The Sevan Podcast - Josh Bridges | The Last Good Dude #917

Episode Date: May 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Air Mile. We'll see you next time. Thank you. Shit. Oh, shit. Can anyone hear me? No, I can't. No, I can't. I was just doing all that all that talking for a minute 25 and no one told me they couldn't hear me i couldn't hear you dumbass shit oh that's not oh there's a lot of no audios i'm seeing oh my goodness i just talked for a minute 26 seconds well good you weren't even here. Look at your hair. Oh, I knew we were going to start there.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Steven Seagal, here we go. Oh, man. Steven Seagal, wow. Damn, son. Let me see this Steven Seagal. Oh, dude. I will not tolerate that bullshit.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Let me see this. That's exactly who you look like. Steven Seagal. Oh, here we go. Where's my share screen? There it is. Oh, yeah, baby. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I love it. Pick one. Which one am I? This one? All of them. Oh, you can't even see my arrow. Darn it. Pick one. Which one am I? This one? All of them. This? Oh, you can't even see my arrow. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 What is going on? So I've been out of town, Josh, for like seven or eight days, and I'm just back in the studio. So the audio was fucked up. I was just complaining about how I don't know what's going on here because it's been a week. Oh, man. Tomorrow I'm reworking the whole studio.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'm so excited. What are you going to do? Move it around. Right now I have it set up so some people can come in live, but I've never really utilized it tomorrow. I'm going to just like move, change the whole thing around. So it's like friendly. So when you come over, like you and the homies can like, you know, it looks like a legit podcast studio instead of being pushed in the corner
Starting point is 00:04:03 here. I like it, man. I like in the corner here i like it man i like it thanks you like do you what about the man bun you like that uh it's okay you know i'm not um it's yeah it's very um you don't think the pay i'm sure kind of equals it out testosterone it's like a nice balance of i don't know i literally was pretty close to being able to put my hair in a man bun literally until about three hours ago and I went and got a haircut. I did. I did crazy. I did see that you were kind of going back for the, um, kind of, uh, Lou Ferrigno, incredible Hulk days, the 2000, you know, like whatever, 12, 11, 12, what was that? 16. Yeah. I, uh, yeah, I was just being lazy. I just hadn't gotten a haircut. I was just, there was nothing to it. It was just laz. I just hadn't gotten a haircut. There's nothing to it.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's just laziness. Just hadn't gotten a haircut. Priorities. Exactly. Thank you for the no disc golf show. All right. I was just saying before you came on that this guy, there's a guy who has a podcast called Coffee Pods and Wads.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Yeah, yeah, I've been on it. Pedro, you have been on it and he interviewed uh don fall today live and it's a fucking good interview really like yeah and it's like funny depending on the mood i'm in like i want to like say nice things that don did a great job but then when i get in a bad mood i'm like don did a shitty job so i haven't decided i'm going to address it i love it but uh yeah it's funny some things are mood dependent yeah i can see that what was that what was good about the interview what was happening in it this pedro asked him some hard questions pedro was like just pushing on him like hey what the fuck's up you guys are doing you know
Starting point is 00:05:35 this is the first time uh semi-finals have ever been done i that i can recall where they didn't stream some of the events so that yeah i saw that i saw that there's like not everything like linda's not being streamed like one of the throwback workouts original female workouts that's like so awesome and they're not going to stream that one that's weird the athletes are going to take the field six times for seven workouts and you're not gonna stream twice when they take the field. And I just – What's the reasoning that they said? Well, I mean I'm just going to say – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I can't remember if they've said, but it's money. It's resources. It's money. Don does allude to one thing. He basically says we did the – I think this – I'm paraphrasing what he said, but he said, due to limited resources, we figured out which time gets the most bang bang for the buck based on the number of viewers historically. So we got rid of those two workouts. And then he went on to say, and the workouts are on two different floors. So it was hard moving the camera people, which makes no sense because
Starting point is 00:06:37 it's at six or seven different venues. And then he kind of covered his ass and said, oh, well, you better follow up and ask jb that question meaning like he did it's kind of below his pay grade gotcha but it's huge it's huge it's a weird thing it's a weird thing to see what happened in 2018 19 and 20 and you have the fewest uh um you have the most white athletes and the least media ever in the history of the games after this after there was this attempt by the community to get more media and and and more more sprinkles on the donut and it's uh it's just i find i i'm enjoying it the irony yeah it's really weird um i don't understand it and they're also doing it not on you're kind of like you're you look like dawnfall uh i don't tell you that i don't even know if i've
Starting point is 00:07:23 ever i don't i definitely never met him you're the black haired version of him you could be you could be his brother i like it thank you i don't know i don't know if it's a compliment or a good thing or a bad thing um it's a compliment i thought it was weird that they're not doing it on weekends either it's literally just they're gonna do three days in a row the next three days the next three days the next three days the next three days right no no no it's all it's all weekends every weekend oh okay three three weeks in my understanding uh three weeks in a row basically friday through sunday the the normal thing so so is right maybe someone will maybe someone will unfuck us in the um oh did you i forgot i didn't send uh fraser a link did you no oh all right you should do it maddie you think he misses the show i think so i do too for sure i'm gonna i'm gonna pull up a picture of dawnfall for you have you looked at
Starting point is 00:08:14 the workouts yeah i've looked at the workouts jesus well the reason why i ask is because i think so i always just imagine you're kind of distant from the community, but you're not. I'm not distant, no. I mean, I'm not as involved as I obviously once was when I was competing. Really? I don't know about that. Yeah, he does his hair the same way. He's all clean cut. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:42 He's the blonde version of you. Blonde, skinny version of you okay marine recon oh nice i like it fuck yeah that's cool um the workouts we were talking about the workouts sorry i was gonna go i was going to kind of like pull them up hey hey you got them already you got them already you You already got him, Steven? I don't, but let me do it. Oh, shit. Look at this. Look if you go to the CrossFit Games Instagram account. By the way, I noticed your Instagram account
Starting point is 00:09:14 started moving north again. Yeah, it's weird, right? Yeah, congratulations. Thanks, man. I know. Right there. Top, baby. Look at that. This is his one rep max. If he's able to hit this, he's had a couple failed attempts. He's's able to hit this good old days hey um boy it's thick right there yeah look at your ass damn dude's a dumb truck thanks for noticing hey when i watch this i'm tripping um, all that right there is, uh, that excitement is,
Starting point is 00:09:48 uh, it could be like an adrenaline dump. Like, like, like you, like you shoot your load with that instead of like saving that in and using it for your next lift. Right. Well, I was getting fired up because I knew that I had the lift. I remember hitting those, those are those fail. The ones that I failed. I remember just realizing I have it. No, I hitting those, those, those fail, the ones that I failed. I remember just realizing I have it. No, I have this, I have this weight, like this way it's going to go overhead. And so it wasn't really an adrenaline dump for me. It was more so like getting myself fired up. I mean, cause you can only do that. You can only do that so many times, right? So like in that sandbag lift, do you remember that last year? Yeah. And you're like, it wasn't part of you. Like part of you like i mean i've never done it but you've done it i'm guessing where you're like
Starting point is 00:10:28 how many more times can uh ricky gerard and uh justin medeiros get themselves up for that right i mean yeah the last three lifts they should have failed and they had kept getting up and doing it and getting you know what i mean by get up i don't mean get out of their chair i understand i understand what you're saying yeah yeah like get like getting the adrenaline getting the like getting everything going to where like there's certain movements too where all of a sudden it's just gone and snatch is one of them to where like you work up you'll work up you'll work up everything's feeling great everything's feeling smooth you're feeling fired up everything's firing the muscles are going like you're putting like you're hitting the right positions. And then all of a sudden it's just gone.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But like that, this competition right here, the crowd was keeping me up. And I and every time that I missed it, they were like really close misses to where I knew that I had it. And so the crowd, I was able to stay up the crowd, the the crowd okay here we go uh so uh what was the time cap on this do you remember it was like 11 minutes okay so we're at the nine minute mark shit's getting weird yeah it's getting close yeah okay and uh and you failed your first lift and it's 265 i failed it a few times already i think or a couple times and the um announcer uh said this is your pr i had not yeah i never hit this weight yet the most in your life in your life on your existence on planet earth okay yeah my existence
Starting point is 00:11:51 okay uh katie please please uh don't shower us with money quite yet i don't have time i really enjoy the josh and seven uh shows thanks guys you should put my name in front of yours on that podcast out there i agree uh thank you okay um am i stuttering at all no no i don't mean like i'm having a stroke i mean like my screen my uh my internet no i'm no you're fine okay here we go and andrew kong at 8 16 have passed that says no oh theero to your right. Yeah. And are you paying attention with a man bun? No, I wasn't paying attention to them. Like I did not care about winning this.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I just cared about hitting the weight twice because when I practiced it, when I trained it, every weight leading up to it, it was like 185, 225, 245, 265. Like every weight prior to that, I had no issues with, like I didn't miss, I had to hit 245 four times. I had zero misses. Like I hit every one of them. Like it wasn't even like a thought in my mind, I was going to miss it, but I never hit 265. And so I never even attempted 265 in training. I would just do poles. So I would do, I do the, I do the workout
Starting point is 00:13:03 up to 265 and then at 265 i just did poles and i knew in my head i was like i'm gonna get this on the floor you did i thought yeah and i was like i'm gonna get it i have no doubt about it in my mind wow so you weren't nervous you weren't you weren't pissed off when you saw this like what the fuck this is too heavy no no i was excited i was stoked i was like i'm gonna fucking pr my snatch in competition after performing it was like 10 what was it 10 8 6 4 2 i believe um i don't remember the exact weights i think it was was it 185 205 225 245 265 um uh mike pool boy uh what am i watching sounds like sebon but i'm watching josh being interviewed by what appears to be an upset uber driver uh yes all right damn right rosemary liked
Starting point is 00:13:54 it and is that um still your pr yes i hit it and i only hit it the next year in the open they had it the weight in the open and i had and i hit it i think you're supposed to hit it three times and i only hit it twice uh look at lauren fisher i want to see a replay of when rasmus wander wanderson uh winning this event yeah because because people care about that who Who's that guy again? Who is that? Uh, uh, day Walker,
Starting point is 00:14:28 Josh Bridges is a good dude. The last we, we, as we've learned on the last show, uh, he's the, um, last good dude.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Josh, your story about the seven podcast last year that led me here. So thanks for that, Josh. Oh, that's awesome. Hell yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Cop Jessica Valenzuela she's a cop regular listener oh i'm sorry are we am i interrupting something josh no oh okay here we go continue this time of 8 36 okay do you know are you nodding your head is that what you were doing you know me yeah do i know what you know what's going up yeah right there you know yeah no yeah i caught it i'm like i'm like okay i'm in the position i got it now i just now i just like settle it and stand up because you're like nodding your head and shit yeah because i fucking know and the very gentle uh uh you know you you came down with it very gently because i i knew i had to hit it again okay don't bust your nut that was yes i was like i was like don't like in my mind i
Starting point is 00:15:40 go don't celebrate this lift because i have to hit it again and if I celebrate it because in training if I had hit if I would hit a PR like that was it there were no more no more no more lifts were happening you know you're like you're done you're like that's it I'm good like I'm good to go I don't I don't need to do anything else in that moment I recognized very quickly I'm like I have to hit this again so don't celebrate this like this never happens never right you're done like in reality you're done he did good the crowd is happy he got it once he's like it's a pr he's the little guy he's not supposed to get he's never got it before good job yeah because in in if that was in my garage and i was hitting that for pr i would have slammed that way i would have fucking ripped my shirt off and, you know, chugged 10 beers.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Like, it would have been insane. Like, I would have just, like, celebrated so hard, especially a snatch PR because it just rarely came. Ten shots of espresso. Ten shots of espresso. Yeah, exactly. And so I was, like, but I caught myself, like, as I was standing it up, I was like, you have to hit this again.
Starting point is 00:16:43 The celebration, the lift isn't over. Like don't don't feel like it's over because it's not because you still have to do it again uh josh looking like a uh tow truck driver on yellow jackets and mad dog i don't even get it i don't get yellow jackets they're like these like caffeine pills at gas stations. Oh. Okay. Okay. Hey, shut it. Burpee dude. Stop pausing.
Starting point is 00:17:11 We can't see the video clearly. You got to pipe down. I'll pause it all. I want to milk in this show. We got 90 minutes. I got to milk it. I can't even believe we found something so good right off the bat. We came over here to talk about workouts and instead we're living in the past. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Here we go. Here we go. What's up with the shirt athlete? They gave you that? That's issued from the event? That's Rogue. So you got to choose that? Yeah, they don't tell us what to wear. They just give us a bunch of shirts.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh, but they did give you that. That was provided. Yeah, Rogue gave us those. They gave you a Rogue athlete. Okay. Oh my god, did you see your eyes? They were crazy. Okay. If you're a rogue athlete. Okay. The PR for Doug Bridges. After three. Oh my God. Did you see your eyes? They were crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Tempted that. Unbelievable. But did you see the fight? So your hair was getting close to that look. It was, man. It was, it was about there today. That modern position kept his body locked out and didn't rush it. My boy.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That was awesome. Okay. Nine minutes. Two was awesome. Dan Bailey in at 9-0-1. Okay, nine minutes. Two minutes left here. Garrett Fisher, does he still do CrossFit? I don't think so, man. I haven't heard of him. I have no idea what happened to him. A strong play looking at it for him, but wow, what a performance.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Bridges almost didn't... Now what? That was bad. that was like i was like damn it i like i but i knew it was just a bad pull i was like i was just a bad pull i go that was just a bad pull and i had to like stay in the stay there you know i had to stay in the zone because if i fucking got out it was gone i was like don't do it you're there you still have this weight um in hindsight are you like holy fuck what a stuff this is just crazy that you're able to stay up yeah it was it was nuts like looking back on it it really is because
Starting point is 00:18:51 it would never have happened anywhere else like nowhere else well uh uh uh 80 90 percent of the time we see someone um they well let's say let's let me say 70 percent of the time we see people and they get put in a situation do something miraculous and they fail they just they they're not able to pull it off which you know froning with the 400 pound and tommy hackenbrook with the 400 pounds overhead and they had opportunity to do something miraculous and they didn't do it but it was still cool right right we saw them go for something miraculous right remember you know what i'm talking about the 400 pounds overhead okay yeah and and um does she do you need another pair of headphones does she want to jump in or i can give her a link she's cooking dinner man chill out and so um
Starting point is 00:19:32 so then then then the that's that's 70 of the time they go it's cool we get to see someone try something like this and then the other 29 of the time we see them do it once and then that's it you know what i mean and we cheered them on like like okay good job cody you you lifted the heavy weight but you still you took last place cody you know what i mean right good job you know what i mean like jace cleaver ran you over but you didn't die it's gonna happen it's good but you're going for you never see this happen you just don't no you really don't it was it was a really cool experience i was like stoked that um uh god castra that dave made the fucking workout like it was a beautifully written workout that
Starting point is 00:20:12 like the ladder uh just like hey now you get to snatch heavy but you have to have your heart rate up while you do it i just i love these workouts these are my favorite workouts i did these all the time in training and uh it just happened to happen the right year at the right time. And I was, there was nothing that was stopping me. And this was like that first workout. It was the first workout of the weekend and it was the heavy workout. And, you know, I wasn't supposed to do that well. And I ended up taking, I think like a top 10 or maybe, maybe, I don't know, right around like 10th or 11th or something, which, you know, normally I'm at the very bottom of the heavy workout. And I think,
Starting point is 00:20:49 I don't think people even, I don't think people just were like expecting me to hit the two 65. And you know what the funny thing is? I was the fucking second per and I thought we're the final heat. And I was the second person to the final bar. Like I went through the first four bars faster than only – I think it was Rasmus I believe was the only person that beat me to the final bar. I don't know who that is, but I'll take your word on it. Me neither. Something like that. A couple comments here.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Trish, what did she say? Bridges is a kept man now. I mean when he says she's making dinner, I know what that means. She turned on the stove, she spit on a pan, and then fucking threw a fucking pound of hamburger meat on it and put a lid on it, and she's like, I'm in the garage working out. It'll be ready in 15. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Close, close. It's probably flank steak, not hamburger meat. Okay. There was one. What is this? There's something else in here. I think someone said something mean to you. I want to make sure if anyone says anything mean to you, it gets read. it's probably flank steak not not hamburger meat uh okay um there was one what is there something else in here i think someone said something mean to you i want to make sure if anyone says anything it gets rid of get it out there uh we're never gonna see this happen at this rate uh quiet pipe down i rigged programming i'm so i'm soaking in this i don't want to ruin
Starting point is 00:22:00 it for you guys but it's a good ending bobby me seven, it's my birthday. Can Josh wish me a happy birthday? Happy birthday, Robbie. There you go. Okay. I hope you're happy. Okay, here we go. So there you are, just a pile of shit on the ground. It's not coming out of your nose.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You're crying. Yeah. Back to back there. Conscientious of the clock at all? No. Kind of. Kind of. A little bit. A bit it was it was either
Starting point is 00:22:26 10 or 11 minutes i can't remember the time cap on it but i i knew i had to get it like i was like i was definitely like if i wasn't gonna get it in this rep or the next rep it probably wasn't going uh no hold on let's take another quick break here seven i love you well thank you thank you i'm bathing that for a second hey uh the great mike koslop in the right hand corner with his camera yeah man where the fuck am i yeah where are you i'm somewhere okay not doing your job no okay here we go oh my goodness oh Oh, so low. Look how low.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Do you know who your judge is by name of that? No, but he commented, actually, in the comments section on the games. I can picture his face, but I had no idea. That might have been the only time he ever judged me. Here's some hot chick who says Josh is my favorite CrossFit athlete. I can't tell if she's hot or not but you're her favorite too um quit acting like you'll ever be able to replicate these moments if you keep heading the direction you are now i do love me some josh bridges moments though oh wow i dig it uh crossfit all right um where's the guy who said
Starting point is 00:23:42 he's your judge yeah it's in there somewhere i mean there's a lot of a lot of comments of my josh is the uh effing man i know you don't like swearing so i edited i don't i don't yeah you're right oh my god look at this back when the media department was incredible seven on rinsta my goodness i didn't even well i guess i should expect compliments everywhere i look it's true uh okay here we go settle down everyone we're gonna get to it extra sloppy uh josh uh mfk matt rich dan bailey uh oh uh oh wow for dollars geez josh this is good this person hates you they want to know if you would who you would marry fuck or kill i know oh you're fucked this is gonna be a long day for you this guy doesn't stop with that shit good deal uh i mean he pays money and i'm a whore so would you like to put these in any
Starting point is 00:24:37 particular order matt rich or dan no no okay look at he held his head he he used he was born gay he's worked hard to be straight josh and that shirt's coming out next week oh my goodness okay um back to seriousness um uh so you you you make the lift you tell yourself hey stay calm jackass you need to stay up stay focused you missed the first one you're like okay pull it together i can do it but now this is a problem yeah that was that was like you said no one comes back from snatches i mean you're fatigued it's true i was still up though i was still up because that one i actually it was like right there i left it just a tad forward and i tried to sneak underneath it that's where you see me like trying to get as low as I can.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But that's why I was like, again, the same thing in my head. I was like, nope, I got this. I still got like every fucking time I missed that weight. I was like, I got this. I got this. And like, that was the only thing that kept me up because I fucking knew I did because I could tell, like, you can tell when you're going to hit a weight. You're like, no, I got this.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I just, I was, I did. Did you really know or delusional you lying yourself i wasn't lying to myself i knew it i know okay okay uh extra sloppy says i broke my first guest because this guy does that mary fuck kill thing to all the guests and he's incessant about it but and he says he broke you but you know i'm gonna give you another take on it he's the first fucking alpha male that we've had on here he's like fuck you i ain't doing that oh me me though uh night codes uh how can i make this about me seven well it is called the seven podcast that's true but but i but i appreciate it thank you the rest of my day is about my kids this is the hour and a half i bring josh on to talk about myself thank you talk about steven seagal douche douche i would have yelled at, but my wife told me I should always look like I'm in control.
Starting point is 00:26:28 You should. Okay, here we go. Yeah, look at that head nod. Who's that head nod for? Me, baby. Boom. Look how buttery smooth that one was. Hey, it was. How come you didn't run across the finish line?
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oh, because it was like, I wasn't trying. Nobody else was on the floor. I was the last guy on the floor, so it didn't matter. I was just like, whatever. But there were 30 guys there, right? You were competing against? Yeah. You got 10th or 11th? Did anyone? It was basically either you got the weight or you didn't kind of thing. And so most people who got to that bar, whoever got to that 265 or finished the 265 bar probably beat me but a lot of people got to it and couldn't do it okay so you knew at that point
Starting point is 00:27:17 you're in a rare at that point i was just like yeah at that point i was just like i got the weight that's all i wanted that's all that was a that was a fucking w but you know what i realized i have the live calling number going down here but i'd never hooked up the live call the number jesus christ son of a bitch because it's my first day back i didn't i didn't put so if anyone tried calling i'm sorry yeah you're fucked i don't know where the phone is it's all right we got we can we can talk we don't need anybody else i wonder if um there's enough comments over there. I like it when people call in and pressure my guests. Can you bring my computer
Starting point is 00:27:52 bag? As always, please. Starbucks, do you... It's nice. Trying to slick my hair back like you, man. It's cool. When you take your kids to Starbucks, do you – it's nice. Trying to slick my hair back like you, man. It's cool. When you take your kids to Starbucks, for example, and they're going to order something. Are you talking about me right now?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. Take my kids to Starbucks? Are you fucking kidding me? You think that ever has happened? Ever? You've never taken your kids to Starbucks? Zero times, pal. Oh, God. You're a better parent than I am. Where have you taken your kids out to get something to eat? When you take your kids to McDonald's. In-N-Out Burger. In-N-Out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh, you scumbag. When you take your kids to In-N-Out, how old are your kids? 10 and 12. God, I really could have fucked you up with that Starbucks thing. You put the brakes on that. The good dude's dude does not go to Starbucks. Ever. Ever. Ever. could have fucked you up with that starbucks thing you put the brakes on that the good dudes dude does not go to starbucks ever ever ever what is that what is the best what is currently the best uh coffee at good dudes like the shit like you just man the patent the patent still you wake
Starting point is 00:28:56 up in the morning and you're like every every morning i have a patent pumped you sniff it i do oh you smell that smells like fucking elite smells being elite right there do you make that or does your wife make that for your fiance make that for you who makes that i make the coffee you do all right yeah okay i make mine and hers every morning wow i'm a good fucking dude bro same cup every morning like same coffee cup yeah yeah she does use the same coffee cup and you too
Starting point is 00:29:29 no I switch mine up and you do you choose her cup for her no she likes a certain cup and she tells you or you know yeah I just know and then when she's done drinking it she puts it in the sink and you wash it and prep it for the next day
Starting point is 00:29:44 she does she washes it and puts it in the sink and has it ready for tomorrow. And does it sit in a cabinet or is it like somewhere out near the machine, the maker? She puts it in the cabinet. Oh, okay. Good story. You take your kids to the McDonald's. In-N-Out. In-N-Out.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah. I forgot. Hey, you know what I heard? Paul Saladino said that up until 92, McDonald's used tallow. Yeah. I saw that today too, actually. That's crazy. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:23 You take your kids to In-N-Out, and they order, do they order for themselves? They talk to the person? Sometimes. And do you have, do you watch them and study their interaction with the register person, the order taker, the waiter, the waitress? Yeah. I mean, I try to make sure that they're like speaking clearly and loud and looking them in the face if that's what you're getting to. I make my kids say hello. That's a good point. Hello.
Starting point is 00:30:53 They're just not some fucking servant. They're a person. Is that basically where you're going with this? Yeah. If it's a blue hair, I've told them when you walk up to the kid, because it's Starbucks, right? You say, hey, you woke joke. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Nice. No, I make them say hi. I make the hi. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah. And okay, you add that to the repertoire? Yeah, I like that. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, I watch how my kids interact with people, and I try to make sure that they're doing it. I always tell them, hey, you always look people in the eye when you're talking to them don't be that fucking little kid who looks down at the ground and can barely speak i hate that you know and and then it's that transitions to get to people like in their 20s and 30s man and it's embarrassing i had buddies i had a buddy who was like 30 couldn't look you now when you talk to him you want to be like jesus christ bro what's going on here do you say something to him yeah i'm like man dude you need to look people in the eye when you're talking to him it's embarrassing wow yeah i need to set up my camera so i'm always looking up but it always looks like i'm looking down yeah it does but i'm guessing it's just where you're my camera's up there tomorrow i'm fixing everything or someone is seven your pronoun
Starting point is 00:32:05 shirt is gay so what fuck you so what uh beef tallow is yummy uh birchfield said something here uh yeah they use lard until 92 damn i like it hey that's a good um tagline right josh like if you drove by a hamburger place in your neighborhood and said we use tallow yeah i'd probably you'd probably stop there right without a doubt without a doubt and i haven't seen that yet no there's a place here in boulder that uses tallow that they cook their fries in tallow you know how do you know because they said it and i went there it was and it's not like a fat it's kind of fast food but not kind of and it was way overpriced and it wasn't that good so i'll never go back but they did and so i i did eat there but yeah i like eating at home man i dude here's a fucking story the last 16 days i've been been sitting on my shitter a lot because um got messed up went out to eat
Starting point is 00:33:07 got us this is good you got a steak at some fancy ass restaurant in phoenix called toka madero don't ever eat there everyone listening they wow that's a shot they just lost 10 of their fucking income i hope they do because what I've gone through for the last 16 days, I hope they do. It's a really fancy Mexican steakhouse is what it is. Toco Madero, let's say it again. And I went there and I mean, immediately after I left, man, my stomach was messed up. The next day, fever, chills, body aches, everything i was putting in me was going straight out coming straight out like it was awful and uh dude it took about 10 12 days and then i was like i
Starting point is 00:33:54 think i got a parasite and so i started doing a cleanse oh oh make sure that i got the parasite out because i you know i was like i was like that was some sort of nasty food poisoning parasite some bacteria something and man dude i um i uh yeah and i just how do you know how do you know did you ever test for parasite no i didn't but i just it had to be i just want to see the place yeah Yeah, it's a fancy place, dude. Yeah. I don't think it was this place. It was, man. It was. Did you call and tell them?
Starting point is 00:34:32 My fiance wrote him a nasty email, basically, and they didn't get a response. So, yeah. Absolutely ridiculous. So you went to the doctor? No, I didn't go to the doctor. How do you do a cleanse for parasites you just order it on order it parasite cleanse like yeah i call like intestee clear or something like that i didn't want so remember in 17 when i you i actually came on your podcast right after and you're like you told me how much i sucked at crossfit but i got i drank i we did that swim run in Madison, and I think I got like a parasite from that swim.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And I did that cleanse back then. Impossible. That lake is perfectly clean. Right? Dogs were dying in it the week before or something like that. I mean, the stories you hear afterwards, you're just like, I can't believe. But then you're like, it's Dave. Yeah, why the fuck would I?
Starting point is 00:35:22 It's perfectly fine. That lake is one giant laxative. laxative medeiros i love it okay so there's someone did someone at that point told you to take a do a parasite cleanse uh i'm sorry say again someone at that point told you to do a parasite cleanse uh after adding the 17 in 2017 yeah so then this year i was i was like well you take ivermectin or what do you do what did you take for parasite would you take oh it was like a it's called an intestine clear this is it right here oh and did that did that hey isn't there something you could eat if you're shitting for 16 days can't you eat like pumpkin or something and everything's like fine i don't know man i this this intestine clear though i say
Starting point is 00:36:02 i spoke to a doctor today, like on the phone, and he's like, basically what happened was is – where's our leg tester? I know, you're right. Hey, you can't read those. You're not allowed to read those. That's my shit. Stop.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Jesus Christ. These comments are ridiculous. I know. These guys are great, aren't they oh it's funny but uh yeah so like um so i i spoke to a doctor today and he basically was like you had some sort of bacterial parasite that basically messed up your intestines and then your intestines weren't ready for this cleanse and so that's why the cleanse has been like harsh like it's been awful for like six days on that and i'm like all right i'm done with this shit um and is it over
Starting point is 00:36:52 uh well not really but like kind of it's getting better is it like an emergency like could you just have to get up in the middle of the show yes i was gonna tell you that before we got on but you're already on when i popped on oh that's crazy i haven't eaten in a while so it's been it's been so i'm good if you do then that could give me time to hook up my um carolina reapers that that could uh help me uh give me time to hook up my phone hey i saw this the other day and it reminded me of uh of you what's that um this uh video on um instagram here i don't know what's wrong with my shit today i'm out of whack okay here we go oh jesus what what what uh eaton is eaton is back uh eaton beaver for $1.99. Josh, the last good dude. That's great.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Thank you, Eaton Beaver. Thank you. So is that – is this the lady who was your therapist? No. You're talking about Heidi. Yeah. Are you sure? No, that's not her.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Okay, because I thought it looked like her technique. No, it doesn't. Okay. Take it easy, Steven. Do you still work with her? No, she moved to Germany. Oh, okay. Okay, well, let's play a little bit of this and get your professional expertise.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Okay. This is called magical hands physical therapy. The back of the hips and the low back, it's going to help unlock the low back. hips and the low back it's going to help unlock the low back and what i do is i just come i'm come straight on in and i can also come straight on out i mean look at what the that's a little close right good verbiage too it's a okay you have anyone touch you inappropriately in your all your years of people putting hands on you you ever go to a massage parlor and someone tried to give you a handy or something uh no no
Starting point is 00:38:52 oh shit i'll put that in the notes ask again when drunk ask again when drunk wow holy shit wow that was that was okay i mean i'm no uh okay then let's here we go here we go and bring it out glide it out because i'm opening up the hip this way and then i'm opening up the hip this way i mean that's that's a little much yeah he's like right on the old when we we opened, because our hip joints, most of us shut down. I wish she would have started playing with her nipple. Look at these comments. Would have been rock hard. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Jeez. I've seen this porno before. So that is a little much. That's a little much. Your lady did do work, was pretty intimate, though though when she worked with you with some as i recall i mean yeah she definitely like had to get into your hip flexors and get into um your psoas and get into like your hamstring attachments which you know is all right there you think that shit really mattered in your performance having her there at the games
Starting point is 00:40:01 yes a lot like i spent a lot of money bringing heidi to the games every year and and when you so okay i see what you're saying so you're saying if it wasn't worth it you wouldn't have fucked around with it exactly and uh and in what way like what could you give me um uh she was just i mean did you quantify it could you be like hey i got five places better or no i couldn't i don't think i quantify it i just think that uh it helped alleviate one thing where it's like okay i definitely wasn't a sore um i she would loosen me up before workouts and uh she just kept me at ease too like she was like real she had a real calming presence um and she would uh i don't know
Starting point is 00:40:43 we just we were really close we were friends and she was great. Like she just kept my, kept me focused, kept me, uh, my headspace in a good place because it's real easy, you know, especially if things aren't going the way you want them to go in certain workouts. And there's so many different workouts in the, in the weekend where you could have a bad place and you could let it fucking ruin your weekend and it could let it snowball. And, uh, she was really good at, you snowball. She was a phenomenal athlete on her own. She was very close to going to the Olympics and swimming.
Starting point is 00:41:11 She swam for the Naval Academy, so a phenomenal athlete. Is that how you met her, through the Navy? No, I met her through... Her husband was a SEAL, or is i'm sorry is a seal and i can't remember though how i got connected to her um i know it was through invictus it was through invictus so when i when i was going to invictus she was she would go into invictus and she worked on a lot of their people already back in the day so that was like 2011 is when i started working with her were you kind of attached to her yes very much so like someone who need i
Starting point is 00:41:51 didn't like like she came she obviously was at all the all my regionals and games except for one year when she had she was pregnant and had a baby and i had to have a different body worker i very much um thought that she was worth bringing to the games every year where there was times where like dude like she worked on invictus athletes throughout the year and then they would be like no we're not going to pay for you to come out if you want to fly out on your own dime we'll pay you for your time like it was like it was fucked up but then i would bring her out i would pay for her and then they all her all their their athletes would try to fucking use her and i'd be like no that's not how it works well yeah because you need her fresh yeah and and i paid for a flight and i paid for a car and i
Starting point is 00:42:33 paid for a hotel so it's like oh you're and you're just gonna pay some hourly rate no no that's not how it works yeah keep her fresh uh this this i'm not even joking what I'm about to tell you. I just got this text message. Okay. And this is for – I'm going to show you this girl. This girl might be the most attractive human being on the face of the earth. I'm not joking. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Her face and physically. I want this girl to do – I have this idea for this girl I wish someone would just run with it It would be crazy Anyway she says I think I can read this text right Because I'm not going to say who she is I mean unless someone else knows the hottest chick walking planet earth
Starting point is 00:43:19 Like I do But anyway And later I'm going to send you After the show I'm going to send you do you want to see it right now you want to see i mean i won't i won't show everyone i'll show you do you want to see who it is before the trish no no no sure but okay okay hold on let me let me uh um uh let me send you uh her instagram account. Jesus. And then – oh, wait. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And then you can – well, you probably can't tell the truth. You can get close. You can maybe say – What? Leah Thomas. You can maybe say – you can maybe say – What? Leah Thomas. You could probably say she's like the second – you could probably say she's the second hottest chick alive, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 No. Third? Okay. Here we go. Can you see the private chat? Oh, yeah. Okay. Here we go. I dropped her – don't? Oh, yeah. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I dropped her. Don't let it fucking pop up on the screen and shit. Well, you can, but then I just can't read you. If we show who she is, then I can't read you her text. It's sporty, Beth. And she's a CrossFitter. Okay. I'm being fair right
Starting point is 00:44:46 it's a fair assessment she's not ugly you know oh you're out of your fucking mind don't make me i guarantee you look through her instagram account later no okay oh you're fucking i'm not i'm not a creep you don't have to be a creep you just could like anyway i would pay josh bridges fifty thousand dollars to live with him a year and have him coach me personally who is this that's that that person and yeah oh jesus there you go oh which that's crazy right that's in real time yeah that's nuts yeah thank you thank you you forget okay ask also when drunk question if that
Starting point is 00:45:36 chick's hey um when is the when is the when's the next camp uh we don't have one scheduled right now. What the fuck? Yeah, we'll probably do one after summer. Okay, so if you would have had one set up, everyone in the comments would be like, oh, it's infomercial. He's trying to sell. But look, we don't rehearse any of this, you dickwads. Just asking them questions. It's not a set up. Cameron. odds just asking them questions it's not a it's not a step um cameron uh josh uh rich told us to
Starting point is 00:46:07 ask you about a weight belt through a window and is the youtube channel ever going to come back pay the man hell yeah um yeah through i was doing cleaning jerks one day and i threw i wasn't going my way and i ripped my weight belt off and i went right through my window in my garage and it's still it's still a board there to this day in san diego i actually tell people whenever we had the camps and like i always tell a story at the camps too oh did you feel bad for that were you like oh you idiot i was just like i was like i'm an idiot you know like then and the workout session was over i had to go like clean it up and did you did you see a therapist about anger management issues? No. I put a lot of holes in the wall in that garage.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Kicked a lot of water bottles through the – I remember I kicked a foam roller, and it was like a perfect cutout circle. Like the bottom end went right through the wall. Hey, what was the movement? What was the movement you failed? It was a clean and jerk. We were working up heavy. Was Rich rich there no rich wasn't there it was me me my buddy mason and hank i believe um uh thank you cameron thanks for the money um i remember being i think it was in seattle important with you i've told the story a thousand times when you've been on but you
Starting point is 00:47:23 you were so fucking angry after a workout that was it was a open workout and you went outside and you actually scared me and you threw a fucking water bottle oh my god the water bottle bounced so fucking high yeah yeah yeah and you looked at me like you better you better stay the fuck away from me and i stayed the fuck away from you it was after the second open announcement that i did against scott where they had the handstand push away from you it was after the second open announcement that i did against scott where they had the handstand push-up and it was like the handstand push-up was so ridiculous like my the way they taped it off my feet couldn't get above the fucking line even they were i remember uh i think boz was giving me reps even when they weren't good reps because it was like
Starting point is 00:48:02 he clearly realized like he fucked up and they did the measurement off. And I couldn't get my fucking feet above the line. So he just had to start giving you reps, even though I knew there were no reps based on the line. It was fucking ridiculous, man. It was so stupid. Well,
Starting point is 00:48:16 there was this crazy high fence, their chain link fence, like a 12 foot chain link fence. If that bottle would have hit me and you were the only ones back there when you threw it, if that would have bounced back and hit either me or you, one of us would have been fucked up. I remember. I was so angry.
Starting point is 00:48:30 But I remember being like, that water bottle just bounced fucking crazy insanely high. I actually had that thought. Yeah. I remember that. It was pretty awesome. Martin Castillo, $2. Love you, boys. Well, thank you, Martin.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Thank you. Thank you. I'm getting half of this, right? Yeah, always. I always send you a check. Yolana, you know, Fraser's such a good dude. I tried to send him
Starting point is 00:48:56 that $3,000 from the other podcast and he never would take it. I know. I remember you told me that. Yeah, that's fucking... I love him for that. Yeah, what a good dude. Yeah. Josh and Seve, on behalf of Lucky Camera Straps, who would have loved to be listening live, he is busy with his own very new live podcast inspired by you, Seve, The Camera Life.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Oh, wow. Oh, her husband. Holy shit. Who's this? This guy always from Australia. Dude, this guy makes me the coolest shit he made this for me it's a mouse pad oh nice and he's made me some camera straps and uh he always donates money and his show must be live right now what's it called the camera
Starting point is 00:49:40 the camera life life uh youtube um let's see if he's live he really is live oh shit he's live look at that we're watching another podcast while doing a podcast look at these are what these are what dorks are doing while we're doing our podcast here we go look at this now because there's a chance that you won't get it again and again drawing on that level of experience to ensure that you're getting that for your clients. Look, guys, for $10, I'll play your podcast on my podcast with Josh Bridges watching. Not for long. All right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:50:14 What you get a little bit. Hey, Yolanda, thank you. Tell him thank you. That's fucking wonderful. You know, we never even talked about the workouts, the semifinals workouts. Oh, there's plenty of time. Do you have to take a shit or anything no i'm good man um uh ivana matt would come back for five grand
Starting point is 00:50:30 he doesn't do anything for free okay to the workouts oh no no real quick so so all kidding aside there's no camp scheduled because i could tell that girl hey go to the camp your camps are for boys girls yeah for anybody people young people, anyone. Yeah. Well, why don't you have one scheduled? I'm not sure we need you. Yeah. Do you think it's good? Have you gotten a little soft, a little lazy, a little like coffee in the morning, steaks at night? No, it's just hard to get a,
Starting point is 00:50:59 it's hard to get everyone like organized that that goes to them. Because Cooper Cooper is normally there and you know with semifinals and everything coming up he's normally like busy off with uh his his athletes that are competing and so uh yeah i just i need to organize it this summer's just a little busy too because of my boys have baseball every fucking weekend man like i mean it's it is literally every weekend and you know we're traveling we traveled to phoenix we traveled to albuquerque we gotta go to do new york we have to go to does that mean they're good does that mean they're good yeah they play on good baseball teams yeah
Starting point is 00:51:34 i mean they're they're definitely like in travel leagues where uh you know just trying to make better at better athletes and little young men but But they're my youngest one. They just won a tournament. That was cool. Have you heard, well, have you heard either of them say they want to do it professionally? Oh yeah. They both have said it. And I was like, okay, we can, we can, you can say that, but if you true, and like I've had to have this talk with my 12 year old already, right? You're like, you can say that you want to be a professional athlete, but then when I ask you if you want to go work out and you
Starting point is 00:52:07 say, no, you're telling me that you really don't want to be a professional athlete. And I've told him that I'm like, dude, you're getting ready to go into high school. Like you're almost in high school. Like this is the time being strong will never be a weakness for you. Like you have a insanely amazing asset that is willing to work with you all day every day like that's that's you me exactly that's what that's what i told michael like your dad was one of the fittest fucking people on earth like on planet earth like that is just a fact and and i know how to make you a better athlete and so if you want to and i I, and I, I did not bless you with height or size, but I will definitely bless you with how to fucking work really hard because that was the only thing
Starting point is 00:52:51 that I had going for me is the only reason I became a Navy SEALs. The only reason I went to the CrossFit games and did well is because I knew how I, I knew how to dedicate myself to something and put every ounce of energy into it and remove every other distraction that I could. And I told him, man, he's got's got like you know he's got a little cell phone he's got a little girlfriend now and i'm like dude you're spending way too much time texting he has a what little girlfriend no the other thing a cell phone what kind an iphone oh god you fucked up well they don't it's very it's very generic though like it doesn't he doesn't have like social media or any of that bullshit you don't let him load you you banned
Starting point is 00:53:30 apps on there you figure out yeah yeah yeah you sure so he's good yeah you sure you tell him about not sending nudes not accepting oh definitely i've done that yeah like you don't happen like dude man don't be if some little girl sends you that shit, you fucking get it. Yeah, like, don't do that. You tell them that you're a SEAL and you know people in the NSA and everyone's watching everything. Every time you jerk off, remember, someone's staring at you in the eyes. There's five dudes on the other end staring at you in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's the truth, buddy. Hey, shortest Navy SEAL in history. Although he was the first Navy SEAL, he may have also been the shortest, standing only at five feet tall. Beale served in Vietnam. I thought Marcinko was the first navy seal he may have also been the shortest standing only at five feet tall beal served in vietnam i thought marcinko was the first seal uh marcinko made seal team six oh okay so he may have been uh the shortest standing only five feet tall beal served in vietnam and was an m60 door gunner on a helicopter gunship, Harry Beal. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:29 What's crazy, man, this guy kind of looks like you too. If this guy's really only five feet tall, he's fucking proportioned well. Yeah, he doesn't look like super short. Oh, shit, it's a black rifle coffee using using harry beal what do you think about that did you watch the podcast with um uh that's cool with did you watch the podcast with dave and um jocko no is it good yeah it's really good jocko was good dave was good um you know i have some strong opinions about why it took 10 or 15 years for Jocko finally to get him on now that he's selling energy drinks and potion powder. But Dave fucking called him and Goggins pop seals.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And I looked that word up in the Urban Dictionary and it's not in there. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Dave just coined a new term. Dave just made a new term. Yeah. And it was fun dave was dave uh he was a gentleman jocko was gentleman it was um yeah i'd give it a listen it's um yeah i'll have to listen to it it's two of your buddies it's uh did you serve on did you serve under jocko yeah he was in my uh he was my, the first platoon that I met overseas in 2008, he was the troop commander. And then he became the commanding officer of trade at, which is the training command, which if you're on the West coast, you were going through your workup.
Starting point is 00:55:58 He was the commanding officer. So he would come to some of the training and like at the end and evaluate you. Okay. So you weren't sleeping in the same room as i i would picture you guys all in cots he didn't sleep okay okay no there's this there was this one fucking time where like we had these like three days of doing uh cold hits where basically you'd you go out do a training mission you come back and you fucking go out again for three days straight like barely any sleep and i remember he finally comes in he goes to debrief us and i'm a fucking new guy right so brand new no you know like i'm just supposed to be fucking bright-eyed like ready to go ready to listen and do we sit down in these chairs and there was like 30 big like leather chairs and i just fucking pass out
Starting point is 00:56:45 immediately like i'm just like i head back like back in the chair and i wake up with jaco right here he's like oh good you're awake we can begin now i'm like i was like my i was like my fucking face had to turn beat right i had to like stand up and go in the back i was like oh my god i'm a fucking idiot oh that's awesome yeah that's awesome a good dude good experience sounds like it was fun he was a fun guy no jocko was awesome man like he he crushed us like he like people always ask about how buds was but the training when you when you're doing a workup is so much harder than buds and so like jacko fucking put us through some insanely crazy uh training scenarios how much older is he than you how long had he been in well at that point i mean he was a commanding officer so i mean god he'd probably already been in for i bet he'd been in for like close to like 20 at
Starting point is 00:57:48 that point by i guess because he was enlisted and then went officer and to work his way up to ceo at that point like i don't know what year he went in but i think i heard him say he was in 20 years on that podcast with dave so he was there so he was there a long time. And then now he retired pretty soon after that. 20 years is the finish line for the military, right? Not everyone. Some guys go to 30. Right, but I mean there's some sort of economic benefit to make it to 20.
Starting point is 00:58:18 20 years is you can retire. You have full retirement at 20 years, no matter what your age is. Sarah Cox, 1999. Thank you. So this company that's my big sponsor, full retirement 20 years no matter what your age is um uh sarah cox uh 1999 thank you so this company that's my big sponsor the california hormones yeah yeah they are also go ahead what are you gonna say oh no i was gonna say my fiance um is their real estate agent oh yeah right crazy small world right yeah yeah it's nuts um they. They are in the business now of peptides. Are you familiar with what peptides are?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, I know what peptides are. You take any peptides? Nope. All right. Let me know. Let me know. Let me know. I know a person. You know a person. Okay, cool. I had this crazy crash education on it this weekend when I was down there.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Okay. Oh, that's what you were staying at one of their houses, right? Or something like that? Yeah. Yeah, the house. Nice. Oh, God. Nice.
Starting point is 00:59:14 The value that she's brought to my family is awesome. That's cool, man. Look at this guy. This guy looks like a game show host. Matt Fraser said hardest workout of his life was marathon row. What was your game's hardest workout uh workout uh is he talking to me jb no that's you josh bridges hey this guy sells real estate right patrick algram that looks like it yeah um you looking for a home you buying any real estate no i'm not buying anything right now um you had anyone stay in your
Starting point is 00:59:45 guest house no i'm not you want to stay in there sure you want to come out sure um hey we could probably live stream our kids fighting yeah we could i love it oh yeah pay-per-view i like it man um hardest workout one of my kids is four feet tall dude dude some of those sled pushes were really i not impressed you right that's pretty good man i don't know i made that up i don't know if that's true i'm like four foot tall like my oldest my oldest is almost as tall as i am and oh shit so he's like probably five one five two and then uh my little guy's probably like four nine wow so they're not they're not small anymore man they're big yeah dude i got them i got them lifting now you know i'm gonna back squat and doing some uh speed and agility so
Starting point is 01:00:41 isn't it crazy when you see him lying in bed sleeping, you're like, God, you got huge. They look like they're six, four in bed. Yeah, exactly. It's crazy, man. And like, you just remember when they're just so tall or so tiny, small, they were like nothing. Now they're like these little, little men with, do you throw them still? can like like pick one throw them on the bed or onto a pile they'll try to come they'll try to come wrestle with me i'm like let's go it's like do they beat me in basketball legitimately
Starting point is 01:01:15 like legit play one-on-one and i like they beat me like they're both actually pretty good at basketball um okay hardest workout patrick I apologize oh yeah hardest workout uh gosh man some of those most painful workouts for those sled pushes for time I remember that one where it was like sled push it down the field in the soccer stadium in LA and then rest a minute and then push it back I just remember how bad my quads hurt after that workout for like 20 minutes um that was the word what's his name one the guy from who trained with uh kaliba god i can't remember his name neil maddox neil maddox yeah maddox won that right yeah and then and were you one of the people who thought the field was different in different places yeah it could have been i mean that's just like par for the course right a sled on grass certain grass is going to catch if it's sun's on if it's
Starting point is 01:02:09 not on it um grass can be different it's not all the same grass so yeah it is what it is but um velner said that by the way i was watching some uh commentary from velner on the uh event this year this the sled pool event and he said you know it's not the um it's not just the weight that matters but it's what you're pulling it on oh the surface is huge texture the floor is huge yeah for sure it's huge uh what if they're pulling the torque tank will you be disgusted by that i don't know i mean whatever makes it even i guess is a good thing i don't know if that like i i've never i've never touched that thing so i don't know i mean whatever makes it even i guess is a good thing i don't know if that like i i've never i've never touched that thing so i don't know you can't you suppose the way i understand
Starting point is 01:02:49 it is the more energy you put into it doesn't pay doesn't have paybacks right so so if you and i are both pulling sleds right yeah there's two there's two ways um one of us can take and you can get the advantage if the other person stops or if the other person pulls faster than you those are the only two ways right with the torque tank the only way you can get an advantage if the other person actually stops meaning meaning like you remember when i did fukowski catch up with you one year or something crazy like that we were doing that that was that was that was the sled pull the hand over hand pull yeah that's what they're doing this year yeah yeah like that could never happen with the torque tank okay and that's why i think the torque tank is i think
Starting point is 01:03:28 it's like well that was the time it was that was on the fucking surface in the tennis court and so that and dude like that lane that i was in man it was fucking sticky but whatever it is like it is what it is oh please you mean like someone threw a Coke out there before you went out? Yeah, I think there was fucking some gum on my lane. Okay, so you're saying a one-minute workout alternating with a one-minute break and another one-minute workout was harder than like you're not throwing Murph in there or some crazy chipper you did. No. Really?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Wow. The burden run. That was a really shitty workout. The one with the very first pig flip the green pig yeah yeah 2013 dude that was a gnarly workout i remember that one and you have to carry like a piece of wood on your shoulder yeah so you flip the pit you ran you ran a couple miles you flipped a pig the football field you picked up that little block of wood that was like i don't, four foot or three foot or something.
Starting point is 01:04:26 And then you ran it into the soccer stadium. Then you had to drag that sled behind you. So you had to sled the sled behind you pulling it. That was a pretty gnarly workout. The triple threes, that fucking workout was gnarly because it was really hot that day. And the fucking run constantly felt like it was uphill and it was just a gradual uphill. And it wasn't,
Starting point is 01:04:50 the whole thing was not uphill because it was like you ran around the stadiums. But man, like every time I was like, why is this feel like it's uphill the entire way? That was the triple three is the one that froning walked on and Kalipa and Lucas Parker peed their pants at the finish line. Yeah, I think so. They both lost control of their bladders. Yeah, that was the triple three is the one that froning walked on and kalipa and lucas parker peed their pants at the finish line yeah i think so they both lost control of their bladders yeah that
Starting point is 01:05:09 was crazy i was filming jason and he's like oh shit i'm like what he's like i'm peeing i'm like well stop i can't yeah i remember that video actually yeah yeah that was that was that it was so hot that day and it was a 3k row 300 double unders and then three mile run so it was gnarly uh sema sema beaver lots of beavers yeah the chat today uh late on my monthly uh tithing uh with josh take on a games athlete oh yeah we talked about this last time what does that mean meaning uh um would i take on like a game like when, would I coach one? Yeah. Yeah, I would. If it was the right fit.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Hey, did you belong to a training camp? No. And isn't it interesting? And Fraser didn't belong to a training camp. Yeah. But Rich did belong to a training camp. But he was the leader of the training camp. So, in a way, that's kind of a wash.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Yeah. Right? Then it's kind of like you didn't belong to a training camp. People he was the leader of the training camp. So in a way, that's kind of a wash. Yeah. Right. Then it's kind of like you didn't belong to a training camp. People just come and train with you. Right. And people came and trained with you, too. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It's interesting, right, that there's these people like you. Do you think that I wonder if Matt considers what he's doing up there a training camp? I would. Yeah. yeah, for sure. I don't know if I'd consider it a training camp. I mean, you just got fucking – Medeiros doesn't do training camp. No, yeah, he doesn't. Vellner doesn't do training camp. No. Tia doesn't do training camp.
Starting point is 01:06:41 No. Tia doesn't do training camp. No. Tia came to in 15 and – no, in 16 and 17, she came and trained with me before the games. Took your bag from you. She what? She took your bag from you. Remember that?
Starting point is 01:06:57 Took my bag? That's a great story. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the heavy bag. Yeah. I'm like, what? Yeah, she's like, I'm going to do the 200-pound sandbag. I'm like, what the fuck? That means I got gonna do the 200 pound sandbag i'm like what the fuck that means i gotta do the 250 yeah i remember that yeah that's a good girl uh
Starting point is 01:07:12 um but you so you would take so you would take someone on yeah if it was the right fit yeah i've had a couple people reach out and wanted me to do like um programming um i don't know i've contemplated it then wouldn't you don't you need to have your eyes on them so you can um yeah i mean it'd be a lot better to be in person for sure than to have uh then to just do it remotely because i feel like remotely would take more time where i'd write i'd have to watch videos and you know our schedules might be off where like if they were here it'd be like okay like during these hours like we're gonna train annie annie annie thor's daughter doesn't do training camp well she's a coach though
Starting point is 01:07:55 she had right right i don't know if she was a training camper or not actually she probably doesn't you're probably right no she i mean she just has yami and in the earlier she didn't even want to share him i don't think well i mean i ain't hating on her for that either no man that was true a lot of these coaches they coach the same people and it's like it's kind of funny you're like okay well who they really fucking invested in it is like that right yeah it's weird unless it's like a male female then it's like okay one male one female okay i get that like that's fine yeah we're not competing right but um yeah when they have like just a bunch of random athletes you're like yeah i don't know how i feel about it but hey
Starting point is 01:08:37 i mean i'm sure it seems like it works for some people uh does it i don't know all the winners didn't ben smith didn't have a training uh didn't do training camp yeah i think if you have a good good training partners and you have a good um person to program and i think you do need certain specific coaches for certain things like like a good like visit henshaw once in a while yeah like i think that a good running coach a good swimming coach uh maybe some olympic weightlifting i think is a good thing um you know so it just all depends like certain people like can maybe get away with it a little more than others without having those certain things but i think that um you know if you look at tia you look at matt you look at rich
Starting point is 01:09:27 all those people use you know some specific coaches for shit it's it's interesting uh i don't know if you have what close you're following the athletes but um matt torres has two complete savages down there he's emma emma carrie who's matt torres uh sorry sorry uh there's a florida there's there's a there's a young lady completely competing named emma carrie and there's a and then there's danielle brandon okay they both have the same fucking coach and i think they're both going to be in the northeast and i was kind of tripping on that because they're both savages they both have they both have an outside chance of winning the whole thing yeah for sure i know who mccary is and and and she was a young she was younger she got hurt last year right right the year before that she was like top 10 she's unreal dude yeah she's one of those kids young she's like
Starting point is 01:10:14 yes 17 yeah yes yeah yeah she she's i'd put her up there with emma lawson and uh encroaching on she's like the threat to mal o'brien okay she's that who you think's gonna win this year is mal dude she's easy really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah run over and run over and maybe like maybe take justin's medal from him if he's not careful no horvath no not even a chance mal o'brien's completely unstoppable it's a complete runaway the we're on a six year seven year dynasty unless tia comes back. Really? Dude. I don't think you know a lot about what you're talking about, though. Are you fucking kidding me? Because I remember you called me a runt the year I took second place,
Starting point is 01:10:53 and I think Dan took, like, fourth that year, and you called him one, too. I don't really know how much I trust your opinion on this. Listen, I look great tonight. Just remember that. Steven Seagal. remember hey i'm serious the only people who have a chance to beat mal o'brien are people that we're not sure if they've they've uh they're still blossoming emma lawson emma carrie olivia kerstetter uh page powers like just all these young girls who like we're like we don't know we don't know what's going to happen as they blossom into the next
Starting point is 01:11:22 level but besides that i'm telling you dude she's un-fucking-beatable i don't think what's going to happen as they blossom into the next level. But besides that, I'm telling you, dude, she's un-fucking-beatable. I don't think Tia could beat her this year, to be honest with you. She's really fucking good, dude. I don't want her to be this good. You don't think Tia could beat her if Tia didn't get pregnant? You're out of your fucking mind, dude. Now I know I can't trust you. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Just telling you. I know, but you can't trust this girl either. All right, fine. I know, but you can't trust this girl either. I agree. I think that Mal is a fucking stud. Yeah. And I think she seems like she has the right attitude,
Starting point is 01:12:02 like just the fucking hard worker and just getting after it. But I don't think anybody was beating Tia until Tia decided to hang it up. Do you think Tia comes back? Yes. Me too. You think she beats Mal? Yes. You want to bet some money on it?
Starting point is 01:12:15 Yeah. Okay, let's take it. I'll take that fucking bet all day, baby. Let's do a- No odds? No odds? Tocamaderas. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Loser has to eat two steaks and token Madera's. I like it, man. I like it. Jocko had a cringy take about masks a couple years ago. We'll get it. That's a different show. Let's not pick on that. But I will get into that.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Please let me look into that. I would love to look into that. What about just on a complete side note madera's training with his girlfriend i'm ellie turner yeah i mean that's good for her i think i know but you do you think that's a problem no what do you think that what do you think do you think that that's i think they're both probably like um they're probably probably doing both of them a little bit of good. You don't think they're like, hey, you just want to just retire to the bedroom and not do this last Metcon? No.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Nah, man. Those fucking two. Like, Justin doesn't seem like that kind of guy. He doesn't seem like he's gotten there yet. He's not straight. He's not straight. Don't put those words in my mouth, man. No, I think that he's a a fucking he's a he's a dude
Starting point is 01:13:28 he's a worker he's a just a grunt man just a hard worker and that's what i love about that guy he uh that first year the 2020 games there was just the five of them and it was just like that was when you're like you watched us and you're like okay this is gonna have a long run a long healthy run in the games and uh it's cool and i think that i don't think having a girlfriend is gonna distract them too much man i think that that uh i'm sure that him and ellie are just gonna fucking crush it i think it's gonna be probably positive for both of them okay all right can you think of any other examples of boyfriend and girlfriend compete and you got emma law and Jack Farlow. Annie and fucking – Annie and – yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Yeah, very successful. Yeah, both phenomenal. Yeah. I mean I think it's – I think it can be a good thing as long as you keep it healthy. If Annie – well, let me – before I ask you anything. Frederick. I don't know why I couldn't think of why Frederick's name was just – I think you said it.
Starting point is 01:14:24 You said it. Frederick. Yeah. Frederick gideas um what about um uh what about uh madaris um this this term just calling him a winner um that there's people who are just winners does that resonate or mean anything to you like people like how the fuck does he do it and people like dude he's just a winner he just doesn't he knows how to win what does that what does that mean does that mean? Does that mean anything intellectually lazy? No, I don't think it's intellectually lazy.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I know exactly. Cause I think there's people out there that I think the same thing about. I think that Derek Jeter was just a winner, right? He didn't have these big standout like things. He just gets the fucking, I mean, I guess the only way to put it is just to get, they get the fucking job done no matter what. Right. And I feel like, um, I agree with that man on Justin, like Justin, like he just surprises you with everything, everything you're never, you're never like in your mind, like, Oh, Justin Madero is going to win this workout because he's probably not, he's probably gonna take like second, third, fourth and every one of them though.
Starting point is 01:15:20 You know what I mean? The dude just gets the job done and he does he's not flashy he's not fucking like this um big home run hitter but he fucking gets it done like dude like how about at the rogue invitational win not not this workout this workout was cool but the final fucking stout too man he yeah he's a fucking stout he's gotten so much thicker dude i remember when i his first year competing we had to do the triple three at regionals and he was right next to me and i remember him being in the back and i think i might have told this story but i don't know if i did or not but i looked down and i was like i was like he was in metcons and dude i don't know if you've ever ran in metcons but they are fucking awful to do long distance running in or actually any kind of running in them they're just so like they like slap like a duck foot is what it feels like
Starting point is 01:16:09 but oh that's not good yeah anyways we're looking down at um just drop 10 i'm looking down at justin and i'm like i had no idea who he was obviously at the time i someone might have told me they're like oh i think you did good in the teen division and this was was it 18 i think it was 18 and uh he was like yeah it was 18 and he goes and i'm like dude you're fucking wearing metcons for a three mile run on a on a truth or air runner or whatever it was he's like it's the only thing i got i was like fuck i was like i like that fucking attitude bro like like right there that moment i just remember being like i like that fucking attitude and i did he did good man i mean he didn't he didn't qualify that year to the games but you know i think he was only like 18 uh johnny medina i remember uh josh asking him that in the stalls before he went out to the floor yeah fucking with the kids yeah i was like very good dude yeah man
Starting point is 01:17:07 fucking meat eater now he's an animal yeah crazy hey those pants he was wearing just there though and that was that road the rogue invitational that is that did not look comfortable i didn't did you see oh it was like it was like some uh dude but how about going back to just being a winner how about the final event, right? Like Vellner kind of takes the lead on him. It was a 30 clean and jerks at 225. Last year at the games? No, no, at Rogue.
Starting point is 01:17:32 At Rogue. And he's fucking – like he just stayed in his lane, man. Like he could have easily freaked out and like went a little bit too quick, but he just fucking kept his blinders on. Vellner misses a rep and he takes it over and wins the event because of one fucking clean and jerk at 225, where he easily could have gotten ahead of himself because there were people in front of him in the lead, and he had to win.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Dude's just a winner, man. Super impressive. You think he wins the games this year? I don't see anybody taking it from him, but you never know. I mean, you got Gerrard's out, right? And so Roman
Starting point is 01:18:15 obviously could be there, but I don't think Roman beats Medeiros. And do you think Mal wins for the women? I think it depends, it just depends you're friends with laura you're close with laura can't say you can't no no no i'm not i'm not friends i mean i mean like i know i'd talk to her if i see her but i'm not like friends with her um i don't know i like i just man she dominated rogue rogue was you know but Mal wasn't Mal wasn't there that's right never mind um yeah it'll be interesting who what girl won Rogue Laura oh Laura did okay yeah
Starting point is 01:18:53 yeah you know and uh the the games is a little different right it's a lot it's a it's 50 you know 14 to 15 events um there's typically swimming there's a little bit more like uh aerobic stuff and so um yeah i don't know man it'll be interesting i think that i think it'll be i don't think it's gonna be a runaway like you're saying i think that if the workouts are right but also the fucking the way i hate that statement if the workouts are right oh please oh really the workouts the workouts can be just be whatever the fuck you want yeah yeah only one year the year spieler made podium was only was the only year that the workouts were biased bullshit and i don't think i think i always
Starting point is 01:19:37 saw dave i think dave did a phenomenal job at making it pretty pretty damn a pretty damn good test boz you know i'm i'm still like i'm you know you got a personal beef with boss i have no personal beef with boss whatsoever whatsoever i don't love don't you hate it when people say that and you don't yeah like strike that from the record uh suza please suza hi erase that from the final man what's up that was so inappropriate to make sure yeah you take that shit out i assume there is a i like boz i just like there were things where we got into it and we're we're people man like don't overcompensate i'm not fucking overcompensating for anything uh suza um uh there's a clip where he talks about jaco that shit will make at least 500 bucks from put that in the youtube oh i heard yeah josh on jock okay good uh daniel garrity josh was the
Starting point is 01:20:32 perfect guest of always uh to get seven on ready for sarah sigman's daughter and then the semis they're so natural together you should see us more in the same room dude we coil like snakes love it uh i don't think laura's friends with anyone god when she was on the show it was so fucking wild it was so good was it yeah you should if you could you dm her and ask her to come on again she won't she won't even i she came on the show and then like six months later i text her and i said hey will you come on my show again and she said how did you get my number i like that i scared the shit out of me i felt like a douche i was like okay back to the dms yeah not good man um i intimidate easy that's funny but why why would why to go that route i don't know i don't know i mean, the podcast was really awkward, but it was. But it was fun.
Starting point is 01:21:25 People liked it. It was it was. It was cool. She's cool. Laura's fucking like story is pretty cool. You know, she comes in, crushes the first year, has like a few years where she kind of falls off and then fucking comes back like storms back, man. So it's a cool story. And she could do it all.
Starting point is 01:21:46 This is her only fucking thing right here. Here's the thing. This is her only, this is her only hiccup. Yeah. But like she could run and pull and she didn't push and she do it all. Yeah. I mean, she's a rock climber, right? I think that's like her background.
Starting point is 01:22:00 She's a full blown athlete. I wonder how she would have been as a fighter. Dude. Yeah. I mean, that's a different mentality though. I don't think, that's a different mentality though i don't think i don't know if i fucked it up i don't know if i fuck do you think i fucked it up like you could have i could see it that hairdo jesus laura has the personality of a break that come on oh laura's the best thank you here we go bruce wayne i don't like her brother dude her brother's amazing what do you know her brother yeah i've met him he's a cool guy i like him yeah he's. Her brother's amazing. Do you know her brother? Yeah, I've met him.
Starting point is 01:22:25 He's a cool guy. I like him a lot. He's stoic. He's like Miko. He doesn't smile a lot. I love Miko. Miko smiles a lot now. At Rogue, that dude was all smiles.
Starting point is 01:22:36 You saw him there? Yeah. He could beat his legends, man. Come on. Hey, what are you weighing? Me, right now? Fuck, dude. Probably. I don't know. I haven't said it on a scale, what are you weighing? Me right now? I haven't set it on a scale, but after 16 days of this, dude, probably not a lot. Your arms look huge.
Starting point is 01:22:53 I'm guessing that's a shirt that's small. Yeah. It's large, extra large. Look at how – I mean, you look – I mean, you're not as big as you used to be. No. No, I'm definitely down probably like five, six pounds. Not a lot, but this is great. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Dude, my lifting is actually, um, my strength numbers are actually getting back up to where like the heaviest I've ever been. The strongest I've ever been. Is that a trip? Well, I'm just not doing a lot of cardio. You know, I'm not doing a lot as much metabolic conditioning, conditioning met cons like i'm doing a little bit more strength bias right now i want to take a run at 500 i want to squat 500 would that be a personal pr oh it'd be a pr by 60 pounds holy shit peptides peptides peptides i'm still on the drug testing protocol bro
Starting point is 01:23:45 serious yeah wow i've never retired officially oh what what is this i was just 385 it was a that was a warm i warmed up to 385 like pretty quick no belt i was happy about that yeah that's crazy no spotter no i don't ever spot back squats i'll just drop it and we'll land on the bar and roll down no i wouldn't land on those it wouldn't land the bar clears those yep jeez louise look at that fucking hairdo bro it's a cardigan but thanks for asking that's you on the left yeah yeah fucking little jb right there god look at your mom's hair that's a drone that's a can of hairspray and she's a and she's a hairstylist my goodness okay uh where were
Starting point is 01:24:37 we we were um looking we were gonna look at the workouts oh yeah we didn't we didn't get to the workouts it's almost and it's like almost an hour and a half. Yeah, it's fine. Did you change your profile picture on your Instagram? Yeah, you had to. Why? To get that little check mark. Oh, wait. What do you mean? What happened?
Starting point is 01:24:54 You have to have a picture of your face to get that. Oh, shit. No shit? Yeah. Wow. Oh, shit. You have a check mark. I'm not that cool, man. did you have to pay for that yeah
Starting point is 01:25:07 you paid for that stupid shit oh i'm sorry it's lame lame i'm sorry yeah i wish i wouldn't ask fuck dude cut that too that sucks got it got it odd i should have been like asking that after the show god damn it come on Come on, bro. Fucking up your image. I don't care. Whatever. You're cool like that. What was your soft? If you need a spot on anything other than bench.
Starting point is 01:25:34 That's a fair statement. Spot. I need a spot on deadlift. I would tell you this story about was in a gym in New York City. It's like. Some gym that shouldn't be a gym, right? It's like in seven different rooms. It's in a building on the 14th floor. I've been to a couple of those in New York too.
Starting point is 01:26:03 It's just crazy. Right. And I went to one in, Oh, go ahead. No, no, you go ahead no you go okay and i'm deadlifting and i've never deadlifted it was it was either 300 or somewhere between 300 and 315 it was some pr my pr lifetime pr is 315 and i whatever it was i had never lifted it before and i and i'm i'm getting ready you know and i'm go over and i go to lift it and i get it off the ground and it slows down and this dude comes over who's jacked out of his fucking mind have i told you the story no no comes over to me and puts his hand under my chin a strange dude fucking yoke dude wearing the tiniest tiniest uh banana strap you know uh uh um whatever those tank top you know what i mean just juicy and and he stands me up with my chin he spots me like this and i stand up with the fucking weight.
Starting point is 01:27:08 And yeah, I felt like Barry McOchner. Thank you. I felt like I got a little something about it felt. I was really confused. I couldn't tell like if I get to. Yeah, the black version of that guy. I couldn't tell. Oh, thank you. That's OK. Four minutes left in the show. We're not I couldn't tell oh thank you that's okay four minutes left in the show
Starting point is 01:27:28 we're not using the phone but thank you and you can leave the door open I'm fucking sweating like a pig in here thank you okay just close the screen thank you I felt violated because the way he touched my yes that guy on the right yes
Starting point is 01:27:44 he was so nice look you know what i mean fucking zebra pants in the middle right there oh fuck yes get me a pair of those now you should rock those you should go you should go through a funky clothes stage yeah that's legit he did not kiss me afterwards that is um that's but one i don't know if i did i don't know if i could say like i got that lift right i don't know i don't know if that's like i have no i've never even heard of this but i like it but it was it was uh i like that it happened to you i it was i didn't like being to having another man touch his fingers and shit on my shit. But you know what I said? Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Thanks, man. I appreciate that. I thanked him. I thanked him for violating me and confusing me. Oh, shit. Jeffrey Birchfield, next pay him camp. I want to see the zebra pants and that uh deadlift spotting technique that's right you'll see my man jay birch always there
Starting point is 01:28:49 uh any any any of the workouts you uh particularly what did you think about the programming for semifinals oh gosh we gotta go to this now don't we we'll just do it really quick let's do it really quick yeah hey are you gonna watch them i'd love to have you on and have you throughout the weekend and talk about them. I'll definitely watch them for sure. Okay. I'll send you links, and if you can come on, you can come on. You know, I didn't think they were terrible. I hate machines, and I love watching people pull sleds.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I love a good sled tool. So what I don't like is when they do the multiple – I like the sled pull. But you see, I look at this, and I'm like, okay, 300-meter echo bike. Okay, they wanted to change how you use the echo bike. It's normally just always calories. 3,000-meter. Yeah, 3K, 3,000-meter echo bike. The hand-over-hand pull, whatever, basically mile just over a mile a mile and a quarter uh
Starting point is 01:29:46 air runner and then a thousand meter ski i don't know like i don't i i like it but i don't love it um it's not a bad work it's not a bad workout actually i don't like i don't i don't hate it i've never i don't i'd have to actually look at how you, how the meters calculate on an echo bike. I've never really done that. I've always just done calories on that or just for time. Um, and it's never been for distance. It's always been just for, for calories, the air runner. I don't love, I think that you could easily just do a mile somewhere, um, and not have to have that on a machine um but whatever people train for it so that's fine thousand meter ski i have no issues with this workout this workout's not a bad workout
Starting point is 01:30:32 based on what based on what as a test or is it's a good time it's a good test i wouldn't say it's going to be a great workout for the fans but it's also the first workout of the weekend typically why the torque tank would be horrible in this yeah that would it would not be good you definitely want a full actual sled um so yeah okay uh workout two i think the ring complexes is really weird uh i think that you might as well just do like i think it's kind of gimmicky that's one thing I didn't like about that complex. Why not just do five muscle-ups, especially since you're putting weight on it anyways? The single-leg squat, cool.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Max Burpee get-over. What are they getting over? Oh, 30-inch box, okay. Yeah, I think that workout, other than the complex, that's the thing with Boz. Boz always has to have this little, boz flare to it that i don't like uh i think that a toe to bar muscle up a ring dip why why not just do five muscle ups um let me let me uh say this i could see the ring dip uh going away but doing a toes to bar
Starting point is 01:31:40 uh puts more wear and tear on the on the core right and then and then you'd feel that on the muscle-ups too especially in the later rounds no yeah maybe but i just i just think kind of it just seems kind of silly it's like just throw five six seven muscle-ups on there that looks good right it's it's clean i don't know i don't i don't think the toe to bar the muscle up the ring dip is just it is just a weird complex. I kind of see what you're saying. You just ruined the workout for me. I see it. I'm getting this grid effect too. It's like just too much going on. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Do toes-to-bar somewhere else. Yeah, exactly. You want to put toes-to-bar in there, do something else. You want to put ring-dips in, do it somewhere else. Just have the muscle-ups. Make it look clean. It'll look better, and I think it'll be a better test. I think that it gets gimmicky in that instance, but that's just my take. What about the ruck? I like the, I like the ruck, the ruck definitely cause it throws you off on the muscle up because of weight vest is the weights on the front and the back on the ruck. The weight is all in the back. And for me, I always had issues. I mean, I figured it out, but I had issues with the ruck because when I do my muscle ups, the weight kind of, it pulled me back a
Starting point is 01:32:49 little bit and I had a hard time figuring out getting over the rings. And so I kind of like throwing that in there. I think that's cool. It's just, it's another stress onto the muscle up. So I don't have any issues with that. I think that's cool. I like it too. Um, uh, Vellner was saying it wasn't necessary. And, uh, Travis is saying, um, uh, lose the rock, not needed,
Starting point is 01:33:07 but I think it is kind of, I think it's cool. I think it's, it's you jumping over a fence with shit on your back. Would it, would it be an okay test without it? Yes. Do I,
Starting point is 01:33:18 but I don't mind the rock at all. Like it is like, I'm not like, Oh, that's stupid because of the rock. It's going to fuck some girls up. It could. Yeah, for sure. for sure all right uh test three i i love linda i think linda's a phenomenal test um i think it would have been cool i don't know if i like the dumbbell bench um
Starting point is 01:33:40 but it shortens the range of motion. What do you think about a workout that's traditionally – It's also a little weird too because if you fail the dumbbell, that's going to be a big part of it. I think they picked good numbers to pick good weights though. I like the weights. You do even though this is traditionally one of those rare workouts in CrossFit that's – We're supposed to be like body weight. Body weight, yeah. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I think you have to have a standard weight. I think that's fair. What does this mean? Is this regarding Jayay hardell saying goodbye labrums is that regarding the uh ruck and the muscle up uh i'm gonna have to assume so and then and then and then maybe going to dumbbell after that that putting also stress on the labrum yeah i think it'll be fine i don't think the dumbbell is going to be in effect i think i think it actually shortens the range of motion a barbell bench you actually get deeper into the bench so i think they're your shoulders actually be fine i i love linda i think it's a phenomenal test so i have no issues with that did you see this hi heidi what's up girl uh you didn't miss anything josh and i just having a blast uh did you see uh alex kazan from uh uh underdogs
Starting point is 01:34:46 athletics over there with justin kotler in vegas uh bench 270 no i don't know who that is who is you gotta see this really quick this is nuts this made me uh kind of start tripping on um what the world record is for women in bench press natural women this is nuts this this is a this i don't think this girl's 25 that you're gonna see here and she uh she got like jason kalipa uh genetics like from her shoulder to her elbow you know jason just had those that crazy tricep development which you see this uh thanks susan for pulling this up so quick wait till you see this bench press right here hey i i i had her on the show i can't remember exactly what she says but i think she said she she went from 250 to 260 failed 260 and then said fuck it put on 270 i think maybe that's what she said and look at this oh that's pretty ridiculous oh my god yeah that's legit crazy right yeah
Starting point is 01:35:52 kind of new to the game is she a crossfitter yeah crossfitter good dude good young new kind of new to the game's always been a freak it like as a i don't know if this is right but a freshman in high school benched over 200 pounds damn you know what i mean that's impressive yeah she got she can do some weird shit yeah great head on her shoulder too anyway okay uh back to work out where were we work out uh we just finished three four okay how's how's the deuces coming you good you made it you're doing damn good man all right a couple times i heard your voice change during the show we couldn't tell if you were holding them back yeah uh this one is a little weird funky for me um what is it run 800 meters in a max snatch in
Starting point is 01:36:37 six minutes i i don't know i don't i don't love that test um i don't think the 800 meters with a six minute time cap like you're gonna see people i don't know how do you score it is it the is it uh they haven't said they haven't said okay so we don't know if it's 100 or 50 we don't know yeah so it'd be interesting to see on that first one if the 800 meters actually means anything because you could easily run a three minute 800 meter that's that chick's 21 holy shit oh um and so that's like i don't know i don't i don't love the 800 meter run into the snatch i don't see that being anything um i think the second workout now the eight snatches at 185 125 with the 800 meter run i think that's a cool workout that's gonna be awesome to watch dudes you're gonna just sell it on the on the run right yeah
Starting point is 01:37:30 for sure i just think the first part is gonna be like the intermediate run is gonna be whatever and it's gonna be all about the weight on that one so i don't think you're gonna see like crazy times but i don't know i'm not i'm, I'm not a huge fan of that workout. I see what they try to do there, but like, why not just, I don't know, man, not, not my favorites. Here's an enormous opportunity that will be missed. If that run is on the runner, that 800 meters, we need to see the guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 We have to see the guys yeah we have to see the guys we have to see them and ideally they're not even in their own lanes like you know i mean not even showing us i'm like we need to see them pushing and jostling i guess it's gonna be on a runner though oh you're fucking making me sick yeah because they're gonna have a huge that's a huge visual miss dude yeah for sure i agree i need to see like you and fucking some other guy come off the uh it's on the runners oh my god what a douche course it is yes it's gonna be of course it is i do the first one on the runner i don't give a shit yeah because the first one the run doesn't matter anyways it's not even important it's but i want to see the guys i don't even understand why they even put it in there. Do you remember when Graham Holmberg and fucking Chris Spieler dove across the finish line?
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah, I do, yeah. On a fucking track. Yeah, that's right. In Carson. Yeah. That shit was crazy. Yeah, that was that long triple Helen workout, right? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:39:02 I just remember those dudes were fighting. Yeah. Yeah, that's a huge that's a that's a miss yeah I agree yeah okay all right I wonder how Will knows that that's a shame I hope he's wrong six okay test six yeah 20 your dinner's ready your dinner it is now we gotta get going your meat's gonna be cooked a little uh a little more brown than normal nah i hear i hear i hear utensils going she started eating without you she should she did we ran a little long um that's what she said 20 overhead squats 500 meter row three handstand walk parrot parrot pirouettes um two seated legless like i don't like seated legless rope climbs i don't so like this is where again i
Starting point is 01:39:53 look at this and i'm like seated legless rope climbs like is it an l-sit because if it's an l-sit how are you gonna judge that um are you just saying i think it's gonna be once you come off the ground just you're just started seated just started seated. So basically you just can't jump. Okay. Whatever. I think the pirouette walks again are kind of – Oh, that's the handstand walk. Okay, that's where they walk across that.
Starting point is 01:40:15 All right. Yeah, I mean, it's a good workout. I like it. It's like up-down chipper. I like that. Those are always fun. Strict chest-to- wall hands and push-ups the handstand walk pirouettes a trip yeah yeah i like that workout it's not i do actually like
Starting point is 01:40:32 that workout that workout looks fun looks fun to me hey and you're gonna have to push yourself on those 500s those 500s mean something and so i kind of like that the weight on the overhead squats could probably be a little bit heavier. I bet that could be 225 to give the, the, because those rows really go towards the, you know, the row goes towards like someone, you know, there's a,
Starting point is 01:41:00 there's an advantage of being a little taller on the row. And so I can see the reflection of your fiancé in your forehead. And so that overhead squat could be a little bit heavier. But I think I say that without testing this. I'm just literally just looking at it. With the handstand walk, probably not, actually. You're probably going to want to keep that. 185 is actually probably a good number.
Starting point is 01:41:24 And the strict chest, the handstand push-ups. So, yeah, never mind. I think those weights are probably perfect. It's going to be fun because this is going to be a swim. I think I like this workout a lot, actually. Yeah. This is going to separate a lot of people, too. I think so, too.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I think this will. Some people are going to get stopped. There will be DNFs on this one. I mean, it's cool because there's so much upper body involved with it and the overhead squat is just a great little like it kind of fucks with you you know because you mean at the end there yeah at the end yeah like those are gonna be nasty man yeah okay uh test seven and then it oh there uh oh there it is three rounds 15 echo 20 toes and they're putting toes the bar in here look at that yeah okay so they can get rid of those i'll send i'll send balls of text yeah send them attacks yeah 60 foot sandbag sandbag bear hug carry yeah that'll
Starting point is 01:42:21 be that'll be cool i think that's a cool workout um 15 20 60 they're trying to make it look clean i like that i like that they're making it look clean with the numbers um i probably would go i don't know 20 just seems more appropriate in my head 20 20 60 because 15 is just but they can send it on 15 so you'll probably see people actually like do those 15 calories in 15 seconds you can send it on 20 though too right you can you can but it's not probably as worth it okay where i think 15 is um you have to it's yeah yeah you're gonna have to so i i like this workout too i don't know if i like it's a little short but it's coming off a little bit longer of a workout what was the time cap on six swipe back to six oh 15 15 okay dude that's fast for for six right um in my head i would think
Starting point is 01:43:19 20 toes the bar each a minute no i don't think that's fast i think you're gonna see people probably get that done in like i think you're gonna see quick times like four minutes ish four minutes something low fours maybe three something i wonder if uh i wonder i wonder because no one's gonna because no one's gonna break on those three sets of toes to bar and the sandbag carry will be the crud. That low back is going to get fried hamstrings. Can you take last place in a regionals event and still go to the games? I could have. In 16, the year we were looking at the snatch,
Starting point is 01:43:59 my final event, I didn't have to do the final event. And I could have went to the games. Oh, shit. Okay. I don't know like if it's gonna be that way anymore and i'm sure there was other times where other people could could have uh there's 60 60 60 uh people in the um yeah in in the events this year 60 people going and like 10 or 11 or 12 or something qualified it's gonna it's gonna be massive are you going to any of the semifinals no don't you have to like have a good dude's boot there or something i should i don't know all right how's your team your team good cooper doing a good job yeah he's doing great man yeah yeah team's good man you know like programming's doing well um you know, slinging it.
Starting point is 01:44:48 We just hope. So good that you don't even have to, you don't have to like wear a good, you used to always wear a good dude shirt. You're not doing that, and you haven't talked about, oh, that's nice. That's my pay ham shirt, man. It's just a little, little guy now. And no good dude shirt and no camp in the work the work so things must be good we'll do a camp soon we'll just we just haven't launched it yet we just need to get on the uh maybe you could
Starting point is 01:45:10 announce it here you could do me a little favor big announcement from josh bridges i'm also getting married you know so there's like there's a lot going on this year you have any kids coming i have two kids no you know ask again when drunk that's three. Ask again when drunk. That's three questions to ask when drunk. I think that's hilarious what Will said. Put that one up. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:45:35 That's cool. You didn't even have to do the last workout, but let's see Rasmus on the snatch workout. That's actually what I wanted to say. Who won that regional that year? Did you win it yes oh that's her boyfriend camp i not her boyfriend's her husband jesus same thing oh please those those words don't matter uh oh uh is josh snipped uh no
Starting point is 01:45:59 never you just yeah me neither no way wow me neither doesn't seem natural to me wow okay let's go we've see eye to eye on shit that's good found it all right uh thank you for coming on yeah you were good that was good i was i was dreading i just drove uh from newport beach up here today i was uh regretting um scheduling a podcast uh and i it's a podcast with you is like sex. Like I, a lot of times I just don't want to have it, but I'm always glad I did. It's like, yeah, that's cool. Thanks man. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. You're a good dude. Yeah. All right. Um, enjoy your, enjoy your steak. Uh, and, um, I'll be bugging you for the next three weeks to add some star power to my show.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Let's do it. All right. later right ciao josh bridges is off to dinner uh to eat eat the meat um yell uh you don't see eye to eye with josh don't lie you look up to josh whatever details good question in their heart i'll send you a 50 for that that was good wow heidi with the great follow-up god you guys need your own damn show uh if he's if he's not sniff what what snip what form of birth control is using solid they know the playbook now all right oh yeah i should text josh You know that chick's fucking ridiculously hot. Where is he? You guys were hilarious.
Starting point is 01:47:29 You had me cracking up. I'm going to try something real quick while we're on here. Let's see. Yeah, go small. Okay. All right. I'll DM my venmo great thanks uh she had danced uh thanks josh and seve you're welcome uh later brother jeffrey birchow i'll make sure to text him that the pool boy oh yeah where are you located you gotta be nearby see you with kelly okay hi um what's oh so tomorrow oh i'm prepping for a semi-final show tomorrow with brian friend
Starting point is 01:48:15 yeah right john young um uh oh that girl just told me text me again she said I could just throw Josh on my back and carry him for a workout didn't someone make a good oh yeah that was uh Kate from the new show with Hobart oh and it was like the carry him meme and stuff. Oh, yeah. God. Damn, we've been doing this podcast for a minute. Yep. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Vindicate says I sent you some packages. I got the black on black CEO shirt. Absolutely insane. Oh, I bet that's cool. Dude, it is so good. And look at this. I don't know if you guys can see this.'s a ceo visor oh yeah i saw that grace wants one hey that that interview you hosted oh with avi you like it dude it's so good oh wow okay cool cool yeah. Cool. Maybe I'll send it over to our new guy in India who's making our Instagram post.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. My Instagram is just blowing up. That's awesome. Yeah, it's cool, especially for being so shadowbanned. Did you see me fucking with Travis Mayer today? I saw the post but i didn't like dive into it too much but i noticed he was commenting on a shirt i think yeah yeah i posted it on my instagram he he says he tells that girl her shirts to you know he asked some
Starting point is 01:49:58 travis mayors at uh the training think tank looking good by the way for a guy who's not going to the games uh who's taking the year off because he's hurt but looking good and he said something funny he said there's a girl there training some hot chick and fit as fuck of course and he says hey where'd you get those that shirt at the baby gap and canceled yeah i just i took it i rewound it i got off the assault bike and got my phone and rewound it r Rambler, yeah, yeah, yeah. T-T-T-T-T-T-T. Training think tank. The training think tank.
Starting point is 01:50:30 And I posted it and just tagged Travis and said canceled. Oh, that was Annika Greer? Oh, yeah. That makes sense. She's hot. I didn't even recognize her. She's only – she's playing i didn't even recognize her she's only she's she's a uh she's playing a bit part while travis says a line that gets them canceled that shirt's too small that that's that's what
Starting point is 01:50:53 that means right did you get that shirt at the baby gap i had to read into it yeah yeah yeah yeah you had to connect the dots there uh no it was not spiegel it was uh i guess it was miss annika greer uh all the videos with the kids are badass the dog shit in front of uh 20 mil two acre lot not so much oh be cool mace please send me your eval on the um my uh eval on the side all right so tomorrow uh semi-final show Did we move the Frisbee show to Thursday? We did. We're just missing one party for that.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Oh, he hasn't chimed in yet? No, Brian can't do it on Thursday. Oh, he can't? No. Okay, so maybe still tomorrow. Possibly, yeah. I thought he had tons of free time now. Oh, he's traveling. Oh, is he going to the semifinal?
Starting point is 01:51:47 Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, maybe... Did he send us the videos I'm supposed to watch? No, but I did find one on there and then sent it just so it was there. But we'll have to plug him for... Oh, no, he did send it. He did send it. Oh, he did.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Oh, no. No, no, no did send it. He did send it. Oh, he did. Oh, no, no, no, no. Wait, Brian, did you send videos for me to watch? I will try and watch tonight. Maybe we can do frizz be show midday uh did you see brian on talking league fitness
Starting point is 01:52:35 uh no when recently he uh he i think he works for hamilton road now did you watch the Don Fall interview? No, not all of it yet With Pedro? Not all of it
Starting point is 01:52:52 I did text Pedro before though Dude, Pedro killed it Did he do it? Dude, bro Awesome Holy shit, he fucking killed it He won't report us if we play any of it Some of it, will he?
Starting point is 01:53:03 He's not I don't think so Like if I play it on I don't want to fuck up the Josh't report us if we play any of it. Some of it, will he? I don't think so. I don't want to fuck up the Josh Bridges podcast if I play it. How are you on time? Let's save it. We do a break later. Really? It'll be old soon.
Starting point is 01:53:19 I mean, if you want to, we can. Let me see. I haven't watched any of it. I don't think he'll report us. I don't think he will. We could always figure it out. Coffee, Wads, and... Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:53:33 We could always take it out. Just chop the back end. Coffee, Wads, and Pods. Oh, he interviewed that girl that I'm trying to get on the show. From Australia. What's the girl's name in Australia we're trying to get on? Kylie? Caitlin Van Ziel.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Kylie. There's so many people right now. Okay, Dawnfall. Hour and six minutes. There's part I wanted to show you in here. I wonder if... Oh, I know exactly where it's at, too. I kind of wanted to post about this. I like how it says about the fan in the back.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Oh, shit. I don't know where it's at. Son of a bitch. He says in here, what are you going to do to fix shit? About the 30 million crossfitters did you want to share this are you keeping it down there oh oh shit thank you shit sorry sorry sorry thank you doing something no no no no no uh this is no not about the 30 million crossfitters but but but about the media he said something about
Starting point is 01:54:45 which i thought was fascinating you kind of started looking at goals and and you said i need to be fixed what needs to be gotten rid of yeah 100 ask me put together a plan we're going to start with a really deep understanding of where we are to make um like those kind of videos that you're talking about the hamilton road stuff and the in-house stuff you know like the older crossfitters and the people who've maybe recovered from diabetes or maybe recovered from injury or stuff or is there like is is it kind of i i think it's without question the latter it's without question it has to be a multi-faceted approach and and we look at the end of the day i think what we have to start with here is really being clear in what the
Starting point is 01:55:28 outcomes are that we're trying to achieve. No, I don't know. Okay. In this case, our goal is to get more people into CrossFit affiliates. Okay. Everything should be, we should come into it now with a strategy and a set of we shouldn't assume that necessarily is going to work for all people. And so we have to be willing to, one of the things that we're really trying to work on culturally is the perfect story. At the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:55:53 what's going to tell us whether or not it's working is if we can measure and track how that. God, there's so much measure and tracking talk. It fucking drives me crazy. Do you remember when he was on the show and I was like, Hey dude, what you need to do is you need a fucking army of fucking 17 year old kids or 21 year old kids whatever 25 year old kid doesn't matter making you a thousand dollar videos or 300 videos or 500 videos people would fucking love to fucking make videos and have them on dot com and and they just fired one of those guys they
Starting point is 01:56:25 had a guy like that trying to remember his name peter or something they had a guy like that that they just fired which is fucking crazy and now they're going to rely he basically says they're going to rely on hamilton roads to make all their content for them other hype high you know like these really high-end pieces i just want to say don it's so fucking easy and then he talks about that you remember in the beginning of the year when they launched with the magic of crossfit yeah it was a it doesn't matter how big of a splash you make or how good you make something it has to be a steady drumbeat right it has to be three years media is like um media in this day and age is like planting a fruit tree. You have to plant a lot of fruit trees and then be in it for the long haul, 10 years.
Starting point is 01:57:11 And you have to nurture them, and every year you have to replace the sick ones, and you have to take care of them. And after 10 years, you won't regret planting those trees. All of you, on a legitimate note, outside of a metaphor, if you have a yard and you're not planting trees every year, you're so missing out. You're making just a huge fucking mistake or you or even planting trees fruit trees just in front of your house that's what i used to do in berkeley not even on my property and it pays off within years you're like holy shit this is crazy i cannot believe all the apricots avocado it's just nuts it's anyway what don needs to do, and I'll spell it out so simply, is you pay someone $520,000 a year. That's $10,000 a week, and maybe you have 10 guys doing it.
Starting point is 01:57:58 It doesn't matter, five guys doing it. And every week, one of those guys submits a video that's between seven and 15 minutes long, and he makes three versions of it, a three-minute version, a seven-minute version, and a 15-minute version. And you release those videos, and those videos show a character arc of someone starting CrossFit or doing CrossFit and then succeeding at the end. the end so a story might look like a girl who only has one leg starts crossfit and then we talk about how it changes her life and then it finishes with her going to her l1 and it takes that filmmaker uh 10 days to shoot it and 10 days to edit it and he gets ten thousand dollars and he submits it and he gets it so now you have three pieces of content and then you put it into that ai machine and you make 60 instagram posts from it and you do that and you do that every single week non-fucking-stop the fat guy the
Starting point is 01:58:52 black guy the midget the old lady the new upcoming games athlete and you just do that and you have to do that for three years so it it's a $1.5 million investment. You probably got to bring Leif Edmondson back. You have to – I apologize for this. You have to get rid of the five or six of the people who are in the media department who are holding you back right now. You have some really hardcore haters in there. You have some really incompetent people in there who have no idea what they're doing, and they're just haters. You have a sickness inside of there. no idea what they're doing and they're just haters you have you have a sickness inside of there and you can see you can see when he asks questions the places where don flails a little bit it's because he's not getting good communication with those people they're it sounds like they're making excuses to him of why they can't get things done you have to listen to the podcast, but there's a whole section in there where Pedro presses him on media. How long until Don calls up Sevan to come back? I don't think they can at this point.
Starting point is 02:00:01 I don't think they can at this point. point i don't think they can at this point but what the irony is is it's all it's at this point it's all just crazy ego at this point they had someone has to have told them someone has to have known i was the longest tenured person you guys know i'm not gonna just suck my dick again in all y'all but the formula is so easy um and uh it's it's it's so easy to work he needs to stop being concerned and then and then on top of that five hundred twenty thousand dollars a year you spend on those those films you have all the other little guys making quick scrappy shit that he wants probably he's got to really stop worrying about measuring and all that shit it's like well the reason why i think he keeps going back to that is because it's not him in charge as the autonomy to just do that like he has to sell it to the board and then they no no no i don't think he
Starting point is 02:00:54 does do you think he does you don't think a ceo he can dude he can he can get he can get rid of he can get rid of three people who work there right now who make 150 000 a year and free up that 450 000 and start the project. If it gets approved, we don't know that process. Like, hey, run with it and then we'll see what happens in a year or two years. You have total autonomy. Is it there to check and balance? Does the board want something more reliable rather than just sending it out, kind of decentralizing it that way?
Starting point is 02:01:21 I think the reason why it keeps leaning back to like track and measure, those are somewords that we use in crossfit so it's kind of familiar under the methodology also too that's the only way that they're going to take whatever it is that they're that they're doing and then measure it to let me let me push back on that every time every time we someone brought up testing and measuring uh it led to failure when i worked at crossfit and here's one of the reasons why uh will brand stutter don did say he wants to do more scrappy media instead of just the high production stuff, right. But here's the problem. This has to be a long project.
Starting point is 02:01:53 This has to be like three years. It has to be, you basically have to take over YouTube with those stories the way we did. You have to basically be that person again, just hammering, just hammering. And it's going to take years for it to measure. And to be honest, $520,000 is an inconsequential amount. It's easy to do. It's easy to pull together for him. he's dealing with. And the needle will move for everyone. It will move for the training department,
Starting point is 02:02:31 and it will move for the affiliates. And think of all, you can just point to that stuff nonstop anytime the affiliates say, what's the value? The affiliates will fucking love it. They will absolutely love it. It's such a no-brainer well well it seems like a no-brainer to me because i just i know what i'm doing
Starting point is 02:02:51 uh don is the ceo not the owner we're placing gg type owner influence on an employee that's what that's what you were saying too right kind of the same thousands have mentioned what hq should be doing all pretty similar feedback and it's still not happening. Yeah, and they really do have some really troubled employees still in the ranks, and it's – yeah, it's not good. That CrossFit main channel is completely dead too. I don't know how they get viewership back. If you look up CrossFit YouTube channel, that doesn't even come up. What happened – thanks, Will, by the way. Sorry for mumbling as I read that.
Starting point is 02:03:21 You channel that doesn't even come up. What happened – thanks, Will, by the way. Sorry for mumbling as I read that. That magic thing, you can't do flash in the pan. That's what I mean. You'd be better off just – it needs to be a steady drum beat. Even if they're all Cs, all the videos, eventually you'll get some A's in there, and you'll just build, and you'll build, and you'll build. And you also know that high production doesn't equal uh high visibility just because you spent a shitload of money to make what you're making does not mean you're going to get that same attention or or anything in return right it's
Starting point is 02:03:54 it's another swing at the bat so whether it's high quality or low quality it doesn't increase your odds by spending more money uh media is king yeah i mean it's it's it uh a friend of mine just started just putting together some instagram videos for me uh that and my i put on 200 followers just like that just from him just making some doing those ones that are like super trendy right now where i say something and then he has you to go oh and then i say something else and a has Yoda go, Oh, and then, and then I say something else and a little Twitter bird flies by. I mean, it's just,
Starting point is 02:04:28 and all of a sudden I put it on and it takes work to do that. But, um, uh, they, they won't do it because they're owned by big soda. Hot take, uh,
Starting point is 02:04:39 Pierre Venditti, a Tennessee Titans released a video talking to people on the street and got the most viewed schedule release. Others had full production graphics teams. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I think the sentiment is what you're saying is like they pulled it off with just doing passion projects and authentic shit on the streets. Yeah, of course. I think CrossFit is way too obsessed with high production value. They refuse to get on board with the new wave of media.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Yeah, and they just got talkers over there. They don't have doers. There's so many talkers over there the worst thing that can happen to a company project managers all those kinds of people buh-bye adios adios yeah and and it's not a dig on hamilton road uh vindicate hamilton road won't do low budget the amazing i i cannot say enough kind things about that guy over there and his competency uh charlie duby charlie dubay charlie duby he's a yeah awesome awesome dude first one in the building last guy to leave everyone respects him everyone respects him i don't know anyone who doesn't. He's a man amongst boys. He's an adult. He can tame all the beasts. I dig him. Have you met that dude?
Starting point is 02:06:00 No. At least I don't think so. And if I did, I apologize. that dude no at least i don't think so and if i didn't i apologize great dude great dude good crossfitter too strong strong dude and i think when he started working there he wasn't he kind of did the uh transformed himself as i recall oh actually i think maybe he did have he i think maybe he was a crazy athlete now i think i think maybe he was like one of those dudes who was insane at basketball or something now i think about it or had a crazy vertical leap he did something uh yeah here we go uh i did work with hamilton road productions once movement standard library for some app and development good people yeah he's awesome so all right so that's it that That's I am curious to watch that, though. I'm still it's good. Pedro is so good. Yeah. Let me see. I shot him a little text before. And I should have thumbs up right now. He his response made me think like, oh, shit. Yep. He's got he this is going to be good. yeah it's it look at a good push on questions well done this interview is incredible that was fabulous interview i really enjoyed a great interview holy shit dude well done
Starting point is 02:07:08 wow this was one of the your best uh stuff pedro way to ask the hard questions absolutely excellent interview yeah i mean he he stayed on don i hope don takes some some of this to heart yeah and don was great too to be honest hey would you describe don as a visionary like did he cast a vision that inspired you that like fired you up that really made you think like we got I don't know I don't know okay you know what like at some points during the
Starting point is 02:07:32 interview I because it was as I went through moods I was like having different feelings towards Don part of me wants to be like dude Don just get off the pot and shit already but learning deeply understanding yes yes strategies in place working towards their yes communication skills are getting better and
Starting point is 02:07:54 we're excited about the new opportunities the team and the team so many times and i was just yeah um oh shit rich froning has a uh they did a second podcast how many how many podcasts have you been listening to those at all i haven't yet i need to i i haven't listened to start to finish but i the ones i have been like peeking into they're cool where do they go live no no no where do i see high production it looks really Oh, you're pissing me off. Angelo and Rich and Roy, that's a good combination. Shut up. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:08:29 It's okay. I'm just juicing them up so that way they're like, you guys should come on out. I'm like, we will. We will? Hell yeah. Oh, my God. I can't look at you because they'll be like,
Starting point is 02:08:41 oh, it's just you? Fuck. I can't feel without you because they'll be like oh it's just you fuck I just see Angelo and Rich episode 3 oh wait oh no Rory's in there too yeah like he'll field the questions
Starting point is 02:08:59 and he'll kind of move it forward and then like Angelo what questions whatever stuff from the internet or just questions that he has or just things they're kind of riffing off of look at that picture yeah that's nice hey let me ask you a question personal question oh cool when you hit share screen you go to you go to present and then share screen yep for me i used to be able to just click on whatever i wanted and hit share and it would pop up yeah and it doesn't do that anymore no i think
Starting point is 02:09:31 they did an update to where you have to bring it in now okay and i don't know if that was switched or toggled off or toggled on or something i also didn't know that we could turn off the comments for our guests. What does that mean? Because I can't see them. Oh, so they can't see each other's comments? No, so they can't see the chat's comments. Oh, we can do that, you're saying now? Yeah, so if you bring in a guest and for whatever reason you don't want them to— Oh, Josh got really distracted at the end. I should have turned that shit off on him.
Starting point is 02:10:02 Yeah, so you could just click a button and then it'll turn— I't know if you could do it like on and off while he's on here but i know it's a it's a setting uh will brandstetter the third one is by far the best well that's good that or i mean it sucks for me but that means molly rich is the man yeah when's the last time someone went to mayhem too too long uh don is stuck uh between his military and tech identity, but leaning more to the ladder. Someone's going to call rich and be like, dude,
Starting point is 02:10:35 they said your name on his podcast. And he went, blah. Oh shit. Trish talked some crap to them. They said they're going to do live soon. Oh, great. Oh, shit. Trish talked some crap to them. They said they're going to do live soon. Oh, great. Oh.
Starting point is 02:10:50 You're welcome. I liked it. I liked it. Did you see on our Instagram, Bruce posted Chase and Bill getting sassy? I did not. I must have missed that one oh this is good you want to pull it up the real stuff on podcast
Starting point is 02:11:11 look at they got sassy so that show that JR I think JR came out of his shell when I was gone I think JR is better when I'm not there he was like the one that I hosted that you weren't here, and I had all the guys on, the whole panel on, he was like –
Starting point is 02:11:30 Killing it? Killing it for me. Yeah. Like he was – yeah. Yeah. He was like – And Taylor was nice. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:38 Scroll down. He went to keep – Oh, shut up and scribble. Oh, maybe – oh,ble. Oh, maybe. Oh, wait. No, that was just a post to that. I think it's this one. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Okay. Okay. Yeah. Here we go. Listen to this. Show just unveiled for Savant. So this would be a little bit. Echo.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Go watch it, but go fuck yourself. Savant created this breaking new idea of a new show. savan created this breaking new idea of a new show ar how and taylor self will go a deep dive into crossfit programming from analyzing post games events yeah go fuck yourself i wonder where they got that genius idea but there is plenty of room for everyone and the more people get educated on programming the better the fans can be the better absolutely it so come on in the water it's fine so I think their first show airs
Starting point is 02:12:31 let's see tonight tonight 9 p.m. Eastern with Brian friend they'll be diving into their first takes on the semifinal programming. And yes, this new show all about
Starting point is 02:12:50 CrossFit programming, past games, events, and analyzings. Good. Good fresh idea. Good luck, guys. I will be watching because I love listening to those guys talk. Glad they got something of their own. Celebrate the people we know in the space.
Starting point is 02:13:06 Hopefully they will all, uh, bring more attention and more education to the fan base. Oh man. Those that are, uh, he's, he's processing a lot there.
Starting point is 02:13:15 Yes. Boom. Thank you very much. I just went through a lot. Yeah. I, I, that's how I feel.
Starting point is 02:13:19 I, I am on this show. He just processed like, fuck you to like, okay. Yeah. And at the same time also like promoted it on their show. Right. So it's like a little, uh, just processed like, fuck you to like, okay. At the same time, also promoted it on their show.
Starting point is 02:13:27 It's a little tongue-in-cheek. Fuck you guys, but we're still doing a solid here. It's okay, haters. That's good. That's how I feel about Rich's show. Yeah, envy. Hey, what if we just do a reaction show to Rich? What do you mean, to his show?
Starting point is 02:13:44 To his show. So his show comes out, then you mean to his show to his show so his show comes out that you and i just react to his show like a mystery uh three theater 3000 we just watch his show and react to it thank you for all the content rich you really appreciate it uh now that you're live we're live reacting to you uh trish was slain during the live kettlebells and cocktails live stream tonight they're doing live stream too. My God, good for them. Can you pull that up and see, can we read the chat? That we could probably do. She was trying to get Nikki to not have PC answers.
Starting point is 02:14:18 PC. I like how Molly says PC. God, I haven't heard that term in forever. Politically correct. I need to get those shows from Brian. Final round highlights presented by. Oh, stream two hours ago. Q&A with John and Nikki. Yeah. And then can you can can we just look at the um uh trisha's uh handiwork i think it's because um the show just ended so it's going to process you know okay let's see the comments let's see
Starting point is 02:14:52 what comments are there's no comments that's what i mean you know comments and no chat right i know you can't see the chat until it comments but you can't see the there's no no one's comment no one's comment it's only been two hours and and it only has 92 views so far. It'll probably get another 92 views of people just to go see. Oh, Matt, you put in the highlight show. Brian, are you able to do tomorrow's disc golf show? I'm looking at our text with Brian. Yeah. and you posted
Starting point is 02:15:25 the the frisbee competition so he hasn't posted anything no i wouldn't found it but to his defense to brian's defense um that one that i sent to you had only been released like two hours or three hours after i sent it to you so i think all of this stuff is coming out i don't think there was enough of it to come out or like okay it was oh shit and this is only a 14 minute show Stockton I can't believe they go to I mean it says something about the sport when it's in Stockton right it's like where jiu jitsu tournaments are
Starting point is 02:15:58 and frisbee golf not much budget for a venue that's what that says both of them in kettlebells and cockwell kettlebar cocktails here they look uh they look good lighting wise and stuff oh they got are you kidding me is everyone killing it i can't wait till tomorrow how how come on everyone else's shows they have little borders around their pictures and shit and they got all this nice shit oh well i actually started playing with that on my own so we could kind of update some stuff and i was like playing with our different like backgrounds that we oh shit who made that me you did yeah wow it's still there's another one
Starting point is 02:16:36 that i um let me see what the california hormones one yeah yeah hold on that's the one i gotta bring in here that was good and and and and we'll, they had a little border around the – oh, I have a – you know what I forgot is my phone. Is this one it? And Will and Taylor's show, they had a little – they had a border. Yeah, that's – yeah, Will makes all that cool stuff. Will's really good at that. Hey, did you see that the Frisbee organization has a dude who's trying to get into the women's Frisbee? Did you see that?
Starting point is 02:17:07 No, really? Yeah, it's actually catapulted. It's been great for Frisbee golf. It's kind of catapulted it into the mainstream media. Oh. That's good for Frisbee golf. Should just be cool with that. Let it happen.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Hey, maybe we should have Travis Mayer on the show during semifinals he's not doing nothing yeah he'd be he's awesome too and him and josh that'd be like the two nicest guys in the sport all the time there it is okay i'm plugging the phone in sorry the phone now for tomorrow's show with brian nice hey does anyone else take live calls yet? Not yet. Those guys. If they do, if they do. If they do. They could go f*** themselves.
Starting point is 02:17:52 Right, yeah, yeah. Beep. What do you want? Hey, did you see Miller Lite has a commercial that's hating on women's bodies? Have you seen this? No, what do you mean? Yeah. Miller Lite's put out this commercial that shows a girl wearing a vest with a sweater with these huge tits. It's kind of – the irony – it's kind of ironic. It's funny. Oh, that's nice, those California – that California hormones.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Yeah, I played with their logos. It popped a little bit. It's a lady walking around with a sweater on with huge tits saying how women have been disrespected by all the bikini posters and calendars and girls in bikinis that have been used in beer ads. Okay. So she's in a vest now? It's just fucking bizarre. I can't tell. But, like, who doesn't like – how is a woman in a bikini disrespectful? That's a great question. It's only if you hate women's bodies.
Starting point is 02:19:19 Personally, I've never found it disrespectful. Yeah. How is that – hey, guys, it's almost midnight on the East Coast. Good night. All right. Fine. Focus. Focus found it disrespectful. Yeah. How is that? Hey, guys, it's almost midnight on the East Coast. Good night. All right. Focus. Focus, Seve.
Starting point is 02:19:29 Focus. 1999. I got a new Instagram post just sent to me. I haven't watched it yet. You guys want to see it? I'm kind of scared to show you guys. Uh-uh. No? Not that one.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Not on the tube. No, no. Not the Prozac one. Okay. All right. All right. Not the Prozac. okay all right all right not the prozac that'd be nice till july dang i think i can share this you think that prozac won't get us kicked off of
Starting point is 02:19:54 no i'm just paranoid better safe than sorry yep 100 okay here we go that's the scary part about the DEI movement, that it's just they are overtly just racist, sexist lunatics. And and they want the world to be that way also. And when these people take power, their behavior will give instant evidence of the insincerity of the effort. You know, when these revolutions succeed, the first thing you have to do is kill all the revolutionaries. The point of the effort is about the control of the sheep. That's the effort.
Starting point is 02:20:35 And for anyone to think that BLM or DEI, that the movement in the broadest sense, politically, culturally, and it's Marxism, that the resulting structure will do anything other than abuse blacks, intellectuals, and Jews. You're not giving me a history lesson. Oh, it's good. It's good. Hey, but Sevan is a medical professional. Speaking of medical professionals, so two weeks ago, the CIA comes out and says, hey, we lied.
Starting point is 02:21:12 The Hunter Biden laptop was real, and those 50 CIA guys that we had signed saying were fake, we knew all along it was real. Did you see what came out today? Did you see what came out today? FBI is admitting that they knew all along from day one that the Trump-Russia collusion thing was a hoax. They should have never opened the case. They knew it was not real from day one, that it was a fake dossier. And – Zero accountability still, though. And we know that the 49ers game was completely rigged.
Starting point is 02:21:42 Do you guys ever trip on all your friends who fell for it? Are you ever concerned about your parents or your family or your friends that just went through a two-and-a-half-year psyop and how they're recovering and dealing with it? It's like that movie Clockwork Orange. It happened to them all. And we just sat there and we tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen to us. That's weird. They all got psyoped in front of us. Right?
Starting point is 02:22:10 I mean, they all had a psychological operation performed on them. It's not like conspiracy or right-wing. Like, we just saw it happen to you. And how are they mitigating it now that it's, like, out in the open? That it was – I mean, they have the how are they processing it? Some masses on that side, too. I mean, so at that point, what are they going to do?
Starting point is 02:22:30 So you can't really dwell on it because you can't change it. Do you think they will perpetually double down? Why? Because they'll go crazy the other way if they admit it. Dude, it was the FBI thing came out on CNN. Really? That's surprising. Yeah yeah i know that is surprising i'll play the clip if you want it's crazy i i couldn't even believe it of all people it was that jake tapper guy um let me see if i can uh find it um Did you see that Instagram has updated its shit? Like how you share videos now? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:14 They've been tinkering with it quite a bit. I've seen it kind of change in subtle ways a lot over the last month, I feel like. Or maybe a little longer. I can't find the exact clip right here but the after extensive research special counsel john durham concludes the fbi never should have launched the trump russia probe the american people were scammed wow fuck i wish i could oh here it is here it is here it is here it is here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. But they're worried about the Dominion, Tucker Carlson lying about the Dominion machines. I don't I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:23:53 Report is now here. It has dropped and it might not have produced everything of what some Republicans vote for. It is regardless devastating to the FBI and to a degree it does exonerate donald trump regardless the report is now here you know this guy fucking hates donald trump right yeah i mean that whole entire network existence was attacking donald trump for forever i mean the whole time he was in office and way after it's like wow hey that's as that's as close as you're ever going to get to any sort of like um admission of like yeah we, we were wrong. We were pushing the wrong – we were pushing propaganda towards you the whole time. Right.
Starting point is 02:24:33 John Durham isn't FBI, though. FBI won't admit shit. I'll dig more into it, and I appreciate you saying that, Dick, to get just an honest approach. But the fact here that even CNNnn is saying it something's up yeah but i don't know i just i have so much distrust for that corporate media that i always just feel like okay so you're giving us this because then what else are we missing now like what else coming down the pipeline that you guys are like oh shit yeah let's unravel this because we don't want them to find out about this but that's just me being a skeptic
Starting point is 02:25:05 paranoid of the government it's something crazy about zimbabwe if i can find that article uh you know what's crazy is uh you know zimbabwe took a handful of years ago took all their white farmers land away do Do you remember that? They're getting ready to pay reparations to their white farmers. Oh my goodness. That shit is crazy. Have you seen
Starting point is 02:25:36 Thomas Sowell's take on that? No. On reparations? Yeah. He just basically... I mean, it's the same type of argument that everybody makes. It's like, where does that end? Because over the scope of history, every race, every necessity has been subject to slavery always throughout history. Is this new? Is this new? No. I don't think it's that new. If I find it again, I'll send it to you. and he made a claim of like the um there was like white slaves in north africa uh during a certain time period and i can't remember this so i'm butchering and paraphrasing
Starting point is 02:26:10 but he essentially was saying that there was more um white slavery in uh north africa um than there was black slavery in the u.s in the colonies right and and how about the reparations to the 300 000 soldiers who died white soldiers soldiers who died fighting the Civil War? Right. I know the whole thing is bizarre. But regardless, you don't do that. People alive today aren't responsible for what their people in the past did. And then not only that, if you're going to pay reparations, what's next?
Starting point is 02:26:42 Are we now going to blame all black people for all the shit that black people do in an aggregate that's negative right so this country was built on black slavery we give them money but uh this country all the uh more than half the murders in this country are responsible for black people so all black people are going to be given also 10 years in jail i mean like where did what the fuck how does it how does that work yeah that thinking that way doesn't exactly pan out across no different ideas right no and the other thing too and you already said this is that anytime money is uh given like that um all of it just flows back up to the top anyways because a lot of the issues aren't uh like i don't have enough physical dollars in my pocket right
Starting point is 02:27:22 now they're behavioral issues they They're fiscal responsibility issues. It's like your personal finance and understanding that and understanding money and things like that. That's the bigger picture of getting people out of poverty, not just handing them a lump sum of money because that always results in them ending up, most of the time, worse off later than it did in the start. We would see some crazy shit.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I said do it. There would be like a run on ferraris or something you might do the old dave chappelle skit you remember that no oh it's hilarious and he pulls up and a woman's interviewing a bunch of a bunch of people that just got reparations so she's in this like black neighborhood and she's like interviewing a ton of people and it's all like chappelle's a bunch of different characters and at one point she goes sir were you a truck driver and he's all like Chappelle's a bunch of different characters and at one point she goes, sir, were you a truck driver? And he goes, hell no, this thing's filled with menthols. I just bought it straight cash. She's like, oh, and then
Starting point is 02:28:12 Chappelle's sitting in a lawn chair and he's like, how about a lap dance for the world's richest man? I like, thanks out a bunch of money. She like sits down on his lap. It's classic. Mr. Chappelle. Yeah, timeless comedy. All right. Oh, wow. lap it's classic mr chapelle yeah timeless comedy all right oh wow uh make snippets of your podcast that i can post on my account mostly involving me oh
Starting point is 02:28:47 you know my friend who I wanted to do that Instagram channel with where we go places and we can see what she can trade she told me today she'd pay $50,000 to have Josh as her personal trainer for a year she wants to pay the man yeah and then and then i sent josh a uh uh link to her instagram account like she's pretty hot hush i think she's like the hottest girl walking the planet and he's like
Starting point is 02:29:16 trying to stay stoic and shit i was like i'll ask you again when you're done you sent the Instagram page yeah I sent the Instagram page good perfect alright alright semi-finals tomorrow that's just me and oh that's just me and Brian alone I'm gonna have to work the back end John Young will also be there too yeah and Brian
Starting point is 02:29:39 oh do we have John did John Young make it in the thumbnail I don't know Oh, do we have John? Did John Young make it in the thumbnail? I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe not. Oh, there's no thumbnail. Okay.
Starting point is 02:29:56 With Brian Friend. Oh, I'm going to put John Young. Yeah, we got to put John Young's name in there. Let me edit that in real time here. I'm taking care of our boy John Young. I can't believe we have Sarah Sigmund's daughter coming on. Yeah, that's cool, huh? Awesome. She's going to be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 02:30:16 That's not tomorrow. It's Thursday. I am stressed out about it. Why? Because in my mind, she's like, in my mind, she's a superstar. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:30:27 she is a superstar. Superstar. John Young. My friend and John Young. Yeah. All right, guys, thank you.
Starting point is 02:30:42 If you and Brian are alone, he will work the back end. No fair. Molly's so excited for Sarah. I started the show today, and Josh said I look like Steven Seagal. I know. I saw that. I was listening to it on the way home.
Starting point is 02:31:00 You also talked to nobody for a minute and 20. Oh, God. Mike wasn't connected my god turned on hey okay i need to cut that cut that off everybody the comments like audio no audio like you why did you guys say something someone even text me someone even text me you guys are good that he's such a good guess the two of you guys together is hilarious i was just laughing the whole time okay good thank you all right guys um i will see you tomorrow and then maybe
Starting point is 02:31:30 tomorrow night brian uh brian and i will see you again i'm not sure uh my buddy uh greg glassman's in town also trying to get greg on the show on wednesday we have alex stein scheduled for wednesday but i if greg says yes i'm gonna push that and I'm also trying to get uh Dave this week I'm really trying to pack the house um and tomorrow morning uh we'll be reworking the studio here the live studio so all right uh catch you guys soon thanks for tuning in and uh yes oh shit Alex yes it's coming back soon scheduled for Wednesday all right what if I had Alex Stein and Greg on at the same time? Susan was like, can we do that?
Starting point is 02:32:07 I was like, I don't know. It's going to be great. All right. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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