The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Call Your Mother #916

Episode Date: May 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Eee-oo-ee-oo-ee-oo. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Ooh, bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Air Miles. Oh, that's weird. Somewhere it's gone. Something weird's going on. Hey, morning. Morning. I don't want to do a one-off. I want to do like a hundred. I just can't find anyone to make it.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Everyone's too scared. Nobody made it. I'm surprised by that. No one even knows what the fuck that means but what's crazy i was just watching uh i was kind of checking up hey caleb what's up good morning morning i was looking at like reparate what's going on with reparations in the state of california i seriously cannot believe the world we live in. I'm just completely tripping. But I was like, man.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And then I was watching what's happening in San Francisco. Did you see in Union Square that super fancy? They put in this like 55,000 square foot crazy fancy Australian furniture store in Union Square last year. It's called Coco's. And it's been open for seven months. They did fucking, you know, $50 million renovation on the place or whatever, something crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And it's closing. They can't get anyone in the store. Yeah, it's not surprising, unfortunately. And I'm like, dude, how is everyone not, how is everyone not like coming out of the woodworks and saying sorry to Greg?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Like Floyd 19, you were right. Like it's all, it's all, it's all Floyd 19 shit. It's, it's crazy. Hey, do you follow any of those Instagram accounts? Like the Bay area ones or the Oakland ones? It's astonishing every day. The shit that just the people getting beaten to death, the shit on the freeways, the, it was never, I i mean it was bad when we were kids but not like this no fear of uh
Starting point is 00:02:51 repercussion hey yesterday i just saw cops following around dudes in oakland on four wheel on in four wheel uh like how like filming themselves and like egging like antagonizing the highway patrol behind them yeah it's um it's uh it's weird look at um number uh look at uh number four uh good morning adam hey jody what's up hardell what's up? Hardell, what's up? Mike, sorry, I didn't get to see you yesterday. Look at number four. I know neither of you have kids, but just out of curiosity, what's your tolerance for this? you're sitting on a so what i'm about to show you you are guaranteed 100 to see this if you ride the new york city subway maybe not this exact thing but you are guaranteed to see something that's relative to this okay like a hundred percent this is this is just the status quo of the subway in new york and this is by way, is when I used to ride it 15 years
Starting point is 00:04:06 ago. This is, this is totally normal. This is like, you don't even know what you don't even look up, but I'm just wondering what your tolerance for this is. Okay. Um, uh, action. What's your tolerance for this? It's a... I don't know if it's a man or a woman, but it has a dress on and it has breasts. And it's talking to itself and it's spraying something. I think the audio might be off.
Starting point is 00:04:39 No, it doesn't have very good audio. Okay. And it started spraying something out of an aerosol can on the subway while you're on it. Please don't spray that in here, Nick. Fuck you. Get the fuck off. Fuck that bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Okay. Fuck you. Get the... I can't tell if it's a... I guess it doesn't matter. I can't tell if it's a black woman or a black man or a white woman or a white man. I can't tell what it is. It's carrying a bunch of bags.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's spraying something out of an aerosol can. When someone asks it to stop spraying in the subway, it says, fuck you, faggot bitch. Now, I just want you to imagine, for those of you who don't have kids, you're sitting there and you're holding your newborn that was born three days earlier and you're taking the subway to take it back for a checkup and you have your new three-year-old baby on the subway as because it's the primary transportation in one of the largest cities in the world most advanced cities in the world and then also you have one other child with you and you're a female what what's your tolerance for that i i have no problem if someone just running over and just fucking knocking that thing out
Starting point is 00:05:55 i know i know it's crazy violent i know it's nuts i don't i don't understand how you're allowed to spray an unknown can of shit in a closed tin can that's uh six stories below the surface of the earth with your fellow humans there's a social contract there yeah look dick butter zero i know i don't i i don't know i don't know how that's even like even i i don't know how that's even a little okay. I'd rather see someone in there with a gun on their – I'd be less threatened by someone just sitting there with a gun on their waist. How is someone in that can spraying something? I just don't get it. And behaving outside the norms of the social contract stuck in.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And I know I'm making up the social contract. I just don't get it. But you'd go to jail if you punched that thing out. That's what I was going to say. If you did stand up and take action, you'd be the one arrested when it stopped. It's like that Marine that got arrested for choking out that one guy. That guy had been arrested 40 times prior to that Marine choking him out. And the Marines are the one on trial.
Starting point is 00:07:12 By the way, just so those of you who need a little help and faith in humanity, his GoFundMe page has raised over a million dollars for his legal fund. That's awesome. Yeah. I just don't get – I just don't get, I just don't get, here's the thing too. What do you think the ratio of tax dollars are to what that thing has paid
Starting point is 00:07:36 to have that thing built and subsidized versus the rest of those people in there? Sean Sullivan, we don't have a social contract anymore that's fair i hear you hey check it out it that should happen so often that you see those blonde ladies standing right behind it she didn't even flinch didn't even look up didn't even do anything from her phone yeah and that's what everybody's else because it's so normal see the lady behind her yeah yeah never even i for the i know so many of you don't you
Starting point is 00:08:06 can't even imagine but this is so if you're riding the train this is it and that's all you saw in a 20 minute train ride you would be like wow i made it out easy today i mean the shit you see you uh i can think of 20 times someone just walking up to me on those trains this is 15 or 20 years ago and being like what are you looking at i'm not even looking at any i'm not even doing nothing i'm just sitting there that's crazy you look like a target yeah wait are you talking about like the new york subway train that happened to you or a bart i'm a victim no no on new york bart bart i think bart's crazy now, but I never had any issues on BART. Yeah, it's like New York subway light.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You still get the crazy, the smelly people, like open drug use, but it's a little toned down. We had the seats were carpeted and shit. Back in the day. Yeah, they're not anymore, huh? Just power wash that out think about that the seats used to be like plush seats on bart you'd get on and it was like yeah you could sleep on there you could like i was a little kid and i just turned sideways and sleep on there yeah it's uh oh man i i don't i don't have any tolerance for it we're gonna need we're It's a – oh, man.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I don't have any tolerance for it. We're going to need some politicians who don't have tolerance for that. Hey, I – so I was looking at the reparations thing. It's all the way down at the other end, Caleb. It's like at – have you looked at any of it? So Gavin Newsom assigned a reparations committee two years ago in 2020. Maybe it's been three years now. sense not whether it was logical not whether nothing like that they they skipped that part it's just how much should black people get how much should people get if they're descendants of slaves and the report's crazy i mean obviously it's fucking crazy but i just wanted to tell you some things that some stats about california california has the the highest income tax in the united. California has the highest income tax in the
Starting point is 00:10:25 United States. It has the highest sales tax in the United States and it has the second highest gas tax in the United States. Just think about that for a second. And yet this country, this state, one of the benefits of that is we have 30% of the nation's homeless. Last year, on average, homelessness, and by homelessness, I mean just drug addicts roaming the streets, increased on average in the United States a half a percent in all the states. It increased 6% in California. And so just so you know what that looks like when it increases 6%, for every 100 people, homeless people you saw on the street, that would be six new ones. No, that's not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That's what it looks like if you do the simple math. You have to remember it's only happening in like three places, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, like those areas. San Jose, San Francisco, like those areas. And so it's basically in those areas, it's like for every 100 drug addicts on the street, add another 100. Because it's not happening in Mount Shasta. It's not happening in Livermore.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It's not happening right where I live in Soquel, the part of Santa Cruz Island. There's no homeless people there. It's not happening in Los Gatos. As we zoom in here, reparations will be as high as $1.2 million for each of the 1.8 residents that are supposedly descendants of
Starting point is 00:11:57 slaves. It ends up being $600 billion in reparations paid for a state that has a $300 billion budget. Shit. I thought at first when I glanced at i thought it was 1.2 million like in total and i was like oh that's gonna be a joke because by the time that breaks down you know people aren't gonna get a lot but i didn't realize that that was gonna be the highest payout to an individual and you're paying for 700 your grandparents weren't even in the country until the 1900s. It's complete, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But here's the thing, too. If you give, and I say this with all due respect, and with 100% discrimination, prejudice, and science, the predictive value of science half of those people that you give the money to will begin to circle the toilet bowl so hard and drug overdose and end up in jail and do the craziest shit with their money and uh and and all of the money will end up back in jeff bezos's hand every last cent that that's how it rolls every single time and so if you if you do want to if you do want to kill off half the uh um african-american black melanated population in california do it it will be it will have a devastating and tragic effect. You just watch. Yeah, it's definitely going to be gasoline on the fire.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It'll be absolutely fucking nuts. But, and there'll be one or two amazing stories, right? One or two amazing stories of someone opening up their dream barbershop. Racist. That's all you'll see on CNN. Yeah, yeah. But dude, it's going to be crazy. You think this is just a big positioning
Starting point is 00:13:53 for a run-out president? Maybe. What's crazy is I was hanging out with a bunch of liberals this weekend and they're so against reparations. Yeah, I mean, most people who take a moment to really think that through other than just like yeah we did something wrong and we should write it out we should make it right by money it's like no i'm like i'm like what about well they the people i was hanging out with said some even crazier shit now unfortunately but um uh but i keep getting in trouble i don't want to talk about family but what about what about paying reparations to the descendants of the 300 000 soldiers
Starting point is 00:14:33 that were killed in the civil war uh freeing the slaves what about paying reparations to them yeah i don't believe in reparations at all Yeah me neither When are we going to give California back to Mexico Where does that end right Yeah where does it end Tom what's up dude Hey buddy what's going on Hey I missed
Starting point is 00:14:59 A little bit of this so how do they define Who the reparations are going to You have to prove supposedly you're going to have to prove that you're descendant of a slave man i feel like man oh and so what if that leads to like some some rich white liberal who has like a great great uncle who was you know what i mean oh it's for sure going to happen too it's for and that is going to happen there are going to be people out there who uh who are fucking butt white that are going to happen too. It's for, and that is going to happen. There are going to be people out there who, uh, who are fucking butt white that are going to get the loot.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And what's crazy too, is if that's the criteria for who gets it, then the criteria for who pays it should be the same. And it should just, you know what I mean? It should just be the people who are descendants. It's, it's so the logic is so back ass backwards.
Starting point is 00:15:43 The whole, what do you do with this is racist. The whole premise is racist. And imagine how resentful this country is going to be. That will be a stain on black America, black people with melanated skin for fucking ever. This goes down. This will be bad. What do you do if you've got a slave owner
Starting point is 00:16:04 who raped one of his slaves and then they had a baby? Does that person, do the descendants, do they have to pay or do they get to receive in that case? Or is it like, how does that work? It's receive. It's like one of the chance cards in Monopoly. You land on the thing. It says a slave owner rapes your descendant of a raped slave. Pass, go and collect $200.
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's what it looks like. Cool. I feel like I could do some creative genealogy to get myself involved in this. Your mom was raped, and it sucks for her, but it's good for you. You get $1.2 million. Yeah, but like you said, it's not really good because it's all going to end up back in the same place anyway. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's not really good because it's all going to end up back in the same place anyway. Oh, dude. People who don't earn money who get money go fucking crazy. And I mean it in the clinical sense. And so you're going to give someone $300,000 and he's fucked. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, so this last week my daughter came home from public school, so I know, shame on me.
Starting point is 00:17:08 She's 10 years old. She's in the fourth grade, and she's like, hey, one of my friends says she's bisexual. She found out Optimus Prime is gay. Yeah, I don't know about that. She doesn't know who Optimus Prime is, but she says one of her classmates, one of her friends, says she's bisexual, and she's like, what is that? And so we've had talks about these things somewhat.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I'm like, Hey, um, you know, people say they're bisexual. If they, if they are attracted to boys and girls. And she's like, that's weird. And I said, yeah, I said, you know what, Haley, you know, what's weird is if you're 10 years old you shouldn't be anything sexual and she's like what do you mean and I was like well sexual is something that that moms and dads you know have together and and we didn't go too far into it but I was like you know 10 year olds aren't anything sexual and then so I was like you know you're at the age where you're probably hearing about gender and calling a 10 year old sexual is like trying to pick fruit off a tree while it still has the flowers on it. Like there is no fruit on the tree. Something's fucking wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And so she's like, yeah, people say gender. They're like, she said, she's like, you know, what's that all about? And I said, I borrowed a page out of your book. I said, look, I said, sex is what you're born male or female and gender is how you think about or feel about yourself. And I said, so for example, I don't think I have any gender because I don't think about being a man. I just am. And I said, what do you think? And she goes, yeah, I don't think about that either. And I said, okay, so we don't have a gender and then we moved on. So that's how we have, I don't think about that either. And I said, okay, so we don't have a gender. And then we moved on. So that's how we handle it. I don't know if that's right or wrong. What kind of cowboy?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Tom, I was just wondering, what kind of cowboy are you? Tom, I was wondering, what kind of a Sasquatch are you? Yeah, exactly. Tom, what kind of praying mantis are you? I mean, it's just fucking nuts. And dude, what's crazy is we live in like rural Indiana, man. Like there's corn on every side of my house. It's like, it's here. TV dude.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. And, and it's these teachers, you know, so I would say about 20% of the teachers are like the, you know, 50, 55 plus year olds who are kind of normal. Um, but then the rest of them are all coming from the same universities. It doesn't matter where you're at. them are all coming from the same universities. It doesn't matter where you're at. They're all coming from the same schools. It's here, man. And my wife was totally against homeschooling
Starting point is 00:19:33 because her parents were teachers and their parents were teachers. And now she's starting to listen a little bit more because she's like, this stuff is crazy. By the way, Dick Butter said that you're non-binary. If you're struggling with knowing your gender I'm not struggling I just don't think about it
Starting point is 00:19:50 but I'm open like you said I'm open man I don't know whatever brother I my kids every day hang out with kids who are in school and it, I think we're batting 10,000 and to zero that my kids are always socialized better than the other kids. And you know what? And all the other parents know it and they tell me and it's like, and maybe it's because they're more naive. Hey, dude, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:20:26 I'm 33. Yeah. Maybe, maybe I'm, maybe I'm just too old and I'm old school, but like, I mean, I didn't put my finger in my girlfriend's vagina until I was 17 and she had to show me. I mean, I took, I remember being in my girlfriend's Mustang when I was 16 years old and like unsnapping her bra. I didn't even get to see the boobs that night. I just unsnapped the bra.
Starting point is 00:20:52 It was like seven months of celebration. Thank you. I just. Yeah, I'm just, we're trying to figure out, you know, financially, like with the commitments that we have to make what it would be, what's possible for homeschooling. And dude, it's crazy because I hear you and other people who do it say, hey, we get more done in two or three hours a day than they do in eight hours at school. And then they just like get to be kids for the rest of the day. And it sounds awesome. It's just trying to figure it out for our life and what it's going to look
Starting point is 00:21:26 like. Uh, fingers, sorry, Jeffrey Watkins. Uh, it says fingers. No,
Starting point is 00:21:30 sorry. Finger. She was so patient with me. I couldn't even fucking believe you could put a finger in the vagina. I remember being just utterly shocked. Um, Hey, this is kind of the trick though.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And I learned this from Jeremy Kinnick. Um, you can't think of it as regular school. So the reason why I was terrified of homeschool is I thought, Oh shit, how am I going to teach my kids seven classes? It's not like that. It's, it's basically, um, uh, like yesterday my kids got to hang out with Andrew Hiller for eight hours. And so they learned so much shit from him. There's no TV. They,
Starting point is 00:22:04 they showed him some magic tricks. He showed them some veins. He explained to them that the veins is the blood going to the heart to get more oxygen. The arteries is the – it was just crazy. And they just learned all of that from another man that we just walked around on the beach with. And it was just like – and then he showed them Night at the roxbury and he and he taught them so they acted out some lines and scenes from there so like are you guys brothers no yeah there's a scene like that they act they spent 30 minutes acting that scene out that was their acting i
Starting point is 00:22:37 mean you don't have to um it's not uh the only sit down stuff that they really focus on is mathematics and reading, grammar, and writing. That's when they're buckled down. And all the other stuff, as long as you keep them away from a TV set and they're outside, they'll be bringing in lizards and shit from outside. And you can look some shit up and tell them about it. Well, dude, check it out. We're in the process of building our barn right now. So in two months, we're going to have two horses that are in our backyard
Starting point is 00:23:09 and possibly a pig. Dude, that's unlimited, unlimited. You know what I mean? There's so much you can do with animals. Hey, dude, even the building, I know this is even a different, Glassman homeschools his kids, and he's building this fucking insane house in, in, in Scottsdale. And he's incorporated that into their schooling so that the architect and the
Starting point is 00:23:31 contractors have a weekly meeting with his kids for an hour that walk them through what they built on the house and how a home is. That is so freaking cool. I know when he told me that I was, I was actually a little jealous. So the kids are going to get to see like how a house is built over a year, and that's going to be part of their curriculum. Dude, that's got to be a thousand times more valuable than knowing your gender. How a shelter is built. I'm jealous of the kids, like you said dude i wish i had that like i have no idea
Starting point is 00:24:05 class now hey why are you getting um are you a horse guy and a pig why are you getting on the so i married the horse girl i married the horse girl she's uh she's got two horses and uh we already have them but we have to pay to board them at like a trainer right now. And dude, it costs so much to pay a trainer that we would rather just pay ourselves off the loan to build the building. Like what we pay for two horses to be boarded every month is like a thousand dollars a month. So we can just take that money and pay into our own property value. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Uh, yeah, dude, I'm stoked. If the, the, the, this is obviously the, also the, um, total cliche thing, but, dude, I'm stoked. This is obviously also the total cliche thing,
Starting point is 00:24:47 but the fact that my kids shake hands, make eye contact, and say hi. Like when they order food at a restaurant, they say hi to the person first. Hi. All that shit goes so far. That's a good one. Dude. We're working on that, especially with my son. But saying hi first is smart.
Starting point is 00:25:06 That's a good one. Yeah. Hi. And then open, dude, my nephew is like, I don't know how old he is. He's 20 years old and he came from Texas. He's like a total and he grew up on a on a gaming ranch with like not seen any people except hunters for the first 20 years of his life. Dude, he's he's not even like these kids at all. Like he talks to girls and shit.
Starting point is 00:25:27 He smiles. He walks upright. I mean, it's nuts. I know. It's so weird. He's like a TV superhero. Dude, I'm one of the youth group leaders at our church, and so I deal with teenagers is like my group.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And, uh, you're not kidding. It's like, they are scared to talk to people just like to interact with them. Like they'll, you'll see it. So if we have a two hour group meeting or whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:57 at the beginning of the night, they'll be like upbeat and cool. But after a few minutes of socializing, they're like afraid to talk to each other they like have to be in their phones you know what i mean it's not even like uh we're not interested it's just more like their comfort level is like they can only do so much um and every single one of them was kept home from school from covid didn't go out was scared and like it's it's it's a trip it really is but we're taking them to a cabin in uh rural
Starting point is 00:26:28 pennsylvania for a week in june or july and i'm stoked about it because there's no cell phones allowed and we're just going hiking we're gonna go help at the food pantry at penn state and like do a bunch of cool projects and stuff i'm really stoked to see what it does for them yeah i love that that sounds awesome. All right, buddy. I'll let you go. All right. Thank you. Hey, not one person said to hang up on Tom. That's what I was going to say too. He got a lot of solid air
Starting point is 00:26:54 time and everybody was into it. It's crazy. Usually if someone calls just David, that's his default. Hang up. Right away. David's like, fuck him. Welcome to the show hang up yeah yeah throw out a few racial slurs and then hang up yeah judy i take my kids everywhere it's like that their whole day is just like it's it's like that just it just education and watching the levels of
Starting point is 00:27:23 my patients with them go up and down throughout the day. Six at the jujitsu tournament I was at the other day, Zuckerberg was there. As I told you guys, no, I didn't see him. And that kind of bums me out. I would have liked to have seen him. But he got up on the same, you know, little cheesy first, second, third place box that my kids did and took his picture. But I was talking to someone the other other day i wish i could remember who i i i have good feelings about this person i think i like this person a lot i just can't remember who it is but i was talking about one of the you know those machines that you go in
Starting point is 00:27:59 and they put dots all over the person, and then the person moves. Like the 3D. Yeah, it turns 3D. And this person's like, hey, dude, they don't do that anymore. I'm like, they don't? And he's like, no, it's just all cameras now. It's called live motion blah, blah, blah cameras. And they said it to me so definitively. Like they were the fucking expert on it.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I was like, okay, you know, all right, chill. I'm good. Serve it with confidence, baby. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were so confident. But then I saw this today. I wish i could remember who it is so i could send it to him um uh 628 this is uh this looks like it's pretty recent and this is for the metaverse and uh if you're gonna pull up because the last couple things you talked about were exactly the same things in my algorithm i wonder if we're're the same. Yeah, yeah. I think we all are on the same algorithm.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. And this thing's pretty cool. This is Mark Zuckerberg's account from February 9th. UFC pound for pound number one doing some sparring with Alexander Volkanovsky. And it's with the motion capture in our engage gear and I don't know he looks pretty dotted up to me unless they're doing both
Starting point is 00:29:17 looks incredible alright should we do this? let's do it. And action. I wonder if those sound effects were added afterwards or. That was pretty good. Oh, there you go. That was pretty good. Zuck said his own kick was pretty good. Again.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Counter, too. How was that counter? All right. That was fun playing around. Now let's actually go for it. Anyway, that's just my point. Dots, baby. Dots.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Dots, not feathers. Hey, will you go to his account, Caleb, for one seconduck i want to show you something just something i don't want to pick on him but scroll up a little bit uh look at this video of him and his wife talking here on the left our science work listen to what he's what a little bit of what he says but also does he seem how would you um A little bit of what he says, but also does he seem, how would you, look, watch his body language. What do you see here? He's focused on curing, preventing, or managing all disease. That's what drove us to start the San Francisco Biohub.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Now we're launching a second Biohub to build new tools to transform what we know about human biology. Yeah, and this Chicago Biohub is going to build miniaturized sensors to understand how cells work together and interact within tissues. We're then going to apply these technologies to measure and understand inflammation in living humans. It's so awkward. It's a trip, dude. The comments are hilarious. Look it, she's your wife, bro.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Why are you so nervous? The guy looks like he's been kept at gunpoint. Yeah, something's up with him. Maybe he's got like crazy social anxiety, which would make his foray into jujitsu fascinating, right? That means he's facing his fears head on. But anyway, it's unfortunate. He gives me Bill Gates vibes. Yeah, unfortunately. Well, at least he's in shape and he's moving and that gives fears head on but anyway it's unfortunate he gives me bill gates vibes yeah unfortunately well at least he's in shape and he's moving and that gives him a chance to be red pilled what's crazy though is that whole thing is about inflammation and like why don't you just say hey stop eating sugar and uh vegetable and seed oils that's it you're done you don't have to do any like
Starting point is 00:31:41 biosensors on a meatloaf didn't that look like a meatloaf it looks like it was almost like the the hunter's take and he was trying to get it right because if you look at his hand position and the way his foot's turned out none of that is a natural stance so right you know and then what you don't see is if you were to pause this and then switch our perspective to see what they're seeing i bet you got a crew of fucking 20 people back there and crazy overproduction going on with this. And they're probably saying, Mark, turn a little bit. Drop your left shoulder. Keep your hand in your left.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Really? You don't think that was just shot with a cell phone? No. Definitely not. Dude, this guy travels with like at least 10 security personnel. You think when they go to a photo shoot with his pregnant wife and stuff like that, they're not, you know, they're not just 50 people buzzing all. Yeah. He's squeezing something with his left hand
Starting point is 00:32:26 and his right hand he's pushing on his thigh. It's in his pocket, his foot turned out, his shoulders turned. They're also really close together like you would do to shoot something, not like how you would naturally stand. Their lines are extremely scripted and words that they can say, can't say
Starting point is 00:32:40 in the way that it's being delivered. So I just, you know. Go back out one more time. Let me show you. If it really is scripted, then they shouldn't have posted the photo either, by the way that it's being delivered so i just you know go back out one more time let me show you if it really is scripted then they shouldn't have posted the the photo either by the way you can go back out to the see how that picture of him leaning in to kiss her what i see there she didn't want to be kissed i see fake smile doesn't want to be kissed. It looks really awkward. It looks staged. And it almost looks like they made him hold that position for a moment. She's not leaned into him at all.
Starting point is 00:33:12 She's leaned back further away. And if she was really like, the whole thing is just weird. It's just staged. It's not genuine. When things aren't genuine like that, you could feel it. You'd know it. Like innately, you're like, there's something up. This is weird.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I do like his Instagram though. It's cool. feel it you know it like innately you're like there's something up this is weird um i do i do like his instagram though it's it's kind it's cool it's it's i feel like he's trying to share you know yeah i don't want to be that guy but i also think that that's run by a crew of people where they say okay mark here's what we're going to do with your image. You've been getting – No shit. You don't think he's posting those? Fuck no. No. There's a lot of photos of him and his wife, which is a trip. Of course, because they're making an image.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Hey, Mark, your image needs a makeover. In this sector of the demographic, you're really losing the males between 18 and 25, and we know that they're the main drivers. Oh, and you think that's why he's doing all the you think that's why he's doing the ufc stuff the fighting the the what's that stuff with the surfboard that drives itself um i don't i the not windsurfing but uh that uh that thing right there yeah he's been doing a lot of that so i obviously he's doing those action sport things, but I guarantee you that there's some sort of agenda about that. Wow, crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah, because why would you fucking make it public? Do you know anyone who's in the metaverse? Do you know anyone who plays first-person shooters or who cruises around in the metaverse? Anyone? No. Do you, Caleb? No.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Shouldn't that be all the dudes in the metaverse any for anyone no do you caleb no isn't that shouldn't that be all the dudes in the military you don't know like 120 year old dudes who do that or do you even know any 20 year old dudes no they usually play just like xbox or playstation or whatever but nobody really we don't have the money to be paying for these fucking ai machines all right hey froning doesn't run his insta but he's open about it and i don't think he i don't think rich does it um because he um he's painting an image of himself no well i mean he i mean he obviously doesn't want anyone to fuck his image up but i think he does it because he doesn't want to be sucked into social media i think that's i think he's just straight up said that hey i don't want to spend time on social media makes sense yeah and and and for both of these guys for um i i'm not uh i'm not hating on mark if he does have someone run it too. But ideally, you don't want people to be looking at it and be like,
Starting point is 00:35:46 hey, that makes me uncomfortable or that lacks authenticity. I guess unless that's what you're going for, maybe that's what he wants. It's like the fake reality TV shows. Once you find out that they're scripted and the whole thing's fake, you're just like, oh. Have you heard about – so I'm going gonna find someone to make me a floyd 19 shirt i'm and i'm gonna find a place to put them up and sell them
Starting point is 00:36:09 a hundred of them i don't know how many people you think would buy that shirt though look at 626 i don't know i just think it's so niche it's it's so appropriate it's it's so it's so it's it's it's so um to like the 10 people who see it and understand it yeah right it's so i told you so after seven months coco republic san francisco flagship announces closure uh scroll down a little bit let's look at the the stores that creighton uh it was a former creighton barrel store so they're gone look at the stores that are gone besides the 20 uh cvs's and walgreens that are gone whole foods left san francisco nordstrom sax fifth avenue and anthropology all the affluent stores.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, they're just fleeing. Mm-hmm. No, Coco Republic's an Australian brand. I had never even heard of it. Me neither. I have a friend who ran a billion-dollar-plus brick-and-mortar chain. And I text him this morning, and I go, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:37:36 He goes, they haven't hit – San Francisco hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Just wait. Did he give an example of which one would be rock bottom? Like when what store leaves no but he says he says it's going to get worse before it gets better but he thinks now's it now's the time to start gobbling up real estate he thinks it'll he thinks it'll uh it'll come back i don't know i mean the politicians are going to have to complete republicans are going to have to take over you're going to have to need someone like really rudy giuliani you're gonna have to
Starting point is 00:38:04 have someone who just basically a no tolerance policy right yeah i would have to take over. You're going to have to need someone like Rudy Giuliani. You're going to have to have someone who just basically a no tolerance policy, right? Yeah, I would have to be – I feel like to get the pendulum to really swing back the other way in a meaningful way that it would have to probably be pretty extreme. So those of you who – I don't know, maybe who are younger than me, 30 or 40 years ago, there was this pretty popular belief that all the major cities in the United States would become like museums. And what they meant by that is it would become so expensive to live in big cities like San Francisco, New York, Chicago, that they would become like destination hubs. And the only people who would live there would be the wealthiest people in the world. And then on top of – and then we would visit – we would live in the suburbs, right, the rest of us peons. And then we would go there, and we would visit San Francisco like an amusement park. And it did seem like it was going that way.
Starting point is 00:38:51 You know what I mean? Like, oh, you're driving across the Bay Bridge. Oh, you're at Pier 39. Oh, you're at Golden Gate Park. And you would visit cities like that they were like these – they would be like just giant, really nice – part shopping mall, part architectural wonder, part historical. They would just be these metropolises that hold the history of our civilization. And that's not what's happening. It turned into Escape from New York.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You remember that movie? Get out while you can. Yeah, it turned into a zombie land. It was going that way, and then it didn't. It was at a crossroad for sure because they were kind of containing all that and then everything else was starting to flourish and then it just went flipped into the trash and everything else just overtook it yeah i would really like for me in in my you know small view of the world, for me, it's 100% because they left the border open
Starting point is 00:39:46 and fentanyl got in. Yeah, if you haven't seen this movie, this movie's crazy. I don't think there's any talking in this movie. I don't think there was a script. Yeah, escape from New York. Yeah, Sean Lenderman, it's because people that vote a certain way,
Starting point is 00:40:09 Democrat, just ruin one city and move on to the next. Yash, do you know Oakland? Man, it's in trouble. Adam Blakeslee, what would happen if the chaos of San Fran, Oakland broke open san quentin the thing is san quentin's just over there isolated it's it's that's not gonna happen well fuck yeah but it's just isolated over there and what city is san quentin in
Starting point is 00:40:37 san rafael yeah i can't remember i got a cousin in there for life for life yeah it's a really crazy story. We'll have to save it for another time. I think you'd enjoy it. We'll talk about it off air, and then you can let me know. Haley used to teach yoga in there, and she'd be left in there teaching it alone with the inmates. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:59 That's crazy. How did that make you feel? Not good. She didn't tell me until after. After like a year after she had had that gig yeah that's the strong woman yeah that was um because i know all the dudes are just in there just ogling her like just basically every dude's in there like hey how how could I bone her? I mean, maybe I'm projecting, but. It's a pretty accurate projection, I would probably say. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. Oh, nice, Caleb. Wow. Yeah. So there's a point. That point is called Point San Quentin. Yeah, there it is. What's that thing there called?
Starting point is 00:41:43 The Garden what? Chapel? Wow. Four-star reviews. That's the church inside the prison has a review? Yeah, five of them, actually. Is the prison reviewed? See if the prison's reviewed.
Starting point is 00:42:00 One guy said three stars. Somebody said one. Let me see if the prison's reviewed. They don't have reviews on them, I don't think. Wow. Oh, my God. Just got back from a mental health conference. Oh, that must have been fun.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Super scary numbers. One in 16 have thoughts of suicide. Thoughts? Like more than one? And now white men over 60 are at the highest. Everyone hates you. Dude, someone sent me this thing from Amsterdam. This shit's not just in the United States.
Starting point is 00:42:44 There's this huge thing going on in Amsterdam right now where it's okay just to beat up white people on the streets. Have you been following any of this? No. What? And they show this fucking... They show a white man in this really nice train station get jumped by
Starting point is 00:42:58 20 people. I don't know. I don't even know what ethnicity or race they are. And they stomp him and then throw him into the train tracks, into the subway tracks. One of the people stomping the dude is a six-year-old boy. What? Yeah. What the fuck? This sounds insane.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah. Those are crazy. If you think we're liberal, Europe is a fucking mess. It's a complete progressive joke. The sickness is – it Europe is a fucking mess. It's a complete progressive joke. I mean, the sickness is... It really is a sickness. It really is a mental virus. In 10 years, San Francisco is going to be the new Detroit. 10 years, maybe even 5, man.
Starting point is 00:43:40 The rate it's going. It's decaying pretty quickly. Olivia, I grew up in sonoma and used to go to san francisco on the weekends to go to concerts when i was 16 yeah i used to do that stuff too it was great you can't pay me to go back to the city now yeah you're screwed you are screwed my dad does a lot of work in san francisco he's in the construction industry and um they've had huge problems with uh just equipment getting stolen material getting stolen their cars broken into and they were on one block that was pretty bad just uh like east of market like tendalon area the guy literally the date like a week prior had gotten his truck broken into a bunch of stuff taken out of it and got the window fixed and like his tools got replaced he he parks walks in to go
Starting point is 00:44:29 talk to the superintendent of the job and comes back out and all the shit was gone again less than five minutes by the time it all got replaced wow yeah and they've been having tons of issue with material getting stolen or um it just coming in and it being wrecked you know people just go in there and they drink and just break shit and stuff like that about five years ago i saw this youtube station where these dudes would go into fucking just shitty neighborhoods and they would leave a bike parked and they would usually leave it parked at the top of a hill and they would tie a rope to it. I've seen that. Dude. These were the most insane videos ever.
Starting point is 00:45:13 What do you think about that? I'm okay with it. Because they stole it, so therefore the action, the consequence that happens after that is like, well. I don't know. No, no. I'm okay with it. No, I'm okay with it because I just feel like that's the state of affairs of the country. I don't think ethically it's got to be –
Starting point is 00:45:30 Hey, but I never saw someone steal one of the bikes where I was like, oh, that guy was just late somewhere. Every time the bike was stolen, it was some scumbag. You know what I mean? It was like you see the guy like he knows what he's he's plotting there's like the look around passing by at once goes back then does like hop on to get away yeah uh jake uh jake chapman um on on on the one hand seve uh says how bullshit the news is yet you believe what the internet tells you about europe we We're all good here. Listen, you guys are progressive. We just saw what you guys did with the 49ers.
Starting point is 00:46:13 You guys are not okay there. I didn't know you were. That's so crazy. I didn't know you were European. Jake, you're so cool. You guys are not okay there. Pipe down. I'll give you another fake 49er games to deal with.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Bam. Oh, my goodness. And what's crazy is, I don't know, not this one, but in some of the other videos, the guys will then run out and surround the guy. You know what I mean? And just talk to him. And usually the guy can't tell whether he wants to fight or. Oh, I'm getting just racked on the, usually the guys, the guy can't tell whether he wants to fight or, uh, Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:47 I'm getting just racked on the front of that bike too. Oh, there they are. Yeah. Hey, give me my bike. You hit the nuts like that. There's no fight left in you.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And the downhill ones. I like the ones where they're, where they're downhill. God, this is good. Good. Fine. Caleb,
Starting point is 00:47:03 where's the rope? Oh, how does that guy not know that there's a rope there? Oh, my God. Why are you even going over there and picking up that bike? It's not even a nice bike. there and picking up that bike it's not even a nice bike i think oh are we gonna get in trouble for the seven second rule here i don't think so twitter right facebook oh yeah uh david uh we're dude listen yash you are wrong too uh europe versus america crossfit terms is moderately
Starting point is 00:47:53 overweight full-blown type no you're you are absolutely nuts dude i went i lived in the uk 20 years ago and you were where we are um or 30 years ago and you're where we are you were those guys were where we are now complete fucking unmitigated disaster dude you guys banded your countries together you guys don't even have sovereignty you guys are all just one lump sum being run by the world economic forum don't get me don't get me started fighting with you guys is already done's already sold out. 625.
Starting point is 00:48:30 625. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Sorry. Hold on. Jeffrey Watkins. Someone, did you listen to all the Jocko's takes on Greg? His two hot takes that just letting affiliates fail may not have been the best approach and that he communicated himself.
Starting point is 00:48:44 He communicated himself out of the company. Yeah, I heard it. I read the comments yesterday. I went to, I went to the, I listened to it on audio and then someone told me the video was up yesterday and I wanted to go back to the part where Dave called Jocko a pop seal. And I even went to the urban dictionary and I looked up if that term had ever been used before pop seal and it hadn't i'd never heard that so basically dave introduced that into the vernacular which is kind of cool pop seal and uh and he apologizes right when he uses it because he knows it it has a bit of a um uh derogatory maybe it's too strong but it has negative connotation yeah thank you thank you negative connotation for that community. So, and then I read the comments and someone wrote, Hey, I, I came here because Sevan said it was a i i enjoyed it thoroughly and that i
Starting point is 00:49:47 actually recommended listening to it but um but i do have feedback on it and um and i do i do have feedback on it i don't i don't think i really enjoy being the center of attention either i think you have me read it a little wrong but anyway um they they i i don't know anything about jaco's career i've only listened to sound bites of his podcast on um uh that i see on instagram i went to his instagram page once and i saw it was just a bunch of watches posted at 4 20 and just everything i've seen about him he's just not my cup of tea not that i dislike him and i and i think a lot of people find value to him and anytime i mention his name the people who listen to this show love him great so be it uh i i do uh i i don't care whether a seal tells to kisses and tells or doesn't i don't i don't have a strong opinion on that my thing about the whole thing is is that i find him disingenuous as all fuck because um you've had an affiliate
Starting point is 00:50:53 for 10 or 15 years and you've never invited dave or greg on and you betray yourself by inviting them now when you're selling garbage and at bare minimum i know it's garbage because i guarantee you that those fucking plastic bottles and plastic bags and all that shit he's selling supposedly healthy stuff in is not good for you and so you know does he say cool shit yeah like uh there's there's a chris williamson says what suggestions you have for men and he says work out and do jujitsu and you know whatever but just the black and white and and the over stylized and and the disingenuous have invited waiting so long to invite him on it's like hey it screams volumes to me but but i thought dave handled himself well and i think it's fucking
Starting point is 00:51:35 hilarious that dave called him a fucking pop seal and him and goggins i think it's fucking hilarious i think it also speaks uh without saying anything about Dave's career yeah yeah and I I spoke to Dave every single night muscle man a few nights while he was on deployments
Starting point is 00:52:00 and I know that unless he was just straight out lying to me which i never even considered once i would be talking to him and every night it'd be like hey i have to go don't leave me alone i'm going on a job and don't contact me again until i contact you or shit like that and that would happen day after day after day after day yeah well also just like when he said the pop seal thing jocko never pushed back or anything. No, no, no. Well, he kind of he didn't push back, but he explained himself. He said something he made distinguished between being a silent professional and a quiet professional.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And he and Jocko knows those terms because he knows of the he's he I'm sure he's been ridiculed or the judgment or he knows what the etiquette was supposed to be of seals. And Dave helped walk him out of that, too. Dave didn't just like call him a pop seal and then just leave him flailing dave was a gentleman and threw him a few lifelines yeah and dave dave also told i spoke to dave after and he told me he really does like jaco's book which blows me away right and it makes me want to read jaco's book that's a good but but dude um uh i i i i i'll go one step further i think jocko and andy stump are butt buddies and jocko's being a loyal friend and since andy doesn't like dave and uh greg um he was not gonna have them on the show i'm guessing i'm completely made that up. So there's that. Yeah, but I didn't like the show or that I'm hating on Jocko or any of that is complete fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I'm just I'm just watching from outside and making, I think, what are fair assessments. I'm not and I'm not even hating on him for for waiting. And I'm not even hating on him for waiting. If he hated Dave and now he wants to sell fucking junk food to the masses and he's having Dave on, I'm not hating on him for that either. But that doesn't mean that I can't have that perspective or opinion. Well, you could tell there's some sort of reason why they didn't kind of embrace CrossFit. Because Andy, Jocko, Goggins, Rogan, like all these guys always just hover around the idea of it
Starting point is 00:54:09 but they've never come out and like talk about it and then the one person that went on and obviously we know was frazier to rogan's and that was a fucking disaster in terms of representation of the crossfit community what cross disaster and then now we have this one with jaco which is very obviously just a promotional stunt for um jaco's products and sponsorship with the crossfit games so yeah something something within there happens where they all embrace the methodology use the methodology new new of its effectiveness but never quite gave it the uh attention it deserved especially in the early days for one reason or another. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:54:47 But Jocko does embrace CrossFit but doesn't seem to embrace Greg. Just like Andy embraces CrossFit but doesn't seem to embrace Greg. Right. But I also follow Jocko quite a bit, like when he first wrote his book and stuff like that. And I never even knew he had a CrossFit affiliate until just recently. Oh, okay. Like, I mean, like, what I mean Like, I mean, like what I mean recently,
Starting point is 00:55:06 I mean like when Dave went on the show recently, like within the last two weeks. So you mean to tell me that you were in the SEALs, you trained with CrossFit in the early days, you had lunch with Nicole and Greg and Dave after a very early day seminar in the SEALs, knew that it was the most effective methodology, so much so to get yourself prepared
Starting point is 00:55:22 for the unknown and the unknowable, that you then opened an affiliate in your area so you could continuously train this way had your other seals trained this way but you had never fucking talked about it on any of your public platforms that affiliate i think you were reaching on that relationship with andy you don't think andy and jaco are very close i i i i i have heard uh differently jaco hasn't updated his his affiliate in years like it's looked the exact same since like 2012 another mistaken assumption what's the assumption i i don't know what you guys are saying
Starting point is 00:56:01 uh yeah i think his drink is is the drink of the games or whatever. Yeah. Jocko Gofield. Yeah. I would drink the junk food too. Dave was drinking the junk food. Yeah. I would drink the junk food.
Starting point is 00:56:21 It doesn't mean it's not that. Everyone chill. Okay. Andy was on Jocko's podcast a while back. I know they're friends. I'd be willing to bet $10,000 on it. Mr. Clock, that wasn't for you. Okay. What I don't know, though, is if Jocko has that kind of loyalty.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm definitely like that. know though is as if the jocko has is that is that kind of loyalty like like i'm definitely like that if i think that if if if i if i think that dave or greg or my close friends if i if i think that they really fucking have a problem with someone i'll be um unfortunately i'm extremely loyal like that too like if i found like if i found out that um i don't want to use caleb or matt as an example i found out a dear friend's wife was cheating on my friend i wouldn't talk to their wife ever again probably which is how i am i don't know if i wouldn't like have negative thoughts or like hate them but i just wouldn't talk to them disassociation yeah yeah or if you accused matt of robbing a bank and i and he didn I probably or even if he did, I probably wouldn't talk to you again.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Greg isn't asking anyone to embrace him. So why do you care if he's embraced? I don't know. I don't know if I do. I don't know if I do care what I was just suggesting. is that you have this platform, you know of the miracle that is CrossFit and its health benefits and its psychological benefits and its financial benefits to the small business miracle that it is, and yet you partake in it, and yet you have this huge platform and you have access to the biggest people in that space and you don't ever use it until you want to sell an energy drink and protein powder that's all i'm saying and i'm not even saying i have a problem with it but it makes everything else like a little disingenuous
Starting point is 00:58:15 so um like i'll tell in in to degrees every does. So I saw someone the other day accused Alex Kazan of doing steroids and benching to seven for she benched to 70. So what did I do? I went online and I found the strongest bench press woman in the world who's natural. She benched 303 at 138 pounds. So I invited her on the show and she's going to come on the show in a couple of weeks. And why am I doing that? Because I'm curious. and she's going to come on the show in a couple weeks. And why am I doing that? Because I'm curious. I want everyone to get a look at what a natural girl looks like
Starting point is 00:58:48 and hear her opinion and add to the conversation. And so I don't have a problem with Jocko doing that. I'm just saying that I think it's disingenuous. It takes a little – he'd have to have Dave on three more times before I was like, okay, they really really are the the the the friendship's real. It's sincere. The interest in each other. David, natural, sure. Hey, I mean, Hiller studied her account yesterday and i'm gonna even tell her before
Starting point is 00:59:26 she comes on i'm like hey i don't want to play gotcha with you i just want to ask you about being natural and if she doesn't want to talk about it then i won't have her on it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be that i'm saying anything bad about jocko it's not it's not like that just just my assessment of the timeline of the situation and it's obvious too i mean it's like and they talked about it in the podcast he kind of tried to avoid it about what the the sponsorship and the situation yeah it came at the end right it came at the end yeah he's like and this would be a good time to have you on because of with the go and so it was very obvious.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Like the whole thing was like brought to you by Jocko Fuel. Might as well just have said that throughout the whole entire show. Like what if they would have started the show with, holy shit, Dave. I can't believe I've never fucking had you on. And the truth is I know you got a little beef with Stumpf, and Stumpf got a beef with you, and Stumpf's my friend. Truth is, is I know you got a little beef with stump and stump got a beef with you and stumps my friend. And now I'm doing I'm excited because I think that I can sell a shitload of this stuff to the CrossFit community. And I think it's a shortcut to getting some protein. And I'm flattered that this community, you know, with its high standard, high level of of acceptance of bullshit products has embraced mine.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And I'm a little embarrassed that I haven't had you on sooner but i'm glad it's happening yeah i've been a 10 000 taking all the air out of the fucking room i'd be like i'd just be sitting here like this damn i'm gonna fucking done did it and he opened a lot of doors but he didn't but he didn't yeah and that's okay too i ain't um i think he's on about jen th Wow, look at you, Yash. Holy shit. You know your shit. Yeah. We called me and the Three Plain Brothers and Hiller FaceTimed Hunter McIntyre yesterday.
Starting point is 01:01:23 It was cool. That's cool. Yeah, it was fun. How's Hunter McIntyre yesterday. It was cool. That's cool. Yeah, it was fun. How's Hunter doing? He's good. You can tell he's, you know what really he's like, right? Because in two weeks, he's going to compete and try to set the fucking,
Starting point is 01:01:39 the record that can't be broken at High Rocks, right? Pulled out, he was done. He basically retired from High Rocks. My word's not his. And now he's coming back for one final season because he had that debacle with the olympics right he had the dates wrong for qualifying for the olympics and so you can just tell when you're he's sitting on the couch and he just there's something about him that's kind of on edge like he's ready to run the race now but it's not for another two weeks yeah so he's kind of like held back a little bit like yeah
Starting point is 01:02:08 it's a aged animal ready to go wait for sevan to say nothing bad about the podcast or jocko though it's just my observation i don't fuck you i don't know what you're saying but I don't like it. What are the bullshit products if you haven't tried them or seen the formulation bullshit by association? Listen, you can go out and buy your own creatine and your own arginine and you can mix them
Starting point is 01:02:39 and you can make your own shit. Or you can go out and you can buy people's shit that's already mixed together. Like the NO Explode or the liver king protein powder or and and you don't know where they're made um you don't know what fucking natural flavors are put in them that that's all you don't know those plastic bottles you don't know what kind of fucking shitty plastic was sprayed inside of them that That's all I'm saying. Anything processed. All the processed shit.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Just anything processed. Like decaf beans. Those are bullshit. That's what I mean by bullshit. Yeah, the Ricky Garrard stuff. I'm trying to think if I have anything that's bullshit. Let me show you something. I can reach over and grab it i got a can of a polar ice water sparkling water there i don't buy sparkling water at my home anymore but we're on the i don't like the word vacation
Starting point is 01:03:35 but we're traveling so i got a case of sparkling water as a treat for the house well the inside of that can of polar water is sprayed with like the thinnest coat of plastic. That's like the worst kind of plastics for you, supposedly. As opposed to I could just get water out of the tap and carbonate it myself. I could buy the shit online and carbonate it myself. Still going to be bullshit with your fluoride and everything else, but. Right. That's all.
Starting point is 01:04:03 That's all I'm just saying. Like this, this guy's packaging a bunch of shit that you could do yourself you can mix together yourself and that's it that's all i'm saying hey jay chapman one day he said he's gonna tell us he's vegan but very possible that's totally possible you think you know what the problem with the carbonated drink maker is? I looked into them. There's so much plastic in them. You can't find one
Starting point is 01:04:29 that's just an all glass and steel unit. I'm only eating carrots next month. Okay, let's go. Let's go to this. I'm fighting with these guys. These guys got into my head. You guys win. Okay, here we go. I'm Richard, a.k.a. Big Head.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I work at the Red House, and I'm black. I like pumping iron and pumping furniture into people's homes. I'm Johnny, a.k.a. T-Engage. I work at the Red House, and I'm white. I like deer hunting, bass fishing, and extending credit to all people. at the Red House and I'm white. I like deer hunting, bass fishing, and extending credit to all people.
Starting point is 01:05:08 At the Red House. I'm black and I love the Red House. I'm white and I love the Red House. I'm a black woman and I love the Red House. I am white and the Red House is for me. At the Red House. Look at the sofa. It's perfect for a black person or a white person. This mattress is perfect for a white person or a black person.
Starting point is 01:05:42 At the Red House, where black people and white people buy furniture and expanding people too and all people three three six eight eight two ninety four sixteen you're gonna call it yeah yeah yeah when was that commercial made do you think do you think that's real i mean i think so like that's real commercial for the red house or is a spoof i can't even fucking believe this i hope this is a hotline to buy jaco's fruit drink 2009 2009 i saw your commercial from 2009 and i was just wondering uh uh 336 oh um 882 oh i don't think this phone is hooked up hold on it has to be somebody called already oh how come you can't hear it when i'm
Starting point is 01:06:45 dialing oh yeah you're right someone did call already three three six oh wait three three six eight eight two nine four one six it looks like it's still open. You Googled it? Yeah. Crazy. Oh, shit. Wow. Thank you for calling Red House Furniture. Our store hours are Monday through Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have reached this recording during these times, we are assisting other customers.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a great day. All right. Thank you. I'll call back later. This is the Sevan Podcast, and I was just calling with some inquiries about the production house that made your commercial. I, too, am looking for a production company that would introduce people of African-American and white American and Hispanic-American descent to my show.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And maybe some Asians. Not a lot. All right. I'll call back later. Or feel free to text me with the information of the production company you used for your fabulous commercial. Thank you. All right. Damn, I wish they answered.
Starting point is 01:08:35 At the Red House. Were you going to tell them that they were live on air when you called them? I wasn't, but now that you mentioned it, I probably should. I was going to hit the like applaud button when you said it too. Rough morning, Seve. No, no, I'm just, I'm just, I don't. I just don't want. I'm not trying to overtly. This is fucked up what I'm about to say.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I'm not trying to overtly pick on Jocko. And I did enjoy the podcast. And the easiest way to get under my skin, truly, my Achilles heel is to be misunderstood. But it's the story of my life. And so, whatever. Deal with it, Seve. But when I listen to things, I have opinions on them,
Starting point is 01:09:30 and I have observations on them, and that's it. And I'm surrounded by people who live in some sort of duality where I can't say cigarettes are bad but be smoking cigarettes. I live with fucking, unfortunately, retards who can't say cigarettes are bad but be smoking cigarettes. Like I live with fucking unfortunately retards who can't – it's like there's so few of us who can – what's that called when you bring two things together? Not mitigate. Like if you're a vegan and you own a McDonald's,
Starting point is 01:10:06 you have to bring those two ideas together. You have to bring that lifestyle. Kind of, what's the word I'm looking for? Maybe someone will say it in the, someone help me with the word. I reciprocate. Fuse, combine, assimilate yeah it's all those things um not cognitive dissonance no it's turned into the fucking uh hypocrite yeah that's where a lot of people go they go to hypocrite they go to hypocrite because they don't know the definition thank you that's a good good place to start they
Starting point is 01:10:42 don't know the definition of hypocrite it's okay if you smoke and tell people that smoking is horrible for you. Some people see a contradiction in that, and it's because they're fucking simpletons. They think that they are their thoughts. You're not. Reconcile. It's kind of more like reconcile. Thank you, Daniel Garrity. If you're a vegan and you own a McDonald's, you have to reconcile that.
Starting point is 01:11:07 A person who puts on false appearance or virtue or religion. A person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. Uh-oh, hold on. Let me see. I'm having trouble reconciling this definition. Hold on. So, a person who acts in contradiction to his – so if you say smoking is bad, are you acting in contradiction to your state of beliefs or feelings? I don't think so. I think it would be something more like, hey,
Starting point is 01:11:42 nobody could go into restaurants and you have to wear something. If you say you never do bad things and you smoke and you think smoking is bad then you're a hypocrite right sure that's the contradiction between your belief now because if you smoke and you say smoking is bad all you're not a hypocrite you're just because you didn't say that you don't do bad things. Okay. But if you say you do bad, if you don't do bad things and you're smoking and you tell people smoking is bad, now you're a hypocrite. Sure. Or you need to stay inside your house and wear a mask, but then I still go to a restaurant without one with all my friends.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I don't take any advice from smokers or employ them. They spend more time smoking than fucking working lazy fucks. Yeah. Yeah. I don't blame you. All they want to do is get to their next smoke break. Anyway, I've been there. Yeah, that would make you a liar. I wonder
Starting point is 01:12:43 what the difference is between a liar and a hypocrite. But I can say, by no means do you have to endorse every product that you put in your mouth as being healthy. If you're a health food person. I mean, yeah, you eat shit. Yeah, you eat some bad stuff so would it also be the same if somebody was in prison for like stealing and they were like hey don't steal yeah i don't think that's a hit at all i think that's an expert right yeah you can live through their experience and and make mistakes so you don't think that's a shame one, right? I think that's an expert. Yeah. Don't ever steal. It will lead to going to prison and then the person in prison. They're not a hypocrite. I never stole, but clearly you did steal. Then you're a hypocrite. You're a liar.
Starting point is 01:13:47 you're a hypocrite you're a liar but it's anyway no no one no one no one cares yeah you know what i saw yesterday it was it was so perfect with andrew andrew hiller and i we're walking down the beach together me and hiller on that path that runs along this you know so there's the row of fucking 10 million dollar houses as far as your eye can see then there's a 10 foot cement walk, and then there's the beach, and then there's the Pacific Ocean. And then, you know, these side streets, just every 300 yards, a street hits the beach, right? Perpendicular to the beach, right?
Starting point is 01:14:17 The streets that come to the beach. And there's a late, as we're walking along the beach, a lady comes up from one of those streets perpendicular with her dog. And her dog's running ahead of her off leash. And it's an old dog and it's a big dog. It's like an 80-pound lab. It's old as shit. And it crosses the bike path, almost hits some bikers, whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:39 It's old. It's fine. And it goes right into the sand. What was that? That's my dog. Oh, it's not like It's fine. And it goes right into the sand. What was that? That's my dog. Oh, it's not like someone farting. And no, Andrew did not finger me. Great question, though, David. He didn't know. He did not finger. Thank you for asking. And so the dog crosses the bike path and goes right into the sand
Starting point is 01:15:02 and immediately gets in that position of a shitting dog and takes a huge shit because obviously the chick feeds her dog horrible food you know what i mean it's like just a dry dog food shit just a massive mound of shit and so she's on one side of the bike path her dog's in the sand 15 feet away and i stop and i turn around and look at her and it's a 30 year old chick who's 60 pounds overweight who's really attractive right she just looks like and she's just let herself go and she's dressed like a cum dumpster and i'm just standing there and i'm watching and she's watching us and and I turn to Hillary go this is
Starting point is 01:15:46 why fucking uh I don't want to go I don't want to leave my house I'm not I'm not uh I don't want to leave my house and uh he goes why I'm like because I know this lady's not going to go over there and pick up her dog shit and he's like no really I'm like yeah no and so we sit there and watch and she does she walks away and doesn't pick up her dog shit she just takes back off into the goes back into the neighborhood that's fucked up in the beach too you know somebody could step in that barefoot dude someone's a hundred percent gonna step in that oh my goodness david did you call the cops i hate you do you have anything better to do david david why don't you just spend one show saying nice things to me asshole
Starting point is 01:16:38 i know that wasn't nice to call her a cum dumpster, but I'm just frustrated. I mean, she was dressed like a skank, but it was like... Well, she was on the beach. Was she in a bathing suit? No, no, no, no, no. She wasn't in a bathing suit. She was in some lingerie weird outfit
Starting point is 01:16:58 that just made her look just trashy. She just needed someone to buy her a drink and pound her. I feel like you get a pass at the beach. Anyway, I can't think clearly about her because – Because of the dog shit? Because of the dog shit, yeah. I'm just mad at her.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Do you know what I mean? I'm just like – Yeah. But I'm like, look how she takes care of herself. Look how she represents herself, and of course she doesn't care. Hey, and here's the thing. I get it if you didn't have – if you forgot a have you forgot a poop bag or anything it was clear though that she was running her she it was like so obvious she just got home from somewhere opened the door
Starting point is 01:17:32 she's like oh fuck i gotta take my dog out and ran down to the beach and let her dog take a shit there and then took off and it's like or you could have waited five minutes until someone came by with the dog and be like hey hey, can I get a poop bag? Yeah. How do you dress like a cum dumpster? You don't. You just need that little angry Armenian man to just name call you. I don't even know. I'm just being, I'm just angry. I just. That's what I was going to say. If she came on the beach and you saw her pick up trash
Starting point is 01:18:01 and then pick up somebody other dog poop and then threw it away, Would it have changed your perspective? I'd asked her to marry me. Hey, do you want to get involved with me and my wife, Haley? Yeah, it's totally,
Starting point is 01:18:12 it's totally illegal what she was doing. Yeah, it was totally illegal what she was doing. And I know I didn't call the cops. We need Hiller's version. Oh yeah, we do. We do.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I could, I could, I could, I could call Andrew. excuse me want me to call him and see his version when's he take off he's still there today yeah he doesn't take off till this afternoon hey it sounds like speaking of cum dumpsters that does not sound like a dog in the back. It makes me not want to go out. It makes me just not want to... I saw it again from a different chick on my walk back.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Oh my God, serious? Landmines everywhere. And I told... Hiller's like, yeah, it's like riding on an airplane. You see the worst of humanity. Yeah, it's's like, yeah, it's like riding on an airplane. You see the worst of humanity. Yeah, it's just – it's like, really? It's like you know someone – it's right at a spot where today, as I'm speaking, where her dog shit, a thousand people are going to walk through today from that street onto the beach. And someone's going to step in her dog shit.
Starting point is 01:19:25 It's fucked up. Hiller said, hey, let's go back and pick it up. I said no. I said I saw the dog bury it. I didn't want to dig through the dog. The dog did that thing where they kick behind it. See, the dog cares more than the owner does. At least the dog made an attempt.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Is it okay for you uh is it okay uh deanna miller uh are you wearing a bathing suit is it okay if your dog poos in a bush where no one walks and you just leave it yeah yeah yeah yes asking for a friend yeah totally my um there used to be this huge wall you know it's just fucking massive like hill of ice plant that no one ever went in um where i would walk my great danes and they would go in there and take shits and i i was perfectly okay with that i didn't pick that up that was in there yeah you're like that's not a that's not a pass someone's gonna no one's going no one's going into this like yes sea of ice plant. Jody Lynn, me too. I have a poop bag stowed away everywhere.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Me too. Me too. I shove four in my ass and use my Cheerio as a dispenser before I leave the house. Everywhere. And my wife too. My wife has poop bags everywhere. It's crazy. That was amazing.
Starting point is 01:20:43 What? That was a great visual thank you poop hey i used to have a great dame that only pooped on bushes too it was so weird or he would try to poop on the on like a tree trunk like he would back his butt onto things to try to poop on top of stuff it was like he was a prank dog so he had like a prank he had like a prank anus no he still would squat but he would just try to poop on on stuff it was so weird i find poop bags in the wash too wow this is this is cool my wife wants me we have so many poop bags that my wife actually wants me to
Starting point is 01:21:22 suspend our subscription on amazon um but there's no fucking way i told her summer's coming i'll just start picking up more people's poop we need a poop bag product that we could push on here so if there's a poop bag company that wants a sponsorship we're all about ownership i wonder if i have a poop bag just like within reach. Brought to you by poop bag. I did use a poop bag when I pooped in the van. I actually made a video on how to poop in a van.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Hey, yo, what the fuck? Yeah. So if you have kids, this is what you do. You lay a paper towel down in that little toilet. So what that does is that's going to absorb the pee and keep the poop actually from not touching inside of the toilet. Then the kid shits on it. So you got to keep the roll paper towels in there.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Then the kid shits on it and then you wipe the kid's butt and then you with a wet one and you put that in there and then you get another paper towel and you put that on top and then you put your hand inside of a poop bag and you use the the bounty the quicker picker upper to absorb the pee and then grab the poop and then you pull it inside out excuse me done i think you're the bounty picker upper right now i made a youtube video about that one time and someone's like that seems like a lot of waste that seems like it creates a lot of it's not very global or climate friendly or health conscious I'm like shut the fuck up you can use empty coffee bag to pick up poop
Starting point is 01:22:54 but buy more paper street coffee I don't know those those bags are pretty rigid those bags are rigid they could be used for something I don't know what they're pretty rigid. You could pee in one of those bags. You could poop in one of those bags. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Cornholio, I have a dog that poops on bushes also. He has seen people letting their dogs poop in the middle of the sidewalk, and he's all about teaching them how it's done. Letting your dog poop on concrete is crazy okay uh so so now you know why i don't want to go out in public because i just don't want to i just don't want to see the masses of just naughty people i live with but she's not a hypocrite she didn't tell everybody else to pick up their dog poop no she didn't no there's a good example so then she sees another dog pick poop and she goes and tells that owner hey everybody else to pick up their dog poop. No, she didn't. No. There's a good example. So then she sees another dog poop, and then she goes and tells that owner, hey, you need to pick that up.
Starting point is 01:23:48 You can't leave that on the beach. Hypocrite. Is that a hypocrite? No. Because she left her dog shit, but she wants everybody else to pick up their dog's poop, but she won't do it with hers? Well, I think you have to say, I always pick up my dog poop. That would just be a lie. Because you're at, well, then maybe lying
Starting point is 01:24:07 hypocrite or, because I think the definition was your action and your beliefs have to not match. And her action clearly, well, okay, I see what you're saying. She believes that everybody should pick up their dog poop. Maybe she believes everyone should pick it up except her. So then her beliefs are in accordance
Starting point is 01:24:23 with her actions. Checks out. I don't think anyone should smoke but me. Mad Marv, good morning. I'm about 15 minutes behind. That commercial was done by Rhett and Link, OG YouTubers that have gone woke. They made a series of these type of commercials.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Wow. Mad Marv coming through. I can't believe those guys are woke because wasn't there kind of like an irony behind it? Wasn't it supposed to be just ridiculous? What is it? 09. Oh, that's what it said?
Starting point is 01:25:03 09? Caleb looked it up. It said it was shot in 09. Yeah, that's what it said. Yeah. Nine. Caleb looked it up. It said it was shot in 09. Yeah. I looked at their pages recently and it didn't look. My only takeaway from that was two takeaways. Is this real? And how come they don't mention Asians? That was my only takeaway.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Like, fuck you guys. They did it. You're right or arabs or some shit like why how how do you just do black and white and then at the end throw in hispanics that's the guy who made it one of them yeah this is both of them um those poses are the equivalent to when girls hot chicks stick their tongue out in pictures. You know what I mean? What do you mean, like this? All that stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:49 His hair, just everything. Let me see more of his. Let me judge him some more. Let me see the rest of his. There's the obligatory dog. He needs kids bad there's the van the travel van oh he's got all the cool shit the dogs the travel van oh he reminds me of someone some people in the CrossFit space. Kenneth DeLapp.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah, Orientals. We needed Orientals in there. Sevan and Assorted Guests, good morning. Hi, Jethro. Oh, wait, Kenneth DeLapp said something funny in here. He has kids. Oh, all right. Sevan just hating on everyone today damn dickhead uh okay um hey in san francisco uh humans poop on the sidewalk fair enough good point john Good point, Sean. So 624, this is crazy.
Starting point is 01:27:07 This is absolutely nuts. This matches what Tom said. His 10-year-old daughter went to school, and she came back wondering what a bisexual is. Well, what do you do? This is a transformer. The transformers are introducing they them the original they them i yeah i am fast today i've begun my my journey of not eating you know i was thinking it's been
Starting point is 01:27:42 three it's basically been three years now and and I've only two weeks of the three years that I fuck up. It's pretty good. Okay, watch this. This is nuts. Are they there? Thanks. I'm Sam. I'm P-Day, but you already know that.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Hey, so pause this. So how, if my kid sees that, my kid says she, she, they, what am I supposed to explain to my kids what that is? Go, go to the end, go to like the last 20 seconds I don't know I don't know I don't know why I have to why would I want that even introduce that type of thinking to my kids I don't I don't oh yeah go back a little more yeah yeah go back a little more okay here we go. Hey, it's okay. I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends or other non-binary people. How the fuck? What am I supposed to explain to my kids about that?
Starting point is 01:28:55 It's almost insidious because half of the kids probably won't ask. Oh, yeah, right. So it's just kind of being in control. That's even worse because then they're going to assume it's real. Right, normalized. That's the point of it, right. You know, so it's just kind of being like... That's even worse. That's even worse because then they're going to assume it's real. Right. Normalized.
Starting point is 01:29:08 That's like the point of it, right? You're non-binary. What's that mean? Oh, it's just this idea you have in your head. I don't want to be... I don't want to be an idea. Trish, great question. Why did they make the Nineberry non-binary kid so attractive?
Starting point is 01:29:23 Good question. Blue hair. Hey, but that's the worst Transformer've ever seen by the way though super shitty so shitty yeah not by that one i i don't know if it that's the so we're assuming the robot engages in sex i don't think this is a sex thing i think well it's not sex in that sense like that they bone it's well i guess i guess in essence it's all tethered to that at the end of the day maybe you're right hey have you tried a thought a thought process of watching something like this
Starting point is 01:29:57 than trying to defend why it's there like explain like the importance of having it there? Yeah. No, but I sincerely want – I haven't tried that, but I sincerely want to know why I would explain delusional concepts to my kids as real. And then people are like, well, you do Santa Claus, but the pointanta claus is at the end that they know it's not real the point of this is is to fucking confuse them to put a disconnect or a um between their genitalia and their in their thinking yeah i'm not saying i'm not saying that you can't think about these things i'm just saying why would you introduce them to a child but what what what is your uh can you can you play that role can you play why the only thing that i would that i would do which i've i've thought about before too in this uh and the hard part is when it goes to the kids right because over 18 it's like i don't even have an opinion on what you do and who you do it with right so it's it's only like the minors and
Starting point is 01:31:07 everything else that it's being introduced to but i just wonder is it the same like when the same sex stuff came around and people were really staunch like against that and i'm like is this something similar that it's just like an evolution it's a it's a new thing in society and eventually it'll be like normalized and like we're just like like pushing against an inevitable change or i'm not concerned for it for any of the for moral reasons religious reasons ethical reasons uh mental health reasons i'm not concerned about that i'm concerned about it for the same um for uh what the implications are to make delusional people so for example there was some study that 80 of high schoolers don't know the difference between fact and opinion.
Starting point is 01:31:48 So do you remember those tests when we were little kids, they would have that. And it would be like that, that car is, um, uh, moving fast. Is that fact or opinion?
Starting point is 01:31:58 And, you know, then you're like, well, that's opinion that it's, it's, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:01 we have no way to tell. Yeah. Right. That, that bird is, um, uh, sitting on that flagpole. That's a, that's a fact, right? You see, it's a flag and the kids
Starting point is 01:32:09 couldn't do that. And so what I'm concerned about is what are the implications that you're proposing something to keep to people as it's real, that's not real. And what are the long lasting implications of that? Yeah, dude, we have people who are worried about their gender. Like, CrossFit has, like, jobs are, like, concerned about people feeling safe at their work based on their gender, based on something imaginary. Yeah. And there's this mob that's just going to come, like, beat them down. like beat them down why don't you go out and learn how to surf or invent a light bulb that uses less energy or figure out how um uh develop a new poop bag or start a campaign to pick up litter why are you worried about your gender it's something that's absolutely just not true
Starting point is 01:33:00 our poop bags let us know when there are three bags left in the roll oh that's cool like the third to last one's like a different color it's got a string on it or something like yeah it's like annotated third bag there are three bags left or something really cool hashtag marketing that that's the that's the part I'm concerned about. And in that specific case, not only between what's real and not real, but what are the implications of that you're introducing just anything having to do with a kid's sex? I mean, it's unfair for me because I'm watching my kids create their identity, like, like, like earn their identity. They don't have to think about it at all. I'll call her. Hi. And I think that makes them better people. Hi, Jethro.
Starting point is 01:34:02 So I have a good friend who works for a NBA organization. Yeah. And there was a player who made some, uh, I guess racist remarks. So one of the employees that he works with, who was a female said, I don't feel safe that that player made these comments because it's against women. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:34:20 does he even know who you are? What are you worried about? This guy saying this about you, there's no shot that he even knows who you are? What are you worried about this guy saying this about you? There's no shot that he even knows who you are. You work for the company. But she was upset that he made comments that it was a hateful work environment. Like, are you kidding me? And it was the NBA player.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Yeah, it was an NBA player. I don't want to out, you know, my friend who works for the organization, but I think we could figure out who it is. It was just recently. It was a, you know, racist remark towards Jews. Oh, that's okay. Check the list. Oh, yeah, there, that's fine. Hey, can I look up and see what he said?
Starting point is 01:35:03 Because it's so crazy, this shit that's considered racist these days. It's like anything. Like, if I ask you, what generation are you in this country, Jethro? Second. No, I'm first generation. My parents were born inro? Second. No, I'm first generation. My parents were born in Puerto Rico. Okay. So I'm first generation.
Starting point is 01:35:28 And so, and then, so if my next question is, did your parents come here legally? That's not fucking racist. No, it's not. And the thing is, That's not fucking racist at all. No. And the thing is, I've always talked about,
Starting point is 01:35:43 and you said it before, you have to understand that you're the one that has a problem if something makes you offended like i've heard the word before it doesn't bother me in the least right so you're putting that upon yourself you need to stop that right you're the one that's making the problem not that other person i laugh at all when i hear stuff like that i don't even think that applies. I think that is specifically for Mexicans anyway. I think you're trying to culturally appropriate that. Oh, my bad. Hey, I do – it's interesting that you do call because when you call,
Starting point is 01:36:16 it made me more sensitive due to your situation. I do think that kids should be – I don't know if defended, but... I'm just thinking particularly about your son, and if someone were picking on him, on one hand, yeah, that's his issue, but on another hand, there should be... He needs to be defended also, right? He hasn't come across that yet, but the thing is, he goes to a Catholic school but on the
Starting point is 01:36:46 other hand we're all picked on right so it's just to the it's just to the degree of it right if he's with six of his buddies and they're in there poking fun of him it's different than if it's like like just over like like like something bad happening to him but we're all picked on well I hate to say it but uh it is true that kids will be kids and they're going to get picked on vice versa no matter what. No matter how accepted people who are gay or who are how they identify or whatever that is, it doesn't matter. You're going to get picked on regardless whether you're skinny, whether you're fat, whether you're tall, whether you're short. It doesn't matter. But it's like this.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Let's say you're hanging out with 10 of your friends and you're gay and they don't know it and they start using the word faggot or or homo and they start like in the joking around sense that how kids do that's not nice but but but it happens all the time and that no one even knows that they're fucking hurting someone's feelings it reminds me of the time that a guy came to buy a motorcycle from me and and i'm not jewish but i have three jewish kids and it was the first time he goes, hey, are you trying to Jew me? And it hit me, right? But it wouldn't have hit me if I didn't have Jewish kids. I just would have, like, sloughed it off.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Like, what do I care? You know what I mean? So what are we supposed to do? I don't know. Well, I think in a world of healthy, civilized people, like instead of bitching on my podcast, like the right thing to do would have maybe been over to that lady, gone over to that lady and been like, hey, man, that's not cool you did that.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Like say it in a really calm way. Be like, hey, ma'am, that's not cool that you let your dog poop there. Yeah, it's all the calm way i could have yeah and in a really calm way i could have said like hey dude i got three jewish boys and like i that's not cool to use that word like that and if he said fuck you you fucking kike then that would just be i don't know then i have the choice to be like all right i'm not gonna sell the bike to this guy or slap him or not care or whatever. Right. But I think in a, like a really civilized society,
Starting point is 01:38:47 like, or, or, or really grounded, healthy person, um, instead of me like walking away all flustered and being like, I,
Starting point is 01:38:55 it makes me not want to ever leave my house again. I do my contribution to humanity. And I say to that girl, like, Hey, you should pick up your dog poop. That's not cool. Well, the problem is
Starting point is 01:39:05 we're putting way too much energy into this stuff people don't have enough they shouldn't put this much energy into fighting these fights that really in the end of the day is not going to make a difference that's the way I feel anyway
Starting point is 01:39:20 what do you think about the Transformers cartoon introducing they and them to kids? I don't like it, but the problem is just like Matt said, we've kind of like let it get too far and now it's getting normalized. It's not, it's not the place to have that conversation with cartoons at elementary schools. I think it's something that parents should talk about because listen,
Starting point is 01:39:43 if for my case, I knew my son was gay from the time he was about three years old. So that conversation for me was easy. But if some, listen, it is tough for kids to come out. But there's no better time to come out of the closet, as they say, than now. There's no better time to be a woman than now. There's no better time to be black than now in this country. There's no better time to be a fentanyl addict than now. There's no better time to be black than now in this country. There's no better time to be a fentanyl addict than now.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Now's a great time. Oh yeah. Free, free housing, free, free, uh, free food,
Starting point is 01:40:11 everything. No. So we, we have to stop normalizing it and let people handle their business with their kids on their own and not push it in the schools and not push it in cartoons and not have it in everyday vernacular as you would, as you would say. Um, uh, Kenneth, the lap says,
Starting point is 01:40:28 I'm just happy someone finally can tell the difference between Gabe and Jethro. You know, when Gabe called yesterday, I was like, man, that doesn't sound like me at all. I suck. And I was thinking about Victor Brown Where is he from? He's got some sort of Like New Jersey
Starting point is 01:40:47 New York accent He's probably out in Missouri Or something I don't think that Yeah I don't think That's his real voice Nah No definitely not
Starting point is 01:40:54 But I hope I never hear His real voice Hey how do you know Your son's gay at three? He was playing with dolls But he was also He would have like These big handkerchiefs
Starting point is 01:41:04 Like from the Like from the restaurants He'd pretend he would have like these big handkerchiefs, like from the restaurants. He pretended to have a dress on, and it kept going, you know. Usually that might phase out a little bit, but he kept it going as he got a little older, so. Yeah, understood. The little things here and there, we kind of knew
Starting point is 01:41:20 he was gay, which is cool. Yeah, and does he eventually tell you? It's funny because he, my wife told me, Hey, listen, Jet came out as gay. I said, okay. He's going to tell you, but he's nervous. I was like, why is he nervous?
Starting point is 01:41:35 Oh, you know, he's just a little nervous to tell you. I was like, all right, cool. So funny story. I was watching Tucker Carlson and he came up to me. He's like, dad, I gotta tell you something. I was like, Hey, what's up? He's like, I just want to tell you I. I was like, Hey, what's up? He's like, I just want to tell you I'm gay.
Starting point is 01:41:47 I'm like, cool. What else? He's like, Oh, that's it. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:51 okay, cool. Thanks for telling me. I knew you were gay. I love you regardless. So don't sweat it. And that was that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:00 And you never talked about it again. You just didn't give it any energy. No, no. Listen, he's got good grades. He had a lot of good again. He just didn't give it any energy. No, no. Listen, he's got good grades. He's got a lot of good friends. He's a good kid. No one ever complains about him. So, oh, listen, just like you worked in the home for disabled adults.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Yeah. I've wanted to say this for a while now. When you have a kid who has special needs or multiple kids that have special needs and you see it, you work with them. You don't give a fuck if your kid's gay, you want your kids to be happy and healthy and not have to be going through IEPs and anything through school and having to worry about getting those kids
Starting point is 01:42:39 in a home when they're 25 years old. No freaking way. That's why when people like have kids, they say, does he have 10 fingers, 10 toes? Is he healthy on the Avgar score?
Starting point is 01:42:49 I mean, this is when they're in the hospital, but listen, when I worked for three years in the special needs population as a youth organizer for sports and education, when you see these kids
Starting point is 01:43:00 and the parents, what they go through every single day, it's like another job so when you have a kid that's a typical kid and not a special needs kids you thank your lucky stars you have a quote-unquote healthy typical child because it is rough for those parents and to have multiple ones you know it's very very hard so gay straight blue black at the end of the day it doesn't matter you want your kid to be happy and healthy
Starting point is 01:43:26 Melissa says amen caller Audrey says man I fucking love Jethro Kenneth DeLapp says preach it brother Philip Kelly says Jethro is a great dad hey what about this and I'm with you on that man the one thing you do not want your kid to be is a drug addict or have mental health issues
Starting point is 01:43:42 like you do not want you like a schizophrenic child or that shit like that's real shit um i'm not talking about mental health issues like someone called you has told you you had a big nose i'm not like the real shit like you're hearing voices in your head um but what about do you ever think when your son tells you that he's gay do you ever think oh that's going to be a tough road to tow? One time my dad recently told me, and I hate to compare it to your son's situation, but he said he thought I was going to be an artist and he felt bad for me because he knew
Starting point is 01:44:11 I was going to be poor and it was going to be a tough road to hoe my whole life. Do you ever think, when he tells you that, are you like, fuck man, he's going to have some challenges that I wish he didn't have? I did at first and as he's gone along in his life, getting older, going to high school now,
Starting point is 01:44:28 it's been a little easier than I thought. I mean, listen, like I said, I live in a pretty conservative Republican town, but we haven't seen anything to the effect that it's going to really mess him up being, you know, outwardly gay. He's a great dancer. Let's say he's going to pursue a dance career
Starting point is 01:44:44 as he goes into college and it's actually worked to his advantage you know he hangs out with a lot of girls he's a talented dancer and actor so there's not a lot of those roles for men but he's leaning into it and actually
Starting point is 01:44:59 using it to his advantage he's kind of like the star and the lead in all the dances now that he does for his competition. So yeah, he's getting noticed, which is helping him out. Okay, let me say something here. This is going to might be me pushing my limits, but let me try this. What about
Starting point is 01:45:16 finding strong gay role models for him instead of flamboyant ones? And by that, I mean, who's the guy what's the what's the um author's name peter murray is that his name the guy who wrote um he's a super fuck was that the guy's name he's a crazy famous author he's so fucking smart let me see if i can find his name uh peter uh kids books or regular books? No, it's a regular.
Starting point is 01:45:45 God, what's the guy? It's not. It's not Peter Murray. It's something Murray. He's an English guy. But by that, I mean, not maybe strong isn't the right word. By that, I mean, caricatures of like he can be his own gay man. He doesn't have to follow in the footsteps of other gay men.
Starting point is 01:46:02 He doesn't have to do the Douglas Murray. Douglasray douglas murray he wrote the um uh he's a you know world famous author uh you know uh he wrote let's see uh the war of the west the madness of crowds um god i would love to have this guy on as a guest what about so that you don't have to um it's kind of like if you're a black kid, you don't have to pretend to be a rap star. You know what I mean? You can blaze your own fucking path. If you're gay, you don't have to pretend to be Richard Simmons. You can blaze your own path. Do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:46:39 Making sure he realizes, hey, you can be your own gay person. Well, I've told him before, and I got this from somebody else. I didn't think of it. You have to lead your own path, like you said, and you have to have your own accountability, and you have to set your own self, because if you don't do it for yourself, someone else is going to do it for you,
Starting point is 01:47:01 and that person isn't going to do it to benefit you. It's going to benefit them. So don't sit back and like have a narrative of, you know, this is what I want people, but my perception of what they want me to be. I need to be what they, what,
Starting point is 01:47:16 what I will answer you what I want to be because then they're going to flip it around. Like, well, you're only going to be able to do this. Now he can do whatever he wants. I don't know if that answers your question, this no he can do whatever he wants i don't know if that answers your question but i've told him before no no no don't let people don't let
Starting point is 01:47:30 people dictate what your path is going to be you have to a few but in terms of role models yeah to be honest like there's not as many gay role models that aren't as flamboyant in that realm and in the arts and acting and singing and dancing and stuff like that. You know, there's more on the flamboyant side, but he's not really flamboyant. Look at even Doogie Howser. He's gay. And, uh, and, uh, I don't know the actor's name, but you would never know you would, he, and he's openly gay, but he's not, he's not, um, I don't know. He's not a caricature. Uh, look at Jeremy E. World says, uh,
Starting point is 01:48:04 Seve's right. Um, if you're a black man, you don't have to be a rap star. You have another option. You can go to the NBA. Good one. Jeremy's right. Yeah. Anyway, I highly recommend introducing your son to Douglas Murray, by the way. Douglas Murray. I'm going to definitely take a note of that. Yeah. Maybe play some videos. How old's your son to Douglas Murray, by the way. Douglas Murray. I'm going to definitely take a note of that. Yeah, maybe play some videos. How old's your son?
Starting point is 01:48:28 14. He might be too young for his books, but maybe not. Maybe not The Madness of Crowds. Madness of Crowds is probably a cool book for him. We'll check it out. For sure. All right, brother. Thank you. All right, guys. All right. Bye. Later. Always great to hear from him.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Trish, you're being a little too gay, son. I mean, I don't care if you want to go off the deep end. I just feel like you don't have to. You don't have to. Like, you can be your own. Choose your. You can be your own – choose your – maybe gay men have a – what's the word I'm thinking of? A penchant for like – is that the word? Penchant?
Starting point is 01:49:13 What's the word? For being – what's the word? For being cooks or designing clothes or dancing or joining the military. Penchant. or joining the military. Entrance. But keep his options open. You don't have to.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Oscar Wilde. Yeah, Oscar Wilde was gay, right? I think it's just like the natural thing for any parent that if you find a kid like, so when I was super into skateboarding, I'd bring home like the old skate videos on VHS and play them. And sometimes I would only get very shortly in the video from my mom would stop it because they'd be like breaking something or lighting something in a trash can on fire or something like that. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And she would always find like the Tony Hawk's or like the more clean cut skateboarders and try to hack you that way a little bit.
Starting point is 01:50:01 It's okay to wear a helmet. Exactly. Yeah. You don't have you don't you can be gay and not be an activist so like you can be black and not be an activist it's okay you don't have to fucking waste your life doing that shit yeah but look at tim cook the guy who fucking runs the the most powerful fucking entity on planet earth is gay why can't he be your role but the point you were making wasn't necessarily trying to skew the way his son acts.
Starting point is 01:50:25 It's just trying to put really strong, good figures in front of them. So that way they have role models, but role models that they go, oh, wait, this person's kind of like me, too. And so that way they could it's a little bit more influential as opposed to if you're like, be like Jocko. Yeah. Get off that stage. You need to be like him. They're just going to be a huge resistance against that. that stage you need to be like him they're just going to be a huge resistance against that uh neil patrick uh um uh mason mitchell i really like straight acting gays like neil patrick harris seven is that is that is that like a tantamount to blackface straight dude who plays a gay dude or a gay dude who plays a straight dude
Starting point is 01:51:01 um sean sullivan the thing i noticed about gay people is that their whole world view everything is seen through that lens well i'm not sure what you mean by that but i do find it interesting if you don't have women kind of putting the brakes on on dudes i would be curious what unmitigated just sexual energy um uh sean sullivan tim cook is a total activist his whole worldview is based on the fact that he's gay well he may maybe i think that's true is that true i i don't i mean i know they they did that red thing for aids i i don't i think tim Cook is a very private person. I wouldn't say he's a total activist at all. I mean, how much do you even know about Tim Cook?
Starting point is 01:51:52 He's very private. Yeah, he seems – I don't hear shit about him. Yeah, and I 100% guarantee when you talk to him, he is very economically conservative. He's very – or the least amount of regulation in government and a bunch of other stuff too. I don't think he's just showing up to the gay pride parades. And he grew up in a rural part of Alabama too. He did?
Starting point is 01:52:18 Yeah, he used to have this huge fro. Huge fro. And I think he got like, ran down on the side of the road and like beat up for being gay when he was younger. So if you want to talk about what will shape your activists, like just be yourself, walk down the road and have people like jump out of a car and beat you up. You might be a little bit motivated to defend that from put a chip on your shoulder. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, for sure. that from put a chip on your shoulder yeah for sure yeah for sure uh sean solvin he donates a ton of money to lgbtq causes every corporation does brother go into target right now and look
Starting point is 01:52:54 at the whole sections all of them do it's a corporate thing that doesn't mean it's right though i agree sean doesn't mean it's right it doesn't mean it's coming directly from like tim cook right you mean as opposed to from Apple? If it's from Apple or not. But I mean, I just say like out of all that, I just don't see it enough as much to say that it's, he's a strong activist for it. Gotcha. I mean, do you, am I wrong?
Starting point is 01:53:17 I have no idea. He's crazy private. I don't know. And when I think, when I think of Apple, I don't think of them overtly as a woke company. They might be. I know that I think of them as their trip. It's a trip over there. I didn't think of Steve Jobs as woke. But maybe he was.
Starting point is 01:53:44 I wonder what's happening to people like Zuck like if they're waking up they're in control the fuck you need to wake up from change the algorithm watch society dance around puppets yeah i don't know you think you what do you what do you mean you think there's like a higher like you're waking up to the end of their supporting or, I mean, it benefits, you know, do you know any happy,
Starting point is 01:54:10 um, I'm trying to think I'm really quick. If I know any, yeah, I was gonna say, do you know, I'm, I was gonna say, do you know any happy-go-lucky whose consciousness isn't just weighing on them, liberals? But I can say the same thing about conservatives too. I see a bunch – I'm just thinking of all the people I know around me in my life who are stressed and their varying degrees of stress versus how they view the world and their the ideologies that they you know
Starting point is 01:54:53 project onto the world i i just i do you think tim cook enjoys his life you think he's a happy go lucky fun easy like like like you know when's the last time you think someone told a dirty joke to tim cook for me to make an assessment on that would be just a total fucking guess. Right. You know what I mean? Like we know so, so little about, about him. Right. But some of the executives that are like the C-suite executives that I've been around before are all, it's all just people.
Starting point is 01:55:19 It's not like they're going around pushing some woke agenda, you know, in their everyday life. Very fiscally concerned. If you run a business, there's a certain amount of ideology that comes with that. You're independent. You're going out and you're hunting every single day. There's no fucking benefits package. You got to make that right.
Starting point is 01:55:36 There's no HR team to go to complain about to say, Savon was really mean to me in this last text and it made me feel uncomfortable in my job. That doesn't exist. There's just a different mentality, I think, that comes with that a little bit. I wonder if he does interviews. Does he do podcasts?
Starting point is 01:55:56 Tim Cook's never done a podcast, right? No. The stuff that he does do is very manufactured. It stays well with Inside the lines and it's a hundred percent within their control like apple's control and tim cook's people's control do you think that um be honest with me do you think that um i'm i'm pushing when i don't when i see that stuff in transformers i'm like shit i'm not
Starting point is 01:56:23 gonna let my kids watch transformers you You think that that's too extreme? I think the age that your kids are and you're the parent, I think that's not extreme at all. I think it's extreme that parents who do see that and continue to let their kids watch it? No, I think it's extreme with parents who have no engagement at all. And they just say, go like this. Here, go sit down. Oh, right. at all and they just say go like this here go sit down oh right that they don't even they don't even know that like hey like they don't even have the awareness to know that they watch their kids watch
Starting point is 01:56:49 transformers and were introduced today them like i just think that as a parent especially for the kids that that are i mean young like that like under the age of 10 and everything else like i think that the parent should be it definitely has a right to be and should be in charge of what the inputs are that are going into their kids. Because I think that – wasn't it like a Hitler Youth thing where I'll have kids between zero and seven and I'll have them back because I have them for life after that? Right. Because the programming, the neurological pathway, the thought process, the framework of thinking has all already been kind of set in place. It's harder to undo that programming than it is to rewrite new ones. Right.
Starting point is 01:57:27 Hey, good morning. Good morning, guys. Happy Mother's Day. Oh, thank you. Happy Mother's Day to you too. No, I just heard what you were talking about. Is it hard being liberal? Yeah. It's very freaking hard. it's just not fun like
Starting point is 01:57:48 you're just stressed out yeah no it's not fun at all you have to worry about every freaking thing you have to defend everything everything is like you're uh insulting me all the time so everything you say is an insult to me and you're you're homophobic you're racist you're all these things and i have to defend it constantly all the time when i could just i don't know wake up and realize that not everybody is racist not everybody's homophobic not everybody's transphobic like people just want to be happy and chill and not have to worry about all this crap. Right. So yeah, it's really hard to be, to be woke. And it's annoying. They seem very uptight to me. And, and when I talk to,
Starting point is 01:58:34 if I bring up any subjects around them, they, they get very defensive, very quickly. I wish I could give you guys some examples. I've just been getting in trouble lately and I just need to be careful. They don't even know why they don't even know why they're offended half the I wish I could give you guys some examples. I've just been getting in trouble lately and I just need to be careful. They don't even know why. They don't even know why they're offended half the time. It just, it sounds like honestly, if someone called me a half moon cookie right now, I, and I was like, I would have to be upset about that, but those cookies are delicious.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Why am I going to be, it's whatever, you know what I mean? I don't, I don't care what's the worst. I'm going to be mad all day like i would have to be literally mad at people all day long for everything they say right and i'm too tired for that i don't have time for that i have other things i gotta do like it's you know i i can say i don't want my kids to or my child to watch a drag show because he's six and doesn't need to see a drag show yeah and then immediately i'm transphobic right like i'm not transphobic i'll go to a drag show guys shows are fun for me because i'm 40 and i can get into the club like right right not for
Starting point is 01:59:39 my six-year-old right i'm not i'm not hating on drag queens i just my six-year-old doesn't need to see it but they're gonna get pissed at me immediately and they don't even know why they're mad at me. I just, I'm just transphobic. That's it. Or I'm drag phobic or whatever it is. So yeah, it's, they, they have to be super tired by now. It's a relief once you don't, once you don't have to do that, once you don't have to defend everything oh god yeah oh my god you have no idea how much better my state of mind uh how i view the world
Starting point is 02:00:12 how i walk through the world how i move through the world is just a million times better now that i don't have any of that crap on my shoulder yeah it's it's easier to just enjoy things, accept things. Yeah, and enjoy people. There's a whole group of people now I don't have to be pissed at all the time. Right. Says the guy who makes a show about being angry at a lady who's dog shit in the sand.
Starting point is 02:00:38 Right. But that being said, and the nuance there, and please allow me to defend myself is that i think it's funny and they can't even laugh at themselves they don't even think it's funny yeah there's an absurdity and funness and lightness to my existence that's just like i fucking love it and yeah and it's not light to them it's not light it's like they're they're they're so fucking wound so tight like you find that there's like a correlation between like stand-up comics and that's like stand-up comics you can go watch them and they're hysterical and they literally
Starting point is 02:01:17 make fun of every demographic on the planet right and it's hysterical you remember the old uh eddie murphy ones like raw and uh and delirious i when he did the one about the gay guy on top of the police car going that shit was funny i'm sorry yes i don't care how you slice it that was a funny freaking joke and i can laugh at that all day long i can my half my gay friends will laugh at that. It's funny. It's a joke, but nothing can be funny anymore. It can't be. You can't just have a good time with people anymore.
Starting point is 02:01:54 It's oh, my God, I hurt your poor feelings. Like, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. Just funny stereotypes, whatever. There's a question here. Mason Mitchell. What's the relationship between gay and lisping? A serious question. I don't understand. Gay and lesbian? No, lisping. When, when, uh, just lisping. I don't even know what that, what? Lisp. Lisp. Lisp. Like I can't even do a lisp, like a lisp, you know, like gay guys talk with the lisp oh what's the what's
Starting point is 02:02:26 the difference between no no no why do they lisp like what's the what's the oh i am you know you know like like dudes in the hood talk a certain way because they all just i don't know where the but gay guys have their own like you know talk well there's different there's different cultures of gay men i that culture of gay men I think that they're just the more feminine, and they embrace their femininity more. Okay. So they kind of try to culturally appropriate women. They do it poorly, but, I mean, they like it.
Starting point is 02:02:56 It's their thing. I have no idea. Even Trish knows it's cultural. Yeah, it's just the, I mean, you got the subsection of the more feminine dudes. You got the bears who are the big, burly, like cut down trees, whatever guys. I mean, the gym dudes, like there's all subset cultures that they got their own thing. Like it's probably way easier if you're gay to be a bear than it is to be like the dudes who just are constantly manicured and like perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:29 I mean, I would say the bears, like they try to hide it more. They're a little bit more in the closet than obviously the more feminine ones because you can obviously tell like when they're more feminine. Like I think some of the bears kind of try to hide it and stay in the closet and not that's like the down low gaze. But, um, yeah, I mean, it's gotta be,
Starting point is 02:03:50 you don't have to, like I said, that's why I'm butch. Like, I don't want to play with makeup. I don't want to do my nails. I don't want to, I just,
Starting point is 02:03:57 you don't want to, yeah. What's that called? Primping. Yeah, no, I don't want my hair curly on its own. I don't have to put curlers in none of that like I just
Starting point is 02:04:06 go like showering and wiping your butt that's like those are the cornerstones yeah my wife I shower like a dude like I just get in there I do shower like a black person though because I use a washcloth I don't know why white people don't use washcloth
Starting point is 02:04:22 oh really using a washcloth is a black person thing yeah absolutely we don't know why white people don't use washcloth. Oh, really? Using a washcloth is a black person thing? Yeah, absolutely. We don't know why you guys don't use washcloth. Wow. That's amazing. I grew up, we always had washcloths, but I'd never used one.
Starting point is 02:04:37 We have them. We got them just in case some black people come over. Yeah, man. He's comfortable. Wow, that's crazy i didn't know that that just learned something no we have them too but anytime and we tell the white people that come over and stay at our house hey washcloth i'm gonna use them they help oh look at look at mike's an armenian dude and he says he
Starting point is 02:05:06 uses a washcloth oh dina martina's uh mexicans use washcloths too wow so maybe it's just american born white people or english way i don't know maybe it's not like european or south american maybe it's just something weird american people do yeah they well they like the so so you take a bar of soap and you rub it on the washcloth and then you use the washcloth to wash your body? Yes. And then I wash the washcloth so that it's clean again when I go scrub my dirty, nasty body again after I work out. I just use a bar of soap all over my body and then I look at all the pubes
Starting point is 02:05:40 that are stuck to it and then I just roll it over in my hands as many times as I can until all the pubes are off and then I set it back in there for the next person. Hey, yo, what the... What the hell? Isn't that what everyone does? No. Nobody puts pubes on their soap, bro. I don't put them on there.
Starting point is 02:06:00 I don't put them on there. I use the bar of soap to wash myself. Well, then start using that thing, that Manscaped stuff, so that you don't have pubes all over the bars of soap. And then you'll be all right. I take the soap, and then I just hold it in the running water, and I just roll it over and over in my hands until I look, and there's no pubes falling off.
Starting point is 02:06:18 My God. I'm going to have to teach my son that, so he knows the proper etiquette for men in the shower. You don't want to leave like some like Armenian rope on there. Is that just your way of like being like, hey, this is my bar of soap. Don't touch it. Is that like you were right here? No, because I wash all the pubes off when I'm done and I just put it back.
Starting point is 02:06:39 So you can't even tell. It's like there's a layer of soap I just wash off down the drain. You know what I mean? Like literally I take the soap and i just run it underwater like to say wait you wash the wash washcloth i wash the bar of soap you walk with what okay okay i'm down whatever i'm for it whatever makes you happy man i am no longer woke so whatever's good for y'all. Oh, wow. Wow. Thank you. All right, guys. Always good hearing your voice.
Starting point is 02:07:07 I'm going to go take my wife out to celebrate Mother's Day because she popped my kid out. So I'm going to go take her out. All right. Hey, your boxing's way better than hers. I appreciate you showing some of her boxing. It's good. It's not bad.
Starting point is 02:07:19 But you would light her up in a fight. You better tell her not to get lippy. She's competitive as hell, though. Wait, watch. Just wait. Wait, wait, wait. Because when she gets competitive I might catch something to the face. But we're going to do it. No, you tell her not to get lippy. You'll light her up.
Starting point is 02:07:34 You're three for one on hand speed. Oh, yes! Sivar said it first. Alright. Alright, guys. Love you you have a great day bye bye yo oh he can't hear us huh and mccockner by the way i was just uh referring to he had made a comment and he said that all
Starting point is 02:08:01 c-suite executives are woke yeah um i don't think all of them are woke, but I'm sure a lot of them are. But the ones that I personally know and I've had conversations with, you'd be surprised. Wow. Based off my personal experience, and Savon knows that they run some powerful companies and are really high up. Hunter, I don't need your help on marketing this show.
Starting point is 02:08:25 How do people have so much free time? This is, what are they called? CEUs, Continued Education Units for People. I don't have so much time. This is... We talked about Tucker, and Elon responded to Tucker being on Twitter. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:08:56 We started the show with tolerance, right? How much tolerance do you have for this, 616? What's your tolerance level for this? I am trying to get Hunter on the show. Hunter has a crazy. We talked about Hunter earlier in the show. He's going to come on in the next three days with me and Hiller. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:22 What is your tolerance for this? This is an ambulance. Now, I'm going to paint this story a little bit. It's not true, but, but that ambulance is on its way. Your six-year-old daughter, um, is at the 49ers game and she just won a free tickets to the 49ers. And while she's at the 49ers game, she has a heart attack. It's kind of, it's kind of weird story, but bear with me here. It could happen. And this ambulance is rushing to pick her up.
Starting point is 02:09:49 Your six-year-old daughter just had a heart attack. What's your tolerance for this person in front of the ambulance? Action. So this person is not letting the ambulance go to save your six-year-old daughter who just had a heart attack at the 49ers game. What's your tolerance for that? As the ambulance driver? No, just as part of humanity.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Like, if that ambulance driver took off and ran that person over, it's on its way to save a six-year-old girl who's having a heart attack. Yeah, one honk, beep, you don't get out of the way, then the thing's coming through. I know. Get out of the way. Does that make us horrible people?
Starting point is 02:10:40 No, it makes us triage and prioritize what's important. You have somebody who's clearly neglected their health, is most likely addicted to drugs, and is high on drugs right there. You have other two individuals whose job it is, and personal responsibility, and everything else that comes with those positions to go get that six-year-old, hypothetically. We pay our tax money to create highly trained individuals, both in their ability to respond to people who are sick.
Starting point is 02:11:09 That's what makes us a civilized society, that we have things like ambulances. Yeah, emergency personnel in place. It's crazy. What a special world we live in that we have this. And yet this rotten apple is interfering with the process. And yet this rotten apple is interfering with the process. But what's crazy is we live in a world where that person could be seen as a hero and get a bronze statue in New York City with their pants down around their ankles wearing a diaper. Hey, that's the least of the waste of tax dollars. You know that there's regulars for the firefighters right the uh what are they called they're called um frequent flyers and a lot of them just use those ambulance by the way as transportation to get
Starting point is 02:11:55 places yes area yes so they call them to get them off of the couch to go to their bed. Jesus. They literally, my wife will go on calls where somebody is 300, 400 pounds overweight, and they literally just need help getting from their couch to their bedroom. Yeah. And that costs you $25,000, people. Yeah, fuck yeah. That call. Because that person can't stop eating.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Wow. She saw, the other day she had a call where she was doing like a wellness check on somebody. And she got- That scares me to even ask what that means, but go on. So, so a well check is like somebody is a neighbor is concerned about their neighbor because they haven't seen him in a while or they uh-huh it smells weird over there smelled weird yeah exactly um so yeah so she gets into the into the room or into the
Starting point is 02:13:02 apartment complex they had to like force the door open when she got there they had like uh let envelopes on the door saying like from like four days ago and it was like in the door jam so obviously the person hadn't opened the door in four days because it was still stuck there damn they get in there and uh there's just liquor bottles and beer cans and garbage just strewn all over the entire apartment room unit. And then they find the individual on the couch completely unresponsive, like stiff to the touch, cold, like very obviously dead. Yeah. very obviously dead yeah um and they like went so normally what they're supposed to do when somebody's seemingly dead they have to put pads on them to analyze with they have a heart rhythm to see if there's actually any sort of like electrical activity to see if they're actually dead
Starting point is 02:13:56 because you can't just be like hey they're dead kind of thing so they put the pads on them and when she goes to like remove the shirt there's just like maggots like crawling off of the shirt. And then she like looked up at the individual's face and noticed that like the person had no longer had any eyes either. So the eyes had been like eaten out by maggots and the person was just sitting on the couch like that. And you still have to take their vitals. So she still had to like do the procedures and go through everything.
Starting point is 02:14:30 And then when they left after the police came to like do everything in the corner and everything, they left. She told her partner about it. And she's like, yeah, I don't think that that guy had any eyes. And she's like, what? I didn't even notice. So he would have noticed it would have started like vomiting. That'd be me for sure. I had a friend who's a firefighter tell me one time that he went to a call and they went and there was a,
Starting point is 02:14:52 someone passed out on a bed and he went and he grabbed their legs to pull them towards to, to, to the end of the bed, move them, move them so that they could work on them. And it just, and it desheathed all the skin off the person's fucking and he said it was fucking the craziest feeling in his hands he'd ever felt
Starting point is 02:15:12 has chick we had to cut the side of a trailer out one time to get a gal out that was fun cat and dog poop everywhere and baby crawling around holy shit I went to a dead body call one time and the fire department had to remove the doorway and then use a crane to get
Starting point is 02:15:30 the guy out. He was so big. Whoa. Oh my god. Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin anybody's breakfast. Oh my god. Hey, Justin's not eating breakfast. He bought a case of
Starting point is 02:15:45 jocko's new protein powder he's just uh he's just drinking down a couple of jocko drinks milk yeah he's got the milk milk are you talking about justin eat no you don't have time to eat you're an affiliate owner you drink your calories you just scoop a protein here scoop a protein there here. People are gross. Here we go. Audrey. 18-year-old male had two hand crush injuries at the ortho clinic I worked at. Talk about life-altering. Here's the question on these people, Republican or Democrat. There you go.
Starting point is 02:16:23 Neither. They don't give a shit about anything i know what they are uh uh jethro i had a confirmed aids patient who defecated and threw up all over himself it smelt from across the street oh my god oh my god next to sloppy trying to just camp and get off the grid but he's just addicted to the show i appreciate it good dude okay we didn't get through shit today uh so here's the deal um don't step in front of an ambulance it might be saving someone's six-year-old kid. Remember to laugh a lot. Have fun out there. It's okay.
Starting point is 02:17:15 It's a pretty damn good life. The sun's out. There's clean air to breathe. Ocean's warm. Tomorrow morning, I get up at 5 I head north back up to Northern California most expensive income
Starting point is 02:17:33 tax in the country most expensive sale tax second most gas tax crazy absolutely do not ever return your cart because you never know. It's just selfish arrogance when you return your cart because one, you're taking jobs away from people, and two, there might be someone who needs the cart close to their car.
Starting point is 02:17:55 You're actually leaving it in a good spot for someone else to pick up when they pull it. I've definitely not lost some weight. i'm fucking big like a house hey you had some good compliments on hillary's post move like a statue he was how was he able to collaborate with you too i've tried that for the other uh handle and it never allowed me to do it with you but i saw it with him i was like what the hell i've never i've never even seen that yeah i've tried multiple times from like the ig the podcast, Instagram handle in the past. Yeah, no one's ever collabed with me before.
Starting point is 02:18:32 It's crazy. The cart people. No, no. I was a cart person. I'm telling you. They love it. They love it. What do they have to do?
Starting point is 02:18:43 You don't know what you're talking about. Yeah. Savon, naughty or not. See? you're right off the top that's already uh um sebi if you get to the front of the store and you don't want the item do you put it back in the right place or shove it in a random shelf good question that's never happened to me i don't i don't get the wrong thing but if i did okay, I'll tell you what happened the other day. The other day I did buy, I thought I was getting these buckets of fruit, sliced fruit for my kids, and I thought it was like two for $7.99 or something. And one of them wasn't a match. So it was like I didn't get two for $7.99.
Starting point is 02:19:18 So I'm like, fuck it, I don't want that one. And I just gave it to the lady at the register. I said, I don't want that. That's pretty common. I didn't take it back um uh so then um so today so i drive back to northern california and then tomorrow night i think we're debating having josh bridges on the show tomorrow night, I think we're debating having Josh Bridges on the show tomorrow night, right? I don't know. If you want to.
Starting point is 02:19:51 You think I'm going to be tripping when I get home tomorrow after driving the car all day? Yep. Yeah. Historically speaking, the patterns on travel day usually result with we're going to do an evening show. And then we don't do it. I got to research our guests. I got this show coming coming up i got to set up my studio back up so josh should be easy though yeah for sure uh when i did carts at red owl in the 80s us carboys had to do front face shelves remove
Starting point is 02:20:20 the empty car yeah yeah we do i did all that too but But there's time to do it all. There's time to do it all. Actually, you know what? I take that back because normally when you travel back home, it's a lot easier for you to get in front of the stuff and get settled in. It's only when you're traveling out and you have to set up the whole thing is it more of an issue. So I take that back. Okay.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Fine. I might argue. Josh is a very nice man yes I do want to have him on so some of the people that I think are going to come on this week are I think Josh Bridges is coming on I think Hunter's coming on I think Hiller's coming on
Starting point is 02:20:55 I think Greg Glassman's coming on Alex Stein Alex Stein's coming on I think Jorge Ventura's coming on Sarah Sigmund's daughter Sarah Sigmund's daughter is coming on. We have a Frisbee golf show. We have a semis final preview show. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:21:11 My final starting on Friday. I'm stressing. You're going to think about, like, can we schedule a hundred? Well, I'm on next week, and I'm looking at the calendar. That's why I called you. I'm looking at the calendar, and I'm like, sure. There's going to be a lot of shows. There's going to be a lot of days with two shows.
Starting point is 02:21:24 This next week's going to be crazy. The next three three weeks are gonna be absolutely nuts with semi-finals um so uh dave dave's coming uh we're we're gonna rework my whole entire studio on tuesday or wednesday really excited about that too by the way, we got a guy who's going to come and rework the entire studio for me. Yeah. Tia and I could invite them. I think I wrote a note in their comments. Seema Beaver, please, for the love of God, have Sous suza answer his phone calls are better i can't understand greg what what so what what does that mean is someone decipher that i think maybe they're just referring to like the volume quality because whenever i did the call-ins a
Starting point is 02:22:17 couple people had commented and they're like oh my gosh we could hear it so much clearer and it sounds but why does it sound so much better oh on your roadcaster than mine i guess oh interesting interesting uh barry mccochner uh no more uh frisbee golf jeez uh judy weed great way to start off mother's day thank you yeah happy mother's day uh gas money thank you gallon of gas that's awesome Yeah, happy Mother's Day. Gas money? Thank you. Gallon of gas? That's awesome. Hiding the cord?
Starting point is 02:22:50 Yep, maybe. Not a bad idea. Hey, I actually tried to order more of those foam things to stick to the wall, and they were out of stock on Amazon. Oh, interesting. It's a weird thing to be out of stock, right? Yeah, it's Wi-Fi calling on Sevie's phone oh it is wi-fi calling oh you think you think that's why it's like when it forwards through to to mine when we set it up
Starting point is 02:23:13 that way that it's just a better connection uh but right now how about how the call's been today because these aren't wi-fi calling were they better today because where I'm at now it was cellular that's interesting I didn't even I didn't even think about that yeah so much CrossFit shit coming up yeah it's gonna be um next couple next up the rest of this month, really. Yeah, no self-service in my house.
Starting point is 02:23:48 That's right. Savon's the man, same excuse you used for the magic coin. I don't remember that, but the magic coin broke, and I actually found a small rubber band and fixed it, so there's that. How come the CEO sign behind a beaver is in distress? What's that mean? What is it? I have no idea. It looks fine to me.
Starting point is 02:24:16 It's a little folded, I guess, in the middle. All right. Enjoy your day. Thanks, everyone, for coming in. It's a busy week. It's going to be a fun week. It'll be cool uh i'm not sure what's happening tomorrow morning i don't know as soon as you work tomorrow i don't know so i mean i can do a show during midday but i can do that seven tomorrow okay uh stay tuned uh i'm sure uh caleb will be bugging caleb throughout the day to schedule a show um as soon as he's done dealing with his dog,
Starting point is 02:24:46 he'll start working on the scheduling, scheduling the shows. Okay. Extra sloppy. Oh, wow. A dollar 99 from camping. No more CrossFit talk,
Starting point is 02:24:53 please. Buckle up for these next couple. Okay. Back to child, children's general mutilation. Enough of this CrossFit. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Love you guys. Bye. Bye.

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