The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | HWPO CEO Matt O’ Keefe #961

Episode Date: July 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live the skip um the schedule caleb is so uh precise to the minute for me meaning and i and i didn't even realize so just to give an example i last night i ate later than i normally eat because I had that show and I drank coffee later than I normally eat so then I drank coffee later than I normally drink coffee and I ate later than I normally eat so I got less sleep so then I'm more uptight when I wake up so that then my deuce didn't come out this morning the way it should have.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Fuck, I feel like I just did a geometry proof in front of the whole class. That was fucking amazing. Stretch my – shake it out, shake it out. I didn't even get my peptides last night. I didn't even do my peptides. I. I didn't even do my peptides. I missed my peptides. Do you think that's a big deal that I missed today? No, probably not.
Starting point is 00:02:09 How often? You've done it three times now? No, I've done it probably less than 10 or maybe 10. No, you're probably okay. Excuse me. What? It didn't just fall out? No.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I mean, I sat on the toilet and did my breathing exercises, and something came out, but it wasn't like – I know that it's like probably like in 30 minutes it's going to be like, okay, I'm ready because everything in my life at this time of the day is like time so freaking tight. Do you wake up having to poop yeah kinda not like not full pressure
Starting point is 00:02:52 I usually don't poop until I'm prairie dogging you know what I mean like I make it like earn it's way yeah I don't want to like but sometimes i'd say 20 of times because of the show if i if it's like the show starts at seven and i shower
Starting point is 00:03:14 at 6 30 and i get up at six so if it's like 6 25 i haven't pooped and i know i'm about to shower in five minutes i'll go sit on the toilet and I'll just start doing stomach breathing. And then it just activates it. Work its way out. Yeah, just to chill. Wad Zombie, I saw Fluffy Duck was titled the best meme account. Oh, that's bullshit. Caleb's fault. Fully Caleb's fault.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, fuck that. We'll fix that sorry sorry we'll call it josh's meme account some guy named josh the odds on me that is i agree all right that's uh it's weird shows a it shows a lack of of new of understanding the nuances of the social hierarchy. Clearly, Caleb's not spent enough time in the military. He needs another four years. Look, Caleb just lowered his seat. He's feeling bad. He took himself down a notch.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Matt O'Keefe coming on the show, CEO of Harvard Pays Off, formerly known as the big boss at uh wadapalooza loud and live um been on the show a shitload of times it's been a while though right yeah it has been a while i'm excited to have them on um i got lots of topics last night's show was crazy listen there was a clip last night and last this guy basically it's arguable that this guy coached uh chuck liddell who was on the show last night john hackleman who's arguably the um the uh the best fighter ever in the UFC. And I know it's a whole different era now, but someone could make that argument.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And he told the story of how he met Chuck. He had to fight Chuck. That's how he met Chuck Liddell. He had to fight Chuck Liddell. That was fucking great. I'd never heard that story I feel like nowadays that would never happen yeah do you think people go around to dojos
Starting point is 00:05:30 and do that Cobra Kai shit where you just go into dojos and just like hey do you want to fight like do you think anyone ever goes up to the Vermont headquarters and is like I want to work out against Matt I'm sure people do that but they'd probably say no no you cannot
Starting point is 00:05:44 here's Jason Hopper work out against him I'm sure people do that, but they'd probably say no. No, you cannot. Here's Jason Hopper. Look out against him. Oh, shit. The studio is going to smell horrible today. I see what's happening. Listen, if anyone can hear a fart during the uh show i will give you one million dollars to turn up your volume and listen closely yeah yeah it's happening i mean it's gonna be one of those shows have you ever had this is just
Starting point is 00:06:18 completely off off the off the reservation have you ever um had to poop and you farted so many times that you went away and you thought wow did my body just turn that into gas yeah i'm like i know that sounds completely preposterous but i feel like that's happened not a lot just made way to not have to do it anymore it's like if you feel like you have to throw up and you burp and then it just goes away. Wow. Kind of, but that I'm acutely aware that it took the pressure off. But this is like I actually think like,
Starting point is 00:06:53 you know how you have an ice cube and you melt it and the ice cube is gone and it turns to water? Sometimes I've had this feeling that my body took a whole solid poop and was like, well, since you're not going to poop that out, I'm just going to turn that into a gas. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's a relief. Look at, we're having this incredible conversation about alchemy and someone has to bring up colon cancer. Jesus Christ. No alchemy, alchemy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I know Heidi. That's not how poop works. I'm telling you that that's why it's fucking crazy. It's crazy. you probably think the earth is round too low best I um so ask O'Keefe
Starting point is 00:07:36 about Proven partnering with the game I kind of not weighing in on that because I don't even the press release is so weird or however it's like come across my plate i don't want to say it was a press release but mayhem's done stuff with the games right where it's like master's event at may is sponsored by mayhem or like i know i've seen mayhem banners around semi-finals or regionals or at the games like yeah
Starting point is 00:08:02 it was just weird the way they did it. I don't know what's going on, but I don't have an opinion on it at this point because I don't fully get it. I just think of it in my brain and just have it as a placeholder that Proven has given money to CrossFit for some posters up. Kind of how I see it too, I suppose. Yeah, and then we'll see what happens
Starting point is 00:08:29 from there. They said that they're going to be doing seminars there or something? There's no way CrossFit is allowing someone to do a seminar at the games that then they also sell off-site after the games that that would be fucking nuts there'd be no way dave or nicole would allow that
Starting point is 00:08:51 that makes sense right i mean you're not gonna let me like you're the premier premier seminar company in the world fitness seminar company in the world i just i just i just no i'm not gonna to ask O'Keefe about OutFoundation. That's not going to be this. Fair enough, though. That's not going to be this podcast. I want to keep a... I've spoke to him about it outside of this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's going to have to be a more reputable organization that does true journalism. So if you came here for that, I'm sorry. If I ask him about Mal, how's Mal doing? Seve, go try and poop before Matt Matt comes on my grandfather said don't keep it in no it's not like that I'm not like keeping it in I'm not like pinching a loaf right now
Starting point is 00:09:52 is that what it's called when you keep it in pinching a loaf no pinching a loaf is when you let it go out yes pinch a loaf is when you actually defecate I'm not suppressing anyone that's not what I do okay and you actually defecate. I'm not suppressing anyone. That's not what I do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I think I told Matt O'Keefe to come on at 7.30. Okay. I'm sleeping a little bit. Yeah. Although he's on the East Coast. Oh. Bernie Gannon, I thought someone already discussed out-foundation with all the East Coast. Oh. Bernie Gannon, I thought someone already discussed OutFoundation
Starting point is 00:10:27 with all the bathroom talk this morning. Very clever. Good one. Oh, I didn't send you the O'Keefe notes. Oh, do you know what video I want to pull up, Caleb? Not right now, but there's a video that he does with Sammy. It's on the HWPO YouTube page. And O'Keefe does it with Sammy and Mr. Matt Fraser,
Starting point is 00:10:52 five times to this man. And they're kind of going over the last year of their lives. And there's something I wanted to play at 2927, which I thought was pretty cool. play at 2927 which I thought was pretty cool did you did you know that I made new live call-in show notes that I
Starting point is 00:11:12 got rid of the old ones I noticed that the last time there was a live call-in show and it's already to it's already to like 89 oh my god well do you remember the number you were at last time were you at like I think you were in the 900's weren't you yeah it was something crazy it was too many
Starting point is 00:11:30 it was hard for me to part with that list really attached to it yeah attached as the buddhists say look at this I'm having trouble believing this story this is uh some
Starting point is 00:11:47 pictures that were just released it's like all of a sudden everyone just hates hunter and joe biden have you noticed that it's like full warfare on joe biden now yes it is what's going on it was like for the last so anyway these are some pictures that were released this is the president of the united states son we've never had. This is the president of the United States' son. We've never had a politician in the history of the United States that I know of that's gone harder, by the way, against people who brandish guns and people who smoke crack. He's put – I mean he is like so anti-gun and so anti-crack. And last week his son broke the law by having a gun illegally. And then we've seen endless pictures of his son smoking crack.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But look at this. This is a picture of Hunter Biden that they found. Do you think he was doing 172 miles per hour? Are you buying that? Could that be kilometers per hour? No. You think that's miles per hour? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 He's got American license plates on, so I imagine that's American spec Porsche. Yeah, that's definitely miles per hour. He was en route to a days-long Vegas bender with prostitutes. And pictured prostitutes. Multiple. He's got money for that? And then it shows a picture of him holding a crack pipe as he's driving through a neighborhood. That's a different car, though. Oh, yeah, because it's got the beveled hood.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's like some sort of American car. I wonder if that's a truck or something. Uh-oh. Are we having fighting on our thread over here probably oh jesus christ oh oh shit we are having fighting there is fighting going on oh shit oh no oh that's awesome i can't wait to go and read that i don't want to start reading that now i'm gonna just save that and enjoy that for later that's awesome i can't wait to read through that i know wow holy shit that's crazy you saw that right away too the fighting yeah it's crazy It's crazy. Bunch of dorks, games dorks fighting.
Starting point is 00:14:08 My pencil is sharper than yours. I have a calculator that can do up to do mathematics into the billions. Tell us. I'm just on a games thread with a bunch of games dorks on it. It's cool people. I like everyone.
Starting point is 00:14:23 There's a lot of quirky people on there like there's probably only one or two like normal guys on there i'm definitely not one of the normal guys can you think of anyone normal who's on there i can think of one or two yeah just like he wakes up in the morning he fucking puts on a robe he gets the newspaper he takes a shit just like kisses his wife just normal yeah and then the rest is just weirdos oh here susan chimed in said something nerd fight yeah that's awesome and it's all like buff nerds that's kind of funny caleb is not normal Caleb is definitely not normal you wouldn't know yet
Starting point is 00:15:10 no I'll tell you it's not John and Brian fighting absolutely not okay so back to this guy this is the president's son so he's doing 100 he's kind of like competing with George Floyd smoking crack driving through a neighborhood. I wonder if he had counterfeit bills in the car.
Starting point is 00:15:29 It's truly weird. reveals Hunter Biden's reckless driving history through photos he took of himself uploaded to his abandoned laptop. Hunter took a photo from behind the wheel of his Porsche going 172 miles an hour while on his way to a Las Vegas party with prostitutes. He crashed a rental car in Palm Springs and lied about the accident to his insurer in 2016 while on a 12-day bender. I mean, I don't know. I can't hold that against him. Text also on the computer, show him coordinating with multiple prostitutes, inviting them to soak in his hotel hot tub. Do you invite someone you pay for like would you ever say i invited the plumber to come over to my house and work uh no no like i'm like i am inviting matt o'keefe on here which implies that he's coming willingly and i'm not paying him right yes that's an invite there there's like something implicit about the the word invite
Starting point is 00:16:28 that connotes that there's not money being exchanged so you don't really invite hookers sorry prostitutes i didn't mean to be derogatory you don't invite uh hookers to prostitutes to your hotel hot tub not normally that's the difference between professional journalism and just like this bullshit we do we professional journalism doesn't care about words but shitty journalism from a
Starting point is 00:16:56 corner in your office with repurposed equipment does care about words he says to the hookers, prostitutes, working ladies, I don't have a bathing suit and I really wanted to wear a cute bathing suit. Oh no, one of the women.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh, one of the women said that to him. Oh, but she came over anyway. She says, but I don't have any money to buy one so I'm just going to be naked, right? Darn. Can you see his butt? Oh no, he covered his butt in there dang can you imagine sending that picture that's the that's the one you sent jeez louise so i can't tell if that's that could say kph 172 kph instead of miles per hour. What is 172 kilometers per hour?
Starting point is 00:17:49 I think it's 90-something. Comfort, pressure, reduce, speed. It's still 106 miles an hour. And there's the crack pipe. The president's son photographed himself smoking crack while driving so hey so so he's speeding he's using that's i think that's illegal to take pictures on your phone while you're driving depends on what state sometimes they don't have like a hands-free law man oh and then there he is with the he got pictures
Starting point is 00:18:32 with the fucking hookers yeah she didn't get a cute swimsuit so she had to be naked god that's some ghetto ass shit oh this is a video. Why would you? Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So he shot video of him. Wow, this is crazy. Huh. All right. Welcome to the united states of america dude can you imagine if that was trump's kids it'd be a field day is this what you already is this what you mean audrey hands-free in tennessee meaning if you could tell if you could tell if you could tell your phone to take the picture. Hey, Siri.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I better not say it. What if she actually takes a picture? I don't take nudes of myself. Call her. Hi. If the phone works, that'll be a miracle. No, sorry. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Hold on, caller. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on, caller. Hold. Oh, on. Hold on, caller. Hold... Oh, maybe they hung up. I forgot I have to do this every show. No fucking way. Someone tried to FaceTime me. We're definitely not doing that.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Caller, hold on. Be cool. Everyone be cool. Bluetooth, Rodecaster Pro 2. Connected. Caller, hi. Hey. Caller? bluetooth roadcaster pro 2 connected hey caller hi hey caller oh that's your fault then the phone's working caller i hung up on the caller try back and then uh you did you see the day after he was, is the word indicted? They showed him partying at the White House the day after he got in trouble.
Starting point is 00:20:29 He had to for his tax evasion and the illegal gun shit. He was? Yeah. Come on. Partying at the White House. Have you ever flatulated on a chair so many times that you ruin the chair so like for months every time you sit on it the odor an odor comes out yeah you have done that yeah i did that to in my motor home oh i thought i thought that was just me oh here. Here we go. We're like a real calling show now. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Caller, hi. Hello? Did you hear it ringing? I heard it ringing. I heard it ringing too. Hello? I hung up on you. Sorry, caller.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I tried. Let me show you this. Sorry, Caleb. I didn't send you any of the notes. So you just kind of just. Yeah, you just fucked right now. Here we go. Is it stuttering at all? How's it going?
Starting point is 00:21:39 It was pretty good. This Instagram account is called Police Fitness Nutrition, and it's a traffic cop doing traffic cop shit. Watch this. This is kind of crazy. Here we go. That person didn't stop, so he just pushed him off the bike. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:22:04 that person didn't stop so he just pushed him off the bike do you see that hey here's the thing about bikes they're supposed to obey the law as if they are vehicles i agree yes none of them do yes yes just because you're on a bike doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Yes. Now watch this. By the way, this is... Look at... I think that's a girl he pushed off the bike, by the way. You can hear her talk. And look at this fucking motorcade come through. What I really like is... This is my favorite part.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's coming up right here. Watch how close this motorcycle buzzes. That's cool, right? Yeah, that's pretty cool. And that bike is a jackass for not backing up at that point. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, now you're just a jackass. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:03 That's like when I tell my kids they're standing on a street corner and i go back up and they take one step back i get so fucking angry i'm like dude one step you do that when you're an adult but when you're a kid no shot you know when the cops are coming with the i dude, it's not like it's just a motorcade. That's like presidential shit, right? Look how many cars it is. Oh, no. I mean, it's fucking 50 cars.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Like, all of those cars are in the cage. That bike rider is lucky they didn't get hurt when they got pushed off their bicycle. Matt O'Keefe, what's up, dude? What's up, guys? How are we doing? Good. Can you remember the last bike accident you've been in? Bicycle?
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yes. Last time you crashed on a bike? Oh, yeah. I mean, as a kid, for sure. Do you remember the last one? one like if you crashed in the last year i'm trying to think if i i don't really ride anything more than a echo bike these days or a c2 bike so yeah i mean i've gotten hurt doing that as well but not crashed um when you say hurt you mean like like you weren't paying attention and the pedals keep going and like they go into your shin or no usually my my my injuries from those bikes are i take it too far like you yeah yeah yeah yeah all the time
Starting point is 00:24:35 how you been i'm great i'm fantastic um those assault bikes are actually scary to see little kids on and i and i have two six-year-olds and an 8-year-old. And when they get on them – because you know – I don't know what the word is pneumatic or what it is, but once they start going, nothing can stop them. Do you know what I mean? So if their ankle gets caught between the crankshaft and the bike or something happens like that, it's like you've been on one. I don't know how the echo bike works, but the assault bike, if you try to pedal backwards on it while you're putting forward, you're, you're,
Starting point is 00:25:06 you will throw 500 pound man off of it. You know what I mean? Oh, for sure. I feel like it has to go in that way until it doesn't want to. I feel very fortunate. Like you have young kids. I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:15 your kids have grown up in the gym. So mine, you know, mine are, uh, you know, 17 and 14 now. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:24 but they grew up. I mean, there's many times I've walked out my garage. 17 and 14 now. There's many times I've walked out of my garage and I feel fortunate. You can get pretty messed up by one of those as a young man. Logan Mars, ask O'Keefe what's going on at Project Veritas. Do you follow Project Veritas? I do not. What is it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:47 There's a guy. It's really a weird question, but I'll ask anything for money. There's a guy, James O'Keefe, who started a company called Project Veritas. And he exposed – he basically what – kind of what his shtick was is he had women wear cameras in to really high-profile people. He would find them at dating sites. Yeah, so he would find someone, let's say, on Twitter, and then he would send a girl in to interview him at a coffee shop, and they would start talking. And he'd be like, yeah, we ban all of these people without doing any background, and they'd just start spilling the beans, right? all of these people without doing any background and they just start spilling the beans, right?
Starting point is 00:26:24 So we had someone a couple months ago wear a wire in with one of the top chief scientists at Pfizer and he starts talking about basically how they were faking the tests around the injection. And then fucking four days later, O'Keefe lost his company.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Oh, I get why he's saying that because the guy's name is James O'Keefe. Yeah, let's note that is not a relative of mine. Okay, I finally – I'm a little slow. And you know what's funny is James O'Keefe is really buff too. Like he clearly works out. Like I think that he's posted videos with a 500-pound deadlift. Okay, I finally got that.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Have you seen the new – I get it. Okay. Did you see the movie that Borat put out? Is it Borat? Yeah, it's that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah, is it Borat yeah it's that kind of stuff he does that kind of stuff with what was the mayor
Starting point is 00:27:10 Rudy Giuliani have you guys seen it it's old right no so this guy made the movie he got bored and he was like I'm going to make a movie and he produced the movie and put it out and um one of the clips is like they basically get giuliani to do an interview with this woman
Starting point is 00:27:32 who's like going around doing interviews and he like lures the uh the reporter into the bedroom and like it is gets pretty graphic and it's like oh my dear lord oh shit he had no idea yeah there it is so she kind of starts coming on to him in a crazy way I mean it's really all him it was kind of wild oh he starts coming on to her
Starting point is 00:27:58 and before yeah and like they yeah I'm assuming there are a lot of him suing her like for entrapment Like, they, yeah. I'm assuming there are a lot of left-footed. Him suing her, like, for entrapment? Or her suing him for, like, hey, you shouldn't have fondled my titties like that? I mean, like, she was, like, there to provoke this. For sure. You can never blame the woman, O'Keefe.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That's not going to work. If you see the movie, you'll get where I'm at. Okay, I can't wait to see this. This is awesome it says uh it says october 24 2020 wow how many views did that have caleb um isn't it isn't it interesting i was just watching your video this morning about um with uh sammy and matt 188 188 million thousand oh that's not enough um i was watching a video yesterday i was kind of like focused i was running through my head like what keeps people really
Starting point is 00:28:54 going is purpose like once you have purpose like so people forget their purpose if you reintroduce them to their purpose or if they reintroduce themselves to their purpose they can get fired up and get going again right so let's say you you own a crossfit gym and um and uh you're five years in and you're fucking exhausted and then something you see some video that reminds you or some client comes in and is like hey dude i got off my type 2 medic type 2 diabetes medication you're like oh shit i like yeah i can go another five years with that right and will you play will you play that um clip uh that i queued up it's at 29 um 27 i was just really um maybe it's just you see what you want to see but i was really happy to see this this uh part this is really This is really cool spot. This video is on the HWPO training YouTube
Starting point is 00:29:48 page. I could actually listen to this for hours. It was Matt and Sammy and O'Keefe reminiscing the last year. It was actually a good idea what Matt said there at the end to just reminisce your entire relationship like year by year. But this is at the end of the video and Matt
Starting point is 00:30:04 says something here about having purpose. At least that's how it hit me okay actually because i mean what are we trying to do here we're trying to you know and matt said it best i'll always go back to this from our beginning when somebody asked him early on like what are you trying to accomplish with hwpo and he said i want to i want to help people and um we can help more people now because of this you know um not only our team but you know more people around the world because we can move faster we can put more things out that meet more people where they're at um it's going to be a really fun fun you know next couple days next couple years whatever it is we got a lot we can do with this is this let's compare this to uh loud and live um this is not a dig at loud and live at all but that is like putting on events
Starting point is 00:30:53 right yeah i mean at its core for sure yeah event driven experience experiential business yes or running events for brands running running events for themselves, 100%. And now how would you describe what you do over there as the CEO at HWPO? Or the mission of that company versus the mission of Wadapalooza? This isn't a dig at Wadapalooza, by the way. Wadapalooza is fucking amazing. What a great place for people to go and connect and have a good time. Yeah, I mean, even getting to go back this year
Starting point is 00:31:25 was amazing just like that event really cool um and it's you know it's great what it provides the the community that you know sort of thrives around it i love that event um my i mean hwpo i mean that what you just heard, is it. I think that, Matt, I can't remember exactly where that was, but Matt said that early on. When we decided to do this, we were building our own app. We were doing some media around it. Somebody asked him directly, like, what are you doing? What's the deal with this thing?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Is it a money graph? Valid questions. And I've been around matt longer than anyone and i've seen him do this throughout his career and this have purpose for him he's like i just want to help people like matt always digs in with the one more in need in the gym the athlete that we coach he works you know hardest with those that need the most help and uh you know that that um that's where we're at we've spent a lot of time on the last year building so people could consume what we're doing more and you know i uh everybody in inside our walls is aligned with that it's
Starting point is 00:32:42 just truly like it's i mean you get now year, two years in stories of actually helping people. And it's what you just said, you know, we're, you know, getting notes and, you know, feedback. I lost 60 pounds on your new HWPO golf program. It's like, wow, we just lost that six months ago. Watch that six months ago. You know, you know, yeah, I can. That's real. Someone lost 60 pounds on the golf program already.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Yeah, we were in Houston. I'm sorry, Dallas-Fort Worth for the tournament with Scott Stallings. And we did a workout, hosted, you know, members and or anybody else interested. And this guy came in from Houston and he was like, hey, I've been doing a program since January. That was in like May. And he said um i'm down 62 and something pounds i was like what really like that's fast you know that right and it's he's like man it's just you know anyway that that you know is
Starting point is 00:33:38 so cool and what what you said about you know somebody coming in and saying, hey, I'm not type 2 diabetic anymore. That's enough fuel for five years. I mean, anytime I'm tired or Matt is, which is my role with him, we just talk about stuff like that. We go to our community page and circle. Man, it's so cool. So helping people. Okay, something's wrong with your audio. Matt, sorry. Something's wrong with your audio. I'm outside. I'm sure it's the wind.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Do you want me to go inside? Maybe, maybe. Is it doing it right now? Yeah. It just comes. The volume's just all over the place. Yeah, I'm going to go inside. But I can't tell that it's windy. Your hair's not blowing around.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, that's because I have zero. Oh. Which, you know. Where are you? I'm in Charleston, South Carolina. Is that home? That's not home for you, is it? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:44 We were doing some college visits in South Carolina with my daughter, and we're taking a week on a beach just outside of Charleston with my family. My father's here. My sister's here. All our family. We try to do this every year on the 4th. The last time I spoke to you, you were in Maine at a family get at a family getaway really i think so oh yay i was probably skiing yeah we ski in the winter um in maine i um i remember exactly where i was i was i was in san luis obispo in front of a
Starting point is 00:35:21 hot dog stand and there was a guy playing a violin and there was a homeless guy and they were all like lined up against a building together. And I remember Greg Glassman saying your only value. I'm probably going to screw it up. Your only value as a human being is what your contribution is to other human beings. He said at the end of the day, that's that's that's what that's all that you are what your contribution is to other human beings that video has a couple poignant moments like that or matt says like so many people have done so much good stuff for him in his life specifically around this chapter of his life with the launch of the uh headquarters in vermont that he's he's look he's
Starting point is 00:36:01 looking forward to paying it forward he he does with what do too. I don't think a lot of people realize that as, you know, Matt, I mean, he's very entrepreneurial. He wants to explore business and continue to grow, but, uh, you know, he didn't necessarily need to do this. You know, he had done really well. So, you know, sometimes I felt like that was, you know, for me, but it isn't. I mean, he really is enjoying this part of it. What I've really watched over the last six months too is now we have our building and, you know, he's able to, you know, be more of a coach in person with people. There's more stability around our coaching system.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Man, he's good at it and he's thriving and enjoying it. It's been fun, again, helping people. He just – he's having a blast with it. You know, it's really, really been fun to watch, particularly that, but just kind of what's transpired around this. I don't think March of 21 when we were, sorry, 22, when we were launching the app, we'd ever thought we'd be where we're at today in, you know, headquarters, 15 full-time employees. Wow. Wow. You know, people all over the world, you know, inspired really by, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:21 what our ethos is because there's just so many different ways to train. We're having fun, honestly. Just, it's been a blast. You know, we're looking at more ways to be, you know, more, I mean, we in CrossFit, we'll call it scalable, but it's, you know, meeting more people where they're at. I mean, it sounds so, like, that sounds so salesy, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Like, we're really just trying to build more things so that if somebody's on the road they can go on our app and just find a little plot of land and do our swipe program you know convert it to body weight i mean you know and matt's matt's inspired all that he just like you know he really is charged up by all of the stories. You know, he's like, let's charge. Let's spend more time, money, hire more people so that we can continue to do this because it fires me up every day. Do you guys have a North Star? I had Ben Bergeron on here the other day.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Kudos to him for coming on here and just fucking it was an awesome podcast he was he was truly incredible and basically he told of his journey in the i don't i don't remember the exact time frame but basically he he wanted to go a certain way with comp train and he kind of lost his way for a split second and had and had to um bring it back um do you guys have a um and you know the big story the big story i guess uh example of that is uh when steve jobs came back to apple the second time and he reduced the skews from whatever it was 242 back down to seven like whoa whoa whoa whoa guys back back over here not you know do you guys have a with this growth is it hard hard to use Greg's word, not to stop and pick up the shiny objects? Like, do you have a, like if someone's like, oh my God, I have this incredible idea for a fucking spoon that serves the podium drink absolutely perfect. And you're like, yo, yo, yo, we're not in this fucking spoon business.
Starting point is 00:39:17 But it's so tempting because it's like the coolest spoon ever for, you know what I mean? Self-washing, blah, blah, blah, whatever. the coolest spoon ever for, you know what I mean? Self-washing, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Yeah. I mean, it isn't hard because, I mean, through my experience and Matt, we're so aligned on, you know, what we do has to line up with our brand, our culture, you know, our ethos, you know, our core values are show up, work hard, make yourself proud. our ethos, you know, our core values are show up, work hard, make yourself proud. You know, we tie everything back to that. And, you know, people have to align with that. Anything we've done, like Scott Stallings, a perfect example, people saw our golf and they're like, what are you doing? Well, we're, you know, putting something out that we're incredibly
Starting point is 00:40:00 proud of with somebody we're proud of that is at his core aligned with everything we are and who we are what we do easy you know super easy and whatever like so scott stalling is the epitome of that like if they if he didn't exist there wouldn't be hwpo golf zero no chance there is and i've spent enough time out on tour you know i helped noble with their relationship with the PGA Tour to understand fitness and golf and training. And there's a lot of work to be done there. Who knows, you know, from a business perspective, you know, how long it takes to actually, you know, win.
Starting point is 00:40:37 It's a – what we've learned with that is, you know, people in our space, CrossFit, you know, training is the sport. Now we're once removed, right? So people need to hit hit golf balls they need to learn how to chip and putt better so training takes on a different role and it's a harder sell especially to that crowd you know you get a lot of people that are super successful type a you know running around with business play golf on the weekends weekend warriors party don't necessarily take care of themselves. It's, it's coming, you know, the golfer looks different today, but yeah, I mean that anything we do goes back to that. Scott's a perfect example of it, honestly. And, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:17 we've had like, it is interesting. We've been inundated with that, what you just described the spoon, you know? And in the beginning yeah you're thank you for going back to that and validating my question i appreciated that i'm serious i gotta i gotta remember i like that that was good it was good it was like fuck was that a horrible metaphor and like that he couldn't relate okay i got i i get i but yeah i mean we get and i'm sure others do in the space i mean we're we're um you know yeah we get a lot of reach out and opportunity um and it's really humbling it's awesome but we have to like we're pumped we've uh we've pumped the brakes a little bit on new sports, new products.
Starting point is 00:42:07 You know, we have so much work to do on the stuff we already have. So it's, we're, you know, we're trying to, you know, really right now. So our big themes for this year, we're like meet people where they're at, you know, and get, you know, and gather our community more, do more things for people that trust us and train with us, provide more value. I want, Matt wants, we tell our staff all the time, I want people to subscribe to our platform and feel like they're robbing us. And that's, you know, we try to work on that daily.
Starting point is 00:42:40 You know, how can we do more with what we have to provide better value? So we're working on showing up, like we're going to be a games partner, for instance. You know, we have here, there's your announcement. We haven't announced that yet. What does that mean to be a games partner? What does that mean to be a games partner? You know, we're a, and then we're not exclusive. There'll be other programming partners.
Starting point is 00:43:03 But, you know, we're a programming platform partner. We'll run workouts on site. We'll have signage. We're going to have a big activation booth where people can come and interact with our staff. We'll have some merchandise. We're actually going to do a really unique activation. We're going to tattoo people.
Starting point is 00:43:23 We have an insane amount of people that come to events and show us hwpo tattoos so matt's brother is a tattoo artist jesse great story too lost a lot of weight uh after going to the crossfit games and being inspired by how fit the crowd was in 2016 i remember seeing him coming down onto the field when matt won the games i was like yo yo we got uh some random punk rock guy running onto the court security get him jesse's awesome he and he's uh he's gonna come and tattoo people for a few days um if they want to show a po tattoo uh it started to get out a little. We already have like a ton of reach out.
Starting point is 00:44:05 So it'll be completely full. We're just trying to figure out how to go about it. But if you do do that, you're a lifetime member for free. Wow. Wow. Holy shit. We're going to give people something for it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I think Matt and I are probably, I don't know. He hasn't committed to it. I'll probably be first in the chair, you know, lead from the front. Where are you going to get it? On your cheek right here? Everybody says I have you know, HWPO tattooed on my ass. I might as well do it, right?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah. Is that where you're going to put it? On your ass? No. I'll probably put it somewhere like inside one of my arms. Okay. Okay. I would want to make one unsolicited recommendation. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:44:47 When you tell people that you're going to partner with the games, be super duper clear. So jackass pundits like me, although I haven't weighed in on the proven thing, the proven announcement I think went completely sideways. Because everyone, there wasn't enough detail like what you just said. Hey, we're going to do workouts. What's activation mean?
Starting point is 00:45:04 We're going to have a booth and people can work out and you can come get a tattoo and you can meet Matt and we're going to have some signage up. So when the events are going, people can see our signage and we're paying for some signage. And that's what I mean by, by be a partner. And we're hoping that they ask us to do more. We would love it if Matt could actually do something with Don fault. Like, because I think what people do is I, and I'm,
Starting point is 00:45:23 I haven't talked to a lot of people. I'm just projecting my own shit. But I think when people hear that proven is a partner with CrossFit, they get like freaked out because they want CrossFit to still be, you know what I mean? It's like, they want CrossFit to still be its own thing. And then they just, they don't realize that it's they start speculating, right? Like no one wants to hear as much as they love Tia and Shane, they don't want Tia and Shane taking over the seminars.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And there was something in their press release that says they're going to be doing seminars there. And it just got weird. It turned into, so I just, whenever you announce it. We are not going to be doing seminars. We don't. Yeah. It's a great point.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Do you know what I mean? Like I would just, I would be clear so people don't run, because people just love to just go to the negative. We do a lot of work at events. I give CrossFit a lot of credit for this. I think it's – last year we did a lot of stuff off-site. HW on one butt cheek, PO on the other. Great suggestion.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Perfect. CrossFit even come and said, hey, we have an on-site affiliate. It'd be great to maybe run a class or two here. And I think that was sort of the start of it. And I give them a lot of credit because it is definitely something that I think a lot of people will look at. And once they see, I think we'll accept it and understand it. We have a great understanding with them i worked a lot with don in general since he started uh and it's uh i'm excited to do more and be a catalyst for how programming platforms can do more work with crossfit and not be something
Starting point is 00:47:02 people get skittish around or wiggy about. But, yeah, I mean, we do this at events. Like, my favorite part of what we do at events is, you know, stuff you never really see, which is work out with volunteers. Like, that crew is insane, and they need to have better experience. We need to keep them coming back. So, you know, we get up at 4 in the morning and at guadalupalooza and madrid crossfit championship like all those events and go and work out with hundreds of volunteers and you know that's the type of stuff we're you know we'll try to do here as well as you know
Starting point is 00:47:34 some spectator workouts you know and we have great staffers that you know have expert knowledge you know that will um you know put on stages to talk about what they do and how they do it so yeah and what you said is most important and we just talk to them to like launch our partnership make sure we're not making any mistakes going places we shouldn't said that like you know if there's more we can do to make sure spectators volunteers have a great experience we are all in on that you know all in so we're gonna we're gonna see it we're all gonna try it they are too it's not just us you know sending caution in the wind we're gonna try a game partnership i give them the crossfit a lot
Starting point is 00:48:17 of credit like you know you've been around it way longer than me that's a big step you know to say hey let's have programming partners you know and you know doing it with you know us proven and mayhem um yeah i mean that's a big deal because i know you know if you look at the you know the core crossfit side people be like hey hey what where are we what are we doing here like yeah um yeah i i know i can only speak for for us like i think it's um and we want feedback too i think i think it will be um really obvious it's just to create a better experience for people that attend the game this is a great suggestion it's a little bold hwpo on one cheek and let the butthole be the oh it's uh incorporating like parts of the body uh as the uh as the letter um uh mr o'keefe how is uh mal mal o'brien was one of your athletes uh
Starting point is 00:49:18 crossfit darling um tia gets pregnant. Everyone expects Mal to win. Pressure mounts. Very young. So much attention, right? Amazing. Followed from one training camp to another to another. Always people weighing in on what she's doing. As we approach the big event, she makes a post that says, hey, guys, I need some time off.
Starting point is 00:49:45 the big event she makes a post that says hey guys i need some time off um then we saw the documentary come out and the documentary shows some even further insight by the way i thought the documentary is fucking amazing someone said to me hey i think matt's in it too much and i said i think matt's not in it enough and they said well what do you mean and i said this isn't matt fraser five times games champion we've seen we're seeing he's been that guy's been in a lot of competition of movies this is fucking matt fraser the coach and you got to really see the stress he's wearing on his face in this movie i mean it's he doesn't even look like himself um how is that how how how how is mal whatever you can us. And then how has that affected the entire camp moving forward as we approach the games? Mallory is great.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Is, you know, if we're, you know, summarizing, I'm really proud of her. We all are. I think it's, um, it's been, obviously people don't have a lot of info on it and that's really due to, and that's fine. No one deserves it, by the way. I'm just asking. No one has any, no one has right to it and that's really due to and that's fine no one deserves it by the way i'm just asking no one has any right no one has right to it no one has right to the information yeah well you know she's in charge which is really important i think that's not always been the case and really what's been fun is you know her taking control of her life and making decisions that you know are best for her she she takes counsel um i think she's just as
Starting point is 00:51:06 traditionally always taken way too much you know it doesn't matter what i want for her or matt does or you know anyone really like by the way she has incredible parents you know i am uh i've learned you know that's good to hear that's good to hear because that is one person we haven't heard from and there's been speculation she She does have incredible parents. Dude, I mean epic. I think James Townsend told me that last month too. He was on the show, and he said great support for her parents. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:34 You know, they're very close friends. We've stayed all close and gotten closer through this, but just, you know, man, how hard is it to watch? You did get closer through this? You have gotten closer through this you haven't parted ways that's a good tidbit so she hasn't okay i talk to mallory every day sammy does and you know it's transitioned to you know it's been really important to us i think like when she left to go home we love mal like as a person it was like shit i i hope that she doesn't push this in us away you know through her process because man we just she's a light in our
Starting point is 00:52:15 life it's been the reverse it's just been amazing you know um but yeah her family's amazing mal's doing great you know she's being a 19-year-old kid, which I think, you know, was really the intent here is like, you know, reground and, you know, retool and sort of, you know, do some work and see where you're at. And she, man, doing great. I'm really like, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:40 she represented herself on social last week, which was really cool. Honestly, I'm not trying to dance around it. I think everybody has made their assumptions of what's going on, and it's fair for people to. She's been half forward about it. I'm excited for people to see her and her to talk about it and her to narrate a lot of this herself she's um
Starting point is 00:53:06 man i i mean from what i saw in pre-semi-finals to today it's um yeah i mean it's hard to watch somebody you love not be happy and thrive and you know especially i mean come on, she was, I mean, and, you know, you talk to competitors too, her competitors. I mean, she was ahead, you know, it wasn't like, I mean, it was really easy for all of us to say like, well, she was going to win. There's a lot involved in that, but she passed that up to take care of herself. And that's some heady stuff for anyone, never a 19 year old kid you know and then you know her parents willing to watch her sometimes suffer because that was what was best for her to kind of feel this out and man i i couldn't uh the people around her including matt and sammy and you know all you know all the support she has from friends and family.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I mean, it's been a pretty cool, uplifting thing to be a part of. And I think that people would be surprised to hear that considering Mal didn't compete. And we are so focused on the sport and what their results are. It was really eye-opening for me. I've been in this for 10 years. I mean, I did it with Matt. And by the way, like I watched Matt, you know, you know, go through really how hard this is and life on top. And every year is a mounting piece of pressure. It's like, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:54:36 you won three. You can't go back, but you can, but you gotta, if you don't win four and you're chasing something, it's like, you know, you could start it over. It's like, okay, I'm all set. You know? I mean chasing something it's like you know you're starting over it's like okay i'm all set you know i mean somewhere it's revealed that after his fourth victory he was going to tap and you guys had a pow it taps not the right word sorry at four he was going to celebrate and be like i fucking did it which is crazy and then you guys had a powwow and you basically said hey dude you have to and he's like okay. And I assume he's glad. I'm assuming he's never sent you a note and been like, hey, dude, you're a fucking asshole for pushing me.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I hate you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm assuming he's never said even anything remotely like that, right? He's never been any. I had a similar moment with Mallory here. We all did, you know, where it was like, hey, it's hard. You know, I said something to Matt that I thought could potentially damage our relationship there, right? Right, you have to take some risks.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Yeah, I see it. Yeah. So I did. And, you know, he essentially took the time to make that decision, you know, and create, you know, the reason why or why not himself. But he took, you know, advice from know the reason why or why not himself um but he took you know advice from a lot of people around that yeah he's incredibly grateful he did that i think it's like really i think things that could potentially have been like damn to him after only doing it four times um yeah only that's such a terrible way to present that having done it four times i think you know
Starting point is 00:56:05 there's a a lot of uh garbage with that that he threw away you know honestly so he's really i mean i he's really happy he did it the same for mal though it was like you know we had to she had to you know encounter a lot of things that were uncomfortable. Um, and man, she's a stud. Like she did it just like she did CrossFit. You know, she just like hit it head on. Um, and yeah, today, I mean, she's like having a great weekend for the fourth with friends and, you know, we're, we're going to see her soon. Um, you know, she's gonna, you know, be in our area soon enough and i'm psyched to see her so she's doing really good she coming to the games matt i don't know um i mean i would you know
Starting point is 00:56:53 haven't even broached the subject i mean people would be surprised to hear this like there is not any conversations around crossfit and competing and like what she's doing. And her partners have been incredibly supportive. It's been awesome. Honestly, it's just like, Hey, Mel, go do Mel. Like really, you know, do what you need to do to be, you know, your best. And so I don't know. I mean, I don't know if she wants to great. I think that would be hard if I'm guessing, you know, I think it's. I think it'd be crazy hard. I think it would be harder to go now than it would be to have competed.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I mean, I don't know our situation. When you say you took a risk that could have damaged the relationship, we had a guy on the show last night called John Hackleman. He was Chuck Liddell's coach, and he's Glover Teixeira's coach now. And so he's arguably the greatest mma coach who ever lived and he said that at one point he was so tired of basically seeing in 2000 i can't remember he was so tired of seeing his fighters get hurt that he didn't want to do it anymore and he went over and he was in florida and he went over to his buddy tony robbins house and he went and tony and tony started crying on
Starting point is 00:58:02 tony robbins shoulder and tony, hey, quit being a bitch. Don't take on any more clients and finish what you fucking committed to, to your first fucking, to the clients that you have remaining. And I was like, wow, that's kind of a bold move to, was it that kind of risk you took with Matt? Like, did you give him one of those? Hey, dude, put me in a bitch. It's easy to disagree with.
Starting point is 00:58:30 It's easy to just agree. I mean. You mean to be a yes man? It is. I mean, you find, you know, and, you know, Matt and I are uniquely wired very similarly. And, you know, I think it's, so I understand him and I knew even now understanding him that it was even more
Starting point is 00:58:50 risky. It's just, you know, Like why? Cause he could have thought you were betraying him. I know loyalty is really important to Matt. He would have felt like you were betraying him with what you said. Can you share with us what you said or no? I mean, Yeah, I just said, I thought he would regret it. You know, I thought that, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:06 I, I know that when we started this and he did that, it was never like with his sights on anything. But I think, I think that what I saw was transitionally, he started to like love the game and want to be, you know, things within the game,
Starting point is 00:59:22 which was early on. It was like, honestly, he would tell you day one was a financial move it was like hey i can go make money yeah i remember that i'm good at he wanted to live into it he wanted to move into a get his prize money move into a cabin and never see us again that's what he said on the show and and he like evolved into um you know it's like a movie scene where the like person's like trying to fight you know it's not like who they really are now and like he cared deeply about success in medals because you know it was fun and it was you know um he he was chasing greatness and and so i was you know i think um he was really tired
Starting point is 00:59:59 and mentally and physically he's really beat up i mean can only imagine the training's wild and um i just said hey dude like i think you're i never forget i was on an airplane and shane called me and he was like dude what is going on and i said what do you mean he said matt just said he's done on a phone call with me and he's like i'm like eh okay like what did he say he's like you know i asked him about getting back into training he's like i don't know dude i don't know if i'm even doing this anymore so i you know we talked that next week and i was just like hey like you can do whatever you want obviously and he asked what i thought and i just said i thought i think that you'll regret it i do like you're so far ahead and you're you know
Starting point is 01:00:46 you are in my mind the greatest to ever do this like you know and the one thing that potentially could sit out there that people could then say like well but like just take care of it you know and um and i think it'll be bring a lot of joy to your life. And, you know, he always, you know, at that point was like reflective on like my kids, like, what do they see? Like stories for them. It'd be a great story for your kids, you know? And the risk is, yeah, it's like, hey, I'm involved in them with him from a business perspective.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Like you can potentially, and I do this and he does this. It's like spin it to think anything of it. It's like, well to think anything of it. It's like, well, of course you want me to compete again. I'm the greatest ever. You're tied to my business. All this other stuff. You can get in a dark hole real fast, right?
Starting point is 01:01:34 Right, right. It's funny. The more I've been involved in a lot of these kids' lives and what I do now in general in the space, it's man, you have to, it's my responsibility to do things like that or I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing. To have the hard honest conversations. It is. It still doesn't make it ever easier.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Like I would tell you on a weekly basis, I have things before me where I'm like jeez like this tough like it's a pivotal moment i i do learn over and over again conversations are way easier than you think they are communications you know is literally just glorious to relationships the more open you are and direct the more you thrive um i continue to learn that with my team now and with matt our relationship you know now business owners together that was a risk huge risk like massive and um it's like so cool we you know we are you know thriving in that relationship together it's improved our personal relationship in a great way we've had hard hard moments too, like where he, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:48 accountability from him to me, me to him. It's it then, you know, when, when I reflect on my life, it's like, I don't have anybody I've ever been closer with. And it's because of that. You just like getting super shitty adverse moments. Wow. And you figure shit out together. That creates diamonds.
Starting point is 01:03:08 It's like pressure. Here's the interesting thing too though. It's not wrong to say, hey, Matt, it'll be better for the business if you win five. For some reason, people think that that's like a bad thing to say or like hey that girl only likes me for my car like it's not that it's bad it just it's not that it's bad there's this there's this miss there's this mischaracterization mischaracterization of people using you. Using someone or using something has gotten such a bad –
Starting point is 01:03:51 You just need to communicate about it though. Yeah, like if you started getting into heroin, you and Matt would drift ways. Right. You would see how quickly – how shallow your relationship is. For some reason, he's not going to tolerate Matt with a bunch of needles coming over, shooting up on his couch. He's just not. You're going to see he's not as tolerant as you's not going to tolerate matt with a bunch of needles coming over shooting up on his couch in the kidnaps he's just not you're gonna see he's not as tolerant as you thought you know what i mean it's like um it's interesting i want to go back to mal one more time in this in the movie there's some really poignant moments between matt and and mal and it was the
Starting point is 01:04:21 same things that i think we heard coming out of the, the, the mayhem camp with rich when he would talk about Haley. And although when rich, when rich talked about it with Haley, it wasn't in the pressure cooker situation. He's in the comfort of his own gym, but he basically says, yo, this girl's fucking over training.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And we heard that over and over and over. And then we really see, like, I think I saw something really revealing in that movie where Matt's like, yeah, this fucking girl won't stop training. And to the point where she'll be like, yeah, I'm okay when she's not okay. Are there parallels to their story, to Hayley and Mal's stories? Like when we hear it as it flushes out over the next couple of years, are we going to see parallels? I'm sure i mean first
Starting point is 01:05:05 of all they're thick as thieves they're very close the two of them um yeah of course you know i think there's um you know different things going on there um you know overall uh but you know yeah for for sure there's going to be common threads yeah i think you heard in the film for those who haven't watched it is as a moment where matt talks about um you know daniel brandon had the same thing o'keefe they matt tells the story of her passing out while working out we had daniel brandon on the show and she fucking passed out because she fucking wasn't eating enough because she was trying to restrict herself to 1900 fucking calories a day and finally someone had to uh slap her she's like yeah someone had to fucking slap me around me like dude what the fuck are you doing you're a
Starting point is 01:05:52 ferrari you need to put more food in i love tv yeah cool um yeah i guess athletes i guess i guess life is no one's reinventing the wheel too there There is a, that's gotta be hard for you also. Right. And in a way, you have to be there for Mal or be there for your athletes, but in a way you kind of already know a bunch of stuff that they don't know. And they're living their story for the first time. You're like the old guy who knows some shit. Now. Yes. And like, that's come up quite a bit of late, especially with this, which is just kind of like, and by the way,
Starting point is 01:06:24 she has that respect for us me matt tell me what to do you know you guys know how this story plays out um it's you know i see things that she's going through that matt went through he talked about it with her too yeah but you know but but i think a big why for us and in this whole thing was you know hey no we're not telling you what to do. We'll definitely give you our experience and how that might help you, but nobody's telling you what to do. You're making your own decisions. That's a, I think that's been like a big moment for her. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:55 I'm in charge. You know, she did a lot of what people just told her to do for a long time. So yeah. I mean, you're referencing a moment when matt discussed basically that she passed out well what she did was that she i mean mal has no off switch in in a great way for what isn't there some diagnosis in humans where there's some humans that don't feel pain could she have that one of those people you know what i mean like you'll see it on 60 minutes so and so cannot feel plain pain and they put a nail through their hand. Like, do you think she has that? You ever heard that?
Starting point is 01:07:26 He was saying that in that clip. He was like, I don't think she feels pain because she broke her lungs. She basically went so hard on an echo bike that she gave herself bronchitis. And she was then now trying to come back quickly, not getting diagnosed. In the long and short of it she was passing out like she went out on a run with Jake Marconi came back and her elbows and knees were all cut up and Matt's like what the hell is that he's like dude she just passed out in the middle of the run um so yeah she's special I mean it's crazy I mean it's like he goes places nobody does and i saw matt i've seen matt do that
Starting point is 01:08:07 honestly i mean matt's done some crazy stuff to himself to be the best um it's you know i don't want to say that that's what it takes but i don't know i've got you know that's what it takes i've got a few experiences with it in my career you seeing Katrin, Matt, Mal around here, most of her career as well. So I think it's just, yeah, I mean, those guys go at it that way. What do you think the chances are that maybe Katrin come on the show for 10 or 15 minutes and I say hi to her sometime? I would love that. We've talked
Starting point is 01:08:46 about it and I think she's going to do it. She was going to watch us today. Okay. I'm going to be very cool. I would love that. I would love that. I just want to test the waters. I just want to build just a tiny bit
Starting point is 01:09:02 of trust. Just like, hi. Fucking crazy. Congratulations. Can you walk us through about how – I'll probably ask her about how she didn't make the games and then came back and won, and now she's done that again. Can you walk us through the parallel of these two experiences? I'd love you guys to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:09:18 You've seen a lot of that history. I'll keep it really kind of superficial and chill at first, and then like – not in a bad – I don't mean that in a dragon derogatory way, but you know what I mean? And then just, and then we can both kind of be like, okay. I think it's interesting. This goes back to something not to get, and I know I'm not avoiding that. I think it would be great that you guys talk. I've told her that.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And you know, that honestly, I think it'd be great. You know, you talked about something earlier and somebody was bringing up, you know, that honestly, I think it'd be great. You know, you talked about something earlier. Somebody was bringing up, you know, things that I think you might disagree with me on. And I want people to hear that here, which is, yeah, we're not always like using, you wouldn't always use this as a platform to like, you know, expose, you know, what you don't like about somebody. But we, you and I, like,
Starting point is 01:10:05 if we don't agree, we talk about it. Like, that's the way the world works. So, you know, yeah, you handle me really well too.
Starting point is 01:10:11 I'll, I'll just like fucking three in the morning, send you fucking two paragraphs of me just fucking angry. It's fine. You're always pretty cool. You're always been cool. You've never been like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:10:23 shut up. It's super real like i don't i i mean is it like i get fired up all the time you know like you're passionate it's not like misguided at that point just like hey i don't like this about what you are doing or said i want to talk about it so heidi krum i'm catrin on um uh on podium this year mark my words I'd love to see that that would be fucking crazy I'd be pretty happy
Starting point is 01:10:52 if she won the games too I think it would be like I think if she won the games or Danielle Brandon won the games it would be incredible for the games it would be a crazy story to tell again about a girl who didn't make it to the games and then one time and then came back and won and then did it again it kind of puts her in in
Starting point is 01:11:11 i don't mean to take anything away from matt rich or tia but it puts her in or annie but it puts her in a weird rarefied air if you do that she'll have her own story that you could argue that she has no peer i don't know if you could say she's the best but you could ever but you could say that like hey no one's gonna ever gonna do that that is uh what's almost she's almost already there if she makes the podium she can almost say that hey there's there's catcher now is like second best of all time that's cool to hear uh i i am so proud and you know um enjoying so much being around her more now with her being a part of our camp which is a big step on i i cat and i were talking about this because it was just to put perspective because you were her agent but she was with comp train
Starting point is 01:11:59 and now you're her agent and she's also with hwpo where you uh hang your hat as ceo correct okay you're still her agent that's fair to say yeah uh daniel robbins is helps with her on a daily basis as well so i don't want to say that i do that on my own i am a part of that with her yeah um she we were in columbia and doing an event down there, Fitland. And I remember, you know, at the game, she had approached Matt and myself and said, Hey, I want to talk about moving to HWPO. And Matt was like marinating on it. And we were going to have a call about it.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And I remember before the call, he was doing his thing like he used to do when we would drive to the stadium. He was kind of like breathing heavy. I'm like, Oh, God. You know, he's like, he's like what's wrong he's like man this is nerve-wracking like she's incredible she's one of the best ever and this is um this scares the shit out of me and i was like dude we got this uh i really believe it you know it'll be a lot of fun first of all they're super like matt is as close with Catherine as he has ever been to anyone in the space, which then presents some challenges, but their coach athlete relationship has been beautiful. He's, you know, he's very direct, direct with her. She,
Starting point is 01:13:15 she's been more coachable than I've ever seen her. She's thriving and having fun. She's got a bump bump back in her step, but it was a scary step again another moment where like i like there could have been a lot of egg on my face for this one because i was like hey i want to do this like i you know he did too but he was just like listen you know we have such a beautiful relationship why are we gonna ruin this you know meaning meaning that with mal with hopper with the elite athletes that you already have, and now you're bringing in another huge character. And Patrick personally, right?
Starting point is 01:13:47 Oh, okay, okay. Sammy would travel with Brooks and Kat. Like, they go to the house in Idaho and hang out with them. Like, you know, it's like, you know, the risk Matt and I would have taken now getting in business together. Like, you're taking a step that could be, you know, tough on your relationship. And every one of those little pieces that we have, and now, like you're taking a step that could be, you know, tough on your relationship. And every one of those little pieces that we have, and now like we work with friends, you know, long time,
Starting point is 01:14:09 Jake Marconi has been a long time friend, you know, he's thriving. Harry Pally is a long time friend. It, you know, these guys all do a great job. We have done a great job with, you know, professional and personal and our personal relationships have thrived that situation more than any cat is thriving and whatever her result is i know it will be the best her result can be because she's happy she's getting everything out every moment uh it's been really fun to watch her her adjacent
Starting point is 01:14:38 beating each other up on a daily basis that is a really fun thing to watch they're very competitive with each other which is really awesome and um so yeah it's been it's been a blast honestly i i can't wait to see how that whole thing plays out i mean she's coming to to swing for the fences you know she's gonna throw throw it up throw it out there and uh you're gonna see the the cat everybody's watched uh back just kind of with bounce and you Yeah, she might have some events where it might look like she's down, but she comes back swinging. She's a fighter. She plays till the end.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I mean, that's what it takes. So we'll see where it ends up. Jake Chapman, Catrin looks like a cheetah was granted a wish to be a human. I think that's a compliment. Someone said that about me. I'll take that as a compliment. I'll take it. O'Keefe made Wadapalooza awesome for the local CrossFit community.
Starting point is 01:15:28 We miss him. That's awesome. Thank you. The guy over there now, I don't have to sing his praises, probably because O'Keefe will do it, but the guy running the show now, Dylan, is a beast and a great guy. I mean, you could basically say he is straight out of the O'Keefe lineage. He's awesome i really that was an awesome moment being back this year seeing him get
Starting point is 01:15:52 you know him being in charge of something that he's been at and helped from the beginning and helped there he is um helped earth you know he's uh he's a stud, honestly. By the way, probably the best games lot on-floor commentator who ever existed, too, by the way. Best voice, most attentive, most knowledgeable, like every category. He used to do it with Travis Bajent, and the two of them together were absolutely incredible. I'm surprised.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I don't know if he has the time. I can't believe he really is the best at that. I don't know if he has the time. I can't believe he's, he really is the best at that. I don't think he has a peer there to be honest. I don't think anybody is. I mean, we have a lot of great people that do that in our space. His voice just hits different for me. Matt, you know, same, you know, there are a lot of people that have moments that they tie back to, to his voice. I, I, I ended his emceeing career oh really by
Starting point is 01:16:47 bringing over a lot of yeah well he was there do you remember the year that they did they let the broadcast go you know we did spanish that year like everybody could broadcast and um we ran a spanish broadcast and he was on to mc that year and i was like dude like i have no idea how we i mean he's so important to everything we do i'm like i don't know how we do this without you being a part of that and you're on the floor because like if you're on the floor you're out like you're right right have any time and it was uh you know it was tough another like another moment back to like challenging moments or relationships you know and i think he resented me for a bit for it. Um, but we're great friends today. Um,
Starting point is 01:17:31 Well, that's interesting to say that he's not a, um, he's the, he's, he's camera shy and averse to attention. So it is kind of interesting that he would be a floor MC. He's re I mean, I'm not saying he's not, it's not just that he's humble. He humble he is averse he does not want attention he does not want to come on this show i mean i talk with him as much as i talk with him i i don't know like if i text him me and him will text for an hour straight back and forth cracking but the second i'm like hey can you come on the show or it's like i'll find someone else to do it i mean's not a attention guy. He hates it. I wish he would more. People would learn a lot from him.
Starting point is 01:18:08 He's a stud. I'm really proud of him. This year was amazing. Wadapalooza got better. I learned a lot from him. We learned a lot from each other. He's thriving. He really is. The sky's the limit for him
Starting point is 01:18:23 with whatever he does. how are you on time i'm great i'm great literally looking at the ocean here so okay before i ask you another hard question let me give you a little handy um the the podium uh i saw tommy marquez i was watching talking elite fitness and he did a commercial for Podium, and it is fucking brilliant. You can actually – you can make your own supplement. You can make an a la carte supplement. You can pick the flavor. You can put in the creatine or the meth or the whatever you fucking want and have this shit sent to your house. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Are you guys just – is that crazy popular? I would think that that would, I mean, that's kind of like. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Ew, yodeling. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Done. It seems like that's a done deal. Once you can do that. The founder, the win is fuck. Like, just like you won. It is super cool. They're a, that group, just so people know too, like, I think it's really important for me to, cause I don't want to take credit like i i don't i have very little to do with podium other than they're a partner hwpo i manage matt matt is a an owner of podium i don't own any of that i don't you don't own any podium no i'm sorry to hear that i apologize yeah me too on your behalf i'm sorry but i you know i the boys, Heber and Marston, Matt, Paul now, too, all close friends.
Starting point is 01:20:26 And we were partnered to HWPO with them heavily. We're doing some really cool stuff, watching some cool stuff with them. But they, Paul is, he's been around a long time in that space. Learned a lot. I mean, he was with Nutribolt Cellucor on the front end of that success I mean that's one of the most successful settlement stories in history um like their product or not from a business perspective massive right um Ghost uh he was a founder of Ghost and now this and he gets it um he gets this community too he's like you know
Starting point is 01:21:02 one of the coolest things is you come from outside and he really dug in here and learned it and loved it and wanted to be a part of it and understood you know the right approach here to you know the right way to show up but those guys are awesome i mean they're doing such a great job the the marketing's crazy cool and it's so authentic it's like really they brought a really cool set of matt out through that you know which is real you know matt being goofy and having fun. Justin Medeiros, like the stuff that they've done with that. Yeah. That, that, that feature is, I mean, I, I think that's explosive. Yeah. The all the cart feature. As soon as I saw that, I was like, all right,
Starting point is 01:21:39 they won. Like that's it. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Congratulations. Well, congratulations. And I'm sorry that you're not a part owner i wouldn't have brought it up if i didn't if i didn't no it's great um okay now now back to the hard questions um how before you ask me a heart before you ask me a hard question somebody on our team text me and we were talking about all that CrossFit stuff and partnership. They were like, hey, don't forget to tell them that you affiliated. So we affiliated our gym. I think that's important. I saw somebody in the comments.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I was watching you guys earlier and asked, you know, is HWPO an affiliate? Well, not the programming platform. I think it's important to decipher. Well, not the programming platform. I think it's important to decipher. But that gym that we opened in Vermont, our headquarters, is Hard Work Pays Off CrossFit. So that is affiliated. And can people actually work out there? we've had enough when we launched it did show up on the affiliate map and harry pallies and phone number was attached and there were hundreds of phone calls day one i think you know we built it to you know build a place for our you know our pro members that are training to go to the games to come and train also our members at times we'll do events like sammy just did an event called
Starting point is 01:22:59 bump sweat she had 20 pregnant women come work out with her my wife and i did bump sweat two nights ago you better get that trade you better get that trademarked she says you know we'll do a lot of that we have an event coming up in the in the in the winter we're gonna gather our members up in vermont and we'll do things there but yeah we'll do more and more uh and open it up but today, it's not open to the public. But we did affiliate our gym. That was important to us. Why?
Starting point is 01:23:29 Why was it important to you? You know, what we do at our core is CrossFit. And I'm excited about them as an organization. I want to contribute. You know, it's funny. It started with Paul Trombley when he was involved. He knew we were opening the gym through all those changes. Is he part of your team? Does he work for HWPO?
Starting point is 01:23:57 No, okay. No, no. He just was a part of the North American affiliate team, I believe. He ran North American affiliates. He's like, hey, will you affiliate? I was like, yeah, yeah. I mean, sure, let's talk about it. Built a good relationship with Don.
Starting point is 01:24:13 He excites me. Just no nonsense. Has a great, you know. Is Don no nonsense? He's very open-minded. It concerns me how open-minded and nice he is i'm i like a little asshole i like a little dave castro sprinkle a little matt fraser in there i like a little bit you know matt matt's fucking yeah yeah he's i like i like someone with boundaries sometimes i think
Starting point is 01:24:40 don is like too nice like like hey i don't i don't think that at all through my experience. Okay, good. All right. He does everything he says he's going to do. He's not wishy-washy. I agree with all that. He's very nice. He's very open. He takes a lot of feedback. I'm not a fan of too much feedback.
Starting point is 01:24:58 He makes sound decisions that are best for what he knows. you know, decisions that aren't, you know, they're best for what he knows. Okay. That doesn't mean they're best for an athlete or what he thinks of everybody in it. I'm just excited. And I think it's, you know, important. It's, you know, it's been, you know, if we look at normal, he's normal too, by the way, he's not just, he's all those things. And he's just, he's a normal, he's a very normal human being. He's like a healthy human being. There's a lot of weirdos in our space.
Starting point is 01:25:23 He's very healthy. Like you can bring him home to mom loves crossfit like yeah every tuesday does a hero one at the jimmy's uh like he's he loves to throw down i've worked out with him a bunch of times he's uh he's awesome yeah honestly like i'm too open-minded not too nice no you had any fights with him yet? No. Oh. You don't need to. I don't have fights with anybody. You don't fight? You don't ever fight with your wife?
Starting point is 01:25:51 Disagree. Okay. All right. All right. But the CrossFit thing for me is important. I mean, Matt's life, my life, Harry's life, Sammy's life, Jake's life, everybody I go down on our list on our team, Jason's life, Harry's life, Sammy's life, Jake's life, everybody I go down our list on our team, Jason's life, all changed because we walked through the door of an affiliate. It'd be ignorant of us to not recognize that.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Well, Matt's not because he walked through an affiliate. Matt's because he pulled up in a stoplight next to an affiliate owner, which I learned from the video I watched today on HWPO. Matt pulled up next to a guy at a stoplight and he said, Hey, you should come into my gym. And that began the legend of Matt Fraser. So true. Right. Literally that is like a mile from now our building Champlain Valley CrossFit. Crazy. So super cool. But yeah, I mean, I, you know, it's, um, it's who we are at our core. You know, we train CrossFit, our people train CrossFit, we're part of the sport. Um, and again, back to that,
Starting point is 01:26:51 like, you know, I walked through the door of an affiliate in my hometown and my life changed. And, you know, I had a great coach taught me things the right way. Um, and it was, they taught me CrossFit and, you know, I, you know, that's what we do. We want to, you know, be a part of it. And it was important to us. Dave was on the show a few months ago when he was still allowed to come on. And he mentioned, he, he mentioned I'm just making that up by the way. He's probably still allowed. He mentioned that
Starting point is 01:27:26 Fraser had invited him up to Vermont and I saw that as I know that they are not enemies but they're maybe the siblings who put the tape in the line of the room and been like that's your half of the room stay over there
Starting point is 01:27:44 you know what I mean I feel like they had kind of a little bit of that relationship going um one is david is dave coming up there is dave scheduled to come up there and how are things with uh dave and matt uh he well he's pretty busy right now so i think we'll talk both of them yeah i mean and yeah i mean pre of them. Yeah. I mean, and yeah, I mean, pregame. How's your relationship with Dave? Throw that in the answer too. Okay. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I think that that's unrealistic before the games. But yeah, I hope that happens. And they had been working on it. And then Dave got a new role. And obviously, that's going to be hard before the games. Yeah, I'm excited. Did Matt invite him up there because he had insight before all of us that Dave would be running the games?
Starting point is 01:28:30 Oh, shit. That's known for months? No. No. It's not starting. We're ending rumors. We're ending. We're not starting. Cauterize that one it's not true this
Starting point is 01:28:46 is this is where rumors go to die okay so he so yeah he obviously invited him up for a reason right like um whether it be just pure benevolence but but maybe to start start a new chapter maybe with with him but that's matt like i think he looks at every he's uh constantly analyzing his life and situations and people and he and i are in miami at the f1 race actually we're just taking a break for a couple days chilling which was a ton of fun and he's like i'm I'm going to hit him up. You know, I want to sit down, talk to him about some things that maybe he and I haven't. Dave was really receptive. I'm excited for that to happen.
Starting point is 01:29:35 You know, I'll let those two talk about it if they want to, but that, yeah, that's, I'm excited for that. I'm proud that, you know, that's where Matt's at in his life. I mean, and Dave too. Like, I think you're asking about my relationship with Dave. Like, you know, it's relatively limited, but, you know, in the period of time where he was not there and now back, like, you know, there's a couple points of contact that were great, honestly.
Starting point is 01:30:03 And I've talked to Dave recently and I'm excited about the future with him. I think he's, you know, taken everything he's learned. And I think the 2.0 application, I think people need to give it a chance and I think they're going to like what they see. I think Dave's a better leader today than he was before, from what I can tell. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Well, that's good news for all of us. I mean, I always thought he was a great leader, but to be even to come back even better, I think is. Yeah. That's not like, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:35 Hey, one people, one thing people have to really reflect on with anybody is, you know, sort of culture or, you know, leadership or direction of the company at the different periods of time.
Starting point is 01:30:51 And nobody knows what it was like to be involved in it then or in the middle or now. So I think it's – I'm all about second chances. That's like for me. Um, and by the way, who the FMI in the grand scheme of things with all of it, like he doesn't have to appease me or any, you know, any, it has nothing to do with me, but you know, I'm a few years this excited about it. You know, I, I think that I think that from what I've heard
Starting point is 01:31:26 from him, I saw him in Pasadena. It was really genuine. That was prior to him getting his job. It seems like he's in a great place in his life and thriving and he's ready for this. I saw something the other day.
Starting point is 01:31:44 I can't remember where I saw it. I'll read directly from it. Damn. But one of the things was don't live your life. When people do things to upset you, just don't attach those things to that person. Just keep being who you are i guess in the most traditional sense it's uh i don't know if mother theresa was the original person who said it but mother theresa said be nice to people because you're nice not because they're nice to
Starting point is 01:32:14 you right so be who you are don't like someone cuts you off that doesn't mean that now you have to change who you are if you're a nice person why are you letting that person like affect you and so yeah i hear a little bit about that what you're saying about giving people second chances like like if if you did yeah it's important it's important um so that it's important for all of us as human beings to be happy to to have that in our mindset to not hold grudges to keep pushing forward to let people if you're mad at someone and you hold them in a box, you're kind of hold, you're as bad as they are, right? You're now holding them with this, this person is this person. You're not letting them free.
Starting point is 01:32:52 You're almost setting them up for failure. Man. That's also a stress. Like, think about how, like maybe when you're in it, you don't realize how I've been in it. Like how stressful that is. It's like, it consumes you, dictates how you handle things current that come to you uh yeah that i don't know maybe i'm older and reflective how old are you 46 oh and but um i like where i'm at where i hope oh i like where I'm at with that like I don't um yeah I mean if I've ever had a beef or a problem with someone I've never been not willing to sit down and talk through it and
Starting point is 01:33:32 I'll tell you like batting damn near a thousand when you do sit down and talk like you don't always understand other people's perspective you know and and so that's what i've learned the most throughout my life is you know 90 percent at least if not more time of the time you know you're reflecting on what you want to reflect on in those moments or things that you're you know stressed about or angry about um there's definitely more to the story than what your mind creates and wraps itself around. So well, not to say that there's any of that with that, with that,
Starting point is 01:34:09 but it's just, you know, yeah, I think it speaks to what you're talking about. I, I, yeah, I think people deserve at least a second chance. Third,
Starting point is 01:34:20 but definitely second. You had this idea in the video of taking the size of matt's old gym and putting tape on the floor in the new gym to show it that is a brilliant idea have you guys we're trying to figure out where and how to best bring it like we've been in this period with the gym where we're like you know um acquiring equipment yeah you know moving a bunch of stuff around to see where it sort of all settles but that is something we're going to do i think it's a great reminder for matt to uh you know when we had our opening and you know we you know we addressed everybody it was a really important thing to address like
Starting point is 01:35:01 you know right down the street less than 200 square feet, you know, this kid bled to be where he's at today. And look at where we're at now, you know, there's 7,000 foot of gym space and 5,000 of office space. And, you know, we didn't do that alone, you know, but a lot of it's off the heels of his hard work. And, you know, it's really cool to remind ourselves and people that come through, it's like the heels of his hard work and you know it's really cool to remind ourselves and people that come through it's like you know think about and i don't think they're pampered but like
Starting point is 01:35:29 jason walks in and like that's his start right he's got a you know but it's like and it's you know it's the the why behind that building too it's like matt wants to provide from a coaching training perspective facilities perspective things that he didn't have for people that's where he's thriving and having a blast it's just you know he walks into that building every day with an insane amount of pride that he was able to do this you know that he can do this that this is real it's not a stretch it's like i'm doing this for people because i couldn't you know you know it's something that I didn't necessarily have for myself or somebody couldn't do for me, not because they didn't want to,
Starting point is 01:36:10 but he's taken every bit of his experience along the way. And he's trying to make it better for everybody else coming forward with us. And you guys have a place that you love being. Crazy, huh? Are you living in Vermont now? Are you moving there? No, but I, I'm there when I'm home, not traveling.
Starting point is 01:36:28 I'm up there every week and my, my stays are longer and longer. I, man, we, it is so fun being there. Our team is amazing. Our culture is awesome. We just thrive together. We obviously work remote. A lot of our team, there's like half the team up there but when I'm there I just I get the feels it's such a blast
Starting point is 01:36:51 it's a pleasure I have to pinch myself it's real there's so much fun and then you know in the office alone then you walk in the gym the vibe is amazing you know it's really cool we're so proud of it. Matt's office, John George, Matt's office is bigger than his old training space.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Probably close. Wow. That's crazy. Probably pretty close. Yeah. It's like, you don't like the number. It might be real close. A hundred percent happy that you switched jobs?
Starting point is 01:37:26 That must have been scary, leaving Wadapalooza, leaving what you know. Changing is scary. Yeah, I've gotten more comfortable with it when I took my first leap into starting Redline. This whole idea of betting on myself became more comfortable and real. I've told people this. I think what I'm doing today, and I probably said it about Water Clues, I think it's really what I've been working towards. It's the components of who I am as a person aligned with the values
Starting point is 01:37:59 and getting to build something which I really love with people I love, and particularly Matt and Sammy. It was the three of us at the beginning. Matt and I before that, but particularly through most of it with Sammy. I mean, it's really where I want to be. I mean, it was not hard. I mean, the yes to Matt saying, Hey, would you leave your job to do this? Um, I was like, yes. I mean, I didn't even have to
Starting point is 01:38:33 think it through and then think through the process at which, you know, it was a lot, you know, I, that, that was the hard part, you know, and I think what you're referencing was that I felt a little bit like I was kind of bailing on, on the water Palooza thing. That's just in my DNA. Like I didn't want to leave it. I know I left it better than when I started, you know, I knew I would. Um, and it was really cool then to go back this year and just see it thrive. You know, like that to me, it was like, okay. And people saw you as the water Palooza guy. There's also that. I mean, outside of yourself, there's that projection, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Like in 10 years, people will see Matt as just a CrossFit Games coach. Do you know what I mean? There'll become a point when he's been a coach longer than he's been an athlete. And that's got to also change. That changes how you fit in the world. People really saw you as the Wadapaloozaza guy and now you're the hwpo guy so it's like even how the world projects you changes projects onto you changes i think that's a part of it too is i think that i think people have seen this as like really a natural fit makes a lot of sense that was like a big part of the
Starting point is 01:39:40 response when i said i'm leaving i'm going to do this was like of course and I think even when I said I was leaving and not doing this people were like yeah he's going hwpo that's cool like I you know not that I like measure my decision making off of a public opinion on things I it's you know with the people that I'm doing it with and love um yeah I I'm a I'm a pretty lucky guy I'm fortunate you know I've worked really hard yes but I've had a lot of luck along the way and I've just gotten involved with the right people you know I you know I have incredible people around me Matt you know Sammy particularly with this and our entire team you know there's there's, there's nothing I can say, but you know, I am in the best place for me and with the best people for me. It's really awesome. Honestly.
Starting point is 01:40:34 He has a kid coming the week of the games. That is crazy. It's so awesome. Is she having the baby in vermont she is yeah so so matt does matt have just gonna have a plane waiting on a tarmac somewhere we've got to figure out how we're gonna get him out of there real quick so we're in process right now but what is the what is the flight time between vermont Madison? You know, if it was direct, it's a couple hours max. Okay, so, I mean, you could pay $10,000 to have a plane take them just fucking door to door. I mean, if it's two hours.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Yeah, we've got to figure that out here in the next couple weeks. It's not pocket change, but it's fucking a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I wonder how – God, can you imagine the conversations they must be having now because it must be intense dude it's i tell sammy this on a daily basis it's like having too many good things happen at once it really is it's like it's already had an incredible effect on both of them. Sammy's done pregnancy better than anybody I've ever been around. She's a huge part of our team and organization, still thriving, putting in long days and so passionate about what we do.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Her biggest concern is the distance she'll create through the birth of their child with our business. And, you know, we're, you know, we figured that all out and how that period of time will be handled but she um it's a it's awesome matt is like they're gonna be great parents he is like that baby has him wrapped around its finger already he's uh he's gonna i mean i can't wait i hope they take months off and don't do anything but that. And that's the goal. The two of them, I know how they're wired. It'd probably be hard to do that with them, but he,
Starting point is 01:42:31 he's really excited. I mean, he's, you know, I think, you know, this period at times are very stressful. I mean, it's coming fast and he's going to coach at the games, you know, he's going to coach Catherine. So. He's going to coach Katrin. He's committed to that until she goes into the labor. Coach Katrin and Jason? Coach Katrin and Jason? No. No, he'll be directly on Katrin's coaches, man, at the games.
Starting point is 01:42:59 That must be stressful shit too, right? Picking that out, talking to the athletes, being like, okay, who's who's jason's marconi jake yep jake marconi wow does that does that put tension between the athletes like everyone wants matt no we we just do a good job communicating i think there's there's like last year there's always like it's not even posturing, but it's like, you know, who's with who. We just do a good job as a staff making sure that, you know, everybody's happy and we tell them why.
Starting point is 01:43:33 You know, we try to tell them, hey, this is what we think is right and listen back. You know, so if Matt has to leave, I'll probably have to jump in with Kat, which, you know, we have a lot going on at the games this year. So we hope Sammy holds off and we can get through that. But, yeah. What was the question I was just going to ask? It was a coaching. If Matt has to – so if the baby comes, Matt will go home?
Starting point is 01:44:01 Is that what you were just insinuating? If she starts having contractions and it's Sunday morning, he's out. And you step in. Holy cow. Yeah. I think you have to do that, but what about her having the baby at the games? Has that been explored?
Starting point is 01:44:24 So Matt's parents come every year. I know it's got shit crazy to say it, but I have to ask. And she's like, well, maybe I can come drive in the RV. Nah, she's staying home. The more we plan, she's more bummed she's not going to be there. But nah, she's going to do that at home. It's important. It's important to her, too.
Starting point is 01:44:43 He'll be there. Dear Sammy I know it seems like a big deal to miss the games I thought I would never miss one But It's not as bad as you think Trust me You coming this year? No fuck no
Starting point is 01:45:00 Dave's back Never going there fucking again This doesn't deserve me No, fuck no. Yeah, you are. Come on. No, I'm not. Dave's back. You got to come. Never going there fucking again. This doesn't deserve me. That's not true. You'll be back. I'm too good for the games.
Starting point is 01:45:13 I'm too good. I will be watching from home, glued to it. Like a little kid staring at the chimney, waiting for someone to come down. It's it to be a wildly exciting year i agree because some people look at the like certain athletes not competing and saying like uh i mean i haven't really heard a lot of it the initial reaction could have been like oh you know somebody else is going to win other than who they thought was going to win i i don't think anybody knows who's going to win so it makes it super exciting it's the most exciting and i'm not i already have um convinced myself i'm not going to accept anyone saying well
Starting point is 01:45:50 that person wouldn't have won if mal or if t would have been there fuck you they're not there they didn't make it there part of being the games champ is to make it to the fucking games can't say if mal was there whoever wins is is the fucking winner. When you, you know, I think this is where we suffer a little from maybe our fan base not being as, you know, engaged with other sports. I think that's probably a fact. What, like people like me? You mean like I don't watch any sports, really. I watch fighting. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Yeah. So, you know, when you look at, I mean, fighting can be an analogy. It's just, you know, I mean, I'm sure there is the banter, but like I'm a big golf fan. Like, you know, or you watch a team win the World Series that finished, you know, was a wild card. Nobody's like, oh, well, they're a wild card. You know, it's like, you know, that, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:39 that, you know, they didn't have to play the best team because they lost in the National League earlier. You know, that stuff is, it's sports. Like LeBron James was out, didn't, they didn't win, you know, he they didn't have to play the best team cause they lost in the national league earlier. You know, that stuff is it's sports like LeBron James was out. Didn't they didn't win. You know, you won the NBA championship. It's like, well,
Starting point is 01:46:50 LeBron was hurt. It's like, no, that's not a thing. You know, sports, it includes injuries and people taking years off and, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:58 bad ref calls. It's all, you got to win all that stuff. Bad weather. There's a lot of luck. There's a lot of luck there's a lot of luck involved like there's you know that's just the way sports rolls um yeah i i don't i hope people don't do that there's no you know that doesn't even cross my mind whoever wins is the
Starting point is 01:47:15 best right that year that's the way except for that year camille won okay um not nice evy not nice be cool hey uh did your dad and matt's dad meet they they have multiple times uh they got it wasn't they didn't just have their first meeting i thought they just had their first maybe that worked well they've spent they spent quite a bit of time together at the opening um maybe that was the first time how was that how did they get along good very good yeah i mean they're they're a lot alike they are like matt matt and i are yeah it's it's um i feel like people hear that they'll be like calm down you're not that much like matt personality i'm not gonna lie to you. The first time you said it, I was like, Matt's out of his mind, but it keeps happening. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:48:07 they, we were, we were both kind of like, who, what are those two talking about over there in the corner? Yeah, they, they did me.
Starting point is 01:48:16 It was, that was another proud moment. You know, it's kind of funny that they hadn't spent, you know, maybe they've met, but they hadn't spent any time together. You know, with all the time we spend together,
Starting point is 01:48:29 it's crazy to me that they hadn't been linked at all. They're like going to get together in Florida, I guess now, God help us. But yeah. Okay. So they really did hit it off. They exchanged phone numbers and shit like that. Yep. Yep. That uh it's cool i mean it's um yeah it that was there was a that whole weekend was amazing just a lot of people that we you know we wouldn't be where we're at without our families and people who contributed
Starting point is 01:49:01 to our success it was a cool weekend to celebrate A lot of people took time out of their schedules that I'm not going to say I was surprised, but that don't normally do things like that. That was like, wow, this is super cool that these people are here. Do you guys have any plans for other plans for expansion? Are you kind of like right now trying to reel in the rains? Like, wow, we just like, or do you have something else happening? Like to reel in the rains like wow we just like or do you have something else happening like is the hwpo dorm rooms coming we have housing we we have a we have a house that we rent um that we put people in you know when they come into town particularly our
Starting point is 01:49:39 staff but um no i mean yeah i mean we have a lot of plans on the tech side. You know, I said it earlier, it's, you know, a lot of what we're doing is trying to improve the experience for current members. You know, like we're expanding, you know, a lot of our current tracks to be more friendly for people on the road. So there's body weight versions of certain tracks coming out. We're building a converter in the app where you can just push a button and it just changes everything to no equipment. Yeah, and we're exploring other areas, partnerships, sports. I think we've got a lot through the end of this year on the tech side um you know we have this partnership that we're going to execute the games um so we we you know we've
Starting point is 01:50:33 got enough right now that but you know we're we are thinking out into 24 and beyond as the you know things we can add i really you know i think when we started we did a lot of this singing of you know we're going to democratize what you know our way of training um you know so we're really interested in you know being involved with you know people who line up with our brand and our culture they're best in class so if those things come before us like scott you know we'll consider it right away you know and we're exploring what does that we're exploring. What does that mean? Democratize? What does that mean? Make more available in more places, you know? Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. It's like, you know, if, you know, if, uh, somebody wants to, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:14 present HWPO training at, you know, a yoga studio, it's like, cool, let's figure out how we do it. I mean, that's a bad example. Cause that wouldn't work, but it's, um, I hear you. I hear you. You know what I mean? So it's, it's uh i think i think it's like you know and it's it's it's things that you know we've talked to crossfit about too just like i feel you know we can do a lot of great stuff together we get a lot of opportunities to like we've had you know health care platforms reach out about offering our training to their members and that's subsidizing it bigger box chain gyms that want to have you know functional training because they can't call it crossfit in their space and you know i know that us in you know crossfit explore those things all
Starting point is 01:51:57 the time it's like how do we get more people to crossfit like that that's the answer we all kind of you know do what we're sought you know what we sought out to do, which is to change people's lives, make the best of them. You know, and I believe that you do your life has changed as, as mine through that. And it's been training CrossFit, you know, that's the start for me. And it's getting, you know, how do we get more people to do that? You know, I don't think we have, you know, we have, we have a unique approach and, you know,
Starting point is 01:52:23 and how we service and train people, but it's not rocket science. It's CrossFit at its core. It's our way, and we want more people to experience our way. You ready, O'Keefe? Yeah. You sitting down? You ready for this one?
Starting point is 01:52:42 Incoming hot. Incoming. Kenneth DeLapp, for $2, I will definitely ask this question. Thank you for your money. I saw that on the right in the comments. Has Brooke Wells reached out to HWPO
Starting point is 01:52:55 yet? Brooke Wells is one of my closest friends. Great answer. Brooke Wells is also an athlete I've represented since she was 18 years old. And that's our relationship. So has Brooke Wells reached out?
Starting point is 01:53:10 We probably text on a weekly, if not almost a daily basis. But that's our relationship. So I want Brooke to thrive and be her best and get everything she needs. But we have not talked about that. Brooke is always welcome to come train at the HWPO training facility. We have athletes that we don't coach that do come in, you know, and it's like last year, perfect example, like Daniel Brandon,
Starting point is 01:53:42 Dallin Pepper come in and train during games. Justin Kotler was there. We all get along. Like, I don't know. Yeah, that didn't play out so good for Daniel and Justin. Take note, people. The following week. But they, yeah, I mean, there's a bunch of people there now.
Starting point is 01:54:03 We've had, like, Jake Douglas is there now we've had like jake douglas is there now he is somebody that trains our platform so he trains pro steve faucet who runs pro for us what's jake douglas look is he as impressive in person as he looks on video like when you walk like you walk in the room and your eyes just like immediately look at him you're like what the fuck is that jake douglas matt and i met in 2016 on a tour of Australia. And he's been a friend since. He came and attended a weekend of training with Matt. Super green and new to it.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Was obviously incredibly athletic and talented. Had played rugby as a background. We've kept in touch since. Man, he is a brick shithouse. Super proud. It's just like when you look at life and it's just been like a relationship catchings like like this it's like all coming together now you know having him a part of our team is awesome i love this kid i love how he goes about his business i love you know his values he's a family man um he's not he's no spring chicken he's like 3 33 or so making what is he
Starting point is 01:55:08 is he irish what is what is that what's his question what is he he's god he's really unique looking uh i'm excited for people to get to know him more um he's a really cool he's a really cool guy was he on the coffee Pods and Wads podcast? He was on some podcast. I saw a clip of a podcast he was on. I don't know if that was it. Someone will tell us in just a second. O'Keefe.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Oh, another good question. God, you guys are assholes. Thank you. O'Keefe, has Mal asked you to recruit Haley? Dear Matt, can you get my best friend Haley to come train me? No, Mal. I mean, Mal concentrates on herself. Dear Matt, can you get my best friend Haley to come train me? No, Mal concentrates on herself. She doesn't ask us to do anything but help her be her best.
Starting point is 01:55:56 No, is the answer. Never had that conversation with her. I love Haley, by the way. She's an awesome kid. By the way, every time you guys ask these questions, these inappropriate questions that are fun, I know when he answers them, the question comes, and then when he answers them, another part of him inside is cheering,
Starting point is 01:56:14 yeah, because he's really hitting these out of the park. His answers are like money. Be good. When somebody would ask that question, so you've never heard anything about that publicly do you think that i like does somebody think that i'd be like oh yeah of course like we're trying to bring a real thing yeah i don't know you may or no it's probably to get a read off of you right yeah like waiting for like you to be like what's the read well you know
Starting point is 01:56:41 hayley's in transition everyone's like she's in transition you know what i mean or you know what i mean like they're everyone's looking for a little crack in the damn look as soon as you get off the comments are going to fill up with analysis because avoiding this question seven did a horrible job by not asking them this it'll just be just turn it was gonna turn into fucking melee which i which i like i appreciate it that's awesome it's it's cool to be an ally yeah i like it um thank you for coming on it it had been a minute uh i bet yeah i didn't give you much notice i i really appreciate it um thanks for having me i always love coming on it's great it's great to catch up with you we do keep in touch so even though it's been distanced publicly it's uh word yeah yeah and i um i'm well i'm holding out hope maybe
Starting point is 01:57:34 i see you at the crossfit games yeah that would be awesome let me know we're gonna suffocate holding my breath i need if i go there i'm gonna need a i'm only gonna go if i need a job so if you need someone like to fucking hump boxes a podium out of the back of a box truck or to – let me know. You can come sling some T-shirts at our booth. Yeah, whatever you need. I'm there. All right, please tell Matt and Sammy I said hi and the entire gang, everyone but Jason. Please tell them I said hi.
Starting point is 01:58:04 No, Jason. No, Jason. Oh, man, he I said hi. No Jason. No Jason. Oh, man, he's the best. I know. I'm sure he is. He's awesome. We have issues, though. I like having some issues with people.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Keeps my life interesting. Jason's awesome. Oh, man. What a great dude. I'm sorry you have issues. I have issues that he has no issues. I have issues with Jason that we have no issues. He's the boss.
Starting point is 01:58:28 All right, dude. Thank you. I will talk to you soon. I'm excited to see how everyone performs. Thanks to you for coming on. You da man. Always good to see you. Yeah, I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Thank you. Thanks for having me. All right, brother. See you, bro. Bye. And like that, O'Keefe turns into Caleb. Wow. Savon is working the paper street coffee booth fuck i would work the shit out of that booth did you see there's a 50 50 bland there's 50 50 bland there's a good dude. He is. He's smart.
Starting point is 01:59:06 Pretty cool. All right. Well, there you go. There's so many. Did you ever read through that text thread and see what happened? I just kind of skimmed it. Was there actually a fight? I just saw someone left the thread.
Starting point is 01:59:30 That's all I saw. Was there a fight? I don't know if it was much of a fight. If somebody just got set up, maybe. I don't know. Did someone else leave the thread, too? Or just that one person? No, I think it was only one person.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Oh, that bums me out. I don't think only one person. Oh, that bums me out. I don't think they left it. Oh, they didn't? No. Oh, well, that's good. Didn't it say it said... No, no, no. They're not in the text thread anymore.
Starting point is 01:59:53 Oh, you just want to kick them out? Yes. Oh, man. Oh, man. How are we going to handle that? You can't kick someone out of the text thread. Is it bad that someone fucked someone's wife or girlfriend or something? Not as far as I know.
Starting point is 02:00:16 No allegations of it either. Oh, my goodness. I can't spill it. I can't spill it. it's a it's a it's a who i can't spill it it's a private text thread and only i can only tell you um oh look here you go i didn't leave i was kicked out oh no not helping i was just starting to like it took after i'm just starting to understand kind of like understand help in a little bit or like be comfortable not understanding them that'd be a better way to just starting to like have fun yeah i agree with that
Starting point is 02:00:54 all right go in there maybe i'll play yard duty come on dad help us out uh so that was cool that we talked about catrin we talked about mal we talked about hayley promising with catrin yeah that was nice i like that we talked about the young and talented um jason hopper talked about uh matt fraser um maybe it was an accident maybe he was kicked out on accident that can happen someone could have like with their thumbs accident i've accidentally hung up on people with my phone i know that i know the wrenches have done it so it's possible oh accidentally kick someone out yeah yeah i uh Yeah, yeah. I erased my first YouTube comment in the history of the Sevan Podcast channel a couple days ago.
Starting point is 02:01:56 And then I asked Bruce if this person – if he sees someone on – that person on the thread just to block them. if he sees someone on that person on the thread just to block them. Why? That's a good question. Why? I can handle like you're an asshole or misunderstanding me. You know what I mean? Like like if i said um uh you know matt o'keefe has a nice body and someone's like seven's a faggot like i'll be like i'll be like hey you really shouldn't call me that's not a cool word to use and just because i think a guy has a nice body doesn't mean i'm gay but but like i i understand like
Starting point is 02:02:41 i i can empathize with that person they They're trapped in their fucking head. I can bring some... I can roll with that. It's just when it just becomes too... No, it wasn't 12 daily doses. It's just when it becomes too venomous. When you're talking just for the sake of hurting me. I can understand you think I'm gay because I like like watching penises flop around a dude's pants. Like I,
Starting point is 02:03:08 like I don't mind being misunderstood if I can like make the connection, but if you're misunderstanding me and I can't even make the connection, now you're just being mean to me. You know what I mean? Now you're just like, and, and just for the sake of being mean, like, fuck you. I'm not. I understand I might trigger people.
Starting point is 02:03:32 I understand people trigger me. Like, let's fight it out. But kicking someone out of a group chat is petty as fuck. I don't know. What if they fucked your wife, your sister, your daughter, and got them all pregnant simultaneously, and you just found out? I'd do it.
Starting point is 02:03:54 I don't know. I don't know. I, uh... I, um... I, um... Can you explain the man bun? I think he's tried. Uh, no, I'm just in denial.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Are you going to let it get bigger? I don't, so I had a friend over yesterday and I actually asked him if he would shave my head like tighter. So it would look more like, um,rett called me the viking dike cut but now i'm i'm actually thinking of like just shaving my whole head no i don't i don't know what's happening don't shave your head not shave it shave it you know what i mean but just like you know like a number four on top and a three on this like i'm thinking about going to super cuts and just start over shave my just give myself just like a start over you know what i mean as long as you don't go to super cuts i think it'll be good don't go there no no that's the only place i go
Starting point is 02:04:52 go to sport cuts is that a real place yeah it's the same thing just with espn on all the time okay fine here we go uh. Let me start with this because I like narratives. Laugh my ass off. I think I would do more than just kick them out of the group chat if they got everyone in my family pregnant. I still don't
Starting point is 02:05:18 kick them out, kick their ass. That's fine. Help has been regulated to us common folk. I actually met Eric Wise, by the way. Yoked. Yeah, really buff dude. I met him. I saw him at the ranch the other day.
Starting point is 02:05:32 Halpin. It was honestly the dumbest conversation, and I did say something out of turn, which over text gets miscommunicated. I've apologized to the person I said something to. No comms with who booted me. Oh. You have to understand
Starting point is 02:05:46 Halpin is very, very unique in his level, in the way he communicates. I've never met anyone who communicates like him. Ever. And I've communicated with a lot of fucking people. You're such a dad if you got super cuts
Starting point is 02:06:07 make sure you wear your new balance shoes when you go my my sketchers my butt firming sketchers oh my goodness uh is it uh what is it more serious is it more serious than Brian Friend what does that mean I don't know what that means do they have a thicker soul those are crazy wow they're on sale
Starting point is 02:06:42 you can get two for almost the price of one Brian's on the thread. Brian's active and a great contributor to the thread. He's not kicked out. Or he didn't leave or whatever. I don't think Brian was even involved in that scuffle. Sevan, did Mariah offer you a spot to do the doc this season I saw a post from someone over in Europe that the doc is dead that there won't be docs and I think Mariah may have said that in the interview
Starting point is 02:07:15 that she's not doing one this season but last year they gave her three weeks notice everyone should just go over to that thread who saw the interview with her and contextualize that shit for people people are so stupid people are writing shit in there why didn't you put the rebecca fusli a thing in there it sucks without that it's like dude it's fucking 100 minutes long i'm going to talk about this next friday by the way on the crossfit games update show but the the it's 100 minutes long and miles to madison already covered the rebecca fusli shit
Starting point is 02:07:43 and the fact that the fact that that's not in there is not what makes the movie suck. What makes the movie suck is the fact that you know that that happened and you wanted that in the movie. Just say, don't be an asshole to people. Give critical, constructive criticism. Be like, man, this could have been a three-hour movie. I would have loved to have seen even more. Not like tell us what's missing. Couch that.
Starting point is 02:08:04 No wonder fucking so many of you don't have fucking friends. Couch that shit. Always make someone a shit sandwich. Always. Caleb, it's fucking great to see you here in the mornings. Did you hear that ticking? No, is that you farting again? I just turned it off.
Starting point is 02:08:24 No, it's my phone uh caleb it's great to see you here uh in the morning uh what what what what what a great uh what a great time to see you um you know when o'keefe was talking about mal would have been cool to bring up that picture of her with her blonde hair um uh anyway i hope to see you again tomorrow see that how i slipped that in there? Yeah, it would also have been nice to bring that up if it was still on our page. I know. What happened to it?
Starting point is 02:08:50 Good call. So you did check. Look it. See, look, now we're having a dialogue. What happened to it? Oh, it was a story. I appreciate your feedback, though. So he can say, thank you for the feedback. Remember remember presuppositions are what start fights
Starting point is 02:09:07 you've taught me so much see how then he made me a shit sandwich is Brian Friend coming back on the show I don't understand the question is he coming back is he coming back? Is he coming back?
Starting point is 02:09:27 Is he coming? Like he went somewhere? Where is BeFriendly? Is he I'm out? No, no. You guys, no. No, don't. Don't.
Starting point is 02:09:41 It's not like that. It's not like that. It's not like that. Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee. I've never been held hostage, but I have been part of a group chat. Oh, meaning that there's some correlation between the two? Like being in a group chat is like being held hostage and you should be thankful that you guys i mean shit that is the thing there's probably people who don't want to be on this group chat because it's so fucking active and it's so many texts coming in but then they just can't bring themselves to um to take themselves off i am not one of them i fucking love it
Starting point is 02:10:23 uh pool boy uh people have this idea that you and brian aren't friends anymore no that's not true at all and he doesn't want to come on your show anymore i don't know why people think this but they do well i mean i understand why people think we've been doing a lot of game shows and he hasn't been on it we just are we are And our interests – I think it's three-part. You could ask him too. Our interests and our time commitments and our priorities of where we want to put energy have just shifted. example he has a fucking whole he has a whole new instagram account that needs to be fed and he has his own youtube station now and he's doing more stuff than ever with uh i think talking elite fitness and so there's just been a a shift and and my interest is is like i just and i had just come off of semi-finals with tyler watkins john young and spin and halpin and others and we fucking murdered so i think that would be just a better way to but thank you pool boy for uh
Starting point is 02:11:34 toss me an alley that was good uh john george uh savvy interesting that they pulled the mat and mal part because they crossfit don't want to portray bad habits yet they show an athlete eating shit loads of candy isn't that hypocritical yes that is 100 hypocritical dishonest disingenuous insincere it's all that i'm telling you all like heads over in the me whoever's been in charge of the media department whoever's been the interim chief marketing officer needs to be fired like they've they've they've they've they've they've missed so many opportunities they've been so it's been it's been atrocious and whoever's protecting the people there who are doing making all of these bad calls should be fired.
Starting point is 02:12:28 And I'm not usually one to say that kind of stuff, but enough is enough. This has been going on now for two years. I'm going to tell you what happened. I don't know if this is the right show to do it. I don't think I know – I don't think that the people – remember when I was talking about Nicole Carroll the other day and I said that there's been a whole change, a rotation? So she was there, and I'm pretty sure I could be wrong by one – Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay. Stand by, people. Let me just say this while i call matt suza um uh and find out and i just need a little counseling here really quick uh um remember what i told you the other
Starting point is 02:13:36 day but basically nicole carroll worked there and every everyone in in the c-suite all the executives have all changed once since she's been there so So basically think of it like she worked there when Greg worked there, she quit. They hired her back with Rosa and a bunch of people at the helm. Then they fired Dave. I think everyone in every major position basically around her has shifted and she survived it. Right?
Starting point is 02:13:57 Rightfully so. I just need to put Sousa's phone number in here on speed dial. Oh, connected. Okay. I was going to call and tell you, I don't think Don knows how the people who, I don't think he's looked into the history of the media department, and so he doesn't know
Starting point is 02:14:25 what he has in there you know what I mean like it's like if I went over to Caleb's house and I wouldn't know that he got all his dogs from the pound or that they have a history of biting people hello hello
Starting point is 02:14:40 I'm so sorry about how I always have to do this with the phone this sucks I don't know what I should do I don't know if I should get a new roadcaster I don't know if it's the roadcaster's fault or if it's the compatibility I just don't fucking know
Starting point is 02:15:03 is that the safe word 1999 yeah i think mandy spiegel started that is that oh here we go here we go he's calling hi oh i know what you're doing hi i get it but you mean because of what we've been talking about the last couple days the my my? Yeah, you think I should take a chill on CrossFit? Yeah, no. There was a lot of things swirling.
Starting point is 02:15:33 It was a good ending. Okay. Okay. You can leave it for next time. Okay. I hear you. I just called you and told you yesterday that I feel like I need to temper myself a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:52 Because I don't want to burn any bridges. I'm happy with my relationship. Yeah, yeah. We just got to tread lightly, you know? Okay. It's a big episode. There'll be a lot of people watching this one. Anyone who – Will knows the story I was about to tell. I think you should hook up the phone wired to the Rodecaster so you don't have to worry about the Bluetooth. you know okay big episode there'll be a lot of people watching this one uh anyone who will knows
Starting point is 02:16:05 the story i was about to tell i think you should hook up the phone wired to the roadcaster so you don't have to worry about the bluetooth oh will you know what's crazy about that when it's hooked up physically will to it i think you either lose the ability to call out or to receive calls but one of the abilities vanishes or else i would have what do you think that's true well i know that sounds so weird but i think i think i read that will knows the story i was about to tell i was you know what i was gonna i was gonna tell the story about how the people who are currently employed in the media department got their jobs and if you heard that or if don heard that you would i was gonna tell like the whole story like I've never told it. And good story.
Starting point is 02:16:46 Yeah. You've heard it a half dozen times. Yeah. Yes. It is truly bizarre. But I don't think Don knows that. I think Don came in. Imagine.
Starting point is 02:17:03 Okay. I'll give you a metaphor. dawn came in imagine okay i'll give you a metaphor imagine like um i had this kangaroo and i put a wig on it and makeup on it and i dressed it up as a human and it was in my kitchen cooking and then caleb came over and i introduced and i introduced uh caleb to it as my wife and and caleb and i were friends for the next five years and he just never knew because but but suza suza knew that i used to have a kangaroo because he knew me before i dressed the kangaroo up as my wife so he knows he's like so one day he tells caleb like five years after caleb's been my friend you know that his wife's a kangaroo Caleb's like what he's like yeah he used to have a kangaroo
Starting point is 02:17:46 and he put a wig on it and that's not really a human being or his wife it's just his pet kangaroo that's what happened so Don came to the company and there used to be kangaroo and now it has a wig on it Don thinks
Starting point is 02:18:03 it's someone's wife yeah is that good? yeah that was good maybe you gotta let Don know that there's a bunch of kangaroos around you know I don't think it's my place just tell him that
Starting point is 02:18:18 yeah maybe he'll figure it out he's a smart guy it's probably becoming more clear alright Maybe he'll figure it out. He's a smart guy. It's probably becoming more clear. All right. Sevan's wife is a horrible cook and keeps punching me. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:18:44 Wow. Robbie Myers DEI counsel became the marketing department. Hey, if you let the DEI counsel do any hiring, if you let HR be involved in hiring, you will get an entire company that's DEI. Did you hear that, Susan, did you hear that Brian Mulvaney is now fighting with Bud Light? Brian Mulvaney, Dylan Mulvaney. Is he? How? He's upset that they didn't go to bat for him, that they left him out to dry.
Starting point is 02:19:14 That's hilarious. That's crazy. All right. Thank you. That's good advice. I appreciate the 1999 comment. Yeah. We got lots of shows coming up. We got – okay that's right okay okay great show all right bye bye bye all right um all right i guess i'm gonna um get off the phone here drop a deuce and um
Starting point is 02:19:43 get into my thread and see if i can patch things up between people thanks dad all right you demand caleb good seeing you uh are you here tomorrow yeah i should be here tomorrow okay um uh if we don't i'll look for a guest again for tomorrow like a quick guest like someone who's like easy like o'keefe and um if not we'll just do a live call and show tomorrow sweet all right brother uh everyone good seeing you guys uh see you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m pacific standard time the seven podcast uh thank you oh shit i meant to tell o'keefe that he should have sammy do birth fit get in contact with the birth fit people oh yeah son of a bitch.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Why did I fuck that up? Drink less paper street coffee. Take a break from the peptides and go to birth fit. And then after you have the baby, then you can go back to the coffee and the peptides. Damn. Robbing liars. Duh.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Shit. The chat mentioned that. Thanks. That's good. That's good. That's good. I'm not just saying that just because I really believe because birth hits a sponsor. I believe in them. They're fucking that's the shit. That's the ideal.
Starting point is 02:21:01 If you're a woman, I guess if you're a man too, but you want your wife to go to meet those people. If you want your baby to have an incredible support team to coming out of the vagina onto planet Earth, man, you want to talk to the birth fit people. And that entry onto planet Earth is important for a baby. Yeah, oi. Oi is right.
Starting point is 02:21:32 Screwed that up. Shit. I'll just text, I'll text O'Keefe. He should have Sammy get in touch with the birth fit people. All right. Let me go. Oh, I'm'm gonna go do my peptides now cause I didn't do them last night good call
Starting point is 02:21:52 alright buh bye

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