The Sevan Podcast - Kamala Who? | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 5, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam we're live! Good morning everyone. This will be the last time I do a show from this studio for a at least a week. Tomorrow morning 3am I head off to Texas. Oh, diggies. Oh, diggies. Good morning, Jody. Good morning. I wonder if Hiller made it home. Okay. Thank you. I wonder if Hiller made it home.
Starting point is 00:00:35 He had a long ass drive last night. He's driving through the night. I called him at 1130 Pacific Standard Time. I didn't get, I didn't get a response. What's wrong with me? I just chew mad caffeine gum and then by 3 p.m. I'm paranoid and hearing noises that aren't there. Oh, okay. I'm afraid the Orange Man is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Starting point is 00:01:04 He rallied in Georgia yesterday and continued to smear a popular conservative governor in Brian camp That's what he does Fake seven ask mrs. Willie Brown how Kamala views the family unit. Oh, yeah, there are some great stories, right? See beaver unit oh yeah there's some great stories right see you Beaver good morning morning good to see you good to see you happy Sunday thank you I went to bed so late got up early You watching? I stayed up till 1.30 last night just in case there would be a late show. Oh, thank you. Knew it was coming. I drank a shot of paper street coffee too.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And my wife just brought me a bunch of crap. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. It is nice. Oh, no ads for. That's nice. It is nice. Oh, no ads for Kamala this time. All right. Well, that's nice. It's because we made the show about her. I, um,
Starting point is 00:02:14 so last night I went down the rabbit hole trying to figure out, you know, her genealogy. Who or if she's really, if she really has any black in her. And you, will you I couldn't I found a picture of her found a picture of her grandfather basically the deal is this her dad her dad was born in Jamaica but her but her dad's her dad's grandfather was an Irish slave owner, and he was adamantly against the abolition
Starting point is 00:02:48 in Jamaica. In Jamaica, my dad, you're right. So there weren't any. I don't know what the history of Jamaica is. I don't know how those people got to that island. I'm guessing it was slavery. But I'm assuming it was like Haiti. So basically, all you can find, if you go the furthest back on her dad's side,
Starting point is 00:03:08 the furthest back I could find, all she needs to do is take a 23 and me if we really care. But all you can find if you go back, she's definitely not African American. No one's claiming that she's African American. So she is. She is. No, I just her accent. she came up with the southern accent all of a sudden she's black yeah um and so basically all i could find and i'll pull up the picture here in a minute i found a picture of her grandfather holding her um but you can't figure out what ethnicity her dad or her grandfather or her great-grandfather
Starting point is 00:03:50 or but you can't find out what her great-grandfather is. Her great-grandfather was Irish and a slave owner and he was super-duper against the abolition of slavery. And eventually when slavery was abolished in Jamaica, I think Great Britain gave him 11 million pounds to stop being a slave owner. Yeah. Substantial amount of money. Yeah, I don't know what that means by Jamaican though.
Starting point is 00:04:15 So here's the thing, you're saying Jamaican Indian and you're mixing, she's Jamaican, her dad's Jamaican by nationality, that's for sure. But we're talking about by ethnicity. So calling her Jamaican, at this point calling her Jamaican would beity, that's for sure. But we're talking about by ethnicity. So calling her Jamaican, at this point calling her Jamaican would be like calling me a Californian. Okay, it's like, it's my state, it's where I'm from. It's like Armenia is both a nationality and an ethnicity. Jamaica's first inhabitants were the Tano,
Starting point is 00:04:42 an indigenous, a raw walk-in people who migrated from South America's North coast. Okay, so just basically Indians. Wole, wole, wole, wole, wole, wole, wole, wole, wole. Would that be like Brazilians? I mean, I'm starting to, the little bit I've looked into Indians is they're basically just Chinese people.
Starting point is 00:05:03 They're Chinese people who fucking came down from Alaska. They crossed the Bering Strait, to And then they spent a lot of time in the sun and they got real dark Makes that yeah, so It depends how far I did it right it also depends how far you want to go back Yeah, I mean do you just want to go back to the beginning? Maybe it's better. Maybe it's better just to do the Martin Luther King thing and just not worry about that shit Sure, maybe sure maybe the the the the
Starting point is 00:05:52 the the the the the the the the Is just yeah, these are just I get it out of the system for the week Yeah, I know I'm gonna be so out of the fucking drama loop for a week. I'm so bum I don't suck
Starting point is 00:06:12 Andrew Andrew Schultz I don't what's weird is I don't think of lesbians as a Democrats when I think of lesbians, I think of them as all being conservative. I'm probably just completely delusional. But when I think of lesbians, I think of them as being just completely disgusted by gay men, train, all the other letters. Yeah, legit lesbians. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You know what I mean? I figured them picture them as feminist fucking can't standing the fucking trainings being allowed and women's prisons, raping women, women in men's sports, all that shit. I just figured like, fuck there. But yeah, anyway, here we go. Andrew Schultz. Worry Jews. You're safe here.
Starting point is 00:06:56 All the lesbians are up at Columbia. So you got nothing to worry about. You got nothing to worry about. The lesbians then took over the Palestine protests. Columbia looks like a Subaru dealership have you seen Colombia I went up to Colombia I thought the roller derby was in town I'll see people asking like why do lesbians care so much about Palestinians I was it's not Palestinians just Muslims lesbians really care about
Starting point is 00:07:20 Muslims because they too know what it's like to go down on the carpet five times a day that that don't worry jews you're safe here all pretty good pretty good thank you yeah so starting off the morning strong i just don't see i just don't see lesbians as being uh palestinian supporters i don't know i think when i think of lesbians i think that they're smart supporters I don't know I think when I think of lesbians I think that they're smart logical well I mean we know two lesbians and they're pretty smart yeah but I know a bunch of lesbians oh I only know two you really yeah the Glens isn't the whole military just lesbians and you in white dudes not the Air Force the
Starting point is 00:08:04 army is definitely a bunch of lesbians The air for actually you know what the Air Force is probably a lot more gay dudes. Oh That's nice. We're probably we probably rival the Navy and gay dudes No, is the Navy is the Navy's pretty gay Navy's so gay, dude. That's awesome. Oh California Oh gay dude. That's awesome. Oh California! Oh California! Oh California! I don't know if I should apologize to Texas or what. Lots of lesbians in the Navy. Austin Hartman. Yeah. Oh, California. Hey David, I went out to dinner with a friend last night. Physician and he's moving to Portugal.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Wow. Yeah crazy. Just up and up, up, up Adam. Why? Okay, do that. I guess he's gonna live there three months a year. He's gonna do his work remotely. Yeah, from Portugal. Is he? What is it? How does what? Yeah, crazy, right? Telehealth. Are you just gonna telehealth everything? He's one of those dudes that looks at images. Oh, he's a radiologist. Yeah. Yeah, you could do that for sure. That makes sense. Okay, California, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Other California company is moving its headquarters out of the state. This one with a significant footprint in the Bay Area. Chevron announced today, it will be moving its corporate operations from San Ramon to Houston, Texas, a process that's expected to happen over the next five years. And it says politics is likely a factor in Chevron's decision to leave. Because it costs more money here and there's more risk, litigation risk and HR risk and a bunch of other factors that make California less attractive for doing business. The oil giant has been at odds with politicians in the past. Last year, the state sued US oil companies, including Chevron,
Starting point is 00:10:10 claiming they deceived the public about risks of fossil fuel. In 2022, Chevron sold their large campus, moved into a smaller building, and already started relocating some people to Texas. Hudson says they've felt that loss already. It's not just Chevron. A number of other companies have left California for Texas, a state with lower taxes and a lower cost of living. So among them, we're talking Tesla, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard and Charles Schwab.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Dude, look at the names of these companies. Oracle. I didn't know Oracle left. Oracle basically was San Francisco. Wasn't that Rosa's company? He sold his company to Oracle. Oh, oh, oh, right, right, right. Okay. The owner of Oracle... What's his name? The head guy over... Larry Ellison.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Larry Ellison bought the Hawaiian island of Lanai what you can do that yeah there were two gas stations there in a Four Seasons hotel he bought the island he owns he owns 96% of the island or something like that 98% I cannot bond Dylan I cannot believe Oracle. Sebi, how come you don't leave California? Because where I'm at, it's so amazing. Where I'm at, it's so, you have to, most of the state is just amazing. I mean, it is like, I can grow anything here. I'm just down the street from the Pacific Ocean.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And yet my neighbors have horses and donkeys and peacocks. And it's amazing. You know, my favorite thing I've been doing, I've been, every time I go to a restaurant now, I tell the waiter or waitress, I'm like, you're pretty excited for what's gonna happen in four or five months. And they're like, what?
Starting point is 00:12:00 I'm like, your tips aren't gonna get taxed anymore. And it's my way of finding out if they're a Trump or not. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's a good that's a good way to do it. Yeah, I'm three for three. All three. All three. So far Trumpers. Oh, yeah, I'm excited. But yeah, I imagine if you're a if you work on tips, or if you're like, like your job is based on your effort, then yeah, you're probably gonna be pretty stoked Stoked but if you're like they'll just pay you to pay you
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah California the state that takes all your money and your kids. Yeah, the kids thing is crazy We'll get to a little bit of that today, too. The kids thing is fucking absolutely nuts I don't think people realize how real it is. Yeah the weather here is great. Rarely drops below 65, rarely goes over 95. It's like I just can't tell you how perfect it is where i live and it's weird too because you know this you like a really shitty home in my area is a million and a half dollars like and i mean really shitty i'm talking about two bedroom one bath uh like just a box on a on a you know 1500 square foot piece of land you can get a
Starting point is 00:13:26 700 square foot home that's insane I know for a million half I know it's so nuts that's yeah if you tried to sell my plot of land in Nebraska in California it'd be like multi-million dollar yeah two acres would be crazy here I was in Monterey for a year or two it was always perfect and around 75 yeah and where I'm at we don't have the fog belt that I can see Monterey I see Monterey every day but we don't have the fog that you guys have. I mean Monterey is really isolated too. Doesn't that lift after like 10 10 a.m. or something? Yeah usually it lifts pretty
Starting point is 00:14:02 quick. Monterey though can get really bogged in. And since I'm a couple miles just straight up from the beach, I have some elevation. I wonder what I'm at. I bet you I'm at like 300 feet. And so it can be, even on the foggiest days here, I'm in the sun. RB, you described my house. I used to be proud of it. Yeah, I'm so proud of my house. Dave's been over to my house, I don't know, 50 times. And this last time he was here, he's talking about, he's thinking about getting some fruit trees for the ranch.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And so I walked him around my yard and he was like, holy shit, dude, now I know why you're always talking about your yard. This is insane. He's like you take care of all this I'm like, yeah, it's dope, right? He's like, yeah That's pretty awesome Yeah, I'm pretty having that meant that many resources just You just pick it whenever you walk outside. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah every more every morning six months of the year I can have an orange for breakfast if I wanted Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah every more every morning six months of the year. I can have an orange for breakfast if I wanted Yeah, it's pretty dope But but but but the but the state is falling apart
Starting point is 00:15:15 The state is absolutely falling apart and for reasons like this For reasons like this we will get back to this, we will get back to Kamala. We'll get back to Kamala's roots. We'll try to figure out. We'll get, I'll show you what I found last night. This shit is fucking crazy right here, what I'm about to show you. I'm Magnus Holmgren. I am at 7,800 feet living up high is good for you.
Starting point is 00:15:47 All right, fair. Not for my skin, dude. It's so dry. That's a good point. Would you get bloody noses too? Not so much anymore when I'm like at an elevation, but my skin gets fucked up. Miss Vice President, lowest rated vice president in the history of the United States Was part of a cover-up for four years hiding from the fact that Joe Biden was completely incapacitated Greatest cover-up in US presidential history probably
Starting point is 00:16:26 Was fucking Willie Brown while he was married. Woman of high value. Woman with high values and moral character. The whole cheating thing as you get older and older just becomes more and more unacceptable. It's so weird how my views have changed so strongly on that. Okay, here we go. Kamala. This lady is running for President of the United States of America. She's the front runner for the Democrats. Here we go. I was Attorney General. I learned that the California Department of Corrections,
Starting point is 00:17:01 which was a client of mine, I didn't get to choose my clients. A client of the Attorney General. A client of the Attorney General, of the Office of Attorney General. That they were standing in the way of surgery. For prisoners. For prisoners. And there was a specific case. And when I learned about the case, I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving so
Starting point is 00:17:29 She's saying that there was a man Who is in the California prison system who wanted to be turned into a woman and put into the woman's prison and into a woman and put into the woman's prison. And when she found out that that man wasn't getting the surgery that he deserved. So it was not only about that case. I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California. She made sure that she changed the law. So men who want to start the transition to women or complete the transition to women Which is a misnomer anyway could get could get those services and they would be paid for by uh with us tax dollars
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, christine young she went above and beyond And by the way that that's happened now. And those men are now in women's prisons and they are raping women and getting them pregnant. Crazy. And she's bragging about it. It's crazy. It's absolutely wild. That's why I don't think that's why I don't get the I just can't see lesbians being Democrats anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Then she also every transgender say that again. Didn't she also block a bunch of evidence from coming out for like misdemeanor marijuana charges and like kept 5,000 people in prison too? Yeah, I fell down that rabbit hole too. There was a guy specifically who got sentenced to 50 years in jail. Yeah, and she was, and I saw him being interviewed and he said she was in the back laughing when he got his 50 year sentence. Eventually he was exonerated.
Starting point is 00:19:12 He was, they doctored evidence to put him in jail. It's crazy. Inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need. Medical care, you mean scientific experiment. It's not medical care, it's fucking experimenting on men. And I believe it was not only, I know it was historic in California, but I believe actually it may have been one of the first, if not the first in the country where I pushed for
Starting point is 00:19:44 that policy in a Department of Corrections. When I was attorney general, I... It's just such flawed thinking. It's such flawed thinking. How does anyone think that a male prisoner deserves those resources from the taxpayer? Who thinks it's a good idea to be a put male prisoners with female prisoners, period. Absolutely insane. And by the way, the vast majority of these men
Starting point is 00:20:15 that they're doing are sexual predators. Like they're in jail because they did something to get there that was illegal towards women, like rape them. Right. Lunatic. Complete fucking lunacy. Complete lunacy. This is from the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:20:39 In the United Kingdom. This is hard to find. On uh, on Google. Oh, I wonder why it didn't. Oh, there it is. OK. All you need to know about Trump's new rivals as the world asks, will Kaplan Kamala have the last laugh? That's a great title. And. Dang, you need sunglasses or what?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I wonder why these pictures aren't popping up. Um... Willie Brown was the married womanizer, 31 years, Kamala Senior, who also happened to be one of the biggest movers and shakers in West Coast Democrat politics. I think Playgirl Magazine titled him as one of the ten sexiest men alive at the time. There are stories about how he would have his wife on one arm and Kamala on the other. There's a vicious speculation that she didn't pass the bar exam the first time she took it and the second time she took it she passed but not legitimately. Baby Kamala Harris with her mother Shyamala Gopalan and her paternal grandfather Oscar Joseph. So her dad who's a professor at Stanford,
Starting point is 00:22:06 this is his dad. And I showed this picture to my wife and she goes, oh, it looks like my yoga instructor back in Berkeley, who was from India. And he does, this guy looks Indian as all get out. Yeah, he kinda does. This guy looks fucking crazy Indian Just no dots or do they not have dots on the dudes? I
Starting point is 00:22:31 Don't think the dudes do dots I think they do sure enough Harris promptly dumped her aging lover after dumped Willie Brown after concluding There was a no permanency in our relationship and when Willie was sworn in Blanche stood beside him Bible in hand. Yet the mayor continued to guide Harris as she ascended the greasy pole of San Francisco's legal system as she was sworn in as San Francisco's first black district attorney. Lift every voice and sing the so-called black national anthem was performed. Harris is fiercely proud of her heritage. Her father Donald, 85 from Jamaica, was a professor of economics at Stanford University. So he's from Jamaica,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but his grandfather is an Irishman, full-blooded Irishman. Her great-grandfather is a full-blooded Irishman who owned slaves and was against the abolition of slavery. And then this is her grandfather, so this is her father's father. And at that point, man, you have to wonder and Then this is this is Kamala's father and mother Does he have an afro does he that's an is that an afro Yeah, I guess kind of looks like it.
Starting point is 00:24:16 She has long been a celebrity darling in 2005, Oprah Winfrey, no less called Harris a superstar, but California's residents, especially the families of the many poor black people she prosecuted as district attorney, remember her less fondly. Cop Kamala fined and prisoned the parents of children who played truant at school, including one youngster who suffered from sickle cell anemia. Oh yeah, that was her big thing too, to go after parents whose kids didn't attend school. Really? Yeah. She was so proud of that.
Starting point is 00:24:45 She put them behind bars. Jesus Christ. Talk about attacking the symptom and not the cause. It just makes sense, right? In 2010, even though she had once accepted a $2,500 donation from disgraced Hollywood sex predator Harvey Weinstein, she hopped on the Me Too wagon. Yeah, she goes wherever the wind blows. Yeah, I bet she got to this. So they're like, Hey, you're going to be the next Democratic presidential candidate. And she's like, What? I'm she got to this she they're like hey you're gonna be the next Democratic presidential candidate she's like what I'm just here to hang out, dude. I just want to make money. I
Starting point is 00:25:34 Want to be president The this one's fucking amazing Yet even her greatest fans acknowledge that consistency has never been her forte. My mother used to laugh when she told the story about a time I was fussing as a toddler, she once said. She leaned down to me and asked, Kamala, what's wrong? What do you want? And I wailed back, freedom.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Kamala promptly stopped repeating that adorable antidote after journalists revealed that Dr. Martin Luther King had told an uncomfortably similar tale in 1965. Yes, she took a story that Martin Luther King told about when he was a kid. And appropriated it. Yes, and said it was her. The discussion that Martin Luther King had with his mom. He said she had with her mom.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Wow. Powerful stuff, man. She's perfect for Biden. She was perfect. They were perfect running mates. She's basically Martina Luther King. She also confused North and South Korea, mistakenly claiming that 220 million Americans have died of COVID-19. The correct figure was 1.2 million and joked that people between the age of 18 and 24 are really stupid. Her memes generate millions of views. Her memes generate millions of views. Yeah, just memes of her generate millions of views. My mother used to say to us I don't know what's wrong with the you young people you uh, you think you just fell out of a coconut tree She then broke into loud guffaws before adding gnomically
Starting point is 00:27:15 You exist in context of all which you live and what came before you? God damn what can be unburdened by what has been. Yes. I heard someone trying to break that down the other day. I can't do the mental gymnastics to figure that out myself. She married this guy who had two kids. the I don't know if I disagree with that 18 to 24 year old or dummies. That's probably fair. Yeah, they're generalization. I was pretty dumb Turn that time frame that phase For sure
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm much older and wiser now. I Know anyway, if you don't know the difference between nationality and ethnicity The black thing's never going to you're never gonna be able to get your head wrapped around the black thing it's like there there were no Palestinian there were no ethnic Palestinians until 1964 okay like you're like you see you mean like Mexicans are just Mexicans are Mexican is now and now it's an but now it's also an ethnicity they made it an ethnicity they turned it into one finally okay you know what I mean like Mexican is now now it's an but now it's also an ethnicity. They made it an ethnicity They turned it into one finally. Okay, you know what I mean? Like if you ask him like most Mexicans probably think that that's their ethnicity
Starting point is 00:29:01 Mexican American or Mexican Mexican they think it's like that's all my paperwork. Yeah. Yeah, so are you Mexican? Yeah Oh, that's crazy Not like a lot but I enough to claim it. Sure. Yeah. When soft check beach in that book that Sam Apple wrote about Otto Warburg, the Nobel Prize winner, the father of photosynthesis and the guy who deemed cancer as a metabolic disease. In that book, it talks about how Hitler, when they were trying to figure out what to do with the Jews, they started studying the Ku Klux Klan. I've talked about this on the show quite a bit. And the Ku Klux Klan had a one drop rule. So if you had one drop of black in you,
Starting point is 00:29:44 you're a no go. Get a rope. And Hitler thought that was fucked up. Hitler thought that? Yeah. So they had a 30% rule. You didn't get in the train unless you were 31% Jew. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:01 He thought the Klan. There was a limit. Yeah, he thought the K clan was too harsh. The clan is an extremist organization, but you know, the Nazis are, we're moderates. They're moderates. It's fucking amazing. Have you seen American History X? I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I started it the other day. A long time ago when it was in the theater. I was a kid. What year is that movie from? Uh, either early 2000s or the 90s. Maybe the 90s. Yeah, I was probably just out of high school. When you criticize- Say it again? 1998.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, okay. Christians, I hope you know who you're criticizing. The demographic with the largest numbers of followers of Christ in the world is women of color. And the demographic with the largest number of followers of Christ, percentage-wise, in the United States is African-American women. So be very careful when you start criticizing Christians. And yet so many professors and so much thinking in the press in our country has basically said, oh Christianity is a white western man's religion. A young lady said that to me at the University of South Carolina. I was just about to answer her. A tall black gentleman steps out of the crowd and says,
Starting point is 00:31:25 excuse me, I'm a grad student here, and I'm from Ethiopia. Our Ethiopian Christian church is far older than any Christian church here in the United States or in any part of Western Europe. And this idea that Christianity is a white Western religion is totally false. You could have heard a pin drop. But that is the antithesis of what a lot of anthropology
Starting point is 00:31:46 and humanities professors are teaching. That, oh no, Christianity is a white male religion, which is baloney. You know the demographic with the largest number of atheists? White men, white Western men. You know, when you... Crazy, right? Yeah. You know, when you crazy, right? Yeah, I'm what is that? Is that just white men have appropriated Christian or white people have just appropriated Christianity?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Or they're just like, I don't know if you can appropriate Christianity because they want to spread it, right? Oh, good point. Okay. Like that's that's the whole thing. But it's fascinating to me. Now that I think about it the only people that I know are atheists, well I shouldn't say the only, I know some women, but the vast majority
Starting point is 00:32:33 of atheists I know are white men. Huh. Okay. And when I think of black women I guess I think of them as pretty religious as a group. Yeah, I could see that. Same with Mexican women. Definitely. All the Mexican, all my Mexican family members are very religious, like very Catholic types. And another fascinating thing is that the whole abortion thing is fascinating too. Margaret Sanger, the creation of abortion was to kill black babies. It was pushed to fucking, it was basically eugenics, one of the arms of eugenics to make it available to kill babies of people that they didn't want in the tribe, especially black people. And yet the lady running for president is black and the cornerstone
Starting point is 00:33:35 of her campaign is to keep allowing women to kill babies. Provide healthcare for those who need abortions? Yeah. Oh yeah, sorry. Not. Um, what's it called? Uh Medical freedoms. That's right medical freedoms Fucking wild Uh, yes the other day I heard tony hingecliffe on um kill tony how All the Republicans are the rich people and it just made me realize what a Hollywood retard he is All the rich people are Democrats. I shouldn't say all that's not true The eight of the ten richest people in this country are Democrats all the people in LA all those rich fuckers Democrats
Starting point is 00:34:20 The difference when you're a kid and you live in California, they tell you that Republicans hate rich people and Democrats support poor people, love poor people. And then you get older and you realize the truth. The truth is Republicans want to pave the way for all people to be able to get rich and Democrats want to keep people poor. So you're saying that Democrats, rich Democrats, are just closeted Republicans?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Yeah, basically. I mean, they're working off of capitalism all the same as Republicans are, right? Yeah, I mean, just imagine LeBron James or Oprah. Why would they ever play victim? Why wouldn't they just be beacons of hope? Why would Obama ever play victim? Why wouldn't he just be a beacon of hope? Why would you ever play victim?
Starting point is 00:35:12 What's the, the more you play a role, the more you become it. Yeah. The more you play a role, the more you become it. That's the market he has to play to, to make his money. Yeah, yeah. There you go It's fucking wild Fucking wild god this election is gonna be crazy. I think Trump's gonna win If he doesn't it's gonna be pretty nuts
Starting point is 00:35:40 This guy has been a guest on the show This guy has been a guest on the show, Asim Malhotra. I've met him several times at Greg's house. In case you forgot, a couple years ago, wait, did you see what happened in Vermont? No, what happened? Oh, I'll get to that story too. Kid was at school in Vermont and they gave him the vaccine. Oh. On accident.
Starting point is 00:36:11 On accident? Yeah. And in Vermont and California, I don't know if you, in Vermont and California, I'm sure it's in other states too, if you go to school, that is, and the parents sued and it went to the Supreme Court and they lost because in Vermont and California
Starting point is 00:36:26 When you send your kid to school that it is implied consent to anything that happens there Wow. Yeah, so if they're giving out vaccines there at school in Vermont and your kid gets one You can send yeah, it's implied consent even though that they said please don't give our kid the vaccine. They gave the kid the vaccine. Oh, fucking way. Implied consent just by sending your kid to school. It's crazy. OK, here we go. This one's a little long, but enjoy this. I mean, you're a cardiologist. What have you seen? What is what evidence do you have that the vaccine? I've seen Malholtra is a cardiologist, by the way, 20 years of practice as a cardiologist. Actually might have had some pretty devastating impacts. Well I think the best evidence so far actually was a reanalysis of the original trials done by Pfizer and Moderna that led to approval
Starting point is 00:37:15 coercion and even mandates of this vaccine, if you call it a vaccine, although it's not nothing like traditional vaccines anyway, I think it's more better described as a form of genetic technology. That analysis was published in peer review journal Vaccine done by very eminent scientists, the associate editor of the BMJ, Peter Doshi, Joseph Freeman, who I know is a lead author. And what they found, Alex, from the beginning, and this is what we call the highest quality level of evidence, is that you are more likely to suffer serious harm from the vaccine at a rate of about 1,800, then you were to be hospitalized with COVID from the very beginning, which for me is an automatic, automatically
Starting point is 00:37:52 suggests that it probably... The rate of being harmed by the vaccine was higher than the rate of having serious harm from COVID. Let me repeat that one more time. The rate of being seriously harmed by the vaccine was higher than the rate of being seriously harmed from COVID. And this is across all age groups.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We don't have the data to separate age groups. But 1 in 800 is a very high figure. It probably should never have been approved for authorization for a single human in the first place. So the question then one would ask was, well, how did this happen? Well, of course, you've got the medical regulator,
Starting point is 00:38:28 the MHRA, who approved it, but everything happened very quickly. There's a big problem, which again, most people don't know, most doctors aren't even aware of. The chairman of the BMA was gobsmacked when I gave a presentation at a BMA annual conference in the summer of 2022, when I presented him information from the
Starting point is 00:38:45 British Medical Journal investigation that revealed the MHRA in this country are regulated gets 86% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry and what is MHRA stand for? MHRA, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency of the Government of the United Kingdom. So the United Kingdom's medicines and health care products regulatory Agency gets 86% of its funding from pharmaceutical companies. It's like the FDA for us
Starting point is 00:39:21 Fucking nuts Fucking nuts. Fucking nuts. So for me, this is a form, if you like, of institutional corruption, which is the root of the problem. I mean, what have you said? What have we got to say? And listen, and so you have to also understand doctors take their orders from pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies are the ones that basically fund all the medical schools all the continued education that that yeah all the research
Starting point is 00:39:51 They are they're the drug you have to see them as the drug pushers of the pharmaceutical. They work for the pharmaceutical agencies It's like you have the the medical sales people. Yeah, they're the ones that are like sitting in on surgery saying oh, yeah use that tool Oh, yeah, this is what this is for like they're the ones that are like sitting in on surgery saying, oh, yeah, use that tool. Oh, yeah, this is what this is for. Like, they're the ones telling them how to do things. Fucking nuts. That is evidencing the fact that vaccines could have harmed some people. We're not saying that it's harmed everybody. But what have you seen? Where's the evidence? Yeah. So there are many different levels of evidence
Starting point is 00:40:26 So you've got what I already mentioned the randomized control and then it goes on and on Fucking kind of terrifying This one's a no-brainer you guys already know this MSN, just a fucking wing of the Kamala campaign. This is absolutely nuts here. They take a bunch of Joe Rogan clips, MSNBC does, to make it seem like Joe Rogan supports Kamala Harris. But what's even crazier is it's not even all stuff that Joe said about Kamala. There are some clips in here of Joe talking about Tulsi that they attribute that he said towards
Starting point is 00:41:11 Kamala and it's so obvious which ones they are. There's a clip in here or they were Joe Rogan says she sir She served in the army Huh, and I know and it's so obvious they're talking about Tulsi Here we go. Watch this shit. This shit is fucking nuts Sure, if you guys caught this but MSNBC was exposed today for yet another set of lies They deceptively edited together this video of different Joe Rogan Comments to make it appear that he was singing the praises of Kamala Harris. She's gonna win. No, she's not. She can win. She is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I don't think Kamala Harris has served overseas at all period. fucking crazy. She in a medical unit. She was a congresswoman for eight years. Yeah, she is a person of color. She's everything you want. She's going to win. No, she's not. She can win. They just want no Trump no matter what.
Starting point is 00:42:15 This is not reflective at all of the truth of what Joe Rogan said. And I think MSNBC has since taken this post down. But what's really serious here is that not only does Joe Rogan deserve an apology, there's actually something far bigger at stake here. This is yet another example of how MSNBC is working hand in glove with the Democrat elite and the Kamala Harris campaign to try to spread lies, Simply things that are not true. So what this means is MSNBC is a for-profit corporation. They are helping Kamala Harris. She goes on and on. You get the point. Sunil Matwani. Do you give Trump credit at all for creating the vaccine under operational warp speed. A hundred percent. I give him credit for it.
Starting point is 00:43:06 What would be wrong with trying to create a vaccine to fix an ailment? What would, but what would be wrong? Let's just look at even the question before we suggest the fact that he wouldn't have mandated it. There's a sickness in the medical establishment is saying hey we can come up with a cure or a hedge or a block for this virus so he helped fund that. Like I don't see anything wrong with that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:43:45 So I think you have to take out the word blame because there's a presupposition in there. It doesn't just insinuate. It claims that there was something wrong with him trying to create the vaccine in order to find a cure. I don't blame anyone for trying to find a cure. I applaud them otherwise nothing nothing gets cured right yeah we'll probably 40 years old yeah you have a problem getting to work kudos for the dude who invented the car
Starting point is 00:44:15 that helps you get there faster you need to till more fields kudos to the dude who invented the tractor. That's right. Doesn't mean you have to use the tractor. No. You have to use a car. No, and maybe the tractor does more damage to the field. Yeah. And so you got to walk it back. Maybe you have to switch fields every year so that you don't over plot your land because you till it up all the time with your tractor like yes but that was the worst thing he did while president I don't know I don't I don't know if trying to find a cure is is a bad thing I would need that explained to me.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I think it's just a fucked up question. The question has too many presuppositions in it. Sevan, who do you find more attractive, Kamala or Tulsi? Tulsi. I find Tulsi more attractive, but if it was like 30 years ago, I Do I really don't like the way Kamala dresses to be if I want to be just completely just honest with you It's She dresses like Hillary Clinton. I just can't stand the dress feels like a lesbian
Starting point is 00:45:43 No, she doesn't even dress like a lesbian. She dresses like, come on, the pantsuit. But I feel like that's trying to be a man. Is that what lesbians are trying to do? Steal men's clothes? Yeah, because there's always two, there's two types of lesbians in a couple. One of them dresses like a dude. Well then it's a miss.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It's like some hybrid of a dude and a girl. Like if you're going to, I guess I don't mind if a lesbian just dresses like a dude like Well, then it's a miss it's like some hybrid of a dude and a girl like if you're gonna I guess I don't mind if a lesbian just dresses like a dude But you've got to hit it out of the park. You know what I mean hat on backwards jeans t-shirt God there was this lady fucking the other day at the skate park park God there was this lady fucking the other day at the skate park Who was braless it was crazy Fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:46:38 It was like a no no, but I just I just remembered it Kamala looks like she'd be would have been so fun to party with back in the day You think so? Yeah. Fuck yeah. She did crazy shit. She'd give you and your buddy a hand job while you're sitting on the couch. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:56 That you know what I mean? I don't know. I don't know about that. Like she'd sit between you and jerk both you off. I don't know. I just get that vibe from her that she was cool safety and numbers I did not get that five you know I get the vibe that she like fucking rat you out if you were doing shit in your room like if you like if you had like if you had it smelled
Starting point is 00:47:20 like weed in your room she would would tell the RA or whatever. In college. Oh, oh, oh, wow. I don't know. I think, I think she partied. Uh, why does Trump get a password creating a vaccine that harms so many people? I think he was trying, I think he was doing what he thought was best. I think, uh, in, I know, I know you can say that, um, I know know you can say that I
Starting point is 00:47:50 Know that you can say that about anyone. I know that's kind of a wishy-washy line, but he wasn't gonna mandate it As far as we know I mean yeah, and we'll never know but I think he would have quickly I would think he would have walked it back quickly as people started getting injured I mean shit you really want to go down that route Sunil. I suspect that the ventilators killed fucking shit loads of people Fucking thousands and thousands of people and He was a he was so proud of how many ventilators were made under his watch Watch. It's just it just became different when they were they were literally offering lap dances to people to get fucking the vaccine. Burgers and fries. Yeah, lap dances, burgers and fries, all sorts of crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Mandating it for kids five years old who are going to school got to get 100 vaccination got to vaccinate those homeless people too montel williams side piece It harmed so many people because Biden forced it on so many people. I mean the fear was high. I mean you guys all know it's all out there now. They were all doing it for ratings. They did the exact same thing in Vietnam.
Starting point is 00:49:19 They did it during polio. The press figured out that if you put the death numbers every day, a rolling toll of the death numbers, that you would get super high ratings. And they wore a mic in on that guy. One of the directors over at CNN, James O'Keefe wore a mic in on him. And he basically said that they were just keeping the death numbers in the front every single day because it was so great for ratings because people wanted to come and watch the death numbers. And that they knew soon as COVID was so great for ratings because people wanted to come and watch the death numbers and that they knew
Starting point is 00:49:46 soon as COVID was over, they were going to pivot to climate change and start the fear on climate change. That's like, yeah, that's fucked. Uh, all the, uh, incentives to get it made it super sketchy. Yeah. Crazy sketchy. Yeah, crazy sketchy. And the fact you have to also remember that places like fucking noble, that shit hole, that shit hole of a company noble, by the way, you know, it's fucking amazing about
Starting point is 00:50:20 noble that shit hole of a company noble Made you if you weren't vaccinated you weren't allowed to work there These guys are such trash these noble people and anyone who worked there such trash can you fucking believe this this is fucking amazing So the premise for cook for the premise for why? Dave Dave Greg tweeted Floyd 19 for those, you don't know in a nutshell. Was that the same people who were giving us a models for how many people were going to die from COVID said that they were also going to give us a solution for racism in this country.
Starting point is 00:51:00 And we saw what they did with COVID and how bad it fucked up the United States in the world That Greg was like, why are you guys weighing in on racism? I think it was the it's called was called the Imperial College out of the UK and so he he made the very clever tweet Floyd 19, which was basically saying you fuck Meshing the two together like hey, you're gonna create a disaster out of George Floyd just like you created a disaster out of Covid. But then they got this guy, Tola Marquino, is that his name? Tola Marquino, yeah. Marquino, a guy I've only heard the greatest shit about. I've only heard good things about him. But he's wearing a fucking Greg Glassman quote.
Starting point is 00:51:44 good things about him but he's wearing a fucking Greg Glassman quote. The magic is in the mood. These people, these are these people, this noble company, supported companies who had political investments in gender mutilation, the outlawed people who outwardly supported some crazy shit regarding the kids. Do they even attribute it to him? The quote? I don't think so. The magic is in the movements, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, the fun is in the community. I don't know if Greg ever said that last line like that. Yeah, the fun is in the community. That's definitely not what Greg would say.
Starting point is 00:52:39 No, it's fucking nuts that these fucking shit bags. These these this is the black square posse. What a fucking mess. That's a new shirt too, isn't it? No, it's old. Okay. I mean it's for sale now I think that they have they obviously have so much fucking CrossFit gear They're still trying to sell their stuff from the games Yeah, they're still trying to sell their so many times your games. Look at they actually have an attractive girl representing them. That's crazy. I Feel like usually their models are pretty hot
Starting point is 00:53:16 Another look at look at here we go you have a quote you have a quote from a guy that Supposedly was racist on a black woman just to sell shirts. I mean they have fucking no stick to it-ness. They have no continuity. They are such a shitty fucking company. So bad. I have my fanny pack from last year. I needed a big fanny pack and so Dave gave me the Noble one and it's my best
Starting point is 00:53:48 fanny pack and I'm fucking struggling because I don't want to fucking wear it at the games. I don't know what to do. I reached out to Born Primitive to see if they could send me a fanny pack. God, they're such a shithole company. And they have that and they have that guy, they have that whatever a Fraser and Brooks new company is, they have the guy who worked at Noble working with them to that Todd guy. How embarrassing you think that yeah, help them make a productive company. So listen, we know the vaccine killed people.
Starting point is 00:54:25 We know Noble made it so that to work there, you had to be vaccinated. They had a press release that said that. And then on top of that, this guy fucking Todd makes a post while he's at the NFL combine saying my staff killed themselves to get all of these this clothing there and I'm like literally and figuratively. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm thinking myself Holy shit, dude. Do you realize what you just said? No, he's completely retarded. No, he's no I don't know. I don't know why free. I don't know why Fraser affiliates with these fucking people it's I picture my knowledge of the Fraser is that he is on the straight and narrow I Think there's just somebody in his ear all the time telling him what to do and you just need just does it He just does it. Yeah, what a fucking joke. I
Starting point is 00:55:21 Don't know why he does that stuff I wouldn't I wouldn't affiliate with some people be like, why do you affiliate with Hiller? Listen, don't affiliate with any anyone who's in Hillers Crosshairs you shouldn't affiliate with how about that? If you're too lazy to do your own deep dives, I think a Hiller is a better better Barometer of testing Who you should and shouldn't affiliate with and not affiliating with hiller So many people still say that oh you shouldn't affiliate with that person Oh, you should stay away from kill Taylor. You should stay away from those guys. You are fucking stupid. You should stay away from me
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah, stay away from Caleb No, not I just Yeah, okay stay away from Caleb. No, not, I just... Yeah, okay, stay away from me. By the way, the YouTube station, the Sevan Podcast YouTube station is absolutely murdering it again. We're having our fucking greatest month again. So thank you to all of you guys. Absolutely killing it. The numbers are off the chart. I look at the analytics and I'm like, holy fuck, we're a monster.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Travis, if you are coming, Travis, are you coming to the games? Could you bring me wristbands? Is Travis in there? Travis, could you bring me wristbands to the games? I wanna wear these at the games, these ones. Let me see, is Travis in the comments? I think he is. Oh, you're not fuck
Starting point is 00:56:47 If I gave you the address for my hotel room, could you mail them there? I'll mail you some shoot me your dress Okay, there you go. Too easy Okay I'm gonna do that now Oh Are my wife just said go get already is watching the show and he said go Caleb. Thanks Ari. Travis, I'm going to send you Travis Bellenhausen.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I just have Ms. Travis Bellin. I'm gonna send you the address to the hotel right now. I don't have my room number But I just sent you the sorry I sent it as two lines what were you gonna say Travis said enter code games 20 at checkout starting tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. All week until Sunday at 10. Oh, okay 20% off Alright even though I know that's cool Okay, hey will you text me Travis and keep reminding me about that I'll I want to push that all week I mean unless you don't want unless you're afraid they're gonna buy all your shit and fuck you up
Starting point is 00:58:08 Unless you don't want to sell I know some companies don't want to sell all their shit Yeah, they just want to keep it on hand, you know just in case Keep a supply. I thought I saw a new seven podcast shirt Hey, I'll wear these socks too. Oh, wouldn't it be awesome to hang one of these up in the in the stadium? That would be sick. It's crazy when I go into a gym and I see one of those flags I Have this Jersey, it's absolutely sick That is pretty cool Jersey, I know pool boy wears it a lot really yeah, okay Ever so that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:59:05 Step on gonna be walking around like a NASCAR driver. Oh, the new Sevan shirt will go live tomorrow morning. Oh, that's awesome. What is it? It's really cool. It's kind of a throwback to the original shirt. I wonder if my credential gets me closer than Sevan. It better not. that would be fucking hilarious It fucking better not
Starting point is 00:59:40 Can't get enough of fucking camel. Oh, here's the guy. So here's the guy I fell into this rabbit hole yesterday, too This guy's name is Jamal true. Love This is one of this one reasons. I was up so late last night. I was looking into this here we go check this out In 2008 I was framed for murder and wrongfully convicted by the office of Kamala Harris Sentenced 50 to life in prison It took me five and a half years to ultimately get back in the trial due to prosecutorial misconduct.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And it took me another year to go to my second trial, to which I was vindicated by a jury of my peers. When I got convicted, Kamala Harris was in the courtroom. When I got sentenced 50 to life in prison, Kamala Harris was in the courtroom when I got sentenced 50 to life in prison Kamala Harris was in the courtroom when I looked back and I seen her she was smiling and she did that stupid ass laugh that she do right now this shit ain't funny in 2008 I was praying so I fell down the rabbit hole to find out like hey I wonder if he really did it. Yeah. And the two things, they had no physical evidence, they just had an eyewitness.
Starting point is 01:01:00 They had no physical evidence that he did the murder. The guy that was killed was his best friend. And the witness in the retrial, as I recall, the two things that stood out the most is the witness was too far away to ID anyone, right? And at first the witness said it wasn't him, but then saw a video of him later and said it was him. And then the other thing was is that the witness who testified him who claimed that they saw him do it was given $60,000. For what? For like a part of waiting somebody and food and hotel and all of this stuff because
Starting point is 01:01:41 supposedly this witness was afraid for their life so they gave them $60,000 so that they can move the husband and the child to a new location yeah wow that makes sense per deal for their for their trouble yeah but it's crazy that it's crazy that there's no physical evidence I think that's pretty unheard of to get convicted for murder with no physical evidence. Yeah. I asked this dude to come on the podcast. I wonder if he's responded. I'd love to hear his story.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I'd love to ask him. Let me see if he responded. nothing yet Jamal true love he must be getting a shitload of requests oh yeah hey he ended up getting 13 million dollars oh shit yeah that's crazy yeah Hey, he ended up getting 13 million dollars. Oh shit. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:49 That's crazy, yeah It's better than Whatever that witness got yeah, it's pretty crazy He's like he's on the warpath to get kamala now. His Instagram is like, he hates her. What was, how long was he in before he got exonerated? He did, he did, he did, um, he did five years, he was on some reality TV show too. He did five years in jail before he got his case reheard and then another year while his case was being Re-heard Hmm. Oh, he's a film director now
Starting point is 01:03:36 Of his own movie or what That's that's it. That's a good question, but there's all that I'll show you his Instagram. There's all these pictures of him on movie sets. Oh, he was on this dipshit show, the Breakfast Club. Let's watch this real quick. So after I came out and I said, I was gonna put my differences aside and vote for Joe Biden. Of course, here comes Charlamagne with this. Yo, Jamal True Love, which I thought
Starting point is 01:04:04 was the most egregious case on her record, Jamal True Love. He did a video last night saying that he's voting for her. So I have to check him in the comments real quick because... So Charlamagne said that the most egregious case that Kamala's had was against this dude and now this dude's coming out and voting for her. Oh, and he said, I only gave the reason why I'm going to support Biden Harris ticket is to get Donald Trump out of office, not because she
Starting point is 01:04:30 wasn't personally involved in my cash, which is what you said, not me. Oh, I don't know. I don't, I got to stand with Charlamagne there. Let me see. He was putting words in my mouth and I knew what that would do. That will get me onto the Breakfast Club. We had a special guest on the line this morning. Jamal Trulow, welcome, brother.
Starting point is 01:04:51 But they didn't want me on there to tell my story, because Angela Yee been trying to get me on there. They wanted me on there because I was vindicating Kamala Harris. Senator Harris, she didn't try your case, and she wanted names try your case. And she wasn't named in your lawsuit. I've never, you know, blamed definitively Kamala Harris. You did say that you are still voting for
Starting point is 01:05:12 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I said in the video, it's just me putting my differences aside. Senator Harris does have a black heart. So I played the part, but it's been eating at me ever since. After that, I stepped away from politics. I seen how it was going. Harris does have a black belt. So I played the part, but it's been eating at me ever since. After that, I stepped away from politics.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I seen how it was going and I focus strictly on developing my craft and filmmaking so one. Wow, he fucking voted for fucking Biden Kamala after she supposedly put him in jail for five years. What a douche. Charlemagne is supporting Camilla oh wow he's insane Wow should I know what Charlemagne or the Brexas Club is not if you have an IQ over a hundred you shouldn't yeah I think
Starting point is 01:05:59 Charlemagne might be in transition every time I see him he looks more and more like a woman. I wonder if anyone around him tells him that. Like, hey dude. Looks like a woman. Yeah, Eddie Murphy was going that way for a while too. Kind of got like too soft looking. Skincare routines must be pretty good. For those of you who don't know how the internet works or how cloud services work, I present to you Kamala's explanation. No longer are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house. It's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud.
Starting point is 01:06:54 But just so you know the clouds not up there. It's up here. It's down. It's still the clouds just the name of it but it's not actually a cloud. It's not actually. It's not up there. It's up there. It's sitting in a warehouse in Arizona somewhere or in Seattle or and it's duplicated all over the world on hard drives. That's the cloud, but they're in building sitting on the ground. It's not up here. That exists above us. No, no, sorry. No, no.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Sorry. No. No, that's heaven. No. In the sky is like bugs and stuff. Right? It's no longer in a physical place. Now, no longer are you necessarily keeping
Starting point is 01:07:43 those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house. It's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud. And it's not therefore just because it's on your laptop doesn't mean it's therefore up in this cloud. That exists above us, right? It's no longer in a- Right? Is she explaining this to tech people or is she just- I don't know, but I like it how she says right and there's some dude next to her who's like, uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Uh-huh, yeah. Sure. We'll go along with it. Fuck, she is a moron. Have you ever had anyone in your life who doesn't know the difference between cellular and Wi-Fi? Like your parents or anything? You're trying to explain it to them? Yeah, I think so. I mean, yeah. Like my grandparents probably.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yeah, and you gotta explain it to them. And I understand why it takes explaining, right? Because it's just like it's just like coming to your phone and you're trying to figure out I get it Yeah But the cloud thing doesn't seem The cloud thing's uh Just it's just a hard drive that's not at your house.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Right. That's pretty simple explanation. But it's up here. The cloud is up here. It's not in your house. It's above your house. Fuck, she's stupid. Holding all of your information. It's above your house. Fuck she is stupid. Holding all of your information.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Fuck she is stupid. Is it a cumulus or a cirrus cloud? Where's Judy's question? Oh yeah, thank you. Great question. Cumulonimbus maybe? Who was it who said black people who don't know what computers are? Was that Elizabeth Warren said that? Black people don't know what computers are?
Starting point is 01:09:53 That was someone big. Oh no, that was Pelosi. Someone recently said that. Black people don't know what computers are. New York governor? Oh yes, yes, yes, it was her. Hokel? Katie Hokel? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's the defund the police one. New York governor slammed for saying children don't know what computers are What what she didn't say children don't know she said black people
Starting point is 01:10:30 Right now we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word computer is They don't know these things Damn, what a crazy world we live in She regrets it don't worry she misspoke and she regrets it. Don't worry. She misspoke and she regrets it. Misspoke. What does that mean? I wonder what misspoke means. Misspoke. That's when the truth comes out on accident. Express once. Go ahead. Express oneself insufficiently, clearly or accurately. Insufficiently, clearly or accurately. That doesn't even work then.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Because she spoke very clearly, very accurately and very sufficiently based on her perspective. Yeah. very clearly very accurately and very sufficiently based on her perspective yeah fuck fuck fuck fuck the trip what a mess there's going to be someone in the comments who's gonna be like, there's Sevan with his tin foil hat on again, regarding her ethnicity. And it's like, dude, I showed you the fucking article, you dig around, I'm totally open
Starting point is 01:11:57 to being wrong. If you want to show me her, if you want to show me her 23andMe test, I'm totally cool. And the only reason why I care if she's black or not is because people are voting for her because she claims she's black. I just like the idea of catching her lying. But I showed you the fucking Daily Mail article. Don't say I have a tinfoil hat. I'm just showing you the fucking news.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Just pointing at it. Yeah. And just because you don't understand that there's a difference between being Jamaican and black Jamaican, like you can be born and I could be born. I could go fuck someone in Jamaica right now. I could go fuck a albino fucking Icelandic girl if she'd have me in Jamaica right now. And we could have a kid and that kid would be Jamaican Here's Kamala doing her different acts based on what audience she's in front of This is amazing. This is Kamala talking to African Americans. My favorite is the LGBTQ Tcy Z's
Starting point is 01:13:02 It's this is fucking amazing. If you haven't seen this, please enjoy this. Bathe in this one. Here we go. I said to the congressman, I didn't know he could preach like that. I said to the congressman, I didn't know he could preach like that. Hey, when we talk like that on KillTaylor, it's to make fun of Tyler. To make fun of Tyler. To make fun of people. She's doing it to assimilate.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets. And let me tell you, as they say, they not like us. Hey, I'm out in these streets. And as they say, they ain't like us. More African-American talk, here we go. The last few people testify. Can I get a witness? So it's all, so the laugh's just a nervous laughter.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Like fuck, every time she laughs, it's like, is the audience buying this? Right. She's taking it to assess her audience. We're going to cook today. Okay. Is an Indian recipe. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Because you are Indian. Yes. So we're both Indian, but actually we're both South Indian. Yeah. Um, I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she and her. I'm a woman. So I can.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Holy shit, dude. the the the the the We got to pull it up. Is that the one where he's at the black journalist convention? No, he's just sitting in a chair talking to someone Imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been you know what can be? unburdened by what has been what can be Unburdened by what has been This is a reveal I've never been asked that I did
Starting point is 01:15:16 What a fucking clown What a fucking clown. Someone wrote in the comments, but does it matter? Does a mixed heritage really pertain to her qualifications for running? Not in love with her or anything, but I definitely don't understand the importance of derogatory implications of a race and how she expresses that. I wonder how people of mixed heritage feel when they see things like this. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:15:42 Is she a liar or is she not a liar? That's what it comes down to. Is she lying? Like who is she really? Don't you want to see who she really is? Like do you think Trump's putting on like, do you think that the Trump we see, you think like he has a different, significantly different modes he's playing? I mean obviously there's different times. I'm sure Andrew Schultz isn't cracking jokes when his wife fucking catches, sees text messages in his phone where he's fucking some other chick.
Starting point is 01:16:13 I mean, there's definitely different moods. Wow, Djokovic won the gold, is that true? That's awesome. He beat Alcares? That's awesome. He beat Alcares. That's awesome. Wow. I can't wait to see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Beat him. Wow. I found this Huffington post article about Trump getting asked about his pronouns and it just screams idiocy. The Huffington Post sucks. Donald Trump basically gets basic English lessons after ridiculous comment about his pronouns. Oh, and look at the picture they use of him. He does not. Do they have the video? The video is so good. Nope. They're not even going to show. Of course they're not going to show it. They spell it out near in the, uh, see what are your pronouns? I have no, I don't want pronouns.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So you're fluid. What is that? She was joking. She was joking by the way That's the part like you don't get from reading that she was miss you. She was like she was having fun You know what? I mean, she was like, yeah, so you're fluid like making fun of the libtards No one even knows what that means ask her to describe exactly what that means Trump added Clearly that's not true pronouns are a crucial part of the English language Helping people describe things about without repeatedly using names or nouns. It is also a way for trans or non-binary people or their
Starting point is 01:17:51 allies to indicate and affirm their gender identity. So look at those two paragraphs. Isn't that funny? Clearly that's not true. Pronouns are a crucial part of the English language. They used to be helping people describe things with that. So they're talking about using them so that there can be precision in your speech. And then the very next paragraph is about how it has nothing to do with precision. It has to do with making fucking people feel good.
Starting point is 01:18:20 It's fucking crazy. Oh here, maybe this is it. oh yeah, this is so good It's fine Pronouns Which I never noticed until this morning and I don't want pronouns. So you're fluid? What is that? Nobody even knows what that means. Ask her to describe exactly what that means. What is that? Why are people doing that? Nobody knows. Well, what is that?
Starting point is 01:19:13 Hey, it's all Orwellian shit. It's all Orwellian shit. They're basically, I don't know if you guys remember the origins of pronouns, but it was the big thing that made Jordan Peterson famous. When Jordan Peterson's like, you can't force me to say people's fucking pronouns the way they want. It's all it's it's more just fucking rules. Oh, my God. You know, pulled up in like a twenty thousand dollar motor home, fifty thousand dollar motor home.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Is that a nice one? It's huge. Yeah. I bet you it's more than that then I bet you it's 300 000. You're probably right. I want to show you a video the other day and I a video I saw the other day and I thought that this was ridiculous but people told me that this is this is truly what it's oh that's nice yeah wow Oh, that's nice. Yeah. Wow. My neighbor's got a nice house.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I keep seeing... I always forget that this is what it's like in the real world. Because I live in like, it's just such a fucking protected little world where I don't have to worry about that shit. Like we live in a world where you can't even say anything nice to someone because they might be offended. Like if you if you say to someone that they're attractive, like somehow I think the word they say it's reductive or something. Or you can't tell some you can't tell a black I first saw one like 10 years ago when if you told a black guy, he was articulate, that somehow that was racist, you were implying, right? But this is fucking crazy. But I heard this is exactly what it's
Starting point is 01:20:44 like in corporate America right now. Willis Clan sells boxing gloves. Their core demographic is straight men. Let's do a campaign with Pride Month rainbow boxing gloves. Boxing gloves with pronouns on them. First Nations boxing gloves. My name's John, I'm the straight man in marketing. How about a campaign where we promote body positivity with the boxing gloves?
Starting point is 01:21:04 Yeah, we can do like a fat guy with the gloves sort of thing. Yeah, I have had trouble breaking the rainbow ceiling in this industry. What about an ad where we talk about how durable the gloves are? I don't think that's going to work. I still don't know if straight men are going to go for the rainbow gloves. That's their problem. Recently, I was at an event to empower straight men in marketing and they just told me I need to lean in, spread my legs and confidently assert my ideas.
Starting point is 01:21:28 What if we just did a boxing partnership? Okay macho man, let me heterosplain it to you in a way that you'll understand. Can we just try my strategy? Um, we're talking here, okay? It's honestly exhausting. I'm trying to fit in and it's just not working. Toxic man with a small D Toxic man with a small D This isn't funny, I'm going to HR in it's just not working. Toxic man with a small D. Toxic man with a small D. This isn't funny I'm going to HR. I am HR babe you need a light knob.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Toxic man with a small D. Toxic man with a small D. I heard it's exactly like that and when you apply for jobs at And when you apply to get, when you apply for jobs at like the universities in California or corporate jobs or at a friend who tried to apply for a job at like a Jewish farm in Berkeley, like a city farm. And the questions they ask are like absolutely crazy all around DEI. And it basically they're asking how they think that they're asking like, how are you going to help black people? But they're basically asking how dumb do you think black people are? And the more you get close to they're really dumb and I need my help, the closer you are to getting the job. It's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:22:39 It's amazing. But that last line right there, that's the problem. When he says I'm going to go to HR and she says she's HR, that's the problem. It's being enforced. You know, that's the truth, right? It is HR enforcing the fucking... That's their problem. The token white guy is now the thing.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Yeah. It's now like the thing, the token white guy is now the thing Yeah, it's now like the thing the token white guy it's like real yeah used to be the other way around Open lesbian token black guy Token tranny, but but I don't even think it really was that you know what I mean like it was a joke then now It's not a joke. Yeah, right You know what I mean? Like it was a joke then now it's not a joke. Yeah, right Like if you had a black guy at your job You weren't like he like you might you might say that as a joke But everyone knew that like that guy was fucking maybe you know, he could be the best employee there didn't matter. Yeah, you Nine percent of the time they were the best employees there. Yeah, the hardest working ones
Starting point is 01:23:40 They would always get anything done. You needed them to it's like the thing a lazy Mexican like I've never seen I never know what I know yeah I've never seen lazy makes no such thing right dumb Chinese impossible yeah it's not about being equal they want to be feared and above us by the way That's why nothing gets done in those companies Get this sebon a comedy shop is opening in Boise that's person of color only. Oh shit It's not a comedy club anymore then I want to go there in blackface It's not a comedy club anymore then I want to go there in blackface Oh God I
Starting point is 01:24:38 Never understood the blackface thing at all like so what that that one's so crazy Like somehow it's bad to dress up as Halloween as someone who's black like so what I don't give a fuck Did you see Joe Rogan special yet no, is he good It's okay But he talks about how like mainstream media started telling or started making or writing articles saying that he was opening a right-wing comedy club in Texas. Oh Shit, and he was like, yeah, so I'm opening a comedy club It's not a right-wing comedy club that that's just every comedy club. It's that There's just not any fun. Like it's just there's no funny shit coming from the left
Starting point is 01:25:21 Yeah, right And you're not in it. They're too offended by everything. Yeah exactly. Okay here we go. You mean to tell me that the first, the possible first black female president, Her primary message, her platform is to promote the very thing that was meant to wipe out our race. She's referring to abortion. One of the cornerstones for pushing abortion was to kill all black people. That's what she's running on? Like this is a joke. It's a joke. And then on top of that, y'all want to, if y'all want to try to intimidate me and manipulate me into voting for her just because we are both Black
Starting point is 01:26:30 and we're both women. Let me tell you something. Identity is a foolish reason to vote for someone and it's insulting for someone to insist that I make a political decision regardless if it goes against my belief, regardless if it goes against my belief Regardless if it goes against my stance my firmly held belief just because they look like me So you mean to tell me? God it's so It's so Refreshing to see that shit I've been saying it for fucking three years since the show started. This country, as weird as it is, it's only it's gonna be saved
Starting point is 01:27:09 by black people. They gotta do it. Sorry. I know you already created the shit, made the shit on your back, but now you got to save it. Sorry. We need you again! It was not great. You can tell he's hesitant to go full red pill walking back some jokes. He said Michelle Obama has a dick. Then he said, no, I don't believe that. Yeah, I agree. He I thought he was going to go harder. He did not. He was a real pussy during Covid.
Starting point is 01:27:42 And if you listen between the lines to Joe Rogan speak, his idea of how the economy works is still a little fucked hearted. But he's around good people, I think, who get it. So maybe he'll get fixed. But he was so scared around... He's terrified of Trump and he was so scared. And he's got some justification for not having Trump on.
Starting point is 01:28:04 But he was also, he was so scared and he's got some justification for not having Trump on but he was also he was so scared of COVID like this subject. Hi Ari what's up baby what do you need? Okay tell me. Oh you did fix the Lego? Wow impressive. Thank you. I love you. Later, dude. See you in a minute. Yeah, he touches on COVID a little bit, but it's nothing. Impressive. Kamala! This shit you can't even fucking make up.
Starting point is 01:28:50 This is like a, this is like a fucking Monty Python skit. I cannot fucking believe that this is fucking real. This is, well maybe I have a better version of it. Oh no, here, I'll play this version. This is so crazy. This is so like a Monty Python skit. Visitors from Russia as part of a prisoner exchange, Kamala Harris showed us why she is the democratic nominee for president.
Starting point is 01:29:24 This is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day. Comments from Kamala are like a Coldplay song. You're not quite sure what it means. What a fucking train wreck. Did she say the word strength three times? The word strength three times?
Starting point is 01:29:56 Yes, I think so. And look at Joe. Hey, did you see Joe wander onto the plane thinking it was Air Force One or something? Yes. Joe hey did you see Joe wander onto the plane thinking it was Air Force one or something Yes Walking around so the hostages had already gotten off the plane and The the it's so wild because once again the left-wing press is saying oh no He was going on there to thank the pilots for flying them. Oh really? Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, for sure. Reasonable explanation. Oh, it's so crazy to see him walk onto the plane.
Starting point is 01:30:25 I was reading in, I was reading yesterday a little bit about Nevada, Wisconsin and Georgia and about the laws they have about switching out who candidates. And I was, I was hearing different sides. I can't tell if it really, I couldn't come to that. I was like, oh, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:30:33 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. and about the laws they have about switching out candidates. And I was hearing different sides. I can't tell if it really, I couldn't come to any decision on whether they're going to have issues or not. But definitively, if he were to die before the election, it would get common law on all
Starting point is 01:31:00 the ballots. But I guess there is a chance in some states she might not be on the ballot which would be fucking crazy like one of the articles I read that said that uh after June 5th you're not allowed to change uh who's on the ballot which didn't make sense to me because aren't they supposed to figure out who goes on the ballot at the convention that's coming up in late August? That's what I thought too on the ballot at the convention that's coming up in late August? That's what I thought too. That's when the decision was made was at the convention. Yeah he should let Fox moderate it instead of ABC. Fuck ABC. He's done more than enough already for fucking all the left-wing media, CNN, ABC, all
Starting point is 01:31:42 those fucking people. Like fuck it, let Fox do it. Yeah. Yeah, the walking on the plane. I wonder, do you think he's going to make it to the end of his presidency? Biden? He does not look good. Did you see the hostages hug him? It was like they were hugging a two by four.
Starting point is 01:32:01 He doesn't, he doesn't move. It was pretty bad. He's going, it's almost like he's going into rigor mortis right before our eyes I Don't know I think you'll I think I think they'll be okay, but that's gonna be such a go after that Michael Schellenberg our favorite liberal Ran for governor of California. Was Kamala Harris a DEI hire? Well, we already know that they were all for DEI.
Starting point is 01:32:33 What would be wrong if she was a DEI hire? So what? That should be their stance. Everybody, it's Mike Schellenberger for Public. Ever since Kamala Harris became the Democratic Party's de facto and presumed presidential nominee, the news media have worked to correct what it says is misinformation the public may have heard about her.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Harris was not a DEI hire, they say, meaning Biden did not choose her for his vice president because she's a black woman. Harris was never borders czar, they say, and was not responsible for the quintupling of migrants crossing the border under Biden. And no, Harris does not support a ban on fracking. But in the media's so-called fact-checking, they have spread misinformation. Biden explicitly said he would choose a Black woman as vice president after Black democratic activists and the media
Starting point is 01:33:21 urged him to. As such, Harris was indeed a DEI hire. The media in 2021 widely called Harris a border czar, and her responsibilities were to deal with the so-called root causes of migration. And Harris had supported a ban on fracking when she ran in the Democratic primary in 2019 and only changed it a few days ago in response to Trump's attacks. Now, of course, there's plenty of misinformation about Harris. Biden never suggests that he lowered his standards to select a black female vice president, for example.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Harris never had... So, that's fascinating. He never, he didn't have to suggest he lowered his standards to pick a black woman because you automatically are lowering your standards. Oh, Sevan, how can you say that? Are you talking about black women? No, I'm talking about mathematics. If 6% of the US population is a black or black females, black humans with vaginas, then you
Starting point is 01:34:24 already lowered your standards. If you would have said you were going to pick a white man, you were lowering your standards. Anytime you're picking something by some sort of demographic that cuts out that excludes other people, you're lowering your standards. If we say we're going to pick the fastest human being in the world and I'm only going to choose from Chinese women, we've lowered our standards. It's changed the entire fucking thing. So if only 6% of the population is black women, you don't have to... it's not even implicit. It's just a fucking mathematical fact.
Starting point is 01:34:57 You've gotten rid of 94% of the population that you can fucking harvest your choice from. Don't use black women if that triggers you. Use something else. rid of 94% of the population that you can fucking harvest your choice from. Don't use black woman if that triggers you. Use something else. Use Native American man. Use Armenian woman. Use Jewish man. I don't know what percentage of the population is, juice of the US population what percentage of
Starting point is 01:35:27 USA population is Jew 7.5 milli 2.4 percent. Yeah, that would be fucking crazy to fucking Reduce it to that You're narrowing down your pool of potential candidates to 2.4% of the population. Yeah, he didn't have to say it. If you don't know that, then go back to fucking third grade math.
Starting point is 01:35:55 The formal title of borders are, and she did endorse increasing border security recently and the claims that Harris would shut down or even significantly reduce oil and gas production are contradicted or even significantly reduce oil and gas production are contradicted by the expansion of oil and gas production under Biden. But those distinctions don't change the fundamental reality of the positions of Harris and the Democratic Party on those three major issues. Harris's allies waged a pressure campaign based on race and sex in 2020 before Biden picked her as vice president, and again did so this year when Biden anointed her his successor against
Starting point is 01:36:29 the opposition of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Harris never denied she was border czar in 2021 and also had responsibility for addressing the causes of the crisis, which she did not do for the last three and a half years. And the fact that Harris didn't even- She did address them. She exacerbated them. Another nuance that's worth pointing out. She exacerbated them.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Other explaining her reversal on fracking just proves that it was done for political expediency. As such, the media's coverage of Harris over the last 10 days has been characterized by gaslighting the public about events just a few years old and suggesting that what we remembered having happened hadn't really happened. And yet much of the public remembers very well
Starting point is 01:37:10 the pressure on Biden to choose a black female vice president. We remember when the media declared Harris a border czar responsible for dealing with the root causes of migration and all who can access the internet can see the videos of Harris saying at a CNN town hall meeting in 2019, there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Now media gaslighting had increased sharply in the run up to Biden's announcement on July 21st that he would not seek reelection. The media's denial of the reality of Biden's declining mental state had reached new extremes in June as Biden froze at a Los Angeles fundraiser and appeared disoriented in at least two instances in Europe. Froze. He fucking froze. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. The media repeatedly claimed that Biden was fine and that anyone who said differently was just a Trump supporter spreading misinformation.
Starting point is 01:38:10 The media's cover-up of Biden's poor health was a major blow to its credibility, but not enough for it to change its ways. In its coverage of Kamala Harris, the media are now demanding that the public dismiss not just the video and other evidence, but also their own memories. This kind of gaslighting is really risky strategy for the news media. Their business rests upon public trust, which had declined from 55% in the year 2000 to just 32%. And it's not like the media don't know their credibility is declining.
Starting point is 01:38:39 They wrote about last year's poll numbers, for example. And the attempt by some media outlets to explain away their own dismissal of Biden's poor health reveals that the media are all too aware of their bias. In fact, a former New York Times executive editor told Semaphore that she thought too many journalists didn't try to get the story because they did not want to be accused of helping elect Donald Trump. I get that, she said. But if displaying an obvious bias while gas
Starting point is 01:39:06 lighting undermines the public's trust, why do the media keep doing it? Now, if you're not already a subscriber, please subscribe now to watch the rest of this video, read the rest of the article, and to support public's award-winning journalism. Our favorite liberal, Michael Schellenberger. Is it burger? Burger. All right David reminds me of Kamala Harris Like like wherever like No, well cackling in the chat and he he'll go to like wherever like like he's attracted to just
Starting point is 01:39:48 14 year old passive aggressive girls You know, I mean he he's like so susceptible to just pure pressure it's fucking crazy Real cool guy though. Yeah. Yeah, like he asked girls on a date like instead of being like, hey, you want to go out? It's like, I know you're busy, and you probably don't like me because I don't drive a nice car. But do you want to go out with me? He's the guy that sends memes to the chicks. He doesn't really know expecting them to start a relationship with him And I know you think you're too cool for me, but we go like he just wants pity fucks like this this dude You know this dude Mike This dude just begs for pity fucks like this
Starting point is 01:40:37 This is the kind of dude who waits at the bar until there's just fucking one fucking girl who's barely conscious left. And then still doesn't have the balls to ask her out. He has to, uh, he has to like try to still try to manipulate her. Really just take some convincing. Yeah. Yeah. Like, can you please feel sorry for me? I could see Mike at a bar. Um, my mom, my mom just died of cancer and she,
Starting point is 01:41:08 and she did just die of cancer. Uh, will you, will you go home? I need someone to talk to. I need someone to talk to. Will you hold me? Yeah. I want to talk to you and the whole time and his, his, his, his mind, he's thinking, fuck, I hope, I hope I can get it hard tonight. I'm gonna fuck this chick. I hope I can get it hard tonight. I hope my roommate doesn't come home today. I understand.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Alright. Love you guys. Tomorrow Taylor and JR will be manning the ship at 7am. I will be on a flight. I'm headed over to the airport at fucking some god-awful time Then I'll try to do oh, I probably do a show tonight. I'll probably do one more show tonight Like a games the games a brave and do breaking news cross the games breaking new show Are you out of your fucking mind it's nothing like that It's almost like bringing a box of wine to econ 101 to hope hoping to get laid You're out of your fucking mind shut it David same same same no That's not even close. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:42:25 You fucking kidding me. Oh shit. Let me tell you something pimping a chick in fucking anthro 101 Is way different than fucking preying on fucking dead beaver at a bar at 4 a.m It's like I fucking shot a fucking rhino running full speed at me. You fucking have a shovel collecting roadkill. That's how you feed your family. You fucking cunt. Alright. Dubase. Mike is entitled to his opinion, free speech, guess he's trying to troll, whatever didn't work. It's just the past of aggressive shit. It's just the passive aggressive shit. It's like, dude, if you're going to spend the time to write something, then
Starting point is 01:43:08 educate us, just be like, well, actually, you know, the guys are just so stupid. You guys are just so dumb. The biggest lever in the economy is actually energy or actually the, the, the Rothschild control the economy. And here's a link to an article where it explains that not you guys are so stupid. I mean, it's just it's just so fucking 14 year old girl shit. It's like how my kids try to fucking like, if I pin a guy today in Jiu-Jitsu, can I get some candy corns?
Starting point is 01:43:38 I mean, it's like, Jesus Christ, dude. If you're eating candy corns, you're a fucking psychopath. Hey, and listen, Mike, when you have to keep reminding us, reminding yourself, it's hilarious. We know you don't think it's hilarious. Like you keep having to say that it's funny and the laughing emojis. We know you don't think it's funny. We know you're miserable.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Take this very seriously. We can tell us David, we Jake Saban is dick riding Trump. Fuck you. That's the first true thing you've said in a long time. Balls do. I'd share. I'd use the fucking exerciser at the same time Trump is using it. Fucking I use I'd use the buddy exerciser.
Starting point is 01:44:18 I'd let helmets touch. But my exercise are on Trump. Yeah. But my exercise are on Trump. Yeah Someone is still a registered Democrat your price is that true? That's probably is true Wow Your hypocrite this is crazy, I don't know if that matters what you're registered as does that matter? No. Oh. Yeah, I'm cupping his balls. Yeah, there's no doubt. I'm all up in Trump's ass. Sevan, do you grow or eat okra?
Starting point is 01:45:02 No, but my sister grows okra and I bought okra seeds this year and I really wish I would have grown it. Damn, I wish I would have grown it. I'll vote here in California even though I don't think it matters here. So, there's that. All right. For those of you who haven't gone, swallowed the red pill yet, I appreciate you hanging in for the whole show. Good on you.
Starting point is 01:45:41 I made the same journey. I feel you. I had to listen to for five years people explain to me... explain things to me that had to make it through a thick layer of defending being a libtard. But... Um, but orange pill. All right. Uh, all right guys.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Um, Oh, look at Mike. Mike, do you have a problem with dick suckers? Is that a negative thing? Oh no, you love it. Yeah. Keep telling us how funny it is and how much you love it. I'm fully convinced. I'm almost convinced.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Say it 10 more times and I'm convinced. All right. Love you guys. I'll see you this it ten more times, and I'm convinced all right. Love you guys I'll see you this evening Caleb. Thanks for coming on Bye bye

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