The Sevan Podcast - Josh Bridges - Kids, Surgery, SF Training

Episode Date: May 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Just like that. Just like that. Doc Bridges was a f***ing warrior.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Josh is a legend in the sport. If we had a Hall of Fame, he'd be in the Hall of Fame. A mad Josh Bridges is a dangerous Josh Bridges. Josh Bridges, we're used to seeing him smash events in the Tennessee area. That is his playground. Josh Bridges will not quit. Neither will Rich Brody. Bridges is done for.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Josh Bridges under the lights. Does it again? Josh Bridges was it. The West Coast Classic. If the CrossFit Games had a Hall of Fame, he'd be in it. Former Navy SEAL and six-time games athlete Josh Bridges will be in Carson, California for the 2024 West Coast Classic.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Will you? Fuck yeah, I will be. Head to the link in the bio to purchase tickets and meet one of the toughest athletes this sport has ever seen. I had no idea Josh was going to be there. i didn't even know he still did that stuff i thought he was just like turned full uh family man husband husband and uh that's awesome husband father i know i had time for this nonsense.
Starting point is 00:02:11 What did I see on here on his Instagram that I wanted to ask him about? Ah, that, there it is. Okay. There it is. I see it. I see it. Uh, I, um, I was going through Josh's Instagram account and I was looking like at his last, like, I don't know, 10 or posts, and it's almost all workout stuff. But I like hearing the guy talk. I want to hear the guy talk. I want to hear shit he has to say. I want to hear what he has to say. I wonder where he's at. Did I send him a link?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Did I send it to the right Josh? Maybe he... We'll see you tomorrow morning, 8.30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, 9.30 a.m. Mountain Standard Time. Sevan will send a link in the morning. Sounds good. All right. Fuck. I wonder if he's coming. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh, look. There he is. Just like that. Hey. What's up? What's up, dude? What's going on? Did you just take your kids to school? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:18 They're with their mom today. Oh, I thought for sure that was the excuse. I thought, okay, he's late. No. I... Oh I thought for sure That was the excuse I thought okay No I was trying to get it all set up All my shit set up I kept going to Safari Instead of Chrome and it wouldn't pull up I picture where you're at Josh
Starting point is 00:03:39 Is just like the spot Like that spot is just like No this is like This is the home office and so that's what i mean i just picture it always to be just set up like you just park your ass there well i mean it's here but it's not because the wife uses it too for stuff so unacceptable right i know i know hey she does her real estate out of there she's doing mortgage stuff now oh yum hey what's going tell me some stuff about that tell me about mortgage stuff now here's here's this is all i know
Starting point is 00:04:10 and tell me how wrong i am because i'm so confused interest rates are up so no one can borrow money so housing sales are down well it's just you know, you know, when the interest rates up, right. People can't buy as much house as they used to. And so now everyone's like all pissed off. Right. So it's not like if you could afford a back in the day when the interest rates were 3%, because your payment with a $500,000 loan would have been, I don't know, I'm ballparking it here. What? Maybe $3,000, $2,500? Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. Now, if you buy a $500,000 house with a 7% interest rate, your loan payment is probably ā€“ gosh, I don't know the math, so I'm not going to say ā€“ but it's going to be a lot higher than it would have been. Right. Someone will say in the comments. So now you can afford you can afford only less you know less house basically
Starting point is 00:05:07 shitty your house shitty your neighborhood whatever shouldn't the house shouldn't the um housing prices drop though with it i don't mean like i want them to like god forbid but you think that then people have to sell their houses for less yeah i mean you think so but then here's the thing you're seeing your wife switch to mortgages and i am hearing a lot of people refinancing their houses so something must be happening really i've got that you haven't okay maybe i just made that up you could be right i mean i'm so i don't look into it or anything so i have nothing to do with it do do you want you really don't you don't have like a million questions for like hey girl should i be buying a house in ohio duplex in ohio no oh oh does she tell you you guys should be
Starting point is 00:05:51 investing in real estate no oh no one of my one of my buddies has started doing that and basically he uh borrow money on the house that he owns already in California, like a million and a half dollar home, and then borrow like $200,000 on a home and buy a home for like $100,000 in Ohio. And then he has a sitting on $100,000 cash. He refurbishes that home, put $50,000 into it. So now he's $150,000 in. Then he has the house re- what's that called? Re-evaluated. What's it called when you have the price of your house estimated? Like appraised? Oh, yeah. Sorry. Thank you. Yeah. He has the house reappraised. So he bought it for $100. He has it reappraised at $200.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Then he borrows the money back on that house to pay off the old loan that he took on the house that he lives in, and then now he owns that house. He took on the house that he lives in, and then now he owns that house. And he said as long as the rental ā€“ the money you collect on that house is estimated to be the same or lower than your mortgage, any fucking idiot will give you a loan these days. Does she say it's easy to get a loan? Can you put her on? She's not here. We're talking about things I'm like, I don't know, bro. I did that shit so long ago.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It feels like a different lifetime. You have no interest in real estate? I mean, not particularly. I have my house in California and I have my house here and so um i wouldn't mind getting a house in florida uh i i mainly just want to do it to you know go places i want to go right not not to rent out not for money i rent the house in california out oh yeah and it's nice isn't it yeah it's a nice house i have you know i had it all redone i don't mean your fucking house i mean getting the money oh money right yeah it's nice for sure and it's good for your head too because it's kind of like um it's retirement like it's like oh it's oh shit money like if shit hits the fan like you're 70
Starting point is 00:07:55 and you're like all right i just sell that house and live off that money i mean hopefully that's you know hopefully that can that can happen hopefully the home values are still up they will be yeah unless klaus schwab gets us you know do you know who that is no oh uh mason mitchell uh 2100 to 3300 per month going from 500k for 30 years three percent versus seven percent yeah that's a lot of money that's that's a bit of a difference. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. And you can't get, you can't buy a home in California for $500,000. No. Ain't gonna be that nice.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, you can't get shit. Hey, you're going to the West Coast Classic? I will be there. That seemed a little out of character for you. You got shit to do, baseball to teach. I do, man. Fuck, bro. You ain't lying. I know. Dude, Saturday. How are you doing that? You know, they asked me to come out, and so I decided to do it. You know, it's at Carson. It'll
Starting point is 00:08:57 be cool. It'll be, you know, fun to be back there at the facility where, you know, so many things that happened. So I was like, yeah, let's go. let's go. I'm excited for it. I'm excited for the, uh, the athletes that'll be there too. So it'll be fun. Do you have a job there? I kind of like doing a few things, you know, I think I'm going to, I think we're going to do a workout with some of the volunteers. I think I'm doing some commentating. Um, uh, they're kind of, they have me bounce around doing a few different things. commentating um uh they're kind of they have me bouncing around doing a few different things hey do you get a lot of commentating requests no i wish i did though i love it you do wish you did yeah i enjoy it i enjoy it a lot i i do not mean this to be mean at all why are you trying to be
Starting point is 00:09:40 mean then bro but it's just the facts the rogue private um you know how they had the the the hosting um last year at rogue they tried that new thing where you could pay like i don't know 10 bucks and you could see like a separate stream yeah you fucking you carried that dude i don't know about that dude oh my god you were the entire and the other it's not like the other people were bad it's just that you were 12 and they and no one could get past being a 10 i think you just matter i think you're just trying to butter me up man maybe i'll come back on your show again oh my god dude you were so you were so good you carried it you carried it with your energy and your knowledge and three things your energy your knowledge and your um your you didn't have
Starting point is 00:10:23 fear just to talk about just anything just whatever yeah i enjoyed it i had a really fun time with that that was awesome and and you'll probably go to scotland if they yeah if they had me out there i will definitely be there for sure oh so they haven't invited you yet i mean i haven't gotten like the uh i don't know if they're doing the um legends there or not we haven't talked about it we you know we have started discussing um programming and stuff like that so look at look at um uh blade walker uh i paid i pay josh single-handedly made it worth it yeah i'm telling you it was fucking crazy appreciate it blade yeah You are Complete honesty If you don't get invited to Scotland
Starting point is 00:11:08 Like your feelings will be hurt Like in the 5th grade Right I mean a little bit Oh for sure man Like in the 5th grade if you don't get invited to the birthday party Like the guy next to you has got 3 valentines cards From the girls in your city
Starting point is 00:11:23 Like no one made me shit. No cards. It will sting a little bit, right? Like that. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Who doesn't want to get invited by Bill and Katie to do something? Yeah, exactly. You know, everything they do is awesome. So I, I really do hope I get, hope they do the legends and they asked me back,
Starting point is 00:11:39 you know, but if not, I'll be watching. Hey, they don't need to do the legends though, to have you back is my point. They just need to have you do the ā€“ just bring you out for anything, but hopefully something forward-facing where you're just bringing that classic Josh Bridges energy. Oh, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I hope so, too. And we'll see. Yeah, that's a trip. I wonder if people don't ask you to do that because they don't think they can get you. I don't know. Do you know what I mean? I'm here to set the record straight. I'll do it. Yeah, I wonder if you're like the hot chick that's like, fuck, no one's asking a prom because no one thinks they're going to say she's going to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I doubt that. Dude, it is like that. That's how good you are. I mean, it is really ā€“ it's good. It's professional. It's fast. It's easy. It's intriguing. You know your shit.
Starting point is 00:12:30 When you don't know your shit, like, you're ready to ask questions. I mean, it was dope. I thought it was incredible. Well, I appreciate that, man. What have you been up to, brother? I haven't talked to you forever. We're not friends anymore. We don't text except for, like, random nights, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:12:44 Lomo Chinko's coming on. I'm like course i know bro i know i'm watching i watch sports um did you watch the ufc before the the loma chinko fight the the lewis fight yeah the derek lewis fight did you watch that i watched the last two fights i watched the uh what's that the dudes from st louis that fought right before him i can't remember his name oh uh joaquin buckley buckley buckley yeah there you go i thought his call out of conor mcgregor was stupid really dumb it's like bro get out of here you're just trying to get paid hey and bisbing looked irritated yeah yeah for sure you're like really that's who you're calling out?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Conor McGregor? Good call. And you're calling his dad a hoe? Is that what he was saying? It was something like, yeah, your whole family's a hoe. Yeah, I was just like, really stupid. So did you watch the Alex Caceres fight? It was against Woodson.
Starting point is 00:13:39 No. It was like two or three fights before that. It was the black dude with the fro. No, I didn't see that one. He's been on the show like three times, i thought he got robbed and i want to talk to someone about it hey did you see lomo fight um uh tfm lopez no well that one too but did you see him fight devin haney when he won like the last four rounds but he lost the fight he waited yeah i think i missed that one he it was crazy because
Starting point is 00:14:07 he didn't do anything for the first like six rounds he just hung out but that's lomachenko right it's like he's so slow to get off that i mean that's the same thing that happened against lopez right he didn't fight until the last like five rounds and then this fight he didn't fuck around dude i fell asleep like so i was i i answered your text message and then i had the fight on and i'm sitting there waiting for it and i had been up since like 5 a.m because my son had uh an 8 a.m baseball game that was like an hour away and so i was at the base hate that so real quick before we talk about i'll bring us back to that so let me think yeah so yours his fight his his baseball games at eight that means you have to leave at seven but you have
Starting point is 00:14:49 to get there an hour early so you have to be there at seven so now you have to leave at six is it shit like that and you're like oh my i want to kill myself bro it's wrong and they and he had two games back to back and then and then my other son and was another 40 minutes farther away from his fields had two games basically following those so i had four games in a row so i left my house at like 6 a.m and i didn't get home till like 7 30 p.m at night at baseball fields man it was it's a long baseball is a long day at the fields hey all the all the sports are kids sports are like that i take my kid over the hill to play tennis and it's like rain delay or some kid didn't show up or it got postponed.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And you're like, and I have three kids. Right. Yeah, exactly. So it's like, Oh my God, it's wild. And so I, uh, I was like, I got home and made some dinner, you know, I'm laying there on the couch waiting for the fight. And I'm like, before, I mean, I watched them announce their names. And i think before the bell rang i was asleep did you have anything to do the next day more baseball but it got it got canceled because of rain so all the games got canceled okay um uh so so you fell asleep so you didn't see any of the fight none of it oh it was it was he just kicked the shit out of the fucking Australian dude. Yeah, Caboose or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Comboso. Comboso. Yeah, and the dude took it like a champ too. In the post-fight press, he's like, man, what can I say? Yeah. He just fucking lit me up. Yeah. It was ā€“ I'll probably watch it back.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I need to watch it back. It's good. It's good. Great footwork. Actually, my kids were watching TV in the other room, and I made them come in and watch the fight. I'm like, hey, just watch this kid's feet the whole entire time. Just watch his feet. I mean, he was fucking something else.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And I guess he's going to fight some dude I hadn't heard of and then maybe run it back with Haney again. I'd love to see him fucking get that win back from Devin Haney. Dude, yeah, same. I don't like Haney. I didn't get to see the Garcia fight. I didn't watch that one because, you know, you kept hearing the bullshit with Garcia. And you're like, in my head, the way Garcia got taken out by Javante Davis, I was like, oh, Haney's probably going to handle this guy too.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It was a polar opposite from the highlights that I saw. I was talking with some people here who were in the chat, and I said, hey, man, what's going to happen is he's going to go out there, Garcia, and he's going to be like, I love Jesus, and he told me not to fight anymore, and it's going to be over. I thought ā€“ because that's how spun out he was. I thought for sure he's going to use it as some giant publicity stunt. We're all going to pay the $79.99 to watch it, and it's not going to happen, and we're just going to see some historic thing. But then did you see his post-fight interview with Patrick Bed-David? He went to Mar-a-Lago, Ryan Garcia did after the fight, and did a sit-down interview. And he said, hey, man, the whole thing was a giant media stunt to act crazy, except that I do have a little bit of a drinking problem.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I do drink every night. But that's it. Other than that, all that twitching I was doing or acting like I was on meth. He's like all, all just to fuck with you guys. Dude. Yeah. That was crazy, man. Do you believe that? I do.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I'm sure, you know, boxers are fucking nuts. Dude, the Lomachenko fight before he fought, this chick was out there fighting. Only fans, chick. Huge fake titties. Yeah. I watched that fight. i watched that fight i watched it of course i'm like eating dinner and i'm like waiting for that fight i'm like oh okay i'll leave this on and um the the way the fuck that announcer oh my god is that what you're about to bring up yeah that's what i'm gonna get anyone who talks shit about crossfit and it being unprofessional and
Starting point is 00:18:43 we're never gonna to make it professional. Let me tell you, boxing is a billion-dollar sport. Yeah. And CrossFit makes boxing look like ā€“ boxing makes CrossFit look like it's the most professional thing that's ever happened. I mean, how about the fucking announcers just ā€“ then the commentators just ripping on them. Oh, my God. By name, by name. Yes, yes, by name. Oh, man, it was crazy. crazy hey why did they keep calling him like
Starting point is 00:19:07 lieutenant dan when people get is it because he i think he was in the military or i have no idea who that guy is or anything about him but yeah like they were calling him something weird and so yeah that was wild yeah um and and i was I was actually really impressed with that girl. You know, I saw the big fake tits and the OnlyFans and how hot she was, and I thought she was going to suck. And she actually killed. I was asking my wife. I said to my wife, I was like, hey, I've heard women say who get their ā€“ like who have giant breasts installed, when they get them out, they have this feeling of all of a sudden they can breathe again. And then my wife was like ā€“ I guess you're the wrong person to ask.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And then my wife was like, you don't think it's just big tits in general make it hard? I'm like, no, it has something to do with when they insert the breast implants and somehow how the chest muscles are pulled back. But I always find it crazy that someone would have a surgery like that as a professional athlete. It would somehow impede your ability but fuck she's the interim champion now and she fought good yeah i thought she looked good too i mean i thought the fight like the other the other girl was um you know she was professional fights she'd only been fighting she was 41 years old and only been boxing for two years that's wild man that's crazy right yeah but it was yeah it was the the end i was
Starting point is 00:20:28 like i was like this is fucking espn uh top rank like this is crazy that you had a guy who literally announced the scores for the wrong people for the wrong person and then announced the winner the wrong person and then like all of a sudden because did you see the ref the ref went to raise the other chick's hand and he goes like wait and then he because then he announced the other girl and so then he had to yeah he kind of paused and brought up the the wrong girl's hand and you're like what the fuck and then it looked weird and then all of a sudden they went they were back in there announcing it again and you're like this is what the fuck is happening hey dude i thought i hit so for people who don't know it was it was a championship fight it was the co-main event
Starting point is 00:21:08 at the end of the fight they called the winner and they raised this chick's hand and then the commentator goes wow the judges must have seen something we didn't see because the girl who lost outstruck the other girl like 175 to 138 or something and then they started talking about it and they and then all of a sudden you're right. It went, then all of a sudden it cuts. No one says anything. And you see the, the, um, the referee holding their hands again. And I'm like, Oh, I must've sat. I thought I sat on the remote and rewound it. I was like, where the fuck's the remote. What did I do?
Starting point is 00:21:36 So weird, man. It was, it was, it was really strange. Like no, nobody said anything until afterwards. And then the commentators just start ripping on the announcer. said anything until afterwards and then the commentators just start ripping on the announcer bizarre yeah the the in the in the previous fight also um when the commentator was announcing the scores it was a shit show too do you remember that i don't know if you saw the fight no i didn't see that fight before it yeah he had the scores all fucking ass backwards and then the um the the espn commentators like hey let me do this guy's job for him to tell you how it's supposed to be announced. Dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But dude. Oh, man, that was bad. And hey, what's crazy at that point, it's not even just like a ā€“ it's not like a technical thing. Like CrossFit has so many places where we can watch and nitpick them because it's fucking so many different movements and so many different people. But this is like so ā€“ this should not happen in boxing. boxing fuck no it is so easy and so simple yeah um but yeah that's right i someone's in the comment bruce buffer didn't uh announce the wrong name i heard a few weeks back in the ufc fight yeah it was like how did i miss that It was on one of the fight nights. I remember hearing it. Or no, no, it might have been on one of the big fight cards.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Because they were talking about it. And I didn't see it, but I heard someone talking about it. Yeah, I missed that. I don't know how I missed that. I watch all that shit. Hey, you ever think about pulling that one gray out? I do pull them out sometimes. But they come back so fast.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I had my first gray pube the other day, and it grew in different. It wasn't curly. It was just long. It was like I had a four-inch gray pube. I was like, what the fuck is this dude doing? My first gray pube. I was like, wow. Damn, and you've been gray for a while.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I know, crazy. Some people think I dye my hair or my mustache because this shit's all just the way it is yeah i'm going to um west coast classic i'm gonna see you there are you gonna be there yeah oh man i'm gonna whoop your ass there i'm so excited to go don't look at my ass i'm gonna have a bunch of camera equipment i can't be fighting i can't be wrestling it's gonna be a good time man yeah hey do you follow any of the um the seal shit that's going on um uh do i never hear you get involved in that shit but do you ever do you ever follow it from the outside or your buddy's call like did you get a call being like oh shit this guy deming's calling out
Starting point is 00:23:56 chris kyle and jaco do you do you hear any of that chatter i really don't know not very often so but you do get to like are you on threads where like if a seal got killed or like like when those two seals fell off the boat you know were you yeah i mean are you like oh shit josh did you see so-and-so died he was in our class of blah blah blah or stuff like that or so-and-so got pregnant or yeah i'll definitely like you know you'll i'll see i'll see that kind of stuff you know and if it makes like big headline news for sure so you didn't you didn't follow any of the stuff with like this guy's come out basically and he's just like saying the chris kyle things bullshit i mean i'm sure that story's been around forever but um but then demi came out and was talking all this crazy shit about jocko did you
Starting point is 00:24:37 follow any of that no i didn't see no oh you're lucky look at you just a fully immersed in kid life dude i am man i have a hard a hard time not following shit like that. It's like, dude, I literally, I train, I eat, and I drive my fucking kids around, and that is it. Do you have a job? Besides being a dad? I do my, you know, like I have my businesses, you know, like programming and my coffee. Yeah. Tell me about the programming business. Yeah, man. It's, you know, we have obviously the military programming that anybody who's trying to go into the military, buds, whatever, any sort of spec ops or just going into a job where, you know, you're,
Starting point is 00:25:30 you're have a physical demand of being fit. And so, um, that programming, and then now I just released a newer program where it's more like how I train now, or it's like some bodybuilding and some CrossFit and, and, uh, you know, more of like a sustainable way of training operation LFG. Let's fucking go. Oh, look and feel good hey um is there anything that you're not do how old are you 40 is there anything that you're god damn you look good is there anything that you're not doing now um that the 30 old version of you would have been like those guys are pussies i'll be doing this forever and now you're 40 like oh okay all right buddy you know okay i there's always times where you know you think you're gonna be able to do this shit forever and then all of a sudden it's like not quite as much you know i still like i'm still trying to fucking keep up with my kids because dude they're
Starting point is 00:26:20 becoming so fucking athletic it's insane like i can even. How old's your oldest kid? 13. And it's like, dude, we'll go out and play basketball. And I'm like, I can't even fucking keep up anymore. It's wild, man. Like you get winded or like you're starting to foul him more because you can't stop him. I don't get winded. It's more like I'm fucking, I just can't move the way he moves. And he's so fast and agile and fucking jumps high. Like he's more like I'm fucking, I just can't move the way he moves. And he's so
Starting point is 00:26:45 fast and agile and fucking jumps high. Like he's like, I'm like the fuck. And I just can't, my knees don't like, I tried for a little bit to be able to, um, you know, I was getting into some jump training and I can still like, and my, I don't know how tall my basement ceilings are, but they're pretty tall for a basement ceiling. And, uh, I could jump flat footed and still touch it. And my, and my oldest couldn't yet. And I just keep ripping on them, you know? And I'm like, you can't fucking do that. You know, like, like you see your fucking 40 year old back still can. And I still do have like, I'm like, uh, two inches, probably taller than I'm still, but I'm like, bro, dad still got it and you don't got it. You can't do that shit. And, um, but um but yeah man it's
Starting point is 00:27:26 just you know so you're trying to keep up with your kids and like that kind of like jumping and shit just like really started to make my knees ache uh and so i'm chilling out a little bit on that kind of stuff it's just stuff that like makes you hurt now you know um when when i was uh in my 30s i found crossfit at 34 and by 36 i had found out like my my thing was going to be pooling right like i could just it was going to be there's something having like that was going to be my party trick right so if i went somewhere and someone's like hey let's do a fucking muscle-up competition i could be like okay i can do five strict from the in the l sit and that'll be my trick right because i can't can't eat anyone, anything else. And then, uh, and then I took a long time off from fucking around with muscle ups. My shoulder
Starting point is 00:28:09 was starting to bother me a little bit. And so recently I'm like, okay, I need to get some, uh, be able to string a couple of muscle ups together for the gram. You know what I mean? Like, so I've started doing negatives again, just negatives. You know what I mean? Start at the top and just work through the transition. But every time I'm down there at the bottom and I think about pulling, there's something in my, in my body that's communicating to my brain. You're not going to like that. Dude, you're not going to like that. So I just, the other day I did 25 negatives in 25 minutes, just one a minute. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:39 I mean, I'm sweating. I work out first, but I'm just like, dude, my, like, I'm sure I could do one, but I'm not going to try it yet. Cause my body just keeps telling my brain, Hey buddy, that's going to hurt. I'll still, I'll still like grab the bar and I'll do some, I'll do some snatch work, you know, just for, just for fun. Even though my fucking elbows fucked up, my knee hurts. It's like, and I know it's not that good. And I'll get up to like 185 and I'll be like, Oh man, I'm feeling great today.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Maybe I'll throw like like 195 200 on the bar and it's like nope don't do it don't do it you're dumb and uh and so yeah man i get it but um do you listen i normally do yeah i normally will do i'll do like a clean or a snatch pole instead yeah you look great don't fuck up and get injured you look fucking amazing why did i just i just had surgery six weeks ago. On what? My knee. Oh, we'll come back to that.
Starting point is 00:29:28 What were you going to say? You were going to say something. You were memorizing. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, dude, that's how I fucked up my shoulder was doing the strict muscle-ups that year fucking whatever year, I think 16. And they had the strict muscle-up at regionals. And, man, that fucked my left shoulder up so bad. It hurt for years. And you know what I finally started doing? I started doing like
Starting point is 00:29:50 lateral raises and rear delt raises and, um, these things called Balboas and all my shoulder pain has gone away. What's a Balboa? A Balboa. It's like a front lateral raise with your arms bent. I got, Irian shaw like you know like this yeah well a little bit more like like you're like you're hanging and you're like like yeah exactly yeah like that yeah exactly so you're so you come up like rocky balboa at the end you know like oh yeah you know and so okay so you rotate as it's more of like a it's more of like a rotator cuff movement is really what you're hitting but i saw shaw doing him and i tried him and man like ever since i started doing him my fucking all my shoulder pain is gone what you're hitting but i saw shaw doing him and i tried him and man like ever since i
Starting point is 00:30:25 started doing them my fucking all my shoulder pain is gone what weight are you using just like two and a half pound weights or no like 20s 25 oh oh oh god damn that make that hurt me just you could really you could probably start at like 10s or 15s i'll just start with i'll just start with nothing and you want to go to like you know 15 reps 20 reps where it's like you really start to feel that burn in your shoulder damn and your shoulder pain is gone gone did you ever have it looked at no so you don't know if anything was torn or ripped or broken i i'm sure if i would have went into a doctor they would have been like yeah it's torn you have to have surgery so i'm like i'm not doing that. Like the thing I've come most to realize is if you go to a surgeon, he's going to tell
Starting point is 00:31:09 you you need surgery, you know, like, okay. The guy at seven 11 is going to tell you, you need a beer and a can of Pringles and a can of chew. Fact. Exactly. And Josh Bridges is going to tell you, you need to pay the man. So you come to me, that's what's going to happen. But I went to, you know, my surgeon, my doctor, uh, on my right knee and yeah. And he's like, yeah, I had, I's what's going to happen. But I went to, you know, my surgeon, my doctor on my right knee. And yeah, and he's like, yeah, I had some meniscus issue and some cartilage damage. Is that the knee that you injured when you're in the military, fucking around with the other guys? No, that's a different one.
Starting point is 00:31:37 This is my good knee. I just had surgery on my other knee. Oh, my God. Yeah. I know, bro. I know. I was like, motherfucker. I was so pissed. But he he's like it's a quick
Starting point is 00:31:47 turnaround it's not a bad uh like i'm already squatting again like not heavy like i'm squatting like yesterday i did box squats with 185 and it felt really good oh shit i can do some pistols or not pistols um split squats with dumbbells but you know what's really fucking helped too wait what what what are split squats where you have like you know what's really fucking helped too wait what what what are split squats where you have like you're you're basically on your front you're almost in like a lunge with your back foot elevated okay oh yeah yeah okay okay okay a bulgarian split squat whatever you want to call them um what's helped you were going to say what's really helped a lot dude is blood flow restriction sure have ever, have you ever messed around with any of that? No, but there's no one I remember doing that except for you. Cause it used to
Starting point is 00:32:29 freak me out when I would see you put the bands on your legs, wads would get massive. I'd be like, fuck, I don't know, dude, he's going to give himself a heart attack. No, man, it's, there's a lot of good research on the blood flow restriction, man. You get these blood flow, almost like a blood pressure cuffs. You put them on your legs. I mean, you can use the bands like I used to do, but now I have these, uh, uh, these cuffs. So Suji S U J I is the name of the company. And, um, and do they pump them up and you do like, you do really lightweight and, and, or like light biking with them on. And then, then you know you do it for a certain amount of time and then you take it off and then dude you get this like crazy rush it's so fucking
Starting point is 00:33:11 painful though it's crazy yeah does it yeah though you mean the blood flow restriction part's painful yeah yeah it's like so i'll do i'll do split squats with them on and um i literally I'll do split squats with them on. And, um, I literally like you'll do, so you do like a set of 15, rest 15 seconds, a set of 15, rest 15 seconds, a set of 15, rest 15 seconds. You do that three times or four times in a row. And then you take it off and you rest two minutes and you do it again. And man, dude, like it fucking hurts. But do you think it makes you better? What's the, what's the mechanism why does it work and so there's there's a lot of thought to it right for recovery um so what it's doing it's allowing you to still help grow the muscle with lighter load because when you when
Starting point is 00:33:56 you cut off the blood so you're letting blood in but not letting it out it's called like blood occlusion and so when you remove the oxygen or like basically now the muscles aren't getting as much oxygen as they need, what you're, what you're getting is you're getting more muscle fatigue. So more muscle fibers are starting to engage because of this. And so you're getting with less load, you're still getting a great like stimulus for the muscle. And then obviously when you fucking remove it, you know, you're getting all new blood, new oxygen, like removing inflammation, pushing through the area. Um, so yeah, there's a, there's a lot of studies on it. It's fucking,
Starting point is 00:34:35 it's pretty cool. And I've, I definitely think it's helped. And you know, once I started doing it, I, my legs have felt so much better. Who turned you onto this? So I did it years ago on this left knee. I kind of fans. That's what I do, right? Like at the game. I'd see you doing that. And so I did with my left knee surgery back in, um, a long time ago, I kind of forgot about it. And then, uh, you know, it was funny. I was talking to, um, Frazier and Frazier reminded me of it. He's like, dude, are you in blood flow restriction BFR? He's like, bro, it's funny. I was talking to Frazier and Frazier reminded me of it. He's like, dude, are you in blood flow restriction BFR? He's like, bro, it's a game changer, man. He's like, do that shit daily. And so I remembered about he reminded me of it. And I started doing again. Dude, since I have, it's been huge.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Oh, shit. That's awesome. Oh, yeah. It was the Kelly Starrett. It was voodoo floss. Is that the stuff that it was? Yeah, that's exactly what I was using. it was voodoo floss is that yeah yeah that's exactly what i was using uh andrew uh they do bfr training with medical patients who are bedridden to prevent muscle wasting oh i mean bodybuilders do it for hypertrophy training still and they and they don't and they don't have to use as big you know heavy weights right so it's easier on the tendons and joints um your knee you know your your good knee the one you just had surgery on do you know what the incident was that caused the damage or you just woke up one morning you're like this doesn't feel good so what was happening is
Starting point is 00:35:54 all of a sudden when i was squatting heavy because like that's basically heavy squatting and dead lifting are like the last two things i'm still kind of going heavy on and all of a sudden my fucking my knee was just like swelling up and getting stiff at night. Like, and I was having this cyst in the back of the knee, um, which I thought was a Baker cyst. And, uh, and so it was just, and it was only happening when I went heavy and I was like, man, it's fucking weird though. Like I, you know, it was like hurting going upstairs and shit. And my knee was fine. And so, um, it was, uh, I was like, ah, it didn't go away. And it happened for like two months straight. And I'm like, okay. I, I thought if I would have, if it was like a little tweak or something, then it would have went away, but you know,
Starting point is 00:36:39 it kept happening. So I went to my doctor and he, yeah, he's like, it's like, yeah, you have a tear in the meniscus and you have definitely have some cartilage damage. Um, so he's like, we could do a clean out and, uh, what was wrong with the cartilage? Sorry. Tear in the meniscus. And what about the cartilage? Just cartilage damage. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So, so yeah, it was just quick fucking, they go in scope, clip, clip, clean shit up. They, I actually do. He let my youtube videographer come into the surgery and it's on youtube you can go watch the surgery you can actually see the inside of my knee wow yeah but it didn't get because i guess when you do stuff like that youtube blocks it for uh people who are like under the age of 18 and so it did the video like no one really saw it so but it's up there hey um uh chad f uh functions the same as cock ring for those of you who don't understand i don't think so
Starting point is 00:37:35 oh your crowd's awesome savannah i love it. For some reason, I think ā€“ kind of. I wonder if using a cock ring also makes your cock stronger or make it grow faster. I don't know. I'm going to bring an expert on for that. I've never used a cock ring. I don't really ā€“ I'm not really into stuff. Do you ever use a cock ring? No. I don't even really understand cock ring. That's horrible. Doesn't it like shackling down the penis? Um, and so,
Starting point is 00:38:13 so that was it. They just cleaned out. They just, he just went in there and cleaned hosed it out and then you're ready to go. All it's all better. Yeah, man. I mean, it's feeling a lot better. It's, um, you know, it's definitely, obviously I had some down moments, like the first two weeks are always rough after surgery, no matter what it is. Uh, but the cool thing was I never, I never had to be on crutches. I was never non-weight bearing on the foot so I could, I could move around. I could still get around. I just couldn't be on it for a long time, but I still, I think I took one or two days where I didn't work out. But other than that, I went downstairs and I was moving. So I was getting to work out. So I was still feeling good.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You know, the first weekend I thought I was feeling better than I was. And I was like, standing at my kid's baseball game the entire like three, four hours or whatever I was there. And I stood on it all day and like, I had a bad day after that. But other than that, you know, it was good. It's been good. been good yeah and like slowly but surely like now um squatting stiff-legged deadlifts with light i'm still staying light you know i'm trying to allow it to continue to heal he did he put some prp in it um what's that at the sugar water platelet-rich plasma right so they pull your blood spin it put it back in um supposed to have some healing properties and so you know i'm at six weeks technically tomorrow so that is a fast
Starting point is 00:39:33 recovery yeah i mean it's like he basically said he's like pain will be your guidance of what you can and can't do he's like because they didn't repair anything right they didn't repair anything. Right. They didn't fix anything. They didn't replace anything. So it's, uh, it wasn't like I had to let anything really, it was just like, okay, now you had to get the swelling out and get the range of motion back. How many surgeries have you had total on everything? On everything? Fuck. So I've had two on my right knee, two surgeries on my left knee, an elbow surgery, and then two nose surgeries. Nose surgeries? Nose? on my left knee and elbow surgery and then two nose surgeries nose surgeries no yeah yeah i broke my nose um i broke my nose uh like it was like this it was like this
Starting point is 00:40:14 in a fight and um i got it i got a bend in my nose i hit the bottom of a pool i wish it was a fight same same um and so yeah i had to have uh i so they fixed it the first time right were you having trouble breathing through one nostril one of my nostrils is all fucked up oh yeah yeah and so that's why i had then i went in and tried to fix it for the breathing aspect of it and was that during your crossfit career no that was like right after college or during college and did it work did the surgery work i think so yeah i breathe i breathe just fine now do you know what a navaj is no it's this um it's this plastic tub and it has these two things that um it's got a top compartment and a bottom compartment there's
Starting point is 00:41:00 two and then in the middle is this pump and it's got these two things that you put in your nose and you push the button bottom button on the side and it takes water from the top puts it in one nostril then sucks it out the other nostril and then drains it into this tub so you can see all the shit it's cleaning out and it does this it's basically like a neti pot but it's motorized gotcha okay and the whole time you're using it it feels like the water is going to go down your throat but the suction like grabs it and pulls through you ever use one of those i've not i've used the neti pot but i've not used the the thing you're talking about the navaj i'll send you a link later you should try it fucking crazy but what i was what i was going to ask is i can do it and two of my sons can do it but one of my sons can't do it for some reason and his nose is always
Starting point is 00:41:42 clogged up and i was wondering if like there's some way that maybe his shit's fucked up what what when someone says they have a deviated septum what does that mean do you know what that means i don't know there's something in their nose broken basically that's all i know yeah you know you know like sorry you should try to tell uh your son that has the issue with uh with it like he should try to make him be a nose breather instead of is he a mouth breather because he can't breathe through his nose yeah and so if you focus on nasal breathing actually a lot of times that shit clears up it's kind of weird man because i used to be i really had a bad sign of shit too. And then I read this book one time called the oxygen advantage by Patrick McCune.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And it talks about how like nasal breathing changes the shape of your face. Like if you're a mouth breather, you're normally like, you know, you kind of have like this big, like fat low, you know, face and your, your, you know, nasal breathers have like more of like a chiseled jaw line and shit it's kind of wild to think about but it actually even just breathing through your nose you know it has so many advantages and um when you like focus on breathing through your nose it it'll actually like start to clear out your sinuses better it's kind of it's kind of fucking
Starting point is 00:43:02 wild um when i when i work out i do it just to so i can sandbag 90 the first 90 of every workout i do i modulate by nose breathing yeah i can't breathe through my nose i slow down hey call it what's up hey sorry for crashing the interview real quick i just wanted to ask josh a question because i've been going to the same knee issues maybe i've had my knee scope three times i I think for crossfitters, it might be super relevant. There might be a lot of people out there with the same type of knee issues, but I was recommended, I was wondering what Josh thought of stem cells because he said he had PRP and that's what's being recommended to me right now, but they're saying stem cells could actually make it almost like a surefire um because the same
Starting point is 00:43:46 cartilage issues same meniscus small meniscus tears stuff that they can't really yeah so i did some very well i did some stem cell stuff back in the day and i really liked it but it did it felt like it wore off after like a six to eight month period and it's really expensive so like a six to eight month period and it's really expensive so you know it's definitely worth going down that avenue um did you go to mexico to do it no i did in tennessee and uh and um well but yeah was it from goddard from sean goddard yes yes yep yep okay so the guy that called me from his office seemed super sleazy and they're saying it was like five grand and then i just go to a local one with like a fraction of that yeah i mean i would probably go the cheaper route first before giving it a go see how it feels um like i yeah i got connected through him with uh with rich and so um yeah it was yeah because i'm
Starting point is 00:44:46 in i'm in knoxville too where they're oh yeah that's where it's at yeah it's like we're at one of the headquarters yeah so the thing was though that like some of the other doctor i talked to was like oh no your age some 35s the thing your age prp should be good enough but it's the older generation or like if you have really really like almost ruined knees and you have more ligament stuff that's when stem cells gets more beneficial so i'm torn between forking over it's like 500 for the consultation with these guys i would i would go down have you tried prp no i'm about to they, they say they can put this other stuff called a PRF, which is the fiber that helps it stay in a joint. I haven't heard about that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 My wife used to just rub breast milk on everything. So when my kids were in like hurt or cuts or anything, you thought about breast milk? I should ask my wife. We do have a three month old, so we definitely have abundant resources. Yeah. Just, just do a shot of a wheatgrass and a shot of breast milk every morning. I'm joking. Yeah. I don't know about the Windex, but yeah, sure. Rub the Windex on the outside, but I'm serious. My wife would used to, and a lot of chicks do that. They just rub breast milk on everything. I mean, it's fucking, I could see it, man man i know you can't see it right like you're like yeah fucking breast one last thing though i heard that like the prp you have that what rubs up
Starting point is 00:46:14 like wears off that's what you have to do that once a year is that i mean you're just basically trying to help like the prp is supposed to help the healing process right and so yeah it's definitely going to wear off it's um i think it is something you probably have to keep redoing i think anything stem cells all of it you're gonna have to keep redoing if the knees are causing you pain you know to be honest man like i think that i i like i didn't do i didn't mess up my knees doing crossfit my i think my my recent one too was more so from probably fucking around like uh playing sports with my kids like we'll play basketball or we'll go play football and like i think that's probably where i actually like tort like messed
Starting point is 00:46:53 oh no for sure that's that's me to my life was whole lifetime of basketball that made it like what it is now which you know people say crossfit's dangerous like every other sport is literally more dangerous because i feel like crossfit's kind of has kept me in the game because you know people say crossfit's dangerous like every other sport is literally more dangerous because i feel like crossfit's kind of has kept me in the game because you know it keeps everything all the muscles and shit strong well i'm doing the knees over toes guy i just started that too and we'll see i don't know a lot of uh a lot of nordics that and a lot of other stuff that seems to be aggravating at first so i think think I just need the shots to even do this program. What are Nordics?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Nordic curls. It's where you basically have your feet anchored and then you curl your body back. You use your hamstrings. They're phenomenal, man. I believe in those. I think those will help. Doing like tib-fib raises. You said Nordics nordics though fucked your
Starting point is 00:47:46 shit up it aggravates it because there's like a lesion basically right behind the oh so you have a baker's well is this oh yeah yeah i hate that word probably lesion i think of a venereal disease that could could be, um, that could be, uh, then the meniscus, right? Like the Baker's just really comes out when you have like a meniscus issue. Hey, what about, uh, what about drugs? What about peptides? They offer those too. Yeah. The same health clinic. Yeah. Take a big old dose of those. Someone sponsored. those too yeah the same health clinic yeah take a big old dose of those okay someone sponsored check all right i appreciate it thanks for letting me crash it all right good luck good luck buddy
Starting point is 00:48:36 hey uh so deviated septum is just yeah it's you basically have two two holes in your face that suck air up into your fucking lungs and it's when one of them gets fucking ā€“ one of the pathways gets fucking ā€“ just like you'd see. Yeah, blocked off your noses, bro. Yeah, dude, that's exactly how I imagined it. My nose was like this, bro. Yeah, mine's like that. My shit's crooked. My shit is crooked.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I have a picture somewhere. I won't have time to find it,. But man, my nose was over here. It was wild. And they just reset it? So they went in and reset it, but then after that, they had to actually go in and cut it when I went on the second surgery. What do you mean, just drill the hole bigger? I don't know how they fucking did it,
Starting point is 00:49:20 but they basically went up there and fucking, I don't know. I'm not exactly 100 on how it was went down hey how retarded do you have to be to fucking punch a hole in that thing that fucking separates your two nostrils this guy you gotta get hit pretty hard no i mean like go somewhere and pay someone to punch a hole in it so you could hang a ring from that thing dude i don't know man that's fucking dude in my you don't see one of those every day in my town if i fucking go out i see one of those oh yeah yeah yeah i just can't like the like the old bull ring right yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:49:59 why would you punch a hole in that thing it all of a sudden makes the eyebrow one look like just like saying right it's like dude do not fuck with that thing like you need like that's like important piping yeah man fuck i don't know you ever had a piercing yeah i had my ears pierced i was real cool in high school boat you had both of them pierced yeah how long did you have men about a year and i took them out i got smart i smart i got smart yeah i got i got one in one ear and then two weeks later took it out i was i was going to school in the uk and i came home i took it out right it's too much work i don't even know why i did it yeah probably just why i did it because everyone
Starting point is 00:50:46 else is doing it yeah you want to be cool man yeah it didn't it didn't work no didn't when when people do your programming for the um the military josh um do you stay in touch with them like do you do you do you hear some like cool stories like a guy yeah program then he goes through ranger school and then he's like sending you letters the whole time holy shit thank you or you know shit like that yeah i got a lot of messages telling you guys that like they gone on and crushed their shit doing it you know um and how much it helped them and it's awesome man i get messages like almost every day about it it's cool it's really cool is there is have you ever done a camp that's just for dudes or dudettes that are going to go?
Starting point is 00:51:28 I know you do the camps, but have you ever done a camp that's just like, hey, this is just for people who want to go into special forces or for people who are just going to have some sort of really hard test somewhere to make it to the next level in the military? Have you ever done one of those? I have not, but we have actually talked about doing that um that actually it might be our next camp is where you know for anybody who's trying to go either to buds sf selection any any sort of selection so yeah i i um i have tyson bajan on the show a lot and the quarterback for the Chicago Bears. And he does like in the office. Those guys are always at least he is. He's always doing some sort of thing. Right. Like so he'll go to Florida for two weeks, you know, and just work with the guys. And he'll get there and they'll be fucking like eight other starting quarterbacks in the NFL there. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:21 And they'll all be like have coaches there who are like working on them. Or he goes over and works with the guy who just focuses just on balance for two weeks this is like all off-season shit and just constantly and you would think that there would be a a um like there would be a business for that like like a like a that ā€“ how many people try to go into special forces every year? Or is it too late? Are they already in the military, and so they're getting all their training there? No, like some guys started like I did where I was out ā€“ I started before, and I knew I wanted to, so I trained before I went in. And so it's mostly that, and you get some people who are wanting to change jobs inside of it.
Starting point is 00:53:10 What would it look like? what would the format be like a month program and you just work with them on weekends or like how would you do that what do you do i think it would have to be more than a month i think it would at least be you'd at least want it to be six months um and you'd probably want it to be like a like a weekly thing where if not once a week more than once a week going in and doing some sort of uh some training on a lot of different things would you move to san diego for that so would you move to san diego for six months to do that uh probably not no just fly in and out yeah i'd have to yeah exactly god but san diego would be the perfect spot to do it right you got you have the ocean there you know and that's where Bud's ā€“ or at least for SEAL training, Bud's takes place is in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And Pendleton's up there too. The Marines must have to do some ā€“ like whatever they do, Marine recon or whatever. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, there would be a lot of awesome ā€“ there would be a lot of great opportunity there going hiking in the mountains and shit. So yeah. Hey, do you have any military contracts? No. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I was going to say my buddy was reaching out to me about something about that yesterday though. So that's kind of funny that you brought it up. So hopefully ā€“ You would think that there would be ā€“ I mean you're just such a fucking valuable resource. You know what I mean, you're just such a fucking valuable resource. You know what I mean? Dork in high school with pierced ears, highest level in the military, get out professional athlete and then maintain your health. I mean, it's just a win-win for the military everywhere, right? To help like, I mean, you're taxing veteran medical resources way less than fucking you know 99 of the people the hard thing is is getting past some of the people with the the old mindset of ideology of you are the old mindset motherfucker not damn right i am don't you fucking forget it either you are the old dude mr 40 well no i'm talking about um in for seal training or buds or whatever right like some guys
Starting point is 00:55:03 really believe wholeheartedly that you shouldn't be lifting weights or fucking you know it should all be about it should be all about running push-ups sit-ups and fucking pull-ups and dips which is fucking crazy man it's a fucking crazy mindset to have because you carry boats you carry logs you have to carry your fucking buddies and guess what the number one fucking thing you see in Buzz is fucking dudes' legs breaking down. And why do their legs break down? Because they're not fucking strong. They have weak-ass fucking legs.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And when you have weak-ass legs, you have a weak-ass mind. Can't you, can't, oh, that's interesting. Can't you, though, I mean, look at Pacquiao and look at the great fighters. I mean, they just run, man. But that's different. Boxing is so different, man.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Boxing is like, in the way that they fought too um and that because their fucking fights are 30 minutes long right you know and so it's like i don't know it's it's hard it's not the same it's not the same and those guys never squat well boxers right you know they're because they're fucking afraid to put on size and and endurance and endurance athletes i mean uh i remember everything's about being everything's about being fast in boxing right they need to be fast their hands have to be fast and when you're lifting weights you do you know you definitely can slow down a little bit right you get everything everything gets a little bit tighter um they want to be fucking fast, especially those little guys like Pacquiao.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Do you know the name Dean Karnasas? That name sounds really familiar. He was like he had this great book I read. I can't remember. It was called like Marathon Man or 50-50. I can't remember the name of it, but it was his first book. man or 50 50 i can't remember the name of it but it was his first book and he was one of like the first like ultra runners and like he would run to the he would run 100 miles all like all day and night show up at a marathon like run to it then enter the marathon and win it and like he was and like he did a marathon every day for a year and this is like 20 or 30 years ago he was like
Starting point is 00:57:00 a trailblazer oh that's yeah yeah yes yes yes the first guy that run like a marathon every day for a month right or for a year even i think and then like in every state or some shit even just some crazy shit yeah and there were stories of him like he'd be out on like a 200 mile run and he'd order a pizza and they'd pull up next to him and he'd eat the pizza while he's running like non-stop you know just carry the large and eat that shit anyway i don't know if this story is true or it's anecdotal but uh he shows up at uh kelly starrett's gym in san francisco and uh he wants he wants to try crossfit and like squatting below squatting was just not an option for him like there was no it just he just couldn't it was going to take fucking forever to get him to squat below parallel or even too parallel he just completely lost that fucking
Starting point is 00:57:43 range of motion from just this shit right yeah just slow slow ass running you know and then so i guess at that point also what you're saying also is just you're gonna get if that's your guy in the military you're gonna get injured too yeah exactly like if you're just doing long slow running like look at a look at a marathon runner versus a sprinter right their? Their body types are fucking completely different. Completely. And they have different muscle fibers. A sprinter looks like a bodybuilder almost.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yes, to an extent for sure. But a marathoner just loses so much. They don't have any fast-twitch muscle fiber. They only have slow twitch. Their range of motion is shit. And maybe not all guys but you know it's just it's a man like you want to have you want to be able to do long slow distances but do like you also want to be able to run fast and jump and fucking uh lift weights and carry carry you know
Starting point is 00:58:39 and squatting and um every fucking thing right like olympic weight like i feel like people who say oh you gotta stop doing olympic weight like i feel like people who say oh you gotta stop doing olympic weightlifting altogether as you get older is just stupid that's why you hear people getting injured you're like oh this guy's you know sprinted the other day and he tours achilles it's like yeah because he hasn't fucking done it in fucking 10 years and then you try to do it one time that's why if you keep doing it you'll be fine well Well, what, what do you think about this? Um, so basically any way I don't enjoy lifting any weight really overhead with the, with a,
Starting point is 00:59:10 with a, with a bar, but dump, what do you think about switching implements? But like dumbbells, like I know I don't hesitate in a second, like load it up. I actually like switching implements as you get older,
Starting point is 00:59:21 as you get older, you know what I mean? I love dumbbells more so than a barbell because then you're getting there's balance there right because if you have um something wrong with say your left side right your right side is going to fucking help it where with the dumbbell it can't and so i i like dumbbell work i like i like you know unilateral work and you can and you can work shit differently too right so obviously how they teach the snatch in the l1 is not how you fucking meatheads were doing the snatch in del mar
Starting point is 00:59:50 the fuckers were taking the 100 pound dumbbell and basically curling it up you know what i mean i sure as fuck wasn't curling it but sure but you know what i mean you guys were coming up the front instead of just using the snatch position yeah i like yeah i like the dumbbell um like you don't snatch it you snatch it well go ahead go ahead go ahead i like the dumbbell long ways instead of like you know like like you would grab a bar your bar your hand would be like this i like i like when i'm snatching like this with a dumbbell so yeah i prefer that position i want to show this um this uh video of you i think these are these might be hang snatches i can't remember let me see this yeah oh no so okay so that's from the ground yeah that's the guy there you go so
Starting point is 01:00:33 that's what i meant by the curl like like that's not how they would teach it in the l1 they would teach it you know what i mean like this high pull and as i get older like i don't want to do i don't like i don't like that with like, once the dumbbell starts getting heavy. But the, but to be honest, I am actually using more of a snatch. It might not look like it, but I'm driving that dumbbell up. And then once it's high enough, I'm keeping the, I'm keeping the weight close, driving my elbow high. And then it, and then it's like turning it over once it's up higher, it might not look like it might look like I'm curling it, but I am actually using more of a a snatch technique it's just that the position of my hand is different let me ask you
Starting point is 01:01:08 this you can tell me i'm a fucking idiot here for this question but what like what are you engaging in your upper body first like above the hip are you like are you something in your back in my head in my head i'm thinking drive my elbow high until until the until the weight until the weight turn until i can feel the weight weightless and then i'm turning drive my elbow high until until the until the weight until the weight turn until i can feel the weight weightless and then i'm turning it over and then driving it up okay and but hey and if you're doing it correctly you won't really feel the weight much until it's overhead so right right right even though it looks slow it doesn't feel that way like it isn't i don't i don't feel the weight that much on that until i because i'm driving like you know i'm pulling it from the floor driving it driving
Starting point is 01:01:52 through my uh legs and hips and the weight's coming up real easy and then i'm just turning the elbow up turning the elbow over that's a 70 pound dumbbell yeah 70 now is like you know pretty light it is nowadays oh but i mean is it light for you yeah 70 still pretty light for me like if i'm going higher up like that's about as low as i'll go i don't go any lower than 70 because other than that like if i go to like the 50 like that feels like i'm not doing much but at 70 i still feel like okay i'm still getting some good work and i'll get the it'll get the heart rate up um i'll feel the my quads and hamstrings and and glutes really engaging you ever fuck around with the hundred anymore you ever just like get throw one in
Starting point is 01:02:34 yeah not not since the surgery no but i will i'll be back up there hey um now show me This transfer, why up there? It just It makes it easier when I'm going touch and go Is that the way everyone does it? If I looked at, you know, 20 games athletes Is that how they would all do it? Yeah, that's the easiest spot to transfer it No shit
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah, like it's like And you just find it, right? It's like your other hand just finds the dumbbell Because if you're doing it at the bottom it's just slow when you're doing that do you feel like you're doing it at the top or does it only look like that when i'm watching does it feel like you're doing it like in your head does it feel like it's happening at your chest no it's happening like up here it is god damn that's crazy yeah i don't feel that at all. I'm going to try some of those today, not with the 70, but I don't think I transfer up there.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Yeah, it's much easier up there. And once you do it with like a lighter load, whatever you want to call light, and you'll just like feel it, man. It's like it's super easy, and it makes it feel really nice on the way. Like you don't feel like you're doing much. where if you bring it down with the same arm and I actually do, I'll change it up. Sometimes I won't go touch and go. Sometimes I'll go singles where I have to put the dumbbell down with the same arm. And like my, I got my legs and lower back will get, uh, we'll definitely get more fired up that way. Oh, because it's getting the eccentric and concentric just back like butted
Starting point is 01:04:05 up against each other yeah for sure okay all right yeah how's everything else how's uh oh oh yes yes yes i asked i meant to ask you this too uh so i had rich on the other day uh i was like and these this is always a favorite part for the show and i didn didn't think he was going to have any good stories. But I was like, hey, how's the kids' stuff going? He's like, good. I'm like, you got any stories with parental run-ins? And he's like, oh, shit. And I'm like, you do got some?
Starting point is 01:04:37 He's like, of course I do. Dude, you're going to have it, man. I mean, you know. You're a fucking dad. You go to kids sports bro it's absurd man like what these fucking parents like well like the things they say the things they do it's wild man it's fucking wild so so he's in the stands and there's a guy if i remember right there's a guy who's like in his daughter's playing uh i want to say basketball maybe it was like her first game even basketball fucking parents man i didn't think it would be that this way but dude i've almost gotten a couple fights at basketball games
Starting point is 01:05:15 and um the the dad was like yelling at at his his's team or like at the ref for bad calls on his kid's team. And then yelling at the kids on, on Rich's daughter's team. And he said, everyone around him was like rolling their eyes. And like, he could tell was disgusted with the guy. So he goes, Hey buddy, the guy looks up and he's like, listen, uh, you just talk to your team. Don't talk to our team. Like you can cheer all you want.
Starting point is 01:05:43 You can cheer all you want for that team. Any criticism you want, but when our team don't say nothing about them, don't talk to your team don't talk to our team like you can cheer all you want you can cheer all you want for that team make any criticism you want but when our team don't say nothing about them don't talk to them don't address them don't say anything about them and you know what the guy came back with oh i can't wait to hear it is the most fucking it is some cuck shit it is uh he says uh oh you think you're rich froning so you can just make all the rules. Like he knew he's like, you're my hero. Oh, dude, that's the worst is when they know. Like if they knew, like I've never had that. Like I've had people at my kids sporting events know who I am am, but not any sort of running with anything like that.
Starting point is 01:06:26 It's almost like playing the victim. Like, hey, because you're rich, you can tell me. So Rich said after it was over, he said the shit went outside. He said his uncle or something went out there to fucking tussle with the dude. Bro, I've seen parents at baseball tournaments throw fists. Really? Like get into a straight fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Yep. Normally it's drunk dads. getting like throw like throw fists like really like get into a straight fight yeah yep nobody's drunk nobody's drunk drunk dads uh man on man or yeah it was uh because kids events it can go man on woman too right the rules are all out right i mean pretty much it seems like it you can't be assuming right um and so yeah there was this one time, this one baseball tournament, and I was actually walking into the tournament as it was happening. It must have started inside. The dad got kicked out or something because he was drunk and belligerent. And another dad was just like over it. And dude, like, yeah, the guy's fucking shirt was all tore off and they started throwing it.
Starting point is 01:07:21 They started throwing down. I was loving it. I was basically just like push my kids away and like got everything away from it you know you're just like you just never know who's gonna pull out a fucking gun or something something crazy you seriously you don't know the shit you see on instagram these days that people pulling out guns is fucking crazy dude really it is man it's not it's nuts i saw one the other day where it was just two kids in a mall walked up to some other guy He looked like he was under 32 And they were they were showing him something on a cell phone and he told him this is in a mall
Starting point is 01:07:50 He tells him like five times to get away and the kids won't get away And the kids are just like making some prank with a cell phone And the dude just pulls out a gun and fucking shoots one of the fucking kids down Jesus yeah, and and you know what the guy, um with the guy didn't get, go to jail. Damn. Yeah. He used the, like he felt his safety was threatened or some shit and any, any issues this week. That's a long day to stay calm for, for baseball games all mellow this week with the parents. No, it was all mellow. It's it's it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:20 what's you notice is when it's's close games is when it gets really ā€“ it can get chirpy. And this past weekend, there was no close games. But when you have like ā€“ when you're like the games get intense, that's when you see parents getting fucking real feisty, getting mad at like umpires and referees and shit. So, yeah, it was all calm and cool this weekend. It was all good. And I try, I try to like in baseball, I try to stay as far away from the other parents. It's easier in baseball where like in basketball and football, you don't know whose parents are, are, are where, right. So sometimes you're not sitting with like your kid's parents, like you're just kind of like intertwined and I noticed that in basketball and
Starting point is 01:09:05 in and in football can be that way too so and then that happened with me is like you know like um I was just like I wasn't really saying anything to to anybody I was kind of like I think I said something to the to the referee for a bad. And the fucking dad behind me like started like mouthing off. And I'm like, bro, I'm not talking to you. And I'm not talking to your, like, I'm not talking to your kids. I said like the ref, that was a bad call or something. And, uh, the fucking dad just started mouthing off. And I look back at him. I'm like, bro, just cause we're in a fucking middle school doesn't mean you're safe. You know? And it was like, yeah, I was like, I was like, I don't, this isn't Twitter. This isn't fucking Instagram fucking instagram like if you got a fucking problem like i'll fucking drag you out of this fucking gym and uh and dude his his wife was all like his wife started chirping and i just like i was like all
Starting point is 01:09:54 right and uh another dad came over and set like a kid from my kids team came over and like was like i'm like dude like i wasn't i literally look back i'm like i'm not talking to you so why are you talking to me i'm not like talking about your kids. I'm not yelling at your kids. I'm, I literally said something to the ref pretty, like pretty quiet and pretty like what he should have said is when you said, Hey ref, that's a bad call. He should have said ref great call. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Cool. Right. But I'm like, he started talking to me and I'm like, why are you talking to me? You know, like there's, there's nothing here. Like there's, and so, yeah, like, he started talking to me and I'm like, why are you talking to me? You know, like there's, there's nothing here.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Like there's, and so, yeah, like the, like parents are fucking wild, man. And let's say you were, let's say you were wrong for some reason.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Let's say it was a good call. Yeah. Yeah. Like, obviously like, Hey, anyone knows that you're going to be upset if your kids are getting bad calls or if your kids are losing,
Starting point is 01:10:42 why, why talk to you then? He obviously, he obviously wanted to get in the mix he obviously like oh i feel left out here i'm gonna get in the mix with you yeah and then you were like all right i could accommodate you i literally was just like i wanted to turn around and be like you know what's gonna happen bro is the moment that that clock hits zero you're gonna fucking get up out of these stands you're gonna run run to your fucking car because like because like you're not tough and so you're just trying to be tough because you think you're in some sort of safe space here in this middle school
Starting point is 01:11:12 and like you think like you're okay and like everything's gonna be just fine but it's not what did the other parent do came over to calm you down yeah the other dad was like oh hey just chill out because i i was like i just kept turning be like, I'm not talking to you, bro. So why are you talking to me? And I'm like, if you got a fucking problem, we can go outside. Hey, what do you think about women who, so basically what I'm hearing to you too is his wife escalated the event instead of calmed it down. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Like that's a bad woman, right? It's pretty stupid, stupid right because she started talking to me too and i'm like i didn't say a word to her i'm like i'm not talking to you like i'm talking yeah your husband you have a vagina shut up no no but you know what i mean like yeah exactly like she should have been the one probably talking to her husband being like hey you need to be quiet like this isn't the place for it yes and that's when you know you have a good woman yeah like if you're in your car and you're driving and you got your wife and your kids in the car hey, you need to be quiet. This isn't the place for it. Yes, and that's when you know you have a good woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:07 If you're in your car and you're driving and you got your wife and your kids in the car and someone cuts you off, I'm like, you fucking asshole. If your wife flips them off out the window too, you have a shitty wife. Your wife should be like, hey, dude, we got kids in the car. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Right? And that's what my, at these sporting events, she'll be like, Josh, chill out. You need to go over there. You need to take a break. Yeah. And and i and i'm like you're right i do hey i never i never played uh uh uh god i never played any i didn't do anything you know what i
Starting point is 01:12:37 mean i played dungeons and dragons and shit right i can see that and now my kids are just like ā€“ I'm raising just kids who are just competing every day, all day. That's awesome. Like in fighting, tennis. Good for you. Way to fucking change that lineage trajectory. I'm doing everything you're not supposed to do. I'm just living through my kids' vicaries. You're the dad.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah. And hey, and you know what else is crazy? This isn't where I was going with this, but you know what else is crazy this isn't where i was going with this but you know what else is crazy too so my kids are just horrible swimmers right like my kids like will jump in the pool and like dog paddle i mean they suck and everything else they're the best at like if we go to the skate park they're the best skaters we go to jiu-jitsu tournament they're always winning golds and silvers uh you know tennis they're just mashing everyone beating the asian kids and the indian kids mexicans filipinos anyone who wants some can come get some from the jew boys what so i'm like hey so my wife signs my kids up for surf camp i'm like hayley these fucking kids don't know
Starting point is 01:13:35 how to swim dude i mean it's embarrassing i mean it's really bad yeah like they stay dumb shit like i'm like we're going to the pool and they'll be like how deep is it and I'm like 7 feet and they're like I don't know if I can swim in 7 feet you know when kids say dumb shit like that either you can swim or you can't you dumb mother so so now they're doing swimming so as soon as I heard that I'm like
Starting point is 01:13:58 hey you gotta sign them up for swim classes so they're going to this swim academy that's for kids who are all on swim teams all the kids in the academy are on teams oh man and so we show up there and it's kind of cool because my kids aren't even like they're worse than the worst kids and it's five days a week right for half an hour and they don't even care that's awesome man yeah i can't even believe it i thought for sure i mean the first day they all cried but but after that after that it's been, and you know what else, Josh, I went, my kids were crying and I went over there to go talk to him.
Starting point is 01:14:29 And one of the other dads put his, who I'm friends with, put his hands on my shoulder. He goes, dude, that coach has seen 10,000 kids cry in the pool. Sit the fuck down. I was like, you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. And I was like, Oh yeah, yeah, you're right. And it's great. Now they fucking love swimming. Did you not get them into swimming when they were little, little? Yeah, exactly. And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, you're right. And it's great. Now they fucking love swimming. Did you not get them into swimming when they were little, little? No.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I took them to ā€“ like an idiot, I fucking took them to swim lessons. The truth is I took them to swim lessons probably like every summer for like three summers, right, and probably dropped thousands of dollars on it. And the only time that they really learned how to swim is when i started fucking getting in the pool with them and then them swimming out that was it and then they basically learned how to float and jump in and and you know what i mean and go down to the bottom and but it was just me playing with them in the pool but they never like they couldn't they never just looked at other like i never took swim lessons but i can do freestyle and i can do fucking breaststroke and i can like swim good. So I just figured that they would just figure it out. But no. They'd pick it up.
Starting point is 01:15:27 No. Now they do all the strokes. In a month, they got all the strokes. You know what I mean? Or the basics. They got backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. And they do with flippers and no flippers. And they don't ask anymore is the pool seven feet deep.
Starting point is 01:15:42 That's good, man. And that's the thing. I think all kids should learn how to fucking swim dude because that's just a scary fucking environment to like be again dude my kids like i i taught him how to swim very at a very young age and i i gave him some lessons i let him go to some lessons too so it wasn't just dad teaching him but then i even taught him how to fucking like you know bob like if you can't fucking swim or you're tired like bobbing off the bottom of a pool yeah i'm in the hotel pool yep yeah you know it's like hey you can like the thing you have to do with water is you have to stay calm and but man like i remember watching my kids friends at pretty old age like eight and ten
Starting point is 01:16:22 and they couldn't fucking swim and i'd be like i would be so fucking nervous going to any environment where there was water involved if my kids didn't know how to swim yeah that was me that was me dude that was me it sucked man like it's like it it had to be a very uncomfortable situation because my boys were like so good in the water at a young age my kids were surfing and not knowing how to swim. That's wild. Do you know what I mean? Put on wetsuits, go out there, and they're surfing.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yeah. I mean, yeah. And the whole time, I'm like fucking white-fisted. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's just like, yeah, it was fucking stupid. I shouldn't even talk about it anymore. I'm going to ruin my reputation.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I don't know about that, pal. Absolutely stupid. You think you'll go to the West Coast Classic? You think you'll go to the games or only if there's something for you to do there? Because that's how ā€“ when I think of you and going to competitions, I figure you're too busy unless there's someone like, hey, we need you here to do this. Yeah, I'll only go if they ask me to go. I mean, I think this year I won't be able to go to the games. I think I'm going to be in Italy doing a competition like right after it.
Starting point is 01:17:35 What kind of competition? Some CrossFit competition. Oh, that invited you out there? Yeah. Oh, shit. Okay. Awesome. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Yeah, so I'm going a little a little comp out there in Italy um and uh yeah so I don't think I'll be able to make the games this year why wouldn't you you don't think you could do both I think it's like pretty much back to back so I think I'll have to be out in Italy before the games are over I'm pretty sure how about this crazy shit I think the games are like a Thursday'm pretty sure. How about this crazy shit? I think the games are like a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday event, right? Yeah, normally. Rich has a
Starting point is 01:18:11 race on Saturday. In Fort Worth? No, in where's Fort Worth? What state is that? Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. No, no. No, wherever that Leadville bike race is. Sorry? Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. No, no. The games are at.
Starting point is 01:18:25 No, wherever that Leadville bike race is. Sorry. Oh, so that's in Colorado. That's Colorado. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm like, oh, so you're not going to the games this year? He's like, no, I'm going.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I'm like, but you've got a race on Saturday, 100 miles. He's like, yeah, I'm going. Is he doing the bike again or the run? Yeah, the bike again. Okay. Yeah, I don't think his knee doesn't let him do. Yeah. Knees, man.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Fuck knees. I don't think his knee lets him do 100 miles. That's crazy. Do you talk to him very much? I'll talk to him occasionally, yeah. He texts you back? Do you talk to him on the phone like hello or text him? I normally text.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Text, yeah. Yeah. I've probably called him like four times in my life. I've never got a pickup. No, bro. You ain't getting a pickup. Come on, man. a pickup come on no yeah come on dude i wonder who does get a pickup who gets a pickup from you what who's on your list you got a list i answer the phone for the most time for most people you do yeah if i if i'm if i'm free is there anyone who's just like like if my wife if i'm talking to anyone and my wife calls i I say, Hey, can you hold on? Do you have a, do you have like a, like if, or like if your, your kids, oh, and your kids have phones. If your kids call you, you just pick up no matter what. Oh yeah. Like if they called right now when we're on the show, you tell me to hold on. Yeah. I tell you to fuck off. Yeah. Got to man. Cause the kids ain't calling for anything. They're not calling too often. right it must be something important they need something yeah right yeah um uh when do you have any camps lined
Starting point is 01:19:51 up uh we're about to launch a our first actual instead of a camp it's going to be a retreat in montana where we can only invite eight to ten people. Um, so my wife's family have these two awesome cabins that they built and we're going to do a camp up there and, or not a camp, but more of like a retreat. And so we're going to go into Glacier National Park. We're going to do a fucking hike. Yeah, dude. How have you seen this? I just Googled it. Oh yeah. It must be popping up on, um, Oh, cause that's on the, uh, ever event bright. Yeah, there you go. So yeah, these fucking, these cabins are beautiful, but there's only so many rooms. There's only like eight to 10 people max. And, uh, they got like the sauna, they got a fucking hot tubs on the deck. You know, we got a fucking, your wife's parents own those. They built them.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Yes. That's all that's on their property. And so then you got glacier right there. You got, we're going to do some fucking wood shopping. shopping we're gonna do some fucking man shit there so only 10 spots um it's gonna be really fucking cool hey how excited are is your wife's parents that she married you are they just like stoked probably i don't know probably not they must be so stoked yeah they're just square you're just like you're just like you're just basic like you know what i mean you're not into drugs or alcohol you exercise you raise kids you serve people i mean they're stoked did they build this for you did they know that you were going to do a camp there is that why they built it no they fucking uh they built those and they're airbnbing them out and uh they're fucking
Starting point is 01:21:28 beautiful man god these look dope dude they are so cool i like i watch them basically from the fucking time they dug the holes to building them and man it was a fucking process but they put some love and detail into that shit this sauna is crazy yeah sauna that's in yeah so there's like so there's two levels on each one of those there's a there's like a basement living space and then upstairs and yeah hot tubs on the deck fucking literally like eight minutes from glacier so it's um what what's that oh that's like a horse trailer or something yeah it's just a trailer and they had wood and they just needed it to to move it um and and how long is the camp that's going to be a friday saturday sunday listen listen you guys can pay uh josh bridges to uh chop wood at his
Starting point is 01:22:19 parents house yeah we're gonna work out we're gonna go on a fucking uh you're gonna get like so they have like the her stepdad built a fucking uh you're gonna get like so they have like the her stepdad built a fucking greenhouse so he's got like they got all their own they got chickens they're gonna like they're gonna fucking you know they eggs they're gonna fucking they have um he killed a uh he got a bison so they're gonna have like bison steaks for dinner like dude it's like it's not just a fucking um you know come out and shop listen listen it's gonna be josh and his wife and these are you're gonna make them coffee you're gonna chop wood for their fireplace you're gonna make yeah that's pretty much all those the fucking
Starting point is 01:23:00 events that we did out at tosh's that i've ever done out in tosh is pretty much that kind of shit it's like i need these like we're gonna carry this fucking wood two miles and it's like back to his house and shit you're like you're just fucking you just need firewood i just tell me i want to come out and help motherfucker you have to put on event how about this uh honey from hives there's hives on site dude they yeah the here's that they have built beehives and so they they fucking they, their honey is the best fucking honey I've ever eaten too. They send us a couple of jars every year. It's so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Yeah. They're basically just like living off the land, man. It's fucking awesome. And other people though, can Airbnb these during other times of the year? Yeah. God, that looks, and is there anything to do out there or it's just isolation time? It's just hangout time? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:23:47 You're like right by Glacier National Park. So you can go out there, go hiking. There's in the wintertime, they're not too far from. There's a skiing hill somewhere out there. I know. In the summertime, you got the fucking PBR rodeo or whatever. Or maybe it's a concert. I can't remember remember there's a lot of shit to do out there but yeah you can definitely just you know be in fucking cabins and their property is like i don't know how many acres it is it's a
Starting point is 01:24:16 pretty good amount and there's nothing right behind them it's all kind of you know surrounded by woods and shit so it's it's it's pretty awesome. But you're like, you're only like eight minutes from the airport too, you know? So it's like, it's a fucking pretty solid setup. They're building a teepee, like,
Starting point is 01:24:32 like this, like a fucking legit teepee, like a 25 square foot teepee where they're going to have like a fire in the middle. You can like go and chill and that man, they're, they're doing cool stuff. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Hey, does she have siblings? Does your wife have siblings does your wife have siblings yeah she has a sister and a brother and a brother i'm just thinking about how they're gonna divvy the shit up when the parents go you got to get them yeah god that sounds uh absolutely amazing what if what if you get some dildo on one of those trips? Like that trip could be amazing, but what if you get like that person who just won't shut the fuck up? Yeah, it'll suck, but whatever it is what it is. I mean, I think it is.
Starting point is 01:25:14 And, you know, like they're going to have their own fucking space. They're going to have their own rooms and stuff in the places. And so it's not like I'm going to be like in the cabin with them. We'll be staying at our own place. Hey, you ever had to kick anyone out of one of your uh camps i'm trying to think i don't think so um we always the only thing is like off the bat sometimes you'll get um you'll get people trying to bring like their wives or siblings and stuff like that and you and you had
Starting point is 01:25:45 to put it in you know like hey only you're allowed to be here right like no one else can come because sometimes those people will just try to jump in on shit and you're like hey man like these people paid a lot of money to be here so you can't fucking just have someone come with you and hop in unless they're in a wheelchair yeah exactly no one's gonna tell you and then and then he can just be faking it get the fuck up bro um at uh one of the ones that we did me rich and dan did in italy this fucking company tried to show up and they like showed up and they're just like hey we're here to just kind of like you know offer people products if they want to buy it and i and like i was like i'm like no that's not how this works bro like you need to get the fuck out of here it's a dude it's a dildo and lube company and
Starting point is 01:26:36 they're trying to get you to look like you endorse it i do you know who it was i think it was it was like it was one it was a fucking like a foam roller company i think it might have been rumble roll or something i can't remember um and i was like i told him the fucking basically i had to beat it and he like rich or somebody was like hey dude dude's over there crying right now like i made the dude cry i was like i don't care he needs to leave like people like you know if we would have wanted we all had sponsors at the time because we were all still competing and so it was like no no no companies like none of us in like uh asked any of our companies to sponsor anything in any way because
Starting point is 01:27:15 we all had like competing companies and stuff and so it was like no no you can't be here and then this fucking company is gonna just show up randomly because they knew that we were putting it on. And then it makes it look like you endorsed it. Yeah, exactly. It was like, dude, no, you don't get to be here. Sorry. You need to leave. I had this internship, Josh, in Los Angeles when I was like 19 or 20.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And I worked at this production studio. It was called Stone Stanley. And it was like at Paramount Studios or something. It was cool. Like famous people everywhere. You got to drive in the gate, whatever. And I was an intern there. And after being an intern there for like two months, when I was done and I worked my ass off and I was a beast, just like you'd imagine, killed it. And when I was done, they're like, Hey, we want you to be a producer here of our, whatever the
Starting point is 01:28:00 show was. And the show would always bring up like washed up like like the show was like a like a montel williams type show had someone famous as the host like you know we would have guests like um like you know like gary coleman would come on or some shit you know what i mean you know what i mean or or like who is the chick with the anyway anyway so they they say hey can you can you we want to offer you a job here to be a producer at least at least for the next three months for the summer can you stay for the remainder of the summer the three months so i told him i was like hey uh thank you so much for the offer but um my mom wants me home for the summer i'm going home for the summer and i told my mom that story. And she sits me down and she goes, hey, don't ever use me as an excuse ever fucking again. And since then, what made me think of this is you said people who bring their wives or stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Since then, and we know a lot of people who do this, anyone who ever uses their wife as an excuse or their mom or their like, I got to go to like a birthday party or like, hey, shut the fuck up, dude. Like, like, like, like, I don't get like you fucking pussy. Like, keep that to your fucking self. At the end of the day, either you made the decision or you didn't. How about just say, hey, dude, I'm just I'm going to a wedding. I can't do this or hey uh just like just own it but ever do you know those people who you know that i was like my i just think just loser i just i'm like you are a complete like never blame first of all it's a
Starting point is 01:29:43 fuck you're just giving your power away do you know what i mean like my kids say that all the time to me they'll be like hey um you pissed me off i'm like hey you're giving away you give me your power you give me your power yeah i own you all right cool i'll keep it i'll take it yep i pissed you off look now i'm gonna make you happy bam yeah yeah yeah you're i just fucking hate you you got a story like that tell me tell me what do it you know who it reminds me of too. This one's really going to push the limits. Those people who use the emails at work that like, Oh, I'm on vacation contact. So-and-so how about fuck you? I'll be out of the office for a week. How about fuck off? Like I'm never fucking out of the office, dude. I fucking hate that shit like don't like i i've gotten that a few times
Starting point is 01:30:25 where it's like hey it's it's the weekend or it's after hours i'll give a fuck yeah yeah like what i don't i like you know like so who gives a shit oh do that yourself keep the someone who's printing my shirts not vindicate one time told me they're like hey dude you can't text me on sunday done done with you bro we had this we had something going on recently where something kept messing up and we had to keep contacting this company and the fucking lady kept being like i'm on pto right now uh i'll have to get back to you and i'm like pto what the fuck does that mean and someone had to be like it's paid time off like what the fuck what like then you need to tell me who else to contact. And if you're on PTO, why the fuck are you telling me you're on PTO?
Starting point is 01:31:08 Why can't you be like, Hey, I can't help you right now. Here, contact this person. Like, I don't give a fuck if you're on paid time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I don't care. Yeah. I don't care. You have to go to, I don't care about your kid's birthday party. I don't, I don't give a fuck. No,
Starting point is 01:31:19 man. But speaking of that, my, my wife's calling, I got to go. So. All right. Love you.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Bye. Uh, that's different. wife's calling. I got to go. All right. Love you, dude. Bye. You have to get it. That's different. That's different. That's different. Like, at least then you're owning that. You know what I mean? Like, if my wife calls and I'm on with someone, like, yo, my wife's calling. Like, that's different than, like, blaming your, like, I'm making that choice.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Hey, I got to go on and get this call. It's just the excuses. Like, just fucking man up do what you fucking want to do and then if you are a bitch keep it away from me because i'm judging the fuck out of you hey man we're you can judge anybody you want to that's that's the best part about this country you get to fucking judge everyone i'll be gone seven days at a time training it's my responsibility to say no sometimes so she can chill the fuck out. Sometimes you got to make them chill.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Let them chill. All right. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, buddy. I'm glad we were able to close the distance that was created from our lack of time together. I know. I feel like, yeah, I don't get text messages. I don't get calls.
Starting point is 01:32:21 You're so cool now. You think you have all these other people talk about CrossFit and not me. I must not know CrossFit very well. And then, and then listen to this. How, how excited was I when I, when I was researching you before you came on, I saw you going to West close. I was like, I'm so glad. Thank God. Close that gap before I see you face to face. You can try to be friends again before, uh, before we're actually in front of each other. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not totally fake. I love it. All right, dude.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Have a great day. I really appreciate you coming on. Always good to see you, dude. Good to see you too, brother. All right. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Josh bridges. Easiest guy in the space. How the fuck, how is it? Like, listen, dear event organizers, dear, is... Like, listen. Dear event organizers. Dear commentator.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Dear anyone who's in charge of media. And always invite him. He kills. Seve, is it gay to use a fleshlight of a male anus? I'm not even sure what a fleshlight is. Why do they call it a fleshlight is that just is that old term for pocket pussy is that what that it's just something you put your penis in and rub it and ejaculate into it I don't know that's a great question though I think Dear Ryan From Flaming CrossFit
Starting point is 01:33:47 Flaming CrossFit Flaming CrossFit Are you kidding me? Flaming Flaming Gorge CrossFit Is that a joke? Is that your real name? Why don't you change it to Flaming Gap CrossFit
Starting point is 01:34:04 Flaming Anus CrossFit? Flaming CrossFit? Where are you guys located? San Fran? Listen, Ryan, listen. Ryan writes, have Josh on a Kill Taylor episode. Listen. Listen. listen I want zero
Starting point is 01:34:30 zero suggestions for Kill Taylor the greatest live show on the internet today zero thank you oops is right I say this with peace and love i want none of your fucking opinions or suggestions just in the comments i want you to tell me how great the show is that's it you're a fucking genius, Savon.
Starting point is 01:35:08 You're destined to take over again. You're right. You were the greatest chief marketing officer who's ever the planet's ever seen and on accident with a fucking bald fucking drug addict, former drug addict, you've created the best show on the internet. Yeah, that's it. That's all.
Starting point is 01:35:19 That's it. That's it. I just am what I am. And I don't. That's all I want to hear from you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Yeah, you're so handsome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The ego show. Yes. Thank you. The ego show. Best show every day. Thank you. Dear Sevan, why don't you do this with Kill Taylor? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:44 uh dear seven why don't you do this with kill taylor yeah yeah thank you you're the greatest thank you thank you you're the best fake cmo thank you thank you just that oh great here we go if i wasn't if i wasn't then why would i say i am i don't know what that means but I like it thank you oh shit what's this breaking news oh I wonder if that's public john young is that public oh oh i invited someone else onto the show um i wonder if they can come on right now. I want to know what's going... Do we know what the fuck's going on with the broadcast?
Starting point is 01:36:55 Let me see if I can invite someone on who knows what's going on with the broadcast. Does anyone know what's going on with the broadcast this weekend? Can we watch Friday? Did you guys see this thing Jason at CF Media put out? This thing's fucking wild. I didn't even know this dude had this level of testosterone. Jason at CF Media. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Okay. Watch this right here. This is wild. Okay. In that same statement, we were told they will not be live streaming on Friday. Instead, they will be hosting a semifinals kickoff show every Friday on the CrossFit Games podcast. In fact, Dave Castro said, think of the podcast as the appetizer to the main course where fans passions are ignited and primed for the final two days of competition. First of all, there's no way Dave said that. Maybe he maybe he posted.
Starting point is 01:37:58 He said that. But there's no fucking way he said that. Cave Dastro, Chase is doing a podcast. I know, but what's that mean? What do you mean? I don't even know what that means. Do I need to get up at 345 in the morning to watch event number one or not? That's all I need to know. I don't need to know about appetizers or priming my anus or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Now, maybe I'm not eating in the same fancy restaurants as Dave Castro, but in my limited experience, when you go to a restaurant, you generally order the appetizer and the main course. And they're two separate things. You order your main, but beforehand, maybe you've ordered yourself some fried calamari. But beforehand, maybe you've ordered yourself some fried calamari. What doesn't happen is that you order a main course, a waiter eats some of it, comes out, tells you how delicious it was, maybe shows you some pictures of them enjoying your meal, and then serves you the rest of your main and tells you that first bit. That was the appetizer. Basically, he's saying like, hey, are we going to see Friday or not? Are you just going to tell us how good or bad Friday was or is? See McCannons Sevan don't tell me how to do my show also Sevan. So anyways rogue you should have Josh on Thank you. That's correct. Yeah, that's correct
Starting point is 01:39:19 That is uh Jonathan Ortega, they are not live streaming Friday. I'm not I'm not sure what who they is or what it means to live stream anymore. Does that mean. Hamilton Road's not doing it or no one will do it, like, why wouldn't they? Like, I'm going to be there on Friday. Why wouldn't they just let me stream? Like, why wouldn't they just let me stream like why wouldn't they just let me stream it then i'll stream it with all their sponsors i'll do anything they want like i'll stream it for them for free and i'll stream it all the the northeast this the southwest
Starting point is 01:39:57 the west south the the the french flesh Torian Hose, all that. Why wouldn't they just ask me to do it? I've offered many times. They have to be doing it. I don't believe it. Here's the thing. Correct, no one is doing live streaming on Friday. There's no way that's true.
Starting point is 01:40:18 There's no fucking way that's true. None. That that's true. None. That cannot be true. Next you're going to tell me there's going to be double under crossovers in the game. There's just no fucking way. Seve, CaveDastro. Seve, how much would it cost them to have one blocked off camera of the floor and allow people to buy rights to use the footage and add commentary? camera of the floor and allow people to buy rights to use the footage and add commentary it would be it would be free but i'll give you like an honest number like you could do it
Starting point is 01:40:51 really well for ten thousand dollars because then you could bring in like i think it's like four grand you could bring in just your own and usually that's how much it is in stadiums you could just bring in a fucking uh internet cable just pipe it right to one camera. That's actually a fucking great idea. Do you remember that overhead shot that Will Branstetter set up at quarterfinals? Was that quarterfinals? Will Branstetter set that shot up? Yeah, you could do that. That's an amazing fucking idea, dude.
Starting point is 01:41:21 That is a fucking great idea. Yeah, you know what you could do? You could even do two cameras. It wouldn't be more expensive. It'd be the same price. There's no way they're not streaming, though. Let's not spread that. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Anyone would do it for free. I would go to all those countries and do it for free. And I would... Listen, if you're like i would i would totally blow up their um their sponsors too like i wouldn't i would do whatever they wanted they're like hey someone we want you to talk about how important it is to have the rainbow flag and uh at every event like i do it like just tell me what to do what you need. I'll do it for you for free. Isn't that crazy? They know that too, by the way. So that's why I know that they have to be doing it because they know I would do it for free.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Okay, here we go. Let's continue this. How about you? But for me, I would consider the entire semifinal the main course. If you then want to provide an appetizer, great, put on a community event, or maybe highlight an adjacent sport, powerlifting, strongman, something like that, to get our taste buds ready to watch the athletes that worked hard to qualify for their spot at semifinals. Now, instead of warming up our taste buds, it's actually leaving a bitter taste in our mouth. Why? because the live stream is set up you're going to stream on saturday and sunday so you have the ability you're choosing not to do it now obviously this is a cost-cutting measure by crossfit yeah that's fair and i and i
Starting point is 01:42:58 knock in that like if you want to save money i get like save money okay and yes someone could say well it's just one out of six events for the elite individuals and you'd be right but it is also three out of five events for the elite teams tell us you don't care about the teams without telling us you don't care about the teams i'll tell you i don't give a fuck about the teams going we'll just don't stream over half their competition oh and maybe the icing on the cake this actually only applies to north america and europe so congratulations asia not only do you get an additional spot for the games you also get a live stream on friday sorry you're No shit. No shit. They're streaming fucking Asia. I didn't even know Asia had a semifinal. Rup, you may have arguably the most competitive field at semifinals, but not only are we not going to get to watch you compete on Friday, you're also going to lose a spot.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Listen, the money thing I don't give a fuck about. Save the money. I I mean, I like Jason a lot, but he's oversimplifying this. Like, if you have 20 people working on the live broadcast and you can cut it down a day, who knows? Maybe you save $50,000. I get it. And then you do that of three places. You save $150,000. And so it's their money. They can do what they want.
Starting point is 01:44:20 But why not just let someone else do it? The games games too. In that same state, it's bizarre. Yes, you did know Asia has a semifinals. That's where Roman would have to go. All right, fine. Thank you. I'm working I'm working uh
Starting point is 01:45:24 a full a full slate of coverage across a number of platforms including the CrossFit Games website, the CrossFit Games app, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube will be available for every heat of each event on Saturday and Sunday. Damn. damn I need to get somebody on to talk to us about this
Starting point is 01:45:57 I saw somewhere Adrian Conway made a post maybe I can get him on let me see. And his secretary. Let me see if I can get Adrian Conway on. He made a post. Let me read you the post um where is it I don't see it. I thought I had a screenshot of it.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Oh, shit. Sarah Sigmund's daughter is coming on tomorrow. I just saw that. Oh, I'm going way back. Hmm. Hmm. Thank you for your patience. Uh, hmm. Hmm. Nope, I don't see it sorry
Starting point is 01:47:27 I thought he made a post let me see if I can hey can you can you come on my show right now and answer questions about semifinal coverage? We'll give this a couple minutes.
Starting point is 01:48:08 I text a couple people. Hey, Adrian, can you come on my show right now and answer questions about semi-final coverage? Let's see. These guys have day jobs. Oh. This is interesting. Let me see. Some news is interesting. Let me see. Some news is breaking.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Barbell spin. Yeah, if anyone would know, it would be spin. I guess I could ask. Oh, I don't see John Young. I don't see it. I don't see. I don't see John Young. I don't see it. I don't see. I don't see it. Someone's telling me that one of the games athletes that didn't make it is going to do high rocks.
Starting point is 01:49:02 But I don't see it. I probably shouldn't uh let me see what's going on uh okay i'm getting some information all right sorry uh later on today i'll do dave castro week in review then tomorrow morning uh sarah sigman's daughter uh will be coming on i think she'll be joined by uh justin kotler of underdogs athletics two people that are always easy to have on the show they got a lot of shit to say they're easy oh sydney wells there you go. Brooke Wells is doing a high rocks competition in Anaheim Sidney Wells is just becoming a full-time high rocks athlete So no one knows
Starting point is 01:50:05 No one knows what's going on with the semifinal oh here it is oh, okay. Okay. I found the adrian conway quote. Okay, here it is uh This is uh from barbell spin in the comment section of uh, one of the posts Uh, adrian conway responds to joshua alchama we will cover them three live cameras same as used for broadcast and some of us on the mic just different feel for the next two days oh let me oh shit hold on i got two things to show you here we go uh let me show you this first. I wonder, I think I've invited Sydney. It's on Monday to post on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Everything's final. And then I was like, wow, like this is real. And then 15 minutes later, I just got on High Rocks' website. Like, I'm not going to let this, like, I'm not going let this like I'm not gonna let this consume me so I'm really thankful for High Rocks and like getting to find a new opportunity and I really do feel like everything happens for a reason so there's a reason I'm not competing this year I guess the fine the leaderboard was finalized on monday to post on instagram everything's final and then i was like wow like this is real and then 15 minutes later i just got on hyrox's website and like i'm not gonna let this like i'm not gonna let this consume me
Starting point is 01:51:40 damn she's cool as shit i didn't know she was that cool what a great response that's awesome oh you're you're smoking crack high rocks will be bigger than crossfit in less than five years at the at the that doesn't even mean at this pace your comments are only going to get dumber and dumber over the next five years at this pace i'm talking about high rocks. High rocks is just like the rest of them. Just an ebb and flow. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:52:14 I thought that was a great. That was great from Sydney. That was good. Okay. Now, where else am I going? I'm going to do some other investigative work. We need to go to Barbell spin
Starting point is 01:52:36 Let's see, so Josh Alchama says but miss three out of the five team events. Yeah, who cares? And then Adrian Conway says, we will cover them three live cameras, same as used for broadcast. And some of us on the mic, just different feel in the next two days. So similar to last year's sideline coverage, Denise says.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Then Barbell Spin says, any chance you can use your iPhone and run alongside them during the 800 meter runs? Adrian Conway says i think there will be some doing that just going to see that view after the edit the following day seriously i'll be in the booth not running just running my mouth yes uh but much better visuals remember last year we were using public wi-fi cell phones etc this year it's planned and we have resources thank you for the clarification fuck what does that mean so I guess
Starting point is 01:53:29 a cave dastro I hate high rocks just trying to get a rise mission accomplished oh okay okay uh let me see i think i have someone coming on okay I think I think Chase might be coming on here in a minute we can just pepper him with questions I have to pee
Starting point is 01:54:27 all right sounds good I have to pee. All right. Sounds good. All right. I think he just dropped the kids off or something. And he'll be here any minute. Anything else? What can we do to fill the next five minutes i remember when this shit used to stress me out
Starting point is 01:54:50 what is wrong with my voice um so chase will be on here we can ask him anything we want i don't know if we can get any answer we want but i think the point is to find out uh whether i think i think the individual event one for me is at 3 45 a.m pacific standard time on friday no it would be on saturday morning which would be friday over in europe at noon at 1245 noon or something. And that's what time I would need to get up. That's what time I would need to get up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Maybe I'm gonna take a quick potty break. I will go to the bathroom really quick. I haven't done that in a while. Let me see what, what commercial I can run for you. Sleep 8. No, Heat 1 commercial for Heat 1 app. Wheel WOD, Fool. Oh, yeah, this is good.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Okay, this is appropriate. Oh, yeah, this is good. What's this minimalist background wheel okay um i'll be back in uh two minutes with chase ingram and uh we will talk about the um what exactly is going on with the streaming Thank you. Thank you. so you got you guys do you know why i i promote the wheelwad stuff so much you want to know why how fucking easy it is i'm gonna tell you two real quick stories real quick because uh kevin ogar and lisa gall stay in contact with me that's it it's just relationships they just have a good relationship with me just imagine it's so easy for anyone in the space to get their shit promoted on here
Starting point is 01:59:06 so fucking easy for anyone to get their shit promoted on here it's so easy no matt burns i didn't wash my hands it's so easy now listen see my cannons see my cannons see my boobs i sure do like looking at them. I'm going to tell you a story. It's not a story here. You ready? Here's the contradiction. Right now for the Kill Taylor show, those of you who've already found the show, congratulations to you.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Because the show is absolutely insane and it's only going to grow every week in terms of popularity. But those of you who found it already, already know, hey, it's the biggest and best show on the Internet. It's that fucking good. And people, people. Oh, Mrs. Burns, Sabbath Essentials. There you go. People. People have been offering a sponsorship for it.
Starting point is 02:00:02 How come I can't find your website? Sabbath Essentials. sponsorship for it how come i can't find your website sabbath essentials how come i can't find it damn i tried uh people have so so the way sponsorship has been working for um for kill taylors we're're just taking $500 a week, and that's all we're doing. And sponsors have offered us like $10,000 or $12,000 or $20,000. Oh, Code Savant. Okay, what is the website?
Starting point is 02:00:36 Code Savant, 20% off at Sabbath Essentials. I know it's the only shit my wife uses. See that shit all over the kitchen countertop. not i'm not going to take that kind of sponsorship for that show there's no fucking way i'm taking twelve thousand dollars or five thousand dollars or eight thousand dollars for that show that show like needs like a hundred and fifty thousand dollar sponsor and the reason why that show needs a hundred fifty thousand dollar sponsor a three hundred thousand dollar sponsor is because that's the way i view that show and like if you're not if you're if you're a sponsor and you don't think that that show is worth it to you, then you're not
Starting point is 02:01:08 the right sponsor for that show. Like that show is already there. That shows like two years ahead of everyone else in the whole fucking space. That show is fucking off the chart. It's only going to get better every week. The numbers are already showing that it's going to be fucking massive by games time and just the growth all the time and the participation and the energy around it. And so this isn't this isn't this isn't 2018 where a fucking podcast is just thankful to fucking get a sponsor. That's not how this works. Like right now, we're just going to go week at a time. We're going to take five hundred dollars a week from a sponsor until we find the fucking sponsor.
Starting point is 02:01:48 But that show, that sponsor is going to have to see what I see. And so, fuck, I mean, hopefully Coca-Cola fucking jumps in and we fucking go straight to Netflix and they give us a million dollars and we start making the prize money $10,000 a week. and we start making the prize money $10,000 a week. But until then, fuck, I'll just find a sponsor who can help us get to $1,000 a week, then $1,500 a week, then $2,000 a week, and we'll just keep growing the show. But that show is already there, but there's no one in the space far enough to take advantage of it.
Starting point is 02:02:16 There are people with the money. And I'll give you some other insights. Like if CrossFit HQ made me level one commercials to show on my station, I would show them all the fucking time. Level one, affiliate commercials. If the master's comp did, I just happen to fucking really like this Lisa Galchick, who's the media director over at Wheelwod, and she's cool. And then I had a good time with Tim Murray, and I like Ogar,
Starting point is 02:02:42 and I see him sometimes at Greg's events. And it's just all relationship shit it's just all it's just all just being cool in relationships and all the people out there who you don't see like in the space taking advantage of it and leveraging this show it's because of their ego or and and i have trouble i have a lot of trouble uh processing this one for some reason they don't want to be affiliated with me because of some perspective I might have on something. Chase, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 02:03:11 Hey, what are we talking about? Hey, dude, I had Josh Bridges on today. Oh, nice. And I was like, hey, dude, you know what made, do you remember how Rogue had that, like they did that trial this year where they were dudes sitting on a booth and for 10 bucks you could just hear them bullshit instead of the commentators you could go you could do both josh made that now if he wasn't there maybe someone
Starting point is 02:03:34 else would have made it i'm not saying like just like if we didn't have rich phoning there'd be another superstar champ in the space yeah but but i'm just saying he he was the superstar in that did you get a chance to watch any of that? I did. I thought Josh was fantastic. And it reminded me of when we did it last year for the West semifinal in Pasadena. And Kalipa was on with Adrian Conway. And they were both unhinged for it. That's exactly my point. And there, I wouldn't say, here's what's unfair.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Like, in my mind, I would say it was better than maybe, like, the main broadcast. But it's kind of not fair because it's comparing apples and oranges. Sean and the gang are fucking world-class at what they fucking do. I enjoy them. It's smooth. It's clean. I hope you enjoy them i was i am a part of that sorry you too i know i was trying to i was trying to keep it uh without dragging you into it but but you and sean and and all the guys and tommy and bill grundler over the
Starting point is 02:04:37 years it's been fucking amazing and i love it i do not have i i've always been a huge fan of broadcast but it's not fair to compare it to this other thing because it really is apples and oranges at that point it's like hey do you want to ride uh um a honda scooter or a vespa they're just that's a bad example but it's just different yeah they're just different but that thing that you guys did last year where you streamed fridays was is my cup of tea okay you know what i what I mean? It's like, like, like at that point, the visuals, like take a backseat and I'm like a big backseat. Yeah. And it's okay because you guys lived up to, you guys brought the energy to, um, you guys brought the, uh, energy, uh, commensurate to the lack of images. Right. And to tell you the truth, you guys brought the energy commensurate to the lack of images,
Starting point is 02:05:26 right? And to tell you the truth, you guys were able to follow the leaders better there and the action. Then you can pick what you want to talk about in the exact moment that you choose to. And then when you interview people, they're just kind of leaning over the desk. It's like a sweaty athlete just comes and puts his elbows on the desk.
Starting point is 02:05:43 I mean, it's cool shit. And you know where else you get that too. get that shit a little bit in the ufc the guy jumps over the cage and he's fucking sitting on dana's lap you know what i mean or the commentators are trying to commentate and the fighter comes up to the cage and you can hear him yelling i told you i was gonna kick his ass yeah you get this kind of like oh shit the two worlds are colliding yeah there was a moment like that last night in the Denver Nuggets basketball game where they hit this last second three to end the half, but he landed right in front of the broadcast table. He just sat there with his arms crossed, staring at the announcer, freaking out at him, like just right in that moment.
Starting point is 02:06:19 It was a really cool, like authentic moment in time, which I thought was super cool. And that's, yeah and that's yeah that's what it felt like last year doing the podcast there's a word like that and like a technical word like that in the movie business like where you break the third wall or i don't know what it's called but it's like when the characters like yeah you break the break some rules yeah third wall or fourth wall that's why people like deadpool so much because that's what yeah marvel movie yeah what that movie really that funny you bring that move I like hated that movie and loved that movie at the same time because like
Starting point is 02:06:49 because I thought the writing and that guy Reynolds was so amazing but when I go to a movie I like to suspend my disbelief and just kind of like tune out and I couldn't do it in that movie but I was also like holy shit hey I saw a stand standup comedy routine yesterday by a woman named Brittany Cummings. Oh yeah. Is it Brittany or Whitney? Is it? Oh, maybe it's Whitney.
Starting point is 02:07:13 Whitney Cummings. Have you, have you seen that? I haven't seen her most recent one, but I know who she is. She's hilarious. It's on fucking only fans. Oh,
Starting point is 02:07:22 it's on only fans. Then I definitely haven't seen that one. And it's free. My wife sent me a fucking link to it. Dude, this is the funniest shit ever, dude. This chick is fucking incredible. There's a whole CrossFit section in there. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:07:41 Yeah. Oh, then I definitely need to watch that. Maybe not OnlyFans. So OnlyFans is getting into the comedy space. Isn't that like what it was meant to be? It was like some private content creating platform, and then everybody just turned it into porn. Yeah, well, this chick does have some big old fake titties.
Starting point is 02:08:01 I mean, she's super hot, and she's pregnant. She's super hot. She's right up my alley probably one straight the other but yeah oh she's so funny she's so funny i couldn't and my wife sent it to me and usually i don't watch anything like people send me especially my wife and then she's like hey i'm demanding you listen to this and i and i just fucking listened to the whole thing yeah she just had a baby oh my, my God. It was so good. I said, oh, Heidi, do you have an OnlyFans page?
Starting point is 02:08:29 I hope you will subscribe to me, David. Oh, nice. Okay, here's the question of questions. Okay. I'm glad Jason CF Media questioned it. I'm glad John Wooley questioned it on Make Wads Great Again. People are like, what was that statement? We saw Brian Spinn put an AI voice to Dave in our thread. That was pretty funny of reading Dave's post.
Starting point is 02:08:51 I'm so glad so many people are having trouble understanding what's coming out because I was like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah. Will, do I need to get up? Should I get up Friday morning or Saturday morning aturday morning 3 45 a.m so i can watch pardon me or will it be saturday morning i'll be still be it'll be friday morning for you friday friday morning for me okay if i get up at 3 45 will i be able to watch the french throwdown you will you will be able to see see individual yes now it's not going to
Starting point is 02:09:27 be and the reason why they're trying to create such a difference between the actual broadcast coverage and what the podcast will be because you know last year i put that thing together with you know a gumming like chewing gum wrapper and a toothpick and you sold with that guy's podcast gear right that guy i basically i had arrived in orlando and it came to the point where cross it wanted to see could we do anything and of course my answer is yes right like if there's anything that can be done i want to be on the front lines of being able to get it done yeah and for the thanks of the selflessness of wex and mike halpin and barkley dale and brian friend and adrian conway and all the guests ck guy mvp of the weekend by the way who's that i just it's a dude in the stands wearing a cow that's right yeah i mean that kind of shit you can't do in a live broadcast yeah
Starting point is 02:10:24 that was amazing right and so like the in a live broadcast yeah that was amazing right and so like the the best part of that coverage was that it's not a professional broadcast and it's never supposed to be and it can be as candid and it's laid back and entertaining as possible without having to like showcase what's happening with the way it's always been done and so the idea is that we take the concept that I did last year and we just bring the same type of coverage with maybe a little bit more focus versus chaos, but it's still not going, it's not going to be a normal broadcast. It's not going to have multiple camera angles and a bunch of graphics and lane assignments.
Starting point is 02:11:01 It's just going to be us at a desk with maybe one or two ways to see the field of play. It's not going to be moving. You'll be able to see us on camera. We're going to have multiple guests on the show. And we're just going to cover it like if you and I were sitting in the stands just talking about it and maybe had our phone just pointing at it type of a concept. So you will be able to see action while you're there. It won't just be three people at a desk with the only camera on them. And then like they had to do the post produce stuff. Yes. Last year as well, where they would basically take our audio and then give you like much better video content that's post produced so you can see it again in a better viewing angle that'll be a part of the friday coverage so you're telling me just to be clear and this is where you should go it'll be here on this channel so i don't see it scheduled yet right but you're saying that i should watch this page yes and click all the notifies me's and the subscribe i should do subscribe. Everybody should subscribe and hit all the notifications,
Starting point is 02:12:07 and it will be on there come the first Friday of semifinals, or this Friday. And will you be in Europe, you personally? I will be. Okay, so you'll be there. And then do you have a designated partner already, like Kalipa or Conway? No. Okay, so just you for now yeah and you'll when i turn on my tv and i'm wiping the sleep out of my eyes you'll be like guys here we are what's the center place called what's it called i should probably know that this is chase ingram from the socialist republic of france and um but yes we're here for
Starting point is 02:12:44 uh event one of the uh crossfit semifinals we've never seen any of these workouts done before all the superstars are in the house there's laura horvat who just walked by and and you'll just be shooting the shit with us and you'll have like some there and back and forth and then it'll be three two one go and we'll get to see these fucking animals throw down yes wow wow and i think the big difference is is just they need to say that no offense you guys just need to say that you guys need to schedule it and just say that i mean i was just telling people don't tell me what to do but yeah just so we can just start prepping because like we got to get up early yes right and so there will be
Starting point is 02:13:22 a feed of the field during the show and who we get on throughout that. Like, it's just going to be nervous when you start saying stuff like that. It's just going to be people coming in the backyard. Why are you telling me that? Of course, like, of course, there'll be a feed, right? Yeah. When you mean of the show, you mean of the field of play, you will be able to see it. Yes. So nobody's going to wake up and just look at my dumb face for 10 hours on a friday okay and it'll be live it'll be fun it'll be a chat going it'll be wild yeah it'll be like okay fuck this is dope the hope is that it'll be like last year
Starting point is 02:13:59 as fun and laid back and candid as it was the entire time without maybe the 2g cell phone yeah video coverage that we had to you know navigate through but what we want to do the cross the games podcast is still be able to give people a way to watch from home that can't be there in person from a different perspective in different um medium than the full-on broadcast coverage that everybody loves and is used to at this point right and you know what I like about this too is when you do it on this it silences those of us who like are often critical of the feed like we'll be like they fuck this up they fuck this up like our expectation drops so low all that chatter goes away and at that point like we kind of like fall into it like we're're taking some ownership. We're participants in it. You know what I mean? We can comment you,
Starting point is 02:14:48 even if the camera misses something and you tell us about it, we got it. Or we can tease you. Oh, Chase, you said so-and-so is going to win and you can talk. Listen, jump into the comments. That'll be real time. Jump into the comments. Tell me how a terrible job I'm doing or tell me where to move the camera. That's not possible. I love the lactic acid. Okay. And, and there's only one, there's only one event on Friday.
Starting point is 02:15:11 So this is going to be, this will be easy. So there's one individual event, but there are three team events. You're doing those too. Yeah. Oh, you're crazy.
Starting point is 02:15:19 I'm we're, I'm going there to France. I say that as if like, that's a burden. It's not a burden at all. It's a great opportunity. I'm thankful to be able to be in this position, again, to be able to give some context and coverage to the Friday
Starting point is 02:15:32 that won't be covered by the main broadcast, is that, look, three team events of the five will be on the first day as well as the first individual event. All those athletes and people should be able to be cheered for it's seen but look it's going to be a lot like it was last year with a little bit maybe better um wi-fi yeah awesome that's exciting that's worth getting up for okay uh next question along those same lines what about the following? Is there another semifinal going on the same week? Asia. Asia.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Does Asia have Friday coverage? I believe they do, but the thing with the outside the big three, so both American, West, East, and then Europe, those different semifinals are basically managing their own coverage where CrossFit is footing the bill to get these covered through a different production company so it allows like torium pro or the far east throwdown to cover their semifinals in a way that they seem fit okay so then let's just focus on north america and those other two for the the West, will we also have Friday coverage?
Starting point is 02:16:46 Yes. And for the East, we'll also have Friday coverage. Yes. And in the same format, you'll be there. In the same format, yeah. I don't mean you get full coverage likeā€¦ No, I get it. Same Friday format.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Go to the podcast channel and watch it. Yep. And so do you do all those three weeks in a row you fly from place to place to place no i'm only gonna do france so france would be the friday that i go out there and just kick off the season and make sure really stress test the whole thing so yeah put myself in front of the firing squad for 10 hours and you guys can come at me as hard as you want to it's not going to bother me but i will be going there and doing the absolute best job I could possibly do to give you guys the best thing that we can possibly give you. That's what I'm there for. I'm not going to do it the next two weeks after that.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Adrian Connery will be stepping in in that position for the following two weeks. Okay. And Adrian's great. Adrian is great. He's there for a reason. Okay. So Adrian has one week or two weeks? Two. Two weeks. Okay. And then the others are more independent in terms of the streaming. Correct.
Starting point is 02:17:51 Okay. Awesome. Okay. Shit. Well, that clarifies it all for me. Thank you. I don't know. It's not all doomsday.
Starting point is 02:17:57 You're not going to sit there and just look at a blank screen for a whole day. There will be stuff there for everybody. And like you said, with expectations coming in, it's going to be a backyard barbecue broadcast. It's not going to be a full Superbowl style one. You'll get that Saturday and Sunday. And, uh, yeah, so I'll, I'll make it as a, I don't want to say appetizer. That might be the wrong phrase. That one's not going over well. Yeah. That one's not going over well. But what I would say is like, I want to be able to put the athletes in the event in a spotlight that is going to be fun,
Starting point is 02:18:30 different. And as, as low key is, listen, there's a reason why these podcasts that we do all the time are so fun and engaging because you're able to have fun and engage with them because it's not as serious as it needs to be. And then Friday, after Friday, we can get as serious and as official as we want.
Starting point is 02:18:51 It's Chase and the Broadcast Saturday and Sunday. Chase, are you doing the broadcast on Saturday and Sunday from Europe also? I am. No shit. I'm stepping into my old play-by-play shoes. Okay. Oh, shit. I'm a commentator, yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:07 Okay. into my old play-by-play shoes okay oh shit commentator yeah okay and then um uh dangaro chase will you also be going to west coast classic i will not so this will be my this will be the the first week is my only week for semifinals you oh you don't do the broadcast in the west or the east no i'll just do the i'll just do europe full-on podcast broadcast for week one and then i'll let the other professionals have their due and get their experience for the CrossFit Games awesome and are you doing the CrossFit Games uh I don't know yet they're in my backyard so it'd be nice okay brother thank you so much great you are great uh thanks for jumping on I know I was uh were you taking your kids to school uh no I was having a meeting with a buddy of mine who owns a gym we've been friends for about 16 years and just catching up on over a cup of coffee.
Starting point is 02:19:47 And that's your other hat you wear, right? You're the affiliate. What's it called? Yeah. So my full time role for CrossFit is the affiliate rep for the South Central United States. That's my job. Say it again. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Affiliate what? The affiliate for the south central us so i manage all the affiliates between arizona arkansas oklahoma mississippi louisiana texas and oklahoma or new mexico i think i said oklahoma twice hey you know what that's what makes um the broadcast so good that that's also the key to the ufc also um and in the nfl to some point too that they always keep people you're a games athlete you're an affiliate owner um you're still deeply entrenched in the day-to-day business when the ufc moved over to espn when they moved from fox to espn at first they tried to bring in espn commentators and that did not last long yeah so i'm so glad because if you don't have people who are entrenched in it,
Starting point is 02:20:45 it fucks it all up. Yeah. Well, I mean, we could do a whole podcast on why I broadcast and what I bring to it. But like, for me, it's, I was actually having this conversation at coffee today is like, I love watching CrossFit. I love the experience. I love the entertainment. I love the sport. And my hope is if I get to broadcast that, that everyone else can understand and fall in love with it as much as I do. Right? So being an affiliate owner for a decade, managing one for five years, being on a seminar staff for seven years. Yes, I've competed at the CrossFit Games. I've coached teams at the CrossFit Games. You've tested workouts for the CrossFit Games. I've coached teams at the CrossFit Games. I've tested workouts for the CrossFit Games. I've tested workouts for the CrossFit Games and I've been on the broadcast for 12 years. And all of that wrapped into one and now being this affiliate role for two years and just being even steep more into our community is that my love and passion. Oh yeah, I'm late for this show right here. I know. I know. Sorry. Sorry. I know you're five minutes late for this show i'm so
Starting point is 02:21:45 sorry i told him to wait it's jeremy teal he can wait for me oh he's awesome he is awesome so it's gonna be all that for me my my hope is when people watch the broadcast obviously not everybody's gonna like it but that's fine is that i want everybody to love what i'm looking at as much as i love what i'm looking at and that's all want. And I want to be able to infuse what's happening and be able to intertwine that with people who are affiliate owners or people that are members in the gym, are trainers on seminar staff, those that want to be coaches, those who want to own affiliates. I just hope that my love and loyalty and passion for CrossFit comes through and people can identify with that without making me a centerpiece of that conversation, right? I don't want it to be Chase is talking about this. I just want people
Starting point is 02:22:31 to hear it and feel it and then just enjoy what they're watching on the TV screen. Mission accomplished. I like having a relationship though with the commentators too. I think it's great we've had Sean for so long and we've been able to build a relationship with him. I know that you need to say that, but I also like having you've been able to build a relationship with him. I know that you need to say that, but I also like having you do it because I have a relationship with you just not only through the show, but just through years of watching the same person. I also want to say this,
Starting point is 02:22:54 Josh Bridges was on today and I said, Hey, do you ever get invited to do commentary? He said, no, but I would love to. I would, I love doing it.
Starting point is 02:23:00 And that, what a crazy reason. He's so fucking good. Yeah. Right. And like, yeah crazy reason he's so fucking good yeah right and like yeah and he's fully he's never said his program is anything but crossfit of all the athletes around he's been as loyal to crossfit as you could ever get i mean what a great ambassador they should scoop him up yeah well and the thing is like josh would be the best version of josh in like a friday setting right because if josh gets on a professional one is like,
Starting point is 02:23:25 we can't get real Josh, the Josh that we love for the reasons of which we love them, but you can get it on a podcast. You can get that made back coverage like they did at Rogue, which I thought was a beautiful addition to the, to the broadcast in its entirety. All right, dude. Hey, thank you. Uh, you're, you're headed over to, uh, get with the programming. Who's this guy, Bryce Collier? Bryce Collier, he owns Coda CrossFit. It's one of the biggest, most multiple gyms in the entire world. And Jeremy and Bryce has come together to build the fittest experience to what it is today. So we're going to talk with those guys about how they, how TFX got started.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Obviously, Jeremy Teal, who was third place. I mean, he was on your documentary, Every Second Counts. That was Jeremy Teal in there in third place. So what those two guys have built over the last 15 years, I think, is second to none when it comes to, at minimum, the United States, but for CrossFit entirely. And we're just going to tag it with some two OGs on the broadcast and just, like I said, celebrate the community and what we do and what we've built over the last two decades. Awesome. All right, dude. Have a great show. Thanks, dude. Thanks for the invite. Yep. Thank you. Thanks for coming on. Bye. All right. Chase headed over to get with the programming, start up his show.
Starting point is 02:24:37 That was awesome to get that clarity. Okay. All right. So we are going gonna get to watch it It still seems a little weird How it's um It's just not um How it's just not um Yeah we're doing it
Starting point is 02:25:00 I just don't need That's all I need Yeah you can watch it Yeah you're going to get to see Laura Horvat Alright cool thank you Someone not trying to tell you what to do Can you hit the button to send the chat over Can you hit the button
Starting point is 02:25:16 I don't know what that means Hit the button to send the chat over I don't know what that means. All right. We will schedule, we will schedule a, oh, let me see if he's even done it yet. The Dave Castro.
Starting point is 02:25:40 We will see the Dave Castro. Does Dave? No, not yet. Okay, so I'm assuming Dave does his weekly will see the Dave Castro. Does Dave? No, not yet. Okay, so I'm assuming Dave does his weekly weekend review today. So we'll be back later on today to do that. And then tomorrow morning, bright and early, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, the normal time, we will have Justin Kotler on and Sarah Sigmund's daughter. All right.
Starting point is 02:26:03 I'll see you guys later today. Thanks for hanging out. Love you guys. Buh-bye.

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