since when was life not meant to be painful bunch of pussies i do i do get what he's saying though i really like how he explained that he basically said he put in the the most grueling you know year of his life went to the games took 30th and now he's like okay who that hurt it's like it reminds me of like like like you work at a job for six months and then they you don't get a paycheck right so he's dude going to the casino is not fun because you win it's fun because it's challenging like it's the risk right versus the reward you know you're gonna lose it you still go yeah man and like if you do win it's like this like holy shit like that's really where the juices start flowing that's why a lot of dudes
Starting point is 01:10:25 never fall in love with girls because they're afraid to get emotionally hurt too i've definitely been in a lot of relationships and i've definitely been emotionally hurt a bunch um but i still date it's like and do you still love them with all your heart like going full steam less less so than they're completely objects now. Don't check. Jesus Christ. No, no, no. But I have reached the level of emotional maturity where now when I meet a girl, I just be honest with them. I'm like, if you want to get to know me on a greater level, you're going to have to wait for two years.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Yeah. You're going to have to wait for two years, and you're going to have to be so patient because if I try to expedite the process of being an athlete in the place that I'm in right now to give you more energy, like I'll be upset with myself and it's probably going to, it's going to fail our relationship later on in life. Um, uh, hunters like your friend, Nick, um, Hunter, would you ever, um, like, would you go to a party and you saw your friend hitting on a girl and just but you wanted her swoop in and drill her no you don't do that I'm a big believer and it like creeps me out and there's so many douchebags that do this kind of stuff like if you're a girl if you're dudes into a chick like there's no reason there's so many other chicks and you know it's going to create
Starting point is 01:11:40 like rap like you know waves between you and your friend, who gives a shit? Let your boy go for it. If he totally misses, there's got to be a three-month period and then you can maybe go after it. You're also an old man compared to Mr. Hopper. How old is Hopper?
Starting point is 01:11:58 Thank you. 25? He's 25? Something young. Dude, I was dangerous at 25. Like, if you put me in a bar, I'd fight anybody. You put me in a bar, I'd drive faster than everybody. Like, I was dangerous at that age.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Hunter can't train Hopper. I actually think that they would be good for each other. Hey, man, I agree, though. You need someone lighthearted. You agree with who? Me or this blockhead? I agree with the blockhead man over here.
Starting point is 01:12:30 It's really hard to hear him talk about how he's not really willing to stick it to his craft. Oh, you weren't stoked with where Jason was at right now. Let's give Jason a lot of, as they say in the church, grace,
Starting point is 01:12:45 because he's clearly like working through shit. That's the case. Yeah, yeah. I've gone through some like really deep stuff. Like this last year was super challenging for me. But what I did was instead of dealing with my pain emotionally, I just worked harder on training. And then I took that period of time when I was in the woods
Starting point is 01:13:03 to digest some of the things that was going on with me mentally. Oh, yeah. You went on a vision quest. You fucking – Maybe that's what that homie needs. Is Jason in a relationship? He's married. Then he needs to ditch the girl.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Not permanently. He needs to ditch the girl, and that dude needs to go on a real vision quest. go out into the dirt and be a little raw stop doing strength cycles and stuff and like really go through some challenging physical and emotional stuff that's not in his comfort zone because doing back squats and shoulder press and you know toe to bars for him is not challenging that dude probably needs a little bit more aggressive adversity so do a higher ox race no dude exercising completely that's why i get away from exercising because I'm not going to grow anymore from exercising. Oh, shit. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Is that a tanning bed behind you? Yeah, it is. No, it's – I'm in my buddy's apartment. Dude, you know why I have also – I think I have elevated – A tanning bed. If he walked by a tanning bed, he would burn. Come on, Larry. I'm such a redhead, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:00 He said, Larry, he can't be in a house with light bulbs with more than 60 watts. red is dude he says laurie he can't be in a house with light bulbs with more than 60 watts um being involved in business is so much harder than competing that that mental elevation of my lifestyle has made me work so much harder that when i go into the gym and i compete against these guys it's a joke it's a joke like really having to be a master of your craft and business and, and, and deal with money and people and all of these different layers. When I go to the gym, it's so easy. Like I hold one 30 on the rower and skier. Like, I was like, this is a breeze. I don't want to fuck. What about business? What about business? Dude. Like, I mean, if you go to war, you know, the wolves are sharks or what? Everything, dude. And when you go to war, dude holes or sharks or what everything dude when you go to
Starting point is 01:14:46 war dude the bullets are coming from in front of you when you go into business it's coming from all directions people who work with you people who work against you there's just it's just it's insane there's there's so many layers of intensity and i'm sure people who are listening to this who've actually been involved with that level of capacity they know what it's like i mean for christ's sake your guys patron saint um greg glassman as soon as he did one thing wrong they fucking nailed him to the cross and beat him good point he didn't even do anything wrong one one assumed thing wrong but that's what i'm trying to say dude you'd be so surprised you just show them that these like that's what happened to jesus get all these disciples and all of a sudden they're like uh
Starting point is 01:15:21 stab them yeah but hey i the reason why i think you'd be good for jason is because basically my one of my big takeaways is is that he doesn't he he's light-hearted he wants to joke around he's okay with like in the middle of the workout someone walking going behind the shed and taking a drop in drawers and dropping a deuce he's okay with some he wants some light-heartedness he said he just said matt's the most serious person he's ever worked with and he and he's not a serious person i will say that i i recognize that a version of me had to die to become who i am today like i used to be very childish and you just what's that i do i still am there's still a lot of ridiculous aspects of me
Starting point is 01:16:05 but you know hey my son my son told me that yesterday hunter he goes he basically said hey on the tennis court like it pops up in your head to crack jokes and you just can't like i go why he goes because it's serious you're there to play sport he's like you got to save the jokes for afterwards when you come off he's's nine. He's telling me this. Dude, I watched a little video of your son talking about something the other day about the numbers that are always continuous. And I was like, damn, boy. You could use that. Damn.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Yeah. How old are you? Dude, look at this guy, Patricia. Patricia's a dyke and a mean chick. She said, I'm a 40-year-old man with a hoodie and a bachelor's cap and no children, no future. What a dick. How old are you?
Starting point is 01:16:55 I'm 34. Oh. That's a Trish, by the way. That's a deceased member of the show. Oh, okay. I was like, what a dick. I actually called her a dyke, but yeah, same thing.
Starting point is 01:17:08 She's fucked up. Is that a woman? No one knows what that is. Undercover douchebag. Yeah, that thing's a broken. Don't worry about that. That thing's broken. You left out a 10-time champion, Patricia.
Starting point is 01:17:23 50-time champion. Patricia, you're a dick Hunter What So I thought you were going to retire from High Rocks And then all of a sudden I saw this post on your Instagram And that's why I recalled you right away As soon as I saw it I was like wow this motherfucker is crazy
Starting point is 01:17:41 So I thought I tried to retire last year Okay tell me about it. Oh, and you were going to do the Olympics. You were trying to find a way to go to the Olympics. $10,000 wasted, but still had a good time. Yeah, I had a really good time. Bought a boat, moved to San Diego, went all in,
Starting point is 01:18:01 and found out that the race that I was trying to qualify was not the race that I was supposed to qualify through. Natty? Natty, Hiller? Natty? Not Natty at all, dude. That's all juice. The legs tell a different story. Why are your arms bigger than your legs? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:18:18 That's meaner than what Patricia said. Are you trying to say I have skinny legs? He did. Not trying. He did say it. Your arms are bigger than your legs, dude. Yeah, man. I'm a runner. Yeah, man. Biceps win races.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Dude, you see those fucking pythons, dude? I could snap you off, dude. Yeah, you got some big arms, dude. Oh, my God. Look at this. Newsflash. I'm going to set a world record. Not only am I going to set a world record, but I'm going to set a world record in the
Starting point is 01:18:42 toughest and most well-rounded fitness competition in the entire world get your calendars out guys october 21st your boys can be going off i believe at 8 a.m you can expect to see john win and i leaving a trail of flames behind us because god i love this you guys have ever seen so good dude whoever your video guy is you made this he's a stud irox has taken eight fitness stations spread across all the olympic and world championship level sports they test all of them in succession just to use the fittest. And then you have to do eight laps so that we can test your ability and endurance. My buddy, John, when, and I, we're going to go after this thing. We're going to set the world record and blazing case that nobody else has seen before. So you're going to want to tune in. You're going to want to see this thing. It's going
Starting point is 01:19:17 to be worth your time and also get a bag of popcorn and a set of beer. It's going to be wild. Who's odd. She's been sexually propositioning me for a long time let me ask you that i know he is a sexy bitch too audrey when you do that thing and you drag your finger across the table do you do does he tell you to do that because he's gonna draw a line of fire or after he sees that your creative's like okay i'm putting fire behind that my creative did it after the fact god he's a fucking stud dude stud, dude. Is it a boy or a girl? It's a grown boy. Oh, he's a stud. We have four people on our media team now that are just working their butt off.
Starting point is 01:19:56 We just fully invest in this media all the time. Constantly go, go, go. You're so lovable. Look at you. He's Thad Castle in real life. You know who Dead Castle is? That's a fucked up name. I do want to know.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Do it again. One second. It's coming. October 21st, Birmingham. Dude, when did you fly? You need to go now, dude. It's the 19th. Are you flying out today? Dude, I'm you fly to... You need to go now, dude. It's the 19th. Are you flying out today? Dude, I'm in London right now.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Oh, shit. You think you're smarter than me just because you have a higher GPA? Well, newsflash, Shiloh. That's you. You said newsflash in that video. And you got the same big jaw and you got the same bravado about you. That's you. You're dead, Cass. I love this guy. I guy i love that character what movie is that i want to see that with my
Starting point is 01:20:48 kid and they would love it the first episode they do this thing where they shove an oreo cookie between their butt cheeks and run across the football field they'd love it i really want to know who are all these people that stay here live on the show and how do they have so much free time? They're driving somewhere. They're doing something. I hope it's like the Howard Stern show. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:11 They're driving around. They're moving pallets in an Amazon warehouse somewhere, and they have earphones in. I love Howard Stern. I know you really did not like that when I said that last time, the king of media. Disgusting. I know. This guy is such a beast i love this actor that's you that's what i'm saying man i could get that size just give me a couple years i wonder how tall he
Starting point is 01:21:34 is though he's like six two are you gonna do testosterone when you retire like when you're 40 maybe i don't know i mean here's the thing dude you're gonna get huge if you do dude you are gonna get you're gonna put on 20 pounds of muscle you're gonna be look like an action hero i'm gonna go i went to an unnamed like celebrity athlete's house in malibu and i used to go train there and i would show up and i'm already a world champion at the time, like, you know, pretty fit, pretty jacked. And I'm looking at guys who are moving as if they're in slow motion, like just so old slow motion dudes. And their body fat is a couple points below mine. Their muscle mass way more than mine.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Like they were all juiced up. And I don't hold this against them at all. They're not professional athletes. They were just like the guys who live around town who had too much money and love to look ripped. And I was like, is it, do I get to the point where I only have to work out like 30 minutes a day doing like slow dumbbell curls?
Starting point is 01:22:36 Like these, I remember one guy would walk on the treadmill with 20 pound dumbbells and it was just the most enormously ripped dude ever. And I was like, that's all i have to do and a little bit of tea i i i would i would say honestly if you want to optimize your lifestyle style and be more involved with your family your businesses and stuff probably taking a little bit of hormones and doing a lot less training is the best thing you could do at a certain age could you be the next rock could there be a red age. Could you be the next rock? Could there be a redheaded rock?
Starting point is 01:23:06 Like, do you have the look to be, like, could you, like, next year go into the W? You don't think so, Hiller? I want them to be. Like, you go WWE for a couple years. I can show you guys the email. They offered me a job at the WWE in 2017. I remember you talking about that. Your name is Bulk Pony, though.
Starting point is 01:23:20 It's the Bulk Pony. The Rock and the Bulk Pony. I want to do do i'm waiting for uh a producer to approach me and make the movie duke nukem have you ever seen duke nukem that's the only role i want to do yeah i wonder why i wonder why you haven't been um i wonder why you you haven't been approached is logan paul on roids hillary he is right yes so dude you can tell by looking at someone's deltoid size that's always my metric
Starting point is 01:23:52 look at their deltoid size what's that what's your deltoids the the traps these are shoulders here okay okay you got some pretty big deltoids my man no. No, it looks big, but that's just because I was lean. I don't really have that big of deltoids. You can tell, because if you can touch someone's bone in there and there's not muscle on top, that's when you can tell. I was covering that up. Look at Sam. What the hell is his name?
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Starting point is 01:25:17 started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Mm-hmm. Those aren't that big, dude. He needs to put his arm up, and it needs to start having those weird angles. You know what I'm talking about, dude?
Starting point is 01:25:37 If you're around endurance athletes, they're just typically pretty lean. But I'm 210 pounds. I look big in most of my posts. Hey, when you were competing in CrossFit, you were huge. I was a thick daddy. Absolutely massive.
Starting point is 01:25:50 I wonder how long it'll take for me to scroll back to that time. This is a pretty good way right here. Look at that. Oh, damn, daddy. Oh, I could have tricep pressed that over the head. Yeah, his legs are skinny. All right, all right.
Starting point is 01:26:06 A little skin, dude. Let's go back to some of your posts where you were wearing those fucking creepy ass props I'm gonna steal this for a minute explain those delts my man those are some big delts no dude at the time it's relatively small it's relatively small
Starting point is 01:26:22 is that where you tell all the chicks that you sleep with. Oh my God. Look at that jaw, dude. Look at how long his neck is. He's a fucking giraffe, dude. I'm telling you right now,
Starting point is 01:26:31 dude, from a genetic standpoint, like I've got it going on. I've got it going on. And I'm like, I'm at, I'm a 10 time world champ. Who's lost is just go up.
Starting point is 01:26:41 That's when I, I mean, when I was the big, I'm going down, dude, go down, go down. Let's go down deep. Going all the way down to the time of which you were a CrossFit games competitor. This is a great picture. Jesus Christ. You want a piece of that, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:54 If that was hovering over you in bed, you'd say yes. Every time. Hey, what's the fastest time that's been ever been done. The high rocks. For men it's 48 50, think so we got to do we got to go fast and and um are you emotionally uh scared no no the reality holds the record now who holds it we used to hold it and now it's held by this uh german guy and a british guy it's held by they're both really talented athletes the second fastest guy in history his name oh it's a team it's the team record you hold the individual record still yeah i hold the individual record which is what 54
Starting point is 01:27:36 yeah okay i didn't get that okay you're going that's why you're going with the dude the italian looking dude yeah yeah yeah that's that's that guy you should interview him he is a he's an awesome guy john win dude you know who he should interview i've been dming back and forth with him he'd be a great person to talk about performance enhancing drugs joe biden joe biden i love joe joey b Joey B? No, this guy. His name's Greg Ducetti. You've been messaging with Greg Ducetti? Yeah, I love that guy. Excuse me? Yeah, that'd be a great interview, but why are you talking to him? Because we might do a project together where we're going to do a watts test,
Starting point is 01:28:20 like the 20-minute watt test to see who's – Yeah, he does a bunch of cycling, yeah. Yeah. Does he think you're juiced up? Does he believe that you're natty? I think he'd say so. He likes to tell people whether or not they're – and I probably – he would accuse me by now.
Starting point is 01:28:35 He loves to just, like – that's, like, a whole theme on the internet is accusing people being a natty or not. Hiller – let me tell you this. Hiller has this theory, and I think it's a really good theory that certain athletes become friends with him so that they won't become on his hit list i'm wondering if you became friends with greg doucette so you didn't get put on his hit list no i'll show you the first message i had with him i think i asked him about can i suck your dome i finally got to you are a big bitch here. Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Let's see. That is a different looking hunter right there. Yeah. Look at this boy. Yeah. Yeah, but look at his chest, dude. That's not a juice chest. Yeah, his claim to being natural would be him never benching over 300 pounds.
Starting point is 01:29:23 That's for sure. No, I got through 15 ones. You did? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's what I mean. That's what Colton's body looks like, too. It just doesn't look – doesn't have weird angles on it. I originally started DMing Greg about cars.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Dude, he looks so normal there. Hold on one second, Hunter. He looks so normal on that last one. Yeah, look. That's just a fucking lifeguard where you fake drowning. So he comes and gives you mouth to mouth. David Hasselhoff right there. Yeah. I mean, that's just like.
Starting point is 01:29:52 But but if you put 100 pound dumbbells in his hand, it all of a sudden looks like he's juiced. Right. OK, go ahead, Hunter. Well, you're we've exonerated you. Thank you. I really like dudes in the fitness industry that are like super into cars like i wanted to start a car club called barbells uh uh what was it called uh barbells and pistons like we were gonna have just like car clubs around la and just drive wicked fast cars through the hills that's my favorite thing to do is drive cars and malibu's full in what's that area where that famous breakfast place is down in the
Starting point is 01:30:25 bottom of the hill there that parking lot's always filled with trick cars dude it's so dope it's so dope there was this one guy that i used to train and he doesn't know about this he i landed at lax and i was like i was like hey man i'm coming up to train you he's like actually can you just drive my ass and martin up to my house uh up in Solvang and train me there? He's like, I need the car here anyways, then I'll drive you back the next day. He let me drive his one of 20 Aston Martins. I drove it to one of the car meets. I had never driven a car that low.
Starting point is 01:31:00 I went over a speed bump and scratched the underside of his car. It gutted me. Everyone in the parking lot was looking at me as i was like did he find out of course not he sold that car also so hopefully he never found out uh cave dastro if greg duchette and hunter were in a room together their cumulative iq would be less than 50. Jesus Christ. Heavy, dude. Heavy. Your guests are just filth, dude. Greg's actually a really smart guy. Dildo.
Starting point is 01:31:34 They got a master's in kinesiology, don't you know? Hunter, Matt Stevens told me that you were going to ride his mustache next weekend. Can you confirm? Is that true? Who's Matt Stevens? Matt Stevens is the head judge for our event. Oh, my.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Did you ever sit on his face? I would, dude. That mustache is sick. He just got his DNA back, and I was like, dude, you've got to be Mexican. He's like, that's right. I'm Mexican. You know, like Italian men are Mexican. No DNA test ever comes back Mexican.
Starting point is 01:32:02 There's no such thing as Mexican. Whatever. The sector of that area, that mexican there's no such thing as mexican whatever the sector of that area that reads there is no such thing as a mexican the dna you got to understand if you i remember the kids the mexican kids in high school like they had mustaches at 10 yeah they can make hair on their face so rapid i still can't go hair anywhere else on their body which is your armenian as well which is incredible their bodies are built for performance dude i mean i've watched no mexicans dude i've watched the guys working at our ranch in like a hundred degree weather doing the most insanely hard work as if it's nothing like marching up and down the hills with hay bales on and stuff. And I'm just like, wow, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not your fault. Um, that your body's built, built to work in fields under 120 degrees sun all day. I'll never forget. I was doing a job
Starting point is 01:32:56 with Reebok and the photographers had just come back from Ecuador and they're like, dude, you're fit. But we were just working with this ecuadorian um uh like you know coffee bean grower and that dude made you look like a child like he's just like this dude was here up at alice dude and this dude was just carrying bales of coffee all over the place like no big big old bags of coffee no big deal and i was like i was so embarrassed that's why mexicans dominate all sports dude have you ever i think south america do those dude they dominate brazilian jujitsu do you remember maradona the soccer player that guy's from south yeah yeah yeah dominated pull boy you're mexican but just what my point is is is that the DNA tests don't come back Mexican.
Starting point is 01:33:46 It's just a hodgepodge. You're like some Aztec fucking 4'3 dude who 300 years ago was raped by some Spaniards who came overseas, and then when you weren't looking, they started calling you Mexican and made you the poster child for Catholicism. But you're just a fucking – 300 years ago, you were a mutt, and that's what I mean. So when you take a DNA test, they don't recognize mexican it doesn't they don't they won't write mexican on there it'll be like aztec and fucking something from europe like they don't like you're not a real breed you're not aca a whatever a good movie dude when i saw that i was like i'm so lucky that i wasn't born during that time going against those guys they were savages what movie is apocalypto oh yeah intense beautiful so good that's maybe where they're just running the whole time right
Starting point is 01:34:31 it's three hours of just running from the bad guys yeah that's because they're mexicans they can do that apparently dude i mean think remember the that book born to run great book another incredible one great book book. Great book. I've read a few books in my time. Yeah. I'm sure I listened to it. I doubt I read it. You know what's a really good book?
Starting point is 01:34:53 And this might help that guy. I just started reading it. It's 10X is Easier Than 2X. That should be a Hopper book. Hopper wants to get some higher performance during the CrossFit Games. Anybody who's listening to this, you should go listen to that book. What book? Say it again. 10X is is easier than 2x okay and it's one of these kind of things where it's like a bit repetitive but you need to keep on saying the
Starting point is 01:35:13 same message in different contexts over and over and over again for you to realize it it's a brilliant book i'm gonna get it 10x is easier than 2x. Never had such an angry crowd of people. You basically have an angry mob. You're getting ass pounded right now. Do you like it? I've been there, done that. It's just been tough.
Starting point is 01:35:39 But, yeah, I guess your crowd is just mean. Hey, I don't like that. Let's stop being mean, Dan. Come on, guys. I don't want this show to have a Dude, anytime, anywhere When I went to the CrossFit Games, everyone was such dicks to me But when I was at the CrossFit Games, no one had anything to say No one would come up to me, nothing
Starting point is 01:35:54 Everybody on the internet is a savage But face to face, they're pussies I wanted to say that to Hopper too Because he was talking about the time where he was worried About what everybody thought And I go, no one's going to say shit to your face. I've had probably 50 Reddit threads about people
Starting point is 01:36:09 talking mad shit about me, and I've never rented anyone other than Hip and Steel to talk shit to my face, and that one Jack Dude of the Games, that one. Oh, that's cool. Hip and Steel's cool. I love Hunter. I'm not... I love Hunter. Let me have your body. Wow, what a... God, I would just just what if one girl said that to me anytime?
Starting point is 01:36:28 Fuck. Let me have your body. Okay, here you go. I read it. Be great. Get it. I got it. One credit.
Starting point is 01:36:40 It is a great book. But I got all these credits. What other books should I get? Let me get you some of the books that I've been reading recently. You want to know one that will fuck your brain totally? Yeah. This book.
Starting point is 01:36:55 It was right before he died. Carl Jung was writing this. Jung. Jung. This one, Memory and Dreams, Reflections. No, Man and His Sy Reflections? No, Man and His Symbols. It basically teaches you
Starting point is 01:37:09 it teaches you it teaches you basically like how to break down your dreams and like the subconscious psychology of human beings and it will freak you out. I got that one too. Yeah. That's enough books for this year.
Starting point is 01:37:27 And then high intensity Mike Menser, dude, that's the only other one. You should be training like that and you will get beefy. You will get mega beefy, dude. Is this thing going to be televised? Internetized?
Starting point is 01:37:42 It'll be broadcasted. No, Hunter is not chewing. chewing stop asking that is not chew that's um something else bubble gum it's bubble gum how do we watch this where do we go if i go to the high rocks instagram it should be live it should be live streamed by high rocks uk i'm going to high rocks uh I'm going to High Rocks. I'm going to go to the – oh, High Rocks UK. Should I go to their Instagram or the world one? No, High Rocks UK should be the one who's broadcasting it. It would be smart if they did it via the world,
Starting point is 01:38:17 but all these things are like separate entities, so they end up doing it. Are they promoting the fact that you'll be there to smash shit? I don't see it. Probably not. I don't see it probably not i don't see it uh hyrox masters trainer then this thing hyrox workout of the week why do you say probably not they're not gonna like me saying this but i always make fun of them for it their marketing capabilities are like thin at best like they just they invest so much in the sport but they they don't really do very much to promote the sport if you know what i'm trying to say like the reason the reason my crossword became so big is because of people like you two guys like
Starting point is 01:38:57 you're constantly talking about the athletes the narrative of the sport and you made heroes and then all of a sudden when you make heroes, people become interested. It's the same idea with comic books. Like those people didn't even exist. And people talk about Superman and Batman and Spider-Man around the world every single day, because you made these people believe in the ideas of these characters. And you have to do the same exact thing with sports.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Otherwise you're never going to build this hero complex where people are interested in fans of a sport look at this girl's earrings one two three four five six seven eight nine you think she has mental health issues she has nine definitely tell a girl's crazy factor by how many fuck dude you have nine oh she had this she had to go somewhere and be like hey have nine holes? Oh, jeez. She had to go somewhere and be like, hey, put nine holes in my face. I'll be honest. I've been listening to both sides of the argument, and I can see both points of view. But at the end of the day, there's only one answer, ass over tits.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Ooh, he's got a point. Why? Why? What's the point? I absolutely love tits. I think tits are one of these kind of things where they have superpowers. Like, when you see a woman walking around town, you see cleavage. Like, the thing that it does to a male's body if you're into chicks, like, it's this compelling force.
Starting point is 01:40:16 But then if she – and it's more powerful than the ass. But then if she turns around and she has a pancake ass, it, like, completely deflates the hot air balloon. And can I tell you something? I've never had any pair of tits in my face that i'm like oh i don't want those in my face the saggy ones the big ones the little ones all i've never had one where i'm like those suck never i even had the one i even had the one with the chick with the who had the giant z titties but then got the breast reduction but they didn't take in the skin. So it was like fucking like motorboat and a Sharpay. Even those were great.
Starting point is 01:40:48 But a flat ass is a flat ass is a flat ass. It's just like, it's just. It's heartbreaking. Yeah, there's bad asses. I call it back butt. Have you ever seen the people that their backs go straight to their hamstrings? It's just like, it's just this straight line. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah back back butt is a true disease
Starting point is 01:41:07 and it needs to be addressed hunter i want to show you something just because i think so this this is this is crossfit oh no this is Instagram page. Here we go. If you know anyone who works on this page or are the person who works on this page, lock up all your guns because you're not going to like what's coming next. They posted this yesterday. Now look at this. Look at this. They posted this yesterday.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Look at this. Fourth down. It says, watching your dream bestie compete at a local CrossFit competition. Angle. Touchdown, LA! 22 hours ago. It's a walk-in. Fourth down. Angle.
Starting point is 01:41:59 This is the premier fitness organization in the world watch your gym this gotta be like the stupid like if you're a company like this and you're gonna post a meme or something like this it better be off the fucking chart but it gets worse hunter wait till you see this
Starting point is 01:42:15 at the same time at the same time they posted that they could have posted this they could have posted this. They could have fucking, this happened at the exact same time that happened. This is fucking a guy whose dad owned an affiliate, won the Heartland Trophy, has the NCAA record for the most fucking touchdown passes in all college football, and had no chance of fucking making it to the Chicago bears is going to start next week against the Raiders.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Now listen to what he says. Listen to this. Kids dream about this playing in the NFL, right? When you're, when you're younger, did you ever really think this was going to happen when you're coming up in Martinsburg? Yeah. Oddly, I always thought it was going to happen. I think that, um, you know, me and my dad really were the only ones that really thought that this was going to happen. Um, and then, you know, me and my dad really were the only ones that really thought that this was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:43:11 And then, you know, after that, it was just figuring out how I could outwork everybody that, you know, maybe had, maybe had more things that maybe had more things than I did, had better facilities and, you know, all that stuff. So it was just really just trying to, you know, get it out the mud, putting a lot of work in the, in the, in the shadow. And just so I'd be ready for, you know, this week. You have a backup plan if you didn't get the shot in the NFL. Yeah, I was going to just basically just crossfit my life away, get as ripped and jacked as I possibly could and be a teacher at Martinsburg high school.
Starting point is 01:43:43 They're fucked. They have the, they have the biggest, they have the biggest sport in the world with the fucking quarterback. That's getting the fucking most attention right now. And instead they post some stupid fucking ass meme. That company is fucking completely lost. Who runs their media now?
Starting point is 01:44:04 Someone at a fucking home for mentally disabled adults. But do you know the actual name? Yeah, I know a couple people over there who work there. Dude, there's people who are at the top of the food chain there who were fucking interns there when I worked there. You know what's interesting?
Starting point is 01:44:20 Do you guys see that video just recently? It's a mess. Not Hiller. Herber. Yeah, that was weird.? It's a mess. Not Hiller. Herber posted talking about being let go and then how he changed his life because he took into power. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Why didn't you like that? Did you like it, Hunter? I do like it because something kind of similar happened to me where I lost all of my sponsors.
Starting point is 01:44:44 And then all of a sudden I took the power into my own hands and started my own companies. And since then, my life's changed drastically. And sometimes you need that kick in the nuts. So that video is a bridge between you and Heber? I mean, I don't really like the guy, but at the same time, I respect his attitude towards it. Why don't you like him, but you like the video?
Starting point is 01:45:04 Because I think it's the other way around for me. I think I kind of like him, but I didn't like that. Well, I mean, you can have things you disagree on as a person. I disagree on him, but as his opinion,
Starting point is 01:45:14 I can agree with it. There's people you can disagree with on their opinions, but as a whole, I disagree with them as a person. Like I've just never had good relationships or times with him. Why didn't he say the company name? Heber didn't have the balls to say the company name uh because you don't probably you don't want to shit where you eat he still goes to the crossfit games every single year and there's probably not much of a point like the companies that let go of me that was
Starting point is 01:45:38 sponsored me i don't name them in that sentence i just had what. What's that? Fit aid. Fit aid was one of them. Uh, there was a bunch of them, but you know, I even texted the CEO and I was like, you know, I'm grateful for the years that we had. Cause I was pissed when that ended. Cause they had an intern let me go. Like I worked for the guy for five years, staying at his house and everything. I've got nothing bad to say about the company or the people, which company, which company fit aid. Oh. And they just had had some random no-name intern let go of me. I was like, you guys could have just called me.
Starting point is 01:46:10 That's where I saw I considered it to be shitty. You think they were cowards? There's a lot of pussies out there. I don't even know if they knew. I don't know. Of course they knew. Some intern can't just call you and fire you.
Starting point is 01:46:25 In certain companies, things get so big that you're not even paying attention. But I worked with them for such a long time Of course they knew, some intern can't just call you and fire you Well you know In certain companies things get so big Oh they're not that big They're not that big They're just right down the street from here They're not that big But it takes moments like that for you to make a shift And that was my moment
Starting point is 01:46:39 And I'm sure that was Heber's moment as well Are you going to make an energy drink? Sorry Sorry A recovery drink And I'm sure that was a Hebrews moment as well. Are you going to make an energy drink? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I was sorry. A recovery drink. A recovery.
Starting point is 01:46:50 If it's not an energy drink, it's a recovery drink. Are you going to make? Yes, I definitely in the down the pipeline, we're going to have ready made beverages. Those things are. Yeah. Those things are in the future. Yeah. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Can I help promote it? Hell yeah, dude. But you've got so many sponsors now, including Toe Spacers. I'll squeeze you right in between. I literally, I can't compete against Toe Spacers. I'll squeeze you right in between. This is tough. This is tough.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Let's talk. Talk to one of my interns. Call one of my interns, call them, call one of my interns. How many people do you have working with you now? You've, you've, uh,
Starting point is 01:47:31 the guy who's managing the shows, you've got like people that are doing like, you know, those, those like little real edits afterwards. I know I've got the sub clips page going. I, uh,
Starting point is 01:47:42 the, I got two guys working on the behind the scenes. I got Andrew Hiller on a retainer for therapy every day after every show when I talk to him for an hour. My own personal therapist. Are you guys a collaborative brand right now or do you guys have two brands? I thought you were going to say gay. Me too. Oh, no, no, not a collaborative brand.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Sorry, I thought you were going to say something else. Yeah. Hey, you know what it is, Hunter? So I heard this the other day. It's funny that you said I heard this the other day. So there's this failing organization, Morning Chalk Up, right? They're just like limping along. And then there's this podcast called Kettlebells and Cocktails. There's a lot of podcasts in the space, right? And the two of them are coming together as they're coming together and doing stuff together. So they're going to pull their each of they're going to pull their 50 views that they get per podcast and try to pull them together and get 100 views. And then there then I heard I was watching talking the Lone Ranger podcast, often referred to as the Talking Elite podcast, and they referred to Get With The Programming as their sister podcast. So I'm just kind of like, oh, that's interesting. I'm just like listening to this stuff. But then I heard the other day that there's two camps in the CrossFit space. And one of them is the Kettlebells and Cocktails Morning Chalk Up and the Lone Ranger podcast,
Starting point is 01:48:58 and one of them is the rest of us. I personally don't look at it like that, but we do, there is a group of us who make media Who work very well together Is this a pretty big channel? This channel here? Yeah Kettlebells and Cocktails? No
Starting point is 01:49:14 What was I going to say? This show we're on right now Hunter Has 549 live viewers This episode put out a day ago Is less views than live viewers Currently Heavy, heavy You know I do like Morning Chalk Up 49 live viewers. This episode put out a day ago is less views than live viewers currently. Heavy, heavy. You know, I do like morning chalk up because Justin and I,
Starting point is 01:49:30 Justin was like one of the first people I became friends with in CrossFit. Oh, what happened to Justin? Where is he? This show is 88 views. I think he just like kind of gave up on the business side and just started hiking mountains. And I think when he left, i think the integrity of the brand fell off justin's a great guy justin's a really good guy and he's a true crossfit like you're out
Starting point is 01:49:54 of your fucking mind you don't like justin uh i i think he has some uh i think he maybe he's on the spectrum and i don't want to still a spectrum. I don't want to pick on anyone who's on the spectrum. I'm on the spectrum. Yeah. I actually took the spectrum test the other day and I fucking passed. Sevan's screen looks like
Starting point is 01:50:17 thank goodness Friday employee suspenders. I don't get it. I don't know, but I like the money. I don't get it. I don't know, but I like the money. I wonder if it's talking about flair. You only like Justin because he treated you like a human while the rest
Starting point is 01:50:34 of us treated you like dog shit in the early days. That's true, but I actually spent a lot of time with him because we used to go over to Heppner's house and film stuff. I would see him a lot and we'd just spend a fair amount of time together. And I always had a good time with him. I heard that he was pushed out of Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 01:50:49 He may have been. There may be things. Because of two lawsuits, two potential lawsuits. That's what I heard. That's what I was saying, dude. That's what I was telling you. Business is sketchy. Is there anyone suing you right now?
Starting point is 01:51:02 Probably. Probably. In the near future you never know this is you this is this is your podcast screen right now all these little stickers and then this guy is you that's that's savannah is that me no that's savannah and then this is this is the this is the banner all the f. Kevin M., the spectrum is a superpower. Don't argue people's limitations. Okay, I hear you.
Starting point is 01:51:28 How do you guys feel about the Rogue Invitational? Is it something you guys get excited about? I'm super excited about it, yeah. Really? Well, here's why. First of all, it's going to be an amazing competition. The workouts are always cool. It's short. It's not dragged out. The picture quality is going to be an amazing competition The workouts are always cool It's short it's not dragged out The pictures quality is going to be perfect
Starting point is 01:51:49 They cover the events good The commentators are going to be great But specifically there's a shit load of money they're giving away And it's just the best dudes They filter out all the jackasses from foreign countries But listen Those are a correlate not a cause and effect. You can be from another country and not be a jackass.
Starting point is 01:52:08 But it's Tia versus Laura this year. This is like the most hype. This is the best thing that's ever happened to us. Yeah, but dude, I think Tia is just going to take her steamroller out and run over Laura. How dare you? Why is that? Just because, dude. She's proven it every single time when they go
Starting point is 01:52:28 against each other and then she just took a year off and usually people like that don't take a year off and come back with like less they always come back with more pregnant women people like that no no i'm saying people even anybody those people no Hey what you're not a fan of Rogue You're not a fan of Rogue Are you talking about me or somebody else You you Aren't you a fan of Rogue I don't get excited about it like when I used to get excited
Starting point is 01:52:55 About the CrossFit Games Like I don't get excited about Wadapalooza Either So I don't know Dude Wadapalooza was pretty exciting last year because they had cool teams would you ever go on a team across the games team at wadapalooza yeah you want to do a team at wadapalooza hunter let's go let's go i'm in i mean listen i i we have to go through the
Starting point is 01:53:18 qualifiers and stuff it's going on right now yeah i'll do the bench press you can do the overhead squat or some shit okay i mean i could probably overhead squat like 245 right now yeah i'll do the bench press you can do the overhead squat or some shit okay i mean i could probably overhead squat like 245 right now and it would hurt i wonder if we'll be able to get in we need a third who's our third seven you want to be our third no we can get phil my buddy phil my buddy phil can do that for us phil tune phil tune no no no no it seems phil muscarella uh oh dude he's great yeah he's a freak you think he wants to slum it with us? Oh, of course, dude. He right now is in the space where I think he'd love to just jump in,
Starting point is 01:53:50 and I think he would have a good time. Phil's one of those kind of guys that I knew him before he got into CrossFit, and then I saw what CrossFit does to people that did not train CrossFit, and that dude's body changed so much. Like, you look at him, and he's an action figure. He is jacked as fuck. They'll let you just get in without qualifying, I bet. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Hey, I was talking to the director of Wadapalooza yesterday and he asked if I wanted to put a team together, so I'm somewhat serious. I would do it. This is before he knew that I was off steroids. How about a guy in a wheelchair? Let's make it interesting. He's got,
Starting point is 01:54:26 this guy's got his hand up. Jedediah. Cool. Oh shit. Whatever happened with that whole beef that was going on. Last time I talked to you guys, you guys were going through a little bit of, um, like a drama involving a guy who was in the adaptive category.
Starting point is 01:54:43 We only pick on people in the adaptive category. That way we have a chance to win. We pick on a girls in the adaptive category. We only pick on people in the adaptive category. That way we have a chance to win. We pick on girls and the adaptive classes. Do you think that CrossFit's going to get in trouble with this new separation of elite category to the other, you know, and another weekend for adaptive and age group athletes? When you say in trouble, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:55:03 You know how people just, everyone wants to be dramatic about stuff like they can just be like this is super not cool for the community and like they're gonna come up with a word like racist it's handicappist or like ageist or something yeah it is ageist they're segregating them out by age well i think after i went to the crossfit games and i saw how big of an operation it was, I could imagine how it's just too much bandwidth for one weekend for them to properly run the thing. It hasn't been for about 10 years, though. Dude, I mean, I went to the one in 2019, and I'll never forget when they –
Starting point is 01:55:37 there was the warm-up room, and there was the athlete room, and then there was the room for the equipment and i like peeled back the the drapes and you remember that scene in uh indiana jones where the they're like putting away that box with like the whatever the some kind of emulet in it and it's just hallways upon hallways of boxes and yeah yeah it was like that i was like there's so much equipment here that I was just like, how the fuck do they organize this? It was crazy. I was like, this is more of a logistics business than it is a competition. I'll make the apparel for your team.
Starting point is 01:56:17 They talk about High Rocks being such a – when I first started meeting with High Rocks and I was asking them, I was like, why don't you guys do a second day with different kinds of movements and stuff? And I remember them expressing to me how insanely complicated it was to set up the arena for the original one day. Like if they brought in more equipment, it would be so much infinitely harder to run the business. And that's just one workout with a lot of equipment, but it's crazy. Like if you just think High Rocks is
Starting point is 01:56:46 running one workout for a day and now they're so big, they're doing two day events, but it's still the same equipment. You're just amazed by like how CrossFit runs it for a week with different workouts in different areas all the time. Hey, do you think High Rocks has ever had a, or have they ever had a debacle like we had at the games this year where the 5K was like a 4K? Oh, yeah. I mean, I think that they screw up their measurements all the time. And, like, they say that they don't,
Starting point is 01:57:17 but then all of a sudden, like, one course someone does this, then another course someone does that. And, like, when I see some of, like, the running times, I'm like, that's just not even possible for anybody to run that right now have you ever brought a wheel there and wheeled one out no they wouldn't let you potentially make them look
Starting point is 01:57:34 bad but I don't know I don't know what you mean by that how could they possibly make someone look bad well I mean it would make them look bad yeah I'm kidding it happened at the crossfit games this year it made them look really bad well i think it was pretty funny like i remember like they had the same athletes running in like a championship like another level event like a couple like weeks later
Starting point is 01:57:59 and the same athletes were running 5k times that were two minutes slower and it was just like extremely evident that those same athletes didn't get massively less fit it just was a different distance course like i don't think that these guys any of them are not fit they all probably run like you know junior varsity middle tier 5ks but they're not running um like six minute flat 5ks especially not in the middle of a weekend that's that competitive hey this is this is the guy john young he's in for a lot of palooza oh he is yeah he's strong as shit oh as long as i just have to do like toe to bars rowing and like kettlebell swings i'm i'm your guy but anything that has to do with like aggressive olympic lifting i've let go of that version of myself i'm pretty sure you can clean about 400 pounds so him yeah holy shit yeah you can do all the running i'll be the middle man i just wouldn't want to get into a workout where we have to do like power cleans or like cleans
Starting point is 01:59:02 at all with like 275 because like I will get one and then I will sit down for the rest of the day. I can power clean 275 right now and I could probably get a couple reps, but in the middle of a workout, it ain't happening. It ain't happening at all. Hey, John, I knew that was your best clean,
Starting point is 01:59:22 but I was trying to do you a solid. You fucked it. Dude, my favorite videos on the internet is when you see, like, high school football players ghetto cleaning in the 300s. And you're just like, holy crap, that raw potential. Like Saquon Barkley? Oh, my God. You're just like, they're like hitting the bar at their knees and then like reverse
Starting point is 01:59:47 curling it and starfishing it and then standing up. John squat cleaned 390? Yeah, he's strong. It looked a lot like this. Oh my God. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:00:03 It was RDL into... This is high school? Yeah, it's a high school Oh, my God. Look at that. That was RDL into – This is high school? Yeah, this is high school. This is Taequann Barkley. That's almost a power clean. How old is he now? 25.
Starting point is 02:00:15 He's the running back for the Giants. Crazy. Such a beast. It'll be better in real time i bet look at him he's tiny the tiny powerful dude come on any day look at that position straight at the sky look up oh you see that dude the bar was like six inches in front of him when he started the lift and he still got it.
Starting point is 02:00:47 That's the Penn State, not at a high school. Alright, I suppose it's college. That's freak strength. Alright, alright, alright. It's college. It's college. Mason Mitchell ice squat clean 265. Beast. Beast.
Starting point is 02:01:02 Dude, I would seriously do it. If we could get in and it... If we can get in, I'll show up. He legit asked me yesterday if I was doing the qualifier. Yeah. And I'm like, dude, what? It's a team qualifier. Yeah, get two buddies. If you want to do Muff Guy stuff, I'll do Muff Guy stuff with you.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Is there a three-man? Are you allowed to do it because you've been an enhanced athlete the dude knows last year he told me i couldn't do the gauntlet and this year he's asking me to do the the team competition so well he's clean now but he's clean now they're gonna drug test all of us i'm gonna piss and that cup's gonna melt that's from all the heroin That's right baby Dopers do it better Hey has anyone ever held both The individual World record and the team world
Starting point is 02:01:52 Record for High Rocks You held both before I'm trying to get all records This year I'm trying to do all four records What's the other two So you do individual male double Male relay and then i would do co-ed so that would be four events and i guess you could do co-ed relay which i don't give
Starting point is 02:02:12 a shit about but i'll do i'll do at least those four wow this girl squat cleaned uh coffee oh papa oh who's the strongest chick in crossfit right now spiegel hannah black is spiegel competing anymore that's a good one though is she just like gone i mean for her i bet you she probably makes more money on the internet than everybody else and in crossfit without how much money you think she makes and how does she make it like what's her product like i can't think of what is what i think i think i showed you i talked to you guys about this the other day the most popular comedian in the world's views yeah are are like equal to or less than hers so you're taking like probably like the top three to five other female crossfitters posts on a daily and they're not even matching one of hers
Starting point is 02:03:14 and engaging yeah dude but the comedian cell chose hey dude i'm not saying like who's more successful i'm not trying to diminish the comedian. I'm talking about when, when you talk to partnerships, like I didn't get a sponsorship from Puma until just recently because my engagement wasn't valuable enough for them to sponsor me. of all you don't have the engagement we're looking for and specifically you don't have the engagement we're looking for for the this the area we're trying to grow in which was the uk and now my metrics have changed because i come over to the uk so much but what's engagement mean comments if you've got engagement you can look on insights and you can see how many views someone's getting and you can see how often it's shared like it's pretty easy to see someone's engagement it's not subscribers just aren't it's not enough subscribers it has to be engagement oh no man you can see how often it's shared. It's pretty easy to see someone's engagement. So it's not subscribers just aren't – it's not enough subscribers. It has to be engagement.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Oh, no, man. You can really, really tell. A lot of these dudes that are like the fuckboys on the internet that are in my category that are posting all these pictures and stuff. They're getting like 10,000 likes and stuff. But then all of a sudden you go and look at their reels and some of their insights, and it's really, really low. How about the plays? What's that? The plays? That's what I always do. I'll look at some.
Starting point is 02:04:32 I'm not doing that. You know what I'm trying to say? You can tell. A lot of people have purchased followers. A lot of people have. I'm starting to really realize that. And it's one of these kind of things where it's perceived value. of people have purchased followers a lot of people have i'm starting to really realize that and and it's one of these kind of things where it's perceived value like initially if someone buys a lot of followers they have this perceived value and other people almost think things are cool because they think that person have tons of followers so you start to follow them thinking that there's something valuable is going to be on this page there's a ratio here 60 000 plays 111 000 followers yeah and there's people whose ratios
Starting point is 02:05:09 are completely blown out yeah like they'll have 5 000 views and 100 000 followers and look how many comments that your posts get your post gets so many comments comments i i get a lot of comments because people either hate me or they, or they like, they really love to just, you know, get excited. This one, I showed you guys this one earlier. The one where I was on that podcast talking about still just gets so much
Starting point is 02:05:35 insane growth because so many people just argue with each other about how my father was abusive. I remember that. Oh, and your dad was in the comments. That was awesome. That's pretty funny. I've been questioning social media so much lately
Starting point is 02:05:50 of whether or not I should try to put things out of value or if I should just put stuff out that's totally absurd. Yeah, why don't you tell some crazy lies about your childhood and see what happens? Probably could. Hey, I can't think of one brand that Spiegel's affiliated with. Can you? Tell me what brand she's affiliated with. I can't think of one brand that spiegel is affiliated with can you tell me what a brand she's affiliated with like i can't think of a tear she works with tear i think she
Starting point is 02:06:11 works with a company how much do you think they pay her you think she makes more than a hundred thousand dollars a year oh dude i'm guessing somebody like that is pulling in the high six figures to like low seven figures so you think she's making closer to a million dollars a year from sponsors than zero dollars? Yeah, man. Or than $500,000. Okay. Now let me ask you this. What do you think she sells?
Starting point is 02:06:35 Do you think that someone actually buys tier shoes because she wears them or buys a cold plunge because she gets it? Oh, yeah. You do. Yeah, dude. I think the thing about like impressions is one is like, how many times can you get someone to see something? And then how authentic is the messaging around it? And like, you know, when you're just like naked in a hot tub and you're trying to sell hot tubs, like it's going to get a lot of views, but it doesn't necessarily have the most targeted,
Starting point is 02:07:02 authentic messaging behind it. But when you get so so many views you just look at like this ratio like if even one percent or 0.1 percent of the people buy off of this like 0.1 percent of a million is still a massive amount of sales if you get that and i think i was talking to you earlier, like that guy. Her conversion rate. I bet you her conversion rate is extremely low. But still, dude, offers humongous views. The guy at Prime, he gets in. And she gets eyeballs on the product. She gets eyeballs on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:36 Did you see the newest cold plunge? No. Is that the company that blocked you, Hiller? Yeah. And look at this fucking thing. $10,000 for a tub. Next off this fucking bathtub and it's $13,000. Yeah, you'd have to be an idiot to buy that.
Starting point is 02:07:55 But what if they gave you one? Would you post about it? I mean, because I would use it? Yeah. I would authentically use it because I do do things like that. I would use it. Yeah. It'd be,
Starting point is 02:08:01 I, I would authentically use it because I do do things like that. Like, um, but you know, admittedly there's brands that have offered me a lot of money, but I was like, I don't know how I would actually even say that I would use this. Like it'd be,
Starting point is 02:08:17 it'd be tough for me. Wow. That thing's cool as shit. The cold plunge makes that too. So I looked into this by the way, I just got a sauna. I got it from Costco. Let me see the pictures of that.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Click through that a little bit. Is that a box of rocks? Oh, yeah, that's dope. You see how it gets big at the top? You don't want that. Apparently, anybody who knows anything about saunas thinks that you're an idiot if you get a sauna that's bigger at the top like this. Well, he dissipates and spreads up top.
Starting point is 02:08:45 I like the rocks. Wow. That dude right there makes me want to buy it. If you get a sauna that's bigger at the top like this, he dissipates and spreads up top, but I like the rocks. Wow. That's all dude. That dude right there makes me want to buy it. Go back. It does look cool though. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:53 How much is that? 12,000. Damn dude. For $12,000, you could go to a local like woodworker. And why is she on her knees below that guy? Okay. Because on the floor here, you can stretch. See this?
Starting point is 02:09:09 You can 100% drop three grand with somebody making a completely custom arrangement for you guys and then buy the heater for another grand and it would look exactly the way you want it to that heater is
Starting point is 02:09:25 about two to three grand yeah but i have the havaria one because i almost had to buy another one because i blew out the engine on mine by putting too much water on it like an idiot but you could definitely spend a couple grand less than five grand to have whatever the heck you want it just will take a little bit more time so for 30 grand you could have the ultimate cold plunge hot and cold i work i have a sauna and it is already it's not even a year old and it started to fall apart they sent over wood that was it that's already like falling apart which company which company i'm not gonna list it because it's not really fair for me to say it okay maybe not yeah no that's fair i get it i get it yeah it's it could be user malfunction i'm not into these red lights on us either no that's bullshit dude i don't want no red lights on me you want heat
Starting point is 02:10:15 yeah because technically red lights should be able to do something for you but the real benefit of heat is being able to open up all your capillaries and really get your body to go through the heat experience and red sauna does not i want to explain excuse me real quick barry i want to explain to you what um realism is versus retardism yeah twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars for the sauna and twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars for the cold plunge that brings you up to 25 g now if you think you're going to get that shit shipped to you installed unpackaged fixed and set up for less than five grand you're smoking fucking crack 30 grand especially after taxes and shit so save your fucking math for someone who cares dickhead they offer free shipping oh sorry okay so you're right, Barry. My bad. You're right. 25 grand. My bad. 10 plus 10 is 20.
Starting point is 02:11:05 I strike all that from the record. When you're living in a place like Malibu, LA, Austin, Texas, where these people have this startup money and they just have too much money and they like to work out 70% of the day and only work 30% of the day, those are the people they're probably targeting yeah just have that shit put put in and be nice you're staying corrected just saying why haven't you guys why haven't you moved to austin texas i feel like killer like you move i can't move this freaking garage man you kidding i can't leave this thing he almost moved he was you've been been trapped in Chicago for such a long time. When are you going to start living with your brain
Starting point is 02:11:47 and making the right decisions? The second that I don't spend about 10 hours a day in front of this computer. Yeah, but dude, the other hours of the day, you could live such a better life. Like Malibu sucks as far as cost goes. Oh, those hours are working. Every day I wake up, I'm like,
Starting point is 02:12:03 holy shit, life is good. I do like it over there. Every time I've been in Newport, it's pretty sweet. Oh, it is nice. And then I spend the next month getting caught up. Are you always a NorCal guy now? I don't know. But it is going to be 90 degrees today,
Starting point is 02:12:24 and the beach is a fucking stone's throw from my house, and I'm't know. But it is going to be 90 degrees today and the beach is a fucking stone's throw from my house and I'm fucking going. Do you have any fear that California as a state is just going to collapse entirely? Yes. Not fear. Not fear, but... Dude, we're in World War III.
Starting point is 02:12:40 Do you think we're in World War III right now? I think so. Yeah, me too. I think that we are on like the verge of like a total shift in our nation and not a good one like it's it's one of these kind of things where like a phoenix knight needs to rise from the ashes but it's gonna burn down before it gets better when's your when's jesus coming that's what i want to know why the fuck doesn't he show up and like just clean house? Help us out? What chapter are we in in that fucking book?
Starting point is 02:13:06 Get to the fucking end already. Dude, we got some time. I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. And I don't know where to stand. There's just so much separatism amongst us. Not near Taiwan. If China attacks Taiwan, not near there. You think that's happening next?
Starting point is 02:13:24 Seems like the only thing left to do think about it the only thing that's it just you distract the united states with putting all this money into the ukraine and they're probably going to get involved in palestine israel thing and then all of a sudden once our resources are all chewed up then all of a sudden china's like all right they're distracted go dude leader's feeble at best. That's another heavy conversation. Dude needs some TRT. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:55 Or just drink some water. That would be awesome. Or water, just drink some water. Yeah. Johnny, Hunter, what's your best 5K time? 1454, a long time ago. But nowadays I'll probably, when I'm in shape, get to 15 high, 1540. What about a rower? I'm the rower.
Starting point is 02:14:12 I think I could probably break 1630 in the next couple months. That's fast. Dude, I had that guy Jason on. Jason, I can't remember his last name. He has a lot of the Erg. No, no, no. remember his last name He has like a lot of the Erg No, no, no, his name's Jason He has a lot of the Erg records right now He is such a tank
Starting point is 02:14:31 You've got to look this dude up Is he also 10 feet tall? No, he's 6'3", but he used to weigh 270 So like, I asked him, I was like You kind of have that like fat guy strength Like, you know when people used to be really fat Is his name Jason Marshall? Yes.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Yes. I just put in Jason Erg guy into Google. The dude's a beast. Like he is such a freak. Like if you want to talk about fittest people on earth, Jason's got to be in the conversation. Like when you. Fat guy strength?
Starting point is 02:15:00 Fat guy strength? Dude, you know, like heavy dudes can lose a bunch of weight, and they're holds. Look at that forearm. Is he's rowing? I was gonna look at his penis. Yeah, look at his penis. Yeah, that's a good indicator. That's a good indicator.
Starting point is 02:15:17 What, penis size? Yeah. Imagine how much you hate yourself. Oh my God, Santa with the mask? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, I can't believe the kid's not wearing one, to be honest. Fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 02:15:38 Oh my God. Oh my God. Jason better get a fucking defibrillator Is what he better get This guy must hate himself to be passionate about the movie Don't be mean come on Go up And click on the one at the top right
Starting point is 02:15:54 There is a maskless Santa picture In the ensuing year Come on There it is It took one year It was shaving cream. It was shaving cream. That's the same Santa.
Starting point is 02:16:08 No, you don't know. Look how red Santa's face is. He took off the mask and he got way redder. Santa's on the TRT. Yeah. Dude, Jason,
Starting point is 02:16:18 you got to get him on here and talk to him. The guy is a freak. Is he English? Does he have an accent? No, he's Canadian. You know who's another guy you got to get on is hamish bond that's one of the most interesting like athletes in history i think he's got seven or eight world records and multiple gold medals uh no world titles and he's got multiple
Starting point is 02:16:37 gold uh medals in the olympics and now he's out there smashing time trial records and wattage records all over the place in cycling. What does he speak? Hamish. Hamish Bond. I think he's six foot seven from New Zealand. Like he, he's one of those kinds of things where they built him in a machine. Like the dude is such a beast.
Starting point is 02:17:00 Wow. He looks like Larry Bird. Yeah. If Larry Bird was a beast. Fuck. Do you know this guy no i've never talked to him i've never talked to him but i wish he was like my my dad like i wish that's the kind of like emphasis this i hope your dad comments on this video and just says what the fuck no i love it but dude three olympic gold medals eight world titles go look at his like records for um oh he's huge yeah dude look look the bike is just suffering underneath his massive
Starting point is 02:17:32 size yeah he's a giant dude oh my god he's just railing his dick yeah that's all i see it looks painful there's nothing like a good dick railing so the thing is you'd probably meet this guy in real life and you're like yeah whatever you mean like if you saw him here like this yeah jesus dude he's such a monster what a door i think he did a thousand calories on the assault bike in 47 minutes shut up that's awesome dude i think he did 1,000 calories on the assault bike in 47 minutes. Shut up. That's awesome. Dude, I think he held over 500 watts the entire time.
Starting point is 02:18:11 No, he didn't. Dude, look it up. It's so crazy. It looks like Big Bird combined with Patrick Vellner. Yeah, but his lungs are, dude, the size of a hot air balloon. Well, look at his chest. Look at his chest cavity. Even when he's on this bike, it looks where is that look at him he's like he's huge dude look at that that's the kind of shit like you ever see those memes where like it's the guy and the girl in bed
Starting point is 02:18:38 and they're like hey you know he's thinking of the girls, we're just laying in bed thinking of Hamish Bond setting records. Hamish Bond. Why is New Zealand such a freak team, and they seem to win rowing all the time? It's such a small country. I'm going to invite that dude on. Please do. I would listen to that show. I'd be a live viewer the whole time going nuts.
Starting point is 02:19:04 Could you get Lance Armstrong on here, you think? Yeah, he could. Hasn't he been overexposed? You mean like he's gotten too much media? Yeah. Everything's already been asked of him. Does Lance Armstrong have an Instagram? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Yeah, dude. he doesn't i really want to know if odd is a dude oh he does she's just been peppering uh it's a girl it's a girl do you know odd do you remember when you used to have that chick on here and her her image was just like her with massive tits what was that no that was um uh this is lens armstrong nyc oh yeah this is lens armstrong yeah well look how big his arms are in that photo i didn't i thought he was a stick he's having a good hair day. Interesting. Imagine being this dude and not even having a million followers.
Starting point is 02:20:09 I thought he was more popular than that. Lance Armstrong is definitely the fittest person in history. No, that's not true. Who? Froning. Oh, dude. Not even close, man.
Starting point is 02:20:24 Dude, it's not even... If you look at the bio stupid hunter if you look at the metrics of energy expended if you look at the metrics of the lands armstrong's bench press energy expended just energy expended there's no one who's coming even anywhere close that should be the the should be the only measurement of the fittest person. Energy expenditure. Who can expend the most energy? Lance Armstrong can move himself on a bike over long distances really well.
Starting point is 02:20:54 In a way. That's great. Froning can do that now too, but fucking Lance Armstrong can't pick up a rock. Not even close, dude. We're just looking at measurements of energy expenditure if we want to really take this to the point where we're trying to thing look at things from a scientific standpoint rather than just your obsession with me then rather than your obsession of shirtless dudes on the internet that you've been jerking off to for years damn i'll tell you right now
Starting point is 02:21:19 if you want i would love to i would love to throw myself into the conversation of the fittest on earth, and I just know that I can't even hold a candle to that guy. There's just no way. 21 days. Did he run against you? Dude, if he really wanted to get his running down to where it was, dude, go look at all the times where he was like 15 years old winning Ironman. You think that that dude can run a 14-something minute 5K? Faster. You think that that dude can run a 14-something minute 5K?
Starting point is 02:21:45 Faster. You think that that dude can row a 16-something 5K? I don't think he can. If he put the muscle on, dude, he doesn't have the height. Yeah, and that's the only reason he's good at biking. Not really. That's the only reason. That's a stretch.
Starting point is 02:21:58 He's really good for a lot of reasons, but he's good at that because it's all he does. A guy just set the world record for the marathon just recently, and that's fascinating. But that's energy. What was it? What was it? What was it?
Starting point is 02:22:11 It was like two hours and 35 seconds. Did he have help? Was it one of those ones that's organized with the draft team? It was the middle of a race. Wait, what's your point? Wow. What's your point? What's your point?
Starting point is 02:22:23 My point is that is like, that is fascinating. And that's a metric of measurement of basically energy expended, but it doesn't even come close. The same amount of energy that that guy was expending over two hours, Lance was holding for like six hours every single day for 21 days straight. Just putting the body- Forget that he's juiced up too, right? Sure.
Starting point is 02:22:41 But so were almost all these people in these sports. To be honest honest at the highest highest level was juiced up uh i'm not here to say whether or not he's not because it's not fair like i'm not i'm not going to cast stones but yeah thank you thank you thank you but my point is is trying to bait you into that one yeah it it's it's incredible what that human body did there's nothing that's ever matched it since and they were in the absolute peak of enhancements but i don't know i think probably the thing that's really scary now and i've said this to you guys before is gene enhancement i think china has been manipulating genes and other countries have been manipulating genes for a while now so that when
Starting point is 02:23:23 the athletes do come that have finally come to fruition and like finally blossomed that they've been manipulating, the records are going to move drastically forward. This is the guy that Hunter thinks is the fittest man alive. It's a. I don't think you said that. Hey, this dude looks like he's 43. He's 23. I know it's. Hey, this dude looks like he's 43. He's 23. I know. It's crazy how old this dude looks.
Starting point is 02:23:48 Well, hyper-oxidizing is the fastest way to kill yourself, and that's what he does. He was doing like 180 miles a week. Hunter, would you admit that you're biased to some extent towards the aerobics spectrum of the sport of fitness? No. Where's half four on this spectrum? this dude's five k record is by the way this dude's 5k is 14 14 okay go ahead sorry hillary half thor is the strongest man ever in
Starting point is 02:24:15 the same realm that lance armstrong is the most aerobic best biker ever how come he isn't the fittest man ever hear me out because somebody like half thoror and that guy, Hamish Bond, I was talking about their bodies are so big that they're able to generate more force. They're able to generate more force, hold more weight. Because if you look at Hafthor, he was 400 something pounds when he deadlifted a thousand pounds. So he's only really deadlifting like a hundred,
Starting point is 02:24:40 220% of his body weight, which I can very easily do. It's not that crazy of a metric to me. If you're telling me if you weigh 400 pounds, you could do that too? No, but I'm saying it's understandable. If you're continuing to take size and then just hold tension across size at a multiple, that's why somebody like that is able to do something like that. Then if you all of a sudden took someone like Ed Cohen,
Starting point is 02:25:03 who weighs in the 200s and deadlifts 270 like a thousand pounds that's a more impressive feat because it's a far bigger metric of a multiple hey seven you got to be the tiebreaker here define fitness and hunters out of his fucking mind but i do like the conversation listen i'm not here to argue i'm here to substantiate that's all i'm gonna say oh i like this burns a lot of calories so maybe the best porn stars are the fittest humans on the planet think about and it makes babies you have to admit those guys are freaks who uh porn stars that is that is a sport that is really That is a stamina level sport. Dude, Hunter wins.
Starting point is 02:25:48 Hunter is on to something. Hunter is out of his mind. Hunter is more correct. Sean, you never graduated high school. You got a GED. You shut your fucking mouth. Damn, damn. You shut your damn mouth.
Starting point is 02:25:59 How about this guy? You got something for Dan? I love how this guy justified the strongman body for sport is not cyclist body well you did you say that that cyclist had a set of lungs on him no maybe that was seven someone mentioned his lungs he's born with them the new zealand guy has a chest capacity i mean just to the look of it the physical look is she's rotund in the chest what's that just rotund oh yeah yeah the What's that? Just rotund. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:26 The lung volume is crazy. Those guys have like seven liters of lung volume. How about this one, Hunter? In the Hunger Games situation, the fittest survives. Who are you taking, Lance or Froning? Oh, for sure, Froning. But I don't know. Lance is also such a savage person that he's probably smarter than Froning
Starting point is 02:26:43 and find a way to kill him. Hey, the conversation swayed towards you as we started talking about this you said they were hating on you early on now they're like there we go he's got it he's got it that's right dude must have been that book he read i ran away with that conversation i ran away with that conversation i didn't take a shit i have to go, dude. It was so good seeing you guys. Hey, thanks. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for the advice for Jason Hopper. That was very
Starting point is 02:27:10 optimistic and useful and helpful and good. I liked it. Lots of love to Mr. Hopper. And good luck on breaking the world record, and we'll be watching. Thanks, boys. When are we going to have a family reunion? Next time you're in Southern California and you don't tell me, you're a dick.
Starting point is 02:27:27 Just know that before you even get there. Hey, December 10th. I'm around. Although I might go to the Raider game. Is the Raider game, Chicago Bears game, the same week as Rogue? Isn't that this weekend? This weekend. Rogue is next weekend.
Starting point is 02:27:40 No, sorry, Chargers. The Chargers when they go to San Diego, the Bears. Rogue is next. No, sorry, Chargers. The Chargers, when they go to San Diego, the Bears. I'm going on November 11th to the Lions versus the Rams game. It's going to be one of the most exciting games. My buddy Ryan.
Starting point is 02:27:56 I've been a Lions fan. No, his name's Ryan Silverman. But I've been a fan of the Lions ever since I was a kid, and they're finally getting their comeuppance, and they're going against their old quarterback. This is going to be a heated, heated, heated event. Are you going to be in SoCal in December? Yeah, man. I'm going to
Starting point is 02:28:15 be there. Okay, cool. I'll see you then. Dude, I want... Are you coming down, Hiller? When? December 10th? Yeah. I'm unaware at the moment dude come on we'll just put you in a room and you can do all your computer shit and you can come out for like 15 minutes for coffee in the morning and then lunch and then dinner he's he's caretaking he's doing he's on nurse duties no she's good she's mobile now did she have hip surgery crazy yeah how is she
Starting point is 02:28:43 great she's at work right now. Wow, dude. That's insane. She's nuts. It's all the peptides. Tell her I say hi, man. That sucks, but it's also hopefully a better future. It's all the peptides.
Starting point is 02:28:55 She's on a lot of peptides. Boys, I'm going to rage right now. I always like to pre-drink before I fucking crush people at events. Pre-drink? Yeah, dude. I always get pretty drunk before events and I get all carved up. That guy Jason said that he got drunk the night
Starting point is 02:29:09 before he set the marathon record on the ski and that motivated me so much. I was like, what a legend. He did? Yeah, dude. That's why you got to have him on the show. I think that's one of those kind of people that fascinates me. Like when you can admit that you got drunk the night before you set a world record on a skier, 229,
Starting point is 02:29:27 that dude deserves to have the books written about him 229 what 229 marathon and a skier that's impressive it's insane you know that just off the top of your head that that's impressive hillar that's for america yeah uh we used to do this thing called the row-a-thon. Between three dudes, you would split it up, and anything under 240 was going to be good. And the best times were like 219. And that dude did it by himself on a ski yerk. 229 was impressive. They won the CrossFit Games, I think, at like a 254 for the marathon
Starting point is 02:29:59 or like a 248, didn't they, for the marathon row? Right. And that's just insane, insane dude that's like another 20 plus minutes off and those guys are fittest on earth but they're the first first workout you know who follows his um a bunch of people follow him james sprague tanner shuck uh uh andre jude um chandler is hayleyley Adams coming back? And what was the name of the girl? Is Mal O'Brien coming back?
Starting point is 02:30:30 Or are they done? No one knows Yeah, they're coming back They seem to be on the track back Yeah They're at least working out Yeah They're on TikTok
Starting point is 02:30:40 Jason, I'd love to have you on my podcast Okay, guys, thank you very much. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. Hunter McIntyre. Boys, I love you and miss you. December 10th, we're here to party! Andrew Hiller. All right. Talk to you later, Mr. Hunter. See ya. Bye-bye. Okay, I gotta
Starting point is 02:30:57 go so bad. Oh, we're just getting rid of Hunter like that? Yeah. I thought you were actually ending the show. Mal blocked you Jesus I got a new account I'm unblocked now Oh Are we gonna talk about how insane Hunter is now Thinking that Lance Armstrong can hold a candle
Starting point is 02:31:17 To Rich Froning Yeah Someone do you wipe front From front or back You're a girl. You can't ask me that question. The boys ask that shit. I can't believe people do that.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Do what? Wipe from the back. From the back to the front? Yeah. You should wipe both directions. You start front to back, and then you tidy up back to front. Do you use those wet ones too? Uh
Starting point is 02:31:47 At times Depending on how gnarly it is down there Yeah I'm flexible If I'm at your house and you have them out I do I think it's nuts when people bring those things with them You can't prepare because you know You're that gnarly of a crapper That dude
Starting point is 02:32:02 Wipe shit onto your balls? Dude, no. You pull it up past your balls, all up to your chest, into your mouth. No, no, you don't stop at the balls. You don't stop at the balls. You bike to front and you go all the way up to your mouth. I think the cleanest poops ever, I think. I don't have much to compare it to if anything but they're pretty clean
Starting point is 02:32:25 uh renee k i have brothers and i was in the military stuck in na radar room with dudes for 10 hours a day oh what does that mean what does that mean that's why she said you wait front to back or back that's why she can ask girls don't ask that yeah do you have a bidet no someone bought me like a portable bidet but bidet but you never hooked it up uh no jason uh but when i go to hotels that have my use them i'd love and and i don't really enjoy it it's weird having like just a stream of water hit your pucker and sphincter but i still use it i'd love to have and then you got to dry your butt and it's just like well either way you're using toilet paper right so so so if people are trying to save toilet paper trees that whole thing what do they dry their butts off with after they used a bidet?
Starting point is 02:33:25 A towel? If you're at a hotel, if it's someone else's towel. Why hasn't CrossFit posted anything about Tyson yet? Are they... They're out of their fucking minds. You agree with that. I was fuming yesterday.
Starting point is 02:33:43 I called you yesterday. You agree with that I was fuming yesterday I called you yesterday Didn't they have a new CMO He should fire whoever's below him Or promote You know that is the technique you use When you're a weak leader
Starting point is 02:34:03 What So if you get hired into a new job You know that is the technique you use when you're a weak leader. What? So if you get hired into a new job or you get a promotion, you start handing out raises or promote people around you because you don't know how to show leadership. So you reward people with promotions and pay raises, and it only lasts for a few months before people hate you. But it's like one of the strong correlates that you're with a really really weak leader like the company hires someone new he comes into your department he starts handing out raises pussy weak you can just he's going to be gone before you know it is this pretty standard happens everywhere all the time i mean it's just it's a standard for experienced uh uh uh professionals like myself i mean i've seen it a million times i've made the mistake
Starting point is 02:34:48 as a young man i made that mistake i i understand you you want you're trying to gain the respect and loyalty of those around you whether you do it consciously unconsciously you give people raises you promote people you do it totally wrong of course dave posted it good point because dave's not a fucking idiot yeah yeah of course dave posted i'm assuming dave doesn't have any control over the the black dot page and the games page honestly i don't know but i assume not how many people do you think have control over that uh one one one i mean if you ask them there they'd probably say something like no the person has autonomy um but uh they but they don't dude i'm sitting here i put together a monster video scott panjik video and every three hours or so i check in on tyson and i want to see whether or not he's starting for sure yeah i came across that press conference i'm just sitting there watching it and he actually got back to me
Starting point is 02:35:49 yesterday i tagged him in that and he goes thanks dude oh yeah when i go dude that was probably top 250 moments of excitement in my life i'm sitting here like finishing up editing create a thumbnail for it and it said he has a little bit about crossfit and how that's what he would be doing if it weren't for the NFL. And I was like, what? And, and I ripped the thing and I put it up and I probably did it. Now,
Starting point is 02:36:10 no five, eight minutes. It was the fastest post I could have ever put together. And it's incredible that CrossFit doesn't take that sort of initiative and that little amount of time to do something like that. It's, it's GPP at its finest. I mean,
Starting point is 02:36:22 every it's what every athlete needs. I think Sean Payton was doing it with the Saints in 2012, 2013. There was this huge thing put out by you guys about it, I believe. And he attributed all of their success that year to CrossFit, GPP. It's like, yeah, we made everybody a little bit fitter, and then we won the Super Bowl. That was Dave's relationship, by the way, Sean Payton. Sean Payton, yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:44 And it's unbelievable to me that this dude is at this by the way, Sean Payton, Sean Payton. Yeah. And it's unbelievable to me that this dude is at this level and they haven't done anything on him yet. And when they do do something, it better be the most God-like thing of all time, like a three hour Avengers movie on it. And even then I don't think it'll be enough at this point. Right. Um, there's a couple of things I want to address here Do you think Tyson is being held Guilty by association with you? I don't know if he is or if he isn't But just imagine being a board member
Starting point is 02:37:17 Imagine being some guy just fucking living in a high rise In New York and you put 10 million dollars into your company And someone who fucking Has some liberal arts degree that's fucking running the social media department there has some beef with me and so they fucking fuck your company because you got some beef with me even though there's some rich dude who's fucking paying the bills i mean you should be taken out and beaten if that's if i if i'm influencing any of their movement like that the those people should be taken out and beaten. If I'm influencing any of their movement like that,
Starting point is 02:37:46 those people should be fired right away. That's fucking crazy. Do I know firsthand that I have influence, stuff like that? Yeah. If I'm an investor in this company, am I fucking so bummed to hear that? Yeah. Yeah, they've made a ton of bad decisions based on their avoidance of me. They made some good ones too, though, by letting me come to the games. I mean, that was...
Starting point is 02:38:05 You know, we should do all around here. And it's going to be even crazier. The behind the scenes is so fucking good. It's so good. Leaf Edmondson, you gave me a raise. That's true. That pig? You hired that pig? No, but Leaf is...
Starting point is 02:38:19 We got to do one of these really quick. We type in CrossFit, and I know you've done this before. And then it's CrossFit Games. Okay, but that's not what we're looking for. We're looking for CrossFit, and you cannot find it. Hey, there's this live show right now. This comes up. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:38:36 Yeah, it pops up when you type in CrossFit. This live show comes up before CrossFit? What is this? And you know that I'm slammed, too. There it is. I know I'm throttled back. Okay, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:38:48 Now, what in the hell? All right, they put out Dale. This is good. Okay. Two hours ago. Have they been doing, other than posting all of this exact same thing from Adrian Bosman, that's so important that they can't cover Tyson? Hold on. Let me see they were let me see so three weeks ago
Starting point is 02:39:08 they published Chad then nine days ago they did something with Ben Smith then six days ago Ben Smith by the way that's just probably him staring into a computer and talking it is so is Adrian like this is nothing this I could we could get off and I could have an entire slew of these up in
Starting point is 02:39:24 a half hour one month ago some old chick dream yard this is any this is the same thing they've been posting from the magic at crossfit stuff that there's repurposing crap oh look this premieres soon notify me yeah so they just don't have a media department. They don't have anything. They're leaning on Adrian talking to his computer.
Starting point is 02:39:52 That's Bryce. Right there. Where? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. One month ago. They were highlighting Bryce the same time you were. There's me. Oh. Two months ago. 18,000 views. you were. There's me. Two months ago.
Starting point is 02:40:05 18,000 views. Holy shit. Wait a second. The video you're in has 18,000 views? Hey, dude. That's more views than all the videos they've posted since then combined. Almost, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:40:22 I really like the comment section on this video. It's just a bunch of bats oh my god it's cause we've taken over their media space man and all they had to do was make some Tyson content listen just so people know I saw Hiller posted that on his Instagram the Tyson Bajan thing
Starting point is 02:40:43 so then I went and looked at it and then i posted it and then fucking uh dave posted it and all of us have more comments than the comments on the and but what's crazy is is that the crossfit post isn't even a good post do you like that post that's not an appropriate post for wait what crossfit post this is not an appropriate post This person should be let go. Let me show you Instagram page. Good. This is not an appropriate.
Starting point is 02:41:13 You don't post stuff like this. So you got this. You got Chad Wilkinson Memorial. Oh, you mean this meme with this chick? Oh, no. Yeah, this is not appropriate. It's appropriate if you're 14. It just doesn't even fit. I don't even find it.
Starting point is 02:41:29 I'm not even stimulated by it. I don't think it's funny. I'm not inspired by it. I'm not. This is the type of stuff that you hear Nikki Bray's you're talking about on Kettlebells and Cocktails. If you want to watch that, you go over there. But as far as I know that's not what
Starting point is 02:41:46 The Vibin at 63 vibin This is cool Well I like this video because I used to This chick used to work in the media Department This is a cool video I hadn't seen it And she's a hardcore crossfitter
Starting point is 02:42:01 At 63 that's cool And that chick's known Greg forever. Is there a reason that this one has 5,000 likes and the other one has 2,000? Yeah, because Judy's a beast. Damn. This is nuts. This is nuts. Judy Amaya left a comment above on a recent post about Annie Holmes who's thriving at 93
Starting point is 02:42:26 World Slalom Skateboarding Championship Giant Slalom it's fucking not even easy to read anyway 23 year old phenom CrossFitter prepares for his first start in the NFL
Starting point is 02:42:42 dad owned an affiliate been doing CrossFit since he's been five years old. Harlan trophy winner. Commentator at the games. Yeah, et cetera, et cetera. Rich Broding! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Best floor commentator in the history of the CrossFit games, that dude's dad. I know.
Starting point is 02:42:59 It's still not up. But they know. they have to know If me you and He'll do something Well they went out and filmed with them I know Tyson said told me that they went out and filmed With them they had they sent someone out to film with them for Like two hours made some did some work with them
Starting point is 02:43:20 All right, so They're probably making some sort of Video that they're going to show But it, but it's like, what about the past year? Yeah. Like how about when he won the Harlan trophy?
Starting point is 02:43:36 Why didn't they do something? That's the division two Heisman. Hey man, you put up a video of Travis, your buddy, having his kid do pull-ups when the kid was eight. Since then, they could have been making content about this dude. They could rip that video.
Starting point is 02:43:56 Yep, yep, yep. I mean, it's not that they're late to the party by waiting for him to do this football game. It's that they've been late to the party since he was eight and he's 23 now. And they have incompetent staff there. 15 years. You're like,
Starting point is 02:44:16 hold on. I'm in that group. The 15 year prospect group. How do they not combine that NFL fan post with Tyson? 15 year prospect group. How do they not combine that NFL fan post with Tyson? Because they don't want to. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:44:31 I don't know. The NFL fan post is dumb. Yeah, completely. But what's crazy is those they posted that at the same time. Andrew Hiller posted Tyson Bajan. How is some fucking ding dong in a garage in Chicago? That's him with his arm up beating you to the punch. And if they do quickly fix it and who approved that fucking meme? It's so my analytics on this and my ding dong Instagram is at almost 400
Starting point is 02:45:05 shares, almost 20,000 plays. And I have 7,000. So I stretched that 7,000. And how many, how many followers do you have? Seven or 8,000, somewhere in there.
Starting point is 02:45:17 So now imagine that with a million, a million people see it. Imagine how many shares, how much interaction engagement it gets. That's what Hunter's talking about. Here, I'll pull it up. they don't love crossfit and they are just nerds who passed an interview yeah look at that more more non-followers have seen this post than followers of mine hey which is an amazing which is exactly what crossfit wants that's exactly what don wants oh this is great he's he's the perfect opportunity to achieve what Don wants.
Starting point is 02:45:47 This is speaking. That's so hard to do, by the way, what Andrew just showing you. For those of you who don't know stats, having more non-followers see your shit than followers. That's a crazy stat. Dude, I know. I messaged Tyson. I go, dude, it's a top 250 moment of excitement in my life. And I heard you bring up CrossFit in that press conference.
Starting point is 02:46:07 It connected like the bears, Chicago, my, my history of watching almost every bears game ever. And it was just exciting for me. And I just knew that that excitement would hit other people the same way. And it, so I just put up this thing wherever what's like a general,
Starting point is 02:46:23 this is a couple hours ago. Yeah. That's typical followers, non-followers. Yeah. And what's crazy is, is that's exactly what, um,
Starting point is 02:46:33 homeboy wants. This one got 118 non-followers. Yeah. That's nuts. Hey, is that true? I hope the media people see this. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:46:44 Is that true? The Danny Spiegel Went to a Pickleball court Someone told me Someone sent me a bunch of stuff yesterday She went to a pickleball court Her top was too small
Starting point is 02:46:55 Didn't I say her top was too small So someone reported her They asked her to put on a new top Did you hear about this I heard about it but i didn't see it firsthand because she's already got my new one blocked so oh yeah so i had to go look and at that point i guess she had already taken it down so she put on a a new top and then started trolling the business having her followers attack the business um that she posted about
Starting point is 02:47:28 she was throwing hate at that guy who told her to put it on and how dare you tell me what to wear on my body in a pickleball court like there's families here i think last year at rogue was where i mentioned her top was too small Is she going to Rogue again? I wonder if she wears a top that God, I hope she wears a top that's even way too small Like to, this year I would put a It's probably gonna happen
Starting point is 02:47:55 I like a top that's too small Yeah That shirt looks horrible on you And I love it No, my deuce hasn't gone back up I'm just, I'm on the, and I love it. No, my juice hasn't gone back up. I'm just sitting on the tip of my seat. You're the one who says that you can regenerate that. Turn it into just gas.
Starting point is 02:48:13 It happened to me the other day. I was driving back from JR's, and I had to poop real bad, and then I held it, and it just went away. Did you fart it out? Did you let it get 12,000 farts? Uh-uh. Alexis jumps out the window if I fart my wife doesn't i'm gonna be in so much trouble for this when i fart just deadly farts i'll roll up the windows as tight as
Starting point is 02:48:33 i can and i'll just look at her and what's she gonna kill you for no she won't even know so eventually i've just decided then i start telling you love the smell of my farts like no i don't it's disgusting i'm like it smells horrible in here right now. I sealed up the windows and we've been in here for 10 minutes. I farted 300 times. Either that or she had no sense of smell. Maybe. You should go up to her with, I don't know, anything.
Starting point is 02:48:55 Hey, what's this smell like? A candle. Cover the name up. She goes, pickles. You guessed pickles? She did lose her smell during pregnancy. Okay, I got it.
Starting point is 02:49:12 Okay. Talk to you guys soon. Oh, wait, is today Thursday? Today is Thursday. Prep yourself a shut up and scribble. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye. Hiller, I'll call you soon.
Starting point is 02:49:21 Yeah, bye.

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