The Sevan Podcast - Jeff Adler & Laura Horvath exclusive - CrossFit Games Champs #981

Episode Date: August 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Bam, we we're live i'm so sorry caleb had to come on and tell me we weren't even live you guys missed the best two minutes of the show hi caroline i saw you i saw you you're welcome you're well you're welcome come come come come in you're welcome hey jeffrey do you care if we, I know it's a little insincere. Do you care if we reenact that part? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Okay. Okay. Hi, welcome. Thank you. We're here. So tell me, English, how old were you when you learned English? I went to school in English when I was young. But we did live in Florida for two years from 98 to 2000. So I did learn English very early on.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I was five, four or five years old. And then we had to move back to Quebec in 2000. But I still went to English school here in Quebec. So I did learn English very young, but it is still my secondary language so as soon as I'm nervous or trying to push hard in a workout or I'm asked some questions after the workouts then sometimes just I forget and then French French is just easier I liked it I watched the talking elite fitness podcast and I like it every time like you're talking in English and then all of a sudden it switches to French, and then you turn to Caroline.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Like, uh-oh. Yeah, she's – Like it just shifts – like a train switched tracks without authority. Yeah. I just want to choose my words as best I can. It's interesting. Even though you spent two years in Florida, how strong your accent is still. I mean you have a strong French accent, french canadian accent thank you you're welcome and
Starting point is 00:02:29 and caroline's not um she's from the same uh village that you're from right same city no oh i'm from drummondville which is uh about an hour and an hour an hour and 15 from montreal she's from montreal and your accents are that significantly different. Yeah. She went to school in English for longer than I did. No, I went... You did university in English. I only did university in English. So technically, I think I did less than you.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Maybe. But you sound like me, Caroline. You sound like you just fell out of a TV show. You just sound like an American TV show. Yeah, I watch a lot of just American television. Do your parents sound like Jeff? No. My dad doesn't have an accent at all.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Really? But my grandmother is from Britain. So she had a British accent. So my mom and her sibling just had a very, I think she sounds maybe a little bit more Canadian and I might sound a little bit more American, but she doesn't sound like Jeff. What is that? Is that inappropriate to say that you sound French? Like I should say Canadian French.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I don't care. Okay, good. And then someone sent me an email saying, Hey, could you ask Jeffrey Adler if he's jewish and then now you said you went to florida that's where all jewish people go to die are you jewish i am not why did you guys leave florida seems like that was a um you guys were on the right track so my dad uh lost his uh eyesight in 2000 so he had to stop working the job that he had. So we have, we, we, the family decided to come back to Quebec because the healthcare system here is different. So we, we came back and, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:16 but I know my parents, my parents always loved Florida. So they, they went back in 2017. They moved there. My, my dad is on his way to get his green card. And he works there. They live there full time. They have a house close to Orlando. That's right. Because I think last time I had you on, maybe you were in Florida. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:04:40 How did your dad lose his eyesight? It's a degenerative disease. So it's the connection between the brain and the eyes that doesn't work anymore. And what ended up happening there? So your dad can't see? Your dad's blind? He is legally blind. He can see a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:59 First, when it happened, he lost 100% of his eyesight in less than a month. Holy shit. shit it came back gradually a little bit i think he has some on the side on one eye and maybe a little bit in the center but he has i don't know less than 15 eyesight no 3d no color holy cow peptides uh no i don't I don't think so. No, I was just suggesting peptides. It's like the in thing. It's like what you say if anything's broken now.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Sorry. My bicep hurt and I just put peptides in. The disease is called Leber. L-E-B-E-R. Yeah. Wow, that's crazy. Well, good on him. Good thing that he got some of his eyesight back.
Starting point is 00:05:45 What a fucking journey. That would be scary as shit to lose your eyesight. I'm lucky because it's inherited through the mother. Genetic. Yeah, it's a genetic disease. So I'm the generation that skipped. But my aunt, if she has a son, he will develop that 100% sure.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And if she has a daughter, then her daughter will pass it on to the next generation. It's passed through the mother to the son. So the son develops the condition and the mother just carries it. Wow. Yeah. I'm supposed to be free, but who knows?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Okay, I'm going to put that in the column of another thing where men and women are different. Women don't go blind. Okay. Got it. You're making this huge list. You won the CrossFit Games By a shitload of points
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah You put it to your boy Velner by 120 points Almost Yeah Hey It was just a head down Steady climb
Starting point is 00:07:02 Just crushing Yeah From 2016 head down um steady climb just crushing yeah from 2016 there's that video that everyone can't stop talking about where you're like holding a sign or something yeah i was on signage um how uh 2016 volunteer 2023 champ what um what are some of the differences between that guy and the guy sitting here? Like physically, like, can that guy, can that guy even keep up with the guy today? Not at all. Not even close. Not even close. Huh?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Not even close. Uh, no, it's just, uh, the, the, the rate of, of improvement was very steady every year. I'm actually very happy and proud of that curve that we've done through the years. And I mean, it's just to prove that it is possible if you put the time and then time is not five months, eight months. Like it's years, four to seven years. In my case, it's seven years.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So, yeah, it takes time, but you just got to keep doing it. Coach, I request zero humility in answering this question. Zero, I request zero humility in answering this question. It is, is it just completely amazing that he did that in seven years from a guy holding the sign to the champ? I mean, it's a one in a billion, right? Like, no one should see that and think, hey, you're going to be the champ in seven years. Yeah. It's not because you do it that you're going to make it, but you have to give yourself that amount of time if you do want to make it like it's it's not as fast as people think
Starting point is 00:08:52 is is jeffrey um weird like uh fraser like does he like with that kind of trajectory do you have to be weird like no no knives uh months before the the, can't walk into his house unless you swab your nose. Like at 8 o'clock, he pulls all the curtains, and if anyone makes a noise, they're fucking out on the street. Like is he weird like that? Is he obsessive? Not too bad. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I still cut my own food. Yeah, he has his little quirks, but I don't think it's that pronounced for now. But Razor 1-5 five we're at one so we definitely were always uh like careful with especially with people if they get sick especially during winter when it's around the open around quarters around semis like if you're sick people in our gym around me like they know like don't don't come close like don't give me your people don't come to the gym they're super
Starting point is 00:09:45 respectful because we've also like that's his whole season like that's a whole and like years before of work but you know if anything happens so people are super respectful of that and they stay away and they warn us and things like that um are athletes more susceptible to getting sick? No, but if you do. I am. I get sick pretty easy. Yeah. More than I am. But I think it's just like if you get sick at the wrong time,
Starting point is 00:10:13 your season's over. So like we can't afford to be sick. So that's the one thing that we'll be super, super cautious about. Because like we're in Canada, there's winter. Like people are more inside. They could just get more people get more colds. there's just fact of life up here so do you have any um uh home remedies or things like if i think i'm starting to get sick i'll start taking a thousand milligrams of vitamin c every hour i'm awake i'll just start pumping vitamin c i
Starting point is 00:10:41 i just think it works do you have anything like that? Like, okay, I'm going to drink double my water consumption and sweat all day? No, vitamin C and zinc is a good way to do it. I'm going to try and get my hands on some if I feel like I'm getting weaker. But if throat starts to scratch or anything, I usually do honey and cinnamon mixed together. And it soothes the throat a little bit. And I don't know. Sometimes it works. It lasts for a day and then it's gone.
Starting point is 00:11:17 If throat scratch, you take honey and cinnamon to soothe throat and maybe a jacuzzi. Yeah, it depends. Lots of sleep. On a one to ten, how cute is Mr. Adler, Caroline? Ten. And when he says jacuzzi, does he turn into an 11? Like a 15.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Do you even know that that's funny, Jeff, or no? I didn't think it was it's just it caught on it's fun the jig it is so fun it's so fun uh you in that talking elite fitness podcast you said something that i heard many many years ago on uh in a 60 Minutes interview. They were interviewing some quarterback in the National Football League. He had won, I don't know, his third or fourth Super Bowl. And they said, hey, what's it like winning?
Starting point is 00:12:15 And he said, it's just like nothing. He said, I would trade my Super Bowl win to go fishing with my dad and my family. And I kind of got that feeling from you that like, when you won, you were just kind of like, wait, where this is it at the top of the mountain, there was a little bit of a like, there's no destination. Something's like there was some experience you were having that wasn't what you expected or something. It was definitely a weird feeling. And I think the end of the weekend was weird from, from event 11 and 12. But like,
Starting point is 00:12:52 and that's what I said yesterday, like thinking back on the weekend, I truly believe that I've, I won the CrossFit games after event 10, but I didn't know then. So I couldn't celebrate. I didn't have anything to celebrate. And then when,
Starting point is 00:13:09 when we got on the field and Roman was just like not doing the workout, there was like no chasing, there was no fight. There was, it was just a formality of doing 11 test 11 and 12 and just finishing. Did you hate that? It was very weird. It felt very weird.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Actually, like it felt sad. Like just for example, when we hit the field and they call our names and like we jog to our lane and then I was right behind him and he was not jogging. I had to like go around to get to my lane. And it's like it's not, it doesn't feel natural. That's not how it's supposed to be. That's not.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And just like those little things, like the workout would start and then I would have an empty lane beside me. It's just like, it felt so weird. And it made me feel weird by the end of the weekend. Like, yes, I won. And I'm super happy I won. And I think that my performance throughout the weekend was worthy of winning. It's just the feeling was a bit...
Starting point is 00:14:11 What was the word? I don't know. There was mixed feelings about it. Super happy that I won but a little bit bummed that that one Roman got injured and then two, like the fight wasn't there. So it was weird. Yeah. It's, it's, it's funny. Um, and yeah, it, it, now that you, you describe it like that, it was, it is, I mean, to us at home, it didn't seem weird. Right. But I could imagine to you for sure, 100%, it's weird. Like, hey, you're supposed to be racing. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It does sort of turn into a formality or even kind of like a facade. You know what I mean? Like there's almost something kind of fake about it to you. You're like, well, wait a minute. I already did it. People were coming after event 10, like when everybody knew that Roman was just going to be on the floor and not compete. People were saying to me like, oh, congratulations, you won the CrossFit Games. Like, why would you say that to me right now?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Like, I was trying to stay focused and give it my absolute best on 11 and 12. Clearly, like, I didn't. Yeah, it looked like you were chilling you said that what you were going as hard as you could there but but you know that you had more like in hindsight i if someone was gonna if i was in a fight for points then i think i could have gone faster at least at least on on 12 like on 12 i i did the workout, but I don't know. I tried my best to like not sandbag, if you want, like the last two workouts and give it like my full effort. A seventh and a fifth out of 20.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, that's okay. Those are still great, yeah. But a first on the one before that. Yeah. Obviously, like, turning on the afterburners. Holy shit, you got first on that log one. Hey, isn't that kind of ironic, too, that you took first on that, and that's the one that, you know, hobbled him?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah. That was such a great workout. Someone else got hobbled in that workout who was it i heard yesterday oh he did i yeah oh was it you oh okay yeah tell me about that you so you got injured too yeah it wasn't the talk podcast uh so on the last sandbag i did like have a little mishap miss like mishap with my same feet, left feet. I rolled it a little bit but I didn't roll my ankle. I sprained my feet.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It's a bit lower than the ankle. It swelled up in my shoe. I had to get taped to do the double unders. I could do the double unders but Otherwise, I couldn't do the double... Well, I could do the double unders, but it hurt a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So I had my feet taped a lot. I'm pretty sure that there's more than that that got their ankle or feet sprained on that event. Wow, that's an incredible profile picture. that's bitch harsh
Starting point is 00:17:26 uh roman didn't get injured roman executed poorly and lost his chance to be competitive in the last two tests yeah yes and no i mean we did so in the in the in the the briefing of that workout the question popped like the athlete asked like what what what happens like because when we like throw the sandbags there was a few sandbags on the other side of the log the last log and everybody was like well if the sandbags are everywhere like it's a hazard and then what if you're you're you're the lane next to you sent like he throws his bags in your lane, like what happens then? Like there was a few questions about that because we knew there was a risk
Starting point is 00:18:10 of injury there because if the sandbags are everywhere and you have to jump over, like what happens if you jump in your bags? And I mean, the games are like, the lanes are very wide and they were. We had plenty of space and it was, they said it was our responsibility to make sure that you position your bags in a way that doesn't impede in your performance. And I think it was fair enough. Like the lanes were very wide, but I mean, we're going fast.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We're going hard. Like you don't think straight. You just want to throw the bag on the other side. So, and then get over it. Like it's, there's no thinking at that point. So, I mean, accidents happen. It's, it's a, it's something I, I think we can call a racing incident. Like it's just, could you have gone like a bit slower taking your time and,
Starting point is 00:19:01 and not injure yourself? Probably but i mean we're racing so things happen um i in if i yesterday i saw i would have thought that it was preposterous to say that a bag would roll into someone else's lane but yesterday i was looking closely at colton when colton threw over his 200 pound bag it actually rolled like maybe seven or eight feet it hit the other bags and kept just rolling so so i guess that was i guess that that is a realistic question and no one was going to throw the bag over and then stop move three feet over and jump over you guys were throwing the bag and then just throwing yourself over oh yeah like look yeah like watch when he throws i don't know if you can see your screen but when he throws that bag look how far it goes forward yeah i mean well
Starting point is 00:19:44 that's good for him. It brought the bag closer to the finish line, which is good. But, I mean, that means when he jumped over, he probably had his feet in all the black bags. Right. So, like, you got to be careful. And that's why I think, like, there's maybe more athletes that did hurt themselves. Like, not to Roman's degree, but at least, like, a little bit. There's a big chance of it, I think.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And you guys are dense, heavy guys, and it is a blind. It was high. Yeah, yeah, it was high. It was pretty high. How tall are you, Jeff? I'm just shy of 5'9". Oh, you're that tall, huh? I'm that short.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Well, I don't know. How tall are you, Caroline? I'm 5'9". Back to back, she's taller? Yeah. Like a little bit. Who do you think would win in a fight? Me or Laura Horvath?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Laura. Take your time. Think of... Well, Jesus, cry many, dude. You don't even got to be like, hmm. She would kick your ass. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I was just hoping you could. Probably kick mine. I was just hoping you could at least like fake it a little bit. You know. Okay. Sorry. That's a presupposition. I'm going to still ask the question this way anyway, but don't take it as truth.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm going to say something like it's true, and if it's not true, don't answer the question. Tell me to get off your back. I'm not 5'4". I'm 5'5". I'm not just shy. I'm 5'5". Thank you, Matt Burns. I'm not 5'4".
Starting point is 00:21:16 You know that you won, and anything less than winning next year would be a step backwards. And so you know each day you get closer to the 2024 CrossFit Games, there is a new pressure that wasn't maybe there ever before. I don't know yet. Can you do something to be like, no, Sevan, you're wrong. I don't have to do it that way. Everyone else did it that way. I don't have to. Like, is there some way you can mitigate that because that's always the thing
Starting point is 00:21:48 we keep hearing about right you hear it from katrin justin maderas matt fraser like people once you're at the top it's like fuck second place is like is there a way you can mitigate that or do you even want to are you are you is the party like yeah bring the pressure on i want to see what this fucking scary pressure is like that people talk about. I don't know yet. We just finished. There's no point in thinking about 2024 right now. There's a few competitions we're going to do in the offseason.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I'm guessing everybody's going to think I'm going to win Rogue magically. I don't think that's true. It happened to a lot of the guys that did win because I think there's something that comes with winning. There's that confidence that comes with winning that maybe helps in the next few competitions. But as you said, like, pressure gets to everyone. If it got to Matt, it's going to get to me.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And look at justin like i just looked at his video like he explained what happened through the games and the thing that shows the most is like he put a lot of pressure on himself and look at what it did to his performance so if if that happened to these guys then yes i'm gonna feel pressure i guess but i'm gonna have to try and remind myself like just just do the thing just do the workout and i mean getting second isn't isn't bad like it's getting on the podium at the crossfit games is a real hard feat to accomplish like there's nothing wrong with getting third it sucks because you want to win but it's still freaking good like want to win but it's still freaking good like um but not compared but but let me push back a little bit there jeff not compared to jeff adler of 2023 oh and that's and that's your comparison right i
Starting point is 00:23:35 mean we're gonna crush my old self in a year yeah wow okay but what but what happens if someone's just fitter right and and that's that's the's the thing. Like if someone is fitter, then you deserve to win. Like there's, I'm not a sore loser at all. Like if you were fitter, you were fitter and that's okay. I'll be fine with that. If I underperform or I fuck it up and I do stupid shit on the floor, then I can be mad, but I'll be mad at myself, not others' performances. Going back to the winning thing, and maybe it's too soon. How many days ago was it?
Starting point is 00:24:15 I don't know. What is today? Monday? I can count it in podcasts. Oh, how many have you done? We've done so many, especially locally here, like radio news. Like I'm going to try and help CrossFit in Canada, in Quebec, as much as I can to bring people like new people to discover CrossFit and most likely like get in a gym in Quebec and try to gain some momentum with the with the gyms around here. That'd be nice.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah, that's really cool. You, is there, is, is there something, is there some like plan behind that and what you're saying? Like, do you, do you let people know like, Hey, anyone can do it? Or do you have some sort of like, Hey, you don't just have to be me. Any, any like what do you have some sort of spiel or. No. I mean, when, when when I'm when I'm asked like on on some of the radio or news like I just like try CrossFit it's fun it's it's a sport and you can do it fast but you can also do it slow and for fun and for health like there's many reasons
Starting point is 00:25:17 of doing sports and uh just just give it a try like people have some prejudice about about CrossFit and it's just trying to break those even more because in the last few years like crossfit did change a lot like it's it is a lot like health was pushed very hard and uh i'm gonna try and use that to hopefully get some new members in the gyms around here and it's good for business. Logan Mars. Jeffrey Adler. Good morning. Thank you for coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Oh, that's very nice of you, Logan. If you end up on Joe Rogan's podcast, who will you be throwing under the bus? No one. Presupposition again? Hey, I want to have you on like in a few months and ask you the pressure question again. Here's the thing about the pressure thing. I don't think that anyone sees it coming. I don't even think it's like just seeps in through the fucking cracks and shit.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Every time you walk in the gym, they're like, what's up, champ? And you're just like, just seeps in. We'll see. We'll see how it feels this year. All right. You seem like a cool cucumber. You seem pretty chill. I can't tell if it's just that we don't speak the same language or if you really are just as cool and chill as you are i mean even even this year like leading up to the games like the questions and i think no competitor any there's not anyone that's
Starting point is 00:26:41 oh i'm gonna crush it and beat everybody. There's always these questions of, am I fit enough? Did I do enough? Am I strong enough? Will I be good at this type of workout? How is it going to plan out? Is my taper good? Was it long enough? Did I do the right things?
Starting point is 00:26:57 You're always asking yourself these questions. And I don't think it's related to pressure, but it's related to you want to perform as best you can and you have to prepare the best you can. And you're just always asking yourself, like, did I do enough? Did I prepare well enough? And these are going to pop into my mind, like, even before the Open. And they always do because I want to crush the Open and I also want to crush semis just like I want to crush the games,
Starting point is 00:27:27 but there's no way of, of knowing how good you will be. And there's no, no way of knowing how good the others will be. Right. It seems like it would be good to have a big old healthy dose of fear to keep as a, a motivational tool.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Fear is a good tool for motivation. Yeah. Hey, another great tool you have is, and it's interesting, you put yourself in a position where your coach believes in you. Does she have unwavering belief in you? Like, here's the part I'm tripping on about caroline
Starting point is 00:28:05 she's a she is very blunt and a realist very but no realist thinks that anyone's going to win the crossfit games it's just too fucking hard and yet she believes in you that you're going to win the crossfit games there's almost like this this paradox there believing in the capacity to do it is one thing. And like believing that you will do it is different. I don't know if that makes any sense. No, you're helping me. I'm getting it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:34 So I think she believed that I had the potential to do it. Now to do it, to do the thing is very hard because you need the perfect weekend, the perfect prep, the perfect you need the perfect weekend the perfect prep the perfect food the perfect everything like the weekend has to go smooth and i i think i think we had the smoothest weekend the smoothest competition we've ever had that was it and and and that's what we have to replicate and that's what's really hard to do. Because training for it, having the fitness for it, it's easy because you have the full year. You can choose the workouts that you do.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You can train whatever you want. But once you get there, like not getting sick, making sure that your taper week was good, making sure that you're feeling good, you don't have any injuries, like all these things. You have enough food, you're eating enough, carbs post-workout, what do we do before the workout, what do we do after? Like all these things matter so much, and that's the hard thing to do. Believing in the fitness that I have isn't that hard to do compared to executing. And does it feel just, I mean, for me, being around people who believe in me is just absolutely paramount.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Like, it's like, I can't, I don't know if it's because I'm so insecure or what, but if someone doesn't believe in me, I do not want to be around them at all. Yeah. I think I don't, I, I, the i i the why this works with me and caroline caroline she she she believes a lot in me and i believe so little that uh it likes it balances out so i think that's why it works and when you say you don't believe it's not that it's not i'm
Starting point is 00:30:24 guessing it's not like duality like that you don't think you can do it. You just don't believe you can do it. It's not a duality. It's just that you're kind of in the middle. You're stuck in purgatory. Yeah. Like for example – There's something there with women and men too by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Every smart man has a woman who believes in them because if you don't, like if you have a woman who's sabotaging your shit, you're fucked because you need the exact opposite. A man has to – I think a man has to have a woman who believes in him, one that he wants to prove right. You know what I mean? Like it's not – it's kind of like you're more interested in proving you're the woman you love right than you are even in winning maybe. Am I on to something? And that's why when they asked me on a literal interview, I was like, I won the CrossFit Games for her basically. It means – I know it means so much. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Carolyn, do you want to cry when he says that shit? Damn. I want to cry when he says that shit damn i want to cry it means i i think it means more to her than it means to me and that it means more to her means a lot to me like that's i think the the circle that we're into yeah that's awesome hey the the other side to that once again sorry to rain on the party though though, is if you don't win. Like when you took fifth last year, did you ever say you ever say sorry? Did you say sorry to her or do you ever come off the court and look at her and be like, oh, fuck, babe, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I think I think I did send a message to the coaches because, I mean, there's a lot of work put into programming and making sure I'm ready. And then when I either underperform or do mistakes, it's on me. It's not on them. So I think I did send a message. Like, we were happy with fifth because it's still a good accomplishment. It's very good to have a top five at the Games. But I know, like, last year we were shooting for a podium, but we didn't make it.
Starting point is 00:32:29 We got short of the target a little bit. So it's just a question of saying like, thank you for all the year of training. Thank you for putting all this time. And then I don't want to say I'm sorry that I'm fifth because I don't think it's, you have to be sorry of fifth. It's not bad. If I would have gotten like 20th, then maybe I would have had to have been sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:52 But it also depends why, like what happened and why. Jedediah Snellson, it doesn't have to be a woman but a support structure. I hear you. I have you. Something's different about just my wife. I'll have to keep working on it over the next 10 years I do this podcast. But it's really important to me that my wife believes in me. It's like crazy. Maybe it's some fucking Oedipus shit.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I don't know. But it's really important that my wife believes in me it's like crazy maybe it's some fucking oedipus shit i don't know but it's really important that my wife believes um i want to bring up this subject that i fucking hate and then we'll talk about you fucking with roman um people want to say congratulations to uh caroline uh for being the first woman to have a podium winner or games winner i don't even know if it's true i fucking hate that am i being too sensitive why can't they just see her just like just as a coach why why why do i just feel like i think i don't think it irritates the shit out of me because i never i'm never like oh i and after i thought i'm like oh michelle latondra's there
Starting point is 00:34:04 and parents there i never think of any of you as as women i'm just like and Oh, I, and after I thought, I'm like, Oh, Michelle Latondra is there and parents there. I never think of any of you as, as women. I'm just like, And it doesn't feel like that. And I think that like, I made a post yesterday, like I've never felt when I walk into the warmup area or anytime I've ever interacted with like coaches and people in the community, like I'm a woman or I have to prove myself or I have to do things differently or there's none of that. Like CrossFit has always been very equal opportunity.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And like, I've it's, it's, it doesn't matter. It shouldn't have to be, but I think especially compared to other sports, that is not the case. And women do have to do that.
Starting point is 00:34:40 And like, I am the first and I think the first of anything should be celebrated so like i kind of understand that okay um and it's the same thing like some people said okay woman like i'm mixed my mom is white my dad is black um and again like i haven't lived through race the same way some people in the united states do and like you know that's another label that we could add on it if we wanted to. But again, like me being a woman, me being black, me being older than Jeff, like all these things that we could add to the title. I've never felt them when I've interacted in the CrossFit community. But I do think that those are watershed moments.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And like, maybe it is important that we that we if if anything to show to other sports right like i i see you there the first one fine okay i like it i mean i think it also helps like for newer coaches younger women that maybe would be scared to get into coaching because they feel like because they're women they have to prove themselves in a different way. It just maybe helps these people to just do it, try it, and give it your best. It's fine. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And I think we say it and it's been said because it is okay. You can be a woman coach. It's fine. It's going to work. Like, and I don't know, like, I don't know from 2007 to 2013, 14, like somebody wrote in one of the comments, I think Kristen Clever was coaching herself. So she's the athlete. She's a coach. Like she won. So would she be the first coach?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like, I think as you know, the games become more professional and the coaching a games athlete becomes more of a profession like it's just a little bit different coaching in the box coaching at that level um but women coaches are coaches by the way then this could be a whole show but i don't think that you don't feel it This is going to be kind of opposite of probably what people think I'm going to say. I don't think you don't feel it because you're not there. I'm never suggesting that the world's a perfect place. I'm suggesting you don't feel it because you don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Like, yeah, you are who you are. You're on a fucking mission. And so people are playing off of that. since you don't give a fuck of what, what you're just coach. No one, no one senses that. And so everyone just treats you like coach. Yeah. Anyway, I hear you. It's the first one. It's a watershed moment. I just start feeling like people who want to celebrate it, they're actually making it worse.
Starting point is 00:37:21 They're reinforcing the fact that like a woman shouldn't be doing it when it's like hey dude it's just i don't feel that okay good i don't and i'm sensitive to it i'm open to that yeah i don't think so and i think it's i'm not a huge like other sports fan and i'd be very interested like how many female coaches coach in the nfl or the nba or even or even want to though too so i think that you know i was very lucky to have this opportunity and be able to do that and i never felt like i had to overcome anything in our sport in other sport that might be the case and hopefully if we're doing it in crossfit like i hope it kind
Starting point is 00:38:05 of goes it transcends our sport into other sports and people are more willing to to be open but i do think in other sports it might be harder and i could be wrong because i don't know how it how it occurs and how you go up the ranks in other sports and things like that um but i think it's more for me a celebration that like CrossFit has always been very equal. Like it's a meritocracy like in sports that you earn it, you do it, you earn it. And I've never had to do more or less than anybody else. And that's it. Is your relationship completely accidental?
Starting point is 00:38:41 The word people like to use is organic. Like, is it were you like was there ever like you saw carolyn from across the room and you're like all right uh she looks like she'd be a good mother uh she can coach me to the games and she has great earning potential or where you were like okay there's that dude all right oh god i could carry his kids i could coach him to the games i could scratch and he can cook for me. The fuck, a triple crown. Or is just the whole thing just like every day you wake up and it's just one more.
Starting point is 00:39:12 And now you're the CrossFit Games champ and the CrossFit Games champ coach. When we met, she was coaching at my gym. At your gym? I was a member at a gym and I was just doing CrossFit. I used to work construction full-time at the time. And when she was coaching the classes, I would not go because I hated having her as a coach. Because she's bossy?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Because I was a cocky kid and she was trying to put me back in a straight line. I was late and whatever. She was trying to put me back in a straight line. I was late, whatever. Hey, Adler, I remember Caroline vaguely in the media pit with her in Del Mar. And I remember having opinions about her when I wouldn't have – I'd be like, man, this girl is really assertive. Like if she's like – I just remember you being a very assertive human being. She knows where she's going in life.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And if you're in the way, then you're going to get bumped. And, but you know what? Like that's life. Like you just got to plow through. So it was just, it's the whole thing is just really organic. Yeah. Like, oh my God. Like some magical power brought we're two magnets and we Yeah. Like, oh, my God. Like, some magical power brought.
Starting point is 00:40:25 We're two magnets, and we were just, like, now we're just. I mean, I didn't like her very much at the beginning. And then events made that we spent a little bit more time together. And we went on a date, and then we started dating. Like, it just clicked and worked. Like, we dated for two months and we uh we moved in together after only two months so every everything was like easy and it was like okay this is this is good and we dated for at least a year and a half maybe two years before
Starting point is 00:40:58 she started like coaching me more like with a particular was that even an accident no no like were you like like she wasn't just in there one day and she coaches you a little bit and then it's a little bit more and it's a little bit more next thing you know she's your coach no i think i think like i was doing like group classes and then i would add some stuff and then she would program it for me uh and then we just added and added and added and added until like i had to have that full-on program and she she did it so and and every time like we had a goal like i remember we had the goal to qualify for regionals so we were working working towards that goal and i was working out as much as i could while working full time and then yeah we had a busy schedule
Starting point is 00:41:46 and then at some point it's like we opened our affiliate so I was coaching more and then I could but I could also train more and like it just came through like very very gradually through the years I was it was reported to me. I don't know how I heard through the grapevine. I don't even know what I'm saying, but I heard let's go with. I heard at the CrossFit games that during the run, you were, um,
Starting point is 00:42:15 talking shit to Roman. All good. And then I, Oh, right. Encouraging him. I heard you encouraging. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:42:22 my bad. I heard you encouraging Roman, uh, in the CrossFit games. Um, and then i heard that you touched him like i don't know you bumped him or slapped him on the back or some shit like that and he got all fucking twisted up and reported you to the authorities oh wow for touching him is this the first you're hearing of this no oh that was good i liked your uh exclamation what did you so can you tell me what happened i'm not sure uh so going into this run i i knew i had a good chance of winning it
Starting point is 00:42:55 winning it uh we were way below my 5k pace pr um so my goal was to try and, cause I know Roman's a good runner as well. So I wanted to like leave the pack and lead the race with him. And at the same time, make him run faster than what he wants to. Um, so that's what I was saying to him during the run. Like, let's go, let's, let go. Let's move away from the pack. But I wouldn't touch anyone. Like, that's – we saw that at the games in the past, athlete that made moves that way.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And it's not good. This is not supposed to happen in our sport. I know that at some point I was on the inside line and I was pretty tight. It was a pretty tight squeeze and I was hitting the little crossfit markers. So did it happen then? I don't know. But touching him, no. Hey, so I'm guessing he reported it and then they came and talked to you.
Starting point is 00:44:02 They said, hey, just so you know. No one came to me. No one came to you? No that's awesome oh that makes me that makes me happy i was i was curious i was like okay let me see and i watched the full run and i was like who where where i don't know and the camera's on us for the full run yeah so you never tapped you never tapped him on the back or anything like, hey, good job or nothing? No. I think the only time after the first lap when you come in, I think that's the only time because you kind of like wave to the crowd
Starting point is 00:44:35 and I know he's close to you. Maybe. But I waved to the crowd after the first lap. I was so excited for this run. Yeah. I got in the North Park and the crowd started like roaring. I was like, yeah, let's go. And I don't have these moments often.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Never. I was so surprised. I was like, let's go. And I was ready to run like hell after that first lap. And it was after that first lap that I just ditched Roman. I'm like, well, if you don't want to run fast, then I'll just go. I mean, he didn't fall far behind. So in this clip right here,
Starting point is 00:45:12 can you play this clip? We can hear you. This is, I think, you saying something to Roman. Let's see. I can't hear anything. No, I can't hear anything. That's probably the start of the second lap. And I saw him fall behind. I'm like, are you slowing down? Are you dying? What's happening?
Starting point is 00:45:35 And I was trying to figure out who was beside me. So I knew Lazar was there. And I could hear, I think I could hear on the mics that Pat was there. But I couldn't see him. And I didn't know who the tall guy was. It took me two laps to figure out it was Hust. So I was just trying to figure out who was there, trying to figure out where they were on the leaderboard,
Starting point is 00:46:01 who I was battling with for points, how many I had between me and Roman. So all these things were going through my mind and like trying to calculate because I was at that point, this is Saturday morning. And this is where I had to start like gaining points because I think I was coming into Saturday in second or third place. And Roman had what a hundred points on everyone so I was like if I want if I want to gain some spots then I need people in between so I was just trying to figure out like who was where um so the whole thing surprises you by the way I interviewed probably 11 athletes and 11 out of 11 said that absolutely uh talking to someone while you're running uh is absolutely okay
Starting point is 00:46:46 they 100 were like yeah good on adler if he was saying shit to him even even rich agreed like hey but the but the weird part was is that they kept saying we kept hearing that you touched him and i was like it didn't even make sense like what were you going to do do that to him i mean it's like obviously it didn't make sense there would be like at the start. And I looked at the start and it looked really fair. No, no, no, no. I was there at the start and we were on on the far left. And right right after the line that we started on, there was a CrossFit like post. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Big base, like a big CrossFit base. And then they pushed Roman through the like they squeeze us. They were like line up here, line up here, line up here. And then it was legit like. Six feet in front of the line, and if we would have started squeezed through the fence, he would have been stuck behind everyone. So both of us, we were like, no, like, we're not starting here. And I was fine because it was only in front of him. And I could have just said nothing and say like, well, you're going to get stuck and I'm jetting and you're gone. But I was like, I was pushing the
Starting point is 00:47:55 guys beside and I had, I think I had Chandler Smith right beside me. And I was like, Chandler, squeeze back, squeeze back to leave him space. And I said to Roman, like, I'm going to leave you space. I'm not going to push you and trip you in the, in the thing. And I said to Chandler, I'm like, I got to leave some space on that side. So don't like knock me off. Like don't elbow me in there. So you were actually being courteous to him. You wanted, you wanted Roman to be up there. Well, it was really unfair. Like he would have been blocked. And I think the women would have passed like by him so no it wasn't fair but i mean we left plenty of space we had plenty of space to start and he sprinted the
Starting point is 00:48:32 first few meters i think probably to be safe and go around but i did i did leave him space plenty of space to not trip over the thing but i don't know why they would put that there like just move everything out of the way. But we flipped the whole script on this story. It went from your, your picking on the poor little Russian guy to, uh, you, you left room for the giant Russian. What people can think whatever they want. I really don't care about it. Like I ran a fair race and, uh, I, my plan was to bait him and going fast and trying to make him fatigued and it didn't really work actually and that's why on second lap like fuck this like i'm going uh but yeah i could
Starting point is 00:49:15 have done that race way faster what about on the row were you chirping him on the row there was also stories that you were chirping him on the row oh yeah i made him this i made him go to the row before he hit the box that was me fine uh thank you so much for coming on and uh you're you're amazing caroline thanks for uh doing this um you guys are always welcome on the show i'm so stoked for you uh incredible victory pleasure watching you all week thank you thank you um you guys are uh you guys are two just really incredibly sober, positive individuals. And I'm always stoked to talk to you guys. Yeah. Now we got to work to keep the gold. Yes. Yes. That's going to be a hard task. We'll be checking in periodically with you. Thanks guys. Have a good day. Ciao. ciao how'd i do brandon was that good crushed it thank you you're welcome was he getting hostile there
Starting point is 00:50:14 at the end no i don't think so scaring me a little bit like he's gonna come through the screen and beat me up i sense a little hostility i think it's okay you talk shit the whole race right if you got the wind power if yeah if you got the wind power uh brandon luckett crossfit games team athlete you've been on the show before you came on when you were an individual yes sir it's been a couple years and then you retired and went into business with your dad or something like are you a vet veterinarian or an engineer what do you do again i'm a physicist oh yeah shit it was something god i tried to dumb you down to a veterinarian or an engineer? What do you do again? I'm a physicist. Oh, yeah, shit. God, I tried to dumb you down to a veterinarian or engineer.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Those are both very hard professions. But, yeah, I'm a physicist with my dad. Hey, guys, watch this. Are you on a PC? Mac. Oh, shit. Never mind. I got schooled again.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Look at his headset. He fucked you all up. He's a physicist. He's got the dorkiest headset ever. I know it. It's a Jabra. It's like such a high-quality dork headset. Wait.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I thought for sure he was going to be on a PC. This is my wife's from her CPA company. I don't have a headset. Wait, for her what company?'s a cpa oh okay well there you go yeah there you go so does she and so she has a pc yes yes okay caleb give me something 50 all right 50 yard line i'm in field goal distance uh okay look at this this guy just screams european look at him right that's just europe European. Look at him, right? That's just a European dude. Like, you just know.
Starting point is 00:51:48 He's either from Europe or from Seattle. The Champ. Great work, Caroline and Jeff. This is money for semifinals coverage. I'm working to collect the money for the games. Dude, you the man. Gonzalo. Gonzalo Diaz Monreal. Monreal.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Hey, dude, I might use your money to go to Wadapalooza I've been chirping Speaking of chirping I've been calling the guy who runs that thing Dylan, the guy who replaced Matt O'Keefe Dylan Walensky Seve is trying to dummy him down
Starting point is 00:52:21 I'm trying to I'm trying to outsmart Brandon Luckett. Easy to do. Oh, it was Tommy Marquez. Holy shit. Look it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:35 He watches the show. He doesn't want to admit he gives money. I don't blame him. I don't know. I'm struggling, Brandon. I just see her as a coach. I don't care that she's a woman or black or 5'8". The first 5'8 Canadian woman to coach.
Starting point is 00:52:51 What do you think? I guess we celebrate the first one, right? The first what? Just the first of anything. If you were the first Eskimo to win a marathon, we'd be like, that's the first Eskimo ever to win a marathon. Then that's it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 We drop it after that. That's it. We drop it after that. That's it. We drop it. Makes sense to me. Okay, just one. Hey, so when I talked to you, you went as an individual in what year? 18, 20, and 21. Crazy, dude. Now, why slum it?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Why slum it? No, why slum it in 2023? Teams, teams, slum it. Why slum it in 2023 teams teams slum it uh why why slum it so in 2020 i was in residency in oklahoma and like i wasn't planning on competing really but residency for what to be a physician physicist medical physics so i work in like hospitals and clinics so it's a like a health care field okay um but alexis Alexis Johnson had reached out to me. He was like, hey, would you be interested in going team? And it seemed appealing to me just because there's a good bit less pressure in terms of it.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I guess it was my perception that I wouldn't have to train as intensely. And the mental pressure wouldn't be quite as high. So with residency, it just kind of made sense and i i'd agreed to it and so um we ended up qualifying for teams then but then covet happened right and so there was no teams at the games it was just the online games with the top 20 or 30 or however many people from the the open and then all of the sanctionals which i had qualified for the individual side through the open that year so i was able to compete on the online games during covid and then i just stuck it out and went individual again the year after that moved back home to work with my dad i was like you know i think i think it's probably time that
Starting point is 00:54:43 like i hang up the shoes and get through this you know try to figure out how to actually you know run a company with my father and um you know hold a true profession and give a lot of my effort to that but uh last last um fall alexis reached out to me was like, hey, it's my last year competing. I don't want to compete anymore after this, but I'd love to do team with you. So a whole year in advance. It was, yeah, it was like August or so before last season. So 2022, August, September, October, sometime in the fall in 2022. september october sometime in the fall in 2022 and uh i said you know one more year like we can make it happen one more year you know we can do it but i did tell her i said like look i don't
Starting point is 00:55:34 have time to try to put together a team um i trust you to put together the other three or the other two rather um i'm not going to change the way i'm training like i'll train as much as i can um but i'm not going to put like work or life second for that so uh just like heads up there she's like okay like no problem i believe you'll be fit enough for the season and uh and you didn't stay true to that either right like you they never do i will not put life before okay fine okay i'll miss that birthday sorry i'm not going that way yeah eventually because at the end of the day it's you out on the field right and you don't want to show up like a ding dong right yeah you mean you have a lot of responsibility um to your other teammates who are putting in a lot of time and
Starting point is 00:56:20 effort and sacrifice i mean all three of us or all four of us lived in different states um logan lived in dallas shaylin was in north carolina um alexis didn't really have a residence she lived with me for a few months and then moved to north carolina for a few months but um like everyone put in like so much time and effort and like sacrifice so much time with their own family from their jobs traveling that like you that you don't want to let any of them down. So you end up making a lot of sacrifices yourself to make sure that you can hold your own out there. No, not the clock. Cool people use Apple.
Starting point is 00:57:00 That is a limbecil. I can't say that word anymore. I'm not using that word anymore. Sorry. So we'll just go with limbecil. Limbecil? Limbecile? Like you're liberal and an imbecile? It's a limbecile identity marker from the Bay Area in the 90s. Give it up, Savant. Oh, no. Don't make me give that up. Please. So in 2022, nothing. You just were just chilling. I mean, chilling is a loose term term i still trained every day um you know
Starting point is 00:57:28 working did you go to the games at all i did you attend oh coach i was a coach for a master's athlete oh shit so i was there backstage so you're still hovering you were still circling the it's pretty seriously okay okay you never retired you misrepresented yourself i think is i mean the intention was always there uh how did your how did your master's athlete dude and did you like coaching um so he was a guy i trained with before and um like a few weeks before the games he had texted me he's like hey what are you doing the week of the games i was like what do you want like what do you need me to do he's like well i've asked like two chiropractors to go with me i've asked a buddy of mine like none of
Starting point is 00:58:12 them could go and i was wondering if you i was like so i'm like fifth on your list to be to be your bag boy he's like yeah yeah i was like sure i'll go so like Coach is like a loose term. It's more just like support and helping him out when I could. But, I mean, he's a great athlete, so it went well. There's Justin King. He's one of the strongest men I know out there on the field. Did he go this year? No. No, I think he's done.
Starting point is 00:58:42 He retired too. And tell me the girl's name that got you back into the teams this year alexis johnson alexis johnson and why do i know her name was she on like she was on a mayhem team last year they were like fifth i think okay and then before that she's been into she's been on a team with Travis Williams and Jen Smith and Roy Gamboa. Okay. Before that. Okay. So she's legit as shit.
Starting point is 00:59:10 She's been competing since – her first time at the Games was 2017 as an individual. So she's been around for a good while now. I ran into her at the North Park warm-up area, just like inside where the corrals are. Yes. And I ran into her in there, and she looked like a fucking statue. And somehow I started talking to her and interviewing her. And, man, the difference between interviewing someone like her and someone who is 19 years old and their first time to the games is crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:49 She's like a 32-year-old superpower. She's like Wonder Woman. Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, she thinks of things differently too. I mean she's a math PhD, so she's got just that different aspect to her mental game for sure. Was it all dorks on your team? Pretty much.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Was there any – a PhD, a physicist? What were the other people? Please tell me there was someone who's like the fucking McDonald's drive-thru window. Please tell me. Please. Shaylin Laurie is in the FBI. Oh, my God. Yeah, so she's an FBI agent.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Collusion. Collusion. We know what you do there so i mean she was a police officer she was in the uh the infantry and then she's in the fbi so she's like just kind of a badass and how about the other dude logan collins uh oh that's logan collins was on your team this year yeah the dude who almost got sent up to uh canada i think i had him on the show the guy they tried to send him up to Canada for a – Holy shit. Yeah, for the – or the – yeah, the semifinals back then. God, I love that dude.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Great team you had. It was a good team. It was an awesome team. What's he do for a living? He's got like a kid or something, right? Oh, she looks like she's in the FBI. You all look like you're – what's he do? And he looks like a dad, right? Yeah, he's got a dad. He's got another's in the FBI. You all look like you're – what's he doing? He looks like a dad, right?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah, he's got a dad. He's got another one on the way. He's got a little girl, Emmy Tate. She's two or three. But he runs CrossFit Rejoice or maybe it's the Regimen. He's got a CrossFit gym up in just north of Dallas. And he does some insurance, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:26 sales work, um, with a, with a company that he started. And then he also does like warehouse real estate. So he, he like wears a few different hats there. Hey,
Starting point is 01:01:37 can, what's that girl's name? The FBI girl, Shailen, Lori Shailen. Can she, um, can she,
Starting point is 01:01:43 can she, what's that called? Carrie concealed, concealed. Yeah. Yeah yeah she for sure can do that do you think she brought a gun to the games if i had a bet god that's awesome how many athletes brought a gun to the games probably just one sorry we don't mean to be getting in trouble girl uh math phd uh definitely a pc girl i'm definitely getting her on she's got a pc for sure she worked on that pc at my kitchen table for three months really yeah um uh um does she have a boyfriend that girl no not that i know of the fuck is wrong with people might be speaking out of terms yeah someone needs to get that Does she have a boyfriend, that girl? No. Not that I know of.
Starting point is 01:02:26 What the fuck is wrong with people? Might be speaking out of terms. Yeah, someone needs to get that. Does she know a lot about the games? Is she a student of the game? Does she know the athletes and stuff? I would love to have someone like her as a regular on the show. Yeah. I mean, she talks about the athletes a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:42 She even talks – coming from a math background, she talks about the statistics of rankings and things like that a lot, which is kind of interesting to hear her take on it. Because there's algorithms and equations for rankings and stuff like that that she's spoken about, which is kind of interesting. Listen to this. That's really her Instagram mathlete that's awesome yep holy shit
Starting point is 01:03:08 she is a goob wow took podium spot at crash crucible in 2022 oh and so she knows jr what a fucking rad chick also was on mayhem independence that took fifth in last year's games i mean i would hear her name all the time like coming out of brian's mouth and the people's mouth i would hang out with yeah yeah she's been around the game for a long time now uh jonathan ortega uh shaylin definitely had a gun somewhere same here though so i guess there's at least two oh shit her and ty Tyler were chopping it up at Crash last year. Tyler's one of our local math dorks. Oh, really? Yeah, he has the app, the Heat One app, by the way, which fucking killed it.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It was the fantasy app he launched for the games this year. Of course, her and Tyler were chopping it up. Wow. Oh, my goodness. Listen, Jeffrey Birchfield. Beautiful hat, Jeffrey. I saw a post of her defending her dissertation god i was at her dissertation you were what's a dissertation
Starting point is 01:04:11 and explain that to me she she's like whenever you do grad school like you to i guess close out your grad school to graduate um for a phd like develop a thesis so it's a something that hasn't been like really proven before something like like in washington state two plus two isn't four anymore that's racist she had to defend that right awesome so she spent five or six years at rice university in houston um just developing her thesis and then had to defend it against like the the panel of professors at rice um basically proving her point and you can get it you can sit in on one of those yep yep why were you there she wanted you there um so i've known her uh since 2017 i met her whenever i was doing a uh internship at md anderson in houston and just
Starting point is 01:05:00 kind of walked into her gym and um to like train. And she was training for her first qualification as an individual for the games. And so I trained with her for like a summer, got to know her a little bit. And then whenever I finished undergraduate school in Louisiana, I got accepted to graduate school back at MD Anderson. So I went back to Houston and trained with her for two years. So I went back to Houston and trained with her for two years. And so basically what you're saying is – I mean defending your dissertation sounds pretty intimate, and you wouldn't want anyone there unless they got your back, right? Yeah, we've been very good friends for a while. And so she invites you to that. How many other people were there?
Starting point is 01:05:46 Maybe 10 or 15 people that weren't the panel of professors. Wow. Is that the only time you've been to a dissertation? Dissertation – no, there's a few PhDs back in my grad school who I watched their dissertation, but I also had my thesis defense at MD Anderson, so I went to my own. How did she do? Did she get into a squabble with anyone no she knew her she knew her topics very well damn but i mean the professors try to like test you on like your your depth of knowledge so you gotta know your subject matter pretty well did she kick the ass yeah did you was she wearing something like where you could see her like every time she went put her hand up her lat like was exposed like fuck you you know what i mean just like one of these you ever do that like just like you're standing in line just like flex your lat so the guy behind you knows like yo
Starting point is 01:06:32 i'm always flexing my lats single file line mofo don't you ain't passing these wings uh sema globes i'd love to see your globes uh the most horrifying hours of your life oh it's stressful yeah hours yeah i mean they can be a couple hours i don't remember how long hers was maybe like two hours and they they push everybody out of the room who's not on the panel yeah and like they make a decision on like whether you pass or fail and like they bring everyone. Like jury duty. Pretty much. BJ Penn, Ariel Loan was strapped for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Possible. What is that? Who is that? Oh, that's her. Alexis Johnson doing Fran in her graduation garb wow hey that uh that thing looks environmentally friendly like you like it's made of paper that got that outfit in houston it's gotta be dude it's too hot dang it's thin
Starting point is 01:07:39 uh you you i want to say that you caught my attention for your incredible team diverse team of Motley Crue of geniuses I want to say that I just wanted to revisit with you because I missed you but those would be lies that's okay
Starting point is 01:07:58 there's a video of you picking Alexis Raptus up not quite Alexis Raptus up. John, close. Not quite Alexis Raptus. Fine, fine. Caleb, text me that shit. What did I tell you about correcting me publicly like that? Try to whisper. Try to whisper.
Starting point is 01:08:14 This is – so this is – what's it called? The handstand worm workout? Yep. And that's you on the left and that's her like – what is she doing down there? Like she just got crumbled by the worm or what is she doing down there? Alexis had the flu during our five to four days at the CrossFit Games. So she was operating on empty by now. And this worm was exceptionally hard for the females in the team, in the teams, because their section of the worm is typically 70 pounds.
Starting point is 01:08:51 You're typically next to a taller man where you – like the males on the team typically take a little bit of load from the girls just because it's the geometry. It's just we're taller. You're a giant compared to her. Yeah. How tall are you? Six foot almost yeah and she's shorter than me i think yeah she's pretty short she's little and so um with this worm however they're like almost independently moving they're only connected by that rope but
Starting point is 01:09:16 that rope is like the the sandbag will slide forwards and backwards on the rope so like you hold more of your own load on that on that worm the earthworm and uh not only that but the sections were heavier so typically it's like one it's like 90 70 90 70 but on this one it was 125 100 125 100 so that damn that jump from 90 to 125 for males isn't that crazy um so that worm didn't feel that bad to logan and i but the jump from 70 to 100 for females is a massive jump especially considering that they're almost holding they're really holding all that weight because of the independence of the bags so the worm was already more challenging for the females. Throw on top of that, like a shoulder injury she sustained and the flu.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And she was operating with very little gas in the tank. And everyone on the team is taller than her, even the chick on the team. What was her name? Shailen? She's a giant. Yeah. Okay, so she's – She's tapped out. She was straight up tapped out at this point. But you're not done?
Starting point is 01:10:25 No. How much left is in the workout? 17 seconds. I didn't even know. I didn't know the time cap. Okay. Action. Let's watch this.
Starting point is 01:10:35 So, sorry, one more thing. So why is it down? Did you guys just take a break? Did the leader of the team be like, We had seven thrusters left in the workout. And after three reps, I don't remember if someone had dropped it or if we were like, hey, we've got to put it down or what. But it looks like because of the way the worm is,
Starting point is 01:11:01 like Logan's piece is next to Shalen's. Everything's kind of wonky. Someone probably dropped it off a shoulder and it collapsed all of us. the worm is like logan's piece is next to shaylin's everything's kind of wonky someone probably dropped it off a shoulder and it like collapsed all of us yeah i saw i saw um that thing get put down improperly and throw andrea nistler to the ground like just slam her to the ground it was crazy the first time so we didn't get to warm up on it the first time we did a clean out there i'm so used to like being in a certain position on the worm that whenever i clean my bag the whole my whole sandbag flipped off the back of
Starting point is 01:11:31 my shoulder and then it whipped everyone to the ground like i mean it's not very safe but holy shit it's like fighting with the dragon's tail yeah it's pretty bad okay and so so you don't know if this was a clean put down or if this was it doesn't look like it was a clean put down just because everyone's scattered around like that yeah trying to straighten the shit back out okay here we go and so you so you need to get the team back going again yeah and you reach over now, at any point when you picked her up by her bra strap, were you like, maybe I shouldn't be doing this? No.
Starting point is 01:12:11 No. Not with Alexis. Alexis, had it been another person. You picked her up like a handbag, like at the airport. This one's mine. No, Alexis and I are good enough friends. I'm like, it's okay for me to do that. Have you ever picked anyone up like that before that's a first for sure so that was just straight improv yeah and um when did you know can we watch it a few times caleb uh does she say
Starting point is 01:12:40 does she say anything to you there like thank you nope okay so basically that move it's like pulling on a dog's choke chain it really doesn't help the dog but it lets the dog know you're going this way right like like you're not really helping any weight but you let her know she feels that thing tighten around her chest and she's like oh time to stand yeah i'd already i could tell like early on in that event that she was she was going to be pulled up by a couple times i pulled her in i pulled her in a few times before this early on um and it it was probably like one of the few times in the weekend where I had a lot of understanding for how much she was hurting. Um, and like, it's like the last event, right? Like we're not making any moves to, to climb the leaderboard or anything.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Um, and so like, it was probably one of the few times where I could tell, I knew the whole weekend she was putting out as much wattage as she could. She was doing everything she could throughout the weekend to give us as many points as possible. She's not someone to give up. And the team never stopped trying to make moves. But it was the last event, she was like on empty for sure um like just the weekend to tap her out uh not sleeping you know colds chills like body aches um and so i'd already
Starting point is 01:14:18 let's say she had covid let's say she had she might have yeah let's go with that so she had covid and she was out there. Yeah. Let's go with that. And so I pulled her in once and I was like, hey, dude, you've got to fucking get it together. I know you're hurting. I know this shit hurts.
Starting point is 01:14:39 It's our last event and you've got to compose yourself. Because in her eyes, you could see the fear and the frustration and the worry building because of how bad she was hurting. I was like, dude, I love you. We've got to pull this shit together. We've got to keep moving. We're almost there. God, she must love being on a team with you. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:14:58 It was a good year. Yeah, she must have loved that. What place did you guys end up taking? 11th. Were you going to go to the games again with that team? I think Alexis is done, man. I think she's done. But you would if she called you?
Starting point is 01:15:12 I'd consider it. You needed that itch scratch. 2022, it started like you were like, what is this thing? I need to get this. You had the itch? I think I've accepted at this point that it's just in me. I can't not. I got to do something.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So when did you know that that was going to be a highlight for the games, the old pick the girl up by the bra strap? When did that become like, were you like, oh, shit. did you remember doing that or you were looking online and all of a sudden you're like oh fuck i remember doing it and uh misfit athletics they had a media guy there ted bonifant and he sent me the video did he oh he must have been so stoked he must have been dying yeah he sent me that one that's so good oh my god i sent it to alexis like separately i didn't really plan on like posting on anything she's like we should post this oh she did yeah god she's a good sport awesome yeah for sure oh the the i know that videographer must have been
Starting point is 01:16:21 just cackling like that's the kind of shit like you're dying when you see it. Yeah. 100%. Well, dude, thanks for coming on. It's good to catch up with you. Man, we've had some great people on the show. You're fucking awesome. Thanks, Yvonne.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Appreciate that. Tell Miss – Thank you. Tell Miss Johnson, Shailen, and – no, no, don't tell me. It's the guy who was supposed to go to Canada. What's the first letter in his name? L. Last name, first letter, C. L, J, L.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Larry Cohen. So close. So close. What's the second letter in his first name? O. A dude's name is an L-O. There's a lot of them out there, man. Logan. Logan.
Starting point is 01:17:17 There it is. Logan. What's his last name? Start with? What is it? C. C. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Okay. Collins. Yeah. Okay. Logan Cooper. Yes. Logan Cooper. Thank you. Oh, no. start with oh what is it c that's a c oh yeah okay collins yeah okay logan cooper yes logan cooper thank you oh no larry larry cooper yeah tell tell logan and shaylin and uh alexis thank you what a great what a great story land you took us through all right uh and i'll and i'll see you around i hope you make it to the games again so we can stay friends. I'm shallow like that and my friends. Ain't no problem. I'll do what I can to keep our friendship open. Thank you. All right, boss.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Bye. What's embarrassing? Getting pulled up by your bra? No, it's totally fine. What are you talking about? She was cool with it she is cool larry sing larry king who's larry king i um trying to think if i ever get embarrassed i was i guess I was embarrassed
Starting point is 01:18:25 when Laura wouldn't shake my hand for a second. Cause I, cause I didn't know how to like. Did you feel warm? Like when that happens, do you feel like your body just like heat up?
Starting point is 01:18:34 I feel, well, yeah, kind of. I get embarrassed, but I also like, part of me is kind of weird. I like it.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Like I like the challenge of being put in a really uncomfortable situation. I mean like, oh, am I going to be able to breathe my way through this superstar athlete 10 people watching just staring at my hand won't shake my hand oh fuck i'm frozen oh shit way less than a thousand people watching it's like it's like dropping your phone like you're in line at the dmv and you drop your phone like back in the day like your nokia and the battery and all the shit goes flying all directions the keyboard and shit and you just gotta act cool i i used to i you just you're just acting cool like you don't even like you're like damn
Starting point is 01:19:19 no you want to know what happened you know what's want to know what happened? You want to know what fucking happened? I can't believe I've never told you this. You ready, Adam? This is what fucking happened. I told you guys, Adam Klink is there. The fucking, the man, the five-minute mile man with the 500-pound something back squat. Ben Smith is there, former CrossFit Games champ. Gabriella Magawaawa the most fucking
Starting point is 01:19:45 powerful woman you've ever fucked looking woman you've ever stood next to just crazy in person by the way i've never really dug into how crazy it is standing next to her laura horvat and then there was someone else um uh fuck there's oh jamie simmons who who i'm i'm crazy uh intimidated by because she's like she's like the only she's one of the few adults there like every time i look around and just see kids jamie simmons is like a mature fucking human being her and her husband like they pay their bills on time and shit and and like she got a checkbook with her anyway and i go to shake her hand and she won't shake my hand and everyone else to shake her hand, and she won't shake my hand, and everyone else is shaking my hand. And finally, she shakes my hand. And she says something like, you shake hands like a bitch.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I'm not even joking. And I did. And hey, here's the thing. I did shake her hand like a little bitch. Were you scared? You know what I mean? Like, oh, it was so fucked up. It wasn't like I could be like, no, I it was fucking I was a mess but I enjoyed it yeah you're right and I got all warm and flush
Starting point is 01:20:51 and shit and like I wanted to get out of there and but it was cool I liked it I was like oh I can't wait to tell the story on my podcast that's why everyone needs a podcast because all the fucked up shit in your life you can kind of be like well at least that's gonna be a good story no yeah it wasn't firm dude it was so weak even paulina called you out yeah and i've been called out like three times in the last like month and i always like prided myself on having a good handshake but i don't want to be one of those douches that squeezes too hard god God, I just need to fucking figure... I need to practice. You may go for it in hugs, though. Okay, good. You're a good hug giver.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Yeah, I give the... Firm. Fuck. Damn. There's somebody else that gave shitty handshake, and I just can't trust that guy anymore. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I handed... No, not a wet fish. It's not that bad. I just can't trust that guy anymore. Really? Yeah. No, not a wet fish. It's not that bad. Oh, no. I 100% judge a person on how well they shake a hand. Fucking A. I've usually been right, too. Damn.
Starting point is 01:22:03 But I hugged you for the first time. It wasn't like we didn't shake hands the great endangered Armenian jellyfish fuck let's get this out of everyone's system right now oh shit look you made Gabe you gave Gabe a fucking poor Gabe's head fuck it wasn't me Caleb
Starting point is 01:22:23 I tried yeah take your swolverine it will improve your the fucking poor Gabe's head. Fuck, it wasn't me. Caleb, I tried. Yeah, take your swolverine. It will improve your... Wait, where is it? Taking your swolverine will improve your grip strength. I think Suze is on his way here. Today's the day, man.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I don't even know if there'll be a podcast tomorrow because we're going to empty out my entire office today I think this is him hey do you want me to try to call Laura Horvath shit something's wrong with my phone line god damn it I have Laura Horvath's phone number you guys want me to try to call her oh shit i just want to hear a voicemail would that be crazy if i did that it would be it shouldn't be a big deal um oh shit my phone's trying to update don't do that julian you had a good handshake i think i'm pretty sure i remember meeting you and you had a good hand i don't I'm pretty sure I remember meeting you and you had a good handshake I don't think anybody that I met
Starting point is 01:23:26 from the chat gave a point dude you're the fucking executive producer of the show you can't interrupt when Caleb's talking just cause you're on the phone you know the show is going you gotta wait till it's your turn try again dude I couldn't hear shit I didn't even know if it was connected
Starting point is 01:23:42 what do you mean waiting for the bluetooth to hook back up. Hey, are you in a submarine right now? I'm on the 17. Oh. That's what it sounds like, ladies and gentlemen, in a 1987 Honda Civic driving on a wine. It's an 07, an 07.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Oh, shit. Oh, man. Okay, good. All right. Hey, show was good. We crushed it. I know. I'm listening to it. It's always funny when I'm behind and then I'm listening to the show and then you call.
Starting point is 01:24:19 We crushed it. Hey, I'm going to try to call Horvat now. Fuck it. I don't care. Can someone tell me where does anyone know where she is? What time is it in Hungary? Mid-afternoon probably. Do you think she's there in Hungary?
Starting point is 01:24:33 Shit, maybe. All right. She's like Ben Smith or something, right? Where does he live? Virginia. She's like an hour south of me. Hey, do you think if I call her,
Starting point is 01:24:50 there's any way like this? Oh, I have Kristoff's number. Oh, I do have Laura Horvath's number. I have her name spelled wrong on my phone. Classic. Hey, did anybody ever notice that her Instagram handle and her name are spelled differently? So I wonder which one it is.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Okay. Wish me luck. I'm going to call her. All right. Okay. You think it's a bad idea? You think someone will, like, she'll report me to HQ and be like, hey, one of your media people is, like, even though I'm not one of their media people. I'm not one of their media people.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I am not one of their media people. Hey, not one of their media people. I am not one of their media people. Hey, honestly, I think you're going to call and it's going to be like, the number you tried to dial. Okay, great. Here we go. Bye. How do I get the plus number?
Starting point is 01:25:42 How do I get plus on my phone on an iPhone? I just hold the plus number? How do I get plus on my phone on an iPhone? I just hold the number down? It should be like a... Shouldn't you be able to add a plus? Someone will say it. Oh, yeah. Press hold zero. Oh, press hold.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Okay, press hold zero. Okay, here we go. Look at the comments. They're coming in. Everyone's terrified. I know. Why are you guys terrified? I'm terrified, too. Okay, here we go. Secondhand embarrassment. Okay, here we go. Look at the comments are coming in. Everyone's terrified. I know. Why are you guys terrified? I'm terrified, too.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Here we go. Secondhand embarrassment. OK, here we go. Oh, shit. Oh, it's ringing. Yeah, that's what you get for not shaking my hand. I just been fucking cold call your ass. Hello, what can I tell you?
Starting point is 01:26:26 Hi, Laura. This is Sevan. Hi. Hi. How are you? Who is this? This is Sevan. Remember me, the reporter from the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 01:26:36 Yeah. Hi. Come on. What do you want? I'm live on my podcast, and I was just trying to put on my big boy panties and give you a call oh i shouldn't have picked up sorry your number is not saved in my phone so can i ask you just one question are you in hungary right now i wouldn't have picked up if i knew it was you fair i am i understand you're in hungary right now so this phone call is very expensive
Starting point is 01:27:02 for you so i'm glad i picked up. Oh, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, I am in Hungary. So this phone call is very expensive for you. Hey, let me ask you one quick question. The last time I texted you, you responded with... You already did ask me one.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Last time I texted you, you responded with, how did you get my number? And so that kind of scared me a little bit. Do you think I could start texting you again? No, please don't. I will block your number. All right. I want to say congratulations for winning the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 01:27:35 and I hope you will consider coming on my podcast, please. Thank you so much, but I will not do such a thing okay thank you i'll keep trying i i'm like you i'm a champion okay okay all right love it thanks a lot have a great day okay you too bye she said have a great day she did holy shit dude my feet were shaking i just kept receding back i was getting so nervous uh christine young laughed my ass off i love her holy shit to make this a clip crank calling laura horvat when when you't call her but you freak out is your refrigerator running better go catch it oh my god fuck
Starting point is 01:28:35 i'm like fucking a five-year-old i need a cigarette i need one too oh my goodness shaking in your toe spacers i know trust me i know that was rough i know i dude i was totally as fucking starstruck i was a mess i don't know what do you to do no one knows is she being serious big big balkan no one knows it's hungarian it's like there we're it's like she's from a different planet than us or we're from a different planet than her we don't even know how to communicate but we but i want to so bad god she's awesome yeah she i think we cracked the code maybe a little bit don't text me i'll block this number okay but i'll prank call you on the show and then we'll maybe she'll answer
Starting point is 01:29:37 hey she saw that number my nose is running i'm so shaky she saw that number and she was like maybe she thought like it was a sponsor or something, right? Like it was just a US number. Yeah. For sure. Oh my God. Her Laura's phone expenses. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I should have asked her who would win in a fight, me or her. You know what I need to do? I need to call her like once a week. Too much? Once every other week? Every other, probably. Jody Lynn, my goodness, for the cell phone bill. Laugh my ass off.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Well, thank you. I want to tell you something. Maybe you want your money back, but I have an international plan on my phone. Damn. So so a ball uh for laura's expenses don't tell her that i mean i don't i've never i don't i can't even ever remember even looking at a cell phone bill in like 15 years i don't even know how that i don't even know how that i don don't even know how any of that works. Me neither. I'm still on my parents.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Yeah, see? Yeah, it's like that. Seve, if you take a full body x-ray of both you and Laura, they will look the same. I don't understand that. Me neither. She's six inches taller
Starting point is 01:31:06 and has tits and a vagina oh here we go oh shit he heard it I can't believe that fucking worked was that crazy or what dude yeah yeah hey I was just calling do not call her once a week or once every other week
Starting point is 01:31:22 that's the fucking yearly shit dude that's yearly. You could slap with some sort of Hungarian boxing. Oh my goodness. I just had to congratulate you on that. You got some balls for that one. Nice job.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Oh my goodness. I wasn't even ready. I was ill-prepared. I should have had like I should have asked her who would win in a fight. Fuck. I should have told her I could... Was that like 150? I needed to tell her I could beat her ass.
Starting point is 01:31:54 No, no, no. That was perfect. It was perfect. It was good. It was good. Oh, my God. Great job. That was a massive success.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Let's please click that. success let's please uh clip that and let's change the title to uh both champs on oh yeah yes yes yes are you doing that in real time caleb yeah holy shit sorry sorry brandon luckett god how good is Brandon Luckett, too? I wish he'd win the games. He'd be great to have on regularly. Yeah, he was. I was only partly through it, and then you called me, and then when you called, I jumped alive to listen to it.
Starting point is 01:32:36 So, my God, you got cut off. His delivery is epic. Yeah. All right, well, I'm going to try not to crash on this ridiculous road and i'll see you in like 15 minutes okay we're gonna have to get so high on coffee to do this it's such a massive undertaking yeah that's shit so we're gonna we'll jam it out okay we'll take some of that small marine okay that's good i'm gonna get you okay bye holy shit holy shit guys I'll see you again. Okay, bye. Bye. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Holy shit, guys. I really like Sevan's podcast. It just really sucks that he's so extreme. I really don't like his take on things. Sorry. It's still funny. I let the Canadians speak their mind on celebrating. God, I love Caroline Lambree. Caroline Lambree.
Starting point is 01:33:35 I called her Lambree. That's how they, on the Talking Elite Fitness, they had it spelt like that. Because, you know, her first name is Caroline. So they somehow, they copied and pasted and said Caroline Lambree for a second. Like two I-N-E's. Yeah. first name's caroline so they somehow they copied and pasted and said caroline lambreen for a second like two ionese yeah um uh i i really i really like her just how sober she is well we will celebrate it once that i'm a woman and then we will move on i just love her like fuck can't argue with that all right fine fuck me up yeah it's funny that she just didn't care. Yeah, she didn't, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:08 She cared, not cared. Just kind of like this sober kind of just like, hey, it is what, like, I am the first girl. Like, you can't deny that. So, like, I just hate it. You know, I'm just sensitive to that because I don't want to, like, in the end, it makes it like some sort of lens
Starting point is 01:34:24 that we should view the world through men and women and and here's the thing there's the presupposition in that that women want to be coaches like maybe they don't want to be coached maybe only maybe women want to be coaches uh 82 percent less than men like who the fuck knows and who cares oh shit jake chapman jeffrey lambre it's got a nice ring to it uh two hours into the ceo office renovation susan will be picking seven up by his bra strap Hey, dude. This fucking guy, Sousa, this fucking knucklehead. So we're in Newport, and I'm like, hey, I'm going to do – we're about to go to the beach. I'm like, hey, I'm going to get some blood flow.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I'm going to do 100 burpees, 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. And my fucking kids are there, and he's like, oh, I'll do it with you. So I do 10 burpees on the minute, and he does 10 burpees and 10 air squats on the minute oh caleb froze oh there he's unfrozen so he did he did he basically did almost double the work i did and my kids ended up doing what he did too so here i am thinking i'm cool doing 100 burpees and all these fucking two six-year-olds and eight-year-old and susan did 10 burpees and 10 air squats on the minute for 10 minutes. That shit's hard.
Starting point is 01:35:45 That would have fucking killed me. He is fucking fit. Oh, I didn't even think of that. Samon, if you really want to stir the pot, get in touch with Gabby Magawa and give her some shine. You mean like just to make it? I will tell you this. If you stand next to her, there's a lot – all of those athletes are imposing. But when you stand next to Gabby Magawa, she is a – she – it is something else.
Starting point is 01:36:24 She is a force. Her dude too, Kristoff Horvat. They're like, they don't look, they look like they're, remember the flat earth guy said that there used to be giants that roamed the earth? Yeah. They're like, Kristoff and Gabrielle Magawa are like dwarf versions of giants. Like little, like if you, like if there was a pet, like you could have a small giraffe, a miniature giraffe. They're like miniature giants.
Starting point is 01:36:45 I mean, Adam Klink's a big guy, and he does not look big with those Hungarians, around those Hungarians. Yeah, he looks – Just normal. Yeah, like a normal dude. Smaller. Yeah. Or a year old dad. Yeah. Is he a dad? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I think he's got a couple kids. I think he's got a couple kids fuck this podcast is gonna go every time fucking Laura's on these podcasts go down as legendary podcast what did you rename it I put it plural champs
Starting point is 01:37:18 can you put Laura's name in there too I did okay good that's awesome I don't think she does hate me that's the thing i you think she hates me rodri i don't think she does that's the thing no one we can't figure it out she said have a great day how did she hate you and when i said um you know what also when i congratulated her she said thank you like she could have easily said your words mean nothing to me
Starting point is 01:37:48 you know what I mean I hope your podcast takes off yeah oh coffee I love Sevan's interviews but don't like when he talks about extremes like miniature giants I understand I always take it too far Extremes like miniature giants. I understand. I always take it too far.
Starting point is 01:38:15 What I really want to talk to you guys about is Hiller's video, but I'm trying not to. Say that for a live call-in show. I don't know. I just... She thinks she's... Spiegel's going to think people are picking on her and like or some shit like that and no one is
Starting point is 01:38:30 no one is picking on her it just is it's just that's what Hiller does man It's just that's what Hiller does. Man. Hey, if you have friends out there, your friends should protect you. Do you guys know what I mean by that? So. like at night,
Starting point is 01:39:08 Caleb and I would go to the restaurant and we would eat a steak and we would have a couple of spicy margaritas and we would go on the podcast. And if we were too drunk to be on the podcast, someone would need to tell us, Hey dude, it's bad for your brand to go on that drunk. Like you're fucking slurring. And we always stopped it too. But,
Starting point is 01:39:22 but who knows? I mean, I only fucking weighed probably a buck 55 there. Now I'm huge again, 168, it's Wolverine. Yeah, it's important to protect your friends. I'll say that. They should not have published that podcast. Someone should have heard it and been like,
Starting point is 01:39:46 hey, there's some videos out now that people shouldn't be publishing. If you're a media person and you have CrossFit Games athletes that you make media for, you got to protect them. Do not put stuff out that... There's a difference between being vulnerable and coming across poorly.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I'm not blaming any athlete for not – after the games, not having 10,000 excuses, but dude, that's not good for your brand to put that out publicly. Unless it's like something crazy like an alligator ate your mom yeah it was a lot just but just like nothing yeah like if i'm i was over trained dude uh okay maybe you get one of those but you don't get 30 minutes of that you got to be careful if you want to protect your band, even if it's true. Because the people watching it are just making quick-snap judgments of you. So – and it's important. You have to know that woke talk that doesn't get to – that stays really surface and ambiguous, like it may work for you at some point. Like, oh my god, you might call someone like, hey, Sevan's a racist, and that works. It's ambiguous, and people who – they can make up some shit in their head that maybe I did.
Starting point is 01:41:19 It's ambiguous, and they can make up something I did, or that was really crazy what he did back in 1997. And then people can make up the story that woke talk of just destroying people and canceling people with ambiguity. You like it when you're doing it to other people. But when you're doing it to yourself, you do an hour and a half podcast and you're just being ambiguous about your own feelings. People will do the same thing to you, man. They'll make up stories in your head like everyone saying from watching that video that she sounds bitter. She never said she was bitter, but because she was ambiguous, people are having to read into everything she said. And that woke talk, man, it's fucking dangerous. You're asking people to go in their head and fill in the blanks. I was so the way caleb treated me right and so
Starting point is 01:42:07 then everyone runs off the show and be like man caleb has really treated seven on bad i gave you some ambiguous thing but on some other side right right that shit that shit that ax swings both way that shit that shit that axe swings both way uh dusty witch dust witch j and s who's j and s someone is baiting you with the touching. He likes doing that. J to J. J to J. I don't know. Sorry. I do like touching, though.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Oh. Oh. Jeff and Caroline? Oh. No, no. I'm not baiting him. I actually heard that he touched him. And you will see in the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:43:05 People say it. Nice try, though. If I'm going to bait someone, I'm a little more obvious about it. I'm a little more obvious about it. Yeah, so like I just did it there. I told you that some people are putting out videos that are, and then I gave you the details of what they're doing, what I think that they're doing wrong.
Starting point is 01:43:26 But I didn't tell you who they are. So now you guys have to fill in or trying to guess who it is that's how that game fucking works oh you see it in the buttery bros video you actually see him touch Roman no oh Roman says it in the cold tub video
Starting point is 01:43:43 yeah now what Dust now now what dusty witch now what that's what he does i don't like i don't like the way you talk i don't like your tone dusty judy reed her reasoning for why 5k is not a good test was so weak collegiate weightlifters can lift more than her should max rep lifts not be programmed oh talking about miss spiegel i mean just the whole thing is bad and it didn't help that it didn't help that i mean i thought it was
Starting point is 01:44:16 good but basically hillar made the fucking cliff notes version of it sportybeth blocked me when i suggested she thanks everyone for media pass she forwarded a message of someone explaining she is fat i agree and said she needs to be accountable so just in regards to that she took that totally out of context when i when i referenced her fat i was using as an example of reality of the realities of life because she was saying some shit that wasn't touched based in reality i forget what it was but she was fighting with Taylor herself
Starting point is 01:44:45 she was basically suggesting that all rich people are bad it was not suggesting she was being explicit about it and then the irony is I'll tell you even more that she sent or someone either she sent or Wooley sent or Danny
Starting point is 01:45:01 sent or someone or someone sent that fucking shit around to HQ Or Wooly sent. Or Danny sent. Or someone. Or someone. Sent that fucking shit around. To HQ. Like there was a fucking. Concerted effort to get me. Somehow. Even though.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Let me go back a step. Fuck it. Let me go back one step. Every time Sporty Beth talks about me. She's completely disingenuous. Andest if she doesn't start, Hey, guys, I want to contextualize that I made a video on YouTube that if you Google this guy's name is the first thing that pops up, and it's called the most toxic man in CrossFit. She has to start everything like that if she's going to be fair. Here we go again.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Here we go again, Mr. Weed. And if you don't do that, you're all fucking lying. You're totally lying. It's like in my world, that's like the worst thing you could do to someone. Make an entire video about them that says they're the most toxic person. So she's done that. And so now that has to be – everything else is just like – so now she's the bully. That's the ultimate form of trolling and bullying, the ultimate form.
Starting point is 01:46:20 How she was even – how that's even tolerated in our community of kindness is beyond me. But it is, so it's cool, and I'm being hyperbolic. I don't care. But so she does that, and then now I'm being portrayed as the bully for calling her fat when I wasn't even saying it in a taunting way. It was just like, hey, my nose is big. you're fat, you're tall, I'm short. There's some things that just are. She's getting famous by talking about it. What if we just let it go and not give her the time of day? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:59 I like talking about it. Julian Roland looks like mike perry you know the fighter mike perry yeah yeah sabotaging someone like that is terrible especially on internet like your kids will see that someday and she didn't think that through hey dude what's crazy that's the only thing i thought my i didn't think about my kids but my wife and my mom mom. And the irony is that she's openly sexist, and yet I'm being portrayed as a sexist. It's crazy. But whatever. But I'm enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:47:47 That's a great name ba duci nice okay thank you for the show i had fun today god bless laura horvath so some clip i think we should take the clip um i think we should make a clip, a good bait clip, bait, bait, click, click, bait,
Starting point is 01:48:07 clip, click, click, click, bait, clip, a good click, bait clip would be,
Starting point is 01:48:13 did Adler hit Roman? And the champ finally speaks, Laura Horvath. Don't call me again. What? Don'tvath don't call me again what don't call what should the title of that one be champ speaks i like that oh yeah sebi i watched pedro's vlog last night your media team ladies were all smoke shows so that's another thing she fucking Sporty and Danny go off into this like sphere of like how about women
Starting point is 01:48:51 the majority of my team was women I invited two brown women that's code for Mexican to be on my team with me and I offered the lead position the director position to one of them because I don't want to fucking direct it I don't want to be fucking my team with me, and I offered the lead position, the director position to one of them because I don't want to fucking direct it.
Starting point is 01:49:07 I don't want to be fucking in charge of it. And the majority of the people on my team were all women. But just so you know, I did not choose them for their skin color or their genitalia. That's just a complete – that has nothing to do with anything that I do. The only skin color things that I thought of the entire week was I was a little concerned for Tyler Watkins that the sun might fucking burn him
Starting point is 01:49:31 and John Young. And other than that, I never thought about skin color at all. And yet, I don't have enough women on the team. Oh, fuck yourself. How'd you get his number? How'd you get this number?
Starting point is 01:49:44 Is that what she said yeah so nervous i didn't even hear anything she said hey dude she answered it in like foreign tongue too i was like oh shit it's not french but yeah it was foreign uh Fuck. Make the title fuck around and F out with Laura Horvath. You want us to get demonetized? I reached my quote.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Dick Butter, Seve wouldn't meet me because I'm white. Yeah, I met my quote. Dick Butter, Seve wouldn't meet me because I'm white. Yeah, I met my quota. I know. Judy Reed, I can't believe she picked up. I know. I'm nuts. Hey, I'm going to tell you something. I'm going to go out on a limb here.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Caleb, I wonder if you're going to have my back on this. I think she turned red a little bit. I'm be honest i think she did too she was really trying to stay composed yeah she's trying to keep up with the front like hey i fuck that guy but then also like she's like oh shit he actually did it he's bold i think i think she appreciated it she appreciated the yeah i think she did it. She appreciated the... Yeah? I think she did. Like, there was some recognition, like, game-recognized game. All right, I fuck with this dude hard. Now he's coming... He's fucking with me hard, though. I imagine her, like, taking the phone and, like, putting it away
Starting point is 01:51:15 and just, like, laughing and, like, talking to Kristoff. Right, right. And being like, holy shit, fucking someone called me. Yeah. Hey, that's the true test. We have to find out how long did it take before she told someone all right immediately i bet she texts ben smith no probably not hey should i call ben smith right now and be like hey did laura call you
Starting point is 01:51:35 and tell you what i did god i'm such a whore oh my goodness oh oh shit oh my god this is amazing someone just sent me a text of where the uh ariel lowen flag probably came from really oh it's a great story yeah i can't i probably i don't think i can share it until unless this person wow i'll we'll i'll get to the bottom of it for you guys though wow that's a great story how sweet it's a good story cool yeah oh that's good shit it's a quality flag for sure you saw he brought it to dinner right it was all wrapped nicely and shit yeah i think i saw him That's good shit. It's a quality flag for sure. You saw he brought it to dinner, right? It was all wrapped nicely and shit. Yeah, I think I saw him.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You know how to wrap a flag like that? Yeah. Duh. I got that right there. I followed that one. Oh, yeah. You wrapped it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Look at David Weed. Didn't she say, I love you? Or am I tripping? Oh, I don't know. i don't know about that go back and watch it oh suze is here all right guys uh love you guys caleb thank you everyone thank you miss laura horvat uh brandon luckett caroline lambre jeffrey adler uh judy reed and all the other people that contributed at a high level thank you bye

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