The Sevan Podcast - Josh Pirtle | Fluffy Duck is back #996

Episode Date: August 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Bam, we're live. Getting pretty spiffy. I got some upgraded wallpaper right here Can you make him Caleb can you make him big Yeah That's what your mom said That's wallpaper that looks like a curtain Yeah that's wallpaper
Starting point is 00:01:21 And when I got in this morning it was all It's all coming down you actually did wallpaper huh yeah well it was like a peel and stick wow so that's like my um in my studio i'm putting up soundproofing everywhere and it's peeling stick yep i got that behind behind me oh and i see your bathroom no that's your air conditioner oh yeah he's like i hope not where am i pooping at yeah oh my god is that your wife in the shower that's oh god what get out of here oh my god you're a swimming pool yeah gosh let me see if i can i think i did this
Starting point is 00:01:59 last time too oh my god backyard shot welcome to my crib god that's such a cute little room it is it's pretty adorable here's my backyard can you see it yeah what's what's that room supposed to be for josh it's a freaking shed it's a shed converted into a whatever i made it to like a studio slash office um but yeah it was a shed we bought the house it's just like one of those you know shed you get like at uh one of those you get like at home depot yeah and then um during uh covid times i i worked from home and so the kids would never leave me alone and my other little i guess it's like a media room and so i was like i gotta either get a space or rent a space or do something out here or like because i just gotta get out of the house because it's just
Starting point is 00:02:48 because i'm always on zoom calls all the time uh excuse me um suza my wife just sent me a text why can't i find your show and we have the fewest live viewers i've ever seen since in the last two years. Oh, you're welcome. Any thoughts? Weird, right? I'm looking to see. Do you have it on your end, Kim? I remember when we used to. It's on.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Put a few things on there and it'll probably pop up. Oh, did you see there's a thumbnail with Josh's face on it yeah I'm gonna change it right now you think that that'll probably skyrocket the numbers right usually does usually does yeah that is odd
Starting point is 00:03:39 what a trip good you know is it one is there a is there a watcher I wish I had some I wish I had some funny shit Josh but I got this subject that's not so funny
Starting point is 00:03:56 maybe we'll yeah we can get serious maybe we'll make it funny yeah can I chime in real fast really chat a lot with Caleb caleb in the airport what a what a swell fellow that guy is just at the bar are you at the bar negative i was not at the bar negative um but yeah first i got the long long form chat with that guy
Starting point is 00:04:22 what a nice guy just It was an absolute pleasure. Tell me you're not a media whore when you don't describe talking to someone. I had a long-format chat. Jesus Christ. Get out of the Matrix, Josh. Yeah, that's very true. Yes. Jessica T., I'm going to pretend like I care about
Starting point is 00:04:45 reading your comment but I'm just staring at your bathing suit I got notifications from X and YouTube like always wow you made the jump quick you're calling it X do you call it X I don't know anyone who calls it X I tried it sounded weird yeah
Starting point is 00:04:59 roll off the tongue no one calls Facebook meta, right? That didn't stick, did it? No, not really. Elon's first company was called X. PayPal before PayPal was PayPal. By the way, I'm not judging you, Jessica.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I like it. Make the jump. Let's see if you can be a leader. Hey, I don't think mean guys should be giving out there this is a really hard come on it's so hard i don't think mean guys should be giving out there um do you have another meme account that no one knows is yours i don't think meme account mean guys i think it ruins meme accounts when you know i'm not suggesting yours is a meme account. Maybe yours is a skit account.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I think meme guys should keep their shit private, and I think meme accounts should never preach. I like the meme that I've seen going around recently. It says, congratulations to George Floyd for being sober for three years. No one should have to explain. Well, that's just a joke. Yeah. Or, or,
Starting point is 00:06:08 or you know what I mean? Or, um, I hate to pick on my dear friend, Wad zombie. I love it. I love him to death, but like he made a post recently about poking at Danny for trying to take,
Starting point is 00:06:19 uh, make a Maui about her, but then he had to, he lectured her on it. And I'm like, does she don't need a lecture? She's a grown-ass fucking woman. A meme account shouldn't be lectured. It should just be funny.
Starting point is 00:06:30 It should be a place where she can come back and laugh and be like, yeah, but my ass and my tits can help raise money for Maui. That's why I made it about me. Shut up. She should be able to lean into it and it'd be funny. And I feel like when people show, when the meme guys show who they are, they feel some sort of obligation Yes. You know who he is, and it's lame. And you know who suffers? It's the black guy suffers for it.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Then they're kind of – then they have to – they're somehow above humor. No one wants to be above humor. I mean I like being made fun of. I like the attention. Oh, yeah, me too. I like – I want you to try to hurt my feelings because that's the fun. That makes it even funnier. Right. Like the guy today, I walked into the bar to get a cup of coffee this morning, 6 a.m. here at Dory's,
Starting point is 00:07:31 and the guy was saying which each person who's sitting at the bar looks like, and he's like, I'm going to pick the ugliest fish I know. I'm like, I'm out of here. You know what I mean? Like, drunk dudes at the bar get it at 6 in the morning the bartender's making funny and any any thoughts on that yeah yeah so you're so so don't put a face to the me yeah uh well when you first initially said that i was thinking of like like i think woolly and nicks fucked their accounts up by doing that there's two came to mind i was thinking of uh tank sinatra you know that guy is yeah i was communicating with him for a while i was trying to get him on maybe you turned me on
Starting point is 00:08:09 dan yeah he's pretty hot he's he's awesome but he he he has that fine balance of like you see his face but he also put he i would say he posts a lot of like i don't know edgy memes where i can see that I can see people offended by it. But then I also think of the NFL memes. And I have no idea who that guy is. The NFL meme guy. He's a very popular account. And I don't think anybody ever knows what that guy looks like. So, yeah, I guess I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I see your point. I don't know. And yours might be different. And the guy with the Armenian-looking dude with the fucked up hair um his might be different too because he he does he's in the skits yeah like they're a little short yeah they're short you know what i mean so at that point like i get it but i just um well there's a – I think to your point too, I think there's a certain – when you have that unanimous or anonymous figure as posting, then you can probably get a little more risky without feeling like you have to defend your jokes or feel like it's – Oh, no. Now that maybe I'm in jeopardy because I said something that could be offensive but people know what I look like now.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So yeah, it's like the V for Vendetta guy, right? Nobody knows what you look like. You probably might even be a little more confident in putting more riskier sketches out there or memes. So I see what you're saying. It's the politics thing. I'm not going to wear a maga hat walking around my town because the because everyone in my town um dislikes black people and believes that climate change is it means something to them do you know what i mean and thinks that you should be eating um chicken
Starting point is 00:09:56 that's grown on a farm in a lab um even i feel that pressure yeah Yeah. And so I just, I'm just like, wow, I think, I think that that is the, but then again, on the other hand, I'm making a presupposition that maybe you have another meme account that no
Starting point is 00:10:14 one knows is you. No, unfortunately. Thanks for ruining that. Sorry, buddy. Sorry, buddy.
Starting point is 00:10:24 But I think we have thoughts on it. do you think i'm way off base or what do you what do you think well i think it just depends on what you're trying to accomplish and how you are are is is trying to be creative and free and make poignant comments yeah and stay funny and true to what a meme account is you're not there lecturing people it also kind of once you put your like once you start lecturing danny you you also try put her on on to almost be defensive you don't even give her the opportunity to lean into it and laugh at herself do you know what i mean sorry yeah like you know i love you i hate you have a wonderful account um i do i love you some nick too but yeah i think i think what you're saying and i was to say i think it just depends on what you're – if people knowing what you look like is going to alter the kind of things you post, then yeah, maybe you shouldn't then.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But if it's not, then maybe there's not a – I guess that's just a part of the anonymous. But as far as like the lecturing part of what you're talking about, yeah, I – yeah, sorry to bash Nick. Yeah, I probably – I wouldn't do something like that. Not bash him in the sense that like I don't disagree with what he's saying i just think it's um it's like putting um i don't i don't have a problem with transporting cows from point a to point b i just don't think it should be done in the back of your uh cabriolet 1977 tricked out uh convertible rabbit you know what i mean you do that, the cow ruins the seats and the car and it doesn't fit right and could cause an accident.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I just like... I just want the memes to be the... memes. Savon is just fishing and needs confirmation on his post yesterday. Oh, what'd you post yesterday? Crap, my my bad i didn't see it i got it's okay i got in trouble with my mom
Starting point is 00:12:09 okay i totally get what my mom i totally get what my mom's saying too my mom thinks that this is she didn't say this and we had a long talk about it, but I think she thinks this is juvenile. Oh, is that Sporty Beth? Yeah. And it was supposed to be making fun of me, but my mom thinks it's bad for my image and my brand. She didn't use the word mean. No, it's funny. It's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Wait, what was the chief complaint there? I can't. You ruined her brand? I wish I could remember better. I wish I could do her justice better. Not necessarily her brand. Those were my words, not hers, but just that I think she thinks it was juvenile. I mean, I think she thinks it's so bad that I should pull it down and I just don't see that. And I, like I was saying, Josh, there's an iteration. If you go back to that picture, Caleb, and you look at her hand, there's an iteration where she's giving the person next to her.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You mean you? A hand job. Oh, yeah, sorry. The person next to me, I'm giving them a hand job. See that hand right there? There's another iteration where that person next to them has a penis out, and I'm giving them a hand job. That's the one you should have posted. I know. I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Is there a donkey in the background of this, too? Say that again? Is there a donkey in the background of this shot? Yeah, donkey, and then there's a cat on the look there's a cat on the ground too look at the cat that's all racist shit that's all just shit like it's mexican like oh very yeah yeah very much so uh wait so you did or did you do the photoshopping of this no fuck no oh okay i was like this is solid. I don't have time for that. Marco Calderon reached 10 years of alcohol
Starting point is 00:14:07 free today. Crazy, dude. Congrats. Congrats. Congrats. Do you drink very much, Simone? I mean, you sound like you do, but... I do sound like I do? I'm sorry, yeah. Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:25 This trip, I have been... Well, this trip, I have sound like I do. I'm sorry. Yeah. Yeah. A little bit. I, this trip I have been, well, this trip I have been drinking a lot. By drinking a lot, I mean one or two drinks a day. I don't, I don't. Yeah. Yesterday morning. Every day. On an average week. What do you, how about what's your average intake?
Starting point is 00:14:42 No, I would say on average uh not on average but normally no i just don't drink period they just normally but there are situations where like i'm in newport beach and um i'll wake up in the morning and go down to the bar and have a Bloody Mary. Not this morning. But I really enjoy doing that. But on average, but normally, if I'm at home, I don't drink at all. How's your body usually?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Or are you drinking? I'm very lightweight. I'm very lightweight. One drink and I'm all tossed up. Three drinks and I get nappy nappy. Is my volume low? That was better. That was better? At the games I had two margaritas
Starting point is 00:15:32 every night before bed. You think that's a lot? Two margaritas? Two spicy margaritas. Two margaritas. Two margaritas. Two margaritas every night before bed. Yeah, that's – I mean that would get me tossed.
Starting point is 00:15:48 At the games. Yeah. But then I did a podcast to sweat it off. That's how that works. Sweat it off. Dude, you know what I did yesterday? So I did the – since I drank in the morning yesterday, even though I hadn't drank in like five hours before the podcast or eight hours or whatever, before the podcast I wanted to work out. I was kind of going to take the week off from working out.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I was just going to do a lot of walking. But before the podcast, I'm like, you know what? I should do something to like get myself sharp, and I a hundred thrusters with 25 pound dumbbells geez yeah i'm sore gross i didn't think that would make me sore i am sore i'm really sore hey you're a lot jollier when i met you in person than right now i guess so it just when i met you in person? Oh, you dirty. You rat. Come on. We had like 11 conversations for hours. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You told me I sound like I drink. We had long form. You said I sound like I drink. Maybe. You know what? We had long form conversations. You think I'm joller in person than I am on my show? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Oh, interesting. I was pretty excited. I was going to say, unless you were just hyped. Unless you were just hyped. Yeah, I was pretty excited. I can be jolly on this. Oh, I loved it. You just kind of cut me off guard a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Jake, what do you mean? I seem subdued right now? No, I mean, nothing bad. No, nothing bad. You're just kind of like, you know, you're just kind of just a chill. You know, I'm cool. I got my hair in a ponytail. Just no nothing bad you're just kind of like you know you're just kind of be just a chill you know i'm cool i got my hair in a ponytail just dude you're chilling but at the games i was like oh i say savannah go say hi to him before i even got close to you you turn around you're all oh hey did you come up and he gave me a hug oh and i was all oh dude hey savannah nice to see you buddy i was on i was on i was on ecstasy there i was so you're feeling pretty good yeah you're
Starting point is 00:17:46 pretty good uh and then you want to just chill super surfing out of the beach there you go see there you go not a nothing negative you're surfer dude you're surfer dude on the behind the mic but at the games you're just like i'm just my hair down maybe it's pulling on my brain maybe it's on my brain yeah uh oh yeah and and I was having pre-workout. I was having, no, no, no, I didn't do pre-workout games, but I was having 13 Jocko fuels. Oh, my God, dude. I had so many
Starting point is 00:18:14 goddamn Jocko fuels. I felt like one of those scumbags at Costco who just goes there to eat the free samples. That's what it was like. I felt like. Scumbags? There's nothing wrong with that. Oh, sorry. You gotta have a membership to be there in the first samples. That's what it was like. I felt like. Gumbags. There's nothing wrong with that. Oh, sorry. You gotta have a membership to be there in the first place. Thank you, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Thank you, Caleb. Good job. Jake Chapman, I've been telling Sebon he's been miserable all week. I swear I'm not miserable. I'm stoked. No, damn. I really didn't mean it in a bad way. You're just a little more like a surfer dude. Surfer dude is perfect. You're a surfer dude behind the mic, but when i saw you in person you were just a little
Starting point is 00:18:46 you just you were elevated and you're excited i don't know it was good maybe it is maybe they say alcohol is a depressant maybe it maybe i'm depressed maybe i need to add weed to the mix i got you oh yeah you'd just be silencing god i can't there's no way i took one hit of weed no i'd be paranoid i'd be like holding my phone in my wallet like looking around in newport do you think i know they know i'm high uh any any any um tidbit you want to add to that either any of you guys before i change the subject about the um the the meme guy and i really want to start you know what i really want to add to that either any of you guys before i change the subject about the um the meme guy and i really want to start you know what i really want to start a meme account and hire
Starting point is 00:19:29 someone pay them like a hundred thousand dollars a year just to make my ideas okay but wouldn't that be fun to just like have a meme account and pay someone and they just make what you want yeah the editing part is the suckiest part and all this stuff i think and you could just steal other people's memes too wouldn't even matter just keep your shit anonymous just just complete plagiarizing fucking tornado for sure for sure oh uh but i'll try not to change the subject too much but i can on that topic if i can bitch and moan to you uh please please okay i created me like a year ago it was a little short video right of me running i was like oh man uh you know i forgot what i said but it was this little funny clip some lady and it got
Starting point is 00:20:22 like a hundred thousand views pretty good right some lady ripped ripped the audio about 1200 views and i'm fucking out of my mind i can't believe the sub lady ripped the audio recreated it almost like verbatim reposted it she got 60 million views let's play a game let me tell you what she was wearing no nothing nothing no no no It's not even that way. I thought you would think this, that. No, it's not that either. No. Negative. She's got all her clothes on.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Can we pull those up? Can we compare those two? I'd love to see those. It's probably easy to find mine. Hers. You can always find a link in the, in the chat. How, how old is yours?
Starting point is 00:21:07 How old is yours? Um, I think I have it tagged at the top of my thing. Pinned at the top. Let's see if I still have it. Can you pull, can we see that? Let me see if it's still pinned.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yep. It is. If you go to my main thing, it's at the, it's the middle top. Okay. Heidi's going to do it in a bikini and get a hundred million. Dude.
Starting point is 00:21:24 But here's the thing, but here's the thing but here's the thing too other people then reposted hers to other accounts and it was like 20 million 10 million when it's all said and done this thing got like 100 million views and people are starting to think that you stole it from her probably but it's my voice my voice is on her video oh it's even your voice yes oh that's amazing that's the ultimate in repurposing and recycling okay yep touche by her let's see just go for a run because then you'll realize that your physical health is way worse than your mental health if you're ever feeling sad, just go for a run.
Starting point is 00:22:05 See, hilarious, right? Then you'll realize that your physical health is way worse than your mental health. That's one of the words you're not allowed to say anymore according to Stanford University. Mental health. That's one of the... You're not allowed to say mental health.
Starting point is 00:22:18 That's been asked? Why? Fuck, I honestly have no idea. Is it mental science now? Oh, you did send it to suza i just yeah but uh via text oh good yeah now he has to do like four other steps my bad my bad let me see if i let me see if i can i got it okay good okay good i feel like it's good yeah anywho so that that kind of but i'm you know i'm not mad at her because I'm more mad at, like, the Instagram algorithm. You're mad at the people or the world. Yeah, well, I'm like, I just think, like, obviously the joke was funny, right?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Here you go. Here's hers. Same street. You realize that your physical health is way worse than your mental health. If you're ever feeling sad, just go for a run. He gave you credit. Physical health is way worse. Oh, cool, because that helps. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Remember when that used to be a big deal? Now it doesn't even matter. God, hers isn't even better than yours. Oh, she got a nice face, dude. No, I'm not saying she's ugly or anything. But hey, if you go back to hers real fast. You're just saying she didn't have her titties out. Correct, she did not have her titties out. Correct.
Starting point is 00:23:25 She did not have her. Can you click her? Oh, no. It might be different. Never mind. It's okay. On the app, like on your phone, you can click her audio. You can see everybody who's used her audio.
Starting point is 00:23:35 That's what I'm saying. You can see this person used it. 20 million views. 10 million views. It's like on and on and on. And your neighborhood looks nice. You seem like you live in a more privileged area. Look at that lawn.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That lawn is beat. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I live in a neighborhood that has to decorate for Christmas every year. Oof. Eaton Beaver. Good morning. Kind of fit, kind of fluffy is my favorite shirt next to my CEO shirt, of course.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Thank you. Thanks, Eaton Beaver. Oh, yeah. He sent me – or I ordered a shirt from him whileon Beaver. Oh, yeah. He sent me, or I ordered a shirt from him while I was deployed. Oh, did you? Hell yeah, buddy. He actually sent it to me while I was in Jordan. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Wad zombie bashing on me? A little bit. Dude, we were holding you up as a beacon of moral authority. We could put a positive spin on it. Wad Zombie takes such responsibility. He's not like those other jackass meme guys who hide behind.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Him and Wooly really take responsibility and allow their face to be seen because they're not pussies. Correct. My assumption is that they were pussies, and that's on me because i'm a pussy i'm projecting onto them those guys are actually brave and i'm thinking and making the presupposition that they edit their shit because their face has been seen and that's just not true and there's no proof of that so brave oh look at theon Podcast. Just looking for stuff to complain about. Oh, nice. What else is new? Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:08 So we have to send to Ireland a new set of headphones and glue, a bottle of glue to Josh. Can I use your real name? Is that okay? Or do I have to call you FD? Okay. Yeah, FD. Yeah, Fluffy D. Yeah, just a glue stick.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Glue stick would be nice. Glue stick would be nice. Glue stick would be nice. I also wanted to, I really was moved by your airport story that you told about the check-in with the guy who had the kids, got in the wrong line. Because I was like, you know what? I should be more like Siobhan like that, because I don't think I'd probably would not say anything. I'd probably just be quiet and just watch the disaster unfold. Well, how about this? How about the fact that most people probably didn't even notice it was going on?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Do you know what I mean? Most people are just fucking like oblivious. Let me give you the classic example. You hold the door open for the person behind you, let's say at a jiu-jitsu studio where there's 100 people leaving. Or it's somewhere – like something just got out, and you hold the door open, and people start pouring out. So you hold the door open for the person behind you, and then all of a sudden 20 people come out, and no one takes the door from you. You're like, what part of the social contract don't you get?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Like I got three kids that are walking away. Like I held the door open for one – and finally you're you're just like all right and you let the door go like fuck you fucking it fucking clip some old lady now you're the asshole yeah it's like that at the airport but but but at least what i like about you is at least you would notice it right so it could eat away at your conscience for the next five hours that you're d-bagged correct that's exactly i think most people are just completely oblivious well i think the perspective that you put on it was if he if that guy was to say exactly what you said i'm sure it had been taken different by the people who worked there by being right call calm down sir calm down sir but a bystander saying it in a calm tone hits different, lands different.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And I will say this. For people who don't know, there was a guy. He got in the wrong line at the airport. He was with his kids, and then it was going to make him late, and he was kind of coming unraveled. And so when I saw a TSA guy walk by, even though I was at the end of the line too, I said, hey, this dude needs some help, and the dude got help. though i was at the end of the line too i said hey this dude needs some help and the dude got help but in all fairness i if i was in that dude shoe shoe shoes shoe if i was in either one shoe or two shoes i would not have been able to do it for myself do you know what i mean like i would have needed my wife to do that for me i felt like i was actually channeling my wife do you ever feel like that like you're channeling someone close to you like i felt like i was channeling my wife yeah it was weird like well all right i'm gonna completely steal her personality right now yeah like my wife will
Starting point is 00:27:52 do that like i like yeah i'm just making this up but if i'm on the phone like yelling at the credit card company because they charge me for something i didn't buy my wife will just be like here and take the phone from me and like send me my room. Hi, I'm sorry. Yeah. Yeah, he drinks in the morning. Sorry. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You know what's funny? I think my wife would probably be more out of the two, her or I, to do something like that. She'd be more likely the person who would do something heroic. And I was so and i was so proud of myself i was pretty high no that was that was pretty awesome dude that was a good story i was like that's what i was saying i was like man i needed to because even if it didn't work you know like for some reason then like it was really no there you you basically had nothing to lose in that scenario so it's like it was just all upside so why not do those things hey why not get to the um airport an hour early and just be
Starting point is 00:28:51 fucking just be hooking people up oh just go there just try to be yeah blowing republican congressmen in the bathroom shit like that you know what i mean just giving up for sure republican homosexuals just blowing them in the bathroom just get to the airport an hour early to do that yeah same thing what if uh shaquille o'neal does stuff like that he'll go to this like random like walmart's and targets and jewelry stores just try to hook people up all the time you ever seen him do that you ever seen those videos i haven't seen him but there's another guy balo who gives i think he's canadian because he always gives money away and whenever i see the money but i can't stand the dude's voice
Starting point is 00:29:30 because he has one of those voices you know like when someone's being nice they have a nice voice you can't stand that nice voice just use your regular voice i got you customer service voice hi um this guy always goes, Hi, can I have a dollar? I need a dollar to get on the bus. Can I have a dollar? And then some old lady who has two different shoes on
Starting point is 00:29:55 that don't match and is all disheveled and overweight and fucked up with a cane and has teeth missing will be like, I have a dollar for you here. And he's like oh i didn't even need the dollar why did you give it and he always says why did you give it to me she's like i like to help people and i didn't have a dollar yesterday so i didn't give this one to you oh is your favorite team the lakers because like she'll be wearing wearing a Lakers jersey or something. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:30:25 like Kobe. I was at his house yesterday. Well, here is $500 and some Lakers tickets. Meanwhile, you know this guy's just got three strippers back at his hotel room. It's like,
Starting point is 00:30:42 dude, just use your regular voice. Yo, bitch, what's up? You got a buck for the bus or what? Like, it's just so stupid how he does that. It's so stupid. It ruins the whole bit. It makes it so I can only watch like four of them and then be like, okay, I'm over your shit. Like he walks up to like some little black kid who's like he's six years old and 182 pounds and he's at a bus stop
Starting point is 00:31:05 he's like do you like basketball and he hands him a black basketball and you're like oh here we go yes like that yeah thank you what do you how do you feel about content or how do you guys feel about content like that when you see because people get criticized because they're like oh you're just trying to do it for likes or just trying to do it to get followers, which I say I'm okay with that. Yeah, me too. Plus, I get tired of all the negative shit I always see on social. So when I see positive stuff like that, I'm like, yeah, I don't even care. I'll give you a like.
Starting point is 00:31:34 You're doing good stuff. Yeah, and I can't stop watching that account. I just think that, hey, just be real. Here's what it is. There's this liberal bullshit like I think I'm better than you And like people feel that like I'm better than you because I have money so I'm gonna be like this fake-ass Niceness to you just be just be cool to people just be just like just Hey, this guy's fucking tripping because he fucking was in the wrong line and his kids shits all fucked up
Starting point is 00:32:00 And can you hook him up hook a brother up any of us can be in this position? I got kids too. It's fucked up Can you hook him up? Hook a brother up. Any of us can be in this position. I got kids too. It's fucked up. Not like, I mean, you be nice. You put on your best person, but you just be real.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Like, you know, like, sorry, sorry, Wild Zombie. Like, if you're going to rip Danny, just rip her. Don't rip her and give her a moral lecture. Or give her a moral lecture. But the two together like don't like i i yeah i mean i like to pile on nick so yeah i think then i gotta give you a moral lecture on my show then i don't want to do that well i think the joke too the meme encompasses all that stuff you know it says it without saying it kind of thing yeah and then you i like the part of giving them an opportunity to but some chick did fuck me up yesterday on the show because i was like hey it gives her
Starting point is 00:32:58 an opportunity to laugh at herself the sporty beth thing but then this chick in my comments fucked me up she got she like opened up up a self help book and she's like, look, you're trying to basically force her to see your perspective that like, it's not a big deal. And like, let's just laugh at each other and have fun. If you really want to build a bridge between her,
Starting point is 00:33:16 you need to accept her where she's at. I'm like, God damn it. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm like, yeah. Thanks for fucking that up.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Cause I think she's right. Right. i think like i'm over here being like listen donald trump is right and vaccines are bad and there is no such thing as climate change and if you don't and i'm trying to help you but if you don't listen believe me you're an idiot uh-huh it's like you can be a kid i think i told you before too i think i'd be a little more risky risque if um i didn't have a family and stuff because my wife is the one usually gets on me more than anyone if usually if i take something down it's because my wife told me like hey it's a little too much buddy yeah take that crap down so taking stuff down not very many i'd say probably like less than five, probably. Three or four. Three or four times.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Caleb, how many times have you pulled a post off of Never? Never. No, check it out. You can put anything. When your name is, you can put up anything. God, his dad hooked him up. I will say I've never taken anything down because somebody said uh i'm offended or my feeling turd i'm just like yeah that's i'm sorry the only reason why you take things down is because
Starting point is 00:34:30 the wife king vagina in your house has told you correct amundo one time i made a meme and i directed it at uh adrian bosman it was about when he took down the uh occupational games or like the occupational open or whatever yeah so i was a little fired up about it you know close to home and uh i said something like midgets and old people it was like that drake meme it's like midgets and old people and then like mill law enforcement yeah yeah and he read it and then when i met him at the games he goes nice to talk to you instead of after uh directed dm so he's like oh yeah like slap me around a little bit for that it's fun to get slapped around i like that like all right game game recognize game you ever pull down you ever and it's nice that you got recognized even
Starting point is 00:35:24 though it sucks. Like you got slapped and you're like, oh, that actually feels good, a little tension. Yeah. I was like, oh, you actually saw my meme. Cool. You know who I am. Susan, have you ever pulled anything down? Yeah, one time you told me to take something down.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Off of your account? Yeah. What was it? Do you remember? No. Can you give me a hint? It was the first year at the games. Oh, did you attack Dave or the games or some political?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Oh. Hey, Josh, a king vagina told him to pull down his shit. See? It's always the vagina. They ripped our audio off Michelle and used it. Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And then I was like, hey, it'd be cool to get credit for that. Mm-hmm. Yes. Technically, I guess that came from Dave, maybe. Maybe. I don't think so, but maybe. It probably came from my vagina. Come on, you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:36:18 That's derogatory. Take that down. What are you doing? Fucking up. I'm not here to make anybody upset and so i it bums me out when i do hear people get like offended by something i posted but it's never my intention so like i know where it comes from which is why i never i never take stuff down because of that because i'm like it sucks that you took it that way because i'm literally all
Starting point is 00:36:39 i'm trying to do is just give you a chuckle like that's all i'm trying to do and so just yeah how about my mom what has your mom ever commented like my mom does not like that's all i'm trying to do and so just yeah how about my mom what has your mom ever commented like my mom does not like that post and that hurts me like i i want to impress my i want not impress my mom but i want like full acceptance from my mom oh yeah we're we're different boats everybody oh we're vastly different boats you've you've transferred that acceptance to your wife yeah i should probably i should probably grow a set and do that too. I think that's part of maturity. When you give your nuts in the jar,
Starting point is 00:37:10 you take them from your mom and you give them to your wife. That's a... I've divided them. My mom has one and my wife has one. That was a huge mistake. I can't take comedic advice from my mom because she's not she doesn't got it she doesn't got the comedic comedy bone so i'm like i can't
Starting point is 00:37:33 go off what you think's funny mom hey there's there's a listener on the show and a couple days ago i was and i was looking at her profile picture and i said god i would just love to run full speed face into your ass and and and last night i i see i get a dm from her and i'm and i open it and there's a video of her talking to me about telling me how funny she thought that was and that uh how funny some of her lesbian friends thought that was and i was just thinking i was gonna say holy fuck did i really say that that's the problem with doing a show every day like you get so low on material that you got it you just start saying shit that you know like but i was
Starting point is 00:38:16 so embarrassed i embarrassed myself i was alone in the room and i was embarrassed it's pretty it's pretty fucking funny actually that shit was funny dude that's hilarious yeah like dude that's that's inside shit you're not supposed to say that stuff out yeah run full speed but that's see that's the kind of that's the kind of stuff that i find hilarious and so that went from like i wonder how my mom like that i should ask my mom if i had to take one down that or the picture of sporty beth which would she prefer go ahead sorry judge oh i was just gonna say uh not to be like on a high horse here, but people that want to be respected for their feelings and stuff like that. But there's this other opposite end of the
Starting point is 00:38:53 spectrum where that's the kind of stuff that gets me going. That's the kind of stuff that I am entertained by and find funny. So why should we suppress all this stuff? Because there's a huge group. I know I'm not the only one that finds all that stuff funny and comical and enjoys that kind of stuff. But there's a lot of people that want to want that stuff removed. That's where I'm like, you guys, you guys want to be respected over here and understood.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But what about these other people that are exact opposite of you? Yeah. It's me just working through my mental health issues. It can't, it can't be, it can't be, it sounds like some sort of mental health issue or at least a good way to get pink eye.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah. See, I think I suck. So run, It sounds like some sort of mental health issue or at least a good way to get pink eye. Yeah, see? Pink eye sucks though. Run full blasted to your ass, is that what you said? That's pretty funny, dude. There's this lady that I – this seven-foot-tall lady on Instagram that I've just – a few days ago. I've seen her before, but for some reason I got infatuated with her.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I want to be dropped I want her to lay down and be dropped at different heights on top of her. Start at two feet, then three feet. I want to be shot out of a slingshot into her. I just can't believe how big she is. I want to wrassle her. Yeah, this chick.le her yeah this chick
Starting point is 00:40:05 have you seen this chick oh dang no no it's not the girl in the pink no that's the mom supposedly the mom 75 I don't know if this is true the dad's supposedly 63
Starting point is 00:40:18 dang that lady's 7 foot I'm calling shenanigans yeah is there another perspective that we could see yeah i'm calling shenanigans yeah is there another perspective that we could see oh yeah i'm calling shenanigans there's a there's a whole like conspiracy that she actually started the page saying she was six foot and then every like 10 plus posts she would say she would like add an inch that's oh that's hilarious i'm six one oh now i'm six two now i'm six three so like if you look at her comments in this one like all they say it's like you're six two you're six two you're six two that's pretty funny i like that i don't care she's seven foot in my mind dude i'm not there's no way there's a there's this post
Starting point is 00:40:55 watch this watch this there's a post where she puts her leg up on the refrigerator i mean if that's a real fridge then yeah and she always chops her feet off because I think she's wearing high heels, but I don't care. I don't care. I'm cool with that. Darn. Wow. Do you take your glasses off before you start running? You know what's crazy is I wear my glasses less and less every day.
Starting point is 00:41:24 When I'm not on the show, I take them off a lot. Yeah, look at that, 215. Wouldn't that be fun to have a girl who's 215? Kind of scary. Gio didn't think so. Oh. Who? Wow, I bet.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Betty really hurt her feelings with that one. Post or cringe. Someone – how is that cringe? Unfollowed. Unfollowed. Now. Look on that guy's account real quick i want to see what kind of guy finds oh he's gonna be private a bit i was out i knew it you know but jesus is king though the area the area oh my god area chicago to vegas what does cringe mean? What's cringe?
Starting point is 00:42:06 If someone says something is cringe, what does that even mean? It's so bad. You're like, cringe at it. Isn't it when you're embarrassed for someone? When you're watching something, you kind of turn red. When they do those post-game interviews sometimes on ESPN and you're watching the person interview the athlete, you start to get embarrassed for them.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Ben won's head and body in fear. Oh, okay. I understand that version of cringe. Have an inward feeling of acute embarrassment or awkwardness. Okay. So when you get embarrassed for someone else... God, that's... I think the term is ick now. Oh, crap it's a new term kayla kayla have you watched
Starting point is 00:42:50 those those videos on tiktok they're kind of unreal oh they're like unbelievable wait what are they tell me they're like uh they're like um girls saying like what's like basically what's a turnoff or what's it what's the something that guys do that turn off girls and they call it like a, what's, what's your ick. So some girls just be like, you know, when guys are like, just too nice to me or like, Hey, when guys use an umbrella, like they're just. When guys open the door for me. Yeah. One person said, one person said when a guy drops a piece of paper and he has to chase
Starting point is 00:43:22 it down so he could put it in the trash can. I'm like, what's happening? Wow wow what's happening hey i like all of these things though i know well it seems funny because like i don't think they're kidding at all i think they're like dead serious and that's what's like that's what makes it such such good stuff when a guy tms you twice that's it oh my gosh. Yeah. I mean, we all – I mean, there was the guys in college I remember who were just the biggest assholes, and it just rained pussy on those dudes. Yeah, yeah. Just assholes.
Starting point is 00:43:56 There's a part of that that works. Yep. For sure. And instead of changing my game, I'd be over there like pouting but I'm so much nicer to you I'm so nice to you I remember when I realized asking a girl on a date was embarrassing and you didn't do that
Starting point is 00:44:20 I never got past that wait are you saying you got past that? at some point in your life? no I asked her if you wanted to go on a date like we just like had conversations and i was like hey do you like want to go want to go have dinner or something and she's like no i was like wow i guess that doesn't work i thought that was like a thing i think you like offered it up you were forward you're fourth yeah you're like hey you want to go do something and they're like no it's like you're supposed to just bring a bat and then grab them by their hair and then on the other hand just have a big steak like like the like the flintstones and then drag
Starting point is 00:44:52 apparently fuck i've been doing it wrong the whole time my dad told me one time he's like hey life's not long i was young it's probably in my early teens 13 or 14 like don't ever be afraid to like approach a girl. Just ask a girl out and never ever achieved that in my life. I never was like I Never and never with the chief anyone any you guys ever achieved that we're like, yeah, I'm just asked this girl I'll take yes or no. I don't give a fuck That's what I like. like oh did you but did you get your feelings hurt or were you embarrassed i was kind of embarrassed because i thought it was
Starting point is 00:45:29 yeah that yeah then you didn't get there i just mean like just be cool with it oh no i was not cool with it yeah i've never was cool with it that's too scary especially like in high school yeah did not have the did not have the cojones in high school to do that um caleb i sent a link to the chat i want to uh i had this doctor on dr uh anthony chafee's australian guy he only eats a steak every night when he goes to bed that's all he eats or two steaks he only eats meat at night before he goes to bed that's it one eats or two steaks he only eats meat at night before he goes to bed that's it one meal a day that's it dude's jacked out of mind okay he's interviewing this woman here this woman claims and he says he saw her passport
Starting point is 00:46:21 that she's only eaten meat for 65 years, and she's 82 years old. Okay, ready? Check out this chick. Okay, here we go. We had steak. We had a calf. We don't eat a lot of good, beautiful, young beef that I absolutely love because it's worth too much to us. Okay, pause. Do you guys know anyone who's 82?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yes. Does she look like she's 82 to you? No, absolutely not. No. Okay. A little bit more, a little bit more. This is the point of me getting in touch with you you're the only one that ever picked up anthony bless your heart is that we now she's definitely 82 oh because she said bless your heart yeah yeah yeah it's crazy dude it's crazy i've been hey she's the youngest 82 year old person I've ever seen you know some people like look good for 82 you're like okay you look good for 82 but this chick claims let me show you
Starting point is 00:47:31 a picture of her it's like verified 82 I mean he said he checked her shit I think her husband is 67 I'm trying to find a picture of her um husband's 67 she's 82 is 67. I'm trying to find a picture of her.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Husband's 67. She's 82. Where is... Didn't Brock Lesnar eat like that? Only one steak and only meat at night? I don't know if it was just one steak at night, but I think he just ate meat only throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Brock Lesnar. But then he had to have like part of his intestines removed because it's like there's blockage and he got something some type of some type of uh oh am I poo pooing on your point here no no no not at all no no keep going keep
Starting point is 00:48:20 going I'm looking for the picture there's a full body picture of this lady you can't even believe her body's crazy too she's wearing jeans and like a long sleeve shirt but you can still tell like she's like and she's a country bumpkin you know what i mean you can just tell by the way she talks and shit like we can't eat the good meat because it's too expensive yeah it looks like she owns a ranch in canada a farm. Oh, she's Canadian? Okay, okay. Yeah. For anyone who wants to watch the whole video, if you go to Anthony Chafee's – I haven't watched the whole video yet.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I'm going to watch it, but you can go to Anthony Chafee's YouTube channel. I'll just put it in the chat. Okay, and it was posted four months ago. And it was posted four months ago. Dan, Daniel Garrity. There are two people who've impressed me with their CrossFit performance lately, Chase Ingram and Sporty Beth. Hey, Coffee Pods and Wads, a great, great line.
Starting point is 00:49:21 That's not you look great for 82. That's you look 42 for 82. Oh, Sean Baker shared a photo of him. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Is that where? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Why isn't Anthony shared that? You need to have him back on. Sean Baker. Sean with an H? Yeah. Okay. thank you. Why do I even try? I'm always slower than you.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Okay, there she is. Yeah. How? What? Look at her husband, too. That's her husband. I don't know. Dude.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I don't think most 82-year-olds could put on jeans like that. Could just get dressed. Dude, look at her posture, dude. Look at her body. It's crazy. Her posture is, like, attractive. Wad Zombie, just don't call him shawnee thank you never okay jake chapman she's not 82 here we go oh here we go i don't think she's 82 either yeah i mean that's like a that's the thing though right yeah that's the thing that's the thing till you measure it with a ruler, you're not going to believe it's 10 inches.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Oh, yeah. I have that problem. Like, wow, that's only 5? Wow, I could have sworn that was 10. We need a birth certificate. Anyway, let's... Let's move on. What do you eat?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Would you eat just meat, Mr. Fluffy? No, but I do eat a lot of meat every day. I do eat a lot of meat every day. Meat's probably my favorite. Yep, meat's probably my favorite. But yeah, just meat only? Nah, you got to mix in a little something something like john massini says he would he would um uh have intercourse with her i think that's what i think smash mean that's a smash pass smash pass
Starting point is 00:51:37 start playing that game instead of mary fuck kill uh jake chapman doing his little self-reflecting fuck he stumbled uh if she is i have some questions for myself wow wow he forwarded that wow the isle of man is uh that's a that's a glimmer of enlightenment coming on for the mr isle of man uh from twitch go ahead mr fluffy go ahead what were you i was like can i hit you guys with the uh crossfit games conspiracy theory okay one second yeah as soon as i let's talk about this from twitch go ahead mr fluffy go ahead what were you i was like can i hit you guys with the uh crossfit games conspiracy theory okay one second yeah as soon as i let's talk about this lady banging this lady for one more second i genuinely and honestly think this may sound controversial but it's the truth nonetheless i was deployed in iraq for 19 years ago and i got my left nut
Starting point is 00:52:17 stolen in an operation wow sorry i thought this had to do with me. You think that it may sound controversial? May? Genuinely and honestly. But let me tell you, I'd do a whole show on it. Okay, go ahead. I got my laptop stolen in an operation. Go ahead, CrossFit Games. I love that it got stolen.
Starting point is 00:52:40 It's great. When he says someone stole a nut, what does he mean like oh is that the the nut or the nut does he mean it specifically says left nut oh okay did say okay it's good stuff nothing like having a nut stolen from you it's like a cadillac converter but you're nuts sneak up and get you a Cadillac converter. This came in for a root canal. Where's my ball?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Nocturnal emission. I think there's a little bit of conspiracy theory around wanting Laura Horvath to win this thing. I feel like it's kind of ironic that there's a gleaming, what do you call like a fault in her game that the deficit handstand push-ups and for some reason it's all it's been in the years past but they don't have a they didn't program at all this year because i think that if you put that one movement in the game probably change the whole thing uh let me ask you this um uh uh let me ask you how when's the last time there's been a games without a handstand deficit push-up does anyone know oh good good because if it's like just every
Starting point is 00:53:54 other year then then no but if it's been like eight years i want to say it was in the last three but because we watched her just stand around. Yeah. Hey, didn't she win? Well, I will tell you this. Uh, here's a,
Starting point is 00:54:10 here's a, another conspiracy theory, um, that, uh, she paid, uh, someone paid Shane to,
Starting point is 00:54:20 uh, ejaculate in Tia to get her pregnant. So she wouldn't do the games. Oh, that's not a conspiracy. That's a fact. That it was, ejaculate in Tia to get her pregnant so she wouldn't do the games. Oh, that's not a conspiracy. That's a fact. That it was a ploy to get her pregnant so she couldn't... Frasier! Okay, so we can't
Starting point is 00:54:36 just take out handstand deficit push-ups. We have to get her pregnant and take them out. And now... Well, she was the glaring favorite, I would say, Laura was. Totally. And everybody's just like, better hope there's no freaking deficit handstand pushups. And what do you know?
Starting point is 00:54:54 But, bro, didn't she take second last year to Tia, even with deficit handstand pushups in there? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not here to talk about that. And Annie took third i think right yeah you're right so okay okay we just debunked my conspiracy theory real fast yeah no i think i think um i don't remember did the girls go upside down at all did the individuals go upside down at all yeah they had that yeah the handstand walk Oh right Rollovers whatever
Starting point is 00:55:25 And then they had to do the freestanding Handstand pushups right Oh yeah Mal took second Did Mal Oh Oh Conspiracy theory Back on
Starting point is 00:55:39 Back on the table That's right Who was on the table. Oh, my goodness. That's right. Yeah, DeBoer, podium? Who was on the podium last year? Yeah, Tia, Mal, and Laura. Laura? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:53 The top three. Patrick Clark, do you have your seasons mixed up? That sounds right. I would never. I would never. That sounds about right. Sounds perfect. 2021 was Tia, Laura, Annie.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Ah, God. Okay, well, let me put you back in your box, Mr. Fluffy. Okay. But Mal wasn't there either. So please tell me Laura took third, did she? No, I think Laura's second at 2021. Oh, I mean... Last year. Last year was tia mal laura and then laura yeah laura okay and says t and mal weren't there laura's taken i think mal comes back by the way and i think she wins oh i mean it's just i don't think it's a hot
Starting point is 00:56:42 no what this is to be Tia. No shot. Wait, what are you talking about? Damage goods, man. She's got to fix a mental game before she can do anything next year. Who does? Do you think she's not coming back?
Starting point is 00:57:00 No, I think if she does, she's not winning. Oh, no. Then second place to Tia. She's either going to take first or second. Hey, let me ask you this, Josh. I thought it was a foregone conclusion that Laura would win the games this year. And the only threat was Emma Lawson. Although I thought it would have been cool if annie or catcher won yeah i think i
Starting point is 00:57:26 think she was yeah that's what i'm saying it's and i feel like to even like submit that even more would be like hey let's not let's make sure let's not put deficit handstand push-ups in because we don't take her one thing that she's not good at that's all i don't know adrian is kind of quirky and laura is kind of quirky and I could see her see him subconsciously helping her not consciously that's the most I could give you
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm a little bit of a Canadian weirdo she's a bit of a Hungarian weirdo both have some both quirky Adrian like listens to records and shit. Laura doesn't understand that I'm the greatest person she ever met, so her radar is all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:58:15 So I could see This is all making insanely good sense right now. What was more of a help to her, not having the A&S pushups or Mal and Tia being gone? It's another good question. I would argue. Having Tia not there is like the greatest
Starting point is 00:58:34 gift you can have as a CrossFit Games athlete. Yeah. My wife's going to chalk today to work out. Don't forget I'm leaving to go to work out at 840. No bossing shit. Anything about
Starting point is 00:58:56 back with HWPO? Anything she leaves? Dang. Spicy. That's a good question. Going to Brute. He's going to Brute. Going to Brute. Dang. She's going to Comptree.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Oh, okay. So apparently James Sprague is leaving Brute. Danielle is not leaving Brute. Is this hot off the press right now? Yeah. Oh, shit. Dang. And Underdogs does have another high-profile athlete coming to the camp. i wonder if that's a dude or a girl it's hayley adams
Starting point is 00:59:29 gazan gazan gazan no i think i i don't think people does anyone does anyone leave mayhem who left mayhem who leaves andrea and taylor yeah but but yeah but that didn't work out so good but i hear you okay and they the only and i don't want to say they left either because I think the Taylor girl is banging the head coach over at Proven. True. Right? So I'm just going to give that a wash for two reasons. She's banging that dude and they didn't work out so good. No, I don't think anybody's actually left.
Starting point is 01:00:03 If they've left, they're still associated with it from their own gym like wherever gym they're going or they yeah no one no one leaves the mayhem empire and if they do leave they're also retired like they retire they right and the reason why no one leaves the mayhem empire is they have cameras in there and they have montages of everyone in there like nose picky-picking montages of everyone in there. And so they'll threaten to release those if you leave. Not flushing the toilet. Hey, do you have a white gardener, Josh?
Starting point is 01:00:31 That person didn't look Mexican. No, what the hell? Wrong house. Patrick Clark, Sarah Sigmund's daughter left Mayhem. Yeah, and along those lines you could say Fraser left Mayhem and you could say's daughter left mayhem. Yeah. And you, along those lines, you could say, uh, uh, Fraser left mayhem and you could say Tia left mayhem too. Yeah. Those are fair, but I want to give those exemptions too. Maybe I'm just a being by I'm open to being biased,
Starting point is 01:00:57 but I want to give those exemptions too. I think Sarah, where hasn't Sarah been right. Very good point. Yeah. Sarah's like Logan Paul's girlfriend but with training. See, I know my pop culture. I do. I know my pop culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Tia, Fraser. But those are – I think those are like kind of inevitabilities. Well, okay. Here's another one. How about this one, Patrick? You could say Saxon left Mayhem too, right? Wasn't he doing Mayhem training? Wasn't he with Facundo? Or was it Spencer? One of those guys was with Facundo. No,
Starting point is 01:01:38 I did not just call Sarah a whore. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to... No. It was a simile, not a... You're projecting, cool boy. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Yeah, I was saying Sarah's a vagabond, not a whore. That's good, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Does anyone want to push back on that? Does anyone want to insist that I was calling her? Okay, good. No. Oh, Melissa, good. That's music to my ears. Those were never mayhem athletes. Just transients passing through trying to steal Rich's shit.
Starting point is 01:02:16 He's hoping it rubs off a little on him. Have you been to mayhem? Someone? Not, no, not really. I mean, yes, but no. I was there before it was Mayhem, I think. And then I think I've been there once. But I don't even really remember it.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I just can't tell if I'm making it up or not. I believe you. Do you know what I mean? I think once I went by, like in 2014, I stopped in for something once maybe, but no. But in the early years when Rich was training at Tennessee Tech, I went a few times. I spent a lot of time there, I feel like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I guess I was talking about their newest show. No. I haven't. Since Rich got his hair back, I have not been there. I was there four dogs ago, and he had zero kids. He had zero kids. It was when Rich was buff, when he wasn't a triathlete. It was when he was buff.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Oh, man. Oh, Rich. Oh, okay. How did he do at the competition? Isn't he doing a competition this week with Angelo? It's still going. How are they doing? I don't know. Let's find out.
Starting point is 01:03:33 There's a leaderboard to it. There's like a charity thing. Isn't everybody winning? Oh, yeah. Good point. Probably. Everybody. And it's a tie with everybody again this year. Everyone's a winner. I don't like how they do that.
Starting point is 01:03:48 They're winning, obviously. Oh, they are? Yeah. Okay, I take back Rich's skinny. Dang. Yeah, first and a first. Not too bad. Hey, who are the some dudes?
Starting point is 01:04:03 Some young dudes. Some young dudes. Some young dudes. Some come drop soup and some young dudes. Logan Jenkins. Mitch Minton. Okay, so there's no one there. Of course they're winning. So Rich and Angelo.
Starting point is 01:04:20 He is? Yeah, I don't know if he's on a team or what. So Rich and Angelo, to build their self-esteem, have gone over to this event and just beaten the shit out of dudes. Sounds about right. Just show up to the local comp and clean up. It's like, oh, okay, now I feel better about myself. You feel better about yourself? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Brian C. Now, listen carefully, Josh. There's going to be a test after I read this. You ready? Watched Pulling John last night for the first time. The storyline of The Russian was well done. Josh, what is Pulling John? Pulling John. Pull and John.
Starting point is 01:05:08 We need that audio. Josh? Something to do with John Wayne? John Krasinski? John Hopper? Do you guys know who John Hopper do you guys know who John Hopper is Jason Hopper is I don't know
Starting point is 01:05:33 Jason with a Y J-A-Y-S-O-N Jason Hopper isn't that the lead singer of Blues Travelers John Hopper when I was making the movie Pulling John, Fluffy Duck, I drove a 32-foot motorhome that was a double slide out around the country
Starting point is 01:05:53 visiting arm wrestlers to make this top 10 all-time Netflix documentary. Never heard of it. and uh and i and on the side of the motorhome it said pulling john huge and everyone thought it was a porn everyone everywhere we've all it is the the uh story of um uh it sounds like porn hub's new number one movie in arm wrestling john they call it pooling because the first movement you do, Mr. Fluffy Duck, is you pull this way. You don't go sideways. So what you're doing is you pull this way, right? And then you turn sideways like that.
Starting point is 01:06:36 So they call it pooling. Arm wrestlers call it pooling. Are you saying pooling like a P-O-O-L? Yeah, I am. Oh, okay. Because I'm black. I say words different than white people. And you can take a lot of crittin'.
Starting point is 01:06:52 And so that guy – and there's a – the movie is featuring John Brzenk, the world's greatest arm wrestler. Get it? Pooling John. So like arm wrestling John. There it is. There it is. And Travis Bajan agents also in it. And then there's a guy in it who was a,
Starting point is 01:07:07 um, uh, uh, not jujitsu, judo and Bob sledding Olympian from Russia, who is the, one of the characters in it. And his name was Alexi.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Vovoda. Vovoda. 7.5 out of 10. Fuck you. That's actually a great IMDb rating. I was going to comment on that. That's a really good IMdb rating i was gonna is it that's a really good imdb rating yeah that movie is so good there's one part in the movie that i don't like and but that movie's fucking amazing it killed that uh wad zombie josh why does tom brady still kiss his
Starting point is 01:07:38 dad on the mouth lucky dad so jealous of his dad hey my kids my kids threatened to do that to me to punish me they're like you want me to kiss you on the mouth i'm like uh my son ari will do that you want me to kiss you on the mouth like like it's like i can punch you in the dick or you can kiss you on the mouth i'm like i'll go with uh and i kiss the shit out of my kids i kiss them like to death i want to throw up when they kiss my wife on the mouth. I'm like, ew. You know what's been on those lips? Oh, Seve, don't.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Seve. No. Yuck. Pull it down. Pull it down. Yuck. Yuck. That'd be sporty.
Starting point is 01:08:19 How could you be upset at me? Okay, no one's safe. Oh, my God. I've just set the bar at a new low can you set a low bar can you set a low bar yeah sure you just said yeah hey here's the other thing that people don't realize josh in all seriousness people don't realize that like especially if you don't have kids then you don't even know like our limit for what's funny and not like all of a sudden things that you would never think are funny because we have something so much more serious relevant in our life so if if i told
Starting point is 01:08:52 you this it's literally like this if i put a pair of scissors on your penis listen up men if i put a pair of scissors on your penis and i said i'm gonna tell you jokes and the first time that you don't laugh at a joke i'm gonna cut your penis off you would laugh at everything that's what it's like once you have kids like everything goes out the window and is irrelevant because like all you care about is your kids all our minions are pieces of shit and they all deserve to die are my kids okay yeah funny good joke nice hey we could work on your delivery a little bit you You know, I'm pretty good. Anything. Anything goes, right?
Starting point is 01:09:30 I mean, your whole perspective just changes. Perspective, yeah. Really? The big thing, yeah. You're tripping on that? Dude, what are you talking about? That kid woke up this morning and he's breathing good. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 All paper? Hey, do you have a fan in there? Yeah, can you guys hear it? No, but I'm just thinking maybe the fan, the disturbance in the – Oh, look at – I'm a fucking – I'm an engineering genius. I didn't have a degree from Stanford, and I knew there was some sort of engineering issue moving in there. Studio math. Yep. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Got a little chore later today. Yeah, your perspective changes. Yeah, that's why i'm like i don't here's i'm and i'm not even just saying this like i don't even know the last time i've been actually offended by something especially something on the internet right probably it's probably zero percent that i've ever been offended like literally offended by something on the internet there's something i don't like but it keeps rolling right my wife and i woke up in the exact same mood this morning exact and although she was only a few feet away from me she texted me what her mood was and uh we did nothing about it because we have three kids what was the move?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Bump an Udly's. I was stressed. No. Yeah, Mike McCaskey! That's the exact word. Poundtown, yeah. Yeah, that was the exact word she sent me. Yeah, I was like, yeah, duh.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I know that clip. I'm going to text you's like my wife texts you too she's just she's just hoping for one so one bite Jake Chapman you mean if someone said you look like Ben Smith if he was abused
Starting point is 01:11:29 by a priest is that what Josh looks like who looks like that no that's effing hilarious that's like trying to dude insults are hilarious Dick Butter said he can now add engineering genius to his IG I try to – yeah. No. Well, dude, insults are hilarious. Yeah, that's very funny.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Dick Butter, Seve can now add engineering genius to his IG. Yeah, he can. He sure the hell can, sir. You're in California, Josh? Mm-hmm. Yep. Fresno. So you got up early too?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Mm-hmm. Sure did. Just for you. You wouldn't have normally got up this early? I usually get up probably – I got up like 30 minutes earlier than normal okay yeah will you pay for that later on today you know lately yes i feel like i have been my sleep sucks and i'm always tired by like five o'clock what's going on you know um go ahead that's all i just i feel like i'm all lethargic all the time lately someone someone uh said recently uh and i've heard this before but someone
Starting point is 01:12:35 someone shared this with me that someone in our community was like hey um the the seven podcast will never like they didn't say be mainstream, but that's what they were alluding to. I forget the, their exact words. It'll never be mainstream. It'll never be like fully accepted. It won't be embraced. It won't be like, they were, they were basically saying it's just a placeholder until like something better is going to come along and that it's never going to speak for CrossFit and it's just a placeholder until like something better is going to come along and that it's never going to speak for crossfit and it's never just going to fit in like it and um i thought that that was first of all i love hearing that because that fires me up
Starting point is 01:13:14 but i thought it was kind of uh i don't i don't agree with that not only do I not agree with that, I think it's already like – I think like, yo, dude, the ship's already taken off. Like it is. Like it's the – I don't mean to float my own boat, but it's accepted. It's just here. It's now – it's just in the space. It is the – it's just in – we're anchored in. space it is the it's just in it's we're anchored in we're there's no up you know if you cut you know like you cut a tree down in your yard and you think it's gone and then fucking even a year
Starting point is 01:13:54 later you see it like sprout another branch like what the fuck this thing won't go away like this is uh yeah it's weird um well yeah it'd be weird to still have those thoughts or still think that of this. Yeah, this person was saying this at the games. I mean that's a hater being a hater. Or I think that some people haven't realized what's happened in the media space just worldwide. Go ahead. what's happened in the media space just worldwide like oh go ahead sorry by the way i feel like i keep cutting you off no i wish you would i'm just talking because uh it seems like someone put fentanyl on all your guys's shit this morning just buckle up then because you're not talking to the rest of this fucking show okay good go ahead yeah uh did you see the did you see the uh
Starting point is 01:14:43 the republican debate thing versus the t Carlson, Donald Trump interview thing? They both came out at the same time. I did see that. No. No. What was it? Fox News got like 30 million viewers. And the Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump thing cracked over 200 million views in 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Holy shit. I mean, that's like... On a non-video platform, dude. On freaking X. No one watches. On X. On freaking Twitter X. 200 million views.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I mean, like, genius move. Is that going to be the new name, Twitter X? You're going to say both instead of X? We're going to do both? Probably. It'll be a transition period. It's still, by the way. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah. So What do you think are the implications of that, Josh? I mean, if the people that are still on Twitter have this. Backwards mindset or like a TV broadcast is the is the way to go is just totally not youtube twitter all the social channels is where everyone's eyeballs are at for sure for sure i mean like and look how like rfk and uh vivek is that the guy's name vivek yeah yeah there's there's going like on a podcast tour and they're crushing they're totally just crushing there's hopping around podcasts and stuff yeah crushing right look at this um 259 million now damn wow
Starting point is 01:16:14 yeah there was only a 30 30 something million on the on the republican debate i want you to know that there's some clips that i have that i would never play if i have a guest on the show i just want you i'm thoughtful like that child does enter the room but there who entered the room uh uh who is um where is that clip though there is one that there was a great. Oh is this it is this it Is this it? Oh God, I don't know if I should play this here we go This is this oh, oh Josh left. Oh good. He left then I can play this look at this shit Look at this. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Sorry, I'm not sorry. Fuck you. Fuck you, Charlemagne. Go fuck yourself. And everybody there at the Breakfast Club can go fuck themselves, too. I don't want to come on your show. When I go to run for president, I don't want to come on your show. You see this?
Starting point is 01:17:24 This is my show. And on my show, I control the conversation. I control the dynamic of the conversation. You can't bring no black woman in via Zoom to ambush me. Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck you. Fuck Envy. The whole lot of you. You fucking morons are sellouts. You go over there. You keep caucusing with the Democrats. You get ready for the dildo throne. Use your phone number as your gulag tag. Gulag tag. Because that's what you're going to get.
Starting point is 01:17:58 That's exactly what you're going to get. You're going to get a 10-digit number. You're going to get a 10-digit number. You're going to get a 10-digit number, and when you don't dance the way the CCP says you should dance, the dildo throne you get ain't going to be the dildo throne you want. But I don't know. Some kinky freak boy motherfuckers. Maybe you will like that shit. I don't know. I'm not going with you. know. I'm not going with you. And I want to say this again. When we get down to the bottom of the politics, when we get down to the ground level of the two-party platforms, it's very, very simple.
Starting point is 01:18:37 There is one party that always votes for the expansion of the federal government. There's one party who is in a full-blown civil war within the party to restore the expansion of the federal government, there's one party who is in a full blown civil war within the party to restore the value of citizenship. Part of which means to shrink the federal government so it doesn't bastardize and undermine the meaning of community and the autonomy of the individual. That would be the MAGA movement within the Republican party. And yeah, the Republican party is split 50-50.
Starting point is 01:19:07 And yeah, 50% of them are Nikki Haley Republicans or they're Ron DeSanctimonious Republicans or they're Chris fucking Christie Republicans. Sure, sure, absolutely. Yeah, we know, we know. All of you over there that criticize the Republican Party as a whole. You never want to get specific. We know the Republicans who are fucked up. We know the Republicans who we don't want to associate with.
Starting point is 01:19:38 We know the Republicans that are giving the Republican Party a bad name. They and you are often in cahoots. In fact, Did he say cahoots? Sure did. They and you are the uniparty that performs on camera with the WWE politics to make the entire American public
Starting point is 01:19:57 think that they actually God, I love this guy. Could listen to him all day. What were we talking about? Oh, Twitter. Twitter. Yeah, Twitter. Twitter.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Twitter and how well Tucker did on Twitter. Yeah, he's killing it. Hey, who's funding him? How does he make money? Do you know? No, I'm sure he's probably got some type of sponsors. He's got to. His show is Crushes on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Plus, I think he's got a huge buyout from Fox. So he's got a little nest egg. Cashola. Hey, did you see his interview with the Capitol Chief of Police? Oh, crap. Nope, I did not see that one. Holy shit. I'm sure it's infuriating for anyone who has an opinion
Starting point is 01:20:47 on january 6th i don't really have much an opinion on it but if you if you do have an opinion on it you should listen to the interview with the chief of police of the capital holy shit and what's crazy is he did that interview for fox and fox never aired it and you have to ask yourself why so he redid the interview on his own platform holy shit hey you know who else you know what's being released today i don't know if you're following the story but the ukrainian attorney general from a few years ago was investigating Hunter Biden for his dealings with Ukraine and China through this company called Burisma. Joe Biden went over to the Ukraine, I think on Air Force Two, and said when he was vice president – I think he was vice president at the time. and said when he was vice president, I think he was vice president at the time,
Starting point is 01:21:45 anyone can watch the video, and he said, hey, we're not going to give you, I'm going to leave the Ukraine in 17 hours, and if you haven't fired the attorney general, we're not giving you the billion dollars in aid we promised you. This is before the war. Then Joe Biden's laughing, he's sitting in a chair, and he's telling a story, and he goes, and they fired him before I even got on the plane and left. They fired him.
Starting point is 01:22:09 That attorney general today who got fired is going to speak out today. And, and, and you know, and it's, and you know what he's going to say. Yeah. He's going to say,
Starting point is 01:22:20 we get, we, uh, Joe Biden and, um, Hunter were on the payroll. They were, they were on the take the first time he's spoken out in an interview and Hunter were on the payroll. They were on the take.
Starting point is 01:22:28 The first time he's spoken out in an interview. It's coming out today. It's fucking crazy. I thought this should only happen like in Brazil, Mexico. How naive am I? Not in America. Not in America? That wouldn't corruption? That would never happen in America.
Starting point is 01:22:45 We have TV, CNN, and Fox News to shield us from the reality of corruption in politics. Are you religious, Josh? No. I was when I was younger. Very much so. I'm not religious either, but I want some religious dudes and some good religious dudes running the country. I want Rich Froning to run for president. I think there's a lot of good morals that come from it and stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Yeah. I don't dislike it or anything like that. I just – I don't know. I think about it more now that I have kids. I should start taking them to church or something. I don't know. Although yesterday I went to this restaurant, and it's a restaurant where the drinks are like $50 each, and you order – it's crazy expensive. You probably don't live there for less than $1,000 for two people.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Just an outdoor cafe, super swanky. Every time I go there, I see someone famous. And the person I went there with yesterday was telling me that there were there, there's a super, super wealthy, uh, pastor who comes there and, uh, from a foreign country would come there and eat at that restaurant, you know, three days a week and just get drunk using the flocks money. days a week and just get drunk using the flocks money so i'm not so no one get me wrong i'm not like um i'm not saying that they're all perfect and if someone's gonna be like why when they're they're not perfect they'm less children and shit yeah they're just people but i'm just saying adam blakesley uh that's too much for a drink
Starting point is 01:24:21 none of the waitresses there wear bras. By the way, I didn't notice that. The person I was with, who was a female, by the way, pointed that out to me. I did not notice that myself. And I asked naively, why don't they wear bras here? No, I didn't ask. That place is good though. Josh, what's going on outside your door?
Starting point is 01:24:48 It's disappointing that I've invited you on my podcast and you're distracted by what's outside the door. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to lower this because there's chaos. There's chaos happening. You didn't know about one of my best movies that I've ever made. That was a little offensive. And now you seem distracted. Is your pool boy
Starting point is 01:25:07 in transition? I wish. I wish. And you're checking out his new tits? Or like, what's going on? I think what happened was a kid just fell off the play structure right now. And so now mom's rushing over to help and then there's dogs humping stuff and pooping everywhere. This is chaos. One of your
Starting point is 01:25:23 kids? Yeah. They'll be alright. Just rub some dirt on it i didn't i didn't think so so here's the deal with play structures i didn't think that anyone i didn't think kids actually played on that other than the first week that you bought it i thought you spent three grand on it and they play with it for a week and then next thing you know they're 17 years old and you're like well that was a waste of money yeah that's 100 true but you know uh they know that i'm on a podcast right now so they decide to play with it for their once a month effing play time dang it i know it's like they don't ever play on that damn thing and now your saturday is ruined because you're gonna go to the er i guarantee when i go back in it's gonna be a shit show you get stitches for something that
Starting point is 01:26:02 your wife insists they get stitches for that you know just a couple of tight band-aids would have worked oh man it's like you're living in my house man i'm like you need to be like on life support before i go to the hospital yeah exactly yeah for sure yeah i'm not about it yeah they don't yeah it's true we built that thing for them like maybe a year ago and they play on it only when other kids come over. It's the only time they ever play on it. I – do you know anyone who's ever worked in HR, human resources at a company? Do you know any HR people? Not like on a – not like a friend. I mean I know them just because of working at the same company, but yeah, not like a friend. I think that's what – I think HR is just – before we had HR at CrossFit, there were never any complaints.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Then the second there's HR, they start to become complaints. And I think that the way people use HR is they don't go there really to make complaints. They go there to plead their case because they're paranoid. So you know you did something fucked to someone at your work. And so you go over there and make a complaint about them to start building a hedge against it. I don't think that I think H.R. is the the human resources. It's the worst. Yeah. H.R. workers are the worst. Jake Chapman knows. Yeah, I think it's just 100 percent scumbags.
Starting point is 01:27:24 And I think it's reached an all time high with high with DEI, diversity, equity, inclusivity. It is the congregation and gather – it's the KKK. It's the modern-day KKK. It's where you gather all the nooses, and it's where you defame people. It's kind of like this – you've got this KGB NSA spying, tattletailing. And do you remember that kid, that fucked-up kid that used to just hang out with the yard duty at school? Yeah, thank you. That's an hr recruiter now now i'm not saying i don't have compassion for people but that's also the kid that when he pees at the urinal pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles double whammy yeah you know that kid yeah dude
Starting point is 01:28:19 i still do you really don't have a dad do you I still do. You really don't have a dad, do you? Why are you talking to me? I just cannot stand. I just get, I'm so, every time I hear an HR story, I'm like, God, you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah. Yeah, you gotta be a special, yeah, special kind of butthole to want that position. Unless you're the guy that banged the HR lady in Home Depot. Yeah, that's true. He didn't, heed the hr lady in home depot yeah that's true he didn't he she blew him oh yeah yeah yeah very different yeah that's like something josh we got a caller who calls in with it called in with it's pretty funny we have a caller he
Starting point is 01:28:59 called in a listener and he told a story of getting a blowjob from the HR person at Lowe's. And he was just a lowly employee, and he went into her office, and he got his dick sucked. Then six months later, someone called and told about getting a blowjob in the back of a cop car. Different guy. Oh, I was like, damn. But then the dude who got the blowjob at Lowe's, he heard that story, so he had to come back with even another story. Do you remember what his story was? Because he didn't like that – he had to one-up that story a little bit.
Starting point is 01:29:30 What was the next story he told? It was another blowjob he got somewhere. What was it? I can't remember. Was it the skydiving? I'm talking about Cop Car or something. Yeah, the Cop Car one is what got the Lowe's guy to be like, well, I got my dick set somewhere else. Okay, you got a Cop Car? car well i i you know yeah there's a second cop call cop car guy that like
Starting point is 01:29:51 had sex in the back of the cop car i thought was that it maybe that was it i don't know it just it just kept getting like building and building and building well yeah. Well, I took my elementary school teacher on the desk. Oh, was that it? He banged his – no. It was something egregious though. Mrs. Burns, I had someone make a year-long list of every instance I mentioned Jesus and then got called into my boss's office for a filed complaint about talking about Jesus too much. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. By the way, Mrs. Burns, S-E stands for Sabbath Essentials. My wife uses their products. I got something to get you all fired up. So I'm currently unemployed.
Starting point is 01:30:46 So I filled out. Thanks, buddy. I did it. I did it. So I filled out this job application of this really stellar place and got through the whole thing, right? The whole process.
Starting point is 01:30:59 And then at the end, he has like a 10 questionnaire, just random stuff. Like, why do you want this place? You know, why do you want to work here? work here all these things right the very last question was um in order for all lives to matter black lives matter so therefore and then your options were all lives matter black lives matter or no lives matter and i'm like oh mother effers i'm like already getting that now i'm like f you guys so i just hit like the all lives matter like yeah okay thank you thank you you're not a fit for us basically no shit and it was a
Starting point is 01:31:30 mandatory question you had to answer it you had to answer the question and i was like you god dang mother effers hey that's what it is it's a it's a curation of racist people like you can just assume that if someone works in HR, you can just assume right off the bat that they're sexist, homophobic, racist. They're the kind of person, they feel sorry. You don't want to be around anyone who feels sorry for you.
Starting point is 01:31:57 You will start to fulfill their projection. We feel each other's projections. You'll feel you do not want to be around those people. Incredible. fill their projection. We fill each other's projections. And you'll feel you do not want to be around those people. Incredible. Green Zombie, just
Starting point is 01:32:11 his retirement? No, no, no. He's got a fight coming up. He's fighting Max Holloway, I thought. That's right now. Oh, that's today? Yeah, it's like an early fight because I can't remember where they're at, but they're not in the States. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:29 So do you need a job? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you hiring? Like $100,000 for memes or something like that? No, no, no. We got the meme position just opened up i'm hiring uh someone was someone was someone is making fun of me the other day like really making fun of me like trying to really oh holloway won wow thanks for ruining that for me uh someone was really trying to like railroad me and basically be like hey you used to work for crossfit and now you haven't worked there in three years and you care and are
Starting point is 01:33:11 more involved in like you know more what's going on there than fucking like than anybody like you're up to speed on all the shit like just fucking relax what are you doing excuse me and i realized oh like they can't they they can't they can't get rid of me like they stopped paying me but i still work there and they don't fucking have a choice think about think about this and i mean this with all fucking humility it's for sure arguable that i was the most valuable player there when they fired me meaning i put in the most hours i made the most valuable player there when they fired me. Meaning I put in the most hours. I made the most content. I moved the needle more than anyone else when it came to affiliate retention, L1 sales, and people signing up for affiliates. You'd be hard-pressed to find
Starting point is 01:33:54 someone more than me. I put myself up against anyone, Dave, Nicole, anyone, anyone. At worst, I'm willing to accept I tied. And they brought in a guy named Rosen, Andrew Weinstein, and they got rid of me. Now think about that. You're an investor in the company, and they got rid of me. And now those fucking idiots are gone. Now, then there's another guy there who's easily one of the most valuable players who was with the company. His name is Leif Edmondson. And this chick Allison fired him. This chick Allison who is the CFO and stand-in marketing officer. She works out at Chris Spieler's gym.
Starting point is 01:34:48 He fires this guy Leif who's got more institutional knowledge and knows more about the journal and CrossFit and then probably anyone who works there, except for maybe Dave and Nicole. Mega talent, mega, mega, mega talent in charge of almost everything. Now she's gone. She's leaving in a couple months. And I was just thinking like if you don't – the reason why I ask you like do you need the job because if you don't necessarily like need money right away, you can put your head down and just – like I know what my value is, and now I'm proving it. It was a tough two or three years. I couldn't have done it without Sousa's and Caleb's support, my wife's support. my wife support but now i just put my head down and grind it and like yeah like here i am the the audience and people are this thing is sustaining itself in the ecosystem i'm probably a couple years away from making more money than i made at crossfit which would be crazy because i made a shit load of money when i was there i mean a lot of money, Josh. Like over 50,000? Yeah. Dang, that is a lot.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Like add a zero and more than that. I don't believe you. Yeah. Get your tax returns. A year, yeah. Where's the ruler? That's why it's funny. Everyone just keep your fucking head down and grind yeah yeah keep your
Starting point is 01:36:09 head down if you if you like what you're doing fucked and i love this and i don't have to stress about anything do you guys so just so you know i i had josh on i really liked them it was a super easy podcast i knew i was going to newport Beach for a while I told Susan can you just get me fucking easy people on that I don't even have to fucking do any research and I can just shoot the shit with and he goes alright and then I go and hey and Josh asked when I saw him
Starting point is 01:36:36 at the games he said he would come on whenever and it's just yeah it's just like just do what I like just invite the people on that I want that I like I told someone I Just do what I like. Just invite the people on that I want, that I like. I told someone, I'm going to keep sucking myself off, but I said to someone the other day,
Starting point is 01:36:53 I can get whoever I want on this podcast. And they go, you can't get Tia or Mal on. And I said, yeah, but who's that hurt? Yeah. Not me. Not me. Think about... yeah not me not me think think think about i mean i'm gonna gag on my own dick in a minute if i'm not careful but well let me let me interject i think you please do an excellent job making making your guests look good or at least make them comfortable and i've never seen somebody on here leave the show and like i thought less of them or thought worse of them comfortable and i've never seen somebody on here leave the show
Starting point is 01:37:25 and like i thought less of them or thought worse of them if 99 of the time it's always like i think i think better of them because you you pull it i think their numbers move i think it helps their numbers for sure oh hey by the way last time i was on here i got like almost 3 000 followers like within that day so thank you yeah yeah thank you welcome yeah yeah and i want to do that that's my goal well joe rogan says a lot too he's like you shouldn't be like he's trying to hype he's trying to hype all the comedians up around him because then everybody right everybody elevates their game yeah yeah um and so yeah i think it's a i don't know i don't know if these athletes have like pr i'm sure some of them do but man i think it's a bad pr move not to come on shows like this
Starting point is 01:38:04 one or other ones that are gonna all you're gonna do is get more people to hear your story and you're gonna leave looking better like it's like a no-brainer and my shit doesn't stick on other people meaning no one's you're not gonna leave here and people are gonna be like josh guy he's a he must be an anti-vaxxer too no none of my none of my shit is sticking on people it doesn't work like that yeah no one's like no one's like oh that josh guy's a right-wing conspiracy flat earther anti-vax like no one's no one thinks that yeah even the well the flat earth guy maybe got i don't know if i helped his stock he was hostile as fuck that guy was hostile yeah that guy was hostile yeah i tried to i tried to like be all calm and like tell me about how the earth's flat and like the giant
Starting point is 01:38:52 people in the north pole i wanted to know about him like will branstetter you're anti-vax i unsubscribe damn well come back what are the things with the fly buddy will i'm trying to i'm trying to poach that dude he works for he works with uh taylor self on smtp programming and i sent will a text the other day i said how much um they bring you back trying to poach him poaching it's just like calling him home calling him home. Calling him home. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I'm trying to call Will home. That's it.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Thank you. Come back, baby. Trying to call Will home. Will. We still love you. I'm never going to find God without you, Will. I think Will left because the show didn't align with his Christian values. We're still good friends.
Starting point is 01:39:44 We're still very good friends. We're more Christian now too, Will. We are more Christian. Lots of Jesus talk. The flat earth thing? What would – one thing about that, I was like, where – who – or like the government, why would they – how does anyone benefit of the earth? I'm going to break down for you Josh because that's what I'm like why would you lie about something like that
Starting point is 01:40:08 he explains it and if it's a combined resource there's no need to ever look outside of the confinement of the resource that is available therefore there's a whole society elsewhere that
Starting point is 01:40:24 has more resources than we do that are living a better life than we do, and we're kind of like somehow they're harvesting shit from us. The part I like about that story though is that I do believe everything in the world is to scale, meaning ants – if you look, ants will gather aphids and put them on one branch and then harvest shit from them. We gather cows in one field and we harvest them i'm not opposed to like something harvesting energy off of us or us being you i really do think that the world works like that and just there's levels to this shit yeah so so i i like some of these ideas and concepts i understand where the thinking comes from but man he was fucking hostile. He was like,
Starting point is 01:41:06 if you don't believe her, it's right. You're a fucking idiot. And I'm like, Whoa, easy buddy. Like, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Oh yeah. And I go, do you think, yeah, exactly. I said, do you think dinosaurs are fake? And he's like,
Starting point is 01:41:16 yeah. And so like, I need, I need baby steps. I need, I'm totally open, but I need baby steps. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:22 I can't go all in. Yeah. The planes in nine 11 were holograms. That one was, Oh dang. He's going hard need baby steps. Yeah, you can't go all in. The planes in 9-11 were holograms. That one was... Oh, dang, he's going hard in the paint. He's going hard in the paint. That's a half-assed mini conspiracy, all right? Seriously, dear Lord.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Hey, did you see that they got a willy mammoth-like baby inside of that elephant right now? Are they going to do that? Something like that? Yeah, something like that. Something like that. Sounds like globalist talk.
Starting point is 01:41:47 They put a willy mammoth, or about to, in an elephant. We're going to have a little baby willy mammoth running around. That's the same thing in prison when they say keystreet. That's the sign for keystreet. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:42:02 My wife told me that I needed to take the kids at 840 so she can go work out. I said, of course, That's right. My wife told me that I needed to be, take the kids at 840 so she can go work out. I said, of course, I'll be done at 830. It's 841. I'm not done. I'm a douche. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Oh, now she just said, but my mom is here. I'm headed out. Okay. Beautiful. Beautiful. Real quick. Did Paper Street buy Good Dudes or Good Dudes buy Paper Street? Oh, something's going on.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Yeah, because they're at the same booth at the games, and it was like, oh, I want the frost can thing. And they're like, no, it's the same as the Good Dudes thing. Oh, here it is. Paper Street Coffee purchased Good Dudes. They will get their return in four years. Wow, okay, well, there it is in scientific America. will get their return in four years. Well, okay, well there it is in scientific America. Scientists are reincarnating.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Reincarnating. I thought only Buddhists did that. Scientists are reincarnating the woolly mammoth to return in four years. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Must be some crazy shit. Hmm. It's like the impossible meat.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Dude, imagine selling... Dude, we should start right now. We should open up a chain of restaurants. Mammoth Burgers, dude. Mammoth Burgers. The real meat coming in four years. Can you imagine? Paper Street does Good Dudes production production oh and paulina would know because she works for paper street uh-huh uh paulina your shirt is all gathered up you need to pull it down
Starting point is 01:43:35 it's up please please fix your shirt it's all gathered up on one side uh paper street does good dudes production maybe so i i wonder what that means like if gabe is roasting their beans now gotcha yes does woolly mammoth uh do make wads great again oh this is a good way to end the show. Savant is the most important figure CrossFit ever had. Thank you. I also assume you saw the New York Times article. Except on Tuesdays when Greg's on. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Don't ever bring that up when Greg's on. New York Times article about the CrossFit documentaries. Oh, yeah. Okay, you saw the one yeah zero shout outs to first of on zero don't get me started don't get me started okay i don't know okay i don't want to sell i've already self-related once on the show today so uh josh is a great addition to the show whoa whoa whoa addition makes you think like he's coming on again maybe the podcast will finally take off hey do you have a manager
Starting point is 01:44:47 i don't but that's what i was like that was one of my goals i've been trying to do especially the games this year why why do you want one why do you want oh because i suck at it i'd not i don't make any money ever can't your wife do it i told someone the other day i'm like i don't have a manager and they're like you have suza i go oh yeah yeah she's busy she's busy she's got her own life and husband um i i don't know if this is true but i heard sporty beth craig richie and um uh heber and margdon all have the same manager yeah i talked to that guy yep i talked to him for a long time he's cool i like him he just said uh he just said they're like super busy at the moment but let's stay in touch kind of thing i'm like all right and then i talked to snorri for a little bit uh we're trying to line it up
Starting point is 01:45:34 and trying to figure out if that's a that's a match and then james is that the dude that's that's craig rie's agent? The guy with the English accent? Yeah. Yeah. And then that's James. And then Jason from X-Durance. He's one of the... James and Cooper? Oh yeah, Cooper's Daniel Brandon's and Josh Bridge's guy. Yep, I'm talking with those guys
Starting point is 01:45:59 next week. Oh, so you're with all the Klingons. You're going to talk to all the Klingons. When I mean Klingons, I mean that in a derogatory way, like little pieces of poop that stick to your butt hair. I love that. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Wow. Well, because I'm just trying to pick their brain because I've tried. Part of me understands. I know. That wouldn't be an issue fucking hot glue people offer the show
Starting point is 01:46:32 like so I just give you one example but there's a hundred like this so someone's like hey we want to give the show money I'm like okay talk to Sousa and Sousa's like okay you have to read this thing I'm like okay and then I just won't read it I don't want to do it I don't have time for it and he'll be like dude the show's never gonna make money you just gotta do this you have to read this thing i'm like okay and then i just won't read it i don't want to do it i don't have time for it and he'll be like dude the show's never gonna make money you just got to do this you have to you have to at least push this button that puts up the barcode like dude you're not even using
Starting point is 01:46:52 the right background like he came on the other day so susan then did the read for eight sleep so i get it like and i really want the money it's not like i'm like no i don't need the money. It's not like I'm like, no, I don't need the money. I really want the money. I'm just a baby. So I get it. I don't want to read any contract. I get anxious if he's like, so the eight sleep will give us X amount of dollars. I'm like, but you have to run the commercial twice
Starting point is 01:47:17 in the next six months. And I panic. A fucking heart attack. Heart attack. So I get it. But I still don't like those dudes i still don't want anything to do with those dudes oh well i've literally just met them at the games for the first time so i don't really know much about about them uh i just got them as people don't get me wrong i like them as people i just don't like they're like like they're not as bad
Starting point is 01:47:40 as hr i mean those are just bad people. Those are rotten human beings. Don't compare me to HR. Well, I've been doing this for like nine years. I don't think Sousa wants to do it either. He's like, fuck, he just wants to hang out on the podcast. I can tell he doesn't want to. Yeah, nine years.
Starting point is 01:47:59 And like I've made, I mean, besides like TikTok or Instagram paying me, pretty much maybe like two or three paid partnerships over the course of that time. And I reached out to- Who's someone you had? Give me an example of someone. CBG Online. CBG Online. Is that like CBD stuff?
Starting point is 01:48:18 No. See, I'm a horrible spokesperson. I forgot what it is. I know it's Chandler Smith's training or nutrition company. Oh, it's a nutrition, like they tell you what to eat? Okay, to get a horrible spokesperson. I forgot what it is. I know it's Chandler Smith's training or nutrition company. Oh, it's a nutrition. They tell you what to eat to get a nice body. You eat this, you get a six-pack. Chubbies.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Chubbies shorts. I still wear them. They hook it up. They hook it up with gear and cash, stuff like that. That's pretty much it. I talked to Yeti a little bit. Yeti was supposed to do stuff, but they're kind of like... Nothing officially has really worked with them. I get a lot of free stuff.
Starting point is 01:48:48 I get stuff. People send me stuff all the time. Have you seen this... Do you know Born Primitive? Have you seen their CEO? Let's see if I can find... Shit, I can't find... oh, yeah, here he is. Let me show you this picture of their CEO.
Starting point is 01:49:13 After I said all this shit about sponsors, I would love for this dude to be a sponsor. Listen to this fucking – I do like the company. And look at him. He looks like someone brought back a lion. He's like part lion, part man. You know what I mean? He's part of an incarnate.
Starting point is 01:49:32 He's part of some Chinese experiment. Look at this fucking guy. Dude, if he played the lion in Wizard of Oz, you wouldn't even have to dress him up. Nope. Just draw some, like, maybe just some whiskers. my god this is this is this is as masculine as you can be someone's like you think he washes his hair no out of here
Starting point is 01:49:54 shampoo would bounce off this dude's head part of one primitive it's something we preach to our employees is like that that victim mentality because it is freaking cancer right and it can bring you down to your knees if you buy look at look at his eyes like if he looked at your wife like that she would just oh dude wet hoes everywhere yeah moist moist moist moist that ate sleep ready into it in your brain and also like the media your parents you know maybe you're in a bad friend group and they're reinstilling this conspiracy theory in your head that, oh, you know, I'm not supposed to be successful because those people are saying I shouldn't be. I don't have a fair shot in this and that. Dude, he's Clint Eastwood.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Fuck the lion. And that thing was born. Well said. Yeah. Thank you. And it's all fucking bullshit. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, look at Patrickrick he's in the navy he's in something
Starting point is 01:50:49 yeah that's a man's man yeah totally yeah he's a what a stud anyway speaking of sponsors you ever court anyone on your account fuck i gotta go i can't be doing you ever court anyone sometimes i court people. Like, I was courting him just now. You know what I mean? Like, kind of make fun of him, but kind of, like, jerk him off at the same time. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:10 You're courting. I do that. Yeah. I do that. You do that. Yeah. Got to. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah, so, yeah. I just try to... I'm trying to elevate the game. Because, yeah, I want to make some money off doing this stuff. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Plus stuff stuff like you know what i show you like earlier in the show and we're like you know you make good content and it's up to like the algorithms if you're going to be successful or not like i think the reason why i bring that that first video up because it's a perfect example like even if you make a good piece of content a funny joke whatever doesn't mean it's going to hit
Starting point is 01:51:43 because obviously you know that's a perfect example of somebody else doing the exact same thing, using the exact same joke, but that hit. So it's not all. And that's my biggest complaint with social. It's like not even, not even the best content, funny or whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 01:51:54 The best content doesn't always get the reach. It's just whatever the algorithm decides to, you know, decides to push, which is, and then I feel like I'm victim to the, Oh, I've got a victim mentality,'m victim to the oh i got a victim mentality
Starting point is 01:52:05 uh victim to the algorithm hey and you can't report it to hr and you can't report it to hr they dictate what's going to be seen or not that sucks i don't i don't i hate that jake chapman you should work with the wallpaper company it's a perfect opportunity. Perfect opportunity. Good shit. Who do we have on tomorrow morning? No one. Really? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:52:33 And then the day after that is Josh Bridges. Oh, damn. Oh, a Josh and then another Josh. Back to back. Back to back. Back to back. I love me some Josh Bridges. Do you mind if I throw a couple questions at you real fast i know you're trying to go yeah but it's okay it's okay okay
Starting point is 01:52:51 all right yeah okay cool yeah my my my wife's uh mom is up there my kids are probably just totally taking advantage of her why how come uh how come they couldn't get a russian translating judge for roman why is it i feel like that should not be that difficult. Okay. I want to match you with another question. How come when the guy stuck his finger in my butt, um, to, uh,
Starting point is 01:53:12 check my prostate, he then was like, Oh, you need a second opinion. Why didn't they have the dude who, uh, does the second opinion stick? If you're going to have someone stick their finger in my butt,
Starting point is 01:53:21 shouldn't they be the first guy be a professional? I mean, yes. I just want to throw that out there as mysteries. Yeah. I told the guy. He's like, it's not perfectly round. I just want to get a second opinion, but I think everything's fine. I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:53:40 Fucking kidding me? Yeah, no double dipping. I went from fucking being complete virgin to now I'm getting ass pounded. It's a fucking gangbang back there. Like a hot dog down the hallway now. How do you know that he didn't have a Russian judge? How do I know he only stuck one finger in my butt? I thought they said that.
Starting point is 01:54:00 I thought they said that's why there was miscommunication with that one workout. Okay. Yeah, that's fair enough. I'm just there was miscommunication with that one workout. Okay. Yeah, that's fair enough. I'm just – Okay. I like it. That's all I got. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Well, I think I matched you with your question for your mysteries of life. You flustered me for sure. Take away from the show to the two biggest mysteries in the world. Why wouldn't they have a Russian judge? That's a great question. Okay. Yeah, why wouldn't they have a Russian judge? That's a great question. Hey, there is a lady, a seminar staff who I think owns a gym in Long Island, New York, Helga or something. Crazy smoking hot, by the way. Stupid hot.
Starting point is 01:54:39 She speaks Russian. Wow, and his translator is stupid hot too rosa are all russian women stupid hot anyway i got distracted um yeah they could have had her and i think her husband might speak russian too the um who and they yeah it's a good good point okay yeah discuss discuss about yourselves all right that's great um oh here we go. Patrick Clark. Bias. Don't you think a Russian-speaking judge would favor Roman? How could they?
Starting point is 01:55:13 Well, I guess it's not. I don't know. I think you have to just – I think maybe – I think Patrick's maybe joking. I think you just have to kind of let that go because, like, you could say the same thing. The English-speaking judge favors the English people or the English english-speaking judge purposely hurts roman because because he's a ruski yeah why don't they froning talked about on this podcast that's why that's where i heard it oh because he had because he said he has to memorize the workouts before he goes out there i remember he did like he had he thought he was done with the hop overs had to do an extra one and then like he was starting to go to the next station you know that workout whatever yeah does every foreign athlete get their own personal judge
Starting point is 01:55:46 not their own personal judge but i i think that that's fair that they speak if you at least make an effort maybe to do or just be like fuck you learn english yeah america america america that's all right thanks for coming on you're welcome who wins rogue America Alright Thanks for coming on You're welcome Who wins Rogue? Colton Oh damn
Starting point is 01:56:13 Nice pull Thank you Colton I love it I feel like I got a little bit of a homer But yeah Nice pull Home cooking
Starting point is 01:56:20 You think I'm biased? I'm gonna say Justin Medeiros That would be Fucking awesome That would be fucking awesome that would be really awesome if he won i would really really really like that be some shit oh that would be the shit dude did he win last year yeah yep yeah that would be right i would love it that would really fuck shit up that would really mix shit. Just like it would be cool if Annie
Starting point is 01:56:45 or Katrin or M01 Rogue too would just really fucking throw a huge like keep shit all weird. I like that. Yeah, I would love it. That would be dope. That would be dope. Cool. Thanks for having me on, sir.
Starting point is 01:57:02 I love talking with you guys. I love all three of you. Good looking peeps. Thank you. I thank you. Likewise. Good experiences every time. Probably the second best CrossFit podcast in the world. You, buddy.
Starting point is 01:57:21 I hope it takes off. You podiumed, Savant. You podiumed, Siobhan. You podiumed. I'm just here to have a good time, really. I have a question. I have a question. I want to go very gently here. When you say it's the second best podcast,
Starting point is 01:57:42 When you say it's the second best podcast, is the first best podcast, is it a male host or a female host? Both. Oh. I'd never miss an episode. It's amazing. Do you guys know who it is come on i can only think of one that has both i can only think of one that has both it's fucking amazing what do you know who it is help me i'm going to the private
Starting point is 01:58:18 chat no no is it who i think it is? What are you saying? I don't know. I just love that it's this fucking way. Oh, that one. Oh, I can think of two. Is it this one? Ding, ding. Stephen Flores knows.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Stephen Flores knows. Okay, hey. I thought you were talking Clydesdale. I thought you were talking Clydesdale. I swear to God the whole time. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. The whole time.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Shout out to my boy, John. Kettlebells and cocktails. Fair enough. I like Colton because he's short and you like your bias towards podcasts because you're a meme guy. I fully get it. Because he has a victim mentality. Awesome. Shout out to my buddy john uh
Starting point is 01:59:06 uh i i uh everyone unfollow fluffy duck please okay thank you love you guys uh josh from josh per perit um with uh they it's in some circles he's known as the wallpaper man in other circles he's known as the um the man with uh they it's in some circles he's known as the wallpaper man and other circles he's known as the um the man with uh injured kids um and pooping dogs but uh pray for me pray for me about to walk into right now we'll see you guys tomorrow morning buh-bye

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