The Sevan Podcast - Jimmy Watson - SEAL, BLACK WATER, MARINE, MILLIONAIRE - International Man of Charisma

Episode Date: April 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:10 you know what's a trip jimmy um how uh the internet lets you see how close everyone is to everyone um i worked with andy for like i don't know 10 years over at crossfit inc i worked very closely with them and i had patrick bed david on the podcast before and um of course i saw the mcafee documentary and i'm a huge ufc fan and a huge uh sean strickland fan and uh but but and that's kind of how you popped on my radar, right? I saw the back and forth between you and Sean Strickland. And I was actually just thoroughly impressed on how you handled Andy and Sean. I thought you were just incredibly respectful. I thought that you're, you had incredibly salient points about your jobs. You know, you and you and Sean have two totally different jobs.
Starting point is 00:02:07 You pointed out that he had, you know, you're both out there to kill people, but he got a referee and you don't. And it was, it was just, it was just, it was just fascinating.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And then Andy, the apology, that whole thing. But then after all of that, so I reached out to you and I'm like, Hey, I'd love to have you on the podcast. And then of course I was just like, holy shit, this guy is the – you have like a Forrest Gump life.
Starting point is 00:02:32 You have the wildest life. I cannot even believe. I cannot even – how old are you? I'm 43, but the FBI took three years away. Well, really 15 years away from me. So technically I like to say I'm 40, but I'm actually 43. Yeah. What a, what you've done so much and you're still so young. And then, and then of course the, the, the final kind of the final bit, and I'm going to jump to the end, but then I'd like to go all the way back to the beginning, if you don't mind. final bit and I'm going to jump to the end, but then I'd like to go all the way back to the beginning if you don't mind. And then finally, then you had a, uh, uh, come to Jesus moment
Starting point is 00:03:08 and you have a great story of like, Hey, a rock bottom moment of, uh, uh, God. Okay. I'm ready. Save me. Like I've, I'm, I'm, I'm done. And you, and you, and you tap and you tapped to, uh, you know, you hit that point where, um where man drops to one knee and looks to the heavens and is like, all right, I surrender. So thanks for doing this. I can't imagine having enough time in 24 hours to get through this. But before I start, and I want to go back to all the way where you were born and who your parents are. Has anyone ever reached out to you to write a script it would be a an incredible uh it would be an incredible movie like almost like unbelievable like hey you tried to stuff too much into this movie yeah I appreciate that brother uh I've had um I I don't even know how many people say, dude, where's your book?
Starting point is 00:04:05 You know, and I just hesitated on the book because I wanted to be done right and authentically. And you have to be in the mindset to get the entire story out, you know. And I was working with an international bestseller, uh, writing the Maxie story. Um, he unfortunately had a, a heart attack, uh, in the middle of writing it while I, while I was on house arrest for a year and a half, uh, when the time is right, the book will come out. But if you really have a real story, right?
Starting point is 00:04:48 really have a real story, right? People write a book about you. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jesus. Those are the real heroes, right? Real heroes, they have books written about them. Maxie, a lot of people would say they didn't like, or many people loved it, you know, and he didn't believe in writing a book either. When the time is right, I would love to be able to get the message out. What am I selling other than my mighty warrior Touchpoint Nation and getting paid for this shirt right now. You know, what am I really selling? It's what God can do in an absolute broken man's life. I remain extremely vulnerable, brother, because if I don't, if I tell you and your audience the PG-13 story of my life, then it's just completely disingenuine. And it does nobody anything. It's like, look at how cool I am, the lone survivor, you know, how many confirmed kills I have, which is impossible to know, by the way, all these different things. Forget all that BS.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Let's talk about real life, what you and I have gone through, what men are going through out there, what all people are going through out there. I had to come to a point where I was face down in my carpet in my house on house arrest, just distraught, not because I had been caught and going to prison for 15 years, but because I never planned it to go like that. None of us were human beings, for God's sake. None of us ever planned to get where we were, whether that be super successful. There's a lot of strategy involved, these things, but there's a lot of luck going on. There's a lot of strategy involved in these things, but there's a lot of luck going on.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You know, we're – being a CEO, being this certain CEO, I was standing on – I'm standing on shoulders of giants to get there. I take no credit for what I've done good, but I'm very self-critical of what I've done wrong in my life, And I have many regrets, brother. In defense of wanting to see the whole movie with the gun, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and violence, all of that is important in the context of where you ended up. And I could just, I mean, I could literally see, for as superficial as this sounds, your life as part one, part two, part three blockbuster series. You know what I mean? Like this summer, the life story of Jimmy Watson played by blah, blah, blah. I mean, it's, it's, it's, we'll let the people decide. It is absolutely, I mean, just the places you end up are crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Okay, let's start. I mean just the places you end up are crazy Okay let's start Jimmy Watson 43 years old officially By rotations around the sun But in his head he's 40 Where were you born? I was born in Milchew, Texas
Starting point is 00:07:57 Lee Horsley Was born from there Maybe a couple other Famous people But it's such a small town you know super maybe like a thousand people when i was there i was born uh stoplight you got a stoplight we have we had three stoplights okay so so small that you could count the stoplights exactly and uh never made it to high school. Parents pulled me out. I dropped out at, I think, 14 years old.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Mom and dad were together? Mom and dad were together. My dad was a Texas judge, petroleum technology degree, theology degree, Southern Baptist preacher, rancher of about, I think it was a little under 2,000 acres, but it was dry land, and the place was just going bankrupt. We lived in between a dairy and a feedlot, so I was born in West Texas. And why were you pulled out of school at 14? I mean, I was just wild. I never understood why we were in school. I just, and that's why I related to McPhee so much.
Starting point is 00:09:12 He said, you know, you don't need a freaking degree. With Google, unless it's a technical situation, a lawyer, a doctor, you don't necessarily need a degree to make millions and millions of dollars. You can find out something you want to do and Google it and travel down that Google road as far and wide as it can take you. There's no excuses in this life when it comes to that aspect of what we're talking about. But why I got out of school, I had severe ADHD and I wasn't picking up what the other kids were picking up. And it was just a matter of I always questioned why. I was always questioning, well, why do we have to do this?
Starting point is 00:09:59 I just I want to go play war outside, you know, maybe a little delusional watching too many movies and and and my perspective has drastically changed over the years uh from wanting to jump on a grenade being the marine that that jumps on the barbed wire and everybody runs across their back that kind of bravado isms and stuff and that kind of patriotism to taking a step back and going, my God, you know, what were we doing in Iraq? I just, I, I, when I was at James Healy veterans hospital, I pinned on a napkin, you know, war is no match for her aftermath. Cause it was one of the darkest places in my life. And,
Starting point is 00:10:41 and people talk about war being bad. The aftermath of war is a thousand times worse, right? So why I got out of school is that I was fed up. I got in trouble all the time because I just questioned why. And your mom, what did she do? My mom was a court reporter, extremely loving mom, loving parents. You know, I can't say that I had a bad childhood. When they would let me out of school, I would just daydream. I would just stare out the window. I can remember I served the record in detention hall. I had 99 days in detention hall eating peanut butter and two slices of bread every single day for lunch. And I had to stay in this detention hall.
Starting point is 00:11:33 You know, that's where they were still giving dudes swats back in the day with a long paddle. And I had the record of swats for sure. And I just stayed in. Who would do the hitting? Who would do the hitting who would do the hitting where would they hit you on your hands or your butt bro straight up this guy named coach sisson his name was coach sisson and he was the wood shop the worst combination a coach in texas of six man football and a wood shop teacher the wood shop teacher was always an asshole and he and he knew how to make the worst paddles with like drilled holes in it i mean you know you think of this now it sounds crazy
Starting point is 00:12:11 but they would they would make us bend over on a chair like grab a chair yeah and and and to make sure we didn't they didn't hit the tailbone and i always said they hit me i always told them they hit me in the tailbone and it was kind of scare them you know but you know and then you gotta be tricky and uh and I'd have these little uh you know track silkies on which I really never let those go you know in the seals you know you got the silkies and the marines you got the green silkies I don't know why they make you wear those and it was pretty comfortable but when you're getting smacked by it I mean he would haul off with two hands as hard as you could nail you one time my little brother got hit before me and he fell into the locker he hit his head in the locker it was so loud I started laughing and mine was brutal after that me and him walked out after
Starting point is 00:13:04 that we couldn't run the cross country after that and Me and him walked out after that. We couldn't run the cross country after that. And we were laughing and crying at the same time because it left this massive red welt on your ass. And that was legit? Legit. And how many siblings do you have? Hello, you've reached the phone of Jimmy Watson.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's busy on a podcast right now. He'll call you back shortly after he's done telling his life story. Hi. Was that your girlfriend calling? Was that your girlfriend calling you? It was one of my team members. I don't know. I think he knows I'm on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:40 It's on silent. I don't know what happened there. It's okay. Sorry about that. No, no, I like it. It's fun. It allows me to make fun of you when you're not on the screen um i i knew you were making fun of me people do that all the time okay how many siblings i have um three well my little
Starting point is 00:13:57 brother died yeah but i have i have a sister holy shit i'll I'll add that to the list. Wow. So there were three of you all together or three besides you? Two siblings. Two siblings and one of them passed. And one of them passed, yeah. And are both your parents still alive? Both of my parents are still alive, yeah. So already we kind of understand what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Dad was extremely intelligent and a great speaker. Mom had a beautiful temperament with lots of love. And you kind of exude all of that already just in the short internet clips that we've seen of you. Anyone who wants to say anything bad about you, they can't say that you don't exude patience, sincerity, and a great temperament. We've seen that in how you dealt with Sean and how you dealt with Andy. Andy, you're a great speaker. You have an enormous vocabulary, and you're a bit of a poet the way you juxtapose words like you would imagine your dad who's a judge and a theologian. Well, also, I welcome the negativity as well, brother. I receive a lot on social media. And just like McAfee always said you know good news
Starting point is 00:15:05 is bad news bad news is good news it really doesn't matter pt barnum said that i've learned that over the years and i welcome it because i welcome certain judgment and things because it's what makes us human and a lot of times that you, people are just projectors of their own heart when they bring hate, you know, of course. Well said. Yes. Yes. And would you say that you're a bit of an alchemist also in terms of the fact when you take negativity? But like as it enters you, you're able to I don't know what the word is, transmuted or I don't know what the word is, but turn it into positive energy. or I don't know what the word is, but turn it into positive energy? Yeah, it could be. Maybe, who knows?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Is it narcissism or is it delusional confidence? Okay. Or is it... I like to think of it as alchemy, but I have those other two also, a bit of those other two also maybe. Yeah, exactly. Or is it just taking the negativity as a sign that you're doing something right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:15 When they take your video down, when they take your videos down, per se, on YouTube or whatever that be. Because you said some things that many others are saying, but they're embedded with certain individuals and others are pulling the strings. And so what is it? So I look at things, I look at negativity as a situation for me to grow, right? Right. When you leave school, is it your choice or do your parents pull you out or do you get kicked out? By the way, congratulations on having the record. It sounds like the 99 swats. You were already an overachiever. Not 99 swats, but 99 days in detention. Detention, okay. And I asked them for an extra day to make it 100, but I was able to memorize all the presidents of the United States. I had a great time in there after a while.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Do you still know that? Heck no. the united states i had a great time in there you know after a while you know do you still know that heck no oh i was gonna say because i used to know all the states and all the capitals and i forgot that too it's a shame but knowing the presidents in order is it would be pretty cool i kind of want to make my have my kids know that yeah it would be amazing but you know it allows you knowing that's important because what allows you to do is it allows you to contextualize so many other things people are like hey memorization stupid you don't you to do is it allows you to contextualize so many other things. People are like, hey, memorization is stupid. You don't have to do it. But when you know all the presidents from the first to the end and if you could know the years they were president, when people say anything about history, it would allow you to contextualize it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And context is fucking everything. It's where all of our superintelligence comes from. Or maybe not where superintelligence comes from but prevents us from being stupid and being cheap, allowing us to put things in context. So many people don't put things in context, and because of that, they get duped. Okay, so why do you leave school? Who pulls you out? Well, it was kind of a mutual agreement. I wanted to leave school.
Starting point is 00:18:03 My parents just basically went down to the principal and said, hey, this just ain't working out. Jimmy's just a different guy. You know, he obviously can make the good grades, but he really just doesn't want to because he's questioning. So we're just going to pull him out. And so that was not the best option for me because then my dad just worked my ass off on the West Texas farm, drove tractor all the time, shot a lot of little varmints on his field, which made me a great shot later on in the military. I never had trouble. That was great. But then my mom sent me to a place called Texas Bible Institute when I was 15 years old. And what was I?
Starting point is 00:18:51 I was 14 or 15. I think I turned 15 in Texas Bible Institute, Texas Bible College. My mom tricked me because I was a little wild. And she told me that I was going to a summer camp in Austin, Texas. It's near Austin. And brother, that's where I started to really feel the pain train when I was young and went there and ended up doing over a year there. My mom said I was originally going for two weeks she sends me there after the two weeks is done and I'm cleaning man I'm
Starting point is 00:19:33 not even joking you they had tons of toilets like lined up and like probably a hundred toilets and I would clean those multiple times a day and i i um really i i probably had the record in cleaning toilets which later helped me in the marines so you were setting all sorts of records most days in detention most toilets cleaned yeah 45 45 seconds to clean a toilet is what i could do you know that's that's flushing it and throwing the stuff down the toilet at the same time to get 40, 45, maybe 40 seconds to clean a toilet. And they worked you. They worked you hard there. Hey, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So there's another sign right there. So how you do anything is how you do everything. It's funny. I was a cashier for a while before they had scanners. thing is how you do everything it's funny i was a cashier for a while before they had scanners and my goal was always to be the fastest cashier there with the most accurate drawer at all times and and you were cleaning yeah and like and i wanted like i just wanted to move my fingers fast and i wanted everyone to get through the line i always was competing with the people around me to have my line move the fastest and and i always wanted to like punt people like who thought
Starting point is 00:20:45 they were getting into a shorter line because my line was too long i always like had it out for them like all right fuck you watch this my guy in the back's gonna pass you're gonna be like i chose the wrong line and so you did that with toilets you were like hey fuck it i'm gonna be the best at what i fucking do yeah and i really excelled there you know because i really i i uh enjoyed the work you know i felt like it was kind of military disciplined and and man i can clean a toilet brother and it was all day every day until i got a staph infection and what you're talking about oh that's a great that's good like it was like jobe in Bible, you know? The hazards of the job.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Before we talk about the staph infection, I want to apologize on behalf of my listeners. They're already judging you, I mean, harshly. Jake Chapman, I bet you Jimmy has a giant hog. I'm sorry. They're judging your genitalia. I'm sure Jimmy votes for Biden. I'm sure Jimmy votes for Biden. I mean, this is a mean fucking crowd.
Starting point is 00:21:45 OK, that that thing about a big hog is a freaking lie. Let me tell you that. And that pisses me off right there. By the way, I did read an article where you you while you were fighting in a big gunfight, you were also wearing a catheter because of a penis injury you um took on in a previous altercation and i can't wait to get to that story but let's save that um you you did you have a penis crushing incident i i had a major crush incident i i wasn't in a gunfight with the catheter in i was in a gunfight with a an ivn and the needle was bent because we had been drinking the whole night before but i definitely got my i think the penis getting caught in the belt sander crush incident is a great story enough you know okay you don't have
Starting point is 00:22:37 to be in a gunfight after your penis gets crushed in a belt sander you know it doesn't matter after that it's so funny because i was going back and reading some of like the trials you've had to testify in and there's a note in there and his penis was crushed and i'm like how the fuck where how does that come okay uh so a staff and cleaning uh 15 years old at the bible institute cleaning toilets and you get a staff infection that's right yeah Yeah. And what is that? That's like those things that my kids are always trying to avoid those on the jiu-jitsu mats, right?
Starting point is 00:23:09 That's like you get a tear and like it starts festering. Well, you know, guys would get those in buds. And it was like a nightmare because I was like, God, I don't want those again. I had had those for a long time. And all this medicine didn't work. And they would just be these massive boils on me at this Texas Bible Institute and 15 years old you know from cleaning all these toilets and
Starting point is 00:23:33 one time I had one on the back of my head and I lost my hair back here and it finally just festered and it popped and this girl And this girl was sitting behind me. And I mean, you talk about ruining all chances of any dating at Texas Bible Institute after that. Hey, it's like you did Job while you were there. You lived Job. It was Job, dude, at 15 years old, man. I remember, I remember being in high school and having really bad dandruff and just being so bummed that the hot chick was sitting behind me and she could just see it all on my shoulder. You had a fucking...
Starting point is 00:24:13 I feel better. I feel better knowing you had a giant staph infection. Okay, so let me guess. You get kicked out of this place. No. Come on, man. Everybody thinks I'm a bad guy. I didn't get kicked out. this place. No, come on. Everybody thinks I'm a bad guy. Like I didn't get kicked out. I actually graduated there. It was a great time after, of course, after the staff
Starting point is 00:24:32 infection was cleared up, uh, uh, through natural remedies, echinacea and some stuff like that. But, um, no, you know, um, I had, I had a goal to, uh, do thes. I wanted to do the SEALs. And so I was always training even there, you know, at 15 years old. What did that look like? Tell me what your training looked like at 15. Were you already stout, Jimmy? No. No.
Starting point is 00:24:56 No. At TBI, you know, I have these boils and stuff. I'm this scrawny little kid. I mean, if you saw me at 15, you're unrecognizable, like scrawny, you know, six, one, six foot one, and just maybe I, I, one 45, one 40 pounds. And, um, and that's at 15, almost through 18 years old, super skinny guy. Um, but I wanted to be big, like the other guys, you know, and I, and I remember these couple muscled up dudes that were there from Canada and they had a bar with some center blocks on it,
Starting point is 00:25:32 like prison style. And they're pumping out and I'd always be like, Hey, let me in there. And they would laugh at me and be like, dude, come on, bro. One time I went in there, I was pissed off, you know? And I went in there with a, I think it was the medium white shirt, and I held it up, and I said, you see this, and they were like, yeah, what's up, I said, I'm gonna feel this out one day, they laughed, man, so hard at me, bro, and I was like, I'm gonna show them, right, you know, And so I would do all kinds of just sets. No really routine, but I would always be lifting, always do pushups. I would run.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I had a backpack. I feel, I can't remember what I filled it with, but it was heavy. And I would run down their dirt roads there at TBI quite often in the middle of the summer uh in the humidity it's hot there hot did you had you had any girlfriends up to this point in your life yes i had a couple i had a couple girlfriends you know um i don't know about girlfriends had you fallen in love had you fallen in love with any of them had your heart broken yet no no no no and and not my concern you know not my concern the military is is was my only concern. When did you know you were going to go into the military? How old were you?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Brother, when I was eight years old, I had an aunt say, little Jimmy, what do you was that a reunion in Texas? We have these big family reunions in Texas. And I and she said, Jimmy, Jimmy little Jimmy what do you want to do when you grow up and I just I mean automatically systematically said Navy SEAL I want to be a SEAL I don't know where I got that I don't know where I got that but I always felt like I was predestined to serve who knows maybe I watched movies. Maybe my parents sent me in front of the platoon and all those different shows at a very young age. And who knows where I got that? But I had this desire. And you know what it was, brother? When you are a kid like me that didn't do good in school, that asks why all all the time but you love the outdoors i
Starting point is 00:27:47 love digging foxholes playing war with my little brother with sticks and stuff and and when you do that and when you were on a big farm like i was and you had free ranch you know um i i can remember looking up to the sky and and knowing that there was a higher power of something and saying, thank you for this. Like, I'm just, I didn't understand freedom. I didn't understand these type of things, but I was so thankful for that. I was actually willing to basically die for that so others could experience that. That's kind of the mindset I had when I was younger, especially going into the Marines at such a young age. Was that a euphoric feeling as a kid?
Starting point is 00:28:29 No euphoria. No. No. Just thankful. Just thankful. Hey, when you left the Bible Institute, were you more of a believer or less of a believer? Did that education bring you closer to God or further, take you further from God? More, more of a believer. More of a believer. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I, I spoke, they spoke
Starting point is 00:28:52 about, um, uh, being anxious free in every aspect of your life. Don't worry about anything. It's harder to do that when you're older guys like us. Right. But, but I was 15. So it was pretty easy for me to grasp this concept. And when I started doing that, um, it seemed like life was just so much easier is when I was just, I just committed every single day was a challenge at first, but to just not worry about anything, you know, there's this, um, saying we've all heard it the truth sets you free and i noticed this nuance earlier when i said that you had been hit 99 times and you corrected the record to say no i wasn't hit 99 times i was um in detention 99 times and it's interesting because those people who set to tell the truth that's how you set your free that's how you get
Starting point is 00:29:44 free and that's how you get free and that's how you get free from anxiousness right to just live it to just to live an honest life is like the way to do it yeah yeah yeah because i've been doing the social media thing for what three years since house arrest and if i say anything like if it's exaggeration or you know you slip and because you're telling a story and sometimes you know, a minute or two to tell it three minutes. Yeah. You're trying to get gather people's attention, you know, to deliver your message about God, how he saved you, whatever. And you slip and you say something incorrect and then you get called out on it later on. You're constantly trying to correct yourself and iron yourself out so you don't make those missteps again.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I appreciate it. It's so good. Okay, so when you graduate from – when you're at the Bible Institute, you live there on campus. Oh, yeah. Live there in a – what would equate to like a barracks in the Marine Corps not a Quonset hut, not an A-frame but
Starting point is 00:30:48 four bunk beds in each room in this long long building and at this point in your life, how old are you when you graduate from there? 15. Oh wow at this point in your life have you made any enduring friendships?
Starting point is 00:31:07 A couple buddies there, but nothing too crazy. And I lost contact with them over the years. Yeah. Okay. And why do you get out at 15? Doesn't high school get out like at 17 or 18 or something like that? No, because technically the Texas Bible Institute, or college, I think they call it, wasn't accredited. And so basically you're just going there for the education without getting anything for it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I think later on they accredited. But while I was there, I think one of the most monumental times of my life was when I got a GED. You got it there? Yeah, I got a GED because I got it there yeah I got the GED there I you know studied on on my on my off time and took the test there somewhere in Texas and got the GED uh graduated there and came back home and then started my journey to join the SEALs, which I probably was near 16 at the time. And tell me about that. So you get out, and they won't take you when you're 16, right? Didn't you go into the Marines? Went to the Marine Corps, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And they wouldn't take you when you're 16, would they? No, I was praying they would. I asked the recruiter, he said, dude, get out of here. Come back in a year, man, you know? He says, if you want to come in at 17 years old, you're going to have to check off this list. And I said, dude, get out of here. Come back in a year, man. He says, if you want to come in at 17 years old, you're going to have to check off this list. And I said, bring it. He says, you're going to have to get your parents' signature first. And then you're going to have to get, I think it was 17 credits in school. And I was terrified of school because I had such a bad experience with teachers and and
Starting point is 00:32:45 and the whole thing and so I was kind of like a a whoop dog I was kind of scared of school and so I was like oh no how am I going to do this and my dad being the very smart guy he was he said just take 17 one credit classes of golly water aerobics, weightlifting. I can't remember, pottery, you know, just basic, basic courses. Took those 17 credits with the GED, with 17 credits, with my parents' signature, was allowed to join. And so you did that for your 16th year on planet Earth. That's what you did. You worked to get those 17 credits? Yeah, My, I worked my, my butt off at a city college at Clovis community
Starting point is 00:33:31 college in New Mexico. And I, and man, I, I trained so hard there. It was a great time to train because they were all physical classes. Right. Um, and I also, i also um my my goal was to do the seals by the way but um that was just an impossibility at that age and then i actually did my own test scores the pst the physical standards test with the seals and i wasn't even close i mean my body just wasn't handling even the the minimum scores and of course without any formal education i i had to i had uh the asbab was terrible i think i i mean it was embarrassing how low my asbab my what's the as what. What's that? What's an ASVAB? The ASVAB is the written examination
Starting point is 00:34:27 that certain scores off that ASVAB are what gets you in to certain jobs. And so I was like, man, I got to go to the Marine Corps, man, and do some... I was a realist.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You know, I was like, I you know i was like i gotta mature i gotta mature physically i gotta mature uh mentally intellectually all that uh the asvab is a standardized test that reveals areas of strength and ability in science math language taking the test is one of the first steps before you enlist once it's over you'll get to find a job that matches up your strengths okay just like what you enlist. Once it's over, you'll get to find a job that matches up your strengths. Okay. Just like what you said. And it's interesting. So already at a young age, you're showing a keen sense of self-awareness and honesty with yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Go ahead. Go ahead. I was very self-critical. I don't know where it came from. Probably because I was so frustrated you know I had this a smaller stature you know uh you know uh couldn't put on any muscle super unathletic brother man you can't even imagine how unathletic I was my parents asked my parents begged the high school or the junior high, which they were high school and junior high coaches, Coach Sisson, I think it was, the same guy that was beating me. They begged him
Starting point is 00:35:56 to play me for one game on the football team. And he said, ma''am i would get fired from this school district if i played jimmy just one time i saw him years later after being in the seals and everything at a restaurant and walked by and i was like what's up brother you know one of those things and he's like i don't know you man get away from me you know uh But anyways, you know, I had to prove myself. You know, I had to prove myself to the world, you know. And I've realized since then, obviously, there's no proving yourself to the world. No one cares. It's a war against yourself.
Starting point is 00:36:39 It's a race against yourself. And so it's all about not seeking external validation. I mean, look at my career path, brother. You got Marines, Blackwater, SEALs, and it goes on and on. And what that was is really, isn't it seeking validation? I mean, deep down psychologically, isn't it kind of seeking external validation? Now, some would argue that we definitely need external validation. I mean, what else is there? That's why people go for wealth is because it gets the hot girl, the Lamborghini, all this stuff. It's all validation, validation, validation, validation. If you don't put out a viral video, okay, you're likely going to stop doing it because it's not validating. It's not validating your purpose. I respect guys that send out videos about God that's two or three views,
Starting point is 00:37:38 and they keep doing it. That guy has resilience in my mind. But a lot of us are seeking validation And it's a fight That we have to win in our life And the only validation That we should ever seek Is from God Because he is the only one That can truly give us Validation
Starting point is 00:37:59 I don't want to say this And sound defensive at all So if I do, fuck it, I'm defensive. Please do. But you come out of the vagina, and then you need to find a way to make your way to the breast and get fed. And you need to get valid, and you need to impress those two people and fit in line with them so that one of them will protect you from bears, right? And one of them will feed you. fit in line with them so that one of them will protect you from bears, right? And one of them will feed you. And so, and I'm not justifying, as you mature and get closer to enlightenment,
Starting point is 00:38:29 you have your mindset. But as we're born into this body, there are these things that we, that are built into us as survival mechanisms for that validation. So as my sister would say, I give anyone grace who's on the journey and is seeking validation. But as you say, that's not the destination. There is never enough validation. Eventually, you surrender to that chase and you start on the path that you're on, right? The self-acceptance, doing God's work, stuff like that. I would agree with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Because we're trying to keep this thing alive, right? We're trying to keep this thing alive Right we're trying to like The the the the body we're trying To figure out we're trying to keep the body Alive yeah of course and you've Got it you've got to have some There's got to be juice to squeeze out of the Orange I mean you know
Starting point is 00:39:17 The when things come to us Wealth success Certain titles and stuff That's great As long as we're not holding on to that as if we as if it's taken away then we'll crumble to pieces and die now if if it can be taken away okay then man that's not seeking validation you You're on the right path. I would love to... Values, dude. You just define values.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I'm at 45. I started finding values. Or at 50. I don't know. But you just describe values. No one can take your values from you. Right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:57 You just describe values. It's like your values scream when you respond to Sean and Andy. You're staying true to your values. You're not like attacking them. You're not being an asshole to them. You're not like you stay true to who you are. Mother Teresa said, don't be nice to people because they're nice to you. Be nice to people because you're a nice person.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Because those are your values. Yeah. And when you put a price on it, like I heard this the other day, put a price. Like what? What is your price? Is it $10 million and you would go do this weird thing? Like my uncle, he was a homicide detective for 30 years. Integrity, Texas Ranger type guy, not a Texas Ranger, but that kind of, you know, white cowboy hat, belt buckle detective for 30 years.
Starting point is 00:40:42 that belt buckle detective for 30 years. But he even said once, after 30 years of homicide, he said, every guy, every man has his price, Jim. Never forget that. Every man has his price. And I always liked, and I always was disgusted into that, but had to accept it as reality that, dang, that sucks, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I mean, that's a terrible notion to think that for $10 million, no way I'm not doing that. For $20 million? Yeah. I'll drink a can of Coke right here on the air and tell you it's good for you for 20 mil. I'll eat that scorpion right now. I don't care. I'll go fight Sean Strickland. And get smoked in you know um but who is that man that has no price it's it's it's in when in when we can define our values as having no price that is the only time i believe personally brother that we can truly say we live by an ethos, a true system of values that no one can break. Can I say 100% about this? No, because if I told you yes, it would be a possible lie for everybody.
Starting point is 00:41:56 We don't know because we don't know. Because I can say yes to you that I have zero, you know, there's no price, right? But then a briefcase comes with $100 million and off the show, and does Jimmy still have the integrity and fortitude to not break that major value? Now, for God, for Jesus, my beliefs in him, because he really did meet me, then no, there's no price on that. I actually have a friend who said that they said, hey, I would never do this even if someone gave me a million bucks. And then two years later, someone gave him $200,000 and he did it.
Starting point is 00:42:41 That's a little broke. Yeah. But I don't hate the dude for it, i just thought it was interesting i was like wow make note never never claim you won't do something for a million bucks well and the sad thing is it's generally for free that people break their moral code it's not even for money we it's not even touching that aspect of life good point they're cheaper than they think they are okay so so you, so you're 16. Why do you go to New Mexico if your parents are in Texas?
Starting point is 00:43:09 Why do you do junior college there? Who pays for that? So I go back to the old West Texas farm. My mom was a court reporter in Clovis, New Mexico. Do they have the house there? No. There was a community college right on the border. I mean, they're super close. Like you're driving here in Miami, 20 minutes away, right? And so
Starting point is 00:43:33 it was a quick drive. I had some baby calves that I raised on the farm. I had a little cheese here and there, but not enough to afford a small little one-bedroom apartment. So my mom, God bless her soul, footed that bill, my mom and dad. And I think they let me borrow their car. And I just drove maybe a three-minute drive to the community college and back to my apartment right there on 7th Street every single day., I mean, you're taking 17 credits, one college credit course. You're there all day at the college. You ain't got no time for nothing. And then you turn 17 and you just go straight back to the recruiter
Starting point is 00:44:17 with your 17 credits? I was barely 17 with maybe, yeah, it might have been 18 credits, whatever. But I was barely 17 with maybe yeah it might have been 18 credits whatever and uh but i was barely 17 my parents signed me in and i was off to boot camp brother and when i got to boot camp one of the first things they asked after our little breakout and they're just screaming at you those marine corps jewel searchers are screaming literally at the top of their lungs some of them have messed up their vocal cords or something they sound like a bullfrog like and you're just like dude calm the freak down bro and you don't think they're gonna do that but they do it for the whole three months you're there in mcrd i was i was in west coast and one of the
Starting point is 00:45:03 first things they said was when they were kicking our stuff at the very beginning and throwing our stuff and acting crazy, I didn't think they could get physical with us. I thought, okay, they can't touch us. So whatever. And I was always mouthy, you know, when I was a kid, you know, and small stature, but lion's heart. I got beat up a lot, but you know, I didn't, it's like, I didn't care. beat up a lot, but, you know, it's like I didn't care. It was weird. And so, you know, they're throwing our stuff around, and this general instructor all of a sudden was like,
Starting point is 00:45:31 who's the youngest Marine in here? And I just knew I was. And I just raised my hand like this, and he came over there and socked me in the stomach. Like grabbed me and just one of these about like this like like that and man i fell over my footlocker and i thought i ain't ever thinking that again this is a this is another place you know um and so you're there when you say uh west coast that's camp pendleton uh it's it's mcrd marine corps recruit depot and what's what city is that where is that in It's MCRD, Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And what city is that? Where is that? In California? That's in San Diego. If you ever landed there right there in San Diego, you'll see the MCRD. And when you're on the other side of the fence, all you can hear is little sniffles and crying going on at night and those airplanes going back and forth wishing you were on one of them. Another fantastic comment. A gay gentleman offered me $2,000 for him to suck my dick. Oh, I don't know. But I said no. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Okay. Sure. Sure. No one believes you, Seth. Yeah said i'm sorry man i started to say that but i just don't okay uh so um you go through that three months and then what happens to you after that you get deployed somewhere you you what what three months in mcrd no yeah what year is this what year is this? 99. Was it 98 or 99? It was January 4th
Starting point is 00:47:10 of 1999. So just barely 99. Yeah, January 5th. Yeah. And go straight to, straight from Marine Corps boot camp to Camp Pivot in California, Camp Horno.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I think Horno means oven, brother. Okay. I'm sorry, back up. I was 03-11, so in order to be an 03-11 qualified, I had to go to, man, you're putting me on the iron today to remember all this. It's the spirit. I don't care if you drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari. If you got them confused, I just know you drive a fast car.
Starting point is 00:47:48 No, no, no. So back then it was 0311 School. They've called it several different things. Anyways, that was in, what is it? It was real close to Horno, right down the road. And I didn't want to go to – I wanted to go somewhere. I thought I was going to go somewhere cool after that. You know, maybe Okinawa.
Starting point is 00:48:11 They drove us in a bus right after that straight to Camp Horno, man. That's an 0311. And 0311, that's some sort of – Infantry. Okay. And so you're in the infantry And the training continues The training continues man
Starting point is 00:48:29 When I was in infantry School They You're shooting machine guns You're doing these range runs all the time And they're kind of beating you a little bit But while I was there, a recon guy came over. And he had the gold jump wings and the silver.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And he walked in and he said, who wants to volunteer for recon? And I was like, now is my chance. But I was scared because nobody stood up. You know, we follow the crowd too much, you know. And I remember I went to stand up. I started going just in my buddy's grab. He goes, bro, what are you doing? They're going to drown you there.
Starting point is 00:49:10 They're going to do crazy stuff. You sit down. What are you doing? And I just, I was like, yeah, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Screw that, you know. And so that was my opportunity to volunteer for that. And then another guy came in who was the next Forest Recon guy and said that they needed volunteers for what they called
Starting point is 00:49:27 a security platoon or trailer platoon and they were allowing him to stand up this platoon along with the Scout Sniper State Platoon and basically what we did was it was kind of a glorified ranger i don't know it was it was following force around uh doing gas oil platform takedowns doing visibor surge and seizure um i don't know what any of those are but i i assume it's a kind of violent it was cool it was cool but it wasn't as sexy as it sounds because we had the old long m16s you know a, A1s, A2s, A2s. And so, but I thought it was cool, you know, in this smaller unit. I wasn't with the big other companies, you know. But I was in 1st Marines, 1st Division, and I was in 1st Marines, 3rd Division.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Sorry, 1st Marines, Division 1-1 and 3-1. And how long do you stay at Camp Pendleton? I was there for four years And so you were there when 9-11 happened Oh yeah man, yeah In fact I told my dad before I went into the Marine Corps I was just joining to go to war And my dad said, son, hold on
Starting point is 00:50:43 He said make no mistake, there are no more wars it's all pushed by button don't you guys remember that before 9-11 and we couldn't even you know vietnam you know we couldn't imagine going to another vietnam sending actual foot soldiers everybody always thought it was missile that's why 9-11 was such a shocker whether you think that the terrorists did it or not that it was a shocker, right? Well, someone did it. We know someone did it. Someone did it, guys.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Someone did it. All right? And so... They didn't fall down on their own. No. And I'll tell you what, brother. I was on deployment on the USS Peleliu, and that's before 9-11.
Starting point is 00:51:27 And while I was on deployment for the USS Peleliu, the USS Cole bombing – I hope you have a picture of that. The USS Cole bomb happened in Yemen, in the Yemen harbor in Aden, Gulf of Aden. Oh, shit. The USS Peleliu is an aircraft carrier? Yeah, it's an lha carries helicopters and harriers at the time yeah jeez louise that thing is crazy dude i'll i'll pull up the coal too what a what a that's an old ass boat huh uss coal yeah they they uh i actually i was on the tarwa uh the very first one But they're the same thing
Starting point is 00:52:05 The Pelelu is what I was on When we went to Afghanistan And that's what I I was on a deployment when 9-11 happened Where do all the dudes hang out? They're just down here underneath this runway? Everyone's down here? Bro, there are a couple thousand Marines on that thing
Starting point is 00:52:23 And all we did all day was clean the latrine. Story of my life. How many toilets do you think I've cleaned in my life? Kind of pissing me off. Okay, so you're on this boat, and then I'll pull up the USS Cole. And then you're on this boat when the USS Cole gets hit. I'm on the USS Tarwood, which is the same as the USS Tarwood. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:53 It's an LHA. Okay, and you're on that boat. And where were you guys in the world's ocean, planet Earth's oceans? Where were you when this thing happened? Brother, we were right off the coast of Yemen, the Gulf of Aden. When the USS Cole got bombed by the terrorist organization, we were just probably 20, 30 miles off the coast. Just miraculous interception there. We were going along the coast the bomb goes off
Starting point is 00:53:26 we get the the direction we turn the ship the captain does and then and then so you're 20 miles sorry sorry jimmy you're 20 mile your boat's 20 miles from this boat when this shit goes down yeah don't don't quote me on that but okay probably very very close close enough to where you guys get the call to go over there yeah yeah yeah i mean very quickly we were there within we were there overnight just okay we turned we went there we showed up man and it was a very ominous picture one one more thing jimmy so you're on the boat with thousands of other guys does someone come over the microphone and be like hey there's a change of like how do you find out that where were you headed and how do you find out that
Starting point is 00:54:04 your directions have changed how do they tell the that, where were you headed and how do you find out that your directions have changed? How do they tell the people on the boat? You know, we're headed overseas. There was nothing going on until the USS Colt. Nothing. I just happened to be part of the USS Colt then. And then at the next deployment, I happened to be on another deployment going overseas, just trained in Australia when 9-11 happened. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And so you guys were just hanging out in the persian gulf and this happened you like just hanging out just floating around and just well we're traveling all around okay um uh in the pacific ocean and basically what it is it's a deterrent from the enemy uh and i don't know what the marine corps does now, but they used to send out, there was always a forward deployed ship, an ARC, that was a MUTE, they call it, Maritime Extraditionary Unit. And forward deployed on standby, and that thing is like the Alamo. It's loading down with crates and crates and crates of AT-4 rockets, explosions, you know, artillery, thousands upon hundreds of thousands of rounds. And I didn't know this until 9-11 happened. And then they just broke open the safe below, and they started hauling all this stuff out. And so we went and recovered the bodies on the USS Cole.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And 17 sailors died, I believe it was. A lot of them got locked out locked out by their own sailors it was really tragic you know what do you mean what do you mean well you have to you have to close the doors to the ship uh to prevent uh flooding you know okay and uh i guess people freaked out you know i think they hit the ship around noonish and the terrorists were allowed to walk on the ships in Turum and they had
Starting point is 00:55:54 stepped off the entire ship. They had stepped off the exact amount of steps to the galley, to the chow hall, and they knew exactly when to hit it you see right where it hit right there yeah where it hit right there that's where that tugboat of explosives just smashed into the side and that's exactly where the chow hall is and just like i said us marines all
Starting point is 00:56:18 we you all we did all day was clean the trains and stand in the chow hall line and so of course these were sailors and they were all standing in the chow hall line and so of course these were sailors and they were all standing in the chow hall line around noon high noon and that thing went off and uh some of them you know just like they're supposed to do sops fire drills i believe they call them uh started locking out the hatches started closing and locking out all the hatches because of flooding because the water's coming in. So, dude, he's drowned in there. You're saying he got trapped in there.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Yeah, they found drowned guys in there. Look how little, for those of you who can see a TV screen, this is a human being standing here where my arrow is. That's how big this boat is. I mean, he's just like a speck. Whoa. Hey, what do you mean that the bad guys were on the boat?
Starting point is 00:57:06 They were allowing the Yemenis, the Yemen people to tour the boats. Just like they're allowing people to flood over the borders here now. And just like they were allowing certain people, Japanese, to come in during Pearl Harbor. And what they do is they always. They were scouts is what you were saying? Yeah, the enemy's opportunistic. Oh, you want to let us tour your freaking battleship? Well, let us come on board and take pictures, tour it, remember the steps it took to the chow hall, know exactly where it is. Map it out. And then carry out business.
Starting point is 00:57:47 What terrorists do best. Right? That's true. Like they caught those people on the boat. They're like, yep, these are the guys. No. No. They just, I guess, Intel later on said that that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:57:59 I guess they found out later on that the only way they could have known that and from their intel sources the cia fbi uh that they had mapped out the vote fuck that's annoying as hell okay so you go over there do you actually what do you do what are you just downstairs cleaning toilets while this shit's going on well the the no the guys they put us on these black boats, and we went and did laps around the USS Cole, and they were freaking out. The sailors on the USS Cole were freaking out. You know, they had just been hit. They had no idea where it came from, what happened, what it was. Was there going to be a follow-on attack? There's always follow-on attacks.
Starting point is 00:58:42 When you hear an explosion, then the gunfire. Nothing like that happened, but they were all manning the guns shaking to wide-eyed you know terrified the smell of the smoke and and just the bomb the aftermath of the bomb and then so what we did we did laps around the ship in those black zododiac boats, those hard rubber gunnel tubes with an engine on it. And then we started to actually recover the bodies. What I mean by recover is we would come up with a black boat all day long. We would wait, wait, wait. The divers would be underwater collecting the body parts.
Starting point is 00:59:20 They would put them in black bags under the water, zip it up, come up to the surface and with these black body bags. And then and then we would heave it over the side into the black boat and then go to shore. And that was my first smell. That was my first experience with the smell of death and the carnage of war. I had no idea, bro, how bad it could be and how violent things were in the real world with the enemy. And I'm glad that people haven't smelled that. I'm glad that people haven't seen that. And so we would go to shore, the Yemen shore
Starting point is 01:00:05 and a freezer truck would be there. And the smell wasn't so bad until they opened the freezer truck and with the other bags that were lined up in there, because they're just body parts, man. And they would kind of droop to the ground as you carried them. And I was like man i hope that we do something about this because if we don't do something about this uh this is going to be a clear like go ahead you don't all go on america and guess what happens what one year later A little less than a year? Same group of guys? 9-11 happens. And where are you when that happens, Jimmy? So after the deployment with USS Cole, we did some other stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Came back. Anything worth noting you did there? Meaning, did you, any more like hairball? No, nothing hairball. That was it. That was hairball that was it that was it that was it and then go uh back to horno and then uh i'm so happy to be back you know because you know you've been out for seven months on this shit and you just want to party and stuff i think i was home for two weeks and got the orders that they were putting me right back on another ship. And I was so pissed off, man.
Starting point is 01:01:29 And so they put us back on a ship on the USS Peleliu this time. And we shipped out. And this time, we hit Australia just like the last deployment. Always hit Australia first. I think it was. I think it was Australia first. And then we would train with some of their guys and while we had
Starting point is 01:01:54 the last night in Australia, the last night, we were out in the bush the whole time. The very last night we're drinking and I see these shore patrol, brother, and they're running down the streets, just grabbing everybody, just snatching up Marines like some kind of movie and threatening them to, you know, to beat them up and get back on the ship. Get back on the ship. And it was nighttime there. And I'm like, I see on the TV at this bar, you know, this plane hit the Twin Towers.
Starting point is 01:02:27 We thought it was fake, and we thought it was just a trick to get us Marines back before Cinderella Libo. You know, Cinderella Libo was, we only had till midnight, so we would just go crush Tiger Beer, crush the beer as much as we could could and then just stumbled back on ship. Well, man, we were pissed off because they forced us to go back on ship. And when we got back on ship, there was a gunnery sergeant, and he was crying. And gunnies don't cry, you know. Gunnies don't cry. And they made us all circle around in this big group in the undercarriage of that big ship the the one you had on your stream and he said gentlemen america's been attacked
Starting point is 01:03:14 we're going to freaking war and that was pretty much it and there was some more emotional outcries and like, hurrah, Semper Fi. And man, we started preparing for war, you know. And where did you go? And then from there, did you go over to? Yeah, the first place we went to Pakistan. And you didn't even go home first, straight there the boat oh no no we were the first marine unit there i'll give the rangers credit though uh they actually went to afghanistan first uh and then we were the second to go there as the marine corps unit
Starting point is 01:04:01 did some cool stuff and And we went to Pakistan. Which was classified at the time. And then they declassified it. And the whole reason. And this is crazy brother. Not a lot of people know this. Pakistan. Is that where they ended up finding bin Laden?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Yeah. Okay. And Robert O'Neill just shot him all by himself. And flew the helicopters there. And just. it was amazing. You know? Anyways, it's a little joke. But Pakistan, you got me. But Pakistan, though, we went and secured an airfield.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Just my company. Maybe like 200 guys, 250 guys. So you guys get off the boat and they're like hey there's an airfield over here go take it from these guys yeah you get intel briefings and yeah of course that's a young marine 0311 they don't tell you nothing all they tell you is where to go they don't even you know you know to bring your rifle yeah your kit and that's it. You're MREs and you go. There's no questions. And so we took these CH-53s off the Peleliu deck.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Quite an incredible sight. I mean, for all we know, we're going to war, brother. You know? We're going to war. World War III at the time. When you put yourself in that time frame, I mean, we thought it was
Starting point is 01:05:27 all like Donkey Kong, which it was. And so we went to Pakistan first, secured, yeah, those were the 53s, secured the airfield. The people were not happy. They were throwing grenades over the fence, lighting fires. We were not welcome there, but nobody
Starting point is 01:05:43 came over the fence line. And the reason why we secured the airfield in Pakistan was so that America could start bombing Afghanistan. And the only reason to take the airfield in Pakistan was
Starting point is 01:06:00 so that the pararescue, whose their sole mission is to rescue downed pilots, could stay there with us. It's a legit airfield? Like it's paved? It's a paved airfield? It was a very, very crappy airfield. Was there a tower? No tower? No tower. No, the combat controllers were the ones controlling any kind of traffic.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I think one of the coolest things I saw, man, was when they started bombing Afghanistan, you could see the tomahawks in the, I don't know, stratosphere or whatever, just going over it. And here we are in Pakistan, and the pararescue's standing by. And here we are in Pakistan and the pararescue's standing by. Our only mission was to keep the pararescue safe so that they could go rescue a downed pilot. But one of the coolest things I saw was when an F-16 came back from a bombing run in Afghanistan. And he was messed up. It's like he had one tank on him and he just looked jacked up and
Starting point is 01:07:08 he came in i don't know what had happened i guess he was flying a sortie but when he but he landed on this really small strip there i think it was jalalabad or whatever paxton and he landed there and he gave us a salute and we're we standing in waist-high water, mosquitoes biting us everywhere in the mud. And it was a pretty incredible, pretty miserable experience there. So, Jimmy, you're saying there's boats in this Arabian Sea that were launching rockets that would fly over Pakistan into Afghanistan? Yes. And those are tomahawks? I believe so, yeah. That's fucking crazy. So they just
Starting point is 01:07:51 pull boats up here in the Gulf of Oman and just start bombing the fuck out of Afghanistan? Probably farther than that out. I don't know where they all were. Our ship was cutting gator squares. Gator squares, just a big square over and over and over for days and days and days. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you.
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Starting point is 01:08:49 Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at And when you're there this time, do you see any, how long are you there? Do you stay in the airfield the whole time? Do you see any fighting on that trip? No fighting in the Pakistan. And then we moved into Afghanistan. And from there, I was by by by a helicopter by land. Fifty three, baby. Fifty three. Again. Again, I'll tell you what was crazy is while Bush was on the TV telling everybody, we're still trying to figure out who did it and why they did it.
Starting point is 01:09:34 We were already in Pakistan and they were already getting ready to bomb the living crap out of Afghanistan. I felt like that was weird. I don't know. Of course, they don't want to tell the public everything but strange yep and um so you move into afghanistan and um how at that point how long have you been there maybe just a couple months and so you leave you secure that airport and then some new guys come in they they hold it down, and you guys push forward. Yep, exactly. Push forward, secure, hold down, and then move forward.
Starting point is 01:10:13 And our first objective was a place called Camp Rhino. Supposedly an airstrip, another airstrip and a compound that was used for moving heroin in and out of Afghanistan for many, many years. And they said there was going to be a Taliban there ready to just destroy us and all this stuff. Ready to just destroy us And all this stuff And Yes they hated you You're basically attacking their economy Oh yeah they hated us Of course they did
Starting point is 01:10:54 I would hate us too if they were attacking If they were in my backyard with my family And if you were making If you were selling heroin Yeah Damn Okay so you And if you were making, if you were selling heroin. Yeah. Damn. Okay, so you, okay, yeah. So were you guys the first ones there at Camp Rhino?
Starting point is 01:11:10 We were the first Marines there. There's even a picture of us. I think I'm in that picture that was on Time Magazine where they're, it looks like it was Demo when they're putting the flag up, but that was a pretty cool moment to put the flag up there and be the first Marines at Camp Rhino. But, you know, my only job on that particular mission was to go through this gate. But when we landed there, I mean, we weren't ready for the ice cold temperatures of Afghanistan during that time. It was in the wintertime.
Starting point is 01:11:46 The sun just barely comes up and goes down. Like, I think the shortest day was four hours. Damn. So you have to endure without fires, nothing. We didn't have the right clothes. I felt like it was going to be another frozen, chosen thing. Marines were always prepared with their body and with a the rifle but never had any warming layers like what the heck man so we went into camp rhino and it was freezing and when we landed man uh at like
Starting point is 01:12:14 3 a.m in the morning there was just smoke everywhere and one of those spectrum gunships had come by and just leveled the place i I mean, just destroyed the wall that I was supposed to go through. So we just walked up in there, you know? I was like, what's up? So you get there, the whole place has been leveled and raised, and then you just basically start securing it. God, when do you fuck do you guys sleep? We don't sleep.
Starting point is 01:12:42 My buddy in the SEALs, who later died he always i love what he said you know he said we sleep like a dog you know how a dog sleeps a dog just kind of takes little cat naps yeah wherever he can that's how it was it was extremely exhausting brother no showers for days i mean for a month we didn't shower because it was the initial invasion. Same underwear, same everything. Like, you got a little butt stain in your underwear. You're living with it. You can change out, man, one or two times, but your skin, I thought, how in the heck, when I got back on that ship, our camis were rotten,
Starting point is 01:13:19 falling off. They sprayed us down, Gave us some pizza. You know, back to $1.50. You know, all my muscles gone. I'm pissed off. Doing long-range patrols, man. South of Kandahar. And they just piled all of our camis up and threw them away.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And I thought, well, at least I got a tan because I look dark. I was like, how did that happen? Because I'm always in my regular camis. And I went and took like three or four showers. This junk was coming off me for days. I mean, no shower, no nothing, maybe a bottle or two of water because we
Starting point is 01:13:59 were running low on water a day. One MRE a day. They started rationing the mres wow no shit wow so so you were losing weight oh definitely okay so then um that's oh so when when that finishes you get back on the boat and you go back home Yeah I did a lot of long range patrols Long range man And then What does that mean
Starting point is 01:14:32 You're just driving around this base in Afghanistan Looking for bad guys No they drop you off in a helicopter 15 miles Early morning Way out there In enemy territory And then we would patrol back To base camp On foot you know early morning way out there in enemy territory which is it's all enemy territory
Starting point is 01:14:45 and then we would patrol back to base camp on foot on foot and so it would take you all hours of the night into the wee hours of the morning and you're just exhausted but it really tests your your grit and determination out there any bad guy encounters on those trips your grit and determination out there. Any bad guy encounters on those trips? No. They had they killed a bunch of camels that they thought
Starting point is 01:15:12 were invading our perimeter at one point. A bunch of camels. We thought we were being overran because they had some sensors go off and we're just ready all the time. The sand's junking up your rifle spent christmas there we would take tabasco and pour it out and then put kim light juice in there the glow stick
Starting point is 01:15:33 and then tie them up in strings and you have christmas lights for about you know six hours whatever and so uh had some camels invade our property line. A lot of landmines out there. Hit an officer, took another guy's ear off. A lot of landmines, man. A lot of landmines. Had skirmishes and situations, exchanged gunfire and stuff, but nothing like what I would experience later on in life, you know?
Starting point is 01:16:05 Nothing like what I would experience later on in life, you know? Nothing like what I would experience. Okay, so you come back home, back to Camp Pendleton. That's right. And by now you've almost been, you've probably been, you're approaching four years, right? Four years in the Corps. And did you think about getting out and, getting a job at fucking golden sacks yeah i got out and because i wanted to be a seal man uh the force recon had some openings where they said we could walk over there and try out and they would give us a little preferential treatment
Starting point is 01:16:39 and blah blah blah and a couple of the guys from my small unit did that. For me, brother, I wanted to be a SEAL. And that's just, I love the 4th Street Con. My roots and my foundation is that Marine Corps status, you know. And so I got out. And I also had the four years of Marine Corps reserves that they tacked on this time, but that I didn't go deploy with the Marines again, although the big wars were happening because I was
Starting point is 01:17:12 in Blackwater in Baghdad, Iraq. That's what you did after your four years as a Marine? You went straight to Blackwater. You were Blackwater before you were SEAL? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And what is Blackwater? It's it's it's an army that you can buy it's a it's a what is black water well you know it's it's important to realize that
Starting point is 01:17:31 you know um our country the revolutionary war the all the wars that were fought have basically been won by contractors like there's always been mercenary types or contractors, but let's make a distinction real quick. Blackwater was not mercenary. Mercenaries are not contractors. Contractors are, let's say, in a defense posture a lot of the time, defending the special needs Of the America like the Department of State Blackwater was Supporting the diplomatic Mission of the Department Of State so you're not a mercenary
Starting point is 01:18:15 Okay so I looked up the word mercenary It says professional soldier hired to serve In a foreign army so it's not like You were the Blackwater And you're not hired to execute on a mission. You're more like, hey, protect this building. Protect this diplomat. You're more like really combat-ready bodyguards.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Exactly. They were all veterans and did their job. They are all veterans? Oh interesting That makes sense but I didn't know that Especially at first you had to have Some serious background You had to be a marine, a seal, something Army ranger
Starting point is 01:18:55 Something and so it was cool Because I got to work with a lot of different Cool dudes from the rangers How did you get that job? You just apply it on the internet? Brother I put Okay so I went and tried out for the seals again right i always want to be a seal so i got out i go to mets i take that it's when you it was when it was still written the asap i think i don't know what they do now but there was an elderly lady grading it and so i take this long test and i'm just stressing out because i haven't had the best
Starting point is 01:19:25 luck with it yet i did a little study in here and there uh made a 48 on the test the old lady uh they graded it said well you can have one point waverable so that gives you a 49 a big red eight 49 out of a hundred yeah i said yeah yeah but it's not like a test like you think like a 49 is probably like a a 75 on a test okay all right i'm not judging you too hard no no it'll absolutely get you in almost any job a 49 is a 40 is pretty good uh but i didn't uh but but the seals required you to have a minimum of a 50 which is probably like an 85 or 90 on a test, right? It's pretty high standards. So, and a lot of guys, unfortunately, don't get that.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And so she waves my point to 49. I beg her to give me one more point to get in the SEALs. She doesn't do it. So I'm walking out. I'm pretty down. And this Green Beret stops me and says, hey, man, check it out, I'm walking out. I'm pretty down in this green beret stops me and says, Hey man, check it out, brother. He says, you look pretty down. I said, yeah, I'm down, bro. Yeah. I want to do the seals. He was like, well, check it out tomorrow. Today's not your day,
Starting point is 01:20:35 but perhaps tomorrow is. Why don't you check out Blackwater? I said, Blackwater. And that's when Blackwater just started. I mean, very, very new. Not many people knew about it. And so that's what I did. I checked out Blackwater, put my stuff in, and they accepted me real quick. Went off to their vetting process. And, you know, a vetting process is different than a selection. A selection is different than, you know, buds. A bud is a brutal beat down you know
Starting point is 01:21:07 uh a vetting process is they're looking they're they you're you already know they're expecting you to already know everything that you put on your resume right they're they're expecting you to to already have it figured out and now they're just going to grade you. They're going to throw you an AK-47 in a box, tell you to put it together, and then you've got to go qual on a range at 200 yards. And so made it through the vetting process and flew straight into Baghdad, Iraq. No shit. And what was your first minute? By the way, I want to just talk what the little bit I read about you.
Starting point is 01:21:46 So basically what happened in Baghdadi, Iraq, and you'll fill in the details maybe or maybe you won't. But a firefight broke out and one of the guys there was accused of having a hair trigger and killed someone. And it turned into this whole fucking court case and charges were pressed. I don't think they were pressed on you you but they were pressed on some of your buddies and it turned into this whole fucking crazy fucking case and that that's that's what happened and the fbi was up your ass and up everyone's ass that's the blackwater incident yeah it was called baguette bloody sunday you know and what was the name of that town I couldn't pronounce it started with an n ni nisar square nisar square nisar square and you know um I had spent four years in Blackwater almost and and you know I had already been through about every position you could do
Starting point is 01:22:39 from a little uh bird door gunner to a lead turn gunner to the rear turn gunner to the trunk monkey with the PKM. All that stuff, you know. And door gunners, driver, started up a couple teams in Kabul, Afghanistan. And so I had kind of been around a long time in the eyes of Blackwater. And so I got moved over to Red Sail in their quick reaction force. the eyes of Blackwater and so I got moved over to Red Sail in their quick reaction force and now that is more of a defensive and offensive when needed position and so they put me in charge of 30 dudes on this assault force and what we started to do, because things were still developing, what is the contractor? Why are they here?
Starting point is 01:23:27 But there was things that needed to be done. For instance, Marine teams, Army teams, National Guard teams, and other contractors were getting just smashed out of the red zone. And so we took it apart. What is the red zone, Jimmy? What's the red zone? That's where the bad guys are yeah the the green zone was about a six mile stretch of uh barbed wire fence and hESCO barriers to kind of keep us semi-safe uh and that's where they rocket us every night they would rocket us during the night and during the day we would go out and do missions out in actual
Starting point is 01:24:01 baghdad is it 36 square miles is Is it basically a 6x6 square? Of a barbed wire? 6 miles by 6 miles So it's a 36 square mile area inside of there I guess, yeah I don't know the exact I'm just trying to picture, so it's a big area It's not that big
Starting point is 01:24:20 No, okay But it's not small either You know But you would hope it was big Because they were slamming us with rockets every day Big, but it's not small either. But you would hope it was big because they were slamming us with rockets every day. 74-millimeter Russian-made, Iranian-made rockets. The size of telephones coming in and just smashing into your man camp. And so as the QRF team, we started to go into Baghdad, Iraq, in downtown Baghdad and rescue these teams. And this became just every single day.
Starting point is 01:24:53 We started rescuing the teams during the day. Can you give me a hypothetical? It doesn't have to be true, but just the spirit of what you're saying. You would get a call that a diplomat stopped at a 7-Eleven and got stuck in the bathroom? the spirit of what you're saying like you would get a call that a diplomat stopped at a 7-11 and got stuck in the bathroom or like like like what like what what would be a call that you guys would be like hey go get this guy he's in trouble yeah so check it out eric prince was at a gala in washington dc the generals the army generals marine generals went up to eric prince the owner the ceo of blackwater and said thank you we want to want to thank you. We have your Blackwater
Starting point is 01:25:25 QRF as our 911 on our window. So, what we would do, we would monitor the radios and we would hear that a team is in distress. Like an American military, when you say team, I mean like an American military team. There'd be some Marines getting fucking
Starting point is 01:25:41 pounded somewhere. Pounded. In the red zone. Army getting pounded. pounding in the red zone army getting pounded okay other contractors getting overran of someone changing a tire you know a diplomatic team changing a tire well if they sit out there for any prolonged period of time more than 25 30 minutes you're gonna start catching rounds you know they call you in real fast. And man, you don't sit out in the red zone. And so we got to where we would go in and set up a wall of steel, meaning drive in between them, stop, and the enemy gunfire.
Starting point is 01:26:17 And we would just take the full brunt of it and fight back. And we became very known in Iraq not to be be messed with not to mess with the blackwater news because we presented ourself like a hard hard target you know because perception is everything when it comes comes to the enemy in fact art of war so sue said you know uh war is deception and it's all about to see it's all about presenting yourself of uh you know like you don't care like biden does like biden does just fucking tough as nails and shit right yeah dude like we're just gonna send over a fucking jumbo jet just drop fucking trannies on your country and ruin you oh my gosh bro Yeah exactly They're going to get your nicks and you know they're going to be reading books
Starting point is 01:27:07 To your kids in your library If you fuck with us Russia we're going to send over 10,000 Trannies and they're going to be reading to your kids That's right don't mess with Biden bro He's hard He's hardcore man warrior We're going to infiltrate your public schools And have dancing trannies there
Starting point is 01:27:23 I get it men with an unquenchable desire To dress as women will soon be reading kids' books to your kids. Yeah. I got it. We're tough. All right. Do you guys have any trannies in Blackwater? Who knows? Right.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Maybe some good ones. If they were, they were good ones is what you're saying. Bro, after seeing the seal with the dress on, I don't know anything anymore. Look at it. I don't know anything anymore. I'm just, I don't know anything anymore. Tranny drop. Yeah. Just drop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:50 I don't know anything anymore. Like, nothing shocks me. You can't shock me with anything. I'm just like, okay. I guess that happened. That just happened. Airborne tranny division. Chaos from above.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I'm telling you, if the Chinese were smart, they would get one million hot air balloons, and each one of them would have 30 Chinese people in them, and they would fly them over the U.S. and just start just sprinkling them down. They don't even need guns. Just sprinkle them down and let them just hang out. If China was smart, they won't do anything because we're self-imploding. Right. Just stand back and watch.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yeah, don't do anything. Just chill. That's what they'll probably do. They'll probably just be going like, what the heck are they talking about? TikTok. We're listening to them on TikTok? No, we already listen to them through everything we own, like microwaves and vacuums. Who needs a TikTok platform?
Starting point is 01:28:45 What are you going to do on TikTok? Dude, they probably are listening through vacuums. I never thought of that. Bro, what are you going to do on TikTok that's going to shock the Chinese? God, that's amazing. Okay, so that was horrible. So that was a crazy experience with Blackwater. Did you fight every day?
Starting point is 01:29:07 Not every day. We went out every day. But when we fought, we fought, and we lost just as many Blackwater dudes as the military. And that's another great reason why the military loves to use contractors is they don't have to report those numbers. So you can double the number of death toll on Americans if you count the contractors. And so one last thing. I was the team leader of Neeser Square. I had to go out that day to rescue another team.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I made the call. You know, I was, what, 26 years old with a machine gun in charge of 30 guys, right? And most of the guys are hungry. It wasn't like the military though you know i got a lot of last facts saying you know he disobeyed an order there were no orders and it's very hard to understand that when you're when you're in the military you're like no you have to have a supervisor we did it was two admin guys sitting in their air-conditioned room eating donuts you know while us operators were out there fighting it out and i was called in the day before nisar square and they said jimmy
Starting point is 01:30:14 keep doing what you're doing these two same supervisors keep doing what you're doing you're kicking ass rescuing people saving lives i came there to save lives, not kill people. But the enemy loves to portray you as the exact opposite of who you really are. So you want to go save people? You're going to be portrayed as a freaking monster now. You want to do good? You're going to be portrayed as something completely opposite, I promise you. And so I made the call to go out there. and uh and so i made the call to go out there uh that was completely on me completely on me i take full extreme ownership for that and i love it dude i love i love these little innuendoes and things i throw in there you know if it's just for me to laugh about went in there and boy my life Got turned upside down after that
Starting point is 01:31:05 By the time we were back in From that major firefight In Nisar Square Full public incident With civilians everywhere and two groups fighting It was All over CNN All over the news
Starting point is 01:31:19 Obama was saying these guys are guilty I assure you they will go down Vice President Biden A.K.A. the Blackwater Biden Thor Obama was saying, these guys are guilty. I assure you they will go down. Vice President Biden, a.k.a. the Blackwater Biden Thor, who were later trumped by pardon, were the guys right under me. And they got steamrolled from this. By the time I got back, I still had black smoke on my face, sweat everywhere, gun smoke everywhere. By the time I got in my room in Baghdad, Iraq, it was all over the news. And I knew it was over.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Why were you guys called out to the square in the first place? What was the distress call you heard? Brother, I had grenade ball bearings in my leg at the time from another incident. So I'm eating my little Coke float trying to take a couple hours off. You know, you're like an ER doctor. You're continually going on the time. Oh, and that's when your penis was smashed too, right? The penis was smashed a completely different time, all right? Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:22 But remember, the only reason my penis was smashed is because it was smashed just remember that all right we'll come back to some people people some people won't get their penis smashed in the belt stator because it's not you know did that happen over did the penis injury happen overseas no that happened in the seals yeah oh after so okay okay okay okay so so you're you're trying to you're you you've got some some shrapnel in you you're trying to take a couple hour break and you and there's 30 guys under your uh under under your leadership and you get some sort of call saying hey we got a problem out here yeah i'm sitting there eating my little coke float in the baghdad chow hall there and uh in the man camp we call it and then all of a sudden the the windows vex like this like that and you know they like vex like an airplane kind of vexes when it hits turbulence
Starting point is 01:33:17 and i was like dang that that was a massive v-bit or ied uh real close by and i knew we had a team out a couple teams out at the time and so right when i heard that boom like that my radio was next to me because we're always on call with the qrf team quick reaction quick reaction force i i hear my radio go off and it says um when they said they said they said um you, you know, you know, we've been hit, you know, like helpless. Get out here, you know, you know, and they called out their grid coordinates. And so, you know, me being not a coward and understanding that I have 30 men that are ready to go assault and save this team that obviously got hit. This team was obviously hit because a bomb went off and the radio went off. We've just been hit, they said. I think that's right. We've just been hit on the radio.
Starting point is 01:34:21 We've just been hit on the radio. So we run out there and go up to the main checkpoint. And then my tactical commander, we stopped briefly. And that team said, we're coming back in. We're coming back in. And I said, roger that. And my tactical commander, who later died in a drunk driving accident, said, Hawk, what do you want to do? He goes, I think we should go out and in a corridor and off that traffic circle. And so he says, what do you want to do? And I said, go.
Starting point is 01:34:59 I said, go right now, because I wanted to make an area for them to get through really safely Because you were always getting attacked At those points Where you're funneled into a traffic circle That's why you hear so many attacks And that wasn't the only traffic circle We were in a massive engagement It was the one that got reported
Starting point is 01:35:18 And they politicized So when you said go You went too Oh absolutely Okay so all 30 guys roll out there And Give or take Okay and then a gunfight breaks out when you're out there
Starting point is 01:35:34 Yeah yeah yeah We were going to secure the traffic circle And right So the other team with the diplomat Could drive through us And we could secure the area so no traffic's moving in. It just facilitates our safe movement. Let me ask you, did the diplomat make it back safely?
Starting point is 01:35:53 Yeah, the diplomat made it back safely. And as soon as we stopped in the traffic circle, it was like an explosion of gunfire everywhere. And I can't talk about much more than that. I mean – and I understand because I read the case, and it sounds very squirrely. Can you tell me who the diplomat was? I can't remember. It was – I think it was the female diplomat that was out there. American? American, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Did she ever thank you? Of course not. Yeah, okay. I mean, and I'm not judging her for it. Maybe she didn't have the opportunity. Maybe she didn't know it happened. But it's so, it trips me out. So I'll just use Abu Ghraib as a example.
Starting point is 01:36:43 They were posting all these pictures of uh soldiers young soldiers who had built a pyramid with naked prisoners yeah and i understand that the army and the military has a code but there's a there's a pyramid of naked boys being built by another group of boys at every college campus Somewhere right now as we're speaking. And I don't know what the fuck people expect. If you're going to send over boys. Who are 16 to 35 years old. To go over there and do a job.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And like you're not going to expect them to do boy shit. And I just. At some point like. I believe in personal accountability. But like. The bosses have to take so much. Like. How does a general not. How does the president not get in trouble for like if you're against that then go fucking down there and talk to those fucking boys if you're the president united states and you don't want boys building
Starting point is 01:37:36 pyramids out of other naked boys who killed their friends go down there and fucking talk to them it's just crazy to me the lack of tolerance for what we ask people like you to do i'm not i'm not it's just fucking nuts i don't same with cops i don't get the i don't get the lack of tolerance for what we put people the situation and then people say dumb shit like well they chose to do it yeah i don't give a fuck i didn't choose to do it i mean they chose to do it so all of a sudden it's everything's their fucking fault that happens I just have no tolerance for those people I wish they would like just move to China And you gotta think
Starting point is 01:38:11 You gotta think for the most part Okay there's psychopaths Out there There's weirdos out there But for the most part if you're serving your country Or if you're a veteran Going into blackwater or military guy you're not thinking about wanting to go out there and just kill a bunch of people
Starting point is 01:38:31 that's not on your mind i can remember one guy in my team talking about like kind of glorifying it like i can't wait to get my next kill i i told that guy if you ever say that in front of me again, it's window or aisle, meaning window, seat, or aisle seat. You're out of here, bro. I have no time for that. It was cringeworthy to hear guys talk like that. It was very, very rare. And it's not the movies. were portrayed later on by the FBI, the DOJ, that we plotted this somehow, that we talked about going out there just like a movie and said, we're going to go exact revenge. For me, it was always
Starting point is 01:39:15 a fair fight with the insurgents. I figured, kind of like what you mentioned earlier, if I was in somebody's backyard and their family's there, I would hope that they would send over a volley of gunfire at me and vice versa. So I always looked at it as a fair match. I never looked at the enemy, and they had a very hard time trying to prove that. They never could because they knew I wasn't malicious. I was like, dude, I didn't go over there you're trying to paint me as this terrible monster of of plotting with the guys it's just it doesn't work like that you want it the whole reason why I'm there another reason is I want my 500 bucks a day right 20 what am I 26 of the time? You give me belt-fed machine guns. You give me a job.
Starting point is 01:40:05 We're highly successful at it. Why would I want to end my career, stop getting paid, and just go out there and just go crazy with machine guns? It doesn't work like that. So this whole thing, anyone can Google it and look it up. It was a huge, drawn thing. So this whole thing turns into a court case. Do they then, what happens after that? Are they like, okay, boys, come home.
Starting point is 01:40:28 We're about to try you in court. Oh, man. I went home with the ball bearing in my leg from the Cheat Com Cheat grenade. How soon after that incident do you go home? About seven days. Okay. But my time, my time was up. I mean, I even got Blackwater to say they didn't fire me.
Starting point is 01:40:51 They never fired me. I went home for the medical treatment. But obviously, the Blackwater thing had just happened. And now I'm going home, and I don't want to come back. I wanted to be a seal's seal. And I had already been thinking about that while I was in Blackwater because it's super dangerous. I mean, you're putting your ass out there every single day
Starting point is 01:41:13 for the Department of State diplomatic mission. And they sanctioned us. When I graduated, bro, they literally gave me a GS-13 rank. When I graduated two weeks in boycott north of carolina we got a black diplomatic passport in the rank of gs13 for pay purposes you talk about pissing army generals off now you don't have to salute them when you go over to iraq you don't have to do anything you're a civilian Top level positions such as supervisors High level technical specialists and top Professionals holding advanced degrees okay
Starting point is 01:41:49 GS-13 wow Or a Marine who just Just Got hired with Blackwater Yeah Mid-level low level Is 1 through 7 mid-level is 8 through 12 and 13-15
Starting point is 01:42:05 wow, okay, so it's at the top and then they took away the black diplomatic black passports because guys were moving drugs and guns with them of course you give a bunch of 20 year olds you give them a black passport the Willy Wonka, the Chocolate Factory
Starting point is 01:42:21 Golden Pass they're going to do weird stuff right, right, right hey, the ambassador, I don't know if you remember this Wonka the chocolate factory golden Pass they're gonna do weird Stuff right right Right hey of the ambassador I don't I don't know if you remember this A few years ago the U.S. ambassador I think To Columbia's wife was like
Starting point is 01:42:35 A just bringing cocaine Shitloads of cocaine back and forth But kind of like what do you expect Right man Capitalism. Okay, so you come home and are you, so four years as a Marine, four years in Blackwater, there's this wild fucking incident.
Starting point is 01:42:53 You come home and another chapter starts. By the way, do you have to take a piss or anything? I know I've had you a long time. I've got to take a piss in about, in probably, Matt, I can do probably another 30 minutes and then i gotta go i gotta i got an appointment i gotta make okay let me ask you this real quick um after you go take a piss real quick thank you how did you know i needed to take a piss because i'm fucking i'm 52 i under i'm a bladder expert. And I have three little boys, dude. I have two 7-year-olds and a 9-year-old. I sense it.
Starting point is 01:43:28 I'm super impressed, man. I'm super impressed. I smell urine. Yeah. Listen, go take a pee and then I'm going to play you. And then I want to cut the life story off and ask you some questions that's happening currently
Starting point is 01:43:42 and then maybe have you back on for a part two. Let's do it. Okay. I love you. P i love you piss time piss break i love you too brother i love each and every one of you on here by the way you're godfaring man even if you hate me i love is it faring or fearing okay go pee go pee while i talk to the audience okay we're gonna judge you while you're gone wait do you want yeah please judge me you can just leave your camera right there all right okay just go out of frame when you pee okay go pee okay i'll be back hold on let me Please judge me. You can just leave your camera right there. All right. Okay. Just go out of frame when you pee. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Go pee. Okay. I'll be back. Hold on. Let me. All right. Just kidding. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Fearing. God fearing. Yeah. No. Hey, I know everyone. This guy's great. Fuck. Here's the thing, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:20 I've always been afraid to, you know know all the fucking seals and fighting dudes and shooters and all those guys we've ever had on the show i always never want to like overstep my boundaries of what they're comfortable talking about and i saw this guy thank you mike alvin thank you and i uh and i saw this guy on um instagram with the sean strickland thing if you haven't seen that it's so funny i don't know how anyone gets mad at him. He's so good. He's so charismatic. And basically him and Sean had a back and forth about whose training is tougher.
Starting point is 01:44:53 And this guy kind of diffused it. Like, hey, dude, both hard trainings, different jobs. And then Andy Stumpf, who I worked with for many years, went on Patrick Bed David and basically talked some shit about Jimmy and Jimmy said back to Andy hey dude that shit ain't true and so then Andy made a public apology to him and so I was going to have him on here just to gossip and then I was like wait
Starting point is 01:45:17 a second this guy's fucking life is crazy what a fucking journey this guy's having we haven't even got to the seal part of his life. We're not going to get to the seal part of his life today, which is nuts. I need to make a note. When he comes back, we'll pick up after Blackwater. So part two will be how that prosecution goes.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Then we'll go into being a seal. He was the CEO of fucking McAfee's company. And then. And then. And then. And then the whole God thing. There's a fucking hilarious video. Where Patrick Bed David.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Is interviewing Jimmy. And you can see Jimmy walking in the background. With a gun. A pistola. Bro. My time there was crazy. Bro. My time with a gun. A pistola. Bro, my time there was crazy, bro. My time with John Maxey was even crazier than my time in the fields, my brother.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Hey, I was really disappointed. I always appreciate a man with a harem. I was really disappointed what they said about him in the hammock. I'm not going to lie. I don't mean to judge anyone for their needs, but like, I was really disappointed in that.
Starting point is 01:46:28 Do you do, let me ask you a question. Yeah. Do you really believe that? I'm not, and I'm not asking that in a way where like, unfortunately, unfortunately I did believe it when I saw it in the documentary because he is
Starting point is 01:46:40 very, he's very eccentric, but like, you have to know I'm not a butthole guy at all. Like I've never had anal. I don't lick the butthole. I just like my face and boobs and just feeling a girl's hamstrings and shit. I'm a pretty basic dude.
Starting point is 01:46:55 You know what I mean? I just squeeze butt and boobs and BJs are cool. I like hand jobs when I'm standing up. I don't do – so when I heard that, I just got... I just don't like poop. I'm okay with a lot of stuff, but poop, I just don't do poop. Maybe it's not true. You know the most hardcore
Starting point is 01:47:14 seal I ever knew? They called him the monkey. He was asexual. He didn't like girls. He didn't like girls. He didn't like guys. He could care less.
Starting point is 01:47:27 All he loved is war and training his body hard as nails, like a samurai sword. And I'll tell you, there's something to be said about that. You don't like girls and don't like guys. You are the hardest mofo out there. Because you don't have any worries. You don't have any problems You can't be compromised by Not being able to be compromised by pussy Makes you a very powerful human being
Starting point is 01:47:52 You can't be compromised at all brother And he was Uncompromisable That's the word So you're telling me the McAfee poop thing probably isn't true Or I should just This documentary No I'm not saying that because So you're telling me the McAfee poop thing probably isn't true, or I should just take it with a grain of salt? No, no. This documentary – no, I'm not saying that because the documentary – that documentary came out before.
Starting point is 01:48:15 That was the documentary before I worked with him. So when I worked with John McAfee, I didn't know any of this about him. Went from the Seals, retired out of the Seals, like, and went to McAfee. And then this documentary comes out, and he was playing on his big screen TV. And I'll never forget, John McAfee came out, and he blared the noise. He could barely hear until I got his hearing fixed.
Starting point is 01:48:40 I got his eyes and his ears fixed. But later on, he's watching this documentary and he goes what the hell he goes this is an interesting documentary who's it about and we laughed so hard and we said sir it's about you and he's like huh wow and just kept walking
Starting point is 01:49:00 that's how much he didn't care oh good so who knows Um There's this video that Came out Yesterday or a couple days ago And these are things that you know
Starting point is 01:49:16 Um I never served in the military But these are things that I I had heard before And then I saw them and I was like huh i wonder what jimmy would think about this like i've heard this i've heard this what this what i'm about to show you this video what this guy's saying i've heard this stuff before but i was like hey um i wonder what jimmy thinks about this what you got but after so then after this i'm gonna let you go because for your meeting but
Starting point is 01:49:46 then i'm gonna have my producer reach out to you for part two and we'll pick up right when you came right when uh you left blackwater yeah you know you know how famous i am dude i gotta go sign some autographs this one thing you're going to meet with trump i heard you're going to meet with trump i'm going to take care of my little baby. That's pretty much what's going on. Do you have a kid? I got a little brand new baby boy. Oh, my God. Congratulations, dude.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Thanks, man. Thank you very much. Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Amazing seals. They don't speak for the community. Chris Kyle is a good one to bring up. Well known within the community that he beat his wife and basically wasn't the stand-up team guy you know that they made a movie about he was out there trying to get a body count trying to brand himself as the seal sniper most you know kills and he was working under jocko willings who was basically pushing his guys out to do daylight basically patrols and raids we own the night we basically call everybody else day walkers. And Jocko Willings wasn't out there basically with those guys.
Starting point is 01:50:46 He was basically pushing his guys out there. And I don't know how many people- That's what officers do. Well, no, in our community, at those levels, it's like Eric Christensen was on that helicopter to go rescue his guys. That he was.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Jocko Willings is basically selling a brand and a persona that he didn't live up to himself he sells extreme leadership and everybody in you know the american public hook line and sinker there's thousands of amazing seals so just to put in context for and you stop me and unfuck me uh if i'm wrong but my from the seals that i've talked to that basically the premises is like, hey, we can see at night and you can't. So there's shitloads of fucking nighttime missions. And then the other thing that that guy, that old guy speaking right there, that guy was a seal. I don't know if he's still a seal, but but these are things that I have heard over the last 10 years.
Starting point is 01:51:43 I've heard both those rumors. I've heard stories. When you see that, is there anything you can enlighten us about? Have you heard those stories? Are these just people who are upset because of the fame that Jocko and Chris Kyle have gotten? Do you have any thoughts or comments? Well, in one aspect, this gentleman who you say is a SEAL, I've never seen before. Yeah. In one aspect, that's a seriously hardcore allegation to say that everyone knows that he— I don't know that guy, by the way. Someone did tell me, though, a few days ago or yesterday or something that that guy is a SEAL. Yeah, so that's a serious allegation to say that everyone knows that Chris Kyle was beating his wife. You know, I don't know that.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Who knows, right? I don't even care about beating his wife. I was thinking about more just like shooting people to get a high body count. Yeah, yeah. So as far as that, so when I was in the SEALs, man, you know, my best friend who later died,
Starting point is 01:52:43 Brett Merhue, he knew Chris Kyle's scout sniper spotter. OK, his his buddy. Right. And he said that that he said that, you know, he would be behind the glass all the time, like Chris Kyle. Right. He said, but they all would be behind their glass and none of them were shooting and and every time it was time for Chris Kyle to go you know there was nothing out there many many times not all the time you know uh and but many times uh when Chris Kyle would get behind the glass the gun would just be going off rhythmically pow pow pow pow pow who am I to judge anything on what these guys are doing what they're not but I will say that it was very well known in
Starting point is 01:53:34 the seals that Chris Kyle should not have been touting those robust numbers first First of all, there's no way to understand all your confirmed kills. Many guys get hit, let's say, and fall behind a berm and then later get help and then they live. And you say you dumped them. Meaning, I killed that guy. Everybody in the SEAL has said they shot somebody in the face, right? So that's one aspect of this is that chris cowell uh i i really i think it was really looked down on the seals for him getting on in in saying that he killed so many and the number one sniper there's russian uh women snipers that got 400 kills with enemy combatants during the war you know that were coming at him, and they had iron sights. They didn't have a big old night force, you know, scope.
Starting point is 01:54:29 And so it was really, really looked down upon. You know, Chris Cowell doing that, and never, never to take away any of his sacrifice and his actual numbers and this and this. But the way that it was presented is is kind of highly unfortunate of course he passed away right uh and it just proves that he's just a man like like all of us you know some psycho shot him you know um but are you your buddy brent was his spotter so so my buddy brett maris younew his spotter Knew his spotter So a spotter is someone who's out there with the sniper
Starting point is 01:55:07 And another thing you're saying is The reason why there's some Skepticism Or kind of some stories That come out like this Is you're saying the snipers would be in rotations And whenever he was there Dudes were getting popped
Starting point is 01:55:23 But when the other snipers were there, it was quiet. And so there was some like head scratching. Yeah, it's pretty well known that Chris Kyle's gun was always going off and the other guys, it wasn't like that because that's not how war is. Maybe if you're in Stalingrad, you know, your rifle's good. Your motion of the gun's's gonna be just going off all day long yeah but for it to for your rifle to be going off all the time and to get this confirmed kill to be so detailed it just doesn't work like that you know often that the the the
Starting point is 01:55:59 range is at a quite a distance you have heat waves coming up, smoke going on. You know, you have a lot of factors that it's not clear and concise. And then he scratched his nose and he did this and this. It's very quick often. It's very quick. It's short distances, far distances. The point is that, you know, that spotter did say that, right? Doesn't take away from Chris Kyle's great service. As far as beating his wife, come on.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Who knows about that? I know he did knock out some guy in Hollywood, but we won't talk about that. Okay, next show. Let me make a note here. A knocked out guy in Hollywood. Yeah. I don't really. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I can't talk about that. I don't condone uh hitting uh women or men or anything but uh i also once again um if you're gonna marry a guy who is touting that he's killed fucking 100 people with a fucking bullet to the pumpkin uh you should know that he's not a normal man and that um you you could get slapped right right i was slapped off a barstool i've been slapped off a barstool by one man and it was a crazy seal just slapped a friend of mine just slapped me across the face knocked me off a barstool right right for no reason for no reason just drunk drunken seal yeah now i will say this yeah this was really
Starting point is 01:57:22 disappointing to me uh this kind of always kind of took me back a little bit with Taya Kyle, right? Who? Taya Kyle, Chris Kyle's wife. Oh, oh, oh. I'm pretty sure they were getting a divorce. And so I don't know their marital issues. We all have things going on and stuff. I don't know their marital issues. We all have things go on and stuff. I don't condone hitting women whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:57:49 But they were basically getting a divorce. But when he died, it didn't appear that way anymore. Oh, oh, oh, oh. You understand what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was portrayed as quite the opposite. Who knows? Not to get into their personal issues, but, you know, I mean, look at Lone Survivor.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Look at Robert O'Neill. It's all me, me, me, me, me. I mean, the name Lone Survivor is extremely arrogant. Think about that. It's atrocious arrogance. I'm the Lone Survivor. I saw his debrief, his aftermath report, that nobody really saw it. And he was like, I guess I just survived because I'm just a badass.
Starting point is 01:58:41 That's not something you say directly after Your buddies are killed around you And a lot of my boys were like Hey bro, he should have been smoked along with him That's just how it goes You should never be proud of being the lone survivor You should hide out Because it's kind of disgraceful In the SEALs to come back alone
Starting point is 01:59:00 And your buddies Be left behind and to die You know Yeah uh fair enough um a lot of those guys um well let's move on to the jocko thing any thoughts on that about um the day missions did i mischaracterize that or do you have any thoughts on that this guy's basically saying two things jocko is sending seals out during the day which is not something you should do to seals and the second thing he's suggesting, at least my ignorant
Starting point is 01:59:27 interpretation is, is that he didn't go on the missions when he should have. They should never Monday morning quarterback Jocko, right? Or these guys. It's one thing to say come on, Chris Kyle's numbers were a little fluffed up or maybe
Starting point is 01:59:43 everybody else was shooting but he was uh it's another to question uh a guy that has sacrificed so much so i really don't like that we don't like that but but i but but i i will say this about extreme ownership yeah extreme ownership only works brother when it's a fair system. But when the system's not fair anymore, extreme ownership gets your head cut off in the French Revolution. You know, extreme ownership gets you put in prison. You know, so I disagree with some of the aspects of that. Right. say it's very important that when a guy like Jocko has an outstanding career not to go after anything he's done because really what it is is pure jealousy you know in a lot of because
Starting point is 02:00:37 because you just don't know we don't know if Chris Kyle beat his wife. We don't know what Jocko's might. We don't know what Jocko was commanded to do. Jocko was doing Jocko. Jocko was afraid to go out. You know? He ain't afraid to go out. The implications
Starting point is 02:00:59 is that Chris Kyle was shooting innocence, right? Just to wrap that up. That's the implication. The implications are there's just just when your team's not getting the kills, but you're getting them all, and there's no enemy combatants in a lot of the areas that they were in, but you're getting them all the time. I would never say here on air that it's for's for sure but right right can i tell you a
Starting point is 02:01:27 quick story about please some things you know i had a i had a marine buddy that was a scout sniper and i'll never forget he was changed forever the last time i saw him i i we ate some food together and i remember looking at him and he wasn't there anymore. Okay. And he later died, actually. And he wasn't really there in the eyes anymore. I said, brother, what happened on that deployment? It was the initial invasion of Baghdad Iraq, scout sniper. He said, man, he said, it was crazy. We were just dumping people all the time. And that's the mindset that a lot of guys were in. Probably Chrisris kyle included and he says you know we were dumping people all the time so what do you mean he says well there was a lady out on a balcony
Starting point is 02:02:09 and she was really far off and and i saw her and i noted it to my lieutenant commander and she was dusting the carpet out like this and the commander told me to fire and And I said, no, it's a woman dusting her carpet out on a balcony. And the commander said, it's an enemy combatant. Do you understand? Fire. And my buddy said, it's not an enemy. It's a woman dusting a carpet off on a balcony. And the commander said, I just said that it is an enemy combatant.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Do you understand? Squeeze. Boom. Canute her head, man. I mean, how do you live with that afterwards? I'll finish with this. How do you live with the U.S. government telling your kids to give them vaccines and you actually listen to them and do it
Starting point is 02:03:05 exactly the same I don't mean to laugh but it's only because I'm so uncomfortable in the fact that people give their kids fucking drugs that the US government tells them to give their kids give your kid that's like a little rat
Starting point is 02:03:22 when he's born a bunch of drugs it's crazy to me. Crazy. Brother, I love you, man. I got to go. All right. Hey, I appreciate you. You've lived up to every bit of what I thought you'd be and more.
Starting point is 02:03:36 I'll be in touch. Reschedule and we'll pick up. I'd love to make it to the end of your life, to your present day where you are today. I'm dying to know how you ended up in Miami. All right. Jimmy Watson, love you, buddy. Thank you buddy thank you thank you so much thanks everybody for watching cheers dude bye-bye yeah see ya wow holy shit i could have rushed it i didn't want to i could have rushed it i know i can't wait to part two, too.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Holy shit. I need to make a note here. I guess I just watched. I guess I could just watch the end. In all transparency, I sent him this clip last night. In all transparency. Sorry. Take two.
Starting point is 02:04:22 I hate. I don't want to ever say that phrase. I just wanted to say to you that um i sent him this clip last night and just said hey i'm going to show you this if you have any problems with it you don't want me putting you on the spot like that just let me know so yeah i need a cigarette i know i just feel like i kind of i was swooning a little bit i said i was really like falling in love with the dude. He's cool. I wanted to say something about the comments around the Andrew Hiller's video that Andrew Hiller put up yesterday on his Instagram. There's a clip up there, and I use the word retard.
Starting point is 02:05:05 And the irony is I don't even use it in a derogatory manner. And some people just think that the word is derogatory no matter what it's used, where it's used. But I mean this with peace and love and humility. You don't become me and go backwards and start being offended by stuff. Go backwards and start being offended by stuff. Let me take a step back. There's racial slurs. And I've told you guys this before. I just haven't given this fucking lecture in a long time. But there's racial slurs out there.
Starting point is 02:05:38 That offend black people. And the fact that we insist. That those offend black people. Is the only offensive thing. That's happening happening on planet Earth in regards to that word. Black babies are born onto the planet and there's a group of human beings out there that are enforcing that these black babies be offended by words for their entire life. Why would you want to be a part of that? their entire life. Why would you want to be a part of that? But once you transcend that, once you don't want to be the oppressor of black people or retarded people or Chinese people or Armenian people or short people, once you don't want to be the oppressor anymore, you free yourself of that. You become free and you become a better person because you're not oppressing them anymore. You're not demanding that people be offended by stuff. But listen, I'm the evolution. People like me,
Starting point is 02:06:32 once you become free from that, you don't go back. Like I think it says in the Bible, don't be a dog and go back to your own vomit. We don't go back. You guys eventually become me. Those of you in the comments who are saying like, how dare he say that word or that's offensive or it's drug trade. You, the evolution is you become me. I don't become you. I was you. I get it. You can be free.
Starting point is 02:07:03 And not only that, when you set yourself free from this, you no longer are oppressing those other people and demanding they be free. And not only that, when you set yourself free from this, you no longer are oppressing those other people and demanding they be offended. I am the evolution. Thank you. That's great, isn't it? You know, Winston,
Starting point is 02:07:20 happy birthday. I love you to pieces. I hope someday I actually get to meet you and your family I really am fond of you It doesn't It doesn't go backwards It's not like one day I wake up and I'm like Oh my god
Starting point is 02:07:38 The word retard is so offensive It really is The truth is over here The fact that you're choosing remember also i i in a lot of people in the comments we were alive when the word wasn't offensive and then some of you chose to make it offensive isn't it fascinating you are you are the fucking oppressor you are the bad guy it's mind-boggling and those of you who have disabled kids and who have disabled family members and there's an emotional piece that gets twisted up in there and i know your life is hard
Starting point is 02:08:20 and i get it and you're triggered by the word I I get it I'm not lecturing you you still too are the oppressor but I get it I get it there's words that trigger me too I am by no means perfect but I have the cognitive and intellectual and awareness horsepower to then be like, okay, who am I oppressing? Why am I oppressing myself? And finally, for whatever it's fucking worth to anyone, I lived with eight developed mentally disabled adults, with eight developed mentally disabled adults lived with them for five years on their driveway like a dog while i took care of them i made the seminal film on disabled adults on planet earth today i brought more awareness to fucking disabled people retards all of that than fucking anyone who's ever listened to this show
Starting point is 02:09:29 Imagine not liking someone because of a word they they they they say I I was I was with a um, I was on I was at some um I was on I was in fucking nicaragua or something, and there was a missionary there. There was a church there, and they gave away a bunch of stuff. And the company that I was with, Vitamin Angels, was coming there to bring vitamin A, liquid vitamin A that's like in oil in these capsules. You cut them in half, and you put them in kids' mouths, and it prevents the kids from growing blind because the number one cause of blindness in poor countries is vitamin A deficiency. And anyway, while I was there, there was a lady, one of the church ladies. And if you said the word snake around her, she had a panic attack. And they would tell you when you got there, hey, no one say the word snake around this lady.
Starting point is 02:10:22 That's how retarded you people are. Do you understand that? Same, same. Not different, different. Love you guys. See you later. Bye-bye.

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