The Sevan Podcast - Jon Levell | Affiliate Series | CrossFit Overload

Episode Date: December 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Is he going to publish that? I don't think so. I think he is he is he bam we're live is he gonna publish that i don't think so i think he is hey um uh did i send john level a link i thought i did okay he did yeah okay good it's on him yeah oh okay good all right hey good morning good Hey, so today's the last day. If I order Christmas presents for my kids and they don't show up today, they don't get them. They might deliver tomorrow, too. Damn, your camera looks good.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Thanks. What is that? It's the one you told me to get. The Sony A6700. Oh, you did get one. Yeah, I sent this up last night or like yet yesterday ish so kind of it looks probably crappy but dude is it just over your computer yeah same way you have yours so i just bought the little stand for it and it's like right above where my other
Starting point is 00:01:58 spot is like the little face and video and then that's just the lens that comes with it it's like a 16 to 50 16 to 50 yeah is it set at 3.5 the f-stop that i don't i haven't no i haven't gone that deep i literally scooted onto here plugging the usb and then turned it was like hey when i lean forward i don't get too blurry hey so that's literally just a camera plugged into your USB, and then you just chose it. Yep. And then what powers it? I don't know. This is the first time using it. Is it plugged into the wall?
Starting point is 00:02:33 No, it's just plugged in USB-C to the camera, USB-C to the computer. There's no way that should work. So it's just powering off the battery i think yeah okay so it should start working at some point during the show we'll find out this is experiment number one dude i cannot but it looks incredible dude the light it's so soft the lighting and nice and you're so crisp and and now when we go into this mode i'm not like i could lean back god yeah that looks good i i my yeah i guess my shit doesn't get blurry i fixed mine a couple days ago uh usb is the power are you sure that's how that works on the 6700 i i don't think that there's enough power coming from the bus of a computer
Starting point is 00:03:26 to power a camera i know right vindicate crazy and i think too it said that this is the wrong usbc like i'm supposed to get a more like high powered one like when you plugged it in it said this will work but it's not the right one it says it's shooting like 720 yeah it won't go 1080 until i get the like more beefed up cord did it come with it no you just had it laying around it's just an old usbc yeah oh it's usbc yeah is it usbc oh yeah i guess the camera's too dang dude you did good, shit. Hiller's sending us all sorts of crazy shit now. Well, thank you. This is just from your set. This is what you told me.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Well, dude, it looks amazing. You killed it. I can't wait to play with it out on the street like I told you and start doing something. Hiller, are you putting that clip up? Yeah. He got a whole, he had AI, he has me rapping an entire song. Yeah, it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I haven't listened to that Glassman one yet. I'm nervous to listen to it. I don't like him at all. The one he made, the video one he made. Oh, talking about Brian? Yeah, it's scary, right? It has nuances to your voice, you know? I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Hey, weren't you just talking about a safe word with your family not that long ago? Yeah. So if I get one of those and it's like, Hey, Stefan me it's matt dude i need i need you to wire me a thousand dollars i'm in a pinch it's coming it's i mean it's already happening oh john lavelle says loading oh oh you need to be on chrome you need to be on chrome the guy who's coming on the show today is the owner of crossfit overload there's stories from crossfit overload that i can't even tell you so i mean shit so it's got to be an exciting show right um that gym has been around forever i met i think i met rob orland i took a rob orlando seminar there strongman seminar there that was kind of co-taught believe it or not i think between greg and rob orlando back in the day
Starting point is 00:05:50 it was a massive seminar over 100 people there um and and the gym has been around forever um uh the the fucking someone who should be in the hall of fame for CrossFit, Paula Gravatt, uh, used to own it, uh, with her husband, Jordan Gravatt, who himself could be in the hall of fame.
Starting point is 00:06:11 He, he was a video producer, editor, director for CrossFit forever. And she was on the affiliate team and she, I put her in the top. I mean, she could fucking CEO of the company,
Starting point is 00:06:23 man, that lady knows some shit. And she's extremely uh powerful as a human being as a soul and uh very everyone respected her at uh crossfit hq she she was um second in command on the affiliate team next to kathy glassman actually if i remember correctly the day that fucking absolute piece of shit, Eric Rosa and Andrew Weinstein, those complete fucking dirtbag garbage buckets of human beings that lying, lying, manipulative, sexist shit. The day that they fired me and my wife, I also believe they fired Paula Gravatt. So, so there. But now Paula Gravatt. So there.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But now Paula has her own fucking crazy successful business. Anyway, I think her and her husband may have sold the business to John, who was always a member there and a beloved friend of HQ too. I remember seeing John around. I mean, I know he's friends with Dave and Greg, and I've seen him around forever. He's friends with the Saltbite guy. A great gym.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Big, awesome gym. All sorts of fancy programs in there. Hey. What's up, dude? You're in like Flynn. In like Flynn. Just got to get Chrome updated. Oh, thanks for doing this.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah, what? You guys hear me okay? Awesome. Perfect. Sound great. Oh, thanks for doing this. Yeah, what? You guys hear me okay? Awesome. Perfect. Sound great. John, have you ever met Matt? He's the owner of CrossFit Livermore. I've never met him.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Hey, good to meet you, man. I've learned about him through the podcast, and I'm sure we've been in the same room at some point in the past. And, John, you were even on the affiliate team even for a brief minute. Yes. You were the only dude on the team. For a very short time, I think 2015 to 2016 was about the time I worked for Kathy and the affiliate girls. I remember that was weird.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I was like, how did a guy get on that team? Yeah, then it was me, and then there was a few others that were kind of – There were other guys on the team? Yeah. Like, dude, people with penises. There were men on the team. Not when I was there. I was the only guy.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah. After, I think, the second or third layoff from my regime, they had brought some more guys in and then it was kind of dispersed. Extremely discriminatory times under Greg Glassman. The entire legal team and the entire affiliate team were women.
Starting point is 00:08:58 They hated men over there. It sucked. It was a tough go for us. I always tucked. I always tucked. I always tucked my penis. Tried to fit in. What the fuck? Man, a lot of powerful women around HQ.
Starting point is 00:09:14 That CrossFit shit's a magnet for powerful women. Yeah, that whole team back when I was around, they were a great group of girls. I'm friends with, I think, all of them to this day i mean they're still with the entire team you still you still know all of them yeah i mean i even i try i text kathy probably even like once a year say what's up you know i um uh i had a um the moto obviously i know you i've seen you around forever um we have mutual friends and dave castro you've come up here a few times uh to the bay area and you, I've seen you around forever. We have mutual friends and Dave Castro. You've come up here a few times to the Bay area and, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:47 I've seen you at the ranch or whatever. And then obviously I've been to your gym probably a dozen times. I don't know if I've been there since you've owned it. And then recently I had the motocross guy. So, so sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself where I go to a lot of, a lot of pathways for this conversation. The name of the gym is CrossFit overload. And how long has that place been an affiliate?
Starting point is 00:10:07 2008. So we're coming up on our 16th year. And the original owners? Jordan and Paula Gravatt. They started in their garage in Marietta, which is the city we're in. Right. I mean, in the house Jordan lived in until he moved away to Santa Cruz. And then are you the second owner?
Starting point is 00:10:32 I am technically the third owner. So it went from Jordan and Paula. And then Jordan and Paula, when they moved to Santa Cruz to work for Greg and the team up there uh they sold to Bob Singh and Wayne Wayne Kim so as you know you've had Devin on the show Devin basically grew up in this gym um and at the time let's see I think it was Bob and Wayne owned it as 50 50 Partners for about two or three years. And then they brought on kind of two silent or smaller partners, Dustin Marshman and Tweedy Boyd. And then that lasted for a couple of years. And then those two kind of dispersed and we're still around, you know, just kind of gave it back to Wayne and Bob and then Bob ended ended up selling 100% to Wayne.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And that's 2016 or 17 is when Kira and I purchased it from Wayne. So for a lot of people, maybe you don't know those names, but if you worked at HQ, there's probably like anywhere from, I don't know, 100 of us to 1,000 of us who all know all those people he named pretty much intimately meaning uh we've broken bread with them we've eaten with them we've hung out with them we've worked we've worked we've uh worked out with them we've drank with them the guy's name he mentioned bob zing has been around forever was working h for hq making signage an amazing guy father uh husband the whole shebang. Super talented. Yeah, crazy talented.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And then, of course, Wayne has every – if you're affiliated with the games at all behind the scenes, you have 100% come cross paths with Wayne. He's a workhorse. And then, of course, his insane daughter – I mean that in a positive way – his insanely talented and gifted athletic daughter, Devin, who's been on the show a couple of times. Man, what a crazy small world.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah. Just out of one gym. I started coaching here. Actually, we've been in this spot since 2010. And Jordan had a small, probably 1,500, 2,000 square foot place about a mile down the road when i started coaching here um in 09 my uh you know i met a ton of those people we just talked about they were all just members and kind of getting into crossfit and then shortly after we moved to this place is when i met devon and she was i think seven years old when she was you know little gym rat running around and you know, skin and bones. And now she's incredibly capable athlete, as you know. I remember her thinking she was in,
Starting point is 00:13:11 she was demoing workouts in Del Mar for Adrian Bosman in front of all the athletes, like the Josh Bridges and Dan Bailey's. And she was up there. She was all by herself in front of, you know, 50 of the fittest people in the world. And she's demoing the movements. And I remember someone whispering in my ear like, hey, that girl. I was like, dang. I'm like, who's that girl? Like, I can't believe she's out there doing this in front of all these people. And they're like, dude, she's 15. She was already like doing like full blown woman shit. Yeah, she's cool. That was the year I I judged at Regionals, so it was a really cool time. I mean, as you guys know, Del Mar Regionals was, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:13:50 I liked it more than actually the games. Oh, dude, it's amazing. Hey, are you pretty excited about Dylan Wadapalooza bringing back events to Southern California. First of all, we're going to be at the StubHub, but then also, I shouldn't say we, it's going to be at StubHub. And then also they're doing something
Starting point is 00:14:12 in Southern California next year. They're having a Wadapalooza Southern California. At Del Mar, right? Oh, is it at Del Mar? That's 100%. I believe so, yeah. That was the best part about that announcement, I thought, was they're bringing it back
Starting point is 00:14:24 because they realized how special that place was. I mean, you couldn't ask for a nicer place in California to do that, I think. God, I hope they do something to bring the affiliates there because that was the coolest thing about that event is that the affiliates came out and just drove with all their shirts and all their payroll and moms and dads and kids. It was nuts. All the colors, all the colors of shirts, you know, the whole freaking west side of the panel was green you know that sea of green yep i remember that hey john how old are you 41 and i remember you being big you're big right you're uh six six one two twenty and did you play football or something? No, no, I played basketball, actually. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Okay. And how did you find CrossFit? I moved out here for grad school, and I was living in Marietta. My dad had a house here. While I was going to school, he was in Iraq doing something. And then my Kira, my wife, we were working out with one of jordan's first coaches and he was he was one of those guys were like you know go to he was a gym rat we'd be at jordan's place they'd overload and then he'd go to fitness 19 and kira knew him from um working at la fitness years ago actually
Starting point is 00:15:38 and he's fitness 19 like your typical globo gym uh it's like a a cheaper version of like a nice la fitness i guess okay um they're everywhere down here um and so chris his name was chris uh he was you know he had his l1 he basically got i think he got it from you know when dave even did the l1s back then so uh he started introducing us to the concept of CrossFit at Fitness 19, just kind of like, you know, us three. And then shortly after I was coaching gymnastics while in grad school, and that's how I met Kira, coaching gymnastics down the street. This guy, Jordan, at the time, he came up to me after I was coaching his five-year-old daughter and Libby. And he, you know, had a Mohawk at the time. He was like, he, you know, had a Mohawk at
Starting point is 00:16:25 the time and he was like, Hey, you know, you're a gymnastics coach and I have a CrossFit gym. If you heard of that, would you like to coach CrossFit? I mean, would you like to coach gymnastics for adults? And I looked at him like, that sounds like a horrible, dangerous, terrible idea, you know, cause we're in like the gymnastics world where it's like, there's no, it's, it was serious. The special place we were at um but he's like no no trust me it's not what you think just come over and at least do a workout with me and i was like oh yeah whatever and so i had had what i'd known from crossfit through chris and uh kira was nine months pregnant at the time literally gave birth at the gym and uh
Starting point is 00:17:01 uh went over there and we did me and jordan and this guy named doc he was a corpsman from the navy at the time and casey jones one of our old coaches and casey parlette which you probably know savon he's married to natalie um is he up here now is natalie a swimmer no natalie parlette used to work for dave Dave in some capacity. Was she a swimmer? I mean, she looks like a swimmer. I don't know that she has that background, but she's – Where does she live now? Carlsbad.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Oh, okay, okay. Because there's a Natalie up here that used to work for Dave also that lives just right – ironically, just lives right up the street from me. It's really weird just up in the country. I don't think they moved to – Okay, okay. And Casey used to work for seminar staff for a country. I don't think they moved to South Africa. And Casey used to work for seminar staff for a while. He doesn't anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And then, anyway, so we did Elizabeth, you know, the ring dip. Yeah, wow. And power cleans. And it, you know, that's a five to seven minute workout. I couldn't believe how... You knew what... Elizabeth is the power cleans, right? With 135? Yep. You knew how to do power cleans already?
Starting point is 00:18:06 I mean, watching me do power cleans would be, at the time, probably just abysmal. Were you just deadlifting and reverse curling? Were you just deadlifting and reverse curling? Yeah, basically, yeah, yeah. What a dickhead Jordan was for doing that to you. Jesus Christ. Well, he – so the funny thing about that is with 135, when you weigh 220, even if you reverse curl it, there's not much damage you're going to do unless you have a really, you know, compromised back or injury situation. Like, and so there was, it was, it was a workout that he knew I could get through and the weight was pretty irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Okay. Okay. And so you did it and you were hooked? Yeah. I just, um, it was my first, we, like I said, we had done CrossFit through like the lens of Chris through Fitness19, which, as you both know, the affiliate offering of CrossFit, the pureness of it, you can't touch it until you actually do it inside of an affiliate. I mean, that's, I've heard it called the magic of CrossFit, and it's certainly true.
Starting point is 00:19:02 And that's what hooked me, you know, having, you know, Paula was there, there was a dog running around the gym. Um, other people, you know, watched me finish last and, um, it was, it was humbling and, and, and revealing for how much that environment facilitate great, you know, the great feel of working out with someone and for the right reasons. you know, the great feel of working out with someone and for the right reasons. And so, and so you were probably, uh, 2008. What is that? That's, um, I mean, that's 15 years ago. That's probably 25. No, no. Oh yeah. 25. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. 25, 26. Okay. Hey, um, why, why did you have a coach at, um, fitness 19? Why didn't you and your wife just work out there by yourself why did you have a personal coach you always have a personal coach we never had a personal question in fact
Starting point is 00:19:50 you know we because we both were in gymnastics we we you know a lot of what crag had brought to crossfit was rooted in gymnastics so a lot of stuff was familiar even when we got introduced to it through like jeff tucker in the seminar like when we went to a few of those um we I didn't pay this person I'm trying to he was literally like a friend of ours he was like let me when we worked out together he was like guys I've been doing this thing called CrossFit okay um it looks and feels like this and here's what a power clean is kind of and before Chris you know I you know playing basketball in high school I was it was typical like bench press deadlift you know uh never never any cleans I mean my high school, it was typical. Bench press, deadlift, never any cleans. My high school didn't even have a coach that could teach that movement,
Starting point is 00:20:34 Olympic lifting at all. The snatches were cleans. Did Jordan's sister work out at that gym too? Yeah. She was a crazy high-level athlete too, right? Yeah. When we first got here, she was of just you know what was her name uh lauren lauren lauren she was all she was amazing i don't know what she's doing now but she was at
Starting point is 00:20:54 deuce crossfit and uh i think it's around venice and then she was at another crossfit in venice i forget the name of it now um with uh remember lo uh, remember Logan, he was a strong man guy. Yep. Yep. Yep. He was at his gym for a while. Um, and she, and even up until a couple of years ago, she was, she would drop in here randomly, you know, and say hi, but yeah, she, she was really cool. So you're there. So you're there. And tell me about your wife. Did she really have birth at the gym? I mean, there's a picture I have of her. Actually, I'll show you.
Starting point is 00:21:27 She was not literally not much pregnant doing the gymnastics seminar. You know, for a gymnast, doing a handstand is like a CrossFitter doing a burpee. It doesn't it's not even a thing. So Jeff Tucker was like the gymnastics guy back then. And she was she was like, hey, can I do can I do a handstand? And she did this. back then. And she was, uh, she was like, Hey, I, can I do, can I do a handstand? And she did this. Well, so she was literally, she gave birth the next week. And so that's Jeff Tucker in the old box. Wow. The funny thing is there's a, her OBGYN is still in this area and he has that picture behind his desk. And, and every time a mom will come in, Hey, you know, I can't do this. I can't do that. And he's like, you can do anything you want up until the moment you that baby comes out and yeah a few
Starting point is 00:22:09 exclusions obviously but um he uses that picture an example as a guiding light for for new moms and how many kids do you have now two i have a 16 year old daughter and a 13 year old daughter oh you're awesome that is so awesome um and so so you're there so you start crossing and after you do that workout with uh jordan um you're hooked that's it you get a membership and you're there and you're yeah you guys are both bought in and as yeah kira was you know we were about to just have because my first daughter is not from kira and so we were here and i just gotten six so we were about a year and a half married at that time um so kira was again about to give birth to jade and my youngest daughter and she was just along for the ride and
Starting point is 00:22:57 i was like yeah we're doing this this is this is what and i really looking back i think it was jordan paula's friendliness and their their their warm welcoming as you know be you know yeah they were just amazing people at the time and uh everyone else at the gym again i never i i compare a lot to like a really really good church i mean like people get hooked in churches when the the community welcomes them it's's warm. It's nurturing. And as soft as that sounds, that's really what would bring awesome people together, I think. Yeah, it's kind of the exact opposite of the vibe that you get at a big global gym.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Not that people are assholes there, but people are like, hey, don't touch my shit. I'm between these two machines. Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. They're not there to help you or to guide you or to bring bring you in the fold right there they do their own thing and and leave you behind like there's no reason they would talk to you anyone would talk to you at a global gym
Starting point is 00:23:53 and uh and and when do you start getting the idea and then when do you get a desire you're like hey i'm going to coach this too i'm going to take my l1 i'm assuming you took your L1 and you fully. So back then, Jordan had hired me as like almost like an SME coach. And so I was I started coaching gymnastics classes for CrossFit for overload immediately. I mean, that really wasn't I didn't really need an orientation, really just kind of like what what is the goal of the CrossFit athlete? What are you trying to accomplish by implementing gymnastics elements and as soon as i understood you know the pyramid and everything greg had talked about about you know quarter extremity movements and what the the overall goal was i was able to kind of back into the equation of of uh providing what i thought would be beneficial for an adult male to be doing or adult
Starting point is 00:24:40 anybody to be doing uh gymnastics movements and and we're talking you know muscle ups handstands handstand walks you know uh anything progressing towards those skills which were in 2009 those were you know tip of the spear paramount everybody wanted to get a muscle up everybody wanted to do handstand walks party tricks and stuff like that it was it was a much different than it is now so so right away you started doing that you started coaching right away oh yeah they won in fact i think my third class rory and angie angela came down wow oh because yeah paula's sister is angie married to rory mccernan yep okay more small world show so they they were like visiting for something and then you know and i i no clue. I believe Rory even was a notable competitor at the games in 08 or 09.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Probably. I mean, he was there. I don't think he was just the media guy at the time, but, um, and so Rory came in and he, you know, six foot two, it looks like a tan Ken doll, you know, like this guy, I was like, this guy wants to learn gymnastics skills. I never seen anything like it. Right, right, right. Tom Selleck comes in and he wants to learn gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Does not look like a gymnast. That's right. And so Jordan was like, no, no, we're going to have this gymnastics class. And so I had Rory and Jordan and Casey and, you know, Sarah Lucas. And, you know, there was, uh, wow. I mean, is Sarah Lucas still in your area? Does she go to your gym? No, she moved to San Diego. And so she, uh, her and her husband and her girls still live down there and they're doing, you know, she does like CrossFit in her garage still. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:18 I follow obviously we're friends on Facebook and things like that. So. Okay. So, so you're teaching that class. You got all these fucking giant men in there. And it was just cool to see grown men. Cause I'm used to like 10 year old boys and 10 year old girls doing gymnastics and, you know, them doing muscle ups and, you know, swinging on bars and doing flips and stuff. And that's normal.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Like that's really normal to see in the gymnastics world and almost the, you know, status quo, but to see a six foot two guy doing strict muscle ups that that's in 2009, that was unheard of. You did not see that. And my buddy Chris, who brought us in and even Jordan, you know, he was very. For being a bigger guy, Jordan's probably like a buck 70, buck 80 at the time. You know, he could do strict muscle ups and barma and the guy was incredibly talented for you know his body weight and what he could do so it was i looked at that i was like i'd never seen a a larger guy do this kind of stuff and it was it was pretty cool just to be part of that that really puts into perspective why Nasty Girls was so potent. I don't think people realize now.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Maybe they do. Maybe it's just me who's jaded. But for me, I saw that, and I just couldn't even believe that women or men were doing that movement on the rings and that they were hand cleaning. And that when I saw them doing it, and they were little. Those were little. Sakamoto, Nicole were little. So it wasie nicole who was the third girl was it was it um eva eva yep eva t oh yeah yeah the olympian and this really this like for me like lit the fire under my ass like this made me like i think probably right after this i immediately bought a pair of
Starting point is 00:28:02 rings look at those muscle-ups too. They're like strict. They're all strict. Yeah, there's no hip swing at all. My favorite is the squats at the beginning. How fast they're going. You're not hard charging off that med ball. It is not 2009.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Funny thing is, shortly after Kira was back working in gymnastics, so Kira stayed coaching like real gymnastics while I was doing this CrossFit thing and working my other job at the time. This was part-time for me. We're coming into the CrossFit and wanting to be part of what Jordan was doing. Kira started doing ring work
Starting point is 00:28:40 off of what we were teaching in the class to her elite level gymnasts we're talking like you know level nine ten women women uh they were both they were no they they were all younger than 16 but they were phenomenal but but females is what i'm saying yeah okay okay so she here started implementing these uh the ring training like ring muscle- ups you know ring pull-ups uh ranked you know just ring supports with the with the female gymnasts and all the other gymnastics coaches i mean that was something you did not do in gym you did not put girls on men's equipment and yeah yeah it was
Starting point is 00:29:16 i mean was that controversial was that controversial in the gym it definitely i mean because again in gymnastics especially when you have high caliber athletes that are like college bound or you know national level bound like it's like you do it this way because this way it works and you never deviate because if you deviate you get hurt if you get hurt you're done um and to put a girl in a rings is almost like you're gonna get hurt you're through your roll on the dice why are you why would you do that and why would you do that was what we saw what was beneficial for other adult athletes that if that's going to work for them obviously it's going to be beneficial to the to the gymnast in ways that we probably don't even know yet so so we saw the you saw those things and you were hugely inspired just
Starting point is 00:29:58 like i saw those things and i was hugely inspired like when you saw it i also remember i can't remember who was the other gymnastics coach not tucker but it was a guy who was around just for a minute dave durante no not dave a tall uh blonde haired guy this is go back before durante this is like 2007 8 all blonde haired guy he had a gym in northern california someone sued. Someone sued CrossFit in his gym because they wanted to do that thing where you run at the wall and you do a flip. And the dude tried it and landed on his head. I remember that. Do you remember that guy? I don't remember his name, but yes, I remember that incident happening and the guy got hurt, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah, yeah. Fucked him up. Fucked the guy all up. Real bad. Damn. Not Carl Pally. Good guess good guess though you guys good man yes guys yeah he was what he was hooked up with uh carl was hooked up with uh kelly starrett yeah yeah san francisco anyway if i if i heard the guy's name i remember that i remember i went to that guy's first gymnastics seminar and alice nyc was there and adrian bosman there, and a bunch of other notables.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And I remember he couldn't believe the capability. I'm guessing you went through a similar thing. He couldn't believe the capability of these adults who are CrossFitters. He's like, wow, this is nuts. No, not Dolph Lundgren. Good guess, though. I like it. Dolph Lundgren.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Wow. Dolph Lundgren guy. though i like it wow tall black guy uh okay so um in are you working full-time do you have a do you have a real job john yeah that i've had so when i worked for jordan i worked i was working for north of grumman there's a big aerospace contractor in san diego i was doing engineering down there and then is that what you are by trade? You're an engineer? No, believe it or not, I'm a social worker by trade. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I work for CPS for a good stint. Wow. You triggered me just with that. So I hear social worker. I just get triggered. Yeah. Well, the trigger, just know that I went into it thinking I could do good and thinking I could provide some outreach and some services for kids.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Oh, I like you more now. Okay. I'm untriggered. I realized you're untriggering me. Okay. Yeah. Um, and so then I quit that job because of the things I realized I couldn't change or affect or elicit. Were you working with criminals or kids or both? Um, well, both because the kids we would take, I was, I was at CPS in Riverside County. And if you don't think about cops, the best child protective services, people, child protective services, those are. Yeah. Okay. Go on. Yes. I was working during like the meth epidemic here and, and I was 23 years old. I just finished grad school and the County gave, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:43 I had all the necessary requirements that be a job to have a job as a social worker and so they give you a car they give you a laptop and a referral sheet and you go out and this the the first couple babies that i had to like literally take from the moms what they happened because in the hospital the mom had smoked meth and i think it was called meth induced labor and so like the heart rate would go up the water would break and then we wouldn't be able to let the mom breastfeed in the hospital so we'd have to literally take the baby and go find placement so after a bunch of that mess i was just like done and then there's some other things i won't talk about here that
Starting point is 00:33:20 happened during my you know three or four years with CPS that it just was getting really, and then at that time I had my own daughter, um, my first daughter. Um, and so that was just, it was a little much to, to see the things that job scar you. No, I won't say scar me. I would never take that experience back because it, it just gave gave gave me a real perspective on what I thought that world was and uh you know everything you learn in a textbook is different than the application in the real world setting especially um when you you know you dive right in I was what you call it ER social worker so like I was the guy that got called when the cops found dead bodies and you know kids were still in the house or domestic violence issues gone really bad. So, um, I got like the front end. I wasn't like the foster care social
Starting point is 00:34:10 worker who got to work with somebody on the, uh, the warm handoff for a kid that was finally getting placement or, you know, a warm bed to sleep in. So. I'm taking, uh, babies from parents and I'm saying this with no judgment whether it's right or wrong. It just sounds completely insane to me. Yeah. As far as a job. You know what I mean? Like, obviously, like, we've had guests on here who've had parents who've done some really crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:34:42 But to go into – I just can't imagine going into someone's house and be like hey we're taking your kid like that sounds like that so that never happened i literally it was by way it was the in the hot like the mother gave birth and then the baby got taken out and because the mom the doctors knew the mom had had the meth induced labor there's obviously drugs in our system yeah that that criminal reach you know overreach even though it sounds disgusting it's necessary because you don't want the mom breastfeeding a baby like if they don't know any better and that they would do that based off of like not understanding that that's still in their breast milk and that still will affect the baby god what what a fucking did you ever um see kids get taken away who shouldn't
Starting point is 00:35:26 have been taken away like the law was uh too um invasive like like they just totally had it wrong no okay no no the only thing i saw was like you know you you'd get this the state would have their you know mandates on what steps need to be taken in order for the one of the parents or both to be re-engaged it'd be like some parenting classes or you have to, you know, test clean for drugs for, you know, eight weeks before you could see your kid. And then there would be like the supervised visits. And then once you have six weeks of supervised visits, then you get to like have a weekend visit by yourself. And it was like the, what I didn't like was the, the, the cookie cutter template for how they thought a parent should be reengaged when they made a pretty significant mistake. Because when that did happen, there was there would have to be pretty significant findings and evidence for the reason for removing the kid.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Because, you know, as I know, we're living in California now and you're hearing this shit. We're like and I know actually no two instances, but where your kid's 13 years old, he wants to chop off his penis. You're not willing to be a docent for his genital mutilation. And the state now has the authority to come in and say you're abusing your child. I still have not cooperating with that procedure. And I'm like, holy shit. Like you got at that point, you got to take your kid and leave the state i think i mean i would so a couple things i still have a lot of friends that work for cps like yeah that hasn't happened yet here i'm not real familiar with that being and i
Starting point is 00:36:54 work at a hospital now and that and that thing would happen at a hospital if it was that surgery and i i haven't seen that yet not that i would pay attention for but it would be something that's like hey did you hear that that yeah yeah like yeah yeah that hasn't happened yet not that i would pay attention for but it would be something that's like hey did you hear that that yeah yeah like yeah yeah that hasn't happened yet and i i know exactly the the the senate bill you're talking about and um it seems like it's a big tree they've been chopping away at and it's that's a big piece of the wood that just fell out when that that became you know there was this other law they were trying to pass the congressman out of San Francisco. Weiner.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Weiner, yeah. You know, he was trying to make it so it's illegal to investigate a child's death up to seven days after it's born. Yeah. It was specifically when they asked them, why are you trying to pass this law that you're basically making it illegal to kill kids after they're born? And they said that's not our intention our intention is to protect parents who had something to do with meth basically parents who were addicted to drugs whose baby died from their drug usage i'm like that happened this is some crazy convoluted shit so your tax dollars hard at work yeah that was to remove criminal
Starting point is 00:38:05 like a criminal intent for murder right so this happened to me a few times you i would go into like a hotel room and mom this one i was just talking about the other day this one mom i that she had passed away from uh heroin actually and so the baby was in the room with heroin and you know sometimes they wouldn't die and so you'd have this overdose and then the mom or the dad would roll over on the baby and the bed yeah yeah and suffocate it and then they'd wake up you know a day later and like holy shit what did i do and that criminal defense part of like what had happened there they were trying to protect the parent from not the intent of murder rightly right? Right. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:38:47 That was, I don't agree with it. Like, I think that you. If you do that, if you're addicted to heroin, this is going to be really harsh. If you don't like harsh shit, now's your time to go to the bathroom. If you're addicted to heroin and you roll over and kill your baby, you got, you better do one of two things. You better just get a broom and a dustpan and sweep the streets until your very fucking last death and serve society or just jump off a cliff yeah i i would use option b if i had done that and why would you protect an adult from making a decision that you already know is wrong in the first place like hayward fire department rolled on this mom that was an alcoholic and backed over her four-year-old daughter oh my god and like so what if that kid was underneath the same type of deal and like you know then what she gets out of jail for that it's like playing with the ball
Starting point is 00:39:30 leaned out in front of the back tire mom goes to fucking back out all drunk and how how would you be a protective member of society if you did that a productive productive i'm not let's say you forgive them let's's say you're like, oh, fuck. You wouldn't because how would you be productive? You'd be a mess. More substance abuse, you know, reliant to like mask your pain. Because I don't know how you could ever live through that without substances. Or you would continue down the road of hurting kids. Yeah, the truth of the matter, too, is you can't create like, for lack of better words, a safe space for an addict.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It's like mixing water and oil. You either have to be harsh and kind of force that treatment to a certain degree or remove them for it, or at least hold them completely accountable for every single consequence that comes of their action while they're- Yeah, the overlay of having a kid involved in an addict's lifestyle is – if it's not a disaster, it will become a disaster. Yeah. Hey, dude. There was this video, John, that Pat Barber put up, and he's throwing his baby up in the air. And Pat's like a superman, so the baby – he could throw the baby baby halfway to the moon. And then he catches the baby.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And some lady in there writes, hey, this is fucked up. And the mob piles on her. And then she writes, you guys can say what you want, but my daughter died doing that. So I fucking contacted this chick. I'm like, hey. I'm like, hey, hey, because I like to I like the risk and reward there to be some like risk and reward shit that's like aligned. Right. Like if throwing your baby up in the air, like maybe that should only be done in a pool. I don't know. So I call her and I'm like, hey. Did that really happen? And she said her to her.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It was it was her boyfriend or the stepfather came up to the house. The two year old daughter, who's not even his daughter, saw him, got excited, ran towards him. He picked the baby up like he's done a million times, threw it up in the air and it got away from him. Oh my God. And the kid died. That's yeah. That's crazy. Where do you fall on throwing kids up in the air
Starting point is 00:41:46 hey dude i stopped dude i stopped doing that shit i was like hey it's not even it's not even who cares it's not even worth it it's not even worth it funny funny benefit there's no benefit back when the the crossfit main site was like the old, the old webpage we look, I got, I think. By the way, that would kill right now. We should start our own affiliate program, me and you, and that old page would kill now. Yep. Yeah. Holy. Yeah. That's cool. That's in water. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's me. But so I got,
Starting point is 00:42:19 Oh, that is you? Yeah, that's me. Oh, that's crazy. Wow. That's my daughter, Jaden. Wow. And I threw her in a pool. Yeah, that's about how high Barbara threw his kid. That's like fucking, the oxygen's thin up there. That's crazy, bro. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, that was before I really knew anyone that worked for HQ. Someone was like, how are you? She's in that picture to CrossFit or something. And I did. And I think, what was her name? She used to do all the blogging. Lynn, was it Lynn? Oh, there was Lynn Pitt.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Liz Darsh. Oh, Liz Darsh. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. She wrote back. For whatever reason, she was on the email and like, Hey, where do we send the check? I'm like, what do you mean? And she's, they sent me a check. I think it was like three or 400 bucks for this. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:09 The good old days. Yeah. Yep. You got, you sent a photo and you got money, Susan. Yeah. Yeah. Someone, I think Jordan was like, Hey, you should send that. Or Paula, I think was like, you should send that into, to whatever, you know, media or pictures. Yeah. And I did and they responded back within a day like hey can we use this and we'll pay you i'm like yeah that's great yeah sure susan what picture did you send in that you got paid for ours was in the old kids room and then we have this like
Starting point is 00:43:33 really big oversized uh bear and one of the kids rode up onto it like next to the bear like i love crossfit but like spelt it with like a k or something yeah and i don't even know how racist maybe grace uh um submitted a handful of photos or something but yeah popped up as the as the uh yeah we got we got 300 bucks really sucked though because somebody early on stole our instagram handle at crossfit livermore and then just posted a picture of a donkey and was like cross it's not for dicks or something like that it was like one of the people as when we switched over took it and crossfit linked it back to that instagram handle and we asked them to now who i know i know who it is now which is hilarious but we asked him at the time i was like hey this is wrong can we get this switch like
Starting point is 00:44:19 here's the handle did anybody do a little research what year was that what year was that like fuck off uh probably like 2015 yeah 2015 was it one of the russes at the time it maybe it was i was thinking maybe it might have been leaf but yeah maybe it was one of the russ um christine young it was a street parking member who threw her up and missed her yeah okay wow very sad the kid was on life support member who threw her up and missed her okay wow very sad the kid was on life support and they let her go yeah what a fucking god that burpee dude
Starting point is 00:44:54 my uncle used to do wall balls with a six month old went you be unbroken or die every time alright alright alright unbroken or die Every time. All right. All right. All right. Unbroken or die. So, so you don't, so you went from social work to bombs to, are you still doing bombs?
Starting point is 00:45:19 No, I didn't. I did. Yeah. So I worked in Rancho Bernardo here in San Diego. They're like, it's the unmanned. So everything's drone. Like there's no pilots. It's full of pilots or video game players, basically. So that whole program down there, it's like aerospace capital. Really, really awesome locally. I had a business management background, so then started working at the hospital. So now I'm the director of business development for a large healthcare organization here. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And you're close to home. Yeah, my office. We have six hospitals and my office is probably a mile from my house now. So I got a mile east to the hospital, five miles south to the gym. Hey, that's crazy that you've kind of reinvented yourself three times. That's some, I would be scared to do that. I, it's, I love not knowing anything and then being interested in something. That feeling of like wanting to pursue something and, and being ignorant and like new yeah I love it every time I do anything like fixing something
Starting point is 00:46:31 or learning how to do anything it's such a cool process damn I the the when I I seriously thought when I got let go from CrossFit that I would just never do anything ever again. The funny thing is – I thought I would just raise kids. I just was like, fuck it. Let me interject a timeline thing on that note. I had left – I went to work for the hospital, the children's hospital. I had a remote job for a program for actually high-risk pregnancy. program for actually high-risk pregnancy. And so I left that job because Paula and Sherry Zing were like, hey, you know, we want to hire you on the affiliate team. And I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:14 they're like, but you'd have to quit your job. And at the time, it was like 2015, I was all in the CrossFit. I was like, this is awesome. You know i met dave at some point and greg obviously and everybody was just like the coolest cultish like group of friends you could ask for um and they were like you so i got hired on and i was like this is really cool and working remotely from a macbook as you guys know and you know bringing on new affiliates doing you know coi insurance stuff working with legal sometimes and just learning the ropes for the affiliate process which was awesome and then they got laid off six months later i was like what the hell yeah i remember that yeah you can't you so you kind of got screwed there yeah i uh it was one of the
Starting point is 00:47:59 times that you know they actually they kayla was yeah kayla was the hr director and so she sent an email to like 100 employees probably yeah hey meet so and so at starbucks tomorrow morning and me paula me and jordan and you know some other people locally we all we all show up at starbucks the next morning like what the hell man i don't know if this is true but i heard that one of the reasons that the pieces of i mean it's it's got to not be true but but it could be true that one of the reasons that the pieces of i mean it's got to not be true but but it could be true um one of the pieces of ammunition that was used against me um when i was fired was i had a file at crossfit i never i didn't even know we had files did you that was also told to me and that in the file it said that I had called her Kayla, Kyla, Kyla, that I'd called Kyla a cunt.
Starting point is 00:48:48 C-U-N-T. Does that sound unbecoming? No, no, no, no, no. Totally. I'm eminently capable of calling her a cunt. If I read that, I'd be like, oh, this might have happened. Yeah. But ironically, the tone that she set for our relationship was unlike any other tone ever. So let me just give you one example.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a claims-free, hybrid-driving university grad who signed up online. It's Dave. Not Dave? No problem. TD Insurance has over 30 ways to save on home and auto. So...
Starting point is 00:49:39 You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD, ready for you. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check. With Circle K's Summer Road Trip Game, you can win over a million delicious
Starting point is 00:50:05 instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. No one's ever put their hands on my tits who I didn't fuck. Except for Kyla. And she did it at the Christmas party in front of
Starting point is 00:50:23 my wife. You know what I mean? Like a girl comes up to you and puts their hands on you like this. Now listen, you put your hands on my titties. I'm cool with it. It was new for me. But that also, just one example, then I can call you a cunt. We're like, we've broken, we've broken. There's some weird, we've broken like the, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Like we're cool. One for one. Don't be a cunt. Like, hey, you're a cunt. hey you're a cunt don't be a cunt the line was crossed on those yeah the line was crossed she was the most inappropriate uh uh um when she hugged when she hugged she did pelvis to pelvis now i didn't comply i should have complained i didn't complain but you know what you know what i mean either i think they go over how not to do that in HR school. Wait, what's the pelvis? What's pelvis? You know, like there's hugs, there's the top hug,
Starting point is 00:51:13 and then there's the hug where you squeeze them and you feel their tits, and then there's a hug where you feel their tits and their pelvis, and it's like they've come in. And as a guy, you generally let other people dictate that as a guy, unless you're like some like full hug. Like, yeah, you just generally like you generally like like I went to a Christmas dinner a couple of days ago in Newport Beach and a family friend of Haley's from whence since she was a little girl. This lady was like 80, like she came in for the full pelvis titties hug. And once she did that, I gave it to her too. You know what I mean? Like I squeezed the shit out of her. Like, yo, you ain't squeezing the shit out of me. I'll squeeze shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. But I didn't, I don't dictate that. I let, and you can feel it coming. So you, you lean into it when it does. I'll wait, I'll stand still and you dock on me and I'm a little man. You know what I mean? But the thing is, I will do that to men. I'll dock up on a man. I'll squeeze a man tight. Because, like, fuck him if he's freaked out by it.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Fuck him. But a woman I don't dock up on. I always go with the side hug. Yeah, side hug's safe. Side hug's very safe. Yep, yep, yep. I side hug Greg a lot. When Greg's around, I side hug him. You get a a little side hug i try to full dock his wife though but i've known her a long time oh maggie you just let it linger
Starting point is 00:52:34 a little too long they go to pull away and you kind of anyway i don't know uh oh so kyla fired you yeah and did you have a file did you call her a cunt too? No, no. There was – I mean, I don't know if this even matters. When I got let go, it was like, what the hell? You guys asked me to quit my job, my career, and come work, and then all of a sudden six months later it's like – but I got let go with everyone, so it wasn't like I was singled out. But when I asked – I think it was Kathy or someone on the team was like, oh, yeah, there was this other girl. She older she was probably 60 and she had said that like
Starting point is 00:53:09 oh you know john's john said something inappropriate too and there was like this file and so i'm sure that was like the in the hr was she on the affiliate team yeah she was like she was older um was she a lawyer no i didn't think there were any older women on the affiliate team yeah she was like she was older um was she a lawyer no i didn't think there were any older women on the affiliate yeah yeah she brown hair she at least 60 had she been on there oh i know who you're talking about i know who you're talking she'd been around forever greg used to live with her when he was like yeah she didn't like me i don't think she liked me because whatever i don't know why but um She hugged inappropriately too, by the way. She was short, right?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She really hugged inappropriate. I don't think I ever even physically was around her. I think it was all like- Yeah, but she really liked me. She, yeah. You know, she would look in my eyes inappropriately too long sometimes.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Like I'm like- She was unbushing you? Yeah. It was happening? Yeah, old ladies loved. Like I'm like, yeah. Yeah. Old ladies loved me when I was young. Fuck. Oh God. What was her name? She was cool.
Starting point is 00:54:11 She had, she had fucking, this is so inappropriate. Her tits were huge. She was one of those really top heavy ladies. Like her huge, like, as in you should work for the NFL or huge.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Her tits were, her tits were huge. Like, like just like kids for the NFL or huge? Her tits were huge like just like – Oh, her tits are kids. No, no, no, no, no, no. She had a beautiful granddaughter I had met. But this lady's tits were crazy. They were absolutely – they were like those – she can't get a bra at a regular store. She's an old lady.
Starting point is 00:54:41 What was her name? She was great. Hey, that – and I think that chick was hot as fuck when she was young. Really? God, what was her name? You know who ended up living with her? Do you know who Jonathan Haynes is? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Jonathan Haynes ended up living with her. Wow. Yeah, he was the – I don't know when he got let go but he was the instagram guy behind the no he didn't get let go he's like runs the show now he went oh he's still there yeah he went from intern to like stabbing everyone in the back to like running the show now oh wow yeah yeah and his intern and his intern also runs the show so imagine like he's basically just like a 15 an hour ago yeah that was a whole that was when rose and Rosen Weinstein came in and they did the fucking equity thing. All of a sudden, the guy who's the lowest man on the totem pole, who's the black guy, is now fucking running the show.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And the chick. Boy, there's a crazy story there. A crazy story there. The chick who is his intern, who was married at the time. Not no more. Is now also at the top of the food chain. Who is the chick? But I was the talk.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I don't know if we should get crazy. Let don't know if I, we should get crazy. That's not good. But, but there was, as you know, as well as I do, when they rooted out the toxic employees, they missed.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Oh, they scooped, they scooped out the wrong fish. And Hey dude. And they're still paying the price for that. Yeah. You, you and I both.
Starting point is 00:56:06 They scooped out the wrong motherfucking fish. Let me tell you something. I was the least toxic person ever. Let's get crazy. I don't know yet. Not yet. Let me get behind the scenes. Let me get a couple more years behind the scenes and I'll get crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:18 You were there, Hardwood. They could have done. Yeah. So after all that, like the weird. So the lady that was inappropriate with me but i enjoyed it i like inappropriate said that you were inappropriate yeah but it wasn't direct and when i called kathy i'm like you know what the hell you know what why why even hire me in the first place if he's and she was like well this and that and that and then kathy had told me
Starting point is 00:56:41 they that they basically uh who was the CFO at the time? Was it Bruce? Was it Bruce or – Ken? No, it was during – when Bruce was there. Bruce was a CFO. Bruce was the operations officer. That's right, CFO.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Who was the CFO at that time? The younger guy, right? Oh, Matt Holdsworth. Yes. Okay. So Bruce had sent out a message.ormon like 25 kids yeah yeah yeah you know so i guess this message went out to like i mean this is what i was told this is fun this is better than i thought this is great and so it was like hey you know all the
Starting point is 00:57:20 directors you have to give you have to lay off x percent of your team uh because of you know, all the directors you have to give, you have to lay off X percent of your team, uh, because of, you know, budget cuts. And, you know, as you knew, you know, CrossFit was a cash company. And as soon as like the, the cash days on hand would go below, then that would, when these things would happen. Um, and so I was the newest employee of that team. And so was that other girl. Um, so both of us got let go. And i reached out to kathy kathy like hey look sorry it is what it is you know no hard feelings i'm like yeah whatever it's all good and so and then i some of the girls on the team obviously i was like hey you know what is there anything else around this like why why so abrupt and why so sudden and one of them was like oh yeah and you know kathy didn't believe it but that girl
Starting point is 00:58:06 whatever her name was the lady yeah lady with the giant tits yeah she said that you were inappropriate to on the slack i remember we had slack back then oh yeah yeah i didn't ever do slack fuck or something didn't didn't like the way i talked to the girls which if you know me all those girls were i mean they're like my sisters like right right i would joke around with them all the time and i mean half those chicks worked out at your gym 60 or more right yeah like right so anyway i i was like whatever and they asked you to come on the team isn't that you got hired because they asked you to come on the team yeah i won't say like i was recruited but like it was definitely hey would you like to come work for crossfit and we can open up a spot
Starting point is 00:58:49 for you um working for kathy doing what we do if you like and i was like that's great you know and at the time i kind of i misjudged what i thought that position could have been like i was an affiliate support team member i forget what they were called um but i wanted to like go around and help affiliates and like kind of like what dave called um but i wanted to like go around and help affiliates and like kind of like what dave is doing but do it more like an like a hey i'm here i was a coach i'm like hey i can i can coach a class for you i can help you guys like you know grow or tell you what i like to see at affiliates and because i thought even though i was a newer employee i had a really good pulse on what i thought was great for crossfit right well you
Starting point is 00:59:23 you were you were in definitely in a hotbed. Look at this. Rambler, my boyfriend told me about the dentist hygienist story. I don't know what you're talking about, but is Rambler a girl? What? It looks like that from that photo. Doesn't it look like girl eyes? Yeah, but that's
Starting point is 00:59:40 not really the person. Dentist hygienist? I don't know what that means. You know who is aist hygienist? I don't know what that means. You know who is a dentist hygienist, if that's even a position, is Eva Twardokin, the girl from Nasty Girls. You know she crashed her plane and kind of gorked herself? Did you know that, John? No. Yeah, a few years ago she crashed her plane, a little tiny plane. I think she had to have a piece of her brain removed. I don't know how she is now. Yeah, how is she?
Starting point is 01:00:07 But she lived. That's a not common story. No. We went to her fundraiser thing. Parking garage for your semen. Different story. You got your wires mixed up. Different.
Starting point is 01:00:24 My boyfriend, i'm really curious about this sorry i know this is your show mr uh lavelle but i always want to call you lovel i really want to put an o in there yeah that's a common it was it the astronaut lavelle l-o-v but there was a comedian isn't there a john lavelle comedian or something there's an author and a astronaut that i know of i don't know about a comedian but it's lo i've never met an l-e-v-e-l-l before what are you what's your ethnicity uh so i crazy story i my my lavelle name was in a it's a an adopt i almost adopted the guy who raised me wasn't my biological father and uh his name was lavelle so i mean i took it and i never even when i found out he wasn't my
Starting point is 01:01:11 biological i had no interest in pursuing the other guys you didn't find out till later like you're 30 and he's like i'm not your dad i was 12 oh and he looked like me and you're like no uh my biological dad you know he's he's amazing uh i'm sorry my the guy who raised me he's amazing i i he is my biological dad in my eyes like it's uh but he's a big dude too he's he's six four you know two 250 my brothers i'm the smallest of all my brothers i'm a i'm the only half sibling so we have the same mom and then three of my siblings are from the guy who raised me that's pretty cool are you the oldest then yeah yeah my dad met my mom when she had just given birth to me and they started dating and wow yeah holy shit that's kind
Starting point is 01:02:00 of a special dude oh yeah yeah it was cool like he it's funny when he told me that he wasn't my real daddy actually it was really a really warm story he um he said that when he met my mom he was attracted to her but then he fell more in love with her as soon as he was hanging out with me more he's like i just loved you and then ended up loving your mom and wanted to you know start a family with her, including you, obviously. So it was really awesome. And so literally since you've been born, you've been around him. You know nothing else.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Yeah, no, that is my dad. That's the only person. My biological dad has passed away now. And he hated me. He didn't really have a great relationship. Do you think he really did hate you? Oh, yeah. He told me.
Starting point is 01:02:47 He was a funny story. He was he was a how is that even possible i don't even believe it because i represented an affair basically right a blemish on like him uh existing like you know if you have a bastard child like you that was essentially is like hey i made a mistake and now there's living proof of it right god you would think that would rot your soul to hate your own child but you when you're in that position that's not your child that's just again a mistake i don't think you looked at it like that it wasn't like a planned thing do you have any kids out there that you that you're not uh you don't have relationships with me yeah no yeah so could you imagine that no because yeah me neither me neither like if i had a kid out there i like i would even if let's say i gave the kid up for adoption when i was 16 someone said that was a good idea that shit would be haunting me i'd be thinking about it every
Starting point is 01:03:43 single fucking day every day i'd be thinking about it but so when i when i first talked to him he he was uh yeah i was an adult i was probably 20 23 24 he was in prison and so he was in prison for some racketeering extortion all that mess um and he he basically there was no empathy because i was an adult male i think that's really what it pulled i think if i was if i was younger maybe or female even like it would have been but i was like hey dude you know you're my mom told me about the story blah blah blah like what's up and he was like like basically go away you're not you're not what but i just wanted to like meet the guy once i didn't want a relationship i didn't want to call him dad i said hey you know just peep him just put eyes on
Starting point is 01:04:28 him yeah yeah yeah and did you did you go to the jail and do that no no he never um he he lived in louisiana um and i lived in california at the time but he was too protected for me to just like try that and as soon as i knew like he hated me didn't want to be i didn't want to like go over there and press it you know he'd knock on his door like hey what's up yeah weird like fine you don't want to whatever then that's fine um uh lovell was apollo 13 i think tom hanks yep uh mad marv uh john lovell is fromet Society, and I've been trying to get you to have him on the podcast. Oh, weird. Send me. Marv, my IG is like kind of, I can kind of see shit in there now.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I bet you I am fitter than that poet. Oh, I like that. Guaranteed. I love it. Marv, send me that guy's IG. Listen, if you guys want me to have someone on don't just tell me their name like make it so easy for me i put their ig in there so all i have to do is click it and then i go over into their shit because i 99 of the people you suggest i actually end up inviting on so um your gym is uh where you live is a hotbed for motocross guys yeah in fact you had ryan
Starting point is 01:05:48 hughes on a while back we're not friends but i know of him and he he hangs around the same circles i do and so um and i grew up riding motorcycles i'm i'm by no means like a a purist or anything i just i love i ride anything with two wheels street yeah and i saw um i was over digging through your instagram i mean you you love motorcycles yeah yeah i love that's that's essentially how me and dave first met actually was motorcycles yeah so that's a that's the ktm that's marvin moosegan right there he's pretty pretty a-list rider for ktm hey that was you up in the air there no that was
Starting point is 01:06:27 marvin oh can you do that shit not like that but but somewhat yes like that's that's me but you're not afraid but you can jump you can jump shit like you could jump around if there was a rattlesnake in the road and there was a little jump oh yeah. Could you pull a wheelie like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's not hard on a dirt bike. It really is not saying a lot. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, that's Marvin right there.
Starting point is 01:06:53 He's like a national champion. Like, that guy's legit. Like, he's really, really good. And are these guys training at Overload? Some of them do. Some of them have in years past, but not him particularly. He's from France. Uh, some of them do. Some of them have in years past, but not, not him particularly. Um, he's, he's from France. Um, Hey, how, how are those guys are in incredible shape? The motocross guys. Yeah. And that's funny. I reached, I think I reached out to you. And when Ryan Hughes was saying that's my buddy, Todd Potter, he's a freestyle guy. Um, this video's yeah. So he's,
Starting point is 01:07:24 he liked it. He liked back in the day day he did like all the backflips and crazy in fact dave met him and he he did a backflip on a dirt bike wearing the first pair of kevlar nanos to like oh yeah i remember that yeah we brought data crazy yeah hey that's your wife right there that was your wife right there which one down there yeah oh oh you did good thank you yeah congrats yeah i've been married uh 17 years almost and that's your old oh holy shit yeah that's my that's your daughter jayden yeah your oldest my youngest daughter she's 13 now she's probably 12 there 11 did you win city council yeah yeah are you on city council now yeah i'm on year one of four years i'll be they do like a rotating mayor here
Starting point is 01:08:13 so i'll be mayor in like 25 i believe holy shit john you're like an adult you're like a real adult real life boy wow i'm sorry we'll come back to the motocross why did you run for city council what what uh inspired that the previous mayor oh my god your family's beautiful oh so you are big you're a big dude yeah it doesn't i don't like falling off ladders no it's a long way down okay so when i think of running for um office it's because you're like, okay, enough of this bullshit. This pothole has been in front of my house way too long. More so like Marietta, as you may know. It's like a really cool place of California.
Starting point is 01:08:57 It's like one of the only places I think left worth living here. I love the state for the weather. I hate it for the politics. And Marietta is some, it's, it's very special. So when the previous mayor was like, Hey, you should take my seat. Cause he lived in my district. And so he kind of brought me under his wing and show me a little bit of the ropes and, um, you know, it just kind of opened the door and it was like a shoe. And, and I was, I I was I served on the planning commission for four years. So like, like, you know, what kind of business is open?
Starting point is 01:09:28 How many hours? You know what? You know, construction zoning us up. So then I learned all the city staff and I love the city staff here. They're amazing people. And when the seat opened for council, it's just kind of it was like a handoff almost. But you did have to run. People had to vote for you.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. No, actually. So I did. I had a campaign like you handoff almost. But you did have to run. People had to vote for you? Yeah. No, actually. So I had a campaign, like you saw that picture. And the people that were helping me, we hit the ground early. And the strategy was to deter anyone else from running. And so, hey, here's John. And I was involved. The hospital, my gym here, you know, planning commission. I was in so many circles that it was like, you know, who, who would want to run against me and waste time and money? I guess it would take someone pretty involved to make a dent in that effort.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And so, and so, so you ran unopposed. Yeah. And so then, yeah, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. And then, and you've been doing a year and do you like it? yeah yeah oh that's awesome and then and you've been doing a year and do you like it yeah i think it's uh you know i i like it i don't like what it's much different from the inside looking out than the outside looking in when you're in that seat on how much you really can't change because of state law there's a lot of people that come to the dais and they're talking they'll come and bash us about like planned parenthood coming in or you know what you know some apartment complex that has low income and we're like guys we don't you
Starting point is 01:10:50 know city council doesn't have the any authority to change that we even if we wrote a letter or became a sanctuary city that's only going to cost the city money and we're going to lose that battle like it's all that stuff happens at the state the assembly and the Senate state is how those things change, and I think we have eight Republicans in the state senate right now. It's like eight out of 60, I think, so it's very overweighted on the Democratic side. How is – were you ever a Democrat? No. No. I'm from Texas too. Did you ever think about being one? Is there any. Did you ever think about being one? I'm from Texas too.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Did you ever think about being one? Did you ever think about being one? Were you ever like, hey, I'm on the wrong team? No. And I don't even know that Republican would define me 100%, right? And that's why one of the things I loved about Greg the most is being a libertarian. Like a lot of the stuff, even libertarians, they get some of some of the really really extreme libertarians i don't know if you notice they like they go so far as like everything is should be choice and free and open and at will and that
Starting point is 01:11:55 goes as far as to like pedophilia even like it's some some really extreme libertarians it's even that's too far i think that the message is the extremes on all sides are bad right interesting i i never thought about that for libertarians um but i but ideologically that makes sense yeah like leave everyone alone and like i definitely don't know what to do right even if it's weird and wrong yeah i definitely believe in the protection of kids, even if it's wrong. Like I would stay by it. Just like I don't think that you should allow people to kill kids after they're born. Like that law we were talking about before, the trying to pass.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Completely fucking insane. When people say stuff like that, they're blaming you for something that you don't have control over. Do you get a chance to make a rebuttal to them? No, because when they come, they can speak on non-agenda items for the night when we have city council meetings twice a month. Yeah. So you have to just let the public have a platform to just air their thoughts. So you don't have a chance to be like, Hey guys, we don't want that right there. We don't want those homeless people there.
Starting point is 01:13:12 We don't have a choice. The state says we have to allow them. Unless it's on the agenda. And so when you hear a message like that, then if you want to respond, you basically have to add it to the agenda next time. Say, Hey, look, this, this guy is saying these things. Like, I really want to address this. I need this, you know, I want the city attorney to get involved and kind of do an educational uh session on on that topic let's let's talk about let's do let's educate people on what we can change what what's on within our privy to to control and and help the community out with
Starting point is 01:13:41 you know the levers we have to pull. Yeah. It's interesting. They were taking, they were taking books out of schools in some places. Right. And it was being characterized as going against free speech. And it's like, well, the pornography belongs in seven 11, not in your kid's elementary school. You don't want to be teaching boys how to blow other boys in the library at their public school. That's not the place you teach that. And it's the same thing with calling for the genocide of Jews on campus.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Like, if you want to do that, you can hold up a sign and stand on the corner of fucking uh first and 18th and marietta and hold up that sign uh i stand for the killing of all jews but the fucking school is not the place to do that yeah there's different places for different things you don't take a shit in a movie theater either that's not the place to do it but but it's a free society where you can't we will people are allowed to take a shit but yeah the the the school board stuff you know even in my campaign the school board stuff got some some pretty almost national attention because of the you know gavin newsom responded to mecula and marietta here about you know some of the stuff they're doing and i never understood it either like i saw it happen um i saw the the signs and the the legislation that was going to be passed
Starting point is 01:15:03 on in the parental uninvolvement push, I guess. And I never understood either. I'm like what parent doesn't want to just know what's going on, even if it's crazy to protect the parent, to protect the kid from not knowing that the kid's going through something or being dealing with something. I, I can't imagine a parent saying, yeah, I want the school to protect my kid from me knowing. Like, I don't understand what parent would not want to know anything.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I don't care what it is about my kid. Tell me. Like, I want to know if it's the most insignificant thing or a large thing. Or definitely don't go out of your way to hide anything. Yeah. And that's very telling of like what, not to go down the conspiracy, like what what's the agenda in trying to hold information from parents? I don't know why that would be a thing. But then you go to the opposite side. Right. And you're like, the only thing I can make sense of all this is that if you have a kid going to school who's truly being abused and like truly scared to talk to their parents, truly what that's probably where this stemmed from like let's let's
Starting point is 01:16:05 take this kid and let's help them in a way that the parents aren't going to let them perfect example um you know they're jehovah's witness right like some of them very extreme religions don't let their kids do certain things you know have certain friends and eat certain things. I'm sure there's been scenarios where. Yeah. Like my kids aren't allowed to eat certain things. My religion is CrossFit. Yeah. Yeah. It, it, you would be considered extreme in some circles, right? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think it's far reaching, but I think the premise where that, that concept came from was to protect the most extreme scenario, which you don't put a law in place that affects all kids because of the outliers, right? Like it's right. So I don't know. I don't agree with keeping anything from parents ever. But I do see how you, would be necessary in the in the rarest of occasions. I heard that the numbers like 87 percent of all public public educators are Democrats. And even as a Democrat, if I was a Democrat, which I'm not, but if even if I was.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I would want my educators to not be Democrats, like the thought I would want my educators to not be Democrats. I like the thought I would want the people around my kids to be, even if I didn't believe in God, which I don't, but still to all be, um, good. I like religious people around my kids.
Starting point is 01:17:35 They could, because they have values. I want my kids to learn values. I want my kids to be learned discipline and structure and values that come with, uh, with religion it's it's insane to me that they're letting these kids that any parents are tolerating their kid to be taught by someone who has a fucking septum ring blue hair and covered in tats it's not it i want it's
Starting point is 01:18:00 not what i want i i want my kid to be taught by an Amish lady with a fucking address that she sewed at home. Well, you wouldn't want, you wouldn't want your kid to be taught by anybody that you could tell what their political views were. Exactly. Exactly. But I'm perfectly okay with my kids saying the God's pair in class, even if they don't believe in God and I'm not religious. I think it's a healthy practice. Yeah. believe in god and i'm not religious because i think it's a healthy practice yeah i think it's a hell and then they can i think it's easy also to walk back as you get older if you want to i like the pledge of the legions i think it's easy i know i'm preaching to the choir but if if later
Starting point is 01:18:34 on in life you don't like it you can walk it back but but but you want to teach someone to be pride proud of themselves and their home and their body and their country and you want to teach them that that they have a place that that that they're attached to then when they're 21 or 25 they want to go out into the world and turn around and be like fuck you all good but to teach them fuck you from day one you're not giving them anything you're not giving them any skills yeah these kids they i mean they're children they're learning how to pick what crayon to use, right? Like it's not, there's, you shouldn't, you shouldn't overburden that stimulus of like what their intake, the stimulus coming in because they have enough of that already. thought processes that are going to produce something that's going to be worthwhile is interesting. That's why parenting is the concept of parenting is to help guide, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:30 let the parents guide the kids for what they think is best for their children. Yeah. Teach your kids to love shit. And then if you taught them to love the wrong shit, then when they're older, they still have that skill to love the hate. Shit's going to come so easy.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Ken Walters. I think you do though. Seve, I told you, I do not believe in god i am god you believe in yourself yeah i just thought i was gonna get struck by lightning um john um you own this gym and every time the gym is sold the affiliate fees would go up to the current level of affiliate fees right so when probably when paula owned it she probably wasn't
Starting point is 01:20:03 paying shit but now you won't win by the time you bought it the fees were three thousand dollars correct so interesting you bring it up oh because i worked for because i worked for the affiliate team you know any any employee back then you know didn't didn't pay oh so your fees were still waived it's kind of like hey we're gonna. Sorry, but we'll waive your affiliate fees forever. Yeah, that was like Kathy and Greg and Dave kind of thing. Yeah, that's cool. Do you have that in writing? So do you remember Salesforce? We used that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 For as long as I can remember, the girl said that in my file, it was like, fees waived per kathy or per dave or you know whatever here's what i'm thinking if i when greg sold so i got this interesting thing going on right now so i when when i made every second counts i owned that movie oh wow so i recently reached out to marshall and i was like, pay me up my percentage of the movie. And he's like, well, just send me the agreement. So now I got to like, I don't even know if I have the agreement, but I own that movie. I'm sure it's not a lot of money,
Starting point is 01:21:16 but I'm just kind of like just feeling around, right? Just fuck with Marshall. I saw it. Yeah. Someone told me, they said, hey, Sevan, did you see Every Second Counts for sale for four dollars or something on CrossFit dot com? And I was like, oh, I got to get my money. So I just sent Marshall. I'm like, hey, I'm 20 percent owner.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Kerry Peterson is 20 percent owner and Dave is 10 percent owner. I think something like that. And so. Yeah. And so and I and I made them I didn't work for. I wasn't in a W. W. I wasn't a W2 employee when I made it. So I could even argue that the whole movie is mine, that the deal was actually with Lauren and Greg and not with CrossFit. Oh, wow. But anyway, but I'm just – I'm just looking for an excuse to hang out and talk to Marshall. Anyway, but for those of you who don't know, Marshall uh brennan brenner brennan is the
Starting point is 01:22:06 general counsel for crossfit great fucking guy love the dude yeah he's awesome um uh so um i suspect he's unvaxxed highly suspect he lives in idaho you don't have to take the injection there. Highly. When Greg sells the company, it comes with these affiliates that don't pay. That's different than if – you would think that somehow that that's a feature. That's different than – That's only if you value what Greg was doing – the reason he was doing that for. But I'm saying even legally, if I give – I'm trying to think of a simile or something that's along those lines. Basically, they bought the company knowing that there were affiliates that weren't paying.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Oh, yeah. And so – I yeah and so how much they did and so they bought that relationship i don't know something something about it seems like to me different than the fact of raising people who were already paying that if you were an affiliate like i know other affiliates well are you going to re-affiliate like i know another affiliate that that i know two affiliates now in the last week that have told me hey they sent me screenshots of their like did not pay uh yeah no i i have every intention of continuing waving the cross advantage because yeah i mean i i look at it a couple other ways i gladly pay the fees to because i'm i'm grateful for what's happened to this point i mean suza just likes giving his money away over there he's like i'm paying i paid them three grand and then i threw three grand out my car just got the same result he used to burn weed as incense he didn't even smoke it he was
Starting point is 01:23:57 just like fuck it weed and money wow so you have every intention to pay yeah yeah because to me i mean i don't like a lot of stuff that's going on with CrossFit. Like it doesn't make sense and I don't need them. I don't want the marketing for me. I don't want them. I don't do specials and discounts and deals. Like I, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:13 promos, like I just want to continue to be proud of the CrossFit brand. And I think it just to be candid, as long as Dave is there, I'm on board. Like I think, you know, he, he is like the umbilical cord to anything that's going to keep that company pointed in the right direction. And without him there, I, yeah, that would be a different story.
Starting point is 01:24:38 God, isn't that fascinating? I'm kind of in that boat too. Sometimes it kind of scares me to think that if he wasn't there that i would go out in uh and get the posse and we would just just go full media nuclear on him i mean it wouldn't be hard to me because again the reason the the important reason dave being there is that what do i care it burn dave down too i ain't getting no money from those fuckers what is it about dave what do you think it is about dave that makes us so like we don't want to do anything to him because he's a really nice guy like when you if you get to know
Starting point is 01:25:15 him like he's just a genuine guy but i asked the other day i said I've been invited over to your house for a while Told him a couple days ago Yeah but Heat the pool up buddy we're poor Heat your pool up and let my boys go swim in your pool Get that sucker We're coming back Hey it's more than he's a nice guy
Starting point is 01:25:42 There's something there's some hope we're holding on to That's what it is There's some than he's a nice guy There's something there's some hope we're holding on to That's what it is There's some hope There's no There's no hope And this fucking guy's like I'm paying I'm paying I'm like you're gonna pay
Starting point is 01:25:51 He's like I'm paying I'm like why is all I don't Because I'm not even gonna think about it I'm just paying Kicked in the nuts Fucking it Yeah yeah he's like I'm like well why
Starting point is 01:26:00 Because I just am I'm ready to be hurt again What's the reason I don't got time to think about The reason why I am or I'm not I'm just paying you have it was bad i would you have you know he's he's the last i think nicole's still around but like the the front facing part of the company that has so much tenure and so much experience in education and just what to do, what not to do, that if you remove that, the company is going to be floundering.
Starting point is 01:26:31 And that would be if Nicole didn't step in and continue the march in the same direction. I see her as just being, I don't even know what, I see her as just kind of being in some obscure position now. I see, I mean, with Dave doing training in games, it's like. Yeah. He's got the fucking reins, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Which is, I think it's good. And I. I think it's good too. It's not. You know, my preference is that he would be the CEO and direct and literally steer the ship. But I think he's, i think he has enough clout and respect from the group now even from dawn that you know no one's going to make a huge move without at least asking what he thinks i think that's that's really important right now this is totally side subject here i'm gonna i'll just read your face as i ask you have you ever talked to dave about um uh
Starting point is 01:27:20 meth empires before in detail because you said marietta was a bit of a hot spot for a meth empire do you oh oh i know where you're getting that but yeah yeah so you do know you do know about the 101 corridor yeah yeah yeah crazy wow crazy crazy crazy yeah so he went to the school he went to real school and and i don't think that they're hiring ceos who didn't go to fake school meaning stanford or harvard or just like dumb shit school fake school but but don kind of we got both we got someone who went to dumb shit school indoctrination camp but he was also marine recon i mean that's the real deal that ain't i mean he wasn't fucking in the mail room there aren't many of don's out there
Starting point is 01:28:05 that someone would have formal education and the the experience on a resume that he has plus the marines plus a legitimate real crossfitter right like i don't think that exists in many different ways and he's a dad that got daughters he got i think he got like three daughters i mean yeah his shit um and he's cool have you have you met him i have not met him i went to he's cool. Have you met him? I have not met him. He's really cool. You could do anything with him. You could get drunk with him.
Starting point is 01:28:33 You could walk your kids with him. He's really down to earth. It sucks how cool he is. There's no kinks. There's no kinks. Part of his strategy. Yeah. That's good to hear He should come to Marietta
Starting point is 01:28:53 You guys should do a few bumps together I want to see Don with the beard I need another Do you have a girl beard? Me? No You can be related to Don You kind of look like him You look like the juiced up version of Don beard i need another i need another he's so he said do you ever grow a beard me no i mean you could be related to don you kind of look like him you're like you look like the juiced up version of don he's a little more svelte than you i can see it yeah yeah hey if don got on some trt he'd look like you got on some trend long last brother are you strong john i think i'm yeah i'm more strong than i am fit yeah yeah what's what's
Starting point is 01:29:28 like some of your like if your lifts you're proud of you ever you ever back squat uh 400 pounds 390s my my pr and i'm like real back squat and then uh deadlift i'm pretty good at deadlift i do 575 oh shit oh shit okay uh shoulder Okay. Shoulder press, 220. Okay. Shoulder press, that's insane. And it's like legit. But, again, I'm a bigger guy, so those numbers aren't as impressive when you're, in my opinion, larger. No, those numbers are still- Can you do 15 strict pull-ups?
Starting point is 01:30:00 Nah, probably 10 strict, like really strict. How are your bar dips strict, like really strict. What, what, you know, how are your, how are your bar dips? They were really good. I got in a little, I had a little accident. Motorcycle. Yeah. I was riding out in big bear and my tricep tendon ruptured out in the hills. And so I had a surgery to, you know, they had to, they pulled it back. Did you crash? Or you were on the bike when it happened? I was just riding and the wheel, the front wheel kind of dipped and I went to correct
Starting point is 01:30:34 it. And it was so aggressive when I pushed back. It just, the pressure from the push, I guess, just exploded the tricep. And I was actually with my orthopedic surgeon. We were riding together. And so I was like, oh man, what are you doing tomorrow? Can you fix this? And so my hospital, I went there, like, I'll meet you there tomorrow morning. And so he got me back home and had the surgery the next day. Did you know when it happened? Oh yeah. Oh, it hurt.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Did it hurt? Oh, so bad. So it's, I've had lots of surgeries and injuries that this is by far the worst I've ever had happen to me. I't know i had a tricep tendon it goes in i'll show you guys actually actually i just feel like i just have a big huge fucking muscle back there that every man would wish he had so oh my goodness so like from here to here they opened it up and they they pull away where's my credit dude your elbows as big as my fucking kneecap dude you are fucking huge dude you are massive it it ripped off here and it and so they had to like drill a hole in my bone here and like reattach it with an anchor yeah holy shit it was not a fun recovery um and it all started with a elective surgery i have these things on my elbows like let's see let's say bone spur yeah yeah the process and i had this huge
Starting point is 01:31:55 bone spur and it's like it looks like a finger and it kind of broke in half and uh is that was your tendon attached to it is that what happened so the lepronon if i'm if i'm remembering it kind of grows from your arm and it can kind of hurt so there's your tricep tendon the lepronon will grow and kind of push on it yeah and you have to remove it or shave it down in order to get that to stop hurting and i think what had happened is mine had been broken for so long um that it was like scarring the tricep tendon oh oh oh like slowly cutting it like yeah so i had this bone spur removed and then i went i had gotten cleared to go riding i had been like it's a very easy surgery so six weeks later i'm like oh i'm gonna go riding again and uh ever the surgery went well but i think the
Starting point is 01:32:46 the doctor didn't realize that the tendon had been kind of compromised from the previous bones per being in there hey someone just sent me the name of that lady oh yeah with the giant tits who said you text her inappropriate no no i didn't text her she said that i was inappropriate that you that you send a picture of your penis in Snapchat. No, no, no, no. Hold on. I'm going to send it to you in a text. God, I hope it's her. Nah, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:23 No? It wasn't her Oh then I take back the giant tits and all that Okay I embarrassed myself But this other lady That lady that I just said you did have enormous tits Classic This girl was like friends with Kathy somehow
Starting point is 01:33:38 Like they were like neighbors Oh shit Oh shit Yeah that when that chick got let go She had a full meltdown yeah yeah and i was part of like the the splash damage you know oh right right right right it wasn't just me she watched kathy's dogs and shit yeah yeah yeah i struggled she really liked my kids so i gave her a pass on a lot of weird shit she did yeah okay i think i was i think i was just she probably just didn't like me honestly like probably had a wonderful i take back all that shit i said but
Starting point is 01:34:08 this other this other lady i'm telling you about you know who that is the name i wrote you i don't remember her oh okay yeah she was kind of on the day she she she'd been around forever before i'd been around 20 she knew greg 20 years before i did it's crazy oh crazy. John's a brave man for coming on this show. Someone wrote. Where's my arrow? Who said that? Yeah. RB.
Starting point is 01:34:31 RB. Hey, you have a seniors class? Yeah, yeah. Big seniors class. Huge senior class. We have a primary care doctor group here. They have about 40 doctors, and they're all really forward thinking you know like lifestyle changes eat well move well and they have this program where they literally pay us um out of their own pockets to run these classes and so my wife this girl named chandler uh my one
Starting point is 01:35:00 all of them are coaches for the gym but chandler and Kamalani and my wife coach these group of very consistent seniors. And we've had them all from 65 to, I think we had a 95-year-old at one point. And these doctors pay for it out of pocket. Yeah. They pay me $50 per class. And we do three classes a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1030 to 1130. $50 per person or just for the class per class and then we just open it up and depending on how many people show up is how
Starting point is 01:35:29 many coaches i have help out dude that's so cool you do that it's we've been doing it since 2018 so like right when that crossfit health started yeah that's when we and this this all came by way of this uh this girl chandler who was actually a gymnast that I coached years ago when I found out she was doing CrossFit and she was actually working for this physician company, uh, called Rancho family. Um, I was like, Hey Chandler, uh, number one, come work out at my gym. Number two, uh, let's get something going for your senior population. Cause they have, they have like a managed care network down here and it's, you know, all the Medicare advantage people, but they have like 8,000 lives. And, uh, I went, I went and pitched this program to the, the owners of the company,
Starting point is 01:36:16 a couple of doctors and they love the idea. And we've been doing it ever since. Hey, I just, I was looking through your Instagram just now for overload. There's this other girl there who owns a coffee shop who I just saw on your Instagram. Who's that? Do you know who I'm talking about? I didn't know she lived in Marietta. Owns a coffee shop? Jenny from the Box.
Starting point is 01:36:36 One Sunday Funday. Oh, Jenny. Yeah. She's a chiropractor. Oh, she is? Yeah actually she worked for crossfit for a brief moment too she did something oh maybe that's how i know her i thought she was this coffee shop owner i know okay yeah uh hey um i'm off to tennis thank you for 95 minutes that blew by we didn't even get to half the stuff i wanted to talk about i didn't know you were going to be on the city council and shit no yeah yeah we didn't
Starting point is 01:37:08 we didn't even finish moto like there's a whole thing with moto that yeah um uh would you like to come back on and talk about moto yeah i think it'd be good all right hey steve how old are you again 73 i got my 73 year old just walked in for my saturday my class hey what's up steve remember crossfit will injure you he's he's gnarly he's here every day six o'clock in the morning that's all right buddy um uh thanks for doing this uh i gotta have you back on i want to talk about the the old people's class um how you do that why why you do that. It doesn't sound like you're getting rich off that class, but you're still doing it.
Starting point is 01:37:51 I want to talk about motocross and more. Thank you. Yeah. You let me know when. I'd be happy to come back on. Your podcast is one of the only ones worth listening to in CrossFit. I'll tell you that much. Thank you. John Lavelle, owner of CrossFit Overlord.
Starting point is 01:38:03 No, Overload or Overlord. So funny, funny. Do you remember when the affiliate, and I'll let you go, the affiliate name used to be blah, blah, blah, buy something. So CrossFit, buy Overload. CrossFit, buy BodyFit. That buy, we actually are CrossFit, buy Overload. And it was the affiliation, like the tie-in nomenclature,
Starting point is 01:38:23 I think is how they used it back then. It was very common to do like a crossfit buy something and is it still yeah yeah by overload yeah sometimes we just use crossfit overload because it's easier and that whole using the word buy has kind of gone away i like it though it kind of gives you guys a little bit of autonomy yeah and when you see one and they're they still out there, when you see one that has value, you're like, oh, wow, that's been around for a long time. All right. Oh, look, they're there. Look who's here. Do you know who this is? It's that photo. Do you know who this is?
Starting point is 01:38:58 Uh-uh. Oh, all right. How would he know? He knows. He knows. He knows. But you don't know who this is? I know he knows who this is, but how don't know who this is i know he knows who this is but how would he know who this is based on i don't know oh so it's somebody we all know but they're not yeah yeah you know you know who this is yeah intimately you know who this is intimately all right uh uh love you guys uh mr lavelle uh talk to you soon we'll get you rescheduled and
Starting point is 01:39:20 have you come back on thanks you guys have a merry christmas okay thank you john level lavelle all right i'm fucking late uh me too i gotta get to the fire station that was cool he was cool i love the i love when we have the really old school um affiliate owners on that have a lot of crossover from people you know from the past and stuff i love the old stories yeah it's hard because there's so much shit i want to just fucking just spill like yeah i know god i would love to just i would love to have like him and sleeky on one time when we're just fucking drunk as fuck pop some mdma and just let it all just pour out. Holy shit. Fleeky's down. Holy shit. I tried to find that that photo for a minute.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Dude, I'm so fucking sore, dude. I can't even touch my tits. Look at that. Oh, yeah. Look at you. Damn. Wow. What year is that?
Starting point is 01:40:23 It is 2015. Dude, your girl doesn't even look of age she doesn't even look 18 there dude you get arrested i went for like prison status oh my god my titties did you do that workout the tricep pull the ring dip bar dip pull-up workout no but i did do a ring dip workout ring dip deadlift workout my chest is sore we did that stupid ass 12 days of christmas workout yesterday oh god i can't you know what i'm talking about i don't like that workout that much kind of all right a beer so oh that's cool all right okay yeah you gotta go so do i okay all right you demand uh everyone uh love you guys uh see you guys soon and uh
Starting point is 01:41:01 Love you guys see you guys soon And Bye bye Oh Ken Walter Have you or are you doing the 12 days of Christmas Hanukkah yeah I'll do some 12 days of something Send me something Okay Bye

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