The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN - Danielle Brandon Documentary Review Show

Episode Date: March 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply here someone said that they thought that i used to look leaner. I am big. I'm large and in charge. From where? They were watching your Danielle Branding compilation. Someone wrote, oh, when Sousa was young and Savant was leaner.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I was like, damn. Did it have something to do with your beard? I was fasting for, I don't know, 40 hours once a week. Susan had huge hair too. Susan had like 80s hair. Yeah. What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? What's he saying? Race you to the bottom?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Good. We better get some support or people are going to start calling us nuts. I think ours were better. Mason Mitchell back when Seve swam in t-shirts. I know. This shit is like. Look at you. You're yoked now.
Starting point is 00:02:04 170. 170. I don't know if I'm really 170 yeah I'm probably 170 thank you thank you Daniel Brandon's movie was released today it was a rad production who's the director someone green
Starting point is 00:02:21 Scott Green Derek Green directed by Scott Green. Anthony Green. Anthony Green. Tony Green. That I can't say for sure, but I know it says in the credits. Do we know who the editor is? No, but that's also in there. Caleb, it looks like you're on it. You guys, there's this
Starting point is 00:02:37 genre of cinema. Oh, this is good. Cinema Verite. Cinema Verite is a style of documentary filmmaking developed by Ed. Oh, Anthony Green. I was right. No, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Tony Green. No, Anthony. Oh, that was produced. Anthony. Produced by. The producer is the person who organizes everything and then gets secures the money. So they do
Starting point is 00:03:09 everything from bring you water to fire the director. The director is the guy who like the work falls on him. Who's the editor? Oh, and that's where the real that's the real money. That's the owner of Rad that guy Ben Ben Massey. Yeah, that's what Suza does. That's the owner of Rad. That guy, Ben. Ben Massey. That's what Sousa does. He's so nice.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Editor, Matthew Laws with war. Never heard of him. No, but at some point we should pull up his Instagram. No. What if he took his wife's name? When I see that hyphen, that's what I think. He could have. I'm not a big fan of the hyphen I don't like hyphens either
Starting point is 00:03:48 but the guy fucking killed it Cinema Verite a style of documentary filmmaking developed by Edgar Morin and Jean Rouch what is meant by Cinema Verite a style of observational documentary style filmmaking that feels real that follows impromptu rather than scripted action.
Starting point is 00:04:07 So what you saw was not cinema verite. Cinema verite is like really, it's more like really old school PBS style. This was the complete opposite of that. It was interesting. Before the movie came out, we were like, hey, is this going to be a documentary? Is it going to be propaganda or is it going to be a rad commercial? It definitely wasn't a rad commercial. No, not at all. Zero, zero.
Starting point is 00:04:33 There was one point where I thought it was going there, but then it didn't. Academy Award, although it's good enough to be, because those have DEI requirements. You have to have a certain number of gay people and people in wheelchairs, people with melanated skin, and I don't think it reached those quotas. Is that true? That is true. I don't know if it's true for the documentary
Starting point is 00:04:56 category, but if you knew that, that's why when you saw Roadhouse, you'd be like... You didn't like Roadhouse. I did. It's a shit film. I'm enjoying it It's a complete garbage film I'd give it a D But I enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:05:12 But I enjoyed it I'm not ever suspending my disbelief I'm never like getting lost in the movie I'm never like Like the Daniel Branagh movie I was lost in it I cried like three Well I don't know if I cried Three times in the Daniel Branagh movie my tear ducts turned on three times
Starting point is 00:05:28 one movie to watch for the rest of your life and you had to choose between this and roadhouse you choose the daniel brandon documentary the new roadhouse you have two options desert island one one movie do I want to cry myself to sleep every day I don't know I really do the beginning of Danielle's documentary is amazing someone's like hey I don't see what that had to do with the movie I was like I don't give a fuck what it had to do with it when she's like
Starting point is 00:05:58 standing over the trunk like that with her arms all wide and shit it reminded me of Megan Fox and Transformers and her fucking tits you could see her titties with her arms all wide and shit. It reminded me of Megan Fox in Transformers. That had to have been the point. She's like, you could see her titties and her whole body and she's tan and she's over the trunk. I'm like, damn, this is a bad bitch. That had to have been the point.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Can we start a little... Have you seen Transformers? Do you know that? No, I don't know that scene. I know of Megan Fox. She dates the guy that Sean Strickland talks shit to. That is Caleb and Maya's. Oh, and he's the rapper who did Rap Devil, which is a great song, ripping Eminem,
Starting point is 00:06:35 even though I like Eminem. He fucks Eminem up. Check this out, dude. This is when everyone, mine and Caleb's age, knew that we were straight. Hell yeah. My God. This is how I would edge knew that we were straight. Hell yeah. My God. This is how I would have answered that question on the Glitten podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:49 How'd you know you were straight? It's like, well, I saw transformers and Megan Fox opened up the hood of this car. That's right. My mom regrets taking me to the movie because of this scene. I swear to God, she told me this.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I was like this. She goes, I should have kept you immature for longer, whatever moms say. How old were you, though? I mean, we weren't that young. I don't know. I was still living with my mom.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I know that. I thought it was a Thelma and Louise reference. I never saw that movie either. I just know that's a car movie with Brad Pitt. This is so much better. Yeah, that first Transformers movie is really good the first one is good the rest of them it's a downhill it's a race to the bottom from there right they're trash garbage first one's amazing though it's like the
Starting point is 00:07:35 Avengers movies the ones that don't aren't about a Wolverine or garbage oh the movies and the Iron Man was good, too. Yeah, my God. Marron, as they say in the Italian hood. You think she's seen Transformers, Caleb? I wish you knew what I'd do there, because it has to be this. Has to be, right? Yeah. Hey, in the interview, I wish they would have dressed her more like this than like Ronald McDonald.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Too much makeup? Yeah, I wish they would have dressed her more like this than like Ronald McDonald. Too much makeup? Yeah, I just didn't. It was interesting. The movie, I would give that documentary a 10, me personally. And I felt like the trailer that I saw, maybe that was, maybe I don't understand marketing again, but the trailer made me think it was going to be a three. I wanted the trailer to be longer. Was there supposed to be some sort of contrast?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Because they presented her in the least vulnerable way possible. Like she was the most made up, and yet she was giving it, man, in the interview. You know what I think it might be, dude? Every time we see her, she's in athletic attire she's at the crossfit games and she's probably not wearing very much of any makeup right the first time i ever saw i knew this chick at the gym forever she was a teammate of mine and she's she's an attractive girl and then one day she put on jeans and put on makeup and she looked completely different it kind of threw me for a loop.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And I think that may have just been what happened with Danielle. It's like, whoa, what's going on here? It's just not what we're used to seeing. And we've seen so much of Daniel Brandon with one look. Hey, you're trying to be a girl. What's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:09:21 For sure. I think that might be a little bit of a sensation happening there. Maybe. E-S-C-E-E-S-C sounds. What a cool person Daniel Brandon is. The documentary was incredible. The documentary was incredible. If you didn't know her, I think it was an 11.
Starting point is 00:09:39 If you knew her, maybe it was a 10. 10 out of 10. If you didn't know her, I'd say it's 11 out of 10. There was... Yeah. There were some things that I feel like there have been a few more... There's been a little more carnage
Starting point is 00:09:56 in her life that we didn't get to see. We didn't get to see the havoc in her more recent days. When the movie ended, did we know who she's training with now? No. They didn't get to see the the havoc in her more in her more recent days like when the movie ended did we know who she's training with now no they didn't say anything about right where what the current training camp and the previous training camp well do we know when it was done shooting to be fair because like what if it was done shooting and she was hanging out with dylan still yeah when did did Dave say that they came down to the ramp?
Starting point is 00:10:29 By the way, feel free to call in anyone. She looked amazing, which shows she can pull off both the hot chick and classy. Not everyone can pull that off. You think that that look, the interview look was classy? It was very pin-up girly. I wasn't a fan personally But I don't think I'm the best judge of character there I thought it was cute I thought she was going to get out of one of those little tiny cars
Starting point is 00:10:52 Where 20 clowns get out of it So I wouldn't say that But there is something going on I can't point my finger on it Anyway the movie is absolutely remarkable There is a great cast of characters in it. Her friends are an amazing supporting cast. Danielle tells the story of her childhood. And basically, I think twice when she was at home, she was taken from her mom on two occasions, both times because I think her mom went to the state pen. You saw the places that she went to were tough. The first time that I almost started crying
Starting point is 00:11:27 was when she talked about her brother being separated from her. And I just imagined my boys being separated. And I was just like... That's why I got you. I was like... And I really like her brother in the movie. Isn't he cool? What a sweet man.
Starting point is 00:11:41 That's the one point. I was like, dude, I like this guy. Yeah, I didn't like the chair. I was like, dude, I like this guy. Yeah, I didn't, I didn't like, I didn't like the chair. I didn't like her outfit. I didn't like her makeup,
Starting point is 00:11:50 but you know what the crazy part is, is as strong as opinions as I had about it. I, um, I forgot about it within three minutes. I didn't think about, I thought about it when the movie started and then I never thought about it again until the movie was over.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And that's, and that's how great the movie was. So you can never give anything a 10. You can't do that. Because once you give one thing a 10, everything other than that movie is worse. Can we start a poll? What's better, Roadhouse or what's this movie called?
Starting point is 00:12:20 DBE. Daniel Brandon Energy. And did we find, are we pretty certain about the the the source the origins of dbe daniel brandon energy i have uh i have a feeling you are you gonna release that soon yeah we can do it now okay daniel brandon puts up the post and they go over in the film a little bit where she's giving the middle fingers. Right. And she puts up this post, it gets 60,000 likes.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And in there, there's a comment thread with like 20 responses in it where they're talking about big dick energy. Right. She's got big dick energy and everyone's heard of that. And what is that acronym where you switch around the letters for big dick energy is DBE, Daniel Brandon energy.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Right. And Alexis wrote D Dick Energy is DBE, Daniel Brandon Energy. Right. And Alexis wrote DBE, hashtag DBE, just in that comment thread. And if you go to the history of all those things, you'll never see it being used. And then three posts after that, Danielle puts up a Daniel Brandon Energy post. So Alexis, being the conspiracy theorist that she is, thinks that she came up with the name. Historian. Histor Alexis being the conspiracy theorist that she is thinks that she came up with the name historian,
Starting point is 00:13:27 historian, not, not conspiracy theorist historian. I can't disprove her. I went through every post. I can't see Daniel Brandon energy anywhere. And I also went through the 800 comments and I don't see it anywhere else. What a cool thing.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Alexis Kowalski. She's a nut job, dude. She's great. Gave DBE the Danielle Brandon energy. I can't prove her wrong. Oh, look it. Look it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Here we go. Both two recent movies, too, so we don't have a bias based on when when they've watched it they've all been watched in the last week right this is an amazing poll hey i say roadhouse you think roadhouse was better the the second time the second time i i um i teared up felt the tear ducts turn on is when her mom said that in the last five years when shit gets rough Danielle calls her
Starting point is 00:14:31 I didn't hear that part I didn't either that's why I was making the face that that was like that was like my favorite part of the doc was learning about the relationship of her and her mom and her and her brother. How about when her brother said we love each other? Towards the back end?
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah. Was there any part of the doc where you were like, hey, that's not good? I think there was too much Cooper Marsh. Okay. I thought that you should have had a role similar to the friends, but what do I know? I don't think he had very much that was necessary.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I think he was equal with the friends in how many speaking points he had. He really could have been a lot more. He stretched it? He could have just said like yeah i started working with her she's amazing this is how i got to know her blah blah and that would have been it like i didn't i didn't need to know anything else yeah for me much too much cooper the only part of
Starting point is 00:15:34 the movie that i was like ah that wasn't needed is when um we got the cliche line oh and it was like hey she's in a she's her own person when people said that women women shouldn't be loud or muscly or outspoken she didn't care and i'm like i asked my wife about that i was like have you ever been told that that that's not a societal norm for women yeah no i've never been told any of that yeah that's like 1950s shit. Yeah. But other than that, man, the movie went off without a hitch. I was 11 minutes into it.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I stopped, and I was like, man, I'm going to be bummed when this is over. I watched it again until the 50-minute mark. You said that about the Brian Friend video, though, too, to be fair. That is true. You're going to be bummed when it was over. Thanks for letting that out of the bag. I think you said it on the air hey has thank you it's not like i didn't let it out of the bag you did hey oh thank you um hey um what um has anyone said anything bad about the daniel brandon movie i mean with the exception being what i just said about cooper marsh i don't think so
Starting point is 00:16:43 yeah are you glad you watch i don't even think that's bad just said about Cooper Marsh. I don't think so. Yeah. Are you glad you watched it? I don't even think that's bad. No, I don't think that's bad either. Are you bummed you watched it? Are you glad you watched it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's 100% worth watching.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You'll watch it again? Hey, did you see the thing that I put up earlier today where I stole a bunch of your content and just, like, clipped it together? Dude, I fucking... I forget how amazing i am i am fucking amazing i watched like six or seven hours of podcast i just ripped it down to 15 minutes yeah that was really cool i forgot how i forgot how amazing she was too so i watched her right after i text her uh right after i watched this it was the 20th time i've texted her without a response did you text her today i text her today
Starting point is 00:17:31 i tried to get her on the screen say that again send her a link no she's not responding to me anymore i gotta be i don't want to like i don't want to piss her off but um she's already pissed no i here's the thing i don't think she's pissed if, but, um, she's already pissed. No, I, here's the thing. I don't think she's pissed. If she's pissed, she would have blocked me. And, um, she's, and she's, she's picked on me on a few posts around the internet. Um, someone said recently a seven in the doc and she said seven who, and the fact that she's even saying that means that she doesn't hate me, but like, Hey dickhead, like like here's the thing in that documentary she talks about um i don't even think she's mad at me i think she's just trying to prove a point i think
Starting point is 00:18:09 she has values and her values are to be loyal to her people and um at wadapalooza we were during that time we were fucking with rad or i was fucking with rad in terms of playing the victim and she's like fuck you they're my sponsor that guy i mean obviously these people really believe in her and they're close to her i wouldn't be surprised if she has owned a piece of the company right i mean wouldn't that make sense um that would make a little sense sure yeah and so i have to guess that she's like hey fuck you i i'm not like i ain't fucking with you uh road uh roadhouse wasn't close to the original, but it was okay. So that's one of the things I hear, dude. I haven't seen the original, and they probably made it way better.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You got to watch the original. The Doctor is... I don't think I want to. Doctor. I think I want to like the new one much more and just sit on that. If I knew Daniel... Watch the original. Watch the original.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Shut up. You haven't seen it? Is that what you're saying? No. It's made before I was born, so I don't watch Watch the original. Shut up. You haven't seen it? Is that what you're saying? No, it's made before I was born, so I don't watch it. Oh, wow. Just like the other Star Wars movies. The new ones are way better.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Wow. If I knew Daniel's mom, like if I went to high school with her, I'd have been obsessed with her. Did you see the pictures of her bodybuilding, dude? Yeah, I would have been like – I like Danielle's mom the whole movie. I was like, all right, well. They showed a couple pictures of her dad, and I go, oh, well,
Starting point is 00:19:39 obviously that's why she's jacked. And then they showed her mom, and I'm like, oh, my God. Her dad looked stud. I loved her mom. god yeah her dad was a stud i love her mom yeah her dad was a stud he looked great so did her mom her mom was fantastic dude if her mom wasn't in it the movie goes i think it was like uh so it's like a seven without her mom there's nothing and without her mom it's like a four yeah. Oh, you thought the movie's a seven. You give the movie a seven. Seven's good, though.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh, okay. There's no roadhouse, but it's still good. Where are we at in the pool? Where are we at in the pool? I know people don't agree with me on that. It's a runaway, I think. The mom was amazing contrast and tremendous insight, right? Her mom, her mom's athletic background.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't seen it, but her mom wasn't your run-of-the-mill athlete. Her mom was something special. I just want people to be like looking at the dead and be like, there's the mom. There she is. She looks great. And how about the tattoo on the mom's neck now, the butterfly tattoo?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah, that thing's nuts. Yeah. I'd love that, too. Yeah, her... Like a bitch to get. Her... She would have been so fun to party with. I'll watch Roadhouse 69 times before I watch the doc.
Starting point is 00:20:59 No shit. Dang. I'm telling you, the documentary is so awesome if you if you have if you have kids um you should watch the movie like you like and i think if you have kids and you watch the movie and you don't um and it doesn't hit you pretty hard maybe you should have your shit checked maybe you're a psychopath yeah i always try to ask why i don't like things if i if like so it is a seven in my head and i'm like why wasn't it a 10 and i think that i've had a bias towards crossfit content and i think i would have liked to have seen more
Starting point is 00:21:36 of that storyline right so so if i had to look at it it's probably 20 crossfit and four-fifths not crossfit and i and i personally would have liked it more if it was one-third two-third probably 20% CrossFit and four fifths, not CrossFit. And I, and I personally would have liked it more if it was one third, two third. Oh, and I thought it was teetering just on almost too much CrossFit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So that's good. Good for you. You think that this will transcend the CrossFit space? This movies like that. Why wouldn't they go to, I don't know. Why wouldn't they go to iTunes with this first? It looks like it could have been done that way, right? Like it was produced to the point.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Or Netflix. Dude, it's so fucking good. Can you play seven seconds in the beginning of that shit where she's doing the Transformers bit? Yeah. It's ridiculous. It's only a seven because it's not Dumb and Dumber, and that is a good movie, Asymmetric Years.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Was that made before you were born? I think it was made the year I was born. I think you may have to fast forward it a little bit. I got to check. Oh, yeah, this part. Yeah, play this part. Like, hey, did they direct her there to, like like take those deep breaths and all that damn and her hair's awesome i love her makeup there too i'm pretty sure that's the same makeup that she was wearing in the actual interviews too oh really all right well fuck maybe maybe
Starting point is 00:23:03 it was just the lighting in the other one then probably vindicators three years after after you i like the lighting um uh playing to the masses no paywalls the people's champion no you go to itunes for six months and that's promotion and then you go to youtube i thought about that why wasn't it on itunes at first right or netflix to get international attention that i mean ideally that's what you do you go to netflix and you get international attention that's got the most international reach and then and then you hope what you basically tell well you tell all your fans hey watch the shit out of this and then it pops up in the number one's documentaries and then you hope what you basically tell you tell all your fans hey watch the shit out of this and then it pops up in the number ones documentaries and then you get crazy
Starting point is 00:23:48 international attention very good dog training just watched it and had no idea Danielle and I had the same childhood I ended up thriving in sports and now pour it all into my family and the dog business send me a link and I'll hop on here okay how do we do that no what the fuck
Starting point is 00:24:04 is wrong with you Hiller I just seemed like an interesting individual no come on you know John I think you win it's been said well over 10 times all roadhouse they're probably playing the roadhouse game
Starting point is 00:24:18 more times I don't know I think yes I don't know the word seven is in love. Daniel, Brandon Energy got me in the dad feels. Yeah. Just bang her already. It's got 5,100 views right now.
Starting point is 00:24:42 That's amazing, right? That's great, right? Yeah, it's good. I can't wait to Yeah, it's good. I Can't wait to see where it ends up Oh Patrick Clark the beginning is her unloading her baggage Oh season the symbolism. Yeah. All right All right. Yeah, I agree with will here too The archive footage was amazing and it's also how they kind of attributed all of it at the end, right? Do you notice that no, I'm from uh rich froning llc oh yeah from there i went immediately to helping my kids with their rc cars hey i liked all the pole vaulting footage i like the pictures
Starting point is 00:25:18 of her when she was little um you know what's kind of crazy too is I watched that and then I watched the video you made and the two kind of got blurred together I thought that right now I'm trying to remember what was said now I'm like oh shit was that said in the interviews I did with her or in the in the movie
Starting point is 00:25:42 about three quarters of the way into the stuff I ripped from your podcast, there was a portion where she was talking about her not trusting anybody. And in the documentary, about one third into it, she talks about how much she trusts Cooper with everything. Which I thought was just interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I don't know. It was a good appetizer, like I said. He's only one fuck up away from not getting his texts responded to also from Danielle. Yeah. Or from you. You think everybody's on a hair trigger with her?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Listen, I'm the biggest fan ever. I fucked up once. I'm out. How would you mess up? Oh, you're talking about Brad. Yeah, I'm happy that they didn't do any product promotion.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It was just a straight-up Daniel Brandon piece. It was cool. I think I only saw the shoes like once. How much did it cost to make? At least $100,000. I'd say $100,000 at least. I mean, I'm guessing they paid the editor fifty thousand to a hundred thousand dollars just him i mean if someone told me that cost
Starting point is 00:26:50 three hundred thousand i wouldn't be like no way really nope i mean someone spent a lot of time putting that shit together wow yeah well so you know what happened when I made the one, the Hayley Adams one, is I ended up watching it through probably 15 times. So that by itself is 15 hours because it was an hour long. And I can imagine that they do the same thing, right? They got to keep on watching it through over and over again, have other people watch it. Do you think they interviewed Torres? I hope so.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And he just didn't make the movie? do you think they interviewed her aunt and uncle i thought about that too but by the end i thought maybe they didn't because she said basically when she left she never saw them again oh damn i imagine they probably asked her if they could interview him i wonder if they would even know where to find them probably in twins or whatever tri-cities oh right i would have leveled it up a little bit that probably would have brought it to an eight for me how much did the behind the scenes cost you can't compare it to the behind the scenes because of how we make that uh just no one no one's working there on that movie for a rate like nobody no one's getting paid what they deserve to get paid but if you were to make that that would cost you what yeah easily a hundred thousand dollars i totally believe that yeah um but but no one's getting paid rate it's not it's it's.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I mean, I mean, you got to fly all those people out to the games. You got I mean, all those interviews they did, I'm assuming they flew to those people and did those interviews. Right. And then there's some people probably afterwards like, fuck, we got to go back and interview that person again. I thought Dave killed it. I thought Dave's part was great. What was he and do you think he was in 10 minutes of the movie? That's the best I've ever seen him look. Yeah. How does he never age? Would you say he was in the movie 20 times,
Starting point is 00:28:50 30 seconds a pop? Less. 10. 10 times. At 30 seconds a pop. But he was, without Dave in it, it also brings it down half a point for me.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Like six, five instead of seven. Really? Like if they would have had Justin Berg be the game. If her mom ended in it, it also brings it down half a point for me, like six, five instead of seven. Really? Like if they would have had Justin Berg be the game. If her mom isn't in there, it's down four points. If Dave's not in there, it's down half a point. So they were awesome. I think Dave left credence to the story that Danielle told about calling him
Starting point is 00:29:17 out in front of a bunch of people for stalking his IG. That would have been a good add to the movie, right? Yeah, for sure. someone in here said this is what crossfit has to do more of and then i wanted to connect that with the thought that it's a hundred to a three hundred thousand dollar production and that's why they don't do more of it who who uh the rad people are just like what you said they want to make one on uh i don't know chandler smith like how are you going to do that well how are you going to pay how much are you going to pay him you can't you won't you don't right but you could make ones that are 20 as good as that for ten thousand
Starting point is 00:29:57 dollars right and you can make one a month yeah you can just send someone something that i could do well basically what you you're you turned yours send someone. It's called something that I could do. Well, basically, you turned yours. If you had like 20 more days to do yours, you could have filled yours with B-roll with Haley. You'd have been like, Haley, give me all these photos from when you were a kid. And you could have filled it with B-roll with another 20 days and told a backstory and massaged it differently. But yours, that movie we saw with Daniel Brandon, don't get it twisted. It's a propaganda film. They told us what to think and what we were going to see and how to process it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 What are we supposed to think? As opposed to, you're supposed to think that this is a young lady who had a very, went through a lot of adverse conditions at a young age and overcame them. And that journey started when her aunt put her in gymnastics and that sort of became the catalyst for this. And she, for this hopping from sport to sport to sport that she excelled at and build upon.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And then fortuitously met the good high school coach and got her into CrossFit. And she ran with it. It was someone who knew that one door behind her was not a good one and that she better go to that door. You think CrossFit promotes it, that being said? Promotes what? I mean, I just heard you say it was a storyline that kind of led to CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But also they're telling us that, meaning those of us who know her have a lot of other questions. Hayley Adams, when you weren't so much telling telling us the story hayley was telling us the story you let hayley tell the story you let her you know what i mean it was more we got to see more um we got to see verite moments truthful moments her in the car shit like that dancing singing like that this was a well this was a um like a like a civil war documentary on george washington oh lord yeah i hated those movies oh anyone anytime anything on history channel gets brought up i tune out right away um you know those people who just love watching the history channel and they can tell it i think caleb is one of them i can just tell he likes it oh he loves it i love his what is it the
Starting point is 00:32:14 something empire the roman empire yeah do you think about those guys yeah god think about it every day jesus r.i.p the roman empire uh bernie gannon what is in propaganda it's just a slight it's a sliding scale right like how far over do you want to move it to propaganda to how far over do you want to move it to um verite to to you know it's just a slight verite uh greg c very cool uh cool doc very artsy i'd'd rather watch Haley Adams doc probably done with one, 100th of budget. Probably cost me three grand to make it. And that was all travel and time.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And I don't know. I don't think you can compare the two. Andrew, who are you doing the next 48 hours with ocean state CrossFit? Where's that? Rhode Island. Why them? Uh, eight hours with ocean state crossfit where's that rhode island why them uh i like ethan hellbig you know who that guy is he's on that team he's made the games as an individual uh christine bast or uh middleton and uh the dude who smashed his face in is on that team. Remember last year on the handstand walking around? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh, oh, oh, yes. Yeah, there you go. Wow. Which one is he? Is he the big dude? He's a big dude. Strong as an ox. Ethan's the dude on the far right.
Starting point is 00:33:39 He's always at the victory grips tent. Scott Wade, if the subject has a say in final cut it's propaganda so i think they finish 18th in the open not like that really means much these days but that's where they're at here here's why that movie's better than roadhouse i'm not interested in roadhouse 3 you know they're gonna make another one too are they they have left open for it yeah they totally left open for it. They totally left open. I'm not going to ruin it.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I haven't seen the last 30 minutes. But I am curious. I would like to see another. I could see another Danielle Branagh movie in two years. Yeah. What's it going to look like? I don't know. You could probably go through what happened this year and then into the previous year. Just think her life it's always every year and a half there's a huge
Starting point is 00:34:30 change in her life she shifts she moves from coach to coach I mean she went from Kotler to Brute to we don't know where in less than a three-year period isn't she still with brute? It's just, she, no, she has a brute. Yeah. When I asked Torres, he said, she's her own brand. She's not the brute brand. And it was,
Starting point is 00:34:52 it was, it was weird in the documentary when, um, they said she, uh, went to go train with Dallin as opposed to go train with Torres. Because at the time it was, she was not going to train with Dallin. I mean, he was there, Dallin was there, and Fee was there, and Sprague was there.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And obviously, Dallin ended up being her train partner. But at the time, it was like, oh, she's going with Torres. And we'd already heard rumors that there was a fling between them before she even went. I remember that now. Yeah. Right, yeah, yeah. And so it was kind of... I remember that now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Right. Yeah. And so it was kind of, um, which I don't have a problem with. It's a fucking, their movie. Tell it the way they want.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I don't have a problem with it. I liked it. The cut to town was pretty hilarious. Cause he just looked like a Labrador. He's just smiling, like waiting for the camera to start recording. Made him look pretty funny. I like,
Starting point is 00:35:42 Hey, I wonder if a Kotler, I'd like to be there when kotler and danielle see each other for the first time after the release after today you don't think that they've why why i just think that it's gonna i think that that movie probably is healing for their relationship i think that they probably see each other and they hug if if what we saw is the man i really like collar yeah i think i've said that before like he seems like the greatest coach and i what colton had to say about max el haj today dude
Starting point is 00:36:12 i used to i used to i mean i don't and i used to i still do like max el haj oh yeah what colton said today, it's like, wow. Collar is just in a league of his own at the moment. Max Elhaj. I love Max. I like all those guys. Alexis, obviously. Travis.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah. The blonde Superman-looking dude. They're all great. Max used to be my top coach. I think you do that. Yeah. What's the guy he does the show with brennan brennan dorman he used to live around me he went to college around here hey that's a pretty
Starting point is 00:36:52 big dude i saw that dude at legends that's a that he's a pretty thick dude oh yeah that's it i didn't he doesn't look like that on the show he's yoked out of his mind he's he's a super jet crazy fit and then and then berman and then and then uh berman jake berman leaned into it right he did i like that guy he showed the bar a wild zombie dude dumb and dumber was good too all right there's shit everywhere hey here's another thing let me say another great thing about this doc this is funny and let this be known let this be known about taylor self versus the world too you can't make a doc like that about anyone huh that same doc about the 20 other games athletes is dumb as fuck you mean like daniel brandon yeah anyone else
Starting point is 00:37:47 it's bad i mean just like that movie's great because it was a great filmmaker great producer great subject great editor but like you you take you take all you take that editor director producer and put them on someone else i won't say any names and the movie's garbage like that movie's exciting and fun and moving and a tearjerker and has its ups and downs because it's danielle brandon i'm gonna say any names and i'm like looking for a name but they all they all are just like screaming and it's way worse. Yeah, yeah. All right, someone in the comments section mentioned a name of somebody that would be even close to Danielle. Because shit happened to Danielle and she was willing to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:38:39 She's an intersection of super hot, super open, uh super talented and super hard workers like all the she checks all the supers and then and then and then with a super hard life fucking ups and downs and then someone's like hey that what how would you compare this to the froning documentary are they similar at all comparative can you compare the two for me the most powerful part of the Froning documentary was when he talked about the adoption of his kid. We just view these through different lenses, Ben.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I really like the scene where he's holding the gun and there's explosions in the background. We're talking about the old one. The old one. 2015 or so, yeah. Yeah. Hey, you know what's crazy about that documentary? So that documentary was made for one-tenth the budget,
Starting point is 00:39:32 I bet you, of this rad documentary. We were making just one documentary. The Fittest was made that year and the Froning movie. And then all of a sudden, Heber and Mars were like, wait a minute, we have two documentaries here. And they just peeled the Froning one out of that one. Hey, someone brought up a good point. Gazan has a similar background.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah, Gazan's documentary on Gazan might be absolutely wild, too. Watching the Froning documentary, that's one-third CrossFit, too. Or more. That's probably why I like it more. Oh, okay. You do like that more than the danielle brandon one yeah let me say this too about um uh gazan may have also may have went through some overcome some pretty uh some adversity which we know she did but the thing about danielle also is is that there's carnage around her gazan's life looks like hey she's
Starting point is 00:40:24 planting flowers in the flower bed like we know there's carnage around her. Gazan's life looks like, hey, she's planting flowers in the flower bed. Like, we know. There's carnage in Danielle's life, and so that's part of the reason why we're looking in. Ooh, that thing got run over. Ooh, that dude got run over. Ooh, she got, ooh. Oh, yeah. There's carnage there.
Starting point is 00:40:39 There's a trail of bodies. Is that the line you used? Is this my line, dude? dude yeah and so we're curious i've heard that line so much recently and i'm just dexter season eight juliana rios danielle and her family was willing to be open and vulnerable about their past no true bad guy but allowed audiences to empathize with daniel brandon energy's journey and ultimately root for her she's the most popular female on the women's side of the field right now that's like tia
Starting point is 00:41:15 laura danielle it's interesting it's it's hard to uh quantify um hey this is a good point this would be ryan fisher's documentary would be wild too yeah that'd be great cool really wild who are david when i was 50 that's when my ankles went to shit when i was 55 that's when my neck went to shit you know what would be crazy about a hip and steel documentary though would be is like the the the climax would be his battle with hillar at the games don't touch my camera over make it a terrible terrible documentary but funny i see look at patrick clark says danny spiegel is pretty popular i don't know i think right maybe i'm just not in that hemisphere but when i think of popular i definitely like if you filled the room up with all of danielle's fans and all of like someone else's
Starting point is 00:42:09 fans and said cheer i think the danielle brandon fans are like loud as shit all the dudes are jerking off in the spiegel room they're too preoccupied to be cheering everybody's got their flesh lights out on the daniel spiegel side i'm just saying man's got their flesh laid out on Danny Spiegel's side. I'm just saying. Man's got a point. A Dave Castro documentary? That is something I thought, though. How many of these could be made?
Starting point is 00:42:42 Because there are 40 dudes and 40 chicks every year. And if you made 80 of these every year it'd be just too much i feel like most of these athletes are so boring rich haws you seven's trusted method who has more followers god i hope that's sarcasm i hope that's sarcasm so caleb you said they're boring and it's like seven's done how many interviews with all these people? And how many times have you heard the story that is they spend every waking hour in a gym? And if that's all you've done for however many years,
Starting point is 00:43:14 how much is it that you can really talk about? Right. Which is why this one's so good. Because there's a lot to talk about. Exactly. Jonathan Ortega, whose fleshlight sells more Danny's or Danielle's is that the next poll
Starting point is 00:43:29 no okay alright fine fine fine no I love David using his next questions next question any final words anything you want to say about it
Starting point is 00:43:47 i just don't know how many views it gets caleb it was good i don't think i wasted my time i'll tell you that yeah it wasn't one of those like oh god i just wasted an hour 20 of my time. It was enjoyable to watch. I'm going to exactly say that same thing. I was so happy that I watched it. A part of me was like, oh God, I was a little afraid that I wasn't going to like it. I was like, holy shit, if I don't like this, it's going to be scorch earth the next show.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I absolutely loved it. And I think it was you, Hiller, you asked and and um you know i think it was you hillary you asked me hey did you think it was long i did think it was long but i never i never got fidgety and i and i enjoy i enjoyed it being long you had like what i would critique it on yeah super a little too long but you were still okay with the length right no usually if i'm bored with a with a documentary like that like i'll pause it to see how much longer i have on it like damn i gotta watch this for another 20 minutes i didn't do that a single time well look at your content too i mean you're asking the fucking guy who makes 20 minutes of content like just fully fucking engaging with every fucking nothing cut out of it versus a guy who sits on here for four hours a day just jerking
Starting point is 00:45:11 off on a podcast and so that's also we come from different genres i hope someone calls in to save me and you're like god i hope no one calls me while i'm working on this when i say that yeah 50 minutes was too long and i know exactly what you're talking about mason yes agreed i don't know i'm reaching for those two things too by the way like the cooper and the length it's just it's good the whole thing's good yeah like when i say it's a seven that's good yeah all right would you would you like to give it a number, Caleb? You can't give it a 10. Anyone who gives anything a 10 doesn't have anything defined as
Starting point is 00:45:52 what the best is for them. It's a 10. I'll give it a 7.2. Dude, that means it's the best... 7.2? Yeah. That means it's the best documentary you've ever seen, dude. It's the best one I've seen recently. No, no. Of all time. What's the best documentary you've ever seen, dude. It's the best one I've seen recently. No, no.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Of all time. What's the best documentary you've ever seen? Hole in John? No. Our House. No, there was this documentary I saw about this dude. He was, I can't remember if it was Weather Underground. It was a documentary that came out like 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It was about, um, uh, Martin Luther King's right-hand man, the guy who organized the million man March. It was fucking wild. He basically organized a million man March with not a single cell phone. And the dude was gay.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And the FBI told Martin Luther King, like, Hey, if you keep working with this guy We're gonna out him as being gay and like back then for some reason that would have been bad It was a wild documentary and the dude was so cool. I wish I could remember his fucking name I saw that they made I saw that they made a remake movie of him recently and I'm so bummed I hope it's not woke and this what's cool about this movie is you don't even know the guy's gay until you're three quarters through it.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And then they kind of just slide it in there when the FBI talks about holding it against him. So it's not like some prominent part of his fucking identity. It was, it was awesome. Did you see the Jordan documentary? No, but I heard it's awesome,
Starting point is 00:47:19 but it's like 20 parts, right? Or some shit. How about the Schwarzenegger one? No, I didn't see that. I tried to watch that. Okay, so that wasn't good for you. 1 in 6 means you won't recommend it. 8 to 10 means you will.
Starting point is 00:47:33 7 is basically, I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it. It's a non-vote. If anyone gives anything a 10, I can't trust you. If I'm Rotten Tomatoes, I give it a 3.2 tomatoes out of 5 tomatoes. Oh, God. I hate Rotten Tomatoes. That shit means nothing to me. I always look at it, but it usually means nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'm so confused. The greens and the reds. Have a ranking CrossFit doc show. Oh, Bayner Rustin. Yes. Wow. Look at you. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Is this a documentary I've ever seen? Yeah. I think it's Bayner, but close. Oh, yeah. Bayner Rustin. yes. Wow. Look at you. Holy shit. Is this a documentary I've ever seen? Yeah. I think it's Bainer, but close. Bainer, Rustin, yeah. What was the name of that doc? Good one, Patrick. God, Patrick, you always have the fucking best contributions. Does he have a documentary?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Brother Outside. Yeah, that movie. Oh my god. Then there's this other one there's this other movie one other documentary i'll tell you you will never get this one patrick if you do it won the academy award i think and it's about these 30 boys they take from baltimore inner city black boys and they take them out to fucking kenya out into the middle of fucking nowhere to a village where there's no like running water no electricity and nothing and there's a little bit of the movie in
Starting point is 00:48:50 the beginning and then they none of them want to go to kenya they're all ghetto boys and they go to fucking kenya and they're fucking after their the boys of baraka holy shit damn they're fucking all their shit changes like they don't talk they're all their ebonics have the way they talk every they're there for six months it just fucking vanishes it's not and none of them want to go from baltimore to kenya and then when they get to kenya none of them want to go back to baltimore they're like fuck that this is the place it's a wild movie it's a wild i can't even believe it what there's one with a band and it's like it's like an 80s band and uh there's this scene with the stereo and it goes up really like past 10. what is that it's like it's a really good
Starting point is 00:49:43 this one goes to 11. that's it yeah what documentary is that uh It's a really good time. This one goes to 11. That's it. What documentary is that? It's not a real documentary. It's not? It's a mockumentary. That's why Hillary likes it. Spinal Tap. This is Spinal Tap.
Starting point is 00:49:54 This amp goes to 11. Well, what happens to 11? One more than 10. One more than 10. Louder. Yeah, this is Spinal Tap. I'll watch the one. Grizzly Man was
Starting point is 00:50:07 memorable, but I wouldn't say it's... I don't know. I don't like that director so much. What's that? Boz something? Boz Laren? What's his name? Anyway. All right. Congratulations to the Rad team. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I'm going to watch the whole thing here live again the daniel brannon one yeah we get in trouble for that yeah no it just depends they'll probably they'll probably get you in trouble right um congratulations to benny oh let's pull up the editor's uh instagram account it's at 6 000 views now 6.3 congratulations to um uh cooper um congratulations to dan oh yeah yeah he fully looks like a uh editor look at him hey dude i'm an editor what the hell is that supposed to mean yeah you do not look like an editor what the hell is that supposed to mean you just don't look like an editor i mean look that guy looks like he weighs a fucking buck 10 soaking wet that guy sits in a chair all day and drinks coffee.
Starting point is 00:51:06 That guy works fucking like 18 hours a day and he's off to juice. Wow, Fantasia. Wow. Are these all movies he's edited? Crazy. Let me see him click that picture where he's fucking with the camera. I like this dude. I don't know him, but I like him.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Matthew Wickwer. Delighted to share the behind-the-scenes photo of a short film, Discord, directed by... like this dude i don't know but i like him matthew uh wick wick were delighted to show the behind the scenes photo of a short film discord directed by oh and he works with girls yeah at least three that we know of now four let me see more let me go down and he uses big cameras oh he might be a shooter too. Jesus. Good dude. Horror movies. Look at this. He works in all the genres.
Starting point is 00:51:51 This is cool. I haven't seen any porn yet. Oh, let me see that one in the kitchen. Look at all this stuff, huh? Fancy. Wow. Looks cheap. You know some of that dude's hair got in the food. The slider he got set up there.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Okay, let's see the one with the kid with the box on his head. Action. Dodgeball. Darcy. Ruby. Ellie. Isabelle. Oh. Oh shit. Oh, that's me.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Fuck. Oh, I hope they start throwing dodgeballs at her now. Oh, he's out. I like this movie already. That's cool. Is it the whole thing? It's just on there? How long can you click on it?
Starting point is 00:53:13 How much is there? It doesn't say. We could watch. Oh, we could watch this instead of the Daniel Brandon doc. No, we don't need any more docs. No listen it's not like that you know what they should do is they should make a movie out of these people like conor mcgregor and roadhouse like he does something now put him in a movie role so like like roman could play the role that everyone thought he was just like some russian spy right and then and? And then Froning could play the Tom Cruise,
Starting point is 00:53:47 Mission Impossible sort of character. I don't know. I see it being great. And what would Daniel Brandon play? Probably the James Bond girl of the movie. Oh. What about March of the Penguins? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Great movie. That's a good one. Yeah. That one is good. But propaganda too. Taylor could be the evil guy. Taylor Self. The penguins one is so fucking crafted you have no idea what's real.
Starting point is 00:54:16 But it was good. But you have no idea. And now they guard the egg for the 12 mile journey. If the egg falls the 12 mile journey if the egg falls out from underneath the penguin for just one millisecond the egg will vanquish from the planet and die
Starting point is 00:54:34 and then up comes that like ostrich creature out of the ocean to eat it yeah it's just like fuck you're crying because some guy's making up some bullshit to you it's real alright fine done it is I like Roadhouse cause there was nudity I'm crying because some guys keep making up some bullshit to you. It's real. All right, fine. Done it is.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I like Roadhouse because there was nudity. You mean the original, right? No, the new one. You missed it. I knew you missed it. God, you're such a homo. Why aren't you into girls more? Where's the nudity?
Starting point is 00:55:00 She was up on a balcony. How do you know that? And she had big old big old alexis are you still here in the college you see the nudity i did i didn't she's like she's like trying to guard them and they're like bobbling around and shit falling out you're drawn to like magnets yeah that was my favorite anyway i did like conor mcgregor's butt cheeks i saw that yeah i like that too that was cool he looks great yeah i know his face is a little ballooned up i thought um i thought jake gyllenhaal's chick was a pinner what's that just too skinny like eat a sandwich or some shit yeah he. He looks good.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Did you guys watch the men's health video on how we trained for that movie? Who Jake? Yeah. They always make some shredded dude in a movie. There's always a men's health. This is how he trained. And everything he does is twisting. He twists. That's all he does is twist.
Starting point is 00:56:03 That's why his ad looks so good. Hey, was that recommended to you through an impression? after you told me about it i saw it in my youtube roadhouse the men's health training oh oh um i told you to watch that yesterday on the phone oh and it popped up in my um yeah it's actually or anything um i didn't think connor looked good i don't think he looked bad but i like i like i mean i just i kind of was saddened by him a little bit you liked him better when he was a skinny dude yeah yeah that's that's like your ideal type like you want to be a skinny dude yeah Yeah, I like Troy. I do too. Do you like Brad Pitt Fight Club
Starting point is 00:56:49 or do you prefer Ben to get Troy? Yeah, either. Troy's a little thicker, isn't he? Troy's a little thicker. He's like Matthew and Brad Pitt. Hey dude, I like Bruce Lee. Oh. Fuck Bruce Lee is skinny.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Have you watched one of his movies? Gone back and watch one recently. I watched one like a few months ago with the boys. Wow. He's skinny. He's skinny. Oh my God. It's crazy how you think that after looking at all these CrossFit dudes for as long as you have,
Starting point is 00:57:18 right? Oh my God. He's so skinny. He looks skinny now, but in the mood, I mean, he did. He's even skinnier than that
Starting point is 00:57:25 in the movies. When he turns sideways, you're like, whoa, dude. I like Stallone in Rambo 3. That's my dude. Stallone in Rambo 3. I like Daniel Brandon in
Starting point is 00:57:43 2024. Daniel Brandon Energy? Yeah. Daniel Brandon Energy? I have a feeling he's going to pull up a picture of Stallone in Rambo 3. Bruce Willis?
Starting point is 00:58:00 No. Come on. Here we go. Yeah, buddy. that man is huge yeah he looks good right yes love the mullet the pecs are huge is that really him like madaris went on juice this is what he looked like there's something already no? No, I don't think Derek found anything. Hey, I'm going to put that video together. The top 10 most likely natural CrossFit Games athletes.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Oh, you are? I told you I was going to do that like a year ago. Have you tweeted it? Yeah, like a year ago. Top 10 most likely? He's done way more than TRT. Wait, wait. 10 men and 10 women or just 10
Starting point is 00:58:46 all together but I can throw Madero on that list you're like certain he's not yeah maybe that's why he doesn't like me very much because you don't think he's Jews and he's like fuck he thinks I'm a bitch
Starting point is 00:59:02 maybe because he's taking I always tell people that if you're accused of being on something it's a compliment Because you don't think he's juicing? He's like, fuck, he thinks I'm a bitch. Maybe, because he's taking what I would... I always tell people that. If you're accused of being on something, it's a compliment. So he's, of course, taking it the way that you should. He's pissed. Sarah Connor.
Starting point is 00:59:17 What about Sarah Connor? She's skinny. I think Rocky Forrest alone looks great, too. He's got a little Gyllenhaal in him Where he's really shredded How about TDC is he on the juice On the sauce No but he looks good in the documentary
Starting point is 00:59:32 His arms are all vascular and shit Sarah Connor's pretty skinny Brawless Sarah Connor Alright That's it Thank uh so go see the movie you don't want to talk about this dude who can't back squat 550 no I want to go to bed 730 no I'm gonna work out
Starting point is 00:59:54 I haven't worked out oh yeah yeah it's only 730 by you you ready to do a four hour podcast I was I came in here I go Alexis I'll be in there anywhere from 10 to 1.30 a.m. Just don't wait up. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you, Hiller. Congratulations to the Rad team and all the people out there who love shoes
Starting point is 01:00:16 that could fit on skinny feet. Caleb, you endorse the Rad. Absolutely. Hiller, do you wear Rad? Bill Leahy wears wears red okay on behalf of bill leahy and caleb bye-bye

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