The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | GlintonThings and Chase Ingraham

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this prime day. What's up? Bam. Here we go. He gave us the keys again. So I guess that was a good show last time that we were on. There's, there's more stuff in the background of his stream yard than there was the last time, which is making it even more daunting but it's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:01:06 it's fun um yeah chase ingram good morning you want to talk about kill taylor kill taylor that that was that was probably the best episode they ever did because the hope was as this picked up would be like bigger athletes would come in not to discredit like anybody that's been taking taylor on recently but they would just come in and either not beat him which would be wildly exciting or to smoke him which would be even like more exciting and fun to talk about. And when yellow hosts and that whole crew called in like Victor Hopper, just like on a cell phone is like almost more pretty than I remember. Yeah. He's the model. Somebody called you a model. Just say what's up. Hey, what's up everybody. Heidi Devesh, Craig Augustus. Good to see you again. Barry McOchner, just because I like saying your
Starting point is 00:02:08 name all the time. I'm embarrassed how long it took me to figure that out. Well, I obviously didn't figure it out because I read it and you're like, no, no, no. Read it slower. And I was like, oh yeah, you're right. You're right. Yeah. The real Kevin. Hey guys. What's up? Good morning. Good, the real Kevin. Hey, guys. What's up? Good morning, good morning, good morning. Vindicate, yo. Olivia, what's up?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Wild Zombie, thank you for popping in last night. That was cool. And yes, Victor Hoffer is definitely a model. They're all good looking, though. I mean, do they just grow them like that over there, I guess? I don't know. Yeah, it's like they all have good skin and nice muscle tone. True. Do they just grow them like that over there, I guess? I don't know. Yeah. It's like good skin and nice muscle tone and somewhat feminine features.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I don't know what might be the case. Oh, here we go. I think they did say something, too, about how Victor couldn't do the women's weights. He had to do the men's weights. It didn't matter. Yeah. Part of the fun is accepting that the trash talk is going to be there, which is the best part of sports, in my opinion, having played sports. And that everybody signs on board.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's like it's a roast and it's an event and it's supposed to be brash and out of pocket and unhinged. And as long as you know you're signing up for that's what makes it the most fun we've had two uh games athletes beat taylor and then one meth head matthew out of the garage dude matthew matthew that's right okay Okay. Matthew. Matthew. I don't know. I think I like it more when Matthew won than I do when games athletes win. I want to see Taylor beat the games athletes, but I want to see him get beaten by some dude in a garage with a lawnmower. That's kind of it.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah. Actually, that's a really good way to put it. It's like we would like Taylor to go toe to toe with the best in the world. And then we would love just like Joe blows to come in and just beat Taylor. That's that would be the best case scenario across the board. Because my favorite is he talks so much like Taylor talks so much shit. And then when Matthew beat him, it was like, oh, fuck. And then he kind of sat back in his chair and didn't really have
Starting point is 00:04:25 much to say after that i think for me as a fan that was probably my favorite one was because he is so grass and just yeah once and then it was like oh well i'm gonna make you sit down so go sit down somewhere you felt it coming too because the amount of trash talk they were giving him before he had started that workout. I was like, I feel like this is just destiny. This is the guy that's going to do it. The dude in the shed cooking meth. Who just looks like everybody you go to the gym with.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yep. He was skinny too. Just muscles everywhere. That was fun. That was very fun. It was really cool. And you have a jeopardy later. Thank God that's back.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yes. So excited. Crossing jeopardy 1 PM central today. It is back. Semifinals just derailed the whole system. So we may need to do, we may need to not do it every other week. We might need to do every week to catch up.
Starting point is 00:05:21 My, my big pipe dream is that the cross of games are coming to Fort Worth. I live in Dallas. I'll be there. And there are, there's, I heard that there's a couple of local bars that hosted Jeopardy night. So my pipe dream is we host a Jeopardy night, Friday or Saturday night at the CrossFit, like during the Crossfit games at one of these pubs for like a live cross at jeopardy show at the bar um that would be my that i think that would be super cool and my hope and i don't even know if any of these guys are coming but i feel like we need to bring back uh taylor versus john and maybe andrew hiller as just like the most off, like we'll have to warn the crowd is like, listen,
Starting point is 00:06:08 if you're a fan of this show, realize this show is no longer this show, right? This is going to be, this is going to be rough. Well, we talked about that last time of bringing the three of them together and almost having like a bonus or offset bracket for them. And then, but I feel like doing that in person in Dallas would probably be one of the biggest gifts
Starting point is 00:06:28 that you could give the CrossFit space out there and just seeing the three of them go at it in person and you trying to navigate and getting ready to be like, shut up, John, shut up, Taylor, shut up, Hiller. Like that was my favorite. The funny part is the one I have to keep in line the most is John. Of the three? Really?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, Taylor does his thing. I know what I'm getting, but getting John back on the rails, episode one, was the most difficult thing to do. Because if John gets a question wrong, John's never wrong. And you have to slowly explain it to him like a child. It's like, no, no, you actually are wrong. There are rules to this game of which you have to adhere to. I didn't think that John would be the most difficult one of the three that was the that was the i like that episode the best but i'm excited for the panel that you're going to have
Starting point is 00:07:13 on today i can't wait to see um is it suza seth yeah so yeah so a leah miller one my other favorite thing is like we've never had the same winner twice. We've only had three episodes, but so this will be episode four. However, I would say the most unlikely person say, except for week one, won Jeopardy, which I think is actually the best part because it wouldn't be as fun
Starting point is 00:07:39 if say you just had someone on it at one, every single time we were on. It's like me on death by, like how much fun is that to watch if i if i just win all the time just win all the time i haven't won lately but there was a streak there where i was like man i i'm almost getting bored can we get some uh competition on here so i love that you know john won week one and then Keith Knapp comes out of nowhere and wins week two and didn't talk for half the show. And then Aaliyah Miller just closes hard at the end at the same time. So I'm, I'm
Starting point is 00:08:12 curious. So it's going to be Matt Sousa, Seth Page from jump ship training, and then Aaliyah Miller is defending her title today. So I'm excited for that. I don't even know who to root for. Cause I like all of them. Like I love them all. So I was like, I don't even know. I guess I'm going to root for who's behind at the end, needs to come back and win. Yeah, yeah. That's how I watch sports often, unless it's my favorite team, is that I'll cheer for one team, and if they have a big lead, then I stop cheering for them,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and I start cheering for the other team to catch them. And then that's just how my cheering goes for casual sports watching. Well, I saw in the comments, I saw Bernie Gannon asked a great question. I want to get into this because while we have you for the little while that we have you, I've been dying to talk about sports. Yeah, sports. She needs a sports friend. I do my part. We've been together for so long that I've learned like this much about sports, but she needs a sports friend. And Bernie asked a question about trash talking. I love trash talking. I think it's great for any sport. I think it's fun. It makes a storyline.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And the one that's happening the most right now is the Caitlin Clark one. And the one that's happening the most right now is the Caitlin Clark one. Yes. Oh, Caitlin Clark. Yeah. So if you haven't seen this yet, this is the actual foul that happened. So you can see, right? It's not a basketball foul. There's no play.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That's a cheap shot. Yeah. They should show the part that happened before this, not to justify this action. Oh, go ahead. No, tell me. I saw it. Yeah, there was like a turnover or something,
Starting point is 00:10:00 and Kaitlin Clark gets in that girl's face going down the court. And then I don't know if this was on the next play or soon after. It was soon after. She was yapping. And that's what Caitlin Clark is known for. She talks so much. She does talk so much. And I don't know how I feel about it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Because I get in these weird positions. I like trash talk. But I only like trash talk when I feel about it because i get in these weird positions like i like trash talk but i only like trash talk when i feel like it's appropriate to talk trash right not every time something bad happens to you because that's just complaining it's like luka donchits luka donchits is an amazing like luka donchits is what i like to call a bumblebee and what i mean by that is like you look at a bumblebee and you're like how do you work like how do you fly you are just this giant bulbous bug with these tiny little wings yet there you go and that's how i look at luka donchic like how you this like if i saw him aside from his like height and stature just like at the ymca i'm like i don't have to worry about this dopey
Starting point is 00:11:06 At the YMCA, I'm like, I don't have to worry about this dopey, soft, white dude at all. And then he goes out there and he does the most incredible things I have ever seen. And that's the bumblebee. But then it's like complaining every time he doesn't get fouled or complaining time he gets called for a foul. Or like there's just too much of that where I was like, I don't like that. But if you like make something and yells at Rudy Gobert, you can't F in guard. Like I'm like, I don't like that. But if you like make something and yells at Rudy Gobert, you can't effing go. I'm like, yeah, right? Get in his face, have some drama, but it's like the complaining stuff I don't care for. I love it. I love it that it annoys other people. I love it that then they want to fight her. I love it that then you have, because it's not fun
Starting point is 00:11:43 to watch unless there's a storyline unless there's a rivalry i we weren't watching women's basketball last year you were just watching college you weren't watching the pros you were watching college because the storyline was in the college women's sports but i don't like the way the media is making it out to be right now that there's there's a race issue or whatever women women were we've always hazed the rookies always it didn't matter if you were a good rookie but we mostly wanted to haze or the really good rookies like you you think you're gonna come in here and do some stuff we're gonna knock you on your ass every time you drive down the lane yeah you've always done that this isn't new i think
Starting point is 00:12:23 people are seeing women do this now and they're like oh what why they should they don't do that that's not a thing yes it is women's soccer they're horrible and women's not like they destroy each other and women's soccer vicious right but like you guys are so nasty to each other like we talked i not we talked about like this conversation has been had as like, like guys fighting versus girls fighting. Most of the time when guys fight, we actually don't really want to fight each other, right? Like we will fight, fights will happen. But at the end of the day, it's like, it's not really the most enjoyable experience, right? It's
Starting point is 00:13:01 not something we enjoy. Some people do, which is why they are in the mma or do boxing right but that is a very small group of people i feel like girls want to fight and they want to hurt each other and they'll do whatever it takes to like maim the other person and that's just like a big difference i've seen i mean like like just look at high school like if i look at a guy's fighting high school i'm like oh that sucks a guy's fight in high school, I'm like, Oh, that sucks. And I watch a girl's fight in high school. I'm like, Oh my gosh. Like, I don't want to get in the middle of that.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Do you also feel like when men, Oh God, you can read that. All right. Yeah. Cross back. This is also true that no one's really talking about either. Is that Kennedy Carter, the girl that hit Caitlin Clark? Is it Kennedy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 That's how you spell it good because i was gonna say shenity so i'm glad you said it well that's how i say it i maybe i don't know that's what i've heard so far but okay she's she also has a history of just being dirty she's essentially she's uh what dream on green wmba. So she's already got temper issues and what, I don't really believe that it was a race card thing being pulled or they, they like to throw around those buzzwords like privilege and whatever. I'm sorry that she's like the girl that got the $28 million contract from Nike and it wasn't somebody else, but right. Why did she get that contract? It wasn't somebody else but right like why did she get that contract it wasn't because of her race it was because she is the greatest female basketball player to ever play college basketball
Starting point is 00:14:30 and she creates the most positive sport right she wasn't great at shooting threes because of the color of her skin or the no different than how tall she was, right? Right. Or like none of that matters. She is one of the greatest female basketball players of all time. And collegiately, you could argue statistically the best, right? She completely changed the game of basketball, not unlike Steph Curry did. Right. Before Steph Curry got to the NBA, and we could see this in like NCAA tournaments and him coming in is like, how is his college game going to translate to the NBA? Because the college game is run and gun, fast pace, shoot threes or dunk, right? Like if you look at a shot chart, it's like outside the three point line and inside the paint. That's it. How is that going to translate to the NBA when everyone's bigger stronger there's
Starting point is 00:15:25 the post-up game and then he goes the NBA and he completely changes the way the NBA is played and Caitlin Clark was doing the same thing for college basketball for women I have never watched college basketball or I I don't watch much college basketball men or women in general unless it's the NCAA tournament and I just don't watch women's basketball because I've never had a desire to watch women's basketball because I just watch men's basketball right the the NCAA tournament for the women this year I have what I watched more women's basketball in those couple of weeks than I had in my entire life combined and I was like waiting for the games to start and I was like when's Caitlin Clark playing right Cause it was fun to watch. Like the game was so much different than what it was say
Starting point is 00:16:10 five, 10 years ago, because the women's basketball game was like the men's basketball game was 15 or 20 years ago before Curry got into the league or where it was just like, you just, who had the bigger athletes to just post them up and do you know layups in the lane and also what else we got we got to be physical like that we can't dunk we can't make it excited by dunking and crossfire you're right britney grinder's not exciting to watch like you just we don't have that so we have to be physical that's how we create storylines and make it fun for spectators. So we've always been doing this. The fact that they're trying to make it seem like we didn't do this. And now all of a
Starting point is 00:16:50 sudden we are is ridiculous. We've always, and Caitlin Clark is going to make it wait till Juju comes out of USC. The girl from USC, she was a freshman this year. She's, she's going to be a sophomore freshman. She's going to be when sophomore. She's going to be a sophomore. When she comes out and comes into the WNBA, thanks to Kaitlyn Clark, now she's probably going to get some Under Armour deal for $40 million over 10 years. What about Paige from UConn? I mean, she was actually supposed to be the Kaitlyn Clark
Starting point is 00:17:20 before Kaitlyn Clark, and then she had a couple of knee injuries that derailed her college career for a couple of years. Yeah. A lot of that class is going to be the caitlyn clark before caitlyn clark and then she had a couple of knee injuries that derailed her college career for a couple years yeah a lot of that class is going to be good i mean angel reese she's getting pounded too they make it seem like angel reese isn't getting pounded angel reese i've seen clips of her get destroyed going for rebounds or coming down the lane she gets hazed like a motherfucker like it's so it's everybody it's equal opportunity everybody can get it and they and i think it's great i love everybody, it's equal opportunity. Everybody can get it. And they, and I think it's great. I love it. Don't you feel like, cause I know you've talked about this
Starting point is 00:17:50 before that men's basketball, for instance, is not the same as it used to be years ago, years ago, it was downright dirty. Like, you know, there you were following people, but the game kept going. And it was like, that was the excitement. Those were the roots of the sport of basketball. kept going. And it was like, that was the excitement. Those were the roots of the sport of basketball. It's sounding like that with the women, it's almost creating that same kind of energy for some people that know the men's sport from before. But isn't that what you want? Because the more fun that it is, the more dramatic it is, the more eyes you get, then the more money comes in. And then there's that conversation between the wage gap between men and women. And it's because there's not enough people paying attention to it that are spending enough money on it. So don't we actually want something like this?
Starting point is 00:18:35 That's a great question. Is that, I mean, what do all the like old timer senile people talk about the NBA these days? It's like flopping and drama Queens and everybody's soft and like we missed the 80s and 90s of like the New York Knicks and Oakley out there just like spin was it Mace Charles Mason out there just smashing people and the Pistons back in the day and like the like all those old school teams like where it was just like yeah it was i mean you could say it's like the wma is maybe like 15 or 20 years behind the men but they're it looks like their version of it is the version that we actually miss or talk about all the time as far as sports fans do that's actually a great point i didn't need to think about that i had i was talking to pool boy when it first happened and the one thing i was
Starting point is 00:19:26 most mad about was where where was the enforcer on caitlin clark's team if i was her power forward someone was getting knocked out that day she was gonna that girl was gonna and yes i did say pound it at one point and i'm gonna say it now like who if so if she'd have drove down the lane after that she'd have ate it she'd have gotten so many elbows. It just wouldn't have even, like where was her teammates? That's where my concern is, right? And that is the perfect,
Starting point is 00:19:58 like understanding that is that if your team, like I get it if other teams and other players are just jealous of Caitlin Clark's popularity and success. But at the end of the day is like, she is bringing attention to your sport that you have been begging for for decades. And she is doing that. And what are you, why are you mad about that? Right. And I get it. If you don't like that, fine. Right. So it's like Kobe coming into the league, but Kobe came to the league because everybody thought like, he's like, oh, this guy's trying to be Jordan already at an 18-year-old coming out of high school. And so like he got it too.
Starting point is 00:20:31 LeBron didn't quite as much just because he was so good when he came into the league. But like that's part of the game, right? And so when other teams are acting like that, as you said, sports, the problem and concern I have is that our teammates, like you said, sports. The problem and concern I have is that her teammates, like you said, are not stepping up and defending her when something like that happens or in the public eye. That's where I have a concern. Is it that bad of a jealousy with these athletes in the league or is there and i'm not saying there is like is there actually some merit to a dislike of how she presents herself and carries herself on a team uh david reed her teammates hate her too i was thinking a lot about this and there are some different avenues that you can go down with this i the social pressure to to say that she's privileged because she's white and blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:21:28 blah. I don't know if some of her teammates don't want to come out and just say like, hey, there's no privilege here. She did this on her own merit. She did this with her own work ethic. Because if they do, then they'll look like they're against black people. And I feel like that subconsciously is somewhere in there too because the media has made it so much about race that it's so what you have so many players that have walked around you kind of have to to be the best at something you kind of have to be a little crazy. Like you, Michael Jordan was a little crate. Like you just want to be sure. Like there, there are some,
Starting point is 00:22:09 I mean, Roy McCurden said this best, I think about cross the games athlete is like being a good cross the games athlete is a borderline mental health disorder is what you have to do to be like that. Right. The sacrifices, any great athlete has to make to focus solely on being the greatest person in
Starting point is 00:22:23 their singular sport is they have to give up so much outside of that to focus on that. Right. And that it's very weird to see what the media does. Not just say like race is being one of those things, but like the pitting against just like men and women. And it's like when they, like when Caitlin was breaking all the records in
Starting point is 00:22:47 women's ncaa but then they started bringing in like men's records yeah like proof of point i'm like why are we even doing that like you were just you were setting everything up for failure because why can't we just celebrate her being great at the sport at which she plays why do we need to bring in any other sport or any other athlete especially on the men's side to do what like where's the positive spin is like oh she has the most points ever for any nc double player and double a player including this man who currently holds the record for most points in college basketball, which I think there was not even a three point line when he set the record. It was pistol Pete Maravich. And how the guy had a pistol Pete nickname.
Starting point is 00:23:31 That means at least in the fifties, right? Like that just sounds like a dude that was smoking a cigarette on the bench. He was, he did go, right. It's like the old Sam Sally for the the chicago white socks pitcher right he's just smoking on the pitchers now but it's like what what is the win there to bring something like
Starting point is 00:23:53 that up because either one you discredit what this guy did at the time which he did to arbitrarily uplift the stats of this one or you make everybody just kind of like fake approve it or you put them in a position to say why are we even doing this and then they get crap for it and it totally discredits what she's doing yeah or it's like hey who would beat who in a who's the guy they drafted out of iowa the cornerback like the the infamous white corner that is now going into the nfl and they asked him because he went to Iowa. He's like, can you beat Caitlin Clark in a one-on-one game? It's like, what am I supposed to do when you ask me that question?
Starting point is 00:24:30 It's like, of course I think I can. Right. And I'm like, where's the wind there. You just put these people in just a horrible position instead of just take what they're doing and celebrate that in the Avenue, in the arena,
Starting point is 00:24:44 which they're doing it. And in the avenue, in the arena at which they're doing it. And then we can all be happy. I think they're trying to just make it seem like women can do. And I wonder if there's a little bit of that alphabet mafia agenda behind it, where if they make it seem like women can do the same things as men, then it's okay for this whole thing to happen. Then men can play in women's sports and women can play in men's sports and la-di-da. And no, you can't,
Starting point is 00:25:09 no, they can't. A high school tennis player, like a high ranking high school tennis player is probably going to be a professional women's tennis player. There's no. Serena Williams said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Herself. Serena Williams is the greatest female tennis player of all time. And the second place is on a different planet to Serena Williams. That's it. And she even said the 400th ranked male professional in the world could just smoke her in straight sets with straight points. But why bring that into the conversation to discredit what she does at all? And I agree with you because it's like, hey, like I love, and that's the cool thing about CrossFit, right?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Is that CrossFit has it all figured out, in my opinion, when it comes to sports. It's like, hey, guess what? has it all figured out in my opinion when it comes to sports is like hey guess what i love watching both the same amount as that i celebrate the women as i celebrate the men they get the same payout at the crossfit games at any competition like it's awesome but they also have like different weights and different reps games sometimes because they're different people and that's okay and then we get to enjoy their performance. And it has nothing to do with who they are or what they look like. You just watch people perform in athletics, and I think that's the beauty of sports.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Put Tia in the men's field. Why put that in there? Then you make us have this conversation. Vinny K, that was a terrible thing to put in there. That's exactly my point of the problem of media. Why put that in there? She's not the exception. She is the exception in her sport against the people that she competes with.
Starting point is 00:27:02 She is the greatest of all time, and she is borderline untouchable. I was thinking about this the other day when Pedro sent me his questions for Around the Whiteboard. Jules Kennedy, women and men are made differently. Why is that such a bad thing? Yeah, for sure. That's the Kennedy I thought. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I don't see it. But when he sent me the question about the male and female differences or, or the sport, I think CrossFit kind of, or at least for me, it did, it gave me this kind of illusion that like the men and the women are racing each other on a, on a playing field because the weights made it, you know, the same kind of stimulus for the women and then the men's weight. And so it gives this illusion a little bit that men and women can race each other, which is fun to watch and makes more fun. I agree. But they can't. They're not playing the same sport. Right. With the same field of play. But that's why you do.
Starting point is 00:28:04 And there's the switch back to say like the wma or just women's basketball in general there's like how do we make this was before i would say caitlin came in it's like oh how do we make this more exciting and engaging for say like a male audience or not even a male just for an audience in general because there's actually more men i think that watch women's basketball than women but that's another point um it's like oh well what do we we what do we do maybe we like lower the rim so they're all dunking i was like maybe now you have to change a generation of people like learning how to shoot a basketball for about a hundred years and but it's it's conversations like that it's like how do we make it it's, or let's just enjoy the sport for what it is and move on and watch.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Cause then that brings me to this, which is fire. And I thought this point that this, that Riley, I mean, I love Riley, but I thought that this point that she makes it is awesome. We should get rid of sporting categories altogether.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Do you support the idea of eliminating the Paralympics versus the Olympics? I think that's a really great question. Oh, my God. I need to look into that. That's very able. Right. right so in order to make his point that women should be allowed to compete with men and men should be allowed to compete with women we're just going to get rid of like the olympics and paralympics are going to compete against
Starting point is 00:29:37 people that don't have that don't have a disability like it's an extreme example of the point most people are trying to make. Right. And yeah, now you got, I'm like sweating now. Like, I'm sorry. I know it's annoying. I'm sorry. I'll ask Bernie's question. Uh, CrossFit is so unusual in that there's just about the same interest in both the male and female sides of the sport. What other sport is like that? the same interest in both the male and female sides of the sport. What other sport is like that? Swimming, track and field. Tennis was like that, but now I don't think many people are interested in.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Maybe that might be the closest one. I feel like tennis is there. I was actually thinking about this in the car ride this morning. Golf, not basketball, soccer.ic sports for the majority like if i watch the olympics i'm watching all of it i'm actually watching women's gymnastics more than men's i'll watch women's volleyball indoor more than men's volleyball indoor for some reason oh that's funny yeah my wife played volleyball so that might be a part of it yeah that's a good question i don't know it's it's interesting to me just because they're
Starting point is 00:30:56 making such a big deal out of it and i don't think that it's that i'm so glad that's not in crossfit yeah all right and they hurt her they keep doing this to her and they hurt her, now no one's watching anymore. Right. So they're playing with fire. It's wild to me. But another issue that is like the curse of being like the one coming out of college and going into pros. And I was thinking about this this morning as well, because I just knew we would be talking about this.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And the best thing that ever happened to Michael Jordan is that he wasn't that like he wasn't the second coming of basketball. Jesus. He was a very good basketball player in college, won a national championship, and he was on the board. But Jordan went second in the draft. You're going to tell me the greatest basketball player of all time went second in the draft. And I think that's what allowed him the time to become great because he didn't come in and start winning championships right away.
Starting point is 00:32:03 The last dance documentary is the greatest thing that ever happened to me during the pandemic. Yes. We've got to put this out right now. But Tom Brady, right? What? Drafted 144th, seventh rounder. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Back up. Drew Bledsoe was like the good luck Chuck of NFL quarterbacks, by the way. He goes down, there comes Tom Brady, he goes down, here comes Tony Romo. Yep. So would you say that the ones, the athletes that get picked first or get the most exposure or the pressure of wanting to be that, it's not always a good thing because that's what they're striving for. Expectations is always a weight on young athletes.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I mean, what is Caitlin Clark, 21, 22? Yeah, 22, I think. A baby. Like I'm 41, you're a baby now. Like when I was 22, I thought I was a man. No, I'm barely a man now and I'm about. You're a baby now. Like when I was 22, I thought it was a man. No, I'm barely a man now. And I'm about to be 42. Like they're, they're just kids. But when I was 12 years old watching the NFL, the NBA or major league baseball,
Starting point is 00:33:14 it's like, look at these grown men playing sports. I'm like, Oh no, they're just, they're just older kids. Yeah. In their young twenties and put the expectations, like the weight of women's basketball was put on Kaitlyn Clark. And still look what she did with it. Iowa had no business winning a national championship ever. But they, what, almost did twice or did once?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Almost did twice because of her. Yeah. Because of her only. And that's the cool thing about basketball is like one person can absolutely change the way a team performs. But like that's a lot of weight to put on her. And then they go to the NBA or the WNBA. Like that's just expectations of that, the pressure, the social media, the media, things like older athletes didn't have to deal with. I think she's handling it great.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I mean, even just the parody thing that she did where she was like, hey, Kennedy, the only reason anybody knows who you are is because you fouled me. You're welcome. Like, I'm fine with that. Great. Fire. That's trash talk.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Great. You're also, you're right. The only reason anybody knows, I don't want to say anybody, but the casual fan or just the casual person, they don't even have to be a fan, knows who half the top five drafts into the WNBA are is because of Caitlin Clark, like angel Reese.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I would never know who you are. If you didn't talk shit to Caitlin Clark, because I didn't watch basketball, but I watched that. And that was all over the S this thing. That was, that's the only reason. And then she went like this and pointed to a ring finger.
Starting point is 00:35:01 That's the only reason, you know, who angel Reese is. And the reason why it broke records this year in the NCAA tournament is because we're all hoping that she would get revenge because people love that. Right. We followed the storyline from college to the WNBA.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Now literally the person holding up women's college basketball is going to be Juju. And I hope she gets into a fight with somebody somewhere so we can now follow that all the way through college as we're following this all the way through the WNBA. I think people just have to get on board and I'm sure they are jealous because no woman's made $28 million out the gate before ever putting on, you know, a WNBA uniform. No woman made as much money in basketball with the NIL deals that she had at Iowa. She,
Starting point is 00:35:52 she was a millionaire before she even got. So it's like, just right. Why was that? Right. Because she was the greatest women's basketball player in the history of college basketball that's it that's why you got the deal if angel reese was that statistically she would have gotten all that in all the popularity but she wasn't she's a very good
Starting point is 00:36:19 basketball player uh dig butter 28 mil yeah over eight years 28 mil yeah and everybody was we was trying to get her all of them were trying to get her under armor like they were signed for though oh no what she signed for like three thousand dollars it was like four years four hundred thirty eight thousand dollars or something like that oh shoot hey andrew yeah that's yeah it was wild and it's so when my wife saw that she's like this is why i didn't continue playing basketball in college well angel i like and andrew says i like angel and then uh angel's a baller yeah she absolutely is for sure and i love her as the heel character right the only problem is i don't think she's actually playing the heel i think she's genuinely pissed off and that's what causes the problem if she just played the heel character and hammed up to to that and enjoyed it but she looks like she just she's
Starting point is 00:37:26 actually letting it get to her like she doesn't know he's playing the victim yeah instead of just leaning into being the heel and going out and having fun and probably you know do you blame that or not blame um do you associate that with the way the media covers it because usually when stories come out like this it starts one way where it could start kind of like the heel or the you know being pissed off because she's the one that you know caitlin's the one that got the money and got the fame and got all that type of stuff and whatever but then what happens in most spaces is the media gets a hold of it and then people's opinions political opinions personal opinions everything gets thrown in the air and then unfortunately in so many times it goes towards that and you lose the actual foundation of like,
Starting point is 00:38:10 just the drama of being in a professional sport. So would you say that the media has a lot to do with that too? 100%. Think of any reality TV show. They're like, all right, here's some character traits we see. So we're going to make sure any video we cut to you is just displaying those character traits which we think should be presented to you a great example is luke parker you guys remember luke parker from the bachelor when he was on the bachelor like they painted him out as like this like crazy person like luke parker the good dude it took me forever to like him the first time he showed up and why because it's a bachelor this is crazy like to just like they painted him out and it exactly like they make that and that's what that's what the media does like especially these days like the media's job these days for whatever reason is to just separate us all yeah i think so too and it's so sad because i i mean sorry i've been going
Starting point is 00:39:11 through this whole wwe like yeah all the nostalgia of you know the attitude era and whatnot and in my mind hulk hogan and yeah that heel turn right yep yep just lean in by the way and i don't even like wrestling but i loved hulk hulgin yeah oh he was your guy he's my guy i had a hulk hulgin underwear let me preface i was eight no before it's like oh high school was a really lonely time for you i was eight years old and me and my brothers we had these like uh it was like wwe wrestling like graphic design underwear tighty whities right but i had hulk hogan just like on my butt and my brother had uh um who was the gosh uh macho man oh yeah we were just like take all the cushions off the couch and just battle royale in the living room royal rumble baby and my poor the poor youngest
Starting point is 00:40:15 brother like i'm eight my brother's six but he's bigger than i am by the time i'm eight and then there's our little four-year-old bro who's just, you know, hanging on for dear life in the middle of that pandemonium. And I remember asking my dad. I was like, dad. Because, like, Hulk Hogan was, like, the man to me. It's like he was no one could beat him. Yeah, take your vitamins. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And my dad is like, I could beat Hulk Hogan. I'm like, no, you can't. He's like, you don't think I can beat Hulk Hogan? I was like, dad, you can't. He's like, you don't think I can beat Hulk Hogan? I was like, dad, he rips his shirt in half when he gets into the arena. And my dad just goes, with a shirt, not a cut shirt, just a white, like old school white t-shirt, like the Hanes white t-shirt, like a t-shirt. With a different color? Yeah, right? An unbreakable. It might as well be made out of leather. Just in my face, ripped his shirt in half in front of me. And I was like, my dad is a superhero. My dad can beat
Starting point is 00:41:09 Hulk Hogan. And so I tried it. I tried it a couple of years ago because it's obviously sticks with me for a reason. And I tried to rip just a plain cotton white t-shirt from the neck down and about blew my shoulder out in the process and it went all i did was stretch it out so it's that that annoying loose t-shirt i'm like well i guess i'm throwing this away because i was talking about her leaning into being the heel which i just think he'll be draymond green right but if you want to be the star then act differently yeah because you don't think lebron james acts a certain way to have some type of certain perception to him or kobe bryant or tom brady Like they in the entertainment industry,
Starting point is 00:42:06 which is what sports is at the end of the day, right? Like the CrossFit games is entertainment, right? CrossFit methodology is something completely different. That's the separation, right? The NFL, it's entertainment, it's TV. They are playing a part yeah yeah yeah knowing would be if I talked like this during dinner okay more out of 12 like please come down back to a former is this your radio voice right now what's your regular voice this is how i
Starting point is 00:42:45 normally type okay yeah i don't have a radio voice but yeah hanging out with sean woodland it was like that's how he talks all the time all the time maybe not at like that pace and excitement right because when i get like anybody gets excited like you know your tones like the way he sounds i'm like man you see this is tones, like the way he sounds, I'm like, man, you see, this is what you sound like all the time. It's kind of weird. No, the best to ever do it were like, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:13 Jeter, Brady. Uh, I don't know if Kobe Rodriguez, Kobe later on, he got his shit together later on. He was a little, he came out of it.
Starting point is 00:43:24 He was, I never lie. I, so i never like i so i i i call this thing sports hate right i don't truly hate anybody yeah but i have sports hate for the same reason i love sports pettiness the angel reese hand in her face whatever to caitlin clark sports pettiness i didn't like it but i also loved it all right And I was like, I hope Caitlin gets her back. That's like me cheering for the team down 20-0. I was like, ooh, they got her. And then that happened. I'm like, ooh, we need to get her back.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We need to get her back next year. But sports hate, I never liked Kobe because I love and revere Michael Jordan. Right right to a level which i hope i'd never meet him in person because yeah you can't live up to that right right and we all know he won't right right if i knew him as a person right but you are basketball jesus right or what did he call himself black jesus black cat black jesus black cat whatever right all eighth all the above check also true and so when kobe's coming i was like this dude trying to be michael jordan right like screw this guy and so i always hated him plus i was a spurs fan
Starting point is 00:44:39 so his freaking lakers would always take out my Spurs in the playoffs. Freaking Derek Fisher 0.14 shot in the playoffs. Son of a bitch, dude. I don't know what happened to your team. I would add it. Cause I don't, I never root for Boston ever. The last night.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I am not a Dallas Mavericks fan. I am team San Antonio Spurs. And then anyone who plays the Mavericks, those are the two teams I cheer for. That is it. Does that, does it matter what part of Texas, like what,
Starting point is 00:45:14 what are the regions of Texas that only root for Dallas and only root for. Yeah. So as you guys know, Texas is like the 13th largest country in the world. Right. We just happened to reside in the United States. So I live in Dallas, which is five hours north of San Antonio, which is still like five hours north of the tip of Texas.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Like it's huge. So San Antonio, right? You've got your fans there. And then Dallas five hours north. But then we have Houston, right? The Houston Rockets. Like our state has three basketball teams. And so, yeah, it is geographic and you know, everybody moves everywhere. So you kind of bring your fandom here and there. But so it's like, I love the Dallas Cowboys, the Texas Rangers, the Dallas stars, and the San Antonio Spurs. Cause I grew up in San Antonio. Are you guys keeping Dak this year or is Dak going away?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Keeping Dak. You're going to keep Dak? I mean, this really. He didn't sign yet. I think he, I don't know. They're not. I mean, I guess that's up to him. You think they're going to give him the money he wants?
Starting point is 00:46:19 I don't think they're going to give him the money he wants. I hope not. So you don't want him. You don't want to pay him. I do want him. I just don't want him at that price. It's like when we signed Zeke, it was the worst financial decision to sign Zeke Elliott, who was not going up as far.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Like they were just paying him for the first two years of his career. He's a running back too. You can't, you know, you run out of, it's not like a quarterback that can keep throwing and eat avocado ice cream and make it till his 40s he's not doing that there's no way so it doesn't matter how many avocados you eat the cowboys like all the other dallas teams have got their shit together except for the dallas cowboys it's like stars western conference finals mavericks in the championship.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Texas Rangers won it. And then there's the Dallas freaking Cowboys. I can't. I hate the Cowboys. I hate the Eagles. It's like my, it's born in me. I like, I can't, I can't do it. Who's your team?
Starting point is 00:47:21 We're in New York. So, I mean, I suffer a little bit right now. Yeah, Mets, Giants, and the Knicks. I was heartbroken. How much did the Knicks nicked in the playoffs? They were broken. They were so broken. Everybody had an injury.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Damn. But I grew up a Yankees fan. I grew up in a Yankee household. There's a little hate in this house right now. So when we first got together and first got married, it was like conversations about the baseball teams was very interesting. But I mean, I never watched. I watched baseball because my family watched baseball.
Starting point is 00:47:59 It's kind of the same thing now. Like I watch baseball because she watches baseball. But they were all on the same page for the Giants, though. Thank God. Everybody was a giants fan. You had the one or two that were bills fans. And I don't think I had anybody in the family that was a jets fan. And they knew better. I didn't know anybody were Mets fans anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, calm down. It's hard. It's hard when they shortened it to Mets. The last Mets fan,
Starting point is 00:48:24 they used the whole word last time they were good but true we had a little stint in the 90s where we got excited for half a second and then uh yeah that was pretty much I've been hanging on to the 90s Cowboys for 30 years now so I can't really say anything well you yeah you guys haven't been relevant since the 90s Cowboys for 30 years now. So I can't really say anything. Well, yeah, you guys haven't been relevant since the 90s. We are the most relevant. We're just not good. He wants to set
Starting point is 00:48:53 the record straight. Which is why everybody hates us. You're not America's team. You don't win anything. The Pittsburgh Steelers are like hardcore America and they win more. I was like, nobody gives a shit about the Pittsburgh Steelers. She didn't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:49:11 No Cowboys talk. Screw that. I'm not listening to shit. I'd rather defend my. The most popular team in the entire world is the Dallas Cowboys. And most hated. And mostboys. And most hated? And most hated. And most hated, right? But I didn't say the favorite.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I said most popular. And when you're the most popular, everybody either hates you or either loves you, and there's zero in between. That's when you know you've made it. Yeah. But that proves the whole concept of like any media is good media any you know eyes on you or whatever like it doesn't it's fine it's fine if you don't love them but
Starting point is 00:49:53 you're still talking about them still talking about them oh yeah go down that route is any media good media do you just shake it off and just whatever kind of uh response you get you get and i think for the most i don't know it off and just whatever kind of response you get, you get. I think for the most, I don't know. I think of it the way things feel. I don't like bad, grungy, dirty, untruth media attention. But if it's like, if somebody doesn't like you, I'm like, okay. If every single person has something nice to say about you,
Starting point is 00:50:32 whether they know you or not, like, oh, everybody loves them. I was like, then are they really, like, are they really who you think they are? Right. Unless they're just like that unicorn, then, like, I have have a friend, his name is, uh, his name is Jonathan Harris. Call him shorty. Um, and he's not short. He's just a very large black man and he's a beautiful human being. And he drives me crazy because not only is he a beautiful specimen of a, of a, of a man, he is the nicest person I have ever met in my entire life. And no one I have ever met has ever had a bad thing to say about him. He's the only one I know. But that's just because that's who he is to the core. I did want to ask you about this too, because there's a lot of i've been talking about it i think uh i think
Starting point is 00:51:26 suza was talking about it a little bit uh about possibly like leasing the sport of crossfit pedro brought it up so i started thinking about it even though i got shot down for this answer but i was like hey she almost won and then i gave up almost won five And then I gave up. She almost won. Five points away from winning. I was like, holy shit. Five points away. No,.5. .5. .5.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Okay, that's much better. I was like, oh my gosh. I was like, I don't know if you've seen the scoring system, but if you get five, you win. So what happened? Got 5.5. Okay. But what do you think about possibly leasing the sport of crossfit to the ufc and what i said was basically like let dana white pump all the money he wants into it the
Starting point is 00:52:16 athletes get their brands out there uh they're on like every relevant TV station possible. The money that CrossFit HQ gets from leasing the games to the UFC. Because Dana White even just said, he literally just said on a podcast that his favorite thing to do on the planet is find niche sports that nobody thinks will work and make them work. Like he's doing that power slap thing. Right. And now these athletes is 15 months in and now these athletes are actually starting to get paid they're going to training camp for power slap i hate that sport i know it's not even a sport but i'm just saying dana white made it into something that people want to watch and now these athletes can make a living getting slapped in the face okay so like if that
Starting point is 00:53:06 can work why can't the cross the games right right um i'm not in the game sports team or have any decision making skills at crossfit i'm just a humble affiliate rep and whatever avenue that would be if it's dana why i mean think of what a dana white dave cashrow that would be, if it's Dana, why? I mean, think of what a Dana white, Dave Castro combo would be right. What,
Starting point is 00:53:30 whatever it is, I would love for there to be a way. Oh, shoot. Is the calling working or is that at your actual phone? I think it might be. You have a caller. Caller.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Hi. Yes. Hey, how's it going? Hey, what's up, dude? What can I do for you? Am I on? Yeah, you're on. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Perfect. So I would like to pitch a CrossFit competition that has the top five males from the CrossFit games go against the top five females from the CrossFit games in the same stimulus. It has to be the same workout. If you want to make it work. The same workout. That's right. Yeah. the same workout that's right yeah the same workout they're out they go up the same stimulus right same stimulus means different weights different distances to achieve maybe the same time it has to be the same and it's going to be very not not that it's not a good idea
Starting point is 00:54:39 if you can make it work cool love to see it because what a great goat debate there would be when it comes to that, but you have to figure out a way to program it. The same workout that it doesn't favor one side versus the other. And it's right down the middle. And if you can do that, then I would be very excited to watch something like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Perfect. That's a, that's an exciting answer. Now, uh, this is a very important phone call it is i would love to pitch this idea with you following along on and i've kind of written it all out okay and i want your thoughts on the programming okay And I've kind of written it all out. Okay. And I want your thoughts on the programming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:32 From Chase. You know where to find me. Yeah. DM Chase. He's the one, not us. Yeah, you know where to find me. You're speaking my language. Okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:55:41 One more thing. I had an idea for the programming here. And I want your thoughts on the draft. You guys are talking about sports. I'm a huge sports fan. One idea I had was, in order to make this profitable, if the events were basically outsourced to boxes or individuals or companies through a draft process. So like if you play fantasy sports, there's a draft and the movements are all on a list, all the movements and essentially boxes or people would,
Starting point is 00:56:24 uh, apply to be part of the, and then they would draft these movements. And this is kind of lined out on the website, but basically, you'd go through this, and you'd draft certain movements, and then you'd be responsible for using those movements in a workout. in a workout. And therefore each of the different workouts could be basically outsourced to, you know, people who could focus their entirety of their time on that workout. I think when starting anything new and original proof of concept is always a huge buy-in for the community. So before you get that, I would say intricate is do something internally first, and then put athletes on the field of play with your proof of concept and watch it happen. And it'll be easier to scale that up in that fashion. Cause that's that there's a lot of variables in there to begin with, if you're just doing it yourself. And then if you outsource the movements that aren't going to be the same used in drafts, like that's where I think, like, you don't want to confuse a new viewer when they still don't understand the concept first. all quality over quantity, simplicity over intricacy first, and then see how it gets proved as far as a proof of concept and then see what the next step is.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Great. The other reason I bring it up is because maybe, like you said, it's best to just start in-house. And it's a lot of problems that can arise when you have programming we're not all like we have to go to jobs after this
Starting point is 00:58:13 and I only have a certain amount of time so my idea for you is go DM Chase we can have this conversation all of this out with Chase over said DMs is very easy he'll write you back in like 20 minutes he's good like that but thank you for your phone call all your time thank you appreciate you
Starting point is 00:58:31 bro i mean that was fire but i just like i like i am not sitting here for two hours i can't i gotta go to work still and i only have you for like three more minutes. And there was something that I was really into asking you. And then I totally forgot about it. Cause, but, uh, what, what were we on? We were on sports. No, it was a selling. Oh yeah. Thank you. Appreciate you. Oh yeah. The Dana White USC. And the combination of Dana and Dave.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Whatever it is, Oh, yeah, the Dana White USC. so great and whatever path lies ahead and whatever avenue they can choose like i hope it works because i want it to work so bad because it is so great. Like this semifinals, those last three weeks were some of the most exciting three weeks of semifinals and regionals in recent memory for me, maybe because I'm getting old, but I've also been around quite a while. It was amazing. Every week there was something on the line to the very second and some made it in
Starting point is 01:00:09 some made it out and they were in different positions before that final event and 36 feet away of lunging to the finish line and it was it was fantastic the programming was excellent the app this my favorite part about this year's programming is that we got to talk about athletes performances what i feel like is the first time in a very long time which we used to be able to do during regionals which i think is why everybody loved regionals because like you ask about certain events you're like unless they're just a nerd an old school crossfit historian they're like i don't remember what the events were, but I remember Scott Pancheck versus Rich Froning in the Central East region in 2014,
Starting point is 01:00:48 or Dan Bailey coming on the scene in 2012, or what he did in the Open. And no one talks about the events that they were doing. They're talking about the athletes and how they were performing. And then when we went to the sanctional system, all we talked about was what the programming was and what the events were and where they were going to be and what's the leaderboard look like.
Starting point is 01:01:08 We never talked about athletes' performances. And we couldn't because they weren't A to A relationships from event to event. And then semifinals in 2021, they were still different programming, so we didn't talk about the athletes' performances. We just said who won and what were the events were. So we didn't talk about the athletes' performances. We just said who won and what were the events were. And then even last year, we talked less about athletes' performances and more about the new things that were placed in there, all the machines that were used. Were the runners calibrated right? Was the sled drag different from region to region, which it was because of the way the rubber mats were made or the cloth?
Starting point is 01:01:47 of the way the rubber mats were made or the cloth or, you know, but this year with the programming all the same and it's all classic, when did we really ever talk about the programming as the main focus of the conversation? Unless it's on our podcast specifically talking about that, I would argue percentage wise, never. But what do we, we talked about the athletes and the regions and the performances. That's all we talked about. And all I can say is, like, finally. Like, finally we got to talk about what we want.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I don't want to talk about the programming as the story of the week. Yeah. Yep. Right? Like, oh, let's have another conversation about Lane 8 in Europe. Wild Zombie 499. Ooh, that's fun to say. Someone gets to say this all the time.
Starting point is 01:02:29 That was really fun to say. Wild zombie 499. Do you know why it was exciting? Because the outside media built the stories. Taylor, Colton, Haley, et cetera. Yeah. No. Because the outside media was there last year too.
Starting point is 01:02:43 And all we talked about was other stuff. Now the media has gotten better, right? The outside media is the same media as they were last year, as they are this year. They've just gotten bigger and better. It's the stories that we were given because the programming allowed those things to happen. We didn't talk about certain movements
Starting point is 01:03:01 or certain things like that were totally outside the athletes competing. So no, it was the athletes performances with the program they were given that gave us the stories to tell. We just have more people telling the stories now. We didn't have any of these stories last year. All we talked about was sleds, machines, and pirouettes. That's it. Or rucksacks on muscle ups or injuries that people were getting removed from. That is all we talked about last semifinal season. And this year, we got to talk about the athletes,
Starting point is 01:03:31 and they were given a good platform because they were given a platform to perform where we didn't feel like the story of the day was the programming or the equipment or any other bullshit outside of what these athletes are capable of, which is incredible things. So I love this semifinal season. Last one. I know you got to go. I know you got to go. I'm not pressed for time. Okay. Um, did you, I, I had more fun kind of watching the races for the last, like two spots to go to the games more than I did. the roman and jeff adler race even though that was fun like sure yeah that was fun you knew one of them was gonna win dallin coming in and grabbing that that was fun dallin yep claiming claiming fans and hearts just watching that boy move i'm just
Starting point is 01:04:22 like oh and he's And you never see him. And then all of a sudden it's like, oh, and Dallin in second. Oh, and Dallin comes out and wins. But they're not really talking about him until he's. Yeah, you got to get there first. And Dallin's been on the cusp. I mean, he took fifth last year at the CrossFit Games. But now that second place finish, three points behind Jeff Adler.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Three ahead of him. Yeah, like he almost won. one like almost one and could have been first then that's pretty cool what does that do for him though does that blow him up now that he is if even if he had won if he had won his second place does this now is now his face all over everything is he the new not yet but what I like is that he's been getting out there a lot too and showing personality yeah what uh the taylor verse the world quarter funnels was a perfect example of him getting miked up at wadapalooza was was fantastic and then just seeing that and then like the interviews that he's doing like talking to roman right after
Starting point is 01:05:22 roman said something to him in a post interview right like how many people have grabbed the mic just to say something other than like you know try your best to do this and I'm really I love all my competitors and I'm so proud of them and I respect all of them it's like shut the fuck up like you want to beat them just as much as anybody else well I think you're over there clapping for them when they're done because you're finished so now you can celebrate their performance because you know they're not a threat to you anymore yeah now the thing i like the most oh sorry i just wanted to is the thing i loved about semifinals is like the question has arrived is like or or has come up before is like there's too many spots to cross
Starting point is 01:06:01 the games in semifinals so it's not not exciting. I was like, I totally disagree. I don't care about the podium anymore. Our podium athletes will get their due in Fort Worth, Texas in August. Now we don't have to focus about those three anymore. We get to talk about more people all weekend long because the volatility between the three in and the three out is a storyline all weekend long because the volatility between the three in and the three out is a storyline all weekend long and so instead of focusing on one two and three which are basically locked by the time you get to sunday especially in traditional format where there was two two and two every day by the time you got to day three is like aside from an epic collapse which is not going to happen nothing's going to
Starting point is 01:06:45 change right there's an epic collapse right no it's in like old school days when people right those three spots are pretty much solid the whole time barring an exciting region here or there right semi-finals was fantastic because we got to watch our favorite athletes compete and then we got to watch these athletes that we don't know battle their asses off and then we talked about them and we tried to figure out who they were and then we got invested in their performance and now we get those stories going into the cross at games this year where the top athletes will get their time in the spotlight at the games semifinals which is why regionals was so important. Regionals was like the middle class of
Starting point is 01:07:25 America, right? It was just those middle tier athletes, the dream chasers. Yeah. And that's what it was. And that's where it was really cool. And that's, I think why everybody was so upset when they, the system got changed in 2019 is because it almost gutted the whole middle. And then it was just like top or bottom. I feel like we're getting some of that middle back with some of the consistent we've had and those stories are the most fun to tell because we don't need to talk about jeff roman and dallin well maybe down a little bit like not ricky not any of those yeah i don't want to know i didn't between ricky jay and bailey martin at the Torium Pro was absolutely incredible. Gracie Walton versus Maddie Sturt. Maddie Sturt, absolutely incredible.
Starting point is 01:08:09 So we had amazing races top to bottom, depending on how you want to look at it. So I really like these deeper fields, honestly, because you get more stories, more drama, more churn at the bottom, which is the story, versus if we only took the top three, we know who's going. Right. We're more on the edge of our seat. Yeah. We're more on the edge of our seat.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Yeah, we're more on the edge of our seat watching that cut line versus anything else because it is. Those top six to seven people that are constantly shifting, one might have one really good event. Right. They're not so well-rounded that we know they're going to get top five every event, so they're going to be fine in the top three. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:41 It's like everyone's punting something outside of the top 20. Which one is it going to be? I don't know you, so I don't know which time it's going to happen. That's the other thing too, is like, we know Tia's strengths and weaknesses and all these top athletes, these perennial games athletes. We know that it's like, Hey, this is not going to be her best event, but she'll stay, still take a top three. These ones at the bottom is like, we don't know as well. So we don't know their strengths and weaknesses, and we don't know how they're going to handle the pressure and the situations that they're in. And so that excitement of the unknown of what's going to happen goes back with the fandom. And to your original question, it's like, whatever the path forward is, I hope it's up.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I hope whatever we can do to boost the games the whole season, whatever path that is, I'm all for. Because it's a great, exciting sport. There's a lot of fun and excitement in the space when it comes to that. And the more we can grow that, the better. Awesome. Awesome, dude. You want to field some of these questions real quick before we get out of here. And I haven't, they opened the comments this whole time. Well, Bernie did ask, and this was way up or whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:49 The, I don't know exactly how he worded it, but like, how do you feel about Roman talking shit on the mic to Dallin and them, them having, and then down talking shit back and kind of having that moment together of that drama of keeping everybody on their toes compared to him going on social media and having a problem with the run last year and Jeff, you know, trash talking and whatever, and how that's a poor, I forget what he said, like a cheat games or a poor games or whatever. Like, how do you compare the two?
Starting point is 01:10:20 I compare it like Roman just didn't know how to handle that situation at first and he handled it very poorly and i hope that he's learned from that that it's like i don't hold that against it like when i saw that come out i was like dude come on and now that i see it on the other end where he seems to be like cool with it and encouraging it and having fun with it i'm like now you get it yeah right and so i hope is like this thing is like i'm not going to hold someone to the fires for like the one thing they did that nobody liked or they made a mistake if they could fix it learn from it get better from it maybe that was the best thing to ever happen to you not something i hold against you for the
Starting point is 01:10:58 rest of your life and that's also too that we were trying to talk about it before the heel character. You can like Andrew Hiller, his online persona is kind of the heel character. The heel character. The whole heel. Whole damn foot. But when you meet him in real life, he's the sweetest, nicest dude ready to give you the shirt off his back. So this Angel Reese thing, going back to that, just lean into being the
Starting point is 01:11:36 heel. It doesn't mean you're not, you can't be a nice, awesome person people want to hang out with outside of a professional basketball game. It's all possible. Because everybody wants to be liked by everybody these days. And if one person says something negative in the comments, it totally destroys the thousand positive ones they got. I think Roman should lean into being the heel as well. Bro, you're Russian. You're already there.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yeah. They won't give you a flag. You're putting your just lean into it and but like be the fun one because like roman is a fun dude like roman in 2022 captured the hearts of everybody yeah and then i was so upset when he acted the way he did at the end of 2023 on the back end of like breaking his foot and still podium it was in a position to win the cross of games and like that the way that ended with that social media i was just it was like a what is that thing like an ick yeah like bro cringe yeah but you were hard man like i like i painted you as like hard russian bear like that's what i wanted but like the soft dad side too i resonated with that a little bit too.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I was like, oh, bro. Come on. So I hope we can get past that. Jake Scott, do we ever think media will ever go back to focusing on the affiliates or are we so removed from the games athletes now that the disconnect means a lack of promotion, a lack of promotion won't impact either. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:09 do I ever think we will go back to focusing on the affiliates? Yes. I think we 100% should. And I'm not saying that because I work on the affiliate side for cross. It is like the affiliates, as we know is like the bedrock of everything, right? Across the games can it's like the affiliates, as we know, is like the bedrock of everything. CrossFit Games can't survive without the affiliates because of fan base and community and the way we feel what they feel in the same way as anything else. It's like, yes, of course it was.
Starting point is 01:13:40 And the bigger the platform. What's up, bro? You're hungry. Okay. Give me five minutes. I see some affiliate commercials pop up. I think Sevan's going to do some. He's trying to get everybody to make him some.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Oh. You can say hi. Hi. Hi. How are you, bud? Oh, you got your phones in. You can't hear. I can't hear.
Starting point is 01:14:02 He can't hear. He's a little mini you. Holy crap. You see my wife. I feel like he looks like my wife. you got your phones and you can't hear. He's a little mini you. Holy crap. You see my wife. I feel like he looks like my wife. He looks like my wife acts like me. I'm sure she's thrilled.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. My daughter looks like me, but acts like my wife. Oh, I was saying that acts like you. No. Yeah. I got both of them. Hi. Trish.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Oh, yeah. Supporting affiliates in every which way we can from a public perspective is like absolutely. And that was the really sweet spot we had in 2018 at the peak of media for CrossFit was that it was an entire ecosystem all working together. And then that all just got disrupted by disbanding the media department and then
Starting point is 01:14:45 everyone's just kind of trying to land where they can and get a grab and then build from there and yes like that that is a very important part and you know CrossFit's doing so much to support the affiliates now on the back end for the owners is like yes the public part of that too with media marketing things like that is on the forefront of that process. And yes, it will, it's definitely needed. And the bigger the sport grows, the more of a lens and microphone we can have for our affiliates. And as those grow because of that, so does the baseline. Like it's all, it's a huge symbiotic relationship. And this idea that people have of separating sport from CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:15:28 I think that's the worst idea we could ever have because the sport is great because of the methodology behind it and the affiliates and the millions of people around the world that do CrossFit and the hundreds of thousands that sign up for the Open. We get that. And not only are we passionate, we're passionate because we've, I've never like you failing at the end of lunges and having your dreams crushed. I've never, well, actually no, I have, I've experienced that a couple of times. But it's no different than saying like, that happens in a workout every week where it's like,
Starting point is 01:16:00 I thought I could do this. I couldn't do this. I ultimately failed and totally collapsed. And then there's that connection. It's like, I know what that feels like here. I may not know what it's like to lunge with 100 pound dumbbells at the end of the weekend of cow bikes, 30 cows and the assault bike or echo bike and muscle ups. But that moment, that feeling, that emotion, I have felt that on a Wednesday morning at 6 AM. And so I think that's, the beautiful connection is. And do we need to separate the methodology from the sport? No, they're already separated. It's not the same thing, right? It's the same ecosystem. And that
Starting point is 01:16:39 symbiotic relationship when we had that was the best thing. And everything in the middle of that is the trainers and the managers and the affiliate owners and the seminar staff, like all of those people that held the middle, right? They're that glue between the two. In my opinion, we make great trainers, but those that are passionate in the affiliate that want to be great trainers, right? And then those that can sustain or do the sport, it's like we put them up there and it's like, hey, go be great. Go show us what is humanly possible at peak fitness levels using this methodology. And so I think it has to stay together to be successful. I hope it does.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And I still would love to see what would happen if Dana took it. I still would love to see what would happen if Dana took it. I still think that there could be like professional athletes working out in affiliates and coaching affiliates and, and still have this like incredible platform where UFC was promoting the CrossFit games. I still think it could work. Oh damn. I should have said this on Pedro show.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Shoot. You know, it just took us an hour and 16 minutes to find the answer. It's okay. That minute clock changes everything. I know when I bring up Jeopardy, they like to promo that, but I'll get these texts all the time from people or comments. They'll DM me and it's like, oh, I would have answered every question right.
Starting point is 01:17:59 I'm like, yes, maybe, but it is a different world sitting in the hot seats with either a minute clock for yourself or you against three other people with 10 seconds to answer this question. It's a completely different world. Yep. I can't do it. I've tried to play because I consider myself like I semi know some things, but not. Oh, boy. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Last one. Last one. This boy. All right. Last one. Last one. This might be from here. Uh, okay. Gotcha. Caller. Hi. Caller. No caller. No caller. No caller. I can't hear you caller. If you're. Oh, all right. Sorry, caller. I tried. I know the phone line works because I just had that other one.
Starting point is 01:18:54 And dude, whoever you are, wherever you are, I'm sorry. No, not at all. Not at all. I love you, bro. Go talk to Jason. All that stuff. But yeah, for Jeopardy, I couldn't do it. I used to think that I tried to play alongside once i came up with the answer i think we got one answer it was like the final jeopardy question and that's only because there was like an extra 30 oh you get the final jeopardy
Starting point is 01:19:15 question those are hard it was i got a couple right but it took both of us like not the final not the final jeopardy what was the one where it was like the girls i think i got some like i think i got most of the girls questions right nothing so we got a couple new categories today i'm excited and then the the one that i thought was really hard was the one where you had to oh i'm sorry was it named the event and the exact movements or something like that yeah i think it's like the event in the year a year or something like that. Yeah. I think it was like the event in the year or something like that. Yep. Which is really hard.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Yeah. Okay. I think we got you now, Jack. Nope. Nope. I heard you. The,
Starting point is 01:19:56 the challenging part of making the questions is sometimes I'm like, Oh, is this too hard that nobody will like it because they don't get it. But I'm like, when I watched normal jeopardy, I don't answer any of the questions. I still like it. I'm like, Oh, that's an interesting fact.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Yeah. So I hope people do enjoy it. I mean, it took a long time. Like it took a couple of years actually to like get this off the ground. Do you make the questions or do you have a, I have a secret Illuminati panel that makes these questions for me.
Starting point is 01:20:30 They're pretty intense questions. I'm trying, Jack. Time's a charm. I don't know why you... It won't... It is. Go. There we go.
Starting point is 01:20:48 There we go. What's going on? What's up? Hey Chase, how far, how far are you from Bavonia? 45 minutes. 45 minutes. That's nice and close. That's awesome. So you have the lay of the land. How do you feel as though it's going to be over there for spectators, affiliate owners, non-athletes? as though it's going to be over there for spectators, affiliate owners,
Starting point is 01:21:07 non-athletes? What's the vibe going to be like? You would have a better idea than we would due to you knowing the area, knowing the venue, being local over there. Do you mean just like in the surrounding areas like in the city or the venue itself? Both.
Starting point is 01:21:24 One, because I wanted to go this year but i thought i wanted to take the year and see how people would react to it and kind of like see how it went first and then maybe go the following year so fort worth which is outside of dallas is like the country version of dallas and they are very proud of that. They really do not want to be like that. Dallas is, I would say Dallas is like oil money and Fort Worth is like rancher money. If I could,
Starting point is 01:21:55 the vibes at least, I mean, they have a cattle drive, I think every day through the city because there are cattle ranches around in the soccer that are right there. because there are cattle ranches around in the soccer that are right there. Dickie's arena is one of the nicest and like, it's only a couple of years old, but arenas like anyone will have been in if they'd ever been to like a
Starting point is 01:22:17 professional sports arena. And even then that's what this thing is designed to do. It is designed for events. It is huge. It is intimate at the same time. So you're not just like feeling like you're in the nosebleed cheap seats. Like everybody's on top of each other. It's going to be loud. It's going to be big. It's brand new. Like Dickie's arena is amazing. So I think it's going to be an incredible venue for the spectators and fans
Starting point is 01:22:39 alike there in person. And then Fort Worth just has so much stuff to do. Like if you want a good Texas feel like Fort Worth is actually a great place to do. Like if you want a good Texas feel like Fort Worth is actually a great place to go outside of like a small town, Texas, because Dallas is fast. And like I said, it's fast. There's a lot of lights, right? And it's this thing. Fort Worth is, is country boy, Texas, big city. We call it a big city, small town is really what Fort Worth, Fort Worth is. So it's going to be, it's going to be great. I think it's going to be a great city, easy to get to a lot of places to stay and a lot
Starting point is 01:23:11 of things to do. So I'm very excited that it's coming to Fort Worth. What's this about the seats? Are there not enough seats in this arena? How big is it? No, it just sold out in like five minutes. Gotcha. But everybody is asking the question, can they camp out in your backyard or can they stay with you? Yeah. Apparently, I have like 175 people staying with me for the event. But
Starting point is 01:23:40 yes. No. I will have to defer to my wife on that one. Spoiler alert, the answer would be no. I was going to say, I'm pretty sure her answer would be no. That's code, by the way, like guy code. If like, let me ask my wife, like it's a no, like it's actually a no for me, but I'm totally going to throw her under the bus just to make sure that I can still be cool with the bros. That's what we're here for. Yeah. Jethro, Ernie Garza said, come by the box.
Starting point is 01:24:06 I work at Plano, Texas. Oh, man. I wish I could go this year. I'm definitely not going this year, but 2025 is going to be the year when I'm going to head on over there. Maybe you can persuade my wife to go, too. I've been trying to get her to go to a semifinal.
Starting point is 01:24:22 I'm not getting on a damn plane. I saw Boeing. I'm not getting on a damn plane. I saw Boeing. I'm not getting on no plane. You lost your mind. Nope. Come on. Let's go next year. Let's go next year.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Let's make it a plan. Let's start planning it now. Let's rent an RV. Okay, that I could do. You want to- You can get content on the way there. You can visit CrossFit gyms on your travels. You can do a live podcast from the RV.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah. There you go. Shout out CrossFit Chief Nation. Hey, Jethro, thanks for hanging out with us the other day when we were with Ellie. That was awesome, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Appreciate you. Oh, no, my pleasure. Yeah, thank you. No, it was great having a chat. I had a busy, busy weekend. My son had a dance competition. He was rushing shop as always, but yeah, I was a busy, busy weekend. My son had a dance competition. He was rushing shop as always.
Starting point is 01:25:07 But yeah, I was a little busy. I was with his top on the other day. But anytime you guys want to hang out, it's great to have a nice little insight. Yeah, it's fun. From the perspective of an affiliate owner. And yeah, anytime. And you guys are more than welcome to come down to the gym whenever you want. We're having events here and there.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So I'll definitely have a DM and I'll let you know. Yeah. Good. Awesome. I'm cleaning. I'm cleaning my pool now. So I'm going to keep listening to the podcast. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:35 All right. Bye. Thank you. I'm the pool boy for now. Later, dude. Also too. later dude also too he's not lying but jethro slides into my wife's dms here's a slide in my dms and now he just said he's a pool boy i might be nervous now i might have to like i don't normally check phones we might have to check these phones now um and then last question jake wants to know if you're going to rogue big chapman i don't
Starting point is 01:26:08 know yet but i would love to go to rogue this year i think that it's going to be i mean i think i think rogue this year is going to be nuts it's what it's what if what it should have been the last couple of years when it's been outside austin and round rock but bringing that overseas i'm glad they did it i've been saying that for a couple years that rogue needs to go overseas because the amount of people that would turn up out in round rock in texas isn't the amount that like that event and i I don't use deserve a lot. Cause I really despise that word for the most part, but like, yeah, it's going to be great.
Starting point is 01:26:50 And yes, I would love nothing more than to be there for that. I hope Pedro gets to go. I want to, I want him to do his content the way that he went to like water Palooza and stuff. That'd be fine. But I don't know if his wife goes to water Palooza.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I'm pretty sure that is an easier track. he's expecting a baby so no he already had it oh did he yeah baby's out pedro's released okay cool awesome pedro's release shackles off nice congrats page did not know that all right guys thank everybody, for hanging out with us. We appreciate it. Savan will be back tomorrow with one of his 85 million guests. I don't actually know which one is tomorrow because I don't understand the background of this stream yard.
Starting point is 01:27:38 In fact, you got the phone to work at all. Yeah, right? Fire. Twice. Got it to work twice. So go watch Jeopardy. What time is it again, so everybody knows 1 p.m central it's back thank you everybody thanks for hanging out with us all the guys that uh Bernie you're awesome dude just ask all the questions he should just write the questions for everybody yeah you guys are awesome So there's a lot of fun. Thank you for letting me hang out with y'all. Chase. Thanks for answering.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Thanks for having me. Yeah. That was fun. That's like my first whole podcast on the Savant podcast. And he wasn't even. Yeah. Oh, it's probably why I came on.
Starting point is 01:28:18 It was a safe space. I was like, Oh yeah. Don't ever call this podcast a safe space. No, this podcast is definitely not a safe space. If it was just like Chase as the actual guest for the show, for the whole thing, and Savannah's running it, then there would be a lot of people like.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Writing notes, taking clips, you know. All right, everybody. Bye-bye. Bye, guys. Bam, again.

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