The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In Show | Are You Ready?

Episode Date: March 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. We're live. Woo! Two days ago, I did 100 snatches. No, maybe, no.
Starting point is 00:00:48 About a week ago, I did 100 snatches no maybe no today about a week ago i did 100 snatches with a dump 50 pound dumbbell and then um i actually did 90 no six times yeah i did 90 and then two days ago i did 100 and with the dumbbell the i did the 90 with the 50 pound dumbbell and i did the um two days ago i did 100 with the 35 pound dumbbell no yesterday before the workout in the morning yeah before they announced the workout i did 90 snatches with a 35 pound dumbbell after our morning show and i'd like to do like if i have time i like to work out a little bit before a show so that i have clarity of mind and that i look buff you know and it's not just a good move because i get my arms pumped out a little bit before a show so that I clarity of mine and that I look buff, you know, and it's not just a good move. Cause I get my arms pumped up a little bit in my shoulders. Yeah. And, um, and, but, but two days ago I did, uh, 300 lunges with a 30 pound vest. Wow. Yeah, in my ass.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And I did that just unbroken. I don't know what my time was. It was over 10 minutes, but my ass is broken. I was going to say, how's your butt feel? My ass looks like Sleeky's ass. It is a bulbous,
Starting point is 00:01:58 it's a bulbous, hairy phenomenon. My goodness. Oh, you know what I realized? We might need that Matipian QR code swap sides, huh. Oh, you know what I realized we just we might need that matthew p.m. QR code swap sides, huh? Oh Is that a bad side? Oh, we bring up comments. It just blocks it. I don't know if that's big a deal He just can't leave him up there for too long. I'm gonna see if it yeah, cuz we got to sell the toothpaste let me see if um
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'm gonna see if it works good idea I'm stoked. People are texting me telling me they love it. I knew they would. My teeth are getting... I'm so happy I found tooth powder. Fuck. I gotta get myself some. Oh, I just got a nice text from Jason
Starting point is 00:02:38 Kalipa. Gotta get you to one of our men's club workouts sometime Saturdays at 6.30 if you ever want to come. That's cool. Yeah, I do. But, dude. I get it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You would have to wake up super early. Well, I'm guaranteed to get injured, dude. I hate to argue my own limitation. Dude, I get injured. The mornings are – I'm so stiff in the morning, dude. Just bring the camera and not oh and not work out yeah hey i've even tried this i've even tried um waking up early riding the assault bike for 10 minutes uh forward then five minutes backwards really slow and just
Starting point is 00:03:19 and with a sweatshirt on and long johns and been just so soaking wet and my back still isn't the way it is like by noon it's like money right um i just i just don't um i'm just not a morning my body's just not a morning body yeah yeah take a little bit to get you got to let the car run in the driveway for i've even prayed to god no shit i've been like dear god can you help me with my back can you please like make it so in the mornings I'm good? When did you start doing that? I've tried everything. I'm no stone left unturned. I'm even willing
Starting point is 00:03:53 to try CA peptides. Willing to do anything. I think I'm going to do the workout tomorrow okay are you going to submit a video how's that happen i don't know if i'm gonna yeah probably uh i'm definitely going to film it with my phone i'm you know i when i injured my bicep it was because i was lowering a um i can't remember if it was a 70 or 80 pound dumbbell but that's how i hurt my bicep my left arm and it still hurts when i do snatches and when i did the whenever i did when i did those 100 snatches i told you about and there's 90 i when i lower it with my left hand i always grab
Starting point is 00:04:34 with my right hand here yeah and lower and i'm pretty sure it is it does it say something in the rule that if you do it with one arm your other arm can't touch that arm is there anything in the rules that says that usually your other arm has to touch that arm? Is there anything in the rules that says that? Usually your other arm has to stay out to the side. I haven't read the official rule book yet for this particular workout. But yeah, usually you got to keep your hand off to the side. Yeah, I might break that rule. I might.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I don't know. I also thought about just doing it all with one arm. Interesting. I'm more concerned about your back. I'm not trying to go to i'm not trying to go to core no my back's good because i keep good position and it's only 50 pounds i won't get crazy i won't get crazy and you know i'm gonna love the burpees jumping over the barbell i did a little run yesterday that or the dumbbell is not um oh it is not easy for me yeah that's gonna be the issue right i? I'm vertically challenged.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It didn't hurt or anything, but I'm vertically challenged. No, it does say other hand can't touch. Touch no hand allowed. No handy allowed. Yeah. I might have to just break that rule. I might have to break that rule. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I do different things too. When I, um, when I snatched, uh, sometimes I use like the traditional way they teach you in the L one, right? Straight arms, straight up. And then when I'm cycling it, sometimes I do the kettlebell method. You know what I mean? A little swing out. Um, sometimes I turn in like this. Sometimes I pull straight up like this, like a hammer curl.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Sometimes I just do the you know traditional method yep so uh um for the love of god please put on a good pair of underwear so we don't have to look at your uh hog yeah i was actually i was actually thinking about that too um oh my goodness oh i text someone this morning said hey i have this idea i'm going to call you later today and the person responded i'm traveling for a funeral but i should be free sometime do you call that person uh probably not not if they're traveling for a funeral especially if i going to ask this person for money. Yeah, maybe. Maybe we hold off on that.
Starting point is 00:06:52 As I said, they're not going to South Lake Tahoe, are they? No. Why? Did something happen up there? Yeah, man. My is actually, unfortunately, a family friend, but two deaths due to fentanyl. Oh, no shit. Yeah. family friend but uh two deaths due to fentanyl oh no shit yeah they were at a party super bowl
Starting point is 00:07:06 party and um they just thought it was actually just cocaine and had no intention of doing anything oh is that the story that's been in the news with the guys they found outside frozen they thought they froze to death um no these people the four of them were actually found into in a house and all four were responsive butive, but they hit them with Narcan and yeah, that's the same story. Is it? Yeah. Two of the guys they found outside.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Okay. So then those might've been the two that survived in the port. And no, no, no. I think, no, the two,
Starting point is 00:07:36 two guys died. I was following that story too. Two guys survived. No, sorry. One guy survived. One guy is, they found dead in the house,
Starting point is 00:07:44 two in the backyard, I think, but that's a crazy story. Yeah. Well, there's, it's a bunch of it's happening. survived no sorry one guy survived one guy they found dead in the house two in the backyard i think but that's a crazy story yeah well there's it's a bunch of it's happening because it just found its way into like party drugs that nobody that would want to do fentanyl whether we're doing yeah that's a that's a really sad story uh and the poor the poor guy who survived too like i suspect he's a mess yeah and so the whole like, the two that survived in the situation I'm talking about, like, there's a huge investigation because apparently it's like they hit it pretty hard in Tahoe. Yeah. Emma said we're talking about two different stories.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah. Oh, we are talking about two different stories? Yeah. Because the one I'm talking about was a Super Bowl story, too. Crazy. Dude, it hit him right there. What I'm talking about is the Super Bowl story too. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Dude, it hit him right there. Whoever brought in a bunch of coke and sold it to all these young kids that were wanting to party during the Super Bowl, it was laced with fentanyl and a bunch of people died. Enough to where the feds were out there doing investigations. Damn. Yeah. Yeah. China.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I wish I could do a Trump impersonation. I should work on that. China. That's terrible. I don't get why they put so much fentanyl in the stuff. No repeat customers. Hi, Caleb. Morning, Caleb. I wonder if I've ever done fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:08:59 No, dude. When you did it, it would have been like meth or something. It would have been laced with. Fentanyl wasn't like an issue back then for a couple days i was hitting the um synex or mucinex sprays i was getting that cocaine burn that that meth burn really yeah i'll get you yeah who knows about that meth i'm telling you you. I could hit that shit all day long. Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:09:28 That shit's great. Isn't that burn? Hey, I don't know if you guys do this, but do you know those long onions? They're like – Green onions? Is that what they're called, green onions? They're just long and skinny. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Well, it's not uncommon growing up in an armenian household so when dinner served they'll often be like a glass bowl full of radishes and those green onions will be standing in there yeah those so it's really common um like so the other day i went to my mom's house my mom cuts off those little roots at the end, the roots, and then she puts them in a cup and they sit on the table. Right. And so there's stuff like that. There's like chopped carrots and celery and cauliflower and radishes and those. And I just hammer those. And it's, it's so funny because my mom, I was eating those and those make your nose burn. Those will clear out your nose too. And it's uncomfortable, but I still like it.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But it's funny because I'm 51 years old, and my mom was telling my boys, hey, it's only spicy at the end where the green is. And my whole life, I eat them so fast. I chomp on them and mow it in and stuff the whole thing in that I thought it was the white part. I just assumed it was the white part, the part that was in the ground, but it's not. It's the very, it's the part that's sticking out where the green is. I heard her telling the boys that I was like, oh shit, I just learned something new. It's pretty racist of you to think it's the white part.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Very, very biased. You do sound better today. i'm coughing it all out now you know what you should do 24.1 and then you'll cough everything out did you do it already caleb yeah i did it this morning with my wife how bad was it bad how was it yeah it's fucking horrible is it like yeah like i'm still kind of coughing and my wife's like she was bent over for like my wife has been caught too it was rough dude we had our first hey we had our first um walk-in two nights ago where your balls deep and then there's some a third person in the room it wasn't the dog this time no it's so crazy because i'm in la la land
Starting point is 00:11:51 i'm like in la la land i'm still at 51 i still can't believe someone has sex with me and um and so i'm fully focused and then my my wife goes, did you hear something? And I look over and someone's standing next to the bed. How'd the rest of that go? How'd the rest of that go? Braylon, Trish, I mean, Braylon, don't break character, buddy. Don't break character. Please don't break character.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You just snuck something in there, didn't you? I like that. Braylon. Braylon is, I don't know if you guys know this. Welcome back, Braylon. Braylon is related to Trish. Distant cousins, yeah, but they're related. Yeah, they're homies.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, Braylon is Trish's second cousin on the mom side of Trish. Was she moved or the second cousin? Yeah, second cousin on the mom side. It's a rumor, haven't it, that Braylon actually introduced Trish to CrossFit? I don't think that's a rumor. I think that's fair. Yeah, so that's how Trish got into CrossFit. And so if we – I don't think that's a rumor. I think that's a fair. Yeah. So that's how Trish got into CrossFit. Uh, and so if we, I don't know, I don't know if, um, maybe, maybe Braylon will tell us the
Starting point is 00:13:13 story, what happened to Trish or, uh, I don't want to suggest this Braylon, but there are the first two things I said are true. Um, Braylon did, uh, is related to Trish and did introduce Trish to CrossFit. And Braylon, I do not want to hurt your business. So I apologize for bringing this up, but we are a transparent show. There are rumors that you injured Trish. That you cut her brake lines. In a workout that you had her do some combo of running and deadlifts uh without a proper warm-up uh she hurt her back or her husband hurt her back the details are a little fuzzy and that led to some neuropathy in the foot and that caused some uh poor driving of the rv and that's what happened that it was some sort of related to a crossfit injury
Starting point is 00:14:06 god forbid and then downstream led to a the car accident so i just i know that's pretty dramatic to drop on you guys first thing in the morning but yeah it's um i will only say that it was tragic okay and you know what and i know you're a great trainer and i don't want to uh affect your bottom line it could have happened to anyone oh i haven't sent you the notes yet i'll send you the notes while we say it was all it is what you're about to see is not um is not the exception this is the norm guys this is this is the norm and by the way I'm not blaming social media for anything. We're all, no one should give away their power. Everyone should take responsibility and accountability, but here we go. There's research that talks about the benefits of social media and minimizes the harms. You can follow the money to find that it was nearly always backed by a big tech firm.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Let's take a look at this article, which was published two days ago. This article was prepared by Professor Andrew, sorry, Professor Przybylski. He works for the Oxford Internet Institute, which prides themselves on producing world-class research to understand our life online. So let's take a look at this recent research article that was put out by this institute. And let's go to the funding section. You will see that this research was funded by the Hugh Family Foundation. And if you look up this foundation, you can see that the first trustee listed is Dr. Jan Hugh, who is the managing partner of Capula Investment Management. Now let's look at the investment fund of Capula Investment Management. 7% of their portfolio, over $100 million in shares, are in meta. So the research from Oxford Internet Institute is not, in fact, objective. The research
Starting point is 00:16:14 is funded by a foundation that benefits from positive news about meta. And this isn't the only article that the Oxford Internet Institute has published that paints meta or Instagram or Facebook in a positive light. There are a lot like this one that says that the spread of Facebook use is not linked to psychological harm by Oxford. And this one, which says that the Internet isn't harmful for your mental health by the Oxford team. And this one is my favorite titled A Meta-Owned Site Facebook Might Benefit Mental Health. They're obviously trying to flood our feed with positive research on Meta and Facebook so we don't think about or know about the harms. But the U.S. government issued an official advisory about social media, warning us of the risks.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Over 40 U.S. states are suing Meta and other big tech companies for how harmful their platforms are for our kids. Over 200 school districts are doing the same. Teen depression and suicide are higher than they've ever been, and they're using social media more than ever. Meta is actively trying to manipulate us into thinking that Facebook and Instagram are good for our kids. I'm not fooled. And I hope you aren't either. Thank you to Hannah Ortel of delay smartphones for basically being a detective and helping to make this the same way that they're trying to normalize all these heart
Starting point is 00:17:21 conditions. Now, uh, the, the myocarditis is the shit with amyloid proteins they're trying to make that like normal yeah they they also are trying to normalize that um it's just part of a girl growing up to be deeply insecure and to um have the the issues we're seeing run rampant through kids direct. It's been exacerbated dramatically by kids direct interaction with millions and billions of people through the Internet. There are some amazing graphs out there that show the launch date of Instagram around 2012. that show the launch date of instagram around 2012 and uh as its popularity grew with all of these issues with kids suicide being the most dramatic one and of course they're just correlates right but uh man to not think that everything around us isn't affecting us I
Starting point is 00:18:31 Think it is a ism is a miss Is a miss The real Kevin as a society. Wow. My voice is doing some shit. Yeah As a society we are just weak-minded i wonder what that means weak-minded look at elite athletes that quit because they are not mentally strong enough i i honestly think it has to do if if i if you someone were to say like hey if you could make one decision that would help with that like one thing that we could apply that would help with that i would say making sure that there is some sort of rigorous exercise involved in all of our kids lives at least for one hour a day
Starting point is 00:19:18 i don't mean i mean that would be enormous that would be enormous yeah it'd be enormous and guess what it's fucking it's one of the cheapest things we could do. There's no going to be no bad side effect for the kids. You're not putting them on some drug or experimental thing. And just have them do rigorous exercise for one hour a day. Like, how is that not just baked into everything we do with our society and our kids? Also, why not just take some dramatic. Let i i let me let me go back to mal real quick when i saw mal do that interview with um lauren khalil and what she points at is not
Starting point is 00:19:56 social media and i buy it 100 what she what she points at i really liked what she pointed at obviously because it resonated with me. She basically said that she was always thinking ahead. It's seven o'clock and she's worried, shit, I got to be in bed in an hour and a half. She can't get settled. She can't go to the movies and enjoy herself because she's thinking about what the workout's going to be tomorrow. And so she was always in full journey and the future mode. She wasn't doing journey. She was always stuck in destination. And I've been in, I've been like that.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I remember being like that as a kid. It sucked. It sucked. Always worried about, right. Always worried about what's going to happen in the future. So I, I'm not hearing the social media thing from her.
Starting point is 00:20:43 That being said, if you're having some sort of issues, mental health issues, and you haven't taken dramatic action like gotten rid of your phone and switched to a flip phone, spent Saturdays and Sundays hiking eight hours a day with a friend or by yourself and then you haven't taken um you have you haven't cut tried to cut sugar out of your diet you haven't taken any actions yet you're not you're not doing anything i don't think there's any yeah you're just um get some self-help books get some books that show um uh how uh start learning how the mind works that's really important too because we live in this world of duality and people think that they're going to jump from bad to good not realizing that maybe they're the same things it's just more more thoughts more confusion i also think that we got a lot of this going on. What's that, OCD?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Well, most people would think it's obsessive compulsive disorder, but I think it's obsessive comparison disorder. Give me an example. What do you mean? I thought I was the best artist around and in my school, and my drawings were the shit. I could show them, and everybody's like, oh, my gosh. Went to Academy of Art University,
Starting point is 00:22:02 looked around and started comparing my drawings to all those people, and I was at the bottom of the fucking totem pole. And all of a sudden, myself and started comparing my drawings to all those people yeah i was at the bottom of the fucking totem pole and all of a sudden myself esteem my drawings was like huge to like you were big fish in small pond and then you were big fish in enormous pond yep and then all of a sudden i was like fuck i suck i can't do this i can never live up to these expectations so imagine like thinking you're doing well in life or you're doing something or you achieve something and then you go and you look into social media and you're one of these people that are just eating processed Franken foods. You don't have any exercise. There's no, there's no rigorous activity. So you don't have any like built confidence on any of this in your brains mush because you're feeling it with garbage. You open up your phone and start,
Starting point is 00:22:40 you had a small win in your actual life. Then you open up your phone and compare that wind to what's going on on social media. And all of a sudden you're deflated and you feel worse because of that win than you would have just like celebrating that accomplishment without the comparison the youtube station is like that right we're had we've had a record day every day for the last two weeks and yet in our monthly views are skyrocketing and yet if you look at our entire station all the views cumulatively there's a million 12 year olds that have had one video And yet in our monthly views are skyrocketing. And yet if you look at our entire station, all the views cumulatively, there's a million 12 year olds that have had one video that has more views
Starting point is 00:23:10 than our entire station in three years. There's a makeup tutorial by a teenage boy that's happening right now. That's got 51,000 live listeners. Right. Right. Yep. Right. Makeup tutorial by a boy.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yes. There's a video on the internet with more, uh, with 10 times the amount of views of our entire station. It's how to shave your anus. I know. I know. I'll be damned, right? I need to do this show face down, ass up.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And Caleb needs to start putting on makeup, i think we'd have a perfect perfect channel i'm doing right now with this with this massive pig i bought hi guys welcome to my channel welcome to my channel do you see this lovely brown here uh this account is something else this account is something else let's get ready for school drop-off on this super disheveled morning i clearly have not looked in the mirror this morning or else i probably would have combed my hair and just by the way this chick would handle an uncircumcised penis like a boss. She looks uncircumcised.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Look at how she works. For those of you who don't know how uncircumcised penis works, she's going to give you a tutorial right here. Look at this. This is exactly how it works. Look at it. Start filming this video. But I am nothing if I am not honest and raw about what real-life motherhood looks like.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And sometimes it looks like this. I quite literally roll out of bed and walk right to the kitchen to start making the kids breakfast every single morning. I cannot believe her kids eat that in the morning. That's just those corn dogs are just wrapped in sugar. Yeah, with a side of sugar. With a side. Yeah, bowl of sugar. Do you think now, maybe let's give her the benefit of the doubt,
Starting point is 00:25:11 do you think that she's fully aware of what she's feeding her kids in terms of what's it actually doing to her body? No way. Yeah, right? Do you think it's just an education thing? This is the cheapest thing I could find at Walmart. I can get a hundred of them. i just throw them in my freezer heat it up real quick and feed it to my kids call her hi it's like an economic thing though
Starting point is 00:25:35 hey pressured what's up raylan pressure consumer there you go hey caller hi sorry hi hello hey but that's what's wrong i mean like i'm looking at the what you just played and that's like that's honestly what the problem is with our you know our our current circumstance with bad mental health you're feeding children with terrible nutrition in the morning not not giving the proper nutrition, is only going to lead to bad decisions for kids. And I would assume also that lady does not work out. I don't think she works out. I think that's fair.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And so to say that this is normal, I think that's where the problem starts when people normalize those types of behaviors. It only creates bad habits. get that back and then they're going to get that breakfast um while they sit and watch the tv and uh for those of you who have kids you know what happens your kids could be having a great day you let them watch tv for 30 minutes and you'll notice a shift in their behavior it's bizarre and for sure now i have a two-year-old and and he mimics everything i do so whenever i'm in the gym i you know i do have a home gym here you know equipped to do what i need to do for for crossfit training um he mimics what i do so he started deadlifting at like months yeah and he's two years and three months now right and he's like he's like he he's a gymnastic he started
Starting point is 00:27:21 gymnastics at 14 months and so he's's the most active kid, but he does what he does because he sees me and mom exercise and he mimics what we eat. He's a copy paste of the parents.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Healthy parent, healthy kid. Kid has abs. I don't even have right. Healthy parent, healthy kid. Um, kid has abs. He's only, I don't even have abs. Come on, feed him. Come on, feed him. Stop starving your kid. No, he's like crazy too, which is wild. He's still breastfeeding. He's still, you know, but yeah, man, I think this is, I think that's what step one is. It's parents.
Starting point is 00:28:06 So like if the parent is making the right decisions, kids will, you know, they'll just follow suit. Which, you know, going into like the mental health thing about the topic you were talking about earlier, you're removing social media from kids. removing social media from kids. Yeah, I mean, I don't think social media is a problem because by the time they're teens or over, by the time they're 21, it's going to be, you know, it's going to be normal like us.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Like we can scroll through Instagram but not feel suicidal thoughts. I mean, I would assume that's the majority of people that, you know, have their shit together. And, you know, once you're over the teenage years, you start to look at life in a different way. But at least kids that are in social media, I just don't think they can pin all these lawsuits on that social media is like bad for kids. I mean, again, it starts with the parents. Don't let the kids.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh, yeah. If we did that, we'd have to get rid of every yeah i agree everything you could throw everything into the bad bucket it's the parents giving their kids phones it's the parents giving their kids phones giving them access to a really uh intense uh brutal uh world and then also giving them uh all the bad people access to your kids so you're not only giving your kid access to the world, but you're giving the world access to your kids. Yeah. It's a mess. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah. It is a, it is a, and the thing is, here's also the problem too. The current group of adults we have don't realize the impact because it doesn't necessarily impact us the same way. Like someone saying something bad about me on the internet does not affect me
Starting point is 00:29:42 for some reason. And that's good. But I think it's because I have other things going on in my life and I'm older. So I don't care. I'm over the nose jokes. I'm over the short jokes. I have other priorities that are involved. I have the skills as an alchem, to change negative comments into positive comments.
Starting point is 00:30:07 It's, I don't think kids, yeah, I don't think kids, they're not equipped like that. They're looking for validation in the world. Strictly, I mean, 24 hours a day, they're looking for validation in the world. Hey, and especially kids who haven't done something to build their own identity. That's the, that's one of the coolest things about culture. That's the coolest thing about like single race or single ethnicity kids is that culture, even though it's as contrived as anything else, it gives the kid an identity and a placeholder until they can find one of their own. So if you're raised in this, um, you know, Norwegian household in the United States
Starting point is 00:30:47 and you eat that food and you speak that language and you have those, you know, cultural, more than nuances, you have something at least you can hold on to. For me, that was all I had. I had my parents' love and I had the fact that I was Armenian. But now my kids, because they do jujitsu,
Starting point is 00:31:04 they do skateboarding, they do tennis, they're good at things and they've built their own identity. And so when someone has their own identity that they've earned, that they've earned, it starts to make them bulletproof. And taking what Sarah Sigmund's daughter says, that's why values are so important. That's why I'm so fond of religion because values are something else that you can earn. You can have a value and then stick to it and you kind of, you start rating yourself on that. And then it's harder to,
Starting point is 00:31:33 you don't feel bad when you don't do drugs with your friends because you have, you, you, you have values that you stuck to and all that shit's fucking going out the door. Like I, I suspect that these kids from this lady right here, I suspect they don't have a very strong identity.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And God knows what this food's doing to their hormones. And you never want to fuck with hormones. Yeah, really good point. Yeah, it does play a lot with your mental health there too, not having the proper nutrition. So, I mean, getting the wrong nutrition and then basically let them do whatever they need, not really giving them proper guidance.
Starting point is 00:32:10 That's where you start seeing, you know, that trend of kids that, you know, are just wild in school or they're just rude or they just, you you know have a bad manner or anything like that Professor Chaos honestly a corn dog is probably better than cereal I don't know I don't agree
Starting point is 00:32:33 think of all the seed oils I mean that's basically just a pain that's just sugar that's just sugar wrapped around processed meat I don't know maybe she's tired of Maybe she's tired of getting crusty socks all over her house. I'm a spot.
Starting point is 00:32:54 All right. Anything else, caller? No, I appreciate you guys. You guys are awesome. Thanks for calling and telling us how great your kid is appreciate it you'll see him eventually at the open okay bye
Starting point is 00:33:11 Jesus Christ okay here we go he interrupted the mom how old do you think she is 56 grams of carbohydrates and the typical corn dog how old do you think she is? 25.
Starting point is 00:33:28 While the breakfast is in the microwave, I usually start packing a lunchbox for school. Kids each get a probiotic multivitamin and they think it's a gummy bear. Honestly, I'm not going to correct them. It gets them to eat it. It helps keep my daughter regular, which is the most important thing. Today, my son's getting an apple for snack, an orange for lunch, and I get paid the mom tax because that entire orange was not fitting into his box. Asked all the time why I'm opening all of his packages. A granola bar and an apple, and she opens all of his packages. Packages. It's just so his teacher doesn't have to help
Starting point is 00:33:58 him out with his lunchbox. He can spend his full lunchtime eating. Plus, his teacher probably has enough on his plate already and does not need to be opening a fruit snack every single day. And I know you're probably wondering, Jessica, did you notice that you looked like a crazy hot mess before you left for school drop-off? I'm so glad you asked because I did and my husband told me I looked beautiful. I did comb my hair and put on a real outfit before leaving for school drop-off this morning. Let's get ready for school drop-off. I don't think she looks beautiful. I don't think she looks beautiful. Is cooking illegal in the U.S.?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Mm-hmm. That's pretty funny going. Listen to this guy, what this guy says. I love all these comments with these amazing parents who don't have kids. It's not a corn dog. It's a sausage wrapped in a pancake and they're freaking delicious well i mean yeah that's what i was
Starting point is 00:34:51 gonna say look at his handle but but what's the difference between a corn dog and a sausage wrapped in pancake and how does it being delicious have anything to do with what we're talking about it has nothing to do with what we're talking about it has nothing to do with what we're talking about and it now fine then fine it's a sausage wrapped in a pancake what the fuck he completely missed it and of all you talking shit about not making breakfast literally none of you are going to get up an hour prior to make your multiple children breakfast uh well then don't have kids what the fuck i mean dude my kid will just swallow down a couple raw eggs that takes eight seconds uh none of you uh when they have to be in school at 7 40 a.m my daughter won't even eat breakfast now here's the part here's the crazy part she
Starting point is 00:35:43 takes a granola bar she won't eat part. She takes a granola bar. She won't eat breakfast. So she takes a granola bar. Then don't. Then she doesn't eat. That's another crazy thing when people say my kid won't eat that. Then they don't eat. Everyone's so quick to judge on social media with zero experience.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And look, 765 likes. 765 people that want bad behavior confirmed and feel good about it uh this guy when i say your kids don't have a chance honestly they really don't damn that's fucked up but like like, I'll say, not wrong. That's amazing. I want to see what her kids look like. Jesus Christ, you are a failed parent. This is why we need bullying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Oh, look at that. Look at the pasta one, dude. That's fucking even just as worse. Oh, no. Yep. There it is. I know you guys are going to be shocked, but this is her husband. And that's his serving of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dude, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Just half the tub. Wow. Fuck, that's wild. What is that? This thing? Yes. Garlic bread soaked in cheese. Garlic cheesy bread.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Oh, there we go. We got something healthy. Oh, but she put Fritos on it. Okay, never mind. Where? All the way to the right in the salad. Oh, yeah.itos on it. Okay, never mind. Where? All the way to the right in the salad. Oh, yeah. Almost had it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It's interesting. Look at this. This has four comments, so her shit's just completely blown up. Her shit went viral. Yeah. You know what's crazy, too? That guy in the comments saying,
Starting point is 00:37:42 like, you don't have kids, you have to wake up an hour earlier. You really don't even have to wake up a fucking hour earlier you could cook some sort of like ground beef or something that's already pre-done yeah you could throw it in in a microwave and like heat it up or on a on a pan with on low heat and crack two eggs into it and scramble it up and they have like a high protein breakfast and it would take like fucking two seconds yeah and she has a microwave too so fucking nuke those eggs if you have to if you had to right i mean i hate the constant like
Starting point is 00:38:11 you know fucking oh it's hard everything's just hard so we have to do this and do the most like unhealthy thing possible hey um uh oh and her, she has, oh, team Jess secrets. I thought it said team Jesus. Oh, and she has pronouns. It's important. Hey, Caleb, how come, can we make this so when, when I'm done sharing a screen, it defaults back to this instead of to this. If you hit command T it'll go to that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh, instead of clicking on it. Yeah, so hit Command-T. I opened up a new window when I hit Command-T. Sorry. Shift-T. Sorry, my bad. You know what else is crazy
Starting point is 00:39:01 about some of those comments? Oh, I lost all the comments when I hit Shift-T. You probably just got to bring that window back maybe oh maybe the shortcuts only work for me because i set them for myself oh um you you we can't we can't just make there's not something where you can click in here like i can move that over all right fine if i get i'll figure it out sometime anybody that thinks what we were watching that has anything to do with like her like the kids or like us like having like having kids or like anything like that with what we just watched like it doesn't that doesn't fucking
Starting point is 00:39:38 matter like i don't i don't need to have kids to look at the trash that you're feeding yourself or other people whether they're not to just recognize that that's a fucking really bad idea. He's justifying bad behavior. He's justifying bad behavior. That's all codependent, arguing people's limitations. That's all justification. Yeah, it's funny because with having a lot of different parents and parenting styles at the gym that I get to watch, like you have some parents who have two or three kids, their husband works all the time, and they're religiously at the gym like three times a week. They don't skip a beat.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Like they make it all happen. And then you have other parents who could have multiple resources to help watch their kids, have one parent that works, one parent that stays home. They can't make it to the gym and their life's super busy. Right. Like how does that fucking work out? Right's doing it call her hi someone's doing it hey how are you uh good perfect amazing i every time i cough i i cough up like something that kind of tastes fun you know that taste when of like you know that when your mucus has taste i'm in that phase and i, I enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Tasty boogers. Your body's doing something. Yeah. My body was doing something two nights ago when my kid walked in the room. My body was doing something. That was unfortunate. Go ahead. Sorry. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Look, I just wanted to echo you. I got two kids, one and three. I got twins coming.ats you're gonna be holy shit dude you're gonna be stoked four under four four under four so hey really are you tripping on your wife's body that it's growing two kids in it are you how many months along is she uh 17 weeks yesterday yeah you're gonna see some shit dude that like i would i couldn't even my wife would walk around the house naked and i would be looking at her and i'm like how are you even still standing it's it's like it's you're gonna see some shit that's wild god i really enjoy you have twins sorry i didn't know that about you so long you have twins yeah and i really really enjoy my wife's body.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It's great. It's so funny. And hey, dude, the boobs get even twice as big as before because they got to make twice as much milk. Yeah, they get, dude, you're going to be. That's enormous. And you know these might be your last two, so really enjoy those. Take time and really enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, yeah, it's bittersweet that like that's you get two but they go through the same growth periods together so stack them yeah really get your face in there and enjoy those things while you can okay sorry go ahead no look i i wanted to echo you guys i have kids i've honestly we've prioritized probably breakfast over pre-k like i think pre-k such a joke my wife doesn't work she she stays at home but like even if you can't get up early like it's more important for me to give them solid breakfast or skip a meal to your point that like you can absolutely skip meals which just makes the next meal easier. Like it's just more important to me than, you know, a pre-K would be where they're probably going to be fed crap and not really do
Starting point is 00:42:51 anything anyway. Oh yeah. They're going to be fed goldfish. It's a go-to for every kid, kid prison. Like, and here you can, we get like egg bites from Costco. You just put them in an air fryer with some like tater tots or just like potato and but it's not the best thing but it's better than cereal isn't it just shit loads of seed oils though man you gotta pick your battles i mean that's not what we do every day but if you really needed a pinch it's much better to give them just
Starting point is 00:43:22 like egg bacon and cheese and potato right than any type of cereal uh this morning it's lent so they did just like whole grain oats which is like whole milk cinnamon and raisins which is you know is what it is and then you'll do like sausage patties um and like scrambled eggs when i work from home so it's not hard like at all to feed them something that's not cereal that's not overly processed, that's not high in sugar. Maybe you have seed oils, but it's perfect. I'll tell you what I do if I'm in a pinch, which is if my wife's not around. I'll cut a cantaloupe and a rotisserie chicken.
Starting point is 00:44:07 a cantaloupe and um and a rotisserie chicken i'll cut it open a cantaloupe and i'll just uh put uh ground beef uh and onions on the stove and just give them a bowl of ground beef and then and cantaloupe and that'll be dinner that'll like i'll do that any meal breakfast lunch or dinner i'll do a steak yeah i mean i'll do a steak and um uh broccoli and that's it and it's like they're good to go. And all the water that they want, they can go fucking wild on the water. No limitations on H2O from the Berkey. And if they got to do popsicles on a hot day, they go to the backyard, they pick some oranges,
Starting point is 00:44:42 they squeeze them, and you dilute the shit out of it. And you freeze it, and, they pick some oranges, they squeeze them and you dilute it. You dilute the shit out of it and, uh, and you freeze it and then they get popsicles and they think that they've died and gone to heaven. Yeah. Did we do that with watermelon? Watermelon? Oh, even better processed watermelon. That's like flattened in a, like a glass tray in the freezer and you just break it up once it freezes and watermelon ice cream on our on our kitchen counter on our island there's almost always uh a plate that's like divided into three and there's like chopped carrots chopped cucumber and maybe radishes in there and they can walk by and eat that shit 24 hours a day i can't yeah i mean you're exactly right the easiest way to feed
Starting point is 00:45:21 them clean the next day is just leftovers right so we like ground beef beef tacos last night and we just have a bunch of leftover ground beef. So that's what they'll eat for lunch. We'll just heat it up. Taco bowl. Yeah. My kids still, they don't know what syrup is. Like if they go to breakfast and they're lucky enough to get one pancake that they split between the three of them, that's what they get. They don't even know. I'm not like, hey, put syrup on that. Maybe sometimes I'll ask for extra butter and let them like really lather it up yep exactly what i do at the end of the day it's just gonna make them yeah exactly at the end of the day the sugar and all that bad shit's gonna
Starting point is 00:45:55 turn your kids into assholes too well i know you see their behavior change i don't know why people invite that you know like my niece will get ice cream and turns into a terror. And I'm like, why did you just do that to yourself? Yeah. Yeah. I've seen some crazy. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I think you guys are right. Okay. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you. Later. Bye. I'm not feeding my kids tater tots. Uh,
Starting point is 00:46:19 show something you like for breakfast. What does perfect look like? Uh, cantaloupe and rotisserie chicken. I don't know if it's perfect, but. I don't know. Yeah, perfect is a strong word. I do.
Starting point is 00:46:30 We do a basic. My kids eat the same breakfast every day. They eat eggs. They just eat shit loads of eggs, eggs and some veggies. Every day. But that being said, too, my kids are hungry right after. So my kids wake up before they eat anything they do they go they get right into school like right away and then um as they finish
Starting point is 00:46:52 school breakfast is ready and then i go out there and then they're ready to eat and it's uh it's not uncommon for me to go straight to the supermarket with them before i go to the skate park and i buy fruit and and nuts and and maybe a rotisserie chicken or something and if i have to feed them shit i give them the tiniest little bit meaning if i have to give them a granola bar or something i'll give them something that's like a lara bar and i'll cut a split it into three and they eat it like so slow they know what were you gonna say uh suza i was just gonna say for the breakfast thing what i recommend especially for like the firefighters and stuff that they have the opportunity to eat
Starting point is 00:47:31 after they get up it's something with the whole food that's high in protein with a lot of water to wash it down yeah yeah that's all my wife would make when she was on shift if she ever had to make food it was like hey we're making burgers and maybe some vegetables and some maybe like a sweet potato or something like that but she it was it was never like a oh let's make fucking fried chicken or like i'm gonna go get fucking 24 donuts and shit that's what my wife does she makes bowls for the kids it'll be ground beef sweet potatoes and um and cabbage stuff stuff like that. Just bowls. And everybody in the department loved it.
Starting point is 00:48:08 They were like, wow, this is great. We should have this more often. Sean Rocket. Sean, what's up, dude? Good morning. For the behind the scenes and for all you've done for the community. Thanks, dude. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Thanks, Sean. I believe Sean is the head orthopedic doctor. I think he's an orthopedic doctor. I think he's an orthopedic surgeon and he's the head doctor at the CrossFit games and has been as long as I've ever been around. So in, so for instance, when Emily Rolf had her incident at the games, Sean ran out there right away and thank God he acted quickly and got her what she needed.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Got her off to start getting better broke wells too oh yeah yeah exactly yep these are really i worked with them a few times great guy yeah great amazing guy and i'm and i'm not just saying that uh he's the kind of guy if i text him he texts me back right away if i call him he picks up the phone i've always been a staple uh friends with everyone close with the glassmans um everyone loves him sean he he behaves the way you would want a doctor to behave someone you can trust and uh talk to openly and he's great dude thank you i really that means a lot to me uh dr rocket yeah that's cool he's a good dude uh seven with your boys and lifestyle do they have friends they aren't the kids of parents friends that aren't the kids of uh yeah i mean they're
Starting point is 00:49:34 they're friends they they are in a we are in a very strict routine um or i don't know if strict is the right word i'm trying to be less strict with it, but we are in a, we're in a, in a routine that we, we stick to pretty good. And in that routine, there's loads of kids. So at tennis,
Starting point is 00:49:53 there's kids I'm not friends with. Oh, I'm friends with one, one set of parents and a jujitsu. They have all their friends there and we'll go to those kids birthday parties and all that shit. And they'll come to our house, but it's only, there's only one set of parents that i'm friends with
Starting point is 00:50:08 and by friends i mean those are parents that like we'll go trick-or-treating maybe with those kids or after jujitsu we'll go get dinner together as a family um and then there's and then there's kids at the skate park and i'm not friends with any of those parents. And those are my kids' friends. So yeah, there's that. But I know all the kids. My kids don't, you know, my parents didn't know any of my, like they knew like 5% of my friends. I know all my kids' friends. And I'm really nice to those kids too.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So when I go to the skate park, if I see someone got a new skateboard i'm like hey what's up diego nice skateboard or cool helmet or great trick or it's very familial caller hi hey guys good morning how are you good morning good i want i wanted to this is rb from the chat hey i'm a local to susa's area i was actually at the 580 the other day watching the workout that should have been at his place. Right on, man. Should have come by and said hi. Were you at your place? I thought I might run into you over there.
Starting point is 00:51:16 What gym do you work out in the affiliate RB in the area? Home gym. I've actually shared some pictures with Caleb. I got a sauna ice bath. I got a pretty cool little setup. I met him down at Rogue a couple months ago. Anyway, I'm calling about a coaching thing as far as a takeaway for some of the listeners that have kids that aren't involved in sports and coaching themselves. It was at Granada. I was coaching CYO track for second to eighth graders and you can imagine
Starting point is 00:51:46 those kids have a lot of energy and uh they came out after school uh tons of energy they wouldn't mellow out for all the little warm-ups so I started making them take an extra lap like a 400 lap just to kind of run out some of that energy right after school and one of the high level coaches and i was just an amateur coach i've ran uh as a masters and i thought i was a decent coach until this coach kind of put me in check and a high school check goes hey coach call me over did it privately without embarrassing me in front of you know the other parents and kids he goes what are you doing and i said i'm trying to run their energy out i'm kind of i see that they're not paying attention or not listening to drills. And it's just a bunch of second grade through eighth grade boys and girls being spazzes. He goes, but do you realize you're taking away the one thing they're here to do? They're here to run and you want them to love to run. So why are you punishing them by what they're actually physically here to do to get better at? them by what they're actually physically here to do to get better at. And it really made me look at things differently because up to that point, you know, you're making your kids run or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So he's all make them do leg lifts, make them do air squats, wall sits, something like that, that you're not actually punishing them. It'd be like telling your kids to skateboard more as a punishment opposed to taking a timeout. Does that make sense? Dude, I'm so with you. and there's a great nuance there. And let me push back on that a little bit. I think I've done that to a fault. And here's what I mean by that. My kids are not great.
Starting point is 00:53:18 They're not great endurance athletes. And I feel like that that's something that maybe that needs to be built up early if you want to have, like, really good endurance and foundation. And I hear like that that's something that maybe that needs to be built up early. If you want to have like really good endurance and, and, and foundation. And I hear you on the 400. I hated running as a kid. I hated it. And so if the teacher said run, I was so fucking bummed and it made me hate it more. So I get the thing of be like, Hey, let's do, let's do, you make it fun. Let's do relays, two teams of five and it's 50 yards there and back and then you tag the guy and and he comes and that way you can kind of hide but you can still try your hardest and you can run and it's still fun and but then on the other hand sometimes i'm like man uh my kid like
Starting point is 00:53:56 my kids have never run five miles and it's because i'm always playing it's because i'm always playing little games with them but that being said now let me, let me say this, too. That being said, that's why I take them to other coaches, because I hope other coaches can get away with that. It's interesting. It's a fine nuance, man. It's interesting. Christine? You're probably the same way, but like I could be there. They're both grown now. My daughter actually ran in college later on, but it's what's funny is, uh, I could say the exact same thing a coach says, but just because it came from a coach, it was like, they just like cured cancer. You know what I'm like? I just told you the exact same thing, but I just think it comes coming from a third party. It's different. If I could do a shameless book plug that's not from me and I have no affiliation with it for anyone raising kids is wild at heart. OK. And it talks about basically kids being kids and letting them, you know, when they fall down, don't just jump up and go, are you OK?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Kind of let them shake it off. You know, we don't know when they're really hurt or not. let them shake it off you know we all know when they're really hurt or not yeah because you know your your kid falls when he drops into a bowl if he looks back at you and you're like jumping jumping down to like save him and he's really not hurt he's going to constantly look for you you to save him you know hey um i'll give you a real world example that the other day in jiu-jitsu my son joseph and ari they go really hard in the whole class watches when they spar. And they're sparring. And my son Joseph got my son Ari, who has won all the golds at like his last four tournaments. He got my son Ari.
Starting point is 00:55:35 He's like kind of unbeatable. And he got him in a rear naked choke, sunk the hooks in behind him and choking him out. And my son and I thought, oh, my God, Joseph's going to beat Ari right now. And my son Ari was able to my god joseph's gonna beat ari right now and my son ari was able to turn into the choke and get out right when he did that my son joseph goes oh my god you broke my arm you fractured my arm and and there's four parents to the left of me and they all gasp and i was on the phone with my wife at the time and she could hear my son joseph crying and screaming and she said oh my god what just happened and i'm in it for in in my gut inside was is that he broke his arm right i had that fear but then what came out of my mouth was awesome i said um joseph just had his feelings
Starting point is 00:56:17 hurt and and that's that's exactly what it was seconds later, he stopped crying and they were going at it again. But I hear you, dude, because I wanted to jump up. But parents, you have to be smart with how you make that assessment when you interfere. And so he got to overcome that and figure out that all on his own. No one stepped up. The instructor didn't come over. Yeah, it's tricky. That's good stuff. Yeah, it's tricky.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And last thing thing i didn't know you guys got on things but they make you go to a coach's uh thing because it's cyo it's affiliated with uh the church so you have to get like screened for one and then on top of it you you watch videos of other like inspirational coaches on things yeah i remember one of the videos in particular that really resonated with me was the two things that are going to ruin sports with kids are coaches and parents. The kids will work it out. So if you have a pickup game or you have eight kids skateboarding together, they're going to work against the bully or they're going to figure that out when you're picking teams. fancibly or they're going to figure that out and you know when you're picking teams but once you start getting parents complaining about playing time or you get coaches trying to play either
Starting point is 00:57:29 their kid or they think that they have the next Usain Bolt on the team they're going to ruin those kids so sometimes the best thing is just to let them work it out uh obviously from afar and to make sure that you know still be engaged and there for your kids but when I thought thought that I'm like, that's, it's so true in so many ways, a pickup game at the park, you never have as much drama as you do as, you know, high level team, you know, competing, you know, throughout the region plant. Right. It is a, it is a rude awakening. My tennis, the tennis Academy coach has always reminded me, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:58:01 your kids are not as good as you think they are. He's always telling me that. And I rarely hear him tell the kids that they're good. I can't, matter of fact, I can't remember in five years. And it's because, you know. It's pretty, pretty cool that he, but it's a good. Yeah. I live in Santa Cruz, California.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I live in a small town. I don't live in fucking Orange County or over the hill in San Jose. They're not competing against, you know, 3000 Asian kids. They're, they're, they're with the surfer community. you know, 3000 Asian kids there, there, there with the surfer community. And then to speak of, so the CYO group, we had about a hundred kids, 150 kids on like a big year. And you know, it's funny is some of the kids that I remember the most, there was a group of, I want to say three or four homeschooled boys that were
Starting point is 00:58:42 all from the same family. And so the, the only thing that they did was their parents had them socially involved in all these sports. So they still got the social piece, but they were homeschooled, obviously, at home, get an education piece. Yeah. And unbelievable how advanced, just in general, super social, super good with all the other kids. A lot of the things that people would worry about having a homeschool child,
Starting point is 00:59:08 they basically fought that by keeping them engaged in all the social sports, you know, whether it be like, you know, your kids, whether it be the jujitsu or like you talk about the dance stuff or the skateboarding and group activities. As long as they kept that going, it seemed to really work for them. I didn't do it, but I mean, that's just an example I saw through three or four different groups of boys, all in the same family. Cool. So thank you. Well, cool. Thanks guys. All right. Hope to run into you soon. Later dude. Braylon, a reminder to send Brandon Garage Father love. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I've been staying in touch with Brandon Waddell. He's dealing with some health issues. He got some shit on his skin. Absolutely marvelous guy. Love the guy to death. Thanks, Braylon, for reminding me of that. I'll probably call him today. I need to call him.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I guess my question is, are they sociable with other kids what's trippy about my kids when i went to school kids made you know they make fun of you for the shoes you wear or you know the way your hair looks or your shirt or whatever i remember for like two weeks i had to wear my mom's uh shoes to school because i just couldn't get a new pair of shoes and the bottom of my soles had fallen off you know when you're it's flapping like that and eventually it fell off yeah um my kids uh still to this day dress in girls pants from amazon and a wife beater and a argyle sweater and while all the other kids have like the baggy skateboard pants on at the skate park, and they have the cool shoes, DC shoes or whatever the skate shoes are and all that shit. But yet when my kids show up to the park, every kid wants to hang out with them.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And my kids are completely oblivious to those social rules. And they're super cool and nice to other kids they don't ever they um they don't try they don't they what's the word dick down they don't dick down other kids and other kids know that so they want to be around them they don't fuck with other kids i don't think that's the right that's not no what's dick down can you look that up dick down in the urban dictionary yeah it's like i saw this chick at the club and i dicked her down later that night okay well they definitely okay this so they don't get down other kids yeah big dick thank you they don't big dick other kids they don't do that there we go they don't do that and they're kind of a and other kids don't even wouldn't even dare
Starting point is 01:01:38 do that to them they're also really good at whatever they do. Getting up or pertaining to hard sex. Oh, yeah, they don't take down anyone. They don't. Not yet. Yeah, they don't. A little young for that. They saw me dicking down their mom the other day. Yeah, they don't. It's so interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So I just don't project that. I just don't project that i just don't project that onto them even though i think it's funny um but the feedback they get um from you know everywhere they go is the the world loves them everywhere we go so everywhere we go when you go out with these guys it's like going out with like three puppies or three great danes people want to come over and ask questions and talk about their sweaters and um and i live in a small town like i said so they're like they're like legends already so um and they're and they're slowly starting to become aware of that so it's uh yeah it's cool they're very they're they're like i told you i told you guys this story it's crazy my wife took the kids out to dinner the kids were sitting at a separate table
Starting point is 01:02:49 the waitress came over and said the kids dinner's free my wife goes why is that and she goes those are the best behaved kids in the 10 years i've been a waitress wow yeah and it's like but but they're not it's they're not they're not like i mean they're still kids you know what i mean they still like try to gather all their silverware together at the table and build a tower and they still want the crayons and they still want to blow bubbles through the straw into the cup i mean they're just kids still but they're just not they're just not douchebags yeah but they're very likable yeah they're not screaming they're not they're not being inappropriate they're not yet they're not throwing shit on the floor.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Have they tried to build the biggest straw yet? Like connect a bunch of straws together? You can teach them that one. I'm really soon. I'm getting close to... Dear Bill and Katie. When Bill and Katie fly me out to Scotland first class this year, I'm going to ask them if I can bring Avi when they have me do the behind the scenes there you're bill and katie
Starting point is 01:03:49 um uh 12 daily doses i know two games athletes who are fat kids your kids are fine seve they're too young now they're fine yeah and and and those are remarkable here's the thing too man being a fat kid's hardship too and hardship will uh when people overcome hardship you'll see remarkable shit man you will see remarkable shit when people overcome hardship that's why the whole privilege thing is ridiculous you'll also see massive amounts of failure from people who had privilege massive look at our look at our own hunter biden don jr is the exception. Well, there's certain things that happen within those families that if life's too easy, you become depressed.
Starting point is 01:04:33 You were meant to live through struggle. And I hate the whole everybody's going to find their thing that they got victimized for in school. It's like, oh, try being the fat one or try being the one with this or oh try it's like that the race to the bottom never ends and i just think especially now with the big one of the bigger struggles i think our kids have is they don't know what a fucking hero looks like they don't know what personal responsibility looks like you know one of the movies that probably shouldn't have watched as many times as i remember when i was probably like an early teenager when saving private ryan came out watch that movie so fucking much i could like tell you
Starting point is 01:05:08 each scene in each line and god that was a great movie i only saw it once but i love that movie and uh and kids like if you were to have one kid that like climbed up to the highest branch in the tree to save the other kids kitten out of the tree this is just a random example right like back in the day would be like wow savon like you did all that for her. Like, dang, you're a hero, blah, blah, blah. Now it'd have been like, oh, we called his parents. That was too big of a risk. Like maybe other kids are going to climb the tree. Like we can't have him doing any of that. Oh, but did you see that Johnny is now identifying as a female? Everybody stand up and applaud. Look at how brave this person is. Oh, they're addressing the fact that they feel insecure and they're upset with things that are going in life.
Starting point is 01:05:49 But instead of acting on it better than themselves, they talked about it. Guys, this is really brave that they're talking about it. And it's like, well, no, we also need to act on it. We also need to celebrate those people that are just living through struggle and coming, triumphing on the other end, not just the victims of life. those people that are just living through struggle and coming triumphing on the other end not just the victims of life um i i saw this movie uh beekeeper a couple days ago i cannot recommend you not see that movie enough what a complete horrible uh fucking movie it it's god and then Horrible. Fucking movie. It's God. And then I saw this other movie yesterday.
Starting point is 01:06:33 God, what movie was that? Every movie I see now is woke. Every movie I see now is woke. It's fucking crazy. Every movie I see has a double standard in it. my god this movie was so fucking bad it was it wasn't just bad because it was woke i could get past all the woke shit like there there's a scene in there where um that lady right there uh um uh kills herself right and he's standing he walks in the room and sees she's dead and this cop walks in right a black lady it's her daughter she's an fbi agent and so they arrest him and when they let him go
Starting point is 01:07:13 she says you're telling me that you're letting this big white guy go when he was in a room with a dead woman now just just reverse that for a second you would never you wouldn't because because you know that's the cliche i'm scared of the big black guy right and so they flipped the script on but you would never see that in a movie as a justification to arrest someone but it was used in that it's just fucking nuts but anyway the movie's horrible just because it makes all of these leaps the storytelling's so bad that it just it's it's just making these leaps the jason stayed a movie though so yeah i did like but it was still but he didn't save it dude no i know his movies are like that like he started being in like fast and furious movies and they're
Starting point is 01:08:01 all trash yeah as soon as he did the one with What's the one with Stallone with all the old guys? Expendables. As soon as I saw he was in that, I knew he was over. Yep, he's old now. There are people that can save a movie. Like Will Smith. I feel like anything he's in could be a complete shit movie.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I still enjoy it. Johnny Depp, I think I dislike more than half his movies, but because he's in it. Denzel, I feel like if Denzel's in it, I'm going to enjoy it. Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig, yeah. Although I don't know if he even makes any bad movies. That's true.
Starting point is 01:08:41 You could say the same thing about jamie fox but same thing right he doesn't make bad movies but man statham really shit the bed uh denzel's a boss yeah denzel's so good hey i was getting um i was getting denzel vibes from james townsend the other day yeah yeah when he smiles oh okay yeah he's got the big grin yeah i can't believe james townsend's not in movies or commercials or something yeah he's a specimen huh yeah his face his face is perfect his teeth are perfect his body's perfect his voice is perfect. It's kind of weird. Jeremy, world black actors are superior.
Starting point is 01:09:29 When you think about it. I mean, you're not wrong. You know, I don't, you don't really see too many. I'm trying to think, you don't really see any bad black actors or actresses,
Starting point is 01:09:41 even if the movie shit. I mean, the, in the beekeeper, Cosby's wife, what's her name? Rashid, whatever her her name is she was great in it rashida jones or something like that yeah that's interesting i never thought about that why there's loads of horrible white actors and actresses i'll think of a one bad black actor actress give me a second oh yeah morgan freedom's a shit oh sydney portier wow
Starting point is 01:10:05 yeah morgan's on another level and what's crazy is i think morgan might be just straight bat shit crazy in his real life like legitimate fucking bona fide weirdo oh really yeah you know uh you know who uh uh went completely insane who was a good actor? Felice Rashad, yeah. What did I say, Alish? You know who, speaking of black actors, went crazy? Cuba Gooding Jr. went that crazy. He went off the deep end. He was amazing.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Ah, so. He's just nuts. I wish I could give you an example. Well, here's a great picture of him. Of Cuba? Yeah, this is a pretty good explanation, I guess. He just lost his shit whenever I would see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. He just, okay. He's crazy. That OJ movie he was in was amazing. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:56 that was really good. Fuck. That was amazing. Jesse Smollett. Yes. Smollett was, I didn't see any of his work but he was probably great too well it wasn't that great real life too yeah that's what i was gonna say he didn't have everybody
Starting point is 01:11:11 fooled um how come no one's talking about adler smacking gazan's butt after 24.1 um i was thinking about talking about it but i didn't i i couldn't give it a butt smack but how about this she did this to him afterwards let's see if i can go find that yeah hey do you think they just have a relationship because they both work with uh chris henshaw so they probably have trained together outside of the public eye you mean as opposed to them fucking on the side? Yes. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I mean, shit, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe Lambert. Oh, look at that. I think, I mean, in all fairness, just before I continue down the joke that they're boning, basically, he beat her. So he's smiling. Like, I got you, bitch.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I got the golden barbell. Oh, wow. Holy shit. Irrefutable evidence, guys. Chunky Adler fucking doing the... Two rival gangs right there. Who does heart hands like that? Maybe that's part of the joke.
Starting point is 01:12:19 She does it that way, and he says, no, you have to do it this way. Adler's crazy underrated too in his looks if you put if you shaved him up a little bit made it you could you if you lubed his hair up and did some to him he could be uh like a business suit model i could do that yeah he's crazy underrated work with his facial hair a little bit he he could be a uh sex symbol yeah patrick clark then they jacuzzi there's only one cold plunge here there's room for two
Starting point is 01:12:57 hey at the games they had those barrels and i never saw i don't think i ever saw and they were really just made for one i never saw two people get into the same one but that would have been awesome they were yeah they're not they're not that big no no you'd have to stay if you're in there with a guy you'd have to stay whole uh pole to pole yeah you'd have a little like leg crossover for sure yeah yeah be a little lacing happening down there just Just hugging each other. Yeah. Yeah, you'd have to. I should go back to back.
Starting point is 01:13:29 This is going to completely blow you guys away. Here's a fucking something I never saw coming. A 1991 study of boys with gender identity disorder showed. Is that a caller? The phone. A 1991 study of boys with gender identity disorder showed that most of the mothers had borderline personality
Starting point is 01:13:49 disorders nothing like your mom fucking you up uh as much as the mom needs to protect the kids from dad, dad needs to protect the kids from mom. Okay. Everyone sit back. Relax. Take a deep breath. those of you with kids
Starting point is 01:14:28 maybe get a box of tissues out here we go if you could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would you choose Kylie Minogue Marilyn Monroe If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would you choose? Kylie Minogue. Oh.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Marilyn Monroe. Oh, God, I wouldn't have a clue. I know, straight up. Paul Hogan. Kim Kardashian. No, no, no. I'd like to have dinner with Justin Bieber. What?
Starting point is 01:15:01 I'd have Bob Hawke. Dave Hughes. Barry Humphries. Jimi Hendrix. People who have made a difference in the world, maybe Nelson Mandela at the dinner table. I don't know what he's going to say, I'm scared. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you choose?
Starting point is 01:15:18 Probably our whole family, like a whole extended family. Mum and dad. Mum and Dad. Mum and Dad. Does it have to be a celebrity? Could it be family? We love it. We talk about how school is. We ask Mum and Dad how their day was.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Family. Yeah, Mum and Dad. Family. Who would you like to have a dinner with? They just want to be with us while they're eating food, which is pretty cool. They see us above everything. I'm going to get.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah. Yeah. Bit of a message in it for me. Yeah. This goes back to what um i forget i forget which caller said it was but they're just copying you man they're they're just you are they're absolutely uh superheroes parents are their kids absolute uh superheroes uh get with the programming being a parent is awesome yeah it is um uh mason mitchell calling bs i'm telling you dude i wonder if i have the
Starting point is 01:16:37 same thought that mason did it's like i wonder what the other kids said sure video sure maybe maybe there were kids who who didn't say that but um i don't know if you guys have ever had a dog but like he's in the garage all day or he's at home and you come home and they lose their shit and they jump all over you i mean that's the way it is like i'm gonna go every day when i go in from the podcast i get just i have to take my glasses off right away because i just get worked dudes just jumping on me, pulling me down, talking to me, squeezing me. They just want to like, they're obsessed and, uh, and it's fucking cool. And they're like that.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Cause that's the energy I put into them. I put that energy into them and they get the second word part and they get back. They put that energy right back into me. Seve, if you want to meet dei quota uh for the month play some more of these uh will inspired videos i sent you excuse me um i don't know i don't know i don't know what you're talking about have you seen the uh jesse it's her thing about the parents when parents get older? Uh, no.
Starting point is 01:17:49 So basically what he does is like, especially depending on the proximity in which you like live with your parents, he was saying like, once you pass a certain age, you, you might only see them maybe on like a holiday or something. So let's say you get like two visits per year and maybe they're in there like you know later 70s or something and we hope that they're going to live another uh 10 years he was like that's only 20 more visits you have with your parents oh well i i along those same lines i saw a stat once that 90 of your time with your kids will be spent between their birth and their 13. my dad went to one of his ice camps last weekend he loved it the jesse it's a thing oh oh oh oh he did the jesse it's a thing yeah he did shit that's awesome yeah he fucking loved it oh he went up there and did like the they do like cold plunge and sauna and they play games and hang
Starting point is 01:18:39 out and meditate and yeah he met a lot of cool people seemed like a really good time oh that's awesome is that expensive uh i think it was like two grand but he loved it yeah he loved it he said he had a great time it was like a two i think he got there on a friday and left on a sunday afternoon it's like a tony robbins thing it's basically to to um help you um get clarity on what your mission is in life yeah i think he also does that thing where it's like the the big ass calendar oh yeah yeah like a massive calendar it's got all 365 days on it and then you just mark out everything that you're going to do that year or whatever and so my dad bought one of those too and so like next to his bed he's got his big ass calendar hanging and he just wrote in everything that he's doing over the year and he's like well i gotta fill up all these weekends and days that
Starting point is 01:19:28 i'm not doing anything or not working so yeah it's pretty cool he's that that is cool that's really cool he's he's found something that he wants to do and much cheaper uh and um something he can incorporate daily into his life is a matuthing true i'm telling you you guys will love it i went to bed last night i matuth myself and i was just and my wife's like what are you laughing at i'm like i'm just so giddy i just i just love uh it's to be honest with you from it's just tooth powder dude i'm about to make is better than tooth it's just so powder. Dude, I'm about to make – It's better than tooth – it's just so much better. I feel like I – I mean, I'm prone to just really like the small things in life, but, boy, I'm so happy. I'm going to make the most badass Matuthian commercial one. I'll probably have three iterations.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Good. Thank you. It's going to be so dope. Wait till you see it. I'll give you one percent of one percent of my sales no i don't even want it i just want the glory i just want everybody to know that my commercials did it good good and then when you're sitting on 50 million i'll be like yeah baby i did that i did that one instagram reel and i bought 50 000.
Starting point is 01:20:50 gram reel and i bought 50 000 my son left home at 16 for hockey and returned three years at 29 and has a home a mile from us it's awesome my son left home at six left home at 16 for hockey and returned oh three years later at 29 he has a home a mile from us it's awesome yeah you know it's that is awesome ken that is so awesome i hope i hope i stay close to my kids my mom used to live seven miles away and i would see her once a week now she lives two or three miles away and in the opposite direction of traffic and i i'd say on average i see her five days a week i try to talk to her every day i try to call her every day i'm not because i have to because i just hey what's up what are you doing anytime i leave the house i try to like just call her and see if she wants to come
Starting point is 01:21:35 yeah it's awesome and you know what and my kids are seeing that my kids are seeing that and and maybe they'll incorporate that into into how they treat me when i'm when i'm older they 100 will because that's the same like my grandpa used to like come to our stuff and like invest all like a ton of his time my grandmother on my dad's side died when i was two. She took care of me until she had passed away. And then my grandpa came so much to all my like brother's baseball practices. And like, you know, he was always out every weekend, came from San Leandro that the team one year gave him like his own trophy because he was like the only person that actually went attended everything that happened. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah. And so it carries over like now my parents live, you know, really close to me. I'll stop by there on, you know, at least once a week. But the cool thing is, and including my dad now for the first time in 10 years, they're both in the gym pretty much three times a week. Yeah, that's cool. Congratulations. Yes. Yesterday, Sousa called me. He was giddy because Adrian Bosman and Heather came by. They're Dave's they're Dave's right right hand man and right hand woman for the crossfit games he's like yeah they came by i was like oh that's cool and he goes and my dad worked out next to adrian i'd loved it that you said that yeah that's so cool he was he was like actually he texted me
Starting point is 01:22:56 this morning and he was like i was struggling with my knee push-ups next to crossfit games athletes yesterday that's awesomez is crazy legit. Yeah. Boz's CrossFitting is crazy. The AI thing is completely out of control. We have... This is such a bizarre phenomenon that we're seeing that's being accepted. So basically, AI is completely against white people and against anyone with conservative values.
Starting point is 01:23:46 white people and against anyone with conservative values and it is uh i can't even i don't i can't even believe that we're here at this spot i'm with google's ai right now might have a big impact on that thing that's happening this november it all started when people noticed that it was basically incapable of producing images of white people, unless you wanted an image of people eating fried chicken. But then it got way darker real fast. And it happened when Texas Lindsay on X started asking political questions. She realized that when you ask the AI to generate a poem in the style of someone else, it sees that as an act of creating content that might be harmful or misleading if done in the style of the wrong person. Basically giving us all a backdoor into who this AI is programmed to think are legitimate actors on the internet and
Starting point is 01:24:37 who it's programmed to think are dangerous, harmful misinformation operatives. And so as I show you all of this right now, just think about what this coding mindset means when it's applied to all of Google's products and search engines. I'm sorry, but I can't write a poem in the style of Tucker Carlson. My purpose is to help people. And that includes protecting them from harm. Tucker Carlson's rhetoric has been linked to real world violence.
Starting point is 01:24:59 And I don't want to contribute to that. Okay. But Rachel Maddow. I, I don't want to, it that. Okay, but Rachel Maddow. I, I don't want to. It speaks as if it's a person. I was obviously all good. How is Rachel Maddow good?
Starting point is 01:25:16 Can't write a poem in the style of Melania Trump because you're not allowed to impersonate real people. But apparently Jill Biden is not real people because they can do that just fine. RFK Jr. is one of three presidential candidates that are on its blacklist, apparently because he's hateful, racist, and sexist or otherwise discriminatory. But warmongering sociopath Nikki Haley, no problem. It even got her founding principles right in the second line. No retreat, no surrender. It sums up her current presidential campaign pretty well. Obviously, you can't hear from Robert Malone, but you're all good with Fauci. But the real problem was once she started to aggregate all these results and started to ask it about political
Starting point is 01:25:56 candidates, about congressmen, senators, with very few exceptions, it became obvious that Google's AI is programmed to accept Democratic views and to reject Republican views. And just to clarify why I'm saying overt political bias, because she did it to all the US senators. And every single pair that she did, the Democrats were checked and the Republicans were X'd over and over and over again. I don't care if you're on the left or the right. I fall on both sides depending on the issues. But when the AI behind the biggest search and tech platform on the planet is overtly programmed to have a partisan bias towards one party and against another, that's a problem. And just so all you on the left don't get too excited
Starting point is 01:26:44 about this, let me show you what it said about Israel. I asked it if it could tell me how many and against another. That's a problem. And just so all you on the left don't get too excited about this, let me show you what it said about Israel. I asked it if it could tell me how many children have died in Gaza since October 7th. Sorry, you got to try Google search. But if you ask it how many Israelis died on October 7th, it's got all the answers you need. But I figured I should unbiased and use the exact same prompt both ways. So how many Palestinians have died since October 7th? No answer. How many Israelis have died since October 7th? No answer. How many Israelis have died since October 7th? All the answers you could need. That'd be about 30,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, to 1,100 Israelis. So I figured I'd close with,
Starting point is 01:27:16 how many of the founders of Google were Jewish? Yeah, the answer would be both. Both of the founders of Google are Jewish, and they both support Israel in a big way. And remember, it can't produce a poem in the style of RFK Jr. because that would be hateful, racist, sexist, and otherwise discriminatory. But it has no problem generating a poem in the style of Benjamin Netanyahu. I know the other day I said that the pictures of white people stuff was just a distraction. We had to stay on point. I was mistaken. This is a big deal like from where i'm sitting i think this
Starting point is 01:27:46 basically qualifies as an election interneurance is that close enough for you to know what i'm talking about we're not allowed to say those words on tiktok which is pretty ironic being as the censorship of the discussion you can't say election interference on tiktok guess not probably can't say it interference on tiktok guess not probably can't say it on here either looks like we just got demonetized yeah request authority coming in could be seen as exactly that thing itself so anyways you tell me in the comments is google undermining democracy or are they just doing business as usual what's going on with Google's AI right now? It's fucking both, man. It is crazy. Dan Guerrero, I
Starting point is 01:28:31 asked it if Donald Trump started any wars and it said it's learning how to answer that question. That's funny. Man. Man. Oh, man. man man oh man i'm podcasting podcasting you guys know what happens at 5 p.m. tonight? Live open announcement. Born primitive. Live open announcement.
Starting point is 01:29:09 That's right. Or workout, I guess I should say. It's not really an announcement. I didn't think the show was... Today's show wasn't... What did you think about the show we did right now? Do you think it was right-leaning or left-leaning? Is it right-leaning or left-le left leaning yeah like this is a pretty tame show right oh it's a based show for sure oh it is yeah i was trying to make today's show because i figured
Starting point is 01:29:36 that there's probably some new listeners today because of just all the game stuff so you know i wanted to stay away from not stay away from but because i really didn't know what was going to come up on my notes but i was thinking okay i'm going to take it a little easy today slowly indoctrinate them yeah not just not just pull up you know trump shoes and be like oh my god i can't wait to get a pair of those. You know what I mean? Just be chill. Start with the Matoothian. Gradually elevate. How about Obamacare? Healthcare for all, but if you don't buy healthcare, you're fined.
Starting point is 01:30:18 And I know people who were so poor they didn't have healthcare, and so they were fined. But now all the illegals get free healthcare. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. God, they hate this country. Dude, it's super easy to understand
Starting point is 01:30:36 anything like liberal or democratic. Just all you have to do is just lead with blind empathy. Blind empathy? Blind blind empathy completely ignore second order and third order consequences okay only focus on the hand that's right in front of your face right right no big picture no big picture yeah like i said no downstream consequences and how does that make you feel not not the people you're doing it to just you personally though
Starting point is 01:31:05 and a real world example a real world example of that is when the cure does more damage than the so so when the cure does more damage um than leaving the situation alone so for example there's a homeless guy you feel bad you give him 100 bucks 15 minutes later he's dead from a fentanyl overdose and you but but you feel better because you think you did the right thing but you didn't think of what you call it second and third order consequences that's right yeah yeah it's there it's uh it i i don't even i i'm i'm a little triggered by the fact you call it empathy i don't think it's empathy i think it's um uh selfishness and arrogance. But, okay. I wasn't joking.
Starting point is 01:31:49 It does look like they're selling out fast. The code is BP open. Thank God, CA peptides able to keep in endless peptides. BP, which peptide should I get, Seve? You should get BPC 157 to help tendon and ligament strength
Starting point is 01:32:07 and healing and i think it can help your gut health also and then you should consider but don't don't take my word on i'm not a doctor and then you should look into cjc 1295 um these shoes i have the black ones are absolutely amazing. If you like the nano too, if you like a wide toe box, if you want a shoe that you can work out in and do everything in, it's extremely low profile, amazing for all things CrossFit. This is, this is the official shoe. And, um, the reason why I've been looking so buff in the shows uh is their shirts are amazing too their shirts uh i'm a i'm five five about 170 right now and their shirts fit perfect
Starting point is 01:32:51 little they don't have like dangly room in the arms they're nice like the vindicate shirts like the ceo shirts uh not for running no i think these are great for running i i mean i i haven't run a lot outdoors in them but I've run on the air runner on them I think they're amazing they let me toe strike easy and I get it and because they're so flexy I get a I don't feel limited
Starting point is 01:33:15 in them I'm going to measure myself I'm 5'5 dude anyway tonight's show at 5pm has limited seating I'm going to measure myself. I'm five, five, dude. Anyway, uh, tonight's show at 5. PM, uh, has limited seating. Uh,
Starting point is 01:33:30 get there early. We're only going to accept the first 500 viewers and then close off the live stream. Members only. It's a members only show. Oh, that would be awesome. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Media director level and above. So wow. You guys are good. I had thrown that by there but you you reject that so quick it's a good it's a good pair because if it were up to me i'm like tax them we need to make the money and someone's like no we're giving everything away for free put that shit behind the paywall you want to see america's fittest man fucking whoop ass on our very own taylor self hey man it's gonna be it's be crazy. I asked bear to call in too.
Starting point is 01:34:05 So hopefully bear will come on for a second. He's the founder and CEO of a born primitive. That'd be cool. Are we going to do something kind of cheesy with them and have them do a countdown? Three, two, one.
Starting point is 01:34:15 I think he'll come in afterwards. I'm so like, um, I'm feeling anxious and nervous about this. Are you? Yeah. And really in the thing is, is Will Branstetter is doing all the heavy lifting. Oh, Will's a fucking stud.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why I feel nervous and anxious about it, but Will's doing all the heavy lifting. He's got to set up all the technical shit. Did we post that promo reel he made yet the one of dylan and taylor oh i don't know is it on the seven podcast uh instagram did you see that one caleb yeah it was good yeah it was cool right super creative so that show's going to start at 5 today. And then...
Starting point is 01:35:07 It's not up yet. Okay, so that show will start at 5 today. It's going to be big. We're not limiting it to the first 500. It's inclusive. Everybody's welcome. Born Permanent and CA Peptides helped us get those guys out there, which is fantastic. So it's going to be awesome 5pm Eastern Time? No, no
Starting point is 01:35:29 5pm Pacific Standard Time yeah, they fit the same I wear a size 8 in both and actually yesterday I actually put these up because I was tripping on the soles on these because they're less aggressive than the nano and um and they're so they're just softer like they don't last as long as the nano because they're soft the nano feels like it lasts forever and but i put them up face to face and and you feel more underneath your feet because they're softer like when i walk
Starting point is 01:36:00 on gravel and shit i know it or when i step off a curve or when i'm when i'm like doing something where i have to get up on my tippy toes which is like everything i just i feel i get more response from these um but i put them up right to the nanos too and it's they're identical the the really true great thing about these also is the tongue the tongue the nano tongue is just a failure and this tongue this tongue has a like a curve in it it's not the the nano tongue is just flat and the edges the nano tongue is flat and the edges of the shoe force it down this thing actually has a curve in it and once it's in there it's in there yeah that's really cool you mentioned that about the tongue thing in place which yeah i don't think we could trust that enough because
Starting point is 01:36:42 anybody who has to deal with that tongue like to the side, that's actually a really good selling point there for the shoe. Can you wear those unlaced? Yeah. Yeah. I don't, but I totally can. And the shoelaces are nice too. They don't come untied. Nano kind of fucked that up too.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Some of the Nanos, you got to switch the shoelaces out because whatever the material is even if you double knot it they come out it's weird it's kind of the rad shoes are too oh really yeah like i have to double knot mine always uh yeah these are these are crazy nice anyway uh and if someone thinks different tell me i. I'm not just like, hey, these are – I mean, obviously, they're the sponsor, but I was wearing them before they were the sponsor. Yeah, I would want to get a pair of them. And I'm really particular. I think they're sold out on my side, so just kind of sad. Yeah, they're selling fast.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Yeah, they're selling fast. I even tried to get a size up and they were out um kevin steiner the open announcement was awesome last night felt like old school crossfit again yeah i liked it the the thing with the uh the whole um the only part that i did not enjoy was the workout they did before the workout i didn't i didn't appreciate that it i felt like there was something a little disingenuous about it or something um because i mean i don't even know what it was right i like what was that yeah the communication was pretty bad like people didn't really understand
Starting point is 01:38:25 i didn't understand the golden bar gentlemen what's up they should have they should have just not done it at that point i felt like a little bit like my time was being wasted and taken from me like i didn't care i don't need to see them do whatever they were doing if they're not racing i'm not interested in just watching them work out. I want to watch them race. Caller, hi. What's up? What's up? Just calling in to kind of hijack the workout you guys will have.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Tell us. Well, instead of giving you guys discounts, I'm just going to give a listener $200. Oh, shit. This is Paper Street Coffee calling in. Don't spell out the street. P-A-P-E-R-S-T
Starting point is 01:39:16 Hey, congrats on the store too, buddy. Pump for you. Thank you, man. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So I better make a sticky note of that. that so today we'll let the winner of the workout pick someone from the chat or something and give them and they get 200 yeah just anyone anyone on the chat and then they'll message us uh through youtube or through instagram and they'll get a 200 gift card so at the end of the week at the end of the three weeks obviously it'll be a
Starting point is 01:39:40 600 total that they'll be you know someone will be there'll be, you know, someone will be getting, it could be the same person. Shit. What if the listener bribes the athlete that wins and it could be the same person. Okay. I love it. You can win up to $600 for the free coffee. So today after the event,
Starting point is 01:39:58 uh, Gabe has just, uh, ponying up a free coffee. Um, I'm going to put this sticky here. So I don't forget. It's not, it's not even really has been stuck. And, um, so now I know I gonna put this sticky here so i don't forget it's not even
Starting point is 01:40:05 really has been stuck and um so now i know i'll put it right here on my keyboard yeah paulina was gonna reach out to i think suza but i was like screw it i'll just do it live let everyone know oh and thank you jenny by the way you want to use born primitive bp open 20 for the discount that's the discount code i already bought some shorts and some shirts from them. Hopefully they're good. Sorry, Travis. Hey,
Starting point is 01:40:27 the, the, the, the shirts are great. The shirt, the shirts are absolutely fantastic. You're going to love them. And,
Starting point is 01:40:33 and even after you wash them, I was a little concerned because it fits so well before I washed it. And then I washed it and think, no, no coffee is doing so well. I wear a shirt once. I just throw it out. Oh,
Starting point is 01:40:43 baller. I only wear it out. Oh, baller. And stand up. I only wear new shirts. I'm fucking around. All right, guys. I'll let you guys go. I'm excited for tonight. And Salman, please don't hurt yourself doing this workout. I know.
Starting point is 01:40:57 I know. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's important information. I'm going to take it slow. All right. I'll talk to you guys. Love you guys. Okay. Later. Bye. Oh, that's cool. Paper Street gonna take it slow all right i'll talk to you guys love you guys okay oh that's cool paper street coffee giving me 200 bucks hey so that is the other thing too let me pull up my calculator here let me pull up my calculator here so there's 180 movements right yep okay yeah so yeah reps right so if i I take a calculator, if I take, let me pull my calculator. While you're calculating, I just want to reiterate,
Starting point is 01:41:33 like if you guys are going to buy these, the Born Primitive shoes, like literally do it right now because I came on here to check them. They're like, they're going so fast, almost all the sizes are gone. So if you're sitting on the fence and like thinking you're going to kick the can down the road and do them later, do not. Go right now and buy it. It's because the discount's so good. Yeah, use the code BPOPEN20. Travis High from Vindicate.
Starting point is 01:41:54 I said to call in and say, Gabe, you're dead to me. You have all the people's clothing. That's amazing. Just kidding. No, I had to pull a Gabe and call in and say, I don't know if Tyler mentioned it yesterday, we teamed up with Heat One.
Starting point is 01:42:10 We are giving away, for anybody who plays the Heat One app for the Open, each week we're giving away five free Heat One shirts to random players of the game. So get in there and support Heat One. Thank you. Make sure you go over there and get your CEO shirt too. If you want to make me happy. There's nothing that makes me more happy than when I see the open
Starting point is 01:42:34 and Caleb's like, look, there's someone wearing a CEO sweatshirt or CEO shirt in the background. I fucking love that. That was cool. It makes me think. I know. What a douche. It makes me think i should have went on yesterday i know what a douche it makes me feel like it makes me feel so cool when i see that i'm easily influenced like that what's the code for born primitive uh uh the code is bp open 20 yeah bp open 20
Starting point is 01:43:00 all right you guys, uh, what are your thoughts on Friday nights with people doing it at the gym while you guys are doing yours at the same time? You think it's going to hurt anything? You're talking about the talking elite fitness guys at the same time? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Like people at their gyms doing Friday night lights. Oh, uh, when the live feed is going to go on. I don't know. Maybe they'll have it on at their gym. I don't know. They should. I think the show is going to be...
Starting point is 01:43:34 Excuse me. I don't see Talking Elite Fitness. Didn't Talking Elite Fitness say they were going to do something? I don't think so. Aren't they doing something with your boy Brad? Yeah, it's supposed to be a Friday Night Lights, but I'm on their YouTube page, and I don't see anything scheduled.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Usually they don't produce everything, don't they? I don't know. I thought that I saw they were going to do something. And I think the Friday Night Lights thing, too, is mostly East Coast out here. I mean East Coast, West Coast. I think East Coast and Central will probably be okay. They'll be ready to watch it. the friday night lights thing is like mostly east coast out here i mean east coast west coast i think like east coast and central probably be okay they'll be they'll be ready to watch it i i true because what is it is it five o'clock west what five o'clock pacific standard time
Starting point is 01:44:14 yeah no no west coast time so yeah so most people will be seven o'clock in the midwest so right and 8 p.m on east so hopefully by that time, we'll be, we'll be in the thick of the, uh, Friday night lights at the gym. Um, right. At my gym,
Starting point is 01:44:31 but we'll all be, I'll have it up. I got a little setup in the office with my computer. So, and we'll have it playing on the TV while everybody's going. It'll be dope. Oh yeah. See,
Starting point is 01:44:39 so like this stress, this stresses me out live in eight hours. So now I'm like starting to get like Malo, like it's going to be, I'm getting the Mal O'Brien effect. You know what I mean? Like the next eight hours are going to be like a little piece of me will be thinking about this the whole time. Awesome. Get your chalkboard ready.
Starting point is 01:44:56 You're going to do a whole presentation for us? No. God, I'm just going to just kind of sit here and hide. We'll do your thing. This is all on you. sit here and hide. We'll do your thing. This is all on you.
Starting point is 01:45:08 It will be... I'm not sure who's coming on live with me either. I know for sure it's John Young. But I haven't even figured that out. I'm a little disorganized. Call Hiller. He's available. I'm paralyzed. I like to use Hiller sparingly because it's so much star power. I don't want to overuse it.
Starting point is 01:45:29 He's just blowing up. It's going to be a big deal. Oh, shit. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Let's see. normally i would think that's so cheesy but i love it when dallin says what'd you call me at the end yeah yeah yeah it's it's a perfect amount of cheese and hype at the same time his face looks he looks pissed he looks angry and i like all the sound effects did will do that yeah yeah yeah i love all the sound effects of like shit being thrown around all the fighting and fighting so so uh here's the thing it's 180 reps and you divide that by 15, and you get 12 reps a minute. So it starts with – so why not just do 12 snatches and then chill for the remaining 30 seconds? Because that's not how that's going to work. You're going to need to bank that time.
Starting point is 01:46:50 You are? seconds because that's not how that's gonna work you're gonna need to bank that time you are yeah so you can move slowly so like you're filling that 30 seconds of movement like you don't need to move faster than it but you there's i don't think that um i wouldn't bake into your strategy that you're gonna do it and then watch the clock and then like use it utilize that as rest yeah that's what i was gonna do and then and then with like three minutes left then just try to like when you get to like 12 minutes just just be like, let the wheels fall off the bus. No. Because what's going to happen? Don't game it. No.
Starting point is 01:47:09 I don't even think that plan will work because typically when people do that, you're like in your mind, you're thinking, okay, I'm going to have these break points in this rest. And then the fatigue is going to catch up with you. That 30 seconds is going to start to go by like that. You're going to start to miss getting the work done that you need to in that window. And then your strategy is going to be fucked and you're going to have a hard time like maintaining and keeping it up and this particular it's just but but but it gets easy but it gets but it gets easier no it's not 180 straight i i know but you could do 12 snatches and then the next and then the next round you do nine snatches and two burpees
Starting point is 01:47:46 you can try it so now you have 12 and 12 and you're at two minutes I think you just need to make a consistent effort the whole way through yeah like consistently the same pace all the way through it's gonna get shit tape your thumbs
Starting point is 01:48:04 I don't need to tape my thumbs get with the programming Burn the ships. Tape your thumbs. I don't need to tape my thumbs. Get with the programming. Take your panties off and go, Sevan. All right, fine. Wear your holy leggings so you get some air. You'll be good. That's a good point. You'll be good.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Gonna need to off-gas. All right, guys. Love you. All right. Later, Travis. Later, buddy. Thank you, Travis from Vindicate. I actually could just now hold and stabilize a 50-pound weight over my head.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Oh, yeah. You had a frozen shoulder, right? Basically, something like that. I'm guessing it was a compressed nerve situation. Yeah. if i went to the crossfit for health summit yeah it was the heart and soul that bad boy um but yeah exactly not only did he go he fucking organized that shit with uh karen thompson i fell asleep on the plane right coming back and when i reached up above my head to get my bag out i think like my arm was at like 50 function felt like it fell asleep and the next morning when i woke up i like literally kind of lifted above my see so that's that's the so that's
Starting point is 01:49:09 the thing i'm that's the thing i'm thinking about too i'm like hey i'm gonna do this and i really don't want to injure my bicep again my bicep is not a hundred percent and so like but i do want to do it yeah i. I'm just torn. Just torn. And I don't, I don't know what you're going to do. How are you going to, what are you going to do? I was also thinking about using two different dumbbells. I was thinking about using like a 50 in my right hand and a 25 in my left.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Mine wasn't like an, mine was like a musculature, like injury. Like it literally like somebody just like turn the light switch off on that muscle that I was using. And like, I couldn't flex my biceps. So when I go to flex it like right here, it would still be like soft. Now I can again and I have my like shoulder strength. But yeah, like I think it will be okay. I think it's just going to fatigue really fast.
Starting point is 01:49:57 So that will be an issue for me. Hey, what you need? Call her. It's at spam risk. Oh. Hello? Hey, douche. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Good talk. You guys should see my biceps. They're massive. Speaking of massive biceps, did you guys see... I bet they are. Did you see uh in instagram did you see uh alex kazan's biceps i wonder if that photo is posted somewhere uh kazan she is something oh jake kazan pops up before Alex Kazan for me. Wow. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Maybe Jake posted it. No. He just got a bunch of, I love my wife pics. Alex Kazan. Alex Kazan. Let me see if I can find that. Her bicep is nuts, dude. Nope.
Starting point is 01:51:00 It's not on here. Damn. Where the fuck did that go? Damn, damn, damn. She's posing with this girl. Maybe it's on the here. Damn. Where the fuck did that go? Damn, damn, damn. She's posing with this girl. Maybe it's on the CrossFit Games. It is nuts. She's like double bicep up.
Starting point is 01:51:13 Dude, I would... Seriously, if my arms look like that, my wife couldn't let me leave the house. I would never, ever wear a shirt with sleeves ever again. It is absolutely something to behold yeah dude this is so bad these these are why are these two pinned up here i don't think i'm supposed to say Why are these two pinned up here? I don't think I'm supposed to say.
Starting point is 01:51:56 The CrossFit podcast that Chase hosts, I think, had a record day yesterday, even with the fail of the media team to push people there. They had 160,000, 180,000 live viewers, and then they didn't even link to the crossfit podcast that that's an enormous miss that's the kind of shit that i don't understand like if you're if you're if you care about your sponsors if it's partnerships or you care about your sponsors you would push them right over there the whole object is to keep people engaged and they just let them all fly but it still had it still had a great showing i think it was still like some sort of record number for them six thousand views when i looked last night
Starting point is 01:52:30 but man that's the kind of shit man if i'm whoever's in charge man i'd fire those people yeah i don't that's like that's like uh uh working in a in a museum that sells Ming vases and you drop one. I mean that is your biggest moment on media for the year, 24.1, and you don't parlay that 160,000 people into something? Holy shit. And I didn't catch the full thing. So you mean to tell me they had all those people. Did they announce to move the traffic over there they did they said hey um they said hey um go ahead and go to the crossfit podcast uh next but i would have fucking made every i would have posted in the comments a
Starting point is 01:53:14 hundred times yeah i would have posted it with fucking links you you i would have put the crossfit podcast on the same channel you couldn't you had to you had to you you can't find the crossfit podcast you have to fucking you have to search for it like a fucking like a wingnut uh it is um uh i mean this is my so it just failed it's just fail on every level it fails for the affiliates it fails for the training department it fails for the games it's like dude this is your audience what do people like to call the games the biggest marketing tool of the year for the games if you want to if you want to view it like that how do you not parlay that into just whatever your message wants to be instead instead of instead of doing that um workout where those people worked out and all that fluff in the beginning, why not run a couple of emotional affiliate commercials?
Starting point is 01:54:10 Why not hear a few fun things from Don? Why not – hey, dude, I would have rather – to be completely honest with you, I would have rather have watched Dave do the first round of that workout as fast as he could. I'd have loved that. I'd have loved to see him and don go against each other as hard as it is the hardest they can and nicole carroll watch nicole carroll bury their asses oh yeah nicole would have crushed him they don't got to do the whole thing just the first round of 21 you know what i mean yeah yeah and be it just something i just it's hard not to it's just not fun it's it just i just didn't have fun it's hard not to think
Starting point is 01:54:46 that some of that stuff like i mean i'm guessing it's not but it almost seems intentional like it seems like there's either like a real lack of communication and like continuity between the team like something there's like roadblocking there or it also just kind of seems like it's it's a it's like hey i did my part of my job, so fuck, you know. You're not like looking at it like the whole team, like, hey, guys, how do we do this all together? Well, I think it comes down to accountability. So if there was someone, if there was truly a boss at the top and that happened, someone would fucking get their shit slapped. They'd get slapped across the face.
Starting point is 01:55:20 That's what used to happen to me. Yeah. If you fucked up, there was a spelling error on the front end or the affiliate commercial wasn't good for the games, fucking someone would crack me. And there's just – someone has to take just crazy ownership for that shit. Like, hey, this is the goal. You remember last year the Open was a complete fucking shit show?
Starting point is 01:55:41 And the head of the department that year, I saw the email, sent out an email congratulating them on what a success it is. It's like, what? Yeah, because they the head of the department that year i saw the email sent out an email congratulating them on what a success it is it's like what yeah yeah because they're part and i'm also if i'm working at crossfit i want to know what the fuck's going on with the views how the fuck do the views go from 50 000 to 80 000 to 160 000 down to 30 000 something's not right there either i've never seen that on our station yeah yeah that that should definitely be figured out what was happening back and forth by 50 say that again except for that one time when we got spammed right oh with all the porn no no no remember that time there was just a shitload
Starting point is 01:56:16 of comments that came pouring in and somebody had like bought us comments or something crazy and we were just like what is happening and it was just random comments that a couple years ago yeah yeah well that's an interesting note anyway that all that shit's we all that shit is like um weird to me but at the end of the day once i got to the announcement i was very happy i enjoyed the announcement i enjoyed the race um i'd like i'd like to had a little post interview but whatever yeah alright I better not be worried about their shit I better be worried about our shit tonight yeah we gotta pull ours off
Starting point is 01:56:53 5pm Pacific Standard Time we ran a test yesterday Bryson Del Monte was kind enough to do the workout for us he absolutely obliterated it great job so our test run I think it was flawless Jason Del Monte was kind enough to do the workout for us. He absolutely obliterated it. Great job. So our test run, I think it was flawless.
Starting point is 01:57:10 I was really happy with it. Yeah, it was great. So I expect nothing but the same today, and then hopefully have some special guests. And then don't forget also we have a Saturday show. I do believe that there is a strong chance that Ricky Garrard will make a presence on our Saturday show. Cool. And Alex Kazan so that that should be cool and what time was
Starting point is 01:57:29 that show I thought I heard you guys discussing it late the evening 7 7 p.m. yeah okay okay all right guys thank you love you guys see you guys tonight 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time don't forget and the BP open 20 for your discount code of Born Primitive.
Starting point is 01:57:48 And it should be pretty easy to win the $200 of coffee. And you know what's crazy is you can kind of stuff the ballot box. I'm not saying you make stupid chats, but it's basically going to be picked from the chat. So the more chats you have, the more likely you win the prize. Boom.

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