The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN SHOW - PFAA demands, Kamala Speaks - New Details -

Episode Date: September 2, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:21 I figured out how to hook it up. Wow. Hola, amigos. Good is a lot. Oh, sorry. Hi. Hey. Description. Speaking of loud to
Starting point is 00:00:42 know Sun Tzu and Robert Green Book at the top of the reading list. You should treat people the way you want to be treated. Right. Tom, I was telling him, as I approached this show today, I was like, I should treat people the way I would want to be treated. Golden rule. Right. Is that what that one is?
Starting point is 00:01:02 That's what I've heard. Fitted. I think the sponsorship's over, right? Is that what that one is? That's what I've heard. Fitted. I think the sponsorship's over, right? Tomorrow. Oh, so get it now. Get it now. 40% off. 40% off. Aaron, the CEO over there was sent me two cases to take the NorCal Classic. I'm so excited. Oh, awesome. Caleb, what's up? Hey. excited. Oh awesome. Caleb what's up? Hey. Guys, if you're not a regular listener to this show, this show is probably not for you. Like I don't recognize this dude's name. Harold? You don't recognize old Harold? You recognize Harold? Yeah yeah. Oh sorry Harold, that sucks. Uh, Lampshade,
Starting point is 00:01:43 I don't recognize Lampshade, but they said second. But listen, if you're not a regular, I'm telling you right now. This show is not for you. Oh, Kels. Hi. I'm serious. I'm a reggae. Oh, yeah, there's my therapist. Just enough cleavage to keep me engaged. my therapist. Just enough cleavage to keep me engaged. To keep you sane. To keep me just enough to keep me professional. We stay on topic. Nice hat, Sebby. Thank you. I love you. Why, Sebby? Just because this one's not for you. This is just like, just the butt buddies. Like, those of us who've gotten drunk and showered together shit like that
Starting point is 00:02:26 This isn't Yeah, let's go. Let's fucking go. I know we will we're gonna get there Yeah, you hey, oh sorry, okay Harold I've been here since the beginning just don't comment alright fine alright good enough I told you I told you. Hmm. All right. All right All right, wanna love there you are. All right. Nice. I want a nice yamlitos Jackson, what are you? Are you regular? I don't recognize you buddy. I'm telling you this shows not for non regulars Not joking. I mean, I'm not saying you can't be here. I'm just saying you don't want to be here.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm looking out for your best interest. Richard. I'm just telling you, Chris, what's up, dude? Sarah. Hey. Excuse me, Daniel. Hi. Oh, the interview needed a naked Taylor self wearing a maga hat and riding a bald
Starting point is 00:03:21 eagle to go streaking across the screen just to add a touch of freedom. I can picture it now. Taylor self wearing a MAGA hat and riding a bald eagle to go streaking across the screen just to add a touch of freedom. Wow. I can picture it now. I would like to ask you guys a question. Would you like to go first Mr. Suza? Would you like to go first Mr. Suza? Sure. Hit me.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Why, why did, oh, sorry. Hit me. Why did... Oh. Sorry. Why did... I forgot to send Bill a link. Why did they post the demands... Why did Brent post the demands publicly on Instagram? Probably to summon the crowd opinion. That's what I would presume.
Starting point is 00:04:14 He wanted to put it in the court of public opinion. Is that what it is? Yeah. I mean, I think that when you have like, if you watch Hiller's video, the guy that was breaking down there basically said like people with large followings that had the minority Of the opinion from what was reported were just really loud and then basically got the whole entire crowd of the mob on their side And so that's what I think that that was about a little bit if I if I if I wanted my On the other end of spectrum if I if I was like if I wanted to know if my wife wanted me on
Starting point is 00:04:42 The way home to pick up hamburger meat. I wouldn't, I wouldn't put it on Instagram. You know what I mean? I would, I would text her. I would say, Hey babe, do you want me to pick up some, some, uh, hamburger meat? What's that? Lucky camera straps reporting for duty. Good to see you. Go ground.
Starting point is 00:04:56 They're good to see you. Yeah. But at the same time, if you did that, then, then she could be like, or you can be like, look, she didn't even bring it home. And now you can hold up her wrongdoing to the crowd. Right. So it kind of forces CrossFit's opinion, uh, uh, you know, options a little bit. Cause if they don't fire Dave and they knew that that was a demand, then they
Starting point is 00:05:16 could, you know, they could say, look, we had demanded change. Nothing happened. We did it publicly. You guys saw it and they don't care. Oh, why do you think God, can you, can you, can I wish I could get you out from behind the dick pump. Caleb, why do you think they, why do you think, so you put Caleb behind the dick pump. I did it. I put myself there.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Oh, Caleb, what a humble man. I can adjust myself. Service for your country and service for the podcast. Oh, okay. He adjusted. Thank you I do what I can't do don't let any of that dick pump drip on you Caleb Doesn't it doesn't it kind of like force? We need some drops coming from it But doesn't it kind of force a force cross cross his hand a little bit. So you think that was the tactic? Caleb why do you why do you think they would post the demands publicly?
Starting point is 00:06:08 I think it was kind of a I feel like it was a poor attempt at like Unmasking maybe the frustration that they had with dealing with him over the years maybe like I mean I and I say dealing with him by just talking to the games team I guess and they were just like yeah this is we're frustrated now one of their mantras is is that we're not getting response for CrossFit and you think that this is like okay we haven't I think even Fikowski said it today we're done talking and we've moved to the next level of of this right it was just like a like a I don't want it's not
Starting point is 00:06:46 I think it's pretty poorly laid out But it's a rally it's to rally support from the community at best at worst It's to rally the mob and right in the best couching of it It's to rally support of the community and the worst it's to rally the mob But in and I would probably say that that was probably the intent is to rally the community not necessarily the mob Maybe I misspoke at that like I think that their intent was to put like public light on it. So that way they're like, hey guys We've been doing this behind closed doors. There's been no change now We're showing you you know, here's our demands and then that way this forces cross its hand because we put it on the public display
Starting point is 00:07:20 But but the problem with that is let me push back on, is if you ask someone to be fired, the demand's pretty mobby already, right? It's not like, hey, we demand that the game is being moved to winter. It's hey, this guy who's been there who created the sport, we want him fucking gone. Right. And I think if you have claims like that, then you should probably have some, you should probably provide some evidence as to why you have those claims. Like, it should be concrete. Yeah, they got, they provided no evidence and they got like people like saying that we're biased or that he should be hung already. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And they provided no claims. Bill, do you have any thoughts on why they posted it? Bill, do you have any thoughts on why they posted it? Yeah, I think that, you know, and Brent said it, he's like, whether he did or he didn't or they did or they didn't earlier and how long this has been going on and how many times they've been shut down or whatever. His wording was, we tried it the nice way. And now we had to go aggressive. And the thing was that, like, I don't know what the levels were and how many times they tried or how many times it got shut down So I don't know necessarily the level of frustration that they maybe had right but like This to me is like they went all in on this one nuclear if you're gonna if you're gonna pull those cards And that's what kind of what I was saying last night was
Starting point is 00:08:51 the risk to reward ratio on that play. Either you totally win or you lose, you don't just lose the PFAA power. Now Brent looks like an idiot and everyone that's been standing up, now looks like everything drops. the whole floor gets gets pulled out so I mean I'm I Understand why they did what they did But the thing is is that they keep saying that they've had years and years and years and years and years
Starting point is 00:09:18 Of all of these incidents that have happened and they've been just tapped on the head well And they've been just tapped on the head. Well, okay, cool. I hear that, but give me something. And you can't keep saying, well, they aren't our stories to tell. Okay, fine. Don't use the name. Or you're afraid because there will be some sort of retribution. Today he said that you won't get invited to be on a Road to the games episode which they haven't done in years anyway or an open announcement. Right. I don't if that's your if that's what you're worried about if that's what you're worried about standing up then I don't think you have a whole lot to be worried about you know. Right. But what happens is I think that like the That group the PFAA Since they went all in depending what happens depending how it plays out like
Starting point is 00:10:12 If they don't get the change that they want like let's say Dave doesn't get hung Dave doesn't get cut And I almost kind of think that like they aren't really expecting that. I mean the way he was talking was it was like, yeah, we said that, but you know, I guess we'll have to kind of see what happened because if they don't then it's on them. And no one's going to like them anymore. It's like well maybe, maybe not. Maybe you have athletes that still want to play and they're going to be like, I think Dave's cool because everybody wanted Dave in there anyway.
Starting point is 00:10:47 All the athletes wanted Dave in there. All the athletes wanted Dave in their programming. All the athletes wanted the games up before to pull him out. He's the one that wholeheartedly. And they're talking over the last four years or so. And that was a great point. Peter brought up some great points, dude, about like, okay, the last four years, well, Dave hasn't even really been there. It hasn't been him. You know, it's been it's been boss in Rosa. It's been all these other people. And now you're
Starting point is 00:11:18 pulling it on him. Well, it was from before. So we're. The whole thing is abstract. The whole thing is so abstract. In the same realm to me. When when when when people. So here's the thing. When so during Floyd 19, people were posting I'm out. The implication wasn't that you were demanding Greg to step down.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It's like, hey, I'm out. And so they took it one step further than what they did here today. Right. The demands. They're demanding Dave pulls down and then and then it's a poker game. Right. Those people, you know, the people out there who posted, um, um, I don't know who, uh, I can only think of two off top or three, uh, like Annie, Katrin,
Starting point is 00:11:55 Noah's people like that. They actually posted, I'm out. I think. Yep. And the, the, that's saying I'm done. I'm done with CrossFit. And so, so that's cool. And that's And that's their prerogative, right? Totally.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And it's cool that it's their prerogative to make these demands. I just want to be crazy clear that when you... Someone wrote in Hiller's comments, and I'll get this, Hiller, you're not the one to adjudicate this, make any decisions. And the thing is, is we are all now able to make decisions. They gave this to the court of public opinion by posting it publicly. We are now all invited, you are all invited to discuss it. And there'll be some retard comments like, Hiller, why are you on CrossFit side? And you're like, Hiller's not on CrossFit side.
Starting point is 00:12:51 He denounced James Sprague is the fucking champion. He said he would have never gone forward with the games. And he says he fucking hate what happened and how going forward with the games is divisive to the whole community. Those are his three fucking most hardcore stances. So people say retarded shit like that, but they have that right because They put these demands in the court of public opinion We wouldn't even be doing this show if they didn't we wouldn't even have this soap opera soap opera
Starting point is 00:13:14 I'd be playing nerf gun still with the boys Caleb putting armor all on his on his RV Am I right do you think I'm wrong? I just want to start with some truth before we get off into the fucking vapor. So because it's out there, everyone's allowed to now talk about it. You're right. 100%. Bill is so hot.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I got my Trump hat on. They're playing the game Castro invented and now they're waiting wanting him out so so it's gone into the court of public opinion and The the people spoke and the pundit spoke and there's too many people watching this show right now guys I'm telling you this show is not for everyone But it's for anyone But it's for anyone. Oh, that was good.
Starting point is 00:14:06 That was good. Facts, facts, always the facts from Sousa. Okay, so they post that. Let me see. Jeremy World, this is your friend who has played poker a couple times that you bring Poker Night with your seasoned friends and they go all in every other hand. Oh Okay Well, that's what I was gonna say. Not only does it put it up to public opinion, which is part of the intent when you post it Like that, but also too they're putting their the credibility at stake
Starting point is 00:14:37 Right if they get trampled over through this and they're like, yeah, dude We see your demands and you know, whatever screw you guys and What's happening now as well is now that they're being hard pressed for specifics and what exactly they want to happen and what's the optimal outcome for them and everything else, if they don't have that, they didn't plan that all the way through that again is, is diminishing credibility. So you have it on two ways, right?
Starting point is 00:14:59 We're like, Hey, now you got your public spot. Here it is. Say what you're going to say, give us what you're going to give us. And now we don't have anything for you. It's like, oh shit. Now on top of that cross, it's going to just steamroll those demands. And it takes away all authority that you have. One of the greatest in the, like the softest lines that, that Peter brought in through that whole interview was when he said, okay, you made your demand, you have all this, you're taking your hard stance, but what's your minimum line that you're willing to go?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Like, what is the, okay, they didn't do all this, they didn't do this, but if they get to here, we'll be all right. There was no answer to that, none. Not even like a, well, we would think something like that, like it was nothing, it was like, well, we just have to kind of wait and see, I guess. Or even, Hey, we're not going to play our hand on this show.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Or it's like, Hey, screw you guys. It's all or nothing. If they don't do it, then we're driving past that. Like there were so many good comments, even, even like Pat's. Okay. If CrossFit lets it go and they cut this whole thing out, then the CrossFit Games athletes, the CrossFit will still go on.
Starting point is 00:16:10 The games will still happen. Wow, that's a pretty cocky attitude. How do you know that? How do you know that? Rogue and CrossFit are pretty tight. I can't see Rogue all of a sudden going, okay, well, you flipped off CrossFit and now you think you're gonna play in our game?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Like maybe we don't want you in our backyard. I don't know. Yeah, you're gonna start complaining about Rogue next? You know, then they're all gonna be at like the IF3. And- Well, that is the interesting thing. There is a place for them to go and be professional athletes.
Starting point is 00:16:43 There is a place for them. And none of them do that one. I think that one. Yeah and it's not subsidized by the affiliates. I think they are okay with it, Sousa, because they are doing it for the next generation, not for themselves. The problem is we don't know what they're doing. They don't know what they're doing. Besides making demands. We don't know. And for some reason people keep, you know, not a lot of people, but a few people keep writing the comments that the show is biased. It's like, hey, I text my friends today and I said, fuck, I'm so bummed. And these guys are all on the thread. And I said, I really wish Pat and Brent would have come prepared because I was really hoping they would have some strong points so we could put this thing fucking a rest.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And instead, the waters got so fucking muddied. Graciano, give me a second. I want to play this clip for you guys quick. I think this is a theme that they've been driving home. See if you can take something away from it. The clip's a little long, but bear with me here. I think it's an important one. It's about a minute, two minute two minutes long here we go sort of split or arguments
Starting point is 00:17:49 and I think maybe some people will see it with the timing and everything so I may be initially saw of oh he's being blamed and then that would get people's backup as well maybe it was just me I don't know that didn't make it better did that make it And then that would get people's backup as well. Maybe it was just me. I don't know. That didn't make it better. Did that make it better? Did I ever make it go away? Okay. Give me one second. Let me see if I, if I can do something here, let me see what's going on with my audio, a road caster to, why does this thing only have 800 views?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Hasn't caught up yet or someone just hasn't updated this refreshes. Uh, I think this is, I think this is a sub clip. Uh, let me, let me see. Is this better? Like why, why that demand and why then I guess. I can start on it. Uh, you know, we don't feel like Dave Castro and this, and you know, later in the document, we say, this is not the the only these are not the only changes, right? But we don't feel that Dave Castro and the rest of the sport team have taken concerns seriously from athletes for years in engaged in a meaningful way, whether that's safety or otherwise.
Starting point is 00:18:59 They haven't taken their concerns serious. We don't know what those are still. They haven't engaged in a serious way. Okay? Right. So, trust is broken down to a point where... Trust is broken down. Trust. There's a use of the word trust. We feel like all the things that need to happen for this sport to become better, and safety
Starting point is 00:19:22 being obviously the first one of those those things the relationship between athletes and the sport team and with Dave Castro as the head of the sport team and the head of that culture it's going to be extremely challenging to make those changes because you know the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. The best behavior of future behavior is past behavior. I didn't by the way, I didn't know that the number one issue of making the sport better was safety. I'd never heard that before. That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say that. Right and if you look at you know our conversations around just looking for the basic level of
Starting point is 00:20:05 can we have some indication as to the heat we're gonna be exposed to so we can prepare safely. Right, if that's just pulling teeth and emails back and forth and subversive and then more information is leaked, or not leaked, but revealed on independent podcasts or on a- So he gave something, he said heat.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So that's the thing, right there, he just basically said we can't even get information about heat. Well, they knew where they were in Texas. They could have checked the fucking weather channel. People were talking about the heat nonstop. They knew the events ahead of time that were going to be outside. They knew the times that they were going to be. They could have looked up all of that stuff. I think that's disingenuous. Me personally. I'm not talking about years past but definitely for this year I think that's a disingenuous to say we didn't know about the heat. Personal YouTube account. It's like we're trying to this is like a last resort right we've been trying to do these things. I do agree with that. There's no one place
Starting point is 00:21:02 it seems to go to get comms from CrossFit right? It's all it's all over the fucking place. Spin is basically holding down the fort. Yeah, one thing about the the heat comment, just to push back a little bit on that. What if more so he had said heat, but in his mind, he was talking about like length, the lengths of events or number numbers of events. So essentially like time duration in the heat, which could be a legitimate question on their end, because if they're like, Hey, we know how hot Texas is because we did everything you just said. Our curiosity lies with like how many events will actually be outside. Do we know any time duration that will be in the heat?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Right. So that, and that I would say was a three minute workout or a 40 minute workout. Right. In multiple of them. Am I going to be out there twice throughout the day? Am I going to be running a long duration? Am I going to be doing, you know, Isabel? They announced the swim and the run first, and then they announced the 1600 meter
Starting point is 00:21:57 and the rest in the sprint. Like those are the first two that they announced, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. And so you're saying they could have done the math on it, Bill. The swim is going to be 40 minutes to an hour and the other one's going to be 20 minutes. I mean, yeah, kinda into the point about the podcast here too. If, if that was the case, we already talked about, there's no central location
Starting point is 00:22:20 for comms as an athlete. Like if you're kind of going everywhere for information a little bit too. And there was the fact that David said, you know, Hey, you're only going to be outside for that one event. 99% of it's going to be inside that would answer the question. But at the same time, if that information isn't distilled down into a central place, like you can't expect these athletes to like follow every piece of content just because Dave's on it, if there's going to be relevant information or not as well too. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:45 So I do think that there could be some sort of way to distill down there. Yeah. And maybe important information that's just going to come down to communication, which can be on their own Instagram, having it pinned at the top. Well, exactly. They made like a good point about like the V ups. Like, okay, what do you want it to look like? Show us, show us what a good rep looks like.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Show us what a no replica. I. Show us what a no rep looks like. I mean, that's basic stuff. You go to the most local level competition and they will have on their Instagram, here's what it is, here's what it looks like, here's the things we allow, here's what we don't allow. It doesn't take much to do that. And as far as like what they've said,
Starting point is 00:23:22 and this is what's so crazy is, cool, talk about the movement standard. Talk about what your burpee is gonna look like or your V-up is gonna look like, or the fact that like, okay, you're gonna have this race that's going on. Those are all great. But it's, it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:23:40 it's like this weird all in company, like tell us everything about everything. They say that they don't want that, but then it's like then they do want that. Because if you're going to talk about V-ups and you're going to talk about handstand push-ups and you're going to talk about, I mean, those other types of like movement standards, cool. That has nothing to do with safety protocols.
Starting point is 00:23:59 V-ups and what are you going to do if I'm drowning are two totally different. There's a lot of information there, you know, and we've heard tons of athletes say they do not want to know the workouts because then everyone starts doing the workouts and it leads to injury, which is, I was glad that pot said that. I was glad that that's an important part of the sport. Like, yeah, like thank you for saying that. Cause that's, that's true.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Hey, this, the, everything you were saying about the standard, like the movement standard, especially here, which again, just a missed opportunity from HQ's portion, but like, imagine if all of a sudden they set up a playlist and they were like, here's the standards for the CrossFit games of 2024, and it was just a whole library of movements they may or may not be using in the standard in which they expect it recorded by like what we have from James Hobart and Julie Fouchet. Right? Because now all of a sudden you have this huge traffic of everybody wanting that information, including the athletes, right? You could make it exciting because there's a new twist to a movement. You're going to give detail on it inside that
Starting point is 00:24:56 library. Now it's also a marketing thing because you've shared it all publicly. All of us now understand and know the standard. We all have a chance to talk about it or process it more information for us pundits. Right. And you've streamlined communication. And what I'm hearing here is like, is it so much of frustration with safety as much as we have a frustration with communication and we know that that could lead to some potential exposure to more safety issues. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And as far as like that, that once again, we're just speculating. We're just speculating already has that whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. And as far as like that, that once again, we're just speculating. We're just speculating already has that whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. And again, we were just speculating. Yeah. Yeah. We have no idea because they won't tell us because they're not doing their job.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And probably I know they did do CrossFit did do that. And I don't have, you know, I don't have that information. Right. And let me get very clear here too. My stance on these PFAA guys is that they should be bringing shit to the table. They shouldn't be demanding shit from CrossFit. So I'm on a totally different mindset than them. I'm all about make yourself fucking crazy valuable so that they have to have you. And what's that look like? I've said it a million times. Make a... They knew it was a swim event. Put out a sheet of paper to every single athlete.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Say bring Listerines. Bring clear goggles. Here's what you should do with your swim cap. Make sure if you have issues with swimming or anything, you ask for a special lifeguard. Demand that there's at least 10 lifeguards before you go in the water, like make your list and hand it out to all the athletes. It's very simple. And then that would make yourself invaluable to the athletes. And you wouldn't have to demand anything from anyone else. You'd be in control of what you're in control of. Do you think that they have brought things to the table? They're just not telling everybody that they did bring things to the table. Yeah, I'm sure they brought things to the table. I'm sure that they've, you know, they've, they've I've seen a list somewhere, but it's just ridiculous. It's like cut the rope or space the bars out or just just shit that obviously CrossFit's doing or doing or moving forward on or they've said fuck you That's not necessary. You're wrong, but it's nothing say that right?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Pardon me. So they should say that like hey We we brought these things to the table and these are the changes that we've that we helped to make You know Yeah But instead of demanding more of when they're failing one way coming in one door They should just come in the other door where they have infinite control because so many athletes respect Brent and Pat. And I imagine they do. Like, they've been around for a very long time. Right, right. A ton of people respect them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But they're spending this equity of their, of their reputation, just their reputation, against Dave's. With nothing else. That's all they've come to the table with. And they went to the public with it. And so here we are. They've asked for the public of, uh, they put this in the public of court opinion, public court of public opinion, court of public opinion. Generally. And if the athletes don't trust the person like responsible for the sport,
Starting point is 00:27:40 if they don't trust, if you don't trust, just keep remembering this word. If you don't trust, this seems to be a really important word to Brent, this trust word. This trust one's important. I think maybe I lost the caller. Hold on. Oh, darn. Hi. Go ahead. Talking about the safety sport, I'll bring my expertise from my field of work. My company works on a bunch of third party sites. In terms of safety, if one of our workers goes to a third party site, they have to get briefed on the safety regulations of that company's site. There's a binder for each company we work with with a list of safety instructions. Anytime that there's an accident injury near miss at a site, some new policy
Starting point is 00:28:32 comes out, it gets recorded, and we have to retrain our guys. So each time an incident happens, there's a policy. We talk to our guys, did you follow a policy? If they didn't, we retrain them on what that policy is. If it's something that there wasn't a policy, we talk to our guys, did you follow a policy? If they didn't, we retrain them on what that policy is. If it's something that there wasn't a policy for, a new policy gets created. So I think what Brent and Pat were trying to get at, there's a CrossFit rule book, but in that rule book, there's nothing relating to safety based on past events and what can be done to prevent them. The example they used was, who was it that blew their knee
Starting point is 00:29:03 out on a wet platform when they were doing a max lift? Well, in the rule book, there should be something along the lines of weather. We're not going to do max lifts outside in the rain. We'll do those inside or we'll tweak the workout so that there's an incident and there's something in the rule book that addresses it going forward safety wise. So for them, someone passed away at a work site, crossed it and said, temporarily we're gonna stop doing swimming events. Hey, that's the first step. And then the next step would be crossed at saying our policy going forward
Starting point is 00:29:35 is if there is this open water swim, we're gonna have X number of light guards, X number of this, X number of that. And the athletes don't feel like they're getting that communication. Very, very sound advice. And if they're not getting that communication. Very very sound advice. And if they're not getting that communication, do you think the next step is, and you're the professional fitness association, do you think the next step is to ask for Dave to
Starting point is 00:29:52 be fired or to hand them a pamphlet that says, hey guys, here's some things to know for lifting events. One, is your platform dry? I think, yeah, of course. I think that I think that's their frustration is that they've done that and not getting back again. No, no. I mean to the athletes, I mean to offer it to the app, they should offer it to the athletes also.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Like if they can't get their foot in the door, what I'm saying is let's say that is true. Let's say they told CrossFit, Hey, we don't want any events happening with any moisture on the floor anymore. Right. And CrossFit's like, fuck you. Well then they should pass that out to the athletes. Hey, bring a rag out to the floor. Even if they don't, listen, even if CrossFit does do something, they should be also providing
Starting point is 00:30:33 this to the athletes. They're the professional fitness athlete association. And I think they could, they could say, hey. Yeah. It's where they have control. It's where they have power. It's where they have power. They should hire you too. Did I lose you?
Starting point is 00:30:52 All right, fine. Do we know that they didn't have, how do we know they didn't do that? We don't. Oh. The other thing, you have to be careful on certain events like that. You can't say swim event equals X number of lifeguards because depending on the distance that you're traveling, like if you're only going 200 meters, you might
Starting point is 00:31:10 not need that many lifeguards as opposed to thousand meters where you're going to have your outfit spread out all over the place. It's a lot more fatigue. I mean, so like that's going to be dependent, but you could say something like, okay, we'll have a lifeguard every 25 meters or something. I mean, you can come up with something, but it's like because of the sport, the way that it's set up, it's always going to be a little bit different based on whatever is happening, whether it's a heat thing, whether it's a distance thing, whether it's a distance thing, whether it's a duration thing, like there's going to be a lot of variability to that. So you can't just say, like on a burpee, you need to make sure that your chest hits the deck and you jump up and everything's in line.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Okay, let me play a little bit more of this. And dealing with their concerns. You know, what left is there? What is there left, right? And so it's certainly not like it's not a knee jerk reaction to specifically the death of Lazar. But if like if that's not a... Okay, so so we understand that they feel that there's been some trust broken and and they want to get past that caller
Starting point is 00:32:26 And and so that's their reason for posting it online Basically, they were they wanted they want to take action now because there's no trust in their shitty communication caller. Go ahead. I Want to go back to your towel on like the moisture comment? Yeah, do you think a reason that they don't do that today is? Because there are athletes actively competing and that might be a competitive advantage Possibly I mean I had thought of that Which then you know that puts Brent and Pat in a very interesting place I've also saw Pat I also saw Brent what believe he was doing. And I wish I could pull up an example. And I apologize to Brent for saying this without being able to pull up an example. But I feel like when it's can be he toggles back and forth in the interview between PFAA president and athlete, depending on what suits him for the question. You know, so sometimes he'll be like, Well, I'm just an athlete. How would I know? And then I'm like, Well, wait a second I thought you were here representing the PFAA. So I think he toggles back and forth and you know, yeah He's in it. He's in a weird situation, right? Yeah, absolutely. I'd also be curious as you guys watch the whole interview or kind of analyze it
Starting point is 00:33:36 of I was trying to think of brent and velner Obviously prepared for this in advance. I'd be curious to know y'all's takes at the end of it. I don't think they did You don't think so. I thought it didn't seem like it to me wouldn't you have come like you have this platform It's gonna be the first time you you speak Once you've had a couple just things for people just to chew on and be like fuck they have something Perhaps the reason I think that they thought about beforehand is they seem to have signals to each other of who would own what types of questions.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh, okay. But I couldn't, I couldn't look out what those areas of like, expertise, quote unquote, were. But I do think there was some sort of like, these type of questions will go to you, I'll handle these type of questions. But I couldn't quite decipher where those lines were drawn But it did seem like there was some signals. I suspect Speculating that Pat hasn't been as involved as Brent and now Pat's really amped up because of the death of his friend and He's been brought in closer as you know, another seven hundred thousand or however many followers Pat has on Instagram Yeah, that could be the case. Okay. Thank you. That was my thoughts. Thank you you know, another 700,000 or however many followers Pat has on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, that could be the case. Okay. Thank you. That was my thoughts. Thank you. Hey, Sevan, can you wish my dad a happy father's day? Australia, his birthday is this Thursday. His name is Sam. Happy birthday, Sam. Happy birthday. You have a great kid, great son, great daughter, great, great someone. Graciano Rubio. Make this quick guys, cause I don't want to fall into this hole. Does Susan Grunler want any of their affiliate fees to subsidize the games or would they rather that money be allocated towards something else? Susan? Something else. Mr. Grunler?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah, I like again, I haven't gotten one member from the game yet. So yeah. Okay. So you think the game is paid yeah okay so you think TV deals and sponsors I want I want I want a commercial during some big sporting event that is not cross that's what I want okay all right now I want to play you the now I want to play you the clip I want to play you the clip. I want to play the clip. Where is it? While you're getting that up, dude, I think the greatest idea, and I wish they would have thought of it this way, was if them as the group tell the athletes, hey, this thing is coming up, you guys should all be wiping the wipe. Make sure you guys wipe down your your platform with a towel. Make sure you guys all do that like all
Starting point is 00:36:09 taking care of their own that way. I mean, I understand that like you want the event to do that. But if they are seeing that it's not happening, do that. Because if I was a coach for one of my athletes out there, I would be telling them, make sure you take a towel out there. Make sure when you're on this run and you're going around the lab and you have time, put a cold water bottle out there so you can dump it on your head as you're running around something. So who does that responsibility take care of your own? Yeah. Who would that responsibility lie with? And I mean, the, the, if the, if the PFAA is looking to protect the athletes,
Starting point is 00:36:46 so that all the athletes are, I mean, we're looking at safety, or we're looking at like, safety and or at least understanding of whatever it is that they're supposed to be doing. If like what Sevan's saying, you have to list- I think it falls on cross-
Starting point is 00:37:01 Hey guys, make sure you guys bring your Listerine, make sure you guys bring your Listerine make sure you guys bring your newsletter something something I think that that's cool, that's like the underground version of Like Gary V type stuff like I'm putting free information out and I'm gonna get following because of that Everyone's gonna be like, you know what you you guys are huge Bullfucking podcast. Yeah You guys are huge. You guys really have a small fucking podcast. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:28 But there's a cool I mean it like it's a really cool way to think of it that way It's a it's a guerrilla warfare way of building your building your your brand building your respect so then ultimately it would lie with athletes because from the athletes birth the PFA because they recognize there is an issue and they recognize that they had to ultimately be responsible for the issues if CrossFit wasn't going to be right For the athletes, right? Call her hold on second Kate Kramer They did bring up a good point about there not being a way to rest during the swim Like there is for every other event we have known since the ocean days that if they asked for help or grab a buoy
Starting point is 00:38:01 So let me tell you what I what when I was with Closer more intimate with the CrossFit Games you were allowed or grab a buoy. So let me tell you what, when I was with closer, more intimate with the CrossFit Games, you were allowed to grab a paddleboard. The second you grab the paddleboard, the person on it would say, "'Do you need help being rescued?' And they would tell them this in the briefing.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And if the person said yes, that would be it. You would be done. If you said no, then they would say, "'Okay, you have to start swimming again or else you're going to lose time or get DNF'd or something. But you were allowed to grab it and communicate. Now, I don't know how this year's was briefed. I do not know.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And in all fairness, it doesn't even look like there were any paddle boards close enough for them to grab. I'm not even arguing that point. So then everyone gets, everyone chill. But that's the way it was in the past that you could grab and you got a warning and then you could let go and you could grab again. You got another warning. There was no limit to the warnings you could get as I recall from back when they were swimming in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Call or hi? Hey, how are you, Seve? Robin here from Australia. Hi. How are you, man? Are you naked? Are you naked? Are you Australians?
Starting point is 00:39:03 Are you naked with the fosters in your hand? Hi. No, yeah, I'm walking down the street. I'm watering my lawn. Okay. Just to advance on Bill's point, Lazar made it pretty clear in the Burry Bros video that he had no intention to wear the swim cap, which was obviously provided to him for safety. I guess my question would be, what other safety things did he choose to disregard? Yeah, worth noting.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Right. And that goes back to what Fikowski said, how you behave in your past is how you're going to behave in your future. Yeah. to what Fikowski said, how you behave in your past is how you're going to behave in your future. Yeah, and Brian was going on about factory workers wearing hard hats in the factory. Well, one of his team, one of his boys was supposed to wear a swim cap and he just, just forgot about it. But did he, you know, did he talk to all the athletes and say, make sure you wear your
Starting point is 00:40:00 swim cap, guys? Yeah. I do think the swim cap thing for safety is interesting because they wanted bright colors so you could see them. But they're the only people in the water. They're the only people doing that one thing. So it's not like, who else are we looking at? And there wasn't even a differentiation between like,
Starting point is 00:40:24 if I was a broadcaster and I'm talking, OK, well, I like if I was a broadcast when I'm talking, okay, well, I'd want to see a number or I could see a color or whatever. And I can't see any of that stuff. You know what I mean? So what's the, I didn't really understand the point of needing to have a cap anyway and to make it even be a big deal.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Visibility for lifeguards, no, man. Like the lifeguards are close to them. And a cap, a pink cap, doesn't denote someone in trouble or not in trouble. They're the only people in the water that you're looking at. Only people. Lazar wasn't missing, but he didn't have a cap on. You know?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Well, we asked them to wear a life vest or a flotation thing, but they just said, no, I'm getting ready, that's gonna slow me down. Well, they probably wouldn't have been able to do that. I really do like what the NorCal Classic is doing, tying those buoys. So like if you go under and you're just kind of like bobbing there, it kind of holds you like man down.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And they come scoop you up. Or you can land on it. I mean, they did that in Dubai too. You had your, they didn't have the straps. They actually had to hold the buoy, which was. I'm sure we'll have those going future. I'm sure next year at the games, when they're swimming in the ocean,
Starting point is 00:41:24 Dave will have them wear the buoys Which all right color, thank you. Thanks guys. Thank you get to the That was nice being blessed by Australian boys by the way the first guy that I got disconnected with I did not hang up On him. Okay. I wanted to play you guys this clip. Here we go. This is on a Southwest flight You're gonna love this Caleb. You're gonna absolutely fuck. Have you guys seen this? Have you seen this, Caleb? No, I haven't. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:41:50 This is absolutely fucking amazing. Southwest passenger has meltdown over a crying baby. This is un fucking believable. Here we go. Southwest Airlines passenger had the most insane freak out after a baby on the plane was crying for 40 minutes. And so he started screaming at the baby. When the airline staff confronted him, he said this.
Starting point is 00:42:36 The airline staff let him know that if he kept acting like this they needed to do an emergency landing and kick him off the plane and he said that the only reason he was getting in trouble and not the baby was because the baby was white. Listen to this. No. And after repeated warnings, he never calmed down, forcing them to make an emergency landing in Orlando. And after that, security came on the plane and he refused to get off, leading them to de-board the entire plane just to remove him. Now, once they got him off the plane, he argued with security that he had the right to yell at the baby, just like the parents have the right to bring a crying baby onto the plane. However, security wasn't buying it. So they said, hey, we need to leave you in Orlando and the flight's going to take off
Starting point is 00:43:02 without you. Now, while I'd agree that he has every right to get upset that a crying baby is on his plane, it's up to him to control his emotions because the baby can. And with how mind-bogglingly cheap noise-canceling headphones are becoming nowadays, it's hard to have sympathy for him,
Starting point is 00:43:13 especially when you consider airlines are just a form of public transportation. Well, that's my opinion. If you all wanna stay up to date on the latest news, make sure to follow. Was that a headphones ad? We're in a final maybe. We're in a fucking tin can and maybe. We're in a f-ing tin can and there's a f-ing baby in here.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Holy shit. I like that. I don't blame him. I like the fat white lady next to him. She's like, oh man. Oh man. You think that's his wife or something. Oh for sure Basing let me tell you somewhere me and Pat and Brent agree if you fucking are upset that there's a baby crying on a plane
Starting point is 00:43:56 Get the fuck off the plane you we were all babies at one time. You need to get you They should have beat that fucking guy How do you think they got him off the plane? Do you think that you think the parents fucking want the baby to be crying their stress to the fucking max? Especially with that guy going off the rails like that right now. They're like, oh my god I am the worst person on the planet That is the last person that they want to be dude. We see you fucking the ugliest woman in the world You are totally capable of fucking listening to a baby cry. Yeah, Olivia. Absolutely not Thanks, see thank you. Oh my god. Oh don't even get me started. Oh
Starting point is 00:44:37 my god, I Can't believe they'd be boarded the plane. I mean that that's crazy. That deserves a beating right? Yeah, I deserve a straight straight jacket for that one for sure okay the the The John Young clip the other day was that spin made was absolutely brilliant Zoomed in on John's face right just at the right time Zoomed in on John's face, right? Just at the right time. Tyler was on point. He's like, no, go with you, don't watch it.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Not you don't like the way they look. I mean, the whole thing was insane, right? I mean, it was like choreographed. It was like a skit. It was good. This shit is fucking chaos right here. Have you guys all seen this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I have. How many times have you watched it, Bill? Three. Yeah, I got like six views on it. I brought my wife over. I'm like, what the fuck is going on here? Caleb, have you watched it? Yes, quite a few times. Holy shit. This is fucking chaos. I wish, you know, I wish, I wish, I wish Hilar would have put like, you could have put some really awesome music to this. And it would have even made, it would have like, answered up even more. Like Benny Hill music? No, just like, like old school, like detective movie movie like dun dun dun eyes are like flashing back and forth
Starting point is 00:46:12 Oh, this is crazy, okay Here we go. Uh, this is from hillarfit 2.0 crossed over 80,000 Fucking angry followers. I mean happy followers over 80,000 fucking angry followers. I mean, happy followers. Well, that Don and Dave met with you or like the Royal you like the PFA, like a couple of months ago, there was like a sit down or something. Is that accurate? Or is that not accurate? That there was like some meeting in California or something that everybody sat down and went over stuff. A few months before the games? Yeah, like, start of the summer, I think, was what I heard. I don't know if I've attacked it or not. I mean, we were at semi-finals
Starting point is 00:46:55 in California and I wasn't at a meeting. Okay. Was there one after semi-smer, that I had flown home for? after Semis that I had flown home for? I mean, not not anything related to anything about the games. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Have they always been emails like has it always been email back and forth? Or has there ever been maybe like online calls or whatever? Has there ever been actual sit down at a table discussion? Or has it always been like an email and a reply or a group call and then a phone call maybe or something has there ever been like a table meet.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Sorry I lost I lost focus there. Oh he's not dead. No, he's okay. I'm sorry. I have to plug in my computer. Okay. Oh, that was that. Hold on. I need to. Sorry, I'm gonna get some water too. This is when are longer than I had expected. You'll hear me. I'm not peeing. Sorry. So you're asking if it was if it had been primarily emails or things like that in the past Yeah, is it with the games team? It's generally been scheduled calls that are like video calls like this There have been a couple of in-person meetings Not full ones with the full team we've had a couple You know, I think I've had an informal meeting with Don before it's hard to get people all together for in-person meetings That's the thing. I think I've had an informal meeting with Don before. It's hard to get people all together for in-person meetings. That's the thing. I think it would speak to how seriously it's being taken, I guess.
Starting point is 00:48:31 If there was sit-down meetings, like in my mind, if someone emails me back, I'm like, all right, they're kind of semi-interested in what I'm saying. If someone organized a call, I'm like, all right, they're kind of interested, like pretty interested. If someone wants to actually physically meet in person, I'm like, all right, they're in, I got them. So I think that's what I'm trying to gauge is like, is there. And we wanted we wanted to do that, right? We were given we were given verbal indication that that was going to happen right around before and after during the twenty twenty three games.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And then, like we said, it just never did. And we kept, you know, hey, how's it going? When are we gonna yeah yeah i never told anybody to lie not a single time never and i need to go back to work for the american people i heard as well that uh wow like i'm sweating right now. My armpits are sweating. That makes me sweat. Wow. Geez.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Oh, man. Oh, man. This is Brent's head. Oh, man. Here's the deal. I'm being disingenuous in a few things I'm about to say. So bear with me here. It's to protect myself.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Call me biased or Brian enemy or whatever you want, but I'm being disingenuous That's um, it is rude purposely so um, I Don't think I think that when Pat gets up there I think that his fucking compete really needs to get his charger and I have it when to get his charger. And I think that when Pedro asked that question, something he hit some fucking crazy nerve on Fikowski. Something fucking happened there. And Fikowski turned off for a minute and he went inside his head.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And I think he said for five seconds, he went in his head. And I think he's fiddling with his phone and, uh, it's weird that he went and got a glass of water and, um, this is in the public of court opinion and, uh, like their letter and what's crazy is this would have just passed, but Pat brought it back up, which makes me think that Pat's completely fucking oblivious to what's going, that's that Fikowski's having a fucking freak out. And you know, we all thought-
Starting point is 00:51:14 You think he texted him off camera? I would have to do it in real time to see if I could do it that fast. I'm not sure. All you can do is WTF, right? W WTF but this is me looking at my phone but but something definitely happened there to where Fikowski disappeared. He was processing stories that weren't going to comport would be my guess more than my guess more than my guess and
Starting point is 00:51:49 But then he I forgot I didn't even see this now that I'm watching with you guys he doubles down So first he avoided the question by saying we didn't meet about games related stuff in person So that's the joke about Bill Clinton I came on her dress and I put a cigar in her pussy, but I didn't have sexual relationships with her Remember that was his defense. Mm-hmm. And so he's avoiding answering the question by saying, it wasn't about the games. But then he doubles back and says, we've been wanting to meet with them. And if it was really weird with the, Pat said, did I fly home for that meeting? Like that's just a garbled sentence that Pat spit out, right?
Starting point is 00:52:23 That doesn't like that. That didn't even make sense um, but Pat I think Pat's picked up on something Pat picked up on something which I I flew home and missed that meeting or I flew home for the meeting whatever he said It didn't comport did that comport for you guys? It's the same thing when fakowski said is pat dead. That was like a short circuit too. What do you mean? Is pat dead? Um Pat dead that was like a short circuit to what I mean is Pat dead Yeah, to be fair Pat notorious relieves early morning after comps, yeah, totally yeah, and I I Think they both I think that they both probably want to get back to their families But a bunch of us watched it, watched this and we were like, what the fuck just happened
Starting point is 00:53:09 there? The whole show fucking got derailed and and and and and something happened there. So the question is, is the guy who can not stop talking about trust, trust, trust, and not getting communications? Did he. Did he meet with them? And if he did meet with them, why is he hiding it from us? And why is he hiding it from Pat Villener? Aren't they the two heads of the PFAA? And that's why I speculated in the beginning of the show that Pat wasn't really involved with the PFAA go back two years. But now all of a sudden, they're you
Starting point is 00:53:48 know what I mean? It's like they're all of a sudden they're friends so he could have another howitzer to point it fucking HQ. CFHQ. You don't hear that that often CFHQ HQ. I and who knows I wonder what Pedro's thinking thinking I gotta I gotta talk to Pedro I wonder if he was like what the fuck's going on with my show I wonder if you're like like if that happened on my show, I probably wouldn't pick up on it When I first watched it live, I thought they were just like we're just over the conversation They were just like they just got conversation fatigue. They were like, okay shit. This is still going on
Starting point is 00:54:21 We're kind of losing steam here And it was called his mom in the middle of the show. It was like that Like yeah, whatever. Hey, dude. I was fine with it He said until he said until until he doubled down and he said I'm sorry. I I lost focus for five seconds I was like, oh shit like dude like You lose a really life there per second when you're stoned out of your fucking mind and some chick just sent you some nudes
Starting point is 00:54:49 and then you take a shit and your phone's out there and your fucking girlfriend's out there in the room, you fucking are like disappear in your head for five seconds. You know what I mean? Like you're paranoid as fuck. I was wondering how you're gonna tie that together. You're like, oh shit, I didn't bring my phone in the bathroom. My bitch is going to see I cheated on her.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I mean, that's what I saw. Hmm. Next message from Delilah. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I didn't like it. But this is the problem because, or not the problem, this is the situation. This thing's come to the public of court opinion You put demands you put some pretty gnarly demands fire dave castro
Starting point is 00:55:31 You guys all know stop saying i'm biased. You all know i'm fucking biased Um, i'm not a liar But I am biased and um And I see something here something's weird Mr, uh, mr. P PFA who talks about trust, trust, trust. And he brought fucking Pat onto the show. And they're fucking, they're missing. Pat doesn't know what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 00:55:59 He lied to his right-hand man on the fucking biggest show of PFA's career. The Tony tone. Brent looked like he hasn't slept and was tired as fuck because his baby was probably awake the whole night. That is true. He did. He did cry during he had a breakdown during the show and he said he's tired and hasn't been getting a lot of sleep. I agree. But but but that doesn't mean that that wasn't like like he was standing on one foot and fucking Pedro went.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And fucking he toppled. Sorry, Sousa. I mean, three. Shocking. Okay, well, let's play out the scenario. Let's say they did have a meeting, the three of them, Brent, Dave and Don. So you know, maybe they're just homies. Totally. I sat down for some scrambled eggs and he was like, maybe he was thinking in his mind
Starting point is 00:56:45 like shit, this would qualify, but like it wasn't an official capacity. So I don't know what to say here. And I was the trust guy. So now should I say something about the meeting, which is going to sound really weird and sketchy, especially because Pat doesn't know about it, but it wasn't in an official capacity. We didn't talk, you know what I mean? Or if you want to go, if you want to get real crazy, only a real crazy, what if there was some sort of like job offering or something and they knew that this might
Starting point is 00:57:07 have been Brent's last year coming into it. So there was some sort of meeting and a fact of like, Hey, we are going to set this up. We're going to have an athlete council, which is going to help advise us on some stuff. We want to offer you the job for it afterwards. And he can't really blow the load on that conversation. And they didn't obviously have the foresight of what was going to take place at the games. So there's a whole entire wrench into this deal. And maybe, maybe day cashier said no. And now this is his chance. I'm sorry, get him out of there for once. I just appeared in my head for five seconds. I was reading this comment. Are you saying
Starting point is 00:57:41 are you saying that I even brought you the chimes for the punch line? I know. Are you saying are you saying that um, I even brought you the chimes for the punch line. I know are you saying that? But but I like that that's interesting. Um, but but Let me let me just remind you that It's the same with the nda nda question I was tripping on too When they did you ever been given anything you would know you would know if you've signed an nda before You would know if you've signed an NDA before you would know if you met with Don or Dave I don't care if it was friendly at the park to play squash to whatever I would even give those more weight like That's why the Bill Clinton thing is so funny
Starting point is 00:58:15 You fucking stuck a cigar in a White House intern and she has a dress with your semen on it I Don't even know how that got there Mary Mary, everyone wants Brent to be more transparent. I don't, just so you know. So everyone but me. And then he cries on the podcast and everyone thinks he's fake. I don't think he's fake. I think that those tears were genuine.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And I saw it sway the comments too. I'm not talking about that. What I'm not talking about is crying. I'm talking about the fact that he said that he's never met with them and I'm called bullshit on it. I think he has met with them and I don't think fucking Brent Uh, I don't think pat vellner knows about it and that's a fucking huge red flag because what the fuck would they have to hide? 20 off, uh, uh the exerciser by the way, uh crossfit 20
Starting point is 00:59:05 Oh I had it 20. Oh I Had it perfectly. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry He did say he did say Well, he didn't say that Real well, it wasn't well it wasn't about game stuff. It was right after the it was right after the semis Well, it wasn't about game stuff Like man, there is nothing else that they would be talking whether whether it's standards whether it's Something I mean, what would it take? I don't see how that's relevant
Starting point is 00:59:38 What to be honest with you? I don't see how that's relevant what you talked about or didn't talk about You're saying that you don't get to meet with these guys. It would be even more, what were you guys playing, racquetball? Because now I think you guys are really tight. That's what should have been said right there. But I don't think he was ready to process that information to be able to say something. Like, he saw him, he glitched. And all he had was, well, it wasn't about the game stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And when we that's all he could come up with. So okay, so basically, you don't want to tell us what it was, because if you're trying to prove your point, then you want to say exactly what it was. Right. No, we actually I didn't meet with them. But this is what we talked about in lay something else out. But I think it caught him so off guard. about and lay something else out but I think it caught him so off guard that he had he just wasn't ready to think about that on the fly. He said he didn't meet with them about game stuff but then remember what he said after
Starting point is 01:00:36 that too. And what would game stuff even be? He then he then he then goes he then goes on. Watch this. Watch this. Oh sorry. He then goes on... Watch this. Oh, sorry. There was a sit down or something. Is that accurate or is that not accurate? That there was some meeting in California or something that everybody sat down and went over stuff?
Starting point is 01:01:02 You mean before the games? That part's off. Yeah, like, start of the summer, I think, was what I heard. I don't know if it's accurate or not. I mean, we were at semifinals in California and I wasn't at a meeting. That's a weird, that's a weird. So just so you know, I know Dave was at the West Coast Classic and then I know he went to Knoxville.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Was there, what was there one after semis? And Don was in, uh, Don was at the West Coast classic too. And Knoxville also, I'm pretty sure. And then he laughs and says, this is the weird line. Was there a meeting I had flown home for? No, there was a, there was your wife and your kid you flew home for. Um, I mean, not anything related to anything about the games. Okay, so that's that line. That's that line.
Starting point is 01:01:54 But wait, he brings it up. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Have there always been emails? Has it always been emails back and forth or has there ever been maybe online online calls or whatever has there ever been actual sit down at a table discussion or Yeah, looking at his phone. Yeah. Has it always been like an email and a reply or a group call and then a phone call maybe or something has there ever been like a table meet? Oh, sorry. I lost focus there. Oh, he's not dead. No, he's okay. I'm sorry. I have to plug my computer. Okay. Oh, that was that. And now he can respond to the let's go get
Starting point is 01:02:39 water. I need to. Sorry, I'm gonna get some water water too. This has went far longer than I had expected. You'll hear me. I'm not peeing. Sorry. So you're asking if it was, if it had been primarily emails or things. And Brent's hating Pat now for bringing this back up. Yeah. It's almost, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Is it with what I said, it was almost gone. Yeah. Almost gone. Yeah. The games team, it's generally been scheduled calls that are like video calls like this. it's generally been scheduled calls that are like video calls like this. Um, there have been a couple of in-person meetings, um, not full ones with the full team. We've had a couple, you know, I think I've had an informal meeting with Don
Starting point is 01:03:16 before it's hard to get people all together for in-person meetings. That's the thing. I think it would speak to the, it would speak to how seriously it's being taken. I guess. If there was sit down meetings, like in my mind, if someone if someone emails me back, I'm like, all right, like, they're kind of semi interested in what I'm saying. If someone organized a call, I'm like, all right, they're kind of interested, like pretty interested. If someone wants to actually physically meet in person. Here it comes. Here's where fucking Fikowski fucking doubles down on the lie.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Like, all right, they're in. I got them. So I think that's what I'm trying to gauge is like, is there we wanted we wanted to do that, right? We were given we were given verbal indication that that was going. So we wanted to do that we were given verbal indication he's already said it didn't happen. Hold on, I'm looking at my phone. Oh, sorry, let me go grab my charger real quick. He's got to get some water. Anyway, the comments are crazy. The comments are fucking wild. So what you're saying based off this is that Brent and Pat have been told to lie for CrossFit? No.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Or Dave Castro has been lying and Brent and Pat are calling them out? I don't even know how they got that take. They were at the convention yesterday. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Was the PFAA at the... They were at the retard convention. The gang was all there. Pat has no idea what's going on. All I know is this proves Jong-young is right.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Villener's a good dude. Just another attempt to mock the athletes. Yeah, I don't I don't think that's what's going on here. I I think that there's uh, I think that when you go on a sh when you you listen guys, I cannot emphasize it enough with my biased one-sided narrative if you post demands and one of them is to fire someone who's the longest tenured and most respected leader in the fucking community it's fucking it's it's now we're in the court of public
Starting point is 01:05:38 opinion here we are here we are and and that's what we're doing. We're looking at this and I think this is an exhibit A. To be honest, it sounds like Pedro made up a random in-person meeting and they just have no idea what he's even talking about. Doesn't seem like some conspiracy. I don't even know what you're saying. I mean, what if he didn't have the meeting? What if oh what if what if Fikowski what if this whole meet there wasn't a meeting?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah, I mean like what like we are running off the assumption that there was actually a meeting and he's hiding something Right, right. I mean for all you know, he's didn't think it was gonna go that long Maybe he took a little micro dose of some psilocybin and he was like fuck this thing's going an hour I thought we don't 45 and these things are kicking in. You know, it's a fucking water, bro. Freaking out. Right. Right. I don't we don't know. Right. Because well, if it was, I mean, if that's the case, then talk about great journalism, because it's like, OK, I'm going to I'm going to see if I'm going to see how you bluff your hand then. And so he throws it out that this is just what I heard. It
Starting point is 01:06:48 may not be factual. It may not be real. I heard a room and then all of a sudden everybody glitched out. Well, if that's the case, either you got two options. Someone's not telling the truth or someone is microdosing and it just kicked in. I mean, yeah, it's like, I mean, we are, we are like really putting it under a microscope and watching those interactions as weird, but we're doing that with the thought of like, he had this meeting and he's not telling us. If anyone gets Dave or Dawn anywhere, ask them. I swear to God, Dave was at the master's event today.
Starting point is 01:07:21 If you see him tomorrow, just fucking ask him. Just walk right up and be like hey have you met with Brent Fikowski in the last three months the one thing that's really weird to me is was one that when Pat says did you meet at the semi-finals it was there immediate the sound files that part like triggered me too I was like wait a second I was like, wait a second. Pedro is better than Sebaan. Oh, he's so good.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Crushed it. I let you know right now, if they did meet, I don't care. If they met in a, if they were peeing next to each other in a stall, I'm going to give Brent a pass. But if they went somewhere with a scheduled time and a scheduled place to meet, all bets are off. That's a fucking meeting. He fucking lied. And back to the back to the third party investigator and like PFAA just go away.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Well, let's put ourselves in Brennan's shoes. Like what what motivation would he have to lie about that meeting? Oh, the only thing I can think of. What? Friendship. Cause like you didn't tell Pat about it or something. Yeah, maybe he didn't, he, he did, maybe he had it and then he like, he just didn't want to tell Pat about it because I don't know, just cause and then he like he just didn't want to tell Pat about it because I don't
Starting point is 01:08:46 know just cuz and then now he's just holding in this lie that he's but why do you lie in the first place to Pat dude I don't know why does why do your kids tell you that they didn't fucking eat the dirt outside right because they fucking didn't eat the dirt dude well that's just that that's just a question, right? Like what, like what motive does he, what he have to lie, right? I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the PFA because he's a board member, right? And if he, if he goes in and goes, okay, well, maybe instead of waiting to get
Starting point is 01:09:22 all the people on board, I'm going go solo and I'm gonna talk to them. Or maybe they'll only talk to me. They don't wanna talk to the whole board, but it's like, hey, maybe just me. But you would have thought that at some point, he would have said something to his board, hey, I met with them about this. Or even if he has to say, I met with them,
Starting point is 01:09:44 I can't tell you what it's about yet but i wanted to i mean otherwise yeah well the motor that i talked about by the way as long as they fucking met with the time and place it's a fucking lie to me no it makes the pfa look silly if they met because he's created this narrative of how it's so hard to communicate with h. Yeah. And Pedro even lays it out like, Hey, face to face makes, um, um, Oh, maybe they went to Epstein's Island. God, I hope not. I really don't want Dave.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Dave, you're on your own buddy. Yeah. I mean, I guess you're, you're claiming because of his position with the PFA, any meeting with like figureheads of the sport of CrossFit is now in an official capacity because of his self elected position as the head of the PFA, especially on an in season time when it's at four after semifinals, but on the train to the games. So if he doesn't acknowledge that meeting, regardless of what the meeting was about, you're saying that's the breach of trust now that is happening.
Starting point is 01:10:54 It's disingenuous that it's hard to meet with them. Unless he, unless he's going to be like, yeah, I met with them and they tried to take me to a strip club and it made me really uncomfortable. And I just didn't want to talk about it. I give them some wiggle room there, I guess. That'd be an awesome story of it. And I didn't want it. And I didn't want to talk about it. I give him some wiggle room there, I guess. That'd be an awesome story of it. And, and I didn't want it. And I didn't want to dime them out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:12 That's what's in a lifetime. Kick back a few and just see what happens. You know? Yeah. I just think, I just think, I don't know. I don't think John is going to a strip club kind of guy by the Orphec house. He's a Marine dude. The Marines do crazy shit, man.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Nail strip club. Both of them. Pray on either, dude. Hold that top, Bill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had a South African urologist, very, very much of recent Indian Deceptive, great guy. He said that he was talking with a patient and he told him, you need to lose some weight. And a guy would get dressed and stop and he says you know what he says I think you're right because let me tell you my problem it's hard for me to hear I need to lose weight from a doctor
Starting point is 01:11:53 as fat as you are you are and so the doctor and said he threw him out get out of my office leave leave son of a bitch he said about hour later he realized he'd made a horrible mistake, an ethical mistake, personal mistake, professional mistake. He even felt unprofessional being fat. And he's, of course, he doesn't want to hear from a fat doctor. So he looked up the guy's address and he, after work, went to his house and knocked on the door.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Says the dude that answered the door didn't even recognize him. He said, well, what do you want? You know, he's, I'm your doctor. Oh, shit, you are. He says, I'm sorry. And he says, and what he'd done is before he left, he'd looked up the closest gym to his house and it was a CrossFit gym coincidence.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Coincidence. And the two of them went to the CrossFit gym together. And he says, I fucked up. I'm an asshole. I'm a fat doctor and you're a fat patient. Let's get healthy together. They went to the gym together and they lost the weight. The weight, the weight.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Let's start with the truth. the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way,
Starting point is 01:13:00 the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way, the way So good. Affiliate fees. Those are probably your affiliate fees spent on that bill. I'll take it. That's fine. Those things out.
Starting point is 01:13:08 That's where my money should go. Yeah. That was when the black doctors weren't DEIs. That guy actually qualified to go to his medical school. Just so you know. Okay. I don't know if there is too much more to examine here. This is going to just be, just throw this in the pile of soap opera. The soap opera. Soap, soap, soap opera?
Starting point is 01:13:41 Yep. Why do they call it a soap opera, Caleb? I don't know the answer to that one. Let's find out. Soap opera. Yep. Why do they call it opera Caleb? I Don't know the answer that one let's find out okay Thank you So we start a journey. Oh shit. I haven't used this in a long time. Yeah, that was great glassman. It was Here we go, okay the term soap opera comes from the rig the It originated in the 1930s. So they used to have radio dramas that were sponsored by Irish Spring. You see that big soap, big soap after it again. That's right.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Causing problems, causing drama. Damn. Who would have thought? Man, oh man. All right. Anything else you guys want to add to this? This this fun, this fun development that we have last week for the affiliate video contest? Oh, OK. So if you guys go there, there's already been a bunch of submissions, but please submit it.
Starting point is 01:14:59 There's been tons of people that have downloaded the two bumpers. So I know there's lots of people at least that went that far in the step to do it. So make sure you guys get them in within this next week and then, um, we'll start, uh, we're uploading them on the channel, right? Oh yeah. We're going to, I don't know. We need to find a judge to judge them. Um, probably talk to Chris Cooper about that, uh, to bring business,
Starting point is 01:15:21 putting up all the money, 5,000 for first 3000 for second, second, 2000 or 1000. I can't remember for third, and then, because originally you said you and I were the judge, but we knew that we were just going to figure that out later. So I would probably, I already would make the winner, uh, Pedro, like one of my friends, I'd make Dave the winner. Dave. He didn't even submit a video, but here it is.
Starting point is 01:15:48 He's so biased. He's so by stop saying that. Just tell me, just write in the comments, what I'm biased about. And then I'll be like, yeah, you're right. Or you're wrong. Don't be like, Hey, why do you have Dave's cock in your mouth? I mean, it's fun. You can say that, but then be like, because you said this, this, and this.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And then it's like, um, can we talk about how they don't seem to understand that part or all their demands might not be met yeah and I don't think any of their demands are gonna be met I don't even remember what their demands were besides fire Dave I don't even remember what their demands were besides Fire Dave. I don't even think that they know what their demands are. Transparency, trust, change, safety. I honestly think they should just be worried about if there's gonna be a games next year. That would be my... I would get back to training. I would work on how you can add value to your colleagues in the sport who compete. And that's what I would do.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Why would CrossFit meet any of their fucking demands? Can you think of a reason why they'd meet any of their demands? Besides social pressure? You see any bottom line reasons? You see any financial reasons to meet their fucking private equity? Well, the other thing, too, is the position of that, the position of the athletes are in. It's like you're at the very tip top of the sport. But the second you have gone, it's like one year we talk about your absence.
Starting point is 01:17:17 And then the next year, it's the next generation has moved into that place. So there's always somebody in line behind you. Right. Because I wrote that comment in line behind you, right? Because I wrote that comment in Pedro's show about the Jeff Bezos. It's like, you know, they're upset with factory workers are upset with like the conditions that are there. So they try to form a union just like just fuck you guys. I'll just fire all of you. And they're like, well, we make up all this, you know, the operation won't run. And the second they moved out, new people are moved in. You know, can't form a union, take it over and demand that Jeff Bezos be
Starting point is 01:17:45 kicked out of Amazon right or go to grid league or just do rogue or just do Wadapalooza or just do kill Taylor it's it's a local cops like Colton go to New Jersey okay yeah beat up on some old people you know yeah sell dogs like um yeah sell dogs like so dog dogs. What about what about this really what if we let people what are we gonna let people judge? Oh maybe maybe the people can judge yeah maybe that'll have a way on it like the video with the most views and most likes and most comments. I'm I'm sweating like a fucking pig that that Fide launched me over the roof. You're probably gonna look like these people huh? Yeah. D launched me over the roof. You're probably gonna look like a gay people, huh?
Starting point is 01:18:25 Yeah. Dying to get the Disney rash? No, probably not, but it does happen. Hey everyone, we're plus size per coppers. We range in sizes from two X to five X. Make sure you like this video and follow us for more plus size Disney tips and tricks. If you don't know what the Disney rash is,
Starting point is 01:18:38 consider yourself lucky. It's also known as exercise induced vasculitis. It can happen when you're exposed to heat and if you're exercising for a long period of time, which are both super common in Disney World because you can walk between five and 10 miles a day. The rash typically appears on exposed parts of your lower legs.
Starting point is 01:18:54 It can cause an itching and burning sensation and just be downright uncomfortable. First aid recommended using aloe vera and cortisone to ease the symptoms. We've also seen some people put sunblock on their lower legs to try to prevent it. That's something we're going to try on our next trip. Cooling the area with an ice pack or a cold shower can
Starting point is 01:19:11 also provide relief. Lowering your body temperature and elevating your legs are also known to help. We don't all experience Disney rash, but those of us who do come prepared with aloe vera and cortisone in their park bags mostly happens in the summer but cortisone in their park bags mostly happens in the summer but bro that one of the hotel was crazy god damn me crew we hope that these tips help if you ever find yourself personally victimized by the disney rash have you been dying to get the i'm
Starting point is 01:19:39 personally victimized by this fucking video bro how how are there not some other options? To what? I don't know. They got aloe vera, they got legs up. What do you mean? They gave like eight options, dude. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:19:54 That's it, man. They gave all the stuff. What are you talking about? That's a whole list. Oh my God. They even have the goggles on in the pool, bro. At least they're not Sue Disney for not making the lights closer together.
Starting point is 01:20:07 The Disney rash is crazy. That's... wow. It's an amazing thing. It's Disney's fault for not having moving sidewalks. That's right. Hey, thank goodness they don't. That's walking five miles a day. That's good for it. That's good. Josh Irvin, the PFAA, gives out a one-sheeter on the Disney rash.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I mean, dude, that this seriously all kidding aside, this wet, this, this is what the PFAA needs to do. This is a whole fucking Instagram account with advice on, um, look at, let's just try this one. You ever wanted to wear shorts or a skirt to disney world but you're afraid of your life every time everyone we're plus size park hoppers we range in sizes from 2x to 5x nothing puts a damper on your disney vacation like that guy's making fun of them waddling you think they're cool dude no he's just got the disney rash on his balls
Starting point is 01:21:02 having to walk around the parks with chub rub and. And luckily we haven't had Chubb rub. Dude, that is not what Chubb rub is. Chubb rub is what we did to our girlfriends from the eighth grade to me till 40. Chubb rub is when I beat my beat 10 times in a fucking day, bro. Wow. Using Dr. Frederick's original better body balm. We've been using it for our last few trips and we-
Starting point is 01:21:28 Look at that cleavage. It's fallen in love with it. It's all natural ingredients like these waxes- Oh damn, she's up in it. She's up in it. I told you this show wasn't for everyone. Okay, so this is it. This is the PFAA.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I know you're gonna think I'm joking. I'm 100% serious. This is a website. This is an Instagram account where all they do is fucking offer advice to fucking 2x to 5x People who go to Disneyland, that's it I didn't even mean for that I Didn't even I didn't pull this up that wasn't even part of the bit, but this is it That's the bit.
Starting point is 01:22:06 That's amazing. Yeah. Easy for you to say Courtney, they should just lose weight. Come on. It's not that easy. Yeah, bitch. Damn. Aggressive after 715. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Oh fuck. All right. Plus size park hoppers. Well, fuck. All right. Plus size park hoppers. Well, thank you. I probably made $200 on this show and that'll pay for three jiu jitsu classes. Thank you. Brenton, Pat, I hope that I treated you the way I tried to treat you guys the way I would want to be treated. I'm also ready to tango. I'm also ready to go fucking harden the plate and paint and play and you guys want to do this in the court of public opinion and I'm ready. I'm here for it. And yeah, I hope there's no hard
Starting point is 01:23:04 feelings. It's cool. I don't even I don't even I don't care either way. Like I hope there's no hard feelings. It's cool. I don't even, I don't even, I don't care either way. I like, I like there's people in the comments are gonna be like you're a dick or you're a liar or whatever. I'm thoroughly just, I don't think any of that. So let's just party. Keep it going.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Your move. More will come out on this. Someone will now listen, anyone who watches this, just walk up to Dave, ask him if he met with these these guys and or dawn if you see dawn or Dave anywhere and ask him and oh shit rib eye Thank you Oh, dude rich. Thank you And then and then send me a dm so I can break it on the show Yeah, I don't know anybody's doing War. It's like more like a tomato fight. I know it's going to fuck with Fikowski though.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And, and Pat, they're probably not. Um, but you guys don't let it fuck with you. Have fun with it. Um, just remember though, that it is Dave's job that we're, uh, we're playing with. And, uh, he's got a family and kids. And so, you know, for one guy, there's something, uh, at stake. So just remember that. All love you guys anything else any closing statements Caleb, Mr. Grendler, thanks for joining us Mr. Susup. Alright don't
Starting point is 01:24:13 forget we will be at NorCal Classic this upcoming week broadcasting from there a podcast doing behind the scenes. The public is welcome if you're in the Sacramento area within a couple hours you should go it's true it's gonna be a party it's a good time. And then we'll be ramping up big time. Bill Gronler, John Young, Will Branstad, or Patrick Rios and Matt Sousa will be going out to crash. Caleb will be in his motor home and I will be here.
Starting point is 01:24:35 And, Oh, you're going out too, Caleb? Yeah. I'm going to be there Saturday and some of Sunday. Caleb will be there too. We'll be fucking shit up. Crash is going to be crazy. Both of these events will have Taylor and Colton and Probably tutor Magda going head-to-head
Starting point is 01:24:51 That's gonna be awesome. Yeah, it's gonna be fucking savage and you know, it's gonna be dope cuz JR is programming it too. So Yeah. Oh, yeah always. Okay. Love you guys. Bye. Bye

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