The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Renewal is Coming w/ Hunter & Hiller

Episode Date: February 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions they hated me in the comments I hate you I don't know why but I was say that again Hiller what a weird barometer like measurement of success yeah
Starting point is 00:01:17 I thought the I thought the mentally off balance line was so funny and standing for Mal O'Brien mentally off-balance line was so funny. Standing for Mal O'Brien, mentally off-balance. I can see somebody hating you for that. How? How? Like, how serious are you?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Dude, Kevin Ogar lost his fucking legs doing CrossFit. I gave 15 years or 20 years of my life to it my me and my wife were fired on the same day and i've and all i did was glorify women i have people on the internet call me a misogynist like mal o'brien got to like that oh mal o'brien i had three kids at home mal o'brien dude i hope she thinks it's funny like i want it makes me when someone says that they hate me for it i want to completely rebrand her i mean that m she has mob it's mal o'brien it's cool it's cute everyone likes her i have no but it's still funny that she left we don't know why we're just assuming someone said, I hate you on the internet, and it fucked her up.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And so mentally off balance. It's funny. I don't think anybody said that to her. What? I hate you. They just hate you. Oh, I know. Well, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I just made it up. That's what I mean. Nothing even happened to her. She got to keep her sponsors and shit. Yeah, well, that's why she has to come out and say, I not competing i got labeled as the most toxic man in crossfit when i got fucking fired not not a single one of my co-workers sent me an email or text saying hey sorry sebi thanks for how much it's a lot story beth hey look at this way there's a lot of people that go through their whole life and never get labeled the most of anything right Right. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not playing a pity party.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I just think it's funny that... I just don't understand how that would upset you. It's not even that dig. It's not even that. It's funny. It's not a dig. It's not even... It's not a dig on Mal.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I don't think. I mean, if you think that's a dig, what were we saying the other day? Oh. So you know John Woolley from Make Wads Great Again. He made a post yesterday that caused me to go over and watch Chase Ingram's show. a post yesterday that caused me to go over and watch chase ingram show and chase ingram was uh john woolley was basically made a statement that the games were um bolt the the title of calling the fittest the fittest on earth was bullshit and so chase ingram then responded um saying
Starting point is 00:03:56 hey uh john uh you're way off base here crossfit basically greg defined it and he went through the whole thing right as is any level one crossfit expert would hey he defined it and it clearly is the fittest and i'm kind of surprised that you missed the mark on that it wasn't aggressive at all no name calling i think maybe bill the co-host told willie's a dipshit or something but it was mel like dude something that me and you or me and suza would fight about any day like it was yeah like you and i would have a conversation that was every day i have a conversation with you that's more aggressive than the conversation i think that happened between chase and woolly whoa whoa whoa whoa you're saying there was a conversation well uh interaction discourse back and forth
Starting point is 00:04:41 there you go sure but then woolly but Wooly I'm going to tie this to Mal But then Wooly Attacked Chase on the internet And invoked his Tagged his boss Yeah that's some bullshit So me and you are arguing over What the fittest means
Starting point is 00:05:00 And if the fucking CrossFit title is valid To call Fraser the fittest And then Wooly runs and tells his boss means and if the fucking crossfit title is valid to call fraser the fittest and then woolly runs and tells his boss dude that's cool i don't like that i'm really trying to like put it into the perspective of something else i'm trying to apply it to another situation it would be like if the president of the united states said he doesn't like costco or he doesn't like Costco or he doesn't agree with wholesale foods. Then Costco said
Starting point is 00:05:29 that Donald Trump... You guys having a Costco debate right now? I always go to Costco. I love Costco. Don't ruin Hillary's Costco metaphor. I don't know. I'm reaching here, but it'd be like, I don't like wholesale foods. Then Costco is like, hold up. This is the worst president ever.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Yeah. How dare you not like, oh, we're in the United States and we are a wholesale foods brand. You can't do this. We pay taxes in your country. Some guy, do you know who Chase Ingram is, Hunter? No, who's that? He's been around forever. He has a show on youtube called get with the programming he's a staple in the crossfit field he's he's like been he was a games athlete he's been probably the number one or number two commentator in the history of the sport for four
Starting point is 00:06:14 crossfit he's a cool chase ingram tall good looking dude out of texas owned an affiliate he he works over at hq he's a he's a he's a staple in the community he's a good dude he's the best he got into it he got into an argument um uh uh back and forth with um yeah this guy yeah big dude swimmer anyway he got into an argument with a guy on the internet the make wads again great again guy and um the MakeWadsGreatAgain guy then tagged his boss, Chase's boss, and I was like, hey, that's not cool. Is that that bald fucker?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, it's like, hey, if Chase would have been like, hey... That guy's a douche. You don't tag someone's boss unless they're, like, threatening to hurt you. Why do you say that, Hunter? That's one of those kind of guys where you invite them on a yacht party, and then all of a sudden the boat sinks. You're like, oh, what a tragedy.
Starting point is 00:07:10 We don't believe in coincidences. I don't know, man. I've just hung out with him. I think he's like an insurance broker or something douchey like that. He's just one of those people who got a channel that got a little little bit too many followers. And then his ego got way too blasted up. And when I hung out with him, I felt like he was like, he had like that kind of behavior type.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Like he was like doing cocaine in between conversations, like really kind of so antsy and excited about everything he was saying. It takes one to know one dude. I mean, I've done a ton of blow. I'm not going to lie, but there's people like that, that kind of freak me out.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Like the snake oil salesman kind of characters i don't know if he's selling anything but he freaks me out how many followers how many followers before you became a douche go ahead sorry hunter go ahead but he tagged his boss that's dirty yeah that's it and he chased it wasn't like hey your wife's a whore or i'm coming to your house to beat you up it was just like, dude, basically Matt really is the fittest based on the definition Greg gave. And so you have it all wrong, what you said. That's it. Not any name calling nothing.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And this dude tagged his boss. Well, not only did he tag his boss, but he put him in a position to have to like – he was like, is this the culture that you're talking about to change? And then tagged his boss. So it put him in a position to have to either defend or go against Chase. That's kind of creepy. Yeah, Chase, what are you doing with this cult? What did you say? It's all my fault, by the way.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Usually. Because of the video you made? I used a clip off of a podcast, Kettlebells and Cocktails, and I thought it was great. Because what I heard was that he started CrossFit because of the elite fitness component and pushing yourself. And then Chase gets caught up on the fact that at one point he calls it bullshit, which is, you know, crap because it isn't bullshit, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:08:57 In a lot of people's opinions, it's what it is. And then they started fighting. I'm like, damn it, guys. This wasn't the intention. I ended up doing something pretty petty this weekend. It was the Super Bowl. Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait for this.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Great, great intro. It's kind of similar to this. So we go, and I've been going to this party for years. I'm like, you know, it's just the party that all the guys in Malibu go to. It's just wild and crazy party. And, you know, we get there and it's such a big party. They have to have security. They have security like 200 yards away.
Starting point is 00:09:30 They have security 100 yards away. They have security at the door. Do we know whose house it is? Is it someone rich or someone famous? He's somebody who services all the famous people. And he just – so we get there and the security guard who's seen me a bunch of times it's not like i'm not like a not like memorable kind of person but you he gets there and he's a total douche to us he's like is your name on the list i was like here's my name he's
Starting point is 00:09:58 like why aren't your friend's names on the list and i was like dude you know this is how this happens every single time and he was a total dick to us. And I was like, okay, I will remember this. So I go into the party. I find out his wife's there. The security guard's wife. Oh, you banged her. You banged her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Interesting. That would be awesome. You're right. Please tell me you fondled her. You put the tip in. No, no, no, no, no, no. But I went out of my way. I went out of my way to spend a large portion of my night
Starting point is 00:10:24 hanging out with his wife and getting to make sure that she knew who I was and how fun it could be if we hung out more often. Oh, yeah. I wasn't going to do anything, truly. But he just kept on walking to the party and seeing her laughing, hanging out next to me. I was like. She felt your energy. She knew. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 But I'm not that bad of a guy. But I'm just saying, sometimes I was like, man, what a petty thing that that guy did. And I thought to myself, I was like, wait a second. I did the same thing this weekend. No, that's totally different. Yeah. Hey, I would have respected Wooley way more if he had fucked Chase's wife. That's a tag in his boss.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Dude, way more way more hey um yeah caleb hi could you pull up um uh hunter's um instagram account hunter are you running on the malibu highway here at a 516 next to it yeah that's great that next to it yes there's only he's running a 516 mile talking to the camera while running on the fucking malibu highway but now you're not in malibu yeah this is crazy i mean i was in malibu two days ago that's when we filmed this and we're now how far did you keep that pace did you really keep a 516 pace for a mile oh no we did 505s how do you know that because i have a watch that tells you the information it's pretty interesting science
Starting point is 00:11:53 uh yeah so what we do is we do four by eight minutes with a four minute drift in between so your idea is you double the distance of what you're technically running in the race and you're holding this pace and the reason why that was a 516 that was actually a 505 for eight minutes and the reason why i was just a little bit slower is because i was still drifting out of my last mile so it kind of took the combinations of the two times but yeah now i'm over 200 pounds and I can run two miles under 10 minutes. It's pretty good. And why different colored shoes?
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's a, it's like an ad thing by Puma. It's like kind of their new swag move, which I appreciate. Puma. Puma. It is. Yeah. I don't say it properly. And I'm still running.
Starting point is 00:12:44 My headphones fall off right here. I'm still running in wired headphones because I tried the, the AirPod thing and I just hate them. I cannot stand them. They suck. I don't know why that technology is so shitty. They're always dead. You always lose them.
Starting point is 00:12:59 They always fall out. Yeah. Hey, so how did you get down to the highway what do you mean we just ride down the hill um so this is really not this is really not the highway so behind this is malibu road this is where i do all my training at i've been running on this road for eight nine years that's not the ocean right to your left just right yeah so that is the highway no no no so pch so malibu road kind of just is underneath pepperdine so pch is right
Starting point is 00:13:27 here then there's malibu bluff park and then there's a road just underneath it where we do our training but either way you're running on the one no not on the one i'm at malibu road how could it not be the one of the oceans right there man i'm gonna try to explain this best would you mind just pulling up we need a malibu road on maps just so you can really contextualize what's going on right now just just so people know the reason why i want to know is because that's right there look at that right there there's pch there's malibu road that's where i do all my interviews sorry okay yeah yeah and where's the breakfast spot marmalade yeah marmalade's the breakfast spot? Marmalade? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Marmalade's amazing. So that's over here on the right, right next to that whole UPS thing over here, a little bit further over. You can type in Marmalade's across the street over there. The best. Okay, you're not as gangster as I thought. Okay, I thought you were running on the highway just doing that shit. No, I have to run on the highway to get there, though. So if you go over, zoom out a little bit, go to the left, go to the left a little further. There should be a Latigo Canyon right there.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We're over there on the right a little bit. There you go. That's it. Good work, Caleb. Damn. Okay. Yeah, I see it. I parked my car right here at the bottom of that and PCH, and I have to run all the way over.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And trust me, it is 100% a death defying act and then I go all the way over to Malibu Road and I start my intervals why do you choose there it's like the flattest okay you know what's funny is someone really famous
Starting point is 00:15:02 sees you running every single day oh yeah like really famous arees you running every single day Oh yeah Like really famous Are you talking about yourself I just know I know that area I mean that's like everyone is there Go up a little bit on the right here Just maybe a couple feet over at the end of this field
Starting point is 00:15:17 Go to the end of this field a little bit over Okay now you see that massive house right there With the tennis court That's Sherriff's house So for many years I would get done with my intervals, and I would stretch right in front of her house across the barco and hope that she would just open the gates and be there waiting for me. It has not happened.
Starting point is 00:15:34 What's the oldest woman you've had intercourse with? Biggest age difference. Or both. Biggest age difference. And has you ever slept with a 60-year-old woman? I'm not going to do anything, but I'm just going to use my hands. Oh, wow. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Okay. Quick movements. You got to be quick movements. Was she famous? Got to move quick. Got to move quick, guys. Was it charity? Did you feel like you were doing charity? Were you gentle? I'm doing the Lord's work. Yeah. quick, guys. Was it charity? Did you feel like you were doing charity? Were you gentle? I'm doing the Lord's work.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah. Crazy, dude. I'm doing the Lord's work. I actually always wished that I had an older girlfriend. I actually now, like, it's super weird. When I was younger, I was always dating up, like way, way up. And it was so much fun, and everyone was so nice, and it was such, like, a great experience as so much fun and everyone was so nice. And it was such like a great experience
Starting point is 00:16:25 as far as dating went as a young guy. You mean like you were 17 and they were 23? Like, which is a big deal. No, no, no, no. I'm talking about like early 20s and double my age. Wow. Oh, wow. Okay, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:38 He's over there in divorcee land. Nice. Well, that's all Malibu. Dude, it was kind of just a situation like that I couldn't control. You can't afford to live in Malibu at the age of your 20s and 30s. I was there just based off of someone else's fortune, and you're just left with very few options. So I was dating older chicks, and now that I'm in my 30s, I'm dating all – like all my girlfriends are younger than me, and it's the best. No, young chicks suck, don't they? Young chicks suck, don't they?
Starting point is 00:17:09 No, no, no, no, no, no. This is an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to share it briefly. There's this point where like a girl reaches an age, and guys too, but I'm just saying I'm not dating guys, so I'm giving you the data on girls. I wish I was dating guys, but God, God, that gene. Yeah. There's just this fear that there's two, there's two factors. I've said this before. They show up and they've had a lot of like bad relationships and they're upset.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Or there's this other thing where they're just in fear when their next relationship is really going to pop off. And then like, it's just projected onto you. I can't solve these problems. I just came here to have a date. You're talking about older women? Girls right at my age. Oh, your age. Don't you think that
Starting point is 00:17:57 in general speaking that girls under 25 are just dumb as fuck? No. I mean, it depends on the person you find. It really does. I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm talking about generally. I'm just talking about the 90%. I'm finding that it's about across the board, all ages around the world, that all people are idiots. Oh, okay. All right. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Okay. It's entirely ruined my life. You don't need to discriminate at all. Owning a business has entirely ruined my life at all owning a business is entirely ruined my life when i just started because i now have to have communications with everybody and figure out what they're doing all day and now all of a sudden i've just recognized i was like wait a second everyone's an idiot i i don't i don't and by dumb as fuck i don't mean that as an insult i just mean like nothing you want to like put your penis in i mean just like well it is maybe no not at all it's probably the opposite everybody wants to probably sleep with
Starting point is 00:18:49 girls at that age you know fountain of youth a lot of beauty all that kind of stuff it's what you have to put up with to get there that's what i mean yeah but i haven't really run into that issue like there's a there's enough common sense at this point you think it's because you hang out with athletes because you hang out with that? Because you hang out with people who persevere anywhere or cooler than people who don't persevere? Do you think that's why? Because you date chicks who go on runs instead of TikToks? I've actually recognized it's a pretty bad idea to date female athletes.
Starting point is 00:19:19 They're usually crazy. Which part? How? What's crazy about them? Well, here's my opinion. Once again, probably not going to get a lot of fans out of this but usually men like if you put a bunch of guys in a room they're going to just like they can't help themselves they'll pick up rocks and see the first person who can hit a tree who can run to the mailbox the fastest all these kind of things it's just like kind of inherently inside of us and then all of a sudden usually like it's very uncommon to find a girl that has that competitive gene usually girls have been kind of pushed towards being competitive
Starting point is 00:19:50 and now all of a sudden they're into that lifestyle and i feel like they they're there not because not necessarily that they want to be and they built this like over compensation of being very competitive like guys like i have on the other side of this wall, there's four guys right now getting ready to go do intervals with me. After that, we will probably arm wrestle. After that, we'll throw axes in the backyard. After that, we'll do all this. So there's going to be like 10 to 20 things throughout the day where we're going to compete against each other without even organizing it. We'll just, it will just happen in the female world. It doesn't, it doesn't usually happen like that as far as I've witnessed. And usually when you get those athletes that come in and get pushed all the way to the top, when you get to meet them there, you're like, oh shit, this person's wound up.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Not to say that I'm not, but I'm just saying usually on the female side of things, I've noticed that a lot. Another thing is also you could be training with those men and i could look over at you and be like man your fucking nipples are tiny hunter and you'll never think about it again but if you say that to a girl she might take that to the grave with her as like some sort of like like like like you damaged her isn't that a good thing which part the tiny part that's the thing it doesn't even it doesn't even matter whether it's good or bad that's the thing who knows I like all people it could be good or bad
Starting point is 00:21:09 it's a fact you commented on her body I feel movement in my pants every time I feel movement in my pants every time Hunter moves the banana close to his mouth I did a broadcast about a year ago where I was doing a broadcast for the sport of high rocks, and I discussed the women's body types and how they differed and how they were creating different kinds of influences and opportunities in the race.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The whole world flipped out on me. They're like, you misogynist. How dare you categorize those women and their bodies? What the fuck? What the fuck? People are idiots. Like bodybuilders get up on stage all the time. You're like, look at that glute development, the lat size.
Starting point is 00:21:49 But you were saying stuff like, hey, those shorter legs are going to be difficult in the broad jump. Those legs, that's going to be easier. She's going to be easier because she has shorter arms. And those chest-to-bars are going to be easy because she has those huge titties. You were just stating facts. 100%. I'm like, she's way off balance because the knockers are so huge. You were just stating facts.
Starting point is 00:22:01 100%. I'm like, she's way off balance because of the knockers. They're so huge. No, I'm just saying. I wasn't anything like that, but the emotional disposition of the world these days is just so flimsy. You can do anything to them and they'll collapse. Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't tag your boss. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Did they tag your boss? Right. I'm so lucky, dude. I have no boss. I do worry from time to time because the brands that I work with that I'm going to get in trouble. But I'm not doing anything with bad intentions. I work for Puma. I love Puma.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Great relationships with them. I don't think I'm doing anything to truly hurt anybody. But the wrong person on the staff could look at something that I said and say that i'm a risk um represent the company that i work for as far as clothing goes those guys are bad to the fucking bone they're they'll they're ride or die so what's the name of the brand represent that's the ten thousand dollar jacket brand dude hold on wait a second dude look at this fucking pony are you jealous yeah that's cool that is 100% me these are my two side pieces oh really that's the hunter mcintyre sweater from represent i can't i can't confirm or deny such things wow hey hunter what did you think about speaking of um uh flimsy and flat what
Starting point is 00:23:18 did you think about drake's penis i didn't get to see it i googled it and it was immediately down was it good was it a nice dick it's it's just it was it good was it a nice dick it's just it's like rubbery it's weird but I really liked how he addresses it as the Apollo rocket it doesn't look like a real penis it's big it's big yeah it's a big it's a big penis but just the way it's like
Starting point is 00:23:38 he's watching porn and it's like flopping around and shit it's weird it's no good it's what I imagine is and shit. It's weird. It's no good. It's like a Coke. It's what I imagine. It came out about it is that he supposedly, the reason why it was what it was because he's had plastic surgery done to it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. That's all I heard. The only thing that was aligned with the entire conversation, there's plastic surgery involved with his dick. As I eat my banana. How many bananas are you gonna have this morning many as it takes three i gotta eat three hey um so you're at the mountain you're at the mountain pad
Starting point is 00:24:13 oh yeah three bananas i'd pop that's crazy hey you now have the world record for pairs and singles. Crazy congratulations to you, dude. That is so wild. Thanks, brother. Tell me about the doubles. You did it once with a guy, and you guys missed it by 12 seconds, as I recall. Yeah. Trade him in? Yeah, that's the question. What's that?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Did you trade him in, your buddy? Yeah. Well, so here's the thing also. The original categories we were doing was called what's open, so it trade them in your buddy? Yeah. Well, so here's the thing. Also the original categories we were doing, it was called what's open. So it's technically the female weight and we were doing it. Now we're up. We did, they just released pro,
Starting point is 00:24:52 which is male weight. And that's what we just set in world, the world record. And it was only, they only do it at world championships. Now it's in, but our time was so impressive or the third fastest time, I think in history,
Starting point is 00:25:03 even with pro weight, it was a freak pro weight it was a freakish it was a very freakish result that we ended up doing and um i'm pumped about it i think doubles actually you know once again i don't run i don't have any affiliation with high rocks as far as their business strategy goes but i i'm hoping that they start to have what's called the double season and then the single season so So like it would almost be, I remember when CrossFit used to do like the team championships, the affiliate,
Starting point is 00:25:28 like what JR does teams of team crash, crucible versus crash crescendo. One of them's individual, one of them's team. You want them separate. Yeah. I think that'd be perfect. And they're not doing that,
Starting point is 00:25:38 but we could have like a fall doubles series and then we could have the world championship for singles in the spring, spring, summer. And then you could compete in both yeah it's far more exciting race by the way far more exciting because you're able to one put down way more power there's all different forms of strategy and it's fast very fast um so going back to what hillar was asking you why did you trade in your partner why not stick with the partner you had who you already have like one one experience with i mean he's a good guy he just doesn't have the horsepower
Starting point is 00:26:08 you know he was a sub four minute miler and but the thing that like a lot of people run into uh a lot of people run into these issues is that they just can't they can't hold horsepower it's like the difference between like a power lifter like an an Olympic lifter and a CrossFitter like that Olympic lifter may be able to lift like, you know, 50 more kilos on the bar, but that CrossFitter is able to hold 90% capacity for long periods of time. And for our sport, you know, running fast, isn't going to fucking cut it. You have to now all of a sudden get onto a station and sprint and push really hard, change energy, energy systems, muscle groups. The guy ended up racing with Michael Sandbach,
Starting point is 00:26:49 that guy over there on the right. You can tell he's a buff motherfucker. He's like a big, he's a big dude and he can, his body is big enough that he can hold horsepower where a smaller body just gets overloaded quick. Careful. Talk about men's bodies.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Oh no. Braylon tender fitness competitor dollar 99 uh mr mcintyre what's up bro reach out for some free coaching wait this guy's a creep dude this guy's a super big creep i think this is the guy that comes onto our show now and has a men's group yep yep why is that why is that creepy dude hey listen Hunter humble yourself buddy I see the holes in your training Mr. McIntyre I'll be happy to hone these skills for you and get you to the crossfit games in 2021 yeah dude this guy's really good
Starting point is 00:27:35 I know you should give this guy's athletes dude it's fucking crazy for sure we had to block the guy and then all of a sudden he had other people coming on yeah look clock clocks his other person so these people they have like this little side hustle i think they're all in pakistan and there's a bunch of guys around a computer right now typing and messaging hunter these are my people be gentle these are my people
Starting point is 00:28:00 just embrace them these are my retarded cousins and nephew yeah i love all these this is my have you ever seen that bit for the show what are you talking about do i like him i love him no no no you know um have you ever seen that that picture of the guy who goes into like the deep woods of georgia and takes a picture of um the incestual family oh yeah yeah yeah bring up that picture real quick i guarantee these are the people sending over these coaching things. There he is again. You should see my stable of absolute horses who's all ready to compete. Dude, I will tie all the horses in the back of me, and I'll drag through them the fucking dirt.
Starting point is 00:28:36 This is definitely a dude. Hey, look at this. Oh, this is great. Pull the leash off and let the bin run. Oh, dude, this is good. This is good. I can't wait to attend it. Yes, yes, these guys.
Starting point is 00:28:48 These are the guys with the computers. Oh, my God. What is this? That's the one that just barked. You've never seen this? Hiller, you've never seen this group? Meet the Whitakers inside America's most inbred family that speaks in grunts. This isn't true.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Show the image, dude. Show the image of him. If you listen to the interview of the photographer who, yeah. These are the guys who are commenting on your page right now. These are the horses. Wait, so you've never seen this? No. Are they really good at something or no?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Dude, no, they're not really good. They're all fucked up because they're complete incest. The dude in the red doesn't even speak. He just barks. Oh, my God. The interview of the guy who took the picture is insane. Yeah. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:29:29 David something, I think. David. I think his channel is called White Underbelly. And they go into these, like, rural places and interview these people. But he's had a relationship with this group, the Whitakers, for, like, some years now. Do you guys want to hear a crazy story? And early on, he got kicked off of their property. It was nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Is there a 62-year-old woman in it? Oh, dude, we just got sloppy tips. We troll you with love, Hunter. Let us love you. See? I think that's another one of his crew members. Yeah, they just want to gag on it. Hunter, let them gag.
Starting point is 00:30:02 This guy's going to train it out of me. I think this guy's trying to be my daddy. Whoa, JT. Hold on. I do want to hear daddy whoa hold on i do want to hear your funny story i do want to hear your funny story caller no it's not funny it's crazy oh hello caller so dude a couple weeks ago there's a call wait can you give me one second can you give me one second hunter sorry give me one second a couple weeks ago but give me one second let's let this guy chime in here people love the callers callers are so popular oh my god dude remember that remember that crackhead that you had on the show with hillary that one day you mean will plumber the guy who you get you got the guy you got on trt and couldn't stop flexing and jumping up oh no gary oh to this day i will never get that time back. My brain is still rattled from that day.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Dude, I love Gary. Holy shit. He's like, yeah. Just hitting karate moves. I'm like, what the fuck? I was like, I cannot imagine who this guy's wife is. I guarantee she wakes up in the morning and puts on all these MMA pads and just walks out and lets her husband just beat the shit out of him. She puts earplugs in and just like, all right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:31:10 All right, here we go. Another day. Yes, start beating him. Sequel at like noon to calm him down. Oh, my. Tell me this crazy story, Hunter. All right. So I literally – so this is crazy. I've taken mushrooms and hallucinogens hundreds of times for fun because life should be fun.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And I believe that I have more experience than like anybody I've ever encountered with these things because I've just taken it so many times. Like, you know, just be like – yeah. Okay. Now, I'm not saying I'm guaranteeing it's right. I just haven't encountered people with as much experience as me. Have you been on this show while you're on them and we didn't know? No, no, no, no. I don't use them like that.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I don't walk around and eat them like Skittles. But – I'm sure you do. Those are the people that i don't trust uh so basically you know there's in in la or at least in this community out here it is very big to encounter people that are shamans and they hold space for you we'll take you through this experience we'll walk you through to the next like your next dimension we'll have this awakening you know it's everywhere and you just like want to throw up and uh basically i'm gonna have to turn off these comments uh so basically i never really liked it whenever i encountered somebody that, I just cringed a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Immediately, just my shades went down, my earmuffs went on. So about a year ago, my buddy introduced me to a guy who's a shaman. And this is not, he's just like a regular shaman. He's a shaman to the stars. And I was like, all right, whatever. Probably just somebody who's hand-holding some rich people. So I don't think anything of it. We have conversations,
Starting point is 00:33:09 so on and so forth. And then it's my buddy's birthday coming up back in November. And I was like, I would like to, you know, take care of her, you know, um, get you for whatever your services are and, and puts our buddy through an experience. Like I'd really love to give him that. And he's like, let's do it. Didn't line't line up a couple weeks ago we figure out that we can just come do it at my house just a group of us friends and everything and i'm just expecting to go in there and have a good time have a good old-fashioned thigh slapper and what are you doing what what hallucinogenics did you guys do mushrooms or it was mushrooms. It was mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And this is like in a very controlled situation, very professional. Like, you know, the guy's got a PhD in this business and it's like, it's true. Like dude studied it all around the world at the highest level. I went through the most profound experience in my entire life. As somebody who's had to be like court mandated to go to therapy, take medication, hundreds of therapy sessions a year type thing, rehabs, facilities,
Starting point is 00:34:15 books, specialists, your fucking dumb ass friend mayhem mindset. Like I've dealt with every single person who is supposed to be a good person at this kind of stuff. And they're all, they do nothing. They take paychecks. They take your money. That's what they're good at.
Starting point is 00:34:32 But I've really struggled to find anybody who understands anything about humanity or the human experience. They read a book, then they regurgitate it to you. Then they take your paycheck and the cycle continues. book, then they regurgitate it to you. Then they take your paycheck and the cycle continues. This person cracked me open like a watermelon, scooped out my insides. Everything that ever happened to me brought things to light that I didn't even know was true or I had experienced or I'd been through and like showed them to me, talked me through them. Like, just like, not even crying, but just fluid streaming out of my face kind of stuff just like yeah yeah just unbelievable i didn't know this was humanly
Starting point is 00:35:14 possible i just didn't i had no clue that somebody could literally do these things and had these powers and he didn't do it like like haphazardly or mistakenly like he had knew what he was doing from the start he had a strategy he it was profound it was profound and i feel like an entirely different person you do oh my god i feel like i've been what's that when how ago? It's two weekends ago. Do you feel lighter or do you feel like you want to quit? Do you want to feel like I have like a thousand pound pack off my shoulders? Just wow.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Unbelievable. I can't even get into the high rocks race. What's that? Did you do this before or after the high rocks race? After, after, after. Did it help?
Starting point is 00:36:00 I wonder if this is going to make you a shitty athlete. I wonder if he got, if he got rid of what you needed to be, to, to. I wonder if he got rid of what you needed to – I wonder if he got rid of the – No, I don't think so. Okay, good. Because I was spending so much of my energy being upset. I was upset a lot, often.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Who are you upset at? And I live a great life. Braylon Tender? What's that? You're upset at Braylon Tender? No. So wait, how did it work that he just ask probing questions and just keep going deeper and was just like like how did he lead you down the path to open to crack that
Starting point is 00:36:29 watermelon it was one of those kind of things where it was like he puts um it was like a really good fisherman like the dude was kind of bobbing the lure for a very long time without me even noticing i was like i don't want meh i don't want to like whatever it's not's not even there. By the time you recognize it's there, you've already swallowed the whole thing. Kind of like, it's just like, it was crazy. And the entire experience, he wasn't really pushing me at all. He wasn't trying to pull it all. And at one point he just came up and he's like, you know what you have to do. Right. And I was like, Oh yeah, you know, whatever. And he's like, no, you, you know what you have to do. it doesn't have to be that hard and it was like something struck me like a dart i was like oh so i had to go now into the other room and i started like writhing like a serpent and i started taking all my clothes off
Starting point is 00:37:17 ripping out my piercings like everything i was just like and what piercings what piercings what piercings i got earrings in and i just was like everything was coming off everything was like i was just like out of it and the dude like came in and like got me and like held me like a child for two hours this is amazing how big was this dude is this like a little man like my size dude yeah this is like ant-man holding a goliath like he's not that small but it was just like it was it was crazy did you pay him for this did you pay him for this i'm sure he gets paid tremendous amounts of money he did this as like a service as like a friends we're friends like
Starting point is 00:38:02 we hang out i hope he understands i'm saying this in the most respectful way possible like i literally if i i would sell every object that i have to go through that again like that was crazy now have you talked to him since it happened totally totally guys is he a magician does he know how profound it was for you yeah and he doesn't even like take it like he's like like yeah i'm so cool because of he's like yep i'm sorry why do you go and see that person did you did you expect that to happen or were you like no way in hell not at all this wasn't for me it was originally for my friend that's why i said i was just gonna have like a thigh slap like let's get high boys and uh you didn't want to babysit friend, and you knew this dude babysitted people when they were on drugs, so you brought him in.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I didn't like, I just like, you know, my buddy had just turned 40. I was like, why not start the next chapter of life with a little bit of a zinger? Did that dude take any mushrooms? Did the shaman take any? Yeah, I believe so. Yeah. Hey, I want to see this shaman. I'm into it.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Dude, I'm not going to lie. I don't know how much money it costs, and I'm not trying to sell you guys. I think you should pay three easy payments to Mayhem Mindset right now. No. Hiller, you would do that? You would do mushrooms with Hunter? Absolutely. I've never done them, but I'm not afraid of them.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Amazing. I can't even tell you that I'm not afraid of them. Amazing. I can't even tell you that. Would you do it again with Hiller? Oh, fuck yeah, dude. If I could give anybody that experience, I would. Can I wear a GoPro? I don't think that would help. No, we could both wear them.
Starting point is 00:39:41 It's not supposed to help. I don't think you want to watch back and see. I don't want to see myself in that place i wonder if it would make it worse it would ruin it dude i had my other friend my other friend to come and like cradle me too because once i had gone through the whole thing i was like i don't know if it's safe over here hey dude there are these people i knew that did something like what you're describing and they were never the same in a good way or a bad way? Well, it depends on who you ask because I would say it wasn't the best way.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'm sure they would be enlightened and they'd be like, this is the best decision I ever made. And I go, well, dude, you're almost homeless. Yeah. Well, dude, I have this conversation all the time where I can't decide whether or not being homeless or a billionaire is the best decision
Starting point is 00:40:22 because you want to have absolute freedom by being so rich? You're no longer on the board anymore. Or do you want to be so homeless and so free that you never have a board? Where are you standing on that spectrum now? Cause last time we talked, you wanted it to be so rich. You were off the board.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And now are you saying you want to be homeless because of the shaman? No, no, no, no, no, no. I just have the conversation in my head enough.
Starting point is 00:40:43 If you're not having the conversation, then you're on the board and you don't even know you're on it. The thing for me is like, the thing for me is, is like, I want to have a family. Like I was raised in a great family. I want to continue that experience. I think it's our responsibility of human beings. If you are a good person to continue to create good energy, that's going to move forward. good energy that's going to move forward. Like if you're a toothless idiot, like it's probably best that you stay that way and stay by yourself. But, um, you know, for me, like I want to continue that and I can't provide in, in the homelessness. Like I think if I moved into the jungle and we just ate like papaya fruit and stuff like that and sat around a fire, I could totally take care of them. But being the fact that I want to be with my family and fly across the world to go see them i want to be able to you know occasionally go see you guys whatever it is you have to have enough money to provide occasionally see us you always want to see us what do you mean on the board on the board like a handful of years ago i recognized like you
Starting point is 00:41:39 have to be an idiot not to notice this but no that's rude of me to say you said all the time um it's it's monopoly we're taught this as a kid we're like we're teased with this like we're on a board we pick our pieces this is our avatar and we're all making laps in every single lap someone's losing money every single lap someone's just surviving another at every single lap there's somebody who's just destroying it and you know that's the same exact thing that's happening in this world right now and there's there's the bank and then all of a sudden somehow you always know when you play monopoly there's somebody at the bank who's just like stealing money a little bit and there's the people like you know it's you're taught this stuff as a kid and then you all of a sudden recognize in reality like you're like wait a
Starting point is 00:42:22 second like are we out of money like no the bank's gonna give you a loan and like you know all of a sudden recognize in reality, like you're like, wait a second, like, are we out of money? Like, no, the bank's going to give you a loan. And like, you know, all of a sudden, so you just recognize you're like, this is all a game and you can choose to play it however you want. Like, technically I could go bankrupt tomorrow and press a reset button. The bank will give me a loan. Technically I'm looked at as a zero credit, um, you know, stability, but who gives a shit? It's a game. You know, the more invested you get, the bigger that you get, technically you have more assets and more stress, um, leveraged against you. But at the same time, it's still all a game. Like I could shut down my business tomorrow. I could sell off everything that I have. I think about this all the time. No one can stop me. Um, um so the shaman well he enlightened me even more
Starting point is 00:43:08 you recognize that all of a sudden through the game that you're playing that you're seeing things in the way that you're perceived or taught and you don't have to necessarily see things the way that you've been told to see them it's all a game you can you know you can be the, this is, this is the trick, right? So using, using your two, two end points, the homeless guy sees the miracle, right? He sees the magic fucking happening everywhere and that the universe is conspiring to help him at all times. And he's completely surrendered and he's just seeing the miracle of life. But you could be the filthy rich guy and be attached to nothing yeah and and see what the homeless guy sees it's just that i thought you said all homeless people are drug addicts
Starting point is 00:43:55 i said i said that most of them are because most of them i'm not talking about homeless homeless is the is just a um uh signal it has nothing to do with having a home or not having a home. You can be a homeless person and still be – but this homeless person I'm talking about could live in a home. But you – an ascetic. Let's call an ascetic. You can walk the earth like an ascetic, like Fitness Lonnie does. You just walk around, and you let the world take care of you. You don't make any decisions, and you let the world take care of you. You have no addictions you have no demands on the world you're in this sort of all accepting space but you can be absolutely filthy rich and be in that spot too and um it and that that was uh give everything up and you
Starting point is 00:44:38 receive everything and so that's that's what you're juggling right hunter you want the freedom of the homeless guy but you want to you want to but not even you want but you're juggling, right, Hunter? You want the freedom of the homeless guy, but you want to – not even you want, but you're open to the fact of being an absolutely filthy rich ascetic. Well, you can have so much money that you don't have to really play by the rules. You can buy an island. They've done that. And you can do weird things on the island. They've shown that too. on the island they've shown that too mr uh i'm not saying i want to go down uh that route but you just never have to really uh abide by any of the laws like even during uh covid when all that
Starting point is 00:45:12 shit shut down some of the people that i knew that were wealthier basically just ended up like buying and creating their own schools creating their own medical systems everything like that you're like wait a second i don't have to listen to anybody. So by my standard, I'm not trying to get so rich that I don't have to listen to rules. I just don't want to have to technically be shackled by anything. I technically have to pay the states every single, banks every single day for this property. And I have to you know do all that kind of stupid shit eventually you can get so rich that i think you don't really have to abide by any of that it's just a game of just shifting around numbers that don't really
Starting point is 00:45:53 exist yeah you're always we're always trying to just buy back our autonomy and buy back our time like all you want is the freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it and the time to be able to have the space to do it. And all of that requires money. At least everybody's a prostitute to a degree. I've always said that you're always selling yourself in some way, shape or form, whether it's sexually, or I'm, you know, selling my body right now for these clothing companies. But anyone can set themselves. You can see you.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Everyone has their own sliding scale. You can just start setting yourself free if you want. Totally. You can just stop paying your mortgage, stop paying. You can just let your whole shit collapse into nothing and just watch it happen. Yeah. But if you get so rich, you don't have to give yourself to anything. You own every single metric of time, whatever it is. You can get so rich to the point where it's like, I don't have to wait in lines anymore.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I'm just going to buy the building. But then you're still participating in the illusion whereas the other way you're not participating in the illusion you get to move the pieces of the puzzle like larger pieces of the puzzle in the illusion and when you're really rich like if you want to time travel just buy a private jet you're gonna move quicker than anybody else can on this earth yeah you're gonna go from from la to new york faster than anybody else traveling any other way like i just had to travel i said to book flights and i was trying to like figure out how to manage my workouts meetings and flights over to the east coast to see my family
Starting point is 00:47:15 and the flights only leave at like 6 a.m 10 a.m this and i can only get home i can only arrive there at 2 p.m 10 p.m or 1 a.m i was like i don't like any of those times but i'm beholden to the system or you can just get so rich you're just like my jet lands whenever i want it to that's right yeah you own everything you're so free you're not on the board anymore yep that's the goal i think magnus asked how much that would take i think that i think it'd probably take about 10 10 million dollars no no no no, no, no, no. Cause once you get it, you could, you could bank 10 million and you could fly, you know, private on a timeshare and different things like that.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And it would probably only cost you like a million something a year. And as long as it was invested properly, you could pull enough return off of that to where you could probably start to get outside the game off at that level. I mean, a hundred million, you'd be fine. 30,000 feet. You'd be good. You wouldn't have to fucking touch anything. You could buy a city if you wanted to i think you need 20 million is my my lowest lowest watermark that's math i've done i'm also gonna have like 65 children i read an article
Starting point is 00:48:15 the other day 100 million how old how old are you hunter you better start if you're gonna do that you better hurry up you better get on that dude i'm starting soon i'm starting soon trust me or you just have a bunch of chicks like i've thought about that too you can do that you better hurry up you better get on that dude i'm starting soon i'm starting soon trust me or you just have a bunch of chicks like i've thought about that too you can do that you can do that in like i don't know 60 days easy or less i'm excited just pump them out matt reynolds i think seven i think seven is saying even the idea of wanting to be so rich to not want is wanting that's still attachment yeah i'm talking about a different there's a freedom that you will only have if you do not have desire and um and you can be filthy rich and be in that spot but most people don't most people go the other way well actually that's why i go anyway
Starting point is 00:48:57 i drive everywhere for that reason i don't want to leave when your plane tells me to leave i'm just going to drive whenever i feel like it. But then I take 10 hours to drive. Yeah, I was going to say, then you pay for it another way. I just get an Uber. If you look at all gurus, none of them have wives, kids, or families. They may have like concubines, but look at all gurus. They have like everybody, but they have nobody technically. So like that, I don't align myself with that.
Starting point is 00:49:25 No desires kind of thing. I have a desire to have a family. Those people are going to have their own desires and I'm going to provide for all of that. So you do have to align yourself with somewhat of humanity. But if you look at all these gurus, you find out about them. They're like just in these places, like folded up, sitting in the dirt. They don't need anything. They've already arrived.
Starting point is 00:49:43 They're arriving wherever they need to go. They're, they're in all places at all times in in all things i'm not going to be that person i don't need that kind of freedom that's too much i want to keep talking about this but i want to hear the details of your two-man race and how you guys did it and how close you were to fucking up and like did you guys fight at all and like did you have diarrhea and are you guys like tell me some like the trials and tribulations did you guys fight at all? And like, did you have diarrhea? And are you guys like, tell me some of the trials and tribulations. Did you guys train a lot before? What was your time? He was already a really fit guy and I was a fit guy. I actually had a hard time during the race. Um, cause I just set the world record, you know, about six weeks earlier, but I had just started with a coach and we were going through a power block and it just ended up just so perfectly aligning that I could race with this guy.
Starting point is 00:50:26 So I was as far away as I could possibly be from being where I wanted to be. So I basically stopped all the endurance and I was doing like 200 meters and power, really explosive power lifting. I was bulking. Like I was just a brick shit house at the time. And we were having to move as fast as possible. And, you know, obviously to set move as fast as possible and you know obviously to set
Starting point is 00:50:46 a world record um you know he was in really good shape and you know we i technically are you saying you were the weak weak link of the race that's the first time i've ever heard you say that no i wasn't the weak link of the race but i was a weak version of myself is what i'm trying to say like usually i'm able to just kill my partners I wasn't able to kill my partner this time. Like we were pretty aligned evenly, but it was my goal every single time to lead the runs and make sure that he got to the station first and did the work.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And then I would do the second half of it. And, you know, I would start stations. So the way you want to end up doing doubles is it's basically someone's going to have to pull on the running and whoever's in front actually ends up having to do more work because it's just like this mental game of setting a pace. I don't know why. It just costs more energy to be the leader. And you were the leader?
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yes. Nine times out of 10, I was leading. was leading. So then you get to a station basically. And your goal is it's like you have, you have energy systems where you're able to kind of go into phosphagen system and you're able to just like snap in a sprint really quickly. And you want to get about, you know, anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds of work. So like a sled push for me, it would take anywhere from a whole length could take me six seconds, just sprint as hard as i can get it done and i would only do a half of a length so sprint six seconds switch out sprint six session yeah so like right there your whole goal when you're doing this is just to like absolutely eradicate that thing for
Starting point is 00:52:17 a handful of seconds do you only like that just to make your biceps look big because that looks horribly inefficient. No. So if you look at that, what you're doing by changing the angle of your body right now, you could either have your, your imagine taking that shoulder and shifting it back behind the bars, which you could do now, all of a sudden your center of mass is over the sled and you're using your glutes actually rather than your quads and your quads just end up being so much more of a factor while racing. And the glutes are so much more powerful. If you get that positioning, it's a game changer. Okay. All right. I'll take your word on it. And you only do that if you're six foot one. No, you can do it. But I also have a weight, a larger frame. Do you see how my, my muscles
Starting point is 00:53:00 across the shoulders are like bending inwards? My, My frame is able to push into the bar without having to flex into it. I'm folding inward, actually. Some of these guys are so narrow, they've got the bodies of a shaved pelican. Hey, here's the thing. I'm thinking about the transfer of energy from you to that sled is not so good because you're not rigid that's what i see but but what fuck what do i know you can't even see his penis from here he's rigid you guys can't tell because it's so big and my thighs in the way the tip of my penis is actually pushing that plate right there yeah rigid how close were you guys to not look at sean commented
Starting point is 00:53:42 on this look at if you ain't first you're last look at one of the One of our guys this guy. I wish I was that sled look at Jesus Mm-hmm. Do you think Sleeky is a guy or a girl with those big cheeks? I'm kind of girl I think girl if I had to guess dude, I think that's Hillers second handle and those are his cheeks Yeah, I'm actually commenting while we're on the show. Yes, I would too dude Um in how close and how close were you guys to not setting the world record? Oh Yeah, I'm actually commenting while we're on the show. Yes. I would too, dude. And how close were you guys to not setting the world record? Oh, we beat it by a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But I wanted to break 50 minutes. We would have had an astounding pace. Because I technically want to see if it's possible in my career as an individual to break 50 minutes. And it's double the fact that we hit 50-22. I was like, it's going to be hard. But it will get done eventually. Aren't you going to retire? You're not done. Yeah, you're not done,
Starting point is 00:54:32 Hunter. I've got a couple years. I thought you were going to retire. You said that like last week. I want to retire. Oh, but you're not going to because you're too good. You know, John Young called you the High Rocks Jesus the other day. I'll take that as a compliment.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah. I think that should be a shirt. You'll get in trouble for that. By the way, they were talking about, uh, sponsorships and CrossFit. And recently Mal O'Brien announced that she wasn't competing this year, but that I think also said that she would continue posting.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And then there's talk about sponsorship and CrossFit versus high rocks. And they're like, Hunter is high rocks Jesus. And he can't even throw a stone at the sponsors about sponsorship in CrossFit versus High Rocks, and they're like, Hunter is High Rocks' Jesus, and he can't even throw a stone at the sponsorships thrown at CrossFit athletes. Is there something to that? How is it looking over in the High Rocks world with sponsorships? I can tell you right now I'm going to whoop the fucking piss out of these guys when it comes to sponsorships in the next 18 months.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Nice. Meaning they're shit right now. No, not at all. I'm killing it. What do you win for winning a doubles race like that? Is it $10,000? Nothing. So High Rocks literally technically doesn't pay me any money.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I think last year I made $19,000 because I won the race. When you say nothing, do you mean zero or it's insignificant? I made zero. I actually made zero. You won that race and got $0. Yeah, High Rocks doesn't really do a ton for the professional side of it they just it's okay they're expanding the business i'm grateful that they're doing well i'm not going to sit here and complain about it because that's just another it's a loser's mentality to complain about a game that
Starting point is 00:55:58 you're not going to be able to change so i'm not begging for money i just go make money on my own um you know as far as sponsorship goes like what i've recognized is like i had a conversation with So I'm not begging for money. I just go make money on my own. As far as sponsorship goes, what I've recognized is I had a conversation with a sponsor just recently. I was like, you're no longer paying me to be an athlete because that's not the case anymore. I'm a marketing machine. I win regardless of what I post. If you guys want to just get aligned with somebody who wins, that I do already. But as far as it goes for social media and everything like that, we're producing more content, like by 10 X, what high rocks does and like a hundred X of any other
Starting point is 00:56:31 athlete in the space. And you guys are trying to get inside of this space and you're trying to sell your shoes because it's untapped market. You're trying to sell your watches, your clothes, like this company represents, they were doing very well on their own, but literally 12 months ago, you went to a race, you'd see maybe three shirts. Now you literally are seeing like 3000 of that population of the 10,000 people that raced when I was there, 50% of the men are wearing those shirts. It's crazy. I'm not saying that I'm always a hundred percent aligned with that, but it just takes specific marketing and strategy
Starting point is 00:57:06 and you can make Oprah money. And I'm telling you right now, and I've said this many times, like CrossFit is just this stuck pig. Like it got the bow in it and it's bleeding out and it's kind of smashing through trees and grunting around. You can hear it and it's just faltering
Starting point is 00:57:22 and flopping around. And even its champions don't want to compete in it anymore. I guess if Mal O'Brien's not competing, you can tell if, trust me, if it was doing so well, I would do everything within my power to be competing right now. I would say it's not doing well. Hell dude, you are never winning the CrossFit games. You were never making sponsorship deals the way you do at high rocks.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Are you kidding? That's the reason you're at high rocks. You're the best at it. No, but I saying like, dude, by the way way even if i was making tons of money at crossfit i would still not want to do crossfit if this opportunity was here crossfit's lifestyle blows if you ever hang out with a professional crossfitter they live the most boring life of anybody i've ever met it's like a it's like the turtle at the zoo like it comes out of its little rock and it eats lettuce in front of you and then it goes back into its little rock cake that's like fucking cool analogy hey dude dude they are seriously young crossfitter i mean i agree with you 100 they're it is they are some of the young
Starting point is 00:58:17 i don't know but just young ufc fighters are so much more enjoyable to interview than young crossfitters it is it is they are a um every single time or more often than not more often than not i'm just saying in general probably young people are just not enjoyable for me to interview because they don't have a lot of experience in general um you know unless they escape from a foster home at seven but but fuck man young people like these crossfitters who all they do is spend time on social media and train, they are lunchboxes, dude. It is – it's embarrassing. I don't even want to have them on the show.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So-and-so is like, so-and-so would never come on your show. It's like, dude, I've seen them be interviewed. I don't want them on the show. Don't want to carry that load around. Holy shit, dude. They have nothing to share. They have nothing to share. Hunter experienced more on his last mushroom trip than the vast majority of young CrossFit athletes, I feel,
Starting point is 00:59:09 will experience until they're 50. What were you saying? You're not wrong. I was going to ask if you have a toothpaste sponsor. I have one. Actually, you know what's funny? I don't use soap, and I barely ever brush my teeth. I'll go on toothbrush fasts. Not intentionally. It's just you travel around so much, you're like's funny? I don't use soap, and I barely ever brush my teeth. I'll go on toothbrush fasts.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Not intentionally. It's just you travel around so much, like, I forgot my toothbrush. Oops. A lunchbox is like a box of rocks, a doorknob. It's just vapid, nothing to say. Yeah. Has nothing penetrating, nothing deep. They only get thought. They get thought. They haven't, they, they only get thought.
Starting point is 00:59:46 They get thought. They don't actually do the thinking there. Those are people who just thought spontaneously come in their brain and they either react to them or don't. They've never actually thought anything. Hey, I gotta say something. I'm, I am about 40 pages into both the Tia Toomey book and the Brooke Wells book. Heart of the strongest muscle and relentless. How much fun are you having? to both the Tia Toomey book and the Brooke Wells book, Heart of the Strongest Muscle and Relentless. How much fun are you having?
Starting point is 01:00:09 I had way more fun listening to your shaman experience than I had in those 80 pages, without a doubt. I just don't think that was on topic. I think they're really cool. And by the way, the Relentless book is way better than The Heart is the Strongest Muscle. And it's not even close.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Rook's book's way better than Tia's book in the first 40 pages. Rook's book is way better so far. Sleeky, got to fix that toothpaste problem, Mr. McIntyre, fast if you want to impregnate chicks. No. I don't use contraception. just don't brush my brush my teeth under would you write a book i've been writing a book for a while but then oh yeah i've been tripping balls i'll read you guys the first um the first entrance of if you guys want to hear it i'd love to hear it yeah yeah you guys ready for this fucking thing sit down children, children. It's time to rip. What do you think I'm doing? Let's see here.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Pull the mountain. Hey, if anyone wants to know how deep you are, if you're like, I wonder how deep I am. The barometer is this. Every time you're offended, you're a bottomless well. And every time you're offended, that means you're not deep. That means something someone said hit you, and you stopped it because you're an ego fucking maniac. When you're not offended by anything and you can just let things just go and just go to the bottom of your well and get eaten by your soul, that's your depth. So anytime anyone's offended, like John Woolley has no depth to him.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Like that, like, like John Wooley has no depth to him. He is an absolute doorknob. And that's why he's so fun to talk about because this medium is just like fabulous for talking about just superficial shit. John, he was, he, John, the make them the bald guy that you said is, it looks like he does cocaine with young girls. He like you're only when, when someone says something that offends you and then you tattleattle on your boss You are just the shallowest piece of shit ever Because you have no depth You couldn't take it You're not even a man
Starting point is 01:02:14 At that point Soul of a lion Hunter McIntyre What's the name of the book? Bull of the Mountain Bull? Bull? Bull? B-U-L-L?
Starting point is 01:02:27 Yeah, he's a fucking tattletale. That's right. He's a tattletale. He's that little kid. Jumbly's the guy that ran around with the yard duty. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's like, hey, I broke this kid's arm in third grade.
Starting point is 01:02:44 We were and everyone ran to the teacher Hey, I broke this kid's arm in third grade. And everyone ran to the teacher like, I broke this guy's arm. And I'm like, yeah. And I was going to tell him anyway. Fuck you guys. It's like, come on. That's what third graders do, right? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I want to hear how you broke his arm after I hear an opening paragraph. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Opening page. Opening five pages. All right, you guys got to be patient with me. Opening chapters. I'm going to light some incense. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah, light it up. Okay, so Bull of the Mountain. So this is just based on my human experience, so I'll give you guys the entrance chapter. You can find books on depression, anxiety, heartbreak, or just about anything to help guide or educate the human mind. Almost everyone struggles with some kind of mental ailment from time to time. There's a massive industry built around these issues filled with books, doctors, and medication that will help solve or at least help you cope with your issues. There's another mental disorder that doesn't get as much attention but is just as heavily medicated as the issues listed above. This is ADD and ADHD, the inability to concentrate often paired with impulsive behavior,
Starting point is 01:03:50 hyperactivity of disorder, of behavior, hyperactive behavior, sorry. I was one of these kids. I was born into the pharmaceutical era of heavily medicated, um, medicating kids with too much energy or lack of focus in the classroom. From the young age of eight years old, I was put on medication daily to help me be like the other kids in the classroom. It started with medication like Ritalin and eventually made its way up to me taking bipolar medication and tranquilizers to keep me subdued. This went on for over a decade and was eventually court ordered to be taken while I was at rehab just after high school. decade and was eventually court ordered to be taken while I was at rehab just after high school.
Starting point is 01:04:30 There was no playbook of guidance during this time, just a constant flow of doctor's appointments and medication that followed. I can honestly say that I'm not hurt, I'm just confused. It was a very odd way to grow up. Now that I'm older, I can clearly see that what was going on was wrong and no one stepped in to stop the continuance of this existence. We just kept on going to more appointments and taking more pills. I know that there are many people out there who've experienced similar lives. Even if you aren't one of these people, you might know someone like this and hopefully reading this book might help you have some clarity on this life. I chose to write this book because I was told my entire life that youth, my entire youth that these pills were necessary. I was told that these doctors knew best. I was told that I would be this way for the rest of my life and that I would
Starting point is 01:05:13 have to find a way to balance out my life with the help of both, help them both. I can easily say that after going to rehab at the age of 19, I can happily say after going to rehab at the age of 19, I've never taken medication ever since. Not only have I i never taken medication but i've also won 10 world titles in my sport and won and owned three international businesses and limited functioning capacity far above the non-medicated kids that i grew up with i was able to break away from the world that they told me i would always be dependent on the energy that they said was a distraction and issue is
Starting point is 01:05:45 now a superpower that I'm able to use to my benefit now that I was able to create a formula of my own success. If you were like this or know someone like this, the same can be done for you. Reading the books of champions of our worlds have always given me great insight on how I could build a life like theirs. I'm hoping that this book can shine light for those who uh were lost once like me i'm not saying that i'm a doctor but i am here to share my story and show that it's possible these chapters paint a picture of many ups and downs a rocky path to say the least however i never stopped trying i never let these disorders determine how my life would turn out i continued to see the hope and strength of my personality and the characteristics that came with it.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I only wish that I had access to someone with more guidance to where this was all going. It was very isolating not knowing what my outcome would be. I was not like the other kids and I was told that often. The truth is that things got way worse before they got better, but I'm here to tell the truth that you all need to hear. Being lost is okay. We're all lost from time to time. What isn't okay is giving up.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Just over the mountain of pain and suffering is a valley of hope and opportunity. You just have to have the courage to climb. No matter how messy the road may be, find your inner champion and start climbing. Done. Nice. Yeah. I i think i decided you know i'd been writing the book for a while and then um after witnessing a couple things that were happening with just people that i knew and families i just recognized that like these the next generation is just getting crazy heavily medicated and pushed into these like boxes like i was when i was a kid and
Starting point is 01:07:24 a lot of them dude like i've lost like 13 friends through drugs and crazy influence like this stuff and a lot of these kids um just kind of lost it and they're just getting medicated with these amphetamines and crazy drugs from a super young age can you do a chapter or maybe two or three chapters on how you um supplemented sex with um to replace the missing points in your life and go into detail about that? I would like those three chapters. I don't think that deserves a place in this book. It's more for – No.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Dude, Hunter, it totally deserves a place in this book. You don't think – at 19 years old, after I took my – I flushed my last Adderall down the toilet toilet and it went out into the Pacific Ocean from my Malibu estate. I was in Connecticut at the time, but thank you. I went on a crazy sex binge, fucking washed up prostitutes and Hollywood stars for seven years straight. It didn't look exactly like that, but I do appreciate it. Come on, baby. Chapter two. I always see – Why can't it have some sex in it? It's fun.
Starting point is 01:08:29 We all know that I've had sex, and you've had sex too. I don't understand why reading that page is going to help anybody. Yeah, but my body doesn't look like your body when you had sex. You look sexy even pushing a sled at High Rocks. Jesus Christ. Some dude in the chat, the most heterosexual guy in the chat wanted to be this sled. That wasn't – Are you cursed with how beautiful you are? Christ. Some dude in the chat, the most heterosexual guy in the chat wanted to be this black. Are you cursed with how beautiful you are?
Starting point is 01:08:49 Is that a curse? Of what? How beautiful you are? Or is it a blessing? 100%, dude. Curse or blessing? That's a both. Male, male model hunter. Is that going to be covered in the book? Are you talking about high fashion hunter?
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah. Hunter. Is that going to be covered in the book? Are you talking about High Fashion Hunter? Yeah. Hunter. Hey, how much more do you have written? I have almost the entire book done. Wow. Is there shit you're afraid your parents are going to see? Oh, sure. My parents will be slightly pissed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Do you have this scene in there when your dad tied a leash around your neck to the bumper of the car and drove you around is that in there all of it hey dude they're probably gonna be pissed off with the forward where there's like you're on drugs i mean there's a part there where it's kind of on them isn't it i mean it's not like you put yourself on medication it's the doctor's recommendation that they went along with and so you're the influential child i mean a big reason why i'm writing this book is because i think so many of these parents are fucking idiots like they just like all of a sudden they want to go and they're like hey you should
Starting point is 01:09:54 give your kids pills and they're like god i'm too busy for this okay give them the pills um and then they go i'm watching it happen to a really close group of people right now where I'm just absolutely fuming with the parents and what they're doing to their kids. And I think they're fucking idiots. Can you tell me what? What are they doing? What are they doing? Can you tell us? I think they're ignoring the underlying thing, which is you probably just need to be a more available parent.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah, like available parent rather than a parent that like meets them on 100 the parents terms even taking your kids to practices is on your terms like i just think that people are losing human connection and tell me tell me what's something that tell me what's something i should do with my kids to connect with them what's something i should do tell me i mean i honestly watch you guys do a lot of it um which is really really cool but i don't really know your personal life that well but i just think that putting kids into this system where you wake them up and immediately you put them into a classroom where they're sitting down for like eight hours with their friends and then they have to abide by this regimented schedule which is just like basically fucking your brain up to assume that you have to take a role like
Starting point is 01:11:05 that later on in life, which is a whole nother chapter of stupidity. But I don't think the human brain works like that. Like you're not giving these people any kind of movement or freedom. You're just immediately putting them from the box of their bed into the box of school for hours. And if you don't align with that, you're going to either medicate them, punish them, or alienate them because they're not aligned with the system. They don't perfectly fit into the tracks. Now that I'm out of that system, I am a monster to the world because I am literally the person that makes all these people's just understandings of their reality shatter. They're like, oh wait, there's the pill boy that's killing all of us because he didn't follow the system he didn't follow the system that we were taught all these kids that aligned that stuff now work
Starting point is 01:11:51 for my companies hey hunter that's another that's another great shirt by the way a picture of you as a kid and put pill boy and then a picture of you over here just all fucking jacked and shit. Just the Debbie raining down on you. Oh, how about that is the title of the book, Pill Boy. That's the movie, dude. That's the movie. Hey, dude, if you don't think there's going to be tons of
Starting point is 01:12:18 pussy in the movie, you're out of your mind. And then the cover could be that sled. Just Pill Boy. Be totally honest, dude. I don't want, like, if I had to just be real about the whole, like, you know, what I've done in my personal life outside of all this stuff, I don't want to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:12:36 I would like to be married someday. And the woman that I meet just think to themselves like, Oh, it's the first girl that he's ever dated. Oh my God. This Christine penis has never seen the light of day. Hey, hey, listen, for people out there who are young, like, listen, listen, this is, listen, listen to this. This is a guy who's done it all people.
Starting point is 01:12:57 He's absolutely done it all. And at 34, he'd like to walk back some of the beaver he slayed. Crazy. My sister is going to be so happy when she hears this because she's raising three boys. And she's like big on like save yourself until you're like married shit. And you're showing some signs of that. You wish – part of you is just like – it's like smoking. Like the only reason why I wish I would have never smoked is because I wonder what I would be like if I had never put that shit into my lungs or into my brain.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And so you're saying that, hey, you would be okay. In hindsight, with what you know, you'd be okay being a virgin right now, Hunter? Not necessarily a virgin, but I wish. I think all men probably need to hear this. Do not allow this little piece of flesh dangling between your legs to completely rule your life. And so much of us live like that like i can go into the other room start talking to guys and like within minutes women will come up and there's nothing wrong with women but you're just like wait a second and like you all oh you mean come up as a
Starting point is 01:13:56 topic you mean come up as a topic yeah yeah yeah yeah and then like the other thing is is like um you think about it you ever just sit at a table with a bunch of guys you can't stop talking about girls i'm like is that it like your guys lives are entirely wrapped up in this you do nothing else with your time like you just haven't evolved out of that chapter of your life where you recognize there's other entertaining things to do and imagine replacing girls with crossfit now oh dude i mean i think that's probably why um what's his face the guy who's a multiple time crossfit champion is doing so poorly now he's met his first ever girl tell him what do you what do you think i've already told him that i was like dude madero's
Starting point is 01:14:36 just coming to my house come to my house i'll break up with your girlfriend i'll give you are you being serious you think the vagina you think the vagina in his life has somehow – Ruined him. Yeah. Ruined him. Oh, shit. He's put on about 10%. No.
Starting point is 01:14:49 What about it? What about it? He's put on 45% body fat. He's put on. Can you explain it to me? What about it? You think it's – wow, what Hiller said is crazy. But what about it?
Starting point is 01:14:58 You think being around vagina and you need to be a male champion, what about vagina interferes with the process? There's nothing to do with that. Okay, I think it's chapter 12 and something to grow rich. What is it? Same that book? Think and Grow Rich. Think and Grow Rich.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And I think it's like the sexual transmutation chapter. If you find the right woman, you can evolve yourself to become this absolute champion. She aligns everything. She takes everything that's like this and just, you can have that. It is also the opposite. If you were like this and all of a sudden the wrong woman will just completely take that out of alignment. And I'm not blaming women for anything. I'm actually blaming the man for not understanding this. He probably had everything in line perfectly to a formula,
Starting point is 01:15:45 which made him a champion. And being that I'm one of these kinds of people and do that kind of stuff, I know what it takes. Really? He does that. And if you can't get that shit and it's out of alignment, you're never going to be a champion again. It's not like people have gotten better at CrossFit. He's just gotten worse at CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Oh, that's a, my belief. Wow. Hey, you, you read a, I just started reading my first napoleon hill book you like napoleon hill nah no why because it feels like because it feels like when you're reading
Starting point is 01:16:14 it like it was written i didn't even know he talked about pussy you feel like it's written like in the 20s or something that it's weird dude did you not hear anything that was just said if the girl it's stupid reference five times champion man frazier it was one or the other it's like they make them the best thing ever or maybe it was what hunter was saying if you find the right woman it can turn you into a machine and find the wrong part not necessarily wrong but it just changes you being that i'm in business now like and i get to meet all these other ceos of other companies and we start to collaborate they're just like dude if you find the one right person
Starting point is 01:16:49 your business goes from here up like you don't have it's like being underwater like holding a rock you're just like now it's time to rocket ship and the same thing can happen within your life like as far as relationships go i'll just give you a practical thing so I'll just give you a practical thing. So I'll just give you a practical thing. You get up every morning at eight, you train till noon, you sleep until from noon to two, and then you train from two to six. And that's what you do.
Starting point is 01:17:15 And you repeat, you're going to be great. And now you introduce a woman and, or let's say for, I don't mean to blame women, but let's say you introduce a woman and now seven times during the day, you're answering text messages and you're answering questions about things where that you're being persecuted on based on her own insecurities. Now, that's going to require energy as opposed to a woman who actually supports you. And it's like, hey, all of a sudden you're eating better food because she's a great role model for that or she's helping you drive to your training.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I mean, in the most superficial sense, that's what you're saying also, right? Like is someone aligned with your mission or are they interfering with it? The guy who's the deepest – the guy who has the world record for the deepest free dive in the world, he says that even thoughts consume – require energy. And energy consumes oxygen. consumes oxygen and so when you're diving for when you're holding underwater for fucking seven minutes you can't have your fucking brain be like thinking about whether you text your girlfriend or not because that fucking eats up oxygen i mean that's the kind of minutiae champions are um are dealing with i was in a relationship for three years and i will say i was a large part of the problem so it's not a hundred percent one person but um i got out of it and i have not been sick once since and i have broken the world record
Starting point is 01:18:33 multiple times since like an astounding rate of how long is the day it's all your fault we're all our own god but i see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah three years wow that's great and like it was like this is about a year and a half ago but like it i became a freak hey dude you guys make him the street meet that one time i saw you and that was like a year and a half or two ago well i that that's that's like poisoning i'm talking about like sickness like you know people like i i coach people one-on-one occasionally there's this one guy that i work with and he's just like man i'm i rely and i was like dude i'm fucking over this i was like you need to get your shit together so i was like make for the next eight weeks just don't get sick i'm not gonna let you train that much like you just need to cut all this
Starting point is 01:19:14 other bullshit out of your life and just not get sick and he did that he's training half as much as he usually does and all of his results are going up because he just like started to like take shit out. And I guess we were talking about champions before, but – Here's a strong correlate. It's not a fact, but Sammy was aligned with Matt. She made his food, helped him with anything. He had no distractions. Listen, if you're girls making you food, that's a strong correlate that you've chosen the right one.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Bill Leahy's woman makes him his food. Damn. He loves Bill Leahy's woman makes him his food. Damn. He loves Bill Leahy. Isn't Justin Delano's wife or girlfriend CrossFit Games athletes too? Yeah. Justin's girlfriend's a crazy high-level
Starting point is 01:19:57 CrossFit athlete too. She's not just like a good one. She's like top 50 in the fucking whoever lived. I mean, she's fucking amazing. I wouldn't call whoever lived. She's in the top 50 in the fucking whoever lived i mean she's fucking amazing i wouldn't call whoever lived terrible he's in the top 50 currently yeah we're wrong right away hey well you shouldn't be banging another athlete now why is that not not of that caliber no uh no uh i'm the biggest prick on the planet because i know that i'm more important to other people that i spend my time with not like like my soul is more important but my time is more valuable than their time if we're
Starting point is 01:20:30 sharing time if you get what i'm trying to say if you do that with another person that thinks the same exact way you are fucked oh wow does hillar wake up looking like a donkey's penis? I love it's the one dude from Facebook No, but your mom wakes up Paul, but your mom wakes up riding one Tell her I said hi What if Justin made the decision To ease off training to improve his quality of life? Now this is just conflating issues
Starting point is 01:21:00 Who cares about the quality of his life? We're talking about being the best Like maybe winning the games just isn't worth it for him. I love you extra sloppy, but just stop conflating issues. It's kind of on topic with what you always say. What do we know
Starting point is 01:21:16 Justin Medeiros for? What do we love Justin Medeiros for? We love him for winning the CrossFit games. Yeah, he's a fucking winner. We don't give a shit about his mental health. We don't care. Yeah, and by the way, as much as I like Mal O'Brien, I hate her sponsors.
Starting point is 01:21:31 I hate the fact she's not competing. I hate like, yeah. So like, we can say whatever we want about her. No one's being mean to her. But she's not competing this year? And her initials are M-O-B. She's not competing this year? Her initials are MOB. Why?
Starting point is 01:21:47 Because she's mentally off balance. Who is she spending her time with? Eric Rosa, the former CEO of CrossFit. They're at a fucking retard retreat. Wait a minute. Eric Rosa? No, no, no. I like it.
Starting point is 01:22:02 She moved to Hawaii and decided she's not going to compete anymore. Hawaii seems dope. Yep, but I still have to make obligation-like posts, obligatory posts to keep the sponsors happy. Dude, you know she was a shooting star. She looked completely fucking unbeatable. She was going to reign. She was.
Starting point is 01:22:21 And we were all on her jock, and that's cool. And then now she pulled out, so now we's cool. And then now she pulled out. So now we're, we're all processing the fact that she pulled out. And I want to know under his opinion on the razor camp and potentially leading to that. How much do you think that having the insane asylum that is HWPO headquarters led to Mal O'Brien's current state?
Starting point is 01:22:41 Uh, I don't know anything about it, man. That'd be wrong of me to comment on it. It is a great stance. Here's the thing I'll say. It has nothing to do with HWPO. I disagree.
Starting point is 01:22:50 If you're going to be part of an elite team and then you get upset about the elite standards, that's on you. I agree. I disagree. Why? Dude, that's why you're probably never going to be a top-level person. I guarantee if you go into the high –
Starting point is 01:23:10 so my brother came from this workspace, which was the top hedge fund in the world, and they have a very, very aligned strategy with it. If you fuck up, they come in and tell you to your face, and they tell you publicly in front of other people. Then my brother went to another company, which is a very successful company, but nowhere near aligned with like the success growth-based strategy the
Starting point is 01:23:29 other company had. And my brother made people cry just by the way he would talk to them. Like adult men would cry because Garrett, like, and it's like, you take that, like that war room mentality, which is designed for creating a war machine.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And then you take the wrong person and you put them in there, it's going to cook them alive. It just is. And the same with Jack Taylor. And what's wrong with that? There's nothing wrong with that. I didn't hear anything wrong with it. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Here's the thing where Hiller and I disagree. Matt Fraser is the best that ever fucking did it. He's the fucking man. He won the games five times. It was fucking hard as shit. He says, hey, come to my dungeon, and I'll do you like I did me. And these fucking pussies like Mal O'Brien, Jason Hopper couldn't hang.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Fine. But don't fucking blame Matt because you wanted to go to the dungeon and be with the fucking master. Now, don't be a fucking pussy. I brought you to fucking dungeon hell. You want to be a pussy, go with fucking Hiller and Bill Leahy and you guys can fucking focus on dunking basketballs
Starting point is 01:24:38 instead of becoming the best. Bill Leahy lives in a dungeon, dude. Careful. All right, fine. Watch the video. He lives in a dungeon. Careful. Careful. All right, fine. Watch the video. He lives in a dungeon. Careful. Do you remember like Miko Salo when he would just like post about being inside of a closet rowing?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Rowing, yeah. These pre-Madonnas could never hang with that shit. I want to hear Hiller's rebuttal to what I said, though. What's wrong with that, Hiller? He's got the championship formula. Why not just go there and become a champion? If I want to be Miko Salo, I put my rower in the the closet if i want to be matt fraser i hang out in his parents basement i don't go to vermont what fuck vermont away you know matt fraser's living in his parents basement
Starting point is 01:25:16 dude hey i'm gonna go upstairs and say hi to mom and dad yeah o'brien moves across the country into a freaking dungeon oh yeah where yeah. Where did Mal start? Oh, that's a great point. What Hiller said. She lost her family. Where did she start? Your point is still also right. That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Hiller said when he was in the dungeon, he could still go upstairs and hug mommy. And he has freaking shit driving all the way to his house. Yeah. Did Mal O'Brien ever have a Hawaii dude coming all the way to vermont i don't know no maybe yeah great point it was just her and hopper freaking miserable apparently on uh unclarified hey here it is but here andrew stein here's the thing if matt has a championship uh where i can't find my fucking arrow where the fuck is my arrow oh here's one of the three screens.
Starting point is 01:26:06 No, no, no. It's never going to be enough with Bill. Hunter, you're going to know Bill. He runs faster than you, too. If Matt has the championship formula, then why hasn't he produced a champion? Because they don't want to do the formula. They keep falling out. They can't swim in the deep end. Yeah, they get mentally off balance.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I'm going to give Matt a bone. He's better than Bergeron. No, Bergeron. Bergeron. Why would you say that? Bergeron had two games champions at the same time. Because Katrin did better. Bergeron could make Hunter a champion. Bergeron could not do it.
Starting point is 01:26:35 I think Bergeron completely screwed the pooch. Do you remember when he had this whole stable of athletes that everyone just left him? Yeah. What happened? You can only hear it about the process so many times where you want to kill yourself well i bet you used to be a good coach and then he tried to get into business and then he just stopped paying attention because everybody left him fast well uh amanda barnhart
Starting point is 01:26:56 was uh singing hwpo's praise trista patrick no because the formula for matt isn't the same formula for the other athletes no here's the thing they're not doing the formula the formula for for matt for rich and for tia is all the same i don't get what the whole train is alone and kick ass yeah why would you think that hwpo is not going to mean you have to train like matt like that's so stupid like if you're going to show up in that house you know what you're gonna encounter yeah it's a five times cross the games champion who has a very world-class beatdown attitude yeah yeah so i mean here's the thing like people end up looking at the end result all the time so they're like oh i want a podcast so i could talk to all these people and interview and be big on the internet and then they get 10 shows in and
Starting point is 01:27:43 they're like fuck this is a lot of hard work and it didn't get the traction i thought it would just same with matt they see him be the five-time champion and get all the accolades and they go fuck i want to do that and then they show up to the dungeon and they go damn this isn't what i thought it was going to be hey dude imagine how much harder it would be if they had to edit their own stuff as well because you know they i whooped the shit out of college-level athletes all the time. They graduated D1 full ride. When these kids leave these little bubbles where they have these little crews that they hang out with
Starting point is 01:28:13 and they're fed perfectly, they're massaged all day long, they have a coach, and then they have to go out on their own, they fall apart. It's really interesting. Are you saying they should stay where they're at? I think probably. If you take a little 18-year-old girl out of her house and you send her over to that grinder,
Starting point is 01:28:31 I'll never forget, dude. When I went from my home in Connecticut and I had to go to military school for the summer, that was war. And that was like, you're just like, whoa, this is a different level of humanity. The same thing probably happened to them. And if you're not used to it,
Starting point is 01:28:46 the pressure's too high, intensity's too high. Hey, what do you know about EPO? You should take it. Why? I mean, you're already experimenting with other stuff. You might as well go full bore. I mean, other than the fact that obviously I should try it out. What do you think about it?
Starting point is 01:29:01 What do you know about it? I mean, I think that it's like, if you can use something, it's the thing. But the thing, like- Why do you think about it? What do you know about it? I mean, I think that it's, it's, it's like, if you can use something, it's the thing, but the thing, like, like, is every CrossFit athlete on it is every CrossFit athlete. This is where the thing, you can't just say that. Like what makes you think that they are, you guys won't even let me finish a fucking sentence. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:29:22 You keep detracting from what it is. Not dude. I just started talking. finish a fucking sentence shut up you keep detracting from what it is not dude i just started talking let him go all right if you guys want so erythropoietin it basically is going to give your body the ability of carrying more oxygen more oxygen more fuel more capacity and like you know the other option that you have is taking blood and taking it out of your body and then pumping it back in now you have more blood volume more blood volume means you're carrying more oxygen so fuck that just take the drugs that sounds like too much work the other way here's the thing dude when you get to this level of like these real things it's advanced
Starting point is 01:29:59 like it's it's advanced you can't just fuck around and take these things like lackadaisically. This is the most dangerous drug to take, right? It's like one of them. Yeah, dude. So what these guys, you recognize that they were doing, especially when they were blood doping and using this stuff, they would have a heart rate monitor they would sleep with. And if their heart rate dropped too low,
Starting point is 01:30:18 which means that they could have a heart attack because the viscosity of their blood was too thick, they now all of a sudden would have to get up and get on a spin bike for like an hour in the middle of the night to generate a higher heart rate. It's dangerous stuff. Oh, you want to know what's wacky? Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:34 wait, wait, wait, wait, say that again. Why do you have to get up in the middle of the night to do that? Sorry. I was texting.
Starting point is 01:30:39 So basically if you're carrying more blood, the viscosity of your blood changes. It's also same reason why, if you looked at the liver King, why he had that reddish tint to his blood. Um, and basically these people, when you're getting all of these thicker and more intense levels of blood,
Starting point is 01:30:55 you're, you're putting yourself at a stress. So your body, it only has a heart the size of this iPhone. Now, all of a sudden, if it's generating heat for a house, it's twice as for a house that's
Starting point is 01:31:05 twice as big like you're just you're putting yourself at danger you're putting yourself at danger and you don't want to put yourself in that position unless you really know what the fuck that you're doing are you ready for this if you look at balco if you balco is the guy who got caught for all this stuff yeah if you look at his receipts and the receipts from the people that were paying him to give him like medical treatments they're insanely high this isn't like frat boy like i've got 50 extra dollars a week so i'm of daddy's money i'm gonna get some tests like this is some serious shit and like the easiest way to cheat in the crossfit games and i know people that have done it is you're taking what's called a bronchioli enhancer. You take an inhaler before you go. It opens up your body's ability to absorb
Starting point is 01:31:50 oxygen into the lungs, and it's very, very cheap. It's very cheap. And you can get a script for it. What's that? You can get a script for it. Yeah, it's not hard at all. I mean, it's really hysterical. Google the articles about how like 70% of the Nike running team all had asthma inhalers. The number one athletes running in the United States, if not the world, were now all using asthma. It was fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:21 And they're all like, oh, man having asthma induced exercise issues i'm like no you're fucking cheating so and that's why alberto salazar i think is permanently banned like there's some pretty crazy ass shit that's a beautiful name alberto salazar yeah former only fan superstar but i think hillar's the kind of guy where he's got the money and if he's got the money and he's able to pull it off, he should do it. That girl looks like she's 14. That girl's a runner.
Starting point is 01:32:54 She's hot. Look at her name is Fleshman. My god, that's a tough name. Oh, that's rough. That should be your name. I gotta get the heck out of here. I love you Hunter thank you Come on my show and I'll kiss your ass anytime buddy I had a really good time hanging out
Starting point is 01:33:09 I miss you guys Hey when are you gonna be I'm gonna go to LA soon I'm gonna party with Sarah That's rage dude When's your next race tell me when your next race is I'm gonna go compete in Cologne in April So that's over in Yemeni That's where I'm gonna smash the world world record. You guys are going to watch
Starting point is 01:33:26 some fucking fire get lit up. EPO, baby. Alright, guys. Great seeing you all. Thank you. Bye. Later, dude. You know what's crazy? My kid set a world record.
Starting point is 01:33:42 What if I... You want me to call the uh my kid just called the what happened i got a thought on the hunter thing right there yeah go ahead he essentially just said that he needed or he's not not he needed but people need to set alarms to wake up when their blood viscosity gets too high and their heart rate drops too low and they sleep which when you think about what else that might mean it means that you need to do more aerobic activity more often in order to oh shit oh and you know what's crazy i had to give blood once i don't even think i told you that right my red blood cell count goes
Starting point is 01:34:21 up and that happens when you start taking tests. Yeah. The first thing I noticed is I started to feel like I had to work out. Right. I had, I had this like inner craving. I like, and when I worked out, I felt 10 times better. My red blood cell.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. I'm like, what's wrong with me? And then I'd go ride the bike for 20 minutes. It's like, Oh, I feel like a million bucks.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Feel great. Now imagine that in the morning at noon i gotta work out i just gotta work out i just gotta work out it's an addiction i'm kind of like that i'm kind of like that but i don't think i think everyone's like that to a degree but then i also when i gave blood and i felt great too but what you're saying is you need that right hayley hi i wonder how many people are going to connect those dots on what i'm alluding to i know what you're alluding to are you there babe hello testing i'm gonna put in the private chat which is just going to be the normal chat oh i know what you mean don't put it in the normal chat. Hello, caller. In the normal chat. Haley, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. What's up? Hey.
Starting point is 01:35:33 No, they can't hear you. Hey. Hey. Interesting. Will you call Luke and find out what's going on? I think Avi scheduled a skate appointment without telling me He was just talking to him yesterday I heard it from like the side like I was like barely listening and then obvious like yeah I'll skate with you tomorrow
Starting point is 01:35:57 Okay, okay And find out where okay bye Just always got gotta be doing something just always gotta be doing something oh dude there's others there's so many that just have to be working out I mean it's a who's who
Starting point is 01:36:18 yeah I mean I've heard it yeah I would love to try all that shit i want to get on trend and epo and just hey no ow i just hurt my shoulder flexing i was talking to keith map yesterday because everyone i see him in person they want to know they're like so what's the biggest thing you've noticed? And I go, well, hey, I pulled a 605 deadlift this morning, and I haven't touched a heavy bar in a long time. You think you're going to beat John Young in the open?
Starting point is 01:36:53 Smash him. Really? Nice. Dude, he took 50th in the RX division at the Fittest Experience. And every time he posts a lift on Instagram, I'm like, cut that shit out. What is wrong with you? Stop it. You're not doing what you need to do to get better.
Starting point is 01:37:09 And he has no chance against me. Yeah. I could, I haven't worked out in like three months and I'll still whoop him. And I love John, by the way, there doesn't mean I, I'm not,
Starting point is 01:37:18 I know. I love John. John's a man. If Matt Fraser is a 10, what is Taylor self as an athlete? Peak Fraser? Yeah, Peak Fraser versus Taylor. Peak Taylor.
Starting point is 01:37:31 8.9. Oh, really? 8.9? And what's John Young? 6.2. Oh, okay. Which is good, but... Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:41 You want to know who you are? Yeah, what am I? On the Fraser scale? And what's a zero? Like maybe it's just like sign up for the Open. Oh, shoot, I'm here. Oh, yeah, you're here. You're like a 2.8.
Starting point is 01:37:56 I'm a 2.8? That's a generous score. I think I'm a five. I'm half of what the game's at. No, you're not that close. Wow, five, huh? You can't be that close with John Young. You think I'm less five. I'm half of what it means. You're not, you know, you're not that close. Wow. Five. Huh? You can't be that close with John Young. You think I'm less than half a man?
Starting point is 01:38:10 No. I'm what? Yeah. You're saying a 2.8 is like, I'm one third of a man. Call her high, but I'm getting me and Hiller's relationships. Hey,
Starting point is 01:38:17 what's up? I'm like an eight. You are not a fucking eight or seven. I don't know who you are. Shut your pie hole. Yeah, I am. No,
Starting point is 01:38:24 you're not. I am. I'm an eight or seven. I don't know who you are. Shut your pie hole. Yeah, I am. No, you're not. I am. I'm an eight or seven. No way. No way. Totally. You're better than John Young at CrossFit, Colin? You're going to get three, five.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Oh, this is my own standard. This is nobody else's standard. I'm just saying I'm an eight. Oh, okay. Well, that's good. I'll give you that. I thought you were on the universal scale. The man's standard.
Starting point is 01:38:43 He's got standards. For sure. No, no, I'm not on that. How come we picked up people? I do have a question for Hiller. Can I be able to move the topic to the open briefly? Is that okay? Sure.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Is this the guy who's asking why I'm pumping the open? What? No. That's your question. You're humping the open? No, I'm a Hiller fan, and I have a question for Hiller about training for the Open. My question is this. I haven't – well, not really training for the Open as much, but I have an issue,
Starting point is 01:39:13 and I was wondering if you have any idea if there's anything I can do in the next two weeks. If there happens to be ring muscle-ups like there were last year, I've done 23.1 about 27 times. And on most of my, every two Saturdays or so, I'll do an old open workout. I'm right around 90% on most of them. On 23.1, I think it was, with the ring muscle-ups at the end, every single time I'm done with like four minutes left,
Starting point is 01:39:41 I cannot hit a ring muscle-up. I hit 10 fresh. I could do it right now i can also hit 10 right after that workout on the bar but i can't do it on the rings i cannot hit one wait you can do muscle ups but when you're not working out you can't do any is that what you're saying yep that doesn't make any sense what's killing you the toes takes about four minutes of recovery before i can hit one or two. And the only thing I can think is that my biggest, I've done CrossFit for like two and a half years.
Starting point is 01:40:11 So I just started really honing in. How old are you and how many steroids have you taken? I'm 37. No, absolutely. Yeah, no, I'm 37. And I have taken TRT. I had to get off of trt because um fertility issues so what you're going to need to do is i'm assuming your shoulders are occluding quite a bit and you're going to want
Starting point is 01:40:32 to break up the bar more than you think and the wall balls more than you think i'm going to and also what is your thought process as you go through your cleans? If I were to watch you doing cleans, I bet you're like super wound up up here. And you're going to need to really relax into like your lower back. And that sounds really weird. But the more you can take tension away from your upper body, the only reason, and I haven't seen you do a muscle up, but I bet you can't turn over. Yeah, sure. Is it the turnover?
Starting point is 01:41:05 100%. So you should get to the muscle-ups with two minutes left, and you really got to do everything you can to try to release tension from your body, starting with the row. Really try to drop everything towards your hips the whole workout, and then break up a lot of stuff and try to remove all that blood from your shoulders. Okay. whole workout and then break up a lot of stuff and try to remove all that blood from your shoulders okay so rather than do it with four you know if i'm finishing with four minutes left and i'm hustling through all that you would actually right the hustling is okay so i would bet that you get two minutes left take 30 seconds and then you could do no no less than three at a time yeah okay good that was my question okay yeah i guess they've been the bane of my existence i'm like dude if we there's no way
Starting point is 01:41:55 they repeat that one i don't think but i would if i saw that as a repeat workout i just i'd lose it and that is your fitness tip of the day thank you you, caller. Okay, guys. I want to know what you get. Comment sometime. I'm stressed. I got to go. Hey, dude. Aren't you going to shit a little bit how I knew that dude had taken steroids? Yeah, how did you know?
Starting point is 01:42:15 Oh, because he had too much blood flow and couldn't get through the train. Yeah. All right. Fair enough. He said he's done 10 before, and he had four minutes and couldn't do a muscle-up. There's one reason, and no one else is telling you that answer. You're like a real coach. Hi, Caleb. I'm the only coach who
Starting point is 01:42:29 talks about steroid stuff. Alright. Love you guys. Stay tuned for the news. Good luck, Mal, on your journey. Congratulations on being in Hawaii. Have fun. John Woolley, stop being a baby. Stop tattletailing.
Starting point is 01:42:46 You're a cancer to the community when you tattletail. Don't do that. Don't be a bitch. And thank you, Hiller, for your wise words of coaching. Sousa, thank you for doing the Lord's work at CrossFit Livermore.
Starting point is 01:42:58 And Caleb, may the Shattuckin be blessed. May your hands work fast and furious in order to bring the domicile to bang your wife. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

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