The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | April 17, 2024

Episode Date: April 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Does nobody give a shit? Is that what's going on? Just no one gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Nobody cares at all? Is this the only place on the fucking internet that gives two fucks about CrossFit? Has anyone seen one repost Anywhere of what Tim Murray did Anywhere Has anyone seen Has the games reposted that
Starting point is 00:01:32 What an easy slam dunk To fucking promote the adaptive The adaptive games this year September 19th to the 22nd in San Antonio 4-14 Tim Murray Going against colton mertens going against jake jake berman piggybacking off of the biggest uh non-sanctioned crossfit event how has nobody reposted that how is no one about that? Why wouldn't you just take that media? It's a fucking slam dunk and just use it to promote. Do you know why?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Because the people with the ideas don't actually have any fucking skills. And granted, from the view that I sit on, the greatest chief marketing officer who's ever lived on planet fucking earth. Yeah, everyone else does look stupid to me like they can't do their fucking job and yes i know i can hold a camera i can fucking edit i can make deals i can do all that stuff i get it most of you can't do shit except fucking read out of some fucking book that you fucking learned at at harvard or stanford where it doesn't actually give you any applicable skills to promoting fucking anything. How the fuck is it that this week we're running the only quarterfinals event and someone didn't see what we did piggybacking off of the great event that Barbell Spin did and try to piggyback off of me? I don't know who Alex Kazan's agent is.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I don't know who Alex Kazan's agent is. I don't know who her sponsors are, but how the fuck have you not taken Alex Kazan and found a sponsor and told Alex, Alex, every time these fucking ding-dongs at the Sevan podcast go off the air with the Colton, Jason Hopper, Taylor Self, and Dallin Pepper versus the world, that event that we're doing, every time they go off the air, Allen Pepper versus the world, that event that we're doing. Every time they go off the air, Alex, we're going to go live from Underdogs Athletics. And you're going to do the workout. And if you beat their time, we're going to give you $2,000. How has anyone not done that?
Starting point is 00:03:42 Why don't you just go over and see, oh, the Sebon podcast has no money, no funds. And in three years, they've taken over messaging for fucking CrossFit. Who the fuck are these people? You know why? Because they can't actually do anything. David, Sevan, are you okay? David, just because you're a fucking douche and fucking hiding in some fucking European country and you don't have any fucking passion to fucking do anything. Don't put it on me that am I okay? Are you okay for being a fucking gelatinous sack of shit with no ambition in your life? I'm completely and utterly confused
Starting point is 00:04:19 at all the easy low-hanging fruit that's fucking everywhere that no one is fucking taking advantage of. I almost wish I had another version of me. It would be so easy to pump someone up this week. So much missed fucking opportunities. I was just in the shower just fucking tripping just now starting the day off right Augustus Link CPA $2 thank you I appreciate it
Starting point is 00:04:54 it's so easy you could get $100,000 in publicity for a fucking sponsor and an athlete and do mass promotion for the game. Just pick one. Just pick one cool boy or one cool girl out there and piggyback off our event. Just take the Tim Murray clip CrossFit call Tim Murray and just do a sit down interview with him for like 3 minutes on a Zoom call and publish it to your fucking site
Starting point is 00:05:39 done put a little GORruck commercial in the front give something more to your sponsors than what they ask for no one fucking gives a fuck there's two things going on no one cares and no one's capable no one cares and no one's capable the people with the ideas can't actually implement them because they're not real workers No one cares and no one's capable. No one cares and no one's capable.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The people with the ideas can't actually implement them because they're not real workers. What a waste. What a complete waste opportunity. I just keep thinking about Gazan. Gazan. Raptus. Who the fuck is Raptus's agent she's a fucking YouTube superstar you put anything with her on YouTube and the shit
Starting point is 00:06:31 fucking skyrockets skyrockets everyone loves her the girl next door it's just it's nauseating I don't want I don't want I don't I want to try to be humble and just be like well hey fuck I'm so fucking great that I have these
Starting point is 00:06:57 fucking great amazing fucking ideas and I can't expect everyone to have them but it's like I don't think that that's what it is my average I expect everyone to have them, but it's like, I don't think that that's what it is. I'm average fucking IQ with just fucking a little higher than average awareness and ambition and passion. And I fucking don't take Saturdays and Sundays off. And I don't compartmentalize my life. You know, I could do everyone's job there better than them. Everyone's. mentalize my life you know i could do everyone's job they're better than them everyone's
Starting point is 00:07:35 it it what a waste seven uh they can't and they won't catch up. Keep the CEO media train growing and building. Look at what you all did built for this weekend. Your sponsors will make bank and you'll grow bigger. I know, but it would just be I would like to be part of I want to be part of something where everyone's taking advantage of everyone. they have the fucking ranch have someone go there and do it have someone local go there and do it pick another fucking adaptive athlete pick one of these one-armed fucking fuckers like casey acrey have him go against these four guys Someone told me that the $3,500 that Murray got, the two-time fittest man in the world in short stature division, that was more money than you can win at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I don't get it. I don't fucking get it. Yeah, one-armed fuckers. Now, I understand why maybe someone like Medeiros doesn't want to do it. Maybe he doesn't need to do it. He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to put it on the line, but it would be a fucking net win for him Go in his garage I don't know who his agent is either. That would be another great one go in his garage and have him do the workout after those guys And stream it live you get twice as many views as we get
Starting point is 00:09:24 Stream it right over to CrossFit Games. That's the thing. That's the thing. Jeez Louise, dude, they don't care about the adaptive. I understand. I understand. I don't care about the adaptive either. But it doesn't mean that it's not a great idea
Starting point is 00:09:44 and it's not easy and it doesn't work that's how easy it is i don't have some fucking hard-on for the adaptive division i just saw spin was doing that and i'm like fuck fuck wow oh shit tim murray that'll be great i'll love it he'll love it and the people will love it that was enough for me I'll love it, he'll love it, and the people will love it. That was enough for me. I don't got some like, I'm cool with Tim Murray. Tim Murray has more of an agenda like to,
Starting point is 00:10:15 he was able to leverage the show to get his thoughts across to change the perspective on adaptive people. I'm cool with that. I ain't got no, I don't, I've no interest in that. That's not even on my radar. But my interest and his interests collided. So I was happy that he was able to leverage the fact to bring more eyeballs to adaptive and maybe change the perception of adaptive athletes. That's great. Leverage the podcast for that, but I don't give a fuck about that. I was thinking about the people.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I was thinking about he's my friend, and I was thinking about what it would do for the show, and I was thinking about how it would do for the show, and I was thinking about how it would be entertaining for the fans. I was thinking about how it would piggyback off of what Brian Spinn was doing. Jake, Felton, Seve, you're on to something, and we appreciate what you're doing and trying. CF and other outlets are missing out on the initiatives. But it's so easy. And you can sell, you can, Medeiros could sell more rain for his sponsors.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It would feel more grassroots. It would light a fire under everyone. It doesn't even need to be high production value. Marie just set up two fucking iPhones. So we had two angles. In an affiliate. And it could all be done for free I did go to Home Depot
Starting point is 00:11:51 Uh, Savon really went to Home Depot and got some real testosterone refill Yeah, I did go to Home Depot I bought a box of nails A box of nails and some, uh, I got some mulch. My mom's blueberries are doing so much better than mine. And the only thing I could tell is she has mulch under them. And I know you're supposed to keep the blueberry roots moist at all times. And it does get really hot in my backyard. I guess you're supposed to use pine needles. Ideally. Um, I couldn't find pine needles. And so second best was wood chips. So I got wood chips.
Starting point is 00:12:28 It's like a huge bag For like three bucks Take Alex Gazan There's still time We will put up our schedule tonight It will be huge She's a superstar in the making When Alex moves You can't take your fucking eyes off of her
Starting point is 00:13:04 And if that doesn't work Because it's a girl and it's boys doing it I mean she could do the times against Fisa Goffey and the other girl Lindsay Lane Winner of the crash crucible By the way next week is the crash Crescendo over at crash I'm not sure what the streaming is going to be like
Starting point is 00:13:21 But there'll be a lot of big names there If you're in the area, it'll probably be fun. It'll be fun just to go there and watch a JR stress out. Yeah, Alexis, Alex, any of the A-letter athletes. Fine. Miss Hodge. Nice dress. Nice dress.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Ariel Lowen. Fucking A. Look it. Indeed. J.R. Howell. Yeah. For no other reason, bring a bag of popcorn and just a folding chair and go to crash and watch J.R. Just stress the fuck out at the crescendo.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I'd love to see that. Jake Felton. Buttery Bros are sellouts now. Love them at the beginning. Now they're going to where the money is. Hey, dude, they got to pay their... I don't know if that's true or not, but they got to pay the bills. I think that, I think that the kind of stuff, I don't, I don't know. I don't know this for a fact, but for me, all I have is my word and I have you guys, that's
Starting point is 00:14:38 it. That's it. The only thing that this podcast has is you guys in my word and so um and the word of the other people who are on the show right uh the suzes the calebs the uh jr howells and the taylor selves and so we have to be very careful with the sponsors that we fuck with the ones we bring in close we have to believe in and the ones we do that and then we could have sort of the outer circle. The buttery – and that's mostly because of you guys, because of the community, because we have to care about how we influence each other. But the buttery rose, I don't think you have to worry about that because their content is entertainment content. And so if they had a community – I don't know if they have a community. I just assume that they don't.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And, you know, I did not completely scour the CrossFit game site to see if they celebrated Tim Murray's movement. But I didn't, his performance, but I didn't see it anywhere. And it's a performance we're celebrating and it's an easy fucking promotion. Today's going to be a wild day, guys. Wild, wild, wild wild wild wild day i think at 12 noon uh and and i don't have a source for this other than just chatting with my buddies but i think in four hours and 45 minutes the games will release the quarterfinal workouts um someone was saying that lauren cleo said that there's going
Starting point is 00:16:25 to be five scored events uh she said that on her show i don't know if she has inside information or not um right now i think the only information we have is that there will be four i know jr was speculating a couple months ago that there would be five but i think since then he's maybe walked that back a little bit and uh they will be released. The second they're released at 12 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Shut Up and Scribble will be live. Is that the name of the show? Shut Up and Scribble will be live on the air with Taylor and J.R. Howell. They will give you their instant reaction. That might be the only programming show that I've ever had an interest in watching.
Starting point is 00:17:02 It's going to be great watching fucking Taylor lose his shit. And then JR will give you the greatest insights into the workout anywhere on the web. And then they will get off the air and JR will put together the schedule for
Starting point is 00:17:23 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Whether the athletes for Taylor Self versus the world will all go on. Maybe they'll do all the workouts on Thursday. Maybe they'll spread it over Thursday and Friday. Maybe they'll spread it over Thursday, Friday, Saturday. JR will put that together. He'll put together the final kind of rules on how the prize money is going to be given out. on how the prize money is going to be given out. And, you know, the Glinton Podcast is giving $1,000 for Fee Sagafi versus Lindsey Lane.
Starting point is 00:17:50 That'll be pretty simple. JR sent me a text this morning saying if they tie, they're going to split the money. I'm good with that. And then we'll go live again tonight with the CrossFit Games Update Show, but it'll really be just all about Taylor Self versus the The World I'm not sure who's going to be on that But I'm going to try to get JR on that
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm going to try to get Andrew Hiller on it I think maybe Chase will be on it It'll probably be a big crew tonight I mean dude The Heat 1 app The Heat 1 app This fledgling app that's like sprouting in front of our face that allows us to have greater buy-in to the games has the largest prize money ever in the app's history for the quarterfinals. $2,500. All you have to do is download it and play, and you could win the $2,500. I mean, fuck, Will Branstetter keeps winning. Anyone can win.
Starting point is 00:18:54 So then that show will go on tonight and I think that's 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And then hopefully by then we'll have a schedule for you and then we're off to the races. Thursday could be crazy. I told my wife, I said, I can't help you at all Thursday, Friday, Saturday. There'll be no dad in me at all. Wad Zombie. Wad Zombie says, please do not download the Heat One app. I want to win.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah, $2,500. And there's only four athletes. Matt Burns, Seve, where's Greg? I don't know. Bora, Bora,
Starting point is 00:19:33 Bora, Bora. I think I forgot to tell Greg we're not doing a show today. Or maybe I did tell him. Maybe I told him in person. Uh, Sousa is at a crash right now at CrossFit crash. Now I think setting up a dry run for the, for the live feed. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:03 look, there he is right there on cue holy shit that wasn't even planned he's like he's messing with his cameras let's um uh wow wow that's crazy suza wow wow hey can i bring you in live or your picture or just no? Yeah, you can. I don't know if you can hear me, though. We hear you great. Oh, you can hear me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Okay. Right on. So you're in Charlotte. Yeah, I'm at Crash right now. I'm in the back office room. I just laid out all the stuff for that wheel set up and I'm going through it now. The video part's easy. The sound's hard. You sound good now. That's just coming from my computer. Will Branstetter was... We had to fire Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 00:20:54 He got the low budget. The low budget Will Branstetter. Will had some prior obligations to his real job. He left incredibly detailed schematics for Sousa to set up the live feed and then
Starting point is 00:21:09 Will will be back Friday but he had to fly out of town for whatever his important job is his day job just piggyback off of stuff I guess the thing is, it requires people who can do multiple things. You can't just be an idea person.
Starting point is 00:21:35 You have to actually be able to do stuff. And so look at Sousa. Sousa has no experience in this. And look at this mess he has to set up. Wow, that's a serious pelican case. Hey, Sousa has no experience in this, and look at this mess he has to set up. Wow, that's a serious Pelican case. Hey, Sousa, why are those bikes roped off? Are they broken? No, they're just brand new.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And so that's JR's way of saying don't touch my shit? Yeah, I think so. It's kind of cool seeing it set up as it normally is, and not for the crash. Such a dope gym. this gym is so sweet so you're set you're in the bellows kind of right now of yeah like a little kid room area at crossfit crash yeah so that's like kind of a have you have you seen anyone yet have you seen jr or have you seen taylor or colton or have you seen anyone i
Starting point is 00:22:26 saw colton in the hotel i saw him having some breakfast down there so it's up to him in the lobby talked to him for a little bit and then uh when i got here taylor and bryson were both here um but they took off probably about 10 minutes ago what's bryson like in person have you is that the first time seeing him in person that was the first time I saw him in person, yeah. Was his shirt too big? No, he looked good. He did look good. He fills up the shirt good in person. Oh, wow, okay. Maybe it's the camera that adds it or something.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Makes it look like he was wearing his dad's shirt? Yeah. No, he's a good dude. I don't know if you heard my tirade this morning, but I'm just tripping that no one's piggybacking off of us. I'm tripping on the fact that the Tim Murray stuff hasn't been just like spread all around. It just seems like a slam dunk. And it's a great spectacle watching a short stature person do that workout.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I was packing up about David. We'd leave that. He jumped off a bridge after you gave him that dose. No, he's good. David always. David condition and take it. He's good. OK no he's good david always david can dish it and take it he's good okay he's good uh julie uh julie coddy happily married i dropped in there a couple weeks ago and almost
Starting point is 00:23:35 gave myself rhabdo oh that's it that's a fucking you should put that in the review for crash that's an awesome endorsement fortunately had to take two weeks off to recover that's awesome wow great so if i work out i'm gonna be screwed huh oh there's david good dude uh heidi krum uh david is a top and a bottom come to crash where we even give the best athletes check it out i brought my workout shoes wow those are beautiful are those the new rads yeah these are so nice wow they don't so you like those you like those shoes so much that you travel with them for workout shoes yeah yeah well otherwise i'm stuck i usually just wear vans but no i've had them for like, I've worked out them for a long time, like over a year. And that's pretty much the only thing.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Hey, so, so Vans are like, so your, your identity shoes, you identify as being like a, uh, a, um, aerosol arts guy, skater kind of, uh, um, uh, fringe guy. And the Vans sort of represent that And then when you work out You're more of a Daniel Brandon guy Yeah, that's a great description of that Oh my god Why not Daniel Brandon
Starting point is 00:24:59 You want to get real views On the Rad channel Have her do the workout How come no one's piggybacking off the event i don't know doesn't that seem like a just a slam dunk it seems like an easy thing to do yeah and we've already got gave you proof of concept you know it's works you know people love it you know people want it yeah our tim murray show is massive it makes no sense and our sponsors were so happy so think of all the people who were
Starting point is 00:25:27 happy we were happy the viewers were happy tim murray was happy the sponsors were happy like more than happy everyone was like beside themselves yeah look how organized will is he's got everything color-coordinated. Thank God for Will. I think I'm actually going to watch Shut Up and Scribble today. I'm going to try to get this set up so they can do it here. Oh, that would be cool. We'll shift it once I get everything up.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So Taylor lives an hour and a half from there, right? Yeah. Okay, so he's already there like Did he come last night? I don't know when he came but when I got here he was just like Pacing in the gym Like a caged lion So him and Bryson took off for a little bit He said he'd be back in a couple hours I'm not really sure
Starting point is 00:26:18 Alright And what about Can you Have you also heard that the workouts are going to be released today at uh 12 p.m pacific standard time i thought lauren clill already released them well maybe yeah one is it 1 p.m r1 p.m pacific time i don't know i just hope those guys are live on the air i want to watch the show because I want to see Taylor fucking come on Hinged. You know he's good for it.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Because he's just going to look – he's not going to be able to look at the workouts objectively at all. JR will look at them objectively, but Taylor will be like, which ones can I win and which ones am I going to get my ass handed to me? Yeah. Well, the cool part about it is you just get the knee-jerk reaction for Taylor, right? Like he just – whatever's on his mind, he comes out. JR processes. He's a processor. So he'll sit back and he'll analyze it. He'll look at the whole picture.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Fair and balanced. JR's a Fox guy. Taylor's a CNN guy. Fair and balanced. Fair and balanced. Fair and balanced. I think I told Greg in person that we're not doing a show Wednesday. He's in Bora Bora, but I forgot to text him. I think, or did you text him?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Oh, no, I didn't text him. When we had talked, I thought that he knew. But he's in Bora Bora. Did you see him? Yeah. You see him jumping off that thing? Hey, he looked good too, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, fuck. I don't think he gives a shit about us right now what a what a good life he's having right now oh my goodness dude he i did i did speak to him yesterday briefly and he did say the seychelles are nicer than bora bora really yeah man yeah but it's hard to beat that other that's the seychelles that he was at too it's beautiful well i'm glad i got that off my chest this morning how many agents do you think how many agents do you think there are in the crossing space you think there's 10 sounds like there's two three i mean how many people are there there's
Starting point is 00:28:26 cooper snorri and uh sneely and um o'keefe is he still an agent and patrick clark oh patrick clark jared jared jared um grace jared there's a jared wait he's he's an agent i didn't even know he was an agent there's the guy that talks shit to um tia toomey who owns the agency that cooper and o'keefe uh work for i don't know that guy's name ian clark in schmidt there's that many p there's that many people and then there's got to be more there's got to be oh there's the um um there's the guy that represents hayley adams uh with the black hair he looks uh middle eastern oh there's rashad remember him he was around for a while i don't know if he's still he was like uh forget whose agent he was I want to say he's like Ty Jenkins now or something.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Oh, Jared Graybiel. Oh, the guy who owns X Endurance. The guy who put a piece of tape on Tristan's mouth and used her tits to sell fucking X Endurance. That guy. There's Colton's agent who is Tia's agent at Australia. Okay. That's a few. Oh, there's the Benji guy.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Oh, Benji, yep. Yeah, how did I not know? I know Benji. I talk to him every time I'm at a competition. How did I not? Graciano Rubio, there's whoever Sporty Beth's agent is. I think that's James Sneely. I think that's the guy that told people
Starting point is 00:30:05 not to come on the show good dude jackass hey there's uh there's this video that uh there's a video of graciano out that i want to show you guys he fucking nails this thing where is is it? Where's that? Graciano, where's that? Um, I thought I put it in my notes. Graciano,
Starting point is 00:30:33 where's that video of you talking about genetics? I saw it last night late and I was like, Oh, here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Okay. Watch this guys.
Starting point is 00:30:42 This is, this is what I feel like I've been trying to say forever but i've never been able to say it so here take it from the horse's mouth uh the wall street weightlifter our very own uh graciano rubio listen to this listen to this it starts with uh i think a lot i think a lot of what people call genetics is early lifestyle. So you have people that they really started training from the time they could roll over. So they had a parent when they were young that was helping their development along. And when he says that, he's not joking because I gave my child a ton of tummy time, a ton of tummy time. It was like it was already about training.
Starting point is 00:31:25 It was already about doing hard things. And when I had my kid on tummy time, if my kid started crying, I'd set a timer for 30 seconds just to tell myself, hey, don't run over and pick the kid up. Let the kid work through it. And nine out of 10 times within 30 seconds, the kid would work through it. They learn how to walk well. They learn how to run at a young age. They did all of these. I just want to throw in there, too. They need to learn how to crawl well. That's how to run at a young age. They did all of these. I just want to throw in there too.
Starting point is 00:31:45 They need to learn how to crawl well. That's why they need shit loads of tummy time. Things from a very young age and separated themselves apart from their peers early on. There's been plenty of people who start off not realizing they're an athlete because they never had the opportunity to really apply themselves. And then realizing, wait, my genetics are actually great for this. It's just that no one ever provided me that opportunity to try it. Yeah, that's me. That was me. I think a lot of.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, I think genetics are totally, totally overrated. I think when he said I think genetics are just totally, totally, totally, totally, totally overrated i think genetic when he said i think genetics are just totally totally totally totally totally overrated i think that um uh your lifestyle as a child including watching um how your parents move their uh motor recruitment pattern that you build into your subconscious i'm assuming you build it in your subconscious i have no proof that, but my motor recruitment pattern isn't like, I never see it in my Ram. I'm never like, I have to consciously look at it. It's never just, just have to work hard to see it. Right. And that's an important thing. Genetics just seems to be like an excuse like being big boned big bone husky he's just husky remember the husky section yes yes i was so happy that i wasn't in the husky
Starting point is 00:33:20 section even even as a kid i was so happy husky i was so happy. Husky. I was so happy. Dan Guerrero, yes, for the average Joe like us, it's overrated, but try to make it to the NBA at 5'4". Serena Williams didn't have a genetic gift.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh, a generic gift. But she had a badonkadonk. Badonkadonk. Wow. Judy Reed, I would have never thought this about you. I used to have to wear husky jeans from Kmart. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Matt Burns, I wore husky jeans. Man. Like you'd be husky. Man, oh man. Hold jeans. Man. I thought you'd be husky. Man, oh, man. Hold on one second. Hold on. Of course the phone isn't set up. Dylan, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:34:18 Hey, Dylan. Hey, what's going on? Hey, what's up, dude? Just chilling. Just fucking lowering my – I came in hot today. Just lowering my blood pressure a little bit. Hey, is Sousa there? He is.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Hey, I tried to... I attempted to do this. It was a fucking lame attempt during the Open, but I want to do it for quarterfinals. Throughout all the workouts in the Taylor Self vs. the World, if you guys are okay with it, you know, all you got to donate is a dollar to the podcast and you'll be entered in a winning for a free pair of Savage Ones funded by Dylan Powell himself.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Wow. Whoa. Wow. If you're okay with that. Wow, I'm're okay with that. Wow, I'm totally okay with that. A fundraiser for the podcast for Seve. For Seve's kids' jiu-jitsu class. Yeah, just donate.
Starting point is 00:35:15 We can figure out how to keep track of who donates, I guess. I just did Judy. We got a Chinese accountant. Judy can do it all. She can collect the money and pick the winner and all that all that shit just let me know and i'll send it to him holy wow here's and if you donate multiple one dollar um entry entrances you get multiple um look at get with the programming already gave a dollar so if you're giving multiple $1 donations, you get multiple entries.
Starting point is 00:35:47 There we go. I don't know. I actually don't. Tyler Watkins says, is Judy Chinese? I actually have no idea. I just saw that hat on her and judged her. Hey, if she's Chinese or Jewish, you guys are good. Yeah, I agree. One way or the other. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:02 A Wad Zombie gave 99 cents. Dylan, it's your contest. Does that count? Yeah, absolutely. Oh, wow. Look at that wiggle room. Like a true fighter, you give a one pound, one cent allowance. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:17 One cent allowance on either side. 99 cents to a dollar one is the actual. Hey, what do you think about the one pound allowance? Why even have that? What's the point of that that why not just set a number and stick to it uh it's a good question uh i enjoy it but why not just make the weight class let's say the weight class is 170 right for welterweight why not just make it 171? It's psychological. It's the distinguishing factor between a championship bout and just a bout. Okay, talk to me. Because the championship bout has to be 170 pounds.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Oh, shit. I didn't know that. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So I think that's part of it. But I think it's also commission-based, too.
Starting point is 00:37:05 The commissions decide the weights and the allowances. Because in some states, on the amateur level, you have a two-pound allowance. And in some states, you don't have an allowance, even on the amateur level, because they don't want you cutting weight. Okay. So it just, you know, it all varies. But, yeah, the gold standard is the UFC UFC and the championship belt is the exact weight. So it goes off of that. And so just so you guys know, we have a little contest going right now.
Starting point is 00:37:36 For every dollar that you donate to the podcast, you will get one entry into a contest where Dylan Vowell, longtime listener, will purchase you a pair of the best training shoes in the world. Do you own a pair of Savage Ones? I do not. Oh, holy shit. You don't? Yeah, can you believe it? No. No, I just got – I have multiple pairs of Nano 2s, and I haven't ordered the Savage Ones yet. But that will be in the order when I give a when I give away these
Starting point is 00:38:09 Okay, let me see let me let me Let me see if I can Let me see if I can call my boy bear right now. Yo, we're live on... I'm sitting with Claire right now. Awesome. Perfect. My favorite. We're live on the air. Now listen, I got this guy who's a long-time listener of the show
Starting point is 00:38:39 just called in and he said for every person that donates a dollar to the podcast, they'll be entered into a contest where he will then buy them a pair of the greatest workout shoes ever made. The beautiful Savage Ones. Okay. And I was like, wow, that's really cool of you.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So we've started the contest, right? Then I asked him, do you own a pair of Savage Ones? And he said, no. And I said, well, I know a guy. Okay. You do know a guy. I was wondering maybe if you could send maybe him a pair of Savage Ones for his generous promotion of the greatest training shoe around.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Absolutely. We'd be happy to. Dang. That's a done deal. Done deal. Isn't that crazy? All right. I love you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Say hi to Claire. You got to see these D-Day shoes, man. They're insane. I'll give you a sneak peek, and then we got two shoes dropping on Veterans Day. They're going to be out of control. Okay. And tomorrow, I think tomorrow the code goes live. The discount code goes live.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And do you have shoes in stocks this time? The code going live tomorrow, Claire? Yeah. It actually, I think it actually went live tomorrow. Claire? Yeah. It actually, I think, I think it actually went live today. And yes, we're restocked,
Starting point is 00:39:51 but they freaking are going really fast. Black gum is already super low, but we have a bunch of other colorways and two new colorways just launched that are pretty cool. So yeah, we should be solid. We're definitely picked over a little bit, but way better than the last time.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Awesome. All right, buddy. Love you. Thank you. Thanks, Claire. Yeah, see you, man, buddy. Love you. Thank you. Thanks, Claire. See you, man. Bye. See you.
Starting point is 00:40:07 See you. There you go. Dude, that was cool as shit. Yeah. He's cool as shit, dude. They're the greatest sponsor. That's fucking awesome of you, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. Hey, dude. Thank you. Thank you, dude. What are you kidding? You just bought yourself a pair of Savage Ones. Yeah. Hey, dude. Thank you. Thank you, dude. What are you kidding? You just bought yourself a pair of Savage Ones. Yeah. I didn't expect that at all, but I want to continue to do this, and I'll call you later,
Starting point is 00:40:33 Seve. Yeah. Because I have an idea, something to do for Taylor Self. So we'll talk about that offline. Okay. Text me your address and your shoe size. Hey, what Bear did just now, and what you did, that was awesome. I had an old gunnery sergeant when I was in the Marines.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah. Who's a hillbilly. And anytime you did something nice for him, he'd say, well, that's mighty wide of you. Oh, wow. That sounds very hillbilly. That's an interesting compliment. Yeah. But no, I appreciate the hell out of you, man. That was cool. But yeah, we'll talk offline about those shitbilly. Yeah. But, but no,
Starting point is 00:41:05 I appreciate the hell out of you, man. That was cool. But yeah, we'll talk offline about those shit for Taylor. Okay. Send me your address. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Thank you. All right. Love you guys. Love you too. Bye. Hey, Judy, I don't know if you're going to make it through the whole show.
Starting point is 00:41:18 We are now running a, a donation contest. Judy will be picking the winner from $1 or more donations. It's actually 99 cents. There's a one cent allowance according to Dylan Vowell. And
Starting point is 00:41:35 then Dylan's been kind enough to purchase a pair of Savage Ones, which is crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. We already have $58.92. Listen, I don't need a running count. Listen, listen, Augustus.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I don't need a running count. I don't even want this. This is a time I don't want anyone to know how much money I'm making. I don't want anyone to be like, damn, Seve's killing it. Hey, what's up with the hole in the ceiling, Sousa? Someone's here. I can hear him outside. Oh.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Like scary or? No, I'm just being scared because I'm just in his office. So I'm going to creep on people when they show up. There's going to be some dude. It's just one of the ceiling tiles is missing. Let's talk to JR about that and get that fixed. Yeah, let's get that. Hey, what's the neighborhood like there?
Starting point is 00:42:26 I always picture, like, is it redneck as fuck where he lives? Yeah? Yeah. Like, they have gas stations there where it's, like, you pull in and it's not paved? It's, like, dirt? Yeah, like, goes from, like, kind of paved to paved to, like, kind of dirt. And then every parking lot seems to just run into the uh back of the like it's just like the sticks from that point like every parking lot just ends to like forest and and have you seen a
Starting point is 00:42:50 waffle house i have yes yeah i saw a couple of them yeah yeah i should have went in there last night but i went to the wrong hampton inn first so how's the hotel did hayley did hayley get you guys a good hotel yeah she hooked she hooked it up, it was great And we got some free breakfast too Wow, the continental breakfast Yep, well no, it's a little bit better than continental A little bit better You got some eggs in there
Starting point is 00:43:16 You got a little pork sausage patties Jordan Kerr Sebi, thanks for your rant this morning Help wake me up for my workout and on lack of sleep yeah no problem dude i was all fired up uh aaron fraser wow dude uh buy my pay-per-view for quarterfinals thank you no pressure on susan now uh janelle winston uh judy listen judy listen judy you know how much i love you do the right thing pick me pick me wait who gets to pick uh judy judy oh you let judy pick it
Starting point is 00:43:57 yeah she she collects the money she picks she does all that stuff does judy have a wrench i don't know. We haven't dished out wrenches in a minute. How do I dish out wrenches? I go over to YouTube? Yeah, go to YouTube. You go all the way down to the left-hand side in settings. And when you click settings, it should pop up a second menu.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And in that menu, you should have permissions. And then I think you'll have to type in her. I think I can just go to the live stream and, and. Oh yeah. You know what? You're probably right. Just go to the chat, click the little three dots next to her name and you can probably make her a moderator.
Starting point is 00:44:32 So like, um, champ pin. Oh, oh. Add as moderator. Okay. If I see her, if I see her pop up, uh, oh, um, uh, there she is. Uh, uh, there. see her pop up oh um uh there she is uh there uh can manage or block words change chat modes in live and also has capabilities of standard moderators all right fine there you go judy oh there's two levels of wrenches. Oh, snap. Wrenches are like the verified badges on our chat.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Let's celebrate their first super on... I just gave myself a heart. Oh, shit. Are you watching a video of Will Branstetter? Yeah. So he made a video for you telling you how to hook everything up? Where's my camera? That's where Will Branstetter sleeps? Oh no, that's his couch?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, that's like his living room. Wow, Will really... God, he's fastidious. Oh, his house looks nice. He's a real live adult. Let me see. Can you hear it? I can hear it. Slater is asking for a DEI wrench.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There. Fine. a DEI wrench. There. Fine. One DEI wrench. A DEI wrench. There you go. Thank you, Slater. Thank you. Balance out the...
Starting point is 00:46:18 Today at the Sebon podcast, we handed out a wrench to a Chinese woman. The first. First. First. Yeah. Our a Chinese woman. The first. First. Yeah. Our first Chinese woman. Slater, I don't know if you're the first black dude. I can't confirm that.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Jeremy's been a wrench. Yeah, probably. But we do, in honor of Caitlin Clark, is that her name? Yeah. We do have our first Chinese woman. Yes. Thank you. She wrote, I figured it was a DEI wrench. Oh, there's Slater.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Look at him, wrenched up. Chinese American. Thank you. Get with the programming. Thank you. I'm sweating back here. I'm nervous. No. Like nervous or something. No, it's just hot. The room didn't cool down last night.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I'm starting to think summer's here. Feels like it here too. Does it already? Yeah, it's nice here. Let me see the check the weather. Oh, yeah, we're heading up into the 70s. What city are you in? I want to check the weather where you're at.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Spartanburg. North or South Carolina? South Carolina. Spartanburg, like the Jewish spelling? Mm-hmm. Is it a Jewish town? A lot of Jews there? Wait, did you say South Carolina? South Carolina. Greenville, Spartanburg.
Starting point is 00:47:54 South Carolina. Oh, weather. Wow, weather. That's awesome. Oh, 68 degrees today. Oh, it's 68 degrees already there Dude it's gonna be hot as shit there tomorrow Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's gonna be 88 there tomorrow Oh and then rain dude And then you have thunderstorms Friday Saturday Sunday Sucks to be you Oh fuck Alright Damn
Starting point is 00:48:24 Hey that means Thursday dude If it's 88 there It's gonna be humid as shit Yeah for sure I don't know where these go All right I'm kind of This is gonna sound really weird
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah But I'm kind of rooting for Jason Hopper Doesn't sound weird at all And I think that I i'm kind of rooting for jason hopper it's not weird at all and i think that um i think i think he's uh underrated because remember how hard he pushed on that rower workout yeah yeah he's good at the machines and he, he pushed so hard that he fell over. He hit the wall. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. For that one workout, we made the open matter again. Yeah. Oh, make the open matter again. Make the open matter. What is the code for Born Primitive? That's a great question. I don't know. Savage 20?
Starting point is 00:49:30 Is that what it is? I could look. I could do. It's going to be overlay, dude. I know. I could do that. I don't know if I would want it to show people the overlay already, but fuck it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Where do I go to quarterfinals? Yep. Oh. Hey, listen. Before I go to the overlay, let me show you this real quick. This right here, these are the QR codes if you want to go to semifinals. Can you still hear me, Susan, with these up? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. So, guys, look, we're going to have teams at both of these.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I will 100% be at the West Coast Classic filming the behind the scenes and taylor and jr will also be there and at the syndicate crown for sure taylor and jr will be there and we'll be doing the behind the scenes i'm not sure if i'm going to be doing it and those are the qr codes to purchase tickets i know i'm supposed to be giving you a savage one discount code right now but these this is important too so uh and i'll be showing you this uh these qr codes periodically throughout the um the weekend oh there it is oh wow will made its own use code savage 20 uh for the discount i think that gets you $20 off of any purchase Dope How could they Man that's how good the shoe is
Starting point is 00:50:48 They just told me they got in a massive order Claire did And she said the gum ones are going quickly Damn I wanted a pair of those Uh Hiller told me he bought a pair of the red and black ones Oh he did Yeah I'd rock the shit out of those
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah the black and gum are sick too I yeah i'd rock the shit out of those yeah the black and gum are sick too i'm surprised they haven't come out with like a olive drab and black color you guys want to see something really funny that i should not show you guys god uh is that 45 second ad down there is that taylor's ad uh there's a couple of them there's yep that's taylor's ad we have the west coast one and then everything above it was the uh born primitive ones okay i'm gonna show you this ad taylor made for savage ones it's fucking ridiculous so bad uh um just so you guys know so everyone who donates a dollar right now to the show to my coffers to pay for my kids to go to jujitsu dylan vowel long time listener will will first
Starting point is 00:51:56 judy reed will pick a winner out of the donations the one dollar donations and um and you can donate as many times as you want and uh and then judy will get your uh or somehow oh somehow oh yeah put in your shoe size look at look at dude she should be the winner already just because oh i don't think they make a 6.5 yeah but won't we just message them for their details of shoe size and uh address i don't it seems but i get i would pick her as the winner just because she got the fucking uh shoe size already on there like hey forward thinking positive thinking right yeah oh shit that just turns on like that anyway if you donate a dollar now uh judy will pick a winner soon uh or by the time the show's over i want the black and red one so bad me too jesus nathan look at your hair my goodness you're like justin madaris meets weird al yankovic
Starting point is 00:52:49 it's funny listening to um i like listening to uh brands that are the entire time the show's going it's kind of funny okay here no no it's okay i'm serious i don't even care let me see what this is um this is like i feel like when i'm like it was in high school with like study with some friends and like you're kind of doing it but mostly you're not right right that's me setting up right now you're just you're just a complete uh distraction hey i want to call um i want to want to call Brandon Waddell real quick. He just sent me a text.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Let me see if I can get him on the phone here. He sent me such a fucking long text. I don't even want to read it. I'll just call What's up savvy, hey, what's up, dude I'll sit here watching you live and you're like hey, I'm gonna call brain and what else I'm like, oh shit I better sit down and get my stuff around. Oh, I saw your text come in. I'm like, I can't read that much That's like three days of reading for me. That is not three days. That was not even a lot. It's like three sentences.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I know. For me, that's three days of reading. It's a lot. It's a lot. Okay. Sorry for overwhelming you. So what's up, dude? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:54:19 What's the deal? How are you doing? Can you give us an update? Yeah. So, no, I got back um went to houston last week for um new scans and uh an update on like my treatment and what they're doing so um an update on my treatment i'm taking um some chemo meds um from there it's called target therapy so it's like chemotherapy but they're in the pill form
Starting point is 00:54:45 instead of like getting the stuff like injected in your veins and so those those meds target a specific protein that is causing the cancer mutation and for things to like progress so that's what the meds are targeted to do. They're targeting that. And so I'm on my normal dose, but to expedite and try to help that, they've got me in a clinical trial that takes those current meds that I'm on and boost them up to like a non-FDA approved dosage. So like a lot of them, like a lot of meds,
Starting point is 00:55:23 basically like if a little works, how about a lot? And so I've been on those for a month now and they wanted to check the progress. So they did a brain and spine MRI. And to follow up on what originally happened, the cancer spread, it was like lungs, liver, spleen, all the things. It's in my spine. It was in my brain. So I did some, I did brain radiation and all that. So they're, they're need to know what's, what's worked or what's not. So they're going to like review the MRIs. They're going to do them again. So the, I had nine tumors in my brain and 12 on my spine. And those are like super like worrisome because if they send cancer cells
Starting point is 00:56:10 into your cerebral spinal fluid, then you're basically kind of like you're done. Like you're just going to, you know, pretty quickly go away. But so they looked at those and some of those tumors were like small, but you know, small in your brain is still really big because it's your brain. Right. And so, um, they have showed, um, positive shrinkage or getting smaller. So they're responding to the medicine. So some of the tumors in the brain, um, the brain were getting smaller. So from like one of them was like six millimeters and it had gone down to like five millimeters, which one millimeter decrease is still like pretty significant. And some of them that were two millimeters and one millimeter were completely gone.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Like they couldn't see anymore. Congratulations. And so, yeah, that was huge it was huge and then um the 12 on the spine were some of them were kind of the same they didn't necessarily go away in the spine but they appeared like kind of like hazy kind of like a fatty deposit so instead of it looking like a tumor when they put the contrast in so they can see the difference in it and the rest of my body, um, it kind of showed up as almost like they said, almost looks like a ghost. So you could say clinically speaking,
Starting point is 00:57:36 you could say that the, the chemo retarded their growth. It definitely retarded it. And nothing like you that, and that is a, you do want to retard a tumor. I like that Yes, yes, you know I was in band growing up and so we we practice retards all the time You know to just slow down, you know in the music so it's slowing down the tumors. It's retarding my tumors Hey, was that a word they used it. Tell me a retarded music. I just typed in retarded music Is that a yeah that a word they used? Tell me, retarded music. I just typed in retarded music. Is that a term in music? In music, underneath the score, the actual sheet music, in some places it will say retard, and that tells the musicians to slow down at that point. Wow. Wow. I fucking love that. And then as a kid would you laugh like when your crossfit
Starting point is 00:58:26 coach says snatch yeah of course yeah of course okay wow if you don't there's something wrong with you wow yeah okay yeah exactly means you have no sense of humor oh yeah uh retard delay or hold back in terms of progress yeah there you go i wonder if when my mom's teaching the boys piano if she uses that word maybe i mean if the music says it you have to you know it's what you're supposed to do yeah um all right so are you feeling optimistic very you know the the pa the physician's assistant that we were seeing in the doctor they were like they were kind of shocked to see such positive movement so soon with the meds that they, that they don't normally see this
Starting point is 00:59:13 aggressive of a response this soon. So that was, it was super encouraging. And they were like, you know, this is, this is kind of room to celebrate and a reason to, you know, kind of to really be optimistic. Like, you know, not that people haven't told us to have hope or to be optimistic about it, but, you know, this is clinical proof that the meds are working. And so then they immediately changed my next visit to include a full body PET and CT scan so that they can see what the other tumors are doing, which I wasn't due to have one of those for another month. So then they moved it up sooner because they want to see if the other tumors had, you know, retarded. Thank you. Thank you. I wonder what the rules are. I know there was a Twitter poll and it said that 86% of the people approved of the use of the word retard were 14% found it offensive.
Starting point is 01:00:15 But I wonder if you're talking to someone who's going through severe cancer therapy and it brings humor to the conversation, if I get some leeway from those 14%. I'm wondering what the – I 100% would agree with that. Okay. It's probably – I'm in like the 95 percentile now. Absolutely. Well, I appreciate you letting me use you as a shield, your situation as a shield. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:41 If I stood in front of you, you would disappear because I would, you know. That's how much coverage you give me? Yes. You would be dwarfed by me. I would dwarf you. Brandon, well, you already dwarfed me that time that I was trying to snatch a hundred pound dumbbell and you were nice enough to send me a video of you one arm snatching a 135 pound bar belt you douche nozzle um uh brandon my sister wants to know if you've looked into chris work i remember he was the guest on the show i told you about i just wanted to let yes i just wanted
Starting point is 01:01:14 to commit to you okay cancer or yeah big cancer that's yeah yeah okay no i follow him and and read and listen to and and follow a lot of all his stuff. Okay, cool. Awesome. All right, buddy. Uh, I love you. Uh, stay in touch.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Thanks for the updates. Um, and I'll talk to you soon. Yep. Thank you. Yeah. Bye. Early,
Starting point is 01:01:35 early listener, Brandon Waddell. I used to call him Brandon Waddle. He had to, uh, he, he knows I fucking can't read. This motherfucker knows I can't read. I used to call him Brandon Waddle. He probably thought I was joking. No I fucking can't read. This motherfucker knows I can't read.
Starting point is 01:01:45 I used to call him Brandon Waddle. He probably thought I was joking. No, I can't read. I don't read. There you go. He sends me a text and forced to call him. So I'm going to show you this born primitive ad that Taylor made. He was so thankful at how generous, he was so thankful how generous born primitive has that uh taylor made he was so thankful at how generous um uh he was so thankful
Starting point is 01:02:07 how generous uh born primitive has been to him like sending him the shoes and stuff and he truly loves the shoes and he loves the shirt by the way i wore the there was a family that came over for the ufc fights and i had not seen them in a few months and i was wearing a born primitive shirt and the lady and the lady who came over the mom of the kids that came over she goes oh you look ripped i'm telling you those shirts are good shirts but sure if someone if i'm wearing that shirt and someone says you look ripped then you know that's a uh that's a good shirt anyway i'm going to show you this um if you want to win the shoes if you want to win the shoes you got to donate a dollar the more times you donate a dollar the bigger chances you are of donate a dollar. The more times you donate a dollar,
Starting point is 01:02:46 the bigger chances you are of winning. Maybe say something nice about Chinese people because the lady who's picking the winner is Judy Reed and she's Chinese. I think she is. She wears a Chinese hat. Anyway, look at this commercial. We know, forward-facing in the media space,
Starting point is 01:03:01 Taylor's got to be the most authentic person there is. And I wouldn't say he has no filter. His filter, I think he even tries to use the filter and that shit comes out the way it does. But anyway, watch this commercial here real quick. Watch this. I've been using the Born Primitive Savage One for a few months now, and it's now the only shoe that I wear. From row climbs to Olympic weightlifting, I'm able to use this shoe in all of my training, coaching classes all day. Over the course of the past few months, it's been virtually indestructible. And after doing 30-foot row climbs, I can't get the shoes to tear or the shoelaces to come untied. The Savage One has a super wide toe box, which is really comfortable for me. It's important to mention that Born Primitive is an American veteran-owned and operated company who
Starting point is 01:03:43 continues to stand behind and support our american service men and women don't forget the savage one is now back in stock you can get 20 off using the code savage 20 at born the only one stopping you is you wow it's not as bad as i thought when he sent that to me i was clowning his shit, it's actually pretty good Wow, okay. All right, fine. Fuck it. All right. I go back on my word whatever Yeah, he made it from i'm like, hey, dude, why didn't you just do something like more like yourself?
Starting point is 01:04:24 But I mean that's all stuff tay Taylor's told me on the phone, too. And he just met, yeah, Marissa Hanosa. Yeah, pretty good. Yeah, fuck it. Whatever. All right. I was wrong. It must have been mood.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Look at Caroline. Pretty good. I was, I guess that was just mood dependent. I'm like, Jesus, dude, why are you trying to sell the shoe? But I didn't get that vibe at all this time. I want to see if Sousa. Sousa. Yo.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I know you're busy, but did you watch it that time? Did I watch what? Oh, never mind. Sorry. Okay. No, no, no, no, no. Ignore me. Ignore me. Ignore me.
Starting point is 01:05:06 We just played the Taylor commercial, and it's way better than I thought. Is it? Dude. Okay, that's good. I was kind of staring at his body the whole time. The guy's fucking a brick shithouse. His quads are nuts. I think we'll have an audio test in a minute here, too.
Starting point is 01:05:22 That's fine. We're here for you, buddy. Thank you. Caroline M., I love Taylor, too. That's fine. We're here for you, buddy. Thank you. Caroline M., I love Taylor. Yeah, what's there not to love? I, um, a dad called me yesterday, texted me yesterday morning and said, hey, I'm taking my girls surfing if your kids want to come.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And my kids went surfing in the morning. It was so fucking awesome. It was so nice. I'm so glad there's actual dads out there that do stuff with their kids instead of like me just sit around, sit in the van. And he took the kids out and it was pretty cool. And then one of my boys that was out in the water had tennis lessons. The twins had tennis lessons.
Starting point is 01:06:11 And one of the twins was still out in the water. So I made the audible. A little football reference. Tell my testosterone to go up. I made an audible. Similar to what Tyson Bajent would make. I made an audible. And I just tookajent would make. I made an audible. And I just took one of the kids to tennis and left the other kid there.
Starting point is 01:06:29 I called my wife and she stayed there with the kid and let him surf. I figured like, I think it was his only second, that particular kid, Joseph, was his only second time surfing. And he caught three waves. So I made the audible. I made the audible. That's a football reference for those of you who don't know. That's when you change the So I made the audible. I made the audible. That's a football reference for those of you who don't know. That's when you change the play up at the line when you see something that causes you to think that the original call was wrong.
Starting point is 01:06:57 So I made the audible. God, I just feel my testosterone skyrocketing. Gowad. God, I just feel my testosterone skyrocketing Go WOD I wish I could pronounce the name of the owner Go WOD is giving away $2,500 To the winner of the Heat One app event You guys should download that now I'll remind you guys tonight too
Starting point is 01:07:18 Maybe we'll do it with JR again But basically you gotta put in The show's gonna start early on Thursday Like early I think like 6am Pacific Standard Time Or some shit like that But basically, you got to put in the show is going to start early on Thursday. Like early, I think like 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time or some shit like that. And. And so you got to download the app now, you want to download the heat one app, you can do it at the app store. Shit, I'm going to go look right now and see if he even has it set up so you can start picking now he won
Starting point is 01:07:46 and I think that there's a schedule tomorrow is a pretty packed schedule uh for the locker room boys there's so many shows going on and I think that there'll be a schedule released either at spin or I get with the programming so you can see the schedule. I don't see anything. Oh, picks. Oh, leaderboard. No. Taylor versus the world. Oh, there's a button on there. Taylor self versus the world. I don't think you can make your picks now.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Oh, you can't make your picks now because maybe JR hasn't put in the details. Let me, fuck it. Let's call Tyler and find out what the fuck's going on. When can you make your picks? Because it's going to, the window for making the picks is gonna be small and like i said go wad that's the thing that you use like if it's like teaches you how to stretch or something stretching programs that guy over there the tebow guy yo hey we're live what up hey when when when if the show starts tomorrow, shouldn't we be able to make our picks now? We don't know any workouts yet.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Oh, shit. Okay. All right. God, no wonder you're the CEO of Heat One App. So you need to work out so that you can put them into the app so then we can pick who the winners are. Yep. Fucking awesome. We're going to set lines and different sort of bets based on the workouts. Because if there's a lifting workout,
Starting point is 01:09:07 everybody's kind of going to be watching Jason and Dallin. So it's like, okay, we can play different games with that. So we need the workouts first. All right. Okay, thanks, dude. So it'll be up by tonight's show? Yeah. As soon as we get the workouts, we'll start cranking,
Starting point is 01:09:23 and I'll let you know as soon as they're in okay thanks dude yep bye well that makes sense you don't know what you're betting on and you don't know what you're betting on how was i not able to figure that out i guess i guess in the same way i wasn't able to figure that out the agents and the people at hq and the athletes can't figure out how to promote themselves. So maybe I need to be a little more compassionate. Strike everything I said in the first 10 minutes of the show. Maybe everyone just is good at what they're good at. Dylan Val is giving a pair away. We're 21 minutes away from giving away a pair of Savage Ones. 21 minutes.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And all you have to do is donate a dollar to the show. I bet you I can get in trouble for that. Someone report me to YouTube. Well, he was collecting money to do a giveaway. It wasn't my idea. And then you guys saw the code. We'll put the code up also. I don know what i gotta switch over here again and then there's this code right here use code savage 20 maybe the code what there should be a secret code for $25 off. I love Taylor.
Starting point is 01:10:58 How do I go back? Standby. Technical difficulties. Susie, you really think I'm going to be able to run this During the show Run what The banners and No no I'm going to do all that Alright
Starting point is 01:11:14 Are you still in the Oh you moved it back you're on the 22.0 We're already reaching our first snag Because this shit I have to download something specifically for Mac on this. I caved and bought a pair. Robbie Gilmore.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Hey, I'll run tests with you anytime you want today. Okay. So many banners. Oh, yeah, yeah. Did you see this one? Look at this. So it is loud and, guys, it is loud and guys it is loud and live
Starting point is 01:11:47 that is putting on the quarterfinals and i showed you this one already too right look at this one west coast classic i will be there may 24th to the 26th when is that shit that's gonna come fast that's in a month you can purchase your tickets now i believe Colton Mertens will be there. Working out, kicking ass. I will be there. Taylor will be there. J.R. Howe will be there. And then down below, you can also buy tickets for the Knoxville event.
Starting point is 01:12:19 The Sebon podcast will also be there. Tons of behind the scenes. Kevin Smith going for a pair of, uh, Born Primitives. He's pretty pumped. Is that Elon Musk next, next to you?
Starting point is 01:12:32 This might. And I do believe, uh, Heat One is working closely with, uh, the West Coast Classic and the Syndicate Crown.
Starting point is 01:12:46 And, uh, working closely with the West Coast Classic and the Syndicate Crown. And from what I'm hearing, there will be even significantly more money from GOWOD for the winners of that. But we shall see, right? 2,500 is already, we're breaking the record. GOWOD is helping the quarterfinals on the Sebon podcast, Taylor Self vs. The the world break their record For he won at most money given away So
Starting point is 01:13:22 We heard from Gracia no we heard from Brandon Waddell. It's like a celebration of the Listener's Day. And we're giving away a pair of Savage Ones. of the uh listeners day and we're giving away a pair of savage ones look at listen uh on in in in in honor of taylor self versus the world happening on the uh east coast of the north american continent over there in the what we affectionately call the south hillbilly state I would like to play you this incredible clip in honor of J.R. Howell Taylor and their homeland, the South. And I would like to show you a tremendous, as President Trump would say, a tremendous representation. This is white privilege at its best here. Listen closely. I didn't get it on video. I wish I would've.
Starting point is 01:14:32 But my son just thumb punched that by himself with his thumb. But this is actually, this is a historical footage of Taylor and his dad when Taylor was just a little kid. This is a historical footage of Taylor and his dad when Taylor was just a little kid. This is a historical footage of Taylor and his dad when he was a little kid. This has not been seen in many places. It's a Mountain Dew, by the
Starting point is 01:14:54 way, TikTok. Go ahead and shotgun that for them. I wish I'd have got that on video. He thumb punched that, bro. I love it. That's my man right there, well this is the diet taylor was raised on much love much respect yes i might tell y'all something i didn't get it on video i wish i would have but my son just thumb punched that by himself i don't think my kids could do that and that is why taylor's so strong. From a young age, he was thumb punching. And that's how he got his nickname, people.
Starting point is 01:15:27 That's how he got it. It has nothing to do with his fucking head. Dude, that's actually me and Bryson. That's not my dad and me, dude. He thumb punched that. What's up, player? Dude, that's weird. Bryson uses ways for his directions, which is completely stupid.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And so when we were driving here, it took us through the fucking holler of Spartanburg. We drove through a little crack den. We passed a guy on the road who was wearing a white dude, was wearing all black, New York Yankees flat brim one pant leg pulled up and he had eyeliner on dude if we pulled over he would have tried to stab Bryson in his butt no he would have tried to suck Bryson's dick for a dollar hey listen
Starting point is 01:16:15 anytime anyone thinks there's white privilege in this country just remember there's the south just remember hey so what's crazy is I was speaking to Sousa last just remember there's the South. Just remember. Hey, so what's crazy is, is I was speaking to Sousa last night and it was like, he was driving in a foreign country. He's like,
Starting point is 01:16:31 dude, dude, he must've said, dude, like 30 times. And he, dude, you're not,
Starting point is 01:16:35 you can't understand this. The roads here, everything's different. It's weird. And look at you live there and you're tripping. Is it really that weird where Jr lives? No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:16:43 There are parts of Charlotte outside outside Charlotte, that are similar. But when you get back into, like, when you get back into the deep south where there's, like, there are places that you just would not. It's just a different kind of poverty. Just different. It's a different kind of poverty. Yeah. Like outhouses. like outhouses like uh meth just straight up meth houses uh like you could it i don't know how to describe it it's there's
Starting point is 01:17:18 more space because people aren't quite living on top of each other everywhere. But it's like, dude, you just don't even want to go there. I remember, um, 2010 or something. I was visiting rich and I was somewhere down there in Tennessee and I pulled into a gas station and the gas effort I pulled in there and the gas station had dirt floors, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:38 like where the pumps are, it wasn't paved. And then I went inside the place and it wasn't paved in there either. So like they had all the shit like Oreos and everything on the shelves, but that wasn't paved either the dirt floor Gas station convenience store and I was like wow This is I don't need it came believe this is America. Is this is this audio better? Yeah, that's nice Okay, not better. No, they're both good. They're both good. Okay, so the nice okay not better no they're both good they're both good okay so the oh here's here's oh he's on yeah come on man get in get in here we're talking about the dude uh bryson's car took us he used
Starting point is 01:18:11 ways to get here and we drove through a crack den dude there was a hey have you guys seen that picture of jr dressed up for halloween but it's really just how he actually used to dress. This is how that guy was dressed. Oh, that's not cool. Here, dude. JR's going to go work out, I think. He's doing something. Hey, stay here, though, Taylor, so we can do a sound test. I think Sousa wants you to make sure those earphones are giving you audio. Will you just put one of those on?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Are you hearing me through the computer now or through the headphone? I'm hearing you through the computer. Here, I can uh here I can fix this I have some technical capabilities Audio hey dylan vowel called today and anyone who donates a dollar is entered into winning a pair of uh savage ones And um, and we're going to pick the winner here in 12 minutes. Hey, dude, I watched your commercial again The second time through it was much better Dude, shut up. in 12 minutes. Hey, dude, I watched your commercial again. The second time through, it was much better. Dude, shut up. I'm serious. I liked it.
Starting point is 01:19:09 I did. It was the same thing. Why did you hate it the first time? Maybe just the mood I was in. Maybe like when I'm behind my phone texting, I'm like super judgmental. But when I'm on my podcast, I'm more relaxed. I don't know. I think we did a pretty good job.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Yes, yes, yes. Can you hear me too? Yeah. I thought it was good. Awesome. Hey, how much is this Sony A camera? This is what I want to get for my podcast. Yeah, you should get it. It's a dope camera.
Starting point is 01:19:33 The 6700, what does that thing run? I think it was only like $1,300, $1,400. Only? Only. Okay, next year he'll put in the budget for 2025. For everybody that donates $1, we will tailor a camera. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Oh, I see. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, we got a commercial for GoWad so that we can thank them for their generous donation to the Heat One app.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Oh, this is awesome. Okay. Sousa, that's more work for you. What's that? What am I doing? We have a commercial from GoWod. Oh, yeah, I saw that. I got two to upload.
Starting point is 01:20:19 That's cool. That's fine. Dude, this setup is crazy. I got to take a picture of this. I know, right? I don't even do you thank god for will i followed that video and you're setting this up now but this is just a test you have to take it all down and then reset it up somewhere else no no we're gonna
Starting point is 01:20:35 leave no no we could break it down i'd rather break it down and put it back together i'll do that probably four or five times before we do the actual show because that's not the room where the show is going to be right no no no i'm just out of the way here so i could be on the podcast listen to you set this up and be on the way of classes and interviewing with the gym at all we'll do the live announce we'll do that we'll do the live reaction to the quarterfinals workouts uh in here i think uh it's giving me an error not letting me donate oh. Oh, today. Okay, so that is the show. So you and Jay are going to do that show today. Hey, how do we know, Taylor, what's our evidence for the show being,
Starting point is 01:21:10 the workouts being released in three and a half hours, three hours and 39 minutes? How do we know that? That's what Brian Spin said. I trust that guy. Okay, so he posted that somewhere on the Barbell Spin. I asked him. I texted him.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I said, hey, when are quarterfinals workouts going to be released? He said 3 p.m. Eastern, 12 p 12 p.m pacific okay and then you guys will go live you guys will basically go be live at that time regardless and then just hitting the refresh yeah we're going to be live and then we're going to be uh hitting refresh on instagram and the in the web page um to hopefully go over them and then we've all barbell spin also just posted something allegedly uh it's locked in that there's not going to be five scores it's four workouts So hopefully go over them. And then we've all, Barbara has been also just posted something. Allegedly. Uh, it's locked in that there's not going to be five scores.
Starting point is 01:21:49 It's four workouts, four scores. Oh, okay. Four score. And seven years ago. Yeah. Big ding dong Khaleesi yesterday,
Starting point is 01:21:59 apparently on some show, nobody watches talked about there being five scores for workouts. So shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. Do you got me on this? I do. You sound good. Can you hear me? Beautiful. Yeah shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. Do you got me on this mic too, Sevan? I do. You sound good. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 01:22:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Let me test one more. Taylor, are you feeling – so this time tomorrow you could be working out. Yeah. I worked out this morning. You feel ready? Yeah, I'm nervous.
Starting point is 01:22:23 He looks ready in his Savage ones. You guys both got them you look great in those shoes i got new ones too though i'm gonna rock for the for game day hey seven i think that those shoes are gonna be my uh my connector identities they're flat and agile like vans but they're sturdy and incapable like oh really so for your day-to-day identity you might rock that's that's my day-to-day. When I wear shoes, I wear those. I wear the Savage ones. Dude, I love these.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I do, though, love Vans. See? But they're not competitive. They don't compete. They don't compete. No. Have you ran in Vans before? They suck for running.
Starting point is 01:22:55 I ran seven miles one time in a pair of Vans. From the cops or something? Brand new pair of Vans. Got the worst blister on the back of my head. I was in Vegas on Fremont Street. I'm just nervous. I'm kind of nervous. Sammy, Moniz, Matt O'Keefe, and Cooper Marsh run Boston Marathon.
Starting point is 01:23:12 It sounds like Cooper fucking had a meltdown. I hope he's okay. He had an emotional meltdown? How fitting. No, dude. Someone was reading his post to me and it said he had 108-degree body temp. That sounds like he could have more brain damage than he already had. Yeah, I bet he's definitely voting for Biden now.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Sorry. No, that's fair. I don't know if he voted for Biden the first time, but definitely 108 degree. That seems about right. I don't see the details of... Oh, details. Is it here, Brian? I think it's in the spin. First window, Wednesday, April 7th.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Four plans, affiliate lesson plans. Dude, Will built something out of PVC and wood to hold the receivers for all of the mics. I want to see where it's written. I want to see where it's written. Isn't it weird that you go to barbell spin for CrossFit news? Dude, we're going to fucking murder this week.
Starting point is 01:24:20 I'm so excited. Just all these mics. No one's going to be able to get the dude Can you see me what happened to me? I can't But I can hear you I hear you good Uh It's in the beat oh it's in the beat
Starting point is 01:24:37 Dave headline okay okay okay And it's been so good I'm sure That he's probably Ready at a moment's notice to put up a schedule. Let me see. Okay, here we go. Thank you. We think we overheated.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Oh, here we go. Oh, look at this. Hey, look at this. Hey, look at this. This is pretty funny. In total, CrossFit and GoRuck will give away 12 pairs of shoes and training gear. Or right now you can just get a pair of Savage Ones right off the bat from Dylan Val. Hey, I don't see. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Here we go. The drawing for the winners will be held April 30, 2024 at 12 p.m. Pacific time. Winners will. No, that's not what I give a fuck about no it's not in here it's the 12 people that's he did the math barbell spin did uh 12 divided by four equals three prizes per purse per per workout and that's why he said there's only four scores. Oh. Yeah, he did some math that apparently CrossFit couldn't do when they were releasing this information. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Oh, shit. In 2024, an individual if you beat Dave Castro in a workout, where does it say they'll be giving away three per workout? It says if you beat Daveave castro the giveaway
Starting point is 01:26:06 will award three lucky athletes who said oh shit oh shit they're tardy hey dude yeah that's i did someone said it's fitting that i'm a black square when the camera turned off this morning uh bryson i'll i go hey if one of the workouts is a max lift i'm gonna post a black square to instagram and i'm not gonna register hey dude with the money ca peptides gave away you could uh during the um uh by the way ca peptides is putting up five thousand dollars for the winner of taylor self versus the world quarterfinals five thousand000 for first place. That's steep. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I wish she would have told me that off air so I could have pocketed a G 5,000. And then all the other costs, uh, everything else is being covered by, uh, born primitive, which is just absolutely amazing. That breakfast that Susie ate this morning, Born Primitive paid for. Nice. Hey, what'd you have for breakfast, Sousa? Sousa, you got a rental car? Eggs, potatoes, and
Starting point is 01:27:12 pork sausage. Eggs, potatoes, pork sausage. Sousa, do you have a rental car? He does. Ford Explorer. Ford Explorer paid for Born Primitive. Every pair of Savage ones that you buy with your discount code code a few pennies of that will probably go to suza's rental car uh one more thing you only have three and a
Starting point is 01:27:35 half minutes to enter this contest nice to win the pair of savage ones given to you by dylan vowel wow suza crazy now check it boom switched there's suza wow wow look at that oh he's going into the gym take it for it take it for a spin just go into the signals great dude the signal's great there's some dude from uh going to the gym and try to catch that guy from uh guys we just bought wireless receivers and transmitters oh this is amazing yeah you're good god suza this is wild dude that is crazy we're going to murder there's reagan lindsey somewhere working out there's some big dude with a jufro working out dude we could film the fucking crossfit games wow his gym is nuts dude this this looks like a movie set yeah why is that backwards do you see what i'm saying hey suza see how far you can go see if you can go outside this is nuts
Starting point is 01:28:31 these transmitters are insane oh bryson tell him to see if he can go outside i wonder how we can make it so he can hear us well he just has to have oh that's a good question i don't know because the the headphones aren't wireless the mics are wireless the headphones are wired so i wonder if you just have to connect but i don't think airpods would reach that far you know my god so there's just a there's just a transmitter on that yeah camera with the gimbal where and the receivers just... He's going outside. Oh, the sunshine. He can't... I'm melting. Yeah, he doesn't know how to... Change the exposure.
Starting point is 01:29:10 ...fix the exposure. He just needs to change the exposure. I don't... I don't know if we have him, though. Tell him to come back in. Wow, this is wild. He stopped for a second, and he's fucking with the exposure. He's looking at it.
Starting point is 01:29:24 We'll go back in, like, five. Can you see the image He's looking at it. We'll go back in like five. Can you see the image he's looking at too? No. I just have to switch. Okay. We sent him a new monitor that should have arrived at JR's yesterday. Look at JR cleaning. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yeah. Well, he's not cleaning. He's just really just blowing. Oh, look at JR in the foreground. JR in the background, and then he panned through some beaver working out. Oh, my God. Dude, that's – oh, here's the guy with the jufro. The reveal.
Starting point is 01:29:57 This is a brute guy. It's a brute athlete. Disgusting. Wow. How sick. Back to me. Uh uh-oh didn't work the kids cameras timing out our cameras like no no his this looks great no i'm talking about my camera see now i'm black squared again oh yeah we're back let me let me turn it what do you do you just hit the top like focus button or shoot button i think i turn it off and turn it back on.
Starting point is 01:30:25 It's what I did before. Yeah, you're on me now with that one. Let's see. God, that's good. We're stoked. Hey, Seban, could you see that whole time? Did the camera drop off at any point? No.
Starting point is 01:30:38 It went outside. There was one. There was on the way back. There was one time it went black, and then outside we couldn't see because it was overexposed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just the ISO needed to come way down because it's fucking is way blown out. But that's dope, right? Dude, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Incredible. Hey, dude, if that camera had a mic with those HDMI, with those those Hollyland transmitter receivers, would those transmit sound too? Yeah, because I think we can hook up a wireless and drop it into the monitor here and then just have it on the camera we'll try it we'll try it why doesn't that why did why couldn't we hear the audio just from the camera's mic because the audio is coming in through the mixer only through the sound so we'd have to oh somehow figure out or put that on a separate channel and then run it in the mixer and we might even have to go in the back end of StreamYard to switch which setting it's coming in from if we change it outside of this mixer. Dude, it looked perfect. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Yeah, I'm stoked. We got two of those. Two of those cameras? Yeah. Whoa, where's the other? In the other room. Holy shit. And we have two wireless cameras now.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Two wireless cameras. And I have mine with a 16 millimeter. So it's an extra wide, but we got to figure out why it keeps dropping off. I think it might be a heating issue or something. Yeah. Yeah. It might be shooting in 4k.
Starting point is 01:31:54 We could probably drop it to 10 80 and it might solve that problem. Hey, and Sousa, um, those, those, those transmitters are just both hooked up to the back of the, uh, um, black magicmagic, the receiver side?
Starting point is 01:32:08 Yeah, so Will made this in a little setup here. He can't really see. Oh, that one's this way. Yeah, so he attached these. These are the receivers here. And then these receivers come in, and they attach together into the Blackmagic. And then he also made it so they tap up to this little ghetto power port that he has. So these things stay powered.
Starting point is 01:32:29 And then he set it up on the rig with the Sony A7. And then we could swap it. Now you could see Bryson's holding the camera there. So now that's on the wireless one that he has. And then this other setting, when it keeps dropping off to that, that's hooking up to another wireless that's just not turned on right now. Jonathan Ortega,
Starting point is 01:32:53 SUSE changed the heat settings on the 6700 to extra high so it doesn't overheat. Okay. And the 4K thing might be also very... Yeah, I've had issues with that before, with shooting in 4K and having overheat. Ironically, it never overheats USB-C,
Starting point is 01:33:09 but for some reason it overheats HDMI. Pedro was having the same problem with his, even though his configuration was the same as mine. I wish I was there. Okay, listen, ladies and gentlemen, this is your last chance. In a minute, we're going to do the drawing. Judy, are you around?
Starting point is 01:33:23 Judy's going to pick the winner. You donate $1, you get a pair of Savage Ones donated by Dylan Val. Also, at this time, Born Primitive is paying for the show, along with CA Peptides, that you're about to see over the next four days. Here's the discount code for the Born Primitive store. SAVAGE20. All capital SAVAGE20. And although
Starting point is 01:33:52 they did put in a massive order of new shoes, we did just speak with Bear Hanlon on the show earlier, and he said they're getting picked through quickly. So SAVAGE20 is the code. And Dylan was nice enough to call in earlier today and be like, hey, dude, I want to do something. Can I give away a pair of free Savage 1s?
Starting point is 01:34:13 I'll buy them for a listener. So there you go. Let me see if Judy's in the comments here. Judy, are you there? Look at all. Look at Kim Walters, Samantha H., Rob Fit. Who's this? Sarika.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Ashley. Dusty. For Swim Lessons and Savage Ones. Yes, Swim Lessons. Thank you. William Miller. Lloyd. Samantha lessons. Thank you. William Miller. Lloyd. Samantha H.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Jamie Latimer. Never enough Jamie. Jessica Valenzuela. Matthew. Matthew Ward. Okay, Judy. We have names and entries into a randomizer. That can't be true, but let's pretend like we do.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Look at, wow. Do you really have something called a randomizer? This is not inclusive to people from Trinidad. Oh, that sucks. Show has its limitations. Okay. Look at Enrique with the shoe size Noriega Are you French?
Starting point is 01:35:32 Okay Augustus Link CPA found it Wow Wow She put them in the hopper Hey How do you know Judy how does it know to pick people
Starting point is 01:35:41 Just people who've donated money Oh Trish With the Little racial stab Judy, how does it know to pick people, just people who've donated money? Oh, Trish, with the little racial stab, Judy has a wonton hopper. It's nice. Wow. Jeez Louise, guys. Wow. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Look at that back. My wrong. Very professional. Yes. Just talked to colton he sounds uh tired he sounds a little beat up in the travel he's he's running slow this morning me and bryson already worked out three hours ago dude god he's in trouble dude i was edging this morning. I was riding that line so hard of like, this is going to put me on the ground. Oh, in the workout? Yeah, it was just some echo bike and skier. Just started from the beginning, but I reposted Tim. Maybe you'll get there.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Wow, look at you. Wow. Wow. Hey, Trish. The captain's in the house. Dude, is that real? Yeah, from the training think tank god. No, I'm saying, is that the real Trish?
Starting point is 01:36:50 Oh, who knows? Trish, what's your husband's name? Post in the comments. Who's getting up in that ass? What's his name spelled correctly? Corey Leonard, CTP. Good dude. Damn right. Oh my god, dude. That's so ominous.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Okay. Yes, I am real sweetie. Dude, that's crazy. Tyler Watkins from the Heat One app. Tell Bryson I'm going to show him how to work out in a regular size shirt when I beat his ass in quarterfinals. Is Tyler coming here? I think he is talking sick i know you guys are stoked i'm starting i'm i'm i would like to see you guys but i'd really like to see the setup
Starting point is 01:37:33 hey you know what i'm really bummed about though tell me i'm bummed that hillers with will leahy and hillers not here oh let me tell you let Let me tell you. I bet you Hillers bum too. He can't say it out loud. But let me tell you. Look at all this fucking loot. I'm getting rich by a dollar at a time. Wow, Summer. Look at your outfit.
Starting point is 01:37:57 America. Ryan. CrossFit proverb. Hello, Jen. Your bob cut. Hal Roberts. T-Bird. Did Judy pick a winner yet?
Starting point is 01:38:15 What the fuck is going on here? Rook. She's just letting more money roll in. Eddie Alvarado with the Jiu Jitsu kids. Jiu Jitsu. When do we cut it off? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Now. Now. Hot wings. Look at that. Hot wings. How are we supposed to send a pair of shoes to hot wings? Hey, if you're under a size 7, you're screwed by the way, I don't think they or under an eight even I don't know if they sell a seven
Starting point is 01:38:52 I think their shoes started in eight unless maybe you're a girl Very adequate Okay, give us one minute. All right right i'd love to give you one minute i don't know how you're going to do the hopper remember only the people who can yeah i don't know how you're going to do that okay here's travis uh travis from vindicate what's up guys what's up dude i'm just fired up in the giving mood oh i'm in the giving mood I'm in the giving mood. Oh.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I'm in the giving mood. However, we're going to do a giveaway and shut up and scribble. Oh, yes. Yes. Okay, hold on one second. Hold on one second because your line's choppy. Let me reconnect you. Let me reconnect you.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Is that Dylan? No, that's Travis from Vindicate, V-N-D-K-A dot com. Let's freaking go, baby. Yeah. So it sounds like there'll be a giveaway at uh 12 noon pacific standard time today too travis when you hear us start talking again i just reconnected the phone oh i can hear you now okay go ahead what what giveaway at 12 noon pacific standard time i'm not gonna say what it is but it's not going to be anything off my website it's going to be something from one of your generous partners for quarter vinyls wow and it won't be shoes so is it is it what i drink every morning it is not oh this is not this has not been given away on the show before. Wow. Is it ball powder?
Starting point is 01:40:28 It's the Toothian ball powder. Wow. Never been released. Am I able to call in during Shut Up and Scribble, or is there no way to call in? Savon will just have to get on with us. Look at how bad he hates that I'll post it in the comments And you guys can just pull it up
Starting point is 01:40:53 Taylor do you guys not own a A call in thing No we don't I don't even know what that is I have to tell you We have to figure that out Send me one and I'll look it up I have a nice mic i just need
Starting point is 01:41:09 a different camera um but i need a i don't i don't really need anything you decide what we need look at uh look at the cb this other people want to get in the giveaway hgr cbd athletics how about a couple giveaway prizes during shut up and scribcribble? Taylor picks them, so you got to stroke them off. Carl, text me. We'll definitely do that. Send me a text. Damn. You're on a first-name basis with this guy?
Starting point is 01:41:31 Yeah, he's our sponsor. He sponsors our show, bro. Oh, of course he does. I'm going to do the same way you guys did for this show. It'll be through donations. Oh, wow. So whoever donates gets entered in. you guys did for this show, it'll be through donations. Whoever donates gets entered in. Judy Reed picks the winner for the Paraborn Permit as given by Dylan Val.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Sub on the winner is Jordan Kerr. We sent you a screenshot of the randomizer, etc. we used. Did you text it to me? Hey, check this out. Do you not have my phone number? Jordan Kerr. Oh, Sarah Cox wants to give away a peptide.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Wow. On Shut Up and Scribble, Sarah? Wow. Yeah, we should do it. We should do it on Shut Up and Scribble. Hey, tell Dale King to get on this, too, because he commented on your Instagram post as Doc Spartan. And I was like, hey, we know a guy for a ball powder sponsor for me. And get this, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:22 We know a guy for a ball powder sponsor for me. And get this, dude. I've been using testicular powders in some form or another since I was 13 years old. I'm not kidding, dude. My balls are so – you could ride my balls like a miniature pony. And having testicles that big and thighs that rub together. Well, I started with Old Spice talcum powder. And that stuff definitely gives you cancer. But they don't even make it anymore.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Then I got into the Gold Bond market. And the standard powder is like, meh. The extra strength feels like your balls are on fire. And then Lizzie bought me some of this with her Mitoothian, the Doc Spartan. It's incredible. It's incredible. It's crazy. That is crazy. Are you sure you haven't been putting Matuthian on your balls?
Starting point is 01:43:14 Yeah, this is Doc Spartan, bro. Trust me, I know. Okay, listen. Taylor, you had – Taylor had an epic ad read for the CBD stick last week on where he was's Tribble where he was using the extra that was on his hands. One second, one second. Jordan Kerr. Okay, I'm concerned that you're not going to be able to get your shoes. Thank you, Judy, by the way, and thank you, Augustus Link.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Step on the winners, Jordan Kerr, because my DMs are such a shit show. So what I need to do, what I need to do, Jordan, here's what I need to do. Hey, do you want him just to have to either DM the podcast or DM me and I could filter it from there? Yeah, DM Sousa. And Judy, I'm going to see if I can just send Judy
Starting point is 01:43:56 my fucking phone number right now. I can't believe she doesn't have my phone number already. Let me see. Is Jordan Kerr a DDI win? Yes. He is? That a DEI win? Yes. He is? That's a black dude? No.
Starting point is 01:44:08 That's not what that means, bro. That's clearly what that means. He's a dwarf? That's not what that means either. I was thinking more along the lines of Hispanic since Dave's a DEI hire. Oh, oh. Oh, I'm typing. Judy.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Okay, Judy. Oh, Judy. So I'm sending you my phone number, Judy. Text 252. I'm supposed to be programming right now. Hey. Okay, bye. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:39 See you at noon. See you at noon. All right, bye. Taylor Self versus the world, guys. Thank you, Taylor. Hey, we were going to get Colton in here to talk a little crap, but he had to go to the bathroom first and now Taylor's walking out.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Colton just got here. Of course he is, pussy. Okay, Judy. Judy, I just sent you my phone number. So text me address for Jordan and we'll get him the shoes. Oh, and size.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Oh, Jordan's a cop. Even better. Even better. Yeah. I love a cop. Okay. So,
Starting point is 01:45:12 uh, Travis from vindicate. We'll have a prize today at noon. See a peptides. The, uh, the giving the $5,000 away to, um,
Starting point is 01:45:22 Colton Mertens when he wins this weekend. And Taylor selfers the world. And then Doc Spartan hasn't said that they'll give something away, but we'll make them. Doc Spartan. He's giving stuff away too. Who is?
Starting point is 01:45:40 CBD. Oh, CBD. Yeah, CBD. What was that guy? CBD Charlie. CBD Carl? CBD Carl CBD Carl CBD Carl Holy shit How much money did I make on this stream? And Brandon Waddell will be giving away a vial of
Starting point is 01:45:58 chemotherapy Two chemotherapy pills he'll be throwing into the pile. What's up, dude? Bye, Travis. Thank you. I'm excited. Thanks for pumping up the show. I appreciate it. Dale King will throw in some fentanyl from Portsmouth, from Portsmouth, Ohio. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I don't know, dude. That may have been too harsh. Even I have my limits. Hey, Colton, who takes care of the pigs and the farm and all the duties while you're here? Because you're here. What is today? Today's Wednesday? Yeah, Wednesday. Dad's taking care of the pigs while I'm gone, and Allie's taking care of the wiener dogs.
Starting point is 01:46:44 And does your dad hate you for that probably is he like because he got his own shit to do right yeah they've been in the fields right now i just started planting like in the last week but um we had a bunch of tornadoes and stuff go through and a bunch of rain so they're gonna be out of the fields for a few days seriously you had some tornadoes yeah there's a bunch of tornadoes like a couple miles from our house last uh yesterday did you see them could you see like could you see the spinners or was it too messy the storm too messy i didn't see them i was i was out of uh the state i flew out in the morning, like a couple hours for the tornadoes went down. The flight was pretty rough.
Starting point is 01:47:28 It was turbulence. Were you on a Boeing? No, I was on a super, it was a pretty small plane, like four rows. Um, it was like a JT or whatever.
Starting point is 01:47:39 I don't know. But, um, yeah, I had to hold onto my chair. He was throwing me all around. No shit. Yeah, when we were leaving Iowa because the storm was coming in.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Did it scare you to where you were praying? Were you like, God, I love you. I'm sorry I don't spend enough time talking to you. Stuff like that? I was like, man, I should have just drove. That's a more practical response. Hey, all kidding aside, your job is hard and so when you leave do you get concerned like maybe your dad like can't do it like like fuck dude this could
Starting point is 01:48:13 break him no he'll be all right um i usually get things pretty well situated before i leave um get things all tidied up and then if there's any like like go take care of all the major stuff and kind of let the smaller stuff go until I get back. And then once I'm there, then we'll take care of all that. Um, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:48:34 the, the format's not even close to being set, right? Meaning they're going to announce the workouts today. And, um, uh, from what I'm hearing the word on the street,
Starting point is 01:48:44 you and Dallin are just like whatever just tell us when to go and we'll go and jason and taylor fucking losing their minds but it's shit's gonna get weird after 12 p.m today right then the just you that that thread you're on is gonna get heated right between those two it's always heated between those two they they pretty much argue all day on their back and forth about the most ridiculous things. But, yeah, they've been going back and forth about what time to do the workouts, what schedule to do them with. And I tell you, I don't envy Taylor. It's hard arguing with Jason. It's just like a big toddler does not respond to Jason.
Starting point is 01:49:22 So do you have a – what's the conventional wisdom or the preference if there are four workouts is the goal to get them all done on thursday and friday or to stretch it to saturday or can really nobody say until we know the workouts um you can't i don't think we could say for sure until we know them but i think ideally we would do two on thursday two on friday and then give ourselves some time to redo workouts if we think that maybe we can get a better time on one or if we look at our video and something's messed up it'll give us a little bit of leeway to you know then on saturday we can redo one before that first deadline and then even take like a rest day and redo another one on mond Monday if we need to. Is, um,
Starting point is 01:50:05 are you, does it stress you out that you and Dallin are the forerunners or do you like that? Or I know in general, probably you're, you're not seen as a forerunner. Maybe you're seeing like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:50:15 this guy's going to have to work extra hard. But in this competition, you and the fittest man in America are like, people are like, yep, it's going to be one of them. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:50:24 it's kind of the same with the burpees the other week. Oh, good point. Yeah, you were just supposed to win. I had all the pressure on me there, but I'm not really feeling that here. I definitely want to beat these guys, but, again, my goals are more internal. I want to push as hard as I can on every workout and kind of open new doors mentally with the intensity. And then we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 01:50:50 I just want to execute really well with some things we've been working on that I've been working on with Amy from Target Nutrition as far as eating and timing and things like that goes. So this will be a good experience to get some of those things tried out and then ironed out before semis. Who are you doing your nutrition with Amy? It's called target nutrition. Yeah. Target nutrition with Amy farmer. And how'd you meet her? Um, my manager, uh, Ricardo Betty, he set me up with her. He she's, she's the, also the nutritionist for Ikowski. Oh, wow. I see part of you in two ways. Part of you, I see you as an open person and willing to try new things,
Starting point is 01:51:34 but I also see you as like, fuck you, leave me alone, I got this. I used to be a lot more the fuck you, leave me alone, I got this. But I think I'm not so ignorant to think that I know all these things at a high level and know them better than some of these other people that are specialists in their field, like Amy and like Joey with Proven for the programming. And, you know, I started working with Amy and with Joey at pretty much the exact same time, right after Waterpalooza. And I really just had to decide like if i'm going to do this i need to let all my like my kind of controlling tendencies go and just do
Starting point is 01:52:10 exactly what they say um because i trust that they know these things better than i do and if um if i'm going to work with them i need to give them the benefit of the doubt and the respect to say i'm going to do everything that you tell me to do exactly as you tell me to do it because then that's the only way that i'll know if it's going to work or not. And so far I think it's gone way beyond my expectations, way better. And big picture, how has it, what are the things that have changed in your diet? Is it what you eat or how much you eat or when you eat?
Starting point is 01:52:42 Like just real big picture. But are there, are there things that you were eating that they're like hey don't eat that anymore um not really it was uh so basically we sat down and had a meeting and just talked about like what i was eating typically like day to day and how my body felt and then like a couple days later amy sends me back like his big sheet it's like here's your options for breakfast. Here's your options for lunch, so on and so forth. But big picture, it's been more carbs and it's been more eating like with the timing with carbs around training and also learning how to balance.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Like when I have a big day at the farm, when I have to like load pigs in the morning or wash a barn all day, I need to. That needs to be reflected in my diet. I need to eat a lot more to support that, and that's made a major, major difference. I don't want to give too much away. My nutritionist, Amy, she's a straight-up G. We can't give away all of our secrets. So you're eating more with her? Yeah, definitely more.
Starting point is 01:53:42 It's definitely more calories, but then it also leads to significantly higher intensity i'm able to repeat that intensity more days in a row whereas before like i could get out one good day where i hit like a couple pieces really hard and the next day i'm like okay maybe i could do one of these really hard but then after that i just can't recover but now i'm able to recover a lot better and bring higher intensity so then you're actually able to bring in more calories because you're burning more calories so then you're actually able to bring in more calories because you're burning more calories and then you're not gonna be putting on additional weight unwanted unwanted weight dude well awesome that's awesome uh congrats that's really cool so fine-tune even at this even at this stage in the game you're still fine-tuning
Starting point is 01:54:21 and we still have a long ways to go too we've only been working together for a few months and you know we're still working on the big picture things and um we're learning how my body reacts to all of it and you know like this time next year is going to be totally different again just keep on jumping levels um uh so you'll go and um and there'll be these four workouts and then the winner gets $5,000. Has any part of you spent that money already? You're like, yep, I'm going to win that, and I'm going to get two new wieners. No. The old saying is don't count your chickens before your eggs hatch.
Starting point is 01:54:59 I'm just focused on the competition and focused on the things that I need to do and come out here and beat up on these dorks. Any chance that any of them could get in your head? Jason, no. Dallin, probably not. I have the most respect for Taylor, so maybe, but also probably not. Like, the thing is, like, most people, I don't know them well enough or I guess view them in high enough regard that there's nothing that they're going to say that's going to really affect me. There's really probably only a few people in my life that could say something to me that would really get in my head.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Because especially like with being an athlete and being on social media, you have to kind of decide who you're going to give that power to you can't give it to random people in the comments you can't give them that power over you and if you do let that affect you um you know if you're offended by something they say they say then you're complicit in the offense they can't you know make you feel bad without you, you know, agreeing to that mentally. And, you know, I just, I don't, um, the kind of like stubborn, uh, like pricking me is like, I don't want to give you that power over me. So every time you pick up your phone, maybe that's the mantra to have. I'm going to start doing that. You will not have power over me. Okay. Straight to Instagram.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Power over me. Okay, straight to Instagram. Yeah, try it out. All right, dude. Good luck. Thanks for coming on. I'm pumped. This is really, really cool.
Starting point is 01:56:33 We were talking earlier. This is a great thing for you guys. This is a great thing for the viewers. It's a great thing for the podcast. It's a great thing for the sponsors. It's a win-win for everyone, and I appreciate you participating in it. i think everyone's going to leave uh happier regardless if people place first or fourth um i think the sponsor like i said sponsors are going to be happy viewers are going to be happy you guys are going to be happy i know i'm going to be happy so thanks for thanks for participating uh every piece is
Starting point is 01:56:58 like integral to this we need it all for those pieces we need the watchers we need the money we need the athletes and we need the platform. So thank you. I appreciate you, dude. Yeah, man. I know that us were are really grateful to be here and do this. And no, there's a lot of people now they're getting kind of jealous that they're not out here doing these things. And some of you just went in for the prize first. We said yes, before we even knew there was a prize for, so you dorks stay out of
Starting point is 01:57:21 here. Good point. Good point. All right. Colton Mertens, ladies and gentlemen. Always been a, I kind of think of the Sevan podcast as the home of Colton Mertens. Always been, he's always been available to us. Fuck, dude. It's crazy. It's crazy what, it's just synergy. I mean, I know you guys know all this.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Those of you who've been listening to the podcast for a couple years now. But we've been on Colton's jock for a long time uh oh look my mom good luck colton that's awesome hi mom uh it's been it's it's been a fun growth because the the podcast was um goofy and and when it started and colton was goofy when it started and we've kind of um grown up together and embraced our goofiness together. And then here we are today. So those type of relationships are crazy, crazy valuable to me. Yeah, it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Okay. Thank you to Born Primitive. Thank you to Bear Hanlon and Claire over there for just jumping on and giving away a free pair of shoes today. Thank you, Dylan Val, for starting the process of giving away the free pair of shoes. You guys are awesome. Thanks for all of you who threw money at the podcast. That's really
Starting point is 01:58:36 cool. CA Peptides. CA Peptides. These are the people. So at 12 o'clock, we started a storm here. At 12 o'clock, CA Peptides will be giving away some BBC 157. Vindicate will be giving away some mystery prize. And CBD Carl from, God, I wish I could remember the name of the company. But they are a sponsor of Shut Up and Scribble.
Starting point is 01:58:57 They will also be giving away a prize. And maybe I could even have a bug. Should I call Dale King right now? I'm about to go work out at this noon class, and then we're going to be all HGR CBD. Thanks, Brian. HGR CBD. Yeah, thank you. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:59:15 HGR CBD will be giving away a prize. That's all at noon. And on top of that, the real reason you're going to be there is to see Taylor lose in JR, break down the workout. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see what we can do here.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Call Dale King. Okay. Call Dale King Okay fine fuck it I'll just speak for Dale King We will also give away Now you gotta remember those guys We'll also give away some ball powder And a jar of metuthion Is that good Sousa Ball powder and a jar of metuthion. Is that good, Sousa? Ball powder
Starting point is 02:00:05 and a jar of metuthion. Oh, he can't hear shit. Okay, so I'll also throw that in there. Metuthion and ball powder from Doc Spartan. Alright, I'm gonna shut this thing down and then I'll call you in a little bit. Okay. You're my friend, Sousa. Oh, yeah. What happened?
Starting point is 02:00:24 No, nothing. I just wanted to let you know you're my friend. Oh, hey, you're my friend, too, yeah what happened no nothing i just wanted to let you know you're my friend oh hey you're my friend too all right all right thanks bye adios adios okay um any other stuff uh there's just so much so much to to add. Uh, okay. I'm going to go play with my kids for a couple hours. Um, and get this stuff organized. Uh, we have two more, uh,
Starting point is 02:00:49 big shows today. Uh, thanks to everyone, Brian. Thanks for letting us know. HGR CBD. Thanks for everyone who contributed to the excitement of the show. And,
Starting point is 02:00:58 we'll see you guys all very soon. Uh, we are three hours away from, uh, Taylor and Jr. Coming on. Maybe I'll come on to talk to you guys soon. Thank you See a peptide. Thank you. Sarah Cox. Love you guys. Bye. Bye

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