The Sevan Podcast - Justin Cotler | Underdogs No More

Episode Date: July 20, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. A premium account on Twitter is required to create a live broadcast. Oh, please upgrade to premium subscription on Twitter. Oh, that's what's going on. That's what's going on. So I don't have a premium account. Do you have to pay for that? Is K's kill Taylor today. Yes. Yes. Yes. And for all of you people like, like so many people want to be involved with kill Taylor today because I guess it's $10,000. But listen, you can't just like tech. That's not how it works. Hi. What's up, dude? What's up, dude? How are you? I'm good. Let me see if I can fix my mom. Does that sound better? You sound great. Oh, good. You sound great too. Thanks, man. How's life? Hey, it's awesome. Did you watch the Republican convention last night?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Republican convention last night? I saw about two seconds of it while I'm like, but I had to, my kids were in control of the television. So I haven't got a chance to watch too much of it yet. I really enjoyed it. I'm not a God, I really, I really, really enjoyed it, but I'm not a God guy. Like I don't have a understanding of God. And so every time they say God, I'm just like, where do people, like, if you were like, Hey, I got on a train and took it from, uh, France to England, I could see it, I'd be like, okay, so there's water between them. He got on a train. Like I can picture it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. And then every time someone's like, and then God, this was God's divine intervention and I, and I just have a blank I'm like I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, I think I'm similar to you in that respect I want to know I want to know what you mean But like every time my logic is like hey if you're saying God saved Trump, then you're also saying God shot at Trump, right? And I'm okay with that too. I just need someone to fucking explain it to me. I can't, I can't, I can't do, I'm just confused.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I like the part about how you want to get rid of crime. I like that. Yeah. I like that part. Sure. I mean, that sounds great. I like that part. I like, I want Nordstrom's back in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't want people running running the office doors and taking shit Nice I I Understand I want I want I want rich people to get their money back and I want rich people their taxes to get lowered I think that that actually does stimulate the economy letting people spend money as opposed to giving it to Nancy Pelosi But but the god part I just cannot get my fucking head wrapped around. I started thinking yesterday after watching the convention, I'm a comment like I'm a common sense guy. I know that's kind of lazy, too, because everyone has their own take on common sense.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But I don't think it's lazy. But I'm just think. Well, I think we're going I mean, I'm not sure I expected the conversation to go this way. But I'm cool with it. I think that I'm similar to you in that sense. I respect it and I'm fine to listen to it, but I think my beliefs are very different. I'm not sure I really understand it. I, you know, and I think I grew up, I grew up Jewish in a, in a, um, really your Jews. I had no idea. Yeah. I grew up in a,
Starting point is 00:03:34 in a conservative Jewish household. Yeah, that's not, uh, no, no, no. So, uh, so Kotler, I mean, yeah, it was my, my, my grandfather on my father's side, he grew up Orthodox. And, and, which is hard means that you're hardcore Jewish, like you Yeah, he was he was pretty hard for follow closely to the the rules, the tenants. Yes. And then he was a war hero in the Air Force in World War II and, you know, fought in, dropped bombs in Okinawa and shit like that, you know, he was over there. They settled in Savannah, Georgia. So things were rough for my dad when he was grown up
Starting point is 00:04:24 as a Jew in Savannah, Georgia. So things were rough for my dad when he was growing up as a Jew in Savannah. But we, yeah, we, I was, we were practicing, like I went to half Hebrew, half English school up until I was in fourth grade. Did you do the mitzvah? The boys do a bar mitzvah? I did, yeah. You did?
Starting point is 00:04:41 I had a bar mitzvah. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I was bar mitzvahed, yeah. Actually had my- Did you have fun? was that fun? Did you like that? Here's my Israel is my my name. Yeah, so that's my Hebrew name is named after my great grandfather Israel Goldberg. So I have my Hebrew name. But I would say once I got to college and started, you know, doing other things studying and I just, you I just kind of, I would say fell out of it. And it just didn't feel right to me.
Starting point is 00:05:12 It felt very forced and processed. And I felt like when I went to temple as a kid, it was more about status and about as a kid, it was more about status and about how much you donated to the temple and where you were sitting and all these other things. I think I started to realize it. That's what it felt to me. It didn't feel genuine. And I still definitely associate myself with the Jewish religion, but I would say beyond reform at this point. I don't go to temple. I'm not practicing. And that's just the decision I made.
Starting point is 00:05:53 But yeah, I feel like as I've gotten older, it's definitely become, like you said, I feel like I'm more about just common sense. And a lot of it doesn't feel like that to me. I respect my brothers and sisters on planet earth who are religious and who follow the tenants. But then I see things like you're saying donating the money. So like my kids are 50% Ashkenazi Jew, 51% and 49% Armenian.
Starting point is 00:06:28 But when I drive by the temple here in my town, they have a, and I'm a pro-choice guy, but I think if that if you're gonna be religious, you can't, you should not be pro-choice. And I think you should believe in the fact that God gives you free will. Like I like what they've done by giving the states the rights. I like what recently Trump said, like, hey, I'm not I'm paraphrasing, but I'm not anti-abortion. I'm just pro-constitution and I want it to fit to I want the states to decide. But the temple here has like a pro-abortion sign and they required vaccines to go there and they require masks and I'm like
Starting point is 00:07:08 that seems Like if you want to take walk the path or just like even getting tattoos I don't even think you're supposed to get like tattoos on your body If you're pro, if you're if you're like walking the tenants Yeah, and it seems to me like if you're gonna do it You should really do it and I think there are rewards to following that, what I would call that operating system. I think there are rewards in peace you can get
Starting point is 00:07:32 from following it, but it's weird. It's weird with the, I'm sure you've heard this. There's a, I guess somewhere in the Bible, it says God made man in his image, but it seems like man has made, a lot of people, man has made God in their image, you know what I mean, just do their needs and it's just a. I think I think they're missing out. It's like doing CrossFit not following the diet. You're kind of like missing out on. On the potency of the efficacy of the training because you're not you're not eating right? Yeah, like missing out on the potency and efficacy of
Starting point is 00:08:09 What religion truly has to offer because you're not following all the tenants? Yeah Anyway, I'm really excited for the Democratic Democrat convention Because I think that one's gonna be wild. I the In all fairness, it's making for great TV. I mean, it is very dramatic. Extremely dramatic. It is. There's no question. I just hope no one does anything stupid, like tries to attack us or like senses like we're, you know, I mean, like we're on the toilet with diarrhea and I don't want someone to ring the doorbell.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah. I've got 10 more minutes of shitting to do. You know what I mean? I don't want anything to happen on the international stage while we're taking a shit. You know what I mean? That's a great analogy. You just wait for us to like... I think everyone can relate to that one. I've been there before. Yeah. You got someone coming over to do something, but you need 10 more minutes on the toilet. You're like, hey, this one's, this is real.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. Can you just wait? Can you not ring the doorbell? Yeah, as soon as we get older, it's as real as it gets. Yeah, it's wild. Nice. Games are coming up. Yeah. Is are the games? This is really abstract question. Are they real to you three weeks out or are they surreal? Like, does it feel at this point, is it surreal?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Like that they're coming? I always wonder for the athletes how anxious they must start getting. I'm pretty anxious, I think. Yeah. I mean, yeah. It's like being on death row. It's so, it's eminent.
Starting point is 00:10:02 In 15 days, they're gonna electrocute you. Yeah. To death. It's like being on death row. It's so it's eminent in 15 days. They're going to electrocute you. Yeah, it's a death. It's good Pretty much. Yeah, I think And I think the more workouts come out that the worse it is actually I always love when we don't get any workouts me too. Yeah, I don't like it and I don't you know, my my athletes don't like it either, but Yeah, I think it's real to them. I think this is an interesting time of the year. You know, I always I always think that this is that time of the year that you can, you know, as a coach, you can completely fuck up somebody season. You know, like, oh, let's talk about that. How, because I mean, how you train them, how you train them. I just think, you know, everybody's like games
Starting point is 00:10:51 training, you try to fit all these things in before the games. And, you know, I think half the field goes in completely over trained mentally destroyed. They just don't too much. And, you know, I think that's why you see sometimes, you know, we'll go to the games and you'll see people that you're like expecting to do well. And they're they're just done. They're done before they even get there. So it's a slippery slope right now. And we've heard that and we've heard that story.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yeah, for sure. Like, you know, like six months after the games, they're like, I had a completely miserable time from the second I got there to the second I left. Yeah. And it'll happen again this year. There's no question. I mean, it happens every year. I think there's that balance of, you know, you've got to go hard, but you also, I mean, I think for the for the elite of the elite, you know, they've been, this has been circled on the calendar, you know, I mean, you've been doing things to get ready the whole year. And right now, if you try to fit it all into a four to six week window, you're going to
Starting point is 00:11:49 fall on your face. So you've got to be really smart. You've got to prioritize, I think, recovery, sleep and health more than anything else right now. And that's why I find it interesting when people come into this or coaches come into this and they've got this six week. Now, of course, you can have an outline or template. But I really I mean, we're almost day to day right now, depending on Alex and Ricky feel. I've no issues switching something or pushing something back that I that I want done. You know, if I know that day they didn't
Starting point is 00:12:26 have a good night's sleep or there's some type of stress going on in the family or there's something else going on that can, you know, that can create an issue. I think right now you just got to be so in tune with, with what your athletes are doing. And yes, you got to, you got to push them hard, but, but it's a balance right now. As a coach, your number one job right now is to get them to the games feeling as healthy as possible and physically invincible. They need to go in as close to 100% for that season as they've been. You gotta hope that all those little niggles that they've had all the little aches and pains like you we got to throw that out the window because inevitably the game is a different animal especially with Dave back in charge I
Starting point is 00:13:15 just feel like you know there's and the heat down in Texas and we've already got two outdoor events and who knows how many more I mean I know he said that's probably it but I don't know if I believe that necessarily yeah you truly do never know now you never fuck yeah um yeah and uh yeah I think I think all this and things could change also like you never know like there could be a power outage and Dave says everyone outside I mean anything I mean you really have to do be ready yeah for sure they're not gonna They're not gonna scratch an event No, and I felt like the last even if they have to do it at three in the morning
Starting point is 00:13:49 He there it's the show is going on. I'm expecting three in the morning. Yeah Yeah, we're expecting that. I mean, I I think if you're not Well, I think you know you set yourself up for built-in excuses if you if you don't think that way, you know, if you think, oh, fuck, I got to get up at three in the morning. Oh, fuck. It's 9000 degrees outside. You got to roll with it like everyone else is doing it. You know what I mean? You just got to roll with it. And that's part of the games.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I think that's part of the cache of it. And that's the only thing like I get nervous about with it down there is I don't want to lose that cache of what we've seen over the years with having indoor and outdoor events and the ability to basically do anything. That's the one thing you worry about with, I mean, because it is fucking hot. If you look at the heat index down there, I mean, it is, we're in Vegas. He said the run, swim swim run could start at six.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah, I mean, I totally, I think that's probably the right move. Honestly. Yeah. You know, I mean, we looked the other day, you know, at eight, but 8pm, um, and the heat index was 100. It was 100 degrees. And with the sun down. Yeah. And, and the humidity, you know, through the roof. I mean, it's just gonna be, it's gonna be tough, man, but it's the games. I mean, I like it. I think the harder it is, the heavier it is,
Starting point is 00:15:14 the more skilled it is. I mean, we're trying to find the fittest in the world. To me, that's par for the course. That's what I want. I mean, I think it separates the men from the boys. And I mean, that's just the way that I look at it. But you know, it doesn't get much hotter than Vegas. No, that's a different type of heat down there, though. I mean, you're talking, you know, yes, it's brutal here. And it has been brutal. Yeah, it's been brutal. And since
Starting point is 00:15:39 Ricky driving your car with your AC full blast, you touch the window, you burn your hand. It's crazy. I mean, it's been 115 plus, it was 115 plus for two straight weeks. And today it's it's cool today. It'll be 109. But yeah, you know, it's it's brutal, but it's different than you 98 and 75 80% humidity. That's different. You know, 109 with 12% humidity is it feels different. You know, you do feel like you're in an oven, but that that that humidity creates a whole different effects like walking into a sauna. It's like essentially, you know, that's what the workouts are going to
Starting point is 00:16:17 feel like outside down there. So, you know, and I'm curious to see, I mean, that water down there, they're jumping the water, they think they're going to get a, you see, I mean, that water down there, they're jumping the water and they think they're gonna get a, you know, a break. No way. I mean, that water is gonna be so hot. I mean, they're gonna come off the run, jump in the water. It's gonna be, it's gonna be tough, man.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, he said the water is warm. Yeah, it's real warm. And that's a manmade, I think that's a manmade. I believe so. So it's gotta be shallow. So it's gonna heat up quick. Yeah, it's gonna be hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Um, uh, the training, the training, um, I don't know if you call it the training camp or the training protocol or the training organization that, um, you own is called Underdogs with an S s athletics. Yeah, I would say it's a program. A program, training program. Mm hmm. And, and they have a cadre of coaches and athletes under that wing. And you had a Kiefer there and he had coaches.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And then he then went to prove he switched. Yeah. He's no longer with underdogs and he goes over to proven and Yesterday when I was talking to Ricky When but but he stays there, but he also stays in Las Vegas. Yeah, he knows even though he switched to proven Does that does that fuck with your program at all? Like your plans of like, hey, we were gonna, we had this organized and this is how we were gonna do it. And now we're not gonna do it this way.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Cause those guys are part of a different training camp. No, I think the only thing that it switched was, was how many athletes were going to prep and train together prior to the games. And it, and it changed where we were going to be. Luckily, the gym that we're affiliated with is Camp Rhino. They have two locations. One location is in the southeast of Vegas,
Starting point is 00:18:17 and the other is Northwest. And luckily, the Northwest is about three to five minutes from where Alex lives. And that's her favorite gym. It's where she kind of came up and coached and all those things. So all we did was essentially just move most of our shit to Northwest. And that's where we're training out of. And we were training kind of half out of there, half out of South.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And now we're Northwest full time., um, full, full time. So since we train with those guys at all, will you train with those guys at all? Uh, in the South? Yeah. Um, probably not. No, I mean, maybe, you know, um, I, I, you know, I, I mean, I'm still cool with all those athletes and, you know, um, you know, I've spoken a little bit to Bailey, maybe he will come up and train with Ricky a little bit. But Alex and Ricky are up north. We've also got Anil, that guy who came in and he's training with us.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And what a cool dude. Oh my God. It's like the Antonio Banderas of CrossFit. You're like, this is a nice looking couple. And then we had, you know, Emmet Hall and David Cherokee came in, they're kind of splitting their time between North and South.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But yeah, I mean, Kiefer's coaching the athletes that he coaches and I'm coaching the athletes that I coach. And I think we've got our hands full with those athletes, obviously. And, you know with those athletes obviously and You know, I think it's actually worked out fine I think having seven to eight games athletes in the same gym at the same time Might might have been a little bit much to be perfectly honest with you after what I've kind of seen in the last few weeks of how intense it has been and
Starting point is 00:20:04 You know, so it's it's been it has been. And so it's been fun. I mean, honestly, it's been great. I'm trying to think. I can't think of a better, higher caliber pair of athletes who are training together with Alex and Ricky. Good thing or bad thing? Because yesterday I had Ricky on the show and he's like, we're three, three.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yeah. Like, pardon me, he's like, that's cool. And pardon me, like scares me a little bit. I think it's great. Cause it is, it is great. Oh, that's great. You know what's great is that they just, they skit along so well.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I mean, it's honestly like brother, sister, like their vibe. The two of them are really chill. You know, kind of they're living together. I know it's crazy. It's crazy how cool they seem to get. They are so cool with each other. You know, I just think that their personalities, you know, meld very well. And I knew that was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I mean, they're just easy people to get along with in general. And I think both of them have really enjoyed the experience thus far. You know, I know Alex, I think after this, Alex is gonna be sad, you know, that he's not gonna be here year round. But it's been great so far. And I mean, I also just think, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:26 the relationship that I have with those two athletes is so special. It's, you know, it's like family. It's just so easy that it's great. It's been awesome having them here. What's interesting, and this is just from the perspective of the outside, is you work with Danielle Brandon, who I imagine to have like some of the most
Starting point is 00:21:47 intense idiosyncrasies in like eggshell walking of any athlete in the space versus someone like Ricky, who appears to have the least idiosyncrasies and the least eggshell walking in the space. Is he really like that? Yes. Yeah, he is. I mean, there's no other way to say it. Like, like, if he if he came downstairs from Alex's
Starting point is 00:22:08 house, and she has scoop of his protein powder, he wouldn't lose his shit. I mean, he wouldn't even notice. Let's be honest. Those are the things those are those are real things to those guys. Like, hey, you moved my shaker six inches to the left, right? I mean, yeah, that there's, there's athletes out there like that, right? I don't, I've yet to see Ricky get upset outside of the sport, like outside of just being off about an event or cause he's fiery, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:35 in between the lines, you know what I mean? He's been intense. Um, but outside of it, no, he rules with the punches. He's, he's so laid back. I'ma sometimes too laid back. We say he's on Ricky time. Ricky time is there is no time. It's like we're going to go to the gym at 10 o'clock and then it's like, where is he? You know what I mean? But yeah, no, and the two of them are pretty similar in that respect. I'd say the only thing is Alex can get pretty hangry sometimes. When she's hungry, she can get- She's got a lot of dirt twirler in her too, right? So she's pretty chill. Yeah, she's real. She's a hippie chick. She's real chill, man. Yeah. The two of them, yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:14 I just think it's a great pairing. I mean, it's a great mix and great energy and make each other laugh. And when it's three, two, one, go, obviously both of them want to win. But at the same time, I think both of them are, are, uh, incredibly encouraging. You know, they, they're, they, I mean, they're helping each other out, you know? Um, so it's, it's been cool, man. Um, I'm guessing when there is that, when Kiefer leaves that there is on the business side and on the personal side that it causes stress. Do you have to compartmentalize? Do you keep that completely away? I know you're also very close to your athletes and you're
Starting point is 00:24:04 highly emotionally invested Yes, do you compartmentalize that and keep that away from them? like you just on your wife or talk to your wife or do you have a You have a way or does the whole camp come together and hash it out. I think this was The way that it kind of went down was was such a such a surprise. It's kind of came. Oh, it was a surprise? So it just, you know, I think it kind of took everyone a little bit by just like what? Like, what the fuck? And that's it. Listen, I always say, man, you know, you can't, can't expect people to
Starting point is 00:24:42 handle things the way you would handle them. It's just, you know, it's just the way it goes sometimes. And the reason why surprise is bad is because it's kind of like if you, um, if you're with a group of people, let's say you hang out with 10 different couples and then you find out one of the couples, let's say the husband's cheating on the wife. It kind of sends a ripple through everyone and all the wives look at their husbands, right? Cause like no one expected it, right? It's like the perfect couple and all of a sudden that husband's cheating on his
Starting point is 00:25:05 wife. That means all you motherfuckers are susceptible. So I'm guessing when, when it's a surprise, what you're saying is it, it questions the trust amongst everyone in the group, right? I just think it had to be each other and now, and now there's something that we took for granted that's been undermined. And so we all start looking at each other. Who else is sneaking around? Yeah, I think ultimately it was a scenario that, you know, was like I said, I mean, it was, it was a surprise. And, you know, then it very quickly things had to be, you know, kind of adjusted and
Starting point is 00:25:35 handled. And, and then, and, and, you know, I think it was a big surprise. I mean, immediately, like, spoke with Alex, because obviously, we're all on the train, same, same jam, essentially, you know, so it's essentially like, hey, what we know, we got to decide what we want to do. And, you know, and then I called Ricky immediately and said the same thing. And, and, you know, what's cool, man. And, you know, and I'm sure Kiefer probably feels this way too, is just, you know, how loyal, you know, my, my, my athletes are and, you know, just Alex and Ricky, we're just like, all right, let's fucking roll. Let's do what we got to do. And I think for us, I think it probably put a little chip right here that we're going to use, I think, for motivation. And that's all. Listen, I will never begrudge anyone from spreading their wings. And, and, and, you know, if they think it's something that's going to, you know, be great for their career and financially and all those different things, I mean, that's phenomenal. I just, you know, there's just ways, certain ways to handle it, I guess, that, you know, for me, might be a little bit different. But that's, that's, that's
Starting point is 00:26:45 just me. And, you know, that's, that's the way the world. And Kiefer is a great coach. He'll do great for Proven. And, and, you know, but the train keeps rolling. And, you know, I mean, we got, like I said, like you said, you know, for me, having Ricky and Alex here, having them together, and, you know, we have, we have we have obviously big expectations and you know, I can't wait. I can't wait to see them out there. So what you're saying is, is you have to what I'm hearing you say also is that you took the situation and it strengthened the team. I could have gone it could have gone two ways maybe and instead it strengthened the team. Yeah, I think it's type of. Hard work, motivation, the chip on the shoulder being motivation.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's like, okay. Yeah, I think so. I think so. And I also think, you know, we've had it kind of both ways where, you know, when we started the camp, really small, right? What year? It's 2020.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Okay. You know, then we started camp and obviously it was really small and we had, you know, these incredibly small group of elite athletes. Carrie Bethany and? Carrie Bethany, Danielle, you know, Tola, Matt DeLugos, right? And then, and then, and then it grew and it got bigger and bigger and bigger. And we started bringing in people
Starting point is 00:28:09 and bringing in athletes and, and now it's back to small. And I'll be honest with you for me, you know, kind of where I'm at and the attention that I like to give. And I think that, that this is the way that I like it. As far as an in-house camp, as far as in-house athletes, a little bit smaller, a little bit tighter, it just suits my personality better. I think it suits the athletes better.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So I think in this case, it'll end up being addition by subtraction in my opinion. And that's not to say that I'm not happy the way that it went. I felt like we needed to grow and kind of feel that. But after a while, you just feel like this is not essentially what I had intended when I created it, which is 20, 20 plus athletes and it's just hard to manage. And so ultimately I think where we're at now is perfect. And we have a ton of remote athletes, obviously, and we have a lot of remote coaches and that's great.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And people will come and visit and that stuff. But I think the people that live in Vegas, it's nice to be nice and tight and I personally like it. So, I like where we're at. And you have, I mean, it truly is remarkable. Yesterday when I'm talking to Ricky, and I see Alex just walking around the house. It is kind of crazy to have two such powerful human beings in one space.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I'm, I'm a little like awestruck by it. It's like finding a diamond while you're digging and then next to it, you find a bigger diamond. I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's pretty, they're, they're pretty crazy creatures. Those two and people just unbelievable people, you know? I mean, they're credit. They're Yes, obviously, I mean, talent wise, they're remarkable. You get excited when you see them, you show up in the gym and you see them, it's like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Like, you know what I mean? Like when you go to school in the third grade and your best friend, you get to sit next to your best friend. It's kind of like that, I'm guessing. You walk in the gym and there's Alex and Ricky waiting to go. You must be like, fuck. Yeah, I mean, I just- It never gets old, right?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Never gets fucking old, No, it's awesome. I said that's part of my job for sure. You know, I just think being able to, you know, help them in whatever capacity that I can, you know, to reach their goals, reach their maximum potential. I mean, the growth that I've seen in both of them, and it was different. I mean, I think, you know, obviously Ricky was coming off of his,
Starting point is 00:30:47 you know, suspension. And when we started, I think for him, you know, physically talented, just beyond belief. But obviously after four years, you know, you have all those doubts, you know, mentally and emotionally, and, you know, can I do this still? You know, and all those different things. And when he first came back, I think we had to fight through that a little bit. And, you know, just the growth of what I've seen since then. I mean, basically, when we started together, he was just someone who would run through the wall on every single workout from the beginning. And, you know, we actually had to learn, you know, how to pace and how to think and all those little things. And I really think that that started to click for him just before, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:31:31 the games last year when he won a lot of Palooza. And it was the first time that I kind of seen him be able to go through a competition, follow a plan, really stick to the strategies that we had created. And I obviously am very vocal about my feelings that he would have won the games last year, especially with the programming. And we'll never know, obviously, and I'm biased, you know, and people can be like, ooh. I think he would have won too.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I think he would have won too. And, you know, so, and this year, you know, we'll see. Obviously, I think there's six or seven guys that could win this year. So I think we're looking at- Dallin Pepperman. Oh, he's one of them. Yeah, he's one of the fucking freaks. Dallin's great, you know, but there's several head and good head. Yeah, there's several. Yeah, good head. And then Alex is totally different. You know, Alex was, I mean, when
Starting point is 00:32:21 Alex started with us, I mean, you mean, she was kind of an afterthought with the other monsters that we had here and watching her just kind of be like, I'm not sure. I'm just not sure whether she's got what it takes. And then all of a sudden, I just started to see some things that were like, holy shit, like, wow, the growth and then this trajectory that she was on.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And she got so good, so fast, I think too fast in a way. I don't think she could emotionally handle how good she was that quickly. And I still think that those are the battles that she deals with the most is. It's very difficult for an athlete to, to think of themselves as they are and not think of themselves as they were. That's very hard. And that's on both, you know, on both ends. That's you think of yourself as you were
Starting point is 00:33:10 when you were a champion, but maybe you're not that anymore, right? And it's hard to think of yourself that way. But it's also very hard to think of yourself when you're just coming up and you're barely a semis athlete. And now all of a sudden you're freaking stud. You still, those doubts still creep in of like man
Starting point is 00:33:25 Do I really belong here? Like do I deserve to be this good and people talking about me and all these other things and I think you know It's one of those things for her that it's a constant Battle to remind her like you are this fucking good like you can you you can do amazing things, you know and she doesn't she From from where I sit Obviously, I i'm not nearly as intimate with her as you are but where I sit in in getting to see her at the west coast classic um
Starting point is 00:33:56 She shows no sign of that She walks around on the floor like she owns the fucking and I love I think before the event after the event She walks around like fucking Annie Thor's daughter I mean she walks around like those girls are her like you know almost like they're her protege's like almost like she's the duck and they're the ducklings she's she's you know what I mean I mean she stands straight she's got a fucking little pep in her step even when she was crying at West Coast like she's so even so comfortable like that.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Like, of course, I'll cry. It's my house. I cry wherever the fuck I want. Yeah, I mean, she she looks. Her her if she's faking it, she has me fooled. Her demeanor is I don't think it's all her demeanor is awesome. That's good. I mean, I'm glad to that. Yeah, externally, like I don't think it's faking it. I think that it's just, you know, she got a little like big rooster to her. You know what I mean? She walks around like a like the big dog and that's what we want in the coupe. I mean, that's what I
Starting point is 00:34:57 want. You know, like because she is that. I mean, if we're talking for being honest, you know, I mean, the best thing that happened from semifinals was her being just utterly pissed off about not winning. You know, I mean, we went there to win and, you know, she had a couple of events that, you know, didn't necessarily go our way, you know, and one of them where she, you know, just mentally kind of shut down and, you know, and I think those are the things that we're still learning. She's 22 years old, man. Like she's still trained to. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's fucking wild. So there's so many things we're still taking from. But it was great. It was the first time. At 22, because of the hardship she's had in her life, it's so different talking to her than an athlete who's been training since they've been 14 to 25. And who's just got like nothing. Like when I talked to Alex, like we can just like I could bring up anything. And she has resources to put those things in context. You know what I mean? I mean, she has such context compared to some of these
Starting point is 00:36:00 young guys. Yeah, she's so right. I mean, what she's been through, and I don't know if people know, but obviously it's, you Yeah, she's so right. I mean, what she's been through and I don't know if people know, but obviously it's, you know, she's incredibly well adjusted. I mean, I just can't believe how mature and you know, and, and, uh, yeah, she's like an adult. She's like, yeah, 22. I was like, where's my fuck my bongs dirty. Yeah. She's a, she's an adult, man. It's incredible. And, uh, yeah, scraping resin while she was doing what she's doing. GHD. It's incredible. Yeah. Yeah. Scraping resin while she was doing, while she's doing GHD. It's wild, you know? She's so incredibly mature.
Starting point is 00:36:30 But yeah, but still though, I mean, when you think about her, I mean, she's really only had like five or six big competitions. I mean, she's so, she's still really green, you know? And so we're just working on trying to build it. And I have to remind myself, just because of how talented she is that it's okay. If this thing takes a little while with her, like it's fine. It's fine. If a year or two years or three years, that's when she hits her prime.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Like I need to, sometimes I have to relax because I have these just massive expectations and, and, and I have to be careful not to put that shit on her. You know what I mean? I need some of it. So you need to her right because she wants to live up to your expectations I think some of it, but I think you can be I you know much Yeah, look what we've seen in the sport I mean we've seen a lot of these young athletes who are basically just you know just like nah, man I can't take this anymore. You know what I mean? And yeah, yeah, yeah We see them get broken for sure. And I don't wanna fucking do that.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Like, you know, I care about her too much. I love her too much to do that to her. And I'm intense as fuck. You know what I mean? Like I'm crazy. Like I'll walk into gym and you know, we'll do a workout and you know, and I'll be like, well,
Starting point is 00:37:38 we should go on 30 fucking seconds fast. You know what I mean? I'll start my shit. And then I'm like, no, I gotta calm down. You know what I mean? Like there's something we can learn from this. And you know, I'll start my shit and then I'm like, no, I got to calm down. You know what I mean? Like there's a there's something we can learn from from this. And, you know, I have to make sure that I'm I'm continuing to be, you know, as as as passionate, but also as understanding as I can be and not
Starting point is 00:37:58 just put the pressure cooker on, you know, because I don't think that's going to help her in the long run. You know, I mean, I think the external pressure of people just saying, Hey, Alex Gazan is one of the top five women in the world. We're picking her fourth. We're picking her fifth. We're picking her this. That's enough pressure.
Starting point is 00:38:14 She doesn't need that shit from me. I, you know, my, my job is to, to build her up and build her up and build her up and just continue to try to fine tune the best that I can. And that's not always easy for me, to be honest, just because of how great I believe she can be. And obviously I want that for her, but I gotta make sure that I'm patient. When, it wasn't last year,
Starting point is 00:38:45 it was two years ago since the Daniel Brandon debacle Uh, uh, it wasn't last, it wasn't last year. It was two years ago since the Danielle Brandon debacle. I haven't been two years. Yeah. Did that's never been spoken about, right? Actually what happened? Yeah. Never. You've never come forward with what happened.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I just think at this point, you know, so long, listen, man, I, there, there are things that happen that I'm sure Danielle feels real shitty about. And there's things that happen that I feel shitty about. Like I could have handled it better. There's no question. I think I was so angry at the time that like there was, you know, with some things that happening in the way some people were treated.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And I just felt like- Was there one incident, can you tell us anything about it? Yeah, but I can't. Will you ever tell us? I don't know. Will you ever tell us what? I don't think so. Okay, there was a straw though that broke the camera.
Starting point is 00:39:32 There was, and I know it, and I think Danielle probably knows it. But at this point, I feel like I've let go of a lot of that. I love Danielle, I'll be honest with you. I mean, if I saw Danielle tomorrow, I'd give her a big fucking hug. You know, I mean, I would have loved in the documentary, for her to take a little, a little bit more responsibility for some of the actions, I just felt like it was a little bit one sided, but it's a documentary, what the fuck? You know what I mean? Like they're gonna do what they do. And I don't blame anybody for that. You know, I try to be as truthful as I could be. Well, it was a propaganda piece too.
Starting point is 00:40:12 But it was great. It was great. Fucking awesome. It was so well done and I loved it. And I recommended people to watch it. And Danielle's a different animal, man. I'll stand by the fact that she's probably the most talented athlete I've ever seen in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I mean, she's an animal. And I loved, there were moments I loved coaching her. So whatever happened that made it so you asked her to leave. Sorry, I just got to try. I know. Whatever happened that made it so you're like, hey, you're out was bad. Yeah, it was. It was. It wasn't like, hey, you're just showing up late every day. It wasn't like, hey, you threw a water bottle at someone. It was whatever it was, was bad.
Starting point is 00:40:57 It was the breaking point. It was the final straw. Yeah, it was it. There was no coming back from that for me. And that's fine. It just happened. And I think it was something final straw. Yeah, it was it. There was no coming back from that for me. And that's fine. It just happened. And I think it was something that happened. But again, I think, listen, it hasn't slowed her down. I mean, she's obviously doing incredibly well. She's one of the top 10 athletes in the sport. Justin, did she ever say sorry to you for whatever it was? For that specific thing, no. I think that's still out there.
Starting point is 00:41:32 But it's not me she needs to say sorry to. Right, right, right. Her saying sorry to you isn't going to make you whole, but you're suggesting that whatever happened, whatever the incident was She should put you as a as a man has been around the world She should take a look at herself and be like I think so but again and and I and again I like I Think it's hard because I think different different things mean and this is very right, you know kind of like different things mean, and this is very, you know, kind of like, but the way things happen, different things mean different things
Starting point is 00:42:09 to different people, right? Like what it meant to me may not be like, maybe a small blip, you know, but that's just the way that it works. And so ultimately, you know, that would make me happy and I would love that, if that happened at some point in time and apology came. But again, I think I will always have a very strong
Starting point is 00:42:37 affection towards her and I wish her nothing but the best. And I think she's great for the sport. And I think that she's, you know, in that incredibly, you know, volatile being is a, is a really, you know, she's really fucking cool in a lot of ways. Like, you know, she's a, she's a, she's a very unique individual.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And I loved coaching her. There were, there were things that I could say to Danielle, like in, in middle of workouts that I can't really say to anybody else, just because that we connected on, like, you know, because there's a, there's an animal instinct there that I kind of tap into also competitively, you know, that she just had. And there were moments like during workouts or different things that, you know, there's stuff that I could say as a coach to be able to motivate her. That just doesn't necessarily work with other people because we just connected on that level, you know. And I think she felt that too. And I think, I think there's probably a lot of regret on both sides, because obviously, I, I felt like when we started together, that I was going to coach her for her career. So that, you know, that's obviously, you know, that's tough.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Do you think that about every athlete? Like, is that just the default for you? I like to think that. All in and if you get emotionally hurt, fuck it, who cares? Yeah, I think it may kind of have to be. I mean, if you know, if an athlete trusts you enough to put their career in your hands, I mean, that's the thing they hold the most dear. trust you enough to put their career in your hands. I mean, that's the thing they hold the most dear.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Like if they trust you, you immediately, there's immediately like a connection, like a love there that you're like, well, you trusted me with this and I gotta be all in. If I'm not all in, then I'm doing you a disservice. You're all fucking in. If you're not all in, then I wanna do this. And when you can tell they're all in,
Starting point is 00:44:23 it's impossible not to be. It's not a business relationship for me, you know? And so I think in a lot of ways, you know, I kind of wear that on my sleeve. And sometimes I get burned and that's the way it is. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think it's always important to love with all your heart
Starting point is 00:44:42 and just take the fucking emotional pain. Fuck it. Who cares? Like just deal with it. Um, a three year old peas, uh, on the toilet seat. And it's what a three year old boy does. A grown man peas on a toilet seat and doesn't wipe it up. He's a fucking douche bag. And it, and so that's the metaphor I use for like, kind of like what I'm hearing, whatever happened there. Um, there's some components to Danielle that are like a I use for like, kind of like what I'm hearing whatever happened there.
Starting point is 00:45:05 There are some components to Danielle that are like a three year old boy, but she but she's not a three year old boy. She's a grown ass woman. And it's not cool. I know you want this part of the interview to end but it's not. I'm fine. So what I'm hearing you say is, is that you don't want to talk about it. Um, be also because you don't want to hurt her. Is that a, so you're just, you're protecting her. I think, um, I think, yeah, I, because I know it wasn't Her best moment or or you know, and and then I think it wasn't my best moment the way that I responded to it
Starting point is 00:45:50 To be honest, you know, I mean I could have handled it better But but I but I just it's not you're not protecting yourself is what I'm hearing like you're not you're you You feel and you think that it would be maybe malicious if you told the story I yeah, I just think it, especially two years after, and like, you know, she's, I think, established herself. I should have asked you about it like three days after. Fuck. You know, she's changed.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah, I mean, I just don't think it's relevant anymore. You know what I mean? And I also think, like, I don't wanna do that. And maybe she's grown out of it, and it would be bad to drag her back in. But to be honest with you, Savan, I would like to have a cordial relationship with her. And like I said, and I just feel like at this point,
Starting point is 00:46:39 doing something like that or putting more dirt out there, I just think it, it kind of refuels that fire, which isn't necessary. It's not news anymore. And, you know, ultimately speaking, like there are things that I think happened behind the scenes that, you know, will kind of stay there. And I'm hoping that, you know, we'll be able to, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:59 kind of rectify that and then we move on from there, you know, because, you know, she's kind of friendly with Alex and I certainly don't want to create any issues there and I don't think it's the right time to do that. Listen, Dudley, you have a fucking animation picture as your fucking avatar as a grown ass man, you fucking cuck. He doesn't want to discuss it. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:47:28 How about fuck you get your own podcast. Anyway, it's fascinating. Oh Dudley. It's so nice. It's so nice. It really is so nice to see Alex and Ricky together. And that is one of the cool things in the sport. What about this Enola Kai? How, how, do you get he's he's not an underdog? Yeah, he is cool dude, right? He's cool
Starting point is 00:47:51 as fuck. He's not I didn't know him at all. No, like, can can any can can Jeffrey Adler come? Can anyone come like I don't know if Jeff and I don't know if Jeff and Ricky training for the games would work very well. Tell me, how do you, how does someone come in? So Aniol is represented. Let me paint the picture real quick first. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:20 These, it's Alex and Ricky. Yeah, yeah. Like these are, are when I was did you remember the Lamborghini dealership or Ferrari dealership, you know, in the city or where every once in a while your parents would drive by this one spot and was the Lamborghini dealership in your city and you every time you'd look out the window. I mean, that's fucking Ricky and Alex. Yeah, there's a like, like you can't you're you're like, I'm never going in that dealership. And if I do go in there, I'm not. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like you can't go in that dealership. You know what I mean? Yeah. How does how does someone get in the
Starting point is 00:48:53 they're so fucked. But the thing about Ricky and Alex is this they're so welcoming in the sense that they're just so chill. Like they're not intimidating in person at all. You know, they might be to the to the general public. Don't you not want anyone by your Lamborghini's? It's like, Anil, sorry, buddy. We have a minimum of $3 million in your checking account to come in here. Yeah. I think that's a good question. So, they, Anil is represented by a Bockland, right? Like Snorri's group. And so Snorri and Lucille, they represent, you know, Ricky, Alex. Well, they also they also manage annual. And so they asked and he wanted to come. And to be honest with you, I didn't know much about him.
Starting point is 00:49:34 But man, he's been fucking awesome. He just rolled. They asked, who do they ask? Justin does. Just two bald guys talking on the phone. Well, yeah, Lucille and Lucille Lucille She has hair. Yes. Yes hair. Yeah. Yeah, she has hair And Lucille was just like hey, you know an audio wanted to come and kind of get acclimated for the games in Vegas I was just hot as fuck here. And so, you know, I thought it would be a good idea and and
Starting point is 00:49:59 And we were like, yeah, sure, you know, I mean as long as you don't mind like I'm not gonna program for you. Like they're doing what they're doing. You can come in, he's got his coaches over there. And he was like, nah, I wanna come in and just fucking do what you guys do. I just wanna jump in. It's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:15 And man, he's, I don't know, he's fucking cool, bro. He's just cool. He just rolls with it. Yeah, dude. You smile every time you say his name. You like him. Yeah, I just think there's some people that have great energy.
Starting point is 00:50:25 He just came in, he had his girlfriend. She's a weightlifter and they came here and they're just cool. I mean, that's all there is to it. I think you can get some people where they come and you can tell they wanna do their thing and that's fine. And that's totally fine also.
Starting point is 00:50:42 But yeah, he's just cool like just a cool guy And when you say you're not gonna do Programming farm from talking with Ricky yesterday. It sounds like he just jumps in on shit. Yeah, he's just he just said hey I just want to be Immersed in you know what these guys are doing I think he recognizes obviously like the the how good they are and it's just kind of happy to be here. And that's not to say he doesn't want to go to the games and do well obviously, but I think that he understands there's levels to this, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:14 And he's trying to get to that level. And so I think ultimately he came here with a completely kind of open mind and was just like, hey, let me just hang on their hips a little bit and see what I could do and have some fun. And yeah, I think he, he gets, it gets along great with them. He's been super cool since he's been here. There's no added stress there. And that's really the most important thing to me because you know, if somebody came here and I could tell that it was fucking up the vibe,
Starting point is 00:51:42 I would very quickly be like, no, no, Oh, you would. So you would, even if he came all the way out there, you'd be like, well, I mean, he could work out in the gym, but I just wouldn't, he just wouldn't work together. You know what I mean? Right. And that's fine. But yeah, no, I know at this point in time, no, I'm not looking to not looking to throw a monkey wrench into this thing at all. I mean, like you said, you know, we got to thoroughbreds. We're not, we're not trying to sprain an ankle, you know. Deja and Tendu, Sevan doesn't like Anol because he only does missionary. I'm not an anal guy at all. I do like Anol Kahi. He's been on the show. I really like him. I'm going to have him back on,
Starting point is 00:52:19 but I used to call him anal before I met him and I have an aversion to the cheerio. I don't think the butt should be touched, like the hole in the butt should be messed with. Uh, Enrique Noriega, Justin's doing what a man of integrity would do. Uh, do not do about not making comments about, uh, Daniel Brandon. Uh, Justin is a class act for not spooing. I'm not sure if you're using the word spooing correctly. Uh, Justin has kids. He definitely spooze. Justin has kids. He definitely spooze. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I have to straighten out the vernacular and semantics are very important for all. We have to communicate at a high level. Graciano Rubio strongest man in the chat. I want to be immersed in Vegas too. I love his shit, man. He's unbelievable. Yeah, what a great dude. Awesome. Justin, are there any people in the gym that we don't know about who are in your gym?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Who you're like, oh man, wait till the world gets the feast of this person. You have young people in there? Oh, that's interesting. Oh man, I don't know if I should even talk about it. Is there one? She's not in the gym yet. She's not in the gym. She lives in New Zealand. But I just, I had a girl.
Starting point is 00:53:31 So here's the deal. About, I don't know, about a month ago, I get a, not to say handwritten note. Nobody writes handwritten fucking letters anymore, but it was a handwritten email. I got an email. I got an email from- From you, Justin? I got an email from a girl, 13 years old. 13 year old from New Zealand. Hi, my name is Talia Vosaki. I'll be competing this year.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Polish girl living in New Zealand. No, not exactly. She's Fijian. She's a Fijian descent. Okay. And she sent me this note about how much she loves on her dogs, how much she loves crossfit. You know, she, uh, she competed in water Palooza this last year. She, you know, competed it down on her. She's yet to be able to compete in the game season because she's only, she was only 12 and now she's 13. And she's looking, she wants to join underdogs. She wants to coach, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I started watching her IG videos and a few other things. She's got a 225 pound clean jerk, 185 pound
Starting point is 00:54:48 snatch, 310 pound back squat, you know, 15 unbroken bar muscle ups can walk on her hands can do this can do that. And I mean, you know, that's kind of like the thing where you're just like, what the fuck? You know, I mean? Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, and so I started doing a little bit of homework. I started asking around a little bit and, and, uh, and then I got on a call with her and her parents, her, her family, smart. Yeah, obviously all three. Get all your parents on
Starting point is 00:55:22 all the parents. Yeah. So we got on with her and her parents and we just, we just fucking talked. Like we had a couple of, a couple of zoom calls, you know, like an hour piece. She talked about, you know, um, what she's been doing, what she wants to do, all these different things. And, and, you know, like how excited she is about the sport and, you know, how obviously people have been trying to get her into weightlifting, but she doesn't want to do that. She just, she wants to do CrossFit and you know, she she wants to and and just this like unbelievably positive incredible energy from her and her parents and her parents just want to support her and and all these other things and obviously
Starting point is 00:55:56 I have a young daughter who's an incredible athlete. I mean, she's younger, you know seven Yeah, Hiller saw it said he saw her do press to handstand. I'm like my son can He goes, but dude, she came back down and went back up. I'm like, Nope, my son can't do that. Amazing, bro. Yeah. So, so, you know, and, and so anyway, you know, we, we put her through some testing, you know, and I mean, she's just absolutely remarkable. And so we started, we started working with her. This will be our first season. She has obviously lofty goals when you're 13, the things you say. But man, I'm just excited. It just like, because you know what it did is he kind of just like brought a little bit of that, what we saw back in the day, you know, where it was just like this pure love of CrossFit and, and, you know, and, and what it can do. And, you know, she had the gym she trains at as like half of
Starting point is 00:56:52 it's outside and, you know, in New Zealand and you can see the people there just fucking love it. You know, it looks kind of like the old school, you know, throwback gyms, you know, like the look like the Apollo Creed gyms, you know what I mean? It's just like fucking, you know, people, there's no, no frills. It's just go and do work and you love it. And, you know, so she's obviously someone that, that I'm very excited about. This will be her first year in the games. And I think, uh, you have never, I've never, uh, worked with, um, I mean, Alex
Starting point is 00:57:22 was a teen, but she was already 19, you know, when she started. And, you know, so, and I worked with athletes, obviously, who were in their early 20s, but this is kind of the youngest. So I'm, I'm, I don't know, I'm excited about it. Like that, that to me is very exciting to be able to help, you know, mold someone. And also, again, I think I feel like immensely huge responsibility to, to make sure she understands like if this is what you want to do we've got to prepare for the long game like and not put a lot of pressure because I just feel like it's you know we've seen what's happened with a lot of the the great teen athletes who essentially get burnt out so yeah that's that's one who I'm very excited about.
Starting point is 00:58:02 That's that's one who I'm very excited about Keep making me rich. Thank you. I'm Telford 87. I really appreciate it. Look at that. Homeboys got a girl, too You said something that made him open up his wallet. Thank you. It's cool. Thank you God Justin did she come from any background? Like was she a swimmer? I'm saying New Zealand, so I'm just going to go straight to the stereotype of was she a swimmer or what's her? No, just straight. Yeah, she started when she was like nine years old and has CrossFit kids type thing and has just kind of matured and obviously has an unbelievable talent for weightlifting. I mean, you can see it. It's not just that she's strong. She's very technically advanced
Starting point is 00:58:52 for someone that age. Did her parents do sports? Does she have good modeling? Yeah. I just feel like it's, yeah, I don't know. I just, I just think, you know, I mean her father looks like an athlete, like just, you know, he's kind of yoked up and but in general, yeah, I just, I just think she, she loves it and she has a talent for it, you know, I'm coaching, I have three masters that made the games, you know, Braun and two other, you know, athletes that I coach who, who made the games. And so I'm super excited for the, or the other, uh, her name, there's a female between 1554, um, Shannon Schlieffer, it's her name. Uh, she's a, I would say she's probably the best gymnast in CrossFit in any division and she's 51 years old. Wow. Wow remarkable Schlieffer that's the sh li e
Starting point is 00:59:54 Fer I believe I might have I might have fucked up the e in the eye. They might be the other way It's her fault who has that that name's hard Shannon is something else, bro She's amazing and she's she's like almost like it. She's like a gym mom to everyone loves bro. She's amazing. And she's like almost like a gym mom too. Everyone loves her. She's a specimen, bro. Best- Isn't it amazing that someone that age can still like go upside down and all that shit?
Starting point is 01:00:15 She is the best in the world at handstand pushups at her age right now. She will dominate the elite division in handstand pushups. She's as good or better than Carrie Pierce was at handstand pushups. Oh, and she's very attractive and so is her husband. Yeah, good looking couple. Yeah, wow, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Come on Shannon, why is it private, bro? Follow back. I normally don't ask people, but if you follow me, fuck you, I'm asking to be requested. She's probably, she might be listening. She's a big fan of yours, so she might be listening. She might approve.. She's a big fan of yours. So she might be listening. She might, she might, she might, uh, do they have kids to do that? Yeah. Yeah. She's got, you know, in their early 20s, she's got kids in early 20s. Are they good looking kids too? I, you know what? I don't know if I've
Starting point is 01:00:55 met her kids. I don't think I met her kids. Um, but, but she is, uh, she's dope. She's, you know, she's, she's a teacher here in Vegas and she is, uh, she's an incredible athlete. She's you know, she's she's a teacher here and in Vegas and she is she's an incredible athlete. She came in seventh in semifinals in the 50 to 54 division. So she's certainly you know, got got aspirations to finish top 10. I think she's good enough to finish higher than that, especially if they get some events that are home runs for her because she could win some of those gymnastics events. Yeah, the one I coached a guy by the name of Angel Angel Cardenas out of Sacramento. Angel, I go name for Sacramento, California. Angel's fucking cool. Angel, Angel on hell as we say
Starting point is 01:01:35 in the hood, it did a lot of content and media stuff back in the day with grid for when I was coaching grid. And he's a super cool dude. He's in the 45 to 49 division. And two years ago when I coached him, he finished one spot out of making the games. And then last year he had to have shoulder surgery. So this is his comeback season and Angel made it, man. So I'm super stoked about him getting it. That's pretty cool. Yeah, he looks like a beast. This is a great picture.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah. Is that his daughter? No, I think just training partner probably. He's got young kids, but yeah, he's a good dude, man. He's a guy on the left. I love this picture. Yeah. Angel's great. That's the. I love this picture. Yeah. Angel's great. Angel's great. That's the same outfit my kids wear every day.
Starting point is 01:02:31 We have like 200 wife eaters in the house. But what a, yeah, so I'm stoked for those three. And obviously, Bron is cool. Bron's awesome. So like, when, when, um, when I come on this podcast with you and, um, like, I like, I know how it works. I asked you all those questions about Daniel Brandon. Um, you're handling them tactfully. I know someone in the comments, uh,
Starting point is 01:02:59 a hundred percent in the YouTube comments is going to say something like it happens all the time. Like if I, if I ask Haley Adams, do you have a boyfriend? Someone's like, you pervert. You know what I mean? There's just general. And so when I asked you about Danielle, someone's gonna say, someone got uncomfortable because of how hard I pressed you.
Starting point is 01:03:13 And someone in the comments is going to say, you asshole, or God, I hate Sevan, or how come he doesn't get nuanced? Someone's gonna say that. 100%. Where I'm gonna go with this is back to the 13 year old girl. How come he doesn't get nuance you someone's gonna job bro. I 100% 100% Where I'm gonna go with this is back to the 13 year old girl any And what Dudley said is totally fair like I do Everything that I do publicly I am completely aware that I'm on my knees
Starting point is 01:03:39 Begging to be judged for that. That is the that is the foundation of posting. If you go on the internet, if you have an iPhone, you are begging the world to judge you. And for some reason, people have trouble accepting both sides of judgments. The good judgments only work, oh my god. I love you Kotler When your wife's out of town call me i'm gonna come over and suck your dick like like Like that's not how they all work No, there's gonna be negative ones too. This piece of shit kotler pushes alex gazzan way too hard
Starting point is 01:04:18 Yeah, there's a lot of people that like any time we anytime we go out there publicly. We're begging Please judge me every post. So when I respond to Dudley, I have to know it's a shtick. But I don't think people realize that. I don't think that they realize that, like, hey, on every post, you want someone to say something nice, but because you want that, you've complete, you're begging also people to say something negative. It's just the nature of the world. Are you gonna explain this to that 13 year old?
Starting point is 01:04:54 Like, don't forget, every post is begging to be judged. And you can't control people's judgment. Yeah. You cannot. No, you can't. And you have. Yeah. You can't know you can't. You have people like Andrew Hiller who've completely mastered it, who's he's just happy to be judged. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Like he's like an alchemist positive and negative doesn't matter to him. He just takes them in and fuddles them into like everything that comes down either conveyor belt he turns to gold. Well, I think I've got two of the most judged athletes in the world right now. Between Alex and Ricky. Correct. I mean everyone thinks Alex is on drugs. So everyone thinks Alex is juicing because she's, I mean look at her, and then obviously I mean
Starting point is 01:05:41 her strength numbers are bananas right? And I always laugh and I always say to people, if Alex was juicing, no one would win an event. She would win. She would win everything. You know, and then, and then with Ricky, you know, there's always going to be those people that don't ever forgive him. You know what I mean? So you're talking about two incredibly polarizing athletes, you know? and I think that those athletes are great for an athlete like Talia, like a 13 year old as examples of how you handle it, you know, because those two, they just let that shit roll off, you know, they understand it's going to be there. They understand that there's going to be people. It has to be there. It has to be there. Yeah, of course. You know, they killed Jesus. People hated Bob Marley.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Right. Yeah. Like what the fuck? How do you hate Bob Marley? Yeah. And I think if you get too caught up in that stuff, and I'll be honest with you, man, like I. For a while, I took the Ricky stuff really personally. Like when I too personally, I, you know, morning chalk up or someone else would make a post. And then all of a sudden, you know, people would start with the syringes, right? They would just make the syringe come and I would get fucking mad and I would comment and I would go after people. And I would get fucking mad and I would comment and I would go after people. And then eventually, I just said, what am I doing? I'm driving myself fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:13 You just can't do it. You can't take it personally. You can't be overprotective because you'll never stop. There's always going to be, and I think there's a lot of people there who that's what they want. They want to rally up. They want to get a response. And that's fine. I swear to God, it's as natural as breathing.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Meaning, if you can't handle judgment, by that I mean we're all going to be sitting around judging each other. That's what we do. And so if you put yourself out there, you're going to be judged. That's like being a human being and not accepting the fact that you need oxygen. And I just, someone needs to explain that to everyone that's on social media. You are begging to be judged, but for some reason,
Starting point is 01:07:56 you're only willing to accept the positive compliments. Like, what the fuck? Yeah. And I mean, listen, I know I'm not gonna be liked by everybody and that's just the deal. Half the time, some of those death buys, right? Like you'll see the comments that are just like that fucking Kotler, like can't stand that fucking guy. So I don't really do anything to you, but okay. I mean, if that's the way you feel, like what, you know, it is what it
Starting point is 01:08:17 is. I can't, you know, what, I can't get upset about that. If we, if we're, if some of us are in the, I'm going gonna say the public guy I mean we're in the CrossFit public guy but I mean you know it's it's it is it's gonna be what it's gonna be some people are gonna like you some people aren't some people are gonna say nice things some people gonna say mean shit and Hey, you just go about your day. What are you gonna do? Can you ever wonder how like?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Like how do how do Joe and Donald take it? I? Sometimes I wonder that how do they fucking take it the shit people say about them and their families must be it must be crazy right, I just think on a on a on a Any level of that fame, you know or or infamy whatever you want to say it is, right? You know, I just can't even I mean I can't grasp it, you know, like Half the planet says your name every day. That's unbelievable. Yeah, they're your name there. Yeah. Like I can't think of, I can't think of a day in the last year where I didn't say Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Right. And I think that there are,
Starting point is 01:09:15 you know, there are more people like that, obviously celebrity wise that we see, you know, all the time that I mean, I just can't on that scale. I can't even imagine. No, it's got to be, you know, like, basically everyone in this sport has been accused of juicing. Everyone in every sport has been accused of juicing. Yeah. So like if you if you don't want to be accused of juicing, then you probably shouldn't play sports. You should probably do Twitch. And I think, you know, I still think people get upset about it. And it's why it's like, how can you are you going to get upset about it? It's almost to me. It's like, how can you, are you going to get upset about it?
Starting point is 01:09:45 It's almost a compliment. Right. Right. You know, I mean, that's, that's the way Alex is funny, man. She sees people who say she's juicy and she's like, Oh, thanks. Like, you know, that means I've obviously I'm doing impressive shit, you know? So thanks a lot. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And I think that's what you have to do. I have to. That's what Hiller does too. I, and I learned so much from him in regards That just lean into it He was just out here. Yeah. Yeah, how was that? I thought was great. I thought he he you know, I thought he got along well with the crew and thought we had a good time Yeah, um, i'm excited to see it. I feel like he's done some really nice pieces man. I feel like he's done some
Starting point is 01:10:23 Some great stuff, Haley, with Dolmit, Leahy, et cetera. We were stoked to have him here. I'm curious to see the finished product. I know he got a lot of good stuff. I just had to keep him out of casinos. He's like, Cameron. He's comfortable to be around, right? He's like crazy low maintenance. My daughter really took a liking to him. I think she's showing off the camera, bro. My kids love him. When he comes in the house, they just attack him. She was pissed at me. She didn't get to say goodbye.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, because we went to the track. By the way, he told me that he didn't the only thing he reported to me about the trip was there He's like dude cottler's daughter, dude I'm telling you freak and he said she assimilates with the athletes well He said dude, they just fucking rolled. She just rolled over to the house and went swimming with us. He said it's crazy Oh, yeah, that's she's just like she's like a little sister to them. You know, I mean, um, it's so cool You know and and she is amazing. Which brings us back to Danielle.
Starting point is 01:11:28 How did that affect, no, no, I'm just joking. I'm just kidding. Oh, but yeah, no, it was great, you know, but yeah, she was annoyed with me because we went to the track the last night and there was like this big, it was cool as shit. I'm sure the footage is gonna be amazing. It was this massive like lightning thunderstorm
Starting point is 01:11:44 and then Ricky and Alex were running around the track. It's downpouring, there's lightning in the background. And of course me being the irresponsible parent had like the kids out there for a little while. And then I was like, you know what? If something happens, my wife's gonna fucking kill me. So then I grabbed them and like we went into the shelter. We went into the shelter and she was so mad at me
Starting point is 01:12:03 because I wouldn't let her run with Ricky and Alex. Um, my seven year old. And then like, we just ran to the car and then, you know, Hiller left that night so we can get a chance to say goodbye. And so when she was like, is, is the guy with the camera going to be there tomorrow? And I was like, no, no, he left. She was like, I didn't even get to say goodbye. I was like, you know, hopefully he'll come back. I was like, it's all right. So it was funny, man.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah, she liked them. Andrew, Justin, when they're running around the track, what does she do? Does she wait, does she post up and like sprint 100 with them and then wait for them to come back around? Like do you do stuff like that? Yeah, it was funny. They were doing some sprints,
Starting point is 01:12:39 so they gave her a little bit of a head start and then they would try to catch her. So they were running, man. She was, it was fun. It was fun to watch. Like they were, they were trying for sure. Yeah, that's awesome. What a great experience for your kid. When they do, so she's probably better on her hands than both of them. So, so she, she's an incredible gymnast. So they like, but they'll do like a lot of the handstand stuff together, you know, like, you know, if they're doing handstand hold competitions or they're doing the ramp and stuff like that,
Starting point is 01:13:09 she'll do that just for fun. And she puts them through some ab circuits that they can't do, that she does at her elite gymnastics school. Yeah, that's awesome. That are pretty tough. And then she talks shit when they can't do it. It's hilarious. Oh yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. That are pretty tough. And then she talks shit when they can't do it. It's hilarious. Oh yeah, yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:13:29 She's the most competitive person in the gym without question. Damn. Yeah. Hey, would you, I know this is a fucked up way to word it, but would you let your kid do a professional crossfit? Sure, that's what she would. Yeah, you let her try to go to the games.
Starting point is 01:13:44 She's obsessed with gymnastics right now at seven. it sure that's what you would yeah you let her try to go to the games she's obsessed with gymnastics right now and at seven and you know she's also an incredible rock climber so that's those are the two things kind of she's focused on right now but I you know the gymnastics sets the base for for so many things and and obviously as she gets older she's grown up in the gym. She grew up when I was coaching Carrie. She was right there and super tight with Carrie. And through the years, she's been there
Starting point is 01:14:12 with all these incredibly strong women. And her mom is an incredibly strong woman who does CrossFit. And she's seen her be able to do amazing things. And so I don't think there's any question. She has a knack for it if she wanted to go that route. But we don't need to obviously make that decision right now. But but yes, if that's what she wanted to do, and hopefully, there's still a thriving sport by the time that she's, you know, would want to do it. That's, that's certainly something that I would I would
Starting point is 01:14:42 be be into for sure. Hey dude, can't wait to see you in three weeks, you the man. Yeah. Are you coming? I am coming. Ah, fucking A. Good, I know the last time we spoke, you weren't sure. Yeah, I think things are going well with me and the loving Ms. Jenna Hocka over there.
Starting point is 01:15:05 The CMO over at CrossFit and with Chris Madigan. And so, yes, I minding my P's and Q's. Good. Well, cool. We'll all be excited. Or at least I think I am. I'm doing my best. Doing my best.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah, dude, and I'm stoked. I'm stoked to see you. Yeah, I'll see you guys. I'm hoping to get a lot of time with Ricky and Alex there. The whole behind the scenes is who my favorites are and I can't wait to hang with them, yeah. Awesome, I'm sure they feel the same. Thanks for having me on, bud.
Starting point is 01:15:39 All right, brother, anytime, thank you. Of course. Justin Kotler, Underdogs Athletics. All right. Very cool. Clydesdale Media. Mr. Schweitzer. I contend no other coach takes things personally like Justin does with his athletes. Why he is a legend. Emotional powerhouse, right? He's a cool dude. Talk about an easy guest guest. Fuck, I might have to make room on the Mount Rushmore of easy guests and put him on there next to Josh Bridges. Let me see what's going on with um, uh agree, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Listen so for anyone who's listening who wants to try to win the $3,000 today, you have to, you're going to text this number. Like you can't, you have to figure out're going to text this number. Like you can't. You have to figure out how the show works. You can't like just text me. Let me see if. Oh, like, OK, so look at this person's Hi, my name is David, can I sign up for the kill workout?
Starting point is 01:17:04 The kill Taylor workout tomorrow. I mean, that I mean, that's kind of cool. This person's, hi, my name is David. Can I sign up for the Kill Workout, the Kill Taylor Workout tomorrow? I mean, that, I mean, that's kind of cool. Um, but basically you have to wait until the show starts and then you text this number and then we send you a link. And then you, and then you, and then you, and then you go, I wonder who are, who's our sponsor this week I Have to see You see if it's kill Taylor
Starting point is 01:17:33 Raylan use code 720 Revel in USA. Oh, I think this is Jacob Heppner's I Think it's Jacob Heppner's G I think it's Jacob Heppner's grip company. Oh, that's super cool. All right. Pat was a big talker for this one saying he would win a swim workout. Pat who? No one's gonna
Starting point is 01:18:10 Know it's gonna be 3500 next week. I'm telling you this is I Think I now know the workout is it public. It's like world-class pain cave shit. Let me see if it's up yet Seven podcast is that the Instagram the fake savant oh the real oh okay yeah here it is oh no the oh shit the workouts not even up yet oh let me see what's going on I'll call I don't even know who's in I think that's I think will brand stutter is in charge of kill Taylor Let me see Well, I've never seen a number like this Hey Hey, when do we release the workout? Hey, Will, sorry to bother you. When do we release the workout?
Starting point is 01:19:21 In an hour and a half. Oh so 30 minutes before. Yeah. But we have released that you need a pool and no equipment. Right. Yeah. And it's crazy. It's crazy. Do you know the workout already? Yeah. It's atrocious right? It's horrible. Okay. That's okay. Thanks, dude Yeah, I don't know exactly what it is but I somewhere they were talking about it and it's Just let Taylor do it and let it go to 3,500 you do not want to do this I'm telling you this is You do not want to do this. I'm telling you this is uh Yeah, you know you don't you don't want to do this uh release uh release the workout now you get you gaze Well, we do have the gay semon podcast instagram account where everything is released early
Starting point is 01:20:24 We have the what's it called? The, what's that pyramid called of, someone help me, not the, not the, what's the pyramid called of like the people who get the most DEI love and the least DEI love. It's the the hierarchy, yes, hierarchy of the victim hierarchy pyramid or something there's like a victim hierarchy pyramid and we have different Instagram accounts where we released the workout earlier based on what you where you are on the hierarchy so Jeremy we have a black one for you but you're not really that high on the totem pole.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Sorry, buddy. You would need to be. You would have to. Yeah. Oh, intersectionality hierarchy. Oh, hierarchy of needs. No, progressive stack. Some hierarchy, hierarchy of.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I don't know what it's called, but there's something. You know what I mean? Like you add points, you guys have seen it before. Yeah, Judy, you are at the bottom. You don't get shit, fuck the Asians. You guys are making twice the average income of white people in the country. What do you want?
Starting point is 01:21:40 What do you want? What do you want? What are you gonna do? Olivia, did you see the latest kill Tony with Trump and Biden no I Saw it had six million views and I'm fucking hating it cuz I'm so envious. I'm such a fucking baby I need to watch it though. I Need to watch it Yeah
Starting point is 01:22:09 So yeah you a woman's in there. It's like, what is that called? It's what the fuck is that called? It's some it's some hierarchy Like the DI heart hierarchy and you add points Games coffee fun. Thank you, Kevin. That's cool. That's really cool, dude. Thank you I'm gonna drink a lot of coffee there. I So normally when I do the behind-the-scenes I wake up every morning and I can I go down to the parking lot at the Hotel and it will be me and the owner of CrossFit roots Nicole Christiansen and Dave and we'll meet in the parking lot and it's pretty early. It's like anywhere between 4 and 5 a.m. And
Starting point is 01:22:57 I haven't I haven't got clearance for that yet a matter of fact the the The credentials I've got show that I don't got clearance for that yet. A matter of fact, the credentials I've got show that I don't get to do that. Not explicitly, like it doesn't say like, it doesn't say like in the media credentials, you can't film with Dave in the parking lot and drive with him to the venue.
Starting point is 01:23:22 But that's always been, that's what I do at the behind the scenes. Oh yeah and do I get to ride in the golf cart like all that shit. So they they haven't said no like explicitly but there is writing that makes it sound like I can't. I don't know what I don't know what's gonna happen. I will completely lose my shit if I don't get that access. I don't know what I'll do if I don't get that access. Honestly, if I do... No, not Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's something new. It's something the woke crowd has. They've built a pyramid It's like legit like the woke crowd has it like if you're black you're on one level
Starting point is 01:24:08 But if you're black and gay you get to add a few points if you're black and tranny and gay you get a few More points and like you just keep adding and then it puts you at the high the highest and when you're at the highest it's like, you know, you get shit first like you get hired first or you get a chance for an interview first or You get an opportunity to give a contract to the government first for like say if they need like outhouses if you're like a female black tranny like you would be the highest so you would get to bid for the job first. It's like that. I mean it's like official like all the school all the big universities in the country are using it. No, is it called the progressive stack? That's what, let me see. It's wild. I mean, it is as fucking, if you want to talk about Hitler or fascist, it's just fascist as you can get. I mean, it is truly taking the rights away from the individual and giving them to It's not. Progressive stack woke. Is that?
Starting point is 01:25:15 Oh yeah. A progressive stack is a technique used to give marginalized groups a greater chance to speak. Oh, okay. In the practice, majority culture may be interpreted as progressive stack, practitioners to mean white people, heterosexual people, men, while not dominant groups. So women aren't dominant in this. So the the presupposition is that women, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queer people are all weaker. Oh, the blacks don't even get shit. Oh, I guess you get black just by saying it's white people. Although I think Asians don't get shit. It's funny Asians and Latins don't even get mentioned in it. The stack is the Occupy movement is the list of speakers. God, it's dude, it's
Starting point is 01:25:58 exactly what fucking Hitler did. He had this too, based on your mixture of your race. I remember reading that book that Sam Apple wrote on Otto Warburg. Do you remember that? That was early on I had that author on. That was fucking wild. If you were, they were more lenient than the KKK, but way less lenient than the fucking left. The left is wild. But they believe that white people and straight people and men are dominant. And the non-dominant...
Starting point is 01:26:41 I can't even fucking believe this shit. I can't even fucking believe this shit. I'm clicking on Wiki marginalized groups. I wonder what that means. Socially disadvantaged. Alienation or disenfranchisement? God, this is wild. Oh, speaking of which, Jedidiah, I was obsessing the other night on wheelchair videos where dudes in wheelchairs beat up dudes who aren't in wheelchairs. It's fucking amazing Wow, I
Starting point is 01:27:31 Saw some pretty amazing shit Did you see that video I played the other day Jed and I where the guy The guy was in a wheelchair and he took a gun from the fucking security guard and Fucking beat him up on the ground. That was fucking nuts. Uh, Digmargin, if Seve doesn't get access, he's going to go back to dogging on CFHQ, probably. That's fair. I'm like a little kid.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Uh, uh, Brad, uh, Libby, disabled black trans woman hits the oppression lottery. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like that. Yeah, you got it. Like you could be president of the United States. You could be head of the Secret Service. The oppression. It is like that.
Starting point is 01:28:25 I'm going to... What if you Google that? Oppression lottery. Oppression lottery illustrated by Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. What is that? Anyway, I got to stay focused. By the way, this gotta stay focused. By the way, this shit really works. Every time I take one of these during the show, like 15 minutes later, I feel like my
Starting point is 01:28:53 whole being like, you know when your car's idling in the morning, maybe you guys are too young to know this, but it used to be in the old days, you started your car in the morning and it would idle like it like 1300 rpms and then once it was warm, it would go down to like 900 and you would hear the cargo like after a few minutes and it's like that. That's this like lowers my during the show. Anyway, yeah, so, but I feel hopeful. I feel very hopeful about, I think I'm gonna go there and they're gonna surprise me with a special band, like a wristband that says like my name on it
Starting point is 01:29:45 Like it's like gonna just be a one-off Just for me. I I seriously think that I think they're gonna be like, you know what enough of this fair shit We're gonna do a based on merit and sevens this shit The thing this would be my 12th behind the scenes or something I Had to write you have to write a little essay on like why you deserve to get to go there or something, like a little paragraph. I just sent a nude picture of myself. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:30:19 This is why. No, I mentioned that I had done it 10 or 11 times before. I wonder what happened with the pool situation those of you who watched last night I'm trying to figure out whether Taylor got a pool that is gonna be beneficial for him or if it's gonna fuck them Who I might have to take a deuce my stomach is doing something so hey what's up dude showing installing an AC national oh at the at the coffee shop yep oh that's awesome yeah putting finishing this you're doing a soft don't call anyone we're doing a soft open tomorrow. Okay, hold on one second
Starting point is 01:31:26 Hold on one second. I have to uh something hold on. Hold on one second Hey, hey Hey our connection was kind of what's up? I had to fix our connection. What do you, you're putting a, uh, uh, wait, you're putting, uh, an air conditioner in a Nash. This is Gabe, right? Yeah. Yeah, it's good. You have a store in Nashville.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yeah, we're doing a, the soft open tomorrow. So if you're in Nashville, stop by, get coffee. How would I, how would I, uh, if I went to Paper Street Coffee, would I see any pictures of that store? Not yet. On the Instagram, you'll maybe get a little sneak peek, but not yet. We're still working on a few things,
Starting point is 01:32:18 making it look pretty. This is the one that's in the gym? In that small, quaint gym? That small boutique gym? Yeah. Definitely not small boutique gym? Definitely not small boutique, but yeah, definitely. That small private boutique gym.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That place is ginormous and amazing. Hey, can people go into this? Co what's the address in Nashville? Can you give it? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:32:44 Uh, 2,600 Fessy Park Road. F-E-S-S-E-Y. Fessy Park Road in Nashville. 2600 Fessy Road. Hey, is that the kind, is it like a, are there seats there? Like, can you go in there and get a coffee and open your laptop and hang? Yeah, yeah, I have seats. I have like this awesome communal table that, uh, that we have where like eight people can just sit, hang out. Um, I got a bunch of, uh, smaller tables where you can come and just like drink coffee. You don't have to go to the gym. If you
Starting point is 01:33:17 don't want to, you just come drink coffee. Are there plugs? Yeah, there's plugs for your computer, for your chargers All that good stuff. I used to live I used to live in coffee shops I haven't done that like in 10 years, but I used to like for 10 years that's all I did travel around the country and plug my computer in a lot and uh in coffee shops Yeah, we'll be able a bunch of people do that right now in uh, in new jersey They just go there and like work for like 30, 45 minutes. I start every morning. I turn on the coffee maker. I do a shot of paper street coffee and
Starting point is 01:33:56 then just drop a deuce. That's exactly. And even if I have to drop a deuce before I finish my shot I hold it Why just cuz it's just the protocol, you know, I mean it's the sequencing of events I just feel like I want to finish it before I do and then and then I make my second cup And I dilute it with you know with in with water and then I drink it on the show every morning Yeah, it's an Americano right there. Yeah, I'm a fucking barista. I've been eating a lot of dates, so that's helped me in the morning with dates first, poop, and then coffee. Oh, even before you have coffee? No, like I have dates at night and then the morning I just have to poop.
Starting point is 01:34:45 I wake up poop then coffee. Oh wow as a reward like good job body you poop now you get to drink coffee. Pretty much. Yeah, yeah, the dates because the wife has been eating all those dates. Hey, have you had the baby? Have you had the baby yet? No, no, no. He's supposed to be coming maybe next two weeks, first baby.
Starting point is 01:35:08 So he's, he's definitely going to come generally closer to his due date. Is she having Braxton Hicks yet? Is she having any contractions yet? Oh yeah. Oh shit. Oh shit. I know, I know what's happening. The, the, the people at birth fit, they've been so cool and they helped us out
Starting point is 01:35:28 Finding like all the doulas all the midwives Giving us like all the and you too Obviously like you share all those videos and like information that you share which is pretty dope of you. So thanks for that um Someone just asked is hopper hitting Brooke Wells. I think he means putting it to her. No, no. Hopper's married. Hopper's not putting it. That's yeah, I mean. Hopper's not putting it to her.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Yeah, I doubt that. That'd be a great video though. Of them doing it? Yeah. I can't say I wouldn't want to. I'm a media guy. I'm a't say. I'm a media guy. I'm a media guy. Yeah, I can't say. I definitely can't say I wouldn't watch.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Vindicate, get your CEO shirts. He says Gabe has cramps too. Hahaha. Fuck off Travis. Oh, I was actually also calling because I'm in a bit of a predicament, a bit of a dilemma. You have extra coffee and you need to get it out of the warehouse? Sort of, kind of, but not really.
Starting point is 01:36:39 We roast to order, so we always plan to have stuff. Seriously? Yeah, dude. Someone orders and then you start, how the fuck do I not even know that and I've known you for three years? We roast every Tuesday. Every Tuesday we roast all our coffee that was purchased the week before and we send it out.
Starting point is 01:36:58 We might have a few bags left over that we then use for like orders that come in on a Monday or I'm sorry on a Wednesday or Thursday, but we generally don't have coffee just sitting around. Kenneth DeLappe, I subscribed to paper street coffee and I was surprised with two free samples my last order subscribe now. There you go. That's why I was calling because I think I think I sadly am going to have to raise some prices August 1st.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Oh, just have you ever raised prices before? Not to my knowledge. I don't think I have. Okay, so it's time. He is like three years. Coffee is going up, but along with everything. But, but, but because Kenneth is a homeboy and he's already subscribed, I'm going to honor the price that our coffee is now for all our subscribers.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Um, they're going to be grandfathered into it to whatever price it is now. Wow. You're paying 1899. grandfathered into it to whatever price it is now. Wow. If you're paying 1899, no matter how, how expensive our coffee goes, you're going to be paying 1899 for it for as long as you have your subscription. Oh dude, that's genius. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:17 And the cool thing is I also get to give them like free product too, like not free product, but I like Kenneth got two of those samples of the product that we are coming out during the games. Yes. So he Kenneth got two of those samples of the product that we are coming out during the games. So he just got some of those. We have a bunch of different coffee that we're ready to send out, but we're going to send it out to our subscribers first so they can play around with it, have fun with it, and then we'll release it to the population. Before anyone orders, make sure you don't type out street. It's And what engaged in a long time sponsor of the show.
Starting point is 01:38:49 So I love it when he has success and he's been crazy successful opening the second store at proven headquarters. Uh, tomorrow will just be the beta launch. So anyone who wants to test it and test out the baristas there, test out the coffee machines, test out the shitter. Is there a toilet? There is, there's two toilets. Just go over there and overwhelm Paulina.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Just ask Paulina for everything and just overwhelm her. God, that's so cool. But what you're saying is, is that prices will be going up, but if you subscribe now, your prices won't go up. You'll be grandfathered in at whatever the price is. Yeah, whatever the price is now, whatever you're paying for, it's all gonna be the same price. And obviously if they use your
Starting point is 01:39:29 discount code, even if the prices go up, you'll still get a discount. Awesome. Elise Carr-Ridao, I saw mine shipped today. Good, that's awesome. Our goal is to try to get it out as soon as possible. So that way people can just have awesome coffee all the time. And then if you get like some of the new products, definitely like try it out, shoot us a video on Instagram or something and let us know how you guys like it. I don't even know if I like coffee, it doesn't mean if I like a new product, it doesn't mean that everyone's going to like a new product doesn't mean that everyone's gonna like any product
Starting point is 01:40:07 Rambler My girlfriend doesn't want to my girlfriend girlfriend doesn't want to see me and gets pissed off at me for no reason I need relationship help your girlfriend doesn't want to see you Interesting Interesting. First girlfriend ever kind of... Oh, it's your first girlfriend ever? Oh. If your girlfriend doesn't want to see you, it's not your girlfriend. Thank you. How old is Rambler? Like 50 with his first girlfriend? I have no idea. I don't know anything about Rambler.
Starting point is 01:40:41 I don't know anything about Rambler. Is this like the Dr. Drew show now the the one where he calls in for you call in for like advice on relationships now? I guess your girlfriend, your girlfriend, if you if your girlfriend, if you're 20, you should have a girlfriend who can't keep her hands off of you. I assume Rambler's young. From 20 to 40, you should be running from your girlfriend. Like, holy fuck. I can't take, I can't give you one more nut.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Judy just suggested that he should buy, he or she, whoever Rambler is, should buy them some paper street coffee. Oh yeah, Rambler, there it is. A subscription for Life or paper street coffee Sorry, but I can't help with that question that's on you Maybe reassess a few a few life choices if your girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with you Johnny giving his advice. Have you been eating the box regularly what box is that Johnny what box is this you're speaking of Johnny this mysterious box oh man oh that's
Starting point is 01:41:56 that's fun that's interesting hey do you know yeah man I'll let you go let me ask you one more question do you know Lexi Neely? Name sounds familiar. Why do I know her? Why does that name sound familiar? She's a games athlete. And she cool. I think she must be cool. She does. She's the fucking I think she's Ariel Loewen 2.0. She just trains at a gym. She just takes classes at a gym. Hey, where she out of? She just takes classes at a gym Hey Where's she out of? uh, I don't that's a good question. I don't know she has a Uh a us area code i'm going to um invite her on the show now
Starting point is 01:42:36 I mean not not like now like to um Come on now, but i'm gonna send her a text but I just like the fact I know I know we're both huge ariel loan fans and it's just kind of cool that this chick also trains at a gym At an affiliate just takes classes And that's it and she's going no I know and I think she supplements You know like Ariel did like whatever she doesn't do she she she fills in Lexi we'd love to have you on the podcast Suza will send you times so you're not going to the games because you're you're
Starting point is 01:43:16 dealing with kidshit no I'm definitely not going to the games imagine I'd probably come back and my wife would kill me. Oh listen I'm not missing the birth of my child. Yeah of course not. Listen to this Gabe, I love you guys I think I have a $5,000 trip coming up soon and maybe I think she's freaking out about that. What does that mean you have a $5,000 trip coming up? This is getting interesting I kind of want to find out what's going on. Do you think Rambler is a real person? Like meaning like, or it's like Trish just poses as a fictitional, you know what I mean? I mean, clearly poses as a fictitional person, but maybe this is uh you know his actual life kind of
Starting point is 01:44:06 creaking into the rambler persona right he's going to paris for the olympics oh yeah you see that that's just so but listen to how dumb this question is how am I going to watch CrossFit in another country? Uh YouTube like what planet do you live on? I don't not even I would not even I would ask a question like that You can't assume people are you know smart But have fun at the olympics bring me back a baguette or something a baguette Yeah, yeah, um, but yeah if you're if you guys are in the national area swing by tomorrow
Starting point is 01:44:49 tell me how it is tell me how you don't like it give me feedback and Then don't forget you guys haven't saw August 1st press is go up. What are they gonna go up to? I don't know. I still have to do the research. All right, get your subscription now paper Street coffee. Gabe. Thank you All right, we'll talk about the discount for the games on the new product that's coming out. It'll be crazy as well Awesome, you demand dude. Thank you for everything Love you guys. Love you. Oh, bye. Love you, too. All right, Gabe from paper street coffee Giving us a warning subscribe now. You're fucked You'll feel bad uh what is this um uh so was you
Starting point is 01:45:31 who told suza something was off about him i don't know what you're talking about everything's compared to me everyone's off a little bit uh sevan is there a Russell Berger rumble coming soon? Yeah we need to, I don't know if we have, I could send that text too. Can we schedule? Now we're getting so close to the games. I want to have Russell Berger on, I miss him. I miss him. I miss him. Okay, uh, I don't know if this is true, but I saw this on, um,
Starting point is 01:46:18 I saw this on, uh, Twitter. Someone tell me, someone fact check this for me. Look at this. It's some chick grabbing her own pussy behind that window. Is that real? What a spot to be standing. What a... Oh, she had to pee? Wild. The old crotch grab. Okay let's see what's just going on. What's going on with Biden? Biden campaign insists he's in the race despite mounting Democrat call. Oh, this is 14 minutes ago
Starting point is 01:47:26 Third year. Uh, let's see. This is What fun drama I think this I think this notion that people are begging to be judged is so profound It didn't land hard with Kotler though. I don't know why. Biden campaign insists he's in this race despite mounting Democrat calls to drop out. President Biden reportedly furious as Democrat officials have ramped up calls for him to withdraw from the 2024 election.
Starting point is 01:47:57 Party donors have threatened to withhold money and elected officials are openly calling for the president to step aside. Biden is self-isolating in Rojo both Delaware after testing positive for COVID-19. White House said President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Wednesday, prompting him to cancel a two-day swing through the battleground states in a pre-taped interview that aired on Wednesday. Like who cares if you tested positive for COVID-19? Doesn't it just matter if like you're sick or not? Like if cares if you tested positive for COVID-19. Doesn't it just matter if you're sick or not? Like, if I, like, he should just be worried about himself.
Starting point is 01:48:28 If he's not sick, then just keep doing your shit. Who cares? 80%, wasn't it like 80% of COVID-19 is asymptomatic? Like, who gives a shit? In a pre-taped interview with the, that aired on Wednesday night, Biden told BET news host ed gordon bet Did he reconsider staying in the race if I had some medical condition that emerged if somebody if doctors came to me and said
Starting point is 01:48:55 You got this problem and that problem Biden's disasters imagine listening to a doctor about whether you should run for president What a fucking joke to a doctor about whether you should run for president. What a fucking joke. Biden's disaster is, what the fuck is wrong with him? Listen to this, I'm gonna read it again. If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said,
Starting point is 01:49:16 you got this problem and that problem, you wouldn't run? That's how easy it is for you to stop running? You are fucked up if that's if your discernment if your choices are that heavily swayed by a doctor. It's just a data point. So you tested positive who cares? Now if you're coughing and sneezing and fucking you your eyes are burning and you can't fucking stay awake and you're fucking and you're having trouble breathing and wheezing then like yeah but just positive alone how does that have anything to do with what
Starting point is 01:49:52 your next move is at all that's what i mean that's the shopping cart thing that's the thing with like if you're sick stay home fuck that stay home. Fuck that. Biden's disastrous. I'd be coughing. I'd be the person who just had the craziest green loogies, you know, and just couldn't stop hacking out long, but still felt great. And I'd just go to the gym every few minutes, to the, you know, the Planet Fitness or Gold's. Just ride my bike down there and still work out. Who cares? I just go to the sink and cough those things out every few minutes. Who gives a fuck? Biden's disasters, June 27th, debate performance against former President Trump in Atlanta has prompted a growing number of Democrats to insist the president should step aside. That means nothing to me. step aside. That means nothing to me. I was hearing reports that he was going to step down.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Look at, oh here it is. Top Dem donors believe Biden is close to dropping out. But this says, uh, Biden campaign insists, is that today? Yeah, this is 14 minutes ago that they're saying, so this Fox News, geez, they have both sides of the story. 14 minutes ago they say he's staying in the race and then it also says he's not staying in the race. I think it's going to end very shortly, said one donor close to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The pressure is insurmountable.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Oh, 22 seconds ago. Listen, that just popped up in real time. I look forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week and a statement on Friday amid growing calls for him to drop out of the race. That's today. President Biden said he was looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week and a statement on Friday amid growing calls for him to drop out of the race. That's today. President Biden said he was looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week. Last night, the American people saw the same Donald Trump they rejected four years ago over for over 90 minutes. He focused on his own grievances with no plan to unite us. You know what I heard? All I heard was focus on the country and to unite it unite us. Whereas when I hear Biden talk, all I hear is, I don't know what I hear, but it's always about Ukraine. I thought Trump did great yesterday.
Starting point is 01:52:10 He avoided mentioning his Project 2025 agenda, but still proudly flaunted the worst of MAGA extremism. Like what? I want to know what. What? Americans know exactly where he wants to take this country. They know that he inflicted pain and cruelty on the women of America by overturning Roe vs. Wade. Although with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, 8 million less babies will be executed this year. Oh, that's kind of cool. God, this is fucking such garbage. Who... He doesn't even say anything.
Starting point is 01:52:49 He just needs to throw the word God in there a few times, like the Republicans do. Jeez Louise. How does anyone fall for this shit? MAGA extremism. So that, that I guess that word gets people riled up. They hear that and they just get all fucking bent. How weak are these people? Donald Trump's dark vision for the future is not what we as Americans. His whole vision yesterday was energy independence.
Starting point is 01:53:25 How is that dark? Together we as a party... That's... I hate... There's nothing here. So the only thing he says basically here, and he misrepresents it, is the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which is just constitutionally appropriate. It's giving the power back to the states. And Donald Trump even said, man, there's some states where you can still get your fucking shit blasted. Like you can kill babies all you want. And that he's very happy that it's up to the states. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:53:57 You got what you wanted. I don't understand how they keep talking about it just as women's rights and not mention ever the baby's rights. I don't get that part. I understand the women's part. I get it. Is this a comment show? No. Shut your face. No, shut your face Judy Reid I can't imagine anyone watch the RNC and still voting Democrat the entire convention was about loving and putting America first I know the thing is though as a former libtard all that God talk man That shit scares the fuck out of people because people like me don't know what like we don't know what to do with it I've nowhere I've nowhere to put that people like me don't know what to do with it. I have nowhere to put that.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And so it's so easy for me to, if I, the previous Sevan would just lump you into crazy camp, like tranny camp. Like to me, the LibTard Sevan, every time you say God, it's like, oh yeah, you believe in child genital mutilation. It's like it's all the same shit. Like you're just confused. Like you have a really simple vocabulary and you're not able to articulate what you're really saying. So you say the word God or you're fucking just crazy confused. And so you think men and women are the same. Yeah, I guess I do know the difference.
Starting point is 01:55:19 Oh, look at Jake Chapman's actually being come out of his facetious cave and into the real world. You know right from wrong, Saban. Yeah. I just don't want to be, I just don't want to be, you remember what we were talking about earlier? Like I don't want to be controlled by other people's words. And so they, when you say God, the rights control, like it just pushes those people
Starting point is 01:55:43 into a spot in their head. Like some of you say God and you're just like, Oh my God, that I'm so you're like, it brings you peace. You have to remember the libtards, like they have a whole different meaning of God. So you use these abstractions and they just fucking flip out. But I like it now even though I don't know what it means or where to how to how to process it I like it now. I'm all for the God people. Hallelujah All right, I should go before I eat a gummy Alright, I should go before I eat a gummy. 940am, you guys know what happens in an hour and 20 minutes. Taylor Self will do the workout, all the shit talking athletes that say that they're gonna do it won't do it because they'll be too big of pussies.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Show will be 36 minutes long. Bunch of people will be like, that sucked no one called in. I'm so sorry I would have called in for you. Then I have to remind you I don't give a fuck. Then the show will be over. Oh, do I have a show tonight? It's day Friday. I'm so bummed right now.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Cause my kids went to over the hill to skateboard my wife took him I so want to go watch okay I don't have shit tonight I don't have anyone on the schedule tomorrow either is that really true is that really true there's no one scheduled for tomorrow morning? That can't be true. Something must be wrong. Oh, CrossFit Games Update Show. Holy shit. Oh, shit. Thank you. Uh, can we do a CrossFit Games update show tonight? John
Starting point is 01:57:50 Bill Who should I ask to come on John Young Bill and JR? Or Tyler I Just feel like if I have Tyler and John on it's the same as the spin show even though I really like hanging out with Tyler. I think Tyler's like my favorite for the Dave Castro Week in Reviews. I can't overuse Hiller I can't I have to be careful Hiller Hillers like it's too it's you gotta be careful. He I was on with him last night
Starting point is 01:58:31 I gotta be careful Like he's a You know, I I was chatting with Hiller this morning actually before the show and You know, I was chatting with Hiller this morning actually before the show. And Hiller's in this interesting situation where his tools are... Oh, it's probably not... the metaphor I gave him worked great with him listening, but probably is not gonna work with you guys listening. Because I don't mean... I mean this in... I don't mean this in a derogatory fashion at all, but you know the term punching down?
Starting point is 01:59:14 Basically, Hiller's like lightest weapon is like a brick. Uh, Hiller and Halpen having a tiff. How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it?
Starting point is 01:59:34 How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How can I break it? How like fucking break it like It'll be too much like he doesn't hillar doesn't have cotton balls in his arsenal Do you know what I mean? Oh
Starting point is 01:59:58 Wow, wow, this is crazy Yeah, are you on crack Greg seed hillar complains that CrossFit won't say his name. First of all, he doesn't complain. I think he thoroughly enjoys it. Then Hiller refuses to give credit to Halbin's work. What do you- refuses? Dude, you're out of your fucking mind, dude. That's some fucking world class twisting of reality listen anyone
Starting point is 02:00:33 in the I don't know if we should explain this whole thing because I'm not even an expert you explain it tell me what you think happened Greg seed and I'll read it tell me what you think happened and I'll read it because I don't I don't know what happened but I was basically I was talking to Hillary how funny is going back. He doesn't have like Imagine there's a fly on your window and you get a fly swatter and you hit it and you kill it or you like what? I do is I just grab him with my I just grab flies in the window and open the door and throw him outside But Hillary didn't have that tool. So if he wants to if he wants to kill a fly He's gonna throw a brick at it and it's going to break
Starting point is 02:01:05 the window. He just has a... Malachi Bennett said, can you help me get first dibs on the pool workout tomorrow? I got to work right after. Yeah, no problem. Tomorrow 8am. Be there. Tomorrow. Dude, the workout's in fucking an hour and 15 minutes. And I say this with peace and love, Malachi, but if you think it's tomorrow, we have serious issues already that I cannot help you with. But Sebby, you said it was Saturday. I don't care what I've said. I'm telling you it's in fucking 75 minutes.
Starting point is 02:01:48 And you have no chance anyway. Just give it a break. Does anyone want to explain what happened? I could call Hiller. Like I said, I don't know if Hiller wants to... He got other shit to do. It's more... I don't know. Someone write it and I'll read it.
Starting point is 02:02:19 What you think happened. I don't want to... He's Brian Friend 2.0. Uh, someone um, I don't get the Halpen hate either, Greg Seed. Well dude, you don't even get the whole situation. You, you, the way you wrote it is just fucking nuts dude. Sorry, You you the way you wrote it is just fucking nuts, dude. Sorry Not sorry Hillary's happens content how helping helping wants at least to mention that it was his content like first of all, that's Okay, so Hillary used happens content so by that you mean what do you mean like
Starting point is 02:03:05 He like helping had a graph and Hiller reposted it and didn't say where he got it from. Like do what any fucking normal person does and just put in the comments, that's my graph. Or how about this, send Hiller a fucking message and be like, thanks for using my shit, I appreciate it. Like imagine the biggest fucking guy in the space uses your picture. Is Halpen really upset about it? Halpen wants at least a
Starting point is 02:03:29 mention? At least a mention. Like yeah somewhat like if you care about Halpen why not just help him out and be like hey dude you should just be thankful your shit's getting used. Halpen is a bit correct that Hillary used Halpen's photos and didn't tag him. So what? However, reporting the post is an interesting move. Talk it out first. How about just write in the f— how about just put, thank you?
Starting point is 02:03:57 How about none of that? How about everyone is using everyone's stuff? Have you not looked at Instagram lately? What did he use of Halpens? Keeping it real, I've used screen grab videos of Hiller and many other big names and they've never got... Why? Listen, that's the thing.
Starting point is 02:04:20 That's it right there. Only a world class, there's only a couple options. Piece of shit, moron, vindictive cunt. Dude, I play whole fucking shows of Dave Castro's in fucking rip them and Dave has never reported me to YouTube Why why did he did he um Dis what's what I'm looking for? Did he slander Halpen? Did he take some of Halpen,
Starting point is 02:05:10 like did he take a family photo of Halpen where Halpen's saying, we're all vaxxed and take that picture and be like, I killed my family? Is that what he did? Cause then I understand. If you're telling me, if you're telling me that Halpen posted a picture of his entire family on the internet and it's them holding arm in arm and it says, we're all vaxed, you should be too, and Hiller
Starting point is 02:05:32 took it and said, you killed your family? Actually, that would probably be appropriate. But what did he take of Halpen's? How the fuck could you be upset if Andrew Hiller used a photo of yours? How about just thank you? Now I understand what Vindicate's saying. Travis is saying, well, legally according to the guidelines of the way Instagram works, but like legally the way the guidelines of Instagram... like...
Starting point is 02:06:04 What? Like... What? He wanted... What did Hiller take of his? Halpen to Sporty Beth 2.0. I think something's off with him is what it is. I think something's off. Or he hates Hiller or something. I can't imagine. Did Hitler slander him? Halpen's the guy with all the tattoos. Yeah, he's the god guy that's completely covered in tattoos. Yeah. He starts each one with a photo. This one was Halpen's photo. Oh. Oh oh. Yesterday, Hiller made 50 videos stealing Dave's content. From Halpen's point of view.
Starting point is 02:06:54 And all of those videos that Hiller put up start with a still photo and you're saying Halpen took one of those? Holy shit. Holy shit. And Halpen reported them to Instagram for that? That's the story? Unfucking believable. And actually has tagged Dave and all the original ones and Castor didn't care. And you know what I think too also is I think Dave, I think he has to tag Dave's TDC account
Starting point is 02:07:36 or T-Hunt's account because I think his Dave's big account has Hiller blocked. I don't want to talk to fucking Halpen. I text with Halpen sometimes. It's all, it's weird enough. It's really weird. And I don't want to fucking really communicate with any of these fucking people that like take screenshots and post. I make an exception for Hiller, but he's pretty good at like at usually asking
Starting point is 02:08:02 people, I don't want to do that shit. Like, fuck you. I ain't doing that I think helping does that I'm old school I think recently someone used something of mine, a photo, and I just wrote, maybe it was Jason Kalipa or Rich or Matt Chan used a photo. So I can't remember. I'm guessing it could be totally wrong. And I just wrote, oh, I took that picture in the comments.
Starting point is 02:08:41 Just publicly suck myself off for a second. Like if you want to suck yourself off, just make a note in the comments. Hey, so because, so which athlete was it? Which athlete photo was it? So Halpen puts his interest, that's another thing. So did that post get taken down? So Halpen basically just hurt the athlete. Those, those, those things that Hiller posted are, is, are doing, Hiller just, I don't know why Hiller did that.
Starting point is 02:09:10 I mean, it was nice of him to do it, but the, but those aren't doing well. Like Hiller did that for other, probably Hiller did that to offer that shit up to all the other athletes, just as like a generous thing to do. He does that shit for all sorts of people. We'll just make them little things. Oh shit. Uh, yes, and this is how Wooly got shut down. It's really serious if you get three of them. God damn it. Now I'm hating Halpin. Fuck. Halpin pulled a victory lap on his story. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Who's the athlete that Halpin fucked? Cause someone had, there's someone, I know, Hiller told me he was offering collabs on all of them. Who was it? Who was the photo of? Geez Louise. Cheese Louise. Oh, Taylor got his DNA for addiction packet. Oh, maybe so he's going to take that test to see if he's has a proclivity For substance abuse. Is that the right word? Do I use that word right Chloe David? Oh great
Starting point is 02:10:58 So she probably doesn't get much fucking media time anyway and helping just put it in her dumper What a douche I didn't even know how I've been took pictures What was I looking at proclivity proclivity What does that word mean proclivity a tendency to choose or do something regularly? Oh, yeah inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing. Yeah. Oh, that's good. Oh This is gonna be good. This is gonna be our first show DNA for addiction This is a to be good. This is going to be our first show DNA for addiction This is a sarah's new company Oh, i'm pretty excited about this
Starting point is 02:11:35 So taylor after taking the test I'm wondering, uh, could you please open the results? You took the test two weeks ago. Uh, yes, I did so long Uh after taking that you've now taken the test you're about please open the results? You took the test two weeks ago? Yes I did sovon. After taking the test, you're about to open the box. Do you have any insecurities before you open these results in front of us? Oh yeah, I'm just a… No, of course no I don't have any insecurities. Fucking Taylor Self from KillTaylor, I put my shit on the line every week, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 02:12:03 Okay, we're here with Taylor Self with his DNA for addiction. Taylor, you took the test two weeks ago. Please open the envelope and let's find out if you have a proclivity to doing drugs. Okay, let me open that up, Sevan. I'll open up the envelope. And the results are...
Starting point is 02:12:31 What is it, Taylor? What do you see? It says that I have such a high proclivity for drugs that they couldn't even test me. That if I'm within a hundred miles of heroin, I'll shoot it. Oh, okay. Well, let's talk through this a little bit, Taylor. This is gonna be a good show. I wonder if you, if Caleb was here, we should do a test. How many of you think that Taylor has an addictive personality that he's gonna test high on the DNA for addiction Crazy high. No, no, no. Might as well stay on. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:13:09 Sean M. DNA prediction sounds like an excuse to me. I mean, what are you going to do with that info? All of us can be addicted to something. Yes, I know. So I had that same conversation with Sarah. I didn't take it as far as you did. But here's the thing. Once you take this test, this is the kind of thing you give to your here's the thing, once you take this test, this is the kind of thing you give to your fucking doctor dude, if you're gonna have surgery or your dentist or anyone who's gonna fucking prescribe drugs to you
Starting point is 02:13:31 or shoot you up with drugs. Use it to scare the shit out of your kids so they don't do drugs. I hear you. I'm not saying like, I don't think you should take it. I don't think you should read your results from DNA prediction and to be like well fuck I got a proclivity do drugs might as well just start shooting heroin now
Starting point is 02:13:50 Wow, no shit Keeping it real opiates for nine years clean for nine years. I don't call myself an addict anymore. That's awesome, dude. You're the man That's awesome. Jake Chapman, I'm addicted to pizza and vagina. Not in that order. Oh, wow. I like this. Keep me real. My wife has to control the vagina and the pills if I get injured just in case
Starting point is 02:14:29 She should double down on the vagina so that you don't take the pills Is there anyone that is there anyone that is there anyone in the chat that makes sure their Significant spouse has an orgasm every day like it's just on your to-do list like okay feed the dog make sure so-and-so has a Orgasm okay, both of those are done pick up dog poop in the backyard. Okay, workout. It's just on your list to do. Oh, Standee Randy. Wow. That's awesome. God, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Oh, wow. Wow. That's awesome. God, I love this. Yeah, that's a smart move. I love this. Yeah, that's a smart move. God, that's a smart move. Damn. All right, one hour to kill Taylor.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Three grand. I love you guys. I have so much fun here. Someone's already text me. I'm ready. It's not for an hour It's not for an hour. Listen, it's in an hour It's in one hour And three grand well fuckers are cheap Paper Street coffee you must get your subscription in now if you want to get the prices that have been for the last three years. Very soon prices will be going up. People who are subscribed now will be grandfathered in.
Starting point is 02:16:11 It's Paper ST Coffee. Paper ST Coffee. Use code SEVON and you might get like, I don't know. I don't know what you get, but you might get something. All right. Love you guys. See you in an hour. It's going to be a badass show.
Starting point is 02:16:25 It's not for the faint of heart. And those of you who've made it this far, you can fuck off for anyone who thinks I push Kotler too hard on the Daniel Brandon thing. Seriously, you can just suck a big load out of me. Bye bye.

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