The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Don't Play The Victim #898

Episode Date: May 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. A CIDADE NO BRASIL How does that baby know? How does that baby know? How does that baby know? Crazy. How does it know? How does it know?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Caleb, how does it know? Seems like a... Patriot. All right, fine. Simple. Ladies and gentlemen, you can think about the past while being in the present. You can think about the past while being in the present. You can think about the future while being in the present.
Starting point is 00:01:48 It's not a problem. Those aren't in conflict of each other. I can be in the present and make plans for two weeks from next Tuesday. If you can't reconcile that, then you don't even know what presence is, and that's a great place to start. I'm not taking it. That's not a dig at you. Some people are – but it does mean you're a simpleton, which is okay also, but you got to work through that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:15 You got to cultivate more awareness to understand what presence is. You have to be able to cultivate what presence is. Presences is when you're aware of your thoughts. Okay, I'm going to think about that time I went to Disneyland. Intentional presence. You can think about the past and be in the present. You can make plans in the future and be in the present. there's something else like this too. Someone sent me to this Instagram account the other day and it's, it's a, it's a Instagram account for a black women, a weightlifters to, to come together, which I don't have a problem with, but, but it's, but, but it's got a little bit of haterade in there, a little haterade in there. You want, you want to gather these people to blame and it's basically there's some there's some they're implicit and i'm being very gentle hatred towards white people like that they're the source of their unhappiness
Starting point is 00:03:17 that's the same thing as not thinking that's a cousin to not being able to think about the past while staying present. You will not have happiness blaming other people. If you outsource your problems, if you're constantly pointing at your problems, you will never have happiness ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. It doesn't matter if you're black or white or a woman you cannot get that except by going inward you cannot stop yourself it's indulging it's as bad to to blame someone else for your problems is no different than eating cotton candy for happiness Someone else for your problems is no different than eating cotton candy for happiness. You will have happiness for a few fleeting moments, and then you will pay the price severely. You'll hate yourself at night.
Starting point is 00:04:14 You'll be fat. You'll start to get heart disease. That blaming is a fucking sickness. So if you're in one of those groups, let's say you're in the black girl weightlifting group, you have an obligation to stand up and point at these motherfuckers and be like, hey, at the end of the day, it's you. Stop giving your power away to the fucking white person. Stop fucking doing it. You've become pawns. It's fucking embarrassing. Take your fucking thinking to the next level. I would like to show you what crazy looks like, how fucking easy it is to spot crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:01 what crazy looks like, how fucking easy it is to spot crazy. How fucking easy it is to spot crazy. I think this is number, this is a post from Morning Chalk Up. Number 19. I want to show you how easy it is to spot fucking crazy. Stephen Flores, good morning.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Looks like someone pissed and said he's going to Chicago. Hey, you know what's so funny, Stephen? So my wife is asleep and the kids are asleep. And she's probably trying to keep them asleep as long as she can. Because the longer they sleep, the better days they have. And she could hear me moving around the house this morning. She never said this she's never said this to me in the two years we've been doing the show she said hey do you need help and i go what's up she's like and just something's different about the way you're moving around the house this morning even steven knows someone pissed in my fucking coffee.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Okay, number 19. Never have I found social media more difficult to relate to than when I became pregnant in December. Emily Beers. Interesting comment. It's kind of cool that she's taking, she takes the responsibility for it. She's saying, never have I found. So she's not blaming, she's not hating on social media
Starting point is 00:06:25 and it goes on to uh let me read a little bit more i'm supposed to be bursting with the excitement they say sharing pictures of my growing baby bump each week they say so i guess uh emily's pregnant um of course i should have put up a post a while ago announcing to the world we are pregnant coming this fall we can't wait to see him but instead of relating to other people's pregnancies like tia sammy kristin holta i didn't know kristin holta was pregnant congratulations kristin to name a few i feel isolated and think well we are not pregnant i am pregnant ryan my partner is not even a little bit pregnant by the way uh sign if something's wrong with you i know people are gonna hate that but you're at the 50 if someone fucked you and
Starting point is 00:07:05 you're pregnant and you're calling them your partner uh there's a 51 chance something's wrong with you it's not definitive but we have our first uh we got we got houston houston uh make a note of that are they married who knows it's just it's just it's just it just mental ill talk. Unfortunately, it's a correlate. I'm not saying it's a cause or an effect or anything like that. It just is what it is. It's not a little bit pregnant, and he's currently drinking beer, and I haven't even thought about meeting my little one yet.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Listen, if your fucking wife is pregnant, and you sense that she's going to bitch about you drinking beer, you should stop drinking beer. I know that's the opposite of everything I said at the beginning of this show about growing happiness is up to you. But listen, stop fucking drinking beer then. Don't drink when your wife is pregnant. Just pull your shit together a little bit. It's not a big deal. It's only nine months.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And it helps you use that. But anyway, I hate to think that I'm agreeing with Emily Beers. Okay, so scroll down a little bit. Now to the – oh, yeah, please going to the comments. And it's just this whole thing of just – Emily is consistently a complainer and a drama queen. And I don't know if it's part of her act or if she really is like this, but she's – from the times that I've worked with her, she's not a pleasant person. She's not cool. She's not fun. She's not easy. She's a curmudgeon. Yeah, I know that's some pretty – that some name calling but that's that's how i
Starting point is 00:08:45 interacted and she's uh she she makes my hyperbole look like a conservatism she's just an exaggerator and a whiner she's a victim okay so i want you to go down and so i'm scrolling through these comments there's going to be one you're going to see here it says morgan martin md so keep going there it is and i stopped here and it says i also hated being pregnant look at this is the only comment i opened in this whole thing i struggled with my body and have not enjoyed the recovery and something there between the fact that she's a doctor and that she says i hated being pregnant huge red flags huge problem huge problem does everyone see it does everyone feel it so please click on her name morgan martin md this is this you have to understand this is the this is yeah
Starting point is 00:09:36 yeah yeah yeah is this she's a fucking plastic surgeon first of all i apologize to the plastic surgeons out there they're the worst of the worst. Think about what they do. The majority of how they make their bread and butter. I'm not talking about the ones that reconstruct your face after a burn. Don't anyone start saying that dumb shit to me. Okay. She's the shallowest of the shallowest already. Like now we have two, two correlates of like, we have a problem.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Should we look at the results? No, hold on. Hold on. We're going to to get caleb okay put in your pants buddy that's my job to curve out you're supposed to chill listen this is the this is seriously what i did this is how i just rolled through this it's fucking crazy okay now scroll down you're gonna like this caleb you're gonna like this well you're not gonna you're gonna think you're gonna like it but you're not keep going keep going keep going she's a fucking plastic surgeon she hit okay now click those titties so I click right as soon as I saw those titties I click no no sorry
Starting point is 00:10:33 yeah click those titties let me see right there click those titties oh no sorry and okay now close that I click that now click her talking. Now listen to this, people. I want you to listen very carefully to this.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Listen, listen. This is a fucking doctor that hated being pregnant. Now listen to this. Listen, here we go. I just finished another breast reduction, which I love. Pause, pause. She loves doing breast reductions. Strike three, you're fucking out.
Starting point is 00:11:06 But let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Caleb, please. This patient, so I just want you to imagine if you're in your late 50s, you've lived your entire life with giant breasts to the point that you can't wear normal clothes. Pause. I have giant breasts, for those of you who don't know, and you can't wear normal clothes. Pause. I have giant breasts, for those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:11:28 and I can't wear normal clothes. I'm 5'5", and a large barely fucking fits me. I'm so fucking thick in my fucking core. And I'm 51. And I got huge tits. Like to the point where people stare at them when I take my shirt off. They're fucking massive. And I used to be able to kind of hide it because my lats were so fucking big.
Starting point is 00:11:49 But now I can't because I haven't done a pull-up in three months. So I fully relate. I fully relate. Let's go on. Can't wear really any swimsuit because all the tops just do not fit, period. Pause, pause. I can't wear any t-shirts because they're fucking like nightgowns. I look like a fucking three-year-old because I'm so fucking short, but I'm so fucking broad at the top.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Like a fucking flying squirrel. Okay, let's go on. Very uncomfortable. She also has a lot of really fun hobbies, and she can't even wear all the cute costumes that she wants because guess what? None of them fit This doctor is justifying chopping off her tits Because she can't wear the cute costumes. This is You see how Emily beers is a dog whistle for fucking mentally of this is a doctor
Starting point is 00:12:40 This is a doctor go go to the 49ers game. is the same person who told you to go to the 49ers game for $2 for your breast reduction surgery thank you Tim god I hope I don't go mentally ill from fucking how many mentally ill people are around me it's possible hey that's another reason why I don't fucking leave the house
Starting point is 00:13:03 I'm not interested in being influenced by this you don't want to catch it no this is fucking nuts it was that easy to find it took that whole thing she's the she's a dog whistle for fucking uh mental illness emily beers is that what the right term is dog whistle like you blow it and they come yeah and, and only they could hear it. Yeah, it's fucking amazing. I believe he's talking about Allison NYC is blessed. Yeah, she is. Anyway, it's – listen, if you are pregnant and these are – go to just like a normal place like FitBirth. There's women there who have husbands that drink and women who drink too much coffee, women who wish they wouldn't have got pregnant, and they can help you work through that.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But if you are pregnant and you are – you have an obligation for those nine months. Suck it up. Do your best. Fake it till you make it. It's like being a professional athlete and you have a bad event you're pregnant let's say you didn't want to get pregnant suck it up for 24 hours complain and then fucking move on so it's just like that and same with the dude uh extra sloppy i wonder what someone would talk about if he wasn't
Starting point is 00:14:23 surrounded by madness that is california all the time i was thinking that too extra sloppy i wonder what someone would talk about if he wasn't surrounded by madness that is california all the time i was thinking that too extra sloppy i bet you this could turn into like a hunting show if like i moved like like you know what i mean like to idaho i'd get in the hunting i bet man it's fucking amazing a doctor who fucking cuts off breasts um to to uh so that you can fit in your clothes your costume of all yeah your costume it's fucking unreal well sub on the who the cdc and all scientific authorities disagree with what you think and your stance on the 49ers and all NFL teams. Scientific authorities. That's what they say, scientific authorities. That's a scary word.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I know. How can you think that the CDC is a scientific authority? Excuse me. You said the CDC is a scientific authority? Yes, I did, Savant. Do you know about their origins? Who created them? Who donated the land that they were built on? Do you know who's on their board? Misinformation. Please leave. Scientific authorities. Anytime you hear hear that start tripping
Starting point is 00:15:46 i i have i i was i was thinking the other day i i have um i have friends and family around me who do the fucking craziest shit like it like uh with uh in terms of wearing the the face diaper uh the shit they do with their kids and um i i asked I, I asked one of my, one of my other friends today, I go, what do, what do, what do, what do, what do the other people in the outside world think about what I'm doing? I think my kids by every metric are, have turned out better than all the kids around me, their happiness, their behavior, their capability, their kindness to others, their sophistication, their acceptance from their peers peers like what do all the other parents around me think that i'm doing yeah i'm just letting my kids go barefoot and just have some rules don't put your hands on the walls they don't have to
Starting point is 00:16:37 go to they don't have to go to the 49ers game they don't have to go to fucking escuela. They don't. What are they? They make eye contact. I mean, it's fucking, what do they think? It's so trippy to me. All you have to do is just be like, hey, I'm going to do what he's doing. Or what they're doing. Stephen Flores, quite frankly, I don't believe half the shit I see on the internet even from people i like listening to believe it to see it yeah fair enough i don't know but i i i think that that's fucking brilliant especially with what's going on by the
Starting point is 00:17:18 everyone should know you have to know this right now there is no more authentication by voice and visual get your safe word does everyone know what that means like we don't know if that's really caleb right there and we don't know if that's matt there's literally there's literally shit going on right now because of the sophistication of what's available for free on the internet where caleb is at home and a voice calls him that sounds just like his wife and says oh caleb um i need my social security number i'm at the bank and i forgot it can you go get it for me i don't remember where my card is caleb says no problem honey and he goes and finds it and gives it to her and it's some it's fucking three indian dudes no indian dudes don't do that. It's three dudes in Africa using chat GPT in a tent.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Do not trust any voice or visual authentication anymore. I think you only need two minutes of your voice to get all the words, right? I heard three seconds. Three seconds? That's? I heard three seconds, three seconds. That's what I heard. Interesting. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:29 it wouldn't surprise me how sophisticated it gets so quickly, but yeah, I heard if you've made like a handful of videos on Instagram or YouTube or anywhere, your voice is recorded on the internet and talking, it'll take that and be able to mimic it. We will know it's AI when the wire on the ceo sign is gone third comment already i'm gonna i just gotta remember to
Starting point is 00:18:53 i heard someone interviewing um uh kennedy the guy who's running for president they're like all the scientific authorities disagree with you. It's like – I was like, wow, I know that shit works on my family, scientific authorities. Mm-hmm. Works on the majority of the people. That's amazing to me. Hey, just go – if you haven't been to the doctor in a long time and you want a trip, just go to the doctor. They sent me home a pamphlet that says cook with canola oil oh someone sent me a nasty dm saying hey asshole don't tell us not to cook with canola oil and then tell us not to cook with cook on low fucking heat and use grass
Starting point is 00:19:34 fed butter how about that grass fed butter ideally not in a from a plastic container but sure as fuck don't use canola oil Brass-fed butter. Ideally not from a plastic container. But sure as fuck don't use canola oil. Please do not use canola oil. The doctors are a trip because it's just the amount of people – the type of person that they see on the regular is just crazy. Like just how unhealthy they are and everything else. So when you get somebody else – I had to go a while back, it was probably like four or five years ago.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And they put the little like, you know, reader on to get your heart rate and stuff. And the nurse came over and she like stops and she looks at it and she looks up, she goes, Oh wow. You're really healthy.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And she was the first one that did it. Cause I had to go back a couple of times with the ones before her took it two more times because they didn't believe that it was that low they thought there was either something was off was it it was like 47 wow sitting there in the doctor's office though so when i sleep when i first got my apple watch i was like all right i'm gonna sleep with this to see what it reads and it kept alerting me and waking me up because my heart rate would drop by like 39 down to like 39 or 41 and so it kept buzzing me saying i had a uh too low of a heart rate no shit yeah i had to turn it off uh miko salo said when he went for his um uh when he was becoming a
Starting point is 00:20:53 firefighter and they checked his pulse they actually called the paramedics and started trying to service them because it was so low it's crazy yeah we've had a couple people had to do the stress test due to, um, issues trying out for the 49ers and, uh, and from the gym, they can't get into stress to like get their heart rate. They have to like put the machine all the way at incline and like basically have them terminate or sprint to get their heart rate up to where it needs to be. Damn. But for the most people, they just get in there and just get briskly walking and they just incline it a little bit and boom, their heart rate is high enough for them to do the stress test. That's crazy that you had 47 in the doctor's office because even if you have a low heartbeat, just getting up out of that when they call your name, getting out of the chair and walking over to the scale and like talking to them would give you, you know, a spike of 10. It's fucking crazy. It's probably because every time I fly, I have to go into my deep breathing exercises to lower
Starting point is 00:21:44 my heart rate. So it's automatically triggered triggered now so there's a flexion on seven with the heart rate i totally agree oh i didn't was yours higher or something mine was 59 uh number number two this is a good one for you this is a good one for you get your head wrapped around this i can't wait to explain this one to my mom i wonder if my mom is going to understand this um hypertension isn't real this this this i think i found my cousin like this guy listen to this guy talk listen to this guy talk this guy's fucking amazing this is a doctor he's an md i think he's an oncologist here we go these are like somewhere between uh they're basically a fantasy land. They're Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Our minds are not real places. Nothing real exists in the mind. You know that, right? The mind is only thoughts and pictures, images and words. That's what it is. Concepts. Nothing. And the mind can only operate in time.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It can be about what's the future, what's going to happen, what did happen, what could happen, what should happen, what might happen, what should going to happen what did happen what could happen what should happen what might happen what should have happened what could have happened what might have happened if and maybe all of that stuff isn't but that's where we are thinking okay the only thing we can't think about is right now because it's and it's the only thing that's real so the only thing that's real can be experienced right now you can't think about it when you think about now it's over you're thinking about it so anyway that's the mind our minds are like somewhere between the problem occurs people by the way and it's not a big deal because it'll every i think everyone starts off like this i started off like this is there's a point in your life where you think you are your thoughts and then
Starting point is 00:23:15 there's this all of a sudden something happens i think some people this is where they get confused with the god thing um that you uh you cultivate enough awareness to where you start being able to watch your thoughts and then all of a sudden and so those people who think like gender is real or hypertension is real or gravity is real the thing that the reason why is because they can't they're confused between thoughts and ideas and concepts and theories that explain phenomenon as opposed to what actually is. And so this was a doctor and he was explaining like, hey, remember hypertension isn't real. It's an idea around certain markers.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So you have like six markers, six markers, and then it's like a car, the idea of a car. Like these are ideas we put together just for communication. And you will not navigate reality on the highest level until you're able to start making these distinctions. Because what happens is the people who think that they are their thoughts, they get swept away by their thoughts. What's that called? What's that NPC? What's that stand for? Non-playable character? Yeah, that's what you are. You're one of those. You're just, at that point, you're just a zombie.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You're in the matrix. So that's what the whole point of meditation is, is to cultivate enough, cultivate awareness to get out of that, to get out of that loop. But this guy's whole account is crazy. Will you go to his, I reached out to him to see if he'd come on, uh, integrative oncology, cancer 35 plus years as a physician. Yeah. Someone sent me this. This is this guy's, this guy's, uh, this guy's good. This guy's really good.
Starting point is 00:25:04 this guy's really good all right um uh steve on talk about unemployment um oh i um do you have kids first of all that, I want to say sorry, but I don't want to project onto you that something bad happened. How about I feel you? I remember that. If you don't have kids, fucking take life by the balls. If you have kids, start fucking reducing your uh your monthly overhead as fast as you can uh stay as calm as you fucking can uh he uh jake chapman he looks like savvy if one of his unhoused mates spat in his mouth in 1994 i know he kind of is kind of he looks like a little,
Starting point is 00:26:05 like a less cross-fitty version of me, right? Unemployment isn't real. It's called laziness. Call her high. Rambler, just so you know, if you need, in all honesty, if you want to talk, DM me or DM Susan,
Starting point is 00:26:21 get my phone number and you can call me. Just text me first because I don't answer my phone. And I would love to talk to you, listen, or listen to you, hear your shit. I know it's a trippy time losing your job. Caller, hi. Chevy, question for you. It's Plummer. Hey, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Good to hear your voice. Oh, Plummer. Two days ago, my coffee machine stopped working. And I know you're not there anymore, but I used those little black packets you sent me of strong coffee. They're little individual. Holy shit, dude. Yeah, so I'm still with them.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I'm just not, like, as involved, per se, right? Like, I'm more of an affiliate. So I'm pushing the product, still talking with... Well, have them send me more. That shit is incredible. The black, the little tiny little black paper packets. I cannot believe how good that coffee is. No, no cream, nothing. I don't, I don't even really like coffee, but that shit is good. Good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So I had a question. I wanted you to elaborate more on the hypertension thing. Cause like, right. Like it's having high blood pressure is real. Are you more saying that people associate with like and they think that's a state of like permanent? There you go. So high. So high blood pressure is real. You can it's it's something you can measure. And it's real in the sense relative to low blood pressure. Right. Once again, that's just an idea. And it's real in the sense relative to low blood pressure, right? Once again, that's just an idea.
Starting point is 00:27:50 The phenomenon is real. When you call it high blood pressure, you're getting into that like, okay, you're making an assessment of it. And I know some people are going to be like, oh, so it's not. And these are the people who don't get it. Oh, so it's not real. So you shouldn't do anything to address it. No, it's not like that. Yeah. Well, because it's right.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Like hypertension is what is it? It's classified as 140 over 90. Right. There you go. You just said it classified. It's made up, which is okay. It doesn't mean it's bad, but it's made up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Okay. Like red means stop. That's made up. But if you can't tell the difference between what's just a signifier or an idea, then you'll never get outside or around it, and you'll probably not get to the solution. Yeah. Right? Yep. And so if you're taking medicine for hypertension, you're probably not working on the solution.
Starting point is 00:28:40 If you want to ban guns, you're not getting to the solution. If you want to build houses for the not getting you're not getting to the solution if you want to build houses for the homeless you're not getting the solution if you want to take it in go to 49ers game to prevent from dying you're not getting to the solution yeah because you think because you're confused on what's real you're not getting you're not you don't have like um the ability to get to the root right of the problem because you because you believe the illusion you're believing the illusion the man wants you to believe or whoever someone someone wants you to believe it well yeah like like if you take drugs to lower or like to deal with hypertension right you're just
Starting point is 00:29:15 like you're not fixing the mechanism you're just kind of uh what dampening it or softening it that too but but it's even crazier than that. It's like, it's literally like if I, those it's the exact same thing. Hypertension is as real as our calendar, right? Our calendar is just to help us keep shit organized based on the spinning thing. But literally the queen of England at one point took two weeks off the calendar and the people rioted because they thought they lost two weeks of their life.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Like they couldn't distinguish between the fact that it's just a mechanism for helping you to organize versus reality yeah and but but the thing you're taking it is also true but it's different than what i'm trying to explain i the two two ideas there got conflated that's not your fault either i'm i'm uh i a, I'm a deep minus philosopher at best. No, I think, I think it's, uh, it's helping me understand more. Cause like, I think more where like I'm thinking about it is right. If you like classify as hyper, hypertensive, then right. You're more likely to, um, like die prematurely from a cardio cardiovascular event, right? Like it's a, it's a check on the box, right? If you're more likely to um like die prematurely from a cardio cardiovascular event right like it's
Starting point is 00:30:26 a it's a check on the box right if you're hypertensive you have type 2 diabetes and you're obese then you'd be considered having metabolic disease right and i think it's just checking one of the boxes that not necessarily mean like it's not really the problem is is that you eat too much um refined carbohydrates and you don't move enough that's that's the root of it all right and it's like um yeah those other things are just to help categorize help uh categorize it yeah 100 okay cool cool all right see you guys good hearing from you bye bye lady hey check this out this i think illustrates what you were talking about about operating from different conscious levels and even what you opened the show with. So someone keep that up. Someone will say in the comments, oh, someone doesn't think gravity is real or someone like someone's going to say it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 By the way, someone's not going to instead of being like, oh, shit, I'm not sure I get what someone's saying. Someone's going to like build a wall against it. Don't do that. If you're doing that, just drop that. Just don't. My point isn't to alienate you and make you think that I'm crazy. I'm trying to point to something to make your life richer. Don't do don't do that. Don't get all fucking crazy. And so don't get just accepted or just put it in the bucket of I'm not sure I understand what he's saying. OK, go ahead. Well, they would probably be operating from a place of fear, in which case they would be pretty low on the energetic log. Their emotional state would be having anxiety. Their view of life would be frightening.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Where is that? What column is that? What column is that? If you go all the way to the left-hand side. Oh, okay. Shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear. Okay. Survival. Okay. Yeah. So you see the red line right between courage and pride? Yeah. Everything, if you are operating from a emotional state below that, you're an unconscious being. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Okay. Everything right in between with the reason, acceptance, willingness, neutrality, and courage, you're starting to become enlightened. If you operate from a place of love joy peace and enlightenment at the highest level of consciousness you could be in and then if you go across from the top you could see all the different categories right and you'll like this if you're operating from a space of enlightenment your god view is self your process is pure consciousness your view of life just is yeah yeah i you i love all that that's gonna that's blasphemy though uh suza um a thousand hail mary's here i like this reason and integrity enabling i don't i don't know what that means but enabling i like to that's a that's a tricky word which one are you reading from uh Godview. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I just – I'm trying to think of – I'm trying to see if there's anything else in there that really – trust. I like those. Trust, enabling, believing in other people. That's the thing going back to that group. Believing in other people. That's the thing going back to that group. Your group should be a place where people trust you and where people believe that you are the source of your solutions. Yeah, well, I also look about if you go to that bottom, the very bottom operation of consciousness, and you relate back to how they tried to push everything with the 49ers. What emotional state did they operate or project out to the humiliation
Starting point is 00:33:45 uh destruction vindictiveness blame look at blame down there blame that and that's what that group is don't get into a group that blames do not be a part of blaming groups views of life is evil hey that's why the 12-step program is so fucking good. It doesn't blame. It asks. Blame. Ask. It's asking. Let me – that being said, to kind of balance out some of the blasphemy that may have been in that post. God, I might be turning into a Christian.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Just kidding. No one get crazy. No one get crazy no no one get crazy what are you operating you're operating from a place of fear right now no number nine number nine look at this i really like this god i really like this there's so much good good like bible beater shit that fucking me, I love. Listen, this is so beautiful right here. Enjoy this, especially if you're a horse chick. Just learning a little bit about the conditions that, I'll say the home that she came out of.
Starting point is 00:34:56 She's actually pretty comfortable. Brian, come on, boy. Brian, come on, boy. So I'm purposely making as light of this as possible because to her, this is a big deal. Like this is a little bit of a trauma response. This is out of control. I don't know what to do. And the worst thing I can do is focus on what she's doing wrong right now.
Starting point is 00:35:26 She's finding her peace. She's figuring it out. Can you pause that? The worst thing I can do is focus on what she's doing wrong. Those groups, even in their wording, lure people to what other people are doing wrong. They're focusing on what's doing wrong. How are the white people not making us feel how how much do i hate the pregnancy they're luring people in with that same mindset that would that want they want to focus in on what's wrong kind of like this show we're here to focus in and then point you in the right direction
Starting point is 00:35:59 yeah okay i keep going i this dude's cool oh Yeah. Okay. Keep going. I, this dude's cool. Oh, yeah. Sometimes we don't know what to do other than just run to the father and say, Papa, help. Run to the father and say, Papa, help. That was good.
Starting point is 00:36:30 A little Jesus stuff in there too, right? Yeah. It was a nice balance. Yeah, I really like it. Number 11, Laura Sanko, considered one of the most knowledgeable and sophisticated commentators in the sport of fighting. This is a lady who's not new to the scene but has made it to the next level in the sport of fighting this is a lady who's uh not new to the scene but has like made it to the next level um in the last year she is fucking amazing she is really really uh fantastic uh um uh fight commentator and uh i i i appreciate all her work
Starting point is 00:37:00 but listen to what she says about um uh about norma uh dumont's ass right here what she calls it a dump truck listen waiting on chris barnet burnett she's driving a dump truck my goodness i told you she's alive i came down for dead waiting on chris barnet burnett she's driving a dump truck my goodness i told you she's a linebacker i came down for now listen you know what's crazy about that is like as crossfitters we say we know that's a compliment like that like that's a that was an epic ass you're like fuck i don't have that chick come to my gym and do a squat session with her but i but i but i wonder how many women like don't yeah look at look at look Look it. Look it. David even knows. Sanko is super fire.
Starting point is 00:37:48 The patriarchy has spoken. Meredith, you're stuck. You're stuck. I'm going to run with that for a while on this route. I appreciate the – I do appreciate it. Yeah, Laura Sanko calling female fighter uh his ass a dump truck as you guys know i personally am very fond of dump trucks literally and figuratively i think they're fucking cool as shit do you like a dump truck
Starting point is 00:38:17 uh caleb caleb knew i was gonna ask him what big dump truck fan yeah yeah like just giant ones like the giant yellow like earth mover ones right like you're like you could take a sledgehammer to the tire it's like nothing yeah the tires cost like five million dollars a piece yes yes they would run over monster trucks easily squish easily just like when the dude is like she's alive back there uh molly do you think spiegel would be offended if her ass were compared to a dump truck i don't dare try to figure her out i'm so confused by her bet you if we said it it would be offensive um yeah i i don't even know. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I don't understand her. She – Yes. Okay. So Laura Sanko, UFC is on tonight. The main event has Ricky Simone in it. He was on these – he was on – oh, I'm going to have to say something negative about her now. Okay. Let's – just let me finish up.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Ricky Simone is fighting tonight. He's been on this show, and he fights tonight against Song Dong Sa Dong. Song Da Dong. Song. Song Young Da Dong. Song Young Da Dong. Anyway, the main event is going to be dope. I bet you the main event starts probably around uh the main card
Starting point is 00:39:46 starts at 4 30 i want to say the main event's probably like two hours probably around 6 30 uh espn plus it's gonna be a great fight and ricky simone is um there's a good chance he'll be the champ one day so you might want to watch fight okay go back to laura sanko here dear women uh never wear red lipstick like that it does not look good on anybody nobody there's no there's no one uh that's ever looked good on especially when you're fucking as hot as laura sanko do not do that to yourself thank you thank you yeah she's cool as shit okay
Starting point is 00:40:29 number 12 this one's quick get a little racism in there may have to play this one twice this is gonna be quick people there's gonna be some quick ones today did you know in Spanish you say japan
Starting point is 00:40:46 i mean the delivery is brilliant isn't it yes i wouldn't expect that coming from her either, just from just watching it. Yeah. Okay, number 13. This one is titled Gay Jeep, like as in Jeep Wrangler. This is the Gay Jeep. Someone tell me if this is real, too, because this is amazing. If this really comes stock on a Jeep. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:22 The Gay Jeep. Here we go. What does that say? Titan Uranus? What does that mean? Hey, Wyatt. What does that say? Is that his mom fucking with him?
Starting point is 00:41:45 That's a good mom. That's the dad's job. Oh, shit. What does that say? Is that his mom fucking with him? That's a good mom. That's the dad's job. Oh, shit, Jake Chapman. Holy shit. All Jeeps are gay. Hey, you know what's funny is I didn't know that either until Garrett told me that she drives. She told me Garrett Clinton told me what she drives.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And she's like, yeah, I drive the gay car. And I go, what's that? She's like, lesbians drive Jeeps. And explained her car to me i was like oh i had no idea that was like subarus i don't think that that i'd drive the fuck out of that thing tighten your anus that thing's dope isn't it yeah for sure top down on a summer day uh we're gonna give you this but you're gonna have to leave tighten youranus on there no problem wouldn't dream of taking it off anyways uh justin v uh as a jeep owner uh jeep people are the worst oh i want to talk about the worst i'm with them being gay jeep hair don't care half of texans drive jeeps mall cruisers i don't know what that is i mean either um number 14 don't forget don't forget
Starting point is 00:42:50 this shit number 14 please do not forget this shit i'm this might have to be pulled down really quickly caleb did i step overboard with this filter for us caleb there's no overt 49er stuff. I think it'll be okay. Okay. Thank you. We've been censored today by Caleb Beaver. Approved. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:11 So this is from the POTUS. If you went to the 49ers game, you can now go outdoors without a mask. Oh, that's awesome. So remember this is two years ago. Obviously president of the United States. I think it was two years ago yesterday.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Fuck. He told us we could go outside. Dude, I have loved ones and family and friends that believe this, that did this. They did this. They played this game. Most of the people played it. Most. Some of you fucking surrendered your kids.
Starting point is 00:43:55 How do you sleep at night? Listen, I was trying to think. I didn't want to bring this up. But if you surrendered your kids, you should spend the rest of your life making sure you never do that again. You should do some serious soul searching. You should give something up that you love to punish yourself for the rest of your life making sure you never do that again you should do some serious soul searching you should give something up that you love to punish yourself for the rest of your life like never drink again quit coffee um no more jerking off like you deserve if you surrendered your kids you um you should do something to you know you know people are still doing that? They're still taking their kids to 49ers games? Yes. I see it every day. The other day, I met a lady in the skate park,
Starting point is 00:44:32 and she was explaining to me how her kid had a speech impediment because of what happened during 49er season, but she can't get him to see a speech therapist because they haven't gotten 49er tickets yet. And so she can't wait until her kids are old enough to get 49er tickets so she can take her kids to the speech therapist. I'm like, holy shit. That's fucking ass backwards, huh?
Starting point is 00:44:52 I do want to go back to this really quick just to give you – because I said, hey, you shouldn't put canola oil on and that you should use grass-fed butter. Let me also say this. If you are one of these people who's like, well, fuck you, seven birth,
Starting point is 00:45:08 you make birth seem so easy. You're a fucking dude. Fuck you. You don't know what you're talking about. You're so opinionated. All that. Fucking all good for you. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:18 But there are places like birth fit. We had them on the show. You can go to them. I think you just type in i think the owner the name owner of the company is named lindsey contact asia barta leo barto and just and just and just listen a little bit b gets there there you go oh they're in here now yeah surround yourself with just some people who there's tons of women there like you have to know i was there too when we we would never have home
Starting point is 00:45:45 birth we had my wife was going to the gynecologist and like we thought home birthers were crazy and the whole thing and you still don't have to home birth if you go to birth fit but just get around some you want to get around some people it is truly a remarkable experience for a woman to grow a baby in her find a way to to to to fake it till you make it and enjoy that experience and not hate it. You do not – you're not going to get to do it. We don't get to do it, and you're not going to get to do it too many times. There's a way that you could reprogram yourself to make the experience not only enjoyable but a remarkable life-changing experience. Fucking remarkable.
Starting point is 00:46:26 A free trip to enlightenment mike hawk is long and i um so so it's it's um man to take uh to take the opportunity and if i'm wrong who cares you have nothing nothing to lose. Go check these people out. There's tons, and they'll be patient with you. It won't be – you won't have to deal with judgmental assholes like me. But don't miss that opportunity if you're a woman. Find some people who will navigate you through this so that you can kind of see the miracle or at least take a shot at witnessing the miracle that is growing a baby. And if you guys go to the show notes,
Starting point is 00:47:09 you'll see the two links for their programs there. And there's also a discount code if you use the word SEVON1 or 2, depending on which one program you're signing up for. Is that really true? Yeah. So if they go to the show notes, the links are usually in there.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And yeah, they could use the codes and check it out. Hey, one quick real question about that thing we started with, with Emily Berry saying we're pregnant. Yeah. Like when you and your wife are. Maybe you said I missed it. What was your thought on that, like using that term? Does it even matter?
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, not to me and not to my wife. I never personally use that. But I don't care if someone does. During that time, I would do pretty much whatever my wife wanted to accommodate her. During that time, I would accept pronouns. Do you know what I mean? My goal is to get her streamlined. And hopefully she'll let go of those things, streamlined and hopefully she'll let go of those things.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Right. I don't want to. Hopefully she would let go of those things. I wouldn't give anything, any energy. So if she would, if I ever said, hey, if she heard me say we're pregnant and she said, don't do that, I'd be like, OK. Yeah, I wouldn't give it any energy. Right. I wouldn't give it any.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I don't give it anything. I wouldn't give it. First of all, you know know my wife would never do that she gives two fucks but but you know me and her we're not perfect and we do have
Starting point is 00:48:33 hangups and things like that happen and I just wouldn't give it any energy and let her process it and I trust and believe that eventually she would let that go because there's no there there with that it doesn't matter that's all ego that's just all fucking yeah i made a joke and i was like yeah when are you when when are you gonna get pregnant like with grace because you know we're getting a lot of pressure from our parents now we want
Starting point is 00:48:53 grandkids and things like that have you pulled the goalie and it was funny no yeah and so it was uh it was funny because i was like yeah yeah yeah it'll be crazy when you're pregnant she looked at me in her head step she's like, I'm pregnant. Well, we're pregnant. Well, you better be shoveling dirt with me. Yeah. And you know what? That's fucking I think that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah. And so that's what that's why I was just asking, because that's the way I felt. That's your wife, including you. That's like next level shit. Yeah, that's really fucking cool. My kid, our kid, our responsibility. We're on the journey together. So that's why i thought that that's what i always thought that that meant when you would say we're pregnant right nobody's like oh you're the one shouldering the responsibility
Starting point is 00:49:32 it's like no but we're in this together i don't know what other dudes are i don't know what other dudes are like but like you know like if your wife gets pregnant for me there was just a biological response that was like let's say you're in bed together and someone in the front door was unlocked i all of a sudden you just start you just change you're the one who jumps up and locks it if she says is the stove on you don't even say you don't you may have said before she was pregnant really again you don't do any of that all that shit just went away she's growing your baby it's a great opportunity to realize that all those things were stupid that you did anyway like either get up and check the oven or don't don't you don't have to say something dickheadish it's just all those um
Starting point is 00:50:20 uh you know you run by the you want to watch tv and you run by the bed and the sheets aren't on and you know your wife always does it anyway, but when she's pregnant, you do it. There's just things that just, and you feel great about all of them. It's not putting yourself out at all. You just realize that we're, you're trying to do your fucking part.
Starting point is 00:50:40 She's growing the fucking baby. You're just trying to fucking like, Stefan, did you get dad bod? bod no i've always had dad bod i was blessed with that from a no i probably got fitter when i was when she was pregnant tell you the truth i never have an excuse not to work out ever ever i'll be spinning drunk and i will work out i will will be tired. I will do anything. I never have an excuse. I do have an excuse, though, to eat two pounds of cashews before I go to bed. Yeah, that's cool that Grace said that.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Number three, yeah, no shit, people. Duh. I don't even know what this is, but that's what I wrote. Yeah, no shit. You work today, Caleb? Sousa? Sorry. I know you're not allowed to divulge, Caleb. You work today, Sousa? No, no, no. In fact, I was maybe still going to come swing by and drop some stuff off and pick some stuff up. Oh, bitchin', I got nothing today. Okay, awesome. Okay. I show you my dad bod. Okay, action.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Good guess why. Have you ever eaten ramen noodles? Exactly. Here's the deal. New research from the Mayo Clinic is showing that it can increase the risk for metabolic syndrome, especially for women. Pause, pause. Not, not, not, the experts say it could. No, not it could.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Not it could. No, not it could. Not it could. It does increase the risk for metabolic syndrome eating top ramen. This is a fact. Okay, go on. Fucking idiots. And that can mean increased risk for heart problems, stroke, and diabetes. But researchers say it's not just ramen. Any instant noodle
Starting point is 00:52:25 products could be putting you in danger if you're eating them more than twice a week. So why are women affected the most? Probably because of BPA that's found in the packaging, which is known to mess with those estrogen levels. And a flashback for you tonight. Hey, so the point of this is like the post is like, hey, to be like, look, men and women are different. But who gives a fuck about that? Why are you eating ramen noodles? Why? You get like a case for like a dollar.
Starting point is 00:52:53 They're so good. God, they're so good. Seve, please show the black weightlifting club page. No, because I don't want to hate on them. I don't want to hate on them i don't want to i don't want to hate on them i just want them to know that like because i don't care if there's a i don't care if there's a club that's i don't care if there was a club just for white people and i don't care if there's a club just for black people even though i think it's idiocy but if they want to
Starting point is 00:53:16 do it i don't really care and i don't want to judge them for it it's just that i have a concern from seeing their page that they're a place where they're just fucking what's the term lowering their vibrational levels like they're going down there and they're not being solution oriented they're going down there and blaming and they will not if you don't take responsibility for yourself you will not get out it's why i need to get um i want to i really want to get james townsend on and talk to him about the cops the people calling the cops on him oh yeah people have called the cops on me a shitload of times and there's people there's white people in the comments in there i didn't see james right about it all but saying basically saying that happened to you because
Starting point is 00:53:52 you're black and the way i see that is they're just projecting they're they're they're the one they're that's the systemic racism they're trying to keep james down by planting those poisonous thoughts in his head it's like dude why are you that? It doesn't even matter if it's true. Do you understand? There's no there there. You don't fix that problem, but it's just nuts. It also goes to your point of spinning stories and victim. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:17 No, I said it goes to your point of spinning stories in your head. Like that woman saw that she didn't even like she wasn't conscious enough to sit there and observe the situation. She just saw the situation, spun the story in her head called the cops allegedly right assuming it was her that called the cops which yeah pretty calm he didn't even but he didn't even know that he even said that uh dick butter james said it was because he was black multiple times okay i didn't i didn't i didn't i didn't get that i read i thought i read it pretty clearly and listened to it and i didn't get that him ever say it was because he was black yeah i don't even know what color the old guy was that he drove to the mall or whatever i called the cops on a white dude uh last year
Starting point is 00:54:55 who called the japanese girl and the black girl cunts ever tell you that story no i thought you're referring to the dude on the freeway swerving all over the place no i don't know what that dude was but he was driving a carpet cleaning van so i assume he was mexican but um i never tell you the story you want to say anything about james real quick before we switch and i'll tell you the story real quick no that that was pretty much it is that people are once they spin the story it's funny how you can't get off that like if she would have witnessed it witnessed interaction between him and the other person you would have saw that it was non-confrontational that there wasn't the situation that she spun in her head or the person that called spun in their head just be aware uh yes
Starting point is 00:55:41 uh seve uh called the cops on the lane jumper lane jumper the guy fucking rammed a fucking other car right in front of me we're gonna minimize it jake so i'm at so i'm at the beach i'm at the beach i'm at the point and there's a guy playing his guitar with an amp and um and there's two girls like sitting he's probably 40 and there's two 20 year old girls holding a pizza and eating it sitting um, um, attractive, attractive fat girls, uh, eating a pizza, probably two benches away from him. So let's say 30, he's on a bench and there's a bench that's empty. And then there's the bench they're on. So 20 feet, 30 feet. And he's singing a song and he's clearly singing about them, about two fat,
Starting point is 00:56:21 spoiled college cunt girls who eat pizza at the beach and how privileged they are. about two fat, spoiled college cunt girls who eat pizza at the beach and how privileged they are. And he's getting aggressive. So I'm like, all right. So I fucking call the cops. And I stay there and watch until the cops come. Just like their parents would have liked you to do.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Fuck yeah. He's just being a complete piece of shit. Yeah, you don't know what's going to happen. And I'm there with my kids. Yeah. I probably shouldn't tell this story. David's going to fucking hate me for this. Go on.
Starting point is 00:56:48 That's the cop job. That's what you do. Snitches get – ditches – rat, rat, rat, rat bastard. Pizza. Thank you. Okay, now we're on – now we're back on track. Okay, and so the cops come, and I see this guy, and I've seen this guy around before, right? And so can you sing this song for us?
Starting point is 00:57:14 No, but Seve Snitchtosian. Ooh. God damn. Ooh. And so the cops come. So then like a week later, I see this guy, and he steps up to me and goes, hey, I know you called the cops. I go, you're fucking damn straight I did. And he goes, you're a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I've lived in this fucking community longer than you have. I go, you're a fucking prick. I go, you were fucking singing a song to two fucking 20-year-old girls about them being fat and eating pizza and being privileged and he goes yeah well it's all true and it doesn't matter if it's fucking true and i said that i go those are fucking someone's daughters and sisters and moms you're being a fucking asshole and fucking threatening them while they're sitting there and then he goes hey man i have fucking problems hey and so we sat there we sat there and we talked it out my wife my wife was terrified terrified of course and we sat there and talked it out and we shook hands and we hugged and i and at the end i said hey i should have i should have addressed you um and you're right
Starting point is 00:58:20 instead of calling the cops uh but you were fucking getting pretty crazy when you're calling someone cunt and they're standing just next to you and they're just two little fucking cutie fat chicks, college chicks. And now whenever I see him, I say hi to him. I go out of my way to say hi to him. I probably see him like once every two weeks at the beach. I'll go walk over and go,
Starting point is 00:58:35 hey, what's up, dude? How you doing? Check on him. Yeah, so there you guys. Hold your comments, all right? Look how they ended. Perfect. Kazavion, I would meet Sevan
Starting point is 00:58:42 and he'd call the cops as I drive away. uh because i'll be on i would meet seven and he'd call the cops as i drive away uh officer uh there was a black man in my driveway yeah he said i have fucking problems yeah i mean yeah it was like when he said that to me i was like yeah and then you know where it went from there he told me a sob story and like i listened to him and like and so now i'm a douche to young girls i don't well i mean he's just basically yeah he's you know he's he's mentally ill he smokes yeah and starts talking to himself hey and to your point you've you've been enough around enough for those type of people that like if you try to step into that situation you're like hey man come on all of a sudden he latches on to you now oh now it's like now it's your problem right and you got your kids there and shit like you can't you know well i have no
Starting point is 00:59:29 yeah thank you and i have no issue calling the cops on that shit does he drive no the guy doesn't fucking drive i own a fucking car he's just a fucking just a problem he probably lives in someone's backyard on the couch or something got fucking problems my i'd like it too because my wife was always like blown away how I always end up doing that hugging or shaking someone's hand yeah because you're able to just talk it through and stay present
Starting point is 00:59:52 oh yeah he did say that he did say that thank you Mike I forgot that then he said to me I had a great podcast and it failed and now I'm living on the streets he did that was his journey did you ever fucking say that to me again and it failed, and now I'm living on the streets. He did. That was his journey. Did you get real close? Did you ever fucking say that to me again?
Starting point is 01:00:09 I have him in my favorites, Run Under Susan. It's just as the cause. Hey, it's Sevan again. Yeah, we got another one, Bill. I don't like this clip. It's a little too indulgent for me, but we'll play it anyway. Number four.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And I think some of you are going to love this. David, you will love this. David. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. It's a man knocking on another man's door front door and they're wearing masks helmets 49er helmets yes 49er helmets hello who is this
Starting point is 01:00:55 my name is richard lee and i'm running for city council so i just wanted to introduce myself excuse me my name is richard lee and i'm running for city council i just want to say hello are you a democrat yeah then leave thank you oh my god hey is my haircut that bad, Jake? Tell me. Be honest. His hair is shit. Please tell me my hair is not that bad. Is that a Jeep? Yes, that is a Jeep.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Oh, my goodness. So bad. Number five, CrossFit. That's hilarious. Number five, CrossFit. That's hilarious. Hey, did you... Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. I'll see if...
Starting point is 01:01:51 I joined a support group for people who peaked in high school. It's called CrossFit. I started doing... You've heard of it. People who do CrossFit consider it a sport. Like when I joined the gym, the first thing they asked was, what are your goals as an athlete? Low cholesterol and sex with the lights on? Like, why are you here?
Starting point is 01:02:13 And I don't think the workouts are good for you. They sound like they were written by an undercover chiropractor trying to drum up business. That's like, all right, here's twice your body weight. You're going to pick it up, set it down, then scream like a wounded Spartan. Okay, what about form? No time for form just uh try to lift with your back okay that uh it sounds like it's gonna hurt and not in a good way don't be a pussy pain is just cartilage leaving your kneecaps you got this recently joined to support here's the thing here's the thing i'm sensitive i'm a sensitive i like the like i like the joke but but he just takes it too far like don't do the there's plenty
Starting point is 01:02:51 of places to go but is he a crossfitter probably i think that is the reason i feel like he was and even hq was like look he crossfits and he has followers. Oh, shut it, James. It is not accurate. Shut it. Yeah, I got triggered a little bit too. Hey, stop it. He is lying. They don't tell you to lift twice your body weight and throw form out the door. All those same people be like.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Shut your fucking mouth. Power lifting progressive overload is what you really need. CrossFit will get hurt. But we're going to do all the same exercises in our power lifting progressive overload is what you really need. CrossFit will get hurt, but we're going to do all the same exercises in our powerlifting progressive overload training cycle. Hey, is that his girlfriend? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I wonder if she needs a breast reduction. Because if she does, I know a fabulous doctor who just loves... That doctor said, I did a breast reduction and I love it. Can you imagine chopping off someone's titties and loving it? Yeah. You know what I say to that?
Starting point is 01:03:49 All that shit you're talking about isn't up for discussion. I pay to make it bigger. I don't pay for no reduction. Thank you. Oh, that's a rap line. E-40. That is. That is.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Okay. Number six, men versus women. I really want to get through like 10 of these before I have to go. It'd be awesome. Oh, this is great. This is in Kenya, a chess competition. Indian chess player, Stanley Omondi, who registered himself as a female in an all-female chess tournament
Starting point is 01:04:23 and then dressed like this and absolutely wiped the floor with the ladies. Oh, no. Organizers of the tournament got suspicious. When fully clad in clothes, including the hijab, head to toe, unknown and unranked women started beating the brakes off all the well-known female chess players. Just mating them in ten, you know? Then she got a weird erection, it looked like, underneath her hijab.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Not only the erection, but when they went to the bathroom, they could tell by the loud piss stream in the restroom. They're like, whoa, she's got some pipes on her. Got the grunts and farts. Here's a quote from Kenya president of chess over there, Bernard Wanjala, said, we didn't have any suspicion at first because wearing a hijab is normal. But along the way, we noticed he won against very strong players, and it would be very unlikely to have a new person
Starting point is 01:05:03 who's never played at our tournaments be this good. Unless he was a man. Unless he was definitely a man. Two other red flags were the size of his hands. He also wore men's shoes, and also he was just mating these chicks. Hey, so when's that going to happen in the States? That should just happen. When are men going to do that?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Men are better at chess normally? Just the best chess player in the world is a dude? I guess. I never hear about it being a chick yeah anyway uh if you're a dude and you want to clean up on the with just play boat just go to the woman's side fuck it fuck it that's interesting because you wouldn't think that there'd be any clear advantage as in like something like physical like a sport though right i'm just surprised yeah i'm kind of i'm kind of surprised i didn't like a spelling bee like would you i didn't know we
Starting point is 01:05:49 were smarter too yeah would you would you split it by sex for a spelling bee do they split it by sex for a spelling bee no no actually they don't so then why would they do it for chess paulina i'm confused they're playing chess it's not physical yeah I'm with you Pauline I hate to break it to you you learned it here first men are smarter David Weed men are better at everything patriarchy Stephen Flores men are more logical and thinking Stephen Flores is kidding people kidding
Starting point is 01:06:17 oh shut the fuck up no you're not okay women are better at chess uh in netflix dramas if that uh okay oh that is good if that's his girlfriend who's the girl in the bikini oh because he was posing with the pig going back a little bit all right fair enough good thank you for uh pointing out that's good why is chess separated by sex i don't know that's a really good that's a great question yeah oh shit bernie gannon this is gonna be stand back everyone if you're a chick hold on to your chair this one's gonna sting a little the delusion of males and female sports isn't that they're females
Starting point is 01:07:04 it's that they are high-level athletes. Oh, no, I guess that's not as bad as I thought it was. That's a good point. Stephen Flores, wow, another great comment. Some men are even better at being girls than girls themselves. Hey, hey, wait, wait, there's something in here. Okay, number seven, duh, there's something in here okay number seven duh there's something in here dude yesterday i should there's a girl out there who's who's uh well in in hollywood you're gonna see there's this thing i have where there's a trans person who's supposed to be a man playing
Starting point is 01:07:40 a girl in this tv show but they they chose a girl for it. They don't even use a real trans person. It's fucking nuts. It's fucking, it's crazy. Okay. Action. I don't know if you've heard of the book Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton, but he talks about five steps to dependency. If you give something to somebody once, they'll appreciate it. If you give the same thing to that person again, they'll anticipate that you're going to do it a third time. If you give it a third time, they're going to have an expectation that you'll do it a fourth. If you give it a fourth time, they'll feel entitled to it, and a fifth time, they'll be dependent on you for it. It's appreciation, anticipation, expectation, entitlement, and dependency. I have seen that
Starting point is 01:08:18 downward track for far too many people, and after more than 20 years of working among the poor and now working with leaders across the nation in various cities who are also fighting poverty, I'm convinced that we are in a national crisis of dependency. I don't know if you've heard of the book Toxic Charity. That's the Libtar Democrat playbook right there. There it is. You just saw it. That's it. That's called Toxic Charity. That's it. You just you just saw it. That's it. Isn't that called toxic charity? That's it. You just saw it. That's the playbook. Universal basic income. Yeah. Number eight, how the fuck did this happen?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Number ten is going to be a tough one for people, by the way. Number ten, brace yourself. If you need a potty break, number ten is going to be the one to do it on. Number eight, so this is If you need a potty break, number 10 is going to be the one to do it on. Number 8. This is Canadian TV released a new show, an attempt to normalize drag to children. Imagine taking your kids to participate in this show. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Action. Anybody can do drag. Drag is for anybody and everybody who wants to put on a fun costume and get up on stage and entertain people. Everybody should try drag at least once. It's really fun. Even kids?
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah. There's actually quite a few kids that are starting to do drag. Do dogs do drag? Do dogs do drag? I mean, they can. Notice they'll never show the close-up of the face of this monster. And I mean monster. Go on. You can dress a dog up in a dress and take
Starting point is 01:09:48 him on stage with you nervous yes how come do i look scary do you know what i am no hey that's not funny that's not funny are you? Do you know what I am? That's fucking... How old are those kids? Fuck, I don't know. That kid looks like he's eight or nine. Even if that kid was fucking 15. Keep playing. This is fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yeah, 12 to... Exactly. No one's pushing this on kids. Don't worry. No one's pushing this on kids. Yeah. I'm a drag queen. I think I can see your beard. You can see my beard?
Starting point is 01:10:34 Anybody can do drag. Whoa. Hey, those parents surrendered. Surrendered? They're the ones pushing it. Now, this is going to fucking blow you fucking away, ladies and gentlemen. This is from the great state of Minnesota.
Starting point is 01:10:56 The attempt to legalize pedophilia has begun. And I thought about maybe not saying that because it might be fucking – I didn't want it to seem melodramatic. But listen to this guy, and then i'll take you to and then i fact check this and it is fucking scary action hello america so a representative in minnesota uh who is a transgender individual good for them has introduced a bill into legislation which would protect minor attracted persons, as they like to call them. Now, what this really means is the Skittle Shitter wants pedophiles to be able to rape kids and get the fuck away with it, and you can't do shit about it. How the fuck up, Sparkles? Now, listen, I don't care if you want to identify
Starting point is 01:11:47 as a unicorn cat with three fucking Peters and two tacos and you give it to yourself every other Tuesday. I don't give a fuck. But a minor attracted person is nothing more than a kitty diddler. And if you want to touch kids, you ain't protected at all ever because you're sick in the fucking head. And every parent should have open season on your skittle shitting ass. Just fucking saying. Okay, so what's he talking about? Click on the article down below, please. So what they're basically trying to do is they're trying to make it so you can't discriminate against someone who's a pedophile.
Starting point is 01:12:24 is they're trying to make it so you can't discriminate against someone who's a pedophile. So let's say you own a fucking 7-Eleven and you find out the guy's a pedophile, that you can't fire him. You can't use that or you can't not hire him because he's a pedophile. Wow. They're trying to fucking normalize. And you think this is – look at the person who's actually – look at the person who's the guy who's the representative who's trying to pass this law. This is fucking unreal.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Can you scroll down? There's a picture of this dude in here. Keep going. Nope. Maybe I sent you the wrong link. Anyway, go back. Here, let me read it. The Minnesota legislature is trying to modify the legal definition of sexual orientation. The proposed bill modifies existing Minnesota law that designates sexual orientation as protected category,
Starting point is 01:13:15 which means it is against the law for the state to discriminate based on sexual orientation. So they have a law that makes it so you can't discriminate on sexual orientation. One of the authors of the bill, Leah Fink, a transgender representative who was recently named USA Today's Woman of the Year for the state of Minnesota. Think about that. USA Today, one of the biggest newspapers in the fucking country, made this man Woman of the Year. She's now trying to pass this law that would make it so you couldn't discriminate against pedophiles. The proposed law first adds a definition of gender identity. Man.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Gender identity means a person's inherent sense of being a man. Inherent sense. Or woman, both or neither. A person, crazy. And here's the real kicker. The crossed out sentence at the end is the portion the legislature is currently trying to remove. Or having or being perceived as having a self-image or identity not traditionally associated with one's biological maleness and femaleness. Sexual orientation does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Removing this portion would not immediately legalize pedophilia, but it would allow pedophiles to become a protected class with the same legal protections, Q plus individuals. I understand. Sorry, Sebi, I keep turning you off. This stuff makes me so angry. I can't stand listening. I understand. I understand. That's the dude, by the way.
Starting point is 01:15:10 That's the guy who's trying to protect the pedophiles. Hey, you have to understand, there is a significant percentage of these people already around your kids, some of you, who put your kids in those situations, and they're around your kids when you're not around. And I say that with all the doom and fear projecting I can. Your job is to make sure that your kids don't get diddled. That's your job. Just that. That's the only thing. Take that risk down to zero. Yeah, yeah, exactly. that's how you say all the time people are sleeping over the kids are sleeping in my room you all what are the chances of that happening
Starting point is 01:15:50 it's it's your it's a good friend it's a neighbor it's someone you've known for forever and you're like the chance may be 0.001 but i could make the chance zero and so if you have the opportunity to take your risk down to zero take it to zero at that point. We had a friend in our house who was drunk, who hasn't been to our house since, say, grabbed my oldest when he was probably six
Starting point is 01:16:14 and be like, do you know what gay is? And I just intervened. Yeah. Why are you explaining that to a six-year-old? What are you doing? And she went straight to,
Starting point is 01:16:23 what, do you have a problem with gay? I'm like, no, not at all. Let's go go in the back room your husband can suck my dick right now cool with that yeah i'm cool with that i got a problem with what you're introducing to my children uh number uh number 14 did we already do 14 don't forget this shot this shit yeah okay number 15 oh number 15 and 16 don't even have a a phrase that means i must have been in a hurry the other thing too is like at the very least of those arguments all you're doing is robbing that that child of childhood a little bit more you're like forcing them to go into issues that have nothing to do with them and won't for fucking years so why are you trying to
Starting point is 01:17:03 rob them of that innocence and childhood that you will never get back because once you get that exposure, that period of their life is fucking gone. Once they know Santa's not real and it's Sevan bringing the presents and everything, that's gone. It's never coming back and that innocence is lost. And all those people that are forcing this shit on the children, at the very
Starting point is 01:17:20 very minimum harm that you're doing is you're taking away and robbing them of that opportunity. That's fucking pathetic. It is pathetic. Well said. Action. Give dating advice as well.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I'll give dating advice. Yeah. Give me some. What would you give to a young person, a young man, say, who's going on a date for the first time? What advice would you give him? How does it make that work? Okay. Very important.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I would say, listen, mate, always smell good. I'll'll tell you for why the first hole you penetrate is her nostril wow and you give dating advice there you go he has such an interesting accent solid he does australian and indian at the same time it's like like Australia's Ron Jeremy. Number 16. I know that's great though, Mike. That is 12 Daily Doses. Where he would go with that. Yeah. Now look at,
Starting point is 01:18:22 this isn't a gross exaggeration. This isn't hyperbole. This isn't verbosity. This isn't – this is your DEI department. Elizabeth Warren wants all your money to be – Elizabeth Warren wants every single one of your transactions to be recorded by the national – by the government, by the Fed. She's pushing for that, every single one of your transactions to be recorded by the government, by the Fed. She's pushing for that, every single transaction. She's pushing for electronic currency.
Starting point is 01:18:51 She also told us she was Native American. That lady right there, that's like – what's Dutch? What country is Dutch? Not the Netherlands. I think that's Belgium's health minister right there, that lady. I'm not even fucking joking. No way. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Dude, that's Jabba the Hutt. Dude, it's unreal. That lady to the right, that's the former first lady of the United States. Since she has left being the first lady, she has said many times that she's oppressed after she sat in the White House. That is the president of the United States there who is not who's barely ambulatory and cannot speak. That guy right there drove three times in the last two years of his life, was arrested for driving around on the streets high on fentanyl, methamphetamines and alcohol he put a gun to a woman's stomach who was pregnant um he he's done a shitload of pornography that you can you can even still see it on the internet today you can google his name and yet there's a bronze statue of him in new york city i'm showing him as a hero
Starting point is 01:20:01 because he was killed in a um he died in an unfortunate – after being caught spending counterfeit money. That guy Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world who people take health advice from. And I'm telling you, like, I could – like, I am not a tough guy in this life. I would beat the fuck out of him in a fight. I think I could beat the fuck out of him blindfold. Hey, I saw when he turned evil, and you could see it too. You just go to 1995 and watch when he gets pied in the face when he's walking into court in Australia.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Someone changed him. I think that was it. It's the evil pie. That right there is our expert on global warming, a young girl with asperger's disease uh that is a um that is a peaceful mostly peaceful protest that did billions and billions of dollars in damage across the united states uh a lot because of people protesting what happened to the fucking drug addict above us and then on the right in the lower right hand corner
Starting point is 01:21:04 that's um Levine. She was in charge of health for the state of Pennsylvania and now is basically, I forget her exact title, but Assistant Director of Health for the United States of America. That's a man who parades around as a woman.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Don't also forget that Rachel Levine arguably, very easily arguably, killed a shitload of elderly in Pennsylvania by putting them in nursing homes during the 49er season at the same time she pulled her 93-year-old mother out of a nursing home. It's fucking crazy. Can I tell you something else? Those are all Democrats. I'm not suggesting you be a republican i'm just telling you those are all democrats all right uh number 17 that that's all in the last couple of years. It's crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah, how fast it's moved like that. It's a lot. Never waste a good tragedy or crisis. I think this guy on the bottom was at the broken science thing. I need to get this guy on the show. This guy was a whistleblower at Coca-Cola. We'll listen to like a minute of this. This is worth listening to a minute of this.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Here we go. If overnight processed foods were banned, annihilated, and people just ate healthy, what would the difference be to diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer? So working for Coke 10 years ago, we had a strategy. Now, processed food companies contribute 11 times more money to nutritional research in the United States than the NIH. And the direct strategy was to fund thousands and thousands of studies to complicate the issue. Still, to this day, elite research institutions are putting out studies questioning whether sugar causes obesity. So it's mass confusion. And then as you mentioned, the medical system is totally silent on that.
Starting point is 01:22:58 They're profiting from it. And I think the key thing to understand is that we've siloed health in every institution from pharma to med schools to your hospital. They make money on interventions of people that are sick. And as you said, we've siloed diseases into these things. The problem is, Russell, all of the conditions I just mentioned are going up. As we're treating them, as we're spending trillions of dollars to treat these conditions in silos, they're all getting worse. Rates of everything is going up.
Starting point is 01:23:24 It's because the foundational reason for all of the diseases you mentioned, Russell, it's very simple, and we're being gaslighted. It's because of food. This is not complicated. We are being poisoned from a rigged food system, and the medical system is profiting. Stay free. Done. There you go. It's that easy. Hey, the same thing is with uh well we'll see uh number 20 uh topless pull-ups i approve i always approve of toplessness uh especially from the back i find uh i find all of this uh content uh titillating spring is coming. There you go.
Starting point is 01:24:14 This is kind of random. So many people now are going to send me people doing topless pull-ups. It's like, do you know how many dicks are in my inbox flopping around in pants? I did that one fromfit like main site years back where it's just a bunch of women like up there hanging yeah uh number 21 if you cannot see the screen you will not get this joke maybe i should say that more often but but uh number 21 you have to you have to probably see the screen. This is... I watched this twice. I didn't get it the first time.
Starting point is 01:24:52 It's like Japanese Uber. Oh, is that what it is? Looks like Uber. He didn't take a picture, but you actually clicked on him. He actually took a picture. is hey that guy's name is dang it's a black dude and his name is d-e-n-g dang all right uh 22 uh a word from the uh a little a little historical information about the president of the united states and his relationship with one of the most iconic movies ever made here we go if you're familiar with the movie mary poppins you're definitely
Starting point is 01:25:42 familiar with this word right here. But what you didn't know is that Mary Poppins, played by Julie Andrews, didn't know how to say the actual word. So the producers added this line. The way it was supposed to be said and how the producers intended it to sound like was this. You nailed it, Joe. If you're familiar with the movie... Okay. 23. I absolutely love this. I hope I still love it.
Starting point is 01:26:18 I hope that's what I wrote when I saw it last time. Looks like a couple of people from the chat are going to be taking you up on the topless pull-ups there. Yeah, topless. Oh, this is so good this this this if i was a dad and that was my daughter this is just so good this is boys god i hope my boys end up like this this is so fucking good this is a chick and she's answering her front door check Check this out. This is so good. I almost started crying when I saw this. This is what youth is about right here, this shit. Sir Gavin Gillick, son of Sir Trevor Gillick, Here ye, here ye, here ye. Sir Gavin Gillig, son of Sir Trevor Gillig, first of his name,
Starting point is 01:27:30 destroyer of porcelain, tamer of the beast Chewbacca, slayer of bucks, and scourge to all things that smell nice and clean, cordially invites you, Miss Giona Mastalasco, to the Royal Gala filled with fun fellowship and fellow acquaintances on 6th May 2023,
Starting point is 01:27:54 the year of our Lord. What is your response, madam? Yes. Wonderful. Gentlemen, walks. Crown. Thank you, sir. yes wonderful gentlemen thank you sir I will see you soon man dude I was so not cool enough to do anything like that in high school
Starting point is 01:28:24 god those are cool kids aren't they yeah that's it so what they told the dad ahead of time hey can you film this we're gonna ask your daughter out to the prom so that's what i would guess yeah fuck bold that's cool oh my goodness i hope my boys do stuff like that so good i like how the king was just like looking around when they were reading yeah i just loved all of it was so good yeah janelle winston those are some good friends yeah right damn god youth is fun if you don't fuck it up uh 24 old people old people old motherfuckers. Oldies. Oh, it's going to be cold on the tennis courts this morning. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Here we go. With an old man, and he's my favorite kind of old man. He just had a million memorized sayings. He had a memorized saying for any possible scenario. He was dirty. he had a memorized saying for any possible scenario. He was dirty. Like a woman would walk by and he'd be like, woo, I'd fuck her shadow on a gravel driveway.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Which is like, you're still going to be fucking rocks, man. I don't know. One time, this is true. One time he farted and he goes, oh, that one is going to itch when it dries. That's not even a saying, man. Nobody's ever said that before you shit your pants that's what you did i worked with an old man it's good right uh melissa odier i love that uh youth is fun if you don't fuck it up yep that's true um i can't believe we didn't talk about that neighborhood. Yeah, that neighborhood looked nice, right?
Starting point is 01:30:26 Yeah, that was. Rich white motherfucker. That was affluent. That was affluent. Privileged fucks. Hey, so that old man, Republican or Democrat, the one who would fuck the shadow on the gravel driveway? Republican. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Definitely. And he shits his pants. Republican, for sure. And those kids right there in that neighborhood, Republican or Democrat? Properly raised. Yeah. OK, fine. Hopefully they haven't been affected by our nonsense. Caleb, do you want to give a less politically correct defensive answer? The kids said you like me called Moose or something.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Yeah, exactly. I ain't hating on Sousa, but I understand he's a business owner in Livermore. If we're going to go by that, I will use logic. I will say Democrat because I don't know if you saw that, but all their shit was made the fuck up. What do you mean? None of it was real. There's no real horse there. He's not a real king.
Starting point is 01:31:21 He's just identifying and he wants me to fucking participate in that? I will not participate. We can do whatever identifying and he wants me to fucking participate in that i will not participate we could do whatever they want but i will not participate in their fantasy their delusion yes well hey that's at least you have some lodge that's logical i don't have fucking money to buy horses okay uh last one of the day i gotta get the fuck out of here uh unfortunately i could do this all day with you guys i got so many um uh one thing i want to let you guys know uh reservations in restaurants uh from 2019 to 2023 are down 40 percent in san francisco and chicago reservations in restaurants since 2019 to 2023 are down 40 percent in san francisco and chicago guess where they're up 40%? Miami. Anyone who wants to
Starting point is 01:32:10 figure out why doesn't know why, go ahead and DM me. I'll explain it to you or stick around for tomorrow morning show. 25, Republican or Democrat and then we're out of here. Just go ahead and send it to our DMs. It would be a great place for those. You should face the camera though just um okay be different uh white council man from indiana identifies as a woman and a person of color while lgbt activists melt down this fucking weirdo
Starting point is 01:32:43 gator county councilman is coming out as a transgender as transgender and a woman of color yeah, double homicide Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb announced that he now identifies as an Indian American woman in a statement Webb gave to ITN
Starting point is 01:33:00 he says, quote it is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting me demand for themselves. It's possible I may change my mind down the road. The process of identity exploration is complex, and oftentimes at the end of our personal journey, we end right back where we started. I love this guy. We all do and i want to say this too by the way uh uh he said he i did she's saying it's a person of color but he said he identifies as an
Starting point is 01:33:37 indian woman and i just want to tell you that i told you first here on this show that indians are fucking blacks you heard it a couple weeks ago. Indians and blacks are the same. They're no longer different to me. There's too many categories, and you guys are now. Devesh, you are black. I don't even know if you're Indian, but in my mind, you are. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:55 See you tomorrow morning. We got a crazy week ahead. We had six great guests on the show this week. Andrew Hiller, Brian Friend. Greg Glassman called in. Greg Glassman. Alex Gazan. Who did we have? Who did we have on Monday?
Starting point is 01:34:17 I don't know. Rebecca Fuselier. Rebecca Fuselier. And Chris Cooper. Oh, yes. You don't fuck around it's a busy busy busy week always here at the Sevan podcast not cool Dooley
Starting point is 01:34:32 and I'll see you guys tomorrow buh bye

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