The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Globalized #922

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - https:/.../ Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel.
Starting point is 00:00:37 A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Bam. We're live. I got toe spacers. The Danielle Brandon toe spacers. I normally do the show with socks on. Ah, that's not true. About 50-50. I'm going to leave these in here so I remember to wear these. I'm going to start wearing these during the show.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I don't know what they're gonna do they feel great you guys ever seen these up close this thing this side wait this side over here goes oh it's backwards it goes over your uh your big toe and then and so this thing goes over your big toe. And so this thing hangs over your big toe, and then this last one here wedges in your little toe. No, they don't sponsor me. They should. But these feel really good, and I'm curious to try them.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I'm mostly barefoot anyway. I don't know. My kids love them. If I leave these out, my kids will put these on. i don't know if you're supposed to put these on kids because they're still growing and their shit's all malleable uh dude uh dakota miller's uh put butt plug question mark but i'm not familiar with that industry but it seems like uh toe spacers could have a line of that, butt plug spacer or something. Do deadlifts in them? Really? Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:02:32 They're comfortable. I wore them, I don't know, one of the semifinals this weekend. Excuse me, I had them in for like two hours. They're totally comfortable. No, no, I don't have them upside down. What are you talking about? I watched a YouTube video on it oh really you think they go like this you think it goes on like this and my toes go in here like this no no no there's no way all right i'll watch a video on it too then i don't think so though i think it goes like this i would show you i would put them on my feet and show you but i'm afraid one you might throw up
Starting point is 00:03:12 i want to do that to you hey i i know this isn't this might sound uh totally double standard which i guess i'm okay with that's part of my shtick right uh the the confused double standard of which I guess I'm okay with. That's part of my shtick, right? The confused double standard of Sevan Matosian. I didn't like the, in the chat, for those of you who watched the CrossFit, oh, Jeff, what's up, dude? I'm really sorry you didn't get to see the, you don't need those, Sevan, you have Hobbit feet, fair.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's a shame, Jeff, you didn't get to see me take the piss out of you yesterday. I showed it with 5,000 live viewers. I showed a video of you working out. It was probably one of our biggest live shows ever. You're famous. I didn't like the Brooke Wells and Noah Olsen bashing in the comments. I really did not like that. To call her, like people were calling her and they don't, and you know, like I'm a little, the reason why it's kind of, um, double standards. Cause you know, I'm frustrated that, uh, in my
Starting point is 00:04:16 own little way that Brooke and Noah won't come on the show. I mean, I don't really care, but it's like, it's one of the acts I play to be frustrated and you know they've done some things in the past um obviously that frustrate me but uh it's kind of it's kind of their game day and people are bashing them and people are calling um i don't think i don't think the noah bashing came from seven east is yeah and even if it was, I'm not trying to control anyone. I'm just sharing with you how I feel. All the time I've ever spent in person, mano a mano with Brooke and Noah,
Starting point is 00:04:52 and it's some substantial time at the games, they've been so fucking cool. Two of the coolest. Just stick the camera in their face and go and take the piss out of them, make fun of them. There's a great scene between Brooke Wells and Travis Mayer and myself out of them make fun of them there's a great scene between brooke wells and travis mayor myself where we're making fun of how many uh instagram followers travis mayor has and brooke just goes with it like we even joke about hey she said if you want
Starting point is 00:05:15 some followers you can take a picture with me and and it's just it's fucking hilarious and it's fun and you can tell she's a good sport and she's just cool and for people to be calling her an instagram athlete and just shit like that i'm just like come on man it's not even close to true and uh i don't know and the same with noah people calling him cringe and shit like he really is i've i see him as really being that nice so to hate on a guy who just happens to be fucking nice as shit just seems a little overboard no his days on the show are over i think i think he's uh he just i think he wants some space from it and i'm and i'm and to be honest with you as much as it frustrates me is um i i i don't i don't blame anyone either.
Starting point is 00:06:15 You're trying to fucking – you're trying to sell toe spacers, and I have zero tolerance for pedophilia, and yet you think that – I shouldn't use toe spacers as an example. You're trying to sell iPhones, and I have no tolerance for pedophilia, but you're like, man, that's 1 million iPhones. At times, $1,800 a pop. Let's say 1,000 for ease of use. So that's three more zeros on there. That's 10 million. That's 100. That's a billion dollars. Sorry, I can't bash pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I get it. You know, I get it. But I have different values or i draw the line somewhere different so uh the truth is is is it's not it's not um it's not danny spiegel that's the beacon of moral authority it's it's uh it's me it's everyone you only see what you are right uh seven you're looking at the trolls that are bashing like that. There are clearly some areas they could be pointed out, but that's probably not the athlete's fault.
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's more of the media. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but yeah, of course. Of course. So, James Townsend, on a flight back home, keep me entertained, Sebon. Okay, I'll do my best. Blade Walker, pop quiz. Sebon, who raps the song Levels? Meek Mills.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Meek Mills. Why did I think that was Tyga? Didn't Tyga come to the games one year? By the way, he either stoned out of his mind or a dick or both. Because when he was there, it's always weird when there's i i you know famous sometimes famous people they're so fucking uptight he was so uptight he had this entourage with him and he was so uptight he was so uptight when dave and i went to one time went to rick ross's house he wasn't he wasn't i mean it was at his house and garrett fisher there, and we were all hanging out and working out.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But he was not uptight. Maybe it's because it was at his house. But, man, Tiger was uptight. It did not look fun to be him. But, shit, I thought he sung levels. I had that all wrong yesterday on the show. No one even corrected me. It sucked. Blade one even corrected me. It sucked.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Blade obviously knew. Hi. Good morning. I was just being sensitive this morning. About what? I was just sensitive to the Noah bashing and Brooke Wells bashing in the comments. Unacceptable. Yeah, and everyone's like, it wasn't wasn't us i mean i'm not trying to control
Starting point is 00:08:46 people even if it is like if you don't like no but i bash away i'm just saying i didn't like it what were they bashing him on you know like a um instagram instagram athlete or she's overrated it's like dude she she was number five at the games last year and then people saying that noah's cringe and i i just i just don't see it hey there were people at hq who used to say that about him too who are now like butt buddies with him and um you know he did that thing he he came on the scene and he padded spieler on the head one one year at the game really really yeah that that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Some were bashing you, Seve, but we sent them straight and ignored them.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, that's, but I'm a big boy. I deserve a little bashing. I am the most toxic man in CrossFit. I was also thinking about that the other day, too. If you were, if you day too if you were if you were if you were um i'm trying to think if i would i'm trying to think what are my issues and if i would ever attack anyone regarding my issues specifically like i'm really sensitive like i don't say shit about people's kids but i might uh if um if uh and recently – the irony is recently I was caught saying something about someone's kids.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I didn't say it by name, but the person whose kids I was referencing for their behavior heard the show and really fucking got bent out of shape. And I understood it. Even though I didn't think I was in the wrong, I understood it completely, and I apologized like a thousand times over. But I would never call someone out by name, by name. But, um, I'm trying to think that girl, that girl clearly has mental issues that she's open about, right? That's part of her shtick. Her identity is I'm fucked up mentally, the sporty Beth girl. Right. And yet she made a video that did like,
Starting point is 00:10:41 what if I would have killed myself? Do you know what I mean? You're forgetting the part that she's the morally correct and superior one but if you're but if you're right but but if you but if but if your issue is is that you're fucking mentally disturbed it's like having down syndrome and making your stick making fun of people with down syndrome not for comedy sake but for like trying to hurt them like what if you had Down syndrome and your whole shtick was to like abort all Down syndrome babies? Jesus. Except for me, of course.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I mean, it just seems – it's like George Soros. He's a Jew. But as he went around gathering up the Jews as a young man, 14-year-old boy, and killing Jews. It's just – something seems off it's like cannibalism or or shows some like serious lack of empathy yeah that's what i was gonna say lack of empathy lack of self-awareness like i i like colton because he's he's on my team he's my people and it's not that he's armenian and it's not that he has a giant hog although he might well some other it's some it's one other trait we have in common uh barry mccawkiner 499 speaking of travis mayer listening to the
Starting point is 00:11:51 training think tank show after the crossfit games he went off on hq and training think tank was the only training camp that didn't get a media pass oh oh you mean at this event in the east i don't know if that's true, but I like it. I don't think – no, that's not true. I was going to say I don't think CrossFit is vindictive like that, but they are. Man, did you see the text I sent JR and – Genius. I thought it was – that's a great idea. Yeah, I really liked it, especially because we've got two more weeks coming up, so I think that's going to add yeah i really liked it especially because we got two
Starting point is 00:12:25 more weeks coming up so i think that's gonna add like a ton of value for people going to the event okay oh taylor says okay oh he is okay yeah and i don't think the timing matters that much if they're gonna do it on um shut up and scribble because then as long as they got their their times to make they're good to go. Oh shit. Oh, Oh, okay. They want to do 5. PM Easter. Okay. I can't do that, but they can.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Do you see the time that they're asking for? Yeah. Yep. Okay. Up to you. And we're open Wednesday. We have no one Wednesday night. Well, we originally had the gentleman from Australia, but the subject matter.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Oh, this is a 49ers issue correct so we may want to and he was totally cool about it and he double checked in with us last night and was like hey what's kind of what's up for this week we had pushed it till now do we want to push it a little more yeah can we more yeah because i want you guys to be able to as freely as you possibly can have that conversation because i think his story is really interesting. Are you putting on toe spacers? Yeah. How did you know that? Because it looks smaller than a sock. It's larger than a butt plug.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, okay. Hey, so it looks like Wednesday they're going to do a crazy pro tip show. Yeah. And it will be J.R. Howell and the bald guy, the thumb, Taylor Self. And they're going to come on here and basically take everything that they learned. And let me tell you, those guys both studied the shit out of the regionals, out of the semifinals this week. Oh, yeah. And so they're going to give you their pro tips on basically everything, whether you're a fan, where to sit, whether you're injured and you're an athlete and you should tell the staff or hide it um what what are the the the cheats
Starting point is 00:14:11 the hacks um should you you know that thing that luke parker did where he he flipped before the event he flipped his bag over the right way he was the only one who did that they're going to point out all that shit that you should do when you should use your grips when you shouldn't how you should pace the bike event it's going to be your grips when you shouldn't how you should pace the bike event it's gonna be cool but i also like to how you gave it some spectator stuff like which event would you sit where yeah all that yes it's like where you know that type of should you wear should you wear uh event three is so fucking long should you wear depends so you don't have to get up and go to the bathroom new uh sponsor depends 65 plus
Starting point is 00:14:45 division uh yes it's true i meant semis wow very crazy okay maybe i'll text max after the show and see if that's what he got on that did you see they were going live too at the uh the end just in the hotel room. Someone did tell me that. It looked like a porn set. Yeah, definitely. It was super casual. Tales from an average gay CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Are you an average CrossFitter or are you an average gay guy? Like there's too many categories you're suggesting? Is average pointing at gay or crossfitter? I think if people participate in high-level sports, then bashing comes with the territory, not saying it's right. Yeah, of course. I agree. Saying it's right, but that's my part of it, my two cents. You're totally right.
Starting point is 00:15:38 You're fucking 100% right. You're right. If you're going to – yeah. And on that level, you could even take it further, Mr. Gay, and be gay on average. You could say they should be thankful, right? You should be thankful that people are bashing. Although, I mean there's levels to it. There's levels to it. I, there's levels to it, but, but if people don't like you, um, I mean, I guess on one level and you're playing a professional sport, I guess that's a, um, on one level, that's really cool. Oh, Oh, I was on the wrong.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I was on the wrong one. I just saw, I just got your text. I was on the wrong background. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There was a couple, I'll, I'll delete those other ones out of there. We got, or just, or they're kind of cool or just add a California hormones to it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's what this one is. The other one. Yeah. This was just, uh, that of cool. Or just add California hormones to it. That's what this one is. The other one you had. Yeah, this was just, that was me testing it out. And we got the Paper Street Coffee in the cup is the eraser today. Oh, shit. I think I am putting these on upside down. The eraser. Do we need a tutorial?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Is there a. Wait, what about Paper Street Coffee? Say that again. Cody had asked which Paper Street I was drinking, and I said, I'm drinking the eraser. I do a double shot of espresso with a little bit of hot water. And then I ran our banner ad to let them know they could go to,
Starting point is 00:16:53 use code 7 on checkout for a discount, and it's Don't spell out street like my mom did and buy $75 worth of coffee from the wrong place. She was heartbroken. No, no no no no i'm heartbroken not only was she upset but you're stealing from the boys's future okay go to the right right one you got are you okay over there i just put them i put them on differently i put one on oh shit i think someone is right oh Oh, my goodness. I think I. Are you going to give us a little a little view after this little feet?
Starting point is 00:17:30 A little feetsie for the people. I was taking a nap yesterday. My boys came over and there I can hear them in the room and I have an eye pillow on and I'm just laying in the sun that's coming in through the window and on the floor and i hear them come in and then i hear them walk they're walking around me and i can't tell what they're gonna do but they're getting ready to fuck with me and then i hear them they start discussing my toe i'm like barely awake they're like what happened to his toe and i have one of my toenails is like completely the bottom where it attaches to the toe is completely eaten off and then like you can look in there and see that there's another nail growing underneath it. It's just fucked up.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. I would show it to you guys, but someone would probably throw up. And somebody would probably get off. I saw Sevan's toe. Use code Sevan for 10% off. Well, thank you. Look at a videographer. Where's ToeSpace
Starting point is 00:18:30 at? They need to become an official sponsor, I think. Hiller's therapist. 326 people watching and only 52 likes. Hey, did you see that I Thank you, Mr. Therapist. Did you see that Hiller called me last night at midnight his time? Oh, dude, I was out last night.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't know how you were awake still. Well, it was only nine for me. I know, but I fell asleep like I fell asleep like almost five and I woke back up at like 730. I was like, I need to eat dinner and go back to bed. I napped. I napped once yesterday. Nice. Yeah, it was it eat dinner and go back to bed. I napped. I napped once yesterday. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah, it was brutal getting up at 445. Yeah, that's an early wake-up call. Kenneth DeLapp. Savant, I got a story that will make you upset. I had a dream my dog had shit in the house. Woke up and sure enough, shit in the house. But it wasn't my dogs. Oh, whose was it?
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'm glad you put some interest on that story there though uh yon clark uh wow careful with that photo buddy that's careful with that one wow uh you know tomorrow is gonna be someone in here called seven's toe even if it takes that long i'll probably sit on still in the next five minutes the the thing with uh the thing i was saying about um it's so funny the thing i was saying about emma carrie and thanking religious people it's such an immature response from non-christians like myself or just like non-religious people like myself to be upset when someone thanks God. It's so fucking immature. I need a better word than immature. It's so ignorant. It's so defensive. you would want in the world if you had to just pick one to live with and people be like well there's tons of bad christians and they killed these people and the church is full of pedophiles dude i'm not suggesting that any one demographic is is perfect there's scumbags that hide in every
Starting point is 00:20:36 group in every corner everywhere you go there's there's some gross person hanging out with that group at every preschool at every church oh that got dark every preschool at every church at every at every fbi agency at every there's always there's it's just people but dude to have an 18 year old girl uh or 19 or whatever the fuck she is 137 year old girl be thanking god for keeping her on the straight and narrow so that she can perform and be a good role model for the kids. And you think it's, you want to write in the comments, no more God talk.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It doesn't even fucking make sense to me. It doesn't even, it's so obvious. It's your problem. Like, do you feel left out because Jesus hasn't saved you? Like, like what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:21:24 But I used to be like that. What's the catalyst for it then? I mean, like do you feel left out because jesus hasn't saved you like what like what are you doing but i used to be like that what's the catalyst for it then i mean i was just taught it so i was on autopilot you know what i mean like i remember like being a young and my and the president would say ron ray was saying god bless the united states my dad would say why not god bless the world you know there was always it was it was always kind of like and there was always this eye roll or like there was a noticeable if you mentioned the word god or if someone said you know praise jesus there would be a noticeable like retraction from people from the family members i had like it was some it's like dude it's okay it's and now that i'm older it's okay like i get it thank god my neighbor's christian
Starting point is 00:22:03 so when i told him, my roof's leaking, it's raining, he comes over like a good Christian and fix my fucking roof. Fine with me. I'm good with that. Right. Like what type of, would you rather have the inverse of that? Yeah. Yeah. Burn it down. Yeah. I like, I like the Christian school that does the pledge of allegiance and the prayer in the beginning. And then my kid can figure out whether it's true or not when he gets older. I't like the school that's like okay guys we're starting class today you have a choice whether to stand up or not because i see the bigger picture is discipline i i don't you have a choice to stand up or not whether we say the pledge of allegiance and you can instead of using the word uh one nation under god you can use one nation under satan and just so you know after this i want
Starting point is 00:22:43 everyone we're going to go around and everyone gets to pick their gender today. No, thank you. Wow. You know what I mean? That shit's real. I know there's some of you who think that shit's fringe. That shit's real. It's like it's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah, Christian is the opposite of far left lip. Maybe. But either way, we need more of it. And if you're like, just because you don't recognize it, if you're like me, don't hate it. It's like, it's just a massive dose of ignorance and defensiveness. Yeah, here we go. Dick Butter. The God people are going to the games and the atheist chat losers are wasting time in youtube chat it's it's uh stop relax take a deep breath be happy that those
Starting point is 00:23:35 people have found something to ground them think of all the people who aren't grounded in the world what do you think they're using for their belief system if they're not grounding it in religion what do you think uh modern day politics rhetoric and and what as they think science like how many people get up here and but they do have one we agree they do have a god and what's worse is they're in denial right the vacuum always has to be filled filled as humans right we're always kind of like looking for that like higher power the reason of like why are we here and and some people will just throw it off and say hey i only believe in science which is already a terrible statement or people will point that towards religion right i used to like saying the pledge of allegiance Allegiance as a kid in class. I liked that part. I didn't even know what I was doing, but I just liked it. Is there a negative to that, do you think, Pledge of Allegiance?
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm sure someone could find one somewhere. I'm sure someone can find one somewhere. No one can find one somewhere. It's like old school beliefs came from the good book. New school beliefs come from your latest commercial. Right. I don't – I guess it's a slippery slope. I wish i wish that um uh schools taught religion in some respect too uh but but but you would end up getting some teachers who push it down the kid's throat right literally and figuratively yeah um i do you say say that again said literally and figuratively
Starting point is 00:25:21 kind of using religion as that, guys. Right, right. Like I think it's okay to read Genesis and Job and talk about it, but some teachers are going to start reading it to the class like it's real. And it can be read like it's not real or it's not real. It can just be like, hey, here, we're presenting this, right? But I don't know if you can trust the teachers to do that. Not teachers themselves, but just human beings in general. But it's funny. That book is banned from public schools, right? I guess that's another problem too. If you don't understand how the human brain works, it's like so you're basically the implication that you were saying is the same thing that I believe. It took me a while to come to this, but basically everyone has it has a room in their brain and that room is your God.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And you will feel that whether you acknowledge that room as being your God or not, it will become your North Pole. So we know Emma Carey's is her North Pole. She is consciously filled it with this book called The Bible. We know Emma Carey's is her North Pole. She has consciously filled it with this book called The Bible, and so she tries to stay true to that, right? Well, other people have accidentally and unconsciously filled that with CNN. That's what you're saying, right? Yeah. And I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So now they have a god. They don't even know it's a god. They hate god, but they actually have a god, and it's fucking Don Lemon. Yep. Yeah. But first you have to have a modicum. You have to cultivate enough consciousness to step back and watch how your brain works. I don't think so. But the people can't.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Those people can't. And that's why it's okay to brainwash people until that they can wake up themselves. And so the shit you should brain them with should be for the greater good. I know that's a slippery slope but but the pledge of allegiance i'm going to give that a pass as brainwashing people for the greater good and then and then at the end then at the end of the day if you become enlightened you can decide whether you want to i clearly don't believe anywhere in reality this is the United States of America, right?
Starting point is 00:27:26 But I'm willing to go along and play with it because I think it gives us some sort – enough structure so that I can put food on my table every night and then pursue my other beliefs, which may be, for all I know, being saved by Jesus. I mean that's what's going on here, right? Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that. Savon, do you have an American flag outside your house? No. And you know the truth is where I live, I don't know if that's what's going on here, right? Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that. Savon, do you have an American flag outside your house? No. And you know the truth is where I live, I don't know if that's safe. People are probably joking or stretching on that comment.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, I don't know if that's safe. So. It's going to say something else about the CNN thing. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm just going to say it's going to get even weirder if you're not kind of grounded in some sort of way to process and think about information because the algorithm is just going to feed you so much shit that you're going to like, it's just going to manipulate
Starting point is 00:28:19 your thoughts. It's going to influence you in ways that like, unless you're able to kind of pull back from it and get some space and then kind of ground yourself in some sort of like value system of making decisions it's going to get real tough to like decouple yourself from like what the algorithms influence you and doing and what thoughts are your own uh imagine imagine this right there's that book the bible going along that same thought that you're having right there's this book the bible and the ai has it and the ai knows is knows or they the ai i don't know if you've been aware is the word but because of the people the ai is sucking information off of human beings because of what it's seen that people attribute to this
Starting point is 00:28:59 book the bible it can easily now write its own bible oh Oh, yeah, 100%. And it will be better than the original Bible that God wrote in terms of its ability to get people to believe in it. And then the only way to not get sucked up by it will be to not read it. Yeah. To put your phone down. Do you know what I mean? You won't be able to fight against it even even though even though you think you can't. It'll crack the code on brainwashing people. I know some of you religious people are not going to like that.
Starting point is 00:29:36 But but if but if you think God wrote the Bible. Regardless of whoever you thought wrote the Bible, it's working. Whether it's real or not, it's working. We could all agree on all that shit. And so don't think that the AI won't crack the fucking code on that, the algorithm on how to manipulate humans. Caller, hi. Good morning. How are you today?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Good. How's my call quality? Terrible? Oh, yeah, very bad. Hold on one second uh watch the book of eli was the premise of the movie oh no shit okay you know it's crazy so i saw that movie you know 20 years ago and i probably didn't wasn't wise enough to get it that's interesting okay hey what's up dude first of all that's a really good book and uh the ending is amazing i I saw the movie. It's with Denzel. It's with Denzel, right? Yeah, it's with Denzel. Yeah. Hey, have Denzel and Johnny Depp
Starting point is 00:30:31 ever been in a movie together? I don't know. I don't think so. Why? They just need to. They're the kind of dudes, like anything they do, I'll watch.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Johnny Depp has made so many shitty movies and I still love him. don't know why and and i feel that way about denzel denzel hasn't really made that many only training day was the only shitty movie he made anyone movie johnny depp was in it was like zachariah or or uh malachi you want to talk about Malachi. Do you know what I'm talking about? No. It doesn't matter. But I do like him a lot. And Denzel's dope. Wait, hold on. Wait, someone's calling. You can't call while Logan's calling.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Mr. Mars is calling. You don't call. I don't even think AI would have to write a new Bible. Have you ever heard, like, a Buddhist, for example, talk about how you can use Alice in Wonderland to explain Buddhism. No, but I believe it, yeah. I think I've seen allegories like that, yeah. Yeah, like, it's kind of like you can take the book and AI could, you know, bastardize the meaning in however way they want
Starting point is 00:31:43 and you wouldn't even need a new book i am i almost wonder if like people have to go amish at some point oh yeah yeah yeah that's funny i think that too yes the amish part yeah if you if you you if you don't eventually the ai will be be so powerful in terms of what it's done to humanity following it. It's going to be hard copy. Everything's got the analog. Yeah, basically you're going to have to be a homesteader. Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:32:13 I already feel like that when I go out. It's just brainwashed fucking people everywhere. I live with zombies more and more. The more awareness I cultivate, the more I see it. It's a trip. You should watch Book of Eli again it's very it's very good just the fact now or not no i don't i need to watch it again i don't ever remember any movie but just the fact i know some of you i've said this before and this one doesn't resonate with the group but just the fact that we walk by homeless people passed out on the street and we don't see what's going on something's wrong with us he said it is yeah it is it is not it is not it is not normal those are our fellow humans
Starting point is 00:32:50 yeah you're dehumanized you've dehumanized them at some point because if you didn't dehumanize them you you'd have to be mother theresa at some point if you live where you live i imagine i don't know how many homeless guys got your backyard if you live where you live and you humanize everybody like you should, you'd never get anything done. And so there's a price you pay for that. I think we all make compromises, what we say we believe, but we don't actually act it out. Like people of faith, for example.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I think about my faith sometimes. I'm like, okay, do I believe that those that I don't reach are at risk of damnation? Yeah. And then what am I doing? Am I out there every day making sure everybody knows? Honestly, no. Probably should be. But. The tail.
Starting point is 00:33:47 God, your name's so fucking long. Tails from an average gay crossfitter dollar 99 uh that should cost you 99 cents just for every time i read that uh where is hillar um i don't know banging alexis it's only a guess there was another com uh comment in here um um it's jay hartle you live on an island but it's not the island youle, you live on an island, but it's not the island you think. I do live on an island, but I don't live on the island with the zombies. Come out and spend a day with me. Let me tell you, I'm living the dream.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I have carved a path. I've carved a path. Put an RV at Merton's house. That's all I got to say, bud. Put in a what? Put an RV at Merton's house. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It's good. Everything's good. I live in a dream world. I actually wanted to show you guys the park I was hanging out yesterday. I almost thought about making a video for my IG. I'm hanging out in this park. I'm surrounded by redwoods. There's 10 10 tennis courts the only thing wrong with it is these well it's kind of cool and they built like four pickleball courts so it's like all the old people
Starting point is 00:34:52 are away from us now all the people how many comments did you see on that i'm sorry i'm curious like how many comments did you say you saw of people bashing did she delete no not a lot not a lot it was on it was on it was on CrossFit's chat it was like four or five but I'm just sensitive dude to tell you the people who listen to this podcast own that chat that was the I was I've never been
Starting point is 00:35:16 so fucking proud yeah I was like holy shit our posses runs deep like anyone who works at CrossFit who saw that chat must be like oh fuck we at Houston, we have a problem. Like you could, it was,
Starting point is 00:35:27 it was like just seven on Easter shit the whole fucking time. I'm almost embarrassed to be honest. I'm having trouble like settling into how powerful this group is. Have you ever noticed where like, you'll talk about something and then all of a sudden, uh, CrossFit main, we'll pick it up.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Like, like, uh, let's say you hit on like a journal or something, a specific journal and then uh because i think i think uh talking to leaf fitness at this where they would hit certain journal uh they dissect different journal articles and then all of a sudden cross it pick it up like really consistent like they wouldn't give anybody credit but like they're
Starting point is 00:36:01 like listening but they're just kind of trying to steal some of the thunder. No, I, I, I actually, I have not noticed that, but I'd like to. Some people posting like ads for CrossFit from like 10 years ago. And then all of a sudden CrossFit reposts that same ad.
Starting point is 00:36:21 No, send me, send me examples. I like that. All right. I will. Okay. All right i will okay all right bye-bye bye uh let's step on still a content director for cf sometimes i do feel like i'm in a maybe i'm just a fucking egomaniac but sometimes i do feel like i'm still running the entire show i feel like i'm pulling all the strings for free.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah, it was crazy. Robbie Myers, you guys, the chat was huge. And in response to Logan, yeah, I don't think that it wasn't a lot of people bashing on her. I'm just sensitive to it because I used to be that person. Caller, hi. Hey, Javon. I want to talk about the sled from the comment you had the other day with Brian and Young. So, I think that sled
Starting point is 00:37:14 is going to become a giant problem for the rest of the next two weeks. Oh, okay. Sorry. Your connection is so bad. But you're saying you want to talk about the sled because you think it's going to be a giant problem for the next couple weeks. Yeah. Any better connection uh no but but it's okay go go on we'll make it short and sweet tell me i'm this i'm tripping on the sled too i let me just say this before we fuck the sled in the ass i love the sled because it's only 115 bucks i love
Starting point is 00:37:41 it that you can mail fucking 100 of them in a fucking blunt, as a blunt roll. But other than that, I'm really confused by it. So when you guys went for the Arnie's Fitness Test, I've done, I wasn't sure if it was even a test, but you had about 1,000 people put that in here. I watched some gag porn that sounded just like this this morning. It's crazy. Dude, our connection is so bad, brother.
Starting point is 00:38:11 All right. I'll try again in a second. I'm out in Germany. I've got to find a better connection area. Okay, I appreciate it. Thank you. And thank you for your service. And I mean it.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That sounded like a fucking jet flew overhead. Yeah, and you were like echoing in the background of his car i could hear you echoing clearer than i could hear him talking oh shit and we uh a clinical psychologist has said this isn't english well maybe we were talking in tongues dude i can't i can't believe it you made it in good job good job you're a true gentleman the way you were persistent and yet patient I am always patient good job I'm the tail of the advocacy hospital
Starting point is 00:38:53 so I have plenty of things to say okay action you're up go ahead what's up Siobhan hi this is Tales of an Average Gay Crossfitter this is what Tales of a
Starting point is 00:39:10 Tales of oh Tales of an Average Gay Crossfitter yes speak to me tell me wow that is a long long name are you an average gay guy or are you an average crossfitter both that's why I made that that way you can discern which one it
Starting point is 00:39:26 is but can we talk about one quick thing does your gaydar go off around me do i do i around you yeah no okay no there's others i wish it would all right um i know you know what someone one of my college buddies told me he's like dude if i was gay you'd be the last dude on earth i'd be with and that kind of hurt me. I'll never forget that. That kind of stuck. Don't be hurt. Don't be hurt. No, you don't give me.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I mean, that bun, though, we could work on. But that's fine. All right. All right. Thank you. All right. Fine. No, I mean, no shade.
Starting point is 00:39:55 No shade. But I just wanted to talk about how Sidney beat Brooke. That's all. That was. Oh, crazy. Crazy. Yeah. Nobody's talking about this.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's a worthy topic. It's a worthy topic. It absolutely is. Well, how do you feel about it? I'm I'm completely I'm I'm more sympathetic towards Brooke than I thought I would be. It actually hurt me a little bit not to see her make it right. Yeah. You've been very sensitive this morning, which is kind of shocking okay thank you and i'm i'm blown away i had no fucking idea sydney wells had the capacity to make the games i thought to be honest when she entered this this sphere i don't know two or three years ago i thought it was a complete fucking joke i'm like dude let your sister have her thing this shit is way too hard for you get the fuck out of here hey that's what i thought and she she proved that wrong it's crazy dude there she looks jack she looks amazing yes yes so yeah i'd rather talk about why it looks like
Starting point is 00:40:52 she's always about to start crying her facial expression is is it's like it's a weird trauma well i mean it works you know there's nothing wrong with a little drama. I used to have this girlfriend, I swear to God, and every time she cried, I got aroused. It was only this one particular girl. And every time she – I think every time she cried, I had sex with her. Oh, that works for you. Yeah, it was weird. Hey, yo, what the fuck? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah. All right. That's wild. That's wild. Look at her. She's like happy, but like – it's at her she's like happy but like it's like her hamster died but she got a new one i don't know if you can see this you know what i mean it's like ah yeah but you know what she killed her own sister in the i mean she killed it so
Starting point is 00:41:37 i'm all for it i'm all for it a huge huge ass like brooke too right crazy engine crazy caboose just fucking they're both beautiful yeah i wasn't looking at that i would say but that's fine oh it's it's the it's the engine dude i think that's like 80 of our crossfit shit comes from that giant caboose if you got a giant caboose um uh i mean like hunter mcinty right? I mean look at him. Strong posterior chain. Yeah, is that what it's called? Yeah. Hey, can I ask you something personal? Yes. Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Did you – how do you know you're gay, and how did you first know? I always answer that question, how did you know you were straight, and when did you first know? and how did you know you were straight, and when did you first know? In kindergarten, I remember I had this teacher named Mrs. Allen, a redheaded lady, and I used to want her to come and save me. Yeah. But I didn't think of it as sexually, but I knew that I wanted to do shit to impress her. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Well, kind of for me, the opposite. I was in seventh grade. There was a gym teacher, and they were saying, like, Matt something, Mr. Coach Matt or something. I was like, you're what I want. And then here we are, still single, 20 years, 25 years later. And nothing traumatic happened to you as a kid? No, nothing. I mean, nothing like that traumatic. I mean, we all have our stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:03 But no, no, no. I came out of the game. i came out of the game i came out okay so so um you're you're made that way it's not like so there's this theory that um sometimes it runs through my head that like hey something had uncle buck got to you and so therefore you're dead no no there's no one nope nope nothing just just came out of the boom game. That's the only John I've ever seen or touched. And, and, and, I love that. And, God, I have so many questions for you. I think it would be, I think I could convert straight men to being gay.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I do it all the time. But I don't think you can convert gay men to being straight. No, no. Isn't that a fucking trippy phenomenon? Explain that. It is. It's a wonderful phenomenon for us. I don't know about the other way around.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We don't mind it. Why can't there be enough vag around you? So I think you put 100 dudes left, you kill all the women and just leave dudes, and 30 days later, everyone's at least 10 of them will do it because supposedly 10% of the population. I think it's 90, 90 of them will do it. 10 will kill themselves.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I mean, if that's the case that I'm coming to the games, I'm just going to have a sign, you know, if I need to try it out or something, I'm available. Kissing booth, the kissing booth.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But why can't you be switched? Why can't I just surround you by 10 hot chicks? Why can't I just like rub your face and some vagina and you get a hard on and just be like, see, I proved it. I mean, I, why? No, no, no. That would be a way. I mean, you could try, but I think we probably wouldn't end up doing that.
Starting point is 00:44:44 We'd probably end up, like, talking about stuff. You know? I mean, that would be my world. So, you know. But, yeah. I don't know. I don't know. That's a good question, Devon.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I don't know. I don't know why it works that way. But I can tell you there's a lot more men that do it that don't say they do it. For sure. Yeah. For sure. A lot. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:02 What about this theory? I think the big struggle with gay guys is that like us, straight guys, we have to jump through hoops to get vagina, right? Like crazy hoops, right? Like invent the light bulb, fucking lift 300 pounds. Yeah, we got to do shit. We got to – but I think that's important for the forward movement of humanity. Who put – who's the – who dictates – don't you guys need like some sort of ruler or like that kind of limit so you guys just aren't sitting around in the 69 all day or jerking each other off or like – don't you guys need some we don't i know that when it comes to a shocker well it's very it's very hard it's very hard to imagine because straight guys are just like that's their mission right if you're not addicted to fentanyl you're um you're trying to get pussy that's true i mean i guess you said the way around we just have grinders that makes a lot easier so we can
Starting point is 00:45:58 just hop on an app and have it in 10 minutes but but but that means that that's the problem don't you guys need someone who's like regulating um you know the way the um the u.s government regulates alcohol or supposed to regulate the border don't you guys need someone like a woman regulating how much intimacy you guys are having with each other probably but i go the same with prostitutes they need a little bit more regulated too so so yeah but but you you do see that importance for women though, right? That value to them. I mean, I mean, yeah, I mean, we have that. I mean, believe it or not,
Starting point is 00:46:31 we're all not just like sleeping with each other all day long. Like that's not the case. I mean, there's a lot more, less monogamy, I would say in our community. Um, but I wouldn't say necessarily that like it's people's perception of what our actual community is really like. There is a lot of that, but there's also a lot of people who are together and have monogamous, healthy, regulated type of stuff. Does that make sense? Yeah. I'm just having – as a male with a penis, I'm having trouble understanding it, but that's maybe my own shortcoming.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And then what about that theory to me? Because I think it's very prevalent in women. I think it's extremely prevalent in women that women – something happens to women at a young age, and it makes it so either they get confused or their compass gets confused. Well, I'm a social worker. It's a spectrum. I mean, nobody is just a hundred percent anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So if they're telling you that they're lying, everybody, it just matters how far people are on the spectrum. You know, like for me, if I, could I be with a woman? Yes. Could I get hard for one? would i enjoy it no you know um so it is feasible so it wouldn't like i'd be like oh i would love
Starting point is 00:47:54 to put your face in a vagina because um could i pick what vagina though i just think that if you even like i could absolutely not want to have sex at all, zero interest. And if my face goes near a vagina – and I could not even want my face anywhere near a vagina. But if my face goes near the vagina, I get aroused. And it's just a bizarre phenomenon. I mean it's not that bizarre. You're a human being. So I mean but the shame doesn't go for, like,
Starting point is 00:48:25 I mean, maybe it would. I don't know. I haven't tested it with gold stargates, so I've never seen or touched one. Oh, my goodness. Someone get in touch with this guy and run the experiment in N of 1. Well, Hill and I did a,
Starting point is 00:48:39 he interviewed me last week, but I'll test it out. But can I pick one? Could it be, daniel brandon or yes yes yeah yes yes okay awesome well i'm a daniel brandon might have a penis don't you come for daniel so but here's the thing i think that the women i think that a lot of women something happened to them well how much how many percentage of men do you think that
Starting point is 00:49:06 are gay that something happened to them? Are you trying to fit into a box? Are you like my theory's complete hogwash? No, I mean, well out of all sexual offenders and yes, that's what I studied in grad school 79% of people who have been convicted
Starting point is 00:49:22 of sexual crimes have been actually offended on by women. So actually, for what I'm applying for my PhD next semester, that's my theory, that actually women are actually more dangerous than men when it comes to sexual offenders. Dude, I know
Starting point is 00:49:38 some sexual offenders, and I put that word in quote, and all of them as young boys had incidents with older women. Holy shit. That's my favorite. Shit.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I, wow. Yep. And all of us, and all of us guys are like, that sounds cool. Quit being a pussy. Well,
Starting point is 00:49:58 that's my whole thing is that the media perceives it in a different way, right? When it's a man on a younger female, they say our child molester, when it's a different way, right? When it's a man on a younger female, they say, or child molester, when it's an older female, a young man, it's almost glorified, romanticized in the media. So that's, yeah. But going back, how many, do you think that,
Starting point is 00:50:19 I guess it would be hard to distinguish, you could be gay and get molested, and then we don't. And so you were already gay, but how many guys do you think, what percentage of gay guys do you think are, are weren't gay and something happened to them? And,
Starting point is 00:50:34 and that, that changed their, um, I would say it's very low because I would argue like less than 50%. I'll probably say less than 10%. Wow. That's even a thing. Yeah, because I do believe, I mean, for my own belief,
Starting point is 00:50:49 I don't know what's going on in the comments because I'm in my office right now and I'm not reading the comments. But I believe I was born this way. A lot of people don't think that, but I believe I was born this way. So you can't really change somebody if they're already born that way, even if an event happens. Well, we do claims that we we do know that we do though we've agreed that you could change straight guys to gay well but they weren't
Starting point is 00:51:11 necessarily all the way straight to begin with remember that spectrum we talked about well there's a whole lot of people i get in my dms late at night you know from straight guys quote unquote um some crossfit athletes as well. Not like competitive ones, but they all, they all, do they all want to Hummer or do they, do they want to blow you or they want you to blow them? Um, it varies. Um, it varies, varies. Not to say that I do this all the time, but I don't. Why not? You know, um, sure. You know, so that's why,
Starting point is 00:51:43 see that's why I'm needed in the CrossFit space is to, you know, help them. You know, just in case you're wondering, I'm here for you. Hey, why do you listen to this show? Do you think I do? Why do you listen to this show? I've been following you since because you used to do documentaries. You used to probably talk shit to people. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So that's what I like. I enjoy some of your content. Some of the times I'm a little bored by it, but this morning I was at work and I was like, let me just put it on because you went live. I'm on the phone with you. Look at that. I appreciate it. No problem. I'm going to go back
Starting point is 00:52:17 to work so my boss doesn't kill me. Thanks for having me on. Thanks for the call. Bye. We steered that quickly away from Sidney and Brooke. Thanks for having me on. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for the call. All right. Bye. Bye. Well, we steered that quickly away from Sydney and Brooke. More interesting topics. I knew you were going that way, trying to fit it into that box.
Starting point is 00:52:36 You know what I was thinking about when he said, he was like, when did you know that you were attracted to women? I was thinking about the way I eat my hamburgers. I ate them like I'm a five-year-old kid, like just cheese and ketchup. That's it. I've tried it with other stuff, but I'm just not a fan of it. It's just cheese and ketchup. I don't know if I'll ever change. I never consciously made the decision. And I don't think I had any trauma around produce in a hamburger. So maybe it falls underneath that spectrum too. Not totally discrediting your theory, but just maybe a lower percentage than you would
Starting point is 00:53:05 originally think. I want to say something about the vagina, but in a second. Caller, hi. Hello? Hello. Hey, what's up, man? Hey, one from Australia. How are you? Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Good. Just discussing whose genitalia you want in your face. Typical morning. I have no idea. Oh, you have no idea whose genitalia you want in your face? No. It's been one of those days. I knew it. That's what I'm saying us straight guys anything can happen
Starting point is 00:53:51 how are you who is this is this Ricky Garrard sounds like Ricky Garrard Ricky what's up thanks for calling in oh Jay it's Jay Crouch Jay Crouch Jay Crouch what's up welcome to the show we weren Jay Crouch, what's up? Welcome to the show. We weren't scheduled for a podcast for another couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:54:07 What are you doing? You called in early. I was just calling up because I used to be an athlete, and a lot of my friends are professional athletes. And we had a conversation the other day after Noah Bryan pulled out. We were discussing that pressure comes with that. That's what makes athletes stand out. The best ones is if they can take the pressure.
Starting point is 00:54:42 They use it to their ability. They use it to their ability they use it to their strengths and I found it really interesting that I think a lot of people didn't really speak about that like if you take someone like T.O. or you know
Starting point is 00:54:58 Matt Fraser or Val Kilmer those other people or if you look at UFC fights because that's what my potential was, I was a professional fighter. Yeah, and there can't be any more pressure than that. There's nothing more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, there's nothing more nerve-wracking than being a, you know, when I was 17, I had my first MMA fight. There's nothing more nerve-wracking than walking into that ring and like, okay, it's on. The thing is, is that I've known lots of really talented, incredibly talented people, more than myself,
Starting point is 00:55:33 and they couldn't handle the pressure. They couldn't put themselves in the right mindset. And I think that's a really big thing that we're seeing across the board. And I think social media plays really big thing that we're seeing across the board and I think social media plays a big part in that I think the pressure plays a big part in that but I also think that we've got to be honest on that
Starting point is 00:55:54 that's why true champions are the one that can take that caller I agree with you that's why I agree with you that's why why... I agree with you. That's why I also think to say to a woman, hey, the only reason why you're the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:56:10 champion this year is because Tia and Mal isn't here, is kind of not true. Because it was a weakness on Tia's part that she got a dollop of semen in her vagina, and then it was Mal's weakness that she couldn't perform under the pressure. So the other people are more qualified to win the – I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Well, that's the same as anyone who wins the UFC title after the champion's left. Like, you know, George St. Pierre would have beaten him. Who cares? Yeah, he pussed out. He's a pussy now. Yeah. I agree. And I love –
Starting point is 00:56:41 He's not doing this anymore. Yeah. I agree. Here – let me propose – He's not competing this anymore I agree Let me propose He's not competing Right, fuck him He can't come on the show until he gets better But I think it's really interesting
Starting point is 00:56:54 That we could look at some of the younger athletes That just competed Even though Let me Can I propose this to you though Let me propose this to you real quick. I went to high school, and there were – my phone at my house was connected to the wall by a cord, right? I'm 51 years old.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And so I went to high school, and the social media there was analog, right? So I went to school. Everyone judged everyone by the way they were dressed, unconsciously or where you sat at lunch how good you did at football what funny thing you said when you were kicked out did you show up to class late who your girlfriend is who your boyfriend is and so there was the same thing that's happening on social media but it happened very slow throughout the day and then
Starting point is 00:57:36 when you went home it was over unless you called someone yeah and and so we were able to it was but it was still intense dude it was still intense now these motherfuckers it was still intense, dude. It was still intense. Now these motherfuckers – It was more intense, I think, because it was face-to-face. Okay, I hadn't thought of that.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I grew up in that era too, right? Okay. I grew up in that era too, right? Like if someone didn't like what I wore, they told me face-to-face. I just can't. They didn't tell me by a text message or posted on social media. But can you imagine being 17 years old, laying in bed, looking at your phone, and the last thing you see at night is someone calling you a fucking bitch?
Starting point is 00:58:11 I mean – I know. It's horrible. I'm just like, dude. Where are we going with this? It's like, you know, like, where are we going? I've got three kids, 19, 17, and 12. Oh, shit. Hey, Travis Bajan says this.
Starting point is 00:58:30 You know what I mean? My buddy Travis said this, and I'm telling you, I believe it just looking at my own kids who are only 6 and 8. If you don't give your kid a cell phone until they're 15 and you put them in CrossFit, they're already at the 95-yard line. They have an advantage over all the other kids. And, man, my kids are so different than the other kids who already have technology. My kids are homeschooled. They're country bumpkins.
Starting point is 00:58:51 You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see brain scans from kids about the activity of their brain from the ones that are on the social media and stuff all the time to the ones who are not outside doing things you know i mean like my kids have like no social anxiety my kids have no social anxiety like
Starting point is 00:59:11 all the kids who go to school and and and all the kids around them do you know what you want to hear something fucking crazy some kid probably get in trouble for saying this some kid who's uh seven years old in my in my kids jiu--jitsu class, he's a wild kid. He misbehaves. He's wild. He's out of control. He's fucking nuts. I like the kid.
Starting point is 00:59:30 He's cool. He goes – he's there every class. I appreciate his parents bringing him there every class. But the other day, my kid said, hey, that boy told us he drinks something called a bang. Do you know what a bang is? Do you guys have that in Australia? I have no idea. Dude.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Well, explain to me what it is. It's what you drink at three in the fucking – it's why Hiller is the way he is. Hiller drinks like three of those a day. Oh, it's a caffeine drink, so I would like a caffeine drink. Dude, if you drink – it's like three in the morning, you drink one of those while you're driving, and you're fucking gold. Yes, Kenneth DeLapp, 300 milligrams of caffeine. To give that to a kid is bonkers. Well, that's actually banned in my house.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, good. We don't have caffeinated drinks in the house. We don't even – so it doesn't happen here. Do you have – what do you think about Mal? Do you have sympathy? Do you have sympathy for Mal? Sympathy for who? For Mal, do you have empathy or sympathy
Starting point is 01:00:30 or what are your thoughts about it? No. No. No. No. What would you say to her? I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. I would want her to be healthy
Starting point is 01:00:40 and I want her to be happy within her life and that would be for any athlete, for any person. But when you're competing at the at the ultimate at the highest level right you you have to you have to stand up for the line you have to get there your body has to be there 100 and your mind has to be there 100 and you have to be willing to do whatever you can do to be the champion to be that's what that's what being a champion is about. You should forget about everybody else. You have to be ruthless.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Do you know about this? Have you ever seen the boogeyman? Have you ever seen the boogeyman? Do you know what I mean by that? Yeah. Do you know what I mean by that? Yeah, I know what you mean. Have you ever seen the boogeyman?
Starting point is 01:01:19 Have you ever had that? She saw the boogeyman. What? Right? But I've seen the boogeyman twice in my life. I was 37. I had a brain aneurysm. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Oh, fuck. I had a 15 hour operation. Oh, fuck. So I've seen the boogeyman once. And then I was, I was in another thing and I've seen the boogeyman before.
Starting point is 01:01:38 you know what I mean? Like, I got into a, I had a professional fight and I walked in the ring. It was the first time in my life I was ever scared like my body was shaking I was scared of a guy across the side of the ring what happened?
Starting point is 01:01:54 I couldn't I couldn't run away I was I was stuck you fought him? you fought him? yeah I fought him I You fought him? A lot of people watched him. Yeah, I fought him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I dug deep. I fought. I lost. I got knocked out. But, you know, like, I stood there. I did it. Did you settle down at any time during the fight? No.
Starting point is 01:02:17 No, I didn't, actually. No. Look, I'll be honest with you. I didn't want to be there. It was the first time in my life that I didn't want to compete. And it was scary. Because I knew the guy across the room from me, in that corner, he wanted to hurt me.
Starting point is 01:02:40 And he wanted to hurt me bad. And I just had to suck it up. I just had to go, I've just had to go i've made a commitment i've got to do this people need to watch hey have you ever seen that been watching have you ever been watching the ufc and you see you're like oh it's shit that guy doesn't want to be there like you recognize that in someone yeah yeah i can see it i can see it you can see it and you can see it in them but you can it you can see it in them but you can like you can see it in them
Starting point is 01:03:07 like you can but you can just see it in other other athletes as well that's what I love watching about like athletes like if you look at the if you look at the
Starting point is 01:03:15 game at CrossFit over the weekend you can see it in people there that they they don't want to be there fucking nuts and I think and I think like there that they don't want to be there. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And I think I'll take my hat off to Mel. She didn't want to be there, so she pulled out. She's gone and done something else. Well done. That's brave. That's a mature move. That's a big thing. Ricardo Garcia, why are people
Starting point is 01:03:46 who have no clue what it is to be at Mal's level giving opinions geez been a while since I've logged on the chat but this is annoying I don't know if you're talking about people in the chat or not but dude this guy's telling us a story about how he had got into a fucking ring to fight a guy he didn't want to fight in front of a crowd
Starting point is 01:04:00 that's I can't think of anything worse than that to be honest with you outside of fucking like going to australia i fought for australia for you for your country oh god yeah from my country when i was a kid and i fought for australia and keep focusing on internet so i got it i don't know what that guy's talking about but he's a dickhead and this dude was knocked out in that fight i mean mean, give me a fucking break. Hey, it's okay. It's okay to talk about it. It's okay to talk about Mal.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I mean, it's okay to say anything. I don't think anyone's being disrespectful to Mal. I think we're talking about being champions. But I think it's a bad thing to be a champion. You know what I mean? And part of being a champion is the mindset, being able to get yourself up to the line and do what you have to do. Now, some people choose to do that.
Starting point is 01:04:54 And a really good example of this is Tia. Like, a lot of people give Tia shit. But you think about, and so then, you were the one person that made me, I don't know if you ever realized this, but you were the one person that said something
Starting point is 01:05:10 about Tia in a documentary and you said, I'll never forget it, these girls in this division made the biggest mistake by letting her win this time. They made the biggest mistake what?
Starting point is 01:05:24 You said, the girls in the division have made the biggest mistake ever leading to your win for the first time. Oh, right, right, right, right. They'll never ever see the gold medal ever again. Right. She tasted it and that was it. And you said that. And I think, you know, like if you look at the pressure,
Starting point is 01:05:43 she came back year after year after year with all that pressure and stood up for the line and did it. So did Matt Fraser, so did Rich. They all stood up for the line. If you have a look at the UFC, for example, because that's my thing that I watch, you know, take an old fighter like Randy Couture. That guy stood up for the line and fought.
Starting point is 01:06:04 He might not have been the most talented one, but he still got in there and he put everything on the line. And this is the thing. If you're an athlete, you choose to put it on the line because there's a lot to risk.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Especially when everyone expects you to win. That's the biggest moment in an athlete's career is when everyone expects you to win you know that's the biggest moment in an athlete's career is when everyone expects you to win that's the hardest moment to put them on the line well that was on Mal
Starting point is 01:06:36 that was on Mal, that was on Tia, that was on Matt that was on Rich, yeah you're right that was on George St. Pierre, that's on Michael Phelps you're right every athlete has that even when That was on George St. Pierre. That's on Michael Phelps. You're right. Every athlete has that. Even when your kids are doing jiu-jitsu, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Like I did jiu-jitsu for a long time. You could do jiu-jitsu, and then you could be in the training thing, and you've got this guy that you train with, and he beats you every time on the mat, every time. He's in the same weight division. And then you go to the competition, and you beat him every time in the same weight division and then you go to the competition and you're beating every time in competition but not in training
Starting point is 01:07:08 yeah and what's the reason for that it's mindset mindset is the reason for that because when you show up to the competition you're showing up with a different mindset
Starting point is 01:07:18 and that's what it comes down to thank you I appreciate you calling from Australia that's why professionals that's what it comes down to thank you I appreciate you calling from Australia that's why professionals that's why professional sports like in Australia and Tia would be very familiar with this
Starting point is 01:07:32 and so would Jay Crouch as well and Ali Turner we have very big thinking in relation to sports psychologists and mostly sports psychologists work with us in relation to our mindset in relation to you know how do we approach the pressure? How do we deal with what we're about to do?
Starting point is 01:07:54 Don't forget Maddy Stewart. Don't forget Maddy Stewart. I really like Maddy Stewart. Me too. I just wanted to call up and just say, there's something that just blew my mind. I appreciate it. A couple of things that just say that I just I appreciate it I appreciate it okay thank you yeah
Starting point is 01:08:12 you were fantastic makes me think I'm cool when you call okay bye he doubled down it's like I took a deep breath like to get rid of him and he doubled down he's like nah nah I'm not done he's leaving on his own fucking terms yeah he's like fuck you I'll come over there and punch your ass out i actually i could have tolerated even more of them but the connection was so bad i thought everything he was saying was insightful i thought so too but yeah the connection was a little rough
Starting point is 01:08:35 um uh lee posa wreck uh what homeschool program do you use them on my kids just do kuman now like religiously and that dollar 99 you went you gave i will be used to pay someone to train my kids every single day so every single day my kids will see it god i want to say at least two sometimes four professional trainers and i'm standing there the whole fucking time and uh well in five including me i consider myself a professional trainer probably i should and uh and basically i use that money to um to to spend locally so uh whether it's tennis i spend a shitload of money on tennis on striking kickboxing uh jujitsu and skateboarding and i've chosen these in piano and i've chosen these teachers and uh they learn so much from them they learn so much from them.
Starting point is 01:09:26 They learn so much from them. It's amazing how much you can learn. I mean, just imagine if all you did is talk to your kid about horses and you never sent them to school. They learned about the first horse that there was ever, uh, the man ever rode. They learned about, uh, the, where horses came from originally, how they evolved into what they are. You learn about the biology of the horses, the physics of a running horse. I mean, just looking at a horse, you can get your kid a PhD in all the sciences and teach them about empathy and care and love. And so I just feel like I've surrounded my kids with really great people and that's how they're getting their education. But on top of that, they do Kumon every every day that's the math and reading and writing so and that's where we're at i'm there is another
Starting point is 01:10:09 program that my if you feel like if like someone asked my wife hey what program are your kids doing my wife would tell them that but my kids don't really have to do it because every time that they take the test they're they like did they surpass oh you, they're all ahead of their shit. So I'm just raising my kids. It's weird. I never thought I would raise my, I never thought I would have kids, let alone raise kids. And now I realize how many people aren't raising their kids. I'm raising my kids. I did not.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I have a dog and I've never taken him for a walk. And he's, she's three years old. I did not – I have a dog, and I've never taken him for a walk, and she's three years old. I did not raise her. I am raising my kids. Tyler Watkins, that's a really good way of saying that we raised horses taught me more than school. Yeah, I mean you can learn about history. Abraham Lincoln's horse was this. It came from here.
Starting point is 01:11:02 You learn about geography. The very first time that horses were attached to a uh chariot the first time you know what what's the size of a horse's heart uh the horse isn't like humans it doesn't have a liver it has a blah blah blah i just made that up i don't know if that's true but i mean you can learn everything by just staring by teaching your kid about horses everything they would surpass any kid in school any fucking phd at stanford if you just focused on horses from K through 12. I know. Poor dog.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I know. At least it's a good property, right? It's a good life. That dog, it's not bad. Your dog? Oh, yeah. I'm in the fucking dream. Are you kidding?
Starting point is 01:11:38 All right. Yeah. There's no – yeah, they don't know about the 87 genders. They don't know really about punking other kids. They don't know about the 87 genders. They don't know really about punking other kids. They don't know about dick measuring contests. They don't know there's, there's so in some ways they're so fucking naive. It's crazy. I was thinking about that last caller, uh, called in and was, um, chatting about the
Starting point is 01:11:59 stuff with Mal. And I was just thinking that like, I would say a large, very large percentage of the population actively avoid their whole entire lives. The position that a lot of these champions or other competitors put themselves in. Fuck yeah. Like that stage, that vulnerability, like the work ethic that it takes to get you there just with a very strong chance that you're going to fail and you're not going to make it. Like, yeah, so many people can't relate to kind of what she's going through or even people not even at her level, even multiple levels underneath it. Like, yeah, so many people can't relate to kind of what she's going through, or even people not even at her level, even multiple levels underneath it. Because think of how many people
Starting point is 01:12:29 will say, Oh, well, I can't even go to that gym, because I'm too afraid to walk in the door. And like, nobody gives a fuck when you come through the affiliate, they're happier there, they're happy, you're taking your fitness into your own personal responsibility, and are going to like show you the way and most people will avoid that situation their whole entire life most people will avoid a 50 foot foot race to the car like if we were just walking with a group of just average people and i'm not talking crossfit it would be too much pressure for them they'd be embarrassed and they can't do it and they can't tell you the last time they ran right Right. So like, think about the type of like, that's what a ton of people are like programmed with.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And then we're asking these other competitors to like really elevate that to the next level. So it's no wonder why they have moments where they break and shit like that. I'm at C Dick. It's 94 genders. You now you're a bigot. I understand. You know what else I was thinking? The most important thing with like the homeschooling stuff that you're saying was really teaching your kids to deeply question everything that they're seeing and how it works and where it came from and why it is the way we are. Like that, the Socratic method of learning where you're just constantly, you're never taught like, hey, this is a correct answer. You're taught to just ask better, better, better questions. It's all about digging,
Starting point is 01:13:48 digging, digging, digging. It's not about saying, well, like, you know, here's the date for this war and well, that's it. Put that aside. It's like, well, why did the war start? What was it over? How is this? Is this a cycle of something? How did it end up in this year? So by probing and going deeper with your questioning and questioning and questioning, that's, I think what a lot of, um, is missed in public schools because you're not allowed to question. No, I have to find the right answer and kind of do your thing and stay in your lane and follow that system, which produces a great, great bunch of system workers. I don't have to think I just follow. I remember in chemistry when we learned the uncertainty principle. And if I remember it right, it's basically electrons are moving at the
Starting point is 01:14:25 speed of light and so you can't know the speed and the direction they're moving at the same time you can either only know the speed or the direction and because that they're moving at the speed of light i asked the teacher i'm like well how do we know we exist how does it how does anyone ever seen them and he told me no one has ever seen them i don't know if that's true that's what he told me and i was like so this is just an assumption that they exist because of shit they collide into and bump into and he said yeah but then but then from there millions of other assumptions are made god i read this fucking amazing book by this phd who works on the um uh cern collider it's a it's a it's a it's a woman what was the name of that book i gotta get the other book
Starting point is 01:15:12 but she basically said that basically physics has completely lost its way that physics went woke like five years ago that they're completely fucking off their rocker they've made some uh assertions and some assumptions that aren't true that they can't prove and then they're building a whole science on top of it and because it's academic and not assumptions that aren't true that they can't prove. And then they're building a whole science on top of it. And because it's academic and not industrial, it doesn't matter. Right. Cause it never has to be tested or make money. Call her. Hi. Yeah. Just theory. Hey, how's it going?
Starting point is 01:15:34 Good. I haven't, I mean, it's, we're an hour and 14 minutes into the show. I don't feel like I've started the show. I just want to say one thing real quick, call it before you go about something Chris Beisterfeld said, my most talented players weren't competitive and avoided it. Um, it's interesting because, um, my, the, the, that's, that's the whole thing with my kids. They, they, because they're not in a dick measuring contest all day, cause they're not in school. They kind of, they aren't very competitive kids and it's
Starting point is 01:15:59 very, I mean, they slowly are becoming more competitive, but it's really just with me and each other and they're, it's really just with me and each other. And it's made them incredible gentlemen. It's very interesting. But that is what the tennis coach said. He goes, man, I just wish once I could see your kid cheat. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, I can't believe I'm saying this,
Starting point is 01:16:17 but just once I'd like your kid to say a shot was in when it was really out. Your kid doesn't do that. He doesn't have that killer instinct. I was like, oh, I loved hearing that. Okay, caller, hi. Hey, it's uh my name is david i'm about 50 minutes from atlanta been listening to your show for a while and um are you going to school me about electrons i'm totally open to being schooled about electrons not today okay um my question was um revolving like around like aloe aloeopathic medicine and kids so like you know
Starting point is 01:16:46 we um i'm about a seven month old now about you know a year i've been in crossfit for a long time so i always question things always digging deeper into what is real science right what are we actually being taught but like around aloe pastic medicine we decided not to vaccinate what's the what's the word you're using? Haleopathic? Haleopathic. I think basically this is how most doctors think. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Like their thought process, right? So around vaccines and things like that. And I've been talking to a lot of doctors around the area, like, why are you digging deep and all that? Obviously, they get bonuses from, you know, their insurance companies things like that the more the more vaccines they pump out and all that my question is is like how do we get like not necessarily trying to change their minds but how do we get more people into communities that are naturopathic thinking and things like that like i mean is it really just like trying to get groups involved in the communities i wanted to ask um um matt this last week um but it was towards the very end of this
Starting point is 01:17:51 um podcast i didn't get to ask it to him so i guess really it's just about like community involvement but i didn't know y'all saw from that you didn't know what introducing td insurance for business with customized coverage options for your business Thank you. your business. Contact a licensed TD insurance advisor to learn more. Did we lose him? Nope. I'm here. Oh, we, you didn't know what, what was the last sentence you said? Oh, I said, I said, I didn't know what y'all thoughts were on like one, obviously it, the, the epidemic happening is, you know, that we're back there so i mean give you an idea my daughter's seven months old she's um 20 pounds she's like 27 inches long like she's so much bigger like we went to a one-year-old birthday party and she's just she doesn't get sick she's so much bigger than all the other kids like that's
Starting point is 01:19:03 the thing that i'm questioning in my mind is like what are we really doing to our children and then two how do we get our communities to change how do you think that well how do you think how did you change how what made you go so fucking crazy scientologist and fucking decide not to fucking inject your kid with drugs what made you fucking change since everyone else is doing it what made you a wackadoodle well like really what made me change well one my my wife is um she's been an occupational therapist for years so about nine years now and she worked with you know special needs children and like how many parents have told her at all these consultations like it all changed whenever i gave my kid this vaccine or this vaccine at different ages. And like, you know, basically that autism effect and things like that.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And so we just started digging into it at that point. Right. I used to teach a CrossFit kids class, for instance, and I had a little girl that she had, what do you call it, whenever they see words backwards. What's that called? It's not epilepsy. It's like… Seizures? Seizures? No, it's like whenever they see words backwards. Like, you know, like you look at a word and
Starting point is 01:20:26 like oh dyslexia oh yeah good job god you need a podcast that's how i do it too i can't i can't pull words and i just started describing them i like that good job and so what i did was i had her start doing like reverse lunch like everything that north like the kids were seeing things correctly i had her just do everything the opposite. And it's not that I did, like I just knew from what was taught in the level one and the kids class was like, Hey, like the body is going to have the brain, the body brain effect. Right. So I just reversed everything.
Starting point is 01:20:59 And like six weeks later, her mom was like, my daughter's getting straight A's on all her spelling stuff. The only thing that's changed is this yeah so what do you do and like i just walked her through it pulled up a couple studies but like that stuff isn't being taught right that you hey you could fix this right and so what changed it for me was like one that always the questioning of what is being taught in normal society right Right. And then to the, um, you know, just seeing how many families it has affected. Right. We always talk about the specific person,
Starting point is 01:21:34 but like one person being affected by a disorder or disease or something like that, you know, has that prolonged effect generationally on the people around them. And so, like, I was like, how can I, you know, stop that from happening? And then, obviously, whenever we started to have kids ourselves, I was like, you know, obviously, do I really want to do this or not? Like, what is it going to solve? Hey, so here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Here's what I'm hearing. Here's what I'm hearing. No one's going to give a shit until they have kids and then what's crazy is then even those people who have kids only 10 of them give a shit the other 90 don't even give a shit about their kids i mean just think about this we live in a society where half the society thinks it's okay to kill babies and the mothers won't and they want to fucking do that yeah and then and and they think it's um basically we're sacrificing children like Like we think the Incas were fucking savages because they threw kids into fucking volcanoes. We have fucking women by the fucking – millions killing their babies so that they can go to law school.
Starting point is 01:22:37 I mean it's fucking nuts. And that's a metaphor, by the way. No one is going to be like – look it up and be like, no, actually only 172,000 women go to law school. Shut the fuck up if you don't understand what I'm saying. Sorry, Manny Spiegel. It's called health care. And so basically what I'm hearing is, is you had kids and you gave a shit. And that and that is one of the byproducts. Don't have kids because that could happen to you. You could start to give a shit and accidentally red pill yourself.
Starting point is 01:22:59 So then you read some books and you looked at some math and numbers and you're like wait a second we inject three million kids every year with the with the 49ers and uh 200 of them die when previously 200 people hadn't died every year from the 49ers and all of a sudden right i mean so if you're if you're trying to cure kids of dying of measles and the cure is killing more kids than measles and you can just see those numbers and it only takes 15 minutes to do that fucking research then all of a sudden you're like you put the brakes on everything right you're like wait a second and so you've obviously seen some shit like that and you're like something doesn't make sense and so you started like and then all of a sudden you're like how come every single kid has ear infections well that's really weird and then all of a sudden you're like seven kids never have ear infections i wonder why that is and and you start piecing the shit together and then all of a sudden you're like seven kids never have ear infections i wonder why that is and and you start piecing the shit together and then you find more and more people but i don't
Starting point is 01:23:48 think we can convince i hate to sound uh to piggyback off my my boy greg glassman but all we can we can't save anyone but we can we can make lifeboats like people like me and you can talk and and you know as i'm sure as i know it's all the weirdos it's like the hardcore christians the scientologists the fucking amish like there's no like there's no just like some regular normal fucking people who've like figured this out it's always like people who are like like my group of friends are weirdos right it's like fucking the adam family um but but but uh it's always but it's because we've woken up and started seeing shit, and we're just kind of different now. But we know it works. I mean, that's the part – and we're like scratching our heads being like, hey, dude, don't you see what I'm doing is working?
Starting point is 01:24:33 Why are you going that route? We see them banging their heads in the wall. Like how – isn't it so obvious you don't give your kid a cell phone? Isn't it so obvious? Isn't it so? Oh, here we go. BirthFit. There it is.
Starting point is 01:24:51 That's the organization. Well, there it is. Right there. Oh, that was shit. God is listening. Did you see that? The answer just popped up on our screen. So if you need a community where you want to learn about this and be with like-minded people who put children first and mamas first and daddies first it's really yeah and when i use those words
Starting point is 01:25:10 very deliberately with attention mother father child you want a community that puts those people first uh there it is birth fit yeah i don't have to look into that i mean right one of the biggest statistics tell them seven on seven you use password seven seven is a g and i get uh ten percent off or something yeah one of the biggest things that stuck me was like when i was born in 1990 right like there were like 12 vaccines and now there's like 72 it's like it's all a money grab it's like whenever the nurse is like you don't want to give my child this hep b vaccine like well no like one i don't easy on the v word easy on the v word caller you know you're making me real nervous we get we get dinged for that you got it got to be cool got to be cool 49ers 49ers all right yeah yeah we don't
Starting point is 01:26:00 want to lose our youtube channel your call's nice, but it's not that great. Hey, thank you. You know, and then, too, one, Matt, around building a community around it, right? I didn't know if you had any ideas about that. You obviously said birthsets, so maybe I can just dig into that. Yeah, those are great people over there. And there's varying degrees. into that yeah those are great people over there and they're and there's and there's varying degrees like they got like the they they got the full blown like hey like uh have the baby leave the
Starting point is 01:26:29 vaginal fluid on them for two months like fucking we did and by the way no one ever taught me it's like what you said no one ever taught me that like you're not supposed to bathe your baby you just know if you have your baby at home you don't bathe your baby you just all so much shit just comes naturally it's like what you were doing with you had a dyslexic client and you're like dude something and you just told you hey do this with them and it started unfucking them it's just like those of us who do crossfit and like have learned to eat better it's we when the study came out recently that adhd 70 of kids who change their diet 70 of kids who have adhd change their diet and remove sugar and it goes away those of us who are crossfitters are like duh you know what i mean that was that was me as a kid you know i was diagnosed with a
Starting point is 01:27:10 like that's how we were it all started for me like i was diagnosed with adb like way back in the day and they're like you know put me on all these medications for it now like going into eighth grade i was like this is ridiculous like i'm one i'm morbidly obese i was like 215 pounds five foot three and i was like completely depressed and so i was like i'm done taking medications it took i just was like mom dad i'm not taking them anymore i'm just going to figure out ways to cope with my add and took myself off went from went from five foot three to 15 to, um, five foot nine one 80 and within like two and a half months of coming off of it. And, Oh, I'm cutting sugar out tomorrow. You think I could be five, eight. Hey, I have to let you go. Thank you so much for the call.
Starting point is 01:27:59 And keep me posted on your child and make sure you check out birth fit. Hey man. All right. I was getting nervous that's fine i was letting him roll but my my palms was getting sweaty i was a little nervous this morning starting the show uh do you do you have the uh the did you see i i the notes changed oh my god what the fuck is going on we can't even start the real life it's not really supposed to be a live call-in show uh caller hi hi uh sorry once a dean uh dean says i was getting bored i'd lift something you put some grippers in your hand okay go ahead caller hi hi uh i was wondering if we could revisit the weekend press conference and the Alexander Caron debacle.
Starting point is 01:28:51 I think Hiller made a whole video just fucking completely explaining that, did he? I think he did, but I haven't heard anybody talk about how CrossFit might have handled it differently or sort of the lingering issues from the perspective of not making a clear objective rule and then being totally subjective. And they tell us that they want to be super inclusive for everybody, but then they're not being that. They did nothing to take the information that he was giving them. Hey, I'm hurt. I'm not sure if I can do this. Is there a work requirement? If CrossFit is infinitely scalable,
Starting point is 01:29:32 why didn't they come up with something he could do if their reasoning for kicking him out was that he wasn't expending enough energy? I think you're conflating things though, right there with the infinitely scalable part, right? Cause this is the games isn't infinitely scalable like they have a incontinent division and a one arm division and a fucking tranny division but you can participate
Starting point is 01:29:54 in the open and your scaled score is below all the RX so he's already taking a zero he's qualified at a high level to be there at that event if CrossFit if they're saying it's for everybody and they want to provide the best experience for the athletes and be super welcoming and all this stuff he can't compete in that one event he's going to get a zero point
Starting point is 01:30:14 thumb why not let him take a zero do something to give him the work that they're saying he didn't get and then let him finish the competition and see where he ranks can he come back from a total deficit like that hey i mean i think what you're saying is so fucking weird i don't understand i don't but but here how about i meet you here i don't think you this subjective objective thing i don't think that you need to make any like if you're going to have a minimum work requirement have it if not don't and let them fuck and let people game it i have no issue with people gaming shit at all exactly at all like you already have a dumbass runner in the game like like don't make another fucking mistake and not let the athletes be athletes right so if their reasoning is he didn't do enough work to expend energy they should have said they should have said a work requirement.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Since they didn't and their reasoning was he didn't do enough work, it's an unfair advantage. Why didn't they do something to allow him to do work and continue competing since they didn't tell him what he had to do to stay in the competition? You keep losing me when you go there because I don't want to make, I don't want to make more. I don't want to make more exception. Like you're saying like, Hey, then you should have had to ride the assault bike for 30 minutes in order to tax the system in order to go for it. Why not just be like, he's already getting punished. He's going to get zero. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Let him move on. Yeah. I'm fine with that too. So second question would be in the press conference for Berg and Boz. 2019, we saw the at-large bid for Hunter McIntyre to get in, and then Ben Smith had an injury, couldn't compete in the semifinal, or whatever
Starting point is 01:31:56 they called it. Yeah. He gets the at-large bid to compete at the game. I hated both of those. I hated both of those. Right, but since Greg's no longer here, who would be a person in CrossFit now that would make a decision to invite someone to the CrossFit Games outside of qualifications? Before we go there, and I'll ask you to answer that question, let me say one more thing about the Caron thing. When the correspondent, Caleb Beaver, that's his real name, from the Sevan podcast, asked them why Caron was pulled out and the girls were not pulled out. I feel like we never got an answer.
Starting point is 01:32:30 I feel like the closest we got was from Boz that he said basically it was the condition in which they entered the event. And the only difference in the condition between they entered the event was the fact that Caron was in Foxtail were injured. Corgi Foxtail was injured, and that the girls were just incapable. So then are we saying that if the boys wouldn't have said, hey, I'm injured, they could have got moved on? And they could have just said, I'm incapable of doing it? And if that's the... It's just
Starting point is 01:32:55 bullshit. I feel like we never got an answer. I agree. Something is fucked up there. It's not right. I would be totally happy with like... Yeah. I would be totally happy with like, yeah, I would be totally happy if they're like, fuck that. We're not letting injured people compete. We don't, we're not, that's not, that's not what we're doing. That would be totally fine with that.
Starting point is 01:33:12 But they didn't say that. And so, I don't know. But who do you think should get the invite? I think everyone's, I think, I don't think anyone should get the invite, but who do you think? Well, what constitutes an injury if Brooke Wells is, is legitimately has an ankle injury, but is able to continue. Right. I think you should just,
Starting point is 01:33:29 I think you should just hide your injuries. Yeah. Just don't. Yeah, you're right. So that's what I mean. Or even say, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:33:37 It's our event. We'll decide. Like I would even prefer that. Well, but that's what they're saying, but also how is that welcoming? So they're speaking out both sides of their mouth. Or how are they trying to crown the fittest i i don't care if there's cuts i'd like this whole thing with athletes pay so much money to be there and then they get i don't
Starting point is 01:33:54 care about any of that stuff to be honest like fuck to athletes i just i just want clarity like i don't i don't need them to be nice i don't need them to be mean i I don't need them to be mean. I just need to know that if you step on this line, you're fucking out of bounds. I agree. And I also think it's weird that it's the only sport where you don't get ejected from competition or disqualified by breaking the rules. But that's not governed by the officials on the field. Give me an example of that. What do you mean? You can be kicked out.
Starting point is 01:34:23 If you threw a punch at someone, you get kicked out i bet right so if you're a baseball player and the umpire throws you out that's the umpire on the field throwing you out of the competition it's at his discretion you have to have broken a rule right right uh none of the judges are able to throw anybody off the competition floor that decision is made by someone off the field altogether. And so Boz is like that guy, but you're not being thrown out of a baseball game because you didn't swing at pitches. You didn't give your best effort. There's no rule that says like,
Starting point is 01:34:57 Oh, you're disqualified from competition. I see what you're saying. David, we'd a Don and Boz suck. Boz and boz suck boz does not suck boz does not suck and and i i don't think don sucks either but boz definitely does not suck i will defend maybe a little bit no i'm joking okay uh who do you think should get the invite i don't think anyone should i think it makes a mockery of our sport. I think we're too good for that, but go on.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Who do you think? Well, I don't necessarily disagree, but I ask the question of, since there's a precedent of previous multi-year games athletes being invited to a game while they were injured, I know Caron has not won the game. I'd have to look back to see if he was a national champ in Canada or anything like that to have a similar claim.
Starting point is 01:35:45 But we don't know who at CrossFit would have the discretion to make that invite. That's the point of the question. It's not necessarily that I think Caron deserves to be invited at large. But who could do that? Who would even ask the question? Who would have that authority? Is it Don Fall? Is it Boz?
Starting point is 01:36:04 Is that something that they're not doing? And is that written into the rulebook? That's interesting. Hey, can I ask you a personal question? Sure. Do you find Alexander Caron attractive? No. Okay, just checking, because I had a bunch of follow-up questions. If so, we'll stop right then okay so it's strictly hypothetical it's not any bias you have towards corral no because what what happens next weekend if uh i don't know event five justin madero throws his ankle and plummets out of standing you know totally hypothetical has to be invited has to be invited so why don't they
Starting point is 01:36:42 just impart the same type of rule like the Masters does in golf where your champions are automatically invited back the next year? Like I feel like the season would benefit from not putting these guys through, I don't know, what is it, February to August, that many months? Why don't we have big events that they can go to earlier in the year, try and earn more money and give us more to watch this meaningful process? Like I think it plays into that perspective as well.
Starting point is 01:37:08 The qualification process is still not perfect. Thank you. Very good stuff. Thank you. I appreciate it, brother. Yeah, thanks. Bye. It's like a fucking real show. You know what I did when I did it it too i would just let him ask their question
Starting point is 01:37:27 and then just hang up and answer it oh i don't mind i i actually am i enjoy all the calls i feel bad for the people listening like they're like like they're like come on i feel the pressure uh jay-z oh oh oh uh oh shit do i I don't have numbers by these I don't have numbers by all the ones on the bottom Holy shit If you want to just read that subtitle I can pull it up Let's start at the top
Starting point is 01:37:56 Let's start with Canada How are you on time? We're an hour and 36 minutes I got to online We're going to cruise We got more than 5 minutes on time we're an hour and 36 in holy shit i have till i got till nine okay okay number one at the we're gonna cruise we're gonna cruise no we got more than five minutes hardle hardle black guy dave we just bring dave back already he's christ have you ever seen the dave ramsay show like i do i do now all of a sudden no but i do all of a sudden appreciate dave just
Starting point is 01:38:22 telling people to shut up i don't care like all the just shut the fuck up fuck you we'll do what we want stuff now all of a sudden seems so much better because what happens is this new regime wants to give like an inch as soon as you give an inch everyone's an asshole yeah yeah it's like just now i get it just be a fucking dick you should just slam people down oh fuck this fuck this kind shit i just i i now see the true value of day uh i felt like ding coming through right there that was different than your normal dings whoever sent me this text this better be the uh gay guy whoever this is because this photo you sent me is crazy gay that's nice no it's not a dick pic but just this mustache it. It's just, I just, maybe I can just tell.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Like, whoever sent me that text. And that's what Dave was. He was that strong leader, and that's why oftentimes I think he got kind of looked at as, like, the villain or the bad guy. Because he was just that force. Like, when you had all this, like, this wave of, like, questions, or you should do this. Dave was just the guy that was just like, boom. Nope, we're doing it this way, and if you don't like it, go, go join another sport. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:39:25 And you know what? And he didn't even care. He can't care because he needs somebody in there. That's like, this is the path. This is what we're doing. These are the parameters. We're going to keep it as simple as possible. So we don't have all this gray area of what's happening.
Starting point is 01:39:40 And then we're just going to hold tight to that, whether it's wrong or right. We're just going to, we've, we've laid the boundaries, we laid the parameter and we're just going to hold to it. And that's what, and that's what Dave was. I'm not saying that isn't, uh, we just don't know what the situation or the autonomy that they have. Right. Like, is this supposed to be in conjunction with Berg and Boz and like, how much do they do? Do to talk to somebody to hire them if they're making these rules so holy shit call her hi I'm gonna say one thing then hang up I love you yeah go ahead Don Fall hasn't
Starting point is 01:40:16 done shit since he's been there and he's just like Eric Rosa peace and love Peace and love. Peace and love. Thank you. But at least he's more well-liked and seems like a cool dude. Are you contemplating what he said as truth now?
Starting point is 01:40:41 I just – I don't think that – i think don fall has just trippy leadership i think he's stuck in tech world and and like uh he's taken not micromanaging to a whole nother level like he doesn't understand what he's running yet but i think i think he could be getting close uh jacob kelly imagine berg just being like like like he really truly needs to go back to his military roots you have to run crossfit hq like it's a fucking this seal team or you have to run CrossFit HQ like it's a fucking SEAL team. You have to. Those people will flourish there. They're all CrossFitters.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Everyone just needs to be just fucking told to do and a beat down and a clock set for them, and they'll get it done. And people flourish in that setting. He's going to get it. He's going to figure it out. Jacob Kelly, imagine Berg just being like, we eliminated Caron and left Sydney in. It is what it is.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Fuck off. It would be better than his answers. Fuck, dude. I tell you what, I'd chub up a little. Yeah. You're like, that dude. And that's what I think. Especially if he did it in a megaphone in a small room.
Starting point is 01:41:35 So it was like uncomfortable. Like in the press conference, it just batted everybody down. That's it. You made a great point, though, too. Like the decisions that he was making in his past career versus the decision that the crossfit game seems like a fucking joke like oh you you got cut i don't give a fuck 10 of my buddies just got fucking blown up and we had to yes yeah yeah it should be like that and i had to make decisions in real time to leave those fucking guys there or to put this guy in front who's probably gonna die and those decisions came
Starting point is 01:42:03 on to me so then when it comes to, did you squat low enough? He's like, no, you didn't. Fuck you. We're moving on. Good people flourish in that setting. Caller, hi. All right. It's Ethan. One critique about your coverage this weekend, which was phenomenal by the way. When you're on the screen with people, you need to be to the left
Starting point is 01:42:19 because when I'm watching it on my TV, the chat covers your beautiful face. You guys have a good week. Good fucking advice. Okay, thank you. Well done. Thank you. I wonder if that's the same person that commented that, and I did switch you because I did see somebody comment that and shoved you over to the left-hand side.
Starting point is 01:42:35 All right. No, no, it's on, Tom. There was just too many people calling, so I fucking kicked you to the curb. I'm sorry. Eaten. That was eaten, Heidi. Heidi, I am'm gonna fuck you up dude after after i saw what you did nothing to deserve it heidi i just want you to know
Starting point is 01:42:50 after that the little bit i did on um jeff birchfield yesterday or two days ago no you didn't find a heidi i haven't found a heidi but i'm dying to find a heidi if i gotta i really want to find like this like you find a Heidi in 20 years or something, or an old lady Heidi or something, and just have her Instagram account be a regular on this show. Let's check in with Heidi of the future.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I'm dying to find a fucking Heidi. Look at it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm dying to find Heidi. As soon as I did the Jeff one, I'm like, God damn, I need a Heidi one. Tom, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm dying to find Heidi. As soon as I did the Jeff one, I'm like, God damn, I need a Heidi one. Tom, what's up? Hey, buddy. I got two things. Tell me about the Kumon that your kids do. How does it work? So Kumon was invented in the 1950s. It's a jet by a Japanese guy in Japan.
Starting point is 01:43:42 He wanted he wanted to. It was his own way. He was trying to crack the code on making his kids smarter, faster. And Kumon is basically CrossFit, but for English and math or for language and math. And so basically what you do is the kids sit down with some, with some sheets of paper. They write what time they start and what time they finish every single day. And it starts so fucking basic with just like how to hold the pencil all the way to diagramming sentences all the way to calculus. Right. So it's like there's there's there's sheets in the beginning. If you give it to your kid when they're three, it's just draw a straight line. The kid's done. He just goes on his way. Right. And so my kids wake up every
Starting point is 01:44:18 single fucking morning. They have these backpacks that hang in the entryway of the house. They grab their backpack. They sit down at the kitchen table and they do it. And they just do that every single morning. And it's like anywhere between 10 minutes to 30 minutes of math and 10 minutes to 30 minutes of English. And it's fucking expensive. And then two days a week, they go to the Kumon Center,
Starting point is 01:44:36 and they sit with some fucking girl who's like somewhere between the age of 15 and 17 years old who's dressed completely inappropriately uh and and my boys fucking completely lose their fucking mind you know what i mean and it's like some some 16 year old girl who just got a fucking set of tits and can't wait just dying for the world to see them and my kids sit down with them i don't even go to the kuman center anymore i have my wife go there i'm like this is fucking ridiculous and my boys are like sit there with them for 30 minutes and do a lesson it's fucking crazy and it's expensive as fuck i want to say i don't know it's like 900 a month or something
Starting point is 01:45:16 yeah i mean that's less than private school yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah we were spending seven thousand dollars a month on private school when i used to have a fucking job yeah it's fucking nuts and that's from montessori school where they have fucking people in there on fucking scholarships so i'm fucking paying for some other fucking kid to go to school there who has fucking adhd or who's in there because he has a he's some fucking because he's some fits some fucking social demographic, woke demographic. Fuck you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:47 I know. It's a catch-22. So, like, in Indiana, we have a voucher program for if you're below a certain income threshold, you can take your public tax dollars away from the public school that's in your neighborhood and send your kid to the private school on a voucher, which I'm all for it. I think that's, like, you know, because that's going to give opportunity to a lot of people who voucher, which I'm all for it. I think that's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:05 cause that's going to give opportunity to a lot of people who wouldn't have opportunity to go to good schools, but it does kind of suck for the people who are paying 10, 12 grand a year, you know, and then now they're going to school with these other kids. I was going to spend over a million dollars to go to, uh, to send my kids to that school till a college over a million dollars and it's just a typical mon it's just your typical fucking santa cruz uh uh montessori uh school uh does kumon have high school curriculum yeah dude it goes up to diagramming and calculus it's nuts
Starting point is 01:46:36 and hey there's some study that's like 99.999999 to infinity percent of the kids who finish the kumon program graduate from college i mean it's some sort of nutty shit like that. But, bro, if you would have spent a million dollars, your boys would have a gender at the end of it. Well, that's true. That's so true. I laugh every time my kids get a belt in jiu-jitsu or, like, get a new trick. I just – I snicker inside. You fucking idiots who are trying to let your kid choose their identity while my kids are earning one.
Starting point is 01:47:06 I just snicker at it like you fucking ding-dongs. My boys out here, we're building our horse barn in our backyard. I told you about. My father was doing most of the work. Yeah. Even better. We're pounding fence posts in and filling in cement in the holes and stuff. Dude, you're talking about earning your identity.
Starting point is 01:47:23 I'm watching him go from a little boy to a young man. He's figuring like, I can carry the tools. He's like, Hey, my wife's like, Hey, should he be driving the Gator like that?
Starting point is 01:47:31 You know, it's like a four wheeler with like a bed on it. So he can carry tools. I go, hell yeah, he's fine. What's he going to do? You know,
Starting point is 01:47:37 he's eight. I love it. Yeah, dude. He's like, he's a boss. He's like, I wasn't doing half of this stuff at his age i was
Starting point is 01:47:46 inside on the video game stupid you know so your father-in-law is a man you got a man for a father-in-law dude he owned his own construction company for 40 years stud he his skin is so like hard because not hard but you know he's probably got skin cancers and stuff Just because he's been outside in the sun every day for 40 years My neighbor's a contractor He's twice the man I am I'm embarrassed when my neighbor comes home And I'm out in my street pushing and pulling my sled And he's like, hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 01:48:18 And he's like unloading 4x8s off the back of his truck That I couldn't lift if I wanted to Pathetic I know, this guy looks at me working out every day and he's like what do you got to do that for you know I mean the sad thing is what's crazy dude what's crazy is those dudes will still be obese and get diabetes because of the garbage that they eat the guy will burn twice as many calories a day as me and you and still get diabetes because of what they eat.
Starting point is 01:48:50 It's nuts. Hey, uh, my other question, you, uh, and by the way, I did a super chat on the live stream and you ignored my stuff the other day. Hey, that's rare. How much was it? I know four nights, $5 and 15 cents. No, that was on purpose. Sorry. That was on purpose. Yeah, exactly. Uh, it's all good. What do we got to do to get you to do live streams during the events again man those are like above and beyond a whole different level of experience you mean you want us to watch this shit and talk about it yeah
Starting point is 01:49:15 dude we will not we will suck tom no are you kidding me because sean and chase have fucking brian friend running around being like uh um uh, Sidney spit her gum out on the floor. So-and-so got a poop in his pants. There's a, they can, I mean, they have someone there. We could never do it. I'd have to be listening to them while I'm talking and just stealing their shit. It's a different, we're there for, I get what you're saying. And the shows that you guys did were amazing.
Starting point is 01:49:43 The level was awesome. How about Brian Spin, Tyler, and Young? They're beasts. Brian Spin, dude. Spin, yeah. But the thing is, the thing is, and I hear you, and I know you're not going to change for me, but what we're there for is a totally different thing.
Starting point is 01:49:59 We're there to make dick and fart jokes with Taylor Self while we watch this stuff. You know what I'm saying? Dude, it's like guys watching football it's not like you know tom and sonny and and i i just can't handle i watch you want to watch it and be like holy shit did they just did that cameraman just point down feces feces coffee sure did we see nipple at the finish line and you're like you're watching it by yourself and you're like did anyone else see that and you just want to hear me say it so that you're like fuck we did see it okay i understand
Starting point is 01:50:27 you know it's you get it yeah did you know what i'm referencing dale we almost saw fisa goffey nipple yesterday do you remember that no but here's the reason why well for one thing we had a big weekend we were doing church stuff all weekend but i already think fisa goffey's a 10 by the way i think she's hot as shit but like when i saw her like that and i was about to see her nipple she went into like a 15 it's weird it's weird it's tough to commit to sitting there by yourself and watching it if i'm with the group it's cool but it's tough to sit there i'll put it on my phone in the background and get in the comments dude how about crossfit games official youtube channel asking where's trisha
Starting point is 01:51:05 i thought that was hilarious trisha hey hey what so those people what do you think is going on over there what do you think do you think that the people over there watch this podcast or watch this feed or do you think that they watch are they tripping because we're not i don't think we're particularly nice to them no i think that's being that's being mild there's people over there that i'm like truly uh disgusted by i think there's the higher ups or the people that you're talking about pushing back on it but they're also scared of you like this is this is the crossfit space dude they they don't exist without us period if all of us take our toys and go home and leave the affiliates and stop going to l1 it's over this is what's left
Starting point is 01:51:53 of crossfit well you guys fucking took over the chat i was like i said i was like borderline embarrassed like like you know like when too many people go into a restaurant like you're with like the restaurant there's 20 patrons there and you go with a crew of 40 you're just like you know, like when too many people go into a restaurant, like you're with like the restaurant, there's 20 patrons there and you go with a crew of 40. You're just like, you know, it's just like, oh, fuck, we just took this place over. We own this now. Did you know who was it? Chase shouted you out. We were not by name.
Starting point is 01:52:16 He goes, shout out to the other podcast, live podcast during the event. And thanks for those who came before us and gave us this idea. I was embarrassed for Chase. I want to be honest honest with you i was embarrassed for him a little bit i was i was like hey you didn't need to do that and like you can't do something like that half-heartedly and by the way i love chase you said your name dude or not anything at all yeah that is fine i don't need any credit for that either it's not my technology it's like i it's like i told spin the other day i said hey dude you guys don't need me for this and if you and tyler and and john wanted to do your own show you don't have to come on my show
Starting point is 01:52:55 i would never be like those fucking guys are competing with me or they took my idea i would never care if brian's uh um what's the uh the friend, Brian friend started his own podcast. I would be totally fine. What I'm doing over here is just, I'll find more people. You know what I mean? Like this is. And you're right. But at the same time for us, it's not the same thing. Like we'll pop into others, but they're never going to have 600 people, like a thousand, 1200 people watching a live, which is not the same thing without you.
Starting point is 01:53:27 Every time Hiller goes live, he has more people than me. I'm aware of that. He usually gets over 350 people live. Really? I think so. But it's because he talks strictly about CrossFit. He's not going to be like,
Starting point is 01:53:43 did you know abortion is blah, blah, blah? abortion what he also probably doesn't get nearly the level of donations that you do through the the live stream through the chat yeah save your money for mine no matter where you go that i am concerned yeah don't don't spend the other thing i would say the other thing for you and i'll let you go there heidi's probably having an injury with me on the phone right now let me see what let me see what heidi said if she hates you yeah they're digging you nothing's bad so far you're good to go uh the other thing is during the live event and when you remember all the times you've really gotten money dumped man it was at the game during the live events with people running around with iphones oh yeah dollars at a time dude let me tell you i would have loved hillar to do that
Starting point is 01:54:23 for me this weekend but it's not the kind of thing I'm going to ask him to do. But fuck, yeah. I mean, Hiller and Souza killed that at the games. Yeah, that was just hanging out by where the athletes enter and exit was nuts. Well, it sounds like I'll probably be there with no kids and no wife, so
Starting point is 01:54:39 whatever you need, dude. But hey, are they going to give you media passes having beaver in there with a media credential was awesome dude beaver crazy some fucking kid from the fucking army shows up there with a fucking computer and asked the three best questions yeah he was yeah everybody else is like uh uh what did you think of the hairstyles of the people here and did you hear them applaud at the end of the press conference? What a bunch of idiots. Oh, no, I missed that.
Starting point is 01:55:07 I would applaud. Oh, the whole media group starts applauding at the end of the press conference. Like, what the hell is this? I would applaud for Boz. I got mad love for Boz, man. Mad love. Well, he did a better job of skirting the answer
Starting point is 01:55:23 than Berg did. That was horrible. But yeah, shout answer than Berg did. That was horrible. But yeah, shout out to Beaver. He was awesome. I'm going to let you boys go. I am looking into Kumon, though. That's a decent price. I mean, it's a lot, but like we said, it's a fraction.
Starting point is 01:55:34 We are seriously talking homeschool, and it's all because of you, bro. Hey, look in your area for a public school system that will give you money to homeschool your kids. Okay. I don't know if that would happen here. Maybe if it was a co-op of some kind. They have that here in Santa Cruz. So basically, you homeschool your kids, but you still get loot.
Starting point is 01:55:59 How are the liberals okay with that? I don't know how they're okay with it. I don't know how they think at all, period. enough all right man have a good one okay bye later hey i just this just got in right now we found we found oh heidi really we did yeah you ready yeah let me see that is hi that's heidi in uh 37 years let me hear let me hear what she grandma oh my goodness and she's a grandma already i didn't ask um what is the worst thing about jujitsu for you and i said well i guess um rolling around on the mat with sweaty men and they said well what's the
Starting point is 01:56:44 best thing about jujitsu and i said well that's easy it's rolling all around on the mat with sweaty men and they said well what's the best thing about jiu-jitsu and i said well that's easy it's rolling all around on the mat with sweaty men i love the sweaty guys in my gym i do okay send me that uh send me uh that in the text messages i'm gonna follow her wow hey what if i could get her to come on for like 10 minutes once a week and I could ask her if I could call her Heidi in the future? It's just a full bit. That lady plays along with it. She's 74. Grandma is seven.
Starting point is 01:57:15 She's 74? Started jujitsu at 69 years old. Oh, my God. She's competed in a competition. She's a purple belt. Heidi in the future. That's very funny. Do you want to do the Chicago one before I have to?
Starting point is 01:57:37 Say that again? Sorry, I was looking at a text message. Do you want to do the Chicago one before I have to leave? Or do we just want to end it with zero reactions? Wait, wait, wait. Sorry. One more time. Canada. The clip was about to bring up about 15 minutes ago, 22 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:57:54 No clips at this point since I've already done. Just make it a full show of no clips or do you want to get a couple of them in real quick? Let's do... Yeah, we can do Canada. Here we go. Oh, this was in, this is good.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Play it? Okay. Yeah, go ahead. This big insecurity about the difference between Canadians and Americans, you know, and always trying to prove that there's a difference between Canadians and Americans. We're more polite and we're nicer and whatever. The real difference between Canadians and Americans, and I'll tell you what it is and nobody wants to say it, is because America was born through revolution.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Canada was born through compliance. Because the same thing was happening in canada as was happening in america at the time of the american revolution except that americans didn't want to take it anymore and they stood up to the greatest power the world has ever seen the largest army the world has ever seen and a bunch of farmers stood up with some muskets and said no we're not taking this anymore we are going to form the greatest democracy the world's ever seen and we're going to kick your and what happened in canada we just rolled over and took it and we begged the monarchy hey we'll pay your taxes we'll do all anything you want just please don't hurt us
Starting point is 01:59:12 in fact not a lot of people know this but canada wasn't considered an independent nation and didn't separate independently from britain until 1982 1982 now76. That's how far we took it. That's how long we capitulated and rolled over. 1982. And we still do it to this day. It's part of our culture. It's to sit back and take everything we can from the government and believe in our culture.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Do whatever they tell us because that is where we came from. That is our history. And that is the difference between America and Canada. history and that is the difference between America and Canada that was in response to kind of also what I added with the Emma the Emma Carey
Starting point is 01:59:55 speech that I gave in one of those shows that we did I want to play one more thing for you and I don't mean to pile on Canada although I don't care that I am I want you to see this this is justin trudeau this is justin trudeau in september of 2010 registering your guns is is just the first step towards taking away guns from everyone that's never going to happen because here in canada we have a culture that has grown up with guns and it respects the need. From today forward, it is no longer legal to buy, sell, or transfer a handgun in Canada. Effective immediately. It is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import, or use military.
Starting point is 02:00:53 This guy went from not wanting people to have to register guns in Canada to not wanting anyone to own a gun. Assault weapons in this country. Registering your guns is just the first step. What do you think happened to him? What the fuck do you think happened to him? What the fuck do you think happened to him? LDY2742, 499. Thoughts on L1 coaches at least being able to do all the movements hard to teach what you haven't learned to do yourself. Can you translate? What's that mean?
Starting point is 02:01:20 Thoughts on L1 coaches at least being able to do all the movements hard to teach what you haven't learned all the there must be a typo in there an autocad or something yeah something i i'm confused by that thoughts on l1 coaches at least being able to do all the movements hard so that they so that they can teach oh i, I got it. I got it. Um, basically it's saying like, uh, thoughts on L ones, being able to do all the movements because it's hard to teach it if you don't know how to do it yourself. What about the guy who's in a wheelchair who can't teach an air squat? I think, yeah. Um, I don't, I don't agree with that at all. I think that if you could see and you fundamentally understand the principles of the movements and you know,
Starting point is 02:02:10 the points of performance and you could tell the difference when it's correct and when it's not correct, that, that, that's basically all you need because you're kind of an outside perspective. Like you know, you could do the movement yourself, but you're not going to be able to have the same critical eye a coach would have on you. So as long as you know, all your points of performance, you know what you're looking for, you know, you could do the movement yourself, but you're not going to be able to have the same critical eye a coach would have on you. So as long as you know, all your points of performance, you know what you're looking for, you know, the principles and the mechanics, then I think that you could,
Starting point is 02:02:30 that you could teach it effectively without having to do it like a muscle. Listen to this comeback. This dude has no, I kind of admire this kind of thinking. Should you be a coach if you're in a wheelchair, just like all the, just go straight to the presupposition that I made. made the presupposition that yeah it's valid for someone and right there is where someone woke would get offended right oh about that even non-woke that's where that's where you get offended when someone questions your presupposition this dude just fucked me up licks he always is good is that a picture of the pope there what's his picture
Starting point is 02:03:02 yeah that's a picture of the pope this guy goes's his picture? Yeah, that's a picture of the Pope. This guy goes hard. I wonder what LIX stands for. Is that like Pope? Is that like what Pope we're on? Pope. Is that a Roman numeral for something? Is L one of the Roman numerals? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Did you put me on the spot? I don't know. LIX? But my answer to that question, should you be able to coach a funeral trip? Yes. Yes, you should. Yeah, take that, motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:03:30 The Last Great King. Oh, last L-I-X. St. Louis the 9th. Oh, interesting. Send me – how do I learn about that? Wikipedia. Caller, hi. Hey, Savant.
Starting point is 02:03:51 This is my first time calling in. I wanted to get in before Susan got off. Colton, we've had you on lots of times. What are you talking about? Oh, you think I sound like Colton Merton? Kind of. Kind of. You kind of do.
Starting point is 02:04:03 I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm not from Iowa or Nebraska or whatever. I've never been good. All my accents are all jumbled up in my head. Forgive me. Yeah, I'm actually eating. I'm working in your favorite city in the country right now. I work in Philadelphia. You don't like Philly?
Starting point is 02:04:19 Philly's a shithole. I've never been. Hey, man. Hey, man. I hope you're making lots of money. Don't leave your tools out, buddy. That shit will get stolen. Oh, dude, how did you know I have tools?
Starting point is 02:04:31 I am actually a contractor. Are you fucking kidding me? Listen, buddy, I know everything about you by that accent. You're wearing a belt that should have been thrown away Five years ago But fucking it's your belt And no one's taking it from you
Starting point is 02:04:48 No that's not true I wear a fancy They're called arcade belts They use them for skiing a lot They're stretchy so they're really nice Oh shit you wear a stretchy belt I would have never thought that God that's so feminine
Starting point is 02:05:03 Tell me the brand I'm going to bust you up right now Arcade belts Stretchy belt. I would have never thought that. God, that's so feminine. Tell me the brand. I'm going to bust you up right now. I want to look it up. Arcade belts. Arcade. It's like a skiing and snowboard brand. A stretchy belt. You're going to bust me up for being a snowboarder? You snowboard? I don't know you at all. I thought I knew you. I'm fucking nobody.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Yeah, I'm an eclectic person. I'm kind of a hick, but I also snowboarded mountain bike and rock climb and do all the weird shit too. That is a nice belt actually. National Parks has a collection badge on them too. Look at you. I got the cheap one that was on sale.
Starting point is 02:05:40 It's covered in dirt. I would have never thought you had a recycling bin at your house, but I'm starting to think you do. I do. Yeah, all right. I do. All right. So my question, the reason I was like really excited to call in for the first time is the previous caller was talking about his construction worker stepfather not needing to work out,
Starting point is 02:06:05 but then talking about fat people in construction. And I see a lot of the same thing. I mean, I work for myself, so it's just me and one other guy. But I've worked with tons of people who are super unhealthy, even though they have active jobs. And I used to belong to a gym across the gym, which I really enjoyed going to. But my personal experience
Starting point is 02:06:26 was um and i was interested to see what how suza felt about this or what he would have to say as like a gym owner and a coach who like who really wants people to stick to like the class programming and stuff i've heard him speak about that and my experience at my gym was that like i would have if i had hard days at work like exercise normally will make my body feel better if my body's beat up after work and i felt like we did a lot like we did tons of high volume squatting and like hinging like whether it's cleans or deadlifts or whatever that like even at lower weights like if i do a ton of like hinging and picking up of objects at work during the day for me that like my back can't handle that hinge volume without getting blown up for like the rest
Starting point is 02:07:11 of the week and it basically drove me out of doing crossfit in the gym and into just doing it at my house by myself because because i would speak to the owner and the other coaches there about it and i would basically get like zero support to like, like basically I would get told to like, Oh, well, I mean, if you, if you have a problem with it, you can go off in the corner and like do your own thing. And that, and you know, and for the money I was paying, like that kind of drove me out of the gym. I don't know if, uh,
Starting point is 02:07:39 That's some good advice you're giving right there, by the way, that's great fucking affiliate advice. I have a question and this is what I would ask back closer closer to the mic i think uh susan sorry i have a the question i would ask to you back if i was the owner of that gym would have said what what does um what does a good answer to you look like like what do you want to hear to me i'm not looking i really i'm looking for some advice right because I have, like I went to school for exercise science, um, and then ultimately just stuck in the trades. Um, and so like I have some like background knowledge,
Starting point is 02:08:12 but I don't consider myself an expert coach in any way. And, and so like for me, like I was just looking for some way, like, like I don't know if maybe I'm like, I didn't know if maybe my hinge pattern was wrong. If I'm like weak and deficient in certain areas if it's just over fatigue that's like caught like you know what i mean because it's like i enjoy doing crossfit and i like doing like really like fun crossfit workouts and i like doing cleans and all that stuff but i just felt like it was like i couldn't find a way
Starting point is 02:08:40 to not blow up my back especially after because you know some days we have a in days we're moving a bunch of doors or a bunch of windows or a bunch of heavy lumber and your posterior chain is already somewhat fatigued and then you come in and you have to do you know like we had like we would have let me stop right there again off in the weed so the reason why i asked you that question is to just kind of tune into what are you looking for right so right really say you you were like i'm not sure if my hinge pattern is off so then i would have said immediately like hey let's check that out next time you deadlift i'm going to keep you low we're going to cut the reps in half we're going to see if that helps you with the residual
Starting point is 02:09:13 and then i would immediately go to hey because of the nature of your job you want to do crossfit long term like what is your protocol look like like are you stretching at night do you have an extra 15 minutes after each class that you could do some stretch for your hips and for your low back or why not suze i tell you here's what i think he wants he wants people to be like okay we understand uh you can still work out with the group we're going to scale this for you here and instead of having you do a hinge pattern because we know you were bending down picking up nails all day we're going to have you do uh uh hangs so when the other you're gonna hang for 20 he just wanted someone to fucking like scale it either scale or modify it for him
Starting point is 02:09:50 for his it's just like it's just like if you if you knew that one of your clients was a wrestler instead of having to maybe do burpees right before a match you had him do something else that was really sports specific or you know what i mean it's like is that what you wanted you just want to look hey i'm paying fucking 150 bucks a month how about cater to help me out here help a brother out not put me in the corner right yeah that's yeah kind of like that yeah don't put me in the corner because i was going you know i go to cross it like to be you know to feel super healthy and strong like like for my job right like i feel like if i because i still will do cross at home i still will lift weights at home like i'll do a lot of rdls instead of regular deadlifts like i feel
Starting point is 02:10:29 like rdls really like don't impede my back as much as they do crazy but they hit my crazy but i still get like the hamstring and the glutes aspect but it's not very good movement to sub in in like a metcon scenario you know like if you have like a ton of hang clean, like, or whatever, it said like, you're not going to do a bunch of RDLs, I guess, like wouldn't really make sense. But for me, that stuff makes me feel better and stronger to do my job where like all the other things that I enjoy doing. So that was my thing with that.
Starting point is 02:10:59 It's like, I enjoy CrossFit. I don't want, I wanted to improve my experience and the other things I do in my life, not impede my ability and the other things I do with my life. Yeah, a hundred percent. And that's kind of why I started with that question, because in that way, if you could tell us what like success after the workout looks like, feels like for you, what, what you feel like you're missing or how we can help, then we could start to plug in whatever is needed, whether it's looking at the movement, whether it's reducing the volume, whether
Starting point is 02:11:24 it's, you know, changing the time. So you end a little sooner, whether it's changing the movement is needed whether it's looking at the movement whether it's reducing the volume whether it's you know changing the time so you end a little sooner whether it's changing the movement altogether or whether it's helping you out with a little bit of a stretching and recovery after the workout that you do at the gym before you leave so that's what that's yeah yeah i'm surprised they didn't i'm definitely yeah and i think that like i think it'd be interesting to see like i don't know like i didn't meet a lot of people in the trades and in construction when i was in the gym when i was in like the two different cross the gyms that i've gone to um i don't know if that's like because of the intensity of the workout sometimes don't cater to like like how guys are feeling post work or if it's just like the attitude and the laziness of guys who work in the trade sometimes like you know they're just like the guy was saying like they just want to eat
Starting point is 02:12:08 like shit and drink beer after work they don't want to like take care of themselves for real right yeah caller thank you all right well that's pretty much what i got okay guys um i i eaten beaver ten dollars i know you have to go do you have to go do you know what this before you go do you know what this is in reference to? He has to be 23, no injuries. And as one of the guys that everyone admires and hates, and when he's in his forties, we'll rethink everything he thought in his twenties. Damn.
Starting point is 02:12:33 I wish I knew what that was. I don't know what that's a reference to. That might be in reference, like the coaching question of like, could, should you be able to do all the, the, I think this was before, I think this was before the question. Anyway. Okay. Yeah. All right. Thanks, Susie. Okay. Can you stay on? Yeah. Just. Anyway, okay. Yeah. All right. Thanks, Sousa.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Okay. Can you stay on? Yeah, just for a few minutes. Yeah. I always get jealous when I have to leave. I understand. I don't blame you. I'll talk to you later. All right. Thanks for being here. Bye, guys. Bye.
Starting point is 02:12:57 Look at – yeah, Kenneth. All right. Great call. Good dude. But Sousa has to leave. Yeah. Go take your L1. Yeah, okay. I did have my plumber. I got him into CrossFit. Does someone have a plumber? A guy who did a lot of plumbing work at my house. I sent him to CrossFit. He works his ass off.
Starting point is 02:13:17 I think he makes a shitload of money too. He got a bunch of trucks in the neighborhood I see. he got a bunch of trucks in the neighborhood I see. During the call, I got a call from my bank, from one of my credit cards, and I'm kind of tripping. That means like it was, like someone tried to use it or something.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Like it was a security breach. I kind of wish i would have answered it uh the guy oh the guy and that the guy that l1 oh oh oh oh oh i see what you're saying should someone in a wheelchair be if you can't do the movements, should you be able to get your L1? And you're saying he has to be 23 with no injuries and is one of the guys that everyone admires and hates. Oh, right, right. And when he's in his mid-40s, he'll rethink that. Oh, yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 02:14:15 The guy who's saying should you not get your L1, be an L1 coach unless you can do all the movements. Yeah, that's fair. That's a great answer, Eden. That's a good postulate. Postulate? Hypothesis? Examination? movements yeah that's fair that's a great answer eaten that's a good uh or good uh postulate postulate hypothesis examination what do you guys want to do i kind of want to um i kind of want to um oh you want to see something crazy i'll show you something crazy. Okay, so the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue has a – for 2023, one of them is a tranny named Kim Petras. And she calls herself or he calls himself, whatever you want to – however you want to do it, the Throat Goat. So this is the Sports Illustrated 2023. There's like three or four of them.
Starting point is 02:15:13 Oh, yeah, you guys can see it. There's like three or four of them. Of these Sports Illustrated cover model people. And this is one of them, and it's a dude named Kim Petras. This used to be a boy, and now it's a girl. And listen to this song. Some of you probably want to, like, not be on when you hear this. Listen to this.
Starting point is 02:15:39 I can take it all. Nothing big or small. If you hear me walk, I'm the throat goat. I'm a throat goat. That's Kim Petras' song. That's the Sports Illustrated swimsuit. Oh, that's at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2023 party. He performed there. 23 party he performed there no gag reflex
Starting point is 02:16:10 fuck nuts come a long way Sports Illustrated I guess stewart is one of them this year too the throat goat uh even be called back the bank caller it's spam and let's have fun no i don't think so i think i i don't think that was spam i't think that was spam. I get a lot of spam during the show, a lot of spam calls. I don't think that was spam for some reason. I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:16:54 All right. Then here's a piece on real women. Then here's a piece on real women. If you're interested in real women, there's kind of a – on the other end of the spectrum, that was a fake woman. That was a man dressed as a woman talking about how good he – a throat goat, for those of you who don't know. Everyone here knows what that means, throat goat then there's this this dude well i'm not a misogynist because a misogynist is someone that puts down women i exalt women to their rightful role women are supposed to be women not men and every time somebody says that a woman is equal to a man and does what a man could do it
Starting point is 02:17:41 you're you're actually abusing and and denigrating women women have a unique uh purpose and they're special they're fearfully and wonderfully made by god i support women so i'm not a misogynist i don't put that you're putting down women by saying women can be men you're putting down women by saying transgenders can be women no they can never be women women are special and no man can just convert to a woman today. You're putting down women by saying that. So you're actually anti-women. I'm pro-women. I'm pro-mothers, I'm pro-wives, and I'm pro-women.
Starting point is 02:18:16 First of all, I'm... So there's the other side there's there's the there's dudes that become women who are yeah who become the greatest in the world at fellatio and then there's just dudes who just got another take on women
Starting point is 02:18:38 and there's some probably some shit in the middle you guys are gonna like this too this one's great you guys are gonna love this uh i i really wish this clip was like 40 minutes long and we could just watch like a hundred of these these would be so good we could do a hundred of these uh manny spiegel uh uh seve a throat coat will let you shove your cock down their windpipe uh yeah i i didn't i i understand oh future heidi uh what what does throat goat mean seriously jesus crime any i don't want to talk about it i mean i do want to talk to talk about it, but over a beer, not on the podcast. Throat coat means you're like the world's greatest at chugging cock.
Starting point is 02:19:30 Like you're just a crazy cock handler. And especially with your mouth. Exclusively with your mouth. Not exclusively. You must use your mouth in order to be the throat coat. I don't think you could jerk someone off um that wasn't gonna slide huh oh my goodness just fucking i just poor heidi i'm just so excited i can't wait to see that lady's account and like do a bit with heidi every every show it's to be or at least once a week uh i knew you'd give it a say give in and say it yeah
Starting point is 02:20:12 all right okay so this so this is pretty good this is uh do you think trump is a racist this is this is here we go they should someone someone should make 100 of these. This should be a whole series. Maybe it is. You think Trump is a racist? He said some racist. He's done some racist things. He probably is racist. Yeah, because people don't believe I tell him like Trump is a racist and they don't believe it. So like this is one of the things he said before the election. He says you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. You can't be like saying racist like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:55 You know what I mean? You're like a presidential candidate and you're like on like a national broadcast. You can't be like saying racist like that. Yeah. They got to be professionals pretty much what you're saying. Yeah. Like be professional. If you say you have to have an indian accent to go into a 7-eleven you're not supposed to be president let's get that clear you're a racist so do you think i don't know first of all i don't even know how that's so much of this doesn't even make sense to me but but i but i still like it uh black people voting for democrats i haven't seen this i haven't gone to this account before black people voting for
Starting point is 02:21:30 democrats is like slaves hoping their overseers protect them from slave slavers whips and chains yeah that's a um that is accurate black people voting for Democrats is like slaves hoping their overseers protect them. They're not even trying to hide that. I mean, that's what they said. That was the whole shtick. That was the whole shtick, that the North were bad guys because if we set the slaves free, they would die. Let's see this. Is it odd that Mike Pence is literally the only person in trump's
Starting point is 02:22:06 orbit that the fbi hasn't investigated why is that wow wow i never even thought of that okay that's enough uh conspiracy theory for me for today even thought of that. Okay, that's enough conspiracy theory for me for today. I never even thought of that. That's not really, my brain doesn't even work like that. Oh. This one's great. This is great. Great. I bring this to you so that you understand – so that we understand discernment and trusting your own perspective.
Starting point is 02:23:00 Discernment and trusting your own judgment, your own eyes, your own ears, your own experiences. Trust your own experiences. Trust your own experiences. Does it make sense to you to force an injection on the entire U.S. military from potentially a sickness that came from what supposedly our biggest enemy? Like something's not right, right? Like you're like, hold on, put the brakes on that. Let's sit down. Let's chill for a second and see what happens, especially for a sickness that doesn't kill men
Starting point is 02:23:33 between the ages of zero and 25, which is what predominantly our military is full of. So I'm just using that as an example. Why would you do that? Why would you inject all of these men who have no chance of dying from something that possibly could have came from our enemy? It's just – in no way in hell does it make sense. You don't have to make an opinion or anything, but you've got to just hit the brakes. Are you telling me I should get off? I'm done?
Starting point is 02:24:00 Except on your breakfast, it's getting cold on the countertop? And holy shit, that's crazy that you said that because it probably is. But my feelings are hurt. Okay, this is so great. This is Seattle, people. This is Seattle. people this is Seattle they're trying to
Starting point is 02:24:25 convince people that it's okay that someone smokes fentanyl heroin weed on a public bus they're trying to make it okay to fucking smoke drugs on a public bus imagine sitting there with your child
Starting point is 02:24:41 on the bus. But how is anyone a Democrat? How the fuck is anyone a Democrat? Here we go. There were 1,885 reports of drug use on buses in 2022. 52 bus operators reported being exposed to smoke from drugs and 16 bus drivers filed for workman's comp due to chemical exposure. This isn't secondhand smoke.
Starting point is 02:25:09 This is smoke being lit on aluminum foil that's coming directly into the air that us bus drivers are breathing. And it makes me really, really sick. Amazingly, some King County health officials seem to suggest it isn't a problem at all. We're not seeing folks developing secondhand exposure from touching from, you know, this is just. She's defending. She's defending smoking drugs on the bus in Seattle. It's not happening. In a metro transit.
Starting point is 02:25:42 You know, at that point, you just got to put on the brakes with everything. Oh, something's not right here. Right. Like you, you just know something's not right. Like, wait a second.
Starting point is 02:25:51 She's, she's defending smoking drugs on a bus. Meeting last year, Thea Oliphant Wells from King County public health said there's no data to suggest fentanyl smoke is a hazard to riders or drivers. There's no data that shows that smoking fentanyl on the bus is a hazard to riders or drivers. There's no data. And in fact, she said smoking in public is safer for the fentanyl user.
Starting point is 02:26:18 It's safer for the fentanyl user to smoke on the bus. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Well, to be using in a place where if they overdose, they can be discovered. According to the health department's website, there's no real risk for the everyday person being exposed to secondhand opioid smoke. For a week, we've asked to speak with the health department, but they declined an interview despite their claims that media gets it wrong when covering fentanyl dangers. We have so much false reporting around fentanyl. There's a lot of misinformation that's out there. So I just tell you this. Do you think that this so when you're
Starting point is 02:27:04 weighing whether you should vote Democrat or Republican, remember, you don't have to like the Republicans. When you want to live next door to a Christian or someone who cringes at the word Christianity, you don't have to like Christians. You just have to be like, what's going to make society better? What's going to make it safer for me to walk to the store For my kids to ride the bus For me to be able to like stay out late night In the park Is it these fucking people? Or this bitch? This is nuts
Starting point is 02:27:40 I can't even believe this is real again It's for the drug users They're looked out for first They're looked out for first. They're looked out for first. Go build us another fucking George Floyd memorial, why don't you? Imagine being melanated and that being a huge part of your identity. Not only are you black, but you're like, yeah, I'm a black man or I'm a black woman. And you're so fucking proud of it. I'm an Armenianmenian man and i'm i'm so proud of it and
Starting point is 02:28:07 oh yeah i'm so proud and that's cool i get it you know part of me i have a little bit of that in me i'm so proud to be armenian i'm so proud to be black or whatever and then all of a sudden uh the the the poster child for your group is george floyd or michael brown or brianna taylor holy fuck i would be so fucking pissed your group is George Floyd or Michael Brown or Breonna Taylor. Holy fuck. I would be so fucking pissed. I would be so pissed. Didn't we already establish we got fucking Denzel Thomas. So well,
Starting point is 02:28:39 I'm so glad. I'm so glad that that lady in Seattle isn't parading around as a fucking typical white person or an Armenian short Armenian guy what a fucking mess trust your own discernment
Starting point is 02:28:59 people just trust trust yourself like someone like don't be like well the data shows that it's perfectly okay to smoke fentanyl on the bus. No, thank you. Jay-Z got a $200 million house. Did you guys see that? Most expensive house ever sold in the United States. $200 million. Oh, you know what's crazy? Two hundred. Oh.
Starting point is 02:29:27 Oh, you know what's crazy? Jay-Z. Oh, shit. These two stories got mixed up together. I have this other, there's a guy named Jay Moran, Jaw Moran. You guys know who that is? NBA star. Signed a $200 million contract. And he's been flashing a gun. This is like his third time he's flashed a gun at a strip club. Crazy.
Starting point is 02:29:55 Anyway, I got my two stories mixed up because of $200 million. Oh, you guys are sending me text messages. Oh, the prosecutor for George Floyd just wrote a book I wonder if that's worth reading what happened to the guy what was the guy's name who was accused of killing him convicted of killing him what happened to him I got my notes all fucked up here of killing him? What happened to him?
Starting point is 02:30:23 I got my notes all fucked up here. You guys all know the difference between jelly and jam? I'm not doing this one either. Never mind. I know you guys know that one. Alright, I'm done. My breakfast is waiting for me. Number 10, being a parent. I got all my notes here i got spoiled because suzu was here oh here it is god let's finish with this this is so good oh my god this is so good here we go this is fun this is fun here we go uh he said he says don't push your kids i'm here kids to do anythingushing means you're standing behind him, pushing him forward.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Don't push. Pull. Pulling means I'm going, come with me. So you have to create a lifestyle that children find irresistible. A lifestyle that they want to follow and want to run to keep up with you. Don't push. Don't push kids to do anything. Pushing means you're standing behind him, pushing him forward. Don't push. Pull.
Starting point is 02:31:35 Pulling means I'm going, come with me. So you have to create a lifestyle that children find irresistible. Create a lifestyle that children find irresistible. Create a lifestyle that children find irresistible. It's fucking awesome. Fucking awesome. To do that, you have to raise your kids, by the way. You have to actually raise your kids. The political prisoner Derek Chauvin, serving time, appealing to conviction. Yeah, that's the way. You have to actually raise your kids. The political prisoner Derek Chauvin, serving time, appealing to conviction.
Starting point is 02:32:06 Yeah, that's the way I see him. Buster Hyman, eventually Chauvin will get overturned and hell on earth will break out. Yeah, I think it'll get overturned too also. All right. Thanks, guys. Great show. It does look like we picked up probably
Starting point is 02:32:27 over 100 live viewers throughout the show maybe 200 today after that storm of semi-finals talk boy this really felt like a crossfit show for the longest time i was trying to fight making this a crossfit show or not maybe i should just fucking accept it this is a crossfit podcast i don't know maybe maybe it's good that i fight it that tension um is good jody hi no i gotta i gotta go i'm doing a show tonight with ty emory it's gonna be good it's gonna be really good she's uh she's a fighter uh professional fight league fighter pfl it's gonna be a great show. Lean in. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:33:07 I know. That's good advice, Pedro. Yeah, you guys killed it. Jessica Valenzuela, we're promoting you on the scene. I know. Absolutely. I can't thank you guys enough.
Starting point is 02:33:24 It was great. All right. Love you guys uh have a great day party hard uh walk barefoot uh be in the sun um turn down uh eating something bad and uh do something nice uh for someone um i actually meant to that's one of the things i wanted to be a theme for people to call in if you if there's nice things that you're doing for people i always like to hear the stories or like incidents you had where you did something nice for someone, picked up a stranger, helped someone at the counter buying something when they didn't have enough cash, all that stuff that just makes people get a little faith in humanity. change someone's tire, all that shit. I love those stories. And so do that. Be cool. As Gandhi said, be the change you want to see, be the example you want to see in the world. Remember that, hold that tight to your chest. Eat pizza and do drugs. No, no, not eat pizza and do drugs. Okay, bye.

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