The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | April 30th 2024

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. There was no show scheduled. This is crazy. This is stupid. Why is there a show right now?
Starting point is 00:00:40 I have Tuesdays all off. Good morning. Hi. Nice to see you guys. How are you guys? Robbie Myers. Hi. Nice to see you guys. How are you guys? Robbie Myers. Hi. Savvy sitting back laughing at us more on still being in the chat for a non-show. No, I wish I could do that.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Instead, I got a text being like, hey, dude, you had a show scheduled 15 minutes ago. I felt my back tighten up. And I yelled at my wife, make me a coffee, god damn it. And I ran into the studio What's crazy is this morning it was like six uh 54 my wife goes. Hey, man, you got a show in six minutes. I'm like now I got tuesdays off. I'm cool shit I got tuesdays off Thank you, babe
Starting point is 00:01:18 Haven't even had a coffee yet. I just came on to say hi for a second Yeah, someone texted me. Is your internet broken? Thanks. Appreciate it. No, I'm a douche. I don't know what happened. I think what happened was the Russell Berger hoodie color.
Starting point is 00:01:39 The Russell Berger show was scheduled last week. And then sometimes when we have to move a show around temporarily we'll just move it down a week and then i guess it just got forgotten down there uh this show brought to you by augustus link cpa if you need your taxes done augustus can do them he's a non-drug user a crossfitter just an all-around good dude. I got tuesdays off until uh, I don't Yeah And i'm just joking. I don't know. I just I just tried to clear tuesdays up for uh, so susan would have his show on tuesdays I don't know what's happening
Starting point is 00:02:21 I'm, just gonna come on and say hi to you guys for a second Did you guys for a second. Did you guys see the Tucker Carlson video on Instagram where he interviews that guy Alexander Dundungan? Does anyone want to tell me about that interview? Are Tucker's interviews behind a paywall now too? What's going on over there? I kind of want to see that interview. paywall now too what's going on over there i kind of want to see that interview um it says that uh the biden administration is banned is actively tries to ban his books from
Starting point is 00:02:54 being for sale and then i started looking around for audio versions of the book and i couldn't find it i was like wow i wonder if there's some truth to this uh heidi good morning hi uh busy getting the show uh standee of the day getting the first standee of the day i wish i wish i thought about it i thought about getting a standee today but uh it's 7 25 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Jake Chapman presenting some science here on the show early. Since I've been using metuthium, my erections have been 4% harder. Well, good. Chris, creating a platform where people waiting to hear what you have to say, which you really just plagiarized from Instagram is pretty cool. Seve, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Is this true? Is this true? The Mike Tyson and Jake Paul fight is now officially sanctioned. You want to hear something crazy? You want to hear my delusions of grandeur, Corey? I think that fight, I should, I should look really quick i i think that fight i should i should look really quick i think that fight is on netflix right uh netflix uh tyson so if you're just a member do you just get to see that is that how that works is that just to generate people to sign
Starting point is 00:04:20 up netflix tyson uh jake let's see what it says um uh jake paul versus mike tyson is officially on netflix how to watch jake paul versus mike tyson the event will be available to stream on netflix do you have to pay extra for it or is it pay-per-view that's what i want to know um is a jake paul tyson pay-per-view. You guys will probably tell me in the chat before. Paul 27 and Tyson engage in an exhibition boxing match. You're saying it's sanctioned now, so it's not exhibition. At AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas on July 20th.
Starting point is 00:04:59 The bout will be streamed globally by Netflix, but not come with a pay-per-view price tag. Okay. Dude, what a... Love that beanie. Thank you. You can get it at Vindicate. Vndk8.
Starting point is 00:05:16 What a... What a cool... They just need to pick up the Kill Taylor show right now. That's it. They should just pick up the Kill Taylor show show right now that's it just they should just pick up the kill taylor show it would crush do you want to know why look at this if you if anyone here thinks that um taylor's ever like going too hard um look at this shit taylor taylor taylor is this generation he is like he's the masculine side of this generation he got all the masculinity that's um look at this clip i'm about to show you
Starting point is 00:05:55 this i mean taylor is gold like right before the show starts. Taylor will just say some shit like. Hey you know. I'm probably going to go pretty hard. He says it all calm. And then all of a sudden the show comes on. And he just goes fucking berserk.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Here we go. Look at this shit. This shit is gold. This is Pat McAfee. He had a little podcast. And now he's got a fucking 150 million dollar contract. With ESPN. And he talks shit directly to their executives. Listen to this shit. This is awesome. Here we go. he had a little podcast and now he he's got a fucking 150 million dollar contract with espn and he talks shit directly to their executives listen to this shit this is awesome here we go
Starting point is 00:06:30 so this is a football game and i guess they're doing the podcast live at the football game like up on some stage and i i don't and this guy pat mcafee has like some regular guys who are on his show all the time right like three or four guys hey fuck the lions and fucking troy you guys gonna be chanting hendon hooker in two years i don't know what that means hendon hookers but whatever you guys are losers! And third one. Let's go Lions! Let's go Packers!
Starting point is 00:07:11 Let's go Lions! Let's go Packers! Let's go Lions! How long have you been doing this? I've never worried about the fucking Lions, and today will not be the day that I start. Jordan Love's going to put his big old dick on every one of your sore heads
Starting point is 00:07:24 for the next 20 years. These people in Detroit did deserve it. They came at me first. All right. We'll be back on Monday. Dick on the forehead. Dick on the forehead. God, that guy's fucking awesome. I don't even know who Jordan Love is, but he's going to put his dick on the forehead god that guy's fucking awesome i don't even know who jordan love is
Starting point is 00:07:47 but he's gonna put his dick on that he just told the crowd hey uh that jordan loves he's gonna put his dick on your forehead oh my god i need a bible in here i need to do i need to i need to do bible readings like i do from the Tao Te Ching. When taxes are too high, number 75, Tao Te Ching. When taxes are too high, people go hungry. When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit. Act for the people's benefit. Trust them.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Leave them alone. Trusting people is important. My kids are starting to realize that there's people you can't trust, but it doesn't matter. You got to transcend that shit sooner you do the happier you'll be and i'm not saying you don't learn from people that just keep betraying you or they can't be trusted but like and it's not even smart to word it like that that they betray you okay so like i have a friend who just can't be trusted okay so he's the friend who can't be trusted i still trust him when i can I still try to set him up for success so so many so many
Starting point is 00:08:53 good things on Instagram right now so many funny things I had a couple stay at my house over the weekend they said two nights at the house. They have two boys. They're from Berkeley. They hate Trump with a passion. They just hate him, right? They just hate him, hate him, hate him. And they lived in the neighborhood that I used to live. And the cheapest home there is like now is like,
Starting point is 00:09:25 I bought my home there in 2011 for $400,000. My home there now is probably worth a million and a half dollars. And, um, by the way, I paid that, I paid that home off. I paid that home off the day I was fired from CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Can you believe that? I got a 15 year loan and I paid my mortgage twice a month. And, uh, so I was was telling the story about how in 48 hours, Adam Schiff, who's running for U.S. Senate, was robbed in San Francisco, how the mayor of Los Angeles, her home was robbed, and how we watched on live TV the security guard of the mayor of San Jose all get attacked. And I was basically like, hey, you know that shit won't happen if – that shit will go away once you start electing Republicans into office. We'll start getting pride back in our police departments. The police will start being allowed to do their jobs. Prosecutors in the DA office will start putting people in jail and the things will get safer and they hate what's crazy is that they align that they align with everything um that's conservative they hate the fucking school system they're so bummed at all
Starting point is 00:10:39 the things that their kids being taught tranny shit oh you want to hear one of the things they told me i'll get to the the real cool thing in want to hear one of the things they told me? I'll get to the real cool thing in a second. But one of the things they told me is their kids in the third grade, right? At Berkeley Unified School District. And their teacher is an open Marxist. And there's no guidelines on what the teachers can and can't teach. It's just like open, right? So the teacher's teaching the kids about Marxismism and the values of marxism and she
Starting point is 00:11:05 has like a sign on her classroom i'm a marxist call her hi hello call her hello i don't know what happened to the caller they're kind of on there i hooked the phone up i don't know why i can't hear you anyway so they stay there they're at my house for a couple nights and then they go home and the father calls me and he goes hey dude check this out and i go what he goes there's a Anyway, so they're at my house for a couple nights, and then they go home. And the father calls me, and he goes, hey, dude, check this out. And I go, what? He goes, there's a homeless guy on my neighbor's porch. His neighbor's house is probably worth $2 million.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And the neighbor's sleeping on the porch, or the homeless guy's sleeping on their porch. So the cops come. It takes the cops an hour to get this fucking drug addict fucking criminal off their porch and they can't get hello hello so finally the cops finally the cops get the drug addict uh criminal after a drug addict uh thief professional thief off the porch after an hour the cops leave the drug addict criminal comes back on the porch and starts sleeping on there again five Five minutes later, the cops show up again. They get the guy off the porch again. The guy leaves. Five minutes later, he comes back again. This happens four times. Four fucking times.
Starting point is 00:12:18 When is it like, hey, dude, you're you're what's it called? Like you're trespassing. Take him to jail. Call her. Hi. Hey, Seve, what's up, man? What's up called? Like you're trespassing. Take him to jail. Call or hi. Hey, Seve. What's up, man? What's up, dude? How are you? I'm barely awake. I'm having my first sip of Paper Street coffee live on the air right now. This morning. I haven't even had coffee.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Heck yeah. It's a great morning. Just wanted to say I love you. I love the tooth powder. I've been on the tooth powder for about a month. Life changing, like you said. Hey, what about this? What about this crazy shit?
Starting point is 00:12:44 You know what fucking Tyler Watkins told me yesterday about the tooth powder he goes dude i just finished my first jar of tooth powder i'm like awesome and he's like but hey dude i think it should come i think you should sell mouthwash too mouthwash yeah i think i think you could definitely expand into into other other streams i mean isn't mouthwash just beta shit isn't mouthwash just a total scam like it makes you feel good for like a second and then it goes away and just produces bacteria in your mouth it could but we need we need to pump those funds up for till taylor man that was an awesome show oh my god dude i'm telling you that show very soon is going to be 2000 i'm telling within a year that show will be two thousand dollars a week with rollovers it's going to be it's going to be incredible i can
Starting point is 00:13:30 tell you my wife looks at me every day like i'm crazy a different box shows at my house first it was the tooth powder then it was the born parent of savage ones then it was the colton plushie oh you did you got the stuffed animal oh yeah how is awesome oh cool uh yesterday after the show i got to talk to um john's wife and uh she showed me a bunch she was mailing out we were trying to think of something else she could do like maybe she should make one of his teeny weenies what's his dog's name his dog has a name right like uh his main dog is i think so But I mean like that that just kind of writes Itself I mean let's do that yeah Let's do that yeah um the so
Starting point is 00:14:09 He said in any way I'm uh I I don't know I I just feel like a A mouthwash would betray The whole point of the tooth powder is just to Be healthy but the the she She sold a shitload of those I want to help her Do more uh during semifinals I can I can tell you
Starting point is 00:14:26 i i ordered it you know it shows up great quality my son loves it uh the sisters are trying to fight him over it so it's it's great how many kids do you have i have three wow good job hey what was the name of her instagram account um in uh i want to see if I can find her account. It's Mustard Seed Crochet. That's right. I think there's an underscore in there somewhere. That's right. Mustard.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Mustard. I'll probably just type in mustard and it'll pop up. I don't follow any mustards besides her. Oh, yeah. Here we go. All right, Debbie. Have a great rest of your show. I just wanted to call you and tell you that I love you.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You're the man. Thank you. Congratulations on the three kids. You're a good dude. Appreciate it, man. Okay, bye. Bye. This place, Mustard Seed Crochet, she doesn't even have a –
Starting point is 00:15:14 oh, she should have posted, like, the box of the piggies she sent out. Maybe – let me see. Let me see if it's on here here if there's a box of the oh i thought they were going to post a box of the pigs no i'll post the pigs on my account holy shit this account has 26 000 followers that's crazy anyway i found it ironic otis is the boy wiener dog okay yeah they need a mrs young needs to do a an otis oh it's a biblical reference. Mustard seed is a biblical reference. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Let's see. Mustard seed biblical. It is the kingdom of heaven thus understood, which is likened to a grain of mustard seed. A grain of mustard seed may allude to the warmth of faith or to its property as antidote to poison. It follows. Oh, okay. Parable of the mustard seed. This is Jerome says this. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:16:40 I wanted to read something from the Bible today, and here it is. Just like that. Bam. Thank you. Just like that. The kingdom of heaven is preaching of, Jerome says this, quote, the kingdom of heaven is the preaching of the gospel and the knowledge of the scriptures, which leads to life, concerning which it is said to the Jews, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Matthew 21, 43. Is the kingdom of heaven thus understood, which is likened to a grain of mustard seed? Then Augustine says, a grain of mustard seed may elude... Oh, no, never mind. I don't even know what the fuck I'm reading. The man who sows... Then Jerome says this.
Starting point is 00:17:19 The man who sows is by most understood to be the Savior, who sows the seed in the minds of believers. By others, the man himself, who sows is by most understood to be the Savior, who sows the seed in the minds of believers. By others, the man himself, who sows in his field, that is, in his own heart, who indeed is he that soweth, but our own mind and understanding, which receiving the grain of preaching and nurturing it by the due of faith. Oh, okay, now I'm starting to understand the metaphor.
Starting point is 00:17:51 The due of faith. Make it spring up in the field of our own breast, which is the least of all seeds. All right. I get it. I get it. The gospel preaching is the least of all the systems of the schools. At first view, it has not even the appearance of truth. Announcing a man is God. A man God put to death and proclaiming the offense of the cross.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Compare this teaching with the dogmas of the philosophers, with their books, the splendor of their eloquence, the polish of the cross compare this teaching with the dogmas of the philosophers with their books the splendor of their eloquence the polish of their style and you will see how the seed of the gospel is the least of all seeds i don't know that sounds sacri sacri sacri sacri religious okay uh a little more bible uh justin scroggins uh matthew 17 20 truly i tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you yeah that's my point the the i i think that uh taylor self show could they should just pick it up and put it on Netflix. It should just be a live show on Netflix and just watch it grow. I mean, I'm telling you, it would be fucking huge on Netflix. It would be so funny.
Starting point is 00:19:16 People would just – do you guys remember that show Click and Clack? Does anyone here remember that show? I've talked about it before on here. I'll pull up the wiki page. Click and Clack. Does anyone here remember that show? I've talked about it before on here. I'll pull up the wiki page. Click and Clack. My mom would listen to it in the car. It was like on Sundays. It was on Sundays on National Public Radio. The page Click and Clack does not exist.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Oh, it's called Car Talk. Okay. The show is called Car Talk and the guys were the Click and Clack does not exist. Oh, it's called Car Talk. Okay. The show is called Car Talk and the guys were the Click and Clack brothers. Car Talk refers to the work of Click and Clack, the Tappet brothers, Tom and Ray Magliozzi. That includes a website, a podcast of reruns that is currently hosted by Apple Podcast. It was an original radio show that ran from 1977 to october 2012 wow car talk was presented in the form of a call-in radio show listeners called in with questions related to motor vehicle maintenance and repair most of the advice sought was diagnostic and callers describing symptoms and demonstrating sounds of an ailing vehicle, while the Maglioses made an attempt to identify
Starting point is 00:20:30 the malfunction of the car over the telephone and give advice to how to fix it, while the hosts peppered their call-in sessions with jokes directed at both the caller and at themselves. However, when they were stumped, they tempted anyway with an answer they claimed was unencumbered by the thought process it was a ridiculous show uh as of 2012 it had 3.3 million listeners each week on about 660 stations. That's 1% of the U.S. population. Isn't that wild? Sleeky.
Starting point is 00:21:20 All right, I've got to be responsible. Have a great day. I'm going to give my husband a standee. That's cool. All right, I've got to be responsible. Have a great day. I'm going to give my husband a standee. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Pat Lang, car talk was phenomenal. Yeah, so, I mean, it would be, it's kind of like the car talk of the fitness world. Excuse me. Car talk of the fitness world, huh? I've talked to you guys a lot about, or we've talked a lot about um uh thought police right and and so and i like to use thought as sort of the difference to explain the difference between gender and sex sex is something you can point at and gender is just your imagination or thought and one of the lines of uh delineation between conservatives and liberals is liberals want to police people's minds.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And that just torments people. That just makes miserable people. Well, conservatives want to police the outside world. And policing people's minds is like just crazy orwellian crazy crazy orwellian like making people changing the definition of words making people use pronouns um all the political correct stuff like when i was a kid we had a beautiful oriental carpet and then at some point it became inappropriate to say oriental like for some reason like that was a bad word which is kind of crazy because in my mind it's a beautiful word seven when russell comes on will you ask him what he thinks about mayhem's promotion of christianity while having facundo an openly homosexual man on their coaching staff russell's not coming on this isn't even
Starting point is 00:23:18 supposed to be a show but but i mean you you could ask it you could ask him when he comes on I don't think it's a big deal I think you're supposed to just love everybody except everybody except pedophiles. Okay. So here, listen to this right here. This is, this is pretty insightful from Tucker. Here we go. Just so amazing. I have to play for you. I mean, we lay out the fourfold interconnected threat that white rural voters pose to the country. They're the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, geodemographic group in the country. Second, they're the most conspiracist group. Chewing on support and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism,
Starting point is 00:24:08 and scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism. So there's so many things that are interesting about what those two pigs are saying on television. And the most interesting to me is that white rural voters are, of course, the weakest people in America. Rural people period. Rural people period. That's exactly right, regardless of race. But none of the supposed crimes that he mentioned, whether they're true or not, are crimes of action.
Starting point is 00:24:31 They're all thought crimes. And so they're the most dangerous people in the country, not because they're killing others or embezzling money or getting rich through the carried interest loophole or starting wars. They're the most dangerous because they have thoughts that those two pigs don't like. It's so interesting. They are the thought police, man. The leftist is just...
Starting point is 00:24:54 They are the thought police. Oh, you did listen to this? I was listening to Tucker's interview with Alexander Dugan before the show. Really interesting stuff. Yeah, I want to hear that. I know, the left is fucking crazy. The left is nuts. Patty Lang. I think you consider me liberal and i want nothing to do with anyone's mind
Starting point is 00:25:28 i want everyone to do whatever the fuck they want as long as they aren't physically hurting anyone i played this one before for you guys too i just love i just love dana white i want d Dave to have control complete control over CrossFit so he could be the Dana White of CrossFit and I could be the Joe Rogan that's like my newest thing in the last month I've been just like thinking about that a lot
Starting point is 00:25:54 I just want them to just like okay Dave go ahead have at it just fucking be you just go fucking nuts just run CrossFit with an iron fist like dana does uh the ufc and let seve be your joe rogan company that sells stationary bikes for a fucking living is trying to silence robert kennedy jr he had robert kennedy jr on his show and an advertiser
Starting point is 00:26:21 called and told him do you not post in that podcast, take it down. It was Peloton. Barry McCarthy is the CEO of Peloton. Imagine that fucking dork calling you and telling you that you can't have Robert Kennedy. Who the fuck are you, Barry McCarthy? We're throwing the Pelotons in the garbage. We're throwing them out of the UFC gym. A company that sells... Good, good.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I can't think of... When I think of those companies, unfortunately, Peloton and SoulCycle I just think of just betas betas just boys that just don't just men that don't know how to raise their boys and I want a Peloton
Starting point is 00:26:59 but not now just ride my just ride my assault bike until Bill and Katie send me a... What do they have? Echo bike. Echo bike. Okay, here we go. Latest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic. This guy on the right, Jay Bhattacharya, is coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:26 He's scheduled to come on the podcast. Not the guy talking, but the guy to the right of him. He's a Stanford double PhD. He was liberal, but they got him. The woke crowd got him. Here we go. Latest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Misinformation that COVID was spread through surface transmission, that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity. That masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine. It has been for decades. Do you just ignore it? Not talk about it?
Starting point is 00:28:20 That myocarditis was more common after the infection than the vaccine. Not true. It's four to 28 times more common after the vaccine. Myocarditis is 400% to 2,800% more common after the vaccine. That young people benefit from a booster. Misinformation. The vaccine mandates would increase vaccination rates the george mason university study shows how do you how do you how do you sleep at night if you gave your kid the injection how the fuck do you sleep at night
Starting point is 00:28:58 caller hi travis what's up dude Good morning Not to change the subject No please please please Yeah yeah let's change it 500 bucks up for grabs Actually a thousand Right? A thousand uh 500 rollover From the last week uh that I still
Starting point is 00:29:18 I should call Dale King this morning That Dale King and Doc Spartan put up From the Matuthian powder And um I spent Dale's money to advertise my Matoothian. And then 500 from Vindicate, the official clothing line of all things CrossFit, as crowned by the Sevan podcast. There you go. I like that. What if I upped the ante? the Annie.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So anyone who tries it gets within a minute of Taylor's time. I'll Venmo him $25. You'll Venmo him a CEO shirt? $25. A CEO shirt. That's a great idea. If we can send him through Venmo, that'd
Starting point is 00:30:01 be cool. Can we give him a shirt instead of $25? Did you say $25? Yeah, we can do a CEO shirt instead. I would love to do that. You got to get within a minute of Taylor's time. And we don't even know what the workout is. What I want to do.
Starting point is 00:30:19 No, I know. What I want is people to do it and actually go for it. Like really go for it. Yeah. So if you're a minute, you know, if you're 10 seconds, 59 seconds within his time, CEO shirt. Okay. Cool. Yeah. So you can push that out this week Okay The thing is
Starting point is 00:30:51 I don't even think If the show's only an hour long And I try to get started right away I don't even think we'll get more than four or five people I think the money's gonna keep rolling over Really fast Yeah probably Because it's gonna be so hard I don't even think we'll get more than four or five people. I think the money is going to keep rolling over really fast. Yeah, probably because it's going to be so hard.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's going to be so hard for someone great to get in. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, no. And I just, I want people who are very serious about doing it. Oh,
Starting point is 00:31:19 actually think they can, they can do it to text you and not send pics. And my time could be this Like no Your message, sure you're doing it Jeremy Eat World says he's going to try it this weekend He says you'll be sending him a shirt He's getting within a minute
Starting point is 00:31:34 You got to get picked though So do people understand this is like a lie If you send a message Your name gets put So you got to explain how this all works. I don't think it can be explained because I've explained it a hundred times. I think people will slowly figure it out. It's kind of an IQ test.
Starting point is 00:31:54 True. All right. Thank you. That's awesome. You guys, Saturday, 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. CEO shirts being given away for free. And all you've got to do is call in and give it your best shot and you'll get close enough to win one.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Then if you win, you get a thousand bucks courtesy of Vindicate. All right. Awesome. Thank you. You're a good dude. All right. Bye. I didn't tell the boys this yet but on
Starting point is 00:32:29 the Wednesday I'm driving down to Los Angeles to Carson the Wednesday before the semi-finals and I'm bringing two road casters and I'm bringing like, I don't know, six,
Starting point is 00:32:48 seven, eight headsets. And, uh, we got a big house, like, uh, it has like 13 beds in it.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Me, Taylor, Will Branstad, or Sousa, et cetera. And we're all going to sit at, we're going to sit around and do podcasts, just on the couches and just whatever. I think that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Doesn't that sound fun? So I think Wednesday and Thursday we'll go live from the – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we'll all go live from the house, which is going to be cool. Is it? It is the weakest semi in North America, the West, it is? Well, it'll be the coolest because I'm there. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:33:35 All right. Back back to the show. It did one thing. It created never vaxxers who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get, something which is unforgivable, and that is the weaponization of medical research itself. like their own study on natural immunity, looking at one state for two months. When they had data for years on all 50 states, why did they only report that one sliver of data? Why did they salami slice the giant database?
Starting point is 00:34:15 Because it gave them the result they wanted. The greatest perpetrator. There you go. How the hell did you let the government inject your kid holy shit they needed to go to school oh they had to to be in the band they they just had to they just had to they just had to this one i'm gonna have to explain to you this one you're about to see there's a component of this is like dude no shit duh like this is so fucking obvious um but uh here we go that's an interesting statistic that you were saying that. So conservative families have less depressed kids. Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yes, that's what I'm saying. Apparently boys from conservative families, sorry, boys from liberal families have higher anxiety rates than girls from conservative families. But above, like, if you just looked at the norm, more girls generally have anxiety. Right. But in conservative families, girls are less anxious than boys from liberal families. That's right. So the thing here is generally, I guess, they're saying that women, girls, female children, children who are girls have more anxiety than boys who are children right
Starting point is 00:35:48 but if you're in a conservative family your girls will have even less anxiety than boys in liberal families when generally boys have lower anxiety than girls and why do you think that is lower anxiety than girls and why do you think that is uh will brandstetter uh this gal is the one who wrote the book on transgenderism that russell recommended and also a bad therapy why our kids aren't growing up yeah here we go right and mean, we could speculate as to why. There are lots of proposed reasons. Not speculate, not speculate, not speculate. If you guys know, if you guys know any liberals who have kids, you'll see their kids are so fucking anxious. And it's for one reason and one reason only.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Across the board. Ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent. it's for one reason and one reason only across the board, 99.99999%. For that. But one of the many, you know, things that we might, first of all, we know it's in the environment at that point. It's not an organic,
Starting point is 00:36:56 whatever these kids are going through. It's not organic. Right. So we know it's something we're pouring into their life. And I think one of the things might be that aside from the fact that parents and conservative families may be more comfortable asserting their authority with kids. And that's an old finding. We've known for generations now that authoritative parenting means not cold parenting, not cruel,
Starting point is 00:37:22 not unloving, but rules. Those kids have better mental health. They're happier and they're more successful. Parenting means not cold parenting, not cruel, not unloving. Rules. But rules. Those kids have better mental health. They're happier and they're more successful. It's not just rules. It's letting your kids make decisions. You think you're being nice. Oh, what kind of pizza would you like?
Starting point is 00:37:40 What would you like for dinner? Do you want to go swimming at this pool or at this pool? Would you like to do your chores first or this first none all that all that shit letting kids fucking run the household all it does is build their anxiety it puts tremendous amount of stress and pressure on the kids a tremendous amount on all kinds of ways. So that's an interesting rules. Your kids need fucking rules. They need boundaries. They want boundaries and rules. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Cave Dastro. Yes, they want boundaries and rules. It's not a discussion. It's not up to them where you guys, the family goes on vacation. It's not up to them for anything. You make the rules and the boundaries and then inside of that they're free and when you're free you have no anxiety but with no boundaries and no rules you're not free
Starting point is 00:38:36 you just fucking freak out and and and fall off the edge. It's like, it's, it's so obvious. And it, at first it'll look like your kid may be thriving in that, but as the kid gets older, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, you'll see the anxiety set in. They feel a personal responsibility for the family that they shouldn't have. They should be free as a kid. and instead they start feeling a responsibility for the well-being of the family unit. You don't want your kid feeling that responsibility. That's your responsibility as an adult. And your kid won't be able to handle
Starting point is 00:39:19 the smallest type of little bits of anxiety and stress. Strong daddies reduce adult anxiety. Another huge problem is most kids are growing up without a real relationship with their mother because she isn't at home Heather Rakowski I've seen it me too the insecurities this creates when a child runs the house yep that well said when the child runs the house the child feels like if I'm running over these adults, who's going to protect me? Yeah, I know shit really is hitting the fan for my kids when they run to me instead of my wife. it doesn't mean that you're not loving doesn't mean you're not warm doesn't mean you're not fun this one this next one is so fun this next one is so fun
Starting point is 00:40:41 This next one is so fun. So the White House hired this lady, and she is a complete train wreck. She's been a train wreck forever. And it must be hard speaking to the world knowing that you have to constantly lie. And that's the position she's in. She's an immigrant. She's black, and she's a lesbian. and she's a DEI hire from the White House and she's the voice
Starting point is 00:41:08 of the White House to the world I don't even know her name they call her KJP and the press conferences are fucking hilarious and she does a lot of them and there's a guy from fox named peter ducci who just on the regular just fucks her shit up it's so funny
Starting point is 00:41:31 but check this out this is by the way this this uh i i believe that this happened at crossfit inc also the problem when you hire DEI people is then you're held hostage by the fact that you can't get rid of them. You're so scared to get rid of them. There were people, there were numerous people who worked at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 00:41:57 who were 1-100th as capable as I am who got to keep their jobs because of DEI. who got to keep their jobs because of dei and imagine the legitimate black lesbians who are there who but but like fuck it like you you can't you you can't even get your head wrapped around that they're legitimate because the dei thing the racist thing is so strong right it would be like if the lakers fired uh um steph curry because he's black and brought me on everyone would just know it's like it's like that clear now we need a white guy they bring me on they fire steph curry i'm out there in a jersey your post found out biden senior staff's trying to close the book on binder out there in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Your post found out Biden's senior staff is trying to close the book on Binder because of her binder. Sources say she's not quick enough, reads from her binder word for word, and doesn't make compelling cases to re-elect the big guy. What do you think? In Las Vegas, he told a story
Starting point is 00:43:02 about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996. I'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you, sir. So the board has never convened. So that's it never convened. And the board is, yes, the board is pausing in the sense that it will not convene. Let me see if I have anything new for you on that i think it's been a couple of days since we have asked to ask that question
Starting point is 00:43:32 and i'm judgmental as fuck too when when trump got that hot blonde chick i'm like oh my god trump got a stripper to do his press conferences but she ended up being amazing now she's over at fox news she's amazing okay i don't have anything new sources tell the post that biden's senior aides have been quietly scheming to get her to leave on her own so they don't have to fire her okay so they're quietly scheming to get rid of her. No integrity. It's all about just manipulation, loaded questions, right? It's just complete. Yeah. That chick was a boss.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That blonde chick. I know it was crazy, but she did look like a stripper too. At least in my, whenever I closed my eyes, I saw her naked. Quote, there's such a huge diversity issue and they're afraid of what folks are going to say. They're talking about Biden's senior advisor, Anita Dunn, and chief of staff, Jeff Zaints. Now, how does Biden's very white staff push out the first black gay immigrant press secretary? Now, top Democrats are fielding DEI distress calls from the West Wing, quote, top Democrats are fielding DEI distress calls from the West Wing. Quote, there was an effort to have some outside folks who Corinne knows and trusts talk to her about why leaving last fall
Starting point is 00:44:51 would have made a lot of sense for her in her career. Imagine not having direct and clear communication and playing games at the level of running the United States of America. at the level of running the United States of America. Trump has all the pretty ladies. I know his attorney is something else. Holy shit. Holy shit. Savvy, thanks for doing the show anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah, no problem. My pleasure. I was excited to do it. I felt bad that you guys were in here just hanging out. I mean, I know you guys love each other, but still I was like, fuck, that's lame. In an effort to encourage her to move along, nothing came out of that. Then Binder reportedly received an unsolicited offer to become the president of Emily's List.
Starting point is 00:45:39 But she said, no, I'm staying at the podium. The big guns then physically pushed her out of the way, forcing her to share the stage with national security spokesman John Kirby. But she sucked it up and stood there while he took questions on the war. Another source says it's because she doesn't have a grasp of the issues and doesn't spend the time to learn. There's an enormous amount of work that goes into getting ready for briefings, and consistently she does not put in that level of work but that source says binder's confident regardless quote she thinks she's really doing a really good job and thinks the president wants her to stay the new york post found out biden senior staff crazy just shit just shit for comms at the highest level Crazy. Just shit. Just shit for comms at the highest level. Just shit for comms at the highest level.
Starting point is 00:46:38 If you haven't tried the Matuthian, you should try the Matuthian. Don't listen to Tyler Watkins. He thinks I need a mouthwash. I don't know. I don't know. He just doesn't have enough hippie in him he's but he did love it he used his whole jar already i have to call dale king i tried calling him yesterday to let him know that i spent his i spent $500 of his money doc doc Portsmouth CrossFit can you imagine what a scumbag taking $500 from a CrossFit affiliate
Starting point is 00:47:17 come on Seve come on Seve I don't hear it ringing Come on, Seve. Seve? I don't hear it ringing. Makes me nervous. Did you guys hear me calling? I thought I heard it calling. Shit. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:46 All right. Still no answer. Five parts water, one part metuthion. Mix it up. There's your mouthwash, Tyler. Yeah, tell him. Cave Dastro. Think about how addicted to attention someone would have to be to want to stay in that position with such poor performance I
Starting point is 00:48:19 we have two new sponsors in the wing i've been consuming their shit uh to see like and trying to research it to make sure that they're a good fit i'm kind of excited yeah that's what happens you hire someone who's a dei person and then it's really hard to get rid of them right because they're the kind of people who are going to do just crazy wackadoodle shit to you to get back at you. They're not just going to move on. There's an entitlement there. I mean, you hired them. You set them up for that. You hired them with that entitlement in mind. I hired you because of your skin color, what kind of pussy you like, and the fact you're from another country. because of your skin color or what kind of pussy you like and the fact you're from another country and so if you're not going to fire them based on those things then why would you
Starting point is 00:49:09 fire them based on their merit it doesn't even make sense to them uh jerry seinfeld uh and this is the kind of shit you're going to hear from liberals more and more this is just fucking idiot talk but i guess maybe he's on the path uh here we go jerry seinfeld nothing really affects comedy people always need it they need it so badly and they don't get it it used to be you would go home at the end of the day. Most people would go, oh, Cheers is on. Oh, MASH is on. Oh, Mary Tyler Moore is on.
Starting point is 00:49:50 All the family's on. You just expect it. There'll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight. Well, guess what? Where is it? This is the result of the extreme left. Not the extreme left, you jackass. Just the left.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Not the extreme left. Just the extreme left you jackass just the left not the extreme left just the left pc crap and people worrying the entire left is pc so much about offending other people when that's the whole premise of being raised a democrat worried about offending other people that's the whole premise you write a script and it goes into four or five different hands committees groups here's our thought about this joke well that's the end of your comedy they move the gates like in the scheme culture that's interesting i wonder why so many that's probably why shows like this show and other shows are doing so well, because there is none of that. People are just looking,
Starting point is 00:50:47 even if you're offended by something I say, you accept it because it's like, fuck nine out of 10 times. At least it's spot on. I just want to listen to something that's just like free flowing and not just have continuous censorship over it. At least it feeds my soul a little bit. Sure. The gates are moving.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Your job is to be agile and clever enough. Agile and clever. Is there anything, any two words that better describe this fucking podcast? Go ahead. Mason Mitchell. David Weed. Pat. Pat.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Pat Wanger. Pat. Pat. Pat. The three biggest haters and critics. Even you guys can agree with that. Agile and clever. That's why you're here.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Go ahead, I'm waiting. David, Pat, Mason. Now you know why you're here if you didn't know. Even you guys got to admit that. That's what this show is. Mason Mitchell is a hater. Don't ruin my story, please. Cave Duster, just go with it, please.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Just look forward and just go with it. That wherever they put the gates, I'm going to make the gate. Our country has become obsessed with headlines, tweets, and... Oh, shut it. You're hot. What? No, he's not. Mason getting branded as a hater.
Starting point is 00:52:23 He's a sex object and a hater His girlfriend only fucks him for his body I'm telling you Cave Dastro The only thing Mason hates is when he's not on the cardio machine Judy Reed Mason Mitchell is a good dude
Starting point is 00:52:49 you find women in sweaters hot a bit gay isn't it I don't know it depends is the
Starting point is 00:52:59 oh here we go is the entire right wing God fearing homosexual hating Nazis I see your point I see what you point. I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:53:10 But listen, no, they are not. They are not. But the left is... What's funny is, you just described the left. Under the guise of them loving them. That's what they do. Because it would be politically incorrect to do that. Thank you, Pat.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That's what I was looking for. Thank you. Fuck, show's over. Love the show. Very clever you are. Thank you. That's like some fucking... I like the way he wrote that.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Very clever you are. Yoda talks like that, right? Thank you. I'm going to have a great day today. I can tell. Okay. Brace yourself. This is one of your people.
Starting point is 00:54:02 All you Christians out there. All you guys. got pat you're gonna love this all you christians this is your chick this is the fucking governor of fucking new york who mandated kid little kitties get the injection she hates black people she hates cops she loves crime she demanded that new york city be a sanctuary city and now is trying to flip the script on it you guys ready this is one of yours here we go you're gonna love this patty one of yours guys here we go brace yourself if you're christian hold your bible tight to your chest. Here we go. Oh, Matt Burns. Oh, Maddie. I know you want to kick her out of the tribe. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Here we go. What's her name? Kathy Hochul. Here we go. God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers. He made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us. And we must say, thank you, God. Thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say, I'm vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:55:19 All of you. Yes, I know you're vaccinated. You're the smart ones. But you know, there's people out there who aren't listening to God and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are. I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it. Her apostles, her apostles. I need you to be my apostles. And say we owe this to each other we love each other listen i've never i don't believe
Starting point is 00:55:48 in the devil and i don't believe in evil but this is if i did believe in the devil this is exactly what it would look like this is what it would look like and what it would sound like jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because i love you i want you to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because i love you i want you to live i want our kids to be safe when they're in schools i want you to be safe when you go to a doctor's office or to a hospital and are treated by imagine getting your kid vaccinated so then you could send them to a place to be indoctrinated fucking crazy dude The layers of insanity.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Somebody, you don't want to get the virus from them. You're already sick or you wouldn't be there. We have to solve this, my friends. I need every one of you. I need you to let them know that this is how we can fight this pandemic, come back to normal. God. Fight this pandemic Come back to normal God How How
Starting point is 00:56:57 Democrats always use God when it suits them But they lack godliness in all things. Her God is the devil who came to steal, kill, and destroy John 1010, but Jesus, who is the truth, came to give us life and give it to us abundantly. Yeah, but in the form of a Pfizer vaccine. Wow. Oh, my God. AI generated? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:34 That's fair. I don't think so, but, God, I hope so. This is insane. Anyway. The tide is turning. The tide is turning. It's so much good shit. Listen to this. This is going to fucking blow you away.
Starting point is 00:58:15 This one actually hurt me a little bit. This one, for me, this is like too much red pill for me. Listen to this one. Here we go. From the vault, when award-winning investigative journalist Cheryl Atkinson dropped a bomb about the FBI. This is fucking the grossest thing I've ever heard. Here we go. That's being set up by the government and surveilled by the government.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And sometimes it takes far too long to be able to clear those matters up. to be able to clear those matters up. May I say one little reported facet of my case is one of the federal agents involved in one of the operations against me said that they intended to plant child porn in my husband's computer. This is the FBI. There's been a case that's currently in litigation unrelated in which an FBI agent has testified that they did that. They have done that. It was not accomplished in my case. I guess the curtain was drawn on that facet of the operation prior to them doing it. But imagine how you ever get out of that.
Starting point is 00:59:15 They knew we had a young daughter at home and had allegedly conspired to do that. It sucks being set up by the government. inspired to do that. It sucks being set up by the government. They were going to plant child porn on her fucking husband's computer. The bizarre irony in that is that they, then they also have to be purveyors of child porn. yeah i don't know why i'm surprised it's fucking it's just it's um it's wild
Starting point is 01:00:12 i mean you you know the like the most you know forward forward i guess the most promising theory that i've heard about the p diddy thing is that homeland security went in there to get the tapes not to bust p diddy and it's the same thing with epstein not to bust epstein but to protect themselves the other people who were, because basically they're saying P. Diddy was a CIA informant and that the whole thing was planned by the government to, he was just an agent who was being used to collect footage of people doing compromising things so that they could be extorted and controlled by the CIA. And then finally they lost control of P. Diddy, so they went in to get all the footage and now they're going to blame him I can't believe how plausible that sounds
Starting point is 01:00:50 but that means that if you plant child porn on someone that means you had the porn in your the child porn in your possession it's wild fucking wild wild, wild. All this shit just being said out loud now. Meet Kaimani James, a student leader of Columbia University anti-Israel Gaza solidarity encampment who
Starting point is 01:01:49 openly states that Zionists don't deserve to live he made the comments during a meeting with the school that he live streamed read the full investigation link in the bio this guy has lip gloss on Zionists don't deserve to live.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Meet the leader of Columbia University anti-Israeli encampment. Associate directors in the Center for Student Success and Intervention. I'm Kamani James. I use he, she, they pronouns. Zionists in my DM wanting to meet up and fight. I don't fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser. I fight to kill. See y'all in New York, January 2024.
Starting point is 01:02:35 So that's specifically what we're going to be discussing today. Do you see why that's problematic in any way? No. Do you think that there's a serious weight in taking someone else's life? I think there is a serious weight in taking someone's life. And at the same time,
Starting point is 01:02:54 I think that taking someone's life in certain case scenarios is necessary and better for the overall world. And so I personally have never killed anyone. Thank the Lord that no one has put me in that position. Though, when Hitler died... My name is Sasha LaPettaway.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I'm one of the associate directors in the Center for Student Success and Intervention. I'm Kamani James. I use he, they pronouns Kristen Keller The only thing that dude is taking is dick Well that's true Wild Wild wild wild oh it's just an isolated incident don't worry
Starting point is 01:03:50 it's just an isolated incident don't worry douche canoes hmm hmm hmm No one is worried about climate change. Nobody is worried about climate change nobody is worried about climate change it's all all the people who pretend like they're worried they're npcs that's that's a dead giveaway anyone who's worried about climate change
Starting point is 01:04:34 npc non-playable character asleep basically that means that you're you're asleep you're just you're just a you're just one of those characters in the video games that walks back and forth waiting for a car to hit you. The illegals at San Diego Airport get their own line to check in because they don't have the proper documentation. San Diego Airport has given illegal aliens their own line through security because they don't have valid ID. I'm confused. I can't bring a water bottle through TSA, but these people can fly without a valid ID. Why can't these people walk? What about climate change and global warming? Why can't these people walk to where they're going? Why would they go on an airplane that pollutes the air?
Starting point is 01:05:25 They're being flown around the country on our tax dollars fucking wild i like that dude's bag it looks like a potato bag right yeah exactly jessica so if i pretend i don't speak english don't have an idea i will get through security faster got it yeah so basically if you want a free ticket to fly somewhere all you have to do is cross over to Mexico throw your passport away and then walk back boy
Starting point is 01:06:01 how is anyone gonna fucking vote Biden boy, how is anyone going to fucking vote Biden? It'd be cool if that plane went back to wherever the fuck those people came from. Oh, I care about climate change, but I'm flying people free all over the fucking United States. And finally, remember, it's all a scam. Don't think for a second it's not a scam. There are no experts who know anything.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Anyone in the climate change business is a moron. Here we go. What percent of our atmosphere is CO2? Repeat that question. What percent of our atmosphere is CO2, carbon dioxide? About five percent. I'll see there five and suggest that we know that transportation causes 49 percent of CO2. So right there she said if transportation causes 49 percent of CO2, I mean you're going to find out in a second she's innumerate so we're flying illegals around even though we know transportation is she knows that
Starting point is 01:07:10 the cause of co2 is uh caused by transportation and i think the largest polluter probably outside of ship ships are airplanes and and they're making a mockery of it they think it's funny the whole world economy is being turned upside down but they're they're trying to being asked a question about co2 which a lot of people the moron the npc's claim is the cause of climate change here we go that's why we're all working on energy transition all right so what do you think it is? Five. Right. Do you have one, Mr. Boyd?
Starting point is 01:07:49 So we've got a five, seven, eight. We'll get the high end. The answer is 0.04%. Not 1%, not half a percent. 0.04%. It's gone up from 0.001. This is what we're being all contorted into doing is this tiny change in co2 if we get below 0.02 plant life starts dying panelists point zero four four one-hundredths
Starting point is 01:08:35 four one-hundredths of a percent four one-hundredths not four tenths for one hundredths of a percent and when she says transportation um is the leading cause, it really is. It really is ships from the, from the research I've done. Like there's nothing you're going to do with cars. That's going to change the CO2 emissions on planet earth. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:09:17 There was a, do you remember we were looking at those ships one day on the show? This is a while back. And one ship was equivalent to like 500,000 cars. Those ships that burn the crazy diesel for one hundreds. of a percent of the atmosphere is uh co2 and these fucking experts are testifying and they're guessing at five seven eight and laughing Sean M cows are more than ships Can you play the clip of Uli Stupinex doing muscle-ups
Starting point is 01:10:17 Is it is it a clip I think it was just a still photo Right you talking about the one where you can see the outline Of his dong I don't know where that's at i did caleb for that all right yeah blew my load i think that's it we can do you want to do some more jew hating see what the liberals are up to with their jew. I don't know. I could save this for tomorrow. I would really enjoy it if they just brought out... I really just want to see water cannons.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I just want to see water cannons. I would just bring out water... I'd bring out the water cannons on the border. And I would just bring water cannons everywhere. You want to talk about cocks? I like good cock talk. Who's cock you want to talk about? Greta cannons, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I love them cannons. All right. Love you guys. Great show. Thanks for being patient with me today. I love them cannons. All right. Love you guys. Great show. Thanks for being patient with me today. Sorry I'm late. We just had a mischedule in StreamYard. We're trying to move Russell.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Here we go. Caller, hi. Hey. Are you calling from Gaza? I'm not calling from Gaza Oh The U.S. of A Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:48 Uh So I've uh I'm calling to check in about uh I've texted you a couple times about that Subclips channel And I'm just getting a little conversation with you about it Oh Uh
Starting point is 01:12:00 Here's the deal I thought Dusty had dropped the ball But he didn't Heard Okay And I appreciate it Let's go over to the Subclips channel here's the deal i thought dusty had dropped the ball but he didn't heard okay and and i and i and i appreciate it let's go over to the subclips channel and see if he dropped the ball hold on let's just go see let's just put my boy on blast uh view your uh i've been confused too it's been uh it has been putting out stuff still it's like maybe somebody, are you cool? Are you cool? I'm chill as hell.
Starting point is 01:12:29 You are like, the thing is, is I just don't want to work with anyone who's just not fucking cool. Like I just, so many people think they're cool and they're just not fucking cool. They're just high maintenance fucking idiots. Do you know what I mean? Yep. It's like are you so are you self-starter you can just handle your business should i just should i have two people doing sub clips i'm game i mean yeah give me give me some r. One of the reins. Yeah, I'll do stuff. Yeah, I like your voice.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Wow, thanks. I'm not Jewish. You are Jewish? Yeah, I'm half Jewish. Your mom or your dad? My dad. Yeah, people say that that technically doesn't count. No, it's good.
Starting point is 01:13:21 That's good. I'm good with that. Hey, what a great opening line for an application for a job that needs to get done. I'm Jewish. Yeah, I need that. Non-Jewish, non-vaccinated. Wow. Holy shit. Christian. You like Christians. Christian. There was this dude that was working with me for a while. On the show, right? I want to see if I can find the last text he sent me.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Are you going to read friend texts live on air? Hold on, let me see. I don't know if I'm going to read this because because I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't know if I'm going to read this because I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't. Hold on. Let me see if I can. Let's see if I can find this text. Hold on. I just don't like crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Mm hmm. I just don't like crazy I want to see I can't find it I don't know where the fuck it went let me see my contacts hold on when I have interactions with people like this it reminds me that how many fucking crazy fucking people there are. Let me see. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I can't find it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I remember where it is it's in my dms hold on hold on um thank you for being patient thank you for taking my call i guess you have no choice yeah i was i was actually just about to get off. Let me see if I can find. Oh, shit. It must have been on my old account. Fuck, it's gone.
Starting point is 01:15:32 But basically, this person sent me a DM. I guess I had said something about them on the air. And they sent me a DM saying, hey, I can't believe you'd say that about me. There was a time when i was the only person that believed in you and i was the only platform that would give you a chance and i'm thinking to myself oh my god you think you're the only person who believed in me you you think you gave me a platform it was just fucking bizarre i and then i just hated myself i felt dirty do you know what i mean it'd be like dating someone and then finding out they were a fucking
Starting point is 01:16:10 rapist i was just like what the fuck yeah you i mean i created all platforms i i just don't want to be i just i just don't want to i just don't want to deal with crazy it's like no youtube is my platform and my wife believes in me. Like, that's it. Like, get the fuck out of here. Yeah. All you need. Yeah. Fucking nutter.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Do we text? I've texted the live call a number. But not my phone number? That's kind of. And the live call is pretty clouded because of kill tape. Oh, yeah, yeah. And I just automatically hate anyone who texts that number yeah yeah i kind of got myself in a mess there yeah you fucked yourself hold on let me see uh i want to see how the uh subclip station is doing i really like the guy who's doing it let me see oh it's putting on subscribers i want to see
Starting point is 01:17:02 how much money it's made because i'm giving the guy the money from the station. I don't know if we paid him yet. How do I... Let me see if it's making money. View your channel. Go to manage. Oh, Dusty, I think you should change the home clip too. Oh, yeah. So, okay. Analytics. Oh, wow. change the home clip too oh yeah so okay analytics oh wow so it's made oh no it's not it's only made 383 dollars in the last 28 days i should probably send it to that guy yeah hey i i think the subclip station could be really helpful i want let me can i do i'm going to talk to that guy
Starting point is 01:17:39 and see if he if he's okay or if he's threatened by you. Hey, there's so much to do. Maybe you guys could do alternating shows. Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no. How should I reach out to you? DM me your phone number right now,
Starting point is 01:18:06 and I'll just bump your DM up to the top right now, and I'll send you my phone number right now um and uh and i'll and i'll or just bump your dm up to the top and right now and i'll send you my phone number i can't do that because dms are all now where you have to like the invite has to be accepted oh what's your can you tell me your instagram um yes uh one second or why i going to text this number. Oh, you're going to text it to the work line, your Instagram? Yes. Okay, yeah. Just send me a link to your Instagram on that work phone number. Cool. Just sent. Okay. Oh, okay. I see you.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Oh, and you're in the media space. Hardly. Oh, okay. Yeah. But you're in the media space Hardly, I'm Yeah, but you're starting a bit Starting. Do you have a butterfly as your no? I have a butterfly You have a butterfly as your as your avatar No, oh, no, I found you i accepted you cool okay thank you well yeah i can give you my number there well and and my number is the same on the work okay the
Starting point is 01:19:14 one that you're texting on the work phone and you're not crazy you're chill because like i'm like crazy busy like i don't even i don't even read my mom's text. You're just cool. You're chill. You're low maintenance. Heard. Yeah. I mean, say the YouTube station worked out. Yeah. You just, I have half the reigns I post. You never hear from me, you know? Yeah. You're just killing it.
Starting point is 01:19:37 You're just killing it. You're just killing it. Yeah. Yeah. Great. I mean, like, listen, I've been working with Caleb for fucking three years. I've called him on the phone four times. I've talked to him four times on the phone. I've seen him once.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Our whole entire relationship is just around the podcast. He's just fucking low maintenance. Every once in a while, I send him like 500 bucks or I send him like a monitor he needs or something. You're easy like that. He just knows that eventually we're going to get rich and he just has faith.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Or he's completely psycho and I'm his only friend. It could be both, some combination. Right, right. If the channels are open, I'll just send shit through it. Yeah, that's how it works. This guy Dusty just... Graphics, videos. Okay, this guy Dusty has full reign.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I don't do anything. I just gave him the login number to the YouTube station, and he just does it. Cool. All right. What state do you live in? Rhode Island. Rhode Island? Maryland.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Oh, Maryland. Okay. Are you married? I am. Do you have kids? No kids. How long have you been married? I am. Do you have kids? No kids. How long have you been married? Three years.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Oh, congratulations. Thanks. Are you depressed? Not at all. Do you work out? Yeah, I do CrossFit. I'm an L1 coach. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:21:03 What do you sleep in? An apartment. I know, but what kind of clothes like do you sleep naked or in boxers naked wow your chick's cool with that oh yeah does she does she sleep naked um close but not fully, no. Yeah, okay, that's good. I like that. How old are you? 26.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Oh, I think I probably, I think I, well, I slept naked in the van when I was 26. Do you have an OnlyFans account? No. Good, all right. Shit, this is fucking great. Cool. All right, well, did I fucking great. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Well, did I say? I think I sent you my phone number. Okay. Let me see. Now I can just ignore you in my text. Kind of had to stack up and do this on air. I know. I hear you.
Starting point is 01:21:58 I don't think this is going to happen another way. Yeah, I got you. Yeah, don't get your hopes up. It's like, fuck, dude. Especially because we're going into semifinals. I'm truly... I hate to be... You know what I am? I open so many doors
Starting point is 01:22:14 and let so many people down because I just have so many fucking doors open. Right, right. No, I mean... I just keep... I wouldn't be disappointed. I would just keep pushing. Okay, yeah, good. Okay. Your name's not Jason Hopper. Is it? No, okay. All right. All right. Thanks, dude. Thanks for calling. I'll talk to you soon Thanks, man. Okay. Bye
Starting point is 01:22:41 I'll see you guys later. Bye. Hi Greg. I'm just finishing

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