The Sevan Podcast - Lazar Ðukić | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 21, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is kind of our spare room. This is where we kind of like bike and stretch and stuff like that. Are you in... I'm gonna say something really stupid here. Are you in Paris? No, no, no. I'm in Serbia. Oh, you are in Serbia? Yeah. Oh, hey look at... I was just looking at this picture. You're like the man version of James Sprague. This is what James is gonna look like when he's done going
Starting point is 00:00:25 through puberty. I mean James looks like a man. Yeah he's starting there he's getting there. Dude these pictures are awesome dude. Yeah I had Josie with me this week so he made some cool shots. Yeah, these are sweet, dude. You're looking like a beast. Yeah, Jelle sent me a not so nice comment on that previous photo. Oh, when you're jumping over? Yeah, he said, uh, I guess you don't know how to jump hurdles. I'm like, it was a drill. It was a drill. Don't assume anything. Hey, are you friends with him? Yeah. Yeah. Um, uh, Lazar, say your name for me.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Lazar. Lazar. Lazar. Lazar. Okay, good. I called Andrew this morning. I was like, I need, I need to learn how to say his name. I'm like, cause people call me Savan or all these kind of put the accent on the wrong thing and I'm like how come I can't remember him he's like dude you're gonna have to work really hard he's like it's like that with your name too I was like oh good Lazar so it's easy it's Lazar it's not Lazar like you know how they call Nikola Jokic Nikola well it's not Nikola it's not Lazar it's Lazar. Lazar. Lazar yeah okay yeah I can remember that Lazar and I because I go back and forth between Lazar and Lazar. Yeah I don't mind but Lazar. Hey do is it only in the in the United States that do other people have a with it? It's not just me, right?
Starting point is 00:02:06 In the United States they usually call me a Lazar. Lazar, yeah, I wonder why that is. You guys have a weird pronunciation of that. Lazar, Lazar, how about this? Lazu? No. Hey, how are things in Serbia? How's life there? How's how's how are things? Everything is pretty good. It's really hot. The game's training has been so hard because of the heat, but I guess that's what we are
Starting point is 00:02:41 preparing for. So yeah, other than the heat, things are going pretty smooth. Are you still training in like the original Jukic shed too, also with your brother? You are freezing in the winter, boiling hot in the summer. Oh, we made it a little bit nicer. At the end of last season, we put the AC in, we did the isolation of the building. So now it's not as hardcore as it was. Lazer, when you say isolation, you mean like insulation?
Starting point is 00:03:17 Like another layer inside to protect it from temperature changing? Exactly. Hey, is Serbia a democracy? Kinda. Kinda? Yeah. I was thinking about this thing this morning. We just had one of our political conventions, our Republican national convention, our one of our political conventions our Republican National Convention and one of the things that Donald Trump said was Make it so that people didn't have to pay taxes on their tips anymore So they're on their tips
Starting point is 00:03:56 so if you're a waiter a waitress or if you're a cab driver or You know if you're a masseuse or if someone tips you you know And or like you know you go to a coffee shop and someone smiles at you and they're nice to you or they go the extra Mile you give them an extra dollar right like like like if it's a kid who's being a good kid and like in trying to go The extra mile you give an extra dollar and he said he's not gonna He's not gonna charge them for he's not gonna tax their tips so they get to keep their entire tips And I was thinking In a in a socialist country like like the way the United the way the current government does it
Starting point is 00:04:34 What they do is is they want to pay all the kids student loans So they want to take the money from the rich people and pay for the kids student Like, you know the kids in the United States will take out like $200,000 for student loans and the government now wants to take money from people like me and pay off those loans. But the capitalist way of doing it is like hey instead of taking from one person and giving to another person let's give these other people more opportunity right. So give the young people more opportunity like hey get a job that takes tips be extra nice work extra hard
Starting point is 00:05:06 Make sure if you're if you're the hotel guy open the door right away smile And I was just wondering I just I just thought that that was brilliant. I thought that was a brilliant distinction between Socialism and capitalism giving opportunity as opposed to taking from one people and giving to another people. I like that actually in Serbia, I don't think it's, uh, regulated like that, but I don't think anybody's, uh, saying how much they like earned on tips. So they don't pay the tax for that. Right. And if I was in the tip business, I wouldn't say how much, like if I could
Starting point is 00:05:41 hide, if I would hide tips too. Yeah. Oh yeah. I would totally hide tips and it's not like you it's not you're just gonna spend that money and put it right back in the economy anyway right you're gonna go to the store and buy food and that's gonna be taxed yeah so you like that me and you are on the same page with that give opportunity instead of taking from people yes I knew I loved you yeah I'm kind of I don't want to say Serbia, but the whole world is following what you guys are doing in politics right now, in your elections and stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Hey, what do you think? I feel like when Trump was first elected, the world hated him same same with in the United States and then now I feel like everyone's turned like people are like they don't think of him as a clown anymore they don't think of him as the TV guy has the has the mood changed in foreign countries as well I think our president made a mistake back then he's for the Clintons uh-huh me too me, I made that same mistake. I didn't. Oh, of course you didn't. So yeah, after those four years that he already did, I think he showed himself to be a good leader for your country and for actually not just your country, the whole world. world so yeah he was the only president to be that never started a war so yeah it's good on him.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Serbia that's where the tennis players from Djokovic is he from Serbia? Yeah. And do you have the president, was it your president who said, hey, when I was, there's two realities, there's CNN reality and there's, was your president against the vaccine? No. No, no, he wasn't. One of those countries over there in your neighborhood, the president's like, we're not doing it. Was it Hungary? I think, The president's like, we're not doing it. Was it Hungary? Hungary? Or something.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah. One of those countries. Um, is, is Djokovic a popular there? Do people like him? Yeah. Oh, that's good. I like him too. Me too. And does he live there?
Starting point is 00:07:56 Does he come there and stay there? So he lives in a Monaco officially. Oh, he got Monaco money. in Monaco officially. Oh, he got Monaco money. I actually support it because he represents himself as Serbian. He always says he's from Serbia and there's always Serbian flag next to his name when he's playing, but he doesn't pay taxes in Serbia, which is not bad because he's, I think he's investing in something else like he's investing in preschool, in charity, in tennis courts for young kids to like stay on the street and play sports.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So if you're going to spend money, spend it how you want. Right, right. You trust how he's reinvesting in Serbia as opposed to how the politicians are investing in it. 100%. Yeah, that's cool. It's weird. I'm new to the tennis scene, but I think a lot of the old school, so I don't know about
Starting point is 00:08:57 his reputation, but I guess he used to have a really bad reputation. So I really like him, but I guess a lot of people in the state see him as a brat but I think he carries himself with great dignity. In Serbia people love him but outside of Serbia I don't think so because whoever he plays against crowd is like cheering for the other guys so cheering for the other guys. So yeah, I think it actually works for him better. Because before he was trying to like, he was trying to be liked. Now he just doesn't care. So now he just like, we have this word in Serbia, it's called Inat. It's kind of spite. So yeah, he just like winning because of spite. Ah, ah. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. So yeah, his mentality is something I'm looking up to. I want to talk about Luka real quick. How's Luka gonna do...
Starting point is 00:10:07 Oh, Spite. Nice. Thank you, Caleb. Look at that. Tell me, how's Luka's running? Better than mine. Yeah, really? So he sees those first three workouts and Luka starts... he's salivating a little bit he uh i think chad a mile and a sprint will work great for him uh then running and swimming he hired a swimming coach not too long ago so he's improving on that and uh yeah i think uh workouts that are out are looking pretty good for him. So you think he's gonna make the cut? 100%.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Okay, good. That makes me so happy. Yeah. And are you guys still working out a lot together? Like before, we are working out together at the same time, at the same place, just not doing the same stuff. Oh, how's your relationship with him good still very tight? Yeah great. Still the still the loving big brother? I mean who are you going to be good with and who are you going to trust if not your brother so yeah it's a pretty pretty good relationship between us. And and and last time I spoke to you you were in
Starting point is 00:11:24 Paris and you had a girlfriend are you still spoke to you, you were in Paris and you had a girlfriend. Are you still with her? I was not in Paris. It was Strasbourg, but it was France. You're close. Oh. She was studying in France and not too long ago she finished her PhD. So now we're living together in Serbia. She's back. Oh. She's back from December, but she finished like two weeks ago. So yeah. Oh, congratulations. So you're still together. Yeah. Good job, dude. Wow. Going to the CrossFit Games and managing a relationship. Look at you. Yeah, I'm a serious guy. Lazar, what a crazy group of dudes you're going with this year.
Starting point is 00:12:07 When you look at the list, whoever I talk to, I think they're going to win. This morning I'm like, yep, Lazer's going to win the CrossFit Games. I talk to Ricky, I'm like, yep, Ricky's going to win the CrossFit Games. It's just fucking nuts, dude. It's kind of wide open, right? I think there is 10 guys that can potentially win. Yeah, it is going to be... Yesterday we did a show and we tried to cut 10 guys
Starting point is 00:12:34 who aren't going to make the cut and we struggled. We couldn't figure it out. Well, yesterday I was playing that game. I cut them easily. So, you know, and you're pretty confident too? What do you say? You're pretty confident which you know which guys are gonna get cut. Is it the usual suspects? It's the Asians and Africans and is it the usual suspects? I made like 20 people cuts yesterday with Josie. I was just going like this one, this one, this one, this
Starting point is 00:13:05 one. So you only 10 are going to get cut, but you cut 20? Yeah. Is it only 10 are going to be cut? I think so. Well, maybe more, maybe more, you know, as we go on, but on Saturday after Chad, I think it's only 10. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:22 But going into Sunday, it's always 20 guys No, I don't know that's a good question. I don't know you'd know better than me it is always 20 Yeah, and did you think they're gonna cut down to 10? No, never not even for the final day final event ask two events, but you need 20 guys is still what you need for like if somebody's good at lifting some guys will go inside like make us it will like be a better leaderboard with 20 guys instead of 10 so that the points will make more sense
Starting point is 00:14:00 so that there can be more movement right more people can get between. Hey, do you think that now that we see that it's Chad, you know, an event obviously where you're going to be in some form or another stepping up and stepping down, and then you know there's going to be sprinting and a mile and we know there's going to be the run swim, do you have thoughts on what the other events could be? Do you think it's going to be like, uh, we're going to see like max snatch and shit like that to compensate way on the other side? Uh, for sure. There will be like a lot of bar, a lot of strongmen, a lot of gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Like games is always very well balanced. Uh, so of course we expect, uh, like lifting strongman gymnastics. Uh, and it's usually like always isolated max lift, isolated So of course we expect like lifting strongman gymnastics. And it's usually like always isolated max lift, isolated gymnastics, strongman with gymnastics, a cheaper machine sprint with interals or something like that. So there is like, there is, how do you say,
Starting point is 00:15:03 like- Balance? how do you say a like balance similarity to previous years, just in different like just different movements. So and I think with Dave being back, it's going to be more of a 2021 games than 2022 or 2023. Good thing is I experienced both boss and Dave as programmers. So I think I'm going to be ready. How was 2021 for you? Well, I was the best male rookie.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Almost made the rookie of the year. Malabar and stole it from me. Oh yeah, that's right. How about, did you see yellow hostess interview with Dave? Yeah, I support it 100%. He was, he was deserving of rookie of the year. I said it to him a couple of times. How funny was that? I love the way he asked the question. Yeah, I think they was a little bit struck by it. Yeah. 2021 leaderboard men overall. That was your rookie year. Oh, in your rookie year you took ninth. Damn, that's crazy. And yellow's rookie year he took 10th.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, better. Yeah, yeah, you did better. Well said. Well said. Hey, what about Justin Medeiros, the two timetime champ? What do you think is going on with him? Do you think he comes back? Do you think that he's just sort of the windows closed for him? Or do you think he's no? No, he's back for sure. A serious, serious threat.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah. There is, I said ten guys in my opinion Ricky Roman Jeff Fideros wellner Koski darling pepper Still Fikowski you think the Koski still a threat to the to the number one spot Yeah, me And then I think that's and then two more are going to round up top ten, but I think that's it Yeah, it is a it is a what about Jason Hopper
Starting point is 00:17:13 Yeah, Jason. I forgot him. Yeah for sure. Really you think Jason too. You don't think like he's got some like head issues. No Did you watch semi-finals? Yeah, I know it was crazy, right? Yeah, their semi-finals? Yeah, I know. It was crazy, right? Yeah, their semi-finals was crazy. How was it in Europe? Do you have any insights on what happened to Yonekowski? That was really weird. Yeah, I was so... I mean, let's be real. For me and for everybody, it's good if Yonek doesn't show up at the game because he is serious threat but also you know how much everybody works for the games how much everybody sacrifices and then you don't want to see somebody who you know is working a lot and like kicking his butt at the gym not making it because of sickness so I was really sad for you okay so you do
Starting point is 00:18:01 think it was a sickness I guess so many guys, uh, lazard did not do well on the first three events though I mean look at jack farlo Yonakowski and then the next three Um, they did significantly better Any any thoughts on that were the were those movements so different? uh honestly, I uh, I was not really surprised for some guys not to do good because some guys still lack a lot of conditioning. So I wasn't really surprised for the first three events for some people to do them bad. But yes, I was surprised for Jone because maybe he's not the best runner.
Starting point is 00:18:40 But then the second event was pure cross with front squats and double unders and toe to toast bar i was really expecting him to take a win of that one maybe oh okay and he he won the first wait is this right oh no this is 2023 sorry okay so 2023 uh you win this you win the semi-finals 2024, you win the semi-finals again. Um, and where's Yona? Oh, Oh, 34th, 11th, 26th. Wow. And your conditioning is outstanding. You took second. Is that what you consider that first workout as conditioning workout?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Like to show, to show your metabolic conditioning? Yeah. Pure, pure engine. I think. And I was second. I think I was second only because I started from the first heat. I got penalty on my box step ups in quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And then everybody saw my times. And all the coaches were lapping my rep. Oh. Oh. Their guys want to do. So, yeah. And, oh, and oldest took first. Oh man, that was crazy. Watching it home Lazar to watch oldest take two first and not make it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 That was crazy. Yeah. And all this is a beast, but, uh, you know, uh, when you compete so much with somebody, you know what their strengths are and you know what their weaknesses are. So I wasn't really scared of all this taking first places because there was this snatch workout. So because my goal was to win it and I was always calculating who will do good in what. So my goal was just to be consistent. But did you think that he wasn't, did you still think he was just to be consistent.
Starting point is 00:20:25 But did you think that he wasn't, did you still think he was going to make it though? At least make it? Yeah. All this is always a safe bet for me. Yeah what happened? Did he get sick or something too or no? Just had some bad events? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Well we all know semifinals was kind of leaning on more to the bigger guys last two years. So yeah, just those box step downs for him were really hard and Snatch was not something he's like the best at. And what else? What was the fourth event? Maybe rowing, he was his smaller guy compared to like me, Jelle, Hendrik, Luka. So maybe he couldn't row as fast as us and maybe took a hit there. And then the final event with the caries, right? The dumbbell caries? I think he was good in that. He was good in that one? I'm not sure, but I wouldn't tell his like...
Starting point is 00:21:28 14th, okay, so not bad. Not bad, yeah. You can qualify with 30th, 50th and still go through. Yeah, wow. And then BKG is going to his 11th games. Yeah. What number is this for you? Four. Four. And how old are you?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Twenty-eight. Oh, you're still young. I mean, compared to Luca, compared to Justin, compared to Sprague, Darling Pepper, I don't know. But yeah, compared to well now. Yes, right. Hey, do you think you're the best you've ever been? Like, do you feel yourself getting better?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Are you peaking? 100%. God, that must feel so good. Are you chomping at the bit? Like, do you want it to be tomorrow? No, I need to rest a bit. You're pretty beat up? What did you say?
Starting point is 00:22:29 You're pretty beat up? Yeah, pretty, pretty beat up. What's it looking at? Yesterday, someone was telling me, I can't remember who, someone was on the show, and they were like, hey, you have to be careful. Oh, I think it was Justin Kotler was saying, you have to be careful as you get close to the games
Starting point is 00:22:44 that you're not like, I need to force everything in now. He Kotler was saying you have to be careful as you get close to the games that you're not like I need to force everything in now. He's like you just have to accept that there's some things that you just can't do Yeah, but I think we did a good job Our semifinals was first semifinals So we had nine full weeks of training No, we had we have nine full weeks of training and then a small like a week load and then the game start. So nine weeks is a huge block. In the first five weeks we crashed the volume and like strongman stuff and a
Starting point is 00:23:21 lot of volume and now we are like four weeks, like the other half of the prep was more intensity, lifting, gymnastics, crossing games style of workouts. So I think we prepared pretty well. And this is probably the healthiest I'm going to the crossing games. So pretty stoked about that. So there's no celebration after the semi-finals you're not like okay I won party it's like back to
Starting point is 00:23:50 work. Yeah well for me it was kind of a surprise that I won because last two years my my goal was to win semi-finals I wanted to make a statement for the semifinals and win and show how dominant I am in Europe. And I did that. This year, honestly, we didn't even like think about semifinals. It was we were confident me and my coach were confident that we will go through. And that was the only goal go through. that we will go through and that was the only goal go through but with how consistent I was I managed to to take a win and I was happy about it but yeah trajectory was games this year are you surprised yellow took second? No. He's the real deal, huh? It's wild how he's just showing up on the scene and kicking ass. What did you say? He was hungry to beat me, but I'm really happy that I beat him there. Yeah, you can't let the new guy beat you. No. He's too tall to beat me. No, not, no chance.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Good. Okay, good. Will he be top 10 at the games? Yes. Oh, you think he beats Fikowski? No. That'll be a hell of a statement if he does though, right? Yeah. But I don't think so because what Fikowski showed through the years is how consistent he is and how smart he is and that he plays a long game and you can never write him off. So, yeah, Brent is a legend of sport and I think he still got it like a pet.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So two of them are always a threat. I kind of wrote off Brent 2020, what was it, 2 when he took what 16th or something and then he came back between Dubai did really well in the water Palooza did very well in semi finals took what fourth of the games. So yeah, no no he's still there Still a problem and he dealt with some pretty serious injuries that he wasn't talking about but then now we know right he had some serious Issues, I think I didn't listen to it, but yeah Yeah, I think one year at the games he had like a torn ACL or something for the entire games that may have been That year he took yeah probably there was something around his
Starting point is 00:26:29 knee like I asked him what was it he said to keep my knee more stable when do you go to Texas? 31st July. Is that ideal for you? You like going a week early? Yes. Before, so last year I did really good with travel, so I traveled like 10 days, same like now. And I realized that works best for me so I'm just repeating it and and who will you go with will you and Luca travel together so look I took another plane because he booked it so late and he will go also 31st but my travel is a Belgrade Frankfurt Frankfurt Dallas and he's a Belgrade, Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Dallas,
Starting point is 00:27:26 and he's Belgrade, Chicago, Chicago Dallas. So you show up on the same day? Yeah, we'll show up at the same day. And yeah, but the thing is, Josie booked my hotel first, like in first five minutes after they announced for fourth as a City so I I Paid it really cheap
Starting point is 00:27:51 Every black look I waited so he paid a lot more for hotel and I was like Josie You're gonna jinx me But we made it was fine. Are you staying at the athlete hotel? No, I'm staying at Homewood Suites. And why not an Airbnb? Why hotel? Well, it's not really a hotel, it's a hotel with a kitchen. That kind of thing? That's important to me.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah, I would think where you stay would be so important Yeah, last year like people wouldn't believe what are the prices like I last two years I stayed in What was it home to sweets across? across the I had a like I had a connection. A girl that is booking for CrossFit is a Serbian girl, so she always left me a room. But still, it was crazy. I think for six nights I paid like $5,000. Oh my god! So, oh my God. Like if you consider how much you're getting, like it's worth it, but it's, it's crazy. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I bet you in Madison, I bet you those rooms, like normally like six nights would be like $400. I bet you it's so it's so everything's so cheap there. I maybe it wasn't five. It was like three points something. But then I, uh, I saw Spencer in the same hotel and I'm like, dude, this hotel is expensive. He was like, yeah, I paid 5.6.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah. No, I could see that. I could, I mean, I don't, I don't know how it works elsewhere, but that's the, there's so many things like that in the United States. Soon as that they see that there's a many things like that in the United States. Soon as they see that there's a demand or an event, all the prices just skyrocket. Everywhere. We just had a festival in Novi Sad.
Starting point is 00:29:54 It's called Exit, kind of like the biggest festival in Europe for music and techno, I don't know, whatever. And prices skyrocketed. And Josie was coming just in that time, like, coming week after. Ha ha ha. Like for like hotels and food and Ubers and all that shit. They is pretty much consistent,
Starting point is 00:30:18 but hotels and Airbnb and everything just skyrockets. Who's coming with you to watch you? Any family? Anya is coming with me, same as last two years. Then my coach is coming. Well, Luka is coming and his coach is coming with him. And I think that's it Like my support like other supporting like Mike and to maybe Nemo Mike swimming coach maybe
Starting point is 00:30:59 I don't know like the guys that are helping me throughout the year. Maybe they they will be there to help How about your mom and dad? No, they're staying home Does that stress them out? Do they wish they were going? Honestly, we went as a family in Dubai and it didn't work out well because my dad is pretty, like, how do you say, he's very tough on us like if we don't do well he's gonna like why didn't you do it better I just don't want that during competition so yeah mom is always like trying to to help and but she's so emotional like they're like two
Starting point is 00:31:42 opposites so yeah it doesn't really work. It's better if they stay home and watch and support from there. Your mom, if you take 20th is like, you did great. And you're like, no, I didn't. But if you take second, your dad's like, you suck. Exactly. You're like, what?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Last year I took ninth after the crash and everything that happened last year and my dad was so disappointed. I'm like why 9th is still top 10? He's like you prepared me, you're going to win. I expected the win. You know, even someone like me who's watched, you know, so many of the games, it really is important to remember that because there are so many events and there are so many guys that it truly is that way.
Starting point is 00:32:35 A ninth is a great finish, especially in the first two days. I mean, a fantastic finish, right? I mean, I wasn't happy. Sure. sure. Last year was the only year that I wasn't happy with what I did. That this is last year's standing. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Chandler Smith should not be beating you. I don't want to say that. I mean, it's the truth.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah, but like they, they later they did some data if I have like I did my calculation I crashed from 12th place. If I didn't crash and I finished 12th, I would have been fifth place. Wow. If there was no bike ride, I would finish like fourth or third. Wow. Yeah. Part of me thinks that they're not going to do a bike ride for a long time. I don't think it's a bad event. I just don't think Mass Start is something that we should be doing.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I'm looking at the name. There's so many unknowns this year. So many good guys like Dallin and Jay. It's like, oh shit, like, you know, every year, they're going to come with better than the previous year. Yeah. And that takes us back to what we were talking about before. It's going to be such a war at the top. There's going to be no, I guess, I guess more than ever, every point is going to count this year. You can't have any fucking errors. Yeah. I was talking with my coach about it.
Starting point is 00:34:13 We did like two workouts on what was it? Wednesday, let's say. And one of the workouts was Mary, 20 armwrap, 5 handstand pushups, 10 pistols, 15 pull ups. And I was like, I'm gonna crush this workout. And my coach was like, you're a big guy, like if you do 19 rounds, it's fine. And I ended up doing 21 plus. And he was like, that meant I want that mentality all the way. And then we did double DT. And I was like, Oh, man, this is going to hurt. This is not going to go well. This is going to like be really painful. And I ended up not doing great. So he said only
Starting point is 00:34:56 difference in these two workouts was your mentality. You could have crushed both, but you were scared. Like, I don't want to see you scared going into a workout so it was like only difference between those two and if I like went more confident into a barbell cycling workout I would like perform much better do you agree with them yeah for sure. You've never seemed to be short on confidence. You always seem you come across very confident, very sure of yourself. Where someone like Jay Crouch in the
Starting point is 00:35:33 last two years, we've seen him now. Like now he like you can tell just from talking to him two years ago versus now, like now he believes in himself. He's like. He thought he thought he can do it. Yeah. And he, I think he needed to see that he can to start believing in himself. For me, it's a bit different. I believe in myself
Starting point is 00:35:56 before I do it. Right. Blind faith, right? Yeah. Who's your coach, Lazar? Uhos from Greece. I'm following him. I followed him in 2021 and now I'm back with him for 2024. And then you did mayhem for a couple years. I did mayhem for two years in between training with him. Did any part of you think maybe in years past before you between training with him. And you're not, did any part of you think maybe in years past before the games, did you ever go to Mayhem prior to the games, like for a week or two? For a month. And why aren't you doing that this year? I mean, obviously you're with Panos,
Starting point is 00:36:39 but I'm sure that they would still welcome you, right? I think yes, they would, but I think the best environment for me is with my people. So yeah, I just decided to stay with my family, my girlfriend, my brother and do it together with them instead going to make him alone. I mean there's a lot of people there but nobody's like I am nobody's priority there you know I'm only priority for myself. Roman has him has his kids, his wife, Guy also like Tyler, Hailey, Luke everybody's priority for themselves and they have their team there. I would go there and be alone, so it wasn't really an option for me. Hey, you know this demeanor that Laura Horvat has, the way she just has her,
Starting point is 00:37:38 it's not a demeanor that I'm used to seeing. Is that normal in Serbia too, or the women like that? I mean, I know she's not from Serbia, but sort of just this very stoic. No, that's not a Serbian woman. She's special. So, so the Serbian women aren't that stoic. They're not that. Some of them are.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Some of them are like my mom and Anya are pretty badass women. Some of them are, but most of them don't. No, okay. Because if someone told me Laura Horvat was from Siberia, I would believe it. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. She needs a face like Roman, and then yes. Yeah. Because I look at I'm trying to think who is it. Where's Karen. Where's Karen frae over from. Czech Republic.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Okay. No, Slovakia Slovakia sorry Slovakia. Okay. It's just, it's really interesting. And her brother, Christoph, is very stoic, but the second you like go into his bubble, he turns into a, he lightens up. Yeah, he's like a huge teddy bear. Yeah, yeah. You know, from far away, you could be like, ooh, that guy's not going to talk, but second
Starting point is 00:39:00 you get inside his bubble and he becomes quite charming. Yeah, he's a great guy. Yeah, um, I I see do you think it's do you think what do you think about these athletes who sort of keep to themselves? Like on one level I'm like, okay, I Understand you're going for you know, you want to stay focused But on the other hand I'm thinking well this window That people could be interested in even knowing you are talking to you is going to be very small.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And then you're just going to just turn into just one of us, regular people. Um, do you have any thoughts on that? Like, do you ever feel like you spread yourself too thin? Uh, no, uh, it's like different, different stuff works for different people. For me, I like to talk with people a lot. And then when it's like choral time, then I stop. Then I'm like in my zone. But I relieve myself of stress by making fun of somebody and like talking shit with somebody.
Starting point is 00:40:01 So yeah, I like that more than keeping to myself. But I saw like a bunch more than keeping to myself but I saw like bunch of people keeping to themselves I was always looking up to like Rich and Matt and I was competing with Matt in Dubai once 2018 and I was kind of like watching what he does and he's like all in like he's not spreading his energy around. I was thinking maybe that will work for me but for me like positive vibes are always so I like to like make like laugh like chill good vibes so no no like I don't want to be inside and like think, overthink it.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Right. Um, I think Matt and like Justin, um, they seem to just go through moods. So sometimes Justin's out and then sometimes he's in. And I felt that way about Matt too. Sometimes he was out and sometimes he was in. Where someone like Josh Bridges or Rich Froning, they were just always, they were out. I don't think, I never saw Rich compete, but like for like daily life he's pretty chill,
Starting point is 00:41:16 he's talkative. Rich. Rich, yes. Yeah, very social, right? Yeah. And clearly that works for him because he keeps a lot of people around. Yeah. I mean, the first thing he says to me every time I see him is, is like, when are you coming
Starting point is 00:41:32 to my house to visit? I mean, it's just like, and I know it's not me. I know he says that to a lot of people. It's like, come visit. Not a lot of people. People he likes. Oh, okay. Well, fine.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Then I'll take it. Yeah. There is a big circle around him, but I think he shows who, like, he shows... If he likes you, he will show it. Oh, interesting. Did you get along with him? I think yes. We were, like, getting along very good. Yeah, I could see him liking you. You seem to... Like you said, like to joke around. I mean he's a man's man. He wants to fuck around. I think he... And you like to fuck around too. With me I think he respected a lot my discipline because in NAACM not everybody is really
Starting point is 00:42:18 disciplined. Like if we say show up at 10 some people will not show up at 10 they will show up at 11 and I was always like five minutes early starting for him and He was there he was the respect in that I think I can't believe it's like that at like Such a high level. It's still it's still like that. I Mean some people like to take it more I mean, some people like to take it more like not to have a strict schedule. I like my strict schedule and I'm keeping to it. But outside of that, I think I'm pretty like, I don't, it's not like lightheaded, but yeah, I'm not really too serious. If Ricky would have been at the games last year do you think
Starting point is 00:43:09 that the he would have I mean Jeff Jeff Jeff Adler had a lot of points but do you think Ricky could have won last year if he was there? I'm not playing those games because you can never you can never say I mean he could have broke a leg like Roman who knows Right, right Like doing workouts Outside and comparing it's not the same at all Or semi-finals I I never did any like scores that I've done that I've done in the gym I always be better in the gym.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I always did better in the gym than at the... Oh, interesting. Yeah, so because you have a judge, you have a transition, you have a no rep, you have a impact on the body from previous workout, you have like a lot of stuff going into the calculation. So I don't know, maybe he could have won because the workouts last year were really good for him. So who knows I
Starting point is 00:44:09 Hey, that's funny. You say that about the judges cuz Dave was interviewing BKG in the year that he won Murph He did Murph the week before and and Dan beat him by 15 minutes. I saw with no judge And then they went to the games and BKG fucking crushed him and Dan beat him by 15 minutes. I saw that. With no judge. And then they went to the games and BKG fucking crushed him. If someone's beating BKG and Murph by 15 minutes, you know something's wrong. Either BKG is, anyone, either someone's sick or you didn't do the reps.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I mean, it's just kind of obvious, right? The game's margins are so thin, and no way somebody beats somebody 15 minutes in a 40-minute workout, not a chance. Yeah, and especially someone like BKG. Yeah. The guy who ends up winning it. BK is so consistent that you are not beating him,
Starting point is 00:45:03 like, a lot in anything he's always gonna be there so right yeah how did your interview go with Dave I think he likes me yeah yeah like a good I think 16 17 minutes so the only thing was that he doesn't remember when we met. He knows me, but he didn't know, for example, that Luca qualified, which was weird. Like everybody knows from Europe that Luca didn't qualify. Dude, he didn't even know who Alex Gazan was. Really? I think when he looks out there, they're all just avatars.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's all just the same person to him. He just sees it as an army of people doing the workouts and then numbers, times. That's it. I think he's really focused on what his job is that yeah a lot What's happening outside of that? But now he's gonna care because he he he's definitely changing he said in that When he said I used to think it's me versus them or us versus them and now he doesn't
Starting point is 00:46:24 Something has changed in him and he's saying stuff like to people I mean he's saying stuff to people that I've never heard him say like oh, I look forward to talking to you at the games He never says shit like that. Yeah, like he doesn't say fluff stuff. He'll just be like bye You know, I mean, he's the kind of guy just leaves a party. It won't even say bye to you Now I really appreciate what he did, like 40 athletes. It's not an easy task to... I think he's at 78 or something now. Yeah, it's 40 men, 40 women. So it's a task to coordinate all the interviews and spend your energy on everybody. So yeah, really good job on Dave's side.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Do you know he hasn't interviewed Danielle Brandon yet? Yeah, he's left. He left her for last interview. I don't know if he did by choice. She's very hard to schedule. Maybe the 10 times that I've scheduled with her, three times, she's actually showing up. The other seven times she just doesn't show up. So I wonder if she's doing that to him. Would you ever not show up for an interview you scheduled? No. I mean, I wouldn't not show up.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I know. isn't that? It's kind of crazy. Yeah, I mean, my parents always taught me to respect your time and respect other people's time. So I'm trying to do that. Yeah. What about pickleball? Is pickleball taking off in Serbia?
Starting point is 00:48:04 What's that? Oh, good. That makes me happy. I think it's paddle for them for you guys, isn't it? All tennis? basically Half the court at my son's tennis academy half the courts They brought in the tractors and all the Mexicans and they're coming with the drills and they're fucking changing all the courts Yeah, it took off in Serbia. it's what I mean like paddle. Yeah, it's like ping-pong for retards. It's like a big ball It's like a big ball in a racket. Don't say that some people close to me are playing That's fine. Well, that's okay. I understand why they're playing. Yeah, I never tried
Starting point is 00:48:43 So that that's in Serbia too. Yeah. I never tried. So that that's in Serbia too. Yeah. Oh, damn. I'm sorry. Start in Serbia. Should you be saying sorry to me? Where did pickleball start Caleb? Like India or something like we good. Yeah, let's blame them. Crazy. I thought they did up American it's an American sport. Oh man. Hey Matt. Here's McDonald's. Here's McDonald's and pickleball. Here you go You have mosquito in there. No, I'm looking for where I have a like charger report Oh for your phone. Yeah, I'm like five like 5%. Okay we're four minutes over anyway. Hey yesterday I was talking with Hilar and the whole time he had a flyswatter. Killing mosquitoes. Do you have mosquitoes in Serbia? A lot of them yeah but not
Starting point is 00:49:37 really opening window because it's too hot outside so we were just on the AC. Like in the morning we open the window for like an hour and we close it because it's crazy hot. The bicycle debacle from last year did all the wounds heal from that between you and Justin and Luke and everything's all like by the time the games were over everything was all better? Me and Luke didn't have any conflict. Oh no. Because he like not him but people were trying to blame
Starting point is 00:50:08 me. But then Scott showed a video of him going into me and then falling. I kept my line and I just didn't like move or anything. He just went into me and fall which was unfortunate because I like Luke a lot and we are good friends and then with Justin it was just a like two guys that don't want to back back off first time it was my fault second time it was his fault and I think I like and I think I suffered more from it because I took two points from that workout and it was 40 minutes long. I mean, if it's 40 minutes long workout, you want to take some points, not like two.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So yeah, but at the end of last year games, Justin, I was angry, honestly, I was angry. I didn't wanna talk to him. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to his coaches and anything. And he came up to me after the ceremony and he like went close to me. And I strictly remember him saying, I'm here to give you a hug, not an elbow. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, we had doubt. And from then on, I don't have an elbow. Oh that's cool. Yeah we hugged it out and from then on I
Starting point is 00:51:26 don't have anything against. That's really cool. I really respect that he did that because it took like courage to do that I think. Yeah yeah. Like you don't know how other person would react on that so yeah I was I was really happy that he did it Yours are you sponsored by fit aid? Yeah, they send they send the cases to Serbia Yes, now we have a distributor before we didn't have one. So yeah now we have a like a fit in Serbia Oh, that's awesome. And if you click that if you click that QR code everyone over kit Yep, that one you get 40 40 percent off a fidet. Nice. Yeah. That's awesome that they that you have a distributor there. Yeah. Before I had a really like a problem of getting it in Serbia because I was ordering them to France and then I was trying to like bring them to myself
Starting point is 00:52:20 which was hard. So oh yeah that sucks. That a pain in the ass. Hey those cases are heavy. Yeah like I get three packages so they're like packed. Yeah. Yeah I mean I'm no Lazar Djukic but I got two the other day and I went to pick both of them up at the same time. I'm like nah nah I'm good. I pick one at a time. I do that too.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I like I'm always for more walking instead of like going one Hey, dude, thanks for having thanks for coming on I can't wait to see you in another fuck And the scenes again, yeah ten days. Yep. I'll be there nice see you there All right, and say hi to Luca for me, please for sure. All right, dude. Ciao. Bye. Bye As Jukic. Oh, we had a great discussion Dark Lord Rev on about Novak Djokovic in the beginning of the podcast Do you follow tennis? Yeah, dude, you missed the you got to go back and listen. We talked about uh, All the way. Thank you for the $10 very generous David where's your money pay up, dude?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Seriously David pay up mind fucking joking Seriously, David, pay up. Mind fucking joking. David, I'm not fucking joking. You owe me $10. Do it up, brother. Yeah. Or else. Oh, is this true?
Starting point is 00:54:21 The average annual pay for Pickleball Pro in the United States is $112,707. Jeez. Oh, I just remembered a dream I had last night. There was a video I wanted to show you. Oh, did you see this Zuck video? What is happening to Zuckerberg? It's coming out of his shell a little bit. This is the fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:54:52 This is the guy that fucking fucked up the election last year by not having a fucking set of balls. I don't think he grew a pair since, but. Stuff personally in the past. I'm not planning on doing that this time. Um, and that includes, you know, not endorsing either of the candidates. Um, now look, I mean, there's obviously a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world, I mean, the historic events over the last, like over the weekend. And I mean, on a personal note, it's.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. I mean, seeing Donald Trump get get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life. But but look, I mean, it's, you know, as and I think, look, it's at some level as an American, it's like, hard to not get kind of emotional about that spirit in that fight. And I think that that's why a lot of people like the guy. I've done some stuff personally in the past. I'm not planning on doing that this time. What the fuck did he just say?
Starting point is 00:55:59 He said Trump's a badass. Is he a Jeffrey Burschfield average podcaster $20. To be fair I don't like Trump but it was within the top three most badass things I witnessed in my lifetime especially that photo Jesus Christ that's the definition of USA hey it's the BJJ and hanging with UFC people rubbing off on them true part of me is is like I'm not stupid I know company goes over a hundred employees like the guy at the top is not running it anymore like shit gets weird and And and then you accompany with fucking I don't know how many employees does meta have? How many employees
Starting point is 00:56:56 Meta 67,000 300 yeah, yeah, and that's a decrease from 2022 when it was 86,000, right? So they laid off 20,000 people That's like across the world. So you're not just like it's not just like a headquarters with 67,000 employees. It's like but on the other hand, but on the other hand Elon's laying the hammer down at Twitter and Like you may not be running the company but you set the culture and the fact that they did all that shit around the vaccine and they allow all that woke shit to happen and they're kicking people like me off of Instagram and all the censorship it's just bullshit and they're still doing it. It's pretty gay. They're still doing it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 The censorship is strong now. They kicked the fucking president of the United States off their platform Yeah, I'm still with I I Want to I want to be a it made me sad the other day to see AOC calling Trump a neo-nazi She said that yeah Just straight up he's basically he's a fucking Nazi Didn't they just say they're like stop calling names and being so violent at the podium It's like if she if she were like, hey
Starting point is 00:58:24 The fact that he thinks that, I don't know, use some example. The fact that he thinks the Green New Deal is a scam makes me realize that I can't be aligned with Donald Trump because I fully believe that we have imminent doom. We're all going to die of CO2 poisoning because of a study done in 2018 by Dr. Greenberg over at MIT. I can't stand by Trump like I like I get it. Like if you got but just the fucking neo-nazi shit and I don't want to hate her. I don't want to hate anyone with Down syndrome. You know what I mean? Like I want to have a line in the sand of like, hey, like no matter what, like just be cool to them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I get that I used to think that about Armenians when I was a kid I just think I love all Armenians I'm Armenian then I went to LA and I started hanging out with a lot of Armenians every time down there I'm like fuck these people suck that's how it is when I joined the military too it's like wow everybody in the military must be so cool Because they're Because they did that gong ho america cool shit. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah freedom, dude. Now. Yeah, they're all Probably 80 percent of them are fucking assholes Oh man, yeah
Starting point is 01:00:02 And and then I and then I started to realize I don't know if I just rationalize this but I started thinking It's not Armenians. It's just people in LA Well, I mean that's probably true too I hate to bash guests But do you remember the guest I had who had the who had the book who ran the clubs and he was involved like with like Murder and sex and all that stuff. And he wrote that book. Yep. That was quintessential LA.
Starting point is 01:00:34 He went from fake to being real, and he was still fake. Oh my god. I'm going to say something so fucked up. Please. My god, i'm gonna say something so fucked up Please being a conservative woman What a fucked up what a fucked up life I look at I looked at Mr. Trump. I'm so sorry for what i'm about to say. I look at trump's daughters and his wife What a fucked up life.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Imagine having to put all that shit on every time you left the house. She couldn't one of the the one of his daughters couldn't stop playing with her hair Jared Kushner's wife and like the way it's died like that and every hair hangs perfect and how they're there there think of just how your wife presented at BSI event okay yeah hot natural casual mm-hmm now how long do you think it takes for fucking Melania to leave the fucking house two hours all that just all that fake shit. Yeah, plastic people. God damn. Why are the conservatives doing- And I know there's a lot of conservatives who aren't like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:53 Like, Audrey just fucking lives in a bathing suit in my mind. You know what I mean? Yeah. But this- But this- It's like the tranny people. Like- Or like the tranny people, or not the tranny people, it's like the college students who are trying to be all natural but they have 17 piercings and they have the, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:02:17 You know, they dressed up to look like shit. It looks so hard being one of those I don't know what you call it, but the conservative there's so many conservative women like that it or um, uh, Don jr. I fucking love Don jr. Yeah, his fucking wife doesn't even look human dude I Took screenshots of her when she would like the camera shooter from the side. I swear to God, I wanted to fucking buy her and put her in a saltwater tank.
Starting point is 01:02:51 She looks like meatball Molly. Oh, the UFC fighter? Yeah. She looks like she belongs in a saltwater tank. Like a fish? Yeah. Like a fucker fish? Yeah, yeah. These chicks look like fish. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I mean, even some of our CrossFit athletes who do that fucked up shit to their face and like their lips so fucked up like it cast a shadow like up here, you know? Like they got so much injection in their lips that it's casting a shadow on their face. At least they're not wearing fucking makeup and completely like... Um...
Starting point is 01:03:24 It just looks like so much fucking work. I was about to say, face at least they're not wearing fucking makeup and completely like It just looks like so much fucking work I was my my heart was kind of like hurting a little bit I was just looking at all those women in the Trump booth and it just looks like It just looks like so much fucking work Holy shit, who is that blonde chick? I think that's Trump Jr.'s wife. No no it's not but that chick is fucking gnarly those tits are gnarly figure out who that is. Vanessa Trump? Vanessa that's that's a Trump daughter? Yeah that's the most natural looking maybe he's not with her anymore. Don Jr. and Vanessa trump divorce is final
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yeah, yeah, she's not she's a little more normal looking i'm down with that. That's a little more normal That's not normal You mean just the giant fake tits, but just look at her face. At least you can like I can see her skin You know what I mean? Yeah Did you see the mag did you see mac gates? No, did he get his eyebrows done and they're all fucked up? Oh yeah. Listen dudes, listen dudes, do not do anything to your eyebrows.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Guys listen, pull boy listen. Pull boy looks like he's at eyebrow work, right? Do not do anything to your eyebrows. Look how fucked up my eyebrows are. my mom accused me of shaving my eyebrow Oh my god, you ever seen you ever seen Santa Claus like the movie Santa Claus? And like all of the no not Santa Claus. I like Matt Gates. I like Matt Gates. I like Matt Gates He's a little it looks like an Oompa Loompa with those eyebrows, oh I like Matt Gates. I
Starting point is 01:05:09 Like Matt Gates like I like You know like when you go to a party and there's a dude you don't like but you're glad he's there cuz it adds Something to it. Like I don't I don't know if I'd like him, but I like him like he's like he's You know Like there's a tool in your garage and you only use it once a year and you kind of want to get rid Of it because it takes up too much like it like a shop vac If you had your shop vac for two years and you haven't used it kind of like fuck the hose and the cord and everything Are all over the fucking place where are you gonna store it?
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah, and what but when you need it, it's fucking it's awesome Yeah, I'm not saying he should be trusted, but he's he he sometimes he puts the hammer down on people and I like it. Like when he called when he called women at abortion rallies, ugly. And of course, he said, of course, they're ugly. Of course, they're they're for killing babies. No one would ever fuck them.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And then in an interview, he's like the ladies like, hey, what do you say to people who find that offensive? He said, good. They should. Have you seen that clip? No, I haven't. Oh, it's amazing. This is kind of funny though.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Is this Gates? Yeah. He's like, he's at the RNC or Republican national, whatever the fuck. And he's like heckling this guy. like from like a back row kind of thing Okay, I'm ready You would get booed off the stage Oh Wow that guy punked a bully
Starting point is 01:06:52 Exactly. It was awesome. Wow You would get boot off stage. I don't even know who you are. Don't be a fucking asshole. Oh, wow He um The FBI was all up in his ass for a while. Really? Yeah, he did something. Like he fucked someone underage or cheated on his wife or he was being accused of it. Man, he was getting drugged through. I thought he was, I can't believe he survived what he did.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I thought he was toast. Savvy, you didn't shave lines in your eyebrows? No. You mean like as a kid? I didn't go through that phase but my mom and my sister accused me of shaving my eyebrows once You just like they like they were vehement about it. This is like when I was in high school You just have a weird patch in the middle of your eyebrow Yeah, I just have like a I just have like a spot like see how they go up
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yeah, it's like I have like two I have four eyebrows Like I have a rogue eyebrow over here It just wants to grow Underage sexual acts. Yeah, did he ever get convicted of that? Man, they were all up in his shit and I think he was married when he was being accused of it Classic accused of it. Classic. I don't find anything sexually attractive about Matt Gates. No. I find him as kind of a little bit repulsive. He's a dud. Like gross yeah I can't imagine a girl a woman being attracted to him. Fat ass
Starting point is 01:08:22 forehead. Did you shave part like all the black guys? I did the thing I did I had the sides of my head shaved. I don't remember if I had lines. I don't think I had lines. But my senior picture. I wonder if you could find my high school college park high school Sevan Mitosian. I wonder if like that does anything. The College Park High School, Sevan Mitosian images. No. I should pull out my high school yearbook. God, I've had so many different looks on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:02 What year did you graduate high school? 1990. What are you typing in like yearbook? so many different looks on this podcast what year did you graduate high school 1990 what are you typing in like yearbook yeah you can buy your yearbook on ebay for 40 bucks oh really yeah os park high 1990 uh why would somebody want that yearbook what's did you graduate with some famous people or something no, oh I think one girl died in the only famous person in my high school was a One girl died in like
Starting point is 01:09:39 Waco Texas the branch Davidian thing the branch Davidian. So interesting. Yeah Yeah, I don't see Is this what your yearbook looks like I don't know but there was this chick that I was really good friends with Stacey Cove Ness Okay Love a Stacey and me and this dude Brian O'Connell used to she had a crazy body. I think she had like tits Probably the first one in the class and she was really cool and I really liked her like just as like a friend to hang out with and me and my buddy Brian O'Connell used to hang out
Starting point is 01:10:36 With her a lot and her parents were cool, too Then she started dating this dude who was like one of the toughest guys in my high school. His name's Edgar Lopez. I don't know if he was tough. I thought he was tough as shit. Big Mexican dude. All yoked and shit. Tall. Big fro. Big thick Mexican fro. Antonio Banderas looking motherfucker but buff. And she started dating him and and Bonio Bandera is looking motherfucker but buff and she started dating him and And And I and he hated me for some reason he hung out my circle of friends and he hated me. I don't even know why
Starting point is 01:11:16 And I was tiny I was like just this tiny little punk kid and I was pretty I was wild. I would do crazy shit And I was pretty, I was wild. I would do crazy shit. Like, like, like, I like, I'd have no problem just bringing a pack of smoke bombs to school. We had 2500 kids in my high school and just walk down the hallway and light a smoke bomb and just roll it into a classroom. Like, no, no problem. Pee into a Ziploc bag, close it, leave it in the hallway. Like me and my buddy would pee into a gallon size Ziploc bag, fill it to the top, zip it shut and leave it in the hallway. And then everyone would come out into the halls and you know, you're packed in so tight, you
Starting point is 01:11:54 can't see it. So we just get kicked around until finally it broke open and piss went everywhere. Just shit like that. Taco sauce on tampons and just sticking them on people's lockers. I mean, every day I was up to something like that. Wow. Anyway, so he started dating this chick, Stacey, and he hated me. But we hung in the same circle. Like, you know, like I went like, you know, like I would like, like I'd pick him up from
Starting point is 01:12:20 his house and drive him to a party or vice versa. Like, but I just knew he still hated me detested me thought I was lame but and I and I he could have been right I could have been I could have been pretty lame yeah and uh so he started he hated me he started dating this chick Stacey and then she started hating me even though she was like my good friend. And she was, she was like head of the yearbook committee. And in the back of the yearbook, it was thankful.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Um, you could basically, you know how you take your yearbook around and have people sign your yearbook. Yeah. Hags have a great summer. Yeah. Yep. Have a great summer. Shit like that. Or I can't wait to see you or whatever. It was great going to school. It was our senior year and
Starting point is 01:13:10 But also they would have pages where everyone wrote in pages and then they would and then in the back of the yearbook there'd be like 12 pages and it looked like it was all handwritten, but it was just printed in every yearbook. Do you know what I mean by that? You kind of follow that? Oh, you froze. So there, so do you know what I mean by that? Yes. So every yearbook would have, it would look like it was, you passed it around and had it signed, but it wasn't.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Right. And she wrote in there, Sevan Matosian has a huge nose and it was printed in all the yearbooks, just really big. Oh my God. And has a huge nose and it was printed in all the yearbooks just really big That's fucked up I Mean now it's funny but at the time I did I wasn't I wasn't stoked I'll tell you that well, yeah It's scar me for like a decade. I think about that for a very long time
Starting point is 01:14:05 and Fist that scar me for like a decade. I think about that for a very long time and So I My buddy worked at Kelly Moore paints. It's like a chain. Are you familiar with that? Like Sherwin-Williams kind of yeah, okay, so I said hey could you get me a gallon of Self priming steel self priming steel paint purple okay and for graduation I had heard she'd gotten a brand new white Toyota Corolla okay so I went over to her house and I
Starting point is 01:14:47 Picked the can of paint and I cracked the lid and I just turned it in the middle of the night in her driveway upside down on the roof of her car. Self priming purple paint. She got it all off. I think or I heard she did. And we that was it I was the end of our I don't I don't know if she knew it was me but Elizabeth dissing her She was not wrong. That's true. She was not Did anything happen or they were just like no that was it we we we moved on you squashed it That was it. That's all you had to do. Yeah wonder if she, I wonder if she's definitely fucking deserve that.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Um, in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have done it. Uh, hell no. Stacy, uh, Cove, Stacy, Stacy Cove, Stacy. I wonder if she, maybe she got married. I wonder if she's on Stacey Cohness. And what's crazy, I think she only got hotter. Like, I think I saw her like 10 years later at the reunion. I know so many fucking people. Probably all the chicks that I went to high school with,
Starting point is 01:16:03 that I would have been that I was attracted to then are fat now Yeah, what's crazy is I think I'm not I think I'm one of the few people who got better looking as they left high school like at 52 I'm more attractive now than I was when I was 18 yeah, I look back at pictures of myself. I was like god. I was a fucking dweeb Oh, that would be crazy to get her on the show That would be crazy Stacey Kovac overness coveness For a while like I like
Starting point is 01:16:42 It wasn't like this I didn't do my space or Facebook so like I lost touch with everybody yeah get her on the show and ask her what happened where the relationship went sideways me and Brian both liked her Me and Brian both liked her. Maybe if I type in Pleasant Hill. No, I don't see her. Yeah, I went to my 20th reunion and it was it was sad. I don't know why people any why anybody goes to those.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It's so dumb. That was I think I just had my 10 year reunion last year. And they tried to like, invite me to come and I was like, why would you? You guys were all fucking dickheads to me oh people were dickheads to you yeah because I just moved there and they were just like basically go fuck yourself because you're a new guy and everybody else was raised together oh yeah yeah they're like oh my gosh come to this reunion it's gonna be so much fun like no I'm good I really had so much fun in high school. I went there thinking it was gonna be awesome. Oh
Starting point is 01:18:11 Really? Yeah, it's not awesome. No, but I will tell you this all the cute girls were still cute It was the guys the guys went to shit. Oh It's but nowadays it's both because everybody just gets super fucking fat Yeah, don't take care of themselves and it's both sides boys and girls and then you just have like a token like transgender person see The guy who is like the the guy who is the star of the basketball team was like gorked And I and I and and he was too cool to talk to me when we were in high school.
Starting point is 01:18:47 But I talked to him at the reunion and I was like, Hey, what's up with you? And he had, he had like something that happened to him. He was, but he was all fucked up. He was legitimately like retarded. Yeah. Those guys that that's high school bullshit. Like it was kind of that, that was kind of sad. Scott something Scott for our something.
Starting point is 01:19:06 We never had a 20 year reunion. Just about everyone left SoCal and we're all dispersed all over the country. No one in small class wanted to travel for it. Now, I heard that we're having like a 30 year reunion, like in Napa or something. That's too far for me. Yeah, it's just not I'm going to spend three or four hours talking to people that I have no relation with. How smart is how's that was about that example that I gave.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I don't know if you were in the beginning there in the beginning of the show, but that example I gave to Lazar was just perfect. That's the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. The Democrats want to take my money and pay off kids student loans. Donald Trump said at the Republican, Republican national convention, I'm going to make it so tips aren't taxable. And I fucking love that for two reasons, because it opens opportunity and it encourages competition for people to be nicer.
Starting point is 01:20:00 I just absolutely fucking love that. If I was 25 years old old that I would be so excited If I was in the tip industry. I wonder if these tips now aren't taxable. I wonder if this is considered tips Like when someone just gave me ten bucks David where the fuck is your money? He left so he didn't have to pay. Oh. What the fuck, Jeffrey? That's your perspective, Caleb. I can see why you would think they are stupid. Oh, but he also said
Starting point is 01:20:38 this, they become more interesting when they get older. Well, the good thing is, is you can kind of look down on them. Yeah, and I can literally that. Literally and figuratively. You can be like, ooh, karma. I can do that for my RV. It's okay. Donations, not tips. Oh, really? Ours are donation, Susa Seve when you were 25 weren't you a victim libtard? No actually
Starting point is 01:21:17 By the time I was 25 I had like transcended all that shit like I went into like Like there was a period where I was like just nothing Like just nothing. Uh, I spend all my money on coke and hookers. Oh. Well save some. Show a little discipline and save like 20 bucks for fucking one of those Portugal hookers and give it to me. Mr. Reid, if you were 20, you'd rather have free education paying for it or tips, not tax. Yeah. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right.
Starting point is 01:22:00 But I just, but, but it's just's just it's the I Don't know I Was so cool when I was 25 25 yeah, probably 25 to 35. I was the fucking coolest person I knew Maybe even to like 39 25 to 39 Those are the best years your life supposedly God. It was so fucking great. I was so fucking cool. I Had it all figured out Oh shit my sister sent me a picture of her cucumber harvest. I should start posting pictures of my harvest. I'm harvesting a a giant bowl of berries every day Mold berries blueberries and blackberries and so many cucumbers. Holy shit. My whole family is living off of cucumbers right now
Starting point is 01:22:58 That's awesome Guys, Greg recommended a book the other day. It's called, it's called, the book is called Wealth and Pover poverty by George Gilder and Sousa's dug in pretty deep and he's been telling me stuff that he's seen in there and it is a fucking sounds like a great Book, I bought it. I appreciate Sousa vetting it Sounds like it's an amazing book. Oh vetting it. Sounds like it's an amazing book.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Oh, shit, JD Vance said that. What? JD Vance insists Biden must resign if not seeking a second term. Resign? Yeah. Why would he do that? Um, I don't know. That's a good question. Maybe just because he knows he's a fucktard and it's bad for the country. I need to call him.
Starting point is 01:24:21 But you're so close to the end. Why would you just, why would you you resign just hope nothing important happens? When's he gonna start doing all of his you know what biden needs to hurry up and do he needs to do all of his um What's that call when you when you forgive people Of crimes. Yeah, he needs to start doing all his pardons. Yeah big time Maybe tire you tired of being pardoned too he needs it yeah I think Tiger King still in jail getting the shit pushed in by other inmates um you know you can pardon people hey hey dude what's up hey I don't know if I'm hi Ari I don't know if I'm supposed to
Starting point is 01:25:12 what I'm supposed to say and not say but we're doing some shows for with Dylan over waterpalooza right yeah we just can't say who's coming on the shows but we're we'll make announcements about your water blues on those shows Okay, cuz I saw you scheduling athletes and I was like fucking like holy I seriously thought that I had fucking I was like Oh shit. I need to go to the doctor Yeah, I saw you inviting people in the podcast and I'm like, I immediately went to the default that I was retarded. I should have played into that more. I'm like, yeah, dude, you open those threads. You don't remember.
Starting point is 01:25:50 And I'm like, what the fuck, dude, I am losing my shit. Yeah. So hopefully one of two have gotten back. Um, I hope, I hope it works out how it's supposed to. Yeah, that, that was okay. Um, but if not, we have, uh, we got, we got other options. I've got it covered. So did you, did you, did you think that that was weird that, um, did you think that was weird that, uh, that one athlete asked, what are we going to talk about?
Starting point is 01:26:21 Yes. That was weird. Wasn't it? Like, what the fuck do you think we're gonna talk about yeah Yeah, is that third person yeah, I'm trying to bring Ari just rolled woke up and came in oh What's up, dude? Hi The party hey, they still coming out tomorrow. You still coming out tomorrow. Yeah Hi, the bar. Hey, they still coming out tomorrow. You still coming out tomorrow? Yeah, who said what's up? I have no idea who said that Yeah, you do. You know who it is. He's had to listen to the voice and take a guess. It's baldy
Starting point is 01:26:53 Oh, okay. Now I know It kind of sound like hillar for a second Bingo, who do you like better uh suzer or Hiller Yeah, it can be a little nasty, but I like to work you go wow wow, right Was that an on answer? No, he said he likes Hiller a little more I bet you when you see Suzy you run up to him and try to tackle him though there I always pick on Susan. Damn dude. Damn.
Starting point is 01:27:26 One less ride on the shoulders for you bro. Alright and when are those shows? So I didn't really understand how those shows are going to work. I just come on the air and then those people come on and I go welcome Sally's here and Sally's going to be at Tier Wadapalooza in SoCal on blah blah blah day. And then I say. So welcome, Sally's here and Sally's gonna be at Tier Wadapalooza in SoCal on blah blah blah day. And then I say. Yep, and then you just dig it on your normal interview and then 45 minutes later we'll
Starting point is 01:27:52 have another athlete coming right behind you. That one's not gonna be an announced athlete. That'll just be our typical games interview. So I don't remember who I interviewed the other day but I interviewed, I think it was Ricky or someone and I said are you going to Tier and they started acting all weird. And so that's why, like no one's supposed to say, yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. No one's supposed to say unless they're going. I think it's, yeah, I think they're trying to announce it this way, create some hype and make it fun. And how, how are these athletes, how are they going to do the games and then that
Starting point is 01:28:27 event and rogue, isn't that going to kick the shit out of them? Well, if you think about it, I think the main thing that they're focused on is obviously the games and I think the other two is more or less like a, uh, what's it called exhibition and exhibition. Thank you. Yeah. Like I don't, you know, I mean, obviously they're all competitors. competitors They're gonna work hard. There's some prize money to it and things like that But I think the demand on body is lower than it is the games in terms of like volume and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:28:57 Okay, and I have to also guess that a shitload of them are gonna drop out I I have to also guess that a shitload of them are going to drop out. I mean, possibly like commit, like commit now and then get there. And then, and then after the game is be like, Oh shit, I don't know if I can do it. Yeah. I mean, could be a rogue. I think takes care of them. Doesn't rogue fly them out and fucking give them gifts and like give them the hotel and give them a standee. don't think anybody's saying no no to rogue yeah you're rolling out there even no no no one's gonna say no to rogue but i don't know it
Starting point is 01:29:29 just seems like a a lot yeah i mean dave can't even get um uh um or uh not dave uh we can't even get daniel brandon on the show but she's gonna commit to some competition and socal yeah well i think if we came up with some money, she'd probably come on the show. No Brandon. Just a name who we don't mention anymore on this show. Um, uh, you think we could pay her to come on the show? Fuck yeah. You pay anybody to come on the show.
Starting point is 01:30:01 How much do you think, how much do you think it would cause realistically? Yeah. You pay anybody to come on the show. How much do you think? How much do you think it would cost? Realistically? Yeah. I bet you if we gave her a thousand dollars, she'd do for like a half hour or an hour. Wow. Yeah. It'd be an easy made thousand bucks, right? Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:23 You don't think so? You think it, you think it would be more? Uh, no, I, no, I don't think so you think it you think it'd be more yes, uh No, I know I don't I don't hey dude, I was trying to get you You know who you know who they call professor G, but his name is Scott Galloway. Have you seen any of his stuff? No So he's like this NYU professor. He was in business administration and he used to be total like libtard. Recently he's like been flipping the script but can't fully let go. And he's just got a lot of really interesting, interesting takes. But he's like a die-hard crossfitter too.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Hey, Suza, why don't you see on the screen? I'm not allowed on the screen. They can't afford me. All right. So, um, is, uh, so, so, uh, it says NYU professor, serial entrepreneur. Okay. So he's flipped the script and, and, and, oh, he looks like a Jew too. He looks like wooly. Oh shit. He does look like John Wooley's John Wooley Jewish. I don't know, but every time I see, uh, Scott's clip pop up, I always do like a double take. Um, so you try, sorry, say that again.
Starting point is 01:31:26 You tried to get this guy on and what happened? Yeah. So I wanted to get on the show. He's like a diehard crossbar. And one of these recent like, uh, podcasts he did, he was wearing like a rogue shirt and shit, right? And I watched some of his other stuff and he referenced this crossbar quite a bit. And I was like, Hey, this might be a good fit.
Starting point is 01:31:39 And I think, I think your guys' conversation would be incredible, but he only does ship like a hundred grand, dude. Oh shit. I think your guys's conversation would be incredible, but he only does shit for like a hundred grand, dude. Oh Shit and he's like an in-person kind of guy even though he does all of his shit via like video call He looks like the guy from Breaking Bad The the meth dude The Bryan Cranston, yeah, he looks like Bryan Cranston? Yeah, he looks like Bryan Cranston. Oh, it's crazy that I came up with that dude's name.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Yeah, good job. That dude's a libtard. I know. That dude's a libtard. Dude, they're all Hollywood. Who knows what they really are? Who knows that they know what they really are? Hey, do you trust, did you see Zuck's recent interview where he said that he thought Trump was badass and all the American shits like touching his heart? What do you think that they're that sincere?
Starting point is 01:32:29 I feel like it's it's a stage like it almost looks like a AI version of him but um, I Don't know I always just think that people have modus for saying like when they're at that position They're careful about what they say and they have some sort of motive about why he said that it feels like You know doesn't seem like that to you. Or do you generally think he was moved by the photo? I'm struggling to I'm struggling like so here's the thing like I saw the AOC clip of her just calling Trump a neo-nazi and like I'm just It just like breaks my heart but on the other
Starting point is 01:33:05 hand I want to be I want to have like an I guess the word is an open heart I want to be open to these people and let's give them space to like wake up but it's so hard for me because of all the censorship that all the censorship that's at Metta is just is um Zuckerman all the censorship that's at Metta is just is um Horrible Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely horrible Maybe he's doing that as like a strategic business move He always has to do is say something like that and not actually execute on any of those You know fairness and people will like them more right?
Starting point is 01:33:41 Like on one hand, I know those dudes don't control shit at their company But look at um, elon changed the entire culture at X and I know that I know that the leaders can control the culture if they you know what I mean? Oh, for sure, for sure. But he would have to he would have to be willing to go to the pain that Elon went through to get there and I don't think Zucks willing to lean into that. You think he's fucked up from social media? No. I mean, he's so young. Yeah, he's so young. I mean, like, just think like CrossFit broke Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:34:12 You think like, look at all, look how young Zuckerberg is and all the shit he had to deal with. Yeah, I mean, it would be kind of an impossible, like you feel like any decision you would make, you have like 40 people that had not Only are telling you what to do but have deep interest in the decisions make it's got to be really hard to navigate Yeah, maybe to like did you see the comments that people were like? Oh this guy did you Jitsu got his blue belt and threw a pair of balls like very well Could that like I would definitely believe that if he's like dude
Starting point is 01:34:43 I was steeped in building this company over the last 15 years and I just pulled my head out of the sand and realized what the fuck was actually going on. I would believe that. Think about how cut up we're in the day to day and what I do and running a gym and this podcast and some other stuff. Imagine running a multi-billion dollar global company that has reaches far beyond what we can imagine in a team that's just massive. Did you lose any clients at your gym because of some of the hard stances this show takes? I lost, so no, but I got a message from one that had previously left that was like upset
Starting point is 01:35:18 about the topics of the show and three years later is now back. Oh, interesting. Yeah. I don't know if you remember this, but I was like, Oh, I got this DM. Show and three years later is now back Oh interesting Yeah, you I don't know if you remember this but I was like, oh I got this DM. I do remember This is a couple years ago. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, and I like shared it with you and I shared what I wrote back Which we should like I just went the opposite way and was like, hey, I understand like miss you working out here we hope to see you back again like didn't even acknowledge it and And then that was it. Nothing was ever said. Like multiple years later, the individual is like back.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Their kid is back in our youth program. Like, yeah. I mean, when you're 20 to 25, you're supposed to do some soul searching, right? You're supposed to like read some books on Buddhism and read the Bible and figure out like, I don't know how it is for a woman, but as a man from 20 to 25, you're supposed to like figure some shit out.
Starting point is 01:36:07 You're supposed to take some risks. You're supposed to go to some dark places. You're supposed to do some soul searching. You would think so but I don't know. How did Zuck do that? I just think it's part of the match. I think it's like how we turn from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Oh I mean totally even in like rituals back in the day, they like would
Starting point is 01:36:26 kick you out to the forest with the spear, right? Right. If I can find your way home and that's how you became a man. But if you're in the public eye, I mean, that's what I'm saying. Like he has so much pressure for him not to do that just to be stable. Yeah. And I mean, the public eye is like, I think only half the coin. Imagine being in the echo chamber of yes, man, that you pick. Like what's more deadly being in the public eye or not understanding like reality grounded in your thoughts because everybody around you is just telling you only what you want to hear.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Right. And on top of that would protect you from some information that might sway their interests away from the decisions that you're gonna make. Like, well, shouldn't he know this? So he has all the information. No, because if he knows this, he might choose B. If we don't want him to choose B, we want him to choose A. I wonder if Zuck's parents were libtards. Oh, interesting. That would be interesting. You know, who's got it worse than that is Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 01:37:21 A while back, I watched some documentary of hers that Grace wanted to put on and her echo chamber and handlers. It's crazy, dude. These people aren't even grounded in reality at all, which I think actually fucks with them more than anything else. I think it makes their head float away. Yeah. Like you have to be grounded in reality to a certain degree to be able to make any like viable decisions. Otherwise, everything is being told to you. It's just fluff. How's the book coming? You still recommend it?
Starting point is 01:37:59 No. Yeah, I do. Actually, I was just listening to it earlier when I was out at the gym, getting some stuff set up and working over there. It's good. I like it. There's it's a little swell at points, not gonna lie, but there's so many good, like really interesting nuggets in there that it kind of is like a swanky.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Like at times you'll kind of drift. Well, I'm listening to it too. I'm not reading it. So I don't know if you buy the physical copy. It might be a little easier to stay involved, but when I'm listening to it, there'll'm not reading it. So I don't know if you buy the physical copy It might be a little easier to stay involved But when I'm listening to it, there'll be times when it drifts a little bit and then there's some points that are like Really great that you're like, holy shit and you get really into the books for a while Like any economy book. Are you at home right now?
Starting point is 01:38:37 Yeah, I just got home probably come in. Oh your audio is awesome. Oh Just cuz I'm in the apartment usually I'm standing out in front of the gymbers All right, cool. Well, thank you i'll bug you later and i'll see you tomorrow morning i'm going to come with the boys, okay Yeah, that'll be awesome. I'm excited to see him. Okay. Thanks dude. So excited. Okay. Bye. How did you bye? Bye boys? Bye Hey guys, Hi. Hi. Hi. Got jits this morning?
Starting point is 01:39:08 Yeah. Ari. Yeah? Tell me about your journey with tennis. Aye, aye, aye. You mean when I fell? No, I just mean like when you first started playing tennis. When I fell? No, I just mean like when you first started playing tennis.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Like, have you gotten significantly better? Do you like playing tennis? How long have you been playing tennis? I started when I was four, so about three years. OK. About to be four. And you play and you play you play pretty regularly and like three to
Starting point is 01:39:46 Three to three times a week No, two times a week. Yeah, you have you have you have two classes in one private and then sometimes we play So maybe even four times a week Yeah and Now you're finally like the last week you've finished your last two classes you finished top in your class You won the dollar last two classes. Yeah, I stole my dollar in your bedroom But it's it but you weren't always good I
Starting point is 01:40:18 rarely And was that hard not winning the dollar and watching your brother always win the dollar and the other kids win the dollar. And was that hard not winning the dollar and watching your brother always win the dollar and the other kids win the dollar? Well, I got used to it. I'm like, forget it. I'm not going to win the dollar. It's okay. I'm going to get better. But it just happens sometimes, I guess. I know. And you went a long time with like not being the best in the class. And now the last two classes you've won the dollar you I mean those were those were five of the best kids in the tennis academy and you beat them all two weeks in a row you know what not all of them were better like Joey like I was standing at the top of the court for the whole time I know that was amazing I know for a whole hour you went undefeated that's which is crazy even the best 15 minutes yeah three points on and joy got to respond so you think you're coming into your own
Starting point is 01:41:13 like what have you have you just is any party was like wow I put in three years of work and although I may have not started off as the best the three years of work has paid off yeah I mean like tennis is not gonna be the best thing for me when I'm older, but I think I know what it is. Tennis felt really good for me yesterday. Wait, wait, why won't tennis, I don't think you can know that that tennis won't be the best thing for you. Just I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a big fan of tennis. I just like, I just like wrestling and fighting and stuff
Starting point is 01:41:50 Um, so why do you go you never you in three years? You've never complained about going to tennis once. Oh Do you like what do you like going there for you like see I can sometimes I don't want to go I I you never say that to me though. I Say to me. Oh Why don't you say it to me? Because mom is always taking me. What do you mean I take you a lot? One time, I remember one time where you were going to take me to tennis. I did my private.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Put the microphone over towards your mouth when you talk. I was doing my private and I still didn't want to go to the clinic and all of a sudden if you said if everybody listens Avi can skip um jujitsu and I can skip tennis and We can go to the Hardee's and then we went oh The Hardee's house to go swimming yeah, and then we went yeah that was fun. Okay. Go ahead. I'll be speak your mind Bring the mic to that How you're gonna tell me how amazing you are tennis oh
Starting point is 01:42:57 Yesterday you know how you were talking about sweat like it come what it cools your off cools you off. Yeah So I was playing tennis with Julian like really hard And it felt you know, he's 13 right? Yes. He's 13. You're 9. He's 4 years older than you Wow, okay going I Felt sweat coming out of my hair like not even dripping yet. Just like coming out of my hair. Like not even dripping yet, just like coming out of my skull. It was so weird. It felt so weird.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Yesterday was the sweatiest I've ever seen you. Yeah, I'm like, I sold like- After tennis, you were soaking wet. I was so proud of you. That's the best way to be. I thought- Hold the mic towards you. I thought Avi had, I thought he put water on him.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Like just put water on his arms. And I'm like, and I said Avi had, I thought he put water on him. Like just put water on his arms. And I'm like, and I said to you, I said to Avi, you're wet. And it was water dripping off of, every single little hair had water dripping off of it. It was so hot at skateboarding yesterday. It was so hot at skateboarding yesterday that I took my helmet off, mom poured some water on me off the Yeti and I put it back on. How was skateboarding?
Starting point is 01:44:14 You think you're still getting better? Yeah, I mean, we haven't done it in a long time, so I was like kind of rusty. It had been a week. No. Yeah, because the Friday before you had done it no two weeks three really or two weeks Wow the last time we skated was with Josh and uh Josh said um you're I can you're starting to get better that's what John said
Starting point is 01:44:49 All right You have a jiu-jitsu tournament coming up august 24th, yeah, how are you gonna do Ari? Good you're gonna get gold in in gi and no gi No, I can only get gold I can't wait if I just do yeah, I'll only get one medal, but that's why I don't want to just get bronze I just want to get both but I'm gonna sign you up for both gi and no gi. Do you think you're gonna get double gold? Try because other kids have to drive like an hour. We only have to drive like 20 minutes. No, you will get running 20 minutes. No, you will get double cold.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Avi, I think this is going to be your best tournament ever. I think like you really kind of, I think you're finally showing a little bit of aggression. He got double cold. You're not being such a pussy anymore. Finally being a man, huh? Why, what happened to you in the last week? Why did you get so why have you gotten so aggressive? Microphone microphone well, you said I
Starting point is 01:45:55 Can't be anybody. I can't be this girl class. Yeah, and I just wanted you I I wanted to prove you wrong that I I just wanted to prove you wrong that I can smash people. Yeah, and you did. You have been just smashed. It's been a week of you just tossing people up. I can't even believe what I'm seeing. Yeah. So why did it take so long? Well, you just have to say that.
Starting point is 01:46:21 So I need to be more ruthless. Yeah. Okay, all right. Try to make me cry, or I'll prove gonna say that. So I need to be more ruthless. Yeah. Okay, all right. Try to make me cry, and I'll prove it for you. Jeez. So you like to prove me wrong? Yes. Oh, I love to prove it.
Starting point is 01:46:34 You're crying. You think? Yeah, your eyes are watering. Yeah? Do I do that very often? Yes. Oh. No. I never see you cry like three years ago, Yeah, do I do that very often?
Starting point is 01:46:52 I I never see you cry like like three years ago for years and now I've started crying more More sensitive when we saw if I cried a shitload You guys didn't cry in that movie. Yeah No, I my eyes watered my eyes watered a little it was kind of say why what was a sad part? I don't even remember the movie. I just remember thinking holy shit like I had to take my glasses off cuz I was crying so much Like it was like getting water was getting on my glasses. I Didn't cry at all either. I mean, yeah, it's a sad movie. Do you lost their kids? but cry at all either. I mean yeah it's a sad movie they lost their kids but you remember the movie? Yeah yeah we watched it yeah yeah but mom gave us the code to watch it. What's the premise for
Starting point is 01:47:34 the movie because I can't even remember the movie. It's like these imaginary friend thingies yeah. Oh yeah yeah and they used to have like these friends, but then they forgot. They got older and they forgot about them. And now they're alone. Alone. Oh, yeah. Looking for new ones. Hey, honey. So who's the pussy now? You. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:20 So. Oh, yeah. So, uh, I was somewhere recently and I was at a party recently and, uh, a parent came up to me and said, uh, Hey, I know you have really good boys, but, um, they were hanging out with my daughters over there. It was like, it was like a, it was a big party. There were lots of kids there and your son said, uh, only pussies have tattoos. I pussies have tattoos. I said only pussies eat ice cream. Oh, sorry. Only pussies eat ice cream. Oh, sorry only pussies eat ice cream And
Starting point is 01:48:49 The parent came over to me and they're like hey now I have to explain what that word means to my kids and If I didn't know your kids and I didn't know they were such good boys I wouldn't want my kids hanging around your kids because they said that I wouldn't want my kids hanging around your kids because they said that. That's okay. I don't even talk to them. Hold on a second. So then we were driving home in the car and I said to you, Hey, did you say that?
Starting point is 01:49:20 And you're like, well, not exactly. I started to say it, but I didn't say the word pussies. Let's not use people's names so um let's not use people's names let's just tell the story go ahead. So I said the word when Danielle wasn't even... Let's not use names. Just say the mom when the mom wasn't there. When the mom wasn't there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:54 An old guy seeing here. Okay, so you said the word when the mom wasn't there. Yeah, she wasn't listening. Yeah. I was like in the front yard up't listening. Yeah. I was like in the front yard up the hill. Yeah. She was like no way. Yeah. And then. And I think it's okay I think it's okay if you're with your friends and you're chopping it up. And then the dad's son said. Uh-huh. The other kid another boy said I I screams for pussies uh-huh and That's when the parent was there. Yeah, so
Starting point is 01:50:30 The boy said it yeah another boy said yeah, okay, the mom didn't hurt me see okay But she reported it as you yeah, yeah, so she kind of it as you yeah yeah so she kind of do you know what a pussy is yes it's with like no it's definitely no that's true well are you're not wrong Ari You're not wrong. But, Obby's not wrong either. All right. It's... Should I say it? Sure. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:51:10 It's a vagina. Okay. And so, that mom was concerned that because you use that... Because I use that word in a derogatory manner, that it would somehow make you think vaginas were bad But I would never say that in front of her daughters like I've never said oh Ad word in front of her daughters. Oh you did oh so but you just said you said it earlier Yeah, but they weren't listening. Oh the daughters were oh that makes me so proud of you So you don't you wouldn't talk like that in front of girls. Oh, you're a good dude. All right
Starting point is 01:51:45 Anyway, I so proud of you. So you don't you wouldn't talk like that in front of girls. No. Oh, you're a good dude. All right. All right. Anyway, anyway, I just I don't know. That's just what Joe Biden says anyway. You know, anyway, that's great anyway. Anyway, anyway, where was I? That's a that's a anyway. OK, good. All right. That makes me happy. I'm glad we got to the bottom of that. Alvin, what is the defining characteristic of a woman?
Starting point is 01:52:07 What does that mean? Ari, I'll come back to you son. What is the defining characteristic of a woman? A vagina. Right? I don't know. What do you think? I don't want to give you the answer yet. Babies. Give me the answer yet. Babies. Um, but. Like what distinguishes a woman from a boy? I have no idea what that means. Oh, okay. Avi, would you like to take a shot?
Starting point is 01:52:36 Oh, like, like, like they're different body parts? Yeah, like how do you know the difference between a boy and a girl? Um, that's actually kind of hard because some girls are homeless and they have like... Some girls are homeless? Yeah and they have like beards and mustache and I can barely even tell if it's a boy or a girl. Oh, boobies! Wait, wait, let's count them down.
Starting point is 01:52:57 We have boobies, we have vagina. You can't see them! Yeah, sometimes boys' penises are too big and they're like... We have boobies. We have vagina. You can't see them Yeah, sometimes boys penises are too big and like sticking out and the pants are going like Okay, you know how I I couldn't tell I was skinning Josh and I point I saw I saw this girl Oh, yeah, I've seen those. Yeah, she had the boobs and at the skate park I've seen that thing too Yeah And what did Josh say
Starting point is 01:53:42 Boy or girl and what did Josh say? That people can know that was a boy people gave me so weird then she was wearing booby pads The boy was wearing booby pads Yeah, like big old titties. Yeah Yeah, it was still a boy. Really? Who would do that? Hey, would you disguise as a girl? Put some lipstick on. If I was robbing a bank. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:08 That would be... But you wouldn't... No. But what if you weren't robbing a bank? Would you do it for fun? Uh, probably not. Maybe when I was younger, maybe I would have done it for Halloween. Maybe. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:54:21 I never dressed as a girl my whole life. Yeah, some... I would be so embarrassed. Yeah. So I'm just, I didn't dream that Joey stole a burger and a guy pulled a knife out of him, then called a peed on him and I thought he's dead. And you said, uh, look, see if there's any blood and see if he's not dead and he wasn't any blood and I wanted the kick. Hey so yesterday. That's a good dream.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Yesterday. Yeah. But it was done. There is um some kids there. Yeah. Soccer balls. Uh huh. There's kids with soccer. The soccer balls. There's kids with soccer balls at the skate park? Ollie, do not bring this up.
Starting point is 01:55:09 No, no, it's just hot. Do not bring it up. But don't talk about the social stuff. So, this guy was kicking... You're getting really close, Ollie. Where was this? Where was this? At the field. Oh, oh, next to the soccer park. Skate park.
Starting point is 01:55:30 On New Leaf. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So yesterday after tennis, you guys went to New Leaf. And there's a big lawn there. OK, yep. This guy was kicking a soccer ball on a wall. On a wall? It was like it was like a little no no no that
Starting point is 01:55:52 doesn't make sense anyway go on with the story so he's let's just agree that he was kicking a ball and he hit Ari in the stomach. How old was he? He was like, he was no, he was like seven or eight. Okay, between seven and ten. Don't worry, that's close enough. And Jackson's taller than me and he's six. Okay, go ahead. So... That kid Jackson in your Jiu-Jitsu class is not six. No, Jackson.
Starting point is 01:56:30 No, Jackson, Brooklyn's brother. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He is six and he is taller than you, that's right. Yeah, there's a kid in six. And... Ari was standing in front of the wall. And he got kicked in the stomach. I was talking to you.
Starting point is 01:56:48 Go on, I'm listening. And that's the story. Whose fault is that? Ari was standing... Did you walk in front of him while he was kicking? No, but... Well, at the end of the day, everything is your own responsibility. You have to be like aware at all times if you're crossing but also like that I
Starting point is 01:57:08 mean that kid's parents should be like yo dude don't be I mean I was there was when we got to the point we got there yesterday there were kids throwing baseballs there that was completely not the place to throw baseballs and I was worried about you because at one point the four-year- old kid threw a baseball almost hit Ari. I'm like why are people throwing baseballs here? Hey hey no no wait um never mind I forgot. Wait I think I remember um I was talking to Avi. He was talking to me and he was kicking it somewhere else. So I just stand there. I was just standing there talking to him. And he saw me right there.
Starting point is 01:57:51 No. Did it hurt? Yeah, I was talking to Avi, looking at him. He kicked me like this. He kicked the ball straight right at me. Yeah, no, he was getting so, look. Let me see the bottom of your foot. Is that blood blister still there?
Starting point is 01:58:04 Yeah. Does that hurt? No. So look. Let me see the bottom of your foot. Is that blood blister still there? Yes. Does that hurt? No. So look, let me tell you the whole story. So Ari was like right here. So, say. So Ari was like right here. Can this camera see me?
Starting point is 01:58:20 So Ari was like right here. And I was like right on the side. Yeah. And the guy was kicking it this way for a while and his foot flipped and kicked the ball spin that way and hit Ari in the stomach. A while I was talking. But did he say sorry? Yeah he was so sweet. He, but he has to be aware, right? Because if he was in front of the wall, he knows something's gonna happen. Right, but also if I, if, if, if, it's like, but also if I'm in the trajectory,
Starting point is 01:58:55 if someone's kicking a ball or throwing a ball and I'm in their trajectory, I would, I would probably move somewhere else. Do you know what I mean? If, if it's, if, but if it's even a possibility, like if you would have just moved and stood behind him He could have never hit you Excuse me. Yeah, but he has to be aware
Starting point is 01:59:12 Everyone everyone everyone has to be aware. I was right here. He was right there. You are right there. No, it's talking to you No, I was right here. He was you were like here. I was talking to you though, you were talking to me actually. Did you cry? Yeah I cried. Oh yeah I cried a little. And he was like right here kicking the soccer ball. Oh yeah. He was not kicking it over there.
Starting point is 01:59:34 I didn't see him, I saw, why didn't you tell me then? That's fine, no it's good. Why didn't I not tell you? It's good, it's good. Did you see, did you see, did you see, did you know I pooped in the yard the other day when our water was down? No, the water was not down.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Oh, I think I did. Ew, what's that smell? The water was down. You don't remember when the water was turned off for two days at our house? Oh crap, what is that? Where, now? Yeah, now.
Starting point is 02:00:00 Do you smell anything, Abbie? All right. So, so yeah, I was running on the field, Joey was like trying to, I saw I was beating Joey up and then I got too scared. He was gonna like smack that crap out of me. So I ran and I almost stepped in your poop. Like I saw this big giant mustard puddle and oh yeah it was a mustard but it was a mustard puddle all right thank you boys have a good day okay okay are you have to sit up straight you can't be all just like getting all weird in this. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Okay. Uh, I don't know if we have a show tomorrow. We don't? I'm going to Suza's in the morning. I don't know when we would do it. Suza's house? Can we come too? We have nothing tomorrow. Yeah, you're coming with me tomorrow. All right. Sometime, we'll do some show tomorrow. Is the UFC tonight? Oh your dad comes. Yeah
Starting point is 02:01:10 Your dad comes today. What time does he come? 1230 1130 Wow, this is a weak card. Oh Cody Durden's been on the show. He's fighting. Oh, that's great Wow, this is a weak card. Oh, Cody Durden's been on the show. He's fighting. Oh, that's great It's pretty much Yeah, that's bit that's it Cody durden's the dude that said uh, he beat a chinese dude and he said I sent that guy packing to china and he got And they tried to cancel him for like being racist. That sucks And i'm like what's wrong with saying that?
Starting point is 02:01:43 Uh, let me see the prelims. Oh, and Brian Kelleher. Oh, and Brian Kelleher and Cody Gibbs. Okay, okay. So there's a couple of good fights. Oh no. I'm not into it today. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:55 Oh, Kumar Ouzman's brother is fighting. Ouzman. In heavyweight. Mohammed Ouzman. Ouzman. All right, that's cool. That's not cool. This is the worst picture. Mohammed uzman All right, that's cool This is the worst picture Oh Verna Yes. Yeah, but dude, that's really what she looks like dude. You should I know she's crazy looking dude
Starting point is 02:02:18 It's like you have it's like when they have you have that mirror face You have it's like when they have you have that mirror face There's just she's like symmetrical down the middle. Oh, except her eyes go the other separate direction Yeah, what her eyes are so fucking crazy, dude. What about that guy in the right? What are his eyes doing? That's not a guy No, that's a girl That's like when you draw pick when you a picture, you never draw it so that the... She got punched in the face too many times. No, no, I think she's always been like that. Really?
Starting point is 02:02:54 Oh. Yeah. Both of them look a little crazy. That's a tough look. Yeah. Damn, that's a tough look. Oh, look at that picture. Look yeah Damn that's a tough look But I mean look yeah, that's a tough look eyes going yeah
Starting point is 02:03:18 Say that again You know what me it makes me think that that's why she's a fighter, because she got picked on so much for that. Oh, probably. She's scarred. Oh, the bird, her eyes look like Roman's. Does Roman's, do Roman's eyes do that? I think he has a little bit of that too.
Starting point is 02:03:36 Oh, I thought he just had fishbowl. Ken, speaking of UFC, Saban, you need to get Dalton Rasta back on. He was at the rally when Trump was shot. Oh no. I didn't pull up the picture. No, that's it. All right. Uh, love you guys.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Talk to you guys soon. Thank you, boys. Thank you, Mr. Beaver. Thank you. Audio. Lazar, Dukic. Thank you.

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