The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | April 15, 2024

Episode Date: April 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Augustus Link, zero minutes. Thanks. Thanks for keeping the clock.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Braylon Tender, I actually have a sunburn on my uh perennium you fell asleep with your ankles pinned to your ears a tank reefs can't wait to hear someone's say iran's unprovoked attack just reading the script buddy just reading the script and look who wrote the script look who wrote the script you did like a good messenger you're sending the script around you're a good dude great uh augustus link 30 minutes to kick off oh this is why you're supposed to read from top to bottom boy this this one i'm gonna start the morning with there was a clip unfortunately i can't find it if someone if someone who has my text messages or my dms can find it i saw a
Starting point is 00:01:33 i saw a clip from bill mauer and pierce morgan talking about abortion that kind of rocked me and i don't really get rocked um boy it was something else do you think anyone in uh in bill mauer's group has the balls to tell him that he should probably drink less and not smoke weed on that show he shouldn't drink and smoke weed on his podcast i wonder why he does that does he does he um does he do that because he's an addict or because he thinks it looks cool? And I mean that seriously. I'm not even trying to take a shot at him. I wonder why he does that.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I wonder why he does that. Is it supposed to be for some authenticity? Why would you do that? Why would you get on the air and drink alcohol and smoke weed and talking and expressing your opinion and using your logic? Your logic? Your logic as the primary tool. That's what you're selling. That's what you're attracting people with. Unless there's some sort of component.
Starting point is 00:02:40 That's what you're selling. That's what you're attracting people with. Unless there's some sort of component. You know how like there'll be a video that says, CrossFit video, drink a beer, run 400 meters, and then they do, you know, they do four laps and see who throws up. I think there was one where there was even like eat a hamburger. Why would you do that? I honestly want to know. I'm not even trying to be rude. Like there might be a good reason.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I'd be like, oh yeah, that's cool. I wonder why. I wonder what that is. Yeah. Oh, the beer mile. Yeah. The beer mile. That I kind of get that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That I kind of makes a little more sense to me. And you do it once in your life and that's it you never do it again i just don't get the um smoking weed and drink oh here we go philip kelly um they're just chilling it's similar to drinking wine and eating cheese on your podcast with your buddy yeah but i did it once and it was a uh celebratory show and i hear you um it was a celebratory show. And I hear you. It was a celebratory show to celebrate his – my reason. I'll tell you my reason. Did it once to celebrate the launch of his two new olive oils.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, where is that, Matt Burns? The one where he talks about killing babies. It's from a couple days ago. Does anyone have a link? I really want to play that for you guys. I was listening to it last night. Of course, it didn where he talks about killing babies. It was from a couple of days ago. Does anyone have a link? I really want to play that for you guys. I was listening to it last night. Of course it didn't make it into my notes. It's wild. I think listening to him say that made it.
Starting point is 00:04:15 So I'm no longer a pro choice. There we go. I said it. I think that one, I think that may have, I think hearing someone say out loud what I've said out loud before – Yeah, I'm – I don't – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:42 But why? yeah but why so you're a you're a going on a show and smoking weed and drinking i mean and the crazy part is is every time i've seen him do that you can see a point where he smoked too much weed or had too much alcohol i mean he got fucked up by jillian michaels yeah i'm not suggesting it's awful by the way i'm not suggesting it's awful I've never watched the whole thing but I've seen you know a hundred clips and I like the I like anytime I've seen Bill Mauer's HBO show I like it I mean he's a thousand times better
Starting point is 00:05:15 than who's the guy on Comedy Central John Candy John John Wooden John fuck the John whatever? John Wooden? John... Fuck, the John. Whatever the John is. Someone will tell me in a second, right? John.
Starting point is 00:05:33 John. John. Bill is a grifter. What the fuck is a grifter? Grifter. A grifter, a person who engages in petty and small scale swindling what the fuck dude he's definitely not a
Starting point is 00:05:49 John Candy no not John Stewart thank you shit jeez Louise anyway we'll get to that let's just go with the weirdest thing I saw yesterday. So this is not the order that I saw these things, but I want to read this to you real quick. It's the wiki page for John Carroll versus Donald Trump. This is the lady that accused Donald Trump of – I don't know what she accused him of.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Let's read a little bit of this, and then I want to show you something really weird I saw. John Carroll versus Donald Trump is the name of two related lawsuits by author Gene Carroll against Donald Trump, who served as the 45th president of the United States. The two suits resulted in a total of $88 point three million dollars in damages awarded to Carroll. Both cases are under appeal. They are Trump was related to Carroll's accusation from mid 2019. That's the part you need to hear. It was mid 2019. That she made the accusation – I think it was in the New Yorker magazine – that he sexually assaulted her.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Trump denied the allegations, prompting Carroll to sue him for defamation. So she made the accusation in 2019. And I don't know if you've seen her, but she doesn't, she seems off. Something seems off a little bit. Something definitely seems off a little bit. Okay. So she made the accusation in 2019.
Starting point is 00:07:52 We're good with that? You guys get that? Okay, now watch this. This is... This is what I want you to hear. This is a clip from an episode of Law & Order, season 13, episode 11, that went live in 2003. That went live. In 2003. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So she made the accusation in 2019. And this is an episode of Law and Order. From 2003. Here we go. Anyone want to role play a rape with you in a public place yes there was one a bit plain and it was not her fantasy it was mine okay yeah uh uh role play took place in uh the dressing room of burgdorf's in you say you were in burgdorf goodman i was coming out of burgdorf's's. Which was a store I heard you liked a lot. I was coming out and he was coming in. He was standing out and he put his hand like this. So I did not go through the revolving door. He came in,
Starting point is 00:09:13 he said, hey. The dressing room at Bergdorf's. While she was trying on lingerie, I would burst in. Hold on. Now lingerie, or he could have said underwear. And so we went up the escalator, we went to the lingerie department. It was empty, there was nobody there. There was nobody on the whole floor, frankly. And she sent me an email that she wanted her first time to be a stranger, right? Fancy. Tell me where to go, when, what should you be wearing?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Can you guys hear that? Is that playing for you? Because all of a sudden it switched speakers on my computer. Can you guys hear that? Let's go in the dressing room. I thought, yeah, I'm going to make him put pants on. Walked in, and the minute I was in there, he shut the door and pushed me up against the wall and banged my head on the wall and kissed me.
Starting point is 00:10:18 She climbs and she fought you. That was when it turned serious. I realized that this was this was this was a fight and she wrote in this email dated five days ago if i resist it only means i want you more how long brief brief because when a woman is stamping her feet. Whatever story this actress told her, she wants money or publicity. Maybe she's just being dramatic. E.G., Kara Martin and me, conspirators, co-conspirators, liars. I mean, he really raked us through the coals, suggesting that we came up with a plan based on a law and order episode to bring down Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I think we could have done better if we really had wanted to do that. Well, this kind of thing is why the N.E.A. was gutted. Any suspects so far? No records, no other sex. Crazy. Oh, what is off about her? Well, she sends her perineum uh have you uh i don't know what's off about her you mean what what observations did i make that make me think she's off every time i see her she has a different hair color uh i saw the 60 minuteminute piece at her house, and she was painting the – to summon water to her stream or some shit.
Starting point is 00:11:50 She was painting the rocks blue and the trees blue. She just doesn't seem like she's playing with the full deck of cards. There were no witnesses. There were no witnesses to any of it. It's her word against his word. I just, it's um It's a trippy coincidence The comments on this thread are pretty wild too She she um that she has uh
Starting point is 00:12:44 Another thing that's off about her she i think she she takes she has wild mice like you know like if you had a mouse in your house you'd set a trap and kill it because you don't want it shitting and you don't want it like eating your your food in your house and chewing through bags and stuff so you set a trap and kill it she takes care of the mice that live on her property and live in her house. God, we had a fucking neighbor in Berkeley who would do that. We had a neighbor in Berkeley who built a wooden plank that went into the window of their house and she would leave a bag of dog food on her kitchen table so that I swear to you skunks and raccoons and mice and rats could all come in and eat it. And then they would walk out the plank. The neighbors fucking hated her, especially the people adjacent to her.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I was directly across the street from her. Yeah. There were no witnesses that saw Trump in the department store, just nothing like that. I don't even think they had a single witness from the department store, like none of the employees or anything. It's just a trip. It's just a trip that there's a law and order uh yeah i'm not surprised in berkeley either yeah i for sure wasn't surprised that my neighbor did that i for sure was not surprised there were also there were people in my neighborhood who would do that right who would just pour but you would see that just uh uh pour out a bag of dog food on their lawn or in the street to feed the rodents.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I haven't used this metaphor in a long time, but you have – I think it's quite apropos. The Democrats are the people at the beach who feed the seagulls and ruin the beach for everyone else so the beach is packed full of people and there's one person they're feeding the seagulls and the so the seagulls are flying overhead and just shitting on everyone that's basically what democrats do they basically are codependents for the worst of society for the criminals for the drug addict, under the guise of being nice. Eric Weiss, I had a neighbor like that growing up. Odd couple would leave their back door open and feed raccoons and skunks with one with nature, I guess.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, and did they use dog food too? It's not even like they feed them anything healthy. I did. I did. Get ready, David you are gonna like this we did for some reason I have no idea why but we had this pack of wild turkeys in my neighborhood in Berkeley it was so it was so weird they were huge too they weren't like the little ones we have here in Santa Cruz they were monsters and I can't remember what I bought them, but I would buy, I would buy a bag of whatever they ate and I would pour it underneath the BART track. That's our subway tracks down by the coffee shop. And I would pour the bag
Starting point is 00:15:56 out there. So when we went there, my kids could look at the turkeys. Does anyone know what you fed them? Was it, was it oats? What would we feed? What would I feed them? it was it oats what would we feed what would i feed them it was something i can't remember anyway that's kind of that's like the simpson-esque thing right how is that a law and order episode or or can someone just be like hey dude that's like a really common um uh store but the lingerie and the dressing room. But what's that store called in New York? Bergman's? Dorf Bergman's?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Bergman's Dorf? Dorf the Bergman's? Crazy shit. We don't have any guests scheduled this week. Susan was trying to make the schedule light on me. I'm sure he knows that I'm starting to feel the pressure from Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I don't know what's going to happen Saturday or Sunday. I don't know if we're streaming the quarterfinals workouts where they get to redo them. On Wednesday, I will try to get JR on here so JR can explain the entire layout, maybe even sooner. But the workouts for quarterfinals come out Wednesday. And then I think Thursday morning, very early, the day starts, and it's going to be just a show a day full of shows and it's getting heated between the boys. I do think it's funny when you, from where I've sat before, I've never realized the importance of prize money,
Starting point is 00:17:25 but I do think that Colton, Dallin, Jason, and Taylor all want to win that five grand. And there's only four guys going. Also, the Glinton podcast put up $1,000. Garrett Glinton and Colleen put up $1,000 for the winner between Fee Sagafi and Lindsay Lane. I keep calling her Lydia Fish. Lindsay Lane won the Crash Crucible last year. And so they go one-on-one there. And we'll be showing that too. Which is really cool for Lindsay Lane because a lot of people probably don't know who she is. And I hear she's good. I hear she of people probably don't know who she is. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:06 I hear she's good. I hear she's really, really, really, really good. So it's going to be fun to see her go against FISA coffee and, and they get a thousand bucks. And that's crazy. Cool.
Starting point is 00:18:15 That, uh, Garrett put the money up Garrett and Colleen. Also on Saturday, I might be going to a tennis tournament. So I might be asking Garrett to, um, do the podcast again for me,
Starting point is 00:18:28 Garrett and Colleen. I spoke to her afterwards and, um, I kind of screwed her when she took over the show because, um, she has a Caleb who runs the backend for her. And I didn't give that guy, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:43 backend access. I didn't give him access to behind stream yard. So I got to do that this time so that she can have someone pull stuff up. Tennis is gay. God, it's kind of hard to argue with that. I'll just say okay. DEI hire except based on their merits. Oh.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Meaning I hired them because they're lesbians and black and have a son with autism, but they actually are good. Oh, Jonathan Ortega, we treated her good. This audience is awesome. Hey, man, I went on her show, and I had a blast. It was easy. She was good. She was great. And I fancy the idea of having a regular replacement, so I used the same person.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Some of you aren't going to remember this but I think Johnny Carson used to have Joan Rivers be his like fill in and I was hoping and she talks about other topics besides games topics so there was no there was no picking her based on
Starting point is 00:20:00 DEI but it is nice it does fit the it is nice. It does fit the. It is nice. I like it. She plays basketball. I don't play basketball. You know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:20:13 She brings a lot to the table that I don't. She practices striking and boxing regularly. I don't. She just brings a lot to the table. We do have some things in common. She's married to a woman. I'm married to a woman. Things like that. And she's a hard worker. Imagine doing a...
Starting point is 00:20:37 She works full-time and she's got a podcast and she does it regularly. So I think she's a slam dunk. Vindicate. Oh, I got my new shirt. I got my new shirt. Oh my God, it's nice. It is in the wash. Let me show you guys the new shirts.
Starting point is 00:20:56 God, it's nice. I'm so stoked on it. Thanks for designing that. See if I can find it on the Vindicate website. Partner Apparel, the Savon podcast oh uh Travis I was going to send you Julia's shirt size wait where is it oh I don't even see it on here oh maybe it's not for sale yet I thought I saw it on here all right maybe it's not for sale yet. I thought I saw it on here. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Maybe it's not for sale yet. Anyway, there's a new shirt. It should be coming out any day. Travis, I'm going to send you Julia's address and shirt size so we can send her some CEO shirts. Maybe it's at the home? No. No. No. Oh, shit. You guys sell leggings?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Wow. God, you... You're exploding. You're exploding. Shirt is not up right now. Will be available after pre-order ship. Oh, pre-order ship. God, I hate pre-orders. God, I hate pre-orders.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So the show's going to be crazy. There are, right now, we believe there are four workouts. They'll be announced Wednesday, and then Wednesday night we'll do a pre-show. I'm guessing that'll be something like John Young, JR, myself, maybe Tyler, maybe Bill. And then Thursday morning, we'll start bright and early. We'll do another pre-show, and then we'll do Fi and Lindsay Lane. Then we'll go off the air, and then we'll have the first workout with the boys. There'll be two workouts on Thursday. Man, it's going to be a lot of shows.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I already told my wife I'm going to pretend like I don't have kids on Thursday and Friday. I'm pumped. I'm so pumped. I don't even know how you pay someone $5,000. I don't even know how you pay someone $5,000. Like, how do you, I don't even know how you do that. You thought that Donald Trump would govern better financially versus Joe Biden. I'm assuming you're implying that, you're implying to inflation. But would you agree that inflation is a global thing and that is due to surprise teams being shut down during COVID?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Bill, no. And I never imply anything, Stefania, ever. I always just say it. So you are paying 48% more for gasoline since Donald Trump left office. You are paying 23% more for groceries. And if you go out to a restaurant, more than that. That has nothing to do with Lithuania or France or Niger or Thailand. It has to do with regulations that the Biden administration slapped on the fossil fuel industry and others,
Starting point is 00:24:20 which drove up the cost of doing business and then slowed down the supply line and hurt the farmers and across the board. That's why all Americans are paying more for the essentials of life. Donald Trump will remove almost all regulations. So therefore, just by that action, the people will get some relief. You thought that Donald Trump and government. So that means somebody got richer. That means somebody got richer. You guys follow that?
Starting point is 00:25:01 They put all these regulations. Our price of goods goes up and someone else got richer. When I went to the toll booth, when I went, I went through this toll booth when I was in India. And there were three people in each toll booth. It was a huge highway. It was eight lanes in each direction. And there were, fuck God knows, 50 toll booths. And when you pulled up to the toll booth, the driver would give the money to one guy.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Then that guy would give the money to another guy. And then that guy would give the money to another guy. It was so trippy. In the United States, you just give the money to one guy and then it goes in the drawer. Or you just drive through the fast track lane and you're good to go.'t you don't give money and you don't drive through the fast track lane they take a picture of your license plate and send you like a fine and when i ask the host or the driver of the car hey why are there three guys at the at the toll booth and he said each one of them has a separate job.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I don't know what they are. Like one guy maybe checks to make sure it's not counterfeit. Maybe one guy makes sure it's the right bill. And then maybe one guy puts in the drawer. I don't know, but he said they all have three different jobs. And I go, that's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Why did they do that? And he's like, Hey man, we have 1.7 billion people. So it's, it's a, it's a, it's a,
Starting point is 00:26:23 it's a way to create jobs. And I tie this into regulations, just the bizarreness and the way it handicaps process. It handicaps – it retards the growth and the speed and the efficiency of the way things can move and should move under this guise that somehow we're saving the environment. But really, we're just being charged more, and the people at the top are just getting more money. And the people in India, supposedly they're getting more jobs, but all they're doing is just slowing down the process of the traffic moving for the people who really need to get to where they're going. It's really trippy. That's like you guys tipping in restaurants. That's nothing like guys tipping in restaurants. That's nothing like us tipping in restaurants.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Do you know where equity exists, Jake? Equity exists in its perfect form in one place on the planet. And it's in prison. Everyone has the same size cell, same exact TV set, same sheets, eats the same shit. That's kind of what it's like in your country, dude. You're close to that. Tipping is nothing like that. I went to the mall yesterday.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It was a trip. It was only the second time I've ever been to the mall in Santa Cruz. It was weird. It was like going into a time warp. I felt like I was in 1950. Talk about a tired place. You guys know that phenomenon when you go into a hotel and it's tired? Casinos are like that.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Like you can go into a casino and it's like you feel like you went into a time warp It's like you're back in 1970 audrey. I'm going to walk into the mall today and buy some sandals Instead of buying them on the interwebs. It's almost like it's 1997 again Yeah, the mall's a trip I went in there. Um I went in there because my I had got a watch for my son and he wanted some links taken out so it fit his wrist. And even the jewelry stores, I feel like I was in a foreign country. It was so weird. Oh yeah, I forgot about the Orin Julius store. Wow. Yeah, my mom would take us to the Orin Julius store in the mall.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah, my mom would take us to the Orton and Julia store in the mall. Yeah, the mall was so tired. The shelves were, I don't want to say empty, but just sparse. The glass cabinets in the jewelry store just felt so, I don't know, primitive. The place was tired. Everyone in there was 50 pounds overweight. The employees, the people walking them all, although there was hardly anyone in the mall. I have no idea how it stays open.
Starting point is 00:29:42 No idea. And then, and then there are, so what's crazy is there's a lot of really tired stores there. When I was a kid in the mall, you would go in the mall and you would never see, you would never see like a shop that has like, there were places in there for like kids to play.
Starting point is 00:29:56 It was weird, like really tired nurseries, like a bouncy house place. And then there was a place like called giggles and wiggles. It has like all this like tired gymnastics equipment. And there was a video game store and like half the stuff in there was a place like called giggles and wiggles that has like all this like tired gymnastics equipment. And there was a video game store and like half the stuff in there was used. It was a trip. It was such a trip, a video game store.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I couldn't even believe a place like that even exists. It was cool though. I mean, it was not, I mean, it was clean. It was tired, but it was cool though i mean it was not i mean it was clean it was tired but it was clean yeah i did uh real kevin do mall still exist i didn't even know i mean i drive by the place but i didn't really know until i went in there there's a fountain in there that is i felt like i was in russia the fountain is so tired. Little chips out of all of the whatever the tiles are around it. But what's interesting is adjacent to some of these tired stores, there's also some nice stores. There was like a van store that sold van shoes. There's also some nice stores.
Starting point is 00:31:04 There was like a van store that sold van shoes. And there was a store called Lids that only sold hats. And that shit looked modern. Wow, Grapevine Mills Mall had a skate park inside? Wow. Emporium Capwells. Yep, I used to go to Emporium Capwells in Oakland. I think the earthquake in 89 took it down.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah, Caroline, very well said. It's like a ghost town vibe of a previous era of life. Totally. 100%. I wonder when they plow it down. I saw a buddy sent this to me. Remember we were talking about Schrodinger's cat the other day? I still don't know what it is, but someone sent me this. Look at this. I might be a Schrodinger's douchebag. This might be me. Ready? Schrodinger's douchebag, one who makes a douchebag statement, particularly sexist, racist, or otherwise bigoted,
Starting point is 00:32:18 then decides whether they were just joking or dead serious based on the other people in the group's approval or not. Schrodinger's douchebag. Thank you for the high quality submission to the show. I watched a couple of videos in the electoral. Is it called electoral college yesterday? It seems pretty solid to me. You guys know what that is? It seems pretty solid to me.
Starting point is 00:33:21 There are 538 votes that elect the President of the United States. I apologize if this is wrong. Feel free to anyone to correct me in the comments. But there are 538 votes. That are spread throughout all the I think it's 50 states in one territory. I want to say that maybe Puerto Rico has some electoral votes. And there are – what is this? Alex Bridgeforth, tuning in from Korea.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh, hi. Hello. North or south? There are 538 votes, and they're spread throughout the 50 states and i'm guessing puerto rico i think it's at 51 territories or 51 places oh oh maybe it's the 50 states in dc maybe dc has electoral i don't know where the one comes from but there are 538 of these votes and each state gets a certain amount of votes and i think they're based on the um population of the state and so one state might have four let me see let me see i'll actually
Starting point is 00:34:28 look it up electoral college by state electoral college by state uh let me see if i can find a distribution of electoral uh votes all right so alabama has nine al Alaska has three. Arizona has 11. Arkansas has six. So each state has a different amount of electoral votes. And these people from the electoral college, I think it's actually 538 people, get together in a room. And they actually vote for who becomes president. And each state gets to send its people. So let's say let's say colorado has uh 10 votes the populist vote matters i think in colorado so what happens is colorado votes for the president of the united states and if uh depending on who wins that popular vote then they send people from
Starting point is 00:35:41 that that group that organization to the final electoral college vote. I wonder when that happens. I think that happens in December. So we vote in November, but I don't think they do that shit until December. I probably should have memorized this shit better before presenting it to you guys. But no one's corrected me so far, so I must be doing good. And the reason they do this,
Starting point is 00:36:12 the reason they do this, and it's not just by popular vote, is because you don't want the major metropolises electing the president. So you don't want just like three cities in the United States electing the president. You don't want it to be fucking. Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You want a representative of all the different lifestyles. From all the different states. And I was convinced. I watched a five minute video video explaining the Electoral College. Steven Plyler, California is going to lose four electoral votes by 2030. Oh, because the population is reducing? Good. I hope it does. I wonder how many of us in here are actually going to vote this year.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I'm voting. That's for sure. But I think it's important to vote. Sitting with me today is my global entry card, my military ID card, my Texas driver's license, my Texas license to carry, because that's how we roll in Texas, my congressional card, and of course, the good old fashioned American passport. What sorcery is this? What am I, the black Houdini?
Starting point is 00:37:57 How was I able to pull off the impossible and attain not one, not two, not three, but six government issue IDs? Personal responsibility in this country. I fought for this country as an Apache helicopter pilot to protect free and fair elections and having a government issued ID isn't racist, it's American. You need to have an ID to drive a car to check into the airport, open a bank account. You need an ID for basically everything to be a responsible adult in this country, except for voting, apparently, according to the left. Black America does not need well meaning liberals putting their arms around us to telling us how we should go to the polls. In fact, if you look at recent headlines and polls, you will find that black men
Starting point is 00:38:37 specifically in this country are more fired up than ever to participate in the next presidential election. And I think I know why and I'm really looking forward to these results. For the record, in the 2022 midterms in Georgia, it proved that election integrity and ballot accessibility can be achieved hand in hand.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Sitting with me today is... What's the argument to not need a voter ID to vote? Is that the only argument that some people might not have it? It's crazy. The same people that say voter ID is racist are the same people trying to oppress race the real Kevin the fake argument clock is that it will suppress voter turnout
Starting point is 00:39:36 it must be so weird being black in this country it must be so weird being black in this country. It must be so weird. It must be so weird to have an entire party justifying everything you do. God, it must be fucking weird i i wonder i wonder if it's like being famous kind of like everywhere you go like it probably wasn't like that 10 years ago everywhere you go someone's like everywhere you go, someone thinks that you think that they're racist or... Or resents you or is being too nice to you or... It must be so fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Caller, hi. Hey. Hello? It must be really weird. It must be really weird in Democrat states. It must be really weird, like, in California. Hey, what's up, dude? So listen to this.
Starting point is 00:40:58 On the flip side, my partner, cop, obviously, they asked him to do a reading at a school. Elementary school. You know, in uniform. Talk to the kids. Yeah, I like it. So he gets there in uniform. Gun,
Starting point is 00:41:14 shield, full blue uniform. They say, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to show your personal ID. He's like, personal ID? I mean, uniform. Like, yeah, I'm sorry. We can't let you in unless you show us your personal identification. Hey, I'm glad they did. But can you imagine? No, but I'm glad they did. That's good. Now, ask for it at the voting booth,
Starting point is 00:41:40 too. Exactly. But in New don't they won't do that why i've never shown i've never had to show my id to go vote ever ever i can't remember i've only voted in person like twice i think in my life i can't remember if i had to show my id it's crazy they say all sorts i've heard all sorts of weird stuff like there aren't enough voting booths in in the poor areas um the lines are too long um people can't get time off of work um the hours are fucked up uh i mean i've never heard anyone personally complain about any of this stuff it's just what the news tells me about any of this stuff it's just what the news tells me stop watching that news baby yeah you know what i mean it's just what the news tells you but i've
Starting point is 00:42:30 never heard anyone uh complain about it although the two times i did vote in person the lines were crazy long but i mean but i would i didn't i i didn't hear anyone even in the lines complain you just wait in line and then you go in and vote and the line moves pretty fast because there's so many fucking voting machines in there. It's like people that complain on Christmas Day when they're shopping at the last minute. What'd you expect? Yeah. Well, it's nothing like Christmas.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Christmas is insane. Hey, how is everything? How's the gym? Yeah, I'm mopping right now. You get your piece in nah my phone going back and forth i was i listened to the podcast while i'm cleaning up so i had to you know put my two cents in and just do you listen to it in your ear uh sometimes or is it just blaring in the gym um it depends if i have my headphones i'll put
Starting point is 00:43:23 it in but it's not it's usually blaring in the gym. Oh, man. Obnoxiously loud. Wow. With the doors open. It's finally nice out here in New York. My doors are open. It's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Do you know anyone who thinks that you shouldn't need ID? Do I know anyone? No. You should always have. Well, I don't even think most people even care, to tell you the truth. I'm trying to think of the cares. Or if it's just the it's just the politicians, it's kind of like the insurrection. I don't think anyone really I don't think anyone on the left really cares or on the right.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Like no, no one sees it as an insurrection. It's just the politicians. I wonder if it's just the politicians who are who are doing that to try to keep their jobs. who are doing that to try to keep their jobs in new york you uh you should show you need to show id when i pull you over we do have the right to detain you and bring you into the station house until you can prove who you are oh wow yeah we can't do that we don't usually do that usually we make it so you get to the point where you do show the id right but uh yeah we have the right to do that like if you're mike mccaskey as he's ready to fight me like if you do something illegal even uh you know illegal turn if you didn't signal if i pull you over yeah okay and you'll have people say i'm not showing my id we have the right to detain you and bring you in until
Starting point is 00:44:44 we find out who you are. Because if we don't know who you are, you could be wanted for murder. You could be committed a crime. So you need ID. I can't remember. You know what? One time at night in Santa Barbara, I was pulled over. And whenever I've told this story, it was that I didn't – my truck my truck didn't, I got, and they took me to, they took me to jail. And I, the way I remembered the story was that, um, I didn't have the registration sticker on my car, but I actually had my, I had paid my registration.
Starting point is 00:45:13 But now that you're saying that maybe I didn't have my driver's license and that's why they took me. Whatever it was, it went away really quick. I didn't have to pay a fine or anything. It just got fixed, but it was crazy. Yeah. And I had my dog in the car. It's a, it was a college town. The cops were assholes. You had a dog in a
Starting point is 00:45:30 car and they locked you up? Yeah. I would have let you go in two seconds. Yeah. Fuck that. He was in the back of a pickup truck. No freaking way. For that? See you, Sevan. Have a nice night. Yeah, it was something like that. It was nothing. Whatever it was, it was nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, we could do that. And he asked me also, he said, hey, have you been drinking? And I said, yes. And I'll never say that again. I had one beer. And I said I had one beer. And he made me take the whole test and blow and everything. I was fine. I was legit. He made me take the whole test and blow and everything. I was fine. I was legit. I don't even think I was like, I think I was just like moving my car. I think I lived in my car at the time. And so I was just like moving my car from one parking spot to another.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Oh, that happened to my buddy. He was moving a parking spot because he was parked illegally. He wanted to park it legally. They pulled him over in the college parking lot. He was drunk and they locked him up. Oh, I did get a, you know know i did get a ticket also one time i had opened someone had given me a gift of some alcohol a bottle of alcohol and i'd opened it and taken a swig off of it and then put the lid on and then i was walking from one house to another house in the city and a cop stopped me and he says that
Starting point is 00:46:39 open container and i said no it's closed you walked up on me it's closed and he said oh but the seal's been cracked oh but the seal's been cracked and once the seal's been cracked that's open container i guess i didn't even know this you're not even allowed in california to drive with the container once it's been opened in your car like even if it's got a screw cap it's got to be in your trunk yeah sounds about right uh i don't do patrol anymore no no thank you uh semaema Beaver you can't get pulled over for registration in Texas You have to be doing something wrong Oh is that true
Starting point is 00:47:08 I mean You can get pulled over if you don't have Here in New York if your registration sticker Is not affixed to your window you can get pulled over Or in those states that like have the little Stickers that you just add on to your plate You get pulled over for that um you put your stickers on the window you don't put them on the license plate no we put them on the window
Starting point is 00:47:31 oh interesting just on the back window front window next to the inspection which is a pain in the ass yeah those stickers off the windshield wait a second so if you're driving behind someone you can't tell if their car's up to date and it's registration in the city of new york no oh that's crazy i was just pulled over a month ago i passed a cop i was probably doing 30 and a 35 and he was doing 28 it was a lady shortest cop i've ever seen tiny and she put and uh and i passed her as i was making a right hand turn and then she swooped over and got me because she saw my registration sticker wasn't up to snuff. But she did call in, and she said, hey, you've paid it. And I said, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:48:11 She said, just go home and stick it on. I said, yeah, no problem. Yeah, we just put it in the computer. It comes up right away. So you can't pull someone over. You can't even get behind someone in New York and see that their registration is not up to date. You have to pull them over and then look at it. It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:48:28 That is weird. It's like one of those things where you see something every day. It's just common practice. If you see someone passing by you with no registration sticker, it's obvious. It is? Oh, because you recognize it's not on the windshield? Yeah. But then you have the issue of sometimes they have out-of-state plates, which don't require a registration window, a sticking window.
Starting point is 00:48:50 It gets a little convoluted, but yeah, it's like common practice. There's no registration window. So if I have a Lamborghini, I have to stick a registration sticker in my front window? Yeah. Yep, and you have to have a front plate. Yep and you have to have a front plate They should give some Cars a fucking uh They should give they should give the uh
Starting point is 00:49:08 Some cars an exemption how big is the sticker Probably like four by six Oh fuck like your index card Like a regular index card oh I would be so Bummed and then next To the registration sticker is your Inspection sticker which is a certain color For the year again Obvious if you don't have your inspection sticker, which is a certain color for the year.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Again, obvious if you don't have your inspection done, we'll pull you over. Gabe's like, no, you don't. Fuck that. He's from Jersey, so yeah, he's got different rules over there, too. They don't have the registrations in their window. Why did someone just ask me? Someone asked me about this. Oh, Sebi, did you see the new movie, The American Society of Magical Negros?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Negros. The American Society of Magical Negros. Talk about being uncomfortable being black in America. Plot of movie is for black people to make white people less racist. Hey, I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying, but that is the only way it's going to happen. I used to say this all the time because of the way the narrative is it's, it's only going to have to be strong. Black men and women are now going to have to speak up like
Starting point is 00:50:19 this Coleman Hughes or like that Senator who just spoke up. That's the only way it's going to have to be blacks to say it's going to be really strong people with dark skin who speak up and say, Hey, stop fucking feeling sorry for us. That's just some racist bullshit. That's the only way that gets fixed. I mean, thankfully now there's more and more white people that feel comfortable doing that. Also, there were not a lot, just three years ago, two or three years ago talking like this on this show even was uncomfortable for me but the only it's the same thing with covid um the the fat and old people could have stood up
Starting point is 00:50:53 uh fat people and old people could have stood up and stopped what was happening it really in fact too silent yeah and fat people are gonna have to stand up too and be like they have to be like hey this is all our all our fault. The chronic disease, the diabetes, like that's the only way there has to be leadership from those groups that wants to take massive personal accountability and responsibility. I know it's fucked up, but it's the only way. again for the first time in seven years i joined a 40 i joined a 45 and over league but i just turned 50 you pulled a hammy yet no the opposite i got to the field i saw both teams i thought i was at a 60 and over field oh wow these guys were 45 and over and i was like what holy cow i was by far the fittest person on both teams um and i was 50 50. Are you doing it for yourself or to recruit people for your gym? No, I'm doing it for myself.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Somebody came up to me and asked me, a personal friend of mine, he was just like, oh, you want to play in this 45 and over league? And I was like, you know what, I just turned 50. Let me give it one more go. So I actually caught yesterday eight innings. They were shocked that I could do that. And I was running around like crazy
Starting point is 00:52:04 and they were like impressed. Meaning you were a catcher, meaning you were like on your haunches. Yeah, yeah. Fast pitch or softball? Softball? Fast pitch. Wow, holy shit. These guys were so
Starting point is 00:52:20 out of shape, Salon. It was crazy. Crazy. Like they couldn't even move. Do you pitch to your own team? No, no, no. They pitch. Pinch runners? Because the guys were so out of shape, they couldn't run to first?
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yep. So you saw a 350-pound man go up to the plate and have a pinch runner? Yeah. If he got on plate and have a pinch runner. Yeah. If he got on, he had a pinch runner. Wow. These people were so slow.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I hit a ball. I thought it was a foul ball. Ended up being a fair ball right in front of the plate. And I took off for first. And I'm thinking, this guy's going to have me out by a mile. Yeah. I ran so fast. They only got me by like a half a step.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I was like, what the hell's going on? Wow. So slow. These guys. How do you have time for all this? You have a job on Sunday mornings. You have kids Sunday mornings. You have a job.
Starting point is 00:53:15 You have a second job. It's only for the summer. Yeah. Second job. Kids. You seen anyone get hurt? Yeah. One guy almost broke his ankle.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Like rounding second? That's just going to first. Oh, shit. Just stepping on the bag. I was like, oh, that guy broke his ankle. Now, listen how sophisticated I am with this next question. Shows what a sportsman I am. Wooden bats or aluminum bats or both?
Starting point is 00:53:43 Wood bat. Wood bat. Aluminum not allowed. Only wood bat. Okay. Not allowed, no. Does anyone play with aluminum bats or both? Wood bat. Aluminum not allowed. Only wood bat. Does anyone play with aluminum bats anymore? Yeah. A lot of leagues do. Softball they do.
Starting point is 00:53:55 That's why they tank them like 400 feet. Has anyone asked you, hey, how do you stay in such good shape? Yeah. And you tell them? CrossFit? Yep. CrossFit. Let me tell you about it nice so corny oh free free membership for everyone on your team while the season's going it's a lot of work yeah all right fuck those guys fuck for you never mind i'm gonna go map love you see you later love you too thanks for calling thanks for saving the show
Starting point is 00:54:23 all right chief nation crossfit jethro I'm going to go map. Love you. See you later. Love you too. Thanks for calling. Thanks for saving the show. All right, man. Chief nation, CrossFit. Did I get it right? Chief nation, CrossFit out in the, out in the Catskills. No, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Is that true? Long Island. I'll just go with that. I think that, I think that's long Island. Uh, Melissa, oh dear, I'm late. I was watching Pedro's new coach show.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Coach show? God, I hate the fucking programming shows. That's not even fair. I've never even given him a chance. Is that what it is? It's a programming show? Is that the one where J.R. and Andrew, he puts up uh the workouts and jr and seth critique it or something or taylor and seth or two people critique his programming
Starting point is 00:55:13 long island can i also say the cats cat skills or no that's somewhere else is that where is that? Maybe that's where Garrett lives. The Clinton podcast. Oh, oh, interviewing coaches on their athletes for quarters. Oh, that's kind of cool. OK. All right. Yeah, shut up and scribble. God damn.
Starting point is 00:55:40 What a fucking mess that show is. Even though I feel bad because there's so many comments about how funny that show is and so I'm starting to think maybe I should watch it. Because Taylor is funny as shit. Taylor is so funny. Man, he got into,
Starting point is 00:56:00 he got into a nasty back and forth yesterday. Um... He got into a nasty back and forth yesterday. Let me see if I can find this. By the way, I'm going to semifinals. The North American ones. Syndicate crown. Although I don't know about syndicate crown. I, although I'm, I don't know about syndicate crown.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I want to go. I want to do the behind the scenes there. I'm definitely going to Carson. Sarah Cox got, um, Sarah Cox got the, uh, got us a house.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Damn. Where, where is that post that Taylor got into it let me see does anyone know where that post is where is that post maybe it's on Taylor's
Starting point is 00:57:03 maybe it's on Taylor's maybe it's on Taylor's Instagram account can anyone tell me where that post is oh maybe it's here let me see no I don't see it he got into a nasty exchange it's pretty damn funny David Weed shut up and scribbles
Starting point is 00:57:32 The best show on this channel Well the numbers are the best that's for sure God the numbers are the best John Lavelle oh that's a cool uh avatar picture check out john willie's pay attention to my story article he is crying for love is he okay like suicidal who knows where that um let me see if i can um let me see if let me see if i can maybe i can just call taylor really quick and ask him where that thread is oh i bet you you know who would know i bet you will brandstetter would know? I bet you Will Branstetter would know. He knows everything. You guys got to see this thread.
Starting point is 00:58:29 It's wild. What's up? Hey. Hey. Hey, do you know where that thread is where we're live on the air, where that thread is with Taylor and that Leo guy having an exchange? exchange no i close my eyes every time i see messages from that thread oh okay fine fair enough okay you're a good christian thank you will yeah man will will does not watch porn that's for sure uh let me see if i can find um maybe taylor knows let me see
Starting point is 00:59:02 obviously he knows he's the one commenting on that thread. They go hard. There's a lot of butt sex comments. Sounds like he was asleep. No. That's just the way Will sounds. Damn. Maybe I'll save this for another show. I can see the picture. I just can't see the account. I can't see. I see the post. I just can't see which account the post is on. Yeah, Judy Reed. That's a great.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Will's porn would be Adam and Eve eating forbidden fruit. There's a guy, Leo Lafleur. And he says, I don't know what kind of stuff you and your boyfriend jason hopper be doing but i'll be your new daddy so he engages taylor basically saying like hey like i can beat you in a workout and taylor responds you want me and hopper to make you airtight very yeah just straight to level 10 You want me and Hopper to make you airtight? Just straight to level 10. If you don't know what that means to get made airtight,
Starting point is 01:00:35 you have to ask someone. And then Leo responds, You two butt buddies can do it as a team and still won't beat me. Oh man, I like Leo's confidence. And then Taylor responds, I don't even think these two know each other. The only exercise I've ever seen you excel at, Leo, is at bending over, putting your hands on your knees
Starting point is 01:01:00 and sucking wind. And it just goes on and on. Oh, that's pretty tame. Yawn. Yawn is a true sportsman. That's pretty tame. I should watch that movie The magical negro movie
Starting point is 01:01:27 Magical negros You kind of got me curious Jonathan Ortega Leo and Taylor were at Crash last year together But Taylor was just spectating No crash last year together but Taylor was just spectating no uh Will is into the into right dirty stuff into right no he's not
Starting point is 01:01:54 into any uh Will has the fear of God in him he he walks the straightest line ever i think no not the shiz uh crazy setup with the air runners no no airtight is different than air runners airtight is significantly different than air runners i can't throw on the trailer for magical negros because um you're not they'll they'll ding me every time i throw on a trailer i get fucking in trouble marjorie tayene, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Not one single person has been charged with insurrection. Not one single person has been convicted with insurrection. Not one. In every single court of our land, no one's been charged and convicted with insurrection, yet Democrats and dishonest people in the media every single day accuse President Trump of waging an insurrection and accuse many of us of waging an insurrection. And you're doing nothing but lying and selling the lies of the Democrats all for campaigns and elections. Shame on every single person that has done that. Shame on you. You need to tell the truth. You have the freedom of press, one of the greatest rights in this entire world. And anyone that puts the word insurrectionist, calls President Trump
Starting point is 01:03:40 an insurrectionist, and calls any of us an insurrectionist is a liar, and you do not deserve the power that you possess. Shame on you. Shame on you. Let me give you guys a little history lesson, okay? When President Trump was inaugurated, Antifa and leftist rioters nearly burned down Washington, D.C. Did you call it an insurrection? No. BLM raised millions of dollars on the ActBlue Democrat fundraising website and then proceeded to cost $2 billion in damage. $2 billion. $2 billion in damages.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I'll never forget when the BLM rioters, they killed the former black police chief of Oakland on the steps of a building that was named after another, you know, famous black civil rights person. I could Google it and find it really quick. And I was like, wow, that says it all. and find it really quick. And I was like, wow, that says it all. Black Lives Matter killed the former ex-police chief of Oakland who was trying to quell the riots in front of a building that was named after a black civil rights activist. Two fucking billion.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Do you know what the damage done to the Capitol was? 30 million. They said $30 million in damages. Capital was 30 million. They said $30 million in damages. Fucking wild. What's her fran time? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Probably faster than mine. I think she used to be co-owner of a gym with Travis Mayer. Images across American cities and communities all in 2020. Every day. Not one day for three hours, every damn day. Did you call it an insurrection? They attacked. Don't forget, while we were locked down, the Black Lives Matter protesters were out on the streets. When we were told that COVID was so dangerous, the Black Lives Matter protesters were out on the streets. Police officers, federal courthouses, tore down statues,
Starting point is 01:05:52 burned 93 police vehicles. Did you in the media call it an insurrection? Yeah, and I think that $2 billion number is low. Yeah, because I heard Ferguson alone alone had 760 million in damages so you have to guess minneapolis the um uh minnesota probably had at least 2 billion on their own it's wild the the left is just fucking batshit crazy no you did not you called it mostly peaceful and you lied to the American people and the American people don't trust you anymore because of that. And then the American people
Starting point is 01:06:32 who pay for elections with their tax dollars actually own the elections and have the right to care about their elections, election integrity, and the results of their elections when they came to Washington and protested. All of you called it an insurrection. And then when Joe Biden was inaugurated and this entire Capitol complex was surrounded with 30,000 National Guard troops, none of you stood there and called that an insurrection. Oh, no. You all stayed silent. And while Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney at the Department of Justice, is arresting people every single day,
Starting point is 01:07:14 throwing them in jail, held them for 22 hours in solitary confinement, unconvicted, all of you stay silent. No one attacks them for that. that apparently you think it's deserved shame on you and I want you to know the American people are paying attention they're not stupid just because you tell them in your articles and in your headlines and on your network networks that Trump is an insurrectionist or any of us are insurrectionists. No, as a matter of fact, you're hurting your own careers and you're hurting your industry for lying to them. So I would like to thank you, Matt, very much. And I would like to thank Elise Stefanik for
Starting point is 01:07:56 introducing this resolution. And I cannot believe we even have to do this because Democrats and liars in the media accuse President Trump of being an insurrectionist when in fact he is not. He said, go in peace. Go in peace. God bless President Trump. God bless him for saying we should care about our elections. And I want you to know because of that, Americans do care about our elections. And we have every single right to care. Thank you very much. I urge my colleagues to vote for this resolution.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Not one single. I didn't fact check this, but I saw yesterday a headline that said 80, the 87 people, the 87 people who worked at NPR? The 87 journalists that work at NPR are all registered Democrats. The 87 journalists who work at NPR are all Democrats, 87. Let me see. I'll just look at journalists at NPR, Democrats. And then someone in the comments responded – NPR responds after editor says it's lost American trust. Journalists after senior editor says it has lost the public's – oh, okay. Here we go. NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public trust. Oh, so their senior editor said that. Wow. A strategic emphasis on diversity and inclusion on the basis of race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation promoted by NPR's former CEO, John Lansing, has fed the absence of viewpoint diversity. Yeah, of course. This is crazy crazy this is being reported by npr too
Starting point is 01:09:46 so someone said well hey fox is no different which and then someone rebutted no actually they do have a lot of democrats and uh libertarians on their staff but also fox isn't funded by the people npr is funded by the people npr's top news executive defended its journalism and its commitment to reflecting a diverse array of views on Tuesday after a senior NPR editor wrote a broad critique of how the network has covered some of the most important stories of the age. An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now predictability, we don't have an audience that reflects America, writes Uri Berliner. Yeah, definitely not.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Hey man, it's a curation of all the dumbest people in the world. It's Seventh Booster people. I feel sorry for black people. I feel sorry for Hispanic people. And as long as it's not my daughter being raped, it's cool. It's not their fault. They're not privileged. And you know how I used to say I listened to NPR with pride. That's not going to surprise you guys, right? Jason Plummer. Hate to break the bad news, but you ain't voting your way out of this prepare accordingly jesus olivia unfortunately you are correct jason Jason. None of our work is above scrutiny or critique. We have vigorous discussion in the newsroom about how we serve the public as a whole. I mean, that's absolutely not true.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I wonder if they're going to, I want to find the thing about the 87 registered Democrats. Berliner's essay titled, I've been at NPR for 25 years. Here's how we lost America's trust was published by the free press, a website that has welcomed journalists who have concluded that mainstream news outlets have become reflexively liberal. Hey, man. Of those 87 people that are all registered Democrats, the journalists at NPR, it's wild. What do you think – how many pedophiles do you think there are in the group? journalists at NPR, it's wild.
Starting point is 01:12:23 What do you think, how many pedophiles do you think there are in the group? You think anyone in that group sees themselves equal to black people? What cities do you think they live in? I bet you not a single one of them thinks that they're equal to black people. When someone uses the word privilege, just know that they think that they're better than other people.
Starting point is 01:12:54 That's what they think. And instead of projecting it onto themselves, taking ownership of it, personal accountability and responsibility, they project it onto other people. They're basically saying, I'm better than you are. Or you are less than that person. The essay ricocheted around conservative media with some labeling burliner as a whistleblower others picked it all up on social media including elon musk who has lambasted npr for leaving a social media site i mean that says it all know how it is. You can't say anything in your workplace.
Starting point is 01:13:56 You can't have free discussion anywhere that goes against the narrative. You will get destroyed. That's the cool thing about what I do. I sit on like the. I sit in the area where all the parents sit. And I drop little zingers. About Democrats being fucking pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Peace and love for everyone. The gay flags up on our fucking elementary schools I just like dropping those little zingers no one's gonna ask me not to bring my kids No one's going to ask me not to bring my kids. Jake Felton, never again will we have journalists or media just reports on stories. Cronkite, Jennings, Brokaw, rather, all of them would be embarrassed today. I really like James O'Keefe. I really, really, really, really like James O'Keefe. I really, really, really, really like James O'Keefe.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Jake Chapman, some of us working across the gyms, we can say what we like. I heard, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it, but I heard John Woolley. I think I found the thread Taylor was on.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Damn. Damn, it's aggressive. i i heard um john woolley that's the um make great great wads again guy say that or no i didn't hear him say this someone told me he wrote an article for the morning choc of why we don't use forging elite fitness anymore at crossfit and i haven't seen the article i think it's um behind the paywall which is kind of a weird place to have editorial isn't it uh cross fat worst part is npr is only 10 federally funded they give the perception
Starting point is 01:16:19 it's for the people but it's actually donor interesting creative accounting they say one to ten federal funding, but it's much higher. Yeah, and it's probably controlled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, right? Hi. What's up? I'm live on the air. Okay. Where is that exchange between you and
Starting point is 01:16:46 Leah LeFleur It is on Colton's 100 Burpee for Time Reel I think that's collaborated with Jake and Brian Hey Don't you feel bad picking on a guy with the last name LeFleur
Starting point is 01:17:01 No I don't feel bad at all He fucking His last name's LeFleur You I don't feel bad at all. He's fucking... His last name's Le Fleur. You can't pick on a guy named Le Fleur. He's basically in his brain. Look, this is exactly what happens. And I know everything.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I know you do. All right, so look. He's thinking to himself, I think I could beat anyone at 50 muscle-ups for time. No one knows who I am, but I'm trying to get in on this live action. I challenged Colton Mertens to 50 muscle-ups when Colton hasn't even ever proclaimed
Starting point is 01:17:34 being amazing at ring muscle-ups. So I just thought it was a super fucking dumbass thing to comment. So I went at him. Well, it's very entertaining, and I appreciate you for being part of the CrossFit community and creating such creative content. You're so welcome. I know some of my responses may seem a bit grotesque or even abrasive. But trust me when I say this, I love everybody for who they are, including Leo. Yeah, no judgment.
Starting point is 01:18:04 No judgment if you take it in the dumper. Hey, I don't see the post. Where is it? I'm on Colton's Instagram. Okay. Let me pull it up. What's the still screenshot?
Starting point is 01:18:20 Colton Merchants. The still screenshot is, look, if you go all the way over to his right squares It's the third one down Oh, oh, three Oh, yeah, nice, yeah Okay, alright, thank you Hey, maybe we could do
Starting point is 01:18:37 A reading of this And I could play Le Fleur And you could play yourself sometime Dude, I would love that. Yeah. Would you like a little show and tell story time? Yeah, like a reenactment. Cool.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Okay, then I'll save this. I won't read any more of this. I'll save it for Wednesday. I'll play Le Fleur. All right, sick. Okay, bye. All right, fine. Wednesday, guys, a reenactment between Taylor Self and myself.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Get with the programming. Next Jeopardy show, we're going to have a fuck counter for Taylor. Or maybe that could be a whole category. Who did Taylor tell to lube their butt cheeks and get ready? I don't even know how Jeopardy works. So, basically, I guess John has an editorial in the Morning Chalkup about
Starting point is 01:19:38 why... That's the Make Great Wads again on why Fortune Elite Fitness... That's the make great wads again on why fortunately fitness isn't part of CrossFit's vernacular anymore. It's funny. I live in my own bubble. I just assume it is. But when Eric Rosa bought the company, there was all of this talk about getting rid of all that shit. One of the first things they did is they took Pukie down in the gym. Even though they got rid of the gym, is they took pukey down in the gym even though they got rid of the gym they took pukey down in the gym it was in the wood it was in the
Starting point is 01:20:08 bamboo wall a giant puking pukey rosa took that down they got rid of forging elite fitness because they didn't think it was like inclusive enough um they added the word um he he wanted to come up with a new slogan and like you know like I forget it was like make you healthy, fit and happy. Like he had the word happy in there, which Greg would have. I mean, just completely undermines everything that CrossFit is because it's not, you know, we do measurable, measurable things. That's why the loneliness thing is such a joke, too. It's not to say it doesn't help with loneliness. it's not to say it doesn't help with loneliness we all know if you do 100 burpees for time
Starting point is 01:20:47 your loneliness is going to get cured whether someone's in the room with you or not yeah yeah yeah like that Jonathan Ortega whose cheeks were clapped via Taylor in 2004 no but I think in Jeopardy you're supposed to the question is the answer Jessica Valenzuela our gym just ordered pukey shirts with the name of our gym on the back super excited for it to come in yeah
Starting point is 01:21:15 that's cool but the only reason why they took away fortunately fitness that was all woke stuff that was all like hey um, get rid of the, get rid of Sevan. He's toxic. Get rid of the pukey clown. Get rid of the Forge and Elite Fitness. Get rid of just anything that could be perceived
Starting point is 01:21:32 as having any edge. Sevan, has your wife ever said don't be so judgmental? No. She has not she doesn't like me talking in um absolutes i shouldn't say she doesn't like it she's okay but but she she'll correct me if i get that that's what i get corrected on the most at home what did i tell a story the other day that she, she started to correct me on it and then she backed off. I think she knew I was going to fucking snap.
Starting point is 01:22:10 It was yesterday in the car. So I was on the, um, anyway, I'm curious to finish up the, uh, make great wads again. I, I wonder,
Starting point is 01:22:23 I wonder if he said it was just all woke stuff, but I always perceived him as being just crazy woke-tarded. So I wonder, I'm just curious if he got it right, if he knows why. I think maybe that dude flipped the script. I think that dude's like, he's on the same, him and him are maybe on similar journeys. He's like waking up. He's like, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:22:43 or maybe on similar journeys, he's like waking up. He's like, oh my God. This rhetoric towards black people and vaccines, I've been brainwashed. I must wake up. Like who cares if Fortune Elite Fitness isn't inclusive? Who do you want to include? Who do you want to include who who do you want to include do you want a brand that forges elite fitness yes do you want a fitness methodology that you
Starting point is 01:23:15 want to be on do you want to have a job where you can be honest yes if if you're if your premise for fucking talking is that you absolutely don't want to alienate anyone ever, you're fucked. You're fucked. Oh, wow. Sir Trollslot. John used to be MAGA, but then Danny Spiegel told him to be woke so he went woke oh maybe that is what happened total simp what's a simp i used to know what a simp is
Starting point is 01:23:55 uh simp is a silly or foolish person oh i thought it was something else oh internet slang for describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention towards another. Oh, yeah. So it's like to change the way you think in order to get pussy, to accommodate pussy, vagina, vagina. Is that what it is? Hmm. Wad zombie it's hilarious you can get rid of the tagline But the forging elite fitness still happens yeah Forging Forging fitness for everyone
Starting point is 01:24:43 Sounds so bad make it elite I mean that is what it is hey do you want to attract people who want to fucking be better so I'm driving in the car with my wife yesterday so I was on I was on I think it was on Jason's
Starting point is 01:25:05 I either said it on this podcast or on Jason's podcast and I said hey my kids were at a restaurant the other day and they were sitting at a separate table and the waitress or waiter came over and said oh came over to my wife
Starting point is 01:25:23 hey I didn't charge those kids over there at that table for dinner because those are the best kids i've ever seen at the restaurant i cannot believe how good your kids are something like that right that's the story i told so yesterday in the car my wife's like she's she starts like hey do you remember that story you told and then she stops and she's like well i guess the spirit of the story was the same and then she looks back out the window i'm like yo what what about that story you told? And then she stops and she's like, well, I guess the spirit of the story was the same. And then she looks back out the window. I'm like, yo, what? What about that story?
Starting point is 01:25:48 I wasn't there at the restaurant, I don't think. I think my wife was at the restaurant and that's how I heard the story. Although I hear that shit all the time about my kids. Holy fuck. But so then my wife looks out the window.'m like what tell me what she's like well the spirit of stories right i'm like what i didn't tell the story right and she's like well the spirit of it was right don't worry about it all right i'm like
Starting point is 01:26:18 what she's like well you probably and now it's getting weird she's like well you probably you probably thought they got it got it got the whole dinner for free i'm like wait a second so that story's not true and she's like well she brought out an extra pizza and gave it to him and she said that this pizza is on the house so it wasn't technically the whole meal that was on the house it was just the pizza that she brought out and she was right i was pissed it's like i don't fucking care. Spirit of the story is right. Correct. I don't give a fuck if it was a Lamborghini or Ferrari. Point is, my kids are fucking great and that makes me a great dad.
Starting point is 01:26:50 She's like, I know. That's why I said the spirit of the story was right. So, Dan, those are the kind of, you know what I mean? Like, I'm just like. I just tell stories. Except on fake news, I guess. Fuck it. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Listen. If I'm telling you that I slept with three girls in one night and you found out it was two girls and one guy, like, I don't care. That's close enough. No. No, no, no, it's not the same.
Starting point is 01:27:24 No, Mary. Not same vibe. It vibe it shows capacity no that's a sport that's a sport that's different no judy don't laugh oh fuck i hate you guys getting fucking pounded now oh god damn it grounded now oh god damn it yeah close enough it's not three girls that's close enough it's not yeah i'm just telling you that i bone three people like i have two girls a guy three girls i wasn't i wasn't biting my nails i don't bite my nails i was pushing my cuticles back. I do that all the time. It's not nervous.
Starting point is 01:28:07 I scraped my top two front teeth on my cuticles to push them back. Look at it. Everyone has their own definition of it. The accountant says we call that a rounding error. Bernie Gannon to the defense as usual thank you bernie supreme court uh justice can't define what a woman is how is savon supposed to it's just that um uh it's just that it doesn't it doesn't matter it doesn't matter like i'm telling you the story to let you know that i bone three people i'm telling you the story to let you know how I bone three people. I'm telling you the story to let you know how great my kids is. If they got one pizza free or seven pizzas, I don't understand. Like, if you're stuck on that level, then that's not where I tell my stories. I apologize. I don't
Starting point is 01:28:52 apologize, but like, it's the spirit. You're just supposed to walk away and be like, man, he has really good kids. He must be a great dad. Not like, well, they didn't bring out, what if I'd have been like, they brought a pepperoni pizza. My wife would have been like they brought a pepperoni pizza my wife would have been like actually it was cheese pizza thank you James for getting us back on track here okay seven I have a 19 year old athlete be on the lookout for him this weekend oh good okay what's his name I'll follow him right now oh Jesus Denise Moore my husband makes shit up all the time when telling stories I just let it What's his name? I'll follow him right now. Oh, Jesus. Denise Moore.
Starting point is 01:29:28 My husband makes shit up all the time when telling stories. I just let it go. I'm not making shit up. It doesn't matter. I don't even think your husband actually does make shit up. Oh, God. Seema may have checkmated me. Seemaiva writes sevan nuances matter in quotes also sevan details shmeetails that's damn it uh nicky rogers let's see nicky rogers
Starting point is 01:29:56 talk about some pressure jesus this kind of of... Oh, yeah. Okay, follow. Oh, it looks like Theo Vaughn. Looks like it could be Theo Vaughn's kid. Jesus. Oh, yeah. That dude's jacked. He's a baseball player? Oh, shit. Look at this picture of him.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Look at this picture of Nicky Rogers here. He looks like Dave Castro. Look at this. Crazy. Look it. My goodness. Oh, and he's got a little bit of Taylor self in him. Listen to this post. I'm obsessed to the point that not many understand being called crazy,
Starting point is 01:30:47 obsessive, selfish, all fuels me. I love it. This is going to be an exciting first season. Oh, awesome. All right. He's got a girlfriend. That's two points off. Listen, no one with a girl,
Starting point is 01:31:05 ah, maybe. Oh, shit, he's married? Wow, that's a hell of a haircut. All right. Oh, Jesus is king, followed by James Townsend. Look at the people it suggests I follow. Rachel Skinner.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Sidney Smith. Ethan Helbig. Oh, I should probably follow this dude, right? Is this dude someone? This Ethan Helbig guy? I've heard that name. I used to hear more names when Brian Friend was on the show. I should have Brian on shows.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I should invite Brian to come on shows like 10 days in a row just so I can get up to snuff on my game shit. When you follow Nicky Rogers, these are all the people they suggest i don't recognize any of these names oh here's oh oh excuse me all right coach daryl bauer jesus look at her top hey how come it didn't suggest i followed james townsend oh because
Starting point is 01:32:33 i already follow you what do you think the best avatar picture is you think it's just like a push your boobs to your chin? That's the... Hmm. Oh, my God, Audrey. John Young, get John a new phone. His camera looks like that first-gen iPhone. Audrey, John doesn't know shit about fuck, but he's fit, so looks like that first gen iPhone. Audrey. John doesn't know shit about fuck, but he's fit.
Starting point is 01:33:08 So we like him. All right. John Young's fit. I don't know. I don't know if I don't know. Heidi. Sevan courting Brian again. Jesus. Cry me tough crowd today.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Jessica Valenzuela. Brian, who? Is she a dance? I think he's washed up. Bernie Gannon, someone needs to write his own gospel and submit it for inclusion to the Bible. Oh. Making me want to grow my hair long again. Imagine TDC having to read it
Starting point is 01:33:46 oh damn i missed some comments from james oh yeah he's into college baseball okay okay how i see what you did there technically seven technically seven didn't know the details and he wasn't at the mexican restaurant where the boys got 23 pizzas god damn it yeah the poet on who how about how about uh um how about uh holloway and and Gaethje? Oh, my goodness. All right. On a final note.
Starting point is 01:34:43 What's the final note? what's the final note I last Monday I fasted for 36 hours and then six days later oh shit I did it again so today um oh Gabe what's up dude
Starting point is 01:34:58 Gabe hello Gabe yo hey hey final notes these notes Jesus Gabe? Hello, Gabe? Yo. Hey. Final notes. These notes. Jesus, your voice is deep today. Hold on one second, okay? Hold on. God, something's...
Starting point is 01:35:13 This fucking Rodecaster. You know this is the third Rodecaster I've had. Fourth. Fourth. Third new one. Let's see if we can get... At this point, I don't think it's a Rodecaster thing. You think it's me? Like I would just like technical tard technical tard i mean if you get a fourth one you think you're still gonna have the same problem technically tarded uh tt just a little tarded just a little semi
Starting point is 01:35:37 i think my i think my dad used to call me semi-retarded i think that's where i learned that and just so you know people that was back in the day when it was okay to say that word. But I was just semi. I think it's still okay. It's just who you're saying it to. By the way, for all the people that are offended, just so you know, the response that I got from people in the adaptive community in the last month has been insane. Hundreds.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Not one. Like everyone. Not one person is like, hey, don't use that word. Everyone's like, holy shit, that was so cool what you did for Tim Murray. Hey, that was so cool that you were promoting the September 19th to the 22nd adaptive games in San Antonio. Not one person brought up anything negative I said because I didn't say anything negative. Stop trying to enforce people to be offended by shit.
Starting point is 01:36:32 It's fun. It's a fun word. Just be cool. It's fun. Life is fun. You raised $3,500 to give to Tim on a random, what was it, Wednesday? Yeah. I pocketed $ pocketed 195 that was
Starting point is 01:36:46 another thing i i said i was gonna give him all the money raised i told him i was gonna give him all the money raised in the chat and i didn't nuance nuance okay how much how much did you raise eleven hundred dollars or so and then how much does youtube take uh i just i just rounded it to it what happened was is more money came in after we paid him and i wasn't gonna be like i was just done with it so i just kept it yeah i think and i and i paid and i paid the 30 to youtube so i ended up spending exactly four hundred dollars of my own money or something anyway but whatever i don't exactly you pocketed nothing if anything i think you lost in that transaction there yeah but the next day john made me a shitload of money john made 1600 bucks and i think people paid john like
Starting point is 01:37:23 700 bucks i didn't give him a dime of that. I was like, thank you. No, it wasn't your fault, Judy. It was just the money kept coming in afterwards. And I don't even care. I think everyone walked away happy. Everyone's happy. Everyone's still talking about it. Except for John's performance was pretty
Starting point is 01:37:39 good too. Pizza schmizza. Hey, can I put you on the spot? Go ahead. Are we going gonna run some sort of special um during quarterfinals for paper street coffee on thursday and friday we definitely should yeah we definitely should yeah yeah we are i like i like to give stuff to the listeners can we do like a 10 off or like uh i don't know something fun we'll probably do something crazy especially because colton's gonna be there we're just sending him A bunch of cans to crash
Starting point is 01:38:07 So uh people over there can be Drinking some paper tree coffee instead of Bullshit as rain no offense JR Or Jason Is rain still in the space I don't know I don't know but um Do you know Jake
Starting point is 01:38:23 I know Jake There's a bunch of Jakes oh no I don't know but um uh um do you know jake i know jake is a bunch of jakes oh no i don't know him i know of him but no don't know him i um i um i um he's sending me a case of spade it hasn't got here yet but i'm hoping i like it and i'm hoping that somehow i can get behind it i'm hoping that somehow i can be a part of uh spade definitely. I mean, if you want to do 100 burpees a lot slower than Colton, definitely drink Spade. But if you want to be first, definitely drink some frosting. No, you have to drink the Paper Street Coffee before. Spade is an after drink. There you go. It's an after. I don't think that drink has any
Starting point is 01:39:05 caffeine in it no i have no idea what it is no soda water it's soda water flavored soda water that's what i think of it screw it i might buy some all right test it out see if natural it's a good product for natural yeah it's a i just like supporting people in the community, especially if it's a good product. Fuck yeah, thank you, Graciano. What did he say? Oh, Paper Street Coffee added 10 pounds to my snatch. What I was going to say with the homies, if y'all can do me a favor and just Google people,
Starting point is 01:39:46 Google paper, street coffee, Cresco, and just write a review. Even if you're in like West Bumblefuck, Antarctica, just write a review saying that you had coffee at the, um,
Starting point is 01:39:58 wait, where do I write? Where do I write it at? On Google. Tell me what to do so I can do it like how do i do this tell you i how about one better yeah i'm just gonna send you a link you're on what do you get you get messages on what your your computer through your personal or through your live uh yeah if you text me if you just text me on my personal phone
Starting point is 01:40:22 boom magic fucking technology is amazing okay let me see oh so i click this link okay but okay okay yeah but that is where i'm at okay i did that but then now where do i look at? Go to the reviews. Go to the reviews. Oh, I was saying that Gabe's Gym is in the Crestgills. That's where Paper Street Coffee is. Okay, where do I go, though? What do I click here?
Starting point is 01:40:52 Reviews. It says Paper Street Coffee, Instagram, Facebook. Where do I go? Right. Yelp? Right there where it says Google Reviews. Nope, where it says nine Google Reviews right under Paper Street to your, I guess, right-hand side. Oh, oh, oh. Right above versus over guess, right hand side. Oh, yeah. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Fucking skew the metrics for me, baby. Oh, that's awesome. Write a review, write a review. It's not going to put up my address, right? Hold on. Fuck myself. I'm going to – hold on a second. I'm going to click this and fuck myself. Oh, okay. Here we go. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Clearly, comma, someone cares. This is the best coffee in the cleanest. It's about cleanest, right? Sure. Sure. Clearly, someone cares. This is the best coffee in the cleanest Business in New Jersey
Starting point is 01:42:08 There you go I dined in What did you get Coffee Other How much did you get? Coffee. Other. How much did you spend? There you go. $20 or $30.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Which dishes do you recommend? Eggplant sandwich. I don't have an eggplant sandwich. I don't know why that's there. Not anymore. Not anymore. But look, I can't even go to post unless I choose something. Can you share more about these topics?
Starting point is 01:42:46 Wheelchair accessible. Yeah. unless i choose something can you share more about these topics wheelchair accessible fantastic access access i think you might just give something that's why you can't post you don't think you need to really choose all those. For even woke people. Oh, my bathrooms are clean as fuck, fake Sevan. That's one of the things I told all of our employees. The first thing you do when you walk in is you walk into that bathroom, you make sure that shit is pristine as fuck. What didn't I – oh, five star up here. Oh, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Oh, so I'm going to take off the eggplant sandwich. Okay. Fantastic access even for woke people. We have a lot of those. A lot of those here. Alright, done. Yes, you can probably eat off the floors at Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Even their bathrooms. There you go. uh you know even 10 of your listeners that are listening right now go and do that that'd be huge for us 10 that'd be insane okay guys look at go to type in uh um here i'm gonna uh put the link here can i do it can i do that can i put the link in. Can I do that? Can I put the link in the chat like that? Oh, that probably fucked it all up. You can do anything.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Oh, look, review done, Hector. Oh, my God, that's awesome. Thank you, guys. That's huge for us. I was actually just in Chicago this weekend. We were at the Specialty Coffee Expo. Oh, how did that go? I spent a lot more money than I needed to oh what do you mean like buying stuff for your store yeah buying stuff for nashville
Starting point is 01:44:32 going direct to uh manufacturers versus wholesalers and realizing how much wholesalers want to destroy the shit out of you and just make all the money what what are wholesalers versus manufacturers? Meaning like going, like you should go to the manufacturer who makes the paper cups you want instead of like someone who buys it from the manufacturer. No, the espresso machines,
Starting point is 01:44:54 the espresso machines are like 20 grand. Grinders are like anywhere between three and five grand, depending, depending what you get. So just instead of paying 20% markup, 30% markup, you're paying little, almost no markup and going directly through them. So I saved a bunch of money while still spending a bunch of money.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Hey, when does the store open? You're opening a store at the Proven Headquarters, Tiatumi's joint. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Well, at the current rate, I might go broke before it opens. I'm just throwing money at that place. And what is the opening date? Respectively, I'm hoping June, July-ish around there. Awesome, awesome.
Starting point is 01:45:35 It just takes time, man. So before the games? Oh, yeah, most definitely before the games. We're going to be doing a lot of pop-ups there. We're going to be helping out with a few things that they have going on over there as well. So we'll be open prior to official opening date. But, you know, it just takes a long time to build something out from scratch. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Gordon, I wish that I could get you coffee into your affiliate, but there was already an affiliate who tried doing that. And his only feedback was, hey, can I sell it for cheaper? I said, I'd rather have my coffee not be anywhere near you than you try selling it cheaper than what we sell it online. Oh, oh, oh, gotcha, gotcha. Oh, he wants to sell the beans? Yeah, he wanted to sell the beans.
Starting point is 01:46:24 You don't want to do an affiliate program. What's an affiliate program? Yeah, he wanted to sell the beans. You don't want to do an affiliate program. What's an affiliate program? Anytime anyone asks me if I want to do an affiliate program, I'm like, no, thank you. Pass the savings on to the listeners. I don't want to ask my listeners, put in code SEVON, and then I get paid 10%. I want them to put in code seven and they get 10% off. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:49 I think, I think he might be saying it differently where I sell two affiliates, but I do have a product I'm working on. I told you who we're working on, on that product with right. Right. Right. Okay. Yeah. I get it.
Starting point is 01:46:59 I get it. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. My bad. Yeah. That would be cool.
Starting point is 01:47:02 That kind of affiliate program. So that product. Yeah. That product I think is going to kill it when it comes out. You guys type in paper, space, ST, space, coffee, space, Creskill, C-R-E-S-S-K-I-L-L, space, New Jersey. And then go over, and on the right-hand side, Google has a review. It's in a box on the Google webpage, at least on Chrome that I'm using. And then click Review.
Starting point is 01:47:36 It's so easy, and it's so cool. Thank you, man. I think what we'll do for quarters is free coffee. We'll figure something out. We'll give a bunch of free coffee out during quarters well i want you to make money too so you can build more stores oh please i definitely i already got someone that wants me to put something up in florida but i need to have a kid first oh all right Yeah. We'll thank you already. And you inseminated a woman already? Yeah, about six months ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:10 That happened. Yeah. So we're six months down the road. Yeah. All right. Good job. It's been, it's been hell yeah. It's been an awesome journey.
Starting point is 01:48:17 It's been really, really cool getting ready and getting prepped to be a dad. Listening to that podcast you had with Jason was pretty cool too. Hey, is her, is our, are her boobs changing oh dude crazy right amazing crazy amazing everything everything every like i think the more pregnant she gets the more like biologically you're supposed to like be enamored by them yeah and like fall in love with them yeah it's crazy yeah it's fucking amazing i can't wait i do i do have a friend who found his wife less attractive when she was pregnant and what's crazy is i found her significantly more attractive and i'm gonna be sure he wasn't you know i don't know what but i think if you're a guy and your, your biology is healthy, the more you should be attracted to pregnant women and definitely your wife.
Starting point is 01:49:08 I mean, your wife, you should, you should become uncontrollably attracted to her. The bigger she gets. 1,000%. That's what I'm going through right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Cause I'm kind of the perfect biological male and, and I'm attracted to pregnant women. So there. Have you seen your fucking stature yes unbelievable look at judy reed i miss i miss pregnancy boobs everyone misses them listen everyone misses them holy shit gabe you're at 24 reviews already dude i love you guys no we're not i fucking love you guys that is so fucking awesome 25 reviews no way and hey holy shit and hey you guys so that is so cool i didn't think that you were gonna get that many reviews um i drink paper street coffee every morning
Starting point is 01:49:59 except for the mornings when my machine needs... I go out there at 6 in the morning and it needs descaling. And then I have to pivot very quickly. But then by the time I'm done, my wife has the... I'm done with the show. My wife has the machine descaled. But they... Gabe has been around this podcast forever.
Starting point is 01:50:23 And he's been supporting this podcast forever. And he has dumped a shitload of money my way and made a shitload of things happen. So it means the world to me that you guys are doing. This means the world to me. When you, when you write a review for him, then Gabe thinks, Oh,
Starting point is 01:50:38 I'm spending my money well with the seven podcast. So, uh, trickle down economics. I really appreciate it. I never spend my money. I always invest my money. So, uh, trickle down economics. I really appreciate it. I never spend my money. I always invest my money. Oh, invest your money. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:57 The best investment. Um, I can say that a business can ever do personally. Um, it's, it's been the best investment. So I don't know what anyone, why anyone would ever talk shit about it. I know for some people it's, it's, it is a is a good fit like so it's been a great fit for born primitive it was a great fit for you it's a great fit for birth fit what do you think happened with um uh swolverine you think it wasn't a good fit for them which i'm totally okay with i mean i'm not like some fucking big buff guy that's like addicted to supplements, but I did like their supplements. I used to have them up here.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Why do you think that they weren't a good fit? Or maybe they were a good fit. I mean, I'm just taking, I don't know what the reason is why they just signed up for three months. Maybe it's just in their budget or. I mean, honestly, it's. And I'm not upset either. You know what I mean? I mean, there's totally without any judgment.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Yeah. There's no wrong answer right we can't be like oh because x y and z i just think that they didn't they weren't ready for what you the relationship that they needed to have with you like the relationship that it has to be a little bit more personal it can't just be surface level right like if if they get behind you you get behind them right pause okay but that's the thing i enjoyed them i like them i like that chick that chick alex was cool and the guy was cool i mean i i tried i even i tried to reach out to make sure that like the relationship with you guys were going better and we do other things it just didn't it just didn't pan out and you know what what? It's totally okay. Totally, I agree.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Some people might not like pregnant boobs. Some people do. Oh, you think maybe it was the content of the show that didn't align with their whatever. I think that there's more people they had to go through, not just Alex. Oh, gotcha alex wasn't the only decision maker well i'm the only decision maker bear's the only decision maker gotcha so like we can say yes we can say no and if someone says oh you shouldn't do this there isn't other
Starting point is 01:52:57 people saying oh yeah maybe it's bad for a business maybe it's this for a business like no i stand on my own two feet i can say whatever i I want. I can do whatever I want. I can call you now. I can call you later, whatever. So that's the biggest difference. Seema Beaver says something interesting. They couldn't handle the demand. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:53:14 I would have never thought that that was a possibility. But when I got behind Sogo Snacks, those are the beef jerky sticks that I feed my kids. The owner said that they couldn't supply the demand and that it actually hurt their business because then they couldn't spread it out to their regulars or something like that. And I was like, wow, because he has to get the beef from New Zealand and it's grass fed and he can only make so much. And it basically was like too much. I'd love to. I mean the perfect way we rode the wave, right?
Starting point is 01:53:46 We started with you, what, almost three years ago now? Yeah. And we rode the wave to where we are now. So we have the growing, that's one of the biggest differences with me as a business person also, and like even my team. Bro, I'll take any opportunity that's given to me
Starting point is 01:54:00 and I will make sure and I'll adjust whatever I have to do to make it a profitable outcome. Like a lot of people will be like, Hey, I can't handle this or be too afraid of success, honestly. Um, or just afraid to fail. I'm like, nah, screw it. What's the worst that can happen? I fail. And I say, sorry, I'm like, Hey, seven, I can't do this or Hey, proven. I can't do this. No. All right. I'm trying, I'm doing my best and I'm making sure that I'm putting myself and my team in the proper position to succeed. And I think that's one of the biggest issues with a bunch of other companies. Maybe they're just too afraid to fail. I'm definitely
Starting point is 01:54:37 not afraid to fail. Vindicate. If companies were just honest about the demand and the time it would take to fill the orders, they would be fine. Communication isn't hard. It's definitely not hard, but in the long run, it definitely is to be able to say like, oh, hey, we messed up. I'm sorry. Every time I mess up, I always tell all my customers, hey, I messed up. I'm going to do it right by us, whether it's send you out an exact order on the house or give you whatever it is to make sure that you're taken care of. Point blank and simple. I'll take full ownership of any issue, whether it's UPS, whether it's Paulina's autistic ass forgot something.
Starting point is 01:55:18 I'll take care of all of it. Oh, Pauline. Does Paulina have autism? Oh, Pauline. Does Paulina have a tism? Possibly. Oh, that's awesome. God, no wonder I like her so much. I'm surrounded by tisms. That's crazy. No wonder I like her so much. She's awesome. Oh, hey, you know how you were talking about james o'keefe i liked her he came into your store she's one of those people that i like the second i put eyes on her like like i just love her i love her oh yeah tell me about wait wait wait until you you spend
Starting point is 01:56:01 a little bit more time with her she becomes a little bit of a pain in the butt oh god i can't wait i hope i get a chance yeah the tism people yeah yeah they're great it's good i may or may not have hired his previous personal assistant to work in nashville wow the general manager was she at Project Veritas or with his new company? I'll tell you that off. Off of this. Hey,
Starting point is 01:56:34 yeah, I can't wait to hear that. I can't wait to hear that. Yeah, it was awesome. I was like, hey, do you want his number as a reference to call? I was like, I don't think I want his number just yet.
Starting point is 01:56:46 God. I'll get it later. He is so wonderful. It'd be interesting to see how. Wait, no. He's at a jersey too. Listen, listen, Audrey. Audrey says Paulina's a wonderful soul.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Listen, you think everyone's a wonderful soul because you're a wonderful soul. But that's it. She's a soul soul because you're a wonderful soul. But, but, but that's it. She's, she's, she's a soul. Let me put it that way. She's a soul. She has one of those. That's good. I like that.
Starting point is 01:57:15 But, uh, I'll let you do your thing, man. Thank you so much. I can't believe, I think we only had nine reviews when you went. And now that's crazy. i appreciate all you guys you guys are amazing good okay and uh yes i do love paulina she's been the second best thing i've ever done with paper street coffee just no one tell her that first thing being seven pauline is the second best thing i've done all right love you love you bye Love you. Bye. Maybe that's why. Okay. Look at, uh, look at this. There's this guy, um, I'm going to have on the podcast soon. His name is Richard Johnson.
Starting point is 01:57:57 He's the author of a book called the fat switch and he has a newer book out too. If you haven't, um, listened to that audio book, I highly recommend it. Richard Johnson, he wrote The Fat Switch and he's got another book out. But anyway, I've been chatting with this guy. I want to say his name right. I think his name is Dan. I'll just call him Dan.
Starting point is 01:58:21 I've been chatting with this guy Dan from RX Sugar. I'll just call him Dan I've been chatting with this guy Dan from RX Sugar and he turned me on to this product called Allolose A-L-L-U-L-O-S-E the healthiest sugar in the world
Starting point is 01:58:40 and I haven't done any research into it yet and he sent me some of his uh product and i'm super curious to try it i got into it with my wife yesterday because he sent me some product to try and i left it on the kitchen counter and i wanted to make some videos of my kids trying it for the first time it's called rx sugar and it's like these little pieces of chocolate that have like zero there's zero on the glycemic index zero sugar and i wanted to like see their reaction when they tasted it
Starting point is 01:59:08 my wife had already fed it to him like as a snack after swimming or something i was like son of a bitch it's my fault it's my fault uh a loose uh a bernie you you wow what an endorsement i use it all the time no shit oh it makes you fart anyway i i i can't i'm gonna have a i can't wait to taste it i've been safe maybe i'll i've been fasting for 36 hours maybe i'll taste it i'll eat it right now that i'm low carb and keto and love the lifestyle in fact i have no desire for sweet whatsoever intent to think that sugar is I'm low carb and keto and love the lifestyle. In fact, I have no desire for sweet whatsoever. Intent to think that sugar is detrimental to health.
Starting point is 01:59:50 However, could I be wrong? Could a sugar actually be part of the solution to the obesity? Wow. Yeah, that's what people were saying. Actually. Oh. Could sugar be healthy? Roadmap of this video.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Fructose, a loose... Anyway, I got to watch this video. I'll show you this guy's Instagram account. Let me see. All right, sugar. Add liberally to sweetened cereal I don't really use I don't eat anything that I would need to add sugar to We've raised the bar Satisfying your cravings and your macros I don't really use, I don't eat anything that I would need to add sugar to.
Starting point is 02:00:49 We've raised the bar, satisfying your cravings and your macros. Delicious, zero sugar, blood sugar friendly. What does that mean, blood sugar friendly? Anyway, this guy Richard Johnson wrote the definitive book basically on sugar. It's so good. Greg Fooley endorses the book too. It's so good. Greg fully endorses the book too. It's called The Fat Switch. And this guy is involved heavily with the making of this product.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Zero sugar. Let's see. Zero sugar. Zero glycemic index. Blood sugar friendly. 80 calories. High fiber. What the fuck is in this thing anyway i haven't tasted one yet
Starting point is 02:01:31 i guess i could ask my kids what they think of it but anyway supposedly this this whatever this thing is this eluso thing oh maybe i could Google that word real quick. What's the sugar? A-L-L-U-S-O-S-E. Is that? Oh, A-L-L-U-L-O-S-E. Oh, A-L-L-U-L-O-S-E.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Alulus. Alulus. Alulus is a naturally occurring sugar found in figs, raisins, wheat, maple syrup, and molasses. It's sweet like table sugar, but without some of sugar's well-documented downsides. Cleveland Clinic. Which is better for you, a loose or sativia? Stevia. A loose leads to a much lower rise
Starting point is 02:02:33 in blood sugar and insulin compared to sugar, while stevia doesn't raise blood sugar at all in those with blood sugar levels already in normal range. Which is sweeter? Which is best for you? Wow. So a loose... sugar levels already in normal range which is sweeter which is best for you wow so elusive is not an artificial sweetener it's a rare sugar that naturally occurs in fruits like figs and raisins it's about
Starting point is 02:03:15 70 as sweet as sugar so a little less sweet than normal sugar who should use a lulus uh a lulos a lulos a lulos i knew i'd get it right aulose can be a good substitute if you want to cut back on the amount of sugar or overall calories you eat. You can use it to make baked goods, frozen desserts, and your favorite drink. Since the sweetener has an extremely low sugar content, people on the ketogenic or keto diet have started to use allulose more. People who are on the keto diet eat very few carbohydrates. Allulose doesn't have many. Jesus Christ, who wrote this it's like written for a three-year-old anyway more to come that made me hungry looking at their bars
Starting point is 02:04:22 I Won't a lulos give you sweet tooth though and crave sugar fuck maybe I don't know. That's a good point. Oh I learned about a lulos from Bernie Gannon. I learned about a lulos from dr. Peter T is content He's a huge on its benefits. Thomas DeLauer also endorsed it. Oh, interesting. Very interesting. I know, isn't that funny? The guy's name is Richard Johnson. Dick Johnson. That's a fucking great name, isn't it? I know.
Starting point is 02:04:59 Dick Johnson, what a name. Yeah. It's awesome. You sound like a three-year-old trying to say Alulos. Alulos. Heidi Kroom. Sevan. Sevi.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Sorry. Sevi critiquing who wrote it when he can't even say it right. It's because I'm black. I speak with a different dialect that you don't understand. Privileged bitch. I'm black I speak with a different dialect that you don't understand privilege bitch okay love you guys see you guys this evening
Starting point is 02:05:33 I guess Dave Castro will have a weekend review and I'll see you guys this evening Heidi I did not mean to call you a bitch I mean I did but it was just a joke love you buh-bye

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