The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | He Who Conquers Himself is Mighty #910

Episode Date: May 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Air Mile. That's awesome. Bam, we're live. Jake, what's up? Chase, what's up? B, Martin, what's up? Oh, my goodness. I didn't do Rumble this morning. Shit, we're live. Jake, what's up? Chase, what's up? B Martin, what's up? Oh, my goodness. I didn't do Rumble this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Shit, we're about to get a mark. That's okay. There it is. You fucked Rumble up. I just got the note from StreamYard. Ooh, hey. I enjoyed yesterday. Yesterday was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was, um, uh, T3, uh, let's go baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I was a total baby yesterday, but you know, it's cool is, um, I, I, I, I really enjoy, um, uh, Oh, uh, I felt so disconnected from my fans and so i posted a lot on instagram so that they wouldn't feel like i was ignoring them no no no no i fuck you guys i felt disconnected because of me it's like i realized yesterday how uh how much i like being hanging in the chat, how much I like being on the air. And I tried to compensate for that by just posting more on Instagram, and it kind of worked. Like I felt connected.
Starting point is 00:02:15 You know what I mean? Oh, my God. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you guys yesterday. No. Not even a little bit. I felt sorry for myself that you guys weren't there for me how's that you guys should have all come to Newport
Starting point is 00:02:31 and seen me Bruce what's up brother Matt what's up good morning brother I know I owe you a call I think you sent me an email I still haven't opened it my problems are really call. I think you sent me an email. I still haven't opened it. My problems are really insignificant. Like I said yesterday
Starting point is 00:02:52 on my post, it's like I ordered a Bloody Mary yesterday and there wasn't salt on my glass. I was in one of those moods where that was causing me to pout. How was doing the show, by the way? Thank you so much for doing that. Thanks for the opportunity. Are you going to do more? You're comfortable? to pout how how is doing the show by the way thank you so much for doing that oh thanks for the opportunity are you gonna do are you're gonna do more you're comfortable we're good uh i wouldn't say comfortable but yeah i'm comfortable with getting more comfortable oh yeah you know is this early for you this isn't right you seem different though no well i just i literally just woke up probably like 20 minutes ago right when i first sent you that first text
Starting point is 00:03:23 like i was rolling out of bed so you have figured out um in your life because when's normally your first class you teach uh on monday wednesday friday it's 5 30 a.m so you figured out and how far is the gym from your uh bed where you put your head down like five minutes okay so you figured out how to because it's funny right it's like um sleep is like burpees the the last 10 if you're doing let's say 90 you're doing 100 burpees those last 10 are really hard but it's just you did 10 in the beginning what's another 10 at the end but they're fucking really hard and uh and what they bring to your fitness is more than the first 10 right it sleeps like that too right if you're getting up really early every minute counts oh yeah right yep your max have you had coffee yet i've had two sips and are these your first words of the day as you come on yeah if you hadn't talked
Starting point is 00:04:18 you hadn't uh grace is still asleep still asleep yeah i know that's another weird thing about doing the podcast you're you're you start talking you're like oh shit here i am this is weird in your mouth it hasn't even warmed up i know i didn't realize how good i had it as the as co-hosting because with these on the normal live call and i'm about 30 minutes before the show i get up i kind of freshen my face up make sure i'm awake and then get into it but i realized that when you're the one hosting it you need that full hour you need the shower you need yes yes yes you need the time you need the full hour i want to show you something that i posted yesterday um it it it do made me well first of all first of all i got a dm from a listener who went out on a limb and tried to explain to me that like hey i i like a lot of the stuff you say, but I think it would be more potent if you were less prickly.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And I sent you a screenshot of that, right? And I thought that one, I thought it was a pretty nice, long DM. And I don't usually like long DMs. Thoughtful. Thoughtful. Yeah. And risk. And that person took a risk sending that to me. Right. So, so I posted this yesterday and I'm, I'm basically, you know, I'm just really, to me, it's just funny. I'm just making a joke, but it's kind of serious, but I write's serious but i write it like it's serious and i'm basically saying hey how come these um shower stalls don't have or these uh toilet stalls don't have doors on them like this is crazy we pay taxes and and we know the reason why they don't
Starting point is 00:05:56 because they don't want people camping in there right doing drugs and and so because so that um oh it would be like hey if uh because there are so many retarded people out there um we stopped all stopped driving and it's not cool you just have to keep the retarded people off the road there's there's no reason that i should be punished uh i should not be allowed to drive because there's retarded people it just doesn't make any sense and so it doesn't make any sense also that there's no doors on these because just scoop those people up and throw them in jail because they need to be thrown in jail. Not because you're mad at them, not because you're upset, but because if you were a drug addict, you would want to be thrown in jail, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:37 If you were in there shooting up. Yeah. Say that again. What did you say? I was just saying we're all being punished for their behavior. Yeah. And the right thing to do for them is to arrest them and give them a place to get off the drugs. That's what I would want. Mm-hmm. Okay. So we go down here a little bit. And by the way, someone here commented you use those bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Not only do I use those bathrooms, I go in there barefoot, and I don't even use an ass gasket and then i i just um barefoot you go in there barefoot yeah all that oh i couldn't do that i don't know why i go everywhere barefoot i'm a beast okay here we go so this gentleman here his name is z zeal and he writes uh hey i just i i like just about everything you work on and love watching your kids grow. I derive a ton of inspiration from you and your shows. In a way, I raise my own kids. That said, you've got your platform, and use it however you like, but please ease up on the hate speech.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Say what you like, but you can do it without the word, and then he says this word that I used, and it's liberal and retarded mixed into one word. And he said, respectfully from a father looking out for his autistic son said, hopefully the world is a little safer and more understanding as he grows older. Thanks, dude. And I didn't
Starting point is 00:07:55 even understand what he was talking about until someone I didn't even know what he was talking about. I just read that and I thought, hey, every time I use that word, that contraction of putting those words together, I'm saying it in a really hateful way. Like I'm – like fascist scum. That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm thinking Jew killer. I'm thinking of baby killer. I think pedophile. I think all the worst shit, right? Yeah. Because it's those people that make it so my kids can't go to school. Not that I would send them to school but it's those people right it's those people that made it so my kids peer group are so weak by the way i don't know if this is a fact but i'm going to tell you a correlate
Starting point is 00:08:34 i hear parents say to me all the time we go out to dinner or we go somewhere they're like i can't believe how well my kids sat i I never say that about my kids. Ever, ever, ever. What do you mean you can't? They do everything I say when we're inside a restaurant and nothing I say when we're at the beach. I've never, listen to this, people. My two kids are six and eight. My kids have never looked at my cell phone while it's in their hands.
Starting point is 00:09:08 My kids have never used my cell phone, ever. Never. But, Sylvain, we're waiting at the doctor's office. It's an hour and a half wait, and I have to. No, you don't. I waited in the doctor's office as a little kid, too. So did Susan next to their mom. Or in line somewhere at the DMV.
Starting point is 00:09:25 You didn't have a phone. You put your head on your mom's lap and you shut the fuck up. She pulls out some bobby pins out of her purse and you pretend like they're spaceships and you fight them against each other. So anyway, but I didn't like um, when I say that word, it just seemed, I just heard what I wanted to hear from him that I just felt like, you know, he's right. That is not that word makes me feel something that I don't want to feel. I'd rather, and I would rather be more intellectually specific about it. And of course all the people jumped in and then 20 people jumped in and said hey um basically shut
Starting point is 00:10:06 up to this guy like hey you're totally you're off your rocker and the guy is for his reasoning he is completely off his rocker because here's the thing he's trying to be nice yeah but he's behaving like fascist scum but but it's okay he he can he can do what he wants but then someone told me he had pronouns in his bio and if you don't know why um why that is so ridiculous go listen to some jordan peterson videos and you will see but he claims it's because he um he's nice i mean that's why everybody does this right i guess we all conform to the things we know I beg of you if you think you're doing it to be nice you have to
Starting point is 00:10:50 just kind of hit the reset button or hit pause on that thought and really be honest with yourself and ask yourself what what does it mean to be nice? But if you're doing it to be nice, then I want to show you this,
Starting point is 00:11:12 because you have pronouns in your bio. And so if you're trying to make the world a safer place for your son, first of all, you probably shouldn't have got your son the injections. I'm assuming you did that. You should not have done that, and you should stop with all medical treatment. And by the way, another thing, when I go out with kids, we went out yesterday with a bunch of kids and all the kids ordered a lemonade and my kids ordered water. And, uh, within, um, in my kids were bummed that they couldn't drink lemonade. And within, uh, 20 minutes, those kids were started behaving, and my kids continued to behave well.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And you could tell – do you know how much better kids feel who behave well? Do you know how great you feel when you behave well in your kid? And so these other kids are not behaving well, and so they don't get what they want from their parents, and they don't get what they want from the world. And my kids still need no policing. My kids are never put on a leash. My kids are those border collies that the dude just leaves in his jeep and then and it jumps out and follows him and waits at the door at the 7-eleven while he comes in and gets a six-pack of modelo that's what those are my kids yeah it's 30 feet away for the owner like doing its own thing yeah yeah little whistle it pops up and boom it comes right back to where you know the whole time it was tethered i i i am um i know it's just pure uh braggery and i know you know
Starting point is 00:12:32 you guys are gonna love it in 10 years when my kids are addicted to heroin be like we told you so blah blah blah fine but i'm telling you now and as soon as anytime susan meets other kids he comes back and he's like, dude, it's ridiculous. And I meet a lot of them. It is ridiculous. And I'm stern with my kids, just like you'd be stern with your dog. Like, I don't let my kids pee in that, like, you know, they're not allowed to pee on the floor. It's zero tolerance for just, you know, peeing in the living room.
Starting point is 00:13:02 They're not allowed to chew on shoes. There's zero tolerance. But it's crazy. Okay. I want you to see this, Zach, and I want you to think long and hard about this if you're trying to be nice. I don't really care what this lady's saying too much either, although I like her. But if your point is to be nice, why would you offend millions of women, billions, with your pronouns, if that's your reasoning. Your reasoning is so flimsy. Your kindness is so benign and fake, and it's so misplaced. I just want you to think about it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I'm not saying that word because I don't like the way it makes me feel. Just worry about yourself, dude. I'm worried about myself. Try being just incredibly selfish and you'll realize how good that makes you to other people right i don't pick up dog poop on the ground when i'm walking because i'm some sort of benevolent fucking creature i do it because i think i wouldn't want to step in dog poop myself and I saw this and there could be other people there. I'm not trying to win no fucking award.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I'm not trying to be a superhero. I'm not a good person. I'm not a bad person. I'm just thinking about me. Oh, David says I can't stand this woman. Dude, she would own you in 10 seconds. She'd walk into the room and you'd be just licking that beaver at her command.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Shut the fuck up. I don't like that woman. You like every woman. Women own you. Here we go. Action. I started off being like, I understand. I have empathy for you.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I will use your pronouns of choice. You know, I'm not going to say you're a woman, but you're a trans woman. And now I am realizing that all of those things are gateway drugs to the co-opting of female sports and the word female and the word woman and breastfeeding and childbearing and menstruation. All the things that are under solidly a list of what is a woman you don't know the first thing yes you do yes you do yeah you do david you eat that pussy at command yes yes you'd you'd wear assless chaps and let her rail you from behind lube your cheerio and rail you from behind you would do anything for her she'd throw a 50 bill on the ground you'd get down there she'd fly her g5 into spain and just fucking own you do stuff to you that sodomize you and you'd enjoy it you'd stop listening to this show for if she if she gave you blew you a kiss lie to me david and then okay yeah mike i'm a pool boy i'd eat it yeah you're a good dude dude you're a great dude
Starting point is 00:15:47 pool boy you are a good guy god i hope i don't get banned for talking about licking vagina that would suck uh okay so so she based listen you are called there's this creature here on planet Earth that we denote or signify by calling them female. And female, it's a human. And I'm trying to think. When I was watching my wife yesterday exercise with my son, I cannot think of a greater creature. It is truly a remarkable creature. And yet your goal is to be nice, but you'll call dudes that creature's name?
Starting point is 00:16:35 What is that saying to all the other females out there? Dude, listen, I don't care. I'm trying to use your logic. I'm trying to figure you out for a second, Zeke. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? If you really want to be kind, why don't you call them mentally ill men who are confused? Why don't you use honesty? no, Stevan, they're not mentally ill men. They're men born in the wrong body. Then call them that, men born in the wrong body.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Why are you stealing the word that I use to point out the most insane, ridiculously epic creature on planet Earth, the woman, the human woman? You're just full of shit. I'm sorry. I don't mean that in a negative way at all. It's just nuts because if you care, you would not do that to that creature. You're worried about your disabled son and yet you're not worried about his mom or all the creatures. Even if it doesn't bug that mom, if it bugged 10 of those moms, why would you do that to them? Because your platform is that you're trying to be nice. Well, you're actually, it's a double
Starting point is 00:17:47 whammy because you're not only that, but you're being a codependent to what I believe are mentally ill men. On top of that, you are part of, by using that, you are part of a cohort that is fascist scum. By that, I mean, it's a regime that wants to censor free speech. It's the regime that's behind internment camps. That's where they gathered Japanese people. You know the slant-eyed people from the island across the Pacific? They gathered Americans with those eyes like that and put them in internment camps. They enslaved people, melanated people because of their skin color.
Starting point is 00:18:23 They started the KKK. The right doesn't have anything like Antifa. Nothing. And yet you claim to do it out of benignness. You must be so poorly thought out. But that's okay. And that's not a dig. It's not a dig. It's just I can help you. Just listen to the show. I'll help you think some things out. I can help you. About being a woman. You have no idea what the average woman has been through the course of her life.
Starting point is 00:18:55 The challenges we have. The beauty of being a woman. The softness of being a woman. And you never will. And I'm done. I know how your vagina feels when it touches my penis. I'm engaging in this fiction, Paul. I'm done. I have empathy. I have compassion. But I am not willing to abandon truth.
Starting point is 00:19:11 There she said it. There she said it. Hey, dude. I mean, how do you not like her? Who cares? She wants to be truthful. wants to be truthful it's um uh yeah so there's also two different things too do you want somebody who's like just compassionate that allows you to space to do your own thing after you're an 18 year old consenting adult to do whatever you want or are you looking for more than more than that like explain that to me meaning you can't just give me your the space to let me do whatever i'm going to do but on top of that like i now not only need the space but i need you to co-sign on it and then participate in it with me so it's not just affecting me right it's also you're talking about him like your permission.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah, like- Right. So yeah, so if you're going to have the conversation about transgender, people say, oh, it's no big deal. They could just do whatever they want, which I also agree with. You're an 18 or older consenting adult. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want to your body.
Starting point is 00:20:18 But just don't force everybody else to participate in it because that's where it kind of gets strange, doesn't it and then under the same logic of me feeling that i was um born the wrong gender for the terminology that is used can that apply to race and if it can't then is there a fundamental flaw in the logic and reasoning of saying that this is a you mean i can't i can't you mean i can say that i feel like a woman but i can't say that that I feel like a brother from the hood? Why can't you? You're right. I don't know. I would need that explained to me too. The whole thing is – and that's the mental illness.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And anyone who's ever had like a mental illness, I don't know how many of you have had it, but I've had it. It's crazy. You basically start to lose touch with reality in a way that you're scared. You start to see the boogeyman. Like anyone who – like I'll give you examples of it, like just a strong core of it. Anyone who erases their social media overnight, if you want to experience just like a quick, like mad dose of it, if you want to experience just like a quick, like mad dose of it, um, be living check to check and have, uh, two kids at home and then your boss finds out he's sleeping with your wife or you, or you find, or your boss finds out you're sleeping with his wife.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You will experience a small dose of, uh, of mental illness as your whole world starts to unravel. You start, you're, you start reeling it's this uh constant reeling feeling so um yeah and it's okay it's okay it's not it's not a uh it's not name calling to say that someone has um mental illness but but if you're a if you if you have a penis and you think you're a woman you have a mental illness regardless of whether it's true if you if you have a penis and you think you're a woman, you have a mental illness, regardless of whether it's true, if you feel that way or not. Let's say you're 100 percent right. You really do feel like a woman, which is just bizarre because I'm a man and I don't know what it feels like to be a man. So I don't know how I don't know how a woman would know what it's like to feel like a man or a man would be like to feel like it's a woman when I don't even know what it's like to feel like a man.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And I'm and I am a man. You just get feel like it's a woman when I don't even know what it's like to feel like a man and I am a man. You just get to make the whole thing up. Yeah, exactly. The whole thing is made up. Yeah, and once policies start to change, once laws start to change, once other people are being – things are being taken away from them, like we're seeing what's happening in women's sports and we're seeing what's happening in women's prisons, that's participation of society at large. There's no- Say that one more time. One more time, please.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Like when policies start to change and other people are starting to be harmed from it, maybe not necessarily physically, although we are seeing that in some of the prisons where people are- Yes, yes, yes, yes. So once that starts to happen, you are asking for everybody else's participation in that yeah yeah it's not isolated to you and the other consenting
Starting point is 00:23:11 person you're with like if you're gay and you say i'm gay and then where everybody says okay and then you go over and find another gay person you're attracted to and that and that's it it's there's nothing there's no changes of that there's no policy that has to be changed there's no rules that have to be bent there's no rules that have to be bent there's no mental gymnastics we have to do to allow this without taking logical reason out of the equation
Starting point is 00:23:32 there's delusions we all participate in right money or currency I should say traffic rules traffic stuff like that the law See, I should say because there's a difference. Traffic rules. Traffic, yep. Stuff like that. The law.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Just in general. Right. Thank you. $50 trillion. What is this? $50 trillion. Oh, this is great. I love this.
Starting point is 00:24:00 This is – there's so much. And $50 trillion. In the 1980s, the first ever – the budget, the U.S. budget hit $1 trillion under Reagan. It was the first time. So here's a $50 trillion proposal being talked about with the secretary of of the department of energy under joe biden i'm so i'm so biased i i see i don't hang i'm so biased hey you know what's weird about the scene down here the the jiu-jitsu scene down here is woke i think in southern california it all is it's like it's the hub man is it jiu-jitsu guys i just thought jiu-jitsu guys weren't well because they roll around with other dudes and they drip sweat into each other's mouth. Hey, dude, if you go into a room full of people with a cold, are you going to not be the only one that doesn't catch the cold?
Starting point is 00:24:53 No. I'm catching it. You're catching it. I don't know. Who knows? I don't even do cold currency. But how come those guys are woke? I thought those were tough guys and they
Starting point is 00:25:05 personal accountability and responsibility where they're insulated la they've been they go there i mean that's my blue pill and it's a whole some the uh superiority complex that comes with a lot of the hollywood la scene you know like we set we set the fashion. We set the trends. We set the ideology. It's so weird. Okay, here we go. You're the Deputy Secretary of Energy. Give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So first of all, it's a net cost. It's what benefits we're having from getting our act together. Maybe I'm not being clear. If we spent $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures? This is a global problem. So we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything we can. How much, if we do our part, is it going to reduce world temperatures? This is a global problem. So we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything we can. How much if we do our part is it going to reduce? So we're 13 percent of global emissions. You don't know, do you? You don't know, do you? You can do the math.
Starting point is 00:26:15 We need to. You don't know, do you, Mr. Secretary? You're the Deputy Secretary of Energy. Give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures. So first of all, it's a net cost. It's what benefits we're having from getting our act together. Maybe I'm not being clear. If we spent $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures? This is a global problem. So that going to reduce world temperatures? This is a global problem. So we need to reduce our emissions. It's inappropriate, right?
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's absurd. It's absurd. It's like, it's absurd, right? Yeah. Just answer the question. You're the Department of Secretary. What's the estimate? Just make anything up.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's okay. Right. Just say something. something one one degree half a degree we don't know just say something how come he just won't answer the um it's bizarre it is bizarre the whole the whole climate thing is a trip i wonder when we're not going to be allowed to talk about the truth about that just hold it's okay i got this button here so we can still talk about whatever the you want it's uh wow yeah hold on to your hats right anything that starts to get pushed once you start to uh like what if the who weighs well they probably have what if the who weighs in on climate change which which I'm sure they have already, and then YouTube says, hey, if you can't say anything that doesn't fit the WHO guidelines. By the way, just so everyone knows, that is when the Democrats were doing the Japanese internment camps, collecting Japanese, taking all their property from them, millions of them.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Is it millions? Three million? Is it three million Japanese people? I don't know. I'm not familiar with it um however many they took their property i was i was hanging out with a lady at tennis the other day big asians a lot of asians a lot of good asians at tennis man um they got like two-year-olds that smashed the ball um but uh she was telling me about how her family their property was taken in san francisco and pacific heights never returned to them put in camps nuts absolutely nuts uh the the media was taken over nbc cbs they weren't allowed to uh you weren't allowed to say any any dissenting opinion
Starting point is 00:28:40 um against the uh president at the time i think it was uh fdr climate change will be referred to as the broncos i'm open i'm definitely open to it the one thing i hate about those um that clip that you played or whenever they have those you know whatever those hearings and those meetings and stuff it just feels like nothing ever comes from it you know they like put people on blast and like they're showing that guy was respectful in the questions though wasn't he what's that that guy was the guy questioning uh was respectful the questions yeah he wasn't he wasn't like being like jim jordan jim jordan gets aggro yeah yeah he starts to really get the gotcha questions going and it just doesn't feel like it those things go anywhere it just all it just all feels like theater it all feels like theater yes
Starting point is 00:29:30 it's a big fucking facade and except except except when talib went up there the the member the twitter guy who is up there um and uh the same day he was testifying in Congress, the Democrat sent the IRS to his house. Do you know about that? That happened last month. Those two reporters, what were they? They were being questioned about. They were being questioned about. Darn it, I forget. I'll remember or someone will say in the comments, those guys were chill.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Those guys were crazy chill. They didn't do the theater they just answered the questions and then and the irony is is those guys are democrats and they were getting just chewed up by the democrats that's what's scary about being woke eventually they eat your own yeah it implodes yeah there's no there's no uh there's no logic, right? You can't be like one plus one is two and we're all on the same team and no matter what, we live and die by this. It's not like that. We'll change that shit to three and they'll kill you.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, and imagine trying to be the one perpetuating all of it because as things move along, if you forget or you slip up in the agenda and you're not following it to the T, all of a sudden you become the enemy, right? Yes. As you're eating their own. I'm like'm like well I don't necessarily agree with that that seems a little extreme it's like oh nope you needed to agree with it now we're attacking Matt to be to Taby yeah what was that what was he testifying about it was fascinating what was it him and that other guy those reporters was it the Twitter files i can't remember oh yes yes thank you deanna miller yeah they were questioning about the twitter files how much impact
Starting point is 00:31:11 um did the government have on twitter yeah correct yes they were exposed right thank you they were exposing the government's uh involvement you know the the with uh twitter the 80 FBI agents that worked at Twitter. Jesus. I know. We're in the workforce. I remember being in taking film classes in college and them talking about the McCarthy hearings and shit. It's a thousand times worse than that.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I thought, oh man, the old days sucked. We're in the old days. Yeah, they never leave. Bruce Wayne, how the Twitter affected the election. Okay, let's listen to this. Let's listen to this nice lady. Here we go. What if teachers just started secretly baptizing kids at school and hid it from their parents? What would the reaction of the left be? That's different, different right what if teachers just started secretly baptizing kids at school and hid it from their parents what would the reaction of the left be
Starting point is 00:32:11 that's different right uh fair question basically what she's saying is is you can go to school now uh tell your teacher and your counselor that you identify with the opposite sex have a severe mental illness uh begin uh hormone hormone or chemical what they call chemical castration and it's legal but it's illegal if you went to school and told your counselor hey um i'm a i'm a christian can you help me get baptized? Can't do that. They baptize, that's when they dip you in water, right? Yeah. You do like the dunk, the back of the dunk and pull you up.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Crazy powerful, right? What she's saying, it's like, yeah. I mean, that's what we should be doing with all this is reflecting back and then figuring out flaws in the object by having other beliefs held up in the same manner, right? Because then if you start saying, well, no, you can't do that. Well, no, you can't do that. Then it begs the question, okay, then why is this different? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Just like I said earlier, if we could switch genders due to how I feel internally and everybody is going to participate, including in the medical field of it, like, why can't that same exact thing be said true if now I want to be a black man? Yes, 100%. Is there a medical procedure that would melanate my skin more? And then would that be okay to have those conversations with my teachers without the consent of my parents knowing for my protection? Because I might be a community that is harmed if I think I belong into a different race or ethnicity and I want to make a transition. So if I can very clearly and seriously relate back the argument every single way back, but the same person that would agree with the trans thoughts, with the kids would disagree with my thoughts as the race, then
Starting point is 00:34:02 you just have to ask, okay, well then what is is the difference other than I said so or this is the popular agenda? Because if it has to boil down to that, then there's no reason in your argument. There's no logic in your argument. Andrew Hiller's therapist is here. Andrew Hiller has spoke about shifting genders, but I thankfully talked him out of it. Thank you. I think that's cool. What do you do? is that like 12 steps it's just one day at a time just see if you can get through today i mean it uh it ends with you like using the other bathroom or something you like it's so fun watching people wake up to what america really is i have friends just like uh 12 daily doses i hit them with facts and call out his
Starting point is 00:34:41 bullshit every time he's starting to wake up what What's scary, though, is that they don't have any ethics or rules or standards or values. And so you got it. It could be. At some point, you got to kind of let them swim in the deep end. But seven associating as trans labeled is a true sickness. It's different than transgender. Oh, so associated with trans abled is a true sickness. It different than transgender oh associating with trans abled is a true sickness it's different yeah you're right thank you i appreciate it i appreciate it okay this is um in the in the the second grade. In the first grade, I met a guy, and we became best friends. And to this day, I consider him one of the closest friends I've ever had in my life.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And this is the guy who spent the night at my house all the time. I spent the night at his house all the way through high school. I mean we did like everything together. And I'll never forget in the second grade, I had gotten into a bike accident. I had crashed on my bike, banged my head pretty hard, and I was in a coma for three days. And basically I had to have something done that I think it's called a subdermal hematoma, basically swelling under the cranium. And they had to cut a horseshoe in the side of my head and open up the side of my head and let the pressure off my brain. And I think that they thought that there was a pretty good chance I wouldn't, I would never recover from that. And I remember in the second grade and returning back to school after being out for a month and
Starting point is 00:36:19 my head was shaved and I had all these staples in my head and I wore a beanie everywhere I went to kind of hide the embarrassment of my head and uh someone in the bathroom some kid kid's name I think was uh Jesse a kid named Jesse I can't remember his last name I pulled my head the hat off my head and started teasing me and my friend Jeff Holman beat him up in the bathroom. That's a homie. Yeah. Just started just saying gray. Yeah. And, and he was kind of that person for me. I got a thousand stories like that. I feel,
Starting point is 00:36:51 but anyway, I saw this the other day on his Instagram. Good dude. And, and I'm, I'm, I haven't, I haven't talked to him about it yet.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm not a, I'm not a Christian or a religious dude, but I'm some, I can't tell you how happy I am for him it just looks like this just looks really cool and I thought I'd share it with you guys I should probably call him today
Starting point is 00:37:16 hello what's your name? my name is Jeff Jeff where are you from? I'm from California and why are you from? I'm from California. And why are you being baptized this morning? I love Jesus. He saved my life three years ago. I'm here to obey his command.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm here to publicly profess my faith in Christ and to formally give my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Beautiful. That was a little weird that the guy interrupted him while he was talking about Jesus. Tell him, come on, come on. But yeah, yeah. Maybe he thought he was done and then like missed that. Yeah. It's different when I interrupt people, but like if someone's doing the Jesus, like you can't do, come on, come on. Yeah, the bald guy's my buddy, dude. It was so crazy. As he was talking just now, I was thinking like there was this bike ride we did three days a week and it required us to get our bikes up over a chain link fence. And we were in the fourth grade and he always all the kids could throw their bike over the chain link fence, but except me.
Starting point is 00:38:24 and he always all the kids could throw their bike over the chain link fence but except me and so he always without asking i'd get off my bike and he'd pick my bike up and throw it over the chain link fence and if my chain fell off he'd go over and put it back on i mean i cannot tell you how fucking nice this dude was to me and i was the i was i was the unathletic fat kid like which i was like just the kid who always kept up, had to keep up, you know? Can we just stretch our hands, everyone? Jeff, right? Jeff, do you renounce the world? Do you renounce the devil?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Do you renounce your sin repent from it all and he was so great like when he got armpit hair like he would show me he'd be like hey dude look because he was like more mature than the rest of us and he'd answer all my questions right or he'd be like he had a girlfriend like when we were in the sixth grade or seventh grade and he would tell me about hugging her or like being getting an erection when he was near he was great he would like tell me stuff yeah it was so crazy he was so good i could live vicariously through him i do do you give your full affection in life to the lord jesus christ yes jeff this morning we baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Amen. Amen. Amen. Now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ come upon you. Oh, shit. Logan Mars. Sevan, he thought you were retarded. Oh, you mean like he was just like,
Starting point is 00:40:12 just like I was like, his mom made him play with me. Today, you're going to have to play with your retarded friend, Sevan. Yeah, I know. I don't want to throw his bike over. You have to. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Okay, well, fine. Either way. Let's go. I don't want to throw his bike over. You have to. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Well, fine. Either way. Let's go. I'm closing with the Spirit and the mighty name of Jesus. Come, Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Amen. Oh, the Holy Spirit's moving so beautifully. Come on. Anyway, I saw this, and I'm just so proud of him. I'm just so happy for him. Yeah, that's cool. Now Jeff can't masturbate anymore. Tradeoff.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Tradeoff. All right, and on that note, I'm off to train the Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department. All right, if you see the Holy Spirit in your car, you know what to do. You know what to do. If you're still on when I get back. I'll just pop this guy. I just love to see people around. Later, Sousa. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Bye. I was in a bit of a tailspin yesterday and Sousa called me because I was so pissed that my Bloody Mary cup wasn't salted. There was Sousa. anyway, I just love it. You know how many nights I fell asleep next to Jeff? I bet you there's a hundred nights in my sleep,
Starting point is 00:41:30 in my life at night that I fell asleep talking to that man. We were kids. We would just, we would lay blankets out on the floor in my family room and we would, he would spend the night, right? Sleep over at his house. We'd sleep in the living room. We'd be laying on our backs, just talking. sleep over at his house. We'd sleep in the living room. We'd be laying on our backs just talking.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And it was great. He's just a great dude. And now he's 50. Oh, shit. His birthday is May 13th. Oh, it's May 9th. In four days, he'll be 51. He'll be as old as me. I have a question for you. If someone pepper sprays you, are you allowed to punch them in the face? What's the rule on that?
Starting point is 00:42:20 Sevan, do kids from your childhood remember you? Sevan, do kids from your childhood remember you? I'm not sure if I remember the question, but I did go to my 20th year high school reunion 10 years ago, and there were people there I didn't remember, which was unsettling. It was unsettling. Just a minute. It was unsettling. If you pepper spray someone, if someone pepper sprays you, are you allowed to punch them?
Starting point is 00:42:59 That's the question. Not if they're black. Oh, all right. Well, maybe you're onto something here. I just can't. What if you're a man and a woman pepper sprays you? Are you allowed to punch the woman? Okay, hold on. Jedediah S. Nelson, my point was back to the school baptism thing. There's a pushback that some trans thoughts are sickness and some are more real. My point is, how are they different? Right. Hey, it's how many people you can fool. They're not different, right? It's just it's just an act, right? It's how many people you
Starting point is 00:43:35 can fool, but it's the same thing. Caller, hi, I'm trying to keep this line open in case Obama calls today. All right. I don't have I don't have a lot of information on this, but I do have one little anecdote. If you ever get pepper sprayed. Okay. You have to lean when you're taking a shower so that the water does not drain into your pee-pee hole. Because if the pepper spray water gets into your pee-pee hole, it will hurt very, very, very badly. For a long time okay so if i'm jerking off and i'm i shouldn't masturbate i shouldn't have a hard penis while i'm cleaning
Starting point is 00:44:11 off pepper spray because then the if it is probably it will it would probably just flow around so actually that's probably a good method give that a shot really because then your penis would be pointed up and the pepper spray would be coming down onto it. Well, I mean, like, I'm assuming you're not like a psycho and well, I guess, yeah, you'd probably be viciously scrubbing your face, so it would be probably going everywhere. I'm not entirely sure. I didn't try that theory. Next time,
Starting point is 00:44:36 we'll give her a shot. Anyway, what do you think? What are the rules? If someone sprays you with pepper spray, who can't you punch? I think there's a continuum for use of force. And I think if I remember right, I think pepper spray is just below lethal force. But I don't entirely remember. OK. For me personally, if a four year old sprayed you with pepper spray, I think you could backhand them.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Right. Across the room. I think you're allowedhand them. Right. Across the room. I think you're allowed to just drop kick them at that point. I think if you're a 6'9", 400-pound man who's been on steroids for 20 years and a black belt in three of the martial arts and a 13-year-old girl pepper sprays you, I think
Starting point is 00:45:17 you're allowed to pick her up and throw her across the room. I think so. I think so. Those are my... That's me um okay yeah uh
Starting point is 00:45:32 God created foreskin to protect against thank you I was gonna say that also yeah of course thank you God created uh foreskin to protect
Starting point is 00:45:39 against beverage I don't uh you can okay here we go coffee pods and wads you can uh swing and backhand probably a gonna miss wild while blind yeah oh i think you could uh punch out a grandma
Starting point is 00:45:50 if she pepper sprayed you i just think it's um you think it's below punching pepper spraying someone you know why it's so it's it incapacitates? It makes you completely vulnerable to the next movement, to the next action. It's why you shouldn't be allowed to fuck with cops. You're like, well, he shot me prematurely. Yeah, but how does the cop know? What if you grab his gun and shoot him? They're not playing by the same rules as us. We put them on a different platform, on a different level, so that they can protect us.
Starting point is 00:46:23 That's just part of the deal. a different platform on a different level so that they can protect us that's just part of the deal i'd much rather get punched than sprayed yeah i mean what once you pepper spray someone they're toast anyway wait till you see this this is i don't want anyone to think this is an isolated incident either this this this is happening every day in a high school somewhere in the united states don't act like uh there's something like this happening to a teacher every day. This is where your kids go. This is what your kids are seeing. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:46:55 She just pepper-sprayed me. Give me my phone. Give me my phone. She just pepper-sprayed that made-a-mail teacher. Can I get my phone? Can I get my phone? mail feature. Can I get my phone? Can I get my phone? Can I get my phone? I need my phone.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Over the phone is crazy. I need my phone. I need my phone. I need my phone. She pepper-sprayed her ticket. Can I get my phone? No, you can't. Watch out, man. I need my phone.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Are you going anywhere? I don't even know. I need my phone. I need my phone. How do four teachers not tackle that kid and hold that kid down? I don't understand. Give me my phone. Look at this. Why'd you hear right here? Bam!
Starting point is 00:47:53 Nuts. Nuts. The good news is that teacher probably is a Democrat. So, I mean, positive spin on something. Nuts. Pepper spraying your
Starting point is 00:48:11 teacher. I never went home and told my parents about the fights I saw in school. I'm assuming you guys didn't either. But there were so many fights. The school was so violent. You can only imagine what it's like now. You're going to love this.
Starting point is 00:48:27 This is a remarkable story here. A remarkable story. Here we go. Judge clears trans woman Rachel Glines in decent exposure charges due to body fat coverage. Okay, so this is a dude. This is a man named Rachel who was acquitted or did not commit an indecent exposure in a female changing room after the defense argued that the body fat covered the genitalia area. And do you know what I actually saw yesterday?
Starting point is 00:49:07 And I wouldn't have known if it was for this show. It was two days ago. I walked into a public bathroom, and there was a man at the toilet. This was somewhere in between here and Santa Cruz. I was driving down to Los Angeles where I'm at. And there was a man in the, in the bathroom at the gas station and he was fiddling with his penis for a long time. And then I finally realized, and he was, he was 200 pounds overweight. And I finally realized, oh, he's trying to find his
Starting point is 00:49:33 penis. And I only know that from this show because of those pictures we posted on the show of how the fat sucks in the penis and you can't see or get to the penis. And so I realized, oh, shit. Oh, no, it was at a Starbucks. It was at a Starbucks. And I was like, oh, he's... But basically, this person... So if you're an obese man, and they can't see your genitalia, you can't be charged for indecent exposure,
Starting point is 00:50:00 and you could go into a woman's locker room. In a statement regarding the incident, the YMCA said, under no circumstance will we investigate an individual's birth identity and then assign individuals to locker rooms. That would be counter to the law, counter to respect for all people, and it is not who or what we are as an organization.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Counter to respect to all people. Except for the people who don't want dudes in their female locker rooms. It's unfortunate not only to her, but it's not a her, it's a him. But for the entire community that filing of these charges ever occurred. We are grateful that the rule of law and the truth prevailed so that Mrs. Glines, it's Mr. Glines, and the community can move on in peace. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Anyway, I thought that was... It almost feels like... I don't know if they still have this magazine, but they had this magazine when I was a kid and it was at the checkout counter and it was called the National Enquirer. And it had all these crazy stories in it that you just assume weren't real. But now it's like, now I assume all of these stories are real. It's our old land.
Starting point is 00:51:22 sorrow land here's an important you can think of this as kind of a PSA for men out there that you shouldn't view women as just a bunch of orifices it's not appropriate it's not cool but here we are anyway action
Starting point is 00:51:41 didn't have a vagina like say it was a terrible train accident right and the doctor Here we are anyway. Action. You didn't have a vagina. Like, say it was a terrible train accident, right? And the doctor was like, we have to remove your pussy right away or you're going to die. How would you keep your man past, you get a two-month guilty, I can't leave the bitch right away
Starting point is 00:52:03 because you just lost a pussy the train accident Wow nothing you can talk you can talk suck his dick okay mouth Okay, mouth Asshole, okay great You see what I'm saying? You just classified yourself as a series of holes, but I'm supposed to teach you special but you just a bunch of holes for yourself No one said learn how to play Xbox,
Starting point is 00:52:46 learn how to play pool, tell better stories, get another bitch that got a pussy to come on in. Well, look, whatever. If you didn't have... And there you go. It's a little PSA. Public service announcement. PSA, public service announcement.
Starting point is 00:53:05 You're not just... Women are not just a little PSA. Public service announcement. PSA, public service announcement. You're not just, you're not, women are not just a bunch of holes. Costs you nothing. You just learned that today for free on YouTube. Well, not for free. You pay, you probably pay internet. This one, this one I have, I'm taking this seriously. Oh my goodness. I was imagining being in a room with this guy
Starting point is 00:53:28 and taking anything he says seriously and not knowing. I just can't imagine being these women. I can't imagine getting the haircut these women have. This is coming from a guy who has a Viking diet cut. I saw yesterday at the beach, I saw a lady walk by with the exact same haircut as me.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And this is the proper term for my haircut is the Viking dike cut. Garrett taught me that. And she looked like a Viking dike, this lady who walked by me. And she was with a blue hair. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So what that means, this feminism? It's the theory that women should be equal to men in matters economic, social. Now you are laughing. That is the problem. Do you think a woman should be educated? Definitely. But is it not a problem that a woman has a smaller brain than a man? That is wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Okay, so he said, is it true the woman has a smaller brain than the man? Now, I want you, some of these gestures you're going to see are the gestures that I grew up with this. This is like just typical. The blonde-haired lady with the dyed blonde hair is actually pretty cool. She's a cool liberal. She's just flowing. The other two, it's – they can't even have conversations. They can't even have conversations. It just goes to eye rolling and they just can't have conversations.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I don't know if they're too emotional or they always know they're wrong so that they can't stand their ground. I don't know what it is. Government scientist, Dr. Yamak, have proved it is size of squirrel. Your government scientist? Yeah, so give me a smile, baby. Why angry face? Well, what you're saying is very demeaning. So it's demeaning. And there it is.
Starting point is 00:55:34 That's the problem, right? If you call someone mentally ill and they say that's demeaning or you say you have the brain, because she's taking him seriously. She's not even taking... If it was a joke, I could see how maybe it's a demeaning joke. but he's supposedly saying that a woman's brain is the size of a squirrel's brain and he's being serious which he's not he's just fucking around but she's taking it seriously instead of like saying trying to explain to him hey actually that's not true look we can go look it up right
Starting point is 00:56:00 here she goes to its demeaning that's an argument. You're no longer in the conversation. You now have left the conversation. You've now shown that you're just an emotional train wreck. The bus comes at three o'clock. No, it comes at 315. Well, that's really demeaning. Who cares if it's demeaning? We need to know what time it's coming. demeaning we need to know what time it's coming i have 300 dms i don't know why that number is never right i have 3 000 dms it's it's absolutely nuts in there do you know the word demeaning no last night i see in my hotel room um a woman called a cj on a television and she's just on television her name is Pamela. Does she live here in New York City?
Starting point is 00:56:47 She lives in California. Oh, in California. Oh, I gotta look her up. Okay, can we finish? Listen, pussycat, smile a bit. All right, that's it. Okay. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:56:56 So what that means is that this- Okay, I'm done. She stopped. There was no way she was going to let someone call her a pussycat. Sevan, are you an emotional train wreck? I'm very high emotional IQ off the charts. Very stable. Grounded. Look, I'm barefoot now. How about you, Dan? Are you an emotional train wreck? What's your emotional IQ? Mine's in the triple digits. Hell yeah. A guy like that that I'm sitting down with, call me a pussycat. What do I
Starting point is 00:57:50 care? I am who I am. Thank you. I am passionate. Yeah. Things that affect all, anytime something affects you in the outside world and you're letting it come in and it really stirs you, for for instance a rock hits your windshield and you fucking lose your shit you now you're encroached on mental illness you're trying to control or protect something
Starting point is 00:58:13 that's completely out of your control now you're embarking on the journey of mental illness that's that's kind of what you know you can kind of see it's a sliding scale so if someone calls me a pussycat, what do I care? I'm a cute pussycat. Yeah. I'm fine. I'm a passionate pussycat. But yeah. But I can get
Starting point is 00:58:41 but I'm very emotional. But my emotions are very... They're not like seasons. You know those people. A lot of them have vaginas. They have long emotional seasons. Mine are more like events. Mine are more like tornadoes.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Here today, here now, gone now. I just don't understand how you could sit down with Borat and take his shit seriously. It's just so absurd. Oh, here's a good one. I really like this one. I don't know why this guy is – I don't know why they filmed this guy like this with his cock and balls pointed at the camera. But here we go. This one's intense but here we go this one's this one's intense here
Starting point is 00:59:26 we go anyone who hasn't experienced racism shouldn't say anything about it okay cool so five years five years in a black neighborhood i got in a fight every other day for it because i had red hair they called me rooster i literally got in fights every day so you got bullied that's not racism exactly it's discrimination based on what it is that's exactly what racism is it's not racism he was oppressed we were the ones that oppressed in 2023 how are you oppressed because I got news for you honey
Starting point is 00:59:53 if you had a skill set that was worth something to somebody you would be the richest fucker in here I think anyone who hasn't experienced anyone who hasn't experienced racism racism shouldn't say anything about it oh man oh man i i guess in a good way imagine that the the evolution that that that that that chick's a snail in a human body.
Starting point is 01:00:26 But I guess the good news is she can evolve quite a bit. It's so preposterous. Since I'm going to presuppose this, this is going to really agitate some of you. The 99% of racism is just, the people who claim the experience is just absolutely made up between their ears. I mean, just absolutely. I mean, an example of that is
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'm walking down the street and I cross the street and someone thinks I crossed the street because of the color of their skin. That person made that up. I mean, 99% of the stories I hear are just bullshit like that. And hey, it's up to me if I want to cross the street. It's my prerogative. Here we go. You guys are going to love this. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Did anyone drink Bud Light? Did anyone? Well, here you go. Guys, this is so funny and bizarre. Look at that. That is a Bud Light. That is every single Bud Light stand. Here in Central Park.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Right? Where the Red Sox game. That's what the Bud Light stands are. Bud Light completely taken a shitter yes I drank Bud Light and now I'm trans fair enough that was cheap I mean that is the quick conversion drink drank Bud Light and now I'm trans. Fair enough. That was cheap. I mean, that is the quick conversion.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Drink your Bud Light today. Hey, does the show feel different to you? Now that I'm not at home, slower, clunkier. I feel more engaged, less engaged. Any feedback? Any feedback? Any thoughts? When I was, I went through this phase, it was kind of a fucked up phase,
Starting point is 01:02:54 but I went through this phase where I would go to parties and I would bring like two, usually like two 12-packs of Natty Ice. This was in college. And I would be at the party and i would usually stay there for a long time and it would get late and like once like i thought that like pretty much everyone was drunk i would just open a beer and just pour it on someone's head it's just crazy right and i and i did that all the time a few times it kind of got squirrely i think i got punched a couple times. But usually, 99% of times, it would just turn into a crazy beer fight.
Starting point is 01:03:29 A crazy beer fight. And, yeah, it was nuts. Just nuts. People just pouring beers all over each other's heads and all that stuff. It would be just wild. The most memorable, uh, crazy. It's, it's like a food fight. Um, but I, I saw this, I, I love doing stuff like that. Yeah. Keystone, a lot of Keystone too. I did. That's probably a lot of Keystone, Keystone light.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Can you believe they have a Keystone light? Uh, but when I saw this, I just really like this. I think what's happening here is this guy walks up to people on the beach and throws a water balloon at them, but then leaves them a bucket full of water balloons.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And I just love this kind of engagement with human beings. They take the form of life. I just love this kind of engagement with human beings. You got to mute it. But basically, he throws a water. He just finds random people. Look, he throws a water balloon at that dude and then leaves him a bucket and says, hey, let's have a water balloon fight. It's a killer, right? That was a direct hit on that dude
Starting point is 01:04:47 i wonder how many of those go sideways i didn't do i didn't do too much paps i didn't do too much paps i don't know what's a case race i don't know what a case race is i used to film this thing every year. It was called, it's on YouTube somewhere. I would film it and edit it. I think it was called the beer races or something. The cops would always come break it up in college. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Holy shit, I forgot all about that. But basically people on bicycles, these teams of people on bicycles would race on bicycles while getting drunk. And there would be so many crashes. And that I mean, that and that was the point of it. That was the excitement of it. Jake Chapman, my friend's dad once told me low alcohol beer is like going down on your sister. It might taste the same, but it's just wrong. Wow. Wow, I almost wish I wouldn't have read that. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Oh, my goodness. Always been a big fan of throwing stuff. Always, always. Always, always, always. I think that might be one of those traits that just boy i think that's if i think of what makes me a boy and it's only relative to what makes me a girl because i just don't know girls who throw stuff so i guess it's relative maybe that's a gender quality i would pick but if there weren't girls i wouldn't't know it was gender equality. So there's that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:31 In commemoration of the word that I'm no longer saying, now there's two words on this show, I share with you this video, which is just absolutely fantastic. Picking my liberal sister up from work. What, you don't like it? You're embarrassing me. You fucking liberal. Picking my liberal sister up from work.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Is she the liberal mom? Yeah. What, you don't like it? You're embarrassing me. You fucking liberal. There you go. Siblings. Mike, please.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Use whatever words you want. This show is a safe place. Phillip Kelly. It sure does. The mask says it all. It sure does. whatever words you want. This show is a safe place. Philip Kelly, it sure does. The mask says it all. It sure does. You guys send me some good stuff lately. Man, my DMs are crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I like gangster rap that supports Trump. It's potent. It's potent. Okay, here we go. Listen very closely. Turntable. The you fucking liberal was said with a little too much conviction.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Yeah, almost like it was set up, right? The mask is dumb, but the guy is dumber. Fair enough, Dan. The guy is a little... He's excessive. Can I meet you halfway with excessive? Okay, here we go. Enjoy.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Enjoy. I wanted to ask you, of course, there's a very popular slander against former President Trump. And that is the very famous argument that he is racist. You are a man of color. What is your reaction to that argument? Well, I'm also old. I remember where President Trump backed Jesse Jackson when he ran for president. She pictures of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Muhammad Ali, Oprah Winfrey, all shaking hands, being friendly, smoking cigars together. Oprah Winfrey actually came
Starting point is 01:09:08 out and said she wanted to be like Trump until he came down the elevator or escalator and ran for president as a Republican. Magically, he became racist. We know he's not. There's stories about Trump and I don't know how many people know this, but
Starting point is 01:09:24 there was a homeless woman, American of African descent, living in Trump Tower. And somebody came and told him, said, well, we've got this woman living here. What are we going to do with her? He said nothing. He let her stay there because she could have a place to live. So those stories don't get out. Another rule that you guys, another thing you guys might want to look up. And another rule that you guys – another thing you guys might want to look up. First of all, you should read that book by Dinesh D'Souza called The Big Lie. And then you should read Thomas Sowell's – the civil rights book I always talk about.
Starting point is 01:09:57 It's got a yellow cover. And then anytime anyone says anything to you like that about whether Trump's racist or not, just go look it up. Start looking for it. Go to the spot where he talks about – go to any liberal media and try to find the actual racist comment. And then, and then, and then if you do see something that you perceive to be racist, then just make it relative to where we're at in society and figure out, is that racist? You know, if I say to you, for some reason, it's okay to say, I pick a black guy to be on a basketball team, but it's not okay to say, I pick a Jew to be my accountant. And it's like, Hey, you can't have it both ways. You can't, you can't it both ways. It's perfectly okay to watch a boxing match
Starting point is 01:10:46 and two guys are fighting and be like, who do you want to win? And be like the black guy. You don't have to say if it's a black guy and a white guy or a black guy and a Mexican guy. You don't have to say it's the guy in the green shorts. That's just all just fucking nonsense. Hiller, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:11:02 Wow. Dude, I watched your video this morning on the shitter. Holy cow. Holy cow. And Andrew, I only usually need like 30 seconds to take a deuce. And I sat there the whole time and watched it. Andrew, have any of those guys got back to you? Who you, um, if you haven't seen Andrew's latest video, he, he, there's the,
Starting point is 01:11:35 there's a, um, a couple of masters athletes that Andrew's tripping on. Excuse me, Michael C. Hi, good morning. Good morning. I told my wife that I asked for you to take off yesterday so we could spend time in the morning since it was her birthday. You're very welcome. And thank you for the $4.99 that you promised me if I took the day off. That's how easy it is to get me to take a day off. Just give me $4.99. I appreciate it. Sevan, how's that hemorrhoid from pooping so long? I don't push on the toilet ever. I just sit there and let it fall out. I just take a deep breath, a belly breathing, and it falls out.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Those days of pushing are long over. Hiller's therapist, based on our last meeting, I'd say otherwise. Oh, shoot, I missed the – no, but they went private on IG. Oh, interesting. Okay. You know what I was thinking, Hill hillary what they were going to do i was thinking that they would because it was so obvious i thought that they were doing it as a joke you know like i could see you doing that right um using fake weights and enter the open and see i thought that's what they were doing hey we're going to get juiced up we're going to use fake weights we're going to enter the open we're going to
Starting point is 01:12:44 see how far we can get and then when and catches us, we'll come out and just say the whole thing was a joke. I can't believe they went the opposite way. Listen, anyone, if you do get caught cheating, crazy lean into it and said you did the whole thing on purpose. Don't go the other way. You know? Just completely go, just completely lean into it. Yeah, I was cheating. Yeah, I didn't want to see how far I could get. Of course I knew I was going to get caught. The Batman's out there. Just come on Andrew's show. Be a friend. Be a regular. Be his Robin. You could come on once a month
Starting point is 01:13:20 and you guys could finally talk about people who are cheating together. Do not go private based on that 499 savon is not unbuyable oh you got me so inconsistent okay i'm doing it on a little laptop and a little extra monitor here my kids that won't come that's the reason why i started the show an hour early today guys by I'm doing it on a little laptop and a little extra monitor here. My kids haven't woke up. That's the reason why I started the show an hour early today, guys, by the way. Because I'm doing it out in the open now.
Starting point is 01:14:00 And I don't want my kids to ruin the show, come flying out here. Uh-oh. Here we go. I almost turned off the computer. Okay, check this out. This video has been going around. This is the longest version I've seen of it. All the other versions I've seen are edited.
Starting point is 01:14:18 But this is at Martin Luther King High School. That's right. I said it. Martin Luther King High School. Kenneth DeLapp asks me, Sevan, what do you think about the other Brian Johnson, the reverse aging guy? He's a trip. He's a trip. That does not look like a fun life he's living, but supposedly he's worth $800 million and he's reversing his aging. Him and his son are a trip. They're like translucent. kind of they're in like they're against the sun they don't know they're a trip dude but i've been trying to get them on the air i dm'd with them a little bit i'm trying to get them on the podcast
Starting point is 01:14:54 i'm tripping on them that's for sure okay uh this is at martin luther king high school and this is i don't know i don't know what to say about this this is just more just tranny stuff it's from Martin Luther King High School want to know more about these fights that were started allegedly by a transgender student a female student and another why why are your kids still in school what do you think that they're getting out of school that they couldn't get just yeah have them start a youtube channel student who was born male and identifies themselves as a transgender female now turns out according to riverside police both have fought before video shows another altercation between the two and many people have taken to social media specifically parents to voice their concerns some of them saying that the transgender student is much larger than the other student.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Parents and students say the tall student identifies as trans. And that gave the student access to the locker room. Isn't that kind of weird, the tall student? I guess they're trying to so you know which one's the trans one in the video. Room and bathrooms designated for females. Students say fights are an every week occurrence. But the last two fights involved this one trans student adding fuel to the fire. Rumors of the trans students behavior.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Hey, so people who think it's like if it's racist to say like that one Jew guy or that one African guy. So what is it if you say that one trans guy like the news is saying once again just to like describe people how you want it's if if you think it's mean that someone says hey it's the jewish guy playing frisbee over there it's the jew guy or hey it's the it's the blackie over there playing frisbee or hey it's the fucking uh uh mexican dude Mexican dude like who cares where do you go in your head that makes it think it's weird do people confuse me as Jewish everyday hey good to see someone from the
Starting point is 01:16:55 tribe what am I supposed to get offended by that half you fuckers in the audience probably think I'm a Jew and he's also in the girls locker locker room using girls' restrooms. He spit on my friends that are girls, females. And he shows his genitals in the locker room. How disappointed are you if that's your kid who's being interviewed on a news show at his high school about fights at your school? I'm so bummed. I take my my kid out i don't take my kid out
Starting point is 01:17:27 because there's transgender people there we did just receive word from the district saying i do pass i know i totally pass is a turntable says i pass as a jew i know i get it i get it i don't know i'm not really in. I don't really know. I don't know, but I never I never say to him, hey, I'm not not a Jew. I always say thank you. Unless they have a swastika tattooed on their head, I'm like, no, I'm not Jewish. Cool. That the student, the transgender student involved in one of those fights has been removed from MLK High School.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Parents from Martin Luther King High School. transgender student involved in one of those fights has been removed from mlk high school parents from martin luther king high school and the tranny uh and the tranny was removed i used to get italian and greek all the time then you get old and you turn into a jew plus the hair i got i got a when i really am going when i'm really flowing the orthodox jews just even though they know i'm not orthodox jews they just gravitate towards me they love my shit Esteban just got shalom and keeps walking yeah yeah shalom shalom motherfucker thank you yesterday we went to an Italian restaurant a couple old Italian dudes uh were working there and one of the dudes he was just just old dudes gravitating towards old dudes and he every time he walked by me he would like touch me put his hand on my back or something how's your drink and he has strong italian accent people ethnic people like other ethnic looking people that's something that like
Starting point is 01:18:59 i don't know i don't know if whiteys do that. I don't know if black people do that either. But like Middle Eastern motherfuckers, like Greeks and Armenians and like Iranians and like we'll all start like get all touchy-feely with each other. I don't know why we give each other a pass. We all eat like baklava and tabbouleh and stuff. Stuff wrapped in grape leaves. The tall person was removed yeah isn't it crazy the tall one is the uh transgender one the tall one is the one that's confused about uh
Starting point is 01:19:35 what sex he is is uncomfortable with the penis he has and is trying to deny its existence yeah those are yeah i know i i liked it there oh Yeah, those are, yeah, I know. I liked it there. Uh-oh. I hear a child. Could be the end of the show. 718 Pacific Standard Time. I'm in Newport Beach, California.
Starting point is 01:20:01 The show is live. It is on YouTube. Things are good. Life is good. I've taken over the kitchen area. I started the show an live it is on youtube things are good life is good um i have i've taken over the kitchen area i started the show an hour early today so that i could be with you guys i was pouting like a baby yesterday but it was a healthy a healthy um it's healthy for me i'm gonna i'm gonna have my wife keep uh i'm gonna keep post a bunch of frisbee footage I realize it's like one of the things I'm best at on planet earth
Starting point is 01:20:28 not that I'm one of the best frisbee players probably not even in the top million but it's one of the things that I'm best at I'm actually relative to all the other shit I do in my life I'm fucking amazing at frisbee so I'm going to start posting
Starting point is 01:20:43 and my kids are amazing. And I know I tell you all the things I'm amazing at, but the reason why I know I'm amazing at this is because people will stop. No matter what, if I just start playing Frisbee, people will stop and stare. So it's kind of fun. Stefan, it didn't look like you were pouting on that Ferris wheel. Yeah. But what happened was we were at that ferris wheel with
Starting point is 01:21:07 like 11 family members and i bought tickets for everyone and then only my kids and like an uncle wanted to go on and so i didn't buy a ticket for myself but then no one would go on so i ended up going on i did not enjoy it i enjoyed sitting there with my kids. I'm not a ride guy. Devesh Maharaj, I book my flights for LA Disneyland next month. Any recommendations? Yeah, get your money back. Get your money back.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Go see the Nelk Boys. Are they here in Newport? I'd love to meet those guys. I'd love to meet those guys. I dig those guys. I'm jealous of those guys. Okay, what is this? Here we go. I don't even... Oh, yeah, this is crazy. Wait till you see this. Have you guys heard about... I don't know much about it, but have you heard about these Chinese police stations that were popping up around the United States?
Starting point is 01:22:06 I guess there were a couple in New York City. They shut them down. I don't even know what that means, Chinese police stations. I don't think it means like Chinese, like Chinese people. I think it means Chinese, like the country of China had police stations, which doesn't even make sense to me. But after seeing this, it completely makes sense to me. This is San Francisco. Seeing this, it completely makes sense to me.
Starting point is 01:22:23 This is San Francisco. Just imagine how sideways shit can get with this. Wait till you see this. Officers are no longer required to be United States citizens, and San Francisco will be one of the first major cities to implement that change. The San Francisco Police Department announced it has removed the U.S. citizenship requirement from its hiring process and encourages all newly eligible individuals to apply. Officials say the law was implemented because of a need to attract candidates from all communities they serve in the areas that they live in. So now we're getting police officers who aren't citizens of the United States. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:23:17 That's how bad San Francisco is. They will take anybody. I know. It's what the actual fuck. Man. Hey, what the actual fuck. Man. Hey, what cup size do you think this lady is? This news lady. That's a D, right?
Starting point is 01:23:33 Those things are giant. She's like hiding them. Call her high. If you make it undesirable enough to be a police officer in the United States, and you make the need big enough enough you can get away with anything. Yes, well said. Well said. Massive need, completely undesirable, because they're hated on by society. The media
Starting point is 01:23:53 just has this hate on them. I know, nuts. And then you can go all Giuliani on it and infringe on whatever right you want because you let things get so bad. Easy, easy with the Giuliani hate, buddy. Easy. I actually don't know anything about Giuliani.
Starting point is 01:24:09 But the only way to fix it is to go crazy tyrannical, and everybody will beg for it because, you know, they're walking from their freaking software company to their car and getting shanked with a freaking screwdriver. Yeah. What society has done for that job is no no no sorry excuse me uh 34d at the most but 38d she was thick she was thick in the core 38d ash 38d uh i i yeah it's bad to be the hatred spewed on cops is absolutely nuts, and society's paying for it.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Crazy. Anyways, little things. Little things. Okay. Thank you. Love you. Bye-bye. Love you. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Mark Fuentes, next thing you know, someone will be supporting women being cops. Oh, wait. He already backtracked from that comment. Listen. Listen. There just needs to be a criteria to be a police officer needs to be followed that's it you know we need we just need good cops needs to be a criteria uh mr switzer is it me or is it on turning to trevor slattery from iron man 3 a little more each day i shaved
Starting point is 01:25:17 well i i don't know who that is but i shaved this the sides today that's that there you you go, Jessica. Thank you. I agree. Yeah, Jessica doesn't Jessica doesn't want to be working side by side with someone who's not capable.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Olivia, women should not be cops. Okay. Okay. Let's – let us go to our – a woman being a woman fails the criteria. My goodness. Okay. No, there's a place for women police officers. Sevan, the Dyke Viking, that is correct. OK, here we go. A little. This is I should play stuff like this.
Starting point is 01:26:13 This is a perfect time to take a pee break, even though I don't have to pee. Here we go. Auntie Beth here with another word to help you build your vocabulary. Have you ever heard someone refer to someone else as a pussy? Well, it's probably because they couldn't pronounce the actual word, which is pusillanimous. Pusillanimous is an adjective to describe a person who's a coward. They lack courage or bravery. Using it in a sentence, I would say, Marco is always threatening everyone with his words, but when it comes to backing it up with action, he's quite pusillanimous. Pusillanimous, the P word. add that word to your vocabulary bank and make it your time your shine
Starting point is 01:27:08 auntie bab speaks ah your vocabulary today no there can't here's the thing there can't be any trans police officers because um we don't want mentally ill people with guns if you are confused about what sex you are then how do we know like 10 minutes later you're not confused like i'm a murderer i'm not a murderer i'm an angel i'm not an angel uh so oh no says the person whose culture claims they can't pronounce ask. I don't know what that's referencing to. But I definitely know that culture. Axe. I axe you.
Starting point is 01:27:53 I axe you not to do that, boy. I axe you. What group of people is that? That's two groups, right? Mexicans talk like that, too. Mexicans and the melanated some of the melanated vernacular i don't know axe hillers therapist axe oh uh heidi krum on the application to buy a gun it acts you if you're male female female, or other. It does ax you that? Wow, that's crazy. That's my
Starting point is 01:28:31 worst accent? Wow, William Fingerdo, Wilma Fingerdo, every white kid in Detroit says ax instead of ask. Wow, okay. I won't be categorizing that by color anymore then. Thanks for ruining that for me. So much for those, uh, so much for that, uh, prejudice that I had. Thanks for fucking that up. Here is a big fucking dose of reality for people who can't think straight if you if you like numbers and facts here is a big giant giant giant um dose of uh reality here you go time this president is imploring lawmakers to ban assault rifles we need to ban ar-15s right that's one of these proposals okay would banning ar-15s, right? That's one of these proposals. Okay. Would banning AR-15s, if it was possible, assuming it's not unconstitutional,
Starting point is 01:29:29 would that make a difference? It would reduce total murders by less than 3%. Jeez. Here's another potential path from the left. They say, well, we need to increase gun-free zones, right? We need to make it hard for these people to carry firearms, except 94% of mass public shootings took place in gun-free zones. We need to ban people carrying firearms, right? Far too many people are carrying firearms. Okay, hold on a second. There have been 370 at least defensive uses of firearms just since January, right? Concealed carry holders, as a demographic, commit lower crime than off duty police officers.
Starting point is 01:30:05 It is the most law abiding group of Americans that you can find are concealed carry permit holders. Just to be clear, every single time this president is imploring. Hey, did you see did you see Biden told that guy in a fight with that guy and told him, hey, I want to let's take it outside recently. Crazy. Let's take it outside. I mean, I was kind of impressed except for the fact like, what the fuck is he going to do? I was like excited that he was so adamant about something. I wish I had that clip. Someone says, hey, you wanted to outlaw guns. Someone said that to Joe Biden. Joe Biden's like, I never said that.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And he goes, yes, you did. And then Biden tells him, hey, you want to take this outside? It was crazy. Old video. Did he have a hard hat on? Yeah. Oh, that is old? Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:03 I just saw it. Was he already outside? question great question yeah i i don't think so but i'm not 100 sure i saw a roof over his head but it could have been like it could have been like in some like with a huge garage door open somewhere nearby? Yeah, it's awesome. Wow, great question. He may have been outside. I'll leave you with this. For whatever it's worth here's here's the so so uh in bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam
Starting point is 01:31:52 bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bine Bn Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban ban ban a prescribed burn highlighted on the agenda of women's firefighting conference held to promote diversity inclusion and a male-dominated field didn't go well why what how is why would you want females in a male-dominated field i'm not saying that you can't want that i'm just saying why would you want that like why let's say i'm trying to think of another male-dominated field. Or let's just pick doctor. A doctor-dominated field is by Asians, Indians and Asians. Why would you want to just bring white people in there? And if you did, would that require you to dumb it down or lower the barrier of entry?
Starting point is 01:32:51 Why would you do that at the cost of endangering people so that you can – it doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand what the – what's the end goal? What's the end goal? A prescribed burn was carried out in a compound meadows adjacent to the Banff town site by Parks Canada and participants in Canada's first ever women in fire training exchange. It raged out of control Wednesday, forcing the temporary evacuation of horses from the Banff Light Horse Association and hundreds of area residents and tourists in the Rocky Mountain Resort. And it goes on and on and on. Why would you want an all woman?
Starting point is 01:33:24 why would you want an all woman? Anyway, this is just crazy stupidity. Oh, interesting. It's written by a woman. Anyway, in the comments of this article, someone writes, it reminds me of the bridge in Florida that collapsed that was made by all female engineers. They go, huh, I wonder if that's true. So I looked it up and there's 10 fact checkers on it who say that's not true. That the bridge wasn't made by female engineers and that the actual company that
Starting point is 01:33:59 made the bridge had 92 managers at that engineering company of which only 11 were female. So I'm like, hmm, that's interesting. So I dig into it a little bit more. And I go to find out that actually that bridge that collapsed was designed by a company. Oh, and then the article went on to say that the CEO of that company was a woman also, the collapsed bridge. And this article went on to say that's wrong. True, not only is that a lie, but that that company doesn't even have a CEO,
Starting point is 01:34:38 they only have a president. And that's like in 10 fact-checked articles. But then I dug a little bit more, and I realized that the bridge had been designed by a design company that was partnered with the company that built it. And that company's woman was a CEO, and that bridge was designed by a woman. And that she designed the bridge claiming that women knew how to make things prettier than men and that's why women should be architects and so but you had to dig so fucking deep allison nyc women can be great firefighters correct as long as they pass all the same tests correct it's all good but we don't want women being hired just because they're women. Yeah. And we don't want teams put together.
Starting point is 01:35:32 The only team that I want put together that's all women is the breastfeeding team. Like, I don't get why you would do that. Go out of your way to do that. Oof, I'm a female architect. I'm sure you're great, Natalie. It reminds me, it's the same thing with, I saw an article that said that doctors were getting paid huge bonuses for attending 49er games. And then I fact-checked it and all the fact-checks, and it said that the bonus was $80,000. I've told you guys this story like three times. It said the bonus for the doctors was $80,000 a year or $40,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:36:06 The number doesn't matter. And I fact-checked it, and 10 fact-checkers says it's a complete lie. And then I dug deeper, and it wasn't a lie because they weren't getting bonuses for going to 49er games. It was just that the money wasn't right. Sometimes it's more. Sometimes it's less. It doesn't even matter. It's just the spirit. It doesn't matter that the fucking Nazis gathered up Jews or Iranians
Starting point is 01:36:28 or melanated people. It doesn't matter who they burned. You don't say it didn't happen and it's a lie if the people weren't Jews. You're missing the whole fucking point. Oh, yeah. Fact-checking's a joke. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Thank you, everyone. I have an interview scheduled with Sarah Simpkins' daughter on Thursday. I also have a semifinal show scheduled on Thursday. I have no idea if I'm doing them. This was supposed to be a test run to see if I could pull it off here in the kitchen. Anyway, thanks for bearing with me. Bearing? Bearing with me?
Starting point is 01:37:13 Thanks for being with me? Bearing? Bearing? Bearing means like tolerating? Being a part of the experiment? Give me a little leeway? Bearing? Is that a word? Is that a word? Is that a word? Bearing? 35 minutes. No, no, no. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:37:33 I came on an hour early. You missed it. You missed it, Philip. I know. You missed it. Bearing is fine. Okay, thank you, Yash. Thank you. The therapist says you did great, Mr. Savant. I came on an hour early. I will come on an hour early tomorrow. I'll come on an hour early. I'm getting up at 5 to do the 6 o'clock show all week. So I'll definitely be doing that.
Starting point is 01:37:55 I just don't know. I don't want to lose Sarah Sigmund's daughter, the great Sarah Sigmund's daughter. I do not want to lose her. We have her scheduled for Thursday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. But I don't feel comfortable interviewing her from sitting right here. So, thank you. I need that kind of like, yeah, I killed it. Yeah. Yeah, I should just end the show now.
Starting point is 01:38:18 You look younger. I was at the beach all day. All right, guys. Oh, and I shaved my beard. Dude, I could shave my beard and look as young as tucker carlson my wife says i don't think she's right but i could shave my beard and shave my head and i'd be a kid okay um love you guys talk to you soon remember uh don't be a sellout have values um be a reliable human being.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Yeah, do something nice. Pick some trash up today. Love you guys. Can't wait, Sarah. I know, she's great, isn't she? I don't want to lose her. All right. Omar, Keneho, buh-bye.

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