The Sevan Podcast - Kara Saunders & Jay Crouch | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh-oh bam we're live do I have audio something's weird what's going on hello ah it's a Sebon podcast show
Starting point is 00:00:17 it's a Sebon podcast show everybody's welcome peace and love it's a Sebon podcast show bam we're live hello what's up girl can you hear me yeah i can hear you great sweet that's my biggest fear my biggest fears with the australians we always get the time wrong we always screw you guys over we're like how many time zones do you have in australia oh who knows is it more than what's more than one right yeah it's more than one not as many as the us but we've got more than one yeah we we did a podcast with jack uh madalena the ufc fighter
Starting point is 00:00:57 oh yeah yeah we screwed the time up by an hour i was like all right see you in two minutes he's like what i've done that i've had like something booked in once and i stuffed up the time zone and oh man i felt so bad i can't remember what it was but it was like really important too and i was like oh my gosh i left this person hanging and they're like hello hello and i was like doing something else like thinking it was an hour later and oh it feels so bad that's the um that yeah that i it's because you guys are on a different uh a different day too right what what's today what what yeah so we're general so it's thursday here so we're usually a day ahead yeah that's the thing hey i listened to this podcast by the way um the flow yeah the flow lane podcast uh boy you just to uh plug them real quick uh all the
Starting point is 00:01:48 mama stuff you talk about it's like such good stuff oh thanks yeah relate relationships challenges um but i just like how you always keep it in a positive light like hey these are challenges and they're fun and i'm up for them and i manage them and these are the tools i have and it's fun and you just keep throwing like it's fun enjoy it like there's a there's a uh there there's never i never hear any bitching from you and so it's cool oh thank you i just don't really see the point there's no point whinging about it i'm like just change it or deal with it there's just they're the only two options otherwise you live a miserable life you're going back to the crossfit games going back yeah a bit different but yeah i'm going back yeah congratulations in that podcast
Starting point is 00:02:34 i was um surprised to hear that it was maddie that kind of gave you the nudge. That really kind of blew me away for some reason. Yeah. I hadn't, like, I've said since the day I started CrossFit and competing, like, I always get, especially from, like, sponsors and stuff, I'm like, are you going to compete or, you know, they want to. And I'm like, I don't live life that way. Like, I am just going to ride the wave. And if it feels right, it feels right.
Starting point is 00:03:03 If it doesn't feel right, then it doesn't feel right. And I'm not going to do it. And I've just taken it year by year. uh I was like I said the same thing like after my you know like you just don't know what you're going to get with each child you know and it's proven my two children are very different very similar in ways very different and so like you don't know what you're going to get like you don't know what hand you're going to be dealt you know you you're gonna have some crazy birth that you need to recover from are you gonna like have a a sick child or get postpartum depression or I don't know like you just anything could happen and um so I'm like I just don't know what it's gonna be like and you know it's two kids like
Starting point is 00:03:38 one kid is one kid and then two kids is 10 kids it's like yeah and it just kind of gets more and more so I'm like I don't know and then he said to me like look you um you know he knows kind of how I operate and I do a lot of things and I like work pretty hard and like everything I do and I put a lot of myself into my kids and my home and like everything so um he's like you know just you love what you do you love working out you know why don't you just he's like I think just you love what you do you love working out you know why don't you just he's like I think you should do it just for like fun I was like oh I don't know I said I'd never go team you know like I said and he kind of like kept nudging me and I was sort of like look the only way the only way I'll do it is if one the people I'm doing it with
Starting point is 00:04:23 are fun I'm not doing it if it's anything less than a good time absolutely not I was like I'm not taking time away and doing that kind of stuff if it's not fun but then I also still wanted them to be good so like um you know I don't want to just be like oh we don't care entirely but I was very very upfront when I went into it like hey I have two kids my schedule is weird I don't know how it's going to go down. Like I need to not have the pressure. I'm recovering from like postpartum and having a baby and I'm not going to push that. I'm not going to rush that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I'm going to be where I'm going to be and you can take it or leave it, whatever version of carousal that is. And then, yeah, luckily my crew was like, yeah, we'll take, we'll take you. What did Maddie see? Do you know what he saw did he see you walk by the house one walk through the house one day and he's like yep i see it like what did what did he see that made him think was there a moment where he approached you do you remember where it was where he's like hey you should consider going team and like you're driving the car and you were like what the fuck fuck? No. Or did it creep in?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Is he smooth? My wife says talking to me is always about timing. Yeah. It's very easy to talk to, but the timing's got to be right. Yeah. He's pretty smooth about it. I can't remember the exact moment, but it was like, yeah, I don't know. It was kind of like, oh, you know, you could do this or that.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And then he kind of went behind my back. He does this a lot. He like, he knows that. why don't you come over for dinner he knows that like especially when it comes to like say accepting help right that's where it stems from is like i will never ask for help like ever um i'm getting a little bit you don't even have one person you'll ask for help i don't't like to ask for help either, but there's a couple people in my life. Like I will ask my mom. Like, no, but not my dad.
Starting point is 00:06:09 No, I've, I've learned to kind of let him help me, but it's, and I'm getting better at asking because I understand that we are a team and that we work together and everything. And that if I fall apart, we all fall apart as well. And also I understand that like, it can make him feel like, I don't know, not, not trusted, but like, you know, he can kind of be like, just let me fucking help you, man. Like, why won't you ask me to help you? And I'm like, no, no, I do trust that you can help me. I just don't ask for help. So like, it's taken a while for me to learn how to do that but he so he often goes behind my back and makes things happen um and he did that with the team he's like oh I just had a little casual conversation with James and was like just
Starting point is 00:06:54 putting the feelers out there because he knows I'll procrastinate I was like oh I don't know I don't know I don't know and I'll do that forever and then before you know it it was a team and then I was like oh do you get do you get angry with him for that for putting the feelers out no I said to him like I had said to him my biggest concern was overwhelm I was what was holding me back was I was like if I have to like you know go do team training and show up to these things and I have to be a certain amount of fit and a certain amount of strong and whatever I was really worried that it was going to overwhelm me on top of everything that I had and like trying to you know navigate being a mom of two kids and doing all this stuff and I just had a conversation
Starting point is 00:07:35 with myself when I finally agreed and I went all right like I like these people in my team I'm gonna do it and I was like I'll trust you um but I said I had to have a hard conversation with myself going this is my choice if I get overwhelmed it's my fault not his because I was like in the end I said yes right like I said yes and I went ahead so even though he kind of did it like it came down to me so I've any time I felt slight overwhelm I'm like Cara you chose this I'm like you chose this he didn't push you you're a grown girl like you can make your decisions um and then yeah here we are and then it ended up like a lot of it is so fun like the people are so fun and a lot of it is fun. And I love working out. There definitely is moment that definitely have been moments of overwhelm in
Starting point is 00:08:28 just like the logistics. It's the logistics of like syncing up with people working around my kids, knowing that like the amount of like my boy does not sleep like he sleeps, but he's, oh man, he's hard. So he's hard in the night. So I have not this video shows the chaos
Starting point is 00:08:47 of the logistics this is a great video this is like i i said to maddie i'm like because he always makes me these like really beautiful like fun videos and i was like i'm just gonna start making some like home brand stuff on my own that just like shows life because that's what i just like um and uh this is you're flossing your. You're also preparing food. You're also drinking coffee. You're also getting dressed like this is, this is, this is classic. This is it. This is parenting in one video. This is every day.
Starting point is 00:09:12 This is most parents in some, some version of this, right. Um, to make that happen. And, you know, like in the back of my mind, I'm like, okay, going for this run along the beach with these people is going to be great. I'm going to feel amazing. Getting there is nothing short of a mission. Like is he going to wake up at the right time? And am I going to be able to feed him like right before I leave and then make it back in time to feed him before he cracks the shits for Maddie?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Like is this all going to align? What does that mean, crack the shits? Like take a deuce? No, it means like get cranky like get mad yeah like crack you know they crack it like how to get mad start you know kids um very Australian thing to say but um yeah so that's that's how most of my days play out and then so like often I'm walking into like team training off the back of every time I swear we go to train. I've had the worst night like on so little sleep and I've just got to show up and get my shit like together. Just get it done. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Like just in this like. Did you ever was there a point in your life where you were quiet? Where you... I know you went through a shitload of challenges as a kid. And you had to be a survivor. Was there ever a point where you were guarded? And then all of a sudden something happened? I know very few people who stand up for themselves as much as you do. You really stand up for Kara Saunders.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Was there ever a time when you weren't like that? Like the quiet kid in the corner? No, not necessarily. Look, I'm a bit of a complex. Because, you know, you see that. You see kids and you're like, fuck. Like, I've been around kids for a couple years. I'm like'm like fuck that kid's parents aren't teaching them shit they're quiet they're blah blah blah and then all of a sudden i realized oh shit they've had trauma or like my
Starting point is 00:11:11 best friend in the fifth grade when he came back in the sixth grade he wasn't my friend anymore and then i found out at our 20-year reunion his mom died over the summer and he just became like you know what i mean like were you ever that kid that was like no no I don't think I went inside I think I just charged on I don't think uh there's a lot of things I don't think anyone would have ever really known um and I just kind of I don't know I think even just my personality type when things were like hard I kind of just like just thought that's just how it goes and you just kind of keep you just kind of find a way through like I've always through anything crazy one thing I've always had is I've always been
Starting point is 00:11:50 real sure of myself like even from a little kid I kind of just knew who I was and I was really sure of that everyone around me always and as the world does it kind of will tell you otherwise and I I talk about this to Maddie a lot now as I'm older and I see it and understand it and I'm like I've always been so like confident and sure of who I am and but then I would get confused because other people would tell me otherwise and I'd be like oh that doesn't seem right that doesn't make sense so I'd be like so I so I always had these like two worlds of like oh I could see that everyone else saw me like this but I saw saw me like this. And so I just kind of, that's where I became quite like independent would do my own thing and just kind of like follow my own lead. But I definitely wasn't like introverted about it. Like I just,
Starting point is 00:12:33 I never went inside. I think that was a good way. You see some kids will just go inside, something will happen and they won't come out. No, no, I didn't manage your stress like that. No, I don't think so. No, I think I just kind of got a bit like naughty and bit silly, you know, like I just kind of if anything, I kind of acted out a little bit more than. Yeah, yeah, that would that was probably my coping mechanism. What's the what is the psychological phenomenon that happened to people like me and you that we don't want to ask for help from a lot of people? Did something happen to us? Did someone let us down or narcissism or what is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:13:13 I think for me, it's like a combination. So I've got like a, I'm definitely like a strong willed, like independent nature. And then I was let down and I went okay well then fuck you I'll do it myself um so and then like I was told I was I feel like I was refused help a lot so like when I was a kid there were just like so many instances like I had my parents had like a really um oh what's the word like uh you know like a really hostile bad kind of relationship like when i was yeah and um and it was all like messy and bad and crazy and um you know like i remember just like little things like um we had like a school excursion you know when you go on school excursions
Starting point is 00:14:00 and it's like you know they go we got a field trip i think you guys call it like you're gonna go away and you know you pay like whatever we've got a field trip, I think you guys call it. Like you're going to go away and, you know, you pay like whatever, $20 or something, you bring it in a little envelope and you go and see something. And we had this thing coming up for school. My mum was broke. I was living with mum, like single mum at home at the time and she's like, I've got no money, like sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And it was like a school thing. Like it wasn't just like, oh, I wanted a new handbag or something. And she's like, call your father. And I'm like, oh, I like oh I wanted a new handbag or something and um she's like call your father and I'm like oh I like made myself feel sick because he was just like a real kind of closed off like kind of person and uh I like it took me days I built up the courage I finally called him and said hey like I had this I had this pitch planned you know like I'd mapped it all out how I was going to say it and I was like like, oh, I've got this like school thing. I need $50.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I was like, I need $50. You know, I've got this thing and it's okay. I understand, you know, if you can't, you know, like me trying to like kind of people pleasing because I knew like I'd just kind of been told no a lot. And he's like, no, sorry, I don't have it. And like he did have it. He did have it, just FYI.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Like I had perfectly fine money and only paying for his own for himself and um I remember just going like oh it's okay no worries like sorry to bother you so I don't want to bother you and then it was like I feel like I remember that one time that one thing to this day and I was it's almost like from that moment I was like I'll never ask again because it took so you know like it took so much for me because I never like wanted to be a bother and I kind of, without going too deep into it, I was always a bother. Like from, from birth, I was always a bother. I was just kind of like an inconvenience to my parents, to my family's life. And I, I always felt that I always felt like a bother and I didn't want to be a bother. And so I just stopped bothering people.
Starting point is 00:15:46 So I just don't ask for help. So I was like, it took me a long time to learn, like, you know, in my relationship with Matty that, like, this is a proper love and trust. And, like, he would say to me, you know, he taught me essentially. He goes, just so you know, even if you ask me to do something and I don't want to do it and I'm like, oh, I don't want to stop what I'm doing, I don't want to do it and I'm like oh I don't want to stop what I'm doing I don't want to do it I would do it and I will still love you anyway and I still want to do it for you even if I don't want to do it you know what I mean and good yes yes and it was like I was like that for me I was like okay and he goes so I can even be like oh I've got to
Starting point is 00:16:18 get up and go do it and he goes just so you know I still want to do it and I still love you and I and I was like oh okay so like you can actually like people can, that's a thing. And I was like, I feel like that. Like I want to help people and I don't feel bothered by it. How old are you? We had this literally the other day. I was like, how old am I? I couldn't figure it out. I'm 34. 34.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah. I turned 35 at the end of this year. and figure it out i'm 34 34 yeah i turned 35 at the end of this year um the uh when i was listening to your uh podcast um there was with that lady uh the the flow lane podcast there was something in there where you said something i think she said it about and and i've seen a lot of couples like this where they keep a tally it It's the coupon count. I did this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. And they keep counting. They want – they're always like, well, I just had the kids for three hours.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I just had the kids for four hours. I need to do this. I need to do that. And I was thinking to myself – and I think the lady said or you said once you open that door, that's a really fucking hard one to close. And thankfully for me, I think it's because i had kids so late in life i had kids at 43 i'm in a competition with my wife to like always say yes so if anything we have the opposite program i'm like maddie i'm like dude like i've never expressed it like to her like maddie but i think she probably feels it like if she asked me to do
Starting point is 00:17:43 anything i'm gonna fucking do it. Yeah. Like no matter what. And I'm going to, and I'm going to smile and like, and just do it. You know, Hey, I need to go do this. I need to do that. Yes. Like we're going to LA for you.
Starting point is 00:17:57 She'll be so gentle. Do you mind if we go to Los Angeles for, to see my family? I'm like, uh-huh. And inside I'm like, fuck. It's like like this i'd rather build a house for you in the backyard it's this constant like yeah i would do like i don't know maddie especially he's like you know i would die doing anything you need like he genuinely like wants to be of service to me i'm like to to his detriment good job yeah but to his detriment sometimes I'm like bro it's fine you don't like I'll say I'm just gonna go like change walkers now I'll do it I'm
Starting point is 00:18:30 like bro sit down it's fine I can do it I'm not saying it out loud so you'll do it for me I'm just talking I'm like you don't you don't need to like do everything I appreciate it I know you genuinely like want to be there and it like it fulfills him to be like that, especially. And I feel like that got even more so more kids. I don't know if you felt that like more kids in, but you kind of just like, I don't know. It's, I think it's just like a, especially a male, like a dad instinct. It's like a protect, you know, like I'm working for my family and I feel like that's supernatural. So I kind of also let him like do it.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But then I also sometimes have to be like hey go take a minute like I'll go pick up Scott he's off work at the moment so he's been doing all the drive to kindy and random stuff I'll be like I'm going I'm gonna take both children and you know one's cranky and one's gonna be hungry but you do a workout in a garage just do a workout by yourself because you've had you've been juggling the kids and doing all the stuff like just do a workout in a garage just do a workout by yourself because you've had you've been juggling the kids and doing all the stuff like just do a workout in the garage turn the music up and you know we'll be back in an hour like but i think as soon as you start that scorecard thing i think for us if someone starts to feel that oh i did this i did that that's when you've all of a sudden slipped into like survival mode and that's like a like a red flag like oh hey someone's in survival
Starting point is 00:19:44 mode as soon as they're going well i just did this and it's and you're like okay I'll actually step up like we need to start you know like stepping in and kind of helping each other out we need to do something we need to step back we need to relax we need to stop like do less or whatever but like yeah that's it's it's not productive it doesn't do anything like and in the end it yeah if you kind of step up for each other then you also have this like real peaceful feeling knowing that somebody has got you you know like and then so you're more happy to do it back but like you've really got to meet in the middle there like you can't have one person kind of doing that and having this attitude and then the other
Starting point is 00:20:18 one's not there and that takes a lot of like self-care and self-work too you know like eat right and exercise and do all the things. But if you're dying on the inside, of course you can't show up for someone else or yourself. Well, at 34, I was so driven and ambitious that like I almost couldn't relate to parts of the conversation because I'm older now. And I'm like, I'm done. Kind of. You know what I mean? Like I'm, I can't really explain it, but like at 34, I'd fucking be losing
Starting point is 00:20:46 my mind. Probably like, like I understand what you're saying. If I try to picture myself at 34, having kids, but now I'm in a space where it's like, I almost want to go so hard with the kids until I pass out. Do you know, do you know what I mean? Like, I, I, I don't know how to, I don't know how to explain it. It does make sense. We say that a lot. We're always really glad. Like, yeah, we're still young, I guess, or whatever. You're still young. I mean, from my perspective with kids, you're 34.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I found CrossFit at 34. You're at the fucking, and I'm 52 now. But I think, too, it's like we were really satisfied with what we had done in our life. Like, we partied hard when we were young. Like, we got that out of our system. We, you know, Matty had already been in the army, been deployed, been in our life already. Like we partied hard when we were young. Like we got that out of our system. We, you know, Matty had already been in the army,
Starting point is 00:21:29 been deployed, been in the fire service. He'd worked with his dad. He'd like partied, done stuff with his friend, trends like traveled, done the things like we, you know, I'd been competing and studied and like we had done so much already that we were, and we'd got like a lot of stuff out of our system that um we were like yeah we're kind of ready for this whereas like we talk about sometimes we're like I feel like if we had met earlier like maybe that wouldn't have been the story like maybe we wouldn't have even been
Starting point is 00:21:55 ready for each other you know um but like yeah I think it just depends on the timeline of how your life has played out as to when you're ready and that's so different for everyone like some people have kids like even younger than we did. And then people are waiting a bit longer now. Like it just, I guess it depends on what you kind of want to tackle in your life. And you kind of like mature as you at 34, like not even close.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah. Well, boys aren't really, are they? Yeah. I don't know. I was a fucking ding dong. I still am a ding dong.
Starting point is 00:22:22 When you, when you, when you get with your team and you you say this to them this what you told me you said to them um like hey these are this is how i want to do it do they each tell you how they want to do it or are they just like yes cara because you are extremely alpha and are you the team captain is there a team captain look i think james is technically i sense denial you're like look look you're giving you're already putting me in my place look listen i think james is technically registered as our um team captain we um that's one thing we kind of like
Starting point is 00:22:58 it's sometimes a downfall is that we're all like too relaxed and too friendly with each other sometimes someone needs to step up um yeah it's usually like i say james we kind of share the load depending on the situation um like in a workout and with certain things he will kind of step up but yeah like we we had that we definitely did have that conversation and say for uh say for instance um james has a lot on as well he's similar to me um in that he has like a lot of moving parts he owns a business and he's doing a lot of that he's very hands-on he's like a hustler man like that dude can work he goes hard on everything he touches so um he's got a lot on as well but he still was in the same boat where he's like i love working out i love competing it's so fun you know where he's like, I love working out. I love competing. It's so fun. You know, like he was like, I've got a certain amount
Starting point is 00:23:46 to give as well and I still have to do all of these other things, you know, that can't stop. And then, yeah, we talked about to each person like and obviously even Em is in like a totally different category but talking about like what she wanted and hoped to get out of this experience. She's 23. So she's the age I was pretty much when I started,
Starting point is 00:24:04 when I competed for the first time. So, yeah, that's really cool too. And she obviously has her own goals and what we're trying to help her achieve out of this season because she's gone from indie rookie year into team and then she'll probably go back into indie. So, you know, there's a purpose behind this season for her as well, what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And then same for Khan. Like he came off injuries and he's old like me. And then, yeah, like still loves what he's doing, but obviously he's doing everything. Who is the oldest on the team? Khan is older than me by like less than a month. Okay. So he's like mid- Oh, no, it's about a month, about a month. Okay. So he's like mid,
Starting point is 00:24:45 oh no, it's about a month, about a month older than me. So yeah, we both, he turns 35 in September. I'm 35 in October. And then James,
Starting point is 00:24:54 oh wait, yeah. And then James is a year younger than me, but his birthday is a day after mine. So we're all similar. I'm going to ask you a question. Then I'm going to run and turn the generator off that just turned on behind my house. But this is a question, and then when we come back, we're going to answer it.
Starting point is 00:25:08 The question is this. Yeah. You had these rules to take it chill and have fun, but has anyone already crossed the line as we get closer to the games? I mean, like, yo, motherfucker, you're fucking slacking, and it's already crossed the line, and you guys are going too hard.
Starting point is 00:25:23 We'll be right back. Okay. Okay. fucking slacking and it's already crossed the line and you guys are going too hard we'll be right back there's there's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look but an affiliate is in my opinion by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller and I always wanted to like look a certain way and I was never, never satisfied with my body. All my goals were focused around all of my exercise was like, how do I get as small as possible? And so I was like super unhealthy, like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff
Starting point is 00:26:05 Unfortunately, like when I had gotten really bad I had Megan had me join here so it was very quickly that I was like, okay, well if I want to like lift with all of these other girls and if I want to like keep up with them and if I want to be strong and All those things like I like that this has this has to switch it was like within six months I like realized that switch where it was like all of a sudden on my Instagram feed instead of like tiny little people I had like these strong beautiful capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds so this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like, I now appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it looks like in here. We don't care what you look like as long as you're hitting what you what you want to achieve.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Thank you. Hey, so has anyone crossed the line already? Is it like have you already like broken your own rules? And you're like, dude, look, you can't be late. Khan, you can't be late. You're 10 minutes fucking late, dude. No. No, like Khan said at one stage, I mean like a couple months ago,
Starting point is 00:27:17 he was like, oh, you know, I'm kind of going to tidy things up and, you know, be a little bit more dedicated, tighten up in this kind of stint. It was like after we qualified, I think, for the games. It was like, you know, I'm going to kind of be a little bit more dedicated tighten up in this kind of stint it was like after we qualified I think um for the games it was like you know I'm gonna kind of get a little bit tighter on things and eat well and do all the stuff and I was like yeah cool man like I'm already doing that and I'm just gonna keep surviving doing what I'm doing um I'm like already yeah doing all the right things anyway I'm not going out partying there's nothing to cut back on and anything that I could improve I can't't control. So, yeah, but there's been no, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I think we honestly have such good, I don't know, we have, like, really good, like, communication that we could easily, we just kind of try and see where each other's at. And it definitely comes from more of, like, a supportive nature, like if anyone's saying it. And no one's had a go at anyone, I don't know. Not that I know of anyway. Like we're all just kind of like understand where each other's at,
Starting point is 00:28:13 where our mental weaknesses are, where we need support, where we need a little bit of love. And that's quite different for all, all four of us really. But yeah, no one's. It's Khan, James, Cara and Emma. Yeah. Emily. Emily. And what's Emily's it's con james cara and emma yeah emily emily uh and what's emily's last name again deroy deroy that's right that's always right um um wow what an experience for her huh yeah to be with these three old people yeah oh i mean you guys have so much experience yeah we do have a lot of experience.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And you know what? We still go all right for being old. Like I've said to Maddie a couple of times, like I train so little. Like I get worried a lot of time. I'm like far out. I'm just training so much less than these guys. And that's just all I have to give. And it's all I am willing to give because I'm not taking any more away from my children.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I've got stuff to do. So but I've realized, like, I showed up at semis, and I was like, so where am I? I don't want to let everyone down, like, my volume and my fitness and everything. And I'm like, I've got old fitness now. Like, I've been in this for so long that it's like, it would take a lot for me to lose a lot of what I have. Like, sure, I'm not quite where I was at, like, peak. Now, keep in mind, I was at the top of the individual women for a long time. Not just to show up, I was at the top.
Starting point is 00:29:30 So, like, you know, in that little crew, that small percentage, it kind of sits up there consistently with a shot. And I'm not, like, I'm not as good as that, but I'm not bad. And I'm, like, I'm just, to to be honest I focus more on I can't train as much and I I don't want to beat myself into a ground into the ground the way that training for the games normally needs to but like I focus on so many other things about like taking care of myself like mentally emotionally physically like how I eat you know all the things that I can control outside of that that yeah my old fitness just kind of hangs in there like it just yeah it's just part of who I am now you know who's doing
Starting point is 00:30:10 your programming I do mayhem still but I um so like I'm just in there general I don't have a specific coach or anything like that I didn't want that I didn't want anyone to have to be accountable to for whatever like I just want to do me um and so I started doing mayhem programming like before my last indie yeah I think it was maybe like the end of 21 or 22 I don't even know anymore end of 21 and um uh but I just pick and choose whatever I can get the most bang for my buck out of that day's programming so I'd never get it all done some days maybe if it's like a smaller day but I just kind of go, all right, this is more my focus.
Starting point is 00:30:47 This is what I need. And I just kind of do the best I can. And yeah, but it seems to keep things ticking. You know, I get enough of everything and I'm still enjoying what I'm doing. That was a big thing is I want to enjoy the programming. I don't want to just do things just to like beat me into the ground. I've done that. I did that for years and I'm not doing it anymore. I want to enjoy the programming. I don't want to just do things just to like beat me into the ground. I've done that. I did that for years and I'm not doing it anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I want to enjoy my fitness. So I seem to be able to get that out of mayhem still. So, yeah. And how often is the team getting together? So we were getting together. It was only like once a week for a while. And then the boys actually just moved five minutes down the road from me, which is super handy.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And they got this like really big shed out in their backyard and they just turned it into a gym. So, yeah, we've been training now together maybe three times a week, two to three. It just depends. There's usually three, but there might be someone missing sometimes, like if something's on or whatever, like if we can't sync up. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Where did Con and James live before? So they were up the northern end of the gold coast and i'm on the southern end i'm right down on the border of like queensland and new south wales so um it was like about they living together no no um but now they are now they are yeah wow this sounds serious yeah it's cool they got a really cool place it's like on a block of land it's got a big shed it's a beautiful home like um and we live in such a nice area and it's cool they got a really cool place it's like on a block of land it's got a big shed beautiful home like um and we live in such a nice area and it's like yeah it's five minutes down the road which is so much easier for me because i'm like if i leave my boy at home with dad like and he you know something he needs to be fed or whatever maddie can literally be there in five
Starting point is 00:32:20 minutes or i can be home in five minutes so i can just go and relax and whereas normally when I was driving all the way out to the gym up north it was like say a 40 minute drive I had to take Walker every time because it's too long like too far to leave him with the drive and training I need to feed him and so then I have to bring Maddie as well he had to come and just like be my chaperone to everything so that he could like you know cart him around and look after him and then i'll feed him and give him back and so it was like that was old is walker he's he will be 10 months at the end of this week it has flown yeah and you're in your breastfeeding yes and will you be doing that at the games yes oh this is awesome yeah i'm trying to i didn't i didn't um yeah like it's it's tricky
Starting point is 00:33:08 i've been trying to figure out like navigating it that's another reason indy would have been way too hard you know the schedules like we get taken away for god knows how long like i could pump or something i don't do that um i prefer to exclusively feed and like on demand like that's just how i kind of roll tell me about semis tell me about semis breastfeeding so you would come off the court and maddie would be sitting there yeah would you ever still have like a heart rate of 150 and you're already breastfeeding all the time all the time on the reg like i love this shit the amount of times they're trading in my gym sweet here you go the end suite fully the the amount of times i'm trading in my because i'm trying my garage and uh i tried in my garage and like he'll be there and i swear he's just like the
Starting point is 00:33:51 second i finish a workout he's like oh i kind of want something and i'll just be like lying back on a medicine ball like he's just traped across me on the floor like i think i'll go to the mailman comes or something they'll be like what is going on? This is a bloody zoo. But yeah, so I'm trying to navigate that at the games. I did reach out to the game support team to see like how I could navigate that just because, you know, like the spaces are like a bit,
Starting point is 00:34:15 I don't need a special space. I don't need anything. I just needed to give Maddie access. Yeah. You're not worried about breastfeeding in front of 15,000 people. You just need to be able to do it. Yeah. I just need to be able to do it so i was like i just need to know that like yeah he can kind of and like he's a bit older now so like he'll be okay he can wait a little bit he's not like like newborn where they're just like when they need it they need it right um so that's
Starting point is 00:34:39 that's fine um but yeah i just have to try and navigate. I feel like it's something that the games hasn't had to deal with before. So it's a little bit of new territory, but we are in a new generation of moms where there's mom athletes and there's breastfeeding mom athletes. And I feel like the world doesn't. You think there's another breastfeeding mom athlete going to be at the games? Well, look, I don't know if there is, but there could be. And there are athletes with young children, right?
Starting point is 00:35:13 And there have been. And that should be an option. To me, it should be so normal. I live in this world. I just don't understand how the world doesn't really accommodate it. I don't understand how it's weird. I don't understand how it's done. Give me an example of where it's not accommodated give me an example oh like well in in most in this instance it's not accommodated yet still trying
Starting point is 00:35:33 to figure that out like what that looks like i can't imagine them saying no they're just aren't they just going to just give maddie a pat be like oh yeah here's this pat no no so they're not just like here's a bracelet for the kid and here's a no no so i've been told like no children are allowed back anywhere and um what was the reason for that insurance or what would be the reason for that that doesn't make any sense i don't know i think it's i don't know maybe like a fairness thing of like i don't know then some people like i understand like my daughter right she's five like don't come in you'll be a pest but like just for this instance and i so i emailed kind of saying like i you know me and i've never
Starting point is 00:36:10 asked for special treatment never in my life in this career like in in this sport and i'm asking for a little bit of support in this i don't think it's special and i don't think fairness has to do anything with it if you got a fucking kid the kid has to fucking eat yeah well that's what i said um i've been told i have in my five-year-old you can't just be like hey i can understand your kid's five it's like bring your fucking mom or leave the kid at home but yeah he lives off of you he's still in the parasite phase until yeah exactly until 12 months like you know breast milk or formula is still recommended as the the number one like keep them alive that until one year old
Starting point is 00:36:45 and he won't be one year old so um i have emailed back because i was advised like oh there's a flexi zone or something but i from from my from memory last time at the games that was like public access i had to meet my daughter like out in a public access where people could access me as well um and then it was like oh and there'll be toilets there'll be bathrooms and i'm like i just want to clarify that you mean like a parent's room i don't know if america has parent rooms we have parent rooms here where you can go and like feed a child i'm like am i i'm not like our bathrooms are not a place to feed children yeah i was like i'm not sitting on a toilet to breastfeed my child am i and i'm like look again i don't need a special space i will feed him anywhere i don't need that i just need someone to be able to get him to me.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I feed him, feed him for 15 minutes, give him back, go on about my day, and I'm still figuring that out. So Semis was much more relaxed. Obviously, it's like a little bit more local. I had the guys in the – there was like a treatment area, you know, like where they do like – you know, like how Rusty does. You know, they set up. Massage?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah, massage and treatments and stuff. And they were like – they had lounges and everything in there. And I just – I'd just go up and get Walker. Like Maddie would give him to me and I'd just go sit on the lounge and just get comfy and feed him and take him back. I don't see why you couldn't do it just in the athlete area. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Like on one of those lawn chair things they provide you guys you know yeah yeah i like i
Starting point is 00:38:10 what about what about your water consumption is it fucking just through the roof because i remember when my wife was breastfeeding she was also crossfitting another the first time i saw it crazy by the way is she did murph and she said her PR for Murph and it was like 42 minutes. I don't think she did it with a vest, but literally she came across the finish line and sat down on the ground and I just handed her the kid. She wasn't even fucking conscious yet. You know what I mean? Her eyes are still fluttering her head and I handed her the kid and she started breastfeeding. She was still like, it was nuts.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You gotta do it. I just started taking pictures and started dying laughing but she had to consume so much water yeah i i have a lot of water um it depends on like how my day plays out like it because a lot of the day i'm doing kids stuff mom stuff i'm kind of pottering around and feeding little people and you know whatever and um it depends how much i'm training if i'm training more it's hot like obviously i drink more i drink like electrolytes like salty electrolytes every single day like i just start the day with that that makes a huge difference i feel like i can feel the milk fill up like within half an hour of having electrolytes so that's been massive
Starting point is 00:39:19 what brand do you use i've been using an aussie brand called soodi. It's like S-O-D-I-I. Or is it double? Yeah, S-O-D-I-I. And it's like, you know, like a high salt type of electrolyte. And that, yeah, that makes a massive difference. That helps. And then I drink all through the night because I feed all through the night. You're feeding on demand.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'm feeding on demand. Yeah. So my wife did too. And he's a he's a classic boy he just doesn't want anything else other than boob to does he got the milk cuffs and shit does he look like the michelin man we've got the milk cuffs what's that oh like you know you have roll you have rolls in your forearm and you have just rolls everywhere is that is he like that no look he's thick he's definitely thick but both my babies
Starting point is 00:40:05 have been like thick but not like fatty looking like they've been he's kind of a little he's a little staunch like he's solid he's definitely not mr meal but um yeah he's not he doesn't have really those you've got like kind of a little fat oh yeah he doesn't have those i'm looking at a picture of him he doesn't kind of got like a little roll on his legs kind of but like not a lot not a lot he's like pretty yeah i don't know does he eat so much that he like when he burps does he always cough up food does he eat so much food that he's always like spitting up and stuff no no no not really he's like now he's like eating a lot more like real food as well as his milk then he um like he is crazy for food like if you eat food anywhere near him he'll just lose it until you give it to him he's yeah at that phase but um he definitely is really good at like I think that's
Starting point is 00:40:58 the beauty of um feeding on demand too is they self-regulate really well my daughter's always been like that too you know like she'll self-regulate really well my daughter's always been like that too you know like she'll self-regulate like if she's hungry and she wants to go for it she will eat and eat and eat but she'll never overeat and she won't under eat like she just i'm full i'll stop or i'm hungry i'll just keep going keep going and i think yeah that's what that kind of feeding on demand promotes so yeah he doesn't i don't think he like really like scoffs or anything till he's sick i got in a fight with you not really but on instagram do you remember what it was about oh was it me or maddie or was it uh yeah i remember something what was it
Starting point is 00:41:36 i don't remember or else i'd tell you i don't remember either oh good i love you so much good god what's wrong with you you're? You're not a very good woman. Women remember everything. Oh, yeah. I remember, you asshole. No. I didn't get much sleep last night or any other night, so my short-term memory is not too sharp.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Okay, good. I don't know. It obviously wasn't that important. No, I love you to death. You're awesome. Do you guys take top 10 at the games this team i honestly feel like we totally can um which is you're gonna yell at me for that i'm good look at you the competitor comes out they're gonna be like we're just going to have fun no no no we're
Starting point is 00:42:20 not just going to have fun like we're going to have fun and do well you can do both um but i i think to be honest when you have fun you do better so that's how like i and i know that from experience when i'm having a good time and i'm relaxed i perform better and you kind of get a little bit cheeky and you know you get sassy you kind of like have a bit of flair out on the competition floor so um yeah i definitely think we can i think what hot obviously it's harder with a team you're coordinating four people, right? You need four healthy bodies. You need four good brains and, you know, like you need everything to kind of like align.
Starting point is 00:42:50 That's definitely a lot harder than Indy. It's just kind of like one person to make sure is in one piece and whatever. But, yeah, honestly, I truly think we can. I had no, like, expectations. And it's funny, everyone really, like like underrated us going into semifinals oh they're too relaxed oh they don't train you oh they're good indies it doesn't mean they're going to be a good team and then we smoked it in the midst of like you know like we barely
Starting point is 00:43:14 trained together and we just like had a good time and we were still learning on the competition floor right and um and then i was like oh yeah we can do pretty well and then maddie reckons he got this like really good like intuition he goes oh the last time i felt like this was in 2017 when you end up on the podium i feel really good about it so i'm like oh sweet we'll see how it plays out but i don't think i don't see why we couldn't like we have a lot of experience um yeah a lot of experience a lot of fitness a lot of really cool stuff like some really really cool strengths in like our personalities that come out on a comp floor just a healthy amount of ego just enough to like you know really push um what's the name of your team uh mayhem thunder holy
Starting point is 00:43:58 shit you guys won it yeah we won it yeah oh my goodness yeah it's pretty good slapstick team put together yeah last minute pushed by uh car's husband did you have fun yeah i had so much fun it was so good it was like i don't know you don't want to like i'm a competitor too right like when i get out in the comfort i just don't feel anything you know you just go and like, I'm a competitor too, right? Like when I get out in the confluence, I don't feel anything. You know, you just go and you just like, and then when you're with a team, it's like all the excitement is like bigger because it's times four, you get to share it. And then when anything's hard, you split it.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And you're like, oh, if I stuff something up, someone else is just going to help me out. You know, oh, if they stuff something up, I'll help them out. Plus I get rest. Like I've come from individual competition, get rest so that's nice hey i'm so glad i had you on like i have so much trouble for some reason getting the team you know what i think i get intimidated by the fact that there's four people on each team and i don't want to have to deal with like the uh the investment but i'm so glad i had you on it's gonna make going to the game so much better oh thanks you're awesome when do you go so my teammates leave on like next Monday and then we leave like
Starting point is 00:45:12 10 days after that so we we leave a little bit later it's like the 25th we get into the US okay so you have time yeah yeah we've got time we um we just decided to leave a little bit later because last time I've got this, like, fine window. Like, I've done this for a long time. And there's been times where I've just been in the U.S. like a little bit too long. And I'm still building stuff back on my own here, like training I need to do.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And then, I don't know, I get a little bit bored and start to lose my spark. And then I get, like, I miss my comforts. You know, I'm like a real kind of like I have all my health comforts around me that I like. You know, I have my local water and my markets and all my things and um yeah I have my stuff and I just feel like in the US it's harder and then add two kids in and they're like I don't know I feel like we always get sick when we come to the US because the food's different and it's just like yeah um so yeah I've kind of like timed it it so that I feel like we've got enough time
Starting point is 00:46:07 to be over jet lag, be acclimated, all that kind of stuff, but we still kind of feel like we're there to do something, not like I've kind of – if I settle in too much, I get a little bit like lazy and bored. Yeah, and that's not great. So got to keep the fire alive. Well, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And I'll see you in a couple weeks yeah i'll see you there are you gonna be floating around please say say hi to maddie yeah yeah we'll do yeah and say hi to uh emily and con and uh mr newberry yeah yeah we'll do all right dear thank you awesome thank you bye bye car saunders. And now, laying flat on his back. I thought you forgot about me. Why? Did I not send you a link?
Starting point is 00:46:55 No. I feel like you've been messaging me for ages. Oh, oh. Listen, these Australians are tough to fucking navigate. Yeah, I know. These guys are tough. Hey, I'm going to run and pee really quick. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Okay, and we'll play a little affiliate commercial. Sure. I'm Krista Pongor. This is Tobias Pongor. I'm 44, age 7. I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Half CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I came during the day when Kiddo was in school. That changed, and he had to come with me. I thought I would have to give it up because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him. I'm a single mom. The people here were so amazing in accepting that he was here hanging out. It just made it easier to continue.
Starting point is 00:47:56 The fact that they welcomed him with open arms and just kind of brought him into the family was huge. I've never felt so accepted by a community in this community. Most places always look down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities, and I've never felt that here. Not one judgment. So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back. Yo, are you in the States?
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. And how long have you been here? I've been here like five days, six days now. But you're not, I watched your podcast with Shane and Maddie. And what was the other gentleman's name? Nick? Nick. Nick. But you're not i watch your podcast with shane and uh and maddie and what was the other gentleman's nick nick nick and but you're not moving here nah not just yeah hey you might as well have just said fuck no you guys handled it nicely yeah i know but it was pretty much like are you fucking crazy are you out of your mind you know how good we have it yeah no it's pretty good over there but um i mean we'll see what happens like you know some opportunities come up or we get some good results
Starting point is 00:49:10 i mean they're courting you i could tell they were flirting with you shane and nick they're courting you and maddie yeah yeah it'd be cool man like to be at this gym and uh this environment every day crazy um and you said you like country music, and when I heard that, I was like, oh, shit, do Australians listen to country music? Yeah, I feel like the last couple of years it's got pretty popular back home. And, yeah, that's sort of like I've been getting into it, just like your mainstream ones, like Morgan Wallen, Luke Combs, all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah, awesome. And Maddie's going to the games. Yeah, she's back. Yeah, could you send me at some point her phone number? I don't know if I did or I meant to ask before. No, you did. Yeah, that's my bad. I'll send it.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Okay, and I'll bug you again too. So you came to the States for semifinals. No, sorry. Quarterfinals. No, quarterfinals. Went back for semifinals. And now you're back here for the games. Now we're back.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, that's right. And there were things that I noticed about you last year. Like, you just seemed like you belonged. I feel like when I first met you, you were just like, like, like kind of like, holy shit. Like, where did I, like you were on a foreign planet. And then last year I'm like, holy fuck, Jay belongs. And then this year hearing you talk with Shane and Nick is, it's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Those, those small nuances of like saying like, Hey, this is my goal. I can win the CrossFit games. I can be the best in the world. And then saying it and then putting that pressure on yourself to live up to your words. And I started thinking about that. That has to be done at the right time in an athlete's career, right? I started thinking about it. It's okay that the pace you took, right? Like a guy who's 21 years old and it's his first CrossFit Games doesn't need to say that to himself, doesn't need to put that pressure on himself, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:14 No, I agree. What do you think clicks? What do you think? How old are you again? You're 26? I'm 25. 25. Yeah. Yeah. I mean's I feel like it comes
Starting point is 00:51:28 with experience too right like exactly like the first couple of years that I made it it was just going there to make it and collect my uniform I guess and then whatever happened happened and um I think yeah uh coming into the the games last, switching up what I was doing, like I've said it a lot of times, like just in the preparation and all that good stuff. But it was sort of just like, what, it was my fourth year and I was like sick of just collecting that uniform. So we had to change something up. And, yeah, we got that better result, like sort of breakthrough,
Starting point is 00:52:01 what everyone's been saying. And, yeah, it was a huge confidence booster and just uh made me realize that yeah like i can do this do this shit for real and um here we are hopefully we can make that uh extra jump did it did it um seep over to your brother too your brother looks like he's taking it serious yeah i mean um for my brother as his first year qualifying um for a semi-final so that was awesome for him it motivated him a lot and he had a lot of fun like as the the days went on you could see he'd get a bit more confident and stuff competing um but yeah like he's told me a lot as well like what i do inspires him and all that good stuff too so yeah um jay over over two years
Starting point is 00:52:48 over the last two years so both with it's kind of interesting um i i was interviewing rich i don't remember when and he said that um the life i think he was kind of joking but he said something like the life the life expectancy of a mayhem athlete is three years before i beat them down and they and they leave right and um and he's basically said yeah the training there's the people said the volume there is so fucking much that it just it just kind of weeds people out and then you've heard and then you've heard the criticism obviously around um with hopper and mal o'brien that the that the pressure being up at hwpo in vermont is fucking so intense and so now you have uh uh two of the best males in the world and and and there is that like known
Starting point is 00:53:32 there although for some people it's more joking at mayhem and and it's kind of less joking hwpo but that's it's probably the same yeah and then the same thing about we've heard the last two years there's been rumblings that holy shit if you go to proven fucking volume is fucking insane. But in your interview with Nick and Shane and Maddie, that was one of the things you just volunteered up. They're like, hey, what's happening? You're like, hey, I needed to do more volume. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah. Why is – and you're also known to be an impeccable mover. Maybe more volume since you are an impeccable mover, more volume is, you know, you're less likely for injury. But can you explain that to me? Like why more volume for you? Because it seems like all the best you've ever done in the world are doing insane volume. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Like, you know, the games is such a different, like, beast compared to sem-finals and stuff like you know yeah we did three events on the sunday this year but it wasn't like real three events of what it would be at the games right so i just feel like um for me years prior not doing the volume i'd get to the CrossFit Games and I'd be surviving. Like I had nothing other than just like going almost through the motions and getting the work done where comparing it to last year, I got to the CrossFit Games and I was like,
Starting point is 00:54:57 this is what it's supposed to feel like. Like I can attack, I can take all these guys on, you know. So yeah, that's the biggest difference. And you would credit that to the extra training, the more training. Well, and being around someone like Tia, I'm guessing. Oh, 100%. And Shane, like, his knowledge is second to none. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So, yeah, like I was saying, like, we're training way harder than the games. Like I said to Matty yesterday, I'm like I was saying it, like we're training way harder than the games. Like I said to Maddie yesterday, I'm like, what we did today, way harder than the games. Oh, and Maddie's been to the games four times. She has, yeah. As an individual. Yep. And she's been to some really hard games.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yes. Yeah, she's definitely, yeah. I think she was 2016 to 2019, yeah. What is her, how is she adapting to the extra volume? Is she loving it? Yeah. No, she's going pretty well through it, like just like us all, I suppose. But yeah, like training's hard at the moment.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Training's really hard. Yeah. Part of me wants to be like, hey, if you have a chance to train with Tia or with Matt or with Rich and the volume's too much for you, then basically you're just not going to be a champion. You just weren't cut out to be a champion. Like, especially like when I think of like people leaving Matt, I'm like, or having to, you know, get space. I think, well, that dude fucking cracked the code. tia fucking i mean they cracked the code yeah yeah i mean that's my theory behind it too like um and i've it's you know it's not i've done it for yeah a bit over a year now and i'm going off results from the games and then rogue and all that stuff like it's not like it's not working like
Starting point is 00:56:46 i've made big jumps so yeah what i'm doing is is working and uh yeah i ain't gonna stop be be honest with me about this yeah shane shane was um kind of gloating about maddie about how she's setting up she's pretty far into her career, right? I mean, she's young still, but she's been doing this a long time, right? Yeah. And she's starting to set PRs. Are you like significantly happier now that she's like growing too? Are you like, were there a time when you're like, yo, you can't be in the training room. You're fucking holding me back.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And then you're like, yeah, you inspire me. No, it's it's it's never really been like that like foot i i've always like thought it's really like i would say i've been really proud of her for you know those four years of not making it and still staying with it yeah it's pretty crazy i don't know if i would be in the same spot that she's in right now she made it four years and then she hasn't been there for four years and now she's going back. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Holy shit. So I feel like a lot of people probably would have given it up, you know, so that's like pretty. I bet you no one's ever done that. Yeah. It'd be interesting to know if someone has, but yeah, I don't think so. But, um. So you're inspired by her you are inspired by it yeah 100 and like just for her to like you know like for me that the it's almost like since we've
Starting point is 00:58:14 been together the four years that i've made it she hasn't made it but she's all like from say semi-finals she was sort of just drop her disappointment because i like sort of i was celebrating you know what i mean right so yeah that that would have been pretty tough but and then yeah she just jumped straight into like games training and um with me but at least yeah this year she's games training for her do you like it better now that she's in this phase with you too yeah it's cool like i mean i jokingly say like because she helped me she's helped me so much like oh i suppose backstage at comp at the games let's say um so that's gonna be a little bit different but um yeah of course this is like this is the best-case scenario.
Starting point is 00:59:08 So you won't be like, hey, Matty, can you bring me my water? Probably still. Matty, when you're done with this event, bring me my water. Hurry up. Yeah, I'll try to be good. She's on her 75th thruster, and you're yelling at her, where's my water? Yeah, but no. Did you take my electrical light?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Electrical light, electrical light. But no, we'll have, yeah, other people to fill those gaps. Third place in the World Wide Open? Yeah, that was pretty crazy, hey? Crazy, dude. Yeah. And then even just to, like, that whole last week of the open was crazy because i got to the do the announcement and stuff um yeah tell me about that that was some last minute shit right that was some pretty weird shit yeah how does that unfold so that trip was um yeah we were
Starting point is 01:00:01 always planning to obviously come over for quarterfinals and get like a good training camp in before then and we were like oh heard heard come over for quarterfinals and get a good training camp in before then. And we were like, oh, heard little bits and pieces like it was going to be in Nashville. So we were like, oh, you know, love watching open announcements. So we'll be there in person. That would be pretty cool to see how it all goes down. The grand opening of kind of the proven gym,
Starting point is 01:00:23 welcome to the CrossFit community. Look, this is Tia's new place, and bam bam there's tia doing the open exactly yeah and then uh we landed sort of like the monday night before it all gets announced uh thursday here yeah um and then yeah monday night i met up with like all these guys and they're like you're in I was like sweet I couldn't say no to that so I heard little bits and pieces like you know tit with his injury and stuff and it could get like all changed up um but yeah like pretty much as soon as I landed we went out for dinner they told me that and um yeah I just had to adapt quickly get some good night's sleep and then rip it hey um so when you when you hear that oh um you know tm might not be able to do it do they actually tell you that you might do it or you just know that she might not do it so yeah they would they were pretty much like
Starting point is 01:01:21 talking to crossfit and saying like you know um did they tell them hey you should use jay yeah like they said oh good you know if they if they're gonna yeah they said jay's gonna be here because i think they didn't know that when they were saying when they were trying to plead my case i guess and then um you know they're just sort of saying what games athletes were going to be there and then obviously roman's pretty close to nashville as well so um yeah they made it happen damn and does that what does that do like you put on like a thousand instagram followers that night like what happens that night um do you remember any of that i think yeah it boosted up a little bit not not like too much but nothing crazy just what you'd expect, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 But I think it was just more, it was just bigger for me, you know, like growing up in the sport, like I sort of said in like the post-interview when I won the workout, it was like the open time, like in Australia you'd wake up on a Friday morning and sort of see what the workout was going to be so that's like sort of memories that I had growing up watching it and um it was just like awesome to be a part of it and sort of just like tick that box let's say and that I've done that yeah and uh to be in there with Roman yeah who who you could argue um could have won the CrossFit Games last year
Starting point is 01:02:45 and then putting it to him. Yeah. Yeah, that must have felt great. Yeah. I mean, it was just like, it was a pretty good workout for me. Even because Rich was there and warming up and he's like, oh, this is a good one for you. And I was like, yeah, it probably is actually.
Starting point is 01:03:06 What was the workout again? It was the thruster pull-up and then it got heavier like thruster bar muscle-up. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Have all your numbers just been growing? Is everything growing? You're running, you're max lifts, you're cycling, all of it's growing growing you're running your max lifts you're cycling all
Starting point is 01:03:26 of it's growing your gymnastics yeah honestly it is like no bullshit it's still we're still climbing so that's good no trade no trade-offs you haven't had to like give up some of your running for some strength or nothing no no so so you're chomping at the bit right now pretty much i'm having fun are you um are you in contact with uh the other aussie boys with um oh with uh bailey and um and ricky yeah yeah for sure we're always uh oh well, I speak to Bailey a fair bit like on Messenger and whatnot, just sending him stuff on Instagram. We just talk a bit of shit. Ricky, yeah, every now and then, not so much lately.
Starting point is 01:04:16 But, yeah, and then Pete Ellis, another fellow who comes forth. Where's he training? He is – so he's from uh where maddie was originally so that's sort of like the connection we have with him um like they trained at the same gym and stuff for years before maddie moved to melbourne with me um but he's coming over to nashville next week is he is he Is he a proven athlete? He jumped on their programming from after the semifinals. Wow. So this is good for you. Bailey's now there.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Pete's there. Maddie's there. It's almost like it's feeling like home. Yeah, big time. Yeah, you're stoked, dude. Hey, are you ready to go now like if uh if the games were next week are you ready yeah yeah for sure how how fucking fun dude i know i'm more scared honestly for the next couple weeks of training because it's going to be so difficult or – Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Just big days. Just big days. They're good. They're like good quality days, but they're just big. Can you actually see them? Is there a calendar and you can be like, oh, fuck, next Thursday looks crazy? Or do they just surprise it on you in the morning? Just days ahead, yeah. So it'll come up like the morning of, which is good because, man, it would be overwhelming.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I just need to look at it like piece by piece at this stage. What's it look like? What time are you starting? What time are you finishing? We're usually starting around like 9, 9.30, and it depends on how big of a lunch break and all the shit talk you mean. I don't know. Like the last two days
Starting point is 01:06:06 we went swimming last night finished at like 7 30 and today was like shit today but that was like you know driving to the pool and all that good stuff today it was like a bit better like five wow so those really are long days you actually leave the house and then don't come back you're putting in full days i mean obviously you're not training the whole time you have to eat and like rest but exactly you but you leave the house and don't come back yeah wow crazy how where do you stay when you're there uh we're at terror and shanes oh wow so that wow you really are just in the thick of it Do you guys have your own space or are you guys getting sick of each other?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Yeah, no, we got our own space It's pretty good Damn, dude, you're living a good-ass life Yeah, they look after us here Yeah, that's awesome So when you go, who, and you're at the games, who will be your guy? Do you have a guy that's like your guy, and who is that? Yeah, well, I mean, Andreas, who's looked after us management-wise
Starting point is 01:07:13 and just a good family friend over the years. He'll be there sort of holding our bags, looking after whatever we need. And then, yeah, like Proven will have most of their coaches, like with the coaches band. So, yeah. And then just family and stuff, sort of like who we're staying with. Is there anyone who, like, is Andreas the guy who will strategize with you or pep talk you or tell you what he saw other heeds do?
Starting point is 01:07:40 Who's that guy? No, that's Shane. Okay, so he'll have time for you too. Yeah, I'm sure. Damn, you're stoked. And Bailey has not come there. They're still in Vegas. Bailey, yeah, they're in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:07:57 I think the transition with Kiefer is obviously still pretty fresh, so I think that will just unfold sort of next season. The workouts that have been released, the run, swim, run, Jay's happy as a clam? Yeah. No, I don't mind it. I was sort of waiting for something like that to pop up, like being the first workout of the games always seems to be like that mass start sort of thing, you know.
Starting point is 01:08:27 So, yeah, that one will be cool. Actually, I think we're going to do a little run through of that tomorrow. So, yeah. Have you done your interview with Dave yet? Yeah, I did. I did it. Oh, how did it go? I haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Yeah, it was pretty good. Yeah, I think I did it like a day after we got here, maybe Friday. So it was good. I think it's cool just to have a chat with him and almost like, yeah, break the ice, think like what he was saying before we get to the games. And I think it would be good for him to like maybe know like the athletes a bit more. I like the way Tia talks to him.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah, I suppose. maybe know like the athletes a bit more i like the way tia talks to him yeah i suppose she's kind of she like gently bullies them around a little bit slaps them around a little bit yeah it's so fun yeah they got it they got a good chemistry they do yeah i did notice that um is that the most you've ever i'm guessing that's the most you've ever talked to him yeah pretty much i mean at the open announcement, I got to talk to him a fair bit. Right, okay. But, yeah, this time around, yeah, like, a proper, like, conversation, let's say, like, longer. And it was good. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Are you – do you have a day job? No. No. do you do you have a day job no nah i uh i'm an electrician like qualified but um haven't worked for like yeah a bit over nearly like two years do you miss it um no no i keep reminding myself i'm like oh this is like when i'm like complaining about training or whatever i'm like this is way better than crawling roofs and shit, pulling, pulling cables. So nah.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Is it, is it just like I would imagine? Is it like, um, uh, you have this job and it makes, let's say $10 and that's what you live on. And then you're, you're compete,
Starting point is 01:10:19 you're trained for the games and you, you know, you, you get your first sponsorship and it's no money. It's just like free pair of socks. And then next sponsorship is five dollars and then you're like oh shit i'm halfway to that ten dollars i need to stay alive and then all of a sudden another sponsor comes along it's another five and you're like oh shit yeah and then you have to make a leap right yeah i mean people think that that's so fun but that's i bet you that's scary as shit
Starting point is 01:10:46 it is yeah it is pretty scary like it depends on like sort of what deals you're getting like for me the last four years like with reebok have been like two year deals so that's like a little bit of i don't know like a little bit of like a comfort thing so it's a multi-year deal so you get some comfort like a little cushion yeah exactly and then um there's sort of like all performance stuff like how how good you do you get like bonuses all that good stuff so um yeah i mean it is it is sort of scary but yeah i suppose you just got to back yourself at that point and then i suppose for me like i can always go back to electrical if all this stuff doesn't go to plan and, um, yeah, but at the moment we're flying.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Yeah. That's awesome. Do you think, could you go back to that job or would you need to retrain? Are your skills eroding? Um, I mean, uh, not really. Like, I think maybe if I was back in for like a month i'd be uh back to where i was uh what will happen after the games what do you guys do do you guys uh come back to nashville and decompress or you just bolt home yeah we actually are this year which
Starting point is 01:12:00 would be nice normally we do go straight home on the monday like just straight away so um mom and dad and then andreas and his wife we're all coming back to nashville and uh for like four days or so so that would be nice just to chill and um yeah sort of um yeah like i said decompressed with everyone here have you have your have your mom and dad been there before uh they haven't been to Nashville before, but they've made pretty much every trip apart from the COVID years to the games. Okay, so this is going to be cool for them. And do they usually just go home too? Yeah, usually.
Starting point is 01:12:37 So now I get to just enjoy it a little bit after. Wow. And how are you after the games? Are you usually in a good headspace yeah yeah like I mean last year just thinking back I was probably yeah I was like on a on a high for sure like getting getting that better result that we're looking for um but yeah like uh I mean I'm I had a pretty busy offseason after the games last year. Like, I went, obviously, jumped straight back into training for Rogue and, like, all the travel and stuff coming over here again. And then we had, like, a pretty not so much serious comp,
Starting point is 01:13:16 but down under champs, like, in a team. And I come over for Waterpalooza again in a team. So I've been busy. But I think, like, like after the games I'm probably gonna like decide what I want to do and um whether we do Rogue or not but I'm looking forward to like a little bit of a break so you think that there's uh even what is it the top 10 go to Rogue or top 20 yeah well I mean at the moment I think they're sort of like putting the feelers out for some new system, like some five-year system or something where, yeah, it's like invite for whoever they got in their top 10 and then five for whoever they want and then five for the qualifier. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:57 But, yeah, I mean, I haven't put too much thought into it. Like, if we get a good result again at the Games, I'm sure I'll be like right in there. And, yeah, that's if I'll be right in there. Yeah, that's if I go ahead and do it. Have you ever been to Scotland? No, no, never been to Europe. It'd be nice. But I think if I was to do it, I'd have to do a big trip.
Starting point is 01:14:22 So what I'm hearing is that it was a lot of competitions last year. If you do, you probably won't do three. So you did three big ones in the offseason. You probably won't do three. Yeah. No. I think I'll cut that down a little bit. And why do you think you did it last year? I think just opportunities coming up.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Like I'd never done Rogue before, so I was always keen to do Rogue and and test that out um Down Under being so close and then I was just in a team with like the Aussie like couple Aussie boys um that's that was appealing because it's fun um and then Water Palooza was like go-wod team um with Justin and Willie Georges so I thought that was cool. And we ended up winning. So that, that was a good, a good choice to jump on over there. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:15:10 maybe just things popping up and I was like pretty like, again, right in that high, but yeah, I mean, we'll see what happens. Hey, I'm sensing that you think that you're,
Starting point is 01:15:24 you know, that you're going to surprise some people this year. Yeah. I mean, they shouldn't be surprised. They shouldn't be surprised. I mean, you've just been getting better and better. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Yeah. Maybe you have me convinced. Yeah. I mean, maybe not surprised, but yeah, I mean, I'm just looking to like make jumps.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I've put in like a lot of work so what place did you take last year at the games eight yeah it's it's interesting um i don't hear your name a lot yeah i mean it's eighth right like i think of, other sports and stuff that I watch, like, not really focused on the eighth guy, really. You're not, but I'll hear, like, ten fucking names. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, look, hey, what do you think about, like, let me ask you this. This is a little bit of a pivot.
Starting point is 01:16:19 What do you think about Janikowski not making it? Are you, like, scratching your head? Like, what the fuck happened there? Yeah, that was a bit of a shock to me to be honest and uh yeah sad for yona because i like him i get along with him pretty well but i want to start asking people who's going to do better at the games this year jay jay or yona and people will be like yona will do better but he's not even going you know what i mean it'd be one of those questions yeah but um that was a shock because he won the open and one quarter so that was crazy i don't know if he had something going on with him
Starting point is 01:16:51 or he was sick or you know we don't really know the whole story but um yeah you'd hope he's uh he's all good but shame to see him not make it um will you do um better than eight this year yeah that's the plan man i mean i like what i'll say i think i said it a lot like i try not to focus too much on the result because like in the moment you're just like oh if you're not getting it like you sort of put like the bad vibe in your head so i just go in there have fun and um if i'm having fun i feel like i'm a pretty dangerous competitor so that's definitely a plan to uh to better eight but in the moment i ain't gonna be focusing on it too much hey is it weird at the games because like a 15th place is still fucking good like is that is that, is that like hard to like,
Starting point is 01:17:46 do you have to like constantly remind yourself of that? Oh shit. Like, I mean, even, even a 20th, like if you have one event that's a 20th, I mean, it's like, but it must feel like a death blow when you're out there. Yeah. Some like sometimes, but yeah, like if you can just, if you can have like a, an event that's not worth it that's not worse than a 20th like the whole weekend you'll you'll be in a pretty good spot and that's sort of like what happened to me last year i don't think i really had any worse event uh finishes than that you do you like the cuts yeah i don't think like it um
Starting point is 01:18:22 it's sort of been like that for what now like three or four years so um and i have been on the other side of it but um it wasn't even a thought to me last year to be honest yeah that's awesome you just see it like um yeah hope that you're in a like pretty comfy spot come that saturday morning and don't need to think about it. Hey, dude, I think you're going to do fucking amazing. Thank you, man. And thanks for coming on. Yeah, I love having you on. You're awesome.
Starting point is 01:18:52 You know who I had on the other day and the connection was fucked was Jay De La Maddalena. Oh, yeah, Jack De La Maddalena. Oh, Jack. Sorry, Jack. Yeah, Jay. Yeah, I had Jack on. And I wanted to ask him about you, but like 30 minutes to the interview, I'm like, fuck
Starting point is 01:19:06 this. The connection's so bad. I'm out. Oh, that's a shame. Yeah. We got training session in with him in, oh, before Rogue, actually. I think it was like a couple of days before I went to Rogue last year. Have you seen him again since?
Starting point is 01:19:20 I haven't seen him again since. Nah. Because he lives in Perth. Did you see his fight? Did you see his fight? fight Yeah I watch all his stuff I'm a fan And he fucking broke his arm Broke his arm in like the first round
Starting point is 01:19:32 And kept going He's a savage eh He's crazy Yeah Yeah and just to see Like that level in person Is crazy Well dude cool I'm gonna bug you for Maddie's number Yeah, and just to see, like, that level in person is crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Well, dude, cool. I'm going to bug you for Matty's number. Yeah. Thanks for coming on, and I'll see you in a couple weeks. Thanks for sharing all these details. Appreciate you, dude. Yeah, man. Thanks for having me on. I love chatting to you.
Starting point is 01:19:56 All right. Talk to you soon. See you, dude. Bye. Ciao. Ciao. Jay Crouch. Called Jack Jay Jesus Seve
Starting point is 01:20:07 The first 30,000 subscribers are the most difficult Oh When Jay wins the game Sevan will be the top analyst I've been on the dude's jock for a long time I just like the way he looks And he's cool He was so quiet the first time I interviewed him
Starting point is 01:20:24 Now he just rock and rolls. It's cool that his parents are coming out and they're going back to Nashville. He's probably so proud. He's with the training with the fittest fucking human being who ever has walked planet Earth. He's been embraced and loved by Tia in the Proving Camp. I mean, dude, what? There's nothing better. He's in a great spot. Allia in the Proving Camp. I mean, dude, there's nothing better. He's in a great spot.
Starting point is 01:20:47 All he has to do is go out there. He knows he just has to have fun. I need to look at this list real quick. You know who else I think is going to be a huge problem this year? A huge problem is Bailey Martin. like a huge problem is bailey martin i think he is uh extremely uh like pretty crazy confident for a second year dude and uh yolana um inviting rob forte on with him for the first so there was conversation yeah yeah yeah exactly, can you bring your chaperone?
Starting point is 01:21:30 Let me see let me see let me see who's gonna be Jay here Bjorgvin no and all no yellow no Lucan no Lazar I guess Lazar is a problem James Spragiggs is a problem. Let me did it, uh, but I don't think he beats jay crouch James is a fucking problem, dude. The problem is that some of these guys are so fucking high right now James and jay like you could just feel jay's fucking high as a kite and when you talk to james he is too They're feeling it
Starting point is 01:21:59 Uh, patrick bellner. He's always a threat. That's three Uh, ricky, he's always a threat. That's three. Uh, Ricky, he's always a problem. Can't wait to talk to Ricky. Uh, Brent Fikowski, I think he beats Brent. Bailey Martman, he's a fucking, he's gonna be a problem. Uh, Justin Medeiros, that's a five. Roman, that's six. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Oh, my God. Dallin Pepper, that's seven. Holy shit. Who did he beat last year? Jeffrey Adler, Patrick Vellner, Roman Krennikoff, Brent Fikowski, Dallin Pepper, Janikowski, Chandler Smith, Jay Crouch. Holy fuck, Jay beat Lazar and Yella and BKG and Medeiros. Sam Quant and Noah and Colton and Nick. Samuel.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Yeah. This is... This game is going to be nuts, isn't it? No, he didn't beat Brent. But he's going to beat Yona and Chandler this year. That's for sure. So that would automatically put him in sixth. I think Yellowhost is going to do better, too. I think Lazer is going to do better.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Oh, I got to get Lazer on. I need to fucking invite Lazer on. What the fuck am I doing? I need Maddie and Lazer is going to do better. Oh, I got to get Lazer on. I need to fucking invite Lazer on. What the fuck am I doing? I need Maddie and Lazer. I'm so disorganized this year. I'm taking it chill too. Lazer. Oh, he sent me Maddie's number that's cool
Starting point is 01:23:45 I've never spoke to Maddie I mean not not I don't think I've ever had her on the show Lazer Sousa next Lazer is it Lazer or Lazar Lazer podcast uh Lazar is it Lazar or Lazar Lazar
Starting point is 01:24:05 podcast create whatsapp is crazy it's what a pain in the ass gotta create these groups to talk to people um Lazar
Starting point is 01:24:21 can we have you on the podcast please all right jesus someone just sent me a nasty text Someone just sent me a nasty text. WhatsApp is super big outside the United States. Yeah, it's just I don't want to go to the app and then you got to start a new group. I just want to punch in the names and have it go up. It needs to be just like smoother. I don't want steps.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Ian Asvold. I dropped in a PRVN HQ back in March. I didn't talk to them because I didn't want to bother them, but Jay and Maddie walked in, and they just looked so happy. Cool vibes from a distance. Oh, that's cool. Better boobs than Beth. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Heidi, I would just order BPC-157-TB500 combo from CA Peptides and inject on the site. Oh, what do you have? What body part? Do you have bother in it? Yeah, I would just inject BPC157 into it also. And CJC 1295. Seve longs to be embraced by Tia. No, I don't.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Honestly. I don't care. I don't. I do not. I mean, yeah, I don't. I mean, I want to be, but I don't. I do not. I mean, yeah, I don't. I mean, I want to be, but I don't care. Can I be both? Even my 80-year-old dad back in Sweden uses WhatsApp.
Starting point is 01:26:17 That's how we talk. All right. Oh, shit. I don't know what I have. Potentially enlarged spleen. That's what they want to CAT scan. Oh, yeah. I don't know if I have. Potentially enlarged spleen. That's what they want to CAT scan. Yeah, I don't know if I'd inject PPC-157 into that.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Alright. I feel like I'm a little off my game today. What do we have? Kill Taylors on on Saturday $2,500 at 8am oh tomorrow morning I have Abigail Domet Abigail Domet
Starting point is 01:26:54 Hiller did a piece on her I don't know if she's ever been on the show before has she Abigail Doman. Savant podcast. Has she been on before? Welcome to. Oh.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Yeah, she's been. She was on 12 months ago. Oh, shit. Look, I think I had a man button last time I was on 12 months ago. Oh, shit, look. I think I had a man bun last time I was on. Yeah, it's like the Cereal Bowl of America. That's where Kellogg's was founded. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:39 So you have stoplights. Oh, shit, look at Caleb. Back in his old house before the Shattuck. All right. Look at Caleb back in his old, old house before the Shattuck. Again. All right. All right. Do you guys ever forget guests? Uh,
Starting point is 01:27:57 hard to beat Hiller's interview. No, yeah, I'm not. There's no way I'm going to be there. I'm just asking. I'm just stealing his questions and asking him again. I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Oh, I called her donut the whole time? Oh, good. Yeah. I'm not even joking. I want to hear some of the questions I have. I want to hear the story about how her boyfriend got her into CrossFit. She told Hiller that, but I want to hear the story about how her boyfriend got her into CrossFit. She told Hiller that, but I want to hear that one. And then I want to hear about the vitamin that got stuck in her throat.
Starting point is 01:28:33 That story was crazy. I want to hear that one too. So don't even watch it. It's just going to be the same one. I liked it how she was studying Hiller while they worked out together. Hiller's like, I'm sorry I didn't push you hard enough. She's like, oh, you did, but when you were running and I saw you slow down, I knew you'd break up the wall balls. I'm like, damn, she's a shark.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Oh, there's never been a creepy Caleb day. What are you talking about? All right. All right. Let me see if there's anything fun i want to share i should put the phone number up uh did you guys see the the man who nutted on the woman did you guys that that one's been making it around Instagram. You think that's even real?
Starting point is 01:29:30 Oh, did you see Stephen Colbert played an Instagram clip from Suze's Instagram on the Colbert show? Is that crazy and you can see suze's at handle all right oh maybe i'm off my game because i'm not eating today i'm fasting today i had two fit aids someone that's not fasting. Well, for me, it is. Two sugar-free Fit Aids. Keeping it real, I was inspired by Hiller to try 30 ring muscle-ups strict today.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I got zero. All right. Well, that's a start. All right, let's just start. Oh, shit. Look at this. I don't know if I should show this. How am I going to show this?
Starting point is 01:30:59 My sister works at a game ranch. How am I going to show this? Fuck, I don't know how I'm gonna show this Without showing everything on my fucking computer I guess it doesn't matter if you see everything On my computer does it Would it matter I don't know here we go Look at this picture
Starting point is 01:31:22 Oh shit Okay Shit I don't know here we go look at this picture. Oh shit Okay, sure damn each every time I want to share screen it makes it small again let me see Entire screen oh here we go. So my sister sent me this. And she said. Do you have any friends that hunt that might be interested in entering our raffle? I guess.
Starting point is 01:32:08 I guess it's a three days, two nights at thein s ranch in San Angelo, Texas And the axis is an antelope from Africa Or you could go after a black buck So if you want to shoot and kill one of these and take it home and eat it Is that a feeder it's in front of If you want to shoot and kill one of these and take it home and eat it. Is that a feeder it's in front of? Anyway. DM my sister or DM me if you want to buy a raffle for $100 and try to get that thing. I think it's a really nice ranch. I haven't been
Starting point is 01:32:46 there. But I've seen some other ranches she works at and they're crazy. Yes, Colbert shared the dislocated finger clip. Yeah, it was that one. And the clip's way better than his comments
Starting point is 01:33:04 about it. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning with Abigail Domet. I'm trying to think if there's anything else I want to share. Oh shit. Oh shit. Maybe this is worth looking at. Where's my... How do I get Google Chrome back up? What the fuck happened to my computer?
Starting point is 01:33:51 Ever since I shared the screen, something's gone sideways. Hello? Hello? Where the fuck is the Chrome browser? Chrome browser vanished. All right, fine. I'll make a new window. New tab. Did Andrew just post another video? Hiller fit.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Carson just kind of looks like my sister. No, no, he didn't. What is this? I don't get this. I don't get this clip you guys sent me crossfitter how do i not how do i not click on this yeah what is this what is this looks like like Andrew made another video. Hmm. Another behind-the-scenes got released today from Behind the Paywall. It's absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 01:35:02 You should watch it. You'll love it. It'll make you love the games more. We need your family interviewee. We need your family interviewee. What is that? Your family interviewee. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:35:15 I was thinking about having Avi back on. He must have watched the other podcast I did with him. Because the other day he walks up to me and goes, you know I'm much better now than I was on that first podcast. I'm like, you are. He said, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:28 All right. Let's do another one. Let's do it. Uh, Friday night, CrossFit games update show. I invited John Young, um,
Starting point is 01:35:37 Bill Grundler and Jr. Let's see who shows up. Hopefully all of them. Bill's tough to get. Bill's a hot commodity. Let me see. Someone already gave it who shows up. Hopefully all of them bills tough to get bills a hot commodity You see someone already gave it a thumbs up John young John young will be there has anyone watched this John young on the
Starting point is 01:35:57 Has anyone watched John young on the wad prep show you guys know about that show Look at this look w at WOD Prep. It's WOD Prep YouTube. I haven't seen it yet. But he does this other... He's moonlighting over here with these guys. How do I go to their videos? No, live.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Do they go live? Oh, yeah, they go live. Look at it. These dudes How the fuck do these dudes have 1200 views the fuck are these guys? Anyway, uh It's gonna be a mental he goes on this podcast and there's a comment in here that's so funny um uh it's it's like oh look at it's like they don't even like john like john's are john but
Starting point is 01:36:56 other people who've never seen him before just trip on him nothing against either host but they are like nails and chalkboard together not a a good combo. Nothing against you as a commentator, but you don't. Oh, then John writes nothing against you as a commenter, but you don't have to watch. Then someone says I had to stop and won't again. And then,
Starting point is 01:37:18 uh, and then this dude writes, uh, this dude or this chick, I can't tell what it is, but made it a minute and had to click off. I can't stand watching somebody eating while they're talking. I'm sure I can find similar content elsewhere on YouTube
Starting point is 01:37:31 without the distraction. And then John writes, I'm on those shows too. Then I wrote, I love watching John eat bananas. Oh my goodness. John Young, you are good with Sevan and crew. No chemistry in this format. I give that a thumbs up. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:58 I haven't even seen the show, so I don't know. Maybe it's good. Maybe it's not good. I mean, fuck, the has a 180,000 fucking subscribers by golly golly gee anyway I love when there's
Starting point is 01:38:14 John Young drama uh if you go back to earlier shows with John we said the same things and and still do, but we love him. Yeah, the fucking eating is ridiculous. But what are you going to do? And I wish he would wear that wife beater more on my show.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Wife beater's tits. All right. All right. Abigail Domet tomorrow. What else? I think tomorrow is an easy day for me. Oh, Abigail Domet and Jason Hopper tomorrow. Damn. Hey, I'm going to open the phone line for Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 01:39:02 You guys need to call in and talk to him. I can't talk to him by myself. Please. Call in, okay? Yeah, he hung the TV. It's a beast. It's a beast of a TV. I wanted to tell Cara how great her body was,
Starting point is 01:39:23 but I forgot to. Damn it. I just saw the thumbnail was made for the show. Her body's crazy. Hunter McIntyre look at this partner squads damn Look at this. Partner squats. Damn.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Dude, I don't think squatting in your socks is smart. I'll have to have a talk with him about that I liked Abigail more before the Hiller video the past about the PEDs was weird I found her annoying oh really I haven't got to that part yet I'm halfway through it I'm going to watch the whole thing now
Starting point is 01:40:44 I like her I haven't got to that part yet. I'm halfway through it. I'm going to watch the whole thing now. I like her. I like her. Let me show you. I took these... I think... I took these pictures of her on the show. I really like her outfit. How do I get to my photos?
Starting point is 01:41:08 I love this outfit she's wearing. Where is it? I kind of didn't get a very good picture. I don't know if you can see. But this black top with these like tan pants. Like this is. I wonder who makes that gear. I was going to ask her.
Starting point is 01:41:27 That top is dope. My wife would look amazing in that. Dude she's awesome. I'm a sucker for hot chicks. Uh oh. Bernie with some insightful comments. Jesus Christ. Sebon, it's difficult when you have two guests scheduled like tonight.
Starting point is 01:41:47 You had such great chemistry with Kara, but then it seems like you had to cut it abruptly because Jay was waiting. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. I know. I know. I know. I could have done Kara for another 45 minutes. I know.
Starting point is 01:41:58 I hear you. I hear you. But, Bernie, my friend Travis Bajan told me one time that there's no such thing as a perfect vacation there's only two kinds of vacations they're either too long or too short and so you always want one that's a little too short
Starting point is 01:42:19 and I was like okay yeah but you're right. You're still right, though. That wasn't thinking clearly. Like, I could do a three-hour podcast with her. So there's that. I think Jeffrey Birchfield, I think Miss Fusile and Abigail Doman have the same clothing sponsor. Oh, I should have Fusile back on.
Starting point is 01:42:56 That's who else I should have back on. I want to see. I'm curious how she's processing. Have I had her on since the Fusile? Rebecca. Have I had her on since the game since the uh fusilli? uh, rebecca Would we Like to have you back On the podcast. What about caroline stanley? I dm'd her Caroline wait i've been logged out of my Instagram. That's not good.
Starting point is 01:43:26 What the fuck? Uh-oh. Is my Instagram down again? Did I lose my Instagram again? No, there I am. Caroline Stanley. Oh, yeah, I follow her. I messaged her. Oh. Oh, yeah, I follow her. I messaged her.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Oh. Oh, let's do it. Oh, okay, I text her. Uh, please. I wonder if she, um... I wonder if she texts me back and I fucking lost it in the fucking chaos. Uh, there's my wife.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Good afternoon. I don't see her. Oh, there she is. Hey, fuck. I found you. I found you. She fucking hit me up. Damn, I suck.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Caroline Stanley, Sousa. Sousa. Can we get Caroline scheduled when I listen to that podcast with Jay Crouch and Maddie Sturt and Shane and
Starting point is 01:44:56 that Nick guy they were saying that Caroline Stanley is really hard to understand I'm up for that like she got a really strong accent oh I thought Fusile and Fi would be on demo team oh that would have been good Caroline Stanley is really hard to understand. I'm up for that. She got a really strong accent. Oh, I thought Fusile and Fi would be on demo team. Oh, that would have been good. What about Trista Smith?
Starting point is 01:45:13 She's been on the demo team. I had her on. I think I got to leave that one there. That was a good interview I had with her. I think I dodged a bullet there. I'm pretty happy with that. I think I need to wait a year. One more year for Miss Smith. Or six months.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Maybe she'll go to Rogue. All right. Thanks for doing a little nighttime work with me. All right. I'll see you guys in the morning Abigail Doma, Jason Hopper Don't forget, you guys got a call in tomorrow with Jason Hopper Oh, she has a southern accent Oh, I thought maybe it was Australian or something Okay
Starting point is 01:46:01 You're welcome, Carla Oh, we could be related. The attractive version of me. Um, seven, no more, uh, the boys tangents that people hate it. I know, but I got it. Sorry. Sorry. Uh, Jenny LaBarre, uh, might be an interesting guest. She's an OG CrossFitter. Look at you blast Blast from the past. Christine Young. Truth, Kenneth. Oh, stop. Last night, the fucking characters were,
Starting point is 01:46:32 there were five dudes just eating each other's assholes. And then they all got pink eye. It was fucking ridiculous. I know. Well. Bye. Bye to you too, fat boy.

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