The Sevan Podcast - Let's Party | Live Call In #989

Episode Date: August 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Welcome to BMO ETFs. Where do you get your insights? Volatility has continued to be a hot topic. I think the Fed does have other cards to play. Are these mega cap tech companies here to stay? Never before has there been a better time to be an ETF investor. BMO ETFs presents Views from the Desk, a show all about markets and investing with ETFs.
Starting point is 00:00:58 New episodes every Thursday morning. Bam, we're live. morning. Bam. We're live. Riley S. Savon got paid and is not interested in working hard anymore. Good morning. Good morning, Trish. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:01:25 First thing in the morning. Fanny Spiegel. Good to see you. First thing in the morning. Fanny Spiegel, good to see you. Justin H., let's go, Sevan. Do work. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Pre-game tug, Jake Chapman.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy. I have no excuse. I was fooling around. I was fooling around on this thing. I was fooling around. I was fooling around on this thing. I was fooling around. Thank you, Heidi. Man bun alert. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Philip Kelly, good morning. I was texting with Philip Kelly this morning. He was gently telling me. I mean, these are my words, not his. He was gently telling me how stupid I was while complimenting me, which I appreciated. We were talking about peptides, and I was telling him, hey, I think they might be working.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I did 10 single strict muscle-ups the other day. And when I mean single strict muscle-ups, I jump to the top. I start like this in the locked-out position. I lower myself through into an L-sit, and then I one and then i rest and i did um 10 of those and he basically said hey you should consider using some bands like like banded pull-ups and i and i started thinking you know what he's right like to strengthen all like the i'm just excited because my biceps working again. And instead of like just going, you know, to the deep end of the pool. Am I too bright? What the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Am I too bright? Tell me if I'm too bright. I look all blown out. What is this? Oh, better? Yeah, that's a little better. So that was a good idea. It was a good conversation with Phillip and I.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I need someone to keep me in check because I work out by myself and I start to get all excited. Speaking of working out, I'm going to go through the list and say good morning to a bunch of you. But, you know, my sister yesterday called me. I talk to my sister quite a bit. It would be cool if i talked to her every day but um every other day i'd say older sister a couple years older looks just like me just it's
Starting point is 00:03:31 me with a vagina and no hair and uh she said that um at her affiliate she started a new affiliate and she said she ran a mile road, 2000 ran a mile and in 104 degree heat. And she said her head was tingling and her ears were clogging up. And it made me think of the times when that's happened to me. And that's the part of CrossFit that I think a lot of people forget. That is where the brand value is. That's why we like wearing the CrossFit shirt. Because we push ourselves hard. And we push ourselves to places where our ears do clog up for a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Our head does start tingling. And then she does something like call me and I can tell she's so proud. She pushed herself into the deep end and uh I the first time I really felt something crazy like that was probably the first time I did Murph and I was like oh I don't this is weird and you start experiencing sensations and start having experiences and uh you're traveling into the unknown if you've never had those feelings before, the tingly head, the ears clogging, overstimulated by music. You know that moment in a workout, like if you have headphones on or the music's on too loud, you're like, ooh, shit, something's going on.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I got to turn down this music. Like I'm over-stimmed. And I was proud of her. She was so proud. That's when you put on the CrossFit shirt. That's what sells shirts. That's when you wear the shirt and you're like, yeah, I do CrossFit. And I always get concerned that that's going to get lost that that that part that makes it so if
Starting point is 00:05:09 you're not a crossfitter i shouldn't say i'm worried about it i guess i probably don't care but i think that's a very important thing to preserve it's the part that makes it so if you are a crossfitter you wear the shirt with pride and if you're not a crossfitter you don't wear the shirt you know not to wear it just like you don't wear you fucking, and if you're not a CrossFitter, you don't wear the shirt. You know not to wear it. Just like you don't wear fucking fight shirts if you're not a fighter. Zach, good morning. Steven Blacksmith, good morning. I'll put the phone number up. I don't even know if the phone's working.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Where the fuck is the phone? You guys, I can't wait to show you my studio. I got a big, huge, I spent all night last night. It was up until 1230. I put in a 75-inch TV and a foam wall right there and I'm putting foam on the ceilings She could take that camera and show you I Wonder if any of you are gonna notice a different quality Or texture in my voice there's foam like going up everywhere
Starting point is 00:06:02 TVs desks couches microphones I'm putting in like six hours a day in here. It's foam like going up everywhere. TV's, desks, couches, microphones. I've been putting in like six hours a day in here. It's nuts. Absolutely nuts. I was telling Dave about it yesterday. I bet you he's going to come now. He's going to be excited. This is a really... This studio is kind of unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I got the really fancy $500 arms that fucking I saw Rogan has. The monitors everywhere. One, two, three, four, five. Five huge monitors. Like I said, the big 75-inch or 80-inch TV. I had to call my wife in here to help me lift it. God, the box that a fucking giant TV comes in in the mail is crazy. Zach, good morning.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Caroline, good morning. Dana, good morning. Vindicate, good morning. Caroline, good morning. Dana, good morning. Vindicate, good morning. Vindicate's where you get all the CEO stuff, the no plan B stuff, the visors. I wear my visor every day. I will tell you this. I wear my visor every day. I love it. I also have like six visors. My wife wears them. My kids wear them. I did destroy a visor. I turned it into just a salt i don't know if just destroyed it's probably not accurate because i didn't throw it away but i did turn it into a uh salty uh pile of goo like i turned it white oh oh awesome i sent ben bergeron a text
Starting point is 00:07:21 this morning i want to get a hold of cole Sager. I want to have Cole on. The game's changed me. Because I just got face-to-face with people. Jeez Louise, isn't there a UFC show today? Ooh, yeah. Daring Weeks is coming on at 7.30. Janelle Winston, good morning.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Jeremy, yo. What it do? anyone catch the Mitchell Cooper CrossFit documentary no I didn't oh I was supposed to FaceTime with you good morning Miss Burns from I um my wife
Starting point is 00:07:58 something you something we got from SabbathEssentials my wife was spraying on my kids face the other day so she must like your stuff cause my cause you know my kids are allowed to eat like tomatoes off the vine, cucumbers
Starting point is 00:08:15 organic meat they walk around barefoot and now my wife's spraying shit out of a bottle onto their face anyway god Avi I'm barefoot. Now my wife's spraying shit out of a bottle onto their face. Anyway. God, Avi had an incredible jiu-jitsu practice yesterday. He double-legged this kid that he's been warring with for a year in practice, and he just crushed him.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I was so stoked. Krista, hi. It's Friday. It's Friday. Greg C., can you grab the sound biteite from Jason realizing Rich was on to play any time a guest appears? Can you grab the soundbite from Jason realizing Rich was on to play? Oh, really? Was there some good audio there?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Okay, I'll look at that. I think going rogue with Sevan, that Instagram account, grab that clip. Corbin, what's up? The shiz. Good morning. Are you drinking soda? Tom Works, hey. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:09:21 What are you? You Asian? Tom Work? You Asian? You Asian? Tom work? You Asian? Are you Mexican? Zach, love that Jason stayed on for the Rich interview. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Yeah, they're cool. That wasn't supposed to happen like that. Savon got paid. Not interested in working hard anymore. Not true. Riley, shouldn't you be like oh my god I hope he's okay I hate being late Mad Marv
Starting point is 00:09:55 started following is it Mad Marv did I start following you there's a chance I may have started following you yesterday good morning getting some variety of personalities in the thumbnail liking it, not just see a podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah. The thing is, is so many people do stuff for free for this show when it was originally made. I haven't seen the new thumbnail. I asked the person, hey, can you not put, I don't want CrossFitters in there. And Tia's never been on the show. Can you take her out? And don't put any guests on there who refuse to come on the show.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And I didn't want it. Yeah, I didn't want it to be CrossFitters and theirs. But finally, you know, and then the person just was with us for a month and then left. But I think Sousa told me he remade a new one. Sousa's, like, learning all this shit just, like, on flights flying around. Good morning, Dixie Normus. Wow, that's quite the hairdo. Brandon Waddell, good morning.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I have a package in the mail for you. Oh, awesome. Piece of burnt house. Sorry, too soon. Corbin, good morning. Elise Spohn. Bam, good morning. J Bone. Bam, good morning. Jody Lynn.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Jody Lynn. Jody Lynn. Bam, good morning. Wad Zombie. Hey. Oh, so you got another Instagram account. I was concerned, Mr. Zombie, that maybe you were boycotting the show. I thought maybe I went too hard on you the other day.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I'm glad to see you. And I love my, thank you for my Gazan card. And, of course, Colton Mertens. Oh, that's what I meant to tell you, Odd Zombie. I love this stand. I need, like, ten of these. If you send me a link on Amazon where you got them, I need like 10 of these. If you send me a link on Amazon where you got them, I'll buy them too.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm not asking you to send me. But this, this is the next level. Because you know, you must know that these stands are completely absurd. I told you before, anytime I touch the chocolate dick, all the fucking athletes go down. And not down on me.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I just mean down their cards fall down. Like if you go anywhere near that shelf, it's just a fucking shit storm. Everything falls down. Craig T. Wood. Good morning. I never watch live. All right. Well, prepare yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's different, different, different, different. Different. Video or it didn't happen. We want to see your workouts. They're pathetic. You don't want to see them. Trust me. Seems a little softer than normal.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I'm still bumping cameras in here and tweaking stuff, but I need that feedback. Savvy. Ken Waltersters some of your best work the reel you posted of rich and jason and jason's metal timing unreal must have watched it three dozen times with a smile yeah i um i i saw the clip go up on instagram somewhere and i was thinking i shouldn't have said the go ahead, show Rich your medal two or three times. Once would have been enough. And Jason's so great, right? Hey, it takes someone authentic and vulnerable like that
Starting point is 00:13:12 to get excited when they see Rich to make that even doable. Oh, caller, hold on. Hold on, caller. My shit's not set up, of course. It never is set up. on caller my my shit's not set up of course it never is set up set the phone line up every morning like a douche uh where's bluetooth here we go caller hi not caller hello seven good morning hey Hey, good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Hey, I never get to watch your shows live, but today I'm able to catch it. A few shows back, you were talking about your sponsors and I wanted to just to give you some love on one of them. Okay. Tell me. I want to give a big shout out to birth fit. My wife and I just had our first son about six months ago. Yes. And, um, obviously, uh, we didn't want to, you know, give him any 49ers.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Are we, are we allowed to, are we still doing that? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like you. I like it. And, um, we're over here in San Antonio and we couldn't find any pediatrician that would
Starting point is 00:14:21 see him because of our decision. Everything we called, I think almost all the practices and nobody would see him because of our decision everything we called i think almost all the practices and nobody would take him um so we were getting worried and we didn't know what to do so uh out of you know because i heard of birth fit uh through your podcast um i sent them a dm on instagram and just, you know, just as a shine in the dark, I didn't even think they would respond and they actually responded and they recommended us somebody in Austin.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And so we drive up there every once in a while, but it was just a huge help, man. It was a big relief. I'm glad you brought birth fit into, into the light and for us to be able to see them. And then they ended up helping us out a lot. We're, we're very, very worried, especially my wife. Um, and yeah, they give us that recommendation and we have a great, um, a great practitioner looking over our son. So it was, it was awesome. Dude, I'm so happy for you. Hey, I'm reading this book. It's called unvaccinated i mean i've read a bunch of books on this stuff already this book is so amazing um imagine someone saying they love your baby they love kids they all they care
Starting point is 00:15:33 first and foremost about kids and yet within the first 24 hours of your kid being born they want to inject something into your kid with a needle that will change their immune system for the rest of their life and it's the hep v that uh hep hepatitis b vaccine absolutely fucking insane another thing i was just researching you know there's never ever been a study on the um on all on on vaccines and uh how did they phrase it the vaccine schedule there's never been a study on on the vaccine schedule meaning um let's say first of all there's no there's there aren't any real studies on any of the vaccines once you look into it but yeah there's never been a study of like hey you take all 72 shots what happens to you they've never followed a group of kids and been like and then had a control group versus all the
Starting point is 00:16:32 kids who took all the vaccines that study's never been done it's fun it's it's absolutely astonishing if you just scratch that surface a little bit and then and then obviously you're gonna have you're gonna be blown away, dude. In the next six months to three years, all your friends who got their kids injected with the 49ers, you're going to be like, why do all their kids have ear infections and nose infections and eye infections and my kid doesn't?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Why do their kids behave? You're going to start noticing all sorts of nuances and stories that other parents tell that you don't have. You're going to be so proud of yourself. Oh, yeah. I'm seeing it. My wife's sister, she has three kids, and they're all, you know, they're all vaxxed up, and they're always sick.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Something's always going on. Yep. Even knowing that her own, like, our son, even knowing and telling her everything we told her, like, why we didn't get them vaccinated. She has a, like, one-and-a-half-year-old. She's still giving them the vaccines. Even after what we went with our son
Starting point is 00:17:33 and telling her what we know. And I read the book Dissolving Illusions. That was a real eye-opener for her. Good job. Good job. Yeah, and that's thanks to you, man. So I'm glad. Man, I've been listening to your podcast since the Matt Josh podcast. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Awesome. So I was like, man, who the hell is this guy? Who the hell is this Sevan guy? And, man, I ended up, man, I love your podcast, man. I listen to it every single day. Thank you. And then thank you for being a speaker of truth and for defending kids and and for those who can't speak for themselves. I remember when we were going through the whole
Starting point is 00:18:11 pandemic, you know, people losing their jobs and you were you know, you weren't given a show. You were speaking out. Doesn't matter. You were speaking out for those who couldn't speak out on their own because, you know, fear of losing their jobs, stuff like that. Hey, dude, thank you. I appreciate it. I really do. It means a lot to me. I, I need that validation just as much as anybody. So I appreciate it. Oh yeah, no, no. I appreciate you, man. Keep doing what you're doing. Love the podcast, man. Love everything you do. And yeah, just wanted to call in and say that and just say thank you for everything.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Absolutely. Thanks dude. Keep me posted on the kid. Okay. Good luck. Thank you. Congratulations. Yeah, I will. I will. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Hey, no one has to take my word on it. I can just tell you this. Just do this. Just go to Google, look up measles, and look at how many kids died of measles in the United States 10 years prior to the measles vaccine being released also do the same thing with polio look at the three years prior to the polio vaccine being released how many kids died of polio in the united states from 1952 to 1955 and then if you make it past that look at try to figure out why the polio vaccine was pulled within a year of it first being released. And then why it wasn't released again until 1961. Just look that shit up, man.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It doesn't take long at all. You can go to all your favorite websites with your propaganda. Choose any fucking CDC, whatever you want. FDAs, any liberal media. Go ahead. Look that stuff up. They're not hiding it. They're not hiding it from you it just takes a few minutes and you got to read some shit and then just start doing the math be like that's
Starting point is 00:19:51 weird polio vaccine didn't come out till 55 but 1952 all of a sudden polio started vanishing why Just, just, it's kind of, it's not hard. It's not hard. The hard part is realizing that fucking you were duped. That's the only hard part. I'm trying to follow the Danny Spiegel, Andrew Hiller stuff. And by follow it, I mean, I can't figure out what's going on, why everyone's so angry and wound up. And I didn't put a lot of time into it. I put like 15 minutes into it this morning.
Starting point is 00:20:37 But it reminded me of the black squares. Black squares. If I throw a rock at someone and I hit them and I don't tell you who it is, you're like, hey, you threw a rock and it hit a woman, or you saw it hit a woman, and then you call me a misogynist, you guys know that makes you sexist, right? It's the exact same thing with George Floyd. I know this one's fucking horrible for people to try to process. this one's fucking horrible for people to try to process but if you see Derek Chauvin and you think he's racist because he did that to a black guy you know it's because you're racist right how does anyone not know that that's why all the black squares outed all those people like we all know you're racist I don't even hate you because you're racist I don't even hate you because you're racist. I don't even hate you because you're sexist. But it's so weird to call Andrew Hiller a misogynist because you're clearly sexist because you have determined that it's what he's doing to, like, just call it out on your own. Just say what you mean. Hey, I don't think men should pick on women at all because I think women are less than men. I get it. I'm not even upset at you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's cool. Fine. Just be honest. Just be authentic. Stop projecting your hatred towards black people and women on other people. Just see it for what it is oh the Asian guy there was an Asian guy in the Asian hate
Starting point is 00:22:34 in the Derek Chauvin he didn't stop Derek Chauvin from putting his knee on George Floyd so he got sentenced fuck I can't believe that shit's still going on uh George Floyd, so he got sentenced. Fuck. I can't believe that shit's still going on. Savon, can you get Hayley Adams and Brooke Wells? Nah, they're too young for me. I'm married.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm married. Oh, really? Four years in jail? Oh, no. That's fucking horrible. I did see um i'm tripping on that dude over at um invictus bryce uh mitchell bryce the big the big handsome dude what a trip so i i thought that guy was an ai and i was making fun of him on my podcast and then he fucking walked up to me at the CrossFit Games and he's like, hey, I'm Bryce. And first of all, I think I told you guys this.
Starting point is 00:23:29 He's massive. It's basically Fikowski, a better looking Fikowski. It's like the Ken version of Fikowski. He's like, hi. It's like fucking, I can't believe he can see me from up there. He's huge he had a shirt on but i bet you he's fucking built like an adonis too and he's with his two friends who are short like six foot each and uh and and he seemed like a normal human being but then last night he had hayley
Starting point is 00:24:04 adams on his podcast by the way i cannot believe night, he had Hayley Adams on his podcast. By the way, I cannot believe how much he got Hayley Adams to open up. But I listened to that podcast last night as I'm putting up foam all around my room, and I'm like, holy shit. Maybe this guy is an AI. I just thought he was an AI again. He's such a trip when he interviews people.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I DM'd him. I DM'd him yesterday. I got to get him on the show. I want to see how he's going to be. He's going to be like an AI when he's people. I DM'd him. I DM'd him yesterday. I gotta get him on the show. I wanna see how he's gonna be. He's gonna be like an AI when he's on my show. I reached out to CJ Martin too. I can't believe I've never had him on. The owner of CrossFit Invictus.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You tried to call me? I don't know what's going on with my phone. What do you mean? Okay, I'll turn it on. Sorry. I don't know what's going on with my phone. What do you mean? Okay, I'll turn it on. Sorry. I don't know what's going on. Jake Chapman. If I'm in prison and I can choose which inmate cooks, I'm going with the Chinese fella. Yeah. Now, that's not racist.
Starting point is 00:25:02 That's called discrimination and prejudice. It's like wanting the Jew accountant over the black dude. You want the Asian surgeon over the fucking white guy. It's different. Nuanced. It's nuanced at that point. You don't pet the snake. If you're going on a hike and the snake has a fucking mandible
Starting point is 00:25:26 you know what's in there there's a hollow fangs in there that are trying to put get into your body to inject a venom that rests in those hollow fangs that's that's not that's not racism or sexism that's discernment and prejudice based on the shape and size of a fucking snake's head you see four boys walking down the street and they fucking have neck tattoos and their pants are hanging down past their butt and you can hear their conversation from three blocks away. You know they look like the dudes who robbed CVS's.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I mean, it's just like, they happen to be black or Mexican or whatever, yeah, then they further fit the stereotype. But it's not racist. It's called discernment and prejudice. Completely different. Racist is thinking that because someone was born with a certain skin color, that they're somehow predispositioned to do something.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Which is just fucking asinine. Yeah, Dick Butter, I want the black rapper over the Jewish one. Yeah. Although, um... Although... Lil Dicky. I like Lil Dicky. And there's that new Jew guy
Starting point is 00:26:36 that Tommy G's been hanging with. I tried to get him on the show. There's a couple cool Jew rappers. Oh, Weird Al. Weird Al. Yeah, there you go. Fuck him up. rappers. Oh, Weird Al. Weird Al. Yeah, there you go. Fuck him up. How dare you, Dick Butter. Weird Al.
Starting point is 00:26:55 So, I don't know. Okay. Where are we? I think Darian's coming on any minute. I can't believe 30 minutes of the show blew by. You know what's funny is those people, someone really, really tried to make it that I didn't go to the CrossFit Games. Do you remember that post? Don Woolsey said to posted someone sent me a screenshot of it on his Instagram
Starting point is 00:27:28 account I've spoken with Don and I don't want to cause any drama before the games but after the games I'm going to have a talk with him or some shit like that and then recently Don it's so weird someone sent me a screenshot where he calls me a d-bag
Starting point is 00:27:45 on his Instagram account but won't call me out by name I wonder if I can find that text message but I have no sympathy for any of those people I would never I would never put a campaign to someone like
Starting point is 00:28:02 the Philharmonic's coming to town and i start sending the philharmonic uh shitloads of text messages and emails don't let john don woolley um into your concert because he's brand diminishing i would never fucking do that what does that mean b Bipped. Christian Leon. Someone has your car been bipped. What's bipped? Bipped. Bipped.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Urban Dictionary? Urban Dictionary. Bipped. When anything is broken or damaged. He elbowed me during sex and bipped my head that's a fucking weird use of it what does it mean oh car breaking no no no dude i live in the country part even though my sister was making fun of me like i don't live in the country i live live in the country. Like this, I hear roosters and chickens and donkeys and shit every day. Um, yeah, I think, you know, that is interesting. Getting bit does sound gay. Like you, like it means you snort a popper and then let your anus dilate and someone get at it, bipped.
Starting point is 00:29:28 See, I just projected that onto the word bipped. That means I'm probably gay. See? See how that works? Sevan you remind me of Rich Roll I don't know who that is I keep thinking Darian's gonna come on we're gonna talk about Aljamain Sterling
Starting point is 00:29:59 and Aljo I really am a what have you-you-done-for-me-lately guy, so when Sugar Sean O'Malley, Sugar Shane, Sugar Sean O'Malley, says that Aljo is the greatest bantamweight of all time, I'm kind of with him. Aljo versus Sugar Sean O'Malley tomorrow night. Hey, dude, speaking of professional athletes, I think tomorrow, tomorrow's Saturday,
Starting point is 00:30:31 I think Tyson Bajent may play a lot of the game tomorrow. A lot of the game. Riley, do your listeners still send you mail? Yeah, all sorts of shit. Every mode possible shit comes to me. I love mail. I'm like a little kid. I'm like a little kid when it comes to
Starting point is 00:30:57 Oh, speaking of little kids, I get like a little kid when this guy's around too. Oh, no! Darian Weeks, what's up, dude? What's up my man Dude did you get an office job where are you Yeah I got an office job dude Couldn't hear it wasn't making it you know
Starting point is 00:31:12 I need to Do something better so You are 9 to 5 in No I'm just kidding This is my wife's office Oh dang You scared me. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah. No, I'm not 95. You are an independent man. You are a lion. You can't be doing. You can't have your own shit. I can't do that. I can't be trapped in a box.
Starting point is 00:31:35 No way. Speaking of new places, look at that. Look at that studio you got. Dude, things are good. That's legit. Things are good. And I seen the great great work you did on those crossfit games thank you i'm pumped awesome those were those were those were awesome i am pumped hey speaking of pumped i'm the most pumped i've been about uh ufc fight in a in a ufc
Starting point is 00:31:59 card you've been waiting for this one huh you got ster got Sterling on this one. You love Sterling. I love Aljo. And I saw that our buddy Ian Gary. Yeah, is fighting Neil Magny. And he is fucking with Neil Magny. Did you watch the press conferences? He is fucking with Neil Magny. I did watch the press conferences. He, uh...
Starting point is 00:32:21 I mean, I feel like it's a good idea for what he displayed right there just because I feel like Neil Magny was just all over the place trying to defend himself, you know what I mean? I didn't hear what Neil Magny said, but supposedly Neil Magny said some off-the-cuff thing in one of his press conferences. He says, yeah, I know how to put beatings on kids. I have a son.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I slap him around. I'm going to slap Ian the same way. And Ian took that and is basically every moment he can painting Neil Magny as a child beater. It's fucking just right there in the press conference. Yeah. I'm going to call him a child abuser. And you can tell Neil Magny is so bummed.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And that was, I mean, horrible for Neil Magny, but that was perfect execution for Ian Gary to get in, you know, I think to get in his head, especially since on seven-day notice, if you can get him all flustered and out of his game. I mean, I see, as much as I hate to say it, I see Ian Gary winning this one. Oh, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I'm kind of not a fan of Ian Gary. I do not honestly care for myself, but. His chick is hot as fuck. Yeah. Yeah. His wife, the one that he took her last name. Oh, is that what he did? Is that what's going on there?
Starting point is 00:33:41 The Machado? The Machado is her last name. And this is how I try to make the excuse for it. He's like, oh, well, she has a son and I want to be the son's father. So I wanted us to have the same. Then you change that boy's name to Gary. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:59 What? I was just thrown back altogether by it. That is what's never going to make him like a Conor McGregor tough guy figure to me. Like, you took your wife's name. That's not, you're not a tough guy. Dick Butter weighs in. What a cuck. I love Drake.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Jeez Louise. I love Drake. That's fucking wild. That's fucking wild. This Aljo fight with Sean O'Malley, everything in me wants to say that Aljo is going to completely destroy him, except the fact that Sean did look good against... Peter Young. Yes, sir, him.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I know. He looked way better defending shots than I thought he would. When you say shots, you mean takedowns? Yeah. I will say the number one thing, though, about Aljo is he's a vice grip when he grabs you on the ground. He wraps his legs, and he tries to not let you go. Really a human backpack. I mean, we'll see. Um,
Starting point is 00:35:11 I mean, yeah, we'll see. I mean, Peter, you're on the first fight with Aljermaine Sterling, I mean, beat him like he stole something. So it puts it, it puts, it puts it a interesting fight for sure. And then, and then the, and then the, uh, the first fight, which I can't even believe too is on the card, is Chito Vera is fighting Pedro Munoz. That's going to be insane. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And Chito Vera is the only guy that's beat O'Malley. And I'm going to give him that win. Even though O'Malley says it wasn't a win, I think he fucked him up. He kicked him until his leg didn't work. That's a win. You know what I mean? You got hurt. You weren't supposed to get hurt so that's a win i feel like and i haven't seen cheetah vera fighting a long time i feel like last one he fought was dominic cruz correct uh i'm let me in san diego let's look
Starting point is 00:35:58 let's look you're probably right um uh marlon vera what do i look up Sherdog Marlon Vera yeah Sherdog okay let me see where is it where are you give me one second
Starting point is 00:36:16 sorry oh shit is that where the fuck are your stats dude how come I can't are your stats dude how come I can't get your stats how you been are you still cutting hair
Starting point is 00:36:32 always still I got actually a fight set for September 22nd as well oh with what organization LFA oh I've been trying to find fights like crazy, but guys have just been like refusing to fight me. At what weight?
Starting point is 00:36:51 85? 185. Holy shit. Marlon Vera. Oh, he fought Corey Sanhagen last. Oh, yes, he did. And I forgot about that in Las Vegas. Crazy. It went the distance though huh uh-huh oh did he lose yeah oh wow march 25th i don't remember that fight either for some reason i
Starting point is 00:37:17 don't remember that fight at all uh beat uh dominic cruz uh rob font frankie edgar i mean three great wins. Yeah. And then beat Sean O'Malley and then lost to Jose. But beat Sean O'Malley four years ago. But he lost to Jose Aldo or what? Yeah, then he lost to Aldo in a decision. Yeah, no one puts – I'm starting to think that Chita's never been knocked out. Knocked out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And with 20 wins, I mean, that's amazing. Never to be asleep. That'll be a fun little fight then. I heard some stat yesterday. Let me see if I can pull it up. Aljamain Sterling. yesterday let me see if i can pull it up al jermaine sterling then al jermaine sterling's third ufc fight he fought a number six ranked dude and uh and that's basic and and basically that was it for him that fucked him ever since then he's only fought great dudes really yeah
Starting point is 00:38:22 i think he might be i think that that that fight with um peter yon really fucked his reputation but really dude like yeah i'm he might be one of the great really say it again i said he's been having like a good fight career until that fight and and and um and he may be he may he's gonna i think he's gonna go down as one of the greats of all time. Oh, yeah, he'll have to. I really, the main reason that I want him to win this fight is because I want to see what he does at 45 when he goes fights Volkanovski. That'll be crazy. That'll be insane.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I want to see what Volkanovski is going to do with him too. So he beat Cody Stademan, Jimmy Rivera, Pedro Munoz, Corey Sanhagen, Peter Yan, Peter Yan, TJ Dillashaw, Henry Cejudo. That's a pretty fucking gnarly win streak. I will say this though. TJ Dillashaw was on one arm. Right, right, right. Yeah. And so I'm not going to give him as much credit for that as he should get.
Starting point is 00:39:24 That was hard to watch. I mean, beating Corey Sanhagen, as we see in itself, is pretty crazy. I mean, Corey Sanhagen's doing damage to a lot of people that are in the top ten in the UFC. Where's your LFA fight? Minnesota. Prior Lake, Minnesota. Is it on UFC Fight Pass?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah. And what's the date? It'll be September 22nd. Hey, has the UFC reached back out to you for any last-minute fights? No, because I don't have a management team right now. I put quits to all of them i just you know i just separated myself and uh i don't know trying to get my stock up and try to make me the best prospect i can be like i was when i was five and oh and winning fights and then
Starting point is 00:40:18 you know i'll jump back in there. But when they, so they wouldn't reach out to you ever directly? Like if they needed a fight, like with two weeks notice, they wouldn't reach out to you directly and be like, hey, Darian. No, no, not unless you're John Jones, you know? Wow, they only fuck with agents. So it's kind of a racket.
Starting point is 00:40:37 It's a boys club. Yeah. Or girls club. You have to have an agency in order for them to get a hold of you or contact you or whatnot. I mean, but, like, I say I get this finish in LFA, I get about two more, three more, maybe one more this year
Starting point is 00:40:58 and then two more next year. I mean, I don't think they can refuse me. I need to – and I would like to go back to UFC just because I have, you know, some unfinished business. I mean, I know they have, like, people have been telling me, like, oh, there's PFL out there. You know, there's Bellator. Why don't you want to do those? Well, it doesn't matter, like, if it's true or not. In the society and in the media world, when you fight the UFC and you win in the UFC, you're the society and in the media world when you fight the ufc and you win
Starting point is 00:41:26 in the ufc you're the greatest fighter in the world period i agree you're part of those you're part of that greatest fight in the world club not dotting anybody else who fights in pfl and who you know i'm not it's just the organization's name has held so much weight for so long that you just, I mean, it's got to be done. I got to go there. I got to dominate. And then I'm willing to, you know, wherever my career takes me, it takes me there. But I have to dominate in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's already been a dream of mine. It's been in my head. It's been, you know, a little stint on my timeline of my career and so i gotta i gotta go dominate uh jeremy eat world um as a another black man i will represent you darian well that's very nice of you jeremy appreciate you big dog um uh but darian you know, whatever you think about agents, wouldn't it be cool if you had one? Because doesn't the UFC do that? That is a possible outcome, right? You stay in fight shape ready.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Someone cancels and it's a good way to get it. Yeah. Okay, Darian, you're in. Yeah. And yes, it is. And, I mean, once I've separated myself from my first agency, I did, you know, I've talked to some agencies. I've looked at some. And I even have interest in one agency as well.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I just, we're just talking back and forth, you know, and we're trying to get some stuff set around, you know. I like to fill them out. I want to fill them out this time last time i i took an agency and i you know i was young in the game and i didn't care you know i'm like all right bet this is what you're supposed to have you're supposed to have an agency they're going to get you bigger fights let's go you know i didn't take into consideration how to treat fighters or what kind of personal relationship they would have with them and i and i kind of i would i don't need a personal relationship with the manager team,
Starting point is 00:43:28 but I need to know, like, oh, when I am getting ready for a fight or when they're looking for me to fight, they're looking for my best interest. Not, oh, let's just put him here because it'll be a good name for the company. Sarah Cooper, is this a UFC guy? This was a UFC guy. It was a UFC guy. Was a UFC guy. And now we're on our road back up. We fell off the ladder and we got to climb back up.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Patrick Clark, Darian, I don't think you need an agency. You just need someone to rep you who has your best interest in mind and not their own. True, but I feel like, yeah, what you said, Seven, the agency we need is so that the UFC can get in contact with me. Right. I mean, everyone doesn't have the UFC's number, you know what I'm saying? And these top organizations like the Dark Side and First Round Management, stuff like that, they all have.
Starting point is 00:44:24 There's an agency called The Dark Side? That's who I was with, Iridium. That's what they're called. Iridium, they say, welcome to The Dark Side. Jeez Louise. I know. There was a fight recently. I'm trying to figure out which fight it was.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It was a little, short, black black guy he was undefeated he may have even been like the lfa champ or something god he had to come in and fight a killer oh fuck who was that short black guy it was like a 185 fight he looked he was like five did he fight is he or so who the fuck did he fight and he got oh no he he was uh he fought bo nickel oh yeah that poor guy oh my god i felt horrible for that guy not only that like just i felt way more horrible because of the way he displayed himself and then he was undefeated going into that fight and then he's like i bring down i i i knock people off i kill all the hype and then just got creamed in the first what was it minute 45 it was bad it was quick
Starting point is 00:45:34 and you got put down with hands by bo nickel who's a collegiate wrestler that was a um was that ufc 292 yeah i, I think so. Oh, no, that's this one coming up. Hold on. No, I think it was UFC 290. There's 291. It was two of them ago. Oh, it was? Let me see if I can. But so does that guy get, is that guy still in the UFC?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Does he get like a two-fight contract? Oh, yeah, Val Woodburn. He was 7-0. Yeah, it depends on like, I mean, I guess it depends on what is, what is management, the management team argued for the contract, you know? And I mean, I would think, yeah, he probably does. You know, once the UFC calls you up for that first fight and you take it on short notice, I,
Starting point is 00:46:26 they kind of give you like a, like a pass, you know what I'm saying? Like, Hey, no matter how this fight goes, we'll give you another one. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:46:33 so, but because he got knocked out so devastatingly, just don't, I don't know. Hey, this guy, Demond Blackshear, I think he fought last week.
Starting point is 00:46:44 That's my guy. And he did a tw think he fought last week. That's my guy. And he did a twister on the dude, right? That's the guy? Yes. He freaking tried to rip him in half. That was crazy. And I think it said only the second twister ever done in the UFC where someone tapped out.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Third, yeah. Crazy. I actually trained with him a lot at Jackson Wink. He's before he was in the UFC. He's a he's a dog. He's he's and he's always in shape. You know how you get those fighters who, oh, if I don't have a fight, you know, I'm kind of not as cut as I once was. This dude is always shredded. I don't know that, but I'll take your word on it.
Starting point is 00:47:21 You're the only fighter right now. We always get fat. Hey, what about the fact that he fought last week? If he wins this week, he will automatically be in some sort of weird club, right? Yeah. Two fights in two weeks. That puts you in sort of some rarefied air, right? That's a Hamza Chamayev type shit.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And then he kind of has to, right? If he wins, he kind of has to fight in the next couple months and just go for a third win and then kind of like the hype train's there. The hype train's there. Yeah. He will be looked at as a bad, bad dude. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, I feel like I feel like he can at least.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Well, this guy seems like a pretty tough guy, but I feel like he can beat him. You know what I mean? Especially I mean, he didn't take much damage in the last fight he was in. And if he just went straight back to training as he does, I mean. The only thing he has to do is keep his mind focused. Don't focus on the fact you just fought last week. Some fighters will give themselves a bit of a doubt. Oh, I fought last week. It's fine. I just jumped in for this fight.
Starting point is 00:48:37 You've got to make sure. Oh, I came to beat this dude up too. This is just another win for me. I'm excited. I'm actually excited about the wayling fight on that car too yeah yeah hey one quick thing before we leave this uh jeff neal and neil magny i i used to always i still get those dudes confused it's so funny because probably because they both have neil in their name and they're both kind of like lanky but
Starting point is 00:49:00 it's funny that he went from uh jeff neal to neil magni yeah that is hilarious they do that is similar uh yeah oh uh zhang versus lamos uh lamos i'll let you know though i'm gonna let you know i think jeff neal would have put in gary in the gray you oh good really i really do because I mean, for one, he hits like a brick, you know what I'm saying? And in, I mean, in Gary's good at shifts in and jabbing and moving out the way.
Starting point is 00:49:33 But I think, I really think Jeff Millwood just freaking, I mean, smacked him with something that he's never been even hit with before in his life. You know? And, and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:47 A lot of fighters that's been fighting Gary, I feel like they just turn into like sticks in the mud. I don't understand why they let him hit him so much. Why their hands are down. They know he's going to just jab and throw the two, you know, and I don't know. See, I got to go to UFC for that reason, too. I got to beat that guy up.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I know. I would love it if you got a rematch. Blade Walker, how close can you stay? This is a great question. How close can you stay to fight shape before you're at the point of diminishing returns? I'd say, I don't know. I mean, it might be different for every fighter, but, I mean, it's not long. I mean, in fight shape, which means, like, fight ready, I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:32 I'd say, like, months at a time. Because the type of training it takes to stay at that shape is, I mean, it's hard on your body. You'll start to get injuries now because your muscles are just tired and wore down, you know what I mean, it's hard on your body. You'll start to get injuries now because your muscles are just tired and wore down. You know what I mean? They need a break. I guess if you do it healthily wise, where you're taking small breaks in between, like two days at a time in between to rest, I guess you could do it for six months, but it'd be hard. Hey, do you have that discipline to rest or can you just not stay out
Starting point is 00:51:05 of the gym i can't stay out of the gym but like um i my my resort to resting is i'll lift weights instead of like do the hard in the matron you know okay like i'll i'll be like oh bed well we're gonna do like some hang clings and squats and some stuff like that that'll be a rest for me because it's not exerting my body to the highest peak for an hour and a half right yeah crossfitters are like that too they're like it's a rest day and then they're out like running a 5k yeah no crossfitters are insane yeah how did they such low body fat that's really crazy that crossfitters can keep their body fat as low as they do i'm starting to realize too that also like our our sport is like a um what you call like maybe all sports like this is eating disorder sport like all like pretty much everyone like and i say that kind of with like some drama and half joking, but like, like our sport at the foundation of our pyramid is nutrition.
Starting point is 00:52:08 And so everyone's always fucking with their nutrition, whether it's to fast and everyone wants to look good. So there's this weird. Yeah. You know, especially if you're competing, you don't want to be out there with your fucking not everyone can pull off Tyson Fury. Yeah. Yeah. No. And that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But see, like CrossFitters, you guys must do it to a different extent. Because MMA fighters, once we're out of a fight, I mean, we're not dieticians at all. We are sloppy. Let me get a burger. I'm a fat piece of crap to eat. You know what I mean? And then we still train but that's why you see UFC fighters
Starting point is 00:52:48 and stuff like that when they're in the gym and not getting ready for a fight how much bigger they look their stomach poking out of their shirt like freaking Michael Chandler he gets up to 210 pounds he fights 155
Starting point is 00:53:03 and he's to 210 pounds. He fights 155. And he's short. And he's short. 210 pounds? That's, I mean, you are just not caring what you ingest. Derek Lewis looks like a supermodel compared to Tyson Fury. Boy, Derek Lewis shaked up, didn't he? Yeah, yeah. He really did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I think he looked the best he ever had. And not only that, I wonder if they did that so that he'd have the mobility to do something like that flying knee that he ended the fight with. That was, I do not like Derek Lewis's celebration when he hits. Oh yeah. I hate that shit.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I really fucking Justin Gaethje celebration. Yeah. If I'm fuckingin gaethje's mom i fucking spank him or if i'm derrick lewis's wife i spank him don't like because dude we saw that fucking light heavyweight from brazil who was on a terror to win fucking fight john jones and he fucking just fell back one time and he fucking blew out his shoulder and he's never been the same what's that guy's name? Skywalker? Johnny Walker. Johnny Walker, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. One simple celebration falls on his back. Do you remember that? Yeah. He puts his hands out and just rolled onto his back and fucking was never the same fighter. Yeah. Yeah, it's a... Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I don't think... I think Justin's gay cheese is something like that. You know what I'm saying? Like, come on, back flipping off the cage? Like, you could really blow yours and derrick loose hits the cage the bottom of the cage so hard he falls to the ground and goes like that i'm like dude yeah i know i don't know i like that i like that i like the piece i like the beat i thought about doing that one time when i dropped like that's just it's so i don't know it's it's just unique thing to do. It's funny. He's a funny guy too.
Starting point is 00:54:49 The height difference between Aljo and Sugar Sean, first guy that Aljo has fought with a longer reach than him in his entire career. What are your thoughts on that? Does that make a difference? I think that's going to be a massive, a massive thing for, for Sean O'Malley. Like he's gonna, he's going to touch Aljo up a lot, and Aljo's going to have to shoot from a far distance. But, I mean, I didn't see, like, the height difference didn't look crazy to me at the weigh-ins.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Did it look crazy to you at the weigh-ins? I feel like there was... It's a head, it's a, it's, um, it's... The full head, you think? Dude, it's, it's, it's fucking a head you think dude it's it's it's fucking a lot dude let me see if i can click uh five six versus five nine no i guess i guess not three inches yeah i didn't think it looked stupid crazy but he will have a longer reach and and i mean if i was shot on malley i'd wait for the freaking running the knee right when he goes in for a shot.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I mean, if he can land a couple of knees as he goes in for a shot, I feel like that'd be great. And I mean, Sean O'Malley's game might be way better than it was when he fought Peter Jan on wrestling. You know, he may be able to, you know, get out of some exchanges very well himself. I mean, he did a good job not letting Peter Yan rough him up. When you think of unorthodox fighters like a dominant Cruz, you kind of, I put Aljo in there. His striking is bizarre.
Starting point is 00:56:16 His striking is bizarre and he's ridiculous. I put him in there with Tony Ferguson. And he's a tornado in the first fucking two minutes of a fight. He's ridiculously quick and he's a tornado in the first fucking two minutes of a fight. He's ridiculously quick, and he's ridiculously conditioned. Yeah. He can go at a high pace and not feel like he's gassed. And I mean, yeah. And his training partner, I'm not usually,
Starting point is 00:56:38 I usually don't judge a guy by his training partner, but his training partner, like, who the fuck? I mean, his training partner is going to partner like who the fuck i mean his training partner is gonna be the champ is number two yeah yeah i mean that dude is fucking wild he is too yeah and i mean and what is the name mirror big yeah mirab or something gilash or something he's gnarly he's always got a smile on his face and he's just ready he's like the the the good version of um who's the 171er who's always got like the on his face, and he's just ready. He's like the good version of who's the 171er who's always got the skanks with him and selling energy drinks and gambling sites. Kobe Covington?
Starting point is 00:57:13 Kobe Covington, yeah. Have you ever seen Marab when he poses with chicks? Uh-uh. They're like dirty-toed hippie chicks. There's like four or five of them. They got a little extra chub on them, and he's always like smiling. Instead of acting hard, he's always like smart instead of acting hard he's acting like he's like on lsd and shit you never seen any of those i've never
Starting point is 00:57:29 seen oh he's awesome dude i love his shit those chicks probably have hair under their armpits he's so good i had that all foreign all those foreign women do they don't they don't care about shaving their armpits uh do you do you think it's going to be – so you think the reach is going to be a huge advantage? For Sean O'Malley, yeah. But, I mean, still me saying that, there's a one in five chance I feel like Sean wins this fight. I mean, I just – like we said, Aljo has a crazy record of fighting top guys since the very beginning of his career. I mean, he's been in the spotlight for.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Oh, he got a phone call. Yeah, he's been in the spotlight for 10 plus years. He's strong, he's fast. I mean, he's a devastating person. I mean, and he's, I don't know. I mean, he's a devastating person. I mean, and he's I don't know. I mean, we're going to see. I mean, I really don't see Sean O'Malley winning this, but maybe he comes out. Shocks the world.
Starting point is 00:58:34 You know who will be happy if Sean O'Malley wins? Who? Dana White. Oh, really? Dana White will be ecstatic that Sean O'Malley wins. That's if you watch Dana White, he has just that Sean O'Malley wins. If you watch Dana White, he has just a few people in the UFC that he does that with. He has Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:58:53 We all know that that's his child. You know what I'm saying? He loves Conor McGregor. He likes Sean O'Malley because he likes the crazy attention-seeking wow factor of a fighter. You know? Aljo is a wrestler first. You know what saying and then he'll bang so it's not like oh it's going to be super exciting fight every time he fights sean o'malley tries to make it a super exciting super exciting fight every time he fights he tries to knock him out with the right hand he points at him you know why he's laughing blah blah he's like
Starting point is 00:59:21 that with nate diaz as well he loves He loves Nate Diaz. He likes show people. So he wants Sean O'Malley to have that belt. He wants that because that crowd factor will just shoot through the roof. And there's so many more people that like Sean O'Malley than that like Aljo. I feel like Aljo's stock has gone way up since he beat Peter Yan the second time and since he put down Cejudo? I will say, yeah, I feel like that, but I still feel like it's not. It's not where Sean O'Malley's is.
Starting point is 00:59:52 He lost a lot of – Aljo lost a lot of credit after that first performance. With Peter Yan? Yeah, the fake crying and then literally 45 minutes later you're on ESPN like, yeah, I'm the champ, baby, you know, talking about. But you were just crying in the ring like, I don't want to win this way. I'm the champ. Let's go. I mean, it took a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:00:17 It was a cringe factor for a lot of people. So I feel like his stock has gone down and Dana White knows that. And, I mean, Sean O'Malley is like like, that's what the kids want to see. You know, people from age 17. I hear it in my barbershop all the time. People from age 17 to 22, that's all they talk about. Oh, yeah, well, the best fighter in the UFC is Sean O'Malley. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Because they can relate to him. He has rainbow hair. He smokes weed. He's tatted up. They're like, this is our freaking idol. You're breaking my heart. You're breaking my heart. I'm telling you, that's how it is.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And I hear it every day at the barbershop. I want Aljo. I hope Aljo just fucking ragdolls him. I did hear Sean O'Malley say, he's like, hey, our entire game plan is to not let this guy grab me. Yeah, but how much longer? I think that's true. Would he really say that if it's true?
Starting point is 01:01:14 But how long can you keep somebody away if, as athletic as Aljo, you can't. You can't. There's no way he's not going to just grab him once. There's no way. There's no way. You can't. There's no way he's not going to just grab him once. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:01:24 There's no way. There's no – he knew that game plan for Peter Yan, but he didn't. I mean, Peter Yan still got a hold of him, ragdolled him, cracked him in the mouth. And Peter Yan's – safe to say, Peter Yan's not as athletic as Aljo. Peter Yan and Cejudo I think Peter Yan beat Sugar Sean when they fought
Starting point is 01:01:50 I can't really give that fight I agree I just can't see anyone stopping besides Volkanovski I can't see anyone stopping Aljo you know who else I'd like to see Aljo could Aljo fight I'd love to see Aljo? Could Aljo fight? I'd love to see Aljo fight...
Starting point is 01:02:07 Who's the Hawaiian dude? Who fought Connor who went the distance. He was the best in his weight class at 145 of all time. Fuck, what's his name? Volkanovski beat him two or three times
Starting point is 01:02:25 Went the distance Oh Max Holloway I'd like to see Holloway and Aljo go Oh I think That would be dope but I think Max Holloway touches him up Really yeah Only reason because that's a real size difference I think Max Holloway is like 5'11
Starting point is 01:02:44 Maybe almost 6'. And Max has great takedown defense, but also Aljo. I just don't think – I think Aljo might be the best wrestler in the UFC right now. No one can get away from him. Once he grabs you, it's fucked. Besides who's the one – oh, yeah, Bo. But, no, I was saying who's the who's the one uh oh yeah bo but no i was saying who's the khabib's guy oh islam yeah maybe besides him i mean i actually no i'm sorry i put it all kazmat shemaev is the best wrestler in the ufc really just he really is like that i mean he's
Starting point is 01:03:22 just yeah i mean he's just like that dude he's, he's just, yeah, I mean, he's just like that, dude. I mean, he grabs a hold of people. It's hard for them to get off. The only person I've ever seen get Cosmott off is Gilbert Burns. Oh. And I think only reason that Gilbert Burns got up for those takedowns is because Cosmott wanted to show people that he could bang, and Gilbert Burns was the one to do it with.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And so he would, I don't think he tried to hold on to those shots as much as he did. I mean, look how he did Kevin Holland. I didn't even know Kevin Holland was that high of a belt in jiu-jitsu. I think he's like a brown or black belt. And he did Kevin Holland some vicious in just 38 seconds. That was crazy. It was crazy, dude. did Kevin Holland something vicious in just 38 seconds. You know? That was crazy. It was crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:11 There was this... Let me ask you just to pick one, and then I'll ask you one more question. Aljamain Sterling, Sean O'Malley, who's your pick? Aljo. I gotta go Aljo. And the longer the fight goes, do you still go with Aljo? I go with Aljo. I gotta go Aljo. And the longer the fight goes, do you still go with Aljo? I go with Aljo even more. The longer the fight goes.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I don't think Alshana Mali has a tank for five rounds at all. Okay. This guy that fucking beat Kamaru Usman twice, Leon? Leon Edwards. Leon Edwards. So he beat Kamaru And then the commentators Like the biz bings and shit were like
Starting point is 01:04:51 Hey when someone becomes champion They become three times the fighter We're not sure how it happens but they actually do And I'm like I don't know Can that be true? Leon Edwards actually is now Like I cannot believe how good he got For the second fight
Starting point is 01:05:04 For the second fight. For the second fight. He was like, he was on a whole nother level. He just skyrocketed. Like, he looks like a champ now. He went from a guy you're like, hey, dude, you're lucky you won to like, oh, shit, you're the real deal. Here's the thing about that. One, like, when you, after you fight somebody, you kind of know, like, okay,
Starting point is 01:05:27 this is what I have to look out for, you know, especially when you go five rounds with them and, you know, they've already beat the dog crap out of you. You kind of know what to look out for. And for two, he knew that Kamaru Usman didn't want to strike. He knew that. He's like, he wants to wrestle me. So his camp got to be shortened up to just being defend every shot that you can. Let's get every strong, fast, explosive wrestler in here and defend every shot you can.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Look at this guy's fucking record, dude. Yeah, he's, I don't think he really. He lost to Kamaru Uzman in 2015. And never did it again. And then went on a terror and beat one, two, three. He beat Vincent Luque, Brian Barberina. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven. Twelve fight fucking win streak.
Starting point is 01:06:20 You know who could have stopped that terror? Who? Nate Diaz. Oh, so close. streak and you know who could have stopped you know who could have stopped that tear who nate diaz oh so close bro i wanted him and like instead of pointing and laughing and flipping him off like just go finish this dude yeah get your name back in good graces nate don't let him just and it was just so close but yeah leon edwards is a an extreme athlete. I mean, that loss did something to him in the gym, you know. He, I mean, he bit the bullet and was, I'm excited to see him go versus Colby Covington.
Starting point is 01:06:52 How do you think that's going to go? I'm crazy excited about that too. I don't know how many, I keep waiting for Colby, like us to see the effects of all these gnarly fights colby's had i think the i colby is to me is like the robert whitaker of his weight class if it wasn't for kamaru uzman colby would be would have been the champ you know what i mean he would see him as the champ for but kamaru was just on another level um yeah i don't know i keep waiting to see colby walk in and be like oh that last fight fucked him up i mean he wars and and i i've started to not be as impressed i hope i know i'm
Starting point is 01:07:34 gonna get hate for this but with the i love max holloway and i love colby covington but uh and i love manny pacquiao but there's this style that they have that starts to become a numbers game instead of a hit-the-guy-hard game that I've started as a fighter not. They don't put any emphasis on all their punches. They just tap, tap, tap, tap, especially Kobe Covington because he's only looking for the shot anyway. He's only looking for, oh, can I take this guy down and hold him down for this whole round, and then I won that round. Let's go back and get the next one.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Yeah, I like a dairy and weeks kind of guy. I'm going to get in there like a tornado, and I'm going to lay an uppercut on you, and you're going to sleepy time. Period. And what's crazy is Max Holloway, I feel like he could do that. Do you think there's power somewhere in him? Like he has a power shot? I definitely do because, I mean, and I'm not saying this to be, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:30 disrespectful or funny, but, like, look at the size of his head. When a guy has a head that big, it means his bone structure is heavy. Guaranteed. And when your bones are heavy, you can lay into somebody. I mean, really lay into somebody i mean really lay into somebody and i feel like max holloway has that power but i think you're right he does does more like oh all i have to do is touch him but this is the difference and this is why i think max holloway doesn't use his power is because he doesn't spar he says that you know he doesn't spar at all he at all shadow boxes hits mitts you're not going
Starting point is 01:09:07 to generate power if you don't know how hard to hit another human being's skull in you know what i mean and it's just it would bring i think it'd bring a different i understand why he doesn't spar because he doesn't want to brain damage him but i think it would bring a different style to his game if he actually sparred top athletes. Dude. Good to have you back on. I'll be, I'll be tech. I'll be texting you all week. My, if you're around also, my kids, Jiu Jitsu and striking coaches fighting in the LFA this weekend in Santa Cruz, California. She has a fight.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Oh, I seen her. Okay.'ve seen the woman fight i don't know mckennie mitchell yeah this week in santa cruz so check it out yeah and your kids have been doing crazy gnarly things lately i've seen your post and i'm like man these are the most athletic kids ever too bad they're gonna be five". You think they're going to be that tall? Maybe not, dude. Maybe not. Alright, brother. Thank you so much. I look forward to talking to you again.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Thank you. Thank you for having me on. It's always a pleasure. And when is your fight? September what? September 22nd. Let's stay in touch. Maybe the week before, have you come on and pick your brain and talk about how you're going to dismantle this dude. Let's do that.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I would love that. Okay. Thanks, dude. Appreciate you. Ciao. I'm lucky I know Darian. You know, there's people like that. You're like, oh, I'm lucky I know that guy. That's cool. Like, I'm lucky I know Darian. You know, there's people like that. You're like, oh, I'm lucky I know that guy. That's cool. Like, I'm proud. I'm proud to know him.
Starting point is 01:10:51 That's what I mean. I'm proud to know him. Like, yeah, I know that dude. I know Darian Weeks. What a good dude. Hey, it can't be easy to be 5-0, go to the UFC, have three fights, lose them all, all close fights,
Starting point is 01:11:08 and keep your shit together. Yeah, that shit can't be easy. Paper Street Coffee, Swolverine, Sleep 8, 8 Sleep, 8 Sleep, Sleep 8, 8 Sleep. Hey, that relationship I have with BirthFit when that guy called in to the show today, they're an incredible resource.
Starting point is 01:11:32 And by the way, you don't have to be – you can want to do all the stuff that society is telling you to do. You can be of the mindset that having a baby is a medical condition and you need doctor's help. You can feed with baby formula and you can get all the drugs injected into your kids, follow the guidelines. Go ahead. And they're still an insanely valuable resource for you.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I just happened to not be like that. Thank God for my wife educated me. I was like that, you know, while my wife was pregnant with the first kid. But then, you know, as you do a little research, you start to learn stuff. It's like being a little kid. When you're a little kid,
Starting point is 01:12:20 you want a three-story or a five-story house. Then you're an adult and you're like, that's fucking stupid. I want a ranch-style house. Fuck stairs. I want a three-story or a five-story house then you're an adult and you're like that's fucking stupid i want a ranch style house fuck stairs i want a big sprawling estate you just get smart things aren't just a novelty anymore you don't believe everything don't forget this either i've told you guys about this meme that i've seen if we sent kids to school at six months old before they could walk we're one generation away from everyone believing that if you didn't send your kids to school they six months old before they could walk were one generation away from everyone
Starting point is 01:12:45 believing that if you didn't send your kids to school, they would never learn how to walk. That is an amazing illustration of how brainwashed we are. Adam, I do think that this is my default position though on everyone. You know, I keep beating the horse that hopper was too heavy. I think losing weight is always the way. So I have a crazy bias, and I know it's not even close to being right. But here we go. You think Darian should have been fighting in a lower weight class.
Starting point is 01:13:15 The last guy Darian fought in the UFC was huge compared to him. I mean, the thing is, I think he fought at 171, but now he's gone up to 185, and I can't stand that. I can't stand the thought of someone 185 pounds hitting my friend Darian. But he still looks great at 185 too. His body still looks beautiful, so I don't know what to... Oh, can you hear the phone clicking? You hear that?
Starting point is 01:13:43 I just stopped it. I have to disconnect it. I don't know why that happens. So now if someone calls, I'd have to reconnect the phone again. Okay. I want to play this for you. This guy's been on the show a handful of times. I don't know how many times, but this is hilarious. This is actually going to freak some people out.
Starting point is 01:14:09 This is Devin Lorette. Both these guys have been on the show. This is Devin Lorette. Top five, top three, greatest arm wrestler who ever lived. He's on the left-hand side wearing those funky glasses. And on the right is the arm wrestling whisperer. Do you remember when we had him on and he was arm wrestling those girls and it was all crazy like sexual and shit? Us projecting, of course. See, that's projection. Do you guys remember that guy he was on? He wore the sunglasses during the
Starting point is 01:14:40 entire interview. And then Devin's been on a bunch of times. Devin's the big dude. He was JTF2. He was an operator in the Canadian Special Forces. Here we go. So this is an arm wrestling practice and Devin's taking the piss out of the arm wrestling whisperer,
Starting point is 01:15:06 and this is some pretty funny shit. This is going to make some of you uncomfortable. Trish, everything is projection. Oh. I don't know if I knew that. Okay, here we go. That's it. Come in there and match me. That's it. Come in there and match me.
Starting point is 01:15:28 That's it. Grab higher up on my hand. That's it. Grab higher still. That's it. Bring your elbow close to you. Inside. Put your elbow inside your body.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Inside your body. That's it. Don't be afraid. You can go a little bit. That's it. There a little bit That's it There we go That's it Release that
Starting point is 01:15:49 Fight me That's it That's what you're here for Fight it Beat it Beat it Beat it up That's it
Starting point is 01:15:57 That's it Don't give up now Don't give up I'm gonna go a little bit, okay? You ready? Go That's a lot That's a lot to take. Okay?
Starting point is 01:16:10 Come on. Finish it. No, that's not what I'm here for. I'm not here to finish you. There's only one thing. I'm here for you. When you're finished, I'll be finished too. That's it. That's it. If you had enough.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Some people like to be hurt. Pin me. Are you sure? Pin me. I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt you. Just be careful now. I'm gonna finish. Ready? Yeah! Thank you. Thank you. Two weeks in the nice building. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:16:55 These guys. Stephen Flores, it sounds like two dudes jerking each other off. What do you mean sounds like? Zach, that's Hiller and Seve and Madison. Eric Wise, thank you. You're welcome. Oh my goodness. I saw this and I immediately sent a text to Devin saying,
Starting point is 01:17:20 God, dude, I love you. You are so fucking funny. You gotta beat it up a little bit. I'm gonna beat it up a little bit. I'm gonna beat it up a little bit. God, that's good. This is a man show. This is a show for men.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And Judy. And Judy. And Elise. And Trish. Here we go. Just made the news today. I don't know if you guys saw this. Playboy just launched a new online magazine. And I gotta tell you it's very, very woke. I checked it out. For example,
Starting point is 01:18:00 Miss July's measurements are 36, 24, 36, and 6. God, I did not even get this joke. I'm going to play it again. I'm going to play it again before he tells you what it is, because I know a bunch of you didn't get it either. Don't act like you did either.
Starting point is 01:18:26 So good, though. Ready? Here we go. Made the news today. I don't know if you guys saw this. Playboy just launched a new online magazine, and I got to tell you, it's very, very woke. I checked it out. For example, Miss July's measurements are 36, 24, 36, and 6. Fuck you, Blade. You didn't get that the first time either. There's no way there's no fuck off Travis There's no fucking way you guys got that seriously Hey, I would love to be friends with this guy. I would love...
Starting point is 01:19:05 Steve Flores, she has a dick. Thank you. It's an NWA song. Eazy-E sings that line. Put my... Put my hands in her pants and the bitch had a dick. You remember that? Eazy-E.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Rest in peace yeah this guy's great it's his dick holy shit she didn't get it it's his dick the six is his dick god that guy's so good the suit the whole shtick
Starting point is 01:19:39 he's um he's Asian and he's got like this whole Desi Arnaz like 1950s Is that the guy's name? Lucille Ball's husband? So good Really? You too Chester? Dugla Fuck that last name Chester Dugulecki. Fuck that last name.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Chester Dugulecki. Yeah, Dangerfield's great. God, I love Dangerfield. That was my hero as a kid, little kid. Can you believe that? I was fucking 12 years old or 10 years old and couldn't get enough of... It explains a lot about me, I think. Could not get enough of Rodney Dangerfield.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Uh-oh. Uh-oh, here we go. This one's titled, I Don don't mourn George Floyd's death which I don't at all did you guys see the guy's face Rolling Stone guy's face when I was like yeah I don't give a fuck that George Floyd's dead I'm kind of happy that a dude who does meth
Starting point is 01:20:59 and speed and drives around drunk in his car is not on planet Earth. The Rolling Stone guy did not like that. I don't like it. I don't like it that I'm so callous, but I'm a one. I am a one. What's the word?
Starting point is 01:21:23 What is it like if abortion was like your only thing that you cared about or civil rights or... Civil rights is too broad. I'm a one... Not a one-trick pony. I'm a one... I'm a one-issue guy, kids. Kids, kids.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I'm a one-issue guy, kids. Yeah, I'm a one-issue guy. That's what it is. I'm a one-issue guy. And so I don't... Like, fuck you. I can't have people like george floyd driving around in cars that's it okay here we go if you're gay i don't care if you're christian i don't care if you're a jew i don't care about anything i care about are you a good person we have all these groups what is the pride i don't even understand let us say you're black you have
Starting point is 01:22:05 black pride but you didn't do anything you were born black you have white pride of course you have white pride you're considered evil and you don't say you're gay what is the pride the whole point of gay liberation was a person doesn't really have a choice i understand that how could you have pride in something you didn't choose i'm tall tall. I'm six foot four. Do I have tall pride? No, I did nothing to earn it. That's my genetic makeup is to be tall. Logic is a trip, right? Logic is such a trip.
Starting point is 01:22:36 How could you be proud of something that you didn't choose? Logic is such a trip. I love it love it oh i'm not proud of it the real meaning of all of this is that the society must celebrate lesbians gays bisexuals and transgendered and queer etc not just tolerate that's the liberal. The left-wing idea is you must celebrate. I don't celebrate men who transition to women or women who transition to men. I accept the fact that they wish to do so. I understand that. I don't want a Jewish pride month. I don't want a black pride month. I don't want a Hispanic pride month. As I said, the only division that matters is the character division are you decent or indecent i don't care man dennis prager's contribution to humanity is getting pretty uh
Starting point is 01:23:36 it's good i like it it's um yeah sebon pauses so long i think my phone glitched i know i've become too comfortable with this show and you guys. Sometimes I catch myself like I'm just back here texting and like just hanging out. And I'm like, oh, fuck, I'm supposed to be doing this show. Dance. Dance, monkey, dance. And I'm not. I'm just like.
Starting point is 01:24:00 What number was that? Oh, I erased it. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. George. Was that? I can't know. I don't know on George. Was that that one? I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Okay. Let's see what this is. I think this one might be funny. Oh, I played this one already. Vivek Gramaswamy. Are you guys getting on board with him? You guys liking him? Vivek Gramaswamy have our first
Starting point is 01:24:28 oh this one's fun you guys see this did I play this already you guys know about Sturgis it's a big Harley Davidson rally motorcycle rally maybe not Harley Davidson motorcycle rally that happens in one of the Dakotas every year all these dudes right up there with their motorcycles and their chicks on the back or chicks with chicks on the back well
Starting point is 01:24:55 guess who has a boot there and Bud Light let's see how busy it is Bud Light time midweek any improvement that's what we hope Bulls of Honor is here The Bud Light Tent we're hoping business picks up a little bit but guys midweek oh my goodness Wait Sturgis isn't in Kentucky it's in the one of the Dakotas isn't it Sturgis isn't in Kentucky what are you talking about that's's not true, is it? Sturgis, South Dakota? Anyway, let's look at the Bud Light booth at Sturgis. Wow. You guys are seeing any object in business here. Look, that guy works at the Bud Light booth. Look how he posed, how he just put his arm. That's a crazy pose that he poses for as this guy comes by with the camera.
Starting point is 01:25:48 A little bit, okay? Okay. All right. Let's see. Hey, let's keep it positive, right? Let's keep it positive maybe by the end of the week. Thank you for being here. Thank you for doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:26:00 We appreciate the hard work and employees. We covered this early on in the week, guys. Take a look. Sturgis is absolutely jam-packed. The Harley 10 is packed. The BMW 10 is packed, but Budweiser having a tough go. Having a tough go. There must be a whole lot of beer left over I don't think Bud Light ever recovers. I think they're toast. Clock, no, he can't be trusted. He's been too close to the globalists, and he says exactly what the anti-establishment Trump base wants to hear more so than ever, even Trump himself.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I don't understand. I don't think he's been too close to the globalists. Did you hear his response? He's asked to be taken off that WEF list many times, and they won't take him off, and he says he has no affiliation with them. them and uh i i don't the whole trump thing it's like i i don't know i would need i know it's just a chat and uh podcast but i need more details i i i disagree i'm i like him i'm on the bandwagon until until otherwise thank you steven flores thank you uh bud light is trash beer anyway i know but that's why you drink it right like because it is trash beer anyway. I know, but that's why you drink it, right? Because it is trash beer. Ken Walters, South Dakota is just outside Rapid City.
Starting point is 01:27:33 I've been there six times. It's unreal. I think you mean Sturgis. Sturgis, South Dakota. Oh, this one's good I think this one's good oh darn it I started a whole new list and I still have old
Starting point is 01:27:56 links on here and shit who's on the show tomorrow by the way uh Suze is traveling today Who's on the show tomorrow, by the way? Sousa's traveling today. I always realize how much I need him when he's traveling. Oh, tomorrow's just a live calling show. Oh, you know who's on tonight? Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah, I said it. Danielle Brandon and Ben Smith. Jack Dela Maddalena is fighting Kevin Holland. When? Really? I'll text Jack and try to get him on. He's harder to get just to look at. This is just a still photo.
Starting point is 01:28:56 It says, lobbying to save the Olympics. What a great photo. Just a jack dude in his helmet what a weird sport is that really his yeah do they do they not wear cups like what is going on there look at the guy behind him looking at his ass like the Joe Rogan looking dude with the black hat on hey yeah which helmet yeah good good good point I think that top things called an earpiece but I could be wrong the lower helmet hey are they really gonna take wrestling out of
Starting point is 01:29:36 the Olympics is that can't be true that that seems like sacrilege. It seems like it is the Olympics. It's like the... Andrew Jackson, what's this? Number eight. Oh, this is good. Here we go. I had this guy on the show, remember? The classic learner.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Here we go. Do you call the president who punched a man in the face during his inauguration, who challenged and killed a man in a duel for insulting his wife, the last president to successfully take on the banks of the United States, balanced the budget, and completely paid off all of America's debts, who not only survived an assassination attempt in 1835, but proceeded to beat his would-be assassin with a cane. Did I mention he took on the banks? A general that became an American hero at the Battle of New Orleans, all after being captured by the British as a boy during the
Starting point is 01:30:42 American Revolution and beaten for refusing to comply. Some call him President Andrew Jackson, This guy rips off another guy? Who? The Tuttletle twins or something. I don't know. Hey, you know, I'm, I'm okay with that. Rip them off.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Yeah. Keep spreading the good word. Clock, Andrew Jackson, the original American badass. Hey clock. Did you read, is there a biography you'd recommend?
Starting point is 01:31:19 Andrew Jackson biography. I'm okay with plagiarizing. I am for the most part. I know someone's going to be like what about blah blah blah oh here we go Caroline Mortis I rode a road that goes around Nashville it's called Old Hickory oh in name of him you think
Starting point is 01:31:44 in honor of him, you think? In honor of him? He also ran the Seminoles out of Florida on the Trail of Tears. Are those, those were Native Americans? He had some Native American killing? There was a question in here about Brian Friend. I can't remember. Sorry, I missed it. But I don't remember the exact question.
Starting point is 01:32:11 But I was watching that Rich Froning podcast too. What it sounds like is that during the CrossFit Games, Brian was going on their podcast. And that Rich was smitten with him. And then I was watching this other rich podcast the other day before he came on i watched his kind of recap of the games with angelo and rory they're fun to look at all three of those guys are fun to look at i hope someone enjoys looking at me i like angelo's mustache i like rory's hair i just i love everything about rich
Starting point is 01:32:42 and um in there he says when the game season starts again we're gonna have brian on regularly hopefully i immediately text brian i was like holy shit these guys are gonna have you on regularly and then I got in trouble because I wrote that's so 2022 to want Brian on and I got in trouble like that wasn't that that didn't go over well as a funny joke and then yesterday we got a surprise Brian visit on the show, which was awesome, love having Brian on, fucking easy,
Starting point is 01:33:30 easy hour, so easy, you guys may, you guys know, I've told the story a thousand times. The New York Times put out an article a long time ago that basically ended up, was one of the catalysts for getting me whacked from CrossFit. And it was basically trying to paint me as, oh, before I go there, I want to tell you something.
Starting point is 01:34:00 I want to tell you something. I want to teach you guys about how to, if you want me to hate you, I'll tell you something I want to teach you guys about How to If you want me to hate you I'll tell you how How to make it so that I just never want to talk to you Or be your friend Caller, hi
Starting point is 01:34:10 Yo, what up, Savvy? Hey, what's up, dude? What's going on? I was just going to Tell a story About people who Like there's people who Will talk to me
Starting point is 01:34:22 Like for 15 Or 20 or 30 minutes And then be like i just want you to know that like i can't really have anyone know that we're friends it's like you all have a few people like that you all but just suck my dick off for 15 to 30 minutes and now you can't publicly be my friend at least four people who work at hq told me at the games that they really can't no one can really know that they're my friends my friend at least four people who work at fucking HQ told me at the fucking games that they really can't know.
Starting point is 01:34:46 No one can really know that they're my friends. It's like, like, Hey, like this is going to sound so fucked up, but you're dead to me. Like, like I don't need anyone like you.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Like just keep that to yourself. Even if it's true. I don't want to know. I don't need to know that. I don't need to know that. That's your shit. Work through it. I don't need anyone like you. Like, just keep that to yourself. Even if it's true, I don't want to know. I don't need to know that. I don't need to know that. That's your shit. Work through it. I don't need to know.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Like, all I think at that point is you're a fucking coward of the highest order. And you know what? I'm honest. Like, maybe you have to keep, maybe it is so scary to be my friend and you think you're going to lose your job and then you're not going to be able to feed your kids. Okay, I get it. I'm not hating on you for that, but don tell me don't tell me right on like like like that like that's on that's on you that's on you someone someone the other day sent me a fucking text and it says hey i can't
Starting point is 01:35:37 believe that starts telling me this guy is really creepy um he's even more creepy than you. And I'm like, what have I ever done? I'm thinking to myself, what have I ever done that's creepy? And then I'm like, hey, fuck you. It's so funny when people think they're trying to say something nice to me, but it's all fucked up. Like, oh, you're doing me a favor in talking to me because you're putting your job on the line? Oh, thank you. Oh oh you think i'm less creepy than that person oh thanks fuck off i love you god damn it's like that one time uh sporty best slow down your voice no that was creepy as fuck though did she slow it down or speed it up uh Either or. It did sound pretty perverted. I think she sped it up and changed it to,
Starting point is 01:36:29 it made me sound a little weaselly. Yeah. Yeah, you did sound like a chump. Yeah, like Pee Wee Herman on estrogen. For real, yeah. Nah, I just wanted to give a shout out, man. You guys are a badass crew. That Brian Friend dude, Andrew Healer, fucking Caleb, Matt Souza.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I was like, during the week of the games, I was kind of jealous. Like, fuck, I wish I could be at the games with all the fucking seven nieces and fucking kicking it, you know? Hey, let me tell you a little. Let me guess some things about you by your uh tone of your voice what you got you own one of those things that you lay on that you can roll underneath a car uh i wish i had i don't have that type of money but yeah i think i know what you're talking about you know i'm talking about like those things that like mechanics have
Starting point is 01:37:21 like you own that type of money i go to harbor and pray to probably purchase one of those and i'd be balling by then you have oil stain in your driveway i actually do i actually do not in the driveway i parked the car out by the asphalt one okay good yeah but when uh when uh my family members come by and they park in that driveway and they stay in there, I was like, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He definitely owns a lowrider. Vindicate, this is a classy man.
Starting point is 01:37:55 This guy owned a lowrider, but when he had kids, he sold it. Because he's mature and he knows. I had a lowrider bike. Hey, I'd still get one of those. Those are the kind of bikes you get and you want it so bad and you buy one and you start tinkering with it and fix it and every time you ride it, you hate it.
Starting point is 01:38:15 It's like work. Yeah, you got to keep that polished up. Keep it all fucking clean and shiny. I grew out of that one probably towards 18 something like that where do you live colorado make it uh severance colorado wow i wouldn't have guessed that right you go there for uh oh oh oh omar hey what's up dude hey um omar canejo ah fuck see that's that's where you that's where you bend me over all the time.
Starting point is 01:38:47 It's Cornejo. You got to roll the R right there. Hey, how did you end up in Colorado, chasing a girl or El Trabajo? My father brought me out here. Oh, interesting. Three years old. Wow, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:03 All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Been here forever, 30 been here forever 30 years living life it's good oil field life oil field money oh that's fun yeah hey will it get better if uh if this guy leaves office and we get someone who loves oil i don't know fuck as long as i'm getting paid i don't know what's. As long as I'm getting paid, I don't know what's going to happen. Is it really going to affect me or no? Okay. Well, good. Sounds like you're doing good. Automation, bro.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Oil field hits the fucking shit fan, I guess. We'll go automated. Solar. Green energy. Your buddy. Mr. Green energy. Yes. Yes. Or what's that chick greta greta whatever yeah she wants to do that greta bumblebee control yeah
Starting point is 01:39:52 oh yeah i just thought i'd fucking call in before uh i haven't even had a chance to look at the live chat are they running me over yet or what no they're just making all sorts of cholo comments and shit they're like oh cholo comment everyone No, they're just making all sorts of cholo comments and shit. They're like... Oh, cholo comments? Everyone likes you. Yeah, yeah. Everyone's just having fun with your accent. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:40:11 No one said hang up on him yet. I can't even believe it. I'm surprised, dude. I'm fucking surprised. Hey, look, here's one. This guy has a street cart with bacon-wrapped hot dogs. Wow. We go to Longmont for that one.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Longmont, Colorado. Someone in his family sells tamales by Walmart. Ooh, nah. They don't cook that good enough. I got peeps in Juarez. They do that. He has a fitted flat brim baseball cap. That's spot on.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Aw, dude, I just got one this week. It says, Dad in the street, Daddy in the sheets. Really? Yeah. It was pretty awkward, man. Some co-worker gave it to me. I was like, well, that's out of nowhere.
Starting point is 01:40:59 But whatever, I'll sport it. I'm actually wearing it right now. My God, I love it. Well, hey, Omar Omar Thanks for calling in Good to hear your voice buddy It's finally good to call in Thanks Long time follower
Starting point is 01:41:10 Thanks dude I appreciate your support I love seeing the comments No worries man I'll catch you later Have a good one Okay ciao Bye
Starting point is 01:41:18 Omar Cornejo Cornejo Cornejo Cornejo. Cornejo. Cornejo. Cornejo. Young Clark. Oh, 364 days until your birthday. Wow, Zach.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Triple X plaid button down. Wow. Chris Beesterfield wants to play a little Jeopardy. What body part isn't tattooed? That's good. Audrey. Audrey. Audrey, you love everyone. I like Omar.
Starting point is 01:41:50 I like Omar. Remember that character Omar, the black dude on, the gay black dude on, what was the name of that show? Wasn't there another character named Stringer Bell or Stinger Bell? God, what was that show? The Wire. God, that show was good.
Starting point is 01:42:13 That's sad. That dude died. Omar died. Slop Slop. Since the games, my wife has been listening to more live shows than I do. Just popping in to say hi, honey. Oh, that's cool. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:42:33 I think, Trish, I think this stupid podcast was pushed in Hispanic communities. That's why it was pushed to me. Oh. Trish the Hispanic. Brandon Waddell. Brandon's house got fucking Tossed up Beat up I have a crazy booger As soon as I get off the air I'm gonna pick it out
Starting point is 01:42:51 It's crazy I feel it in there a dry one Brandon Waddell We got power back to our home gym finally That's cool We can use the gym now instead of doing track workouts Track workouts Come on dude I seen you lift.
Starting point is 01:43:05 You snatched a 135-pound barbell with one hand. You can't even walk around a track. The fuck are you talking about track workouts? Jake Chapman. Good news, Seve. I've not fallen on a dildo or had a heart attack today. That's awesome. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Clive McLaughlin. Seve, you checked your DMs this morning? I sent over the final shot from your photo shoot with Danny. I just can't. Yeah, I'll look at it. I just started thinking about people who give their kids drugs. I just don't understand. I do understand it because I was all for it too.
Starting point is 01:43:53 I just don't understand how you still do it. Oh, Clive, here we go. Oh, that's good. Wow. That's good. Wow. That's good. Buddy carry. Buddy. I'll see if I can pull that up.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Hold on. I think it's on. It looks like it's actually on your Instagram. Clive. Oh, man. this is good holy shit you're white dude wow you're like weird Al Yankovic white dude
Starting point is 01:44:34 look at you there's this filmmaker god you have a fucking great family too you have twins are those twins you great family too you have twins are those twins um you um you look like this filmmaker uh mike koslop for uh that i used to work with okay here we go the thing here's all i have to say about danny spiegel she has an insane body she works incredibly hard um she has a shit ton of followers
Starting point is 01:45:04 um she's really good at crossfit how much money would it take for her to do a photo shoot with me She works incredibly hard. She has a shit ton of followers. She's really good at CrossFit. How much money would it take for her to do a photo shoot with me to donate it to Maui? Oh, God, that would be awesome. Here's all I have to say about these people. I put my head between her legs, and, like, for every, like every $1,000 we make, she squeezes her thighs a little tighter. And so the longer I can hold on, the more money we make. So if I can hold on, and then at $100,000, my fucking head would explode.
Starting point is 01:45:41 And I'd die, but I would die like a martyr. You guys aren't going to like this part. I'd die like Jesus would die like a martyr you guys aren't going to like this part I'd die like Jesus oh my god he let his head get smashed between Danny Spiegel's legs and a hundred thousand dollars went to Maui the thing is is I'd do it
Starting point is 01:45:57 but she wouldn't do it I don't think because I actually have a commitment and authenticity to me because or maybe not to me i don't know what i'm saying yeah exactly zach that's what i'm going for like the watermelon crush chick. Yeah, exactly. Jessica Valenzuela.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Valenzuela. I guess that's a way to go. Might as well make it worth it. Yeah, 100 grand. Danny could be like, I killed him. I did not like him, and I killed him. He talked about my body. He told me my shirt was too small. His buddy Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 01:46:43 is, I don't know what he is but I just he's fun not to like too but I but I but I make money off of all of it and uh yeah so I just uh Stevan said he put his face uh in between my legs and uh you know we got into a little bit of an argument uh he wanted his nose facing my vagina, and I wanted his nose facing towards my feet. But once we compromised on it, and he just had his nose facing up towards the sky, I crushed his head and raised $100,000 for Maui. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:18 And the last thing he smelled was my boyfriend's semen coming out of my vagina as I squashed his head. Too far. Too far. Too far. I almost said someone's name too. I didn't. I was going to say smell Alex Smith's semen. Here it comes. I shouldn't. His brother's coming on the show today. I like Alex. I talked to Alex a little bit
Starting point is 01:47:39 at the CrossFit Games. Just a bit. I'm just freestyling some rappers freestyle I was telling you freestyle too far too fast sorry
Starting point is 01:47:50 okay it's not a kid's show Jake Chapman for fuck's sake now I'm hard it happens doctor I can't get hard except for when someone tells stories
Starting point is 01:48:09 about having his head crushed between Danny Spiegel's legs and her boyfriend's semen coming out of his blah blah blah it just also doesn't matter I'm just a d-bag It just also doesn't matter. I'm just a D-bag. I did want to...
Starting point is 01:48:37 Oh, the New York Times. So the New York Times does an article on the docs. And it's so funny because the guy was given, first of all, the guy has emailed me before, years ago. And the guy does have my email and does have my phone number. And, oh, that's so interesting. I just searched for this Sevan Rinsta
Starting point is 01:48:59 and I can't find it. How can that be? Oh, there it is. So this guy, this guy, what's his name? Calum? Calum? Shit, I don't have his name in here. Marcus Calum or something.
Starting point is 01:49:20 He writes this article. They make CrossFit documentaries. CrossFitters can't get enough. And I write this statement. Do any of these films exist if it wasn't for my leadership and direction? And I got some calls from people being like, hey, that's kind of arrogant of you. And I'm like, I don't think it is, but if it is, I'm okay with that too. It's just like stating a fact.
Starting point is 01:49:46 I have a 10-inch cock. My office is pretty dope. I do a podcast every morning, and I don't know if these docs would exist if it wasn't for me. It's totally – I don't know. I think it's empirical. I think it's logic. Do any of these films exist if it wasn't for my leadership and direction,
Starting point is 01:50:04 and yet the New York Times doesn't even try to reach out to me? Worthless story, misleading at best, just like the last article they wrote that lied about me. They never tried to contact me for that one either. And they were told to contact me, and they have my phone number, and they have my email address. And if someone does say it's arrogant or braggart of me, I'm fine with that too, then fine. Let me be arrogant or braggart of me I'm fine with that too then fine let it let me be arrogant and bragging I'm totally authentic in in my not totally I'm I'm pretty authentic in my embracing of my massive ego and and part of the reason why this show is funny is because I you guys watch my ego flex and get popped on a regular basis that's the whole thing I'm old and I I'm a self-reflector and self-observant and blah blah
Starting point is 01:50:51 blah but in 2007 I tried to make a documentary about the CrossFit Games and Greg Glassman I'm going to paraphrase the whole thing but I'm going to tell you the journey in 2007 I said I want to make a documentary about the CrossFit Games and Greg Greg said it was too early. And I didn't work for CrossFit at the time when I recommended it. I did work for them, but I didn't work for them. I was a contractor. Maybe it's better just to say I worked for them. I was getting paid regularly, and I never stopped getting paid. But it was the early days.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I started there at the end of 2006 and then in 2007 i wanted to make a documentary documentary about the games and greg said no and i should have just done it then in 2008 um i made a documentary about the games and there was pushback there were people that tony budding the head of media there did not want me to make the documentary and i made it anyway and it was released and it cost seventeen thousand dollars to make and i made it pretty much i worked my ass off on it. And I worked on it with Kerry Peterson, who was my friend at the time, who had never made a movie, held a camera, done any editing. And I got him up to speed, and we worked our asses off on it with three weeks' notice before the games, and we made the movie Every Second Counts.
Starting point is 01:52:10 every second counts and then in 2009 i think i was the only person with the with uh hollis malloy carrie peterson and maybe hayley parlin i gave them all cameras and i think that's the only footage that exists of the 2009 crossfit games and there's a shitload of it our coverage was fucking insane and that footage is a mix of the behind the scenes and a fucking coverage of the games that it was insane i wanted it to be like a nine dvd box set at the time i wanted it to be like the tour de france and then moving forward from there all the way to 2018 not a single one of those fucking documentaries that heber and mars and ian and mariah and myself made would have ever been made at least in their current incarnation without me supporting them because there was so much fighting against it there was so much pressure against it
Starting point is 01:52:56 i'm not telling you that to brag i'm super proud of it i'm not telling you that so that you'll think I'm a badass. I do think I'm a badass for that. I'm telling you that because it's true. All the other, the fact that it's showing off or blah, blah, blah, fine. I'll take all that too. That movie would have never gone to net. none of those would have ever gone to Netflix if it wasn't for me none of them would have ever gone to iTunes all that stuff the the way it was they were released in the journal none of that would have happened if it wasn't for me ask anyone ask Kieber Mars Dave anyone
Starting point is 01:53:37 they can take all the credit for making them the amazing film work the long hours of editing you name it everyone was fighting against it. Lawrence and Greggs and Tony Buddings and all sorts of people in the company. Other executives. There was always a push against the docs. So much of the media, there was a push against killing the fat man. I made that completely for free in my spare time. Completely.
Starting point is 01:54:08 All the behind the scenes were made in my spare time. Never was required to make any of those. I know some of you are kind of new to the game and so you don't know about, like I had my hands in everything. Everything. There over at Crossfit inc everything and i've and i work tirelessly you never you never would send me a fucking email and be like i'm on vacation for two weeks you never call me and be like you can contact my second in command because i am taking seven days off. I'm out of pocket. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Everyone, everyone, everyone. There were many times Greg didn't want the doc. Lauren didn't want docs. You name it. There was always someone. I'm not saying it like those are bad people. I'm saying it as like, yo, motherfucker, like, you're fucking crazy. You can't fucking write an article about fucking the documentaries at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 01:55:11 and not talk to me, and it'd be worth anything. You're a fucking idiot. It's just like, I'm just, I'm not, I'm fully just leaning into it like you just can't. I just have an opinion on that. You're not going to talk to – you're not going to ask someone why my kids ended up the way they are in 20 years without fucking talking to me and have any picture of it, understanding. But it wasn't just that I did the behind the scenes. I had my hands fully in the fucking docks. You should have said if they did not go to Netflix.
Starting point is 01:55:58 You know what I mean. I'm on a fucking wound up. The only media that I think they should be doing now is they should be just fucking shit tons not the only but they should be doing shit tons of L1 content I've said it before so it's so easy
Starting point is 01:56:16 it's so easy and yet I also think this I probably shouldn't say this but I think that they're gonna need me to train up like five people to do it how to do it I mean how do I know that because I was making that content and even people who hated me at fucking CrossFit
Starting point is 01:56:34 back then they called because all the 2008 9 10 I was putting out so much fucking main site content while that fucking crossfit was exploding um
Starting point is 01:56:50 Connor moves oh these were you since the first one yeah uh Hunter Sheriff hail to the king surprise hits it's no fucking surprise farmer fit thank you our fearless leader I don't know if I'm a leader, but, um, uh, Fernando premium service. I didn't even know the New York times still existed. Well, Branstetter, you still have your little podcast. Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:57:23 There was one in here. That was interesting. Let me see. I'm not trying to take credit away from anyone else either. Like, there's room for everyone. I would never, if the New York Times came to me and they were like, hey, we want to do a story on the docs, I'd be like, okay, you need to talk to Heber and Marsden, Mariah, Tyson Oldroyd, Greg Glassman. Like I would tell them like, hey, talk to all these people. Dave Castro, Tony Budding um
Starting point is 01:58:08 oh this guy Andrew oh shit is this Andrew Sten gee is your ego getting a bit big there? I don't even know what that really means. I said, my ego's always been massive. There wasn't a single CF documentary that would have happened,
Starting point is 01:58:35 at least in their current form, from 2008 to 2018 if I hadn't got behind it. Yeah, I don't know what my giant ego has anything to do with. Sevan Rin a trash. What's that mean? What does that mean? Does that mean I'm trash? Is that what this guy is saying?
Starting point is 01:59:02 You don't even fucking follow me. And I'm trash? Is that what that means? That guy says, oh, that you suck. I'm trash? Let me see what you are. Oh, this chick's hot. Is that your mom?
Starting point is 01:59:28 My sweet mama. Holy shit. God damn. Uh, you have beautiful kids. Oh, that's your... Fuck. Uh, uh... No mask photos?
Starting point is 01:59:47 Come on. Come on. Oh, my God. You're a good dude. Owner and operator of Constantinian strength. Live a legend, die a myth. Oh, my God. This is a good dude.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Well, fuck. All right. Fine. Well, fuck. Alright, fine. I'm trash. So be it. Where were we? Anyone else? Anyway. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Anyway. this lady Mia Roberts so I don't know the extent of your involvement in CF media in the past I was the second media guy ever at CrossFit Inc. Tony Budding then me there now you know um
Starting point is 02:00:50 anyway I think it's a I don't think it's um I don't think it's inappropriate to correct the record. I put a fucking shitload of work into that shit. And my life's completely immersed in it to this day. And I'm happy to... I mean, I like that this article came out and excluded me
Starting point is 02:01:21 because it's content for this podcast. Everyone knows I like to pound some ass. So I just pounded a little ass. That's it. A little ass pounded for the NYT. I would be almost disappointed if they did anything other than that. I don't want it to become a complex relationship. I want them to know that they're just
Starting point is 02:01:40 complete garbage. Savon, when can we expect behind the the scenes just asking i don't know dude that's it's a totally fair ask it's a totally fair ask um i need to jump on a call with um mariah moore and patrick rios today actually patrick r Rios just got all the footage. We have all the footage now except the footage from Hiller, all in three different locations, and we just need to figure out who's going to start laying it down. I seriously don't think it'll be out until December. Golf Trot, Fox Foxy Yankee
Starting point is 02:02:26 This reaction makes them think they're winning The people who matter know the truth This reaction This reaction This reaction This reaction This reaction I don't understand what you're saying
Starting point is 02:02:46 are you comforted that CrossFit recognized you on their post no I'm not comforted I'm something is happening with my relationship with CrossFit they're on one side of a bridge and I'm on the other side of a bridge and we keep taking steps closer to each other maybe
Starting point is 02:03:04 and I see it as that they're taking a step bridge and I'm on the other side of a bridge and we keep taking steps closer to each other maybe. And I see it as that they're taking a step closer and I'm taking a step closer. It's basically I saw it as a signal like – I took it very personally, like not in a bad way, like in a good way. I just took it personal, like okay. Like i don't view those films as my legacy i'm not like i i'm i'm not i'm not tied to it the way maybe someone thinks that i am because of the energy i'm putting into it like to me it's still just this is just a story on top of a story on top of a story on top of a story i'm but the but But I'm not comforted in the sake for the films that they tagged me. I'm comforted for the sake, if you want to use the word comforted, with my relationship with HQ.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Do you know what I mean by that? Like I don't fill out my IMDB and my LinkedIn is a joke. I've done so fucking much and I've been so fucking successful in so many core facets of my life and I don't even put it on my LinkedIn like I don't I don't care about it like that I'm not comforted like that but I do like I do I am very proud of relationships that I have with people and I do care about them and so I I I just take it very personally like not as a public thing like I don do care about them. And so I just take it very personally, like not as a public thing. Like I don't care about my – I only care about that stuff in the sense of how it makes me money and how I'm able to take care of my family.
Starting point is 02:04:42 The stuff for like my ego is more just around like my relationships so like i don't i don't i i don't care that i'm left out of that article the new york times i care about the fact that i get to talk about it now and bring it to you guys. Like, it's part of the narrative and allows me to continue to build my relationship with you and still spin my narrative about the times. That's how I care about it. It's weird. Dude, how about this? This will kind of put perspective on it. I'm more glad.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Would I rather they not write the article at all or write it and leave me out so that i can talk about it well dude a thousand times better i'm so glad it turned out like this so that someone can call me trash and i can pull up their instagram account and find out they're not trash fuck that sucks he's a hot mom and he loves his grandma he's got beautiful kids fuck that sucks i got nothing uh stevan how would you talk to your kids if they encountered this situation what situation what situation no i didn't see this uh sebi did you see there's a chance for Don Fall to speak at South by Southwest?
Starting point is 02:06:11 I took a movie to South by Southwest, and it didn't win, and it should have won. But the lady who did win ended up hiring me to direct another movie that was called Desert Runners. So that was cool. movie another movie that was called desert runners so that was cool um i don't know what you mean uh i give up okay sorry i tried i'm trying to understand sorry i'd have to go back i can't go back now oh meaning your react oh oh my reactions shows that they're winning winning what what did they win okay here we go Let me figure this out. Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee. This reaction makes them think they are winning.
Starting point is 02:06:54 My reaction? Like bringing it up on my podcast makes someone think that they're winning? This reaction equals spurging out in the public like that. Spurging. I don't know what that word means. Fuck. Anyway, I don't think so. I don't think they're watching the show and I don't think that they think,
Starting point is 02:07:14 I don't think that they think they're winning or not winning. I don't know two hours and six minutes holy shit tonight big show CrossFit Games Update show Chase Ingram, John Young, Daniel Brandon Ben Smith, we'll have lots of fun we got lots of people
Starting point is 02:07:44 I reached out to three Invictus people to try to get on the show soon too. Jorge Fernandez, or is it Hernandez? You know, Jorge. CJ Martin, owner of CrossFit Invictus, and Bryce Smith. Let's see if I can get any of those guys on. I think I saw a text go out to Alexis Raptus. Let's see if I can get any of those guys on. I think I saw a text go out to Alexis Raptus. That's kind of exciting. There's a guy who's, I'm trying to get on the show. He's a Christian Taoist or something. Stop.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Stop, David. I'm not fucking around, dude. I am not fucking around. She is coming on david weed daniel brandon not coming on not come on not not coming oh daniel brandon not coming come on mount mon come on mon call her hi oh you just don't want me to get off the air. That's why you called, right? No, no, I want you to get off the air. I just want to remind everyone that Paper Street will have a booth at the Asbury Park Summer Games this week.
Starting point is 02:08:53 At where? At the Asbury Park Summer Games in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Asbury Park Summer Games. Asbury. Oh, Ashbury? Asbury? Is that how they pronounce it? Asbury Park Summer Games. Asbury. Oh, Ashbury? Asbury? Is that how they pronounce it? Asbury?
Starting point is 02:09:09 Asbury, yep. Hold on. Let me pull up this. This is cool. Hey, you think Daniel Brandon's coming on today? I 100% know he'll be on. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:09:20 Of course. You got that star power after the game. Thank you. CrossFit Shrewsbury. Oh, wait. Oh, no. Asbury Summer Games. The doors open Saturday at 7.15 a.m. Let me see if I can get a location on this.
Starting point is 02:09:39 Asbury, New Jersey. Okay, New Jersey. All right. So if you live in New York, is that close to it, or Pennsylvania? The tri-state area, New Jersey. Okay, New Jersey. All right. So if you live in New York, is that close to it or Pennsylvania? The tri-state area, very close. It's a popular destination during the summer at the Jersey Shore. And you're going to have a booth there? We will have a booth. If you come up to Mattapali, you know, wherever else is working there, you know,
Starting point is 02:10:00 experience right here, bam, I'll give you guys like a 50 discount drink or something okay hold on hold on one second hold on fuck this phone i'm so fucking irritated by this fucking phone don't go anywhere don't go anywhere uh gabe don't go anywhere uh Gabe, Gabe, Gabe from Paper Street Coffee. Hi. Hey. Gabe. Hello. So if someone says BAM or live at the Good Dudes booth, they get some massive discount on their purchase.
Starting point is 02:10:36 Sure. Paper Street Coffee booth, Good Dudes booth, same, same, but different. Are you going to have both signs up? I will have both signs up and your sign too. Oh, awesome. Hey, why did you do that? Because I heart you? I know, but we don't even have – I was trying to explain to someone the relationship that I have with people like you
Starting point is 02:10:57 and Ms. Sarah Cox at CA Peptides and everyone, even like Swolverine and Toe Spacers. And none of those – no one's like's like hey you need to do this and like and like all of a sudden you have a big sign at your at your booth and i'm like what the fuck is he doing that's so nice like you didn't even i'd have to pay for that or nothing uh do you support i mean i wouldn't be where i am without you so i you know, paying it forward. Fuck, I appreciate it. I appreciate just the coolness of our relationship. I'm tickled by it.
Starting point is 02:11:35 That's a good adjective to use. Hey, what about Vindicate? Will they be there? Fanny Spiegel wants to know, Vindicate will be selling shirts at your booth. Vindicate? That's the Travis guy? You know the Travis guy? Yeah, yeah he betrayed me he's not going to be here with me he's going to do his own local comp he says it's too expensive to come
Starting point is 02:11:51 out to new jersey which comp is he going to be at how about i let him call in and he's laughing in the comments he hears you perfect he just spit his paper street coffee out all over his computer you guys know exactly where i will be um it's an awesome event uh we'll talk about it later it's an awesome place and then i'll have travis call you and tell you about his stuff all right love you i will talk to you at work a lot this weekend. Peace and love. Bye.
Starting point is 02:12:26 See you guys. Bye. Travis from Vindicate, get your CEO shirts today. What's up, dude? Where are you going to be? I'm going to kick him in the dick. You should. He just kicked you in the dick.
Starting point is 02:12:39 You have to definitely do it. I know he did. I'm dumping out my paper sweet coffee. This stuff tastes like shit. Oh, my goodness. I'm going to drink it Street coffee. This stuff tastes like shit. Oh, my goodness. I'm going to drink it. What's one man's trash is another man's treasure? I have like six pounds of it in my closet at home,
Starting point is 02:12:56 so I can't get rid of it. Tell me, where are you going to be? And are you going to be selling CEO shirts? Absolutely. No, there's a there's a competition locally so it cuts any travel expenses so it makes it easy i get it he's just hey that's real love telling me that's real love right there he was basically that's like frustration because he wants to hang with you that's just pure love frustration we were we were chatting this morning
Starting point is 02:13:23 he was telling me how many spectators are signed up and i'm like okay is it too late i looked it up it's a it's a it would be a 20 hour drive to get there i was like yeah nope not happening not happening tell me the name of the one you're going to i want to see if they have a website uh it's crossfit hydro uh here in omaha and oh my god i can't remember the name of it uh it's power hour it's a really short competition is it one hour long like a so so it's a team competition and they do i think it's three or four workouts in a one hour time period they do have a website dude they. They have a nice website. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:06 And this is like the third one they've done this year. They do a lot of competitions. Is it in Ohio? No, no, no. Omaha. Omaha, Nebraska. Where I live. Oh, do they do... It looks like
Starting point is 02:14:24 they do events. Find a host gym near you. Oh, is it online also? No, that's something else. You're like a thriller one. Oh, all right. Yeah, their owner, he's qualified for regionals back in the day. Really good guy.
Starting point is 02:14:44 But he's had me at all their competitions. So it's a nice, easy setup. No travel. So it works out really well. The address is... They don't have it on their contacts page.
Starting point is 02:14:59 How? They might not. Let me go to About Us. Dude, is his name Justin Van Beek? Yes. Justin, how do you not have your address on your... Son of a bitch. Contact, sign up, program at home.
Starting point is 02:15:20 Let's go to... This is a new website. I'm going to have to yell at him. It's beautiful. Yeah, he doesn't have his address on here. Let's go to home. This is a new website. I'm going to have to yell at him. It's beautiful. Yeah, he doesn't have his address on here. What's the deal? All right, I'll yell at him. All right, one more time.
Starting point is 02:15:35 What state? What city? Omaha, Nebraska. Okay, Omaha, Nebraska. CrossFit Hydro. Go there, get your CEO shirt, see some people work out. Love all kinds of goodies. If you're single there, there'll probably be some smart
Starting point is 02:15:48 overachieving single girls there. Go ahead and... That's right. Go meet them. So you're gonna go to Rogue? We're all going. Who? Me, Gabe, tons of people in the chat. Damn. We're all gonna be there.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Dear Bill and Katie... I'm driving, dude. Twelve in the chat. Damn. We're all going to be there. Dear Bill and Katie. I'm driving, dude. 12 and a half hour drive. I'm doing it. What city is it in? Austin? Yes, I believe so.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Dear Bill and Katie. Dear Bill and Katie. Think of the behind the scenes. You know what I want, dude? You know what I want? I? You know what I want? I want one of those 200-foot ropes. So you can use sled poles? I don't know what I would do with it.
Starting point is 02:16:36 Yeah, I'd do some shit like that with it. I'd do something with it. I asked Bill if those were made specifically for the games. Really? Mm-hmm. I don't think they sell those on their website. Is your driveway long enough? Yeah, I live on a country road. In your palatial estate?
Starting point is 02:16:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Three Plain Brothers Empire has plenty of room for a 200-foot rope. God, my wife would hate it if one of those showed up. You know the size of the box that must have to go in? How much would that cost a ship? It's nuts. Hmm. All right.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Well, thank you. Thanks for checking in. Yeah. Cool. Oh, no. We can ask Pound Gabe later. Every day. All right.
Starting point is 02:17:20 All right. Bye. Bye. Bye. Brandon Waddell That box the rope came in is the same size As your mom's box Oh jeez My god
Starting point is 02:17:35 Fanny Spiegel 1999 see you guys tonight 6pm Buh bye

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