The Sevan Podcast - Just Be Honest | Live Call In #982

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show, we can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh,
Starting point is 00:01:00 that's something wrong with the real caster. Uh, How did you do that? Just by pressing No, you gotta give him the second page Go down to the bottom The bottom right, there's an arrow. Press the arrow. No, you're still a robot. That's the sensor button.
Starting point is 00:01:31 No, it's the second one from the bottom to the right. Now. Okay. Now. Oh, there we go. Shit. Wow. Hi, guys. Sorry, I we go. Shit. Wow. Hi, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Sorry I'm late. So can you tell them somewhere new? Kind of? Kind of. I think I'm in more. I think the focus is off. Mrs. Slob, happy birthday to my handsome husband. Happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I feel vulnerable here. Hey, Dave. What's up? How are you, buddy? Good to see you. Good to see you here in the new studio. That's what it's going to look like.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah. I'll have to fix the camera. I'll have to put a camera over there. What's up, dude? How are you doing? Good? Game's good for you? Thanks for coming over.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Dude, these new carpets in here are off-gassing so bad i thought i was gonna die when i walked in here this morning i got the door wide open i was gonna say yeah that's that's gonna be a couple days of that huh i didn't turn the dehumidifiers off can you hear them running no um i wonder if the phone works. No. So I used to look over here for the Rodecaster. Now I'm going to look. Oh, look who I got over here on my desk. Who do you got?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Oh, Mr. Mertens. I cleaned off my desk, but I left this. And here's an old CrossFit credit card I have. You got the number. Yeah. It's fine. It's fine. It's not hooked up.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Please don't try to buy anything, anybody out there. But I'm going to return this to Dave when he comes in. It's my corporate card. Perfect. I'm going to return it to Dave. In-studio gift. Yeah, when he comes to the studio. I got my toe spacers up here.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Oh, did your set. I got my mechanical pencil. You got the chocolate cock behind you? You do see the chocolate? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I know what it is because I was just there, but you can't really see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You have humidity in California? Not really, but this room is fucked up. And you're close to the water, so. Let me see if the phone's hooked up. Does somebody want to call in? Should I put up the number? Sure, just in case. Just in case.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Nice hair. Is my hair doing some weird shit? I didn't, I just jumped out of the shower. No, it's good. Okay. Susan, hi. She all cozy and shit. I want to talk about our sponsors, our relationship with our sponsors,
Starting point is 00:04:22 and I want to talk about followers, like the number of followers. Oh, here we go. Let's see what happens here. Oh, shit. I can't hear it. Okay, hold on. hold oh shit i think that may have been jeffrey birchfield let's see if this works hello hey jethro hey can you hear me yeah how are How are you? Hey, it's Tom Guerin. How's it going, man? Hey, Tom.
Starting point is 00:04:47 What's up, dude? Hey, I never get to join live on Sundays because I'm at church, but we're skipping church today, so I'm spending some time with you. Oh, good. I have a question for you. Yeah. You know people will be like, that dude's not a Christian. He robs and steals and he sleeps around and all
Starting point is 00:05:05 that shit and i'm thinking to myself that's not what makes you a christian or not because i i think what i like are their fate like do i have to wait till like god talked to me or i have a premonition of jesus or i see mary on a tortilla like i can't just be a christian right i have to be called in and so like it doesn't matter how much bad shit i do right i'm just waiting i'm just kicking it i'm like i'm like picking up trash in the parking lot laughing at people putting their shopping carts back waiting for jesus to touch me and um so but like i'm not judging any christian who robs a bank fuck it who cares like you you're your dad you know your dad's watching you. It doesn't make you any less a Christian.
Starting point is 00:05:48 You know your papa's, like, waiting to whoop your ass when you get home. So what the Bible says is that it believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, come in the flesh, died for the forgiveness of sins and was resurrected. So that's what determines your salvation. But it also says that your actions are going to follow what your heart is, right? Like you can walk around and be like you know you can say you believe something but your actions right you can be like hey i'm the most loyal person you know i'm the most loyal person you know but then you go around stabbing your friends in the back and it's
Starting point is 00:06:33 like it doesn't matter what you say it's your actions show where your heart is at and so it's a similar thing with uh with faith and christianity not to say that we don't make mistakes, but only God can truly know your heart. So it's a fake it till you make it? It's a fake it till you make it? You're saying that I have to start having faith before I have to fake it till you make it? Yeah, no, 100%. There's no like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I need a special pass, dude. You have faith. That's what determines your salvation. All right. I'm going to need to work around. I want to do the good stuff. I want to do the good stuff. I'm having a religious conversation because I called in to talk about some wild stuff that has nothing to do with this whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Okay, go ahead. Hey, what's up? We got some weird feedback on your phone. Do you know what that is? Is there someone using a circular saw in your car? Let me try. Let's try. Is this better?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Maybe. It actually is, yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. Sousa says it is. That's the reason why. I was on my headset. Okay, now we're good.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Okay, cool. So, nice to see you at the crossfit games i know you met a million people but it was awesome to see you in person uh i wanted to tell a story about interactions with the police and how it should go okay okay good i like it people in the chat kind of know a little bit about my background and my story, and I've told a little bit over time. So back in my wild days, before I was a Christian, I was 19 years old and totally broke, like pothead, didn't have a job. This story might sound familiar to you. Very.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Shacking up with a bunch of different people. I like that part. And so we convinced this chick. We were getting evicted from our apartment, me and my buddy, Scott. And so we convinced this chick that I was with to, like, totally leave her family. She was, like, 19 or 18. And just drive down to Florida with us. And then we had a couple other people.
Starting point is 00:08:40 We had, like, 600 bucks between five people. We were going to move to Florida and figure it out when we got there. Okay. So we drove down there. And I guess unbeknownst to me, apparently her car, even though she was 18, it was her car was registered in her dad's name. So he didn't like me, obviously. I wonder why. And so he reports the car is stolen.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And so me and this girl are, it's like 11 30 at night we're in the ghetto of jacksonville florida sitting in her um it's her green uh gosh i forgot pontiac grand am and uh we had the windows down and we're playing tupac all eyes on me and and we're just loving We think we're the shit. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, three cop cars come up behind us. Why? It's blaring. And I'm like, what the fuck? So I turn down the radio. They come up to me.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Two cops on each side. Guns drawn. Get out of the car. Get out of the car. Get on the ground. And so I'm like, I got my hands up above my head. I'm going to shut the hell up. They open the door for me. I get out, put my get on the ground and so i'm like i got my hands up above my head i'm gonna shut the hell up they open the door for me i get out put my hands on my head and they they put us in cuffs throw us in separate cars don't say anything to me i'm sitting there in the back
Starting point is 00:09:55 of the car for like 20 minutes like what the fuck is going on and uh and so the guy came in after talking to her and he goes hey this is your girl your girl. And I was like, yeah. And he goes, so you have nothing to do with this. And I was like, what the hell are you talking about? And he goes, is this a stolen car? I said, no, this is her car. So I told him the story. He clears it up. Long story short. No, too late. Too fucking late. You can't say that. You can't say that. Okay. Go on. He figures out this is the biggest waste of time in his life,
Starting point is 00:10:26 and I'm nothing but cool to the dude. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but it's not like I was like, fuck you, dude, you asshole, I didn't do anything good. I'm not doing it. You know, I could have got shot. I know that. So I just went along with it. He realizes this is all stupid, but apparently, according to some obscure law,
Starting point is 00:10:43 he has to take me in for trespassing in a stolen vehicle. Okay? And so he's like, this is stupid. You're going to get out in the morning, but we got to do this. So he goes, hey, I'm going to let you and your girl ride together. So he threw her in the backseat, threw me in the backseat, took the handcuffs off. Oh, please tell me.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Please tell me. Please tell me. So... What happened in the car? Please tell me you got it on in the back of the cop car. Wow. Did she really perform love to you? with rap music turned up in the back of the Jacksonville police car. It was the most awesome car ride of my life. Did she really perform Love to You? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Does he know? Does the cop know? Oh, yeah. He was laughing. He's like, whatever. Dude, he was so cool. We're all just people here. We're all just people here. Is that story true?
Starting point is 00:11:42 What a great story. Hey, are you still in touch with her? Is that girl still okay? No, she... Oh, darn it. No, you know what? Funny story. The next time I got arrested, she left my ass.
Starting point is 00:11:56 She was like, I'm tired of this. I can't deal with this. I was hoping she married the guy who runs that Lions Not Sheep company or some shit like that or you know what i mean she's married like she's over it's like she's woke now and she's married to someone who works at noble who wears pants too tight or just something like there was some like fuck that is industry todd's life i think she's like she's married to gavin newsom she's married to gavin newsom no she's just a... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:25 She's kind of a country bumpkin now, I think. But I don't know. I haven't seen that girl in 15 years. Some people don't like oral sex. Did you know that? I don't know if not like it's the right word, but they don't enjoy it. It's not like a favorite of theirs.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Like receiving it? Yeah. That just doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't – my experience doesn't compute. Those are people – the globalists. The people who think the earth is round also don't like oral. I just made that up. I'm going to let you go.
Starting point is 00:12:56 That's not true. Okay, thank you. Great story. Thank you. Bye. That's a great Toastbusters ad. Hey, dude. it's a great toe spacers that's hey dude the the the distinction between the mile high club and getting blown in the back of a cop car is two different you're not even in the same
Starting point is 00:13:12 it's like the difference between um laura horvat and sorry uh abigail don't don't look they're not even in the same tier of you know what i? It was a different thing going on at the event. Back of a cop car. You're on a whole, especially if you're not a cop. You're a cop. You cheated. That's two back of the cop car stories we've heard. Nobody. Do you know that Castro actually told Sporty Beth that you reached out to
Starting point is 00:13:44 give him her, to give him her immediate... Hey, before I answer this, I want to tell you something. I know what you're doing, and I thank you for doing it, because it's so fucking ridiculous. When I tell you this, the story is beyond ridiculous, but it's just like paranoia. I just want to say this before I start. I have no ill will towards Sporty Beth. Someone sent me a little clip in her video where she says that I hate her. The only reason why she thinks I hate her is because she made a video about me
Starting point is 00:14:17 that says the most toxic man in CrossFit. Just like if I banged Suze's wife, I would think he hated me. For all I know, he liked it. He's like, well, thank you, because I was over at her sister's house. I mean, like, I understand why she thinks I might not like her, but it's just preposterous. It's all in her own head. So let me just start there.
Starting point is 00:14:41 But I understand it. She did something like the worst thing you could do to someone she made she has a video up about being the most toxic man in crossfit it's crazy and it's all lies and mischaracterization that video gave me anxiety and i've made 30 videos on my youtube about the anxiety i got from that video you guys she spread her mental illness to you? Yeah, it jumped. So you have to preface everything with that. I'm going to answer your question, though. You're going to love it. And of course I saw it.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I saw it with my own eyes. I was there. Hiller told me, hey, that girl's coming from Europe and she doesn't have a media pass. And I immediately went, he texted me that or something. And then I went, oh, that's fucked. And then i was standing right next to dave filming dave and i said hey and i to be honest with you i can't
Starting point is 00:15:29 believe dave didn't tell me to fuck off he didn't even know who she is dave doesn't even know about any of the drama nothing and i just said hey dude there's this girl coming from europe she has a youtube channel uh could you hook her up and right then and there i can can't even believe it, I'm telling you. He DM'd her. I looked at the DM. I watched him type it up. I saw. He sent one to her, and then she responded, and then he said, okay, cool, there's this dude, Sevan, or Sevan, or something like that. I saw my name in the text. He told me that you needed one, and then I never followed through. To be honest with you, at that point, I thought maybe she wouldn't even get it
Starting point is 00:16:01 because she would get lost in his DMs. I mean, his DMs are fucking nuts. His DMs are full of dick pics. Call her. Hi. Someone last night. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, what's up, man? Getting adjusted to my new studio.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Sorry, go ahead. I didn't know if I was going to get in or not. But I just want to say I think you're doing – what you guys are doing is a great job. I've been doing CrossFit since 2011. Found it sort of kind of by accident. But just real quick in regards to media, man, I just want you to know that I super appreciate you, what you,
Starting point is 00:16:43 what your team, what Heeler is doing for CrossFit. It's great. It's phenomenal work, man. It was great to see you guys, what you did for the CrossFit Games. Were you there? Hey, dude, were you there? I was not.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I never get to check you guys out because of my work schedule for live, so I always catch you guys out because of my work schedule for live. So I always catch you guys after the fact. But I watched everything you guys put out during the games last year and this year, the behind the scenes that Hiller put out, and I can't wait to see what you guys put out. Sousa, also, man, just the whole team.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You guys do some great work. Thanks, dude. You guys put out. Sousa, also, man, just the whole team. You guys do some great work. You guys put out some great podcasts, so I really appreciate it, and I also as a dude that happens to be a black guy and a social conservative slash
Starting point is 00:17:39 libertarian, I appreciate you standing out and not being afraid to tell the truth. It is scary. It is scary. Especially the color thing is scary as shit. Yeah. Yeah, I know it is. Scary as shit.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I know it is. But I know where, I know, I hate to use this word, and I won't use this word very often on the show, but I know where my heart is. Like, I know, I know where my heart is. And it's like, dude, I'm not, I know where my heart is. Hey, what do you think, dude, I'm not. I know where my heart is. Hey, what do you think? Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:18:08 What do you think about these people? I'm sure you know, but, like, what do you think about these people who think that they're do-gooders, but they're actually exacerbating the problem? Does it frustrate you to no end, especially since you have black skin? You're like, fuck, dude. What are you doing? I've had these conversations before.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I try. Do you think that they really think that they're doing good? Like, do you think that they're, because I think that they do think that they're doing good. I think some of them do. But I also know for a fact, at least those within the media scape, I know they know what they are doing. I know for a fact that they know what they're doing. But as far as everyday people, especially folks that happen to have some darker skin
Starting point is 00:19:03 that I talk to quite often. It depends on the individual, but if you're, when you're so, I think a lot has to do with the approach. I think if you approach people in the conversation, whether we're talking about race, whether we're talking about a communist socialist background when it comes to government intervention, all that kind of stuff. Even when we talk about law enforcement and the relationship between law enforcement and the black community or any community in general,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I think if we approach it when we're speaking with the people we hear them out but we we share uh facts but we share it from a position that i'm not just trying to get you on my side i'm just trying to have a conversation i think that that can be my experience that can be helpful i will tell you that my experience just posting on Facebook has not been good for me, you know, trying to post the truth because I get the whole Uncle Tom meme and all that. So I rarely post anything on Instagram or anything like that at all because I found personally it's not helpful. I feel like one-on-one conversation or large group conversations with people is much more um much more helpful and that's that's my personal opinion um did you see that the reporter from africa got kicked out of the uh press room at the white house i did not it's a fucking nuts dude fucking nuts dude
Starting point is 00:20:41 because she's not towing the line because she's not towing the line. Because she's not towing the line with the Biden administration. She's from Africa. She's in the press room. She's obviously black. Sure. It's fucking nuts. We live in this fucking, it's crazy. Hey, it just makes their words vapid, though.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Because they're basically letting us know they're all racist because they're judging everything by skin color. But then the second someone with that said skin color speaks out against what they're saying i mean they were calling larry elder a white man in blackface when he ran for fucking governor that's not new he's they've been calling they've been using that terminology for uh or similar terminology for him for uh the the libertarian economist that passed away uh walter e williams for thomas soul wait wait who's the guy you just mentioned wall street williams who's that i never heard that name walter so walter e williams oh walter e williams a few years ago he's a uh a a well-known economist he comes from the uh what would be considered probably an austrian school of thought when it
Starting point is 00:21:45 comes to economics and uh he he was uh a great economist strong libertarian he was one of those individuals he did not vote he stopped voting years ago because uh oh yeah i recognize him fuck he died yeah he died yeah yeah he didn't believe that most politicians had the Constitution in sight when they would run for office. Right. So he just stopped voting, period. And then I guess you've heard Thomas Sowell. I'm sure you've heard him. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I love him. Yeah, amazing guy. But, yeah, that type of terminology which i i would i mean i don't throw around racism or that term a lot but you could say i mean it's it's a racial or just a demeaning term terminology to use towards people that have a conservative view or a libertarian view or a christian worldview that happen to be black right it's absolutely ridiculous it's and it's sad man i'll tell you i'll be honest man i'm i'm actually i'm a christian i'm a seminary right now and uh you see you're seeing some of it within the liberal factions of christianity to evangel to the evangelical church a little bit, but
Starting point is 00:23:07 also in the woke, the progressive black church, too. Of course. It's really unfortunate to see that type of stuff. But it's unfortunate, and I pray for people, and I converse with them. That's all you can do, man. Do you have kids? That's it. Do you have kids? But I didn't want to hold you too long, man. Do you have kids? That's it. Do you have kids? But I didn't want to hold
Starting point is 00:23:27 you too long, man. I just wanted to say that. Can you hear me? You guys are doing great work. Keep it up. Hey, do you have kids? I have... I actually don't have kids of my own. I have... By marriage, I have two adult children and two adult grandchildren. Two grandsons. Oh, good. You're a good
Starting point is 00:23:43 role model. Hey, thanks for calling in. I appreciate it, man. Yes, sir. Absolutely. Thank you. Bye. Bye. God, I love this show.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So does that make sense, nobody? Do you know that Castro actually told Sporty Beth that you reached out to him? Yeah. I mean, I know. I know like I know I'm a limp right now. Like, I just know. I know. I know. Like, I know. I'm a limp right now. Like, I just know. I'm 100% certain.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I don't know. I'm not. There's no belief. I know. That's why the whole thing is so weird. No one be mean to her. Just be nice to her, though. Imagine your whole video being, like, anxiety and trying to, like, show this inclusion, but then making a video of 14 minutes or 20 minutes long like just
Starting point is 00:24:25 completely hating on you to get people to attack you and then like then try to spin that as to like oh well now now i'm being harassed by commenters it's like she attacked me i didn't know who she is and now she's the victim because my like this chick kate foster keeps saying the comments because i keep bringing it up or dude that video lives out there on the web. I can bring it up whenever I want. Yeah. I never made a video about her. I didn't even know about her prior to that.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I'm following the playground rules. I'm being completely cool. And I know it's the same thing with like Danny Spiegel. I'm not putting her down. I'm not attacking her. It would be awesome if the whole time she's like, hey, guys, no hard feelings. This is my chick. It's the victim.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So I got to produce. Oh, I would love that. I would love that. She'd move so far up. It would be awesome if the whole time she's like, hey, guys, no hard feelings. It's just my shtick. It's the victim, so I got to produce Godhead. Oh, I would love that. I would love that. She'd move so far up. I would love it if she's like, hey, it's just a shtick. Mad Marv, you are not waiting. Either God is in pursuit of you while you are running from him,
Starting point is 00:25:16 and he will get to you whenever he wants, or he's letting you flee and has turned you over to your own desires. Oh, fuck. I think I'm in that camp. I'm pretending like I didn't read that. At the... So, it's weird. I'm looking at the sponsors down below.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Paper Street Coffee, CA Peptides, BirthFit, Swolverine, Toastbacer, and then Vindicate. Vindicate, it's a sponsor in its own way. And none of those people we pursued,
Starting point is 00:25:53 those are all relationships we built through the show. And even the Sleep 8, so we switched from a, there's a a guy what's the name of the company protection protection podcast or where's zach at what's the name of proven grit proven great there is a podcasting hosting service named proven grit and the owner of that contacted us and said hey will you switch your podcast over to our service and we're like now we're good and he's like come on i'll help you get sponsors and shit we're like okay we're here we come and so he helps us get sponsors he helped us get um uh sleep eight uh manscape um eight sleep eight sleep sorry eight sleep sleep eight eight sleep eight sleep they got it backwards i don't disagree disagree, but that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Sleep Eight sounds like more gangster. Sleep Eight. Sleep Eight. Sleep Eight, fool. Now you're going to forever be confused. Totally. Toast. I'm so pissed at how people say Laura Horvath's name. I haven't even opened that box yet. I think the H is silent.
Starting point is 00:27:02 or Horvath's name. I haven't even opened that box yet. I think the H is silent. But add that to the questions. Can you beat me up? Is the H silent? So we have a drunk staff member? I just saw your text. So sleep a, so, so paper street coffee for those of you who don't know he reached out and said hey i want to give you money to um support your show and i said i don't drink your coffee and he said i don't care and now i drink paper street coffee like it's like it's my sustenance and we don't i
Starting point is 00:27:41 don't think we have a contract with them or anything he just sends us money every month and his booth at the games there was no obligation for me to go there i just went there because i and I don't think we have a contract with them or anything. He just sends us money every month. And his booth at the games, there was no obligation for me to go there. I just went there because I felt welcome there. I knew there was coffee there. I felt welcome. I know Gabe's there. I know people who listen to the podcast will be there,
Starting point is 00:27:59 and it was just my way just to go over there and recharge. And then he's got all this Sevan podcast shit all over his booth. There's no contract like, hey, you have to have three signs or Sevan, let's say Sevan podcast, Sevan, you have to come and spend 20 minutes. We don't have any of that. Same with CA Peptides. If you knew how much money fucking Sarah gave us, you guys would shit. Every time she's already like, hey, I blocked off my beach house for you guys when Wadapalooza in SoCal.
Starting point is 00:28:25 We have no, we have no, she's just a listener. She always says, instead of like asking us to do stuff, she's like, hey, don't worry. Just like, I just, I just, I just like supporting you guys. This is fun. You're my friends. Birth fit, same thing. birth fit same thing they're I
Starting point is 00:28:45 they know that I'm so that I believe so strongly in some things about birth I loved all that baby shit fucking I got to hold Mariah's baby I squeezed the shit out of it at the crossFit Games. I'm feeling all, it's like, you know what milk cuffs are?
Starting point is 00:29:09 I was like playing with all its milk cuffs. I love the whole breastfeeding, the vaginal birth, the home birth, the woman just fucking bringing a new life. I love all that. And so they're like, hey, we want to swolverine. They know I'm fully into Colton Mertens. Alex Gazan. We have a crossover.
Starting point is 00:29:32 They know I like swigging powders. Toes basers. Yesterday, yesterday I had a double shot of, dude, I actually took maybe too much swolvering yesterday. While we were moving shit around, my biceps got kind of over-pumped. I'm sore.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Maybe I'm just old. Toe spacers. I like – the one – we had one obligation with them at the games. That was like our only person down there that we had an obligation with. It went completely sideways. What a fucking mess all right um but i love them and and they got a chick over there mary monsour who i like i think i'm like starting to become friends with yes mary's really cool and then of course there's travis over there at vindicate anyway it's i the reason why is because when susan and i were at the games there's these
Starting point is 00:30:26 agents people all over the place and all these people who have agents like i think sporty beth and i could be wrong but i think sporty beth and heber and marsden and craig ritchie and all these dudes all have like the same agent and i just i find it i'm proud of just the route we've taken by the way no no one's ever reached no agent reaches out to us either and I just, I find it, I'm proud of just the route we've taken. By the way, no one's ever reached, no agent reaches out to us either. We'll need to cross these, because it's all popular shit.
Starting point is 00:30:55 There's nothing, so all of our shit, I don't want to say it's 100% authentic, but it's fucking pretty authentic. I mean, don't get me wrong. I like the money. If Toastbacers was like, hey, we want you to wear one on your eyeglasses for a show, I'd probably do it. I mean, don't get me wrong but they're not a caller hi hi how you guys doing just hanging out trying to make 90 90 minute show um the like slide on the
Starting point is 00:31:17 call bed yeah how's that better hi caller hey guys i was at. I was at the games. I happened to meet everybody but you, so if everybody else was running around, I caught everybody briefly. I wish I would have tracked you down, but love the show, guys. You guys do a great job. Thanks, dude. What's your name? My name's James.
Starting point is 00:31:38 James, what's up, dude? Cool. Are you on your way to church? Not much, man. Yeah, not today. I'm a real estate agent so i'm pretty much on 24 7 calls somebody reached out to like hey man i want to see a house so plans get halted and off to see a house i go god i hope you sell it i i do too man
Starting point is 00:31:56 but uh yeah i was just going to comment on uh you had made comment about uh the school video i watched that yesterday hillers oh yeah his video the danny spiegel one yeah yeah god she's got some jaded views and some of that like you know when i see stuff like that she's got such a platform so many followers you know and it's just like gosh i don't i hope people don't take stuff like that in because i i think cross moving moving in a great direction. You know, the games was, the games was fantastic to see Dave back. And it's, you know, there was a lot of programming in there that, uh, I mean, it was good. Traditional CrossFit. Yes. I'm on objects and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And I am one that, uh, you know, my box in town, I live in Rochester, Minnesota. we have a few gyms in town my gym doesn't always drink the crossfit kool-aid if you will uh so you know i i really like to see the programming and just everything about it going back you guys have butt plug thursday at your gym oh of course we do man so we do a little butt plug to uh thursday and friday i guess if you have time too you know sounds about sounds about right hey um do you do you follow me on instagram james i i think i do i don't really use the socials anymore that much honestly my wife just kind of manages my shit for so uh for real estate but uh well I don't know if I got you on Instagram or not.
Starting point is 00:33:27 If I don't, I won't. Well, you're ruining my shtick. But my thing is, if you do follow me on Instagram, I would wonder what people expect me to post versus what people expect Danny Spiegel to post. Butt pics. Right? And so there's a – I think that's a fair question.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Like you expect me – You're a wild card. You post anything right right totally i that's what i think i think i don't think i the continuity within my account is atrocious but she has great continuity yeah yeah i will say that yeah because i i do see some of her some of her stuff. Do you think married men should follow her? Oh, I guess I don't see why not. I mean, it depends on what you use Instagram for. I mean, if you're on there just trying to step out of your normal life and see everybody else, you know, maybe probably not but if you're just a fan of like the sport and stuff like that like Instagram for me is probably just you know, I got some people I know and then it's
Starting point is 00:34:35 Basically just athletes. Honestly. Hmm. I Follow flat-earthers UFO people the White House I follow the White House and UFO people. God, I hate UFO stuff. I go down the YouTube rabbit hole, man. If I see Flat Earth stuff or what's the one with like Atlantis, you see that guy that had all that. I think I heard it on your podcast, dude, that's got all the – he had like a two-hour YouTube on the lost city of Atlantis.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And how it's over in Africa and, you know, get down and all that shit. And what do you expect if you follow Danny Spiegel? What do you expect to see on her post? You know, I would just expect to see a lot of snippets
Starting point is 00:35:22 of, you know, just what she's up to crossfit just you know stuff like that but she's i don't know just i don't mind her uh there's nothing about her that really bothers me it's just like uh i'm indifferent when somebody's got a different stance on something you know i i don't really care that much it is what it is but like especially if they have an insane body especially if they have an amazing body dude we were at granite games uh whenever that was not that wasn't this year wasn't no that was a couple years ago the last granite games and from the stands like i was right across from her coming down the center lane on an event i couldn't believe how big her quads
Starting point is 00:36:05 were man i was looking at and it looked like a cartoon it's like holy shit man like your quads are just huge but like different in person like different for sure like different in person oh way way different in person like you know you look at the pictures it's one thing but then in person it's like wow like that is you know just the sheer proportion of them the whole games is like um going to the zoo have you ever seen a hippopotamus or rhino or a giraffe in person or like an like even no man you haven't not not not uh not like a rhino or uh i know where you're going with this like it's just you know it's even for us californianers when i go to texas and i see an armadillo i cannot fucking believe that's a real animal.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, yeah. I can't even believe it. I'm like, what the fuck am I looking at? Yeah. Or like if you see a giant spider. I mean, it is kind of like that at the CrossFit Games. These people are running around and barely clothed, and you cannot even believe their bodies. So my wife and I, we go to a wedding in arizona this year and uh you know
Starting point is 00:37:07 many years back i moved to arizona i lived there for six months i'm petrified of scorpions and spiders scorpions impressive never seen a scorpion always like i hiked constantly you know you think i would have seen one oh we're at this this bougie uh country club wedding out in scottsdale and uh you know the sun's going down a little bit and we're at this this bar and everything there is you know it's like uh half inside half outside and we're at the bar outside that's how that's how i ended up getting my twins by the way that exact same thing half outside half inside it was fucked up it's it's a dangerous game to play uh but uh yeah we're ordering some drinks all of a sudden i look over and you know i'm a little buzzed up here so it takes my eyes a second to focus and there's this scorpion crawling
Starting point is 00:37:55 up the wall like a foot away from my like a foot away from me and i'm like oh my god a scorpion the bartender i forget the kid's name. It's a younger kid. He doesn't even miss a beat. Within like half a second, he karate kicks the shit out of that scorpion, dude. It was one of the funniest things. I'll never forget that because all of a sudden his foot just flies up and just smashes it against the wall. It was funny, man. Scorpion dead.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah. So Danny Spiegel is, yeah, she's an impressive creature. Well, thank you for calling. Yeah, impressive for sure. It's a shame. It's a shame. Well, we'll talk about the Hillary video. Well, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Hope you sell your house. Yes, sir. Okay. Yep. All right. See you guys. Ciao. Bye.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Adios. What was that call about? Scorpions. Okay. Have you seen this? Yeah, I commented on it did you ask him if the person who chose that filter was immediately fired i asked what the fuck happened to his face jeez what that does not even look like dave castro i know it's weird uh We're going to give him the ethnic filter. We're going to make him look like he's straight from Bogota.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Hey, they turned him into, what's the dude that Tia Toomey bangs? Shane. Yeah. He kind of looks like Shane Orr there. Yeah. Uh-huh. I can see that. Bizarre. yeah uh-huh i can see that bizarre hey dave doesn't have a wrinkle on his face his face is smooth as a baby's butt he's like and he's hairless too one day i saw him with his shirt off he's buff too actually
Starting point is 00:39:41 it's crazy he is he i saw him in a room with his shirt off. I went there one morning to film the behind the scenes. He's all buff and shit. He doesn't look buff, though, dressed, right? He looks in shape. He does look in shape? Yeah. You could tell he definitely works out.
Starting point is 00:39:58 He looks like a runner to me. He's got pecs and shit. You got to get him the tapered sleeves, you know? Yeah. Like the CEO shirt. So he's just popping. I agree. But no wrinkles.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And he's hairless. There's no hair on him. Does Dave have a CEO shirt? He has like the same skin that my boys have. What were you going to say? Does Dave have a CEO shirt? No. I wouldn't waste that on him.
Starting point is 00:40:23 He would never wear it, huh? He's a douche clip it hey hey dude i figured out how to make sub clips just straight out of uh uh um streamer streamer did you did you see all the ones i put up last night that yeah that was you that's awesome i did i see them all posted up there that's cool dude it's crazy um john young is alex gazan the real deal i cold called laura horvat the crossfit games champion i picked up a girl by her bra at the crossfit games did jeffrey adler shove roman krennikoff at the crossfit games excuse me you're a machine i worked on the Will Branstetter
Starting point is 00:41:05 thumbnail bit you think I fucked it up oh did you did you author it I put I called Laura Horvath in there and I put a little podcast logo and I put a little picture of me holding the phone oh no that's great Will probably hates it that you fucked with this shit though
Starting point is 00:41:20 did you see the other thumbnail he made the Laura Horvath versus Se seven who'd win in a fight oh shit that thumbnail's awesome dude he's got the us and the hungarian flag and like it looks like he's got like the ufc take on it you know yeah yeah it's like propaganda shit yeah almost like world war ii you know what's interesting is how like smart will is but also how creative he is usually those two don't don't blend well oh good that's a good point yeah hey this first comment up here is ha ha ha you deserve laura she knows your tone talking about women another imagine not getting the nuance like imagine imagine this i don't even know what
Starting point is 00:42:03 why what is that person saying are they are they saying that my tone towards women i mean my tone towards women besides that person's mom it's pretty chill it's just funny that like if you can't like listen to all this and you don't understand the nuance and you don't understand like lorably and like playful and stuff like this like you are fucked in life like you're just gonna go down staring at your feet and like just the assumptions are are too much there's actually a lot of people that i realize don't get the nuance of things in life you know or or how about this here's one i think this is going to be really arrogant but i don't care awesome when you write something on youtube that's like critical just towards me or towards something i'm doing just just ask yourself
Starting point is 00:42:41 this would the world be more fun and a better place with more of me or more of you? Because I always like people be like, why did you do that? You're a blah, blah, blah asshole. I'm like, dude, fuck the world would be so much better with one less of you and one more of me. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like you just you listen to it or sometimes you see what people comment or like and I'm just like, really? Are you you're like that? It's like that.
Starting point is 00:43:02 OK, good luck. you're like that it's like that okay good luck i'm seeing a lot of these right-wing uh conservative people starting to like act like they're woke too like talking about all this shit that they're offended by like yeah shut up there was this guy johnny root i saw the other day he was like offended by something he started his fucking instagram clip but i'm offended that oh um oh there was a Catholic church saying, God saved our church in the Maui fire. And he's like, I'm offended that they would say that. Like, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:43:30 You can say whatever you want. Nick Steele, first time ever in chat. I usually don't get to listen live. Happy to be here. What's up, Sebi and Susie? You guys rock. Thank you. Thanks, Nick.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Nick Steele. Johan Lopez. Let's be honest honest we need to see the eight sleep ad again yeah we were you don't worry you don't worry thank you it's too long we gotta find a way to like chop that down like a minute we're gonna start charging to watch it did you hear i got an agent and i don't know if i i don't i don't i don't know if i want to poo-poo on agents but here's the thing and then someone's i was actually having this talk with hillary and he goes well wouldn't you say suze is your agent and it's like no it's it's suze and i just do good cop bad cop like i can't do and he can't do all of it so if someone someone if someone's
Starting point is 00:44:27 if someone's if someone's like hey um we want to give money to the show i'm like okay cool can you talk to suza i just don't do that part seve hates asians question mark not that i know i guess the difference between uh you and I and the other agents is they're not going in there and working out for the athletes sometimes. We could trade a lot of the work back and forth and we do, but as an agent, there's no way you're doing that with your
Starting point is 00:44:56 athlete. You're just carrying their bag and shit. As the agent? Yeah. You can't go to work out for them. But I also think they're going out of their way to get sponsors for them. I hope so. they're going out of their way to get sponsors for them. I hope so. That's how they make their money, right? I think.
Starting point is 00:45:10 You know, to be honest, I don't really – I don't know. Oh, agents are the financial advisors of CrossFit. Oh, well, then maybe Suze is my agent because he's definitely my financial advisor. If any athletes want to go over 20 questions for your agent, please shoot me a DM, and I will give you my list of go over 20 questions for your agent please uh shoot me a dm and i will give you my list of 20 questions you should ask your agent oh that's cool serious seriously yeah i bet you a lot of them aren't asking the right questions i saw katie at the games i think i said hi to her i don't think i think that was it that was the extent of our
Starting point is 00:45:41 exchange hi katie hi katie she awesome. You got to hang with her. She's good people. I like her. Yeah. Okay, that's not a real person. Hi. Hi, Jenna. How are you?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Should we donate to you, Jenna? Hey, what's up? What are you doing? You and I get all nervous. We get off at 8.30, go and play tennis with the kids. I got a ball machine. The slinger bag. Maybe you could play.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I want to play with my Avi today. A game to 11 without the six-year-olds interfering. Maybe you could hang out with them. Give you your $4.99 back. Buy you a smoothie after. Alright. Let me know if you want to if you got any sponsors you want me to help you push.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Nice talking to you, Jenna. Long time listener. First time donating. Donate anytime. Good. Do you follow us on Instagram, Jenna? Do you follow me on Instagram, Jenna? Gentlemen, let's fucking go. Secret agent man sues a fitter than his client. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I told you guys the burpee squat story in my room last summer. All right. Savant, I always like how we do it. Did you meet this dude? I didn't meet this dude at Savant. I always like Howie do it. Did you meet this dude? I didn't meet this dude at the games. Howie do it. Savant is the athlete's PR guy. Hey.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Hold on, Howie, before I read this. I'm going to tell you something really fucking crazy. That video that Andrew Hiller made has completely blunted Danielle Spiegel Danielle Spiegel is done if she was like a trajectory shooting like this which I don't know if she was or not but completely blunted
Starting point is 00:47:40 it's done it's like he took that kettlebells cocktail podcast he cut it up to the salient points that she said didn't say anything negative about her but just showed her and it's done like no one like she she's complete it's 400 fucking comments of just not one person coming to her defense i mean like well she's been through a lot. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. So her half million dollars a year she's making in sponsorship, like I don't know if it's going to continue,
Starting point is 00:48:11 but it's not going to continue in the CrossFit space. Well, it'll slowly stop. He has completely blunted that. Like if you – I disagree, Sevan. Fine. We'll see who wins. We'll see who's right. He's completely blunted that. And this is the part that's going to be crazy. And here's the reason why.
Starting point is 00:48:32 There was nothing in that podcast with any depth. So if you say – if you come on my podcast and say I love chickens, I'll be like, well, what's your connection to chickens? chickens i'll be like well what's your connection to chickens and you'll be like well when i buried my dad uh at the cemetery um there were six chickens ran across and and one of them laid an egg on his grave and from then i knew i was connected chickens and i'll be like no shit you'll be like yeah and i'll be like do you know what happened those chickens and be like yeah actually they jumped in the back of my pickup truck on the drive home and i'll be like holy fuck really and be like yeah so now i'm a chicken farmer and and i'll be like wow and and then and there'll be some depth to the story there's no depth in that interview and and that's i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:49:15 there's a bad or good thing it's a bunch of surface stuff like my favorite color is is a color no one even follows it up with, well, what color? Let alone how did green become your color? So when you do that to someone, everything is now open to interpretation from the viewers. And so you go on podcasts like that and you let that happen to you, what happened to her, and then someone like Hiller magnifies it, you're fucked. You're fucked. That does not happen on this podcast, and that's why Howie Do It is saying what he says. You come on here, and I don't care if you're a fucking monster,
Starting point is 00:49:57 you will leave here and people will like you more. I will fucking, I treat every person on here like that there's a little piece of God in them. And I want to show them my little piece, and I want them to show me their little piece. I wasn't an Adler fan until I listened to Sevan's interview yesterday. I hadn't even seen that second sentence, by the way, when I went on that whole tirade. I know you didn't. we don't bet these comments seven is the athletes pr guy i wasn't adler fan so i listened to seven's interview yesterday he's the middleman between the athletes and the fans and by the way how don't anyone think like how he toes the line like this motherfucker will fuck with me yeah he'll pull down my how he
Starting point is 00:50:40 pulls down my pants and laughs at my penis points out at it. But dude, it's like it's like, hey, the worst thing that can happen to you is completely fuck up the interview like I did one time with Danielle or with Haley Adams. And all that people are going to say is, is Sevan fucked up and people are going to like you more. That's the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:59 worst thing that's going to happen. People you're just crazy. And I'm not begging anyone to come. People, you're just crazy. And I'm not begging anyone to come on here. You're just fucking crazy to think that something weird is going to happen to you, that you think avoiding me is somehow going to be better for your brand. Or that I'm going to do something with you that's
Starting point is 00:51:15 immoral or you're condoning something that I do on here. You're just nuts. Can't you be a little more humble and not talk about that? No, I'm just it's my observation. I don't care. Fuck you. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Sorry. I mean, Hiller did a great job of not like he could have got a lot of different ways of that Spiegel video. But I thought I think the way that he presented it was really well done. Yeah, there's no hate in it. I know part of me was like, dude, what the fuck? Why don't you go harder? But then you schooled me on it. You're like, hey, dude, she there was no point in him doing that.
Starting point is 00:51:44 No, he didn't have to all he did basically is just like hold up the mirror and like show people like hey i'm gonna walk you through this path of like how i saw the video and what i think she's doing yeah and um it was really i thought it was really well done hey every time i yeah 400 comments i know it's nuts every how has anyone ever asked i mean i don't has anyone ever asked her about her eyelashes probably not uh miss katie gannon the night so i'll tell you the whole the story from my perspective and i know this is completely biased there was a huge mount mounted campaign to stop me from going to the games. Huge.
Starting point is 00:52:28 At least it felt huge to me, but it was just done by a couple people. And the three people that it seemed like were coming from, whether it was or not, I don't know, were, I don't even know if I should say that, but it was people. I think I said it on another podcast. I don't even know if I should say that.
Starting point is 00:52:43 But it was people. I think I said it on another podcast. And it was people just grabbing things out of context all over the web and pushing it towards HQ. Then the night before the games launched, Kettlebells and Cocktails, I think they went live, with Danny Spiegel. And they did 90 minutes of just CrossFit bashing. At the same time, we went live and we're promoting the fuck out of the games.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And people are making fun of us in the comments that we've sold out or that we're shilled because we were spending 20 minutes talking about the community events. Yeah, and showing the app and how to use it yeah even i think even hiller tried to put his dick in me he did oh okay he slapped it across my face and it's like hey dude how how how how is this and that's the drama and so then then Hiller took that, Katie, Hiller took that video that she did with kettlebells and cocktails and cut that 90 minutes of bashing into just a concise, like, here it is. And it just makes Ms. Spiegel look horrible. Ms. Burns from Sabbath Essentials. Essential Sabbath? Sabbath Essentials. Essential Sabbath?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Sabbath Essentials? I'm going to see if I can type it in and get it right on the first time. S-A-B-B-A-T-H-E-S-S-E-N-T-A-L-S. Sabbath Essentials. Fuck, I fucked it up. How could I mess that up okay I'm just going to go sabbath essentials what if I just type it in the url
Starting point is 00:54:32 nope it's like can't be reached shit I screwed it up sabbath essentials is it essentials is two S's, right? Drop your website in the URL. I mean, in the comments.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Oh, you did? Oh. No, no. Just for laughing faces. Not good promo. As your agent, you should probably just put the URL in there. Yeah. So we can copy. You're willing to hear the point of view even if you disagree.
Starting point is 00:55:05 You make everyone look good. I try. Oh, we had the shit went sideways with the OPT ones too. That wasn't on you though. I know, but... He... Seven, when the athletes start sending you 15% of their income,
Starting point is 00:55:22 will you hire someone to professionally hide that cord? So, dude, listen. I bought a shitload of these to put behind here because we reorganized the whole office. You guys are going to love it when you see the whole thing now because we're going to get some other cameras and a big TV in here coming. But they're different. They don't fit.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I bought a cheaper version of this, and they don't work. So I have to buy some new ones. But I'm going to put some shit down there. I don't fit. I bought a cheaper version of this, and they don't work. So I have to buy some new ones. But I'm going to put some shit down there. I don't know. I think we just leave the cord. And I told Suze, just name it. Should we name it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I told Suze that he should consider repping athletes. He's like, yeah, right. With all my free time. That's not for me. I'll do all your ad reads i don't even know what this is but david it's been a minus and hi david how are you just like your little hog that feels huge for you you're fine i don't even know what the reference is but good i'm glad you're able to squeeze in some time for me that burpee dude five dollars Everyone has to remember Spiegel wasn't made by CrossFit. She was made by Seve's favorite,
Starting point is 00:56:28 the Rock and Titans game. Oh, really? You think that's what catapulted her? Oh, that's a really good point. I bet you that's true. Like she already probably had a pretty decent size following and I bet that pushed her over the mill.
Starting point is 00:56:44 There was somebody who followed me who had over a million followers. But then when I was like looking through their stuff and clicked it, there was like no comments or like two comments and like five comments and six. It was really odd. Makes me think that. Yeah. Makes me think that because like,
Starting point is 00:56:59 even if you have a million followers, just like statistically speaking, if like a very small percentage engaged with your account you would still have like over 200 comments and everything right yeah I would think you would think so the interview was so bad I'm surprised Invictus would still work with Spiegel
Starting point is 00:57:15 I have to finally give props to Hiller for that video I don't know really they should still what are you going to be like oh my god you did an interview that was so bad we're not going to work with you. I don't know. You got props from Daniel. That's good. He's a hard guy to win over. You think it's bad if I this is this is how this is how far I have to look now. If I'm going to be like have guests in the house, this is how far I have to look.
Starting point is 00:57:42 To what? What are you looking at? Just to pull up my show notes. Like if I wanted to be over here and be like... No, you're going to have a whole different camera angle when you have a guest there. And throw those show notes on the other monitor. What? No, like I have this monitor in front of me and then I have this giant one over here
Starting point is 00:58:00 for my text messages that's kind of like giving me a sunburn. Well, swap them. Throw your text on the other one and throw your show notes on the big one oh just like this yeah okay all right i mean whatever like like that's where i'm gonna look that's where i'm gonna look like that like just how you looked right there right there yeah yeah that's too much of a head turn you're gonna get like that's too much okay that's too much of a head turn. You're going to get a cramp in your neck. Okay, that's too much? That's much better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yeah. There's definitely the new camera angle, so you can tell it's different, but I can't wait to get the other cameras in there so people can really see what it looks like. Oh, Tyson Bajan. I got him in my notes. Did you guys see that? Let me see if I have that clip
Starting point is 00:58:45 do you have it I don't know you have it on your phone oh it's in our text thread so now I gotta look over here I come over here what if we put one of those monitors on an arm that could roll out, and then when you have a guest, you could push it back into the wall or something?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh. I could put that monitor on an arm and just swing it over there. Yeah, and then that way it's... You could push it out of the way when we have an in-studio guest. In-studio guest. I don't even like the name of this thread, just so you know. I don't like the picture and I don't like the name. Who did that?
Starting point is 00:59:34 They're so juvenile. I bet you that was Tyler Watkins or Will. It has to be, right? I don't... Really? You think it was one of them? I don't. I feel like maybe Taylor taylor oh he's pretty juvenile god sahar kai is cute did you see the picture people posted of her she looks like that famous actress no what are you looking at i'm going through our thread looking for the ESPN holy crap I can't even find the
Starting point is 01:00:06 I can't find the Tyson Bajent he threw a pass for 26 yards oh shit it was fucking Andrew who named the thread how we do it I have a disc golf shaped hole in my heart that can only be filled by Brian Friend.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I'll invite Brian on. He likes that hole filled by Brian. Sevan, do you think you jinxed Dalton or Rasta? I don't know. And Steve Mowry lost too. Tall Steve lost. They both lost. Fuck, broke my heart.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I got to reach out to Steve. lost fuck broke my heart i gotta reach out to steve can you pan out so we can see the whole scene no no all right let's let's start the show we have um yes it's gonna go in a half hour too uh number three uh lebron james uh built a school oh never mind let's get more money i can't listen live on family vacation. Did you enjoy my picture of you and Laura Seve? I tagged her also and she's seen it. But zero response. What do you mean she's seen it? How do you know she's seen it?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Because it says seen. Like in the DM. Oh. Oh, really? It was found in the DM. Hey, so there's this asshole who keeps sending me DMs, but I can't stop opening them, so he can tell every time I open them? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Oh, well, that sucks. Julie Jones, will your behind-the-scenes be out soon? How will we be able to see it? So here's what I'm thinking. This is what I'd like to do. I'd like to release 30 episodes and make every other one free so that I could pay all the people and then every other one charge for them so that I could be 50 cents a piece, something like that.
Starting point is 01:01:59 And then if I charge 49 cents a piece and there's 15 of them and they each get 50,000 people by them, that's $750,000 at $0.50 a pop. That's $350,000 after taxes. That's $274,000, and then I can pay all the people who helped me. And we could do it again. Yeah, and we could do it again. Most importantly, we could do it again yeah and we could do it again most importantly we could do it again and i could and i could i don't know get new tires for my minivan this is but i don't know but julie could just end up it could just all end up being on uh i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 01:02:37 i'm coming up with all these trying to figure out how i can get rich and you guys see it for free hey we're still gonna do the director's cut thing yeah maybe yeah maybe we'll do that too like after i don't know how we're gonna do it but i know mariah and patrick rios have started cranking away on it but i'd like to i'd like to you're not somehow you're not supposed to make money on it but but somehow I've got to figure out a way to make money on it. I'll call her. Hi. Especially since they... Hi. Hi. I was just going to ask real quick.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Zach Tellender, did he talk more, give more context for the video about Greg? Like, is there still some like a riff there? Kind of apologize for that. I know he took the video down. I was just curious. Since he was at the games that go for it. I think he took the video down cause he was afraid he was going to get sued
Starting point is 01:03:31 into oblivion. I chat if I remember correctly. Okay. And I think sporty Beth took my video down because she met me. She saw me at the games and she could see the angelic aura around me and she knew she had mischaracterized me while high on volume okay well i'm glad you took the video down i didn't know that one i made that up it's just a fantasy land everyone has their own delusions dude it sucks that there's a video out there about me that says that that hurts it hurts
Starting point is 01:04:03 there's a little bit stings stings like like like my toe spacers they're starting to sting after i wear them for 13 hours yeah in a good way yeah it kind of sucks i i don't know uh what's your name what's your name um what is it ken case case and k-A-S-E-N. Oh, were you in my birthday video? No, no, I don't think so. No, I know I was not. Can I ask what you do for a living? Like what business you're in?
Starting point is 01:04:42 Yeah, digital advertising, paid media for a marketing agency and and do you belong to any like paid media groups like like like um you know like tinders for gay dudes and tumblers for losers who can't meet or or that other what is it no grinders for gay dudes and tinders for losers who can't meet people in person do you belong to any like uh online media not really no i guess the seven well no i'm not in the instagram chat um there's i don't know not really um i was just gonna say like just imagine being part of a group do you go to church yeah yeah i'm actually in the parking lot right now i gotta go inside so just imagine imagine you walk inside and that there's a picture of you that someone doctored of you like masturbating in front of a preschool and you're like what the fuck that's what it's like
Starting point is 01:05:35 what she did you know what i mean it's like dude what are you doing yeah yeah what are you what are you like why why i don't even know who you are what are are you doing? I mean, that's like, that's, I guess. Yeah. Is there nothing you can do about it? Like defection or something? Cause that, I mean, that is legitimate. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I'm milking it is for content for my show. Point. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of use it. Yeah. So, yeah, it sucks. I, I, I feel for you.
Starting point is 01:06:09 It's a horrible video sometimes yeah sometimes when i think of the video when i'm playing um uh tennis with my kids i hit the ball extra hard at the kids don't tell anyone that no that's good it trickles down into my family life but it was really it was really weird when i was sleeping with my wife a few nights ago and i yelled out sporty best name that was fucking oh that was fucked up dude it was so fucked up my wife's old yeah it's just i'm just preoccupied with it at all times yeah did you get to talk to sporty best or no that sucks too i i know that if we would have seen each other in person too it would have been like although i don't know conversation you guys like you have to know that certain animals have certain behaviors right like you don't stand behind horses that fucking kick you you don't fucking you don't pet a rattlesnake on the fucking head yeah so what kind of horses carriage horses do that
Starting point is 01:07:07 uh no carriage horses not i don't think there's a ton of them where i live in charleston's um maybe it's just their tame i don't know but i'm scared of horses in general well so sporty beth has some behaviors that i think are like a part and parcel with her dna so even like like if i waved to her like it could come back like i gave her the middle finger or some shit you know what i mean so i gotta be careful what you gotta be be on my a game yeah well i think how you're handling it's like pretty reasonable. I mean, you're just showing her love and, uh, you know, thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Well, she's doing so, uh, yeah, I was hoping you guys would call each other wankers, but the wanker shit, I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I've started calling my friends that. It's great. Ding dongs and wankers. It's a fun word. Yeah, it's a fun word. I don't know what it means though. So I may need to Google that and like,
Starting point is 01:08:04 or maybe not, but yeah. It's a gentle term for, it's somewhere in between, know what it means though so i may need to google that and like or maybe not but it's a gentle term for it's somewhere in between um a penis and cock oh okay well anchor yeah good word all right all right i got into church but yeah okay hey if you um if you uh throw in a good word for me in there, would you? De Jesus Cristo. Oh, yeah, man. For sure. Thank you. Hey, me too. Cool.
Starting point is 01:08:29 You too, Susan. I got you. Damn, that's what I should have said. Yeah, thank you. Darn it. I'll pray for y'all. For sure. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Thank you. You're a good dude. Thank you. Wow, good. Yes. Please pray for Sporty Beth. Bye. Adios.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Wow, pray for Sporty Beth too. That's good. Look at that. Do you hear that clicking? That's the phone now. That's the ring or that's like just feedback just feedback so now i have to disconnect it and reconnect it our phone sucks i'm not even fucked up on your end but yet we could forward it from that phone to my roadcaster through my phone and it's fine no picture eaten beaver missed last few shows but the call to laura was money the opening
Starting point is 01:09:06 question should have been so do i really shake hands like a girl i know there's so many hey dude i watched it back and it's i was horrible really i thought i didn't think so it's fine plus you had no idea that she was gonna answer when you called i could tell i was really insecure about how it went down and when you called and said no it I was really insecure about how it went down. And when you called and said, no, it was perfect, and don't call her every week, that made me feel better. That's because I'm your agent. That's what I do.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Carry your bag around. Yeah, yeah, make sure I don't do dumb shit. Yeah, so Danny's agent should have saved her from going on the brand diminishing podcast. It's true hey if someone invited me on a podcast what would I do the first thing I do you'd be like well I would come talk to you about it yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:09:59 Sebi Kaysen is the dude who hooked me up in the dad's group oh who you hooked me up with in the dad's group oh that's cool some girl I don't want to say who told me that they're like holy shit Jeremy's beautiful
Starting point is 01:10:16 they told me yesterday Jeremy is beautiful I saw somebody in the comments in one of the shows and they were like I met Sousa. He didn't shake my hand. That, that sucked germaphobe. No, I, I, I literally tried to get everybody's name shake their hand and thank them for
Starting point is 01:10:35 like the support and listening and like coming up and sit, like taking out the time to say hi. So it's like that at some point in there, if that actually happened to that person that like bumps me out, because like, that's the last thing I would ever do is like, right. Right. Not say anything to somebody or like not shake their hand or not take a
Starting point is 01:10:50 moment to say hi. So if that happened to the person, I don't even know who it was. Speak your mind. Now let us have the inquisition on Suze's rudeness representing the seven on podcast. I hope you weren't wearing a seven on podcast shirt when you were being a dick.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I was, I was. Oh, fuck. Hey, whenever I see Julie Jones' profile pic, I think she's, like, hiding behind that. Do you know what I mean? Like, she just popped up from behind that YouTube emblem, even though, I mean, that's just, like, the standard and all the... Yeah, like, she's like, hi.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Julie Jones, did you get to talk to Katrin at the games? I remember that you said you were nervous to see her at the games. You know how I choose people? I just realized. I can see her picture so big of her head and her eye that it just catches my attention. So then I just pick it. I don't read these first usually, people. It's a weird game.
Starting point is 01:11:44 I can vouch for that. I've said both of them. You should read those first. That's why the Eaton Beaver one is so good too because look at it. It's just your face, huge. I did see Catrin at the games. I was very nervous, but not nervous like I was around Laura.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I was nervous that I wanted it to go well, and it did go well, and I got some great behind the scenes footage with her and the two people that I probably shifted my not shifted my perspective I didn't have ever a bad
Starting point is 01:12:15 I didn't go there with a bad perspective on these people but the two people that I really felt something unique with were her and Brentnt fikowski i really like uh being in brent's presence and and nothing's changed about changed about katherine she's a bona fide superstar not all the athletes are like that they haven't cultivated that um katherine is just a presence just in her own she's just a presence, just in her own.
Starting point is 01:12:47 She's just a presence. I'm trying to think if there's anyone else like that. I'm trying to think if there's any boys like that. Ricky Garrard's kind of like that. He wasn't there. Vellner's getting there. You would have liked meeting Ricky. I would have liked meeting him?
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah. He's cool as shit? Mm-hmm. Wait, Daniel, really? I don't know. Azusa didn't shake my hand at Zelos last year either. Wow. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Oh, my God. shake my hand at zealous last year either wow oh my god careful now you're gonna get a hug from behind daniel over compensation wad zombie your sponsorship ethic has had a ripple effect with this community the fit war sponsorship happened the same way yours do, the Sevon effect. The Fit Wars. Oh, yeah, it's cool, right? I mean, I'm not against getting money and getting rich. I'm just saying that I also, there's a funness to the authenticity of the relationships. I mean, even the CA peptides, there's no fucking way I was going to take hormones. No fucking way.
Starting point is 01:14:06 And then all of a sudden they take, they do peptides and I take peptides and she was there for, she hung out. Like she's like, it's okay. Uh, seven on is, is it time for a Beijing colorway of the CEO shirt?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Navy and orange. Hell yeah. Oh, great idea. Hell yeah. Oh, and Travis, I promise that I will definitely get your mug today. Man.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Promise. I wasn't nervous or scared or intimidated. I just wanted it to go. So, it would be so lame if I fucked up anyone's performance there at the games because of me being there as a journalist. And there was a little bit of a scene around me not like a big scene but like there it was it was a scene and i could feel it like if i was in the media pit people from the crowd were screaming my name and shit like that i don't just it was just a scene and i didn't want any i didn't want to if katrin didn't want to talk to me or she didn't
Starting point is 01:15:24 want me in her purview or fukowski didn't or if someone there didn't want me, I would be – like I could completely – there was no – I didn't want Sevan to be there. I just wanted them to do their thing. And she basically – I think it was sincere. People like her and Fikowski just made it like, hey, dude, it doesn't matter whether you're here or not. Like I'm cool with you. It's good. Like we all have a job to do this weekend. Let's roll. And, like, even with the Laura thing,
Starting point is 01:15:51 like, although it was weird, and I was probably interfering with her, I think for her it was like, for some athletes, I'm just, I'm a fun distraction. Like, I was a fun distraction for Josh Bridges or Rich Froning, or, like, I think I got to hang out with Darren Hunsucker or Ariel Lohan. I think I'm just a fun distraction for them the person I was there's the person I was most the only people I'm telling you the only people that was the shit was weird weird like it wasn't
Starting point is 01:16:18 weird with Chandler and I but we did not interact at all zero and other than that it was just Tia and Shane I went up and said hi to shane um i just got this vibe from him it's not probably not fair to characterize it more than it was just like i said hey congratulations on the kid and there was nothing and then a few times i was like literally i was filming with kotler and gazan and tia came up and just couldn't even like acknowledge like say hi or nothing and so i don't know if there was something there or not but other than that smooth sailing uh you were common collective from what i saw except patrick clark hi except for when i told you to get that ent at tia stuff
Starting point is 01:16:59 i don't i i i think mariah got that i think think you're talking about Emma was crying and it was before one of the events and she was up against the wall. And yeah, and I wasn't going to go over there because I hadn't been given the go-ahead by Tia to film her. And by go-ahead, there's an unspoken... Invite? Openness? Yeah, yeah, yeah. invite openness welcome yeah yeah um
Starting point is 01:17:32 um sebi did you filter restrain yourself during the behind the scenes interviews no it wouldn't be any good if you did that come on no i was just me I wouldn't be any good if you did that. Come on. No. I was just me. Katie Gannon, Shane being protective, new dad life. That's cool. Yeah, and it could be that too.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Like, hey, get away, dickhead. Totally. I agree with you, Katie. And that's legit. Okay, back to the show. No one at enough CrossFit time. Oh, yeah, it's like this. Oh, thank you. God, Howie's the shit. It's like when a vampire can't enter your house unless invited.
Starting point is 01:18:22 What a weird thing, right? It's so weird. We all watch the vampire movies and we accept that premise don't invite him in don't do it he's gonna uh lebron james uh i promise school in akron ohio is facing major backlash from akron public school board members after it was reported that the school hasn't had one student from its eighth grade class pass a state math test in over three years i don't even understand how that could be. Math is racist. There's only one right answer in math, and it's the racist answer. Sevan, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'm talking about I live on the west coast of the United States, and on the west coast, math is racist. We all know that. Mm-hmm. When there's only one right answer, it's racist. And once again, they're being racist again, and they're going after fucking LeBron James because of this patriarchal – is that a word? Mm-hmm. Study of math where they insist on that it's the man's decision on what the answer is, and it's just bullshit.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Who wrote this article? This right-wing bullshit. Racist bullshit. Gateway Pundit? Gateway Pundit. Not one 8th grade student at LeBron James Akron School has passed a state math test in three years. Well, I'm going to change that. Every 8th grade student at LeBron James Akron School has passed the LeBron James math test.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Nailed it. When you play basketball at the LeBron James School, you get to decide how many points each one of your baskets is worth. It's your truth. You just call it out before you throw it up. It's your truth you just call it out before you throw it up it's your truth horrible human being really bad really uh um hey it's the uh it's the you guys are gonna hate this example you guys want the buddhist example or the Hitler example? Buddhist. Okay, fine. The Buddhist example, the guy who picks up the snail to save it from getting stepped on on the sidewalk
Starting point is 01:20:31 and ends up putting it back in the bushes where the gardener had just put snail bait. That's LeBron James. Over and over and over, thinking he knows what good is and just fucking shit up. Douche nozzle. Was math invented or discovered? Fuck, dude. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Fuck. And if it was discovered, how'd it come into existence? You know, there's this Taoist saying, there's one, and then as soon as you have two, there's many. You have three. As soon as you have two, there's three.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Geometry kind of has something like that too, right? There's the point, and then you have two points, and then now you have a plane because then if if like if math was discovered where did it where did it come from and then was time invented or discovered the whole notion of of yeah that's another thing. Time is a weird one too, right? Because it can't be observed. It's fucking weird. You have to take points that are outside of the...
Starting point is 01:21:54 Oh, I'm not doing this. Let's go back to... I'm not there. I'm not there today. So I'm going to get beat up in the comments. I'm going to say something. I mean, Judy, there you go. I accidentally thanked Judy at the end of the show yesterday.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I think like all the people who are closest to me and then Judy. It was an accident, Judy. I didn't mean it. Thank you, Judy. I just start thanking Judy at the end of every show. Hey, you know what really sucks? Nothing about Judy. Nothing about Judy, but I only have like 10 more minutes.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I have to go to the gym. Me too. I want to go too. I wish you did live closer. You come to the gym. No, not to the gym. Okay, let's get through some of these. My list is clean now.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Oh, shit. My list is over here. Okay, so we did LeBron, the LeBron James School. That's just false reporting. Everything's fine over there. You don't need math. Number two, girlfriend gets knocked out. Oh, can we show this?
Starting point is 01:22:55 I don't know. Is it going to get us? Yeah, I'm like, I'm wondering if it's going to get us in trouble. Oh. You know what I mean? Because remember that one from like way back in the day that was nothing and it got us dinged oh shoot it might be an overprotective okay no no no i'll tell you the story it's two boys and they're squaring up to fight and the girlfriend interferes trying to
Starting point is 01:23:20 help her boyfriend and instead she grabs her boyfriend and her boyfriend gets knocked out cold yeah if you're ever in that situation and i've already told this to grace before because there's trying to help her boyfriend. And instead she grabs her boyfriend and her boyfriend gets knocked out cold. Yeah. If you're ever in that situation, and I've already told this to grace before, because there's been nothing like that, but just other situations. I'm like, just, just remove yourself from it.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Like just create some distance and, and keep me in eyesight. Like do not yell. Do not try to interfere. Do not grab me. Do not grab the other person. Just get the fuck out of the way. Good advice. Get a bat not grab the other person. Just get the fuck out of the way. Good advice.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Get a bat and hit the bad guy. When was the last time someone trained in an affiliate? Isn't your garage an affiliate? Technically every day. I can't remember. I've been to an affiliate like I watched my wife train there
Starting point is 01:24:07 I don't know during she did Murph I went and watched her at CrossFit Aptos do Murph been to some Halloween parties hey would you come to my 10 year
Starting point is 01:24:17 affiliate party totally okay cool can I work out there so I can be like yeah I worked out yesterday at an affiliate
Starting point is 01:24:24 yeah when is that when is your 10 year November oh yeah Totally. Okay, cool. Can I work out there so I can be like, yeah, I worked out yesterday at an affiliate? Yeah. When is that? When is your tenure? November. Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah. Can I bring my camera and get some content?
Starting point is 01:24:33 Yeah, of course. I'm not in focus, though, unless I'm back here. Hi. Get with the programming, digging the new camera setup. Thank you. How was that show last week that we did with me chase and john young and um ariel lowen colton mertens and gazan fuck dude it was awesome i know half the show is me just blowing myself but fuck that that show is fucking off the hook. That was the best CrossFit show I've ever seen. Clock Rich Froning, 287th place out of 1,787 at the Leadville.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Two hours and 49 minutes off the winning time, beaten by lots of male and female Masters athletes. Still, that's not bad for a total rookie meathead. Hey, Clock, didn't he have to start in the back or something too? And hey, aren't there like only four people who started from his position that ever finished the race? Isn't there some other shit you should be saying? Come on, Clock.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Come on, blow him up. He's our boy. Julia Jones. Straight on. Oh yeah, you get picked all the time now fuck you cracked the code that's awesome great updated pic you cracked the code that's that's it that's how you do it judy reese said don't leave your camera attended there seven please stop saying those comments guys seriously okay not Don't do that. Forget it ever happened. Don't make it so for Suze is afraid to share shit.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Uncle Buck touched on when he was 12. He told it on one show. No reason to bring it up every show. Everybody does this when they see me. Call her high. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:25 And I'm tired of you guys talking about the time I shit in the van too. I don't want to fucking ever hear about that either, you assholes. Okay, go ahead. I'm sorry. Now that Dave's back and you busted out those posters, any chance you can reissue those? Those would sound like hotcakes. Sure.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I could call Greg and be like, hey, can you put those posters up on the Broken Science website to sell them? You want to do that? Oh, man, that would be awesome. Yeah, I could ask Greg. I'm going to call Greg right now. Have I ever cold called Greg? Well, don't cold call Dave anymore. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It's not get crazy. I'm going to cold call Greg right now. Let me see. That's crazy. Let's try. I'm uncomfortable. Okay. No, it's fine. I can call him. He'll probably just say, Greg's the kind of dude just says,
Starting point is 01:27:24 we'll just say yes. That's why he has, that's why he needs security because he'll just just say greg's the kind of dude just says we'll just say yes that's why he has that's why he needs security because he'll just say yes greg will you come to my 15 year anniversary for my gym yeah sure it's on mars no problem i'm in what time is it over there in id? That's where he's at. I think they're an hour ahead, right? 9.30? I wonder if he's got to remember that poster.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I could call Emily. Greg's my friend. Why am I scared to call Emily. Greg's my friend. Why am I scared to call him? It's my podcast. Why would I be scared? Is this weird? Because I, I made it scary.
Starting point is 01:28:12 I say, don't do it a bunch of times. It's just weird. Cold calling people on from the podcast. It's kind of, it's a, there's a little bit of a douche move in it. Well,
Starting point is 01:28:20 it's just like all of a sudden they're on air, you know? Yeah. And there's no like in between. Yeah. Like for all I know, he's taking a shit and he answered the phone right hey sebi what's up and he's like in the middle something crazy i mean how crazy could it be it's just the morning there i'm gonna call laura no we use that bullet okay hey here's the deal here's the deal uh is this gabe or jethro it's jethro oh jethro hi i'm gonna i'm gonna ask
Starting point is 01:28:55 him i'm gonna ask him i'll ask him i'd love to put those up in my gym yeah they're dope right i have one thousand dollars suzy you're so lucky to put those up in your gym. Yeah, they're dope, right? I have one for $10,000. Susie, you're so lucky to put those up in your gym, man. Oh, I know. Especially that pukey one. Damn. He paid the price, dude. Are your knees sore? Dude, our knees are so sore. I thought you were going somewhere else with that.
Starting point is 01:29:20 We were on our knees for hours yesterday in my office. Yeah. No, I'm okay. All right. That was No, I'm okay. All right. That was definitely a lot of work. Yeah. Rewarding work, though. Like when we did all that and then you walk into the – I bet you when you opened the door today, it was like –
Starting point is 01:29:34 Yeah, it felt very good coming in here. Yeah. Except it's still off-gassing, and I think I kind of have a little bit of a headache from the off-gassing of the carpets. I wouldn't be surprised. Do you still have the weed? Is the weed still there?
Starting point is 01:29:47 Did it make it or did it get tossed? I don't see it. It's here. It's somewhere. I don't think we – Susan tossed it. There it is. I don't think we –
Starting point is 01:29:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Can you just go like this it would just turn to dust right now or what yeah can you see it oh that's incredible yeah yeah throw a little piece of lettuce in there i'll come back to life my kids hey what's crazy is my kids come in here and they know it's in here. They're like, there's your bag of weed. I'm like, it's not my bag of weed. It's a bag of weed. That weed caught fire and accidentally went into my lungs.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Yeah, yeah. All right. Well, thank you. Yeah, okay. I'll talk to Greg about it. Awesome. Later, dudes. Okay, bye. Later later Jethro I remember when
Starting point is 01:30:48 moments like that used to make me nervous on the show now it's just like whatever I already talked about this right I'm gonna cross this off the lack of females on the show I told you about how basically my whole fucking team more than half the team at the games was women but I don't pick them because they're women.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I'm not like, oh, I need women. I need brown women. How about this? This story right here. Did you see this story? It's on Andrew Hiller's it's not numbered. It just says Ty Tran.
Starting point is 01:31:25 How is it that the guy who was caught in the bathroom, there was a guy in the bathroom, in the girls' bathroom at the CrossFit Games taking video? Did you see? Listen. Play that. This is crazy. And is accused of recording videos in a bathroom during the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Girls or boys? He is working. The videos in a bathroom during the crossfit games girls or boys he's working the games got a complaint sunday they arrested 44 year old ty fran of tennessee okay pause and phone ty tran so he's a ty guy which are known to be transgender right that's where all the trannies are and his last name is tran ty tran is? It's a joke. It's a joke. They've been duped. There's no way that's real. First off, they're ladyboys, okay? Sorry. The audio is really low on my side.
Starting point is 01:32:16 How about now? How about now? I'm full blast. All the way up. Hey, dude dude there's no way if you would have um um if you would like at the crossfit games if someone thought you were doing that you get your fucking ass beat there's no shortage of dudes out in there at the games who will toss you up odds of there being a fight there slim none, but if you were doing something crazy, you'd get fucking tossed up there.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Okay, anyway. Okay, cool. All right. I just thought it was weird, the guy's name. Yes. Interesting. Number nine, University of Pennsylvania. 18 times per week, girls had to change in front of Leah Thomas.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Who's your dad? How come your dad didn't go down to the school and do something? They're afraid of being canceled. Watch this. This is crazy. I don't understand who your dad is. What you do not know is the experiences of the women on the university of pennsylvania swim team my teammates and i were forced to undress in the presence of leah a six foot four tall biological
Starting point is 01:33:32 male fully intact with male genitalia 18 times per week some girls opted to change in bathroom stalls and others used the family bathroom to avoid this when we tried to voice our concerns Hey, this is some clockwork orange shit. of a male. To sum up the university's response, we, the women, were the problem, not the victims. Hey, this is some clockwork orange shit. This is like some crazy psyop shit. Yeah. Put women in a bathroom, throw a dude in there. When you complain, they say
Starting point is 01:34:18 it's your fault and you need help. Holy shit. Yet, where the fuck were their dads? Oh my holy shit yet where the fuck were their dads oh my god you should be if you're that chick's dad right there you should be fucking embarrassed you should have gone to the fucking school and fucking said something to that dude and to the principal and to whatever the fuck the dean
Starting point is 01:34:42 whatever those fucking idiots are called Sean Sullivan I believe this dude too And to the principal and to whatever the fuck the dean, whatever those fucking idiots are called. Sean Sullivan, I believe this dude too. I would have been in that locker room slapping the shit out of Leah Thomas. It's crazy, dude. Dads are brothers, yeah, yeah. Like, do you not have a brother who will go over there and do something?
Starting point is 01:35:14 My goodness. It doesn't even make sense. At that point, I don't even hold it against Leah Thomas. It's like, hey, dude, we already know that dude's fucked up. At that point, it's not even his fault. I hold none of that on him. So what? We already know he's fucking an imbecile or mentally ill or something's fucking gone sideways.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Hate the game, don't hate the player. Hate the game, hate the game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enforcers, go straight to the top. I got a lot of pushback on this. posted this people didn't like this uh number six what what if what if you had to drug what if you had to take a drug test to get your welfare check well i don't want the drug tests are too expensive shut up don't worry about any of that stuff yet it wouldn't be that expensive because everybody would be dumped off welfare right away. Shouldn't you have to pass a urine test to collect a welfare check since I have to pass one to earn it for you?
Starting point is 01:36:10 Damn. Crazy. Crazy. And look at – there's this thing. There's this idea that I proposed, I don't know, a couple years ago when I first had kids, and it's called the ultimate hostage situation. And the hostage situation is this. No one ever tells you about this when you have kids. But what ends up happening with your kids, and it's nonstop every single day when you're around them, there's a potential for them to start crying or throw a temper tantrum or to do something.
Starting point is 01:36:50 And so you're always in a hostage negotiation. Are you willing to stay the course and stay the line and be a good parent? Or do you want to bend and let them do stuff because you don't want to deal with the repercussions? So it's like, hey, wash your hands before you eat dinner. And you know when you say that your kid's going to throw a temper tantrum. Do you always stay the course or do you bend? And you know when you say that your kid's going to throw a temper tantrum. Do you always stay the course or do you bend? Are you going to be held hostage by them always threatening to throw a temper tantrum?
Starting point is 01:37:15 And that's what the comment – that's the – and you should never play the hostage game with your kids. You should always fucking stay the line if you want good kids. That's all the comments and they're like, you can't do that to people. They'll riot. Oh, the drug addicts will riot if you stop giving them welfare checks? No. Oh, they're holding us hostage? We have to work harder so we can get them more clean needles and more money.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Shut the fuck up. Okay. You have to go? Yeah. I got a jam. Awesome. I want to see if there's anything else on here I have to do. No, I don't. Hey, tomorrow we have Mike Sudanic on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:54 He's eight years old. Awesome. He's a coach. I think his name on Instagram is the Wadfather. Hold on. Wadfather? Yeah. Wadfather. CrossFit level 2 trainer.
Starting point is 01:38:18 He was on the original CrossFit podcast. Probably when he was 70. Now he's 80. He might be the oldest level 2 CrossFit trainer on the planet. How dare you, Savon? He's not a woman. How dare you? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:38:38 He's eight. No, 80. Sorry. He's not eight. All right. I got to run. Okay, bye. Adios. Bye, everybody. Okay, bye. Have a great Sunday. Okay, see you.. He's not 80. All right, I got to run. Okay, bye. Adios.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Bye, everybody. Okay, bye. Have a great Sunday. Okay, see you. Stay blessed up. Okay. We'll ask him. Can he show us a good overhead squat?
Starting point is 01:38:56 Let's ask him. Taking off. I'll take off my toe spacers. Hold on, let me see. I think I just got a good text that I might be able to share with you guys. Let me see what this is. Oh. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Wow. Wow. I can't tell what's going on, but this thread has some funny shit. All right. So in November, I'm going to work out an affiliate. How's that? CrossFit Livermore Tomorrow 7am Mike Sedonic Want to know what the rest of the shows are for the week
Starting point is 01:40:13 Then Tuesday is Greg Glassman Oh and the evening is Ricky Garrard That's going to be fun And then Oh we got a journalist from the Rolling Stone, the guy who wrote the article on Dale King.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Paul Solitoroff, Rolling Stone Magazine. Oh, that'll be cool. And then on Thursday, we have Jason Kalipa. And we can ask him about what it was like commentating on ESPN. Then on Friday morning, we have nothing,
Starting point is 01:40:54 and then Friday night, we're going to have the CrossFit Games Update show, the biggest and best show in the CrossFit space. And I am going to, I think the people I'm trying to get on are Amanda Barnhart, Daniel Brandon, and I need to have a boy on, and I was thinking about Adam Klink, right? Doesn't that sound like three good guests? And then I need to invite John Young and Chase or someone like that to be on with me. Someone who knows what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Seve, did all the behind-the-scenes access, buttery, richie, et cetera, happen because of your proposal today? No, it did not happen like that. No, uh, no, I didn't. Uh, it's a chicken or the egg thing. I probably shouldn't talk about how it happened, but, um, it was a collision of requests. I will say that. I will say that those guys already had in their requests to get access.
Starting point is 01:41:50 And I had also, I think they had gone to, I had sent a proposal to Dave directly, and I think those guys probably, no, actually they didn't either. They went through their channels also. I think maybe they used their agent. I don't know. But on all the calls building up to it, there were a bunch of calls building up to it
Starting point is 01:42:13 where we had to sit down and make sure there were rules. Like, hey, I don't know what they are. But there were some guidelines. Maybe rules is too strong. And Heber was in all those meetings. And Craig Ritchie sent his agent. And then there were like three or four people. And Mars wasn't there.
Starting point is 01:42:36 And then it was me and like four or five people from CrossFit HQ. So it was cool. Okay. so it's cool okay talk to you guys soon I almost left the studio bye bye

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