The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | I Will Show You The WAY

Episode Date: November 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:16 i don't think so i don't know what i didn't make the thumbnail so i don't know but i maybe a long time ago i had like a tammer tammer tammer rack or something 100 to 400 i don't remember maybe or at a 50 to 500 on a on a sony if it or no on a canon i can't remember i'm sorry maybe i'll look at that um thumbnail later or something or you can send me a screenshot through dms but that does not sound uh accurate speaking of cameras jake is in what's up player how you doing dude girl's hair was on point in that uh video with uh be friendly fitness i hope you're well buddy i hope you're feeling good hope you're feeling good. I hope you're healing up. Augustus. Good morning. Foreigner, for sure, right?
Starting point is 00:02:08 With the name Augustus. Marissa Hinojosa. Hey, good morning. Nice shot of the butt. Good. Jeeze Louise. What's up, player? Bobby Peters.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yes, yes, yes. Mm-hmm. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Omar Cornejo. Not to be mixed up with Marissa Hinojosa. Definitely not to be mixed up with the guy from Trinidad Tobago. Devesh Maharaj, the hammer.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Robbie, what's up, dude? You're still flat building me. Paulina, hi. Always good to see you. Paper Street Coffee in the house. It's a great photo of you, Paulina. It's dope. It's gangster. Paper Street Coffee, thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Word up, Mr. Doses. Word up. In 2008, maybe before I met this guy named Dutch Lowy, he ended up being one of the main characters in the movie Every Second Counts, the documentary. And one of the things Dutch says in that movie is, I do CrossFit when I don't know what to do, and that way when something pops up that I need to do, I'm ready to do it because I'm a CrossFitter. I didn't say it nearly as eloquently as he did. But if you don't know what you're doing do crossfit and then when when something pops up that you need to do You're ready to do it
Starting point is 00:03:53 I heard someone say the other day I heard someone say the other day, just follow your breath or something like that. Or how many times a day do you focus on your breath? And for me, and I don't know when it began, but I'm sure my wife introduced me to it. Probably my default is always to go back to my breath. so from the second I noticed from the second I grabbed my coffee which is probably 30 paces out of my house and into into the main house out of the um uh podcast studio seven podcast studio and back into the house that 30 as soon as I grab my coffee and I start walking here all my attention just goes to my breath and that's just how it is when I wake up in the morning I'm just paying attention to my breath when I go to bed at night I'm paying attention to attention to my breath. My default is like when I'm driving, I'm paying attention to my breath. When I'm on the phone with Andrew Hiller, I'm paying attention to my breath. It's just my default. It's where I go. I take it for granted.
Starting point is 00:04:56 But I practiced it, and I still practice it. my practicing following my breath is even a habit. It's weird. The most valuable gift you have is stillness. And to this day, one of the best examples I can think of comes from the movie Terminator. When Arnold Schwarzenegger – someone says something to him, and these lines start popping up in his head. Like the screen turns to like an inside shot of his brain, and it starts offering up interactions that he could have with what he just saw. saw and one pops up and then another one pops up and then another one pops up and then finally one pops up and it says fuck you asshole and he checks it and the terminator says fuck you asshole you got to give yourself time to get options instead of just reacting, going through the day reacting to shit. Think of your life as a record. You know, you put the needle down on a record and it just goes round and round and then it gets to the end and then it goes back to the beginning again you have to if
Starting point is 00:06:51 you want if you want your record to play a different song at some point you have to stop just getting played and you have to try you have to just take a breath and let something pass by this thing that some people might call an awkward silence it's not awkward at all it's actually very comfortable for people who sit in it you you're not obligated to react to things you're not obligated to react to things. You're not obligated. When your phone rings, you are not obligated to answer it. You are not obligated. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Not even a little bit. If you are hungry, you are not obligated to get up and go to the refrigerator and get food. You can create space and watch that and let another option appear. this uh this is from the city of santa cruz california managing editor tom right here with thursday morning's report this is this is for the people of Santa Cruz, where I live. With flu season in full swing and a flurry of indoor holiday gatherings on the horizon, Santa Cruz County Health Officer Lisa Hernandez has issued a new health order to protect vulnerable community members and is urging the public to heed the call to step up personal protective measures of its own. They want you to react to that because they reacted to something. that the the line that i like to use don don't argue your limitations, or if you argue your limitations, they will be yours. I can't.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Great. I'll give it to you. God will give it to you. If you argue your limitations, they're yours. I'm pregnant, but it's unrealistic that I'll just quit drinking coffee and quit drinking alcohol and quit smoking cigarettes. Great. That's yours now. You own that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 You just argued your own weakness. My wife did not drink alcohol or caffeine or smoke cigarettes for three or four years. She got pregnant with Ovi, and she removed those things from her life. She wasn't smoking anyway, but – Oh, what did I just read this is good chris biefenfeld be careful what you say to yourself I'm going to share this on the screen with you guys. I'm going to share this on the screen with you guys. This is from a guy named Ryan Holiday who has 2.5 million followers on Instagram and has wrote some book called The Daily Stoic that people think is a good book. He fell asleep during the pandemic. During the pandemic. Yesterday, we'll get back to that in one second.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yesterday, I was at my kids' tennis class and um i there are these benches where all the parents sit like they're like bleachers portable bleachers and they face the tennis courts and most of the parents don't even go there they just drop their kids off but i stay and watch and most of the parents don't do that i always do that matter of fact i've been told not to do that i've been told i baby my kids i've been told just all this stuff right the teacher i mean i love the teacher but he's like hey dude you got to give your kids some space you can't be always here watching you notice you're the only parent here above that kind of shit i'm like okay thank you but i i've had my kids to watch them and like i accept the fact if it's fucking them
Starting point is 00:12:17 up or whatever anyone's saying like i i'm i go to the skate park to watch my kids skate. Like I, fuck, I enjoy it. Just like I like, if my wife's working out, I'll go in the garage and watch her work out. I just liked watching people move and especially people that I love. So I, yesterday I was there. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:40 and then, but these parents I've known for a long time, a handful of them, because my kids started there when he was four or five, and I'm there five days a week. So I see all the parents, and most of the parents there actually play tennis. I'm one of the few that don't. And so I know all the parents, and I see them, but they sit on the bleachers, and I bring my own chair. I bring this click chair, C-L-I-Q chair.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It's like this little fancy portable chair, and you pop it up up and I sit on it on a grassy area by myself. And the reason why is because in the beginning, the reason why is because I all those parents were woke. Like they all we were the only kid that came there that wasn't I wasn't wearing a mask and the kids weren't wearing a mask. This is back in 2019 or 20. It's like the instructor didn't wear a mask and me and my kids didn't wear a mask. And everyone else was all fucking masked up. So I knew I was hanging with retards. But Seva, maybe their mom had cancer at home.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You're too judgmental. I'm just telling you, The first 49 years of my life I only saw Asian people wearing masks Now everyone was Fine call me judgmental But I'm going to put my money on retard 500 on retards For Savan
Starting point is 00:13:58 Savan Letitia Lamar I know Savan's not as black as you But be nice to him I wasn't as dark as the other kids They hated me They were mean to me I didn't fit in
Starting point is 00:14:21 So I Yesterday there was a guy there And his kid goes to the tennis camp, you know, the academy with my kid and he was a masker. And I remember this girl walking up to my kid one time and being like, hey, do you want I'm teaching a dance class over the summer. Do you want to come? You need to. She was like 10 at the time and my kid was like seven. And she's like, you need to know that my dance class is inclusive and you have to wear a mask at it. I'm like, holy shit. And I knew that this guy, because of who he hung and fucking pro, uh, pro get your kids, make your kids take drugs so they can go to school, make, make, make everyone take drugs,
Starting point is 00:15:11 right? The Pfizer drugs. And so I just kind of stayed away from them. And anytime they came near me and want to talk about it, you know, I would fuck them up, right? Not on purpose, but they would just get fucked up. I'd start saying like the shit, right? Just dropping the bombs on them and uh i mean like heart just imagine like someone's trying to talk to me about
Starting point is 00:15:31 blm and i immediately ask them what's the root of their racism why they think black people are inferior you know what i mean or what's the outcome they're looking for and they just fucking get And so yesterday this guy's there and for some reason I'm compelled to walk over and just say hi to him and I say hi to him and we start talking and he starts telling me about his best friend died. And his best friend was 56 years old and one of the fittest human beings he'd ever met. Yeah, all the parents are pretty fit too and healthy looking, the tennis kids. And I'm like, oh, really? And I go, what was he doing? He said he was on a 100-mile bike ride, and he had just finished setting a record pace for himself ever in the 100-mile bike ride at 56 years old. I want to say he did it in four hours or something, some race on the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And he had a heart attack. And I said to the guy, and you know where I go right away, right? So I go, what year was that? And he goes, 2022. So his best friend just didn't die. It was two years ago, but he's still playing it in his head. And I said, oh, what do you think? He was really in good shape.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He goes, amazing shape. I go, any health problems? He goes, no. I go oh what do you think he was really in good shape he goes amazing shape i go any health problems he goes no i go what do you think caused it and he said covid or maybe the immunization to covid dude it's like all these people who got the shot, I think they all are starting to know people who died now. That's like the sixth story I've heard like that in like this last six months. I feel like I'm hearing like one a month now. Someone who knows. It's like the new AIDS or cancer or some shit.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Wow. wow but I was happy for him because it's like he I could tell he was waking up to it he slipped it in there like he wanted to talk to me about it I didn't push it I didn't want to like open the floodgate of just anti-vax stuff on him.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I just like, oh, I'm sorry to hear that. This is from Ryan Holiday. This is a very unhealthy man. I suspect, I don't know, but he's probably like a world-class plagiarizer. I suspect, I don't know, but he's probably like a world-class plagiarizer. I don't even know what... I don't even think I know what stoicism is. I mean, I think I've read a couple books on it back in the day, but... Last week, I did a piece for New York Daily News.
Starting point is 00:18:23 They couldn't run all of it, so I thought I'd send the longer version here. Enjoy. It's alarming to see how relevant Trust Me, I'm Lying has turned out to be, but here we are. At the first vaccine clinic I worked at here in a small town outside Austin, Texas, the county vaccinated more than 2,000 people in one day. This is Ryan Holiday talking. He's proud of this. He's proud of this.
Starting point is 00:18:44 At the first vaccine clinic i worked at here by the way i think this guy's crazy influential you know like there's people who have 2 million followers but they're not influential i think this guy's 2.5 million followers are like really influenced by him at the first vaccine clinic i worked at here in a small town outside austin texas the county vaccinated more than 2 000 people in one day the last clinic I worked at here in a small town outside Austin, Texas, the county vaccinated more than 2,000 people in one day. The last clinic I volunteered at, which closed because they no longer put volunteers to use, I checked had less than 15 people in for their shots. It was actually a good day. The day before, they had done five. This was not because there was a shortage of people who needed their miraculous mRNA vaccines.
Starting point is 00:19:27 We, like much of the rural South, have barely cracked a 40% vaccination rates for adults. So already we got a problem here, right? We got a conflation of mRNA and vaccine. He's already like, this dude fucking fell asleep at the wheel
Starting point is 00:19:42 and he's just doing it. This is someone asked what the date on this it just says two years ago i remember this dude posting stuff on instagram and thinking holy shit this guy's a that i don't know exactly what stoicism is but i believe it has a strong root in stillness and no one who is a master at stillness would have gotten the injection it doesn't there's nothing inside of me when i'm breathing there's there's no fear in there there's no there's no reaction to get to get that there's no reaction to get the injection. That's a reaction to fear. There's no intellectual.
Starting point is 00:20:28 There's no intellectual steps. That would get anyone. Who is conscious and watching the steps. Get the injection. You know. There's a plank. Like pirates. They ask you to walk the plank. there's a plank that like if you know like pirates they ask you to walk the plank you don't do that unless you intellectually can make sense of why you walk
Starting point is 00:20:54 the plank and why do you walk it because the guy has the sword and he's pushing you to do it and so you see you make the connection right away a logical connection without any leaps you evaluate it and you're like okay sword touching my back causing me to walk the plank guy's yelling at me he's gonna kill me he's already walked six other people off the plank no one's gotten away from it one guy got killed who refused so you walked the plank The virus wasn't like that. We had a fucking boat full of people off the coast of Japan who were not dying with the virus. We had the data come out of China. Everyone over 65 years old of the people dying predominantly like 96% or whatever it was were over 65 years old and had been smoking for more than 30 years. The second largest group in China that was dying were the women who lived with those smoking men
Starting point is 00:21:45 for 30 years or more. We had the data point that the vast majority of people who were dying were 82 years old in countries where the average age of death was 80 and had four or more comorbidities. There was no wake person, wake. There was no person connecting the dots who was like, okay, it's safe to take.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Not even a little bit awake. Not even a little bit awake, not even a little bit awake. Do it for the people who are old and who are going to die. So then you do a quick Google search and you say, what's the life expectancy of someone who's already in a nursing home? I can't remember what it was. It was like 13 months and we're 13 months into the pandemic and we're still doing the same games. There hasn't been a change. None of it made sense with just simple logic. Yeah, thank you, Kevin. There was no sword. I agree with you. There was no sword. man this dude this is what's scary is is like this i think i think part of stoicism is this like this claim that you're at the essence of it there's this claim that you're awake that
Starting point is 00:22:54 you're conscious or at least it's a conscious practice it's a practice of consciousness i'm guessing at its essence it's this realization that you can go back to your breath at any time and not be obligated to react I have an itch here on my head I'm not obligated to scratch it or is it a scratch to it you know what I mean I'm not obligated to to that. I have other options. I can watch it. I can watch the evolution of that sensation on my forehead that people so quickly react to and say it itches.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And you have to start making these small battles. Relevant battles in your life like, OK, today I'm going to experiment and not itch. I'm going to try to catch myself before I itch anything and watch it and sit with the sensation and the more you practice it it just becomes second nature will t bergeron loves this guy that sucks because i like, but this guy is a world-class fraud. This was an amazing opportunity. The whole injection thing was an amazing opportunity and litmus test for conscious people. Someone in here in the comments mentioned Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart Tolle.
Starting point is 00:24:44 He's one of the few I'm trying to think I can't think of one other of those self-help spiritual people who actually got it he laughs and calls it the so-called pandemic Marianne Williamson jumped she fell asleep at the wheel she actually quarantined herself Deepak Chopra
Starting point is 00:25:01 completely shit the bed he went to sleep, sleep at the wheel. This guy, this guy, uh, um, what's his name again? Ryan holiday. This guy fucking went to sleep too. I wonder if that's his real name. holy shit dude holy shit look at his tattoo on his on his wrist it says stillness is the key i wonder oh my god listen imagine reacting to something that caused you to pull a mask over your face while showing a tattoo that says stillness is the key oh wow listen to this
Starting point is 00:26:02 uh recently in a work meeting where colleagues were eagerly discussed eagerly discussing getting Oh, wow. Listen to this. Recently in a work meeting where colleagues were eagerly discussing getting the next booster and were boasting how many shots they had. Holy shit. What state do you live in? That is wild. It's weird to me that not everyone knows now the thing is is it's okay to be asleep if you got the shot if you reacted these are all normal things this is like this is what's happening in the matrix right people are just asleep some people want to be asleep some people wake up and they're like fuck can i go back to sleep and you can go back to sleep there's this line in the bible it says um don't be a dog and and return to your own vomit and i think that's what it's saying i
Starting point is 00:26:57 think that that when i when i heard that line i was like oh yeah don't fall back to sleep and so you have to you have to there's things you can do to help yourself stay awake. You have to create space. Actually observe stillness. Observe stillness. Observe stillness. Don't argue your limitations. Anyone who is reading this guy's shit and using this – and this kind of writing that I'm going to keep reading to you from the guy, this is the kind of stuff that's – for people who didn't know what to do, he was giving them the permission.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He's giving them the permission to get the shot I wonder how many I don't think most people watch this show That's why I almost Always read the comments I pull up I don't know if I believe this Last I heard About two weeks ago Only 3% of the US had taken the new vaccine What a beautiful collapse of credibility of U.S. public health.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Another Omar. Omar Seve. What's up, player? Look at that spelling of Seve. Big hug. Thanks, brother. I love a hug. Big hug Thanks brother
Starting point is 00:29:03 I love a hug I've been listening to your podcast For over a year and just now decided to text And say hi You guys are rocking it keep it up thanks dude This isn't really 12 daily doses Is it Someone please tell me
Starting point is 00:29:21 There's no way There's no way. There's no way. I liked all your comments in the beginning of the show, Audrey. I was just trying to stay on track here. This was not because there was a shortage of people who needed this miraculous mRNA vaccine. We, like much of the where flooding and hurricanes bring out the so-called Cajun Navy to rescue neighbors from danger, often at grave risk. What could have happened to these people so indifferent to their own health, let alone to the health of most of the most vulnerable in our community? He's basically saying, hey, why aren't these people taking the injection to protect other people? I mean, imagine. So this guy was walking the injection to protect other people i mean imagine so this guy
Starting point is 00:30:26 was walking the plank to protect the people on the boat how did this guy fall for that if he if he if he what does his tattoo say stillness is the key i wonder how still he was when he got that you know you know when he got that tattoo what happened right he fell asleep and he reacted to something and then he went and got the tattoo it was a reaction to something instead of just watching that i should get a tattoo that says stillness is the key He didn't he went he went to the tattoo shop and got it Uh 12 uh 12 daily doses a 16 years sober loving life Snatching 230 I did 100 overhead squats The other day with a 45 pound bar
Starting point is 00:31:32 15 years drunk Smoke weed every morning 95 pound back squat You gotta stop smoking weed, I think. Is that our girl? Did she change her? Is this my girl? Is this my self-help book?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Are you sitting in a bowling alley? Have you read an outline of intellectual rubbish an essay by Bertrand Russell I like him all superstition and illogical beliefs are supported by fear could expand the dialogue
Starting point is 00:32:17 of these topics you you These angry protesters are nothing like my politely vaccine-hesitant neighbors. problem is that the message they are spreading is what has trickled down to folks i share a fence line with and contributed to a cultural consciousness where solids court of the population is declining to protect themselves from a virus that's killed 610 000 of their fellow citizens imagine imagine saying this that it's killed 610,000 people and not mentioning that the vast majority of them were over the average age of death in the country. Imagine saying this without also mentioning that the flu data went to zero. Imagine saying this, that the vast majority of them, if not all, all had four or more comorbidities. Imagine saying this without saying that no one under 18 years old had died or whatever it was for a long time. This is a bad fucking human being. This is like just – why is he bad?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Because this whole guy's fucking deal is that he's awake, but he's fucking asleep. It's almost like he was – to use some sort of biblical reference, like he got possessed by the devil. Like he was – this is like some false idol shit. Now here we go. You ready for this? Here we go you ready for this here we go the way to protect the public is obvious i mean this guy does all the woke talk what do you think what do you think he what do you think it is what do you think he's he's going to protect the public so that we can all take the injection ready you guys already know what it is the way to protect the public is obvious ban them algorithmically punish accounts which share their content quarantine accounts infected
Starting point is 00:34:41 until this temporary fit of insanity passes Ryan Holiday people not basically go to zero it vanished dude it vanished from the paperwork Daniel Garrity flu did basically go to zero even though people didn't get tested we can go back and look in the wastewater.
Starting point is 00:35:07 It wasn't there during the lockdowns. Oh, I see what you're saying. You're saying it did vanish. Yeah, whether it did or didn't, huge red flag. What the fuck is going on? How could there be a year where COVID's here and flu's gone? Fucking impossible. Dude, Vivek was a beast last night.
Starting point is 00:35:38 You know what's funny? Immediately, everyone said that he was unhinged and lost the debate, if you looked up his name. But everyone knows he fucking destroyed them. When he called out that fucking chick, Weltner or Veltner, whatever her name is, about the Russian collusion shit, that was amazing. And hey, listen, the thing with the daughter was borderline weird, right? But this fucking chick Nikki Haley is talking about how bad tiktok is these guys are talking about it like it's the fucking plague right and uh and then he's like but your daughter's on tiktok and with her response like if i would respect nikki haley she's like you're right i need to fucking clean that shit up and get her off but she didn't she called him scum by the way
Starting point is 00:36:22 that's reaction to arguing like just not owning up to shit that anytime someone pushes back when they shouldn't that's that's being asleep you hit their ego and they went to sleep and they reacted that's what's going on with hillar by the way we talked about it yesterday like he's throwing things they're going into people's head and they're hit it's hitting parts of their ego. You got to let it just fucking fall off the other side. So when it hits them, they're responding. You must be like water.
Starting point is 00:37:01 David Masella, I have a hard-on for Vivek. Only candidate up there that sounds like a human I agree too and here's the thing these are the kind of things people say about him I don't trust him he sounds like a salesman okay
Starting point is 00:37:19 but what about what he said what about what he said about closing the border? You like that part? What about the part of calling out the person, the NBC News person, for helping manipulate the last election? How come – why aren't you reporting on the fact that the last election was stolen and that there was election interference propagated by NBC? How about the fact that he said – what he said is why don't we have Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and who is the third person interviewing us? Why do we got these baboons? That shit was fucking fire, dude. Yeah, he's a savage. He's a savage. Hey, and if you read the reports, the feedback on the – just kind of like the mainstream media is like saying how all of the candidates are tempered in their attacks towards Trump because they want to signal the Trump crowd that, hey, it's okay to vote for us. We don't hate your boy.
Starting point is 00:38:33 But Vivek's been doing that since day one. He said he would give Trump a full pardon since day one. Now, whether that's manipulation or not, he's just ahead of the curve, and the rest of these idiots are jumping on his bandwagon. Hey, how about when he said there's two people up here with three-inch heels? I wonder what was he referring to. Was Chris Christie wearing heels? And Chris Christie is a joke. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I am not voting for a drug addict. That guy is a full-blown addict. You know that guy got, I think he got some sort of surgery to help him lose weight. And he got skinny for a second. Remember that? Oh, DeSantis was in heels? Is DeSantis a shorty like me? Is DeSantis a shorty? How do you guys know? How come I don't know that?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Look up Ron's boots. Oh. Are they huge? Oh, my goodness. Carl Kaplan. DeSantis wears lifters, and Chris Christie is one donut away from a heart attack. You know Chris Christie got the injection the injection too he's scared to death
Starting point is 00:39:46 anyway i when i see this guy ryan holiday in in just his shit so someone sent me one of his instagram videos and i googled his name with vaccine and this came up and i just thought man this is really bad this this is uh this is like um this is like that guy uh the josh the guy the um the chief marketing officer over at crossfit inc that hillary was talking about his whole deal was he worked at twitter which we know banned hundreds of thousands of people, their conservative voices. We now live in a state for those of you who don't live in California. We had a law pass here. I think it's being taken to the court to the courts. But we had a law pass here that the doctors here are not allowed to give you different advice than what the state advice is regarding covid.
Starting point is 00:40:48 advice than what the state advice is regarding COVID. And that's basically what all these, Ryan Holiday, this guy, Josh, Twitter all had in common. It's just one giant, it's just censorship at the highest level. It's sad. It sucks. It really sucks. Hey, remember, we would not be squatting below parallel if these people were in charge. Remember that. That's not even a joke. As asinine as it sounds. Caller, hi, what's up?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Do I hear you? Do you hear me? No. Of course not. No, hold on, hold on, hold on. Be cool, be cool, hold on. Wait, wait, I can't hear you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Hey, hi, hey. Okay, now. Go ahead. Can you. Hold on. Hey, hi. Hey, okay now Good. Yeah Yes Did you talk about Hillary's video with Craig Ritchie yet? Oh, yeah a bunch but I but I love the subject of it Did you see my did you see my rebuttal to it? Did you see my clothing line that I'm coming out with? No, I totally missed it. So I was just making sure Yeah, can you see your screen? What did you think about it? Can you see your screen right now? Yep. Um, let me see. I'll show you my new, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:55 my, where is my new clothing line? Hold on. You know how he has the hustle clothing line and it's hstl yeah and i was i was like man he's not like and he made that and he made that video where they're crying because their shit's coming unraveled a little bit yeah so hillard tries to rally the troops for him which was a not what i had on my bingo card for the day. So I called a friend and I was like, Hey, we need to do a new clothing line for him because of like, like when my shit's unraveling,
Starting point is 00:42:35 like I'm like trying to hide it from you guys and I'm pushing it down and I'm, I'm like working twice as hard. Right. Like, like, like instead of changing my underwear, I'm working twice as hard to fix my shit. I'm not going to make a video of myself crying, especially if the name of my brand is Hustle. So I just decided, hey, I think I'm going to make a new clothing line. And I was going to call it Cry Baby. But then a friend of mine came up with, I don't want to say his name, a clothing line, VCTM, Victim.
Starting point is 00:43:02 You like it? I'm looking for the show. There you go. Yeah. And it's going to be a collab between me and Richie and this guy. TM. Victim. You like it? I'm looking for the show. There you go. Yeah. And it's going to be a collab between me and Richie and this guy. But everyone was singing his praises on. So that was the only comment, I guess.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I just didn't think that that would happen. Where a bunch of sympathy buyers. Like that's just the opposite of what this is all about. You leave the sport basically right in the middle of your so-called expansion and you just focus on weight lifting and you cry when your expansion doesn't go well in the united states after you've already brought got a reputation for being a prick to everyone in person besides the celebrities that you try to like follow around the games getting their content there are a lot of people who think he's a prick i i to be completely fair i i just wrote it off as um he was really insecure and kind of quiet and like socially averse like awkward like maybe he had asperger's or something but i did i did see him at the games and i said hi to him and um uh schnaz like probably 20 times
Starting point is 00:44:05 and by the end of the games like they would say hi to me and shit it took a while for them to warm up to me but they did and maybe something is wrong with them but I have heard that a like the consensus is is that he is not nice but um I wrote it off as a um I don't know, as some sort of disability. But the part that's weird is if his brand was Crybaby and shit went bad, I just don't get. Did you really just call her Chaz though? Yeah, Chaz. What is her name? What do you call her?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Chaz. Yeah, Chaz. Chaz. Yeah, Chaz. Like jazz music? Like jazz music? Yeah, like jazz music. jazz music yeah like jazz music okay jazz fine jazz and and mr richie um it just bizarre to me your brand can't be hustle and then you cry what you have to do is i think what you have to do the play was is okay your shit's falling apart
Starting point is 00:45:01 double down and fix it and then tell the story six months later. Then you show the drama. And they were spending money like jazz got her boob job, and then they were flying all over the world going on vacations. Yeah, I remember seeing the boobs and the first class tickets and the saunas and the new house. I saw all that, yeah. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Hiller needs a brain scan or something did you talk to him about it or no yeah i called him out on the show on the show i was like dude what the fuck you just turned into one of the fucking woke douchebags i'm all for being compassionate and sweet and nice and and helping people but like hey dude this dude's playing the victim yeah well when i met him at the games I mean he knows who you are so that's different but he when he meets the random people I was a judge and so I was just like hey it still took me 20 times to say hi to him before he said hi like I had to be really nice I am really nice though as a human being it was the like the limp the the limpest handshake like you know dead fish type of
Starting point is 00:46:08 handshake i've ever gotten in my life that's all i know and then it just turned away so that's i was like oh okay you're like that to normal people sounds good anyway yeah i'm done hey and you know what's crazy too here let me let me get on your bandwagon a little bit too when i'm at the when i'm at the games i'm working my ass off and i really don't want anyone to talk to me but if someone is able to get my attention i will come at them full force like i will give them the best fucking 10 seconds i can i will not like you know like when you see sometimes like um uh like a crossfit athlete taking pictures of people in the crowd but he's talking to his friend the whole time. It's like you're not there for that. Each fucking person that has an interaction with you,
Starting point is 00:46:48 you need to fucking let them stare into your soul, I think. His biggest thing was though – Or try to look into theirs. Go ahead. He didn't continue doing CrossFit. He just did lifting, right? I think that's what he did. Whatever he did, he's fucking jacked out of his mind His body's insane
Starting point is 00:47:07 His body looks photoshopped Yeah his body You see where Matt Fraser was like I wish I had a body like Craig Ritchie No but I don't blame him Yep He doesn't want a business like Craig Ritchie's That's right Alright
Starting point is 00:47:23 But think about this what if this was Hiller's move the last thing this dude has let's say 400,000 subscribers right he's been around forever he's the king shit right because you but then this fucking ding dong
Starting point is 00:47:39 named Andrew Hiller who's openly on steroids is fucking he came over and picked Craig Ritchie up off the ground publicly. Like that shit that Hiller did sold out that dude's – like someone told me everything is sold out on the site within 24 hours after Hiller posted that except for some flannels. I still I think Hiller might have had an ulterior motive maybe but There's no way Richie saw that in like the 40 chess way you're describing Didn't see what? There's no way Craig Richie like put it out there just because he thought maybe someone like Hiller would No, I don't think he want I don't think that played out the way Craig wanted it to
Starting point is 00:48:22 I would not if I was Craig and what we were I mean, I don't think that played out the way Craig wanted it to. I would not – if I was Craig and what we – I don't know Craig, but what I'm thinking about him, the kind of the image that I make up who he is, I don't think he wanted Andrew Hiller to be the guy to come over and pick you up. Like that was a bad look for him. His hustle brand is the crybaby victim brand now, and he fucking got help by Andrew Hiller of all people because i'm sure he doesn't like he he's it was craig reed craig richie's fucking agent goes around and tells people don't be affiliated with savon and hiller it's bad for your career he's a the whole thing really yeah dude they're cheat that i think that's cheating in the game of whatever game we're playing i would never call it like if if you i don't know what your name is let's say your name is joe joe if you were like hey craig richie's coming this is mark for days i've called before but
Starting point is 00:49:13 this is it's been a while so if he's like hey mark uh if you're like hey sevan craig richie's coming to my gym and you're gonna do a video on me i'd like dude that's awesome whatever you like make sure your gym's clean and have some shit to sell. He's going to blow your shit up. That's awesome. I would never be like, don't work with Craig Ritchie. Even if I, yeah, I would never do that. It's fucking, that's an asshole.
Starting point is 00:49:34 That's such an asshole. And his agent who, his agent did that, right? And his agent represents like 10 people. So now like, I don't want to have any of those 10 people on my podcast now. Like I, like he represents have any of those 10 people. On my podcast now. Like. He represents. Listen to who he represents. Craig Ritchie.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Buttery Bros. Brent Fikowski. Sporty Beth. Beth Robinson. Oh yeah. Dude. I forgot about Sporty Beth. It's like.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Come on dude. You. You just made it. So like. You. You. You. By. By. Just. Like. It's okay to hate me You just made it so like You It's okay to hate me Or not like me or have those thoughts But you're an agent Your obligation is to get the most
Starting point is 00:50:16 For your clients not to hurt them Oh the list is funny There's some Sam Briggs is on there I think Emma McQuaid Was on there Who else is on there I think Emma McQuaid was on there Who else was on there? You guys want to see it? The list? Anyway
Starting point is 00:50:32 You and I were the only ones who were like Oh man Look at his comments Such a good dude, Hiller I get it It was a good dude thing to do. It was nice. I mean, it was nice, right?
Starting point is 00:50:47 You can't resist at certain points, though, if you're getting big enough. Like, Hiller, I think, I don't know if he's reached the peak, but, like, he's gotten big enough to where, oh, he can't resist an opportunity like this to be like, also, now that all of you are watching, I also a good dude and look at look at me be a good dude it's such like i don't know he chose the wrong wrong wrong area it what he chose the wrong person to be a good oh right like he should he should have made a video of him helping an old lady across the street not helping the the give give out some thanksgiving turkeys hillary
Starting point is 00:51:25 but dude it's so funny in the way that he helped craig ritchie of all people it there's a i don't know it's pretty damn funny what's the name of the guy's agency sin i have no idea s1 sin i don't know know Someone I don't know what it is But they have the list of all the clients on there Yeah He said he hired Some expansion agent though didn't he He said he hired
Starting point is 00:51:56 Someone specifically for the US Was that the same agency or is that different I don't know Oh here Heidi says being a good wrong being a good dude to your enemy is jesus shit oh that's sweet i like that they weren't i don't know there's a difference between no no no no no no no they're the difference heidi between being a good dude to your enemy and enabling your enemy like the same thing about homeless people. You're not going to go out and give needles just because you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:52:31 You're going to give them food. You're not going to give them money that they're going to go spend on the wrong thing. You're going to give them actual sustenance. So that's how you be a good dude. You can love that quote, but it's wrong. Omar Lozano also coming. A hiller altruistic action was epic Look at these people
Starting point is 00:52:49 Oh shit, how about this how we do it Hiller did that because he's about to drop the Craig Ritchie Natty or not video Yeah, he gave no he gave he gave Craig Nick Ritchie needles That's what he did. That's exactly what he did. Instead of learning how to actually pivot correctly in your business, he got rewarded for crying on the internet about it. And everybody gives him sympathy by it. So that's exactly what he did. Oh, I kind of see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. If it would have been Jesus shit if maybe if Hiller... If Hiller went out and like... Do you think Hiller trained him like a dog that now it's like
Starting point is 00:53:33 welfare. They made welfare for women who left their husbands and so a shitload of them left their husbands and we trained a society to leave your husbands and get money from the government, your daddy, we reward them for bail bail them out he bailed them out just like every other up-and-coming sport gives participation trophies it's like okay not you're not going to learn anything through that i do like what i do like
Starting point is 00:54:02 what heidi's saying here though um he did uh he he will still need to learn how to pivot correctly it's our choice to buy the clothes or not yeah but he's still saying with your choice to buy the clothes heidi we're rewarding him for crying on the internet or having or having a schnaz cry on the internet um he got you get you get something for that He got you get you get something for that Yeah, it doesn't have to be like buying his company to give him needles Heidi it means Rewarding him at all. That's what giving him needles is. How about this? And then how about this one? This is kind of my I think that this is my personal self-help book that lives in the comments Caroline him I
Starting point is 00:54:42 This is my personal self-help book that lives in the comments. Caroline M. I don't care who Hiller helps or doesn't. His choice. But it's not 100% pure good-dudeness. There's a PR element or a one-upping him. I don't – No, that's actually a good point too because you have one guy with – When I think Hiller did that on purpose, I think that was the outcome.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Here's honestly how I think Hiller thought. I think Hiller was like, hey, I think that was the outcome. Here's honestly how I think Hiller thought. I think Hiller was like, hey, I'm going to – I don't know this for a fact. We'll have to ask Hiller. But I think Hiller was like, hey, I'm going to make a video on this fucking Josh dude. What a fucking – like this Josh dude is just like fucking Hitler incarnate, right? He's just totalitarian, censor everything. He's the epitome of sleeping woke giant and worked at twitter you know what i mean post the fucking vaccine card all that shit um so i think hillary's
Starting point is 00:55:32 like man this is not this doesn't suit the brand of crossfit which is personal accountability and personal responsibility okay and then at the same time he looks over and sees what's going on with um craig ritchie and then he sees a martin luther king quote did you see the video you know what i'm talking about mark i i don't oh well he he took these three elements this martin luther king quote and this guy josh and then this craig ritchie and somehow with the way hiller's brain worked he just mashed them together i don't even think he thinks he's a yeah he's a creative i'm not saying he's not smart he's wicked smart but he's not like a chess player he's not like he yeah you're saying he's
Starting point is 00:56:14 just a checkers player at this point not not he's a he's a chess player in his creativity like he's really creative connecting craig ritchieie to Josh was fucking brilliant and connecting it to Martin Luther King fucking brilliant. But I don't think he's like, hey, I don't think he thought for a second this is going to fuck Craig Ritchie up or turn into like. I think he's happy with how it turned out, but look at now we're debating whether Craig Ritchie is a crybaby or not. Like, I don't think he was like, oh, seven, two days later, come out with a victim clothing line. You know what I mean? I don't think he was like oh seven two days later come out with a victim clothing line, you know what? I mean, I don't think he I don't know man. The world is so full of this stupid like everyone's a victim in some way or another everyone's just been trampled on By someone in their lives enough that eventually they're going to get somebody to have enough sympathy to support their business
Starting point is 00:57:02 And it's not sustainable and I don't care how much you're like, oh, it's just being a good dude. You're not being a good dude by continuing to perpetuate the narrative that if you cry long and hard enough about something, that people end up just lifting you up all the time. Because it only works when it goes viral. It only works in the first month of whatever time it is that it gains everybody's attention. Everyone else sees it at the same time. They all support it and then they forget about it. It's not teaching anything. It's not actually being a good dude. It's not actually fixing the problem.
Starting point is 00:57:33 The problem is Craig Ritchie didn't know how to run a business because he left the sport while he's trying to expand it. And then he tries to just latch on like a puppy dog to all these big big name athletes and act and then he got into the circle so then he felt like he made it and he made a whole bunch of wrong financial decisions and instead of actually learning from it and going back to square one we're trying to go oh we're just going to be good dudes it's not good dudes oh it's not being a good dude mark look at this this is a crazy Analysis so you know Hiller got off Of TRT right he was like
Starting point is 00:58:06 So he got on TRT and then he wanted to see What would happen if he got off which takes fucking Balls by the way You're telling me it's estrogen Yeah you see this comment How he do it Hiller's estrogen is super high Since he came off of TRT I saw him at a yogurt shop Wearing a girls who eat t-shirt
Starting point is 00:58:22 Someone please call California Hormone to do an intervention Wow at a yogurt shop wearing a girl girls who eat t-shirt someone please call uh california hormone to do an intervention wow hey i have a buddy who was fucking juiced to the gills one of the strongest human beings i ever met and uh the other day we were talking about it he goes yeah i've been off and i'm like what's that like he's like dude if i see a hallmark card i start crying so maybe that is what happened to Hiller. Wow. Yeah. Hey, there's my buddy, Zach Smith.
Starting point is 00:58:48 What's up, Zach Smith? All right. I'll let you go. I appreciate it. Okay. Talk to you later. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Bye. Bye. Yeah. I don't know how Hiller's brain connects all those dots. It's pretty fucking amazing how he squeezed Martin Luther King in there and he held Martin Luther King up against that dude, Josh. That was crazy. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh, is this it? Wait, wait. Sin Talent Agency? No. No. No. I had the... Maybe someone will send me the link. Oh.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Ah, I see. Oh, I see. Oh, I see. My son threw up three times in the middle of the night last night. Three times I got up and rubbed his back. He was so chill. Not Avi, Joseph. Oh, this name is crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Caller, hi. Hi. Yes, hi. Hi. Hey, Saban. My name is Megan. What's up? I wanted to see if we could switch gears. So I listen on the podcast, so I'm usually a couple days behind. Okay. And I just listened to the episode where you were talking about abortion and being pro-choice and all of that crazy stuff in the world.
Starting point is 01:00:28 But I wanted to just bring up kind of my story and about the, not necessarily abortion, but aborting babies later in the pregnancy. Please. That there are so many adoptive parents out there that are looking and desperately seeking babies, whether it's infertility or for their own reasons. And I feel like if the hospitals could educate those mothers that are struggling with the decision to abort or not, and letting them really know that adoption is a great option because you can bring so much joy to parents or another family. Can I ask you a question about that? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So here's one of the things I think. there's things that you've done in your life, not you, you, but just the collective you, that you wish you didn't have done that might haunt you. Especially if you accidentally hurt someone or purposely hurt someone being reckless. Or really mean to someone. Let's say you had a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you were really mean to them,
Starting point is 01:01:44 and it could stay with you fucking until the day you die. But if you. If you. Abort a baby. Man. I have to think that stays with you your entire life. Like. Or you stay asleep.
Starting point is 01:02:04 You really push it down. You pick up some habit to push it away i don't think i i don't i i from the watching my own mind i don't think it would be possible to reconcile it would be something that i could have done like if i would have got a girl pregnant when i was 16 like i would have been like yeah let's get an abortion but now at fucking 51 i would be fucking thinking about it a lot, like every day, right? Because of who I vote. But what about the other way? If I put up a baby for adoption, I would also be thinking about that child every day.
Starting point is 01:02:41 A hundred percent. And it would haunt me. Either way, it would haunt me. Either way, either way. What? Say that again. Oh, but you can at least have that contact or you can make it what you want, especially with the way of the world. So I'm an adoptive parent.
Starting point is 01:02:54 So I adopted my daughter three years ago and it was up to, we left it completely up to the birth mom, whether she wanted to have contact with us or not. And so it's considered an open adoption. And we do communicate with her, but she doesn't communicate back. But at least she knows and she made the amazing decision to give us a family. And we can have that. And she can see that her child is thriving and succeeding in life
Starting point is 01:03:31 because she made the courageous decision to keep her pregnancy when she could have so easily just said, you know, screw it. I'm not going through with this. Because you're aborting a baby later in life or later in the pregnancy, you're still going to have later in life or later in the pregnancy you're still going to have to give birth to that child so if you're aborting because you're scared of giving birth you have to get that baby has to come out of you one way or another whether it's dead or alive and i would hope that you know a parent or a mom would choose life for that reason
Starting point is 01:04:02 you know last night in the Republican debate, Chris Christie said that you can get an abortion in the ninth month in the state of New Jersey. That's crazy. That, that should, that actually just saying that out loud kind of made my skin crawl a little bit.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I, I, I have people I, I, I really love, and they express – they were expressing happiness for what happened in Ohio a couple days ago with the – I don't know the – I haven't looked into it closely, but basically protecting the right to kill a baby. And it is, it is a trip that we live in a society. Hey, do you think that the words around it are what's causing these people to stay asleep on the subject? The fact that they call it abortion or that they call it women's reproductive rights?
Starting point is 01:05:03 Those kind of like mislabeling it yes because either either way that baby has to come out of you so why not just keep it alive and let somebody you know you say that you say that but can't you but if you're like five weeks pregnant can't you just take a pill and then and then you just pee the oh yes yes but but if it's later in the pregnancy, that's, I think that's where I struggle with is, you know, with my daughter was born, you know, six weeks early. And, you know, so she could have been aborted at that age. That's just crazy to think that she's a living being and is thriving now. And if somebody would have taken that away from her, that's just, it just makes me really sad. And, you know, you as a dad, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:49 loving your kids so much, but just educating those hospitals, I think is just so important. Or just people that are helping those moms make that decision to abort. How old was your daughter when you adopted her? She was zero days. So we got the call. Yeah, she was zero days oh so we got the call yeah she was zero days
Starting point is 01:06:07 so we got the call that said hey we have a white baby girl that was just born yes or no and that was the only information we had and i looked at my husband and said, yep, let's do it. And the next day we were on a plane. It's my new year girl. It's crazy. Someone in the comments said there is no doctor that will abort a baby at nine months unless the mother is in fatal danger. Ma'am. Well, thank you for calling. Congratulations on having a beautiful, healthy child. It is – it really – it's a shame that the conversation can't be had. I guess in a perfect world, I would like to see it not be regulated and just have a healthy public be making the right decisions.
Starting point is 01:07:19 It is it is pretty crazy. Some of the main arguments you see are like, hey, this this kid would have been born into. This is a really common one. This kid would be born into a poor black family. And so just let the mother get an abortion. Like for some reason, like like that's like some sort of bad thing to happen to you to be born into a poor black family and so just let the mother get an abortion like for some reason like like that's like some sort of bad thing to happen to you to be born into a poor black family like uh everyone born in armenia 90 of the people born in armenia my people are born into poor armenian families like you know what i mean that's the justification for for abortion and that's justification the left uses on blacks, people with black skin. And then you heard Ron DeSantis tell the story yesterday, right? I don't know if you heard it. No, I didn't. I didn't watch it yet. No, I'll catch up on Megyn Kelly later today. So basically he said that there was a woman in Jamaica who was going to get an abortion, and for some reason she didn't.
Starting point is 01:08:06 was a woman in jamaica who was going to get an abortion and for some reason she didn't and then eventually that kid came to florida and that girl grew up and now she sit and ronda santos appointed her to be on the florida supreme court but she was going to be a little aborted black girl in jamaica and now she sits on the fucking supreme court of florida and it's like hey just because someone's going to be born into hardship doesn't mean you fucking kill them. It's a crazy justification for killing babies. It's bizarre to me. I don't get it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Yeah. And there's so many parents out there waiting for their baby to be born and on waiting lists all over the country. And here we are just killing kids. It's really sad. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you for sharing your story. Abortion is one of my favorite topics. Call in anytime. I know that people hate it. I think it's important. I don't think there's that guy that we have on the show sometimes. I don't know if you, his name is Seth Gruber. He's been on the show two or three times. I think it's such a noble thing he does trying to... I wish more people on the left
Starting point is 01:09:06 recognize that. You can be pro-choice and realize that there's nothing more noble than what pro-life people are doing. They're trying to save babies. Dude, let them do it. Let's see what happens. Let them do it. Create families. Alright, thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:09:25 A little early morning abortion talk. You guys want to see this? This is crazy. You're going to love this. So do you guys, does everyone know the story? I feel like everyone knows the story, but maybe I should tell it really quick. Haley got hit by a car crossing the street. Almost had to have her leg amputated. It ended up being like six surgeries on her leg. Haley's hit by a car crossing the street. Almost had to have her leg amputated.
Starting point is 01:09:45 It ended up being like six surgeries on her leg. Haley's my wife. And basically, she got a settlement from the insurance company, and so we had this huge chunk of cash. This is 20 years ago. I don't know. This is a long time ago before we had kids or anything. And so one of her family friends was the vice president of this chain of banks in Los Angeles, very high up, like the second person, highest person at that bank – of those banks. And big bank, big, big, big, big bank. And so we went over to her house. It wasn't a lot of money. I want to say it was like $300,000.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And so we went over to her house It wasn't a lot of money I want to say it was like $300,000 I mean it's a lot of money I mean we used it for a down payment on a house Which we would have never gotten If we didn't She wouldn't have got hit But
Starting point is 01:10:31 But Whatever And And it wasn't worth it for the damage that was done to her Like she has no meniscus now And I mean she's still fit as shit And looks amazing But it sucked
Starting point is 01:10:43 It's not worth it Don't get hit by a car So we go there we go to the lady's house Jewish lady And we're talking to her and she's telling us How to invest our money Our money Haley's money our money We weren't even married
Starting point is 01:10:58 And she tells me When she realizes I'm Armenian My bank does not My chain of banks does not lend to Armenians. I go, really? She goes, yeah, if we see IAN, we don't let you borrow money from the bank. I'm like, you can do that? She goes, well, we do it. I don't allow any of the banks in my region, Los Angeles, to lend to Armenians. It's like, no shit. She's like, yeah. She's like, they're not trustworthy or some shit. She told me, and I'm just sitting there like, wow, no shit she's like yeah she's like they're not trustworthy or some shit she told me and i'm just sitting there like wow no shit awesome wow you know what i mean it'd be like
Starting point is 01:11:32 if you were a black dude and someone was like yeah i don't want i don't want any black males living uh next door to me and you're like oh why not because they fucking kill people no shit yeah look at them. 51% of all the murders in the United States are committed by 6% of the population, men with black skin. So this lady's like, we don't fucking lend money to people with the last name with I-A-N. Why? Because these motherfuckers are corrupt and don't pay their shit back. Now listen, what's crazy is I do know a half dozen stories
Starting point is 01:12:03 of fucking Armenians running scams at banks. So I was like, shit, there's probably some truth to that. Right? It's like, wow. And now we've had Jorge Ventura on, and the Armenians are – it's the Armenians, the Chinese, and the Mexicans who are fucking running the drug show in California now David weed I don't want black people living close me you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about dude you move to fucking Spain. No, he doesn't yawn.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Is there many black people near you? No, there's no black people. Just a bunch of fucking dudes who smell like shit. Sorry, Spaniards. Matt Burns, stereotypes are based around facts. Anyway, so... Matt Byrne stereotypes are based around facts anyway so oh I thought someone was going to call so basically look at this article this just came out I think yesterday
Starting point is 01:13:14 this was not the bank by the way speaking of stereotypes this was not the bank this was not you're in Spain to avoid black people or because they're smelly uh um uh because they're smelly men there because there's no black people there oh shooter mcgavin i am black and i live next to me i don't know how you do that i don't tell my neighbors don't know i'm black savon savon your bologna sandwich is ready savon
Starting point is 01:13:56 um this is crazy uh breaking news city group find.9 million. That doesn't seem like enough money. That does not seem like enough money for anything. Citigroup fined $25.9 million for discriminating against Armenian Americans. Branding them bad guys, says federal U.S. regulator. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau exposed Citigroup for intentionally discriminating against Armenian Americans applying for credit cards. Citigroup's own internal message showed clear prejudice and bias and derogatorily branding Armenians as bad guys. But we're Christians. Or suggesting ties to organized crime.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Suggesting. Unfairly tagging Armenians is more likely to commit fraud This was reported by Yahoo Finance Citing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, CFPD An independent United States government agency Responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector Listen, you know what this article does though, right? No one's reading this and being like
Starting point is 01:15:03 Oh, those poor Armenians. Everyone's like, those motherfuckers do do fraud. As a whole, culturally, around money, they're unsavory characters, these Armenians. Citigroup is the third largest banking institution in the United States. Take that, black motherfuckers! Victim. Victim mentality shirts will be released shortly on the vindicate platform
Starting point is 01:15:27 victim vctm I'm only gonna wear victim shirts for like a year I think even though I really like my CEO shirts and I like this black no plan b is savage what's 2fa security on And I like this black no plan B is savage. protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto
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Starting point is 01:16:39 each in accordance with the respective terms and conditions. Limited time offer ends October 31, 2024. Conditions apply. Visit slash student offers. The investigation found that Citibank trained its employees to blatantly target and reject applicants from individuals with the last names ending
Starting point is 01:17:00 in Lamar or Savan or Letitia. Black people were not allowed to get loans because they're too black. Oh no, no, this is about Armenians. Imagine how fucked up the world is for me. I'm 100% black and 100% Armenian. My shit is all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I couldn't get a loan if I tried, but I robbed that fucking bank. The investigation found that CityTrain, its employees blatantly target and reject applicants from individuals with last names ending in Y-A-N or I-A-N, the most common suffix to Armenian last names, and those living in Glendale, California, otherwise known as Little Armenia. As part of the Citi Financial blah, blah, blah group, ordered Citi Bank will pay a hefty fine of 24.5 million please how is that hefty and must comp here's the part i don't understand it must compensate affected customers to the tune of 1.4 million
Starting point is 01:17:55 excuse me turntable i saw your comment i'll come back to it all your comment i'll come back to it so so 24 million is a fine i wonder who that goes to but 1.4 million goes to the people who were i guess victims of this uh this this racial prejudice ethnic and uh prejudice listen dude this is like real shit that's what's so funny too like Prejudice. Ethnic prejudice. Listen, dude, this is like real shit. That's what's so funny, too. Like. So I told you a story about how I went to my grandparents home where they were chased out from genocide. Right now, you're seeing my people can't get a fucking loan.
Starting point is 01:18:43 And in in L.A. where they live by the third largest bank, I have personally was told by the VP of a bank. We don't fucking give loans to you fucking dirty armenians and look how fucking cool i am i don't give a fuck i'm not reacting to that shit i'm gonna hustle oh shit maybe i should take over the hustle brand because i'm a motherfucking hustler you better act somebody oh because i'm a motherfucking hustler. You better act somebody. Oh. Because I'm a motherfucking hustler. You better act somebody. Because I'm a. Because I'm.
Starting point is 01:19:17 A motherfucking hustler. Am I not saying that line right? How come I can't find that? Isn't that. Isn't that from Snoop Dogg's album the one that has the uh hold on a second by Ryan Holiday douchebag isn't it from Doggy Style in 1993? The Doggy Style album? Because I'm a motherfucking hustler. You better ask somebody. I don't know. City Bank Director Rohit Chopra, Indian guy,
Starting point is 01:19:58 said city stereotyped Armenians as prone to crime and fraud. We're prone to it. I'm prone to crime and fraud. We're prone to it. I'm prone to crime and fraud. In reality, city illegally fabricated documents to cover up its discrimination. Do you see how that sentence doesn't even make sense? That doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 01:20:20 This is an Armenian fucking Instagram account just so fucking biased. City banks stereotyped Armenians as prone to crime and fraud. Okay, I understand that. If you end in IAM, because some, it's not stereotyped. There was some sort of like, hey, these motherfuckers, something's wrong, right? Let's give them that. The IAM people were, they were doing some shady shit around money.
Starting point is 01:20:44 In reality, city illegally fabricated documents to cover up. of them that the iam people were they were doing some shady shit with around money in reality city illegally fabricated documents to cover up that's conflating shit they can be prone to crime and fraud and um uh why do they put in reality city bank illegally fabricated documents it doesn't mean that they're not true to cover up its discrimination. No, they discriminated against Armenians because of something they saw. Or the way they smell, whatever, whether it was valid or not. Citigroup said a few employees took action while attempting to thwart a well-documented Armenian fraud ring operating. Oh, here's the great part.
Starting point is 01:21:24 documented Armenian fraud ring operate. Oh, here's the great part. Citigroup said a few employees took action while attempting to thwart a well-documented Armenian fraud ring operating in certain parts of California. So they acknowledge that, that there was a fraud ring of Armenians. The bank said we sincerely apologize to any applicant who is evaluated unfairly by a small number of employees who were circumvented or fraud detection protocols, said the bank in a statement. Following an internal investigation, we have taken appropriate actions with those directly involved in this matter and we promptly put in place uh place measure to prevent any reoccurrence of such conduct so listen you're you have a store you have a store and uh um it's been robbed six times in uh the apple store in berkeley when i was there it was robbed six times in the Apple store in Berkeley. When I was there, it was robbed six times by – Berkeley is only 10% black. And I can't actually remember ever seeing any black people in the Apple store in Berkeley, to be honest. I'm sure I did, but I just can't remember. When I close my eyes and think of it, just a bunch of big-nosed Jews, right? Whitey Jews.
Starting point is 01:22:25 And it was robbed six times in a month when I lived there, six times a month. It was like 24 times seriously in like three months. It was something fucking crazy to where the Berkeley Police Department parked their cars. They set up a portable police station in front of the Apple Store and on the Fourth Street Promenade in Berkeley to try to stop the crime. Now, every single one of those robberies was done by black kids every single one people with melanated skin so at some point if you work at the store and someone black walks in you're going to be like same thing with this fucking bank they're working on a fucking operation
Starting point is 01:23:12 to stop people they found a ring of Armenians who's all their last names end in I-N-Y-N who are doing fraud to the bank and so they got a little fucking itchy trigger figure and they're like hey everyone with an I-N Who are doing fraud to the bank. And so they got a little fucking itchy trigger figure. And they're like hey everyone with an IIN is fucked for this month.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Or this year. I don't know. It seems more like. It's not discrimination. Or prejudice. Or racism. But just fucking discernment to me the kardashians have been discriminating against whites and only fucking black dudes for decades let's call it even i would like to i would like to i would i would like to
Starting point is 01:24:06 I would like to I would like to I do wish I was more black Like more obviously black Maybe I'll like take some pills I'll take some peptides that make my skin dark You know like they'll ask those group of white people Does anyone in here
Starting point is 01:24:23 Would anyone trade who they are to be black? I wish I could be in one of those rooms so I could raise my hand. Me! Right here. Save on. Want to talk about dicks? No, let's talk about Tyson. Tomorrow. Tonight. Holy shit, tonight. tonight oh my god oh my goodness tyson bagent uh news uh justin feels doubtful tyson bagent set to start thursday night versus the panthers
Starting point is 01:24:59 nfl thursday night bears panthers NFL Thursday night Bears Panthers Tyson eager for another chance oh here let's go let's do this Sports Illustrated I am pumped hey he's coming on Friday can you fucking believe that maybe Friday morning
Starting point is 01:25:24 how nuts is that that's tomorrow dude that's fucking tomorrow you're listening to this on on a on a on a on a on a on a on a on a airplane can we please keep this going for another hour i still have a bit left in my flight that's crazy no not tomorrow it's tonight no he's coming on tomorrow this is exciting i agree uh tyson a few levels higher for bears rookie tyson bajan gets another start and says he realizes now what not to do with the ball after encountering high level talent in nfl secondaries. Look it. We found a typo in Sports Illustrated. Talent. They forgot the T.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Tyson Bajan has the opportunity to apply what he learned from Sunday's 24-17 loss to New Orleans. He definitely learned a lesson in that game. Dude, everyone loves this guy. Look it. They're not even ass-pounding him. Yeah, don't turn over the ball, he said. Yeah, don't turn over the ball, he said.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Replacing Justin Fields for a fourth straight start Thursday night due to a dislocated thumb, Bajent will try to make amends for the four turnovers he had among the five total by the Bears against the Saints. It's a little more complicated than just don't turn the ball over, though. Uh-oh. Just, I mean, nothing that I didn't know, he said. We're playing against high-caliber NFL talent and players every week at every position. So if you're behind on a throw, while it could easily be an incompletion, these players have the talent in order to make that a turnover.
Starting point is 01:27:03 So being on time and on target, being locked in, and being able to finish games all the way through. And then here fucking Sports Illustrated says something completely stupid. Some quarterbacks have the rocket arm to get away with this, but Bajan isn't quite as blessed, even if he did tell everyone he had a cannon earlier this season. Shut the fuck up. Who wrote this article? Gene Chamberlain.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Suck a cock. The former Division II Sheppard University quarterback realizes the difference now between the cornerbacks who ran a 4-3 combine 40-yard dash and what he was used to facing at Shepard I knew that when he said that he kind of opened that can of worms that these ding-dongs were going to jump on that he was basically complimenting the p in the in the he did a presser yesterday Tyson did and he was complimenting um the the talent in the NFL and I knew that they were going to take it as the game the gate he's he's having struggle he's struggling to adjust to the speed in the NFL, and I knew that they were going to take it as he's struggling to adjust
Starting point is 01:28:08 to the speed of the NFL. Bajan has completed 74 of 110 for an excellent 67.3 passing average. I've been talking to some Let me see Gene Chamberlain This guy's been around forever publisher Gene Chamberlain Has covered the Bears full time For various publications, news services
Starting point is 01:28:44 And websites over 30 years, including several years collaborating on weekly NFL Bear columns with Mike Ditka and Walter Payton. Imagine still having them in their resume. That'll be like in 10 years when I'm still bragging that I knew Greg. 10 years when I'm still bragging that I knew Greg. Turntable. He's going to shut a lot of mouths tonight. Yeah, boy.
Starting point is 01:29:15 What time? What time is that? I got the, let me see. I'll even go over to YouTube and see what's going on with the, I have the NFL. I bought the NFLfl thing on youtube uh uh um i'll show you what i have here share screen i got this thing I'll show you what I have here. Share screen. I got this thing.
Starting point is 01:29:49 So it's... San... Sunday? What's today? These are all... Do I not have... Can I not watch the night games with this purchase? This thing was only $492.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Shit. Is it not on YouTube tonight? That would suck. Dude. It must not be on YouTube tonight. Only on Prime. Why the fuck did I buy this YouTube thing? I've only gotten two games on it
Starting point is 01:30:27 excuse me amazon um amazon prime oh fuck you're right uh bears panthers tonight 7 p.m eastern time oh that's at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Oh, that's at 4 p.m. I'll be at tennis practice. Can I buy it on my phone? I have Amazon Prime. Does that mean I get to watch that? Can I watch that? Can I just watch that anyone? Yeah Yeah, that is what it ends up being it's like i'm paying 250 bucks a game I have reds I bought red zone through apple tv too. I've never used it That was a waste of 100 bucks i thought that you
Starting point is 01:31:25 could i could actually watch the games it shows i'm just i don't know what i'm having a steep learning curve learning about football access to games technology all that stuff so what did we learn on today's show don't kill your baby put it up for adoption ryan holiday is no has tattooed on his arm stillness, which only shows that he doesn't have stillness, because if he had stillness, he would have not reacted to that thought and not got the tattoo. We learned that you can't trust Armenians
Starting point is 01:31:59 and that we're more bigoted against than black people. Wah, wah, black people ain't got shit on us we learned that Andrew Hiller's an altruistic man who saved Craig Ritchie's hustle brand we learned that Craig Ritchie's agent has a big mouth and should keep it fucking shut or else it's gonna fuck up all his opportunities for his for his people he represents who that one's gonna take me a while to process i apologize whoever that guy is what's his name sealy or something i shouldn't say that because
Starting point is 01:32:36 i don't know his name but i thought his name of his company was sn1 but whatever it is that that was bad that that came that i found out about that it reminds me of when the lone ranger people did that it took me a long time or when woolly did that told don to not let me go to the games that that shit takes me a while to get over like you're it's like you're going to my boss and telling on me it's like you saw me kissing my fucking girlfriend in front of my house and then later on you went and told my my My mom you saw it. We saw your son kissing with his girlfriend in front of the house you fucking asshole Hey David, I got a question for you
Starting point is 01:33:20 What is my life come to that I need advice from David Fucking what is my life come to that I need advice from David You ready David you ready need some advice built the greatest economy in history. We close it down because of the church. Oh, that one. What a stupid son of a bitch. Ready, David? You ready? No, not you, David. Sorry, David. I got my Davids all mixed up.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Yeah, thank you, Jan. Not you, David. David the douche. I need advice from David the douche. Double D. They call him Double D in the hood. Racist Dave. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:34:10 That's your new nickname. Racist Dave. Wow. Honest yet racist Dave. Wow, that's a good skit. I need to expand the show and start doing skits like Saturday Night Live skits or something. And I should have a character named Racist Dave. Honest.
Starting point is 01:34:29 But racist, Dave. Racist Dave. Dave, are you there? Are you ready? Oh, you're ready, too. OK, fine. I know. I know all you assholes are going to weigh in.
Starting point is 01:34:43 It's about calling the cops. OK. it's about calling the cops okay uh okay you ready Dave Weed listens to the show I picture him listening to the show in a globo gym every morning he's probably on the he's probably doing curls on the preacher rack
Starting point is 01:35:04 and he's like trying to decide whether he should actually finish his sets or run over to his phone and go yeah I'm here what he's torn right now you guys see that right honest but racist racist Dave
Starting point is 01:35:20 racist Dave and maybe with some horse. And then it shows him riding up on a horse. On the back of a horse naked. Yeah. For sure. A racist Dave uses the Smith machine.
Starting point is 01:35:41 For sure. And elliptical. He does all that shit. For sure. And I ain't hating on it. But he probably doesn't want us to know but he's honest but he's racist dave um my neighbor's kid i already did i already acted on it. I should ask Dave, racist Dave, for his advice before I did this. My neighbor has five kids. I have three kids.
Starting point is 01:36:11 My neighbor's cool as shit. I love my neighbor. I mean, we have some problems because I fucking can't stand how loud his well is. I can hear it all over my property. It's starting to drive me crazy. I used to not care. I mean, I fucking lived here almost 10 years and I never cared. And all of a sudden, I'm starting to drive me crazy. I used to not care. I mean, I fucking lived here almost 10 years and I never cared. And all of a sudden I'm starting to care.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Old. So. Oh, that's your image of racist, Dave? That's interesting. I like it that we all have different images of each other. Yon Clark, I like to imagine Dave Weed as a crypto dude or works offshore and lives in Spain. Yeah, I could see him as a guy who spends one week a month making
Starting point is 01:36:47 $40,000 working on an oil rig. Or I could see him as a crypto... I kind of see him as he's done something illegal and he's run to Spain. But either way. No, he does not. No. No. Racist Dave does not do the recumbent bikes i did those in college what a douche i was i sat on the bike so much now i sit on an assault bike i'm i'm hard now
Starting point is 01:37:24 heidi krum seven it is not the sound of the well that is annoying you it is the story you're telling yourself about the well shit thank you heidi that is deep that is deep Racist Dave is turning into the most interesting man with these comments So my neighbor has these five kids And One of the kids It's like the most beautiful
Starting point is 01:38:03 His kids are beautiful All his kids are beautiful all his kids are beautiful they're just be beautiful kids healthy strong one one of it when he started uh one of his kids just started uh jiu-jitsu he switched jiu-jitsu academies and comes to the jiu-jitsu academy my kid comes to and he's just such a stud tall lanky kid growing into his body. Beautiful eyes, beautiful hair. Stands up fucking straight, dope-ass posture. And then that's his youngest kid.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And then the kid up from that is this girl who's like the most beautiful young girl I've ever seen in my life. Polite, polite smiles eye contact um just fucking what a cool kid but i see her around town riding one of those fucking electric bikes they're called like 73s or something uh electric 73 oh here it is i'll show you these are so popular in my town like they're everywhere and i mean everywhere like i'm gonna go i'm gonna when i'm done with the show i'm gonna go out and i'm gonna see them i'm gonna see 20 of them you guys see this thing they're everywhere and there's kids riding them everywhere and
Starting point is 01:39:28 there's like three or three kids two kids three kids on each bike it's crazy they pile up on these oh janelle hi janelle hi we have some unfinished business janelle you know that i was thinking about you last night, Janelle. And this morning. And so she's – I see her all around town riding this bike, and my wife sees her too. I mean I live in a small town. And she doesn't wear a helmet and i'm telling you this kid is like this is like a pristine human being i don't know how old she is 14 15 16 year old girl and every time i see her my heart
Starting point is 01:40:19 kind of hurts a little bit because when you have kids you start like all the kids you see are kind of your kids it's weird and one time i was in front of my house riding my bike with my kids just in my i was i wasn't even going five miles an hour three miles an hour just riding in circles in front of my house my kids run their bikes i was on my bike we're just riding you know just neighborhood riding and my neighbor goes hey dude you don't have a helmet on i'm like yeah i'm just chilling and he goes yeah but it's a bad example for your kids my neighbor told me that i was like damn that's hardcore call me out on that shit i love love my neighbor. It's cool, though. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:41:12 So now I see his daughter riding on an electric bike fucking 17 miles an hour around fucking the neighborhood. And the road we live on is an old highway. There's no shoulder. There's no nothing. So you're on there with cars for a mile that are going 40 miles an hour. It's fucking nuts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah it's sitting on the dining room table i bet you it makes it out by christmas yours and blades and joe neal's joe neal's uh 12 daily doses i just creeped uh heidi's. Damn, total babe. For sure. For sure.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Great transformation. I like the bigger Heidi, too. She got many looks. A big Heidi. I like a big Heidi. Big fit Heidi. I like a Heidi. Heidi Like a 185 Heidi 200 pound back squat
Starting point is 01:42:09 And so I see this girl riding all around Town with no fucking helmet David David are you listening to me racist David This is Savon David David David David, this is Siobhan, David. So finally, I just called him. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:39 It's been going on for months. And my wife was in my ear, too. It's like, hey, someone's got to call the dude and tell him his daughter's riding around she my wife's like what are we gonna do if she fucking gets it dies or gets hit by a car or something and bangs her head and we know that we we've seen this and we're not telling him so i call the dude i'm like yo dude he's like what's up i said dude i seen your daughter ride around town without a helmet first he tried to he tried he tries to push back he's like no there's another girl who looks just like her my daughter wouldn't do that like all right my bad i was like but dude i'm pretty sure it's her he's like okay take a picture next time you see it
Starting point is 01:43:14 i'm not taking a picture of some fucking 15 year old girl oh so that was my question you think i overstep bounds? You think that's as bad as calling the cops? I know you're highly sensitive to this calling and tattletailing thing. What do you think? Racist Dave, tell me. Racist Dave. I know. Well, here's the thing, Jan. I have this huge scar on the side of my head because I crashed on a bike when I was a little kid and I wasn't wearing a helmet and I spent
Starting point is 01:43:52 fucking I got really close to dying they kept me unconscious for three days at a subdermal hematoma had to cut open the side of my fucking cranium drain the blood freak my parents out fucked up my my childhood like i didn't play any sports because of that david it's not an lol matter i need to know racist day do you think i overstepped the bounds by calling the dad do you think that would you lump that up with the time i saw the car ram the other car and I called the cops? Oh, Saber, I want to talk with you for a second. Oh, Sabir and Kelly, you commented on yesterday's show. How did seven was this? Is this sarcasm?
Starting point is 01:44:43 This I hope this is sarcasm or facetiousness. Or, like, I hope you're trying to big-dick people. You commented on the video. It's the video last night with Brian Friend and J.R. Howell and Bill Grundler. Bill Grundler. And you said – David, I'm waiting for a response, David. Did David ever respond? No.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Jason, a great question. Maybe so the first responders don't have to respond to a scene with a human in pieces. So you think it was good that I called. Cool. It was that was a mongoose BMX bike. Way different. I was riding a mini bike, a mongoose. It was called a mini goose. But good memory.
Starting point is 01:45:37 A mini goose. Corey, hi. Sabir, you write. How did several manage to put this put together some of the best in the business for this on such short notice uh he does it all the time apparently he just asks in their text group 14 people who's available and then picks up a few that are available pedro mentions this before it used to be um 15 poor mike halpin uh someone else wrote here king shit i think i like that so i like that i'll thumb because he's the best in the business well it sure as fuck i know that
Starting point is 01:46:19 oh so oh thank you okay you made up for it okay okay all right all right all right grundler grundler there was this line yesterday grundler grundler doesn't it grundler sounds like a like a uh like a uh no that was better than calling the cops okay thank you fine racist dave thank you uh november 9th uh 8 45 a.m pacific standard time 2023 savon does throw out a helpline to david what a strange world we live. I never thought that I would be asking him. But when you live in my head, rent free. See, he doesn't live rent free. Did you see what I did?
Starting point is 01:47:12 I just used him. I got a little bit from him. A grundler, doesn't that sound like a kind of poop? Like, ooh, he got a grundler. It's like one of those round ones. Do you ever shit out like a round poop? Do you ever shit a poop and you're like, ooh, he got a grundler. It's like one of those round ones. Do you ever shit out, like, a round poop? Do you ever shit a poop and you're like, wow, that thing must be fucking huge. And you look in the toilet and it's like, meh.
Starting point is 01:47:35 It's like, damn. That felt, I'm trying to think of, like, maybe one that's like this. It's kind of big. A grundler. Feels bigger than it is uh janelle uh winston no you got to tell parents when kids are doing dumb shit i told parents when they were sledding down the toad in the dark the toad in the dark the road oh yeah that sounds dangerous you mean like in a car could drive up the other way while they're sledding down and run them over or something? It was honest and real. I'm genuinely impressed with the pull and respect you have in the space to be able to get people of that caliber on your podcast so quickly.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Jesus Christ. Makes me feel like you think I'm a D-bag. That podcast had... That podcast has almost 7,000 views in 19 hours. I didn't know Mr. B's shit, but dude. I would like – someone wrote in the comments here. Oh, wow. SN11? Is that that agent guy comment? No. Hmm. So how that show worked was.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I know I'm fucking all all over the place I came a little unhinged just now thank you vindicate thank you get with the programming there is this quote that I heard on the get with the programming podcast that they so arrogantly took credit for, but I respect their game, that it was fucking brilliant. Chase and Bill came up with this line about what the open is. And Chase said it, and then Bill's like, yeah, yeah, it's a test of fitness. But the way Chase said it and then bill's like yeah yeah like it's a test of fitness but the way chase said
Starting point is 01:50:05 it was so fucking brilliant it's a it's a contact point for what what chase if you're still listening or get with the program he's listening can you tell me what that line was the way you described the open in that one sentence was fucking brilliant oh when's the victim apparel launching i agree Parallel launching, I agree. What was that line that you said? I wanted to start using that line. The reason why is it reminded me of that pro motorcycle, motocross guy I had on a couple days ago. And he said that you just practice something and you become so fucking good at it
Starting point is 01:50:41 that all of a sudden one day you want to take it out and test it and use it to get shit. You want to test it and use it to get shit. Do you know what I mean? So let's say, let's say, um, you're in your backyard and you're always shooting guns and you practice every day and you're like, man, I'm fucking good. And then one day you're going to want to go out and get shit. You're going to want to enter a shooting competition. You're going to want to hunt a bear. You're going to want to hunt a bear you're going to want to do something it's like that with jujitsu my kids just do it every single day i never told them what it is they do
Starting point is 01:51:11 boxing striking jujitsu almost every single day and one day they're going to realize they're warriors and they're good at it and they're going to want to take it out and test it same with skateboarding same with like just practice something practice something because you love it and then one day you're like, I'm going to use this to get something. And it went hand in hand with this line that Chase said yesterday. I wish I could remember what it was. Maybe someone will tell me in the comments. It was such a great line. It was in the Get With The Programming podcast. It was such a great line.
Starting point is 01:51:43 It was in the Get With The Programming podcast. I like it when people do the shows before I do my show on a certain topic so then I can listen to their show and steal their shit, plagiarize their shit, or try to go deeper on their shit. So I like – they did a podcast, and i'm trying to think if someone else did so there's this text thread what you know who would really know the history of the text thread would be Taylor. Taylor Self would know it better than me because my memory is kind of fucked up. Oh. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Thank you. So these are the people that agent represents that I can't remember his name. The agency is called S1N1. Amy Kringle, that sucks. So, like, I really like her and i've been kind of like just like you know trolling her on this show positively for the last two years and now it makes me never want to have her on ashley jeru i don't know who that is sporty beth bethany robinson hey mrs robinson can you imagine he represents sporty beths the fuck does she need an agent i bet you
Starting point is 01:53:01 i i bet you I made more. I'd be willing to bet that I made more in sponsorship from the CrossFit Games than all these people combined. And I don't have an agent, and me and Sousa didn't ask one person for money. I remember when I used to see old man scratch the inside of their ears like that as a kid, and I'd be like, what the fuck? How's he doing that? But now I do it. Bethany Robinson, Brent Fikowski.
Starting point is 01:53:40 I'd like to have Brent on the show. Buttery Bros. What's up? Hebrew Marsh. Craig Ritchie. Elliot Simmons. Is that Jamie Simmons? Who's Elliot Simmons? Is that Jamie Simmons' husband? I really
Starting point is 01:53:50 like Jamie Simmons, and I really liked her husband. They're in the behind the scenes. Those are good people. Emily Rohl. Fuck, I love her. I've really learned to like her. Ever since she made that vaccine joke about her arm. I'd like to get her on. Emma McQuaid. I like her. Hustle Made Clothing. Jamie Simmons. Jasmine Coburn Maid clothing. Jamie Simmons.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Jasmine Coburn. Khan Porter. Cool dude. Kind of, kind of, like, you don't want to be so open-minded that your brain falls out of your head. Khan. I like Khan, though. Lucy Campbell. I think that's the English chick who's, like, a good swimmer.
Starting point is 01:54:20 OBI Vincent. Don't know who that is. Paulina Andrade. I don't know who that is. Reggie Fossa. That name sounds familiar. Sam Br't know who that is Reggie Fossa that name sounds familiar Sam Briggs love her Taylor Howe that name sounds familiar I can't remember but you represent all these fucking people
Starting point is 01:54:34 but then tell people not to fucking hang with me like dude do you not listen to the show do you not see who comes on the show dildo oh he represents zach tillander someone told me zach and sporty beth so so there so i don't know how the text thread started exactly but we've gone through some iterations but it has ended up being a very
Starting point is 01:55:10 that everyone in there just puts their head down and works hard and contributes to the team and um it's it's just a cool thread and you know you know, there's some pretty crazy trust going on in there. I mean, people don't say crazy shit, but crazy shit. And it's a place to freely think and talk about CrossFit and the games. And in my head, I just think, okay, no one takes screenshots of this, and everyone just keeps this to themselves, and no one uses this shit against other people and it's just our group
Starting point is 01:55:47 and so far and that's kind of the way it was just kind of like a think tank right so like you know I'm just making this up but Tyler Watkins might be like hey you know if if they would have used the z-score here so and so would have won and then someone else goes yeah but soso, and then it just plays off each other.
Starting point is 01:56:08 And all these people put in these ideas about it, right. Or there might be discussion on should shoes be mandatory for the CrossFit athletes in there or, or some more candid talk or some athletes too heavy or too light or who's on steroids and who's not. It's some pretty candid talk. And it's a place where you can explore things that you otherwise wouldn't want to explore in public because maybe you wouldn't want to hurt people's feelings or whatnot. You know, like be like, hey, is it true that there's dog meat
Starting point is 01:56:34 in Burger King burgers? And like you don't want to go public with it. You want to bounce it off the other 13 or 14 people on the thread. Well, and all of these people have evolved creatively um uh well tyler watkins is in there so like he has the heat one app and so like all of us like in our are trying to help with the heat one app or um wad zombies not in there but everyone in there knows to support wad zombies um cards like you know what i mean like we all we all get on that train and support his efforts so we're kind of like a co-op but we've also become like this what i
Starting point is 01:57:11 would consider the most powerful media team in the space like we don't call ourselves that but i think that i've never said that publicly i don't say it to those guys but in the last couple months i've been like holy fuck this is the crossfit media team now no i'm not 12 daily doses oh is dose is 12 daily doses i don't know what you're asking are you a cock i mean i can be but i'm but i'm i appreciate you asking but most of the time i'm really really nice. Like, exceedingly nice. Like, I'm cool, fun, easy. Clock. I have a lot of patience for idiocy, hijinks, and silliness.
Starting point is 01:57:54 Yeah, me too. God, me too. There's no way you're 12 daily doses. There is no fucking... Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Your 12 daily doses There is no fucking Nope nope nope Nope Uh yeah of course I watch Vivek
Starting point is 01:58:13 I watch Vivek fuck shit up last night But he sounds like a salesman And he's a WEF guy I don't care I'm telling you last night he fucked people up He fucked people up he fucked people up they're all the all they're all hot they're all hot you want to go through the list They're all hot like seriously If you don't think someone these are the two
Starting point is 01:58:47 If you don't think someone's hot who's going To the games here's the thing Here's your Two problems Okay you ready One you're unable to See them as you're unable to See them by themselves because you're
Starting point is 01:59:03 Calibrating them against the other pantheon Of titans they're standing by right So like if you're unable to see them by themselves because you're calibrating them against the other pantheon of titans they're standing by right so like if you're standing by emily rolf you're fucked like she's a 10 .9 and she pushed she broke the thermometer it popped out the top
Starting point is 01:59:19 and so if there's a girl who's a 9 next to her It's just fucked Like The dude with the most Do you know who the guy with the most insane body at the CrossFit Games was this year? I bet you not one person can fucking guess it
Starting point is 01:59:38 By far The best body Go ahead Vellner? No, not even close Great body though By far, the best body. Go ahead. Vellner? No, not even close. Great body, though. 9.5.
Starting point is 01:59:52 Trista Smith? Be careful. Careful. Careful. It was a dude. What dude had the best body? This dude's body is so insane and no one, like, he's not on anyone's radar. Oh, Fikowski does have a great body. This dude has even a better body than Fikowski.
Starting point is 02:00:08 This guy's body is. I wonder if I can find a clip of it. I wonder if I wonder if Will Branstetter knows who it is. No Olsen. Oh, Aunt Haynes has a great body. This is not subjective. Don't ruin it caroline please bob jerome you're making me blush
Starting point is 02:00:30 yeah that is true if you're canadian it's just you're you're like even if fukowski was the hottest body there, I couldn't say it. Step aside, ladies. We got this. There's no ladies who listen to this show. Yeah, Caroline, quiet. Pipe down. We'll tell you who the hottest guy is.
Starting point is 02:01:05 Samuel Quant. Victor's cute But Samuel Quant's body's absolutely insane I don't even know where I was going with it Oh, they're all hot All the athletes are amazing Like, what can you say bad about Noah's body? What can you say? But, if you put anyone next to Samuel Quant
Starting point is 02:01:23 Their shit will start looking weird Yeah, Down Pepper's got an insane physique But if you put anyone next to Samuel Quanton, their shit will start looking weird. Yeah, Down Pepper's got an insane physique. Fucking, yeah, Sprague. Yeah, if I'm a girl, I'd take Sprague. For sure. Nice and big. He's big.
Starting point is 02:01:41 If I was a girl, I'd like Sprague, for sure. Of course, just the waist up. Of course. Gives a fuck about legs. Yeah. If you're over six feet tall, you automatically just kind of like. I mean, I saw I saw I saw someone being interviewed the other day. Women would rather.
Starting point is 02:02:04 Have a. I mean, this is a broad, you know, general generalization but a tall fat guy than a than a healthy skinny healthy short guy the Vesh Maharaj the the hammer they're all between nine and ten but we still need top ten rankings And men's bodies at the games yeah you're probably Right I agree The thing is is that someone's Feelings will be hurt not that we care so much
Starting point is 02:02:33 About that but Because they'll think if they're if they're The like if you're the fucking ugliest dude at the games Or chick at the games you're still fucking Hot and we know people Who are fucking ugly who we all think are hot because of just like they've wooed us over the years at the games but they're fucking like six months and not working out and eating hamburgers
Starting point is 02:02:54 and fries and milkshakes from being ugly oh short fat guys fucked what about a short fat guy told you we're fucked Oh, short fat guy's fucked. What about a short fat guy? You're fucked. Fuck. You really are a victim if you're a short fat guy. Stephen Flores.
Starting point is 02:03:20 Bethany Shadburn has a nice head. That's for sure. Her head's a 12. By her head, I mean her head. Her head's at 12. By her head, I mean her head. Her head's at 12. Like her cabeza. All right. We didn't get to anything today. Oh.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Okay. We found out don't lend money to Armenians. God, talk about some bad press for my people i can't tell if i like this guy i wonder what you guys think of this guy this guy ruffles my feathers a little bit is that just because i'm that's my like still got a little libtard in me i can't tell okay well listen listen to this this is this guy's name is goob you too goob you too goo you too like meaning he came on you i good you too i good you maybe i don't know
Starting point is 02:04:19 uh amanda uh barnhart's quads are 12 out of 10. Oh, David Shrunk. Yeah, wow. That is a good point. But I'm telling you, Samuel Quant is like... I was looking at some behind-the-scenes footage of him with his shirt off. It's... It's nuts. The Judge and Shame body hotline how can I help you
Starting point is 02:04:50 well hello this is Janelle hey what's up girl uh oh shit here we go I thought I should just call in and explain who was calling me yesterday okay hold on hold on one second
Starting point is 02:05:04 hold on because you're popping. Hold on. Hold on. God, she's a good dude. She deserves better audio than this. Hold on. Let me fix this audio. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:05:14 Chanel Winston. Mother of three. Kind soul. Are you there? I'm here. Hi. Hi. Okay, so you gave your list of things that people have to do in order to be good parents and not hate their children, which I object to.
Starting point is 02:05:32 Was I that harsh? I mean, pretty much. Okay, fair enough. Go on. I breastfed all three of my children. I also had them all in a birth center away from hospital. However, at seven and a half months, my oldest decided he was done nursing. Does that mean I hate my kid because I couldn't get him to nurse anymore? No, no, not at all. Not at all. I think that's what I'm saying is like life happens. And so you can't have these absolutes of these are the things you must do to not hate your children which is kind of ridiculous
Starting point is 02:06:05 i apologize you have to do the best you can i apologize and i appreciate you calling me out for speaking on such um hyperbole uh is unacceptable but and may i please yes to contextualize i don't think it's unrealistic to ask a mom to judge a mom to judge yourself to demand of yourself to not consume caffeine or alcohol or nicotine while you're pregnant or breastfeeding correct those are absolutely reasonable things oh well shit okay well that's what i meant sorry but some people i tipped over the edge people just don't know too right right like some people are just have no idea what they're doing and they don't know that caffeine is harmful or i mean pretty much everybody should know by now that alcohol and cigarettes should not be consumed when pregnant or even you know when not Andrew Hiller drinks between
Starting point is 02:07:05 Two and six C4s a day I think I can see Very clearly that being Manifested in the way he speaks And his personality do you Oh yeah for sure Yeah he's amped out of his Fucking gourd
Starting point is 02:07:21 Yeah for sure I can't imagine anybody thinking it's okay to drink an energy drink while you are breastfeeding yeah but you're telling me that some people just don't know or you're standing by that but i am saying that because a lot of people just don't know about like nutrition too like right like i i've been working out whatever for 20 years and I didn't know anything about nutrition about, you know, 10 years in. Then I found out I found CrossFit and then I found, oh, wait, I can't eat like shit and exercise and be healthy. Like people just, if you don't read about it, if you don't have exposure to it, you literally just don't know. just if you don't read about it if you don't have exposure to it you literally just don't know when i look at those cans in the store right like when i go by that aisle and i'm like do i want a
Starting point is 02:08:16 bang or a ghost i i feel like i'm at a fucking meth lab and i'm buying meth maybe maybe just and i and i and i guess i just project that onto everyone that everyone knows like when you're looking at that fucking gas station in the middle of nowhere and it's like three aisles of just energy drinks like you know you're about to do something bad and i get and that's just like and what you're saying is that a lot of people don't know. I mean, that's how I see it. My dad found out way late in life. So growing up, we had soda and juice all the time in the house, all the time. And my dad eventually read this book about how you need to drink water, revolutionary, and stopped drinking soda.
Starting point is 02:09:06 water revolutionary and stopped drinking soda and he lost 20 pounds instantly because he he never knew or didn't realize the amount of sugar and shit that's in soda he just he had no idea he grew up in the south and that's what you did you drank soda and like i had no idea until i was like in college that soda was so harmful but it's like you know just eating a cup of sugar right out of the bag and all the chemicals in it like you just you just carry on with your life and do your habits and don't realize the harmful crap you're doing to yourself i mean i think everybody knows that fast food's not great for you but do they realize that like the extent of the harm? And like those pumpkin spice lattes that have 3000 calories, do people realize that that's like a whole meal for the whole day every time they order one at Starbucks? No, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 02:10:03 And as you're saying this, I'm going back in my life thinking of the time. Like, I mean, not only did I not know that juice wasn't ideal i thought it was good yeah oh freshly squeezed orange juice drink six gallons i'm getting healthy it's true it must be good for me yes yes same same same i was shocked when someone said oh it's so much sugar i'm like what sugar and then have you ever noticed that now that you don't drink that stuff, if you do take a sip of juice, you're like, wow, this, like, your taste buds have, like, recalibrated. You're like, wow, this is, like, this is, like, a superpower in this cup of juice. This is, like, just pure sugar.
Starting point is 02:10:37 I can't believe how sweet and powerful this is. Yeah, even, like, the candies that I grew up in, they're just, they're so much. They're so sweet that I'm like, whoa. But anyway. I guess I was on some sort of psychotic rage yesterday. I thought my – the points that I wanted to most circle around was the fact that you shouldn't drink 300 milligrams of caffeine from a can
Starting point is 02:11:09 while you're pregnant or when you're breastfeeding and you sure as fuck shouldn't be the paragon of health and power and beauty that Tia Toomey is and tell the world that you drink this because you're a good mom in the same sentence I mean I was just I just find that god i sound like an old person morally reprehensible is that
Starting point is 02:11:31 is that the phrase when you get when you're when you're on your high horse i'm just like i just can't believe it dude come on i would be totally cool with her saying too like i can't wait till i'm done breastfeeding so i can get back to my reign. Got it. Check. Yeah. I appreciate you. I know that you're pushing your body to its limits. But mama. Yeah. Come on, mama. Don't tell the other mamas that shit's okay.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Please. Yeah. I just, I also want. Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. No, you're right. Well, there's, as a woman and as a mother, there is so much guilt and shame that you put on yourself
Starting point is 02:12:07 that i really object to people adding to that like with the breastfeeding being a perfect mom and then the pressure of being a perfect mom okay like for instance breastfeeding especially because i had a hell of a time with breastfeeding which i have three children two of them i like i cried and wept and wanted to stop very badly for three months why does it hurt because it hurt so effing bad it hurts so bad like i would almost yell every time they latched and so if you're doing that eight to 10 times a day, I mean, just imagine that. Yeah. Yeah. My wife was just always breastfeeding. Yeah. That's crazy. It was awful. And I kept at it because of the mom shame. Like I can't not feed my kids breast milk. I have to do this. And like this, the toll that it took on me as a young mother with little tiny babies it was
Starting point is 02:13:07 extensive and so i want for other women who go through really hard things like breastfeeding like my sister-in-law she has inverted nipples her nipples literally turn into her breast and she cannot breastfeed without fix that i could fix that for her. I'm sure. But what I'm trying to say is that we put enough guilt and shame on ourselves that we don't need outside forces doing that as well. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:13:36 So I get defensive. What do you think about this crazy talk? Listen, this is the shit that drives me fucking nuts. Listen to this, okay? Someone wrote this in the comments. Okay, I'm listening. If you consume a cup of coffee while you're actually breastfeeding the caffeine doesn't get to the baby for an hour and it's gone in two hours so you can definitely drink coffee during breastfeeding i mean this is like i feel two ways about it i feel two ways about it. I feel two ways about it because you got to survive, right?
Starting point is 02:14:08 When you have little tiny kids and if your husband's not around and if you have a bunch of little kids and that cup of coffee is the only thing like that you look forward to and your day, you know, maybe the kid will be okay. I mean, not ideal. The kid will be okay. The kid will be okay. It's's not ideal The kid will be okay The kid's gonna be okay when you smoke cigarettes The kid's gonna be okay when you drink alcohol
Starting point is 02:14:29 The kid's gonna be okay when you drink coffee I don't All I hear when I read that All I hear when I read that Is a justification It is a justification It totally is We all have those areas right
Starting point is 02:14:45 right totally i mean i'm the fucking worst dude i'm i'm not i'm not i am not even like i'm the worst i hide all my shit but i'm not gonna lie to myself and be like like i if i was a baby i'm glad i would want hayley hayley uh uh matosian to be my fucking mom my wife didn't drink caffeine or coffee or smoke for fucking three and a half years and dude she was a fucking my wife loved nicotine and i probably shouldn't have said that my wife loved nicotine loved uh coffee and loved alcohol and when she got pregnant she fucking stopped and here's another thing my wife was a hardcore vegan and the fuck she's like hey man i need a hamburger i'm like what and she's like yeah like and i she and i can never forget right when she got pregnant with obvi she just started crushing me yeah and it's like yeah
Starting point is 02:15:34 it can be done and she wasn't a tortured soul granted the first month of all quitting all that shit is hard but but um i just keep thinking who if i was a baby i would not want my my i also know kids you probably know kids like this too i knew this i know this chick in college she i remember she was like she was really skinny and tall and she would always tell me um while we were outside smoking cigarettes and getting drunk in front of her house. You know why my body's like this? Cause my mom smoked during the pregnancy. Oh geez. Awful. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:12 Someone likes to justify why he uses the handicap stall. Hey, and the parking spots. He's all about shit. And you're right. I do justify it. I just, I don't, I guess the distinction is this.
Starting point is 02:16:27 You're right. The pressure's unnecessary to some levels that I do it, granted. And I don't want to alienate people, but that I'm also managing that with. I can't stand the arguing of limitations. Yes, victimhood sucks. And I just want, I'd rather just people accept their shortcomings
Starting point is 02:16:48 and be compassionate with themselves, but also hold themselves to a high standard. Right. And I also feel it's really important to have compassion
Starting point is 02:16:59 for other people as well and their limitations. Right. Fair enough. Because you can't reach people. Okay. You can't reach people if you're not compassionate to them or if they feel you're being judged instead of understood right all right i like that i like that that's good okay all right thanks for taking my
Starting point is 02:17:16 call are you still married yes i am 17 years 17 and a half. Congratulations. Thank you. Yep. All right. All right. Have a good one. Bye. Bye. Damn.
Starting point is 02:17:39 I got schooled for 16 minutes. 16 minutes of schooling. 16 minutes of schooling Jeremy world you came pretty easy Seve let me tell you I heard her voice And I just melted inside Melted I don't know what the secret to a successful Marriage is I really don't. My wife is so fucking cool.
Starting point is 02:18:09 I cannot tell you how cool she is. I guess we do have kind of this one rule that we know that we're each responsible for our own happiness. You can't depend on other people for your happiness My wife has no nag in her My wife never ever nags me Like never it's crazy If you were a baby whose mom had postpartum depression Would you want your mom to take her life or have a cup of coffee Hold on
Starting point is 02:18:44 Coffee mom had postpartum depression would you want your mom to take her life or have a cup of coffee hold on let me uh coffee thank you though for giving me the option i don't know if that was victim jargon i i don't i didn't take it it was victim jargon i mean that thing she did at the end there that little fucking she did that jiu-jitsu on me she did the um aikido on me like hey you have to have compassion for yourself you have to have compassion for where people are in their in their process too like yeah i agree i um yeah i mean like yo dude compassion it's compassion and patience and and he and it's good for me to hear this too. It's good for me to hear, like, she took me back in time. A time where, like... Yeah, she took me back to a time when I didn't know shit. And I think Hiller asked me a great question on the show the other day.
Starting point is 02:19:58 Is there a time when you don't stick something in your mouth and you don't think about it? No, those days are long gone. And that kind of sums up my eating disorder once again though that i'm super compassionate with myself and i accept but like eating is like okay now i'm putting this in like fuck really you're gonna have this yep i'm gonna have it If my queen Haley Miss Pugface Wanted to do pole dancing What do you mean pole dancing
Starting point is 02:20:38 You mean at the local bar With like her ass hanging out of her shorts No I would not be okay with it I don't See the way men are Is I don't know how women work but like I don't think like
Starting point is 02:21:03 I hear this I hear this thing like women want to like look beautiful and all this stuff. And dress up and go out and just whatever that kind of stuff. I. I don't I don't. I don't know, I might be too old old for you to ask that question too let me pool boy
Starting point is 02:21:35 miss pug face is hot I have this weird thing for Asian chicks now oh you mean the same thing you have for white chicks and black chicks and Hispanic chicks you now have for Asian chicks and it's weird oh for fitness yeah i don't care i don't know yeah pull i think i like to be honest with you like i um when hayley and i used to go to la a bunch and we would stay by uh at this hotel and near the hotel there was this um there was uh there's this park probably some of you even know it and it had it had two steel climbing poles and then these two thick poles that held up this whole structure was outside it was a cool structure for for exercising and no one used it besides hayley and i and we would fucking do tons of pole climbing like rope climbing but it's
Starting point is 02:22:22 pole climbing and then we would climb the ones that were angles and we do all that shit. I think pole climbing is fucking absolutely. I think pole dancing is awesome. All the pole work is cool. Um, but, uh, the kind of like the seduction, whatever dancing, like, Hey, I, uh, I don't really, um, as an art form like that, I don't really, as an art form like that, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't, like, if she went to a studio and there were, like, 13 other girls and three trannies there doing it, yeah, I don't think I would care. But if she had some desire to do it, like, at the bar so that she could get some sort of value from the audience watching her, no, fuck you. No, I don't like that. I say that with peace and love. Dude.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Krista Pottham. I swear you have a story for everything. I've done it all, man. I've done it all, man. Done it all. I had a therapist suggest I start pole dancing to help my marriage. I stopped going to her. Someone admittedly knows nothing about women, proceeds to give breastfeeding advice for an hour. Yeah, that's true, too.
Starting point is 02:23:41 proceeds to give breastfeeding advice for an hour. Yeah, that's true too. I don't know. I don't know. Yep, that's kind of true. That's all true. Because I give the breastfeeding advice just because I know it's what I would want as a kid. But Heidi says all that shit's true too.
Starting point is 02:24:07 Ignores the science regarding caffeine and pregnant women shut up dude do you know what do you ignores that that doesn't even mean anything to you that doesn't even mean anything to anyone here dude we are so beyond that kind of – I want to be really specific about the kind of argument you're trying to lay out, and no one here is going to buy that. This is like the honest room. You know what I mean? Like, oh, my doctor told me it's okay that i have one beer a day it's fine oh your doctor told you huh oh maybe you are 12 daily doses here we go here we go here we go. No. Hey, listen, I'm not defending any of that stuff I take.
Starting point is 02:25:14 I'm the first one to tell you I would love to. I love chugging a bang. Don't conflate. Don't conflate the truth with my behavior. Be sitting here smoking cigarettes, telling you about how they give you lung cancer, and you're like, this guy's a hypocrite. You're totally missing the point. I'm not a hypocrite,
Starting point is 02:25:33 because I'm smoking and telling you it gives lung cancer. That is not the definition of hypocrite. Okay, speaking... I don't know, do you guys want to do are we done eric are you off the plane Damn it podcast I do want to talk though Okay I have to talk to my friends No we aren't done I'm done Okay good Oh wouldn't that be crazy Heidi Kroom says
Starting point is 02:26:29 god you know that's kind of an action action stars name Heidi Kroom all right remember don't lend money to armenians and make sure you watch the bears game tonight and tomorrow morning it's tomorrow friday i cannot believe tomorrow morning uh tyson will be here quarterback for the chicago Chicago Bears. Oh, my goodness. Not, no, no, no. Not Heidi Klum. Heidi, I think, anyway, maybe I am. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 02:27:11 But you could be Heidi Klum as an action star. All right. I just got cold. It's freezing in here. Time to have Dave back. Talk to you guys later. Love you guys. Janelle, thanks for calling.
Starting point is 02:27:24 David, Racist Dave, thank you for picking up a new nickname today. The Self-Help Book, always nice to see you. And can't see the chocolate dick. Did you eat it? It's because the big black dick hides back there in the... Black dicks are kind of camouflaged. I need to rework my whole studio again. I fucked some shit up in here. Yes, go over to vindicate thank
Starting point is 02:28:06 you judy make sure you go over to vindicate and get your vctm shirt bye

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