The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Greg Glassman Calls In #897

Episode Date: May 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Oh, son of a bitch. I just saw that this show will not be recorded on the back end. Damn it. Sousa, if you're listening, we've got to make space on the back end damn it uh suza if you're listening we gotta uh make space on the back end we have to erase old shows it looks like we're so we're so full on our stream yard uh
Starting point is 00:00:53 storage uh fuck i hope this one records to youtube if this show gets banned there will be no there'll be no proof oh i guess we'll be on rum oh no we're not even going to rumble this morning what a mess this morning is good morning everyone good morning caleb or suza if you're listening we got to go on the back end on stream yard and just erase a ton of stuff a ton of stuff there's so much good stuff on that back end we just need to download it um i mean i guess we have backups all over the places that we uh stream to twitter facebook twitch uh rumble i got an interesting text just now
Starting point is 00:01:34 very interesting you know what's interesting about it is someone was saying that uh this is what someone said to me they said um i think it's okay to read this online. I'm not going to say who sent it to me, but it says, Sevan, if you've heard 22 specific people have been fired, which I did by name, I got the same number from someone else, and that really is 20%. So I don't know how many people they had working there, but I think that they had more – I think they had more than 100 people working there. I think another 20 got fired that I don't know their names or I don't know who they
Starting point is 00:02:07 are, but what's crazy about that is then the person goes on to write crazy to think that if your media team between employees and contractors was 100, um, and that there's only a hundred people working there now. Yeah, that that's true, which shows you how different the companies are. But the real big difference is, like I said before, like I said yesterday, you have to understand that this used to be a company that was on a mission to do something. Like, for instance, stop the killing of whales. And now it's a company that's trying to make money with the image that they are trying to stop the killing of whales. Two totally fucking different things. And that's not a dig.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's just the facts. That's how I see them. I think I'm 99% correct about that. But I'm open. I'm not completely closed-minded. Another thing that I found fascinating yesterday was someone in the comments mentioned that their former head of DEI had said in a meeting that I was a man full of hatred. Can you imagine that your job is diversity, equity and inclusion?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Um, diversity clearly for their terms is to pick people based on the way they look or whose genitalia they want in their mouth or all of those things. Those are the criteria. It's not like, um, you wouldn't choose someone. Um, let sure that they were alert. I would give them some tests for situational awareness. I would make sure that they knew maybe some basic first aid, that they were strong enough to hold a sign up for – I would test their strength for one-arm hold. Do they have kids themselves? What's their experience in that neighborhood and understanding the traffic? There are all sorts of shit like that, right? What's their experience in that neighborhood and understanding the traffic?
Starting point is 00:04:04 There are all sorts of shit like that, right? But this lady would pick a cross guard based on – they might pick a cross guard for your kids based on the fact that this person is a tranny, their skin color, and shit like that. That was Elena Moreno, and she says, I'm full of hatred, right? So first of all, we know just outright she's a blatant, I don't know what the fucking word is. It's something, it's a racist on steroids. And then second of all, she works for a company where I've made thousands of pieces of content with gay people, black women men everyone glorifying
Starting point is 00:04:49 them never once thinking of those things glorifying them think of all the people i helped compared to absolutely fucking insane. That's how off the woke Orazzi is. She makes a living enforcing discrimination. And it's not even on my radar. I need to get James Townsend's phone number. I need to get James Townsend's phone number. I thought I had James Townsend's phone number and I don't have it in my phone. So if anyone could DM it to me.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I want to ask him about that post he made yesterday. I really want to go off on it. The comments in there, you want to see just a bunch of fucking racist people. Look at the comments in that fucking post. Holy shit. I want to go off on it right now, but I want to wait till James is in here and hear his perspective. I think we have like totally different perspectives on what happened there. happened there james doesn't i don't think james once says in the post that he thinks that those people called on him because of his skin color but let me just say this no one thinks that black people are involved in child trafficking that's a you're that's a european men exclusive uh when we think of who's doing a child child trafficking with with the sprinkle of latinos from south of the border i think there's
Starting point is 00:06:28 there's people oh man i you got to see this is what people in there are writing they just jumped to the conclusion that the cops uh james townsend's black um there there's people in there who jumped to the conclusion that he was called on because he was black i call him for that fucking escalade before it was like no one no one thinks that you're fucking stealing children if you're black. Sorry. And the fact that people are jumping to that conclusion and then – they're just screaming how fucking racist they are, how they walk around and think like that. It's crazy. Bizarre. So I thought you were going to send me your phone number. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:07:19 How would I send it to you? Through Instagram? to you through Instagram? If the cops arrest someone and you walk up to them, if the cops, let's say the cops arrest one of your friends and then you walk up to them and say, hey, you know, they just arrested you because you're black. And you have zero evidence of that. Do you know what that says about yourself? Do you know what you just said? You just fucking admitted that you arrest people,
Starting point is 00:07:55 you think that black people should be arrested. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You just said that. There's no other way that could have gotten to your mind mind if you didn't see a piece of paper that was like uh from the head of the police department arrest all black people if you have no evidence of that then you then you basically just outed yourself as being the racist i know some people have trouble under because they can't see their thoughts they have trouble seeing where their thoughts come from. So they even trick themselves. They think they're being nice. But you're not. You're outing yourself. You're outing yourself. It's fucking a trip. Owens' whole shtick, by the way.
Starting point is 00:08:43 She knows that. That was Malcolm X's whole thing at the end of his life. He finally fucking realized it. Oh, shit. And not only that, when those people write in the comments to James, oh, shit, that happened to you because you're black, do you know what they're doing? They're not only letting you know that they're
Starting point is 00:09:02 racist, but they're also insisting that you see the world that way. And that's the virtue signaling component. That's the subtle bullying. Make sure that as a black man, you see yourself as the victim. That's what they're – they're demanding that. That's what they're – they're demanding that. Melissa Odie or Sevan, you've got to drop the Craig Ritchie look.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That little bun is awful. Thank you. It is – I don't think I'm a contrarian. I'm just – I just understand how your brain works. I just understand how the brain works. I just understand how the brain works. David Weed, what Melissa said. I'm just... All the brains just work the same. Everyone's brain, it's the same mechanism.
Starting point is 00:09:55 There's one. There's just one. They all work the same way. There's no wood chipper where you throw someone in and they don't get killed. It's all the same mechanism. Heidi Kroom, I think it's hot, Seve. I know, but I really, I don't want to ruin David Weed's fantasies. I don't want to ruin, Heidi, I don't want to ruin David's fantasies.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Okay. Anyway, fun show yesterday. I enjoyed doing that. i like having them on because really the whole time i'm just holding back i'm just holding back of just some crazy shit that i want to share yeah you're always welcome to cheer me up I just woke up I mean I didn't just wake up I woke up an hour and 14 minutes ago yeah I was edging
Starting point is 00:11:10 good morning Trish good morning Mike good morning Jessica I got if you pick any I got a little tense Jake because I realized that there's like some housekeeping that hasn't been done, but it's just my OCD, which is like pretty strong in the mornings.
Starting point is 00:11:31 In the mornings, it's when it's worst. It's when it's worst. Okay. I have some fun stuff for you guys. I think it's fun. Excuse me. I guess yesterday when we were live, my friends this morning were letting me know that when I was live yesterday, Craig Ritchie was also live and he had twice as many live viewers. Maybe that's why I'm better.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Okay. Those aren't my notes live call in show there we are let's start with something fascinating absolutely fascinating I've never heard of a man with like two legitimate penises and by two legitimate ones I mean ones that work
Starting point is 00:12:18 but look at this the daily mail by Emily Craig senior health reporter. I've got two vaginas. I use one for porn and the other for my husband. And it's this lady. Go figure.
Starting point is 00:12:39 She's covered in tattoos. Evelyn Miller, 31, from Australia, was diagnosed with uterus it did a diddle diddle feist diddle fizz diddle feist in 2011 diagnosed can you be diagnosed with two vaginas I don't think that's the right word of diagnose I don't think that's the proper usage of diagnosis I don't think you're diagnosed with two vaginas right you either have two vaginas or you don't have two vaginas. You're not diagnosed with that. It means she has double uterus, two sets of ovaries and two vaginas.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Can you imagine if you had two penises, four balls, and... Yeah, that's crazy. Fascinating. The mother of two now earns 12 000 pounds a week on her only fans and porn hub you can earn money on porn hub a rare condition gave the 31 year old a double uterus two sets of ovaries and two vaginas that are fully functional married mother
Starting point is 00:13:40 of two is anxious to open up about her condition with sexual partners but has now learned to embrace it. This mother who used to work as an escort now earns $12,000 a week on OnlyFans and Pornhub through videos of solo and partner sex, including with other men. I don't know why anyone would care that she has two vaginas doesn't i think three breasts would be more interesting um laying bare her reality with condition she says it doesn't feel like cheating as she has one vagina for work and the other for play holy shit yeah uh two penises but one always stays flaccid. Sean Lenderman, you have two penises, but one always stays flaccid. Well, there you go. So fucking, fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:38 But I don't understand this. How are you diagnosed with that? Right? That's not the – look at the girl she had tattooed on her side. She has a girl tattooed on her side that has two black eyes. Anyway. I don't think – honestly, from people from the outside, from the outside world, those of us who don't – who aren't on OnlyFans or don't do porn or don't do escort services or all that, I don't think we draw a big distinction between those jobs. between those those jobs like if you used to be an escort and now you're on only fans and then or you're on pornhub like for those of us from the outside world that's all kind of the same thing
Starting point is 00:15:29 it's like stripping and prostitution i don't think most of us like i don't think they're like for me it's just there's no distinction for me it's like there's a sheriff and there's police and there's state trooper and like to, it's all the same. Like I, like, I don't, I, you're, you, you have a gun and you give tickets and you're supposed to like keep, you're supposed to keep people like George Floyd off the streets. That's, I mean, um, so I think the, uh, I think the, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. J. I'm going to, uh, I'm going to have to research this. Research what? Yeah, troopers are going to troop. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Okay. All right, so I think that starts the morning off strong. I apologize. I feel bad. I feel – when Jake said you feel like you have to cheer me up, I feel like I came in with some low energy. I feel bad. I feel when Jake said, you feel like you have to cheer me up. I feel like I came in with some low energy. That's not what I want to do. That's not, that's not, that's not, that's not what I want to do. I don't want, I don't want you guys to feel like you need to do anything for me. I'm here to do something for you.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Uh, this next clip is, uh, is one of the things that, um that bothers me about the word equity. I do think that I'm better than some people, a lot of people. And what do I mean by better? I don't mean better looking. I don't mean smarter. I don't mean more talented. I don't mean more capable. I don't mean more capable I just mean one simple thing that my contribution to humanity is greater than theirs that I leave rooms that I enter cleaner than when I left that I do when I'm walking
Starting point is 00:17:16 around in public I'm staying in my lane that I add value to where I go that I don't need people to cheer me up that I add value to where I go, that I don't need people to cheer me up, that I give more than I take, or at least that that's at least bare minimum, that's my goal. And in that regard, I do think I'm better than a lot of people. And I don't think everyone deserves the same shit i think if
Starting point is 00:17:49 you're a fucking shit bag and you're laying down in front of someone's doorway of their uh of their small business that they're using to put food on the table for their kids and you're laying in that entryway shooting drugs i think i'm better better than you. I really do. I do play chess. I don't think I'm better than anyone at chess. And I think I'm better than these people that I'm about to show you. These, this, to me, these are, and I'm not saying that they can't, they can't be better than me. I can't, I'm not going to say that these people can't be better than me. I'm not going to say that these people can't be better than me. I'm not saying that these people can't reach the level I'm at or surpass it in terms of my contribution to humanity.
Starting point is 00:18:36 But in the current state of things, I'm better than these people. This is a despicable showing of life, I think. Look at this. 12 daily doses. How can you leave the room cleaner than when you left when you denounce an entire group of people as mentally ill and show them zero support as human beings? I have no idea what you're talking about, and I've done more for mentally ill people than you will ever do in your next 1,200 lifetimes. I ran a homeless shelter for two years out of my fucking house. I ran a home for mentally disabled adults for five years, started as the lowest rung there and promoted to running the place with 20 employees,
Starting point is 00:19:29 including daily taking kids with, adults with Down syndrome to go swimming to their doctor's appointments, cooking them food, cleaning up their shit, wiping their asses. Did all that. Bathing grown men,
Starting point is 00:19:43 bathing dingleberries out of grown asses who are stuck in wheelchairs like fucking this. Stuff you would never even fucking, you couldn't even fucking do. And I did it with love and pleasure and I enjoyed it. I wore gloves, rubber gloves. I'm guilty. It just didn't want to poop on me. guilty. It just didn't want to poop on me.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, you have fucking no fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're a fucking moron. Get the fuck out of here. Fucking cunt. Okay, so look at these people look at these people are not this guy's excited this guy is on tv and he's excited um thank you olivia thank you yeah yeah yeah he helped retards bro yes thank you i appreciate it and that should be, yeah. He helped retards, bro. Yes, thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:20:46 That should be a great shirt. I helped retards. I think I lost a little fucking brain capacity working. Like, you're just surrounded by retards all day, and you get a little dumber. It's like if you're around smart people all the time, you get a little smarter. These people are excited. You guys were telling me about this show right were they announced when it comes to two-year-old serenity alfonso you are not
Starting point is 00:21:13 i can't tell what's happening that's his current girlfriend who's excited that her boyfriend is not the father of the other kids is that these people have come on tv to do this this is amazing in the case of four-month-old royal harold look at they're celebrating that he's not the father of this fucking four-month-year-old child you are not now he's yelling at the lady saying like he got exonerated i guess from his perspective that he is not the father of the child but now he's yelling at the lady who's crying who found out he's not the child but want of the father but wanted him to be the father i can't believe these i can't believe these are humans in the case of four- old Brandon Gary you are not
Starting point is 00:22:25 and what's it with the fingernails of all of these people on this show in the audience I am done at the end those are just kids those are just kids. Those are just kids. Yeah, being a parent is not like that at all. There's no – I can't – there's no selfishness. I was thinking about this the other day, about the difference. There's – I have a lot of friends, and I see the husband and wife.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Um, there's, I have a lot of friends and I see the husband and wife, um, basically they keep score of who's taking care of the kids, right? So that, you know, the, the, I'll hear the father say, Hey, I was just home with the kids all day. Um, and now, uh, can you watch them so I can go, um, watch the football game or I'll hear the mother say, Hey, I was with the kids all day and now I want to go work out. Can you watch them? And they're keeping this tally and the kids become this this component in their life that they if you put in the time with the kids then you get rewarded to do something else and i and there's
Starting point is 00:23:35 always like this weird tension there with those families that are doing that uh adam blakesley uh if you step on if you were on more maury poovich, you'd have your nails done too. Oh, I, okay. I understand. Like if I was going to a wedding, I'd wear tux. All right. Yeah. I get my fucking man bun tightened up a little bit. Uh, okay. Fair enough. Um, thank you for giving me perspective on that. Um, so, so this, uh, So this – my wife and I don't do that. My wife and I – I've never felt that from my wife. My wife and I are in a different kind of competition. I want to do more.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So like last night, right before I did the podcast, like an hour before, my wife said something. She's like, ooh, I'm pooped or something. I can't remember. She had a long day. And I go, hey, I can cancel the podcast and stay with the kids. Like we compete to see who can do the most with the kids. We're never, we're never keeping score for who can get, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I watched them on Saturday and Sunday this week. So next week and I can go away with my friends to Las Vegas. Can you watch the kids? We don't fucking ever. We never, never do that. That's not what parenting is about. Now, granted, yes. The one thing I've learned is sometimes you really do need space from your kids and you might not realize it. And I've been in that position.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I'm in that position all the time. Every time I get space from my kids, I'm like, wow, this is fucking amazing. I really like being alone. But I never hold that, never hold that against my fucking, I want to, I want to spend, I want to win the competition with my wife who did the most for their kids. Yeah, Jake Chapman, I can't stand being away from my kids i can't stand it either i can't stand it but but but you've seen it right jake you know what i'm talking about those parents who are like it's always those kids have become they're everywhere those kids have become okay i watch them now so now i'm gonna go i get an hour to go play tennis it's like dude if you're the fucking father and your wife wants to fucking go play tennis and you have to take care of the kids, you should be happy.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Your wife is getting fit. She's getting happy, and you got the kids. If you're not in that, then – and you can trick yourself. Rework your reality. Rethink that shit. Rework it. Trick yourself. Rework your reality. Rethink that shit. Rework it. Mike McCaskey, when you've raised five kids as long as I have, you'll love the free time.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, I hear you. And that is one thing I realize. Whenever I – there are times like where my mom just takes them and all three kids are gone. I'm like, whoa whoa this is dope uh jake chapman my wife and i acknowledge when each other needs to have uh our own space and politely tell each other to go and have a coffee or to the gym yeah yeah totally i agree with that too uh karen thompson love you sebi you've always been the most incredible and consistent dad. Well, thanks. Try to be a good husband, too.
Starting point is 00:26:53 12 Daily Doses. You want everyone to think how great of a person you are. You want to be the goat of charity. You tell us this every day. That's great. Then why are there so many who call you out as a hater? who call you out as a hater? I honestly don't care
Starting point is 00:27:11 what you think. I share it with you. And if it comes across that way, I don't care either. But I share it with you so that someone might want to emulate it because it's fucking a good life I live, dude. So fucking great. But I'm not trying to be the goat of anything just to my kids. might want to emulate it because it's fucking a good life i live dude so fucking great but i don't
Starting point is 00:27:25 i'm not trying to be the um goat of anything just to my kids just to my kids i had this friend um travis bajan and you guys know him and he always thought so fucking highly of himself he believed in himself so fucking much. And people would think it was so interesting to see the perspectives because some people hated him. They thought he was a braggart. And I never saw it that way. I was like, God, and he really believed it.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I just thought, wow, he has such fucking confidence and loves himself so much. Like it didn't hurt. It never hurt me. I loved being around that. So it's interesting now that you think that I'm trying. I'm not trying to convince anyone that I'm a good dad. Zero.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I don't care what you think. That's not true. Someone was reporting me on. That's not true. Someone was reporting me on Instagram for having my boys work out with their shirts off. And I did care. I did care about that.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I don't want people to think I'm a bad dad, but I do not care if you think I'm a fucking good dad or not. Zero. But I do, I do like, I'm super crazy passionate about my kids. But, but what I find even more interesting is that you think that that's what I'm doing, that that's what you take away from it.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I find that more interesting. Anyway, I don't want to – I don't think those people who are on that show, that Maury Povich show, I don't think that they deserve equity. Or they only deserve equality. That's the reason why we shouldn't have equity right there. All of us were not created fucking equal. All of us are not contributing the same amounts. me up here talking and they're like oh i i like that i like that i don't like that i like that okay i'm going to incorporate those into my life and they take advantage of situations to make themselves better and then there's other people who just fucking can't get over themselves like 12 daily doses and are just always fucking commenting about negative or attacking or
Starting point is 00:29:39 dragging dragging the person down and we're not equal. We're not even close to the fucking same creature. San Francisco. San Francisco. This is, we talked about the Presidio. This image I'm about to show you is at the base of the golden gate bridge this this must be very very close to the uh original crossfit uh san francisco that kelly starrett on a matter of fact i think this building right here that's red is a building that sells it's like a dicks but it has a different name. I forget the name of it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And in the back there used to be CrossFit San Francisco. So you see this red building? I think that's it. I'm 99% sure. And I had filmed a bunch of videos back there with Adrian Bosman and Kelly Starrett. Anyway, this area is so wealthy. Like just to the left here on that side of the building uh i don't i don't know there's maybe half a mile or maybe it's less maybe it's 100 yards there's like a row of houses there that goes on as far as the eye can see that are probably all between 10 and 20 million dollars
Starting point is 00:30:59 and they're not even nice houses they're not even big houses. That building sells dicks? Yes. Every building in San Francisco sells dicks. So check it out. This is happening in the parking lot there. Smash and grab thieves, fight off victims in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And I wouldn't show you this if this was just an isolated incident, but this is the norm. This is thanks to the incident, but this is the norm. This is thanks to the governor, Gavin Newsom. Bam. Is that a man or a woman in the pink? That person's trying to get their shit back. Listen, you're not going to fight so good with a mask on. so the two people in the hoodies
Starting point is 00:31:46 can't tell if they're men or women but they one's in a black sweater and one's in a white sweater they basically are just breaking into people's cars and stealing their shit and then
Starting point is 00:31:56 people in the parking lot are trying to stop them wow anyway that's San Francisco wow anyway that's San Francisco the National Guard's there it's bad some bad shit
Starting point is 00:32:15 stay away from the city and you know what I suspect it's a hundred times still nicer than Baltimore very safe you basically have to go And you know what? I suspect it's 100 times still nicer than Baltimore. Very safe. You basically have to go – I had a friend who lived in – thank you, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, BLM, and Newsom. Yeah, 100%. I had a friend who lived in Brazil for a while, and he said you would go in the streets of – I think it was Sao Paulo. And he said you would go in the streets of, I think it was San Paolo. And basically, when you would go there out in the streets at night, you basically wouldn't take anything with you.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Because literally packs of young boys would walk up to you and start putting their hands in your pockets. Like your front pockets, your back pockets, your jacket pockets, looking for anything to steal. And you couldn't do anything. Like if you tried to fight them you tried to uh fight them or anything the whole pack would fucking kill you so when they would rob you you just basically had to stay still and let them do it uh david weed uh i like how all you morons are getting triggered by uh 12 daily doses oh that's so that's that's that's so. Oh, that's so aggressive, David. That's so aggressive.
Starting point is 00:33:30 So aggressive. Trish, I got my notice of termination from the Sevan podcast. Sevan is making cuts. Everyone watch out. Ladies and gentlemen, today is Trish's last day. Thank you, Trish, for your service. It pains me deeply to let you go. I know these times can be difficult.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Okay. This one is amazing. So do you remember the police – do you remember the fire commissioner? So do you remember the police – do you remember the fire commissioner? So we did – there was a story here that we covered where there was – with our correspondents, our West Coast correspondents. There was a fire commissioner in San Francisco who homeless people – sorry, drug addicts were sleeping on his mom's porch. And he called the cops a half-dozen times and – at least a half a half dozen times, and the police never came. And so he confronted the drug addict sleeping on his mom's porch, and one of the drug addicts got a steel pipe and fucking beat him until he put him in the hospital. Do you guys remember that? He was the former fire commissioner of San Francisco. The former fire commissioner of San Francisco got the shit beat out of him with a steel pipe.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You guys remember this? And the reason why he got the shit beat out of him, we were told, was because he confronted some drug addicts who were sleeping on his mom's porch in San Francisco. You guys remember all this? Ring a bell? Watch this story. I'm very curious. This is going to divide the group. This is for sure going to, surely going to divide the group. Ooh, I almost played it without putting it on the screen.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Here we go. Tonight, another brutal attack in San Franciscoisco causing an uproar with videos released pointing blame at both men a homeless man swinging what appears to be a metal bar at a former fire commissioner don carmenani leading to three felony charges two video clips released by carmenani's attorney appear to show him lifting his hands to protect himself from a man identified as garrett allen doughty who is homeless the second video from before who was filming that show him lifting his hands to protect himself from a man identified as Garrett Allen Doty, who is homeless. The second video from before the attack appears to show dodie pulling a metal bar from the trash and swinging carmenani's attorney says he was beaten and chased for two city blocks leaving him with serious head injuries and a fractured jaw but there may be more to the story dodie's public defender released
Starting point is 00:36:21 two videos prosecutors turned over as part of evidence, one appearing to show Karmanani approaching Jody and spraying him. Jody's defense lawyer saying this instigated the altercation and cited a third-party witness saying Karmanani threatened Jody. Along with the video, Jody's defense also released evidence of eight separate incidents of bear spray attacks against homeless people in the neighborhood over the last two years okay so drug so there's footage of a guy who looks like the fire commissioners spraying bear spray on the drug addicts with all their shit laid out on the sidewalk if what's funny is they never mentioned that he called the cops a half dozen times to get the drug addicts off drug addicts off his mom's porch they never mentioned that he called the cops a half dozen times
Starting point is 00:37:05 to get the drug addicts off his mom's porch they never mentioned that including this one from November 2021 the suspect fitting Karmanani's description but he hasn't been charged in relation they say that this guy also fits the fire commissioner's description. A fat, middle-aged white man. That sounds like fucking half the country.
Starting point is 00:37:34 But I do think it's him, actually. I actually do think it's him. To any of the incidents. He sprays with a massive can of bear spray. He sprays with a massive can of bear spray he sprays with a massive can of bear spray the same weapon used in the dodie incident in an interview with cbs's local affiliate carmenani saying look at all that shit right there look at all that stuff shouldn't that be littering that that's the hard part like if you were to throw let's say an orange peel out
Starting point is 00:38:05 your car window while you're driving you get a ticket in california for 500 bucks or a thousand bucks but that's okay but that's okay he approached dodie for camping out and doing drugs outside his mother's home he did admit to using peppers he was camping outside his mother's home and doing drugs i like it it's camping that's better than saying homeless at least i think that's more honest what state is this roxanne this is san francisco and look at what they have written it's an unhoused person this video releases questions about san francisco's unhoused person. How do you know that they're unhoused? It's awesome. But yeah, this is San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You can't enforce laws. Mike C., I like camping. Very solid group. Solid group today. Solid group of contributors. Spray in, quote, self-defense. Also saying he was informed by his attorneys he might be facing charges himself. According to NBC Bay Area,
Starting point is 00:39:20 Carminani's attorneys strongly deny their client being involved in any prior incidents. He's missed his last two court appearances. His lawyers citing the, quote, severity of his injuries leading to. Hey, you know what's crazy about that guy? That guy looked like he was kind of retarded before the incident. Like just when you see him moving around, I mean, he looks like a full blown alcoholic, doesn't he? Jody being released. I mean, the police commissioner.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Until a hearing next month. Maya Eaglin joins us now in studio. So, Maya, there's obviously a lot to this story, but there was also some reporting that the D.A. in San Francisco may eventually drop the charges against the man who had the metal bar. Right. So Dodie's attorneys are saying that he used that metal bar in self-defense. Right. So Doty's attorneys are saying that he used that metal bar in self-defense. But the D.A. put out a statement saying that they're going to continue pressing charges here and use every power possible. So I guess that's the question. If you spray someone with bear spray. And then I don't know, like you see them like a month later, can you just walk up to him and beat them with the fucking steel pipe? a month later can you just walk up to him and beat them with the fucking steel pipe to hold violent offenders accountable we also know that dodie's been served with a criminal
Starting point is 00:40:28 protective order and will have to stay 100 yards away from both the crime scene and the former fire commissioner tom unreal hey dude i i think that if you uh i think if you sleep on some dude's mom's porch and you're a drug addict i don't know i this is not gonna bode well for me but if you were sleeping on my mom's porch and you were a drug addict and i'd called the cops five times i don't think something good happens to you uh yash with some interesting advice or comment. Bear spray is illegal in the UK. You guys don't have bears though, right?
Starting point is 00:41:14 Jeremy, world moral of the story, lib policies don't work. Trish, all porches are someone's mom's porches. That's the movement for 2025. I always grab a metal pipe and then continue to follow someone with it to protect myself. Yeah, that's a good point too. That's Molly there just listening to words. Do you see that, people? She picked up on the fact that the guy was supposedly protecting himself.
Starting point is 00:41:43 They were portraying it that way, but he was fucking following the fat dude and beating him. It's crazy. We can't just spray someone on the streets. What about a drug addict who's smoking a crack pipe, and the smoke from the crack pipe is wafting into your mother's house, and that's been happening for five or six hours, and let's say she's five or six hours and uh and let's say she's even got a little contact high are you allowed to then go out and the cops haven't come
Starting point is 00:42:10 are you allowed to go out there and spray them with uh bug spray bug spray yeah bug spray bear spray to get them so that you don't have to breathe in crack uh christine young self-defense, chasing someone for two blocks. That's why I don't – I'm kind of okay. I don't know. I'm not mad at the guy. I think that that's probably just all normal San Francisco lifestyle. I think that that's probably just all normal San Francisco lifestyle. Unfortunately, I do have a story that I'm about to present to you that I'm very, very disappointed to have to present to you.
Starting point is 00:43:03 This is Rich Froning, the greatest CrossFit athlete who ever lived and is currently alive. The greatest. And someone sent this to me and pointed out that Rich has a microwave that is at cock and balls level. And I just don't approve of this. I just don't approve of this. I just don't approve of this lifestyle. Notice this is the microwave. This is the fittest man alive, Rich Froning. Man of high values, high moral integrity.
Starting point is 00:43:36 A regular guest on the show. But even he is not safe from my judgment. Now notice, notice, look at this. Way too close to his cock and balls so his kids can use it even worse i don't approve i don't approve of kids using microwaves i will ask him next time he's on. 12 daily doses. Fraser only has his microwaves at face level. And that's why, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:19 That's why Matt is not getting critiqued on this show. This is... And then he pushes his crotch up against the radioactive material Michael C great great Rich Froning has two microwaves this is the scaled version Devesh Maharaj
Starting point is 00:44:40 the hammer very good point very good point. Very good point. Rich is a CrossFitter. Frazier doesn't count as a CrossFitter. He just was a CrossFit athlete. That's a very good point.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Very, very good point. Where is the comment? Oh oh another very interesting point uh if that was at frazier's house that microwave would be at frazier's face level okay another see this is why i like reporting with live feedback because it lets me see my weaknesses and where maybe i might not be telling the story accurately you think maybe let me go one step further you think maybe he's at matt's house when he made this commercial and that's why the uh microwave solo oh i i apologize i'm gonna need to uh i'm gonna uh need to uh rework this story i apologize this story is premature there's no i had no business uh judging rich for this yet for we i don't even know if we're at his house uh this is uh needs to be reworked okay
Starting point is 00:45:51 a great speculation i will uh call matt and rich today and find out if uh that's actually at matt's house dan guerrero sebon tell us how microwaves work and how they're dangerous. I don't know how they work. I don't know how they work. I don't know how wood chippers work either. I don't know how police officers work. I don't know how fast-moving rivers work. But I have some discernment and some observations.
Starting point is 00:46:37 You put things in them, you push the button. If there's metal in there, it starts sparking and shit. I know that when everything in there is fucking hot except the walls of the fucking microwave, I know that I can't feel any heat or see any heat when I open the door. Maybe it's just, I don't know, it's magic. It's magic. I have no idea how microwaves work. Zero. I's magic. I have no idea how microwaves work. Zero.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I could speculate. But I don't fucking trust them. At all. Well, Sevan, that's just ignorant of you. Fine. I'm okay with that too. Brock Bisset. Chase Ingram explained how microwaves work and by his explanation
Starting point is 00:47:27 it seems safe to me fair enough he's away fair enough the logic here is if you don't know how it works, then it's safe. Sorry, I'm not going with that. I'm going to go with it's not safe because I don't understand exactly how it works. Oh, no wonder. They vibrate the water molecules essentially. So it's a giant woofer? It's a giant woofer? It's a woofer? It's a giant woofer? It's a woofer?
Starting point is 00:48:13 Here we go. Ronnie Eaton. Man, we don't even need Google. The microwaves reflect off the metal interior of the oven. I don't think the interior of my microwave... Well, I don't have one now, but when I had one in college, I don't think it was metal my microwave Well I don't have one now But when I had one in college I don't think it was metal I think it was like plastic The microwave reflects off the metal interior of the oven
Starting point is 00:48:31 And causes the water molecules in the food to vibrate This vibration results in friction between the molecules Which produces heat that cooks the food Is that why bread always gets so weird in the microwave? Manny Spiegel, Rosa has gone from chairman of the board at CrossFit Inc., a promotion according to Sean Woodland, to board observer. Jake Chapman, I don't fully understand how my dick works, but I use it now and again.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And I also think your penis is dangerous. So, there we go. Mike McCaskey, the person who invented the early microwave, didn't have a shield on the device and was not healthy. Yeah, what do you mean? Like some of those microwaves came out and caused the water molecules inside of you to vibrate? And finally, Robbie Myers, before we leave the subject of microwaves, with the conclusion, so dicks are like microwaves. That is correct.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Algebra. Science. Science. Okay. science okay rich ronan you're off the hook uh for having a microwave at talking balls level we need more information and and some people are even proposing that the microwave is actually safe and could actually warm your penis up which couldn't might not be a bad thing i'm open to all of it that was a regret see this show is to educate me not to educate you i came in stupid this morning you guys had to school me you guys actually you know what you know what this is this show is a participatory event where you guys make me smarter
Starting point is 00:50:22 and i appreciate that where you guys make me smarter. And I appreciate that. Oh, now there's radiation? Hold on a second. One more comment. My only concern about microwaves, it's not the fact that it may warm up the water molecules in my penis. It's the trace microwave radiation
Starting point is 00:50:42 that might be residual in the food. But there is no radiation in the food. It just shakes it. It just shakes it like a woofer. It's just a giant woofer. Remember, it just shakes it. I appreciate the education from you guys. Now, there is a presupposition in this piece that we can discuss if you would like.
Starting point is 00:51:17 The presupposition is that for some reason socialism is bad. And here we go. I want to address something Tom just said, which is, in fact, that woke is supposed to advance equity in Europe. So here's the definition of equity and see if it sounds like a definition of anything else you've ever heard of. The definition of equity comes from the public administration literature, and the definition is an administered political economy in which shares are adjusted so that citizens are made equal. Does that sound like anything you've heard of before? Like socialism. They're going to administer an economy to make shares equal. The only difference between equity and socialism is the type of property that they
Starting point is 00:52:01 redistribute. They're going to redistribute social and cultural capital in addition to economic and material capital. And so this is my thesis when we say, what is woke? Woke is Maoism with American characteristics. If I might borrow from Mao himself, who said that his philosophy was Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics, which means woke is Marxism.
Starting point is 00:52:22 That's a very provocative statement. It's something you will certainly hear. It is not. That it is different. And the professors and the philosophers will spend a large amount of time explaining to you why. No, no. It's about economics when it's Marxism. This is social. This is cultural. This is different. It's not different. I'm glad to be here.
Starting point is 00:52:37 It is not different. It is not different. You want to live in a prison cell? That's what it's gonna be like 14 do you guys know this guy Josh
Starting point is 00:52:56 Pirat let me pull up his oh he's the fluffy duck guy do you guys know this guy this is a fucking big account actually Look at this Let me see if I can He has 122,000 followers Josh Joshpert
Starting point is 00:53:13 Joshpert Like an expert but Joshpert Joshpertle He's an expert on Josh's Fluffy Duck He's a six time CrossFit regional athlete Two time CrossFit Games attendee Oh
Starting point is 00:53:24 Attendee of the Oh Attend, attendee, okay. CEO and founder of Fluffy Duck. Look it. Didn't we feature this guy too? Josh made a video about the giant dick guy too. I know you've been. a video about the giant dick guy too i'm trying to get this guy on the show by the way i dm'd him and then i made a comment here but look he this guy responded in his um josh didn't even tag him. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:54:06 He's got a huge dick. The Fluffy Duck guy said he has a huge dick. How come the Fluffy Duck guy has more gray hair than me and he looks younger than me? What the fuck is going on there? How does that work? Anyway. Yeah, this guy. I wonder if he saw my show and liked the dick and so just you know incorporate it which i would be flattered but look at this this is the part that i'm really jealous
Starting point is 00:54:35 of this post this fluffy duck guy made this post and it has like almost 500 comments he posted the guy with the giant dick and just got fucking it was a hit kind of cool right but I think I'm even a little flattered I think this guy the fluffy duck dude was watching our show
Starting point is 00:55:00 saw the giant dick dude and was like hey I can make this into a meme anyway thought it was cool fun right i think this guy might have a podcast too with guests and shit uh yeah uh skincare stevan you could take. Oh, biotin, not Bitcoin. You could take biotin, collagen, retinol supplements, and an extensive skincare routine. Oh, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Thank you, though. I appreciate it. Fluffy duck or Big Dick Dude? I remember him trying to get on your show one time and you shut it down. Oh, the Fluffy Duck guy? Yeah. yeah yep yep yep what's this anyone taking nmn i don't know what that is it might be easy to do but it sounds like it takes a time and effort and like and look at your skin, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I can't look like that. I can't look like I have a filter on me. I don't want to be that smooth. Yeah, I don't want my skin to look like that. I don't want my skin to look like I'm not human. I just want to look like I'm fine with my skin. I'm sorry I opened the subject. I'm fine with my skin. I don sorry I opened the subject. I'm fine with my skin.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I don't want to start looking like a fucking... Some of these people look like they're fucking made of porcelain. I do not want to look like that. Never mind. Forget I opened that door. Talk to me. Tell me ways on how I can fix my back. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I don't want to look like porcelain. I look like a fucking weirdo. Anyway, the big dick gets a lot of comments a lot that like a ton a ton of comments and i thought that was good boy we put up a video that's a sub clip i i should pull it up we put we put up a sub clip of who's better at crossfit who's the best crossfitter matt fraser rich froning and holy shit that really fucking stirred the pot people really like that people get really aggressive really aggressive the group that wants to defend matt is very aggressive very very aggressive okay here we go this like i know that joke is dicey whatever and i had a very
Starting point is 00:57:44 good friend another female comedian. She told me, maybe don't do the joke. It can be construed as offensive to women, right? And I said, well, but you do jokes about being Italian, right? And she goes, well, my mom's Italian. I'm half Italian. I can do the jokes. And I said, well, my mom's a woman.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I'm half woman I can do the jokes she goes that is not how it works at all you're being totally irrational I said yeah that's my half woman side thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you
Starting point is 00:58:22 thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you ladies and gentlemen That's my irrational side Women And men
Starting point is 00:58:40 Oh here's just a good meme I don't do many of these on the show It's a little too stagnant for the show. I always kind of regret that I did it. When you realize they took a real black woman off a syrup bottle and put a fake white woman on a beer can. When you realize they took a real black woman off a syrup bottle and put a fake white woman on a beer can.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Democrats. Fuck, man. We live with fucking really dumb people. Beyond dumb. I came across this Instagram account yesterday. I thought this was pretty interesting. I'm not even sure what's going on here. How does this Instagram account yesterday. I thought this was pretty interesting. I'm not even sure what's going on here. Are these – how does this Instagram account even work?
Starting point is 00:59:30 It's called the Sevanistas. And so these are all people who listen to the show, and these are clips of them working out. These are all collabs. Look how yoked this dude is. Is that what this is? Let's look at it. This is
Starting point is 00:59:52 Jeeze Louise. Wow, 185 squat clean like it's nothing. Wow, that's, oh, 255. Holy shit, dude. Wow. If you look closely, you can see his hog in his pants. 255 again. Wow. I like it. Catch it a little high too, and then lower into it. Fuck. Okay. Anyway. Sevan, S-E-V-A-N-I-S-T-A-S. Sevanistas.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It was in my search bar. Pretty cool. Yeah, that's good, right, Mason? That's awesome. Heidi Kroom, I am salty because I just worked out and because seven on East is never share my stuff. Uh, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Uh, G slang in the meat. Yeah, definitely slang in the meat. 18. I would like to present to you the newest theme of the Sevan podcast, and I want to thank Meredith Root for it. The patriarchy. The patriarchy. The patriarchy has spoken. Casey from Instagram says, my boyfriend was slow cooking ribs and I guess they were done in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So this man wakes me up at 3 a.m. and goes, quote, here, babe, I brought you a rib. So we sat in bed and we ate ribs. I found my soulmate and then he tried to finger me. Patriarchy. we sat in bed and we ate ribs i found my soulmate and then he tried to finger me patriarchy god i fucking love the internet this this is man right here i mean she really uh she really and that's a keeper for a girl too, by the way, that's, that's, that's,
Starting point is 01:02:09 Lindsay Baker, holy shit, she's coming in hot, dude, man bun, really, come on, Mark Moss just rolled in the house,
Starting point is 01:02:21 thank you, anyway, I'm gonna cook, I'm cooking ribs tonight, Haley. That's the patriarchy for you. That's a man's world. Bring you ribs. And then a finger. I think it's actually kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Wow, this is crazy. I feel like I don't normally pull up just single screenshots like this, and then here's three in a row. An 18-year-old boy died when doctors tried to create a vagina for him using part of his colon. using part of his colon. Billboard Chris, an 18-year-old boy died when doctors tried to create a vagina form using part of his colon. His colon was used because puberty blockers
Starting point is 01:03:14 stopped growth of his genitalia, which meant there wasn't enough tissue to do the penal inversion surgery. So what? It's only one dude. Leave the trannies alone. So what? So one 18 year old kid died because of puberty blockers. It's not a big deal. Just one. So what? Barry McOchner, share your rib recipe, pork or beef? I was joking. I don't I don't even I don't do any. I don't.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I don't do any of that. I don't cook. Last night, my wife made me pork chops. They were fucking insane. Insane. She slow cooked pork chops and then peeled an avocado for me, sliced up an avocado. What else was in the bowl? And there was a little bit of rice in there.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And then she poured the juice all over the rice. And the pork chops were just covered in salt and pepper and then two huge pork chops crazy fat on them and then you just push the spoon into the pork chop and it's like this pork chop just fell into like a thousand pieces it was so like tender and it like melted in my mouth it was amazing god i love tender meat and i know as 12 daily doses would say i'm showing off again i'm letting you know that i eat the best food and i have the best wife and i have the best avocados dude it's so simple my wife said it's so simple dude I think
Starting point is 01:04:50 it's crazy yeah but it's like magical and actually you know what's crazy you know what the greatest fucking compliment is there's this dude there's this cop I know and his wife and they have two kids.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And he's so excited when my wife cooks pork chops. And I get so excited that he's so excited. I should invite him over. I'm actually going to do that. I'm like so – I'm flattered. I'm like in a prideful, egotistical way. I'm so like proud that my – that I have a wife that makes a food that he likes. Very primitive shit, but I like it.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Adam Blakeslee, and I say to you, congratulations, Savant. Thank you. May your wife, too, present cooked pork chops as good or better than my wife. I wish you. And what's crazy, too, is my wife's kind of insecure about her cooking. I didn't even realize that. She's always asking me like how it should taste. And then recently she explained that to me because she thinks she's not a good cook. I thought she just wanted feedback.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I'm going to get in trouble for saying that. She's going to be like, well, that's not exactly what I said. Not in trouble, but you know what I mean? Just slapped. I get slapped around a little bit. I enjoy getting slapped around a little bit. Okay, this is bizarre. So I'm going to need this one explained to me.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Someone explain this to me. Someone as wise as me is still not as wise as the dumbest person in the comments here. And I appreciate the education. This should, you know what this show should be called? The Sevan podcast. Can you make Sevan smarter? Okay,
Starting point is 01:06:35 here we go. Um, okay. I, I, I don't, I don't understand. I, I, I'm, I'll just play it. Let's just play it let's play it and then we'll discuss
Starting point is 01:06:47 let's discuss okay here we go fucking idiot over here is the principal at an elementary school in vermont who is now going to get rid of the words male and female and replace them with person who produces sperm and a person who produces eggs now other than pushing some weird agenda and erasing what got us here why in the fuck would you want to do this like a subscribe this fucking idiot over here so we'll play one more time he's saying this fucking idiot over here by the way i find that lady attractive the principal at an elementary school in vermont who is now going to get rid of the words male and female and replace them with person who produces sperm and a person who produces eggs. So he's upset. What's his hat say? Good God. Good.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Good something, America. Good. Good. Good damn America. Good damn morning. Good damn. I don't fucking know what this hat says, but OK. Her head isn't even big. I know my wife doesn't have a big head either.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Not everyone can have a big head attractive or not they can be here's the thing how is she how is she an idiot for that kenneth de lapp i find you attractive seven well thank you finally something nice in the comments i'm going to glom onto that thank you do you have two vaginas that That'd be awesome. How is that stupid? Because they're fifth graders? That part I understand. But dude, we need this in California. I wish in California we would stop using men and women.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I would be totally fine with that. I would prefer it. Okay, here we go Matt C is it weird I don't think we should talk about sperm production with kindergartners yeah for sure and I don't think we should talk about it with 5th graders either I don't think the teacher should
Starting point is 01:08:55 but I would the signs on bathrooms that say gender neutral or gender whatever bathrooms have always been gender neutral. They'll always be gender neutral. It means nothing. It's like fucking Don's letter to the affiliate yesterday.
Starting point is 01:09:11 It just means fucking nothing. There's no takeaway. But this would be fucking amazing. This defines men and women. This principle is actually doing something that needs to be done when people talk. This principle is actually doing something that needs to be done when people talk. We need to take a step back and drop the concept of male and female and actually say what it is. Are you married? Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:37 To someone with a vagina that produces eggs or someone with a penis that produces sperm. I'm cool with that. I'm so fucking fine with that. It's so much better than saying a woman, cis woman a or whatever the fuck woman a non-binary uh a furry woman let's just let's just go let's just because we live with so many morons let's just fucking break it down for him i would so much rather do that than worry about pronouns. I'd so much rather go the other way. Okay. Um, you, you're not, you don't know what sister or brother means. That's fine. Uh, hello, this is, uh, this is one of my relatives, Tanya. Um, uh, she came from the same vagina, um, uh, that I did.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And then you would all know that's my sister. I don't even have to use the word sister anymore. Scott Perkins. Thank you. It's a tough crowd today. Scott Perkins, Seve. Sorry, I'm late, but you guys knocked it out of the park last night. You fuckers are taking over the CrossFit space thank you i think we already have anyway um uh oh here we go uh divesh maharaj always with a fine contribution
Starting point is 01:10:58 i'm looking at divesh's picture and then this principal's picture side by side they they're both given the same vibe with that smile. You see her and Devesh? Doesn't Devesh look like he's fun right there? Devesh looks like, hey, you want to go get our airsoft rifles and shoot people at the mall going to their cars? Like he's got a little sinister, like, hey, you want to go light a bag of poop and then doorbell ditch people's houses?
Starting point is 01:11:23 Looking a little fun but sinister. What if you're a post-op person with a penis that produces eggs? Then you just got to say it. Now look, I have a penis. I have a vagina that was turned into a penis. And I still produce eggs. You just say the whole thing. That's where we're at.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And I still produce that because you just say the whole thing. That's where we're at. It would be so much more honest than just forcing people to go in their heads and lying and these delusional realities people live in. If you put real definitions on gender, then people can't feel special or part of the woke culture because they can't identify as anything they choose. Yeah, they can't be mentally ill, you mean? That's called mentally ill you mean that's called uh mentally ill i think anyway i i see i just i don't want to have to read into what this guy is talking about i want him just to be like hey this is inappropriate for fifth graders but actually this would work out perfect in Berkeley, California, where people are fucking still confused on what a man and a woman is.
Starting point is 01:12:31 So there's that. That boy died because he was having his penis turned into a vagina. Think how uneducated you are trusting doctors with doing a surgery on you like that. You should avoid surgery at all costs. At all costs. Any kind, should be your last resort. Your last resort. I don't want you to think of transgenderism as a psychiatric, psychological process that the person is suffering under,
Starting point is 01:13:29 but yet they want to bill insurance companies, so it's got to sound like a medical condition. So they came up with gender dysphoria and all the while they're waving their hands going, but this is not a pathology. This is just, you know, it's kind of like a diagnosis, but it's not a pathology. Well, if it's not a pathology, why are we amputating people's genitals and breasts? What's that about? Right? Is it an objective reality or not? And if it is an objective reality, why are you operating on their genitals and breasts. What's that about, right? Is it an objective reality or not? And if it is an objective reality, why are you operating on their genitals? Since we stopped doing frontal lobotomies, nobody has done surgery for a psychological problem. They don't want you to think of transgenderism as a psychiatric psychological process that the person is suffering under, but yet they want to bill insurance companies.
Starting point is 01:14:05 So it's got to sound like a medical condition. So they came up with gender dysphoria. And all the while, they're waving their hands going, but this is not a pathology. This is just, you know, it's kind of like a diagnosis, but it's not a pathology. Well, if it's not a pathology, why are we amputating people's genitals and breasts? What's that about, right? Is it an objective reality or not? And if it is an objective reality, why are you operating on their genitals? Since we stopped doing frontal lobotomies,
Starting point is 01:14:32 nobody has done surgery for a psychological problem. They don't want you to think. You see what he's doing there? It's the same thing. The objective reality. The objective reality is red doesn't mean stop the objective reality is is it doesn't matter how much you say you're a woman you're not a woman if you if you have a penis and produce sperm he's talking about the objective reality the other side does not want to fucking talk about that the other side i don't know what the we can see them and we can see us they can't see us and they're really really fucking pissed they do not want to fucking budge meanwhile we could give two shits jake chapman uh noticing that the guy is bald and using his best
Starting point is 01:15:27 lib talk. This man is follicly challenged. Absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. Follicly challenged. I saw a bald man today. Far too rude. I saw a man who's follicly challenged.
Starting point is 01:16:05 I saw a homeless man today far too rude I saw what are they called now household missing their household what was it called what was the thing that MSNBC or whatever they were using um houseless
Starting point is 01:16:21 you can't be homeless you're houseless you're shelterless what the fuck were they calling it now they've changed it to unhoused thank you unhoused what what other terms are there like that undressedressed? If you're naked, you're not undressed, are you? Isn't there like some sort of implication? Naked and undressed is the same thing, right? Naked, like you don't know if the person's always been naked, right? A baby's born naked. Maybe you've just always been undressed is like you got undressed. So unhoused means that you took the house off them or they took the house off
Starting point is 01:17:05 themselves. God, these people are fucking stupid. Unshowered. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe I take back that those people are stupid. Unshowered. Unshowered. Honey, let's go. We're going to be late for our dinner. Okay. I need to take a shower. You haven't showered yet you're unshowered you're unshowered unfit I'm not even sure yeah this is interesting this whole thing
Starting point is 01:17:35 now undocumented I understand that undocumented I understand this uninhibited uncircumcised that one I think if you're uncircumcised uncircumcised That one I think If you're uncircumcised No I'm uncircumcised Might have to go to Google in a second Unyashed
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yeah there's some word fuckery going on here Unaroused So does that mean you were unaroused unemployed were you employed what's the connotation unfucked that one i approve of unfucked okay here we go ronnie eaton thank you now we're getting to something here we go uh ronnie eaton unshowered is too lazy just as unhousehold is to drug addict i'm unshowered he's unshowered that eaton unshowered is too lazy just as unhousel is to drug addict i'm unshowered he's unshowered that guy's unshowered okay the implication is that you're lazy and that you or like you have poor hygiene or something and unhoused means that you're a drug addict
Starting point is 01:18:36 you're too lazy you you prioritize drugs over um no no no listen jake i like these these are the kind of things i appreciate i was about to judge jake for underpants because it totally doesn't work but but i shouldn't because we're in a creative environment and we're trying to you stretch the bounds and i appreciate it i retract the criticism i was about to give you in my head uh mike mccaskey unlawful unlawful unlucky oh heidi krum de-housed wow de-housed yeah that's what happened to the japanese they were de-housed by the Democrats. How about Jeffrey? How about un-clusive?
Starting point is 01:19:30 Un-clusive. Okay. 22, boys and girls. I'm not sure what the takeaway is here. Uh, let's discuss this. I have, I have no idea what the takeaway is here, but there's something here. I'm telling you, there's something here. There is something here. This, this takes some twists and turns. You kind of got to listen closely. This takes some twists and twists and turns the the punch line at the end is different it wasn't going where i thought it was 90 really it shows over why no i just got started i'm having fun you think i'm losing some steam or something what's going on why no i don't want to i don't want it to be over yet okay here we go uh watch this
Starting point is 01:20:24 i'm telling you the end takes a little turn a turn you got it you got to listen carefully I don't want it to be over yet. Okay, here we go. Watch this. I'm telling you, the end takes a little turn. You got to listen carefully. Listen to this guy. Lego. Lego did a study, which I always cite, and this is amazing. I don't think anybody's thought of it this way, but Lego was wondering why girls don't play with Lego toys. They're boys, but they're not really gender-based.
Starting point is 01:20:42 They're just bricks. So why are little boys playing with Legos, but girls aren't? Why is that? So they got a study together. They got 2,500 kids, 1,250 boys, 1,250 girls, and their parents. And they put Lego figurines, let's just say a Batman Lego set, in front of these kids. And they just studied how these boys and girls played with their Lego toys to try to figure out what the missing problem was. What was the missing piece? Well, the boys pick up Batman, pick up a little Batman figurine, and they become Batman. That's the whole thing. Like, they take on those traits.
Starting point is 01:21:18 They imagine they're Batman, you know. And that's how boys fantasize. That's how boys play. Meanwhile, the little girls pick up batman and batman becomes them they project themselves onto batman and suddenly batman is acting like they are wow which is why barbie is so popular what's barbie's personality who's barbie he's whoever the little girl who's playing with barbie is we were just talking about that yesterday boys pretend that they are he-man and girls pretend that barbie is them that's right lego lego did a study which i
Starting point is 01:21:50 always cite and this is amazing i don't think anybody's thought of it this way but lego was wondering why girls don't play with lego toys they're boys but they're not really gender-based they're just bricks so so so at first they're trying to the first it starts off you think he's going to talk about why boys like uh um legos and why girls don't right or or that they're not drawn to them which which seems to be a truth is that a truth like i don't do does anyone ever see girls playing with legos but then he says when a boy sees a Batman doll, he pretends he's Batman. Okay, so he's Batman, right? I did that. I watched The Six Million Dollar Man as a little kid, and then I would run around in the playground and pretend like I'm The Six Million Dollar Man.
Starting point is 01:22:37 But girls pretend that they are – that the Barbie is them, so they put themselves into the object? Is that – that's what it is? They put themselves into the object? And what are the implications of that? I just – Jessica Valenzuela, I play with Legos and I have a Batmobile Lego set. Oh, interesting. I couldn't think of one time I've ever seen a woman playing with, oh, I loved Legos. Holy shit, here we go.
Starting point is 01:23:17 And then Jacqueline Sulcus, I loved Legos. Okay. I don't ever remember my sister playing with Legos or any girl. Like we have kids over to our house, and I don't ever remember. I don't ever see the girls play with Legos. Stephen Flores, my three-year-old nephew, watched Spider-Man the next day he wanted to be Spider-Man. Is that true? Do girls – like when girls see Barbie, do they take the figure?
Starting point is 01:23:50 So they take the figurine and they pretend like the figurine is them, whereas boys pretend like they're – yeah, what are the implications of that? That's fascinating to me. Oh, shit. Janelle Winston. I played with Legos my girls play with them more so than my son what the oh my goodness Roxanne is wonderful I'm presuming you have a vagina
Starting point is 01:24:18 Lego was my favorite toy as a child what the fuck is going on here I really am learning a lot today My favorite toy as a child. What the fuck is going on here? I really am learning a lot today. Crazy. Paulina, this is dumb. I would have rather played with Legos when I was little. No shit.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So the whole premise is just... What about the other part, how it takes a twist? Let's move on to the other part. Is that true? The girls become the figurine in their hand, and us boys, like if we played with Ken, we'd become Ken? Is that part true let me get in anywhere but anyway okay well Legos for boys and girls 12 daily doses all three of my kids played with Legos two girls and one boy.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Stephen Flores, I never played with Legos. I was too busy outside playing sports and getting dirty. I don't know if that's an – that's not a perfect characterization, bend over. So – but I understand how that could be misunderstood and how – so there's a conversation in the chat about whether we've forgiven Zach T. Lander. I don't have – I haven't forgiven him or held anything against him. I'm not upset at him at all. I'm agnostic to the situation. I don't care um uh bend bend over sebon asked him not to post the video and he did i didn't ask him not to post the video
Starting point is 01:26:10 he called me he said he's gonna make a video about greg i told him i wouldn't do it if i was him i didn't but but he's i didn't ask him not to i wasn't like son please do not put a hit on the other tribe it wasn't like that it wasn't like that i just told him i thought it would be fucking really bad idea and and i explained why first of all because none of it's fucking true um but but but so i so and then he did post the video and then we talked again and he said he was going to pull it down and he did but he didn't pull it down for the reasons he didn't pull it down because he thought it was a bad video or that he didn't realize he'd done something completely morally and ethically fucking horrible which i think he did i would be fucking embarrassed because of him
Starting point is 01:26:56 and and i wouldn't i'm not interested in being friends with someone like that that's for sure you don't you don't need enemies if you have friends like that you have to see if someone's, you have to see if someone's capable of doing that to someone else, besides the fact that Greg's my dear friend, if someone's capable of the fact of doing that to someone else, you have to know that they're capable of doing that to you. You have to know that. I mean, that, that was fucking really not cool what he did. That's horrible. But, um, and he, and he, and he lives with the guy who helped him justify it i mean i
Starting point is 01:27:25 talked to them on the phone they justify they were justifying bad behavior but um and then he took it down because i i think he was afraid for whatever reason that he might get sued he saw the boogeyman a lot of people saw the boogie if you've never seen the boogeyman um or you don't know not familiar with that term i can explain it but he saw saw the boogeyman, and he fucking pulled the video down. The boogeyman can scare a fuck. Boogeyman's fucking scary. This video, T-Landers, is it worth watching? Jeremy, hi.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I don't think he hits it. It's not up. It's down. Oh, is it? Yeah. So did I really miss anything? Once again, for the three, oh my God, for the 3,000th post, 12 Daily Doses says something that's just completely wrong.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Look at, this is, all this guy is is just one massive presupposition after another. Look at, what did Greg say to you when he fired you? He didn't fire me. So the presupposition is greg say to you when he fired you uh he didn't fire me so the presupposition is what greg said to you look you made a presupposition on top of a presupposition what did greg say to you when he fired you the presupposition is that he fired me and that he said something to me and then another presupposition um gotta be hard firing your buddy i mean you god dude hey seriously I want you I mean this from the fucking bottom
Starting point is 01:28:48 of my heart if you have if you are struggling with relationships in your life I could help you I don't know man he seems beyond that no no I can help you if you would talk to me on the phone if you I don't want to I don't want to help you unless you have like a problem
Starting point is 01:29:04 but if you ever are like holy fuck I can't figure out why I keep getting fired from jobs or why my wife hates me or anything. I could help you. I could help you catch your presuppositions and your whole fucking life would change. Just so you know, if you're ever interested in that. Yeah, he's helped me with the lipstick. He's not lying, 12 Daily. I can help you. See, all you have to do is stop making presuppositions,
Starting point is 01:29:35 and this heaviness will just lift from your life. Barry McCockner, we appreciate you, Sevan. That's all. Okay. For sure. we sure do 12 daily doses I want to help you brother trust me cool thank you help yourself
Starting point is 01:29:55 first dude how you doing I'm good I'm good it's but you know what I just saw I can see out the window I could see the fog rolled in. And I wanted to take the kids surfing today right after the show, but we'll figure it out. That shit looked really cool when I was down in SLO last July
Starting point is 01:30:19 driving on the beach there. That fog was pretty trippy. Yeah, it comes in fucking thick. Yeah. Yeah. How are things? How is the life? How is the dating?
Starting point is 01:30:37 How is your lady doing? I was going to call and comment on that video, but since you asked, I mean, I've been keeping you up to date offline, but it's been it's been really interesting to see. I mean, it's only been like two weeks, two and a half weeks. And to see the channel, I'm not like I'm not like Mr. Go out and change everybody, although we did talk about that yesterday. But to see her changing, to see her mind growing, I guess, and not seeing things so through that straw, as we've talked about,
Starting point is 01:31:19 it's been pretty cool. So I'm really digging it. She was here last night, and it was fun. I'll say that without giving too many details. How old are you again? 37. And how long had you been married? I was married for 12 years and with her for 16. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:48 is it weird putting your hands on another woman's body? Is it like, is it like, is it a trip? Bro? It, it's, uh, again,
Starting point is 01:31:55 without giving too many details earlier on, it was, and her and I talked about it. She's really cool. She was really cool about it. Like it was, uh, it was odd. It's like, uh, it was odd.
Starting point is 01:32:06 It's like, uh, it's like on one hand you're like, all right, she's hot. You know, this is great. But on the other hand,
Starting point is 01:32:13 when you're with somebody for so damn long, um, it's weird at first. Uh, but I can, I can happily say that we've crossed that bridge. We're on the other side of that. So it's not an issue anymore.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Yeah. It almost would seem like the thought of putting my hands on another woman's body would feel like an alien fucking landscape just because you've been with someone for so fucking long. Oh, for sure. And it's like, you know, when you're with somebody and maybe the relationship isn't going well and you, you think about other women and you're like, Oh yeah, I would, you know,
Starting point is 01:32:51 I would get with that girl. I get with that girl. And then the time comes and you're like, what the hell is going on? Like, this is, this isn't the lady I've been with for the last almost 20 years of my life. And it's really,
Starting point is 01:33:04 uh, at first it's really awkward, I guess, would be a good word. Did you ever feel like you were cheating on your wife even though the relationship was over? No, not that I was cheating. It was just unfamiliar territory. You're used to the same landscape, the same,
Starting point is 01:33:26 everything for so long. And then that, that changes. And I'm looking for an analogy here, but I can't think of one, but, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:35 all of a sudden things changing. You're like, wait, what the heck? You know? But then if you, if you just embrace it, like,
Starting point is 01:33:41 Hey, things change and it's actually for the better, you know know then it becomes okay yeah hey does she have another boyfriend currently or you are only boyfriend i'm the only one oh that's cool yeah it's pretty gotten pretty in pretty hot and heavy pretty intense really fast which was not my intention. But, hey, here we are. I'm digging it. What does she think about your CrossFit addiction?
Starting point is 01:34:11 She does. I don't know if I told you. She does F45. Oh, awesome. I'm trying to bring her over to CrossFit without being like a dick about it. Yeah, dude, that's fucking great that she's working out. Fuck it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:34:23 That's what I told her. I'm like, you don't have to come and do the stuff we do. You're doing very similar stuff. It makes you happy? Cool. I'm cool with it. She respects my cross addiction. She said my body is very intimidating, or at least was at first,
Starting point is 01:34:41 and all this and that. But I told her it's not even about what I look like. You become obsessed with CrossFit. Sure, everyone wants to look good naked, but you become obsessed with it because you start discovering what you're actually capable of. How much do you weigh? I'm around 200.
Starting point is 01:35:01 And how much does she weigh? Man, one, I don't know. She's like, I'm like 5'10". She's like 5'7 or so. Pretty fit. I would say 140. I don't know. I'm not good at judging a woman. Okay, so she's a real woman.
Starting point is 01:35:22 She's not some fucking stick. No, man. She is a woman. touching a woman's face. Okay, so she's a real woman. She's not some fucking stick. No, man. She is a woman. Yeah, that's awesome. What were you going to say about the video? Oh, the video. Was it the Lego one? Yeah, yeah, the Lego guy.
Starting point is 01:35:38 The unsmall guy there. So there's that old Bill Cosby quote. I know maybe Bill Cosby isn't the greatest guy to quote here. But he said that women do not want to hear what a man has to say. They want to hear what they have to say in a man's voice. And this video, I'm trying to just wrap my head around it. Wow, that's some patriarchy shit. That's some fucking... That is crazy.
Starting point is 01:36:07 He got away with saying that? That was like 40 years ago. That was back in the... way back in the day. It's just like... That's what I'm thinking with this guy in this video. Is he like quietly
Starting point is 01:36:22 degrading women? All they do is try to make things, they project and try to make things what they want them to be or something while men are out trying to, you know, be Batman and be better or whatever. Like, I don't have my head around what this guy's trying to actually say.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yeah, I don't know either, but I thought it was fascinating if that is a characteristic, if that trade is generally true where we hold a character. We see Batman and we want to be Batman, but they see a Batman figurine and they pretend like they are the figurine. You know what I mean? Like they move the figurine around as if it was them. I never played with the Green Army guys and pretended like I was them, right?
Starting point is 01:37:01 But I did watch The Six Million Dollar man and pretend like I was a six million dollar man for sure so yeah for sure it would just be interesting if that was a defining trait but the people in the comments already fucked me up that basically there's half dozen women in there who said yeah they played with Legos
Starting point is 01:37:19 I'm not surprised there's some pretty cool badass women in this chat I know and I started thinking that too well maybe these just aren't normal women who will listen to the show these are like highly evolved women what is normal though right yeah good point
Starting point is 01:37:35 alright normal is being able to know the difference between a vagina and a penis and being able to accept the difference that's normal I like that alright thank you between a vagina and a penis and being able to accept the difference. That's normal. I like that. Great definition. Alright, thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Yeah, I'll talk to you later, brother. This Tuesday, I don't know the time, but Pedro from Coffee Pods and Wads on this Tuesday coming up, what is the date on that? Tuesday, May 2nd Pedro will be having Adrian Bosman live on the Coffee Pods and Wads podcast
Starting point is 01:38:12 you don't want to miss that I'm actually going to look and see Coffee Wads and Pods Coffee Pods and wads live oh shit he has Brian friend coming on his Brian friend coming on June 13th you have Brian scheduled
Starting point is 01:38:41 for June 13th you can do that I don't see Adrian oh okay 1130 AM so after this show 1130 AM Pacific Standard Time Pedro will have Adrian Bosman on live
Starting point is 01:38:57 I'm going to hit the notify me button you know what I can do look at I'm going to send you a link i'm gonna put a link in the chat down here uh it's a shame because this is gonna people are gonna leave my podcast for this but i'm gonna put a link in the chat and you can click on that link and go over there if you want and um subscribe to coffee pods and wads and then also asked for a um a notification i turned on all notifications you get all notifications now from coffee pods and wads i'm going to show you guys how to do that
Starting point is 01:39:32 okay i went over here to his page i subscribed and then you click this bell and you hit all and so we'll get a notification when adrian comes on adrian's a great guest. Great, great guest. And Pedro's great too. He won't interrupt Adrian. So if you're tired of me interrupting people, Pedro will be your cup of tea. He'll let Adrian speak unfettered. Danny GM, forgive T-Lander for what he did uh for what he did nothing wrong
Starting point is 01:40:07 he showed his nature he's a fragile human being and can't even keep the video up because he's weak-minded if anything thank him for showing his true nature i don't know i don't know if i agree with that he shouldn't he i don't i don't i i don't agree with that but but i but thank you for the money i don't agree with um i think he did the right thing by taking the video down, but unfortunately not for the reasons he said. You will – no, you will get a notification for all new videos from that channel, not just that video. Yes, exactly. I've never watched I've watched a shitload of his podcast. I've never seen I can sincerely say this.
Starting point is 01:40:53 I've never seen one where I'm like, hey, I wish I wouldn't watch that. I can't say that about a lot of people. Yeah, it was that up there, too. I did hear I did see the Don. I didn't know that Don Fall had committed to coming on, but I didn't see that one up there. I guess I didn't look closely. Good eye. All right. This is a little old, but I saw this yesterday or the day before,
Starting point is 01:41:26 and I'll just give you guys a little update. This is Tucker Carlson. It seems a little vague, but here we go. This is after he was fired from CrossFit News. After he was fired from Fox News, this was the first time he has spoken
Starting point is 01:41:42 publicly. Here we go. Good evening, it's Tucker Carlson. One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country, kind and decent people, people who really care about what's true, and a bunch of hilarious people also, a lot of those. It's got to be the majority of the population, even now. So that's heartening. a lot of those. It's got to be the majority of the population, even now. So that's heartening. The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They're completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won't even remember that we had them. Trust me, as someone who's participated.
Starting point is 01:42:21 And yet at the same time, and this is the amazing thing, the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources. legitimate debate about any of those issues. It's been a long time. Debates like that are not permitted in American media. Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. Suddenly, the United States looks very much like a one-party state. That's a depressing realization, but it's not permanent. Our current orthodoxies won't last. They're brain dead. Nobody actually believes them. Hardly anyone's life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won't. The people in charge know this. That's why they're hysterical and aggressive. They're afraid. They've given up persuasion. They're resorting to force. But it won't work. When honest people say what's true calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who've been trying to silence them shrink and they become weaker. That's the iron law of the universe. True things prevail. Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren't many places left,
Starting point is 01:43:51 but there are some, and that's enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon. Good evening. It's Tucker Carlson. No, it sounds like he's not going away. So that's good. That's nice to hear that. I enjoy, I greatly, greatly, greatly, greatly enjoy his contribution to humanity. I'm so appreciative of it. Yeah, Sevan skipped the Jesus comment. Oh, stop watching me. Jeremy E. World, I listen to Tucker and wonder how anyone can say he spreads misinformation or any other bs they accuse him of dude says the truth trish what did he just say
Starting point is 01:44:32 yeah that so i i get a little bit of that too from him trish i get just right there it's it's it's vague uh he's i would say he's speaking to his people there hopefully he's going to fill in the blanks right that's what I'm hoping for I'm going to cut him a little bit of slack I'm not going to go at Tucker for that Gazan Bench 270 we had her on the show yesterday that was cool so we won't be showing that clip but that was really cool this is 25
Starting point is 01:45:11 this is this is kind of cool this is Leah Thomas talking this is actually really fucking cool this is Leah Thomas letting. This is actually really fucking cool. This is Leah Thomas letting us know that the he, she, it
Starting point is 01:45:31 Leah has realized that the feminists are not on his side. And he's tripping. He's tripping. And you know what you realize here? That this is just a young guy this is just like a this is this is just like one of your stoner friends in college just listen the way he talks it's just a dude he's just in over his head and all sorts of shit but here we go
Starting point is 01:45:57 great skin today by the way uh mr thomas they're like oh we respect leah as a woman as a trans woman or whatever we respect her identity we just don't think it's fair. You can't really have that sort of half support where you're like, oh, that's not half support. Do you see that leap he made right there? We're going to keep hearing that over and over. That's not half support. We totally want to allow you to do whatever you want with yourself. But when you impose it on other people people then we don't then we don't have to agree with you anymore and that's not half support that's not that's not half support they're like oh we respect leah as a woman as a trans woman or whatever we respect her identity we just don't think it's fair you can't i want to give you the example of this it is not illegal it is not illegal to have any fantasy inside of your head
Starting point is 01:46:48 and nor should it be if you have a fantasy inside of your head and it is to rate people and have sex with them and then kill them and that's your fantasy all on you no one should ever stop you of that if you act on, you should be fucking suffer the repercussions and it should be fucking swift and hard because now you forced other people to participate into your fucked up fucking shit. But there should never be thought police, never, ever, ever be thought police. be thought police never ever ever be thought police the brain should be a hundred percent free each person's brain should be able to think anything you want the grossest shit the most macabre shit you should be free to think anything and that's what we want to give Leah Thomas. That's what we want to give everyone. Complete fucking freedom. But the second you impose your fantasy on the rest of us and want us to participate in your fantasy, which is to be a man, which is to be a woman now, and then live out your fantasy and compete against women. No, we're not doing that
Starting point is 01:48:05 we're not we're not we're not participating in your fantasy no one wants to no one uh no one wants to forfeit their kids to allow a pedophile to participate in their fantasy no one you may have a i always thought it would be cool to rob a bank. No one should be obligated to participate in my fantasy of robbing a bank without the repercussions. It doesn't work like that. And so they're saying he's conflating – and this is where the mental illness is. He's conflating his inside world with his outside world, and it makes him completely mentally ill and unable to participate in society. These people are a threat to everyone's physical freedom. That's what the whole DEI council thing is. They're a threat to everyone's physical freedom. And not only that, they're the opposite. They want us to comply to their physical reality or their physical delusions.
Starting point is 01:49:14 They want us to comply in the outside world with them. It's absolutely nuts. And we want to give them the freedom in between their ears. Yeah, they want to force us to participate. They want forced participation. Yeah. Yeah. uh jake jake chapman when when female men um when females dominate men's uh when when men's trans athletes dominate then we can talk about when females are i don't know what that means but anyway
Starting point is 01:50:03 uh legality and morality are not the same Brandon Graham it was legal to sterilize the mentally ill in the past that being said my morality is predicated on how you feel dude it was legal to sterilize fucking Native Americans in the 70s indigenous people in the 70s
Starting point is 01:50:24 it was legal. Uh, seven, uh, maybe off topic, but maybe you already talked about it, but what's the chitchat about, uh, Tyson,
Starting point is 01:50:33 uh, Bajan's draft status today. I don't know. Um, I will find out as soon as you get off the show. I'll give, I'll give a call over to, I'll call his dad.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Um, they feel so uncomfortable, Sean Sullivan. They feel so uncomfortable in their own skin they must force you to affirm their mental illness yeah that that's a simplistic but probably very accurate way of that that sort of half support where you're like oh i respect her as a woman here but not here they're using the guise of feminism to sort of push transphobic beliefs i think a lot of people in that camp sort of carry an
Starting point is 01:51:07 implicit bias against trans people, but don't want to, I guess, fully manifest or speak that out. And so they try to just play it off as this sort of half support. Everyone has an implicit bias towards trans people. Everyone, even trans people. Everyone has an implicit bias to everything. That said, that said absolutely nothing. Everyone has an implicit bias, and many of us have explicit biases to things. About how twisted feminism, quote unquote, feminism has become their arguments, you know, in order to exclude anybody in the trans category, you have to reduce women to reproductive capacity which is in my opinion extremely anti-feminist reducing women to i don't want to put those women down either and i
Starting point is 01:51:51 know you don't want to want to because i see pain i see pain and i and the pain is coming from somewhere it's not you though it's the patriarchy and how can we give you oh shit oh shit it's a patriarchy able to see that it's the patriarchy that's causing oh we respectfully as a woman wow well i'm open to it let me show it to me i'm open i'm open let's see it every single healthy man i think a lot of healthy men assess every situation that they're in. So you walk into a store, you're a healthy man. It's not like you're ready to fight everyone, but you look, you look around the whole store. You, you do, you do an assessment of what's in the thing. You're not looking for danger. Maybe you're not looking for pussy. You're not looking
Starting point is 01:52:41 for something to steal. You just do a general assessment so you walk into a supermarket like a whole foods or a safeway or something those automatic doors open and you take an assessment around you and you see things okay over there there's a a woman who's in one of those carts that's blocking who's 485 pounds who's blocking the aisle you're not going to go that way you see over here that the lines are long and that um you know it's probably going to take you a while to check out you know do you still want to shop uh you see over here that there's uh three uh 16 year old girls giggling who are fucking barely clothed and their asses are hanging out of their shorts and they got their push-up bras on and you're
Starting point is 01:53:20 like wow i wonder if their parents saw them leave the house and you assess you see a man who's six foot four 290 pounds talking to himself while holding a cane you make a note of that you're with your three kids you think uh and he's agitated maybe you think everyone does that if you're not doing that if you're not doing that you're you you be. That's part of just being a man. Maybe it's part of being a woman too. I don't know. I kind of want my wife to do that. Not kind of, I want my wife to do that. As you enter new situations, you're just looking at shit. You're watching shit. As you enter new situations, you're just looking at shit. You're watching shit.
Starting point is 01:54:09 You don't trip over cracks in the concrete or curbs. You have a highly – high level of situational awareness. When you grab the shopping cart, you look at the handle before you put your hand on it. You're just present. You're not looking for anything specific you're not looking to see if someone spit on the shopping cart handle or if there's a sharp edge you're just paying attention to shit
Starting point is 01:54:33 and then you assess things and you make judgments and all of those judgments are perfectly okay. All of those judgments are perfectly okay. Trust your gut. Don't act out of fear. Don't act out of confidence. Don't act out of ego.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Ego. They want you to feel bad for having that skill. They. They. Some people want you to feel bad for having that skill, for doing that. They want to judge you. They want to say that you're racist or discriminatory or prejudiced or unfair that you have bias it's okay be aware of all that if you if you do if you do sense that that maybe you're like you're like if you do sense that there's like three hot chicks on aisle six and so you go over there and shop and buy some peanut butter cookies that
Starting point is 01:55:39 you would have never bought but you put them in your carton bottom because you wanted to go over and be by those girls be aware of that that's okay you see three three fucking mexican kids with their pants sagging down past their ass talking loud being aggressive fooling around on aisle seven and you don't want to go there because you think that like fuck those remind you the kids that like um beat up you and your sister on the way home from school it's okay don't go down that aisle be aware of that it's okay maybe try to get past that maybe face that fear and walk by them and like try to break the ice to them hey what's up dudes all of it's okay
Starting point is 01:56:13 all of it's okay all the best you can do is be aware and just work through all that shit work through all that shit. Everyone has heard that Fox News fired Tucker Carlson. And here's why it's great news. People are speculating that the firing was a result of the Dominion versus Fox News lawsuit. Others that he was fired for criticizing BlackRock. And Twitter has pointed out that BlackRock owns Dominion and Fox News. In fact, they have a 15% share of the entire company. And because of that, Fox News has been filing ESG reports.
Starting point is 01:56:51 You're about to understand why every company in America has gone woke. ESG is a type of investing that stands for environmental social governance. And according to Bloomberg, investment firms will hold $53 trillion in ESG assets by 2025. And here's why it matters to all of us. That $53 trillion will only be invested in companies that are environmentally and socially responsible. Hence, ESG. Environmental Social Governance. It's why Fox News' latest ESG report shows that it's gone woke and why companies like Bud Light launch ads like this. So is it BlackRock? Is it Dominion?
Starting point is 01:57:31 I don't know. But what I do know is that people are asking the right questions and starting to look in the right places. Because we shouldn't be asking who's corrupt and who's not. We should be seeing that six companies control nearly every television network and that BlackRock and Vanguard have leverage over those six companies. It's why so many companies don't worry about boycotts because the investment money is controlled from the top. It's why I teach our students about the media industrial complex, the medical industrial complex, and how to view the world from a systems level to understand how the world really works.
Starting point is 01:58:06 Check out my private homeschool community and Cubs to bears books. Brett Pike. He was a guest on the show, letting you know that when Fox paid the $780 million to dominion, that they gave it to themselves. Fucking crazy. 780 million dollars to dominion that they gave it to themselves fucking crazy uh mike mccaskey the great reset look it up uh esg is a mechanism for this yeah what a crazy way to try to control people. Climate change. It's here. It's real.
Starting point is 01:58:46 It's climate change. Patrick Clark, nope, it becomes a free market. In his case, he will have around five teams that want to bring him in, and they will be competing against each other to earn his favor with money, mainly guaranteed money. Who are you talking about? Tyson? I missed that.
Starting point is 01:59:03 All right. Tyson, I missed that. All right. Oh, Tyson. I think he had seven specific teams reach out to him and tell him when they were going to draft him. I think. I think that's, if I recall correctly, that's what I heard. I don't know if I'm even supposed to say that. But if I'm not, I apologize.
Starting point is 01:59:43 And either way, whoever gets him stoked oh darn it i wanted to start the uh have you guys i don't know if i can play this i don't know what's going to happen when i play this i may only play this in like seven second uh increments the guy's name is uh wheel Walker. Wheeler Walker Jr. It says, are you a country music fan? Have you guys heard this? This is crazy. This is so good. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:00:15 She's a country music fan. I think I'm going to get in trouble for that. Is that too long? Was that more than seven seconds? She loves dicks and cups filled up with beer. Pretty good, right?
Starting point is 02:00:36 Right? She loves asking to hear her favorite song from the band. Pretty good. Pretty good. Oh, his songs are hilarious.
Starting point is 02:00:50 He's been on Rogan. Oh, really? God, this is so funny. I'm such a fucking child. I'm such a fucking child. She's a bitch. And country music fan. Unbelievable. And she's a country music fan.
Starting point is 02:01:18 Oh. As a person who loves country, I approve. Man, this is. So he has a whole album. I need to get the whole album. I'm going to get the album. I'm going to start listening to it in the car and see if my kids pick up on it.
Starting point is 02:01:31 Is it all like that? Because, man, that is... That's unreal. My mom used to We used to have Kenny Rogers records around the house My mom was a Kenny Rogers fan And we also had Barbra Streisand records I'm sorry to say No not nice that's not nice
Starting point is 02:02:01 Come on Sebi Anyway I would love to start every show with that song instead of the thong song. If I could. Oh, everybody wants to talk about Tyson Bajan now that the draft's here, huh? Everybody wants to talk about him now good i'm glad talk about him whether you're an athlete or not taking care of your stinky feet is a critical step in your overall health and quality of life 99 of shoes are horrible for your feet a dear toe spacer please send seven on some toe spacers i really i'll wear the fuck out of those
Starting point is 02:02:39 please send me some here we go spacer products have been integrated into my everyday training a lot of times field sessions when i have to put cleats on they have a narrow toe box constantly cutting and and planning off of and uh and moving in and they're really detrimental to to our feet understanding how important foot health is with everything just working from the ground up with it going from your feet to your ankles, knees, hips, you know, it's all connected. So being able to have a reset before and after practice has been the biggest thing for me. The Toast Spacer product. My kids know Tyson Bajan, but the second my kids are done with activities, I take their shoes off. I take their shoes off.
Starting point is 02:03:32 And I don't do it for the reasons Elaine Marino says I do. It's not because I'm a hateful person. Although sometimes I'm quite aggressive when I take their shoes off. I do because that's what i would want someone to do for me my mom and dad both of them uh if i've ever fell asleep with my clothes on they would undress me and i just remember as a little kid just i was so fucking appreciative of that can't tell you so i do that with my kids too like if they fall asleep and they got a shirt on i take that shirt off of them or socks or anything i was so appreciative of that as a kid i hate even to this day if i fall asleep with socks on i wake up and i'm not in a panic that's too much but i'm kind of like
Starting point is 02:04:14 disgusted that i did that to myself i don't like that and uh yeah i see tyson uh being in those cleats all day take the rip those cleats off and then stick those toe spacers on right away i believe it i think he really does that so uh philip kelly i'm in the process of having cheek spacers uh patented cheek spacers patented. Cheek spacers. For these cheeks or your butt cheeks? Anyone use a squat plug?
Starting point is 02:04:53 I don't know what that is. That sounds... I bang around with socks on. I bang around with socks on too. Especially now that I got older. It's happened in the last year. You mean like just walk around on the hardwood floors in the house? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:13 I used to never wear socks in the now. I'd say like in the winter, I wear socks all the time. But I just don't want to sleep in socks ever. Chris Beesterfeld paying his $9.99 monthly subscription. I appreciate that. Thank you. For those of you who are not paid up, we accept cash check or money order. People who sleep in socks are so weird. Brendan likes to sleep in jeans and it's literally the thing we fight about the most.
Starting point is 02:05:37 You know what's crazy? That is crazy, sleeping in jeans. Tell them I don't approve. By the way, if you want to do something today, I think if the fog stays here, I'm going to go up to the skate park. Um, if you and Brandon want to come, um, the, the thing, do you know, it's crazy. I, um, my wife used to, before we had kids, my wife used to always like, just, I don't, I think she just slept in underwear. And now that we have kids, um, she used to, she sleeps with like shit on like sweats and like a
Starting point is 02:06:04 shirt so that the kids don't get at her titties or just get at her they'll like the boys will just get at her pervs so she has to stay kind of like protected i can't wait till they so they kind of outgrow that i think we're like a couple that i think the eight-year-old's kind of outgrown it you should get her back naked in bed again I think the eight-year-old's kind of outgrown it. I should get her back naked in bed again. It's crazy how lazy one man can be, right?
Starting point is 02:06:37 I know you guys think I have a perfect life, but I'll be like, ah, she's too clothed. That's too much work getting at that. Yeah, sometimes I'm a little lazy 29 when you drink the Kool-Aid this is fucking crazy so there is a girl over at the CrossFit Games Andrew Hiller and I have made fun of her a bit
Starting point is 02:06:58 her name is Becky Harsh she's the one who said everyone knows what a thruster is this is she posted this on her Instagram and I She's the one who said everyone knows what a thruster is. This is – she posted this on her Instagram, and I – to be completely frank, after Hiller and I had our way with her, I got a couple calls from people over there at CrossFit HQ. They weren't upset or anything, but they were like, hey, dude, that chick's amazing. And then I saw this a couple days ago uh this is becky harsh 20 years on the left i was 28 years old with two little boys on the right i'm 48 i cannot believe she's 48 i mean that is a she looks like a simpsons
Starting point is 02:07:41 character on the left with that video camera and the way that shirt fits and the way her boob is and the way the sweatshirt's tied around her. I mean it's crazy. On the left, I was 28 years old with two little boys. On the right, I'm 48 years old current. So that means that she has 20-year-old boys, 25-year-old boys now. She's younger than me. I never underestimate the power of consistency. I found CrossFit almost 17 years ago, and I absolutely believe it changed the course of my life.
Starting point is 02:08:16 The difference in my body are obvious. I'm feeling healthy and strong and ready to take on the next half century. And you fucking look amazing. Absolutely amazing. Even better than the physical changes, I can actually see the confidence I hold in my frame now. I'm no longer threatened by the patriarchy. Oh, that's cool. She didn't say that.
Starting point is 02:08:41 I just made that part up. I feel capable, valuable, and sometimes even powerful. Miss Becky Harsh from a douchebag misogynist like myself, you fucking look capable, you look valuable, and you look very powerful. Amazing there. Absolutely amazing. Power stance. You're a fucking boss. A one hour a day I take class. I focus on eating real food, meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. And I just keep going. This is so cool.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Not the same person, no way and it's fucking crazy fucking amazing yeah dude she's 28 here she's supposed to be in like like prime fucking like uh like baby making mode you know like dude should be wanting to like but at 48 she's hot as fuck like way powerful like she looks like she's ready to start life too she looks like she could have four more kids you're an inspiration for so many tons of love
Starting point is 02:09:52 to you and your work Becky I'd love to see people I'd love to see people who this is their journey this is crazy call her hi hey I love to see people who, who this is their journey. This is crazy. Call her. Hi. Hey. So I've been wondering for a little while. First off, how are you doing?
Starting point is 02:10:13 My bad. I'm great. No, no, it's okay. It's okay. No formalities ever needed, but I appreciate it. That's sweet of you. Go on, speak your mind. Are you part of the patriarchy? What's that? Perfect answer. Thank you. I apologize. Now I owe you an apology for asking you dumb shit. What is it though? I don't know. I honestly don't know.
Starting point is 02:10:40 I think the patriarchy is just if you're a man. Are you part of the the men it's like the illuminati but only men are in it i don't know what it is oh yeah i mean i feel like a man but i mean that's a different idea for everybody so hey how how do you can you how how amazing does becky harsh look this transformation is crazy right yeah at 48 i mean i think it's tremendous i mean more people especially at that that age, should be relatively lifting heavy weights. Yeah. Relative to what they can do, their size.
Starting point is 02:11:13 I mean, I wish more people did that. And we were talking about what normal looks like. That should be normal. Could you imagine? Yeah, that should be normal. It probably was in the 70s. Do you think that was normal 100 years ago yes i do i think i think i think really i and you know when to be when i went to africa the time i spent in africa that the way she looks right there
Starting point is 02:11:37 uh was just the when all the women had fucking amazing bodies so you i'd go into like the um the villages because because they were doing stuff they were carrying 20 pound buckets of water they always had a kid on them they were always walking there i never saw one motorized there was no electricity there was no yeah yeah i think uh and i think 100 years ago it was like that i really do because everyone's cruising around right had to deal with their own shit and like if you spent three if you spent three hours let's say just mending your son's clothes or your husband's clothes or your own clothes with like a needle and thread that was three hours you weren't fucking sitting in front of the tv stuffing
Starting point is 02:12:14 yourself with gummy bears right i mean everything right yeah yeah anyway sorry i hijacked you you were gonna call about something i didn't well i don't have anything to back this up i can't remember if they're watching national geographic or something they're saying a lot of egyptians had heart disease issues and they battled obesity because the amount of um uh processed carbs they're eating they had a lot of bread and stuff like that you ever hear anything like that before i i wanted to get back that up i i vague i i've never looked into it i vaguely have heard uh i don't know if it was the egyptians of years yeah or i don't know if it was the egyptians but i think i heard something like that about south america the two things i heard is that the aliens came and fucking took the indians away
Starting point is 02:13:00 and then the other thing is is that it was their diet something weird happened to their diet and a shitload of them died but but i but i don't know i i don't know i'd have to look into that maybe someone in the um uh uh matt c you didn't see any obese africans in electric scooters i haven't been to out to in all fairness i've been to africa and in uh like real app by africa i mean like i'm not talking about like South Africa or fucking Egypt I've been to those places and seen the fucking those people I'm talking about like Kenya Madagascar Uganda Malawi
Starting point is 02:13:35 Ghana just other places that I've been all over where it's not really colonized by Europeans there's no we pulled up one village we pulled up to with the car and everyone surrounded the car and was looking at their reflections in the door. I mean, it was like
Starting point is 02:13:49 limited. People who are just basically, they're living like hunters and gatherers still. My buddy told me the funniest stories from Sierra Leone when he came here right away as a refugee. He beat up another kid and the cops saw him beating him up so they arrested
Starting point is 02:14:07 him at like 15 his mom came in and didn't know any english and started like when she came into the police station she beat the snot out of him i was yelling at him for losing a fight and had to bring an interpreter in and they didn't understand why the mom was so mad at like why she was beating him or whatever and finally speaking to the interpreter she explained i don't understand why the mom was so mad at like why she was beating him or whatever. And finally speaking to the interpreter, she explained, I don't understand why you arrested my son. He won the fight. Apparently where they came from, whoever lost the fight, that would be the one to get arrested. Wow.
Starting point is 02:14:37 That's jungle justice. Imagine you lose the fight and you go to jail. Yeah. Hey, I can't remember which book it is. It's one of those. It's one of the Greek mythology books. But the way the justice system was working back, you know, thousands of years ago in many places, too, was not whether you were guilty for killing someone or not, but whether it was just. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:04 Yeah. So people would be honest. They'd be like be like yes i killed that man across the street like they didn't lie and then be like okay let's determine what why did you kill him well because i came home and he was stealing one of my cows okay well that's fine good job killing him right right right so all right reason i called and not to take you off subject of what you were talking about before, but I've wondered this for a while, and if you've already spoken about it, forgive me, but why don't you go to an affiliate? I feel like that would be a really cool spot for your boys.
Starting point is 02:15:40 You mean, like, why don't I, like, join one of the five or six local affiliates in my area? Yeah, I mean, maybe you are, and I don't know. No. But I don't think you are. No, think no no no i'm not i'm not um i i don't for i don't why would tell me why i would do that tell me why i would do that oh that's so funny that you that you flipped it on me well i mean one thing i enjoy i mean beyond the community is that it helps me stay consistent. And I'm saying that you're not consistent, but it helps me stay consistent.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Helps me push harder than when I'm alone in my own like garage. And like, it brings out like that competitiveness in you that brings you farther than you would go on your own. Hey, I so hate to do this to you. I have to take this call, but we will continue this. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Greg, what's up, dude? What are you doing, bud? Hey, I'm live on the air.
Starting point is 02:16:34 I appreciate you calling in. My pleasure is mine. I was supposed to say a long-time listener, first-time caller, right? Yes, that works perfect. Hey, you know what's so funny is the guy was just asking me i was just on there was a caller on and he asked hey how come you don't belong to an affiliate and then i saw you were calling and i know that people are going to be like oh shit um savon's avoiding answering that question it's it seems to be a theme that people want to uh
Starting point is 02:17:03 drive home with me every once in a while. It comes up periodically. Like every few months, a bunch of people will get together and be like, hey, why the fuck doesn't this guy belong to an affiliate? Yeah, like I wouldn't even know how to answer that. Well, I asked him why should I belong to an affiliate. And the one good reason he did come up with is he said if you do belong to an affiliate, you'll push harder. And that is true. But the main reason why I don't is just it's time allocation i just
Starting point is 02:17:28 i have everything here at my house and i know that if i go to an affiliate it's like find a parking spot it's 15 minutes and do the class for an hour find someone to watch the kids and drive across town yeah all that stuff and you got all the shit in your garage all that stuff so it's just time allocation but maybe there will be a time in my life when my kids move out that i will go to my mom my mom goes to an affiliate she fucking loves it she loves the accountability the coaching and uh and and the community she absolutely loves it and my wife used to love it too until uh you know the world shut down uh for a couple years and all the gyms shut down and she stopped going never never went back. My wife teaches people out of the garage, Greg. Teaches your methodology out of the garage. Yeah. My sister
Starting point is 02:18:11 is an affiliate. Oh, she is. Kathy is. Yeah. She affiliated her backyard. Three dog CrossFit. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah. She still has that, huh? Yeah. Unless they took it from her. Phillip Kelly, Greg saved my life through CrossFit. Greg is the goat.
Starting point is 02:18:34 He just made a comment. Jeffrey Birchfield, professor, where is he? The University of Texas. I want to say in neurobiology Tell Greg I said howdy That's cool A lot of good folks out there I got a lot of good friends 12 daily doses
Starting point is 02:18:52 Did Greg invite Sorry, did Greg invent fight gone bad What an asshole move Fair enough, no one's perfect Hey Greg I'm going to ask you a tough question. You ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Here you go. Tough question. I have proposed that when you were running CrossFit, that it was similar to like Greenpeace.
Starting point is 02:19:17 They had one mission and that mission was to save whales from being killed by the Japanese boaters, let's say. Right. Those Japanese people that went on were killing all the whales. And so their singular mission was to protect the whales, right? And it wasn't to make money. And I'm guessing that you, CrossFit was like that. You started CrossFit and it had a mission. And now the mission, if you're not the owner or the owner is owned by a venture capitalist,
Starting point is 02:19:46 or if the company's gone public, that it can't pursue a mission outside of making money, which therefore then, legally speaking, which then makes the company completely different. Yeah, I'd invest an enormous amount of time, resources, training, experience, develop some expertise, you know, and the, the, no, I didn't, I didn't see myself at the time this way, but I do now. I was kind of a health and fitness activist and it morphed into a business.
Starting point is 02:20:20 You know, the first affiliate wasn't my idea. Um, the, uh, it was affiliate wasn't my idea. It was Dave Warner's idea. And he said, hey, we want to be an affiliate. And I said, what's that? We're going to fly the flag. In fact, they opened up in a SureGuard storage unit. You know, and if anyone had seen that as a business,
Starting point is 02:20:38 I think they'd have been nuts. And if they say now, they would have probably lied. But it kind of developed developed into a business. But for me, the financial side was always what was sustaining the effort. And my commitment was to the affiliates to spread the gospel, if you will, to the forward guard of what was no less than a revolution in fitness and health and nutrition. And so I've always been protective of the Achilles.
Starting point is 02:21:11 And frankly, even from a business perspective, that's all there was. And I knew that trying to skew out the whole thing, right, CrossFit jump ropes, CrossFit dumbbells, Crossfit rings, Crossfit protein powder, fish oil, all those things. I presented with all of those and told that I was a shitty businessman and didn't know what I was doing because I didn't take advantage of those things. What I saw is that if I couldn't come up with rings that differentiated themselves from other rings in the manner that the training prescription did from other training prescriptions. And with each pair of rings we sold,
Starting point is 02:21:49 with each fish oil you swallowed, capsule you swallowed, the brand was being devalued by that exact amount in case you quantify the devaluation. And so I stayed out of those things. And, you know, we did make a bicycle. Why? Because we produced a bicycle with the help of Seven Cycles in Boston that stood out from other bikes as significantly as the training studios from other things did. And that was kind of the effort. But, you know, I don't want to belabor the point much. It's not that interesting to me either.
Starting point is 02:22:19 And let me just push one more time. So can it be that way with a fiduciary duty to make money to the investors? Can it still be that way? Look, I want to be very careful, and I don't want to be a factor in what comes next. I kind of want this thing to play out as it will. And so I don't want to paint a gloomy picture but I think that whoever owns the thing and we have no idea who that is
Starting point is 02:22:53 I think they have a fiduciary compulsion to skew this thing out to as many different things as you could possibly fucking sell. And I'd imagine that to the owners, maybe not the management, but to the owners, that each of whatever there is currently, number of gyms, whatever's left, that each of those is a potent potential point of sale, a point of presence. And, you know, I remember telling Reebok that at the point that you're going
Starting point is 02:23:25 into the back and you pull out, let's try a tight pen to put it on, get the little foot measuring bullshit thing and pinching toes, okay, walk back and forth. How does that feel? You're a footlocker employee. You're not a trainer. You're not a professional. You're a $9 an hour footlocker employee.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Nothing wrong with that. But what we were doing was the professionalization of the training space. And that started with a professional prescription. This wasn't ride the life cycle, reading the newspaper, talking to the hottie next year on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, back and forth, chest, shoulders, thighs, and legs. It was different than that. It was improved from that. it was different than that it was improved from that and the level of engagement the points of contact subject wise from how you're feeling to uh maybe you don't need a statin why don't we just lower your blood sugar and see what happens to your blood glucose all of that requires something
Starting point is 02:24:17 very very different than had been seen in the community before and i would suspect, and I'm understating this, that the compunction to, the forces to move in that direction are fairly unavoidable. Look, if I had the fiduciary obligation to wring every fucking penny out of this that could possibly be wrung out of it. I really don't know what I'd do. I really, I don't think, me, I'm the wrong guy. I'm not going to be able to tell affiliates that this is the best jump rope ever made. What's the best thing about it? It's cross.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Look at it. And, you know, when Nordic Nationalists came to us, whoever it was, and, hey, you guys got to sell fish oil. We'll get it. We'll provide it. How's it different than yours? It's going to say cross whoever it was, and hey, you guys got to sell fish oil. We'll get it. We'll provide it. How's it different than yours? It's going to say CrossFit. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:25:09 Not interested. And I don't think you could, in a purely business sense, I don't think you can ethically avoid that. I think you have an obligation to put your name on pills and have them swallowed, though they cannot be differentiated from any other fish oil. Right, right. I had the luxury of being the sole shareholder and a commitment to the affiliates that supported their professionalization. was i had my hands full uh uh maintaining the the purity and effectiveness of the stimulus and then keeping the keeping the screws in bay yeah evil forces and you did a fucking great job at it uh 12 daily doses i don't know i mean i in the in the in the
Starting point is 02:25:59 end they won i mean uh yeah whatever uh 12 uh 12 daily doses uh greg thanks for creating this uh danny gm damn greg is the man these are all people who are making contributions to the show greg this danny gm just gave me 50 because you came on the show that's really sweet that's really sweet you know i get asked all the time how are you and? And how are you? And I feel like there's just something horrible happening to me. And, you know, look, where I stand now from where I was, I've got the multi-generational wealth. I'm free to continue doing exactly what I was doing before. I wasn't concentrating on push press or wads so much.
Starting point is 02:26:44 We kind of pass that on. There are many people that have learned how to do that and do that effectively. But what I was able to do was in the movement from, look, the opportunities that afforded me and all of us in fitness came out of the corruption and deficiencies of academic strength and fitness. And I thought I was just smarter than the people in university because, look, I'm going to get a little bit of squatting.
Starting point is 02:27:08 They need to. It's essential. We're going to reduce our carb load, etc., etc. And I came quickly to realize the problem of corruption at the academic level. In fact, I think I fairly well proved that in CrossFit
Starting point is 02:27:24 versus NSCA, and in NSCA versus CrossFit in the state suits. I've amply demonstrated in some landmark decisions what the corruption was. And what was what was fucked up in fitness was the problem sat at the university and its industrial sponsors, Soda and others, food industry, food and beverage industry. And we came quickly to learn that nothing was going to get better in fitness while it was so fucked up in health. And the problem in health was similar to the problem in fitness. The problem was in science. And so now I get to address broken science.
Starting point is 02:27:57 So just in my life, multi-generational wealth, freedom to continue to do what I thought was really important, neither doing anyways. And I don't think there was a lot of appreciation for it internally with the staff, nor maybe with the broader community. And I'm an older guy with a whole bunch of kids, and I get to spend time with them every day. I'm homeschooling and absolutely loving it.
Starting point is 02:28:16 So my life couldn't be better. I've got none of the stresses I had before. You know, the cool thing about being a broken science face is that it doesn't track any of the idiots that had before. You know, the cool thing about being a broken science space is that it doesn't track any of the idiots that had to weigh in on everything, games, athletes, and sponsors on the fitness front. You know, I'm not going to keep Captain David's
Starting point is 02:28:33 daughters never going to chime in about null hypothesis to get it tested. And so I'm kind of immune from the mindlessness that required so much response. I want to thank you. Not to single her out.
Starting point is 02:28:49 That's fine. I appreciate it. Hey, listen, I know that – I mean this, by the way. I appreciate the more than 10 years of effort you put into me. You said a line in there that some of the staff may have not appreciated what you were doing. I appreciate the more than 10 years of effort that you put into me, you said a line in there that, you know, some of the staff may have not appreciated what you were doing. I appreciate the more than 10 years of effort that you put into me, making sure that I did appreciate what you were doing and that I was finally able to glean a sum of a portion of that appreciation because it has completely changed my life, not changed my life,
Starting point is 02:29:19 added so much value and significance to my perception of reality. I'm able to appreciate the world and people in life so much better with the perspectives that you've introduced to me. They're just the enormous, the ability you've given me to see things with clarity. And I mean that. I'm not just fucking blowing you. And I know that you don't appreciate being blown either. That's wonderfully kind and very gracious.
Starting point is 02:29:41 And the people would stand in line and tell me, thank you for changing my life. very gracious and the people would stand in line and tell me, thank you for changing my life. You've given, you've given the voice and you've manifested my life's work. And so you amplified and were a megaphone to my message. And, and you know, it's a two way street. I owe you as well.
Starting point is 02:30:06 Yeah. That's a fucking really cool thing that the community um manifested your life's work that's fucking cool that's like in 2008 when you put your arm around jason kalipa and you said this is the product and now and and now you're taking it even you know obviously much further um alice nyc in the comments ask him about his next bsi event so you had a super duper public event and now from talking to you um what i'm it sounds like what you're going to do is you're going to do a very limited events but shit loads of them so events with just like 50 people uh at a time but you're going to do them all over is that correct and i know of one that's coming up i don't want to reveal any details about it so it doesn't get mobbed um yeah um you know i just spoke at Hillsdale College
Starting point is 02:30:46 and was very well received there by the faculty and by administration and some of the faculty. And at the Q&A portion, the people who were coming up asking about no hypothesis testing and the debasement, the epistemic debasement of modern science and the consequences of switching predicted strength as a determinant of a scientific model's validity,
Starting point is 02:31:13 null hypothesis significance testing, period, and how that led to this replication crisis. All the questions that you'd hope, the discussion you'd hope would come up was actually coming from the academics who were kind of siloing around, why is this guy coming here talking to us about science?
Starting point is 02:31:30 But it was coming from affiliates, and many of them had traveled four, five, six, seven hours to come to Hillsdale, Michigan to talk to me. I thought, geez, you know, why try to cram this thing down? And, you know, the science that's broken, it's university science.
Starting point is 02:31:46 It's not industrial science. It's university science. There's some odd exceptions where we have industry closing up closely to government like in pharma. But for the most part, the science that's practiced is SpaceX and Intel and Amgen is clean
Starting point is 02:32:01 and the science that's practiced in the university with the exception of some of the natural sciences. The replication crisis sits at the university, and the discomfort in bringing that up at the school was palpable, and it's the affiliates that were chomping at the bit and asking the good questions. I think this is easy and the affiliates are everywhere
Starting point is 02:32:31 and almost everywhere I've gone. We've done a lot of traveling. I was just in Costa Rica where there's affiliates. We were in St. Lucia where there's an affiliate. And so it'd be an easy thing to just walk in casually.
Starting point is 02:32:43 And I had to put a jacket on and a dress shirt and all that shit to go talk in front of the academics. Someone suggested I would have been better received with a tie on. And I was like, you know what? I don't know if I got that. And here's the thing, too. I have zero visions of changing the system. In fact, I'll tell you right now, it's not going to change. What's bad is going to get worse.
Starting point is 02:33:10 But what we can do, it's just like fitness too. We didn't change the fitness world. I mean, I'm watching my news feed. I'm seeing the low-fat diet making an epic comeback. Epic. Word. So what we can do though is inoculate love the word um we can protect
Starting point is 02:33:30 not every man but any man from the from the tyranny of shitty science and its purveyors and that that's a that's an achievable thing but it's one individual at a time it was the same thing with the fitness too. I had no visions of changing the fitness world, but I knew that anyone that came into one of my affiliate gyms and tried, and that's that any man, right? You know, there's a literary
Starting point is 02:33:56 notion of every man, and it's that person that has that thing common to all of us, and I think that's been overplayed. I think what's important is it came to me when I'd always been plagued by this question from a journalist, this isn't for everyone. And finally, one day, there's someone that I spent enough time with, a journalist that I enjoyed her company and her action was honest. And when she said, you have to admit this isn't for everyone, it just jumped out of my mouth. I said, you're right, but it is for anyone.
Starting point is 02:34:26 And boy, that stuck with me. And from that, I created this kind of, in my head, notion of any man. And any man is anyone who comes forward and is willing to pay attention, listen, and try. And I don't care if you're 500 pounds, what color you are doesn't matter, what your health deficits do not matter. In fact, the greater the deficits, the more dramatic the response and the better I get to look at applying my trade. And so that's where we're at with this science thing. I'm interested in spreading the word, talking to people so that people can understand how it is that when someone says, if you don't follow me, you don't believe
Starting point is 02:35:02 in the science. That should make everyone laugh. And I think we've all been through enough recently that that might resonate with some people. By the way, when anyone talks about the science, we got that from Matt Griggs, all your alarms should go off. All of them. The science. The science is settled. It's all bullshit. You, you have an event coming up, but, but it has limited occupancy.
Starting point is 02:35:30 Is it going to be just the first of many? And, and how can people come to these events? That's my plan. Unless I have no fun at all, but I can't imagine that. It's in my hood. It's at my friend's ranch and it's going to be fun. I think it'd be cool. It's ranch. It's going to be fun. I think it'll be cool. It's easy for me to speak to the affiliates and my friends.
Starting point is 02:35:52 Where can people go? I know you don't want to promote your own shit. I don't know. You don't like to do that. You have to tell us, where can people go to sign up for events or get on a waiting list
Starting point is 02:36:03 so more events pop up around um, around the world? I don't know what I've not been running, but, uh, I know, I know what is there. Can you believe I've still not looked at people? How's the book going? And I'm like, I'm not, I'm not writing a book. It's developing a curriculum. The book is Emily. I'm not, I don't have enough interest in CrossFit to write a book about it. Okay. Um, for everyone who's listening, I will get you information on that. I will get you a link.
Starting point is 02:36:28 We will put a link permanently on every YouTube video that we post from now on in the comments so that you can see where to sign up for these events. But I am on to something, right? Even though you're not saying Ishna, you are going to be doing some small events, and you're going to probably do a lot of them. And the first one is coming up, and it's going to be for the crossfit community to come uh and yep and learn about broken science okay and i'll just tell you we're starting at the ranch you know okay so much began there and it was fun it's uh 20 minutes from uh my place in santa cruz and so
Starting point is 02:37:01 great start but uh i don't think I have anything to say no to I just heard from Doug Chapman yesterday he just affiliated his 18th year. He re-affiliated or de-affiliated? Yes, he re-affiliated re-affiliated and he's coming out, he's going to be there but I can see
Starting point is 02:37:19 just running through that list of long time affiliates, the people that have been there 10 to 18 years. And if they had interest, I don't think I'd be able to say no to go out and just simply for me to just fly out of town, do that thing, have some tacos and leave. You and I went to the Super Bowl together, and we showed up at halftime, and we left three minutes into the third quarter.
Starting point is 02:37:49 And both of us were happy to go there and leave. Dave and I were invited to the Super Bowl to go on one of the team's planes, owner's bird, and sit with him. And it was a tough thing to explain that, you know, greatly appreciate the offer humbled by it, um, touched honored, but there's someone out there that would just, it would be, it would be an experience of a lifetime to go get to see the super bowl and go
Starting point is 02:38:23 with the owners on their jet. But I'm not that guy. But what about what about the drive across four states and go sit in your box? OK, what about the Super Bowl? What about this sporting event? The I someone some there's a guy who owns five gyms on the Isle of Man and his name is Jake Chapman. And he says, does Greg want to come to the, watch the TT on the Isle of Man? I mean, would that interest you? I mean, it's not like an invite,
Starting point is 02:38:51 like you have to commit to it now, but doesn't, I mean, I love the thought of going and watching that race. Do you know what that race is, Greg? Are you familiar with that one? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, I remember it's kind of a tragic year last year. It's an unfortunate level of injury.
Starting point is 02:39:06 I think it was last year. And, you know, I have a, what do you call it, a sickness for all things on two wheels. Right, yes. So, you know, that's a little more interesting to me. But, yeah, I'm not much of a spectator for sport. And I think I was invited to that too. To the Isle of Man you've been invited before? I think I was this year.
Starting point is 02:39:33 It's just come up recently. And I think, yeah, we'll see, we'll see. I need to make a trip to Europe and I need to do so to see affiliates and not to, you know, I don't want to go to Monte Carlo and I don't, I don't think I want to go to the world cup or anything like that. I just, uh, I get a simpler thing going.
Starting point is 02:39:52 Hey, what do you mean see the affiliates? Are you feeling some sort of a familial, uh, like obligation or what do you mean to visit the affiliates? What are you talking about? You sold the company. No, no, but, but, you know, the country managers and affiliates, just take Europe, for example. I speak with all of them regularly
Starting point is 02:40:15 as though I had just seen them last week. And these are friends. And when they're stateside, they come see me. And I just, in visiting, they come see me. And I just, in visiting them, it feels natural. It feels like a family reunion. I do feel some obligation to do that because we are friends.
Starting point is 02:40:40 And the other thing is I can get my bird over there. I don't have to fly commercial. So I can hop scotch from, like, what is it? I think we go up to Nova Scotia, Iceland, into Paris or something like that. So I can take my own plane and get some sport up there. I don't really want to fly commercially. I don't enjoy that so much. I'd rather drive cross-country than fly.
Starting point is 02:41:05 Change of subject here. I had Chris Cooper on the other day, and he was doing the podcast, and he was streaming it from his house, and he was using Starlink. And I know you have a Starlink as a backup at some of your homes. I do in Canterbury. Yeah, and I thought that was the first time I'd seen that. I didn't think that that Starlink was fast enough to do streaming, but I guess it was. Our connection was amazing.
Starting point is 02:41:29 That's good to hear. I have a microwave relay link in Santa Cruz, and it's blistering fast. I use the Starlink for a backup, and it's nice to hear that it's wholly adequate for streaming work. What do you think about, we had a little talk on the show earlier um what do you think about microwaves do you think microwaves are dangerous do you think that they're bad for the food are you a fan of the microwave just for like the one in the kitchen i know that's different than the one you were
Starting point is 02:41:58 referencing yeah i uh you know it's it's uh it's it's nothing i've researched, and so I don't fear it. I'm not looking for something else to be afraid of. I find, you know, but look, I would have described myself as an enthusiastic supporter of the vaccine industry until recently, you know? Right, right. I just don't know. Now, if it turned out, yeah, Michael is a killer in baseball. Am I going to be shocked? No.
Starting point is 02:42:32 Do I suspect it? No, I have no suspicion. I have no thoughts on it. All right. Jethro. I think I've got enough things to be afraid of in life. Totally. Totally.
Starting point is 02:42:43 And maybe I don't need to find any more. Fair. But it takes a pretty good effort on my part just to keep myself and my family away from sugar. Right. And the kids would put their seat belts on and you'd brush your teeth. Jethro Cardona, Greg, I just finished my level one yesterday. They mentioned you by name five times. It's so good to hear you've changed my life thank you greg cardona um uh michael c seven i dm do my info on instagram
Starting point is 02:43:17 for greg's broken science in june but i haven't heard back i didn't respond to you uh my my dms are crazy you should email me at Seval Matosian at Gmail. I promise you I will try to find your information. Greg. Tell you what, let me see how 3June goes. From what we did in Hillsdale,
Starting point is 02:43:38 I quickly took the position, God, the affiliates are fun. These people are receptive. Their questions are good. They're intelligent affiliates are fun. I mean, these people are receptive, their questions are good, they're intelligent, they're thoughtful. I'm not, there's not even the slightest tone of belligerence, so I don't mind that I launched this
Starting point is 02:43:54 thing standing in front of large crowds of people telling them, your diet's killing you and your workouts are stupid. I don't really mind the confrontation, but we're in a little different space now. And if I enjoy this on the third, the way I'm presuming I'm going to,
Starting point is 02:44:11 I'm going to have body actions. I get to talk about broken science and reconnect with some old friends. If that goes, as I anticipated to what I think we'll do is put some kind of schedule forward. It's got a whistle stopped across the country. So, you know, coming soon, I would suspect.
Starting point is 02:44:33 Thoughts on Tucker Carlson being gone from Fox News. Have you looked into that? Yeah. What do you think about that? Is that a trip? I read his text internally and uh god regardless of of how you interpreted the text in terms of the veracity whether he had it right or not
Starting point is 02:44:58 um and it seems he likely did but regardless of that, he provided the essential elements of the Dominion suit. And that coming up in Discovery, right or wrong, I suspect that he was doomed. Even if the employee is a friend of yours, if their text costs you upwards of $800 million, you're probably going to be a little bit buckered because it settles, right? That's quite a credit to take from even a friend. So you're saying that they saw a text – I didn't have – I couldn't imagine him remaining after that. So they saw a text that implicated Fox knowing that they were presenting some information that was a lie, which then implicated Fox in hurting Dominion, and that's why they had to pay the fine? he expressed some powerful dislike of Trump. But the thing that I think really, really hit home was he says, the union's going to sue us for billions of dollars and we're going to lose.
Starting point is 02:46:25 And so you get into trial and you're like, you know, did you know it was false? Well, the guy's saying it was. I mean, no, the case was determined by those facts. What about did you hear the thing about how Paul Ryan was on the board of Fox and that basically Tucker wanted to tell the truth about January 6th and the powers that be at fox did not want trump in power and so therefore they wanted to kind of continue this like uh subtle beat down of trump and that tucker was against that he wanted to tell the truth about january 6th and so that's the reason why they got rid of him did you hear any of that no but that i could see that being a factor as well yeah kind of crazy what do you think happens to someone like that like the january 6th thing there were some bad actors in there and no one should be storming
Starting point is 02:47:11 the capitol building or anything else but i'm bothered by people being upset by uh the capitol being stormed and yet we watched a barber being drugged from his shop and stomped to death in a mostly peaceful protest and no one gave a shit. And frankly, I'm a little more bothered than that.
Starting point is 02:47:36 I was more bothered than that than I would have been if they burned the Capitol to the ground, frankly. What are you referencing? It's a building. What are you referencing it's a building it's a building right you know what what are you referencing um uh about the barber being pulled out was that oh i i i saw a handful of of uh of a small businessmen yanked from their premises right and and and brutalized in a in a in what the mainstream media called mostly peaceful protests.
Starting point is 02:48:06 That, you know, when you stomp a barber, a veteran, when you stomp his brains out on the street in a crowd, that's not a mostly peaceful protest to my way of thinking. Right, right. Yeah. And that was writ large across the country. It wasn't an isolated incident No, not not at all. I mean, I mean, the former the irony is, is in some of those protests. I mean, the former chief of police for the city of Oakland, who is a black guy, was also shot to death in front of a building that celebrated one of the black civil rights leader at the time during the BLM protests. I mean, it's, it's absolute insanity.
Starting point is 02:48:45 Four inches. Yes. Four inches. Hey, you know, listen, school shootings are horrible. Why aren't the, why aren't the scores of young, young men and women slaughtered every weekend in our, in our city streets? Why isn't, why isn't that a problem?
Starting point is 02:49:02 Right. Right. Right. Yes, yes, yes. On to a lighter topic. Greg, I know you are a huge fan of the Nano 2. Did you know that they brought the Nano 2 back, supposedly,
Starting point is 02:49:18 this month? No, but that's interesting because our friends at Victos, I don't even know the name of the shoe, but I got them. The core. The core. Yeah. Uh, man, they, they carried the mantle.
Starting point is 02:49:34 That's, uh, you know, when we asked them about it, they go, we just took the nano 2.0 and made it better. And so I put them on and I was like, you know what? This is like the nano 2.0, but better. Not sponsored, by the way. I pay for every fucking pair I got. But yeah, it's good. Good.
Starting point is 02:49:52 It was a better shoe. Homeschooling. Yeah. So you're homeschooling two kids that just turned into three kids. One of your kids just entered your school program. Are you loving that? Yeah. Why are you doing that?
Starting point is 02:50:10 Why are you homeschooling your kids? Why aren't you sending them to public school? I mean, I know you've sent them to some of the best private schools in the world, too, for kindergarten and first grade. Why have you switched to homeschooling? Yeah, we had absolutely fantastic public and private options here in Scottsdale and in Coeur d'Alene. And what I was doing is there were deficiencies. Well, the PE is not good, and so we'll do jiu-jitsu and we'll do this and that. They're not getting enough math, and so we have a tutor.
Starting point is 02:50:38 So what was happening is I'm up at 6 in the morning screaming upstairs, come on, get up, we've got to go. Breakfast, go, go, go. Got to get your uniform on. We got to get in the car. Lunch is packed. Everyone ready to go by 7 a.m. So we can get in the queue and drop your ass off. Because if we're later than 740, I got to park the car and get in line with all the
Starting point is 02:50:59 net them set of moms we can't wake up in the morning and sign my kid in. So we got to be on our way by 7. And then at 3 o'clock, I'm doing the same thing. Get in the car, go. Come home. Get out of your uniform. Let's get a snack and get ready because the tutor's coming. And so all these efforts to compensate for what wasn't happening,
Starting point is 02:51:23 even in the best schools, that weighed heavy on me. But the final straw for me was Uvalde. And my kids were in their last day of school at one of the best charter schools chains in the country, hands down, the Great Hearts program. They're in that system. It's their last day of school. This is the day after Uvalde.
Starting point is 02:51:44 And I was like, you know what? I can compensate for everything deficient in the school system, except people shooting at my kids where the cops form a perimeter and hide from the action that I can't do anything about. And I decided then and there were done. Now here's the surprise to all of that. Two things. First of all, the pace at which we're advancing is blowing my mind. We shoot for six days a week.
Starting point is 02:52:10 We probably hit four and a half. A lot of travel, a lot of other things going on. But in that time, at two and a half, three hours a day, we're doubling the national pace recognized for curricula K-6. We're doubling the pace. national pace recognized for curricula K through six, we're doubling the pace. And so I took my second grade and I put my hand on his head and I said, you are now a third grader. I gave him a battlefield promotion in the third grade.
Starting point is 02:52:37 And we went off to the races and a couple months later, it's like, wow, we're just crushing this thing. What was going on in the second grade? I look at second grade curriculum and it's the same shit. There's not an assumption of retention. And so you kind of, in the second grade, third grade, fourth, fifth, we're doing a lot of the same things over and over again. But what we've been able to do is we knocked out the third grade math and English in about three and a half, four months. And so my kids are going to be in the sixth grade several years ahead
Starting point is 02:53:02 of the other kids at a reduced load and without homework. But understand, you know, part of it is just the numbers of a teacher with 35 kids. How much time can you spend with each kid? And I don't know about other kids. I presume that they're like me and like my kids. But when the teacher was standing over me looking at what I was doing, I would be paying attention and trying. And as soon as she went over to the next kid,
Starting point is 02:53:30 I'm talking to Susie or Tom Holes in the ceiling or watching the clock tick. And in the two and a half hours a day that we spend on it, there's none of that alternative for the kids. I was really up there close and personal with them. And so a couple of things. The pace at which we're moving the ball is a blow mine to me. The fun
Starting point is 02:53:52 we're having doing it, it kind of reminds me of being in the gym. There's a lot of laughter, a lot of hard work. It's eminently enjoyable. My kids like it too. Maggie now uses a regular school system. You know, you want to go back to a public school?
Starting point is 02:54:09 And they're like, no, no, no. Yeah, punishment. Yeah, I say that to him too. I drive by the school and I go, do you want to go in there with those kids? They're like, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're all enjoying it.
Starting point is 02:54:19 I think a lot of people think that they're not smart enough or that they're not capable of homeschooling. And I know you never had that issue, but I do think that they that they're not smart enough or that they're not capable of homeschooling and i know you never had that issue but i do think that you are um surprised at how much you're actually truly enjoying uh the strictly the emotional and the relationship building whenever i talk to you on the phone about it which is regularly you're always talking about how the development of the relationship with your kids through that process that's the part that's going
Starting point is 02:54:43 you know how much i'm enjoying doing this and you don't say that lightly That's the part that's going you way. It's the single greatest shock of my adult life, how much I'm enjoying doing this. And you don't say that lightly. It's the single greatest shock of your adult life, you said. Yes, yes. And I've never enjoyed anything more than I do than your schoolwork. Now, let me share with everyone what we're doing. It's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:54:58 We're only doing qualitative and quantitative reasoning. And I kind of start with why, right? What am I looking for? And what I want to do, and, you know, every Christian wants to make better citizens or whatever the fuck that means. But what I want to do is I want to preserve as many life options for my kids as long as possible.
Starting point is 02:55:17 So that, for instance, whether they're 17 or 40, and they say, hey, I want to be a journalist or a lawyer or a silversmith or a molecular biologist, nobody laughs. And so what would you do to do that? Well, it's super numeracy and super literacy. So what we're doing is we're moving towards by the 12th grade, my kids are going to be able to solve quantitative problems and work problems that are amenable to a quantitative solution. So we contextualize all
Starting point is 02:55:52 the math against real-world problems, and that's a great introduction for the important sciences. And then on the qualitative reasoning, the idea is that the kids are going to be able to read anything and write forcefully about it, I mean, with appropriate usage, without grammatical or syntactical error, employing some modicum of rhetorical skills, be able to diagram sentences. And my observation was that the view of school where I'm trying to learn a cornucopia of unrelated facts, you're kind of trying to build a jeopardy champion, as opposed to, say, on the other extreme, you've got the guy that can solve any problem but can't find his car keys, right?
Starting point is 02:56:40 Doesn't know what day of the week it is. My assumption is, this is a generalization, probably going to irritate some people here, but your Jeopardy champion could very well be a moron. And so what I want to do and what would I contextualize?
Starting point is 02:56:57 To read things in my core school about it, you've got to be reading something. And I'll just use the Western canon for that. And there's nothing new in my approach, by the way. This is kind of the view of school that's not just 150 years old or 500 years old. In some cases, 5,000 years old. And so I want to develop kids that – and what's cool, too, is where this ends up, where if you take the qualitative
Starting point is 02:57:22 and quantitative reasoning far enough down the road, where this ends up, where if you take the qualitative and quantitative reasoning far enough down the road, it finds a bridge at probability theory and information theory, where we, I think, bridge qualitative and quantitative into something that's absolutely gorgeous.
Starting point is 02:57:36 And people that have that understanding of the world could, I think, make easy play at almost any intellectual task. It's kind of like, what's wrong with lateral raises? What's wrong with memorizing state capitals? You probably don't know how to
Starting point is 02:57:55 find the greatest common denominator. Yeah, yeah. There's skills that are imperative. The cool thing, too, is that everything we do will stay with you forever because if you forget that 42 is 6 times 7, it's going to make later math a lot harder. And so we're never moving on to something different, really.
Starting point is 02:58:17 It's just compounds. And so I'm making this easy for me and for us, and I think it's effective. Jake Chapman writes, Greg emailed me after I had a CF CrossFit film at my box back in 2017 about a member who beat type 2 diabetes. It was the best email I ever received. You congratulated, I guess you congratulated the gym owner
Starting point is 02:58:39 for curing someone with type 2 diabetes. I'll congratulate him again. That is a remediable situation, type two diabetes. I'll congratulate him again. It's a, that is a remediable situation type two diabetes. Uh, Greg, um, thanks for coming on. We're hitting the three hour mark. Uh, I am so awesome. You called in, I hope this becomes a regular thing where you call in regularly. I will. I'm ready for it. I'm kind of in a space here in life where it's, uh, it makes sense for me. It feels good. So thanks for having me. And it's great to be in touch with everyone. And thank you, everyone. I owe the community so much. I've gotten to share
Starting point is 02:59:26 my vision for a healthier world with so many people. It's a little tough for me to... Anyone that wants strangers coming up and telling them that they love them, you're mentally ill if you really enjoy that. It's an awkward
Starting point is 02:59:41 thing to do. I'm hugely appreciative. It's an awkward thing to do. And yet, you know, I'm hugely appreciative. It's a cool thing. There's a lot of wonderful people out there. I remember when I had visions for the longest time of several years of making
Starting point is 02:59:57 a round to every one of the affiliates, and there was a point where that became impossible mathematically, and that was kind of hard for me. And then by 2020, with the Zoom causes, I'm tired of being able to talk to them all again. It's a hard thing to give back when I've been given so much. It's tough.
Starting point is 03:00:18 You just keep plugging away at it. But I'm out there. I'll be around. Awesome. Thanks, dude. I will be in touch very shortly. uh shortly uh shortly i love you to death greg yeah i love everyone love you sebi thanks bud okay bye yeah dude beyond a good dude so fun so fun i apologize to the caller for not uh for getting
Starting point is 03:00:43 off uh i don't want you to think for any reason that i was avoiding the conversation of why um i don't attend an affiliate i don't even know why i don't attend it probably i don't want to part with the money i don't want to spend the time um the truth is is that if there was a local affiliate in my area where i thought there there was a there was a guy in the area. Who's not an affiliate anymore. His name is Daniel J. I think I forget his name. He owns a gym here called West. It used to be called CrossFit West. Now it's just called West and it's really fucking close to my house. And I used to take my kids there, um, during, uh, and he would teach them Olympic weightlifting and I would still take my kids there to do Olympic weightlifting with them. But shit got, just started getting really weird around
Starting point is 03:01:28 the pandemic and the BLM stuff and the, um, and the, and the, and the, and the genitalia eating flag. And it just, shit just went sideways with me in that, in that particular location for whatever reason. I sure as fuck wasn't going to put a mask on my kids or let my kids interact with people who wear masks when they were in that developmental stage. So, um, but that guy's great. If for some reason there was a gym close to me, which there is that wants to teach my kids, um, Olympic weightlifting, like Annie Sakamoto's gym is very close to me. Very, very, very close. I could run there without stopping. It's like a couple like a couple miles uh i would go there and and attend but there's no reason it's just time like well why and i train like a motherfucker i
Starting point is 03:02:12 don't need any motivation that's my wife i'm on my mom's fucking life i train twice a day usually minimum and i'm always on my feet and i'm always doing shit with my kids. Um, and, and I, and I, um, I am a little adverse to, uh, interaction with people just a little, it's, it's not something I look forward to real people outside of like, that's not something I look forward to. Okay. I always have fun doing it, uh, afterwards, but, um, but but i but i can get a little wound up a little anxiety all right i see one of my kids uh i got one of my kids heelys um that's a whole nother story and i he sees outside the office he wants me to take him to the skate park so he can ride his heelys uh love you guys uh what what a what a fucking lucky day um yeah text me jeremy you don't i
Starting point is 03:03:03 love your text dude dude. You demand. It takes me sometimes a long time to expect a Clive saying that I don't respond to people's emails. That's not true. I think Clive sent me something to watch. Don't send me anything to fucking watch. Don't, don't, don't do anything to me with expectation. Don't ever lend me anything.
Starting point is 03:03:19 Don't do anything with expectation. I, I take everyone and everything around me for granted. And although I'm a fucking really great person, really generous, I don everyone and everything around me for granted. And although I'm a fucking really great person, really generous, I don't expect anything from me. I will only let you down. My wife sends me shit like all the time that I text and videos and shit that just slipped through the cracks. I can't even remember the last time I was at my wife's Instagram account. I just don't have expectations. I will let you down i suck okay uh one final comment let's see who gets the last word here i saw um uh is it uh yes this is is this uh clive thank you
Starting point is 03:03:57 is this a live stream that began with someone saying there wasn't enough storage space to save the stream this sure the fuck was what a day uh okay uh iran uh sees an oil tanker headed to the u.s yesterday what's biden going to do uh eric wise thank you savvy you're welcome thank you guys that was great i i'm i'm as thankful that greg came on as you guys are i mean i'm tickled i i I guess I don't take that for granted. Taylor Self, dude, cut that little top knot off. Just get some scissors and just snip it off. Just get some scissors and snip it off. Here.
Starting point is 03:04:44 This. I already shaved the sides. just get some scissors and snip it off here. This is, I already shaved the sides. I already Craig Ritchie myself. What do you want me to do? I was, I wasn't doing, I, I,
Starting point is 03:04:52 I, um, Craig Ritchie has great hair, but I was going for a Dave Driscoll. It's going for a Dave Driscoll. It's going for a Dave Driscoll. You know, the guy,
Starting point is 03:05:00 uh, the guy in, um, where is he? Bali or some shit. Okay. You know, the guy, uh, the guy in, um, where is he? Bali or some shit. Okay. Uh, Taylor, um, I will call you.
Starting point is 03:05:15 I know we got to talk, uh, and we've got a bunch of shows coming up and I know, uh, we'll talk today. I just need like a 30 or 40 minutes to get my shit together and get my kids moving towards the skate park. Love you guys. Um, good. That's what I'm talking about. Now you look sons of anarchy. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:05:25 Motherfuckers. Thank you. That's better than ankle grabber. And I hope I didn't offend any ankle grabbers out there. That wasn't my intention. Uh,

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