The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Saturday Morning Inoculation #1001

Episode Date: September 3, 2023

Sign up for Athena's Seminar: "Working with larger bodies seminar" Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! 3... PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming BIRTHFIT Programs: Prenatal - Postpartum - Codes (20% off): Prenatal - SEVAN1 Postpartum - SEVAN2 ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE! - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER 3 PLAYING BROTHERS - Kids Video Programming Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Any thoughts on that? Bam, we're live. So we can hear Susie, he just can't hear us. Oh, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Oh, he's gone. Come back, Matthew. We are 28 days away from the seminar up at Craig Howard's gym run by Scaled Nation. Shit, I thought I gave you a link to it, but you know what? I don't think I did. Sorry. I think those notes are the ones from yesterday too. Oh, I didn't add to them?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Maybe you did. Is there a number 99 poll for a hole on there? Poll for a hole? Oh, yeah. This is last night's notes. Well, fuck. You don't have number 99 on there? No, I do not.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Oh, okay. Here we't have number 99 on there? No, I do not. Oh, okay. Here we go. I'm sending you... How about that? Take that, Caleb. I'm going to see if... Eventually, we'll get it pulled up. But it's September 30th.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It's at Craig Howard's gym I think it's called CrossFit Pleasanton? CrossFit Diablo, Diablo CrossFit damn that was sloppy Diablo CrossFit do we have a title for this show today by the way? what's the title for today's show?
Starting point is 00:02:20 I will title it it is a seminar in the same vein as the CrossFit Kids Seminar or the Master Seminar but it's a seminar on how to work with large bodied athletes, clients the fuck you want to call them, people who want to just come into your gym
Starting point is 00:02:40 and how to work with them, right so someone's 100 pounds someone's 5 foot 2 and 280 pounds And there's some things you need to know and do in order to accommodate with them, work with them better, learn from others, people's experiences who've worked with large body athletes for a long time. And I'm excited to go to it. And, uh, we, we got a country that's put on, on average, 29 pounds over the two years that the so-called, what the fuck you want to call that thing, so-called pandemic occurred. And that's just added on to a nation that just likes to eat and likes to eat refined carbohydrates. And so there's a huge amount of people who need the service of what CrossFit gyms provide. Anyway, I'm pumped.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Athena is a dear friend of mine. Incredible story. I originally met her when I did the CrossFit podcast. She's been on this podcast. She will be coming back to this podcast. Oh, there it is right there. September 30th, Diablo CrossFit, Pleasant Hill, California. That's just outside.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You can fly into San Francisco, Oakland, or San Jose. I am going to film all of the lectures and hopefully talk to some of the participants and then hand that footage over to Miss Athena as a gift. To be completely frank, it's because it's a convergence of my interests. I like seeing Craig. I like seeing Athena. And it's self-serving because it's what I want to do. It's like this is the kind of thing that I'm going to go up and film and I can tell my kids I'm proud I did it.
Starting point is 00:04:19 You know what I mean? I stopped at Safeway by CrossFit Diablo. I used a shopping cart. I didn't put it away, which therefore helped the economy. And then I filmed and gave my time to save people's lives. That's what I actually think I'm doing. I know that's what I'm doing. By supporting this seminar, I'm saving people's lives.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Prove me wrong. What's up, Sousa? Hi, good morning. Hi. I can hear you guys now. What do you think the small... Have you seen how cute this small Rodecaster Pro is? Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Like the four buttons. Is that not enough buttons? How many buttons does caleb need does caleb want all the buttons so is the but he wants more eight buttons so then he has more sound effects right i don't know if that matters about the sound effects because you could usually page over i think the difference is how many mics could probably be plugged into it well he doesn't he doesn't want what'd you say well as i say i don't think he needs four mics to plug into it, right? No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Just need the one. So the mini would work. But isn't that his whole thing? To add a bunch of sound effects and play with sound effects and do that? Wouldn't more buttons be better for that? I don't think it matters the amount of buttons because you could page over.
Starting point is 00:05:41 You know what I'm talking about? How many times can you... So you think it holds the same amount of sound effects you just got to page around for them? I don't know if it holds the same amount, but it probably has pages for them, yeah. Because this has two, three, four. I have four pages of eight buttons.
Starting point is 00:06:00 32. Yeah, thank you, Kayla with the quick math. I'm going over to their website. Fuck it. Coffee on the pods is still up. Where? Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Peter's been up for 28 hours. Oh man. I saw he barely got any sleep before dad duty kicked in. Sucks to be you. That show last night was hilarious. I was laughing so hard so many times. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You guys are on fire. Especially Pedro. Pedro was rocking it. Yeah, sucks for Taylor. He really would have fit in well there, but he's, you know. He called me this morning to try to mitigate damage, hatred, venom. He's a good boy. He's a good boy.
Starting point is 00:06:55 User's guide, solution products, view all, studio condensers, interfaces, cameras, lavatories, broadcast. Fuck, they have everything except what i want view all okay fine view all uh i don't see their um they have a cool site oh god this is really pissing me off anyway we have to figure this out you didn't just go to amazon but i want to see um oh i'm on the road site and I went high to low and it still doesn't put up their roadcaster what a I want to see
Starting point is 00:07:31 oh there it is roadcaster duo okay powerful and credible audio solution it has six buttons instead of six. Yeah. A,
Starting point is 00:07:47 uh, unmatched ease of use. I don't care about that. Caleb can figure anything out. Damn right. He's a scientist. A sound quality sound, a studio quality sound effects
Starting point is 00:08:05 to take your creativity to a new height. How many? Wow. That's the whole question. How many sound effects? Quick, smooth, and grim smart pads with bank switching. Take creative control with the smart pads.
Starting point is 00:08:18 The Rodecaster features six programmable smart pads that give you huge creative control at your fingertips. Trigger sounds, music music beds or on the fly echo, reverb, blah blah blah smart pad 6 Rodecaster Pro 8 but it doesn't tell you how many times you can
Starting point is 00:08:38 scroll over which do you prefer? Small or big? I'm more of a small guy Look how nice that mini one is It's adorable See it's got the buttons to scroll over so maybe it just has two less options Yeah that makes sense I'm putting it in my Amazon card so after the show i'll see it and i'll
Starting point is 00:09:07 popping at amazon with seven the seven podcast yes this is the shopping network show and you're welcome when we get it we need to do like an unboxing and then we need to go through all the features i have to pay us us oh who was I thinking about oh I saw a stand up arcade game that has 3200 old games on it and 3 joysticks
Starting point is 00:09:35 and I invited yeah kind of but it's got all sorts of games from the arcades back then and I invited the founder of the company on not because I give a shit about him but i'm hoping that i get a discount on it i thought we're 90 minutes into this i was looking to get one of these yeah those are dope though play like galaga and pinball and all that shit all that galaga hey some important updates also so uh on september
Starting point is 00:10:05 30th uh susan will be there also at crossfit diablo i'm also i want you guys to know that um alexis is i can't walk for eight weeks but she's in good spirits alexis is the chick that um keeps uh maintains andrew hiller's uh testosterone levels. Also, Two Brain Business has a survey they would like you to take if you are an affiliate owner or any gym owner anywhere in the world. And that survey is what makes up the State of the Industry Report, which is this. You've heard me talk about it many, many, many, many times. It's beautiful. It's one of a kind
Starting point is 00:10:47 it's why two brain is the leader in gym consulting and basically just uh an integrity and value add to to jim's worldwide you can open this booklet up this booklet's free by the way it's not like he's he's he's not making money off of it. So good. It actually probably cost him a shitload of money to make. But you can open up to any page, and it's got just information. So I'll just open up to this page, and it says it's called the group training page. And it says survey respondents' median price for group training is $160 a month, a 67% average percentage of revenue for survey respondents who offer group
Starting point is 00:11:25 coaching, meaning that 67% of the money a gym makes on average from the people who took the survey comes from group classes. The 2021 price was actually a dollar less. I mean, this thing is full of information. Anyway, the survey, a link to the survey, if you're a gym owner, will be in the somewhere show notes. They're not even really, we don't really have show notes, but will be in the show notes. They're not even really we don't really have show notes
Starting point is 00:11:48 but they're in our show. That's why those are in our where show notes should be. Thank you. I don't know why. What say it again? I just started calling him show notes a while back and I'm not really sure where I got that from.
Starting point is 00:11:59 But I think it's good. I think it's good. I think that's what most people call him. I think your vernacular is right. You're a producer vernacular. Yeah. Thank you to Brandon Waddell. Again, not for one, but two.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Oh, what? I wonder how much they go for now. Tyson Beijing cards. Hey, I'm learning all sorts of stuff about cards too. Like what? I was learning them from Sarah's husband because he's a card expert like there's already been different series of these cards and the one that sold for like twenty nine hundred dollars or whatever the sign one that um that was like oh where they actually
Starting point is 00:12:34 only printed 10 of those cards oh yeah i have that one down there the panini score wow yeah that's the one i have that one's signed oh so that's what so you got it's a nine dollar card oh wait what's that one uh okay tyson and that one's not signed it's ten dollars hey dude it cost him eleven dollars just to um mail this to me holy shit look at all the Tyson Bajan cards there are. There's one for 35 cent. That's a steal. It's out of the package. I love the way he talks. I really
Starting point is 00:13:15 like his voice. Anyway, that's our Tyson Bajan update. Crash Crucible Crash Crucible Crash Crucible That's Crucible. Crash Crucible. Crash. Crash. Crash Crucible. That's the up and coming premier event in the CrossFit space run by Nostradamus himself. J.R. Howell. Over on the east coast of the United States.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It looks like they have Colton Mertens, James Sprague, and Ty Jenkins across the Games Champ participating. Cool. And Susan, I think, will be going there and we'll be doing a feed from there. By the way, I got that adapter that supposedly allows you to hook, direct Ethernet cable to a cell phone. So I got that somewhere here. I also got these. Those are amazing. I'm influenced.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I was influenced. I was influenced. That's incredible. Okay. Let's do this one first. I need to get this one off the top of the notes here. Wait, nobody had to die? Can we do that one while I sip my Paper Street coffee?
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's just right at the top. It doesn't even have a number. Sorry. Then we'll go to 99. I don't think you have the notes, Susie. You got old ones. Oh, okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Here we go. Well, it's finally peer-reviewed and published. Ivermectin worked significantly to reduce deaths from COVID-19. Let's go ahead and go over this study. Dr. Pierre Corey brought our attention to this. He actually tweeted about it
Starting point is 00:15:06 saying the preprint of this paper was the final piece of evidence which convinced me, Paul, and the FLCCC that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October of 2020. Took two years, but now peer reviewed and published in a major journal. So this was the study that he used when it was just a preprint back in 2020 when he was saying, okay, it's time to come up with some kind of treatment for COVID-19. And he came up with the FLCCC protocol, which includes ivermectin amongst other things. And people could go on the website and they could figure out, okay, are you just exposed to COVID? Like maybe you're taking care of somebody or someone in your house has COVID. Are you, do you have COVID? Did you just test positive? Which variant do you have? And you can look this up on their site and then you could follow whichever protocol they had there
Starting point is 00:15:55 listed on their site. And it all included ivermectin. Now, a lot of people pointed at the study that they were using as the preprint and and they said, well, this isn't peer-reviewed, and this isn't published. Okay, okay, okay. There's no there there. Okay, okay. You guys get it? No one had to die. Not so many people had to die.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Now, the 87-year-old that died in a country with an average age of death is 79. Yeah, you got to die. Dusty Willard, easy, Sebi. The truth will get you a strike. Thank you. It's nuts. Think of all the people. Mike Sauer, a Belkin Ethernet adapter.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Don't forget to disable Wi-Fi and cellular when using it. iPhones like to take priority with Wi-Fi or cellular. Yeah. Mike, have you used it? Hey, I got the $100 Belkin one, and then i got two knockoffs that are 1999 each i sent a knockoff to uh to jr so that and the cable so he can um because we're going to run a test here me and susan him are going to run a test in a couple days and i got a bunch of different length cables i got 150 foot ethernet cable 50 25 i'm excited and i got some got some other fancy doodads
Starting point is 00:17:06 that hopefully will allow us to hook mics up to iPhones that will work with StreamYard. So we'll see. Harry Pair of Testes. Harry Pair of Testes. My dad prescribed a number of people ivermectin with great success. I took it and I felt dramatically better within a day. I know probably two dozen people who took it um none none of them got i don't know if it worked but none of them got sick horse pets yeah but yeah
Starting point is 00:17:39 yeah some of one of them did take the uh one of them did take ivermectin like that was for a horse there was like you. On the package, at least one I know took it. It was animal ivermectin. It's so crazy that people died who could have taken that. Caleb's saying don't take that. Don't do the horse one.
Starting point is 00:17:56 No, I'm saying there's no difference. There's a difference between animal ivermectin and regs. I'm pretty sure the only difference is the doses you have to use because obviously if you're a horse, you're like five times the size of a human, like pound-wise. So that's the only real difference.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Do you know LSD doesn't work like that? No? You just take one dose across the board? One dose. One dose works for the same dose. I think it actually has to do with brain size. Really? That's what I heard. I heard if you give just like one tab of LSD to an elephant, it'll fucking like send them into the moon.
Starting point is 00:18:38 But if you gave him like six, if you gave it to him by weight, it would kill him. I don't know. How does one even get a tab of LSD? Just stick it on. Oh, you mean in this day and age? Yeah. That's foreign to me. I never went down that path.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Me neither. They just got the piece of paper. Someone would just rip off a little piece. I saw this thing in a documentary. They dropped it on little pieces of sugar cube. Oh, yeah. I think I saw the same documentary. Yeah. Maybe it's about Woodstock? Mike Sauer, I am a horse.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Okay. CaveDastro, I used ivermectin. I was better in three hours. Yeah, shit like that. That's the kind of stuff I hear from people too. Rectally though. Oh, rectally. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I used ivermectin rectally important details um i know a doctor i know a physician who just took it every week during the entire pandemic just like stayed on it yeah just stayed on it one week that's a flex there's access to pharmaceuticals like that prophylactics hey this doctor was giving away the ivermectin for free doing the lord's work Interesting Okay Number 99
Starting point is 00:19:54 Pole for Hole This is a premiere This song has not been played anywhere In the world This will be a Sevan podcast exclusive Look how excited Caleb got Caleb played anywhere in the world. This will be a Savant Podcast exclusive. Look how excited Caleb got. Caleb got.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Oliver Anthony people. Please enjoy. Lord, I got gigantic feet, but I cut off my feet. Both my butt cheeks are covered in hair. Still got a fat old apple the size of a planet. My name used to be Craig, but I changed it to Janet. Got brainwashed by the internet, left holding the bag. I cut my penis off. I could have just been a frog.
Starting point is 00:20:47 What a damn shame. What the world's gotten to when a creature like me believes that it's true that he can just wake up and not be a dude. But he is. Oh, he is. Living as a new girl
Starting point is 00:21:04 with a Y chromosome. You ask which man can be women. I'll tell you which can. The ones that trade their pole for a hole. There's a global mission. Pole for a hole. Wow. I need to work out some of the kinks.
Starting point is 00:21:22 They also did bleep out the f word because they know i don't use that word or the g word really on the show that's good yeah i was like hey can you i don't want to offend anyone can you take out the f word that jay-z gift this i know i was bobbing my head and i looked and I said, oh, Jay-Z's feeling this too. Subconsciously, he moves the crowd. I'm not okay with gifs in the comments. No? No. Why? Because I just want to... Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Suzer, are you okay with them? I like them. I like a good gif every now and then. Yeah. Alright. I just think it's too much. It's too much. It's like... I feel like an expressive... Like nipple piercings. It's just too much. Come on. Just's it's too much it's like i feel like an express like nipple piercings it's just too much it's come on just stop the tits were fine it's just too much it's like you're just slowing me down you're just slowing me down i just want to get through the comments i don't
Starting point is 00:22:15 really care that you know i'd rather read picture books than uh real books all right fine fair that's a good argument strong argument yeah that is good I didn't think about it that way. A lot of people don't know this about me, but maybe you do. Maybe I don't even know. Some guy came and visited me that I met on the internet and I started telling him a story. And he goes, hey, dude. I go, what? He goes, I know all of this already. I know you. I was like, fuck, why should I even talk? I just let him talk. It's kind of weird. He actually stopped me stopped me hey dude i know all this already i know your whole shtick i will listen to your show tell the story again fuck i was in college and i was in a house that had uh one two three three bedrooms and then a garage
Starting point is 00:23:00 and there was a dude living in each bedroom and and then two dudes living in the garage. So there were five of us total. And I stayed at the house. And I let homeless people stay in my backyard. And I made a list of all the homeless people that stayed there, at least for like one day or more throughout the entire year. And it was like 140. And it was like 72 dogs. And there was one guy that lived on the driveway and he permanently lived there and he had a blue Camaro, like an 87 Camaro. And he opened the door of his passenger side and then closed the door with the tarp in there and then drug the tarp over across the fence that he was parked next to. So he didn't really live in his car, but he lived under the tarp that was part car, part tarp, part fence. part car part tarp part fence and uh and he had a dog what made me think of all this well a couple things he had a dog and the dog's name was blue and that was it was a husky with one blue eye and one brown eye and really creative name he was a meth addict he was meth and nicotine addict he didn't drink he was christian out of the 140 people who lived through there throughout the the year um i think he was – I was trying to think.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I think he might be the only one that wasn't a criminal. He was a hardcore Christian. He'd fucking come in the house, just fucking hopped up on meth and just be reading the Bible. And he always says, speed, weed, and nicotine, no alcohol in the library. That's what his line was because he didn't drink. He was a recovering alcoholic. Speed, weed, and nicotine. No alcohol in the library. But everything else.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah. And it was a wild time. He was the only one that I think wasn't a thief. Almost all of the dudes, there was probably 130 dudes and 10 chicks. I think that's an exaggeration. I can only remember one girl. I'm going to say 139 to 1.
Starting point is 00:24:45 All criminals. Few heroin addicts, but mostly alcohol and marijuana and nicotine. That was their, like, some pill poppers. Back then, they didn't have the pills that people are doing today. It was mostly, what did they do? It was, what's the pill they did? Oxycontin? No before it was even before then oh like bike it in uh kind of no but but you're getting close that was valium and something else anyway i it's interesting i don't know anyone who ever let homeless people live um on their property like that in my whole life, my housemates hated me.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And eventually they all left except for two. And homeless dudes with checks ended up moving through them. I also don't. Oh, here we go. Oh, Xanax was one of them. Valium. There was this other one that. There was this other one. there was this other one.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You guys will know it if you hear the name. You don't hear it anymore. Not Quaaludes, Perks, no. Prescription Coca-Cola. I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke back then. I mean, a lot. Molly. Logan Mars. Sebon is going to begin to change his story so that he has new revised material i have the list of all the people and dogs named somewhere there was this other list i made after
Starting point is 00:26:16 i got out of college too out of the like i'm making this number up i have to find the list but out of the 232 people i know who had dogs in college i was the only one whose dog made it home with them they either gave their dog away they lost their dog their dog was hit by a car they the pound got it i was the only like not not one single college kid besides me and i was it was it was a trip something happened to him dogs in college Oh yeah You want me to hear the angel of death story
Starting point is 00:26:54 No Anyway So look at number 98 here I let homeless people Look at 98 They're asking people in Massachusetts. By the way, I would never do that again. I would never let homeless people stay with me and my family.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I would never, ever do that again. I got that out of my system in college. I would never, ever, ever do that again. That is nothing kids or family or productive people should be around. It was more like an anthropological study for myself. I didn't even do speed. I mean, I smoked weed and drank and smoked cigarettes i did the uh i didn't do the speed kept it basic yeah i kept it and and they and cool things would happen you know what i mean like your house would
Starting point is 00:27:38 get a new lamp or there'd be a couch on your driveway you could sit on and and you'd see some cool dog fights your occasional meth explosion in the kitchen just fine i would never ever yo logan mars do it again no there's no fucking way it was it's there's no way on top of that my mom was my mom was paying my rent can you imagine if my mom knew what i was doing with her money what'd you say susan did you say, Sousa? Did you vacuum the place ever? I don't think we owned a vacuum. What did the bathroom look like? You know what's funny? The medicine cabinet, I just remember having lots of bottles of stuff that killed lice. Was that deet?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Is that what that stuff is? I remember there being bottles of deet in there. And every once in a while, if you ran out of toilet paper, you'd see some weird shit in the trash can, like someone wiped their ass with a shirt or something. There was an occasional needle in there. Oh, who took out the trash can? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I was trying to even remember where the trash cans were in that place. Did you ever keep food in the kitchen? Yeah. So they would bring tons of food from the um there were a couple indoor homeless people like ones that were allowed like inside carms was the name of one of them black guy with dreads carms he slept on the couch with my great dane in the kitchen really couch in the kitchen wow it was like he would bring he would bring food from like the church or you know what i mean just like cardboard boxes full of food yeah and then i would make it all up in pots i was usually
Starting point is 00:29:11 the cook i don't know what the percentage of the deed was but eventually i had crabs when i lived at that house and i thought i would just i thought i would fight them off myself by picking them out have i ever told you that story no but when i had crabs it's crazy i didn't even know that was a real thing yeah they eat your they eat your pubic hair and then they they sit in the um hair follicle and then like you see them and then you can just scrape them out with your fingernail and if you look closely you're like well fucker you're a crab he's got like pinchers and shit i think they eat the pubic hair and then and then hang out in the uh the follicle is that what that hole is called those little holes follicle yeah hair follicle anyway and after like two months of warring with them i never told you
Starting point is 00:29:57 this i would pick this is gonna trip you out here here you go i would pick the crabs off my hair follicle, and I stored them in an Altoids container. I had 1,000 crabs, dude. Did you name them all and make a list? No, but it was crazy. Dude, so many people are telling me this. Oh, look, Bruce knows. Okay, so I've told this story. Seve, your kids need to learn how to golf.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Their pro-reoception would make them naturals everyone keeps telling me that uh someone went by me to in newport beach the other day and was like hey you got to get your kids into a golf anyway i ended up using deed on my pubes and that killed them wow i am you know what's crazy is when i one day came home. I was going to college at the time. I came and I had a king-size mattress on the floor that I probably found out in the street somewhere. That's probably how I got the crabs. And I came home and there were like 10 or 11 people sitting on my mattress smoking my weed. And it was during like the peak of my crab infestation.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Did you go into biological warfare? No, I was like i was like okay well fuck you guys you're in my room you stole my weed fuck you you got what you deserve you opened your altoids can and dumped it on top of them when you boys are itching think of me thank god dude that if i had if i had social media back then holy shit wow oh maybe Oh, maybe RID. Is it RID? Maybe RID.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Thinking of RID. That sounds maybe. RID? Instead of RID. No. That sounds. The stuff, the shampoo that, the shampoos that we had, we had a bunch of different bottles of prescription lice killer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Stay with that lice killer I'm surprised you didn't get Happy Titus Maybe I did get Happy Titus What's Happy Titus? Yeah Not when I got it It's Happy Titus
Starting point is 00:31:57 Yeah it was for lice Not Raid It looked like cough syrup Bottle Yeah, it was for lice. Okay, it was for lice. Not raid. Not raid. No, it definitely wasn't raid. It was like, it looked like cough syrup bottle. Had like the safety cap on it and shit, and then you poured it out in your hand. Smelled horrible. No, I can't get, no, I'm, no, I don't know. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is caused by a variety of infectious viruses,
Starting point is 00:32:22 non-infectious agents leading to a range of health problems, some of which can be fatal. No, no, listen. Let me give you a lesson in viruses here. I have a – my stomach is a steel trap. I can eat a license plate and shit out like – it'll shit out powder like a shark. I'm like a shark. Okay. There's some great content.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Anyway, I just want to let you know that another thing, another accolade that I have that you don't have or you don't know anyone has. I let shitloads of homeless people with me. I walk the walk. Oh, here it is. Yeah, listen to this. Don't do it. You don't need to do it.
Starting point is 00:33:05 You don't need to do it. I have better friends now. I have way cooler friends. Scientologists and shit. Okay, here we go. Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Safe housing and shelter is our most pressing need. Become a sponsor family. You can contact the Brazilian Workers Center. No, no. Do not do that. Do not do that.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Do not become a sponsor family. Stefan, that's not very thoughtful of you. Listen, support people that you want to support. Go down to the fucking Starbucks. No, sorry. Go down to the local Paper Street coffee store. Go in there. Go down to the fucking Starbucks or no, sorry. Go down to the local Paper Street coffee store. Go in there and the fucking 27-year-old mom that's working 60 hours a fucking week serving you coffee and smiling at you.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Fucking tip her 20 bucks. Buy her a fucking $50 gift card at Whole Foods or fucking something. Do not just start rewarding everybody and anybody. You have a fucking scratch to reward people. Reward the people you want to see flourish in your community you start fucking taking all none of those homeless people got better none most of them died or went to jail i didn't also let them in because i was trying to get them better or anything i just thought it would be cool i thought it'd be fun i didn't do it for any noble reason. Just an experiment? No one does. Yeah. No one
Starting point is 00:34:28 does. No one does. Out of all those people up there on stage, how many think of them are sponsors of families inside their homes? Fucking zero. How many of them actually know what the problem is? That they know what's going on? Not, hey, let's close the border.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I was telling Susan the other day day imagine you're in your fucking room making out with grace and you hear someone in your kitchen and you go out there and it's some fucking man in your kitchen eating your food you fucking punch him in the throat and call the cops right throw him down the stairs uh but but but but when they do that in our country because that's someone broke into your house and is stealing your shit. Or let's say not eating your food. Let's say he was carrying your stereo out. But for some reason, when someone breaks into our country, they're not called – and they're stealing from our government. They're not called thieves or crooks. They're called migrants. called thieves or crooks they're called migrants it's like you're not a fucking migrant my parents were migrants they're called it's called immigrants that's when you come in legally you're breaking
Starting point is 00:35:36 into what what is our country and you're stealing our shit uh oh here we go wow okay Jordan alright didn't think I was gonna see this Jordan we had homeless people living at our place growing up we helped them get off drugs and go to church and liberals still try to lecture me
Starting point is 00:35:58 oh well that's good yeah I wasn't doing any of that okay I feel you on that that's cool yeah I mean if you have an intention to like add value to someone's life i just wanted fucking people to hang out with i guess i don't know what i was doing and then i became homeless i like how they phrase it as families too how many how many of them do you think are actually like families because when i heard that word i pictured like you know a mom a dad and they're two young kids just trying to get get by but like how many of them do you think that
Starting point is 00:36:30 that's the situation it's like two kidnapped kids in the coyote or like what's the really the uh in there they're just waiting to have their abdomen cut open at the so they can pull out the fentanyl they smuggled in. Okay. Logan Mars, you are what you eat. Well, that's a perfect segue. Number 97. What you identify with has limits.
Starting point is 00:37:00 You can identify with being a man or a woman or a dog or a cat. But let me tell you what you can't identify as. Here we go. One more slide, please. Oh, there's no sound. Oh, why? Hey, dude, that's happening more and more. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:37:18 I don't know. Instagram did something with the audios, and now only some of them will pop up. I don't understand. I wonder if it's a new form of censorship. You think that they know because we're going on YouTube with it? No, like they just don't. They just strip the audio from that dude's content.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Can you still see that on your phone and listen to the audio? I don't know, but I can try. I listened to that one this morning. I got up at 5 a.m. to bring that to you. That's fucking fresh content. Just as fresh as that dude's shirt. Let me see. Oh, I don't even have it in my notes here.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Oh, no. Oh, but it doesn't work on the computer. On desktop. Yeah. Oh, shit. That's weird. Turntable. Another parallel.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I had a couple of homeless friends who I let stay in my mom's backyard in a tent until they moved to the local park. They were Nazis, but one was black. Oh, yeah. I had that, too. The black guy wasn't a Nazi, but I had some Nazis in there. I mean, once they become homeless, they're not really Nazis anymore. They kind of give that shtick up. Mind it.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Is that a more important shit to worry about? They just want drugs. They don't care who they get them from. 96. This I think we're going to get dinged for, but we're only going to play a little piece of this. It's not even really that good of a joke. I just want to let you hear something Dave Chappelle says in here. Let's see. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Go to a gallery party. All right? I don't know who in here has ever been rich before, but these are very nice parties. There was a few eccentric types, one of which was a very wealthy man that happened to be wearing a dress. I don't know what you call them. Is it a tranny or a drag queen?
Starting point is 00:39:01 There it is. That is what you call them Trannies It's not derogatory at all It's a fun word to say Totally chill So is that N word that they use in rap songs
Starting point is 00:39:17 Fun word to say Not offensive You know what I'm talking about right The one that makes me uncomfortable Nevada It's all good 95 You know what I'm talking about, right? The one that makes me uncomfortable? Nevada. It's all good. We're all good. We're all good.
Starting point is 00:39:30 95, George Jorge. Jorge Floyd. God, I'm so happy. Yes, Omar, he is. He is. I've never seen it spelled like that. George Floyd. I don't think a lot of Democrat voters even know what they're voting for i think they're trying to be so progressive that they're actually becoming more regressive i mean think about it like this remember when george floyd died right they said defund the police
Starting point is 00:39:57 right so defund the police guess what happens after that crime went up 200 now when grandma needs to you know somebody breaking grandma's house you try to call the police, nobody shows up. How does that help? All these things are like emotionally based. I feel like people. I don't understand how people don't just get this. I don't understand how anyone is a Democrat. Everyone that's a Democrat hates black people.
Starting point is 00:40:34 You have to understand that. If I tell you I love black people and that's why I want to defund the police because police are hurting black people, and then we get rid of police and black-on-black black crime increases 34 and the cops won't come to grandma's house and they won't engage people in neighborhoods or anyone that's black for their safety then then you know i'm lying to you it's the outcome that matters my words don't matter at all it's the outcome that matters if i'm beating you with a bat telling you I love you, do you believe any of that? I fully – I just don't understand that. I was going to say I understand why, but it's a level of stupidity that's beyond me.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I mean it's so fucking beyond me all those people in portland if you see a black lives matter sign just just assume that means i'm a fucking racist just fucking assume it it's so you're the 99 yard line of accuracy. It's fucking nuts. It is absolutely batshit nuts. I just don't get it. OK, keep going. But decide to vote for, you know, a political party is almost like they're voting for a certain team. You know, no matter if your team sucks or not, you still going to invest in that team.
Starting point is 00:42:00 You're still going to bet on that team. Winners don't do it like that. Also, look at Chicago, for instance they had laurie lightfoot i was thinking that man you can't get any worse than laurie lightfoot they voted in brandon johnson then it makes me actually think like what what policies did y'all vote on you know i mean because he said he's going to be light on crime he said that he was going to bring all the immigrants in. So why are these people complaining? So a lot of people I feel like are misinformed on what they're voting for. They're paying attention to race. They're paying attention to all these
Starting point is 00:42:37 social issues instead of paying attention to their money, instead of paying attention to what's going to be best for the nation. I don't think a lot of Democrat voters even know. Why would you want anyone who's light on crime? Yeah, that's fucking because you don't own any property. You don't own a business. Can you blame other people for your problems?
Starting point is 00:43:03 Clock, the people who launched police reform, defunding bail reform etc were uh were and are acting on the basis of the coldest logic it's done quite intentionally not emotionally voting against your own self-interest holy shit it's so fucked up spot on suza jenny vacato it's it's bat shit crazy that george floyd thing i like how he said when george floyd died he didn't put the spin on it didn't put the news headline spin uh number 94 i was thinking about how good it must be if like you've been a republican for like 30 years how good it must feel like you're like fuck finally like some people are starting to get it and you're kind of and you're probably excited as you watch california just fucking by the way i just drove uh 99 of california is still absolutely amazing when i just drove uh
Starting point is 00:44:03 from newport beach to here god the middle of the state and up through paso robles and the wineries it's crazy hundreds of miles of just beauty so nice by the way is it warm at your house today it's completely overcast here and warm it was warm last night too it's like 70 degrees last night yeah it, I think we're probably a little bit harder than that, but it's definitely still overcast. I think some of those fires in Portland are affecting us. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I don't have haze like that. I have a marine layer, crazy marine layer keeping the heat in. Okay, here we go. Congratulations. You have now been vindicated. I mean, you would never see a comic doing this fucking 20 or 30 years ago. Eating transgenders and women's sports. That's a real debate that's happening across the country.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And people are at each other's throats. Like the right wingers are like, that's a biological man. He can't compete in women's sports. And then the left wingers are like, what do you mean? That's a man. That's a beautiful woman with a penis. And like they're furious, just arguing with each other. And I'm just sitting here and I'm like, can we all just take a deep breath and take a step back
Starting point is 00:45:15 and just return to a simpler time when we had consensus on this issue? And we all agreed that we don't care about women's sports like what do you know what we used to say about the wnba in 1995 nothing we didn't have a wnba in 1995 we all got along just fine it's a good set of awesome just giving it to the people Just giving it to them Fuck you
Starting point is 00:45:51 Oh, that's good Are you Dave? A claims-free hybrid driving university grad Who signed up online? Well Dave, this jingle's for you Who saves with TD Insurance Because he's a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you. Who saves with TD Insurance? Because he's a glint for hybrid driving university grad who signed up online.
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Starting point is 00:46:29 Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritasitas less mileage misery it's a road less traveled for a reason say no to gas stations and gassy passengers and yes to sun wings savings book with your local travel agent or One more thought I'm just thinking like what
Starting point is 00:47:08 I'm just thinking I need to develop this thought I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way If I don't have this developed So I was walking down Newport Beach Down the Bike path there that goes along the beach and there was a guy in front of me who was really really jacked like weird jacked like like those
Starting point is 00:47:33 calves that are like softball just weird so weird jack and someone runs up to him full speed goes oh my god oh my god i can't believe it's you i can't believe it's you i love your tiktok i love your tiktok and he's just going off on the guy and uh and the guy's like a little like the guy's really calm and handles it and tries to like start asking the guy questions oh uh you know where you from what's your workout regimen shit like that and as he walks off i hear him say well nice to see you joey joey swole and then i was like oh so i looked him up on instagram and the guy is like three million uh followers 2.9 million or something anyway and that was it and um and then i saw this this is crazy number 88 and now that i saw this i wish i would have said something to him i saw this this is is on Mark Bell's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:48:28 This is so awesome right here. I really like this. I like that there's boob flopping around in it. I really like it. The message is great too. I just got out of the gym and this guy that I see in there all the time, he's got like tattoos all over him.
Starting point is 00:48:49 He looks like super tough. And I've been working out for like probably a little over two years now. Maybe, like at least in the gym. Anyways, there's a lot of thoughts that go through your head being a bigger woman in the gym. And I'm walking out of the gym just now. And he goes,
Starting point is 00:49:17 Hey, I'm like, Oh my God, here we go. And he goes, I can, I've seen you in here every week Almost every day
Starting point is 00:49:28 I've seen you in here every week And I'm proud of you I'm proud of you Four words takes two seconds That can literally make someone's day Their week, their month And extinguish a lifetime of hate that can leave somebody crippled with insecurity and self-doubt this video is
Starting point is 00:49:52 incredible thank you for sharing its stuff it's going to inspire so many this is true gym culture this is what we need more of go watch the full video on her page show her some love and remember don't be the reason someone quits be the reason they stay and succeed so i just got out of it i love her by the way the first time i just stared at her boobs second time i listened to what she was saying so i saw that guy walking newport beach and then this pops up in my feed the other day which is kind of crazy and maybe it's because i searched him um but oh that is probably why i searched him and then mark bell and then there's the tag interesting for sure um you don't even have to do
Starting point is 00:50:33 that you know what i mean like you can go out of your way there's there's and i don't yeah he's so jacked he's so jacked. I like to give people like that deserve recognition. That's what I mean by vote. You don't even have to you don't have to give someone money. You can vote. You can vote with your kindness. Like you can see someone and just smile at them or hold the door open for them extra long or go out of your way to say hi to them. That's voting. That's like that's like real voting and that's what that guy did i mean he took it to the extreme by saying i'm proud of you
Starting point is 00:51:12 i could have gone sideways he could have just been like hey girl what's up or like you know i probably wouldn't say if i wanted to give her some love i would have just i wouldn't have said i'm proud of you i just i'm like hey what's up how long you've been going here i just would have small talked her you know what i mean well you're killing it. You got a good sweat. You inspire me. Shit like that. Well, Jody has a great point. She says this is a typical behavior in a CrossFit box. And that's I actually saw that same clip last night. Oh, you did? Yeah, which was pretty funny. But it's moving, right? You're stoked for. Oh, for sure. But I was just thinking that's, that's
Starting point is 00:51:50 anybody who walks into a CrossFit affiliate. That's our, that's my gym. And like, I was also thinking about how tough it'd be to go to like those four lease models, like a 24 hour fitness, planet fitness, LA fitness to not have any direction, feel insecure and everything else you're going to feel when walking into that gym and then have nobody be there to be like, Hey, what's up? Welcome in. Let me show you how to do stuff. This is so-and-so. This is so-and-so. Let me flip the script on you. You know what's harder than walking into a 24-hour fitness?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Or a Gold's? Or Planet Fitness? Walking into a CrossFit gym that doesn't do that. Because it's small, there's nowhere to hide, and everyone's clicky. And I keep fucking hearing about these affiliates that do that because it's small there's nowhere to hide and everyone's clicky and I keep fucking hearing about these affiliates that do that
Starting point is 00:52:27 I keep hearing about these affiliates where the teachers this gym isn't an affiliate anymore but it's a CrossFit gym and I just had a friend go to it in Newport Beach the coach didn't even
Starting point is 00:52:43 fucking introduce themselves. That's rough. Guys. What's up? Sousa here. I see some new people. What's up girl. Looking strong.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Any questions you come get me. What's your name? Haley. Hey Haley. What's up girl. Thanks for coming. Like I said, I'm at Sousa.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I'm here. The warmups there on the board. Let's get started everyone we don't walk people through warm-ups here but i will be walking around stop i mean bare minimum right bare fucking minimum bare minimum if you don't do that your gym's fuck i just i just i just heard about another i just heard about another gym in uh in uh texas like that and what makes that worse is at least at
Starting point is 00:53:32 planet fitness you know what you're getting yourself into crossfit gyms are small they feel clicky they're intimidating because everyone's on top of you there's always one fucking person there it's amazing listen if you think you're the fittest person in your fucking crossfit gym and you love your gym you owe it to say hi then to every a new you think you're the fittest person in your fucking CrossFit gym and you love your gym, you owe it to say hi then to every new member then. You're the fittest fucking chicken. You're the hottest chicken there. You know who you are. Go over and say hi to every new person.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yep. Keep your gym open. Keep the other members happy. Keep the money flowing to your coaches so they can keep that place going. Mm-hmm. Hey, dude, that's 100% the owner's fault. I agree. I, I,
Starting point is 00:54:06 I, I agree. I agree. I'm just saying also though, if you're, if you're members, you got to like, whenever people would come to new jujitsu,
Starting point is 00:54:13 people come to my kids' classes. I always say hi to the parents and, and you know what? Half the parents are assholes to me. Like, like, like they have no social skills, but I don't care.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I want, I would say, hi, how are you? It's cool that you're here. This is a great place. I love the teachers. We've been coming here for three years to want, I would say, hi, how are you? It's cool that you're here. This is a great place. I love the teachers. We've been coming here for three years to let them know that like,
Starting point is 00:54:28 cause the only reason why I care is because I want my coaches to be, get rich or my coach to make $487,000 a year under the table. You know what I mean? Nice. No, I mean, you're absolutely right. And if you're not, like you said, there's a bare minimum someone could even walk in you could be feeling busy and super stressed we we had that happen to us with a with a a server at the fine dining restaurant um and even if you're under that you're talking about in um when we were in madison yeah yeah we went to a place we went to a place
Starting point is 00:55:00 where we dropped a thousand dollars every night for dinner and yet we couldn't get we were assholes when we put seven people at our table instead of six. Go fucking idiots. And the crazy thing is people don't realize that if she just would have – instead of starting to push back against us, if she just would have took a breath and like – and she did.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Eventually, she came back and did this. But if you're in the – We had to coach her. We had to talk to her. Yeah. You had to – Our waitress. We had to coach our waitress.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Kid Glover into like realizing that everything's okay and it's fine. But that'll happen sometimes at a CrossFit gym. You're coaching a class. Maybe you're trying to help somebody. You see two new people walk in. You're like, oh, what do I do? Literally all you have to do is finish your sentence here. Walk immediately over to the people that are standing there.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Shake both their hands. Say hi. What's your name? Okay, awesome. Hey, guys. I'm with this class. I need to jump back in here. If you wait name? Okay, awesome. Hey, guys, I'm with this class. I need to jump back in here. If you wait here for five, 10, whatever minutes, I'll come back to you.
Starting point is 00:55:50 If not, this would be a great time for you to come back in and we can chat right when this class is over. And then you immediately just go back to your class. And anybody who understands that, okay, this person's working. They don't have the time right now. You've already acknowledged him. You said hi. You made him feel it.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Every time people come in, I'm like, hey, make yourself at home. Phone rollers are over there. You can put your stuff down over there. Bathrooms are down in the hall. Come on in. You want to chill? Sit on an assault bike. Class starts in 15 minutes. It's not hard. Just treat them like you would if they were walking into your own home. Unless you're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Amen. Hey, those headphones that Caleb's wearing, why do they sound so good when caleb using but they sound like ass when john young uses them i don't think john young hasn't plugged in i was thinking that same thing when i was listening to him i was like this motherfucker probably just has him on as a prop it sounded like it was just coming from his computer well you could hear he tapped on it and it sounded like but I think he had it half disconnected. You're completely gone now. It's just kind of fuzzy, but yeah, I always wondered.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Hey, how is he going to plug that into it? If Caleb gets this Rodecaster, how is he going to plug that into the Rodecaster? That only has one plug, and the Rodecaster has two. What do you mean the Rodecaster has two? are those headphones wireless capability to bluetooth no how does peter have a road caster because peter was using them without a mic i mean not the mic connected to the headphones but a different mic oh that's interesting does peter have a road caster i don't know if he does or not i think you could probably does Does those convert to USB-C? No.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Or you could probably get a dongle. Yeah, I plug mine into... Does the Rodecaster have a USB-C? I don't know about the new one, but mine has USB-C ports. But for plugging in mics? Do you know what I mean? Basically, the way the Rodecaster is,
Starting point is 00:57:43 is the mic and the headphone have different plugs. Yeah, I know. I'm just wondering. And that only has one plug. I don't know if I'll fuck Caleb's shit up, or if I do, he's got to get a different mic and a headset. Different mic and headset. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:58 We'll figure it out. Mrs. Burns from My wife sprays their stuff on my kid's face. I don't know what it is. I wish I could tell you more. But I know she wouldn't spray it on their face if she didn't believe in it. Yeah, Grace has been using that stuff since she got it too.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Remember, my kids are pure. No ear infections, no nose infections. They don't take any pharmaceutical drugs drugs from pfizer or anybody although although i will say this i do think that i gave i had obby do 100 burpees for time the other day and i think he got uh exertion compartmental syndrome i just that's my diagnosis and i did give him a tylenol i got in a little bit of trouble from my wife anti-inflammatory i was google doctor yes miss burns uh yep matt and i uh matt and i went into a coffee shop i think that's her husband uh first and the people in there were super kind and helpful but we walked into the gym area almost an hour before class and not a single
Starting point is 00:58:55 person came up to us you scroll up you can see who she's talking about oh the gym i don't know if you want to yeah i don't know if you want to. Yeah, I don't know if you want to. I probably don't. I probably don't because when I think of gyms with coffee shops, I don't want to say anything bad about that gym. Oh. I have some bad news.
Starting point is 00:59:16 The first time I went to Mayhem, I was one hour – it was one hour before a single person said hi to me, 100 people in the gym at the time. So now that's an interesting situation, right? 100 people. The gym I'm talking about had like 16 people most. I don't know what you do if you have 100. The same thing you do if you got 10.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Sorry. Okay, fine. It works the same way. It either happens all the time and it's part of like baked into your culture or it's not. It's intentful or it's not. Like I have this whole coach's book that I've created over the years. And the first like the whole time when we bring coaches in, especially if they're coaches
Starting point is 00:59:54 that have already been coaching for a while, is we walk through this whole entire thing of like the culture, how you handle conflict, how you handle dealing with members, how you handle like the whole thing is what we go over majority of the time. Like rarely do I get into until it's been a while and you've had a lot of reps in there. Do we get into like the tactical side of it? Or like, Hey, make sure that this person is sitting back in their heels more. Like I will tell you that that's probably the least, especially if you have somebody who knew is new in the gym. Nobody gives a fuck about that. Do not go over to your brand new member. Who's just getting their legs wet with all this or their feet wet rather that's the same with all this and say hey you need to go lower in your squat like you need to make sure your wall ball hits the 10 pound the
Starting point is 01:00:33 10 foot target like what the fuck are you doing shut up teach him crossfit this isn't the fucking open pay attention to your bullshit ass standards during the open caleb you're laughing because you agree or disagree with me no I agree okay because I was going to be like the only people who don't agree it's almost like that the first 30 days it's only say nice shit to them it's probably like that it should only fucking move and not be fake but just
Starting point is 01:00:56 move the story forward thank you for showing up on time hey great job with your depth today on the squat hey I appreciate you wiping down your equipment I noticed you doing that. Yeah. Just anything, right? It's just constant reinforcement of the shit you like.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Dude, when I go- Day 31. Hey, fuck nut. You're not hitting the target. At the time there, then you could, once you built the relationship, you could tell them whatever and it's going to be fine. Once you've established the trust, right? So if I were to have somebody, like let's say this,
Starting point is 01:01:27 we got a hill in the comments. So if somebody came in and is not reaching depth, the first thing I'm going to do is figure out why the fuck aren't they? Are their hips tight? Is there some sort of mechanical issue? Are they too far forward
Starting point is 01:01:36 and rolling to their toes? Like why aren't they hitting them? As a coach, if you can't answer that, then first off, shut the fuck up. Go back and read. Go back and study. Go back and learn. Find another coach who's been around a while and say say hey why isn't johnny reaching depth over there
Starting point is 01:01:49 is it something to do with this position is mobility then think about that think about what it does to your credibility too when you solve somebody's problem like you solve like you solve their squat that problem or you squad you solve their like hip tightness problem they're like oh now my low back pain's gone this guy must know what he's talking about. Now they, now they're buying into your, to their relationship between the you and that person. They just, they believe that what you're selling them, what you're, what you're coaching them, how they want to do that.
Starting point is 01:02:18 They want to ask you more questions. They want to solve whatever other problems that they might have. Oh, I have shoulder pain now. Oh, how do I fix that? Now they're buying into your methodology exactly and so if you just are focused solely on a standard you got to remember first they're not in a fucking competition you're just trying to get them to move really well and so what i tell people when we start to go down that path of a standard i always just refer to it as virtuosity it's like hey you want to perfect this air squat you want to make sure you hit full range of motion you want to make those wobbles look perfect and
Starting point is 01:02:48 i'm not saying like that's a no rep or you know that one doesn't count it's like no no no no no pedro what's up with the headset stay in your lane uh do you have a roadcaster and you plug that road headset into the roadcaster it's a fucking road headset you think they find a way to make it work with the roadcaster right does it work with it because it only has without one plug uh number number 93 no no number 93 number 93 uh british weightlifting just look at it's like it's like um it looks like a uh it looks like the kkk bathroom code or like what the nazi it looks like nazi propaganda look at this go to the next one look at this is um uh british weightlifting is delighted to announce new round of funding for its coaching scholarship scheme to encourage more white people to be qualified. Okay, keep going.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Keep going. Applicants, we welcome applicants from coaches who fit into one or more of the following categories. These are the categories you have to have in order to get the scholarship. to get the scholarship you must be white you must be a man you must be over 40 you must be white you must be rich you must be you must only like the you must only like people with the genitalia
Starting point is 01:04:23 wow they even have a genitalia class you must only want to have intercourse with people with a genitalia opposite of yours and fuck no immigrants or refugees please you disgusting heathens that's fucking nuts dude how do you post that shit your comment's great How do you post that shit?
Starting point is 01:04:46 Your comments are great. They're committed to diversity. Oh, here we go. I have something else. I can't remember the name of it. Great. But I don't use the mic on the headset. Oh.
Starting point is 01:05:09 British weightlifting. That's why you have one comment on your site, you fucking idiot. And I mean that with no peace and no love. Dustin, if you like anal, does that qualify you in LGBTQ plus? That is a totally fair question. I mean, how are they supposed to know if you're from the LGBTQ plus community? That's just like some imaginary
Starting point is 01:05:31 bullshit. I thought they were all about individualism. Why would they all just cluster into a community? That's another great question. 92. The world went wrong when we put feelings ahead of facts By the way
Starting point is 01:05:49 That's how I grew up That sums up how I grew up right away That's what political correctness is Feelings ahead of facts I don't really want to tell them that the earth is round It might hurt their feelings Okay This is a real commercial
Starting point is 01:06:03 From the 1980s. Actually, let's roll. Making fun of someone with a disability is retarded. What the fuck? Oh, shit. Is that real or is that just a clip in afterwards, I wonder? I don't know, but I love it. That pretty much sums up how that's me right there that's like that's that's how i grew up that's how i've been brainwashed that's my indoctrination was that shit like that i thought it was going to go into the kid that like made the comment about the guy in the wheelchair and be like
Starting point is 01:06:59 remember if that comment hurts you he's getting diddled by uncle buck at home that's why he's har diddled by Uncle Buck at home. That's why he's harboring such hate in his heart. I think it's actually from... Oh, look at this. Mike McCaskey. Someone's comment there on the British weightlifting site was flagged and hidden. Hey, almost every time I post, I get a warning from Instagram. Almost every time, anywhere I post, I get something like from Instagram. Almost every time, anywhere I post.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I get something like, this has been posted before. Are you sure you want to post it? Oh, look at Sevan's dog. They exclude dog fuckers. They do. Oh. Oh. Too soon with that.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Come on, dude. Harry, balls on you. Caleb, you liking? I'm not watching it what is that it's Ahsoka which is like a Star Wars series that they created Ahsoka
Starting point is 01:07:59 Mike Sauer Caleb instructions are in the DMs for road oh thank you wow good dude Mike Sauer, Caleb Sebon instructions are in the DMs for road. Oh. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Wow. Good dude. Oh, don't ruin. Don't ruin it.
Starting point is 01:08:11 That dude is on SNL. Please don't ruin it. Are those your pants? Not real. Please don't ruin it. Those are his pants. Oh, my goodness. What pants?
Starting point is 01:08:20 What? Go back. My goodness, dude. dude fuck the internet fuck the internet fuck the internet dude uh 91 this guy was a guest on the show i unfortunately forget his name but i really like him and i like what he's doing i always want to support uh people who are homeschooling their
Starting point is 01:08:56 kids you know i've really been thinking um travis is travis called me the other day and he said hey espn is talking about doing a show a pilot with me called other day and he said, Hey, ESPN is talking about doing a show, a pilot with me called helicopter dads. And they said, do you know any other helicopter dads? And I gave him your name and I said, Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:09:12 And he said, will you do it? I said, yeah, for sure. He goes, you know, we're going to get tore up.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I go, I don't care. And you know, the more and more I've been just thinking about it, you can't even compare. You can't even compare people who homeschool their kids to people who send their kids to school. We're not doing the same thing. You had a kid and you send your kid to school to be raised.
Starting point is 01:09:42 to be raised. You had a kid. You're sending your kid to be behind a chain link fence nine hours a day from when they're five to when they're 17. Yeah, but dude, some people don't have an option. Hey, hey. What are you going to do if you're that single mom, like trying to make ends meet and barely like cutting it? They, you know it paycheck to paycheck.
Starting point is 01:10:05 What are you going to do? That's a different story. That's a different story. But why did you even have kids? You didn't even want to raise your kid. You didn't even want to raise your kid to begin with. Don't get me wrong. I went to school too. I mean, as I say,
Starting point is 01:10:22 all three of us here were behind that chain link fence. Totally. And so I think probably what matters most if you don't have that option because i that's a that's a pretty fucking luxurious option to be able to i don't think so i don't think so i don't think it's luxurious i have to be able to have one parent for sure not working i i don't think i'm sure i don't think it's sure i don't think it's a. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What was happening today? Luxurious is when you... God damn it, caller. Caller's about to get cut. Where's David?
Starting point is 01:10:53 It's Eaton Beaver, man. Can't cut Eaton Beaver. Caleb, Sivan, how you guys been, man? What's up? What's up, dude? I don't know if you guys remember the first time I called in because I was formerly known Michael C I called in
Starting point is 01:11:07 to talk to you about how I appreciated the stuff you're posting on Instagram about being a parent and that kind of stuff then it went into my dick pic accidental dick pic picture conversation but thank you for the update now it's all coming back to me now can you imagine buying a dog and not having
Starting point is 01:11:22 a water bowl for it or a leash that's what it's like that's what it's like fucking sending your kid to school Can you imagine buying a dog and not having a water bowl for it or a leash? That's what it's like fucking sending your kid to school. You just didn't plan. You're not raising your own kid. You're outsourcing your kid. It's stupid. I'm saying it here.
Starting point is 01:11:36 It's stupid. Well, if you remember the last time that we talked, I also just joined the school board. Oh. To try to figure out the inside. Tell me. I also just joined the school board to try to figure out the inside. Before I get into that, I wanted to go back and just kind of remind the story about my son. And then maybe my parenting experience might be able to help some other people out as well. So, you know, my oldest boy, I have two boys. My oldest boy, when he turned 13 in middle school, started having a lot of problems.
Starting point is 01:12:04 And I was so seniorly focused on keeping him away from drugs. I did not realize what social media and all the other things in the world were messing with him with. So, you know, he went right. He started getting into trouble, was getting into fights. We end up pulling him out. I end up getting a call from the school saying that somebody wrote a suicide letter at school, that there were six students that didn't turn in their homework and in-class homework. But one of them wrote a suicide letter. So in that in that suicide letter. And if you remember the story, cut me off at any time. But in that suicide letter, one of the sentence in there said, and I hide behind my humor. Right. So when I got home that night and I talked to him about it, that one sentence just kept sitting in my, sitting in my heart. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Cause when I asked him, he absolutely denied it. So this was like a Monday. So on Friday I got off of work and I went in his room and I said, Hey, but I'm going to be relentless on this one. You know, and I kind of highlighted all the things that he had been through. So he finally broke down and started crying and telling me that, you know, it was him that wrote it. He was embarrassed. He didn't want to, he didn't want to say anything. So, you know, we immediately did the counseling thing. We immediately tried to, you know, get involved and, you know, listening to you guys talk about, you know, the homeschooling and the parenting. I realized at that point, I was like that 15 or 30 minute a day dad, you know, because I got off of work,
Starting point is 01:13:26 we maybe chatted for a few minutes about superficial things, eat dinner, off to bed, you know, and that routine was pretty. That's how I treat my dog, by the way, that's how I treat my dog. Yep, yep. So it's pretty standard. Now, if you asked me, I'd say I was a pretty good parent, right on the weekends, we were running around with my daughter doing soccer. And, you know, he was always kind of a tag along kid. So we pull him out of school a couple of weeks after all that, you know, we're doing the counseling. Counselors won't tell you what's going on, you know, when they meet with them one-on-one, because that's confidential, unless they're going to hurt somebody or somebody else. So, you know, a couple of weeks later, I get a call, Hey, Justin, some kids are going to jump them after school. So I run down to the school and when I get there, he's sitting in the parking lot and just wandered off campus on his own. And I'm a believer that the schools aren't there to raise my kids, right? Like for me, it's create a safe environment where my kid can learn. Like that's, that's the, that's all I, that's all I want from, from them. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:25 all I, that's all I want from, from them. Right. So, you know, when I go and grab them out of the parking lot, we go in the office and I tell him, you know, he's not going to return to the school. And they're like, well, that's unfortunate. He's never been a problem. And my statement back to them was that's the problem, right? He's never been the problem. So we pull my kid out. I take him down to a Christian school. Um, he's in there for about a year and a half, and he's slowly getting more and more withdrawn the entire time he's in that school. So you guys ever do the family dinner night? We have six of us, so we're at a movie. We can't pick where we want to go to dinner. I'm like, you know what? Screw it. We're just going home. I'm tired of arguing. There's not real big arguments going, but it's just uncomfortable, right? So I'm driving up the hill, get to the house. house in the morning. My wife texts me when you get done mountain biking, Hey, we need to talk. And I'm thinking, man, it wasn't that big of an argument. But when I get home, she's crying
Starting point is 01:15:13 in our little home gym and says, Hey, I spoke with, uh, with my oldest son and he said that he's gay. So she, she's like, so I looked at her and I'm like, okay. You know? And she's like, you're not mad. I'm like, no, I'm not, I'm not mad. I'm not happy, but I look at her and I'm like, OK, you know, and she's like, you're not mad. I'm like, no, I'm not. I'm not mad. I'm not happy, but I'm not mad. Right. Like 15 years old. What's the sense for him to have to run and find a sexuality and all those kind of things? So later on that night, I called him in the room. We were speaking. He's like, do you remember the time I told you I wanted to wear nail polish? And you said, no. I said, yes, I remember that. And he said, well, that's that. That was something that I was trying to let you know. And I said, OK, I said, yes, I remember that. And he said, well, that's that that was something that I was trying to let you know. And I said, OK, but the nail polish, lipstick, that kind of stuff is still not going to be OK.
Starting point is 01:15:51 But I want to remind you, I was the same way with your sister. Right. So equal rules straight across my jobs to be moderation when it comes to parenting. So we're probably two or three years into this. So this is, this is where the story gets a little funny. I have a younger boy who's 15 girls are all over him. He's an athlete. He's got all kinds of stuff. So he emails or he texts me and my, my wife saying, Hey, there's an after party after the football game. It's probably a drinking party. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna drink, but I'd like to go to the party. And if it's, if it gets too late, I might have to stay the night. I'm thinking to myself, this kid does not know how to lie for crap.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's something I would have used. That would have worked on my parents. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:37 But, but, but here's the thing. I text them back because I know he won't drink. I'm not worried about that, but I know there's this girl Lola that's been trying to get in his pants. Right. So I text them back. I'm like, Hey bud, trust you. You can stay till about midnight. I'll pick you up. I'll see you in a little bit. Five minutes later, my son, my older son, he'd been pretty drawn in his room for the, for about a year. But all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:17:00 you know, he's got this group of friends, mostly girls, right? He's hanging out. He's, he's gone. He's getting a little bit of a social life. So it's been kind of cool to watch. And you have to have different parenting approaches. Would you agree for, for each kid based off of their personality, the rules are the same. Well, they all have different manipulation skills. They're all so different. I get worked by one of my sons and I don't even know how to stop it. That's a great it that's a great that's a great point because that's exactly where this this this story hopefully kind of brings a little laughter in the end of people's lives so so i tell him hey i'm gonna get you well in that same night that same like 10 minutes later my oldest son texts and says hey is it okay if i
Starting point is 01:17:40 stay at my my girlfriend's house right so throughout the time he's been hanging out with this group of girls, there's one that I've kind of noticed that they're a little bit closer. So I talked to my daughter. He's gay though? He's gay, but he wants to stay at a girl's house? Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:53 So I'm talking to my daughter and I'm like, hey, because over this couple months they've seen, they've gotten kind of close. She's like, dad, well, who else is he going to hang out with, right? Like you're not going to let him hang out with boys. And she kept saying, well, I know that it's because you don't want him to be gay right and i said no i'm just i'm just asking i don't want him staying the night of false pretenses those kind of things so uh i look at my wife when when he sent the text and i and we allowed him to stay the night and i looked at her and i said, is it bad? I'm hoping that girl sneaks in there and touches this little peepee.
Starting point is 01:18:34 So, so a couple, couple of weeks ago, he came over with her and I can't, I cannot describe it because my message to him has been, and he had a little, he had a boyfriend that he dated for a couple of weeks. It didn't work out. They tried to touch base later or talk, talk. And he's like we don't have anything in common and my conversation to him was you've been in a rush to find your sexuality at a very young age you might miss the person that's you're really meant to be with right so so two weeks so i think it's actually this week on monday they're at the house and he just
Starting point is 01:19:01 i don't know how to describe it so he seemed more masculine to me i don't just, I don't know how to describe it. So he seemed more masculine to me. I don't, I mean, I don't know what it is. I told my wife, like, you know, I'm not. So the next day it's the three of us before everybody else gets home. And I, and I, I looked at him, I said, Oh, it was nice hanging out with you and the girl or whatever. And I said, so do you have something to tell me and mom? And he's like, well, actually me and her started dating last week. So I didn't overreact because, hey, there's a chance.
Starting point is 01:19:27 And listen, the thing for me was how does he know? You shouldn't overreact when he says he's gay. You shouldn't overreact when he's straight. You should just be holding the fort down inside you. Just let these things pass through you. You handle it perfect. I agree. So we wake up at 1 o'clock in the morning.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I would not let my son wear lipstick either by the way Or a fucking dress Or any of that stuff He can do that shit later on Basically for the same reasons you're saying And my message to him is And this is previous Kids do put nail polish on
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah My message to him has always been Don't do anything permanent until you're at least 25 And you really know it's what you want. You know? So me and my wife wake up. That goes for drugs, too. I'm not opposed to drugs, but don't do fucking LSD until you're 25.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Like, just wait. Let your fucking brain develop. Yeah, fuck, man. Yeah. Well, so me and my wife wake up at 1 o'clock in the morning and, you know, because it's just running in our heads it's been a roller coaster so we're talking but when we're at dinner that night everybody gets home and i and i tell justin i said hey justin you have anything to share with the family right and he's like oh me and he tells the girl me and the girl are dating my daughter's like i'm just blown away and i don't mean devastated but she was so and she's
Starting point is 01:20:44 older she just turned 21 but she didn't, and she's older, she just turned 21, but she didn't realize like people can be confused. She thought that if you say you're gay, that means you're gay for life. You're, you know what I mean? You're born that way. There's no influences outside of the world that can cause you to question your sexuality. Right. I can kind of see it just kind of come crashing in her mind. Right. My younger boy, he looks over at us and he goes well why does he get to stay the night at girls houses right because wherever he was trying to sneak and this was a part for me as a family it was a good laugh because my oldest boy's not really a jokester
Starting point is 01:21:15 he looks at him and he goes you should have just told him you were gay it's been a roller coaster do you want to hear something interesting too about keeping your kids out of school someone by the way in the comments said hey i have six kids i homeschooled them until high school then i let them go to uh high school so that they could play sports and i regret it and yeah you will fucking regret it i'm just gonna tell you straight. My kids are so fucking cool because they're not, they don't come home with all the dumb shit that the other kids do. I, I, I took my kids down to Newport beach, um, this past week. And I put one of my sons, who's probably the most timid out of the three sons. They're, they're all extremely present and confident boys, but relative to each each other there's the one that's the most insecure and we go into this place it's called the aoj art of jujitsu the premier jujitsu academy in the fucking world my son goes in there at six years old and he takes uh two hours of
Starting point is 01:22:17 jujitsu there uh every day for like eight days straight right he. He fucking wins. It's a spar. They spar like fucking crazy. Second day there. He's got a black eye. He's always beat up. He wins probably. Fifty four of his 60 sparring matches. But the only ones he lost were in his first two days.
Starting point is 01:22:38 And he's going against kids whose parents are world champions. And he walked out of there a completely different person because he earned like he was more grounded in who he is and because he was more grounded in who he is i'm betting that he's not gonna have to deal with uh picking his sexuality do you know what i'm saying he he he's establishing such a deep belief in himself on the superficial level as a jujitsu practitioner, but more importantly, getting into his body, believing in himself, learning about how he moves, how he thinks, what he's capable of, how tough he is. And at the end of the day, to put kids in a situation where they're not constantly being challenged and developing their identity with real world practical skills and tools is fucking nuts it's nuts and especially
Starting point is 01:23:34 if you're a fucking boy i can't speak to a girl no fucking boys my biggest concern about my kid being gay or not gay is just the fact that i feel like a boy should not be left alone together unsupervised like like they absolutely and so you get two fucking horny boys together and it's like oh no oh nelly like i like the fact that i want them to have girls who are fucking like tell them no you're you're gonna take me out to dinner you're gonna hold the door open you ain't fucking me for a year like i like i need that kind of discipline and restriction and those kind of people around my kids and two boys will not be doing that two boys will be like come on let's go in the bedroom and jack each other off well you know and that's exactly all year not once until we're dead until it hurts so it's not until it's wrong you're right yeah well so that's the thing that me and my wife
Starting point is 01:24:20 were talking about one in the morning is listen it's not about him being gay or straight for me it's how did he know if he didn't if he didn't give it a chance right so let him you know i'm happy that and i even told him i said you know what i'm proud that you are you are you're really that daring you know you want to go out there you want to figure out who you are all i'm saying is you don't have to figure it all out before you're 25. You know, so that that's kind of the message with that. Now. Now, the other question was we were talking with a couple of other parents that we've always kind of shared our parenting struggles with. And I said, but we've let them stay the night now. Right. So what do we do? And one parent that doesn't really agree with the gay, she's like, you let them stay the night as much as you want and let them marinate. I don't know if I'm going that route.
Starting point is 01:25:08 So let's go back. What is going on in the comments here? Yeah, that's great. What the fuck? Whoa. What am I missing? Just the number one being go ahead
Starting point is 01:25:22 and just start blocking all those people. I can't even keep up. What the fuck? Don't worry about blocking anyone good, but go ahead and block all those people. Oh, this is kind of cool. Oh, I see it. You know what this is going to do? The chat number.
Starting point is 01:25:38 It's going to skyrocket it. It's going to drive it up. A lot of weird, a lot of foreign. Look at Muslim. A lot of foreign. lot of uh foreign look at muslim a lot of foreign uh mohit what what i'm saying is resonating with somebody i like it people are starting to get people are starting to get banned i like it watching them get banned smash oh wow hey what smash the likes those people can stay this is tripping me out hey so i do want to say something here someone said uh the biggest snowflakes i know were homeschooled uh correlation not causation hey one i don't believe you but i'm
Starting point is 01:26:19 open to it but there's a difference between being homeschooled by parents who are like like like like raising their kids, um, versus, uh, you know, you, you live in a fucking school bus and your parents are drug addicts. So I would,
Starting point is 01:26:33 so I, you know, I, I want to be careful what I talk about on the school board side. I just, here's the thing. I got asked the board that the school district that I'm in is it's a, it's a small town that we're in.
Starting point is 01:26:45 It's kind of like most California towns, like where you live, right. It's more conservative or middle of the road, right. It's not far right, far left. Parents bring their kids to this community and the schools have always flourished because, you know, you have most, most of them are two parent homes, you know, that kind of stuff. Right. We do have a high density, uh, high, um, we have a lot of, a lot, that kind of stuff, right? We do have a high density, we have a lot of that kind of stuff. So when I got asked to be on the school board, it was because of my experiences
Starting point is 01:27:12 with my kids in the schools and how I was able to handle them. Because I have four kids and each one of them have had a little different experience. Three of them have flourished, no issues. One of them struggled a little bit. And I could see as a parent where you'd want to put the frustration on the school because believe me just like you someone i've been off and on smoker my entire life after the first counseling with the thing i stopped at 7-eleven and i tried to smoke the entire pack in 15 minutes like the amount of stress that was there and if i didn't have at least a little bit of level of emotional intelligence, it would have been everybody else's fault, right? So on the school board side, the thing that I really, and I talked to my friends that are a little bit more conservative, because most of them had taken their kids out,
Starting point is 01:27:55 put them in charter schools, you know, kind of homeschool two days a week there, that kind of stuff is the more people that are taking their kids out of the public schools the more of the other side that's there because it makes it harder as a board or sit it makes it hard as a board member to sit there and not have parents in that in that um and that audience that are there to support you you're just being attacked all the time and listen you don't get paid for a school board, right? Like now there's a stipend in my district. It's 250 bucks. That's what you get for being at a meeting, right? It's supposed to be one hour a month is what I got sold. It's more
Starting point is 01:28:33 like 12, 15, 20 hours, plus some full time. Plus I coach CrossFit. Plus I have to work out for myself. Plus I have my kids. Like it's a big thing. And you never have somebody standing up saying, Hey, I appreciate you guys are reviewing the material before it gets passed on to our kids. I, you know what I mean? So the two things that I would say is one, and, and, and again, I don't know the right answer, but our kids, the kids are going to have to go out there and live in the real world at some point. And if you let your kids go on to social media, but you have them out of the public school system, there's a problem there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:08 I agree. Dude, I have a million examples of my kids learn something, and they say it at home. And then I'm like, holy shit. I'm like, I wonder where they learned that. And lo and behold, I find out it's from some kid who has a cell phone or some kid who goes to public school. And it's all just dumb waste of time. Shit. It's all just a fucking distraction.
Starting point is 01:29:28 And like, Hey, if my kid, if my kid, here's the word sex, he can come to me and ask me what it means, or he can pull down the dictionary off the, that he owns and look up the definition.
Starting point is 01:29:38 He can learn it just as slow, slow, slow. Hey, the school here in the seventh, the seventh graders in this school i was told locally to me um someone said that uh the vast majority of kids they're vape they actually said all the kids vape i just can't believe it and they said there's a seven year seventh grade girl who's pregnant in their class sorry sorry i'm i'm i'm raising my kids i had kids to not give them to someone else to raise.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Yeah, I get that. I get that. Actually, that's not even true. That's actually a lie. I had kids thinking I was going to send them to school, and I did start sending them to school. But I don't now. It's the same thing as this. Here's the thing that people don't realize.
Starting point is 01:30:20 I look at someone like Sporty Beth, and I'm not like, man, she's a fucking idiot. I'm like, I used to be her. Yeah.'s a fucking idiot I'm like I used to be her do you know what I mean I used to be her I used to be a fucking idiot liberal that basically in the there was a facade of kindness
Starting point is 01:30:38 to me but I believed it I thought it was real yeah well you know the last thing you had a guest on a couple months ago. I wanted to call in at that time, but just maybe a little too nervous about it. But the most powerful unions in the United States is the school unions. And that is one of the things. Is that about that lady from Monterey County who's fighting the school unions?
Starting point is 01:31:02 No, it was a guy that you had on that mentioned it, right? So I can't remember exactly who he was, but it is true. They are the strongest. And everything that starts with a good intention has the ability to be taken to the other way. To have a teacher, let's say we get a complaint about a teacher that is a valid complaint. As a district, we're the ones that are the fiduciaries for how much money is being spent.
Starting point is 01:31:31 We might spend, let's say a teacher was drunk driving or had a drink and drove students to an event. And we find out. We're going after that guy's license. We spend $500,000, a half a million dollars battling the union attorneys to have his license suspended for six months, and then he can teach again. That is where I'm seeing is the biggest gap in why the public schools, besides voting for the right governor, forget about the presidential stuff, right? It should be all local district stuff you're focused on, right? It shouldn't, the president or whatever, but governor, your man, whatever, whatever that local government is,
Starting point is 01:32:11 that's what we need to be focused on. And somehow, some way, I want to start showing the reports because we can't talk about it privately about what the school unions are doing, are the individual, but we can show how much money as a district we're spending on frivolous claims and
Starting point is 01:32:27 suits based off of the union. They're like the prosecutor. They catch Sousa with a bag of weed. They catch Savant with a bag of weed. They get to pick which one they want to go after, and they're going to go after the one that they want to try to win. Oh, fuck. I got to take my kid to tennis. Hey, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:32:44 All right, guys. Thank you. Great call. Thank you. you for calling thank you great call thank you what the fuck is happening in the chat the bot thing is crazy yeah we're at like 1100 messages in this last little spin that's crazy are the likes bugged?
Starting point is 01:33:02 only 6 you gotta refresh are the likes bugged? Only six. You got to refresh your YouTube. Sometimes it only has the likes from when you joined, not like the current ones that there are now. Okay, I got to take Avi to tennis. Guys, sorry. Today's show just totally went off the rails.
Starting point is 01:33:22 I had so much fun. I have so much good shit I want to show you guys. I know. I wanted to continue to argue with you about public school homeschool. Oh, yeah. I want to do that, too. Okay. I'm going to get off.
Starting point is 01:33:36 You guys say goodbye to everyone. Are you guys done, too? Yeah. Goodbye, everyone. Okay. Fine. We're leaving. I'm going to try to get back on tonight. I am working.
Starting point is 01:33:45 I worked until 1 in the morning on... I didn't even get to tell you about my dog died in the car yesterday. Story. Or about the girl I hit with a Frisbee. Maybe we'll do a show tonight. Do we have a live call-in show tomorrow? I'm coming out tomorrow. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Or maybe not. Let's do it. Bye.

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