The Sevan Podcast - Jethro Cardona | CrossFit Chief Nation | Affiliate Series

Episode Date: November 25, 2023

Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming ------------------------- Partners: h...ttps:// - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE SHIPPING - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE! BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. you bam we are live oh my goodness day after thanksgiving november 24th the day after thanksgiving 7 a.m. 701. Minute late. Still getting dressed. Perks of the job.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Headphones are always on backwards. This cord should be on this side. The way these headphones are designed. But since my trusty roadcaster is over here, I wear the headphones backwards. I guess a lot of fancier headsets these days have it so you can adjust the cord to either side. Not mine. Reset the phone. Oh, I love resetting the phone. Anyone get a pair of Savage 1s? I say that because I already got a DM this morning saying, hey, I own a pair of those shoes, and they are the best shoes,
Starting point is 00:01:58 the Born Primitive Savage 1s. They're pretty damn nice. I mean, especially if you are a fan of the Nano 2. Bear Handlin, is that his name? The CEO of Born Primitive was on here yesterday morning. You are a savage one. I am a savage one. There's something that they did with the tongue, too. Do you remember in the nano 2 how the tongue
Starting point is 00:02:25 would swing off to the side you'd wear them for a while and then all of a sudden the tongue would fall off like it'd be all cockeyed like you'd always be grabbing it and pulling it to the center grabbing it and pulling it to the center this doesn't do that and uh significantly uh cleaner than the the victos the victos i love the love the shoe. The Victos, the Core 1, not the Core 2. Do not get the Core 2, but the Core 1. You ever seen old people, how they wear those shoes? They look like, I think they're called like Asics or something. They're like these big clawed, they look like claws. They have those huge soles and those old people shuffle around. Old men do it.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Their feet look fucked up they wear these giant weird kind of tennis shoes my dad does it and i see old people like at the at the at the old people cafe in town wearing them it's crazy these the the victors have a little bit of that a little bit of that old man like that too big look at core two definitely have it uh savage one zero not at all you're back to low profile you look lean and mean they're nice i haven't even looked at the uh did you guys look to see let me see uh born primitive did you guys see the i guess they came out with a new shoe or a new color the thing is is that shoes aren't cheap and um oh i don't see the new one shoes aren't cheap and they're on crazy sale right now crazy crazy sale Does anyone did anyone know oh, oh, maybe it's this one. No
Starting point is 00:04:06 This one. No this one Oh, maybe it's this one shit. I don't know what's new. I would only get the black one I only like the look of the black one I saw these the I mean these are nice I guess they look more like a girl's shoe to me Smallest size is eight. Do you guys know anyone who didn't like the Nano 2? Seve, channel memberships, buddy. Get on it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I know. You know what's crazy? That you say that. For those of you who don't know what channel memberships are, channel memberships are a way that you guys can send money to me. And then I guess what it does is it highlights your comments i know i kind of know i recognize the names and the boobs that i want to pull up like uh allison and cave and so i know kind of who to pull up without even reading the comments just from like
Starting point is 00:05:00 how long you guys have been around asymmetric ears strike movement haze trainers or stick with nano twos i don't uh i don't know those strike movement haze trainers nano twos are dope but there's people that i know and i just click on them you know what i mean like i like i know i know my posse you need to savvy oh get the uh go damn I'm all over the place the memberships um there's also uh there's a couple other things and by the way if if if if if one of these sponsors down here were had like a sponsorship and I thought a sale and I thought it was lame I would not I would not read it was lame. I would not, I would not read it to you guys. I would not waste your time. So if someone was like giving 5% or if I was getting kicked back, like I wouldn't, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And you weren't getting a discount. I wouldn't tell you. I would just be like, that's stupid. I'm not wasting their time. So these ones that I'm telling you are ones that I like. If that I'm curating the deals based on how much money people also pay me. But this one's good. Swolverine. Okay, ready? Get 30% off subscriptions for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:06:11 If you type in the code SWOLFRIDAY, S-W-O-L-E, Friday, 2023, all one word, SWOLFRIDAY. I'm going to put it, I'm going to copy, uh, the code. Here's the code. So if you take supplements, I don't know why you wouldn't do that. And you know, I do want to say this also, it was kind of crazy. Swolverine does not sponsor Andrew Hiller. And, and he, if you didn't see his video, he compared a Swolverine to, uh, first pharma, the, the, the, the one with the the one with the the the really cool company with the fat guy leader i forget his name um but basically uh hillar compared the two pulled up their ingredients and looked at him and he's like wow swolverine is so much better so so there you go that's 30 30 off
Starting point is 00:07:05 subscriptions for a lifetime oh you know where we really need to go and then and then and then of course the greatest deal for this is uh just christmas shopping shit i think where's paper street coffee paper street even i spelled out street after telling you guys never to do it okay so supposedly today's the day if you go to paper street coffee and you go to shop and you go to i don't even see the t's What the oh T T go to T Right before my eyes This should be buy three What the fuck is going on
Starting point is 00:07:52 This should be buy three Get one free No buy one get two free That's what it is So these are normally $25 a bag Supposedly today Let's call fuck what the fuck is going on Gabe Let's call Gabe and see what is going on gabe let's call gabe
Starting point is 00:08:06 and see what's going on supposedly today it's uh you buy one and get two free which is kind of crazy so what why wouldn't you buy i'd buy nine and give them all away as presents and hey and if you like Gabe, you know what else you're doing? You're getting people kind of hooked to his brand of coffee. So maybe they'll continue buying Paper Street Coffee. And supporting Gabe supports this show, I'll tell you that. He is very generous to the show. I'll buy 69, says Cave Dastro oh shit is my phone not working
Starting point is 00:08:50 again hello hey I don't know why I can't get you on the roadcaster can you hear me no shit hey sorry I guess they won't be able to hear you hey um I'm on the paper street coffee website I don't see the I thought it was buy one, get two free.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It is. You just got to put them in your cart. Do I have to type in a code? Nope, nothing. You just put them in your cart, and that's it. Okay, hold on. Let me see. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The seven-ounce size or the four-ounce size? Only the seven-ounce. Only the big one. Okay, seven-ounce size, $40. I'm going to buy... I'm going to get it, add to cart. And then I'm going to go to my cart. Oh, and I'm going to increase it to 3.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Oh, shit. I see it. Okay. Should I tell you what the Cyber Monday deal is now? Yeah. How long is this deal going to last right right here until 12 o'clock tonight okay it's gone forever okay okay listen guys so it's a 40 bag of tea and you get two 40 bags of tea for free and he just said he said it will never come back again, this deal. Okay, go on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Okay, so coffee on Cyber Monday. Go on. On Cyber Monday, you can purchase a $50 gift card. Nope. Other way around. You can purchase a $150 gift card to our website that works on coffee anytime you want for $50. Okay. So basically, if you drink
Starting point is 00:10:39 coffee or tea, you could save $200 on it between today and Monday. Yep. Pretty much. Alright. Awesome. Yep. Pretty much. All right. Awesome. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yep. Thank you. And good luck to Jethro. I'm going to go out to his gym when he opens. Do a whole bunch of coffee. Yeah. Crazy. An hour and a half away.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I'm so impressed that he's doing that. What a baller. Dude, I'm so stoked for him. I can't, I can't wait. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:02 How far is it? How far is it from you? His gym? 90 minutes. Okay. It's, it's, far is it from you, his gym? 90 minutes. Okay. It's not that far, but still pretty there. Okay, cool. Shit, I'm accidentally FaceTiming.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Is that you? Oh, I don't mean to be. I don't mean to be. Yeah. All right, man. Love you. I'll talk to you. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Called Gabe on two phones. Okay, guys, you get it? Paul Peters. Paul Peters was sexually aroused by Gabe's voice. Instead of embracing the sexual feelings he had by listening to our Ecuadorian brother, Gabe, he said, I bet this guy waits at truck stops to service the truckers who come through. I understand the sentiment, Paul. You got a little roused and manifested as a sexual joke.
Starting point is 00:11:54 You're curious. Does Gabe's penis taste like chocolate or tea or coffee? I understand. Now, if only I could get the phone to work. Shit. now if only I could get the phone to work shit okay so membership so basically what Cave Dastro is saying is there should be memberships so that
Starting point is 00:12:16 you guys could I don't know how it works but I guess you guys pay a dollar or two dollars a month or some shit five dollars a month eighty five dollars a month and then when you guys make comments they're highlighted is that how it works i are you sure that's not set up part of me thinks that at some point will or suza set that up what if i really needed the phone and I could never get it to work? There are different tiers.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I pretty much, um, um, I pretty much, I pretty much pull, I think I've tried to pull up every single person's question who, um, who donates money.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And I pull up people who don't, don't donate money to. And then the only people like I avoid like the plague or people like starts like, like getting like frustrated, like I owe it to him to pull their comment up. Then I started like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I'm doing my best. Uh, best uh and then finally of course uh there's paper uh not paper street coffee not uh swolverine then of course i wonder if birthfit has a black friday sale they offer so much anyway but then of, of course, there is California peptides. That's if you use the code word SEVON, you get free shipping and 10% off. Someone asked me yesterday if I was on steroids. I was like, no. They're like, well, don't you take peptides? Yeah, like three months ago, I don't take steroids.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Wad Zombie. How my name is blue, members would be green. Oh, Wad Zombie is going to explain how the memberships work. How my name is blue, members would be green with badges next to their name then when you hit a milestone of time as a member you get a free super chat all right someone tell suza to hook it up set it up someone yeah someone go suza to hook it up this is a uh an affiliate series show today kind of kind of kind of a weird one uh jethro is opening an affiliate i'm fucking pumped i'm pumped because
Starting point is 00:15:00 i wonder how many people i wonder how many people this show has pushed them over the edge to open an affiliate. Or I wonder if it's ever gone the other way. How many people on this show were planning on opening an affiliate and then heard the show and didn't.
Starting point is 00:15:22 What the fuck does this mean? You're doing great, Seve? What do you mean? What the fuck is going on here? Love you, Seve. What is going on? You're doing great, Seve? That's what you say to someone who has, like, Down syndrome.
Starting point is 00:15:45 What do you mean? What's going on? Did I have a mild stroke? Yeah, do that. Getting Sousa's DMs. Let's just fucking try the phone again. Why are you guys saying I'm doing great? You're freaking me out. Let's call
Starting point is 00:16:06 Sousa. Go to my favorites. I think today's the day I give Matt Sousa's phone number live out on the air. Oh, I hear it calling. Do you guys hear it? That doesn't mean shit, though.
Starting point is 00:16:23 As soon as I dial dial it might go away Listen it's not praise. It's just like out of left field like just all of a sudden. Hey, you're doing great like what oh God this is such a joke oh yeah this is not good Kenneth DeLapp the most important thing is that you tried Sevan yep this phone's not working son of a bitch damn
Starting point is 00:17:02 damn damn damn bitch. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I guess I could try to turn the roadcaster off. You know what else happened? I haven't told you guys this on the roadcaster. I'm now using one of the guest microphones because the line that came into line one on the roadcaster has a hiss now. So weird. caster has a hiss now so weird that was cool that hunter and hillar came on on thanksgiving right
Starting point is 00:17:36 what is this oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I wanted to show you guys this. Look at this. I haven't seen one of these before. Look at this. This, this, this, this is, I think, guess this is a home gym. The girl's name is, I think it's, I don't know what her name is. I was going to say her name is Nina Simone, but that's the song.
Starting point is 00:18:05 But look at the CEO flag in the background. Dude. I like the way those weights are stored also. That's a nice setup. God, you know how stoked she is on her gym, if that's her home gym. God, you know how stoked she is on her gym if that's her home gym Now that's accessory work you see that remember that argument I had with those fucking ding-dongs You don't put accessory work in his movements. I always fight with Taylor on that you wouldn't put you wouldn't put curls you wouldn't put curls into a
Starting point is 00:18:44 Into a CrossFit competition curls that's accessory work yeah see philip kelly was unconscious in the hospital for months and when he woke up from a near-death experience they said you're doing great philip yeah i don't like it yeah that is a neat gym, right? So clean. Speaking of backgrounds, a custom skateboard would look great in your 7. Did you make me a custom skateboard? Where is that? That must be in the... Where is that okay you want to see something absolutely fucking nuts this is so fun
Starting point is 00:19:35 this is gonna be a fun show today i want to try this actually believe it or not does anyone else does anyone else watch this video i'm about to show you want to try this actually, believe it or not. Does anyone else watch this video I'm about to show you and want to try this? This is a guy. This has got to be a foreigner. No American does this. Or maybe a hillbilly. But that's a bag of charcoal in his hands. You see that?
Starting point is 00:20:01 He puts the bag of charcoal on his head. Now watch this. Watch this. he puts the bag of charcoal on his head now watch this watch this he takes the bag of charcoal you think that's real dude that jacket is ruined after that oh Oh, that's Serbia or Russia? That's incredible, isn't it? Hey, and there, that's not even blackface or racist or whatever the fuck people think that is. That's just a party trick.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Wow. His shit's ruined though. All those clothes are fucking toast. So you think that's real? There's no cuts? You think that's just real? Someone do that. I want to see that.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I want to try that myself actually. I want to see if that works. Fuck. There you go you think that's retarded I don't know I thought it was kind of cool wasn't there um on Easter there was a bag where you could put eggs in it and you would shake it and then they would be all colored
Starting point is 00:21:22 when I was a kid or something shaking shaking bake shaking look at here we go we're the only country that calls people by color i don't know what that means but i'm sure what makes us stupid oh shit wow wow Wow How do you circumcise a hillbilly? You kick his sister in the chin Oh my god Oh my god Oh my gosh This is something i have for uh david it says let me see oh not that david oh this is good i think i'm gonna get this guy on the show this guy right here did i already play this
Starting point is 00:22:19 oh no let's just uh no this isn't the show for that Oh, no, let's just now this isn't the show for that. Wake and bake. Nope, not that. Not that. I had a bunch of jokes up here. Oh, this is a good one. Here we go. I saw this on twitter look at this someone took a poll can you say the word retard what's the consensus this guy keen 134 000 votes
Starting point is 00:22:58 he says retard is back retard uh is it okay to say retard now? 83% of the voters said yes. 17% net said no. We're good to go. It's official. I want to just start doing that with words but just make up the poll. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's just misinformation. what do they call that? Just lying. No, Jethro is coming on at 730. I wanted to get through all my Black Friday talk. Before Jethro came on. Sean Lenderman, those 17 percent are probably screaming in in the comments i bet you that's not even a real poll uh can't do that when was it not okay to say you never had a friend who said it's not okay to say i had a good friend and co-worker at crossfit a couple of them who had uh siblings with down
Starting point is 00:24:06 syndrome and they and they would talk to me and i would just say okay i'll try not to say it but and i did try not to say it dude did you guys see um andrew tate on pierce morgan wow his most recent one he was on uh pierce. I can't, the only reason why I watched it was it's, it's long. And I watched a 45 minute clip, but someone said, Hey, uh, Pierce Morgan fucked Andrew Tate up. And I've heard it both ways. I guess there's a section where Tate fucks Pierce Morgan up. But when the, when the, the one Israel and Palestine come up, uh, man, Pierce Morgan destroys Andrew Tate. I've never seen Andrew Tate kind of recoil like this. up but when the when the the one israel and palestine come up uh man pierce morgan destroys andrew tate i've never seen andrew tate kind of recoil like this it's worth watching it definitely
Starting point is 00:24:51 makes him human pierce morgan just works them and for there's a there's a few there's a handful of people in my dms who just want to ass pound me about palestine and they just want to ass pound me about Palestine. And they just want to drive home. It's a genocide and this and that and this. And I'm like, dude, listen. The only solution for those people, if you love them and care about them, is for them to get out of there. If you want them to live.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I mean, for me, that's what I'd like to see. I'd like to see no more people die and for them to live. And your solution for that is to walk on the streets of new york city holding up signs that say Save the planet and free palestine mine's not Mine's to give the most valuable advice that there is and those people have to leave And if you're if your response to that is they can't leave. Well, you're not helping the situation at all Those people have to leave. And for those of you who are calling it a genocide, you're like the people that told kids drugs are bad for you. When the kid's like in the eighth
Starting point is 00:25:54 grade and he's done a hundred hits of acid and everything's going swimmingly well and he has straight A's. It's like, dude, listen, telling a kid that drugs are bad for them and them doing the drugs and everything going great in their life means that you're not sending them the right message. They're basically saying, fuck you. They have the evidence. Now, I'm not saying that drugs are good for you. But what I'm saying is all you're doing is losing that kid's trust because he's not seeing any of the fucking ramifications of doing drugs as being negative. So you got to try a fucking different angle.
Starting point is 00:26:23 as being negative so you got to try a fucking different angle so all you're doing by telling people that a free palestine and all you're just you're just causing people to lose trust do you want those fucking people to live then give them fucking advice that's helpful for them to get them to live no one trusts you when you're walking around with a sign did you see that sign i think it was the macy's parade it says save the planet and free palestine it's like please you have those two things bundled up together my god mad marv oh this is a good one i like this i had a retarded friend in high school no it wasn't really your friend. First, I question that. Acquaintance.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Marv, were you on the yellow bus? I only got mad when someone called him a retard to his face. He was self-aware enough to know he was stuck with a simple brain, couldn't do anything about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I totally feel you. When I worked with the retards, I never would call them retarded. That's for sure. Yeah, that's hurtful yeah they do know that's the craziest part that is you just nailed it
Starting point is 00:27:31 that's the craziest part in the five years that i lived with developmentally disabled adults lived with them um that was the hardest thing to see is when they would start talking about their awareness of their shortcomings and all And they all wanted boyfriends and girlfriends. Douglas Murray's discipline with the word genocide is mandatory. Nazis in Rwanda were genocides. Wow, Douglas Murray, look at you. Do I know you? I know you. You're someone I know.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Hmm. you i know you you're someone i know really douglas murray's jacked what a shining example of a human being Douglas Murray I mean he's a gay dude he better be jacked oh shit what the fuck holy shit he how what what wow oh look what this lady wrote about douglas marie douglas your time your tiny beacon of
Starting point is 00:28:51 light that shines permanently through our days of darkness i pray your light of truth and love will guide all the poor beautiful hostages of israel home and safe damn dude, it almost looks like he injected oil into those muscles. My God. Those triceps are ridiculous. We need to send that to Goob and see if that shit was photoshopped. Jesus Christ. He is jacked.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Jacked. Post. Fuck, I would love to have him on the show. I'd like to be friends with him. Fuck, I would love to have him on the show. I'd like to be friends with him. Someone sent me a DM. How are people supposed to raise their kids in Palestine?
Starting point is 00:29:54 I'm like, dude, they're fucking not. You got to get, if you love your kids, you're going to get your kids out of there. Wow, you look smart. Aha, caught you. Caught you snoozing. Look, we were all staring at you for 15 minutes I can't hear you something's wrong with your mic Oh My god, look how young you look
Starting point is 00:30:14 You talk like a wise old man and look at you. You look like you're fucking 35 And you're all fucking you look like a brainiac look all smart and shit You need you need to put a um it's the glasses that's right you can put a pencil behind your ear and a pocket protector you got one one of these one of the you need one of these you know this look my dad rolled like that he'd be like marking shit around the house he was always like building something in the house and he had my dad fucked up shaped only woodworker dudes had
Starting point is 00:30:51 you had to shave it with a pocket yeah good did you have you ever seen those like carpenters oh is that your wife giving you some love go get him go get my brother-in-law this is his setup nice he gave you a little love pack good luck buddy don't fuck it up well he he had to fix the audio i'm not a tech person at all i like to move stuff around with my hands and uh be busy but he's the tech guy actually i didn't want a uh a seven uh you know problem with my ass video or my ass audio so i was not having that so i'm at my brother-in-law's house it's mandatory hey did you ever did your dad have one of those pencils where you had to sharpen it with a pocket
Starting point is 00:31:31 knife he had one of those contracted pencils those flat ones yeah you're like what the fuck is this thing he would do the same thing he'd cut the pencil with the uh knife and at the same time cut his mangoes and eat them. Oh, yeah, yeah. Immigrant. That's an immigrant. Is your dad an immigrant? Well, he's from Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Born in Puerto Rico? Born in Puerto Rico, yeah. So he came over here. One of my earliest memories of him, we were in Florida, and he'd be climbing the mango tree, picking a mango, coming on down, busting it open. It's easy there. My dad's an immigrant. My whole family, all my uncles are obviously immigrants. My dad was the first one to come over.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But that was so common. Maybe not even a pocket knife, but some cheap plastic knife and then cutting apples and then handing them out. But the way they wield the knife as a kid, you like jesus someone's gonna get cut or when they would drink water they would just have like one like genie lamp full of water and then they would pour it into their mouth but not no one touches the actual lip of the and they pass that shit around these are all traits that we're gonna lose in about 50 years if no one keeps doing it skill sets yep uh now kids use straws yon clark hang up on this dude i can't he's the premise for the show i love yon what a good dude great dude you know the yon and i think um chapman are working with athena perez also to do
Starting point is 00:33:02 uh one of her seminars, large body seminars in the UK, which I thought was free. For free, right? Well, I'm sure they're probably working for free. Yeah. Organizing it and doing all that for free. Yeah. They're not giving her the sporty Beth $1,500 price. Yeah, absolutely. That's something that we've come to realize in this group.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And when I say seven East is it's seven East is because we're the ones that follow you the most is we're so different and everyone just comes together to form that bond that we're looking out for everyone else. And I've seen that with everyone, you know, in the private chat that we have on Instagram on the live chat here you've really built a community that is understanding of CrossFit and what people are trying to do. That's why I love it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I don't talk about the seven on Easter's on the show. Did you notice that? I don't use that word. Well, we do. I know you guys do. But the reason why I don't use it is I'm self-conscious about indulging in it. Like I consciously avoid saying the word or wondering what they're doing because I don't want to – um, I like that. It's like outside of me. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like I would be, uh, uh, jerking myself off if I got
Starting point is 00:34:31 too close to that. Um, uh, like I see you guys as like one of those giant schools of fish that like swims around in the sea, but I'm, but, but, but privately privately i'm crazy flattered and tickled we were thinking about adding you into the group yeah i'd be terrified we understood the how we had like let you go to the side yeah and do your thing and we do our thing yeah occasionally someone will tell me something that of something that's going on in there and I always blush. It's crazy because when we decided and not to the timeline of the sign, your birthday was coming up and myself and Judy, we were like, let's do something for Sevan. And I kind of got all the, uh, the names together on Instagram. And unfortunately we did leave some people out because we didn't have everyone's information. But just as a token of what we wanted to show you of our appreciation for what you've
Starting point is 00:35:30 done, and you've talked about how hard it was in the beginning when you got fired from HQ, Haley got fired from HQ, and you started this small little podcast, and now you're growing it. How can we repay you? And that's something that you see every day on your screen. Everyone can see it. So that's something that we wanted to show you how appreciative we were. And everyone was the outpouring was crazy. And there was nothing that anyone was doubting that we were doing. We really want to do that for you. And it's just a lot of love. And you saw it in the games when we all came to see you. One of the reasons why I went to the games was I all came to see you uh one of the reasons why i
Starting point is 00:36:05 went to the games was i might not have had another chance to meet you in person and that's something that i wanted to do and just have that correlation with everyone and it worked out really really well and you see the love that everyone has for you so um this is the kind of stuff that i always want to hear but i pretend like i don't it's too bad well you just heard it now i know i fucking love it god it's crazy uh i also um not very often i would say 90 96 of the shows i do for myself but four percent of the time um uh maybe it's more than that maybe it's more than that maybe it's a one day out of every two weeks. I think I don't feel like doing the show, but I get up just to hang out with you guys.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And you've mentioned that before. You know what I mean? It's like, okay, fuck it. I got to get like, I want to just go hang out with those guys. Don't think of it as a show. Think of it as hanging out with those guys. And another reason why we,
Starting point is 00:37:03 it's kind of like an alarm clock set to us uh 10 o'clock my time unfortunately i have been coaching so i wasn't able to get it live there's nothing like getting it live but we make it a point to watch it and i feel like as though there's a lot of fomo i would miss something if i didn't catch an episode and i hate to be behind right it's the information cross related uhFit related news related. It's something that we all agree on that in the CrossFit space. This is the only medium where we have this every day. And it's something that we appreciate you doing because we're also going to get it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 You know, you're not going to get it anywhere else, and we feed off of this information, whether it's methodology, games, talk with Brian, John Young, Taylor, J.R. Howell. So you need to keep it coming. For your show, Jethro is a good dude. He traduced me. He traduced me to the Sevenistas
Starting point is 00:38:06 Traduced I like getting traduced Traduced Dick Butter I was booted from the Sevenistas I was 2 alpha But I did meet you at the game So everything's forgiven That's awesome
Starting point is 00:38:24 People get booted is there is there is there one person that's in can anyone boot anyone so i started the chat so i'm the original admin yeah i delegated booting powers yeah and people have gotten booted off and only certain people can. It's weird, Jethro. I'm on this. I'm on a text thread with 14 people and there used to be 15 of us and someone got booted. And I think I started the thread or. I can't remember exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I thought maybe I started the thread. Now I'm thinking that that... Let's just say I started the thread. That could be wrong. But let's say I started the thread. But the person who booted the person did not start the thread. But we're all kind of equal in this thread that anyone could boot anyone. It's kind of weird. But if you're not...
Starting point is 00:39:20 I mean, it's pretty gnarly to get booted. But it's like Survivor, right? Right, right. It is like that. Like, hey, if you push too far, younarly to get booted. But it's like Survivor, right? Right, right. It is like that. Like, hey, if you push too far, you're going to get booted. And also how much value you have. If you're a dude who's valuable to the thread, you could probably get away with doing more dumb shit. Well, we don't want to hold down a thread or a group or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You got to show your value. People just hanging around to hang around. Like you said, it's an honor to be your friend. Right. You're not starting to have new friends. Yeah. Kind of like Travis, right? Travis Bates.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Right, right, right, right. Like you should want to be happy that you're my friend. And I always tell people, I don't have a lot of friends. and I always tell people I don't have a lot of friends as I get older I don't have a lot of time for friends I really value my friendship with my with my true friends right people that are like kind of wait I don't have time to be wasted with like friends that don't uh uh have value for me yeah yeah yeah it might sound harsh. No, no, no. I'm very invested in my family.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm very invested in the business that I have now. I'm very invested with my nine to five job. Hey, listen, the people who are your friends, they appreciate that. I hope so. Yeah, it makes you more valuable. Someone said, I'll tell you this. Someone said, I'd like to know who booted Halpin. I think Jan said it. I'll tell you this i'd like to someone said i'd like to know who booted halpin
Starting point is 00:40:45 i can't i think yon said it i'll tell you this about halpin so halpin was booted but then he was brought back in and then halpin left on his own like three times you know what i mean so like even after he's booted people kept trying to pull him back in i think it was the same guy who booted him but halpin was gonna have nothing to do with do with it. But the whole thing was really fun to watch. But you weren't surprised that Halpin left three times on his own? No, actually I was. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's a great thread to be in. It's a fucking once-in-a-lifetime thing. It's a great thread to be in. It's probably like being in the Sevenistas. So you guys know stuff that other people fucking don't know who watch the show. You guys know tons of stuff, like nuances, shit. You guys know fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:33 There's 46 of us. Oh yeah, gossipy, juicy stuff. And there's a weird trust in there too, right? If someone screenshot something in there and put it on the internet, you'd be toast, right? You're not doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah, like we have a rule, too, like in our thread. Yeah, you can't be screenshotting. Like, screenshotting is not cool. So, yeah, it's an interesting – it's cool. It's a modern-day kind of – yeah, it's cool. So, 46, wow. Well, it's a lot of cross-related stuff, too. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:42:05 We don't have a personal touch to it, but it's mostly cross-related and just the dynamics. We have different dynamics with different people. Oh, shut up, Sean. Audrey's always fighting with Alan. PK's always giving the business. It's great. The longer that group is around, is it the harder it is to get into it's great the longer that group is around is it the harder it is to get into it because i know a lot other people want to come into our text thread
Starting point is 00:42:29 and i think that everyone else like we've built so much trust in there that it's like oh it would be weird to have someone else come in in the beginning we had people joining as we've gone along less and less people are joining yeah we're requesting to join or anything like that yeah yeah i'm just impressed he's not in the chat that's all yeah well i people people have told me that they really want to get into it like they text me they'll dm me and they'll be like hey i really want to get into it they said you have to be around a long time i see you guys do your best work on game shows and shit. Like when I was watching the games last year, and I see
Starting point is 00:43:08 you guys swarming the chat. I'm dying. That was a lot of fun. It was like, where's Waldo? Where's Seve? No, don't add. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Stephen Flores, I'm eternally grateful for Jethro adding me in the chat and allowing me to meet such great people. Jethro's
Starting point is 00:43:26 a good dude. Love you, dude. Love you too, Stephen. Jethro, how did you find CrossFit? I was doing a lot of regular working out. Go to the gym, your curls, your bench pressing. I started doing Spartan races
Starting point is 00:43:42 and I remember that's the time when hunter was the biggest thing in spartan racing and remember the year do you remember the year 2012 he was the rich froning of spartan racing and i was like well i gotta step up my training a little bit and do something different because this isn't working. So actually, the same exact gym and the same exact way Sean Pastuch did his first CrossFit intro was the same way I did it. I went to CrossFit Garden City in Garden City, New York, and I went in for a trial, and I loved it.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And it was life-changing, obviously, because now I'm opening an affiliate. So I learned from the best over there. And like I said, I'll be always thankful for the stuff that I've learned over there. And I've just gone on. I've joined a couple of different gyms since then. But now it's the vision that they had constantly to better their members is something that I wanted to do. So 2012, I started CrossFit, started training, got so much better physically, mentally, emotionally, to this point now.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Hey, did you kind of abandon Spartan Race at that point? I sure did. Hey, that's so weird to hear you say that, because in my mind, and I probably have it all backwards, in my mind, Spartan Race was so successful because there were so many people doing CrossFit and they were looking for a place to use their fitness. Right. So someone like me would have never, ever thought about running a 5k. But once I started doing CrossFit, I'm like, fuck, I could, I would run it. I would get sure I do a local 5k, no problem with some friends or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:21 But for you, it was the other way around. You started at Spartan race and came to CrossFit. I wonder, in your mind, what do you think happens more often? People go from CrossFit to Spartan Race and Tough Mudder, or people come from the other way, from Spartan Race and Tough Mudder to CrossFit? From Spartan Race to CrossFit. You do think there's more fish swimming that way than the other way. Right, because a 5K mud run, mud runs and stuff like that, 10K, it's a lot easier because there are one-offs.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Like you can see right now in December, there's a race in May. I'm going to train for that. But then you see that. You see how well you can May. I'm going to train for that. But then you see that. You see how well you can do. I want to keep doing this constantly. So I want to be able to have longevity. Then they find something like CrossFit that not only helps them with Spartan Race, but also with their lives as well. And that's what I saw.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I saw longevity. That's what I wanted to do constantly, that type of training. Not just running and maybe picking up some boulders and carrying them. I wanted to make sure that I kept doing those type of CrossFit movements to help me in my other sports. Cause I, at the time I was still playing, I was still playing competitive basketball, competitive baseball, team sports, but I needed something else for myself. And I wonder why, let's say you're right.
Starting point is 00:46:43 How many people run in the united states jesus it says 50 million wow oh say that again that could be runners yeah they run but like we know runners if you crossfit you'll be stronger than the fastest runner. Yeah, I'm just tripping on the fact. I've never. So listen, it's global marathon statistics. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:47:13 1.1 million runners do marathons every single year. I wonder what it is. That's interesting. And I wonder if there's that many CrossFitters. There's not that many CrossFitters in the United States. I wonder if globally, globally, I'd say there's that many CrossFitters. There's not that many CrossFitters in the United States. I wonder if globally, globally, I'd say there's a million CrossFitters. Well, that goes back to what Andrew was saying. What is CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:47:33 What are you doing? Right. Is it going into your gym and doing some type of high intensity workout? Is that CrossFit? Well, I'm thinking way broader than what he's saying. I'm saying just like anyone who says like, regardless of the way Andrew defines it, I wonder how many people like themselves say, Hey, I do CrossFit. I just can't believe I want to, I know Spartan race is massive
Starting point is 00:47:54 and I know Tough Mudder was massive and I know the fucking marathon fucking scene is massive, right? And the half marathon and all that and triathlons. But it's funny. I never thought of those people coming this way. I always thought of us going that way but you're right because there are just more of them there's significantly more of them it's very it's like it's not for everyone but it's for anyone crossfit right that's what we've said yeah anyone can start running like today we had thanksgiving yesterday i'm gonna go out and do a mile run yeah the running is the easy part it's being consistent going to go out and do a mile run. Yeah. The running is the easy part. It's being consistent, going to a CrossFit gym all the time and doing the workouts and being with your community. That takes time. I just feel like as though I saw somewhere recently where those people who are going January 1st to a local Globo gym, they're walking in there.
Starting point is 00:48:39 They have no idea what they're doing. They're going to see people in there that have, you know, have experience and they're going to be turned off by it. Take those same people. You go to a CrossFit affiliate and you have coaches that care, a facility that's set up for success for them. These are the people we need to attract. These are the people we need to help. So those people coming in and those people that are just going to run for running sake, we need to grab those people and grab them for CrossFit, for CrossFit sake. Judy Reed, I ran five miles yesterday, no official training. Hey, did you have kids in 2012? Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Well, I have right now I have four kids, two older kids, two younger kids. So in 2012, yeah, I had my three kids, three kids., two younger kids. In 2012, I had my three kids. You had three kids already. How old are your kids? Oh, no, four. My kids are 26, 23, 15, and 12. All from the same lady? No.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Two ladies. Two ladies. Wow. How old are you? I'm going to be 50 in March march you wow you had a kid at 24 23 23 holy shit dude that's amazing that's a total different trajectory than i took oh yeah you started late yeah 23 i was probably sitting on a couch somewhere just with a four-foot bong and a fucking 300 pounds of weed playing nintendo those are some good times huh yeah probably yeah just like you could just 19 to 25 that's what i was doing yeah uh i was young yeah and i didn't uh you know
Starting point is 00:50:20 who who knows how to be a dad you know they don't give you a book can't study for it you know, who, who knows how to be a dad? You know, they don't give you a book, can't study for it. You know, I was still young and, uh, we did it, we did it. And then I had my son, Matthew, and unfortunately my, you know, my wife and I divorced. It was tough on the family at first, but it's about the kids. And then the kids realized that it was a better situation. And I met Julie and now we're married and have two more kids. And what was your job at 23? I was working in the retail business. And then, it's a funny story, J.R. Howell. Macy's or something?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Oh, Abercrombie? Abercrombie, yeah. Wow. So now J.R. Howell is, I believe, Colombian. I'm Puerto Rican. He worked at Hollister. I worked at Abercrombie. I think we shared the same birthday, March 20th.
Starting point is 00:51:07 No shit. He's like 10 years younger than you probably. Yeah, he's younger. He didn't work at Abercrombie too? Abercrombie owned Hollister. He might have gone back. I was working in the retail industry. Then I started working
Starting point is 00:51:21 at a school, at a middle school where I met my wife. I was a teacher's aide there. Then I started working at a school, at a middle school where I met my wife. I was a teacher's aide there. And then I was coaching a bunch of sports, football, baseball, basketball, track bowling. And I took the police department test for my local county.
Starting point is 00:51:36 And then I passed. And then now I've been a police officer for just over 17 years. Holy shit. Just over 16 years. Dude, I didn't know you were a police officer or I had forgotten.
Starting point is 00:51:47 You've mentioned it, but I guess you've forgotten. Holy shit. I had no fucking idea. Yeah. Yeah. Great job. Greatest job in the world.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Wow. My fucking memory is broken. Hey, how do you go from working at Abercrombie to becoming a teacher's aide? What was, why did you do that? Did you want benefits for your kids or something? I knew needed the benefits I needed a more stable job so that's
Starting point is 00:52:09 why I went over to that the retail industry is tough and you're working a salary position you're working 70 hours a week not that I don't want to work 70 hours a week and I wouldn't work more than ten dollars an hour then at Abercrombie? Yeah. I was in management, so I was making a lot more money than that. No shit. How old are you again? You're 50?
Starting point is 00:52:34 I'll be 50 in March. Okay, so we're the same age. I'm 51. March what? 20th. Oh, I'm March 16th. Did you know that? No, you're January. No, I'm March. My birthday. You? No, you're January.
Starting point is 00:52:46 No, I'm March. March? Yeah, March 16th. Hey, when I was... When I was... Yo, what's up?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Dude, what's up, dude? Hey, good morning. Get ready. People have Hey, Matt. Yo, what's up? Dude, what's up, dude? Hey, good morning. Get ready. You're going to get – people have demands, dude, demands. There's this membership thing that you talked to me about like a few months ago that people are demanding. We'll circle back to that. Jethro, when I was 23, I got a job. I don't even know if it was 23.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Let's say it's 23 or 25 or 27, something. But I got a job in a home for developmentally disabled adults, and I started it. I made $7.25 an hour. So while I was making $7.25 an hour, you were making $21 an hour? Yeah, for sure. Fuck me. And that work was hard you were doing. And I went there, but I went to work barefoot.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And you loved it. So at the school, I was a one-to-one aid for a young man who had not severe autism, but he had a good, you know, he had autism. And I was walking around with him throughout the day. I helped him with his work. I helped him with his work I helped him with his Social skills so I understand That you know what you were doing at the Home with Those develop me develop me develop
Starting point is 00:54:14 Mental developing Mentally a people's Yeah look at you got a little developmental Yeah Julie check for A stroke Jethro just had a stroke gave me send me her number hey um isn't that a trip that they just would put a 23 or 23 year old kid like so here's someone who supposedly has special needs but the best society can do for him is offer up a 23 year old kid
Starting point is 00:54:39 and I'm not poo-pooing that but just just remember that, people. That's where we're at. I ran a home for developmentally disabled adults as a homeless man. By the time I left there, being there five years, I had 20 people working for me. I was still barefoot. I was making $21 an hour living in the driveway in a car, in a motorhome. So that's where we're at in society. It's not a bad thing. That kid's probably lucky he met you, right, Jethro? He probably got more real talk and real intimacy from you than he would have gotten from some PhD in psychology, right? I was just thinking that because when you interview someone for those types of positions, what would you rather have? Someone book smart or someone street smart and can relate to people and speak to people and take them around you don't
Starting point is 00:55:25 want those people that just studied studied studied you need someone with real life skills um we had a handful of uh uh you know people with master's degree come and try to work at the home for developmentally disabled adults and none of them could hang they just weren't open-minded enough to hang like like real hands-on shit is way different than, um, uh, not real hands-on shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Then the shit you learn in the, in school, I'm probably being a police officer is the same way too. You're like every day. You're like, they didn't teach us this in the police Academy. That you'll, you'll know in the first week,
Starting point is 00:55:58 if you can be a cop in the Academy. Oh, they'll drop. They'll drop. They'll drop. They'll drop. They want you to drop. Because if I'm going to be going to a scene and I have two people fighting, especially like a domestic,
Starting point is 00:56:14 a husband and a wife, and they're screaming at you, and there's knives in the kitchen, and you don't know what's around, if you can't have an instructor yelling at you, telling you to run or do push-ups or get a better score on your test, how are you going to handle strangers that want to fight you and you don't know the situation? It's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:56:35 So you have to be mentally tough with that as well. So you go from Abercrombieie was that in a mall yeah so so you go from working in a mall to teacher's aid um as a maturity piece like hey i fucking need to get more out of my life i got kids and shit and then from there you go what did you do with the police you went to the police academy police academy for seven months and they pay you to go there. Yeah. $32,000 to start. Dang. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And, and you, and you like that. And then you become a police officer. Seven years on patrol. And actually the, the, the area that I used to work in retail is where I did my patrol.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Oh, now I remember I was talking to you the other day, maybe a few months ago. I did know you were a police officer because you said during, I think it was like on October 8th or something, you had to change your position at the police officer because there was a higher demand
Starting point is 00:57:36 for like guarding synagogues. Okay. Okay. See, I did look at my brain kicking in. Jeff. The other day, three months ago. Yeah. The same thing.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Hey, what was your first stop as a cop? Like when you were by yourself officially. Do officers remember that? Like a first kiss kind of thing? I remember the first time I got into a car because they put you out with someone the first tour. So I went and partnered up. So then I remember the next day I was across street from the mall and I got in my car and I said, all right, here we are. And then all you do
Starting point is 00:58:12 in the beginning is you just listen to the radio and you're waiting for a call to come out. So I was like the car 615. So you're just sitting there waiting for 615 to be called 10 years later you're just like if someone calls me let me know yeah yeah i do i do remember there was there was a scene where uh one of my first calls it was a suspicious unusual man the reason that there was suspicious unusual because jessica everyone remembers uh yeah he he was looking around the stores, peeking in. He was a big dude. I mean, like 6'7 and 300 pounds. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:58:54 So I had to question him and see what he was doing. And they always said, don't ever question anyone by yourself. So I had to call for backup. And I definitely kept about eight feet away between me and him. This guy could have picked me up and threw me over a shoulder if he wanted. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:10 yeah, I remember that was one of my first calls and I was just like, I guess I'm gonna need some backup for this. That's all. Yeah. I would, I was just thinking about if someone was that tall, how far away I would stand from them.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Like far, far. Hey, pull out your driver's license. You don't even get out of the car fuck that um was he guilty of anything did you have to um just guilty of being tall no i got pulled over two nights ago it was crazy i was it was it was uh coming home the street was empty and there was a cop and the cop was doing i was going was it was uh coming home the street was empty and there was a cop and the cop was doing i was going to make a right hand turn the cop was going straight and i
Starting point is 00:59:49 and i could have easily have not gotten in front of the cop i could have gone slow and just like but i did roll in front of the cop and at the last minute the cop turned on his lights and got behind me it's in uh pulled me over and the lady's like hey uh officer simmons she was this lady she came up to my window. It was nighttime. I always feel bad for cops at nighttime, you know, and I turn on my dome light and I lower my window and turn my car off. She comes over to the passenger side window, which was weird.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Is that normal to come? I was in a parking lot. I pulled over into a parking lot. Is that normal to come on the passenger side? There's two reasons why one of them is in case you're on a big road, you don't want to get side swiped by a tractor trailer. I pulled way off or two it's a surprise because if you're in a car you're waiting for the cop like this yeah yeah yeah yeah okay well that is what she did to me so i lowered the window she's shorter than me
Starting point is 01:00:37 she's probably like five feet tall she's got so much fucking gear on she's pretty she's got her hair pulled back highway california highway patrol she says hey i pulled just right off the bat hey i pulled you over because you don't have a registration tags i was like oh okay and i opened the glove box and she goes do you think you're in open the glove box and just fucking like 15 years of insurance cards and registration falls out it's like those worm canes you pop it open yeah and i'm like i'm like you know i'm sure it is and i got a stack of papers on my desk and i'm sure it's, I'm sure I paid it. She's like, do you have insurance? I'm like, I don't do any of that. My wife does all that. She goes, okay, listen. And I hand her my driver's license. She goes, I'm going to go back to my car. You find out what your insurance is. I said, okay. So I called my wife. And, but when she comes back, she goes, Hey, you're, I guess she called and they know my registration's up to date. And when she comes back, she goes, hey, I guess she called and they know my registration is up to date. So she goes, she regs up to date.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Find that sticker and get it on there. I go, okay. I'm like, you want to know my insurance? She goes, yeah. And I go nationwide. She goes, fine. And then she was cool. She went in there.
Starting point is 01:01:36 She ran your plate. Everything worked out. So they can see. They could see. I guess she can see if I have insurance, too. Ballot insurance. Yep. You just check the registration. It'll tell you if the insurance is up to date.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah, all that shit. That's cool. All right. She was cool as shit. I was shaking like a leaf. I don't know why. I don't know why. But I felt like I was El Chapo and she was the FBI.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You know what I mean? In my head, we're about to get in a gunfight. I don't even have a rubber band to shoot her life's weird it felt like i was 13. every ticket i've ever given and it's kind of crazy okay 95 of the tickets i've ever given people say thank you afterward hey dude crazy she so she goes okay have a good night And I start like professing my love to her I forgot this part I'm like hey thank you so much
Starting point is 01:02:31 I just want you to know I have three boys And she's like trying to walk away I'm like I love what you guys do I need you Thank you And she's like get the fuck out of here You know what I mean I gotta meet everyone else
Starting point is 01:02:41 I was talking about Joe Biden shit Like looking at her She's a good dude Jayay hartle oh because you're black hey hey um joke not joke joke not joke that is that is part of the uh um uh that's that's that's why i can't be racist that's part of the whole systemic racism that you white people don't understand is that as white people don't understand is that as black people always feel under stress when we get pulled over by cops. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Thank you, Hardell. I always forget about that. Victim. True. David Weed, weirdo. Wow, you are getting soft, dude. Did he just change his profile pic again? Every day.
Starting point is 01:03:22 But that's like the nicest thing he's ever said to me. Weirdo. God, he's getting soft. I thought that was Bigfoot. I bet you David's been doing like ayahuasca or something. Have you noticed he's getting softer? Like something's happened to him. He's seen the light.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Or he got a chick pregnant or something. TWA driving while army. DWA driving while army Oh I should have told her my name was Savon That resulted in instantly out of the car sir So You go to the academy and that academy is affiliated with the police department So you just go right in Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:07 I went to the county academy Nassau County Police Department Academy So they placed us in one of Eight different precincts End up going to the sixth precinct And you just do your patrol work there There are different units That you can go to
Starting point is 01:04:24 Like special operations, detective squad I as a kid And you just do your patrol work there. There are different units that you can go to, like Special Operations, Detective Squad. I, as a kid, spent pretty much my entire youth life as a part of the Police Activity League. So that was a department of the unit that actually exists. And I even told one of my friends back in the day when I was at the PAL, I'm going to be a PAL cop someday. Oh. He's like, oh, you're crazy, whatever. And fast forward, I became a PAL cop. The what athletic league?
Starting point is 01:04:55 The Police Activity League. Oh, Police Activity League. Yeah, so we are the youth organization arm of the police department. We are the community outreach for the kids and we host the activity and sports programs to keep the kids out of trouble. And, you know, we have police officers assigned to the unit that we can promote the activities for them. NASA, NASAassau. Nassau. And that's Florida? There is a Nassau, Florida, yes, but we are in Nassau County, New York. Oh, New York, right. And I'm also a part of that national PA, all that you see there.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Pay attention, Sammy. Another thing is just clicking now, too. So you're Puerto Rican but Gabe from Paper Street Coffee is Ecuadorian that's why you confuse us when we call yeah and what's your mom Puerto Rican
Starting point is 01:05:56 my dad and mom were both born in Puerto Rico met here in Queens had me and my dad lives in Florida now and my mom's in Queens still crazy. And what are, what are Puerto Ricans American citizens? I know, but what are you like?
Starting point is 01:06:14 What's your, what's the ethnic makeup of Puerto Ricans? What's the history? How'd they get on that Island? That's an Indian. Yeah. They're indigenous people. So they're basically,
Starting point is 01:06:23 and I'm starting to think more and more that somehow in the migration from Africa, black people turned into Asians. And that's basically what ended up in South America. That's like my third grade level of understanding of the travel of human beings across the globe. Could be. I mean, there are people in Southica that tend to have a look like that yeah like they're asian and black like they're asian and in mexico yeah totally all right starting i'm gonna i'm gonna write a book what you really are yeah i'll start with armenian how inbred um how how did you um what what is oh yeah let me see this yeah it's all out of africa yeah
Starting point is 01:07:17 oh so they actually did go through oh they went that way oh no allegedly allegedly allegedly um why did why did you want to open a um an affiliate how long did you want to open an affiliate when when was the first time you wanted to open an affiliate? It seems like you've done CrossFit long enough that that desire to open an affiliate should have gone away is my hypothesis. But I also thought people went from CrossFit to Spartan Race, and you're opening my eyes that they go from Spartan Race to CrossFit. In 2017, I did the New York City Marathon. By the way, Jethro's opening a gym early December.
Starting point is 01:08:08 It's called Chieftain CrossFit. Chief. Chief Nation. What is it? CrossFit Chief Nation. CrossFit Chief Nation. I can't believe you got that. What a great name.
Starting point is 01:08:20 CrossFit Chief Nation. Okay. 2000 what? 17? 2017, I ran the new york city marathon i also did the world police and fire games and i competed in the crossfit uh competition i did a lot of training for that and it wiped me out physically so i took a little bit of time off from crossfit i just i ate and drank and had a good time. Didn't work out. Just let my body recuperate. I went back to CrossFit and then slowly but surely I started seeing CrossFit differently.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I started seeing it as like more of a community and more of a healthy lifestyle for longevity and to help everyone out in that realm. So then I was like, how can I help more people? How can I, uh, have people understand how great CrossFit is? So in 2020, we know what happened. Uh, stuff started getting locked down. My friends and I decided let's open a garage gym. And they wanted to make a better life of themselves in terms of fitness. So I told him two things. One, you got to make this gym a garage because nothing was open.
Starting point is 01:09:36 That's exactly when they wanted to start doing it. And two, just trust me with the training and I'll get you to where you want to go. You have to make this gym a garage or you have to make this garage a gym? The gym a garage. The garage a gym. Okay. So we begged, barred, and steal.
Starting point is 01:09:53 We got equipment here, looked over there. So we opened up two garage gyms, one locally towards me and one at my training partner's house. Not too far from me. And they saw changes they never saw before. At one point, I was training about 12 people in a two-car garage. How did you get those people? Word of mouth. And I did it all for free.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And they loved it. Daily? Yeah. And how long did that last about a year stuff started opening up uh it was getting a little problematic with getting all those people there and being consistent so then we moved venues and we still train about a good four to five people in this garage gym that I'm currently kind of like affiliated with. And we get, we get it on the regular, we get it going. But then I started coaching at a gym and I started seeing like how great coaching is. And I've always said, like, I would rather have one person looking to
Starting point is 01:10:59 lose a hundred pounds and five games athletes in my gym. There's nothing better than having someone get their first double under, their first pull up or PR, PRing a one mile run. And that's something that I loved. And I didn't care about the heavy weightlifting and people doing competitions and winning. That's great, but that's not what CrossFit's about for me anyway. So that's great but that's not what crossfit's about for me anyway so that's something that i really wanted to impart on people and the best way that i thought that i could do it back in 2020 was doing the garage gym and having people come for free but then at this point if i want to get the word out even more i'll open up an affiliate it's it's interesting does that resonate with you with what i said that that i understand how someone finds crossfit and then within five years that they open a gym but as long as you had been doing it i mean you've been doing it for over 12 years that maybe the bug should
Starting point is 01:11:54 have died to open a gym and you should have been just settled with um going to someone else's gym like like like why why this is a fucking lot of work you've taken on and you're and you you have your your your finger on the pulse you're part of this podcast you know exactly what's going on in the community in the community why are you doing this why are you putting yourself out like this i mean you are putting yourself out right yeah oh for sure uh you and andrew uh not to circle you guys but if you know what I mean, you guys talked about it. You made the videos. You made the commercials.
Starting point is 01:12:30 You guys were doing something that no one else was doing. And you coming from HQ, Andrew coming from his affiliate and putting the videos out, even Matt on the side talking about his affiliate on the show, there was no better combination of wanting to do it and keep the ball rolling on what you guys were talking about for affiliation. And I don't think that I would have had as much passion and drive to do it if you guys weren't talking about it so much and being a part of that. Okay. Okay. You, you got a successful affiliate owner, uh, Matt Souza. You got, um, uh, Hiller who let's just go really big picture is keeping his eyes on all things CrossFit and me, a former employee there, um, who's crazy passionate about the
Starting point is 01:13:23 methodology. And then you're in and so you're saying that this this constant drip of information kept kept well sorry i was gonna say kept the dream alive but when was the first time when you opened that space in 2020 did you think okay this is just gonna be temporary to get people going because shit's locked down or when did the actual seed come in that like fuck it i'm gonna open my own box memberships i'm gonna do shit it was more of a longer term goal that i could perhaps open one up in 2020 2020 2021 so the more i started coaching the more confident i got on the on the coaching floor and saying, I think I can do this for myself. And knowing, go ahead, go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. Knowing that my wife who has been doing CrossFit
Starting point is 01:14:13 as well for about 11 years, uh, right. You had someone, someone else who had your back. That's good. Hey, Susan, did you coach at a gym before you opened your gym yeah how long uh about a year and and so that make that what jethro said just makes complete fucking sense you're their coach if you think oh it'd be nice to have my own gym but after you've been coaching a year you get some fucking some miles on you and you're like i could fucking do this yeah for sure and then you also start to say like okay if this were mine what changes would i implement or what improvements would i do or things like that start to come to mind um jethro um uh any uh jay harrell saying are you going to go to two brain are you using any of two brains um tools or books or or do you have any any any mentorship programs no mentorship programs but i I do see when Chris comes on,
Starting point is 01:15:07 the way he puts out stuff for free, especially the State of the Industry magazine, his YouTube channel as well, Best Hour with Jason Ackerman. I've seen what they've been doing over there. When I went to the games, it was something that was such a wealth of knowledge that you can find a lot of stuff for free. And if it does come to that point
Starting point is 01:15:30 that I do need a mentorship program, I would definitely look into Two Brain because it seems like as though they know exactly what they're doing. Kat, what's up, girl? Kat, I coached at a gym for seven years before opening mine. Well, you know's it's all about personal responsibility and accountability you i saw that in the police department i see that in jujitsu i see that in crossfit and it's
Starting point is 01:15:58 something that the world is going to be a better place if everyone has their own personal accountability and responsibility. Just like, you know, doing the little things every day the same thing. And if everyone just did that, it would be so much better. So how can you do that? you do that? Not everyone works out, but if you start to drip down and trickle down to everyone here and there, whether it's jujitsu or whether it's CrossFit or any type of working out, if you have someone that can train you in a garage and get you to do something that you don't normally do and be uncomfortable, when those uncomfortable times come, it's going to be a lot easier just like my training partner he has a high level job for a professional uh basketball organization
Starting point is 01:16:53 and it's a lot of work and since he started crossfit his job has not got it has gotten harder but for him it's gotten easier because he does CrossFit. He's been at that 25-minute mark where he's got two more minutes to go and he's not going to stop. Same thing with deadlines. Same thing with working with people. You have to be able to be uncomfortable to be able to push through the uncomfortable stuff at work, family, any other stresses that you have. CrossFit truly does work. Hey, did you open a gym because you want to share it?
Starting point is 01:17:33 Like just straight up? I picture someone's reading the Bible and they read this line and it fucking resonates with them and all of a sudden they have this aha moment and they're like, fuck, Jesus is my king or whatever the fucking line is. And then all of a sudden they have this aha moment and they're like, fuck Jesus is my King or whatever the fucking line is. And then all of a sudden they just can't, they can't wait to share it with more people. Is it, why did you open a gym?
Starting point is 01:17:51 Did you do it to make money? Are you like, fuck, I can fuck these guys who can't make money doing this. I'm gonna crack the code on this shit. I know 75 cops will pay me a hundred bucks a month. People that I've spoken to and everyone that I've kind of like listened to they, or, and even Matt can say, Matt,
Starting point is 01:18:10 are you going to be a millionaire being a CrossFit affiliate owner? No. And I know that, but it's more of a passion. And it's something where I want to be able to let that person know, add 10 more pounds to that barbell to let that person know, add 10 more pounds to that barbell. And that person says, I can't do that. And I know they can. It's someone where I see practicing single-unders,
Starting point is 01:18:37 and I can say, you can definitely do doubles today. No, I can't. I was like, give it a go. And the smile on the face that they get speaks volumes to the coaching and the time that I put into them. And I want that person to be able to have the trust in me. And they've done that. And I want to be able to have the trust in them to keep going. And maybe they'll share it with someone else. And that person will share it with someone else.
Starting point is 01:19:02 And it doesn't have to be with CrossFit. It's just with everything else in life. I want people to be able to have the self-confidence to make, I hate to sound corny, but to make their community better. Because once, can you imagine every other town or community with a really successful CrossFit gym and those type of people that come through? Like you said, if you want to be the best plumber, the best doctor, the best teacher, the best father, the best landscaper, do CrossFit. Well, if you want to find the best doctor, you should probably go start at a CrossFit gym. I have someone who's in real estate investing, and you know how he finds real estate brokers? Say he wants to invest money in Oklahoma City.
Starting point is 01:19:43 He calls the local CrossFit gym there and says, hey, do you have any real estate agents who work out there? That's how he finds his people. Dude, that's fucking brilliant. Because you know you're not getting a D-bag. Yeah, even better if they work out before like 7.30 a.m. No shit, those are the people, huh? I have a member who has been with me for 10 years
Starting point is 01:20:02 and she works for a really big company. She's high up in the company. She has hired tons of people out of that 530 AM class. She'll find the new 20 something working out in there. Hey, what are you doing? I'm going to school. This trying to figure myself. Why do you work out at this time?
Starting point is 01:20:15 Well, I got a lot during the day. This only time I have. Next thing you know, they work for her. Dude, so much better to do that than look for someone who graduated from Harvard or Stanford. So much better. I guarantee it look for someone who graduated from Harvard or Stanford. So much better. I guarantee it. You'll get better quality people. Can you imagine going into an interview and your resume says hobbies and interests?
Starting point is 01:20:37 CrossFit. Why not just under qualifications, Jethro? I work out at 530 every morning. Fuck you. That's it. I've worked out every morning from 530 a.m. for 10 years. I don't smoke or bang people's wives. Hired.
Starting point is 01:20:54 My wife takes the 5.30 a.m. five days a week before she goes to school, before she goes to her teaching job. She comes home, cooks, hangs out with the family, rinse, repeat every single day. You want people like that. Those are successful people, people that get after it in the morning. And I look up to my wife because she's very, very regimented. And that's something where affiliateship,
Starting point is 01:21:23 I had to have her as a partner. And I've had people tell me, that's not a I had to have her as a partner. And I've had people tell me that's not a good idea to have her as a partner. I couldn't think of anyone better to have as a partner than someone that gets up at 440 every morning, goes to the gym, tries to RX everything, tries to be healthy and eat right. What kind of partner would you rather have? Someone with book, depending on what you're working on, with book sense and little life experience or people with a lot of life experience and gets after it every day. I want that person that gets after it every day. By the way, it was interesting. You saying, you probably don't know this, but you saying that you,an and i both know that we won't make a million dollars a little piece of suza got up on that was sleeping inside of him woke up and was like fuck you i'm gonna make a million dollars just because you said that i saw it stand up inside of him there's a little little, what? I, my, my, I wanted to defend my ego. What did that guy say?
Starting point is 01:22:25 Build it out of the gym? Direct gym revenue? How does that work? Um, this episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist,
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Starting point is 01:23:54 are the two things that you need to do with your kids one uh jeremy kinnick said it i saw it on his instagram if your kids aren't outside 80 of the time you're fucking up your kids need to be outside that's it you like your kids have to be outside kids are outside animals to routine that's it yesterday i took my uh the day before thanksgiving my kids were we were at a friend's house. We were playing. They had a martial arts class that started at 3.30 and 4.30. They do back-to-back classes two hours in the afternoon, even after their hour private in the morning.
Starting point is 01:24:36 They don't want to go because we're at a friend's house who's only going to be in town for a few days. I don't want to go either. I don't care. I put them in the van. They don't complain because all they know. We go to the martial arts class. There's no one there except my three kids because it's the day before thanksgiving the other 17 kids don't show up my kids have the fucking best two hours of training i've ever seen them have and you know why because
Starting point is 01:24:52 we're creatures of routine you know my kids the best skateboarder in fucking the world because of that routine if it doesn't matter if it's skateboarding jujitsu tennis my we live in a fucking routine and you said it. You just nailed it. You don't have to be fucking special at all. Just get your fucking routine. It's, um, you nailed it. Especially for kids.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Two things. Routine and keep them outside. That's it. Like you said, they don't know any better. They don't know any better. They don't even have a choice. They're like, we don't want to go. We don't want to go.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I don't even argue with them. I open the van door. They jump in. I took them to the fucking striking class. They beat the shit out of each other for two hours. course, they're still going to be your kids. You're still going to be their dad. Your mom's going to be their mom. You got them to that point. And God hoping and willing that they are successful. But there's nothing better than having that routine and life experiences for them. But we take our kids away on vacation a lot. I was just talking to my mother-in-law last night. She said that she went on her first, I think what she said was she went on her first plane trip for her honeymoon. My kids have been to Europe.
Starting point is 01:26:15 My kids have been to Dominican Republic. You know, my younger kids before they're 12 years old. And those life lessons and those, you know, experiences, like we don't have like, you know, expensive stuff in our house, but we do have life experiences. And I think that goes a long way. Yeah, totally. Totally. And it doesn't matter, by the way, what you do with your kid. If you make your kid play with a yo-yo 30 minutes every day from when he's four to when he's 16, you will have an amazing child. But man, the routine is fucking. I just realized it. 16, you will have an amazing child.
Starting point is 01:26:49 But man, the routine is fucking, I just realized it. I'm not doing anything special. I'm just fucking, I have discipline and structure, which keeps my kids routine. That's all they need, routine. And think about the biggest thing. And I've kind of taken a little bit of a backseat due to the coaching and due to what I'm doing with the affiliate, but getting the boys in jiu-jitsu is going to make them the best men that they could ever be.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Just like you've said before. And the professor at my jiu-jitsu gym, he is like a really, really good dude and really looks after people. And that comes from his years of experience in jujitsu. Because that's something where you know you have that ability. You're never going to need it because you're confident in yourself that you can protect yourself. There's nothing. You know, my mom's husband's son had said that. You want to be able to have people who are protectors. And you want to be able to have people who are protectors and you want to be able to have people who know the surroundings and can be a force to protect their family.
Starting point is 01:27:54 And that gift that you're giving your boys of being able to see that with jujitsu is crazy. And then counter that with CrossFit. Kalipa said it like those two things you're a killer strength and and protection every everyone every healthy human being wants to be around a man who can fight every human healthy human being wants to be around a man who is eminently capable of fucking beating the shit out of people there is a guy on the seminar staff named jason mcdonald he's a former ufc fighter the calmest nicest most pleasant good sense of humor cool as shit smart he can fuck shit up
Starting point is 01:28:38 and everyone knows it and everyone loves him and you don't get any fuck shit up vibe from him but everyone knows it and it was the same thing i't get any fuck shit up vibe from him but everyone knows it and it was the same thing i work with this guy fucking executive at crossfit named jimmy from the fucking naval academy he's now the president of goruck everyone knows that jimmy will fuck up any five dudes around like a bowling ball and everyone likes being around jimmy and those people don't like the fights. No, never, dude. Never.
Starting point is 01:29:08 As long as they're sober. As long as they're sober. You put a little alcohol with those dudes, shit could get weird quick. But those dudes sober are fucking cool as shit. Yeah. I mean, I saw Jimmy fucking, what's that called when you calm a situation down? When cops de-escalate. situation down When cops de-escalate I've seen Jimmy de-escalate crazy situations
Starting point is 01:29:28 Because like he's just so confident and calm Like put his arm around someone who's Gonna be super violent to me But he just rolls over there Come on it's cool And just chills calms the guy down Cause like what's the dude gonna do to him It's like that giant guy you said
Starting point is 01:29:43 Even though Jimmy's not tall He could just fucking throw you over a fence if he wanted to throw you up on the roof. The escalation is key because that's what they taught us at the academy. And I always I got this from somebody else, but I explain to people and I tell them off the bat. I'm going to explain it to you like I'm explaining it to a family member. This is what you need to do. Put your arm around them and just vibe with them and make sure you tell them the truth member This is what you need to do Put your arm around them and just Vibe with them and make sure that you tell them the truth This is what's going to happen
Starting point is 01:30:09 Yeah yeah People respect that I like this better to be a warrior In a garden than a gardener in a war That's true Jethro so What's the conversation like What's the straw that breaks the camel's back that says okay I'm gonna go to forward slash affiliates and start filling
Starting point is 01:30:34 out the application like what was that what was that moment that brought you to the computer to do that I said I was looking to purchase the majority share of an existing affiliate and it didn't work out why were you just fooling around playing with the idea like you just called the owner like hey i was i had approached them earlier and they told me no so i just did my slow due diligence on looking around and seeing what I can do for myself while I was still coaching and then we had talks of actually doing it and it didn't work out for myself or for them so I didn't I decided to open up my own affiliate and I spoke to my wife and I said let's do this let's bring this to. We know what we can provide and we can provide something amazing for our community
Starting point is 01:31:31 because we know, we know what we can bring to people. We have a vision. We know what, what, what, what we can do. So we decided to do it. Um, it um okay then let me ask rephrase the question what made you go to those owners and think okay i'm gonna spend my hard-earned money that normally i would take to take my family to europe to um or the bronx zoo to uh buy an affiliate what was the, and what was that talk like with your wife? Seeing as me as a coach and my wife as a member and those relationships we have, we wanted to do it on our terms. We wanted to be able to do it how we wanted to do it.
Starting point is 01:32:24 And would you drive home and have those talks with your wife? So you like you and we wanted to do it and would you drive and have those talks with your wife so you like you and your wife be at the gym and you drive home and you'd be like man we should oh we we i think we should do it like this this and this and then you she said or you said hey we should get our own gym and then you guys looked at each other like you just say that out loud yep and that was a lot of talks a lot of conversations like that we have a again with the routine we have a routine every friday saturday and sunday night we go out to dinner and we have these conversations or at the dinner table every monday through thursday we we all sit down as a family and have dinner and then we go out fr, Saturday, Sunday. And we have these conversations.
Starting point is 01:33:06 And the more it grew, the more it made sense to open up our own place. And it wasn't a question of if. It's a question of the right spot and when. You have a routine. Say it again. You guys really do have crazy routine yeah well we do uh it just makes it a lot easier there's no there's no bs uh we search far and wide if you kind of take a look long island is an island surrounded by water on the bottom uh we searched this way, this way, and this way over three towns over, four towns up, three towns to the east.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Couldn't find anything until we found this property, thank goodness, in our own town that we're able to do it. How far from your house? About a little over two miles away. What were some of the obstacles that you were dealing with when you were trying to find a space? So the first thing off the bat was the height. We needed at least 14 feet. And a lot of places didn't have that because we wanted to be able to provide for the members the height for the gym. The next thing is an area to hang out.
Starting point is 01:34:28 If it was just a box in a rectangle, there's no place to congregate. There's no place to have a good time and for people to meet up and have that little central hub of creating that community. And we wanted that. And just enough space for safety. We needed that, you know, 10 by 10 as CrossFit suggests, the 10 by 10 square for everyone to perform the movement safely and efficiently. So those were the factors. Price is a huge factor on Long Island. The you know, we saw some places that were up to 70 dollars a square foot. We saw some places that were up to $70 a square foot, which is bananas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Oh, shit. Rent is crazy over here. And we had to really look. If I tell you I looked at 20 properties, I looked at 20 properties. Damn. At one point, I was just driving around looking for lease. Because if something was not available online, I'd have to look. I got my boots on the ground. I started walking and driving. I would look in the windows and I'd call the numbers. And that was about 10 of them right there. So that was the biggest thing was
Starting point is 01:35:38 what we wanted. Because we're thinking long term. Yeah, we could have gotten something a little shorter, a little smaller, but then to have to move in four months in four years off the bat didn't didn't work for us and we're pretty lucky we actually got a spot right across the street from a public park oh no shit yeah oh that's nice is it a pretty populated park like yeah and stuff like that it's always going it's always youth programs adult they actually ripped out one of the turf fields and doing a huge pickleball court it's going to be it's going to be great but we didn't want to settle and i told i told a lot of people that i want to be relentless and i don't want to settle. And my wife definitely does not want to settle. We want to be able to, if we're going to do it,
Starting point is 01:36:28 we're going to do it right the first time and not have to keep backtracking. So that was the biggest thing for us. How close is it to the gym you were going to buy or you wanted to buy? Three miles away. And can you, how did you offer them an amount of money? Yes. And they said no. Correct. If you would offer them more, of money? Yes. And they said no? Correct.
Starting point is 01:36:46 If you would have offered them more, would they have said yes? I don't know. Okay. But that was, again, I wasn't going to settle in overpay or anything like that. So it just didn't work out, and we went our separate ways. And then so now that your gym opens on December 2nd, what's the address again? Can you pull that up again, Sousa? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Hold on. Something's up with my computer. What's the address, Jethro? 5714 Old Sunrise Highway. Old Sunrise. And what city is that in? Massapequa. Massapequa.
Starting point is 01:37:21 And what's the biggest city near it? Massapequa. Massapequa. And what's the biggest city near it? We're one of the biggest towns on Long Island. So the next biggest one would probably be in terms of size, a little bit. Farmingdale. Crazy. We're working on our website.
Starting point is 01:37:48 So that's just the, uh, you know, I don't know why I'm nervous for you. Are you nervous? Excited. I'm not nervous. I have an expectation because of what I've seen and what I've heard from you guys,
Starting point is 01:38:03 other affiliates. I'm not worried about the community and having a quality product. It's just the uncertainty of opening up a brand new affiliate as opposed to purchasing an existing one. Right. Do you have any members yet? No. Do you have members? Not a one.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Not awesome. Holy shit. This is going to be fucking crazy. Starting from scratch. Do you have a class schedule? Yeah. It's going to be five classes to start. You know, two in the morning, three in the afternoon.
Starting point is 01:38:39 And we will grow as need be. Hey, five's a lot, right, Sousa? Five a day is like, that's a big bite on day one, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That'll be good, though. That'll be perfect to grow into. Don't do what I did. We stayed open from 5.30 a.m. until 7.30 p.m.
Starting point is 01:38:57 And I never closed. I heard you on Pedro. Yeah. I was actually getting anxious for you, even though that was a long time ago. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Then quickly I realized, oh, fuck, wait a minute. I don't, uh, I don't have time to go get lunch. I can't even get coffee. I can't even leave. And then the one time I was like, okay, I'm going to leave. No one shows up at this time. You lock the door and you run. And then I get a call from my then business partners. Like so-and-so just showed up to go to
Starting point is 01:39:23 the gym and said, it's locked. And I'm like, mother fuck. And I'm up a call from my then business partners like so-and-so just showed up to go to the gym and said it's locked. And I'm like, mother. And I'm up the street in my Starbucks with my perfect bar and coffee, like trying to hurry myself back. Yeah. How many do you teach now? How many classes a day at your gym now? We have nine. Wow. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:39:43 I feel like when we had Cooper on five, five the norm i i would say five's pretty good you're probably doing like two are you doing like two morning classes and noon and then two afternoon classes i always said are two morning and three yeah that's pretty that's pretty typical because you could catch like like if i were to restart i would do it pretty much exactly what jethro is doing i would but i would just use that data and base it off of kind of what some of the other gyms in the area are also doing just to know that and then I would open up with just like four classes or five class options hey hey Jethro of the stuff that could be perceived as negative the challenges that CrossFit's having now and and the things that Hiller said and I've said or any a lot of people have said, um,
Starting point is 01:40:25 were there any, that, that didn't affect you in a negative way. You were like, fuck it. I want to fly the flag. So at the games, I met Greg.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Cool. Uh, we didn't talk talk at length, but I was standing on a line, and there's three parts to this. I met Greg, and he wasn't shooing anyone away. If I wanted to talk to Greg for 15 minutes, he would have waited there and spoke to me for 15 minutes. People were very nice and kind of just kept their pleasantries quick. I met Nicole Carroll, which is crazy because she's one of the people I was hoping to run into. And I'm sitting up in the affiliate lounge and I look to my right and she's sitting right next to me.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And it was one of those, oh, shit, it's Nicole Carroll. She's like, hey. And I was like it's Nicole Carroll she's like hey and I was like hey and she's like where you from and I'm like Long Island and she's like where I said Massapequa she's like my family's from Massapequa it's like no shit wow so we started talking a little bit and then I was when I saw Nicole I I saw Don fall talk. And it was one of those things where I felt like as though the company is in good hands. I felt like as though it's something where he put us at ease. And it was at the,
Starting point is 01:42:10 it was a workout in the Coliseum. Well, the Coliseum, well, wherever it was in a stadium, we did an affiliate owners and I got into it and the affiliate owners workout with Don. He was in there working out with everyone, just really opening himself up. He waited around for like an hour while people took pictures and had questions. You don't get CEOs in any corporations and companies like that. You don't get McDonald's isn't like eating burger with the with the CEO of McDonald's. No.
Starting point is 01:42:41 with the CEO of McDonald's? No. Do you think even a regional manager is talking to a client of McDonald's at that point? No. So that's something where coming from the retail world and that corporate side,
Starting point is 01:42:58 you don't really see that. Do I think that the 30 million is a high number of what the goal is? Yeah, I think million is a high number that the, what the goal is? Yeah. I think it's a high number. You're talking about Dawn's aspirations to have 30 million CrossFitters worldwide.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Right. Uh, I do think that I want to be a part of that 30 million. Me too. And I feel like as though, just like with, uh joe neils is doing i think that that has to be done and i'm willing to do that i'm willing to do flyers i'm willing to talk to people in the street i'm willing to like at my old affiliate that i was coaching at
Starting point is 01:43:39 people would walk by and i wouldn't just let them walk by. But, hey, come here, come here. What are you doing? Do you always walk this way? Have you seen this before? Have you heard of CrossFit? Well, that doesn't take me but two minutes. And that could be a potential lead. So you're saying this personal contact with Greg Glassman, Nicole Carroll, Don Fall cemented it for you?
Starting point is 01:44:08 Oh, for sure. You know what's interesting is Sousa had a similar experience at the games. Like, you left feeling good about the environment, right? Because we've talked about that, about how it's waned since then, right? Well, yeah, the new recent hires has obviously shooken that a little bit but i yeah that's exactly how i felt like i was like powerful yeah well it's the collection of everybody that's what it needs to be viewed as right like if there was an a an affiliate and crossfit community summit and that would be it right and then we all get to see that
Starting point is 01:44:41 that expression of what we do in the gym every day done at the highest level. So that's the draw. But really what's going to keep us is those experiences, hanging out with our friends, meeting our fellow CrossFitters and affiliate owners. It's just weird because the red shirts that were there that were working for HQ, you can literally – it's a weird juxtaposition. You can literally, it's a weird juxtaposition. You can cookie cutter them with what they've learned and then they train and talk to you, but they have their own way of doing it, which is like really, it makes you feel warm inside because they're not just robots and corporate people. They are the representatives of HQ, but they are also affiliate owners and they're also trainers. So this is the backbone of the, of the company, the L ones and the red shirts.
Starting point is 01:45:36 For sure. And I've, and I've taken, I've taken two L ones and I'm very lucky to have the owners of the first gym. I went to for both of them and that's something where it's it's crazy how you see things because I've taken their classes I've taken hundreds of their classes and every one of their classes to me is like a L1 class just condensed into an hour of those movements oh you mean like walk into an affiliate and take a class from someone who's also on the L1 team?
Starting point is 01:46:07 Yeah. Yeah, they're otherworldly. Yeah. Hey, so Jethro, going back to the question I asked you 30 minutes ago, so the reason why you're opening a CrossFit gym is that you want to serve people? Are you a religious man? No. I'm trying to figure out why you're doing this.
Starting point is 01:46:20 No. I'm trying to figure out why you're doing this. I understand what health and wellness means to the majority of people. And we saw this, especially in 2020. Why are we promoting something instead of promoting the other? Why are we promoting health and wellness? Because that is the ultimate remedy. Not pharmaceuticals.
Starting point is 01:46:51 To me anyway. We have the cure for the world's most vaccine problem. It's okay. You can say it. We all fucking know it. It's not pharmaceuticals. Fuck those guys. We know it. We know it.
Starting point is 01:47:00 We have the most potent formula for being healthy, happy, productive member of society, good lover, good dad, good mom, good football player, good fucking dentist. We got it. You want to share it. You already got it. Why not just do it? You're doing fucking enough. You raised four fucking kids. You're a police officer.
Starting point is 01:47:23 You work with fucking kids through the police department. And I just can't figure out why you want to go out on a limb and do more. If I don't share it, then I'd be at fault. Shit. I can only go so much. You're responsible with the knowledge you have. That's going back to the religious shit. You feel responsible for the you're
Starting point is 01:47:45 like oh shit i know something i and it would be negligent if i didn't share it you want to call a cult you want to call it religion okay yeah that's fine i'm in it's like someone who finds god you feel negligent if you don't share it my sister feels that way she found god me and my mom haven't so i can tell she got like a little pressure on her she's like fuck the clock's ticking up these motherfuckers better find that shit i'd be negligent and as much as we talk about it especially having young kids yeah i oh it's the kid yeah you feel more responsibility to make the earth a better place because you have kids yeah crazy it's like my buddy it's like okay so my buddy derek my training partner he's lost 80 80 pounds that's cool good job his his kids see him working out we work on his garage and they really
Starting point is 01:48:33 take to what he's doing and his son is just imitating what he does pull-ups, rope climbs, push-ups. I saw this crazy video of a kid's party and they had as favors like guns and money and they were like waving it around. I saw that. That shit was crazy. And I'm like, why are we promoting this? Let's promote health. Let's promote going out.
Starting point is 01:49:04 My wife is a huge walker. Me too. All the time. If you do, if you walk, if you have someone train you in a garage, if you go to a CrossFit gym, just do something. Don't sit down and be a burden on the taxpayers of your county and your community because that's what you are. You have to be healthy. That's just my way of seeing it.
Starting point is 01:49:34 Susan, I see the L1 commercial on here. Do you see a commercial for the affiliates? Didn't I do one for the affiliates too? Yeah, you did one for both. Wasn't it... I have it pinned on on my page on my fitness page it's one of the top three if you go to house of games the uh the l11 is posted
Starting point is 01:49:56 i don't see it on there i'm on this right now okay i don't i don't know where that one went i wonder if i go to different. Could I go to different? Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. Oh, damn. You're the man. Listen, guys. December 2nd in Mesacopia. I'll give you another shot.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Fuck. I don't know. December 2nd, CrossFit Chief. Nation. Nation. We'll be opening. Did you find it suza no i just said l1 okay play that one uh we'll be back in 60 seconds to keep the interview going with jethro uh now it's time to take a pee break okay commercial you don't even have to want to do crossfit you don't have to want to be a coach you don't have to want to be a trainer if you just
Starting point is 01:50:42 want the operating manual to your body it's not just forging elite fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit level one seminar and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift.
Starting point is 01:51:14 For some people, it'll be massive. For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human beings.
Starting point is 01:51:36 And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but... There it is. Barry McOchkner first coffee is on me jethro congrats happy birthday to both of us suza your birthday suza yeah oh happy birthday thank you happy birthday dude thanks man how old are you 36 nice yeah it's fucking old. Carswell and Hobart. What a bunch of bosses. Watching later, but dropping in now. That's cool. To say I'm driving to Sheffield United Kingdom tonight to get my L1. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:52:21 This weekend, this episode getting me more hype for it. Thanks, guys, for all you you do can't wait to listen Hey let me know if you open an affiliate After you take that L1 I took the L1 in 15 With no inclination of Opening CrossFit gym Yeah of course smart smart
Starting point is 01:52:38 None smart Everyone should take it And CrossFit did a great job thanks Phillip CrossFit did a great job. Thanks, Philip. CrossFit did a great job. The last one that I took recently, the NYPD and the FDNY CrossFit teams, they had a special L1 for them at a discounted rate. And it was a great class. Do you know Amy West?
Starting point is 01:53:03 Yeah, I know who she is. And I actually took a rowing seminar with her. And she's she's great yeah she's great um you'll you're what do your kids say about you opening the gym they love it they do yeah well they know how much we talk about it and they know what it's going to be so it's going to be just an extension of at the highest level that we're doing just by coaching and being members and they're going to help us out. So who's teaching the classes, all of them. And how will you do your other job?
Starting point is 01:53:42 I work administratively right now. So that nice little break in the afternoon, I'm going to run into work. Then I'm going to come home and go back to the gym and I'll have time at night. But how long will he last? Susa? Um,
Starting point is 01:53:59 I did all of mine for about six months. Um, after the first kind of coach that I had that has helped me out quit. He threw his key at me. Actually, that's a funny story. But yeah, about that. It's a whole other story. We can get into later.
Starting point is 01:54:14 But yeah, I mean, that's going to start. That'll be fine at the start. You're going to be super pumped. You're going to want to be like nothing in there. I mean, in there all the time, like nothing will want to take you away from it. going to want to be like nothing in there i mean in there all the time like nothing will want to take you away from it um but you're also looking at here the full head time coach the plumber the finance guy the marketer the advertiser the cleaner the cleaner like all of it right so um but yeah you'll be you'll be fine six months you'll be good there'll be enough time to get
Starting point is 01:54:41 some people in there maybe find somebody that could uh help you out a little bit too i have a i have a good core of people who like they've said i have great people with people skills to mold as a coach and that's what i'm looking for yeah because people that uh whether if they're coming in new that's one thing but if people have experience in crossfit they're going to be a member. A positive coach, I can talk to people and smile and remember people's names and have a positive vibe. That's what I want. And I'll get the coaching in afterwards. But those are people who I've already said, you know, if I go to my garage gym, I'll say, coach me this movement. I've done it for you many, many times.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Just let me know what, let me see it. And so far so good. I've seen some good stuff. The level one will help that as well. Will you have a desk in there? It's funny you say that. We were going to purchase one today that fit just in our entryway. Everyone has phones now, so checking in,
Starting point is 01:55:56 you're able to do it. But one of those things that at my old gym that I look up to is having a point of reference of coming together. And the desk is it. You meet there. You check in there. You purchase stuff there. You have questions there. Couch on the side. Everyone's hanging out. That's what we wanted. There's nothing like, like you say, fly the flag. I want it to be a CrossFit gym. I want the branding to be CrossFit. I want people who put the shirt on and be like, I go, just like you say, Seve, when you wear a CrossFit shirt, you know you're the baddest person there. And I saw a photo where it's an unwritten rule of competition that all the dads in the sidelines of the game, who's the fittest dad? And, you know, going in there as a fit dad yeah it's it's it's you know what's up i'm definitely not the fittest dad at the kids at my kids shit i go to that sucks but can they do strict muscle ups babe fuck dude these guys are fucking animals
Starting point is 01:57:00 there's this one fucking dude who's been doing going with my kid shit the same kid shit as me for like 10 years now he's a crossfitter of course i think he can do a muscle-up with me on his back uh um christian um but but but but going along that sentiment you say i would not i would not wear a crossfit shirt unless I knew I was fit. I'm like with you. I take that brand seriously. And I wouldn't say, like when I went to Sousa's gym, I can jump into any workout fucking anywhere, and I can fucking have at it. There's no pussy in me when it comes to working out.
Starting point is 01:57:42 I will fucking get at it. And I'm not afraid to fucking work out like ever any anything i mean and i know my limitations i'm not i'm not um not an egomaniac about it but yeah we're a different breed as crossfitters compared to just your average like i have no problem if someone would be like hey run them go run a mile i could do it 24 hours a day you could wake me up at three in the morning i'll do it might be slow but there's nothing to me that would be like scared at all. Zero. When I was heavy coaching, you know, coaching a lot of classes at the old affiliate, that was my goal for the members is not to have a 300 pound snatch. It was to not, I always tell
Starting point is 01:58:21 them, if you ever go into another crossfit gym or anything like that i want you to go in there and i want you to not embarrass yourself yeah i want to be able to handle yourself in any situation i don't need to be the strongest the fastest or the most gymnastic but i want you to be like where do you go yeah who's your coach yeah good job yeah that's the only thing i want and if they say that i did my job as long as you don't embarrass yourself we're good yeah when i was warming up with pool boy and i was we were doing air squats back and forth or something he goes fuck you got a great squat and that was like enough for me like i i was representing the brand like yeah i fucking we we rep and and we should take it seriously uh christian kettler
Starting point is 01:59:06 uh left my gym at 9 p.m last night after a sewage backup in the gym back at 4 a.m to finish cleaning and getting a new stall mats laid so it's ready for 6 a.m class yep when the problems arrive and you walk in and you're just like i don't even know where to start like how do i fix this the workout for today will be a two mile run yeah yeah right right right and the warm-up's gonna be outside yeah in the park you're lucky with that you just always defer to the park. I'm utilizing that. Yeah, as long as the weather holds out.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Yep. From the Native contingent, way to go, Jethro. Papa Jeff. Thanks, buddy. Is Jeff claiming some sort of indigenous people? Jess, if you're fucking indigenous as Elizabeth warren what the fuck are you talking about uh amazing uh talk about your partnership with hillar i oh you have a partnership with hillar jethro yeah what's that? Yeah Just sealed it this week
Starting point is 02:00:26 No shit what is it? You can take a look on my Chief Nation Instagram page I've spoken to Andrew And I've done research and I've Oh shit I fucking love this
Starting point is 02:00:42 CrossFit Nation Hiller Fit Affiliate Programming Dude awesome I fucking love this. CrossFit Nation, HillerFit affiliate programming. Dude, awesome. Are you his first affiliate doing affiliate programming? I think we've spoken. We spoke the other day. Other than his affiliate in Chicago,
Starting point is 02:01:00 will be the only other one doing programming by Andrew. Holy shit. Okay, tell me. I've done Mayhem. Tell me, tell me. I've done mayhem. I've done comp train. I've I've done affiliate programming through another affiliate.
Starting point is 02:01:14 And I feel like as though Andrew's is the most challenging yet efficacious for what I want my members to do. And they're going to be happy doing it. It's, uh, it's great GPP and also strength and also gymnastics and definitely like not boring. So I asked Andrew, we spoke last week for about an hour and a half back and forth. And I said, uh, would you be interested in, well, interested,
Starting point is 02:01:53 but would you allow me to use your programming? And he said, yeah. And I've been going through, uh, the programming and it's going to look great. Dude off to the fucking races. Judy Reed, can't wait to watch you, Jim.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Kill it, Jethro. Thank you and all the sevenistas for all the encouragement to start now our entire family CrossFits. Oh, that's awesome. That's cool. Andrew Hiller, that's a good shirt. That's a good shirt.
Starting point is 02:02:22 That's good shit. No, that's a good shirt. Both work. Yeah. that's a good shirt that's that's good shit no that's a good shirt both work yeah uh let me let me read what andrew wrote that can i see what andrew wrote on that um dude god knows he put so much thought and time into uh programming let me see uh one more slide let Let me see what Andrew says here. This is from Hiller Fit. My program intended to be written for the best person associated with it. That person is no different than any other member by nature, but they likely have different goals. It's my opinion that the person who wants to excel in the world of fitness should be able to work alongside their mom, dad, brother, sister.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Maybe they move faster here or heavier there, but later that day, the experience should be something shared. The result should be they both got close to their own wants and needs. This program is not for anyone who wants to be special. It's for individuals who understand that once you filter through all the junk out there, it's intention, execution, and belief that drive results. Without these three things, you'll be left looking for the secret sauce. Andrew Hiller. Dude, so cool. Sounds great.
Starting point is 02:03:33 Yeah. That chat GPT, Andrew? Andrew done clicked chat GPT. Yeah. It's so crazy. What about this? What about the fact that Andrew's juiced up and Andrew himself says that people who are juiced up shouldn't be programming for non-juicers? I don't know if he said that, by the way.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Maybe he didn't say that. I was going to say, I think this message encapsulates, like, when Andrew's thinking about the affiliate, I think he nailed it right here with this. By saying? I don't think this has anything to do with the disaster or anything. I don't even think he's considering that when he's programming for the affiliate. Okay, good. Yeah, I think it's good. Oh, he did say that.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Oh, shit. Here we go. Yeah, but not in consideration with this, I think. Andrew Hiller is self-reflective enough to know that the average gym goer will not be juiced, although they should check out CA Peptides before the sale is over. What does that want? 10% off. average gym goer will not be juiced although they should check out ca peptides before the sales over 10 off i think you guys know that he puts a lot of thought and a lot of mental uh strength into everything he does and i don't think people see that i think people see his And I don't think people see that. I think people see his 12 minute versions of a topic on YouTube and make a decision on that as opposed to a face to face conversation with him, which I've had. And like I said, I've seen it.
Starting point is 02:04:58 I've seen it in person when he has someone questioning and asking him stuff. And it's totally different from what you get. And I told him that, and I think he agrees. And you can't really make a, even though that's what you're putting out on social media and on YouTube, that this is the way you're presenting yourself, but it's not all there unless you have a face-to-face with someone. And like I said, those videos he does,
Starting point is 02:05:24 it might take him three hours to create a 12-minute video. And he takes it. 12 hours. Yeah. So I've seen it. And the same way with the programming, he puts a lot of thought into it. And we see, and he has a lot of notes.
Starting point is 02:05:40 He puts videos out on the members page for his programming. It's along with the YouTubes and the other stuff that he has going on, he has time for that, and it's really appreciative, and we're going to be using the Hiller Fit program. His YouTube is getting neglected because of all the programming shit, because of the community he's developing, the Hiller Fit community. Last night at 10 o'clock when I was going to work out, I was like, okay, time to put some Hiller fit on.
Starting point is 02:06:05 He had nothing new for me. You douche nozzle. Oh, I'm Dan Guerrero. Get him, Hiller. Get him, Hiller. Get him. Get him, Andrew. Get him for me. I'm Dan Guerrero.
Starting point is 02:06:24 Trisha, Hiller also put it out to owners for free. Babylon CrossFit. Hi, Trish. Trish helped me move 10 Echo Bikes from the curb to my inside the gym.
Starting point is 02:06:39 We picked them up and did it by hand. Thanks, Trish. Did what by hand? Say that again? I was getting ready to ask. We had 10 Echo bikes on a pallet, but my gym has a lip that wouldn't let the pallet jack come in. So Trish and I picked up 10 Echo bikes and brought them into the back of the gym. Wow, wow.
Starting point is 02:06:59 You have 10 bikes already? Yeah. Holy shit. Hold on. You have 10 bikes already? Yeah. Holy shit. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Hiller's better than the Castro currently for CrossFit, in my opinion. I write in my opinion because I don't want to come across too strong. Dan is my boy. I buttfuck Dan. I'm waiting Where's Dan now? Oh, geez. Oh, my gosh. But there's nothing smart about you, Joe.
Starting point is 02:07:59 So we built the greatest economy. Okay. I'm pumped for you December 2nd, crazy You gonna walk in there, like, what time you get there on December 2nd? I'm gonna sleep there You all, what, really? No, I'm kidding, but I'll be there early Oh my goodness
Starting point is 02:08:21 I can't wait, I can't wait It's something that Dude, maybe you should have a cot there Are you gonna have a cot there? Oh my goodness. I can't wait. It's something that... Dude, maybe you should have a cot there. Are you going to have a cot there? It's two minutes away from his house, right? Just a place to catch his... He's porting me to his
Starting point is 02:08:36 or something? I'll jog there. Nice. If it wasn't for you guys talking about it so much, doing the commercials, putting the videos out, it most likely wouldn't have happened. The passion that went from here,
Starting point is 02:08:53 then got it to here and understanding what the communities need. So, so thanks to you guys. And you know, the combination of, I think the combination of who you have on the show, people like. John Young, Brian, Matt, Caleb, just the way it all tied up in the past two years, it kind of just like funneled into this great opportunity for me and got my vision going. Focus. Let me throw this out there um uh that guy zach teelander put out a video yesterday and it's a it's a weird video the video says nothing it's complete 100 clickbait i
Starting point is 02:09:37 wonder if hillar's seen it yet and it's basically said is crossfit cooked and it's like 16 minutes of like saying like is crossfit over but he doesn't he doesn't say anything he takes some craig richie numbers that are old and shows it like declining and he takes some hillar stuff and he takes some marsden and being interviewed and it's it's really bad i think i don't know what zach's doing it's just he's a very capable filmmaker, video maker, but it looks very lazy. Is it on par with what he did to Greg? No, at least that he put some work into. This is very lazy.
Starting point is 02:10:12 This is just like CrossFit's dying. Please comment in the comments. I mean, it's bad. But I wanted to tell you something that I think I see about CrossFit. It is at 13,000 paying affiliates right now. That is the highest it's been in a while. And I think we're going to see a skyrocketing. I think that we are going to see a skyrocketing of affiliates.
Starting point is 02:10:39 I think the trajectory of Jim's opening is at probably a four or five year high. So don't get carried away just by some of the metrics people are pointing out to the view numbers of videos, the number of subscribers. This shit doesn't mean don't get too worried about all that. Another thing to notice is this ecosystem has a lot of fucking energy in it right now. And some people might be like, oh, Andrew, so negative or seven so negative or blah blah blah well you're seeing someone right here jethro who's opened uh who went to the games uh uh was was energized by this type of content went to the games got to meet don got to meet nicole um uh got to meet greg, and is now opening an affiliate. And I think that is more normal than these people who have their egos involved and think
Starting point is 02:11:30 that somehow it's not doing well or that Andrew's bad for the ecosystem or that I'm bad. I think you have it all ass backwards. Well, Matt, let me ask you a question. You opened up 10 years ago. I don't know if you've gone into and looked at what the affiliate toolkit looks like and all that good stuff. Compare the difference between now and then.
Starting point is 02:11:52 Like what training tools did CrossFit offer 10 years ago compared to now? Media. I mean, the journal was back out there, obviously, but Greg was at the helm. But what were the training tools back then compared to now? Man, for me, and this is something I've talked to Sevan about, and I hope CrossFit does this again. It was all the stories and talking to the affiliate owners at the current time.
Starting point is 02:12:17 And there was like the CrossFit South Bronx with David Osorio. And it was just like him at the whiteboard. These are the best practices and then as he's talking there's b-roll of his big ass gym and fucking 700 people crammed into this place and it looks awesome right or you would go over and they would highlight the affiliate owner for someone like craig howard you would see inside his gym and i go oh shit i'm looking at the walls how does he have his stuff stored look at the way he's talking to his members look how big his community is like those type of tools and then the snippets from the L1 and stuff like that, for me personally,
Starting point is 02:12:50 especially in the early years, those tools were just keeping me motivated and inspired to show up to do the hard work every day. And then Chris Cooper filled in the back end as far as the tactile business strategy stuff that I needed. So for me, it was CrossFit when they were just highlighting successful gyms, successful communities, and telling the stories that are happening inside the boxes every single day. And that's community, right? Every affiliate owner says the same thing. We want media.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Yeah. I've never had one here. We want media. All these guys that they've just hired that are from their MBAs and stuff like that, the type of testimony and content that they would fucking kill for in their other businesses selling widgets, CrossFit has every single day
Starting point is 02:13:33 with willing people to do it for free to tell their message, to tell their story, to inspire other people, and will most likely, even the affiliate owner would probably even pay to have a little bit better production done
Starting point is 02:13:43 if CrossFit just created a platform that they would take that media and then elevate it through their platforms for those affiliate owners and for those own communities like if you just had a submission thing and i think seven you did this but if you even did it on a on a lower end scale where you're like hey tell the story of a person that's lost 100 100 pounds tell the story of the person that's beat cancer tell tell the story of the person that's turned their life around from drugs. Tell the story of the person who's started CrossFit and were massive contributors in their communities, right? And if you just do that all over the place and they just submit it to and is just publishing two, three times a day, all these stories to where it's just flooded. And that's what I would do. I would take Andrew
Starting point is 02:14:24 Hiller and I would say, guys, we are going to flood this with so much positive community content coming out of the affiliates that he won't be able to keep up with us. And that's what I would do. I just, boom, I'd push it all out. Think of all the members you'll get that just happened to see the games on
Starting point is 02:14:43 ESPN. People go search CrossFit near me. Now, if you start having those people, like Greg said, there's no better advertisement than your members. You start getting that algorithm with Instagram and Facebook, people getting interested in it, they're going to start sharing. They're going to start going to their closest affiliate or the one that best suits them best.
Starting point is 02:15:05 This dude was on the show last week. Yeah. Right. And that's a great statement summed up right there. If they want people in the affiliates, highlight the affiliates. If they want me to open the affiliates, highlight the affiliates.
Starting point is 02:15:15 If you want people to go into an L one, highlight the affiliates. Like that's, that is it. I'm going to tell you exactly how to do it for whoever's listening. If anyone out there has the power, basically you need $ hundred and twenty thousand dollars and what you do is then every week you pay a filmmaker ten thousand dollars to make a piece and each of those pieces
Starting point is 02:15:34 can then be published in 30 second form two minute form and 15 minute form and you'll be having uh and those they can all be affiliate and L1 content and you'll be just pumping out content nonstop and that's how you do it cost $10,000 a week to get the highest level bang for your buck and you can do that by just like firing an executive just one executive tomorrow on the
Starting point is 02:15:58 team that's not doing anything anyone who can't make stuff just start firing a dozen people today that can't actually do stuff like if you can't sweep the inside of Jethro's gym or move bumper plates around, you got to go. That's it. I just cracked the code for you on media. I've said it before in the calling in. It's a lifestyle brand.
Starting point is 02:16:20 It's not anything else. It's something that when that hour of work. It is the only lifestyle brand. It's not a bullshit It's something that It is the only lifestyle brand It's not a bullshit lifestyle brand Like fucking Noble Like CrossFit is a real lifestyle brand Methodology
Starting point is 02:16:35 Like it comes like eat this shit Yeah you nailed it Sorry Jethro go ahead I don't think People don't talk about Peloton When they leave their Peloton class. Not a knock on Peloton. I'm sure people, if they use Peloton to get fitter, great, good for you.
Starting point is 02:16:52 But that's not a lifestyle brand. Like you said in the L1 commercial that you made, you just start hanging out with different people. You start doing different things. It's changing your lifestyle. For the better, not for the worse. Well, dude, I am stoked for you. Congratulations. Yeah, me too. Obviously, you're going to keep us posted,
Starting point is 02:17:13 but I can't wait to have you on in six months. Your whole tune will change. You have all these new insights and thoughts. The equipment's going to be all complete Shipped by Tuesday from Rogue And then we're rocking and rolling For next week
Starting point is 02:17:30 Can anyone come on the second Is there like some like Everyone should come on the second Okay What is December 2nd It's a Saturday Gabe said he's coming up. I heard him this morning.
Starting point is 02:17:47 Oh, wow. Oh, wow. You think the phone actually works? We shall find out. Caller, hi. Hold on. Hold on. Hey, Travis. What's up, dude? Hung like a horse. Hold on. Hold on. Hey, Travis, what's up, dude? I'm good.
Starting point is 02:18:05 How are you? Hung like a horse. You're catching the what? The tail end of the show? Hello? Hey. Hey. Say that again.
Starting point is 02:18:21 You're catching the tail end of the show? Yeah, I was catching the tail end of the show yeah that's funny because hiller was catching the tail end of dan's ass i'm not calling in with a joke today okay props to haley on her joke by the way yesterday that was really good oh please it's horrible jethro, congratulations. Thanks, Travis. Another good dude. Again, Travis, how you've come into the ecosystem, same thing. It's through CrossFit and what's been happening.
Starting point is 02:18:56 It's through people like you and the group that we have with Savon and Hiller. I mean, I say it every time I do an interview, there's, I can't thank anybody more than those two guys. And of course, people like you who go to the site and buy stuff. I mean, that's, it's huge. What did you say about my biceps? Wait, what did you say about my biceps?
Starting point is 02:19:21 Huge. That's what I thought. Okay. Huge. I'm going to, uh, I'm going to uh i'm gonna send jethro uh ceo flag and the no rep flag to get up in the gym how many buddies you have to right now uh zero he's at zero he's got more than that he's got no he's starting with zero i can show you my uh push press membership uh update i get every day hey listen to you he's got one program it's the hillar fit nation program hillar fit program and zero members it's dope it's not won't be crowded in there at all there'll be no one peeing on the seat so jethro does personal coaching in every class this is cool yeah all right jethro anybody who signs up in december the entire month we're going to give them a free
Starting point is 02:20:14 shirt holy shit wow wow wow so good thanks you bet you've always been good to me so i want to support you damn you the man that's awesome dude well what kind of shirt do they get are you making uh uh uh chief nation shirts i'm not but i'll certainly work with you i mean we'll do either we'll do a chief nation or a vindicate or a hillard fiddler I don't know. We'll figure it out. Awesome. What it's going to be. But free shirt for anybody who signs up in December. All right. You da man, dude.
Starting point is 02:20:53 I'll text you Travis. Thank you. We'll be in touch. Sounds good. Thanks, brother. CK Kevin, I went with the big chief on the front. I know. That's awesome. Yeah, the logo's dope all right brother uh thank you so much uh talk to you soon jethro thanks for coming on thanks for sharing all that stuff
Starting point is 02:21:11 you demand so excited thanks for having me on i really appreciate it yep and hey uh thanks for being a cop and i mean it i really fucking mean it thanks for being a cop thanks for being a good cop thanks for doing the right thing uh yeah that your is stoked to have a man like you out there Thank you I really appreciate it Alright dude Also The Sevan Podcast will be donating
Starting point is 02:21:42 A handy For each new member. Those who prefer left hand will get Sousa. Those who prefer right hand will get me. You just sign up. You get to choose. Wait, I got signed up for this now? Giving handies by myself i'll schedule them you're a good dude oh that was cool it got me excited you know it's like the new affiliate energy no no nothing does
Starting point is 02:22:22 the party feel sorry for him no not at all i think i think he's in the perfect headspace for it i think he's done the right things before i've chatted with him a while back and he really like understood what he was getting into and um no i i liked it because it rubbed off on me a little bit after you know 10 years of affiliate owner 12 years of coaching you get kind of like jaded you you know, you're like, ah, you're gonna do it. Ah, get lower on your squat. Damn it. Ah, you know, it's all the same. So you got, instead of feeling you got inspired by him a little bit.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Yeah, exactly. That's what I, yeah, that's what I meant. It's like, he's coming into a new, it reminds me of like when I was first started and you have all this energy and all this ambition and it rubs off on me. I'm like, cool. Feeling a little bit too. Hey, I see on the schedule that shut up and Scribble is today. They moved to Friday? Yeah, they shifted. Just this week? Just this week.
Starting point is 02:23:09 To Thanksgiving. Oh, shit. Yeah. Speaking of which, I gotta give JR a call back. I don't know if we're doing the CrossFit Games Update show today. Yeah. Yeah. I want to do some night time show
Starting point is 02:23:25 Who do we have tomorrow Oh no one No one tomorrow And then we have Adia on Sunday He's going to talk to us about Wheelwad That's right And then guys listen These are some people we have on the hook right now
Starting point is 02:23:37 You ready Josh Bridges Sarah Sigmund's daughter Kara Saunders Angelo DiCicco Did I say Josh Bridges yep Sarah Sigmund's daughter mm-hmm Kara Saunders mm-hmm Angelo DiCicco mm-hmm did I say Josh Bridges
Starting point is 02:23:48 mm-hmm he's scheduled oh Tyson Bajan mm-hmm of Vakey mm-hmm Vakey
Starting point is 02:23:58 it's a Beth it's it's Beth nice better than I can do Tommy G yep the oh Daniel Brandon It's Beth. Nice. Better than I can do. Tommy G. Yep. Oh, Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 02:24:10 We got Daniel Brandon. We're massaging it. Active. Look at David Weed. More David Weed getting soft again. Look at it. It's like swooning. Magnus Holmgren said, just say congratulations to me my birthday and to get my shared sold in one billion dollar US deal
Starting point is 02:24:31 oh shit happy birthday god I hope your birthday too to me him and happy birthday dude I hope you get your share I hope you get your share brother get it oh is Tommy Hackenbrook coming on have i ever had tommy on i don't think we've had him on i would love to have tommy on what the fuck how come i've never
Starting point is 02:24:53 had tommy on i bet i wonder if i have his phone number and then we got the uh tommy marquez tommy g and those are the only tommys i have but maybe i'll look under Hackenbrook. I think actually, I think I have his number. Oh, you do? I think so. Can you ask him if he wants to come on? I would love to have Tommy on. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:25:13 I want to hear about that. What did that thing he used to do? Skull Ranch? Yeah, I have his number. Have we ever had him on? No, I don't even follow him.
Starting point is 02:25:23 What the fuck? Dang, bro. Okay. I'm gonna DM him too. Tommy. I'd love to have you on my podcast. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:39 And then we got David for Congress. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He'll be on a couple weeks. No shit. Do you think we have him scheduled? Yeah, I already got it. We got his date.
Starting point is 02:25:56 Holy shit. Look at this guy. Oh, and then there's the guy Dylan Caswell who wrote a book, Hope Not Not or something. And I'm going to have him on. I haven't sent you his stuff yet. This guy's coming on. Check this out, guys. This is a professor at the University of Irvine.
Starting point is 02:26:13 David Pan. Check this out. Campus diversity offices, in addition to undermining the ideals of hard work and merit, are actually also suppressing diversity on campus. are actually also suppressing diversity on campus. The best example of this is the diversity statements that are required of all applicants to faculty positions at the University of California. In these statements, applicants are required to outline the way they support the diversity, equity,
Starting point is 02:26:39 and inclusion policies in their professional lives. And so if you disagree with these policies, you're essentially disqualified from employment, university, or you have to lie on the same net. So in fact, what we're doing is we're breeding a faculty of conformists rather than thinkers. Dude, this is insane. When you apply for, I had heard of this happening in Berkeley, a friend of mine applied to work at some like Jewish community garden, and they wanted to know what he's done for diversity equity inclusivity i'm like what if you don't believe in that kind of racist shit what if you don't you're not racist that guy is saying at the university of fucking irvine that if you don't fucking uh show your loyalty and your embracing of this racist methodology that you can't work there.
Starting point is 02:27:28 Probably most universities too. That's nuts. Yeah. I didn't, man, man, it's bad. Sean Lunderman.
Starting point is 02:27:42 I'm motivated to do something great with my life in hopes that Seve invites me onto the show yeah no problem we need Darian Weeks back you know I've been thinking about Darian we could have him on I could try to have him on next week there's some big fights coming up Hunter became famous
Starting point is 02:28:00 Hunter McIntyre became famous because he beat Tommy Hackenbrook on the show should I ask pound Dan or has he had enough no no leave Dan alone he's like I was getting ready to fucking unfold my penis and put the whole fucking thing into him. Yeah. He's all right.
Starting point is 02:28:31 All right. He's all right. I'm not talking about Daniel Garrity. I'm talking about the other Dan, this Dan. I know. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:28:39 I know who you're talking about. Olivia got a new photo. Wow. It's like a wedding And David's back. Yeah. Look at Olivia's nose. What a fucking perfect nose. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:28:54 Yeah. I bet your snot doesn't even come out of that nose. Never. It's too perfect. I understand. my very similar dan will take it regardless okay um i feel uh like i'm letting you guys down i'm'm letting myself down. Fuck you guys. By not doing the CrossFit Games Out Day show. It's such a fun show. Let me chat with Susan and see what's going on tonight.
Starting point is 02:29:34 I don't even really know what I would want to talk about. I don't even know what's going on. There was a bunch of news that broke today. There was? Yeah. A bunch of CrossFit news, like some semifinal, some information on semifinals. Where's the...
Starting point is 02:30:04 Yeah, basically who's running the semifinals there's some information that broke about affiliate fees going up title sponsor for the games all sorts of shit interesting is it hard not to give jethro advice when he's on here thanks olivia what is it hard not to give jethro advice on here when he's on here like yeah of course that's my default remember one of the first affiliate series like we did two of them or something and then i like watched him back or
Starting point is 02:30:50 just was like reflecting on it and i was like fuck i need to stop doing that you want to tell him 10 things like not to do not to do 10 things that i would have done like opening a new gym like as most people aren't going to really know who you are in the area, like building up a gift bag where you're like, hey, here's a free week or here's a free drop in or a free day. Put some other stuff in there, a sticker, your business card, a contact, you know, whatever, and drop it off to every school for the teachers and faculty to the fire departments, to the police departments, to any neighboring businesses that are around you. Then my first couple of workouts, I would try to do like free community ones inside the park or inside a
Starting point is 02:31:31 downtown area with a big sign, the QR code, like just little things like that, that if I, you know, I would utilize like coming into the new space a little bit more. There you go. That was just the cream off the top you just gave me. You just took me and put me here. I just squeezed you a little
Starting point is 02:31:54 bit in the fucking... It's like when you pick up a styrofoam cup that's filled to the top and if you squeeze it, it'll be tight. Some water spills over there. That's all you needed for me and there I went. Hey, Andrew Hiller. That sounds like a video that should be made water spills over there that's all you needed for me and there i went hey uh andrew hiller suza that sounds like a video that should be made for the seven podcast channel 10 things you do not do when opening an affiliate do or do not to do oh like uh yoda would say do to not to do
Starting point is 02:32:17 oh yeah that is a great idea not do man i know andrew you're right i've and i've even like in the past ran a couple video ideas by andrew and he's like, yes, do it. And I've done zero. It's kind of a thing that I'm bad at. I actually don't do that much stuff in terms for myself. Hey, and if Susan makes that video, I'll make a video that's how to do to Susan's 10 things in three steps. Nobody watches mine mine everybody watches yours
Starting point is 02:32:46 andrew said he'll edit it damn look at oh shit i'm telling oh it's shakespeare not yoda what the fuck fine you're right good point thank you good catch hey um he'll edit it seriously oh so daniel garrity said something i want to say something i know he got you uh yeah um uh do we need to do a wellness check on be friendly no listen listen brian is fucking the best at what he fucking does there's nothing there he's a fucking stud what he's a fucking he's amazing dude he's he's out of fucking control there's no one who does what he does better than him um and there's a bunch of people trying to do what he does and he's out of fucking control. There's no one who does what he does better than him. Um, and there's a bunch of people trying to do what he does and he's in a fucking world all by him fucking self.
Starting point is 02:33:29 He should be so fucking proud of himself. Everyone who had the same way that, um, this community should be so thankful as someone like killer should be so thankful. It has someone like Brian and the, whatever drama there is in our group is just for fun and for story and for narrative sake.
Starting point is 02:33:43 And there's nothing, there's nothing there. No matter what anyone tells you. That being said that, that right there, what Andrew Hiller said, that's what we all do to each other. That's exactly what that's, that is exactly what you, uh, it's Susan's done that does that for 10 people everyze has done that does that for 10 people every day. And Andrew does that for 10 people every day.
Starting point is 02:34:09 Does this group rag tag of filmmakers who are on the outside are all just lifting each other up. Like I got you. I got you. I got you. stop I don't have AIDS stop I'm fine the emojis too the emojis too the emojis too and do it for me
Starting point is 02:35:03 no what are you doing holy shit oh holy shit holy shit I'm gonna play it for you in a second hold on hold on fuck where is it
Starting point is 02:35:26 where's that clip the one that's in the thread yeah it's holy shit holy shit this is fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:35:41 this is some legendary shit let me see i gotta open god i hope i don't fuck this up do you want me to try to do it this is fucking amazing i think i got it come on be cool this is crazy god I love this fucking job we have this is so fucking funny look at this guys wait till you see this this is a clip this is a clip from
Starting point is 02:36:19 god I hope I I go to entire screen right and i want to share the entire screen yeah once you have like the video up on preview and then everything else is closed down will they get the audio for it too it should okay so this remember if that was an issue in the past this is a show uh death by uh from the lone ranger podcast with lauren khalil by the way i yeah lauren looks great right there i like her when she has less makeup on like that and uh and um and kotler looks somewhere fucking fancy look at him i think that's a virtual background oh i could be completely wrong now and chase looks like he's got like a og Letterman's jacket on or some shit. He's fucking like doing the podcast from a freezer.
Starting point is 02:37:08 Sell your cigarettes in the parking lot of the high school. And then there's the great Matt O'Keefe, the former guy that ran Wadapalooza. And now Matt Fraser's right hand man. Amongst other things. The only person keeping Todd keeping industry Todd alive. Anyway, I like all these people. Lauren O'Keefe, Kotler, and Chase. This is from her show, Death By, and I guess they're discussing the death of Morning Chalk Up or the purchase of Morning Chalk Up or whatever happened to Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 02:37:49 They're discussing it. Wait till you hear this shit. This is crazy. Okay, here we go. If you can't hear it, tell me and then you can try. Yeah. Here we go. No, can't hear it.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Oh, fuck. Do you want to try it? Or should I move my mic down to my speaker? Should I do that? That might just be better. Yeah, because I think you're just playing it on preview, right? I don't know if I have the ability to do anything else besides that as well. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Tell me if you can hear it now. Yep. You know, opportunity for something that's obviously a trusted source for a lot of people in our space the morning truck being a trusted trusted source there's a lot of people that read it and follow it on a daily basis i mean i quite frankly i'm not saying that that's my news source i'm just oh shit dude did you see Kotler just start cracking up? Something that's obviously a trusted source for a lot of people in our space. The morning truck thing is a trusted source?
Starting point is 02:38:55 There's a lot of people that read it and follow it on a daily basis. I mean, quite frankly. Lauren keeps a straight face. Is she not listening? Did she not hear that? She heard it. She's just not reacting. Holy shit. Justin's just not reacting. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:39:06 Justin Kotler's reacting. There's hundreds of thousands of people that Hundreds of thousands? Is he out of his fucking mind? You know, opportunity for something that's obviously a trusted source. Meanwhile, Lauren's dog's licking its pussy back there. You see that shit?
Starting point is 02:39:23 A lot of people in our space. The morning truck is is trusted trusted source there's a lot of people that read it and follow it on a daily basis i mean i quite frankly i'm dude um chase just knows he hit a fucking like a grand slam dude there were two guys on first what do you call that like he's like you know dude that's amazing justin just cracking up at it and then matt immediately saying like oh it's not my trust oh that was amazing holy smokes not my trusted source for some, for hundreds of thousands of others. Oh, shit. All right.
Starting point is 02:40:13 Thanks, guys. Susan, thanks for coming on. I love it when you pop on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was excited to make it today. I like it when you pop on and not pop off. Yeah. I hate it when people pop off.
Starting point is 02:40:23 It's kind of like weird when people are on for a while and then leave i know that's why i don't get in a lot of times when i have a little bit of time before the fire department because it's so and it's always tough for me to leave too it's nuanced when people leave but like there's like a weird like like an energy breakup and you got to kind of bring it back together it's weird yeah yeah for sure all right um lots going on uh tons of great guests like i said daniel brandon carl saunders sarah sugan's daughter angela de chico uh and more oh what's up uh oh they're awesome so they are J.R. and... Wow, J.R. just sent me a picture of his setup.
Starting point is 02:41:07 He's on the road. Fuck, his setup's nice. Okay, so J.R. and Taylor are going on today. That is... Okay, like you said. Yeah, they'll be on less than an hour my wife sent me a text saying today's black friday i don't think my wife's ever said anything to me like that maybe she's thinking because of the sponsors and stuff oh or she wants a new tv
Starting point is 02:41:46 oh i want a new tv today would be the day to do it maybe the cyber monday oh oh oh uh let me let me also reiterate this for those of you who don't do not know
Starting point is 02:42:02 today is the only day you can get the tea from paper street coffee buy one 40 bag of tea from paper street coffee and get two for free so it's 120 worth of tea for so insane christmas gifts insane i know it doesn't say the sales on there but once you put them in the cart, you'll see it. Those are the 4-ounce bags. You want to get the 7-ounce bags. It's only on the 7-ounce bags.
Starting point is 02:42:37 Then, on Cyber Monday, you can buy a $150 gift certificate for only $50. so you buy a gift certificate from paper street coffee for 50 bucks and when you get it it'll be worth 150 bucks nice so we try to let's try to put gabe out of business oh shit i just bought a second pair of savage ones yeah they're great you're gonna love them those are 30 off too oh so are we getting the seven podcast memberships
Starting point is 02:43:07 do you know how that works do you know what the fuck they're talking about did you explain it to me a month ago yes and um we had some help with some really cool stuff too when you explained it to me did you understand what you were explaining or were you pretending no i i got it okay good well that's yeah because it was explained to me oh yeah i mean i'm explaining shit i have no fucking idea what i'm talking about i'm like okay i understand this by the time i get to the end and we got some we actually already have cool stuff in there i really don't know why two plus two is four is uh i think it's racist too but i just pretend like it's not so i fit in with you guys yeah good job thank you do you make it yeah
Starting point is 02:43:46 why can't it be five huh fuck you i could say whatever i want dude i'm at fucking pizza the other day my kid's fucking birthday party i'm sitting at a fucking table and the table next to me there's a fucking girl who's 20 and a boy who's 20 he's got a tattoo on his neck she's got the septum ring and she's explaining to her boyfriend when it is and isn't appropriate that she calls her mom a bitch yeah if my mom does this i call her a dumb bitch but it's not always cool to call your mom a dumb bitch i'm like what is wrong with people jesus wow okay so are we going to launch the um the
Starting point is 02:44:36 seven podcast membership yeah yeah you can do it you can just push a button and it goes pretty sure do you have some hesitations to do it not on doing it but on our timing oh okay you'll explain to me what that means yeah okay alright love you guys talk to you guys soon buh bye

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