The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Never Have I Ever #885

Episode Date: April 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. And bam. We're live. Look, I shaved the side of my head. Look, look.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Just a little dabbling last night. The shaver came yesterday, and I was like, you know what? Maybe I'll shave a little. Oops, forgot to go to Rumble again. Already getting lazy. Oh, well. Oh, well. I need to spend less time for uh content for the show and more time tending to the
Starting point is 00:01:09 duties kenneth good morning david good morning mr uh arturian i forgive you for donating to uh Hiller's podcast. Good morning. Yes. Yes. I saw. I see. I saw. I see. I hear. Jay Hartle, the Armenian, is here.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Bam. Here to distract myself from figuring out my life. Completely understood. Me too. That's exactly why I'm here. Holden is cock. I'm here. Holden is cock.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Holden is cock used an emoji the other day that revealed revealed his ethnicity i always just go for the yellow guys yes i judge you for going out of your way to find uh the emoji that fits your ethnicity i think it's weird but but i don't know how i judge you if in a good way or bad way it's just it's just weird uh okay uh jethro hello i'll be starting the cast in the sauna fair enough uh manny uh good morning to you too uh jesus louise good morning everyone yes um have you ever seen a baby uh sorry i interrupt myself sean lenderman seban do you think there's anything to that 9-11 article i sent you yesterday i have no fucking idea what you're talking about you saw a spider drop from the ceiling onto my desk jeez louise um thank you i i shaved the sides i i i i just a little bit going for the dave driscoll look i shave the sides
Starting point is 00:02:46 yes uh the clock ha that's good his cock a real surname yes you're just you're just hearing that one that's kind of cool how about this one you've seen this guy a berry my cock in her all right straight to tea later uh no tell me what to do no i didn't lose any weight i'm just i'm fucking huge listen i'm a five foot five man who's 175 pounds i was actually thinking about that this morning i could I could probably get down to 135 in a month safely. No shit. I'm not losing any weight. I'm fucking a brick shithouse right now.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You want to hear? Here's the thing. I have two things I could show you. Someone wants his hair like Dr. Sean. Blow me, Trish. Just blow me. Hey, what if me and trish uh fucked what if i could get a pass from my wife and trish and i fucked would you guys pay to see that they're gonna raise a little side cash side cash uh seven was there really a moon landing
Starting point is 00:03:59 oh god i i want to say 100% yes, but then I keep seeing this shit all over the place that tweaks with my perspective. You'd be gay. Fine. I'd be gay. I'll take it. Sevan, can you pull her hair into a man?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Oh, shit. I've gotten stuck in the comments. Sevy, can you pull her hair into a man uh oh shit i've gotten stuck in the comments sebi can you pull her hair into a man bun mine yeah mine's in a bun look at i look like the guy in the fucking podcast thing i'm gonna shave even more today and i'll probably maybe i'll do it live so i can get some pointers from you guys but i'm gonna i i took the biggest uh block on the um on the shaver i think it's a six i don't know that for sure. Maybe it's an eight. Guard.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's called a guard. And I shaved the beard, and then I took it, and I just went around the sides by my ear. Look, I'll take my headphones off. Don't look at my nose from the side, please. And then I tied it up in the back, and you know what's fucked is, in the morning when my wife saw it, I told my wife I was going to do it late last night, it was like 11 o'clock at night, and she's like, she said, what'd she say, what'd she say, Oh, she said this morning, she said, hey, that looks better than I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I didn't really appreciate that. Phillip Kelly, I can't even tell you did anything. I'm fucking driving down to Santa Cruz and shaving your shit. Oh, all right. That's aggressive. You look at least 10 years younger. Thank you. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah, Savon Bartow. That's funny. That's what I thought, Barry, too, when I was doing it. Wait till you see. Wait till you see. It's going to be a trip. It would be cool if I... Yeah, I don't want to get carried away.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay, listen. We could... There's three things we could do. But I shouldn't tease you because we're not really... You don't really have a choice, but I'm going to present it like I have a choice. We could talk about Zack Talander and his silly video where he rehashed a bunch of stupid shit that's not even – there's no proof of. Then I get all wound up about that. Or I could show you a lady giving birth on a sidewalk,
Starting point is 00:06:26 which is kind of where I'm at. To be honest with you, that's what I think we're going to do. Or I could show you this new piece of gym equipment I got. Dude, I got this 100-foot rope from Rogue. I'm going to do that. That's what I'm going to do. I'm so excited to tell you about this. I got this. Oh, do you want to see this really quick just to kind of spice up the show this i haven't closed this window yet this is the chick this is the porn star chick that was in the
Starting point is 00:06:55 um horror movie i'm gonna i'm you know i'm gonna dm her right now what's her name alexis uh what would i say to her? I say, where do I write? How do I message her? Alexis. Maybe I can't DM her. Oh, here we go. Alexis Adams. Let's see. DM her. Oh, here we go. Alexis Adams. Let's see. Okay. Next. Next. Hi, Alexis. I saw your
Starting point is 00:07:34 movie Pool Party Massacre and I had Drew on the podcast. I would love to have you as a guest. Hi, Alexis. I saw your movie, Pool Party Massacre, and I had Drew on the podcast. I would love to have you as a guest.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Should I put Pool Party party massacre in quotes all right so that's so so okay i can okay what was i doing oh the rope look at this rope wait to see this rope let's go to um good morning katrin, I saw Katrin in there. Let's see. Okay, look at this rope here. Can you guys see this? She probably won't see that. Yeah, I know. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Put a comma before and. Oh, darn it. I want it to look smart. Mr. Butter, hi. Samantha, hi. Oh, darn it. I want it to look smart. Mr. Butter, hi. Samantha, hi. Oh, shut it. This is like watching my parents navigate the internet. Your dad navigated your mom's pussy just fine, Samantha.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Brandon Waddle. That's it. I'm not saying anything else to you nothing nice to say okay watch this um watch this video i put this together god i'm so good i put this together just like this probably took me like including filming time this took less than an hour but i got this rope from rogue it's a hundred foot rope i want to say it's like 200 bucks. God, this thing. I should have got this so long ago. I don't know why. This thing is awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:33 My fucking biceps were blown up after this workout. Blown up and I got that injured bicep here on my left side. It didn't even hurt. This was a crazy workout. Okay, see if... King Kong's not even this tall.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Look, my kid just said, King Kong's not even this tall. Yeah, that's how long the rope is. The rope is crazy. Kong's not this tall? No. What you do is you tie the sled to one end of the rope. You don't even tie it.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It's got a loop that goes around where the weights would go, where you would stack the weights and you just slip it over there. And that's huge too. Cause when I got the rope, I was like, Oh, how am I going to attach this to the sled? And I start panicking and,
Starting point is 00:10:17 but there's nothing to panic about. It just slips right over it. You got to save the box. The rope comes in. Cause that thing has to have a storage place. Cause it's a hundred feet. What is unruly. You don't understand how much 100 feet of rope is.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It's unruly. Oh, shit. No quotes around the movie. You don't think? I don't know. Someone will think I know what I'm doing. I think I'm smart. Have you had any connections with Bill and Katie?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Katie came on during the Rogue. Katie came on during the Rogue when we covered Rogue. She came on at night. That was cool. And then I was ogling Katie the other day in that. Remember when she was in her bathing suit and she got into that bucket? That was like a street parking video or something. What video was that?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Craig Ritchie video? Someone went a street parking video or something. What video was that? Craig Ritchie video. Someone went to street parking and, and, and, and they were filming it. And I was, it was on the state of the union. And the best part of the video was the fact that Katie was in a bathing suit,
Starting point is 00:11:17 gotten into a barrel. It's kind of cool. That was a great surprise. Other than that, I don't really have any connection with them. I mean, I, I'll bug bill once in a while like text him but nothing it's a three to one ratio i'd say you text him
Starting point is 00:11:31 three times you get one text back and he texts back like dave yes no uh-huh i saw that or you know what i mean it's a bit limited but i got one of their ropes now. You can order anything from them you want. Just go on their website, Rogue. Just type in Rogue Fitness. And then you can... Fuck, man. That website's scary, actually. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 So here we go. So here's the rope. Here's another thing about... This is the only drawback about this rope. I don't know if it's a drawback. But I think that rope is nylon, and you cannot leave that rope is nylon and you cannot leave that rope outside because if you leave that rope outside i think it will start splintering and if it starts splintering you won't be able to do this exercise with it unless you wear gloves i don't know if you guys have ever had known someone
Starting point is 00:12:16 who's had a nylon rope tied outside their house even even my ones that aren't nylon that i leave outside all year sometimes i'll get splinters in my hands from them it's kind of crazy and they're painful not right away but the next day they're's kind of crazy. And they're painful. Not right away, but the next day, they're a little painful, almost like they're a little infected. It's cool, right? Look at that with the iPhone, cinematic mode.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Three times. Zoom to transition to full focus. I love Rogue. Then I told Avi to focus. I love Rogue. Then I told Avi to say, I love Rogue. And pan down to the... Look at right there. See, that's where it goes. You just slip. The rope comes with that loop at the end, and you just slip it on there.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Dude, I am telling... And my ass this morning is crazy sore. Because I stood... Basically, what I did is I put the kids on the rope. I put the kids on the sled and I push it 100 feet with all three kids on there. I push it 100 feet with the kids on the sled and it drags the rope out. And then I pull the rope back with the kids on there. And then they each take a turn doing it with no one on there, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:21 They can barely do it. I have to basically help them a little bit. And then it's my turn again. And my ass sore and my stomach my core sore and my biceps are jacked yeah artsy fartsy i know you like that it's cool uh great question uh most poignant question of the day uh from heidi krum why Why does the iPhone make rope sexy somehow? Mysteries. Yeah, man shit. It was cool. And the neighbors drive by. They probably think I'm crazy. My neighbors probably think so differently than you
Starting point is 00:13:53 guys do. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Austin Hartman. Thank you. It's called an eye, not a loop. Okay. Yeah. Audrey, I need a sore ass. Please someone uh dm audrey uh asap okay yeah uh it looks a little i i it stays outside in its rain for a month here my um my sled stays outside
Starting point is 00:14:19 uh trish i think tying a rope to a sled is better than a rope climb well i like to hear that um because i'm not doing any rope climbs until his biceps better okay a little fact checking and then we will go to the baby being born on the sidewalk brace yourself uh this one that video is not going to be for uh lot of people King Kong is at least one quarter the height of the Empire State Building that's not dude that's not even are you crazy
Starting point is 00:14:52 this is not true which is 1454 feet tall so King Kong is at least 363 that is not true I'll pull up an image of King Kong on the Empire State Building and you'll see how tiny King Kong is. King Kong Empire State Building. Wherever you pulled that, that's totally incorrect.
Starting point is 00:15:13 King Kong just sits on the top of the Empire State Building. Okay, you ready? Here we go. Here we go here we go now look at this you got to look at this one up here or this
Starting point is 00:15:33 look at that's just the top of the Empire State Building in the upper left hand corner look at this see that let me see if I can show you find a good one that's not even the Empire State Building
Starting point is 00:15:47 right there in that picture anyway King Kong's just tiny he's just as tall as that top tower piece on the Empire State Building like the antenna that's totally inaccurate information clock cutter
Starting point is 00:16:03 and we know that this podcast is about getting the truth that's totally inaccurate information, Clock Cutter. And we know that this podcast is about getting the truth. That's just inaccurate. I contest that. Okay. Austin Hartman, how long is King Kong's dong? Mike the Pool Boy, please check his OnlyFans now Clock must be referring to the new King Kong movie
Starting point is 00:16:28 where he gets his ass kicked by Godzilla they had to make King taller just to have somewhat of a chance fair enough by the way Mike I saw I saw Kelly Clarks having her fundraiser on May 6th
Starting point is 00:16:43 which blows because on May 6th, which blows. Because on May 6th, I will be in Woodside, California, home of Dawn Fall. But I will not be going to Dawn's house. I will be going to a jiu-jitsu tournament there where my kids will be fucking kicking ass and taking names. I told you, I shaved the sides of my head last night at 11 o'clock i'm gonna shave a little bit more today every day i'm gonna shave a little bit more until i got the full dave driscoll okay let the show begin ab being born on sidewalk god it's we live in a fucking weird time right now.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I blame this all on basically four things. We could even start there. Do you want to start there? Let's go. Or do you want to start with something that I know I'm going to get in trouble for posting, but just it has to be posted? Here. Oh.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I didn't put the YouTube video on there oh that sucks there's an isle of man documentary coming out in 2023 for those of you who don't know what the isle of man is i don't want to say it's the hardest sporting event in the world because like that guy that thing did that climber holland or whatever that guy who climbed a half dome with no ropes like there's some crazy shit out there and the ufc is crazy but this shit the isle of man is up there man this shit is crazy and there's a documentary coming out about it and i watched the preview last night here we go show me something more dangerous than the isle of Man TT,
Starting point is 00:18:25 and I'm telling you now, Doreen, from my opinion, that is one of the craziest things on this earth. What is that like working out? How are you with all that? The Isle of Man TT is a race around the mountain. It's 32 miles, 32 plus miles. That's around the island that that Kringle chick lives on, Amy Kringle. These dudes race motorcycles around the island.
Starting point is 00:18:50 They basically shut the island down. Oh, Alex Honnold. Yeah, that shit that he did is absolutely nuts. Getting in the UFC is nuts. But this man, dude, the footage from here and the number of people that die, this thing is crazy. It's done in about 17 minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Dude, they circled the island in 17 minutes. I think you have to be going 120 miles an hour to do that. It's insane. It takes about five or six bikes to go by before you can see them. Do you understand what I'm saying there? The concept of that. You know, when they line up, 86 riders, you know every year on average, three are going to die. Three dudes die on average.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Knew I'd have to report their death. It became so emotional. I had to stop doing it because people I knew started dying. You'd hear, you know, X has died and i'm in the paddock and i'm looking at his wife and his kids his team and i'm like i know your husband's dead i know he's up there in pieces up on that hill and you don't know yet and i and i'm in the paddock what the fuck is a paddock i bought my kid a padlock yesterday i hated that i thought fucking cheek of me knowing that you show me something more What the fuck is a paddock? I bought my kid a padlock yesterday. I hated that.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I thought, what the fuck is a padlock? It's so fucking cheek of me knowing that. You show me something more dangerous. It's how cheek of me knowing that. I'm in the paddock and it's so cheek of me knowing that. That the woman next to me, her husband has died. The kids are there. We're in the paddock. I don't know what a paddock is, man that movie that that that's i'm excited
Starting point is 00:20:26 for that documentary you don't know about the isle of man you should just go on youtube and just spend like 40 minutes you'll be happy you know about it haha in pieces he's up in those while you bought your kid a Nintendo Switch or an Xbox or a PlayStation, you bought your eight-year-old yesterday or your six-year-old because your kid's been begging for it for a year and you bought it for them and now you've lost them forever. You instead could have homeschooled your kids, protected them from those heinous video games.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, I'm on a huge tangent right now. Protected them from those heinous video games and instead you could have bought your kid what I bought my kid yesterday yeah you know what I did yesterday we were at the skate park we were at the skate park
Starting point is 00:21:37 and my kid looks at the fence and there's one of these attached to the fence and my kid sees it. He goes, what is that? And he goes over to it and he starts spinning the dial. And I said, that son is a master lock combination locker lock. A 1514D. Used in school lockers around the country.
Starting point is 00:22:02 My son's like, wow, can I have one of these? I said, absolutely. And after we left the skate park we went to ace hardware and i was disgusted to see that those are 9.99 9.99 we're driving there and i told my mom i'm like look at this fucking baller move she goes what i'm like other fucking parents have to buy their kids fucking nintendo game systems and ruin their kids my kids are so fucking guarded that i can buy them a lock that will keep them busy for the next three days i went in there i thought it was gonna be 250 my mom told me that they're not cheap anymore how does my mom know shit like that she's like 200 i like stuck. I still think movies should cost $5. That's how fucked up I am.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm so out of touch sometimes. Anyway, I go in there with my three boys. I allow them to pick out a lock. I pick out a red one for them. This douche picks out a blue one. I let him get the blue one. And still today when I woke up up the lock was still tormenting him he can only figure he's six he can only figure it out one out of every like
Starting point is 00:23:14 10 tries he's like crying it's brought him complete misery he said son i did not buy you this lock to add misery to your life i bought you this lock to add happiness he's cried so much yesterday about not being able to do this lock but when he does it he's so happy yes nintendo game systems and that's uh yeah my kids are so primitive dude they're so naive and primitive like my mom knows stuff like my mom i my mom waited in the car i went i went to ace hardware my mom waited in the car when i went in with my three boys you know what that means that means i had to pay for it hate it when my mom waits in the car i had to pay for it it sucked okay Heidi chimes in
Starting point is 00:24:09 you have to understand if you don't understand Heidi the glass is half full very positive optimistic human being I'd rather have my kids on a Nintendo than in pieces on the top of the aisle of man there you go
Starting point is 00:24:25 so there you go. So there you go. Where's the number? Oh, the combo? I took a picture of it with my phone. It was written on the back, and I took a picture. I thought for sure. I saw him opening the package while I was driving,
Starting point is 00:24:41 and I panicked that he was going to lose the number. So I took a picture of it. I'll tell you guys the combo. It's 1932-9. I still remember it. And for a six-year-old, it's kind of challenging. He remembers the numbers, but sometimes his hands aren't doing what his brain tells it to do. Anyway, what were we talking about before I spun off on that?
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh, the Isle of Man, yeah. There's a great preview. If you type in Isle of Man, there's a great preview. I highly recommend it. It's only 2 minutes and 20 seconds of your life. Motorcycles are awesome, the sounds they make. I'm screwed for pants. I'm really screwed.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I'm really screwed. I have serious, serious, serious, serious pant issues right now. Okay, fine. Another tangent. Let's do it. Here we go. Another tangent. You want to see why?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Here we go. So, I probably should not share this. This is probably a huge mistake. I'm going to show you the pants i buy my boys uh i don't know if this is even what you're asking but um your orders i probably shouldn't show you all those i type in pants here this is a huge step back i'm sure in my reputation what i'm about to show you these are the pants i buy my boys and they go through them like no other the children's place girls leggings five pack right here here they are and i and and and the the my smallest boys are a
Starting point is 00:26:20 large and i buy a pack of these. Probably have the most I've ever had is like 30 or 40 pair of these. Avi wears the extra large. Avi's actually kind of graduated out of these. He figured out that he, I put him in girl's pants. So he's kind of, so he has some other pants now too.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And dude, these are currently unavailable and they've been unavailable for a while. And so my kids are running out of pants. It's like they probably only have like 15 pairs of pants between the two of them. And I change their pants three times a day. And there's twins. So that's times two. It's like every day, every two days they run out of pants. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Call her high. And they'll tear through these pants. They'll tear through these pants. They'll put these pants on and slide down the cement at the skate park And fucking just tear the ass right out of these things Hello Hi, sorry Hi
Starting point is 00:27:13 What's up, bloke? What? Hi I'm a little bit behind So not off topic But I'm talking about the behind so not off topic but I'm talking about the road racing the Isle of Man stuff are you from the Isle of Man?
Starting point is 00:27:32 no the Isle of Man is between Ireland and England in the sea so I'm from the top of Ireland so the second biggest road race is in my area called the Northwest 200 so we go most years So the second biggest road race is in my area called the Northwest 200.
Starting point is 00:27:47 It's the way we go most years. And you would be even more mindful if you've seen how people spectate it. It's literally people standing at the side of the road with very low protection. And if you experience these bikes flying past you, it's insane. It really is. One of the documentaries I saw about the Isle of Man, it showed spectators dying on a regular basis. The Northwest 200 in my area has had 19 people die in its history. There's a family from my town.
Starting point is 00:28:21 There's the Dunlop family. One of the guys, Joey Dunlop I think the most famous there's a documentary on him called King of the Road I think it's called so Joey and his brother Robert were racers
Starting point is 00:28:37 Joey died in a crash a couple of years later his brother Robert died in a crash and then a couple of years later, his brother Robert died in a crash. And then a couple of years later, one of their sons died in a crash. And the other son is still racing. Like, that's crazy. You can't really explain why people would continue to do it.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But they just feel incredibly drawn to it. They just get something out of it. Yeah, it's not like they lost a daughter. It's not like they lost a daughter. They lost a son. Yeah. Yeah. Time to stop. There's probably trailers and stuff. Trailers for that thing with the roads and stuff and YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And if you actually just, if you look up Northwest 200 on board camera so they put a GoPro onto the bikes and that'll really give you a sense of how crazy and fast these bikes are and they're just
Starting point is 00:29:37 regular little small company roads it's just mind boggling that they can react so quickly. And like some of the speed wobbles they do and the speed they get up when they're in the slip lane right behind somebody else with the windbreak or whatever they call it. That to me isn't what I wouldn't let any of my children
Starting point is 00:29:58 anywhere near a motorbike at that speed. But it's pretty cool to watch. Let me ask you this. What is your accent? Mike is guessing it's a mix to watch. Let me ask you this. What is your accent? Mike is guessing it's a mix between Scottish and English. That's interesting. So I'm in Ireland. Ireland's kind of split into two separate countries,
Starting point is 00:30:17 the North and the South. We had your man Joe Biden over here last week. I'm sorry. Everyone was like, everyone was peeing their pants about it. There's a few like me who know better than to be excited by
Starting point is 00:30:32 that. Oh, the Irish people don't know that he's gorked? They don't know he's tardy? No. It's an incredible honor for them. They're all like going over and over and over. Wow. Wow. And the thing is,
Starting point is 00:30:49 there's even too many clips of him from his time in Ireland where he's doing his usual stuttering or making mistakes or saying the wrong thing. Yeah. And, um, I know all of that gets ignored. I mean, that only appears on the platforms of, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:04 conservatives, conservative kind of platform people to share it. But like the mainstream, they'll only ever show, um, really positive stuff about it. Even the news over here as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Wow. Amazing. Yeah. Hey, this is, this is truly one of all the bizarre things we're witnessed going on. Like we just, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:24 we saw that everyone had to buy a 49ers ticket, um, in, in two years, which was in order to go to school and go to work, which is fucking crazy. And we saw our loved ones and smart people go to the 49er game. Uh,
Starting point is 00:31:37 that the fact that we have a president of the United States is bizarre. And that people don't know it. It really is like that movie weekend at Bernie's. It's that bad. I am. I told you, I told you I had a friend go to the white house. I told you I had a friend go to the white house.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Right. And they said that he's completely broken, that it's, it's just like the old man in the corner. No one really talks to him. Nothing. And a very small, uh,
Starting point is 00:32:03 intimate gathering, by the way. It's so obvious. When you see him being walked about and guided and told to stand on the blue mark and be written from a teleprompter, it's so obvious to anyone who just opens their eyes and actually looking with real honesty.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It's so obvious. But the mainstream media are doing a good job covering for him. But if you want to talk about the 49 guys, but the mainstream media are doing a good job covering for him. but if you want to talk about the 49ers, um, my personal story is I, in Ireland here in the UK, um, in order to get into any sort of restaurants or establishments or hotels,
Starting point is 00:32:36 you had to have proof of vaccine. Uh, Oh, buddy. Oh, buddy. We don't talk about vaccines on this show. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Please follow the W. H. Please follow the W. H. follow the WHO guidelines. I love your country. I apologize that your queen died and Diana and all that stuff. I love your country. Thank you. Bye. for that. This is a, this show, listen, people, listen, do what's right. Be safe. Cover your bases. WHO or die. Okay. WHO, World Health Organization. Thank you. It's so sad that people aren't doing their part to take care of their neighbor it's really disgust me uh i would like to show you this it's truly unbelievable this is this is truly when i see things like this i don't understand how – this goes back to the voting Democrat thing again. I truly don't understand how any – imagine being 70 years old and voting Democrat your whole life and not at one time. I guess most of these people have never – I'm trying to think how many people I know besides me who interact with homeless people or see what's going on on the streets.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I guess most of them just don't know. They think that homeless is a real word or a real situation. I guess that's the problem. Everyone's just so closed-minded and doesn't actually have their eyes open to what's going on. And so they just keep voting for the same idiots over and over and over. What are you afraid of? Just try something new. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:34:38 There's no sarcasm. Someone please kick this guy out. This guy doesn't believe in WHO, Jeremy Eat World. Okay, here we go uh this is a woman who just gave birth uh in san francisco here you go do you remember do you remember when they were concerned that the hospitals would be overcrowded? Dude, right there, look at that picture, everyone. That's a baby that's just born with its head on the sidewalk. Now I'm a proponent of some pretty fucking raw shit. I am a huge proponent of some pretty raw shit.
Starting point is 00:35:21 But what you are looking at right there is something that some people would argue is just with God and then now has entered the world. And that woman just gave birth on the sidewalk. She doesn't even have her pants off all the way. She has one shoe on. Watch when the mom picks the baby up too.
Starting point is 00:35:51 The baby's head takes a little bounce off the concrete here. And that guy's telling her don't move. And I have to guess because the baby's still attached to the umbilical cord, right? She doesn't want the baby to get jerked around and, like, drug on the concrete. Watch this move right here. The mom's about to pick the baby up. Bam. Oh, one little bump off the concrete.
Starting point is 00:36:14 No big deal. Bump on the head. I wonder if that was a man or a woman that had that baby. or a woman that had that baby. A crackhead in Gavin Newsom's San Francisco gives birth on the bare sidewalk. I personally have never seen that before.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yon Clark going to the school of Heidi Krum. The glass is half full that kid gonna be resilient as fuck well fair enough jason miller excuse me while i faint uh man uh savon can i drive my camper van out to your house and stay in your driveway for a few weeks i'm a really good neighbor not packing much of a hog though it's not not a requirement to stay out of my house uh devesh maharaj if it's san francisco with the amount of needles on the
Starting point is 00:37:19 sidewalk it would be considered a hospital birth than a home birth. Fair enough. That's fair. And to pass judgment on that lady saying that she's a crack whore is not cool. And my mom probably tuned out with that. We just played that. My mom's like, okay, I'm out. And I'm out. Just like that. Just like that, i got my mom to stop watching okay let's start the show chase is here chase brian good morning
Starting point is 00:37:54 uh what about this is this is this uh i'm glad my mom stopped watching. She definitely shouldn't see this one. Is this real? I can't tell if this is real. I mean I suspect the clip is real. I can't tell if this excuse is real. Is this real right here? No. Whether you're coming or not, you're going to jail for obstruction of justice. I didn't obstruct the – Is this real right here? He said, we're arresting you for obstructing justice and trying to hide evidence. And she's like, I didn't. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You don't want to watch this video? Yeah, I would love to. Because I was fixing my coochie lips. There's a bag. So there's a bag right there being shoved into your pants that's not my bag that's not a bag that's my fucking coochie lips hanging out dude okay so this guy is suggesting he's calling it um he's calling them meat curtains and i think he's talking about the labia majora on the vagina for those of you who are a little more technical. And this is an incredible excuse.
Starting point is 00:39:12 They've arrested her because they suspect she stuffed something in her pants. God, it's a shame we don't have the video. They arrested her because they said she hid something in her pants. God, it's a shame we don't have the video. They arrested her because they said she hid something in her pants, and they're saying it's a little bag. I'm saying it's a little bag. And she's arguing, saying that wasn't the bag. That was my labia majora hanging out in my jean shorts, and I was pushing it back up.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Ham wallet. That's an interesting uh term for it oh you think that this is just a whole joke you don't even think this is uh this is like a real oh man that would suck hold on let's watch this one more time here we go hold on I don't know. I believe her. I believe her. right there being shoved into your pants. That's not my bag. That's not a bag. That's my fucking coochie that's hanging out, dude. It's a bag. I don't know. I believe her.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I believe her. I fully believe her. Listen, Ned the Nomax says, personally, if she's telling the truth, I'd be getting a great lawyer after this. Oh, shit. Long story short, it was drugs and she was arrested. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:41 No shit. Let's see here. She blocked me. She knew she was wrong. Oh, shit shit. Let's see here. She blocked me. She knew she was wrong. Oh, shit. Why? Is she tagged in this? Oh, hey. Wow. That's amazing. I'm gonna go with that she was lying then.
Starting point is 00:41:00 That's how easy I'm swayed. She's innocent. Oh, wait, one more. Uh. Uh. She's high as a, wait one more. Uh, uh, she's high as a giraffe, coochie lips. And she was, Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:10 this guy wrote, this is pretty good line. She's as high as a giraffe's coochie lips and she was hiding drugs. Wow. Okay. Hey, that I, I, I, I give everyone a pass if it wasn't drugs. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Oh, shit. Philip Kelly. Who said that? Someone was saying that those aren't real cop seats. Oh, here we go. Jethro. Cop cars don't have those bougie back seats back seats yeah it would be it should be like hard plastic all the ones i was in it's like fucking being in the back of a truck anyway okay fine so what's the verdict uh we're going with uh
Starting point is 00:42:03 we're going with she's lying she's high as a giraffe's coochie. That's a great line, right? Okay. Okay, I have not fact-checked this. I'm sure someone will in real time. Oh, man. Oh, man. So you guys ready for this?
Starting point is 00:42:29 God, I really should not talk about this. I was thinking about doing a – maybe I should have a show just once a week that's on Rumble. Just on Rumble. One where you're in the back of a cop car. Between when I was many times many many times not in 20 years but
Starting point is 00:42:51 cops I used to be a fucking cop magnet so I saw this thing the other day about the price of tickets to go to a 49ers game. And that if the people who sell the tickets, um, for 49ers games, they sell the ticket,
Starting point is 00:43:15 you know where they sell the tickets. The same. Did I, did I tell you guys I went to the, did I tell you I went to the hospital a a couple days ago for a routine checkup? I hadn't been in six or seven years. And the guy said to me, you're behind on your shots. And you need this shot and this shot.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And I forget what they were. One was tetanus and one was something else. I went to the doctor, Kenneth. I'm going to start over. Sevan, you've lost me. I know. Sorry. I've gone all over, Kenneth. I'm going to start over. Sevan, you've lost me. I know. Sorry. I've gone all over the place.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Not sorry. So I go to the doctor the other day, and he says, hey, you haven't been here since you've been 44. You're 51. You're behind on your shots. Do you want this shot, this shot, and this shot or something? And I said, no, I don't. No, thank you. And he said, but they're free.
Starting point is 00:44:03 But they're free. That was the sales point, but they're free. But they're free. That was the sales point, that they were free. I said, that's cool. I'm good. But they're free, Savon. But they're free. So a couple days ago, I see that if doctors sell 49er tickets they get paid and instagram said that this was false so i looked up the fact checkers and and it said how much it said how much they got uh made it said
Starting point is 00:44:34 how much they got made if they have for based on uh if they sell if they sell uh 49er tickets to 50 of their clients they got paid 40 000 a year or something that was that was the the post and it said that uh it said that the fact checker said that that was false that wasn't true so i fact checked it myself and a whole list of fact checkers pop up on google a whole page of them like nine people have fact checked it and they all say it's false. So I start clicking them. And do you know why it's false? Because some get $80,000 and some get $30,000 and some get $20,000 and some get $100,000. The only thing that was false about it was the $40,000.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And I'm like holy shit so of course they want you to love football they get paid it's crazy go Niners I don't know if this is true I haven't fact checked this I hope it's true I think it's funny
Starting point is 00:45:43 I think this guy is a woke tool, but whatever. Here we go. Blue Lemon was created just to make fun of Japanese people. Oh, no. Created by a guy called Chip Wilson. He chose the name because Japanese people couldn't say the letter L. So he made a name with three L's in it just because he thought it was funny that they can't say it. If this is true, I'm losing faith in humanity.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I'll say it's true. But I'm down here. She said she's losing faith in humanity. If that's true. Wait a second. That's a great joke. And by the way, is it just Japanese people who can't say it? Or Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and all the other people who look Asian.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Who look like they eat rice and use chopsticks. Is sad, but true yeah there you go lululemon was created just to make fun of japanese people can you imagine being shocked about that can you imagine how fucking like who cares that's funny that's awesome the only thing that's fucked up is that... Oh, yeah, I like that. Ruru, Ruru, Ruru, Remen. Ruru, Remen. The only thing that's fucked up is that he thinks it only works on Japanese people. I'm sure it's got to work on Asian people, all Asian people. And I'm going to explain to you why now. I'm going to explain to you why now.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I'm going to explain to you why now. I'm going to explain to you why now. Check this out. You're going to fucking love this. You are going to love this. Where is it? Okay, you ready? Here we go. Forever it's been assumed that people are being hired, right? Bear with me here. Just the spirit of the story. Here we come. Forever people have assumed that people are hired because they're white men, right? Tall white men in their 30s uh are the priority to to hire right which is which is which is fair
Starting point is 00:47:47 whether it's true or not it's fair right and especially gay men right and for obvious reasons for the longest time they were the smartest group they were the most dignified group they had the lowest um involvement in crime they were the most honest all the all the statistics pointed they were the best person to hire sorry just is the fact fucking way it is tall white uh men right and so there became for the last 30 years we've heard about this and how it's unfair and it's unfair and it's unfair and it's unfair who cares about the fact that they may have had the highest college rates and and the least amount of crime and the most reliable and the most likely to stay with their wife all that shit right the little stats that make that like the the the best knife to use to cut the steak, the white man.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Now it's just a fucking open hatred on tall white men, right? Okay. Like Zack T. Landry, poor guy. I get it. So now in the open, in the open, right, we know that it's okay to hire someone because they're melanated skin it's okay to say that i hired that person over there because he's a woman we know we it's just it's open it wasn't okay to say hey remember it would be wrong if you had a a white guy a black guy and a mexican guy and they said which one do you hire? You haven't done the interview.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And you said the white guy. Remember that that was wrong. You weren't allowed to say that that was somehow racist and wrong. OK. Well, you didn't even interview them. There's a bias just towards hiring white people. OK, OK. Now it's in the open. No one is denying it. Now it's in the open. No one is denying it. I just saw a recording of a call of one of the largest public institutions in this fucking country saying, hey, give priority to marginalized women. It's not enough just that they're white. Any contracts we do with outside people to help this massive billion dollar institution look for marginalized women. I'm not'm not sure what that means let's just say black lesbian women it's just open right it's open season anyone can say that it's totally fine now it's totally fine right anyone disagree with me anyone even one person that's where we're at right in? In society, it's perfectly okay to say that. We're looking, I mean, you saw it on LinkedIn.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You saw it on LinkedIn. CrossFit did it. They hired the gay dude to be their president. What's his name? Judge something Dunlop. Something Dunlop. Remember that? Now I'm hearing there,
Starting point is 00:50:21 and he's suing because he was treated poorly because he's gay. Fucking crazy. CrossFit's one of the gayest companies around. Always has been. Since Greg Granite. It'd be so easy to fuck someone at CrossFit if I was gay. Okay, listen. So is it okay now if I see someone?
Starting point is 00:50:40 Let's say I'm walking down the street and I see a cop who's melanated. Is it okay for me to be like, Hey, dude, you were a cop who's melanated. Is it okay for me to be like, Hey dude, you were hired because you're melanated. It's open season, right? You could say that that's, that's not even a put down anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You think Don is gay? He is dude. Very possible. He is so clean you would eat a bowl of cereal out of this dude's ass dude i am telling you he is so clean he's tall first of all he's probably six foot but he stands so fucking straight he looks like he's six three he's beyond handsome. I'm telling you, he looks like a fucking model. And he's the nicest guy ever, and yet still intimidating as fuck. Yeah, he could, Don could totally be gay. I don't think, Don would come back on.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I was, I took, that was all compliments. I think. Yeah, it is okay. Look it, thank you. Yeah, it is okay. Look it. Thank you. Yeah. You can go up to anyone now. Just so you know, it's totally fair.
Starting point is 00:51:51 It's not wrong. I mean, how you say it. But you could walk into a 7-Eleven and a woman be there and be like, hey, you were probably hired because you're a woman, huh? Any superficial characteristic, sex. Superficial characteristic sex. You could walk up to a guy who's a teller at the bank and be like, hey, I know you suck dick. And he'll be like, huh, what? And be like, well, that's the only way you got a job here.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Dude, we live in a society right now that openly hires people based on the genitalia they want pushed in their face, relevant to the genitalia they have in their pants. CrossFit Inc. hired a president based on that. I know, wouldn't that be, I know, that's the video series I need to do. It's amazing. I'm embarrassed. Do you know what? I respect my parents so much. Like a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And I'm embarrassed that they live in this world where that's going on like i wouldn't think that um uh uh yeah i i i just i just uh i i i truly can't believe it adults um that guy has a penis and at night when he goes home from work, him and his husband fucking skull fuck each other. And, uh, on the weekends they do poppers and ecstasy. And, uh, they just love spraying. They love going into rooms and spraying other men down with semen. And I think he'd be a great president for CrossFit Inc. Well, Sevan, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You've just totally categorized gay dudes. Yeah, because it is true for 90% of gay dudes, but I'll go easy on you and I'll just say 51%. And if you don't think that, then you don't fucking know enough gay dudes. Because it's fucking a party what are poppers that's a great good you don't want to know but every gay guy knows what poppers are there's not one gay guy who doesn't know what poppers are it's fucking nuts my mom lives in a world where people are hired based on fucking who they want,
Starting point is 00:54:26 whose genitalia they want in their mouth. It's fucking nuts. I will fucking, you guys aren't going to like this, I will go up to heaven and slap the shit out of Jesus and God for making my mom live on a planet with that shit. Fucking tie Jesus' hair up in a little man bun and fucking crack his ass. It's fucking crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. Yeah, wow. I agree. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, wow. I agree. Wow. Yeah. You got asthma. Mexicans just got just a little poqueno melanino. Pequeno, poqueno, poquito melanino.
Starting point is 00:55:18 No, no. Shut the fuck up, Trish. Or he does not count. Sevan, you would get dog stomped by Jesus. I don't know what that is, but I like it. Okay. No, no. Listen, watch this, guys.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Am I gay? I've done poppers, but not had dick in the ass. No, you're English. You're a foreigner. You're European. Totally different. You guys have different rules than us. You guys can have a penis in your mouth and still be straight.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Samantha, God allowed us to have free will. The people of this world brought this upon themselves. People are responsible for the choices they make. Yeah, well, not fucking around my fucking, not while my mom's doing her time on earth. It's fucking despicable. Yeah, isn't that, that's a great concept. Waffle stomped. That different show, though.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Okay. It's nuts. Okay. I know you're not supposed to judge people, but here we go. I'm going to judge the fuck out of this person, and I just don't know what to tell you. Transactivist – I don't know what that means. I don't even know what a transactivist is. I think that's just – let's just say a person was charged with having child porn and molesting kids, including a baby and autistic children, while working at the autism therapy center for pediatric patrons.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Listen to this dude's name. By the way, all black people who have those fucked up made-up names here's one for you that white here you guys are now uh are now uh second place to these to fucked up white people uh leomare what the fuck his name is that leomare vince vincennes kennedy told investigators it was like christmas this was this is a woman this is a – I don't know if this is a man who turned himself into a woman or a woman who turned himself into a man. I cannot tell what's going on here. But if these are the two looks you have, you should be nowhere around kids. Does everyone understand that?
Starting point is 00:57:48 If these are the two looks you have right here? Do not let anyone around your children who is confused about their sex. I'm going to repeat that again. Do not let anyone around your children who is confused about their sex. Now, you're at the skate park and it's tranny day and they're skating, it's fine. I'm not talking about that.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I'm talking about a sleepover at their fucking house adam blakesy uh blakesley yeah this is uh how i feel too drop a piano on this turd yeah i think that's it's awesome awesome inexpensive uh this is bad man i'm judging the whole category like this well Sevan that's so wrong that's so rude hey no to be honest
Starting point is 00:58:53 you shouldn't you shouldn't leave this is gonna be bad this is gonna get weird I personally don't leave my kids alone with any men I don't I don't it's not alone with any men. I don't, I don't, it's just not going to happen. Not until they can fucking throat punch a grown man and take him out.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Sorry. Just ain't going to happen. Just ain't going to happen. No, they're not all pedophiles. Stop saying that. They're not all pedophiles. They're just all mentally ill. They have a serious issue. 12 Daily Doses, they are not all pedoph preoccupation of being stuck inside their head and not being present. How's that?
Starting point is 00:59:49 Fucking crazy. And the people who hired this guy and made that mistake, if the piano lands on them too, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Hey, to think otherwise, to think that you're off, you're so close to the scent to realize that it's a massive mental illness, you're like, you're right on there. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Let's move on to something more pleasant. Oh, shit. This isn't going to be good. Look at this. This is going to be crazy. This isn't more pleasant. Wow, this show is dark. Matt Walsh blog. You absolutely never see videos like this with the races reversed. Never, never.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Doesn't exist. At some point we need to discuss why this kind of violence literally always goes one way. Everyone is always calling for an uncomfortable conversation about race. Well, here it is. Oh, shit. This is going to be bad. conversation about race well here it is oh shit this is gonna be bad so this is a white skin girl being brutally attacked by what looks like 15 to 50 it's hard to tell uh boys uh melanated boys and uh this is fucking crazy you can't tell for sure but it looks like she's getting fucking um stomped
Starting point is 01:01:35 i don't see one girl in there except the one getting stung. Man, I hate to even bring skin color up as a point of issue in that video. I really do. But if you don't understand understand you have to understand boys man God you have to understand boys people it is a wild bunch Jake Chapman I can't tell you what revenge I would take if that was my daughter.
Starting point is 01:02:44 It is interesting because I have never seen, so i'll tell you some things i've never seen i've never seen a group of uh white skin people do that to anyone who's melanated you know i've never seen a group of girls do that to a boy um uh i do not understand boys yeah the thing is they can't be they do things boys are fucking crazy they do things like think that they're the wrong sex and want to chop their penis off they do
Starting point is 01:03:18 things like beat women they do things like fuck cats and cantaloupes and like you have to keep boys busy you have to keep boys busy. You have to have grown men around boys like leading them. You cannot leave them up to their own – like what are all – why are there so many boys unaccompanied there? George, if the skin colors were reversed, it would be on a 48-hour loop on CNN. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:58 What do you guys want to talk about, Zach? I don't know what you want to talk about. Tell me what you want to talk about. The dad's in jail. Yeah, of course. so here's the thing here's the thing all of those kids all of their parents are democrats they all voted democrat all those kids don't have dads at home that's it i mean it's and those are those are the correlates he he texts me zach texts me and he said hey um would you like to come on to the or can i talk to you and i said sure uh and he said how can i call you tonight i said absolutely and so then he called and i couldn't talk so i was at tennis with the kids and then he called again i couldn't talk and then i called him back late and he answered and he was there with his his housemate chris williamson
Starting point is 01:04:49 that's the podcaster guy the english dude um and he he he he basically said that the it was it's kind of weird him and chris had come up with this story that you only live for four thousand weeks i don't know if that's true or not i didn't do the math but you only live for four,000 weeks. I don't know if that's true or not. I didn't do the math, but you only live for 4,000 weeks and that the week of stress this is causing him, this video isn't worth having the video up. And what was my opinion on taking it down? And he had called me before he made the video and I told him he's absolutely batshit crazy to do the video. And both times there's this like disconnect between the way we're talking so when he first
Starting point is 01:05:46 started when he first said he was going to make the video i said hey dude uh don't make the video none of that shit that andy said is uh one it's not true and two it doesn't it doesn't hold water it's just all ambiguous everything everything why are you bringing up ambiguous shit again and then he said the thing i've told you all this before. He said, well, what about the girls who signed the NDAs? And I said, what if that's made up too? And NDAs don't stop people from coming out and saying things if something really bad happened to them. So then he started going to the place, well, what if they're just scared to come out? And it's like – it's just a constant what ifs. Almost like – and then there was this other story that Zach was playing that he had these 20 sources for the video, and they all had told him what a horrible person Glassman was.
Starting point is 01:06:32 And I go, okay, but the things that you're bringing up are that he is like some sort of sexual predator and that he's a racist. Andy already said he's not a racist, and there's no proof that he's a sexual predator. Why bring all this up? Then he pivoted again. You know when you're talking to someone and they keep pivoting? Like you know he just wants to make the video, right? So then he pivoted to, well, I'm not going to express my opinion at all in the video. I'm just going to take old content. And I said, hey, I would not fucking do it.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I said, you know a lot of rich people. This isn't just a normal rich person. This is a rich person sitting on a shitload of money who loves to fight and who's good at fighting the great greg is a great fighter very alpha alpha motherfucker and uh so and smart man whoo so smart good fighter likes to fight unlimited resources with money cash like just piles of cash and he made the video and uh and so then and then and then uh and then i think uh emily that that the pipple girl that you guys loved uh fucking came out of the woodworks and fucking started ass pounding him a little bit he didn't like it and then when i talked to him so then that night i talked to him and him and chris didn't want to acquiesce that they did something unethical immoral showed no integrity they don't know the
Starting point is 01:07:57 guy they were determined to say that greg's a bad person but it's not worth the risk of being sued and i wasn't going to talk about this at all, but he said, hey, you can share the part about me pulling the video down because I didn't want to get sued or something like that. And so it's like you did something unethical, immoral, doesn't show integrity. And by unethical, I mean you repeated something that had already been said, and then you did kind of put your slant on it, and you didn't – and you said that you weren't going to say anything, but you did say something. And then now you're telling me that he told me that these 20 – he's sort of not doing it for himself, but he's doing it for people who are scared to speak up on their own. The whole thing was really convoluted.
Starting point is 01:08:46 own the whole thing was really convoluted that being said you have to understand that t lander comes from a uh i think when we had him on the on the podcast he said he comes from a very woke family and he's still young so he's probably still like he's probably stuck between accountability and personal responsibility and he's he's so clearly uh part of the attention regime, right? He's a click dude. He wants to be a big YouTuber so fucking bad. That's his purpose. I don't say any of that with any negative connotation. More the power to him. But it's just different how maybe I roll or some of us roll.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Focus on excellence and just let the rest of the shit come. If it does, it does. If it doesn't, it doesn't. So he pulled the video down because he doesn't want – who cares if you have a week of stress? That's what makes life fun. But he says him and Chris decided it wasn't worth the week of stress. I do think that he should have never made the video, and I do think that it's stupid to be in Glassman's crosshair as someone with that much money. But Emily Kaplan said this on the – you have to see what happened here.
Starting point is 01:10:02 So Andy chums the water with that, basically saying he throws out all this ambiguous stuff hoping the sharks will come. And none of the sharks come. And when Greg sells CrossFit, they tell him, hey, you have to put a huge, huge chunk of money that we paid you aside in case anyone comes out of the woodworks and says that you're a bad person. And then we'll give you that money a year later. And no one came out of the woodworks. says that you're a bad person and then we'll give you that money a year later and no one came out of the woodworks and and and and and and t landers uh and and williamson's argument is that um well people were scared it's fucking nuts but they have no proof of that and every just so you know we it was a more intimate conversation that and i do appreciate how vulnerable T. Lander was and the stuff he told me.
Starting point is 01:10:45 But everything he – every argument he gave had nothing to do with the subject at hand. He was constantly pivoting. So I'll give you an example. He would be like – I would be like, he didn't run that squirrel over. And he'll be like, dude, he drives a Ferrari. And I'll be like, okay, but he didn't run that squirrel over. He goes, dude, he drinks Diet Coke while he's driving. I'll be like, yeah, but he didn't run that squirrel over and he'll be like dude he drives a ferrari and i'll be like okay but he didn't run that squirrel over he goes dude he drinks diet coke while he's driving i'll be like yeah but he didn't run that squirrel over and he'd be like but dude so-and-so said that he swears while he drives and i'll be like dude he didn't run that squirrel over you know what i'm saying so he had
Starting point is 01:11:17 all of these these ideas of things that didn't even actually point really at like i'm sorry i don't see the connection between drinking diet Coke while you're driving and running a squirrel over. And so we went back and forth like that. And it was like 45 minutes of that. And anytime I would let them talk, they had something sort of with a negative spin to say about Greg. I never once heard out of his voice. You know what? You're right. There is no proof. And, and these 20 people who i kept telling them i said ask yourself why those people would have something uh uh some angst against greg just ask yourself there's people out there get your get your head wrapped around this there's people out there that greg gave a million dollars to who hate him for petty things.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Get your head wrapped around that. You got paid a million dollars to do your job, but you're upset because when Greg came to work every, cause Greg didn't come in the office more than three times a year. And when he did, he didn't say hi to you. Imagine that. And those people are pissed that's the vast majority of those people imagine you are a filmmaker who's never gotten paid for making a single fucking thing and you get a job at crossfit inc and you get paid money to make any film you want about your favorite subject
Starting point is 01:12:51 and no one micromanages you unless you make as much shit as you want and you make a million dollars over 10 years get a huge following have a name, have award-winning films, some of the biggest documentaries in the world, let's say, most views on YouTube, blah, blah, and then you're still pissed at Greg. Just imagine that. There's fucking 50 people out there like that, 100 people out there like that,
Starting point is 01:13:16 because Greg didn't say hi to them or Greg fucking told them one time that their shit sucked or something. I mean, you wouldn't... If you knew the whole story you would probably have to put a fucking gun in your mouth and kill yourself if you ever thought Greg was a bad person yeah I was talking about yeah like 100k
Starting point is 01:13:37 a year 200k a year oh he has no he's so lost yeah uh between you and sebi one of you actually worked there yeah and that's the thing too like all of these people who even have ideas they weren't even there at like zero uh intend good i'm thank you intendo not on topic but i love your podcast watch you every day i can thank you not from africa i know the name is misleading it's spelling of intendu which is french for hurt okay that's nice i like it uh t landers jillian michaels with the youtube channel so so he so so he pulled so he pulled so after we talked he pulled down the video does he you know i can't tell if it's the stress of the i can't tell if it's the i asked him if it was
Starting point is 01:14:31 the smoke from the from the youtube from people hating on him and he said no call her hi chevy how's it going it's plumber i'm a uh i am a fucking man amongst boys today. It's a trip. Yeah. I'm not amongst boys today. I called to say thank you. Imagine a pussy like me being the man in the room. It's bizarre. But I'm going to embrace it.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I'm going to embrace it. Hi, Plummer. Hi. I called to say thanks because uh i called a while back talking about how i was going to my first day of my internship um and asked if you had any advice and you said just do everything perfect um and right that kind of just stuck in my head and kind of kept my head down and just worked and uh ended up i'm, accepting a full-time offer with them today, basically taking or replacing, um, my boss throughout the internship. He's moving on and then I'm sliding in. So I just wanted to say thanks.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah. Congratulations. Uh, here's another thing. No boundaries. Yes. The opposite of what everyone else says never have boundaries and it's always yes yeah heidi krum yay plumber i know i'm stoked for plumber too i actually i feel like have another shot of espresso i'm so stoked for you stoked for you yeah yeah dude like i mean right like the job is we're trainers, but I mean, on days when there's, like, do you want to learn how to fill up oil cans? Sure, let's do it. Again, like, whatever. And it, I mean, it paid off.
Starting point is 01:16:14 At times when I thought it wasn't going to, but it paid off. Do you have an example of some of the things that you did where you went the extra mile? So, right, it's a indycar company so on days when right the guys weren't in the office they're out at the race um i just go down and help the truckers load up the truck um so we're loading crates filling up oil cans i mean cleaning but that's like right that's required of you but if you just do it without being asked right that's how it should be right and it was just habitual and right like programming workouts when I wasn't told to for the next day just just doing the job right treating it I mean oh sorry why why if it's an indycar company why are you programming workouts they have like a fitness division so we're training the pit crew
Starting point is 01:17:05 oh we have a dude a facility in on-site uh where we write a whole human performance thing so we train the pit crew we have them five days a week and then also anyone in the office can come work out throughout the day so okay don't fuck yourself but if there's ever any um uh lunatic who drives the indycar who's uh got the balls enough to come on the show i'd love to have them on if there's any if there's anything i can do to help promote anything going on there let me know i will yeah that's even better i don't want anything from them but feel free to use me to help promote anything that's going on there let us know when your drivers are racing any of that shit i fucking love love you, dude. You're awesome. Yeah, I'll let you know. Yeah, it's pretty cool. This month of May is going to be absolutely insane.
Starting point is 01:17:50 But, yeah. All right, keep us posted. Thank you. Congratulations. I will. Yeah, thank you. Honestly, I learned a lot from you. No boundaries.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Always say yes unless it's like touching a penis. Then do everything else. Roger. All right. See you guys. Then do everything else. Roger. Okay. All right. See you guys. Solid advice from Sevan. Look at 12 daily doses.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Listen, anyone that forces someone to sign an NDA, you guys see that? By the way, no one can force you to sign an NDA. So you see right there, just the way he words it, he's a weak libtard, right? Anyone that forces. You see that? Anyone that forces someone to sign an NDA for a large amount of money on a firing is doing so for a reason listen if you give listen listen if you give someone money without asking for something in return you're a fucking idiot anytime someone
Starting point is 01:18:42 asks you to sign if anytime anyone's going to give you money they're going to ask you to sign an nda there's a ton of shit to protect it fucking crossfit inc for example the affiliate list with all the phone numbers emails and all the contacts of the affiliates that so many people at crossfit hq have access to you have to have people sign ndas for that when i was there i'll tell you a story i've told the story before tell it again it's a fun story there was an event at the ranch and there was a guy and i think maybe it was matt fraser and uh ben smith and and rich froning but i don't remember though and and there was an event at the ranch and they had all the trucks there and all the lights and they were going to film it they were going to stream it all over the world. And they found out just minutes before the event went off, they'd gotten
Starting point is 01:19:28 screenshots of text messages of one of the guys who worked inside the van had been releasing the workouts ahead of time. So someone went inside the van and said, Hey dude, pack your, it was like the head graphics guy or something. Pack your shit up. I felt sorry for the guy to be honest, pack your shit up, get the fuck out of here. And they fired him right on the spot right before the event happened and uh so then they they they had all everyone at crossfit hq basically at that point signed something that said if you work here that if you ever get caught releasing anything like that it's a automatic loss your job and up to a three hundred thousand dollar fine and the reason for the three hundred thousand dollar fine was is that you were
Starting point is 01:20:08 i assumed was is that you were compromising the integrity of the event that crossfit inc was spending so much money on that's that okay uh isn't it fascinating that uh so so so listen so so you we we saw that we saw those boys right beat that girl in the hallway i'm i'm wondering what is uh what is danny spiegel going to do to help those kind of women who get beat beat uh beat what is danny doing to help because doesn't she empower women what is what is she going to do how many how many she's going to make three more uh photos of herself in her bikini with her fucking ass in the air and that's going to help that girl who got beat in the hallway what what is she going to do to help that girl i mean this i mean this i'm not even being facetious. I know that the pictures – I know that those pictures – I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I suspect that those pictures have brought a lot of young men happiness in their time of loneliness in their bedroom at night under their blankets. But how is she going to help that – how is that then going to help that girl who got the shit beat out of her? How is that then going to help that girl who got the shit beat out of her? And where is – Katchen was so upset about Floyd 19 that she was out, and so was Noah and the rest of these people and Jason Kalipa. Everyone's so angry about Floyd 19. Where are you now? you think just like you're asking because you took a pretty hard stand about a bunch of people who uh are in a sport that uh about being really fit and and exercising in their bras and panties and looking hot and you got really pissed but now crickets out of you.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Why don't you, why don't you make a post catcher about that? Just curious. You or Danny make a post about that. Let's see. I want to see how that goes for you. What are you going to do to help her? Who me?
Starting point is 01:22:23 Talking to me. You, you taught you, you going to do to help her? Who, me? Talking to me? You talking to me? Hello. Hello. You sent me something, Rosie, that I wanted to see, that I wanted to post. And then when I went back to it, Instagram had shut down, and I couldn't get what you sent me. I should have looked you up by name.
Starting point is 01:22:43 What am I going to do about it? Are you fucking talking to me? Oh, it's a Dave Chappelle reference? Okay, good. Fucking fly over to fucking Portugal and fucking slap you with my hog.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Barry McCockner, you asked Zach to not post the video and he did what's that say about his character and as a person no but yeah so so uh you were kind enough to have him on the show oh i don't i don't agree with that barry no one owes me anything he's he he's his own man hey listen listen zach didn't even have to call he called me ahead of time here's what you want to know it's really fucking crazy i probably shouldn't definitely not show call. He called me ahead of time. Here's what you want to know. It's really fucking crazy. I probably shouldn't definitely not show this. So he called me and said, hey, I make this video about the history of CrossFit. I said, OK, cool. And he goes, but aren't you friends with Greg? I said, yeah, I talk to him every single day. He's one of my best friends. And he said, well, it could be seen as negative against Greg. I go, why? And he goes, because I'm talking about Floyd 19 and blah, blah, blah. I'm paraphrasing. And I said, dude, that's not a bad thing. Just just tell the truth about the Floyd 19 was actually to help people with melanated skin. Just tell the truth about it. Call him, ask him anything. Like, you know what I mean? Like, and he's like, well, no, I'm not going to express my own opinion. I'm just going to take
Starting point is 01:23:51 other stuff. I'm like, why do that? Why rehash a bunch of lies and shit? And then I told him, I'm like, Hey, I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that. And I gave my opinion. He's like, well, I'm going to do it. And I said, okay, cool. I appreciated that. He called me, listen to this. Listen to this. Some fucking idiot out there. Listen carefully. Some fucking idiot tool bag pile of useless shit who I happen to like. And who's a friend of mine. Told Greg that I was somehow behind the making of that video. Oh, sorry, Spain. I'll come over to Spain and fucking cock slap you. Someone told Greg that. And it's crazy how I found out, too.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Crazy. But that's how fucking, the whole thing's wackadoodle. That's why I don't want to talk about it, because it's like, I'm in the front row seat watching the whole thing go down, and I got 12 daily doses in the back screaming nonsense. And he hasn't even donated money yet today. Okay. So Danny and Katrin don't care about this girl getting beat up in the hallway. What's crazy is like that's not the first time I've seen that video, but it is true.
Starting point is 01:25:31 I've never seen it the other way around. Any way you spin it. And if you live in the Bay Area, you know that the least racist people you know are white people, and then just pick any other ethnicity after that. The three million people that live in my vicinity, the white people are the least racist. By far, hands down, I'm willing to bet three inches of my cock on it.
Starting point is 01:25:56 It's always been that way. It's been that way for the 51 years I've been alive. Ah, I don't know about the first 15 years. I didn't have awareness like that. Thank you. Clock, 12 daily doses owes the show $49.99. Dude, he paid fucking Hiller money. He gave money to Hiller.
Starting point is 01:26:13 That broke my heart too. God, I'm so petty. Paulina, you just missed it, it melissa yeah she did just miss it just miss it yeah i'm only about to give my my wife her third daily dose going i'm going to the skate park soon uh What about this? Speaking of racists, and you have to understand, I don't think anyone's bad for being racist. That's small potatoes
Starting point is 01:26:53 compared to, as long as you don't act on it. Just don't act on it. Yeah, I'm 175. Fucking one. I'm fucking massive. You don't understand how it. Yeah, I'm 175. Fucking one. I'm fucking massive. You don't understand how fucking big I am. I'm a fucking brick.
Starting point is 01:27:11 You can't. I'm a fucking brick shithouse. And I could be 135 pound man. I'm telling you. I'm a little fucking dude. I'm huge. I put on probably, I put on at least 12 pounds from creatine in the last two weeks you're 182 how tall are you i i was actually who i was talking
Starting point is 01:27:32 with someone the other day and i was like maybe i should um uh maybe i should get a 182 is the most i ever weighed maybe i should make an attempt at 183 maybe i should how tall are you yash uh a standby caller a dusty willard 49 99 seven please tell greg thank you for changing the trajectory of my life wouldn't be the man i am today without him my pleasure matter of fact you know what i'm gonna do look at this i'm going to look at this in real fucking time i'm going to do? Look at this. I'm going to – look at this. In real fucking time, I'm going to take a picture of this and – god damn it. In real time, I'm going to take a picture of this And send it to him. How's that? Right there.
Starting point is 01:28:28 That's what you get. You want to tell Greg something? I send it to him. For $49.99, I send it straight to Greg. You just tell him what you want him to know. Wow, what a scam that would be. I sell fucking shit. 5'10".
Starting point is 01:28:43 Caller, hi. Good morning. It's Michael Michael C how you been bud good I'm having fun I'm excited I wish I was doing a three hour show today I'm just getting warmed up it's weird because the first time I talk Michael always is on the show and I can feel like my mouth isn't even like working and then now I'm 90 minutes in I'm like ah
Starting point is 01:29:00 it works you're like I'm good I'm getting ready I just watched Greg's Broken Science. I forgot what university he was at. Hillsdale College. Hillsdale College. Conservative college that is also being taken over by the woke. Very interesting college.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Very interesting. Just a real quick thing about Hillsdale College. Hillsdale College was the first college in the United States to have people with melanated skin in attendance. And then for years they had the largest contingency of marginalized people at the college, extremely liberal arts conservative college, kind of weird, right, oxymoron. That being said, they also refused to take money from the federal government to enforce affirmative action because they knew it was racist, even though they had the largest amount of minorities at the college.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Anyway, very interesting. You have all this great wealth of information thank you uh but yeah it's really good to hear him speak and you know that you know i think that that's what the state is really missing that somebody that just you know people want to follow you know it's such a good eloquent speaker so um the physicists hey they tried to protest him coming the people from the physics department and department and some of the hard sciences at that school were terrified that he was coming, and they hated the fact that he was saying science is broken, even though it so obviously is. You can even hear Tucker Carlson fuck up the way he uses the word science. The science.
Starting point is 01:30:19 It's like, listen, for anyone who doesn't know what science is, science is just the ability to predict things. There's never any truth in science. It's the greatest predictive value. Just think of it like that is. Are they telling the climate to climatology? Are they telling me accurately what the weather is every single day? That's that. That's the science predictive value. OK, sorry, Michael. Oh, no, it's all good. The example that he gave about the nails and measuring the nails and you know him trying to cheat it with his dad and then you know it was a pretty cool pretty cool uh pretty cool story yeah it's it's beautiful he's doing it again he's gonna start doing it um for affiliates i believe all over the country i think he realizes um that those are his people
Starting point is 01:31:01 and i think the shell shock of and he's settled down since the sale. And I think people in the community are going to start seeing a lot more of him. And I think he's going to do a lot of very small, private, they'll be public, but very limited access, but lots of them, presentations around the globe, around the entire world. I think that that's what's coming.
Starting point is 01:31:22 The first one is on June 3rd, and it's going to be very private, but, but, but, but people, he doesn't know, you know, he's going to open it up to the public. I'm sure it's going to fill up very quickly and it's going to be cool. A lot of people are going to get to get FaceTime with him and hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Any costs associated with it or is he just going out there?
Starting point is 01:31:42 No, no, no. I don't think so. If it is if it is it'll be super cheap i mean he has enough money to so that doing like a five thousand dollar event is going to be like nothing for him um well i was going to say either i have to up my contributions to you or i have to scale them back so i can save to go to it where do you live i live in san diego oh okay uh if if you if you uh dm me and you want to come up to the June 3rd event, I will do my absolute best to get you in. All right. And no one else bug me. Just Michael C.
Starting point is 01:32:11 No one else fucking ask. You know, the other topic I was thinking about is... And it's at a really cool location. You'll really appreciate the location. You will really appreciate it. It's up here in the Bay Area. You know, that's one thing that's so cool about the community. I met Dave at my
Starting point is 01:32:29 L1 seminar. We emailed back and forth a few times, and then I emailed him saying, hey, we're going to be up in your area during 16.5. I got nine tickets from him, me and a group of friends went out there. You know, that's what's cool about this community. Yeah, that is cool. Dave's a good baby baby do you
Starting point is 01:32:46 see what he posted this morning on his vlog i saw it last night about three minutes after he posted it i was in the garage fucking around and i saw it pop up where he's taking a break yeah what do you think about that i think i need to get him on the show i i love that guy i think i need to get him on the show here's what i heard hey motherfuckers i'm so busy and i'm gonna go make some real money i'll be back in a minute that's what i heard yeah am i am i am i uh selfish when i say well i'll unsubscribe and i'll check back later say it again what selfish i'll unsubscribe i'll check back later oh enjoy your break uh really so that, because are you, are you a huge fan of his? Is that why you feel a little burnt by it? No, I think, um, I think that the frequency and that, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:33 that's part of what you do, right? You build this channel, we support, and then you got to take a break. Okay. Okay. So, so maybe, maybe your feedback to him and to, and to other people out there who have YouTube stations Is like hey dude just make shorter videos I know you're busy how about you still talk to us Once a week and just make three minute videos
Starting point is 01:33:50 Yeah we're selfish Hey that's kind of like You know what you are you're kind of like the guy Who your girlfriend Broke up with you You still love her but you're a little pissed And so you like It's black man nipple everyone with you uh you still love her but you're a little pit you're pissed and so you like um
Starting point is 01:34:10 it's black can he flash me a nipple everyone yeah you're like a little you're like a little kid you're acting out i appreciate i respect it i i you're like hey dude i fucking like you fuck you um and then the last thing is i i watched uh hwpo's uh dim reveal on on both uh zach um channel and Craig Ritchie's. Maybe you have a chance to see that. I haven't seen it. How is it? It's funny. Zach is so ADHD, man. He's in the middle of asking
Starting point is 01:34:36 Frazier a question and then just completely shuts him off so he can go cheer Craig on and never goes back to the question. He's just like, I asked you a question. You're the fittest man on earth. I'm here getting in. Bye.
Starting point is 01:34:47 See you later. Why didn't he edit that out? Was he making fun of himself? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if he, I don't know if he's even self-aware enough to recognize that he did that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Fair enough. So, all right, man. Well, appreciate having you back. What thing was okay. Cause I got a little fixed, but the interaction wasn't the same. So something you definitely do better than the rest is engaging with your audience.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Thank you. And thank you for not unsubscribing to me. I will not be taking a break. Not any, not any, um, um, on your own break. No, not at all. I might, I might travel down to Newport and you might, I might be gone for like a day, but that's it. All right. Well, I'll give you a day That's it Okay get the 100 foot rope and pull a sled I'm telling you my fucking biceps are swole as shit
Starting point is 01:35:32 How's that bicep feeling? My left one is feeling It's like if it's usually like a 10 in badness It's like an 8 so I'm pretty happy Alright well you have a good day Okay bye Steven Flores I find it nuts how people judge Greg who changed millions of lives and look past the rap sheet of some of their favorite rappers or politicians. I mean, I couldn't fucking agree with you more on so many levels.
Starting point is 01:35:57 They're just – they're such tools. They're such sleep – I would – if I did that, I would have already come out and apologized. I would have dropped to out and apologize i'd have dropped to one knee and beg greg for his forgiveness if i was catrin doter i expect to get cock slapped too uh now things have calmed down can i request rodney mullen for the podcast i have asked rodney to come on how about that i love rodney uh it's straight to his face and i've texted him before. He always texts me back.
Starting point is 01:36:29 It's going to be difficult for a couple reasons. Okay. All right. Clive, Wiki put on his Insta a nice note about women being eroded or something subtle, but conservative-minded people know what he meant. Okay. Yeah, exactly. know what he meant okay uh yeah exactly you can tell who hasn't met or spent time with greg by comments in here for sure and what's crazy is he he is so fucking accessible love you guys gotta go head it off to sunnyvale uh i will i'm trying to post a shitload on instagram um so i'll keep you posted today throughout the day and i am going to cut my Off to Sunnyvale. I'm trying to post a shitload on Instagram. So I'll keep you posted today throughout the day.
Starting point is 01:37:09 And I am going to cut my hair some more. Wish me luck. I should do a live when I do that. I think it would be fun. Okay. Boo-bye.

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