The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | I Am Light & Acceptance #903

Episode Date: May 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear, run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Miles.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Bam, we're live. Good morning, Barry. Good morning, Bruce. Good morning, Fergie. Good morning, Eric. Good morning, Phillip. Good morning. Good morning, California Hormones.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Good morning, Paper Street Coffee. Good morning, Trish. Good morning, Chris. It's like that show Romper Room. I like saying good morning to all you guys. Paulina, good morning. Good morning. Fergie, good morning. Tyler, good morning. Eaton Beaver, good morning. Bruce Wayne, hi, good morning. Again, Travis B. Vindicate, get your CEO shirt. God, more and more CEO shirts. I'm seeing them on Instagram. I may look different to you today because I have this ring light.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Hiller had told me off air that it actually doesn't do anything. He's seen it. He's talked to me when it's on and he's talked to me when it's off. He's like, hey, dude, there's no difference. I just turned it up like full blast. don't know full blast might not be the right word but I cranked it up and uh I think I look different a brighter um so there we go wow I'm looking at the Sevan podcast cell phone. It's like crazy how many messages and texts actually come in. I've never looked at these.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Wow. Okay. It's interesting. Here's one. Sevy, I don't comment ever, but i saved the live calling number are you podcasting at all this week oh that this must have been old this must be from the youtube we were off of youtube how crazy um we love hearing from you sebi okay thank you i dm'd you sevan with a workout. All right. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, there's shitloads of texts on here. Okay. I have to check this more often. Or not. Good morning. I have shared the phone number, the live calling phone number with my homie, Mr. Greg Glassman. So he may be coming on today.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I know there were two shows scheduled this morning um that was just uh an error on our part i think one of them got uh pulled down uh 44 today savvy looking forward to a good show good morning uh patrick anderson happy birthday dude 44 that's good solid age solid solid age uh siren was crn wall tried to watch the disc golf today but couldn't really see it in action you know i think that it would look uh crazy better if we didn't do that show live because when we do it live um that's when we get all that stuttering on the uh on the video jordan gravat uh tattooed media hey good morning jordan good to see you dude uh jordan and i worked at um crossfit for many many many many many years together in the media department crazy good to see you dude uh
Starting point is 00:04:21 jody lynn good morning the burpee dude buenos dias Lynn, good morning. The burpee dude. Buenos dias. Buenos dias. Good morning. Barry McCockner. Or we can remove disc golf altogether. No issue here. God, you're so easy.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You're so, all you are so easy. You were willing to give up the great Frisbee golf show. How kind of you. Oh, yeah, that would make the show better. Jeff throw Cardona. He uses bad words like my little kid. What's up, dick bitches? That doesn't work. What are you, four? Dick bitches?
Starting point is 00:04:55 What's up, dick bitches? It's okay. Using profanity as an art, and there no shame in uh at 62 not having mastered the art like me um you should replace it with protag hey it's whatever uh brian wants listen it's whatever brian wants no my kids don't oh i haven't heard my kids say dick bitches but i i wouldn't be surprised if i did um hear them there it is now the show can start here we go seven looking good this morning surprised if I did hear them. There it is. Now the show can start. Here we go. Sevan, looking good this morning. David Weed, hi, how are you? Good morning. You want to play that game, huh? I, yeah, you want to play that game, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:51 Here we go. How about this? We start the show with this this morning. This is a candid, in the wild video of a man who is experiencing Dylan Mulvaney for the first time. Here we go. Action. You ready for me? Great. I'm Dylan Mulvaney. My pronouns are she, they. How about that? How about that? Hi there. You ready for me? Great. I'm Dylan Mulvaney. My pronouns are she, they. Hi there. Oh, you're ready for me? Great.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm Dylan Mulvaney. My pronouns are she, they. I do not condone violence. I do not condone violence. I don't even know if that was violence. Sevan, you are truly looking like the guy at the park whose sack falls out of his shorts while doing yoga. I don't know. That is not true. Seema Beaver. Yes, please. I'd love to. Jets mastered the only two sexes. Dick bitches is excellent. Jets mastered. Jets mastered. Jets mastered. Jets
Starting point is 00:06:59 mastered. Oh, Jethro. Got it. I knew eventually it would come to me just throws mastered uh the only two sexes dick bitches is excellent okay all right i see it i see what you did all right um heidi sadly that triggered me uh yeah it's just an incredible uh no it is a hi there you're ready for me great i'm dylan mulv. My pronouns are she, they... And that's it. Dude, that's a crazy punch. That's a crazy punch. I wouldn't have thought that that would be possible to do that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He actually... He kind of folds that computer up a little bit. Anyway. He's triggered he's he's he's uh that's uh that's for david that's the that's for david i thought i thought david would like that my goodness holy cow but please be clear. I do not condone violence in any way. You guys know I am a huge fan of accents. A couple days ago, the last live-in show, we focused in on some Asian accents. And those are nice. And you guys know I'm a huge fan of the English accent.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And some of those people, that island that's by um england what's the other little island the starts with an i ireland sometimes you talk to those people you can't even understand what they're saying uh so um the anyway anyway here is um here's another accent that is oh here we go we won't be doing any accents. Hey, good morning. How are you? I'm good. Do you do any accents, Greg?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Do you have any? Can you do an Indian guy or a Mexican guy? You know what? I think I've nailed a guy, a white guy of excess privilege raised in the suburbs in the 70s accent. I mean, I got that fucking just hammered. Fair enough. Fair enough, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I, when I was a little kid, I would do... The performing arts aren't my thing. I got that out of my sister's basket. Oh. If I have to stand in front of a crowd, I can pop, but beyond that, I watch people dance, and I'm like, man, that's why I don't dance.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm easily embarrassed by other people. And faking accents and shit, that's just not my thing. Do you like it? What was the guy's name when we were younger? He was huge. Something Little. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Rich Little. Rich Little. Did you like him as a kid? All the crazy accents he could do? Yeah. He was amazing. Amazing. Actually, my father took me to see him.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Hughes had him out for an event when I was a kid. They brought him to the Hughes Management Club and I got to go see Rich Little. My dad was a fan. Yeah, now they bring out Colin Kaepernick to speak at events like that, but when you were younger, they brought out Rich Little. I don't mind listening to him.
Starting point is 00:10:19 He's not bothersome. He's interesting. Who, Colin Kaepernick? Yeah. I think he's batshit crazy. Yeah, maybe, but listen, I like listening to Kamala Harris. I think I've heard her speech several times.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I get fucking crazy joy out of that. I guess I understand that. I mean, you've got to ask yourself, how could someone be that obvious and fucking stupid and nobody seems to notice? I think that people... Illiteracy doesn't make you stupid. A lack of awareness of events doesn't make you stupid.
Starting point is 00:10:55 What she has is genuine stupidity. Listen to her on 10 Diagram. Holy cow. I could listen to that all day long. I would be happy with her as president, unless they did never let her get on TV. But I can just listen to that. You think she has any chance of getting elected?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Exactly. Oh, elected. Yeah, I think the Republicans put Trump up there and there's a reasonable chance that he'll be beaten, and I think Joe's on his last legs. Hey, do you think something is – I was thinking the other day that – and maybe this is just arrogant on my part, but it's crazy that people I know and love who are closely dear to me and close to me don't have even an iota of understanding of what I believe that something's wrong with Joe. I think Joe has dementia or Alzheimer's. Do you think that? Yeah, you know...
Starting point is 00:11:54 I mean that seriously. I'm not trying to take shots at him. No one's supporting Joe in one of those concepts. I don't think anyone really believes in any of that shit. I think that these are people that don't think about politics
Starting point is 00:12:09 but react and take a stand. I was trying to explain that people hold leftist, Marxist, socialist woke notions. They hold them because they feel it confers upon them
Starting point is 00:12:26 something that they're otherwise lacking. And it's kind of a fashion thing. So it's like a guy that wears Hawaiian shirts. Oh, nothing but Hawaiian shirts. It's not an intellectual thing. That isn't a conclusion someone seems to. It's a way they feel when they look in the mirror with that fucking Hawaiian shirt on.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And what they think is, oh, I look good now. Look at me. It doesn't matter if anyone else sees it or not. But the fact is, there's a lot of people that are, and I'm not anti-Hawaiian shirt. At least Hawaiians don't think that. But it's a fashion thing for them. And it's not amenable to discussion or logic or reason at all. They're not going to go there. And so you're not going to talk to someone out of Hawaiian church. You tell them, hey, you look like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:13:11 They don't believe that. They just look familiar. They look pretty good. They look pretty good. And so it's a feel-good thing. And it's virtue signaling. We've got a lot of names for it, but you know it. It's not a medical discussion.
Starting point is 00:13:30 What do you think could change someone from having this notion, and I hear this a lot, is just like, hey, I just don't like Trump, to maybe red-pilling them and then getting them to think, how is that a defense on what's going on on the left? Well, you know, listen, I have never liked trump or still don't like him um first time he ran against hillary i had waited my whole life to vote against hillary clinton and i couldn't do it because he ran that fucking guy and and and also i didn't think he had a snowball chance in hell and so i wasn't gonna throw away a vote and you know i mean just i didn't want to vote for something I didn't like, only to have them lose, right?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Sure. And I also thought that the notion of deep state was probably nonsense. And what I got to learn under him is not only do we have deep state, we've got deep health. How do you like that? Yeah. And let me give you a little background. I mean, you and I, we've long been Howard Stern's long, but
Starting point is 00:14:25 several decades. And there were a couple of things that would get me to change the station. And it was pretty clear what that was. One is the scatological humor. Something's wrong with me. Fart, piss, and shit just aren't funny
Starting point is 00:14:42 to me. You don't like poop humor. Fecal humor is not your thing. Scatological humor isn't funny to me. You don't like poop humor. Fecal humor is not your thing. Statological humor isn't funny to me. And I don't have disdain for people. But it's like when people make jokes about fart, shit, and piss, I think of farting, shitting, and pissing, and it's not something I enjoy. So I would change the station. There's only so much of that I can handle.
Starting point is 00:15:04 With fart man, I was good for one fart and I'm gone. Or they'd say, here's a Fartman and I'd go back to lithium or something. Right? But the other thing was Howard Stern's most frequent guess, and that was Donald Trump. And I thought
Starting point is 00:15:22 his lack of intelligence was abundantly clear. I thought his oversized ego was abundantly clear. I thought his inability to tell the truth about almost anything was abundantly clear. And so I would change the station. So too much pissed shit and farting and any Donald Trump and I'm gone. And now what is he's running against the
Starting point is 00:15:47 woman that I thought was horrible for the country. Well, you run through that first term and if I evaluate the guy, not his tweets, forget the tweeting. What I was looking at is
Starting point is 00:16:03 appointments, positions, policies, and in that sense, he worked for me. And so next time he comes around, easy vote to do. You just got to hold your nose and make that mark and leave, right? And that requires a certain amount of sophistication. What you have to do is put your personal preferences, maybe even issues of character, I don't want to belabor the point too much,
Starting point is 00:16:34 but you put those things aside and you ask, what's good for the country? And the truth is that against this Marxist woke nonsense that Biden is, I don't even think he's a brave man. I think someone's in control of the guy. But the positions that he is supporting are anathema to everything that I believe in and that made this country great
Starting point is 00:16:58 and the best place in the world to live, including on the subject of race. We could get into the DEI nonsense later, which I find to be highly unethical, racist, so many problems with it. I don't know where to start. But it's a hard thing to look around that and vote for someone.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I'll tell you what, I'd vote for Scott Peterson over Biden right now. You know who Scott Peterson is? He's sitting in prison for everywhere he belongs. I'd rather he be president than Joe Biden. So there's something about Trump's demeanor
Starting point is 00:17:38 or posture. Not demeanor, not postural. No, it's the fact that he's not very smart. He's got an out-of-control ego, and he's an inveterate liar. That's what bothers me. I'm not even impressed with his business record, but that happened long before he became president.
Starting point is 00:18:04 What was the word you used? Inveterate? Inveterate liar? Yeah, inveterate. Having a particular habit, activity, or interest. Oh, okay. Long established, unlikely to change. Deeply ingrained in him. It's his natural thing to tell a big fucking lie.
Starting point is 00:18:19 But on the other side, his appointees and the people he puts in power around him, you do approve of that? I think his basic instincts are hostile to socialism, but I think he's put people around him that share those views. I like Pompeo. Right, right. For instance. I like Pompeo. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:18:44 For instance. Richard Brazda, so excited to hear what Greg has to say today. Bring a broken science meeting to Nashville. You know, let's see how this goes. June 3rd on the ranch. It feels right to me. You know, I was really impressed with the CrossFitters that came to Hillsdale College and I'm comfortable speaking with the overwhelming majority
Starting point is 00:19:09 of that community. We have a lot in common and let's see. If I don't have any fun on the third, there won't be another one, but this is looking good for me. I mean, we got the mariachis lined up. We've got the taco guy coming.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And I know what I want to talk about. I simplified the message so I think that I can explain to any man, not every man, but any man. It's probably worth talking about it sometime, my notion of any man. You have to be sitting there willing to listen, right? That's a rare thing. But I think those people exist in the CrossFit community, and I'm ready to present to them.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And as fun as it feels in anticipation, I would do these regularly. That's my hope. I mean, I'm really hopeful. I don't mean to sound all iffy on it, but I don't want to promise anything, and I'm not going to schedule another one until I'm like, man, that is cool. I've got to have that sense of this one. Those 101s we did and the Soda Tour was that way and
Starting point is 00:20:09 the Soda Tour was really effective. I mean by the fourth or sixth stops, I was being sued by the NSDA for calling them soda whores. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember. And that was a remarkably fruitful effort.
Starting point is 00:20:28 They sued me for calling him Soda Horse. And it's funny because my attorneys were saying, well, we don't even know what he means by a horse. I said, yeah, I'm glad to explain that. Oh, that's not a problem. But we then, because they sued me and Russ Green and CrossFit, it made it so that we could go through discovery. And what we asked for was emails between them and between the NSCA and SOTA. And they said they weren't on.
Starting point is 00:20:58 We produced some. And the judge says, OK, you've caught a lie, just like you did in the federal case. So what we're going to do now is have a forensic examination of your servers. And it turns out not only was it a lie that they didn't have correspondence with SOTA, but there was 1.3 million points of interaction with them in SOTA, including the NFCA asking their friends at Gatorade to fix the Pepsi lawyers on these assholes. And so that was one of the great all-time legal blunders. They ended up dropping the case, by the way, because of the 1.2 million emails.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But where am I going? I do want to say this to anyone who's listening. Where am I going? I do want to say this to anyone who's listening. The difference between when Greg talks and then when someone who's woke talks is when someone who woke talks, you're just finding one thing to hold on to. Greg just told the story that was so dense with information and there's so much shit to unpack. There's one really fucking crazy component in that story that always blows me away. And let me see if I can repeat it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Greg basically was – they were in a – NSCA and CrossFit were in a lawsuit already. And when Greg called them soda whores, they, and that was a federal case or a state case, Greg? They should be in California. We were in federal court in San Diego, and we ended up in state court in San Diego. And they made this crazy
Starting point is 00:22:22 assumption that the federal judge wouldn't have any awareness of what was happening in the state case and vice versa, and boy, that played out exactly wrong. And so they had been judged in an inference sanction to the NSCA by the federal judge as being perjurers, named them by name, said that the conduct was the most egregious she'd seen in 25 years on the bench. Then we got to the state court and they started lying again and it quickly was revealed
Starting point is 00:22:49 that one of the people being deposed in the state case admitted to lying in the federal case. And so she is on her next appearance pronounced them perjurers which is incredible. I mean, that's a claim by a federal judge
Starting point is 00:23:06 of of felonious behavior and uh but but anyway that was a blunder and i don't even know why we were talking about that what's crazy about that case is they there's tons of things but they greg sued them they thought that they would fucking uh get tough and puffy chested and sued Greg and Russ Green. And basically the testimony started conflicting. And they in one in one of the cases, they said that certain things didn't exist. And yet they actually presented them in other cases document in the other case, the documents. And at that point, the two judges spoke and Greg's lawyer had put it together. And the whole thing unraveled for them right i mean they spoke or their or their
Starting point is 00:23:45 clerk spoke or they were followed by native interests we were never apprised this is a mechanism of of realization but it was made clear when we got to court that she knew that i think it was sinea that their head of certification admitted in the state court having lied to her in the federal case right around the corner. And so, yeah. And what was interesting there is they dropped the case as fast as they could. The email showed up at Ernst Young. They're the ones who did the forensic evaluation.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And how did we learn of the case being dropped? We learned from Lanny Davis, a Clinton attorney, Clinton Foundation attorney. Look him up. He's a scumbag. Someone from one of the magicians called him a manure in a suit. Yeah, sludge, right? Right, like horse sludge in a suit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Unbelievable lawyer. Just look him up. But we found out from Lanny Davis, and he called up and he goes, I don't represent the NHCA or anyone else involved in the case, but I'm friends with people in the case. And we couldn't figure out, you know, why are you here?
Starting point is 00:24:58 And he was here to settle the case. For whom, we don't know. I think you can surmise. I mean, look what's going on here. I called them soda whores. They sued me. for whom we don't know. I think you can surmise. I mean, look what's going on here. I've called them soda whores. They sued me. They said they had no correspondence with Soda.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It turned out they had 1.2, 1.3 million emails. Is that a few? A lot? What do you call that? They had a few million. And so the case gets dropped. And who do I hear from? An attorney who works on a cash only $150,000 a month basis.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Look, the NSCA didn't have the money to hire these guys. And to believe that Lanny Davis is friends with someone at the NSCA is a laughable notion to me. I've met those guys. They don't hang out with that kind of person. But when Lanny met with my attorneys in New York, with my wife and Washington's attorney, he threatened me. And he said that he didn't think the settlement was going to be worth more north of his worth, north of $100 million. And I was like, wow, first time we'd ever heard a price tag on it. But we weren't looking for money. I made clear to the courts, to my attorneys, to anyone that had listened, that the currency
Starting point is 00:26:03 of victory in these cases is light. That only the truth can rectify what they have done, tried to do, to my affiliates. The currency of victory is light. And we even got the judge to repeat that at one point. We made it clear that's what we wanted.
Starting point is 00:26:20 so now I've got an attorney of unknown origins and considerable fame trying to settle this thing. But what he said is that there's an easy way and a hard way to do this thing. And my attorney, um, Blair is a first name. Oh, said, uh, you know, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a New York Irish guy. That sounds like a threat. And he says, oh, no, no, no. You're a litigator. You know how it is. You can draw it out. So I go, what was it? He goes, I was a threat. And you're being threatened. And so I chose the hard way. And I think
Starting point is 00:27:03 that played no small role in where we're all at today, especially me. But in terms of my involvement in that case and the settlement, the sale and all that, I got a great outcome. Hey, the jet. I found myself nudged to a position that was better than what I was able to engineer for myself and my family. How do you like that? Yeah, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I was going to, I was going to, I was going to tie at the pulpit, you know, I was going to defend this thing to my last breath. And, uh, at the point that it became clear that the community was less interested in me doing that. Um, you know, I mean, look, let's just talk about what his schedule is. She said, cry and telling me she'd get me $45 million. And I'm, I'm, I've got to find that recording. I've got to find that recording. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, it was, it was epic.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Wonderfully and sincere. The tears were motivated by some kind of guilt, I suspect, but who knows. Hey, Greg, the judge basically said – I forget what this is called, but the judge basically said that, hey, when this goes to trial, the jury will not be deciding whether the NSCA is guilty or not, which is kind of unheard of. What the jury will be deciding is uh what the damages are and what the payout is and could you explain that and then also explain how you say you stopped it you're like no we're not done with the case yet the judge is like you won already and you're like no we're not done i don't know about that part but listen we asked her to dismiss the case because it's obviously it's obvious they were lying and had lied.
Starting point is 00:28:47 This is all public record, by the way. Anyone with the interest can look this shit up. And I think we may even have it on the broken science page, because it is an instance of scientific misconduct, museum-grade specimen of scientific misconduct, preserved in a giant jar of fucking formaldehyde for all the world to see forever it's a wonderful wonderful thing including dr moran the phd jd uh world's preeminent bioethicist including her evaluation of the whole thing stunning um but uh we asked her to dismiss the case and she came back she says no i'm not going to dismiss it. She said, here's what I am going to do.
Starting point is 00:29:26 In adverse inference sanctions, she warned us that they faked a study, that they lied about it, that the science was fraudulent, that they perjured themselves, that they intended to do harm, that it did do harm, that they disseminated this material in the form of their journal across state lines. I mean, everything we fucking wanted to prove in front of a jury, she gave to us. And this would be the jury's instructions on the start of the trial.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So my attorneys go, there's only one thing left, and that's damages. So we were handed a victory without a dismissal. And truth is, it took us all of a half hour to realize we got something way better than a dismissal. Way better. We got something consistent with the currency of victory's life.
Starting point is 00:30:15 She is a pretrial inference sanction gave us everything I wanted to say and show about them. And all we were going to do is go to court and figure out what they would do to pay us. And I had told my attorney, if you give me $300 million, but I got to keep my mouth shut, we lost. If I get $5, we get to talk about this case, we won.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And what happened with the new ownership? They settled in silence and secrecy. And so they lost the case by my standards. By my standards. And that's what I was referencing when I said that the judge, you weren't ready to settle the case even though you won. You wanted to dig more and get more of the truth. I was ready to settle the case. Oh, you were.
Starting point is 00:31:04 But that settlement was going to include a recap of what happened. We were doing that in 2020. We were running on the website. By 2020, the number of people that had the
Starting point is 00:31:19 interest and the capacity to pay attention to this thing was probably 5% of the community. But no, it was going swimmingly well. And all that remained to be done was put the final stamp on the case, and then it was time to make a movie about this damn thing. Because what we were able to show is just the twin pillars of academic sports medicine and fitness.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It's twin pillars of bullshit for all. Absolutely. NSCA and the ACSM. And by the way, there's still soda whores. And how did I come up with that? How did I come up with that? Well, they were spending money on anti-CrossFit efforts. on anti-CrossFit efforts. Look, 23, 24
Starting point is 00:32:04 instances of legislation in both houses of 11 or 12 states over a decade that were designed to criminalize CrossFit training exactly as...
Starting point is 00:32:19 It didn't pass, but each year it got closer and closer and closer. We as the Podesta organization, I each year it got closer and closer and closer. And, like, we used the Podesta organization. I know what it costs to lobby something like that. And so someone had a smooth $100 million to spend over a decade to target CrossFit. And the perfect instance of that was the very bit of legislation that did make it through in the district of Columbia, NBC. And in fact, we were able, with some wonderful guidance through the Podesta organization, and more importantly, through the support of, I think it was 23 affiliates in the D.C. area,
Starting point is 00:33:02 we were able to steamroll that thing back and get it undone. And the Wall Street Journal, I think it was on the day that the Israeli prime minister was killed, but it was his decision because it kind of seemed to push things in the headlines. But the Wall Street Journal said it was only the sixth or seventh time in the history of occupational licensure that a bill had been reversed. And two or three of those cases had subsequently been implemented again. But it was a historic... In D.C. or in the United States when you say implemented again? In the United States. There were some occupational licensures that got reversed and then reinstated.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Oh, okay. occupational licenses that got reversed and then reinstated. Oh, okay. That occupational licensure, no one's licensing occupations to improve anyone's safety, health, any of that kind. It's not done for that. That kind of regulatory capture, it's all about regulatory capture.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Occupational licensure is done to protect vested interests. And they were, the NSCA and the ACSM, were the vested interests. Greg, I'm going to read some comments here. When you come on the show, people start throwing money at me. It's fun. Marco Calderon, Greg is our good-looking version of Yoda. Greg, in Stockton, California, is home of Justin Medeiros, or maybe it's Lodi, California.
Starting point is 00:34:34 That's the two-time CrossFit Games champion. His mom just commented in the comments, Greg, I'll see you at the ranch. Have you ever met Justin, Greg? Which Justin? Justin Medeiros, the current CrossFit Games champion. I don't think,
Starting point is 00:34:48 I don't believe I have. Okay, well his, it sounds like his mom and dad are coming down to the ranch. He is a great kid, dude. He, I love this story of him.
Starting point is 00:34:56 In high school, he went one and 49 in his first wrestling, 50 wrestling matches, lost 49 of them. And, and it stuck with it. Yeah, good. That's signs of a good mom and dad, huh? 50 wrestling matches. Lost 49 of them. And stuck with it. Yeah, that's signs of a good mom and dad, huh? Yeah, yeah. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Trish, in the comments, Greg, you said that there are battles we can't win, but we can inoculate anyone. Is there a universal experience that leads a person to desire for inoculation, loss, fear, competition? By the way, Greg, I love you.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Trish. Thank you, Trish. I don't know if I can give good answers to that. But let me talk about, you know, not winning a war but fighting a good fight. winning a war but fighting the good fight. It was often suggested to me, often by academics that had become allies, I was presented on the radio with plans to change the world. Man, everyone's going to be fit and they're going to quit eating sugar and we're going to win.
Starting point is 00:36:01 We're on the path. And I never felt that. I never sensed that. And if I had been asked to bet on whether we were going to be successful in getting the whole world to encross it, I'd say, hell no. But, you know, for me, it's kind of like you're standing on a corner and there's a sweet old lady in front of you holding a bag of kitty litter. That's always my old lady example. I use that to educate doctors on the deadlift and the press and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Remember the thing was, no one should be deadlifting. I go, okay, but lady buys some cat litter, goes up the stairs, wants to unlock the door. She wants to put the kitty litter down, unlock the door, and pick it back up. You tell me that's not cool. You don't want to ask her. I go, what's the deadlift? off the building to pick it back up. You tell me that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:36:43 You don't want to ask her. I go, what's the business? Anyways, I got this old lady, my proverbial old lady with the kitty litter stand on the corner, and she steps off as the bus is coming, and I grab her wife to save all old ladies on corners everywhere. No, no, it's not that. It's that it's not everyone, it's anyone. And you've got someone right in front of you, take care of them.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And I approach fitness that way. What I can do is if you'll listen, if you'll try, and if you'll come back, we can have together, I can be a docent to your experience, to you having a wonderful transformation. And you just have to have faith in me and yourself long enough to just show up for a few weeks and let's see what happens. And what happened is that N of one was writ large to an N of one times, what, a million? A million and a half?
Starting point is 00:37:36 And that's as good, I think, as a victory to get. And that is something you want to hold on to. And that is the thing that there's a reasonable chance of losing. I'm seeing the badge sliding on nutrition. Low-fat diets are being promulgated, touted in my news feed. It's just like every fucking day. And again, it's like it's all over again. We're going through this all over again.
Starting point is 00:38:02 And what's happening is the food and beverage industry is very comfortable right now. And it's a great time to pass off any kind of horseshit. Great time. You got, you know, fraudulent Alzheimer's research. I mean, all this stuff. Educanumab, the ultimate drug. Look at that train wreck. How could this have happened right under our noses
Starting point is 00:38:26 but it's a good time the intellectual chaos is everywhere and it's a great time to pass that stuff on but I don't, with the broken science, are we going to fix broken science? Fuck no, I just don't see it I just don't see it
Starting point is 00:38:41 it's way too profitable, way too entrenched and what they've got is the multitudes talking about shit like believing in the science. Can you imagine that? The science. Well, they told you, ah, it's not good. The religion
Starting point is 00:38:57 says you don't do that. The one's even bad, and I, by the way, that's a Matt Griggs observation. I was embarrassed that I hadn't noticed it too. But you don't, once someone tells you about it, you're going to be hearing a lot about the science. Greg, so I want to switch subjects here real quick.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Do you remember, you remember the morning chalk up, right? And Justin LaFranco, those guys? Yeah. Something's happened over there. He's the guy that said we had 4,000 affiliates leave or something, right? Because of me? I don't recall, but I am not a fan. I am not a fan.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But I think something has happened over there. He has kind of vanished from the scene. Are you up to speed on anything oh that's good that's going on over there what what no i haven't heard i haven't even heard morning chalk up mentioned in a long time okay because they had all their all their like you know five or six of their people left the the few people that are over there left now uh one of them especially i've um you know made acquaintances with maybe even a little bit more, and I like them now. I'm just trying to figure out exactly what's going on over there.
Starting point is 00:40:11 There was a gal over there. I don't remember her name, but Emily contacted me, friends with her, and she came to the broken science event. Oh, yeah. That was Lauren. Yeah. Since then, that girl's left. Okay. So that girl split. Yeah. Since then that girl's left. So, so that, that girl split. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I was just wondering if you, yeah, I'm not, I'm not sure what the, what the morning chocolate is. It seems like kind of this, um, Quango, you know, quasi quasi non-governmental organization. They feel like that in terms of the relationship to CrossFit, I don't, I don't know that that's not the mouthpiece end of CrossFit or not. Right. I would be surprised if a token monetary contribution didn't inoculate the mothership from ever having anything reported negative again. I don't know that – that would make sense to me. I had suspected that there was something – there was a guy over there, and I think you met him also, Andrew Weinstein, that was working closely with Justin, there was definitely some shenanigans going on. I don't know what they were,
Starting point is 00:41:28 but I had suspected that they had bought some ad space over there that was somehow making it that Morning Chalk Up had bent the knee to CrossFit as well. I have no proof of that, but I had suspected it. J.R. Howell, the owner of CrossFit. I want to be careful about CrossFit and what I say. about CrossFit and what I say. There's nothing to do with anything that limits me legally. It's that the company is on a course of their own choosing.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And I have some thoughts about that path. And I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't amused at the direction. And I would like the eventuality to speak to itself without me being a factor. And so, um, you know, look, you drive in the bus and every time you suck, you don't know how to drive a fucking bus.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And so you find out, okay, fuck you, you drive it. And if that person is to take the bus and run it into a crowd of people and into a building, there's no one that wouldn't find it on some level, a little satisfaction there.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And what I don't want to do is be seen as wrestling for the wheel as the new driver who thought my driving was so fucking bad, takes it into the building because you'll say I did it. Right. A hundred percent. Yeah. Hey, you've seen that video. It is what it is. It is what it is. Right. And the community got the leadership and the direction that the vocal elements in the community wanted.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And so here it is. You got a new way of doing things. Enjoy it. Um, it reminds me of that comedian. Primarily to games athletes and everyone except those in the business, you know, and what was the business? I mean, like poor fucking Tommy Marquez and, and Sean, they don't, they didn't realize that, you know, I had, look, I had, I had, uh, a Frazier go on Rogan, and I didn't listen to it.
Starting point is 00:43:53 But I was told that Rogan couldn't believe that Frazier had made me all this fucking money, and I didn't even say hi to him. had made me all this fucking money and i didn't even say hi to him and what it is amazing what matt and joe didn't realize is that i spent 25 million dollars a year of my own fucking money so that matt could make a million dollars a year do you know how easy it is for me to make you a million dollars if i give someone 25 million uh there was uh unfortunately it was more tragic than that it was more tragic than that. It was more tragic than that, his interview. He basically wounded all the affiliates. He took a subtle jab when he could have uplifted them.
Starting point is 00:44:31 It was very disappointing. It's pretty clear where his capacities are and where they aren't. He said he was nervous. In his defense, he said he was nervous. Yeah. I get that. I get that. He makes me nervous.
Starting point is 00:44:55 He was the fittest guy in the world. And what comes with that? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing of value. Nothing is valued. Nothing is important. You have to parlay it into something.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Well, that's right. You know, being an athlete is an opportunity to make a difference that matters. And you fucking being a 500-par golfer is not making a difference. You know? Right. And look, a professional athlete, you're playing a fucking game for a living, dude. You're worthless. And look, professionally, you're playing a fucking game for a living, dude. You're worthless.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Until you use that to inspire, create, nurture something of lasting value in others, particularly children, especially values, character. I've maintained, I wrote a thing, I had a column in the Santa Cruz Sentinel before I knew any of you and it was really fun to do I quit because I got angry with the Sentinel this is you know kind of pre-internet you know 95 not everyone was wired there were no iPhones way pre-internet
Starting point is 00:45:57 yeah and the fucking newspaper didn't even have a dictionary in the building I was like are you kidding me no one has a dictionary I couldn't believe that to be true. I still have trouble with it, accepting that. But I wrote up a column, and Emily has found these columns, pulled up from Microfish. Pre-internet, it didn't get interneted. But I wrote a thing that talked about the transference effect, and my point is
Starting point is 00:46:23 that the physical province province that is what happens in the gym is the easiest place to to impart and receive more important messages and so the intuitiveness the commitment the suffering the the sacrifice the i can do one more i gotta get up i gotta go i gotta be there This translates readily into values that are kind of patterns, paradigms for success in any venture, especially around character. And so until you do that,
Starting point is 00:46:53 I don't know why you're here. Compare a LeBron James to a David Robinson. And I don't even care about basketball, but I know enough about basketball to know who David Robinson is. Look at that. Just look up. Look at the two and look at how they've conducted themselves.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Right, right, right. I'm still pissed at LeBron for publishing the name and picture of that cop in the Columbus, Ohio shooting. He's a scumbag. Do the research there. It was a threat to every cop in the United States. Why do you think that people keep watching basketball after something like that happens?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Like for me, it's so- I watched last night, you know? Why? Why support the NBA when it's just openly fucking hostile To people like that It's a corrupt Woke organization why support them I lose myself in the moments
Starting point is 00:47:54 Of extraordinary athleticism I'm given naturally to sport And competition but the truth is I follow the Lakers In my Disdain for LeBron James and the things that he has done and said that are fundamentally indecent. That's my issue.
Starting point is 00:48:11 In fact, I've been talking with people about it. I would like to see an organization that gives teams a decency score. Like, hey, we're not rooting for your team because four of your starters are felons. Right. You know, I got a problem with that, right?
Starting point is 00:48:30 You got people playing football that hurt people at night in bars at 2 a.m. Steph Curry, who's woke as fuck, is building a $30 million home in Atherton
Starting point is 00:48:39 and he doesn't want any poor people anywhere near him. And he's trying to pass laws in the cities to keep it that way. And he says it's for the safety of his family. Yeah, and someone's going to turn around
Starting point is 00:48:49 and say, Greg's building a $30 million home in Scottsdale. He doesn't want poor people. Yeah, but you're not woke as fuck. But you're not woke as fuck. You're not doing needle exchange in San Francisco as long as it's out of your neighborhood. He is.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, I... No one it's out of your neighborhood. He is. Yeah, I... No one wants homeless people in their neighborhood. I'm not against him for that. I'm against him for the hypocrisy, that it's okay in the other neighborhoods, just not in his neighborhoods, because he has kids, and he's worried about them. I have a basketball...
Starting point is 00:49:23 There's a player, he's gone now, but he's a legend in my mind. There's a player. He's gone now, but he's a legend in my mind. That's Ines Cantor Freedom. What's his name? You know, he was in the Celtics center. Ines Cantor. Now he changed his name to Freedom after he got his citizenship. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:38 The giant Turkish guy. The Turkish guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It turns out not only was this guy good enough to play in the NBA, but he's bothered by organ harvesting of the unwilling. What do you think of that? He has a problem with slave labor with the treatment of the, of the wigger.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Yeah. He's got a problem with it. Yeah. Crazy. That's got a problem with it. Yeah, crazy. That's what values look like, huh? Seems like it to me. I'm bothered by organ harvesting. I'm bothered by enslaving a Muslim
Starting point is 00:50:17 population to process cobalt that was mined by children in deplorable conversations. And I mean, yeah, that, that bothers me.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I still have an iPhone, but you know, and if you'd all, if, if, if I would have an Android, if we could get rid of the green dot versus the blue dot problem, I have to buy iPhones for people so that they can communicate with me.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I had to get Dale Saron an iPhone so that he wouldn't goober up our chat. I do remember that. And I think Marshall also, you had to get him an iPhone. Yeah, yeah. All the lawyers. All the lawyers, you had to get them iPhones. Because otherwise they're on a droid or a blackberry of all things. And their chat comes up green instead of the ios blue and it
Starting point is 00:51:09 makes the setting of attachments and other things super difficult do you remember about two years ago there was a female comic this is going back to what you're saying about just crossfit you know you're just sitting back watching the decisions of some of the uh the vocal, the vocal people in the community have made and where it's got them. Do you remember this comedian two years ago? It was a female. She was wearing really tight pants and high heels. And she's like, basically like fuck Jesus and fuck you people who are anti-vax.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I've just took my fourth booster. God can't do shit to me. I need science. And then she passed out on the stage and banged her head off the ground. Do you remember that just in real time? Yeah. I mean, that just in real time? Yeah. I mean, that shit's crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And people thought she was joking and she wasn't, it's kind of like, uh, yeah, it's, um, those are, those are the kinds of things that you,
Starting point is 00:51:59 uh, maybe you are seeing in slow motion, uh, with CrossFit, uh, J. R. Howell, uh,ell, the owner of CrossFit Crash, huge fan of yours, Greg. He's a friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Great asset to the community. He says hello to you. Tom, everyone in this chat, Greg has changed our lives because of how he thinks. Please keep going and staying public, Greg. Well, thank you. You can find me from the safe haven of my broken science effort. I think I explained this last time we came on.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But, you know, I was in the fitness community training at Gold's Gym. And I thought it was interesting that no one thought that old ladies that are having trouble getting up and down out of the chair might have some benefit to squatting. The ever-increasing fascination with refined carbohydrates as a path to health had fully permeated the CDC and all of our health organizations. Everything was all carbs all the time. And I couldn't make sense of it. And I honestly thought for a while there I was just smarter than everyone else.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And so I went down that road, and what I learned through the NHS, through the ACSM, the line was, the discovery was, gee, all that's wrong is wrong on purpose. They're not stupid, but this is on purpose. And it doesn't matter. If you point to the worst thing in medicine and there's someone who's gone, no, this is actually very good. And so I read, killed hard on fitness and came to see that part of the problem in fitness lies with the health has the same damn problem. Medicine has the same problem. Public health has the same problem, especially public health, more so than even medicine,
Starting point is 00:53:52 which is also afflicted. And we had all these what I call experts on the mess and a fascinating group of individuals, Zoe Harcomb, Dr. Roche, Ravinskov, Jason Fong, all these wonderful people, brilliant people, Malcolm Kendrick. Gauthier. I see Malhotra, Peter Gauthier, and I'm going to leave someone out. I mentioned Zoe Harcomb, I hope. Who's the lady who passed, the brilliant lady who passed, the blonde-haired lady?
Starting point is 00:54:27 Sarah Halbert. Yeah, that was sad. Yeah, the medical director, I believe she was at Virta. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful person. Thomas Seyfried. Thomas Seyfried. I had a list of these people. We had 50 people out, and each of these people had something essential to offer.
Starting point is 00:54:43 The Eads. Eads, Michael and Mary Dan, thank you. had something essential to offer. I mean essential in the bio... The Eves, Michael and Mary Dan, thank you. There were a lot of them. But each of these people had something to offer. Oh, I'm going to take notes, for God's sake, dear friend. But each of these people had something important to offer, essentially, and I want to use that in the biological sense of they had information that was vital to optimal performance of the organization.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And yet the view was counter to the mainstream, not only counter, but there was media hostility to them. Look at the significance. Look, long before any kind of canceling of me or others happened, we had Malcolm Kendrick, Haseen Malhotra, and Zoe Harcone delisted from Wikipedia. Think of that. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That's crazy. Long before. But Hitler's still on there, and so is Osama bin Laden. It's crazy. How the fuck does Zoe Harcone get kicked off of Wikipedia? there and so is Osama bin Laden. It's crazy. How the fuck does Zoe Harcum get kicked off of Wikipedia? That is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I think it was the Daily Mail. I don't want to create problems. It wasn't the Mail, it was the Guardian. But the paper said that their impact, they likened it to being war criminals. To war criminals. The Guardian did that? I thought the Guardian was a good good rag I think it was the Daily Mail
Starting point is 00:56:08 I mean Zoe's doing God's work how the fuck does Zoe I mean she's just minding her own business over there but handling her business those three listed from Wikipedia if you listen to them have have more potency, more potential to positively impact people's health than anyone, anyone associated with government or the university.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Anyone. And here they are, delisted. anyone. And here they are delisted. It's kind of like Russian collusion. It's kind of like the fake Hunter Biden laptop. I mean, how many of these things are there now?
Starting point is 00:56:59 These vast right-wing conspiracies turn out in the end to be inconvenient truths. Thank you, Al Gore, for that wonderful bit of terminology. There's a whole bunch of misinformation, disinformation. I love malinformation. Malinformation is information that, while true, was designed to hurt. And I'm like, like ah this is the truth
Starting point is 00:57:26 hurts now you're going to rectify that by with lies that is explained indeed the other day and i think this was sharing with everyone like how did we get here how did we go from from things from things uh patently false uh and and universally known to be patently false and universally known to be patently false, how do we get to those now being the opposite of that as being a truth? And the road to this was political correctness. Let me just start with one piece. And you can play this game subject by subject by subject. For a generation, we were taught there's no difference between men and women. And even a four-year-old, I don't know, man. I kind of like playing with army men and throwing rocks.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And my sister is kind of like, she's more into it. I mean, any one kid, you see this thing, right? We go to the store and my little girl is begging for the pink cowboy boots, you know? And my seven-year-old wants a pocket knife so bad he can, it's killing him and his sisters don't know what the fuck that's about, he walks in on them watching Frozen and he looks at it and looks at me and looks at them and looks at me and looks at it and looks at them and looks at me
Starting point is 00:58:33 and his palms go up and his shoulders lift and he goes what the fuck is this Frozen stuff what is this and I said that's nothing, we didn't do that to him neither, and there's no difference between men and women. Fine, you know, I'll breastfeed. You go hunt for a mammoth for dinner, right?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Let's see how that works. These things, and one role isn't the lesser, greater. Their mom's role is vital. So is that. They're biologically not identical. That's just how that is. but we tell ourselves there is no difference between not genders between sexes there's no difference in the sexes and everyone with a brain knows that's not exactly true you know that you know it's not exactly true but what
Starting point is 00:59:18 i'm going to do for the sake of of of uh all getting along for the sake of decorum, I'm just going to let that go. And I know what you're trying to say, and I know what you mean. What you're advocating is equality of opportunity, perhaps. So I'll just let it go. But you've got a generation that believes there's no difference between the sexes, and that generation and a half later, 20 years, 35, 40 years later, becomes something patently absurd, like gender, they say. Gender, just 20 years ago, it was inappropriate to refer to gender
Starting point is 00:59:59 in terms of sex differences, being male and female. We don't speak about the gender of a fruit fly. You understand that? Yes. There's male ones and female. We don't speak about the gender of a fruit fly. You understand that? There's male ones and female ones. Now, since there's no difference between us, well, if there's no difference then why can't I be any either? All of them. Both. I'll change
Starting point is 01:00:18 day by day. That's ridiculous. I'll give you one more. It was hard fought to get people to understand that, you know, intelligent people never had a problem with this. But that is a man should be judged by the quality of his character, not the color of his skin. Right?
Starting point is 01:00:39 Right. And where does that, what does that morph into? It turns into that your character is determined by the color of your skin. It's crazy. You have debt, fault, and obligation based on your color. You have to pay for your sins in the form of what? Reparation. You have to pay for your sins in the form of what? Reparation. It's in violation of the fundamental tenets of Western civilization.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Am I a defender of Western civilization? Passionately so. Passionately so. I don't want to live like people do from other civilizations. My parents used to use that word around the house. That's not politically correct. And I never asked them, hey, why does that matter? It's a tool used for social engineering, like a social conformity. It's a form of bullying. It's the bridge from truth to absurdity and falsehood.
Starting point is 01:01:46 That's what it is, political correctness. That's how you get there. You're not going to – you can't – these notions are so patently false that it takes a generation of political correctness to even introduce some of the straight shakes. It used to be – it would be inappropriate in the past to ask someone, hey, were you hired for this job because you were a woman? The implication would be that you're not qualified. Now you're openly hired because of things like that,
Starting point is 01:02:14 because of your sex or your sexual orientation or the color of your skin. The whole script has been flipped. I find much of the logical arguments, and they're not logical, but they're presentative. So I find much of the rationale for diversity, inclusiveness, and equity, I find at its root, much of it patently racist. 100%. You know, it's such a strong the story runs so parallel. If you go around the bigotry of low expectations,
Starting point is 01:02:54 the translation is that you deeply believe that these people are inferior and without your help they'll never have anything. That's what's going on. Right. 100%. And I reject that notion.
Starting point is 01:03:09 I have some house cleaning to do, Greg. Sorry. Eaton Beaver, thanks for the money, man. Thank you, Sevan, for the platform and for keeping Greg in our lives. I have two questions for Greg. What does Greg think about the games deal with Monster Energy? I wouldn't have done business with coca-cola i mean i would have harnessed the games to to ding that company imagine imagine the horrors for me when i you know the acsm had their annual conference within walking distance of my home
Starting point is 01:03:40 in the solana beach had a long walk maybe maybe even a day's walk, but close enough. It was get in the car, get out of the car, you're there. And I go in, and what we're there is to see William Kramer, head of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. We're there to see him get his Lifetime Achievement Award, the PERS Award, the sock-puppeting fake science. William Kramer did his award. And by the way, he said that the burgers and I accosted him. What we did is say, hey, Dr. Kramer, can we get a photo?
Starting point is 01:04:12 That was the assault. But I get there, and I pick up. I get, because I paid to attend, and it was cool, because I had CrossFitters come up looking both ways and going, I know who you are. Keep doing what you're doing. I don't want to stand here. You know, give me a quick picture.
Starting point is 01:04:29 It was also weird, too, to see that the Vita, the dialysis people had wrapped buses bringing people to this event. wrapped buses bringing people to this event. But imagine the horrors of getting the ACSM manual. It was the first time I saw this exercises medicine thing where Coca-Cola was a proud founding sponsor.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And I come to learn that they are doing certifications in exercises medicine. In other words, the largest competitor to CrossFit, I discover, is soda. And it led me to believe that right now there are two forces in the fitness world. CrossFit is one. The American Beverage Association of Coke and Pepsi is another.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Both the platinum and gold sponsors of the NSCA and the acfm and by the way i started to go the reason i called them soda horse is because in our legal entanglement with them we got to see their financial records and the truth of the matter is is that absent soda money they couldn't get the fucking lights on so if you ask me who it is that's funding this anti-crossfit legislation and why it's soda and it's obvious why we don't even have to go into it. But what I find out there is that there's two players in the fitness space and it's CrossFit and it's soda pop. That's it.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Everyone else is irrelevant. The family fitnesses and, you know, LA fitness and all that stuff. They just, they weren't having impact. Imagine that. I sent both Russ's to the exercises medicine certification and sat there for a few days listening, listening, listening. And it was all just
Starting point is 01:06:18 like the shit you'd pick up from the 19-year-old college kid with the polo shirt who has six weeks experience at Family Fitness. You're just getting that kind of dribble. But not a single motion of nutrition, which for the CrossFit trainer, for my affiliate, was one of your incredible leverage points. In fact, there was nothing that you wanted to achieve through exercise that wasn't leveraged, accelerated, supported through an adaptation that we typically think was maybe limited exercise also
Starting point is 01:06:55 was a common adaptation of good nutrition. So here it is, nothing mentioned, and Berger raises his hand. How come I haven't said anything about nutrition? Great point. Great point. Great point. And here's the deal. It's outside of your can. It's not in the field of your expertise that you have an obligation to remain silent on a subject,
Starting point is 01:07:12 but here's what you can do and you should be doing. And that is, you know, it's just promoting the party line, handing out the food pyramids and doing the USDA shitty high carbs, you know, all carbs all the time meal plan. That you can do. You can promulgate this nonsense and nothing else.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And so there you have it. Why are they into that space? Why is exercises medicine baked into the Affordable Care Act? Why is, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:40 what is soda's interest in that? It's obvious what it is. And it's to keep people, you know, think of what's interest in that? It's obvious what it is. And it's to keep people, you know, think of what it was when we were tangling with soda and Gatorade. We exposed, CrossFit exposed Gatorade for their hyperhydration campaign.
Starting point is 01:07:56 They killed athletes and housewives and kids. When we were, when we were, what was I going to say? And by by the way that's not there's no hyperbole there I mean people followed there's a specific case where a doctor in South America or Latin America followed the hydration guidelines for Gatorade and killed herself that was Dr. Cynthia
Starting point is 01:08:19 Navarro which is in a waterlogged by Tim Noakes. Case after case, there's an appendix that thousands of people have been killed. Zyvius Oliver was the one that we embraced.
Starting point is 01:08:36 But in 1996, I believe it was, the American College of Sports Medicine said that during an endurance event, athletes should consume at least 40 ounces of fluid per hour, preferably an electrolyte-containing one like this. They're selling Gatorade there, of course. And there were people that saw that at that time,
Starting point is 01:08:56 like Tim Nolson said, dear God, a 100-pound woman that takes four hours to run a marathon, this will be fatal. Dr. Cynthia Lucero, I think was her name. And what happened? It killed her. It killed Dr. Cynthia Lucero, I think was her name. And what happened? It killed her. It killed her.
Starting point is 01:09:09 She followed their advice and it killed her. So you wouldn't have taken the Monster Energy sponsor, Greg? Because part of me thinks that maybe you would have. Of course not. You wouldn't have let, you would have just talked shit about him, taken money with one hand and talked shit with the other. No, I'm not doing the publicity photos with Satan. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Sorry. It's a little above and beyond. But listen, the games were a problem to all of us, including the affiliate that is long before. And, you know, I don't know if I've shared this before, but I tried to offload the games at one point. I go, I know what we need. We need to sell this thing. We'll support it.
Starting point is 01:09:44 You know what's interesting? I just got told by VCs nobody wants those games. Nobody. We'll buy the games, but we want the whole kit and caboodle because what they wanted was affiliates and training. I'm surprised Rogue didn't.
Starting point is 01:09:59 What about Rogue? Did they have any interest in buying the games? Bill and Katie? I don't think at that time they were in a position to. Okay. But, you know, you look at the balance sheet on the games, and it's like, okay, Greg puts out $20 million to $25 million over a year, and a good year, 21 comes back, and an off year, 7 comes back. And you won't know until the end of the year.
Starting point is 01:10:24 The games don't look like a business to anyone. Anyone. I try to use WME to find a buyer for the games. They tell buyers for the games, I'll buy the game. But I want to include certification and seminars. Why? Because that's the part that makes money. And so, and I wasn't going to do that.
Starting point is 01:10:44 That was where the values were. That's going to do that. That was the, that was the part, I was with the values were, that's where the magic was. That was the business. That was what benefited the affiliates that part. I couldn't have gotten rid of it. No one had interest. There was no one. There's no one that had the brain and capacity to be sitting on a big pile of cash that thinks the games is a business. I'd be sitting on a big pile of cash that thinks the games is a business. Except for the games, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Speaking of which, this question is a little ambiguous. It's from Eaton Beaver also. Looking back at 2018, would you have done anything different? I don't know what that's in reference to. I don't know if that's games or Kane or media. I don't know what that's in reference to. That was the big year. The national champions, right? If I'd have known what was coming down the
Starting point is 01:11:29 pike, culturally, socially, personally, and suppose I hadn't found a... Because I'll tell you what, not posting the Floyd 19 tweet wouldn't have changed a fucking thing. The world changed on my watch.
Starting point is 01:11:46 And I'm not, I'm not, I wasn't going to survive the awakening. I had no chance. I had no chance. And so what I could have done, if I were just to be selfish, I could have not spent the, what, $100 million I spent on the game and stuck that in the bank. And that just sitting there would have changed the pro forma, whatever, the books on CrossFit so that I could have sold it for a billion dollars instead of 200 million.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I might have done something like that had I seen the inevitability of where not just our culture and society went, but where the Fraziers,, uh, Woodlake, uh, you know, where, where the, the,
Starting point is 01:12:50 the wokeness came out of the game, out of the game. Yeah. I can explain to someone the other day, imagine how the DEI agenda plays out for an affiliate. Right. Yeah. So here you are.
Starting point is 01:13:02 And you're like, you know what? I don't have enough black people in here. I got to get some more black people and we got to get some white people. What we'll do is we'll charge white people more and black people less and these blacks are awfully quick. We're going to have to take
Starting point is 01:13:13 some time off their times and give it to this poor group because they historically don't do well and it's nuts. It's nuts. No one running a gym is sensitive to the color of the person that comes in the doorknob. You don't care.
Starting point is 01:13:37 You don't care. Especially if you're a decent human being. Everyone's equally welcome. You're here to make differences. everyone's equally welcome you're here to to make differences look you know one of the one of the things that happened in the in the in the new area is that we got rid of the underserved project where we took the remember i i wanted to demonstrate in-house to the people that worked with me for us i wanted to demonstrate that the stimulus we had was the most important thing going in the health world. They shut that down quick. You had a free gym going downstairs with over 100 members
Starting point is 01:14:12 and you needed to be either obese or fucking decrepit. And it was free for you. There's a great story there that you asked me, who do you want? I go, I want fat pucks and old farts. You told me my mom was too fit, but you let her work out there anyway. But my 78-year-old mom was too fit to work out down there. Yeah. I said, we can't go out and ask for fat pucks and old farts. We have to be kinder than that.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Let's think about this. And we finally went to Facebook with the offering of, if you consider yourself the least likely person you know to ever be crossed that we'd like to talk to and man we got those old people and and and the morbidly obese and we started with a cadre of six or eight of them and within 18 months it got to 150 and it was one of the most i mean we had a guy in there that didn't have a heart he was on a he had a he had a mechanical device that was an Archimedes screw
Starting point is 01:15:07 that pumped his blood and he wore a bracelet that said, I'm not dead, I just don't have a pulse. How do you like that? I also remember you had Holdworth,
Starting point is 01:15:19 the chief financial officer, put together a plan to open one of these up next to a black megachurch in Atlanta and one in Los Angeles. And I remember saying something to you, Oh, you're going to go after the black community. You're like, no, there's just a lot of fat old people that go to black churches and I need fat old people. You know what? And I was like, God, I love you, Greg.
Starting point is 01:15:40 We've got, we've got a runaway incident to diabetics and, and working to get Isidore Hall defeated and Annette Berrigan elected, and we pulled that off in the 44th congressional district, the sickest place in California by far. It just so happens that it includes Thompson and Watts and some other areas that, you know, Carson, sit in that district, and talk about underserved. This community had nine affiliates. The neighboring congressional district had what, 110 or something. I have to explain this to people real quick. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:12 There was a guy in office who was on the fucking take from fucking tobacco and soda. It was, it was, he wasn't even hiding it. He was taking money from tobacco and soda. And he was like some politician representative for fucking Compton. Greg went out of his way and used his own money to get the fucking little fucking 100-pound Mexican woman who would fight against that elected.
Starting point is 01:16:34 It was fucking nuts. I couldn't even believe you were doing that. They both had both Isidore Hall and Barragan had liberal bona fides that could not be challenged. They agreed on everything. I mean, they were indistinguishable, one black, one brown, and one was supportive of soda. The other found that the diabetes in her community was untenable and that the government should divorce itself from the soda industry
Starting point is 01:17:01 and speak out against what's causing this diabetes. So that was the difference. So that made her my gal. Right. And she was the underdog. He had the support of the democratic party of Sacramento. He couldn't, he was, it was given to him. In fact, he was told there was someone seat he was going to get when the time came and he was in grooming. And what we did is we went and our nine little affiliates there, we took the soda tour there and we got Nanette Berrigan elected to Congress to defeat this soda thing. But what we learned is that in the 44th Congressional District, something like 55, 60 percent of
Starting point is 01:17:42 women over 60 have diabetes, that they're brown or black, had nothing to do with it as far as I was concerned. What I did is I found the diabetes mother love. And the beauty of what we do as trainers that know what they're doing is that that's what you do for a living. I fix that shit. And so here it is in large numbers. I was going to build the gym on my dime.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Matt figured it all out. We knew more than anyone what it costs to run a building, what it costs to buy the equipment, what it costs to insure the whole thing, how many trainers you need. I mean, we knew more about that than anyone on Earth, and that was well underway when it became abundantly clear that the world wasn't ready for that and rosa was handed those outlines right so instead of he was handed though that when
Starting point is 01:18:31 he bought crossfit um he had that information and instead of moving forward with it instead he closed the gym in santa cruz that was free for the uh obese and the elderly. He did the exact opposite. Did I lose you? Yeah. Yeah. I believe he was given the outline. I don't know. Okay. I don't know. Okay. But, uh, you know, I got, I got pretty good pushback from, uh, from, uh, people in the affiliate community too. Um, there were, uh, there were affiliates that were terrified of the idea of a free gym and they were proximate to their gym. And so, you know, I don't know how smooth the sailing was going to be. Bailey Walker, thank you for getting Greg on here.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I can't wait for his nda to expire uh thank you bailey a clock um uh writes a clinton conciliary lanny davis tried to maneuver the parties into a settlement to protect big soda it's not crazy to wonder who actually funded crossfit buyout is it question? It's a mystery to me. And here's what I've done and my attorneys have done. We've asked, I've asked them, give me a hypothetical scenario where it is in someone's fiduciary obligation to settle this thing in silence. What does that look like?
Starting point is 01:20:07 And I told Rosa, you have your foot on the throat of the only viable competition in the affiliate space. I'm sorry, in the seminar space. And what you need to do is expose them for the frauds they are. And anything short of that makes no sense. And it still doesn't.
Starting point is 01:20:30 It doesn't. Imagine Hertz having proof that Enterprise said, fuck fixing brakes. It's only going to kill one customer in a million. We got 10 million customers. We don't need to kill one customer and a million. We got 10 million customers. We don't, we don't need to do brake jobs on the regular. And you find this out and you find out about the depth and you go to court to
Starting point is 01:20:54 expose it. And then it's up. And then before you, before it can all be done, you agree to just keep quiet on the whole thing. It's really, it's really odd to me, and I'll leave it in the imagination of others to try and figure out how it would be in the benefit of the company
Starting point is 01:21:13 to go silent on the incredible scientific misconduct that was designed to damage the affiliates. How do you get someone to agree to be quiet on that and i think it comes down to trying to figure out who it is that that controls and owns this entity uh but part of me just thinks it's because the leadership was moronic that the purchasers of crossfit were moronic but uh i i i since i've known you you batted a hundred in your uh speculations to be honest to be fair i remember when um there were some things going weird things going on with espn and you would tell us and i would be like there's
Starting point is 01:22:01 no fucking way and then fucking six months later our lawyers get the emails and it's like holy shit three years in a row we get some horrible fucking libelous tortious coverage from our broadcast sponsor before broadcast and the last straw for me was when they run a special on how we paralyzed kevin hogar. They're showing this before the games. Right. What we find in Discovery later is that this was a deliberate effort by Gatorade,
Starting point is 01:22:32 NCCA, The NCAA? The NCAA? The NCAA and the, and the, what is this certification on that's not ANSI? The shitty... What do you call it?
Starting point is 01:22:56 What is the ANSI? Accreditation. We got the ANSI accreditation. An enormous effort. It cost a lot of money. It was like a 600-page application. It bogged Nicole down for several years, just the application of that. And we became kind of a darling of the ANSI accreditation.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I think it's NCCA that is the other accrediting arm. They were part of this emergency meeting to talk about the dangers across it. So I had the NCCA, the accrediting agency, the NCAA. I had a representative of the American Beverage Association, ESPN, all putting their heads together in a little seminar trying to figure out how they could let the
Starting point is 01:23:37 world know just how bad CrossFit was. I got this from my fucking broadcast partner. And so what I did is I hit him up. What the fuck, guys? What are you doing? I didn't get a response. So I pulled the plug literally, figuratively.
Starting point is 01:23:50 I literally pulled the plug on the geolocation, our commitment to not put the games on the net in their neighborhood or whatever the hell it was. Yeah, it was. The mistake I made was plugging it back in on a promise that they would fix this thing but uh our broadcast partner was against this you know it's funny because it took a while i had to have someone explain to me what it was why would the why would the ncaa have a bone to pick with crossfit and aside from the fact that they fucking live it on the Gatorade shit. The other piece was that we got Stefano Shea.
Starting point is 01:24:28 We got Josh Everett. We got Michael Rutherford. We got Joe Westerlin. These were, these were heads of strength and conditioning at, at D1 super sports schools. And what were they doing? They'd come to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Why? So they could preach a fitness that works. So that they could speak truth to things like soda, that they can earn a living, not get rich, but do better than you will working for the university, expensive dissonance specialists. And speak truth to the nonsense
Starting point is 01:25:03 that was their CSCS certification. And so I get why they didn't like me. We were taking their very best people and making productive participants in global health. Just to explain one thing in a little more detail for people to know the spirit of one of the things Greg was saying, because I was in the media department then, and we were the games we had an exclusive deal with espn they published this slam piece on crossfit and greg says fuck you uh dave and seven uh let this thing get this thing uh so it streams free uh all over the internet we're not giving espn exclusivity and dave and I are fucking sweating fucking balls, and no one can stop Greg. And those were some fucking good times, man.
Starting point is 01:25:50 You are such a badass. Matt Burns, God, I love Greg. He's always fighting the good fight. God bless you, sir. Clydesdale Media, Scott Schweitzer, this story fascinates me. Go ahead. Sorry, Greg. Go ahead. Matt Burns. Thank you, everyone. But I've got this kind of it's kind of baked into me. I can't help it.
Starting point is 01:26:12 You know, I was speaking with with some of the brave and wonderful folks who work with Mr. Castro, dear friend of mine in a prior line of work. a dear friend of mine in a prior line of work. And it was explained that he had a vast reputation within his community for speaking truth to power. And it was also explained to me that that was not generally seen in the military as a top quality. And he said, Dave has that reputation for speaking truth to power. And then he told me that, and you got it too. And I've never been so flattered in my life.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I mean, thank you. Thank you, Ross. I can't help that. And, you know, I don't have to be thanked for it. It's just who I am. My buddy, Jimmy, who is a 30 years undercover DOJ guy. And I realized in him first that like, I said, Jimmy, what would you do if there weren't bad guys? I remember I was traveling with Jeff Martone once in Texas and we went to a Cracker Barrel.
Starting point is 01:27:24 And he blessed his meal prior to eating. He was an intrigued, amazed, wonderful human being. And he said to me, he says, Greg, you know why God makes this strong? And I said, no, because I didn't know why God made this strong. And he said, to protect the weak. And I said, my God, what an amazing thing. I mean, think of that. That speaks into this guy.
Starting point is 01:27:50 But I said to Jimmy, I don't know, what would you do if there weren't bad guys? What would you do? And I go, I can't figure it out. I can't imagine what it would be. And you don't become a cop to end all crime.
Starting point is 01:28:05 You know better. But you can have an impact effect by any man, every man thing again. You do stop an old lady from stepping off the curb. And so someone's going to rob a bank today, and hopefully I'm there and can eliminate them as they come out of the door, right? And that's why we do this thing. And I don't know what I would do if things weren't screwed up. So, you know, thank you for the, for the, for the praise, but it's, it's, it's an easy thing to do when it's who you are. It really is.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Jason, excuse me. That's bullshit. All right. Excuse me, that's bullshit. I can't even help that. Jason Watkins, Milton Friedman said the same thing about licensure. You don't need a CPA cert. If he is bad, he won't be in business long. Clydesdale Media, this story fascinates me. It should be a movie.
Starting point is 01:29:01 The new owner screwed it all up, so we won't ever know the truth. Greg, there is a young lady, crazy good posture, strong looking. She used on her own dime. She flew up from Texas to see you in Arizona. I don't know if you remember her. She was young. Her name was Paulina. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 01:29:27 The student in the front row. that girl has already signed up she is tripping me out that this stuff resonates with someone so young that girl already signed up um for uh for the uh event on june 3rd and so she hasn't asked me but if there's anything like um like any after parties or special breakfasts, I think that's someone worth keeping in touch with. Like just having a finger on the pulse for people that age. Let's sponsor her travel. Okay. She's in the comments. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:58 God, she'd love to hear that. She's in the comments. I remember her well. Rebecca Schindeldecker. This is Matt Schindeldecker's wife, I believe. Do you know who Matt Schindeldecker is, Greg? He's an affiliate owner. Does that resonate with you, Ring a Bell?
Starting point is 01:30:15 Yeah, the name sounds very familiar. Okay, he has this crazy program for fucking youth that he's worked, and it's gone to, I want to say it's at more than 14 affiliates. I'm probably cutting it short now, but judges will send, um, kids who are, uh, signed to juvenile hall to affiliates instead. And you have three months basically, or nine months, whatever the program is to go to this affiliate three to five days a week and prove that you don't deserve to go to juvenile hall. It's an insane program. And it brings a shitload of money to the affiliates it's killer anyway she says greg crossfit saved my life after a brain tumor surgery and paralysis that followed and then the crossfit community rallied around me after my husband who's 49
Starting point is 01:30:56 years old died at our crossfit box oh no shit this is a different shindel decker because this guy's still alive wow well she's saying thank you. She had a brain tumor and then her husband died and the CrossFit community pulled her through. That's a lot. It's an amazing community with just incredible stories. It's
Starting point is 01:31:17 overwhelming. It's hard to even respond to all of that. It's one of the hardest things of what I do is you know someone stands in line to shed a tear and tell you thank you and i just you know it's uh well this one's going to be hard too that you're these people what what what these people have done is is created the manifestation of of of my life's work i mean it's you know I mean, it didn't exist. The good didn't exist until they pulled it off.
Starting point is 01:31:50 So the gratitude runs in both directions, without a doubt. CrossFit Backward Arrow, Greg, thank you for changing my life and creating a way for me to have a livelihood supporting my family and helping others. I'm truly thankful for your work. Can't wait to see what you do next. Greg, I know that you don't want me reading these, but these people are giving money to the show.
Starting point is 01:32:13 And so I have to, sorry, I know you're later. You're going to be like, dude, stop doing that. But I got to tell you, Tom,
Starting point is 01:32:20 no offense to you, Sevan, but how do we get Greg on Jordan Peterson's podcast? I'm deeply offended, but I would also like to know. Wad Zombie, the evening wipe down is better than the morning chalk up. Okay. Oh, I like the name. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:32:36 That's the guy who has a meme account. Digital Barbell, if you listen, if you'll try, if you'll come back he's quoting you a hundred percent if if you'll listen if you'll try if you'll come back yeah that's good philip kelly here's 4.99 i want to buy you a taco greg i'll take it i'll take it uh bruce wayne five dollars for seve's hawaii uh hawaii shirt fund i appreciate that thank you um crossfit uh riverside uh greg thank you for all the uh brain food uh you're dropping bombs thank you um thank you everybody you're very welcome yeah uh someone in here i think was bent that you said about boys liking frozen hey Hey, it was just an example. My boys like Frozen, too. Just relax. Shut the fuck up. Jeremy, you were $10. Hopefully, this is a $10 question. Greg, you've lived an exceptional life. In your eyes, what is your greatest accomplishment? well you know i'm not done um but to date it would have it would have to be the the good behind the the thanks i'm getting you know um i know i know for for a good number
Starting point is 01:33:59 of people uh my efforts my efforts were fruitful but on on the other side, I mean, I've got, personally, I've got these kids. I'm homeschooling the kids, and it's proving to be some of the most meaningful interaction I've ever had with my kids, which is like, I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. And the pace at which they're learning and the advantages this has over public or private traditional education. It's just amazing. And I'll share with you folks that there, if, if you have the good fortune to have a couple hours a day, you could spend in two and a half hours. We shoot for six days a week and actually get about four and a quarter,
Starting point is 01:34:41 but in two and a half hours a day, we're doubling the national K-3-6 pace. I got a second grader that started fifth grade math. And we've been at this, like, what, a year now? And so it's unbelievably gratifying. And that excites me.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And I also tie it in directly to my broken science, which is the subject of another discussion. And I'll just share with you, I'll tip my hand. Qualitative and quantitative reasoning through probability theory and eventually information theory
Starting point is 01:35:16 is bridged. And these are cognitive skills that we can impart into youngsters. And what I was doing in deciding to undertake this homeschooling, by the way, this is a CrossFit notion, and Jeff Kane and I talked about this at length. But when you look at curriculum in private schools,
Starting point is 01:35:38 in school curricula, you keep seeing this thing about making better citizens. You know, even Marxists think they're making better citizens. So everyone's making better citizens. Hitler was making better citizens. He doesn't have any meaning to me. But what I'm doing here is I want to preserve their life options for as long as possible.
Starting point is 01:36:00 So whether my kid does nothing or everything, if she decides that she wants to be a journalist at 45 years of age or a position at 17 or 35, nobody laughs. And I think the key to that is to develop a significant capacity in qualitative and quantitative reasoning. And everyone should listen. Everyone, all kids, should have the opportunity to learn calculus. It's not amazing, right? It really isn't that amazing. It can be done.
Starting point is 01:36:32 If you've got the patience to stand there and work and put the effort in, we can teach all kids calculus. And all kids can learn calculus, regardless of their income or race or religion. They can all learn calculus regardless of their income or race or religion. They can all learn calculus, and everyone can learn to read and write forcefully on almost any subject with proper usage and some modicum of rhetorical flourish that can be taught, which is learned as diagram sentences. And the people that can do those kinds of things will make short work of almost anything that is traditionally regarded as an achievement. And so that's what I'm after.
Starting point is 01:37:12 And my work there, though it's localized and it's with my kids, I'm really proud of that. And how convenient, because it's also as fun a thing as I've ever done. Great. There are so many fucking... Crossfit, my kid. There are so many questions coming in and there are some good ones that I know you would like to tackle.
Starting point is 01:37:34 I'm going to pick through them. Someone asked about firing Russell Berger. That's for a different show, but that's more complicated than people think. But I just want everyone to know that Greg and Russell are good friends, very good friends. It is. And it was a, it was a hard thing to do,
Starting point is 01:37:50 but it came to this at the point of there was, there was something in the rhetoric of the sins and damnation. And it felt to me that it was, that it was, it was walking it was it was walking too close to to inciting violence. I felt that at the
Starting point is 01:38:13 time. I don't today, but the world's changed. Right, right. And that's what someone's bringing in. In fact, since then, I've listened to my own attorney general basically promote violence against cops. Right. And our president and Obama did the same thing. No doubt. I was speaking to Ferguson in particular and Mr. Holder.
Starting point is 01:38:39 But, you know, I wouldn't have done that again, I don't think. But at the time, it felt so completely unnecessary. And maybe he was ahead of his time. I don't know. It was also more complicated than that and things that are Russell's own personal business. But I remember it being more complicated than that. It was very difficult to get let go at CrossFit Inc. You had to put a lot of straws on that camel's back.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Yeah, and there was this certain feeling that he was ready for something new and better, and I think he found it, frankly. But people should know that Greg and Russell Berger are very close. It is very easy to stay friends with Greg, whereas other people, it might not be. What would you say would you say you're free it's not even that you're forgiving it's like you just have this perspective on life you're not a you don't
Starting point is 01:39:31 hold yeah ask someone else about me but I'll tell you this I hold Russell Berger and Wes Green in the highest regard and I couldn't do half of the good things we did were it not for them and so I have an obligation
Starting point is 01:39:48 and respect and a love for that man and for his family that you know look you know Elon and Mr. T Peter and Elon had their differences
Starting point is 01:40:02 and we'll never know what the exact nature of that difference was, but only a fool would think that those two aren't very close. And you can be very, very close to someone. I mean, there are people that have had to
Starting point is 01:40:19 get their brother out of the family business, and it changed not one with their love of the brother. I mean, things happen. But on that, it was a great question because boy, that is one of those things that would be a much harder decision now than it was then. Joe, Greg, would you ever consider
Starting point is 01:40:41 starting another fitness initiative maybe next July? What would you do differently, if anything, maybe next july what would you do differently if anything than what you did with crossfit no i'm kind of done with the fitness space um you know my non-competes over i don't i don't see uh um but i there's all kinds of initiatives and associations and organizations I would support and lend effort to conceivably. You know, I would think that an association of professional trainers committed to the common events, education, validation, and methods. Does this sound familiar? I think there's a rule for that of
Starting point is 01:41:21 acting for it indeed, and I can imagine such a thing popping up and i would i would be i would be supportive hey here's a funny comment this person's kind of taking the piss out of you but but but i think you'll appreciate they said the person's name is two negative bips it says oh so greg decided not to hop on the woke wagon and sell his soul what a guy. Hey, in this day and age, that's how low the bar is set. That's how low the fucking bar is set.
Starting point is 01:41:52 All you have to do is not sell your soul. Don't be a racist and you're a fucking high caliber person. I'm going to go here, but I'll let you tell everyone the wonderful story of Travis and Tyson Page and Tyson's legacy. His drafting the NFL as a sure thing at this point.
Starting point is 01:42:08 And you can give the background, but when Travis says that it was really hard to be an outstanding kid when he was a kid, but nowadays all you have to do is not give your kid an iPhone and make him do CrossFit, he'll be one of the best fucking kids in the state. So I
Starting point is 01:42:23 appreciate the tone of that. But let me just leave with this, Bob. Here's my personal experience with the diversity equity inclusiveness concept. The people tasked with diversity equity inclusiveness
Starting point is 01:42:40 at Ducrosstead, one of their first official acts was to promote the lie that you and I were rapists. Don't tell anyone, but those two were raping people. That was under the banner of diversity, immoral, repugnant nature of that, I think speaks loudly to the mindset that goes there. And so it's little more than not wanting to get on that bandwagon. I see it as a force for evil.
Starting point is 01:43:22 That's what I see it as. And we just sponsored an event with, I wasn't able to go there because we had some pressing family health issues. But Roger
Starting point is 01:43:37 Kimball and the New Criterion hosted an event where Peter Thiel got the Great American Award. I had this wonderful experience of sitting down with Peter and his home on an invite with Russ Green. And Peter said, it's time we call the DEI movement by its real name and the initials are CCP.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Wow, that was a long time ago. He knew that. Wow, okay. No, no, that was just last week. Oh, okay. That wasn't when you were at his house. Okay, okay, okay. No, but I get it. And this is a gay guy.
Starting point is 01:44:22 This is a gay guy, by the way. Yep, yep, yep. When I met him, I told him that you remind me of my other gay chess champion, Christian Tech Titan. I said, how is that? And I go, there isn't another one. He said, you're it. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Talking about an original thinker. You know this line Gandhi made famous? I think it's Gandhi who said, be the change you want to see in the world. Yeah. That's the scary part about the DEI movement. That it's just, they are overtly just racist, sexist lunatics. And they want the world to be that way also.
Starting point is 01:45:03 When these people take power, they will, they, their behavior will give instant evidence of the insincerity of the effort. You know, when these revolutions succeed, the first thing you have to do is kill all the revolutionaries.
Starting point is 01:45:23 The point of the effort is, is about the control of the sheep. That's the effort. And for anyone to think that BLM or DEI, that the movement in the broadest sense, politically, culturally, and it's Marxism, that the resulting structure will do anything other than abuse blacks and intellectuals and Jews. You're nuts. You need a history lesson.
Starting point is 01:46:01 These are the pawns that will be sacrificed instantly on taking power instantly I gotta go love everyone you gotta give me 30 more seconds I'll go fast please tell Greg that I love him and I'm so happy he's on today
Starting point is 01:46:20 he's changed my entire life I'm forever grateful but he knows that I could listen to him talk all day paper street coffeereg still fighting the good fight this is inspiring um thank you paper street coffee hold on greg hold on hold on i apologize for treating you like a cheap whore uh mike artunian these are all people who went to bsi thank you for the last 13 years greg and and the template for life. Dale King, owner of CrossFit Gym. Next round of tacos and tequila on Sevan. I love you, Greg.
Starting point is 01:46:51 So grateful to you and Emily for making me feel like family. Eric Weiss, get Greg's thoughts on us. Oh, he wants to know what you think about me ordering a spicy watermelon margarita. They were making fun of me for that. Extra sloppy, a big, bet Greg packs a huge hog. Okay, we'll get to what he thinks about margaritas and the size of his cock on the next show. Greg, thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Wow, perfect place to go. Someone paid 10 bucks for me to say that you got a huge dong. Amazing. Yeah, yeah. Amazing. Yeah. I love all of you, even though you're the hating. Good luck with everything. Greg, your impact
Starting point is 01:47:36 will last lifetimes and have created generations of health. Thank you for letting myself and others own and run CrossFit Affiliates. Greg, when will you be back on next? I'll drop in next week. What a dickhead thing I did. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I love you, buddy. Yeah, this is fun. All right, bud. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Bye. Damn! Thanks, Devon and Greg.
Starting point is 01:47:58 CrossFit Riverside, 50 bucks. Hey, thank you. Thank you. That was cool. Okay, I got to go. I'll see you guys later. Bye. No, we got to decompress a little bit from that.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Jesus Christ. I didn't even get to ask any of my – I had all these questions for him. I want to ask him what he thinks about Nordstrom's. Dude, in real time as I'm doing this show, a friend of mine and Greg's text us and said that his car was stolen in Santa Cruz at Toyota. I have this clip of this politician saying that it's not hey Paulina did you hear that he's gonna pay for your ticket to fly out here
Starting point is 01:48:33 that's dope right hey you have I think you text me a few days ago I think that was you if it's not you DM me and let's exchange phone numbers, Paulina. And then I will get you in touch with Greg's travel team or whatever and figure out – because I know he's going to be pumped. He's going to be so stoked. To have someone of your caliber and quality of person waving the flag is huge.
Starting point is 01:49:08 So let's get in touch. Nordstrom's overpriced. It's just crazy that they closed down their San Francisco location. It's – it is – it's – okay. Okay all right yeah it's it's i i for i was having this discussion with greg actually yesterday last night about the what it signifies and he kind of took the conversation another way um but i want i i'm tripping i am tripping it for me it's like it's funny that it's nordstrom's i didn't who i would have never thought that but um uh yeah uh rosie uh thank you greg oh greg the goat i thought it was me to go um uh clydesdale media great show seven why uh why are you why you are the leader
Starting point is 01:49:59 uh for the rest of us oh well thank you that's cool even though someone in the comments wants to see him on jordan peterson i want to see him on Jordan Peterson too. I didn't even know Jordan Peterson had a podcast. I thought he just did podcast. Uh, clock whole foods in Nordstrom's fleeing San Francisco leftist will pretend it doesn't mean anything. It's so crazy. I sent it to the few libtards that I care about still, like deeply and i said hey please think about what this signifies i mean basically here's the deal you can't get it it's it's like the building that nordstrom's in is so fucking beautiful and it's in the most epic spot in san francisco and there's just so much cool shit there that street has such potential i mean growing up there it was like
Starting point is 01:50:41 everything they have all the little stores and and cool shit and overpriced shit and cheap shit, and there's a toy store there. It's just thousands of little stores and mom and pop shops and coffee, but in this fucking crazy gala of this open no doors on this Nordstrom. There's just five stories of just a department store, and then the five stories below are other stores. But then thousands of other little stores all over the streets. And basically the drug problem became too big on the street, and you can't walk around there anymore. It's like one of those – who's the really cool kid I've had on the podcast before who filmed that city in Philadelphia where it's just literally hundreds, if not thousands of people lying on the street shooting up drugs it's like that in San Francisco now yeah there's no
Starting point is 01:51:30 yeah there because no one would steal shit from there oh shit uh the flagship Nike store closed on in San Francisco too is that was that where it was Flagship Nike store closed in San Francisco too? Is that where it was? Oh, I think Seattle's gone. Seattle's toast. Listen, when George Floyd happened and they took over four city blocks, including a police station, you knew that was it.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Done. It was done. Oh, Tommy G. Yeah, Tommy G. Thank you, Tommy G. Thank you. Look at everyone. Jorge Ventura. Good guess, though. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:52:08 Okay. Holy shit, you guys. Thank you for the donations. It's crazy. It means the fucking world to me. Hey, so that's now three times he's been on the show? Oh, I seriously want to get him on like once a week I think I can I think he had fun do you guys think he had fun
Starting point is 01:52:30 yeah I think he had fun I think he likes it is that true Bud Light is screwed the stores are dumping them at 50% or more because they won't sell that's hilarious oh in okay their flagship stores in London okay okay thank you uh yes got it uh wow uh what do you guys want to do oh god i have all these great questions for him greg glass and okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to just leave these um um
Starting point is 01:53:13 oh jethro that's a great idea need to get jorge ventura on may 12 i'm gonna i'm gonna send that right now. Is Jorge on? This dude's a fucking joker. Yep, this joker might be on a – no. Oh, shit. He's on an iPhone now. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Matt Sousa. Jorge. Jorge. right right is that real is he i thought he was on a fucking droid oh no uh can we get you on the show in may in May, mid-May, to, that's a good idea, thank you,
Starting point is 01:54:09 to talk about title, was it 42, is that what you said? Title 42. It's so funny. I heard yesterday that the U.S. government, the Biden administration is going to send 1,500 troops down there, but they're not going to be
Starting point is 01:54:26 armed um we'll see what happened with Rob Wolf these are all good questions I need an iPhone Bruce Wayne I need an iPhone I'll take donations Evie do you want an iPhone Bruce I'll get you an iPhone
Starting point is 01:54:42 I'll find you an iPhone I'll get you and I'll find you one. If you're ready to make the switch. God, I would love it if you made the switch. Bruce is one of the only people I text with a daily that's on a droid. I usually avoid those people like the plague. Greg, yes, Greg is more down to earth than I thought. You can't tell a person's character by just reading stuff online.
Starting point is 01:55:05 by just reading stuff online um the thing is too is you know you know this i don't i don't mean this in a negative way but a part of us is putting on an act here um uh i mean he's very down to earth i mean he he is um he's very down to earth. I mean, he, he is, um, he's very down to earth. He, he,
Starting point is 01:55:31 he's even more down to earth and he, he's even more down to earth than he came across. He's, uh, he's very down to earth. Um, he can be extremely intense. Um, but he,
Starting point is 01:55:42 he's such a dude. He's such a dude. It's, it's, it's fucking cool hanging with them Adam Blakeslee I'd like to hear about his thoughts on Mark Ripito and where their major disagreements are I think they're friends too now I think they talk so
Starting point is 01:56:04 no he doesn't do a, Greg doesn't do, um, like bro humor too, which I, unfortunately I really like, like he doesn't take, he's not a big fan of taking the piss out of people. Like, you know, like teasing people or stuff like that. He doesn't, he, that, that fart jokes and teasing people. Like if, uh, he, he thinks that it's mean spirited. So things that like other guys might do that, that I personally think is funny,
Starting point is 01:56:30 uh, teasing people. Um, he does not find, uh, value in that. Yeah. And he's never like shit jokes that I've been in the car with him many times
Starting point is 01:56:39 and Stern's gone off on shit talk and he's like, fuck this, change it. So, uh, okay okay i don't know uh i don't i don't know if i need to do anything else um part of me feels like i'm just going to uh fuck up the episode if i do anything else like i'm just going to bring it down fuck up the episode if I do anything else. I'm just going to bring it down. Anything you guys want to... Oh, I watched the...
Starting point is 01:57:12 I know, I love teasing people too. Maybe it's a shortcoming of mine. Hey, I watched that... I watched the podcast with Matt and Katrin. And it's... Fuck, this is hard for me to say. It's fucking good. Someone sent me a text saying that it was cringe. I didn't get any cringe.
Starting point is 01:57:36 I never was uncomfortable once watching it. I thought he was great. I thought she was great. I thought – I fucking can't believe it. It was shot fantastic. I was never like uncomfortable or embarrassed for either of them. You think it sucked dinky? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Okay, so here's the thing. Okay, I'll tell you. Here we go. Fine. There are two people who clearly don't have like a lot of worldly experience or they're not willing to share it right they're just people who've just been athletes their whole life and there's like there's no breadth and depth to them that's like exuding off of them at all right um and they say a lot of stuff that's uh very surface level.
Starting point is 01:58:32 But the movie Jackass is surface level, and it's good too. And it's not cringe, and it's not... So there is this kind of... You're not walking away a smarter person to see this at all maybe even a little dumber that's for sure i'm not suggesting but i but i but i you think about it i'm not a um i'm part of me is repulsed by katrin but i thought she was fucking good and that's like um i thought she was fantastic in it i thought she was fucking electric i thought he was good i thought the timing between the the talk back and forth was good. There are some – for people who know, who are in the know, there's some – really?
Starting point is 01:59:09 You think Matt was terrible? I don't know. He had his notes there. I thought he kept it going. Dude, it was – I don't – I think you guys are being too harsh. There were some fucking crazy – some crazy ironic shit in there. there um when when katrin said that if she wasn't doing sport crossfit she would be interested in research and she specifically says um cancer research which is fucking hilarious because doing crossfit is probably one of the being a crossfit athlete is one of the most selfish
Starting point is 01:59:38 things you could do as opposed to cancer research is probably one of the most impactful things you could do on humanity and then on top of that she, I'm out to a company and to she had access to Greg Glassman, who is probably got to be in the top one percent of one percent of one percent of people knowledgeable on cancer. He has done insane reading on cancer research, and he has access to the most knowledgeable cancer researchers in the world they are his friends his dear friends and the irony there that she she thought she would burn him on some misunderstanding but then have an interest in cancer that i find that fucking absolutely fucking i was mind-boggled when i said that when she said that about her interest in cancer i was like dude that's like like greg could talk to you ad nauseum about fucking cancer and yeah it was shallow okay it was shallow fine it was a shallow interview i'd
Starting point is 02:00:37 eaten beaver didn't you like the story where matt said that um uh she was always late i liked that story when he told that i'd never heard that and um he said catrin was always late. I liked that story when he told that. I'd never heard that. And he said Katrin was always late. And and one day he told her, hey, I'm picking you up to go to the gym today. And if you're late, I'm going to drive away. And at the time, they were just two young athletes. Right. So he went to her house at eight fifteen. She wasn't out front and he drove away and he drove to the gym. And when he got out of the car, Ben Bergeron said to him, hey, where the fuck's Katrin? And he's like, she like she was late so i left and he said ben just jumped in his truck immediately and went and got katrin which i thought was pretty fucking revealing
Starting point is 02:01:11 has anyone ever asked if katrin and ben boned has anyone ever asked them that i just want you to ask that um and i thought there was another great story that matt told about his dad i had no idea that his dad i didn't know his dad pushed him i always got this impression that his parents kind of weren't a big part of his life and then from this interview that he did with catcher and i was like wow it sounds like his parents were a huge part of his life sounded like his dad really fucking pushed them anyway and then at the end this part is fucking unbelievable at the end of the podcast katrin talks about and once again it's very i'm not suggesting that it's there it's deep or penetrating but she talks about how now she wants to go into business and she's surrounded by all these great
Starting point is 02:01:58 business people and she is absolutely not surrounded by great business people that is a hundred percent certain and you will see that uh we we see that unfolding right before our eyes but let's say she is and then she goes on to say that um she's interested in supplements for women because all the research and supplements or the vast majority supplements for and supplements has been on men and uh you know she said you know women and women have menstrual cycles and shit and i just wonder does this fucking bitch even know what the fuck she just said does she you know what she must not even remember what she posted about me how she made five posts about me in her story from the new york times and it was all about menstrual cycles it's it's crazy so in that respect but I liked it
Starting point is 02:02:46 I watched it 1.5 times and I had not one negative thought about either of them during the whole time I was like fuck this is way better than I thought Sean Sullivan I couldn't watch it I was watching my wife walked in the room and said why the fuck are you watching this I'm like I'm curious
Starting point is 02:03:01 Sevan makes interviewing look so easy so I think Matt looks amateur compared. Nice overhead squat with a rock. Damn. Cool photo. I thought Matt did great. They are shallow. Yeah, there's no doubt. But some interviews can be shallow.
Starting point is 02:03:21 I don't know. I wish I wish I don't know. I wish I was friends with both of them, but I'm not. Not that I'm not friends with Matt. I don't know what's up with our friendship. It's just like on hold. It's in the freezer. It's just like on hold. It's in the freezer. It's temporary on hiatus.
Starting point is 02:03:47 It is going to be very interesting to see when Matt has kids. He is going to have some. It is going to change him. This whole kid thing, I'm very excited for him. Eaton Beaver. My problem with Matt, in my opinion, is he thinks that his success needs to be off the failure of others. I sent you my info to your Gmail. Oh,
Starting point is 02:04:09 okay. If you send me an email, I probably marked it as unread. Um, you're going to have to really bug me. Keep bugging me. Uh, I don't understand what you mean by that.
Starting point is 02:04:23 His failure off of others. I mean, he's a fucking, he's of others i mean he's a fucking he's a um he's a um athlete does i mean he has to win right but really he nailed that wait what i don't know i that's over my head uh okay uh why did we stop Josh and Matt? Matt just stopped. I, and I don't know. Uh, I don't, I don't know exactly why, but he just stopped and what, and what information he did give me. I don't know if I've talked about it on the show before, but it wasn't, he was exceedingly polite and kind to me um uh i appreciate that he did the podcast with me i think it was fucking huge for me um for the personal and public reasons um and then and then he just didn't want to do it anymore and he told me why and it was it was fine the reason why it was fine it was like okay i got it but it's nothing um you know someone asked me the other day, they said, someone text me who I don't have a great relationship with.
Starting point is 02:05:32 I'd say maybe we're rekindling our relationship. Someone who has a beef with me. And they said, hey, what the fuck's up with you and Matt? You don't like him? And the thing is, is like, it's not that I don't like him and the thing is is like it's not that i don't like him at all at all it's that it it worse the most honest thing to say is i'm just being a baby right it's like that and people have said that in the comments oh savon's just being a baby because matt dumped him and so that's why he likes rich so much i think that's a a, that, that's a gross exaggeration, but the spirit of
Starting point is 02:06:05 that is true. Like if we were friends and all of a sudden you won't be my friend, you, um, I'm just, uh, I'm a spoiled little brat and I, and I want my, yeah, I love froning. Don't get me wrong in the least. Don't get me wrong. At least that's what I'm saying. It's a gross exaggeration to say that I'm on the froning train just because, um I, our paths aren't crossing as frequently or at all. But part of me is like throwing a temper tantrum. You know what I mean? I'm just being like, hey, why isn't Mal coming on the show? Why doesn't Matt come on the show? Why the fuck is Catcher in the... You know what I mean? I'm just being like, I mean, my new show baby.
Starting point is 02:06:47 And so you're picking up on that. Uh, Nate dog. My perception is Matt view. Seven is toxic to his brand. Yeah. And I can't like, I'm not mad at anyone for that either.
Starting point is 02:06:58 I'm not like, Oh my God, I'm shocked that you think that like, like, like, like, we live in a world where they built a fucking bronze statue of George Floyd that's in fucking New York City
Starting point is 02:07:13 sitting on a park bench. I'm not surprised. I'm glad people don't like me. I'm fucking, I hope all those people who think that that bronze statue is cool fucking hate me i don't want i don't want to be in a venn diagram where my paths cross with theirs uh stefan would you ever work for someone like matter would you hire him uh
Starting point is 02:07:36 i don't know i can't i can't i don't know yeah i am i am unbothered i'm i'm unbothered but i also do this show and so it's fun it's like the thing that happened with james townsend you like i talked to james right after we started texting right after the show like it's completely absurd that that guy from the comments here went over there and started that shit. All it does is speak – and I'm sorry that James Townsend got drug into it, but all it does is speak volumes to that dude's character. And it's like – but then people are like, why don't you just call him or this and that? Because I'm – Philip Kelly said, I'm unbothered. The second I turn this fucking light off and I leave here, I get to control all my interaction with you guys.
Starting point is 02:08:33 And here I have to be on and I'm trying to create interaction. So you have to remember that. There's that type of act going on that I'm doing, that I'm trying to. I'm trying to share stuff with you guys to make it fun just like you guys in the comments try to share stuff with me Dave was on Jocko's podcast it came out today
Starting point is 02:08:57 so I need to listen to that and I need to I want to listen to Brian friend on Brian friend was also on Sean and Tommy's podcast. I want to listen to that, the Talking Late Fitness podcast. I wish those guys did video. I can't stand just audio podcasts.
Starting point is 02:09:19 And if I do, it has to be just crazy fucking stimulating. I think – I don't know anything about jaco um i did see the press release from crossfit for taking them on and uh as a sponsor and it's fucking horrible whoever wrote it's a fucking world-class moron and they think the crossfit community is fucking stupid too it says we're're – what the fuck does it say? It is fucking crazy. It's the retard hour. I don't want to be part of that. No, I'm not being a part of the retard hour.
Starting point is 02:09:55 Here we are. Where is that? Someone sent it to me. Let me see I can't find it oh here it is oh is this it no that's not it
Starting point is 02:10:18 I have too many fucking threads going if someone's listening to this and they have my text information send it to me. Anyway, it said something crazy like, we're excited about the drink or something. Why are they sending stuff out to you that doesn't give you information? I haven't listened to Mayhem's podcast yet. I will, though, because it's on video.
Starting point is 02:10:52 I'll put it on my TV and watch it. I never stood the hype around Jocko. But all the rich sexuals just riding his dick. But all the rich sexuals? I don't know what that is uh clydesdale media yeah podcast without video is a nothing burger yeah it's it's um uh yeah it's someone did send me something they're like look a math podcast has twice as many views as rich's podcast you have to also remember that uh when rich rich's podcast will go on itunes and spotify and it will fucking murder there it will murder there so uh yeah uh great isn't how i described
Starting point is 02:11:36 the fronting episode we'll have to see how they progress yeah it's just the first one it's just the first one uh duly uh it was pretty good Rich is so awkward when he promotes sponsors oh perfect that's what I want he needs to be awkward somewhere he's so fucking good at everything else I love seeing him on podcasts dude if you want to see an amazing podcast watch him on that Cameron Haynes podcast
Starting point is 02:11:57 he is fucking cool god I can't believe how much money I made today. I might go to the store and buy a fucking Topo Chico. Yeah. Sean M. I prefer Mayhem's banter in the box while they're working out as opposed to them sitting around the table.
Starting point is 02:12:23 I just like all things rich, but the banter in the gym is dope it's dope what um i i was trolling him on his um he's trying to troll them on their Instagram account. I was very, I was very, going back to James Townsend, I was very, I shouldn't say pleasantly surprised. I was very happy that he immediately was like,
Starting point is 02:12:59 yeah, this is bullshit. I got no beef with you. We're cool. See you soon. Talk to you soon. I said, great. Thank you. Like, just like, bullshit i got no beef with you we're cool see you soon talk to you soon i said great thank you
Starting point is 02:13:05 like just like like he knows like i i can't i i mean i i think it's clear as fuck that i respect it fuck out of james townsend on on a gazillion fucking levels not not only just for the kind of the immaculate human being that he is, but that's probably 49%. The other 51% is what he does with his kids. Nothing's going to change my mind about that. I wanted to show you guys this video. I don't, I don't, I kind of don't.
Starting point is 02:13:43 It's weird. I don't, I don't, I don't hate Trump. I don't, it's weird. I don't, I don't, uh, I don't hate Trump. I don't, the things that used to bug me about him, like when he was shooting those paper towel rolls, like from, from the three, like a three pointers when he was like, I think Puerto Rico got slammed by a hurricane and you just show him and he's just like shooting three pointers into the crowd and kind of being like disrespectful. I don't know, for some reason, I, I, I don't know for some reason i i don't know what changed me but i just i those things don't bug me anymore about him or like the weird handshaking or the bravado i'm more i would be more that i'm more upset about him that he doesn't get in better shape uh clydesdale media
Starting point is 02:14:20 james townsend is one of the best humans i've ever met. Yeah, I suspect that about him. He kind of oozes that, right? These are – I don't even know what happened to this T-shirt place. Let me find out where you can get these wristbands. Where do you go? You go to LifeIsRx. Life As Rx? Life As Rx? Is that – oh, yeah. Life as Rx.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Let's go to their website. You click on it. And here we go. New releases. Oh, shit. They got Pukie. Oh, okay. So they – there's Adrian Bosman.
Starting point is 02:15:08 New releases. Collections. Men. so they there's Adrian Bosman new releases collections men collections the Sebon podcast here we go there we go and I think they have these wristbands there that's where I got them
Starting point is 02:15:20 they are really fucking nice if you like wristbands they're the kind of if you like wristbands. They're kind of like the craziest wristbands I've ever had. They're so thick and they're, I don't know, robust. Is that the word? That purple shirt is so nice.
Starting point is 02:15:41 I get so many compliments on it when I wear it. Gold with the purple. This shirt's nice if you're a girl. I know a lot of girls who wear this shirt, the tank top. I like the green and black. They're all good. It's all I wear. This and the stuff from Vindicate.
Starting point is 02:16:04 This is really nice. the women's uh splash hoodie it's really nice all the splash women's splash hoodies are nice oh is it and this is the one i'm wearing oh wait which one am i wearing today someone was saying there should be a black on black anyway enough of that so life is rx to get the uh wrist wristbands. Oh, I have a pair. Yeah. And they'll keep you.
Starting point is 02:16:28 I wear them because they keep me warm. It's raining again in California. I don't I don't even wear them for what other people wear them for to keep sweat off my hands or whatever that shit is. Yeah, I'll take one of each. I bought one of each and I had to pay fucking full price. I had to get all of them. Andrew, what's up? I got to call you. We haven't talked in forever. It's been probably like five days since I talked to you on the phone. What'd you think? What'd you think of the interview? Did you like it?
Starting point is 02:16:55 That was a crazy video you made the other day, by the way. I watched that yesterday. It's an excerpt. If you want to see a pretty crazy video, watch the one Andrew Hiller made on if Greg's starting a new fitness company. All right. Tonight, Hiller review. I probably should. The thing is I have so many fucking crazy shows. I miss hanging out with Andrew.
Starting point is 02:17:21 It's been a minute. I like the shows, the State of the Union shows we do. I got some crazy scary stories to tell you guys. You know, CrossFit, I guess we talked about all the people they fired. So I don't have any more shows today.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Tomorrow, oh, tomorrow there's a team's power ranking show at 7 a.m. so I don't have any more shows today tomorrow oh tomorrow there's a teams power ranking show at 7am and then a show with Taylor and JR in the evening semifinals programming predictions you know what's funny is
Starting point is 02:18:00 these shows I'm more excited to hang out with Taylor actually I'm not even excited about the show at all. I'm just excited to see Taylor and JR. That's the way I was about school, too. I loved going to school to see my friends. And then I get to see Halpin on Friday night. Yeah, I'll
Starting point is 02:18:17 bug Hiller and see when Hiller and I can hang. I need to get Tyson Bajan back on too I'm a little I'm a little I'm a little weary about getting Tyson back on so quickly like to be honest I can't tell if like he's just fucking ecstatic that he's going to Chicago or he's like these motherfuckers I gotta prove it again you know what I mean but but or maybe neither maybe he's just like he's just in the present and he's just like yes this is god's plan like i'm just um dude someone sent me a trailer jake um of the uh of some isle of man shit it was it was crazy
Starting point is 02:19:03 oh it was clive it was Clive. Clive sent it from Ireland. It is crazy. Do you guys want to see that? It's so intense. It sucks because it's on Instagram. It's little. Does the Azar X have a Sevan Podcast discount code? No, they do not.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Does Vindicate? They do not. That's vindicate? They do not. That's a good thing. No, they do not. Fuck that. That discount would cut into my profits. Bring Hiller on with help and spice that show up a bit. Why?
Starting point is 02:19:42 Do those two brawl? Do those two brawl a little bit? Oh, a CEO shirt with a beaver. Wow. Wow. Wow. A Mo Beaver. How about Mo Beaver? Mo Beaver.
Starting point is 02:20:00 A Mo Beaver shirt. You like it? That's the best one. I just came out with that Mo Beaver. How did I come out with the best one? Mo Beaver, a Mo Beaver shirt. You like it? That's the best one. I just came out with that Mo Beaver. How did I come up with the best one? Mo Beaver. Did you see the trans cyclist winning the event? No, winning what event? I wonder if I've met Trish before.
Starting point is 02:20:31 What if I've met Trish before? Do you guys think I've met Trish before? You think it's someone who's just like circling in my ecosystem? Trish? I want a CEO baseball hat too. I want a visor. I like a visor. I like a visor. All right.
Starting point is 02:20:49 Thank you, guys. Great show. Lucky to have Greg on. We're two hours and 20 minutes in. Love you guys. I will see you guys tomorrow morning for sure. And let me see what's going on tonight. It would be fun to hang with Mr. Andrew. Shanna Medeiros, have a great day. Always great seeing you in the comments and buh-bye.

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