The Sevan Podcast - Joe Biden WINS | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 8, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The uh Good morning bam we're live And just like that Uh The the When you were on a couple days ago by the way thanks for coming on again Sure And your black eye hasn't healed
Starting point is 00:00:16 No it's healed enough but it's still a little Um I saw this uh The the we talked about a supreme Court decision a few days ago. I forget the name of it. Well, we're talking about the immunity. It's Trump versus the United States, the Trump immunity case. And by the way, two notes I want to append to that.
Starting point is 00:00:35 But go ahead. Please. No, go ahead. You go ahead. Okay. Well, so I was reading up on it some more and just kind of letting it marinate. up on it some more and just kind of letting it marinate and i jeff childers who writes um he's an attorney who writes uh coffee and covid um uh blog kind of substack blog and he's a very thoughtful guy i've actually been to uh some cle with him i was a moderator at something that he
Starting point is 00:00:57 was speaking at what's cle stand for uh continuing legal education oh wait people are saying they can't see me can you guys hear me we can't see seven on wait. People are saying they can't see me. Can you guys hear me? We can't see Sevan. Wait, really? Can you see me now? I see you. You were a little kind of pixelated.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Whoa. Just kind of like, can you guys see me now? I'm Sevan. Oh, people are saying that I'm out. Can you guys hear me? We can't see you. Oh, can hear you but can't see me. Interesting. That's interesting. I don't know why. How about now? There you are. Now I'm back.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yes. I think this is yes. Okay. Well, thank you. Thank you for the, uh, okay. Uh, Jeff Childer. So, yeah. So Jeff Childer's, uh, hosts, he writes the coffee and COVID, uh, kind of blog. hosts, he writes the Coffee and COVID kind of blog. It's one of the bigger ones. And he said something that I thought was really interesting. It really flips this whole thing on its head. So everybody's screaming that Trump's got immunity.
Starting point is 00:01:55 He can go out and commit crimes. He can order his rival to be assassinated. And all of that is just 100% flaming bullshit. It's just a complete lie. And in fact, Childress points out, I think correctly, that this, if you really think about this, for 250 years, presidents have had de facto immunity. No president has ever been prosecuted. Trump's the first.
Starting point is 00:02:22 No one has ever been prosecuted for something they did while in office. prosecuted. Trump's the first. No one has ever been prosecuted for something they did while in office. So up until, you know, 46, I guess he was 46 president, you know, for example, uh, FDR interned the Japanese, you know, lock them up in prisons. By the way, Democrat, of course. And nobody, nobody thinks he's the, he's the progressive patron saint, the worst of all presidents, arguably. And FDR locked the Japanese up in jail. No one thinks that was legal. No one thinks that, I mean, the Supreme Court has specifically ruled it was illegal. Did anybody ever go back to prosecute FDR?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Of course not. And you can go through history and look at all these things, you know, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. I mean, all these things that were done by presidents and picked from either party. It doesn't matter. And what Childress points out is that for 250 plus years, roughly 200, call it 204 years, for 240 years, no one ever dreamed for a moment that you could prosecute the president once he left office for those things. No one ever, not ever, was that ever done. So the Democrats smashed through all of that, what amounted to a tradition of de facto immunity for presidents for 235 years or whatever it is. And then they decided they're going to go after Trump while he's running against their guy.
Starting point is 00:03:46 So Childress points out that what's really happened is actually quite the opposite. We now have a Supreme Court opinion, because they were forced into it, that basically sets forth how you can prosecute a president now. The Supreme Court has now said, hey, there's official acts, there's official acts that are covered by, and they've got, you know, it's sort of this three-part test. They've got official acts that are listed in the Constitution. Those get absolutely. You got things that are sort of not listed in the Constitution, but that are normal prerogatives of being the executive of the country. And those get presumptive immunity. And then there's stuff out here that's unofficial acts and those, you know, outside of your authority and those get no immunity and you could be prosecuted for it. And so you now have a Supreme
Starting point is 00:04:22 Court opinion that explicitly says we can prosecute presidents. And Childers points out the real winners in this might be the American people. It's the first time in our history that somebody, the Supreme Court, has put a check on what's amounted to the imperial presidency. And so I think, you know, all the people freaking out about this have got it exactly backwards, which is pretty much standard for them. So if you hear people screeching about, oh, this means the president can do whatever, that just, it couldn't be more wrong. You couldn't possibly have it more backwards. So that's number one. And then number two worth looking at that I started to mention, and we got a little distracted, but it's really worth,
Starting point is 00:04:57 and this is the thing that, this is why, I'll tell you, this is why you have people screaming about the other aspects of the opinion, is because nobody wants you to read Clarence Thomas's concurrence. And Clarence Thomas's concurring opinion goes out of its way to point out that Jack Smith, the guy who has been prosecuting Trump, the special prosecutor, Clarence Thomas writes what amounts to a syllabus that, hey, this guy's not even properly appointed. He wasn't appointed pursuant to the appointments clause. He's not. He doesn't. The special prosecutor statute lapsed. Both parties let that lap. So there is no more special prosecutor statute that's gone. So he can't be appointed pursuant to that. And so Clarence Thomas just
Starting point is 00:05:41 basically told the world he essentially adopted what Ed Meese and a couple other former attorneys general had written as an amicus brief in. In the Trump, the Trump national security case down in Florida in front of Eileen, Eileen or Eileen Cannon, Judge Cannon down there. Thomas points out that this guy's not even properly appointed. I think I saw that in some congressional hearings also. Where, yeah, he's not properly appointed. No, he's just some dude that Merrick Garland hired off the street to come in and prosecute his political enemy. And so Thomas points out like, hey, man, this guy's not even this. Forget the forget all this stuff about immunity. He's like, I agree with all of that presidential immunity, but this guy's not even properly appointed.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Like, what is going on here? And so what it did was it essentially shot a torpedo into the broadside, into the classified documents case. And so nobody wants to talk about it. So you get all this screeching. Whenever you hear people screeching, particularly in the media and around a political issue, you hear them screeching about something, you can be certain of two things.
Starting point is 00:06:54 One, whatever it is they're screeching about is almost assuredly not what they're screeching, number one. And number two is it's always a distraction from something else. This is the misdirection by the magician. This is how's always a distraction from something else. This is the misdirection by the magician. This is how you get people looking the other way. And that's because they don't want people looking at Thomas's concurrence. Because if anybody takes a look at Thomas's concurrence, you'll immediately go, oh shit, Jack Smith's not even properly appointed.
Starting point is 00:07:17 These prosecutions fundamentally are a, this is Biden going, I mean, we're at, you know, we're in Venezuela land. We're in venezuela land we're in you know we're in banana republic we've got the sitting president hiring some some guy for lawfare to go after his political rival because he thinks he's going to lose the election i mean we're in full-on banana republic territory if i'm a president and i'm and i get caught speeding and they say where are you going and i said said, fuck, I need ice cream bad. That's not in capacity of my job and I get the ticket. If I say – if I'm speeding and I'm late to a meeting with Vladimir Putin, I'm good to go.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's basically this law. Yes. Because the ice cream is for me and just my sugar addiction. I'm good to go is basically what you're is basically this law. Yes. Because the ice cream is for me and just my sugar addiction. Can I show you a video here real quick? And it does look like I'm having some my Internet speed for some reason this morning is low. Hopefully this plays well. Tell me if these guys play.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Tell me, guys, if this plays well. But this is something that I heard. Is it is it illegal to threaten someone to kill them? Well, yeah, I mean, for between, you know, you and me, if I if I were somewhere and you have to it has to be sufficient to constitute a threat. But, yeah, it's an assault. OK, but if you did it to save the country as the president, that's where you would get the immunity. Yeah, arguably, that's this you're talking the immunity. Yeah, arguably, that's this. You're talking about, I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Okay, let me play this clip and you tell me if this is illegal, what Trump did or not here. When we were negotiating with the Taliban, while President Trump was still the president, President Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal, meaning that you do what we tell you to do, and then we will start pulling troops back slowly as long as you abide by our rules. It's President Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room. President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I want to leave Afghanistan, but it's going to be a conditions-based withdrawal. And translator translated, and he said, if you harm a hair on a single American, I'm going to kill you. And the translator goes, and Trump goes, tell him what I said. Reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban's home and handed it to him. Shut up. Got up and walked out the room. So you show a guy, you tell a guy, I'm going to kill you. You show a picture of his house.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's a pretty legit threat, right? You present that to a jury. Yeah. On the other hand, it's conditioned on, hey, as long as you don't touch any Americans, I won't. So on the other hand it's conditioned on hey as long as you don't touch any americans i won't so you could argue that it's a conditional threat conditional threats have always been viewed as kind of you know if the condition is not fulfilled then there's no threat but the argument would be like hey our president needs this power these guys are known killers they're sawing people's heads off on tv they're murdering women they're blowing
Starting point is 00:10:23 up buildings and so like basically without this, without this decision, could Trump or any president be charged? I would say no. Traditionally, again, for 235 years or whatever, no one had ever dreamed about prosecuting a former president. And so, I mean, Obama drone struck and killed an American citizen, not on the battlefield, without any due process, just made the decision and killed an American citizen. And when confronted about it, it was sort of, yeah, eat shit, you know? Intentionally he did that? Intentionally?
Starting point is 00:11:01 What do you mean intentionally, dude? It wasn't... Hellfire missile. Look up Anwar al-Awlaki, A-W-L-A. I'll give the beaver a heads up here. You know what I'm talking about, beaver, right? So it wasn't like it was a collateral damage. He went after an American citizen.
Starting point is 00:11:16 No, it's an American citizen. There you go. Anwar al-Awlaki was a U.S. citizen. Wow. Look at how they describe him, though. Look at Wikipedia trying to carry water for Obama. Is he a bad guy? Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I mean, you know, arguably. Although I'm a jihadist. Yeah, they call him a jihadist. An American Yemeni. You notice how they give him hyphenated citizenship and all that. But then they go, oh, right. Now, Olajuwon became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a drone strike from the U.S. government. And he was calling him African-American?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah. Look at him. Born in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Wow. Two parents from Yemen. Yep. Nobody ever wants to talk about him. He's a U.S. citizen.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Born in the U.S. Hey, and listen to this. He's supportive of violence, but it doesn't say he does any violence. No, right. I'm supportive of violence, too. Wow. And the government tried Milwaukee in November of 2010 for plotting to kill foreigners and being a member of Al-Qaeda. Judge ordered that he be captured dead or alive a yemeni judge not a u.s
Starting point is 00:12:28 oh oh oh right wow u.s deployed unmanned aircraft in yemen to search for and kill him firing at and failing to kill him at least once yep damn so did did anyone i, you can look up, there's a website devoted to how many people Obama killed by drone strike. He is president of drone strike, no question. When I was in Afghanistan trying to get a drone strike authorized, you can't believe how hard it was. I couldn't get it. how hard it was. I couldn't get it. It was very, very, very, very difficult to get. And this was in the early part of the war. Obama took over. And it's funny, he was, a lot of it to me, at the time, it struck me that Obama was overcompensating. This was one of those, I'm going to prove how, yeah, Obama embraced the drunk. Yeah, he then Bush got a total of 563. Yeah, 57 under Bush and 560. So a 10 X. Wow. Did 10 times the number of drone strikes.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And it's a weapon of terror, by the way. Out in the drone strikes are a weapon of terror. Don't let anybody tell you differently. at a hellfire missile just arrived at an intersection and destroyed a carload of people, you would be traumatized for the rest of your fucking life. Justifiably. So, you know, the new ones they have, the new hellfire, uh, uh, terror weapon that they use off the drones is the knife version. Have you seen that beaver? You know what I'm talking about? I think so. Instead, in order to to eliminate to try and minimize um uh casualties you know so-called collateral damage the hellfire missile and by the way i know a lot about hellfire
Starting point is 00:14:14 because i used to fire it off my aircraft so i'm not just talking out my ass the the cobra used to carry hellfire missiles so i i have fired a number of agm 11114 Bravos or whatever. But, yeah, I know exactly what that fat little missile looks like. And it's a laser-guided bomb. Yeah, that's it right there. You're pointing to it, the flying Ginsu. That's it. So the new version, instead of using the old Hellfire missile, carried a little bit of a composite B high explosive,
Starting point is 00:14:42 it would hit something, come down. It comes down right on the top, and it is a composite B high explosive. It would hit something, come down. It comes down right on the top. And it is a big kaboom. The pressure wave is unreal. The new one, what it does is it's got no explosives. So it's almost an inert missile, except right before impact, it spits out the side, these knife blades. And so what you have is you'll um and there's some yes
Starting point is 00:15:08 yes there it is that's a big old fuck you and so there's no explosive there's just the sheer force of that missile which is a couple hundred pounds just coming down knife blades pop out, and it basically just, I mean, they've used it, and you can find some video of. I've seen cars after they've been hit. Oh, God, it's horrific. I mean, it basically spray paints everybody who's in the car all over the place. Well, it's pretty precise, right? Like, it's not going to, there's not a lot of.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yeah, there's, you know, you're not going to get everybody at the intersection kind of thing. But my point is if this happened in an American neighborhood, you would be horrified. We would be seeking war crimes against anybody who did this to an American, but we were doing it. Obama has, you know, and, and U S government policy have been, they've been doing this in, you know, places all over the world. I had people, folks, you know, folks I knew, sources who used to come in from Pakistan and they would say, they would talk about the terror of the drones over the Fatah, over the federally administrated tribal areas, which is the area the mountainous area that that is the border between uh pakistan and afghanistan and they would talk about how you know you can hear the drones and you can hear them overhead and we had those things running constantly and so we were terrorizing an entire population of people and then we can't you know and then people tell you no we're not creating more terrorists no of course not like you wouldn't be bummed out if there was that constant buzzing every time you stepped outside.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And you can't see it. And you can't see it. You can hear it. You have no idea what it's about. Yeah. And it's just a matter of, yeah, there it is. There's pieces of it. Some various, like Jane's and some other folks.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, there it is. Right? Wow. Wow. Fuck, dude. Yeah. Imagine you're just standing at an intersection waiting across the street and there's a car and i'm like what there's something so
Starting point is 00:17:11 primitive about that it's it's savage it is absolutely un unrelentingly yeah yeah yeah yeah and it comes down at yeah but imagine it it comes down that the hellfire comes down almost a little more straight than that it really does it comes down almost vertical almost 90 degrees perfect yeah kablammo look at it yep there you go there's your government it's basically just like a a port of a targeted guillotine. Yeah, kind of, right. Yeah, a little bit. And it can do tanks too. Well, that's originally what the missile was for.
Starting point is 00:17:50 With high explosives, it comes down right on top of the tank, which is where it's weakest, where it's hardest to reinforce, to make the – so that's why the Hellfire – I used to have some video from gun camera footage of shooting tank hulks out at 29 Palms. It's devastating. So in any event, that's been going on, right? Obama did that and laughed in the press's face when they asked.
Starting point is 00:18:14 He said something to them one time. His famous quote was, I guess I'm good at killing people. Who knew? Or something like that. He just laughed in their face. Oh, damn. Oh, yeah. He wanted to be gangster.
Starting point is 00:18:23 He wanted to show everybody how tough he was which seems now in retrospect given everything we know seems like an awful lot of overcompensation but in any event no one's talked about you know going after president drunk strike and yet arguably now in light of that supreme court decision that's on the table but anyway that's all that's the trump specifically was regarding uh which account his payment came to out of uh to stormy daniels right is is that is that is that his criminal uh he's being charged with which account his money came out of the the crime he is charged with is that the 37 counts is the 37 different times there were on the checks that his accountant paid, um, paid his lawyer and listed the payment as legal fees. And the lawyer being Michael Cohen
Starting point is 00:19:19 claiming that no, no, no, those weren't legal fees. That was really the payoff for stormy daniels so the claim is that the calling the payment to cohen the lawyer legal fees in the block is the lie that's the lie because really that was meant to pay off stormy daniels which of course is not illegal you you could pay off right it's completely legitimate Give you money not to tell on me for something. Yeah. Like not to tell my wife that you saw me jerking off at the whatever amusement park. Non-disclosure agreements are perfectly legal and taking money to like, okay, I'll keep your secret if you want me to shut up. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And taking money for that is perfectly legal. So there's nothing illegal about any of that. It's that they're saying what was a misdemeanor under New York law for basically not properly annotating your books, they converted that into a felony by saying that this second class misdemeanor under New York law had as its object a violation of a federal law and that converts it into a felony. And then of course, the federal law that they say it was violating, they said that the jurists could decide on their own what that was. They didn't even have to agree. In other words, four people could say he was violating election law,
Starting point is 00:20:34 and the government and the prosecution in that case gave several different theories about what could have been the underlying crime, and they didn't try and prove it. Maybe you could think he created, maybe it was an insurrection. I don't know. Find him guilty or whatever. How much was the total amount of the payments? Not much. It was a few hundred thousand dollars, I think.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And what would be the superficial implications of putting it – or financial, sorry, not superficial, financial implications of having it come from the wrong account? Is it some sort of tax deduction? No, no. The point would be that it was, no, there isn't really any, he didn't do anything wrong. Yeah. 130,000. That's what I thought. And it was less than 200,000. It's crazy because the only thing I like, why does the government care which books you say it came out of? I would always think it would be just for financial reasons. If I go out to lunch with you, I can claim it's a business expense. If I go out with my kids, I can't.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And so there's some sort of tax implication. Is that the – Yeah, I mean I suppose you could like that. Is he paying taxes? But no, it doesn't seem to be the case because that's not – none of that's taxable income. Again, remember, this isn't a federal crime. It doesn't – they didn't charge him with any of that this is a new york specific a new york bookkeeping law that's a misdemeanor that they pumped up with like steroids to make it a felony by saying that he he had he did it to uh in order to influence the election in other words words, all the other reasons – yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Somebody else is going to say, yeah, I know. He gave her $850,000 to drop her sexual assault using tax money. Is that true? Bill Clinton in 1998 used a million dollars of taxpayer money? Yep. There's a fund. Congress actually has a slush fund that they – and somebody has been – Rand Paul. You'll hear Thomas Massey occasionally trying to get some – but there's like a $14 million congressional slush fund that they, and somebody has been ran Paul. You'll hear Thomas Massey occasionally trying to get some,
Starting point is 00:22:28 but there's like a $14 million congressional slush fund that they use to pay off sexual harassment, sexual assault allegations of Congressmen. And you could easily argue that that's for the safety of the country. I mean, of course when it's them, it's a perfectly legitimate thing. When it's there, when it's the person they don't like, it's clearly criminal. There's no, there's no criminal. There's no logic. There's no principle. The only principle is power. That's it.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That is the principle. Trump can't do it because he's the orange Cheeto. Did you see that Biden went for the spray tan? I know. That seemed the strangest thing to me. I was like, what? Who advised that? Yeah, that doesn't strangest thing to me. I was like, what? Who advised that? Yeah. What? That's doesn't seem like a wise choice. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:23:09 I mean, are they kidding? Add those chemicals to the cocktail. Maybe that's what it is. That's what's holding him together. That's just a glue. So, so, so then we move on to the other, maybe what's the greatest, the greatest. So if the Trump immunity case is, as Jeff Childers and I agree with him 100% is right, we've now cabined the executive. Maybe these guys will actually have to think about these kinds of things. Maybe we won't have president-drawn strike anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:36 People have to actually, presidents have to consider that I could be prosecuted. Maybe we'll get some more reasoned and constitutional behavior. some more reasoned and constitutional behavior. But the better decision, the best of all of the decisions to come out of this last, you know, the week prior was absolutely the one you hit me up about the Loper Bright decision. That's one that has direct implications for cases I'm involved in now. And man, a lot of us who fight the administrative state who've been, you know, fighting against government agencies for a long time this is the greatest thing that's ever happened for us we've been dying for this for a long time before you before you go into this what's so important there's a couple things uh that hit me really
Starting point is 00:24:15 strong about this i yesterday i basically i just typed in cnn chevron and i listened to all the liberal opinions on on the case and i listened I watched about six or seven videos on it, and not one of the liberal, not ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, not one of them ever mentions the Constitution, which was fascinating to me. It just kept using the word expert. And if there's anything that Greg has beat into me, especially through COVID, the experts decide for us. And we saw where I think I've heard it many times now,
Starting point is 00:25:12 but the biggest catastrophe ever to happen to the United States of America was the food pyramid. And I think that there's a pretty good argument for it, for basically all the mental disorders it's caused, all the obesity, the huge financial strain it's put on the economy, that basically it's a disaster. And that was done by an agency. So anyway, for those of you who don't understand, hopefully Dale can explain it better than me, but do you want to tell us about this decision? It's a great decision. And what's interesting is it's been signaled for quite some time. Thomas and some of the other conservative justices have been saying for a while now, signaling in opinions that they were basically waiting for the proper case to get in front of them and and the conservative i don't even call them conservative but the the call of
Starting point is 00:25:52 the constitutional majority the people who believe in the constitution yeah they they have been they have signaled for a while that if a if a proper case came up on chevron that they were going to burn chevron down and i don't really think they did that badly. I mean, they do it under the APA rather, the Administrative Procedures Act rather than the Constitution. But the essence of it is there was this 1976, the way it comes up is this, there's this Magnuson-Stevens Act, and it governs commercial fishing up to 200 miles offshore. And the whole idea was it was passed in 1976. And the idea was, hey, we couldn't have people commercial fishing over fishing certain areas. And so Congress passed this act to, you know, to govern the, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:38 there you go. And it's managed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, I think. Yeah, National Marine Fisheries Service regulates the MSA, the Magnus and Stevens Act. And it falls under the Department of Commerce, which is headed by, at the time, Gina said the NMFS could set up these plans, and it would require that there be observers on the boat so that commercial fishing vessels would go out. They had to take an observer with them. That could be part of the plan. It basically busted up the United States into eight regional fishing areas. So there's like the Northeast, there's the Pacific Northwest, there's down in the Gulf. And so there's these eight regional boards that look out for these areas of fishing. And the statute itself was very specific that folks up in the Northwest,
Starting point is 00:27:46 which is the most profitable area for commercial fishing, that they would have to, in that area, they would have to pay for their own observers, or they would have to pay for the government observers to be on the ship. And, um, that, uh, could be no more 2% to 3%. That cost could be no more than 2% to 3% of the value of the fish that they were taking in. And it only applied up in the Pacific Northwest, largely because that's the only area where it's the most profitable of all the fishing sources, right? Fast forward a few years. years and um basically you and i can have a two fishing boats and the government could force us to pay two to three percent to have someone come aboard our boats while we fish every every morning yep yep to monitor me so we're gonna choose the form of your your destructor we have to pay for for the government's observer to stand there and watch us fishing and make sure we're not
Starting point is 00:28:42 violating the law or we didn't you know didn't get fish too small or whatever it is. Right. Right. So, but, but that only applied in the Pacific Northwest and it specifically didn't apply to any of the other eight regions. So fast forward in the agency that's regulating it now decides that, um, they're going to apply that rule to the Atlantic side. And, uh, so these Atlantic herring fishermen are like, hey, and it turns out, you know, they have to hire their own, you know, this guy to come on and be an observer. It's at the cost of 710 bucks a day, which is about 20% of the fish value. So these guys are like, hey. And by the way, when you're saying this decision was made, this wasn't made by the voters.
Starting point is 00:29:25 This wasn't made by Congress. This wasn't made by the courts. This decision was made on citizens like us who fish for a living by some agency. Yep. Like, hey, we now can come stick our – we can now board your boats. No, sorry. We now – if you want to go fishing, we will be on your boats, and we will be on your boats and you will pay for it and you will pay for it yeah and so these guys are like hey man this is this is costing us the
Starting point is 00:29:50 entirety of you know entirety of our like if we don't catch the fish and we're paying you like what if we don't catch fish now we're paying 710 bucks a day it's not too it's not 20 of the value it's everything it's the whole i mean and they had to provide like a cabin for them a bathroom for them all that they gotta feed them i mean they had to pay and feed them yeah all that shit yeah great right so they're responsible for these guys while they're out there i you know we joked for a while a few of us we can go joking joking i promise we were like yeah i'll take some observers on board and then how many times would you come back and be like they fell overboard how many times before they were like okay you're not taking any more observers right i'd be like yeah they
Starting point is 00:30:28 went oh it was a tragedy they went right overboard i tried to throw a preserver here yeah i mean what do you want from us you know well anyway so these guys hey dude can you imagine they give you a dude in a fucking wheelchair who's 412 pounds and 62 years old to be your fucking observer? That's where it's headed, right? You have to comply and have a ramp and a heater for him and a place where he can shoot up his insulin. It's just fucking nuts. Dude, I would be the first one. I'd be like, I volunteer to roll that guy's wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Please let me do it. I'll be the guy. I'll come on the ramp. Yeah, crazy. So these guys sued and they consolidated it was a couple cases loper bright enterprises was one of them but there was a couple other ships that and they all sued and said hey this is horseshit and of course they lost and they lost because the um yeah they lost in the district court and they lost and the um dc district court on appeal and and they kept
Starting point is 00:31:27 losing and they lost because of the chevron doctrine and there was this case chevron that basically said that um the uh courts would have to defer to agency interpretations of the law and have to defer that's the key point here after i researched this they have to defer so congress makes the law the courts are supposed to interpret the law but the court had now outsourced that legally to agencies so if an agent to judge is like hey this is crazy these guys are all going to go out of business and there's no sign of this helping uh accomplish your goals whatever they are that the observers are supposed to accomplish this is a bad deal judge couldn't do it they had to defer to these agencies well and the other thing it did
Starting point is 00:32:14 was it allowed judges it gave judges essentially chevron deference became the easy out for judges who don't want to do any hard work so if you you're just like, oh, I don't want to deal with vaccine safety. Like, man, I don't. You know, these guys are the experts. And, you know, like it gave every judge, it essentially was a full-fledged abdication of the judicial role. And a lot of us who've been fighting agency actions, like crazy, shitty agency actions like crazy
Starting point is 00:32:45 shitty agency actions for a long time it's it's been maybe the most frustrating thing because you know that the agency's acting illegally you know they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing and they're captured right no way no one on no one on either side is arguing that this i just looked at all the board members of the CDC. Holy shit. Oh God. The CDC, FDA, EPA, they've all been captured, but meaning they're being run by a private corporations. They're being run by the exact folks that are supposed to, they're supposed to be regulated. We have the Fox and the hen house.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yes. I say it this way. I think it's better to think of the FDA. The FDA is not a regulator the fda is a vaccine company with regulatory powers right the fda has it's like it's like giving the budget comes from a vaccine yes big pharma yes they're big chunk of it yes going back to the fishing thing is there any evidence this is just a complete side note i know it's not relevant but is there any evidence that it was big commercial fisheries that were trying to push this through to put the small guy out of business?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Oh, I don't know. I haven't looked that deeply. It wouldn't surprise me at all. that the people who are most able to absorb big regulatory changes and costs, regulatory burdens, the folks most able to handle that are large commercial interests that already exist. You could use the example with farming. Who's better able to absorb a new regulatory cost, a small single family farm or a giant behemoth, you know, ConAgra? And the answer is always, of course, ConAgra. This is how the steel mills went. You can find in every case where there's regulation of an industry, who do you think they asked to, who do you think the government, the congressman asked to come in and write the regulations? Where do those lobbyists get
Starting point is 00:34:45 those regulations? The steel industry themselves. The largest players. Who can afford to hire people and lawyers and lobbyists to spend tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars and pay off congressmen and help pay for their reelections? Who can afford that? The small guy, the mom and pops? No, of course not. Of course not. And that's what happened with COVID, right? They listened to the experts and they did not listen to the judges. They didn't follow the Constitution. They didn't listen to the judges, the political leaders. They just listened to the experts. And you can go on the CDC website and it's very simple to understand. You never, a vaccine had never, even though it's not a vaccine,
Starting point is 00:35:27 a vaccine had never been deployed in the middle of a pandemic. Ever, ever, ever. Not during the polio pandemic, not during measles. And there's a clear rule and explanation why you will exacerbate the problem if you deploy a vaccine during the pandemic. You only give it to the most vulnerable. And then they always end in riots. Like lockdowns always end in riots so you don't do lockdowns but you never lock down healthy people you only lock down they had something in place
Starting point is 00:35:49 but because the agencies didn't want that they just ran over all that and put all that shit in place and then the courts go for those of us who are fighting in the courts i'll give you a great example of this same with the food one more. Same with the food our kids ate in school. Yeah. The food pyramid. The food pyramid was once again the agencies put that in place, and then our kids were fed poison. And then this is when you get things like you get an agency determination that pizza is a vegetable. And then the courts just go, sounds good to me. Because of tomato sauce?
Starting point is 00:36:23 That actually did happen, right? Yes. It was the vegetable on the kid's menu. Insane. Yeah of tomato sauce that actually did happen. Right. Yes. It was the vegetable on the kid's menu. Insane. Yeah. And so, but, and that's what you get.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And so this is, that's a, that's a concrete example of that. What happens is you get absurd agency interpretations and a judge looks at that and goes, well, I can either get in a fight with the agency and this is going on and on. And then with Chevron deference, it would likely be that the,
Starting point is 00:36:44 the appellate court would say, well, did you just you always had an out. You could never go wrong as a judge by deferring to agency interpretation. So what this decision has done, practically speaking, you take it outside of the the fishery context, but just broadly. And by the way, it's already been used once. You're going to. Oh, really? And by the way, it's already been used once. You're going to love this. Oh, really? And by the way, the Chevron law, I looked up. It's been cited.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It's given agencies power in over 18,000 incidents that have gone to court that people have tried to push back and lost over 18,000 times saying, no, the agency gets to decide. Yeah, and it feels like I was a part of about 15,000 of those. Not true, but God, it feels like that. I've been suing government for a long time. And in the cases where we were successful, the one time or, you know, the big case, the anthrax vaccine case in Dovey Rumsfeld was because we had a former head of CBER come in and said, the agency's doing crazy shit. And the judge was like, Hey, I'm not deferring to the agency, but we got lucky. But in 99% of the cases, it's always, well, we just defer to the agency. You know, the agency in 99 of the cases it's always well we just defer to the agency you know the agency knows what they're doing we're just a bunch of judges and
Starting point is 00:37:49 you can never go wrong well what this decision says now is on matters of law when it comes to interpreting the law judges are not free to defer to anyone that the whole point of having judges look at cases is you're supposed to tell us what the law means, dipshit. And they – The way I understood it, Dale, from the research I did last night, and I didn't do much, just a couple hours watching videos, that they can still defer to the agency. On matters – But it's not required now. The judge can make its own decision, whereas before it was required that they defer.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yes. But now it's also what they would have to do is this on matters of law, on interpreting an ambiguous statute. Now the judge has to make his own independent assessment. Right, right. Okay. Right, right. And so what that means is that now judges are on the hook. And more importantly, now it means you, if you're going to, if you're going to adopt the agency's idiotic take then you're on the hook for it and what that means is again i come back to practical considerations like i'm very much a pragmatist and because of you know being a practitioner of law right now what it means is this whereas before a judge knew he could get away with just adopting whatever an agency said,
Starting point is 00:39:05 whole cloth. Now he's on the hook for that. And what is the one thing that judges hate more than anything else in their whole existence? What's something a federal judge would hate more than anything else? Being overturned by an appellate court. There's nothing more humiliating than you're a judge, right? And you write this lengthy opinion about why this is this and oh, you plaintiff, you're full of shit. You don't know what you're talking about. This is the law. No judge. And I can imagine, I mean, it's not hard to imagine. Being a judge and getting overturned would be an absolutely, I mean, that's a humble pie of a sitting. That's a rough thing because you're out there publishing decisions for the whole world.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Everybody, potentially, anybody who practices in that area sees it. Now imagine that an appellate court comes down and goes, that's stupid. And you're like, you just got pantsed in front of the entire school. I mean, it's not a good feeling. And so what Chevron did was it gave judges a crutch for a long time. And now that crutch has been taken away. And so, by the way, you want a real concrete, I told you that it's already been used. So this issue already came up. The Biden agency that interprets Title IX legislation had said that gender means that it means when it was passed that when the Title IX regulations were passed in 1972,
Starting point is 00:40:36 they wanted a reinterpretation to say that men are women. So this whole, the whole, um, true cult and getting men in, you know, Laya Thomas, Will Thomas to be able to compete against Riley Gaines and all that was based on the, I think it's EEOC. I'm not sure, but reinterpreting title nine regulations to say that gender identity is what they meant when they put in the protections for against gender discrimination. And so they, they reinterpreted it. Well, that case went in front of, um, several judges now. And most recently, like right after this, the Loper Bright decision came out, um, the judge district court judge enjoined the Biden administration from interpreting the title nine regulations as being, you know, gender identity as being included within gender in the 1972 law and cited right to the Loper-Bright decision and said, we don't owe this agency, I don't owe them any, yeah, there it is right there.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Department of Education, that's what it is. And they don't use the word gender. They use the word sex, right? Yeah. No, they're using gender identity now. Look at it. Consistent with their gender identity, violate Title IX. And so this most recent case, a bunch of courts have said hey um these title nine interpretations are just are entitled to no deference under the new loper bright was it an agency that was giving the interpretation yes it was the department of education's interpretation wow wow said that you you could we could have oh that's awesome and so now the Loper Bright decision Just it came out the other day in there you know
Starting point is 00:42:27 Last week like as soon as that decision Was out some enterprising judge I forget where in Missouri I think no Yeah might have been Missouri or Louisiana Somewhere down there Mississippi District court judge there was like yeah these Regulations are in joint this is garbage This isn't entitled to any
Starting point is 00:42:43 I'm not giving this any deference at all dale is the quintessential marine his head looks like it could go through a cinder block hey how do you know that actually that's true it could go through a cinder block i got in trouble in college for for putting my head through a wall that got me thrown out of housing dale there was uh um this is falling into the weeds but i want to ask you about this. Sure. And I'm probably not going to explain it well, so you're going to have to re-explain it. That's right. Originally, with the Chevron decision in 1984, if you took a case to court and you had six – the statute of limitations was six years. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 That's the other part. And I can't even believe it used to be the old way. Yeah. Could you explain that? Yeah. So the old way was this. I mean that's the crazy shit they used to have in place. And it happened a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:40 So the old way was this. If the regulations, suppose after Chevron, if the regulations, say the Department of whatever, education and whoever, passed some regulations, some interpretive regulations, and they said, we think this means this. And it has no impact on your- Once again, not Congress, not the courts, not the voters. Just some random fucks like Fauci just working in an office somewhere taking money from pfizer which which they did okay the hired help yes so that so um they would not the swamp by the way too when when we hear drain the swamp that's those people that's the people who are truly ruling us yes okay and so um what happened was suppose that the regular you know you you're going on with your life you have
Starting point is 00:44:24 no idea and no reason to have any idea that, that these regulations, they have no impact on your life. Now let's suppose that suddenly you become a Marine fisherman eight years later. And you're like, yeah, I want to go into commercial fishing and you start doing it. And you know, you're a commercial fisherman now, and it's eight years down the road. And then all of a sudden you run up against these regulations. Under Chevron, you would be passed. If you suddenly, the first time these regulations impinged on your life is eight years after they were passed, this interpretation was passed, you would be shit out of luck. Even though you're like, well, I have no reason to know. Why would it even matter? They would say, yeah, sorry, you're past the statute of limitations. You're eight years past when the regulations were first interpreted in this way. And so you're screwed.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Sorry, out of luck. The new low per bright decision says, yeah, that's ass. And the other aspect of it that people- Thus empowering the people more. Now you have six years from when you were charged with the violation. Now you have six years from when you can show it impacted you. So in other words, you're not bound by regulations that are 10 years old that just now impinge on your life. They get reinterpreted or whatever. The minute they impact you now, that's when notice begins. And that's the way, and you're like, I know you're thinking like, why would it ever have been the other way? That was another aspect of Chevron that was one of the most hated aspects of it for those of us who practice in that field, litigating against administrative agencies for what they do to people. We would rail about the fact of how old are their eggs? Because your client might come in and be like, I'm harmed by this.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And you think, okay, great, they're harmed. They've got a case. And then you go look and you're like, this interpretation was seven and a half years ago, man. I'm sorry, you're screwed. They've got a case. And then you go look and you're like, these this interpretation was seven and a half years ago. And I'm sorry, you're screwed. You got nothing. And so, yeah, now it's it's opened up. It's essentially they say it's only prospective, but it clearly has will give people, you know, within the last six years now, anybody who's got something that harmed them within the last six years, just had the statute of limitations opened up to them. So it's a, it's a tremendous, tremendous boon to, you know, plaintiffs to the citizens. Yeah. It's, it really has put a lot of power. I mean, you still have to be able to afford an attorney, you know, but,
Starting point is 00:46:40 but it's made it a lot easier now to sue over these regulations. And so what will, again, the pragmatic, the practical. And for the regulators not to be bought. The power gets back to the people now instead of to the experts. What you've done is you've just diminished the value of owning regulators. It now makes less sense. Regulators now just got cheaper and worth less. You change the economics around buying off regulators. Huge. I mean, it's got all kinds of far reaching impacts that people won't appreciate. But in terms of there might be nothing that anyone could have done better to curbing the administrative state than the loper bright decision and that's why people are railing about it the people you know government unions and which you know own the democrats and so all of that um you mean a couple yeah novel concept yeah i know it's crazy a government for the people by the people dale there's three branches of government legislative executive and judicial yeah i don't do you think it's hyperbole to say that these
Starting point is 00:47:46 agencies were a fourth branch no absolutely true it's not right i know i was thinking that yes holy fuck there's four branches with this law yes for sure it it's been that way for a long i mean again for those of us who've been swimming i I tell people, if swimming the English channel is like a big deal in swimming, you know, like swimming the English channel is like, you know, if you can swim the English channel. I've done the legal equivalent in fighting agencies of swimming the English channel about seven times back to back. Like fighting what you have to go through to fight administrative agencies and how they bury you in paperwork. And it's, I mean. I want to give you guys a real world example of how this plays out. And Dale, you tell me if I'm wrong here. A law passes that says, a climate chain law passes that says that cars are putting out too much CO2.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Right. And that it's affecting the world, and something needs to be done. Then all of a sudden, an agency writes, hey, we need to get rid of all cars with combustion engines. Yeah. And next thing you know, none of our three branches of government had any role in that other than saying that we have pollution and next thing you know combustion engine cars are outlawed and a whole industry vanishes because of some people who are paid off by electronic vehicle makers to protect the environment yes and i put that in quotes yeah
Starting point is 00:49:22 for sure that's exactly like It threatens so many things. Yes. Yeah, it's crazy. I can't even believe what's going on. I can't even believe it's happening. All of it is premised on, there's something even underlying this. We'll go outside of, I'll give you extra homework and extra credit here for anybody who follows this. But all of this is premised on an idea, which is that Congress even has the right to regulate all of these things.
Starting point is 00:49:49 And that itself is based on a shitty decision that needs to be overturned called Wickard versus Filbin. Wickard, W-I-K-A-R-D versus Filbin, F-I-L-B-I-N. LBIN. And Wickard versus Philbin needs to be overturned as well, because it would be even bigger because it would cut back on the things that the federal government should even be involved in regulating. But Wickard was a Depression era case. Yeah. And what it came out of was this guy was growing wheat on his own land and he was selling it only locally within his own state. And but he was producing more than the the Agricultural Adjustment Act would allow. the agricultural adjustment act would allow. And the whole purpose of the agriculture, this is what,
Starting point is 00:50:46 but this was fundamentally, these were, these are fascist laws past FDR ram through. Cause he was a fascist and FDR. I want to, after you explain this, I want to figure out why are there so many fascists in the liberal camp, but we'll get back to that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:03 I'll come back to it. It's an easy explanation. But there was a law the agricultural adjustment act that basically it was price fixing it fixed the prices for things and you know we're going to solve uh we're going to solve economic problems by by saying that you know uh wheat can only cost x you can't and you can't produce more than y amount so this guy produced double of what he was allowed to under the law but he only sold it locally used it for barter or whatever so it had nothing to do with interstate commerce and congress up until that point and the supreme court had been very
Starting point is 00:51:37 clear that congress's ability to regulate commerce it could not regulate prior to that could not regulate commerce within a state, purely what was called purely intrastate commerce. If you were a guy in Ohio and you didn't have any business outside of Ohio, Congress has no business regulating you. You're an Ohio guy. Only the Ohio legislature can be regulating you under the 10th Amendment. And then the Supreme Court came up with this doctrine in Wickard versus Filburn that basically said, and I had the spelling wrong, sorry about that. But Wickard versus Filburn said that, came up with this aggregation doctrine that basically said that,
Starting point is 00:52:18 well, you know, yeah, maybe you're only selling stuff in Ohio, but the cumulative impact of that affects the price of wheat across the country. And therefore we can regulate and, and that opened the door. And this is why you have these agencies that we have. This is why you have agencies governing things. This is why I have a department of education. It's all under the commerce clause. agencies governing things. This is why I have a department of education. It's all under the commerce clause. And so the commerce clause has now been read, has been blown open to basically mean that no matter what you're doing, no matter how, and in fact, the commerce clause, everybody thought John Roberts was going to get rid of Obamacare. When it came up, they were all like, oh, he's going to totally, that was the case that was going to crush the
Starting point is 00:53:01 commerce clause. And instead what he did was he said, well, maybe not the Commerce Clause. He wrote this whole thing about how you couldn't justify Obamacare under the Commerce Clause, but you could do it under the tax clause. And so he basically took the power that everybody thought they were going to rip away. Everybody thought the Supreme Court was going to do the right thing and get rid of Wickard versus Filbert. And so that was the case that Obamacare was going to be the case that everybody thought was going to get rid of the commerce clause. And it didn't. In fact, he said, no, it applies to the tax clause. And so now we've got it both for the commerce and the
Starting point is 00:53:34 tax clause. But most most of us who are constitutionalists and think about these things have said that that whole thing needs to die. And that would get away with, that would do away with a big chunk of the administrative state, because then it would be what we have now. The problem we have now is that every issue, no matter how small, no matter how minute, no matter how limited to either California or Texas or Louisiana, these individual issues now, everything now is a federal issue. And that's why we have a federal government that's grown explosively like nothing else, you know, is we've, we've made everything a federal issue. Everything is a federal issue.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And so you can see low per bright as maybe the beginnings of trimming that back, but it won't really go back into its, uh, into its hole until we get rid of wicked versus. So basically you could argue that opens the door for that argument, no matter what, like, Hey, you selling ice cream on the streets in your small town in Pennsylvania somehow affects ice cream prices in California. And if that is the show of God, that's crazy. That's the law right now. That is the law. And and again passed by not passed by anybody it's a it's a terrible case a terrible supreme court case out of the 40s and um you know it's uh it's one of those ones that needs to die it's it's really a big part of the problems we have
Starting point is 00:54:59 are the federalization of everything that that washington dc should be making decisions about things that go on in idaho or why or when when i would listen to the conservative pieces on the chevron case they would give you they would cite exact specific situations where it's hurting the public it's hurting the public they're hurting they would give them over and over and over and when i listen to the liberal liberal ones they would just give big picture. Wow, this is going to really open up the gun market, but they wouldn't tell you how. This is really going to hurt climate conservationists, but they would always tell you how. It's always women and minorities hardest hit. Yes, that too. They would say stuff like they would really lean on the fact that, hey, we've had this for 40 years. It's going to disrupt the status quo.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Like that was enough as an argument for not going like, hey, I've been beating my kids my whole life. Let's not stop now because that'll shock them by stop beating them. That'll confuse them. them they i couldn't find one thing where they were like hey with this reversal and then they would point to one solid example nothing they give no empirical evidence nothing objective nothing concrete it was all just this pie in the sky shit it was driving me fucking nuts it's my uh my law school civ pro professor used to have it uh he used to call this argument called the horrible hypotheticals. So it's the it's you can't really point to anything that's bad. So you gin up all these hypothetical horribles that haven't happened, but you claim will happen if somebody decides against you. Right. Claim that it'll be it'll be dogs and cats sleeping together in the streets. It'll be anarchy. We'll have you know, it'll be chaos.
Starting point is 00:56:46 That's never the case with court.'s never the case with court almost never the case with court decisions so are the democrats against the constitution like like what's going on with so they're the the democrats their ideology just butts right up against the constitution they don't even they're not even americans dude that's been that's only been since the founding of the party. I mean, yes, of course they're against the Constitution. They're against anything that's an impediment to power. That's a straight will to power, baby. That is a party that is hell-bent on one thing, power over you. That's it, period.
Starting point is 00:57:19 That's a force. To the extent the Constitution is a document of limited, supposed to keep, supposed to be only enumerated powers. You know, you're not supposed to do anything that's not listed. It's if you don't have the power listed, you don't have the power. We've reinterpreted that now completely. But yeah, Democrats are always, it's just pure accretion of power. That's all it is. That's their entire ticket.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And that goes back to the question you asked, why are they like fascists? And that that's, there's the answer, you know, it's because they want power. That's what they believe in. They really do believe that they're right.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Anybody who opposes them is clearly a bad guy and wrong. And therefore they need more power. QED. That's what you get. The, the, the censorship stuff that went on during 2020 to 2022 that was just overt through Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and all of those things, that was all agency-related too? Those were agencies like the FBI and whatnot, telling these people, Hey. Yep. Sure was. And well, not only that, I mean, it was agencies.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And then they set up these NGOs. They, the, and that's when the Supreme court got wrong. I mean, they punted on it. They said, Oh, no standing terrible decision. So they got the, they got the first amendment wrong in a Murthy versus Biden, or is that what it turned Murthy versus Missouri? Maybe I forget who the final parties, they changed the name of that case a couple of times, but I think it was Murthy versus Missouri maybe. But that case they got wrong. They punted and said no standing. There's a chance that RFK, he's got a case still pending that might actually get that, he might be able to
Starting point is 00:59:02 show standing and that might actually bring that up before the court again. So they might get it. We might get a second crack at that one. Yeah. Missouri burden versus Biden became Murphy versus Missouri. You see it right there. Twenty three dash four eleven. They recaptioned it when it went before the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah. Murphy versus Missouri. And so that's a terrible case. That's a horrific decision by the Supreme Court, in my opinion. But they got it right on some of the other ones. And that's part of the thing about thinking of, we tend to think a lot of people do, it's an overly simplistic thing. We've turned these whole Supreme Court nomination hearings into these big brouhahas. That's a recent phenomenon. It didn't used to be like that. It used to be considered as a matter of just once the president
Starting point is 00:59:52 won, Congress, the whole with the advice and consent of the Senate used to be viewed as kind of a rubber stamp for the president that basically once you won the presidency, you got to pick whatever justices you wanted. And it used to be like back in the 1800s, we didn't have these big hearings over Supreme Court justices and what's their theory and blah, blah, blah. That shit didn't happen. That's a much more recent phenomenon. It really began with Thomas and Bork and all of those hearings. Democrats turned those things into huge political things. They're going to take away abortion. They're going to lock you in chains. They're going to blah, blah, blah. Again going to, you know, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Again, the same thing you talked about, horrible hypotheticals. All these people will put you back in chains when it's, you know, Democrats for the party of slavery. I mean, Democrats were the ones who, FDR was the one who threw the Japanese in prison, you know. Locked the Jews from going through Ellis Island. It's just, everything they accuse you of doing, they're doing. It's always, yeah, everything. It's everything they accuse you of doing. They're doing. It's always, it's all, it's all projection.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Always, always, always. That's what we're living through right now. We're living through a period where we're watching where the, where the demons inside people's heads are being projected onto everybody else. We're having to endure the abuse of like munchausen by proxy politicians you know they why do you keep making me beat you dale you know they just right
Starting point is 01:01:13 just right why do i keep forcing them to have to you know send the cops after me kind of thing i mean it's just yeah we're we're living we're on the on the wrong end of you know of the mental illness of most of our legislators. Look at them. I mean, take a look at them anytime. Listen to them talk and you realize these people are ill. Do you like RFK? You know, I know a lot of people in his organization and I love his stance on vaccines.
Starting point is 01:01:43 He's very smart. His voice, though, is I can't listen to it, Seve. I can't listen to it. I mean, I hate to say this. He might be brilliant and all that, but he starts to speak, and I'm like, yo, turn the volume down. I'm like, oh, my God, I can't listen to that scratchy. I played it at 1.5 time.
Starting point is 01:02:00 It's like, oh, then you get the Mickey Mouse version. You get him on helium. To me, it's like listening to me, it's like listening to the It's like listening to What's-His-Face In the wheelchair, the guy Stephen Hawking Yeah And I'm just like, oh, I can't
Starting point is 01:02:16 I can't do it, you know He could be saying the most brilliant shit I've already left, you know, I've departed the pattern I'm like, I can't do it I can't do it But I'll tell you this When I saw who he picked as his running mate um this is a great yeah the day george floyd died in 2020 the gas station behind the scene was selling gas for $1.89 now it's over four dollars a gallon that gas station is now closed
Starting point is 01:02:40 yeah that's an amazing i wonder if that's true. That's amazing. Oh yeah, for sure. And most of, by the way, the price of gas, most of that price, if you look at, you know, people go, what about the price of gas? Why all these oil companies, oil companies on, on all the oil and everything they produce, they run on extraordinarily narrow margins, right? They, they make on a, you know, a barrel of oil they might take two two to three percent that's their that's their cut the profit is like two to three percent most of the money on your cost of gasoline most of the price is taxes yeah somebody's done this before it's not like 40 of the price on gas is the result of federal or state tax last week our gas in california went up
Starting point is 01:03:24 two cents because of a state tax. Now the state, 60 cents of every gallon of gas in California is state tax. Yeah, and then there's the feds. Right, and local and all that stuff. Yeah, and that's to say nothing of the regulatory compliance costs, which are massive. That's why we haven't had a new refinery opened in like 40 years or something. Dale, have you seen the RFK interview with Sean Ryan? Yes, pieces of it. Yep.
Starting point is 01:03:50 There's a piece in there where he talks about that the CDC, it's either in 2001 or 2006, I can't remember. They had basically a five alarm fire go off and they called an emergency meeting and they did the meeting off campus because they didn't want any record of the meeting and they call it the secret vaccine files and they met off campus and they realized that there's a stronger correlate between vaccines and autism than there is between smoking and lung cancer oh yeah and and he explains it and um those are the kind of things that he says that i'm like holy shit but i don't here's my problem with him i don't know if he has the chutzpah to do anything about it like i believe trump has the hootspa to do stuff about stuff you know that
Starting point is 01:04:46 that's always the big question is people talk and talk and i'll tell you on the 501c3 my my i'll tell you my prejudice there that's a non-profit tax filing yeah that's a non-profit corporation 501c4 and there's about there's 501c4s there's a bunch of different kinds but it's a non-profit basically you get a tax status from the IRS that says, I'm doing something. And the IRS has a list of things that they say, you can get favorable traction treatment if you work in these areas. And that is its own whole rant. But my take on 501Cs is this.
Starting point is 01:05:19 They're dependent. They get their money not from selling a product. It's not like CrossFit. We sell a seminar. Yeah, we did when I worked there. We sold a seminar. And we believe that it delivered at least that much value to people who came there. So we were like, hey, we're going to charge. In the same way that the computer I'm on cost me two grand or whatever. I bought this Mac and I thought, yeah, you know what? This is worth that. This will produce this much value for me. I get the big screen thing. And so I bought it. But nonprofits don't work that way.
Starting point is 01:05:48 They don't sell a product. What they do is they kind of sort of claim to sell a solution, but they fundraise. And so they basically beg for money. A nonprofit is basically a sophisticated version of a homeless guy with a cup out on the corner saying, can you help a brother? You know, they use advertising and all these kinds of manipulative, you know, ways,
Starting point is 01:06:11 but fundamentally they, they rely on donated money. And to me, what that means is they are, they are from their creation, not incentivized to come up with solutions. Because if you solve the problem, then we close our doors and we all go home and nobody has a job. Seattle's a billion dollar homeless economy.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yes. I mean, you know how- The government, the local government spends a billion dollars a year on managing thieves and drug addicts. And so it's a whole economy. There's no incentive to, and they're nonprofits, a lot of them. thieves and drug addicts. And so it's a whole economy. There's no incentive. And they're nonprofits, a lot of them. Right. And there are well understood solutions to these problems. But those, you do not get that. What you get is like, I love when people talk about, they're going to study the root causes. This really started in the 30s. Again, this is everything bad came out of the 20s and 30s. But the 30s started with, we're not going to solve
Starting point is 01:07:02 poverty. Poverty is what? It's defined as a lack of money. You're broke. So what do you need? If you're, when I was broke, like when I was growing up and my, you know, my mom, when we were kids and single parent home, you know, my dad and mom divorced and all that. It was my mom and two kids. We were on welfare and all of that. We, you know, what was, we didn't need to like examine the root causes of poverty.
Starting point is 01:07:24 The issue was we were broke. We didn't have money. The solution to poverty is money, period. But the other part that people miss is poverty is not a condition. It's not a disease. Poverty isn't like, you know, it's not like AIDS or herpes or poverty is the natural state of man. The fruit won't pick itself. The tomatoes out
Starting point is 01:07:46 of my garden, somebody's going to have to pick those things up. They're going to rot there. They unfortunately will not jump off the tree, roll, come into my house and make themselves into salsa. And so the poverty is the state of man. It's the default state. And so when you hear people talking about, we're going to solve the root conditions or we need to look at the root cause of this or that, that's when you should reach for your wallet. You're being had. And so all of these things, we're going to, LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson, another horrific, shitty president who probably should have been prosecuted, and a racist. prosecuted. They had a racist. But Johnson declared war on poverty in the 1960s. We've spent trillions of dollars since. We could have given every American thousands, tens of thousands of
Starting point is 01:08:35 dollars over. Did we? No. What happened instead? We funded all these parasites, the parasite class, NGOs, non-governmental organizations, 501c3s. I can't think of how many generations of bureaucrats and kleptocrats have gotten to drive Mercedes S-classes on their fight against poverty. And we used to see it at CrossFit too. And if you remember that, we finally got out of that business. How many different nonprofits wanted us to do a fundraiser for them because they wanted to leverage our community and get the money out of the pockets of our affiliates and their members. And it was a great thing. In fact, I mean, you could argue that's what the new management's doing now. It's the same idea, except instead of from a nonprofit, it's for profit.
Starting point is 01:09:29 a non-profit it's for profit you know when i was a kid dale um i smoked a lot of weed and i was very passionate about it and i had like different bongs and different pipes and i learned how to roll weed and i read all the books on how to grow it and the different kinds and i tried to just like i was i was i didn't just smoke it but i was passionate about like everything the economy how long people went to jail for it and so basically I started selling weed to try to make money so that I could have free weed to smoke and because the profit margins were high on it and, um, and, and to pull myself out of poverty. Right. And so I'm just going back, this is off subject a little bit, but, but the root, yeah, the root isn't, um, the, the, the cause of poverty, like you said, it's your natural state until you find something you're passionate about and driven about, and then you chase that, and then the good things happen to you. Right?
Starting point is 01:10:14 It's not an affliction. Right. You know what I mean? Only you're going to pull yourself up out of that. Right. There's no secret to poverty. to pull yourself up out of that. Right. There's no, there's no secret to poverty. In fact, there's some great lines. I think it's Thomas Sowell or somebody else has said, people, poverty is the default state of man. We shouldn't look at poverty. We should look at the
Starting point is 01:10:35 very limited circumstances in which people have managed not to be impoverished and look at what that is. And that's, and that for those of us who are kind of, you know, free market, free trade kind of folks, that's what that's, you know, you say capitalism, that's a dirty word. Now I wouldn't even use that because what we have is in capitalism, but free exchange, free trade between people is, is the only thing that pulls people out of poverty and interference in that is what is, is a drag on bringing more people out of poverty um and it was interesting so then i made a lot of money growing marijuana but like not like not like a lot a lot but you know enough to like where i could buy coffee and i could pay rent and i could take a girl to the movies and
Starting point is 01:11:15 then i ran then interestingly enough i got a video camera and i got obsessed with video cameras so then what i started doing is i started filming people's grow instead of growing marijuana i stopped growing marijuana i started filming people's gardens and then I would turn them into DVDs and print them on my computer and sell them on eBay And on Amazon until eBay and Amazon stopped me from doing that because you couldn't sell stuff That was part of the so then I had to switch over to Craigslist and sell them on Craigslist And then eventually I got it, you know from making these marijuana over to craigslist and sell them on craigslist and then eventually i got it you know from making these marijuana um uh little films on how to grow marijuana uh making shows for espn and so there you know but you know what i mean it was but it's just interesting it was just hard work and passion
Starting point is 01:11:54 and then my my filming marijuana marijuana took me to videos and videos took me to whatever and then it's just it's just fascinating and none of it happened with anyone else's there were only things in my way yeah i was just about to say there were government agencies yeah government agencies to bring a full circle telling you you can't do this yeah you know i i trip on fact checkers um on instagram too because they say you're fact checking but how do they know that that's not there how do they know that that's not your premise, that what you're posting, you know, it's not true? What if you're posting? What if your whole point of posting it is to be funny or satire or to or to consciously mislead? Like, right. This post is doing exactly what I want it to do. Yeah, dude, that whole business is, I can't believe that the American public has been dumbed down sufficient. the government can figure, can find its asshole with, you know, I mean, it's just, it's amazing to me that the idea, like that anybody's going to be the arbiter of truth. I mean, how many more times are we going
Starting point is 01:13:16 to have to let a black guy out of jail after 20 years for a crime he didn't commit? And that had a jury, a trial, you know, I had a defense attorney and all that. And we get that stuff wrong all the time. And that's when you had a judge, lawyers, cops, investigators, defense attorneys, all that. And that was clearly factually fucked, wrong. And yet we do that as a matter of process all the time. And the idea that someone is just going to like, on a whim, like, how are they going to fact
Starting point is 01:13:53 check? I mean, somebody else pointed this out, it came up in that Murthy versus Missouri case. How are the fact checkers? How do they know? Are these people doctors? Like, how are they fact checking me when I put you down there? And like, I say something I know about, like, are they going to fact check me on helicopters? If I were like, hey, this helicopter, you know, blah, blah, this happened and that happened. And they're like, oh, that's bullshit. And we all know that that's not what's going on. What's really going on is narrative policing. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:15 That's all. Right. They're not checking facts. They're just they're just looking for dissenters from what the current received wisdom is. And we're going to crush that. That's all that's going on. And I can't believe that anybody claiming to have two brain cells to rub together is going to take seriously. That's why when you listen to the Supreme Court arguments on that case, they were so disappointing. I mean, there are some midwits on that court.
Starting point is 01:14:41 We just all have to be honest with ourselves. There are some midwits on that court. We just all have to be honest with ourselves. There are some midwits on that court. 100 IQs. I love that malice refers to them derisively as 110s. You mean on the Supreme Court? On the Supreme Court. Like who? Like Sotomayor? Please.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Okay. Another interesting thing that I thought was uh regarding the the trump case was people were saying that trump's not above the law and it it's so fucking manipulative because that was the whole premise of taking that to court to show that he was not above the law that he's within the law and it's a crazy spin to say that they're trying to make him above the law he's not above the law if a president by law can't be charged for um a criminal activity that he does in um in the capacity of his job as
Starting point is 01:15:39 president yeah like like i said it's we've had de facto immunity. The whole thing turns it's, it's, it's, it's dishonest and manipulative because it, it, it lies and turns the decision on its head as they always do decisions they don't like, which is for two, for 240 years, no president has ever been prosecuted. Trump's the first guy ever. And there have been a lot of shitty things done, criminal things done by presidents. And none has ever been prosecuted criminally. Trump's the first one. And he was prosecuted on what amount to trumped up political garbage charges. And now we've got a Supreme Court opinion that says, well, yeah, you actually can prosecute him. And they backed the Supreme Court into a corner and forced them to say that, well, I guess, yeah, I guess you can. No president is above the law.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So that has actually come out of that opinion. I mean, that opinion stands for the proposition that actually you can prosecute a president. Up until now, that's never happened. And the problem with these is they're clearly political persecutions. I mean, these are, you know, by a hired hitman who's not properly appointed, who's, you know, not pursuant to the appointments clause, not, has no justification for existing. This is a Merrick Garland hitman lawyer prosecuting Biden's political opponent. And we know that the other cases, the Fannie Willis case, we know all these people met with, went to the Biden White House. We know from the White House logs, these I mean, you couldn't have a more blatant case of political interference in an election where the major opposition candidate is being dragged and threatened with imprisonment.
Starting point is 01:17:21 I mean, up until this decision, July 11th, Trump was facing sentencing. They were going to chuck this guy in jail. Isn't he still facing sentencing in four days? Well, he is now, but there's a giveaway in Merchan's. He acknowledged in his order, you can see he got it. When you get slapped down by the Supreme Court, like I said, there's slap downs and then there's slap downs. There's being overturned as a judge, but then there's having the Supreme Court weigh in and basically ask, what the hell are you doing? And so Merchan said in his order, he put a little appended comment like, if sentencing is even necessary. And so because now he's going to have to reevaluate
Starting point is 01:18:06 Trump's, what they've done is Trump's attorneys are now going to file a motion to open the judgment and say, Hey, wait a minute, which of these were official acts? You never ruled on it. So which of these are official acts, which of these are unofficial acts that, you know, so he's going to raise the immunity in the same thing and be like, well, was this an official act? Was it an unofficial act? If it, you know, and so all of this is one merchant. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And he's the sentencing judge on July 11th. Yeah, he was going to be. Now it's been pushed back to September, I think September 18th, if I'm not mistaken. Why? September, I think September 18th, if I'm not mistaken. Why? Well, because Trump's attorney said, hey, in light of the Supreme Court ruling, we're going to file a motion and we want to reopen. You know, you can't have some of these things.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Some of these convictions have to go away. So will they have to run the whole jury trial again? Well, no. He's going to file the motion and then the government's going to respond. The government's already said, well, we don't see any reason. You know, the prosecutors in the case have already said, well, we don't see any reason, you know, the prosecutors in the case have already said like, well, we don't see any reason why this would affect anything, but, um, we're going to give you the time, you know? And so it's like, okay, well, I guess we'll, I guess we'll have to, um, let his lawyers, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:21 you know, they're going to give the, the, the Bragg's office said they want until July 14th. And then the court said, okay, well, well then I'm going to have to rule. And then, you know, then there's the possibility that Trump's attorneys could appeal.
Starting point is 01:19:34 And so that, yeah, that's, that's all not going to, isn't it fascinating that they call it a hush money case when it could easily be called a misclassification case or, well, it's funny. They call it a hush money case when it could easily be called a misclassification case or well it's funny they call it a hush money case when no one's ever no one has yet proved that trump that that he either slept with her you know what i mean like it looks like this whole blackmail thing was dreamed up by i mean if you watch the testimony watch the case itself you know michael cohen the the star the defense's star
Starting point is 01:20:05 or the government's star witness is admitted that he stole from trump and that he did this all on his own and the phone quality claim clearly did i mean this guy is just you know it's amazing there's there's the books like 60 he he he he took 60 000 for himself or something. Yeah. He stole from his client. And here he is as an attorney violating. Let's suppose it was true. Here he is violating his attorney client. Probably should be disbarred as a matter of, I don't know if he already has been. I mean, the guy's a complete piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Complete piece of shit. And that's the basis of the prosecution. Somebody did an analysis of the book. Everybody's got a book deal. That's how you launder money in politics. You get book deals and people, sponsors buy crates of books and you make money off it, but the public never buys them. That's how Hillary. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:20:59 Like the whole idea that like, oh, it it's a new york times bestseller you know it's because people bought donors bought crates of books that are sitting in a fucking warehouse but you can't find them on bookshelves anyway it's how you million copies sold yeah million copies sold right sitting in a warehouse uh february 26 2019 cohen was officially disbarred by the new york supreme court as he should be a complete turn, complete turn. Wild. Yeah. And that's that. So anyway, one of the books that was written about this,
Starting point is 01:21:34 one of the guys who was on the prosecution team and then left, you know, he went to write a book and somebody did a great analysis of it. Saved me the misery of having to read it, but it's brilliant. And they point out that in the guy's book, he basically says, he keeps telling about how he was, this was part of the team that quit when brag wouldn't go forward on trump and and what the guy is doing is he's recounting the story about this novel theory that they had of jacking up these misdemeanors into felonies and that none of the line prosecutors were on board with this the regular guys who do trial work were like this is a shit theory this is bullshit it's never been in the book he admits it yeah and this guy is writing it from perspective
Starting point is 01:22:09 of like he was the brave hero who brought this theory to light and he's complaining about all these regular prosecutors who are like this is insane we would never do this like this you can't prosecute somebody based on this theory and the other part of it was he said he was he was disappointed because all the new york prosecutors like basing a prosecution around Michael Cohen as your star witness is idiocy. No one in their right mind would base a prosecution around a star witness as a complete fraud and liar who's admitted publicly that he's trying to make money off of Trump that he stole from him. I mean, you would never base it's like it's like making your eyewitness to a murderer drug addict who at the time was high on mescaline or something you know i'll be like that's our eyewitness he could yes he absolutely identifies him you know anybody
Starting point is 01:22:53 with with any sense of justice would be like i don't think i can throw somebody in prison over that that's not that's not good enough but that's what they did. When I see things like what I'm about to show you makes me realize how big the division is between. I guess I could just speak for myself, myself and a lot of people out there, because what I'm about to show you is a guy arguing why the Chevron decision is bad. But when I hear it, all I hear is, is why the Chevron decision is bad. But when I hear it, all I hear is, is why the Chevron decision is good. And I think, holy fuck. Yes. Yes. There are always reasons. Yeah. This is fucking crazy here. This is a MSNBC. This is absolutely nuts. Here we go. The Supreme Court's conservative supermajority dealt a serious blow to democracy by overturning the 40 year old legal precedent known as the Chevron Doctrine in what many court watchers are calling a judicial power grab.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So already right there, I'm like, a judicial power grab. So he's couched it. So taking decisions away from the deep state, taking decisions away from the bureaucracy, forcing judges to have to make decisions is now a threat to – remember, whenever they use the term our democracy, they're not including you or me in that. Our democracy means what they – their power, not – it has nothing to do with you, me, the other people, the deplorables. Yeah, they don't want the politicians they elected making the decisions they want the experts that are owned by the uh by pfizer and coca-cola to make them okay here we go long-standing principle required courts to defer to federal agencies own interpretation of laws that they like right there that that's enough for me i like he's like he doesn't need to say anything more i get it doctrine in what many court watchers are calling a judicial power grab. This longstanding principle required courts to defer to federal agencies on interpretation of laws that they administer in the case of ambiguities or questions about enforcement of laws.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Now, this is just – How does he dig himself out of that? He just admits everything that's wrong with it. How does anyone not hear that and be like, wh whoo thank god the court's got the power back because listen it's all it's all just noise all this guy's doing is providing people people didn't get themselves into this mindset by reason you know it's that old mark twainism you're not gonna uh talk a man out of a decision that he didn't arrive at by reason. You're not going to provide it. This isn't about evidence. This is about getting some, he is, he is another expert. So here he is another expert telling people he's here to pontificate
Starting point is 01:25:38 and tell people about why experts are, they should be listened to. And he, I mean, you know what I mean? It's like the whole thing. It's like turtles all the way down. Here's a bald headed. Look, he's got the glasses. He's got the suit. He's clearly an expert, a legal expert. And he's going to tell you about what's wrong with this. He's an expert here to tell you why experts should be experting and you should shut the fuck up and do what you're told, sir. That's how functioning governments work. Congress or a legislature cannot possibly anticipate every question that might arise about any given law that's passed. So it typically and again, it's not just in America. It's all over the world in working democracies. The legislature typically delegates that sort of authority and enforcement to experts at the federal agencies who actually administer. That's not true. How does the judges do? How does Congress delegate? These are federal executive agencies. So how can Congress give to the executive its own authority?
Starting point is 01:26:33 And he's right. He's telling the truth in this sense. This has been a giveaway, and Congress has all but abdicated its power. That's what's amazing about what we have in Congress now. We have a Congress of 435 assholes who do nothing but scream and histrionics and perform for the cameras and don't do shit in terms of, and they suck up money to get reelected, but they don't, they're not doing anything. Like when was the last declaration of war? How long have we been at war? How long have we been getting Americans killed in combat?
Starting point is 01:27:01 And when was the last actual declaration of war? I don't know. World War II, is it? Yep. It's the last time a president asked for a declaration of war. Since then, it's just been presidents doing whatever the fuck they want. And so this was when he says, you know, Congress delegated to the executive. Right there, he's just admitted he doesn't understand the separation of powers doctrine.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Or that, you know, there's a legislative branch. They make the separation of powers doctrine or that you know there's a legislative branch they make the laws there's an executive branch they're supposed to carry those those laws of execution uh even-handedly unbiasedly and then um there's a judicial branch who's supposed to say you know whether those laws meet the meet the proper standards for being constitutional or legal you know and this guy is already telling you about how congress is he's already trying to tell you that no no listen congress gave that away they get out gave that away to the experts you know yeah just complete and utter bullshit because it's not about reasoning he's just a huckster he's just
Starting point is 01:28:02 there to make noise the people go oh yeah he you you nailed it he's just a huckster. He's just there to make noise. The people go. Yeah, you nailed it. He's just a huckster. Guy's just there to make noise. Hey, I want to show you one more clip from CNN. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this one justice because I can only show seven second sections. But this is amazing. I don't know what's going on at CNN,
Starting point is 01:28:29 but this looks like a fucking high school fucking operation here. I was dying watching this yesterday. Yesterday, I watched CNN for like two hours just on YouTube, and it was fucking amazing. That's how certain a widening group of leading party officials, operatives, and donors are that the president's slow start to salvage his campaign just isn't working. Harris is in the office updating her schedule yesterday to have her appear with the president for the 4th of July. Today, as we celebrate, as we celebrate the promise of America, we also celebrate and
Starting point is 01:29:01 express our gratitude. Her husband's a joke. Hey, notice She's the only person on stage wearing a tie So bad Senior reporter Isaac Devereere joins the panel. Senior reporter Isaac DeVere. Look at this fucking guy. Always. It's always the same thing. Isaac, you have new reporting about the...
Starting point is 01:29:34 Look at these fucking people. Look at this whole setup. It looks like they're at a fucking dollar store. I can't even believe what I'm seeing. President, what can you tell us? Well, look, Joe Biden always says, don't compare me to the... His audio is all fucked up. I need to compare me to the alternative but
Starting point is 01:29:47 his problem right now is that a lot of democrats are doing that as they're thinking about connell harris they have been really frustrated with the slow start to uh the way that biden has tried to salvage his campaign that they not seeing him or hearing him much of course last week this guy was inappropriately touched as a child 100 it's crazy. I immediately thought that when I saw him. I thought even worse than that. I don't know why that popped in my head. My first thought was, my God, what did they do to this
Starting point is 01:30:14 poor guy? What happened to you? Yes. And then, wait till you see this guy. Oh, and this lady is like a beaten puppy. Wait till you see her. It's underest and this lady's like a beaten puppy. Wait till you see her. Underestimated.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Hard not to take this personally. How do you think he would respond? You know, he carries himself with a lot of dignity and a lot of class. And if that is what he chooses to do. She has a lisp, a lot of dignity, a lot of class. And she's the former special assistant to President Biden. He will do that with the utmost dignity. And people will give him that grace.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I do think the party will actually give him a give him that grace. I do think the party will actually give him a lot of grace here and I think the media will as well. But if you look back to 2015 when he decided not to run, that was handled with such care and such respect
Starting point is 01:30:52 and he handled himself so well during that entire process. I would expect nothing less. He is a statesman at the end of the day. He wants what's best for this country. Something happened to her too and her voice is trapped
Starting point is 01:31:00 as a six-year-old girl. I like the Mike Tyson lisp though. And so he will do nothing, that he will not jeopardize the Democrats' ability to beat Donald Trump and know that number, but he will not.
Starting point is 01:31:09 His ego will not. She knows who's cocaine it was at the White House? She was a special assistant to Biden. She knows who's cocaine it was? She knows. Now look at this guy's makeup line.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Look at this guy. You can see his makeup line from his face to his neck. Why are they always chinless? Just... Jesus. Too much. line look at this guy look you can see his makeup line from his face to his neck look at why are they always chinless just jesus too much on what happened on the debate uh on the president's health uh the problem is voters are selecting a president what he looks like a shitty matt damon oh my goodness oh my goodness i just i'm watching and I'm like, Jesus, who are these fucking four people talking to America? How the fuck did like,
Starting point is 01:31:48 go, go to YouTube, come to my station. I got a spot for you, dude. It's all, this is what the media, I mean,
Starting point is 01:31:55 this is where we are with the mainstream media. It's collapsing. Had it not been for the Corona virus bucks, they'd already have collapsed. They got a bunch of money. They, within the pandemic bills a lot of money was set aside for media to as long as they towed the covid line that's how they stayed
Starting point is 01:32:10 in business they stayed afloat so now that that's drying up this is what's left these these are such a pathetic group of people i was watching um cnn is just uh ever since the debate, it's just beaten puppies. Like no one there speaks with any vigor, with any confidence, with any, I mean, they're. Well, you know what you're watching though right now? I always tell people politics is, you know, we had some great, Greg and Brian had a great meeting with a guy who was big, very prominent for many, many years. A big insider in democratic politics back in the day when it was a legitimate party. And he once told us with regards to the whole soda thing that, you know, Greg's like, I don't know, man, I think we're being, you know, I think we're being, we're under attack by soda. And, you know, instead of saying like you're a conspiracy theorist or you're crazy or anything
Starting point is 01:33:02 like that, the guy was like, if you believe it's happening, it's undoubtedly worse than you know. And of course, that turned out to be true once we dug in. And so I think that people don't realize, like I wrote something about this recently, that right now what's going on behind the scenes with Biden, people need to understand that it looks much more like Game of Thrones than anything else. much more like Game of Thrones than anything else. Yeah, yeah. Like what you have right now behind the scenes are where you have a power vacuum, where you have a president who's clearly not running the show, and maybe it's been Obama, you know, or this cabal of people. But you have all different kinds of interests, power interests, you know.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And that means that, you know, the State Department has its interests alongside the military, industrial complex, you know, the weapons manufacturers. They've got one agenda, and that's driving more wars. You know, we need to sell more weapons to the Ukrainians. And of course, some of the politicians are along for the ride because they're getting kickbacks. And so that works for them. I mean, but there's all these different interests and what you're witnessing right now. Like I saw a great theory the other day that Kamala is already, that she basically has some blackmail on Biden. This whole thing's going to play itself out, but she's going to wind up.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Can you imagine what it feels like to be her? I mean, she's even less popular than he is. It's miraculous. I think if we knew what was going on in the white house, we'd be terrified. I think it literally is like a high school, a game version of game of thrones. Yeah. The, the best movie ever you know who turned me on to that was when we were talking many years ago greg told me that the best movie about politics ever was election have you ever seen that with a young reese witherspoon and and matthew broderick no if you gotta pull oh yes yes uh he's a high school um yes he's a high school Yes he's a high school teacher And Reese Witherspoon is running for
Starting point is 01:34:46 She is so good in it It's unbelievable She is so so good But it's all the worst Behaviors around a high school election And I always tell people whenever they Ask me about politics I go watch the movie The election and then they're like what the hell
Starting point is 01:35:02 They think it's about politics I'm like just watch it And it's this wonderful movie about her doing everything she can to become president of student council because she knows she deserves it. She's the best one. She's clearly the one. And like, if you, if you watch that and you see the behaviors there, we've all seen it. That's what's so great about it. You think with the money that's at stake in the U.S. election that it's better? You think that you think that for president, it's suddenly, you know, didn't everybody do that? That, you know, middle school civics lesson where we had elections and all that.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Do you remember it was not the best or the smartest person? That's not who got elected. I remember when it all happened. I didn't you know, know i didn't run for office but one of my friends did and i remember he was an idiot and he was just a complete tool and he made all these promises like we're gonna get an ice cream vending machine you know and all this stuff that we all knew was bullshit you know and i was like what the fuck is he talking about and everybody was like yeah you know and he was like you know handsome kid and he made absurd promises you know no more homework fuck that you know and he was like you know handsome kid and he made absurd promises you know no more homework fuck that you know and everybody and we all knew that he was ahead of his time he was you know and that's what i knew i was like okay this is fucking that movie was filmed in my high
Starting point is 01:36:17 school no yeah it was i just forgot about that looked it up. It's filmed in my high school. Get out of here. That's like a claim to fame from now on. We're the electionists from our high school. That's great. Dale, have you seen the show called The Boys? Yes, some of it. I need to go. I want to watch the whole thing. My wife's like, ah, she doesn't want to watch it. But I've seen enough episodes to be like, oh, I got to watch this. It's crazy propaganda. I've been watching for two and a half years and i've seen dick like a hundred times and finally two and a
Starting point is 01:36:50 half years in they finally showed some boobs um they paint all the worst characters like there's a character called homelander he's just yeah he's a disgusting character they completely i mean he's just they're trying to paint him as donald trump it's crazy even at the rallies for him the people are the signs are the same the color it's fucking the craziest anti-christian uh pro homosexual propaganda you fucking it's wild of course there there's a scene in this in the show dale where there's a picture of someone's anus and there's a superhero that's really small. And they show it and it's in detail. It's on the screen for like a minute. And he crawls into the person's anus and then they show him go in.
Starting point is 01:37:34 And then he's massaging the insides of this dude's fucking like colon. And then the guy who's laying there on the bed is like, hurry up, get to my prostate, get to my prostate. And then the little superhero that's in there, like fucking this guy in his anus, he sneezes and becomes huge and explodes the guy. I mean, you can't even fucking believe this show. I can't. I saw the scene early on and I was like oh where the flash the guy who's like can run fast somebody goes to step off a sidewalk yeah and he's running by and just just blows the guy up just yes hits him which kind of struck me as a little bit funny like
Starting point is 01:38:17 yeah you know nobody ever thinks about the guy who can run as fast as you know faster than anything on the planet or whatever like but can you see that far? Does he, you know what I mean? There's a scene where a guy's fucking an octopus. He tries to have a threesome with his wife and an octopus, and he does, and they have a threesome, and he's fucking an octopus. And they show it.
Starting point is 01:38:38 It's not like ambiguous. Yeah, that's where we are, man. That's why I don't, you know, it's not like, uh, um, ambiguous. No. Yeah. That's where we are, man. That's why I don't, you know, it's funny. I don't watch much TV.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I spend most of my time writing and writing and reading. I've seen more gay sex in the last, I don't know, month than I've seen in my entire life from this show. It's wild. That's saying something coming from you. Yeah, it's absolutely yeah it's absolutely
Starting point is 01:39:05 it's absolutely uh you left yourself over for that yeah thank you hey dale what about um what uh graphene oxide does that what is that do you know what that is is it in vaccines i know i'm yes i'll tell you something that's it was we did in the first, I filed the first case against the mandate before it was even a mandate. Three days before, something like that, five days before we filed because we knew it was, I was trying to get an injunction to stop it. So on like August 18th, I actually filed a mandate, filed a lawsuit, an injunctive lawsuit in the District of Colorado to stop the lawsuit. And one of the things we did was we managed to get we had some folks, you know, since this is a military run program, it's all being shipped like the vaccine. The BNT 162 B2, the EUA vaccines were all being shipped through the military. It's all that it is a military run operation. As a consequence, it means that we had folks, military folks, God bless them who came to me and were like, Hey, you know, we can tell you where the shipments are
Starting point is 01:40:14 going or, you know, this is where these are. So we want to get our hands on a couple of files. And so of, of, uh, discard, like they use, you can only use so much of it and then once they do they just throw away what's left like when you don't have enough for another dose they throw it away so we had some folks who got us um got us some discarded vials and so we shipped them off to a lab and had them uh mass spectrometry we had them tested and so what do you think came back all manner of shit was in there now i was saying that i put that in our filings we put that in our initial filing and then we kind of like ah you know we backed away with it because at the time they were coming out you know the government was coming out all
Starting point is 01:40:53 those things oh it's bullshit that's all you know there's nothing adulterated about these and then like it took a few years but now you can find all this stuff you know where scientists have been like yeah we found all this crazy shit in there and there's all this garbage and sv40s in there i can tell you that we found all of that uh very early on tested it and yeah the things that absolutely this these things are adulterated products under any reasonable read of the relevant statutes they're adulterated products one of the more common symptoms of graphene oxide contact with the blood is clotting yeah also known as thrombogenicity toxicity studies in animals also show an increase in immunoglobulin e lung damage and signs of anaphylactic response when graphene oxide oh and those are all things that we've seen those are all things we've seen
Starting point is 01:41:43 from the injection yes lung damage we've seen stuff that looks like anaphylactic shock and and clearly we've seen a clotting all all kinds of clotting issues yes that's that is uh yeah that's been one of the more common maybe the most uh common oh and uh and uh cancer causing however the underdosage of graphene oxide is – wow. Yep. Wow. Yep. It's worse than anybody knows or imagines. Why would they put that in there? Is it part of the delivery mechanism or to hurt people intentionally? intentionally you know there's a great uh the folks at um iceni i c e n i have had a piece
Starting point is 01:42:30 that they published um a long time ago and it laid out the whole transhumanist project but there has been within dod there has been a many many years, many studies, papers done on the idea of the Internet of Bodies, which is that your body has a natural, its own electrical charge. You know, that's part of we are electricity producing entities. entities and that there's a whole notion of that you could have internet of bodies where you can, you could power things, you could send signals, you could get, there's been all kinds of work done on the idea of these, these nano particles, having them inside your body, that would be able to give us data that you would get, like you could go to the doctor and he wouldn't have to cut you open. He wouldn't have to inject you or take blood. He could just get a readout from nanotransmitters in your body. And so I look, Elon's, but look at Neuralink. They've got an embedded transmitter,
Starting point is 01:43:36 neurotransmitter within folks. And so the iCINE folks, I can send you the link to it, but they did a great article about all collecting up all these articles, military folks talking about this. And so the idea that they would put graphene oxide in there. Yeah, sorry about that, Jonathan. But yeah, that's my suspicion is that this is part of a larger, the larger transhumanist project. And so this hasn't been given up. It's not going away, but are they, are they sticking you with stuff so that it might be usable down the road?
Starting point is 01:44:10 It might be activated under certain circumstances or with certain other things that get put in your body or yeah, for sure. For sure. I spoke with a biology professor and he said, one of the uses of graphene oxide is if oxide is when you inject something into the body, it's easy for something to latch on to graphene oxide and get delivered to the rest of the body. So it could be a precursor for disease X that's coming. And also of note, I've heard that Starbucks actually puts graphene oxide in their coffee so they can track where you are and figure out where you're going and help their distribution. Dude, that sounds absolutely crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Right. Except not really. Except what, Dale? Except what? Except not really. Right, right. I mean, we're all walking around with tracking devices on us right now. Right. I mean, we're all walking around with tracking devices on us right now. Right.
Starting point is 01:45:05 I mean, if you knew everybody had this, right, and then what couldn't you inject with them that might not interface with your phone? I mean, that's really beyond the pale? Really? People think that's beyond the pale? Come on. Right. fail. Right. And K ultra was, was, you know, trying to create sleeper agents and using hallucinogenics to try and get people to do things because the belief was the commies had done that to some
Starting point is 01:45:33 North Korean prisoners and all of this stuff. So, I mean, we've been playing around with this for, we're not 60 years in on this project, actually 70 that started in 52. So people think that what it just all went away after the hearings, after the church, the Warren, which, the church committee hearings? Yeah, Frank Church, the church committee hearings. So anything's possible. Of course. I'm going to type in graphene oxide Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Sorry, go ahead. What's crazy is the Tuskegee experiment, right? They injected black men with syphilis and monitored them for 40 years without treating them to see what would happen. What's crazy is that there was this mysterious Gulf War syndrome. Well, you know, do you remember
Starting point is 01:46:15 the first Gulf War they had to everyone had to get vaccinated against anthrax? Maybe that's what that was. Nothing is actually you're not you're not you should probably get yourself a copy of this and look at chapter two let me see that let me see the book again uh united states uh versus members of the armed forces written by dale f saran the truth behind the department of defense anthrax vaccine immunization program there There you go. Um, I'll,
Starting point is 01:46:45 I'll, uh, tell you that the, the place you want to look on Gulf war syndrome is, um, chapter six, the Gulf war drugs. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:46:55 I was, I, I got a real education and all of that when I started defending guys on the anthrax, uh, program. Yeah. It's on Amazon.
Starting point is 01:47:03 You get it on. I don't pit my own stuff but i just you know once you've written something and you've looked at it deep enough i don't want to hear myself talk about it since i spent significant time researching and writing it and so i just go hey man just read this like i you don't want to hear me rant and all this so is there an audio version no i probably should have one right yes yes please how do i do that i think i can do my own right i just go there and read it that's a good question i don't know how you do it i could figure it out for you though some people some people i know some people who do the wrong
Starting point is 01:47:35 read their own audiobooks i don't like my own voice though so maybe i'll get somebody else i gotta get somebody with a british accent that's how you make it totally legit i'll get somebody with a british accent to do sevag anything else no totally legit. I'll get somebody with a British accent to do it. Sevalg, anything else? No, that's it. I'll talk to you later. Okay, thank you. Bye. All right. Yeah, he's right on. Gulf War Illness, man, was largely a byproduct
Starting point is 01:47:57 of our own experimentation on U.S. troops. I get people who reach out to me all the time, veterans, guys who are are retired and they're like hey you know I just stumbled onto your book somebody told me about it and like I think I've got you know something from when they gave me anthrax during the Gulf War I'm like yeah you probably do what am I gonna say you know right and by the way you're outside the statute of No shit. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:48:27 All right, Dale. Thank you. As always, fun. Yeah, I really appreciate you coming on. Good stuff. I think overall, the show is good news. Great, great. The Chevron thing is great.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Oh, dude, this is going to have far-reaching implications. It is a great win. I don't care what the talking heads tell people. This is a great win for, for, for the American, the average American citizen. It's a huge win. Long, long, um, long-term. This is a great thing for us. It really is. Look at Pat Lang actually said something nice about you. Dale, you demand. Wow. Why is Pat Lang known for not saying nice things about people? He's been just railing us the whole show. Sebag Bartanian, just bought your book. Thanks, Dale.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Hey, no problem. And that's a legit Armenian right there, Sebi. Look at him. Look at that name. I know. He may even be related to me. Probably. Alright. Thanks, Dale. I'll talk to you soon, buddy.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Later, bro. Okay. Ciao. Later, Dale. Dale Saran. Holy shit, the guys. There's no point in being smart if you can't communicate what you know. It's true.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Nobody can understand it. Yeah, and this guy can do both. He's smart and he can uh communicate i was just talking to my wife about that too we were just talking about dale and he was like and she said that she really enjoyed listening to him talk because he can uh dumb everything down to a point that people can understand it uh there was this guy when i first started working at crossfit greg would always tell me he's the smartest man i've ever met blah blah this young kid he was this redheaded kid and uh what was his name i forget his name taylor no maybe it was ron i can't remember but anyway he didn't he couldn't talk and so i would always tell greg hey it doesn't matter to me how smart this guy is. To me, he's a fucking idiot because he can't communicate. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Yeah. You ran a poll. This is the interview of George Stephanopoulos yesterday on ABC with Joe Biden. Here we go. Every single person we polled thinks that you're a retard. We polled African-Americans. They all say you're a retard. Hispanic-Americans also think that you're retarded. We polled African Americans. They all say you're a retard. Hispanic Americans also think that you're retarded. They call you El Retardo. We even polled actual retarded people. Even they say you sound absolutely retarded. You see where this is
Starting point is 01:50:56 going, Mr. President? Well, I just had a bad night. We ran a poll. Now, I know Pat Lang is going to say this is fake. I know he's going to accuse me of spreading misinformation But I'm telling you Mexicans do call him El Retardo I know Pat You don't believe it Pat I know I hear you That's fine I get it
Starting point is 01:51:23 And it's a free country. You're open to... Kevin, this is not fake. I agree. El Retardo. Wow. That was good. For 40 minutes in Oakland last night,
Starting point is 01:51:44 there was free shopping at a local gas station. Oh, no shit. The police never arrived. What? Dude, this is crazy. Hey,
Starting point is 01:52:04 do you want to really know how fucked up Californiaifornia is so this buddy of mine uh i don't know how much i should go into details on fourth of july in my town which is relatively safe santa cruz california there was a uh down at the beach um by a a store there called the Point Market, there were 500 people who gathered. Like, you know, young people. White people. That was black people shopping for free right there that I just showed you. But these were white people.
Starting point is 01:52:35 And not that it matters, but I just want to show that there's balance. The skin color is not relevant, even though I'm making it relevant oh what a tongue twister what a mental head fuck they're gathered 500 of them and the cops show up and the the they've closed the intersection it's just chaos there and the cops show up and they start throwing m1000s m80s and firing roman candles at the police and i asked this guy well why didn't you just shoot tear gas into the group or or pepper balls and he said gavin newsom has made it illegal to disperse
Starting point is 01:53:16 crowds using uh uh pepper ball or um uh tear gas so just and i'm thinking to myself and i said to him like hey if a woman is walking with a stroller with a baby in it and her and it's not safe because of the crowd behaving in a way that um uh could hurt the woman or the baby, I would like to outsource that. I would like to bring back the Chevron case to the agency that's there. And I would like the experts,
Starting point is 01:53:57 the police, to fucking lob tear gas at them. Can you imagine 500 people gathered outside your house fucking attacking police and the police not being able to... go what what did the police do he goes they retreat and they leave the scene yeah and just let them fuck up everything that they want yeah like why wouldn't why wouldn't the police just come by this fucking liquor store and fucking lob some tear gas in it i don't know it's already wouldn't do much more damage than they already did. God, this is so sad.
Starting point is 01:54:35 Just imagine having to clean that shit up, let alone all of your inventory is gone. Exactly. Now you have to restock everything. Imagine how long it took you just to get to that point. I'm sure the register was stolen too. God, California is a fucking joke,
Starting point is 01:54:56 man. I sent it to my dad and I said, be safe. Yeah. Fuck fuck that's wild this is a this is an oldie but goodie you're gonna think this is a Saturday Night Live skit but it's not this is old I think I
Starting point is 01:55:23 played this on the show a couple years ago. These are the college national debate champions. If you don't believe DEI is alive and strong. I think I told you guys my kid's skate instructor finished top of his class in the fire Academy in San Jose. No shit. Been an EMT, been a, what's the other one? The ones that ride in the ambulances, EMT and. That's an EMT.
Starting point is 01:55:58 An AEMT is another one. EMT is riding ambulances. Just the same. Oh, and what? Paramedic. Oh, paramedic. Been an EMT, been a paramed Oh, and what? Oh, paramedic been, been an EMT,
Starting point is 01:56:05 been a paramedic, um, been on the volunteer fire department, but has to, but told they're not hiring any white men. So now he's planning on moving to Texas. I know they, I go,
Starting point is 01:56:15 did they actually tell you that? He goes, Oh yeah. Moved, moved to Nebraska, moved to Texas. Probably has quite a few, but fuck,
Starting point is 01:56:22 that's horrible. Uh, okay. So check this out. These are the national debating, uh, opportunities, but fuck, that's horrible. Okay, so check this out. These are the national debating championships, collegiate debate champions. to win the Cross-Examination Debate Association National Championship. This morning, we have two of the team members here. We have Amina Ruffin and Corey Johnson both here to talk about the major victory. Ladies, way to go. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:56:51 You've made so many people proud in this area. Now we want to pick your brain a little bit as we admire your huge trophy, by the way. That's ridiculous. But I'm going to ask you first. We'll start with you, Amina. What was the topic, first of all? The topic was restricting presidential war powers authority. They say the niggas always always already queer that's exactly the point it means that the impact is that that is an impact turn uh to the afraid that that it is a case turned to the affirmative because we uh we are saying that queer bodies are not able to survive them necessarily means that the body of the is not able to survive um we got the topic in about July, and we started doing our research then. When the nigga sees he's a sucker, that he can only envision himself, that he does not see another nigga that he can feel sympathy for or embrace,
Starting point is 01:57:33 but rather that otherness can... This is actual footage of the collegiate debate. Oh my God. Hey dude, these are the same people who, when leah thomas uh tied in the race with uh riley uh they told her backstage this is the same you know this is the same uh fucking brain that said hey we have to give it to leah thomas because people are watching and we can't give it to a girl gets obliterated We've been supplementing our research throughout the season. And look at, look at the girl, look at the girl drinking.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Look at, oh, she's a superhero. Her name's Obesio. No wonder they understand Joe Biden. In order to prepare for it, because there are several different tournaments, and so being able to transition through each tournament. Captured separate from exposure to cultural representation of the white world, the cultural, the white world, the child, I don't mean. Able to respond to opponents' arguments.
Starting point is 01:58:59 Such real trauma as a way of grounding its racist cultural fantasy, the cultural traffic and images of Black men's open-ended objects. So just a lot of preparation. Disfigured lynching trauma of preparation that's a preparation reading of articles and books so which is the authentic self her or this one being interviewed on the TV show by the way the bucket as the stand is impressive oh yeah the rubber made bin yeah that sounds like how i won
Starting point is 01:59:31 around the whiteboard the other day honestly but i didn't make like a coherent argument at all but i i yelled loud and i was passionate and that's how you win debates, honestly. Kevin, you're crazy if you think she's reading from a computer. There's no way. I do believe that's a computer, but I don't know if she's reading. She's fucking illiterate if she's reading. Read certain things and speak in a certain way because we are seen as not truly speaking, truly speaking to niggas,
Starting point is 02:00:04 but it's a question of who even wrote uh who even wrote this shit all that good stuff was there anything that threw you off during the competition you know something that someone i'd be first all the fuck that's so bad i was um i went to this uh there's this stream by my house and it's like it's like one or two feet of water and it comes down into this watering hole that like, like 500 people could swim in with like rocks and stuff. And then at the end of it, the water goes out. Right. So it's a place where the stream just puddles into like a giant pool. Right. It looks like standby me. It's in the middle of nowhere. Um, even though it's just a fucking a mile from my house i
Starting point is 02:00:45 just found the other day so i've been taking the kids there to swim and stuff and i was looking around at the people who were there and i and i hung out with some people and some of the people, man, it must be so hard being them. Why? Like, it must be. Just like, you know, when you see Cardi B or like Nicki Minaj being interviewed. Okay. It's just all act. It's just like you realize that that is not them. So like these girls here being
Starting point is 02:01:26 interviewed which one do you think is the real them which one is the one of them that you think is like do you think that the ones on stage is that sustainable i used to have friends like that even who worked at crossfit they were always positive no matter what to where it was an act oh do you know what i mean i think that's like oh i think that's the thing that a lot of people maybe have that they pick up from maybe like cole sager right like hey dude that's not possible what you're doing but there's just like just the like you see someone and they got the botox and the long fingernails and all the hair and all of that but then their personality is also that much work like everywhere they go it's like they're in a fucking music video or they're
Starting point is 02:02:05 on stage. They haven't learned to just... Be? I don't know what the word is. But they're going for a persona as opposed to... Maybe they're guarding something. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:02:29 I don't know know That's pretty bad Yeah What a mess You're right It is sad to see though You know that there's something going on that's not natural
Starting point is 02:02:51 it's just all a facade but I think some of them have actually lost themselves in the facade and that's who they think they actually are like they wake up and they just go straight into their mode by the way have you ever seen kathy have you seen that video that's going around with the shows kathy griffith uh getting ready to go out on stage no oh my god dude what about it what she's basically a bald-headed anorexic woman and she puts on a whole...
Starting point is 02:03:28 It's on her Instagram. It's wild. Okay, let me look. Is it Kathy Griffin or Kathy Griffith? I don't know. Is it a redhead? yeah okay it's freakish it's absolutely freakish someone sent it to me yesterday yeah it's in it's in there somewhere it just shows you're getting ready
Starting point is 02:03:58 putting on herself it is a trip like that's a skinny old bald lady right there she'd like none of that hair is real nothing wow i mean she kind of it it's keep going oh there it is yeah yeah yeah yeah look oh my Oh my god Jesus She looks like the neighborhood meth head I think this is I think this is the chick that Like Brought out a noose And put Donald Trump's head in it or something.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Are you going bald? I don't mean that in a rude way. I have been having thinning hair. Oh, my God. You look like the forgotten sister in the attic from the movie Pet Sematary. Fuck. That's so... That's gnarly, dude. That is fucking gnarly.
Starting point is 02:05:23 She looks like the Grinch. Yeah. Oh, wow. She does looks like the Grinch. Yeah. Oh, wow. She does look like the Grinch. Good call. Yeah. That's her authentic self. Yep.
Starting point is 02:05:32 Authentic self. Nothing less. Tomorrow morning, we have Adam Adkins on. He developed this piece of workout equipment. Here's a very interesting story. It's like a vest with rubber bands and shit tied to it. It'll be a good story about an entrepreneur inspired by an injury I think his kid suffered. Like Liver King?
Starting point is 02:06:00 Yeah. Call her high. What's up, man? It's Tom Guerin. How are you? Tom, what's up man it's tom garrett how are you tom what's up dude hey you were talking about uh speech and debate so i had to call in okay i uh in high school i was like top 50 in the country junior and senior year and then i did it those chicks would have kicked your ass dude those chicks would have fucked you up. Yeah, 100%. 100%. So when I was in it was literally when it all turned kind of woke, like super woke. Like from 2005 to 2000, it kind of shit went crazy. But you know what? I just say about all that because I still do love high school debate.
Starting point is 02:06:41 We need parents and normal people to show up just be like fuck you and vote those girls down like vote against that stuff the problem is that the only people go to these things are people like teachers and people used to be involved in it and they screw it up for everybody else so my two cents man hey who who like legitimately like i know it's not the black kids winning the the debate. Who's winning it. Is it the Asian kids or the white kids or the Indian kids who know? So there are significant mix could be anybody. But yeah,
Starting point is 02:07:14 like white kids in Asian traditionally. So traditionally that like it is white dominated. Oh, it is. I would have thought it was, I would have thought it was like Asian kids. That's interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Well, the Asian kids do like math stuff. And like there are Asian champions. Don't get me wrong. But it was a long time. Debate club was like for the George W. Bushes of the world, right? Like you had to be like in and connected. And so then it's a separate, more democratized thing.
Starting point is 02:07:42 And now you have like Urban Elite League. And there's all of these intentional initiatives to bring to the inner city, which is a good thing, but not if you're in this crap. Like, it's good if you're actually talking about government policy and teaching the kids how to read a newspaper. But it's not good when you teach them how to read Nietzsche and like talk about gay shit. Oh, oh, Oh dude this is amazing I'm looking at the Hold on one second Hold on one second
Starting point is 02:08:10 I'm looking at pictures of the 2000 I gotta reconnect you Your shit got fucked up Tom are you there Tom He'll be back in one second Tom are you there Okay Tom'll be back in one second tom are you there here okay tom i'm looking at the champ i'm looking at the champions for the 2000 here uh for the 2023 national champions it's it's
Starting point is 02:08:34 fast so in college it's um black white uh mexican black black obese obese they're all obese uh black white uh white black asian okay so only one asian in the in the collegiate level but dude you go to the fucking high school level high school yeah dude the asians are fucking college prep schools mopping that asian a and they're all girls dude and they're all girls one boy yeah. Yeah, they're monsters. They're monsters. They could eat. They could debate nice and polite and real slow and articulate or they can debate like those crazy people. Those Asian chicks,
Starting point is 02:09:12 they will tear you up. Only one black kid in the lower... Only one black kid out of like 15 in the middle school. It's a very different activity though, Sevan. The national debate tournament in high school is run by like like, teachers. Basically, like, old hippie teachers. Whereas the national debate tournament at the college level is run by, like, super left-wing progressive professors and faculty members whose full-time job is to talk about critical race theory.
Starting point is 02:09:40 So, like, it's two different things. How do they not know that they're fascists? That's the part I don't get. How do they not know that they're fascist? That's the part I don't get. How do they not know? They're very insulated in like a wall of bullshit that they've built. So like, if you talk to them, it's like you don't understand the technical terminology that we've created in this little game for ourselves. So you can't even talk to us about feminist queer theory, right? Like they're so wrapped up in it that they can't even hear themselves. It's a, it's pretty sad actually. Oh, it's like someone sent me a video yesterday. They asked these girls, what are they? And this girl's like,
Starting point is 02:10:13 I'm non-binary, which is a sub-part, sub-part of the trans, but I'm also non-sexualized, uh, upper, uh, non-ambulatory. I mean, it just goes on and on i'm like oh shit they've they're playing dungeons and dragons but like in real they they yeah they've just completely have their own shit going on wonder who the dungeon master is yeah but the problem with that is they cut off body parts instead of just writing it down on a piece of paper but uh yeah for the i would encourage anybody though hey especially in california there's some really good high school debate programs it's at like the private prep schools though not like
Starting point is 02:10:52 the public schools you just got to find a good place for your kids in general but it's a good activity but that college stuff is wild it's it's unbelievable you could spend hours watching it not even know what they're talking about. I'm a very complex man, Tom. Yeah, I believe that. I've listened to you talk for a long time. I'm not sure if I want the persona of the wise or the giant cock persona. That's the duality of man. There's a tension in how I want to present myself to the world there's a tension in me an unsettled tension i'm just a i don't know how to present myself i wake
Starting point is 02:11:34 up every morning in a panic how am i going to present myself to the world which persona am i going to put on today the wise buddha or the guy with the giant monster cock well I appreciate you guys hanging out with me as I as I as I sift through this this complex character that I am well we're gonna affirm and love you no matter what you're feeling today you just tell us what kind of what kind of dildos you'd like us to send and where you're gonna use them and love you no matter what you're feeling today. You just tell us what kind of, what kind of dildos you'd like us to send and where you're going to use them.
Starting point is 02:12:08 And we'll, we'll, we'll just play along with you. Thank you. I can't remember what you sent me recently, but I really liked it. It was moving. Maybe it was something with your kids. Probably my family. Yeah. So this last week we were at St. Joe County 4-H Fair in Indiana. Oh, yes. So my life is kind of like yours in terms of so i work a sales job which is not like yours but i work from home so like i'm non-stop going with my kids and the horses we have six and a half acres we're just go go go
Starting point is 02:12:37 from morning to night so the county fair is kind of like a celebration of uh the whole year's worth of work for the kids and we you And we take the whole week off work, and we're there at the fairgrounds from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., and we just live it with them. And I was wearing my CEO shirt on the 4th of July there at the fairgrounds in that picture, so I wanted to send it to you. Oh, that's what it was. Thank you. I thought it was your kids that moved me, but it's your devotion to the show.
Starting point is 02:13:02 Yeah, exactly. Back to me all right thank you it's a little bit of both we hit you from both angles we got kids and ceo uh it was uh you i can tell you one place that you're not going to find any dei seven that's at the saint joe county 4-h fair in saint joe indiana uh you want to you want to meet people who don't give a fuck about what you think about your sexuality. So a black guy can win the largest pig competition or an Asian guy. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 02:13:32 As long as they actually weigh and measure the pig. Yeah, 100%. They weigh and measure the pig. Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, exactly. We don't elevate anybody above each other at the beginning of the competition i appreciate hey there is a special ed class though which is uh which is pretty cool oh you mean like um uh like uh farming for retards like like it helps out like yeah kids yeah so that's cool i like that yeah that hey dude all kidding aside like if i had a fucking
Starting point is 02:14:03 disabled fucking kid like that i would yeah I would immediately fucking go back to fucking nature with them. That's exactly where they're going to push. I mean, basically, if you have boys and you don't have your boys outside fucking 80 percent of time, you're just basically fucking your boys. But if I had disabled boys like mentally stable, we would be a fuck. We would be I would be i would seriously live on a farm i think it's the fastest way to heal yourself teach yourself hard work yeah what a great that's great i approve of that my kids already been up this morning cleaned out the gutters and done the horse chores and turned them out and uh cooked breakfast by himself
Starting point is 02:14:42 scrimped some eggs he's nine uh he he knows how to get up and work isn't that isn't that awesome and you know what the um you know what the um the the kind of the litmus test for that is is like if you only knew like one thing about kids like and you had to pick them to do like any job whether it's to work at your 7-eleven babysit your kids or send them to law school you would pick the farming kids you just know that those are probably the best kids intuitively even someone like me doesn't know shit about a farm okay tom i have a riddle for you all right okay and you're probably biased because you're probably some sort of religious wingnut
Starting point is 02:15:20 because you go to farms and probably have kids but okay here we go if if there was a woman who was pregnant and i slipped her um some of those pills like abortion pills like those day after pills whatever those things are and let's say let's say she was my girlfriend and i slipped her those and the baby got aborted do you think that um i should be charged for murder yes more than murder it would be murder as well as the crime of tampering with her drink like there should it would be more than murder it would be like murder and like trying to poison the chick without her knowledge so doesn't that right there make it that abortion is murder? Like, do you think both sides agree?
Starting point is 02:16:09 Both sides of the party agree with that? No, no, no. But what about the first part? What about, let's say me and my liberal girlfriend are out at the bar and she tells me she's pregnant and I slip her some pills and the baby dies. Does she just laugh and be like, oh, what a great joke. Good job. Yeah, no, it's the law of the the land that's actually the law in the united states of america i mean it is the law that if you did that it would be it would be so you so i guess the nuance there would be you can kill your own baby you can't kill someone else's baby which then would make it
Starting point is 02:16:41 that the manufacturers of the pills with the intention of allowing people to kill babies would be, man, I just... Hey, but you know what that tells me, Sevan, is if the distinguishing factor is that you have ultimate authority over children who are your biological offspring, okay, and that's the differentiating factor, then why do we try to make it illegal to not let the government inject them with foreign substances the moment that they're born? And why can the government regulate what goes in their bodies after they're born? If the distinguishing factor is that I'm the parent and I'm an ultimate, why does it stop once they get out of the uterus? That's my thing. And, you know, in California, once your kid's 12 years old, they start, your kid can hide, not can, your kid immediately, their medical records are hid from you. It's fucking nuts. Yeah. Why 12 years old? What kind of determination is that? I don't know this for a fact, but probably some agency met it.
Starting point is 02:17:41 Yeah. You know what's crazy is all my liberal friends now are getting these letters. but probably some agency met it yeah you know what's crazy is all my liberal friends now are getting these letters and um and they're like that this one's really waking them up and you know how it happened how they fucked up these fucking libtards uh all three of the parents that i talked to separately all said they went to pay some bill for their kids like medical care or insurance or something and they couldn't pay it because all of a sudden they lost access to their kids account. Wow. Oh,
Starting point is 02:18:07 look at Pat Lang. This is also a complete lie. God, you're a retard, Pat. Yeah, it's, it's too bad because there's people I can see having a different position,
Starting point is 02:18:19 kind of like you on abortion where you're at with it. I can talk to people, but why can't they even think it out? They can't even think, like you on abortion where you're at with it. I can talk to people, but why can't they even think it out? They can't even think. No, like you have to. They can't talk it out loud out of their mouth without some slogan like, well, I don't have a uterus, so I can't have an opinion. When a guy says that to you, it's like, all right, you can carry my bags or something like that. I don't I don't I can't handle people like that.
Starting point is 02:18:43 I don't get it. Yeah, it's nuts. I'm looking for this letter that parents are getting right now really quick. Okay, go ahead. No, I was just going to say, keep doing the non-CrossFit stuff. I know you don't need me to tell you that, but this is the good stuff, dude. You can feed them the CrossFit crack all day long, but this isrossFit stuff. I know you don't need me to tell you that, but this is the good stuff, dude. You know, you can feed them the CrossFit crack all day long, but this is the good stuff.
Starting point is 02:19:10 This is the Sevan I came to watch. Oh, well, thank you. Hiller's always pointing out to me that these shows don't get shit for views, and he's right. I mean, I know he's right, but that's never been... I don't know. You know what I mean. Yeah, I do. I do. I do. I appreciate it. I have fun. I was so excited. mean i know he's right but that's never been i don't know you know what i mean yeah i do i do
Starting point is 02:19:25 i do i appreciate it i have somebody i was so excited i get so much yeah go ahead somebody asked me how long i've been watching the seven on podcast and i was like man i think uh before the crossfit podcast was a podcast what was the other one called the old old crossfit podcast uh it wasn't by crossfit but it was um it was like chicks and kettlebells or something. What am I thinking of? Do you know what I'm talking about? In like 2009, 2010, there was a podcast. It wasn't the official CrossFit podcast, but there was another one.
Starting point is 02:19:59 Wasn't it? There was the one that Eddie Iftah's WODcast podcast, and then there was the Barbell guys. I think one of those guys passed away. Barbell Shrug, yeah. And I think the Training Think Tank guy, was he a part of them, Caleb? CTP was part of them. The cameraman, CTP was.
Starting point is 02:20:15 Yeah. And then I know Arm & Hammer was really, you know what's crazy is all these people that accuse CrossFit of not paying attention to outside media when i worked at crossfit i paid zero attention to outside media like like i didn't go to message boards i didn't go to reddit i didn't listen to anyone else's shit i was too busy just making our own shit yeah i thought one thing i wonder if you have any insight on this how did greg decide to go to Armin first? So I loved Armin. You broke up. I think a cow took a shit on your cell phone tower.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Hello? Hello, dad. They gone. Hello? I think we lost him. I think so. RIP Tom. Here's a real one. um your camera's frozen so i don't know if you're actually moving and it's stressing me out my you know what's crazy my internet my internet... My internet... How's that better? Yeah, okay. That's good.
Starting point is 02:21:45 My internet's been at one bar the entire show. It's crazy. Really? Is your router disconnected or something? The healthcare provider is not permitted to inform a parent or legal guardian without a minor's consent. At the age of 12 years old, the provider can
Starting point is 02:22:01 only share the minor's medical information with them with assigned authorization from the minor. Family code 6927. You fucking moron. 12 daily doses. LOL. Thank you. Okay, he's an expert.
Starting point is 02:22:19 He's an expert. He knows. So basically what happened is in 2018, you know, trying to remember exactly. I've told you guys the story before. Basically, Greg, God, it's a fucking wild story i don't think the truth truth has ever been told there's so many truths that just have not been told and not that lies have been told just like the real stories and there's obviously different perspectives but i'll tell you
Starting point is 02:22:58 i'll tell you what was the beginning of the end like the straw that fucking broke the camel's back. I mean, there was obviously a lot of shit going on, but in, I don't know if I'm ready to bring this up now. I would, I prefer like maybe to wait till after the games.
Starting point is 02:23:19 That might be a good idea. What year was it that they had the event at the ranch? 17 or 16. Oh, when they just flew there for an event and then came back. Yeah. Um, I feel like it was 16.
Starting point is 02:23:40 I think it was 15 or 16. Cause 17 was when I went that was in Madison Say Oh 16, okay, so that that so there was so there was always so much secrecy around the games and there still is and Oh, I can need to ask Dave this. I need to get Dave on the air and see, and see how tight it's gotten. Now. I bet you it's crazy right now.
Starting point is 02:24:12 I bet you it's the tightest it's ever been, but there was so much secrecy around the games. And, um, I mean, just think no one would even, I was in charge of all. I was in charge of all the fucking programming that went out on main site. I was in charge of all i was in charge of all the fucking programming that went out on main site i was in charge of everything forward facing and even some of my staff knew the workouts before i
Starting point is 02:24:29 didn't like all two of them knew all the workouts before i did the guys we would send out to film would know the workouts and i wouldn't even know them no one would ever tell me i didn't ask i didn't care but um but it fuck it was tight was, it was on a need to know basis. Even Greg didn't know the workouts. Greg didn't know the workouts. And when Greg found out that the athletes were flying up to. He found out the night before, I think. Or maybe it was even.
Starting point is 02:25:16 The day of. But he didn't find out that the athletes were going to the ranch until the very last minute. And, and, and Dave and I even used Greg's plane to fly up there separately. And Greg didn't even know we were doing that. Even though he told us a million times we could use his plane whenever we wanted. And.
Starting point is 02:25:51 When that came out, greg found out i was at the dinner table and it was me and this guy who didn't work for the company who was just a leech on the company that guy ended up becoming the ceo that guy turned to greg and goes if i found out if i if i were you greg i would fire dave right now so imagine dave's been running the games in complete secrecy like greg you know 90 of workouts greg never knew about didn't know about but for some reason for some fucking reason this one event because all the athletes were flying up on a i don't remember if they chartered the a private southwest flight or what they did or if they just bought them all tickets and got every seat on the plane but basically they all flew up there and when greg found out the tension i was at the dinner table dave was not there he was running the games he's like and fuck it was nuts i even remember the
Starting point is 02:26:38 restaurant we were at it was in manhattan beach at uh it was like a shitty motel 6 in manhattan beach that had been turned into like this fucking mega hotel it was so bizarre just show like it just became the trendy spot you know what i mean they put a new coat of paint change the furniture in a motel 6 and it was like nuts gentrified that yeah i guess you said and that was it that was like the beginning of the end that was like when all fucking hell broke loose and that guy said he would fire dave and i remember when he made dave ce when he made that guy ceo i found out and i called that guy and i said hey did greg hire you to fire dave and he said to me, and I was closer to this dude than I think Greg was at the time. We, I had met Greg and I both had met him together at some libertarian,
Starting point is 02:27:35 think libertarian think tank on the East coast. And Greg was friends with him, but then I built a close relationship with him. And he said, Hey, from this day on out, our relationship's really going to take a big change. Yeah. Leach turned ceo exactly oh god he did some just shit i couldn't even fucking believe it was so obvious he was such a fucking scumbag it was so obvious i'll was such a fucking scumbag. It was so obvious. I'll tell you, I'll tell you just one thing. So Greg paid everyone very well in the company.
Starting point is 02:28:09 People made a lot of fucking money and he didn't believe in like a yearly bonuses. He just treated everyone. Well, you got like thousand dollar Amazon gift cards or 500 for your birthday for Christmas. We had the best 401k plans. There was no fucking micromanaging at the company.
Starting point is 02:28:24 It was just a fucking great place to work. It was fucking absolutely amazing. And this dude fucking becomes CEO and he immediately starts implementing a bonus program that's just for everyone. That's not even based on merit. And of course, guess who got the biggest bonus? He did. Oh, well, that's yeah, of course. Isn't that what the CEO of Boeing did?
Starting point is 02:28:47 And I remember telling Greg, what a fucking way. A couple times ago, I thought I was going to get fired. I'm like, wow, what? This is fucking crazy. Not only are you giving bonuses now, and the staff just expect it, they're never going to be happy from that. And it's not even based on merit. Oh, it was so bizarre the way the company took a turn but anyway this is getting to the question that tom asked and so then this guy basically fired all the media so basically i just remember
Starting point is 02:29:17 and this isn't going to be nice to say i probably i probably don't want to say this, but I remember him basically immediately embracing Armand Hammer, the Morning Chalk Up guy, Craig Ritchie, um, utilizing outside media. And I just remember feeling like having those guys even around just lowered our worth from like a 10 to a four. I was just not impressed by any of those guys. Yeah. And I tried to give them a chance to, I was trying to be nice to all of them. I was exceedingly nice, obviously, to Armand Hammer. He's Armenian. I was exceedingly nice
Starting point is 02:30:10 to Wooley. When he came to Greg's house and everyone was ignoring him, I went out of my way several times to make sure that him and the two morons he was with were like, knew that they could eat or get drinks or make sure that they were happy. Craig Ritchie was just an asshole. How much has changed?
Starting point is 02:30:31 I don't know. He seemed at the games. He seems so nice. When I went, when I was at the games, he was so nice. Um, who was the other one?
Starting point is 02:30:41 I said, uh, Oh, and that, Oh yeah. And the guy, the morning chalk up guy was a complete piece of shit. Complete.
Starting point is 02:30:50 So I didn't get any fake vibes from Wooley, Craig, or Arm and Hammer. But the morning chalk up guy, what was that guy's name? That guy was a posturing douchebag. The guy that just climbed a bunch of mountains recently? Yeah, that guy was not cool fuck why can't i remember that guy's name luke no i think armen Hammer might be really smart. Like really smart.
Starting point is 02:31:28 LaFranco. Yeah, LaFranco. I think he might be really smart too. But I think Armand Hammer was really smart, really personable, kind of relaxed, but probably a little paranoid. I'm guessing he probably smoked weed or something. And when I say Richie was a dick I don't know if he's actually a dick but something was
Starting point is 02:31:49 socially something was fucking like off like he would boy he sure as fuck didn't present well present like a dickhead but not at the games at the games he's nice as shit but there's this whole generation that I don't even understand like the truth that I don't even understand. Like I,
Starting point is 02:32:06 the truth is I don't even understand Lena Richter's post. You know, a post I'm talking about where she's tripping out, like, cause someone said she's not a real athlete. Like I don't even, yeah, it's not even really,
Starting point is 02:32:20 I don't even, I don't even know. My wife would have to tell me I'm a shitty husband for me to affect me. I'm not saying I have my self-worth completely internal, but there's no fucking way like no one could be like hey
Starting point is 02:32:47 seven's not a real podcaster and it affect me even in the slightest i'm even open to it it's like if somebody said i'm not really a vet yeah i don't care right i have no i put no value like my entire self-worth or value is not wrapped up in the fact that I was in the military she's clinging to a plastic wall with wooden dowels right in a swimsuit
Starting point is 02:33:14 and her bra I do my podcast in my underwear in my long johns yeah I do my podcast in my underwear in my long johns. Yeah. Who cares? Yeah. Oh, that hurt.
Starting point is 02:33:35 Now that fucking hurt. Hope your little podcast takes off. So maybe I'm um uh we have Cara Saunders coming on this week wow yeah I like her um boy I need to start uh we have oh we have sam
Starting point is 02:34:08 semwa corn why a coming on tuesday nice uh abigail domit and jason hopper coming on thursday oh that'll be sweet page some ends on friday okay. So Suze has been cranking. So we do have some athletes. I need to get Lazar in. Did Lazar's brother qualify also, Luca? Yeah. He was just on Dave.
Starting point is 02:34:34 I got to get them on. Dave's little 10-minute suck fest. Sorry. It's not a suck fest. It's really cool. I'm concerned. I'm concerned for Laura Horvat. Why? I'm deeply concerned. She just posted today, and she
Starting point is 02:34:55 looks really good. Okay, good. I'm concerned she's... I'm concerned she missed her window, and she didn't seize the opportunities that were presented to her in life. I know that's a bit ambiguous. And now Tia's going to come back
Starting point is 02:35:13 and win and Laura's just going to just, you know what I mean, just like Damn, that's an amazing photo. Right? Don't you look hot? Yeah That's crazy, that's a powerhouse So so then she just became like a placeholder You know what? I mean like one of those obsolete games champions. You think so? I mean, I mean it's it's
Starting point is 02:35:43 Like, uh, are we comparing her to Ben Smith I mean she's not she's no Josh Bridges you know what I mean by that yeah you could say she's the female Ben Smith she's no judge like Ben just kind of like was here and then gone yeah he's like I did it see you later and but but it didn't strike while the irons hot Like Josh is like staying relevant. Yeah, that's, I could see that.
Starting point is 02:36:08 He just went on another podcast recently too. Oh, Laura is a superstar in life. What the fuck are you talking about? She's literally taking full advantage. Okay. Sure. All right.
Starting point is 02:36:19 Okay. Oh, Laura, not with rad heading in the right direction. I don't know. I was's the wrong direction i was thinking that was a bad sign i don't know man she's a strong up-and-coming company uh with a lot of media attention uh they made some great shit with her last year i don't know i just think that like i'm starting to think laura's just a spark you know what i mean like flash what they call it flash in the I just think that like I'm starting to think Laura is just a spark. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:36:46 Like flash. What do they call it? Flash in the toilet. Flash in the pan. I don't think she cares about that. She might not now. You're probably right. She's probably telling herself that.
Starting point is 02:37:00 You're probably right. You're probably right. You're probably right. But you don't care about it until you do. You don't care until you do. I'm not saying she has to whore herself out No There's a Did you watch the boys?
Starting point is 02:37:38 Are you caught up on the boys? No, I think I'm probably halfway through And then I kind of lost interest And stopped watching it Did you see the episode where Homelander and soldier boy fight? Nope should at least watch that episode because that's the first episode where there's boobs. Oh, okay. All right, then I'll definitely watch it then Started getting into newsroom It's like a defunct uh tv series they don't play anymore but it's pretty good in that show caleb they go into a into a it's it's an orgy for superheroes
Starting point is 02:38:21 okay that's cool and so there's just all sorts of like fucking going on gay and straight right and there's just tons of boobs and they're all just fake boobs they're all just fake boobs right none of them are real boobs of course also but also in that show there's a scene where the one of the superheroes who's like doesn't age but he's like i think it's soldier boy he's like 100 years old but he doesn't age and they walk into i think it's soldier boy he's like 100 years old but he doesn't age and they walk into a room and he's having sex with these old ladies oh and they're like legit old ladies playing these actresses and they're naked he's kind of a gilf hunter i think and it's and their boobs are real
Starting point is 02:39:00 oh so they're all saggy dripping down to their they're amazing and i just realized like i'm a i'm a real boob guy just old just and they're kind of fat the chicks are kind of fat yeah they're more than over 50 i think those chicks were like 60 yeah that's those are gilfs yeah the name of the show is called Herogasm. It was fucking crazy. Caleb hates boobs. I don't hate boobs. I just don't like
Starting point is 02:39:42 old, saggy, droopyopy boobs it's not really my thing yeah i don't think you need to watch it i was thinking about watching the show boys but after hearing savon describe it all past i i do i cannot recommend it i cannot recommend it. Oh, are you going on the Glintons podcast today? No, I think I'm scheduled for next Saturday. No, not better than Sporty Beth's titties. But better bodies.
Starting point is 02:40:23 Like, they're fat, but they're not that fat but it's a nice fat no do not watch the boys like you cannot recommend it i think it's funny people think i'm judgmental because i have preference about what boobs i like he's very judgmental he I have a preference about what boobs I like. He's very judgmental. He likes ones with nipples. Yep. I just don't like them when they're saggy. It's not really my thing.
Starting point is 02:40:59 Hey, and you're young. Your taste could change. Yeah, maybe. Maybe 25, 30 years from now, I'll just take whatever I can get. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't have to couch it like that. You don't have to couch it like that. I'm not going to tell my wife to do anything. She can do whatever she wants.
Starting point is 02:41:24 Difficult in life. Caleb, if your wife has saggy boobs from breastfeeding, will you tell her to get a boob job? No. Do whatever she wants. Did you watch the Douglas Murray clip that someone sent into the chat? Douglas Murray. I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:41:42 From this morning? Yeah, there's music behind it that's what sucks I'm gonna take a 1230 yoga class your dad is coming at 11 oh okay alright did my picture get any better
Starting point is 02:42:02 uh not really. By the way, the video contest, we have so many entries. Thank you everyone. Who wants to win? Yeah. Who wants to win $5,000 by entries?
Starting point is 02:42:15 I mean, just people who've logged on and Mark said, Jesus Christ, dude, I'm fucking doing a show. I have a, show. I have a default response when people call me.
Starting point is 02:42:32 What you need. That's it? Yeah, what you need. Yeah. And the other day, I accidentally sent it to Greg. And that's when I realized that I don't know. I just didn't accidentally sent it to Greg. And that's when I realized that, that like,
Starting point is 02:42:46 I don't know. I just didn't feel comfortable saying to him, I go, oops, that wasn't for you. Like he called and I hit that. What you need. Oof.
Starting point is 02:42:54 Yeah. No, no, not a good one. Yeah. Not a good one for him. Is this the one you're talking about? Yo.
Starting point is 02:43:01 Yeah. Yeah. Let me play it. You can, but I don't think you can watch play a little bit I think it has music Men of violence Yep it does Nevermind
Starting point is 02:43:14 Alright Wanna win 5,000 bucks enter the two brain seven podcast affiliate video contest make sure you check out the rules are they in the show notes of every show uh the rules yeah it should be i think the should be in there right now. Yep. It's the very first link in the bio and the show notes, And it's got all the rules and you can enter there and see the, who's judging them, all that stuff.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Hey, look at this, look at this FIDE commercial here. Watch this one. Okay. You saw that one. Yeah. Look at this Fide commercial here. Watch this one. You saw that one? Yeah. Look at this one. Okay.
Starting point is 02:44:18 Doesn't the picture quality look so much better? Look how clear it is. Yeah. Yeah. so much better better look how clear lab yeah yeah is that all is that our fault or their fault i don't know i feel like that might it might be the file God damn, meat and fruit. Hey, it's weird. I can play music now. God damn, meat and fruit Caleb's picture quality is so much better than yours right now I still only have Let me run a speed test
Starting point is 02:45:18 I type into Google speed test Yeah it should be like One Run speed test yeah it should be like one run speed test yeah there you go i'm um what's crazy is i'm hard line in it's not like i'm on wi-fi i'm uh17 down and 32 up. That's not bad. No. I bet you that's better than yours.
Starting point is 02:45:52 Oh, I wonder what my shit. You know what? There's one more thing you have to know. What's the other thing? What's that called when you ping the tower? I have to know my ping speed. Yeah, I think it's called ping speed. Yeah, dude, now I'm
Starting point is 02:46:07 40 up. Oh, my latency is 9 milliseconds. I think that's bad. It says your internet connection is very fast. Your internet connection should be able to handle multiple devices streaming HD videos, video conferencing, and gaming at the same time.
Starting point is 02:46:29 Wow. Yeah, I don't know why. Starlink says I have 112 megabits per second download speed, 40 millisecond latency, and 15 upload speed. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to turn off my Wi-Fi. Uh-oh. You go away. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 02:46:55 Oh, my God. Somebody's pulling in with a fucking semi-truck and their fifth wheel attached to it. Oh, that sounds fun. Yeah. Anyway, go ahead. I'm going to turn off my Wi-Fi. It should be fine because I'm hardwired in.
Starting point is 02:47:16 Okay. Am I here? Yeah, you're still here. Yeah, it's off. Oh. I'm good to go. Did my picture become clearer? Negative. Still kind of buffering itself.
Starting point is 02:47:34 Yeah, God, that's so fucking weird. Because now it says I'm connected by USB-C LAN. Hmm. And I'll turn my Wi-Fi back on. God damn, that connects fast. Your internet speed in under 30 seconds. The speed test usually transfers less than 40 megabytes of data, but may transfer more data on fast connections.
Starting point is 02:48:09 Yeah. You know that bar that's up there? Yeah. Mine just has had one dot the entire time. Huh. Do you have a lot of tabs open? I do. Or like windows?
Starting point is 02:48:23 I notice when my internet gets really slow, it's because I have a lot of tabs open? I do. Or like windows? I notice when my internet gets really slow, it's because I have a bunch of tabs open or like a bunch of different video windows and shit. So I just, sometimes I have to close out of a window. All right. I'll probably reset my computer after the show. I wonder if my software needs to be updated. Where did I go?
Starting point is 02:48:44 General? Software update? Yeah. Nope. I'm all good. Hey, we're live. Oh, we are? Yeah. Hey, what would you think about me ever doing swimming on Kill Taylor? Jesus Christ Oh, fantastic idea Hey, I don't want to micromanage you You do what you want to do Who said Jesus Christ?
Starting point is 02:49:15 Who's on show with you? Caleb? Yeah, Caleb must have said that Shut the fuck up, Caleb Eat my pork sword, bitch You hear me? Yeah, he said he's really sorry Fuck
Starting point is 02:49:24 He says he thinks swimming is a brilliant idea we'll get tons of engagement if we announce that they needed to swim like three days prior to are you kidding me no no i love it buddy listen i i do the internet stuff and collect money from t-shirt sales and you deal with programming and sell Sentinel training. That's the unofficial deal that the agency told us. I support you in whatever programming you want to do. My wheels are turning.
Starting point is 02:49:57 Because if you shit the bed, who cares? Like if it, let's say no one does enter, then now we know. Yeah. I really want to program running somehow. I like that too. I don't know how to do it. Oh. Hey, Bryson, what if it was like you have to go to a high school track?
Starting point is 02:50:17 Because they're 400 meters. And then you just set up the camera and you just film them running around the track. Hey, the track. One thing or one exercise. Taylor, Taylor i'm gonna tell you a crazy story So there's a track by my house when I lived in berkeley And I was fucking running like 59 second 400s on it No, you weren't well, and then after a couple years, I realized it was a 333 meter track He said i'm with bryson he goes he said i'll tell him after that's hilarious yeah
Starting point is 02:50:49 how did the track how the track just wasn't 400 meters was it a high school track or yeah it was a fucking elementary it was at an elementary school but it's a fucking legit beautiful track you know with like i mean it was it's it's natural grass in the center it's fucking got pull-up bars there, just all this shit. And I had been doing CrossFit there for two years, and I'm like, fuck, I am fast as fuck. And then all of a sudden, I saw someone one day, he's like, yeah, it's 333 meters.
Starting point is 02:51:15 That's hilarious. Well, we still have people measure it after somehow. I mean, maybe just take a measuring wheel or something. I don't know. They got to measure it four times. Oh, CK Kevin said it's a DEI track Or you know what they could do This makes it really easy
Starting point is 02:51:28 Everybody has an iPhone You do the workout Then after the workout You gotta walk the track or jog it With Map My Run open It's just an app on your phone And it tracks it Now they gotta download another app
Starting point is 02:51:40 That's cool Yeah Caleb says that's brilliant That'll be great for the show It'll keep things moving nicely Okay dude well if if a guy beats me then fuck i don't know what to tell you dude i'm just saying it's gonna be way cooler to get outside and do cool things like that people will want to watch that okay listen listen caleb caleb open your gloves if people are making two thousand dollars it's counterintuitive to make it easier on them to just do whatever they want for the workout like if you want two grand go find a track and run it people are going to enjoy watching that if you don't want two thousand dollars then i don't
Starting point is 02:52:16 know what to tell you sick of you freaking idiots talking about the programming you win we're fully supportive of anything you want to do this feels like a very collaborative effort and we appreciate the civil conversation with you i love how open-minded he is i'm always super collaborative you can always lean on me to be emotionally supportive no problem and stable fuck you that's funny hey hey who's that guy today on the show uh dale saran that used uh used to be the general counsel for crossfit hey listen um i i do i i do think that um giving uh notice i do here how about this idea how about the fact that um as the as it gets more
Starting point is 02:53:02 money the prize money gets more that you might see more weird shit like that, that demands more from people. But also, um, if you give three days notice, I agree with you. It's, it's worth trying, right? Like, Hey, you're going to need a pool. Yeah. And there are a lot of people who have asked for swimming specifically, not that they would have a chance. You know, they really think they have a chance, but they're just big dumb idiots that they don't understand that I'm not stupid enough to program a 500-yard swim.
Starting point is 02:53:32 Do you have access to a pool? Oh, yeah. I have access to a pool. I've got a pool workout that I don't think... I think it's simple enough. I don't know that anyone... I'm sure someone's done it,
Starting point is 02:53:47 but it is incredibly brutal if you hit it hard. Imagine trying to... Imagine doing... Imagine the way you feel during Fran. Now get in the water and feel that way. Ouch. Oh, just told us the workout.
Starting point is 02:54:04 Bryson told you guys the workout? What is it? It's a 400 meter run Two rounds, 400 meter run 50 line facing burpees 50? Yeah, two rounds Okay, I'll never do that workout now
Starting point is 02:54:17 Thanks for putting it in the comments, dumb idiot Hey, and tell them We don't Listen, listen, listen. Fuck line-facing burpees. It's just 50 burpees. It's just 50 burpees. No, you have to standardize the burpee with a line because people don't reach hip extension on a burpee,
Starting point is 02:54:36 and they don't jump and clap overhead. Okay. See? That's why I shouldn't weigh in. I should never even weigh in. Collaborative effort. It's right there. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:54:49 I don't want people practicing the workout just to beat me. Only I'm allowed that convenience, Bryson. All right. Well, I didn't realize you guys were live. I'm sorry. I was watching you earlier when you were on with Dale Sarban. Hey, who gave him a black eye? I think he was playing hockey and he got high-sticked or something, he said last night.
Starting point is 02:55:11 I don't believe that for one second. Dude's a vet. You can't say that. You agree about him? He's a veteran. You're not allowed to talk about him like that. Is he really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:26 My text is even more true than that. Did you see what I sent? I won't say it on the air. Don't worry. Where did you send it? I sent it to the locker room, dude. I said he looks like he got that black eye from... Oh, like with a chick?
Starting point is 02:55:49 I'm looking... A bit of a different gender. Jesus Christ. For the comment. Okay, no, I didn't comment it. I sent it in the group. Never mind. Forget it. Is that true about your grandfather?
Starting point is 02:56:06 What about him? That you found him? His brother. So I was in South Carolina and my cousin called me. Everyone else was at work. Her parents were at work. Her brother was at work. And I was down there on vacation staying at my grandparents' house at the time. And she called me screaming and crying that she found her you know she called him pop she was like yeah i found pop he's dead and like yelling and i was like where are you she's like i'm in a horse pasture and i rode over there and uh he yeah that entire story is true um you rode over there on what on your bike on bicycle no i think i drove my truck at the time over there. I was like 17 or 18. Maybe it was a golf cart. I can't remember if I drove it.
Starting point is 02:56:49 I'm pretty sure. I might have been in a golf cart. This is in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina. So we drove over there with her. She had found him first with her younger cousin. Were there flies on him and shit? No. He was peeling, bloated. He was peeling, bloated.
Starting point is 02:57:07 Skin was peeling, bloated. I don't remember flies. It wasn't like a week-long decomposition. It was like a day. And it was just, yeah. I want to say it kind of set me straight a little bit. I was fucking around a lot at the time and that happened I was like geez what am I doing with my life
Starting point is 02:57:28 hmm all right hey should we invite Tyson Bajan on this week since we have we're giving away 2,500 bucks um yeah Tyson's a great guy you You should invite him on whenever.
Starting point is 02:57:46 I'm still not sure about the workout this week. I've got two really strong options. Neither of them, you know, no one's going to have a chance with either option. I'm just not sure which I want to. Did the Vikings quarterback just die? Yeah, he got killed by the Vikings quarterback.
Starting point is 02:58:01 Did the quarterback die? Wow. Minnesota Vikings QB J.J. McCarthy speaks out on shocking death of teammate Kyrie Jackson. How'd he die? Sounds like a drunk driver hit him. Oh, jeez. Was it a drunk driver, Caleb? Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 02:58:31 Ugh. That's crazy. Hey, I got a question for you, Stevan. Yeah. Did you watch our most recent video where we did that workout at the lake? No. I saw the thumbnail, though, on YouTube. Wow.
Starting point is 02:58:48 And you didn't watch it? Nuh-uh. Should I? I mean, that's fucked up. I don't know. I want to know if you think we should get a gimbal because we don't have one. And me and Leslie were like, oh, we should get a gimbal in price. And he's like, no, we don't need one.
Starting point is 02:59:05 Does it say touch the dock? Yeah, that video. Or you can watch that one or our most recent coaching one. Does he not want a gimbal because he doesn't want to deal with it? He just says he doesn't think we need one. I know, but what's the real reason?
Starting point is 02:59:24 Right, that's what I said he said he doesn't think it would make the video any better with the gimbal and I said I disagree I think it would is he holding the camera with his hand yeah does he have a monopod or a tripod well we have a tripod that we set it up on when we're like doing static shots
Starting point is 02:59:48 But he doesn't carry that around when we're like doing When we're moving the cool thing about is if he gets a gimbal he can put the gimbal on a tripe on like I'm on a monopod that has legs it's like a monopod that can stand on its own and He'll be so happy with that because he can just chill and you can move it around so smoothly I mean he'll end up liking it more i would get some lens cleaner for your camera for starters before before you got a gimbal and is that just a spray with you have the lens cleaner right yeah he's got the lens cleaner we're just we're not pros over here we're just fucking we're shooting i know it looks fine i just wanted
Starting point is 03:00:21 to say that um you need a blower. It's like a chicken baster. Bryson said it's $500. Chicken baster? Yeah, you just need to order a blower, like camera blower, too. You should get a camera blower, because you don't want to wipe the lens and scratch it. You can just blow probably that shit off. Oh, shit. Bryson gets to work out on video, too?
Starting point is 03:00:40 Yeah. Jesus. Like it's a hassle that's DEI shit he's not DEI he's white I know but just he's the B team he might as well not be that's why you don't see me on the camera
Starting point is 03:00:55 working out yeah he's mullet I would say that's what he identifies as or handicap you could just put him handicap you too that should be a kill taylor workout 400 Perfect Um, but yeah, so I was I was thinking about a gimbal. Okay. He has a blower
Starting point is 03:01:18 He's gonna learn how to use it so he has a blower a gimbal Oh, you're saying a monopod you try to get your what your new watch in every shot now Jesus Christ. Oh, you're drinking a fide Was I mm-hmm? That's some authentic shit. Yeah, but I didn't even fucking I didn't get that one for free to tell your guys They're gonna send me a finator. What? Oh my god. I i got so much they showed up in my house yesterday wow that's fucked up i've been i'm i owe i pay andy like 200 bucks a month just for fit eight you're you're the uh you're the star of the show and you haven't even got it yeah that's fucked up i need all of them um okay so gimbal blower well we definitely we
Starting point is 03:02:02 definitely he's got a blow he just doesn't use it. But he's going to use that. We're going to get a gimbal because I want to use that for the games. We're going to do our own behind the scenes of the games. It's going to be crazy. Oh, wow. One of my friends' kid just won national surf title. They just sent me the picture wow that's crazy all right well i was just wondering about the swimming okay all right you guys caleb yeah see ya okay bye bye bye
Starting point is 03:02:40 Bye. Bye. Bye. You shouldn't ask me about workouts. Cause like, I just think like, I'd rather just be mad at him when the show starts. Like what, what the fuck's happening?
Starting point is 03:02:59 Are you out of your fucking mind? I think it'd be cool though., if he could make it work. I feel like the signal at a pool would probably be really shitty. So then you're trying to record him and Bryson or whoever the fuck else is trying to swim. Unless it's not, they can prove us wrong. If they did, like, a test run of it, it'd be really cool. It'd be like how Crash did their swim workout. Maybe they can get like an underwater
Starting point is 03:03:25 camera cover or whatever do you think people are cooler who don't comment on instagram and youtube or people who comment like just generically speaking i know it's a pretty broad generalization barring our comment section, like barring this like chat. No, not this chat. I mean, just like on YouTube or Instagram. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:03:52 I don't people who like the general population of people who comment are just so fucking annoying. I don't think there is cool. Like I kind of admire Dave that he doesn't ever comment anywhere ever. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I'm sure he's super busy,
Starting point is 03:04:10 so he doesn't super care to like look into having opinions about shit like that, you know? And I also appreciate the way Sousa just will go on Instagram accounts just to like say funny comments. Yeah. Sometimes I'll just like, I'll do what Sousa does where I'll just write a comment and see
Starting point is 03:04:28 like how many likes it gets. Right. Yeah. You just want to say something so funny and just be like hey yeah. Something like super inflammatory like the timing works perfect and you just send it out there and you just see what people say. That's a fun game to play. Yeah. I did it on the CrossFit
Starting point is 03:04:44 post like a couple weeks ago when they posted about the new hero workouts and i just it was great it was cool to watch what sucks is when you get there late and you know you have a good comment but most of the traffic's already coming gone so no one's going to get to see your genius yeah or if somebody else like you think of think of a comment and you go to write it, and then the very first liked comment is the one, is like the same idea or the same thing. No, this is, I could give a fuck how many likes I get. This is different. This isn't like, this is like sport.
Starting point is 03:05:16 This isn't like, this isn't like, like you feel bad if you don't get likes. It's just like. I just want to do better at social media than everybody else yeah this is different this yeah this is just like um it's like my kid learning a magic trick and then he wants to show people you know what i mean yes yeah yeah yeah you can follow your heart and still play the um get likes game yeah yeah yeah my chat in here is a sport yeah like that there you go see like you know when you comment some shit it's gonna be hilarious yeah it's like and you yeah it's like fighting it's like chess you're playing a little chess right exactly i'm trying to podium in this chat it's funny is that what she said i'm trying to podium in this chat. It's funny. Is that what she said? I'm trying to podium.
Starting point is 03:06:05 Yeah. Yeah, like that one. I could get a lot of likes right there. There you go. Yeah. Yeah, that's like just a solid kind of contribution. That's right. What were we just talking about?
Starting point is 03:06:19 Likes, chat, Instagram. Damn, I wanted to look something up. chat Instagram damn I wanted to look something up how you admire Dave and Stoosa's commenting ability or inability yeah something along I had a million ones likes once I received zero dollars a million likes on what what did you say I think he i don't he he's stoned oh right he lives in a van down by the river so that makes sense yeah um
Starting point is 03:06:55 let's see if andrew has anything good andrew's been oh andrew's been busy editing. Yeah. I mean, he must be because he's usually so active on Instagram, and he hasn't posted anything in two days. So that means we have a Hiller video must be coming out shortly. Something big's coming, I think. Yeah. I like this the thing is the stuff that I think is my best shit never gets any love
Starting point is 03:07:32 I suck at social media Andrew's like dude you filmed that you filmed the TV and posted that I'm like yeah what's wrong with that that's what's wrong with that? That's what's wrong with that. I really liked this yesterday. I was so proud of this. Let's see how many likes.
Starting point is 03:07:52 How do I see? So this has 54 likes? Yeah, and three comments. It doesn't even make sense. God, I suck. Like, the post doesn't even make sense? No. I know, because I know. I'm I suck. Like, the post doesn't even make sense? No. I know.
Starting point is 03:08:06 I know. I'm a mess. I know it doesn't. One more thing. I'm not Starlight anymore. My name is Annie January. And I fucking quit. I know.
Starting point is 03:08:25 It's so bad. How do you have so many followers, dude? And then the comment has nothing to do with what I posted. Exactly. Yeah, because I was just like excited about it. I saw her say that and I started laughing my ass off. Like she said her name. And I'm sitting in the living room with my wife.
Starting point is 03:08:43 And I'm fucking dying because she said her name is Annie January it sounds like a porn star or something so I start laughing and then my wife hears hears me like playing it on my phone she goes what are you doing I'm like I'm making a post I like I like that she must think I'm fucking crazy it doesn't even make sense I don't get it either I don't understand this sense. I don't get it either. I don't understand this post, Evie. I don't either. Basically, I was so excited when they showed boobs. I'm like, holy fuck, babe. We're seeing titties.
Starting point is 03:09:13 And then it was just like 10 minutes of titties. So I was excited about that. And then, because I'd just seen so much dick, two and a half seasons of cock. And then this happened, and i was just like i guess i'll just mesh it together and he probably fucking threw his phone 54 likes dude it probably has like 100 views or something how do i know this says 178 likes look at this this is a fucking screenshot that someone sent me in my DMs about being warned by Instagram that I'm a fuck up. And it's like my biggest post.
Starting point is 03:09:54 Jesus Christ. That reel that you posted has 6,600 views. Which one? The one of fucking anti-January. You know how many views? So 6, so 6600 people saw but only 54 people clicked the heart exactly hey that means that people hated it there becomes a point where the likes just mean people hated it like okay so this one has 54 likes and this one has 178 with similar views how can you see the views how come How can you see the views?
Starting point is 03:10:26 How come I can't see the views? You have to click the Reels tab on your desktop. Oh, man. I just don't get a lot of views. I see these... So someone said they had a million views the other day? A million likes on the... How do I see what the most views I've ever had on a post? The CNN one got pretty big.
Starting point is 03:10:54 13.3 thousand. Damn, my shit sucks. I posted a mariachi guy that looks like graciano and it got 258 likes oh this how about like oh yeah that's pretty good it's literally just a picture that's what i mean like uh oh look at i, look at, I posted the, I read, Oh, look at the one I posted to Alison NYC. I think she collabed with me. That was a mistake.
Starting point is 03:11:30 You should never, no one should ever collab with me. It's so, God, I suck. It was a mistake for her, but it did wonders for yours, for your feed.
Starting point is 03:11:44 Anyway, I always look at people. Um, But it did wonders for yours for your feed anyway, I Always look at people Like who I just think are could just complete douche canoes like I'll go see how many followers they have like people in our space Hmm, like I you ever play you ever drive a shitty car you drive around and play the game looking for a car shittier than yours Yes, you're playing a game So I used to drive this truck and I would be like I want to see if I can ever find a car shittier than mine I never could that's how I feel about my Instagram following See one that's worse trying to find one. Yeah, I'm just looking. Yeah, I'm just looking looking for someone
Starting point is 03:12:23 Who sucks more than me. I should just post more on my kids. I should stay off of Instagram except to do research for this show. And I shouldn't even try posting. Maybe. Oh, there's one more thing I want to show you. Caleb plays that game
Starting point is 03:12:50 with his house. Yeah, that's right. That's fucked up. Show me a house that's worse than mine and I'll give you a fucking high five. You drive around the neighborhood looking for a home worse than yours. Yeah, there's no way.
Starting point is 03:13:06 My RV is nicer than my house. Rambler, stop posting this. I would never even use a Sony a7 IV. It's a shit camera. There, take that. Caller, hi. Hi, guys. Hey.
Starting point is 03:13:21 It's Chris. Chris, hi. Hey, Chris. Hi. Hi. I had to call in. Oh, because I Chris. Chris. Hi. Hey Chris. Hi. Hi. I had to call in. Oh, cause this is my favorite topic. Oh, we're just fucking around. What? Instagram or, uh, what? Yeah. Yeah. Just fucking around. Looking at comments, joking around. Okay.
Starting point is 03:13:42 All right. Yeah. Just want to say hi. I hadn't, I don't think I've called since PK's birthday. Who's PK? Oh, Phillip Kelly. Where is Phillip? Where is Phillip Kelly? Does he still listen to the show? I think he just is so busy now.
Starting point is 03:13:55 He got a life. He's really coaching a lot. Yeah. He's alive. And his son's a really good baseball player. Oh, that's right. I talked to him and he's got really immersed in
Starting point is 03:14:05 raising his kids that's right okay i know good for him yeah i know yeah yeah how's everything else what are you up to didn't you aren't you the burpee guy didn't you do 100 burpees every day for like a week or something yeah i did 10 days i did 10 days yeah that burpee guy he inspired me when i first came into the chat but you're different than the burpee guy. He inspired me when I first came into the chat. But you're different than the burpee guy. Chris, Chris. Yeah. I'm not the burpee guy.
Starting point is 03:14:29 I'm the, I'm the tennis pro. Oh shit. Oh, you're the one who sent me the tennis rack. Did you send me tennis rackets? No, not that.
Starting point is 03:14:38 Okay. I'm entertainment. I don't. Okay. Hey, how long do you think you can take off from tennis before your skills erode well i don't really hit that much anymore i mean i'll hit in with practices my you know where they have like a high level clinic and you probably have kids that are probably like
Starting point is 03:15:02 11 to like 17 years old and he's on, maybe he's probably got brought in younger cause he's pretty talented. This is my guess. Hey dude, I want to read something to you. Ready? I wonder what you, how often do you coach? I coach. So I have a high level clinic and we meet 15 hours a week, uh, Monday through Friday. Actually, I take that back, uh, 18 hours a week uh monday through friday actually i take that back uh 18 hours a week and then the
Starting point is 03:15:28 kids uh play tournaments on the weekend or at least that's the goal okay um my kid my coach has told my kid to stop playing tournaments oh okay isn't that interesting because he said because he said he doesn't want him to get burnt out on it because my kid really likes playing tournaments but let me let me let me read this to you. Um, yeah. So I met with the tennis coach the other day. He said, Hey, first, first, God, I don't know if I should tell this story. I don't know if my friends listen to this show. Well, basically,
Starting point is 03:16:00 basically the tennis coach like gave my kid a lecture the other day saying he's not trying hard enough. And it was very aggressive. Can I ask you a question? Is he a foreign coach? No, no, no, no. But he's a really good coach. I know he's good just because he's obsessive.
Starting point is 03:16:22 He's solid. And everywhere I go with my kids, people are like, what the fuck your kids like really know how to play tennis like everyone comments on their stroke and just all that stuff yeah they have beautiful games so he says my kid's not trying 100 and like so the deal with my kid is is my kid doesn't know how to try 100 and so that's like, it's not his, um, yeah. Do you know what I mean by that? Like my, my kid has a hundred percent focus. He has a hundred percent, uh, attendance. Like he's good at everything, but he just doesn't know how to give a hundred yet. And I don't care. Like he'll either figure it out or he won't. You know what I mean? I do know what you mean. He doesn't have the eye of the time. I've had to coach that before. Okay. Like you have some kids that are absolutely off the charts gifted and you
Starting point is 03:17:07 have to sort of guide them into going a little farther than, but that's what tournaments are so great. You get to see all those emotions really. Right. Seep out. Yes. Yes. And so,
Starting point is 03:17:21 so my kid can, so my kid, you know, you know, like, yeah, it's, it's like, and so so my kid can my so my kid you know you know like um uh yeah like it's it's like the only thing i can think of because i wasn't an athlete but it's kind of like um uh you know like if you're playing frisbee or something or football catch and all of
Starting point is 03:17:35 a sudden you're finally warmed up and then all of a sudden someone throws a ball and you think you can catch everything and you kind of like start you start diving and you don't even know you're diving like you'll dive onto a car on concrete into bushes. Like you don't care. You're just like the world goes away and it's just about making the catch. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I've had one moment like that.
Starting point is 03:17:56 Yes. Just completely fucking nuts. Okay. So, um, uh, so he, he,
Starting point is 03:18:04 he's like, Hey, I think that maybe he, he thinks that the cause is that maybe my kid doesn't appreciate the opportunities that he has. Cause my kid has a ton of opportunities because this coach is so good. Right. And he has parents who can bring them there or whatever. Anyway.
Starting point is 03:18:20 And like, I, and like, I don't think that's what it is at all. I just think that my kid just it hasn't clicked for him yet but anyway so he made this list of things for me that and he thinks my kids are like normal kids which is weird like like yeah they're not normal at all no they're not normal and even like psychologically like he thinks like you can manipulate them like other kids and they just don't they don't work like that but i'll give you some examples so he's he gave me this list of four things like he'd like to my kids to do and so one of them is like be sweating before uh every class totally agree right so show up 20 minutes early and have my kids sweating prior to every lesson
Starting point is 03:18:59 got it and we've already and we're and we've already been and i always show up 10 or 20 minutes early and warm my kid up anyway. But now the other day he said, hey, Avi, I really want you to be sweaty. I totally get it. I think that's great. Then it says, give back to the game. Before starting the lesson, he has to show me 10 pieces of trash that he picks up while walking through the academy. I'm struggling with that one a little bit because I don't want my kid looking around down for trash. And I already pick up trash.
Starting point is 03:19:27 I'm already set a good example for my kid, but I could see like telling my kid like, Hey, I want you to take pride in the Academy. And if you see any trash, make sure you pick it up or, or Hey, every time you come to the court,
Starting point is 03:19:36 let's look around and make sure the court's cleaned up. Damn. I mean, it's almost like he's trying to teach your kid how to be like a good human or something. I mean, right. Kind of your job. Right. Teach my kid to be a good fucking player. But I'm open to all of it because I really like the coach. I love the guy. But I'm just like, hey, man, like, yeah. Oh, that's good. Audrey, leave rich kids. Leave. Leave it better than we found it.
Starting point is 03:20:02 Yeah, that might be a good lesson. Hey, does the does the court look nicer than when you found it? Anyway. Okay. So then that's a big deal to us. Yes. So 1% better every day on a daily basis, he jumps 200 jump ropes, a shadow each stroke five times. And he gives out this whole thing, um, of, of like things he should be practicing. And I get that. And I'm kind of okay with that. And, um, but also like my kid trains so fucking much already. Like my kid does,
Starting point is 03:20:30 uh, 500 jump ropes at the beginning of every jujitsu class. You know what I mean? Yeah. And so it's like, okay, I get it. I,
Starting point is 03:20:36 you, you want him to like practice strokes and then, um, uh, and then he wants them to, uh, I was, uh, he wants them to show up to class for every private lesson that's an hour long.
Starting point is 03:20:52 He'll set aside 20 minutes that Avi comes there and tells him what he would like to work on. I will set aside 20 minutes of every lesson to work on whatever he wants. He must come with something he wants to work on every week. Okay. whatever he wants. He must come with something he wants to work on every week. Um, okay.
Starting point is 03:21:05 But, but he also, he wants them to start playing regular matches and me to organize those matches with other kids who are at the Academy. Okay. So those are four things like he's trying to get for Tim, but you like him. Okay. But I just want to be like,
Starting point is 03:21:19 you had, have you had this conversation with this coach? Like, Hey, I want my kid to be, you know, to have a UTR, like a really high UTR. So for people that don't know, it's like a universal tennis rating. And so like if you're going to go play in college, they look at that particular rating
Starting point is 03:21:36 and that can get you into places. So if I had had this conversation with a parent, like, listen, like we want to see if we can get this kid to the next level, then that's, these are the kinds of things I would say. But if I know a kid's doing jujitsu and he's homeschooled and he's got surfing and five other things, I'm like, okay, we got a well balanced kid here and I'm going to make sure I keep that balance. Otherwise I don't want to just be pushing a kid in one area that he's never going to be able to devote as much time because he's so you know active in other things i guess yeah so i think that's it i think he sees that obby's ready to go to the next level and it's going to happen in the next couple years and he wants me to accommodate his plan for that, which I'm really excited about.
Starting point is 03:22:25 But on the other hand, like, yeah, I really just want, like, I'm not interested in a UTR or UTI or VAG or DICK. I'm not either anymore. Like, I just want Avi to keep playing and him feel like, I would be happy if he was the best best uh uh tennis player in santa cruz right and i would be and my guess is he he he will he probably will be and this coach is so fine and my coach is so fucking good at tennis and so obsessed with tennis right he's young still he's like 34 years old and he's obsessed and i love
Starting point is 03:23:06 that and he stays up at night thinking about it and i and i always try to send him videos on instagram that i've seen of tennis and he always writes back i've seen this always and but on the other hand i just want to be like hey dude can't we just um just just, I don't know. Yeah. There's like, in my mind, I totally get this. Cause I came from a place just like this where everybody was a tournament player. The adults were tournament players. The kids were tournament players. Everybody was just moving in that direction. We had our own training facility, like, you know,
Starting point is 03:23:42 weights and all of that stuff. So we were just locked in. But at some point, it's really tough if you're trying to coach a kid to be like that. And, you know, they're just not able to devote that much time. It's just really tough. So then I just try to do the best I can with the time I have with them and make sure that they're having fun and we're still being competitive. And not just competitive. Here's the other thing, Chris, here's, here's the, here's the fucking stinger. I've always want,
Starting point is 03:24:10 I wanted a coach who would push harder than I felt like I could go for my kids. Like I wanted him to want more for my kids that I wanted. And now I've gotten it and I'm, and I'm, and I'm, uh, I feel like I want to push back and it sucks so i'm like just processing all that right now yeah i i actually i don't know if i told you this or text but my very my best player ever was an armenian girl she's actually 15 she's now playing in serbia she went to florida she she she did all of the things her dad was a dentist armenian dentist jokovic is from serbia right yeah he's from serbia yeah and they're big fans um of his and uh anyhow she
Starting point is 03:24:53 ended up you know having i was that coach for her until i couldn't provide her the kind of you know kids at her her age and level so they started to look for regional places usta regional places they didn't like that the dad wanted something harder harder harder so they found a you know a couple private coaches in florida and then um she's now at an academy i think chris everett's academy and then i just found out she's in service so they're i mean it's it's all in it like i can understand that coach thinking oh if you want to be the best you can be you've got to be all in yeah because it's such a young competitive international sport I know that's why we try to that's why we try to pin girls ankles to their
Starting point is 03:25:37 ears because we need they need to know that we're at our best when we're all in you're class of 90 all in class and all your jokes what year did you graduate high school yeah 90 1990 i'm uh 52 oh shit you sound so young i yeah i have a very young voice. I have a young spirit. My cousin's girlfriend is Romanian, Rambler says. Yeah, he said Armenian. Drop the R. Armenian, yeah.
Starting point is 03:26:19 Yeah, he told me. He goes, I want you to coach her like she was your kid. And then I had to tell him, I can't have you near the court anymore because she's crying because you're you know wanting the absolute best from her and then i'm trying to tell her what's going on so she feels double pressure i haven't i haven't been kicked i haven't been kicked off the um i haven't kicked off the training facility in in more than two years and i love it when parents other parents get in trouble like i so i'm so i'm so satisfied by it hey you know what you know what he even lets me do now because they're like while they're training i'll walk around on the court with the with the uh ball thing picking up balls and i'm not even and i'm
Starting point is 03:27:04 not even a distraction you know what i mean like up balls and i'm not even and i'm not even a distraction you know what i mean like i've like i've i've seamlessly i've seamlessly integrated but i used to get fucking nasty looks i even had to run lines one time oh is this wow wow his name is armin to manion yeah armin armin to manion yes oh my god i used to tell him please don't pick up the balls i want the kids to pick them up. They got to learn to do it. He just couldn't help himself. Yeah, pick up the balls.
Starting point is 03:27:29 Well, you know why I do it? Because I'm such a fucking Jew. I don't want my kid wasting time picking up the fucking balls. That was probably his reason, too. Oh, yeah, yeah. Armenian Jews wish they were Armenians. We out-Jew the Jews. For sure.
Starting point is 03:27:44 Oh. Yeah. Yeah, we had multiple lessons a week i mean she was like six years old five six years old we i mean he was like let's go well and and i think i think the problem also is is obby's been going to this guy since he's been four and i think this guy's struggling because um obby's so fucking cool and they've built a friendship yeah and i think it's a lot of time on the court yeah even though like you could never see it because this guy's as serious as a heart attack but every once in a while see him crack and like and like be friends with obby and i'm like oh that's probably like not somewhere i mean and if you didn't know them you wouldn't even know it because this guy is like so by the book but i see
Starting point is 03:28:29 them i see them hey my wife on april fools uh chris my wife wrote me i was driving avi to tennis practice last year and my wife wrote me a text that said do you know this story i think i do but i'm forgetting okay it's not the weed no no no she writes me a text saying hey just so you know um obby was talking to me before class and she's uh just now when you were on your podcast and he says he's done with tennis he wants to quit and i think we should seriously listen to him and i'm fucking like five days a week in four years straight of just tennis, you know, with my kids. And I'm just thinking to myself, OK, is she out of her fucking mind? Like, what is she? Why is she even accommodating this? Just she should have just taken a deep breath, put him in the car and just move forward. Right.
Starting point is 03:29:19 And so we get to we get to fucking tennis and he gets out of the, and my brain's racing, you know, a mile a minute. Oh, sure. And we get there, and I'm sitting down, and I call her, and right when I call her, I realize it's April 1st. And I'm like, you bitch, right? So she starts laughing. That's what it was? Yeah, it was just an April Fool's joke. Oh, that's really good. Yeah, that was just an April Fool's joke. And I didn't. Oh, that's really good.
Starting point is 03:29:45 Yeah, that was good. And it was also, like, I always like when she does April Fool's jokes on me because I feel like it's like I did acid. Because, like, one time she told me she was pregnant and kept me going for, like, an hour. This is when we were really young. And so I get to see, like, all these decisions, like, go through my brain. Anyway, so I get there and i show the fucking instructor the text and he turns fucking white and i didn't think he was gonna give a fuck yeah and he's all fucked up and so i let him sit with it for a few minutes and then i told him he's
Starting point is 03:30:20 like hey dude not cool dude i go what i mean he's like i didn't need to sit with that for that long He's like, hey, dude, not cool, dude. I go, what do you mean? He's like, I didn't need to sit with that for that long. And then he goes, hey, and then he goes, hey, send me that text. So I send him a copy of the text my wife wrote and he showed other parents and other parents were freaking out that my kid was going to stop doing tennis. He played the same joke on all them. And at that point, I realized, oh, shit. Like, I mean, I always know he adds value wherever he goes. Cause he's so focused,
Starting point is 03:30:47 listened so well, so nice to the other kids. Um, Oh yeah. But, but that's when I knew I was like, oh shit, this guy's fully invested. There's so many, I can definitely make so many, uh, correlations between tennis coaching. And I'm sure a lot of our CrossFit coaches feel too, but like when a player leaves or you hear that they leave or they i haven't had too many but i've had some and it really is crushing just like you know i'm sure losing a member at a gym to another gym or
Starting point is 03:31:16 something it's just i mean just any of those things what's the what's the guy's name who comes on this podcast a lot the black black guy, James Townsend. Can you imagine when James Townsend lost Mal? I can't. Yeah, me neither. It's almost like you can't eat. It was like he lost his daughter. It's that relationship.
Starting point is 03:31:36 Yeah. That's tough. I haven't had any professional level players or anything like that. So I'm sure that's next level as well but yeah still i always think about that the james townsend mal thing i mean i don't know how close they were but i i can you can tell james townsend like as real as they get and passionate and he must have been just like he probably made himself so vulnerable in that relationship i mean he definitely probably crossed what quote-unquote the professional line. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:32:07 And you might not even know it until... I didn't know how important... You saw this through. And now she's not. And I didn't know how important Avi playing tennis was to me until my wife did that to me. If someone would have asked me some other time,
Starting point is 03:32:24 I would have been like, nah, it's whatever whatever whatever he wants to do but i was rocked it is it is wild like because i've had some relationships with kids they have for i i had a uh we had to make a move i used to be at a really nice indoor club we had a nice outdoor facility some really crazy stuff happened there we had like a really nasty owner there that We had a nice outdoor facility. Some really crazy stuff happened there. We had like a really nasty owner there that just had a horrible breakup. But anyhow, I've had some kids where I've spent a lot of time on the court with them and you can see that they're talented. We have great relationship. They're humble, they're smart, they're doing all these things. And you're like, man, you have these goals sort of set in your mind for them. Like, oh my gosh, we're going
Starting point is 03:33:04 to get this kid. Like he's going to be number one on his high school team by freshman. We're probably going to be looking at – we start making these goals in our head. And I use these things as carrots. Like, hey, just so you know, there's another level. And so when you hear a kid stops playing or they moved or something, it is – that's tough. Yeah. And as a parent, I've had my kid come home too how this morning dude caleb told me he's gonna go work for the buttery bros shit man gotta do what you gotta do i was devastated chris
Starting point is 03:33:37 but the show must go on i believe everything are you being serious i believe everything damn it no dude i didn't i didn't think hey they won't tolerate a shitty starlight connect a star star link connection yeah right it fits in perfect here you're mobile you have a mobile unit listen seven the seven media realm is mobile how we're lean right you're lean how crazy is that that this fucking guy goes to a fucking campground and gets star links so that he can do the show doesn't even tell me that's fucking badass badass. Whatever you gotta do, man. Yeah. You're making your future. You're manifesting your
Starting point is 03:34:28 future. You're like... I'm manifesting my future by stealing Caleb's present. He's a celebrity. Caleb's in the Sevan Matrix. Yeah. How much is your Starlink per month, Caleb? I think it's like 150 a month will you disconnect it when you're done with the camper
Starting point is 03:34:51 um probably but i i don't know it's nice to have it like uh i have a feeling once i'm done with this school down here i'll just travel around a bunch so hey you know who chris you know who else i was watching um uh dave's uh podcast um that he's been doing with people and he's on starlink at the ranch the ranch has horrible internet and i heard he was on starlink which makes me think that we should try doing a uh a mobile event i really want to do a um i really want to do a i really want to do a 48 hour competition somewhere i really want to make a reality show i want to make a crossfit reality show 12 yes 12 men 12 women yeah i love it 48 hours i wonder if dave would let me do that at the ranch or if that would be conflict with CrossFit.
Starting point is 03:35:51 Well, I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but something can't keep going this way. We must grow. Seems like something new, something new, something exciting. Do you live in Texas? No, you live in Florida. I'm in Missouri. Oh, Missouri. St. Louis.
Starting point is 03:36:10 Oh. Missouri. Are you going to the CrossFit Games? No. No, I didn't. No, listen, nobody could have been a bigger fan than me last year. I went to everything. I went, well, not that there's that much but there's semis i live in st louis we flew to pasadena we had a great time met
Starting point is 03:36:32 a bunch of people fun event okay felt a little weird though like just felt like there was kind of a weird little clicky kind of like crossfit i don't know it was just a weird vibe we had in pasadena and then um yeah in pasadena it was weird i wasn't the only one and then uh what happened then we went to the games and uh the games were yeah games were great love the games the games are great and then we went to rogue and the road was horrible oh it was why. It was just bad weather. It was bad weather. It just seemed like things were rushed around. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:37:11 It was tough. It was fun to watch online. Again, great stuff. It's really hard to have a bad time. Do you think a lot of people thought that about Rogue? Do you think people weren't happy with Rogue? The people who went? I don't know how you could be really that happy. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 03:37:27 I've never heard that. Not that I have anything bad to say about anybody there, but it just was like... The vibe was so good at the games. Is the vibe like that at Rogue? The vibe at the games is dope. Yeah, the vibe at the games is, yeah, very festival-like. And I'm new to this,
Starting point is 03:37:44 so I don't really have a lot of history with it but i loved it i mean i could just you know no shirt on just having fun hanging out just watching beautiful people and being around happy people and this was great especially when you've been you know over the last four years all this craziness it was nice to be in a community of sane people audrey said uh we couldn't watch the last event uh so we left got drunk and fucked she's she's great All right, well, thanks for calling good talking to you Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 03:38:29 I love you guys. Love you too, buddy. Have a great day. Okay. Bye. All right later chris. Bye All right I got a little lightheaded just now Oh, really? Yeah, that was weird. You had breakfast? No. Oh, I got a note from Gavin Newsom.
Starting point is 03:38:54 Another one, huh? Folks, listen. I was at the White House with President Biden and a number of other governors a few days ago. I heard three words from him. He's all in. That's the only three heard three words from him. He's all in. That's the only three words he probably gave him. And so am I. Look at the last three and a half years under Joe Biden.
Starting point is 03:39:12 It's been a masterclass. 15.6 million jobs created, eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined. Gun safety legislation, lowering the cost of prescription drugs and infrastructure package to rebuild this country. God, can you imagine thinking gun safety,
Starting point is 03:39:34 lowering the cost of prescription drugs, infrastructure package to rebuild this country. Who does that shit work on that kind of talk? Joe Biden has delivered and we need to deliver for him in this moment for him and for democrats everywhere for him for democrats how about just for fucking people we're talking about the fate and future of our democracy this country and the world they all need us right God, he's a scumbag. This is the guy, by the way, who they said,
Starting point is 03:40:12 hey, why did you censor information going to the public about COVID? And he said, because they're not smart enough to understand it. He censored information because he thought we weren't smart enough. He said that out loud. Of course. That's all I intend to do, and I hope you'll join me. Make a contribution to the Democrat. Oh, then he asked for loud. Of course. That's all I intend to do, and I hope you'll join me. Make a contribution to the Democrat. Oh, then he asked for money.
Starting point is 03:40:29 Of course. Listen to all these hypotheticals that I plan on doing. Give me money to do it. Even though I'm not going to. A billion. So how about this one? This is from Joe Biden. I just got this 17 minutes ago.
Starting point is 03:40:49 So on. We got word. Trump outraised us last quarter. Billionaires flooded Trump's campaign coffers over the last three months, powering the convicted felon and wannabe dictator to a three hundred and thirty one million dollar fundraising all. She's. Wow. $231 million fundraising haul. I think we got our house. I think Sousa got the house in Texas for the team. And I got a hotel room. I got a flight already.
Starting point is 03:41:23 I'm showing up on Saturday. Wow. Wow. Mavic 3 Pro. Learn. I got a I got a ma got the Pro. In this video, we will show you how to use DJI Mavic 3 Pro and Mavic 3 Pro Cine for the first time.
Starting point is 03:42:32 You know what I think I can do if I had to reinvent myself? What's that? Oh, let me see. Mavic 3 Pro Auto Track. I think I could just go to the beach and I could Oh active track using active track active track, how good is it? I think I could just go to the beach And I could just active track surfers and then just come home post it to instagram and then just put a link and be like hey if you want to buy this footage for yourself i'll sell it to you for a hundred dollars a clip and i could just
Starting point is 03:43:17 track like 20 surfers a day and i think in three years in three three years, I'd have a huge, a huge business. Yeah. You for sure can do that. My dad has one of those too. And we just. He has a Mavic Pro 3. Maybe not a Mavic Pro 3, but he does have a drone like that. Today, we're talking about focus track on the Mavic 3 pro and is it any good in a variety of
Starting point is 03:43:48 different tests we know on the mavic 3 series that this has the same focus track and it is easily the best it has three cameras dude out of that's not the portable drones that dji offer the ability to be able to go onto the on-screen display and tell the drone where you want it to track you from on a clock face and it will keep up because of the speed and power of this drone but the mavic 3 pro has a couple of tricks up its sleeve because of these new lenses on the top of it and you can use these in both active track and spotlight which is what i've been testing out so let's get into that video but first if you do enjoy drone shut it we've got three lenses now and they're all dedicated lenses so no digital zoom is needed here and this makes this
Starting point is 03:44:31 spotlight or focus track mode even better so first we've got that three times tele lens which is a 70 millimeter 70 mil equivalent and you can use this camera in both spotlight poi and active track and there's seven times a hundred. What's POI? I don't know. Let's find out. And then 66 millimeter. 166 millimeter.
Starting point is 03:44:56 Spotlight mode. Currently, that's not supported in active track. I don't think the reason for this is because it's 166 millimeters. You're going to have to have that drone. Pardon me? Pixels of interest. Oh're going to have to have that drone. Pardon me? Pixels of interest. Oh, oh, interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 03:45:11 Really far away. That's kind of a tracking. Otherwise, the camera is going to be zoomed in that much. It's going to be just unwatchable. So because the drone is really far away, just to be able to use that seven time zoom, you know, it's going to be hard to actually keep track on something like a person that's my overall feeling why we don't that's your feeling have the option to use the seven times zoom in active track this guy's pissing me off already thankfully we can use the best camera i think on here which is this three times tele lens and this works in active track and it works really well so after a little bit of warming the cars up i wanted to test out active track and spotlight mode using these new lenses so first
Starting point is 03:45:50 let's try the three times lens which is that 70 millimeter equivalent allows you to get much closer to the action you simply just drag a box around we want to track and that's it so now it was blue hour so light was going down fast and you can see the quality is still great with that f fast so we thought let's just go for it so you just hit go and then the drone will track you but i can also change the position of the drone even in that three times zoom using this fantastic on-screen display that we get on the mavic 3 series so i can have it from the back left right forward off center top right wherever I want that drone to be and it works great but you can also see that even from a fast start the drone is able to keep up with the car
Starting point is 03:46:33 and then track it to get this really good shot of the drone going into the distance you still also have the option that you can adjust the gimbal tilt as well in this mode but you've also got spotlight mode as well where i have a bit more control manually and here the drone is flying sideways 20 miles per hour in 35 miles per hour winds and it's using i want to know if that thing starts moving around if the camera actually moves and tracks the drone like on the inspire. Oh Here across that pro rely POI relies on seams or contrast of pixels if an object turns too much or tree It goes and trees across it. Sometimes it fails. Okay Yeah Yeah, it's like
Starting point is 03:47:23 3,800 bucks fucking drone yeah it's like 3 800 bucks uh if you want to get the good controller and then another thousand bucks if you want to get the goggles and the joystick i got it all yeah here we go eric y seems pretty easy to do this for a 5k run at the games and make it 1 000 times more interesting yeah totally mean, you could put up four of these. That'd be fucking awesome. At least Joe Biden answered every question and knew all the answers. Is that a joke? Because that's what his wife told him.
Starting point is 03:48:17 Embarrassing. All right. Oh shit. This show has gone over three hours. It's gone four hours. All right. Time to go eat. Serious show.
Starting point is 03:48:45 Did Hiller post a video? No, I don't think so. I think it's probably coming in the next day or two. Oh, yeah. Did you watch the Bryce Danny video? No. Not wasting my time watching that. I think we've had a four-hour podcast before.
Starting point is 03:49:19 Really? I want to say. So is the behind-the-scenes the scenes confirmed no they haven't sent out so we applied for media credentials and then there was a second tier level of media credentials called enhanced credentials something like that.
Starting point is 03:49:46 I forget. And, and, and so I applied for, I applied for those for me and Will Branstetter and Sousa. So we need to, we're waiting to hear back on all of it, but it should be any day now.
Starting point is 03:50:00 Um, man, I'm just, I'm, I'm just feeling confident. That'd be wild. That'd be fucking crazy. If I did or didn't?
Starting point is 03:50:18 Did. Oh, I think I'm going to. I feel very confident. I felt very confident for a long time. Even though a lot of people were telling me that I wasn't going to get access. I feel like, I mean, last year was like just crazy that I got access. Hello. I know you don't care, but what if CrossFit sends out another email saying that they don't support you
Starting point is 03:50:46 this is not a CrossFit video documentary they could send an AI out of me fucking eating sporty Beth out as long as they give me access I'm cool you don't give a shit
Starting point is 03:51:02 I just want access I just want access i just want access i just want access to dave and boz and heather and just like the inner workings and i want access to the athletes the warm-up area and the corrals and um and then and then get as close as I can to the floor And I'm good and opera and I promise and I'll give them final say on the edit like I that's all I want That's it. I Mean I'm gonna make something dope Hey, you know what I saw in the comments Jethro
Starting point is 03:51:51 What's up? Someone wrote that the best behind the scenes ever are the behind the scenes that are now behind the paywall for Syndicate Crown. And that hurts because I wasn't involved in that one at all. I saw a comment step on this is your greatest work ever. I'm like, fuck, that was Rios, Will and Sousa. But they don't do it if you didn't do it. I'm just so they was Rios Will and Sousa but they don't do it if you didn't do it they got access because you got access I could and you know what I haven't watched the whole thing yet but man
Starting point is 03:52:13 they fucking killed it you gotta talk to Danny at the games I gotta be careful because I don't want to fuck with her you know what I mean I will West Coast Classic like I was I think I gave off be careful because I don't want to fuck with her. You know what I mean? I will. I will. Like I try West Coast classic. Like I was I think I gave off the vibe that I wanted to mend fences.
Starting point is 03:52:33 And I and I was close to her a few times, but I didn't she didn't reciprocate. I mean, she was not rude to me at all. But but dude, she's not going to say no. She's not going to say no, because if she says no, she's gonna look like a turd I know but I don't want to uh, here's the thing. I want to be respectful that it's Like it would be so like I sent her a dm I mean, I'm sure dms are probably crazy, but I sent her a dm to try to get her on the show I would love to reconcile
Starting point is 03:53:00 our Differences before our differences before the games. I don't want it to be on her mind at the games. Do you know what I mean? I want her to feel totally comfortable. I don't want any of our drama
Starting point is 03:53:17 to be on her performance. Yeah, exactly. I don't want it to be like I'm not interested in fucking up her shit there like athlete check-in
Starting point is 03:53:34 athlete the first brief you throw the camera in her face you talk to her let them reciprocate okay the next three days I'll leave you alone or maybe not even with the camera on be an athlete check in and just be like hey danny what's up uh i'm gonna be doing the behind the scenes do you care do you mind if i uh film with you some throughout the week awesome and if she says no if she says no i'm not interested to be like okay i totally
Starting point is 03:54:00 understand um yep that's it tried good good luck good luck is uh is mariah doing it with you i don't know no she's not i haven't talked to her about it i totally forgot to even talk to her about it if it's not mariah who's that other person uh oh uh will sua, and I think Rios' wife is having a kid, so Rios can't be there. David, we dude, she don't give a flying fuck about you. Yeah, I know. That's my point. I don't want her to give a flying fuck about me. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:54:36 I don't want to get into her. I don't want to get into her. I don't want to take up any of her headspace. uh and i don't want to i don't want to take up any of her headspace like she might give a flying fuck about you but we give a flying fuck about how it goes behind the scenes with her yeah i mean i think it would add value to have um her but but also if she doesn't like i respect i respect that too this here's the sad part and i know you know this all these people who are playing who play that game That's what I meant. Like I was concerned about Laura a little bit like literally sports or what have you done for me lately and
Starting point is 03:55:14 There'll be no like if you're not if you're not in these videos you will just you'll just vanish You know what I mean? The behind the scenes is the most relevant and most important I know it's self-serving to say this, but documentation of the games. It's more important than the actual
Starting point is 03:55:42 event as time goes by after the games. You understand that because of the athletes, the athletes need to be put on a pedestal, which is what you do. CrossFit doesn't do it. Dave barely, barely did it with his videos recently.
Starting point is 03:55:57 So you got to do it. And that's the only way he's going to get bigger. Oh, I need to invite Alexis Raptus on the show. That just reminded me, Alexis. Uh, yes, more Alexis, Alexis Raptus on the show. That just reminded me. Alexis. Yes, more Alexis. Alexis Raptus, Azusa.
Starting point is 03:56:11 Alexis, can we have you back on the podcast? P.S. Laura Horvath. I think I text Laura and called her. And what'd she say? Nothing. Nada. Vindicate, I've rewatched behind the scenes numerous times. I've never rewatched an event video
Starting point is 03:56:47 true I've watched Murph again with Josh that's the only one oh by the way Vindicate's now selling JY Barbell shirts and they're cool shirts
Starting point is 03:57:04 and you know who oh i think it closed you know who was selling jerseys was um james sprague but i think the window closed for that all right how are you how is everything are you at the gym seven days a week? Yeah. I just got back from there. I've been there for five hours now on a Sunday. It's awesome. You're good.
Starting point is 03:57:36 We had our pool party yesterday. Everyone came down. It's awesome. Oh, what do you think about Kill Taylor having a pool party? Not a pool party. A pool event. Fucking dope. Are you going to really do that? Are you going to have like a Thunderdome style
Starting point is 03:57:53 workout with people doing it? Yes. Yes. Paper Street Coffee and the Wadapalooza guys in SoCal and myself, we're teaming up. We're going to do something fucking live. Holy shit.
Starting point is 03:58:07 That's the plan. I know. It's going to be so sick. I can't wait. So we'll have a little card table set up with a sheet thrown over it, and we'll be sitting there ripping on people as they do the workout live. And each person who doesn't make it, the prize money will double up to $5,000. Cool, right?
Starting point is 03:58:23 It's going to be awesome. Yeah, I know. I'm excited. You think we'll have trouble Getting 10 people do it Not at Not at the SoCal event Okay good
Starting point is 03:58:32 You're gonna get You're gonna get too many people Oh good I'm gonna see Gabe this week I'm going to the Broken Science Event on Thursday What's that event
Starting point is 03:58:42 In New York City. When is that? God, how come I don't know about that? Thursday. Yep, I reached out to Gabe. I got Trish from Babylon going. My training partner's going. Thursday the what?
Starting point is 03:58:56 Is it Thursday the... The 11th. Of July? Yeah, Emily's hosting it in Manhattan. Where's it at? I don't know, but it's in Manhattan. I didn't even look at the address yet heading down there i got people to cover classes gonna be dope how come i wasn't invited to that no one even told me you don't fly oh you're gonna fly to new york no i don't know i would if greg invited me and i was going to sit next to him in
Starting point is 03:59:25 first class and stay at the four seasons lying dude that's not flying the trump soho i mean i'd go there to see you and gabe that's what i meant to say yeah yeah well well yo hey dude i'm flying to dickies i'm flying to dickies american I'm flying to Dickies, American Airlines. That's halfway around the country. Out of San Jose. Flying out of San Jose to Texas on regular commercials is just like flying to New York with Greg. Distance-wise, comfort-wise. Are you going to the games?
Starting point is 04:00:06 No. Oh, okay. I to the games no I got the gym I got the gym yeah I'm going to 2025 though I already told Julie I gotta go who's Julie your wife
Starting point is 04:00:14 yes the missus I wonder where the oh and they'll be in Dickies again I'm sure they're gonna definitely do more than one year okay you're fucking awesome
Starting point is 04:00:24 yeah I'm gonna I'll report from the BSI event on Thursday okay yeah do that They're going to definitely do more than one year. Okay. You're fucking awesome. Yeah, I'll report from the BSI event on Thursday. Okay, yeah, do that. Call in Friday, and I want to hear about the event. Let me hear. Friday of Paige Semenza on. She'll only be on for 45 minutes. Call after that.
Starting point is 04:00:42 That'd be awesome. I'd love to hear about it. Yeah, I'll take some pictures. I'll let you know how it goes. Yeah, it's going to be awesome. All right. How many people are going? I know Karin's going. I know Emily's going. I'm going. At least four people are going. Four? Those are the four that I know. Nah, it'll be
Starting point is 04:01:03 people. Oh, Gabe's going. Yeah, it'll be people. Oh, Gabe's going. Yeah, it'll be five. Is it expensive? It's very inexpensive. I actually bought the tickets for my friend, so. Okay. Tacos and margaritas, she said. What?
Starting point is 04:01:19 Oh, awesome. Yeah, that's going to be great. I'll give a full rundown. I'll take notes. I'm'm gonna go play with my drone Do we get the four-hour market Caleb yep, you hit it nice Mazel tov. All right, buddy. Thank you. I guys love you guys. Bye Caleb later did I should have brought of a Fidei Into the hair. They gonna send FAID out to you, to your RV?
Starting point is 04:01:48 I don't know. I haven't been able to check my mail, so... Did you give the RV address to... Yeah, I gave it to Sousa. So I'll check tomorrow and see if they delivered anything. I should have brought a FIDAID. I should have brought a fit aid. I should have brought a fit aid in here. I'm crashing.
Starting point is 04:02:08 Me too. I'm getting hungry. I did a trip to Sam's club and you all are still on. Hmm. I just appreciate that you're in the chat. Savon Haley has an address. Oh, for Fide? Oh, text it to me.
Starting point is 04:02:39 I'll ask them to send you a case of Fide. Okay. Fide are a dollar at vitamin shop today. Is that true? Really? Let me see. Let me see if that's true. We must fact check that before Pat Lang panics as. I don't see anything regarding that. FitAid vitamin shop, $1. Yeah, it is. Buy one, get one. Oh, it is? Online it is buy one get one oh it is online it is
Starting point is 04:03:27 wow or you can use use the QR code yeah when you guys when you guys use the QR code that basically tells our sponsors that they spent their money well
Starting point is 04:03:40 yeah and it's 40% off like your entire order so that's cool like however that works tory bill yum uh this is super random but what is the book you recommend for first-time parents dissolving illusionsolving illusions. And listen to... What is it? By Suzanne Humphries?
Starting point is 04:04:10 Yes. Yep. The Bible. The Bible. Still 164 viewers. I have no idea what that means oh on the show right now no 218 that's across twitter and 223 yeah fuck it just wing it parenting is it's no big deal you definitely want to
Starting point is 04:04:45 do a little bit of research nah nah nah throw yourself into it definitely want to do a little bit of research definitely listen to a guy that doesn't have any kids this is weird This is a guy
Starting point is 04:05:05 who barely speaks English giving a math test. This was a crazy video. 8 times 6. 8 times 6? Yes, ma'am. 8 times 6,
Starting point is 04:05:23 what's the difference? Huh? Huh? 92. 92? Oh, I'm lit. Liz. What does that mean, I'm lit?
Starting point is 04:05:36 I don't know. I don't even, that's so beyond my comprehension of. He asked her eight times 6 and she says 92. And then when he questions her answer, her response is, I'm lit. Is that an excuse? Or does that mean you're smart? Oh, it means she's high?
Starting point is 04:05:52 Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. All right. Give her a pass. Don't you got an excuse? 3 times 7. 21.
Starting point is 04:06:01 21. Look at that guy's... Look at that guy's pants on the left look how he's standing What the fuck are those dudes wearing I've never answered math questions in high heels from dudes who can barely speak English, but here we go. That's great 7 times 3 but here we go. That's great. Do a new one? Seven times three. Okay, we can't do it. Eight times five.
Starting point is 04:06:39 Eight times five, honey. Eight times five. Huh? I want you to know this is so bad. No, not eight times. Eight times five, sweetheart. Forty. Forty, baby!
Starting point is 04:06:57 Eight times. Nothing like getting a new member. I know it's a math show Emma's like oh this is a math show I want to participate Hi What are you up to Oh okay
Starting point is 04:07:13 My dad's here Oh cool Big Jesse Trucking $4.99 Thank you Love you guys Talk to you guys soon Buh-bye

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