The Sevan Podcast - Live Call in | Never Been Done Before #906

Episode Date: May 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Air Mile. Good morning, Slater. Very slow morning. Very slow morning. Got Rumble working again. Holy cow. Every morning I have to do that, like one by one. I have to enter the stream code every morning. I cannot stand it it takes like three minutes and probably like 20 mouse clicks to go back and forth and get that that uh that set up uh-oh i have concerns something's not right something is not right.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Am I not? I don't see it. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Are we not live right now? Something's not going on. Slater, can you hear me? Something is not right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:09 No show on YouTube? Ay-yi-yi youtube why is that uh-oh uh i wonder if uh we've been dinged again crazy crazy crazy crazy that something is not. Let me see what's going on here. It says I'm live. Oh, shit. Someone made it unlisted. Fucking A.
Starting point is 00:02:39 There we go. I wonder why that is. Can you guys hear me now? Can you guys hear me now? Can you guys hear me now? Hello? It was unlisted and I made it listed. Let me see what's going on. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Whoever programmed the show put it in wrong. It says we are... It says there's no viewers in the last 48 hours. Son of a bitch. I wonder if I can't change that in real time. Ah, fucking killing me. Oh, we can hear you. All right, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Oh, here we go. Okay, thank you. Sorry, guys. For a second, I thought I got banned again. Interesting. Okay, somehow this got set up as... I got to tell Caleb and Susie that. Somehow this got set up as unlisted.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I've never seen that before. I wonder what happened. True strength of field with Brian Friend. Monetization is not turned on weird weird weird weird uh okay everything seems good now good to go last night show has already been dinged because of some music we used son of a bitch uh replace the song okay sorry or uh logan mars good to see you buddy great to see you um thank you for the text yesterday with all the suggestions that's that's way cool um and i um i take your suggestions seriously,
Starting point is 00:04:25 and I'm going to go through all those accounts you linked to me. Man, the Glassman show is huge. Maybe approaching 20,000 downloads on all the platforms. Crazy. Good stuff. People like to hear from them. That wasn't even with much publicity or fanfare. Last night's show is killing it.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Man, all the shows Brian are on are doing great. People like to hear about that game shit. With some sprinkled in talk about being woke. And testicles. Go figure. Yeah, slow start this morning. Sorry. Interesting. I don't see that happening on any other shit well i better i better ask i better ask i better ask caleb and matt maybe i should call matt just now my sister said she just saw the show pop up okay oh friday so friday is today tomorrow morning my kids do a jujitsu tournament um That stresses me out because I got to get all their clothes and shit organized and then drive it there. And then you got to get there an hour early. Then you got to wait around an hour. And then you got to make sure you get on to the, it's not easy because it's not, it's not, it's not that it's not well organized. It's just chaotic. There's so many people. There are so many people, probably a thousand or 2000 people in a small room. It's like a, like a, like a place like you'd eat lunch in the fifth grade.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You know what I mean? One of those multi, what are those called? Multi-use rooms. And, uh, so then we do that. And then I got to, uh, come home and pack up all my shit. And then I'm going to Newport um to hang out with uh the california hormones people for uh 10 days but i have nowhere to do my podcast when i get there and i'm fucking tripping i'm tripping i'm tripping i'm tripping i'm tripping and there's no need to trip right because it's like it's out of my control, but I'm tripping. Cornholio, excited about the rollout of the Sevan Network programming starting with JR and Ted. Listen, everyone says they want to play ball, but they don't.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'll believe it when JR and Mr. Thumb do it. Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet. That's a movie reference, Quentin Tarantino movie. I don't do that very often. That's just one of my, one of the only lines I know from a movie. Jake Chapman, thank you. Thank you, Yoda. He says, remember, you are the wind that blows thy arrow.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Dick Butter, he's probably got a bunch of rants built up for us after these Vanilla Brian episodes. I'm going to have to slightly defend Brian and say that he is very... Thank you, Pulp Fiction. I want to slightly defend Brian and say that he is very, thank you. Pulp fiction. The, I want to slightly defend Brian and say he tolerates a, a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So I have no idea what this means. None at all. I don't know what chords are. I have no musical skills at all. I'm a place right now. I'll probably get a ding for this, but it's worth enjoying anyway. Before you judge anyone in the music industry,
Starting point is 00:07:50 I thought I'd leave this here. Most big pop songs use the same four chords. Greatest hits from the past 40 years. Just use four chords. Same four chords for every song. It's dead simple to write a pop hit. Just listen. Do you recognize this?
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, that is don't stop believing by journey very original humor check it out my life is brilliant my love is pure i saw an angel of that i'm sure that's just two songs that are similar forever young i wanna be forever young young I wanna be forever young I won't hesitate no more no more it cannot wait I'm yours this is the way you left me I'm not pretending no love no hope no glory no happy ending Cause you were amazing You created amazing things If I could, then I would I'd go wherever you will go Can you feel the love tonight? Double time? Double time?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Double time. When I find myself in times of trouble, but the mirror comes to me. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner. No woman, no crime. There surely is a dream. I come from a land down under. All the greatest hits from the past 40 years.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Oh, my God. This is really good, but your comments are better. Heidi Kroom, dinged all day. Jay Hartle, comedy music is awesome. I agree. Wad Zombie, hello, hello, hello. Oops, shit, I lost you. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Jake Chapman, all sorts of wisdom coming from the man this morning. These three have never been to the gym. Same in country music. Just needs four chords. Deja Entendu from the great country of Ghana. Lead singer transitioned interestingly enough. He's still funny as fuck. Vindicate, make it stop.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You probably really play music, so that's why you know whether it's good or not. I don't, and I just absolutely loved it. No seven-second pause here. For me, it was just like ten different songs. Each one played for three seconds. We will see. Oh, should I see if I got dinged already?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Let me see. Refresh. Let's see if we got if i got dinged already let me see refresh let's see if we got a uh because they're pretty damn quick on it oh yep got it perfect already ding something happened already crazy it's not copyright though it's uh um it's uh that i said something wrong did i already swear i already said i already said the f word uh i got this for you guys this is kind of interesting maybe maybe um i told you i wasn't going to do any um 49er content until uh after july because i am a world-class pussy uh but um this is uh worth uh pulling up here we go uh what happened what happened it was there uh wh who says 49ers are no longer Super Bowl champs. WHO says the 49ers are no longer Super Bowl champs,
Starting point is 00:11:31 and we can just drop the whole thing. It's no longer a health emergency as of today. It's done. How crazy is that? I wonder what happened. I wonder why and i wonder because youtube has like three pages of like things you can and can't say about it it's it's crazy the shit you can't say about it by the way
Starting point is 00:11:56 absolutely crazy anyone who's on youtube has sold out for For sure. 100%. Stefan, but you're on YouTube. Not but you're on YouTube and you're on YouTube. Yeah, I know. I knows. I knows. Trust me. I knows. I'm very aware. But Stefan, you're on YouTube. I know. I just told
Starting point is 00:12:20 you I know. But you said that you're a sellout. If you're on YouTube. I know. But you said that you're a sellout if you're on YouTube. I know. That's correct. That's – but you said – Okay. Stop listening to my show, please.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Go away. Thank you. Have someone else explain it to you. It's not confusing, even in the slightest bit. I don't – I went back and forth about showing this today. I went back and forth. I don't know, but I'm going to show you anyway. This is – I don't like ambiguousness, but I'm going to do this anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I'm just going to – you know those people who make posts and be like, so what do you think? But I'm going to do it. I'm guilty. Here we go. This is this is someone's mom. And I'm going to show you her Instagram account. Here we go. This is she has two boys. You can take it. No, you want to see me naked, naked, naked. I want to be a baby, baby. Oh, you can take it. No, you want to see me naked, baby, baby, baby, or something. And then, then you can go to her account. And I'm guessing she, she's like someone who just like bought a new car and just can't stop posting pictures of their Jeep. But she didn't get a Jeep.
Starting point is 00:13:46 She got boobs. But it's these kids. She's a mom. And I was just kind of imagining that it was my mom. But guess what kind of haircut her first son has. You made me a mom and changed my life. Thank God. Your little hand fits perfectly. That's it. I'm done with that.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Okay. That's a cool mom. Okay. All right. Jake Chapman, nobody hates boobs. All right. All righty. Disgusting, what's the page name?
Starting point is 00:14:33 If I had fake tits, I'd let everyone see them. All right. Jay Hartle, Allison's a mom. David Weed, boobs are awesome. Come on, man. That's an annoying mom. mike uh mccaskey uh milf okay all right all right i'm just leaving that alone i'm um moving onward upward and onward okay uh i don't i think i think there's lots of funny comedians out there.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Like, just shit loads. I'm calling it a single mom. In some of those pictures... In some of those pictures, she's with a guy who's with the family, who I assume is the dad. Jake Chapman, can we have some hogs now? I've been trying to hold back on the hogs. It opened the floodgates with you guys.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Jay Hartle, Audrey, your boobs are fantastic. That's fair enough. $1.99 for Audrey's boob job? No, no, no. I'm sending that money back to you. I'm putting implants inside of beautiful Audrey. Mike McCaskey, all female haters. I feel you on that.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I'll take the brunt of that. Okay. Sorry. I just was thinking if that was my mom, I was just thinking maybe if that was my mom. Cameron, I personally text Sevan a hog post and he hasn't given me love. I don't remember, but I cannot deny that. You probably have. Not hurt, just disappointed.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Everyone wants their hog on the Sevan podcast. Oh, thank you. Now my day is made. I can't comment. Don Fall speaks up. A regular guest on the show. Thank you, Don. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I can't comment on Audrey's boobs. She did pull-ups facing the wrong way. Yeah. So when she does do that, faces the wrong way, she has to do two for one. A lot of no reps there from um audrey uh michael c seven i'm really starting to think sometimes in our in our lifetime we will have proof and contact with alien beings uh what if the 49ers was really to help with immunity uh from aliens i mean there's all sorts of shit like that right there's all sorts of uh discussion that, right? There's all sorts of discussion about that, about that basically our immune system is all set up inside of us already
Starting point is 00:17:10 and it just turns on in phases. And that was just a, there's a perspective where it just turned on. It's just a phase for a bunch of us to turn on that portion of our immune system. Totally. Audrey, I have another clip facing the other way as well i will send it for approval okay i will be waiting okay here we go uh i did whenever i hear the discussion of whether um women are funny or not funny i i don't even it's one of those things i don't even process like who i wouldn't can't even think like that like who cares if it's a girl or a boy i i doesn't even that doesn't even i'm trying to think who the i guess i don't know the name of the woman who i think is the funniest comedian of all time
Starting point is 00:17:55 um man here we go this this guy's pretty good i like this you kind of have to see your tv to enjoy this one or your screen whatever it is is it the tv whatever it is here we go. This guy's pretty good. I like this. You kind of have to see your TV to enjoy this one or your screen, whatever it is. Is it a TV? Whatever it is. Here we go. the ones with the problem. Okay? We dance with style, you know? Brothers dance with style, style, style, style, style, style. White people don't dance with style. They dance in freestyle. How the hell you gonna run out of a dance when you making it up
Starting point is 00:18:37 right there? They dancing with what their mind tells their body. Some white people dance like black babies. Let me finish. You ever seen a little black two-year-old girl dance? so cute because she thinks she dancing go ebony go ebony i think we're all white men dance just like that go gordon go gordon are loving each other stop it movement comedy is a trip right
Starting point is 00:19:27 moving your body around to do funny shit god it's good uh i had a uh friend probably acquaintance is a better word now uh get uh um a significant amount of money 20 million dollars and i was thinking in my head, oh, if I got $20 million, I could invest that, and at most, I could spend $750,000 a year for the rest of my life if I invested it really wisely. with $27 million. Maybe that's before taxes is why he said that. Well, let's see. This guy talks about what you could do with $27 million if you had $27 million, what you could do. That's why when I see anyone who owns an expensive car,
Starting point is 00:20:15 like a $100,000 car or a brand new Escalade or something, I'm like, oh, shit. I wonder if this person knows how much money this actually is going to cost them, what they're actually losing, what the potential was, what they could have done with that money. Anyway, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Number one pick in tonight's NFL draft. Here's how much you're going to make and be able to spend the rest of your life. If you get picked number one overall by the Carolina Panthers, able to spend the rest of your life. If you get picked number one overall by the Carolina Panthers, your gross contract for your four-year deal is going to be $41 million. $27 million of that $41 million will be in the form of a signing bonus, which means it is fully guaranteed. You're literally going to get the $27 million within the next 12 months, most likely. The remaining $14 million will be paid out game by game over the four-year contract. As a financial advisor for professional athletes,
Starting point is 00:21:11 I don't really care about the gross contract value. I want to know what is getting into my clients' pockets to be able to use. Each client's situation will be slightly different, but in general, you need to cut these numbers in half. 50% is going to go towards federal and state taxes, agent fees, necessary insurance, and other costs. So your $41 million contract is really closer to $20 million.
Starting point is 00:21:34 $20 million in your early 20s is a lot of money, but it's got to last 88 years if you live into 100. Realistically, you could probably spend somewhere between $400K and $ 500K per year for the rest of your life adjusted for inflation and not run out of money. Of course, this assumes that you are investing the money appropriately, not just letting it sit in a bank account or doing other things with it. As the number one pick in tonight's NFL draft. pick in tonight's NFL draft. And for those of you, I don't know where most of you live, but if you live in California and you make
Starting point is 00:22:07 $400,000 a year or $500,000 a year, I don't know. You could live... You could have two cars. You could have a Toyota Sienna and a 4Runner. You could have a 2,500 square foot house,
Starting point is 00:22:26 a couple kids. Maybe one vacation a year, something. That's it. Sure. For 400,000 a year. Maybe 500,000, that's what it would be. It's interesting, right? There you go.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's for the number one draft pick. Yeah, it's like that. It's like that. It is like that. I'm going to try to get that guy on the show. I DM'd him this morning. I DM'd him this morning. I DM'd him this morning. You guys want to talk about guns?
Starting point is 00:23:11 You want to talk about guns? I don't know if this guy's a real sheriff. But he sure wears this sheriff suit good. I'm always asking for donations. No. The world will give me what I deserve.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Please, don't send me your money. Please, send it to the U.S. government. It needs it. Or give it to a fentanyl addict who's passed out on the subway stairs as you walk to work. Please, to one of those people. They call them homeless. Here we go. Sheriff california insider uh criminals are just being completely emboldened and empowered to commit more crimes because there are not consequences yeah no shit zero consequences how about this guy in fucking new york that people are trying to defend i don't
Starting point is 00:24:03 think anyone seriously is trying to defend them but what a fucking joke then if any of you ever ridden the subway in new york it's fucking crazy twice i've been chased off by someone literally chased i couldn't i couldn't really defend myself i've had a camera both times fucking nuts i'd say i i didn't even i've probably been on the subway i don't know 200 times or 500 times i don't know in new york and i would say at least 10 of the times there was something fucking i saw something extremely hostile go down it is fucking nuts under there absolutely nuts not one bit of statistical evidence that says law-abiding citizens
Starting point is 00:24:44 have concealed weapons permits that are issued by law enforcement commit crimes. Not one. But yet they go on and say, oh, in light of these tragedies and we're going to pass these common sense gun laws, this should not have happened had we had this bill in there. That's a flat out lie. The governor got on camera, looked in that camera and lied to the public, as did the attorney general and as did that legislator that's trying to get that bill passed. They are flat out lying to the general public. This is what I would tell the governor. Show me one criminal that's going to come ask me if they can have a concealed. Hey, this is what it's like in California now. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So this is a guy. It's a couple of guys in a liquor store just stealing, right? This is just a mom-and-pop liquor store. This is like my daddy's doing one of these. And now this is legal. You can do this. You can do this in California. Look at this shit. Look at all the people just watching. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:25:36 ...permit so they can go rob that liquor store. It isn't going to happen. It's not going to happen. They're going to security guards right there. Yeah, they're just going to do it. They're going to break the law, and they're going to do it. They are criminals. He wants no.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Hey, this is California right now. Literally, it's like that. It's like that movie, The Purge. And in Minnesota, they're trying to make it so that you can rape children. This isn't like conspiracy theory. This is like happening in real time. Minnesota is trying to make it so you can't discriminate against people who fuck kids. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And this is already where we're at in California. By the way, they're also trying to pass a law in California that if a child dies within the first seven days of its life, that you can't – it may have passed already too – that you can't – if a child dies in the first seven days of its life, you can't prosecute the parents. You can't even open up an investigation. No part of addressing criminal behavior.
Starting point is 00:26:35 He wants to take guns away from law abiding. So that guy right there has a gun pointed at a lady in a dress. So if that dude in the backpack pulls out a gun and shoots that dude dead, are you guys cool with that? are you guys cool with that? Are you guys cool with that? I'm just curious. You good with that? Anyone? Anyone? You good with that?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Thank you. Of course. Yeah. Thank you. Of course. Two of courses. Being citizens that don't commit crimes. And yet somehow he wants to lie to everyone and tell us this is how we're going to fix these criminals. We're being told things that just simply aren't true. is how we're going to fix these criminals. We're being told things that just simply aren't true. There is not one bit of statistical evidence that says law abiding citizens have concealed weapons permits that are issued by law enforcement, commit crimes. Not one. Wow. Not one. Not one. I wonder if that's true. You guys believe him?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Not one. Not one. Not one. I don't know. What the fuck is this? My notes are all jacked up. Oh, here we go. Oh, you guys are going to love this.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You guys are going to absolutely love this. I'm just going to sit over here and lube up and grab my ankles. I'm ready to fight with anyone who wants to brawl over this bullshit. You want to fight? I'm ready to fight. Anyone who wants to fight. Let's do it. This is a lady putting her cart up on the curb.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Here we go. Action. Oh, the curbing. Right in front of the carton arcs, too. That's too bad. This guy said, I'm a cart nark. Cart return right over there if you want it. It's a cart return right over. Do you want to take it over there?
Starting point is 00:28:32 No, no. That's your cart, not mine. Now, who are you? I'm Agent Sebastian with the cart narks. Like it says on my chest in bold, powerful letters. Did you spend $300? Oh, what'd you buy? Groceries.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Okay. So then do you think you get to make it harder for the next person to park? Here come the, okay, let's bring them on. I'm a nice guy. I'm helping out the community, actually. Okay, I got one for you. So did you have one knee when you walked into the store, too?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Did you lose it on the way in? That's me. She said, i want your card i'm a nice guy actually sir i watch your stuff all the time thank you sir igor and i'm actually doing carts right now oh well you are one of the heroes how about a sticker how about that yeah take a picture of you yeah definitely definitely oh the curving right in front of the carton arcs god i don't why, but I'm also disgusted by a plastic. I'm disgusted by a plastic cart.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I don't like a plastic cart like that. I don't know if that's real or not, but even the cart guy. Did you guys see that? Even the cart guy's getting in on it. The cart guy's like, he's like, thank you. I love your work. He's like, shut the fuck up, dude. He's fucking, this guy's trying to take your job away.
Starting point is 00:29:48 It's fine. You can put... That's a perfectly acceptable place to put your cart. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. What's the big deal with carts? No one asks you to clean up after yourself at the restaurant. Yeah, if you can put your cart away, put your cart away.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Matt Burns. Okay, dickhead. All righty. He settled down. Seve would call the cops on her. God, my reputation. My reputation sucks. Oh, shit. Even the great Heidi
Starting point is 00:30:17 wants to battle me. Yes, Heidi. Yes. It's perfectly okay to put your cart right there. It's perfectly, it's fine. Man, I have some habits that you guys would find despicable. You're making me want to flip my cart upside down. Just in the middle. Middle of the fucking parking lot now.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Listen. I got three little boys in the fucking car i'm not walking uh 200 feet away from them to put away the fucking cart when there's a guy who makes his living doing that i want to hear your shit tell me what to do with my cart i just fucking spent fucking twelve dollars on a dozen eggs. I'm not putting my cart away. Call her. Hi. What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Hey, Triple C or Al Jermaine Sterling. How's the kid, by the way? Oh, she's wonderful. She's big. She's already walking seven months. Wow. With that of the parent. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah. Girls are amazing. I'm being she's i'm being dramatic she's she's she's almost there like she can take a step or two but awesome enjoy that get all the video of those falls those falls are epic oh we have tons yeah we have yeah send me stuff i like a good i like a good fall i like does she couch surf where she like like you know like you You know when you're in the pool as a little kid, you go around the edge? Little kids do that when they're learning how to walk. They just follow around and hold on to shit. Anything she can hold on to, she's traversing. She's already starting to disappear if you take her eyes off one second. Yeah, they're fast, right? He's at another location. Yeah, it's crazy. But definitely got Triple C.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Do you want Henry to win, or do you just think he's going to win? Yeah. Okay, both. Okay, fine. Yeah, both. Yeah, both. I like both of them. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I like both of them. I really like Aljermaine sterling uh because of just what he's been through right like uh he was the heel and i think he's really come around and and pulled himself up right and and i love his body his body is absolutely beautiful and i just like him uh and then i like henry just because because that whole King of Cringe shit and how he leaned into it. And I just, he talks shit, but he's not too serious. I just, it's tough for me, man. I really like both of them as people.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I think, yeah, they're both fantastic. Yeah. For sure. So you had Aljo on the pod and, you know, that was a great interview. And Henry, I think, is just a legend. I was a wrestler, so I've always had an affinity toward him and wanted him to be champ and whatnot. But I think it's just some home cooking on my part where I'm rooting for him.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I think he's intelligent enough to come back and fight the proper fight to win on the scorecards i don't know that he could put him away other than like some freak flying knee thing um but i think he gets it done in decision uh eric it's and it's going to be fun to see them uh wrestle eric weiss asked is this dylan yes this is mr dylan val good year eric great year hey what about um what about uh below bilal muhammad and um gilbert burns i am such a hater on bilal me too me too me too i think he's a woke bitch i can't stand him yes maybe that's what it is i didn't know that but yeah he's he's woke as fuck he's woke as fuck, dude. Ah, yeah. It's lame as hell. Hey, when Cody Durden knocked out that Chinese dude and said,
Starting point is 00:34:09 hey, I sent that dude back to China, and all those fucking idiots started getting on Cody for being racist. Yeah, that was ridiculous. Bilal was one of them, which is just crazy. Like, fuck you. What if he would have said, Bilal probably would have never stood up if that guy would have said, I sent that guy back to Israel.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And so it's like, yeah, it's like, shut the fuck up. It's perfectly okay to say, I knocked that bitch out and sent him back to Armenia. It's totally fine. It doesn't matter. If you're from there, and then on top of that, fighters, hey, don't go bad on other fighters.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Back them up. Like, come on. I agree. Don't let the woke mob infiltrate. But, yeah, I got Burns. Burns is a dog, man. Hey, you got to bring back that Friday show with Mr. Weeks. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:56 He's good. He's good. He's fighting in my hometown tonight. He is? Yeah, yeah. He's fighting in my hometown tonight. I sent him some love. Oh, that's awesome. awesome oh where's your hometown uh well i live in cincinnati in a suburb of cincinnati he's
Starting point is 00:35:13 fighting in covington which is you know basically cincinnati okay i'm gonna send him a text to uh i'm gonna send him a text right now too thanks for um uh darian uh is it two R's or one? One R. Good lord. D-A-R-I-A-N. Do you know what weight class he's fighting? Middle weight. 185?
Starting point is 00:35:38 185, I guess. Yeah, because he said he wasn't going to do 171 anymore. Yeah. Well, probably not on this level.'s probably just not for the ufc would you know if they sign him back on but um do you ever collect cards do i collect cards have you ever collected carts did you ever work at a supermarket oh oh yeah i was a courtesy clerk when i was like 17 yeah i collected i collected cards too uh beast master is jag is saying the cart boy moves the carts from the cart collection areas to the store i disagree
Starting point is 00:36:09 seven and that's okay that is not okay i was a cart boy also and uh i loved uh i loved getting the carts all over the parking lot i never i never once in my mind thought these good people are assholes who don't put them back in the stall did you ever think that i cannot i i did yeah but uh for the past few years i've re-evaluated um and completely i i cannot stand my generation for one that video you showed we have like this thing where we just stick a camera in somebody's face yeah like if you get beat up for that you deserve it yeah i'm kind of okay with that or if they slap the camera out of your hand right and and so if you're gonna be this cart narc you better be in that fucking parking lot helping that cart boy put the carts away
Starting point is 00:36:58 you cannot you cannot say don't litter and then walk by pieces of trash on the ground and not pick it up on your way into the store Right You see what I'm saying? Right, right, right So if people leave their cart for one reason or another It's not for you to assess or evaluate why they left their cart there Right
Starting point is 00:37:15 You don't know, right? So if you're gonna be so aggravated about it Go put the fucking cart away for them Hey listen, it's crazy There's all these people who have strong opinions about carts I see the fucking cart away for them hey listen i uh it's crazy um there's all these people who have strong opinions about carts i see people put carts away sometimes i put carts away uh whatever sometimes i do sometimes i don't depending on uh just the the ease of it um but uh i've been going to skate parks now for three years and i've never seen parents pick up
Starting point is 00:37:41 their kid will be skating in a fucking bowl, dropping in with fucking – with concrete as the – slamming on concrete as a possible consequence. And they won't walk into the bowl and pull out trash or cans or rocks and shit. It's like what the fuck is wrong with you? And it just makes me realize that I don't – I'm not dealing with sane people who can do assessment, discernmentment uh understand like yeah they're just fucking retards they're not aware that they should even be looking out for trash there when i think if someone who feels obligated to put a card away it's the same people who are obligated to go to the 49ers game it's like yeah of course of course you think that you you feel so you feel social pressure you feel crazy social pressure and obligation. It has nothing to do with kindness. If it was, you would carry dog poop bags around with you like I do to pick up dipshits' dog poop.
Starting point is 00:38:46 is not in good practice to like lazily or dismissively just leave your cart because somebody else will get it because then you're practicing this notion of not my job. Yeah. I don't do it for that reason. I don't leave it out because it's not my job. You said it. You said why you got three kids running around. You're getting them in the car.
Starting point is 00:39:00 You're like, we got to go. Cart's laying there. It's, you know, that's, that's fine. That's in fact, why you have a cart guy. what about this there's someone wait what do you guys do
Starting point is 00:39:10 if there's someone waiting to get into your spot but you have to go uh a hundred feet away to go to a cart do you just put your cart up on in the dirt and back out so this person can quickly park or do you make them wait and return your car? Oh, the dilemmas. You know, there's, there's a, there's this thing that I hear about households and I'm going to wrap this around.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Trust me that. Oh, my husband leaves the seat up all the time. Right. And then the husband will, will, will say, Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:42 well, uh, if I got to leave the seat up, you know, she could put it up or lay it down. You know, she should look before she sits. These arguments are dumb. Right. They have no point to any of them. In fact, the real argument, you're so blind to your own point. The real argument is. The fucking lid and everything should be down. I agree when you leave the bathroom because that's neat and orderly if a guest comes they're not looking directly at your nasty toilet yep the
Starting point is 00:40:12 lid and everything should be closed no matter who's using it i always put the lid leaving the seat up is fucking idiocy right oh there we go jen and iah Snelson of course don't put carts in the handicapped spots because that's where I park I agree with you 100% I have a move I go I go to the back of the freaking parking lot where there's nobody parked I park immediately next to the uh the the cart corral because I have a baby girl yeah and so I load her up put the cart away and it's right next to my truck and i'm boom in and out because i can walk to the store you know what i mean like i just make it easy on myself but because i i feel like i want to put the cart away right um but uh divesh maharaj he says i don't
Starting point is 00:40:58 care whose job it is it's a dick move to leave the cart to hit another car no you don't leave it to hit another car you you leave it in a spot that's a a spot that's not taking a parking spot and that's just available and hey how about the next i love it when i pull into a spot and there's one a cart kicked up on the curb i just fucking that's my cart it's waiting there yeah one cart per parking spot thank you by the way i'm a i'm a glasses half full kind of guy though i think if you're gonna argue uh you go walk it to the cart and put it away i've seen you know how many people i've seen go to the corral and just kind of like like let go leisurely let go of the cart and let it like kind of barely roll into the corral there's carts always stacked up hanging out of the corral
Starting point is 00:41:44 so if we're talking about like risk of one of those rolling away the corral. There's carts always stacked up, hanging out of the corral. So if we're talking about like risk of one of those rolling away and hitting it, that's just the risk of being in a grocery store parking lot. Right. Like park away from it if you're really concerned about that. I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:41:57 These are, I don't know why people get so worked up about this stuff. I like it. I mean, like there's a shopping cart and i get it you know like oh you're being a dick it's like no nobody's being a dick they're just busy like they're yeah maybe they should be more aware more cognizant but maybe you should too maybe you should pick up trash on your way into the freaking grocery store absolutely so if we're gonna nitpick you better be fucking disciplined you better be goddamn disciplined if you're going to be calling people out for some dumb shit like that.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I appreciate you calling. Thank you, Dylan. Always good to hear your voice. Good to hear that the kids are doing well. Thanks, brother. You take care, man. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I do not want to play this next clip. I have an obligation to play this. Do you guys understand? I do not want to play this. I do not want to play this i do not want to play this but i have an obligation i don't have an obligation to put the card away but i do have an obligation to play this clip to ask you about the question is it true that when you fart sometimes the fart goes up into your vagina? Yeah. Yeah, I kind of like it when that happens. But you know what? But you know what?
Starting point is 00:43:07 What? Luke, don't film it! I'm filming me! They don't know who you are! Tell me the truth! When you have a bush, it happens less. Stop. It feels nice? Yeah, it doesn't feel nice.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I don't know why it feels nice, but it feels real nice. Sometimes it happens, and it'll just ride up. But sometimes it happens, and it goes to a spot, and it sits there, and you're like, wow. It might move a certain... Do you guys understand what's going on here? I guess girls, when they fart, the fart goes up into their vagina. I don't even know. I'm not even sure I understand this.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I can keep it there. And she can keep it there like a fart bubble like a fart bubble in your vagina and then you can you fight if you get it out does it make a sound no no i just must just yeah right do you ever fart up into your dick? No. Oh, I'll tell you when it happens and it feels really good. Okay. When you're in the bathtub. Oh. In the bath, if you, like, have a big fart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Multiple bubbles and the pressure goes all the way up so even though it's not stuck necessarily in your vagina lips it's still going in front of your clit so it's like vibrating your vagina yeah farts vibrate girls vaginas i i had i wow brad patty uh carts and farts yeah Yeah. Wow. It's crazy, right? What a crazy synchronicity you just realized. Anyway, back to this. This is just fascinating that I feel the obligation to play this. I think 99% of the dudes on here just learned something.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Aha. I need to ask you both a question. Crazy. Who knew that flatulence was tickled the vagina? I had no idea. I think that's true unless that's just crazy. James O'Keefe. Wow. Yeah. Well, yeah, he is kind of an investigator like that. That is James O'Keefe. Wow. Very well done, man. You guys are good. That is creative. James O'Keefe.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I wonder if that's misinformation or not. Listen, listen, you ding dong. Listen, this is the, I see what you're trying to do here. How? Your pretty girlfriend by your side. Is that your daughter? Asebi, since someone is paid to stock the shelves, if you take something off the shelf and decide you don't want it, do you just put it on the floor?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yes, you do. Yeah, and when you go to the bathroom, since someone's paid to clean the bathroom, you just piss on the floor and take a shit on the floor if you want to. Come on, let's not just start being ridiculous. That park, I'm not suggesting you take the fucking cart home three miles away. Although people used to do that too. When I was a cart boy, it was before they had the carts where the wheels locked. So sometimes you'd get a call and there'd be a cart, like not three miles away, but I'd gone like a mile to get a cart before several times. And it was actually fun.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Just pushing a cart through town. And, uh, yeah, I listen, I'm a, I was a cart boy. So like I, my, what I say matters so much more than you guys. That's it. Not in, and I'm disgusted that Heidi won't just agree with me and bend the knee disgusted good morning sevan podcast how can i help you how can i direct your you are a menace to society that's true i bet i bet you go into a restaurant and you make the people that work
Starting point is 00:47:05 there cook for you because they're paid for i have done that on occasion i bet i bet you're so bad you made the doctors circumcise you because they were paid for i did not i did not i plead innocent on that one thank you though i'm 50 5050. What else you got? You got a tiebreaker? Alright, well... Nah, I don't got anything else. Those are the two I had. You really threw me off with the uncircumcised part. Yeah, I got fucking... It's like an aardvark down there. I got so much skin. I have a huge dong
Starting point is 00:47:38 and with it comes a shitload of skin. I could smuggle drugs in there. Seve, are you okay with cigarette smokers throwing their butts out the window? Listen, you guys don't start being fucking weirdos. Of course I'm not. Okay with that. How are you?
Starting point is 00:47:58 Good morning. Good to hear your voice. Oh, wait, I lost you. Wait, shit, I lost you. I lost you. I don't know what happened. The Bluetooth hello strangely strangely that was way better call quality on my end yeah you sound you sound great well last time anyway but i bet you know if you're uncircumcised you can probably you know use that as like a sale and catch those parts just like girls you're talking about oh i
Starting point is 00:48:23 didn't even think about that. So that's probably, I mean, that's technically, I mean, that's technology. Aardvark. For those of you who don't know what an aardvark looks like, oh, here, I'll show you guys. Aardvark. Wow, I didn't know aardvark was two A's in the beginning. Yeah, it's the first word in the
Starting point is 00:48:40 dictionary. Spelling isn't my forte. Wow, look how cute a baby aardvark is. Yeah, that's pretty much what my penis looks like. I can just draw eyes on it. There you go.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Did you see the clip, speaking of carts, of the lady in California whose stroller started rolling away? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hiller made a video showing that. Am I that behind? Yeah. Or an anteater or my penis. You could say my penis looks like an anteater. Like an anteater. There you go.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Well, that is great. What an amazing looking creature. The anteater. It's wow. And its tail looks like a beehive. I wonder if any of these animals would make good pets like dogs, like an anteater or an aardvark. Look, here's a guy scratching one, an anteater. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:44 All right, well, nice to hear your voice do you have anything else you'd like to contribute no no I gotta let you go I gotta talk to everybody bye bye Eric Weiss diamond all the homies out Logan Mars on the phone that is correct Eric with his supersonic
Starting point is 00:50:03 hearing and identification skill set anyway okay so i'm glad i got that out of the way um that because that was kind of a psa i was tripping on whether i should play that here we go uh i i by the way i am not confused about uh trannies at all. Like, I have zero confusion. I completely understand it. Probably in a previous lifetime, I was a tranny. So anyway, I am not confused about what the fuck is going on at all. Action. Does anyone else remember the story about the Oregon pub that hosted a drag show
Starting point is 00:50:40 featuring an 11-year-old drag performer and bragging that they were here to show you what an 11-year-old drag queen can do? Well, that child's drag kid mentor was just sentenced to a year in an Oregon jail for 11 counts of child sexual abuse charges. 31-year-old Kelsey Bourne, who was a former elementary school teaching assistant, is being charged with creating and destroying...
Starting point is 00:51:00 So, the drag mentor was busted for child porn and they were also an elementary school teacher like this should not surprise you at all it's like finding out like the dudes in the military are gay or dudes in the catholic church are gay like or or the the boy scout leader is gay like it shouldn't surprise you i'm not saying it's like a it's like a slam dunk but if i'm gay i'm fucking joining the military for sure Call her or the Catholic church Call her hi
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yo what's up Sebi What's up dude That first comment funny enough That's actually me How's it only a year Huh what say it again who Underscore let's go Dave How's it only a year
Starting point is 00:51:44 A year what in prison for what you watched the whole video they got convicted I think it's like a year in prison which guy who are you talking about
Starting point is 00:51:56 oh this this this oh oh the one I'm just watching about the tranny and the child pornography yeah yeah who the fuck it's crazy
Starting point is 00:52:03 I know yeah it's it's absolutely i know yeah it's it's absolutely nuts it's it's it's um i i don't i don't know i don't know what's going on all of a sudden in our world all the villains are heroes and all the heroes are villains like if you've ever been in the new york subway we need people who choke out all the fucking crazies on there it's absolutely nuts i saw that story too. Holy crap. But instead, and like, fuck, I don't care if you're mentally ill. If you're swinging around a fucking machete or if you're fucking threatening me with my kid,
Starting point is 00:52:33 like, of course you're mentally ill. What does that have to do with anything? Right. It's fucking nuts. And yet probably a block away from that incident, there's a bronze statue of George Floyd. It literally is a skate from New York there. I don't know if you ever saw that movie.
Starting point is 00:52:49 God, I hope that dude Vivek Ramaswamy wins. It becomes president. Have you checked him out? The Indian dude? Nah, I think I heard the name once. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:00 he's a beast. We got, we got problems, man. They're talking like U.S. currency is getting devalued globally, and we're worried about if we can shake cockpit. I have my foreskin, so I'm pretty happy.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I'm intact. Yeah, I don't have that. Sorry, Siobhan. We got just a difference of doctors. Don Falls says, Seve, does your foreskin pull back when hard? I think some don't. Like, too tight or something stays over the head.
Starting point is 00:53:27 It can do both. It can. But great question, Don. Yes. I think that's called stenosis. If your cock is the opening, you just have to work. You have to work the opening regularly. You have to work.
Starting point is 00:53:42 The more you learn. Does that make sense? I'm digging the man bun, by the way, man. Say it again. I'm digging the man bun, by the way. Don't, the more you learn. Does that make sense? You think that's, by the way, man, say it again. I'm digging the man bun, by the way, don't let the haters deter you.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You keep growing that thing out. I am. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to stick with it. I am really tempted though, to shave my whole head, but it's so nice having hair off the side of my face.
Starting point is 00:53:57 If you shave your whole head, you would look like a meth addict from California. Do not do that. I, there's, there's some episodes where I shaved my head. I mean, I didn't Vick it, but there's a, there's that. There's some episodes where I shave my head. I mean, I didn't vick it, but there's some episodes
Starting point is 00:54:09 somewhere during the podcast where I shaved my head with like a two or something. I didn't do it. Can you DM me that photo just for posterity? But it's nice having the hair up the side of my face.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I'm starting to look like an old samurai too. I kind of dig it. Yeah, you're a Ronin. Yeah, thank you. You own a gun? You own a gun? I do not.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Oh. I've shot a bunch. You thinking about getting one? A gun and some bullets? No, I mean, at some point. I mean, I don't need, like, a freaking assault rifle. I'm not hunting down zombies, but I need... No, just like a little handgun with your pack
Starting point is 00:54:48 of bullets. Oh, yeah. Totally. That's my hair, guys. Oh, I need my assault rifle for home protection. I'm like, from who? Who's coming to your house? That's just a stupid excuse. Home protection, bro. Unless you're Jack Barron, 24. You're not about that
Starting point is 00:55:04 life. I don't know what an assault rifle is, but I shot, I think it was an AR-14. Or AR-15, maybe? Dude, those things are so fun. Oh my gosh. No, they're super fun. I shot one at Dave's Ranch. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Really? I would like five of those. They're super dope. I'm not going to lie. I don't need one for house protection. Let's just say, hey, it makes my dick feel gigantic. I'd rather you would just say the truth and make up some stupid example. I'm supposed to like buy that or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Sir, why do you have that gun? Does it make you feel more manly and like your penis is bigger? Yes. Oh, okay. Yeah. I would respect you saying that more than saying alcohol protection. Come on, stop on it. When guys drive fast cars, oh, it's really safe on the road.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Nah, it just makes you feel cool. And that's fine. Just saying that. Deja Entendu, he sounds like he has a black dude from, by the way, you sound like a black dude who has a giant cock, so I'm going to take that into consideration when I read this. I got an uncircumcised buddy whose foreskin rips – what do you mean rips? Like on the regular rips? He called it his ripped banjo string.
Starting point is 00:56:16 He contemplated getting circ'd for it, but has figured out how to be gentle, I guess. That is not – What's crazy is there's – I'm Niger i mean i am nigerian so i won't i won't deny what is it i can neither confirm or deny these allegations okay well you're nigerian and you and you had and you were circumcised yeah buddy are you born in this country i know i wasn't born in this country i didn't think that Africans did that shit I thought they were like Europeans Nah we do that Oh they wait until you're like 13 to do it to Africans
Starting point is 00:56:51 Uh no Good lord Like you know like a Like the Jews do the bar mitzvah I just thought like African tribes like at 13 They take you out into the Savannah and circumcise What's that called yeah yeah just thought like um african tribes like it you know at 13 they take you out into the savannah
Starting point is 00:57:05 what's that called yeah yeah but for for africans it's like something of manhood like a proof of manhood or something and the women and the women they huddle you all together and you all bleed together yeah i can't say i can verify any of that but yeah oh. Turntable says Africa does circumcise. I had no idea. Fuck. Yeah, man. You got it here to here first. Here to here first. You watching the fights this weekend? Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Cejudo and Funkmaster. Yeah. Who you got? That's going to be gangster. I mean, I want to face Cejudo because he's a dog, but I mean, Funkmaster. I mean, the way he beat the bricks bricks off Billishaw, and he's just been on a freaking tear. After he came back and beat Yon, I was like, yeah, this guy is it. I think he has his number personally.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I could be wrong. Let's say Aljo does beat Henry. What happens? The number one contender is Merab, and that's Aljo's training partner. What are they going to do? I don't think Aljo should go up weight class. I think he's going to get? I don't think Aljo should go up weight class. I'm concerned
Starting point is 00:58:08 for him if he goes up a weight class. Aljo's at 135. He goes to 145. What, lightweight? He's got Volkanovski up there. Maybe the greatest to ever do it. Oh my gosh. You got Volk. You got Holloway. Nah. I would just fight him. Look, Usman fought. Watch his face. The Brazilian
Starting point is 00:58:24 dude put him to work So I mean look You gotta fight your boy You gotta fight your boy But I would love to see Aljo and Max Holloway Fuck that would be crazy
Starting point is 00:58:33 Cause Max got crazy Take down defense Yeah he does And he has Stupid hands Stupid hands But then if I'm gonna get Turned your back
Starting point is 00:58:39 He'll choke the life out of you For five rounds straight So It's kind of a Yeah Matt beat Beat Yeah Matt beat up Matt beat up that poor English kid That kid's good too man That kid Holloway fought a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 00:58:51 That English kid is good But he got fucking beat up Yeah he did I mean I don't think Holloway's ever gonna get the belt back Cause Fulks is just too good man I think he got robbed First two fights they fought But that third one he beat the life out of him I felt really bad for Max
Starting point is 00:59:07 Hey how about that The number one guy in that weight class Is on a pedestal on his All his own And the number two guy's on a pedestal All his own Like they don't have like That class is so weird
Starting point is 00:59:16 There's no one there It's just those two And they fought three times So they're not gonna promote it again Someone has to come down from 155 And beat up Holloway Just suck up the weight What do you think Connor should do they're not going to promote it again. Someone has to come down from 155 and beat up Holloway. Just suck up the weight. Conor should do it. Conor should try to do it.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I'd like to see Conor and Holloway fight. I've seen memes about them. They'll photo-shabble whatever together of them facing off again. They fought once. Yeah, they went the distance. Yeah, they could just run that back. I like Max beating McGreggregor i think i think his
Starting point is 00:59:46 that goose is cooked connor yeah me too he got too much money right yeah like this was this was the quote it's hard to stay hollow with a soft ass pillow yeah yeah call it a day man anyway i gotta work enjoy your day sir okay thanks for calling in bye bye all right he interrupted a great interrupted a great tranny clip, but I am really excited about the fights. Anyway, I'm not confused about what's going on with the trannies at all. Not even a fucking tiny bit. I get it. I get it. Keep them away from the fucking kids.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Okay, here we go. fucking kids okay here we go this is a girl who this is fucking nuts here we go we're just going to be on a roll we'll get through this guys we'll get through this and uh but it's it's important it's important this is a girl who had her titties cut off and regrets it and was given drugs and regrets it. And she talks about how easy it was as a kid to get her tits chopped off and to get testosterone. It's crazy. And she did not get it from Here we go. Scarily easy to do because I had just called a therapist and I had scheduled one appointment,
Starting point is 01:01:04 one for like a 30minute session to talk about. And I essentially walked in. I said, I identify as transgender and I want to get top surgery. And we chatted for a bit, maybe for half an hour. And at the end of the session, she wrote me an approval letter to send to my insurance. And then I got approved just like that. When you first started, you went in, you said to Planned Parenthood they gave you testosterone immediately yeah I essentially just made a phone call and said I want I want to transition and it was immediately given
Starting point is 01:01:31 I got a prescription and went to pick it up like a week later did they ask you questions did they do any psychological testing did they ask you why what was your motive it was completely self-diagnosed you said I want testosterone they gave it to you. Yeah, I had confused, because I had become uncomfortable with how society had seen me as a woman sexually. I didn't actually have gender dysphoria. I had just confused myself in the thinking that I did. It was scarily easy. And there it is. That's nine out of ten right there. Because that's nine out of ten right there.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Protect your kids. Protect your kids. Protect your kids. I have played this clip before. And due to some incidents that happened on this show in the last, I don't know, two weeks, I bring this clip to you again. Listen very fucking carefully. Listen very, do not surround yourself with peoples who, with peoples who validate your victim stories. Do not surround yourself with people who will validate your victim story
Starting point is 01:03:08 enforce it demand you live it encourage it validate it in any way stay away from those fucking people they are bad people they are The ones who keep the plantation Order intact My boss hates me Because I'm fat Oh my god I'm so sorry Have you thought about losing some fucking weight So you can contribute on a higher level
Starting point is 01:03:43 No one respects me Because I'm short Have you thought about losing some fucking weight so you can contribute on a higher level? No one respects me because I'm short. Sew the fuck up. Sew the fuck what? Make up for it. Add value. Add more value then. My boyfriend's cheating on me. Why are you attracted to men who cheat on you not oh my god it feels so bad for your boyfriend such a dick
Starting point is 01:04:13 uh jake chapman uh my wife and i battered the victim mindset vocabulary out of each other checked each other uh other uh anytime it came out we are now fully unfucked um i'll give you that's awesome by the way i can't that kind of made me feel warm inside um it's the same thing my wife did it to me but in a different way i always i i used to just tell tons of like small lies like if i was on the phone with someone and I had to go, I would make up like, Oh, my kids are,
Starting point is 01:04:46 uh, need my attention. And sometimes it's true. And sometimes it wouldn't be true. Now it's just like, Hey, I gotta go. Like it's just,
Starting point is 01:04:55 it's just all like, it's, it's all politically correct. It's all niceties. It's just fucking bullshit. It's victim shit. You start to play. It's victim shit. You start to – it's victim – that's the close fucking incestual cousin of victim shit. All that political correctness stuff, it's all to enforce a victim shit. That one word that we're not allowed to say comes between M and O.
Starting point is 01:05:24 comes between M and O. The fact that that's enforced, that's all victim shit. That is the fucking plantation owner. And what's crazy is you have melanated people enforcing it. They got them enforcing their own. It's fucking nuts. The whole thing is so fucking basic to see.
Starting point is 01:05:40 But here you go. Listen carefully. He did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces and they told these women that they're going into a job interview they showed them the scars in the mirror the women saw themselves with these scars and as they led them out of the room they said we're just going to touch it up a little bit and as they touched it up they removed the scarring completely so the women went into the job interview thinking that they are scarred, but actually being their normal selves. And the result of the experiment is that those women then came back reporting massively increased level of discrimination.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Indeed, many of them came back with comments that the interviewer had made that they felt were referencing their facial disfigurements. And this is why I think this ideology of victimhood is so dangerous. that they felt were referencing their facial disfigurements. And this is why I think this ideology of victimhood is so dangerous. They didn't experiment. Listen, don't be fucking stupid too. I was a young man and I used to get pulled over by the cops at least two or three times a month. At least two or three times a month. And you want to know why?
Starting point is 01:06:43 Because 99 out of 100 rapes are committed by men 99 out of 100 robberies are committed by men 99 out of 100 murders are committed by men 99 out of 100 dui hit and runs are committed by men 99 out of uh molestations are committed by men 99 out of 100 bank robberies are committed by men 99 out of 100 like shut the fuck up just fucking accept fucking reality Bank robberies are committed by men. 99 out of 100. Like, shut the fuck up. Just fucking accept fucking reality. Quit blaming other people. Disgusting.
Starting point is 01:07:22 We live with such fucking whiny bitches. I'm discriminated against because I'm a man. Yeah, dude. Look at the fucking stats. It's okay. Deal with it. I live on a hill. And so I burn extra gas when I drive up my driveway. It sounds like that.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Like you're whining that you have to pay an extra 50 cents a year in gas because you live in a steep driveway. James Ellis, I was going to say it's because your nose was causing a traffic hazard, but I will accept your answer. Thank you. I mean what's next? We're going to let blind people drive? Oh, it's only fair. Everyone has to be able to drive. It's – And what's crazy is that you – there's people around you who in the guise of benevolence and kindness are suggesting that your victim mentality is correct and there's something we can do to help you. We'll all change. We will all say, oh, it's perfectly okay. George Floyd is a hero. I'm so sorry that he was oppressed. It's too bad what happened to him.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I would have never thought in a million years we would be here. It's fucking – part of it's kind of – I mean, not part of it. A huge part of it is fascinating. I can separate it. Yeah, it's a living nightmare. Can you imagine being those people? Yeah, it is a living nightmare for them. There's no way out for them until they accept that. They're never going to get what they want out here. Never. It's impossible. Dave, dude, I'm so
Starting point is 01:09:24 grateful we came here as immigrants. nobody had time to be a victim work or don't eat to what end is victimhood mentality taking you to it's just its own vicious cycle yeah and even if it's right even if it's right even even if i was discriminated against because i was a dude driving it's okay it's it's okay tall people are discriminated against short people black people white people it's okay do your part try not to do it be smart use your discernment wisely but do not help other people enforce that mindset i was pulled over because uh because i pulled over because I'm a black guy in a red Ferrari. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Okay. Now's your opportunity to allow the police officer to see that it's not a big deal. Or maybe your story is completely wrong like this guy said. Maybe 99% of the time you're just bringing that shit to the story. Maybe it's not true at all. Maybe it's not true at all what you project onto the world. Maybe you're demanding it be that way because you've been tricked. We had that guest on, Xavier.
Starting point is 01:10:44 He said that he realized that it was only the media that told him that he when he looked around he's like wow no one's being racist towards me it was just the media told me to look for it and so i was finding it everywhere oh wow wow god jake you are. I like the way you talk. You juxtapose words cool. That's great. Subletting responsibility. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Wow, wow, wow. Words are dope. I love words. Don't let people enforce your delusions. Get away from those people. Ask them not to do that. You don't need anyone feeling sorry for you. You need people who believe in you.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Oh. I wonder if I'm doing skateboarding today. Here's how... Oh, here we go. Here we go. Oh, both my phones ringing at the same time. Damn, I'm popular. Caller, hi. Have you ever heard the phrase that's starting to go around that the woke are more correct than the reasonable liberals?
Starting point is 01:12:03 The woke are more correct than the reasonable liberals. I don't know any, maybe, no, I haven't heard that term. So what the woke identify is deep disparities in outcomes for people in America. in America. What they miss is the solution and the integrity of why we should address those disparities. It's undeniable that blacks have worse outcomes than any other racial subgroup. If you take a black student who is in the 98th percentile of wealth, he will perform as good as a white student with both parents, both kids having both parents in the home.
Starting point is 01:12:59 He will perform as good as a white student in the 33rd percentile of academic proficiency. So there is deep, deep disparity, but we don't understand the roots of it. And we don't understand that this is something that is real. And so it's now just a question of if we will succumb to the left pitting us in a race war against each other or if we will seek some means of progress for a country that is trying to survive mass immigration, a diversity administrative state that's starting to weaponize against normal people. Hey, you know, I will. Do you know what I think that the only say the only hope is? Which is crazy, because in itself, it's racist. People with melanated skin are going to have to do it. They're going to have to free themselves. They're going to have to speak up against the left. They're going to have to speak up against the woke or ROTC. They're going to have to speak up against the left. They're going to have to speak up against the woke or ROTC. They're going to have to speak up and be like,
Starting point is 01:14:06 Hey, stop holding it. They don't want to. I know. I know. I know. That's what's crazy. That's what's crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:12 That's the fucking craziest thing. They're going to have to stay. And what's crazy is they're not even a real demographic. Like, like it's, it's just made up. Right. A gaze,
Starting point is 01:14:22 a color of your skin. Yeah. What do you mean? Meaning there's no value to that demographic. I mean – Like the value to the demographic – there's no value to that data except in – here's what I mean. There's no value to that data by calling them black people except discrimination. There's no value to it. Why don't we divide it by people who have dads at home or socioeconomic I I don't
Starting point is 01:14:50 I don't believe that stat you just gave by the way I don't think I necessarily I I'll text you the research paper okay because because there's there's there's significant data that also shows uh quite the opposite this is assuming the same family home the same income level the same uh neighborhoods right are you implying are you are you implying that it's it's some sort of uh psychological issue or are you implying that people because of the color of their skin are less capable are you implying that because i i that notion i adamantly reject and i'll you know bring up 20 reasons why i i i reject it too but when we pretend like there aren't disparities you know what what do republicans do most of the time they'll say oh democrats are the real the real
Starting point is 01:15:39 racist and then we trick ourselves into policies that are only for black people. Oh, right. And that's the irony of what I'm saying. You're right. And I was guilty of that right there by just saying, on one hand, I don't want to categorize people by their skin color. And yet the hypocrisy of what I'm saying is that only they can free themselves based on their skin color. So, yeah, I'm guilty of that too. I'm guilty of that. Yeah. It's kind of just a political orientation.
Starting point is 01:16:15 But either way, thanks for taking my call. Yeah, thanks always for calling. Someone in the chat was saying, hey, what's a good audiobook to read? This brings up a good point to statistics around skin color. There is a book written by an economist named Thomas Sowell. Sowell? Thomas Sowell. S-O-W-E-L-L. Thomas Sowell, S-O-W-E-L-L. Thomas Sowell. And the name of the book is – sorry, Jeremy, hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:16:50 The name of the book is Civil Rights and Rhetoric. Sorry, sorry. Civil Rights, Rhetoric, or Reality. It's a great audio book. It's a great audio book. I listened to it. I really enjoyed it. It was like junk food
Starting point is 01:17:05 for the brain. It's called a civil rights rhetoric or reality. And there's all sorts of things he compares in there, right? He compares a, um, a 25 year old single, uh, the, the socioeconomic stanzas of, of a 25 year old single melanated woman to a 25 year old white woman. And it's just like tons of comparisons that you wouldn't think about making. But this guy makes them. And the data is fascinating. The data is it's I think that might have may have been the book that I read where they were also comparing who's the wealthiest group in New York City. And it was the Jews making one hundred thousand a year. And then who's the wealthiest group in new york city and it was the jews making a hundred thousand a year and then who's the least and it was the puerto ricans they made 25 000 a year but the data didn't show that the jews average age was 50 and the puerto ricans average age was 25
Starting point is 01:17:53 and without that you can't even make the fucking comparison basically what you're doing then is you're you're you're skewing the the the data to uh make it seem like it's racist hey jeremy what's up dude how you doing devil hey i'm doing great i feel handsome today thank you for saying that i the data to make it seem like it's racist. Hey, Jeremy, what's up, dude? How you doing? Hey, I'm doing great. I feel handsome today. Thank you for saying that. I feel good today. I turned up my, I think it's because I turned up the brightness on my ring light. Yeah, it's working. And the hair on point. Totally on point. That guy, the last caller, I was actually going to call with a uh an update with the uh
Starting point is 01:18:26 liberal kind of kind of a couple issues that i needed uh you and the chat to chime in on uh but the last caller just real quick with the black thing as a black guy um i've been saying it since i was very young i'm 30 about to be 38 and i've always thought as a black guy and seeing the problems in our black communities and working in the black community for a very long time that the change has to come from within. You know, just like if you are an obese person, no one else is going to un-obese you. You know, like you have to, it comes from within. I have to go to the gym. I have to eat better.
Starting point is 01:19:06 So on and so forth. No one else can do that for you. So that's how I've always looked at it as a black guy. It's like, no one else is going to change anything for us. You know, it's not anyone else's fault that 70% of fathers in the inner city don't do any, don't, don't father at all. Like that's not anybody else's fault that's not a systemic racist thing that's just dudes being idiots and until they want to change it's
Starting point is 01:19:32 not going to change uh i'm going to take it one step further i'm going to be like hey this this is just bizarre but the black guy's going to have to do it and the black girl's going to have to do it to save uh the white people like to save the country i think this country has to be saved by some fucking and maybe vivek's dark enough to do it but some really fucking like strong clear thinking like we need black jordan peterson and you know what and i hate and will will said it well hey dude you're just being as racist saying it i agree i agree i'm just so desperate i'm just so desperate to swing the pendulum the other way. I'll admit it. I'm just desperate to swing the pendulum the other way. Me, me, and I suspect, I think one of them is gay. I won't say which one, but, um, so we're,
Starting point is 01:20:32 I think we've hit our, um, if we had a girl call on the show, it'd be perfect. Okay. Uh, so how are things with your, uh, love life? Oh, so man, you know, I've been, I've been patient patient i try to be a patient guy and uh you know you and i were talking about i appreciate all the kind words like for real um but there are things that are starting to tick me here that i'm like dude do i do i bring this up to her? How do I handle these things? And one of the first things is, I don't know when you're interviewing people on here, people are wanting the comments, stop interrupting and let the person talk.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Well, there's a reason you have to keep the flow of the interview going. And, you know, it is called the Saban podcast after all. So people want to hear what you have to say. But this young lady has a really, really hard time not interrupting people. What I mean is like, if I'm having a conversation or I'm trying to pretty much anything, it's going to,
Starting point is 01:21:37 a two minute conversation turns into a 10 minute conversation because I'm not even, I start talking and it's like, boom, sabotage the conversation, sabotage. Cause she goes off in this direction. And I'm like, well, I didn't even, I don't really get a chance to finish any thoughts with her. And it's like, do I just overlook it and let, you know, let, let that go and maybe get better in time. Or do I address it with her? And you know, how do I do that? that? The picture you sent me of her, she's extremely attractive. Do you think that she has that hot girl syndrome thing going where it's like everyone just sits around and lets her talk
Starting point is 01:22:14 so they can put their dick in one of her orifices? It's crossed my mind. It really has crossed my mind that that's kind of how she is. I don't want to say she's shallow or anything like that but yeah it kind of it kind of seems to be that way because that's how her friends you know when her friends are i met a handful of her friends already and she does the same thing with them and she just cut she has to be the one talking she has to be you know she'll sabotage she also does like it's funny like the dick measuring thing
Starting point is 01:22:46 where you'll you'll tell a story and she has to one-up it kind of a thing it's it's really weird but um i don't know it's not the biggest deal it just gets frustrating you imagine you're trying to talk to hayley and she just cuts you off every time you start talking it it gets old after a while you know so yeah um what about yeah yeah that's interesting hey and you know what else i've noticed about your relationship the insights you've given into me is she doesn't know who you are uh because um and i was actually i don't know if it was my wife i was talking to to your relationship about but someone said how could they not know his view on stuff and it's because i said that i suspect she just doesn't let him talk. And so she still doesn't know what's crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And she's explained to you several times, right? I'll be a little bit vague, but she's concerned about the relationship and about getting hurt. But on the other hand, she hasn't even taken the time to get to know you. Very true. At all. Very true. Which makes me kind of like, I don't want to be nervous because if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
Starting point is 01:23:47 I mean, I'll be a little hurt, I guess, because she is a pretty good person and I'm having some fun. But like, you know, when it comes to, was it Phillip? We chat offline all the time and our dad said, you should have her watch an episode of the savant podcast and i'm like yeah that that'd be a relationship ender real quick right there but at the same time i'm like i'm not one to hide who i am like i'm not gonna be a dick about it and be like i you know i'm not gonna be a dick but you know one that when that when we cross that bridge, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:26 It could be that that might be all it takes right there for her to be like, well, so I either see like her being like, okay, I want to be interested in who you are when it comes to that, or I want to have nothing to do with it. And she likes me a lot. So I guess we'll see. We'll see when the time comes. and she likes me a lot so i guess we'll see we'll see when the time comes i was watching part of the show last night uh with uh taylor and jr and brian but that wasn't a live calling show or anything
Starting point is 01:24:53 she actually thought you were really funny so oh good that was good tell her i said hi hey um jeremy um sometimes i get around these people not so much anymore, but they – you can tell their mental landscape is like a dam, and it's cracking everywhere. There's 10,000 cracks in it, and when they talk, it's them running around putting putty on the dam. They live in such an alternate reality that they – everything they say is kind of like holding up this delusion right like putting putty on the dam and it sounds kind of like that's what she's doing it sounds like she's 39 years old she's freaking out reality is setting in and instead of just like taking a deep breath and hitting rock bottom and maybe having like a mental breakdown she's trying to uh maintain um uh the delusion right um having having all those opinions that's another problem with being woke having all those just like you have to give a fuck you
Starting point is 01:25:53 you are not only giving a fuck about a lot of stuff that's just completely delusional which requires so much energy to maintain um uh you it's it's just, it's, it's, it's just pointless. It's crazy. It's such a waste. And so those people kind of come across as a manic, right? Man, it's, it's like, it's as if you're in, in, in some of the conversations, like, cause that's, I mean, I, I would never do this, but if I was to film a conversation, especially, uh, and i'll give you an example last night we watched the pursuit of happiness with will smith um actually the the guy his story chris gardner he actually grew up here in milwaukee and then uh
Starting point is 01:26:35 joined the navy and then eventually wound up in san francisco um but have you ever seen that movie will smith and his actual son if you't, it's a really good movie. No, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. I've heard it's great. Great movie. So we're watching it. And the movie ends.
Starting point is 01:26:54 For me, movies, like, it's a chance to just, you know, end of the day, unwind, and just chill out. Like, she's fucking, she's, like, yelling at the TV and talking to her the whole time. Anyway, that's a whole other subject. But the whole time. Anyway, that's a whole nother subject. But, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:08 the movie ends and I just said, man, to me, that's like the American dream right there. His whole story is like, that's the American dream. When I think of the American dream, she says, fuck the American dream.
Starting point is 01:27:20 I'm like, wait, what? What are you talking about? Like, fuck the American dream. Like, this guy came from nothing. I mean, he's black. I guess it doesn't matter the color, but he came from nothing.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Look what he's done with himself. It's absolutely incredible. He's a millionaire and blah, blah, blah. Like, how is that not the American dream? This guy didn't blame anybody else. He's slept in bathrooms with this kid yeah his wife left him i mean all these things like fuck the american dream and and as i pushed back on her like you were just saying you can see the damn kind of breaking and
Starting point is 01:27:57 her having to actually think about what she said i'm a big proponent of actually responding and not reacting you know we're no one's perfect and we react sometimes, but it's best practice to respond, you know, and she just reacts. It's like something is said or done and boom, it's a reaction. And so when I'm pushing back on her, the dam was definitely cracking. I'll say that for sure. Maybe she needs to go to a foreign country i have a friend uh ukrainian friend and he says he just cannot believe how shitty the people are in the united
Starting point is 01:28:30 states he said that every single person in the united states can get a job he said in the ukraine it's not like that he says like you like you can't just like go to mcdonald's and you can't like anyone in the united states could right now could go out and get a job right he says in ukraine it hasn't been like that for 30 years you can't just uh anyone in the United States could right now could go out and get a job. Right. He says in Ukraine, it hasn't been like that for 30 years. You can't just, uh, you could be unemployed forever. You could go to 50 stores and no one would hire you.
Starting point is 01:28:50 I can't imagine going to 50 stores and no one hiring me. He'd go to fucking McDonald's. I could start working eight hours a week tomorrow if I want it. Right. Yeah. It's that easy. And people, people have no idea how good they have it.
Starting point is 01:29:03 No, they don't. And when you live in a bubble, you know, and I'm not, I'm not saying only, we know not only liberals live in bubbles, but you know, when you live in a bubble, you only expose, you're only exposed to what you're thinking because everyone's thinking the same exact thing and you're not exposing yourself to uncomfortable truths or to other ideas or anything it's like especially like what you just said they don't if i say that there she'd think
Starting point is 01:29:31 i'm lying you know like her body must be rocking in order to deal with this uh man i'm telling you like that right there is uh i don't know makes me, I'm not a shallow guy, but like there, there's definitely connection in a lot of like outside of that. But yeah, that definitely is, uh, it's like maybe one of the,
Starting point is 01:29:57 one of the last straws I'm hanging on to here, hoping that all the other things catch up with that. Cause I don't want to just have this hot chick and I'm banging. Like, I'm not that guy. Like I want all the other things catch up with that. Cause I don't want to just have this hot chick that I'm banging. Like I'm not that guy. Like I want all the other things. I want to connect mentally and all the other ways. Uh, so I'm hoping that everything catches up with that, but I won't lie that, that, that is pretty, pretty fun. Um, uh, Phillip Kelly says Jeremy's body is rocking.
Starting point is 01:30:23 So you guys are just two rocking bodies just hammering it out. Hell yeah. Philip, you're not too bad yourself, man. All right. Well, Elise Carbordow gives her advice. The good sex is clouding his thoughts, and I'm perfectly okay with it. Rosie says she needs Jesus. Keep us updated.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I like it. I like it. Keep – I love it. I like it. I love it. I appreciate it. I appreciate having you. You guys are like my counseling crew. Don't get her pregnant, and I think everything's fine. One dollop of semen at a time can heal
Starting point is 01:30:59 her. Remember, you're giving her energy, and hopefully it's enough to heal her. Amen. Amen. Amen. I appreciate you. Remember, emotional pain is important. Like, if you get hurt emotionally, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:31:14 It's good. It's healthy. It's healthy. It's just reps. It's just reps. When your wife leaves you after 16 years, that's an emotional pain, I think. There you go. Okay, yeah, just work through it.
Starting point is 01:31:25 I appreciate this. All right, man. Okay. I'll talk to you later. Have a good Friday. Okay, love you. Bye. You can't get pregnant with the...
Starting point is 01:31:36 Jake Chapman, you can't get pregnant with the whole Jeremy puts it in. Okay. That's good. Thank you. Thank you for the insight. So when I see stuff like this, I realize how out of touch I am. I guess I should just go into a supermarket and walk around and look at the shit that they sell because I don't know what I think when I pass by places like this in the supermarket but i i i don't ever imagine anyone i don't ever think anyone actually buys stuff like this but i guess people do because look they got a whole
Starting point is 01:32:13 they got a whole i mean can you imagine buying a bottle of that creamer right there look at that shit that i just i walk by that and i just i from to me it might as well just be laundry detergent i don't even think that that's like i don't even consider that stuff food i don't know i not even in a bad way i'm not like oh gross sugar like um like uh i don't know like like a bag of m&ms like peanut m&ms i love peanut mMs, but I don't buy them because I know that they're bad sugar. But I don't think of them as chemicals, although they probably are. But when I see this stuff, this creamer, I just think, oh, that must be to wash your clothes with. I don't even look.
Starting point is 01:32:55 I'm just so out of touch. But here we go. This is crazy. Reasons to put back the coffee creamer and what to use instead. Number five, coffee creamers rarely contain cream, and it's normally just a mix of water, vegetable oils, and fake flavors. Number four, they're always full of gums and emulsifiers to give it a cream-like consistency, but it's terrible for your gut. Number three, they're always full of processed sugar, which is a terrible way to start your day. And that leads me to number two, starting your day off with sugar on an empty stomach is going
Starting point is 01:33:22 to lead to craving more sugar throughout the entire day and number one sugar-free creamers are even worse because they're made with fake artificial sweeteners instead go for real cream like 100 grass-fed half and half like how i really this has to be said that i i how many followers does this guy have 370,000 followers. Oh, my goodness. Look at this one. Let's watch this one. Hold on. I haven't heard this one.
Starting point is 01:33:55 The worst ingredients on grocery store shelves. Now, I told you I went to the doctor the other day, right, for a checkup? And the doctor told me – he's like, hey, if you want to live a long time with your kids, follow these rules. And one of them was to use canola oil. Let's watch this. One ingredient you avoid in food products, let it be this one. Turn around any package at the grocery store, and 99% chance you'll see canola, soybean, sunflower, safflower, or corn oil. All these oils contain a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Yeah, my wife doesn't allow me even if i bring if i bring
Starting point is 01:34:25 something into the house with canola oil in it my wife will throw it away i'll get a serious talking to and we're like we're like jeremy and her like my wife can't get in a word edgewise i'm like the crazy fucking woke chick but uh but but when my wife talks about this, I stay quiet. I feel her will. Acids or PUFAs. PUFAs are very unstable. They break down extremely easily and form a wide variety of toxins when exposed to chemical stress like high heat, high pressure, metals, and bleaching agents. All of which happen to these vegetable oils in the refining and manufacturing process. But for example, sunflower seeds aren't inherently bad.
Starting point is 01:35:06 They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But in the refining process, all of these beneficial compounds are stripped away, leaving you with basically toxic sludge. In fact, it takes 2,800 sunflower seeds to make 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Our bodies were never meant to consume polyunsaturated fats in such high amounts. When we consume these rancid, oxidized, toxic-filled oils, they promote three radical reactions in our body that can not only damage our mitochondria, but also our enzymes, hormone receptors, and DNA.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments and follow- Uh, and then people ask what do you recommend for cooking and baking? And someone says, says uh avocado oil uh you just did a report saying 89 of avocado oil is not pure and it has soy in it okay so not that we use grass-fed butter and and i always um i always put keep that heat on low like super low even if it takes forever to warm it up like i i stand I, I stay on low setting. And if my wife has it on a higher setting, I'll walk by and just turn it down. Any of you have friends who do that? Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, dogs. Yeah. I'll just lower the heat.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Don't, I don't even tell my wife. We used to use ghee for some reason. We don't use ghee anymore. wife got freaked out by ghee. So, yeah. I don't know. I wanted to, Melissa Odie, where did you, didn't we hear before just like Sevi Doc and canola oil? Yeah. It's nuts. Many people don't know the fact that zero sugar drinks and such are worse unless it's water.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Ah, my favorite zero sugar drink, water. Oh, here we go. Elise Carr-Ridau-Lard from the meat market. Oh, my goodness. Of course I have. Tyler Shangaris. Savan, have you heard of Vivek Ramaswani? He's a presidential candidate.
Starting point is 01:37:23 If so, what's your thoughts on him? I want to have his baby. I think he's fantastic. I would love to have him on the show. Someone asked me who my dream guest is, and I didn't know. But now I do have a dream guest, Vivek. He's dope. He's so good.
Starting point is 01:37:40 I love Vivek. That was the last interview that Don Lemon did. If you haven't seen that interview with Vivek Ramaswamy and Don Lemon, you got to see it. He just fucking lights them up. Anytime you hear anyone say politically correct, you should know that you are part of the PSYOP. You've fallen for the PSYOP.
Starting point is 01:38:01 There's no such thing. It's made up. It's a tool just for complete social conformity. Oriental carpets. Midget. Tard. All the scary one that we talk about between M and O. It's all psyop. It's just to keep your foot on the um just to keep your foot foot on the uh the
Starting point is 01:38:26 morons which is majority majority of us are retarded but here we go uh here's here's a here's a classic example killed me it was last christmas we canceled a song that was written in the 1940s called baby it's cold outside people said that were triggered, that the lyrics were rapey, and they had toxic masculinity. And that's fine if you feel that way, but radio stations across the country wouldn't play the song because people were outraged, which is fine if you feel that way. But at the exact same time, the number one song in this nation
Starting point is 01:38:58 for over two months was Wet Ass Pussy. I am not making that up. You can look it up. Google it. So I want to wrap up my show by comparing and contrasting the lyrics of these two songs if indeed this country has lost its fucking mind shall we let's start with the horribly offensive christmas song written just after world war ii i really can't stay baby it's cold outside't stay. Baby, it's cold outside.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I got to go away. Baby, it's cold outside. This evening has been so very nice. Yeah, you f***ing with some wet-ass p***. Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass p***. Beat it up, N-word. Extra large, extra hard. Put this p*** right in your face.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Swipe your nose like a credit card. It's unreal. It's just unreal. Crazy. They should put a speaker underneath the George Floyd Memorial in New York City and have that song playing. Baby, it's cold outside. Doesn't get me fired up for pound town.
Starting point is 01:40:24 I understand. I understand. outside doesn't get me fired up for pound town i understand i understand why is the left protecting pedophiles but seven there's tons of uh republicans who are on the right who are pedophiles i understand i understand i don't i do not deny that i do not uh I do not deny that. I do not. I do not defend that position. Very well might be true. I'm just I'm just asking you, why does the left defend pedophiles? See if you can. Keep the distinction. See if you can keep the distinction in your mind.
Starting point is 01:41:09 Teach your kids what the whole concept of secrets is. I showed him a video the other day. It's a video of a child molester who did 12 years in jail and he got out and he agreed to be interviewed on how he was able to get kids that he could take advantage of. Like his strategy. You have to watch this. He says, first thing I target is coming into the family. And I'll say, listen, if you don't need me to babysit your kids, I'm here to help out.
Starting point is 01:41:29 If you need me to do anything. And he says, parents who don't care and they're not involved, that's my easiest target. He says, who do you not target? If there's a very strong father figure in the family and he's very involved, I don't target them. He says, what else do you not target? If the family's got a strong sense of spiritual
Starting point is 01:41:42 and they go to church or God, I don't target them because I have to be careful with them. What do you typically target? They're kind of kids that they don't talk and I see they can keep secrets. That's also a target of mine. He gives the entire playbook. You got to teach your kids what the whole concept of secrets is. I showed him a video the other day.
Starting point is 01:41:56 It's a video of a child molester. Hey, do you remember when we did the, I think we did the video. We had Kayla Harrison on the podcast and she was talking about how she was molested for eight years. And I can't remember who else we had on the podcast who talked about that specifically in this way, but someone sent me a DM and it was fucking brilliant. And it's basically like,
Starting point is 01:42:19 if you're a parent, you need to tell your fucking kids, do not, if anyone ever says to you, Hey, keep a secret from me, do not do that. You basically need to explain to your kids that no one should be keeping a secret – asking you to keep a secret from your parents, that that is just absolutely wrong. This is great. This is great. I love – I feel like I'm about to get checkmated I feel like a cat that's been cornered
Starting point is 01:42:50 Do you think people who put their cards away are Democrats or Republicans? I think Off the top of my head I'm going to say Republicans put their cards away I mean, the nicest place I've been in the country with the nicest people is in the South. By far. By far. And I just see those people as Republicans and putting their carts away. And they're Republicans.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Look at Philip. The Republicans look at Philip. But, but you're not going to get off that easy, Zeron, or whatever the fuck your name is. I think you're going to come in here and bully me, corner me intellectually. But Democrats are easily bullied by social pressure. Easily. Easy, buddy. Easy, Kevin. Easy. by social pressure easily easy buddy easy kevin easy uh and so and so they may uh disgruntedly uh put them away at a at a at a higher pace at a higher ratio than the republican i'm not sure Republican. I'm not sure. Daniel Arnson, whatever happened to Sevan, Josh and Matt?
Starting point is 01:44:15 I mean, this content is second to none, but just curious. Oh, good. I was about to snap. I think I've talked about that like a hundred times. Have I? Does that someone asked me i'm open to talking about it again there's no there's no secret i just uh i don't it's it's i don't want to exhaust you guys i don't want to uh i'd love to i'd love to have matt on the show be great okay i'll send him an invite oh 200 Magnus thinks it's 200 times I've said it. I'm sure. Listen, what's your name? Arnson? David?
Starting point is 01:44:51 I'm sure I'll talk about it again, but just not right now. I apologize. Okay, here we go. And action. I get really mad when people get sensitive about comedy. If you're sensitive about comedy, it's the dumbest thing you can do. I call them the joke police. They always have one rule.
Starting point is 01:45:10 One rule they have. You can't make fun of this right now. After a couple years, they move on to something else, which is why it's so hypocritical. Like the thing today, the thing right now you can't make fun of, the thing that's too sensitive at this moment, transgendered people see
Starting point is 01:45:27 you can't do it can't make fun of them it's too sensitive in fact you can't even call them chicks with dicks anymore no you have to call the men who talk too much. I get really mad when people. How do people get that joke? Do people know enough trannies to know that they talk too much? It's a very popular joke. I know I'm going to invite Justin on soon. I'm making a list.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I'm going to invite Justin on soon. I'd like to get Ellie back on. I'll send an invite to Matt. I think it's time. I think he will say not at this time, but that's okay. It is okay. It is. Depending on the mood I'm in, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:46:18 I'm humble Savon right now. It's fun. It's fun. If you want to see Matt, see him with Katrin. I know. Matt is so dry. His podcast with Katrin is terrible. I liked it.
Starting point is 01:46:33 It was quick. I was good with it. We talked at length about it. Yeah, maybe that would – David just – I saw a comment that David just made. He said, CrossFitters talk about CrossFit too much, and I guess that shit can get kind of old, right?
Starting point is 01:46:48 I think even to them it gets kind of old. I don't know if this is true, but this sounds true. This – even if it's not true, you can see the playbook here. Like, don't think that – oh, Anthony Davis. I'd love to have Anthony Davis back on too. I really enjoyed him. I should have – god, wouldn't it be great if Anthony made it to the CrossFit Games? Here we go. Rockefeller's on women liberation.
Starting point is 01:47:11 I wonder if any – I was thinking about maybe sending this to my mom. I wonder if she knows stuff like this or what she would think about this. Here we go. This is Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former politician. To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller banking and former politician. To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller Banking and Business Dynasty. After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller, Aaron eventually ended the relationship,
Starting point is 01:47:33 appalled by what he had learned about the Rockefellers and their ambitions. He was at the house one night, and we were talking, and he started laughing. He said, Aaron, what do you think women's liberation was about? And I said, I'm pretty conventional thinking about it at that point. I said, I think it's about women having the right to work, getting equal pay with men, just like they want the right to vote. And he started to laugh. He said, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:48:00 And I said, why am I an idiot? He said, let me tell you what that was about. We, the Rockefellers, funded that. We funded women's lib, you know. And we're the ones who got all of the newspapers and television, the Rockefeller Foundation. He says, and you want to know why? He said, there were two primary reasons. And they were, one reason was, we couldn't tax half the population.
Starting point is 01:48:23 And the second reason was, now we get the kids in school at an early age we can indoctrinate the kids how to think which breaks up the family the kids start looking at the state as the family this is the you know what Devesh I think this is the third video today that I've played
Starting point is 01:48:40 before look at Ryan even sees it he's played most of these clips already. Why do you have to say he? Why can't you just talk to me and be like, hey, Seve, I'm here. I'm here. Speak to me. Speak to me.
Starting point is 01:48:56 I should get Brian on. I've tried to. I've tried to. I haven't tried in a long time. I should, I should reach out to him. I should reach out to him. You mean the liver king there's another brian johnson by the way who's worth like 800 million dollars that i'm
Starting point is 01:49:09 trying to get on he does he's uh spent millions of dollars trying to figure out how he can reverse his aging have you guys seen this guy on instagram um i'm trying to get him on too ladies and gentlemen uh please stand uh the president uh has um some words he would like to share with you here's what matters more than half the women in my cabinet more than more than half the people in my cabinet more than half the women in my administration, more than more than half the people in my cabinet, more than half the women in my administration are women. But here's what matters. More than half the women in my cabinet, more than more than half the people in my cabinet, more than half the women in my administration are women. But here's what matters. Um, this is an interesting question. Hey, Sevan, who is the, um, uh, uh, how about Mrs. Sevan, seven Haley? Uh, uh, wait, uh, no, not that. Uh, Hey Sevan, who is the most woke CF games athlete? You know, that is a very interesting
Starting point is 01:50:15 question. Uh, I, I was, I, sometimes I wonder what these people talk about because I know that there's woke people and not woke people mixing. And it's like, are there just huge sections of your brain and things you can't talk about? I totally wonder about that, how they reconcile their training space. I mean, you're just not allowed to be like, hey, what do you think about that guy who got beat up in the subway today? Or, hey, I know it's uncomfortable to talk about, but 40 million babies have been aborted.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Do you think that's murder? What the fuck do these people do with their lives? Basically, if they don't talk about that stuff because it's sensitive or whatever fucking bullshit excuse they have, I think that's what you guys kind of see and exhibited in the interview with Matt and Katrin. It's like everyone has to stay in their lane of conversation. I imagine these training camps are kind of like living in china there's just really really uh um
Starting point is 01:51:12 it's an interesting landscape to navigate intellectually you have to also remember a lot of these people are young and don't know shit um they're still working on just talking uh xeron appreciates a 99 cents for uh for a band-aid for trying to beat me up i appreciate it and something something david weed white lives matter always um anyway the the president first thinks that women matter because they're women. And I think that's a good enough reason for them to matter. I'm cool with that. Here we go. And action. you fall away when he speaks he makes you wonder he doesn't even know what he wants to say and we know he likes the girls a whole lot younger joe biden you think i get dinged for that
Starting point is 01:52:15 too close to the real song you gotta get dinged for that joe biden i don't you think that they are asleep i don't know i i don't know i think that they are asleep? I don't know. I don't know. I think that they're just trying to fucking figure out how to navigate. I mean, because I've had, yeah, it's... Racism in the United States is everywhere. And it's alive and strong.
Starting point is 01:52:50 And we must root out all racist people. Here we go. Let's do a racial joke about the white people so you don't feel uncomfortable. White people, we like the same foods. Favorite sandwich, peanut butter and jelly. Macaroni and cheese. Our favorite chips, salt, and the... Wow. Who said it?
Starting point is 01:53:10 Get the cameras on them. Your grandkids are going to see this. No matter how big their grandfather or grandmother were. Every non-white person, see who said that. Find them after the show. Put the lights down on face and freak me out hey that's how ridiculous that word is on every level and people have been killed for saying that word that's how fucking ridiculous the whole premise of fucking getting upset about a word is
Starting point is 01:53:37 uh five bucks for letting uh for for seven letting me cry is dude hey listen fuck those guys i really enjoyed hearing you talk. All those people, I love all those people, too, are like, hang up on him, shut up, ban his phone. It's quick, Jeremy. Yeah, fuck them. I mean, not fuck them. Well, maybe Heidi.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Maybe Heidi would be a good fuck. No, but definitely not David. But I like it when you call in. I want to hear about the liberal pussy. I don't give a shit. Oh, my goodness, she's here. Hi, Trish. Jeremy, you can do about the liberal pussy. I don't give a shit. Oh, my goodness, she's here. Hi, Trish. Jeremy, you can do all the liberal pussy. Come on here, and I want to hear all about it.
Starting point is 01:54:16 I want to hear about it. I can't wait until she screams a racial epithet while you're just hammering her. It's going to be great. Hey, what if you told her that's sort of like a sexual fetish of yours? You need it to climax. You need her to say some shit. Like just be like, yeah, Miss Woke,
Starting point is 01:54:49 what I really need you to say about six minutes into this is, you my nigga. Give it to me, my nigga. And see what she says. Be like, is that okay? Could you say that? By the way, if you do do that,
Starting point is 01:55:01 please record the audio on that. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. Not the video. It's a little far. And if she won't do it, tell her she's racist because she's not accommodating the black man. Flagged. Damn it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Hey, what about this? Jeremy, what if you have her say, give it to me, you dirty kike? She's like, oh, my God. And then if she says, that's so wrong, Jeremy. Why? Because I don't want to ask you to say the N word. I'm serious. If you do do that, you should...
Starting point is 01:55:45 There's some good memes there. Heidi would do it if she was your girlfriend. Heidi would definitely do it. Double flagged. Anita dicking me oh my goodness i know a guy uh savvy would you consider recording some naughty soundbites yeah whatever i'll record it take him from the show make me proud oh please i met one of your boyfriends before Juan he said you refer to him as a spick all the time and I can't believe
Starting point is 01:56:31 I'm fucking diming you out but I know Heidi he also told me that you made him take him to Home Depot and you'd sit in the cart and you'd make him push you around you'd tease him push you around. You'd tease him, pretend like to buy him shovels and shit, but not really buy him shit.
Starting point is 01:56:49 I know. Bad girl, Heidi. Bad girl. Who is the second wealthiest player ever to play in the nba do you guys know i i had no idea i still don't know i watched this clip and i still can't remember his name this is the second wealthiest uh guy ever to play in the nba behind uh mr michael j. Kind of cool to hear this guy's story. Here we go. Actually, you know who the second wealthiest former NBA player behind Michael Jordan is? Go ahead. I'll give you a second because I didn't know. Well, it's Junior Bridgman with a net worth exceeding $600 million. How did he do this? Well, Bridgman played in the NBA for 12 years from 1975
Starting point is 01:57:41 until 1987, beginning with the Milwaukee Bucks, never made more than $350,000 a year. Well, Junior worked at Wendy's during the offseason to learn the business. Eventually owned more than 160 Wendy's, 120 chili restaurants, and now a Coca-Cola bottling plant. Crazy. Now at the peak of the company, he employed over 11,000 people and brought in over a staggering $530 million in annual revenue, selling it in 2016, hence all the money. Following the major success in the fast food business, he's now the bottler for the Coca-Cola company, serves as president and CEO of Heartland Coca-Cola. Now, as it continues on, he's still the current owner of Ebony and Jet magazines, serves on the PGA Board of Directors, the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame Board of Governors,
Starting point is 01:58:22 lastly, the Churchill Downs Board of Directors. You guys are crazy fucking busy. So if you knew, kudos to you. If you didn't, you're like me and thought you knew. What do you know? Do you know who the second wealthiest former NBA player behind Michael Jordan is? Crazy, that's his name one more time. I'll give you a second because I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Well, it's Junior Bridgman. Junior Bridgman. Doesn't sound like a junior to me. Oh, you guys. You guys. Listen to this. One of the best Frisbee golfers got back to me in the DMs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Yeah. I'm so excited. You know why I'm excited? Because I like to impress Brian. And I think Brian's going to be impressed. Yeah. Oh. Because I like to impress Brian. And I think Brian's going to be impressed. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:59:10 We'll come to Sky Park. We will come to Sky Park. Oh, shoot. My wife doesn't want me telling people where I'm going after the show. She's a little paranoid like that. Excuse me. We will come to Mike Fox. I just switched it up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:56 I was fighting with Andrew Hiller, and he's trying to school me in the – he's not trying. He did school me in the – I get schooled a lot. I pick fights and then get schooled. Sevan, take your boys disc golfing dude we had a disc golf course right across the street from my house like literally like two holes like you could you could play one of the holes from my driveway no problem you could throw it to the basket 100 yards and the um the neighbor who has that you know whatever it is five or ten acres of land uh put a lock on his gate because we were going over there so much i guess it's crazy jake chapman of the 215 viewers here how many live near seve
Starting point is 02:00:31 i don't know seven will have a horde of stalkers i don't have any stalkers but i'm i shouldn't i shouldn't say this because I don't view my wife as a paranoid person but my wife is glad that our kids aren't in school because she thinks that there's some sort of reduction significant reduction in chance that they'll get shot in a school shooting
Starting point is 02:00:57 which I guess there is there's a 100% reduction in chance they'll get shot in a school shooting but I don't even know how you worry about that shit unless you live in like New York that shit ain't gonna fucking about that shit unless you live in like New York. Like that shit ain't gonna fucking happen. That shit doesn't happen. I'm not winning the lotto and my kids aren't getting shot in a school shooting.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Just doesn't happen. Doesn't happen. But Stevon, it does happen. I know it does happen. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen just saying it doesn't happen you figure it out action i've spent my whole life in the media my dad was in the media like that is a big part of the revelation that's changed my life is the media are part of the control apparatus like there's no yeah i know i know because you're younger and
Starting point is 02:01:43 smarter and you're like, yeah. Yeah. But what if you're me and you spent your whole life in that world and to look around and all of a sudden you're like, oh wow. Not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem, defending the Iraq war. Like I actually did that. Can you imagine if you did that? What do you think? What is one of your biggest regrets in your career?
Starting point is 02:02:05 Defending the Iraq war. That is it. I've had a million regrets, not being more skeptical, calling people names when I should have listened to what they were saying. Look, when you when someone makes a claim, there's only one question. That's important at the very beginning, which is, you committed murder or you rigged the last election. Before you attack me as a crazy person for saying that, maybe you should explain whether you did it or not. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:47 And for too long, I participated in the culture where I was like, anyone who thinks outside these pre-prescribed lanes is crazy, is a conspiracy theorist. just really regret that i'm ashamed that i did that and and partly it was age partly was the world that i grew up in so when you when you look at me and you're like yeah of course they're part of the means of control i don't really care but they could move his mic a little bit i don't care but just just saying i noticed i'm like that's obvious to you because you're 28 but but I just didn't see it at all. At all. And I'm ashamed of that. Isn't that what the media tries to do, though? I like that guy. I like these guys, the Nelk boys. Do you guys like them? It's their only purpose. They're not here to inform you. I especially like that guy, the white kid.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Really? Even on the big things that really matter, like the economy and war and COVID, like things that really matter that will affect you. No, their job is not to inform you. They are working for the small group of people who actually run the world. They're their servants. They're their patrol. I think Tucker's two years older than me.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Look how much younger he looks than me. And we should treat them with maximum contempt because they have earned it like anyway it's it's a great interview uh with tucker with those guys i really liked it um anyone i've talked to who doesn't like it like goes off on just they just immediately attack tucker and they say he's full of shit and he's insincere but i i didn't get any of that from him uh jake chapman said on uh before i forget can i get you have a p.o box i don't have a p.o box and i used to give my address out just
Starting point is 02:04:10 freely and recently very recently i've come across a psychopath like just someone who's fucking crazy and so um i'm not doing that so much now anymore uh If you send it to Matt Souza's gym, he'll get it to me for sure. And I like getting gifts. I really, I love it a lot. But, but yeah, some fucking whack that recently I've come across just a complete fucking wackadoodle.
Starting point is 02:04:44 So I'm being just a little... It's not scary at all, but it was eye-opening. It was eye-opening. We're cruising. We're cruising. We're cruising. I think cruising. We're cruising. I think this is Joe Rogan. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 02:05:09 there it is. Tag Joe Rogan. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Actually a month or so, just hearing the reports of the parents and reading the original study. There's an original study,
Starting point is 02:05:18 which is the Lisa Lippman paper at Brown university's public health researcher. She found that there was all of a sudden this huge epidemic in America of teenage girls deciding they were trans with their friends after social media emergent and pushing for hormones and surgeries. When Lisa Lippman looked at the prevalence rate, she found that it's 70 times what we would expect within a friend group, which means it's highly concentrated in groups of friends. So we wouldn't expect that if it were randomly distributed among the population. We're seeing the same population that gets involved in cutting, demonic possession, witchcraft, anorexia bulimia, and convinces themselves there's a problem. Suicide rates
Starting point is 02:05:54 are going up. You would think the suicide rate would be going down with greater acceptance. It's really an area of real concern. I think it's really pretty clear that one more manifestation of these girls who are, we know are involved in a lot of cutting and all kinds of self-harm. This is one form of self-harm for them. I spent a maybe. Hey, so what's crazy about that is there's another side to this too. So that's what she's spinning it that way. She's basically saying that, Hey, you get one, one, one or one or two girls doing it, then three girls and four girls. And it becomes like this trendy thing, right? Um, where they start mimicking each other. Then I've heard it spun the other way by, by the,
Starting point is 02:06:31 uh, by the woke or ROTC saying, Hey, we finally have acceptance of this. So people finally feel comfortable coming out and doing it. And it's interesting how the data is spun, uh, both ways. how the data is spun both ways. So, Heidi, you and Jason Ackerman's sauna? Where is that? I thought I saw a comment. That burpee dude, why do wackadoodles have to ruin it for everyone?
Starting point is 02:07:04 Crazy egos. Crazy e everyone? Crazy egos. Crazy egos. Crazy egos. Fucking. Yeah, I don't know. But whatever. I'm not. If you're sending less than $1,000, send it directly to Sousa. If you're sending $1,000 or more, I'll give you my personal address.
Starting point is 02:07:31 I think I played this already. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I don't know. I'm going to go somewhere else. How about that? I wonder if that's true. What about the WHO saying that we wonder if that's true what about the who
Starting point is 02:07:45 saying that we are no longer in a national emergency 49er health emergency that'd be awesome taxes taxes taxes joe biden let's hear taxes the fact that the president's proposed budget proposes 4.7 trillion dollars in new taxes it does it does propose significant additional taxes yes 4.7 trillion something like that yes okay isn't it i don't mean to judge a book by its cover but that's the secretary of treasury fact that the president's proposed budget proposes 4.7 trillion dollars in new taxes it does it does propose significant addition damn damn Damn. Damn.
Starting point is 02:08:49 Jake Chapman, old white people know everything. Oh, why, Jake? Why? Why must you go there? Fucking nuts, dude. That guy, that old white guy is pretty good. He's pretty damn fucking good. We're getting close to the end of the show. Let's pull out all the stops.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Here we go. Here we go. Zeron, I will be sending $1,000 99 cents at a time. I actually appreciate that. Thank you. Payment plans are my favorite. Okay. Here we go. Uh, in case you need someone to argue with.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Nigga. You want to talk some shit? Call me. Start some shit, bitch. Sup fool? You gonna talk shit about me, homie? Where you from? Hundreds of niggas is waiting for your motherfucking call and they all talking shit about you right now. You wanna sell that shit? Call these motherfuckers ASAP. Yeah, I said some shit. What? Man, fuck you and your bone spurs.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Yeah, I said some shit. What? Man, fuck you and your bone spurs. The hardest niggas is standing by, ready to pick up that phone. Buff niggas. Dark niggas. Asian niggas. White niggas. Suck my dick, bitch. Fuck you. 1-213-373-4253-3-4-2-5-3. Just dial, nigga. I'll fuck you up. Deaf niggas.
Starting point is 02:10:33 Classic niggas. Racist niggas. Mystery niggas. Mystery. Psycho niggas. Dog niggas dog niggas jewish niggas you got some motherfucking nerds calling me off shabbat on some little bullshit ass nigga better calm that shit down and come right here show me some fucking respect before me and my jewish nigga come up here and beat your ass nigga off top niggas talking shit call now 499 permit hey i think i have to call this number right i don't want to i'm scared but i think i got it let's see
Starting point is 02:11:14 213-373-4253 you think if i if i actually prepared for the show, I'd vet this. Okay, here we go. Five, three. Okay, here we go. Let's see. What's up, nigga? Where you from? I'll beat your fucking ass, nigga.
Starting point is 02:11:46 But if you want that real shit, watch my nigga Brent Weinbach stand-up comedy special appealing to the mainstream. Available on iTunes, Amazon, and other streaming outlets. Check out more videos at slash Brent Weinbach. You can follow Adam Sherry on Twitter, at Adam Sherry. And if you just want to talk some shit,
Starting point is 02:12:02 leave a motherfucking message, bitch. Hi. I'm Sevan. Thank you. Bye. Wow. For real. Damn. All right.
Starting point is 02:12:26 I should have just invited him on the podcast, huh? Seve needs a number like this to call. I think they have stuff like that. I think they have. I think they have like a, I can like get a phone number and you guys can call in and then I can play the i can play the messages you leave on the um phone i think that's like some service that's been offered up to us or something that was crazy all right uh so that i wonder if i had to pay 4.99 for that um oh man here's a great one you kind of need to see the screen for this one i'm sorry if you so have i if i've done this i apologize i don't remember this one have you guys heard this this is um i'm doing the accent series right so we did i think we did asian accent and then we did
Starting point is 02:13:22 like an english accent one. Here's Hispanic accents. I love this. These are Hispanic accents that are saying all of the store names, like Walmart and AT&T and Home Depot. But this is some fucking good shit. Matt Sousa's in the house. It's okay, Heidi. I was lying anyways.
Starting point is 02:13:41 I don't know what you're talking about, but great to see you, Matt. I love your photo, Matt. Gas is3 in memphis holy shit time to move okay here we go i present to you um uh how mexicans uh or no it's uh sorry hispanics what's a hispanic the latin people south of uh with the roots south of uh san diego this is is how their parents talk. Okay. King, McDonald's, Little Seas, Little Seas, Starbucks Coffee, Costco Wholesale,
Starting point is 02:14:34 Gold Star Member, Dunkin' Donuts, Yakini Box, Party City, Hackneybox Party City Pizzon Bryson, Dorian Ron, Macy's and JC Penney Subway Pepsi
Starting point is 02:15:02 Facebook YouTube Feisbu Facebook YouTube Facebook Facebook YouTube Oh my goodness Alright How does it... I don't understand how we don't have 10 fucking million live viewers.
Starting point is 02:15:30 How does everyone in the CrossFit space not watch this show? This show is so fucking funny. These things are fucking hilarious. I started crying a little bit just now. Facebook. Facebook. Sukwe. Hon Depot.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Maybe it's politically incorrect. I don't know. Okay. I think this is a good one to end it on. I like this. It's weird. It's weird the stuff you guys send me i mean you guys send me great shit this this is uh completely fucking out of left field but it's um shit i mean how could i how could i not play this uh this is a instagram account called interesting as fuck or interesting AF. And this is how rattlesnake makes sound.
Starting point is 02:16:30 The telltale rattle is made by the rapid shaking together of hard rings of keratin at the tip of the reptile's tail. Keratin is the same protein that makes up our fingernails and hair. The key to the noise is the snake's ability to shake its tail muscle up to 90 times a second. And here we go. This is a rattle from a rattlesnake. I've always wondered how rattlesnake rattles make sound. Well, if you look inside, you'll see it's pretty hollow. This is very surprising. I thought rattlesnake rattles worked like maracas and they had little bits inside that knocked around to make sound. But they're hollow, so that can't be the case.
Starting point is 02:17:09 But look here. If I pull on the rattle, a piece comes off. It seems like the rattle can come apart in different sections. Here's an image that can help us see how the sections fit together. One section is highlighted in white. See how all of the segments fit loosely inside each other? Now look at this. Notice how the segments aren't firmly connected. Doesn't that look fun,
Starting point is 02:17:33 the way he's pulling on that like that? He's like, it's like so satisfying. They have space to wiggle around and move. So when the rattle is shaken, those segments knock into each other. And that's how a rattlesnake rattle rattles. This is a rattle from a rattlesnake. It's beautifully shot, too. I love the green background.
Starting point is 02:18:00 I've always wondered. Just how the rattle, like the older rattles are kind of darker like have more like it's freaking beautiful sensory toy yeah it's cool CK Kevin looks like my back every time I do a
Starting point is 02:18:19 deadlift you guys are so funny Hal Roberts very true brother. Uh, half dozen times in my life. I have heard that, uh,
Starting point is 02:18:29 when I really did not want, I never wanted to hear it. Uh, if you have not stumbled upon a rattlesnake or what's worse is you hear one, like you're climbing on rocks and you hear one underneath you. Uh, it is, uh,
Starting point is 02:18:40 extremely unsettling. Um, all right, guys, thank you. Uh, extremely unsettling. All right. Guys, thank you. Tonight, we have a show with Mike Halpin at 6 p.m. What's today, Friday?
Starting point is 02:18:59 Yeah. And then tomorrow morning's show, I have to cancel because I'm going to a jiu-jitsu tournament. I'm tripping. And I do not work well with – I don't like change. That's not a good explanation. It's not that I don't like change.
Starting point is 02:19:22 I'm – how do I – I haven't tried. Take 17. I'm extremely committed to my ritual of waking up every morning at six, um, and coming in here and doing the show. And that's going to be interrupted. And I'm, um, struggling with the, the, the thought of it. It's just a thought, right?
Starting point is 02:19:49 I don't fear change. Like I would move or I don't care if you told me I'm changing all my clothes. I'm not going to wear these clothes anymore. I'd be fine. I guess it's more time-based, what I'm doing with my time. My routine. Yes, I like routine. I like my routine.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Thank you. Thank you. Fuck. You guys are great. I like my routine. That's correct. I like my routine. Jeremy likes his routine, servicing the libtard.
Starting point is 02:20:19 I understand. Don't tell me what to do, douche. I'm going to put my card back. No, I don't. Sebi, you don't like going out of your – I do like going out of my house. I do. I don't like – but I don't really want to see too many people. I'm going to go – as soon as this is done, I'm going to go out there.
Starting point is 02:20:44 And I think I hear my mom is at my house playing the piano with the boys. So I'll go out there. That'll be awesome for me. And I'll be like, so excited. Cause I think that we had a great show. And then from there I will, um, hang out in the kitchen with my wife for probably like 20 minutes and we'll just like, just whatever. Just, it's just like hanging with my home.
Starting point is 02:21:04 We just talk shit or whatever. She'll maybe critique the show if she heard it. And then I'll start getting the kids ready to go to the skate park. Luke, the skate instructor, I text him during the show and asked him if he'd meet us at the skate park. And he said, yeah, so we'll go there. That's all fine. And then tomorrow we have to do the jiu-jitsu tournament now i won't i do not want to go somewhere where there's a thousand people i do not i do not want to go there i don't
Starting point is 02:21:35 want to be like stuck on their schedule i don't want to miss the show tomorrow but it's okay it's for my kids i can totally do it it's easy easy and then afterwards when they're done with the jiu-jitsu tournament i'll take them out to like somewhere crazy right like a pizza place or an italian place and i'll let them just get crazy order crazy shit you eat at a restaurant you know they cost you know bill will be like i don't know i'll probably drink alcohol bill be like 200 or 300 bucks nothing nothing too bad but i don't like doing that either it's like a fucking month's worth of groceries or a day's worth of groceries but after that it gets crazy because on sunday morning i have to drive to newport and that means there's no show sunday right or does it mean i do one at night and then where am i gonna set up because the
Starting point is 02:22:21 place i normally set up in newport's taken. And then what? Then what? There's like two or three places that have been proposed for me to do the show, but I don't want to do it there. I don't know. I'm going to figure it out. I know. I think Sunday's show
Starting point is 02:22:44 will be at night, to be honest. I think it night to be honest I think it will be late I think it'll be late yeah yeah that's what she's and of course Sarah's so accommodating and her hitman Paul is so fucking accommodating um uh uh yeah um I know I was Eric uh so i'm sure i'll figure it out i'll settle down my life is perfect it's so charmed every time it's not i'm never i'm i can't remember the last times when something didn't work out everything always works out it's crazy i just you know i'm just um just just tripping eric weiss how can you be on Vivek Ramaswamy's bandwagon When he went to Harvard and Yale Dude, great point
Starting point is 02:23:28 And founded a pharmaceutical company I know, I know I hear you I hear you These are all things that will evolve How are you on his bandwagon knowing all that Because I know you are too, Eric I suspect you are
Starting point is 02:23:43 Vindicate, $10 to put towards tomorrow's post Tournament dinner bill Enjoy your kid's event, thank you bandwagon knowing all that because i know you are too eric all right suspect you are of uh vindicate ten dollars to put towards tomorrow's post tournament dinner bill uh enjoy your kids event thank you i don't even know if it'll be 200 bucks by the way but 300 maybe it'll be a thousand maybe it'll be 20 bucks maybe they'll just want to get ice cream i said it um but hopefully they'll go somewhere where i because i'll have to unwind myself. The adult beverage. You think I should turn to God? Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 02:24:10 I will. I always do. Dear Jesus, take the wheel. Um, thank you, Eric. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 02:24:19 Keep educating me, please. You're a good dude. I appreciate that. All right, guys. Um, I'll see you guys this evening.
Starting point is 02:24:26 It's going to be a fun show. Mike Halpin's always a trip. A little weirdo. Brian Friend's also weird. It's called The Three Weirdos Show, and I'm weird, so it should be fun. Okay. Bye-bye.

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