The Sevan Podcast - Live Call in Show + Aniol Ekai | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 27, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a Sabon podcast show. It's a Sabon podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sabon podcast show. For 40% off, use the QR code up here. Get your FID aid. 40% is crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Down here, get your FIT-AID 40% is crazy down here get your CEO shirt and over here get the greatest tooth powder in the world putting anything else in your mouth is ridiculous good morning everybody good to see you guys Some would say, Akai Chris. Anol Acai. No, Anol Akai. Anol Akai. Morning, good morning. Good morning, good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Dan, good morning. Katie, good morning. Craig, good morning. Boy, you have a lot to say already. The interview with the, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah. The interview with David O'Keefe yesterday was cool. David announced the Camp Team Cup Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Demarcation line has to be a fact sooner or later Kamala ads killing me on the show Go Kamala
Starting point is 00:01:29 Kamala whatever the fuck her name is the Deadpool movie was pretty awesome. Oh is that out with the Wolverine I want to see that it's weird Deadpool's one of those movies that It's weird I like have a love-hate with him I end up I end up loving them all but there's like There's almost too many almost too many one-liners or comedy in it for me, but uh, I've enjoyed all of them A marvel movie that's not ours seems ridiculous I just saw an article this morning about Gavin Newsom ordering encampments in California to be cleaned up, which is just crazy. My hypothesis on that is I keep hearing more and more that Gavin wants to be named the
Starting point is 00:02:15 vice president running with Kamala Harris because his term is about to run out and he can't be governor of California anymore. But what I'm hearing is that there's this this and you guys tell me you'd know better than I would but that there's this hatred of Gavin Newsom amongst Democrats all over the country. They see because they are afraid that Gavin they say Gavin they don't want their states to get Californiaed Basically other other democratic states, everyone knows California, the big cities have turned into shitholes.
Starting point is 00:02:47 San Francisco is basically collapsed, prolapsed and people are terrified that he'll do the same to the country. And I guess he's not a favorite amongst the Democrats. Oh, what, I don't know how they plan on cleaning up the encampments. What are they gonna do with them? Where would they put them? That it doesn't even make any sense 180,000 180,000
Starting point is 00:03:13 Homeless people in the state and when I say homeless, I mean drug addicts and crooks 179,000 drug addicts and crooks Absolutely nuts. Like if you drive by the encampments, they're fucking tents from, they're north face tents from REI piled with bike parts all around them and shopping carts. It's just a complete fucking den of thieves who steal shit and then sell it to use drugs. 24 billion dollars spent, I think in the last four or five years, with zero account of the money. The audits have all failed. They don't know what happened over 20 billion of the money.
Starting point is 00:03:57 It's crazy. In Los Angeles alone, it's a one billion dollar a year economy economy. The homeless. The homeless situation. What does that mean, Seve? A one billion dollar a year economy. That means all the people who work, who basically like, like the guy who gets paid to come to work every day and stand in front of a hotel
Starting point is 00:04:18 and make sure the right homeless people come in and out. The people working in the kitchens in the homeless shelters. All the people sitting around in offices organizing needle exchange. That whole economy, this whole economy around homelessness in Los Angeles is one billion a year. Get your head wrapped around that. Think about that.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Sorry, around drug addicts. With programs that we've talked about like they have in San Francisco That it's a it's an experimental program that costs five million dollars a year in the city of San Francisco where they've chosen 20 lucky members of the Drug and criminal society known as homelessness and those 20 people get free alcohol So for five million dollars a year, they're doing an experimental program where they hand out free alcohol to homeless people out of a hotel on the Tenderline. I shared that story with my daddy. Didn't think it was true.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It was very easy to pull up on I got the green light on media pass for the games, but not sure I can make it this close to it. All right. Emmaline just got done coaching the 530 AM class. Let's get this party started. Excuse me. Anola Kai will be on in 45 minutes. He's pretty stoked for that.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Good dude. Been on the show before. I don't know what I'm gonna say to him. But I'm sure it's gonna be great. More news coming out of the Mr. Beast saga. Goob's doing a great job on that. Eli Crane's been on the show before. Great guest. Former Navy SEAL. Here he is doing his job as a congressman. Good to know he got elected.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Here we go. Mr. Murphy, you work for the FBI, is that correct? Yes, sir. You know what elite capture is? Yes, sir. Ideological appeal and even blackmail. Are you familiar with technique? I had never heard that term before elite capture He's asking her I think she works for the FBI. He's asking her. Do you know what elite capture is? I mean, I've definitely heard of the the premise catch, you know a politician sleeping with little boys,
Starting point is 00:06:45 get it on video, and then use that to leverage and boss around the politician for years and years and years to come. The story is that the Mossad, the Secret Service of Israel, has tons of politicians on tape doing crazy shit, and that basically places like Epstein Island and P Diddy's house Were the places where those videos were being made offer tons of alcohol drugs lots of underage boys and girls have famous people Fuck them get the video and then leverage it against them till the end of time to do the bidding of
Starting point is 00:07:21 But whether that's true or not, I mean I have have no evidence of that, but that's like the, that's the, that's the story that's like, sitting on the border of conspiracy and reality. You know, it's, it's, it's like in UFO land. Thanks ma'am. I am familiar with those techniques. Nation state that wants to compromise US officials. I don't know that I've seen them personally. Miss Murphy, does it concern you some of the revelations that have been coming out of the Oversight Committee about the millions of dollars that have been paid to the Biden family? I'm not aware of money being paid to the Biden family.
Starting point is 00:07:58 No, you're not aware of that at all? No, sir. I'm so damn proud of him. He has enormous talent. He's a brilliant young man. You know what I mean? You, ma'am, you sit here before the Homeland Security Committee. Our job is to protect the homeland and you act as if you don't know anything about it. This is pretty amazing because there is, she could easily say, yes, I've heard it and I don't believe it. Or yes, it's been suggested. Or yes, there's the reference to the big guy getting 10%. To just say that she hasn't heard it, she's either lying or stupid.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Be aware that the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop since December of 2019. I can't speak to exactly when we had a laptop available. Do you understand why the American people are concerned now? You have fire. Yes or no? I understand why American people should be concerned about the threat from the Chinese Communist Party. Are you connecting the dots at all?
Starting point is 00:09:01 No, sir. You don't connect the dots? Everybody knows in this town what's going on. Everybody knows what's coming out of these committee hearings right now. And it's pretty sad coming from somebody who as a young man wanted to be a part of your organization. That's Eli Crane, former Navy SEAL. And now the American people hardly trust the FBI. The American people quite honestly are wondering why Hunter Biden is still walking the streets.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Everybody in this country knows that if the FBI and our DOJ have the type of damning information, hard evidence, bank records, etc. on the money laundering that this president, his family have been up to, and their names were Eric and Don Jr. We wouldn't even be having this hearing. They'd be in jail. The money trail is pretty wicked. More than 20 shell companies between the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden fucking financial escapades.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Joe's remortgaged his house like 26 times in the last handful of years Lots of it lots of evidence Definitely strong correlates to money laundering and then of course plenty of evidence showing that hunter has taken money from China what do you think about the whistleblowers it just said I can't do it anymore Do you feel like they betrayed the institution? Are you glad that they're up here? Nobody believes it except them.
Starting point is 00:10:30 His and his good friend Rudy Giuliani. You know, like I support the FBI. I think the FBI does amazing work. Oh son of a bitch. Is there a part of you though that feels torn, ma'am? Like the whistleblowers that are coming up here now in droves that just say, I can't, I can't do it anymore. I didn't swear an oath to the FBI.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Is there a part of you that feels torn or not at all? Ma'am, I'm asking you a serious question. Sir, I'm very proud to work for the FBI. What I find in talking to Americans is a widespread, even resounding appreciation and respect for the men and women of the FBI. That's not what I asked you, ma'am. I asked you if you feel torn. Not at the least. Not the slightest.
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's pretty sad, ma'am. Man, man, man, man, man, man, man, oh man. When CrossFit first started, Man, man, man, man, man, man, man, oh man. When CrossFit first started, and as long as Greg was at the helm, there were so many mill guys, ex-mill guys who worked at CrossFit. So many. The people who ran the journal,
Starting point is 00:11:36 the people who ran the affiliate department, the training department, the games, the seminar staff, the flow masters. What a great idea. What a great idea. Stop hiring people who have useless Harvard MBAs, Stanford MBAs and just hire mill guys. For any business. Just hire ex mill guys. They get their shit done. They have an axe to grind. For any business just hire ex-mil guys They get their shit done they have an axe to grind They believe that they fought with something for something of a high moral of
Starting point is 00:12:19 value and integrity if they fought for truth They know what it's like to put everything on the line. Why not just hire shitloads of mill guys? Man it was such a tightly run ship. The organization, the camaraderie. What a time to work at CrossFit from 06 to 2018. Holy shit man. It was amazing. Jeeze Louise good morning, Matt Burns good morning, Sean good morning. They got to have sex with whoever they wanted to get paid millions of dollars and worst thing that can happen to them is they might get a stern warning from congress doing the
Starting point is 00:12:59 same. I just had to watch Mr. Beast's ad before it would bring you up. Do you support pedophilia? Jesus criminy. Geez, geez, geez. On behalf of all of the employees who work at ABC I apologize for that my goodness disgusting the mr. beast thing is disgusting rolling stone is disgusting rolling stone harbor you know there's this thing where if you say if you say
Starting point is 00:13:40 man Kamala is a moron there's's this group of people like the View and like the left-wing media, they will say right away that you are a sexist and a racist. So you can't call her dumb because she's part of the protected class. So anything you say about her immediately is considered. So you could see her robbing a bank and if you, well you see it on the streets already with criminals. You say someone's a criminal and they're black, they'll say you're racist. It doesn't go both ways. If you're a black man, you don't get racist and sexist. You just get racist. It's women who are part of the protected victim class.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And if you say, now if you say that the guy who was working with Mr. Beast was a pedophile and a groomer, you're transphobic. It's quite a leap. It makes it so we're dealing with morons. It makes it a moot point when they say both parties have to work together. You can't even talk to those people. It's nuts. I love the guy Goob, by the way. He's absolutely, he's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But this one kind of caught me off guard a little bit I'm a I'm a firm believer that if you put something out on social media, you're basically bait begging to be judged You are begging you're dropping to one knee and saying please judge me Please judge me. It's the premise of the entire Platform judge me. Please judge me. It's the premise of the entire platform. The other day when I had Avi on the show, he was talking about something getting likes and after the show I was like, hey, and he knew what TikTok was. I don't even have TikTok on my phone. I don't even talk about TikTok. He thought, he thought for some reason I use TikTok. So afterwards I'm like, hey, where are you
Starting point is 00:15:43 learning this stuff? How do you know about likes? And he said, oh, when I watch videos on how to learn magic tricks and skateboarding, I see there's a little thing on the bottom of YouTube that says likes. I think that's so astute because I never see that stuff. I don't see it on for some reason, I don't follow it on Instagram or on YouTube or anything. I don't pay attention to likes. I pay attention to comments. But basically, whether you know it or not, whether you're conscious of it or not, you're complicit and every time you post something on Instagram, you're begging to be judged. So I post a video of my son doing burpees in 3 minutes and 52 seconds, and I'm begging for him, myself, to be judged.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And that's all the comments are. Hey, Hillary might not think those reps are good. What a beast. You know, your garage is dirty. Just all the, you're begging to be judged. That's all it is. That's all it is. That's our natural… that's the natural state. That's part and parcel with just what social media is, with what posting something is. So this I didn't get from Goob. I didn't get this. And then once… anything that anyone says is fair game. And so this kind of caught me off a little bit. I'm not, I'm curious to get your guys. Good morning. How you doing? We just got a friendly PSA here. It involves this guy, Matt. We're going to talk about brands that reach out to me and they asked me to work for them and maybe some do's and do nots. Actually, we're just gonna talk about some do nots. This here is Matt. Matt last year attempted to get me to promote his product, combat cradum for free,
Starting point is 00:17:32 and I could get some monetary kickbacks. That part already is weird. I think Matt's a douche for that, but that's just my opinion. There's no fact there. It reminds me of people, sponsors we work for, and they're like, hey, do you wanna do an affiliate program? Do you wanna get a link and get a portion of the links?
Starting point is 00:17:47 I never do that. I'm not interested in selling anything and getting a cut. I don't wanna turn into a penis pump salesman. I don't mind advertising the penis pump on here. I'm all for it. Let's do it. I'll advertise cigarettes on here penis pumps crack cocaine coffee whatever you want to give the money to but i am not going to sell it for you i'm not going to like
Starting point is 00:18:12 make it so you can buy my opinion or my voice so if we were selling cigarettes i'd let you know man you look cool uh and what a great prop andrew dice clay made but you are going to give yourself lung cancer and die a horrible death Yeah Doritos. I'd love to fucking sell Doritos Ultra-processed food will lead to cancer. Thank you for your cash and supporting kill Taylor this week Now ideally I would have brands that like I can get behind but whatever but offering someone like goob who has a whatever. But offering someone like Goob who has a massive, massive following and not only massive following, a massive influence or people like his, he, people really trust Goob's word, right? Crazy integrity. So if he tells you my favorite
Starting point is 00:18:57 wrist straps are blah blah blah, whether you want wrist straps or not, you might buy them, but if you're in the market of wrist straps, you'd buy the ones that he said. He's made it clear he's not for sale. So to offer him a kickback is just a joke. It's at some point it's insulting. It's insulting. He's too big for that.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Not to date, this is- Too big and too much integrity. January 27, 23. Like you got to come to goob. If you want goob to sell you something, just be like, Hey, dude, can you talk about my product? Here's the here's what you need to read. Can you do some version of this and I'll give you $10,000. Could you do once a week for a month? Or $20,000 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Let me hit me up again in October. I never saw this message or reply. Wanted to get me on a zoom? You get yeah trying to get the goob on a zoom to to and you've already let him know that there's no money in it For him it completely retarded. So the guy's retarded But but other people say hey it doesn't hurt to try so I am also not blaming the guy for trying Just a few problems there man. Did Did you forget sending my girlfriend this creepy ass unsolicited DM calling her sexy? So now, Goob is saying,
Starting point is 00:20:12 you sent my girlfriend a message saying you're so fucking sexy. Sexy? June 2013. But you're begging me to work for you. But he says it's creepy. Yeah, I mean, call me. I don't know what you would call me if there is a girl who is posting now. I've never sent anyone a DM saying you're so fucking sexy.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I probably said that on the air about someone the lady who plays Wonder Woman that Jewish lady with the giant head fuck she is so sexy and it's 11 years ago and I think I think goob has posted pictures of his girlfriend in a bathing suit and goob's girlfriend is sexy. I You think it's creepy you think it's creepy to send a girl a message That she's so sexy. Okay, do you think it's Gal Gadot? Do you think it's wrong David? do you think it's like out of line like I I Can't even see it I can't even see it a little bit I
Starting point is 00:21:30 Can't even see it I can't even see it a little bit as I could see thinking about I could say I can imagine thinking that it's creepy but I Don't see how even 1% it would surprise you or you would think it was out of bounds. How about that? I don't think like it's... I don't think it's out of bounds even. You sent us a message like that.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Oh, I said ESC is sexy. Yeah, the headset's sexy. I did say that. You're right. Okay, I apologize. I've said it once, but only about ESC sounds headsets very sexy Especially when CrossFit game athlete with a giant dump truck is wearing them I Do women respond to messages like that
Starting point is 00:22:21 I wouldn't think so, but they probably, I would, I bet you most women who, well, not most, I bet you a lot of women will check the profile and look at the guy and then from there decide whether it's creepy, right? If you get it from me, it's creepy. If you get it from, uh, um, uh, Cole Sager, it's not creepy. If you get it from, oh, the guy who looks like Ken on Training Think Tank, if you get it from that dude, you know which guy I'm talking about, Brendan or something, it's not creepy. Mary Montsoor, they rarely ever see them. Yeah, they just get too many, just get buried in requests. Yeah, I found Goob through Sevan, he's incredible. He is incredible. I just, I found Goop through Sevan. He's incredible. He is incredible. I just I was surprised.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I just don't I just couldn't relate to this one. I relate to so much of what he posts. I just couldn't relate to that one. If you're a girl or a boy and you're posting pictures of yourself barely clothed on the internet and someone responds you're sexy. I just don't see it as as creepy. Or and if I do see it as as creepy or And if and if I do see it, I mean there's whole You can go to Danny Spiegel's one of her posts and there's 600 comments Isn't that what the fire emoji means? You're sexy or I want to lick your butthole or something like that Isn't that isn't that what that means? I?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Need a bowl cereal out of your ass. I'd suck a fart out of your blah blah blah whatever that one is. Mike Pooleboy, my girlfriend is hot as fuck. Correct. Check. To think she doesn't get dms from dudes or girls dating saying she's sexy would make me an idiot. Check. She gets dudes asking her to send them pictures of her flexing all the time. I know. I'm sure she does, but do you think it's creepy or do you or if you don't even if you do think it's creepy, like how is it even worth noting?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Like it's it's the person who posts it is begging for it. Right. Janelle Winston, you're getting the attention you were looking for. Tony D, I'd eat a bowl of cereal out of your ass, I'm stealing that one. I, uh, yeah. I'm 12, uh, what does this mean? Okay, if you're 12, you're not allowed to listen to this show I swear to God you see that one more time. I'm fucking kicking you off the show No 12 year olds are allowed to watch this show Unless you unless you're lifting weights or doing burpees
Starting point is 00:24:56 Audrey words of affirmation Yeah, I just couldn't relate to that one but but you know goob I goob, I mean, fuck, he's batting 999 out of 1000. Can you bat? Is that how that works out of 1000? Um, the uh, I think, um, let me see what the comments say. I think the comments in general were tripp- were have uh, but did your girl put it out there? Yeah, she was begging to uh, general, but did your girl put it out there? Yeah, she was begging, Kratom's for junkies, I agree. Bro literally complimenting your girl and trying to get you to promote his brand
Starting point is 00:25:30 are two different things. When did calling someone sexy make you a creep? Usually on board with you, but this one ain't, yeah. How is it creepy? Yeah, I don't think it's creepy. And if it is creepy, like if you got it from me, some old ass dude who has a wife and kids, then it's creepy. I could go with that.
Starting point is 00:25:53 But some young entrepreneurs swinging his big dick around full of testosterone and you got pictures of your girlfriend in a bathing suit. I don't know. But for sure not worth noting. For sure not like unexpected. What's up with some of these comments? One dude basically blaming your girl. Another dude is calling it a compliment. Seriously, what's wrong people? So this person thinks it's blaming the girl. It's not blaming the girl. It's the notion of what the platform is about Listen
Starting point is 00:26:37 Sometimes creeps follow people who call out creeps because they don't think they're a creep and then they out themselves. Oh Geez, look at this girl's face. This is a girl. Oh fuck. Like, all right guys, good morning. Let's see what else there is. Kratom is for junkies. And now we got promoted on your page mission completed.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But also you should never be, it's a bad look to be jealous of your girlfriend. But anyway, on to why Goobah is so great. Because he, like I said, he's absolutely bats a thousand. What do they say in the hood he's doing God's work, so we give Guba right here rolling stone author Charisma mattering is bad faith journalism. So yesterday we talked about Chris Tyson He mr. Beast cast member that's been accused now of grooming Several young boys has nothing to do with gender, sexual identity, politics, religion, height, weight, hair color. Why is this the headline? Ava Chris-Tyson's... I don't think it has to do with any of those things he said, but I think
Starting point is 00:28:59 it's worth noting that you are, to put in context context that you work on a YouTube station that's targeting young boys, and your co-host – and it's the largest YouTube station in the world by far – and your co-host left his wife and kids and chopped off his penis. And you still have him front and center. And once again, you're begging to be judged. And no one's surprised, right? So this is an important distinction too. The pride flag is another perfect example. The pride flag is a sexual expression flag. It's strictly for sexual expression. So if part of your life is showing your sexual expression front and
Starting point is 00:29:45 center, then if you get caught for some sort of sex crime, no one's surprised, right? So if you fly an American flag and you're for freedom and the values, or even more important, let's say you have a sticker on your car that says, I love Christ right or what would what would JC do? And then you see a woman crossing the street who's 89 years old and it's raining outside and she's pushing her groceries no one's surprised when you stop your car and Help the lady across the street and help her into her car and drive her home and unload the groceries into her house and go On your way with no reward because that's sort of the premise. That's your gig into her house and go on your way with no reward because that's sort of the premise. That's your gig
Starting point is 00:30:26 Right No one's surprised. You're god dude. That's what you're supposed to fucking do You're supposed to be you're you're you're trying to take care of all the children of god on planet earth Because you think that there's someone in the sky who's watching you and you want to do the right thing and you want to help Take you're one of his children too. So you want to take care of them and go up to heaven got it check? If you have a sexual expression sticker on your car if you have the rainbow flag bumper sticker in your car No, you you have sex front and center. And so when you're caught doing anything sexually no one's surprised Anything sexually fucking a cantaloupe fucking a kid fucking a dog. No one's surprised It's the sexual expression flag.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And we know this also because if we go to your parties, if we go to your parties, they're selling candles shaped like dicks and there's men walking around in assless chaps with other men on leashes. I get it. That's your thing. If you go to a, a church parade, right. There might be people like that attending. I'm not saying there's not.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I know a lot of you are gonna be like, whoa, this church does all that and they have all sorts of sexual issues. Got it, check. But that's not what you're gonna see front and center at a church gathering. At a church gathering, what you're gonna see is you're gonna see a card table with a tablecloth over it
Starting point is 00:31:37 and people serving food and people laughing and giggling and a bunch of kids running around in suit and ties, playing with each other and people gathered in groups talking and just hanging out And so when you see someone who's so confused about their fucking gender or their sex or their whatever the fuck you want to call it Ava Chris Tyson, you're not like shocked sex or whatever the fuck you want to call it, Ava Chris Tyson, you're not like shocked. You're not shocked that the training community is just completely filled with people who are doing things sexually illegally. There's just no shock. It's not about being transphobic. It's what they're putting up front and center.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Steps away from all things mis- When you see someone with a red Porsche and they get a speeding ticket, you're not like, oh my god, how did that happen? If you see someone driving Matt Suze's car and get a speeding ticket, you're like, fuck, kind of shocked, a little surprised. You got a fucking Honda Civic with a fucking, you lift up the hood and there's three hamsters on the wheel. Paints oxidized.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That guy goes fucking 60 and listens to fucking audio books. He is in no fucking hurry. Sir Beast amid transphobic. If I read just that headline and stopped reading, I would think that Chris left because people were being mean to Chris. And then if I read only your story, I would read and say, oh, well, the room child refuted the claim, so I guess that's fine. Yeah, and that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I took Rolling Stone. I was like, okay. Yeah, and that's what I did. I took Rolling Stone. I was like, OK. He didn't do anything. It was a misunderstanding and people hate him because he's a tranny. That's what I thought. That's how Rolling Stone presented it. Except the fact that since that article's come out, there's been other young boys that Chris Groom that have come forward, like this one and this one. But Charisma charisma you spent a majority of this article talking about how the kid that was groomed
Starting point is 00:33:51 Refutes that he was groomed Thank You goop, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt yesterday And I said well maybe tomorrow shall update and put this information in for the other children that Chris groomed and what do I know? You did update it and you made no comment about any additional victims and just talked about how Mr. Beast had fired Ava. Great job, Charisma. You really got the point across that Chris is a groomer. You fucking idiot. Yeah, she deserves that. She is a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And I would say at that point she is a complacent in the spread of pedophilia and child grooming. Mr. Beast addresses the allegation... By the way, Rolling Stone since changed the title of the article. Mr. Beast addresses the allegations against Ava Chris Tyson. Of course, he doesn't say shit. This is the article. Mr. Beast addresses the allegations against Ava Chris Tyson. Of course, he doesn't say shit. Over the, this is the letter from Mr. Beast. Over the last few days, I've become aware of the serious allegations of Ava Tyson's behavior online
Starting point is 00:34:52 and I'm disgusted and opposed to such unacceptable acts. I don't buy that for a fucking second. You showcase someone transitioning on your station that's predominantly watched by little kids. During that time, I've been focused on hiring an independent third party to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure I have all the facts. That said, I've seen enough online and taken immediate action to remove Ava from the company.
Starting point is 00:35:16 My channel and my association with Mr. Beast. Good friend there, buddy. I do not condone or support any of the inappropriate actions. I will allow the independent investigators the necessary time to conduct a comprehensive investigation and will take any further actions based on their findings. It's like, man, dude, all the signs were there, dude, that you were working with the fucking creep. We talk we talk we we talking about groomers disputing haven't we had an interview about this. We have. We have.
Starting point is 00:36:23 We have. Many. Many as a matter of fact, many. Christine Young, he's probably a creep too, birds of a feather flock together. So that one will be fun to watch. I wonder if Anol got my link. Oh, I think we're going to get Daisy McDonald on too soon. On a more positive note, those of you who are mothers and fathers, no one will be shocked by this, but it's always nice to get a little validation. fathers. Dads and children prefer each other as play partners. So when we look at what causes a peak in oxytocin release in children when they're
Starting point is 00:37:29 interacting with their parents. The peak in oxytocin when a child interacts with their mother is caused when their mother's giving them a right or cuddle. Really really nurturing them. When we look at what happens with dads, yes he'll give them a cuddle and they'll get a little oxytocin release and that's lovely, but the peak happens when they play. And what's really interesting is dads also get a peak in oxytocin release when they're playing with their children,
Starting point is 00:37:55 much more of a release than they do when they nurture their children. So they have co-evolved to seek each other out, to play with each other. So that is why sometimes, you know, when, as a mom mom I know my kids come to me when they fall in love, but they go to my husband when they want to my arms up like this and my legs up and I see how long I can keep them in there like a sea anemone. And it's getting crazy because basically because of their jiu-jitsu they just start immediately working on my neck and try to choke me out. They used to try to get out of the cage, right? I'm like this I'm like an upside-down chair and they used to try to get out but now they just try to inflict pain on me. I
Starting point is 00:38:53 Do I bitch I play that game? Twice a day with them. It's fucking crazy. I always break a sweat. It's gnarly. I Can't hear a voice over the music. She's basically saying It's gnarly. I can't hear her voice over the music. She's basically saying if you ain't playing with your kids you're fucking up. Like if you're a man and you're not wrestling with your boys every single day, you're crazy. It is so fun. It is so great. In tennis there's this, I think it's pretty standard with tennis, there's this, probably other sports too, but there's probably football. Anywhere there's lines, there's this warmup that's called running lines.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So anytime the kids do something bad or if you just need a quick warmup, what you do is you get on one side of the tennis court, not the length of the tennis court, but the width, and you run and touch the first line, come back and touch the baseline, then second line, and each line is a little further and you basically can run back and forth and do that across the whole court. I think there's four lines. You can do it in 20 seconds. So it's run three feet, run back, run 10 feet, run back, run, I don't know, 28 feet, run back, run 36 feet, run back, something like that. I don't know what it is. And then whoever crosses that last line first is the winner
Starting point is 00:40:07 And uh last week, uh, I my kids have never beat me in that and last week, uh, obvi's nine a couple days ago I always take him to tennis early to warm him up. So he's like sweat for his private lessons we always get to like a half hour early and I Do like dexterity drills with them and shit like that. Yeah, like, is that what it's called? Suicides? Those are called suicides. And he beat me. It was crazy. And so he beat, I always, like I've let him win before.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So he beat me the first time. And then I was like, I kind of like fluffed it off in my head, like I wasn't trying hard enough. Like, oh, I could have tried harder. But I knew something was up. And then we ran a second one, like five minutes later, we did some other like right and left hand drills. And he beat me the second time.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And then we did a third one at the end. And I want to say we tied but It was pretty gnarly Kind of crazy at nine They beat me at it Judy not allowed to call it suicides and physical education anymore. Oh No, I don't do it with bare feet and I don't do it with sandals either. When I, that's a great question. When I take them to tennis, I would do it in bare feet, but I, sometimes I'll go there in bare feet, but definitely not sandals.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I was playing tennis in sandals and because they're not squeezed onto my feet really bad, I did that once and my knee felt really fucked up afterwards. Wait until he deadlifts 295 for 10. Yeah. He's getting really strong. Something's happening. Jake Chapman, tell you what would be suicide, picking a fight with Fergie. Who's Fergie?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Oh, you know lives is the term now instead of suicides you know lives all right there I Don't know if I'm gonna I don't think I'll be ever dead lifting 405 for 10. I'm gonna try a 245 for 10 in a second here. In the next day or two, maybe I'll even maybe I should even jump to 255. I should stop falling on I definitely would be moronic if I injured my back Before the games I haven't hurt my back in so many years I call this clip out with the
Starting point is 00:42:57 Women fuck women and in with the pedophiles. That's what I call this clip out with women and in with the pedophiles here we go. A drag queen accepted the Olympic flame in Paris two men instead of a man and a woman What are the tits doing on this thing? This is fucking ridiculous. A drag queen accepted the Olympic flame in Paris two men instead of a man and woman ignite the Olympic flame at the ceremony I'm so glad I'm not into the Olympics I'm so glad I'm not into the Olympics I'm so glad I'm not into the Olympics the Olympics
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like what the fuck I Can't wait till they do that at the CrossFit Games. What's up dude? Anola Kawe! I'm seeing myself like... Vertical? Like twisted, yeah. You're blessed my son. You're blessed my son.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I'm seeing myself twisted man. It's so awkward. Maybe I think that I don't know how to do it but I think that there's a lock on your phone and maybe I always hear the younger guys be like unlock your phone unlock your phone. Okay wait. Maybe it's on this oh it's on this page. Do you know how to get to this page? Oh look at you. Yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. this page do you know how to get to this place oh look at you yeah oh yeah okay look at you
Starting point is 00:44:31 hey what's up the uh the spaniard is here yes spania is here are you in vegas yes i. And are you living the dream? I can say so, yeah. Yeah. And you're with a beautiful woman. Yes, I am. She's half naked, so I can't show you. But yeah, she's beautiful and she's nice. I saw you just now look at her and scan up and down.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I saw I saw I saw your eyes. I watched your eyes Enjoy the entire product Exactly No Congratulations pump to see you go to the CrossFit Games. You must be stoked dude. This is your second trip No, it's my first rookie rookie year, oh it is your first year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's my first rookie year. Oh it is your first year? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's my first year. For some reason I thought that I interviewed you last year because you were going to the
Starting point is 00:45:33 games. You didn't make it? No, you interviewed me in Miami last year, or two years ago I think it was. For Wadapalooza? Yeah. How did you do that? Casual. It's always casual.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Hey, what did you place last year in the semi-finals? Oh, I placed like 28th too. So bad. Yeah, not the best competition. And this year? Fourth. With a stacked crew of savages too, right? Yeah, yeah, but I'm savage too, so yeah. Yeah, worst is worst. Europeans, my final is, I think it's the worst for qualifying because the top, the 40 athletes are pretty, pretty good. And in some
Starting point is 00:46:23 other regions they might be, regions they might have better athletes but probably the first hit or the second hit are not that good. But in Europe you can get your ass beaten by anyone. I like that, you can get your ass beaten by anyone. Hey, are you training in UAE? Are you training in Spain? I usually train in Spain, in the Basque Country. And I've been here in Vegas for two weeks. Okay, I'm pulling up the leaderboard. Man, yeah, man, you were with some savages.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Look at these guys. Yep. Look at these guys. Yep. Lazur Djukic, Jela Hosta, Henrik Hapelainen, Anolikai, Luka Djukic, Viktor Hoffer, Björgvend Karl Gudvinsson, Harry Lightfoot, Moritz Fiebig, Uldis Upenecks. Oh poor Uldis, huh? Jonekoski. Yeah, Uldis was out in the last event. A 17th, a 13th, a 3rd, a 20th, a 4th and a 2nd. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Oh, good job on that final event. You crushed it. Yeah, I wasn't scared but I fucking nailed it. Really? Tell me about that. Is it like that at the starting line? It's like you feel fear? No, I was scared before. As soon as I got into the arena I was okay and during the workout I felt nothing actually. I didn't remember anything during the workout, just like no pain, no nothing. But before I was scared because I've never been in this position that if I do well I qualify for the games which is probably my dream so I was kind of like nervous or excited fear you know like but it went good so yeah basically you knew that if you did
Starting point is 00:48:22 well you were going to the games but if something happened and you shit the bed it could slip out of your hands? Yep. In the 15 muscle-ups when you see those is that is that the which which parts are you look at before the workout and you're scratching your head being like oh I wonder what's gonna happen here is it both the dumbbells and the muscle ups? Yeah, like how will be the grip after the muscle ups with the 100 kilo dumbbell or the 90 kilo dumbbell. I don't remember the weight, but it was fine. Actually the dumbbell were fine. I didn't feel anything. Some of the guys just grew up there so it was good. And Noah, when you pick up the dumbbells in the workout, when you pick up the dumbbells, do they feel heavy? Like does it run through your mind? Like, oh shit, these are heavy?
Starting point is 00:49:17 No. As I said, I didn't feel anything at all. I just grabbed the dumbbells. I was in a corner in the first lane. So I just went looking at my lane and when I finished I saw that I finished second right after Henrik and then I just made the dream so I just started crying. That's awesome. Hey if you were to go in the gym right now, just cold, and you picked up those dumbbells, would they feel heavy? Yeah. Yeah, we... Yesterday we took some dumbbells off the rack for bench press and it was that heavy
Starting point is 00:49:56 and it was like, man, I can launch this shit now. So basically when you're out there, the adrenaline is so high that even though they're super heavy, you don't feel it. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. It's helpful. Yeah, yeah, it sounded like it was really helpful. I mean, second place is crazy. 233 is nuts. Hey, you cried at the finish line. Tell me about that. You knew when you crossed the
Starting point is 00:50:26 finish line that you were in? Yeah, I knew it. I knew that in the last heat if I beat some other guys I was in, I was like 90% or 80% in no matter what, but just in case that I didn't have to screw up. And then when I just did the last lunch, dropped the dumbbells, and I just realised that I made it to the Games, I was just emotional for everything that I'd been through with my girlfriend, with my family, with my friends, with my teammates. You know, it's just like the emotions are just like are just overwhelmed in your body so they have to express it out.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And it was just like five minutes of just crying of joy. When you say what you've been through, is there anything that stands out during the struggle of getting this, realizing your dream? Yeah, well, I mean, since I started CrossFit, a lot of things happened in my life. My father passed away. I had to move from one city to another. I left some friends. I had some problems with old friends. I started a new relationship with my girlfriend. We broke up, then we came back. Then some other friends are no longer my friends. So yeah, just like the, just life, but through CrossFit you just... CrossFit changed some things in my life and I'm just grateful for it.
Starting point is 00:52:10 How old are you? I'm 27. 27 years. Fuck. Uh... Old. When... So when... Is your girlfriend 18? No, she's 15.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Oh shit. Oh shit. Okay, well nice talking to you. She's 24. Oh perfect. Phew. Good answer. When I think of athletes performing at this level, I think of their lives I always just imagine that they have the rest of their life in just perfect you know stillness that there's no storm around them or no distractions and you're saying yours hasn't been like that when you get out of the gym that there's been a steady stream of like sounds like mostly emotional, emotional chaos.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah, I mean, that's like after CrossFit in, joining CrossFit in 2017 and it's, you know, like life, you cannot pause your life all the time. And I, as soon as you can pause your life and you have this stillness, it's obviously, it helps you to perform. And that's what I tried to do in the last year and it helped me. And actually, my life is now in some kind of a stillness. I'm in a pause that I can say so I can train properly.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I don't have any problems with anything outside CrossFit and it's the only thing that I have to worry about but it hasn't been like this forever. Before that, any other person in CrossFit has their own problems and my cast is not special, it's just like one more. Any of these people that maybe during your journey that you parted ways with or you had some sort of conflict after you made it to the games, did any of them reach out to you and say, congratulations, I'm happy for you and all? Some, some of them, not all of them, but some. And that's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Do you like that? That, that, that your victory your victory is added to healing? I don't care. Or do you think you're like, fuck you? Where were you when I was working hard? I mean, I only care about the people that are standing by my side, no matter what. The people that just like didn't trust me or said that I was not worth. I don't have any hard feelings for them, but I just don't care about them anymore. How about that hair? Is that hair going to be there at the Games?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Or will you get your haircut? I'm not having braids. Oh, smart. So just pull it down really tight. Yeah, like Dave Castro in 2013. That's my goal. Let me see. Oh, okay. Okay. I see kind of like this look here God you look like you look like You look like a Greek god here something like that pulled tight Yeah, but more yeah, but longer because I'm I'll hers now longer. So yeah, but kind of yeah kind of this
Starting point is 00:55:19 I need to look for some place in my Don't know where I don't know if you can hit me Fuck I used to have for some place in the... because my braids are done, I don't know where. I don't know if you can help me. Fuck, I don't know. You used to have long hair too, right? I did, I did. I used to have long hair. You never did braids? No. This is... look at this.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I'll show you. This is a picture of me just a few years ago. This is me a few years ago. Oh you're sexy. Thank you, that's what I always thought. I couldn't stop looking at the mirror myself. Hey, how do you end up in Vegas? So after the semis I wanted to like, since I realized that I'm probably making it to the games I always said that I would like to go there before and train with some camp. I don't really care about which camp go or not. And yeah, so after Semis, I just reached out to some people and I talked with my agent, which is Lucille from Backland. She said that you can join the Dogs crew in Vegas with Ricky
Starting point is 00:56:37 and Alex. I knew Ricky, I met Ricky in Dubai and he was nice and I liked him and we are both cool. And Alex, I met her also in Muda Palusa and she was nice and I said, yeah, because it's going to be warm, like it's going to be so hot in here. So yeah, I just decided to come here, train for a while with them, get used to the heat, met new friends, create some stories. And yeah, it's been great, actually way better than we expected. So yeah, it's been really good. They spoke, both spoke very highly of you, saying that you integrated seamlessly, that you're just like...
Starting point is 00:57:23 Yeah, I'm like a chameleon. Yeah? I'm a shapeshifter. So you see, and where do you live close to the gym, to the training spot? I don't know, actually, we are now, we've been in this LVMV for two weeks, like 12 days, and we are now moving after, this morning, we are moving to a closer place next to the North camp
Starting point is 00:57:50 Because I booked here and this was close to the South So the South we know but you know the stuff and now we join to the North camp and it's Actually, it's only five minutes. We go to a coffee shop that is like five minutes away, grab some coffee and then go to the gym. It's been good. We booked a car and we can move it easily. It's a full Mustang that I really love. It's been great, actually. We have a lot of time, so we are enjoying it. What do you think of Las Vegas? What's your experience?
Starting point is 00:58:30 Is this your first time in the United States? No, it's my fourth time in the United States. I've been three times in, my fifth time, sorry. I've been three times in Miami, one time in Austin, Texas, and this is my first time here in Vegas. Did you go to Rhodes? No, I did not. I got kicked out of the qualifier, but I went to Austin just to have fun. Okay. And how's Vegas treating you? How do you like it? It's it's like it's really good. I mean, United States for the
Starting point is 00:59:07 Europeans is a little for me. It's weird sometimes. But but I like the people here. They are really nice. The food is better than we expected. We are kind of eating really really well and we're eating properly and then I Like the the highways they are they are big so I can drive fast and safe. So Honestly, tell me what's weird. What's weird? The people we are like the yeah people sometimes are weird the interactions with like the small talk sometimes or or it's real like the... Yeah, people sometimes are weird. The interactions with like small talk sometimes or... Or it's just like... Like the...
Starting point is 00:59:50 Your schedule is also weird for me. Sometimes like I'm having a podcast at 8am. It's just like nonsense. Wait, what's nonsense? Tell me again. You lost me. What's nonsense? To have a podcast this earlier.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Oh. It's crazy. Correct. I again. You lost me. What's nonsense? To have a podcast this earlier. Correct. I agree. Yes. Correct. Yes. And then it's just like, just like America. I don't get used to it. Like I like, I like America for like two weeks, one month, but I don't think I could live here. It's so different. But I do like Vegas.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I like the landscape. The valley is so good when it's in the night. Yeah, it's a trip, right? I mean, it's like you're on a different planet. Vegas is like a different planet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We went to a... We went to a...
Starting point is 01:00:44 On Monday? What's Monday? No, yeah. We went to a... on Monday, was it Monday? No, Sunday. Sunday evening we went to the Caesar Palace to watch a show. Like a circus show with some crock work and roast beef to the people that were around there and it was really good. And then I wanted to play some slots, but we didn't have any cash, so we didn't play anything. I hope we can play this Monday or this Sunday just to lose some money, you know, to be embarrassed. Just to contribute to the economy. Get Anol to say, hello, my name is Inigio Montoya you killed my father prepare to die is that
Starting point is 01:01:29 from a movie? Yeah this is from a do you know what is this? No sir. You don't know? I don't know. You should know. I know I don't know a lot of things. It's from, do you know what Justin Colter said that who he was? No.
Starting point is 01:01:51 The Antonio Banderas of CrossFit? Oh yes, yes, yes. Listen, you're much better looking than Antonio Banderas. I like Antonio Banderas, but you're... He's 60 years old. If I'm not better looking than him, I have a problem. Yeah, good point. Hahaha! Good point. What movie is it?
Starting point is 01:02:12 I think it's El Toro, no? What movie? El Toro. Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes, yes. Wow, that movie's old. Oh, Zorro, Zorro. Yeah, Thorro, with two R's. That's how you say it. Thor you pronounce the Z with a th? Thor-roh Thor-roh
Starting point is 01:02:33 Thor-roh Thor-roh Not bad Hey, is Enola Kai is that is that is that it is that a Spanish name? Yeah, so annualiol, no, Anol, Aniol. It's the- Aniol? Aniol. Aniol.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, that's better. Aniol, okay. Yeah, Aniol, it's like a Catalan name. You know that in Spain we have other regions inside of Spain. So Catalonia is one of them and I was raised there. My mom decided to put me this name, which is a Catalan, really Catalan and really weird name in Catalonia.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Like it's not common. And then Ekaia, sorry, it's my last name. It sounds like a Japanese last name. Yeah, it's a Basque last name from the Basque country, from Pamplona. And then I have another last name from my mom's, which is Bujalance, which is even weird, even more weird, which comes from the South of Spain.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Here in Spain, we have two last names. Well, it really bums me out that Zorro is Thorro, because I really like the Z. So, do you guys have Z in Spanish? Do you ever use the letter Z? Yeah, yeah, of course. Okay, all right. But when it's with the O-R-R-O, you do a th? So yeah, when we use the Z, and we want to say some like a th sound, we use with A, O, and U, th, for th.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And when it's with E and I, th, o, and u, fa, fa, fo, and when it's with e and i, fe, fi, we spell it, we use the c. I like it when you teach me pronunciations, it makes you sound smart, like you're very well educated. Yeah, I am very well educated. I'm lucky. What did you do in school? Well, I mean, I have a degree in psychology and I'm doing like a post-degree now from Gestalt Psychology. And in school, I did nothing but study. Like everything other than study. I was lucky I was smart enough to don't study that much and then I just studied in college or university.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Hey, you're still a student? Yeah, yeah, I'm still in. Like, I mean, I'm almost done. I just like, I'm doing like... How do you say it in practice? How do you say blah, blah, blah? I'm almost done. I just like I'm doing like Come on see who come on. They want to take us How do you say? Blah blah like an internship. Oh, oh, yeah, like some other like once a month I have one internship of a weekend. Yeah, and I do that week and I do some internship and
Starting point is 01:05:41 practice Like a psychologist and whatever Is your girlfriend dressed yet? Yeah, yeah, she's dressed. She's dressed now. Wanna say hello to her? Yeah, yeah, I wanna see her. I've heard she's smoking. You know what her name is? Uh, no.
Starting point is 01:06:01 No, you can call her Lele or Elena. Lele. Elena, hey, you're call her Lele or Elena. Lele. Elena, hey, you're Spanish? Yes, I am. What? I'm Spanish. You look like, you look, uh, um, uh, Anuel, tell me how to pronounce your name again. Lele.
Starting point is 01:06:18 No, your first name, your, your name. Anuel. Anuel. Am I saying it right? Yeah, yeah first name. Your name. Aniol. Aniol. Am I saying it right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're Spanish, are you sure? Yes, I am sure. Aniol, why does she look like that? Why does she look like she's from Sweden?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah, because she's hot, man. because she's hot, man. Her mother is like her, she's blonde. And her father also is half blonde too, so yeah. There's a lot of blonde people in Spain. Not all of them look like me. I'm like fucking Mexican and I can rob you. Most of them are like actually blonde. Hey, I mean, you look like,
Starting point is 01:07:03 if you look up the word conquistador in the encyclopedia, it'd be a picture of you. You know what I mean, you look like if you look up the word conquistador in the encyclopedia, it'd be a picture of you. You know what I mean? I mean, you just look like a poster child for Spain. All the Americans are my sons. Yes, I believe. I'm the conquistador. I can say that.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Hey, what do they teach you in school? Very nice to meet you. Leila. Leila. Leila. Leila. Leila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila. Lila when you're there? In Spain? Yeah, what do they teach you guys about Mexico? Because I think a lot of... We don't talk about Mexico that much. We in school, in history, we just talk about like the old... How do you say that? The old societies of the world, like pre-Sorics, then like old Egypt, and then we do like Rome, Greece, and then we do like medieval stuff like England and Spain, the conflict, and
Starting point is 01:08:19 afterwards we just see like modern age with the French Revolution like we do European history and also we do like Spanish history and a little bit of America not that much but we know obviously we don't know all the presidents but we don't we know some stuff isn't it interesting that there's that there's a ethnicity called Mexican because basically it's just the indigenous people of that land mixed Isn't it interesting that there's a ethnicity called Mexican? Because basically, it's just the indigenous people of that land mixed with you guys. And then now they get their... now 300 years later they have their own ethnicity, they're called Mexican. But really, it's just a mix... isn't it just a mix of you guys, Spaniards, and whatever people were there, indigenous people were there?
Starting point is 01:09:03 I think so, yeah. And some of them look like you, like Dave Castro kind of looks like you, and then some of them look more like the indigenous people, you know what I mean? Some of them are really tiny, Mexicans are tiny, and then some of them are big like you and Dave. Yeah, we are bros. Yeah, yeah, we are friends. You didn't see the interview?
Starting point is 01:09:25 Yeah, tell me about the interview. How did it go? It was fun. I was actually coming off of a wedding, so it was late at night. And he just sent me an email and I tried to talk to him like, can we do it like tomorrow? And he was like, we can do it at night, no worries. And we just did it at 11. I was just like, I was tired, but I was excited to get to meet him and it was great. Like he was nice, we had a good chat, I think. It was good, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:08 So would normally you be asleep right now? Not in Vegas. In Vegas we have an earlier schedule. But in Spain I usually wake up around 8.30am. Did this podcast interrupt you and Leila's morning routine? Yeah, we didn't have sex tonight, today. No! Did this podcast interrupt you and Leila's morning routine? Yeah, we didn't have sex tonight, today. No. No. What a sacrifice you've made to be on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:10:33 You know, you can't paint me well. I'll give you extra camera time. I'll try to give you extra camera time, Adam, at the games. Hey, is she going gonna get your coaches pass no she's not she's a my coach my Spanish coach is having my my my coaches pass she'll be there in the crowd with her with her family her family is coming to to watch me no shit so you guys are serious yeah yeah we yeah, we are... we are... We are serious, of course. If not, why are you in our relationship if you are not serious?
Starting point is 01:11:10 So her mom and dad are coming to watch you? Not her parents, but her sister and brother, and her sister-in-law. So... three of... three of the whole family. Are they Crossfitters? Yes, they are. Oh, okay. so they'll understand so they'll understand what's going on they're not gonna go there and be like what the fuck is this they know they know what's crushing hey annual they I'm on your That's a right yeah, yeah, I want to make sure I get it right on your they is it a trip to you that
Starting point is 01:11:52 That the 40 fittest human beings on the planet men are Descending on Texas and that you're one of them Like it does any party is it just kind of crazy? Like you? I mean, I mean, it makes my mind it makes the Olympics just a fucking joke. I mean, the first time, the first time when I just went to the gym for the first day after the semis, and I just realized, like, I'm just here training for the games, you know? It's just like, fuck, this is crazy. But then, of course, it's good, but you cannot live with that thing in your head because then you're not properly training. You know, like, I can go there to a competition if it's the Games or if it's the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Oh, I'm so excited. This is my dream. No, you have to be focused. At least for me, it's good to have the excitement of where are you competing, but you have to be focused. And for me, when I'm focused, I'm not happy. I'm just angry, you know? But yeah, I mean it's when the first days of training were like fuck this is crazy good I'm here just training for for my for the best purpose that a profited can have that it's Heading to the games and try to win them. So yeah Basically, you don't want any you're not celebrating. You're not you don't want think the word is... you don't want to be complacent. Do you know that word? Yeah, exactly. Like Kobe said, the job's not done. So obviously not like this. Not like this, but yeah. I mean, there's still a lot of money, a lot of placements to take.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So I'm pretty excited to do properly. And these weeks are being so good for me because I've been training with Ricky and Alex, and they are like top five, top three in the world. And I see what they do, and I see what I'm doing and it's just like okay you're in a good way. So you got there and you've been there two weeks and you've worked out side by side with them and your confidence is growing because you're like, man, I really belong here. I mean, yeah, yeah, that's exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:28 I mean, I see that. I am I am capable of competing against them. Yeah. And it helps me to to to realize that I am I am worth. When earlier, I thought maybe you said something along the lines of when you're focused you're angry. Yeah. What does that mean? What do you mean angry? When I go before a workout I'm just angry. I don't like people. I just want to destroy the workout. It's my motto. Before that, when I was young, I was all day angry.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And I was good at crossing because I was all day angry. But now I'm just angry when I'm doing a competition workout. And it just helped me to push me. Um, so yeah, I use the, the anger just to, to compete and to help me perform. Hey, so, um, were you angry as a kid? Well, yeah, but most like as a teenager and after my, and I'm the most angry I was with the world was when my father just passed away. When I just also was doing CrossFit and I had like three years, not like the, that I'm not proud of, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Did you go to jail? No, no, no. I had no commercial antics. I've never committed any crime. But you were just an asshole. Yeah, I was just an asshole. Exactly. Hey, so you're telling me that you've, instead of getting rid of the asshole, you have compartmentalized him and sequestered him
Starting point is 01:16:21 and you only let him out at three, two, one, go? Yeah, yeah. and only in competition. And some workouts that these days that I'm working out with them, I'm not an asshole during the workout. I'm just pushing but not going crazy. Hey, how did you do that? Did someone teach you to do that? Like, hey, you don't have to change, you have to get it under control? Or what was the method do that? Like, hey, you don't have to change, you have to get it under control? Or what was the method for that?
Starting point is 01:16:45 I just realized how stupid I was. I also went to the psychologist and also my girlfriend helped me. So a lot of things just went going on like little by little and then I just like got this way to work. I like what you said. Your girlfriend helped you because I think it's an incredible thing to have a woman help you. They don't try to temper the man. You know what I mean? There's a problem in society today. I don't know if you have it in Europe, but you don't want to emasculate the man, but you want to help nurture the aspects of him that you like, right?
Starting point is 01:17:37 Like you don't want to dethrone him. You don't want him to take away the, you want to nurture the king in him, right? How does he help you? Anything in specific you can think of? I think she's just like... she just points me some things that she doesn't like or to make me think about who I am and how do I act sometimes. I am and how do I act sometimes. And I just realized that she was right in some things, most of the things she's right when she talks to me and she just tries to help me and to be me a better human and a better crossfitter. It's nothing specific, it's just like we just talk a lot and we just discuss a lot of things about who we are, who we want to be and that's it. When I think of my own wife, the way she made me a better person is she didn't train me to make her happy, she trained me to make myself more happy. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:18:45 So it wasn't like, hey, you need to do this so I'm more happy. You know, like you hear a lot of couples, I need you to do this. My wife taught me how to, hey, make yourself more happy. And then I guess as I learned how to make myself more happy or more at peace, she got the benefits of it. Yeah, with me it was more like she just said like, hey, this is not the way I want someone by my side. So if you don't change, you're just done with me. And I just realized that I had some things to change and I just did. And then I just came back to pick my beauty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Was that hard? The change? It was harder, the breakup, and then the change was a process. I will say it was a process for many years of bad behavior, but I didn't say it was hard. I think it was good. I'm feeling more good now than I used to. So yeah. Tell me, is this the first time you've met Ricky and Alex? I met Ricky in Dubai, but we just talked a little talked a little yeah, I seen with a palooza But yeah, it's the first time that I hung out with them. Yeah
Starting point is 01:20:09 How long did it take before you got through like the awkward phase? You know, like when you first see someone it could be a little awkward or with Ricky five minutes with Alex Two hours. Yeah. Wow, and then now smooth. just smooth. I mean, they seem to really like you. Anytime your name comes up there, they get all smilin'. We are friends. I really appreciate them as friends and we are, I mean, I really like them. Ricky's a nice, such a nice person. We just get along a lot. We have the same humor, we have the same jokes and it's good to have him so he can destroy my ass all the time. And with Alex, she's just like a human force of love and she's just so good with everyone. I think that sometimes she's that
Starting point is 01:21:01 good that people don't even realize how good she is. Yeah. With her other human beings and still she's a beast in the field. So yeah, I really love them. Both of them, Lele and me, just like we both love them and also Jake and Michelle are also like so good with us. They are also like so good with us. They are just like a command even on XANAquiet They just hosted us really well if that makes sense, yeah, yeah, hey
Starting point is 01:21:37 Talking about Alex for a second. So listening to you you had your You know, you had your monster on the outside and now you've brought it in and you're keeping it, you know, you're using your monster. Does Alex have a monster? Because her monster is not on the outside, you don't see it. But clearly she must have one inside there somewhere, right? At 3211? Yeah, I think everyone has a monster. I don't know how big it is inside everyone but yeah I think that everyone that does CrossFit and likes to suffer and goes to the red line every other day has a monster inside but yeah I think she has like
Starting point is 01:22:21 she's a really lovely all the time but when when she got to workout, she goes for it. Yeah. Yeah. And how about Justin Kotler, the coach over there? How is that interaction with him? Was he as welcoming as they were? She was not the most welcoming, but when we reached out to him, she was like, yeah, come over. She's really open-minded with all the athletes to come. Either we are doing like other training camps or other programs and stuff. So he was really welcoming. And we just talked a little before that I was coming so I can just schedule myself and organise myself for the coming days. Since I got here, he was like if I was more another one on the crew so it's been really good. He's nice with me, he treats me with respect and Elele also with respect and he tries to help me with everything that he treats me with respect, and Lele also with respect, and he tries to
Starting point is 01:23:25 help me with everything that he can. So yeah, he's a nice dude, man. He's a real one. Is there coaching going on, Anjoel? Is there any coaching going on, or is it just strictly training at this point? What do you mean? Like if you were doing sprints, would he say, hey, move your hand a little to the right or spread your fingers more?
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, he's coaching us. For example, yesterday we had, not yesterday, but on Wednesday we did some gymnastic stuff and he gave us some tips between him and Ricky, tried to help me and Alex a little on some stuff. The other day we had also overhead squats for example and he tried to help me and gave me some tips. And then in the workout he also helped us on how to push. He's like a hype man so I like that sometimes. Yeah, he's passionate, right? He gets crazy. Yeah, you can fake passion.
Starting point is 01:24:40 I like that quote because I'm also very passionate and I like people like that. It appears that Leila also works out. She appeared, I tried not to look at her body, but just from this quick glance you gave me, I noticed that she also has a body that seems like it. She's a weightlifter. Oh, okay. Is she allowed to work out with you guys or does she know the boundaries? Does she give you guys space? How does that work?
Starting point is 01:25:09 She works. I mean, she's now focused on weightlifting because she has some important competition for her coming going on in the last month, like one month after the games. But yes, she's working out sometimes with us yeah she's good and but now she's more focused on weightlifting does she have any concerns because that you're just a puny crossfitter with a boy of a body of a little boy compared to her weightlifting man no she doesn't have nothing to worry about she's oh she's okay with this small body here. This is fine for her Yeah, she's not a physical girl. She's more about... She likes you for your head, not your body? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:25:58 She sounds very deep. That's nice. Has she done any bench pressing with Miss Gazan? Yeah, fuck off man. Was that crazy? Was she like, what is going on here? We did on Wednesday. Four sets of eight bench press, dumbbell bench press. Yeah. And we are, me and Ricky started with, we did like 70, 85, 95, 100. No, 80, 95, 90, 100 and then 50 kilos. And Alex did all of them, I think, with 90 or 85 pounds.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Crazy. Yeah, yeah. But it's not only the weight, it's just how she moves it. It's just like... I feel like I'm fucking bad, man. I'm just like, when you see someone just like have this perfect level of something, it's just like, fuck, I'm fucking bad. Uh-oh. There was these people doing like handstand stuff and I'm like, man, I can't even hold for 10 seconds straight without moving my hands and this monster is doing handstand over 10 meters.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Uh oh. You're back. Okay. Just like that. Like when you see someone just performing you in some specific area, it's just like you just have to sit and applause. You can do nothing else. Yeah. Boy, I'd like to see that in person too. I like the way you said that because I guess you know when you see someone squatting even if they're air squatting and their squats perfect, you're kind of like amazed.
Starting point is 01:28:06 It's almost like watching ballet. And what you're saying is that people are focused on Alex's strength, but even just how she moves the bar is incredible when you're there watching her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just like when some people are excellent at something, you just sit and applaud and watch and try to improve and try to learn. There's nothing else you can do. You just... Ángel, since your morning routine got interrupted, will you be making love today? Will you fit
Starting point is 01:28:38 it in somewhere else or will you just miss a day? I like to have sex in the morning. In the night, I'm tired. Yeah, I'm a morning guy, too Yeah, also in nap nap time. It's also my best time, but yeah here in Vegas. We are not having that much snap time so Yeah, I don't think so man. You just screwed me up. I fucked your whole day up. All right listen Yeah, I'm not sorry for you, but tell her I'm sorry. She clearly has needs and I apologize.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Hey, you are as amazing as the first time I remember meeting you. I can't wait to hang out with you. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for coming on so early. I'm really happy for you that you're with Ricky and Alex. They're two of my favorite and Justin Kotler and I really appreciate you coming on then. You're awesome. Thank you, Stefan. It's been a great time. See you in Dallas. When are you coming?
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm gonna come Monday. When are you going? I'm coming this next Tuesday. So I'll be there for a week and then we meet you and we just we hang out man. Yeah what are you doing with your right hand? Just holding my knee. Oh okay just just checking. All right. All right. Love you buddy. See you soon. See you on Tuesday. You're nasty man. I'm very nasty. Thank you. Okay, bye bye.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Ciao. Anola Kai calls me nasty. Oh my goodness. I have to take the boy skateboarding now, but I need fucking 10 minutes with Hayley. Jesus Christ. He's prepping or ceviche. My god. Oh my god. I have to let a few thoughts pass by before I talk. I don't want to say anything inappropriate. Holy shit. I don't want to say anything inappropriate. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:30:46 That's the thing. Toxico. Yeah, Toxico is right. That's the thing, man. I was just kind of imagining that. By the way, Snorri, thank you, by the way. He said his agent was some lady, but I wrote, Snorri, thanks for making sure. Snorri's been great. Snorries the Is he Finnish Icelandic Finnish Finnish mafia looking agent got a lot of fucking big athletes good, dude. He's been
Starting point is 01:31:14 The only the only problem snorri is I have to talk to him on whatsapp, but what he's been helping you Very seamlessly. That's the thing with the agent some of the agents get in the way and he's just been like bringing me together with people and making sure uh everything is moving forward which i really appreciate making it so easy um the it must be fucking crazy in there i mean alex is like barely closed ricky's barely closed on yoles in there It must on y'all on y'all it must be crazy Just all the pheromones and shit pouring off of everyone. Oh, he's from Iceland. Okay. Thank you Mary Masua. Oh I haven't been playing with my toe spacers very much lately
Starting point is 01:32:05 This Saturday is Kill Taylor. Anyone who wants to sponsor the show, by the way, feel free. We're just taking, right now we're just taking sponsors one week at a time. Anyone who wants to sponsor the show, we're happy to take your 500 bucks. The cool thing is, is that we take 500 and give 500. It won't always be like that.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Yeah, Onyol's barely closed, his girlfriend's barely closed. I mean, it's just all these fucking beautiful people in a room just like, it's just letting shit pour off them. It's nothing. Seve, we, the Uncut, have been informed that the cut mutilated men have different colored helmets than shafts. I'm trying to think of what my shit looks like. I think my shit's all the same color. Yeah, I think their shit's pink from being rubbed raw or something, right? from being rubbed raw or something, right? Yeah, the dude is unreal looking. Anil's unreal looking. He looks so hot, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:14 He doesn't even look real. I mean, he looks like he should have a red cape and a bull around him running at him at all times. red cape and a bull around him running at him at all times. Do I have to have a product like Jeeze Louise sponsor one show? No, you don't have to have a product. You can whatever you want. You just need money. Apparently so.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Philip Kelly sent me a picture of his cock and it's all new to me. God, the giant penis on the boys is so weird. Uh oh, stand by. Child alert. Hi! What's up dude? Ooh, stubbed your toe? I know, there's so much shit around are we going skateboarding Mom's what I think we're going I think we're going soon Really I think so. Yeah, how about Joseph? How's he doing? Oh, he's better. Is he coming? I think so. How about Joseph? How's he doing? Oh, he's better.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Is he coming? I don't know. What do you mean? Is he dressed? He's still doing Kilmarn. Oh, but what about his elbow? One of my son's, I don't know, I thought he broke his elbow two days ago, but it's not broken, right?
Starting point is 01:34:42 No, he just needs, he needs to take it. He needs to take a couple of softs still though. From doing Jiu-Jitsu? Yeah, like a couple days off. Like skateboarding and a lot of stuff. Not doing any sports. Wait, he can skateboard today. Why couldn't he skateboard?
Starting point is 01:34:58 What's it, if his elbow's fucked up, skateboarding's fine. What if he like falls or something? What, it's fine. He's not gonna fall does he fall I never see him fall You'll fall sometimes. What'd you say? We all fall sometimes Well, yeah, you know I you know when I broke my leg from skateboarding I do remember How's that for like a month you broke your leg and I brought you home and you were in so much agony and I didn't give you any medicine
Starting point is 01:35:30 and it just puts you in bed. Yeah, I remember that. And then mom took me to the doctor like. The next day, right? It was horrible, miserable. Yeah. I saw you went into shock. I saw you like shaking.
Starting point is 01:35:43 When I, oh yeah, I was shaking when I um, when I when they got the splint on like, oh, I feel so much better. But when I once I got in the car, I'm like, dang, this is uncomfortable. And it hurts so bad. Like I felt sleep at like 12 o'clock that night. And I woke up like four. Do you think you do you think you break Avi's world record for burpees? Maybe, yeah, if I could. I'm shorter.
Starting point is 01:36:11 Yeah, there's a long way to get up. I have a shorter way to get up. He's like four foot one on four foot. Do you think you're better at pushing through the pain? The discomfort, because it starts feeling really bad. Yeah, I'll probably cry like the end, but not like in the middle, because I'm like, it's hard. Yeah. When you're working out and you feel the tears coming,
Starting point is 01:36:40 do you know where they're coming from? Like, why do they come? Just, I'm either happy or I'm like a little upset. I just like, I wanna get it over with. Yeah. Like after the one where I jumped over the box, when I jumped over the box twice, that was one, right? No, you did 200 burpees over a, I think a four-
Starting point is 01:37:04 No, 201, I think. 201 burpees in 20pees over a, I think a four. No, 201 I think. 201 burpees in 20 minutes over a 40 inch box. That was crazy. And a hundred times. Yeah, 200 burpees, a hundred jump overs is 200 burpees. Cause you did, no, no, 200 times. I think I fell asleep eating. Yeah, that night you fell asleep eating.
Starting point is 01:37:22 I was? Oh yeah, I remember eating steak. Yeah. Stuff like that. And like, I drank a little bit of water. You were only supposed to do a hundred, but you did two hundred. Really? Yeah. Oh. You don't remember that? You're like, and you just wouldn't stop. And so we all just gathered around you and watched you go.
Starting point is 01:37:40 No, I think I was only supposed to be like five or ten. You were only supposed to do five or ten and you did 200 Yeah No, five or ten jump over the box and you and you went and you took it all the way to 200 Yeah, let me see if I can get your picture up here. Let me see. Oh, there you are. I want to see No, you can't see I'd have to turn that TV on we have to leave we do. Yeah. Oh Yeah, I think he did have a vest on and you had a vest right that's right, I think you did have a vest on Wow I Think you had a four-pound vest on I
Starting point is 01:38:19 Thought you mean like no you had a weight vest on. Oh, yeah, did I post a video of that? Just thanks just All right ready to go yeah all right Guys don't forget kill Taylor on Saturday. Thank you snorri. Thank you Anuel Akai, thank you Lily, this hot weight lifter chick. Anyone else I need to thank? Fid-Aid, Paper Street Coffee, CA Peptides, Earth Fit. I feel like that there's something I should be saying. Is there another show today?
Starting point is 01:38:58 What's today? Oh, today's Friday. Oh, I need to ask the guys if they wanna do a CrossFit Games Update show. When are we doing a show on Training Point? Tonight. Tonight. Taylor,
Starting point is 01:39:15 John, Tyler, and Spen if he wants. Or anybody Fuck it anybody can come on tonight. I'm trying to get Dave Castro on the show Saturday I just invite everyone on the CrossFit Games Update show tonight. Just have a huge one that's Chaos. Why Chaos? Just because it'll be so many people.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Alright guys, I'll talk to you guys soon. Love you guys. Bye bye. Music

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