The Sevan Podcast - Kyra Milligan Has ARRIVED

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Brand new again. I'm like, oh shit, is my audio all jacked up? Man, your audio is good.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Your background's different. Where are you at'm at uh greg's house in idaho well that's fun what are you doing out there nothing that's even better today i did two podcasts i napped twice we got in the car to drive somewhere and then and then we couldn't really drive anywhere because there was too much ice on the road yeah the house is like 12 or 13 000 square feet i didn't see my kids all day i had like eight sparkling waters it's been it's been just nuts nap sparkling waters a little bit of snow yeah and two podcasts yeah and three podcasts even a nighttime one with kyra milligan nice the best one just kidding no best for last nah nah nah i think it's gonna be the best one too hey um how is your audio so good what are you using do you have earbuds in what do you how why is your audio so good yeah i have beats in
Starting point is 00:01:54 i'm in keeper's studio work space so dude here's the ring camera here beats headphones yeah this is incredible could you pull your hair up so I could see them? Dang, are they new? I cannot believe how good your audio is. No, I'm pretty sure they're old. I actually think one of our dogs ate one of them at one time. Yeah, dang, it sounds great. So many people have tried so many different things.
Starting point is 00:02:22 And does her audio sound crazy good you guys it's nuts better than the uh just beats okay it's okay it's probably good for you seven fine do they call keith or chief keith they do hi zane chief keith all right They do. Hi, Zane. Chief Keef. All right. Where are you? I'm in Vegas. Okay. Las Vegas, California, Nevada. Is that home for you?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah, it's home. It's been home for the last two plus years, I think. And where were you born? Well, I was born in Utah, but I went to college in Salt Lake and utah also so you're born and raised yourself you're so you're mormon no but born in utah yeah no shit uh what's that like so you so you're a foreigner you're you're a foreigner on a foreign land right i felt like it yeah my entire like so i grew up in a really small town like graduating class is 22 but like yeah 22 high school class 22 in my high school class and only two of us were not mormon wow crazy is is um is is it cool is it fine or are you are you considered the weirdos and you guys have to
Starting point is 00:03:39 play by yourself and stuff no i think i think growing up we were probably considered like weirdos for sure but like now everything is great there people are way more accepting and it's a cool place to live now but when i went to salt lake it was nice there i definitely loved moving away from home what's the name of the town you lived in? Orderville? It's down by Zion National Park. It was like 12 miles from the eastern entrance. Order? Like O-R-D-E-R-ville? Yeah. Orderville.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And how did your parents end up in Utah, in Orderville? My dad was a military kid, so they moved around a ton. And then I can't remember at what age, but he found this family that absolutely loved him. And he just decided, like, hey, I'm moving in with you guys. And they took him in on his own, and he just stayed there. Say that again. You broke up a little bit. Whose family took him in?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Just a family that loved my dad. They decided that he was now one of them. And he just ended up living with them because he didn't want to move anymore. Did he end up marrying one of their daughters and that's your mom? No, he actually, my mom owned like a Best Western and he ended up working for her and that's how they met. Wow, your mom owned a Best Western. Whenever I think of people owning hotels in the Best Western, was it in Orderville? Mount Carmel. Same thing. Same small town. And how close is it to Orderville? hotels and small age in the best western was in orderville mount carmel same thing is that a same small town and how close is it to orderville five miles wow how does your mom
Starting point is 00:05:13 end up owning a best western she's seen some crazy shit i bet i think she like she was just born into it's always been in my family for a while so i worked from since i was like five you worked at the best western too i worked there there's chevron like we have like a golf course and everything so all of us kids were put to work early so the family has a chevron a golf course and uh a best western yep and um and what did your dad do at the best western so he manages it he basically runs the chevron and then the best western part and then there's like a restaurant um gift shop part and the other part of my family runs that small family does the gift shop have little pocket knives and little flashlights and like all key chains that like have nail clippers and shit like
Starting point is 00:06:05 that yeah the weirdest things like the rock can't like the rock chocolate in a jar anything you think of they have it oh my kids would love that we just drove we just drove 1600 miles or whatever and we stopped at every loves and i think i spent like 300 on little pocket knives and nail clippers and flashlights and all the dumb shit you could every time we stopped they jumped out and picked something that's okay if it keeps them entertained on that long of a car ride five dollars is worth it not a not a peep hey but what did your dad do at the best western when he first started there i think he worked at the chevron the gas station so he just worked as like a cashier that's that's crazy oh hold on a sec uh Vittorio who is this she's cute hold we're getting to it we're yeah hi hey hey what's up hi um we're
Starting point is 00:06:54 getting Vittorio chill we're getting to it easy easy don't be so aggressive we're getting to trying to figure out who she is um when you say your mom owned the best western did she like outright own it or she she owned it like with like three of her siblings? Owned it with like her siblings. Yeah. Siblings. Like extended family type thing. And so like my dad owns it now and he owns it with some of my mom's siblings. Is your mom still alive? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah. Okay. And they're still together? No. Oh, wow. but they still work together no no she's she's out of the picture now but my dad owns it he does great down there yeah but with her family wow wow i was just thinking like imagine get being a getting a job at the best western and then hooking up with the owner i mean that's just like i mean that's just a score your dad scored sure he'd probably flirt with you for sure my dad's a big flirt it's it's like um maybe you're doing the same thing you uh it was key for your coach before
Starting point is 00:07:58 he was your boyfriend maybe you're following in your dad's footsteps you're trying to get a piece of the gym he was definitely my boyfriend-ish thing and then he started coaching me and then i think we started wow i i want to go back to the to the to the family thing in a second before uh but i want to talk about your relationship with keifer too um uh do you think you're gonna end up in orderville like you and keifer will be like working at the no absolutely not i i graduated high school in 2014 and i think i've been home twice since then oh okay when you go home do you stay at the best western no i stay with my dad okay you and keifer don't get a room at the best western i have actually never taken him home yet oh wow i know
Starting point is 00:08:46 how long you should he's he's a catch he's a he's a prize specimen oh no my dad's met him multiple times my dad was up yesterday he would rather come drive and see us than us go there because there's just not a lot to do down there right he wants to get out of the the small town who stays at the best western in orderville what if what's there to do there why are people going there zion national park so it's like a part of like all the parks you have like bryce canyon grand canyon and zion so it's like the perfect location so a lot of tourists okay plug for the best western anyone who's going to uh zion and uh then you could throw uh kyra's name out and get five percent discount on your own seriously it's my favorite thing when people go down there and they're like, Oh, like, cause my dad will usually like be repping
Starting point is 00:09:28 one of my shirts or like one of my sponsor shirts and they'll point it out. And then they'll just usually start talking and he loves it. He doesn't do CrossFit himself, but he will come to every single one of my competitions. So he knows like everything that happens and he loves bragging about me. Yeah. Yeah. Hell yeah. I would love bragging about me yeah yeah hell yeah i would love bragging about you too i hope i can brag about my kids more as they get older um what's the biggest competition you've been in kyra uh rogue invitational and uh and what year was that was that this year yeah and how did you do uh not i mean fine not great but fine against all of them i think i got 18th i took three top eight finishes i believe and then didn't do great on the other ones
Starting point is 00:10:16 but it was cool to be out there and is that is that is that your first time at rogue yeah first time trying first time doing it it's like First time trying, first time doing it. It's like, so last year I went and watched it and I told everybody I was going to be out there to compete. Like I literally even posted about it. I was like, one of these years I'm going to be out here. And then it happened this year. So it was a really cool thing for me. And how old are you?
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm 26. I saw in 2000, your first post on your Instagram was from 2016. It was from 2016. And I can't remember the movement, but I think it was a, I think it was a squat clean and jerk maybe. And it was 180 pounds. And I was like, oh, wow. Yeah. That's insane. I had somebody staying with us the last two weeks and we both went on a deep dive at our Instagrams.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So I know exactly what you're talking about yeah well what happened to all your posts before then is that what did you just get on instagram late or did you did you did you get rid of all this shit like because most people came on around 2012 um i actually have like my personal account and then one of the coaches at like my first blogs he told me I should start a CrossFit account. So this is my separate one. Are you glad you did that? Yeah, I thought it was going to be a really horrible thing.
Starting point is 00:11:33 But he was like, you know, it's going to keep you accountable, like something for you just to do. And turns out it was one of the best things that I ever did. Yeah. And who came up with the name quads likeads like uh kyra um my old like first box coach his name's steph and did he steal that from um uh biceps like briggs probably actually yeah yeah it's it's awesome yeah the whole thing she stole it from someone it's awesome yeah but like when he said i was like i guess that makes sense like i can't not do that uh barry barry oh hi uh oh hi kyra barry's a regular listener of the show he likes to oh for sure don't worry keeper watches your show all the time i know all of your regular comments okay good okay good i gotta have ke to have Kiefer on too. You should. He would love it.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And you're with underdogs? Yeah. Let's go back to Kyra as a young little girl. Do you have siblings? I do. I have two older sisters and then a little brother. Okay, so you're smashed in the middle there yeah favorite child for sure oh yeah well uh that's what um uh dylan told me uh ariel's uh uh husband told me he was the favorite child too i wonder if i'm the favorite child i never thought of that if i'm the favorite child you're the favorite child of both your parents oh for sure yeah and my dad's phone literally says favorite child i put it there but he hasn't changed it. So.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Wow. Did that, did that damage the other three kids? No, they're fine. They know. My dad always like, so he always wanted a boy. And so he got us three girls first and then he wanted a boy to be the athlete. And I'm the only athlete now in the family. So they know that I'm the favorite. You did it. All right. And, and tell me about childhood. Were you an athlete at a young age? I played basketball. So I did basketball. I did gymnastics for a long time. You wouldn't be able to tell with my CrossFit experience, but did gymnastics, but basketball is my favorite thing. And how long did you do gymnastics um i think until i was i'd say like 14 and you started when probably as early as you can start um like four or five
Starting point is 00:13:56 three four or five yeah something like that um when i started getting good my dad would drive me like an hour and a half to like a really good place twice a week for it wow that's crazy and you were consistent 11 years of just consistent gymnastics i think so sounds about right i can't walk on my hands it's actually one of my worst things in crossfit so it didn't really do much for me yeah in um traditional gymnastics training that but you guys don't spend much time upside down on your hands though right yeah you do you do like i did when i was a kid even walking on your hands you do that in traditional gymnastics i think so at least we did but again came from a small town we probably did stuff weird yeah and and did you compete no but but basketball you competed
Starting point is 00:14:48 yeah and how long did you do that um I until I graduated high school I actually ended up getting a scholarship for college it was only for like a community college and I already had my associate so I didn't take it but it was probably one of my biggest regrets was not going to do that tell me how come why uh why it's one of my biggest regrets yeah why do you why do you think you should have done that because it would have just been cool for the experience but I was thinking more so like well I already have my associates like I don't want to go to community college and just take classes to take classes. Like, I just want to get my degree and start becoming like a big kid and get a house, all that stuff. And now looking back, I'm like, I really should have done that. It would have been really cool.
Starting point is 00:15:34 What did you do instead when you turned 19 or I'm guessing 19 or 20, what did you do instead? So I graduated when I was 17 and then I am now a dental hygienist. So I graduated when I was 17 and then I am now a dental hygienist. Okay. So you graduated at 17 and then rushed, rushed through to get your associate's degree. You got it quick. My bachelor's. Yeah. Your bachelor's degree. Oh, okay. Cause you went up to college up at Salt Lake City. And then, and then how did you get the scholarship from there?
Starting point is 00:16:04 After you got your bachelor's degree, then you got your scholarship to city college. No, no. I got it when I was in high school. Okay. Just coming out. Okay. Yeah. I could have went to, I think it was like Denver or something to go play. Just, again, a community college.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Still would have been fun. But instead, I just wanted to go and get my degree. And how does that work? You would have gone there. The community college basketball program would have been two years. And then you would have gone to get your bachelor's basketball program would have been two years and then you would have gone to get on to get your bachelor's yeah were you were you good at school yeah i think so i mean i definitely wasn't like straight a's but i didn't really have to study until i went to college so when you have a graduating class of
Starting point is 00:16:39 22 you all just kind of pass easily okay okay damn i needed one of those i think i graduated class of like 800 or something i did not graduate easy i barely graduated did um so so do you sit are you cleaning teeth now yep i usually just work on mondays um not a lot during the season but i'll try to work a lot on like Mondays and Thursdays for our rest days. Do people request you? No. Well, kind of. So I have like I have two offices that I work for and I'll just text them and I'll say like, hey, like I'm available this day and this time. And then they'll fill up their schedule for me for like the people who either really like me or people who are like on the wait list. So it's pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah, that is nice. I like having the same person over and over. Oh yeah. I love, like when I was doing it full time, I loved my patients. You did? Yeah. When I had to move from Salt Lake and came up here, like I think I cried with like four of them saying goodbye. Wow. Wow. Wow. And that's a, that's a pretty, um, tedious job. That's like, you're really focused and you're in, you're kind of in a weird body position for shitload hours, right? Yeah. Lots of hours been over, but I love it. I actually really like to talk with people who can't talk back, and then I can just keep talking.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Oh. You know I'm coming out with a tooth powder. Really? Have you ever brushed with tooth powder? I haven't. Wow. You'll have to send it to me, and I'll give you my honest feedback. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So I did a deep dive into fluoride, And it does increase the enamel on your teeth. It increases the strength, yeah. Yeah, but it's a straight neurotoxin. It's just straight poison. In all the studies and all the kids that OD'd on fluoride, they all had a lower IQ of like six points. It's crazy. It was like unequivocal. There was no like, well, those 10 kids didn't know.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It was just like thousands. You know what I mean? I can't wait to show you the tooth powder. You got to look into tooth powder. Afterwards, I'm going to send you a link, but I'm also going to send you some tooth powder. It's basically, once you start brushing with tooth powder, you can't go back. You won't even believe how it makes your teeth feel. And you get the toothbrush wet.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's going to be called Metoothian because my last name is metocean okay okay i like it and you get your toothbrush wet and you bang it on the side of the sink and then you put it in the powder and the powder is just crushed egg cells eggshells bentonite clay and a little bit of salt interesting okay and the thing is is my my sister and my mom have like the whitest teeth ever and i always knew that they they had like crazy white teeth. I'm like, how the fuck do they have such white teeth? How are their teeth so nice? They're coffee addicts. And they're like, oh, we just brush our teeth with baking soda. And I had heard that for like 10 years. I'm like, I'm never doing that. That sounds horrible. And then I started getting into fluoride. And then my sister got me some of this powder toothpaste and I'm like addicted. And then I'm like, I'm kids are gonna hate this and my kids started using it and they're like holy shit this shit's amazing do you have really i can't wait i don't know they're not they're just normal white yeah they look white from here yeah they're normal white but they but they weren't normal white i had like i always had plaque on the insides of my bottom teeth and on the bottom they'd be yellow and all that shit's gone okay that's good that means you're actually brushing correctly too that's good yeah
Starting point is 00:20:09 i always love when i like whenever i meet somebody and i finally tell them i like a dental hygienist they always like cover their mouth i'm like don't worry i've like already looked behind your teeth like i know how clean you are as a human it's fine oh wow yeah yeah my teeth are all whenever i go to the dentist it's crazy because i think i have really shitty teeth they're just all because i got punched in the face and they're all chipped and shit and fucked up but whenever i don't have any cavities and whenever i go to the dentist they're like man what are you doing you have just amazing teeth but i think it's just because i don't eat like an asshole and good genetics too but probably that too yeah oh yeah okay yeah because my mom and my uh sister have yeah what do you mean by that good genetics too but probably that too yeah oh yeah okay yeah because my mom and my
Starting point is 00:20:45 sister have yeah what do you mean by that good genetics what what part do genetics play in teeth uh so like your teeth can depend on a lot of things like the like your hygiene if you're using fluoride or not and then genetics it just traits passed on like some i've had a lot of patients who they come in and they do not brush their teeth ever like that stuff that you had like on the back of your teeth like that's all over every time i see them but once i clean all that off they won't have any cavities because they have really good genetics and then oh yeah yeah yeah and all patients they would always absolutely everything perfect and they have a million cavities it's just just the luck of the draw. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I would brush my teeth like five times a day and I still would have that plaque on. And I would go to the dentist three times a year and my teeth would still just have, just on these bottom ones, they would just have shit loads of plaque. And they said it had something to do with my saliva. Yeah, sometimes you just like overproduce saliva.
Starting point is 00:21:40 It would be like a wall of plaque. It just turned into one tooth. Those are my favorite patients to clean. I love it. Just getting off great chunks. Yeah, when you just like hit it and it just shatters. Oh, they hate it, but it makes me so happy. Or the patients that like, I love giving injections.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So when I get to get somebody numb, I get really excited. Wow, that's cool. I like it that you like that. Wow. Do you, what about ingrown hairs on Kiefer's back or are you good at that stuff too? No, no, I can't. No, no. Isn't that kind of in the same family? It's like small, it's like a fulfilling and, uh, uh, detailed work and, um, uh, and helping other people, not even like pimples. I'm just talking about like an ingrown hair.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You know, like when you have a blackhead and you pop it and the hair was like, you see it comes out and it's just a hair that grew the wrong way. I can't do that stuff. Like even when like somebody will show me like their bloody thumb or something, it grosses me out.
Starting point is 00:22:36 But like when I clean somebody's mouth, right? It's usually pretty bloody if they're not taking good care of it. I love it. It's just different. This guy CrossFit says, CrossFit says one of your main salivary glands is right there. So on.
Starting point is 00:22:49 It's interesting too. There was this person in my life. And whenever I was around them, I would start to salivate. This one person. So I always had, she, she was very attractive, but I wasn't attracted to her at all like that.
Starting point is 00:23:07 But she was very attractive. I don't remember her smell. Well, because you know like when you smell like something and you want to eat it? Yeah. Not saying that, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no. I understand.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah. Yeah, crazy. And I couldn't talk to her because I would start producing so much saliva that I always had to swallow. Not Dave Castro. Not Dave Castro. Great guess. Not Katie Henniger. Another great guess.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I appreciate the guesses. You guys are all very close. Super close. It was weird. I've never told anyone who – I don't even know if I've ever shared that story with anyone. I don't even think my wife knows that story. Uh, 51. Oh, so you just tell her it was your wife. Every time you see your wife, you just get really nervous.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And I start salivating. I started having to swallow a lot. Uh, Miranda. No, not Miranda. No, no, no. I don't have sweaty hands or feet. I'm not. No, I don't get any sweat on my hands or my feet. I don't think I'd be able to handle that. i don't like sticky stuff or anything on my hands i get super sweaty hands yeah yeah when i get nervous it gets so bad like i would when we were like super young i would never hold hands with boys when i was nervous because my hands would just be so sweaty and i was like oh don't touch me oh and they would think it was them but it was really yeah yeah the story story of uh um everyone's life they think it's them but it's not bad it's the other person um what do you think in basketball the the the second crossfit games champ
Starting point is 00:24:41 katie henninger speaking of of Katie, was a basketball superstar. I think she's in the Ohio State Hall of Fame. Oh, that's cool. And I think she was drafted into the WNBA. And when I filmed with her in 2008 or 2009, her basketball skills were crazy. She could make a basket from anywhere, over beams that were in the Rogue gym. She could do anything. And her agility were crazy. Like she can make a basket from anywhere over beams that were in the rogue gym. She could do anything.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And her agility was crazy. And the, and the reason why she probably, I don't know if she would agree with this, but the reason why she won the 2008 games was because everything was in that four minute time domain or something like that. And she said, she,
Starting point is 00:25:22 I think she told me this actually, now that I think about it, she in basketball, you work as hard as you can for four for sorry four minute time domain you work as hard as you can for four minutes and then you always get a break she said she would you would never go more than four minutes for whatever reason i actually never thought about that i mean just until somebody calls the time out or your coach tells you to stop running right and i don't know the nuances of the game maybe it's six minutes maybe it's five minutes but for some reason she said the longest you would ever play straight as hard as you can would be for four minutes and then
Starting point is 00:25:53 there would be some sort of stoppage yeah i mean that makes sense like somebody hits like the ball there's bow something like that you're gonna stop what do you what do you think you brought from was metabolic conditioning better from basketball or gymnastics that transferred over to crossfit i'd probably say basketball and what else do you think you brought from that sport i don't know definitely like i'm more of like a fast twitch athlete for sure. So I think that has played a huge role in it. Also, probably the fact that I hate long distance running and you didn't have to do that in basketball. But I don't know. And just what about like I loved it. What about the fact that basketball is a team sport?
Starting point is 00:26:42 All my kids do individual sports. They don't do any team sports. And basketball is a team sport. And you said you like that a lot, maybe more than gymnastics, right? But gymnastics is just straight individual. And now you're doing individual. Do you, do you miss the team, the team part of basketball? Uh, no, I would definitely say I'm more of an individual athlete when it comes to CrossFit. Yeah. Okay. And, okay and and what about this what about the fact that in basketball someone's trying to stop you from what you're trying to do you do love that but you don't really you don't get that in crossfit in crossfit there's no one trying to stop you oh yeah let's say your competitors right like they're trying to like and you just always want
Starting point is 00:27:20 to win you want to do you do you do yeah you do want to win but like um i what made me think of this is i remember chris spieler saying hey i love crossfit i come from a wrestling background and the entire sport is about some other dude trying to stop you from what you want to do and then crossfit no one's trying to stop you and that's why he and he actually preferred the events with no weights because it was just you that makes makes sense. I'm the opposite. I prefer the ones where there are heavyweights. You get like a little bit of an, okay. If you stop.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, so is that, is that, is that your, is that,
Starting point is 00:27:55 is that where you're working? Is that where you're working? Um, uh, the longer time domains. I would say like short to moderate. Um, I like sprinty stuff and I like probably like 20 minutes yeah moderate's probably my least favorite to do like those 15 minute ones and then what about
Starting point is 00:28:14 even longer what about like the 40 minute ones what about these like fucking crazy murphs that people do with the games i like them yeah i wouldn't say like they're my best by any means but i do like them especially if you're not doing it by yourself. Before Rogue, what was your highest level of competition? The games on a team with Mayhem last year. That was with Angelo? Yeah. And who else was on that team?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Sam Demeester and then Zoe Jones. And how was that experience it was cool it was really cool i moved out there for the summer um keeper me and my two dogs we drove from vegas to cookville and just kind of like moved our life there for the team and it was a cool experience but super excited i'm back home back with the underdogs and ready to train for individual what was your first competition ever um semis three years ago in 2021 yeah i think so 2021 i did mac and then 22 i did mac again and then last year i was on a team in in the um in 2022 when you did the Mac, how close did you get? I actually placed like 14th both times.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Both times? Yeah. In 2016, when you're doing that 180 pounds, I can't remember if it was a clean or squat cleaner, but you're yanking it off the ground and for sure at least catching it in the front rack and um at that point do you know you're like wow i'm the strongest person in this gym and the three gyms in the town and like i i need to i could actually do this competitively uh no i that was actually my first like i want to say two months into crossfit like yeah so i wasn't doing crossfit that long, but it was always pretty strong. I didn't actually know I wanted to compete until I'd probably say like, right before semis when I made it, like me and three other people at the gym I was at, we wanted to put together a team to try to go. And then the, like, we just ended up doing like
Starting point is 00:30:23 the individual ones just for fun and i ended up qualifying and they were like please go like go do it go have fun and like after that competition i was like okay like i want to take this a little bit more seriously and where was that gym that was in murray utah and is that just outside of certainly uh uh salt lake yeah it's like 10 minutes from salt lake did you ever train with uh tommy hackenbrook no um when he's here yeah like he'll he'll coach a couple athletes here and i'll come oh he's an underdogs guy too yeah i didn't know him when he was in utah though wow what a small world maybe i did know that and i had forgotten that holy shit wow kotler's put together quite the team holy cow we have a pretty good crew over here for sure. Who are the coaches over there? Kotler,
Starting point is 00:31:10 Kiefer, Tommy. So Tommy doesn't come in that much, but he will come in like when he has athletes, like he has a games team that comes in every year and he'll be in, but there's Kiefer, Justin, and then a guy named Brendan Snyder.der okay so we have three in-house coaches um from 2000 to 2021 when you went for uh was it 2021 you went to the semis as a team oh as a team yeah last year yeah but didn't you say um you you qualified to go as a team oh that was that just a quarterfinals? Yeah. Yeah. We were going to put together a team, but then I made it as an individual and they just told me to go. They're like, we were just doing it for you. Like, just go have fun. Okay. I didn't catch that. Okay. Awesome. So from 2016 to 2021,
Starting point is 00:31:57 what was your trajectory? Like, did you ever plateau or did you ever backslide or was it just a constant growth? i actually don't know so like i would train with a lot of people i would do like some classes but like so when i was going to school after uvu i went to a dental hygiene school and it was monday through thursday like eight to five and so i would just go train at like six in the morning because then i would have to work before and after that so i didn't really know I would just go in lift do the class metcon maybe do like another piece after but I didn't really know like where my fitness was until that first semis and why were you training why were you doing um crossfit why not just um like like
Starting point is 00:32:42 why were you doing that um somebody that I knew so i was i thought that i wanted to do like a bodybuilding show once and i realized that like i don't have like that willpower to do it like i love food too much and so somebody i know went into the crossfit gym and they came home and they're like hey like i'm really good at this i was like okay like i bet i'm really good too so went to the gym first time they were doing like back squats good at this i was like okay like i bet i'm really good too so went to the gym first time they were doing like back squats and i think i was like out squatting all the boys and everybody was like hyping me up and i was like i could be here this is my kind of place okay wow okay um did you do back squatting as a uh in high school when was the first time you ever
Starting point is 00:33:22 someone introduced you to the back squat i mean like i so i've always like worked out but i don't think i ever put more than like 185 on a bar because i would go to like a normal global gym i was like oh like i just want to be like skinny and you know look like all these other girls and none of them are lifting this weight and so until i went to that gym when when I would like put weight on, they'd be like, okay, like add more, you're stronger. And so it wasn't until CrossFit when I just started like leaning into my strength. God, that's awesome. I love that. Who did you go to the global gym with? Did you go by yourself? I know a couple of us from like school. And then the guy was dating at the time back then. But when I would go to
Starting point is 00:34:05 the global gym i would never go by myself i hated going there by myself i always felt like out of place really always always what if you were on the road you wouldn't just go into like a planet fitness or something and just pay the 20 bucks and go on by yourself no and um from did you know did you do you work out do you know out – do you know why you work out? Like do you work out to stay healthy? Do you work out to release stress? Do you work out because you want to stay – keep your body looking a certain way? Do you know why you do it?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Not now, but I meant back then. But like back then it was more so like to release stress. Like I was going to school and working full time, and I just needed something that was mine, something that I could just like get away from the house and like studying and I and I guess and I guess you like moving you found from a young age you found um I guess the meditation that is movement right yeah tons of eye coordination and competitive okay did you ever and what was your uh what was kind of your highlight in high school if you got a scholarship to a ever and what was your uh what was kind of your highlight in high school if you got a scholarship to a city college what was your highlight in high school basketball um i mean that was it i don't think a lot of i actually don't know anybody else from my
Starting point is 00:35:17 small town that could say they got a scholarship for basketball or like the option for a scholarship i could but what did they see were you like a three-point queen or did you guys win the state title or county title or our team actually wasn't even that good i was just a point guard and a shooting guard and somebody came up to me and my dad after one of like our state games and they were just talking to us and my dad even was like her you you want to talk to her about this and it just kind of progressed from there and yeah it's cool that that's interesting so it was a scout from a city college in denver who yeah denver something like that yeah what a trip yeah it was cool yeah that's super cool especially to be able to say like i'm five two with shoes on so when i'm like yeah i played basketball that's how tall you are you're five two five two with shoes on and how much do you weigh i weigh
Starting point is 00:36:11 143 145 trying to get to 150 yeah good on yeah good on you what's the lightest you've ever been when you've been five two 117 when i've been 5'2"? 117. When I first started CrossFit, I weighed 117 pounds. Yeah, if you scroll back far enough, you can see, like, where I am, like, still really muscular, but tiny, and I was probably eating, like, 1200 calories, because, again, when I would go to the global gyms, like, I just wanted to be small and look like all the other girls. wanted to be small and look like all the other girls. So from 2016 to 2000, sorry, yeah, 2016 to 2024 in eight years, you put on about 25 pounds. Let's say 20 pounds of that is muscle. That would be, how many years did I say? Eight. So, wow. So God, imagine that that's how hard you've been working. You get two pounds of, in a little bit of change of muscle every year.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I mean, thankfully, like I, again, I have really good genetics. Like there's a ballerina picture that I've just posted the other day and my legs are massive in it. Like I've always had big quads and it's thankfully just comes natural to me. Well, I mean, that's not, those aren't massive gains. I mean, some people put on like five or seven pounds of muscle in a year. I mean, so you work for every single bit that you have. That's the reason why I keep digging and what I'm eventually getting to is I'm just thinking of how hard you've worked. You started in 2016, a new new sport and now it's 2024 you're eight years in and now
Starting point is 00:37:47 you're like okay i have the baseline now i'm gonna try to strike to go to the games i'm assuming i'm assuming that's the goal now yeah it definitely is and up until i would say this year i wouldn't ever think that i would have a chance at like an individual spot to the games. And this year I think there's a good chance for that. So I'm really excited. I'm nervous, but really excited. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Nervous as all get out. Tell me about, tell me about rogue. So I don't really know how rogue works. I know that they invite people and then I know that there's a qualifier and
Starting point is 00:38:24 you, and since you didn't go to the games, I'm guessing you came up through the qualifier yep came up through the and we find out say that again online qualifier yeah and all and i always hear all these stories the kind of the group of guys i hang out with we're always looking at all the people who do the online qualifier and like they fuck up like their camera fell over or they they they didn't cross a line somewhere it sounds like the most nerve-wracking thing in the fucking world i would hate it it's absolutely terrifying and if i was anywhere but my gym i probably wouldn't do it like i had everyone
Starting point is 00:38:58 there through the weekend like weighing my dumbbells making sure everything was correctly like measuring my sandbag to make sure it's, like, the correct circumference, like, my box is the right height, my plate's all the same, everything's, like, marked to a T, and, like, somebody else is reading the standards while I'm reading the standards, like, it is a team effort, and there's absolutely no way I would have qualified without them uh um the the tony tone uh kyra's deadlift was fucking smooth at the at rogue did you have good deadlift at the rogue i did i got top five fifth place yeah how much how much was how much did you deadlift 395 damn is that is that a lifetime PR? Yeah. I don't like to deadlift that often, so that was pretty cool to hit. My back usually hurts really bad, so we usually don't go that heavy. It was a nice PR for me, for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:57 What did you say about your back? Anytime I deadlift, if my back rounds this much, I'll just immediately drop it. I'm like it that's not worth it so like we don't we don't max out like keever never really has me max out on anything and we just work like reps overweight just because i'm strong enough and i just need to be able to move it more efficiently what about um uh um i'm going to go back to the rogue thing but what about deficit uh deadl? Do you do those? Mess with those?
Starting point is 00:40:26 You do mess with those. And what about odd objects? Do you do that too? I love odd objects, yeah. So when you do odd objects, your back has to round. I had Rob Orlando on, the strongman, and we were talking about that. And he's like, yeah, of course. Like you pick up a 200-pound stone from the ground.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I'll be more realistic. When I pick up a 100-pound stone from the ground, my back is fully rounded but but my back feels great when it's rounded like that i'm picking up this hundred pound d ball and i just love how it feels yeah i don't know like i think the same thing you enjoy that you like that 100 pound sandbag like i'm hunched over like gremlin but the second i'm like that on a deadlift they're like no it's not worth it yeah it's weird i i i wonder what the what the story is there too because for me my back could go out so easy doing a fucking 135 pound deadlift but 100 pound d ball rounded over i'll pick it up as many times as anyone wants it's
Starting point is 00:41:18 bizarre but i but you're right it's it's interesting someone's to have to come on the show and explain that. So whose idea is it that you enter Rogue? It's arguable, I think, without any heavy arguing that it's the hardest competition of the year because it's going to have the best girls there. And it's going to have the fittest women there who are on this planet with us. And then there's going to be the five of you. Yeah. And whose ideas are like, Hey Kyra, you can be one of those five.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I actually, so again, like last year I went to go watch it cause we had Ricky there and like wanted to go support him. And then I was like, I want to be out here. Like I'm calling my shot. I'm going to be out here within the next three years.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And then ended up doing the qualifier. Cause I felt fine coming off of the games on a team and ended up qualifying, which is really cool. And then as the workouts were coming out, I was super excited for them. I was like, okay, like our goal is top 15, top 15. Kiefer's goal for me was top 12. Mine was top 15. And then with the rain, they had to change some of my favorite ones into some of my least favorite ones so it didn't work out as as I wanted it to but it was
Starting point is 00:42:32 still a super cool experience and especially to be like I got like three top eight finishes against that field was kind of a confidence boost for me going into the season but what about the qualifier what was you like you just said your goal was to make it in three years and you made it in the next year tell me about the qualifier how many workouts is it um oh i think there was six i could be so wrong on that but i think there was six someone someone will say in a second hold on uh mike alpin what's up mike uh 30 second in the oh mike i need to send you a couple videos sorry remind mike send me a text i want to send you a couple uh screeners mike alpin
Starting point is 00:43:11 30 second in the open for kyra oh wow uh 43rd worldwide in the indie uh qualifier this past year she would have smashed uh semis Wow. Oh, that's interesting. Why didn't you go? Why did you go team instead of taking another stab at the games last year? Because I knew like when Angela and I talked, like, I never really thought of myself as a team athlete. I was like, yeah, like it would be cool to go to the games, but like I really want to try individual and then kind of sat down with Kiefer and same thing. Like I could have been a bubble athlete and maybe go to the games depending on qualifiers.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And back then, like I was not confident in my abilities like at all, or I could go train at Mayhem, have a really cool year and get some experience on a team and on the games and then try again for next year and hopefully be in a better position mentally and physically and so any any regret that you went teams uh no i think i learned a ton um i i definitely got a lot fitter down there and like synchronizing with them and seeing how they train and i think it was a really cool experience that i'm really thankful for but again really excited to go individual this year did you train with the
Starting point is 00:44:31 girls with uh the baileys and the pages and uh the hayley adams maybe she wasn't there hayley was there like every once in a while but i think she was just still like easing back into it i talked to bailey and page a lot i adore them so much but it was mainly like my team would train together just anytime like angela was off work or like sam was off work we would just try to do a bunch of team stuff who is the other lady zoe jones she her and sam are dating so like they're on the team again those three are running it back this year just with a different female instead of me did you see zoe and sam did you see zoe and sam fight at all no not really yeah oh not really i mean everybody bickers like angelo and i would bicker like you're
Starting point is 00:45:19 on a team you're spending yourself like the entire season together and it wasn't ever anything bad just like my way's better this way's better like stuff like that did keifer hover and and get protective nope um keifer was still my coach like when he came down there he would still train me and we would still work on my weaknesses like we knew team was for the season but like long term focusing on like the next year for me and so when like angela was at work and we would do individual stuff keever was still there to coach me program for me and do what i needed to get better uh but he never had to step in and be like okay boys ease up or hey guys she's not doing that or no he was no absolutely not he was
Starting point is 00:46:03 like you know what it's team mayhem like we're in their space and whatever they want you to do cool did you just go to wadapalooza yep i went on a team it was cool it was a lot of fun i went with sarwa no go ahead i went with two of my really good friends jesse smith and devin kim oh i saw the picture i was one i couldn't tell if that for sure was devin kim okay yeah and i don't recognize jesse smith and devin kim oh i saw the picture i was one i couldn't tell if that for sure was devin kim okay yeah and i don't recognize jesse smith just from pictures anymore oh that's awesome wow those are those are fun gals right so much fun like wasn't the weekend we wanted by any means but we had so much fun together we finally got to work out like last year at wadapusa i told them we're gonna do it this year together so i'm really excited that worked out um what did you find out from those two are those two
Starting point is 00:46:51 gals gonna attempt um indy also uh no they're doing team again yeah so devon's on a team and then jesse's on a different team i think jesse already announced her team because i think they just like posted a story over the weekend of her team together is Devin back on the team with the Weiss gal and the Chama guy no minus Jorge no I don't I don't think so different team is she still with Devin to say when they want to announce it no I think Brittany's back home I don't think she's part of Invictus anymore I think Brittany is back home. I don't think she's part of Invictus anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Okay. I really like Devin Kim. She's cool as shit. I love Devin. We did Dubai together and then Waterpalooza, so we got pretty close these last couple months. I love her. Yeah, she's fun. She gives me hope for humanity.
Starting point is 00:47:40 She's a cool chick. She's really cool. So going back to Rogue, so you want to do it and um so however many workouts it is they get announced and then you're doing them and uploading them yeah for the qualifier yeah for the qualifier and how does that work is that or do you just have shit loads of anxiety are you are you leaderboarding how do you know when you finally make it tell me about that whole process. Did you ever have any fuck ups where you're like, you start OCD and you're going back and forth making your shit was sure your shit was uploaded? Oh, the entire time. So I get the blind leaderboard until they finalize it and say, these people are in, so you don't know where you're at until it's all until that event is
Starting point is 00:48:23 closed. That's a lie. so once you like submit everything like the scores are due at this time there's a leaderboard and you know where you're at yeah but then they like they close it down they're like checking everybody's videos and you don't know like what scores are being adjusted and like what's happening until it's actually finalized and and that gym had a mayhap uh mayhap a mishap either the year before or the year before that with a poor annika greer had the the upload mishap oh yeah she forgot to submit her score two years ago yeah yeah out of underdogs or she thought she did i mean it was she thought she did and then she did it yeah but yeah and it was the last one too. Yeah. Yeah. And so there's, so that, that, so there's that paranoia from.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Oh yeah. I was like, they're still scarred. Yeah. Having like Kiefer be like, I did submit it. Right. Like where you look and see that I submitted it. Yeah. Did you get any penalties in any of your workouts? Nope. No, no reps taken away. Nothing. No reps taken away. Yeah. Good on you. Awesome. And, um, uh, who judges you when you do those? Um, for the most part, I do really
Starting point is 00:49:33 like keeper judging me. Um, but sometimes like, you know, when you're dating someone or like you love someone so much and then you're like, I know what you're saying and i know what you want me to do but it's like worse when it comes from them like and so like sometimes i'll have like justin judge me or something because like if he's if he yells at me it's fine but if keifer yells at me i'm like no no please don't do that right okay and what about and i was also thinking about what if he has to no rep you oh that's fine i don't care if somebody no reps me i'm like i would rather do the rep right now versus get docked and get like 10 seconds taken off of it instead of two seconds to repeat the rep how long have you been growing your hair their extensions oh my real hair is actually just like up to here oh how does that work how they just attach it to your other hair yeah but i've had extensions for like five years now i think oh your hair is amazing thank you yeah uh what's the girl's name who had amazing at rapunzel is that did rapunzel have amazing hair
Starting point is 00:50:36 yes she did you could you could play uh rapunzel okay so then so then you get so then you get in and in what place do you get in that when you qualify out of the five gals you get in? So actually what happened was, um, so top five, it gets published, right? Like I'm fifth. And then there was a score mishap. And what happened was after the score mishap, like they emailed me, I accepted it, like signed my waiver, all this stuff. was after the score mishap like they emailed me i accepted it like signed my waiver all this stuff and then they like sent an email out saying like something happened with the scores like somebody put their overhead squat in kilos and it wasn't converting to pounds and so when they fixed that christine kohlenbrenner jumped up above me so i moved down to six oh man yeah and so like i woke up you cry do you cry i did i did yeah yeah i woke up to like
Starting point is 00:51:27 a million texts like saying like i'm so sorry like all this stuff and i was like oh shit okay like what's happening and like i looked and i think i was like on my way to like the track or something i think i just like pulled over my car and i was like okay like it's fine you have next year and then like five minutes later, like I got an email from them and they're like, no, you're still in. Oh my God. Okay. Yeah. I think we ended up like tying for points. So they're like, you know what? I like, um, you're still in like, everything's good. We're going to take the top six instead. So you never got an email from them saying you were out.
Starting point is 00:52:05 You just assumed it because of the flood of I'm sorry's and then you looked at the leaderboard and saw you were six. Yeah. I was just talking about this phenomenon with someone the other day. It's so weird reacting to things because we don't know shit. Yeah. Until somebody that's actually in charge of it tells you, you don't we don't know shit yeah until somebody that's actually like in charge of it tells you you never know one time um we thought our dog was dead we i live in a neighborhood with tons of coyotes we search everywhere for my dog he's a little 14 pound dog we search everywhere
Starting point is 00:52:40 for him we always had this coyote fear our neighborhood has tons of coyotes you can hear them whooping and whopping at night and going crazy and we have tons of big birds that could easily carry our dog away and we thought our dog was dead we searched everywhere and we go to bed that night and my wife's already my wife's already i think collecting the dog bowls and leashes and like all that and we're a mess right oh my god i'm literally tearing up right now but i'm i'm assuming that your dog is alive so i woke up in the morning and i go out to the car and the fucking dude sleeping on the driver's seat frozen frozen it doesn't get that cold in california but he was he was cold he wasn't okay for a few days but we found the dog wait how do you get in your
Starting point is 00:53:22 car because whenever you open the car door he wants wants to go, but sometimes he can't go. So he probably hid somewhere in the car, like under a seat or something, right? But I had checked the car. I thought I checked the car thoroughly and my wife had checked the car, but there he was in the car. Or maybe he did die and God put him in there. Right, yeah. But he's good, right? But he's good.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Well, he's dead now. Then a couple of years later, we were driving home from L. from la and he died in my wife's lap as a few months ago but but he would but that was okay i mean it wasn't okay but now he's not now he's for sure i buried him in the backyard what was his name uh paramesh par Paramesh? Yeah, Paramesh. That's a cute name. That's different. I love that. I had named him Salvador.
Starting point is 00:54:12 And my dad told me I have a cousin named Salvador, so I can't name him Salvador. Yeah, that's fair. You can't name a dog after anybody you know. You can't? Is that a rule? Is it disrespectful? My dad said it was disrespectful. I didn't even know I had a cousin. But you don't want to be cuddling your dog and thinking
Starting point is 00:54:28 of your cousin she's weird right okay so so so then um my wife did a backbending course in india for like six months where they basically teach you how to stand and then reach backwards and grab your ankles that's a weird class right okay yeah and while she was there there was a masseuse and for 15 he'd massage you for three three hours but the last 15 minutes of the massage and the whole time he chants but the last 15 minutes what does he do some some something in indian he chants some indian shit but the last 15 minutes he just massages your boobs oh so i was like wait a second you paid this dude 15 bucks to rub your whole body down the last 15 minutes she rubbed her boobs yeah but it's totally chill he's just
Starting point is 00:55:18 chanting the whole time i'm like all right so i remembered that story and i was like all right i'm naming the dog after that guy. That's cool. That's a good guy to name it after. Yeah, so Paramesh. You fondled my wife on a regular basis. That's what you want to think of every single time you look at your dog. And you know what my wife would do? She'd love this. She's a little rascal. Other girls would be like hey um uh where can i get a good massage and she'd be like oh uh parmesh does great massages
Starting point is 00:55:51 and she said half the girls would come out like and the other half would be like not knowing what they're getting into yeah oh god yeah she said he was totally chill i'm like uh-huh yeah yeah she said he was totally chill i'm like uh-huh all right give me his number i want to i want to talk to him i want to talk uh mike uh pool boy does he do balls i i fair uh fair question i um i i don't know okay so so so then you go there and um you're at Rogue, and you're in there with the girls. Yeah. Tia Toomey's comeback, Laura Horvat, Danny Spiegel. You're just in there with just all the bulls. And how long does it take before you feel at home?
Starting point is 00:56:43 I actually, like, I would say, like, I knew a handful of them. So I felt pretty comfortable already. Like, I saw them at semis. I, like, met them at Wadapalooza. Follow them on Instagram. So it was really, really comfortable for me, for sure. I never felt like I was in the wrong place. And were they nice to you?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah. Everybody's so nice. That's what I heard. All the girls, i feel like the younger girls were always like telling me how nice ariel lohan and danny spiegel were to them like if they see your new girl they come over they say hi to you they're like just sweet yeah yeah but i've already known them like before rogue and so it was nice just to see them and like catch up and just share the floor with them. And your team, your...
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Starting point is 00:58:44 Yep. She was there. and do you guys have a camaraderie yeah we're um we train together like here and there she comes in a little bit earlier than i do i like to like chill during my sessions but i'll usually catch her on the back half and if our training lines up we get to work out together but i adore her she's so cute she she kind of got thrown to the wolves when she was there i think when she started there it might have been bethany flores gary pierce and danielle brandon and so she's there with these three really unique characters who are just powerhouses right um in the sport and then were you there during that time too yep so i joined underdogs right after she joined the underdogs too yeah okay oh so you got to wait and you would be in there with with all those girls
Starting point is 00:59:35 did you learn a shitload from them oh a ton like even carrie will come in now and still to this day she'll be everybody in a workout just randomly. But I loved it. And, like, catching up with Bethany and everybody at Rogue, you just learn a ton. And I was really thankful for that, for sure. I think that's, like, that's definitely where I learned, like, to not be scared of, like, who you're competing against. Like, they're all just human and they're really great people. And everybody wants to be everybody how did how did the drama with um danielle brandon did that affect the the training
Starting point is 01:00:14 there how did that affect the mood there or with even with um is delugos back in camp uh yeah matt actually just started coming back oh okay i was gonna ask you if he's gonna try for the games but i gotta ask him that right yeah you gotta ask him that okay you're a good gal you're what a good girl you are what a good community member you are um how how was that how was that drama did it affect you at all or were you able just to just fucking stay laser focused or did you even enjoy it like if i was there and training there i'd enjoy the fuck out of the drama um i think it just happened how it needed to happen. And I think everybody's, you know, happy now.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And she seems like she's doing really good. Justin has a really good thing going with Alex. So did you resent the fact that there was drama there? Were you like, fuck you guys? Come on, man. We got shit to do. The fuck are you guys doing? Yeah, nobody likes drama.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Nobody likes drama at all. Like we all want to come in and train, but like We got shit to do. Nobody likes drama. Nobody likes drama at all. We all want to come in and train, but it's going to happen. When you have a huge camp, it's going to happen here and there. Thankfully, it got squashed. Again, everybody seems like they're doing really good. Danielle's with Coach L now, and she seems super happy at Rogue. Hopefully, she has a really good season this year. Why did you come to Underdogs? When you came there did you just not know anyone like were you just green uh yeah i didn't really know anyone so i so again
Starting point is 01:01:34 like i was in salt lake like six hours away and i had visited a friend out here and then he told And they told me like, what year was this? 2020. It was right before Wadapalooza. No, 2021 of December, right before like Wadapalooza when I did a team with Alex and Allie Scuds. Okay. But came like visited, really, really loved them. Like really wanted to like take it seriously and um make the move out here so like I'll say two weeks after I went home I got on a call with Justin Kotler I was like hey like I would love to come out there and we talked he said I could come out here like um put my house up for rent like gave my boss a month notice and I was in Vegas and I loved it. You owned a house. You own a house.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yeah. I owned a house in Salt Lake and now I own a house in Vegas. You own two houses. No, I sold the one in Utah. Oh, yeah. Do you regret selling the one in Salt Lake? Do you wish you would have kept it and just rented it out? No, I rented it out for a while and I will never, ever rent it out again.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Like the renters that I had and like, I had a rental company deal with it too. But I must have just gotten the worst luck ever. I was so happy to be done renting it. Oh, they were a pain in the ass? Everybody was. Yeah. So when I sold it, I was really happy.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I was like, I'm never going to do that again. Like I'm just going to buy my house. And when I'm done with this house, I'm going to sell it before I do a different one. And when you bought your house, did you do all the adult stuff like like you went to the bank and got the loan and like you met with the real estate agent like you sat around and signed that big stack you did all that you did your dad help you or hold your hand nope actually my dad didn't know that I was buying a house until I posted it. Cause it was like a brand new house. And so I posted like the process of it on Instagram. Like when it was just like,
Starting point is 01:03:32 I don't even think I had like drywall up or anything. Like I posted a picture in front of it and like with a thumbs up and my uncle sent him the picture and he was like, did Cara buy a house? And I got a phone call from my dad. I was like, Oh yeah, I did that. I did buy a house. You literally will like call me and ask if you can, if you want to go like on this vacation and take like an extra day away from
Starting point is 01:03:54 work. And you didn't ask me to buy a house. It's like, I just wanted to do it. And you did it by yourself. You would save the money for the down payment? Yeah. Wow. I said, I worked since I was a really, really small kid. And so my dad's always drilled that into me, had a really good savings, had a really good job after I graduated. And it was during COVID, too, so everything was pretty cheap. Damn, Kiefer scored.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Are you and Kiefer going to get married? If he asks. Yeah, wow. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. are you and keifer gonna get married if he asks yeah wow okay okay all right all right um uh um uh so you you when you went out there to las vegas i didn't not sure if i caught this you went out there to scope out underdogs uh no i came out just to see a friend and then um somebody was like hey you should go check out this gym like they knew justin and told justin like i was coming by and i think it was during the water polo the qualifiers actually and everybody was just really nice like super helpful and especially like bethany alex all of them like i just loved them i was
Starting point is 01:05:03 like oh i want to be here like i've never like really got to train with a lot of girls. And so just coming into a gym full of girls, it was such a cool experience. And especially Carrie, freaking Carrie. So just like that, you're, you just, you made the decision. And I've always wanted to like live outside of Utah. So it was a really easy yes for me. There's this thing that I do where like if I bought a new pair of running shoes like I would be like okay I'm gonna run three miles every day for for a month to justify the $210 pair of shoes right um and I'm just motivated
Starting point is 01:05:40 by things like that okay I'm gonna I'm getting a new apple watch i'm gonna try to see for a month i'm gonna see how high i can spike my heart rate like there's something has to be attacked you know if i'm gonna buy a camera i have to do as much work to pay get money back to pay for that camera that i didn't need make sense yeah when you make this move to underdogs um let me go back again do you know for sure because of your dental hygienist that you can get work anywhere um depends so like when you're graduating you have to take like your board exam and there's two different tests you take and that depends on what states you can move to and so thankfully like vegas was one of the states that i took and it was a process to
Starting point is 01:06:25 change over my work for sure. Like Vegas, you had to print everything off. You had to like write it, like handwrite it out and mail it in. You couldn't email it in or anything. So it was a pain. It took about a month process, but I started working right away as soon as I got here. Okay. And did that play a pivotal role in you being able to move that you could get work there yeah for sure and that's that's one of the reasons why i chose dental hygiene like it was really good pay um didn't have to work like holidays or weekends and i could just temp wherever if i wanted to and you like seeing plaque explode yeah yeah and shots love getting shots and the shots and the shots yeah um and um so so you go there and do you make any deal with yourself at that point you're like okay this is a pretty big commitment
Starting point is 01:07:11 i am for sure gonna give i've only been giving 98 to get to the games and now i'm gonna give it that extra two percent um i thought i did back then um you thought you were making you did make kind of a mental deal like that like hey this is a pretty big commitment i better yeah but then i like i was like oh okay like instead of working four days a week like i'm just gonna work three and then train with them like one day during the week and then on the weekends and so like to me that was a really big commitment but it wasn't until i think Kiefer started taking over my programming where like he and Justin sat me down and they were like hey like you moved out here to train with the underdogs not go work and then train when they're done like if you want to train like you need to train with them
Starting point is 01:07:57 and get better and so it wasn't until that moment where I was like okay yeah like I am making a little bit of a sponsors like I can reduce my workload a little bit and then just training with everybody. I could see how much better I was getting. And I was like, okay, this, this makes sense. And when you came from Utah, did you have a boyfriend over there? Nope. So you just came free. Just like, did you have any dogs at that time? Yeah, I had rogue, my little Frenchie. Okay. Oh, or that's the one. That Frenchie? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Those dogs are wild. That's a high-maintenance dog. I love him. I do love him. He is literally my pride and joy. And then we have a new dog, and she's a pocket pit bull, and her name is Billy. Oh, man. I don't approve of either of them. They're so cute.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I don't approve of those dogs those are next you're gonna get a boxer then we're gonna have all sorts of problems i can't i want a third dog so bad but every single time i send keeper one because like i follow a lot of like foster places every single time i send keeper one he's like we travel too much like i could quit crossfit and just help out with all these dogs. Like, that's okay too. I'm going to tell you something. And it might not resonate with you yet, but it's going to. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:09:11 I had three Great Danes. I love Great Danes. And then I saw the way my wife acted around our little dog. And it was just, she was just so weird around the dog all the time. She was just like, it was like you said, she just lived for the dog. It was just always everywhere we were. It was always in our shit. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And like, and like she'd be working out in the garage and the dog would interrupt and she wouldn't get mad. Like I'd fucking kick a dog across the room if it interrupted my work. I'd kick a kid across the room, kick my own mom across the the room interrupt me while i'm working out but but she fuck this dog could do no wrong but as soon as we had kids like i realized that's what that's really what she needed i mean she we didn't have kids till she was 39 so i'm telling you you better be careful you're gonna end up with a kid soon no i don't want a kid soon my two yeah you do you don't know what i'm telling you you know you do you just don't know it i'm just telling you i'm just telling you it's psychology one oh okay all right i can't i'm not responsible enough to take care of a kid right now and i love traveling way i'm not responsible
Starting point is 01:10:15 enough to do fucking anything i can't even sign the paperwork on the house i don't do any of the adult stuff but i'm just telling you i'm i know this i know this okay all right i don't think so. Like every time I look at my dogs, when I wake up, I'm like, I literally can't love anything more than I love you guys. And I understand. Okay. So, so you go to underdogs and how, who, who decides who your coach is going to be? I think keeper or I think Justin was the only coach in house at that time. And so like, I worked under Justin for a little bit. And where did Kiefer come from? So you're, you've been there longer than Kiefer has. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's good. And where did he come from?
Starting point is 01:10:58 So Kiefer is like co-owner of underdogs. So he's Justin's assistant coach. So he's like, always worked with justin um he came out to guadalupuza with us and so we met him there for the first time two years ago he was there but he wasn't there he was part of the underdogs team okay so he's part of the underdogs team but he wasn't in vegas yeah where was he justin what where was he he was living out in boston at this time okay shithole city go on so um came out i'm opinionated i'm very opinionated that's okay okay i think he moved out uh march so he wanted to come down here for the season and like help everybody like for the game season semifinals and all that and then
Starting point is 01:11:39 ended up moving here too and did he did he move out did when did he start tell me about how how does he court you do you court him how do you court an athlete you're gonna have to get on the podcast and see what his answer is do you know is there like um is there like um do you remember the first time he saw him yeah where was that that was at wadapuza and if you have ever seen keeper you know he hates like taking up space and like being in everybody's way and so i literally don't think how the fuck is he that way he's huge yeah he's a big man but like he'll like i think i would we tried to talk to him and nobody knew who keeper was like justin was like hey like keeper's gonna be your guys's coach and we're like okay and so i think we try to talk to him i don't think he like really talked
Starting point is 01:12:29 to us i was like this dude hates me all right whatever but i just i think he didn't want to be like in anybody's way and like be annoying to anyone so so he was very mild-mannered even even okay and and so when you saw do you remember exactly where you were when you saw him probably in the warm-up area it's chaos back there that was my first year i want to put it too everything was just chaos when um have you ever seen like you know when you put your those those battery terminals on a battery and you get a little you know was there any of that just right away like you saw him and you're like oh whoa like you're like i feel something no i definitely thought he was hot for sure you did okay no um it wasn't until like a couple weeks later he came out to
Starting point is 01:13:18 texas and we just became like super good friends because there was a competition out there that he came to like help coach at and then he moved here we were super good friends wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's too fast too fast so so wadapalooza there's nothing it's just like hi like even did you even hug just a handshake during like probably not even a handshake i was just like i was i was so new to underdogs like i was terrified to be like out in the elite division with the girls at that point. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah. And then like two weeks later, there's a TFX that competition in Texas. Okay. I don't know, but okay. Yeah. I went out there and did it and he flew in to like help coach.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And then since what other athletes were there, what other athletes were there besides you? Uh, Matt DeLugas was supposed to go, but he ended up not going. Cause he also did Waterpalooza. And so he was just there to coach me. Oh, shit. So now he has to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah, now he has to talk to me. Wow, okay. So he gets out there and he's like, hi, I'm your coach. You remember me from Waterpalooza? You're like, I remember you. Yeah. And then, like, ever since then, we were just like super good friends. And it wasn't until I –
Starting point is 01:14:28 Do you guys do the stupid shit like stay up too late at the bar or stay up too late at the restaurant or like it's time to go but no one wants to go? Like when does – does that happen in Texas? You know how like boys and girls are? You're just like – Probably. I'm going to sit her. I'm just going to hang out. Just going to hang out.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I know it's 4 in the morning. Not wanting to go home but – Yeah, yeah. Was it like that already there? No. Did he have a girlfriend? Did you ask him? Probably.
Starting point is 01:14:56 He wasn't dating anybody at that time. Were you in a mode where you were like when you came there that you were like I'm you but talking to myself listen you have shit to do you are i'm an ambitious uh woman and uh i'm not i'm not letting any boys in that's just the way it is no i didn't work with him at all on that trip so like that didn't even cross my mind i know but prior to that like the year prior to that had you are had you did you have a wall up for boys what i'm saying is how do you know you didn't so you weren't like because you know how some athletes will do that the big i'm not doing that there's no there's no uh
Starting point is 01:15:32 no no there's not gonna be any boys in my life i'm just focused on winning no nope okay okay so you were you were chill until ashley collar started pushing us together until we were like maybe yeah wow that's great not hey guys it's inappropriate for the coach but like hey you guys need to wow crazy all right fuck i love it that's some great glassman shit right there wow okay um so so you go to texas and you hit it off and then um are you after? Or you just you guys both fly back to. No, no. He goes back to Boston. Yeah, he goes back to Boston.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I come back to Vegas. And then like a month later, he's driving from Boston to here to move. Oh, shit. Have you ever asked him? Like, did he come out there? I'm assuming you guys have talked. Did he come out there just because he knew he liked you and he wanted to be with you? No, he was just out there to coach. Come on. No, I'm assuming you guys have talked. Did he come out there just because he knew he liked you and he wanted to be with you? No, he was just out there to coach. Come on.
Starting point is 01:16:28 No, I'm serious. I wish. I would love if he admitted that, but it was not the case, unfortunately. Okay. When you heard he was coming, were you excited? You're like, oh, this is really cool. This guy was cool. You get to spend time with him.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah. I mean, it was definitely exciting, but more so like the fact that I was going to have a coach out there and like that wasn't the norm for me. And so that was pretty cool to be like, Oh, like I'm actually going to like have a coach at this competition. You weren't talking to him on the phone every day for an hour, the month building up to him coming nope all right all right okay okay okay all right so so then he comes out there and um he's your coach and um do you um do you have to talk about do you talk about it or it just happens just one day like do you talk about it like does
Starting point is 01:17:20 he say hey i would like to date you is it like weird like that or is it just one day you have your hand on the bar and he puts his hand on the bar and you guys look yeah that's exactly what happened for sure just more like that was it like that i think i don't know i think we were just like super good friends and we're hanging out all the time and then um again with the wonderful help of ashley literally probably every single day we'd be like, is this happening? You should ask her out. Like, Kiefer, you should kiss her.
Starting point is 01:17:49 And we're both just sitting there like, okay. And then one day, like, you know what? Like, let's go on a date. Like, you're in the fifth grade. Like, you're in the fucking fifth grade. She was doing you guys like that. Oh, shit. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:07 But, hey, it worked out for the best we've been dating for over a year and a half now we have two dogs together we have a house so yeah wow pretty good life for sure and if you've seen him yeah great job you scored. Oh, yeah. What about, does he have any other athletes? Yeah, so he actually coaches 90% of the athletes that are in house right now. Yeah. So Justin has Alex and Raph, and then Brendan has Matt and Omer, and Kiefer has everybody else. And does that give you like, like I was trying to get with my wife for like five years and she had a boyfriend and she's like, Hey, she would have to tell me like once a month.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Hey dude, chill. I ain't, I ain't getting with you. I'll be like, all right. And then I wait like another month and try again. She's like, nah, nah, be cool. I got a boyfriend. So now that I'm with her like i know that's her like i know that if she's gonna get with him now it's been well now it's been fucking forever but not but i but that gave me a lot of like confidence right yeah for sure and the really like i saw her character for five years if she would have just been like first night bang me it would have been i would have been like well shit like fuck the whole i'd been like paranoid she's gonna
Starting point is 01:19:23 bang some other guy so you have comfort in knowing that he's not a flirt like he's not flirting with every female like all the athletes and all these fucking pheromones flying around the gym um now that we're dating yeah 100 before absolutely not he was the biggest flirt in the entire world just not like towards his athletes oh okay oh okay okay okay all right wow do you like vegas i love vegas yeah um i we actually um so from guadalupusa last week we flew into salt lake just to pick up my dogs and drive here and there's a ton of snow there and i absolutely do not miss the snow. So I'm loving Vegas right now. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:08 When I think of Vegas, I just don't think of it as a nice place to live. Tell me. Sell me on it. What do you like there? You have to come visit. Come visit. Stay with Kiefer and I. We love entertaining people.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But what do you like about it? You like the people? You like your coffee shop? You like that there's no traffic? What do you like about it? The weather the people? You like your coffee shop? You like that there's no traffic? What do you like about it? The weather? All of the above, for sure. I mean, right now, I am just here to train for the most part.
Starting point is 01:20:33 But we live 15 minutes from the Strip. There's always something to do. The restaurants are amazing. Anytime somebody comes into town, whatever show they want to go to, it's there. It's so easy to entertain people. Yeah. So that's awesome. So culturally there's, that is true about Vegas.
Starting point is 01:20:51 That's, that's one of the things that's kind of like, I guess, culturally there's a ton of shit to do. You can, you can see plays and comedy comedians and you can do it all. And the food's amazing. They bring in the best food from all over the world. Might be the best restaurants in the world. Whatever you're vegan or you only eat lobster, they got it. They literally have everything. I love it.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Yeah. And so now you, Waterpalooza's over. And do you make some lifestyle changes or choices? Like, is it like focusing in now? Here we go. When do we enter this games funnel? Games mode. Like this year's Wadapalooza. That's what we're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Sorry. So this year's Wadapalooza is over. And are you, and you see the open is coming. Have you registered for the open yet? Not yet. No. Okay. But you will.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah. Yeah. not yet no okay but but you will and yeah um and then um when when is it like it's like serious as a heart attack time or does it never get like that um i think i mean obviously like we've talked about like my goals and everything and then up until three days ago um i didn't know if i was going individual or if i was going to be on a different team so there's like a bunch of conversations and the team that we were thinking of like unfortunately didn't pan out and so like as of three days ago like it's now all in like just thinking about the season i got i'm getting the impression though in the first hour and 20 minutes but i could have easily misread you i'm old and there's a third podcast today.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I got the impression that you weren't really interested in team. I wasn't until a really good team came along for like the chance to win. And I was like, damn, this is going to be really hard to turn down. So like we all got together, started training and then it just, it didn't work out.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It would just fine. You know, you actually got together with the team. Yeah. And then everybody just kind of wanted to see how like water blues have played out. And it was you and Carrie Pierce. And who are the, who are the boys? Your guess is as good as mine. Name two of them. I'm sure it's probably that. Was it, can, can you give me any hint? Is the team still going, but just without you?
Starting point is 01:23:04 No, everybody's going individual no shit you guys all wow well hopefully everybody's going individual everyone's attempting to go individual i think so yeah wow but but it was but it was a bunch of good people who you thought well shit we could fucking we can get on the podium. We win this. It would literally have been like the only reason I would have done team again, for sure. Let me think. I need some help from the audience. I need a lifeline. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:34 And are you – I'm also sensing that you're glad you're going individual, but it's more stressful. Yeah, it's definitely more stressful, you know you know, cause now it's just like relies on you. Like if I were to go team, there's a 99.9% chance. Like we go to the games now. I feel like I'm, I'm still like a bubble athlete for sure. So now it's like, I need to make sure everything's great. Like that weekend has to just line up perfectly for me. So it's more stressful. And now it's like okay like i have to like that has to be in the back of my mind where it's like if i want to get there i have to do everything i possibly can in training today what does that look like what are the things that you're like okay i'm gonna have to really fucking put my head down and get this this done just just do it given like the
Starting point is 01:24:23 extra one percent like my metcon instead of like hunched over the chalk bucket right like just get up and start doing reps um a little bit higher like rpm on the assault bike just little stuff like that like i just ally weiss just came and moved down which i'm super excited for so like her and i are just going to be leveling each other up for these next couple months and it's going to be so much fun it's going to hurt so bad but i'm so excited yeah do you get um do you get scarred um from from that from workouts like if on monday you get on the assault bike and and let's say you do some crazy assault running assault bike running workout and you're just like 20 for 20 minutes after you just don't feel like Kyra Milligan, you get scarred.
Starting point is 01:25:11 And then on Tuesday, you're like, fuck. You get there and you're like, oh, no. 100%. I mean, two days ago, I fell from the top of a rope with a weight vest on and just like slid my hand down. And now I'm like thinking about the next time I have to do a legless rope climb and i'm like i really don't want to do that right now tell me about sliding down so you were worrying and telling yourself hey you got to go to failure and no i wasn't even at failure like i hit it and i was supposed to come legless down and like for some reason like my pinky wrapped around the rope but the rest of my hand didn't
Starting point is 01:25:45 and then i just couldn't get my grip and i was in a weight vest so i couldn't drop and i was just sliding down the rope and i was like this is it my hand hurts so bad can i see them are they burned oh no they're totally fine like it hurts to like put like pressure on and they're super shiny, but thankfully like nothing, nothing gross. Like what you saw is that means this last year I was able to be like toes apart and everything today. So it's all good.
Starting point is 01:26:12 So it felt like they were on fire though. When you came down, it was so bad. And then we went to a movie yesterday and I got popcorn and I totally forgot about it. And I like reached in with this hand and just saw it got on everything. And I was like, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Crazy. Did you ever burn bugs with a magnifying glass? Did you ever burn stuff with magnifying glass, paper and leaves and bugs? Did you ever put it on your fingernail? No. So I would do that. I'd put it on my fingernail, but by the time it hurts and you stop the pain goes. It's like an ice cream headache. The pain keeps going for like another 15 seconds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:49 It's really bad. But I kind of think of it as the rope burn. But you just keep doing it over and over. But I think of the rope burn like that. Yeah, it wasn't fun. I would think it was fine. And then I would just be sitting there. And then like for a minute at a time, I just felt like you were putting your hand on like a hot burner and you were just leaving it there but like it was fine it was just painful how do you how do you push through that how how do you push through those those scars um well i cried a little yesterday and then i just sat on an assault bike instead of doing my metcon but we're better today yeah um does would um how's how's kotler is he heavy-handed like would he ever come over to you like and see you're not doing your metcon and be like hey i'm really disappointing you what are
Starting point is 01:27:36 you doing uh no no no no i keep her would probably say that to me for sure. Yeah, I mainly just kind of do whatever Keeper says. And then I don't think Justin's ever said that to me, hopefully, at least. I was part joking around, but part not when there's some footage out there of Ricky doing the snatch at Wadapalooza. And then he does the hang snatch and then he was supposed to squat to get some reps in case to beat tiebreaker and he didn't he slammed the bar down and afterward you see kotler like giving him like the dad talk oh yeah for sure i mean if justin was my coach i'm sure he would also give me those talks but yeah where it's like all keeper's like full hands on
Starting point is 01:28:25 like justin has his athletes and keeper has his keepers keeper would definitely yell at me if i forgot to do overhead squats too you would oh yeah when you say that um ally and you will level each other up um i i guess that's a massive accountability thing because you have to know that if you slack, you're not only letting yourself down, but you're letting her down. Well, also it's just like, it's hard to slack. Like if you're going head to head with somebody who's like, like we're both really good athletes, but we're both like different athletes.
Starting point is 01:29:02 But like, if you're going head to head with somebody and it's like, Oh, I don't like if she is supposed to beat me in this metcon like one i don't want her to but if she's going to i don't want it to be by that much so even if you want to slack and you think you're gonna slack three two one starts and you're not going to anymore it's just painful. When you're doing a Metcon, how do you know what's real to slow down and what's not real? I had this guy on the podcast. He broke the 50 mile world record and for running and i forget but like at mile 27 he started having this thought that oh he should stop and stretch and i'm like how do you know if that's really you're supposed to stop and stretch or if that's just your brain fucking with you trying to come up with an excuse to quit like how do you how do you know which thoughts to
Starting point is 01:30:03 listen to and which not um he said he doesn't know he said he said by the way this guy just said i have fucking no idea yeah i still haven't figured that out idea either um there was only one time that i've ever actually had to stop at metcon like it was i don't even mean stop i mean even i mean even slow down like how do you know even like how do you know like how do you know why not just come out hot and just fucking let the wheels fall off the bus early? Don't even strategize at all. Because then you have to slow down, and then everybody gets mad at you. But why do you have to slow down?
Starting point is 01:30:34 Well, okay, let me get through this. Why do you have to slow down? Because you're not fit enough to just hold on to it. Yeah. If I could go out hot and hold on, that would be great. But unfortunately, not that fit. So we have to like pace it do you do workouts every day where there's no pacing like is that part of the strategy of
Starting point is 01:30:52 training is it like hey dude i know you're gonna want to pace this workout don't pace it just go and let's see what happens do you have to do that every day not every day there's definitely some workouts like that like um today we had ones that was like every three minutes for five rounds. And so you're like sprinting those three minutes so you could rest before you have to do the next one. So there's workouts meant for that. And then there's longer ones that you have to learn how to pace. It's knowing yourself as an athlete and then trusting your coach too. And, and, and, and just not being being there's times though you have to push like i'm guessing and you're just like hey that's not true i can't push through this don't be a pussy
Starting point is 01:31:31 i actually can hurt a little bit more yeah keeper will usually like come up behind all of us and we'll say that and usually we're we think we're dying yeah and then the second he like stands behind you like you can always go a little bit faster yeah that's scarring yeah that i talked about yeah that's scarring like you get scarred yeah for sure you are you are you pretty do you stay pretty injury free yeah i would say for the most part i mean like everybody usually has like being little things here and there. Like I have some pretty bad elbows, but like not too bad. I was dealing with like a little thing before Dubai with my back, but thankfully it hasn't come back. And I just try to keep on top of my body work and listen to my body if I need a second. And thankfully it's worked out for me thus far. What's an elbow problem? What does that feel like? You mean? I think it's just like my grip,
Starting point is 01:32:28 what used to be like one of my biggest weaknesses. And so I think we just like worked so much on it. And then also when I'm working, like I have my fine motor skills for dental hygiene. So I think it's just a bunch of like overuse. So it's just like nagging elbows, like nothing bad, just pain. Is it here or is just pain is it here or is it
Starting point is 01:32:46 is it that is it this thing yeah it's like just everywhere oh interesting depends on the day and what i'm doing how's your pegboard good great that was actually one of the things that i was really excited for for rogue it was supposed to be like high box jumps pegboards run up and down the hill i was like hell yeah i'm super excited for this took out the pegboards put in handstand walking nice okay because that thing will cause this thing to flare up just over training on pegboard yeah i do i really love like pegboards and like rope cuts and stuff that's actually it used to be two of my most hatred things to do but i think we just worked on them so much that i got really good at them and so i love seeing them in metcons hey that that movement
Starting point is 01:33:36 they did at the games where they got up on top of the box and did a pirouette and then cruise down the stairs would you be able to do that i think so i've never practiced it but i think so i hope so and what about that other thing that uh uh crossover double under oh i love crossover dubs love them okay all right that's the basketball girl on you yeah i like you i like like the odd, different movements. Hey, do you think you have something to prove? Do you think that there's some sort of axe or chip on your shoulder or something you're trying to grind by being a CrossFit athlete? It seems like just so much work.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Do you think you truly like it, or do you think you're working on some demons? You seem to me like you really work it like you might not have any demons um no demons that i know of but i'm sure i don't know but i just i truly truly love doing it um like after the games i think we took like three days off and i was like okay like i'm really excited i want to like i want to get back into training after rogue we took a couple days off because i just missed it and then after dubai i finally was like okay like i could take a week or two off from the gym that's okay but then like two weeks was enough i was like i really want to get back so i think i just i really love it i love being competitive would you ever go back to mayhem for
Starting point is 01:35:00 like a couple weeks just to train like do you think that there was value in going there for you i think it was cool i think it's just too much of a travel for me especially like having my dogs here and when you fly there you also have to drive another hour and a half to get into cookville but i think it was a really cool space for sure just being able to train with all of them was a really cool opportunity and what was your it was that your first time meeting angelo yeah and angelo at wadapuzza last year oh and when he was like asking me to be on team and then oh sorry you broke up start again kyra is that was that the first time you met um uh angelo like you guys just talked yeah we talked on the phone met him at wadapuzza right before the season
Starting point is 01:35:41 and then i ended up staying with him for three weeks for the open because you had to do the whole open out there and then stayed with him for quarterfinals and then for games training keifer and i got an airbnb out there with our dogs and and how was that what's he like exactly how you see on social media for sure exactly how you see on social media for sure yeah yeah yeah he's a guy like loves his people yeah cool dude did you do you and keith do you and keifer go to church no when you went there did you go to any church with any of the mayhem crew
Starting point is 01:36:21 no prayer any prayer circles no not for me not even one it wasn't for me either but anytime they asked me to pray i'd get like in the prayer circle anything rich put his arm around me uh well it was great meeting you um i'm excited'm excited to see, uh, the journey. Thanks for doing this. Uh, I know we had to reschedule once. I apologize. Yeah. You're all, you're always welcome. You're cool as shit. Yeah. And I look forward to meeting Kiefer too. I've heard so much about him and, um, it's cool to, uh, meet one of his athletes and, and, and I'm, I'm stoked for you. It's cool. I think the bubble athletes are where all the drama is and where all the excitement is up until the games are you're so you're gonna do the west coast semi uh west coast
Starting point is 01:37:09 semi-final if you make it yeah it'll actually be super cool since it's back out in carson and it'll be outdoors i'm actually really excited for that uh uh pool boy uh kyra's dope look forward to seeing you at the next competition oh my actually one of my first competitions that i've ever done a swim event at he was there and we both basically like drug each other out of the water because neither of us could swim that well how is that you do you work on that a lot yeah yeah we swim at least once a week when i was out in mayhem we swam three times a week so now i'm definitely more comfortable in the water still don't love it but a lot more comfortable do you have a swim coach we did so underdogs hired a swim coach for a couple months
Starting point is 01:37:56 which was super helpful yeah but now it's just like a couple of the girls are really good swimmers and so we'll go swim together and they helped me out a ton. Awesome. Uh, CrossFit, uh, those quads sink like rocks. They do. I am built like a four by four. I'm not a runner and I am not a swimmer, but I will try really hard. Yeah, that's awesome. Good on you. All right. Cool girl. Thank you. Uh, tell Kiefer, I said, hi, thanks for coming on. And, um, hopefully, uh, if everything goes well, which I,, which it seems like it is, I'll get to see you in Carson when I'm filming the behind the scenes there. Yeah. And the graphic games when you're filming behind the scenes. I got I hope so. So that wasn't that wasn't a dig at you. That was a dig at me.
Starting point is 01:38:38 One step at a time, baby. My mouth could get in trouble and you could never see me again. Yeah, I'm just putting it out there for both of us. So. Good. Thank you. I appreciate your optimism. All right. Have a good night. You too.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Bye. Bye. That was easy. That's a cool gal. Kyra Milligan. Underdogs Athletics. Cutler got good people out there. I should get DeLugos back on and figure out what the fuck happened to him fucking mental health issues
Starting point is 01:39:12 and kind of vanished off the scene for a second who do you guys think was on that team with her huh who do you think it's pretty i i it's had to have been carrie pierce there's been rumors carrie's gonna go uh team and if she thinks they're gonna win i mean i think that chick retired as the fittest chicken in in the united states In the United States. Yeah, she's cool. She needs, um... She needs, um... She's going to get pregnant.
Starting point is 01:39:51 She's not careful. I know these kind of things. I'm smart like that. Is she dating her coach? I think. Sounds like it. Or he's dating her or something. They live together.
Starting point is 01:40:05 She likes him. She thinks he's hot. Other coaches. They live together. She likes him. She thinks he's hot. Other coaches were telling him they should kiss. God, I love that story. Being young is fun, isn't it? People telling you to kiss. I like that story this morning that Dylan told about Ariel. about how her priority was to get to the games, and then when she reworked her priorities, it happened.
Starting point is 01:40:35 I thought that was dope. Josiah Rye. Hello, my friend. You were in Coeur d'Alene come by Wildland CrossFit dude you know what happened today Josiah are you in Coeur d'Alene this is one fucking icy spot
Starting point is 01:40:56 I've never been anywhere this icy I rented this Lincoln Navigator you fucking can't even drive around here can't even get fucking traction on that. It's just sheets of ice. I fell down. The first time in my life I fell down. I was walking out.
Starting point is 01:41:12 I was at the airport getting on the jet yesterday. God, that fucking jet was so fast yesterday. That was probably one of the fastest little jets I've ever been on. A little 11-seater. I was walking out to the fucking jet and I fucking slipped and fell on the ice a good thing i'm fucking agile like a cat and fucking i don't know what crossfitter and uh i did just
Starting point is 01:41:35 put my hand down and fucking looked around and stood up oh man so we loaded up the cars today greg and i uh loaded up the kids and the chicks and the kids and um he he has like two expeditions or something here that have four-wheel drive so we were loaded up the cars and the driveway so slippery it's so slippery you don't even walk oh yeah look at tons of accidents my five-year-old five-year-old slipped on the driveway yeah so we i'm so glad to hear you say that i thought you're gonna be like don't be a pussy um so we we loaded up the cars and we were gonna do a bunch of shit um we were gonna go to the store and get a monitor uh he was gonna help me like set up a little podcast studio like here at his house here so whenever i'm here i can just podcast and then
Starting point is 01:42:23 he said that there's a store here that i gotta see called like outside 40 or north 40 or something he said it's a really cool store and then we were going to take the kids to eat which can do family shit and we get the cars loaded up and greg rolls down the window and he's like dude my guy here in town like i think it's like the groundskeeper said hey i wouldn't go't go out. Yesterday, when we came back, we went to Washington. We came back to the airport was closed because it's so icy. So we had to land in Spokane. So we drove here.
Starting point is 01:42:54 And when we drove here, it was a four-wheel drive car that brought us back to Greg's house. And when it went on Greg's driveway, and Greg's driveway is not even that steep. Not even steep. I wouldn't say it's steep at all. And the guy slid down and the car, and then he, what he steered it while it was sliding and he steered it in between an expedition and a navigator and kind of just like stopped,
Starting point is 01:43:19 thought for sure he was going to fucking take out three cars. Oh, back 40. No outside 40. I don? No. Outside 40? I don't know. North 40? Maybe it's north 40. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:29 But he said, I'll fucking lose my mind in there. He said, it's such a cool store. I buy the stupidest shit for my kids. I ordered some boots from Amazon, some snow boots. But they're not even snow boots. They're snow shoes. So my kids go out and play in the snow, and the snow just comes right into their shoe like i don't even know what the fuck i'm buying so i wanted to go there and get them like some boots that like actually come up
Starting point is 01:43:54 anyway so so we got we we loaded up the families we were in the driveway we're in the cars and then we just got out of the cars and came back in the house. That's it. Sat on the table and hung out and laughed with Greg for two hours. Took a nap. Went back upstairs. He talked to me about probability and all sorts of fun shit. Then I went and took another nap. And this.
Starting point is 01:44:27 All right. Tomorrow, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. David Pan on. Running for Congress in the 46th District of California. I'm going to really have to put on my stupid hat tomorrow because this guy is really smart. I'm gonna have to just like really take some deep breaths and be like well so what is congress why are you running but i think this dude he's a professor of german at uh uc riverside and i saw some videos he had on instagram basically i think this dude used to be a hardcore democrat like me and basically he's come to the
Starting point is 01:45:08 to be a hardcore democrat like me and basically he's come to the same understanding that i have that you can't fight racism with racism and he sees it in the uc system that basically every single employee at the uc system has to take a stance on dei but but but they're they're not really interested in diversity they're just just interested in you accepting racism as part of the entry process into the school system. That's supposed to be the diversity part. He's like, hey, that's just making us less diverse. He's coming on tomorrow. That's it. We did a show on Twitter today that we did not do on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:45:43 If you have not seen it, you should see it. The best behind-the-scenes footage in the history of CrossFit has been captured by Patrick Rios, Will Branstetter, and the Sevan podcast, and it's been put together. You're not going to even believe it. It's with Jason Hopper, Dallin Pepper, and Ricky Mack from Waterpalooza, Tier Waterpalooza. It's so dope.
Starting point is 01:46:02 I'm so happy Sarah Cox over atx over at ca peptides insisted that we do behind the scenes or get something she was like hey i just get something out of water palooza do it so we did it's unbelievable all right now it's a game changer by the way it's completely was i told you it was going to be a game changer before we shot it and it's a fucking complete uh game changer what we captured some i wonder if anyone else is going to try to do it but it's a complete game changer good job on episode six oh thank you i'm going to send you patrick i'm going to send you this uh i'll send you this water palooza doc private link to that too it will be for members only for a week and then we'll set it for free
Starting point is 01:46:39 uh sebon uh we need a sprague day in the life since you're in cordaline yeah i was uh texting with james sprague today he said he'll be in in Coeur d'Alene. Yeah, I was texting with James Sprague today. He said he'll be in town Monday, and I don't know when I'm leaving. Who else? There was someone else in the chat early, early on that I said I wanted to send a copy of the show to. Shit, I can't remember. Anyway, if you want a copy of the Wadapalooza show and you want to give me feedback on it, tell me how great I am and how great Patrick Rios is.
Starting point is 01:47:16 What a stud. I can't believe CrossFit got rid of him. Man, they fucked up. Oh, Halpin. Thank you, Halpin. I'll do it fine. Text me. CrossFit, text me. Oh, me. Yeah, text me. Justin, I'll do it. Fine. Text me. CrossFat, text me.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Oh, me. Yeah, text me. Justin, I'll send it to you, too. You're into that geeking out show, but you're going to be blown away. This is fucking other world. Yeah, yeah. You text me. If you got my text, if you can text me, I'll probably send it to you. Or just get a membership and you get a week early. Support me. And it's cool.
Starting point is 01:47:44 That is one of the things I'm going to do with the memberships. Hopefully keep Rios on and have him keep making good shit. Yeah. Rios and his wife are insane, dude. They're such good people. Man. All right. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:57 A little guy, too. And someone told me he snatches 235. I would have never in a fucking... And runs marathons. I would have never thought that in a million years. He looks like a little pinner. A little skinny Mexican dude or some Italian dude. I guess he's a beast.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Wears his clothes baggy and shit. Can I text on the show phone? No. Let me try. I appreciate you trying that. All right. I'll talk to you. Oh, you know what maybe I should do?
Starting point is 01:48:28 What if I did this holy shit this is a fucking brilliant idea i should run this by suza i'm trying to build up the following on twitter because of what happened to mark bell on youtube so what if i what if i did a show on Twitter and gave the link out to all the people who text me from the Twitter show? God, that – fuck. I'm a marketing genius. Did I ever tell you guys that I was the chief marketing officer for the fastest growing company on planet Earth? Phillip, that's awesome. That's an awesome meme. All right. Oh, that's sweet.
Starting point is 01:49:25 God, I love it when people are nice to me. Miranda Alcarez from Street Parking said she put a link to our podcast in their newsletter. That is fucking cool. That is so freaking cool. I can't tell you how many people just don't. Don't. They just don't don't. They just don't. Douche nozzles.
Starting point is 01:49:53 Always give. You always give. You'll never always give. It's so easy. Just give. It's so easy. You'll feel so good. Don't expect anything in return. Just get rid of shit. Just be free of shit. Give your shit away. If you make a movie, give someone a credit in it who doesn't even think they're going to get a credit in it. They'll be stoked. And you lose nothing. It's nothing off of your back. Just give.
Starting point is 01:50:22 No, I'm not going to. I don't think i'll go in person with greg you mean like have them sitting across from me we do the podcast across from each other no all right oh thank you christine thank you christine do you have my phone number text me for that for reactivating your twitter account you get a early early early copy the super early copy of the waterpalooza it's i think it could be released any any second now anyway patrick's chomping at the bit to get it out for the members dude i want to tell you guys this too those people at water palooza dylan and sasha they're so stoked i mean if i don't i don't know if they're actually stoked but they should be so stoked tears should be stoked this
Starting point is 01:51:03 this content is like it's unreal. It is Tears should send me a check for 50 grand. They should send Sarah Cox a check for 50 grand. Fuck. It's fucking great. Pipes it up so much. It's the kind of shit that gives you FOMO.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Other athletes are going to be like, oh shit, I want to be in that shit. I want to work with Jason Hopper. I want to work with Patrick Rios. It's like that. Alright. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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