The Sevan Podcast - John Singleton | Sara, Tahoe Throwdown, THE CROWN

Episode Date: March 31, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I can't believe this is the first time You were never on the CrossFit podcast Or this podcast before, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:07 No, in all the years we have known each other Unacceptable That happens every once in a while Every couple months I'll have someone on here And I'm like, I cannot believe I've never had this guy on the podcast I think I actually mean it I'm sorry It's inappropriate
Starting point is 00:01:23 You're such a asset and valuable. You're a hallmark and a staple in the community. It's ridiculous. That's very kind of you to say. Yeah. I've always admired you from afar, and I'm glad you're finally on. I really mean that. I don't.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I mean that. Hi, Caleb. Hey, I want to get into – where are you right now? So I'm in Majorca. Oh, you are? You're still there? Okay, okay, okay. God, I have so many questions for you. Hey, before we get started, let just start with a really just hot topic and then i want to go back and and find out where you came from when when when these coach when when you come across a um a sarah sigman's daughter or when hwpo comes across a maloBrien, or I'll just stay with those two examples, right? Of two just phenomenal athletes. I thought Sarah Sigmund's daughter was
Starting point is 00:02:33 actually going to be the next Rich Froning. I, I, when she popped on the scene, I was like, holy shit. I was just, I can't actually imagine ever being blown away by anyone as much as her who popped on the, on the on the scene um there's this there's this discussion about whether hey did the coach make this person or did this person already have the raw talent and at some point in and then i have some questions around that do you have any thoughts on that on like hey did they or is it nature or nurture? I think as you know, there's lots of ways you can go into the discussion, right? I know it's really broad and I apologize for that. We'll feel around in the dark here a little. So I think that there's a, there can be a combination
Starting point is 00:03:16 of both is that, you know, if that talent is nurtured well, then they can like achieve their, their best potential. There's no denying that the athlete has to have that natural talent in them in order to be able to express it. Mentally and physically, especially for CrossFit, right? A hundred percent. And I think probably for all sports, actually. Okay. Let me take it a little dark then and sinister can a coach mess it
Starting point is 00:03:48 up yes so even if you're on the even if you're on the side of hey the coaches really don't do shit let's just make it really extreme and it's really just the athlete, but that 1% that would get the person to the pinnacle, right? Get them on the podium, um, requires a coach. Then you still have to give the coach credit for not fucking it up. Is it easy to fuck up an athlete? Um, so I think that, I mean, I suppose it's like kind of how you're defining easy, but I do think that coaches can mess up athletes' careers. And I think that there's probably more times that can happen than actually being able to create the environment for the athlete to exceed. What I see, this is just my opinion. What I see, this is just my opinion.
Starting point is 00:04:50 When I look at someone like Matt Fraser, I think, okay, he cracked the code. I do think if you follow his protocol of obsessiveness and sort of making – he lived in what appears to be, if we take his word for it, and I do, a perfect bubble. He cracked the code for being successful. word for it and i do a perfect bubble he cracked the code for being successful and you may see someone who has the raw talent like matt may have seen hey i see a person a over here who has the raw talent to do it they just have to follow this code you know what i mean but they might not actually have what's between the ears to follow the code they're a fifth place athlete when you combine their uh their ability to compete and perform versus what it takes to get into that top five crazily rarefied air right yeah so i think like matt cracked the code for him to become successful right and i don't think that that code can necessarily be translated across to other athletes.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Like, you know, if you find a mini mat, then that code may be really applicable to him. But I don't think it's necessarily, I think, especially once you start getting into like, you know, the top percentages of the sports, that really individualized approach and people just respond so differently. really individualized approach um and people just respond so differently and and i think at that really top end it does matter because ultimately the games will be separated by seconds or you know every second counts as it has it thank you thank you yes um what about um what about this let me let me put one more idea to you and i disagree the the group that i hang out with i disagree with the majority of them on this subject because on that subject and this next one i'm bringing up what about the fact what if i what if i said hey all champions um all the best crossfit athletes train alone and and by alone i mean they don't train in camps and then someone would say well annie's in a camp and a
Starting point is 00:06:45 rich is in a camp and and but then i would dispute they weren't in a camp they trained and had training partners right so you have one and danielle actually kind of talked about it a little bit in her documentary right her and bethany knew they weren't going to make it so they did i don't know if you saw it but she talks about the 2000, the COVID games, whatever that was, I think 2020, she basically said, Hey, Bethany and I knew we weren't going to make it to that top five. So we basically did all the workouts before Carrie so that she would have a rabbit to chase. Do you think that when I think of people who train alone, I think of Matt and by alone, meaning they're not in a camp i think of people like um uh uh annie right um rich matt these people who the team was assembled around them you think there's any truth to that
Starting point is 00:07:35 i do agree that and i think that's the key point you made at the end actually the those athletes kind of assemble a group of athletes around them. And I think it's, again, you know, all the names you just mentioned, like the best the sport has seen, and so they're able to do that. Then I think there's an argument of the people that they then assembled around them that actually they can then benefit by being in that training group environment, which may not be as personal for them. You know, like Fraser could go, you know, whatever, I want to train with this person, I want this coach to do this, or whatever it it may be and he kind of tailors this environment
Starting point is 00:08:07 then actually you've got this group of athletes below Fraser's level that would really benefit just from being that environment right and then and then maybe they can they can harness they can get a couple years of being mentored and then they too can break off and like make those final leaps yeah exactly i think that's i think that's probably like um you know a certain model you know we've we've obviously had numerous kind of styles of training camp from the live-in to long periods of time where athletes are here and i do think it comes down to that the best in the world and you know that ultimately they have those resources and that ability to put a great team of people around them so they can have everything very individualized and then you know it's actually beneficial for
Starting point is 00:08:56 for lots of different athletes basically to just be a part of that uh guys you were looking at john singleton if you don't know who he is um then you haven't been paying attention he's been around uh forever uh he is uh out in mallorca which is a little island off the coast of spain right yeah exactly it's a beautiful island spanish island and you are not spanish but you speak spanish yeah i um i do my best i'm not quite fluent but i get by i don't know i was really impressed looking at your instagram watching you speak spanish i did not open announcements i did not expect that at all um john where are you originally from i'm from england oh you are yeah oh i didn't
Starting point is 00:09:40 know that i was going to put you up in one of the nordic countries i was going to say like you're finnish or something yeah you're Finnish or something. Yeah. You're not alone. A lot of people think that, I mean, it's been a long time since I've lived in the UK and I also have like, obviously words, a lot of Scandinavian athletes have a Scandinavian look. So, and, and I, I see you as sort of a very, this is just me judging you. I have no data points for this. This is just, but I see you as a very particular and kind and fastidious and and um like i imagine uh like uh nordic people to be
Starting point is 00:10:13 finnish people to be like i imagine you'd have everything in a perfect place i mean look at you don't even have the sheet rock up on the wall behind you it's just very simple a very simple approach to life yeah i suppose i know it's nice to try to work towards that, but it doesn't always happen. You still have a little English left in you. Yeah, I do. Organized chaos. Yes, Sevan, stereotyping. Yes, I'm very good at judging.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Okay, born in England, and how old are you? I'm 37. Oh, my God. You're so young. Thank you. Crazy. Also, no, it gets relative because all the athletes now are so much younger. You start being like decades older than the athletes.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So it's nice to still be considered young. And tell me about England. Born and raised there, what was life there like as a kid? Were you an athlete? So I didn't like school, hated school, and had troubles through the early teenage years. And then actually I found martial arts, and was like my uh my thing like as soon as i found martial arts all of a sudden i felt like i had a purpose in my life and that was that was very transformative for me um so much so i i left school basically as soon as i could and and actually went to go study martial arts in china oh my god now okay that Yeah. All white man goes to Japan or China. I would have guessed Japan, but okay, I see it. I see it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It was Chinese martial arts and it's exactly like that. It's kind of weird feeling. You become instantly famous just because of the way you look. It's like a weird sensation. And what martial arts did you do? So it's Chinese martial arts. Is that what it's called? did you do so it's chinese martial arts is that what it's called yes i kind of you know as you said japan gets known there's different styles have these chinese martial arts and the japanese style or like each each culture has some kind of fighting art that it's been through and i was very much involved in the chinese martial arts and and like shaolin and that kind of thing and you know it was i don't know if you've seen Kill Bill.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah. I don't remember anything except someone getting their eyeball pushed out and falling onto the floor, but yes. Yeah, the extreme, it was extreme, but, you know, it's from that kind of Shaolin style Kung Fu. And why do you think you like, John, why do you think you like martial arts? What do you think attracted you to it? Why do you think you liked martial arts?
Starting point is 00:12:44 What do you think attracted you to it? I honestly think it was that, you know, the trainer, the coach that I was with, I just really felt like a bond and it was like a nice, you know, someone cared about you, you wanted to train to work for something. And I think actually it was that relationship that was very important. You know, I'd done lots of sports. I always played sports, love kind of sports there was like a having this kind of mentor in that like teenage environment i think was very influential in my life at the early stages and what did you like about your coach
Starting point is 00:13:17 you know i think he just he was just passionate about, you know, what I could do, what I could become. I mean, the thing about martial arts is like, there's no like, you know, that you have the fighting side as well with boxing and whatnot, but really the martial arts, like, you know, you practice through until you, you die, but you know, it's just, uh, there's no competition or anything like that. Um, you know, I think it's just nice having someone believe in you. Fascinating. So you're a kid.
Starting point is 00:13:54 You're a teenager. You don't like school. That's tough because as teenagers, we're supposed to spend every second at the schoolyard behind the chain link fence. And you find someone that believes in you and with something that's also making you better. Did you know that it was making you better quickly? The martial arts was making you a better person? Yeah, you know, I think you can feel that. I think I quite quickly started to associate the training as well,
Starting point is 00:14:20 that you would do some training and just that post-workout feeling. And I think this is why i started crossfit so early because in the in our martial arts we would train what was considered hard you know it's like you'd push hard you'd sweat you'd hurt you do those things it's like you know then you feel good afterwards like you're doing a crossfit workout and and that was like one of those transitions where it's like i was just training by myself pushing hard then all of a sudden this thing called CrossFit comes along. It's like, actually it's, you know, actually not just me, but me and a couple of other guys who will now train hard, push hard and get that same feeling together. It's interesting. One of the, my kids do a lot of martial arts almost daily. And one of the byproducts of it that i never expected
Starting point is 00:15:05 is they're um at nine years old they've in seven years old they've experienced more intimacy than i bet you most adults will experience in their whole life with other human beings they basically spend hours every day rolling around with other kids and um when i first signed my son up the first three months he refused to go out on the mats to do any sparring because he didn't want to touch any of the other adults or kids. And I was like, yeah, hey, dude, that's a healthy feeling. But now their comfortableness in their own body and how they make other people feel when they're around, it's wild. It's already in them. They're so safe in their own body.
Starting point is 00:15:46 that's already in them they're so safe in their own body yeah it's it is kind of it's like if you get with a group of guys who push really hard in the martial arts it is sort of like supercharged crossfit because you know that you have that shared misery that brings you closer together but you're also like right in their space you're feeling you feel their movements yeah and also i don't think you can replicate that intensity. When you're standing like facing off with someone, be it whatever, boxing, judo, whatever it may be, there's something about that first set of adrenaline, which lasts like a super short time, a few seconds.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Then all of a sudden you're standing there and some guy's trying to hit you. You're like, you've got nothing. I mean, that's when you really feel like that intensity. Obviously in a workout, we kind of have that bit of self-control, you know, like we can back off. Like I'm not feeling good. I back off the pace or whatever it may be. But when someone's trying to punch you in the face, you don't have that same option.
Starting point is 00:16:46 the face you don't have that same option and that's like that feeling of um that's i think when you feel really raw when you're working and uh getting and getting that feeling and um uh and present right so it's that instant um it's that instant presence that you get also that maybe some people get from skydiving or you might get if you push yourself really hard in a crossfit workout you get if you are fighting someone you go from all your thoughts go away you're immediately like okay here we go i'm out here in the real world and the irony is is the contrast right before my kids fight um i take them to a lot of tournaments is they're completely trapped in their head right they're in fucking panic mode they're sweating to have but then as soon as it's three two one go uh kumbach it's fucking on that all goes away and then after the match they're happy as a kite yeah i must this is one thought i've always had because i've never like been a coach to any uh fighters or high level
Starting point is 00:17:42 fighters or anything like that and i think that you know, it's hard enough watching an athlete compete on the floor, let alone watching someone you train or even your kids go into a fight. I mean, that must like elicit a lot of emotion, just being like having to watch someone you care about so much go through that. You really tighten, like you catch yourself tightening body parts that you didn't even know you had right when your kids go out there yeah i can imagine i imagine that sensation is heightened in the you know in the fighting world as well because like someone you care about is you know can be getting hurt really badly the worst thing that
Starting point is 00:18:21 happens on a crossfit event and despite injuries or whatever it may be, they just don't finish first, which is not as bad as coming off with bad injuries. Anna, my girl Hannah is doing the crown this week with John Singleton. She's 17 and coaches the kids class. She's had her level one for three years. So you have an event this weekend. Yeah, exactly. And Hannah just won the swim event, so she did really well. level one for three years so you have an event this weekend yeah exactly and uh well hannah hannah just won the swim event so she did really well oh are you at the are you oh you're the
Starting point is 00:18:52 event's actually going on as we speak the event is going on we just um we're in between events now so um so yeah the crown is going on wow it's crazy i I bet you there's, are there CrossFit event competitions going on every weekend somewhere? I would think so. It's Europe's pretty hot for CrossFit competitions. This is slightly, you know, we, this is, we actually tried to move away from calling it a competition. So we actually wanted to make it into more of an experience.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Are you, are you part, one of the organizers of this event? Yeah, it's a direct tour. It's our event. It's like the program's event and something that we've put on. And that's the name of your program, The Program. Exactly, just without me. Okay, go on. Sorry. So you're trying not to call it a competition?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah, an on. Sorry. So you're trying not to call it a competition? Yeah, an experience. Okay. There's a bit of history to the event. We ran an event in 2019. It was called The Comp. And we really felt that there was an event missing in the CrossFit space just for the next generation. Because we'd see it at the Games. We'd have athletes go to the games or different competitions. And unfortunately, they're just a bit of a sideshow because of the nature of everyone wants to watch the elites. We see it in the Masters Division or whatever that may be.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So like, okay, let's put on this event. And we put on the comp in 2019. And it was really successful. And success being defined as the fact that athletes just loved it. You had teens coming from literally all over the world. I mean, we were shocked by where they came from. South Africa, from the States, all these different places. And honestly, it was just so great seeing them get together like, OK, we have to do this in next year.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Unfortunately, that was COVID year. And so we then couldn't run well okay when can we put this back on 20 uh last year was the supposed to be the first time of the comp again we'd have everything confirmed and then we a couple of months before we got a message from our equipment supplier basically they were like look we're gonna have to charge you 20 000 euros to ship to the island and we're like you know we had everything agreed we had everything planned everything budgeted we just can't do this and it's just sitting thinking about what we do so they want to cancel and there's one thing i've always wanted to do
Starting point is 00:21:19 and that was the you know back in the day know, what you filmed in the Lake Tahoe with Rogue versus Again Faster. And I just loved it. You know, I love those kind of old school events. You know, I mean, if you watch back through, the events they're doing are just so random. You know, like one guy's flipping a log and then running and, you know, the logs are different sizes. But honestly, no one really cares. It's just like they're there having experience and an actual thing i found interesting is that sometimes you guys didn't even cover the event you just put up like a leaderboard afterwards and but i actually really loved that because it became about these guys being in two
Starting point is 00:22:02 different houses throwing down having a good time. And I was like, I really want to do something like that. And this is kind of where the idea of the crown was born. Oh, I wasn't listening well. So I'm going to have a question that's going to expose me for that. But give me one second. Anna, the media has been great. The Fitness Collective has done a great job.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Anna, could you put the YouTube page in the chat or Caleb so people can check it out? So what distinguishes, John, the difference between this event? What's this event called again? It's the Program Crown. The Program Crown. again the yeah we call it the program crown is what the program crown what distinguishes it exactly between a competition and the program crown there's still a winner right there is a winner um so that there is a winner however it's like so it's a good question like today for example okay good so i was it wasn't that I wasn't listening. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Okay, I feel better. I feel better. Yeah, searching for clarity and the distinguishing factor. But like as an example, this morning we went and did canyoning. Now, you might expect to know what canyoning is, but basically like we did some jumping off cliffs. The guys were abseiling and they were just doing it all as one group. And it's more that the intention of the competition it was different to an intention of a normal competition in the sense
Starting point is 00:23:32 like actually what we want these guys to do is end the weekend being friends rather than having this balanced fitness test where you find the fittest teen on um do these sort of social social fitness events happen between the workouts or after actually through both so this year we're introducing some team workouts within the individual competition so they didn't they don't know it yet but tomorrow they're going to be put into teams and they'll have to do a workout together it's going to impact their individual score obviously in a classic crossfit competition you couldn't put like a phraser of froning together all of a sudden they have to do it so we can kind of play about with it a bit more um those ideas exactly like the
Starting point is 00:24:15 you're not as concerned about it being fair someone might be like hey it's not my fault i was on the losing team and you're like hey man this is part of this competition. There is that roll of the dice. Yes. That you have to accept. And when you accept that, that takes maybe a little – that sets the intimate – I was going to say takes a little bit of the stress off, but you haven't used that word. I'll stick with the word you're using. Takes off a little bit of the individual
Starting point is 00:24:38 and makes it more of a community feel between the athletes, a bonding experience. Yes. Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. Because we know these guys already fit. They're the best teenagers in the world, and they don't need to come here to prove that.
Starting point is 00:24:54 They've proved that in other places. So it's like actually how can we create an experience for them that's just kind of epic and fun. We've run teen camps through over the years as well and one of the things also made me at team camps is even now like some of the athletes like 25 years old and they came when they were like 18 and they're still in communication and friends and talking about crossfit and it's just been really nice to be a part of that and so the crowns like being a part of that but maybe on a bit of a bigger scale,
Starting point is 00:25:25 it takes a bit more organization work than just doing a training camp. How many athletes are there? 12. And what's the age range? It's from this year from 16 to 19. So we put a limit. They have to be under 20. So you're, so you're, oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Same amount of boys and girls yeah um when god look at that guy look at that redhead yeah those guys i mean they are they are phenomenal athletes like so one thing we're going to do i can i can maybe give a bit of a hint for tomorrow one thing we thought would be cool this year is sorry sorry john where is this happening this is like in new york or spain and we do it in a so we also rent out this in spain they're cool it's like an old castle that we've rented out and we're also like super lucky to part uh partners we've got like nike and goward on board they've been great and like nike have a big presence at the house and you know
Starting point is 00:26:26 they do it out i mean you've got to imagine these teenage kids walk in they open up these lockers everything's individualized for them like we have like debbie who's from nike she's there helping out if there's any issues so it's like just a really nice um experience it again you know like I think through my history of being in CrossFit I've seen events that I really liked and wanted to put that all together in the crown and one of those was the invitational when the athletes went to the invitational they were so looked after they you know got flown there got picked up in taxis didn't have to worry about a thing and that's what we've done for the crown so we actually pay for the athletes to be flown over we pick them up in the car we take
Starting point is 00:27:10 them to the finca we have um a chef lizanne at the finca and so we have all these things together just to make it a cool a cool event are all of these people on the program no no oh god i have so many questions go back to what you were saying before though sorry i took you off track you were going to say something about you were going to give us a hint about tomorrow ah yeah so um there was there's a specific event in 2019 what we thought it would be really cool is to go okay you've got Froning in 2014. How fit is he relative to these like under 20 year olds in 2024? So one of the events tomorrow is actually going to be an event that Froning did at the games. And to be able to like, and we're going to replicate it to be able to compare the times and those things. And so it was a bit of a fun.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And actually, Pedro from Coffee Wads and Pods. Thank you for saying his name right. Pedro White. Yes, thank you. I like to call him Peter, but he was like, if you speak to Savannah, always call me Pedro. Thank you. I would have not had any idea who you were talking about if you didn't say it right. And he wants to call it like kids versus goats with the idea being, you know, frowning the goats.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I love it. Yeah. Okay. I feel like I can explain it though. So I'm like, I absolutely, I absolutely love it. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Very interesting. Pedro, Pedro, Pedro. Um, so you're in, um, we'll, we'll get back to the house in this, um, and how you're able to take such good care of them in a second. So you're in China. And how long were you doing martial arts in China? So I lived there just over a year. I started in, I actually started at the Beijing Sports University. And then I went to a smaller province where the Shaolin Temple is called Henan.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And trained at one of the martial arts schools there, which, you know, in terms of like, uh, experiences of youth training. I mean, that is just craziness to see what their kids do.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yes. It's phenomenal. It's, um, it's, uh, it's Cirque du Soleil, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:21 martial arts shit, right. It's from what I've seen. Yeah. It's also the also the vastness of it. So like in China, for example, obviously there's a lot of poverty, huge population. And like a step to getting
Starting point is 00:29:36 a formal education, a lot of parents can afford to send their kids to these martial arts schools. And a very popular place to go is Shaolin. And what will happen after they finish their studies, it's very likely they can get a job in the army or working security.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So it kind of guarantees them a future. But what happens is you end up with like hundreds of thousands of kids in this one town just practicing martial arts. And you've got to imagine it. It's hundreds of thousands of kids just practicing martial arts um you know and you got to imagine it's hundreds of thousands of kids just practicing martial arts in a small town in china and uh we used to get up every morning and and do like a run it was like very common they play this like communist music you get up my favorite yeah and anyway you run down the street in this line like we were a relatively small school maybe like 100 200 um people training some of the schools would have thousands of kids and so you'd
Starting point is 00:30:34 run down the road and then like down the other road there'd be another school and so you'd actually have to wait sometimes minutes for this line of like kids running in the morning to pass before you could then cross the road and go by it you know when like looking back now it's been so long so i suppose i don't even have thoughts of that time but um it was quite a an eye-opening experience it's interesting um uh people who have not been to india or china are there's a shift in consciousness you have there because you're seeing a totally different uh experiment with human beings run there right it's a completely different way of organized um organizing civilization and they're doing their own
Starting point is 00:31:18 social experiment while we do all our interests here in the united states but the one in india and china are they're worth seeing. I mean, it's cool that you were there for a year. You get to see some shit that like people can't even imagine. Um, like, uh, I visited this, um, slum in India that was, um, it was a slum because it was just made of mud, but it was very clean. The people were clean. There were over a million people in the slum and it was a recycling slum and i remember like there would be a pile of pen caps that was like 20 stories high and then over here there would just be bottle caps and it's like yeah when you have over a billion people you can do some pretty trippy shit with them and and their experiment is totally different than ours
Starting point is 00:32:00 it's cool that you got to see that and i i imagine i know what you mean like you can't even explain how many kids you saw running by it doesn't even make sense yeah exactly like it would make the news here in the united states if that many kids got together and ran yeah it just closed like stop all traffic and close yeah but it's a daily event you saw it every morning there yeah it was just so common yeah it's so cool um and and of course those kids we all know them like from instagram and from from media. Right. You see the Shaolin kids, seven year old kids standing on one leg with his other leg point on a on a on a pole. And he has to stand there for half an hour with his leg pointed at the sky. And you're just like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah. And then you got to think there's a small town in China with tens of thousands of kids who can do that. to think there's a small town in China with tens of thousands of kids who can do that. They just kind of select these, you know, the stars of the show, you know, who come out and do those events. And why did you leave? Did you think that at some point, did you think you would end up staying in China forever, just completely immerse yourself and sort of maybe even come like a martial arts monk? Yeah. So looking, when I first went went there was no question in my mind
Starting point is 00:33:07 that all i wanted to do for my whole life was dedicate myself to martial arts it's like quite clear to me um and it was hard you know because of the school i was in there was no other english people so i think just communication it's also hard because you know this is like i know 20 years ago and so that you know the internet for example it wasn't like i could just get a smartphone i had to walk to an internet cafe if i wanted to call my mom i'd have to put in like uh go get a call card scratch off the back and then dial the phone so like the communication is like um it just all got a bit intense. And I think after about a year I was like, you know, this is not my, this is not my culture. I just stand out everywhere I go.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And, you know, actually maybe there's, there's more to life than just martial arts. And I think that kind of set the seed of, of coming back and studying as well. Did, how did your body, how old were you? Uh, I was like 18. Okay. So you were, you were like in the, in the sort of in that section, that pinnacle of puberty too. So your body like was ready for great adaptation, right? Yes. Yeah. And you know, also with food, sleep, all of those things, like, you know, I definitely wouldn't handle it as well now. And how did your body composition change? Did you like what happened to your body with um its capabilities and its uh aesthetic from that training i actually think that i probably end up
Starting point is 00:34:37 coming like quite malnutritioned so i you know i can tend to get quite skinny and i think being over there i just kind of wasted away a bit because nutrition, like quite high volume of training. So, you know, it probably wasn't like optimal training. So, but no, I didn't, you know, it wasn't like I all of a sudden became like super jacked and responded really well to it. I think I probably need to be in a different environment for that to have happened. And did your martial arts get better? you did you see yourself getting better improving yeah yeah you just you become a lot more refined you know there's a lot of in the chinese martial arts a lot of repetition of movements and with that repetition of movements you just get better and better and better and you flex they
Starting point is 00:35:20 work on flexibility a lot and so you can see those those improvements and your time there comes to an end and then uh what do you do you get on a plane from beijing and you head where yeah so i head back to uh the uk and that's where i start um studying to become an osteopath so kind of like physiotherapy osteopathy and that's like so my degree started in 2006 um when i think of a physical uh sorry not physical therapist when i think of a chiropractor my sort of my idea of them has changed i used to think it was just someone like who cracks you and stuff but then i as the years have gone on especially as we went through covid chiropractors are people who think that they have this um knowledge that the body can heal itself that if you get out of the body is an osteopath the same thing what is an osteopath is that there
Starting point is 00:36:16 you know honestly it really depends on the practitioner. You know, like you've got to get this title and then you can practice osteopathy. But really, it's so vast in terms of how people look at things. Some people go super alternative and some people go very like classical medicine. They have all the gadgets with the red lights and all that stuff. And some people are like, hey, just go sit in the sun and naked. Exactly. the red lights and all that stuff and some people are like hey just go sit in the sun and naked exactly osteopath is a system i'm going to skip that word of alternative medicine osteopath is a is a system of medicine that emphasizes physical manipulation of the body's muscles tissues and bones in most countries practitioners of osteopathy are medically or
Starting point is 00:37:02 are not medically trained and referred to as osteopath oh they hate you wikipedia hates you yeah wikipedia is not not a fan of my four years of work yeah what did what did you learn there like in a nutshell in your four years of becoming an osteopath all right you know probably like um nutshell how to you know how to work with people i think would be like starting that journey of how to work with people because it probably taken like a lot more years of development through there but um but yeah just working with patients so the big thing we were in a clinic in London. And one of the things about the clinic in London is you get a lot of people coming through and it's a reduced price clinic.
Starting point is 00:37:52 So you see all types of conditions, people experiences. And I think that was like quite eye opening. So the, the martial arts journey started, you found a coach who believed in you and you saw the power of belief. Osteopath is okay. Then you go into the martial arts and you work on yourself extremely diligently in China for a year. Then you come back and then that chapter is kind of the complete opposite, how to work with other people, but also really on the level of their – like really into them. You weren't looking at books and being like, okay, this, this, and this. Okay, we're going to have to remove your arm and one of your testicles. Yours was like, hey, how can I – yours is more of a how can I help you help yourself?
Starting point is 00:38:43 how can I, yours is more of a, how can I help you help yourself? Yes. And that's probably where, you know, you, it's kind of, cause you're not like going into the medical world. So you enter in this gray area of a patient presents all these symptoms. So how do you start working with this? Like kind of more gray area. It's not like someone's chopped their arm off. We need to stop them bleeding. It's like, you know, someone's had pain in their back for six months and there's so many things that it could be that are causing that pain okay yeah the first thing i would prescribe i'm a doctor of uh something and the first thing i if someone wanted to has any problems the first thing i prescribe is 100 burpees for time well oh you want to chop your penis off no problem do 100 burpees for time we'll talk immediately
Starting point is 00:39:26 afterwards oh you're upset because someone threw a rock at your car well do 100 burpees for times i'll help you with that i'm really good with mental illness i'm extremely good i've cracked the code throw your phone away and do 100 burpees you can use that by the way if you want thank you yeah okay so you finish um your that's my political commentary that i have to slip in every once in a while um where in there what are you doing during those four years for your training yes this is where i i found crossfit during that time so like 2007 oh god you've been around forever you really have have. Jesus. Yeah. And you know, back in the, it was back in the day, there was, there was one CrossFit gym in the, in, in London at that time.
Starting point is 00:40:09 They were so far away, poor students couldn't train. You watched a little 240 video of the guy doing bar muscle ups and you had to watch it. It was like five seconds long. You had to watch it over and over and over. You're like, is that, you remember that video in 2007? Oh, I don't remember that specific one but we were all in like you know crossfit journal we were like you know we were like zone but then all of a sudden paleo was coming in so it's like okay actually do we go like paleo and um just
Starting point is 00:40:37 trying to gain all information as we can and at the same time i was was with Yami, who I know you've spoken with. So Yami T. Huge respect for him. Huge respect. Yeah. So Yami and I went to the British School of Osteopathy. We started together in 2006. I mean, basically spent those four years together. He was the guy.
Starting point is 00:40:59 So I was still boxing at the time. I'd moved more into boxing training. And then Yami kind of goes, oh, you're not fit. I was like, well, I'm pretty fit. And that's kind of how it started. We went to a globo gym with another friend. And I think we did like filthy 150 or some workout that needed like a ridiculous number of stations. And we're running around like idiots in this globo gym.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And it just kind of carried on from there. And you were hooked? Yes. This event that you have with the program crown, and it's going on now in Mallorca, how do you get, how does that how does that work how do you how are you how are you able to provide for your sponsors so that they found it a good idea to join you uh Nike and Gowad what do you what do you what do you tell them or what do you provide them yeah so you know
Starting point is 00:42:02 um so with Gowad for example we have a very good relationship. I've gone very well with Thibaut. That's the owner, a guy named Thibaut? Yeah. There's three owners and Thibaut is the CEO. Okay. That's a great name, Thibaut. Yeah. Really the vision is this, that we want to provide something to support the next generation. So they're all in and then with nike being a bigger organization it gets a bit more complex but the essence is the same that they shared this same vision of like supporting the next generation of athletes and
Starting point is 00:42:37 that's really what the the remit is and then you know through our training program as well, the program, that's where the bulk of everything comes. So you subsidize it through your training program too. For you, it's a large reinvestment into your program. Yeah. Like it makes me reevaluate starting passion projects because we committed to it. So we want to see it through. And we also want it to be like super high quality. And we've kind of built this thing as a passion project.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And now we're like, okay, how do we make this sustainable? And that's really the next journey for us because we're not the size of a mayhem, hard work pays off. We're just not the size of those guys. And with that comes more financial limitations and so we're like okay we love this event we want to make it work um and now what we're really the next step is going how do we make this sustainable so you know
Starting point is 00:43:38 we don't just throw loads of money at it and and the return there has to be some financial return at some point uh sleaky uh my primary care physician is a doctor of osteopathy he also has his level one he crossfits and he's a christian and he prays with me at appointments all right please uh um pray for me i want more good jokes. I need more jokes. Tebow, is that how you spell the guy's name? Tebow? Tebow? Tebow? Is he an English guy?
Starting point is 00:44:12 He's French. It's weird taking money for people for your projects because you want to provide them something, right? You're you're like oh shit they're giving me like it's like it's like a client right they give you money and you're like oh god i got to provide you something yes so someone like you want to do this project and it's all good it's it's good and it's fun but as soon as go wide gives you money right or offers some sort of support you're like the pressure's on like i don't like i always feel like i don't want to
Starting point is 00:44:44 be indebted to my sponsors i want my sponsors to be indebted to me so i understand also that that feeling that it makes you have to level up right yes and you know it's also like you want because you're you're going okay i've got this vision this is what i want to try and achieve and and to be able to get them a benefit as well within this vision then becomes very important yeah you almost want them to say no so you can be like all right I tried yeah sometimes that might actually be easier um but but Nike sent someone out they even sent out a representative yeah so we have Debbie, who's over and she's been great. Like, the branding is just on point. So we, we created this crown brand.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And then Nike like, okay, we love this. Let's roll with it. And then they're kind of like, they got cushions at the house. As you saw in that video, they just. They amplify the experience in a way that even without money, but also without knowledge, we couldn't do. I want to go back to the program again. Can anyone sign up for the program? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's for everyone. It's not just for athletes. I think it's for anyone involved in crossfit from you know that beginning level all the way up to the elites and how long has it been around uh like 2014 15 some uh somewhere around that oh the pro the program one designed for athletes who want to compete program two the plan followed by our games athletes the program one designed for athletes who want to compete. Program two, the plan followed by our games athletes. The program power for athletes who want to become better, faster, stronger. It's a beautiful website. The program 60 for people who love to train but don't have much time.
Starting point is 00:46:36 The program masters. The program, the box program. Start to finish programming. Oh, so that's even for affiliates. Exactly. to finish programming oh so that's for that's even for affiliates exactly you so you you you meet yami and you guys are training together and obviously both of you have found uh success um in the space and with uh athletes and when do you decide you're going to start coaching crossfit so i i still was in like the athlete phase you know i really wanted to be an athlete but at the same time you know me too i wanted to too yeah i think you know i think a lot of
Starting point is 00:47:18 places like there's like you know it's just fun being the athlete it's like uh it's a fun part place to be in i just i realized so with the osteopathy and with where crossfit was i mean crossfit back in those days was just a very different world and so you know you'd have your competitors but you'd be kind of like showing them some version of a pull-up and they'd be showing you something that they learned it was just a different world and so you'd kind of be athlete coaching at the same time. And it was in like 2014. I was still doing some competitions and different things.
Starting point is 00:47:52 That's when I made the decision. I was like, you know what? I'm actually going to, I feel like I could be more successful just on this coaching side and just dedicating there. And I didn't want to be this mix of coach-athlete. I just wanted that clarity between the two. Were you teaching at an affiliate at that time yeah um so i'd it was actually it's um for a while i was living in argentina and at crossfit toluca there and then in mallorca i first started in a place called
Starting point is 00:48:18 crossfit mallorca so that's where those the affiliates that we were or i was based out of what a trip so you went to the uk and you were there four years and then from there you went to Argentina? Yeah, there's some space in between, but I actually qualified. Did you chase a girl there, John? I was with a girl there, yeah. Yeah, well, yeah, that's the only way you go from the UK to Argentina. Crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Honestly, this is what's been fun. You know, like Pat Sher sherwood he's done his like trips down uh in south america as well but seeing the unity of crossfit where crossfit's popular oh yeah pat chased a girl to columbia yeah that's right i forgot about that this motorbike he did like this whole right right whole trip i got in trouble for that i i used uh affiliate money to buy those motorbikes i got in a little trouble for that for uh yeah a little slap on the wrist um so you know and the crossfit community there that that was a nice thing actually is the nice thing about crossfit it was like you know you go in the uk you go to argentina obviously not as much in asia because
Starting point is 00:49:24 it's not as popular there. But there's this common language that you get into the box and everyone understands that I'm going to do this workout, we're going to suffer have a good time afterwards. And it's gonna be good. So you know, that was I really loved that time in Argentina. And then from there, do you go straight to my orca? Exactly. So then I'm kind of and that's where the last 10 years have been probably like you know even even though I've traveled a lot they've probably been
Starting point is 00:49:51 more consistent than those those previous 10 years where there are a lot more changes what a trip that you live in Mallorca yeah god the good old days good find yeah okay Ian of course that's yeah i've not seen ian in a long time i even remember he had a ian do i remember one of the hotel room workouts they did he had ian do 10 burpees on the minute for 20 minutes in a dirty hotel room so um so just i i say this with no bias. I say this with all sincerity. Why do you stay in Mallorca?
Starting point is 00:50:28 Isn't it pretty isolated in terms of running? I mean, in terms of just running a business? Yes. Or is that a benefit? I think it's a bit of a benefit. So, the first reason for moving out here was just an amazing place. But also, it's really good for the athletes. It's a bit of a benefit. So the first reason for moving out here was just an amazing place. But also it's really good for the athletes, like great training environment.
Starting point is 00:50:48 We can run, we can swim. I've always loved the outdoor events at the games and games training. And so, you know, we can kind of do that stuff all year round. What's it like there? Does it rain there? What's it like there? We get rain. It maybe gets like too hot in the summer, but it's pretty normal.
Starting point is 00:51:08 You'll see in the videos from the Crown, like today we were in the water, so they did like an open water swim, and it was cold but manageable. Is there a winter there? Yeah, there's a winter. It can get snow. There's some like relatively low mountains, but it can get snow. And the summer's the hardest, actually, because it gets so hot. But athletes need to train in the heat also, right?
Starting point is 00:51:36 I mean, especially if you're headed down to Texas. Yeah, there's a lot of evidence, actually, as well, that the training in the heat can have some really good adaptations for the athletes as well. Yeah, Mallorca is nice and beautiful. Yeah, I bet. I mean, I haven't seen one bad picture from the place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I wish I could have visited Mallorca when I was in Barcelona a couple weeks ago. Great question. What is so hot? Do you have a Fahrenheit you could give us, Americans? Fahrenheit. So it's like I can do a quick translation. Or you could do Celsius. Like Caleb, do something. He feels bad when the guests take his job. 40 degree Celsius.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I mean, translating Celsius to Fahrenheit is like a crazy expression. That sounds really hot. 40. Oh, okay. And humid. Yeah yeah it can get quite humid here that's often the hard thing it's not like a dry heat yeah okay that's not so bad there's there's some i mean like i don't have you ever been to phoenix arizona no but you know certain places get over 50 no it's just it just becomes oppressive like you don't even want to keep your eyes open when you're outside. Yeah. I mean, even at 40 here, I'm not the biggest fan of keeping my eyes open.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I prefer to have a nap. Yeah. Well, you don't really have a lot of pigment in your skin. You don't seem adequately armed. No, this is true. I could do with some other genes for living in new york probably do you have one of those old people hats do you have a sombrero do you have a hat with the big round you know you know a funny thing um i was speaking on messages i you actually got me like
Starting point is 00:53:18 the 2015-2016 games you know those big rogue hats yeah i think you felt sorry for me because obviously when i was in carson it was like just for you i saw you rogue hats yeah i think you felt sorry for me because obviously when it was in carson it was like just for you i saw you were translucent and i got you one yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i've still got it actually god i'm a good dude yeah that was a very nice uh nice gesture wow or i was just concerned you were going to die out there and i didn't want the insurance for crossfit to go oh is is i i've heard of this place is ib ibiza seems worse is ibiza is that party island is that near the mallorca yeah so there's like well there's three main islands in the in the group of islands and
Starting point is 00:53:56 ibiza's like it's you know it's considered the party island as well there's like a lot of big um like summer parties and stuff there it's like a place where young adults go and just get crazy yeah like conor mcgregor was here with his huge yachts partying it's that kind of place wow okay oh i had no idea but like a lot of djs will come over a lot of it's it can be a very wealthy place as well like a lot of yachts come here because it's in the mediterranean nice place to be good access um how many days is the um the program crown uh four and what day are they in two and um what about this when they leave will they be beat up no that's one of the things that we wanted to make as well that's not just a beat down
Starting point is 00:54:53 um will they be sore maybe because of the a bit of the intensity but i don't think they'll be super sore. And how many events will they do? It's a bit of a mix between team and individual, but I think there's seven individual events. Okay, so it's a healthy... How many events do the teens do at the games? Do the teens do, do you know? I don't know how many they did last year or in the previous years, actually. And the elite do do you know i don't know how many they did last year or in the previous years actually and and the elite do like 12 or 13 yeah i mean i think sometimes they got up even
Starting point is 00:55:31 higher than that but yeah do you think that that's do you think that's good i was just watching the trailer for every second counts there's a line in there where tony budding says hey man this has to be a brutal event in order to test the fittest is that true does this has to be a brutal event in order to test the fittest. Is that true? Does it have to be a brutal event to test the fittest? I don't know. I mean, I have so many discussions around this, like what is optimal. And, you know, I think it adds into like a whole world of discussion around that. I don't remember what the times were for every second counts but i want to say all the workouts were let's say under five minutes right but they still got the shit kicked
Starting point is 00:56:18 out of them yeah yeah right because they were competing against other people they were like pushing themselves into dark spots. When you watch some of the old footage, it's just fun to watch. There's not much technique involved. These guys were just like, it was like whoever suffers the most can win. It's fun to watch. I'm picking up from you that you don't think it needs to be as hard. Or is hard not the right word? I don't think hard's the right word i mean you give these athletes anything and they'll make it hard right they'll go faster yeah they'll go
Starting point is 00:56:55 faster they'll go heavier they'll try and do whatever to win so i think that's just the innate quality of these athletes are so competitive they want to win and therefore they will go hard is is it worth time even spending um worrying about those types of things is that stuff just left for people like me and my friends who make shows out of it and if you're a coach and an athlete it's like i see the workout i have to do it like the criticism is not like what i have two choices i can stop doing crossfit and pivot to basketball or i just put my head down and handle my business yes it's a very good question and i think like different people in different camps i definitely have an opinion on like what i i think could help grow the sport. Oh, as opposed to what's the best test?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Oh, also, yeah. Also, what's the best test? I kind of think they start coming into the same world because, you know, it's like, do you just have this weekend test? What's a balanced test? You know, what is, what, how are you, I mean, it even comes down to just this definition
Starting point is 00:58:02 of how you're defining the fittest on earth. Like, what is the definition of that? And you go, okay, well, there's no real. The definition is so broad that it makes it hard to kind of bottle it down into its essence in that testing. And then you go, you know, how does that get tested throughout the year? Is it better just to make it into a showcase so the sport can grow and provide more opportunities? I think it just opens up this whole other discussion. Do you think that – has there ever been a popular sport that's an exercise sport?
Starting point is 00:58:32 By popular, I mean from the viewing standpoint. Like I don't know anyone who's ever watched a marathon. That's obviously just exercising, right? You're just running. The javelin, that's – just exercising right you're just running um the javelin that's uh i don't know the shot put are there any is there a single sport that's ever like transcended itself that's just a exercise sport you know what i mean as opposed to a the sort of viewership of things like you know tour, Tour de France or – Oh, the Tour de France. There's lots of these – Crazy participatory sport though too, right?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Well, yes. And that buys – you know, when you start comparing, it's like often the team sports or fighting sports tend to be like more viewer-based. And those aren't exercise sports though. Do you know what I mean by exercise sports? Like soccer I don't think of as an exercise sport. It's like a legit – like there's a ball and a field and a team. Yeah, I do know what you mean, but I'm not sure the relevance i mean that that's the whole thing right that's like tough mutter and spartan race and unless you're participating in them you give two fucks
Starting point is 00:59:51 whereas for some reason soccer and football and in in these other like giant sports um i i guess fuck i guess even i guess if f1 racing can be popular anything can be popular dude's going 200 miles an hour sitting in a on a fucking engine with wheels going around a track yeah or golf you know right i think that's right i think that's where the question becomes interesting i think this is why high rocks has been so interesting to follow over the last few years because you know what is high rocks like basically it's a crossfit workout they're kind of standardized and all of a sudden it's booming with it is it is booming there's no i mean it's just booming i mean especially in europe too right especially in europe yeah so it started in europe um and i think that's probably maybe one of the
Starting point is 01:00:44 reasons why, just logistically for them. The same reason for CrossFit is often focused in the US because logistically it's just easier for them to do stuff there. But the participation, the number of their affiliates are growing. And all I think they're doing is using this infrastructure that CrossFit has built over the last two decades. And they kind of can get this quick access on it because it's just another outlet for all these people who love
Starting point is 01:01:11 crossfit i mean i think that's what happened with spartan race and tough mutter to be honest you have all these crossfitters they're sitting around with their thumb in their butt and they're like fuck what can i do to express my fitness and so so they could be harvested from the CrossFit community. Is that what you're saying? Like High Rocks is a great place for CrossFitters to finally do something and express. And it's very safe, right? Because it's all by safe.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I mean, I don't mean safe like from being injured. I mean, safe like as in, okay, I can go there and just do this sport. I'm good. I've done all these things in my affiliate for the last five years. I'm competent in them. Yeah. You're just getting so many discussion points um around this but one of the things that's interesting about high rocks to me is crossfit is openly had like it was like when greg was was back in the the helm
Starting point is 01:01:57 you know like whenever i had a conversation with him he was amazing. He made you feel like the only person in the room and so much respect for what he created. He would openly also say he didn't want the games. So he had the person in charge of this company who didn't want the games to happen. And now you've had the current CEO saying as well that we're not going to put as much monetary focus on the games. Or there may, I think it's even fair to say he talked about like, hey, we may be pulling a lot of the resources from the games very soon.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And he did. And, you know, so it's like the discussions that go into what he actually meant through those things. But let's go, okay, it's not like, okay, we're all in on the games. We're all in on the games we're all in on the sport side of this whereas high rocks have gone now they're very focused on the sport side of this on big participation or it started first and then the affiliate came from that as opposed to crossfit the affiliate came first and then the sport okay okay this is a really interesting
Starting point is 01:02:59 now this is what a lot of people have been saying for years, that actually if you focus on the sports, then a lot of good things follow. And you had Hunter on the show. Hunter's like fire on your show. But one of the things I thought he was very right about was he was talking, you had a caller come on, live caller. And Hunter basically made this point that a lot of people are going to get fitter, are going to get better, are going to get healthier just by practicing whatever sport that may be so you're going to get huge benefit of for a general population's health in general because they're
Starting point is 01:03:35 doing something active when it gets so specific it's really hard to know if that's it's going to be a lot better for them doing crossfit a lot better for them doing high rocks a lot better them doing cycling the specifics of that get a lot more complex but on a big picture if they're just being active then that's like great for this general population and actually by focusing on the sports they're getting huge participation a huge amount of people training for this um and they haven't focused on what's happening within the affiliates they've just focused on their kind of north star of growing the sport and to be frank their media is atrocious yeah and and i think you know they're i mean they're new to the game but they're just i mean i think to get hundreds of thousands like so the open for example has hundreds of thousands
Starting point is 01:04:24 of people competing in this online event whereas high rocks now is going to get hundreds of thousands, like Open, for example, has hundreds of thousands of people competing in this online event, whereas High Rocks now is going to get hundreds of thousands of people this year competing at live events, which I think is a whole other level of participation. If you could tweak, what would you do with the games?
Starting point is 01:04:43 What would you do with the, not even the games specifically, what would you do with the games? What would you do with the – not even the games specifically. What would you do with the sport? Would you tweak it? I think the first thing to look at is like extending the season. And the reason I say this, I think it's very interesting to watch what happens like in the media, the conversations that I have as well. As soon as 24.1 started, now actually everyone gets very focused
Starting point is 01:05:02 on what's happening, who wins the Open, who gets no rep to whatever. But it's very focused on what's happening who wins the open who like gets no rep to whatever but it's very focused on the sport yeah but from august to 24.1 you know you've maybe had one window in there where it was like tier versus law at rogue where you had this one storyline everything else has been flat people talk about you know whatever they want and try and make these things but actually if you had regular touch points throughout the year if something that was relevant to the season i think that it would allow the sport to grow naturally allow more conversations allow more media focus on it you've got to think like high rocks now has like an event every weekend something's happening every. It might not be one of their majors or whatever it may be,
Starting point is 01:05:46 but there's stuff happening every weekend. There's certain conversations happening every weekend. And I think the momentum that's created through that is just huge. How long has High Rocks been around? They started in 2017. And interestingly, one of the founders, I'm not sure if he's a part of it anymore, but it was actually media at the CrossFit Games back in the day. Oh, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:06:09 I don't know. I have to look it up. Oh, I think I had the founder on the show. I think he was the founder. I had a guy from High Rocks on the show. I want to say he was the founder. Yeah, Christian. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yes, yeah. I think there were a few of them. I don't know how. I don't know. – they also have like – it's like Swiss-owned company now. They have some big backing from that. So you're saying – I'm going to take it to the really extreme. What you're saying is the week after the games,
Starting point is 01:06:39 there could be an event somewhere in wherever the fuck you want on planet earth, where the winner of that event qualifies for the CrossFit games the following year, or qualifies for the semifinals. And then, and then, and then all, and then, and then two weeks after that,
Starting point is 01:06:56 you have an event somewhere else in the world. And somehow that event is integrated with some sort of reward, some sort of benefit to to the athlete who wins it to go to another level some sort of benefit whatever the model would be but that way you're saying that all of in specifically if i heard you right that way the media would keep talking about it basically if you give stuff to keep the media busy so we always so that we always have something to talk about and something to follow a narrative that we don't lose.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Don't forget. Yeah. Because everything's more connected. That kind of completes the circle. The trouble I think now is you want to be able to tell the story the whole year. I mean, fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I mean, you're talking, that's, uh, that's heaven. That's heaven for all of us guys out here on YouTube. And I'm like, why can't,
Starting point is 01:07:43 you know, we, the thing is you go, okay, well actually CrossFit's never been afraid of making big changes. But it has to be simple too. It can't get like, I think it has to be simple too. There are specifics to this that I think obviously need to be worked out, but the overlying picture is that actually having this season that extends
Starting point is 01:08:01 rather, so some of the things are, are for example now what's going to happen we have open quarterfinals really hard to follow because it's you know all these things random it's online you then go semi-finals within three weeks you have 40 male 40 female athletes all qualified to the crossfit games within three weeks europe say, say, whatever, gets 12 guys, 12 girls. That's 24 athletes in one weekend. Well, it's not actually just one weekend because you're coupling it with other semifinals. So you have like tens of athletes
Starting point is 01:08:35 qualify for the CrossFit Games on one weekend. And so how would you tell their story? You know, last year in Europe, 12 people qualified. What, 24 people qualified. 12 males, 12 females or whatever the number was. Over 20 athletes. You just can't tell their stories. Whereas actually, if you kind of, you know.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You can't even get invested, dude, because you have to. It's a really good point because people like me and I see the barbell spinning here. We have to stay up 24 hours a day to watch Europe and Australia and to do all that crazy shit. And it's happening three weeks in a row, and by the end, we're completely fucking burnt out. Yeah. So what you're saying is, hey, you have these big events. Spread them out. Well, then everyone's going to complain it's not fair.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, I don't – Or fuck fair. Well, I don't think there's any reason why that doesn't have to be fair. And I think that you could end up with this, the CrossFit Games, so whatever, you take 20 athletes to the CrossFit Games, be that controversial, not controversial. But how cool would it be to them to really follow those 20 athletes
Starting point is 01:09:42 through the season, really get invested, really understand them, really... You know, the stuff... This is why I loved the Tahoe Rogue versus Again Faster. When CrossFit was putting out stuff about the athletes, it was just super fun to watch and you got invested in the athletes. And I'm kind of mind blown uh this year so jeffrey adler incredible athlete and honestly the poster child of crossfit if you wanted to put a blueprint of the perfect athlete to ever win the crossfit games for crossFit, it would be Jeffrey Adler. I mean, he still follows the zone diet,
Starting point is 01:10:27 which is like level one hamburger. You're not going to find any other athlete out there who does that, who still does dot-com workouts, who is like fully vested in the CrossFit methodology. His coach and partners, CrossFit level four. And just not being utilized in any way, shape, or form. And all of a sudden the season's ending and he might not win this year.
Starting point is 01:10:51 But you've had a whole year where this pinnacle of, the guy won the CrossFit Games. He's a freaking phenom. He follows your methodology. He will preach the gospel of going to level one and doing all those things. And it's not being utilized. I just find a bit crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And does his wife own that gym? Does Carolyn Lambre own that gym? I think they're in the affiliate. I'm not. Yeah. That's another interesting thing, right? They just train in a regular affiliate. God.
Starting point is 01:11:22 In their defense, they're not doing, they're not doing anything. It's not that they're not doing Jeffrey. It's just that they're not doing, I mean, they're not doing they're not doing anything it's not that they're not doing jeffrey it's just they're not doing i mean they're basically harvesting old material right now that's what that's it feels like that's where they're at right they're in a very um lean mode yes and i think that's also a bit of a worrying phase um because you're like you know why do why why do you not see the potential of where this could grow and what this could do and you know i think in what you guys are being able to put out the the budget that's needed in order to create an interesting storyline within crossfit is not you know we're putting on the crown right now and it's very low budget trying to do we're just trying to tell that story and i imagine that there is some possible budget in
Starting point is 01:12:11 order to be able to tell a story like jeffrey adlers who won the crossfit games is like perfect for promoting level ones and just promoting the the brand as much as possible. It's interesting. For whatever metric, I'll just use making my sponsors happy. We just kind of whipped up this Taylor Self versus the world. We did this live open stream, and we just reached out to athletes that we had relationships, not, not like popular athletes. I don't think anyone had more than 50 or a hundred thousand Instagram followers, incredible athletes, Dallin pepper, uh, Jason Hopper, Colton, and then Taylor. And I even remember the sponsor at first is like, uh, born primitive is like, what the fuck you're calling it?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Taylor self versus the world. I'm like, yeah, they're like, he only has 7,000 Instagram followers. I'm like, dude, don't worry worry don't worry about it for a second like i'm telling you this guy don't worry about us and this guy fucking showed up and put out and made the show and granted dallin and and um uh hopper and colton were great additions and but dude the sponsor was so incredibly happy and that event was so cheap to do. And so I, I see, I see your point with like big things can be done with, with people who care, big things can be done that prove concepts.
Starting point is 01:13:39 You don't, you don't even need the biggest guys. You just need stories. Like this thing with Jake Berman and Colton Mertens. I don't know if you're following it, but they've been talking shit and about to do a hundred burpees. Fuck. I'm that thing's going to be nuts, dude. That,
Starting point is 01:13:51 I mean, 20,000 people are going to log in and watch that shit. Yeah. Well, it's just like two guys throwing down doing cool stuff and it's very fun to follow. And I think like the Hiller Haley video, for example,
Starting point is 01:14:01 was a really good example of how you can get those in depth stories, but you know, and two interesting characters. No one thought Hiller and Haley video, for example, was a really good example of how you can get those in-depth stories. And two interesting characters. No one thought Hilla and Haley would be together. No, but this is very true. And no one thought the same thing. No one, this fiery redheaded guy who hasn't done anything in two years is going to go against Alan Pepper. Come on. Or Colton and Jake Berman.
Starting point is 01:14:21 If he wasn't, I mean, he was making fun of Jake Berman on the Coffee Pods and Wads, and now all of a sudden we're all like, okay, let's see this. If he wouldn't have said that, we wouldn't give two shits, right? Yeah. So people have to be on the pulse who can capitalize that and be nimble, right? You have to be able to capitalize and be nimble. Yeah, and I think a lot of companies when the whole CrossFit media thing happened obviously came out. Like Morning Chalk Up, for example example was like a great question that but i think the issue is because it's not centralized it's really hard to follow so unless you're like you know we're
Starting point is 01:14:54 obviously super invested in the sport so we're worried to look at all these youtube channels to find out what's happening or whatever it may be but because they don't control the main storyline, this going through, it makes it really hard as a fan to follow. Medeiros won the Games for two years. And you're like, you know, it's still really hard. I feel like I don't know him as well as I know, you know, like the other athletes, for example. And I think that's because there's not been a CrossFit led storyline for that where do you go is there is do you follow like um right now i would give the crown to the barbell spin dude is there a place
Starting point is 01:15:34 you go like i just go like i go there every day to just check what's going on like i would like that's how i found out quarterfinals had been, um, was only, uh, four workouts. Yeah. Like, you know, obviously the, the world is very small, so we reached out to him really nice last year about putting a piece out on the crown as well. Um, and so you have a go-to news source or do you even care about the, that type of thing? Do you just stick strictly to what the mothership is saying? Like, where do you, I wouldn't even know where to go what is the mothership saying that's what i mean i wouldn't
Starting point is 01:16:08 even i wouldn't even know if i wanted information about the games i would just go straight to google like i'm not intimate with the site at all yeah so what happened every time you go okay you go to crossfit to get information about crossfit then there's this weird period media went away it was like do i trust the morning chalk up who were you know back in that day and it's like who do you trust to have this news source whereas now like say barbell spin or whatever it may be have become these trusted news sources right you to go to and it's like no you're not worrying anymore about where it comes from because you just have that more of an innate trust but he also doesn't have
Starting point is 01:16:46 an obligation so like you know we would have if if there's a if there's a change in date let's say it says hey all this uh cart the the west semi-finals got uh the the venues damaged and it's been moved over here yeah and he has no obligation to post that and so we do need i'm agreeing with you we do need a place on dot com that's like hey click here and it's all the shit and maybe they have it but it's just like i don't know i'd also like to know the why you know like what's the one thing we've always kind of asked for is like a lot of transparency and i think that's where the dave's week in review is really nice to follow because there's at least a consistent transparency of
Starting point is 01:17:26 decisions and why they're being made but like this this media thing i really struggle and you go okay well it's not because we're not investing that much in the sport you know we're going guys like i'm all in on this sport a lot of the people i speak to are all in on this sport and you're telling me that you're not all in on this sport so why then are you running it and that's like a little bit of this this passion project where it comes to is like you know why are you not as invested in the sports like pushing to where where people think it can go and and that's where these comparisons come in and where i think it's interesting following high rocks a sport that's saying we're focused on the sport and growing the sports and actually can be successful in that and using a model of basically a workout that was taken from you know a crossfit workout just
Starting point is 01:18:14 standardized and put in mass participation and why hasn't that been being utilized in this in this way if john if you had a teeter-totter and you wanted it to be balanced you put the same weight on each side right and so you and i grew up in an era where crossfit had um balance the owner cared just as much as the affiliate owner is cared as just as much as the athlete um as much as many times as you could hear Greg say he didn't care about the games, you could see he puts ridiculous amount of resources into it to build it up, probably to its own detriment faster than it should have been built up. And every, when I worked at CrossFit, everyone had ownership. Like you had ownership, right? Every video I made, I had ownership. Everything Greg did, he had ownership. you had ownership right every video i made i had ownership everything greg did
Starting point is 01:19:06 he had ownership and now you're describing also high rocks it there's ownership you have you have to i think it's fair without being negative or disparaging to say that there is no ownership on crossfits anymore it's it's run by private equity and um it's a um ownership are things that you care about like intimately like your kids right or um there's a difference about how much you care about your shoes versus how much you care about your feet right you love your shoes but you're fucking you're you really love your feet i mean they're not even close and so there's just no ownership there anymore and i think that's i think that's what you're feeling because the athletes have crazy ownership okay i'm fucking gonna live like a poor man for the next uh six years and try to make semi-finals with my body that i've been given one shot at on planet earth. Right. And so you just have,
Starting point is 01:20:07 um, there's, there's, there's an imbalance. I think that you're feeling that we're all feeling that there's just not, I mean, uh, they, they're bringing in the leadership, uh, when they, they bring in, and I don't want to pick on Jay, but when they bring in leadership and he hasn't taken his level one and they, they think it's okay to admit that it's not even so much that he didn't have his level one. It's that you were willing to send out an email to all the affiliates and tell them that he didn't have his level one. It shows like a little bit of a disconnect. Like, dude, we're a fucking – like there's a lot of people in this community who are like all in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Putting food on the table for their kids dedicating their life i think that's what i'm hearing you say yeah and i also and i don't mean that in a negative way i'd mean it as factual i mean it is like hey what can we do to fix that or is there maybe there is no fix but but i think that i think we're talking facts and i also don't like that it's kind of just disregarded as complaining but no but this is what I mean is that actually it's like, okay, well, you know, you're just whining. Like this comes out, there's another error, there's another fault. And I think the disregarding of listening to the community
Starting point is 01:21:15 and these things, that's something that I struggle with in the sense of sit down, have this transparency, this conversation, and just ask, okay, how do we think the sport could be better? And I think that's the one thing that everyone wants in the sense of. We I would love to see CrossFit grow. Why? Because if CrossFit goes, the model that I've always loved was Greg's model of the pie. In the sense he saw his job of growing the pie. of the pie. In the sense, he saw his job of growing the pie. The pie grows, everyone's slice of that pie gets bigger just because he's managed to increase that. And I think as everyone's slice of the pie is growing, everyone's happy. The trouble is what happens is that all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:22:00 the pie is not growing. And so everyone then starts going, well, actually, you've got to start taking from someone else who's in this same ecosystem, be that with media, be that with training programs, whatever it may be. And because we don't have that growth of the ecosystem, this is where all these frictions start to arise. But actually, if we had momentum and growth,
Starting point is 01:22:21 I don't believe there'd be any friction because everyone would be enjoying that momentum and ride through. You're probably not going to like this next thing I say, I, I believe in that. I want the same destination as you, but I think the problem is there's too many people.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I think that you, the whole thing should be run like a complete fucking dictatorship. Like one person owns it. You should just be like, Hey, run that shit. Kind of like the way Dana White does the UFC or thec or the way greg used to do crossfit like hey fuck it just do it dude you know what i mean i think we i think we need a strong leader who will take the thing by the
Starting point is 01:22:55 fucking horns and i don't know if they can because of private equity but just be like this is the way it is get in line and then we'll feel a certain comfortability that the rest of us will put our heads down and work instead of being like yo what the fuck's wrong with the like the pie is getting smaller yes and so like i don't i don't need every affiliate's opinion on the fucking open like i like i like i just need it fuck i just that and that's why i like the week in review i feel like it's like okay we're we're being told shit maybe that's what you mean by transparency maybe we're closer than i think we are and also i think that there's always been this debate on like the sports the affiliates and i always feel like everything just gets lost in this like debate about which is gonna you know
Starting point is 01:23:33 we're gonna put more effort into affiliates and i just feel it gets this gray weird debate all the time where it's like one is exclusive of the other. Whereas I do think that, you know, I'm obviously biased on this sense, but I do think that if you can focus on the sport, that the affiliate model will grow in and of itself. And this is why I think it's been very interesting to follow High Rocks because that has been the case. You know, they've now proving it to be true
Starting point is 01:23:57 that you focus on the sport and the affiliate model is growing. What's their affiliate model look like, John? Is there an actual gym that like you drive by and you're like oh shit that's a high rocks gym yes and for example in the middle east because of the uh comments that crossfit made uh regarding the the war um a lot of the affiliates there de-affiliated and they then just became high rockss affiliates. Oh, shit. Yeah. And actually, the affiliates are growing at a crazy pace. I think over the last year, they started around a year ago with 500.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Now they're at 2,500. They have 2,500 CrossFit affiliates? Are they hybrid affiliates? Are they like CrossFit and High Rocks? I presume there's a mix. There's no exclusion. I presume like CrossFit and High Rocks? I presume there's a mix. There's no exclusion. I presume some are just pure High Rocks, some are CrossFit High Rocks.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I wonder what you do at a High Rocks affiliate. Do you just train specifically those High Rocks? I'm looking on their website, High Rocks. I also think the point here is also, it's more that I think that CrossFit can do very is also, it's more that, you know, I think the CrossFit could do very well. And it's just like, Hey, by focusing on that thing and growing that aspect. Is it say that the last thing again, sorry, I was watching all the numbers populate. Say that again. CrossFit could what? Because I think it's very hard to tell the affiliates what
Starting point is 01:25:22 to do. You know, I think it's really hard for you to be able, because they're just so different. I mean, even in Mallorca, the style of affiliate here is so different. The owners are very different. They have very different opinions. So how can you help them? I think actually by bringing more awareness
Starting point is 01:25:39 to the word CrossFit. Someone sees CrossFit's cool. Someone wants to go and try CrossFit. Then the affiliate's going to grow that way. And I think the easiest way to do that, and the one thing that can make CrossFit very unique, compared to like Les Mills, F 45, or whatever the thing is, is that it does have this sport. And it does have something that people are
Starting point is 01:26:00 extremely passionate about, because there is the sport aspect to it. And I think that will keep you know affiliate growth people just walking into affiliates because they see this thing they want to do and they think it's cool i i don't i don't know if i'm able to make a distinction here but the real truth about the sport is i think is there's no one denying whoever wins the crossfit games the fittest person on earth. And that's a really powerful tool tool. I think the big pick that CrossFit has, right. It's like whole,
Starting point is 01:26:29 like no one's going to dare. I don't know if you remember, but F45 put out a challenge to Rich Froning and instead of Rich Froning do it, uh, um, uh, raw versus Ronnie Teasdale walked over and went against their champion and fucking destroyed them.
Starting point is 01:26:43 I mean, so, uh, and, and took $50,000 from destroyed them i mean so uh and took fifty thousand dollars from them i mean so that's a really that wasn't easy to get we crossfit made it look easy and this community made it easy but there's no one who's like there's it's pretty undisputed yeah it's come accepted like you know and so that has to be utilized i guess what you're saying is well i i guess would you i guess maybe what we're saying is that's being completely underutilized to help the affiliates to help grow the sport to help
Starting point is 01:27:15 i mean because that at the end of the day that's all that the games are yes the brand is hey we can crown that person and no one's going to stay shit or they're going to get beat up on the internet. Yeah, and it just so happens that it's this cool thing that inspires people to then go to gyms and boxes. I think it's hard to track these pieces, but I think one of the biggest growth periods is probably when Reebok came into the sport as well. And all of a sudden it's like Reebok CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:27:43 That association with a brand like Reebok I think was really powerful but then also they did loads of advertising Jim started getting loads more members there's these kind of Reebok affiliates popped up all over the place and actually I think this is a huge like momentum growth of the sport and people just getting into CrossFit um CrossFit Reebok was so big that people a lot of people from the outside oh yeah f45 versus crossfit $100,000 call yeah that was funny that's funny hey um it got so big or rebauch was so big that people on the outside thought that crossfit was just a rebauch program. And I will tell you that that was a big concern for CrossFit, that the two were getting conflated.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Obviously, that's what Reebok wanted because they were looking for some brand value. But, dude, they put in so much money into advertising. And I remember being in a hotel room in the middle of Africa somewhere and going to their shitty little gym that was outside that had all the rusted weights and shit and working out and looking up at a TV, not even a flat screen, like a box TV, and there it was, ESPN playing the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Three things that were enormous for CrossFit, for their growth. Every Second Counts helped a shitload. ESPN helped a shitload, and um espn helped to shitload and the netflix release helped to shitload because when it came out on netflix that gave us eyeballs internationally and obviously i don't want to take anything away like i'm not suggesting that those were like i'm just saying that those were all three of those things were really important links in the chain that I don't think a lot of people realized. So I think following on from that,
Starting point is 01:29:30 say you go, okay, you've got this ESPN documentary comes out, not Netflix. Oh, sorry. One more thing. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:29:36 One more thing, John. Um, um, and, and the other thing that's almost never talked about is the fact that CrossFit spoke to its base and the basis first responders and military and getting away from that is an enormous mistake okay sorry go ahead espn sorry so imagine you watch you know it's netflix documentary it comes out you watch the crossfit
Starting point is 01:29:56 games and then imagine afterwards you could then start following the crossfit season straight away rather than having to wait for so long for that to happen. And I think that's a big part of it. Like with Formula One, for example, they dropped the Drive to Survive. I mean, Drive to Survive is the model now for sports. For documentaries. Yeah, or driving growth of a sport. Like Full Swing, the tennis one.
Starting point is 01:30:22 All the ones that they've done have like they just poured viewership into formula one and you know the thing i loved about that as well as they didn't just focus on the best they told the stories of the drivers and it just exploded and not just the drivers but their supporting cast yeah you know who else um got saved by a reality show was the UFC. Yeah. They were about to go under. Yeah. And that show came out.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I think they invested their last $30 million into that. And if that didn't work, they were going to shutter the doors. And that thing catapulted them, right? Yeah. catapulted them right yeah and honestly i think if we keep going we could talk for a long time about the amount of examples where this this media and sport related has really helped things grow what's interesting too about the the the ufc one is it still kept it kept its grittiness it did like no one still thinks that the ufc is not polished and actually the document i've only seen one of those formula one shows but showing behind the scenes shows the grittiness
Starting point is 01:31:30 they have as opposed to the veneer you see on the on the when you just watch the shows and that's the part that we like right the grittiness yes yeah very much are who's who's do you have any top athletes right now i know you were training um uh gabriella magawa in majorca a couple years ago do you have any athletes now games athletes are training yeah like a top level athlete is probably moritz oh oh you spoke to at the games yes great guy by the way great guy i gotta have him on the podcast yeah he's a really nice personality he um he's like a showman hungry to win loves the crowd and and are you are you still taking on um clients yeah we you know we're so after gabby left like a couple of years ago one of the things we're really trying to do i think i
Starting point is 01:32:20 was coming to like a bit of burnout it It was just really like stressful, hard to work with everything. And so we really changed the structure. And now we've got like a really solid coaching team in place, which is really nice. And that allows us to be able to support more high level athletes. It's like a growing journey. You know, you get to a stage where we're doing really well,
Starting point is 01:32:40 loads of high level athletes, but it was like, we didn't have the infrastructure to be able to handle that many athletes. So we kind of go, Okay, how do we create that infrastructure in order for that to happen? What if someone like BKG is like, fuck, it's winter here in wherever the fuck he lives. And he's like, I'm coming to my orca for a month to train with john singleton. Do people do
Starting point is 01:33:02 that? Yeah, that's what I would do. If I was an athlete, I'd go stay with you for a month to train with John Singleton. Do people do that? That's what I would do if I was an athlete. I'd go stay with you for a month. Yeah, we get people over, dropping in. I think the view that we've come to look at is ultimately we want to try and grow the sport and help that. And so if someone's from a different training camp, wants to come get some help and they come over, we're very open to that.
Starting point is 01:33:24 I think right now it's really important that everyone's working towards the same goal of this growth forward rather than just trying to compete amongst themselves. I've decided how I, as your agent and your media manager for the
Starting point is 01:33:39 Sebon podcast, Majorca is where you go in the off-season to still train. Listen, when the games wrap up you go to my orca you rest a week and then they slowly accelerate you back and get you ready for rogue yes it is it is the ultimate like what are you guys doing stop fooling around and it's it really is a it really is heaven there huh yeah it's really nice it'd be cool to get more u.s guys over to europe as well you guys have electricity and running water there we do all right we have direct flights we're very we're very pampered here in the u.s we have some uh uh john thank you so much where
Starting point is 01:34:18 do people go if they want um if they want to uh stay connected the, uh, to the program and also the, uh, program, uh, the, the, the crown program, the program, the program crown. You very kindly put, uh,
Starting point is 01:34:31 the handle on, on this live feed, but maybe just search for the, the program without today. Okay. We'll come up. And then also like, it'd be great if you guys can follow,
Starting point is 01:34:41 um, this weekend, the crown, the whole point is just supporting the next generation of athletes. So just follow along, show them your support, and watch what they can achieve. Okay, and hey, text me who I need to have on the show there who can talk and is going to be a great athlete
Starting point is 01:34:59 or who can't talk and doesn't mind getting made fun of. Yeah, you'd like to get one of the athletes on the show. Yeah, I'd like to get one of the athletes on the show. That would be very cool. Yeah, I'd love to. Do you know that I was blown away by that kid that – what's the girl's name? Do you know Jessica Griffith? Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:16 And she's training some kid. I don't know the kid. Terry? I interviewed him at the games, and I was like, holy shit, if my kids grow up like him i'd be so happy he was such a great kid are you are you happy with the kids that you're seeing like they seem like sometimes i meet these crossfit kids i'm like uh-oh your boxer rocks are there some some in the group that you're like man these are good kids
Starting point is 01:35:38 like this is like i'd marry my daughter off to this one. One of the things that we do is try to take a step back so that the kids interact amongst themselves. And that's a big thing. We want them to form friendships, not just have us be a part of that. So it's really about we set the thing up and then step away so those guys just interact and form what they need to form. I love it.
Starting point is 01:36:06 The guy's name is Ty Jenkins. This kid. Yeah, he's a cool kid. Yeah. He's very good. I think he could be a next superstar. You think Dallin Pepper is going to win the game sometimes in his life? Well, that's a great question.
Starting point is 01:36:26 I think that the guys' field is a lot more open than the female field right now. There's just some people there who are just so dominant in the female field. Tia has to be struck by lightning. Tia, I think if... Tia has to be struck by lightning. Yeah, she's pretty... She's just, you know, her and Fraser really set the bar high for... They fucked everything up.
Starting point is 01:36:53 They really did. Their stats will just be, like, so hard to beat, you know? Yeah. All right, buddy. Hey, you're always welcome on. Any insights, any shows? Yeah, great to talk to you. What a cool dude you are. Thank you for coming right, buddy. Hey, you're always welcome on, uh, any insights, any shows. Yeah. Great to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Uh, what a cool dude you are. Thank you for coming on, John. Thank you for having me. And, enjoy the week. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Bye. Bye. Ciao. John Singleton. Cool. What a guy. Yeah. The camp he's running reminds me of the camps that i used to go to when i lived in germany they
Starting point is 01:37:27 would just have uh like different big club soccer teams would put on camps you just go to somewhere for a weekend and you went to germany to play soccer i used to live there oh and uh so yeah you just get immersed in the soccer culture and like like Nike will sponsor a camp and they'll have soap bars with Nike logos on them and get little slippers with the logo. Caleb remembers the soap. You steal soap from hotels? Yeah, I do. Me too. uh i yeah i do me too there was a the hotels that we used to stay at in uh in jordan had dead sea salt soap so i would just steal them all
Starting point is 01:38:10 uh i this this friend of mine uh heard me say that i love the soap at the four seasons and so and she stays there a lot and so she always steals me soap from there really hello hi um i don't know why my... Can you hear me? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? She hung up. Fuck. I feel like I'd be used to that by now, but when my parents do it, it drives me nuts. What? When they try to set the Rodecaster up to the phone? Yep. So if I'm staying at the Four Seasons or something like that, they come in your room in the middle of the afternoon.
Starting point is 01:39:04 And they have a bar of soap in the sink and in the bathtub. So I take both of those, put in my suitcase. Then in the afternoon, there's two more. I take them, put in my suitcase. So I'm getting four bars a day.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Crazy, right? That's so much. So yeah. Are they like regular soap bars? Are they like the sample size soap bars? Damn. What is going on with this phone?
Starting point is 01:39:25 Oh, can you hear it? Yeah. They're they're big they're big they're good soap it's good soap big yeah robust sabbath essentials sent me some soap one time and i used that for a really long time it was just like a bar of like i don't even remember exactly what it was called, but it was really good. I liked it a lot. My wife's all into their stuff. Yeah, I just ordered some more of the body oil and stuff because my skin's just getting so dry. Something's happening to my eyes. My vision is changing. Need new glasses?
Starting point is 01:40:02 I don't want to tell you, but I think i need those ones that they're called bifocals that the old people have with the line through them yeah like i see shit different far away than close my dad has bifocals oh fuck hi hey hey um are you leaving um not for like another 25 minutes. Okay. All right. Is it wet outside? Is it raining? It's not raining, but it looks like it's about to. It's pretty wet.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Is it raining in Scotts Valley? Um, no. Should I call Luke and see? What am I going to do with the boys? Do you know? Should I just walk them in the rain Um Scott Valley is supposed to rain at 9
Starting point is 01:40:50 Probably I don't think they're skating today Okay alright I'll see you in a little bit Love you Bye Um code Sevan for 20% off is that true Yeah I used it oh that's awesome sabbath essentials
Starting point is 01:41:09 code sebon 20 off some good shit hey that that um that company that i used um uh me prism meat prism me m e prism oh meat prism i wonder if i can log on from this computer is that the one that blocks all your numbers and shit yeah give your give you back your privacy we're more than just a service we're committed to keeping your private life truly private protect you and your family and your assets prevent financial losses from phishing ransomware and other cyber scams bring your digital peace of mind navigate the digital landscape with confidence knowing your personal information is shielded from the public uh sign sign in as a app user on a show oh okay so look so um god i hope this doesn't have any of my personal information on it, but basically the, these guys gave me a code word that you guys could use for a discount. I don't fucking remember what it was, but, um, look at, so I had, they found 46 people who were using my shit, like collecting my, like,, And look, they're removing my shit.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Remove, removing. Cool, right? That's really cool. Cluster maps. They asked me if I wanted to do an affiliate program. I was like, of course not. I just want good stuff from the people. Can you just give a discount to the people who listen to the podcast?
Starting point is 01:42:51 They said, sure. Let me see. I'm having the founder of the company on. Oh, really? Yeah, I'm going to ask him. I hope he has cool horror stories of people who got fucked on the internet. Yeah, I bet. Especially the old people. Yeah, old people get jacked right yeah that happened to my grandpa like a couple of
Starting point is 01:43:12 he like it like convinced him to go to walmart and pick up like uh oh no and he's just he's just being independent old grandpa grandpa and uh yeah i spent that whole thing got kind of fucked so bad someone uh someone called me the other day and they're like hey we have that video we have uh we turned on your camera phone and we have that video of you watching um a fat girl gets gangbanged and we're gonna show it to the public if uh really yeah i was like all right fuck it go ahead that's awesome i do you get random text messages people just say hey uh yes yes numbers you don't know it's in my DMs I get that. Oh, really? I get actual text messages that just says, Hey.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I'm like, what? Sebon 20. Lowercase Sebon. Sebon 20. And you get 20% off from this Me Prism site. Sorry to interrupt your hey story. That's cool. That was it.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Look, 20% off. So if you want to try this, you can go there and type in 7 on 20. And if you're a cop or a firefighter, dude, show this. If you're a, what if you're a, if you're somehow a public figure,
Starting point is 01:44:34 take this shit to your boss. Yeah, for sure. And be like, hey, you guys should pay for this. If you're an attorney, all that shit. Yeah, that's crazy. crazy yeah that's genius where people are threatening to show your uh your your porn you know what was crazy is there was a dating service that had like i want to say 30 million people signed up but it was just for people who wanted
Starting point is 01:45:01 to cheat i forget the name of it. Like, be it on their wives or something? Yeah. Yeah, like it was a dating website for people who want to cheat. And I think that dating, I remember that dating site got hacked and they released the names of all the people using it. Oh, shit. What a mess. Yeah, thank you, Bernie.
Starting point is 01:45:23 You understand the brand well. Threading stuff on with his weird porn it's my porn habits aren't weird they're they're so um not even brand diminishing they're not hello caller what's up man i don't i don't think um i don't think like i i don't think just watching normal people have sex is weird porn, like, behavior. I don't have any weird porn behavior. He doesn't click on gaping buttholes. I don't chase down, like, dwarf porn, but, like, I don't shy away from it either.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Like, if it's, like, in the algo, it's like, all right, toss it up. That's a weird algo, really. But, like, I don't do any gaping stuff, any cheerio stuff. What's up? How are you doing? I'm just calling to pedal my stuff. Oh my goodness good. I think I just Got a I just put in a fat order and Grinded it up and I'm so happy Does it hurt your soul when you hear that I go a day with drinking Folgers? so happy does it hurt your soul when you hear that i go a day with drinking folgers no sometimes you need to drink you know ass water to kind of
Starting point is 01:46:30 dude don't ruin folgers for me can you call it something else i really don't like anything having to do with the ass besides grabbing dude dude i went to fucking a store and picked up their coffee today i have to do that like readily to make sure that like hey we're on the right track good job how is everything how um uh how is the uh oh how was the open for you over at proven it was dope i was able to do uh two weeks there um i did uh the second week and a third week there uh. I was judged by Tia. Never let the fucking six-time fittest woman on earth judge you. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:47:11 Did you get no rep to come back? No, I didn't. She kept on saying, go, push harder. I'm like, Tia, just give me a second. We're two very different people right now. Awesome. And it's just, yeah. I'm like, no, no, no, you don't get this.
Starting point is 01:47:29 And then the last week, they did a little surprise, and they're like, hey, Gabe, jump the first heat with no warm-up. I'm like, all right, cool. Who can be in the first heat? All their pro athletes were in the first heat. So you just see me there getting my ass kicked doing thrusters and chest divorce. Dude, that's so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Think about that. You were judged by Tia Toomey. Oh, it's amazing. It's fucking amazing. I hated it when it was happening, but it was dope. She was so cool. Yeah, it's a cool story to tell. It's so cool.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Oh, 100%. And yeah, good. We finally broke ground this week uh at the coffee shop over there so we're we're going i'll probably lose a lot more hair and get a bunch more gray hair do you have an open do you have an opening date for the coffee shop in um nashville uh dude i wish no isn't by that i mean it proven Isn't it proven in Nashville? Yeah, it is I wish I knew when we were going to be open Oh, okay
Starting point is 01:48:31 Are you within Three months? I would probably say five Five, okay We're working on it Yeah, good things take a while Yeah, you know why? that's why i decided to make travis do all our merch so i know people always ask hey gabe when you're gonna have shirts hey gabe when you're gonna do
Starting point is 01:48:57 this and since i know a guy i was like hey travis do me a favor handle all our merch please and yeah he's gonna be doing all of our stuff. When you go to the website, you're on the front end. Look at... I got this. How about this? This is also from Vindicate. Are you pointing to the wristbands?
Starting point is 01:49:20 Because I'm on the phone. I can't see. No, I'm pointing to my yellow hat, but I do have the wristbands, too. I am so stoked. Someone in the comments, Sleeky, asked in the comments, why is he wearing wristbands because i'm on the phone i can't see no i'm pointing to my yellow hat but i do have the wristbands too i am so stoked for those someone in the comments sleeky ass in the comments why is he wearing wristbands it's like i always wear these when i'm cold and it was fucking cold this morning yeah these are dope i uh i i have your original wristbands and by the look of it i'm think i'm gonna like those the ones you have on a little bit better yeah they're a little less thick yeah the other ones are so crazy thick these are more like uh wristbands and I got socks and I'm keeping these by the um computer when I'm cold too um hey we can buy seven socks yeah you can buy ceo socks
Starting point is 01:49:57 let's fucking go hey what did I see that's awesome Are you giving away free coffee? I saw Sidney Wells holding a bag of... Well, you know what I feel like? I've been feeling like lately. Have you ever heard the song Hit Em Up by Tupac? I'm sure I have. I just don't know the title of it. Yeah, yeah. He just goes in on everyone.
Starting point is 01:50:20 And I look at all these businesses and all these companies like, oh, there's a particular company that made you do a pre-order and they just just shipped out their backpacks like a week ago and people have ordered it since like November and then there's other companies that are like running out of stock of this running out of stock of that I'm like you know what let me do something dope so for all our subscribers so people that get monthly or weekly or biweekly, whatever people that are on a subscription, we're just going to give them two bags of coffee for free for the month of April.
Starting point is 01:50:55 So if you have a subscription that's going to come up for April, just go ahead and get more coffee, basically. So subscribe before April 1st, and your subscription is going to come with a bag of Stella and a bag of Tyler. Totally on us. Oh, that's awesome. Wow. Yeah, none of this.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Oh, we were five times sold out. We've sold out three times. Okay, cool. How about you do better logistics and better business planning and don't sell out? Yeah, yeah. When Doc Spartan runs out of Matuthian, they replace it right away. I love hearing when they run out, though.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Oh, dude, I've been using the crap out of it for the past, like, two weeks. Good. It's all salty. It tastes good in my mouth. I know. I like it, too. For me, I don't even taste the salt anymore.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Is that weird? Someone, I think Andrew tried it, and he goes, wow, it's saltier than I thought. mouth i know i like it too for me i'm i don't even taste the salt anymore is that weird someone uh i think andrew tried it and he goes wow it's saltier than i thought the first did you get the semen flavor did you get the semen flavored that's the only flavor that i ever ordered i ordered like 10 of those yeah me too um i got used to it now i mean yeah after like a week or so It doesn't taste salty anymore Okay this conversation is really weird out of context But yeah A subscription has to be made by the end of the day of Sunday
Starting point is 01:52:11 Says Paulina Listen if you're gonna get coffee Let me see what is today Paulina making everything official over here I'm over here just trying to shoot the shit Okay you only have two days guys Easter you have to order by Easter Go to
Starting point is 01:52:24 Subscribe and then when you subscribe You basically get coffee sent to your house every month Is that how that works You only have two days, guys. Easter. You have to order by Easter. Go to Paper Street Coffee. Subscribe. And then when you subscribe, you basically get coffee sent to your house every month. Is that how that works? Every two weeks. You have whatever frequency. Oh. Every 69 days, whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Nice. That's cool. Okay. Yeah, but you guys will all be getting some free coffee if you, yeah, just subscribe. Get some awesome coffee. You're going to be getting one bag of tyler one bag of stella as again like as a cool thank you for all the support and just being awesome and dealing with our our growth and my stress trying to build a business jethro cardona at one point i had five extra bags of ceo coffee in fear of running out.
Starting point is 01:53:06 That's yeah, that happens. There's a bunch of people that are just like hoarding the coffee, which is good. I'll take it. I appreciate it. That's how I remember. Hey, if you have extra coffee, throw that bitch in the freezer.
Starting point is 01:53:20 That's all you need to do. Throw it in the freezer. It'll last forever. Really? You're good. I didn't know that That's a little hack Don't open it That's what my dad used to do too as a kid
Starting point is 01:53:30 I remember the freezer was always full of coffee Yep it's not optimal But if you have a bunch of coffee Or let's say like I have this really really cool coffee That I'm not going to use yet Because I still have a bunch of other cool coffee I got samples Throw it in the freezer And just leave it there until not going to use yet because I still have a bunch of other cool coffee I got samples they're in the free in the phrase uh the freezer and just leaving it there until I want to
Starting point is 01:53:48 use it Gabe are you guys doing something with Dave uh when he was at my house the other day he said you guys are doing something together but I feel like I've been hearing about that for a month I don't mean to stress you out oh yeah you have a lot of things going on no no no so we're serving their oleado their uh olive so olive oil coffee, kind of like bulletproof coffee. You know how back in the day you used to throw MCT oil and butter in coffee like 10 years ago? Yeah. pretty clean. I know that word sounds stupid, but his olive oil is super, super clean. So when you combine it with another fat, like whole milk, it just gives it like a really nice flavor. So we've been adding it to drinks and it's probably going to be like a drink of, uh, of the month and two months. And it's going to be available 100% every day at proven. Oh, so you got to go in the store to get that yeah yeah yeah so and my goal
Starting point is 01:54:47 is actually to buy a bunch of uh the cans whatever those tins that he has and actually sell them retail at my coffee shop without him knowing just like pay you know pay him full retail and just resell them for like maybe a dollar profit at the coffee shop yeah that's he doesn't know that yet but uh but at least getting people there we are actually just working on a little bit of like promotional material to have it at the coffee shop so like random joe schmoke and walk in and be like oh what is this and you know it'll direct them to his website they uh at starbucks i saw um i was traveling to arizona i stopped into starbucks forgive, forgive me. And in one of those, like, glass cases that has all the snacks in there,
Starting point is 01:55:32 they had a little tiny bottle of olive oil. So I guess they're doing that shit too. Yeah, they're the, I almost said the word, Paulina would be upset if I said it. They're the ones who started it. They're the ones who started it. They're the ones who started the Oleado kind of craze. But again, adding healthy fats to coffee, especially like if you're in a carnivore diet or if you're, you know, in ketosis, it's actually really, really good.
Starting point is 01:56:01 We have a whole blog post on it on our website that will give you a little bit more information and you can just do it at home. You don't need to go super crazy. Do it like we do it in a latte. You can just throw it into your regular coffee and not just any olive oil. You can't just go to like shop right and get extra virgin olive oil and throw it into your coffee and oh yeah, it tastes amazing. It has to be high quality, really, really good olive oil. And even some, let's say you go to whole foods it's not the same so we we were lucky when we tried out dave's and it tasted like phenomenal i don't think we're
Starting point is 01:56:35 gonna use his uh garlic and uh no and his other one no because it's not gonna to be good. Hey, the lemon one might work in some sugary drink. Ready for this? Yeah, the lemon one might work. Oh, oh. Ice cream. Yep. We're going to try something with an ice cream and a lemon one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:00 If you had some foofy drink, that lemon olive oil, or even with ice cream, yeah, I'd rock that with ice cream. Wow, I'm a cold foam cutie. Brew. Foofy is like the adjective when it comes to describe Paper Street Cafe. Do they have to put in a code word when they do this subscription to get the two free bags? No, nothing. Just if you're a subscriber, you're good to go. If you're not
Starting point is 01:57:28 a subscriber and you subscribe before the date Paulina said, every subscription is just going to get the two bags, if ands or buts. If I feel nice and cool about it, maybe you'll get an extra bag, but two bags minimum. If you only subscribe to one
Starting point is 01:57:43 bag, you're going to one bag You're gonna get Three bags for this month Done No brainer Alright thanks Gabe That's cool Alright gentlemen remember also head over to Vindicate Buy some shirts
Starting point is 01:57:58 Give them money I wanna tell you this idea I had Go ahead Is it rated X or is it like PGg no no it's i'm only taking rated x oh this one's this one's not rated x so you know brian spin was uh is organized this jake berman versus colton merton's 100 burpees against each other my boy yeah and i what i wanted to do i wanted to organize that and give away a thousand bucks but i was too slow dang but now i got this thousand bucks so i was thinking right after that
Starting point is 01:58:34 show was over i was gonna have tim murray the fittest dwarf in the world try to beat their time get the fuck out and if he beats their time just to like to take all those viewers and bring them over here so i text tim murray and i'm like hey would you do it and he's like yeah duh but then i asked another one of my friends hey does tim murray have any chance of beating colton mertens and jake verman he goes dude he's 116th as fit as colton oh damn i know i think it i think it only works if Tim has a chance Question But if he beats him
Starting point is 01:59:09 Then I give him the thousand bucks And you know what I mean Charlie Chaplin said there's only a great joke after a good joke So you got fucking Fucking Tim Murray Just fucking be like yo He just sets up a phone and we all sit around and cheer him on I don't know
Starting point is 01:59:25 I got a question I thought it was pretty genius Oh, Murray? Oh, that's a good question Because you can base it off of that Oh, what if I got Sporty Beth to do it? Holy shit And she had to do
Starting point is 01:59:41 What if I got Sporty Beth to do it? I'll add another thousand And all she has to do it is in twice the time that Colton did it. Oh, my God. Do you think I could get her to do that? Fuck. So if Colton does it. I doubt you can get her to do that, but you should ask.
Starting point is 01:59:57 If Colton and Jake do it in five minutes, she has to do it in ten minutes. In her bra and underwear. You think that's too crass? Hey, if she agrees to it, she agrees to agrees to it i mean one of her workout outfits she agrees to it that's on her i think that would bring in a bunch of views as a fellow businessman there's some way to capitalize on this right i shouldn't just be in defeat and like be like fuck spin bit me beat me to the punch. I need to be like, okay, I need to do something right after that. Look at Ken Walters.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I'll add a hundred bucks for sporty Beth. Holy shit. Uh, yeah, definitely have, have Tim do it. And then, but dude,
Starting point is 02:00:38 if he's not even close, like he can't be like he had who he has to be close. He did seven, 10 on. That's what I'm saying. I have to call. I have to call him and ask him, Hey dude, do you, He has to be close He did 7-10 That's what I'm saying I have to call him and ask him Hey dude, can you actually give them a run But my buddy said that he's only 1-16th as fit as Colton
Starting point is 02:00:53 It just won't be The gimmick only works if he's Oh wow Mike Poolboy, imagine if the D1 Breeder sat on Tim's face, that'd be crazy Oh my god I don't know how you made that leap. Paulina, can you guys ask Paulina if I'm still joining this meeting at 12?
Starting point is 02:01:11 Paulina, let me know if I still have this meeting with you or not. Look, we're getting inside information. Cold Mertens smoked Tim Murray by like two minutes. There's your answer. But wasn't there another movement? Save your thousand bucks. wasn't there another movement besides it was burpees dumbbell snatches
Starting point is 02:01:30 okay I'm gonna call Tim right now okay thank you Gabe I'll talk to you guys thank you love you bye okay listen people order if you want to get two free bags of coffee order now what a great commercial for Gabe I'm gonna call Tim fuck it let's just see what happens two free bags of coffee order now. What a great commercial for Gabe.
Starting point is 02:01:47 I might call Tim. Fuck it. Let's just see what happens. Uh, 859 80 Oh, shit. Oh, don't say his number out loud, right? I think he has a day job. Oh shit. Eight. Oh, don't say his number out loud. Right. He's, I think he, I think he has a day job.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Oh, Tim Murray. Yeah. And I don't think he knows the live calling number. So he'd probably just like, fuck you. I didn't answer. Oh, you're his agent. You're Tim Murray's agent
Starting point is 02:02:29 Get fee God you guys suck It doesn't work that way This is Tim Just leave your name Can't just get anyone Do you guys understand that name Can't just get anyone Do you guys understand that? You can't just get anyone
Starting point is 02:02:49 Tim Murphy's the fittest dwarf in the world That's why it works Like if that show would have been Noah Olsen vs. The World Sorry Noah That shit would have never worked That works because it's Taylor's self Do you guys
Starting point is 02:03:03 Fuck I know most of you get it I'm sorry most you guys don't have to be yelled at oh my god do a documentary on someone else next dude the danielle brandon thing works because it's fucking danielle brandon True Crazy hot Crazy And crazy good at CrossFit Three crazies You can't
Starting point is 02:03:30 You have to have all three crazies To get a doc The fucking I can't wait to see one on On Fuck I better not say anyone's name Say it. I'd like to see one on
Starting point is 02:03:48 Sevan. Really interesting. Yeah. Come on, man. Yeah, thank you. Nobody cares about Sevan's life. Not that interesting. No. Boing as fuck. I did see this though.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Look at this. This is... Where's... My wife's going to text me. Oh, here he is. Oh, shit. Here we go. Tim. Hello.
Starting point is 02:04:22 What's up, dude? We're live on the air. How are you? Sorry, are you at work? Hello. Hey, Savon. What's up? What's up, dude? We're live on the air. How are you? Sorry. Are you at work? Oh no, I just finished, uh, finished a workout. Okay. I got this idea. I got this idea, but, but I've been told it's not a good idea, but I, I want it to be okay. So, so, um, so Colton talks shit. So, Max Elhajian and gang at Training Think Tank, a very reputable source, was saying that Colton Mertens is really good at burpees, right? Or no, that Jake Berman was really good at burpees. And then Colton's like, hey, fuck you guys, shut your face. That guy's not that good.
Starting point is 02:04:59 I could beat him any day of the week. And then, so me and Spin at the same time, we're trying to organize this workout to go down and spin beat me to it. Ah, I'm like, fuck, but I got this thousand bucks to give away. Right. Okay. So then I was thinking like right after they're done, we start up a live stream. We have the fittest dwarf in the world do a hundred burpees for time.
Starting point is 02:05:23 But then i told my friend the idea so i text you last night about it but then and then if you beat him you get the thousand bucks but then one of my friends told me you're only 116th as fucking um fittest colton and i couldn't tell if that was a short joke or if it was true oh yeah i don't know do you have any chance of of making that time? What was the time? I didn't see it. We don't know what his time is. Sorry, we don't even know what his time is.
Starting point is 02:05:50 But it's like the two best guys in the world at burpees. But the theory is that you're closer to the ground, so you would be able to do them faster. I guess that's the theory. Yeah, which isn't technically wrong. Right. Do you have Savage burpees? They're pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:09 I mean, I did 24.1 and like 642. I only had a 30 pound dumbbell though, but still 642 is flying. I didn't stop. Do you know what you're, um, yeah, that is crazy. Do you, and there's no weight in this burpee thing. I think you just have to go over a bar. His jump over the bar is going to take more time, though. Augustus Link says, hey, what is your, do you know what your 100 burpee time is?
Starting point is 02:06:36 I've actually never done that test yet. So I wouldn't know off the top of my head. And everything, like any kind of burpee like that it's usually involved with something else so like last year with the shuttle runs and adding time or adding reps was it 24.2 i think or 23.2 it was the shuttle run burpees man i mean everything else has been just built into a workout so i've never really actually tested my full 100 you know burpee time um caleb what was colton's um 24.1 was it uh it was like 542 or something okay so only a minute off but with the dumbbell out, are you available April 3rd?
Starting point is 02:07:27 April 3rd? That's Tuesday? Yeah. Wednesday. Yeah. I'm available then. Okay. I'm going to take this back to my board.
Starting point is 02:07:36 I'm lying. There really isn't a board. But I'm going to process this. Okay. But you might possibly – would you be game? Yeah. I'd be down. Are you in it to win it? Always.
Starting point is 02:07:51 I don't do things just to deal them anymore. All right. I love that. All right. Hey, thanks for taking my call. Yeah, no problem. Yeah, all right. And you'd want – you'd try to win $1,000?
Starting point is 02:08:11 Yeah, 100%. All right. taking my call yeah no problem yeah all right and you you'd want you try to win a thousand bucks yeah 100 all right and you have a place to do it like you could set it up somewhere on april 3rd you just need an iphone you just need an iphone and a and i guess a bar yeah i got plenty of places for that oh jesus listen listen to these fuckingI motherfuckers in the comments. Ken Walters, who cares? People will tune in. There's not enough quality little people coverage out there. I don't care about little people coverage. I want people to think he has a chance to win so I can get views, motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:08:49 How crazy is it that the only person, like, you're, like, one of the only people in the world that comes to mind that might be able to beat those two kind of weird yeah it's good company i don't mind it though yeah i like being in that conversation yeah hell yeah oh 100 burpees for time seven against tim no thank you okay dude um i'll text you later today. Let me see how this unfolds. Okay. Sounds good. All right. Thanks for taking my call. Yeah, no problem. Tim Murray, fittest dwarf in the world. Oh, it was sarcasm. Okay, thank you. Well, thank you. I appreciate you helping my bit, Kent.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Thank you. Thank you. I did 643, 100 burpees to to 6 foot target a couple years ago $500 final offer He'll give us $500 To watch you do it God Judy Reed
Starting point is 02:09:37 Tim Murray such a good dude Yeah he is or is Ken Walters Ken Walters such a good dude too Sweet Ken Walters. Ken Walters is such a good dude too. Sweet. John Young versus Tim. A neurodivergent versus a dwarf. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:09:58 Just start mixing the categories. Fuck it. Well, that'd be cool. Right? Yeah. I just really want him to have a, a shot at it. Yeah, I just really want him to have a shot at it.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Yeah, I agree. There was something I wanted to show you. I don't know where it is. All right. All right. You know there was a law in San Francisco passed in 2014 making it against the law to teach algebra in public schools? What? Seriously? I know.
Starting point is 02:11:16 You don't want to believe it, right? No. I had to take algebra so many times. What the fuck? Now people just don't have to take it dude this chick this chick this fucking psychologist it's gonna be a story I'm gonna bring it up when Greg's on I can't even fucking believe
Starting point is 02:11:36 it's true that's so fucking insane there's a law in Washington State where they have a snitching That's so fucking insane. There's a law in Washington state where they have a snitching hotline, and if you tell on people for hate speech… They'll go after them? The government will go after you, and you can get $2,000 for telling on them. They have a hotline that incentivizes tattling. Now listen. Oh my. $10,000 for telling on them. They have a hotline that incentivizes tattling now listen my If you but you can call government officials and police officers
Starting point is 02:12:11 So if like I called you a kike someone could tell on me and I and I could get in trouble for hate speech Yeah, which is fucking just absolutely nuts. But if you called a cop that you're good to go Wow, can you imagine the people of Washington state they pay their own tax dollars let me guess a democrat came out with that yeah how retarded are you if you believe in hate
Starting point is 02:12:40 speech like what like how what kind of ambiguous bullshit talk is that we can't we can't even decide what a woman is and we're going to decide what something that what hate speech is fair point did you see these fucking crazy people over at usa weightlifting or something they let a dude win their competition i was just gonna bring that up and then what's even better is that usa weightlifting doubled down on it and they're like we want our sport to be inclusive and we want everybody to be able to weightlift and enjoy the the effects of fitness and blah blah blah and this all this
Starting point is 02:13:20 other shit it's like what do like, you people are so stupid. And what's crazy is all these people in there, they should have their own category. Yeah. No, they shouldn't. They should have their own. I don't even agree with that. They should have their own.
Starting point is 02:13:39 No. Fuck no. Where does that stop? Start your own fucking weightlifting organization. That's fair. own fuck no like no fuck that hey dude i don't believe in any of that stuff like there's no end to that there's no end to that um here's the adaptive argument like here out the ad like so many divisions at some point i'm right i'm okay doing stuff for old people because it's something a common thing that we all share so like if if if you're gonna have a store if i don't i'm just making this up i don't know if this is i agree
Starting point is 02:14:17 with this but if you're gonna if you're gonna have require stores to have ramps for the elderly okay sure you're gonna require some company to make food that you don't need your teeth okay i mean i'm but this thing we're just one-off picking but then on top of that the truth is is you're being a codependent for mental illness that's the truth you're validating someone's mental illness there's nobody who's born into a body who then has thoughts that they wish they had a different body is going to be live a happier life by somehow living out that no that doesn't work like that sure there's no human being that works out like that that's not that's not the direction of our happiness of our contentment of our contentment of our ability to perform in civilization now it doesn't mean that you can't do it like if you want to ride the bus in a dress go fucking head sure
Starting point is 02:15:11 enablers yeah it's just all fucking enablers it's fucking it's gross have you seen that dude that dresses up as a woman that's arguing that the new trans community is like fucked up their community. He's like, dude, I was doing this long before and I'm still a dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:30 I thought there was a winning more of those guys. Here's the thing too. It's like people who, it's like people who want to, uh, save Palestine. Hmm. And you're like,
Starting point is 02:15:43 okay, but what would be your priority? Save the kids of Palestine and save the people of dying or save the country? What do you prioritize? The kids. Dude, I'm so glad my family didn't fight for the country I was from. I'm so glad my wife's family didn't fight for the country that she was from. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 02:16:03 But if those people want to fight i'm all for it stay and fight but all these people who are pro-palestine you're just getting kids killed hey if you want to spend your energy helping someone fucking protest egypt and have them open the fucking border any other country in the world, just imagine if you, if someone, uh, came over and slayed fucking 110 Americans or just from over the border in Mexico. I bet you, I would be fucking like,
Starting point is 02:16:35 uh, you better evacuate to Ioana. We're taking it. Yeah. I'm perfectly okay with that. Right. It's like, uh,
Starting point is 02:16:44 I mean the Russians are kind of doing it right now with the, the with that. Right. It's like, uh, I mean, the Russians are kind of doing it right now with the, the guys that attack there. Like they killed like 130 people. They're like, Oh yeah. Okay. We're going to fuck you up now. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Who, who were those people? I want to say they were, I mean, they were all Muslims, but the, they're from like Kazakhstan. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:01 You got to be like, Hey, uh, in two weeks, we're going to burn down your entire country yeah yeah what do you mean you're gonna burn it down well i'm just telling you so you got it you should leave you fucking dipshits decided to poke the bear yeah like what do you think's gonna happen and then someone will be like hey are you condoning killing no
Starting point is 02:17:17 not at all i'm condoning fucking burning down tijuana if they did that and building a fucking no man's zone 100 miles between our country and theirs. Cause and effect. Yeah. That's what I'm condoning. And why? So that fucking week I can go to Baskin Robbins on the weekends. You think that the terrorists now think the people that did attack Russia, they're like, oh shit, maybe we shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 02:17:40 Because now they're broadcasting. The Hamas people? Yeah, they're broadcasting what they did to those guys like you can you can look on any social media outlet anywhere and you see them like one guy they freaking chopped his ear off and made him eat it oh the russian people the russians yes yeah like those dudes fully regret it yeah absolutely like you can you see them getting wheeled into the courthouse and they're unconscious like we that's what happens. What do you think is going to, like, you don't just attack a country, kill 130 people and think you're like, oh yeah, fuck it.
Starting point is 02:18:12 I'm going to run away. It's all good. I'm just a terrorist. No, dude, you should have just fucking detonated yourself because now you have to live with this. And now your family's getting taken. People are going after your family. to live with this and now your family's getting taken people are taking going after your family so that picture i saw the dude getting his cock and balls executed that was real absolutely damn they cut out a dude's freaking eyelid his freaking eyeballs hanging out
Starting point is 02:18:36 that's they don't play around dude he got an earful literally i love my yellow hat travis dude. He got an earful. Literally. I love my yellow hat, Travis. It looks good on you. Thank you. Huh. The best part of when this show is over is um oh it was dana white what's the girl's name from espn it was dana white that's what i fuck yes uh uh oh here it is damn i was gonna play this in my new show this is what i want to show you look at this this was so fucking hilarious
Starting point is 02:19:25 what i think i know i know what you're gonna show oh no i don't think so never mind damn it no this is so good okay here we go uh this chick um sage steel i think got fired from espn she did something that wasn't i think she didn't want to take the vaccine or something. She got fired being black when a woman wasn't enough. Right. If I cared what people thought I'd still be a bellman at the Boston Harbor hotel. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:19:56 That's the truth. If I really cared what people thought I'd still be doing that. I have found, um, such freedom in that when you let go. I mean, it sounds like you've never had it, which is a blessing. I live one of those lives. I posted this the other day.
Starting point is 02:20:12 Create a life that you can't wait to wake up to. I saw that. I live that life. I literally, I hate to sleep. I hate sleeping. I've never heard that before. I hate sleeping. How much sleep do you get?
Starting point is 02:20:23 Not much. What's that? Four, four or five a night. I hate sleeping. I've never heard that before. I hate sleeping. How much sleep do you get? Not much. What's that? Four, four or five a night. I hate sleep. I love every minute of my life. Love every minute of it. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow. I can't wait to start tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:20:37 And when you really feel that way, I just don't, I really don't give a shit about a lot of things. I love it. I wish it hadn't taken me 50 years if I cared what people thought that's cool it's so deep it's so deep oh my god I'm panicking you can't even tell god she got fired because she was publicly against men and women's sports oh there you go so she probably did get the vaccine did you did you see what did you see that the part where she didn't realize that she was talking to dana white and not joe rogan oh shit she called him joe rogan like twice oh shit she goes what's the future look like for joe rogan
Starting point is 02:21:25 and then he's like wait what yeah joe rogan holy you don't think she knew hey i think she i mean i don't know i get i want to tell you something there's um she she does maybe seem thrown off a little bit. I think she's probably crazy nervous because I did notice something there also. She pivoted to how many hours a night do you sleep? And that was a weird – that was like almost like she's not paying attention and like just grasping at straws for questions. But fuck, man. Dana White is such an easy guest. she's not paying attention and like just grasping at straws for questions but fuck man uh
Starting point is 02:22:06 dana white's is such an easy guest he's yeah he was he was cool but this is this is what happened okay what's joe rogan's dream what's joe rogan's dream joe rogan dana white what's dana white's dream did you just think I was Joe Rogan? I totally did. She just called me fucking Joe Rogan. You thought I was fucking Joe Rogan? I was bald before Joe was ever bald. I know. I did a two-hour fucking podcast.
Starting point is 02:22:35 I flew here from Vegas, and she thought she was interviewing Joe Rogan. Damn. Holy shit. damn holy shit hey that could have gone sideways that could have dana you know dana could have where is that oh that's amazing oh good on him he leaned into it yeah oh good on him god i feel for her holy dude. That's honestly worst nightmare. Like, getting somebody's names mixed up. Calling them the wrong name.
Starting point is 02:23:13 Hey, that's about as attractive as you can be. How old are those people? Those are both 50? That's about as... Like, if you look like either of them at 50, you're doing good. Dana White's 54? Yeah. How old is she, Sage Steele she's hot I think she's
Starting point is 02:23:29 50 or something I can't believe how good Dana looks now yeah he looks a lot better sometimes I look at him and it looks like he has down syndrome like his teeth are so far back in his mouth he's like she's 51 god she's fucking she's so thin yeah oh i fucking feel so bad for her for
Starting point is 02:23:52 that but it's fucking great hey i think she was i think she was at i'm pretty sure i saw her at you the last uh you at ufc 299 like sitting back there with trump and and And she was up in the front row. She was like, you know, she could have reached out and touched. Um, wow Oh shit Yeah, for sure like uh Oh leaving now. Okay. Okay coming Okay I wonder if my boys are going to come in here Oh shit
Starting point is 02:24:25 My kids have been alone in the house for 10 minutes For fuck's sake Great show Thank you to John Singleton How fun to finally get to meet him And then tomorrow No guest and then Sunday no guest I don't know what's happening
Starting point is 02:24:41 Oh you know I'm going on Jason Kalipa's podcast Really? Yeah I don't know what's happening. Oh, you know, I'm going on Jason Kalipa's podcast. Really? Yeah, I don't know if it's live. On Monday, April 1st. Oh, shit. I better tell my wife about that. The NC Fit podcast or something?
Starting point is 02:25:00 Jason Kalipa podcast? Honestly, I don't even know. He said, do you want to come on a podcast with me and gabe i don't know who gabe is gabe yanez looks like a co-host cool you're full of shit dirt dirt you don't even know i just realized daniel white hates media ipso facto he'd hate Sevan you're full of shit you don't know shit I think he just doesn't like being on podcasts I hung out
Starting point is 02:25:33 with him alone once just the two of us just the two of us yeah 2000 probably for 10 minutes Do you give him elevator speech? Say that again?
Starting point is 02:25:51 Do you give him elevator speech? I tried to But he was so charming and cool We just ended up shooting the shit There was no one around He wasn't really Dana White at the time I mean he was It was either at the Arnold or the mystery universe.
Starting point is 02:26:06 And we were in vendor village and like, it was empty. Like it hadn't opened yet. And he was at his booth and I was at this, this arm wrestling booth. That's cool. He didn't finger me. Did he finger you?
Starting point is 02:26:16 No. Did you fall? I didn't fall either. What do you mean fall? Oh, paint, paint, skateboard,
Starting point is 02:26:22 paint. Okay. Hey, I saw one of of my one of my kids yesterday fell yeah and i'm like jesus and he fell on and landed on his back i'm like jesus and they're like you know why that happened because it was wet over here or something i'm like no it happened because you're seven and you're tarted and then all three of them didn't miss a second they go well you're gonna fall too you're old like i was like all three of them didn't miss a second they go well you're gonna fall too you're old like all three of them at the same time damn they had your number quick i know did i fall that's the scale wait come on dude come on why can't it be something else like do you is you are you having a venereal
Starting point is 02:26:58 disease or something it's that i expected you like hopped on a skateboard on the new ramp and then you like, okay. Okay. I thought you were, you're testing it out for the kids just to make sure when you slipped and, or you try to do a kick turn or something and slid down the ramp. That's what I thought. All right.
Starting point is 02:27:17 Fair enough. Hey, dirt. I, this is going to be hard. Maybe you're not going to grasp this, but I'm going to tell you this uh with um 100 certainty in a different lifetime in an alternate universe um i would be i would have been
Starting point is 02:27:31 dana white's right hand man instead of greg glassman's whoa facts dude i was in the right place i was at the right time and i just i didn't close the relationship but me me and Dana would be fucking besties. For sure. And I don't use that term lightly. OK, see you guys later. Thank you. Fine, don't play it.
Starting point is 02:28:03 Bye.

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