The Sevan Podcast - Kamala is DRUNK - Live Call In

Episode Date: August 26, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Sabby! Hey Denise! Hey Ramble! Hi Melissa! Bray! Have I seen you before? Good morning! Chris, what's up dude?
Starting point is 00:00:08 Curious? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee?
Starting point is 00:00:16 Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee?
Starting point is 00:00:24 Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my coffee? Hey, where's my what's up, dude? Curious? Hey, where's my coffee? My coffee's right here. Rich, what's up, dude? Good morning. Oh, Marissa, happy birthday. Fourth today, happy Sunday. It's my birthday. Oh, I didn't see that happy birthday that's fun Vittorio hi Craig what's up dude I went to uh I went to a jujitsu I went to a jujitsu tournament oh shit wow hi good morning good morning is My mic on yeah What's up with you, did you just wake up? No, I've been up for a few hours
Starting point is 00:01:14 What time do you normally wake up like to go to work? For him Wow Wow, yeah Holy shit, so when we do the later shows that you've come on sporadically those destroy you yeah Cuz I'm there until 334 o'clock and then I go back in PT until 6 So if we do a 630 show West Coast time, that's 930 for you if we stay on for two hours. That's 1130. Oh my god What time do what time does your work? I?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Use that term loosely start. I know you're doing more than just work starts at 530 So you have an out you why does it take you now and I have to get ready breakfast and all that shit So the there's only one Shall I entry point? Oh So I have to so if I don't get there a Certain time then it's a line that takes like 30 45 minutes to get through Wow so I have to and that we have to be there at a certain time to
Starting point is 00:02:23 Like do work. So is there only, I'm not sure if it's a base or what you go onto, but are there more than one, is there more than one entrance? No, only one. Oh my God. So you have like a lot of people trying to get down through the same gate with like one, uh, what's the longest you've seen the line 45 minutes sounds long. How long does it take to process someone one minute, two minutes?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Not that long. Probably it's like 30 seconds. Probably, probably less than that. They like run your, do they run your place and your ID and shit like that. Multiple. They just look at your military ID, but you have some people that still like fumble with their ID when they come up to the gate and then like they haven't pulled it out yet and stuff like that. Or maybe someone maybe someone doesn't maybe someone's like,
Starting point is 00:03:14 is there a guest line that's separate than that line? Yeah, but there aren't usually guests coming in at that time. It's usually just all us. Have you thought about making a suggestion to the people in charge that like they at that time. It's usually just all us. Uh, have you thought about making a suggestion to the people in charge that like they had at that time? Yeah. Yeah. Hey, two hours a day. Maybe you open it up so that we get another gate.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah. To get, yeah. So just for a couple hours a day, you know, in and out, they, they walk, the guy walks down the line and starts taking orders. Yeah, yeah, they should do. They have one person that does that. So sometimes it gets a little quick, but maybe I'll suggest that to them. I'll put that in the suggestion box.
Starting point is 00:03:56 So you're, you're, what you're doing there starts at six. So a lot of times you get to like 30 minutes or an hour early just because you're on the wait line. Right. So I'll just, I'll go park and then I'll just sit in my car for like 30 minutes, drink my coffee, scroll through social media, just peruse CrossFit girls. Yeah. Just chill.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Hey, I saw um Did you see the buttery so so, you know the buttery bros a Heber and Mars were at the games obviously this year and when All that shit went down with Lazar dying at the first event They were both of them were there and they hung out there as long as anyone right like they like a lot of people just left They stayed I stayed for probably like two hours But they were still there, you know what I mean, right and I'm gonna I'm gonna get I'm just throwing this in there. I'm gonna guess that they cried everyone cried a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:59 It was like up and down. It was like really intense You know what I mean, like I saw my friend crying. I called my wife I started crying and then and then and then it would go away You know what I mean? It would like come and hit you furiously and then it would just go away and then it would come back It was weird, right? Somebody dies right like that. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you're vacillating between like your touch of your own mortality And hey, where's my keys? Right your touch of your own mortality and hey, where's my keys? Right. Yeah. You know, you'll still have like regular things to worry about.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah. Or like, or like, are my camera batteries charged? Like, yeah, it's just a trip. Yeah. You're vacillating between normal life and the shock. But anyway, they were there and they were still filming stuff, you know, like fire trucks pulling up and ambulances and they were interviewing
Starting point is 00:05:42 people and they interviewed me a few times. And so now they got this piece that, and ambulances and they were interviewing people and they interviewed me a few times and So now they got this piece that and you know, they've they've earned the right as much as anyone To film anything in the CrossFit space, right? They've given their time their money They've taken the risks. They fully immersed themselves. They all the people. It's not like they're ambulance chasing. It's like, Hey, that's what they've been doing for 15 years, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, like, I know, like, I know what it takes. They have relationships with everybody.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah, everyone. Like friends. Yes. And their, their, their, their work shows it. Their, their fucking masters at their fucking craft, all their shit looks fucking amazing, it's consistent, their numbers are high. I mean, it's just, it's like... There's zero ambulance chasing in it. They've earned that right and they've earned that trust in the community. You think that's fair? Depiction of who they are?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, absolutely. You think that's fair depiction of who they are? Yeah, absolutely and So recently they put up a video on their Instagram It's not there anymore it's gone, but they put up a video on their Instagram saying, you know our piece on the tragedy of Lazar Jukic is coming out soon And I started reading the comments and it made me realize like we live with like we live with like just assholes or this like from they were attacking them saying that first they were saying that this was clickbait first of all it's not clickbait it's just a traditional like post like they're probably getting close
Starting point is 00:07:23 to publishing it and it was just a traditional post like, Hey, we have this piece coming out. You know what I mean? Let people know. There were people who were saying you shouldn't make money off the event off the tragedy. They're not making money off of the tragedy. They're making money off of 15 years of fucking hard, fucking work and dedication and commitment and love that they've poured into everything that they do He he he has at least two kids Marsden's Marsden, I think Marsden's married. I'm sure he wants to have kids
Starting point is 00:07:56 I it's just fucking wild to me the shit that they pulled it down. I think I don't think they did Yeah, and and I and I'm assuming they pulled it down because they I don't think they did yeah and and I and I'm assuming they pulled it down because they didn't they didn't like getting the smoke but I wanted to go to war for them in the comments I wanted to just start fucking just like you fucking assholes mind your own business you don't have to fucking watch it you think that that was fun for them to fucking make that piece you think it was fun for them to be there? Yeah. Like they have to sit in those feelings and like, I mean, just no, it's not, none of that's fun.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Bladewalker, I learned no matter what, someone's gonna be mad. I just, there's things that I just don't understand. Was there anybody in there? Pardon me? Was there anybody in there that was like, we can't wait to see this or like? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:44 To be honest, it was like 50-50, but I don't think that the buttery bros. I don't think that they they're used to like Just getting but every but every but the logical thing is is like hey This must have been really fucking hard for you guys. Thanks for holding the camera still and bringing the story to us This is gonna be fucking fantastic. What a great remembrance of Lazar everything Everything you guys have always made is respectful. Thank you. How about just that? Even if you... Every single person in the chat makes money off of someone's death. Just because you don't fucking see it. You don't think someone died for you to make your buck today? You're crazy. It would be so easy to point to that. Somebody who works for an insurance company or?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah, someone who works for an insurance company or lawyers make money off of people's misery or every time you get in the car you don't think you know how many people die every year because from from car accidents or dying building cars or from like when I had to go pick up a dead body from a car accident like yeah off of the house yeah how dare you i'm on the clock dude how dare you go fucking did you have to do that when you were deployed pick a dead body off a yeah he got into a like pretty severe car accident one of your people. Not my people, but somebody, what was it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yeah. Let's say, let's take that. One of your people. One of my people. Yeah. Okay. Take two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 One of my people, he just got into a pretty severe car accident, car exploded. He got decapitated. We had to, like, I had to go out there with some people and pick him up and Yeah, that disgusts me that you make that disgusts me that you make money Doing that and investing in the shatiken buy a new carpet in the shatiken. I can't do that shit for free And you use that you use that guy's death from you use that guy's death to make a doggy door Yeah, that's right. Yeah, I fucking That's that money epoxy my floor that thirteen dollars you made that day you used to buy a box cutter to call cutting the
Starting point is 00:10:49 Side of the shot again. That's right paid for half a gallon of paint It's fucking it's it's um You you guys out there who get offended by stuff I'll use myself as an example. it's what makes you the most easily manipulated. The more they control you by what you're offended by. So, like, I'm offended by pedophiles being allowed to come into kids' schools and read to them. And so I can be manipulated by that. If I find out that there's someone running for office who doesn't want pedophiles in kids' schools reading to them and So I can be so I can be manipulated by that if I find out that there's someone running for office who doesn't want
Starting point is 00:11:27 Pedophiles and kids schools reading to them. That's like I'm like I'm manipulated by that So it's just that makes sense yeah, how are you how are you offended by the buttery bros making something It makes you such a bad person Gino the buttery bros just flat-out worked their ass off. Yeah, I mean they were completely covered covered in like sweat and they're carrying their cameras around always and I was so disappointed. I had I had I had I looked at the post and then I went into the comments and I just went back and forth Like do I want to like I wanted to take all these people's names down and open it up on the show Be like fuck you guys are such assholes
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, I kind of wish they would have kept it up. I would like to see See the idiots of the world. I'm so I sent them the last interview. Well, you know Scott van der Sloot On the froning podcast said that he has the last interview with Lazar Jukic, which which is interesting because I was filming with him right as he was going to the line to line up So I don't know if Scott actually went to the line. I mean he's mayhem's a guy but I don't think Lazar was Mayhem anymore. No I think they told they said that he left pretty much right as Roman came around. Yeah. He went back to his his original coach in Serbia. But yeah I'm yeah so so so now
Starting point is 00:13:12 But yeah, so now, but anyway, so I was gonna get confused by or get distracted by a comment in there. So I gave that footage to the Buttery Bros and I hope that their video gets 12 million views and they make 10 million dollars off of it I Hope to God for their hard work. They get fucking filthy rich You think like it's a Providing good memories of Lazar to yeah all the all the back and look at that and then Every everyone should be happy. Yeah, everyone should be happy.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It's a historical record of what happened. Right. It might be painful to watch. But for some reason, Heber's kids shouldn't eat next month because you think that they should, they shouldn't be fucking making money off of their craft. Next people are going to be like, oh, they should donate all the proceeds from making that to Lazarus family. How about Lazarus? How about Lazar's family pay them to make it? I mean, sure. You don't know anyone, anything. If you think that you better have donated a thousand bucks
Starting point is 00:14:14 yourself. No, no, that's not for them. They don't have the money to do that. The rich people need to be donating all the money. Athletes are starting to come out slowly with their media, Bethany Flores, Haley Adams, Ricky Gerard. I'm not seeing a lot of hate comments. They probably get some sort of pass. You think the athletes do? Yeah, I mean, for sure. I mean, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean, they were there. You know, they're probably, it's probably like for some, for some reason, the audience wants, wants to hear them speak on it.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah. Did you watch the training thing? Ting podcasts with Travis and parent and Max? Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. I thought it was good too.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I like Matt. I like all those guys, Max, Travis, Perrin. They're cool. CTP. CTP. Oh, yeah. Did you see I thought it was funny when CTP was like trying to get them to move along faster. I saw that too. I'm like, wow. I was surprised he interjected like that. But I respect it. I it was it was funny because I had just finished watching Who's was I think it was riches podcast and like everybody just kind of like does that song and dance a little bit for
Starting point is 00:15:34 The first 10 15 minutes they right right not really sure where to dive in like how to kind of reach that subject and When CTP is like, hey, let's get to it. Let's talk about Lazarus death. I was like, all right, like, that was kind of cool. But I respected them like wanting to discuss their experience with it and how like just what they saw and how it went kind of for them. But it's like really, we just want I want to know how they felt when they found out that Lazar died Yeah, it's wild
Starting point is 00:16:08 They were I think what they were doing is like, you know, they were like I mean they prefaced it like this the training think tank guys parent Max and Travis and CTP they were prefaced it by saying hey We're gonna walk you through like the whole journey And so basically they started like with driving there and then, you know, they got, they talked about getting their clothes and how all their clothes were too small and they were kind of like, you know, they were being articulate and everything, but finally CTP is like, nah, nah, nah, let's just get to the
Starting point is 00:16:36 part where Lazar dies. I think, I don't know why this bothers me so much, but when people say I think, I don't know why this bothers me so much, but when people say passed away or is no longer with us or like vague statements like that, that bothers me. Like you mean like gender affirmation surgery is really just chopping off the penis off of little boys. Yes, but it's, but, but they don't say it. They call it gender affirmation or they call it transitioning or whatever they want to call it Or they call abort or they call abortion
Starting point is 00:17:10 Women's health care women's health care, right? Yeah So when people don't address the very specific What what very specifically what happened happened that kind of bothers me. So like when I've been watching these videos back to like, Oh, he's passed away or whatever, it's like, no, he died. He's dead. Like that's what drowning sounds horrible to, doesn't it? A horrible death in it's filmed by 200 cameraman who missed it themselves.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Right. And I can't really comprehend why. I think whenever we're taught like, okay, how do you inform somebody of a death or somebody like a family member that their family member has died, you're supposed to say those words because then you're providing a very specific verbiage as to what happened. And you're not, they're not like, oh, well, where'd they go? Like what, what happened to them? Like that kind of thing. So yeah, it was interesting. You're saying that for some people it's okay, but for some, it's not in relationship to who died.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Their relationship to you. Like, it's okay to say that, I'm not understanding exactly, you're saying it's okay, like if your dad were to die, you could say he passed away. Or no? No, I think regardless if somebody dies, you tell them that they died. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:39 You say that they died. My wife was pregnant and the baby was six months old and we decided we didn't want it so a doctor put forceps into her vagina and ripped the baby out of her limb by limb. Yeah. It's like, fuck. Oh my god. Did you really do that? Uh-huh. Cost us 1800 bucks. Oh. All right. Did you really do that? Uh-huh Cost us 1800 bucks. Oh, all right All we had to do was walk past uh protesting catholics outside the Yeah We were out
Starting point is 00:19:13 We went to go have our baby dismembered in our wife's stomach and there were these fucking crazy people outside who were talking to us Telling us, you know, there's other ways Those assholes, right? Yeah That's the that that part also is weird I fully understand women's the body thing like I fool I fully get that I embrace that you should have complete autonomy over your body but at the same way that like you have to also understand that it's a pretty noble there's a lot less noble things to do on planet Earth than try to save babies from being murdered. I Mean that's a pretty fucking noble cause. Yeah, how do you get mad at those people?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Jake Chapman always with the solutions anal solves all of this Yeah, sure. Are Christoph and Gabby still a couple? I don't know, I'm curious too. Very curious. There you go, Olivia. It needs to be clear to those that lost a loved one because their brain is in shock mode.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah, something like that. It needs to be articulated. Look at that picture of her. She always has great profile pictures. Yeah. I'd like to get that one poster size. Can I get a fat head of that and put it in my in my RV and my spank bank you guys probably you most you probably know this story but many many years ago when Avi was three years old I took him into a jujitsu studio where the minimum age of training was five years old and I told a guy there I said hey my kids three and I want to sign them up and they're like we only do five and I'm like no no my kid's crazy advanced um fuck you they're like okay so he takes the class in 15 minutes he's in he's crying hysterically I'm like oh I get that's why we wait till five yeah I'm
Starting point is 00:21:16 like oh I guess my kid's not I guess my kid's not advanced tuck my tail between my legs. I leave. I come back a year later. I put my kid in the class. He's four years old. And the class is a 30-minute drive to the Jiu-Jitsu class and a one-hour drive home because of traffic. It's not far away from me either. It's like seven miles, right? It's close. But it's in this narrow corridor that's stuck between mountains and the Pacific Ocean, real narrow. So the traffic's just insane, right? And it's in a small town that's pretty isolated called Santa Cruz, California, but it's also very, very close, 17 miles away from Silicon Valley,
Starting point is 00:21:56 70 miles away from San Francisco. It's, there's a lot of people, there's a lot of people who pass through there so So so it's a it's a serious commitment to take him to that jujitsu class every day And the class is Monday, Wednesday Friday And so I take him there Monday, Wednesday Friday for Three months So what is that? That's 12. that's 36 classes and the class is an
Starting point is 00:22:27 hour long and the first 15 minutes is a warm-up. So my son only does the warm-up for the first 15 minutes for 36 classes. Now I've driven, I've stayed there an hour and the drive is an hour and a half half that's two and a half hours a day times 36 days I've spent you know four days of my life there right something like that over 72 hours some shitload amount of time and but he's only doing 15 minutes of the class and then he refuses to do the the technique and anything past the warm-up and the reason why he tells me is because he doesn't want anyone touching him. He's not interested in touching people,
Starting point is 00:23:10 especially the adults. And I'm like, yeah, I don't blame you, I get that. So, but I tell him, hey, you still just have to sit on the mat, it's totally fine. And he's totally fine with it. So hour of class, he does the 15 minutes of warm-up, and then he just sits there for 45 minutes on his knees And he's totally fine with it. So hour of class, he does the 15 minutes of warmup, and then he just sits there for 45 minutes on his knees
Starting point is 00:23:28 and watches the class. So one day the owner of the gym, Garth Taylor, who's an absolutely amazing human being, Garth Taylor was the first whitey to win the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Championships. He was always taking second place. Then he ran into Greg Glassman in 2000. And Greg's like, you should do CrossFit. And after doing CrossFit for a little while, he went back to Brazil and he won.
Starting point is 00:23:53 The super heavyweight title in Brazil in their sport. Guys white as can be. And so, so he, after three months of my kids doing this, Garth comes over to him and he says, hey do you know who Batman is? And my son says yes and he said, did you know Batman trains Jujitsu? And Avi's face lit up and I didn't even know Avi knew who Batman was. I did, I did, had no idea he knew Batman was. And that was it. He was, he was off to the races. He, he started doing Jiu-Jitsu and, and then, and then eventually his twin brothers who are two years older than him, they got into
Starting point is 00:24:38 Jiu-Jitsu. And so they've been doing fighting, now they do Jiu-Jitsu, striking, kicking, they do all of it. And they do it And so they've been doing fighting now they do jiu-jitsu striking kicking they do all of it and they do it on average More than five hours a week a 10 hour week of fighting is not uncommon for them Wow of structured fighting. Yeah, it's a lot. It's it's a lot. It's um, it's it's basically it's monday tuesday wednesday thursday Um and and saturdays sure, every single week. So, um... So, this last past weekend, we went to our 12th tournament. Which might sound like a lot, but it's really not a lot. Because there are so many fucking tournaments.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And so we went to our 12th tournament in, I don't know, four or five years. And my son Joseph had never, maybe he had done one tournament like two years ago, but I had signed him up for the last 10 tournaments and we would get there and he would cry. And he would say, hey, yeah, he would say, hey, I don't want to do the tournament. And he's really good. Like he's really, really, really good. He's freakish good. And I would be like, and I would just always say, okay, and I would just be like, well, there goes another 150 bucks. Down the, you know what I mean? Down the drain. So, so I've lost $1,200 in Jiu-Jitsu tournament fees. So this week, so that so yesterday about a month ago when
Starting point is 00:26:05 I signed the kids up for the tournament Joseph's like oh I'm really excited about this and I'm like what is this just bullshit is he just giving me lip service and so yesterday we're driving there and I'm just like watching him like a hawk I'm like well when are the tears gonna come when is he gonna say he's not gonna do it and whenever he would say he wouldn't do it, I would always go, I love you, baby You just got to keep your gi on in case you change your mind. Give him a big hug I'm like you don't have to do it. Like I don't blame you, you know, it looks scary as shit to go out there There's a thousand or two thousand people screaming. You're in this mat. Everyone's watching you
Starting point is 00:26:39 It's fucking nuts. And then you have to fight this other kid in front of all these people. Yeah and Yesterday we go there And then you have to fight this other kid in front of all these people. And yesterday we go there and as they're getting in the corral, getting ready to go out and his other brother walks over to me, Ari, his twin brother, and he goes, hey, if Joseph actually does this tournament, I will be unstoppable. And I thought that was interesting. I haven't asked him what he meant by that. So the, uh, the tournament starts and, um, him and Joey are having fun and they're loose
Starting point is 00:27:10 and they're doing jumping jacks in the corral and they get out there and they just fucking the two of them in first in the geet. There's there's two separate, um, tournaments kind of going on. There's gee, that's one, the one you fight in the pajamas. And then there's no gee, which is just just like fighting like just like in your street clothes right pair of shorts in your shirt and They just go out there and they just fucking demolish everybody. Oh My god, yeah
Starting point is 00:27:36 That's crazy, I know it's so crazy and I was like fuck I'm so and it's been it's been there set so it's been It's been it's been a ho right? Yeah, when was the last time they went to it like you guys you sign them up for a tournament I mean Ari Ari goes to tournaments all the time Ari's been you know, he goes to a tournament You know two to four times a year, right and he goes and he always kicks ass and so is all but Joseph like You know and there's always like one or two kids there who will beat them. But this time they went there and the both of them went and they just mopped kids up and it was crazy too. I felt sorry for some of the kids because there were some really good kids there and they'd have to fight like Ari and then their next match.
Starting point is 00:28:16 They'd have to fight Joseph and it's like basically like fighting just the same dude twice and it's crazy. You're like, I thought I just fought this guy. Yeah. Fuck that's crazy. You're like I thought I just fought this guy. Yeah Fuck that's funny. Yeah, and then And then my my youngest son so so we get so after the tournament so the tournament starts early You know, we leave at eight in the morning we get home at the tournaments We get we're done with the tournament like at three in the afternoon We go out to dinner with another family they come over to the house and now it's 9.30 at night,
Starting point is 00:28:46 right, and we're finally, and I tell Ari, I'm like, hey dude, jump in the shower real quick and then I'll put you to bed. And he goes, hey, will you soak me? I'm like, sure. So he goes in there and he's in the shower and we're talking and I start soaping him and his fucking calves and his quads
Starting point is 00:29:04 and everything was just huge like I had never felt them before I'm so being his back and his chest and everything I can tell is and it's you know he hasn't rolled now in eight or nine hours and it reminded me of Devon Lorette told me one time that when you go to battle you have like adaptations that are like steroidal adaptations Like you give me a fucking gun and tell me I'm going out there to fight some dudes and my testosterone fucking just skyrockets It's like it's like a it's like the craziest workout and I realized at that point. Oh shit, he went out there had a massive dose of
Starting point is 00:29:42 Fucking adrenaline and then competed against some kid where every muscle fucking tightened up and got loose and tightened up probably fucking thousand times, you know, in the eight matches he had, and I could like feel it in his body. It was it was awesome. The whole Yeah, it was crazy. There's something about a competition. I mean, that I don't know about but that I can Put that I witnessed you can yeah, you can see the adaptation you can see like what like the results of what? What he did that's really yeah in one match. He was just like I'm showering. I'm like, holy fuck. He like
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah, it was nuts it was it was absolutely nuts and he said and the and the said, all the boys said when they came home, oh, we're sore all over. And it's just from going to zero to fucking a thousand, right? Right. Yeah, you never hit that when you're just working out normally. Just training. Yeah. The first match he had was against some kid with a russian name You know what? I mean like something if gimme yeah pop off on them off, you know And the parents didn't speak english. He was he was I think i'm trying to think he may have been the only other white kid there A lot of white people there
Starting point is 00:31:00 communist plant And I was like and I was just I was terrified of just his name. Then you get out there and he just fucking whoops his ass. Yeah, it was well, that first kid, he just he didn't he just stood around. My son didn't know what the fuck was going on. I mean, he still won. He scored the points. It's like, why are you not engaging with me? I am. Oh, oh, here's here's a clip of Oh, this is good. I was wondering
Starting point is 00:31:27 if I if I posted this. Here's the example of how easily people who are offended. This is how easy people are manipulated. I don't know if you guys remember this guy was on the show. He was great. Will Roche, I think he's a elementary school teacher. elementary school teacher. It's funny, he gave really, really balanced reporting, but I think even he's getting a little scared by the wackadoodleness of the Dems now. As it's family day, so I'm just jumping to my office real quick just to say this. When you... I had a bunch of transgender people in the podcast, including D-transitioners like Chloe Cole.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Okay. When you say your child will commit suicide, if they go down, you know, pathway A parents blindly follow pathway B blind. It's like anything other than that. Right. So that's the Dems playbook, right? If you don't do this, climate change is going to kill you. If you don't get the shot, COVID is going to kill you. If you don't chop off your son's penis, he's going to suicide you know it always goes to like hey or else someone's going to die
Starting point is 00:32:30 and it's the most extreme or else yeah all like well just have the snivels and like just feel like shit for a couple days right when you have an entire apparatus structured around the dangers of Donald Trump, okay, even if you don't like Trump, the idea that he is such an existential threat and must be stopped at all costs, otherwise the entire world will collapse, which is what people say, you blindly go with whatever is the other option. The Democrats know that they control that narrative. And now they will give you what they want because the alternative is so bad.
Starting point is 00:33:04 People will just go like Bill Maher says, I'll just take a jar of blue goo. I'll take anything over Trump. And when you know that people will take anything over that pathway and it's a binary system, then they can control you so much. And who's in charge. What's up guys? That's it. We've scared you so much about Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And we've seen all the interviews. They can't say one reason why they don't like him. They've scared you or they make up shit. You know what I mean? That it's going to be like a totalitarian regime. He's not going to leave office. They try to tell you that January 6th is an insurrection. Even though you can even though you can just watch the video and see it's not.
Starting point is 00:33:51 It's not even a fraction as bad as what they did during that. We're going to take away your freedom of speech, and we're going to take your kids, and we're going to force you to take drugs, and we're going to put tampons in the kids' bathrooms, and we're going to allow men into girls' sports bathrooms and we're going to allow men into girls sports and we're going to leave the border open and we're going to give away all of your money that you make your tax dollars to illegal aliens to encourage more to come all that stuff is it's still better than whatever fear we've wrapped around you and that's the offended part right
Starting point is 00:34:24 they're so offended by Donald Trump that they can be fucking manipulated to do anything right Seve am I blocked I can't donate I don't know. I don't know no I just fixed that kid. You should be good Yeah, thank you for speaking up everyone donate. I You should be good. Yeah. Thank you for speaking up. Everyone donate.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I think I got a notice from Amazon saying that, uh, James's couch is on the way. Wow. Already? Yeah. Holy shit. That's cool. Yeah. I see you now, Ken.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I see you. I guess they keeping it real guys. guys someone one of the wrenches blocked him or something oh do you want me to go in and I think Suza did it so the boys the boys had a tennis tournament today and it's like two hours or the boys are supposed to have a tennis tournament today and it's two hours away and then the and then they the twins had no one to play, no other kids signed up. So now Obby's just going.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And so I'm staying home with the twins by the way. So I know I said I wasn't gonna do a show today, but at the last minute I was like, fuck it, I can do a show. Shit, okay. So here I am. And I have so many little clips to go through. Uh, SEMA sent this to me. This was really cool. Oh, uh, Sprager's Couch. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:05 SEMA sent this to me. Now I know why, now I know why so many fucking girls like me. I mean, I think I already knew. Definitely wasn't from my body. But she sent this to me the other day. This is awesome. Oh shit, look at the first comment. I'm not even going to play this clip for you. And I want to read you the first comment. The first comment is from a girl with a dog. Okay. Just think about that stereotypically. It's a girl with a dog. For those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:36:34 girls with dogs are girls who need babies. Like my wife was obsessed with her dog. And then she had a baby. It's like a beginner's kit. You know what I mean? It's like it's like it's like a beginner's kit. You know what I mean? It's like it's like that first plastic baseball glove glove glove. You get your little kids. It's like a little starter kit Yeah, you gotta see if you can actually handle that kid Yeah, whether you know it or not all those people who are obsessed with their dogs. They just like you guys know them
Starting point is 00:37:02 Right away I can think of three women right now off the top of my head who don't have kids, who are in their 40s, who are obsessed with their dogs. Like, weird obsessed. 40s? Oof. Good luck, buddy. Okay, but so this chick says,
Starting point is 00:37:16 "'Can we stop using the word provider "'and just use the word partner? "'Women don't need to be provided for.'" Just so you know, on behalf of all men, we all need to be provided for. Yeah. So, you fucking weirdo. Like you have a problem. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:32 We want partners that show up and support us. Oh, that sounds like provide. Provide, they're providing support. Oh, interesting. In the same way that we show up and support them. No, no, we want different support than we give you. Okay, here we go. Women are attracted, generally speaking, the research shows to men based on three reasons. The third is kindness. They don't want someone who's going to be a good person. They're
Starting point is 00:38:04 impressed by men who are good to their parents and kind and go out of their way to help people and there's no reciprocal expectation. Yeah, that's a good one. How people treat their parents. Hey, how they treat their exes too. All right. Yeah, I think so. Because some couples like they they get really they get really upset
Starting point is 00:38:27 I've seen it like like a woman will be really mad at a man who's still nice to his ex and it's like I can understand being jealous of that or being threatened by that I'm not saying that that's like inappropriate But if you're if your current boyfriend or husband like hates his ex remember that can be you you're only a month away from that you still talk to your ex at all year you think that's bad it's probably not good I don't talk to any of my exes but I did for a long time before I was like before like I was married yeah but I don't know that's why that's why they're my exes. Couch fun. Oh thank you. Ten dollars for the Sprager couch from the shiz. I got a cool video of a chick
Starting point is 00:39:10 with a one leg I could send you. Yeah I like chicks with one leg. Okay so nice guys. Number three is nice guys. The second is intelligence because the smarter you are the more likely are to make good decisions and protect your family's offspring. And by the way, the fastest way to communicate intelligence is humor. I've always said if you can make a woman laugh, you can kiss her. And then the most important thing though to women, and people don't like to admit this, is the man's ability to signal future resources. It's not even he has to be rich now, but he has to have
Starting point is 00:39:47 his act together such that he looks like he will be a decent provider. And the number of people, the number of men we're producing that qualify in this category is shrinking. Women are attracted. So that makes perfect fucking sense. That makes perfect fucking sense The the last part or you mean just all of it the the the last part like if you're going to If you're a woman and you at some point, you know, you're going to need nine months down to grow a baby You know what I mean? Yeah, you don't even have to know that biologically that's like your purpose, right? Right. And you better be you better be thinking about provider.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Yeah, unless you want to work the whole nine months that you're pregnant. Yeah and then you need another fucking ten years to fucking raise the kid. Right. Yeah you bet you better have someone who can fucking like make sure the roof's not leaking and they're bringing food. They're running out the front door and bringing like, you know, a steak back. Yeah, for sure. I think certain cultures have that down. I remember Greg told me one time that the reason why Jews are so successful is they find intelligent sexy. I don't know but but they but I mean there's so many fucking smart and
Starting point is 00:41:16 successful Jews and it seems like those women bang those dudes. Did you see the clip of the lady saying that Doug Emhoff and Tim Walz are great for the Democratic Party basically because they appeal to men who aren't laden with testosterone? The CNN lady. The CNN lady basically said that the guy who's running for vice president and Kamala Harris's husband appeal to men who aren't laden with testosterone. The CNN lady basically said that the guy who's running for vice president and Kamala Harris's husband Appeal to men who aren't laden with testosterone. I looked up the word laden. It means filled So low t soy betas, so what they call them these days I Saw an interview at the DNC of the super hot blonde chick, right and
Starting point is 00:42:02 And this guy walks up to her and he goes hey so and she's you know She's a member of the Democratic National Party and guy walks up to her and he goes, hey, so, and she's, you know, she's a member of the Democratic National Party. And he walks up to her and he goes, hey, so there are a lot of cute guys here. And she starts laughing. And she's like, no, she's like, that's the joke in Washington, DC. There's no attractive Democrat men. There's no men who are attractive. So then the interviewer goes, are you saying that Republican men are more attractive? And she's like, yeah, but they're all evil. Okay. Hey, that's where the premise is, if you work out, you become more conservative. Like all of that makes, I mean, all of that makes more sense, right? Yeah. Like if you work out, there's so few, you're so much more capable so quickly.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Right, and you're not a fat piece of shit or like skinny fat piece of shit. Yeah, your whole perception of the world changes as you're more capable. Right. You see things at a different light when you're capable of doing things instead of just being stuck sitting at a buffet table, scarfing down food all the time. You you know when you put stuff in your trash can You're not supposed to do like you feel the whole first half bottom of it with dirt Because you got to get throw some dirt away and you have nothing and then and there's some broken pieces of concrete And then on top of it you put your garbage and then you go to move your fucking trash can and it's heavy as shit
Starting point is 00:43:21 And you got to move it fucking a hundred yards because you brought it onto the other side of your property or something, right? like There's a group of us men who are up for that challenge we're like, oh this is gonna be fun, right? We'll even go the long way And then there's a group that just aren't They're like fuck Yeah, yeah, yeah aren't. They're like, fuck. Because that's what you have to do this job. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get that. It's the amount of things that I can do on my own is and that you enjoy doing and you're up for the challenge.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Right. Like if I wasn't capable, I wouldn't be able to live here and do all the things that I'm doing at the moment. Like, there's so many, like, yeah, I gotta take, I have to walk like half a mile to throw the trash away. I gotta walk another half a mile to do my laundry. And I have to carry that basket all the way over there. Right, and you're up for the challenge. When your forearms start burning, you're like, oh, this is cool.
Starting point is 00:44:22 It's not bad. Now I got a sweet bicep pump. My forearms are engorged, laden. It's like the joke of like carrying all the bags of groceries in in one trip. Like you're up for the fucking challenge. You're pumped, you're excited about it. But also, I know that I can make multiple trips
Starting point is 00:44:41 if I need to. Right. Like if I can't carry all that, like if I go to Sam's Club I get two cases of water in a case of c4 That fucking thing at stake. I know I can carry the two cases in one trip and I carry the rest in a second. I Always ask for a cardboard box. I did I get some too but
Starting point is 00:45:04 Not everything can fit in a cardboard like I'm not gonna not everything can fit in a cardboard box. Like I'm not gonna put a piece of water in a cardboard box. Do you know why I asked for a cardboard box? Why? Because the bags cost they charge you 25 cents. Oh yeah I don't even get a bag. I don't I just throw it all back in my cart. It's fucking crazy. Aaron Fraser, fun. Thank you. That's really sweet of you. Thank you We got him a cool couch Doesn't pull out though. He doesn't pull out. Yeah something like that Okay, the washes his long johns in a creek Crick dude, I'm about to. I don't have the change machines broken.
Starting point is 00:45:49 How am I supposed to make change? I, um, I, when I wake up in the morning, I put long johns on. Okay. And I do the show in long johns. And so yesterday, right after the show, I got got off the show I pulled on some pants and I went to the jujitsu tournament and the tournament had thousands of people inside this really small auditorium like a high school basketball gym and fucking dude within like 20 seconds. I smelled like a
Starting point is 00:46:21 fucking I Smelled so fucking bad. I smell like the dirtiest Armenian you've ever smelled. It was crazy. I Asked my wife. I'm like do I smell she's like, oh, yeah And I knew like armpit armpit smell like just be I just wreaked a BO dude Like if I went like this like I could smell it like if I waved at Mike It was crazy and I was in there for like five hours next to all these jujitsu moms and people I felt horrible for it They're probably cool with it though right like geez fucking freak, dude Yeah, that's they all stink like it's like it's like hockey parents, right? Like they have all the all the gear and it's just sweaty and gross. You can't wash it the right way
Starting point is 00:47:03 It's like sour smelling like yeasty yeah like it's just like a fucking dude's locker room all the time like they gotta be cool with it right man it was bad one lady came up to me uh and i don't know if i'm just paranoid i don't think i am one lady came up to me the kids were standing in line to uh like at matt the matt six line and then i told all the kids in the line, I heard over the intercom, Mat 6 kids moved to Mat 3. So there's all the kids in my, and I don't even know half the kids,
Starting point is 00:47:32 but I go, hey kids, and they all turn around, I'm like, move to Mat 3. And so they all march over there. And I'm behind like an area, I'm like behind, they're in the corral, I can't go over there. So I have to yell at them like 20 feet to yell at them to move. And I'm just standing there. and the your armpits and then I got a different kind of deodorant I started using it and same thing happened and I so now I'm like well I'm not gonna wear fucking deodorant anymore yeah how old are you 29 I think I stopped wearing deodorant
Starting point is 00:48:35 in my 20s somewhere really I have I've had the same stick of deodorant for like 20 years okay I bought a stick when I was when I went to Texas this last time, but I forgot to use it. Yeah, I Don't know. I'm around a bunch of smelly fucking sweaty dudes all the time. Anyway, yeah, it's probably not that big of a deal But dude, I fucking reek I can smell it so bad Yeah, and I Usually my wife really likes my smells like she'll come over and she'll actually like breathe me in. But this time I was like, do I smell? She's like, oh yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It wasn't like, hey, I want to fuck you. It was like, oh, you smell like garbage. Oh, Grant Hopper. $20 for the James couch. Thank you. James is getting married. We went to his registry the other day and we bought him. I think it was the most expensive thing in his registry. Bribing to be unblocked. Don't know why it happened. Oh. Well, can you look up Grant Hooper? Well, he can't be blocked because he's donating and commenting.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Yeah. Where are you blocked? I'm stuck in the mouth. I blocked a dude on my Instagram yesterday Yeah, I don't do that very often why what happens I'll show you um, I'll show you Sevan Matusian So many people are sending me screenshots of my Instagram account. Like if you try to tag me or follow me, you get this like fucked up message.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Saying like, hey, don't follow this dude. He's fucking bad. I, yeah, I posted this. OK, here we go. This is OK. Here we go. Listen, white identity, certainly in the south, but in a lot of other places in the country, was dependent on keeping blacks down. White identity, especially in the South, was dependent on keeping blacks down. Now remember, you guys have to know, there was not a single Republican slave owner. And it was 1.4% of the Democrats in the South owned all the slaves. Remember that. And then also remember there's been way more
Starting point is 00:50:47 white slaves in the history of the planet than there have been black slaves. But but she's speaking specifically, there was a time in the period of the United States of America, that white identity was part of it that the Democrats and especially those 1% were their identity was based or part of their identity was Keeping blacks down and keeping them as caged animals and as slaves now also remember it was the whites in the South Called the abolitionists who ended up winning the war And got the front slaves free so that remember that team won and They lost like over 400,000 white dudes for that.
Starting point is 00:51:25 If it's important to you to know the skin color of people. And for this story, I guess it kind of is important because they were enslaving people based on the melanin in their skin. Okay, so here we go. The reality today, Marissa, is black privilege, not white privilege. I will believe- The reality today is black privilege, not white privilege. I will believe the reality today is black privilege, not white privilege. I mean, I mean, I see black privilege. I've seen black privilege my whole life growing up in the Bay Area. That's why I didn't didn't make any sense to me. It did the whole movement didn't make sense to me. It took me for a while to get my head wrapped around it.
Starting point is 00:52:07 What do I mean by black privilege? I mean, like, if I crossed the street in Berkeley jaywalking, I would get a ticket. Black people wouldn't. Black people were allowed into schools with a different criteria into colleges than white people. Everyone went out of their way to be extra nice to black people in the Bay Area. It was like that. They were like hot chicks. Everyone was like trying to just
Starting point is 00:52:31 like accommodate them. Yeah. Okay. In white privilege, the first time I see a black student put his race down as white when he's applying to college because he thinks that being white will give him an advantage. If you're a heterosexual white male today, you are the last person that's going to be admitted to medical school, to law school. You will need LSATs, MCAT scores, the medical college admissions test that are 100%, 200% better than black students. You-
Starting point is 00:53:06 And so that's just a straight, oh, it's echoing? Is it echoing? Fuck echoing? Oh, yeah. Is it echoing? I don't think it was. Well, I think it is, actually. That doesn't make any sense
Starting point is 00:53:34 Grant are you on block grant? I did absolutely nothing. The only thing I'm guilty of is talking too much I've never said anything controversial. I've never even seen your name before dude. I don't think you've talked too much Erica couch Big scouch run. Thank you So so that's true I know a dozen people who didn't get a job or were told that they were white. And what's funny is that Caleb and I have a friend who recently didn't get a job because he was a man, even though his boss has told him he was more qualified for the job. And this dude
Starting point is 00:54:05 couldn't believe that it fucking had like, when it happens to you, you're you're in shock. Because you're just like, Wait, what? How can that be? And this dude was in shock. Remember, he was in shock. He was like, Holy shit, even though we've talked about it, couldn't believe it was real. Like it actually like, that actually happens. Yeah, right. And that job and that job wasn't like I'm being like an elementary school teacher, which maybe Which is predominantly women or it wasn't like a pole climber for PG&E, which is predominantly men It was just like a just a non
Starting point is 00:54:39 Just like a nondescript job it would be like being a cashier somewhere It was weird. Yeah. If you presented their qualifications you would be automatically rejected. But to be perfectly honest, what also needs to happen is a sea change in inner city culture. So now she's saying there needs to be a change in inner city culture. So now she's saying there needs to be a change in inner city culture. What? Okay. If every black parent acted like an Asian parent with the same fanatical attention to their children's doing homework. And now you have to accept the fact that she's just generalizing huge now Right, which is okay. She's just generalizing huge
Starting point is 00:55:27 Look at Asians make twice as much as whites whites make twice as much as blacks on the whole like in the United States That's that's where we're at the financially Okay, and so what she's saying is that it has nothing to do with skin color It has to do with culture It has to do with how you're raised Okay, that doesn't seem that doesn't seem controversial to me at all Or racist or bigoted or it doesn't seem like or bigoted or it doesn't seem like... I don't know how that's triggering to someone at all.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I guess I do see how it's triggering if you have it conflated between somehow the cultures. I don't know. It's weird because the white person saying it, not a black person. Yeah, maybe. Taking textbooks home, the skills gap would go away and the whole DEI complex, which is simply about making excuses for black underperformance and saying the problem is racism rather than something that is More difficult to tell you. Yeah, do you get so so the left wants to point at it as a color issue and This lady wants to point it as a cultural issue But you have to be fucking absolutely retarded if you think that it's a color issue in the sense that if somehow you're born with darker skin
Starting point is 00:57:04 You're not as smart as someone born born with white skin Right. I you could swap if you gave all the Asians this hillbilly culture You know that they call black culture, but which Thomas soul has already explained to us over and over that. Hey, it's not black culture. It's hillbilly culture that they adopted Appalachian culture if you gave that to fucking um asians and then took asian culture and gave it to the melanated people the change would be like instantaneous how how does someone argue that yeah you could turn the black people into jews overnight and the jews into black people the black people into Jews overnight and the Jews into black people culturally speaking it would be yeah it would be so easy
Starting point is 00:57:50 lives but they don't want to do that tackle it would all go away the white white I so some guy came in the comments and just started blasting me I didn't yeah I didn't understand what he was I didn't understand all of his comments, but he made three comments and they were they were they were sort of like, um, one was like, Hey, your mom paid for your college. Hey, you were a college robot. Like he started like just talking about like somehow I had privilege. I think that's where he was going with it. But then I asked blasting me. No, I'm blasting me. But but then I am ass-blasting me no ass-blasting me But but then I went to his account, and he doesn't even follow me oh
Starting point is 00:58:30 So just some guys crawling through his explore explore page, and he found you or just some asshole I think he was a cross fitter. I clicked on his name So I just was like fuck you you're not gonna just come here and make ambiguous statements And I blocked them might get out of here, and then when you blocked them all his comments went away That's sad Anyway, I thought I thought I thought it was a very valid point she made Yeah Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah. Hey, if you took a, you, but you, and you could swap black out for anything.
Starting point is 00:59:08 If that bothers you, just use white. You could, if you got rid of white culture and gave them the Asian culture, um, keeping it real, out of joy of being unblocked the last few days I've been in the dark, 20 bucks. That's, thank you. That'll go to James Sprague's couch fun I wonder why you were blocked Bob the irony that so well his name is Thomas humerus correct I never even thought about that that is funny I don't know white people provide for their children I mean I don't know I bet you half the white people don't provide for their children
Starting point is 00:59:51 How about you mean provide like give them out and do and in their baby bottle How about how about when how about when Bill Clinton Said How about when Bill Clinton said he's jealous of Kamala because he held the record for the president who spent the most time in McDonald's? Did you see that on his DNC speech? Yeah. He said, And I'm jealous of Kamala because I held the record for the president who spent the most time in McDonald's and she's going to beat that. That's an accomplishment? and she's gonna beat that. That's an accomplishment? I, it makes me, it makes me just think,
Starting point is 01:00:28 wow, these people are completely oblivious to the state of fucking affairs that we're fucking in right now in this fucking country. Hey, another thing that makes me realize how out of touch I am is how they keep talking about big pharma and about pharmaceutical costs. And of course, none of that resonates with me because Like I don't know anyone who did I don't know anyone who's in the you know
Starting point is 01:00:53 What I mean, I don't know anyone who's addicted to pharmaceutical drugs or who's on them or who needs them or the cost of insulin Somehow somehow the cost of insulin is a how is that a I don't even know one person with type 2 diabetes collar high Hey, I have't even know one person with type two diabetes. Call her. Hi. What's up? So, Hey, I have really good news for you. Oh shit. What's the good news? Um, if the price of insulin, if you vote for Kamala, the price of insulin is going to drop.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Really? I have no idea how that affects me, but that's a fact. Yeah. I guess. Yeah. That's great. You mean it means you can still eat Snicker bars and shit. Oh, cool. Sweet. I'll start. I have to start eating Snicker bars first. Hey,
Starting point is 01:01:37 I had that guy on the show who came, uh, Gabe, who came into my, um, uh, studio, the, the guys at the world, and he drank paper street coffee. I made him coffee. He came over really early and the night before I'm like, Hey, do you want me to have a cup of coffee for you? He's like, yeah. And halfway through the podcast, he's like, what kind of coffee is this? Nice. I know. I was so I was so just my pants a little bit. Yeah. You know, I'm so spoiled. It's how I start every morning. I'm like fuck you. This is my life It's heavy like a lot of people start their mornings like that. There was a there was a competition yesterday here local competition that we did and It was cool seeing you know who came out Garrett and should I already forgot her wife's name? Oh
Starting point is 01:02:26 Colleen Colleen oh yes Colleen and Garrett came out oh that's cool person they're huge they're so tall oh yeah they are yeah she I think she was the best she was a basketball player she oh Colleen's tall too, Colleen's tall too. I mean, equally as tall. I was so surprised. I'm like, oh my God, both of them are giants. In like a good way though. They're so nice. They're like beautiful human beings. So it was nice meeting them in person and talking to them. You sound like a guy who hasn't been sleeping too much lately.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, man. fucking baby popped out. I yeah, sleep is the best. Do you have the baby at home? We tried man. We tried. No, I don't mean did you have the baby at home. I mean do you have it at home now? Yeah it's home. It's home. Yeah we we tried a home birth. My wife was laboring for like almost 48 hours at home and the baby was just too big. He didn't descend. She was almost fully dilated. He just never descended. So it was there. She tries to rest, which wasn't happening because once contraction started, she started getting contractions for 36 hours
Starting point is 01:03:50 every 10 minutes for 36 hours. So no sleep, nothing. So we had to go to the hospital, which completely messed up our plan. But the doctor that we had was such a good doctor. Awesome. The doctor was so good. I love hearing that.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yeah, she owns like her own midwifery practice and also her own birthing center. So it was good to have a doctor like that, especially when you plan to be in the comfort of your own home with your dogs, with your own environment and life throws you a different curveball. How old is the baby right now? Five days. Yeah have you reached so I think that you're at the point now is like you can't imagine life before even right? Is it already like yep we have a baby. Dude it's it's I mean obviously you know and everyone has a kid knows it's like it's life-changing for the dad it's, it's, I mean, obviously, you know, and everyone has a kid knows it's like, it's life changing for the dad. It's a little bit different, right? For the mom, like she's
Starting point is 01:04:50 been with the baby for nine months. Right. But for the path for me, the second I heard a cry, I was like, okay, cool. There goes, there goes. I instantly went into like, all right, no one can like fuck with this kid right now It's it's so crazy. I just remember all of a sudden like with a few days after we had the baby I was just thinking oh, I can't even really remember. I can't even fathom a life without a baby now It was like so quick There was no like there's no break-in period all of a sudden You're just wait till it starts calling you dad dude dude And it turns you into it just like a full dad
Starting point is 01:05:27 That did they just like like spell casters. They just change you into it. It's so cool That's gonna be fucking awesome. You know who met the baby who? Colin who? Colton oh no shit. Did you love that? That's a big baby. Don't say big as me. Hey, dude, I was so I Was so excited that my kids got to meet Colton Merton. It was like um, there's these people like in your life Like I'm so excited. They're gonna get to meet Taylor
Starting point is 01:06:04 I was excited when they got to meet Tyson Bajan But the Colton came to the house the other day and when he was on the west coast and we went and flew drones together And it was so cool. It's so fun. Even at that age wasn't it nice just letting your kid know look it There's the Colton Mertens. You're like you already feel like a good parent like you're doing something good It's a easy. It's an easy way to score points Well, I feel horrible because we had this plan and I'm like Colton is it okay? Like I have to go to the doctor again with the baby I have to like head out early because the baby was he staying at your house was he at your house?
Starting point is 01:06:40 Oh, I would not do that Was he at your house? Oh no, I would not do that to him. Fuck no. Oh. I can't say it's so good. Were you supposed to go to dinner or something with him and you had to go do baby shit? Or I'm not following the story.
Starting point is 01:06:52 No, the first day, so I pick him up from the airport and it's New York. So it takes, I would say like a 30 mile drive to two and a half hours. Right, ouch. To get to my house house and from there I had to go to the doctor's I said hey Colton here's my garage just work out and then because of traffic and just life it took three hours so Colton was at my house by
Starting point is 01:07:16 himself and I was like yeah here's a credit card, get whatever you want. I'll be back. And just the good dude all around. Yeah. He's so, he's so easy. He's a great guest. He was so cool seeing all the people that come up to him at the comp. Like I don't know if a lot of people knew he was going to be in Jersey at the competition
Starting point is 01:07:44 we did it was super local really really like small But it was cool just people coming up to him him talking shit to people that were wearing kill Taylor shirts Oh, that's awesome Everyone's saying I can't wait to to have to see what you guys do when you guys go head-to-head way to to have to see what you guys do when you guys go head-to-head. Yeah, that's going to be awesome at the NorCal Classic. Yeah. Oh, shit. Colton looks strong. Jesus criminy. Oh, yeah, look, you can see everyone staring at him.
Starting point is 01:08:17 That's awesome. What's the best part? Everything, everyone stopped like the second that he was going, everyone stopped. Like the second that he was going, everyone stopped. So just to have like a games caliber athlete just show up to somewhere, it means a lot to like a lot of people. Yeah. So it was just seeing that. It was just like everyone just, it was awesome. I don't know how he felt, but I felt like, ah damn, that's super cool. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, by the way...
Starting point is 01:08:46 I came there. I came here to see Gabe, dude. Is he with you right now? Yeah, man, he's in the car with me. Oh shit. I was like, is that... Did that come from the clip that fucking Caleb just played on Instagram? Like I just heard Colton's voice. Hey dude, how was it? You just went there.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Basically, he's trying to paint you in a good light, but I know what you did, Colton's voice. Hey, dude, how was it? You just went there? Basically, he's trying to paint you in a good light But I know what you did Colton you went to a fucking competition where there's a bunch of chumps and stole their money That wasn't that much money, but yeah, I took some money Hey, I hope you're gonna be ready for NorCal classic cuz my boy Taylor's gonna put it to you I hope you're gonna be ready for NorCal Classic because my boy Taylor's gonna put it to you Are you kidding me? I saw that stupid shitty programmed yesterday. He knew I was gonna be here at this comp He had gave give me some Cuban food that before so I couldn't wake up early and call in before the No, dude, I give him food poisoning for real. No shit? Like you had a- did you vomit, Colton?
Starting point is 01:09:50 Yeah, I woke up at like 2 o'clock and started puking and pooping. Oh, oh my- yep, that's food poisoning. That's crazy, dude. Oh my god. How do you food poison a guy who fucking wallows in shit for 12 hours a day? Here's the thing. Here's the thing, right? That's how dirty Cubans are. They're dirtier than fucking Colton's pig farm. Dude, we went to a really nice restaurant. He just isn't used to like the sason and all the other stuff that we eat,
Starting point is 01:10:24 that Spanish people put into their their food But in all fairness I also woke up at like two o'clock in the morning sweating and like having to take the mat like the most massive dump So if that's me and I'm conditioned to Spanish food, I felt so horrible when he told me I'm like, oh my god Is he gonna lose and not win this competition? Is he gonna like pass out? He looked dehydrated. Oh, I'm sure he probably lost five pounds. That's what's crazy about food poisoning.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It fucking sucks. You know, hey, Colton, did you wake you know that how you're like before you throw up, your mouth will start watering. Do you know that feeling what I'm talking about? Was it like that? Were you like just laying in bed and then you're like, oh, something's not right. And then you're like, and you're like confused whether you should shit or throw up. Like you're not sure which one you should do first. Yeah, I started getting mouth sweats, but I was like in denial at first,
Starting point is 01:11:15 then it kept getting worse and then go, okay, this is definitely happening. Mouth sweats. Don't tell Taylor this, but when you guys go to NorCal, I'm going to send you guys over Cuban food. Nolan doesn't need any just be like, Oh, look, Taylor's we got some Cuban food for you. Hey, what's crazy what happens in that footage Colton to your back looks just shredded. Did you did you get sucked down? Did you lose? Did you like, and you probably didn't eat that morning either, huh?
Starting point is 01:11:50 I just had like a half a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. Did it stay down? Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't puking anymore. Just hydrated. Damn. What a great story. Yeah. It was, it was, it was an interesting morning. God damn wild. Hey Colton, when do you fly into Sacramento? Are you flying to Sacramento? Yeah, I got to book my flight still. But I'll probably get there like Wednesday. Okay. I don't think, send me a text and I send you if in case you get to the house before us
Starting point is 01:12:26 I don't I don't think we're leaving till Thursday Isn't here again there like Tuesday he is but he's I think he's coming to my house for a day or two If you fly into San Francisco we could probably I could grab you and bring you Just call me if you're gonna make flights and you want to coordinate it let me know if not the thing is is if you fly into Sacramento you're right there if you fly into San Francisco you're really far away you definitely want to fly home from Sacramento you definitely want to fly home from there but if you fly into any of the other
Starting point is 01:12:58 airports San Francisco or San Jose we could figure something out and get you but I think that I want to say the Airbnb we got isn't open until Thursday and I think the event starts on Friday right? Yeah. Do you know any other names that are gonna be there? Right now I know it's you and Taylor and Tudor. And somebody said Tim Paulson maybe? I think I spread that rumor because I but I think I was looking at the roster from last year so I think that's because I but I think I was looking at the roster from last year So I think that's how I but maybe he'll be there again this year. I Was gonna say I can't lose to him. He's a proven coach. There you go. Oh, yeah, that would suck to lose to one of the coaches
Starting point is 01:13:35 right I had to quit if I lost That's one of the rules of being a proven athlete if you lose to a coach you're out. I Think so. Yeah of the rules of being a proven athlete if you lose to a coach you're out? I think so yeah. By the way, Bernie Gannon says the insulin isn't free. Kamala isn't promising that the price of insulin will drop. She's promising that it will be subsidized by the government. Oh, that means you're going to pay for it either way Gabe. Sorry. You know what the cool, and we briefly texted about this, I'm going to use code, just in case. So delivery doctor, awesome. Really, really cool African-American lady.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Just typical. My midwives knew her, so they said, hey, she's amazing to patients, but she rules with iron fist. And you could tell like she was so good But everyone respected the shit out of her. Was she a foreigner? Was she Nigerian? No, no, no, she wasn't a foreigner. Oh grew up grew up in the Bronx like just parents, you know, she she did her thing Really awesome awesome individual like fuck Damn, I if we have a second kid, which I hope we do, or third or fourth or
Starting point is 01:14:45 12th, she's the one. She's amazing. Good. And then came to the podiatrist, right? The pediatrician, whatever. Yep. Hey, how's it going? Nice baby.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I just want to talk to you about putting these three mittens on your kids. And I was like, like no like not right now right we're in the c-section room in the whatever operating room baby's about to come out like yeah we'll just talk about it later I really do recommend these three minutes that you put on the kid what are mittens like things that go on your hands mittens oh oh oh wow the one that you stick in someone with a needle? Sure. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Sure, that. So, and this is, the baby hasn't even come out yet. I, I barely, he barely just tells me what his name is. Okay, cool. Get out. You know, they're putting mom back together. So I'm with baby at all times. Doing chest to chest, all the nurses come out baby came out 11 pounds, seven ounces.
Starting point is 01:15:52 So huge baby. Wow, I think the biggest baby I've ever heard of. They've had one other baby at the doctor like delivered her. Yeah, delivered him sorry. Had one other baby that's been bigger. Wow. I think 11 ounces, almost 12 pounds. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:11 But he's proportionate, so I think he was like 24 inches, so still big baby. So he doesn't look like Colton. You said he's proportionate. That's true, that's true. And that's why we couldn't deliver at home the baby just it was too big. So there's almost no way for him to come out naturally. Colton was
Starting point is 01:16:31 15 pounds, by the way, when he was born. And then he just hit a growth spurt five days in and just never grew. So, so afterwards, all the nurses are really, really cool. And then the same doctor comes back, hey, I really do recommend these three mittens. And you can just tell the nurses because I already told all the nurses what I wanted. Obviously the delivery doctor knew exactly what we wanted.
Starting point is 01:16:57 No mittens, nothing like that. And they were all cool with it, but this one doctor was just like, hey, I really do think you should get all three. I said, okay, you know what? These blue mittens, I don't think he likes the color blue. Okay, you know what? You're right.
Starting point is 01:17:14 You shouldn't get these the blue mittens, but you should definitely get the red and the yellow ones. Well, you know, etc, etc, etc, etc. Oh, you're right. You're right. Definitely don't get the yellow ones or the blue ones, But the red ones you have to get. Oh my god And then the pushback the pushback the pushback the pushback. I'm like, I don't really think he needs red mittens and then uh, and
Starting point is 01:17:35 then it was just funny seeing how his attitude changed how he went like you definitely need to get and Then I give him a little bit of pushback and at one point I just had to say hey doc I appreciate your opinion I'm not gonna put any mittens on I'm the dad so like let's just get things clear and then what kind of does suck the baby was big so they had to make sure they had to check his blood sugar so every three hours they had to like just do like a blood test which is fine. I was cool with that because what happens is they normally they take the baby right and they'll go oh we're gonna go just measure and run all the tests and all that stuff in another room. I'm
Starting point is 01:18:21 like okay but I'm gonna go with you. Right. And always stay with the baby. Always stay with the baby. The doctor was like, what do you mean? I'm like, he's my baby. That's my fucking kid. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Go with the kid. And nothing to anyone like it's like if you didn't, that's okay. But it was so weird. The second that we went to like where where all the kids go get like weighed And like their exam and I guess I could maybe physical. Yeah, no other parents there There was me. Yeah, they're insane. I Was like there is no way that my eyes aren't gonna be glued to this kid Like for forever at this point, either myself or my wife are gonna have eyes glued to this kid yeah so we we go to get him weighed and measured again
Starting point is 01:19:12 like a day a day later as here's how fucked up it is that's another doctor another patch is there fuck whatever it is you just listen thank you they might as well be podiatrist though It was how often they prick the bottom of the baby. They might as well be a podiatrist They did a lot So after after he cleared his his check to make sure that he's not like diabetic and all that stuff like that said no Nothing else was happening to this kid No mittens no hats none of that bullshit,
Starting point is 01:19:45 whatever is going on. As we're leaving his like second day exam, the nurse goes, oh, no, hold on, I have to give him a mitten. I was like, no, you don't. She's like, yeah, the doctor said I had to give him a mitten. I said, look, we're going to go back to our room and no one's going to bother us. And you can tell the nurse that was transporting the baby how aggravated she was that she's heard us give the answer no already and already tell everyone no. And they kept on pushing, they kept on pushing, they kept on pushing, they kept on pushing. And it's just so aggravating, especially in a, you know, if someone isn't as I guess, I won't say strong will, but if someone is so many people are pushed into it, dude, it's
Starting point is 01:20:35 crazy. Yeah, it's just, you know, a little disgust, you know, Gabe, they so for everyone they give they get a bonus. But the also the hospital gets a massive bonus if they have like a like, it's set at like 90 percent. So if 90 percent of the babies get the get the mittens, then they get another massive bonus. I knew a doctor who got a during covid got a brand new home in Costa Rica
Starting point is 01:21:01 and a brand new Mercedes, like one of those, you know, those things that look like they're retro, like their SUV. And she wagon, G wagon, and she, and it was, and she got them all in a year from giving COVID shots about the huge bonuses she got from the COVID shot. It's absolutely crazy. Someone just sent me a picture of a screenshot in Target where if you took these eight injections, you got a $200 gift card at Target and the injections were free. It's absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Imagine they're asking you to permanently alter for the rest of your kid's life its immune system, right after the day it's born. It's bat shit crazy. It's bat shit crazy Yeah, I mean he came out looking like a linebacker so I'm like no he's good He's got hair he's got probably more muscles than Colton at this point and just ready like kick ass and take names And you're just you know spewing this like oh you need this because of this you need this because of this need these this
Starting point is 01:22:04 Because of this and it's one of those this, you need this because of this. And it's one of those things where you can tell they don't get a lot of pushback. We went to a really nice area hospital where, usually that's how it goes. Again, I saw it firsthand when I was the only parent that was following. You're gonna start seeing, dude,
Starting point is 01:22:22 you're gonna start going to kids events. Like I could tell I mean and you know I'm open to being wrong But I went I go to the jiu-jitsu tournament and you can start seeing the kids that are different than your kids And you'll start wondering why are those kids different? What what is going on? Why is that kids foot shape like that? Why does he stand like that? Why is that kid like tapping on the railing? Why does that kid's eyes look like that? You'll start seeing and you're like, oh shit, there's no, there's so few kids that are just the fucking baseline. Like, hey, here's one that's just baseline.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Here's one that just came out of the pussy and that's it. That's all that's just that. That's what a kid looks like and does. And I don't mean to float my own boat, but every time I go out with my kids, every time it's a, someone will come up to me and say something about them. Like, like I can't go fucking anywhere. Every time I go out with my kids, every time it's a, someone will come up to me and say something about them. Like, I can't go fucking anywhere. And they're just look like little fucking, you know, little Middle Eastern kids.
Starting point is 01:23:14 To me, they're just like little fucking normal kids. But you'll see, ma'am, like your kids will be doing nothing and people will be like, man, your kids are so good. You're like, what? They're not even doing nothing. Because it's out of the norm. And again, with that being said be like, man, your kids are so good. You're like, what? You're not even doing nothing. Cause it's, it's, it's out of the norm. And again, with that being said, like, Hey, let's understand one thing.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I had to go to a hospital. Like my wife had to go to a hospital for my child to be born. It was, she was so fatigued at home that we could have run the risk of something happening to my wife and the baby. Yeah. So it's not saying that like Yeah, like let's let's get one thing right like hey Hospital is there when something and doctors are there for these type of moments Like the moments where it's like hey something's going on and even the doctor was like hey
Starting point is 01:23:58 She said I'll do everything in my power to make sure you have this kid vaginally and naturally But she was just so exhausted that it's like hey we just need to. The fact that you got your kid the fact that you got your kid home and healthy is all that matters. Yeah at the end of the day even the doctor I told the doctor hey this is exactly how it was supposed to happen it wasn't the way that we wanted it but hey that's not how life works right we we all go through through things. And you know, when all that happened at the games, we spoke about it briefly and people reached out to me for my opinion. I was like, Hey guys, I'm sorry. Like, no, it, I got bigger fish to fry. My kid is overdue. I got a wife that's like
Starting point is 01:24:43 freaking out because she doesn't know why the baby isn't coming yet And I was like, I don't have time. I don't you Like I Fucked up to say it. I just didn't care Hey, what are you doing? I priority What are you doing with Colton now? We're probably gonna go ahead Uh, we're probably going to go ahead.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Uh, I hope that's something very inappropriate. Uh, but I'll say it anyway. Oh, nice. Are you at the airport in the prayer room? Hey, are you, are you, is he going home? Colton, are you going home? Uh, no, I'm staying in New Jersey. Oh, for how long? You're just going to let Ali take over the farm and sell your wieners, huh? You're just going to leave her to it.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Yeah. Yeah, she's got it. Are you going home? What do you mean? Like what are you doing right now? Like why are you still there? Like I picture you as the guy, like they hand you the paycheck and you've already called your Uber and you're on your way to the airport.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I'm freaking gonna go to the cafe dude. Oh, oh to his to hit to Paper Street Cafe. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, you should pay Gabe back by taking a fat shit in his toilet testing the If if you're if you're if you're an athlete and you hear and you hear that Colton made it all the way out to Jersey And everything, you know, this is you know, take notes take notes. Oh, yeah, I hear you. I hear you. I love it Establish a good relationship and and everything. Yeah, we're going to the cafe right now. I love it. To establish a good relationship and everything. Yeah, we're going to the cafe right now.
Starting point is 01:26:26 I'm going to introduce him to a little dish we like to call Taylor ham, egg and cheese or bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel. New Jersey staple. Wow. And I just hang out at the coffee shop for a little bit. Colton, you should get something on the menu named after you. What's the most valuable thing in the world? Well, obviously never missing a coaching or training session while in the gym. And the second most valuable thing? Time. Managing and worrying about body odor used to take up a lot of my time. Massive head space thinking about
Starting point is 01:26:58 do I smell? Do I not? I don't know. I was paranoid about smelling especially around midday that 230 mustard smell It was all extremely time-consuming But not anymore. Oh, no Since I switched to the Mando whole body deodorant. I'm freed up so much time. I could trade stocks quicker I could get to the grocery store faster I could even visit that old relative or friend that used to complain about my midday smell but no longer does. Yeah that's right. It's effective and long-lasting. Here's why. Mander does a cover-up odor after the fact with heavy fragrances like
Starting point is 01:27:38 certain other deodorants. You know what I'm talking about. It stops the odor at the source by blocking the bacteria on your skin from eating your sweat Which is actually what's the cause of Bo? So give yourself the precious gift of time and get yourself some Mando whole body deodorant Special offer new customers five dollar off Mando's best-selling starter pack with the code 7 at for new customers $5 off Mando's best selling starter pack with the code seven at Mando I personally like the Mando because of the name Mando. How could you not like it? Not to mention you don't have to worry about smelling anyway.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Go right from the gym to the grocery store. See a friend, talk to them. Not worried about smelling right from the gym into the classroom. Sitting next to somebody you're not worried about smelling right from the gym into the classroom, sitting next to somebody you're not worried about smelling whole body deodorant. Mando is seriously safe anywhere to use on your body. Pits packages, belly buttons, even the old booty crack, stinking crevices, stomach folds. That one's weird.
Starting point is 01:28:40 And feet. Okay. Created by a doctor who saw firsthand how normal BO was being misdiagnosed and mistreated. Mando is also American made. Pride, baby, American pride. Mando whole body odor is powerful enough for the toughest body odor,
Starting point is 01:28:57 but gentle enough to use anywhere it allowed you to put Mando on family jewels without worrying because Mando is aluminum free and baking soda free cruelty free dye free in Vegan clinically proven to control odor better than the shower with soap alone 12 hours after the shower The average men's grundle order level was five out of ten with Mando the average grundle order Level is a zero out of 10 with Mando the average grundle order level is a zero out of 10. Mando starter pack is perfect for new customers it comes with a solid stick of
Starting point is 01:29:31 deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes and free shipping. Luckily I have a discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market. New customers get $5 off a starter pack with our exclusive code that equates over 40% of your starter pack. Use code SEVON at mando Smell you later. Iron hog.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah. You can definitely work on that. And also, that'll be fun. Listen to people order that gave listening to just people. I'll take the iron hog. Would you like a large? Yes. Aren't you? We got a big it'll be like super small.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Iron hog. It'll be like a like a eight ounce drink or something. Yeah. I mean, I think it's like a big one. It'll be like super small. It'll be like an eight ounce drink or something. But it was super cool. I think one of the cool things and I wish like a bunch more quote unquote athletes really like take into consideration what Colton did this weekend where they like it was so cool seeing everyone's reactions it was so so dope like people were genuinely excited and there was no like there was no barrier
Starting point is 01:30:52 like it was just him and you're able to talk to him and you're just able to like it was really really cool and seeing all the people that support him and also support the podcast like oh that's all it was really really cool I love it it wasn't just just oh hey cool it was a hey cool and I love the whole thing it goes to color you think it goes to Colton's head like he's gonna go home and just like treat Ali like shit and like stop cleaning the pig pens never definitely not because there's this cycle there's this cycle that successful athletes go through I don't know if Colton's immune to it Did I gotta wake up on Monday morning and go get covered in pig shit?
Starting point is 01:31:33 Alright and one last thing amen, Seve thank you because without you introducing me to birthfit and Honestly making this whole process of having a kid and giving me knowledge and giving me just the awesome people that helped through our birth. Like awesome. That makes me so happy. Not everyone uses them, but you definitely should. It's not just about the, you know, working out.
Starting point is 01:31:59 No, they give you the mom resources. They even give the dad resource. I had no idea that like a dad could have his own do later just to make sure he doesn't freak the fuck out So it was uh, it was really really cool. And I appreciate you even fucking the second I told you I think you were the literally the first person I told That I was having a kid so you can get me in contact with birth it like I didn't tell my parents I didn't tell my sister my friends. I was like, hey, I just need to ask sevi for further information And you were so generous and kind and so were they so yeah lindsey lindsey canto's the shit
Starting point is 01:32:34 She's a smart woman and you're right. It's a good environment. There's no judgment if you have the uh, There's no judgment if you have the baby in a hospital or whatever you do They're just there to fucking give you the resources And so if you want the resources honestly, then they're going do, they're just there to fucking give you the resources. And so if you want the resources, honestly, then they're going to give them to you, they're going to help you out, they're going to be like, like you said, like you did end up going to the hospital, and they probably gave you the tools like, hey, you probably
Starting point is 01:32:55 knew in advance, the doctors were going to ask you 20 times. And they're like, hey, dude, just keep pushing back. If you don't want if you don't, if you don't want it, and it worked, it worked out for you. Great. Sevi, the doula that they recommended came to the hospital with me. And she just waited in the waiting room for hours. Oh, the doula, the birth that recommended to you. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:18 So cool. I don't know if she wants me to say her name, but she was amazing. So she was always there. And just knowing she was there was a great resource, right? You could run out there and be like, they said this, this, and this to me. And I said this. And she's like, attaboy, get back in there and fight Gabe. Exactly. She, and she was, Hey, she has her own opinion. She's just there to make sure that I'm making the right decisions. And I'm comfortable, even if I, even if she was, she might've thought
Starting point is 01:33:41 my decisions were wrong. She still made me realize like, Hey, make sure that you are comfortable with that decision. You and your wife are comfortable with that decision moving forward and it doesn't matter her opinion or anyone else's opinion. So that's what I'm saying. BirthFit is like a bigger resource and I hope that, you know, everyone that has the ability to use them and even if you don't like really think about this as like hey, this is a valuable resource for You know the nine months leading up to birth and also past births like it's it's it's crazy
Starting point is 01:34:13 Definitely like fuck man. They're amazing Awesome. All right, dude. Thank you Colton. Thank you. Have fun. Don't drink too much coffee. Take a fast shit in his place Okay, bye You have fun. Don't drink too much coffee. Take a fast shit in his place Okay Cold Mertens gave Gabe Maldonado on our paper street coffee Two locations one in Jersey and one in Knoxville, Nashville, Knoxville, Nashville Nashville at the proven headquarters. I Thought this was interesting perspective. We all know that we were in Fort Worth, Texas where Lazar transitioned from this plane to another. Lazar died? Oh yeah, sorry, Lazar died, sorry. Lazar drowned, had an event
Starting point is 01:35:03 where his head went underwater and wasn't seen again for two hours. That led to his death, which is his body was no longer animated like ours. Right. Heart stopped and brain stopped. August 12th, just a few days after Lazar died, Fort Worth officer working a crash killed by wrong way driver police say a Fort Worth police officer died Monday after being hit at the scene of a fiery crash on Interstate 35 West in Sycamore School Road. This is just a couple days or maybe the day after Lazar died.
Starting point is 01:35:37 I can't remember the exact day. While working a crash, the 56 year old Sergeant Bill Randolph was struck by a driver who drove through the crash scene at about 538 M Randolph was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth where he died from his injuries Said Fort Worth police sergeant Randolph had been with the department for 30 years I've been here 24 and I don't know the department without him said the fourth Fort Worth police chief Neil Noakes It's going to be a hard day every day from now on as we mourn the loss of one of our brothers So this guy has been working with this guy for 24 years every single day
Starting point is 01:36:17 And this guy got killed he had got to go back to work the next day though, right Yeah Officers lined the driveway and saluted as the police honor guard escorted Randolph's body from JPS hospital to the Torrent County metal examiner think of all the people losing their shit who didn't even know Lazar, but they're just part of this community hmm but For but for some reason they have no compassion for cops who fucking sign up is To take care of society and get rid of the bad guys. Yeah to take care of society and get rid of the bad guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:45 The accident occurred when a tractor trailer exited southbound Interstate 35 West onto Sycamore School Road, and at about 2.30 a.m. hit the guardrail. The tractor caught fire and spilled fuel, which shut down the exit and service road, according to the report from the Fort Worth Police Department. While working the scene, Randolph was standing
Starting point is 01:37:02 on the freeway's exit ramp when a driver drove the wrong way How does that happen up the ramp and fatally struck Randolph according to police well the PFA a told had signs up all Over saying don't drive up the ramp the wrong way Right. Okay. So so that shouldn't have happened, right? That should make it safe to to drive on the road at all. And I think the CEO of whatever car company that was driving that should be fired driving that car during a press conference after the crash or whoever gave him a driver's license. The head of the Department of Motor Vehicles should be there. Oh, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:38 He passed the vision test at the DMV, so he should be good. Yeah. During a press conference after the crash, Randolph's relatives shared details about his death today We lost a good man. We lost Billy a faithful husband father. Anyway, it's just it's right This shit's just everywhere driver now identified as 25 year old day Wally Evans of Fort Worth has been charged with intoxication man-slaughter causing the death of a peace officer or firefighter Evans remained behind bars Her blood. Oh, that's a girl, her blood toxology, no women should not be allowed to drive. Her blood toxology results should take a couple of days, Noakes said. If she would have had a provider, if she would have had a real provider,
Starting point is 01:38:21 uh, he would have made sure that she had a driver. I don't know many times we have to say there's no excuse for drinking and driving said nox. Wow. Wow. But you know what? That cop probably had white privilege. That's right. There you go.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Just to put in that that happened in Fort Worth Worth day or two or three after Lazar died. Those are the things that are happening all around us. So what are you going to do? Sucks. At the Jiu Jitsu tournament, there was a police department that had like a booth set up, you know what I mean? Where like, I guess you could go over and like, anyway, so I, say it again. Like a border patrol does it at cross-in-amens and stuff? Yeah, I assume it seems sort of, yeah, I assumed it was recruitment effort. Yeah, thank you. That's
Starting point is 01:39:17 important. And I, um, and I, um, I walked over and I said, hey dude, what's up? I met him and I said, thanks for everything you do. I appreciate you. I have three little boys and cops are so important to keeping the streets safe. And he goes, and so we shake hands and I meet him and he tells me his name. And then as I walk away, he goes, hey,
Starting point is 01:39:38 and I turn around and he goes, I love your podcast. No. Yeah. Fucking liar. No, not lying. No way. You don't know how tickled I was. I tried to act humble. I'm like, oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Oh, you know about my podcast. Oh, yeah, that's weird. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Dan Guerrero, someone finding articles to justify Dave Steyn as director. Ha. That's my laughing emoji. You're projecting, Dan.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yeah. Someone finding articles to justify Dave staying as director. Ha ha ha. That's my laughing emoji You're projecting them Yeah, Dan. Do you think I found that article? What do you mean by fine? You think like I searched in Google? Forward deaths you probably just Google Google reasons to maintain Dave as director of the CrossFit games And then yes, I asked AI. Yes, right. You're right chat GPT probably came up with an article for you and I said, you know what? This is exactly why Dave should maintain his position as that's almost accurate, but I typed in what would Dan Guerrero do I asked Guerrero dude to justify Dave stain and it. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like? I spent hours. I just I have a team of lawyers working on me working on this trying to figure out. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:41:10 I can defend Dave. Yeah. Just makes sense. Lucky me. Well, I need to erase that from my list. Who took your protection from you? Oh, freedom of speech. No, my body my choice. No The fuck is that? Gazan no Systemic racism dei California Timos, I like fat women. Oh this this looks interesting. I Like fat women I wonder what this one is. Oh, did I already play this? Fuck it. I'm gonna play it again. This is so good. I'm gonna play it again. Fuck it. Am I choppy, Chaser? I do have to say it's not too much of a chase. You have some snacks? You're good.
Starting point is 01:42:02 I love fat women you know and let's be honest what really happens when women get fat when men get fat we lose our dick and then we die when women get fat you get more tits more more delicious you can never put too much syrup on a pancake you know I'm saying I love fat women I like an Adele 2016 with that juicy p***y. I don't want no skinny Taylor Swift p***y dry. You can tell Taylor has that rice cake p***y. You eat Taylor's p***y, it feels like you swallowed cinnamon. I love fat women. They're fun! They don't have any stupid rules! I don't beat after six, no! A fat bitch, you put a donut in her mouth, a dick in her ass, and cello me!
Starting point is 01:42:55 I am a choppy chicken... Oh my god, bro. Ah, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Sorry, it couldn't be me, dude. A little therapy and you could get on, we mean you could get on the same page. It's gonna be a lot of therapy. A lot of therapy for Kayla before he understands the old doughnut in the mouth. This so-called reporter from the Washington Post just had the audacity to ask Corrine Jean-Pierre if the Biden regime could interfere and block Trump's interview with Elon Musk.
Starting point is 01:43:42 It's weird when it's weird what's okay to say out loud now. It's weird when it's weird what's okay to say out loud now You know, I must be slated to interview Donald Trump tomorrow tonight on on X I don't know if the president is going to do it. Feel free to say it be is or not but I I think that Misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a America issue. What role does the White House or the president have in sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that
Starting point is 01:44:14 or sort of intervening in that? Some of that was about campaign misinformation, but you know. Here's the headline. Most Americans favor restrictions on false information. Should the US government, US government, not private enterprise, take steps to restrict false information online, even if it limits freedom of information?
Starting point is 01:44:35 2018, 39%, 2021, 48%, 2023, 55%. The government. How the fuck do people think that that's okay? Who are those 55 percent of people? We just want to know what's right and what's wrong, Savon. We want to be told. What do they think happens if we lose freedom of speech? Nothing. We just know what's going on and we just understand better, right? Just we know that, you know, the vaccines work and it's just women's reproductive health. You know, we're close to where if you say, I love Jews, that it will be, we're already there with, we're already there.
Starting point is 01:45:21 If you say, I love white people that somehow that that's racist that that's um, of course That's a white supremacist We're almost at the point where if you say I love Jews that means you hate Palestinians and that would be hate considered Construed as hate speech. I didn't even think of this. We're already there if you say fuck I love I love it when we have if you were to say I love it when we have a white strong white male president that would be construed as some sort of white supremacy and some sort of hate speech. Well, it's just like saying if you don't like fat women that you're sexist.
Starting point is 01:45:57 But also, I keep bringing the fat women up. I like fat women. But the whole entire DNC was I like Kamala because she's black and a woman. So it's just this double standard of shit is crazy. David Weed, I hate Jews. Yeah. How should that be outlawed? Now I understand if you were to say, I think that there is something around, I think there is some definition of hate speech. Like if you rally people to go hurt other people, that's bad. And so that's the leap they're making that if you say, I hate Jews,
Starting point is 01:46:39 that somehow it's going to cause someone to go to a temple or wherever Jews go on Sundays or Saturdays, that you're somehow going to incite violence. I don't think you're allowed to incite violence. Okay, well, what's considered inciting violence? Saying that you hate Jews or asking people to show up to a temple and graffiti and break windows. Yeah, like exactly. I mean, I think I can't imagine a world where you're not allowed to say I hate Jews or I hate black people or I hate white people. You should be able to say all that shit. And the problem is, here's the problem. So everyone knows I'm I know I'm preaching to the choir to you, Caleb, but the problem is this there's going to become we're already at the point we're
Starting point is 01:47:32 saying like, if you outlaw hate speech, then the person who's in control of what hate speech is, controls all of us. And so things like I love women could be will at some point become hate speech, because then basically what you're saying is, is someone's going to take that as you hate transgender women. That's how delicate we are in our society. Like, there's a whole, you know, there's a whole cohort of people out there now. I just found out about them, that if you say, I think I'm going to say this right, if you say, if I'm gonna say this right if you say if I were to say To Gabe, oh my god, your baby's so beautiful Gabe would be offended because I'm when I call his baby beautiful
Starting point is 01:48:12 I'm doing something that's called reduction something or I'm reducing the baby to just its looks and so they're offended That's where they want to take the world. That would be hate speech Or like because it's a boy. it should actually be handsome and not beautiful. Right. Like somehow you're sexist if you call the boy handsome. Call the boy, yeah. Call the boy beautiful, yeah. Okay, continue Mr. Dennis.
Starting point is 01:48:38 Should restrict free speech if they say it's false information on the internet. The United States of America, the freest country in the history of the world. Now, one other little piece of data, among Democrats and those who lean Democrat, 70%. Among Republicans, 39%. I don't think you can be a Republican
Starting point is 01:49:00 and think that, and believe in the concept of hate speech. It's like being a Christian and thinking that abortion's okay. I don't think you can do that. I think you have to have your card taken from you. Your Christian card? How is the entire platform that they're running with democracy and freedom and all that shit that they keep saying over and over and they're against freedom of speech.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Where do these people live? I've never experienced these people. They're here in California. I know it's weird, right? Dude, I have so many friends who are still juicing their kids to the gills soon as they're born. It's nuts. I wish I was juicing the gills. CrossFit was misinformation 20 years ago. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:49:55 It was. True. That was 20 years ago? Fuck, that's crazy. Dude, Greg used to get death threats for telling people to squat below parallel. Is that fucking nuts? Does that seem bizarre? Now it's like common knowledge, like you have to squat below parallel.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Yeah, it's nuts. And he used to tell stories that where he couldn't give people nutritional advice at Gold's Gym in the gym, he had to walk them out to the car and slip it to them in a manila envelope. And it was crazy controversial to be low carb. Hey, what if they made RFK head of the CIA? 20 years ago, we killed, or 30 years ago, we killed your uncle and your dad. Today, today you run the organization Would that be fucking crazy, dude? Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:11 I wonder if they I just saw a video about the About what happened in Vegas and what 2016 or 2018 or whatever? Yeah, and I was when I had also saw that in congruence with And I was when I had also saw that in congruence with RFK becoming the head of the CIA. I just wonder if that if that were to happen if they'd be able to like release all the information about that stuff. What's the premise behind that? What like so I understand that like they're saying that it was more than one shooter but like what's the theory behind that? That was the one where the guy shot into like a country music concert from like some hotel room and killed with all These guns right why conspiracy behind that like why was that? What was the point of that? I can't I'm not exactly sure what the theory is but I know
Starting point is 01:51:56 That they were saying that there were multiple shooters across like a broad distance on the strip and that it was but the story was being and that it was, but the story was being told that it was just one guy with a bump stock in like one of the hotel rooms, like elevated. Yeah. But when you listen to the videos, it's like they were trying to spin it as like,
Starting point is 01:52:20 oh, we're trying to get rid of guns or bump stocks or we're trying to like, the media's wanted to like, it was is supposed to be a gun control thing. Oh, interesting. That's how I understood it, but I could be very wrong. Because like, you know, like they say, and I don't mean to misrepresent flat earthers, but one of the things with the flat earthers is, if I understood correctly, is they believe the earth is flat and they believe that the reason why it's hidden from people is they don't want you to know that on the other side of Antarctica, there's a whole nother, you know, there's tons of resources. And that they don't want to give us access to those resources. We're like the slave people and they're like the wealthy people have access. So that's the reason. So what you're saying is the reason why they did that shooting was so that they could outlaw guns
Starting point is 01:53:07 as a step to outlaw guns. I think so. That's kind of how I understood it. And then, but in reality, there's like a map that this guy laid out where it shows 911 calls, autopsy reports with locations of deaths that basically span like a mile of the strip and probably five, six, seven different hotels.
Starting point is 01:53:36 And I saw like there was a shooter in another hotel. Right. They're saying like, oh, there's another shooter in the lobby. There's all sorts of stuff. As I hear that, I start justifying it. I'm like, well, of course you saw someone else in another lobby with a gun. They heard gunshots and pulled out their gun.
Starting point is 01:53:51 That's kind of how I see it too. Like I start going there and making up excuses. I just, I imagine how many people in Nevada carry. And I imagine how many people come from outside Nevada who are also carrying because they're in. Right. Uh-oh. Starlink. Your Starlink froze on the satellites went behind the moon. One of your satellites went behind the moon.
Starting point is 01:54:24 I think I'm in my back now. Yeah, you're back. You want to hear the truth about guns? Yes, okay. Here you go. I'm surprised listen to this. I hear a really wild stat though Yeah, we are the at a hundred ninety three countries. I believe we are number three in gun violence Okay, but if you were to take the five cities where there is the most gun violence, Chicago, Philly I think Houston Chicago Philly Detroit. I think Houston, Chicago, Philly, Detroit. I don't know if it's LA, but I think it is. So it's all, all these cities, if you take out the cities with the, and they all have
Starting point is 01:54:54 these strictest gun controls. So it's St. Louis, Detroit, it's Chicago, it's Philadelphia, and I think it's Los Angeles. And they have the strongest, the very, very tight gun laws. Keep in mind mind They are blue I'm just saying not you know, but if you were to take them out of the equation We would not be the third we would be the hundred and wow That's pretty significant. I'm not even surprised listen to this right here if you take st. Louis Listen to all by the way listen all this is important for any idiots, but also foreigners.
Starting point is 01:55:26 So when you realize like, when you see all the stuff in the news, like this country is massive over here. And there's like, there's places you can go where like none of the stuff we talk about on this show is like a reality at all. But if you took St. Louis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, and LA out of the gun stats we would have the third fewest gun deaths or gun violence in the world out of any country for a country that has more guns per capita than any other country in the world crazy and it's the all blue states and it's all states are all blue cities and it's all cities
Starting point is 01:56:08 that have the strictest gun control. Crazy. Yeah. You said how many people live there? I mean, I don't know. Let's say St. Louis has, I'm making this up 2 million. I think Detroit has dropped below a million. I think Detroit's like nothing. Let's just give it a million. Let's say Philly has three million. Let's say Chicago has 10 million. Let's say LA has 16 million.
Starting point is 01:56:31 So I'm gonna guess my guess is 26 29 30 32 million people between all of those. It's 10% of the US population. That's fucking wild, isn't it? That's some suspicious math given all the other cities with a fair amount of gun violence. Yeah, dude, but like there's nothing like Chicago, right? I mean, you get Chicago and LA. Jake Chapman, so if you take away 32 million people. Jonathan Ortega, in Georgia there's a town where you can't live there if you don't own a gun.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Oh, like that's one of the requirements to be a citizen of the town. That's kind of the requirements to be a citizen of the town. Oh, yeah. That's kind of cool. That's kind of cool. In our town, you don't have to take the vaccine to live here, but you have to own a gun. Which would you rather be mandated to do? Yeah. How close am I? How close am I to my population guesses? I want to look up. Oh, St. Louis is, I just looked up St. Louis proper and it's 286,000. Oh, really? That's it? I guess the Metro, like including the Metro, I think it looks like it's 2.8 million.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Okay, I'm going to go with that. So I guess, I guess two. What about Detroit? I gave it 1 million, but I heard Detroit's like at 500,000. I heard it's like nothing. Detroit's at, Detroit proper, 620,000. Okay. Metro population, 4.3 million. Oh wow. Okay, we'll go with the whole Metro, 4.3.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Okay, how about Philly? Philadelphia, including the Metro at 6.2. Philly proper is 1.5. Okay, so let's go with the biggest numbers. So 2.8, 4.3, 6.2. That one I had at 3 million. I've been off by at least 50% on all of them. Chicago I guess 10 million. Chicago.
Starting point is 01:58:47 Chicago is, why is it not giving me that? 2.6? It's not giving me the metro. Okay, I'm gonna go with three. Okay, yep. And then what about LA? Like LA County County I guess 16
Starting point is 01:59:06 LA County population is gonna be nine point seven. Okay, I'll go ten. Okay, so that's a 13 plus 10 is 23 plus 3 is 26. I guess 32. Okay, 26 million people Alright God, I know st. Louis is crazy Every time I haven't been there in 10 years, but it was crazy when I went there. North St. Louis is literally a jungle. Yeah, St. Louis is nuts. Basically, I just drive through there. It's not really that... I don't see anything, but
Starting point is 01:59:36 I've always heard it's pretty nuts. Yeah. Bernie Gannon, since the Department of Justice changed the requirement, only 63% of police agencies now report crime data to them. Wow. New York City and LA no longer report missing data as now current admins say crime numbers are down. Holy shit. It's like saying COVID numbers are down.
Starting point is 02:00:00 It's because they're not reporting COVID. Good times. I bet you gun sales are through the roof. I bet you we've been on, I bet you more guns have been sold in the last 10 years than since the fucking civil war. Did you hear about this town in Massachusetts that's doing curfews again? For what? You're going to love this. This is where my third grade math kicks in like crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:38 Residents of Massachusetts town are now being urged not to leave their homes after dark due to the spread of a deadly mosquito-borne virus. This is what's the date on this? Three days ago. The Board of Health in Oxford, a city of 13,300 people about 50 miles southwest of Boston, has said an outdoor curfew in hopes it will reduce the chance of people being bitten by mosquitoes, which carried the Eastern equine some encephalitis. Eastern Inquine Encephalitis. EEE.
Starting point is 02:01:12 Virus? Is that encephalitis? Is that brain swelling? I think I remember Greg telling me that. Sure. Yeah, that sounds right. It comes after a resident was the first human to contract the rare and untreatable illness known as triple E domestically in nearly four years. So one person has caught it in four years. By the way, those of you who don't know, Massachusetts is like the mental health capital of the world. Like everyone there is crazy. It's probably like an epicenter that state of
Starting point is 02:01:40 Boston and Massachusetts of the brain virus. Like I bet you they're probably terror, they probably have given out more boosters there than anywhere on planet earth. The Massachusetts Air National Guard has the most violations of security, most security violations than any other national guard unit. Yeah, that doesn't. One guy, one guy defected to Russia and is now fighting in Ukraine for Russia.
Starting point is 02:02:10 And he was coming to find out he's actually trying to escape CP charges. What's a CP? Child pornography. Oh, fuck, of course. Wow, CP. Wow. That's scary when that's entered the vernacular Uh, there's there's so much child pornography. It's turned into an acronym Triple E causes fever brain swelling can lead to seizures comas one-third of the people infected with now listen Here's the where the math listen this math
Starting point is 02:02:38 So one person's gotten it in the last four years, but one-third of the people infected with EEE die in the last four years, but one third of the people infected with EEE die. Okay, I want you to remember that, what they just said there. One person in 40 years. In four years. But one third of the people infected with EEE die and those who recover are often left with lifelong physical and mental difficulties. Okay. It comes, well, okay. Is there a continue reading? Oh, continue reading. They have a curfew there. It's not a requirement. Yeah, just like masks weren't a requirement.
Starting point is 02:03:14 A thousand Oxford residents have signed a petition to keep playgrounds open, blah, blah, blah. The memorandum clearly states that all private town leagues can continue to opt to play beyond the DPH recommendations those jointly opted by all for whatever blah blah blah. The memo also states that a horse infected with EEE in neighboring Connecticut has died from the virus. There were 12 human cases of EEE in Massachusetts in 2019. That was five years ago outside of the four year window
Starting point is 02:03:46 that we talked about earlier. In 2020, there were five human cases and one death. So that means it's, now we have a problem with the math. Now it's one in five die. Yeah. When earlier it was one in three. Yep. Okay, so we have some problem with the math there.
Starting point is 02:04:02 There were no cases of deaths in each year from 2021 to 2023. So even to get one in five, do you remember when they said COVID only 80% of the people showed um... What's it called when you're sick and you have manifestation of the sickness? Non-symptomatic. 80% were non-symptomatic. Like that was never talked about. Hey, 80% of you fuckers walking around got it and you're non-symptomatic. EE symptoms typically begin within 4 to 10 days of being bitten by a mosquito. Now listen to this. For approximately 33% of the people with EE who die,
Starting point is 02:04:42 death typically occurs about 2 to 10 days after onset. For approximately 33% of people with EEE. So that's, of that 1 in 5, one third of them die within 2 to 10 days. Do you see that? How crazy the math is getting? Right. For 33 percent, I don't even think that that's what this person who wrote this meant. I think they're just confused. For the approximately 33 percent of the people with EEE who die, so we already know it's 1 in 5 who die, so if it's 33 percent of the ones that die, you would need at least 15 people to have it. And one of those would usually die two to 10 days after getting it.
Starting point is 02:05:36 A record 38 cases were reported in 2019. Well, let me go back up here. There were 12 human cases of EE Massachusetts in 2019. Six people died. I guess down here, we don't know. It says 38 cases in 2019, but we don't know what states they're referring to. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:56 So you got all that information. You're scared shitless. You now live in Massachusetts and you're hiding fucking inside. But here we go. It even gets the math. The math gets even weirder here. Here we go. This is we're getting back to COVID math again. Here we go. There isn't much information about the number of Eastern equine encephalitis infections worldwide right now, but here's some information about EEE. In the summer and fall of 2019, nine US states
Starting point is 02:06:25 reported 36 human cases with 14 of those cases being fatal. So now we're like one and three again one and two point something. In 2022 there was one case of EEE. The US typically reports between six and eight cases of EEE each year, mostly between May and October. Most common places are Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Wisconsin, and Jersey. The case fatality rate is 30 to 50% of survivors experienced neurological something. There's no cure. We're back to tracheal intubation. Wow.
Starting point is 02:07:05 It's believed that the EEE infection provides lifelong immunity against reinfection. How's that? If you get it and don't die, you have lifelong immunity. Oh wow. So if you're... What is it? One of three? One of four?
Starting point is 02:07:40 There was something though that said that somewhere I read that... Oh. EE is rare but very... Fortunately only 5% of EE infections result in EEE. So that's like a weird... that that fucks with your math again too. Whatever it is, it's like it's fucking so minuscule Say that to the person who dies heavy. We should shut down everything How what fucking what a mess Jake Chabon said he my daughter wants to know how long left the show has as I'm ignoring her and she wants my attention.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Thanks. How old is she? Give her a box of like fucking crackers or something. A crackers. Yeah, it's something like that. 30% of the 1% that actually gets it. It's something, it's... Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:08:47 There you go. Yeah, tell her, seven. Oh, perfect. Yeah, just tell her, yeah, give her an iPhone. Have her get in the mix. Ever put a Lego set together or some shit? Yeah. That'll take about an hour.
Starting point is 02:09:04 60% of the time, it kills every time. Even CNN knows what a complete fucking shit show the DNC is. It's just a fucking complete joke. Jake, there weren't a lot of fact checkable claims tonight, period. There weren't a lot of fact checkable claims tonight, meaning she didn't say shit. No one at the DNC said shit. Let's look at some comments Vice President Harris made in her big speech. First, this claim about, for President Donald Trump, an abortion.
Starting point is 02:09:38 As a part of his agenda, he and his allies, with limited access to birth control, ban medication abortion and enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress. And get this, get this, he plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator and force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions. Simply put, they are out of their minds. First of all, I'd like to say, shouldn't everything that's being done in hospitals,
Starting point is 02:10:23 like shouldn't there be some data being kept somewhere? Especially if you're killing babies? Yeah. Don't they keep the data now already? But anyway, no reason to argue retard points. Here we go. This is kind of cleverly frame Jake as a prediction, which I cannot definitively fact check. But VP Harris at least left out some important context here. effectively fact check, but VP Harris at least left out some important context here. What she did not explain is that Trump has either not taken those positions during this campaign or explicitly rejected those positions. He has not called for an anti-abortion coordinator.
Starting point is 02:10:55 He hasn't called the four states to report miscarriages and abortions. He has explicitly said he will not restrict birth control. He has not taken a clear position on abortion medication. He has said he will not taken a clear position on abortion medication, he has said he will not sign a national abortion ban, and he has at least haltingly said he won't enforce an old law called the Comstock Act to ban abortion without congress. So where is the vice president getting this stuff? Well almost all of it is in project 2025, a conservative think tank's list of policy proposals for next Trump term. It's true of of course, that dozens of former Trump officials were involved.
Starting point is 02:11:28 Are we going to find out that Project 2025 was a fucking bullshit plant by the Democrats that they wrote it? You know what I mean? Like the fucking Russian Dostoyev that what's the most extreme things that the the conservative party can do and we're going to write it all up up and we're gonna frame it as if that's their position. It's fucking, but I just it's crazy when this shit's on CNN. That is wild. I'm surprised that they're, that they haven't like cut him off or something. And I don't want to be a dick but this guy doesn't look like he's laden with testosterone.
Starting point is 02:12:03 This guy's, like that guy could put a wig on and he's fuckable Maybe I'm more Kent, you know, take the glasses off take the suit off and he's just this rip shredded fucking testosterone laded behemoths In project 2025 but it is not Trump's own document now Let's play something vice president Harris said about the Supreme Court's recent decision on presidential immunity. Consider, consider the power he will have, especially after the United States Supreme Court just ruled that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails. I call this a needs context too, Jake. It's fair for Vice President Harris to generally warn
Starting point is 02:12:58 that the Supreme Court ruling gave presidents more power, but it did not grant Trump or anyone else total immunity from criminal prosecution. What the court did say is that they have absolute immunity for acts within their core constitutional powers, presumptive immunity for other so-called official acts, but also ruled there is no immunity for unofficial acts. And so Trump can theoretically be prosecuted as president or after a future presidency and in fact is still being prosecuted right now of course the court hampered but did not kill that federal election subversion case that's still ongoing against him. Jake? Jake
Starting point is 02:13:33 there weren't a lot of fact-checkable claims tonight. It's fucking nuts. It's more fear. They just scare you scare you you, scare you. We're going to scare you so much. But you got to vote for her because she's a black woman. Yeah, right. How about the fact that, well, now I'm thinking that those are the two things you have to vote for because she's a black woman You have to vote for because you're scared of Donald Trump Those are like that's like the only two issues that they have that's like the only two things that they have going
Starting point is 02:14:12 Everything there is their fucking identity politics. It's wild It's amazing also that they keep saying that the economy is great and Biden and her did a great job and yet They need price fixing? Like all the things that she's claiming she's going to do is going to fix the economy when, but you can't also then say that the economy is good. You can't have it both ways. You can't fix something. You're not going to fix something if it's good. I saw something, I don't know if she said this, but I saw something that said, that Kamala said that she's going gonna do better than the last administration.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Yeah. But you are the last administration, so... Right. What do you... if you're not doing it now, why do you think you're gonna do better in the next few years? When I get into office, miss, you are in office. You fucking are in office. More CNN. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:15:10 They even know they're losing their, I don't know what they're doing. I don't know if they're turning on her or what they're doing. There's one other issue, if I might just, something he does that is so weird to me, the constant attacks on JD Vance for going to Yale. I don't understand this. I've heard Walls proclaim to be a small town guy who wants everybody to get an education and succeed, and he spends a fair amount of time attacking JD Vance, who grew up poor and got an education, worked hard to get an education and rise above his station in life, and he has used it as a punchline on the campaign trail.
Starting point is 02:15:47 And I don't understand what he's trying to communicate to every small town poor kid out there saying, if you choose to work hard and go to an Ivy League school, you somehow abandon your hometown, I don't get it. Speaking as one of those small town kids who actually went to Yale. I do take exception to that. I think you are correct on that.
Starting point is 02:16:11 There's this thing when you're raised as a Democrat, I know they tell you that the Republican party is just for the rich and that Democrats are just for the poor. And then finally you wake up one day and you realize, oh no, the Republicans want everyone to be rich the Democrats want everyone to be poor like they they're they crit they they criticize people for their fucking success yeah instead of celebrating it it's fucking wild but they're successful so but they they did it the right. They did it the democratic way. I don't know. Brad Schneider, why should we care about anything
Starting point is 02:16:48 on cable news? The thing is, is that's not cable news. That's Instagram. This shit's all over social media now too. It's just taken over. It's all, I don't even know if there is, I don't even know if you can distinguish anymore. It's one giant blob.
Starting point is 02:17:01 It's more cohesive than ever now. It's more cohesive than ever now. You're defining my mom right now. It's exhausting. I know. It's wild, right? Yeah. There's this hatred for people who work hard and who are successful when they should be celebrated. It's the same. We started the show with it, talking about Heber and Mars. Instead of thanking them, someone's upset that somehow they're excited that they're making a piece about Lars' death.
Starting point is 02:17:34 Lars'? Lazar's. Is Caleb using the gas station headphones again? I don't know. Does it sound better now? Maybe it's because I have my air conditioning on. Cuomo calling out all the rich people the DNC was something else. Yeah, all the people in the five hundred thousand dollar boxes. Million dollar, two million dollar boxes.
Starting point is 02:17:58 It's crazy. Bernie Gannon, when Trump debates Kamala, will he cite policies and facts or just wing it nicknames, etc. He needs to prepare. I have to assume JD Walt JD Vance is going to fucking completely obliterate walls. I mean, anytime he says anything, all you have to do is just bring up his stolen vow or valor, his drunk driving, his line about IVF. Man, this guy is a piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:18:27 Yeah, I saw the whole thing about how he's claimed he's had combat deployments and. It's like, dude. That's pretty bad, right? Guys, like you guys don't do that stuff, right? You guys don't let shit slip out of your mouth, loosey goosey like that. No, if you've done it, you've done it. If you have not done it, you do not inflate what you did do. Right. Like everybody knows it's you can like,
Starting point is 02:18:54 you can read people's records like their their DD 214, which is like their discharge paperwork, or you can read their like citations, because I think some of those end up being public, But like you can read what where people have been stationed, what their jobs were, any sort of orders that they had, and you can tell like, Hey, that's bullshit. You showed up, you, you were a guard guy and you got deployed to California for a hurricane or something like that that's not a you're not enabling combat deployments you're not enabling people to go fucking kill bad guys you're not
Starting point is 02:19:32 like there's a difference between there's a difference and you can tell and if you were like were you ever deployed to any natural disasters no I have not played a natural disasters you have not but if you were deployed to a natural disaster and someone asked you if you've ever been deployed, would you be like, yeah, we had to go do Katrina, I was deployed to Katrina? I would, no, I would not say I was deployed. That wouldn't, I would not consider that a deployment. No, but okay. But I would say like, oh, I assisted with Katrina. All right. My deployment is when I go, when I fucking went to the Middle East and hung out there for seven months and like that's a deployment. And you're going out and if one of the guys gets decapitated,
Starting point is 02:20:13 your job's to run out and get his body and bring it back. Right. If somebody's x-ray machine is broken, I drive up there with my x-ray guy and we fix it together. Oh. drive up there with my x-ray guy and we fix it together. Um, uh, you, oh, like to an unsafe spot. Yeah. Did you have a gun there? No.
Starting point is 02:20:35 Everyone doesn't get a gun. Not everybody. No. Was everyone, did you always go out with a guy who had a gun? No. You guys would go out with it with guys with, who didn't have, when you didn't have guns, protection. Right. When you went and got the guy, how far was the guy you had to get who died in the decapitation
Starting point is 02:20:51 incident? How far was he from the base? Probably 45 minutes away. On a dirt road? It was safer. It was relatively paved. Just a wonky road. Like just basically just like a strip of
Starting point is 02:21:06 concrete in the middle of the fucking desert did that does have a line in the middle mmm no and but it's two-way traffic I know the road I can see the road yeah and and did you guys have protection when you went into that does another vehicle full of dudes with guns and they fucking Gatling gun? No? No, I mean, it's considered a safe area. So you just go out there, you know. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Oh, fuck that. But that's the difference. What? But that's the difference. You know, like, I'm not going to, like, I'm not telling you anything outside of what I what factually happened, right? right but but but Like National Guard dudes will be deployed to like Katrina or something like when there's a hurricane or a massive earthquake or yeah
Starting point is 02:21:58 Or the border stuff. Oh the border. Oh, would you say if you were deployed to the border? Would you call that a deployment? Probably not but I'm sure some people do. Yeah. Not what if you got in a gunfight with the cartel? Then you could probably then at least you could say that I wasn't deployed. Gunfight with the cartel. But you and I have friends who have both been deployed into Columbia. of friends who have both been deployed into Columbia. Yeah. That's a deployment. Yeah. Because you're going there to look around
Starting point is 02:22:32 and sniff out bad guys. Right. This campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drug driving. They go into details about the 0.128 level when the legal limit was 0.1. And they go so far as to say the field sobriety test was due to a misunderstanding to hearing loss
Starting point is 02:22:49 from the National Guard. They also claim Walt was allowed to drive himself back. None of that was true. So you know it's bad when CNN has to call you out on this. These integrity issues, these integrity questions are going to pile up and up and up. It's gonna get worse and worse. And you can ride these numbers.
Starting point is 02:23:04 You know, they're in a bit of a surge, but at some point you're gonna have to stand up and up and up. It's gonna get worse and worse and you can ride these numbers you know they're in a bit of a surge but at some point you're gonna have to stand up and answer questions and I'm just really wondering what that's gonna look like as this pile on continues. Tim Walls' 2006 campaign falsely described details about... I don't know makes them kind of relatable. Fat, low testosterone drunk driving motherfucker. Yeah Sure, yeah, it's just a regular guy Jonathan Ortega deployment all depends on the mission and that that's what determines how you talk about it. I well, so I think what Caleb is basically saying is like if you're not leaving the fucking country or going somewhere on some sort of like mission, you weren't fucking deployed.
Starting point is 02:23:54 Yes. Right? I mean you went to a place where dudes were cycling in and out and you were one of the cycles, right? Right. Yeah, that that sounds like like there, there are people who got tasked to assist with like, like mass vaccination during COVID. And like on paper, that's a deployment. And they'll be like, Oh, yeah, I deployed to New Jersey. And I helped like, vaccinate people. You're like, No, dude, that's not. like Vaccinating people you're like no, dude, that's not So I'm not in a fucking hotel and you got Although you may have killed more people are the although you may have ended up killing more people than any other soldier in history
Starting point is 02:24:36 That's right. Oh Man Here's another fucking great one. Here we go. What do you got for me, blondie? So Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000 emails. Hunter Biden is a crack addict with hookers. Joe Biden sold access to the US government
Starting point is 02:25:02 to Chinese communists. Pelosi is rich from insider trading. Stephen D'Antuano of the FBI staged the Gretchen Whitmer Fed napping and January 6th. Mayorkas allowed the invasion of our border. Epstein's clients walk free. Dr. Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function experiments that created the COVID-19 virus. Pfizer and Moderna lied about the safety of their mRNA COVID jab. Andrew Cuomo killed 11,000 elderly people in New York. Planned Parenthood sold aborted baby body parts.
Starting point is 02:25:36 Shall I go on? These people are all walking free. And yet Trump is the one who's convicted for paying his attorney. So Hillary Clinton deleted 30. It's wild, right? Crazy. Even if half those things are only half those things are true. Yeah, that's pretty nuts.
Starting point is 02:26:01 Oh, she has a she does have a weird haircut Hey doesn't it look like right here I don't know if you're gonna be able to see this clearly doesn't it look look at this part of her hair right here Can you see this right here where my hand this hand is? Doesn't it look like she just took some scissors and just chopped off like a lock Yeah, it looks like that. Maybe that's her bangs She just like sweep them off to the side swept him off to the side. Oh, yeah It is weird though. Oh Oh look at this lady's oh, yeah, let's look at this one. So oh god, where do you get your facts?
Starting point is 02:26:40 We don't get facts. We spend every bit of our spare time doing research that leads you taxable evidence we can to I want to see if she writes anything else. What's her name? Mitty? Not CNN give us your give us one of yours all the details. Oh, yeah, I want to see if this midi chick replies again Here's all the details. Oh yeah, I want to see if this midi chick replies again. I was in a conversation with someone and I told them about the $5 million hotel that gives away free alcohol with our taxpayer money in San Francisco. And this person's like, God, it's so weird how much you believe that the media says now, where do you get your facts?
Starting point is 02:27:24 And I'm like, well, you Google it. They're like, what should I look up? I'm like, what Washington or the San Francisco Examiner. I'm like, look it up. And I didn't even know if it was in there and they look it up and there it is. They're like, Oh shit, you're right. Like, yeah. Oh shit. Oh, I'm glad to be getting to this show. There's so many, I mean, I'm glad to be getting to this show. I'm glad to be getting to this show.
Starting point is 02:27:43 I'm glad to be getting to this show. I'm glad to be getting to this show. I'm glad to be getting to this show. I'm glad to be getting to this show. Hmm. Oh shit, huh? I'm glad to be getting to this show. There's so many uh, I just have to what's this one's uh, oh I don't know if I can do this one. Oh Oh, I thought it said gazan it says gauzans Wow. I never even put the connected those two together. Gazan Gazan. She's a Gazan. Hi. Did your brother leave? Oh, OK. Listen to this one. This one's great. Here we go. Brace yourself, people. New data reveals Australia is granting significantly more visas to Garzons than almost the entire world.
Starting point is 02:28:28 The Labour government has approved about 10 times as many Garzons visas as the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the United States combined. Gee, I wonder what could possibly go wrong when we import thousands of people from a place where the vast majority support terrorism at a time, by the way, when our National Security Agency warns of probable terror attacks. You know who's not taking any Gazan refugees? Neighboring Egypt and Jordan or any other Arab nation for that matter who just happened to share ethnicity and culture with Palestinians. It's like they know something we don't. I wonder what that can possibly be. How fucking crazy is that? So I don't think anyone's arguing that
Starting point is 02:29:19 they've done a bunch of surveys in Gaza and it's basically like 86% of the people there believe that there's no two-state solution They believe that you should just be killed They believe that the October 7th attack was just just all that shit that they but you know I think it's like over 90% believe that like all gay people should be killed Everyone's seen those videos they have no tolerance for any of that shit. And yet, Egypt and Jordan won't take those people or any other fucking Arab countries? Hmm. Weird. It's fucking way weird.
Starting point is 02:29:58 It's all, I mean, I know Jordan. It's way weird. Yeah. They're already getting quite a few refugees from other countries too. I know it's way weird. Yeah They're already getting quite a few refugees from other countries too So, I mean they have like full-blown camps Whoa, you mean egypt and jordan like they they're getting right? Yeah, exactly right and so you're and now they have a country that's like I mean How do they protect their border? I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:30:26 Like, I don't understand with fucking 240s and guard towers. Oh, and just shooting it like you, you, if you cross, it's like, if you cross into Egypt and they don't want you, they just shoot you dead. I mean, Hey man. Weird. What do you guys want to do? You want to see the champs?
Starting point is 02:30:59 You want to see... Talk to Caleb real quick. You want to tell Caleb about your jujitsu match? Okay, go put the headphones on I Want to hear about it? Are you sore? Oh He said he's You're not sore
Starting point is 02:31:14 Oh your neck is sore You want to sit down next to Ari and tell us about your jujitsu match? Oh Dude, do it. Come on. You never have you ever even been on the show before you have Joseph's been on once before? Yeah, but they were really tiny. Okay, go ahead. How was the match yesterday? Good. How many matches did you lose?
Starting point is 02:31:34 One. Who'd you lose to? Eternal Buzz. Oh, oh, sorry, sorry. Sorry. Take two. How are you feeling? Good. You sore? Yeah. Where are you feeling? Good. You sore? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:47 Where are you sore? My legs, my quads and my right arm, like my right forearm. Why do you think you're sore? You train you train so much. How could you be sore? Oh. Oh, oh. Why is there so why is one arm sore not the other Oh, how do I forget how to bring it? What do I do? I do share camera extra camera. Oh There we go. What I'm bringing it. There you go. Oh, can you scoot over that way?
Starting point is 02:32:18 There you go that a boy. Okay, how many matches did you lose yesterday? Thatta boy. Okay. How many matches did you lose yesterday? Uh, none, but, um, the ref did something a little weird. And who were you, who were you wrestling? The one that ref did weird. Joey. So I lost one. So part Caleb, what happens is they're in these brackets and they both start winning. And then they met in the finals, both in gi and in no gi. So it's just Joy won in gi and I won in no gi. So we both got uh silver and silver and gold so we're so they're in the finals of the gi match and
Starting point is 02:32:58 Ari was winning three two. No, joy was. Oh, joy was yeah Oh, joey was Yeah. Oh, Joey was winning 3-2, sorry. And the clock ran out. But the, because it's a three minute match, but the ref didn't stop it. And the crowd's yelling, it's over, it's over. But he didn't stop it. And it went a whole nother minute. So they kept out there fighting. I know it was weird. And then they gave me an extra five points and put down one for Joey So then they came oh he came over after the match and they said Ari had won five to One when Joey was winning three two so that how did Joey lose a point and Ari gained three points? So what we think happened what so they they declared Ari the winner they gave him the gold but Ari's like hey
Starting point is 02:33:44 I think they messed up. So he took his gold off and put it on his brother's head. Oh That's awesome. Yeah, that was cool And he took the silver from Joey. Yeah, it was cool. Oh, yeah That's awesome. I didn't I I didn't cry. Did you see I didn't cry at all yesterday. I was chill, right? Didn't cry that you see I didn't cry at all yesterday. I was chill, right? Where you saw a point to the body parts where your sword here Bicep calf and your hip like here. Yeah, both your head. Yeah, you think you're injured or just sore I don't know you can do mom mom said you I You think you're injured or just sore? I don't know. You can do it.
Starting point is 02:34:23 Mom said she can take me to Marquette's because she has an appointment there. Or you can cup me if it's sore. I can do... Oh, I can cup you? Mm-hmm. Oh, you want me to cup you today? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I can do cupping. Jo, you want cupping?
Starting point is 02:34:37 Yeah, I want to cup Ari. You want to cup Ari? He can cup me. You can cup me too. I wonder if there's any... I wonder if I'm ever hurting my kids when I cup them. I'd cup the shit out of them. You know what, cup me? Me? You did it to me and I was, I couldn't even roller skate.
Starting point is 02:34:53 Oh, the next day? I cuped you? Oh, do you guys want to go roller skating today? The three of us? Oh, God, yes. Yeah, let's do that. That'd be dope. Welcome.
Starting point is 02:35:04 What do you mean, you're welcome? I got you the idea. Oh, God, yes. Yeah, let's do that. That'd be dope. Yeah. Welcome. What do you mean, you're welcome? I got you the idea. Oh. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You're welcome for inviting you onto our roller skating. Who's gonna pay for it? I will.
Starting point is 02:35:17 Oh. I can pay for it. All right, fine. Well, thank you then. If you wanna pay for it. I'm good. You got that tap to pay or what? I don't have a credit card, but I can pay for it. I don't have any cash. I know
Starting point is 02:35:30 Hey, um you you armbar to kid And you heard his and you felt his arm pop yesterday her yeah It was like I'm like you use the right pronouns by the way. I appreciate it. Go ahead It was a boy. It was a girl. You know when I had that arm really deep I Saw you held held an arm bar on a kid for like 30 seconds And I just couldn't figure out why the ref wasn't stopping it. Oh on that boy. Oh That wasn't deep you that that's the kid I like that's the I had the arm bar I switched to the back though and choked him
Starting point is 02:36:05 out and restocked him. Yeah, I remember seeing that. And I snapped and I popped that girl's arm. Say that again, Caleb. Why didn't you secure the arm bar? I saw that. What's going on there? Yeah. Well, first of all, Caleb has a question. Why didn't you secure the arm bar? But first of all, before- Oh, because I knew I couldn't get it. It was too lazy. I couldn't get it. And then too lazy. I couldn't get it. And then so you just jumped to the back? Yeah, I got up again, took a double leg,
Starting point is 02:36:32 and then took the back. But I didn't get my hooks in. Hey, um... But that was okay. Tell me about when the kid's arm popped. Two points for our- Uh... Did you stop when you heard it pop? No. No? Because if I stopped the ref we would keep going. Did the girl scream when her arm popped? No. She was silent for the
Starting point is 02:36:59 whole time. I heard you, you told me after the match you said hey I felt that girl's arm pop and then I remember when you got home like eight hours later you're like I think maybe I was bathing you in the shower and you said hey I can still remember that girl's arm popping like it really like left an impression on you oh my god it just just sounded so bad it was like where'd it pop the elbow elbow the elbow the elbow one yell wolf crusty elbow cuz I was had the arm bar I'm going to belly down and then to a regular number that was a quick match. I only lost like a minute So that I had to matches three three four four um for us. It's three for all these four Hey, who is your who is your hardest match?
Starting point is 02:37:57 You could probably guess that Joey like way harder than the other kids Dude, that's the only kid I lost to. So yeah. All right. Well, the guy that I almost had the arm bar with, he was up by two points and then I scored two and I scored another two and then choked him out.
Starting point is 02:38:17 And he took you down right away, didn't he? What? Did he take you down? Oh yeah, he took me down once and I took him and then I and then and then I don't forgot and I forget how I get those other two points but. Here's the part I don't understand. You're you you jump to his back and you take his back and then and then you have it you have the you have you try to get your hooks in and you got the rear naked choke in there. Why didn't he tap? Okay, I feel the same thing.
Starting point is 02:38:55 Why didn't he tap? Like why is, why did the ref stop it? Are you not squeezing him hard enough? I was squeezing him hard, that's why I got my bicep hurting. From squeezing his neck so hard? Yeah, I'm squeezing him hard enough? I'm gonna squeeze him hard on my bicep. That's why I got my bicep hurting. From squeezing his neck so hard? Yeah, I'm like... Look, look, you'll see him stop it.
Starting point is 02:39:10 Keep it going, keep it going. You'll see him stop it if you filmed it all the way. Wait, keep it going. That's it. I filmed the whole thing. Oh, that's it? Didn't you filmed the whole thing That's it The didn't you see the ref stop it. Yeah, the rest stop it right there. No, but no, this is no That's that's Joey. That's Joey. That's Joey
Starting point is 02:39:37 Okay, this one right here, yeah You jump you take his back and now you've got it sunk in so deep right? Yeah I mean you can't see oh Yeah, it's deep. It's deep is he pulling hard down on your arms Like for dear life. Yeah for you like Yeah, you'll even see him stop it Why didn't the kid tap you You weren't squeezing hard enough? He uh, he doesn't, probably doesn't want to lose. He really, he really wanted that. He really wanted that. He really wanted to fight for gold. He did? I mean, desperate to fight for gold. He wanted
Starting point is 02:40:23 to go against Joey. Are you glad the ref stopped it? Yes. What do you think would have happened if the ref didn't stop it? I'd probably win because I was up by four and he was down by two. Would he have gotten out? Probably not. I had a deep choke, but I was struggling to get my hooks in. And you needed to get your hooks in because that's how you get points.
Starting point is 02:40:50 Yeah, and if I didn't get the choke, that would be bad because what if he scores two and still could have won? But I'm glad I got that choke. I'm glad you did too. All right. Well, glad you did too. Alright, well thank you for being on the show. Welcome. Joey, do you want to say anything? Joey, let me ask you this real quick.
Starting point is 02:41:18 How many tournaments have you been to? Tiger medals. No, but how many tournaments has he been to? How many tournaments has Joey been to? Count your medals! No but how many tournaments has he been to? How many tournaments has Joey been to? Yeah, you have to count your medals. No because he's been to lots of tournaments where he didn't get medals. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:35 You think he's been to 10 tournaments? 12? I skipped a few. Skipped a few? You skipped a bunch! You were at like seven or something. Let me ask you this. I done ten.
Starting point is 02:41:50 I think that every tournament you've ever been to you've cried. Is that true? Yes. Now this only one. Now listen. Let me tell you the story I'm telling my friends. I'm telling my friends. I'm telling my friends that every tournament you've ever been to, you cried.
Starting point is 02:42:08 This tournament, you were happy, you were excited, you were jumping up and down. No, not every tournament, some tournaments. Quiet, don't ruin my story. I don't care. And in this tournament, you went there and you were pumped and you were stoked and you just went out there and kicked ass. Because you just went with me. You didn't even seem scared.
Starting point is 02:42:26 Not even a little bit. I was a little frightened. What happened? Was that Mike because I'm a great parent? And I was patient with you? No, because he went with me. Oh, neither of those is true? Get on the mic and tell us what happened. What was the transition you went through? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:44 He said these people looked easy So you sized up your competition and that was the oh man All right. I love you. Good job. Good job on the goal Hey, Heidi got to the rolling. Can we get um, get a treat after the what after the rolling? Oh, I just we're not really going to the roller rink. I just said that for the show What after the rolling? Oh, I just we're not really going to the roller rink. I just said that for the show I'm starving human go somewhere. Yeah, let's go eat. All right, Caleb. Thank you. Thank you everyone. We're gonna eat Um, who do we have on the show tomorrow we have a great week, you know
Starting point is 02:43:24 I think we have a trying to get Facundo on I'm trying to get rich frowning on oh, we don't even have anyone scheduled tomorrow of Greg Glassman on on on Wednesday Who do we have Tuesday? Oh, we don't have anything. Oh No, we don't have anyone scheduled. Oh Thursday we have the guy Kieran Reilly who won the silver medal in the Olympics on BMX coming on Friday we have killedilled Taylor from Italy. Whoa. Yeah, we better get some on. Next week is 1500 bucks.
Starting point is 02:43:53 You know Colton's chomping. God, I hope Colton doesn't win it next week. That would suck. Yeah. I want to get back up to two grand. Cause it's fun when the prize money gets big. It's fun. Didn't we get it to three grand? Yeah, I think so. I think that's the highest we've gotten is three grand.
Starting point is 02:44:13 In the Navy guy one. Yeah. Mathias Porter is a EOD tech. Look at you giving love to your people. Today's my birthday steaks and beer for me. All right, cool. Oh yeah. Happy birthday. All right. Talk to you guys soon. Thanks for everyone for jumping in. Remember, head over to the buttery bros Instagram account. Thank them for all their hard work. Tell them to not hate the haters. I can't wait till their video comes out. And yeah, I'll add you to the list of people I stomp on your dick for this show. Hi, Dick. What?
Starting point is 02:44:48 Is this toe going to be here forever? What do you mean? The pointy toe. Oh, yeah. He dropped a barbell on it when he was a little kid and chopped off the tip of his toe and then it grew back like a cone. It definitely should have taken him to the ER for stitches. Like it was just like dangling and I just taped it back on. You can use super glue for a lot
Starting point is 02:45:11 of things. I'm glad you didn't take me to the ER. I'd be screaming my head off. Now you got a pointy little toe. I don't care. I like it. I like it too. I know my right and left. That helps me a little. Oh really? Is that how you distinguish your right and left foot? One with a pointy toe? Oh, that's awesome. That's good shit. All right guys, uh talk to you guys soon. Caleb, thank you. Ari, thank you. Joey. I love you.

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