The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Here For Good

Episode Date: January 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to It's, uh... Bam, we're live. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:01:04 No, no, no, no. Say it, say it, say it, say it. They want to hear the shit we talk about when we're not on the air. Oh, I was going to just say I found this random, like, account on Instagram that has, like, all the old skate footage from, like, people I used to skate with back in the day. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Are you in there?
Starting point is 00:01:22 I don't know. I haven't, like, sifted through it. It wasn't, like... It was, like, a... It was, like,'t know. I haven't like sifted through it. It wasn't like it was like a. It was like another group that I skate with a lot, which is just kind of funny. Send that to me. I want to I want to dig through it, too. I was like, oh, OK. Look at this. More members. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Kevin Doyle. What's up, dude? Good choice. Very good choice. Jonathan Kon. Man, you guys are getting a treat now, man. This shit's getting wild. Shit is getting wild. Crazy. I think, what's today?
Starting point is 00:01:59 Saturday. Okay, Saturday. So, Monday, episode 8 will come out. Saturday. Okay, Saturday. So, Monday, Episode 8 will come out. And then on Tuesday, maybe we'll release the Wadapalooza footage out from behind the paywall. And then Wednesday, Episode 9 will come out. I'm not even able to keep up. The paywall and then Wednesday, episode nine will come out. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm not even able to keep up. Oh, yeah. Eight would be Monday. Nine would be Wednesday. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not even able to keep up. Hey, did you see that post Dave Castro made of the – there was a post Dave Castro made of a gym swimming in water?
Starting point is 00:02:43 It wasn't a gym. Oh, what was someone oh what was it they got flooded dude yeah yeah that's what i mean that's what i mean a flooded gym that's what i mean swimming in water and it was flooded and um and the proven account wrote um seems like a good data program for swimming right did they delete it yeah if you go to the top that um uh they changed it they pulled it down you got to go up to the top i know if you go all right all right all right look at you stop telling suza how to do this job i thought it was a funny post maybe it's not appropriate from proven but like it like if i would have said it i would have said it, I would have said it. I say wrestling.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You mean swim lessons? Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah. Too soon. Okay. So you own a gym. So you own a gym. Yeah. And it's flooded like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Is it different coming from proven versus just like one of the homies? For sure. For sure. especially like if they don't have a relationship with proven was this reposted from like crossfit affiliates or something i'm not sure uh i'm not even sure why dave posted it like is he trying to give them sympathy or is he trying to oh go check out their page oh okay he's doing it because if you want to support them with like a gofundme you can do it that That's kind of cool. And it's San Diego. It's his old hood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 But I thought it was a clever thing to say. I mean obviously it's tragic, but like – isn't the internet for clever lines? Oh, proven being insensitive. But really? You don't like it, Sous suza are you okay with it and now if that was my gym i'd be like fuck you guys like look at it their shit's destroyed dude i understand they might not be they might maybe they need a little humor in their life maybe they need a little humor in their life could be but maybe also they're not coming back from that like i don't know what their insurance is and like everything else you know oh i guess they are coming back from it oh
Starting point is 00:04:50 wow i got that cleaned up quick when was that three hours ago three days uh this was three days ago oh okay it must have happened like a week ago or something because i think i didn't here's the original it was four days ago and then the next day they're cleaning it up if i'm friends with you and you say it i'm not tripping at all at all if i don't know you if i don't know you and you're like a big brand like that and you say that then like what the fuck that seems a little weird like if caleb says it or you say it or something like that it feels like you understand and you're my friend so you're not taking a jab okay okay lightheartedness of the situation but if i don't know you at all it's just like a like if target comes on there
Starting point is 00:05:35 harasses me i'm like what the fuck target okay here here's i'm not buying your argument but the fact that i agree with david concerns me super funny yeah okay that's enough for me to know that i'm way off base listen um it's pretty insensitive insensitive i don't even know what that means insensitive it like didn't show it doesn't show sensitivity okay what if this bear with me here okay what if they would have said it and they would have given a thousand bucks what if they have given a thousand bucks? What if they had given a thousand bucks and they go fund me and wrote, this is for bathing suits. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Are we good? Yeah, we did. They contributed. So like for you as a friend or like Kayla, that a friend, I know that there'll be some sort of contribution. You guys would be like,
Starting point is 00:06:20 Oh shit, doesn't that suck. Hey, we're calling a check-in on you. And then I'm out there and help them clean it that's horrible right there by the way that footage is horrible that is so scary yeah imagine if those were like any rats running out of your gym or or anything coming out at that speed you don't want no definitely not people rats water holy but if it was a donation and they're like this is for swimming for bathing suits and then left a thousand bucks i feel like that's different because now they've contributed
Starting point is 00:06:49 you know okay christine christine young is pretty sensitive she thought it was funny i thought we were asking if it was appropriate not funny or not okay okay right i don't know okay okay i mean i guess it's funny there's no i don't know if we can deny it. Okay, okay. What if Pedro and Fake News would have been like, San Diego gym tries to install a swimming pool and it tries to combine water classes into their blah, blah, blah. Does he finish at the end with, hey, about the San Diego thing, you guys could also go link to their fund me here.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Okay, all right. Does he contribute or is he just using it to like like you know platform his own comedy uh what did they comment they commented something like um uh seems like a good day to program swimming yeah it's like swimming water um i do i am bummed that they took it down because i was so proud of my comment did you see my comment i put uh proven 19 how'd you come up with that hey well i'm just hanging out with some smart friends this week hey um um no that one's funny well now don't worry that's funny that's just a joke on top of a joke right that's me being insensitive to proven don't worry. That's funny. That's just a joke on top of a joke, right? That's me being insensitive to Proven's insensitivity. No, that's 100% purebred comedy.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Melanie Hodge, good morning, everyone. May I just saw you've outdone yourself. Congrats to you and all involved between last night and this morning. I'm on episode five. Oh, cool. Thank you. Dude, I mean, Patrick Rios is just crushing the editing. And if you want to see Patrick Rios just in full, full expression of himself, that's the filmmaker's name.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Also watch the Wadapalooza event. I mean, he. He's a beast, man. He is something else. It's so creative between him and will brandstetter anyone who has an extra three to five hundred thousand dollars a year laying around who wants powerhouses on their staff contact these guys yeah this guy is a freak man and what's crazy is is he works with his chick bella and together like he got his muse right there it's wild he's wild a great crossfitter 200 skinny like a beanpole with the way he wears his clothes too big we got a 235 245 pound snatch run runs marathons oh she's pregnant damn yeah just announced she's a special human being you know you know what i think i
Starting point is 00:09:25 have you this is i don't know if this is going to come out right but bella his wife is um have you ever meet anyone who's like do you ever any of you guys ever read the don juan series carlos castaneda the don juan series no it's a it's a guy who went to UCLA, and he wrote his master's thesis on mind-expanding plants like mushrooms and ayahuasca and shit. And so he goes down to Mexico, and there's all this dispute of whether his books are true or not or whether they're fiction. I think he had his master's taken away from him because people said it was fake, but he ends up hooking up with these Yaqui Indians, Y-a-u-q-u-i or something and he ends up writing these seven books about his experiences with them and anyway there's this there's this it's a group of people and in them there are they don't call them witches but it's a group of these um what do you call like native american not like shamans but there's also like
Starting point is 00:10:23 witch doctors i don't know i don't know what the word is but his wife is not a normal human being she's like i can't i can't explain it but if you meet her you'll know right away she's like a one in a million she's got like magic magical powers and shit she just seems like um i can't really explain i don't know what the word is the only word i know is witch but that has such negative connotation yeah don't be insensitive yeah i won't be insensitive but she can for sure do like i don't know she's in okay fine she's in touch with the angels. How's that? Like she has something – if there are angels, they're hanging out with her.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Like she can do magical shit. Yeah, she seems like an earth mother. Yeah. Like she could manifest shit. So like if you're a dude, you want a woman like that if you're a guy. Like good shit. Not a gypsy. It's – but she could be super dangerous too. Don't, it's not, um, I don't know. I can't explain it. You have to, I can't explain it, but anyway, incredible people. And they went over to a water Palooza with a CA peptides money and they put together that doc and it's a complete game changer. It's, um, doc and it's a complete game changer it's um yeah it's a complete game changer okay um did you guys see them did you guys did you guys ever
Starting point is 00:11:54 see every second counts oh by the way uh caleb the notes have gotten so long now that you have to open them in another window did you see that this isn't the first time that's happened but i appreciate the comment about it yeah okay um matt matt and it's down at the bottom matt murski was in every second counts and he was the guy who from the was very creative and from the top of his uh he's like the hang clean he was like bouncing and catching it right yeah right it was it was the final workout it was the 155. He was like bouncing it and catching it, right? Yeah, right. It was the final workout. It was the 155 grace, and he would drop it and catch it. And then when it bounced, he would catch it in the deep squat. I thought it was brilliant and an amazing expression of athleticism.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And while he's doing that, Dave has a microphone, and he's sitting on top of this dirt hill overlooking the floor, and he yells at him to start over so he says none of those count and matt murski has to start all over and he would this guy was a fucking brick shithouse he was a maybe he was a starting linebacker at texas a&m he was a freak of nature his body was crazy he's the kind of guy if he ran if you gave him 20 feet and he ran at you and hit you he'd kill you um anyway so he has three kids and this is a this is so sad and so crazy what's happening there is a it sounds like he had a really violent wife and she was being physically abusive to him. And then she sued him and they got a divorce. And somehow the fact that she filed the divorce proceedings instead of him plays some sort But if this story is accurate, which is the only story we have, he's getting fucked. She basically sued him. He went to court and the fucking judge is a psycho. She said, you only have one hour between the two of you guys to tell me your stories. only getting eight minutes on the stand and the wife got 40 and the judge was critiquing him for talking too fast when his lawyer told him to talk fast because you have a very limited amount of
Starting point is 00:14:12 time and then afterwards they have a somehow someone got footage of the judge talking and uh calling i don't know if it was him or someone else calling someone else a dickhead and then later on saying she wanted to throat punch both the husband and the wife a judge said that yeah yeah whoa and they caught it all like she doesn't know she's being recorded she's like telling the bailiff that and the court reporter that whoa uh olivia the judge always sides with the woman it's crazy if you get you get a chance, go over here and check this video out. The video is on YouTube. It's called Family Injustice Thrown in Jail. And it looks like the judge – so he can't afford to keep his CrossFit gym open because of the lawsuit COVID, so his gym closes. And then the judge says that he owes her $67,000, and he has to move back in with his dad,
Starting point is 00:15:05 and he can't pay it, so now he's ended up in jail. Yeah, somewhere. Oh, yeah, here it is. Here's the judge calling him a dickhead. Here we go. A parent in a custody hearing. A dickhead.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Just because he drove a Corvette. Seriously. Yeah. Corvette. Yeah, yeah. Dickhead. I do feel. At least she then showed her this dickhead drove a corvette seriously at least she then showed her just staying for both parents after they had left her courtroom she's real sweet
Starting point is 00:15:44 and i didn't have a big enough ring this one's too flat it was a rear i wanted to throat punch both of them but i didn't have a big enough ring this one's's too flat. It was a rear chair. I wanted to throw punch both of them, but I didn't have a big enough ring. This one's too flat. And she calls him a dickhead because he drives a Corvette. Wow. No, I think this is Texas. I wish it was California. My mom
Starting point is 00:16:01 was a divorce attorney. And there's two things she told me that I'll never forget. She said most divorces were around money. Oh, and that's what it was – that's what their – it sounds like their divorce was too. She kept running up all the credit cards. So she'd run up the credit cards. He'd pay them off.
Starting point is 00:16:20 She'd run them up again. He'd pay them off, and they were having disputes because of her spending. off she'd run them up again he'd pay them off and they were having disputes because of her spending and and so my mom told me that the main reason people get a divorce is finances and then she told me she said you never want to go to court she said because once you you want to always try to settle out of court because once you go to court you have no idea what's going to happen That sucks. Yeah, it sucks. Fuck. Along that same line, this story's eight months old,
Starting point is 00:16:51 but I just saw it today while I was sitting on the shitter. Did you see what happened to Steven Crowder? Mm-mm. Wait, is it something with his wife, too? Yeah, dude. Oh, I saw something, like, brewing, like, months back where he was, like like emotionally abusive to her. Is this the same thread?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. The whole time I'm watching this, I'm like, God, would I want to – I would not want a camera in my house when me and my wife are talking. No. I would not want a camera in my house when me and my wife are talking. But there's a – yeah. Yeah, I did see this. This is old, right? talking but there's a there's a yeah there's a i did see this this is old right yeah there's a camera so if those you don't know who steven crowder is he's this he's kind of like charlie kirk he goes out in public and he sits on a desk like on college campuses
Starting point is 00:17:35 and he'll say stuff like um if you're either born a man or a woman prove me wrong or some shit like that and then people will come up to him and his fucking mind is sharp as a fucking tack. And, um, someone was saying he's addicted to Adderall. I don't know if he is or if he isn't, but he's got that kind of Adderall sharpness to him.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That's for sure. Anyway, so this is his pregnant, pregnant wife and they're basically arguing and at one point in the video the only part that i saw he says hey um i think she's trying to leave the house and she's being very calm and she says hey i need some space and he says something along the lines of hey if you leave the house i'm to fuck you up. And man, I saw Candace Owens talking about it. And her take was that, hey, we shouldn't defend everyone for everything, even if they have – if we believe in their – if we stand by Stephen Crowder for his thinking and his political beliefs and his logic, we can't – that doesn't mean that we give him carte blanche on being abusive to his wife. But I struggled with this because it's just like...
Starting point is 00:18:53 How does this get out? How the fuck did this get out? How does a video like this get out? I always think that it has something to do with the server it's going back to and people on the other side knowing who the camera belongs to and looking through the footage. You don't think she released it? I mean, that would be the obvious guess is that she took it and she released it.
Starting point is 00:19:17 But if it wasn't her, then that's what I would assume. He looks like he might be on a little testosterone too the dude's a beast yeah i can't tell if it's the beard or he's getting fluffy she said that's a big dude right look at his arms look look at his arms in the shirt yeah that's a big dude that's a stout dude that dude hits the gym right i think yeah you don't you don't you can't you don't see arms in someone's shirt like that yeah unless they work out for sure a lot yeah oh shit adam van koer the wife's team released it to get sway in court holy shit there you go you're right man uh kenneth uh de lapp uh did y you all see the news coming out about Vince McMahon?
Starting point is 00:20:09 He's a piece of garbage. What did he do? What did Vince do? Sexual assault allegations, I think. And then he just resigned from being the commissioner of the WWE because of them. Was his wife making the allegations? No, it was somebody working in the wwe as well and he and he's used to the gills too gotta be right yeah i mean he i remember when i was a
Starting point is 00:20:34 little kid and i watched and he was just a little pinner and then all of a sudden he's fucking a monster all of a sudden his suits don't fit him he looked like he put on like 20 pounds of muscle the co-founder of the World Wrestling Entertainment stepped down from his parent company board one day after an ex-employee accused him of sexual assault in a lawsuit. He's got a really old suit. Sex trafficking to sexual assault. What is sex trafficking? Probably that term is like if you fucking drive across the border with someone. It's probably
Starting point is 00:21:05 something like that it's it's like it's probably kind of along those lines of people who who are on uh megan's list but they just got caught peeing in public you know what i mean it's just uh yeah that's your thing mcmahon 78 was the executive chairman of tko group the parent company of wwe where he no longer held a formal position w WWE employees were informed of the changes in an email sent out. The lawsuit filed on Thursday in U.S. District Court in Connecticut accuses McMahon of trafficking the employee as well as physically and emotionally abusing her. The graphic complaint, which also named – what is the graphic complaint? What is – I always want to know what the complaint is. And it's important because during the Me Too movement, there were girlfriends accusing their boyfriends of Me Too when all the guy did was ask for a blowjob. her blowjob.
Starting point is 00:22:04 He spent $14.6 million in payments to a woman who had accused him of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct? One was a former wrestler who said McMahon had coerced her into giving him oral sex and then later decided not to renew her contract. Wow. Wow. Coerced
Starting point is 00:22:20 her into giving oral sex. I'd love to hear the details of that. Further company investigation found that he had made an additional $5 million in payments to two women. What does that mean? Does anyone know what that means coerced like if you say hey i'll give you a job if you suck my dick that's you can't do that that's illegal i think so yeah pretty sure yeah and why is that illegal that's like along the lines of like prostitution you're paying for sex well i think there's also like the whole thing if
Starting point is 00:23:02 you're the boss there's some sort of like power play there where they could claim like we didn't I didn't feel like I had a choice because you were the boss. So I was like pressured into doing something I actually didn't really want to do. Okay, what if what if? So what if they said, Hey, if you don forcing somebody against their will to do something and using your position of power in their livelihood or job like over them. Can you – To get them to act or behave in a way that they didn't want to. So what if you fired them? What if you fired someone and then said you have an employee and you fire them, and then you say afterwards, hey, I'll give you $1,000 if you blow me? Then that would be prostitution. You can't do that either, right?
Starting point is 00:23:47 You can't pay someone. Yeah, soliciting prostitution. Is that what that is? Okay. And then what if you're like, hey, do you want to be in my porn movie? And I'll give you $50 to blow me on camera. But not working for each other? You just approach a random stranger in the grocery
Starting point is 00:24:05 store yeah yeah like hey i'm a porn director will you blow me for 50 bucks is that illegal probably inappropriate but i don't know if it's illegal it's weird right these nuances i wonder what the rules are around pornography why wouldn't you why wouldn't you just film everything you're doing so that you could just say it's pornography, and then you're just in the business? It's like a loophole. There's just like a webcam that you could just fall back on and post to a site. Yeah, that's interesting. I don't know. Yeah, that's interesting. I don't know. Jake Chapman, if everyone had to do it, it would be company policy.
Starting point is 00:24:53 If there are different options for efferent people, that's the difference, I guess. Oh, okay. That's interesting, too. Yeah. Oh, Sleeky says consent. But if it's posed as a question and they say yes, then is that consent? Pool boy, I heard some countries have laws where prostitution is okay, but the act of purchasing a prostitute is illegal. That's a really weird sentence, but I remember it was like that in California for a while. It was okay to smoke weed. This was before it was legal, but it wasn't okay to sell weed
Starting point is 00:25:25 yeah you could like possess a certain amount but you can't sell it or buy a certain amount it'd be just caught on you right yeah so you could just buy a candy bar with a free bud or you could just grow it in your yard and be outside smoking it, but the second you took money for it, it was illegal. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's weird. Yeah. And then there's – and then I don't know. Did you see the Trump thing that went down? This chick – it happened yesterday. This chick, Eugene Carroll – I think I saw the 60 Minutes video on it.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I think I saw the 60 Minutes video on it. Back in 1996, she went clothes shopping with Donald Trump. He took her clothes shopping, and they were in the dressing room, and she claims that he put his dick in her without her wanting it in the dressing room of some department store. And so now she sued him, and she got two different piles of money. One was the fact that he defamed her, meaning he was talking shit about her, and then the other one was for the stick in his dick in her. Donald Trump was ordered by a federal jury on Friday to pay $83.3 million in damages to E. Jean Carroll, who accused the former president of destroying her reputation as a trustworthy journalist by denying he raped her nearly three decades ago. Isn't it amazing? She accused him of rape, but he defamed her. And when did her accusation come out? The jury – the last time he ran for president, as I recall.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Carol Hady sued Trump in 2019 over his denials five months earlier that he had raped her. Oh, he was sued for his denial? In the mid-1990s in a Bergdorf Goodman department store dressing room in Manhattan. Okay, so I did remember that right. Trump 77 claimed that he had never heard of Carol and that she made up the story to boost sales of her memoir. She has a memoir, and it's kind of a crazy title, Who Needs Men? her memoir she has a memoir and it's kind of a crazy title um who needs men and then she got another 60 million basically impunitive which means because he talks shit about her and then other people talk shit about her he kind of incited a riot um i'm using that
Starting point is 00:27:39 term kind of tongue-in-cheek against her he got it so all the media and they're saying that that with that that he has to pay 60 some odd million for that another jury last may order trump to pay five uh carol five million over a similar october 22 uh denial finding that he had defamed and sexually abused carol i don't know what that means abused i mean did he rape her or not a criminal case then because this is all civil them suing each other is civil cases, right? I heard that it passed the statutory limits. Oh, the limits. See, all that shit seems weird to me, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Doesn't the whole thing just seem off? Trump faces 91 felony counts and four criminal indictments, including two cases accusing him of trying to illegally overturn the 2020 election. He's pleaded not guilty in all the cases and has portrayed himself as a victim of political-motivated lies and out-of-control judicial system. Well, we know that part of that's true 100%, and now it's all mixed up with stuff that might be true. The lawyer was a Clinton-appointed lawyer. For the accuser? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:56 The chick? Yeah, the one who – the $80 million. The worst fact, the fact that we had a celebrity for president or that we are close to electing him again just because there are no better options. I'm – God, I'm just not in that camp. I'm okay with Trump. That whole trial was fucked up. The timelines – but all my friends think it's – I'm going to get to that in a second. The whole time – the whole trial was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:29:19 The timelines don't match. The judge wouldn't allow defense docs, et cetera. That's similar with the george floyd so many people who are voting for trump are saying they're doing it just to get biden out or just because it's the um uh we don't have a better choice i don't know i'm not in that camp you think he's the best choice i i think he's going to do an amazing job i think he's going to do an amazing job i think he'll get uh i. I think he'll get us energy independent. I think he'll close the border. I think that he will fight against child abuse and child endangerment and all those things that they're bringing into our schools. Did you see what happened in Maine last year? No.
Starting point is 00:30:11 see what happened in Maine last year? No. I wonder if I have a, uh, a link to that. Maybe I'll send you a link to that. In Maine, there was a girl who was given Zoloft by the counselors at school without telling the dad. Oh, and she's a senior in high school. It's a program called – oh, damn, Caleb. A main dad says high school clinic sent 17-year-old daughter home with secret baggie of Zoloft sick child protective services on him for complaining. You can't just give my daughter pills in a Ziploc baggie and send them home, said Eric Sack. This is a fucking crazy story. So there are these – there are 3,000 of these in the United States. They're called – they're at our kids' high schools.
Starting point is 00:30:57 They're like – there's a word for it. It's like a federally funded health clinic. Yeah. It's a federally funded health clinic, and they're in our school. They're in kids' schools and there's 3,000 of them around the United States. So kids can go get medical care at their high school. It's operating within the Lawrence High School, provided his minor daughter with a baggy prescription and antidepressants without his knowledge or consent. When the girl's father, Eric Sack, discovered the baggy of pills over the weekend, his daughter told him that it was provided by her bulldog health center a school-based health center
Starting point is 00:31:28 sack saw the pills as an infringement on his parental rights like imagine you send your kid to school and they prescribe them fucking drugs it was an unlabeled bad unlabeled drugs with no child resistant container in his home. Zoloft, no less. Not like Tylenol or Ibuprofen or anything. Just going to dish out Zoloft. What is Zoloft, too? You know if you're on a flight somewhere.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Like I was on a flight one time, and my sinuses were fucking killing me. And I went to the stewardess, and I said i said hey do you have any blah blah blah and she said sorry i can't give you that and then she set it down on a counter and walked away it's a cool it's a cool stewardess yeah that's really really cool actually can i can i see more of that can i see more of that caleb that article uh oh selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor this is what zoloft is is it can treat depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder. What the fuck is that? Social anxiety and panic. And you know that the side effects are going to be like suicide. You know that. My wife just tried to wrestle a 250-pound woman to the ground who was trying to kill herself on Xanax and Tylenol. Holy shit. Yeah. She came home and told me that story. It was fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:54 He called Lawrence High School principal Dan Bowers to complain about the undisclosed drug treatment the school clinic gave his daughter, but Bowers insisted SBHC was a separate entity from the school and not under his control. Bowers did not respond to a phone call and an email seeking comment. Oh, is this the bag? Holy shit, dude. That's a lab sample bag. Not even in a bottle. Like no label or anything. It doesn't say like, oh, this is for that kid.
Starting point is 00:33:24 And you should only take it for this many times and it expires on say like oh this is for that kid and you should only take it for this many times and it expires on this date and this is the dose and homeschool homeschool by the way once you start looking into this you'll see that there's like the shit that it's giving kids like hormone blockers and start getting down them them down the line of chopping off their penises oh this school also handed out um binders for chicks to bind their tits down. Binders? Yeah, but this has been like a slowly happening over time, right? Like if you think about it, hey, we got a caller.
Starting point is 00:34:00 This has been happening slowly over time. I remember them like pulling me aside a lot and being like, oh, we're going to test you for attention deficit disorder because you don't want to sit still in these boring ass classes. I remember that shit too. As close as we could all the way up. And they would do this whole thing of convincing my mom that I needed these drugs. And the only reason I wasn't put on those drugs is because when my dad showed up, he
Starting point is 00:34:21 was like, I'm going to take advice from you and you. What the fuck are you doing with your lives? I not taking advice from you guys we're not taking any drugs and that was the end of that caller hi hey good morning uh frank form back um just uh two questions curious what savann's take on rfk jr is from a political perspective i feel like rfk aligns with him even better than uh trump and he's woke though on the race issue he's woke as fuck he's racist as fuck how interesting i have to look at that yeah he's racist as fuck he's very articulate on the vaccine issue and as soon as you ask him about race he says it's a complicated issue and he starts hemming and hawing. But so many of my conservative friends love him. But my feeling on him is – yeah, I see him as a bigot and a racist, unfortunately. But go on. Sorry how you felt about it. But I was also curious. I listened to your episode with Dale Saron, and I'm curious about, he kind of alluded
Starting point is 00:35:29 that the privilege was CrossFit's on the NDA for the NSCA lawsuit settlement. So if affiliate owners were to buy CrossFit, wouldn't they have the ability to then, as owners, every affiliate owner who was an owner, be able to see the details of that settlement? I'm curious your thoughts on that. Oh, remind me next time Dale's on. I'll ask him that. That's very interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, yeah. Cool. That's very, very interesting. I really want to see that. I really want to see that. It would be cool to get Eric Rosa on the podcast or whoever made the decision to settle the case and find out why they settled it. It doesn't make any it doesn't make any sense to me well because it also had such it also had such great brand
Starting point is 00:36:13 value like i love the fact that don was marine recon i love the fact that dave was uh uh a seal team six operator these things i think add tremendous brand value to, uh, to the name CrossFit. Um, and, uh, just like,
Starting point is 00:36:32 just like Nicole Carol, when she was doing the overhead squats against the guys who are five times the strongest for him being there, those things add tremendous brand value. And, uh, and, and that case was awesome because it just showed like,
Starting point is 00:36:43 um, we were, we were the big dick in the room. We were Yosemite Sam. Well, and how do we go from Greg saying the one thing I want out of this is for it to never be sealed to settling with no details on it just blows my mind. With no details on it just blows my mind. Yeah, yeah. That should have never been settled. That should have just been milled for brand value. I mean, there's so many great things happening at CrossFit that don't get taken advantage of to build the brand. But that one was massive, right?
Starting point is 00:37:24 CrossFit's the leading educational system for health and fitness worldwide, and the one competitor that has political ties that's a problem to CrossFit HQ and to all the affiliates had them in a fucking headlock. And with a judge, what did Dale call it? Terminating sanctions, meaning the case wasn't even going to be tried. The judge already had decided that they lost, and the jury was just going to determine the cost of the payment, the settlement. But there still weren't close to finishing the case because Greg wanted to continue to do discovery on their dime and they let him go. It's bizarre. I can't make any sense of it other than it was nefarious. nefarious. Yeah. I mean, it seems like all the evidence exposed the corruption, um, in the nutrition science field and, um, and with the NSCA, you know, and shouldn't have that been public. And I know Greg made lots of videos about it, but I don't know, it seemed like it didn't quite get out there like it should have. Yeah. It's a, it's a, it was a, uh, this is Greg's
Starting point is 00:38:20 words. It was a museum quality specimen specimen of scientific corruption just perfectly laid out. I mean it's exactly what you want to see if you went into a museum at the Smithsonian. They're like, this is what scientific corruption looks like. This is what the use of the courts looks like. And then just lay it all out on a wall and show the timeline. It would have been epic. Epic. If you were ever going to spend money on a Super Bowl ad, that should have been it. Yeah, hey, hey. It's $100 billion from the settlement. Epic. If you're ever going to spend money on a Super Bowl ad, that should have been it. And just put an NCAA on it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's $100 billion from the settlement. Hey, you're right. If you could tell that story in a minute, that would be so fucking potent as a commercial. I never even thought of that. Hey, you know what else it would be? You know what Greg wanted to do? And I mean this. He was a big fan of the South Park guys in the Book of Mormon Broadway play.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And I think that's the most successful Broadway play in the history of Broadway. It made those guys in the book of Mormon, a Broadway play. And I don't know, I think that's the most successful Broadway play in the history of Broadway. It made those guys hundreds of millions of dollars, but he wanted the NSCA case to be turned into a musical, a Broadway performance. And that would have been epic. That would have been epic. I think the whole CrossFit story.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And you could do a whole, I think. Yeah. Like, I mean, you know, one of those crazy murder mystery things, but you make it, you know, you do it about that case. And think yeah like uh i mean you know one of those crazy murder mystery things but you make it you know you do it about that case and it's like every episode
Starting point is 00:39:29 you're like what what yeah crossfit and tiger king you know it's like tiger king yeah totally all right thank you frank yeah yeah thank Appreciate it. Have a good one. But that would make a good series though. The rise and fall of CrossFit. Or, or, or, or the fall of the, um,
Starting point is 00:39:56 uh, NSCA would, it would be a great Broadway play. Holy shit. Uh, Ryan Stokes, the, uh, no, uh, uh ryan stokes the uh no uh so i just saw 35 and that's why i clicked it ryan stokes the fact of the matter with all politics
Starting point is 00:40:14 only 35 of the population actually votes until that changes nothing will change the same guys We've gone over this ad nauseum. We know that the KKK were Democrats. We know that the entire South and the enslavement of colored people was all Democrats. We know that it was FDR who wasn't letting the Jews in as they were trying to get to Ellis Island. We know that it was the Democrats who built the internment camps for the Japanese. We know it's the Democrats that want to let people terms with what's really going on here. But another one of the poster children for the Democrats is a woman named Margaret Sanger. And unfortunately, they don't want her as a poster child, but she is the founder of Planned Parenthood. And she is a very, very dangerous person. There are some crazy, crazy stats.
Starting point is 00:41:30 For every two black kids born, one is killed in the United States of America. Let me say that to you again. For every two melanated babies that's born, one baby is killed. Go ahead and play this. This is wild. Here we go. There should be a national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out where the government not feeding them. Was it A, Adolf Hitler, B, Joseph Stalin, C, Fidel Castro, or D, someone else?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Hitler. Adolf Hitler. Someone else. I feel like all of them would have said that. Someone else. Last one. I accepted an invitation to talk to the Ku Klux Klan. Was it your boy Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, or Margaret Sanger? Joe Biden. Donald Trump. Trump. Trump.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Donald Trump. Who's Margaret Sanger? The founder of Planned Parenthood. Hopefully it was not Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger. I'm going to go chaotic. All three of those quotes were hers. Why is it that the founder of Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider, sounds more like an unhinged dictator or racist than a health care worker? Okay, I'm going to give you your money back. But because of black people, they don't want us multiplying anymore.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I support Planned Parenthood. All three of these are her quotes. I'm not taking out of context. Two of those were in her book. She wrote them herself. But why is it always the white liberal boys? Oh, stop. Oh, stop.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Oh, stop, bitch. Stop stop it's not the white liberal boys hey can you look up dysgenic for me dysgenic so basically basically margaret singer was saying hey these people will let's help these people die out and who do you think she was talking about uh effects on later generations through the inheritance of undesirable characteristics who do you think she was talking about i thought she was defending women's uh health care right wasn't that isn't that something isn't that a wild spin? Reproductive rights, affirmative action. It's always gender affirmation care. It's always a lie. It's always a lie. They just fuck with words. They just change words they just change the definition they just rebrand shit of course yeah it's the easy play just put a new label on it put a new
Starting point is 00:43:52 narrative behind it and put it out there yeah gender affirmation care i made this post the other day showing that um uh cbs um said that uh gender affirmation care was vetoed. And I posted it. I'm like, say what it really is. And someone's like, and someone didn't get it. If you go to places where there's unbiased media, they tell you exactly what it is. Gender affirmation care. That's not what that is. Yeah, because if you were explained exactly what it is, most people probably wouldn't agree with it.
Starting point is 00:44:23 So you just have to package it in a way that most people don't actually understand what they're saying. Yes or no to. Right. Or you're appealing to a feeling of theirs into what instead of what's actually happening. Yeah, totally. I mean, it was like you've seen it in Florida where they said like the don't say gay bill and like manipulated that and it has nothing to do with it. Right. Like abortion boils down to pro-choice or pro-life, which is packaged terribly, right? Like you also see all the political movements like Black Lives Matter because that's packaged in a way that you can't possibly be against it. Because by being against it, you've labeled yourself a certain type of person, right?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Right, right. So it's all this. That's just how it's done. It's the easiest way to do it. Christine, seven thoughts on IVF and surrogacy. I don't know. I don't know. I don't really have any strong feelings on it. I just if my wife couldn't have had kids, we wouldn't have had kids. I don't think that most people have the level of self-reflection and awareness to even know why they have kids.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't think people know why they get tattoos or piercings. I don't think people know why they put their shoes on in the morning. And I think most people are just going around reacting from one thing to the next in the matrix. I would just encourage people to self-reflect and see why they're making decisions. Why are you bringing your right hand to your face to scratch your cheek? Why aren't you just watching the sensation? Because it's uncomfortable. So everything that's uncomfortable, you avoid. So you can't have kids. So that's uncomfortable. So you immediately, instead of looking at that, why is that uncomfortable? You immediately, I think what happens is people don't look why
Starting point is 00:46:27 that's uncomfortable and they immediately address it. And so that's why we have so few people with wisdom in the world because right under that first layer is where wisdom exists. 12 daily doses. Do black people get more abortions because they don't have access to birth control or because they just want to access to birth control or because they just want to want to kill babies the the or the or is a um is is completely misleading it's not an or um that's just that's just word fuckery that's's just manipulation. Or is Donald Trump a rapist or a pedophile? Or like with 12 Daily Doses, are you – the or thing is just stupid. I'm not doing the or thing. Tell me exactly what you're trying to ask. That's the left talk right there. You see it, right? Yeah. It's the left talk right there. You see it, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:26 It's a leading question. Maybe your question would be like, hey, if everyone had greater access to birth control, would there be fewer abortions? And then I could be like, hey, dude, black people can walk into any CVS
Starting point is 00:47:38 and walk out with anything they want and not get arrested. They have greater access to birth control. strength, stamina, whatever goal you're working toward. New Balance has the running shoes, clothes, and accessories to push your run further and help you run your way. Find yours at slash running. New Balance, run your way. Imagine you're in Ottawa strolling through artistic landscapes
Starting point is 00:48:20 at the National Gallery of Canada. Oh. Then cycling past Parliament Hill. Ah. Before unwinding on Gallery of Canada. Oh. Then cycling past Parliament Hill. Ah. Before unwinding on an outdoor patio. Oh. Then spending an evening on a cruise along the historic Rideau Canal. Ah.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Exploration awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah. Plan your Ottawa itinerary at How's that? Hey, what's going to happen? And I think this is going to happen sooner rather than later, where you can make a bunch of adjustments to your child before they're being born. When they have like that CRISPR, that like gene editing ability.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Is it called a CRISPR? It's called a CRISPR? I think it's called CRISPR. What's it called, Caleb um what did you say c-r-i-s-p-r is what it's called genome editing so then you could go in and be like hey i've always wanted blue eyes but i had everybody in my family had brown eyes so now we want you to have blue eyes and oh by the way there's this new thing that i could afford which allows you to see like you know like an eagle or something crazy because we found out how to edit that into your genes and we'll take away your ability to have all these things that you're predispositioned to and um and we'll give you the ability to grow muscle twice as fast so you'll be super strong if i if i was born with better eyes of speed i don't want to go like and the point
Starting point is 00:49:48 being is like i just think we're just i think we're just just just starting down this road of like the moral debate of how much anatomy autonomy sorry should we have over ourselves and our the offspring because pretty soon that the options will be wild. Hey, you've always, what are the implications of that? I personally wouldn't do that. Well, I personally wouldn't tinker with that. If they were like, Hey, seven, we can, we can, um, do such and such. And your kid would be four inches taller. I would not do that. Yeah. And I, I don't, I think what's going to happen is it's going to first happen to people who could afford to be able to do it. Right. So once there's a certain amount of like, we kind of think this works and it's safe, you're going to get all these rich people that'll come
Starting point is 00:50:32 in because they want to manipulate the genes and they can afford to do it in an early stage. And then like anything else, whoever does it, whether it's CRISPR or something else, we'll use that as branding and it'll just turn into a consumer thing you want to be like the elite they could see further than you they live longer than you their skin's healthier than you yeah be like the elite and you could buy your level of crisper and get in with your kid right have you seen altered carbon have you seen altered carbon no is it a movie it's a tv series on netflix but they like a sci-fi type thing where they create bodies for people and they just insert like a little, like your mind into the body.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And so then, like the rich people live forever, but the people who don't have any money are just, like they'll just die normal human deaths. So it's like eventually maybe we'll turn into, like just we have just fleshy bodies that we can insert our consciousness into and then everybody wow wow that's a trip it's really cool to watch yeah they're talking about like downloading your conscious essentially to like a computer system and then up god that was kind of shit out of me that's i think i think like we're just on this
Starting point is 00:51:42 like precipice of like we're still like super like early to where now it's like do you want us to suck your kid out with this vacuum or no because now we have this option right like it didn't exist that long ago you just hope to have the kid and it lived past five and so i just think we're just like entering this ability to make these decisions that we have never had access to before. And I think Rosie put in here God's plan. The one thing that I always think about, if you go down that route of- But it's all God's plan.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But it's all God's plan. The CRISPR is God's plan. It's all God's plan. By the way, that's the whole Courtney Hunt thing too. She thinks what's going to happen is we're going to get to where there's supercomputers. And for those of you who don't know what supercomputers are, I can give you my primitive understanding. Right now, anytime a computer does something, a task, or it has a symbol or it wants to do anything, it has to assign characters to it. And it only has two characters it can work with ones and O's and so those lines
Starting point is 00:52:49 those those assignments can get really really long and bog down the speed in which computers work a supercomputer would be able to assign all sorts of different characters to just individual things so you might have a whole alphabet to assign to and when they can do that they'll be able to move at speeds that are fucking gazillions of times faster than they're working now and when they can do that they'll be able to manipulate the world at a smaller and smaller level does that make sense so imagine everything's made of legos and with our current computers we can only manipulate the legos but with supercomput, whatever the Legos are made of, you'll be able to manipulate the world at that level. And what she's suggesting is once we get a supercomputer...
Starting point is 00:53:32 By the way, there won't be any security once we get supercomputers either. Every password, everything will be broken overnight. Once there are supercomputers, the security fucking system just completely breaks down as we have it. Because the computers can obviously sift through so many fucking options so much quicker. But what she's suggesting is that when we get a computer that can do that, that it can actually make a zygote. That it can actually make, it can manipulate things at such a small level that it could create a sperm and create an egg and fucking bring them together. So I think that that's the kind of shit that's like, whoa, now we're in.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And I don't know if that's sci-fi or not. It sounds like sci-fi, but no, Ryan Stokes. I'm very fortunate and blessed. My 18 year old mother decided to put me up for adoption. I was talking to someone the other day about abortion and it was going really, really well. They were they were completely pro-choice. And I'm like, yeah, I'm pro-choice, too. And then they said, I said, because you think it's a woman's right. And they said, yeah. And I said, but I also see that it's killing a baby. What do you think about that? And they said, yeah, it is killing a baby. And I said, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:54:46 were being had were had what would our society be like and they started saying like they went into this doomsday story if all the babies were actually born what the world would be like and i'm like well now you're justifying killing kids with like a made-up doomsday scenario yeah now you're now now we're not talking about what's right or wrong you're you're justifying the killing of babies and and that was the killing of babies and that was the end of the conversation they didn't want to have it anymore because they realized i wonder i wonder if there's anyone who i guess there's probably someone if there's anyone who wishes they were aborted hey sleaky i know but here's the thing that's all of them if you can
Starting point is 00:55:24 get all any of them into a conversation like that that's how it always goes. They can't talk about the issue. They just start justifying it. uh khabib nurmagomedov uh he was in the ufc uh he was their uh i think arguably their greatest fighter i want to say he was 20 and 0 or 30 and 0 which is just fucking absolutely insane for a ufc fighter he came from dagestan and uh it says khabib nurga madhav nurgo madhav revealed how much money he rejected for a ufc return anyone have any guesses before we show you um how much money he rejected for a UFC return. Anyone have any guesses before we show you? How much money he was offered to come back and fight at UFC 300? How much is eight figures? $15 million? No.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And for those of you who don't know, UFC fighters are usually paid, like when you watch it at the pay-per-view event, the guy who fights first in the early prelims might get like $15,000 or $20,000. And the champ might get like a million for fighting. The champ and then the guy who's the guy who challenged. And the champ might get a million and the challenger might get $700,000. And then the champ gets a little cut of the uh pay-per-view guesses 500 000 i said 15 million kabib nur nirga madoff has to be the first combat sports athlete to reject a reported 40 million to make his return.
Starting point is 00:57:09 When Cormier told this to Ben Askren, the former UFC star couldn't believe it. Before folks come out to say Khabib meant 14 million, and there was an error of pronunciation on his behalf. No, DC repeated this multiple times. Nurga Madoff did say 40 million. This means that anybody who keeps on dreaming of watching him fight one more time should keep their expectations extremely low. Twelve daily doses. Millions are against abortion until their kids get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Then it really hits. I think it's the opposite way. I would be curious to see which one of us is right. I think people that probably – I have a friend who tried to get an abortion, and they thought they got an abortion, and then they had their kid. And to this day, they're like, holy shit. I'm so glad I had the kid. How do you think you have an abortion and then not have one? That's a great question. I don't want to go into the detail. This person went to the abortion center, had the baby vacuumed out, then called and had it confirmed, had their doctor call that doctor and had it confirmed and then the baby the baby was still in there so maybe it was twins you want to talk about
Starting point is 00:58:11 medical malpractice there you go fuck but i can't i i don't think anyone um i i don't think anyone's like i i can't imagine i i personally can't imagine having the kid I can imagine going the opposite of what 12 daily doses is saying you have the kids and they're like thank god I had the kid so do you know anyone who's ever regretted having their child I know but but but I don't even if I did regret having my child, I wouldn't let those words come out of my mouth. Me personally. I think you see it through people's actions for sure. Yeah, I definitely, I definitely wouldn't. I definitely wouldn't like say that out loud. I'd push that down. Yeah. Well, there's also people
Starting point is 00:59:04 that could be like, fuck life was so much easier before you kids. But then it's like a completely loving family and completely fine. Right. Yeah. As opposed to the one person that's been like, my babies mean the most to me. And then like, they're like shoved in the corner with no,
Starting point is 00:59:16 you know, care or anything like that. You're like, well, you're saying that, but we're seeing the opposite. Um, people, people look for this like this this perfect life and yet the only things you remember is the
Starting point is 00:59:34 is the exciting shit the challenging shit so i've ridden in an uber uh you know thousand times but i only remember the uber driver who peed the 500 poundpound Uber driver who peed in a Gatorade bottle when I was in there. Do you have an UFC Uber storage? Do we have a caller? Yeah, they just came on now. Hey. Caller, hi. Yeah, good morning, Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Good morning, Matt. Good morning. Good morning, Caleb. Hey, so has 12 Daily Doses ever been around people? I mean, the guy like other humans. Yeah. Yeah. Like all these hot takes that he has shows that he has like zero experience in the world. Can you give me an example? Can you give me an example? You mean like the hot take of like people have kids and then wish they didn't. And then it's like, wait, dude, who have you been around? That one, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:40 But also to say that black and brown people have less access to birth control and contraception, like they don't pass them out in affluent schools. They pass out that stuff in low-income schools because the parents aren't involved, and the parents aren't going to make a stink about it, so they get away with it. And so they think they're doing a service, but they're really just usurping the power from the parents. But whatever, it's a bigger conversation, but it does not happen in affluent areas as much as it happens in these broken communities. that's where all the help goes so for a guy like this or lady i don't know what he is he she i just know he's kind of a moron yeah fair assessment that's my hot take on the guy yeah yeah uh and then there's fair I want to push back one little bit because I have engaged with some people whose parents have said to them, I wish I would have aborted you. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yeah. Yeah. It's a real thing. It's not common. But these are still, it doesn't matter. It does not matter because these people are adults. They're adjusted into society. They have some trauma from this, just like anybody else would have some hardships. It's a shame it's coming from their parents. But to say that that life is less valuable because their parent is telling them that they should have been aborted like it doesn't it does not matter they're in the world they're human they're valued like so both takes are stupid hey have you ever had sex when you didn't want you ever had sex No, I'm a dude. or you just always wanted to when they get go repackaged to the same question 100 100 there's a part yeah because because there's always wants to yeah right right i mean
Starting point is 01:02:52 i've yeah right there was this one there was this one um girl in college who came to my house and she's like hey i'm a virgin and i want i want you to be my first and i wish i wouldn't have had sex with her afterwards. I was like, I probably shouldn't have done that. Let me give you a little context why I answer the way I do. I've only ever been with my wife. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah. All right. Yeah, 28. Can I tell you something? Someone else told me that the other day on the show, and I think that that's fucking so noble and so fucking cool. I think it's fucking I think it's awesome. Like, like, you probably were you probably I'm guessing that you probably when the last guy said it, I wanted to ask him, like, hey, do you ever wonder what it's like having sex with other people but then i was like why do i want to plant that seed in his head but since you're on here i lack the discipline to push that question down do you ever wish you do you ever like fuck dude hey so so you wouldn't be the first to like put that seed in anybody's head that's that's just guy talk that's what happened okay right um so here so my saving grace as a teenager was that i was i was goofball like nobody was
Starting point is 01:04:08 interested i wanted it as bad as anybody else nobody was interested in me right me too yeah uh became became a crit yeah became a christian hey were you a friend to like did you have like 10 girls you talk to every night who are your friends and all they do is talk to you about other guys i was that guy i was no i was not that guy oh i was so close but not even close at all i was like standing on the other side of a from them but i could hear them with perfect fidelity it sucked no no getting getting a a hug or a hand on the shoulder uh that was enough to put me on cloud nine for the whole year that's right i was not yeah i was i was not a cool dude uh but yeah yeah what was your point i'm sorry you were going to basically say you
Starting point is 01:04:54 hadn't slept with anyone your whole life besides your wife okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so no i don't there's no point to it right like what like i got a phd there's no point to it. Right. Like, what do, like, I got a PhD. There's no point in it. Right, right. Okay, well, that's good. And I want to say with 82% accuracy, you're missing nothing and that all the others are just, it's just fleeting anyway. So with 82% accuracy, i said you've made the right choice yeah fleeting is a good word for it yeah it's just fleeting it's it's it's a moment it's
Starting point is 01:05:32 a momentary pleasure and then you're just you're chasing after it for some with somebody else and i just have it full time yeah all right congratulations that's a great story do you have kids yeah thank you oh that, that's, that's awesome. Yeah. I got two of them. Oh, good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah. I, Kenneth, the lab seven would be a terrible first dude. You don't even know worse than terrible. Fuck dude. Hey, I'll let,
Starting point is 01:05:56 I'll let you go. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. Okay. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Worst. Fuck. For the record, I wasn't laughing at him. Caleb did the soundbite i couldn't i couldn't help it and then and then i felt and then because she because i was her first i was felt obligated to have sex with her like whenever she wanted and of course once i opened that door she wanted to have it all the time. And she was cool, but I just didn't like her. It was weird.
Starting point is 01:06:26 She was this super hot chick who was like a dude, though. You ever met a super hot chick who's like a dude? Yes. Those are lesbians, Simon. Yeah, she was crazy hot, but she was like, you know, maybe she was a lesbian. Was she like punching the arm too hard or something after a joke? Just like she treated me like she was my big brother you know what i mean like put me in headlock and give me no keys and she was
Starting point is 01:06:49 smarter than me and like she was more athletic than me and like just everything it was the fucking it was it was just hey dude i hate to break this to you right now like on the show but i think i think you were abused oh i was i think i think you should abused. Oh, I was? I think you should probably. I should find her and. Yeah, we should probably sue her for $83 million. Yeah, yeah. Definitely. Fergie.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Where's my money? It was like that. It was like that. Viagra says report an erection over four hours to your doctor. It happened to me. I'm calling the Sevan show. Oh, yeah. I tried a couple of those once.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Fuck. What a. Do not. Do not take those. Do not take those. Fucking crazy. You better have just like 20 people lined up. That was coerced.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Coerced. Oh, I would play the audio clip. I don't have it here. Oh, no. That's why. Don't play that. That's why. Do you want to say something to me?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Okay. Hey, Junior Okay You good? You want to tell me something? Come here, talk to me Right there, stay right there Tell me, I don't want anyone to see you crying And think I'm abusive, Dad, it's too much for the crowd to see
Starting point is 01:08:21 What happened? Okay. You were playing a board game with your mom last night and now new kids and you weren't finished and then you went upstairs this morning and that game has been wiped out and new kids are playing the game? Okay. What if I play the board game with you afterwards the show will that help make you feel better okay i'll play with you right after the show i love you okay beat it i mean i love you okay beat it i mean i love you
Starting point is 01:09:15 that's sema or something what's happening yeah that dude's banging sema oh really yeah all right someone sent me that photo last night and i showed it to one of my friends and they're like fuck she's hot oh okay and you know what i said what she's got a giant rack too we're not live are we no we're good uh okay i love it uh uh fat uh Okay. Fat. I don't know what this is. Fat. Objective. Fat. What's this one? Fat. Here we go. Oh, what's this guy got to say? What ethnicity is this guy? What did this guy do to his eyebrows? It's like a faux scar. Oh, okay. it's like a faux scar okay a lot of westerners don't understand about us chinese people is that we're very direct with our use of adjectives we call a spade a spade and we describe people just as they are
Starting point is 01:10:18 without sugarcoating it or beating around the bush using euphemisms. And one common example is the word fat. Because in China, if you're fat, people will often call you fat right in front of your face without meaning any offense. It's merely an objective observation of fact. And if you have a plus-sized wife or sister or friend... Wait, pause, pause. So he went from saying the word fat to then plus size.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Did you see that? But he says we people. But then, okay, go ahead. That was interesting. Yeah. Because shopping, you take it to the fat shop. BB fat. Fat girls.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Fatty fat girl. Love calories. Moo moo. I love how it starts at XL too. It doesn't start at double XL. It starts at XL and above. Hey, that goes back to how we started the show. We're not speaking clearly to each other. we're willing to do facts or to worry about
Starting point is 01:11:28 people who who's the skinny albino black guy that writes the pop psychology books malcolm gladwell oh yeah in this book that he in one of the books that he wrote he talks about two airline pilots who are flying over New York City. Yeah, South Korean airline pilots, right? Is it? Okay. Yeah. And they're in a big old 747, and they're circling the airport waiting to land. And the co-pilot knows that the plane's running out of gas.
Starting point is 01:12:00 But because of the strong cultural foundation that he has that you never speak up to your superiors, he doesn't say anything. And the plane goes down, and everyone in the plane dies. We have that – that's happening every single – there's like a mass – around just just the injection there's just a fucking mass genocide happening around this country because people aren't just telling the truth because they're afraid of the cultural stigma or just taking authority's word as gospel and it has to be right i and you know what i think i think more people love trump than say and that most people just default to well he's better than the other guy yeah for sure because because since i've been um born that's always what i've heard no one's like
Starting point is 01:12:52 no one in my circle of my sphere is always like man i really like that guy i'm all behind him it's like well he's the best out of the two It's like, well, he's the best out of the two. Mm-hmm. They hate your freedom. Who? Oh, you're talking about the notes. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:17 I can't. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Good guess. Okay. Oh, this is crazy. This is fucking nuts have you seen this this is a football player uh cj stroud i think that's professional football yep nfl and uh they they they edited out his first sentence i mean someone had to
Starting point is 01:13:42 if anyone knows anything about editing you have to work hard to do this. You have to go out of your way to do this. Watch this. This is crazy. The original version is on the left and then the edited version on the right. Here we go. And a record setting performance for you. What does this moment mean?
Starting point is 01:13:56 I mean, it's been amazing being in this city for as short as I've been. First of all, I just want to give all glory and praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I mean, it's been amazing. Play that one more time. I want to watch the edit. What does this moment mean? I mean, it's been amazing. So in the original, the camera zooms in
Starting point is 01:14:19 and he thanks Jesus Christ. That's the long-haired dude that the Christians dig. Lord and Savior. Yeah. And he thinks Jesus Christ, that's the long-haired dude that the Christians dig? Lord and Savior. Lord and – yeah. They just straight fucking don't give a fuck. Is there a caller, Sousa? Yeah. Caller, welcome to the show.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Hi. Hey, how's it going, guys? Good morning. Hey, good morning. So, question. I wanted to see what you guys – what was your input on that one uh so i was over here trying to sign up for the crossfit open right hashtag yolo hashtag the seven podcast hashtag the seven podcast fuck killer our gym hey nobody said nothing about healing right but whatever uh so yeah i'm over here trying to do
Starting point is 01:15:06 the last two years I've been part of an affiliate, right? So this year, I was like, yeah, same deal. But for some reason, the fucking affiliate's not there. Do you think it was the affiliate's job, responsibility to fucking let the members know
Starting point is 01:15:22 that they're no longer affiliated or is it a... Wait, do you go to the affiliate? Do you go to the affiliate? Yeah. So you showed up in the door and the door was just locked? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:15:36 I'm missing something. When he signed up for the... They de-affiliated. Oh, they de-affiliated. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they're still in service and everything. We still got classes there.
Starting point is 01:15:47 It's all good. Right. Getting my fitness on. But yeah, originally I signed up. I mean, been there, what, three years? Caller, let me just see something real quick. So you belonged to a gym, and it was a CrossFit affiliate, and then you went to sign up for the Open,
Starting point is 01:16:04 and you looked for your affiliate in the drop-down menu and you didn't find it. And then when you did some further investigating, you realized, oh, they're no longer an affiliate. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. But, I mean, the gym never told us or told me or anybody that I know of members of the gym
Starting point is 01:16:20 that we're no longer affiliated. This is a really interesting question. I don't know how to answer this one do you have thoughts on this Sousa? I'm using CrossFit branding here's a trippy caller yeah they dropped the CrossFit brand because I noticed
Starting point is 01:16:37 the brands on the logos on the outside when you go inside doesn't say CrossFit anymore it says Fitness let me ask you this before before we dig in i have a couple questions for you does that um does that how does that outside of the open do you care if they're um a crossfit affiliate or not not besides that they're not in the open like like why do you care and i mean that with all sincerity i'm not trying to be a dick let's just say honestly honestly i think i would lean more towards i don't care okay initially when i signed up i mean yeah i signed up because it was crossfit uh-huh
Starting point is 01:17:23 but now i mean we've gone through the motions i know what it is i listen to you guys daily the methodology methodology dress great glass man i mean pretty pretty involved i mean i like it i love it i live for it but i mean let me let me read you let me read you this comment here really quick. Mike McCaskey says they have no responsibility to tell you they're not an affiliate. I would say this. I think Mike has that worded wrong. I think they have no obligation to tell you they're not an affiliate, but they do have a responsibility. to respond to a situation here's the thing you feel a little betrayed right because we do feel like a community and you go there and you've dedicated your time and your money and you like all the people there and it's more to you than just a place that you lift weights it's sort of like your it's your boys club and your girls club and so you feel a little betrayed you feel a little like there's a little bit of dishonesty. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Mm. Yeah, I mean, maybe not dishonesty. I believe that would be, like, betrayal. But, I mean, maybe, like, a heads up. Be like, oh, yeah, guys, just an FYI. We're no longer, or maybe just, like, bring it up. It's like, did anybody notice that we're not CrossFit on our banner or whatever? I was like okay i mean that way i mean i mean i think it's just it was just a hard way to find out
Starting point is 01:18:52 like like when i came home when i came home with the motorcycle when i came home with the motorcycle and didn't tell my wife i was buying it yeah went to the harley davidson dealership and came home with a motorcycle. To this day, I struggle with that. I probably should. I struggle with that. Those are the two. I got in trouble for setting up an arm wrestling table in the living room once and then coming home with a motorcycle.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Those are the only two things that my wife's ever been like, yo, what are you doing? The motorcycle one's pretty big. And I was like, tell my telling my wife i'm like what the fuck do you mean and she's like you have 10 motorcycles in the garage i go yeah but i don't have a harley i tiptoed out of them i didn't think i was gonna win that one i didn't think i was gonna win that one that's rough i was thinking more like shopping at walmart instead of buying the good brand you just buy the good value right it's the same thing but it's not the same brand interesting how long did since they've changed their banner because you mentioned it did say crossfit but now it says fitness like how long
Starting point is 01:19:52 has that been um not sure i can't have you talked about it with any members have you talked about it with any other members i just brought up to the owner yesterday just brief questions like i signed up to the open and i noticed that uh we're not on there anymore it's like oh yeah we do affiliated like oh well that's good to know hey are you gonna do the open at the you're gonna do the open at the gym though right are they gonna are they gonna have a place for people to do the open well i mean it's not going to be validated right where can it be the scores count or no my understanding is is that they've set it up so that anyone can do the open now no matter what anywhere like i'm just going to do it in my garage and i'm gonna count my own reps and i'm
Starting point is 01:20:45 not gonna have a judge or nothing i'm just well actually i don't know part of me is like wants to grow a set of balls and go up to annie sakamoto's gym because it's right down the street from my house i just want to do that to show off to the viewers of this show i think they'd get a kick out of that wait we should ask if we could do it on saturday mornings and i'll see if i could come out there and film one of them i can set up my iphone members only i don't know that's it that's a that's a fucking that's a great question dude that it's funny and all the talk that we've talked about i've never heard that question asked could the owner that susan would you tell if you deaffiliated would you tell your well we would we would kind of have to by choice because it's crossfit livermore so like if we de-affiliated and you know like they weren't going to lie about
Starting point is 01:21:31 it or misuse the methodology right and still have it then it would be very obvious because our name would have to change caller are you married yes okay to a woman. To a fair. And if you have the accent that makes it sound like you sound really close-minded and like you would only marry a woman, just so you know. You don't sound like a very open-minded guy who would marry a man. If you had been banging your wife's sister prior to you getting married, would you feel obligated to tell her that before you got married yeah i think so too i mean i mean yeah so somewhere my point is that somewhere there is like some sort of like uh there is some sort of obligation.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Hold on, let me see what Patrick Clark says about this before I go in talking about your wife's sister. Patrick Clark, but Savon is right. It's a responsibility and not an obligation, but it's definitely bad practice to do that. Man, that's tough, dude. Because here's the thing, I'm feeling for the owner because it's like, hey, do I really want to open up that bag of...
Starting point is 01:22:44 thing i'm feeling for the the owner because it's like hey do i really want to open up that bag of um uh um like if i found out i had covet i wouldn't tell i don't i'm not going to tell anyone like i wouldn't even tell my wife probably like i don't even care but if i came home and i had aids i'd feel obligated to tell her and the other thing too it's probably like we're like it's not that big of a gym. It's actually the garage, right? I mean, the classes is maybe 10 people max. So, I mean, it's not I don't think I'm pretty sure like the majority of the people members there, they don't even know who Jeff Adler is or Laura Horvath. Oh, you sound like Sousa. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Sousa. Oh, my goodness. it sounds like the truth of what's happening in most gyms reality's not the way i want it to be listen no one knows who jeff adler is but they know who tia is don't they call her no oh fuck i hate you i mean i support the ceo brand all the time i show up and like nobody fucking notices like okay okay stop yeah hey man that's a great question that's the best question we've had i don't know i don't know i'd be curious to see what um affiliate owners think about that that that's that's that's a great question are you gonna what are you gonna do about the open then you i mean you're signed up you got to just figure it out
Starting point is 01:24:06 yeah i mean there's there's two other gyms that are relatively close to where or and that where i could go do it but yeah i mean hey hey you want to do it you want to hear something cool um we got a on Thursday nights after they announced the open, we're going to go live and we're going to talk about the open and then on Friday, we're going to start a series. It's going to be the biggest fucking thing in CrossFit. It's going to be in
Starting point is 01:24:37 the CrossFit games this year. It's called Taylor versus the world. I think we have we have down pepper week one versus Taylor live in person. Week two, we have i think we have down pepper week one we have down pepper week one versus taylor live in person week two we have jason hopper versus taylor self week two in person and week three colton merton's versus a taylor self and we got a fucking huge sponsor and i was thinking about this the other day how cool is it for this sponsor that they have their own open the ky jelly fucking crossfit games open someone
Starting point is 01:25:09 else like you know what i mean like we're we're doing what this is this is the greatest coup ever that we're pulling off here this is fucking gonna be yeah sorry zach jones the coca-cola the coca-cola california peptides crossfit games open 24.1 out of crossfit charlotte taylor self versus down pepper i mean this is fucking nuts i can't even believe we're doing this this is going to be like i i don't know if you guys see the sponsorship implications of what we're what we're doing i don't know why no one's ever done this before i don't know why nike hasn't done this i don't know why anyone hasn't done this. I don't know why anyone hasn't done this. Anyone can do it. You can just be your own
Starting point is 01:25:48 massive open event at a gym. And we're going to stream it. We're going to have the best commentators in the business. Get fucking John Young in there. Fucking it's going to be wild. And then afterwards, JR will facilitate. He kind of looks like Dave Castro, but fit.
Starting point is 01:26:04 And he'll facilitate a conversation between Taylor and the people he went against. Dude, it's going to be. It's going to be awesome. I can't even fucking believe it. But for those of you who are in the sponsorship space, this is like a mega coup. This is like. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Right? Because someone else probably paid CrossFit a million dollars to have like the CrossFit, I don't know, whatever, CrossFit Open sponsored by blah, blah, blah. But we're just going to do one too. I'm just so excited. Yeah, it's dope. It's going to be wild. Kind of got a little Sandy vibes there what getting what vibes standy vibes yeah i'm it just feels like i'm getting a standy when i talk about it hey what
Starting point is 01:26:52 state do you live in colorado and what wow you don't sound like you're from colorado what do i sound like just Something in the south somewhere. Like, you sound like one of those white dudes that talks like a black dude, like my friend Travis Bajan. Hey, what do you drive? You drive an American car. What do I drive? Ford, yeah. Yeah, and your muffler's kind of fucked up. And your muffler could probably changing
Starting point is 01:27:28 No, no, all right You have a bed liner or you go raw dog Raw dog. Yep fucking knew it Just a no bed liner nailed it what a fucking damn life on the edge you just gotta you just gotta when you got four corners you flip it upside down hey well hey when you're at home like starting your fucking wood burning stove i'm i'm at fucking looking at the newest mac gear that's the difference between me and you you have you your testosterone is probably like 30 points higher
Starting point is 01:28:10 than mine like like you throw shit in the back of your truck like i'm like i'm like i put down like a moving blanket every time i like i like i put anything in the back of a truck yeah i mean we're not even in this so when you you come from the U-Haul? We're both dogs, but I'm a chihuahua and you're like a fucking wolf. But I'm a canine. A wolf? Yeah, you're like a wolf. You're a high order canine.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I'm fucking a chihuahua. I wear a sweater. And you chewed your leg off in a bear trap. I just know it. Oh, my goodness. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Don't let that shit get in your head. You're too much of a man to worry about that shit. Let us fucking femboys worry about that shit. Fair enough. Sounds good, man. Well, thanks for the help. All right. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Oh, yeah. One more thing. What kind of phone are you talking on? Are you talking on a CB? Like, yeah, one more thing. What kind of phone are you talking on? Are you talking on a CB? Like, what the fuck's up with your audio? What are you talking on? Does it sound like shit or what? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:29:13 It sounds horrible. What device is that? You have an Android? Yes, sir. Android phone. Android fucking earbuds. oh man i'm sorry i failed ah i love it i love it i'm glad that uh that i men of your caliber would dare to call into the show and listen to the show it makes me happy i just picture who listen to the show being soft. I appreciate you holding it down
Starting point is 01:29:46 for them. You gotta call in to find out if the fucking phone line works, right? Yep. That's right. You sure do.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Doing your part. I see all the time it's like, well, the phone's not working or the banner's not flying and it's like, well,
Starting point is 01:29:58 what the fuck? But I still show up every day. Thank you. Best podcaster it is. Thank you. Well, fuck yeah. All right. Later. You guys you. Thank you. Well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Yeah. All right. You guys have a good one. It's kind of weird that the gym wouldn't tell him. Like I saw a couple of people ask, like what I would 100% tell my members. I'd be like, they don't want to do,
Starting point is 01:30:18 I don't blame them though. They don't want to deal with it. They don't want to deal with the drama. Right? No, but you still just like, and I'm not saying like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:30:23 I start each class with like, Hey guys, we have some news. Like I'm talking about, it's just like the last line line. I'm on the email, the monthly email that goes out. And it's either like you clicked it and you're ready and you open it or you did it. Like, you know, you want to make a, and here's the deal too. If you have that relationship with your members, like they're at your gym for you anyways. So chances are, you'll have a few outliers that are like, oh, I wanted to, I really wanted to come to a CrossFit gym. And then you'll have a bunch of other people that are like, well, we don't really care what it says.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Like it's still our gym. Right. Right. So. Oh, um, did we get a link from, uh, you know, who's, did we get a link from a link? Send a link to, oh, maybe send a link to and see what see what happens um um hey in the sponsor we got for the open i i live in these the sponsor shoes i live in them they're the only shoes i wear when i put shoes on
Starting point is 01:31:19 now when i put shoes on. No spoiler alert. I know. I'm so excited. It's such a fucking crazy fit. Must be Nike. Have you? Caleb, no spoilers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Doses. Make sure you sign up. I need your money. Member CEO membership. Get it. Do I not even have the phone number no no you guys will never you guys will never guess oh yeah are they guessing who are they guessing yeah they are guessing no they don't know they don't know i don't see new balance on
Starting point is 01:31:58 any one of those new balance makes me two inches taller the spring shoes do you have the contact I don't know why it's not popping up my phone so I don't have there's an email too which is really weird does it happen to you you search contacts that you know you have and it's like
Starting point is 01:32:20 yes and I fold up newspaper and put it in there to make me taller. You already got a two-inch lift on these suckers. Jethro. Oh, he doesn't pop up on my computer. That doesn't happen with me, too. I have his. I'm going to send it to our chat and then go to my phone.
Starting point is 01:32:47 I got a two-part process here. Copy. Jethro's got some homies at the... Oh, Jethro's on a droid too? Yeah. Are all cops on droids?
Starting point is 01:33:04 Is that a first responder phone no I think the government gives them iPhones but they just choose to have androids as personal yeah okay we'll see if he that didn't give him much time because I'm ready to get off I know
Starting point is 01:33:22 I completely forgot about that I should have set an alarm on my phone i thought um i thought greg was gonna come on today i was hoping you would i thought he's up he's up he's upstairs it's just that i get up before when i get up the house is completely black but i told him last night that's that's the best i love that i love that like wake up before everybody else do you like that just have that you got the whole thing to yourself you know go pour the coffee early just kind of sit that was oh see you tomorrow oh it's tomorrow oh oh well don't use that don't use that link don't use that link then don't use that link i thought it was today i thought it was today
Starting point is 01:34:07 no i am by the way that's one of the things uh that's really important is a parenting tip also if you are a parent with young children you should always get up before your children so uh you never want to be you need to be up and functioning before your children. So you never want to be, you need to be up and functioning before your children. It's like good parenting 101. Oh, Sleeky's going to say it. Oh, you've already told us that.
Starting point is 01:34:35 You've already told us that. I love Coeur d'Alene. It's fucking amazing. I went to a store the other day and it was just two rows, I told you guys of bullets not locked up you can load your shopping cart you can do whatever you want it's just like it's it's like it's like the now i understand coming from california just how i mean i knew
Starting point is 01:34:58 we were stupid but they're always like hey we need to outlaw the guns we need to outlaw the bullets that's not those. It's the people. It's like, dude, this place is like completely free. Everyone's nice. There's no trash on the ground. There's no fucking carjacking. The bullets are just like aisle six and then next to it's kids' bathing suits. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:35:23 It's just like, like seriously it's like that that's crazy from like California to that it's a different world and California they got the they got fucking the deodorant locked up dude yeah they got the salads locked up now gotta fucking ring somebody huh can you get my
Starting point is 01:35:40 salad out of this thing cause I'm an idiot paying for shit still oh you guys are closing next week because so many people have stolen shit? Guess I'll get my groceries on Dude, in the nation's capital in Washington, D.C., what did I see? I saw a CVS. They can't keep anything on the shelves, so they're closing. I saw that yesterday.
Starting point is 01:35:58 It's not due to policies. It's not due to that. It's not because it's democratic. I'll tell you that much. Yeah, everyone here is packing. Yeah. They allow open carry there? In California?
Starting point is 01:36:14 Oh, I don't know. In Idaho. In Washington, I saw people open carrying when I flew over there. It's constitutional. It's great. Just wait until Amazon stops delivering to certain places. Yeah. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:36:32 No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm a 700 shopping for a house now. I'm in. I'm at Greg's house the other day. I'm at Greg's house now. And the other day, my kid said to me, maybe it was last night. He's like, can we get a house like this?
Starting point is 01:36:50 Not unless we get another 10 000 members you gonna make us famous boy yeah are you contributing yeah get out there on that skateboard um do a kickflip yeah you know what i did see in the comments though that i'm acutely aware of is if, if what percent of your members know who T is, what were you going to say? Did you say like 5%? Yeah, it's low. Okay. So if there's 200 people in your gym, let's say just for easy math. And so only 10 of them know who T is. So if you think about it this way, that means only 1% of the people, and I'm probably grossly exaggerating, know of this podcast. Do you know how happy that makes me? I would say now more people in my gym talk about the podcast or the behind the scenes to me, first off ever in the last three years,
Starting point is 01:37:36 but way more than any games athlete. You're a bad test, though, for that because it's your podcast. Yeah, I mean, I guess. But it was funny because most of them did it before. I didn't really talk about it that much. Now they all do. Oh, interesting. There's like you're sticking around people's water bottles and shit.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Like I turn and see and you're like on the stem. I'm like, ah. Oh, wow. They wear CEO shirts in. So what's crazy is is think of the growth potential yeah it's massive but they can't get out of their own way to fucking do it nobody can so so when when we would release the games docs they would be number one on itunes it would skyrocket they'd be number one on netflix and would skyrocket. They'd be number one on Netflix.
Starting point is 01:38:25 And this podcast, just with the CrossFit community, has that potential. Rosie, photography. Very few at my CrossFit gym know about the CrossFit Games. I do not have CEO shirts for sale at the gym although we should i got a ceo flag oh you do oh that's cool uh did i see it probably not because there was a bunch of stuff like grace just went through and like hung a bunch of new things and like kind of revamped that front room a little bit after after our 10 year uh what percent what percentage of affiliate owners know who savon is i bet 50 probably a lot i don't know what the number is but probably way more know who i am than know i have a podcast well i could say this i had two meetings last
Starting point is 01:39:22 last week yesterday and the day before, and I was just meeting the people for the first time in these meetings. And both of them said, like, hey, it's cool to, like, get to meet you now in person. I feel like I already know you because of the podcast. And I wouldn't have expected that from either of these two people. Oh, interesting. Yeah. What were the meetings?
Starting point is 01:39:42 Were the meetings CrossFit meetings? Yes. One yes and one no oh interesting yeah i'll tell you uh uh off air but yeah that was that was interesting how much is grace involved in running the gym careful how you answer that double double whatever you think it is double it yeah exactly i mean especially right now with her nutrition challenge, it's like, fuck, she does so much, but yeah, it's a lot. She coaches at this point, way more classes than I do all the community events. Any of the good ideas that we ended up doing are all driven by her. Um, so, you know, I would argue that she probably does way more than I do at this point. Uh, episode seven was awesome. Yeah. Thank you. i haven't seen it i need to see oh it's good uh and and episode eight is uh right around
Starting point is 01:40:33 the corner and uh colton merton's water palooza doc soon uh okay final word j Jake Chapman, who lives on the Isle of Man. Our island has 84,000 people on it. We have 500 members. Holy shit. That's amazing. Does Jake own the gym? He does. How'd you do that, Jake? How'd you do that?
Starting point is 01:41:00 Jake, that's your gym? How come I've never had Jake on? If he owns that gym, we for sure need to get him scheduled. Doesn't he own like three gyms? I can't remember. Oh, not mine. Oh, okay. Dude, that's insane.
Starting point is 01:41:19 84,000 people with 500 members. That's crazy. No, Jake, don't call in. No, no. Don't do it. All right. Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Adios.

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